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Competitive Minecraft

2013.03.27 01:00 Roosterru Competitive Minecraft

A place for discussion of all forms of Competitive Minecraft gaming. From bedwars to RFW, CTW to UHC. Discuss, share, compete, get involved.

2016.09.18 18:12 dublzz 🔥 Nature Is Fucking Lit

We are here to appreciate the awesome majesty and incredibly cool aspects of nature. 🔥

2015.06.15 20:23 swoopdoop Girls You Know in Real Life

Welcome to IRLgirls (In Real Life girls), a subreddit that celebrates the girl next door rather than the famous celebrity or influencer that you follow. Here you will see girls or women who appeal to traditional gender norms with the allure of purity, simplicity, and charm with natural, modest, and effortless beauty. Enjoy the community while keeping up with the rules and announcements. Note: We are not affiliated with anything outside of this subreddit, whether it is on Reddit or outside of it.

2024.05.14 14:51 Silly_Permit_339 Unrealistic for 50 yr old female to start??

I’ve been searching a bit and wondering if this business is hard to get into. Live in a small town/community high income with 3 neighboring towns. Can’t do work on my own though and would practice with my own house and friends houses. I cannot do solo so was thinking of looking for 2 others to help me. Do you offer inside and outside? Insurance? How hard is it to find employees with experience? I found some professional tools but any suggestions are welcome. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Maybe it’s not realistic.
submitted by Silly_Permit_339 to WindowCleaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:50 Blue_Alu Warbond suggestion: Sun of a Beachhead

So currently helmets are purely aesthetic, although I think Pilestedt has made mention of the idea of different helmets having different HUDs...
...How about a warbond that gives some glare reduction helmets? Overhead lighting is an Automaton conspiracy and you cannot convince me otherwise! And the glare conditions on Menkent are clearly part of the Automaton strategy. I will take sunglasses on top of my helmet if it means I can see better in bright conditions. And heck, different coloured tints on those shades could be great too. Democracy's always better with rose-tinted eye protection.
Weapons could involve an "assault rifle" that is just the same thousand lumen bulbs the Automatons have been sneaking into SEAF and colonist bases, and then the bots and bugs can see how THEY like being blinded. Maybe a highly reflective cape to help teammates get that glare where it needs to go - in the enemy's photoreceptors.
submitted by Blue_Alu to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:50 PastelFloofyFox Is there any way for me to go to college anymore?

Hello everyone! I don't use reddit ever, so my apologies if this is formatted wrong or weird for this site. Anyways, this year I turned 20 years old. And life has been extremely hard on me. In high school I got exceptionally good grades and did plenty of college courses. But during junior and senior year my mental health tanked for various outside reasons and I never really climbed out of a hole I dug myself back then. It got so bad that I was admitted to a ward for suicidality. It's something that I realize I will always have to deal with, and lack of motivation is a killer.
Afterwards, though, I really wanted to give it all one more shot. I applied for my dream college out of state and actually got in! I even got some grants and scholarship money, etc. Obviously it was expensive, but with the "discounts" and such it seemed way more in line to what you would expect for something even in state. My mother however disagreed, she has always been a pretty neglectful person in my life (thankfully I have other family to live with) and permanently burned a bridge with me when she refused to cosign on a loan. I was absolutely devastated. And it plummeted me back into a the hole I was in for awhile.
In summary what I'm asking is: would there be any possibility that I could reasonably get into a college without a cosigner with no credit at my age? And how would I be able to do so if it's even possible. I know this is more of financial or college specific question, but any advice on this topic would be helpful. I've researched this specific question before a bunch, but I'm always left confused and overwhelmed.
I'm sure it's near impossible, as I really have no money and definitely no credit at the moment. And I'm unsure if I can even work right now. But I absolutely love paleontology, animals (extinct animals especially) really interest me. And I aspire to work in that field one day, and get a BA in something like Geology even if, again, its probably impossible.
Thank you for anyone that read this! And I'm very sorry if anything I'm saying is stupid and dumb, just figured I'd ask here once.
submitted by PastelFloofyFox to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:48 A_Klockwork_Orange Comp plans shared here have me feeling shafted

Comp plans discussed here have me feeling burnt
I sell structures that have a lot of moving parts and come packaged with a full suite of supporting equipment so it takes a lot of technical knowledge, time and effort assessing each customer’s need, and how we can value engineer a solution that works for the budget.
I get 0.5% and a $75k base for structural material sales (agricultural). Consistently a top earner and one of the two top reps in terms of technical knowledge. Pulled around $106k last year off of $5M invoiced.
They then moved me from my sales estimating/design role (technical sales, only dealing with qualified large scale accounts, not responsible for much more than doing the presentation and adjusting quotes) to full-cycle sales (qualifying, closing, quoting, etc) which is much more responsibility (at least 2x fold).
However, they kept my comission structure the same as when I was estimating, with the excuse that my base rate is 2x the other reps (their comission rate is 1.25% vs my .5%, I get $36/hr they get $18/hr). They also took away my 1 week per month of WFH while the senior rep gets full time WFH, despite me outperforming him consistently in terms of activity and entered dollars. When confronted about this, the track record “isn’t proven enough”
Even with no pipeline (I didn’t get direct leads when I was estimating for the other rep’s leads), in the past year I have sold 2x more than the senior rep (only guy above me in this division, who has been with the company over 10 yrs), and closed a $600k deal which would be our company’s most high-profile/prominent project last month. I am immensely ambitious and hungry, with the results to back it up, but this company seems hellbent on keeping me from advancing my career
Seeing a lot of the folks comp plans here has me feeling like I’m getting fucked hard. I’m 27 and have been in sales/estimating for 3.5 yrs at this company for reference. Worked in industry before, which is why I’m so much more knowledgeable vs other reps. I talked to my manager about these concerns and he said “I make plenty for a 27 yr old” which made me see red. Leapfrogged him and discussed with his boss (3rd in command) who will be “looking into options” which seems like a cop-out.
Any tips on getting a better pay structure when ownership/management act like a bunch of chodes? Job market is soft in my field so getting competitive offers has been slow going. I’ve made millions every year for this company but asking for just .2% comission increase seems to be like pulling teeth. Ownership is so greedy here. $120-140M/yr but there’s never any money for the reps….
Morale here is so low, but all the reps love eachother like family, it’s really just the top 5 managers ruining the entire company for the rest of us (I can go on and on about how under qualified they are for their positions). Ideally would like to stay at this company as I bought a home in the area last year, but logic is telling me it’s time to rip off the bandaid.
submitted by A_Klockwork_Orange to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:47 Markebrown93 Ferber method first time on 8 month old - success story

Tldr: 8 month old that would wake every 3 hrs and take 20 mins to go to bed is falling asleep nearly instantly and sleeping 11+ hrs - thanks to the Ferber method.
Preface: I know this doesn't work for everyone and I'm sorry if you're still struggling with getting bubbas to sleep. This is a success story for us with our first baby and I'm excited to share it with everyone.
My wife (30f) and 8 (30m) have been sleeping in separate rooms since our baby was born 8 months ago. She was feeding bubba every 2-3 hours for months, and somehow managing despite being sleep deprived.
Yesterday she said she can't do it anymore and has reached a point of breakage.
So I read up a little bit about the Ferber method and decided it was time to move the baby into the nursery in her own cot and we'd have our own room back again.
For those that don't know, Ferber method is where you help the baby self soothe back to sleep - so you put the baby down and time how long they cry. Day 1 has 3 min, then 5 min, then 10 min intervals - and subsequent ones are 10 mins.
So we put her down after bath time and she did in fact cry for 3 minutes. Then i went in, gave her some pats for 30-60s, then left. It was being in the room when she was crying than watching it on the monitor.
Left the room, and set the 5 min time as she continue to cry. Went back in for pats, again screaming crying.
Left the room and set the 10 minute timer. It was getting pretty hard by this point. She was moving around on all fours and crying pretty loud.
It was hard to know whether this would be good or not for her in the long run.
But, the timer got down to 15s left and she fell asleep.
She proceed to sleep until 2:40am which is unbelievable because she's never slept that long before - and expects feeding at 9pm, 12am, 3am and 6am.
I heard her cry and started the 3 min timer. It lasted 5 seconds and she fell back asleep.
This lasted until 8am. So she's now slept for about 11 hours with hardly any interruptions and no feeds or comforting.
I was truly blown away. It was the first time in 8 months that mumma slept for more than 5 hrs (for those that are wondering why - partially it's wanting to feed to keep supply up, and wanting to be there for baby.. I've tried many times to set up an environment where she can sleep a good amount. Wifey naturally woke up at 3am still but went back to sleep).
She had 10 am baby had a 1.5 hr nap with no fuss going down by herself again.
Then a 2pm nap for 1 hr as well.
She was a terrible napper before this, only sometimes getting 1 nap and 20 mins.
We prepare everything again and get ready for the 5, 10 and 12 min intervals, but didn't even have to start the 5 min timer because she fell straight asleep.
This is mind-blowing as it's usually a 15-25 min process to put her down and lie by her side as she holds us or feeds to sleep.
So we're over the moon and wanted to share how good it can work, even for babies that aren't good sleepers. Ymmv of course, but I wish i read this advice earlier.
They say 4-6 months is the best time to start it, but even at 8 months it worked a treat.
submitted by Markebrown93 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:46 IndianoJonez Cleared RR3 with the burn team in 54 total turns this time! 4 turn Spiral is real! A slightly different approach to some fights this time, and some notes about Philip Sinclair.

