Intermediate accounting solutions to chapter 9 13th edition

Infinite Discussion: Infinite Jest reading group

2017.01.17 07:55 Color09 Infinite Discussion: Infinite Jest reading group

Reading through Infinite Jest in 3 months


  1. Tate stands for its only audience, tourists and the elite.
  2. Why do people suddenly become interested in art when they’re on holiday? Because the refreshment of their surroundings causes their innate psychological needs to resurface.
  3. Why do our supposedly left-wing and counter-culture art movements only reinforce the values of the elitists? Because they haven’t properly understood the Stuckism manifesto.
  4. The only way to free art is to make art free.
  5. The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists hereby announce our latest deathblow to the current establishment by means of free distribution of our original paintings across London’s public transport network.
  6. Follow Instagram account for more.
  7. The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists believe the lack of original art on display in peoples homes, workplaces and public spaces is directly responsible for London’s recent surge in both criminal and anti-social behaviour.
  8. Graffiti isn’t art, it’s doodling. If that’s all “street art” has to offer humanity is doomed.
  9. Humans denied exposure to humanity is a receipe for Tate. It’s every artists duty to rid society of this state sponsored toxic gaslighting anti-culture.
  10. Unfound art isn’t art.
  11. Art is stuck.
  12. Original art is a necessity, not a commodity.
  13. Artists, there’s nothing original about your work. Either mass produce or give up.
  14. Artists, the only thing special about your art is its needs. It needs to be abandoned in public to be picked up by strangers.
  15. Young and naive art students are being encouraged by their schools, colleges and universities not to freely distribute their work in order to protect its future potential financial value and their future potential status as “serious artists”. This, from those supposedly well aware of both humanity’s desperate thirst and lack of exposure to it. Utterly despicable capitalist brainwashing.
  16. Paintings worth more than ten grand aren’t paintings.
  17. Limited edition prints are a far right scheme to extract every penny they can from the widest possible audience, numbered only in days. Nothing but fake value excuses for weak artworks. Art that isn’t original isn’t art. Worldwide adoption of The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists free art inititive would rid the planet of these climate rising delusions and consign art theft to art history.
  18. Rarity decreases value.
  19. The need for a National Gallery is a national disgrace.
  20. The Turner Prize is touted as our big platform for emerging art when the only art in sight is the demo outside it.
  21. Tfl is a gallery that also happens to transport people around London.
  22. Artists that aren’t Stuckist aren’t artists.
  23. The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists public distribution of free original paintings across London will be carried out by the Black Ivory Printmaking & Audio Club of Muswell Hill. Stay posted.
submitted by BlackIvoryPAAC to BlackIvory [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:56 InsaneComicBooker Wizards...Nine? A proposal

UNMARKED SPOILERS BELOW, I will sadly go into spoiler territorry so often the post would look like a bad SCP Foundation article if I tried to black out every single one.
First thing I thought upon finding out about the Wizard Three in Sigil was to notice an opportunitty to include more iconic characters. As we learned more about their role I noticed several complaints about them. Like, "why are we having epic level NPCs relegating the work to mid-level party"? Or "isn't Tasha evil? What is she doing here?" Or "how the hell did Kas fool Tasha, who knows Mordekainen very well?". And so an idea to fix these issues all at once presented itself to me.
In this version of adventure, the PCs are summonned not by Wizard Three, but Wizard Nine. Nine iconic, high-level wizards or other magic users from across D&D worlds or even beyond. They were all summonned to Sigil, to each tap into one of Outer Planes of appriopriate aligment and channel that power into Wish, so the Will of the entire multiverse wishes of Vecna's death. Once it fails, the wizards realize it means one of them must nto be who they claim, possibly an agent of Vecna. So they immediatelly lock themselves in Sanctuary - only PCs can enter and leave because they weren't i nthe room doing the casting of that super Wish. And every time they return with next piece of the Rod, they find Wizards in most disfunctional game of Among Us ever, often probably erupting into violence - this is nine geniuses working AGAINST each other as everyone suspects everyone.
Now, you could keep the original reveal, where Mordekainen is the imposter. If you do, I would advocate against bringing any magic users who know him, like Tasha, Elminster, Storm Silverhand or Dalamar the Dark. If you decide to change the imposter's identity, you can happily bring in some of them, but I would avoid those who know each other (so if you want Elminster, then no Mordekainen or Dalamar).
Evil characters can work with this group because of several reasons, which they should be open about. They may vary from "You think I don't realize Vecna is going to screw ME over alongside everyone else", through "uppity gods need to be put in their place, especially this one" to "I would love what the guy is promising to do to all creation, but I'm not bending my knee to NOBODY!".
Below is a list of proposed characters to use from as many worlds I could think of. I will be comign back to this post to add more names and more worlds with further research, potentially going even beyond strictly D&D settings. You ca drop your own suggestions, I will happily add them to the list with next edit. All requirements are that the character is able to cast 9th level spells, if you have any notes for potential DM willing to use them, please provide them as well.
Eberron - I noticed most of suggestions for Eberron are of evil variety, due to the setting's lack of high-level heroic NPCs (with two exceptions that cannot leave their seats of power), but we'll work with what we have
Exandria (Critical Role) - I noticed most Exandria characters don't reach this high level - even Circle of Brass from Calamity were level 15. However, I found two options to provide a bit of fanservice for any critters at your table, both Chaotic Good:
Krynn (Dragonlance)
Magic the Gathering - there are many worlds in this franchise, but they're often very shallow, so I will group this stuff together.
Mystara - one of my beloved classic worlds, poses an issue because it never conformed to classic 9-types aligment, isntead opting for lawful (defined as "altruistic") and chaotic ("selfish"). A rare exception, 2e book Glantri: Kingdom of Magic, was a big help here.
Oearth (Greyhawk)
Toril (Forgotten Realms)
Domains of Dread (Ravenloft) - I put this one last because of unique use we could have out of Domaind of Dread in this campaign. You see, we know that characterstrapped in Demiplane of Dread cannot leave that easily, they need Dark Powers' permission. And Dark Powers are backing up Kas. I have also seen multiple complaints how both main antagonists of this campaign - Vecna nad Kas - are absent from most of it, with many ideas being thrown around about having Kas as an active rival that competes for pieces of the Rod. It occured to me that he may play that role, while we still have an impostor - another character trapped in Demiplane of Dread could be working with Kas and the Dark Powers in exchange for their freedom. This way we could even allow PCs to sherlock holmes who the traitor is between collecting different pieces of the Rod, and still can have Kas show up with hordes of monsters to steal the Rod later. All that matters is they do not impersonate a character of the same aligment. Here are some candidates for this role:
That's for now, but rest assured, I shall be returning to this post to update it with more characters, potentially more campaign worlds even. Your suggestions whom to add are always welcome.
submitted by InsaneComicBooker to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:54 Global_Tech0 Mastering Captcha Solving: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Captcha Solving: A Comprehensive Guide

Captcha solving is a ubiquitous task on the internet, often serving as a barrier between users and their desired online activities. Whether you're signing up for a new account, completing a purchase, or accessing certain content, it's likely that you've encountered a captcha at some point. While these security measures are essential for preventing automated bots from accessing websites, they can also be frustrating for users. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various types of captchas, common challenges associated with solving them, and strategies for mastering captcha solving.
Understanding Captchas:
Before diving into the intricacies of captcha solving, it's essential to understand what captchas are and why they're used. Captchas, which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, are designed to distinguish between human users and automated bots. They typically present users with a challenge, such as identifying distorted text, selecting specific images, or solving puzzles, that only a human can complete successfully.
Types of Captchas:
There are several types of captchas, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Some of the most common types include:
Image Recognition Captchas: Users are required to identify objects, animals, or elements within images.
Text-Based Captchas: Users must decipher distorted or scrambled text characters to prove their humanity.
Checkbox Captchas: Users simply need to check a box to confirm that they are not a bot.
ReCaptcha: Developed by Google, reCaptcha presents users with various challenges, including image recognition and text classification.
Strategies for Solving Captchas:
While captchas can be challenging, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your success rate:
Use Captcha Solver Tools: Leveraging captcha solver tools like browser extensions or third-party services can automate the captcha-solving process and save you time.
Optimize OCR Technology: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is commonly used to interpret and decipher text-based captchas. Optimizing OCR settings and algorithms can enhance accuracy and efficiency.
Practice Regularly: Like any skill, captcha solving requires practice. Engage with different types of captchas regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.
Stay Informed: Captchas are constantly evolving to stay ahead of automated bots. Stay informed about the latest captcha trends and techniques to adapt your solving strategies accordingly.
Mastering captcha solving is a valuable skill that can enhance your online experience and productivity. By understanding the different types of captchas, employing effective solving strategies, and staying informed about advancements in captcha technology, you can navigate the web with confidence and efficiency. With the comprehensive guide provided here, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any captcha that comes your way.
Spending a lot of money and time dealing with CAPTCHAs until I discovered CaptchaAI. It saved me both time and money. With CaptchaAI, I only pay 00.01 for every 1000 captchas, which is a deal I couldn't find anywhere else. What's more, CaptchaAI offers a 7-day free trial and unlimited solutions for all types of captchas, including normal ones like image Captcha solving and complex ones like reCaptcha solving service. CaptchaAI uses AI-powered OCR technology to efficiently solve these challenges, taking just 1 second for normal types and 10-30 seconds for complex ones, with an impressive accuracy rate of 99.9%.
submitted by Global_Tech0 to u/Global_Tech0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:51 spencerschamber What all goes into a restraining order?

Hi! I'm gonna try an simplify this as much as possible but it will be hard considering all the details and messages that have been thrown at me in recent months.
I had a friend of 7 years who tried to defame me to my friend group saying I was actively mistreating my boyfriend. She made a gc with everyone else in it except me and my bf. When my bf caught wind, he seen 6 paragraphs of what she was saying and doing.
Everything down to the bone was debunked by him and then my friend group came to me to ask mote details. We called her out, showed proof and blocked her on all social media platforms. Stating multiple times from each one of us to no longer contact us under any circumstances.
She proceeded to say that her "demons." Took over and so forth.
In the last 2 months she has CONTINUED to make accounts or use very old ones to contact everyone threatening us, and in some instances acting like a child having a tantrum trying to say all the threats she said and nasty harmful things about my family wasn't her and that she wanted to try again. This would not be the first time, but this is the actual first time in my adulthood she has done this and as severe because I had proof, and an unlimited amount.
Not to mention that my friend group and mnay people I graduated with seen who she really was and was utterly disgusted by her behavior.
May I digress. Each time we tell her how it is, not making threats or throwing around harmful words. At the end of the convo we tell her to stay out of our lives and to heed her own words and to leave us alone despite her thinking we started condos first. There's proof that she has started it all the time.
Today, around 9:30 she somehow got ahold of my new phone number which she has NEVER been given to my knowledge. At least through me.
She has pictures of me from high-school (14-15) with obvious edited captions on snapchat (which I don't use snapchat.) And the captions on them are like "yeah baby, I'm still racist."
"I ❤️ racism." And a bunch of supposed Discord messages from a gc I had never been involved in.
There were like 14 images.
She then said "don't worry. I have way more." I just blocked the number.
She then sent the "proof" to one of my friends who has a business acc with all the pictures. He didn't have her one acc blocked on that one quite yet.
She was calling us all sorts of nasty names, and claiming we're all racist. Btw we have a screenshot of her saying the N word a couple times in private chats between certain people of the group. But I'm not gonna stoop to her level.
The message that stood out to me ESPECIALLY was "don't worry, I'm talking to a buddy of mine who will take care of insert my name
She will not let up on any of it and keeps creating multiple accounts and thinks that posting these on her social media platform will do her good.
Now, that I have explained the circumstances.
What is the full process and do you think that anything can be done.
I cannot afford to change my number, and I have already created a new acc on some social platforms. We have blocked her an unknowingly amount of times and she will not let up on anything.
She has been known in the past to make different phone numbers to reach out.
I'm not very well educated on the laws down to the bone, and I do have a learning disability so a lot of my understanding is hard for me to grasp unless written in 4 year old crayon eating terms.
I live in the United States if this helps.
submitted by spencerschamber to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 spencerschamber How exactly do restraining orders work?

