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I don't know what I am doing with my life anymore, my relationships are falling apart and I think I am on the verge of having a huge mental breakdown.

2024.05.15 06:00 Ornery_Historian_759 I don't know what I am doing with my life anymore, my relationships are falling apart and I think I am on the verge of having a huge mental breakdown.

tl;tr what is my life (Leaving note at the top of my post cause post is too long lol) Note 1: Didn't expect for the post to be that long. I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherences, don't have the energy to read proof everything, took me almost 4 hours to write.
Note 2: Before you guys suggest therapy. I do believe in mental health and always wanted to go see a therapist but you hear a lot of horror stories about therapists where I live. Like a friend of mine went to see one at one point and he literally told her "you are too dramatic and you are lying. There is no way you feel the way you say you do". Plus even if I manage to find a good one they are expensive as fuck.
Note 3: Moving out isn't a solution either at the moment cause can't afford it. Plus it is hard to find somewhere to rent as a fairly young bachelor in a conservative country plus if they do rent to young people the apartments are usually falling apart, they over charge and you would end up with like 7 other roommates in a 3 bedrooms apartment.
I don't really know where to start since it is 1 am where I live and I am exhausted. But yeah, basically I think that I might not be a good person? that I might be a bit of an asshole and also a loser? I am not sure.
The situation that I am facing right now is that I am 29, jobless, 5 years into my PhD that i wanted to quit for a while now, live with my mom and aunt (I live in a place when it is normal for someone to live with their parents or family in their 20s or 30s, people usually only move out if they either get married or their job isn't close to where their parents live). I am really unhappy with my life, with how I usually handle things and with how I turned out.
I graduated university at 23, got my first job as a phone repair technician few months after graduating, got pressured into doing a PhD but at the same time I was like "why not?". Wasn't a fan of my job anyway and I haven't heard from the couple of interviews I have been to. I was excited to start doing academic research actually, but as soon as I got accepted things started going downhill. Our lab director passed away before we got assigned out subjects and supervisors, then COVID lock down, my dad passed away from COVID, my supervisor retired and I got assigned a new one that is clueless, they wouldn't let me stay at the dorms during my third year cause "of the volume of new students they received that year" according to them, decided to teach a class during the first semester of last year so I would have to stay close to our lab that entire time. I didn't make much progress. Nowadays I feel burnt out and I stopped trying. When people ask me about my PhD I lie and tell them that I am almost done. I have been to quite a few job interview during the past few years but they never called back. Had some projects in mind that were good business ideas imo but whenever I started I would never go through with them cause of the stress PhD is causing me. Never been good under pressure.
As for my relationships, I will start with my parents. We have had my fair-chair of big and small arguments in my teen and adult years, but I have always had a good relationship with them and I loved them. Now, since my dad passed away my mom, sister and I became really close (or closer than we already were). Then my aunt moved in with us a little while after that (due to some personal stuff), everything was good and well at first but the thing is I live in a conservative country, in a very conservative city and my aunt is super old school and she got an influence over my mom who has become super controlling which caused some friction between us for the past few years but especially during the past year and it has gotten worse during the past couple of days (well I wouldn't put the issue entirely on her cause my mom has always nosy and controlling but she would stop if you talked to her). Now when I say controlling and nosy I mean she is trying to control everything even what I wear, and whenever I am talking to the phone she always comes into my room to know who I am talking to. Sometimes she acts like she is disciplining a 15 yo and not talking to a grown man. I have always given up a small part of my independence since my parents were sheltering me, I have had a couple of friends telling me I shouldn't when we were younger and I was always like "nah, it's fine". Well now that I am trying to get 100% of my independence and autonomy back and receiving a big push back I am starting to understand what they meant.
Now to my friends. Well, I should start by saying that during my teen years I did have friends but I had a lot of difficulties connecting with people or knowing how to react during social situations which also lead to me being bullied quite a lot up until I was around 19/20. During my uni years and early 20s things have gotten better all of a sudden, I was less shy, it was easier to talk to people and to know how to react to different situations, it was easier to make new friend and my relationships with the couple of friends I made during middle school and high school was great. Even my old bullies became respectful and would stop for a chat whenever they saw me. It got me thinking "maybe that's how it is like to turn into an adult" at some point. Now I have made quite a few friends from a couple of groups I hang out with, and I like to think that I am pretty close to most of them or at least was. The thing is that over the years some of them either criticize my quirks or tease me which I always thought was fine, I would either answer them back jokingly, take their criticism seriously and try to work on myself depending on what the quirk is or just ignore them. The problem is that over the year some of my friends have started to either take themselves or their teasing too far. Sometimes it just feels like they are walking over me. Like that one friend who always lectures me "about being a grown ass man" (and in a mean way might I add, he literally screams at me) just because I haven't seen him while outside, because I only drive inside our town (because I am not that good of a driver, I used to get extreme anxiety just being behind a wheel)(he lectured me 3 times during the same day last month and 2 of them was in front of mutual friends) or that one time he berated me about something that I thought so stupid that I made a joke and his literal answer was "shut the fuck up and listen to me when I am talking to you, I am older than you (by 2 months), I have more experience than you (cause he moved abroad) and I know better than you". Or when that group of friends that tried to catfish me at one point (they did a very bad job btw). Or that other friend that does fucked up shit or says hurtful things and his out of jail card is literally "it was just a prank bro". Like whenever I tell him the smoke from his cigarettes his bothering me he literally blows smoke on my face, or that time he threw a lit cigarette butt on me and it ruined my pants, or when we were complaining about or PhDs (he used to be a PhD student) and he told me "you stagnating so you wish for people to go backwards so it would feel like you are making progress" or that time were he told a mutual acquaintance that "I was a simp"(which I am lol) and that "I stuck to girls like glue". And sure enough whenever I stop talking to him his response would be "it was just a joke", or when I loaned him money cause he had money issues few years back he has promised me several times that he would pay me back after he gets paid for jobs he is doing but then when I ask him again he is like "Why didn't you ask me 2 days ago I used it to pay back few debts. You are the only debt I have left.". He has done the same thing over the past few years and given me the exact same answer each time. Until, I told him last year that it was okay if he didn't pay me back cause he had to loan a big amount to pay for his parents' rent .
Now I am not sure the way I respond to those situations is the healthiest. My go to strategy is to just go home and not talk to them for a while. The most recent example is from last weeks. I have a friend that always asks me to download softwares for him, to install them and set them up. Honestly I didn't mind it at first but he does it so often that it has become annoying and it feels like I can't refuse cause he always says "if I am bothering you that is okay", plus whenever he sits next to me while I work on his PC he goes on rants I don't want to hear about. Anyway, he is a PhD student and he asked me to help him with a paper he is working on cause it is overlapping with my field, I didn't mind. Then, he called me the other day and asked if I could meet him immediately, I accepted (to be fair to him he did ask me if I was going to take a lot of time to arrive, I answered with "no" then it did take me 25 minutes more than it should have) and when I called him to tell him I was almost there he answered with "are you kidding me? I don't have time", I just hang up before he could finish his sentence and went back home. Or two voice messages I impulsively sent yesterday cause I was really upset and needed to let my anger out one way or another. The first one was to the "it was just a prank, bro" dude, I lent him some more money few months ago that he promised he would pay back by the end of 2023 and still hasn't. The message went like this "give me back my money or I will kick you in the balls and break your nose" (it sounded cooler in my language lol. And I want to add that he would definitely win in a fight. ). It wasn't about the money I was just tired of him and would get upset every-time I would think about the way he is treating me. Then I followed up with another message calling him a parasite. The second one was to the dude who always berates me. Despite the way he treats he considers me as a best friend, so I have been thinking about sending him a message for the past 2 weeks explaining to him that I didn't like the way he treated me. But because I was angry the message went like this "Go fuck yourself, and fuck your so called advice. You are just trying to enforce some random criteria you have made up on me. Let me give you the same advice you give me, you are a 30 yo man so it would be about time you came back to reality and to close your asshole (which is a rude way of saying you have got a big head in my language). Also shut the fuck up.". Needless to say that he was confused and tried to call me and left me like 2 voice messages that I ignored (cause I wasn't feeling like hearing from anyone) and a screenshot from his note app saying that he was sorry that I felt that way and that he considered me like a good friend and that I was a good guy (I haven't read everything). He probably tried to contact me today, but I can't be sure cause I spent the entire day messing with my phone and installing different ROMS (OS). But yeah, I received an SMS from him few hours ago saying that he was going to press charge for "defamation and mental distress " (I think that is the correct translation), which I thought was ridiculous plus he is not the kind to press charges. But then, he has people in his life that he respects a lot and if they advised him to he would definitely do it. Plus he used the number he uses when he comes to our country to text me, on the other hand the country he is at is close enough that he could just text me from that number. I mean I think it would be ridiculous to press charges for that voice mail lol, but again some stupid law got voted few months ago that if you were caught cussing that could cause you up to 6 months of jail, and I definitely cussed. Oh and he also followed with "we obviously don't deal with conflicts the same way. There is the dirty way then there is the smart way" (Again not sure about the translation so I am using the literal one)
If you managed to read the whole thing I thank you, I feel a lot better, I mean it still feels like the earth is about to swallow me whole but I still weirdly feel calm about it lol.
submitted by Ornery_Historian_759 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 ozzuneoj QB Desktop Pro Plus 2023: "Connection Has Been Lost" when trying to delete checks... even using a backup from before the problem started??

