Sbar example shift report

ClearShift Theme

2016.02.06 18:20 Jaskys ClearShift Theme

ClearShift is a minimalistic subreddit theme for reddit platform. [](#Reddit, theme, Reddit theme, themes, github, subreddit theme, subreddit design, naut, design, minimalism, minimalistic)

2011.07.22 01:48 Australian Politics

The purpose of this subreddit is civil and open discussion of Australian Politics across the entire political spectrum.

2019.05.11 12:43 _Synecdoche_ Shit Patch Notes Say

A subreddit dedicated in taking funny or out of context patch notes. A subreddit created based on the traditions of /shitrimworldsays /ShitCrusaderKingsSay and /ShitDwarfFortressSays

2024.05.14 22:37 Zestyclose_Theory_19 Task note text not saving

I’m a long time user (used Wunderlist originally), and recently (over the last month), I have had a few occasions where a task note text does not save. I’ll put in a list of sentences, for example, and only half of the list is saved! This is pretty terrible because I use tasks to take notes and remember things to do, so if I write something down and it isn’t saved, I’ll have to switch to a different app.
Any ideas? Is there a way to report this issue?
I’m on iOS 2.120 build 240417.0840.
submitted by Zestyclose_Theory_19 to microsofttodo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:36 Soninetz ZoomInfo Login: Boost Business Growth Now!

ZoomInfo Login: Boost Business Growth Now!
Looking to streamline your business's contact management? Wondering how to access valuable B2B data effortlessly via email, marketing, live webinar, and admins? Curious about simplifying your lead generation process? What if there was a solution that could address all these needs and more in one platform, including phone, email, and feature highlight for admins? Enter ZoomInfo Login. This powerhouse tool offers a seamless way to tap into accurate contact information, enhance sales prospecting, and boost marketing campaigns. Say goodbye to tedious searches and hello to a wealth of actionable insights at your fingertips with ZoomInfo Login.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
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  • Start with ZoomInfo: Begin by exploring the features and benefits of ZoomInfo to leverage its full potential for business growth.
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  • Choose Your Access Path: Select the most suitable access path based on your business needs and budget to make the most out of ZoomInfo's offerings.
  • Take Action Now: Sign in to ZoomInfo and start implementing the strategies and tips discussed in the article to drive business growth and achieve your goals.

Starting with ZoomInfo

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Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial

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Choose Your Access Path

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Final Remarks

Congratulations on reaching the end of our ZoomInfo journey! By leveraging its power, you can propel your business to new heights. Engage with precision, unlock growth opportunities, and witness accelerated success like never before. The proven strategies and success stories shared here are your blueprint for achieving remarkable outcomes. Choose your access path wisely and start reaping the benefits today.
Now that you are equipped with the knowledge and tools, it's time to take action. Dive into ZoomInfo with confidence, implement the insights gained, and watch your business flourish. Embrace the possibilities that ZoomInfo offers and transform the way you engage with prospects. Your future success story awaits!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ZoomInfo and how can it benefit my business?

ZoomInfo is a leading B2B contact database provider that helps businesses accelerate growth by providing accurate and up-to-date contact information for decision-makers. By leveraging ZoomInfo, you can enhance your sales and marketing efforts, target the right audience, and drive business success.

How can I access ZoomInfo to unlock business growth opportunities?

You can access ZoomInfo to unlock business growth opportunities by signing up for a subscription plan that suits your needs. With a subscription, you gain access to valuable contact data, account insights, intent signals, and more, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive revenue growth.

Can ZoomInfo help me engage better with prospects and win deals faster?

Yes, ZoomInfo enables you to engage better with prospects and win deals faster by providing detailed insights into your target accounts. By leveraging this information, you can personalize your outreach, understand buyer intent, and deliver relevant content that resonates with your audience, ultimately leading to quicker deal closures.

Are there any proven success stories of businesses using ZoomInfo?

Yes, numerous businesses have achieved remarkable success by using ZoomInfo to fuel their growth strategies. From increasing lead generation to improving sales productivity and boosting ROI, many organizations have shared their success stories of how ZoomInfo has helped them achieve their business goals effectively.

How do I choose the right access path on ZoomInfo for my business needs?

Choosing the right access path on ZoomInfo depends on your specific requirements and objectives. Evaluate factors such as the size of your target market, frequency of data updates needed, level of customization required, and budget constraints to determine the most suitable access path that aligns with your business goals.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:20 DrSatan420247 Drive carefully guys...

Drive carefully guys...
That bill is nuts. The STI guys think they have it bad with $18k engine replacements. The GR bill is second mortgage type stuff. You could just throw out the whole car and buy another one.
Will a K swap fit? 🤣
Keep in mind that Toyota will deny you warranty repairs just the same if you have ever tuned your ECU.
submitted by DrSatan420247 to GRCorolla [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:18 Adventurous_Cup7743 Batman vs urban renewal

I really felt the need to talk about the episode of Batman: The Animated Series I just watched, and my family does not care, so I will subject reddit to my rants! Put this in urbanplanning and it was getting plenty of upvotes and good conversation but then the mods deleted it for some reason, so hopefully this is appropriate for fuckcars since urban renewal and car dependency go hand in hand!
I recently finished reading The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs,* which is of course in large part a response to the "urban renewal" and slum clearing that occurred on a large scale in the mid 20th century that we are still dealing with today. I am also watching Batman: The Animated series for the first time since I was a child, and I was not expecting an episode to ALSO be a response to "urban renewal" and slum clearing!
For those who may not be familiar, Batman: TAS is an animated "kids'" television show that aired in the mid 90s. I put "kids'" in quotation marks, because many episodes feel very little like children's programing with their dark aesthetic, complex plots/character motivations, and mature themes. Case in point, my 7 year old daughter got through a couple episodes with me, but at the conclusion of the body-horror filled Clayface-starring 2-parter, she bravely said "Daddy, I don't think I can watch this anymore," which I agreed with and felt bad for subjecting her to it!
An actor transforming into a giant shape-shifting poop monster (Clayface) might be frightening to a 7 year old, but government bureaucracy is what's scary to adults, and a zoning board's denial of a massive "slum clearing" operation and subsequent redevelopment is the subject of the episode "Appointment in Crime Alley," loosely based on Detective Comics #457. Here, ruthless real estate developer Roland Daggett plans to secretly blow up a section of a crime-ridden but formerly upscale neighborhood, taking matters into his own hands after his board appeal to demolish and "revitalize" the neighborhood through legal means is rejected.
This neighborhood, formerly known as Park Row but now as the titular "Crime Alley," has its issues with crime and decay (and is in fact where Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered). But the writers make it clear that it is its diverse citizens' home, and is worth fighting for, especially through Park Row resident Leslie Thompkins (who was Wayne's mentor after his parents' death) and others who hold signs reading "Save Our Homes." Thompkins' support for her community as a longtime neighborhood resident mirrors Jacobs' for Greenwich Village in the face of its redevelopment threats.
Daggett is championed by the business community, being called a "force for progress." He gives a speech to the community prior to the planned explosion of the block where he says, "we cannot allow the underclass to hinder us from building a better tomorrow," which strikes me as one of those "quiet part out loud" moments. Batman senses his greedy intentions early, and accuses him of "running the people in the neighborhood out of their homes." He later comforts his mentor, Thompkins, at the end of the episode as she is expressing her disappointment in the state of her neighborhood as they walk down its streets, with Batman responding to her remark that "Good people used to live [in Crime Alley] once" with "Good people still live in Crime Alley," even as he lays a rose at the spot of his parent's death.
Ultimately, Daggett is successful in blowing up the neighborhood and in his cover-up (though Batman prevents the loss of life), and attempts to blame the neighborhood residents for the crime, saying to a news reporter, "you have to expect violence in Crime Alley. These people don't value human life like we do," which was an especially chilling line that rings true to the dehumanization that has occurred against minorities and marginalized communities in the US. Will Batman take him down later in the series? I guess we'll see!
I was just really impressed with the compassion that this episode showed towards the people of this run-down neighborhood, all while still being honest about the poor state of things and the need for improvement. Jacobs' chapter on "Slumming and Unslumming" felt very relevant here, as the neighborhood still had potential that needed to be gradually coaxed out and nourished, rather than taking it to the extreme of demolishing the neighborhood and displacing its people. TL;DR, watch this show, it's good!
*Wow it's incredible, I also desperately feel the need to talk about it book club style, because I know this is a very famous book but I don't see many people talking about it past "Jacobs was very important and she rallied against Robert Moses." I can't imagine reading this book in the 60's and seeing over and over again for decades that she was right about so much, as we continue to dig deeper into the hole. Also, the people that say her theories lead to gentrification clearly didn't read the chapter "Self-destruction of Diversity."
submitted by Adventurous_Cup7743 to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:10 popcorn_boss Cost accounting in QBO

Can anyone offer advice on setting up cost accounting in QBO? We have a client making tiny homes and wants to know the exact cost that goes into 1 unit.
I read online about assigning classes to transaction as a way to track costs and trying to understand how this would work. For example, you would need to set up a transaction class for each unit and if they buy a box of 1000 screws and they used 200 you would only apply .2 of that cost to the transaction class for that unit.
I also read you can use products/services features. It sounds like this works but assigning costs to a sales invoice and then you can generate reports to review the costs.
Am I understanding these functions correctly and does anyone have advice on if one approach is more beneficial or efficient? Any advice on other approaches within QBO welcome.
submitted by popcorn_boss to QuickBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:07 Available_Map_5369 Investment Account Update - May 2024

Investment Account Update - May 2024
I will continue to preach this in almost every post I have: open a separate Investment Account from your trading account.
Trading account is for play money... and use a portion of your winnings to supply capital to your Investment Account, along with your regular investing budget per month. This is how you quickly grow your net worth.
Investment account is for serious money... buy high quality companies and NEVER sell unless your transitioning capital from one asset class to another (from stocks to buying a home for instance).
This investment account was made in January of this year with $1,000 initial stock purchases & $1,100 in cash for the year budget. All other cash injections so far have been from portions of winnings in the trading account & a percentage of discretionary income from other income sources we have.