Cleared RR3 with the burn team in 54 total turns this time! 4 turn Spiral is real! A slightly different approach to some fights this time, and some notes about Philip Sinclair.
Counting my last post 64 turn clear, this would be my 3rd RR clear with the burn team. The team is in a much better spot now, even able to clear fights like Spiral in 4 turns and with some dirty damage skips is able to potentially. Not going into as much detail this time, and will focus more on what's changed since the last run.
End of run summary, same team throughout all segments. Damage breakdown in link below.

End of run summary image dump: imgur link

Now, going into the IDs and what changed from last time:
Liu Rodya and Liu Ishmael:
My previous mixed feelings for Liu Rodya have subsided a bit. Considering how strong Liu Ishmael already was, and applying Liu Rodya to the same scale in terms of what she brings to the rest of the team and herself puts Liu Rodya in a much better spot now. Both of them now have very solid access to their burn defining EGO (4MF and ABS) due to Envy no longer being a lacking resource, and with wrath and pride now being sorted, you can even get out a few Ishmael Blind Obsessions. Of course, this only matters for the later half. Earlier on, both these IDs very much are the main clashers and burn scalers of this team in terms of both coin power and damage scaling.
Magic Bullet Outis:
I WISH I could say I still liked this ID. A lot of resets simply were simply due to really shitty skill rolls on turn 1 and 2, or losing 1 coin on her S2. Frequently I ended up using guard to just get bullets up so I could have real dark flame count on turns it mattered (especially on Gasharpoon, Trio, Spiral turn 1 guard, moth, etc). At this point, while she stands as a massive burn payoff and scales burn potency absurdly well, she is just... Icky. That said, if you want burn potency scaling, there is currently no better way besides this (second being Philip Sinclair S3 and Ryoshu 4MF, and third being wrath resonance scaling the team's damage)
Dawn Office SinclaiPhilip Sinclair:
Post the buffs, this ID has turned out to be a huge boost for this team. Not going to talk about MD or standard content, but specifically in RR3 style content, this unit truly stands out in making use of the previous support slots that I considered mostly dead slots (Yi Sang, Hong Lu), and giving a great payoff for the micromanagement. Philip does a very solid job once he enters EGO form, which was something I managed very easily by turn 2 or every fight (yes, even the first mermaids fight, just use S3 and whistles will get him to enter turn 1). Further, with Impending Day's passive, this man is able to absolutely PUMP envy, gloom, and wrath, which all provide huge boosts to the team in the long run. Envy was an especially annoying bottleneck on the previous run, and often forced me to break the team I was running.
Changes to overall thoughts on the burn team:
This will be a bit of a comparison to the thoughts from last time.
  • Fairly solid clashing now, and absolutely brainless to play in MD (no change)
  • Burn Potency is now at approx 12-20 per turn, and with EGO so easily accessible now, you can cap potency in 3-4 turns easily.
  • Burn Count is now a complete non-issue. Liu Hong Lu on bench does nothing now, swap to base Hong Lu for or any other for a usable support passive.
  • There is very nice damage variety now, with 2 decent slash options (more considering EGO), good blunt from Ishmael, and solid pierce from Rodya. The others... Exist.
  • Actually good access to important ego resources now. Wrath, Lust, and Pride have always been trivial. Envy is now completely trivialize. Ironically, the most difficult resource to maintain is Sloth for Meur's capote.
  • Amazing EGOs that really push the power of the team, also aids the AOE aspect (even better now)
  • Scaling damage now from dark flame, Philip Sinclair S3, Ryoshu 4MF, Rodya 4MF for wrath Fragile -> Ryoshu 4MF + ABS Overclock + Capote (normal or overclock) becoming a VERY potent combo.
  • Sanity management through lust resonance + N faust, and now Gloom access for base Yi Sang passive and base Hong Lu passive (hooray we no longer need Liu Hong Lu on bench)
  • Not having a good Yi Sang ID generally = no 4MF = rip aoe potency, but at least we have base Yi Sang as a solid bench option for Philip Sinclair.
  • N Clair is a pain in the ass to micromanage, please give Philip Sinclair (the monkey's paw curls...) I mean... It's an upgrade specifically for burn, but I would not place either ID above the other in overall strength right now. N Clair is still the better generalist, but honestly both of them are a bit annoying to micromanage. Post the buffs, Philip Sinclair is significantly easier to handle though.
  • Clashing can be bad if you roll an entire hand of S1s, can be compromised with ego but that can be painful (this is mitigated a bit now due to better EGO access)
  • Investment level is still fairly high, needing a bunch of 000s, burn EGO, and uptie 4s across the board for scaling and consistency
  • Dark Flame can be an annoyance to micromanage, but the reward is well worth it... (my irl sanity is -44)
  • In a vacuum, the early Liu 00s still struggle quite a bit on clashing especially on turns 1-2 and on aoe fights.
  • Limited options in terms of variety and debuffs, and struggling in terms of AOE outside of use of EGO. -> Mitigated by better access to EGO.
  • Very limited access to healing, with Persuance x2 and Lantern being very expensive options, and Lifetime Stew... being Lifetime Stew. This is also not really an issue anymore if you just blast through fights since there are frequent heal points, and most fights are very easy to deal wth now.
  • No evade? Well I guess... This isn't really a problem anymore since you can blast through shit? Though it would be nice to have.
On to the actual run details:

The Railway:

Image dump for start of fight state: imgur dump
  • Mermaids (5 -> 6): Philip in particular can enter right from turn 1 with S3 win clash + whistles, which is definitely something I went for. Losing out a turn here to make use of impending day was an option, but not something I made use of. Honestly, in the long run, this would have paid off easily shaved 2-3 turns from the count. Not really worth running the whole thing again to find out though...
  • Siltcurrent (6, 5 or even 4 might be possible with ego): Not much change here, though better ego resource access might have made it possible to shave this to 5 or 4 turns. I think one or two resets because Ishmael corroded from ABS killing too many on AOE.
  • Gossypium (4): Complete joke fight. Just one sided potency and popped it, even more brainlessly than last time. Wondering if 3 turns might be possible, but I did not do the math on this at all. 0 resets.
  • Clam (4): Again, similar to gossypium. 1 reset to cut from 5 turns to 4. Trivial fight.
  • Skin Prophet (6 -> 5): Ego resource tax was not felt as badly here. Ryoshu was on field enough to generate gluttony for 1 ebony stem at the start, which is all you need. A timely stagger before it lights the candles again, and clean up on turn 4 and 5. A couple resets to time the stagger.
  • Ardor Blossom Moth (6 -> 5): And now suddenly this fight becomes a total joke as well? I don't know what it is, or maybe I just got used to playing this team, but this fight was just done first try. Threw out a bunch of burn ego and had dark flame up to 4 on both wing and body on turn 5 and the thing exploded. Might be possible to 4 turn this.
  • 3 wave aoe nonsense fight (9 -> 7): When you stop caring about sanity, things become a lot simpler. Threw out a bunch of ego freely, farming massive envy from impending day + Philip S2 aoe kills, sanity goes flying back up from the 3 cheerleaders on bench and the fight ends quickly. 6 turns might be possible if I used blind obsession here.
  • Trio (10 -> 6): And now the BIG shift in power, Impending day + S3 giving the wrath the keep me going. this fight needed a few resets in particular to lineup the ego combo I mentioned above (Rodya 4MF -> ABS Capote Ryo4MF). Wave 1 was 3 turns, can potentially be 2 turns. The trio itself took 3 turns, and honestly I think pushing that to 2 turns might be a bit too painful to reset for. Absolutely no deaths this time!
  • Gasharpoon (7): This one I'm a bit disappointed by. I was in line for a 6 turn clear on phone but accidentally clicking a notification tabbed me out and limbus restart itself... With some smart skips from the dark flame gimmick, you can start phase 2 and phase 3 on significantly lower HP than usual which makes them both super easy.
Phase 3 start, (missed 2 turn phase 2 by like 40 damage)
  • Spiral (4): This is the one I'm most pleased by. One the last run I already theorized a 4 turn clear but was lacking the ego resources to do it. This time around however, I had just enough to drop massive EGO on turn 2 to push potency and then do the full combo on both turn 3 and turn 4. Took me a total of about 8-10 resets total to get this down.
It was all worth it (This was not the run that finished in 4 turns lol)
Closing Thoughts:
I think this time around no fight was truly agonizing. Most of my resets were on Trio, but not because the fight was hard or I had to sacrifice people. It was more because of lining up the combo if anything.
Going up from level 40 to 45 is also huge. It makes a lot of the clashes significantly easier, and boosts damage up quite a bit.
Burn is now in a significantly better spot than before. I don't know it's full potential in speedrun territory, but that seems to be taken up by Wingbeat, Sinking, or Rupture reset runs currently. This run is by no means a full tryhard reset run, and more of an invested but casual run to show how well burn CAN perform.
Also a major note that a large part of this railway is still designed AGAINST burn.
submitted by IndianoJonez to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:45 Late-Rip5807 Balancing life with deen

