Birthday quotes for a niece

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2011.08.05 19:02 Slashur_8 QuotesPorn

Words. Beautiful, beautiful words.

2010.02.08 18:26 roger_ The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

Simpsons TV Show. The /TheSimpsons subreddit is fan base of redditors who love The Simpsons. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society and television.

2024.06.09 08:44 boratweddingthrowawy AITAH for quoting Borat at the altar, causing my wife to seriously consider divorce?

I know the title is ridiculous, but I'll explain. A week ago my wife "Sara" and I got married. It was a huge wedding, something I didn't love the idea of but stomached for her. She's Catholic so the typical big wedding was all but a requirement for her and her family. That's okay, I genuinely was at peace with it but it put me on edge. Every time I've been to their family events (Christmas, birthdays, football Sundays), I've always got the impression that her father and two uncles didn't like me too much. But a year and a half of dating down, and I proposed because I love Sara and we work on most levels, even if family gatherings can be awkward here and there. This is all to say, I was very nervous to get married in front of a group of about 100-ish people.
Some important context: I struggle with anxiety and, by extension, intrusive thoughts. My favorite movie since I was a kid is Borat - it's admittedly very stupid but it never fails to make me laugh when I'm having a bad day, even now at 30 years old. I know, dumb. But whenever I'm anxious, my intrusive thoughts range from dark to outrageous. You can probably see where this is going.
As the ceremony was approaching the end, I knew the kiss was coming and I was sweating. I'm in front of dozens of people, many of which don't seem to like me to begin with, and I was anxious out of my mind. It was unfortunate because I loved the idea of getting married, just not 'under the microscope'. We kissed, and I felt such a sense of relief to be done (as awful as that sounds). Here's where it gets ugly and god do I wish I was making this up: when we pulled away from the kiss, I was so nervous and relieved that I blurted out a "MY WIFE" in full exaggerated accent and all in front of everyone. Sara explicitly forbade me from doing anything "silly" like smashing her face into cake. I respect that, I get how important this was to her and how much effort went into making her look perfect for our big day. What she didn't expect (and me too, if I'm being honest), was me blurting out a stupid as fuck movie quote in front of everyone.
Now I want to say, the organ had began playing and by that time it wasn't silent in the church. But still, my outburst was fairly loud. Her younger brother audibly laughed at what I had done. She immediately went beet red, and averted her eyes from me. I have never been so mortified in my entire life, and I wanted to cease existing right there on the spot. Luckily only the front row or two seemed to have heard me, and everyone else looked unphased, probably just thinking I was excited. Really, I don't think people thought anything of it save a few people. But that didn't matter. From the moment we left the Church, I could tell I had royally fucked up. Sara wasn't holding eye contact with me, and our chemistry was clearly off all night. She was livid.
To make a long story short, afterwards when we were alone, I immediately tried to explain myself. But here's the thing:
a.) Between the two of us I'm a jokester. I regularly say ridiculous things to make her laugh, and enjoy being silly around her.
b.) She knows I go to therapy and that I struggle with anxiety, but I've never told her about my intrusive thoughts. It's embarrassing have to explain to someone that I have a never-ending tornado of dark thoughts and movie quotes and whatever the hell else swirling around in my head when I'm anxious. It's been this way since I was a teenager.
I told her that it was a nervous reaction, I pleaded with her and told her about my intrusive thoughts (which itself was embarrassing to admit), but she sincerely doesn't believe me because I'm always saying ridiculous shit. She was in tears and fuming, and I started to cry too. She said I had "embarrassed her in front of her parents and grandparents" on the day she's dreamed about her entire life, when she had explicitly asked me to not do anything dumb on this "one day." We talked in circles for an hour, she thinks I'm just making up an excuse and I got so desperate that I begged her to she speak with my therapist. She said she would "think about it" but that if I'm lying that she "doesn't want to be married" to someone that can't respect an important boundary that she set. That night, she slept in the guest room and it's been horrible since. We have time off work for our honeymoon coming up, but every day she leaves the house for most of the day. I'm assuming that she's spending days with her friends.
I don't see my therapist but every two weeks, so I still have about 3 days until my next appointment. I emailed him earlier today, but he hasn't responded yet. I don't even know if a therapist will humor a situation like this. But now I'm worried that I'll never be able to look at her the same way for even threatening to end our relationship like that.
I know this is all so fucking stupid. I sincerely didn't mean for this to happen.
I left out some details because I'm kind of in a haze, but what do I do here? Is this salvageable? Are we just worked up from an emotional day? I really don't want to lose her over something so ridiculous, but I don't even know what to think anymore.
submitted by boratweddingthrowawy to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:03 cassius1213 [Thank You] Getting Through a Backlog of Thanks!

Hello, folks!
Apologies about this, but I got behind in posting thanks here for quite a while...
Regardless, I'm going to try and catch up on them because I truly do appreciate the cards everyone sent me, and I do believe that each of these senders deserves due credit for their efforts!
So, without any further ado, thank you to:
Lastly, thank you to the anonymous sender—who also didn't include a message—who sent me a tourist card of Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico!
Otherwise, I'll try and keep more atop of things in the near-future and thank you all for your considerable patience!
submitted by cassius1213 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 Aita for not giving my bf a threesome

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/ThatLastBiUnicorn
Aita for not giving my bf a threesome
Originally posted to AITAH
Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: verbal abuse, manipulation, poisoning, physical abuse, religious abuse
Original Post May 31, 2024
This is a throwaway because too much identifying info is on my main.
I F29 met my boyfriend "Michael" M35 at a show I performed in (I am a theatre person as a hobby) and he complimented my performance and bought me a drink. We have been together now for a little over a year.
His sister got married last week and I was initially pleased to asked to be a bridesmaid but also a bit surprised as she barely knows me but I thought this was an attempt to have an excuse to also get to know each other better.
Michael and I got into an argument the week before because he said that he wanted to entertain the thought of spicing up our sex life and having a threesome. He said since I was bi, why not? I didn't like the idea too much and said so and it devolved into a petty cold war and he started to ignore my messages after he left my place. He didn't reply to me at all until the day before the wedding asking what time he needed to pick me up since we can't go swperate otherwise "people will gossip" about us. He barely said anything to me the whole time we traveled to the venue. The wedding was fine, but at the reception he got me a plate and leaned in to kiss me but I shied away and he got up to mingle.
I started feeling ill not too long after and 911 wad called. I realized I was having an allergic reaction but had my pen but still had to be carted off by the ambulance and that's when someone eho was looking for Michael said that he had left with some of the other groomsmen to a bar nearby. I called 6 times and texted that it was an emergency as I was getting checked put by the paramedics and again when they strongly suggested I go to the hospital but he never replied.
I was released hy the hospital and called him to ask him to pick me up but he didn't pick up so I woke up my best friend and she took me home and stayed with me overnight to make sure I was okay. The next morning Michael called me but I was still asleep so he left me a lengthy voicemail yelling at me that I ruined his sister's wedding and that I always have to make things about me. He came over to further berate me and told me he should just break up with me at this point as I am dramatic and this is "all too much" so I pointed out that he had gotten my plate, knew full well that I have a alegit allergy to coconut and that his sister had told me afterwards that he knew that the cake he gave me was the coconut cream cake as all the food had signs saying what it was and what the ingredients were as I am not the only person with allergies that attended. He left telling me that he can't talk to me when I am this way.
I was honestly exhausted so I didn't bother going after him. But his father called me to ask how I was doing and after I answered he then told me how I am hurting Michael's heart by blaming him and Michael has been inconsolable since we fought.
I texted Michael to ask if we could talk but the conversation went back around somehow to the threesome and how I don't respect him even in intimate settings or want to hear him out regarding his needs and make things about me.
I am so confused because to me this feels manipulative but I respect his father so much (I go to their church and he is a pastor there) so to have him tell me I am in the wrong threw me. Aitah?
Edit: a lot of comments are suggesting that this was intentional and I have actually never considered he gave me something I am allergic on purpose and certainly not to use against me to leverage in our argument. But I think I may have to come clean and talk to his parents. I know them well so hopefully it won't go too badly.
Small update: Michael texted me this morning to apologize. He said the wedding was stressing him out and he had a lot on his mind so he accidently handed me the plate he meant for himself, not the one for me. He said he didn't know I was in the hospital and feels bad he wasn't there for me but he left the reception with some of the groomsmen to blow of much needed steam. I don't know how I feel about it all so I just replied "okay" he is now asking to come over and talk this out in person.
2nd edit: For any and all of you calling me stupid or implying I am a child and "why am I still with this guy" etc. Just know, you remind me a lot of him in how he used to put me down and bully me ands it's a real wonder of mine if you treat people in your life like he did me. I suspect you do. Glad to be rid of him and indifferent about you.
Op be honest - have you, now that you are looking back, seen red flags like this? This behavior likely didn't just show up. Have you ever gotten ill after a disagreement with him?
Oddly enough I am sitting with my BFF and she asked me the same question and yes, actually.
Our first real argument that I can remember I was down with a stomach bug for almost a week and he visited me and made soup.
Then the only BIG argument I can recall outside this one, he wanted to use labels really soon onto us going on some dates and I didn't and the next morning, I was sick with chest pains and stomach cramps.
I don't want to sounds dramatic or accusatory but since people have commented he might have purposefully given me something I am allergic to, I just don't know anymore.
NTA - the two of you are completely incompatible. He wants threesomes…you want to attend wedding receptions without leaving in an ambulance.
Okay, when I read this I was with bestie and we've been drinking and the scream I scrumpted laughing so hard nearly killed me more effectively than the coconut lmao
Update - I Am No Longer Welcome at Church June 1, 2024
Well many of you were right I should not have met him in person but I did. He took me out to lunch insisting he pay for it all and it was incredibly over the top. He had flowers and a written letter of apology but as some of you messaged me his apologies dodged the point by way of "if I hurt you" or "that you're feeling x or y feeling" etc. He quoted some scriptures and said he has repented as his carelessness caused me harm.
I wasn't much moved by any of it until he said how much his family loves me and how much our church roots for us as a couple and I kinda sat back and realized that one flimsy reason I was even entertaining forgiving him and staying was because of the pressure I dealt with as the GF of a pastors son. It occurred to me that there were so many times I let things slide because he is the heir apparent so he had the power in the social aspect of our community.
Sorry I know I am rambling but I'm emotional and tipsy.
I remembering just staring at him and saying it was incredibly alarming that by now he can't be aware of my oe Ingle allergy and that he didn't bother to tell his own GF he was stepping out with the guys or even that he was stepping out of his own sisters wedding at all. He then said it was really actually kind of stupid of me to eat a cake that had coconut and implied I am an idiot for not realizing what I had was coconut. I realized then he would never accept that he was in the wrong and thus there was no point.
I stood up and and smiled and said "You know what, don't worry about it. Thanks for dinner. Goodnight." To which he replied that if I wasn't going to grow up and accept his apology I am a waste of his time. He uses that a lot whenever we disagree and it usually hurts me deeply but this time it was like a roladex of memories flooded my brain and I really suspect he's been deliberately making me sick whenever we disagree to teach me a lesson. I said I was done and he needn't waste his time with me from this point on and left. I then sent screenshots to his father explaining the situation as best I can without blaming Michael for prior illnesses without proof and I got a text about 20 minutes ago from his father.
His father is "incredibly dissppinted" in my immaturity and hurt that I wouldn't even give it until Sunday at church where we can pray together, talk it our and heal. I felt this way for a while but I was able to say it this time that using religion as a took of guilt is low and I am no longer concerned with his version of God as that version is a judgemental, cruel, and heartless jerk while the one I always thought of was loving, compassionate, and kind, and I am done. I was told by him and by further emails rolling in that I am no longer welcome at my church until I reconcile with my "true husband" and learn compassion and respect for my leaders.
So I guess that's it. I will enjoy sleeping in tomorrow and eating coconut free food, while lazing about my home rather than going to three sperate church services starting at 8am and then figure it all out from there.
I don't know how to sign off but I do watch a concerning amount of Charlotte Dobre videos and she usually ends things with practical shit like "do your laundry" or something so I will just say - live for yourself, feed your soul, and know you are enough. I certainly am going to put in the work to get there and I hope we all make it to the other side contented, and filled with love and joy.
And by the way, F you Michael. I know you are reading this. I know you know it's me. And I hope your socks are always just a little soggy. 🫶
OOP Added in the comments
I forgot to add to my post but I didn't want to bring the threesome requests into it...
...well I sent his daddy screenshots of some texts. If you'd like some drama here are the top two:
1) it was a night I sent him home after he tried and failed to pressure into sex. He sent me that I was missing out and should be grateful since "your body makes me sick, but my love for you is stronger. Would it kill you to be grateful enough to just do a HJ?"
2) on his birthday, I had just been in the hospital after passing out from exhaustion and dehydration and went straight to his party. I stayed at his until everyone left and I left soon after helping clean all but the kitchen and he sent "You could have cleaned the kitchen." Then "or stayed over [for sex]." Then "you're a waste of time if I don't even get birthday sex. Thanks a lot."
And after both be suggested adding a 3rd. His dad hasn't responded.
Holy crap. And you stayed with him. You poor girl. No one deserves someone like that in there life.
But you didn't say if you told his dad about him sending you to the hospital and potentially killing you. Becuase we both know and the rest of reddit knows that he did that intentionally.
And if there was proof of him giving you that cake. You could probley send his happy ass to jail.
I didn't and don't have the best self esteem. And here as the only black woman in the town that I've known of, I've always known that I am considered less desirable- not saying that's right - but just knowing where I live. Been here since my preteen years. When Michael asked me out it was like a parade. Everyone acted like it was a Cinderella story and I won a lottery or something. I have a friend who I ha e been texting today and she is letting me know how dumb I've been (I never told her of our issues) and is about ready to commit crimes lol
I think I lost myself for a bit but I wanted to leave the church low-key for a while because of my treatment so that helps a bit
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:46 SweetMisery999 AITA for going through my boyfriend’s phone?