Huge post, sorry. If you have time to offer any suggestions it would be much appreciated.
I have been doing PC repair (mainly hardware, new PC builds and malware removal) as a bit of a side gig for over 20 years and the last two days have completely wrecked me. In 22 years I have never been unable to help a customer before now.
A small business (friends) I've been doing work for for a few years started having QB crash with a "Connection Has Been Lost" error starting last Friday when they were trying to do payroll. Somehow the owner was able to get through most of the employees (there are less than 10), but eventually the error prevented him from completing payroll for the week. Keep in mind, the file is stored on the internal SSD on this PC.
Here is the error message in question:
Long story short, I despise software like this for many reasons which I won't get into now, I am fairly proficient with how Windows and DOS applications work, but I do not use Quickbooks myself. Still, I am attempting to help them because I doubt anyone else in our very small town can solve this either.
They have two PCs on a network and the main PC (Office2) hosts the file in multi-user mode and is the system that is used for most of the QB work. All of the troubleshooting steps mentioned were performed on the Host PC with no files being accessed over the network.
I have tried the following:
-Updated QBD Pro Plus 2023 repeatedly (the process was very glitchy) until it somehow managed to show that it was at version R12_17, despite the fact that the website said that R12_15 was the latest. - Did this on both systems. Also updated Payroll.
-Ran ALL scans\checks\fixes in Tool Hub and File Doctor many times with varying results. Most notably, the File Doctor says they couldn't fix the company file and to contact support. However, I am able to open the company file and most things work fine except for trying to do certain things in payroll. Easiest way to repeat it is to go to the Register and simply try to delete a check. It will immediately lose connection.
-Completely uninstalled all Quickbooks\Intuit programs from both PCs and reinstalled QBD 2023 Pro (Plus) using the download from the website with the license code.
... this is the kicker:
-Copied the company file from one of the dated backup folders from two weeks ago (a day before the last successful payroll was completed), renamed it, put it in a completely different folder on the desktop... and that has the error now too, despite the problem just starting a week ago.
-Copied that 2 week old (pre-error) company file to the other PC, set that PC to open it in Single User mode, and it STILL goes to "Lost Connection" when doing the exact same thing. Keep in mind, this is on a PC which just had all QB software removed entirely, then freshly reinstalled.
-Contacted support... went through several of the above steps (again!) with them before they determined I needed speak to a technician (Given my description of the problem, why wasn't I already?). As soon as the "technician" joined, they immediately left the chat and the chat ended.
Of note: I have also noticed that in Event Viewer there are many many many errors listed for Quickbooks. Most of them related to caching issues, and it seems to correlate with the program being closed. The program seems to close very slowly (except when it crashes of course).
Relevant specs of both systems: Windows 10 i5 10400F 8GB DDR4 NVMe SSD with plenty of free space wired ethernet connection to router\switch
I have been working on this for 8 hours total on-site (mostly waiting for scans, downloads and slow QB operation), and several more at home doing research to try to help these friends of mine.
Looking around here on this subreddit I have just read about using the "Verify Data" and "Rebuild Data" options... for some reason that hadn't come up in any of my searches for this particular problem. I will try those tomorrow, but if anyone else has any suggestions I would love to hear them.
Is there a way to "export" the company data to get it "out" of a corrupted company file? I don't care if it says "hey, this part was corrupted, we couldn't get that..." ... because clearly 90% of the company file is readable and works fine. Anything is better than telling them that if they ever want to pay their employees again they have to dump 15+ years of business records and start over.
Also, for what it's worth, I recall the "Total Transactions" being somewhere in the realm of 250,000, if that matters.
submitted by ozzuneoj to QuickBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:29 TMoney31BV My experience adding amp and Play 1 tonight