Hello guys, I’m F20 currently working a 9-5. As the title suggests, I work 9-5 with an hour break at 12:30-1:30. Sometimes I’m able to go back home to pray zuhur and sometimes I can’t due to transportation reasons so I usually qada the zuhur prayer. I also love working out, the only times I’m able to workout is around 5pm after asr or after 6pm. I feel like I don’t have enough time because I go back really tired, pray my prayers and then workout. I mean I can workout after isha which is 8pm but I’d get so exhausted I need to rest early. How do you guys balance your life with your deen??
(I mean sure my problem isn’t a big deal but I just want to manage my time better so I can do this and that without worrying about anything yk)
submitted by Late-Rip5807 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:45 LChris24 Fire, The Hound & the Lord of Light (Spoilers Extended)

The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like. -AGOT, Sansa II
GRRM has been hinting around about Sandor Clegane and his relationship with fire since the beginning (its the first thing mentioned about him in AGOT, Eddard I). In this post I thought I would explore that a bit and see what it could mean for TWoW.
Note: I don't think gods exist in ASOIAF, they are just sources of magic. So when I say R'hllor throughout the post I pretty much just mean "fire magic".
The Initial Burning
While the Hound is walking Sansa home from the Hand's Tourney, he gives Sansa the story of how he was burned:
"Most of them, they think it was some battle. A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath." His laugh was softer this time, but just as bitter. "I'll tell you what it was, girl," he said, a voice from the night, a shadow leaning so close now that she could smell the sour stench of wine on his breath. "I was younger than you, six, maybe seven. A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my father's keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts. The old man made marvelous toys. I don't remember what I got, but it was Gregor's gift I wanted. A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight. Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox. So I took his knight, but there was no joy to it, I tell you. I was scared all the while, and true enough, he found me. There was a brazier in the room. Gregor never said a word, just picked me up under his arm and shoved the side of my face down in the burning coals and held me there while I screamed and screamed. You saw how strong he is. Even then, it took three grown men to drag him off me. The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like. -AGOT, Sansa II
Bran's Vision
Several chapters before that, we see the Hound's "terrible face" in Bran's vision of the shadows during his coma dream (note that the scope of the series was much smaller here):
He looked south, and saw the great blue-green rush of the Trident. He saw his father pleading with the king, his face etched with grief. He saw Sansa crying herself to sleep at night, and he saw Arya watching in silence and holding her secrets hard in her heart. There were shadows all around them. One shadow was dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound. Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful. Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood. -AGOT, Bran III
worth noting that R'hllor is referred to as the "god of flame and shadow" as well:
On one side is R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow. Against him stands the Great Other whose name may not be spoken, the Lord of Darkness, the Soul of Ice, the God of Night and Terror. Ours is not a choice between Baratheon and Lannister, between Greyjoy and Stark. It is death we choose, or life. Darkness, or light." -ASOS, Davos III
The Blackwater
In his next encounter with fire, the Hound flees the Battle on the Blackwater:
The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she'd been wise. She had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. She could not say why she'd kept it. The Hound had turned craven, she heard it said; at the height of the battle, he got so drunk the Imp had to take his men. But Sansa understood. She knew the secret of his burned face. It was only the fire he feared. That night, the wildfire had set the river itself ablaze, and filled the very air with green flame. Even in the castle, Sansa had been afraid. Outside . . . she could scarcely imagine it. -ASOS, Sansa I
Trial by Combat
When Sandor fights Beric we see a flaming sword seemingly begin to defeat the Hound:
The flaming sword leapt up to meet the cold one, long streamers of fire trailing in its wake like the ribbons the Hound had spoken of. Steel rang on steel. No sooner was his first slash blocked than Clegane made another, but this time Lord Beric's shield got in the way, and wood chips flew from the force of the blow. Hard and fast the cuts came, from low and high, from right and left, and each one Dondarrion blocked. The flames swirled about his sword and left red and yellow ghosts to mark its passage. Each move Lord Beric made fanned them and made them burn the brighter, until it seemed as though the lightning lord stood within a cage of fire. "Is it wildfire?" Arya asked Gendry.
"No. This is different. This is . . ." -ASOS, Arya VI
but at the very end we see Sandor somehow win this "holy thing":
Smooth as summer silk, Lord Beric slid close to make an end of the man before him. The Hound gave a rasping scream, raised his sword in both hands and brought it crashing down with all his strength. Lord Beric blocked the cut easily . . .
"Noooooo," Arya shrieked.. . .
but the burning sword snapped in two, and the Hound's cold steel plowed into Lord Beric's flesh where his shoulder joined his neck and clove him clean down to the breastbone. The blood came rushing out in a hot black gush.
Sandor Clegane jerked backward, still burning. He ripped the remnants of his shield off and flung them away with a curse, then rolled in the dirt to smother the fire running along his arm. -ASOS, Arya VI
so he is set free by the Brotherhood, minus his gold (Fun Fact: The Brotherhood ends up with a good amount of gold from the Hand's Tourney).
What's Next?
When the Hound begins to follow them, some members want him dead but Thoros states that there must be some purpose left for Sandor.
Lord Beric shook his head. "Clegane won his life beneath the hollow hill. I will not rob him of it."
"My lord is wise," Thoros told the others. "Brothers, a trial by battle is a holy thing. You heard me ask R'hllor to take a hand, and you saw his fiery finger snap Lord Beric's sword, just as he was about to make an end of it. The Lord of Light is not yet done with Joffrey's Hound, it would seem." -ASOS, Arya VII
and I seem to think that similar to the show, the next step in Sandor's plotline (after Brother Ray (show) and Elder Brother (book series) is another encounter with the Brotherhood without Banners.
"Where is she?"
"A day's ride. I can take you to her, ser … but you will need to come alone. Elsewise, the Hound will kill her." -ADWD, Jaime I
Sandor in Hell
Doesn't really deserve its own section, but I thought this matched up really well:
The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like. -AGOT, Sansa II
Lem grabbed her wrist and twisted, wrenching the dagger away. She kicked at him, but he would not give it back. "You go to hell, Hound," she screamed at Sandor Clegane in helpless empty-handed rage. "You just go to hell!"
"He has," said a voice scarce stronger than a whisper. -ASOS, Arya VI
Random Thoughts
Note: Sorry this post is pretty choppy. The new reddit posting interface is pretty terrible to deal with.
TLDR: It is no secret that GRRM has been building up Sandor Clegane (formerly the Hound) and fire from the beginning. With him surviving his fight with a flaming sword (not wildfire) there is some potential "purpose" left for his life (Arya wouldn't end it for him either).
submitted by LChris24 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:44 Adventurous_Law1693 Stop looksmaxing and get ur money up