AITAH for going through my bfs phone? For some back story. Sorry this will be long.
I 38F and my bf 38M have been together for nearly 3 months. The first month was great, to the point we spent every day either talking on the phone or with each other. my birthday was coming up, a day after a holiday and my boyfriend (I’ll call him Pat for the story). Promised me a weekend I would never forget for my birthday. As we both have come from lots of failed relationships and being cheated on, we both haven’t had the greatest experiences. As the weekend approaches of my birthday, I begin to notice that Pat is being very private with his phone and i saw lots of “interesting” notifications from Snapchat and apps I didn’t know. Which again we’re still new into the relationship, I understand privacy. But he would tell me stories about all his friends and coworkers and what not but when I asked who messaged him or who he’s texting, he would just say a friend and give no information or even a name. So when I had the opportunity I went through Pat’s phone and I understand that is a betrayal of trust. But what I found in there I feel was worse. He had an app called whisper not sure if that’s even a dating app, but between that app, Snapchat, Facebook messenger and others, Pat had been sending sexual messages to multiple women and saving lots of their dirty pictures and sending his own. Granted like none of the women responded, but still. There was also a message on messenger to a friend of his that he has had for years we’ll call her skank and he admitted to having feelings for her at the beginning, but nothing ever came of it. One of the last things he messaged her was, “ I may be shallow, but I think I can get a better looking girl” and he was talking about me. I didn’t know how to feel after seeing all that. I felt lied to, betrayed, ugly, just about every hurt feeling you could. We had a blowout, he cried and begged me not to leave and said he was stupid and he obviously has a problem but he will fix it and it will never happen again. Fast-forward two weeks. I am trying to move past it, but I still have a pit in my stomach, he would show me his phone when I asked, but not actually let me go through it, just scroll fast so my eyes could barely even see what I was looking at. So I decided to check again as proof that he is keeping his word. I was pleasantly surprised that there were no apps, no dirty messages to anyone in Snapchat. No new messages on messenger besides again to Skank. And again Pat’s last message to her again just two days before I looked, and I quote, “I’m sorry, but those are special. And I will only delete them if you ask me to if she can’t deal with some ‘random’ woman’s lingerie pictures. As a man she’s controlling as f***. Why does my best friend have to be so damn gorgeous” I again lost all sense of my thoughts, feeling completely unappreciated and unpretty, and just someone he settling for, because obviously I’m the only one who will give him attention. We spoke again as I cried and freaked out on why he needs to keep her lingerie pictures and why they are so special?!? He said they were a birthday gift. We were not together for his birthday but Skank was and still is in a relationship when she sent them (hence why the name fits). I told him this was unacceptable and if he had just forgotten about the pictures, I probably wouldn’t have cared. But he was actively acknowledging that they were there and it made me so upset that he told her he was keeping them regardless if I found them. After we spoke and cried he blocked her and again promised me he never would do anything again, and how stupid he was and those pictures meant nothing and she means nothing to him. It was just very hurtful. Fast forward to today, about a week again after the second incident. I go through his phone one more time, this time I truly find nothing. Except for one message at about three in the morning to a woman in Israel, where he said hello gorgeous I questioned him about it and supposedly she is just a friend as well as a lesbian, and I didn’t know and jumped to conclusions. Which I feel I have a right to. But he is upset that I continue to go through his phone, I just feel that I need to for a little while more until I feel comfortable enough to trust him again. So AITH for going through my boyfriend’s phone?
submitted by SweetMisery999 to AITARelationship [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:33 SweetMisery999 AITA for going through my boyfriend’s phone?

AITAH for going through my bfs phone? For some back story. Sorry this will be long.
I 38F and my bf 38M have been together for nearly 3 months. The first month was great, to the point we spent every day either talking on the phone or with each other. my birthday was coming up, a day after a holiday and my boyfriend (I’ll call him Pat for the story). Promised me a weekend I would never forget for my birthday. As we both have come from lots of failed relationships and being cheated on, we both haven’t had the greatest experiences. As the weekend approaches of my birthday, I begin to notice that Pat is being very private with his phone and i saw lots of “interesting” notifications from Snapchat and apps I didn’t know. Which again we’re still new into the relationship, I understand privacy. But he would tell me stories about all his friends and coworkers and what not but when I asked who messaged him or who he’s texting, he would just say a friend and give no information or even a name. So when I had the opportunity I went through Pat’s phone and I understand that is a betrayal of trust. But what I found in there I feel was worse. He had an app called whisper not sure if that’s even a dating app, but between that app, Snapchat, Facebook messenger and others, Pat had been sending sexual messages to multiple women and saving lots of their dirty pictures and sending his own. Granted like none of the women responded, but still. There was also a message on messenger to a friend of his that he has had for years we’ll call her Amy and he admitted to having feelings for her at the beginning, but nothing ever came of it. One of the last things he messaged her was, “ I may be shallow, but I think I can get a better looking girl” and he was talking about me. I didn’t know how to feel after seeing all that. I felt lied to, betrayed, ugly, just about every hurt feeling you could. We had a blowout, he cried and begged me not to leave and said he was stupid and he obviously has a problem but he will fix it and it will never happen again. Fast-forward two weeks. I am trying to move past it, but I still have a pit in my stomach, he would show me his phone when I asked, but not actually let me go through it, just scroll fast so my eyes could barely even see what I was looking at. So I decided to check again as proof that he is keeping his word. I was pleasantly surprised that there were no apps, no dirty messages to anyone in Snapchat. No new messages on messenger besides again to Amy. And again Pat’s last message to her again just two days before I looked, and I quote, “I’m sorry, but those are special. And I will only delete them if you ask me to if she can’t deal with some ‘random’ woman’s lingerie pictures. As a man she’s controlling as f***. Why does my best friend have to be so damn gorgeous” I again lost all sense of my thoughts, feeling completely unappreciated and unpretty, and just someone he settling for, because obviously I’m the only one who will give him attention. We spoke again as I cried and freaked out on why he needs to keep her lingerie pictures and why they are so special?!? He said they were a birthday gift. We were not together for his birthday. I told him this was unacceptable and if he had just forgotten about the pictures, I probably wouldn’t have cared. But he was actively acknowledging that they were there and it made me so upset that he told her he was keeping them regardless if I found them. After we spoke and cried he blocked her and again promised me he never would do anything again, and how stupid he was and those pictures meant nothing and she means nothing to him. It was just very hurtful. Fast forward to today, about a week again after the second incident. I go through his phone one more time, this time I truly find nothing. Except for one message at about three in the morning to a woman in Israel, where he said hello gorgeous I questioned him about it and supposedly she is just a friend as well as a lesbian, and I didn’t know and jumped to conclusions. Which I feel I have a right to. But he is upset that I continue to go through his phone, I just feel that I need to for a little while more until I feel comfortable enough to trust him again. So AITH for going through my boyfriend’s phone?
submitted by SweetMisery999 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:26 One-Pin5366 AIAH for not inviting my brother and his family on a trip when he paid for us to go on a trip to a theme park with them?

My niece, Bree, invited everyone in the family to go to an amusement park for her birthday. Everyone else declined the invite. Mostly because they live so much farther away. It was a bit more difficult for us to decline than everyone else since our daughter is one of Bree’s only friends and Bree considers them best friends Bree. The feelings are not reciprocated by our daughter, but she is nice to her. So while other family not coming wasn’t a big deal it was a big deal for our daughter not to come.
We weren’t super excited by the idea of going due to some fears about how Bree would react to things. She habitually has tantrums. The cost for going put things over the top though. So we declined too.
My brother understood how it might be difficult for us, but they really wanted us, and especially our daughter to go, so they offered to pay for our tickets to go. We figured if it meant that much to them and we would go to be nice. Our daughter was also a good sport about it when issues with Bree came up during the trip.
Anyway onto the current issue. We got use of a friends Airbnb by the coast. The Airbnb had more space than what we needed so we invited my sister and her family to join us since we hadn’t seen them all in a while.
My brother is upset we didn’t invite him and his family instead since they had invited and paid for a trip for us all to go to the theme park. He’s ticked off we didn’t reciprocate when we had a chance. From our perspective us going to the park with them was us doing them a favor. Tbh we also think that long of a trip with his daughter would be too much for us to handle. The theme park was only a day. This would be for 4 nights and 5 days.
submitted by One-Pin5366 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:14 SweetMisery999 AITH for going through my boyfriend’s phone?

AITAH for going through my bfs phone? For some back story. Sorry this will be long.
I 38F and my bf 38M have been together for nearly 3 months. The first month was great, to the point we spent every day either talking on the phone or with each other. my birthday was coming up, a day after a holiday and my boyfriend (I’ll call him Pat for the story). Promised me a weekend I would never forget for my birthday. As we both have come from lots of failed relationships and being cheated on, we both haven’t had the greatest experiences. As the weekend approaches of my birthday, I begin to notice that Pat is being very private with his phone and i saw lots of “interesting” notifications from Snapchat and apps I didn’t know. Which again we’re still new into the relationship, I understand privacy. But he would tell me stories about all his friends and coworkers and what not but when I asked who messaged him or who he’s texting, he would just say a friend and give no information or even a name. So when I had the opportunity I went through Pat’s phone and I understand that is a betrayal of trust. But what I found in there I feel was worse. He had an app called whisper not sure if that’s even a dating app, but between that app, Snapchat, Facebook messenger and others, Pat had been sending sexual messages to multiple women and saving lots of their dirty pictures and sending his own. Granted like none of the women responded, but still. There was also a message on messenger to a friend of his that he has had for years we’ll call her skank and he admitted to having feelings for her at the beginning, but nothing ever came of it. One of the last things he messaged her was, “ I may be shallow, but I think I can get a better looking girl” and he was talking about me. I didn’t know how to feel after seeing all that. I felt lied to, betrayed, ugly, just about every hurt feeling you could. We had a blowout, he cried and begged me not to leave and said he was stupid and he obviously has a problem but he will fix it and it will never happen again. Fast-forward two weeks. I am trying to move past it, but I still have a pit in my stomach, he would show me his phone when I asked, but not actually let me go through it, just scroll fast so my eyes could barely even see what I was looking at. So I decided to check again as proof that he is keeping his word. I was pleasantly surprised that there were no apps, no dirty messages to anyone in Snapchat. No new messages on messenger besides again to Skank. And again Pat’s last message to her again just two days before I looked, and I quote, “I’m sorry, but those are special. And I will only delete them if you ask me to if she can’t deal with some ‘random’ woman’s lingerie pictures. As a man she’s controlling as f***. Why does my best friend have to be so damn gorgeous” I again lost all sense of my thoughts, feeling completely unappreciated and unpretty, and just someone he settling for, because obviously I’m the only one who will give him attention. We spoke again as I cried and freaked out on why he needs to keep her lingerie pictures and why they are so special?!? He said they were a birthday gift. We were not together for his birthday but Skank was and still is in a relationship when she sent them (hence why the name fits). I told him this was unacceptable and if he had just forgotten about the pictures, I probably wouldn’t have cared. But he was actively acknowledging that they were there and it made me so upset that he told her he was keeping them regardless if I found them. After we spoke and cried he blocked her and again promised me he never would do anything again, and how stupid he was and those pictures meant nothing and she means nothing to him. It was just very hurtful. Fast forward to today, about a week again after the second incident. I go through his phone one more time, this time I truly find nothing. Except for one message at about three in the morning to a woman in Israel, where he said hello gorgeous I questioned him about it and supposedly she is just a friend as well as a lesbian, and I didn’t know and jumped to conclusions. Which I feel I have a right to. But he is upset that I continue to go through his phone, I just feel that I need to for a little while more until I feel comfortable enough to trust him again. So AITH for going through my boyfriend’s phone?
submitted by SweetMisery999 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:25 rbaut1836 "Im not touching you" movie scene