Hi! I'm gonna try an simplify this as much as possible but it will be hard considering all the details and messages that have been thrown at me in recent months.
I had a friend of 7 years who tried to defame me to my friend group saying I was actively mistreating my boyfriend. She made a gc with everyone else in it except me and my bf. When my bf caught wind, he seen 6 paragraphs of what she was saying and doing.
Everything down to the bone was debunked by him and then my friend group came to me to ask mote details. We called her out, showed proof and blocked her on all social media platforms. Stating multiple times from each one of us to no longer contact us under any circumstances.
She proceeded to say that her "demons." Took over and so forth.
In the last 2 months she has CONTINUED to make accounts or use very old ones to contact everyone threatening us, and in some instances acting like a child having a tantrum trying to say all the threats she said and nasty harmful things about my family wasn't her and that she wanted to try again. This would not be the first time, but this is the actual first time in my adulthood she has done this and as severe because I had proof, and an unlimited amount.
Not to mention that my friend group and mnay people I graduated with seen who she really was and was utterly disgusted by her behavior.
May I digress. Each time we tell her how it is, not making threats or throwing around harmful words. At the end of the convo we tell her to stay out of our lives and to heed her own words and to leave us alone despite her thinking we started condos first. There's proof that she has started it all the time.
Today, around 9:30 she somehow got ahold of my new phone number which she has NEVER been given to my knowledge. At least through me.
She has pictures of me from high-school (14-15) with obvious edited captions on snapchat (which I don't use snapchat.) And the captions on them are like "yeah baby, I'm still racist."
"I ❤️ racism." And a bunch of supposed Discord messages from a gc I had never been involved in.
There were like 14 images.
She then said "don't worry. I have way more." I just blocked the number.
She then sent the "proof" to one of my friends who has a business acc with all the pictures. He didn't have her one acc blocked on that one quite yet.
She was calling us all sorts of nasty names, and claiming we're all racist. Btw we have a screenshot of her saying the N word a couple times in private chats between certain people of the group. But I'm not gonna stoop to her level.
The message that stood out to me ESPECIALLY was "don't worry, I'm talking to a buddy of mine who will take care of insert my name
She will not let up on any of it and keeps creating multiple accounts and thinks that posting these on her social media platform will do her good.
Now, that I have explained the circumstances.
What is the full process and do you think that anything can be done.
I cannot afford to change my number, and I have already created a new acc on some social platforms. We have blocked her an unknowingly amount of times and she will not let up on anything.
She has been known in the past to make different phone numbers to reach out.
I'm not very well educated on the laws down to the bone, and I do have a learning disability so a lot of my understanding is hard for me to grasp unless written in 4 year old crayon eating terms
submitted by spencerschamber to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:27 LieDue2550 A Freelancer’s Toolkit: 9 Must-Have Tools

Freelancing can be an incredibly rewarding career path, offering flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to work on a variety of projects. However, to succeed as a freelancer, you need the right tools to manage your business efficiently. Whether you are a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, having a well-stocked toolkit is essential. In this blog post, we will explore some must-have tools that every freelancer should consider incorporating into their workflow. At the forefront of our list is Feedcoyote, a comprehensive tool designed to streamline and enhance your freelancing experience.

1. Feedcoyote: The Ultimate Freelancing Companion

Feedcoyote is a powerful platform tailored specifically for freelancers. It offers a range of features that help you manage your projects, clients, and finances seamlessly. Here’s why Feedcoyote should be your go-to tool:
Sign-Up on Feedcoyote -

Project Management

Feedcoyote allows you to keep track of all your projects in one place. You can create project timelines, set milestones, and track progress effortlessly. The intuitive interface makes it easy to manage multiple projects simultaneously without feeling overwhelmed.

Client Communication

Effective communication is key to freelancing success. Feedcoyote provides a centralized hub for all your client interactions. You can send messages, share files, and receive feedback directly through the platform, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

Invoicing and Payments

One of the most challenging aspects of freelancing is managing invoices and payments. Feedcoyote simplifies this process by allowing you to create and send professional invoices, track payment statuses, and even set up automated reminders for overdue payments. This feature helps you maintain a steady cash flow and reduces the time spent on administrative tasks.

Time Tracking

Accurate time tracking is crucial for billing clients and managing your workload. Feedcoyote includes a built-in time tracking tool that lets you log hours spent on each project. This data can be easily integrated into your invoices, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

Financial Insights

Feedcoyote provides insightful financial reports that help you understand your earnings, expenses, and overall financial health. This information is invaluable for budgeting, tax preparation, and long-term planning.

2. Trello: Visual Project Management

Trello is a popular project management tool that uses a card-based system to help you organize tasks and projects visually. Each project can be broken down into boards, lists, and cards, making it easy to see what needs to be done and when. Trello’s flexibility and user-friendly interface make it a favorite among freelancers for managing both personal and professional tasks.

3. Slack: Communication and Collaboration

For freelancers working with remote teams or multiple clients, Slack is an essential communication tool. It allows you to create channels for different projects, teams, or topics, making it easy to keep conversations organized. Slack also integrates with many other tools, such as Google Drive, Trello, and Feedcoyote, streamlining your workflow.

4. Grammarly: Writing Assistant

Good communication is crucial for freelancers, whether you’re drafting emails, creating content, or writing reports. Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing by checking for grammar, punctuation, and style errors. It also offers suggestions for clarity and conciseness, ensuring that your writing is polished and professional.

5. Canva: Design Made Easy

As a freelancer, you often need to create visually appealing content, whether it’s for social media, presentations, or marketing materials. Canva is a versatile design tool that allows you to create stunning graphics with ease. It offers a wide range of templates, images, and fonts, making it accessible even if you have no prior design experience.

6. Toggl: Simple Time Tracking

Toggl is a straightforward time tracking tool that helps you monitor how much time you spend on different tasks. It’s perfect for freelancers who need to track billable hours or simply want to understand how they’re spending their time. Toggl’s reports provide valuable insights that can help you optimize your productivity.

7. Zoom: Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have become a staple of modern freelancing. Zoom is a reliable video conferencing tool that allows you to host meetings, webinars, and virtual events with ease. Its features include screen sharing, recording, and breakout rooms, making it ideal for client consultations and team collaborations.

8. Google Workspace: Productivity Suite

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) includes a suite of productivity tools such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. These tools are essential for document creation, storage, and collaboration. The seamless integration between these apps enhances your ability to work efficiently and share information with clients and collaborators.

9. LastPass: Password Management

As a freelancer, you likely use numerous online tools and services, each requiring a secure password. LastPass is a password manager that stores and encrypts your passwords, allowing you to access them easily and securely. This tool helps you maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts, reducing the risk of security breaches.

10. Wave: Free Accounting Software

Keeping your finances in order is crucial for freelancing success. Wave offers free accounting software that helps you manage your income, expenses, and invoices. It also provides features for bank reconciliation, receipt scanning, and financial reporting. Wave’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible even if you have limited accounting experience.


Equipping yourself with the right tools can make a significant difference in your freelancing journey. Feedcoyote stands out as a comprehensive solution that addresses many of the challenges freelancers face, from project management to invoicing. Alongside other essential tools like Trello, Slack, and Grammarly, Feedcoyote can help you streamline your workflow, improve communication, and enhance your overall productivity. By investing in these tools, you can focus more on what you do best and less on administrative tasks, paving the way for a successful freelancing career.
submitted by LieDue2550 to EntrepreneurHQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:15 deseyfashion Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024

Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024
Corporate photography is essentially about taking photos for businesses to help them showcase their brand, products, and services. These photos play a crucial role in building the company's image and promoting what it offers to its audience. They're used across various platforms like company websites, brochures, social media, and press releases. Additionally, they serve individuals who want to build a professional portfolio to highlight their skills and expertise.
Within the realm of corporate photography, there's a diverse range of styles and purposes. The most common type is corporate portraits, which include professional headshots and outdoor portraits. These portraits are often featured on company websites, employee profiles, and corporate directories, giving a face to the company's workforce and conveying a sense of professionalism.
Another popular style is capturing 'business-in-action' shots, which provide a glimpse into the daily operations of the company. These photos showcase employees at work, giving viewers an inside look into the company's culture, values, and working environment. They help to humanise the brand and build connections with the audience.
Group portraits are also prevalent in corporate photography, highlighting teamwork and camaraderie among employees. These photos often feature the entire workforce together, conveying a sense of unity and collaboration within the company.
In addition to indoor studio settings, environmental or outdoor portraits are gaining popularity in corporate photography. These photos are taken outside of the traditional office environment and often tell a story or evoke a specific mood. They provide a more relaxed and natural look while still conveying the desired message or brand image.
In Singapore, the corporate photography scene is thriving, with numerous photo studios offering specialised services tailored to business needs. However, with so many options available, choosing the right studio can be overwhelming. To assist in this process, we've compiled a curated list of the top studios in Singapore for corporate photography, each renowned for their expertise, creativity, and professionalism. Whether you require headshots, product photography, or event coverage, these studios excel in delivering high-quality images that meet the standards of Corporate Photoshoot Singapore. Read on to learn more about the Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024.

1. Mount Studio

In Singapore's bustling photography scene, Mount Studio stands out for its reliability and creativity. Embarking on its journey in 2017 within the cosy confines of a 1,300-square-foot studio, Mount Studio soon found itself outgrowing its original space, prompting a move to a more expansive locale capable of housing both photo and video studios under one roof.

They offer a wide range of photography services, including corporate, wedding, fashion, and event photography. They also allow others to rent their studios for their own projects.

Key Features:

❖ Mount Studio now operates three studios within a spacious 2,400-square-foot facility.
❖ With over 15 years of combined experience, the founders ensure top-quality service.
❖ Conveniently located near Marymount MRT station, Mount Studio is easily accessible to clients across Singapore.
❖ They have worked with prestigious clients like OCBC Bank, Visa, IBM, Klook, and Philip Morris.

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Portraits - Professional photography at Mount Studio includes retouching three selected photos per person and the option for one backdrop. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for selection, with the final edited high-resolution JPEGs sent via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

On-location Photography Service: Their services include sending a professional photographer and assistant to the client's chosen location. Clients get up to three carefully retouched photos per person, with professional lighting and various backdrop options. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for easy viewing, and the final edited high-resolution JPEGs are delivered via Dropbox within 7 to 10 working days.

Outdoor Photoshoots: At your preferred Singapore location, you'll get professional photography with editing. Expect around 30-60 edited photos per hour, all delivered in high-resolution JPEG format via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

Contact Information:

Address: Foo Wah Industrial Building, 45 Jalan Pemimpin #07-04 Singapore 577197
Phone: +65 8875 8092
Email: [](

2. Firefly Photography

Firefly Photography is a photo studio in Singapore that offers various services like corporate, family, and wedding photography. It started in 2012 with a partnership with a tech company and introduced outdoor family photoshoots, which were unique at the time. Over the years, it grew, securing contracts with big names like Nestle and Wildlife Reserves Singapore. Since 2014, it's been part of the National Day Parade.

Key Features:

❖ With 10 years of experience, Firefly Photography handles corporate projects for various clients, from government agencies to small businesses and multinational corporations.
❖ They have a fully-equipped studio for corporate headshots, group photos, and commercial shoots. You can also choose to shoot at your preferred location.
❖ Their professional team ensures a comfortable experience during the shoot.
❖ They offer a 360 Virtual Tour service to enhance your brand's online presence.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate Photoshoots: Tailored photography sessions designed to meet the specific needs and branding of corporate clients, ensuring high-quality images for marketing and promotional materials.
Corporate Headshots: Expertly captured portraits focused on individuals within the corporate environment, ideal for professional profiles, websites, and marketing materials.
Group Corporate Photoshoots: Sessions designed to capture teams and groups within the corporate setting, promoting unity and teamwork through visually engaging images.
Lifestyle Photography: Photography sessions that capture the essence and atmosphere of the corporate environment, showcasing the culture, values, and daily life of the organisation.
Commercial and Stock Photography: High-quality images suitable for commercial use, including advertising, marketing, and editorial purposes, available for licensing or purchase.
360 Virtual Tour: Immersive virtual tours that provide an interactive and engaging experience, allowing viewers to explore corporate spaces remotely and gain a comprehensive understanding of the environment.
Corporate Video Production: Professional video production services tailored to corporate clients, including promotional videos, training videos, interviews, and corporate event coverage.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A'Posh Bizhub, #07-19, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9147 3301
Email: [](

3. Memoire Photography

In the dynamic world of corporate photoshoot, where professionalism meets creativity, Memoire Photography emerges as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Nestled in the heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography isn't just a studio; it's a testament to the fusion of artistry and business acumen. Specialising in corporate photo shooting, as one explores what makes Memoire unique, they invite you on a journey where every picture tells a powerful story of corporate identity and success.