You need to forget about looksmaxing it’s a waste of your life man. If you are an adult and your still trying to looksmax seriously just stop get a nice haircut groom yourself there’s your looksmax. You need to get rich that’s where the women come. Sure they’ll be fake but you’ll have a lot of fun. Forget focusing on how your eyebrows aren’t as lowest as you’d like and start focusing about how your bank account isn’t as high set as you’d like. Then you’ll get kids who say something like “but you should looksmax as a teenager cuz you’ll look better when you’re older”. Sure you can looksmax as a teen but keep it at just mewing. Don’t spend time on this crap. If you’re rich you can just buy surgery. Do you wanna spend your life as a brokey or live the best life known to man. Get your money up,you live once and you’re gone. Every single day you’re getting older and you will never be this age again. Make the most of it or that will be your biggest regret not that you didn’t mew when you were 12 😂😂😂
submitted by Adventurous_Law1693 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:44 antonl99 [Store] Every top High tier - 2x BFK Emerald 0.00, 2x FN Dlore (one w Titan Holo on scope), FN Gungnir, M9 BP/Ruby/ 0.00 Sapphire, Kara Ruby/Emerald FLAWLESS, MW Wild lotus, FT Gungnir/Dlore, Talon BP, 2x MW Vices, High BFK Fades, 2x Bayo Sapphire, 3x BFK P2, MW T2 Kimonos, MW Conductors, MW Howl

Hi dear friends, everything in my inventory is up for trade and up for sale.
I also buy/sell skins via Crypto/CSGOFloat.
Check out my CSGOFloat stall here, almost every high tier item is listed here:
(This List only contain items above $100 I have a lot more items in my inventory, check that out on my profile)
This list is not always up to date there is more unlisted items in my inventory! feel free to add me to discuss offers. The fastest way to get a response is to send me a direct trade offer through my trade link.
Tips to communicate with me: be informative on what you're interested in and if you wish to buy with cash/crypto or trade.
My discord: antonbeastskins
Links to my profile / trade offer
Steam Profile:
Trade offer:
Every item is up for trade, don't be afraid to send an offer! Buyout
★ Butterfly Knife Emerald - FN - 0.007
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.03 Titan Holo Scope
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.06
StatTrak™ AK-47 Redline - MW - 0.13 4x IBP Paper Kato 14
Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN IBP Holo Best Pos
★ M9 Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.006
★ M9 Bayonet Ruby - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Emerald - FN - 0.03 FLAWLESS
★ Karambit Ruby - FN - 0.01 FLAWLESS
AWP Gungnir - FT - 0.20
★ M9 Bayonet Black Pearl - FN - 0.03
AK-47 Wild Lotus - MW - 0.13
AWP Dragon Lore - FT - 0.17
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor - MW - 0.13
M4A4 Howl - MW - 0.09914636611938477
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.031
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.05
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.14
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Talon Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.02
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.14 T2 Kimonos
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.126
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.009 99.55% Fade
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.02 90.94% Fade
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.001 99.6% Fade
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.01 99.60% Fade
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.007 99.29% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.01 98.27% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.00 93.78% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.04 80.45% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.02 100.0% Fade (MAX FADE)
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.06 82.08% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.06 85.36% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.03 82.77% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.03 82.99% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.03 82.13% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.01 96.77% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.01 100.0% Fade (MAX)
AWP Fade - FN - 0.03 93.02% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler P2 - FN - 0.00
★ Stiletto Knife Ruby - FN - 0.00
★ Stiletto Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Stiletto Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.04 99.29% Fade
M4A1-S Knight - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.006
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.03
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.05
★ Flip Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.201
Sticker Titan Katowice 2014
AWP The Prince - FT - 0.20
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P1 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P3 - FN - 0.03
AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.13
★ Ursus Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade - FN - 0.03
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade - FN - 0.02
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - WW - 0.41
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler P3 - FN - 0.01
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler P4 - FN - 0.02
★ Ursus Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 0.684
★ Huntsman Knife Ruby - FN - 0.007
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - MW - 0.12
★ Huntsman Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 0.01
★ Karambit Doppler P3 - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Doppler P1 - FN - 0.03
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 0.14 Clean Knuckles
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.00 99.9% Fade
★ Falchion Knife Emerald - FN - 0.02
★ Sport Gloves Vice - FT - 0.33
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.06
submitted by antonl99 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:44 antonl99 [Store] Every top High tier - 2x BFK Emerald 0.00, 2x FN Dlore (one w Titan Holo on scope), FN Gungnir, M9 BP/Ruby/ 0.00 Sapphire, Kara Ruby/Emerald FLAWLESS, MW Wild lotus, FT Gungnir/Dlore, Talon BP, 2x MW Vices, High BFK Fades, 2x Bayo Sapphire, 3x BFK P2, MW T2 Kimonos, MW Conductors, MW Howl

