Bolthouse production new york city jobs


2023.12.07 20:42 BandanaJobs NewYorkCityJobs

WE ARE FOR THE PEOPLE. We envision a world where we can believe in the American Dream again. That hard work can lead to success — for anyone, not just the privileged few. We exist to give back hard-working, everyday Americans the power to transform their lives for the better. That starts with helping people find a better job — and not just any job. Jobs that pay more than the minimum. Jobs closer to home. Jobs that provide healthcare. Jobs that have full-time potential.

2012.09.29 02:27 ModernDayEinstein Coffee_Shop Reviews

Welcome to /coffee_shop! Share photos of your favorite coffee shops. Write reviews and make requests for cities you are visiting. Share coffee related articles.

2016.11.11 00:34 OurPresident

/OurPresident is a community supporting a progressive, Democratic President! As such, we are supporting the re-election effort of Joe Biden in 2024! For downballot, visit votedem for direct volunteering opportunities.

2024.04.29 00:42 Genetiker27 Final Voting for Coach of the Year

Final Voting for Coach of the Year submitted by Genetiker27 to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:37 path93 Leaked part 3 shows new character and set in America

Leaked part 3 shows new character and set in America submitted by path93 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:36 Fearless_Office_8240 Youniverse RP

LAUNCH DATE: Friday, April 26th, 2024
Youniverse RP 18+ $50,000 Starting Cash Streamer Friendly Active Staff
Join us on a brand new adventure! We have lots to offer within our city with immersive role-play; we have something for everyone!
We offer a vast selection of non-whitelisted legal jobs to keep you busy, including Trucking, Forklift Operation, Bus Driving, Lifeguarding, Mining, Farming, Fishing, Lumberjacking, Hunting, Scrapyard Work, Scuba Diving, Garbage Collection, and more. ⚒️
For those inclined towards illegal activities, we have plenty to offer as well. Engage in petty crimes like robbing a parking meter, delve into in-depth car boosting with progression, craft and sell various drugs of different qualities, participate in heists, and much more—some activities are more clandestine than others. 👿
Love sweet rides, car meets, and racing? So do we! That's why we've added some of the nicest imports around, an easily navigable dealership, and one of the best racing tablets you'll find in any city. 🏎️
As we assemble our community, we are still looking to fill positions within the Police and EMS departments! 🚨
Looking to start a business? Want to jump in with something already in the city or an idea of your own? Contact us on Discord to discuss any ideas you may have. Our dedicated development team is keen to help. 🌟
Must be 18 years old and have a good quality microphone. 🎙️
Join our Discord using the link below!
submitted by Fearless_Office_8240 to FiveMAdvertisement [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:35 Fearless_Office_8240 Youniverse RP

LAUNCH DATE: Friday, April 26th, 2024
Youniverse RP 18+ $50,000 Starting Cash Streamer Friendly Active Staff
Join us on a brand new adventure! We have lots to offer within our city with immersive role-play; we have something for everyone!
We offer a vast selection of non-whitelisted legal jobs to keep you busy, including Trucking, Forklift Operation, Bus Driving, Lifeguarding, Mining, Farming, Fishing, Lumberjacking, Hunting, Scrapyard Work, Scuba Diving, Garbage Collection, and more. ⚒️
For those inclined towards illegal activities, we have plenty to offer as well. Engage in petty crimes like robbing a parking meter, delve into in-depth car boosting with progression, craft and sell various drugs of different qualities, participate in heists, and much more—some activities are more clandestine than others. 👿
Love sweet rides, car meets, and racing? So do we! That's why we've added some of the nicest imports around, an easily navigable dealership, and one of the best racing tablets you'll find in any city. 🏎️
As we assemble our community, we are still looking to fill positions within the Police and EMS departments! 🚨
Looking to start a business? Want to jump in with something already in the city or an idea of your own? Contact us on Discord to discuss any ideas you may have. Our dedicated development team is keen to help. 🌟
Must be 18 years old and have a good quality microphone. 🎙️
Join our Discord using the link below!
submitted by Fearless_Office_8240 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:33 areyouat1 Insider Trading Legal for Congress