Key Features:

❖ Strategically situated in the bustling heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography enjoys a prime location easily reachable for clients from all corners of the city.
❖ Memoire Photography has a really advanced studio with the latest technology. They're great for corporate headshots, team photos, and commercial shoots.
❖ At Memoire Photography, clients can expect a seamless and enjoyable experience, From initial consultation to the final delivery, they prioritise client comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a stress-free and productive photo session.
❖ With a keen eye for detail and mastery of post-production techniques, they ensure that every image is meticulously edited to perfection, resulting in polished and professional visuals that truly stand out.
❖ Prior to the shoot, clients receive personalised style consultations to ensure that the visual aesthetic aligns seamlessly with their brand identity and objectives.

Corporate Photography Services:

Tailored Corporate Photoshoots: Professional photo shoots are available to encapsulate the essence of any company, ranging from the dynamics of office spaces to discussions in boardrooms, aiming to generate imagery that enhances marketing materials.
Executive Portraits: Catering to companies seeking to exhibit their team's professionalism, expertly captured executive portraits offer an ideal solution, suitable for incorporation into websites, profiles, and promotional materials.
Team Building Sessions: Fostering unity and collaboration, interactive group photoshoots encapsulate the collaborative spirit, whether involving the entire team or specific departments.
Company Culture Photography: Lifestyle photography sessions breathe life into corporate culture by capturing its values, ethos, and daily activities, providing a window into the core of the organisation.
Commercial Imagery: Premium-quality product photoshoot commercial imagery boosts brand visibility, serving various purposes ranging from advertising to editorial requirements, poised to augment marketing endeavours.

Contact Information:

Address: 246 MacPherson Road #02-01 (Betime Building) Singapore 348578
Phone: +65 9686 9665
Email: [](
Website :

4. The Beautybox Studio

Since its establishment in 1998, The Beautybox Studio has been a premier destination for creative and personalised photography services. With a focus on both studio and location photography, the team at The Beautybox Studio is committed to delivering exceptional portrait photography and image styling. With a collective experience of 25 years, they aim to maintain their position as one of Singapore's top makeover and photography studios. The Beautybox Studio offers a comprehensive experience, combining a sense of luxury, visual appeal, and exceptional service.

Key Features:

❖ Their experienced photographers take the time to understand each client's needs, ensuring a tailored experience.
❖ Beautybox constantly explores new angles and expressions to make each image special.
❖ With full-time makeup artists and hairstylists, they offer convenience and expertise to enhance clients' appearance for the shoot.
❖ Their beauty professionals have at least five years of experience, guaranteeing top-notch service and confidence in front of the camera.

Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot Passport: The Beautybox Studio takes professional headshot photos that are great for resumes, applications, and company IDs.
Half-Body Photoshoots: They specialise in half-body photos that show off your personality for business purposes. They offer makeup and hairstyling to make you look your best.
Lifestyle Photography: They also do lifestyle photos that are more casual and friendly, perfect for social media or professional profiles.
Black+White Photoshoots: They offer classic black and white photos that focus on your expressions and presence.
Premiere Photography: With professional makeup and hairstyling, they ensure you look confident in every photo. They take high-quality photos for business use.
Group Photoshoots: They take photos of corporate teams for internal or external use, showing unity and professionalism.
Cabin Crew Photoshoots: They provide studio-quality photos at your office, with expert lighting and backgrounds, perfect for cabin crew and other corporate needs.

Contact Information:

Address: 452 North Bridge Road #02-00 Chan Brothers Bldg, Singapore 188733
Phone: +65 6835 3012
Email: [](
Website :
5. Shoot You SG

Highly recommended for budget-friendly professional photo sessions, Shoot You SG was founded in 2017, specialising primarily in corporate photography. Alongside corporate services, the studio extends its expertise to family, wedding, and event photography.

Adding to its offerings, Shoot You SG provides photo booth rentals for corporate gatherings.

Key Features:

❖ Collaborations with renowned corporate entities like AIA, BreadTalk, Smollan, Great Eastern, and IPP.
❖ Flexibility for off-site shoots at locations of your choice.
❖ Esteemed for its prompt and expert photography services.
❖ Spacious and cosy studio setup, including a dedicated area for outfit changes.
❖ The photographer team prides itself on being affable, approachable, and supportive, guiding clients with poses and angles."

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Full-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in full-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Half-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Half-Body Portfolio: Up to 50 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Group Photography: Expertly composed and lit portraits that showcase the unity and professionalism of your corporate team.
Event Photography: High-quality portraits of attendees, speakers, and VIP guests, showcasing their engagement and participation in the event.
Photo Booth for Events: The team begins its process once clients reserve the photo booth session. They tailor logos, fonts, and designs to ensure each one possesses its unique flair, aligning seamlessly with the chosen theme. The team suggests maintaining simplicity and minimalism in the designs to ensure guests remain the focal point of the event.
Contact Information:

Address: Wintech Centre, 6 Ubi Road 1, #06-01 Singapore 408726
Phone: +65 9382 8465
Email: [](

6. Dato Photograph
For over a decade and a half, Dato Photograph has been the go-to destination for diverse photography needs in Singapore. With a rich history of fifteen years, they've solidified their reputation as a trusted provider of top-notch photography services.
Founded by a collective of seasoned professionals with backgrounds spanning photography, modelling, magazine editorial, and event coordination, Dato Photograph brings a wealth of expertise to every project they undertake.
Key Features:
❖ Dato Photograph's portfolio includes collaborations with renowned publications like the esteemed corporate magazine, AsiaX.
❖ Clients enjoy the perk of unlimited shots during their sessions, ensuring every angle and moment is captured flawlessly.
❖ Need to spice up your shoot? Dato Photograph provides a selection of complimentary accessories and themed costumes to add that extra flair.
❖ Convenience is key, as the studio extends complimentary transportation services for location shoots, making the entire process hassle-free for their clientele.
Corporate Photography Services:

Passport Photo: Passport photos serve as a visual identification tool, capturing the essence of an individual in a standardised format, ensuring seamless border crossings and official documentation worldwide.
Corporate Headshot: Skilfully captured portraits spotlighting individuals within the corporate realm, tailored for enhancing professional profiles, websites, and marketing collateral with a distinctive touch.
Location or Outdoor Photoshoot: Capture the essence of your story amidst nature's canvas. Let Dato Photography frame your moments in the breathtaking backdrop of the great outdoors.
Contact Information:

Address 1: 12 Arumugam Road, Singapore 409958
Address 2: 115C Canberra Walk, Singapore 753115
Phone: +65 9484 4344
Email: [](

7. Our Momento
Our Momento, a family-operated photography collective based in Singapore, specialises in providing a range of photography and videography services since its establishment in 2023. Their focus lies in outdoor photography, including corporate portraits, led by Jori Goh and Cynthia Lim, the studio's principal photographers.
Key Features:
❖ Our Momento offers straightforward pricing without hidden fees or extra charges per photo. They also give discounts for regular business collaborations.
❖ Specialising in outdoor shoots, they provide a fresh perspective for corporate portraits, alongside traditional studio options.
❖ Clients can discuss their ideas freely in an initial consultation at no extra cost.
❖ With a turnaround time of 7 to 10 days, clients receive edited photos promptly for their projects.
Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Headshots: Let your team's professionalism shine with expertly captured headshots, highlighting their confidence and approachability.
Team Photoshoots: Showcase your team's unity and spirit with group portraits that capture the essence of collaboration.
Company Events Coverage: Preserve the excitement and success of your company events with comprehensive photo coverage.
Environmental Portraits: Tell your company's story with portraits that incorporate your workspace or industry, adding authenticity to your brand.
Candid Photos: Capture genuine moments of connection and laughter with candid snapshots that reflect your company culture.
Contact Information:

Address: Jurong West Street 42, Block 419, Singapore 640419
Phone: +65 8020 2902
Email: [](

8. White Room Studio
Looking to capture a memorable moment? Look no further than White Room Studio. This family-owned establishment has been a fixture in the photography world since 2009. Their studio is a one-of-a-kind space flooded with natural light, ensuring your photos stand out. Whether it's a corporate event, a family gathering, or a glamorous photoshoot, their creativity and spacious studio are ready to bring your vision to life.
Key Features:
❖ Step into their studio, a quaint shophouse filled with natural light. The absence of harsh studio lighting creates a soft, welcoming atmosphere that enhances every photograph, ensuring a natural and captivating feel.
❖ Their studio isn't your typical sterile environment. It's a space meticulously designed to ignite creativity. Offering a variety of backgrounds and settings, clients can bring their unique visions to life. Whether it's a rustic backdrop or a modern setting, their studio serves as a versatile canvas for creative expression.
❖ Their studio offers a variety of photoshoot options to suit every story. Whether it's a romantic couple shoot or a playful family portrait, they've got something for everyone. Their team works closely with clients to ensure each session reflects their unique style and personality.
Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot: White Room Studio offers corporate headshot photography that's redefining the industry. They specialise in creating professional images that enhance clients' presence on platforms like LinkedIn and within their professional networks. From CEOs and small business owners to fitness instructors, musicians, life coaches, doctors, and recent graduates, White Room Studio crafts headshots that exude confidence and professionalism for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Corporate Branding: They prioritise listening to clients of all sizes and industries. Whether it's in recruitment, shipping, insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, or banking, they ensure that every corporate portrait reflects the message represented by the business.
Personal Branding: showcases your unique personality. Whether you aim for a warm and professional attitude or a vibrant and approachable vibe, they tailor your approach to suit your style.

Contact Information:

Address: 219 River Valley Road . Level 2, Singapore 238277
Phone: +65 6235 7037
Email: [](

9. Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd

Meet Lumiere Photography – the premier option for partnering with leading corporations, global VIPs, and governmental dignitaries. Renowned for their prowess in crafting striking corporate photo shoot in Singapore, this team is adept at leaving a memorable mark. Their skilled crew, consistently attired with finesse and fluent in English, adds a layer of elegance to each endeavour. Lumiere Photography has adeptly captured prestigious occasions featuring influential personalities, ensuring prompt delivery of impeccable images ideal for urgent press releases.

Key Features:

❖ Lumiere Photography gets your press photos to you quickly, helping you meet your media deadlines without hassle.
❖ They create impressive videos and photos that tell your corporate story in a visually stunning way, ensuring your content stands out.
❖ With a talented team dressed to impress, Lumiere Photography not only captures amazing shots but also upholds your company's image at every event.

Corporate Photography Services:

Portrait Photography: Are you always rushing to find a good photo for your LinkedIn, resume, or Facebook? No need to worry anymore! With lots of experience taking pictures for big companies, Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd will make sure you look great in your suit and tie.

Studio Photoshoot: Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd offers clients the opportunity to indulge their friends and/or family in a delightful one-hour photoshoot experience within the comfort of their studio. They ensure a bug-free, sweat-free environment, allowing everyone to enjoy the session to the fullest.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A, #07-19/22 Posh Bizhub, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9023 8794
Email: [](

10. Oh Dear Studio

Established in 2010, Oh Dear Studio in Blair Plain, Singapore, offers expert photography services capturing the city's timeless charm. Led by founder Melody Lin, the studio specialises in corporate and personal portraits, blending professionalism with artistic flair. Set in a charming colonial shophouse, Oh Dear Studio boasts tasteful decor, abundant natural light, and a serene rooftop oasis. Melody's passion for photography and dedication to storytelling ensure that every moment, from family gatherings to corporate events, is immortalised with authenticity and warmth. Oh Dear Studio is more than a photography studio; it's a sanctuary where memories are transformed into timeless treasures. For corporate photoshoots Singapore, Oh Dear Studio offers unparalleled expertise and creativity, capturing the essence of your brand with finesse.