Previous Post on Investment Account Value

April 2024 history post can be found here

Changes in Account Strategy

At the beginning of May, I decided to create a larger position in the investment account by shifting out of my dividend payers in the trading account and parking cash to use for asset purchases throughout the year. So there is a bit of a larger capital injection this month that will skew the numbers a bit. That trading account was around $30k in value, and I pledged to take it down to around $4k. Some of the money I'm just taking out for living expenses and savings, while most of it gets contributed to the Investment Account here.
This process isn't quite finished as there are a lot of open plays in my trading account that I have yet to close, but I am not so worried about that at the moment. I'll reflect all the changes here in these update posts as I go.

Investment Account Value

Here is the current account value of investments that were made in the account:
Investment Account (as of May 14, 2024)
As I've previously mentioned, we're going to ignore the $SAVE position here. I had meant to make a play on this company in my TRADING account, however, I didn't realize that I was in my investment account while making the order... That's at least one argument for having separate brokerages as well.
Adding from the Total Cost category, I've invested roughly $5,909 in this account so far (subtracting the $107 spent on SAVE). There is also another $2,244.53 sitting in cash waiting in the sidelines to be used. I'm planning to hold about 5% cash in this portfolio; 65% "growth" stocks; and 30% stability stocks.

Wrap Up Thoughts & Stock I'm Looking At Adding To

This account should begin to grow rather rapidly over the coming months with the addition cash injection as well as the natural effect of compounding. Several of the plays in here are beaten down industries that I believe in long term (3D Printing for example with DDD & SSYS), while most are just high quality ETFs, REITs, and growth tech stocks.
As for more plays for this account, I'm thinking:
SBUX - Starbucks got crushed after earnings and their terrible management reply to their missteps. Long term I think they fix these issues and this is a great opportunity to add
PFE - Pfizer has been adding companies to their portfolio with potential heavy hitter drugs in the pipeline to come. Their shift of focus away from the vax & their commitment to holding their dividend is a key driver for me here
PLTR - I'm very bullish that this entire "AI" trend is not actually for consumer level things, but rather it's an easy way to develop and promote AI warfare. Palantir is a prime candidate for growth in this area.
BA - I'm considering Boeing... I'm not entirely sure why to be honest, but I think they eventually right the ship and get back to their previous glory days as a reliable innovator
• Another social media company - Might be META, but I haven't decided just yet. Will continue to explore
submitted by Available_Map_5369 to ScalperSquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:03 oztriker00 Gt3 fixed graphic/ weather issue ?

Hi all,
1.Just survived the 3 laps of the GT3 fixed, however track was lightly wet (as stated by the weather report), but on track I couldn't see any water, any puddles. I could see the sprays of the cas, the water on the windshield etc, but nothing on the road, sunny and nice tarmac like it was dry. I could feel in the wheel the puddles I went through (Kompression for example) but absolutely nothing on screen.
I had no issues with rain on other circuits and many other changing conditions.
2.Also, as the track is slightly wet, 20 cars running on it with wet tires, sun is shining at 17°, by lap 3 it should be a dry tires pit stop, but it feels like the track is not evolving at all, is the track state locked for the GT3 fixed ?
submitted by oztriker00 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 azurecertified R Studio Help Reddit Data Science Course Assignment Project help Reddit Online Helper for R Studio Python Course Homework Reddit Pay Someone to take my R Studio Course Assignment Reddit Take my Python Assignment Reddit Python Exam Helper Online Reddit Data Analysis & Visualization Tool

R Studio Help Reddit Data Science Course Assignment Project help Reddit Online Helper for R Studio Python Course Homework Reddit Pay Someone to take my R Studio Course Assignment Reddit Take my Python Assignment Reddit Python Exam Helper Online Reddit Data Analysis & Visualization Tool
R Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R and Python. It is available in open source and commercial editions and runs on the desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux).
If you are Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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Here are some of its key features:
RStudio is used by millions of people weekly and is a set of tools built to help users be more productive with R and Python.RStudio offers a free version as well as a paid version, RStudio Desktop Pro, which includes additional features such as a commercial license, priority support, and Posit Professional Drivers. Please note that R-Studio is also the name of a data recovery software, so if you are looking for information on that, I would be happy to try and assist you.
Here are some of the things that students learn in an R Studio course:
R Studio is a widely-used tool by data experts for analyzing and visualizing data and is the tool of choice for data scientists and statisticians engaged in data analysis and visualization ².Please note that this is a general overview of what a course may cover and the specifics may vary depending on the institution offering the course.
Here are some examples of projects and assignments related to R Studio:
  1. Data Visualization Project: Students create interactive visualizations using R Studio's ggplot2 and Shiny packages to explore and present insights from a dataset.
  2. Data Analysis Assignment: Students use R Studio to import, clean, and analyze a dataset, then create reports and visualizations to communicate their findings.
  3. Machine Learning Project: Students build predictive models using R Studio's caret and dplyr packages, and evaluate their performance using metrics like accuracy and F1 score.
  4. Data Scraping Assignment: Students use R Studio's rvest package to extract data from websites, then clean and visualize the data to answer research questions.
  5. Statistical Modeling Project: Students use R Studio to fit statistical models (e.g., linear regression, generalized linear models) to a dataset, and interpret the results.
  6. Data Storytelling Assignment: Students create interactive narratives using R Studio's Shiny package to communicate insights and findings from a dataset.
  7. Data Wrangling Project: Students use R Studio to clean, transform, and preprocess a large dataset, then create a report detailing their steps and decisions.
  8. Research Replication Assignment: Students reproduce a published study using R Studio, testing hypotheses and analyzing results.
  9. Survey Analysis Project: Students use R Studio to analyze survey data, creating visualizations and reports to summarize responses and identify trends.
  10. Time Series Analysis Assignment: Students use R Studio's forecast package to analyze and predict time series data, evaluating model performance and interpreting results.
These projects and assignments help students develop hands-on skills with R Studio and apply statistical and data science concepts to real-world problems.
submitted by azurecertified to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 MjolnirPants Jerry and the Men in the Mirror: Part 6