I just received a 2nd Sonos amp today and, after making sure that all of my existing speakers were updated beforehand, I attempted to add it (along with another Play 1) to my system.
At first, I performed a hard reset on both. Second, it called for installing the latest software on both which it did just fine. Then it was acting like it was adding both to my existing system but it wouldn’t register them (gave me an error) so they weren’t functional or recognized.
So, I went upstairs and unplugged my Sonos Boost (and router since it was right next to it). Then plugged both back in. I deleted the new Sonos app from my phone and then reinstalled it. Upon opening the newly downloaded app it asked me to sign into my Sonos account/system with email and password. I was then able to add both and register the new amp and the Play 1 to my system and both are functioning perfectly. I was also able to add the Play 1 as a stereo pair to another existing Play 1.
Moral of the story: If you are having speaker set up / connectivity issues, try doing hard resets, allow your speakers to download the updates prior to attempting to add them AND kill the internet via your router and boost (if you have one).
submitted by TMoney31BV to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 welsim Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting

Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting
Automated testing is an essential component of modern large-scale software. High amounts of automated test cases are used to maintain the stability of large software products. For the software with a graphical user interface (GUI), establishing an automated testing system can be challenging due to limited resources. Previously, the author has written articles on automated testing for engineering simulation CAE software, see “Automated Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”, “Quickly Create Regression Test Cases for WELSIM”, and “Automated Regression Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”. This article presents how to use QtTesting to quickly implement an automated testing system for graphical software from a software development perspective.
QtTesting is an open-source testing framework with a friendly license, similar to BSD3, and can be used for commercial products. It has been applied in practical instances for large-scale software such as VTK, ParaView, Slider3D, and WELSIM, proving to be an effective and user-friendly testing framework. As long as the software utilizes QT as its GUI framework, QtTesting can be used as the foundational component for the testing system. The source code of QtTesting can be directly downloaded from or
QtTesting is officially endorsed for UI testing. Although, in practical use, it not only can test GUI, but also can test any other functionalities of a product through the properties provided by the GUI, such as the accuracy of calculation results. Many of the numerical results in WELSIM can be validated through the functionality of QtTesting.