Key Features:

❖ They're experts at taking professional photos for businesses and individuals, having done it for over 15 years.
❖ They specialise in business photos but also do pictures for couples, grads, and families.
❖ People love their work and say great things about it. The studio is in a neat old building with a stylish inside that makes for great photos.
❖ They have a private rooftop with lots of plants where you can take outdoor pictures in a peaceful setting.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate: Oh Dear Studio places a strong emphasis on attentive client engagement across a diverse spectrum of industries and company scales. From recruitment and shipping to insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, and banking, they are dedicated to ensuring that each corporate portrait resonates with the unique identity and message conveyed by the business it represents.

● On-site Outdoor Corporate Photography: Oh Dear Studio endeavours to deliver exceptional professional business images, whether it's an outdoor Corporate Photoshoot or an on-site Office Corporate Photography session. A minimum booking of 2 hours is required, with the flexibility for clients to choose the location or office setting. The package includes the return of all soft copies captured, ensuring high-quality images at 3600 pixels x 2400 pixels and 300 DPI resolution.

Contact Information:

Address: 87 Kampong Bahru Rd, #02-01, Singapore 169381
Phone: +65 9738 3447
Email: [](

submitted by deseyfashion to u/deseyfashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 spunchy M&B 2024 Warsaw 2: History of Money and Finance

M&B 2024 Warsaw 2: History of Money and Finance
For our schedule and links to other discussions, see the Money and Banking 2024 master post.
This is the discussion thread for Economics of Money and Banking Warsaw Lecture 2: History of Money and Finance?
This lecture provides historical context for how people have thought about money and banking over time, and, in particular, how the Money View approach evolved. This material is largely absent from the original 2012 lectures, but the historical context can give us an intellectual starting point to build on.
NOTE 1: As with Warsaw Lecture 1, the audio in this lecture only plays over the left channel. I recommend downmixing to mono in your computer's audio settings, so it doesn't distract you.
NOTE 2: The recording doesn't start until a few minutes in, toward the end of Slide 2.
The slides are not always visible in the recording. I've included their content below.

Slide 2: Two traditions (0:00 – 0:18)

“There were, at the least, two strands in classical economics. There was one (represented, roughly speaking, by Ricardo and his followers) which maintained that all would be well if by some device credit money could be made to behave like metallic money; there was another (represented, so far as I have taken the story, by Thornton and Mill) which held that credit money must be managed, even though (as was admitted) it is difficult to manage it. This is a major difference, and it has outlasted Keynes.” Hicks 1967, “Monetary Theory and History”

Slide 3: Drivers (0:18 – 5:18)

  • World Wars, World Depression, Rise of Welfare State, Stabilization Policy
  • Rise of the United States (1913 Fed, 1944 Bretton Woods), from sterling to dollar reserve
  • Professionalization of Economics, Formal Turn in Economics, Econometric Movement
  • De-colonization, Independence, Financial Crisis
  • Emerging Markets, Financial Globalization, Global Financial Crisis

Slide 4: The Money View (5:18 – 6:41)

  • Banking as a Payments System
    • Copeland (1952): A Moneyflow Economy
    • Minsky (1957): The Survival Constraint
  • Banking as a Market Making System
    • Hawtrey (1919): Hierarchy of Money and Credit
    • Hicks (1989): Centrality of the Dealer Function
    • Bagehot (1873): Dealer of Last Resort

Slide 5: The Economics/Finance View (6:41 – 8:12)

  • MV=PT, money as means of exchange
  • IS-LM (nominal interest rate), money as store of value
  • Purchasing Power Parity, P=sP* (FX), money as measure of value
  • DSGE with Taylor Rule (inflation targeting)

Slide 6: Finance and Macroeconomics (8:12 – 10:36)
Finance: “consumption CAPM” Economics: “Real Business Cycles”

Slide 7: Fatal Abstractions (10:36 – 13:06)

  • No “Banking as a Payment System”
    • No Money Flow, NIPA
    • No Survival Constraint, Budget Constraint
  • No “Banking as a Market-Making System”
    • No Hierarchy, Money as n+1th market
    • No Dealers, Price equilibrates, supply and demand
    • No Dealer of Last Resort, Central Bank operates on inflation expectations

Slide 8: Monetary Thought, 1913 (13:06 – 18:15)

Slide 9: Political Thought, 1913 (18:15 – 21:53)

  • Three Bogeymen
    • Big Finance Memory of 1907 Crisis (JP Morgan)
      • And 1910 (Jekyll Island)
    • Big Government Memory of 1862 (Greenbacks)
    • Big Wide World Actuality of Sterling System
  • Political Solution
    • Real Bills Language (vs. Finance and Government)
    • Gold Convertibility (vs. Wide World)
    • Board of Governors, democratic oversight
  • Funding Liquidity vs. Market Liquidity

Slide 10: Language vs. Reality (21:53 – 26:21)

  • Funding liquidity versus market liquidity
    • Real bills doctrine, self-liquidating bills
    • Shiftability doctrine, Moulton 1918
      • Primitive repo, Primitive shadow banking!
  • Wartime transformation
    • Centrality of government debt (Bogey #2)
    • Centrality of government debt dealers (Bogey #1)
  • Tenth Annual Report (1923)
    • Invention of open market operations

Slide 11: Great Depression Transformation (26:21 – 28:21)

  • Federal Reserve failure
    • 1931 lender of last resort but not dealer of last resort (funding liquidity, not market liquidity)
  • Federal Reserve transformation
    • Banking Act of 1935, “apotheosis of shiftability”
    • Banking Act of 1937, “orderly conditions” tantamount to dealer of last resort, essential hybridity

Slide 12: Emerging Norms of Management (28:21 – 33:53)

  • Keynes 1930 Treatise, normal backwardation
    • Keynes 1936 GT, liquidity preference
    • Hicks 1939, V&C, forward rate bias
  • Wartime hiatus, and more transformation
    • From war finance to Bretton Woods 1944 (Bogey #3)
    • From war finance to Fed-Treasury Accord 1951
  • FOMC “Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Government Securities Market” (1952)
    • Level of interest rates
    • “Tone” of the money market, centrality of private dealers

Slide 13: Capital Finance, indirect (33:53 – 36:04)

Slide 14: International Dollar, indirect (36:04 – 37:16)

Slide 15: Origins of Macroeconomics? (37:16 – 38:28)

  • Alvin Hansen
    • Continental Business Cycles (Schumpeter) + American Institutionalism (Burns/Mitchell)
  • John Maynard Keynes
    • English Banking Traditions (Tooke, Bagehot, Marshall, Hawtrey)
  • James Tobin: neoclassical synthesis
    • Irving Fisher (Walrasianism) + Cambridge Quantity equation

Slide 16: Evolution of Macro? (38:28 – 40:11)

  • Internal Inconsistency, Monetarist Challenge
    • Phelps (1968), Friedman (1968), Muth (1961)
  • New Classical Theory (Lucas 1975, 1976, 1977)
    • “Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle”
    • “Econometric Policy Evaluation”
    • “Understanding Business Cycles”
  • Real Business Cycles
    • Kydland and Prescott (1982)
    • Long and Plosser (1983)

Slide 17: The Lucas Link: Macro vs. Finance (40:11 – 42:52)

“On the one hand, it is easy to postulate agents and market institutions which ignore or foolishly waste information: the result is a theory which seriously understates agents’ abilities to vary their decision rules with changes in the environment (such as, for example, the theory underlying the major econometric forecasting models). It is equally easy to postulate ‘efficient’ securities markets which rapidly transmit all information to all traders: the result is a static general equilibrium model. To observe that one must avoid both extremes to understand the business cycle does not take one very far in discovering the correct ‘centrist’ model, but it seems nonetheless an essential point of departure.” (Lucas 1975, 1138).

Slide 18: Rise of the Academics (42:52 – 46:34)

Slide 19: Modigliani (46:34 – 47:22)

  • “Liquidity Preference and the Theory of Interest and Money” (1944)

Slide 20: Samuelson (1947 [1937]) (47:22 – 50:04)

  • Robertson’s Money (1922)
  • Monetary Walrasianism
    • Hicks 1935 “A suggestion for simplifying…”
    • Marschak 1938 “Money and the theory of assets”
  • M = M(p1,….,pn,pm,I,r)
    • Monetary theory of the rate of interest? NO
    • Liquidity preference theory of term structure? NO
  • Neoclassical Synthesis (1955, 1967)

Slide 21: An Aside on Hicks (50:04 – 51:20)

  • Repudiation of 1937 “Keynes and the Classics”, but not 1935 “Simplifying”
  • 1962 Presidential Address “Liquidity” restarts his monetary inquiry, culminating in 1989 Market Theory of Money
  • Not monetary Walrasianism, rather completion of Keynes Treatise on Money
  • Hicks and the money view

Slide 22: Emerging Norms of Management (51:20 – 53:09)

Slide 23: State of Debate circa 1975 (53:09 – 55:12)

Slide 24: Can Monetary Policy Work? (55:12 – 56:52)

“If the interest rate on money, as well as the rates on all other financial assets, were flexible and endogenous, then ….there would be no room for monetary policy to affect aggregate demand.” Tobin (1969, 26)

Slide 25: Monetarism Mark I (56:52 – 57:14)

  • “One can see why the initial monetarist tide was so successful – no one had thought of building any dykes.”
    • Hahn on neoclassical “synthesis” (1983, 51) in Paul Samuelson and Modern Economic Theory

Slide 26: The "Hahn Problem" (57:14 – 58:15)

Slide 27: The Problem of Time (58:15 – 1:00:25)

Slide 28: Rise of Finance (1:00:25 – 1:01:00)

  • CAPM Origins [Marschak 1938]
    • Markowitz (1956) to Sharpe (1964)
    • Modigliani-Miller (1958) to Treynor (1962)
  • Options Pricing Origins
    • Treynor to Black-Scholes (1973)
    • Samuelson to Merton (1973)

Slide 29: "Monetarism" Mark II (1:01:00 – 1:01:35)

  • Black (1970) “Banking in a World Without Money”
  • Real Business Cycles
    • Kydland and Prescott (1982)
    • Long and Plosser (1983)
  • Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
    • No banks, no money, liquidity as a free good
    • Price level formed by “expectations” and Central Bank Taylor Rule

Slide 30: Risk control in efficient markets (1:01:35 – 1:03:17)

Slide 31: Special Theories of "Liquidity" (1:03:17 – 1:04:18)

Slide 32: The Problem of time, Redux (1:04:18 – 1:05:05)

Slide 33: The Money View (1:05:05 – 1:05:10)

  • Banking as a Payments System
    • Copeland (1952): A Moneyflow Economy
    • Minsky (1957): The Survival Constraint
  • Banking as a Market Making System
    • Hawtrey (1919): Hierarchy of Money and Credit
    • Hicks (1989): Centrality of the Dealer Function
    • Bagehot (1873): Dealer of Last Resort

Slide 34: "Capitalism is essentially a financial system" (1967) (1:05:10 – 1:05:31)

Slide 35: The Vision of Minsky (1999) (1:05:31 – 1:08:12)

“By his own reckoning, Minsky was an institutionalist economist in the sense that he viewed the structure of the economic world not as immanent in some set of underlying data—such as endowments, technology, and preferences—but rather as constituted by a set of key economic institutions. He was institutionalist too in his insistence that our economy is essentially, not incidentally, monetary in character. His way of fleshing out that idea was to look at every economic unit—firms, households, governments, even countries—as though it were a bank daily balancing cash inflow against cash outflow. From that point of view, the categories that most economists, and most people, take to be solid simply melt into air. Production, consumption, and trade, are nothing more than flows of money in and out and between different economic units. The most real thing is money, but money is nothing more than a form of debt, which is to say a commitment to pay money at some time in the future. The whole system is therefore fundamentally circular and self-referential. There is nothing underneath, as it were, holding it up. In Minsky’s hyper-modern institutionalism, institutions do not merely organize the stuff of some pre-existing real world; there are the only real world there is. Financial relationships are not about mediating something else on the ‘real’ side of the economy; they are the constitutive relationships of the whole system. The veil of money is the very fabric of the modern economy.
Please post any questions and comments below. We will have a one-hour live discussion of Warsaw Lecture 2 on Wednesday, May 13th, at 2:00pm EDT.
submitted by spunchy to moneyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:25 Sin-God A New Chain: Another Day Another Dollar