Apologies if not allowed. I have tried Google and Lilo and Stitch is all that comes up or That 70s Show but the scene that pulls up from that show isnt what I remember.
There is a movie scene my little sister and I used to recreate when we were younger, it used to drive my mother absolutely wild with rage. Hilarious to us obviously :)
I remember it the movie being similar to Dumb and Dumber or similar style of comedy but its young adult children of maybe even full grown men, saying "Im not touching you, Im not touching, but Im not touching you" and the other person saying " dont touch me" etc etc. There may have even been a quote, "Im hovering" because that comes to mind.
There is a link to a nascar ad that reminds me most of the scene. They are in a car too. The comments in the YT link even spark some memories.
It is 100% not Lilo and Stitch because well, I was a high school by then and I wouldnt be caught dead watching that movie. And to this day I have never seen that movie. I was too busy chasing girls or thinking I could be in the next Fast and the Furious.
Anyway, thanks for any ideas or help. My sister and I still act like kids around my mom and it would be fun to watch that movie with her for old times sake. Maybe teach my niece that game to continue the trend :)
submitted by rbaut1836 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:52 HollyGoLightlyCrazy I need help regarding my mother

So horrible fight to my mom. I was told to shut up and told I was selfish, ungrateful and made everything when I objected about me when my mom told me I should be grateful for my brother. Then in the same fucking conversation she denied it! It made me feel crazy. I called her out for her favoritism and then she told me I have hurt her and she “wants to die”. I literally went into anaphylactic shock and actually almost died last week. So I leaned on my mother during an emergency and she acted like she did sooo much for me for just listen to me cry when I had a horrible experience with major allergies that developed cellulitis and then a kidney infection.
I know I am not crazy. I told her I was sorry she felt that way but my feelings regarding her favoritism and dismissive behavior have hurt me and my feelings matter. That’s when I was told to shut up and I make everything about me. I told her I count and so do my feeling. She said I really don’t because I’m selfish and want to make everything about me. She said she has always there for me and I reminded her of her two year shunning campaign and all the nasty things she said about me and she said she wanted to go “To die” and it was my fault. Of course my brother is visiting her, and keep in mind I had a decent convo with him 2 days ago. So she’ll go cry to him. I got bashed Christmas for being concerned about her healthdue to her excessive smoking.
I'm in my fifties. She worships my husband and he is ultimately infuriated at my family’s crap. I wasn’t invited to my niece’s graduation even though I asked to be (I would have stayed in a hotel and rented a car). It’s like my hurt is simply being dismissed as being self-centered, in my head, and selfish. I am kind to everyone and if anyone is in trouble, I’m there. I have been generous with my family.
It just struck me why I reached out and leaned on her that I was dealing with a natural disaster and my husband had to be out of town. I had a severe allergic reaction and reached out to my mom (i do not tell her other health things). It just feels like a slap in my face, I cannot show my husband how upset I am because he will go ballistic. How the heck can a parent pick and choose this? I’m the eldest of 3 and have 2 brothers and they are literally worshipped.she literally forgot my birthday last year. Like the date! I am her first born!
i want so bad to have a loving family relationships. I lost my dad (they divorced) and my stepdad, who used to be there is ill. I feel like it is me because she is close with my brother s. They shunned me too when she did so I don’t have them.
im sitting her crying because I am at a loss. I am already feeling the shunning and I feel terrified this will happen again
TL;DR!: my mother is starting to start shunning me again
submitted by HollyGoLightlyCrazy to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 sameed_a how to use attention in marketing?

Post 1:
You know, it always surprises me how things that seemed insignificant in life turn out to be some profound learning experiences. My 7-year-old niece's birthday party was just one of them. As she kept throwing tantrums, unwilling to cut the cake until her favorite cartoon show finished, I realized something intriguing.
Unexpectedly, I discovered an essential marketing strategy we all tend to overlook – the power of attention. Nevertheless, having all these energetic children around me, I couldn't help but notice how their undivided attention was solely on the TV screen.
Here's what I learned: If you can capture someone's attention as convincingly as these cartoons, half your marketing campaign is already a success. The key to their attention was engagement, enjoyment, and a connection to their interests.
So, you see, my friends, marketing isn't about selling; it's about grabbing attention first. This attention can be obtained by creating content that resonates with your target audience, something that grabs their interest so much that they'd drop all their work (or in this case, the birthday cake) to listen to what you've got to say. That's when you've got their undivided attention.
And hey, if a cartoon show can do it, why can't we?
P.S. This story is purely hypothetical, and I haven't really whisked off to any child's birthday party recently. Just wanted to put things into perspective and throw light on how we can apply the mental model of attention in our daily marketing tactics. Maybe being a clown wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Who thought a kiddie party could teach us a lesson or two in marketing?
Also, no nieces, nephews, or children were postponed of their cake cutting for this Enlightenment.
Post 2:
I remember when I first started jogging in the park. Before starting, my personal trainer gave me a piece of advice that resonates with me until now. "Sometimes," he said, "it's not about being the fastest. Sometimes, it's about being the most consistent."
This advice stuck with me not just in my fitness journey but also in my career as a marketer. The concept of consistency in grabbing attention is something that I have learned to appreciate.
You see, when I started jogging, I was not the fastest, but after days, weeks, and months of consistently showing up and running, people started to notice me. They started to recognize me as the girl who jogs every morning.
This is the same in marketing. It is not always about being the biggest or boldest; sometimes, it's about being the most consistent. It's about showing your audience that you're there, and you're committed.
So, keep your brand running consistently. Because eventually, your audience will notice, and they'll turn their attention towards you.
P.S. To clarify, I am not literally suggesting you to jog around your office or run a marathon in your next marketing meeting. The story above is purely hypothetical, used to demonstrate the mental model of attention in marketing. So, until the next marketing epiphany strikes me on my jogging route, keep running your brand consistently!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:45 sadlytheworst AITAH for telling my daughter my husband won't watch her kids when she had a medical "emergency"

AITAH for telling my daughter my husband won't watch her kids when she had a medical "emergency"
My daughter (29 F) had her third baby a couple months ago, and everything seemed fine. But a couple weeks ago she called me(54f) and she was crying, I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to go back to the hospital she gave birth at because she was having 9/10 pain in her uterus. I asked if it could be her birth control and she said she wasn't sure but that she called her OB and they wanted her to be seen at the hospital. She asked if my husband (53M) was available to watch the kids so her husband could take her since my husband is currently unemployed. I told her I didn't know what her dad was up to but that there was no way he was taking 3 kids, it just wasn't happening. She went quiet for a bit and I suggested they take all the kids(4M,2M, newbornm) and she just go in and they wait for her in the car while she gets checked. She then said "never mind I'll just figure it out" and hung up i tried calling back but she ignored my call.
Apparently she found a neighbor to watch her older two sons and they took the baby with them, they checked her out and turns out she had 3 cysts on her ovaries, one on her left and two on her right and that's what was causing her pain. I told her I was glad she found out what was wrong and she just gave a short "yeah me too" and hasn't really been talking to us much since. I think she's upset I told her no on my husband's behalf but watching 3 kids is too much on him and I don't feel she's entitled for us to watch all 3 of her kids on such short notice. So AITAH?
Tw: minimizing medical issues, possible golden child/scapegoat dynamics.
Copied verbatim from oop's comments:
Why couldn't you watch the kids?
I had just pulled up to work when she called.
INFO: just why your husband couldn't take the 2 oldest?
I didn't know what his plans for the day were and he gets tired watching the kids by himself.
"I didn't know what her dad was up to but that there was no way he was taking 3 kids"
Could you offer information on why it was a problem for you to have checked with your husband, and why you feel there simply was no way he could have kept an eye on them for a few hours?
Edit: Based on the additional information you presented, I would say in this case it would have been best to have checked with your husband, especially since it was a medical situation. Presumably there is some unpleasant history with the daughter which needs to be addressed else you will be the distant grandparents.
He gets tired watching the two oldest, there's no way he would take all three. I did text him to let him know his daughter might call and ask him to take all the kids and just said OK but I guess she never called or texted him about it.
Is your husband her father ?
If so, YTA. She needed help urgently, her dad had the time to give help, and didn’t because he can’t watch his own grand children for one day?
Of course you have no obligation to help your daughter in any way, she’s a grown woman, but if I were your daughter I would also stop bothering with my parents if they couldn’t bother watching their own grand children when I need to go to the hospital and they literally have no other plans.
She and her father have had a rocky relationship last couple years. He has given her a few lectures that I think didn't sit well with her. And that's why she called me first instead
Lectures about what?
Her brother got an injury at work and had to have surgery on it, my husband told her she should take him because she's a stay at home mom, she didn't exactly agree but told my son she couldn't because she had plans and my husband ended up needing to take him and apparently sent her a long lecture about how messed up it was and how family needs to be there for each other and help when needed. I guess he made a comment about her being a bad sister and how he feels he failed as a parent and it didn't sit right with her.
I don’t think you’re going to find many people that agree with you. She didn’t ask you to help so she could go out and party, she was in extreme pain. Ovarian cysts are very painful and that soon after birth, she had to have been so afraid. There are so many things that can go wrong after giving birth. I’m happy she’s ok. YTA
I'm glad she's OK I wasn't there for this ones birth but apparently it was complicated.
Didn’t you say that he was unemployed? Why couldn’t he take him?
This was before my husband was let go
Why didn’t she ask you to watch the kids? Something smells fishy.
I was at work when she called
I doubt you even knew when they were born.
I knew, we watched her older two while she had him
This has to be a rage bait. "Apparently it was complicated." Are you really her mother or what?? How are you so callous and insensitive about your own child's pain? I hope she goes NC with you forever.
She had a circumvallate placenta and they told me when I went to visit after that baby's heart rate dipped into the 80s and had to be brought back up a couple times. I guess after he was born they had to clip the placenta from the uterus she couldn't pass it normally
Ah golden child baby boy.
You and your husband are angry that she didn't help your golden child.
That's what all this is about.
You're so evil. Really.
I hope she leaves the both of you to rot.
That lecture happened way before this incident. My husband ended up taking our son he was just upset he had to call off work on Halloween.
Is this like a step dad that they don’t get along situation? Because in one sentence you said her dad, which I find odd that she wouldn’t just call her own dad. Also, I can’t imagine my husband telling our daughter no I can’t keep my grandkids while my daughter goes to the hospital. That seems odd
He is her biological dad, she feels uncomfortable asking him for help sometimes, he has said things like "don't ask us for help ever again!" A few times when she was a teenager. I think that's why.
YTA your daughter could have been dying for all you know.
She wasn't dying, she exaggerates a lot.
Are some of the kids special needs
No none of them are special needs.
YTA. Girl, I would do this for a literal STRANGER. When other human beings are experiencing a medical crisis, those of us with the good sense god gave to grape jelly rally round to make sure the crisis doesn’t snowball into, for example, losing your kids to CPS because you left a newborn in the care of a 4 year old in an unattended vehicle in a location where nearly every passerby is a mandated reporter. This is like Australopithecus level emotional intelligence. People living before the invention of stone tools got this stuff, what are you even doing?
I suggested her husband stay in the car with the kids and she go in by herself
Why did you put quotes around "emergency"?
Because the cysts found on her ovaries turned out to be small and should go away on their own.
Info: you call your husband "dad" when talking to your daughter, he is her actual father or stepfather? Does he have a disability or is he just not very involved?
She did have a medical emergency. She was having severe pain after having a baby. A lot of post birth complications can happen that result in maternal death. She was right to be concerned.
It's not entitled to ask for help in a time of need. It's short notice because she was having an actual medical emergency. Those aren't planned.
Did you and your husband have plans? Honestly, if a neighbor can find it in their hearts to watch her children during an emergency, but you cannot, you're worse than an acquaintance.
Yes my husband is her biological father. She knows the neighbor and I believe they are friends. My daughter has watched her 3 kids at times so I wasn't surprised when she offered to watch my daughters sons.
I'd have taken off work to help watch the kiddos for my daughter and daughter in law. No way I'd say- sorry you're sick but you're on your own
I've already taken off work to watch her kids so she can go to a couple concerts with her husband for their anniversary and her husband's birthday. I also had to request to work from home while she was in the hospital to have the baby.
YTA. Was this what you were like when she was growing up too? Poor thing having shit parents.
She has always exaggerated her period pain since she was 9, I wasn't sure if this was just another one of her exaggerations since she got cleared at her 6 week checkup
Ovarian cysts are common and not an emergency typically. Many women get them every menstrual cycle. Which is likely what the OP is thinking when she put “emergency” .
Does the daughter have a history of excessive ER visits ?
Not for periods or anything like that. Her last emergency was an emergency surgery to remove her gallbladder.
Yeah, YTA. Are you kidding? You wanted her to leave her kids alone in the car while she was being checked out at the doctor? At best, that's negligent, at worst dangerous and illegal in some places. Why were you unable to help her during an actual time of need.
I didn't word that part very well, my apologies. Her husband was home and I suggested the kids wait in the car with her husband not alone.
Addition by u/Fit-Humor-5022: she just commented this gem
She's my "oopsie baby" I wanted to stop at one but I forgot to refill my birth control and well.. she happened. I do love my daughter but she's always been a handful.
submitted by sadlytheworst to u/sadlytheworst [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:36 AerialSpew Custom Color Freewrite Saga