QtTesting Framework

The Testing Module of QtTesting consists of two major modules: Translator and Player. Both modules establish connections with widgets in the QT framework to interact with the GUI framework. The translator captures events or signals of the widgets, while the player controls the widgets by traversing all active widgets to obtain the current object of the widget.

Test Translator

The translator module provides users with a fast way to create test files, essentially acting as a macro command for mouse, keyboard, and widget controls. When users perform certain low-level Qt actions such as “mouse movement,” “button press,” “button release,” etc., the generated signals will be captured and converted into higher-level events that can be serialized and played, such as “button activation.” The pqWidgetEventTranslator class and its derived classes play an important role in QtTesting. The derived classes of pqWidgetEventTranslator need to implement the translateEvent() method to handle Qt events and convert signals into high-level events consisting of two strings: a command and a command parameter (which may be empty). Finally, the high-level events are passed to their output container by emitting the recordEvent() signal once or multiple times. This is saved to an XML file, completing the recording of a macro command.
During program execution, pqEventTranslator receives every Qt event that occurs in the entire application runtime and sequentially passes Qt events to each pqWidgetEventTranslator instance. The high-level events emitted by pqEventTranslator can be captured by corresponding observers. Observers either serialize and print the high-level events, or save them. Currently, QtTesting includes two observers, pqEventObserverStdout and pqEventObserverXML, which serialize high-level events to standard screen output and XML files, respectively. Developers can also create their own observers to implement custom functions, such as serializing events to log files or Python scripts.
The translator module can also record check events, such as verifying a property. During the check, an overlay will be drawn on the widget where the mouse hovers. A green overlay indicates that the widget can be checked; if the overlay is red, it indicates otherwise. When clicking on the widget for checking, a check event will be recorded, and a related QString value will be output. This feature is a crucial part when verifying numerical results in WELSIM automated testing.

Running Tests

The essence of running automated tests is to play back recorded macro commands. In the QtTesting framework, pqEventSource provides an abstract interface for objects that provide a stream of “high-level events.” pqXMLEventSource inherits from pqEventSource and implements specific functionality. It is capable of reading XML files generated by pqEventObserverXML.
pqEventPlayer maintains a set of pqWidgetEventPlayer objects responsible for converting high-level events into low-level events. pqEventDispatcher retrieves events from pqEventSource and passes them to an instance of pqEventPlayer for execution. During runtime, each high-level event is encoded into three strings (object pointer, command, and parameters). Those are passed to pqEventPlayer::playEvent(). pqEventPlayer decodes the pointer address and uses it to locate the corresponding widget. Then, pqEventPlayer passes the high-level event and widget to each pqWidgetEventPlayer until one emits a signal indicating the event has been handled.

Creating New Translators and Players

A new translator must at least reimplement the translateEvent(QObject object, QEvent event, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it must check if the object is of the correct class. Then, it should handle the case of pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, saving the command and related parameters. Sometimes it should also be able to handle pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT.
Similarly, a new player should at least reimplement the playEvent(QObject* object, const QString& command, const QString& arguments, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it should handle pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, converting the read command and parameters into Qt commands, returning true for events it can handle. For checking commands, it should be able to handle the pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT event type. Using the provided command and parameters to check the current value of the Qt object, it should set the error variable to false in case of different values, but it should return true for all handled check events, even failed ones.
Sometimes translator and player classes will correspond one-to-one. Developers can refer to pqLineEditEventTranslator and pqLineEditEventPlayer for simple examples, and pqAbstractItemViewEventTranslatorBase/pqAbstractItemViewEventPlayerBase for advanced examples.

Running Tests

The source code of QtTesting is easy to compile, provided with a CMake program, which allows quick compilation into a static or dynamic library. Since this testing module is called in only a few places in the product, compilation into a static library is appropriate.
QtTesting has been successfully applied in software such as VTK, ParaView, but no test cases are available publicly. Fortunately, the general-purpose engineering simulation software WELSIM not only uses QtTesting as the GUI testing framework, but also open-sourced all test cases. Users can download WELSIM and the test cases to experience automated testing based on QtTesting.
WELSIM’s automated testing user interface is based on the interface of QtTesting, with additional features, such as:
  1. Support for reading *.wstb files, which contain a set of *.xml files, allowing for easier reading of multiple test cases at once.
  2. Saving failed test cases to *.wstb files. Users do not need to manually select test cases for saving.
  3. Adding a right-click context menu for selecting or deselecting test cases.
Developers can also add other functionalities as needed.