Hi dear friends, everything in my inventory is up for trade and up for sale.
I also buy/sell skins via Crypto/CSGOFloat.
Check out my CSGOFloat stall here, almost every high tier item is listed here:
(This List only contain items above $100 I have a lot more items in my inventory, check that out on my profile)
This list is not always up to date there is more unlisted items in my inventory! feel free to add me to discuss offers. The fastest way to get a response is to send me a direct trade offer through my trade link.
Tips to communicate with me: be informative on what you're interested in and if you wish to buy with cash/crypto or trade.
My discord: antonbeastskins
Links to my profile / trade offer
Steam Profile:
Trade offer:
Every item is up for trade, don't be afraid to send an offer! Buyout
★ Butterfly Knife Emerald - FN - 0.007
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.03 Titan Holo Scope
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.06
StatTrak™ AK-47 Redline - MW - 0.13 4x IBP Paper Kato 14
Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN IBP Holo Best Pos
★ M9 Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.006
★ M9 Bayonet Ruby - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Emerald - FN - 0.03 FLAWLESS
★ Karambit Ruby - FN - 0.01 FLAWLESS
AWP Gungnir - FT - 0.20
★ M9 Bayonet Black Pearl - FN - 0.03
AK-47 Wild Lotus - MW - 0.13
AWP Dragon Lore - FT - 0.17
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor - MW - 0.13
M4A4 Howl - MW - 0.09914636611938477
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.031
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.05
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.14
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Talon Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.02
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.14 T2 Kimonos
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.126
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.009 99.55% Fade
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.02 90.94% Fade
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.001 99.6% Fade
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.01 99.60% Fade
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.007 99.29% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.01 98.27% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.00 93.78% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.04 80.45% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.02 100.0% Fade (MAX FADE)
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.06 82.08% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.06 85.36% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.03 82.77% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.03 82.99% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.03 82.13% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.01 96.77% Fade
AWP Fade - FN - 0.01 100.0% Fade (MAX)
AWP Fade - FN - 0.03 93.02% Fade
★ Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler P2 - FN - 0.00
★ Stiletto Knife Ruby - FN - 0.00
★ Stiletto Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ Stiletto Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.04 99.29% Fade
M4A1-S Knight - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.006
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.03
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P4 - FN - 0.05
★ Flip Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.201
Sticker Titan Katowice 2014
AWP The Prince - FT - 0.20
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P1 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler P3 - FN - 0.03
AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.13
★ Ursus Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade - FN - 0.03
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade - FN - 0.02
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - WW - 0.41
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler P3 - FN - 0.01
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler P4 - FN - 0.02
★ Ursus Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.03
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 0.684
★ Huntsman Knife Ruby - FN - 0.007
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - MW - 0.12
★ Huntsman Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 0.01
★ Karambit Doppler P3 - FN - 0.02
★ Karambit Doppler P1 - FN - 0.03
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 0.14 Clean Knuckles
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.00 99.9% Fade
★ Falchion Knife Emerald - FN - 0.02
★ Sport Gloves Vice - FT - 0.33
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.06
submitted by antonl99 to Csgotrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:43 DutyTop8086 How to Land Your Dream IT Job After Earning Your CompTIA Certification: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Finding a Job You’re Interested In
Step one is incredibly important in your job-hunting journey because you don’t want to waste your time searching, applying, and interviewing for a position you don’t actually want. You can get the same practice interviewing by going out for jobs you really want, so you have to figure this out.
Is there a particular area of IT that interests you? Maybe you don’t see yourself specializing in your work, and that’s fine. There are companies seeking IT professionals who can follow various types of projects and work closely alongside other tech experts.
Not only is becoming an IT professional a practical job choice, but it’s also dependable in terms of career growth. The demand for IT professionals has continued to steadily grow over the years, with employment for IT specialists estimated to grow by a whopping 11% in the next decade.
As an IT professional, your skills will also make you eligible for employment at businesses other than tech companies. You might also decide to teach or be your own boss as an independent contractor for IT services. An IT education displays the skills necessary to work in a wide range of occupations, including government, finance, healthcare, and more! Should you transition into another field of study, IT courses still offer an educational foundation that you can build on throughout your life.
In today’s market, careers don’t have a linear direction—instead of moving up the office positions, you may shift from one occupation to another, learning to pick up certain skills as they become more in demand. IT professionals show great career development. They have strengthened problem-solving skills, technical knowledge, and interpersonal relations, all trending job traits.
Another way to narrow down your options is to pick a city or location in which you want to work and begin searching there. You can search in nearby areas as well if the immediate city doesn’t have open positions for IT professionals. Maybe you want to find a position that is flexible, so you can work some hours remotely or on the weekends to fit your lifestyle better.
Whatever the case, once you narrow down your criteria and select some jobs you’re interested in, you can begin applying and interviewing.
  1. Getting Past the Gatekeepers
Highlight your skills and credentials to potential employers. This will help you stand out, and it showcases your credibility and skills. Accreditation ensures high-quality education and services for schools in a similar way that certification ensures high-quality job candidates.
As a graduate of the CompTIA certification program, you secure more than the necessary coursework needed to sit for various IT exams and certifications, such as the CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+ certifications. These certifications are well-recognized in the industry and can significantly boost your employability.
Your CompTIA certification demonstrates your competence and readiness to handle IT tasks effectively. Not only is CompTIA recognized globally, but it also aligns with industry standards and expectations. Employers often look for candidates with certifications from accredited programs, as it assures them of the quality and relevance of the skills acquired.
  1. Using Temporary Agencies
Once your certification is completed, the next steps and hunt for an entry-level career begin. Temporary agencies, or staffing agencies, are one of the best and time-tested strategies in the IT hiring process.
For a short period of time, employers hire temporary workers until they have time to find a permanent employee. Temp jobs can give you experience in industries and careers you might not have otherwise thought of trying—without a long-term commitment. Furthermore, firms like Robert Half Technology are well-paying and reputable temp agencies in the IT field.
They will send you out for short-term assignments, which is an ideal amount of time to get your foot in the door for a full-time position or to gain experience in a particular field. Having a high-powered connection is the most likely way to getting hired. These include a recruiter, a temp agency, or a personal friend who has connections in the industry. If you have no connections or you haven’t made it to a recruiter’s list yet, then your best bet is to go in through a tech temp agency.
The temp process should not last longer than a year. As a result, you may want to pursue a part-time position as a temp in a firm while you are getting your degree or other qualifications. Regardless of how you get on the inside of a firm, remember the cardinal rule number two in all firms is privacy. You should avoid gossip and discussing your business, or the business of others, with those inside the firm. Use discretion when releasing any personal information. You want to make and maintain friendships while remaining professional and representing the firm you are under at all times. You never know where networking will lead you, or how it can help you get hired in the future!
  1. Interviewing for an IT Job
Before interviewing with a company or any of its representatives, you will want to remember a few important facts. IT managers are often detail-oriented and thorough. Consequently, they listen to every detail you say and weigh it in the balance of what it is they want from you. Therefore, choose your words carefully and avoid getting personal.
While you don’t want to get too personal, you also don’t want to answer questions with a simple “yes” or “no.” Explain your reasons for answering a question a certain way. Take time to answer an interviewer’s questions. If you need a minute to think before you answer, take it. You don’t want to look stuck and allow long periods of silence, but thinking about a question before you commit to an answer shows the interviewer that you care about your answers and want to be hired. If you reiterate the question back to the interviewer, you can ensure that you’ve understood them correctly and buy yourself a few more moments to consider your response.
This is a cardinal rule in negotiations: He who speaks first loses. At a time when you are seeking to negotiate a salary, view our previous IT blog post for tips on negotiating an above-average IT salary.
  1. Accepting the Job
The goal of the interview process is to be hired for the job, so this moment is exciting and probably intimidating as well. You might decide to accept the job, decline the job, or negotiate the job with pending acceptance. When you’re offered a job that you’re unsure of accepting, it’s okay to consider the offer prior to accepting or declining. If you tell the company you’d like to think about the offer, give them a date you’ll let them know by, never more than a few days. They have a position to fill and others to notify, so they can’t wait around for you to respond to their offer.
Here are some things to consider about a potential job:
Once you are offered a position and decide you’re ready to accept the job, you’ll need to let the prospective employer know. Be proactive. It’s common to wait 24 hours before accepting a job, and during that time you can ask for the offer in writing if it is not provided. Verbal offers and acceptances are okay, but written communication alleviates room for any disconnect between you and your potential employer in the scope of the job, benefits, etc. Make sure you discuss the starting date of employment. Allow yourself enough time to prepare and conclude your time with any previous employers if necessary.
Perhaps the most important reason to pursue IT certification programs is that you have all the tools to achieve a career doing what you love. IT courses provide the tools and develop the skills necessary to excel in the field. Accessible resources may include online case citation software, exercises that strengthen your technical knowledge, research and investigative skills, technology organization, and multitasking.
If you’re searching for the tools you need to earn your certification in a convenient and affordable manner, then consider reputable institutions that offer comprehensive IT programs. These institutions provide you with the complete freedom to manage your personal life, get hired at your dream job, and pursue your education—all at your own pace. Contact them today and discover how their excellence in online career training can help turn your dreams of an IT career into a reality.
submitted by DutyTop8086 to Yemeni_Chicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:43 Foreign_Gift7048 "Flying Free: How Expert Bird Net Installation in Gurugram Maintains a Secure and Calm Environment"

Although birds are lovely animals, they can cause problems if they intrude into your land. Birds can pose a variety of issues for businesses and households alike, from causing chaos and noise to posing health hazards and damage infrastructure. Getting expert bird net installation services is essential if you're having problems with birds on your Gurugram property and want to keep it tidy and safe.
Recognizing the Role of Bird Netting
With its quick development and urbanization, Gurugram has experienced a rise in issues relating to birds. Bird infestations may be unsightly and unhygienic, whether it's pigeons perching on balconies, sparrows constructing nests in building facades, or crows causing mayhem near commercial sites. Conventional approaches, such as chemical deterrents or fear tactics, frequently offer momentary respite but are neither humane nor lasting.
This is the application for bird netting. A compassionate and practical technique to keep birds out of specific sections of your property is with bird netting. Bird nets, which are made of sturdy materials like nylon or polyethylene, form a physical barrier that keeps birds out while letting light and air through. When properly erected, bird netting offers durable defense against avian pests without endangering the birds or detracting from the attractiveness of your home.
The Significance of Expert Installation
Even though bird netting seems simple, its effectiveness depends on how it is installed. A badly put bird net may rip, sag, or come loose, making it useless and needing expensive fixes or replacements. Hiring experts who specialize in bird net installation services is therefore imperative.
Expert bird net installers have the tools, know-how, and resources needed to guarantee precise and secure netting installation. They will evaluate your property and consider elements like bird species, nesting patterns, and architectural aspects to decide where the nets should be placed. Professional installers can tailor the solution to your unique needs, whether you require netting for an agricultural site, commercial building, industrial facility, or residential building.
Our Gurugram Bird Net Installation Service
we're committed to assisting Gurugram property owners in successfully resolving bird-related issues. With years of expertise in the field, we have built a solid reputation for providing excellent bird net installation services that are customized to meet the needs of our clients.
You can anticipate the following when you pick us for your bird netting needs:
Tailored Approach: Recognizing that every property is different, we provide tailored bird netting options to meet your particular needs. We have the know-how to create and install the ideal solution for you, whether you require netting for a tiny balcony or a large industrial complex.
Superior Materials: We exclusively utilize the best materials available for bird netting, which are safe for birds and people alike, long-lasting, and resistant to weather. Our nets are made to be resilient to inclement weather and offer enduring defense against flying insects.
Professional Installation: Every step of the installation procedure will be meticulously and carefully managed by our staff of knowledgeable and skilled specialists. We guarantee that the work is done correctly the first time, from site evaluation and preparation to installation and final inspection.
Cost-Effective Bird Control: We provide competitive pricing for all of our services because we think that everyone should be able to afford effective bird control. Our aim is to offer economical solutions that optimize your investment's worth.
Benefits of Professional Installation
By opting for professional bird net installation, property owners can enjoy a range of benefits, including:
Effective Bird Deterrence: Expertly installed nets create an impenetrable barrier, effectively deterring birds from accessing designated areas.
Customized Solutions: Professional installers assess the unique requirements of each property and tailor their approach accordingly, ensuring optimal results.
Long-Term Protection: High-quality materials and precise installation techniques ensure that bird netting remains durable and effective for years to come.
Contact Us Today
Call us at +91 87509 99179 if you would like to arrange a consultation or learn more about our bird netting options. Let us help you protect your property and keep unwanted birds at bay.
submitted by Foreign_Gift7048 to u/Foreign_Gift7048 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:42 jennithomas321 6 Pro Tip: Invest in a solid LinkedIn profile SEO