Custom Color Freewrite Saga
TLDR: The ordeal of doing a custom powdercoat finish on a Freewrite Smart Typewriter. And I ask what color I should attempt next.
The Pastel Turquoise Freewrite Story
A few years ago I got the (not-so) bright idea to create a one-of-a-kind custom-color Freewrite and it blew up in my face. Let me go back to the beginning...
In 2014 when Astrohaus introduced what was then called the Hemingwrite on Kickstarter I got wind of it and followed its journey. In 2015 I trekked to the Astrohaus Manhattan office with a friend to see an early production version. I was at the radio station WFMU at the time and had this vague idea of talking the Astrohaus marketing department into giving the station a Freewrite to use as a prize during an upcoming fundraising Marathon. We could put the device in front of a ton of professional writers while getting ourselves a kick-ass prize. We were led to a conference room where the first iteration of the Freewrite awaited us. I tried it out, then my friend. We kept our thoughts to ourselves as the marketing rep talked up the machine.
"It's distraction-free writing. Built for one purpose."
Yes, but will people pay for what appears to be a glorified word processor?
We left the Astrohaus offices and my friend and I expressed our reservations.
"Still, if we could get them to donate one..."
We couldn't. They didn't see the value in accessing WFMU's artistic community.
"Oh well. Good lucking selling your machine!"
All the while I stayed on the Astrohaus mailing list, searched for used Freewrites on EBay, read every online review and watched all the YouTube videos. I wondered if a device guaranteeing distraction-free writing could help with my concentration. When I'm writing on my MacBook or iMac there's always something that gets through: email notifications, texts, breaking news. I never remember to mute notifications or use Airplane Mode. Again and again I go down various rabbit holes, spending ten or fifteen minutes replying to emails (mostly trashing junk emails), responding to texts, checking the news, or wasting time on social media. But I kept putting off the actual purchase of a Freewrite, despite my love of typewriters and memories of my mother's hulking black Royal upon which I learned to type. Then the Hemingwrite came along. Astrohaus revived the original name of the Freewrite but this time it was authorized by the Ernest Hemingway estate. When I saw the first photos of the polished aluminum exterior and green keys I thought "That thing is sweet." But even with the extras–the carrying case, etc.–I couldn't see ponying up the asking price, even for a "limited-edition" of "only" 200 pieces.
"That's what I paid for my Macbook a few years ago."
But the emails from Astrohaus kept coming and I kept opening them. On the cusp of a milestone birthday I decided to indulge and buy a Hemingwrite as a gift to myself... and a future investment.
"I can finally write that book about the Nihilistics..."
The Nihilistics is the New York Hardcore band I founded and named at the end of the '70s. I'd written a few short pieces about the band, centered around my relationship with the bass playelyrics writer Mike (RIP). I referred to him as "...the booster rocket that helped me achieve escape velocity, falling back to earth in the process." One of my short stories about the band got published and I had a boutique publisher interested in the full story.
"I'll write the book on the Hemingwrite!"
When the box with my new distraction-free writing tool arrived (within a day or two of ordering) I moved it around from our porch to the office to our dining room but couldn't bring myself to open it.
"I don't deserve this thing. I can't justify the cost. Is it too late to return it?"
This went on for six weeks.
"If it IS too late to return it maybe I can put it on EBay. I should be able to get my money back. But I sure would like to see it first."
Then I finally freed the Hemingwrite from its box (I thought of doing an unboxing video but didn't). I gingerly cut open the tape on the box and extracted the leather carrying case from its bag. I opened the case and thought "This thing is sexy." It hadn't occurred to me there wouldn't be enough of a charge to use the Hemingwrite out of the box. But I started typing on it anyway, figuring I could charge it overnight and get the full experience in the morning.
"It's like mom's IBM Selectric..."
My mother owned one of the early Selectrics with the swappable type element (I still have on of the elements: the typewriter is long gone, as is the Royal). Typing on the Selectric was a fully tactile experience, just like the Hemingwrite. There's even the same delay between key-strike and "imprint," as I discovered the next morning after a full charge.
"I guess I'm not sending this back. Or selling it on EBay."
Since it arrived and I finally decided to use it, I've been on my Hemingwrite every day, cranking out a weekly newsletter and my book distraction-free. Every once in awhile I admire the bare aluminum case and remind myself I earned this damn thing and plan to keep it and pass it on to some deserving soul many years from now. There are things I'd change–could there be a spellcheck function, for instance? – but those who scoff at this tool haven't spent enough time with one. They don't "get" it. I got it. And I'm glad I did.
Fast forward a bit and Astrohaus decides to sell more "limited-edition" Hemingwrites. I wrote to the company, reminding them what their own Marketing department said about only producing 200 pieces. They responded with a bullshit excuse: this is not the same machine as yours, we've updated the internals. Well, no one bought it for the internals. It felt like a betrayal and I questioned how I could go about creating a custom-color Freewrite of my own and perhaps sell my Hemingwrite to recoup my costs. I managed to buy a stock black Gen. 2 Freewrite for $350 and $25 shipping. Before I could think about disassembling the Freewrite a friend expressed interest in it and I brought the machine to him, where it sat boxed under his couch for almost half a year. He was going through issues with the health of his parents and finally decided not to buy my Freewrite, so I went and retrieved it. Then I revived the idea of putting a custom color on it and selling my Hemingwrite.
There are no online instructions for taking a Freewrite apart, so with great trepidation I brought the Freewrite out to my garage workbench and proceeded as carefully as possible. It's a bit harrowing, thinking you might destroy a machine for which you've paid $$$. But after an hour of stomach-churning, detail-oriented work I got the aluminum shell separated from the innards of the machine and put all the electronic parts safely away in the Freewrite box. Because I didn't fully power down the Freewrite first, a black bar appeared across the E-Ink display and I was convinced I destroyed it. I kept calm and carried on. Next, I did some research online on removing a powder coat finish from aluminum. Initially, I thought the shell could be media-blasted (they don't call it sand-blasting any longer) but you can't media-blast aluminum without potentially dimpling the surface. It's suggested you use a powerful paint stripper and I opted for Jasco (approx. $28) based on discussions in a powder-coat forum. The Jasco stripper is nasty stuff and the only way to use it safely is outdoors while wearing heavy disposable gloves, eye protection and a respirator. I took the Freewrite to my backyard, put it on a folding aluminum table and began brushing it with the Jasco stripper. When done I let it sit the suggested twenty minutes for the Jasco stripper to do its work. Then, using a plastic scraper (you can't use a metal scraper on aluminum) I began trying to remove the powder-coat finish. It didn't go well. I removed some of the finish but most of it remained and I was confronted with three choices: sand the rest of the finish off, try another application of the Jasco stripper or bite the bullet and get it media-blasted anyway. I decided to try another application of the Jasco stripper the following day, this time leaving it on for thirty minutes. Then I went at the powder-coat with the plastic scraper again. I had to use a combo of large and small scrapers to get into all the recesses of the Freewrite's shell. But the Jasco stripper is not a miracle worker and much of the powder-coat stubbornly remained. I pivoted to multiple grades of steel wool, from 0 to 0000. This took several hours of meticulous work but when I was done I was presented with something that looked very much like my Hemingwrite. Believe me, it stung to know Astrohaus is selling a raw-finish Freewrite (sure, it's "hand-buffed") with green keycaps and accents at a substantial premium and I thought of stopping there and using a spare set of green keycaps I own to create an ersatz Hemingwrite. But that was never my intent, so I pushed on with the custom color idea, posting a poll to the Freewrite community on Facebook, asking which color they'd like to see on a Freewrite. Astrohaus, in addition to the Hemingwrite, produced and sold a blue Freewrite and a cream Freewrite (this is before the Mint and Lemon editions) that garner a premium on EBay. The poll revealed "Green" to be the favored choice for a custom color so I did a Photoshop mock-up of red and green Freewrites and put them on the Facebook group. The response was positive. I called around to a bunch of local powder-coating places only to find they concentrate on automobile rims and little else. I even drove the Freewrite shell to one place only to be quoted a price of $150, which seemed a bit much. Then I remembered a place I used previously, up in Kingston, NY, a two hour drive north for me. We have friends in the Catskills and decided to cart the Freewrite to Kingston and stay overnight. A week later we returned to Kingston and retrieved the Freewrite, paying $50 for the Pastel Turquoise powder-coat it received. Now I had to put it all back together. THAT was a nightmare. Believe it or not, the spring on the power button gave me the greatest difficulty. I labored over THAT thing a solid hour to get it functioning properly. The rest of the reassembly was fraught as well, and there was still the issue of the black box on the E-Ink display. Luckily, this went away after I let the Freewrite charge overnight and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
After posting pictures of the newly-finished Freewrite to the Astrohaus Facebook group and garnering an enthusiastic response, I decided to sell it and earn back what I spent in time, materials and labor. To me, a fair price would fall somewhere between $600–$700, based on recent EBay sales of stock Gen. 2 Freewrites ($325–$425), the cost of materials (Jasco Stripper, $28, powder-coating, $50), hours of disassembly, stripping of the finish, driving four hours round-trip to/from Kingston, reassembly, taking of pictures and posting an EBay listing. All that work is apart from the fact I produced a one-of-a-kind (AKA TRULY limited-edition) custom-color Freewrite. When I created the EBay listing I chose to start at $400 and not set a reserve price (EBay wanted $52 for the reserve price in addition to a final value and listing fee), hoping the enthusiasm in the Facebook group would reflect in healthy bidding activity. It did not. One person bid on my Pastel Turquoise Freewrite and I was faced with the prospect of selling it for $425, a price I might've seen if I'd left it black and not gone through all the effort to transform it. So I cancelled the sale and refunded the buyer's money immediately. I've been buying and selling on EBay almost 25 years and did not take this step lightly. The buyer, understandably upset, took to the Facebook Freewrite group and expressed his profound disappointment. Someone else decided to wade in and run down my character, describing what I did (cancelling the sale) as "borderline scammy behavior." Wow. I'm not sure who he thinks is being scammed but I'd like to see a show of hands for anyone who's wiling to work for free, what I'd be doing if I accepted $425 for my custom-color Freewrite. Yes, I could've and should've handled things differently. I might've offered the Freewrite on the Facebook group, setting a price I felt comfortable with. Or used a higher starting price or set a reserve on EBay. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. But in no way, shape or form was I trying to "scam" anyone. Eventually, the buyer and I came to an agreement and he paid what I consider a fair price for the custom-color Freewrite. I also fell out of love with my Hemingwrite, due to the horrid software and ergonomics (I was getting bad neck strain from looking down at the screen for hours) and kept pestering Astrohaus, going further up the foodchain until they took back my Hemingwrite and issued a full refund. Now another Freewrite has fallen into my lap (it’s a friend’s who can no longer stand the machine’s peccadilloes) and I'm on the cusp of possibly creating another custom-color Freewrite to increase its value for a sale. I’d love to be talked out of it, BTW.
Thanks, Chris T.
submitted by AerialSpew to Astrohaus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:20 Sharp-Put4724 Holly vs. Kendra: A lead-up to the 2015 tweets