QtTesting is a free testing system for Qt GUI frameworks. It not only provides the core functions for capturing QT events and signals, but also offers a user-friendly interface, making it friendly for both developers and end-users. QtTesting can assist software developers with quickly establishing testing systems. Its built-in functionality for capturing and controlling widgets can meet the testing needs of most products, and it is easy to adapt. Developers can add new testing modules based on the widgets of their own products.
We have successfully applied QtTesting to the automated testing of the simulation software WELSIM, achieving great results. The content discussed in this article can be applied not only to CAE simulation software, but also to any graphical software built using the QT framework.
WelSim and the author are not affiliated with Qt or QtTesting. There is no direct relationship between WelSim, the author, and the Qt or QtTesting development teams or organizations. The reference to Qt and QtTesting here is solely for technical blog articles and software usage reference.
submitted by welsim to u/welsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 MoonlightPearlBreeze Would A Chromebook Suffice For A student? Please help with recs too

Old laptop stopped working, but as of now I have a really limited budget (I mean this, the 15-20 k would be perfect, maximum can do 30k if really needed) as a student. I would be using it for mainly watching study lectures, writing, editing images and some slight coding. Would a Chromebook suffice for this? I do also have plans on learning some softwares like blender in the near future.
Or should I wait, save up and just directly get a laptop? From my experience, 15-20k is a good range for chromebooks whereas for laptops it's at least 40k if I don't want to compromise on the speed.
I mainly use Google drive and docs for saving stuff so storage isn't a huge deal. Might need to download large files once in a while.
I am also a tech noob so not sure about what features to look for when making the purchase. Any recommendations and advices would be largely appreciated
submitted by MoonlightPearlBreeze to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:53 Im_Not_Actually Vectorworks + Revit

I’m starting a new firm that will do mid-sized commercial work. I’m more of a design lead and so I want software that helps the design process and creates nice drawings. I’m used to using sketchup and AutoCAD for SD, but have recently been looking into Vectorworks. Meanwhile, I don’t think Revit is good for conceptual design, but I do appreciate it for its technical power, collaboration, and coordination abilities. So I’ve been thinking of using at Vectorworks for predesign and then Revit for DD-CD. What do others do to support a conceptual design process and also a rhobust technical development and documentation process? What’s your workflow? How do you feel about USING Vectorworks for SD and then shifting to Revit for DD and CD?
submitted by Im_Not_Actually to Architects [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:32 linepowo Any reliable tiktok to mp3 converter without crappy ads?

For me, tiktok is a great place to find music I am interested in when watching the videos. Some of the background music is amazing. In the past, I used the online tool to download video as mp3. However, I am tired of those full screen ads and prompts for unknown software download. Anyone know a reliable and working tiktok to mp3 converter for computer? I am fine with both Mac and Windows suggestions.
submitted by linepowo to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:32 Specialist_Tap_150 Don't play Arena Breakout!

Don't play Arena Breakout!
I just downloaded Arena Breakout on gameloop, and my Arena Breakout account got banned for using third party software. All I did was download and log in.
submitted by Specialist_Tap_150 to gameloop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:16 wiiu1993 spotmicro pi 4

can anyone help me with getting this thing to work? i'm currently finished the hardware build but, i can';t find any comprehensive steps besides the gitlab pot and most of the instructions and code there are far outdated for any current available software for the pi 4 and 5. it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help me with this project.
edit: the pi spits out an error "syntax error" when i try to download the repositories. i have curl and bash updated to latest current version.
submitted by wiiu1993 to Spotmicro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:57 ididntgotoharvard How can I tell if a non-app store app is safe?

Haven't been a Mac user in probably over 12 years. Just got a nice little Mac mini and I really miss my smooth scrolling browsing experience from windows 10 edge. I see there are a few 3rd party apps that can fix this and MOS is one that people like. Problem is, I'm not sure how I can tell if I can trust an app I download that isn't through the App Store. I bought this Mac to have a secure and up to date system but I don't want to go and ruin that by running software that isn't from a big company.
Any way I can ensure it's ok? It does seem like it's reasonably popular software...
submitted by ididntgotoharvard to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:38 TheMangyMoose82 QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise 22.0/23.0 Management Guide

QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise 22.0/23.0 Management Guide


I have been maintaining QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise for several years now and have put together this guide on how to deploy the base app and the webpatches to users using Intune. I hope someone else finds this information useful.
Before you build your installation and patching packages you will want to make sure you have some necessary tools ready and that you are familiar with how to use them.

Required Tools

PSAppDeployToolkit (PSADT)

You will be using PSADT to do the bulk of the deployment work. You will want to get familiar with this tool if you are not already.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)

For managing QuickBooks with Intune, we are after a specific tool within this toolkit. We will be using the **ServiceUI.exe** tool.

Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool

You should already be familiar with this tool. If not, it is a simple tool to understand and use, so do not feel intimidated. This is what you will be using to package everything into a single **.intunewin** file that will be uploaded to Intune.

Building The Deployment Package

Download QuickBooks Installer

We need to download a current installer for our QuickBooks application. Visit the QuickBooks download center at [\](
Select your version and download. This is also where you will download the QBwebpatch.exe patch installer that you need for installing updates.

Prepare PSADT

If you haven't already, download the current version of PSADT, extract, and stage the files to repackage for Intune.
Place the **QuickBooksEnterprise2X.exe** into the **Files** folder of the PSADT structure.

Modify Deploy-Application.ps1

You need to make some modificatons to the deploy script of PSADT. Enter the following commands under each corresponding section of the script.

Installation Tasks

Here you need to enter the following installation command for the **QuickBooksEnterprise23.exe** installer.