LinkedIn can be a sales goldmine when used strategically.
Among all the social media platforms out there, LinkedIn stands out as the go-to platform for professional social networking.
But with over 900 million people using it, how do you stand out?
It requires more than a compelling bio and a polished profile image.
Do You Know??
According to the latest statistics, 40 million people use LinkedIn every week to search for jobs, and three people a minute are hired on the site.
This article will cover:
  1. Keywords
  2. Headlines
  3. Profile completeness
  4. Job title optimisation /Work Experience
  5. URL Optimization
What Is LinkedIn SEO?
How Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works for LinkedIn???
LinkedIn SEO is all about optimizing your profile and content to boost your visibility and ranking, offering a myriad of opportunities for career progression, business networking, and establishing a prominent presence within your industry.
When you fine-tune your profile’s headline summary, work experience, and skills section with specific keywords, you can boost the likelihood of appearing in LinkedIn’s search results.
Imagine someone searching for specific keywords or skills related to your professional background – a well-optimized profile significantly increases the chances of your profile being featured in their search results.
On top of that, LinkedIn profiles can also show up in traditional search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google, expanding your online presence.
Beyond profile optimization, the impact of SEO extends to your content. LinkedIn posts and, particularly, articles have the potential to rank within LinkedIn’s search engine, showcasing your expertise within the platform.
Furthermore, these articles, with their long-form nature and valuable insights, can also rank on traditional search engines, leveraging LinkedIn’s high domain authority for increased visibility both on and off the platform.

Why You Need to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile:

An optimized LinkedIn profile is one where every part of your personal profile is filled out and shows audiences what you do, who you are, and what you are an expert in.
This helps your profile rank higher in LinkedIn searches and builds trust among those who might want to connect or follow you.
Do You Know??
Even more compelling? Some 44% of LinkedIn users earn more than $75,000 a year. That’s a considerable bump up from the national median income of $68,703 per household.
Let's Dive in:
6 steps to help improve your LinkedIn SEO optimization for better results.

Step 1: Keywords.

A keyword is a word or phrase that searchers enter into a search engine. Learn more about Keyword Research. Examples of keywords and phrases include:
In seo bint e jamil, 'Digital Marketing Manager' is the keyword.
For LinkedIn, create a list of 7-10 words or terms that your ideal client would use when searching for the service you offer. For example:
Now, use these keywords throughout your profile in as many sections as possible, including your:

Step 2: Profile Completeness

To rank highly your profile will need to be 100% complete, with every profile section completed. Consider using bullet points rather than paragraphs, and format the text so it’s easy to read.
Let’s take a look at what you should focus on to fully optimize your LinkedIn profile.

1: Images Optimization:

When you’re setting up your profile, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got a solid profile picture.
LinkedIn can be a sales goldmine when used strategically.LinkedIn can be a sales goldmine when used strategically.
Among all the social media platforms out there, LinkedIn stands out as the go-to platform for professional social networking.

2: LinkedIn Background Photo:

Background photos are like billboards. You can use this space to show your accomplishments and awards or offer free resources.
LinkedIn Background Photo Optimization
You should also:

3: Craft a Keyword-Rich Tagline /Headline:

Your LinkedIn headline sits just below your profile image and name. Customising your headline is not only critical for SEO, it’s also an important part of your personal brand - how people view and perceive you on the platform.
LinkedIn automatically populates your headline with your current or most recent position – however, you have the option to customise it. Remember, you want the headline to create an informative and impactful snapshot of yourself.
Linkedin Headline Optimization
When creating your headline:

Headline Example:

For a digital marketing manager, a similarly optimized tagline could be, "Innovative Digital Marketing Strategies to Elevate Your Brand's Presence" — placing the target keyword "Digital marketing strategies" prominently at the start.

4. Featured Posts on LinkedIn

The Featured section on LinkedIn is a space on your profile where you can highlight important content.
LinkedIn Featured Section
It’s near the top, below your photo and headline. You can use this section to showcase:
Featured content isn’t permanent, so you can change it up to include new content as regularly as you like!

5.Create a Compelling “About” Section

The About section is the meat of your Company page. Here, you have the space to go into more detail, telling the story of your brand and naturally incorporating relevant keywords throughout.
About Us LinkedIn SEO
Here are some components to consider including in your About section:
Here’s an example of the beginning of an About section for a data analytics company:
At ABC Company, we democratize data analytics, enabling businesses of all sizes to unlock insights through our intuitive, AI-powered analytics platform.
Finally, you can add in some “Top skills” as a way to remind readers what your services are. This also presents another opportunity to add in your keywords.

6.Work Experience

When I’m looking at someone’s experience section on LinkedIn, I’m looking to see if they meet the criteria of the role beyond a job title. Their job duties and achievements give me a better understanding of their scope of knowledge and specific skill sets this role needs.
LinkedIn “Work Experience” section

Fields for LinkedIn experience entries

Each position on LinkedIn has a combination of required (*) and optional fields:

Required fields for LinkedIn Work Experience entries


List your position title, including any relevant keywords. Sometimes job titles benefit from being revised for common searches.
Example: "Content Marketing Manager" might be more search-friendly than "Manager, Marketing Content."

Company name*

Many companies already have a company profile on LinkedIn and will autocomplete from the LinkedIn Company Page in the dropdown as you type.

Employment dates*

This is usually shown by a start and end date. If you’re currently working in the role, click “I am currently working in this role” and it will automatically list your end date on your profile as “Present.”


This doesn’t display on your profile. Select the best match and keep going.

Optional fields for LinkedIn Work Experience entries

The profile gets much more interesting with the additional, optional work experience fields including:

Employment type


Sharing the location can give people reviewing your profile a sense of where you’ve worked (and where you’re likely based).

Location type

Choose from On-site, Hybrid, and Remote. Showing that you have experience working in a certain capacity can be valuable to some recruiters and employers. Example: If you have a work history in remote roles, you may be a strong candidate for additional remote roles.
This is a written summary, usually two or three sentences long, that allows you to show your job duties, achievements, and expertise. By including relevant information with a few highlights and key accomplishments, you can improve your odds as a job seeker.
Pro tip: To further optimize your LinkedIn profile, consider using ChatGPT for your LinkedIn summary.

7.URL Optimization

LinkedIn allows you to personalise your URL, changing it from the automated URL, which is usually quite long and contains a random assortment of numbers. Upon updating make sure you update your email signature, business cards and other marketing collateral.
URL Optimization in LinkedIn SEO

To change your LinkedIn public profile URL:

For LinkedIn Public Profile URL:
  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Edit public profile & URL on the right side.
  1. Under Edit your custom URL on the right side, click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL.
  1. Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
  2. Click Save

Drive Results with LinkedIn SEO Optimization

By enhancing the different components of your LinkedIn profile page with a strategic approach to LinkedIn SEO optimization, you’ll be much more likely to appear in search results. This will go a long way toward increasing your visibility and helping drive more business opportunities. Remember that SEO isn’t just a one-time effort, but rather an ongoing process that requires regular attention and updates to deliver your desired results.
submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:42 OhIFuckedUpGood My first dog will be gone soon