Holly vs. Kendra: A lead-up to the 2015 tweets
I won’t be linking to Kendra’s tweets about Holly after her book came out. I think we all know about them and they’re on Google. This is a timeline on the backstory leading up to the 2015 tweets detailing their feud up to that point. Basically, I feel that there has been a long history of covert, subtle bullying from Holly to Kendra.
For starters, look at the book recaps with quotes both Holly and Kendra made toward each other.
Kendra’s book comments about Holly
While Holly and Bridget were aghast calling Kendra’s book ‘lies’, a lot of what they called out as lies were either a matter of interpreting her retelling of events from her perspective, or have some plausibility.
Like her ‘lie’ about not sleeping with Hef before moving in. If you read the excerpt from her book, it’s just a matter of when Kendra officially became a girlfriend after what was essentially a ‘trial run’.
She was still with her boyfriend the night of the party (the same one who sold her sex tape and 'pissed' she left for Hef, so I can see her trying to smooth it over given what happened later) where she was a painted lady, but admits to sleeping with Hef 'a couple of days later' after attending Casablanca night, then a club night, sleeping with Hef on the third date:
On the ride home one of the girls asked me if I wanted to go upstairs into Hefs room with everyone once we got back to the Mansion. In my head I could hear my mom's voice: You know they have orgies up there
Her big 'lie' was to be off by a few days.
Or the idea of Hef asking her to move in the first night without a ‘casting couch’ situation—Playmate and ex-girlfriend Stephanie Heinrich describes a very similar courtship
Holly and Bridget were taken aback at the ‘lie’ that Kendra felt lost at the mansion and wandered around, but in the commentary both things happened—Kendra was overwhelmed and Bridget helped. The retelling doesn’t make it a lie. Or that Kendra said they didn’t re-wear outfits when they did, and Izabella spoke about the pressure to always have new, non-repeat outfits for promotional/press events and Kendra didn’t specify the difference.
Any comments about Holly in ‘Sliding into Home’ basically boil down to ‘we weren’t close at first, her focus was Hef, our interests were different, but we grew closer over the course of the show’.
But in her ‘retaliation’ through her book, there are nonstop digs at Kendra, both subtle and explicit. To name just a few: a loudmouth, entitled, lazy person who fried her brain with drugs.
Holly’s book comments about Kendra
Seriously, she goes in on Kendra.
During the course of the show, there are some revealing moments in the form of passive-aggressive digs at her over the commentary here and here
And a couple out of so many examples of Holly changing the topic on any Kendra-relates scenes to not have attention on her here and here
This article cites reporting from Page Six about the end being near for GND and that Holly and Kendra are fighting:
“Holly and Bridget hate her,” a friend of Wilkinson told Page Six. “They’re totally jealous. She has her own empire now. She’s got a clothing line, a modeling career and an exercise empire. They’re just sitting there hangin’ with Hef.” The friend expounds, “Kendra was never really Hef’s girlfriend. She was cast for the show [E!’s ‘The Girls Next Door’] because Bridget and Holly are old, and they needed a young hot girl for Hef. She was selected from a bunch of Playmate wannabes.” Madison is 28, Marquardt, 34. Wilkinson celebrated her 21st birthday last year. Wilkinson is said to be eyeing her exit from “The Girls Next Door” and the famed mansion next season. “She’s definitely out,” her friend said. “There are too many rules and Holly and Bridget want her gone. They’re so mean to her.”
Holly responded on her MySpace that the article was a lie, and she and Kendra get along fine with no jealousy, only to make a bunch of digs at her expense:
“The latest Page 6 story is especially dumb. Saying I am jealous of Kendra because she has an "empire" and I'm "just sitting around with Hef"? What "empire"? I guess because I have a real full-time job aside from The Girls Next Door (excuse me for having a brain and having something REAL going on in my life as opposed to following in the footsteps of the socialite-of-the-week) means I am "sitting around" doing nothing. I guess having people announce clothing lines and workout products that never come to fruition means you are doing something.”
In Kendra’s 2011 book ‘Being Kendra’ she wrote:
Of course I’d had relationship with people like Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt in the past, but they were really just roommates, not close friends. We shared a boyfriend, we shared the spotlight, but now that I’m a mom we’re all just in different places. I just changed. I think it’s something that just happens naturally when you become a mom. You just grow up. Someone like Holly has a different lifestyle from me. I love her but I don’t know the people she hangs out with—they are more on the party scene, and I’ve put those days behind me. We still talk (she always gave me amazing words of encouragement during Dancing with the Stars and sent me fun little notes) but being a Vegas showgirl and constantly on the prowl for a new boyfriend . . . that’s her world, not mine. When it came to the baby, people like that just weren’t around. I was very alone.
[this 2015 article](RadarOnline › photos › h...holly madison kendra wilkinson feud hank baskett ...) goes into their falling out—basically that Holly called Kendra fake, and her husband Hank wanted her to distance herself from Playboy:
"He wanted no ties to anyone from her Playboy lifestyle even though that's how Kendra and Hank got together," the friend claimed.
"A lot of it has to do with the fact that Kendra lacked a father figure," the friend claimed. "She just sought father figures in the relationships that she was in."
I would have expected some empathy from Holly towards Kendra on this one; Holly has admitted to losing herself in relationships trying to please her partners, and she also went through a period where she was trying to distance herself from Playboy completely.
Shaded Kendra in this 2013 interview:
Wilkinson herself has a 3-year-old son, yet the 33-year-old Madison has revealed that she still talks to Bridget Marquardt, but not Wilkinson or Hugh Hefner. Madison explained that: ''Bridget and I are still friends, but I don't talk to anyone else. I moved on from the whole Playboy thing five years ago and really never looked back. I'm not one of those girls who goes back to all the parties and things.''
“I tried to be friends with her. I’ve known about three different Kendra’s since I met her.”
“Here was a rookie who had just gone all the way with an old dude and her only concern was how big her room was going to be”
And finally, the nail in the coffin for the ‘we were never really friends’ tweet. Before, there had been a couple of years of Holly vague-tweeting where a couple of fans asked if she was talking about Kendra (screenshots attached)
In her book, Holly wrote:
The next thing I heard from her was a headline she retweeted: Kendra reveals why she is no longer friends with Holly and Bridget!
The actual tweet is that they ‘no longer talk’, but Holly changed it to the harsher ‘no longer friends’.
And the big, damning quote from Kendra was: "We've all found our own little roads to go and that's just the way it goes,"
According to her book, it was actually Holly that lashed out first and insulted Kendra via text, who then replied ‘we were never friends’
I retweeted her post, saying: Thanks for letting me know, Kendra! Of course I wasn't going to stoop to her level and address this only on social media, so I decided to text her how I truly felt: that she was a coward and that she tried to act like the "real" girl on TV, but she's the fakest person I've ever met -and that if she had a problem with me, she should have confronted me like an adult instead of just going silent. This time Kendra responded and the exchange went something like this: Girl, I don't have a problem with you. I just don't like it when people think we are friends, she texted. Do you even have a clue how rude that sounds, what you just said? I replied. WHO ARE YOU????? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU! WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS. IT WAS ALL JUST WORK! she responded in all caps. Wow, I'm sorry I was stupid enough to think we were really friends. Have a nice life, I finally texted. After that, I deleted her number from my phone. Kendra and I haven't spoken since, and I have to say, I don't miss her.
In the screenshots attached, although I can’t source the original tweets, it seems that more than once she was vague-tweeting messages that fans wondered if they were about Kendra; enough for Holly to have to clarify that she has ‘never tweeted anything mean about Kendra’
Finally, in 2013 tweeted about Kendra being ‘on the payroll’, yet again putting her down for making her own way.
—————————————- So for all of this lead-up, a constant, steady stream of covert bullying since the inception of the show, by the time Kendra read about how Holly portrayed her, she’d had enough.
And this is just going off of information that is publicly available.
submitted by Sharp-Put4724 to GirlsNextLevel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:00 lucky_spliff My niece requested a pink rainbow dolphin cake for her 4th birthday

My niece requested a pink rainbow dolphin cake for her 4th birthday
Cake is Claire Saffitz’s Confetti Cake, and frosting is Stella Parks’s Swiss Meringue Buttercream
submitted by lucky_spliff to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:40 DoorTheDude Counting down Worm's 13th birthday by ranking the Top 7 Arcs in my opinion Day 4