I just asked Copilot the following questions. I was surprised when I couldn't post it to the investing
Is insider trading legal for lawmakers? Copilot: Insider trading is a complex and contentious issue, especially when it comes to lawmakers. Let’s delve into the nuances:
  1. Federal Law and Insider Trading:
    • Federal law has long prohibited insider trading, making it illegal for employees of a business to buy or sell stock based on proprietary information. This provision aims to prevent individuals within a company from gaining an unfair advantage over outsiders.
    • However, this prohibition doesn’t directly apply to members of Congress, as they are not considered company insiders.
  2. The Stock Act:
    • In 2012, Congress passed the Stock Act, which amended securities law. It declared that all senators and representatives owe a duty of trust and confidence to the nation regarding material, nonpublic information they acquire during their official duties.
    • Essentially, this means that members of Congress should not use information gained through their roles to make private profits.
  3. Gray Areas and Challenges:
    • Despite the Stock Act, the courts have never clearly defined whether a senator or congressman’s access to official information constitutes a violation of insider trading laws.
    • Prosecutors would face difficulties building a case against lawmakers based on their use of such information for stock trading.
  4. Current Reality:
    • Members of Congress and their families can trade stocks with minimal limitations. There are no specific restrictions on lawmakers trading stocks based on classified information or other nonpublic information they learn on the job.
    • Oversight regarding lawmakers’ trades is limited, and the legal landscape remains murky.
In summary, while insider trading is generally illegal, the specific application to lawmakers remains ambiguous. The courts have not provided clear guidelines, and the Stock Act, while a step in the right direction, lacks criminal penalties. As a result, lawmakers continue to engage in stock trading without significant constraints123.
Q: Are there any recent cases of lawmakers being accused of insider trading? Copilot: Certainly! Here are some recent cases involving lawmakers and allegations of insider trading:
  1. Former Congressman Christopher Collins:
    • In January 2020, Christopher Collins, a former U.S. Representative from New York, was sentenced to 26 months in prison for participating in an insider trading scheme. He received confidential information that one of Innate Immunotherapeutics’ drugs had failed a clinical trial. Collins then notified his son to trade the stock before the public announcement, avoiding substantial losses. He also lied to the FBI during the investigation1.
    • This case highlights the importance of lawmakers adhering to both their privilege of writing laws and their obligation to follow them.
  2. 2020 Congressional Insider Trading Scandal:
  3. Other Cases:
Remember that these cases demonstrate the need for transparency and accountability among elected officials, especially when it comes to financial matters. The public rightfully expects lawmakers to uphold the law and act in the best interest of their constituents.
Q: Is there a way to see the investments of lawmakers? Copilot: Certainly! If you’re interested in tracking the investments of U.S. lawmakers, there are several resources you can explore:
  1. Capitol Trades:
    • The Capitol Trades website provides a comprehensive database where you can see what politicians are trading. You can filter by Senate or House, party, committee, state, and more. It offers detailed information about stock trades on Capitol Hill11.
  2. and
    • These websites allow you to monitor public disclosures related to lawmakers’ personal stock trades. By following these platforms, you can stay up-to-date on Congress stock trading activity22.
  3. Smart Insider:
    • Smart Insider provides transparency guidelines for U.S. Congressmen and Senators. It allows you to search for individual members of Congress or the Senate, as well as search by specific stocks. These guidelines require lawmakers to publish details of their trades in company shares globally33.
  4. 2iQ’s Capitol Trades:
    • German company 2iQ launched the Capitol Trades service, which aggregates all relevant filings into an enormous, free database. You can explore politicians’ trading activities and filter by asset class, including stocks and crypto44.
Remember that transparency and accountability are crucial when it comes to lawmakers’ financial activities. These resources can help you stay informed about their investments.
Q: What is the average net worth of congress? Copilot:As of 2020, over half of the members of Congress were millionaires, and the median net worth of members was approximately $1 million1. This stands in stark contrast to the national average salary, which is around $57,2002.
Here’s a glimpse of the wealthiest members of Congress based on their net worth (as of 2019 and 2018):
  1. Kevin Hern (Republican, Oklahoma House): $361.0 million
  2. Rick Scott (Republican, Florida Senate): $259.7 million
  3. Mark Warner (Democratic, Virginia Senate): $214.1 million
  4. Greg Gianforte (Republican, Montana House): $189.3 million
  5. Paul Mitchell (Republican, Michigan House): $179.6 million
  6. Mitt Romney (Republican, Utah Senate): $174.5 million
  7. Vernon Buchanan (Republican, Florida House): $157.2 million
  8. Mike Braun (Republican, Indiana Senate): $136.8 million
  9. Don Beyer (Democratic, Virginia House): $124.9 million
  10. Dean Phillips (Democratic, Minnesota House): $123.8 million
And the list goes on1.
Keep in mind that these figures represent an estimation of wealth, as the Congressional financial disclosure rules use value ranges instead of exact amounts. Additionally, government salaries and personal residences are not typically included in disclosures1. The original documents for each member’s disclosure are publicly available on a database website maintained by OpenSecrets1.
The wealth disparity among lawmakers underscores the need for transparency and accountability in our political system.
submitted by areyouat1 to america [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:33 randomtoken How should I handle my (M34) relationship with best friend (M34) when my relationship with his wife (F32) is awful?