Execute-Process -Path "$dirFiles\QuickBooksEnterprise22.exe" -Arguments "-s", "-a", "QBMIGRATOR=1", "MSICOMMAND=/s", "QB_PRODUCTNUM=XXXXXX", "QB_LICENSENUM=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Post-Installation Tasks

Here we will enable the XPS document writer with the following command.

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName “Printing-XPSServices-Features” -Online -NoRestart

Uninstallation Tasks

Enter the following command to trigger the uninstall script.

Execute-Process -Path "$dirFiles\uninstall.cmd"

Post-Uninstallation Tasks

Enter the following command to disable the XPS document writer.

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "Printing-XPSServices-Features" -Online -NoRestart
You may make any other modifications you choose if you are comfortable working with the deploy script. Depending on your environment, there may be other tasks you need to perform to get the install to complete successfully.

Create Uninstall Script

You will need to navigate through the registry to get the uninstallation string that is used during the uninstall process for your version of QuickBooks.
Install QuickBooks on a computer temporarily if you do not have it installed somewhere already.
The uninstall string for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise can be found at:
The registry entry for it will have a product ID for its name. Look through them until you find the one for QuickBooks.
Copy the **UninstallString** entry value and paste it onto a notepad editor to build the script.
Use the "/passive" parameter at the end of the uninstall string. This will present the user with a small progress bar during the uninstallation process, but requires no additional interaction.
Your complete uninstall command should look something like this below. Save it as a .cmd file to the **Files** fold of the PSADT structure.
msiexec.exe /x {B9BE758E-50B5-4BA7-987B-63184123AA1A} UNIQUE_NAME="belcontractor" QBFULLNAME="QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions: Contractor Edition 22.0" ADDREMOVE=1 /passive

Add ServiceUI.exe

This package will be running the the SYSTEM context. In order for the uninstall process to work properly the **ServiceUI.exe** tool needs to be added to the root of your PSADT structure.
This tool is part of **MDT** and can be downloaded from the link provided at the top of this guide.
After you download and install the MDT, you will find the **ServiceUI.exe** in `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\Distribution\Tools\x64`
Copy and paste it into your PSADT pacakge where your **Deploy-Application.ps1** script is.

Wrap with Win32 Content Prep Tool

Now you are ready to wrap it all up into the .intunewin file format so it can be uploaded to Intune.
Select the **Deploy-Application.exe** as the setup file when packaging with the tool. Depending on your computers hardware, it can take a few minutes for it to complete and the app to be ready to upload.

Upload to Intune

Configure Application

Navigate to the Intune portal to create a new Windows application and upload the freshly packaged app.
Enter details to name the application and give it a description. Included with this guide is a description markdown file that you can use if you wish. I have also included an app logo .png image file.
When configuring the app make sure to set install behavior to **System**.
Use the following Install and uninstall commands.

Install Command

Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Install" -DeployMode "Silent"

Uninstall command

.\ServiceUI.exe -Process:explorer.exe Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Uninstall" -DeployMode "Silent"

Detection Method

The detection method can be done a number of ways. For ease and reliability I have only provided the basic detection of the .exe after installation/uninstallation.
That's it. You're all set to assign the app and test installing it on a computer.
Please note, depending on your bandwidth and network environment, it can take several minutes for the package to download and install.
If you run into failures, make sure you have logging enabled for PSADT to make troubleshooting failures a breeze.


Prepare Files

I came up with a simpe file creation command that places a "log" file on the computer after successfully running the update installer.
This can be used for future detections if you ever update the app with a newer QBwebpatch.exe. Simply set your detection to look for the log file and its last modified date.
u/echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /format:list') do set datetime=%%I
set datetime=%datetime:~0,4%-%datetime:~4,2%-%datetime:~6,2% %datetime:~8,2%:%datetime:~10,2%:%datetime:~12,2%
echo Update installed %datetime% > "C:\Users\Public\qbupdate.log"
Intuit offers the **QBwebpatch.exe** installer that installs all updates for that version that are availalbe at time of installation.
This .exe can be downloaded from the QuickBooks downloads page mentioned at the beginning of this guide.
You will package it the same way we did the parent app. Use the below commands for the **Deploy-Application.ps1** script and **Intune** install/uninstall tasks and commands.

Install tasks

Execute-Process -Path "en_qbwebpatch.exe" -Parameter "/silent" -IgnoreExitCodes "1"

Execute-Process -Path "log.cmd"

Upload to Intune

Create another app for the update installer. Make sure to set it to System install.
Use the following install/uninstall commands and detection method.