Part 5
Gerard, God
Somewhere in time and space
He watched the passers-by as they moved about, following their daily routines, unaware of the fate that would shortly befall them. This was the time that fascinated Him the most. The moments before they finally understood that The Threat was here.
It was a sort of last hurrah, He thought. They didn't know it, but Gerard could nonetheless sense a sort of joi de vivre, a liveliness that simply didn't exist in prior times, and couldn't possibly exist in future ones. He watched mothers dote lovingly over their children, watched children hurl themselves into play with abandon, watched addicts take in their drugs like a drowning man would gulp for air. They might not known that there was no tomorrow for most of them, but they nonetheless seemed to put just a little bit of extra effort into everything.
Eventually, it came to an end, of course. It always did, no matter how many times He watched it. He saw happiness and mundanity give way to pain and suffering. Laughter was replaced by the screams of the dying. Life was replaced by death. The world replaced by destruction.
He sighed, leaving this timeline. He never watched the arrival of The Threat twice in the same timeline. There was nothing for Him to learn that way. His power was immense and total. He only had to witness The Threat once in each timeline to understand it.
Worst of all was the knowledge. The knowledge that He would only be able to save a single timeline. That all others would fall into ruin, destroyed and left to rot away. Only one could survive; the one that He chose. He could stop The Threat only once, for doing so would require Him to remain. Ever vigilant, ever ready to stop any recurrence.
He had to choose which timeline. That task was less than He feared, for now he knew that there were an infinite number of them. He could choose one with the right qualities, one whose nature would aid Him in His work. He realized then that He would, once He had chosen the proper timeline, finally watch The Threat come twice. Once, when He reviewed that timeline prior to choosing. And again, when He would stop it.
And stop it, He would. No other outcome was acceptable. He had already sacrificed too much. His mortality, His life, His happiness, His very soul itself. He had wrought Himself into a weapon, to strike down The Threat, and He would fulfill that purpose, no matter what.
Jerry Williams, Godslayer
We were sharks, swimming and darting among a school of fish. Gods and devas fled, screaming in terror as we flew through the swirling, chaotic energies that should have driven us -or at least my wife and daughter- mad within seconds. They had thought that their realm protected them.
Little did they know, we were already mad.
Inanna and I flanked a group of fleeing gods, preventing them from leaving this world, extending their essence into manifested bodies somewhere in one of the countless material worlds, or simply crossing the energy that was the core of their beings into the Spirit World. Here, in Nibiru, our divinities and demi-divinities gave us access to unlimited power. We seized it and wove nets with which to entrap those minor gods who could not find escape elsewhere, and had huddled here in fear of our coming.
As the group fled, we sped up, curving our course, which caused them to curve theirs, fearful of drawing too close to either of us. We moved slowly, carefully, angling them where we wanted them to go.
It wasn't long before the gaping maw of the Grandfather of the Gods came into view. Ixlublotl, the primordial god, the originator of divinity. The gods we herded realized their peril and turned to flee back the opposite direction, but there they found Aaina, burning towards them, screaming in rage and bristling with offensive energies.
Trapped, they had no choice. They attacked us. Emotions and thoughts, energy and matter, all of it flew at us in an orgy of sudden violence that churned the substrate of this world into a screaming chaos. All three of us linked our magics into a shield; a half-sphere of anti-magic that absorbed their attacks, sending the energy of which they were made back into into the swirling chaos around us.
They threw everything they had at us, a desperate last stand, driven by necessity and panic. All of it crashed against our defenses, the resulting streamers of magic filling the space around us with an all but impenetrable cloud. Hidden by that cloud, Ixy closed in.
By the time they realized that it was too late, it was over.
Ixy's physical body, that cloud-wrapped cacophony of maw-stalks, eye-stalks, spider-like legs and whipping tentacles, currently the size of a skyscraper, swept in, mouths snapping up the energies that were the cores of our quarry.
We came together when it was done. Inanna created a haven for us, allowing us to release the magic that held our bodies in stasis and protected us from the wild magic all around. It was a copy of our house, something she'd come up with a while back and shown to me with great pride. I had loved it, of course.
I sank into the loveseat with Inanna next to me as Aaina took the recliner.
"That's most of them," Aaina said.
"About thirty more," I replied. "And then we can start the next phase."
"Do either of you have any doubts about what we're doing?" she asked. I could see the indecision in her eyes. She was so young, and such a good girl. My heart broke at having dragged her into such dirty business.
"No," Inanna answered, her voice hard and confident.
"Yes," I added. "But at the end of the day, this is what needs doing."
Aaina looked back and forth between us, then nodded. None of us smiled.
Emily Windham, Wizard, Artificer
Fremont, Nebraska, at the corner of E 4th Ave and N Main St
Emily turned just in time to see the massive troll hit Jim Carmichael with a shoulder, sending the trooper flying before angling at her with no change in speed.
Acting on pure instinct, she conjured a wall of force between them. The troll slammed into it, shattering the magics that held it together with raw force, but the wall did its job, stopping the warrior in his tracks.
Emily snatched the rune-engraved knife off her belt and surged forward, jumping at the last second to put her in range of the troll's huge neck. The blade plunged in, and she released a quick burst of magic that made her legs and off hand sticky, allowing her to cling to the thing, too close for it to use its battleaxe on her.
She ripped the knife out and plunged it in again and again as the barbarian roared in pain and indignation at being hurt so badly by a foe so tiny. Emily grabbed his beard, yanking hard to bring his eyes to hers as she slammed the knife in and twisted, the magic in the blade telling her when it found his windpipe and carotid artery.
Blood sprayed, coating her face and shoulders. The troll's roars were cut off in a gurgling, breathy hiss. He stumbled, then fell. Emily rode him down, her eyes locked onto his, watching all hopes of victory, or even survival, fade from them. She lost herself in those eyes, in the mystery that was this troll's life, ending right before her. She saw the regrets, the crushed hopes, the shame of defeat and wondered at the context.
The impact as they hit the ground broke the spell.
Emily released the magic and stood up, instincts trained into her by the security troops and war wizards making her search for more threats before she could even process what had just happened. But there were no more threats. That had been the last one.
Greg Ramirez walked towards her, his rifle barrel pointed down, hanging from the sling in front of his armor and all the various attachments that he and the security troops referred to as their 'battle rattle'.
"Nice work," he said, eyeing the troll, who continued to gasp for air, the sound of his labored breaths reminding Emily of a pig squealing. She looked down, searching for that orgasmic feeling her bio-dad had so desperately wanted her to share with him, but not finding it. All she found was a sense of satisfaction, yet even that was too much.
Years of therapy, of telling her story to trained clinicians and listening to and internalizing their advice. All of it had helped her make friends and move among the normal people, but it had never erased that feeling of satisfaction. This was the fourth time she'd killed a sentient being, and each time, she felt the exact same way. It was a victory.
Her maudlin thoughts were interrupted by the bark of Greg's rifle. The troll's head jerked and deformed, a splattering of blood coming out as a .277 fury round drilled a hole straight through his temples. She glanced up to find Greg still eyeing her.
"You did good," he said, his expression showing some concern.
"I liked it," she said quietly, her eyes turning back.
"You liked killing him?" Greg asked. Emily nodded, wondering if she'd always be fucked up.
"I killed him," Greg said. "And I damn sure liked it."
Emily turned back, eyeing him with some interest. Greg was, in many ways, the opposite of her. Cool, confident, charming and just all-around well-adjusted. She hadn't ever imagined that he wound enjoy something like this.
"It means I won," he explained. "It means that big, badass motherfucker showed up here trying to bully us, and take whatever he wanted from us, and little old me stood up and said 'no', and when he tried to force the issue, I took his life away. It feels like justice. It feels like one less motherfucker trying to kill me and my friends. Damn straight I liked it."
Emily smiled. She didn't realized she had smiled until Greg smiled back.
"I read your psych eval," he went on. "I know you think you're fucked in the head, but I'm gonna tell you right now, you're not. You're a warrior, that's it. Bloodlust isn't a bad thing, if it can be controlled. Enjoying killing isn't a bad thing, if you're killing the people that need killing. Give yourself a break, girl."
He clapped her on the shoulder, then took the back of her head with his free hand and pressed her forehead to his.
"I'm gonna recommend you be allowed to join the war wizard roster. You're all trained up, you're prepared for it, and from what I've seen today, you're a fucking natural."
Without waiting for a response, he let her go and turned away, grabbing the radio fob on his armor and squeezing it.
"Black Lead, this is Black-Two Actual. All raiders at the target site are neutralized. We're commencing a sweep now, will report back in thirty mikes."
Emily smiled at his back as he walked away. A part of her reflected that he was a natural leader, knowing exactly what to say to her in that moment. Another part didn't care, because it worked. She glanced down at the troll again, and didn't see a victim.
She saw a victory.
Kathy Evenson, Professional
Somewhere in the ruins of an ancient city in the Seventh World
Kells shifted nervously as Kathy continued to cut chits from the electrical panel lid with the magical laser emerging from her fingertip. He held his machete, really a short sword, in one hand, and his dagger in the other.
"We really shouldn't be much longer, Kath," he said. Kathy had explained to him the difference between Kath and Kathy, and even hinted at the things she'd done while possessed by Pissface and calling herself 'Kath', and even gone into some detail about how much she hated the nickname. Kells hadn't cared. He simply agreed with her, then continued to call her 'Kath'.
And the truth was, she really didn't mind that much.
She wasn't quite sure why, though she could hazard a guess. The man was disarming to a great degree. He presented himself as a dirty wanderer, a simple, violent man who shouldn't be trusted as far as you could throw him. But within just a few minutes of meeting him, she'd seen the intelligence in his eyes and words. She had seen the integrity in his negotiations with her, and the ethics that had turned him protective when the Searchers had appeared.
And despite that protectiveness, he still managed to avoid being patronizing. When she'd told him how she planned to get his chits, he had warned her of the dangers, then agreed to come along without hesitation when she didn't change her mind. Kells was a good man, she thought, and if a good man wanted to call her Kath, she supposed she could let him reclaim the name from the hell it had once represented.
"It won't be much longer," she said. She already had over seven hundred, and this plate would bring her to eight hundred. She only needed five or six more. This deep in the ruins, there was an untouched electrical box on almost every building. Some had been corroded, but most were surprisingly intact.
As she cut the final strip into chits, a roar sounded. It was a gurgling, rasping roar, unlike anything she had ever heard before. Or rather, the first one had been unlike anything she had ever heard before. This was the third time she'd heard it, and it sounded closer than the last two.
"That's no good sign, right thur," Kells said.
Kathy finished, dumping the little squares of galvanized steel into her bag and standing up.
"Come on," she said. "We'll go a couple blocks away from whatever that was before I cut the next one."
"Aye," Kells agreed, his head swiveling on his shoulders as he followed her down the alley. Kathy took note of how spooked he was. He seemed more nervous here than he had with the Searchers right in front of him. She supposed that might have something to do with the nature of the threats. The Searchers were, regardless of power and reputation, mere humans. Whereas whatever was making that roar was clearly some sort of monster.
She led him six blocks in a direction away from the roar before she stopped to examine the buildings. They had moved into a downtown area, which was one of the reasons she had stopped. The buildings here were closer together, which should make the rest of her task quicker. She found a good cover and ripped the little padlock off, then pulled it open and off its hinges.
A mass of spiders rushed out of the electrical box. She jerked her hand away, but they ignored her, scurrying down the wall and vanishing into the cracks between the bricks, safe once again in enclosed darkness.
She began to cut as Kells again stood watch.
She hadn't even made it halfway through the panel when another roar sounded, even closer than the last, and from a different direction.
"Call it," Kells said. "Call it now, Kath. Better ye collect some more later on than deal with the beast makin' them sounds."
"What kind of beast?" Kathy asked. She kept cutting, but glanced up and around, not seeing anything but filthy, dilapidated alleys.
"Walkers, they call 'em," Kells said. "Like great spiders, but rottin' away, with bones stickin' out an' flesh hangin' off th'legs."
"Great spiders?" Kathy asked. "How big?"
"Bigger'n a building."
"You've seen them yourself?" Kathy asked.
"Only once," Kells said, his voice growing quieter. He seemed to be done speaking for a moment, staring around. But after a few seconds, he continued.
"Friend o'mine, name o' Gil. We used t'work together, he an' I. I were real new to runnin' a caravan crew back then, about ten years back. Gil were an old hand at it, though. Took me under 'is wing and taught me th'roads, as it were.
"Anyways, we'd taken a pair o' contracts. Rough ones, with a tight timetable. Merchants needed t'get to Freeman's Port post-haste. One faster'n th'other. Gil took that one, left me with the easier one, though that weren't t'say it were an easy job.
"We was in Craster's Holdfast at th'time, an smack in between there an' Freeman's Port were an ancient ruin. Big one, 'bout the size o' this'un, in fact. Normally, it took about a week t'travel between the two places, but if one were brave or foolhardy enough, they could cut through th'ruins an' make it in five days.
"Well, old Gil had that in mind. We left together, an' at th'place where ye normally would turn north t'go around the ruins, he led his caravan on straight. I prayed fer their safety that night, but never really believed anything would happen. Gil were an experienced caravaner, an' tougher'n anyone else I'd ever met.
"Two days later, we was walkin' this ridgeline north o'the ruins when somethin' called out t'me. Not sure what, exactly. I started lookin' south, scannin' the ruins, an' sure enough, I found Gil's caravan, walking down a wide road between th'largest buildings. They was movin' at quite a clip, I hav'ta say.
"I were tickled pink, at first. Because we'd made near as good a time as they had, despite movin' almost a day's north to skirt th'ruins. But as I watched, I realized that they weren't just travelin', they was runnin'."
Kells sighed, his eyes distant and full of old regrets.
"That's when I saw one. A great Walker, striding out o' th'deepest part o' th'ruins. The way it moved were like nothin' I ever seen before. It crawled along th'sides o' the ruins themselves, like a spider almost, but always with two or three feet on th'ground.
"It came fer th'caravan, and fell on 'em in a slaughter. I watched it breathe fire down on 'em, stompin' men flat with its feet an' scooping 'em up with its great claws."
He sighed again, then looked down. He tucked his sword under his armpit and used his hand to rub his eyes for a moment, before taking the blade up again.
"Killed 'em all, it did. Erry single one, as I live an' breath. An' when it were done, it went around, stompin' th'bodies flat. Never ate one, jes did all it could t'make sure that not a single survivor lived t'tell the tale. I were shook something fierce, I tell ya. Took me own caravan down off the ridge, t'avoid bein' spotted. We ended up arriving a day late, but to this day, I thank me lucky stars we made it at all."
Another sigh came, and Kathy heard the cracks in his voice as he continued on.
"Not Gil, though. Nor any o'them what worked for him, or th'merchant what hired him. A few years later, I worked up th'courage t'take a couple o'men into the ruins, t'find the bodies. I found bones dressed in Gil's clothes. I took his sword, which had survived, an' is th'one I carry to this day. I think Gil'd be pleased to know his blade had saved me life, quite a few times since."
Kathy finished cutting the cover up and stood to put her hands on Kells' shoulder.
"Thank you for telling me that," she said, her voice gentle. "I can tell it's an important story to you."
Kells nodded and sniffed once, then jerked his head in the direction away from the most recent roar. "I still think we should get out o' here, Kath," he said. "I'll face down the Searchers an' be happy o' a good death, should they take me. But them Walkers... They ain't warriors ye can face an' die with honor. One o'them things finds us, there ain't no fightin' it. We jes' die screaming, th'only consolation coming when it's all over."
Kathy weighed his words carefully. Kells knew this world far better than she did. And while she knew her own abilities far better than anyone here, she had to be mindful not to be too arrogant. Kells had told her how a single Walker had slaughtered an entire caravan of experienced fighters, led by an experienced leader.
"Okay," she said. She handed the bag to Kells. "There should be about eight hundred and fifty chits in there. You can count them out later, and I'll trust your count. After I find what I'm looking for, I'll collect the rest and we'll settle up."
"Good call," Kells said. He tied the bag off to his belt and walked to the corner of the building, peeking around. When he was satisfied, he nodded. Kathy joined him, and together, they made a beeline to the edge of the ruins.
They had made it about halfway out when another roar sounded, this one right on top of them. A rumbling crash sounded from her right, and Kathy turned to see rubble falling to the ground as something massive rose off the ground, two blocks over.
"Stars an' stones," Kells swore, then shouted "Run!"
submitted by MjolnirPants to JerryandtheGoddesses [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 CagatayDean Insert SharePoint images into powerBI