I’m 34 years old. My best friend, Adam, who is the same age as me and who I have been friends with since we were 6, married his girlfriend in 2019 after two years of dating. Her name is Andrea. During these two years of dating I was living in a different city so I didn’t really get the chance to meet her before the wedding.
At first my relationship with her was cordial, she was nice to me. However, as time passed and she got more comfortable with our group she started showing her true colors and I realized she’s a toxic and mean person, who talks trash about every single person she knows. One of her favorite things to do when we hang out is to go on Instagram and say mean things about people, such as “X has gotten so fat/skinny” or “that dress X is wearing is hideous” and so on. I have never liked this part, and my friend, who is madly in love with her, is completely oblivious of this and sometimes goes as far as joining her on her hateful attitude. I never felt comfortable near her either because every time I made any comment about any topic she would question it or criticize it. My opinions didn’t matter and she always decided that she had the truth in her hands. Because of this, my relationship with Adam has changed and I almost never hang out with him anymore because I don’t want to deal with his toxic wife.
She never has anything positive to say about anything. One time I was talking to her telling her that I had applied to a new job because I wasn’t happy with my current one and she straight up told me, and I quote: “You’re never gonna get a call from anywhere because you want to leave that job too badly, and when you want things so badly they never end up happening”. Another time a friend of ours told Adam that she was planning on taking her parents to the community pool to spend the day, and she rudely interrupted their conversation saying “Ew, pools are gross”. She’s also a hypocrite; she’s a psychologist but has never worked with her degree and all she does is share stories on Instagram about mental health and how the world would be better if we were all just more empathetic towards each other. There’s also many other stories of hurtful things she’s said to me and other people that I won’t mention for the sake of not making this longer than it already is.
My entire team at work, including me, got laid off a few months ago so I decided to move to another city where my family lives to start a new life. I was planning on doing it at some point anyway. I missed my family and I love this new city, and I was having a bad time in the previous one so I decided to give myself a chance for a change. There’s a couple of mutual friends, George and Erika, who have lived in this new city for years so I’m happy to have them closer as well.
So a month ago I was traveling and Adam and Andrea happened to come to visit George and Erika while I wasn’t here. When I returned, George and Erika asked me to go to their house because they wanted to tell me something. When I went, they told me that while they were there, Adam and Andrea spent the entire time talking trash about me, saying that I was a loser, a coward, and a crybaby. That I was “running away from my problems” because I got fired and instead of facing it like a man I just escaped. Adam even went as far as saying that I make him cringe with my attitude because it reminds him of a little boy hiding behind his mom when things go bad. I’m trying to change industries and Adam said that it was stupid of me to think that I could make it in that business because I have no contacts there, which is something that I have been actively working on for months and that is no longer true.
I know George and Erika very well and they’re not the type of people who would make up stuff or exaggerate things. They wouldn’t even benefit from it, so I completely believe what they told me. Andrea told them “as a psychologist I can assure you that he’s [me] obviously going through a major depression and this could end in a tragedy”. Erika decided to defend me and counter every one of her arguments and told her that is not true, and when Andrea saw that Erika got defensive she said “I only say this because I’m worried about him”, but this is bullshit because she has never ever reached out to me to ask me if I’m doing well or not. I know her comments come from hate, not worry. George and Erika admitted they weren’t sure if they should tell me what Adam and Andrea said because they didn’t want to damage our relationship anymore but they felt it was the right thing to let me know what was happening, which I’m very grateful for.
So here’s my problem. I love Adam, that guy is like my brother. I have so many fond memories growing up with him. We went to school together. He knows me better than most and has been there for me during some tough times. He’s like family when he comes to my house, my parents and siblings love him like one more of the family. He has inevitably gotten influenced by his wife’s toxicity and I still have a hard time believing that he would say such rude and mean things about me during a difficult time in my life. Losing a job and changing cities simultaneously really does take a toll on you, and at the moment where I need the most support he’s been the first one to kick me down, and behind my back to make it worse.
He doesn’t know that I know. He texts me and tries to talk to me as if nothing has happened, but I’ve obviously changed and barely respond to him. I can’t simply ignore him because I know that I will eventually have to have this conversation with him, and I know that after it nothing will be the same. I don’t expect him to choose me over his wife, that’s something he shouldn’t do. I also don’t know how I will deal with the fact that when I tell him that I know everything they said, I will intrinsically throw George and Erika under the bus because that will mean they snitched on them by telling me everything. George and Erika are also pissed at them but I don’t want their relationship to be damaged because of this.
If I’m completely honest, deep down, I don’t want to cut Adam off completely. I’m willing to forgive him (after telling him everything and if he apologizes, of course) but I don’t want to deal with Andrea ever again in my life.
What should I do? How should I go around this?
submitted by randomtoken to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:31 EchoJobs Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby]

Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby] submitted by EchoJobs to ReactJSJobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:30 EchoJobs Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby]

Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby] submitted by EchoJobs to echojobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:30 EchoJobs Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby]

Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby] submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:30 EchoJobs Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby]

Persona is hiring Software Engineer, Product (SF/NYC) USD 130k-220k New York, NY Remote Hybrid San Francisco, CA [Kubernetes GCP MySQL MongoDB React Ruby] submitted by EchoJobs to joblead [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:29 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to gtarphub [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:27 Bnerna "Are you dating?"

This is what my primary care doctor asked me last year when I went in to see her.
The way she asked it made it sound like it's just something that would come so easily and naturally to anyone, as if I could find a good date any weekend! But, I'll be 27 next month, and have only had one serious relationship that was back in college. I definitely want to find a partner, but I haven't found anyone I was mutually interested in or that stuck since I moved to a new city a little under 2 years ago.
-that same summer I went on a date with a guy I met over a dating app. I desperately wanted to feel a spark with him because on paper he seemed perfect, but no romantic feelings ever came and we were just fwb for a few months until he broke it off in after he met a friend of a friend he fell for.
-2 months ago I went to a speed dating event and did meet a guy I clicked with, we hung out a few more times and he expressed interest in me, but I didn't feel the same spark.
I'm so tired of apps. I'd much rather meet someone organically. I work from home, but I have lots of hobbies and yet haven't found anyone through those or through friends of friends. It's just starting to feel like it may never happen, and I wonder if I'm just not built to find someone? I've almost never felt butterflies for anyone after interacting with them just once or twice, and I don't want to force it. Feelings for people have always just emerged for me gradually, and I hate dating apps because it's so much of my time to go on multiple dates with one person just to never feel any spark grow.
TLDR: Does dating come easily or naturally to you? How do I meet someone organically when I still haven't found a connection through friends or hobbies these past 1.5 years? Am I broken/doomed?
submitted by Bnerna to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:25 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to GTA5Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:23 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to GrandTheftAutoV_PC [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:22 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community
Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

  • Beginner Friendly Community.
  • Strict Moderation.
  • Serious RP.
  • New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
  • Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
  • Weekly New Updates & Content.
  • MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
  • Realistic Economy.

Civilian jobs & Activities

  • Grime Deliveries
  • Grime Trucking
  • Gruppe6 Security.
  • Sanitation.
  • Tow Trucking.
  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Mining.
  • Farming.
  • Gardening.
  • Golfing
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Pier Games.

Whitelisted Jobs

  • Los Santos Police Department.
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
  • Real-estate.
  • Mechanic.
  • EMS.
  • Judge.
  • Lawyer.
  • With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.

Illegal Activities

  • Black Markets.
  • Car Boosting.
  • Outdoor Weed Growing.
  • Meth Runs & Labs
  • Oxy Runs
  • Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
  • Vehicle Chopping.
  • Gang Specific Jobs.
  • Racing.
  • Cartel Plane Heist
  • Exotic Car Heist
  • & Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:21 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

Civilian jobs & Activities

Whitelisted Jobs

Illegal Activities

submitted by Mustbeozzi to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:21 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.

What We Offer

Civilian jobs & Activities

Whitelisted Jobs

Illegal Activities

submitted by Mustbeozzi to FiveMAdvertisement [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:20 Mustbeozzi EmberRP Serious RP & Seriously fun. Open to Discord Members, Whitelist for PD/EMS/DOJ Gangs & Businesses through RP Strong Economy Friendly Community