We've made to day four. I'm happy I'm getting this out in the morning this time, as that was my original intention when doing this. Despite having it out later than I wanted to yesterday I appreciate the comments and up votes truly and dearly. We are only three days away from Worm's birthday and continue forward with Worm Week.
Honorable mentions list:
Arc 20 Chrysalis
Arc 12 Plague
Arc 19 Scourge
The Top 7 Arcs in Worm according to my opinion:
  1. Arc 16 Monarch
  2. Arc 24 Crushed
  3. Arc 30 Speck
Today's Honorable Mention: Arc 11 Infestation This one goes out to all my Smugbug shippers, just a fun Taylor and Lisa adventure going to a merchant's party looking for for a boy named Bryce and much hijinks ensues. From saving old classmates who were complicit in bullying, to Cauldron vials and Faultline's Crew. That part on its own is great and fun but the Slaughterhouse Nine introduction interludes are on a whole nother level. This is where this Arc really shines. All of them are engaging and sets up the Nine masterfully, we see Bitch's backstory as she runs into the terrifying Siberian, the Theo and Jack scene has a perfect opening with Theo talking about how he's memorized the TV screen and he's too scared to move, Colin dealing with a sussy Mannequin as he comes through the vents and takes a piece of Colin telling him that he will become just like him, Dinah as she watches Crawler come for his nominee in Noelle is severely underrated and I do not see it get talked about enough. I love just going back and listening to these. But on to the list itself
4. Arc 31 Teneral: I'm not entirely sure if it's right to include the epilogue, but it's my list so it's going on here. To me it only slightly beats out Speck here purely for that conversation Taylor has with her mom. But starting from the beginning as always, anytime Jessica Yamada is doing anything in the book, it's always such a fun read. Doing this from Glaistig Uaine's perspective was such an interesting choice that I would not have made but it works so well, especially when she's threatening Yamada and to her it just feels like she's not selling it but we know as readers from Yamada's interlude that she's absolutely terrified but she just knows how to keep a good poker face. I love their conversation. For me I was more terrified that at any point Uaine would just say fuck it we ball and kill Yamada but she doesn't and sticks with it. Yamada breaking down Uaine piece by piece, from calling her by her civilian name or talking about her relationship with Scion, it's so good and entertaining.
From there into e.2, Imp's chapter. This one is my favorite of the five. Imp carries during the second half of the story, she is endlessly funny and endlessly entertaining. I love her character so much, and this chapter pins the point home for her. Taking down a warlord who's acting incredibly similarly to another old warlord. She effortlessly takes him and chains him up threatening to let go of the chain to let him down on a bed of makeshift spikes. Another great conversation, between her, Nero, and the debuting Heartbroken. Imp using her power to making everyone forget after she realizes that she make been calling Nero Nemo the entire time still makes me smile just thinking about it. Then she gives him a Regent doll to take care of and make sure it's most pristine along with making him follow certain rules and if he doesn't follow those rules he'll burst into full song and dance to the tune of the tea cup song.
“It’s about legacies,” Imp said. “Kind of important. She’s gone, so it’s up to us to protect her legacy. Now here’s another. Desk drawer, bottom right.”
Imp also deals with Shadow Stalker. The dialogue in this Arc is the best in the book. Her conversation with Shadow Stalker about Taylor and how she'll always be remembered and how someone like Shadow Stalker will be forgotten is what makes this chapter my favorite of the five.
“In the rest of your years, even if you try, which you won’t, you won’t make a fraction of the difference she made. You’re going to keep living this solitary little hunter-stalker existence, picking off a few bad guys, getting your jollies, and people are never going to wear a badge on their sleeves for you.”
“That badge is not for Hebert.”
“Maybe not for everyone,” Imp said. “It means different things for different people. A planet they lost, an ordeal they survived, I dunno. But it’s a reminder of Taylor to me, and it’s a reminder for you, too. Every time you see it, now, it’s going to make you think of her, remind you that she did something big.”
Those two paragraphs that I quoted for this to me ends Imp's character arc in Worm. This girl whose power makes people forget she exists makes these lasting connections with people and once they're gone from her life, she chooses to do everything she can to make sure people know who they were and to remember them. It's so beautiful to me.
Dragon's chapter with Defiant is such a graceful chapter. Defiant doing everything he can to try and fix Dragon who he loves so much and is neglecting his own health for her. Dragon talking about kids and what their future could look like together is so cute and sweet. All this just to set up Defiant uploading Pandora just so Dragon can be free even if it means he won't get to love her anymore, absolutely heartbreaking. But Dragon fights off Pandora successfully and then at the end Dragon and Defiant embrace and it's such a sweet ending to their story.
Rachel and her crew going to the city together and this chapter puts an end to Rachel's character arc. First with reinforcing that she doesn't understand people, such as Biter believing that the peak of civilization when you have french fries at a fast food place. I think in the moment where they think there's a cape fight going on and Rachel takes a moment to think about what to do next, and as she's thinking she thinks about Taylor, it's in that moment I personally believe she almost fully comes around to the idea of trusting people and giving them a chance. Then she comes face to face with Miss Milita
“We going to have a problem?” Rachel called out.
“No. No problem,” Miss Militia said. “I’m coming closer, okay? We’re good. There’s an amnesty.”
“Don’t know what that means.”
“There’s a deal. Everyone gets a second chance. We don’t have a problem with anyone, until they do something wrong.”
“I’m not a villain anymore?”
“Not unless you want to do something villainous.”
I know being objective for a second that the amnesty is purely because there's too much chaos going on and too many villainous capes out of the bird cage to do anything about it so amnesty was the best option. But I enjoy second chances/redemption in fiction especially done right. This amnesty is such a perfect parallel to Rachel giving people a second chance. People make mistakes and that's okay, you don't always owe them forgiveness but sometimes it doesn't hurt to let them try, especially when people have been willing to do it for you.
I'm not really a big fan of the next chapter with Teacher, it feels really unnecessary, I guess it sets up some stuff for Ward which is fine but even Wildbow himself has said that he would scrap this chapter in a rewrite so I'm just going to skip it.
Then comes the true ending of Worm, Interlude:End. Taylor sits on a bus and talks with a elderly woman, they have a really interesting conversation, a conversation about reflection of all that has happened but by the end of it all you can do is learn from it and choose where you go from there. At least that was my interpretation of it.
“When you reach the end of your life, you have a chance to take stock. You sum it up, and you decide if you want to spend your remaining years, months or days in regret or satisfaction. My late husband told me that.”
Then it switches and we are with the Undersiders. As Tattletale, Imp, Bitch, Foil, Parian, Cozen, Forrest, Charlotte, Sierra, Aidan, and Dinah make a toast to the three Undersiders that had died, Brian, Alec, and Taylor. It's a touching tribute.
Tattletale gave Imp the evil eye as she continued, “In honor of everything and everyone we fought for and saved. In remembrance of everything we couldn’t save.”
We then switch back to Taylor's perspective as she has the conversation with her mom, her mom from another Earth that didn't die. I don't think I can give an analysis of this conversation rightfully so I'm just going to encourage you to go read it again yourself. I will say however that in the beginning after I finished when I finished Worm I believe Taylor was alive and Cauldron put her on another Earth. But the more I thought about it the more I realized I was just thinking that because I wanted Taylor to be alive and it made more sense for her to be in a coma, the first shot by Contessa was to deactivate her power, the second was to put her in the coma itself. Why must you play with my heart Wildbow?
With that concludes day four. This one I had the most fun writing out. Feel free to leave a comment, I would love to respond to what you say, and as always I appreciate you reading this and I'll see you tomorrow for day five.
submitted by DoorTheDude to Parahumans [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:24 CattyPantsDelia Exhausted and want to be done and only do holidays moving forward.

This is very long. I've been with my husband for 9 years so it's 9 years of audacity and just ridiculous behavior. He won't go NC but I don't want to spend more than I have to time wise with her. She's obsessed with seeing us more. He has been telling me she means well but this past year I started to see her do things that made me think it's not well meaning behavior. My therapist said she's a narcissist and I believe her now.
First time we met she complained about my sil's house not being very clean . But like, your son lives there too??? And she did not raise her boys to clean so ofc they are clueless.
She is my fils second wife..he left his first wife and two young kids for her so her pick me attitude is not a new thing. He also cheated on her (duh) and she used to go out of her way to bring it up. Even on fathers day she would be at his house complaining that his mistresses art was on the wall. Like why are you here then? No one needs you to be here. Also this was 25 years ago. Also he's tried to get back together with her and she refused but also still is with him all the time. She just wants to punish him for doing to her what she did to his first wife. Karma
Claimed she grew up around Italians but then said "Christmas Eve, what even is that!" When we invited them for the Xmas Eve instead of Xmas . She's Jewish btw. My family is roman Catholic Italian. We went to Catholic school and church and we celebrate it as a religious holiday. Not a Hallmark holiday.
When we announced we were pregnant and went to brunch with the family she asked me loudly in front of the whole table "so are your boobs getting bigger? Are you enjoying that?" In front of his grandma and father. I didn't answer. Because wtf
When we got engaged we went to her house and she looked at my ring and said "oh it looked soooo big on (cousins) website" it's almost two carats center stone so I don't know what she expected.
When we had our daughter she came to the hospital doused in perfume and held the baby who of course stunk after that. She always douses herself in perfume and leaves her awful stink behind when ever she is around us or at my house
When the first baby was a few weeks old we hadn't slept (my first didn't sleep more than 30 minutes at a clip) she said she was in the neighborhood and wanted to come drop gifts off. We told her the baby was sleeping. She doesn't live by us at all so she wasn't in the area but we allowed her to come. She proceeded to crouch over the baby on the couch and loudly talk to her to try and wake her up
The first time we asked her to babysit so we could go to my friends birthday party she called us an hour before we were supposed to be at the party from her car on speakerphone and said her friend was in the car and could she come with. We told her politely why don't you hang with your friend and we can stay home no big deal. She told us she was already on her way (she lives about 45 to an hour away so she planned this for sure) and we said it's fine don't come. An hour later she shows up with her friend. We were sitting in the living room telling her what to do and she proceeded to ask me if they can give her a bath. I said no, and she argued with me saying "are you sure" over and over when I kept saying no. Her friend was visibly uncomfortable. Then she told us she wanted our nest camera password so when she babysits she can watch our daughter??? Like it's your first time and also, hell no weirdo
Her son (my fiance at the time) almost died. He had a bilateral pulmonary embolism which has a very very low survival rate. He was at the hospital and I called her to let her know they were bringing a priest to his room and she should head there. She starts asking me who's watching the baby and if she can come to my house to watch her instead. I told her no, my parents were on their way and just go to the hospital. Of course she had to ask me if I was sure and if she could come to see the baby after the hospital. Like, wtf YOUR child is what you should be worrying about not mine you asshole.
She was asked not to post my kid on social media. We don't post her and no one else is allowed. She waited till her mom died and used a picture of her mother holding the baby in the hospital on her second day of life as her tribute post. She posts her grandchildren on her very public profile incessantly and she's the reason why we had this rule to begin with. If you google her name nothing but my nieces pictures come up on the search results.
She has an obsession with feeding my daughter off her fork and out of her plate. I've told her before not to do it. She pretends she doesn't understand. I had to make an awkward scene at mothers day this year because I kept asking her to stop and she kept giving me alternatives like" I gave her her own fork" or offering her her half eaten soup with my daughters own spoon. I had an 8 week old baby at the time. Like why would you want to risk getting my daughter sick and then the baby sick. Keep your germs to yourself ffs
She has come over with a runny nose and a pocket full of dirty tissues the last time we let her babysit in the middle of winter and said it's allergies after we asked if she was sick. My daughter gets breathing treatments when she's sick because she has some issues. She then proceeds to tell my daughter she got her something and pulls out a kazoo. She blows in it to show my daughter how to use it and then gives it to her to try and of course my three year old puts it in her mouth . Like wtf. I left her a stack of guest towels in a very obvious spot in the guest room and the next day after she showers and leaves I go to check the room and clean it and the towels are sitting there untouched. she used MY bath towels and hand towels and idk what she washed herself with because her washcloth was also untouched.
I'm full blooded Italian and she is Jewish/eastern European. She invited us over for Sunday dinner. We go, it's his whole family..all Jewish/eastern European. I didn't eat meat at the time so she told me she made me a special meal. It was jarred pasta sauce and steamed broccoli, no garlic or oil no salt no nothing. I had never had jarred sauce because this is an insult to Italians. We don't eat that. Everyone else at the table had homemade sauce and broccoli with butter and also fake parmesan cheese (Kraft. Not real) so the only Italian at the table got gross jarred sauce. It was one of the most insulting things she's ever done to me. I didn't even eat because of course the jarred sauce is gross but just why? Why would you do that? It's so disrespectful. She claims she grew up around Italians so I can't see how she didn't know that's a major faux pas
She is a major pick me girl with the kids and always has to have their full attention. She's over the top. But what's more infuriating is she will not ask us and give them markers or messy projects that include food dye and vegetable oil and she just shows up with this stuff. So on a holiday when I have my daughter in a nice new dress my mil will hand her food coloring and ruin her clothes. She even brought a lava lamp homemade project to my sister in laws house without asking and she spilled vegetable oil on their new paver patio and furniture. She is just an idiot but also she's rude and she doesn't offer to replace things after she ruins them. She will bring arts and crafts projects to the kitchen table and try to set them up around the food so she can do them with my daughter . She almost ruined lunch once this way because she spilled all the chia seeds and soil all over the table. It was a huge mess. She also tries to get the kids away from a party to be alone with her so she can have all their attention. I've had to tell my daughter to come up from the basement and be with the guests because my mil took her down there and was playing alone in my unfinished basement with her like for an hour. It was bizzarre.
She is obsessed with babies and she absolutely loses her mind and all social propriety when someone has one. My sister has a baby boy and she is obsessed with him. It makes everyone uncomfortable. My brother in law brought him to a party at my house once and he had to leave him with us till my parents got there. My mil waited until he left and then went right up to my aunt and asked to hold him and then took him off to the living room away from his entire family to be alone with him. I made my husband get him back, I was so furious. But then the next time she saw the baby my sister was there and again she asked her "do you think he would let me hold him" and my sister said ok uncomfortably. My sister walked away and left him in the kitchen with her and my mom and I were cleaning. I turn around and she has her fingers in his mouth. I asked her "are those your fingers in his mouth? " I was pissed. She goes "yea whyyyyy is that not okayyyyyy? " All clueless and ditzy. I tell her no that is not ok it's disgusting. He starts fussing and she gets up and starts going in the opposite direction of my sister so I took him because like, you shouldn't be holding him to begin with but if he's fussing give him back to my sister ffs.
Thanksgiving this year she told my mother and sister and I (while I was 6 months pregnant) that she wishes she could breastfeed the babies she watches. I was floored so I told her "that's wildly inappropriate and I would be pissed if someone did that to my baby" and she cluelessly answered "well I wouldn't mind, if I could find a way to lactate I would" my mother and my sister were floored. It was so awkward and I had to walk away because that's disgusting and I decided she couldn't be alone with my kids anymore.
She tried to wrestle a kids craft out of my hand at a birthday party once because she was closer to my daughter and my daughter asked me to help with the craft and my mil rushed over and we both grabbed it at the same time and she would not let go. It was bizzarre. Like, let me parent you fucking goon
She is one of those people who will follow you when you go to change your babies diaper and talk at the baby in baby talk over your shoulder.
I recently gave birth and we invited them to come by because they would be in the area. Of course she agrees and then asks if Gina can come. My husband and I are like who's Gina??? She says "oh she works at your dad's office in Georgia. We are coming down there for a business meeting and she will be with us". I'm like are you fucking kidding you want to bring a stranger to my house to meet my days old newborn while I'm in a diaper bleeding and just gave birth????? NO and who the fuck asks something like that????? When they did come she stayed for three and a half hours and just kept washing her hands and saying "I'm ready to hold him whenever you want" "my hands are clean I can hold him". You already held him and if I'm not offering why don't you fucking stop asking and read the room. You've overstayed your welcome. Who does that to a freshly post partum mom??? 3.5 hours of ignoring her passive aggressive requests to take my days old baby. Wtf
We had the flu a week before Christmas this year and she would NOT stop asking to come over and bring the gifts. We kept telling her no because her husband ( they're separated it's a whole other story) has cancer and he can't be exposed to the flu because he's on chemo. She did NOT care and just kept saying "we will just come drop off the gifts on Christmas." It was infuriating. I'm 7 months pregnant and was so sick and hadn't cleaned my house or been able to do anything in a week and she just did not care about anyone but herself.
We invited them over during my pregnancy for lunch. She passive aggressively greets my daughter at the door and starts going on and on about how she hasn't seen her in so so long. It's been a month lady, not a decade. She then waits till my husband is asleep on the floor to start asking what we do on Tuesdays. I tell her we are busy my kid has cheer and she says "oh I was thinking I would come over on Tuesday nights after I leave so and so's. That's such a shame , don't worry (daughter) we will find a way to see each other more" first off don't invite yourself to my house, second off we will never see you once a week you're a lunatic, third of all, don't make plans with my six year old.
There's alot more. It's exhausting. I want to be done with her. She's got an unhealthy attachment to other people's children and hasn't ever worked so she has no career. Coincidentally she asked me several times if she can live with us when she runs out of money, but like....get a job so you don't run out of money??? Idk.
I guess this is a rant but also sometimes I feel like maybe I just don't like her and it's a me issue. Some of the stuff she does is tell potentially harmful but some is just bec and I'm just always annoyed with her.
submitted by CattyPantsDelia to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:07 redmoonhawk MIL is making everything difficult