Hello, how can I insert images from SharePoint into PowerBI.
This is a normal SharePoint list and I have inserted photos in the Images column. Now I want to display the column with photos in PowerBI for reports for example. Can someone tell me: 1. if this works? 2. how this works.
Thank You
submitted by CagatayDean to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:56 SilasMarner77 Anything Irish and/or British was an omen of death or ill fortune.

Mickey Farrell the drunk Irish prick reporting to Johnny about seeing Tony Blundetto.
Chris seeing purgatory/hell as an Irish bar where the Irish guys are winning every game.
In “House Arrest” Carmela’s book club discuss Angela’s Ashes.
Tony watches “The Public Enemy” (a movie focused on Irish gangsters) after Livia’s funeral.
Tony’s coma alter ego being named ‘Finnerty’.
“John F Kennedy” is mentioned several times including as the name of Juniors cancer doctor
The ill-fated and useless AA sponsor JT Dolan.
The psychic who Paulie visits is named Cullen.
Just before the fateful car crash Chris plays the soundtrack from “The Departed” which was mostly focused on Irish mobsters.
AJ quoting Yeats in the final episode.
The last meal Gloria cooked for Tony was London broil.
Harry Potter being the catalyst for the infamous Ginny Sack joke.
“Evidently Chickentown” playing at the end of Stage 5 when Phil ominously swears: “No more of this”
“Woke up this morning” was by a British band.
Carmela reading The Mists of Avalon.
Sir Kingsley being in the hotel while Chris relapses.
Tony drinking Glenfiddich shortly before he confronted Paulie on the boat.
“That don’t mean shit, Elton John was married”.
If anyone can think of any other examples they get a boutonnière!
submitted by SilasMarner77 to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:56 user87666666 Anyone can analyze what is happening with this situation?

It happened not only once, but quite a few times in different scenarios. For example, our family goes to a restaurant, the restaurant asks to give a lot of personal information, so I say I dont want to have a meal here anymore, I want to go another place which can be nearby. My AP dont care, they just sit down on the table. I said I dont want to, then AD goes berserk and starts shouting at me in the restaurant. I left and found another place myself. I think a similar thing happened with a doctor. I said I have seen this doctor and she is not good. She did not tell me a lot of things and even shooed me away. AP still went to see that doctor the next day. Another thing is with a real estate agent and rent. I said that real estate agent was so irresponsible and didnt give back the keys when they said they were going to. I'm not sure what they did as they were 2-3 weeks late. AD still used that real estate agent for other stuff when I said dont. Sometimes I wonder if my AP is just creatures of habit so they like to go somewhere they are familiar with so they wont stand up with me. Sometimes I wonder if I am the problem?? Also, I think my AP's recommendation of who to go to and who to hire is questionable, based on what I have just written. Then AD says why dont you trust dad's recommendation
I think I know why I dont tell my parents problems/ dont rely on them/ feel abandoned. 1 time dad recommended me to work an unpaid internship with someone he knows, and it was bad- the supervisor asking me to spy on another company, and then when I said I do not know if this is legal and if I should do this, the supervisor started to go really near to me and say I know you came in here through "relations" blah blah. I was thinking, erm... this is an unpaid internship that doesnt even lead to a permanent position, and this isnt even a big company (only 4 employees). You also want me to do something potentially illegal and risk me getting reported to the police... I didnt even tell my dad this incident
When I disagree with something I dont usually say it out loud in order to talk it out, cause I'm thinking like my parents would just shut me down. I'm changing as I get older in that I am communicating more with strangers if I have an issue, but the origin of it all I think is my fear from AP and thinking no one will support me anyways
submitted by user87666666 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 sami-tech How can I record audio outputted from AirPods when screen recording?