Socials Youtube - Tiktok - Twitter
Ember Roleplay is a serious roleplay community, launched on the 16th of Febuary. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective on the city, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your character. We extend a warm welcome to individuals from all backgrounds and are dedicated to creating the best possible experience for our community.
With active development, bringing changes and fixes on a daily basis with new content added weekly. We're devoted to bringing the content desired by our community, making your ideas for Roleplay easily possible.
We are a community focused server, where roleplay is chosen over everything, especially over the W's. Business & City events for the community to hang out and meet new faces. We offer multiple activities such as golf, bowling, pool, games at the pier & more for when you're looking for some chill downtime.
What We Offer
Beginner Friendly Community.
Strict Moderation.
Serious RP.
New Custom Vehicles Based on FiveM's New TOS.
Sever-Sided Graphics & Vegetation.
Weekly New Updates & Content.
MLO's, Custom Clothing, Whitelisted Jobs, Rental Cars, Apartments.
Realistic Economy.
Civilian jobs & Activities
Grime Deliveries
Grime Trucking
Gruppe6 Security.
Tow Trucking.
Arm Wrestling
Pier Games.
Whitelisted Jobs
Los Santos Police Department.
Premium Deluxe Motorsports.
With Multiple Player Businesses Opening Overtime.
Illegal Activities
Black Markets.
Car Boosting.
Outdoor Weed Growing.
Meth Runs & Labs
Oxy Runs
Store Robberies, Multiple ATM Robberies, House Robberies
Vehicle Chopping.
Gang Specific Jobs.
Cartel Plane Heist
Exotic Car Heist
& Much more to find!
submitted by Mustbeozzi to AdvertiseYourServer [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:18 BarnPorsche944S US Porsche 944S found in Ireland

I bought a Porsche 944S with only 63k miles on it in 2023 for less than £1k. The car has New York plates on it (7YC 141) and is left hand drive.
I am trying to track down the history of the car. The seller I bought it from had little knowledge apart from that it had been in his garage since the early 1990s.
I have been told by Porsche USA that the car was ordered at Sunflower Motors in Topeka, Kansas but delivered to the customers home in New York State. Has anybody heard of Sunflower Motors?
I know that at some point, the car was sold by Beverly Unique Cars in Queen’s, New York City as their details are on the licence plate surround. This company is now called Beverly Hills Auto Group. I called the owner who confirmed that his dad ran the dealership back then, but that they don’t have any records from as far back as the early 1990s.
I’m wondering if anybody has any idea of who I should contact next?
submitted by BarnPorsche944S to BarnFinds [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:16 BarnPorsche944S US registered 944s barn find in Ireland

I bought a Porsche 944S with only 63k miles on it in 2023 for less than £1k. The car has New York plates on it (7YC 141) and is left hand drive.
I am trying to track down the history of the car. The seller I bought it from had little knowledge apart from that it had been in his garage since the early 1990s.
I have been told by Porsche USA that the car was ordered at Sunflower Motors in Topeka, Kansas but delivered to the customers home in New York State. Has anybody heard of Sunflower Motors?
I know that at some point, the car was sold by Beverly Unique Cars in Queen’s, New York City as their details are on the licence plate surround. This company is now called Beverly Hills Auto Group. I called the owner who confirmed that his dad ran the dealership back then, but that they don’t have any records from as far back as the early 1990s.
I’m wondering if anybody has any idea of who I should contact next?
submitted by BarnPorsche944S to porsche944 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:13 Tg11T Does KD leave the Suns?

Why I pose the question is if the Suns end up getting swept by the Timberwolves in Round 1 and KD goes home early, does Kevin do the unthinkable and leave Phoenix? Considering they gave up all their draft picks to get him plus they traded their essential pieces Mikal Bridges, Cam Johnson and company to get KD and then they put a super team around KD by having Booker and then Beal and he still can't get to an NBA Finals or even win it. KD had CP3, Booker and Ayton last year and lost 2nd Round to the Nuggets.
Last time KD won a title was 2018 with the Warriors. Last time he was ever in the Finals 2019 against the Toronto Raptors and he hasn't touched the Finals since. KD hasn't even touched a Conference Finals since 2021 when he was with the Nets.
So again I pose the question does KD leave the Suns? If he does, it will be his 5th team in how many years? Plus KD is getting up there in age...but who would really risk going after Kevin Durant?
If KD were available...teams where he could go if he were to depart from Phoenix:
submitted by Tg11T to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:08 elizajane31 help me find my twin sisters' childhood stuffed animal!

help me find my twin sisters' childhood stuffed animal!
my mom got my twin sister this bear when we were born (2002), and I would love to find it for her as a graduation present! any help at all would be greatly appreciated! my mom bought it from a store in new york city, but I don't know what the brand that manufactured the bear is called (I'll see if I can find out the brand when I go back to my childhood home). thank you so much!
submitted by elizajane31 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]