My cute dog (American Cocker Spaniel) will pass soon. He already had a bad start when he was still with his mom (inexperienced breeder). He spend the first few weeks in the hospital. Some of his brothers and sisters didn’t make it, but he did. When we had our first check up the vet told us that his lungs are not in a very good shape. The rest of his body was fine with the exception of his teeth which were close together and had some plague already.
During the years we encountered some problems. After weeks of searching what is happening we found he has an severe longterm allergy for beef. We eliminated everything which contains beef, they are everywhere even in Salmon Biscuits… after the elimination it went ok and we even got a second dog.
Everything was going well. He had some problems with teeth (bad shape, due to bad start and medicine there) and his temper like food protection or barking at cars / bikes, but it was fine and he got a good checkup every year including titer tests which were always ok. His health started to decline in the summer of 2023. He started limping on his front feed and was eating worse. We also noticed 2-3 weird spots on his skin which seems like hotspots. The vet told he was a bit heavy, he had a stiff neck and his intestines were a bit puzzled. A few sessions of acupuncture, good washing and balanced diet could help him, and it did help him for a few weeks.
In the winter his health suddenly declined and the weird spots on his skin increased and expanded over his entire body with crusts. He was losing a lot of hair. After a few vet visits, some medicine and some tests we discovered that he was highly allergy for almost everything you could imagine. This was a big message for me and my wife as it would mean we should change in the house a lot while we also have a other dog who lived the same life in perfect health. We switched to special hypoallergenic dog food of Hills so he does not react on that food and keep the other dog on his current food. We had to lock both pets apart and clean up where the other pet and also where we ate so he can’t get any other food in his stomach.
This worked for a few weeks. He remained happy when someone is home, we went to the forest or beach regularly and if I leave the house I always wants to be back as soon as possible to see my family again. I mainly work from home, so the two pets are always around and I have a deep emotional connection with them.
Unfortunately, the spots came back rapidly and he was shaking a lot. His teeth’s were also declining rapidly and his movement worsened that he could jump on the couch anymore and the stairs are done step for each step. We shifted from dexamethasone to Prednisone to see any difference, but recently we came to the conclusion that this and other treatments are not giving the results we and the vet wants. I was still looking for possible solutions, but my wife (had dogs in the past) and vet intervened that he is sick and everything we are doing could at the best only suppress symptoms, we were not making him better. EDIT: The vet said we were doing everything right on food, health etc. But basically his immune system is failing and not doing what it is supposed to do.
This week we decided to put him down. He will get his final rest next Saturday, on his fifth birthday. I’m devastated and keep crying that it is going to happen. Never had a pet during my youth and I’m just worried about the gap of the unconditional love he will leave. I’m also worried about my second dog who never has been alone and plays a lot with him and what this change will do with him.
While I’m writing this, my dog is sitting next to me and shaking. I find it very difficult he is passing at such a young age and weird thoughts are going through my mind if i could have prevented this, do things differently or anything to expand his time here with us. No matter what, I love him and keep carrying the awesome memories and the times he dragged me and my wife through really hard times in my heart. I saw this community and all the kind messages and advices, i thought i would give it a go also with my story and I’m open for advices on how to deal with the pain and some possible ideas to keep him close with me even if he is not there anymore.
submitted by OhIFuckedUpGood to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:42 Legitimate-Sky-6820 The war and when and how it would play out

A really interesting feature we have seen in game released after warthunder is persistent map war. This would be an incredibly interesting feature in a game like warthunder as it could both help keep you in the fight better, and any battle would have some amount of greater impact.
This would also make it way more interesting to play the game as you could with just a single bomb a lot of luck and a ton of determination just go blow up an important factory.
In my opinion this means that a rather incredibly huge map would need to exist with potentially a constant air pressence of ai aircraft to help defend certain areas snd keep players in the game trough being able to take command of such an aircraft and also to with that allow players to get back in the fight way way faster, on the other hand people who just want a lot of reward might prefer to fly for 3 hours taking off with a bomber going to high altitude and maybe joining an ongoing bomber mission, ofc how accurate bombs will be would have to be a really significant discussion point in the early phase of making a executable plan.
Another really interesting potential aspect it balancing gun and cannon spam trough production cost. IMO this is one of the most solid idea's ive had so far, just no longer have any repair cost and instead have all cost of aircraft be dependent on production cost of said aircraft and subsystems. This mains that really advanced planes will cost more if you want to fly it out but as long as you get back on an airfeild or maybe even just as long as it doesnt disintegrate you do not have to pay those cost, or the full cost. In effect it would be rather similar to warthunder exept for the fact that if a certain weapon really pissis you off you can actually do something about it trying to destroy the or a factory on the enemy side that produces it, thus the cost of you plane will depend on the state of the war, tho ofc this would primarily mean that in the case of a shortage of something you just remove that something from your plane, thus allowing you to keep having fun. Even if all you cannon factory's get destroyed you just slap 20 7.7mm guns in your nose and go to town!
submitted by Legitimate-Sky-6820 to Warthunderreplacement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 financetalking How Compound Interest Works: Formula & How To Calculate

How Compound Interest Works: Formula & How To Calculate
There's a saying, "Money makes money". This idea is the principle behind one of the bank’s most fundamental concepts called "compound interest". It emphasizes that compound interest can propel the growth of an initial amount in the long run.
For anyone trying to understand the basics of personal finance, knowing what is compound interest is essential. Compound interest is one of the most powerful tools at an investor's disposal. This interest is calculated not only on the initial amount invested or loaned but also on the accumulated interest over time. Hence, compound interest doesn’t just grow, it grows exponentially, creating a snowball effect where, as your investment rolls downhill, it becomes larger and larger.
To truly appreciate the power of compound interest, one needs to get familiar with the formula of compound interest. The formula for compound interest is A = P (1 + n) ^ nt. Here, A represents the future value of the investment/loan including interest, P symbolizes the principal investment/loan amount, r denotes annual interest rate (in decimal), n signifies the number of times that interest is compounded per year, and t refers to the time the money is invested or borrowed for, in years.
The true strength of compound interest lies in regularly adding money to your investment over a significant length of time. Let’s take an example. Suppose you deposit $5,000 in a savings account with an annual interest rate of 3% compounded annually, and you leave that money for 20 years without making any additional deposits.
Using the compound interest formula, we plug in the values: P = $5,000, r = 0.03, n = 1 (since it's compounded annually), and t = 20 years.
A = $5,000 (1 + 0.03/1) ^ (1*20) = $5,000 (1 + 0.03) ^ 20 = $5,000 * (1.03)^20 = $9030.22. So, after 20 years, your initial deposit of $5,000 would grow into $9030.22 with compound interest.
But compound interest isn't always working in your favor, especially when it concerns debt. Suppose you have a credit card with an annual interest rate of 18% and you owe $1,000. You decide to make only the minimum payment and carry a balance every month. Just as it helps savings grow, compound interest increases the amount of debt as well. This is why it's recommended to always pay off your credit card balance in full each month and avoid falling into the trap of high, compounding interest rates.
Compound interest is a double-edged sword that can work for you or against you. It's a powerful tool when you're saving or investing, but can be a significant burden if you have debt. Understanding the impact of compound interest is essential for your financial planning. It empowers you to make informed decisions on various issues such as saving for retirement, planning your investments, and managing your debts.
In conclusion, Einstein once referred to compound interest as the “eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it". The ability to understand and apply this concept can differentiate between achieving long-term financial success and struggling to make ends meet. With this fundamental financial tool, anyone can harness the power of money making money.
However, it is also crucial to remember that while the theory behind compound interest is relatively straightforward, factors such as the frequency of compounding, contributions, period of investment, or debt can dramatically affect the final outcome. Hence, it is highly recommended that before making any financial decision, individuals should revisit the compound interest formula, understand its implications, and then plan accordingly.
Compound interest undoubtedly is one of the fundamental pillars of finance. The more adept you become at wielding its potential, the more financially secure you will likely become. Whether you are a seasoned investor, a budding entrepreneur, or a financially prudent individual, recognizing the implications of compound interest in your monetary decisions can make a world of difference.
submitted by financetalking to u/financetalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 sophieornotsophie_ The nastiest trial day I've ever had