A/N: This incorporates a new build, with additional drawbacks and perks. I added a few gamer functions, as well as Lightning Quick, Brute Strength, DPS, and Rogue. More details are available over on Spacebattles (I also edited the original chapters there to reflect the changes).
Within minutes of entering the building and clocking in, I'm speedily typing away at my computer. There are stacks of papers on my desk that I am dedicatedly transcribing and digitizing.
This is my job, at least on most days. I have to take sheets of paper, invariably assorted forms related to insurance, and digitize them. In minutes I have already done this to a few different types of forms, from applications to the paperwork regarding claims and investigations into claims. "Speed Typist" mixed with "Lightning Quick" allows me to easily breeze through even dense forms and shift between the programs I need to use for each type of form. My job is hilariously, almost offensively, easy and I have already heard that we have a backlog so I have plenty of stuff to go through.
As I type I begin to think about each of my gamer perks as well as my system. Every few minutes I'll "mistype" thanks to "Buggy" and I'll spend a split second going back and fixing my mistake but between "The Devil's Own Luck" and "Lightning Quick" I'm able to fix my mistakes in a span of milliseconds. While I type I use "Observe" every instance I can, throwing in a tiny burst to the overall amount of experience I gain.
I use my enhanced mind's passive ability to follow two trains of thought while I work. As far as anyone can tell I'm diligently doing my job, but in actuality I'm exploring my system. Through passive, almost imperceptible gestures, mostly due to how fast they are, I am messing around with my rather system.
I whittle away the hours I need to spend at my job doing this. During this time I get a few of my skills to level up a few times, thanks to my decision to faithfully and diligently hone some of my other abilities like "Observe". Eventually lunch rolls around and Amy sneaks up behind me so she can surprise me and draw me away from my work. I feign surprise when she reaches me up and taps on my shoulder, and this is a perfect chance for me to try something out.
I make small talk and I silently activate my ability to pause reality while I'm in the middle of a sentence. The world freezes around me and I get to see Amy freeze as she reacts to what I'm saying. I have a reason for doing this, it's all for the sake of experimenting with some of my more intriguing abilities.
I focus on Amy even as I interact with my system's UI and I activate my "Gacha" mechanic. In my mind's eye I can see a logo representing a capsule machine beginning to stir to life and spin some of the capsules containing various awards, and I think about two enormously powerful perks: "The Face" and "Silver Tongue".
These two charisma enhancing perks are incredibly valuable tools in my repertoire and I have yet to meaningfully use them. One of them, "Silver Tongue" is not as directly powerful as "The Face" but it offers me broad knowledge of psychology, enhances my charismatic intuition, and makes me incredibly attractive. The real powerhouse of a perk is "The Face". By focusing on people and thinking of something I want them to believe or persuade them to do I have a supernatural intuitive sense that allows me to know the best sort of argument I could make to achieve that goal. To test this I study Amy while wondering if there's any way for me to convince her to go on a date with me, and after a split second of thinking I begin to feel vague intuitive senses of what I could say and do that would make her see me as a potential romantic interest, and I know that doing that before I ask her out would guarantee success if I wanted her to go on a date with me.
I immediately shift tactics and try to see if I could persuade her to give me 100,000 dollars, and I am unsurprised when I do not gain any vague sensations about how to make that happen one way or another. "Worth a shot..." I tell myself, and if I could smile more I would. Both of these perks are strong, but I'm clever enough to recognize that they become even stronger when I add "Beautiful Mind" and "Well of Wisdom" to the mix. WoW is especially handy in a combination like this, since it allows me to pick and choose the most efficient route to my desired outcome. This is especially true if I mix it with my ability to pause time, since I can give myself breathing room and contemplate how to most skillfully word my arguments and present my positions.
The gacha machine, or some abstraction of one, in my head slows to a stop. When it does a symbol of a capsule pops out and I am delighted to see that I've won a mundane iPad like device, a handy thing I can use as a computer for the time being! This is quite handy, and I can see this particular mechanic becoming something life-saving in a moment of desperation with the right amount of luck. The decide immediately fills a slot in my inventory, and I make a mental note to pull it out and use it later.
I unpause time and over the course of the next few minutes I use my skills, mixing all of the aforementioned perks and functions of my gamer skills as Amy and I walk over to the cafeteria. It is only when we're sitting through the door into the cafeteria that I sense an opportunity to ask my friend something.
"Hey, do you want to try a soup I made? I like it but having a second opinion is always good." I remark, causing her eyes to brightly light up. I grin at her and we walk over to the same table we ate at yesterday. I hand her the small container I'm holding my soup in, and she looks at it. I see her inhale and watch as her eyes light up. We're the first of the people to arrive at our table so no one else sees this. The container I gave her also has some silverware which she uses to go ahead and take a sip of the soup. I am delighted when time freezes and I get a notification alerting me to the acquisition of a new class: that of a chef. I immediately equip it even as I click through the drawback that appears before me. This also confirms that at least in some cases what is needed for me to get a class is for me to do stuff in front of others or at least involve them in some way.
As time resumes I see Amy's face light up.
"This is delicious!" She states with a delighted and sincere grin. I light up as she tells me this and I lightly cheer. This is excellent news, and my acquisition of this class is very fascinating. When it comes to classes I have a unique ability to get them to "Prestige" once they reach a high enough level, and given my current build's focus on support, buffing, and healing, if I can master a class like that of a chef I can do a lot.
"I'm so happy you like it!" I exclaim, sincerely. It really does taste quite good, but my whole body is enhanced and I'm superhumanly sensitive to things like taste so there's no guarantee that what I taste will be what others taste. That said, cooking is an absolutely incredible skill so if I can master it... Well, I'll always be able to prove my worth in almost any situation involving other people. Cooking... is a cracked skill to have in real life.
Our friends join us and as they do Amy turns to them and hands one of the women the container. Mary looks at us quizzically and Amy pantomimes for her friend to try the soup. Mary's look of confusion only becomes more apparent, but she still dutifully does as she's been asked, using her own silverware to do so. Her eyes light up as well and I feel how much experience I have as a cook slowly increase, which brings a smug smile to my face.
"This is delicious! What is this?!" Mary asks, and I grin and point at me. She smiles, impressed, before handing it back to me.
"I made this soup last night. I liked it but I didn't know if I was going crazy or not." I remark, and that gets a laugh out of Amy.
"Well, if working at an office ever gets boring you could make a living as a chef. This is amazing!" She states, and I can hear the honesty in her voice. It's kind of nice how much she likes the stuff, and a part of me wouldn't mind making more food for her if she's gonna be this enthusiastic about what I give her to eat.
It's hard not for me not to beam at my companions in passive delight the whole time we're eating lunch. The lunchroom conversation is kept simple and we simply inform each other about upcoming plans and light gossip, all of which I've heard before thanks to my enhanced, and growing, senses. Super Sensory is a strong enough perk by default but because of my ability to expand every facet of myself, coupled with the universality of "Master of All" I am just passively growing in my ability to hear stuff. Seeing as I am uncapped I could see myself someday hearing every conversation in this building, almost certainly by the end of the year given how all of my growth is linked together and builds on each other.
Lunch comes and goes in a blur and in minutes I'm back in front of the computer. In front of the computer I'm a blur, my fingers strengthened by Lightning Quick and Speed Typist. I whittle away the hours diligently doing my job, distracting myself and minorly doing other things by making use of my dual trains of thought, and even when I overcome instances of "Buggy" every few minutes I still find myself grateful that I took the drawbacks I did. This work would be... less than fun otherwise. By the time my workday comes to an end and I find myself outside of the office I've filled out hundreds of forms and diligently pushed various skills of mine to new levels. Colleagues of mine are walking around me and also leaving the office. I casually pause time. making use of my pause ability again, and I begin to think of what to do and where to go next.
"I suppose now's as good a time as any to go and see about volunteering..." I eventually realize as I think about the various things I can do from here. I momentarily wonder where I should go to try and do that before I remember what I told Amy and the others yesterday about how I volunteered at a clinic. WIth Healer volunteering at a hospital would be good for me, even if I couldn't do as much good as I'd like too since I am not a doctor. I unpause time and smile as I reach into my pocket, use "Inventory" and retrieve my cellphone.
"Where is the nearest hospital?" I ask aloud, into the phone. Some of the people walking past me glance at me curiously and I smile sheepishly as my phone begins to tell me where to go. I begin to walk in the direction the phone indicates, happy to have a chance to begin to do some good.
The walk isn't terribly long. It turns out that the hospital is in a part of downtown that I didn't explore last night, and I reach it less than five minutes after I start walking, just in the opposite direction of where I was going before. The hospital isn't huge, which surprises me since I don't seem to be living in some small town but in a decently sized city. I walk into the main entrance and step into a large lobby where a decent amount of foot traffic seems to happen, judging from the footprints I can faintly see on the floor beneath me. I walk up to a receptionist desk and the man behind it doesn't bother looking up and instead taps the clipboard in front of him. I glance at it and laugh when I see that it's a standard questionnaire for people who are visiting a hospital for normal, health-related reasons. My reaction surprises the man, and to be fair it's definitely odd for someone in a hospital to laugh at the sight of a hospital questionnaire.
I am laughing at the questionnaire because it's amusing to think about the possibility of getting sick, I'm a gamer, and while normally that'd conjure images of nerds and geeks in my case it means that my health is protected. I have two very powerful perks/features that wildly mitigate the dangers of sicknesses: "Tough As Nails" which guarantees that it'd take something supernatural or almost supernatural to stand a chance of even slowing me down, and "Gamer Body". Gamer Body is interesting in this context since it gamifies negative conditions and allows me to, quite literally, sleep them off. Even something like losing a limb can be cured with a night of sleep thanks to my abilities which feels radically overpowered given how little it cost. I have other perks which further lower my odds of being negatively affected by sicknesses, such as "The Devil's Own Luck". I also have my magic, which includes spells that completely heal and purify the body, and would work on me just as readily as they'd work on other people.
"I'm actually here to learn how to volunteer? I'm new in town and I used to volunteer at a clinic in my home town so I wanted to see if I could volunteer here." I explain, which causes the guy to look up at me. When he does his eyes widen, and I smile awkwardly. I consider feigning ignorance, or perhaps innocence, but I know what's going on. He wasn't expecting me to look the way I look.
My new looks are something it is taking me a beat to get used to. I was only okay looking before, but now my looks are hyper idealized, and I am a conceptually handsome version of the very best I could have ever looked, and it is a bit jarring. It's more jarring for me, knowing that before I was an at best average-looking guy before coming to this world and gaining this new form. I allow the man a beat, before I clear my throat and the sound snaps him out of the daze he was in.
"Oh! Sorry, man, I just assumed you were sick. Umm... Yeah, let me give you a packet." The man says, before reaching under the desk in front of him. I smile lightly as he rummages around the interior of the space that separates us.
My powerful senses allow me to easily notice all sorts of stuff occurring around me. I can hear the vital processes in the bodies of the people closest to me, such as heartbeats and the smells of sweat, as well as other bodily fluids. Many of the people in this area of the hospital are sick, and truthfully if I could I'd heal them all.
One of my reasons for coming here today is to give myself a means by which I can help and heal people. This is, mildly, altruistic but more than anything else I want to master the power to heal people before I leave this setting. In the right setting, being a healer is absolutely a pivotal method of interacting with my environment and also getting allies, as well as staying alive.
The man eventually hands me a packet, along with a pen to use to fill out parts of it, and I smile at him as I take it. It is filled with information, including an application to fill out, and I thank him as I walk over to the waiting area and begin to fill it out. The questions are simple and ask for basic information about me. I fill it out, though a part of me is curious how this'll mesh with my drawbacks...
When I finish filling out the form I hand it to the man and he gratefully takes it. He explains that I'll be contacted by someone named "Ms. Jimenez" soon, and that she oversees the volunteer program. I delightedly thank him for that information and begin to head out of the hospital.
In minutes I'm part of the way home. I am a decently fast walker, though that's something I'd like to work on more in the days to come. The sun is quickly descending, and the moon is already visible in the night sky. I'm approaching the row of apartment buildings that include the building I live in. As I draw nearer and nearer to it I spot a lone homeless man sleeping next to one of the apartments. He is clearly asleep and my observation ability only confirms this. It also reveals that the man is sick, and when I glance at his hit points I see further confirmation of that, as he's down a few of them. I am walking towards him, and as I move I see a nice opportunity for me to try something.
I silently activate "Rogue", one of my more odd perks, and I feel my presence become much more subdued and difficult to notice. I approach the man, and I shut my eyes. As I walk towards him I allow myself to be guided by Super Sensory and only stop when I'm right in front of the man. I kneel and I focus on my spellbook icon, allowing me to see my list of spells. My senses allow me to be confident that the figure is still asleep when I gently move my hands so that they are in front of him. Time freezes as I gain a "Stealth" skill, and while time is frozen I swap my class and become a mage so I can gain valuable experience before I deactivate "Tutorial Sprite". I allow time to resume and smile as I trigger a spell for the first time, one of healing.
For me to activate the spell requires nothing more than for me to have enough magic points and an applicable target. This particular spell is my more advanced spell and it can work on all sorts of living targets. It is named "Intermediate heal" and the fact that I have it is a sign of one of my purchases; Healer. I feel my points of arcane energy be converted into sacred, restorative energy and I open my eyes in time to watch my hands begin to glow as energy leaves me and enters him. I look at his hit points and watch them begin to slowly increase even as I hit him with another instance of "Observe". I do so just in time to feel time freeze as new notifications appear in my mind's eye. One of the first notifications is that I have just earned experience for the "Mage" class, which becomes experience for everything thanks to Master of All, while another indicates that I've just unlocked a quest to become a healer! I study these notifications with a proud grin as this marks an important milestone in my journey. The fact that the class I want is locked behind a quest is interesting and I make a mental note to study the quest as I head home.
I unfreeze time, notice that the man is already visibly healthier, and turn to make my way back to my new home. It takes only about six minutes before I find myself stepping into my apartment. Now I can play with my new toy from earlier!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:59 AssociationDismal988 Programming Path (The journey of the lost one)