For example when I’m teams or zoom meetings and have AirPods on and would like to record what I’m able to hear and what’s happening on the screen how is that possible because currently as of now when I do cmd + shift + 5 on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1, it doesn’t capture the audio I’m able to hear. I noticed however when I’m on loudspeaker and go ahead with screen recording I’m able to record the audio.
Is there any tool that can help me record audio from AirPods?
submitted by sami-tech to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 Tycho_Jissard MS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY - Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution - PATCH NOW

DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/13/2024
SUBJECT: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLEGENCE: Apple is aware of a report that CVE-2024-23296 may have been exploited in the wild.
RISK: Government:
Home users: Low
TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Details of the vulnerabilities are as follows:
Tactic: Execution (TA0002):
Technique: Exploitation for Client Execution (T1203):
Additional lower severity vulnerabilities include:
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend the following actions be taken:
submitted by Tycho_Jissard to k12cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:40 Tycho_Jissard MS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY - A Vulnerability in Google Chrome Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution - PATCH: NOW

DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: A Vulnerability in Google Chrome Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
OVERVIEW: A vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome, which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: There are reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild.
RISK: Government:
Home users: Low
TECHNICAL SUMMARY: A vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome, which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Details of this vulnerability are as follows:
Tactic: Initial Access (TA0001):
Technique: Drive-By Compromise (T1189):
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend the following actions be taken:
DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: A Vulnerability in Google Chrome Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
OVERVIEW: A vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome, which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: There are reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild.
submitted by Tycho_Jissard to k12cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 weirdballz STUDY TIPS FOR ATI: How I achieved a level 3 on my ATI exams

I would like to share some tips that helped me do well on all my ATI exams! For reference, I got a level 3 on all but one ATI exam! Fundamentals was my first ATI exam ever which I got a 2, and it helped shaped the way I continued to study for ATI. I hope this helps anyone who is either struggling with ATI or wanting to increase their scores.
How I utilized ATI textbooks:
Practice Exams/Dynamic Quizzes
Extra Tips for ATI
Outside resources
Test taking prioritization strategies you have to understand:
Other test taking strategies
It’s true that ATI will test you on things from other courses (some you haven’t taken yet), but the majority of it will be over the course you are studying for. The goal isn’t to get every question correctly. The goal is to use prior knowledge and test taking strategies to help you at least narrow down to 2 answer choices, and hopefully choose the right one. After doing a bunch of questions, you start to see patterns and understand how ATI wants you to choose the answer.
I know this is a lot, but I just wanted to be as thorough as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions! I am happy to help! 😊
submitted by weirdballz to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 ljw0073 Racist Nurse

One of the nurses at the LTC/rehab facility I work at seems to be racist against CNAs of color.
For example, if a white CNA doesn’t do a shower, the nurse will complain at the nurses station but not really do anything about it. If a CNA of color doesn’t do a shower, the nurse will complain about that CNA to management. She really latches onto specific CNAs and seems to target them.
She has been the cause of so many negative nurse/aide interactions and the cause of so many people quitting or getting fired. I am soooooo sick of her ass and sick of seeing awesome CNAs having terrible experiences because of this nurse. It’s so wrong. To top it off, she has the worst bedside manner and I have never seen her wear gloves at any point in her work.
Management is aware of the many complaints against her but doesn’t seem to give a shit. They keep her on because she is full time and shows up reliably. What can I do/what is the best course of action to hold her accountable? I just can’t stand by and watch this anymore. Idk where/to whom I should report.
submitted by ljw0073 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:28 Ultravis66 Tips and Tricks on how to stay motivated and be successful on your Keto journey:

Recently I have been seeing a lot of posts about getting stuck at X weight, or “I cheated and now I am out of Ketosis.” So I wanted to share my journey with you and what has helped me go from where I was, 343 lbs at my heaviest, down to 280lbs as of this week the last time I weighed myself. Today I am lighter than I have been in over 15 years! I still have a long way to go, and my end goal is 200 lbs, because I want to be thin and attractive and I want people to respect me and not judge me because I am fat, just like you probably reading this right now. Well, I am here to try and help!
My journey started with an initial health scare from when I visited the doctor back in 2019, as you are all probably aware of, pre-diabetic, stage 3 fatty liver, ect… I had known about Keto diets in the past, when I was younger, the low carb diet at the time was Atkins, and I had used this diet before to keep my weight in check as I have always struggled with my weight, but that was back in my early 20s. My solution to fixing my health problems (and weight problem) was to go back on a ketogenic diet.
In 2019, I went through the struggle of getting my body in ketosis, dealt with keto flu, low energy, and was able to overcome those challenges and get on a good track of staying low carb. I managed to do this for about a year before I started to slip. It started with small slip ups here and there “a few Doritos wont hurt, its just a hand full.” “A small piece of cookie wont hurt.” Before I knew it (mid 2022), I was kicked out of Ketosis and craving high carb foods again and back into old eating habits. I went from 343 down to 283 then back up to 312 lbs, Darn! I was losing the battle...
Then in 2023, I started having health issues again, which I won’t go into details, and I wanted to get my health in check for good. What was needed, in my opinion, was a fundamental shift in the way I (we) view food. We need to look at food as an essential building block and an energy source for our body and get out of the mindset of looking at food for comfort and enjoyment. This is not an easy thing to do and is probably the hardest thing I have ever done next to getting an Engineering Degree, but if you can master this one thing, you will be hugely successful in your journey to losing the weight and being healthy.
Step 1: Small steps and Logging
My first piece of advice is start small. Yes, you are impatient and yes you want to be thin RIGHT NOW! I get it, but this won’t happen overnight. This is a long process that takes a long time. You are fighting an uphill battle. You are probably surrounded by people eating all kinds of high carb foods, you probably got that skinny friend/relative that can eat anything and stay thin (NOT FAIR! I totally get it..). The first thing I recommend is track absolutely everything you eat. Lose it is only $3 bucks/month (best money I ever spent). Do not try and diet yet, just track what you are eating. Eat a cookie? Log it! Eat an entire party bag potato chips? Hey don’t sweat it! But LOG IT! Get into the habit of logging absolutely everything you put into your body no matter what it is, and don’t judge yourself for your bad eating habits, don’t worry you and me, we are going to fix this together!
After about a week (maybe 2 weeks), make a small change… I was eating about 250 net grams of carbs per day, so I set a reasonable goal for the next week… Lets see if I can get that down to 150 net/day for a week. One week goes by, easily beat it! All it took was cutting some bread out of my diet as well as rice and potatoes. Next step, 100 net/day. Weeks goes by I was at 120 net/day. Darn! I tried my best, but next week, I’m going to do it! Next week goes by I was at 99 net/day. Yes! I did it I hit my goal. Let’s see if I can do it again and again. 2 more weeks go by, and I was down to 80 net/day without hardly trying. Then I lowered my goal to 50/day and that is when it started to get hard. Now I had to cut that slice of toast out of my diet with my morning eggs. I had to cut that bowl of rice out with my meat. I had to really start making some hard changes, and I wasn’t always successful during the first month. I went over and hit 60/day, but I kept at it, kept logging. Today I average 21 Net/day carbs (not too bad right). The best part about the second time I got myself into Ketosis, there was ZERO side effects. No keto flu. I did have electrolyte imbalances for a while but was easily fixed with upping potassium and adding more salt to my food.
The key here is set reasonable goals for yourself that you know you can beat, you wont always be successful, but keep at it. Breaking bad habits is hard, but if you keep logging, and you keep at your goals, eventually you will break it!
Step 2: Eat only nutrient dense foods
This goes back to looking at food as building blocks and energy for your body, make sure every food you eat is to fulfil a specific nutrient requirement. You need more potassium, eat more kale/spinach, need to get your vitamin D up, eat some smoked salmon. Over time, your taste buds will change, and you will start really enjoying the foods you are eating. I absolutely LOVE kale now!
Also, this includes keto-friendly foods like bacon. I do not eat bacon. There is almost no nutritional value in eating it, so why eat it? Eat some steak instead.
If I eat a food with Carbs, it will be a very nutrient dense food and because my body needs those nutrients. What kind of foods am I talking about? Here are some examples:
73% + or more cocoa chocolate
Berries (strawberries for example)
Nuts and seeds of all kinds.
All kinds of vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, Peppers, Onions
The Key to staying in ketosis when you are consuming foods with carbs is moderation. Yes that 70% chocolate has sugar in it, but I eat one square MAX per day. That one piece of chocolate has 4.7 grams of net carbs and 2 grams of fiber. There is plenty of room in my daily carb limit to allow for it. As long as my weekly average total carb intake stays under 25 grams/day, I am good (my personal set goal).
Step 3: NO CHEAT DAYS!!!
Once you are in the groove, and you got your carb intake to your set goals, be EXTREMELY strict with food intake. Allow for ZERO cheat days and have a ZERO tolerance policy on any "empty carb" food. What do I mean by empty carb? any food that is high in carbs and has no nutritional value, like cookies, chips, ice-cream ect... Cheating will get you kicked out of ketosis and is the path back to bad eating habits and putting the weight back on and that is exactly what happened to me! Just don’t do it. We are not eating for comfort anymore; we are eating because our bodies need this specific nutrient. This is the goal.
Step 4: Fasting
You don’t need to do this right away, make sure you get yourself into the habit of logging, and eating foods that are nutrient dense and make sure your body is in ketosis first. Like with before, don’t try and jump headfirst into fasting, take small steps and build on it every week. Start with a shorter duration fast once per week, for 12 hours, then increase slowly until you hit 18 hours. The end goal here is twice per week for a minimum of 18 hours. If you get hungry and you cant do it, don’t beat yourself up over it, its hard! Your body will fight you and want you to eat. Try again the next week with your set goals. Just make sure you are eating those nutrient dense foods we talked about above. As your body becomes more and more fat adapted, this will get easier and easier.
I am currently fasting for 24 hours on Mondays and Tuesdays. Monday morning I eat 2 fried eggs and drink my coffee with half and half then fast until Tuesday morning. Then on Tuesday morning, I will eat 2 fried eggs and that same coffee without eating until Wednesday morning. It is currently Tuesday and I have not eaten since this morning. I won’t eat until tomorrow morning.
To prep your body for long fasts that will allow your body to eat itself with ease is making sure you are LOADED with TONS of nutrients, (remember step 2?). Saturday and Sunday are prep days for that fast. I eat dark leafy greens, like Kale, and Spinach, cheesy broccoli I make myself, peppers, ect... I eat lots of nuts and seeds, Walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts, peanut butter, steak, Smoked raw salmon. I will eat a little bit more than my metabolic rate, about 200 calories more (2500 cal). I also generously salt everything so that I am around 4000 MG for the day. This will load your body with potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Then I go into my fast on Monday. Perfect for me since I need to be at work on Monday and Tuesday.
If you do this, when you go into your fast, you will have plenty of nutrients/electrolytes for your body to just eat your own fat off your body. You probably wont even feel hungry for many hours on end, but if you do get hungry, drink lemon in water, or apple cider vinegar to suppress your hunger.
Now, the key to coming out of your fast is to NOT over-eat. Eat VERY SLOWLY (I cannot emphasize this enough). Take bites, chew, put your fork down, wait 10-30 seconds after you swallow, then take another bite. Eat high fat foods like cheese, eggs, peanut butter. This will help you feel satiated. Try and keep your first meal out of a fast at around 1000 calories.
Step 5: Exercise
Try and add exercise into your weekly routine and this will help you lose the weight even faster, but is not necessary to lose the weight. Exercise is really good for you anyway. For me personally, I picked up swimming (I swim 2 miles 3x per week now), and I feel great afterwards, all those endorphins! So why not?
Step 6: For life!
What do I mean for life? What I mean is that you need to view keto as a for life plan. The key to staying healthy is eating healthy. So why ever go back to your old way of eating? On this diet, I feel great, my libido is way up and I have tons of energy to do things! I want to go outside and work on my car! I want to go to the gym. When you are eating healthy, you will feel amazing, you will have moments of euphoria, you will be happy, you will have an amazing sex life! That guy/girl you like at the gym will notice you. You will no longer be ignored! You will also be smarter, your mental clarity will be better than ever, you will be able to focus on your goals!
Final piece of advice: You will fail… yes you will fail at your goals over and over again, I still fail my goals once in a while. Last week I had a day where I went up to 30 net/day carbs and ate 2600 calories (DARN!), but I didn’t give up! I wont give up! Sometimes you will slip, but as long as you set reasonable goals for yourself and tighten those goals solely over time, and you keep at it, you will be successful in the long run, and you will get the weight off! Don’t focus on the scale, but focus on getting into healthy eating habits, focus on exercising and I promise you, the weight will come off!
submitted by Ultravis66 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 PaleoWorldExplorer My Idea for the New Sequel's Plot: GxK: Pandemonium