Install command

.\ServiceUI.exe -Process:explorer.exe Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Install" -DeployMode "Silent"

Uninstall Command

Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Uninstall" -DeployMode "Silent"
**File Detection Method**
You're ready to test. The update installer has a "silent" mode, but it is not truly silent. Running it with the `/silent` parameter will hide the first screen, but the user still needs to click on a prompt to install the update when it's ready.
submitted by TheMangyMoose82 to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:33 itsmohsinali Antares Autotune Pro 10.3.2 Crack macOS Download

Antares Auto-Tune Pro Crack is a professional-grade pitch correction software widely used in music production. It allows for precise adjustment of vocal and instrumental pitches, offering real-time tuning and advanced features like formant correction.
submitted by itsmohsinali to CrackSoftwareDownlaod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:33 Fancy-Feast22778 Possible solution for traffic theater

Possible solution for traffic theater
One symptom of my targeting has been vehicles mobbing me on the road. A month back someone mentioned the app TAK as the app they are using to pinpoint targets.
Because of the behavior of cars on the road — getting close behind me, then passing me but slowing down to my pace in front of me, I concluded that they must be pinpointing my location or car or something in my car.
After watching two hours of the civilian App Store downloadable fucking military tracking software and going into a fit of rage, I politely asked the Air Force tutorial guy if there’s a way to prevent other people from labeling my phone in the app.
His response is attached.
I assume he doesn’t know about flipper devices being able to mirror phones, so I went ahead and downloaded both apps, created a profile in each, and denied location access in my profile. Fingers crossed it prevents street theater.
submitted by Fancy-Feast22778 to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:24 Realistic_Ad_2365 How to Install Guppy

Hi guys, after losing brain cells trying to find information on how to install the Guppy screen, I wanted to show y'all how to do it on your own if you choose to. I may be wrong on some parts, but these are the things that worked for me. Thanks to wolfie_the_king_574 for telling me some of the steps on how to do it, but some of it didn't work for me. I also used Wiki for Creality Helper Script ( and ballaswag/guppyflo: GuppyFLO is a self-hosted service that enables local/remote management of multiple Klipper printers using Moonraker ( and ballaswag/guppyscreen: A native Touch UI for 3D Printers running KlippeMoonraker. ( on the steps for some of it and will be summarizing most of it. I will also be adding in the common downloads needed here for easy access as I was jumping all around to find it. [I'm not sure if you have to keep rebooting your printer during this process, but I'll take the safe way and do it anyways]
[Edit: I'm not sure why upon posting, that the numbers are all 1. but I can't change it so bare with me]
  1. [1] Reset your entire Nebula Pad
  1. [2] Reinstall the firmware for the Nebula Pad
  1. [3] Now you want to root your Nebula Pad
  1. [4] Install PuTTY and go into Helperscript
  1. [5] Uninstall Moonraker, Fluid, Mainsail, and the Creality OS
  1. [6] Update Helperscript
  1. [7] Reinstall Moonraker, Fluid and/or Mainsail
  1. [8] Update Everything
  1. [9] Install Anything Else + Guppy [FINALLY]
  1. [10] How to Connect to it on the Internet (I copied this straight this)
Now this should be everything! Be sure to visit this Website or Demo Video or Website to understand how the screen works, how to connect to it with pictures, and whatnot.
Let me know if I did anything wrong, but these are the steps that worked for me.
submitted by Realistic_Ad_2365 to Ender3V3SE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 kreamerez Access Violation - All Help Appreciated!

Heyo, been having issues with access violations for god knows how long after I picked up the game again. I've done basically everything under the sun, and I've had no fix. I've not made any hadware changes, so I believe it's something to do, software wise. Any help is great appreciated.
Build : dso 206/2742586 17:50 - Thu Aug 04 2022
An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'Main' at instruction location 00007FF675078D28h
Base: 0x00007FF673810000
CallStack : 1318747463
  1. 0x000542B60F8E ntdll.dll, 0x76370F8E
  2. 0x000141868D28 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75078D28
  3. 0x000141748A2A DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F58A2A
  4. 0x0001417F55F3 DeathStranding.exe, 0x750055F3
  5. 0x0001417F3E49 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75003E49
  6. 0x0001417DF0F5 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74FEF0F5
  7. 0x00014246B858 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75C7B858
  8. 0x00014246898E DeathStranding.exe, 0x75C7898E
  9. 0x00014173AD59 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4AD59
  10. 0x00014173B0CA DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4B0CA
    1. 0x00014173AF65 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4AF65
    2. 0x00014376A90E DeathStranding.exe, 0x76F7A90E
    3. 0x000540D07344 KERNEL32.DLL, 0x74517344
    4. 0x000542B126B1 ntdll.dll, 0x763226B1
RAX = 80041010 RBX = b9385010 RCX = 0 RDX = 10 RSI = 7fe300 RDI = 7fe210
R8 = 10 R9 = 6 R10 = 0 R11 = 7fde60 R12 = 0 R13 = 786d9ae0
R14 = 2 R15 = 7fe288 RIP = 75078d28 RSP = 7fde90 RBP = 7fdf90 EFL = 10246
  1. 0x7FF67507166E DeathStranding.exe, 0x7507166E
  2. 0x7FF675073572 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75073572
  3. 0x7FF675073876 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75073876
  4. 0x7FFA76348B1C ntdll.dll, 0x76348B1C
  5. 0x7FFA763212D6 ntdll.dll, 0x763212D6
  6. 0x7FFA76370F8E ntdll.dll, 0x76370F8E
  7. 0x7FF675078D28 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75078D28
  8. 0x7FF674F58A2A DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F58A2A
  9. 0x7FF6750055F3 DeathStranding.exe, 0x750055F3
  10. 0x7FF675003E49 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75003E49
    1. 0x7FF674FEF0F5 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74FEF0F5
    2. 0x7FF675C7B858 DeathStranding.exe, 0x75C7B858
    3. 0x7FF675C7898E DeathStranding.exe, 0x75C7898E
    4. 0x7FF674F4AD59 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4AD59
    5. 0x7FF674F4B0CA DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4B0CA
    6. 0x7FF674F4AF65 DeathStranding.exe, 0x74F4AF65
    7. 0x7FF676F7A90E DeathStranding.exe, 0x76F7A90E
    8. 0x7FFA74517344 KERNEL32.DLL, 0x74517344
    9. 0x7FFA763226B1 ntdll.dll, 0x763226B1
submitted by kreamerez to DeathStranding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 itsmohsinali stellar toolkit for iphone activation key v11.5 0.1