My Life's Journey: Overcoming Challenges


My whole life, I've been rejected. People don't see my potential. I've wasted a lot of time in my life. Currently, I have only 40 euros in my bank account. This is one of my darkest moments. Please don't pity me. It's not the fault of others; it's my fault. I make poor decisions every day, and now I am facing the consequences. Sitting in the dark, isolated, without money, I don't enjoy life. But what I have are books and education. Last week, I had only 10 euros in my account. I felt stressed all over my body; I was spending the last 10 euros in the supermarket on basic needs. Not having enough money is horrible, but it is not the end.

Books and Education

Some books about money and teaching yourself to disconnect from everything have helped me enormously. I've learned that stress is an illusion of fear and uncertainty. I've taught myself to be unattached from many things. Consider this: if you love your mother too much, the blow of her death will be too much, making you never function again. So, love your mother, father, etc., but not too much. Do fun things with them, but remember, the circle of life means it comes and goes. Similarly, with money—when I had only 10 euros, I was stressed. I have no job now and am isolated. I've learned that money is an illusion and that you make your own choices to the point where you've ended up. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the same chances in the world.

Life's Unfairness and Moving Forward

That's why I live with the idea that life is unfair, but you can make it a little better. Because every improvement, no matter where you come from, is what everyone wants. Some people are born in countries where opportunities are plentiful; others are not. But ultimately, we must not sit still; acceptance and progress will help you move forward.

My Resolution

I don't need pity; I am a victim of my own choices. The monster inside me has destroyed me as a hopeless, pitiful person. My posture is bad, my bank account is low, and yet, despite all the negatives, a few books and a goal have shown me the light. I am going to take you on a journey of someone who is down but understands that there are many people who are even lower and in war.

My Goal and Challenge

Although I currently don't have money for a gym or luxury courses, I have done some things smartly. I can only tell you, always think 360 degrees. Don't look for one teacher but two. My goal is to become a full-stack programmer and to be a fit human being with good posture—no nerd neck, forward shoulder or hunchback—and of course, healthy food, brain food, gut food, hydration, and muscles. I want to challenge myself and show the world that on this day, May 15th, 2024, this pitiful man who has made many wrong decisions will transform into a beacon of light and perseverance. I am going to show you that an outcast can achieve this. You only live once, and time comes only once. There is only one May 15th, 2024, 6 AM, and once the minute passes, we cannot go back.

Programming Path and Financial Discipline

Now that I am poor, I keep a detailed Excel sheet that monitors my finances and a visual dashboard of my financial life, which currently looks red and very bleak.

Detailed Plan:

  1. **Starting Point:** I managed to get the GitHub Student Pack. Being poor has made me creative. I have found some courses through various means. My path focuses first on HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  2. **Initial Learning:** I recommend taking notes during lessons, either on pen and paper or a digital tablet. Writing helps you remember more than not doing so.
**The Path:**
  1. Begin with (From GitHub student, you get 1 month free; because I am poor, I must complete HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in that month, meaning full attention and free days as time is limited in this case).
2 Move on to Advanced CSS by Jonas Schedtmann on Udemy.
3 Then, I will start all over again with Angela Yu's Udemy bootcamp. She explains well and comes from a non-IT technical background, which provides a good perspective.
4.After Angela, I will go to Colt Steele to learn good concepts again and some different tips and tricks.
  1. After Colt Steele, I will go to FrontEndMasters to learn all the professional tips and tricks from people who have actually worked in the industry. I will start with FrontEndMasters last because it is very technical and not really an educational experience. FrontEndMasters is ideal last to professionalize any trained knowledge and possibly unlearn incorrect methods. You get 6 months free with the GitHub Student Pack.
6.After FrontEndMasters, it's time to earn money as a freelancer.
  1. When I have some money, I will access more expensive courses.
  2. I plan to start with [Josh W Comeau's courses]( to elevate my CSS skills to a higher level.
  3. Then, I will improve my JavaScript skills with the [Ultimate Next.js course on JS Mastery]( Learning from multiple perspectives is essential to truly understand and master a subject.
10.. Follow up with [Kevin Powell's courses]( to further enhance my CSS skills.
  1. Utilize [Frontend Mentor Pro]( for extensive practice through assignments and exercises.
  2. My ongoing task will be to continue practicing, working on projects, and staying up-to-date with the industry.
This Path is not fixed, because there can be along the way changes, but in general I keep to stay on this Path. Ofcourse after this path is time for the Object Programming, Software developer Path. So then I will search to Computer Science. I'm not an academic, but I am a academic of poorness and of life:)

The Five Fundamental Needs:

  1. **Physical Well-being** (Nutrition, Sleep, Hygiene & Nature)
  2. **Social Connection** (Relationships, Neutrality, Acceptance, Openness, Collaboration, Freedom, Love, Solutions, Empathy & Communication)
  3. **Physical Activity** (Exercise, Cardio, Strength Training, Yoga, Flexibility, Self-defense, Team Sports, Balance & Stability)
  4. **Mental Enrichment** (Education, Philosophy, Religion, Purpose, Spirituality, Creativity & Problem-Solving Thinking)
  5. **Emotional Well-being** (Happiness, Enjoyment, Letting Go, Grief, Meditation, Relaxation, Self-care, Emotional Intelligence & Self-acceptance)

Financial Discipline and Personal Development

Besides programming, I will practice financial discipline by maintaining an extensive Excel sheet to monitor my finances closely. This will help me manage my funds better and avoid previous mistakes. Additionally, I will work on being physically fit, developing strong muscles, and improving my posture and sleep 7–9 hours. If you want to achieve life and things better you need to master 5 basic of life
Your plan seems well-structured to avoid the common pitfalls of "tutorial hell." By moving from basic concepts to more advanced applications and integrating different learning platforms and instructors, you're setting yourself up for a comprehensive learning experience. Here's why your plan is likely effective:
  1. **Variety of Learning Sources**: You’re planning to use multiple resources (Scrimba, Udemy, FrontEndMasters, etc.), which helps prevent the tunnel vision that can occur when relying on just one type of tutorial or instructor.
  2. **Incremental Complexity**: Your plan builds complexity gradually. Starting with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and moving up to more advanced topics allows you to solidify foundational knowledge before tackling harder concepts.
  3. **Practical Application**: By planning to work as a freelancer and tackle real-world projects, you ensure that you're applying what you learn in practical, tangible ways. This application of knowledge helps solidify learning and develop practical skills.
  4. **Reflection and Adaptation**: You’ve outlined a path that includes revisiting concepts with different teachers, which can provide new perspectives and reinforce learning. This is crucial for understanding subjects deeply and from multiple viewpoints.
  5. **Continuous Improvement**: Your approach includes ongoing learning even after formal courses, suggesting that you plan to stay updated and continuously improve, which is vital in the fast-evolving field of technology.
By focusing on a mixture of learning, applying, and revisiting concepts with varied resources and real-world practice, your plan strategically avoids the stagnation associated with "tutorial hell." It promotes active learning and continual growth, which are key to mastering software development.
There can always be a tutorial hell indeed I'm aware.

Conclusion ( I give update every 2 months)

You can react, positive and negative that is good balance is good. But I don't want to have my energy in discussions. As I beginner is important to start and don't focus on what other say. I have my teachers team now, and I will let you know, because I believe in balance, if it was a tutorial hell, or have critize on my own plan. So for now I'm offline and will visit this in 60 days.
I believe this path, with its varied teachers and multiple perspectives, will provide a well-rounded education. Each instructor brings something unique, and at Frontend Masters, I'll have a team of instructors who help me view things from a comprehensive 360-degree perspective. This approach not only applies to programming but also to managing my finances and personal health. I will make these areas a priority, ensuring I not only become a skilled programmer but also lead a balanced and healthy life.Remember, you only have one life, one time, to decide what you want. I've worked customer support roles, I've been a cleaner, I've been a demolisher. Some people enjoy this work, others do not. This has shown me that I no longer want to do work that fits my identity, that I don't want to work 8 hours a day on something and have my life go out like a night candle. The power is that you can choose, you just need courage and steadfastness. Because there are millions of people who enjoy their jobs, as opposed to billions who are stuck in the drudgery of life. Ask yourself, do I want to keep doing things that don't suit me? Go for your goals, learn from misery, don't end up thinking you can't do it. Because when we are dead, we don't know if we come back, or if God gives us heaven or hell, or if it is completely dark. Think about that, that you will close your eyes and have lived your life through your own shortcomings because you sit defeated.
submitted by AssociationDismal988 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:27 Khelldon78 Guide: Modding for Steam Deck via PC - May, 2024