My idea for the GxK sequel plot would begin with Godzilla waking up from his sleep in the Colosseum and returning to Tiamat's former layer to complete his evolution. Fast forward a few months later, and Godzilla emerges from the lair, completing his evolution and starting to look a little bit more like Tiamat.
Fast forward a few years, and Monarch detects two previously unknown Titans emerge from the Hollow Earth, Titanus Qalupalik, an ugly serpent-like fish or amphibian emerging from the Arctic Circle, and Titanus Dakuwaqa, a shark Titan emerging from a portal in the sea near Kadavu Island. Monarch figures they are here to take over the niches left by Scylla and Tiamat. Godzilla encounters Qalupalik first, who is combative, and they get into a quick one-sided fight which forces Qalupalik to submit. Godzilla gives her a pass and accepts her to take Tiamat's place. Then Godzilla meets up with Dakuwaqa, who begins a ritualistic dance of sorts to gain Godzilla's approval. After Godzilla inspects him and his demeanor, he accepts Dakuwaqa to take his new territory. Then, Godzilla moves to Madagascar to rest.
On the human side of the story, public outrage over the incompetence of both Monarch and world governments to prepare for these Titan attacks is at an all-time high. Governments are now arguing over how to deal with them. Some leaders want to eliminate Godzilla because they believe Godzilla is going to attack them anyway regardless of whether they provoke him or not and that he is too powerful to let alive. Others want to focus more on a Hollow Earth takeover and declare war on the Kongs because they fear that they can plan another attack on the surface world. Monarch tries to assure them that such an event would not happen again because of their change in leadership, but many are still unconvinced. The American government, along with other NATO countries, begin investing in developing a new type of military weapon to deal with Godzilla, the Super X. They also are trying to seal up the holes left in Hong Kong, Cairo, and Rio de Janeiro to ensure nothing from the Hollow Earth can use those portals to invade the surface world again. Monarch gets into heated conflicts over world governments over the portals, as they want to keep a few open for research purposes among other things. The governments relent and allow the portal in Barbados to remain open but require them to invest in extra security in case of an emergency.
Returning to Godzilla, he is suffering from irritating skin parasites (these parasites would be Shockirus, Endoswarmers, or an original kaiju). To deal with them, he begins trying to scrape them off by rubbing himself against the seafloor near the coast of Madagascar. He also tries reaching for some with his jaws and claws. The people on the beach are witnessing this as it is happening, and once Godzilla gets rid of most of the parasites, the beachgoers realize that some of them haven't been killed yet, and as they are aggressive and still larger than humans, they emerge from the shore to attack humans. But this terror is short lived as Godzilla quickly comes in to finish them off. Godzilla then returns back to the water but stays close enough to the island where people can clearly see him. He floats in the water, similarly to a crocodile, with his head and eyes above the water. He is staring at the people and the coasts intensely, which makes the beachgoers feel uncomfortable. Then, it transitions to some flashbacks where we see Madagascar 5 million years ago. These flashbacks would likely be of Godzilla's memories of his youth, from his birth to the other megafauna that used to exist on the island back in the day. Then, it would transition to another flashback where Godzilla encounters some indigenous people on Madagascar as a more mature individual. He curiously stares at the people and the chieftain looks back with great reverence. The people bow and begin to worship him, and Godzilla continues to look at them tenderly. Returning back to the present day, Godzilla lets out a deep low bellow, which gives off the impression of sadness. In reality, Godzilla is upset that he has become more disconnected to the world he protects and now feels like his life has become nothing but fighting to protect it without being able to take pleasure in its wonders.
Switching the attention to Kong, a fight sequence occurs between Kong and another Great Ape wielding a heavy machete. They are fighting in the battle arena as some apes watch the fight while others are busy doing other things. Kong prevails and the Great Ape falls to the ground. After the fight, Kong helps the Great Ape back up. It turns out the fight was nothing more than training; one of the things Kong has begun to do since his rise to power is to teach his people self-defense. As the audience gets a better look of what life is now like in their layer, it is revealed that Kong has recruited a group of Great Apes to assist him in pushing forward his policies. For example, there is a group of Great Apes that are tasked with keeping track of their inventory and rationing their food and water for the tribe. Another group was tasked to build a safe bridge replacing the giant skeleton, which was at this point completed. Others are taking care of the children and so on. Then there are apes that are farming fields of crops, which Mothra periodically visits to pollinate. Shimo, meanwhile, is just chilling with the apes and is not confined to her pit anymore. Kong has no generals or anyone with military roles as he has no interest in conquest and does not see the need for an army at the moment. Kong also does not allow anyone to gather food or water on their own except for him, because he does not want to put anyone else in danger. He meets up with Suko after his duel and is approached by Boots, who is also now a trusted advisor to him, and is alerting him of an approaching Titan. It turns out to be a squadron of Monarch HEAVs and Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper. After the fight in Rio, Monarch sent expedition crews to visit the Kong lair, and were horrified by the living conditions that Skar King created. So, they planned an initiative to deliver humanitarian aid to the apes, providing them with food or water, and also trying to make diplomatic measures with them and the Iwi tribe. They have developed a new type of bioengineered crop made from various Hollow Earth flora and Titan cells to feed the apes (which can be a set-up for Biollante in a future installment) and a new type of HEAV that can carry a heavier load to transport these resources. They also created a humanoid mech named Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper, which serves as both a diplomat and a vet, fully equipped with veterinary tools that allow it to treat pathologies for Titans, including the Great Apes. In addition, Monarch has rebuilt the Titan Hunter with some improvements as NATO voted to force them to reconstruct it as a self-defense weapon in case of another Titan attack. Since that has not happened yet since the Rio attack, the Titan Hunter has not yet been used. Jet Jaguar and the HEAVs are arriving at the lair with another shipment of resources, including more tools for the apes to plant their own crops. While the Great Apes begin to collect the shipments from the HEAVs, Kong greets Jet Jaguar, who is here to treat a Great Ape with severe physical ailments. This ape has torn tendons and ligaments from slave labor and requires casts for all of his limbs. The challenge with treating the apes is that they are still cautious of foreigners, so Monarch has had to learn patience when working with them. They also have only one mech to perform surgeries with, so they can only treat one ape at a time. Kong and Jet Jaguar meet up with the patient, an as they perform surgery, Kong has to be with the ape to soothe and comfort him as Jet Jaguar begins surgery. After a successful surgery is completed and the Monarch team departs, Kong sits back and looks at his tribe. He begins to have feelings of self-doubt, that he is not up for the task, despite trying his best. He also still feels Skar King's presence, as the pain and damage he has caused still greatly lingers even after death. Kong begins to suffer from insomnia and nightmares from Skar King, showing his presence is still strong and relentless even after death.
Then, the Monarch team visits the Iwi city and delivers the rest of their resources which were designated for them. Here, in this scene, while the audience gets a better glimpse of what life for the Iwi is like, they also get to see Phosphera, another guardian Titan (The best explanation I can come up for why Phosphera did not show up to fight Skar King in the previous movie here would be that she was in a metamorphosing stage during the events of GxK and was too immature to safely break out of her cocoon until after the events of the movie.)
Back on the surface world, in a lab somewhere in the U.S, scientists are experimenting with a genetically modified colony of Shinomura, which would be the main antagonist(s) of the first half. These scientists work closely with the federal government. They believe that it would be more effective to genetically engineer a kaiju superbug that can quickly evolve, spread and annihilate the Hollow Earth ecosystem at much lower costs than constructing mechs which take much longer to do and a lot more money. The cells are dormant and can only be activated by exposure to radiation, which is why Godzilla does not detect them or see them as a threat. The cells are transported by a ship to North Carolina where another portal to the Hollow Earth has been opened. The military plans to release them into the Hollow Earth and then quickly seal it, but it is backfired by a group of mercenaries who attack the ship and want to take the cells for themselves. Unfortunately, the cells are released, and they are not far from a nuclear power plant which also happens to be using the pink super charged radiation gathered from the Hollow Earth, so the cells multiply and grow, turning into a swarm. The cells combine into arthropod like monsters that are too small to be Titans but large enough to attack humans. They begin attacking nuclear plants and surrounding cities while others retreat into the Hollow Earth, which catches Godzilla's attention. Mothra gains wind of it too and emerges onto the surface world to aid Godzilla. By the time Godzilla gets to North Carolina, the swarm has absorbed enough energy to combine into a singular, massive, supercharged form that rivals Godzilla in size. They begin to fight, while the military decides to resort to Plan B and send the Super X against Godzilla. The first battle is fairly even until the Super X begins to attack both Shinomura and Godzilla, blasting chunks of Shinomura away. It becomes a three-way battle until Shinomura escapes and retreats into the ocean while Godzilla is distracted fighting the Super X. Mothra eventually arrives and Godzilla and Mothra destroy the Super X. Then Godzilla pursues the main Shinomura heading for Japan while a few other smaller colonies move to other locations.
Back in the Hollow Earth, the Shinomuras that escaped there quickly grow and begin running amok on the planet. Kong is travelling with Shimo and Suko. They are gathering more food and water to bring back to the tribe, but their trip is quickly interrupted by a squadron of Shinomuras that have combined into their arthropod like forms but now rival Kong in size. Kong leaves Suko with Shimo and takes them on himself. He has no problem ripping the Shinomuras apart with his axe and bare hands. He overpowers them individually, but as the Shinomuras recombine and reshape themselves, they begin to overwhelm him. He notices Shimo and Suko are prompted to do something about it, even though he doesn't want them to, but eventually relents and retreats into a nearby body of water to shake them off of him. Kong quickly jumps out of the water and Shimo freezes and traps the Shinomuras in the water. The trio realize that even more Shinomuras are on the way and transforming into something deadlier. The three immediately turn back and run straight for the lair. As they are running, Kong gets flashbacks of being pursued by Skar King's goons; the Shinomuras remind him of the destruction and chaos that was left behind in Skar King's advance. Kong calls out to the apes farming as he makes it back to the lair and motions them to get inside immediately. He closes up the entrance and warns everyone of the emergency. He has everyone gather all of the resources they have and take refuge in Shimo's former lair, which they now use as an emergency bunker. Boots signs Kong what are they going to do next, and Kong admits he doesn't know, but he intends to be the one to check when it is safe to leave again. Meanwhile, the Iwi are in a similar predicament and Phosphera swoops in to defend the barrier against the invading Shinomuras.