Original from Trueoffmychest:
Sorry in advance if I sound like I am rambling. This just happened a few hours ago and I am still crying.
For some background, I (30 f) messaged my SIL (32f) yesterday to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and to let her know I had a gift for her and a gift for my niece (6f) for my nieces up coming birthday. I always make the kids in the family something for their birthday since I am rather crafty and prefer to be more original.
My SIL, BIL, DH and I have had a rocky relationship for years. The past couple of years I have been keeping my distance as I do not feel welcome and because I am working on boundaries. There were some accusations (most founded) that they were on drugs. That is some crap I do not want around my kids. Yet, it is my “issues” that cause tension in the family because I have decided that my little nuclear family deserves rve some peace. I only bend a little bit if there is a party because the kids adore each other.
SIL told me that my niece is having a party and we were supposed to be invited. I told her that surprised me since my MIL said she had not heard of a party. She told me this when we discussed the gift I made my niece. It is an epoxy hummingbird hair clip. It took a lot of time to get right and I was quite proud of it.
SIL said BIL was supposed to extend invites to his side of the family. MIL showed me screenshots of the messages where he asked if my kids were coming (as usual) but no word of me.
SIL wrote a huge message saying BIL didn’t have a way to get a hold of me or my DH, and that of course we were invited as we are family.
It is important to note that they hold their children above our heads as a threat to take them away at the drop of a hat if things do not go their way. This has caused a lot of drama over the past 8 years. The past 2 of which I thought we were on bad terms. This was based on some comments the kids often made and the last time we said more than 2 words to each other it was a big fight.
I told SIL that it did not seem like BIL wanted me there for anything more than my kids and that I did not feel comfortable because the only person who even mentioned that I was welcome was SIL. I have gotten to the point where if I do not feel welcome I will not go. I suffer from Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. And while I am doing better to take care of myself, things are still difficult.
I told SIL that it was ok, I don’t want to cause tension and I actually had plans to see my mom this weekend. My mom lives a couple of hours away and sometimes I get to see my brother. It is cathartic for all of us as my husband gets a break before and after work and I get my family time once or twice a month. We normally craft together and have our “crafting therapy” which is something I really need lately.
The last couple of times I went to my mom’s my son was with MIL and FIL. My mom had me promise that during the summer I would bring my son with me at least once a month. I think this is fair so I agreed.
My SIL wrote a long answer that she sent when I was taking a nap, (No sleep last night so my nerves are frayed) Honestly I have read it twice and have not retained much of the message.
During my nap I missed 2 calls from my MIL. Then I woke up to my MIL bursting into my bedroom, no we do not live with her; she drove to our house, pounded on our door, DH let her in. She barged into my room and started yelling at me. How could I tell SIL that the screenshots were sent to me? How could I tell her we talk? (Huh?) Do I know that SIL called MIL screaming about everything? Do I know FIL is on the phone in a screaming match with BIL? And the last one was that SIL told MIL that if I do not come to my nieces birthday then my MIL would not be allowed to see the kids again.
I woke up to all of this. My DH was trying to figure out what was going on or how to handle it.
Just as quick as MIL came, she turned around and left. I offered to show her exactly what I said, but no. All my fault.
I know this situation is all drama. This is the first time in 2 years that I tried to have an actual conversation with SIL. I tried to be honest, not even brutally, just honest about how I feel.
After MIL left, my kids came in my room and hugged me. They heard everything. What 6 and 3 year old needs to see their mom break down like that?
I called my mom and told her everything and that I started falling into the dark hole of depression again. I know I am exhausted both physically and emotionally. I just needed to get this out.
This is not the first time taking the kids away has been used as a manipulation tool but this time I am being blamed for it. IDK what to do. I just want to curl up into a ball and hide from everything. I want to see my family and to stop feeling like a pawn of this fucked up chess game. I need to remember I am the queen of my own set, tackling my own problems on my own board. I was finally getting to a good place. I just hope this crap does not derail my progress again.
Thank you for reading my rant
UPDATE: After yesterday we officially went no contact. My MIL has been playing me and my SIL against each other. We had a heart to heart about a week ago and found out much of what has been going on for years has just been one or two times a year MIL throws a fit when she doesn't get her way and makes power plays to get her grandkids to herself by pitting us against each other.
MIL realized that if we choose to avoid each other we allow the kids to go to her in the name of family. My kids adore their cousins and we try to keep the hostility away. We realized using MIL as the middle man was a mistake and decided to talk it out. The party happened without us. We decided to keep our plans and go to my moms. No hard feelings from SIL or BIL towards me.
MIL ended up going to the party after things calmed down a bit.
What SIL doesn't know is that MIL has expressed her wish that SIL would die or disappear to make things easier for her to see the kids and her son. MIL hates boundaries and SIL has learned to place and enforce those boundaries. I have commended her for this. Despite our old feelings for each other, SIL and I are talking and want to keep healthy relationships for the kids. To some this may seem stupid but therapy has brought us a long way to pursue peace for ourselves.
The talk was a couple of weeks ago. My husband told his mother we needed space to think and that we have enough going on without adding family feud miserable addition to the mix.
MIL did not take this well. She instead decided to tattle on me to my Mother. My mother and I have a good relationship and my kids adore her.
MIL told my mom that we were keeping the kids from her and my mom being the peace maker she is (till she is pushed too far as you will see later), mentioned that we go to see my mom to give everyone a break since the kids and I get to see mom, DH gets a break before and after work with no pressure, I get crafting time with mom and I receive hydrotherapy for my fibromyalgia. Mom has a hot tub and it has helped me so much with my flair ups and pain. Consistently getting help, relaxation, and sleep has made us a healthier family.
My mom told MIL all of this and that we have our trips planned weeks in advance as they live a few hours away. This is difficult on 2 small kids on the spectrum, my kids are better with the drive but it is still not easy.
When MIL didn't get the support she was after, we thought that keeping our distance would do the trick to sit back and think logically about the situation and best way forward. If she had only waited a week or so more we could have talked this out as we have in the past.
That was until she got my step mother involved. A little backstory is I have a biofather and a Dad. My dad raised me and always has my back. My biofather and I have a cordial relationship, we talk but not often. We have our own lives and respect each other. Or at least that is what I hope. I respect him anyway. His wife is a tough but fair person who doesn't like drama. I respect that and try to keep things off of the internet (hence the anonymity of reddit and not FB)
MIL went and told lies to my Stepmother about how I financially abuse DH, how I borrowed from them and DH is working doubles to pay everyone back. I work, DH works, inflation caused us to get behind but we have found ways to stay afloat. This is none of their business but I am transparent if asked.
DH received screenshots from my stepmother asking what is going on. Stepmother approached DH instead of me because MIL is his family, not mine apparently by the way she talks about me being a "lying Bi#ch".
MIL was spewing hate and lies about me. Stepmother wanted to know what was going on as my inlaws are active on FB and freely spout their business especially when intoxicated (which is often)
I told DH to handle his mother because if I have to, it will not be in a very nice way. There was a lot of back and forth. Since MIL has invaded my house once since this all started, I don't feel safe. Since I know how vindictive she is I decided to file a report with our state police. I waited for my husbands say so before I did.
I was transparent with the officer that we just want to be left alone and the officer told me MIL had called the cops to file a report of her own.
My Mom decided she had had enough and went off on MIL saying that she had a lot of nerve to accuse me of being a "lying bi#ch" when she spouts lies of her own about me.
The officer said next steps if this continues would be to file a PFA.
Not something we want to do but if it comes to it I will.
MIL told my mother that the police were gonna look into all of us and she hopes our kids go to foster care instead of staying with their parents. I alerted my job, the authorities and my neighbors about what is going on. All we do is go to work, and come home unless we have kid friendly plans with the kids. We do in home date nights and rarely leave the house.
I warned my SIL what was going on, MIL told my SIL on me. MIL is done with me. Fine, whew, no longer walking on eggshells about her dog after what he did to my daughter, no more planning holidays around uncomfortable situations in the name of family. I feel free. The investigation MIL threatened will not go anywhere. MIL has threatened self termination before and this was passed to authorities. I offered my phone to the officer, along with everything I have ever said about MIL.
Question is, should I be honest with SIL about the evil hateful things MIL has said about her, or keep her in the dark and let her handle this in blissed ignorance?
Thank you for listening
submitted by redmoonhawk to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:36 OfficialExquisite What steps can I take to reconnect with my ex girlfriend, considering her emotional unavailability?