Over the last month I have had a heck of a time modding Skyrim for Steam Deck. In early 2023 I had modded the game via a Youtube video which worked perfectly but after the latest update, this is no longer the case. Googling provided almost Zero help.. Well through trial and error I've finally got the game modded for Steam Deck with 77 mods running perfectly. Today I'd like to share my findings.
I'll be using Vortex mod manager and SkyrimSE. For any other version of Skyrim just substitute your version instead. Also I know this may look overwhelming, it's not as hard as it looks, I'm just thorough. Aside from waiting for things to download and copy, this will take about 5-10 minutes. If there are issues however, one of the steps to fix this could take hours.
What you'll need:
Getting Started:
Note: If you've already modded Skyrim on PC you can skip this section.
  1. On your PC, Install Skyrim via Steam (remember where you installed it for later).
  2. When it's finished, download and install Vortex Mod Manager.
  3. Open your web browser and go to Nexus Mods and find and download all the mods you want to use. Select the "Files" tab and then select the "Mod Manager Download" option so Vortex can properly manage the mods. You may have to resolve some conflicts or the like, Vortex is pretty good at making that easy.
  4. Once you are happy with the mods you have downloaded and installed. Launch Skyrim through Vortex by clicking the play button on the Skyrim graphic in the top left.
  5. Play for at least 30 mins making sure to try everything, opening the map, your inventory, spells, etc.. If there are no crashes and no visible problems then you are good to go. Save the game and Close Skyrim and move to the next step.
Preparing Skyrim for the deck:
  1. On your PC, open steam and uninstall Skyrim. This will leave you with a Skyrim directory with only the mods and nothing else. (note: certain mods will break with this method, mostly mods that overwrite default textures/models. These aren't common but if you experience this, you can skip this step and proceed to step 2)
  2. Open your Skyrim directory on PC and plugin your thumb/external drive.
  3. Copy the entire "Skyrim Special Edition" folder to your thumb/external drive.
Preparing the Deck for Skyrim:
  1. On your Steam Deck, Install Skyrim normally. Run it at least once to make sure the prerequisites are installed..
  2. Exit to desktop. To do this, long press the power button until a menu pops up with the option to 'switch to desktop".
  3. Right click your desktop and select: "Create New>Folder". Name it "Skyrim Mods". This will be very important to save you headaches in the future.
  4. Plug in your Thumb/external drive and mount and open it when prompted.
  5. Open the "Skyrim Special Edition" folder from your thumb/external drive.
  6. Copy "SkyrimSE.exe" and "skse64_loader.exe" to the "Skyrim Mods" folder you created on your desktop.
  7. In the desktop folder, rename "SkyrimSE.exe" to "SkyrimSE_old.exe" and also rename "skse64_loader.exe" to "SkyrimSE.exe".
  8. Right click inside the folder and select: "Create New>Text File" and name it "SKSE.ini".
  9. Open "SKSE.ini" with your default text editor.
  10. type the following into the "SKSE.ini" and save.
Installing the mods and set up:
  1. Open your Skyrim directory on your deck. If you don't know where that is, open Steam from the desktop taskbar, right click Skyrim and select: "Manage>Browse Local Content".
  2. Open your thumb/external drive and copy the contents of "Skyrim Special Edition" to your decks "Skyrim Special Edition" folder. When prompted select "Write into". Wait for it to finish copying. You may now unplug the thumb/external drive.
  3. Open your "Skyrim Mods" folder from your desktop.
  4. Copy the "SkyrimSE.exe" and "SkyrimSE_old.exe" into the "Skyrim Special Edition" folder. Select "overwrite" when prompted.
  5. Inside your decks "Skyrim Special Edition" folder open "DATA" and then "SKSE"
  6. Copy your "SKSE.ini" file into the "SKSE" folder on the deck.
  7. Double click the "Return to Gaming Mode" icon on the desktop and wait for it to load up.
  8. Launch Skyrim and load the save you made on your PC. This will enable all your mods. Play for at least 30 mins and try as many menus and mods as you can. If there are no issues, yay! Enjoy!
Crashes, Broken Mods and other issues:
Problem: The game ran a validation check and now my mods aren't showing up.
Solution: This will happen from time to time. Switch to desktop mode. Open your "Skyrim Mods" folder and re-copy the SkyrimSE.exe file into the decks Skyrim folder. This is why we keep that folder around.
Problem: The game seems to missing one or more textures.
Solution: Start with a validation check (then follow previous problems solution). If that doesn't work it would appear that one or more of the mods you are using overwrite one or more of the games textures. Unfortunately you'll need to start again while skipping the uninstall of Skyrim step. This will create a much larger file transfer size but should fix the problem.
Problem: The game crashes when I open menus or while looting or some mods are broken or not showing up. All other issues.
Solution: This one is a bit of a doozy. So most likely what is happening is your mod load order is out of whack. There is a fix but it can be very time consuming depending on how many mods you have installed. With the 77 I have it took about an hour.
On your PC open "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\profiles" where "USERNAME" is your name you sign into your PC with. Inside that folder there should be another folder named randomly. Open that and inside will be a text file called "loadorder.txt". Open that.
On your steam deck load Skyrim and when the main menu loads select "Creations". When it loads, press the "Y" button to configure the load order. Here you will find all your installed mods.
What you are going to want to do is cross reference the load order from the "loadorder.txt" with the load order you are seeing in Creations on the deck. You can reorder the list in creations by using "LB" while highlighting the mod you want to move. For me, it was very wrong and caused a lot of problems. This will fix all that.
That should be all. If you have any questions or issues that I didn't cover, please leave a comment.
submitted by Khelldon78 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:07 thatfilipinoguy tension between toxic sb19 and bini fans.

just reposting a comment I did on another thread, because I think it needs to be said.
For me tbh it's better to just enjoy the music of all these groups kaysa sa maging dedicated stan. Be an adult and engage casually with people na enjoy the same music as you do pero there's no need to get too attached.
sb19 fans will say na there are a lot of hate against sb19, other blooms being mayabang and toxic etc. but disregard the fact na there are other atins are also doing the same thing against bini, mostly started nung nalagpasan na ng bini sb19 sa streaming etc. there's that insecurity within the fandom.
WHILE bini fans also say na atins are shading too, which is true, and talagang may mga atins na too insecure about this whole thing, pero at the same time parang may in denial within the fandom na it's always setup accounts kapag may mga toxic na blooms or mga nagpapanggap na fans ng bini.
People will just pick a side kung ano mas like nila. When you aren't too attached with these stuff you can see that the truth is somewhere between the middle. The internet is too big and your personal anecdotes might differ from another person.
I think all of the things na both fandoms are accusing of each other are all true. Totoong may mga insecure na atin at nangshshade, totoong may mga toxic na blooms, totoong may setup accounts ang both fandoms to incite more chaos. People will be blind to one of those issues depending kung sino mas gusto nila. There's no way na all people sa fandom ng both ay clean.
Solution talaga dito is a for a third group to blow up already so that both of these toxic fans realize na this is all stupid and there's no need to obsess with the numbers and be happy that ppop is showing signs of growth.
Now I am not saying naman na people shouldn't stan, personal stance ko lang naman na ako I wouldn't do it kasi as a person when i get too passionate about stuff I tend to obsess so I am making a boundary na for myself. I add their songs sa spotify ko, watch a few vids pero I do not get too attached, pero that's just for me. I know what's healthy for me so I actively try to not get too engaged.
For other people, I guess the message is stan healthily according to your own limits, make boundaries and do not get too obsessed. Don't make your world revolve too much sa idols. I'm sure that the idols do not like this too na nag aaway away mga fans nila.
edit: my original comment said na sb19 fans and bini fans pero to be specific i am only referring to the toxic fans ng both fandoms na nag sisimula ng whole tension na ito.
submitted by thatfilipinoguy to PPOPcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:49 welsim WELSIM releases the 2024R2, supporting more open-source solvers

WELSIM releases the 2024R2, supporting more open-source solvers
The general-purpose engineering simulation software WELSIM has released its latest 2024R2 (internal version 2.9). Compared to its previous releases, the 2024R2 version contains many new features and enhancements, which can better support various types of engineering simulation analysis.

Added support for CalculiX

The new 2024R2 version adds a pre-processing module for the CalculiX solver, allowing users to quickly generate input scripts required for CalculiX computation, or directly call CalculiX for solving through WELSIM.
Currently, 60 commands are supported, which accounts for 42% of all CalculiX commands. All of which are core commands, capable of common analysis needs.

Added support for Elmer FEM

The new version adds pre-processing support for Elmer FEM, allowing users to quickly generate input scripts required for Elmer FEM calculations. Upon successful export, a solver input script named elmer_welsim.sif will be generated, along with a mesh dataset consisting of four files named mesh.header, mesh.nodes, mesh.elements, and mesh.boundary.
Users can also directly call Elmer FEM for calculations through WELSIM. Currently supported Elmer equations include: Coil Solver, Fluidic Force, Free Surface Reduced, Heat Equation, MagnetoDynamics, Mesh Update, Navier-Stokes, Poisson BEM, Save Line, Save Scalars, Static Electrical Solver, Static Current Solver, Stress Analysis, Stream Solver, etc.
WELSIM introduced a new Additional Solver object to support users in adding various Elmer solver settings.


To conclude, the 2024R2 version has new features and improvements, such as adding a search function to the solver output window, and supporting the import and export of csv format files for the table window. WELSIM has added a specific gas constant material property. Furthermore, the free material editing software MatEditor has added the feature to export material data in CalculiX and Elmer FEM formats.
The automatic testing system has become more user-friendly and contains more tests. WELSIM has created support for reading and saving of test group files *.wstb, and support for the deletion of selected test cases. WELSIM now also provides system-level operations, such as deleting local files and confirming specified files. In the new 2024R2 version, more than 200 test cases can be found and utilized.
WELSIM and the author are not affiliated with CalculiX and Elmer FEM. CalculiX and Elmer FEM is used only as a nominative reference to the open-source project and software developed and released by these teams or institutions.
submitted by welsim to u/welsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:26 Incman I would love to hear from this subreddit regarding my (actually-this-time-unless-she-changes-) final letter to my nMom.

As the title states, (and despite the existential risk to myself - as I am disabled, impoverished, and my survival is reliant on the room I rent in her attic - given her recent threat to have have me thrown out by the police because she could not handle the feelings she had during the argument that she initiated), I have finally drawn a bright red line in the metaphorical sand regarding her treatment of me. This is the culmination of 8+ years of sustained, one-sided, unreciprocated, and unsuccessful effort on my part to sustain, salvage, repair, or improve our "relationship"
I've learned a lot from the stories and people on this subreddit, and I know if anyone can understand the way that I'm feeling about this it's you guys.
Any input, commentary, criticism, insight, commiseration, etc, is very welcome, and I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it.
Anyways, enough preamble, here's the letter in all of my ridiculously-verbose inglory (the square-bracketed disclaimers, etc, were part of the letter as delivered to her, since she is selective illiterate whenever there's something she doesn't like):
[This document begins with a 382 word AI-generated summary (titled "AI- GENERATED SUMMARY:" below the square-bracketed opening remarks), estimated at 1m23s time required to read. If you are unable or unwilling to make it through even this brief summary, then there is literally nothing else I could possibly do to assist in your comprehension of my positions. The full message following the summary is approximately 2100 words, estimated at approximately 8 minutes to read.]
[If you would like assistance in understanding things I've written that you're struggling to interpret or comprehend, you can go to (no account necessary), or download the ChatGPT app from the Google Play Store on your phone. You can simply interact with the chat in natural language (in other words, type as though you were texting another person) and it will understand what you are saying. If you are struggling to understand how to interact with it effectively, you can simply inform it of that (in any wording you choose) and it will assist you with altering your approach to receive more effective results.]
Your son's message is a powerful declaration of his boundaries, grievances, and intentions within your relationship. Here's a breakdown to help you understand:
Preface: He advises you to read with an open mind and, if needed, with assistance due to the emotional complexity.
Declaration of Disengagement: He firmly states his decision to disengage from any form of interaction or acknowledgment outside of essential landlord-tenant matters.
Condemnation of Abuse: He accuses you of perpetuating a cycle of abuse that has deeply impacted his health and stability.
Rejection of Coercion: He dismisses the idea that being evicted is a viable solution to the abuse, highlighting the coercive nature of such a choice, and how it leaves him vulnerable to further harm.
Criticism of Your Behavior: He unreservedly condemns your actions, particularly your exploitation and manipulation, emphasizing the gravity and effects of your conduct.
Challenges to Your Claims: He directly confronts your claims regarding his efforts in the relationship, asserting that he has consistently made extensive attempts to maintain it, despite your accusations to the contrary.
Commitment to Compliance: He unequivocally affirms his commitment to compliance with all landlord-related demands, demonstrating his unwavering respect for your authority as the homeowner.
Demand for Clarity: He demands clear and unambiguous knowledge of the requisite terms when any changes to living arrangement paradigms are demanded, underscoring his willingness to comply with any directives you may issue.
Defense Against Gaslighting: He firmly asserts his unwavering commitment to respecting your property and authority, preemptively refuting any attempts to accuse him otherwise.
Insights into Your Behaviour: He offers insights into patterns in your behaviour, linking them to moments of vulnerability or distress in your life.
Call for Self-Reflection: He urges you to seek professional help for your narcissism and unresolved childhood traumas.
Caution Regarding Gravity: He states that failing to address your responsibilities would be a missed opportunity for both of you to salvage the relationship and resolve underlying issues.
Reiteration of Hope: Despite his current stance, he leaves the door open for reconciliation if you undergo necessary personal growth.
Closure on Unequal Effort: He firmly states that he can no longer sustain the one-sided effort in the relationship and won't continue to do so.
It's evident that he's deeply hurt and demanding acknowledgment, change, and resolution in your relationship.
[end of AI-generated summary; my full, non-AI-generated message follows below]
[I recommend that you read this in its entirety at a time and capacity level where your literacy and comprehension are at their highest level, and preferably with the interpretational assistance of a knowledgeable and competent support person or technological assistant.]
[Presumably, after reading a few sentences or less, your defense mechanisms will be activated and you will eject. However, as with the vast majority of the things I have said to you that have gone unacknowledged, I am completely certain that the contents are cogent and comprehensible, and I believe that with competent support and vulnerable effort you undoubtedly have the raw cognitive capacity necessary for comprehension if you are able to stabilize your emotional reactions and put real effort into the actions necessary for you to understand my words.]
I will not talk to you.
I will not look at you.
I will not approach you.
I will not acknowledge you.
If you attempt to interact with me on any interpersonal level not related to your role as a landlord, I will reserve the right to express just how fucking despicable it is to treat such a vulnerable person with such utter disregard and abuse for so fucking long.
The cycle of abuse you have maintained to destabilize me for your own pathological reasons has caused - and continues to cause - extensive damage to my health, stability, and existence. However, since I know your response to this would likely be some variation of "you're not a victim here [my name], so if I treat you so bad, just leave", I'll preemptively and unequivocally condemn such coercive and abusive tactics, and state again (as I did the other day), that the forced choice between your abuse and life-threatening-homelessness is obviously no choice at all, and leaves me perpetually subject to your coercion and abusive control.
Such exploitation by you is absolutely disgusting, and honestly I understand why you run away from yourself at every single instance where you're in danger of having your lifelong house-of-cards ego even slightly threatened. I know if I treated another human being the way you treat me for even a moment, let alone for the literal years you have done so, I would not be able to face myself in the mirror either. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
You say I "don't want to be your son anymore", as though it has been someone other than me making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of efforts and attempts in order to try and single-handedly keep our relationship alive, and as though it has been someone other than you who has stonewalled me for years about every single legitimate and valid time I attempted to gain even the slightest foothold as a full human being in the owner-pet relationship you have fought so hard to maintain. You siphon, in fact demand, emotional supply whenever you so choose, and then fucking discard me as soon as it appears that I might do anything that would result in you losing even a fraction of a percent of the 99% to 1% imbalance you believe is an immutable part of our "relationship".
I will do my absolute best to be in my room as much as physically possible when you are home, so as to minimize the need to be physically adjacent to you in the course of our respective activities of daily living.
I, again, remain unequivocally committed to my position of deference and compliance towards any rules/demands related to my existence, presence, or activities as your tenant.
As you refuse to provide any sort of unambiguous guidance or clarification whatsoever regarding your shifting demands affecting my ability to access/perform basic activities of daily living, I will continue to act in good faith with respect to my adherence to all previously-established arrangements and protocols (whether codified or de facto) regarding such activities. To the full extent of my abilities, and to the extent that it is physically possible, I will immediately and unequivocally comply with any alterations, additions, or excisions you choose to impose regarding the nature of our physical coexistence as landlord and tenant, regardless of your disregard or intent for any harm to my stability that will ensue as a result.
If you intend to attempt to manipulate or threaten or gaslight me to illegitimately and dishonestly accuse me of failing to comply with your rights and demands as the homeownelandlord, then I can assure you that such efforts will be ineffective and inadvisable. The extensive history of my genuine, documented, and unwavering commitment to absolute respect of your home, property, and landlord-tenant authority is unassailable, and nothing has or will change about the good faith nature of my efforts to simply live peacefully and work on stabilizing my health and continuing to attempt to develop basic protocols that offer me the opportunity to seek the ways and means required to sustainably exist, survive, and seek meaning and fulfilment as a human being.
To try and make it a bit more bite-sized (without warranty as to the efficacy of said efforts), since I know when your ego is threatened you conveniently - and dishonestly - become completely unable to read a couple thousand words:
I love you, and goodbye for now. I hope to see you on the other side, but I cannot force you to undertake the journey.
- [name]
(any edits are fixing formatting/copy&paste errors)
submitted by Incman to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 featherwinglove I did it again, a new Trimps novelization (more faithful to story messages than the other one) Tightniks Run Zero