Stellar Toolkit for iPhone Crack is a best software package that helps iPhone users effectively manage their devices, recover lost data, maintain iOS system health, and perform other essential tasks.
submitted by itsmohsinali to CrackSoftwareDownlaod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:58 Chance_Knee_8790 Security system issues

Hey y'all,
Bought a used 2006 commander about a month ago. No problems until I accidently tried to start it with the spare key. Security system alarmed and it wouldn't start. Used the primary key and no issue. About a week later I went to start it with the primary key and it alarmed again. I've tried everything I can think of. Locked and unlocked it manually, unplugged the battery, I even downloaded software to reprogram the keys and nothing has worked. I'm now looking at potentially sending the computer away to permanently disable to security system, but wanted to see if any of y'all had experienced this or had any suggestions.
submitted by Chance_Knee_8790 to JEEPCOMMANDER [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:45 stephendt Getting 600/50 on a 1000/50 plan with 12 year old budget TP-Link router

Hey guys. Not complaining, just wanted to brag that my ancient TP-Link WR1043nd v2 from 2012 is capable of 600mbps download after flashing to OpenWrt and configuring software offloading. Obviously I'm not using it's 2.4Ghz-only Wi-Fi here (I use a different device for that) but it handles it great. I might upgrade one day... but for now, this is good enough for me (I mainly upgraded for the extra upload speed anyway).
submitted by stephendt to nbn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:25 Particular-Name2286 Need assistance on a weird micro stutter that occurs randomly in games

I'm trying to figure out whether these stutters are hardware, software or monitor related. I'm not really that great at this kind of stuff as well, so I apologize if I have a hard time understanding. Micro stutters occur randomly and aside from that, my games run perfectly smooth with no other issues. I remember having a power outage that lasted a few seconds while my PC was on. Rebooted the PC after the outage and my keyboard and mouse were turning on (RGB light up for moment) and then turned off. This lasted for about 30mins before I resolved it by doing something I don't remember doing. Not sure if this scenario is related to this
What I have done that I can remember so far is:
Fresh windows install
Minimum software applications downloaded
Ran memtest68+ and passed
Turned off and back on XMP in BIOS
Updated MOBO, GPU drivers and windows updates
Making sure G sync is on and following blurbusters guide
Set both monitors to 144hz
Here are video examples of my issues on FFXIV and Overwatch: Around the 5 second mark (when fps drops to 157) 2 second mark
When these stutters occur, there is usually always a fixed framedrop everytime
submitted by Particular-Name2286 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 MitchMyester23 Do I Need Better Specs?

I recently used the free trial for Premiere Pro. I'm working on a YouTube channel and generally my editing skills have been considered pretty good. Latest video was made with Premiere Pro, before that I was using CapCut.
Unfortunately I had various issues using Premiere that have temporarily turned me away from it. To start, I often edit videos alongside having YouTube open, as either a reference or a source for the content I use in my videos (either screen recording or downloading mp3/mp4 files). When Premiere was open, YouTube didn't crash, per se, but it would revert to a functionality that could be compared to the speed and responsiveness of YouTube in 2005. Upon closing Premiere, reopening, testing a few more times, yes, Premiere being open caused the problem. I'm using Chrome for YouTube if that helps.
In addition to this, Premiere really didn't like a lot of the MP3 files I tried to use. Most of the time I had to convert them to WAV files, or download them as WAV files, which is another annoyance that just doesn't exist on the previous software programs I was using. Some of the MP3 files worked, most didn't, and I couldn't find a connection.
Mostly, the issues with the interface I can handle, it's a new program, it's going to have a learning curve I have to get through. But the issues like the ones above really just turned me away. Oh, and the program did crash once, and my entire computer also crashed and had to restart itself.
I'm using a Gaming Laptop, the specs are: Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics RAM: 16 GB (15.4 GB usable) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
I may be dropping Premiere for now, unless I can be convinced otherwise. But with the specs mentioned above, should I be having these strange issues? Should I invest in Premiere again once I've upgraded to a full Gaming PC setup? Or am I really just doing something wrong?
submitted by MitchMyester23 to premiere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:03 Z1pl1ne Do teslas download software automatically at supercharger stations?

submitted by Z1pl1ne to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:02 rioit_ What happened to the Oversteel website?

Anyone noticed that the Oversteel official website became a scammy website that redirect you to a fake coinbase page? I bought a keyboard like 3 weeks ago and i downloaded their software from their website without any problems…
submitted by rioit_ to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]