In response to all of this, Monarch sends militaristic HEAVs to neutralize the Shinomuras and has Trapper (or some other character) tasked to pilot Titan Hunter to pursue the main Shinomura on the surface and kill it. Kashiwazaki is evacuated before Shinomura arrives on the scene. Shinomura begins to attack the Kashiwazaki nuclear plant when Godzilla and Mothra arrive to fight it once again. As this is happening, the other colonies arrive to other regions of the world, gaining more strength and attacking other major cities. Godzilla notices this and is conflicted on how to deal with the threats as he is fighting, but Jet Jaguar arrives in Kashiwazaki to fight Shinomura. Godzilla charges up to attack Titan Hunter, thinking he is a threat to him just like the Super X, but Trapper notices this and bows to Godzilla before he can attack. Godzilla accepts this surrender, but quickly shifts his attention back to the Shinomura. Eventually, Titan Hunter, Godzilla, and Mothra defeat the Shinomura, but soon after, several Shinomura supercolonies that supercharged themselves on Hollow Earth energy have reemerged on the surface world to the point where there is at least one attacking each continent of the world. The largest and most powerful colony is in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear West Repository in Nevada. Godzilla is forced to send his alpha call and awaken all of the surface Titans to attack the Shinomuras, so battles begin breaking out across the world. But Godzilla realizes it is not enough and ventures into the Hollow Earth to get more help. Mothra and the Titan Hunter stay behind to hold the line while Godzilla is away and Mothra moves on to Nevada to tackle the Shinomura there, and the Titan Hunter follows her.
Most of the Titans appear to be holding their ground for the most part, but not outright winning either. However, they start to have more problems as some Titans take advantage of the chaos to pursue ulterior motives. Amhuluk wants to fight to claim his desired territory in the Amazon again and travels to the Amazon to fight Behemoth over it and causing a three-way fight between them and the Shinomura colony attacking the region. Meanwhile, in the Hollow Earth, Camazotz reemerges and sends his minions out to devour everything in their path, including the smaller Shinomuras. So Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main antagonists during the second half. Some of the hell swarm attacks the ape lair, and Kong leaves to confront them before they break through. He is able to kill a large number of them, but there are too many for him to handle, forcing him to retreat back into the lair. Several escape into the lair, which Kong is able to kill. When he reunites with his people, he gets more flashbacks of his memories of both Camazotz and Skar King. The attack of the hell swarm reminds him of the invasion Skar King launched against the Hollow Earth and surface world a few years back.
Godzilla travels through oceanic Hollow Earth portals and passes through various ruins of extinct Hollow Earth civilizations along the way. He detects Amhuluk's movements and realizes what he is doing. Godzilla gets really mad, but reluctantly continues on his current path as going back to confront Amhuluk would take up too much time and energy. He makes it into the Hollow Earth and heads over to the ape lair and finishes off the rest of the hell swarm that was still attacking the lair. Afterwards, he charges up his breath and blasts the entrance open again, startling all of the apes. Kong grabs his axe and gets in a defensive position, but after hearing a roar realizes it is Godzilla. He calmly walks into the ape lair, but the other great apes become angry and leave the bunker to mob, surround and harass Godzilla. Godzilla does his best not to escalate tensions, but snaps his jaws, hisses, and sometimes pushes the apes away. Kong roars at the apes and directs them to move away from him. The apes follow his orders and Kong approaches Godzilla. He realizes that he has called on him for help against the Shinomuras. Kong decides to go with Godzilla but does not want to bring Shimo or any of the apes with him. The apes beg for him not to go, and even Shimo seems to cry out for Kong to stay, but he rejects allowing any of his people to put themselves in danger, and he puts Boots in charge while he is away. He says one final goodbye to Suko and leaves with Godzilla.
They have to fight off many smaller Shinomuras while travelling to the surface world while heading for Nevada. Meanwhile, Mothra and the Titan Hunter are already there fighting with the super Shinomura colony. The fight is rather even, but Trapper feels like the fight is going to quicky turn against their favor if they do not get backup soon. Some drones and fighter jets arrive to strike the Shinomura. Eventually, Godzilla and Kong arrive to fight the Shinomura, but Kong notices the Titan Hunter, and has a vision of Skar King, seeing both the Titan Hunter and Skar King as the embodiment of cruelty, destruction, and conquest. Kong attacks the Titan Hunter out of anger, forcing Godzilla to be the one to shove Kong away and break it up. Kong takes a closer look at the Titan Hunter and realizes that it is not the same pilot as the one that hunted Hollow Earth fauna. The Titan Hunter bows to Kong to show he is on the same side and they resume fighting the Shinomura. So, a large portion of the movie would be showing scenes of the Titans fighting the Shinomuras at random intervals, giving a glimpse of what is going on in all of the areas where fights are happening.
Shifting back to Godzilla and Kong's fight, things begin to look grim as more Shinomuras arrive from the Hollow Earth and combine with the supercolony, and Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter begin to struggle against it. Godzilla is still capable of holding some of his ground, while Kong and Mothra are forced to step back as close-range combat is no longer viable. The Titan Hunter gets beaten up really bad and seems to be done for until an ice blast hits the Shinomura. It is Boots, who is riding Shimo, and has gathered the strongest and physically capable apes to help their leader (A fairly large number of fit apes were left behind to care for the elderly and the children). Kong does not know whether to feel happy that his people have his back or mad that they disobeyed his orders but regroups with them regardless and regain their edge against the Shinomura. Then we see more scenes of the other fights going on around the world before Kong's army, Shimo, Godzilla, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter defeat the super Shinomura. While the organic Titans return to the Hollow Earth to finish off the Shinomuras still running around in there, the Titan Hunter lags behind from all of the damage it has sustained, but the pilot persists with helping the Titans.
Back in the Hollow Earth, Godzilla, Mothra, Kong's army, and Shimo run through the Hollow Earth, assisting the local fauna in fighting off the Shinomuras. The Titan Hunter tries its best to follow them and fight off the Shinomuras, but they eventually overwhelm them, forcing the pilot to eject himself. Luckily, a HEAV is nearby and is able to rescue him. Then, a good chunk of the plot would then focus on shifting back between the Hollow Earth fight and the rest of the fights happening on the surface. Kong directs a portion of his army to join Phosphera in defending the Iwi city, which is now under attack by both Shinomuras and Camazotz's minions. Phosphera is close to dying (and eventually does), but the apes are able to kill most of the enemies while the rest retreat. Godzilla and Kong split up, with Kong pursuing Camazotz and Godzilla returning to the surface to confront Amhuluk. Kong leaves Boots in charge of his army and takes a few other trusted friends of his to confront Camazotz, but Shimo follows them, wanting to accompany them. Kong gets more flashbacks of Skar King when he used Shimo to try to execute him, and Kong was unwilling to let Shimo go with them since he did not want to use her for fighting his enemies. Shimo persists and eventually Kong reluctantly lets her join them.
Back on the surface world, Behemoth is not faring well against Amhuluk. The Shinomura colonies in the eastern hemisphere begin to lose the fight and as some of them are killed, the victor Titans travel to regions of the world where they still persist. In South America, however, the Shinomura colonies are still giving the defending Titans a hard time. Behemoth and Amhuluk killed the Shinomura colony, but to Behemoth's dismay, Amhuluk absorbs the remains of the Shinomura colony. It is close to killing Behemoth until Rodan shows up to fight Amhuluk. Rodan quickly gets the upper hand over Amhuluk with his airborne abilities and greater agility. But Amhuluk is not affected that much by Rodan's fiery attacks, as he reinforced his body with fire resistant plants like redwoods. The tables turn on Rodan until Godzilla emerges to fight Amhuluk. So Rodan and Godzilla tag team Amhuluk while Behemoth tries to get the strength to get back up.
Meanwhile, back in the Hollow Earth, Kong, his few trustees, and Shimo are looking for Camazotz and travel through a dark, stormy stretch of rough, mountainous terrain. They find Camazotz in a plateau surrounded by a supercell. They see that Camazotz's minions are feeding him, and he is gaining strength from the radiation that his minions got from hunting Shinomuras. So, Kong, his trustees, and Shimo fight the hell swarm and Camazotz. At this point, the Shinomuras are losing out on the fight with a few large colonies remaining, and Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main threats now. The plot then moves on to showcase some of the final remaining fights between defending Titans and the last Shinomura colonies and see the fights end with the Shinomuras killed. So, the main focus turns to Godzilla's fight, Kong's fight, the fight at the Iwi city barrier, and Boots' crusade to kill the last Shinomuras, which is coming to an end. The fight between Kong and his allies and Camazotz eventually breaks through onto the surface in Canada. Camazotz creates a supercell storm and begins getting an upper hand against Kong and his allies with his new power up. Back in Brazil, Godzilla eventually kills Amhuluk and Rodan and Godzilla both head to Canada. Behemoth gets the strength to get back up.
Back in Canada, Kong and the apes come up with a new strategy to cover their ears with dirt as protection against Camazotz's sonic screams. Kong then tries to do the same with Shimo, but when he does, Shimo does not like the sensation and pushes Kong away. He does not bother trying again and tries to kill all of the minions which are biting him and the apes and causing too much blood loss. Shimo does not fare well against Camazotz despite her size as his cyclone and sonic scream overwhelm her ice breath. Eventually, Mothra emerges to fight him after dealing with the last of the Shinomuras and blasts him with her god rays. Highly stunned and weakened, Kong grabs ahold of Camazotz and notices Rodan approaching to help. He throws him at Rodan's direction, who grabs him with his talons and starts burning him. He holds him in place for Mothra to shoot Camazotz with her webbing. Then Rodan drops Camazotz and Kong finishes him off.
Godzilla arrives onto the scene not long after and shoots his atomic breath to eliminate Camazotz's storm. With all of the hostile Titans dead, Godzilla almost sends the Titans back to sleep, but Mothra approaches him and begins to communicate. The plot then ends with Godzilla returning to Madagascar to take a rest at the coast and watch life as it happens on the island. Kong returns to his people in victory, and they are finally able to leave their lair safely. And Mothra takes over Godzilla's role of balancer, allowing Godzilla to take his well-deserved vacation. This idea of a plotline would mean the movie would be 2 hr 30 min or even 3 hrs so we get the most fighting sequences out of it. I know I glossed over a lot of the human aspects and that I left a lot of the specifics of how a lot of the fights between most of the unseen KOTM Titans would look like, so let me know what your thoughts on this are.
submitted by PaleoWorldExplorer to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 Enchanting-Pebble Help Understanding Results