I will try to keep this short. The company I work for is going through an acquisition and I am not on permanent contract, so as much as I like it and they seem to like me, I am still looking around. I had an interview with a company close by in a similar position (finance) and being a smaller company the interview was directly with the GM. All was pretty quick and fairly nice so I agreed to go to the office and see what they were actually doing in person, as she said "it will be better to understand the job". I noticed the office was not in the best condition, with piles of documents almost everywhere but I didn't think much of it since the interview was so quick. I show up at 9 as agreed and someone buzzes me in. Right after me, they proceed to buzz in the whole rest of the company as no one is apparently allowed to have the keys of the front door. I sit down next to a guy who tells me just to wait, a person will be with me soon to show me some stuff. 40 minutes pass and I am literally playing on my phone, when he decides me to throw me a letter and ask me what I understand from it since it's in a foreign language - which I speak. I explain it to him and start waiting again. After some 15/20 minutes he asks me to look at an email and do some online research to be able to answer the person.. Mind you, I don't work there and no one explained me anything about the company yet. I spend 1h researching as agreed and he gives a quick look and says "good, I will use this to answer them". Then another lady comes to me with a cordless phone, all covered in grease from someone's face and tells me I need to make a phone call. She explains what I need to request and how and I comply. While talking to the customer she keeps interrupting and asking for further stuff, which I cannot understand as the other person is also still talking. At this point I am already pretty annoyed so I just ignore her and keep talking with the customer till the line cuts. Apparently someone else in the office is making a different call on the same line and "oh yeah it happens with these phones". She then proceeds to pick up an old cell phone with the glass completely shuttered and explains that is the mobile they use. THE GLASS WAS COMING OUT OF THE SCREEN AND YOU COULD FEEL IT. Then she asks another guy to take over and if I tell you he never brushed his teeth ever you have to believe me. The smell was disgusting. He gave me another task and left me alone, but I noticed immediately in the time I agreed to be there I could not finish it so I said: "You guys have the break at 12.30 right? Cause I made plans afterwards as I was just asked to be here in the morning" to which he answers "oh not really, it depends". I completed half of the task and at 12.30 I gave back the paperwork and said I needed to leave. GM comes to me and convinced it went well asks if I will be able to go back another day to see more, maybe for the whole day. Mind you, all of this was not paid as I was under the impression I just had to go see what they do and not actually work. Bonus points: THE OFFICE WAS NASTY. The laptop (yes they use laptops, idk how they don't get blind) was so dirty you could not see some of the letters on the keyboard. The screen had a big green stripe of exploded pixels right in the middle and the plugged mouse was not working so I used the laptop one. THERE WAS NO TRASH BIN, JUST A TRASH PILE IN A CORNER. Someone told me if I needed to use the bathroom I could. I wish I went checking to have a laugh but I didn't have the courage. People, do better. If you are in a high position make sure the office is decent and people have at least the minimum required conditions to do the job or you will forever complain that you can't find someone to hire. NASTY.
submitted by sophieornotsophie_ to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 ComManDerBG A good all high-end yellow build for The Division 1?

So looks are of a huge importance for me, if I dont have the best control over how i look im not as big a fan of the game. I'd wager how my character looks is the reason I do anything in these games, from driving through the story to doing endgame content.
I always had a love hate relationship with the visuals of TD1's gear. A lot of it looks super nice when viewed in a vacuum, but when you combine it for the whole picture it suddenly looks awful, this is mostly due to the horrid color combinations and wierd camps.
However I was looking at all 5hee gear on the The Division wiki and some insane mad lad Chad actually went and took pictures of every piece of gear, including sets and classifieds, so yeah, holy hell good job man, was t even necessary but you did it. But it also showed me that there exist a combination of level 40 equipment that will look good as long as I get the specific visuals that I want.
So im asking whats a good high end only build? I like how Colonel Bliss' Holster looks so ill probably do that (if I can loot it lol), Ted Farro's Mask and Barret's chest are okey looking, so I might use them, but pretend I'm not, and every slot is now a high end.
I used to run purely gear sets because of this, usually only Sentry's Call becuae it let me use the weapons I liked the most (devil, heel, socom m14, mdr) and looked the nicest imo, though I never used the classified (despite it being the only classified where I had all 6) since the tan brown is hideous.
My weapon choice is usually an AR combine with a SOCOM M14 combo, another on is devil or heel (yes, i know how they work, this is my aesthetics build, not my legendary solo run build) plus House or Big Alejandro (so one area looking rifle plus an appropriate backup weapon, an lmg or smg)
Anyways, I will always be disappointed that this game launched before the trend of every Ubisoft game having transmog. (Seriously, they all have transmog, all the Assassin's Creeds, the AVATAR game, Far Cry, For Honor etc)
submitted by ComManDerBG to thedivision [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 writesingandlive Advise for grad programs/master’s degree

Hello everyone!
Here’s my situation: I’m a 30y/o soprano, working on miry high notes with an amazing particular voice teacher. I did my undergrad in composition and classical piano, and the program had an amazing theory basis, so I’m covered in that front. Throughout my 7 years (yes, it took that long)of undergrad I was in the big choir, singing two concerts with orchestra a year,and even having one small solo in one concert, but I never really had any voice lessons, so my technique was non-existent.
Right before the pandemic hit, I had the last concert (we sang Lelio, by Berlioz), and I decided to pursue singing, and it took me until this year to find a teacher that really made me phonate! I always thought I was a mezzo, but my teacher says I’m a soprano.
Right now I have a job as a piano teacher, and it pays well, and the children go to big competitions each year. This has been immensely inspiring to pursue singing in a more serious way, not necessarily aspiring to the Met, but to sing with orchestras around the world, and give beautiful recitals and concerts with music that I adore, and if an opera comes my way, I’d happily accept (I’ll accept whatever life throws my way).
My issue right now is: I have no idea what should I do next. Locally there is little to do opera or concert wise, and whatever there is around usually clashes with my job schedule. I want to go somewhere I can make contacts, where I can get experience singing with ensembles, and maybe doing a couple of opera productions. I’m giving myself a yea to star my master’s (or advanced studies, whatever they might be).
I’m open to suggestions and to CONSTRUCTIVE comments. Thank you!
submitted by writesingandlive to opera [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:38 -xtremi- Feedback on program

I'm 35, and I've been gymming on and off for more than 10 years (sounds long when I write it). My best was around 10 years ago where I reached this at ~70kg bw:
Since that time, I've followed Stronglift or a variants of it, for few months at the time, but never continuing long enough to beat my records. This is due to moving and life in general (and execuces).
Now I've had a home gym for over 6 months. Started with Stronglift again for about 3 months, before I deloaded and started GZCLP. I really enjoy it, and think I can progress for a while with it.
Currently my guesstimated 1RMs are (at 75kg bw):
I used the gzclp template from here and added my T3s. I'm doing the 3 days/week version. I'm trying to gym every other day, but I'm generally going 3 times a week, and limiting my workouts to 1 hour each.
So my program looks like this (always at least 1 day rest between each workout):
Since I'm using my home gym I can't do lat pulldowns, legpress or dips.
I have a pullup bar but not in the gym and currently trying to do 5 sets of pullups every other day.
I've always struggled with getting my squat better and heavier, but now with the support of Lunges and Front squats, it seems to go much better.
I put the Front squat as T2, because I just can't do 15+ reps. Struggling also with keeping the lunges for that many reps. I also changed my lunges from 15/15/25 to 12/12/12/18.
I was just hoping for any feedback for changes and also suggestions for leg exercises with barbells or dumbbells. Thanks in advance.
submitted by -xtremi- to gzcl [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:38 Khirby Conqueror w/ Ruunans + Yun Tal?

Now this might be a hot take but hear me out.
Disclaimer: This is NOT an “every game build”. This is not the main build. This is just a build that I’m still working on that I thought might be viable for some games.
Runes: Conq, POM/Absord Life, Alacrity, Coup de Grace Celerity, Gathering Storm
Items: Zerkers, IE, Ruunans, Yun - Tal, LDR, BT/Situational
Zeri by nature is a teamfight machine, so this a build centered around that. This is a situational build and depends on: 1. If enemy team has 2-3+ Tanks or is very teamfight oriented. 2. If you have a peeling or buffing support that pairs well with Zeri (Lulu, Yuumi, Janna) 3. If your team has front line.
With LT gone most of us will probably default to Fleet (I don’t recommend PTA as the champs that will start using will surely proc it better than you and will do so first). While fleet is reliable and can get use through the laning phase I wanted to try a more aggressive build option so we’re not stuck with just fleet.
Conqueror will buff our teamfight damage and give us healing at max stacks.
Ruunans Will act the same as usual from before and help us with skirmishes and teamfights BUT now costs 200 less and has its crit chance from 20% to 25%
Yun- Tal: The main item for this build. 65 AD, 25% Crit chance, and a D.O.T effect that procs with crit. Get this either 3rd or 4th item (if you need LDR 3rd). By this point you’ll have 75% or 100% crit and will proc this items effect all or nearly all the time. Ruunans will help hit champs that are behind enemy front line and will shred them (with the increase of IE buffs and this items Dot effect)
LDR: Needed Item Pen. In this build you have to get LDR. Some are testing Black cleaver in other builds but you won’t get the 100% crit without it and that lessens up time of Yun-Tal.
BT/Situational: BT/Bork for lifesteal, Shieldbow for survivabilty, or Maw for heavy AP teams, It’s really up to you and what you need.
Additional Notes: Again I’m still testing this and trying to improve it so we’ll see. There is a lack of movespeed in this build compared to main build but that’s why we have celerity (and Zepyhers later). Also I’m not a high elo player (Peak Plat 4), I just enjoy testing builds, so for those of you who are and want to try this build I’d love any feedback you have.
Lemme know your thoughts, always open to constructive criticism.
submitted by Khirby to ZeriMains [link] [comments]