First time posting on reddit after reading tons of other posts.. not sure how this goes but here goes some context to better understand my question.. I dated someone from work for about 8 months or so, everything happened organically and naturally over time to where we both eventually fell in love with eachother.. unfortunately she broke up with me on valentines day, ironically enough.. her reasoning was she started going to therapy for the loss of her father about a year and a half to 2 years ago whom she was extremely close with as well as certain things that happened with her ex before me.. she insisted I did nothing wrong and that ive done everything perfectly but with going to therapy she found that she's emotionally unavailable.. prior to valentines day she did seem a bit distant, yet still showing her love and expressing it to me until that day..
Granted, I was devastated.. she said she needed space to figure herself out.. I told her I hope we can pick up where we left off to which she got close and said "that I can absolutely promise you". But, unfortunately my feelings overtook my logic and kinda fucked things up a bit.. I ended up writing her a long letter expressing myself and how I'm still gonna be here for her with whatever she needs and blahblahblah to which she told me was extremely overwhelming and made it hard for her to even want to talk to me.. didn't really kick in until she told me that I was unfortunately exhibiting similar behaviors of her ex.. 🤦🏽‍♂️ so yeah.. bad on my part.. so I've kind of kept my distance but still tried to be cool with her at work and what not.. we would talk here and there and then she went super cold out of nowhere.. I asked one day if we were ok to which she kind of exploded on me and essentially said that she wants nothing to do eith me or anyone and how she feels nothing for no one.. because I didn't respect her boundaries is the reason she wants absolutely nothing to do with me.. I expressed my apologies and how I'm just trying my best to understand her viewpoint and what not.. then, let her be for a while..
We've recently talked a couple times mainly because of some shenanigans at work to where she expressed how certain people are making things up about her but how she doesn't care because she has more important things to deal with in life right now.. she had a conversation with another coworker about us but that coworker didn't tell me everything.. "Yeah she didn't tell you everything else I said huh.. figures.. I basically told her like yeah we actually dated for a while, he's an amazing guy, he's fantastic, he treated me great, it just didn't work out I'm just not in the headspace to be with anyone right now but I wish him nothing but the best." About a week or two after that conversation I talked to her about me defending her name amongst certain people at work to where she thanked me and said she appreciates me doing so.. about another week later I ended up walking outside with her and had a casual conversation about her niece graduating kindergarten and how she's gonna have to go to new York for like 2 days to drop her mom off to her aunts house.. she did confide in me when talking about the work shenanigans how her mother has been in and out of the hospital lately and how that's taking up all of her time, but she immediately shut it down when I asked how her mom was doing to which I said ok, sensitive subject, I won't ask any further..
Basically, I'm still in love with this girl.. she means the absolute world to me.. I don't wanna give up on her but at the same time I'm new to this whole "emotionally unavailable" concept.. she said what she said about me being overbearing in the beginning, which I understand is completely my fault.. the whole I want nothing to do with you hurt alot, yet, for someone who doesn't care about me at all believe it or not she's always, if not almost always one of the first people to view any story I post on instagram.. there's been a couple times to where I'm working and we're within the same confines and as I walk past she'll look or stare, but if I try and engage conversation it's a different thing so I've been actively not trying to engage as much conversation as before to continue to give her space.. there was one conversation we had where she said something like "I'd rather tell people I'm insane than to actually admit I talk to people about you and us" "oh so you talk about me huh?" Which she ended up giving me an eye roll.. our humor and stuff together has always been sarcastic in some form so joking with her like that feels good but I try not to be too pushy..
Basically, I want to know if there's any way I could win her back.. I haven't felt a connection like this in quite a long time and would do anything to fix it.. she's told me when we first got together "when I fall in love I fall hard, like there's nothing that can steer me away from the person I love" she's said so many great things to and about me so to go completely cold within an instant is wild to me.. I've given her distance and space, she said she wants nothing to do with me yet still engages with my stories on social media, gives me random glances from time to time, it's all so confusing.. my birthday is coming up and I'm going to said restaurant we work at for dinner at the bar myself, I want to reach out and just tell her something along the lines of how I know she's going through things and I know I've been overbearing and intrusive with her and I apologize I unfortunately let my feelings take control, but I miss how close we were and would like to slowly work on being close again, but I feel that's super intrusive in its own.. I'm just trying to figure out if this is even the best plan of attack or how to possibly word it or if it's even worth it at all.. to me, this girl is absolutely worth it.. and I know you might think this is just the fantasizing aspect of it but I absolutely mean that she's worth it..
So.. idk.. alot to read/type here I feel like I'm steering off course of the main topic.. Basically, I would like this girl back in my life no matter what it takes but dealing with this emotional unavailability I have no idea how to maneuver or work with this.. I've read random articles here and there but I'm interested in any real life accounts from both men and women.. anything helps and if needed more context, feel free to ask away..
Thank you in advance 🙏🏼
submitted by OfficialExquisite to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:07 hollost2012 In-law Advice

So my sister in law is pregnant and announced to us the same week as our second loss (she knew about both losses since I had my tube removed and emergency surgeries). She was only 5 weeks when she told us in person so it already feels like it’s been a lifetime..I’ve been keeping distance and not talking to her or asking her about her pregnancy which I hoped she would understand why while also not trying to rain on her parade and take away her excitement. She also has not reached out to me to check on me post loss. I have seen quote on here, “have you really gone through ivf if you haven’t dealt with your SIL getting pregnant naturally at the same time”- too real.
My MIL had us over for dinner right after the first ectopic and wanted to work through it all with us..”why did this happen to you! How terrible! You have none of the markers for ectopic…you’ve never had an STI..right?” I was floored that she thought it was appropriate to ask me my sexual history over a casserole. My husband was mortified. From there I started taking distance from her (even though she lives 10 minutes away) She checked in on us after our second ectopic and told us she thinks we should go to therapy and that she’s worried about her son and asked me to look out for him and take care of him. She also sent me a chain email about the history of Mother’s Day mentioning “to all the mothers and people who are mothering to lots of people” (I’m a teacher) I saw the intent..just didn’t land. I skipped out on Mother’s Day celebrations and took care of myself. We then had a dinner with my MIL and SIL where my mother in law kept making comments on how she couldn’t drink since she’s pregnant and we heard updates on her birth plans..and she wore a crop top and leggings and complained about her nausea. All in all bizarre.
We are all planning a week away together at my in-laws lake house which I’m already dreading. We were trying to figure out dates and I messaged the group chat that we are starting ivf this summer doing our first egg retrieval in mid July so that really determines our plans…only my brother in law responded. My sister in law and mother in law have said nothing..and this text went out Monday morning and it’s now Saturday. They’ve known we’ve had several appointments at the fertility center and haven’t asked anything or reached out even when we have been very open- so ivf shouldn’t have been a surprise.
I saw my mother in law at my niece’s daycare bbq this week (after ivf text went out) where there were lots of people and babies and my husband and I decided to leave right after the singing performance and my mother in law made a dig like “oh yaaaah you’re probably “triggered” right now” I find myself gritting my teeth and powering through.
Then Friday night my sister in law texted me and my other (very supportive) sister in law telling us..”it’s a boy!!” I responded excitedly and asked her questions showing support.
How do I mentally put myself through being around these people who have a lack of empathy, social awareness, and show zero support? Do I say something/ have my husband say something? Do I skip our lake vacation so I’m not in the same house for a full week with my 20 weeks pregnant sister in law who will complain to me about pregnancy things…all while I’m doing my injections..any advice on navigating would be great.
My mother in law is usually super supportive and empathetic, but I’ve seen such a different side now that her daughter is pregnant, since she saw nothing wrong with how she announced the pregnancy to us (which I think has been the catalyst to the switch thinking we should just be super excited and happy for my SIL and I’m being selfish.).
Starting to think planting the seed of doing ivf is my get out of lake house card. Do I use it as an excuse or give them the honest answer? A lot to unpack I know…TIA for any advice or venting on what you went through with in-laws welcomed!
submitted by hollost2012 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:45 sameed_a what is the social learning theory for memory?

"Oh boy, do I have a wild one for ya! This one's all about the time I catered my niece's birthday party. I was given the task of not only baking the birthday cake but also preparing the whole feast. Add to it a 7 year old's insistence on having everything done just right!
I thought I knew how to whip up a perfect meal, but the pressure of getting it right for 20 odd little munchkins? Now that was a different ballgame. As I was panicking, my good friend Sarah - who used to be a professional caterer - came to the rescue. She started showing me how to prepare her signature spaghetti Bolognese, teaching me her techniques, instructing me on the right amount of each ingredient, and voila! By imitating her, I learnt how to make the perfect Bolognese.
But, here's the interesting part! This experience, which is now a fond memory, reminded me of something from my college days: the social learning theory. This theory suggests that we learn from observing others—even when it comes to cooking, apparently! Who knew my culinary prowess was just a psychology experiment waiting to happen, right?
Here's how it happened: I observed Sarah making the Bolognese sauce (observation), paid attention to her steps (attention), remembered it (retention), and was able to replicate it later on my own (reproduction). I was even able to whip up the dish for a dinner party later, talk about performance, eh?
And guess what? According to the social learning theory, this wasn't just me memorizing a recipe. It was me learning through observation, mimicking, and then incorporating that experience into my skill set. I was essentially using Sarah as my 'mental model', something I hadn't thought I'd be doing outside of my psych classes!
So, the next time you're learning something new, remember that you're not just memorizing facts or procedures. You're observing, retaining, and then reproducing that information - you're putting the social learning theory into practice!
P.S.: You know, while this story is, of course, a hypothetical, isn't it funny how we can sneak in these complex theoretical concepts into our everyday lives? Who said you only need to use mental models in classrooms? Cheers to more kitchen catastrophes resolved by psychological theories!"
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:21 ThrowAwayManyNames AITB-UPDATE: AITB for letting my daughter call her aunt the wrong name?

Hey folks. Maggie and I were waxing nostalgic yesterday and we remembered this account, and she thought it would be nice to give an update on things.
To sum up my last post: At a 17th birthday dinner for Maggie (my trans daughter), my sister (Aunt Bess, 49f) routinely deadnamed her, and Maggie responded by politely calling her Uncle Brian whenever she did. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth, but the Reddit consensus was that my daughter's a badass. Here's the link to the post if you want it.
I know it's been a bit of a goofy long time and it was a pretty small post, but there's been a...lot. Some good, some significantly shitty. Maggie put me up to this, so blame her.
So let's start with the shitty: my mother passed away late last year. We knew it was coming, but shockingly, that knowledge didn't help much. Don't wanna get into the details because this update really isn't about that, but it's relevant. I will say that nothing really prepares you to lose a parent, and my wife is a superhero because without her and Maggie I probably would have just crawled in a hole never come back out.
On the heels of my mom's passing, Aunt Bess had a mild heart attack. She's doing fine now, recovery was a bitch, I had to get more involved than I honestly wanted to because I wasn't about to let Dad take that all on by himself, and wife pitched in too (again, superhero).
And then Maggie is, Jesus H. Christ, eighteen now and graduating high school. Something else nothing prepares you for.
All that context is to make this point: Bessie finally figured out that Maggie is Maggie for good, and she's actually started making an effort. I think the combination of Mom's death, her own scare, and the fact that Maggie will be going off to university in another city next year kind of made it sink in that if she didn't fix things now, she might never get the chance. I don't know.
It's not perfect. And frankly, Bessie has gotten even more insufferable in some ways. But back around Maggie's birthday she sat down with her and gave her an honest-to-God apology. I got it secondhand from Maggie because I wasn't there, but my favourite part of the whole thing is a direct quote from Bess that Maggie gave me word-for-word: "You know, I wanted a niece more than a nephew anyway when you were little, so maybe this trans thing was all my fault from the start."
So yeah, the world still revolves around Bessie in her head, but she hasn't used Maggie's deadname once around us since then, and only slipped on pronouns a few times, so I'm starting to believe this is a good thing. And of course Maggie's overjoyed to have her Aunt Bess back, especially after losing her grandma. So things are sad, but nice. It's weird.
Anyway, that's pretty much it. Maggie says I should tell you that "you people are cool," so there you go. Seal of approval.
submitted by ThrowAwayManyNames to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:36 1lastbraincell I hate being a woman with male friends

I know this is a pretty common experience and nothing really that new but i am 21 F and was invited to a birthday party of some very good friends (four 20 year old engineering students) I have known since school. We used to live in the same housing complex and my parents have met them as well. The party wasn't going to be much, just go to my friend's house, eat cake and play some video games while my friend's parents were there too. The problem is that they're all guys and I'm the only woman there. And my parents flat out refused that I go. They trusted me with going to pondicherry on vacation with my two female friends for a week but draw the line at this.
I didnt argue with my parents to let me go since both me and to an extent my friends are also aware of the risks of me being alone with a group of men in my friend's house (even if I know them) but it still feels so bad that I have to be cautious around every man just because of the heinous acts of some of them towards women, I can't trust men, even those i consider my friends but i cannot deny that the risk is also just as real. It's bad enough that I feel like and am treated like prey owing to the fact of me being a woman in a country like India. I generally avoid being friends with men if there's an option of other women around as it's a whole lot less stressful for me as the dynamics of gender never come into play ("dont talk with him on the phone for so long, quit walking around and chatting with them till late evening, its not a good look.") but it's not like I can cut these guys off after a decade of being friends either. I quoted my mom telling my friends "Im sorry i don't think I can come. My parents don't think it's safe for me to be alone with a bunch of guys" and my parents scolded me that it's not something I should say out loud to them as theyll feel bad since why would they want to be friends with someone who doesnt even trust them? It was a mistake on my end saying that out loud as these particular men are nice people and even my parents agree on that, theyve never acted weirdly with me but my parents are scared about the "what if they werent trustworthy all along" and that is justified.
I just wish my gender didn't bring so many restrictions on me and who I can visit, where I can go, what I can wear, etc. It would be so much better and simpler if I was male instead, not because I hate women or being a women but because of how we are treated in society. I'm sick and tired of the mind games on how not to hurt people's feelings over very justified threats. I just hate it. I wish I had the freedom males are allowed to have.
Edit: Not exactly relevant but I talked to my friends about this and they understood my point. We all decided to meet up at a public space near my house and had a lot of fun. But my thoughts remain unchanged on this matter.
submitted by 1lastbraincell to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]