I’m a 28 year old woman. I went for my regular women’s health checkup and as usual had a Pap done. All of my previous results had been normal. I just got the results below. I also apologize for formatting, I’m on mobile.
SPECIMEN SOURCE: Screening Pap - Imaged, Cervix
STATEMENT OF ADEQUACY: Satisfactory for evaluation Transformation zone component present
INTERPRETATION/RESULT: Epithelial Cell Abnormality, Squamous Cell: Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASC-US). Shift in flora suggestive of bacterial vaginosis.
This specimen was reviewed by a Cytotechnologist and/or Pathologist (as indicated in this report) after evaluation using the Thinprep Imaging Systems.
HIGH RISK HPV: HPV mRNA E6/E7: Positive - HPV mRNA Detected
NOTE: This high risk HPV mRNA assay detects fourteen high-risk HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68) without differentiation.
***********End Results************
My gynecologist has not reviewed the results yet as far as I’m aware, and I guess I’m just looking for someone to tell me that it’s going to be okay or explain this to me in normal terms. I’ve googled the terms and I can’t confirm the accuracy of what I’m finding.
submitted by Enchanting-Pebble to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 vickyjensen11 Beyond the Hourly Grind: The Power of Time Tracking for Freelancers

The freelancer's existence is a maddening rush between tasks, deadlines, and trying to find new customers. However, one important element often fades against the backdrop of excitement and freedom: time tracking with screenshots.
The freelancer's existence is a maddening rush between tasks, deadlines, and trying to find new customers. However, one important element often fades against the backdrop of excitement and freedom: time tracking with screenshots.
Most freelancers utilize an hourly billing model, forecasting the scope of work for the project and the amount, more or less, of how many hours to devote, believing or not to use intuition to establish rates. It seems simple, but in fact, there are several pitfalls.

The Limitations of the Hourly Grind

Let’s try to explain this with an example: You accept a new project with an estimated turnaround time of 20 hours. You dive in, head down, focused on delivering high-quality work. But as the deadline approaches, you realize with a sinking feeling that you've underestimated the time required by a significant margin. This situation is typical for freelancers relying solely on hourly billing.
The problem with this approach is twofold. First, estimating timelines accurately is challenging with concrete data on how long specific tasks take. This can lead to undercharging clients for your work, which hurts your bottom line.
Secondly, the hourly model doesn't account for the actual value you deliver. Clients increasingly seek freelancers who can solve problems and deliver results, not just clock hours. With data to quantify your time spent on specific project aspects, it becomes easier to justify your rates and demonstrate the value you bring to the table.

Time Tracking for Long-Term Success

This is where time tracking software can be a game-changer for freelancers. Automatically recording your time on different tasks and projects provides invaluable insights that empower you to take control of your workflow and build a more profitable business.
Here's how time tracking software unlocks the power for freelancers to move beyond the hourly grind:
Improved Project Estimation: A time tracker with screenshots enables the user to generate more precise estimates by providing historical data on past projects and time spent on similar tasks. This reduces the risk of undercharging clients, builds trust, and strengthens your professional reputation. A lot of time tracking systems come with features like project templates and historical data analysis, which make the creation of estimates even simpler. Research carried out by Toggl showed that 77% of freelancers who make use of time tracking software testified to have better project estimation.
With this knowledge as your guide, you can begin to fine-tune your work style. Many time tracking tools offer category and reporting options that show you the exact amount of time spent on emails, calls, administrative tasks and billable work. Another feature is the integration with other productivity apps that helps in streamline workflow and reduce distractions.
This data allows you to move beyond the hourly model and explore value- or project-based pricing. With value-based pricing, you focus on the value you deliver to the client, not just the hours worked. Project-based pricing involves setting a fixed price for the entire project, giving you more control over your workload and income.

Talygen's Remote Team Monitoring Tools: A Feature-Rich Solution

The selection of a time tracking software, for your freelance business, is not an easy task. However, Talygen's remote team monitoring tools have a lot to offer.

In Conclusion

Some freelancers may have more difficulties in the beginning in getting accustomed to time tracking with screenshots because they fear being micromanaged. On the other hand, you need to understand that time tracking is not a means to keep a close watch over all your movements but to supply you with useful data.
Talygen's remote team monitoring tools emphasize trust and self-control, not control over team members.
Most freelancers utilize an hourly billing model, forecasting the scope of work for the project and the amount, more or less, of how many hours to devote, believing or not to use intuition to establish rates. It seems simple, but in fact, there are several pitfalls.
submitted by vickyjensen11 to u/vickyjensen11 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:12 nesp12 Confused about JWST findings and space distance / time

I see many fascinating videos about the JWST finding aspects of our universe that are not totally consistent with our cosmology theories. For example, I just saw one about massive black holes from very early in the Universe maybe formed before there were enough stars to collapse and form them.
I'm not a cosmologist but I can understand why findings like these are scientifically challenging. But my confusion is more basic. It has to do with the relativity of observations in time and space.
Suppose there was an intelligent species at the edge of JWST visibility. Suppose they had their version of the JWST and looked our way. Wouldn't they see our galaxy having the same red shift as we see theirs? So wouldn't they also say that our galaxy is close to the time they believe our universe formed? But they wouldn't be seeing large black holes and few galaxies because if they did we'd also see them even better in our own stellar neighborhood. If this is the case this seems contradictory in the sense that our astrophysical measurements and subsequent theories of cosmology depend on where we are located in the universe.
submitted by nesp12 to astrophysics [link] [comments]