[OC Intro: The game is modded to increase basic jobs cost, seasonal events are disabled. Much of the crash details are based on NASA/SP-2008-565 Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report recommendations especially Chapter 3 "Occupant Protection".]
The ship is without power, and Tightniks can't run the radar much without draining the batteries. He has only a few minutes of APU power left, goes over the best clearing he can find, and radars it. It varies by only a few feet from the aerodynamic glideslope there. He spots it out on the cameras and circles to go after that spot. He's only at two hundred feet now. With one hand on the stick, he uses the other to open the pressure equalization valve on the side hatch, then at one hundred feet, gets it undogged. Depending on how much damage he's going to get, it's less likely to be stuck closed and trap him. The dynamic vacuum this pulls in the cockpit rips most of the survival pack data cards from that rack and scatters them across the landscape. Crap, I'm gonna need those! Refocusing on surviving the next few seconds, he turns on the radar for the final approach, takes a last look around, then straight ahead at his forward camera and PFD, he clicks his HANS and shoulder strap locks in; after that, he can barely move, but that now is better than dying in this crash with a broken neck. He's a decent pilot and brings up the flare gently. Bringing up the alpha on this delta-winged ship, he balloons a little, but keeps the nose going up and restores a zero aerodynamic sink rate just above the highest terrain indicated by the radar altimeter. The ship bumps a little in the ground effect, and he can see the radar altitude cycling irregularly up and down about five feet at a time. Rougher than it looked from higher up! The body flap protecting the dead engines hits first, and the nose comes rapidly down. It hits, the screens go blank, and Tightniks is surrounded by airbags, some lifting his feet from the rudder petals and his hand from the control stick. It's blinding, it's disorienting, it's noisy, and, to his relief, it's long! It takes several seconds before the crashing cockpit stops moving. How many times did he flip over? Did he go sideways and roll? Am I rightside up? Are we really stopped on the ground? The airbags deflate, and he can move his arms. He gets his restraints loose and inspects himself. "Uck!" he says out loud (without the 'f'). No broken bones. His pressure suit can take his blood pressure. 116/81, pulse 112, blood oxygen 99 reads off on his left arm, I'll friggin' take it!
The ship is amazingly intact from what he can tell. He can't get any readings. The systems test meter seems to be working, but can't find any voltages anywhere. The ship seems to be completely dead. Behind him, 10 passenger seats are all surrounded by airbags and the back of the cabin ends in some sort of dirt-and-gravel and there's a bit of daylight seeping in around the edges. He was the only one on board, though, so their deployment was mostly academic (they might have stiffened the structure a little during the crash, but that's probably trivial.) Tightniks gets out of his spacesuit. The air on this planet is actually breathable. He gets the hatch open, steps outside and-
"A green shimmer erupts then disappears, and you hit the ground."
The human emerges from the glowing green mist and hits the ground. Groans. Pushes against that ground, trying to get back up. Where am I? What's my name? I remember nothing. Aren't babies born naked? He's got a dark blue button-down shirt on. A uniform? A shoulder patch. Gets up, looks around. I feel really heavy. I'm not that fat, am I? He picks up a small stone from the ground, this also feels heavier than it should. He rises to his feet and holds it out somewhat (he's unable to fully extend his arm) and lets it go. The stone hits the ground near his feet quickly and with remarkable speed. It's the gravity, it's greater than it is on- ...where am I from? This is- ...not my home planet? "Oooh..."
"Ka?" it says.
What is that? It's cute, at least.
It is not tame. He has no hope of catching it on foot. The creature seems to like the berries. Maybe if I gather some of those into one place and set some kind of trap...
33s: First trap.
I got one! The human lumbers up to the trap and gets the catch open. Do you bite? It doesn't matter much to me; I'm so friggin' screwed.
It doesn't. It looks at the human with a sense of wonder, actually. A blink and tilt of the head. Seems almost to be asking, Is it you? My purpose? My savior? Once out of the trap, which is totally wrecked, he has to make a new one from scratch, it follows him around like a imprinted hatchling bird.
Wiry little fella, you are. You're going to need some bulking up to do anything useful. The- ...'trimp', I guess... The trimp seems just barely able to feed itself. The human lets him into the broken ship's intact cabin, and it curls up comfortably in a passenger seat for a nap.
1m03s: Second trap.
"Apparently the Trimps breed if they're not working. Doesn't look pleasant."
What are they doing?
The trimps appear to be androgynous, and these two have paired off in the back of the ship. They're holding something carefully within a few hours, feeding it berries, grass, and- ...corundum.
Corundum?? Whatever that is, it isn't a baby.
1m35s: Third trap.
Only it IS a baby! The third trimp he trapped immediately joined the other two in raising it. They have a strange diet of food the human has found compatible with his own body, but they also eat rocks! They're careful to crush and sort aluminate minerals from silcate ones and only eat aluminate. Actually, they don't eat aluminate, they're only feeding it to the baby.
2m06s: Fourth trap.
All four are raising the same child, who is just starting to toddle. It seems these fellas have alumina or maybe even aluminum bones. The human takes a nap and wakes to find the first child grown up and they're starting to raise a second child, all five of them.
2m46s: Huts.
The human found a working bit of electronics. He calls it a pad, but maybe it's more like a smartphone. It has plans for two residential structures. The first, the smaller one, he can build right away, but the second one needs something called "drywall", and he has to figure out how to make that before he can build it. Huts and houses, apparently.
3m13s: 10 pop, full, first farmer.
The trimp he trained to farm and make paper took an incredible 50 units of food to get bulked up to do the work, and now it's not participating in rearing the child. But less than an hour after the trimp started farming and pulping, the child was out on its own, and the trimps did not start another. The ten seats on the ship were all full. Well, eleven counting the one up front that the human sleeps in. The pilot starts exploring the area.
3m28s: Battle.
Wait, what are you do-
The hostile roars and charges at the human, but one of his trimps jumps in front of him with a stick and they fight. It started right when the human got far enough away from the ship that the hostile non-trimps away from the ship began to regard him as leaving his own territory. After the trimp defeats the first enemy, it continues after other hostiles.
3m53s: Shield I in Z1c5.
The human is easily able to recover the loot in the territory cleared by the fighting trimp. Then he sees something glinting in the- That can't be! What the heck is that? It's a data card that fits his pad. It quite clearly regards trimp combat. He gets it loaded into his pad and studies it. I can do this, it just takes some wood. He returns to the ship to discover that they had already started on a new child before the fighter had even expired in battle. The human concentrates on his research.
4m38s: Mskel in Z1c11 defeated.
The remains of this one seem rather white and shiny. It's titanium! This enemy had titanium bones! He'll store them away. They'll be useful someday, I'm sure.
5m52s: Dagger I in Z1c20.
Where are these data cards coming from? The human wonders as he loads this one into his pad, It's for a weapon it calls a dagger. He blinks. I don't know what a dagger is. I'll take your word for it, data card. Needs metal. He has gathered some, but ore is plentiful. He can just dig and smelt it whenever he wants. For now, I'll continue researching.
6m18s: Arable in Z1c21.
It's an old cave that trimps like to live in. Why weren't they able to live there before? How could these friendly critters be confined to only the exact spot where THAT thing, he looks back where he came from, not remembering that he piloted the wrecked ship to its current resting place, crashed? This is really strange. I'll let them fill up this cave before advancing further. Wait, what about defenses? The hostiles never try to reclaim territory that they've lost, so he stops worrying about that fairly quickly.
8m22s: First hut is 0.3% first ever AP.
The trimps seem fairly easy to please in terms of living quarters. Two move into his first hut and start raising a child. The human has his tent, uniform, and the heater pilfered from his space suit. Not much of a mud fan.
9m59s: Miners in Z1c30.
Oh, what's on this data card? Sl3niw? Oh, I'm holding the pad upside down. Miners. I can teach trimps how to mine ores and smelt met- 200 units of food? Each job is getting more expensive to train a trimp for. He puts his bee nickels to his eyes and spots another data card probably 10 enemies away. "Sc"? Does that means science? I can teach trimps to do science??
13m57s: Scientists in Z1c40.
Due to the expense of training trimps, the human couldn't afford to build them shields until now, he's got Sh1-3 made for the fighter to capture the science training data card. 14m02s: One head went into that turtlimp shell, that of his fighter, but two came out: his fighter still has his head on, and he managed to get the turtlimp's head off. It rushes off after the deadly penguimp in the next cell. The shields are not doing all that much good, actually, but they're better than nothing. The human picks up and loads the science data card and- Holy runny sugar-free fudge crap! 1000 food units, but it'll endow them with the ability to speak. Good. I'm getting bored with no one to talk to.
14m28s: Bloodlust purchased and AutoFight enabled (that delay after getting it is an effect of jacking up the job cost.)
As the human buries this expired little trimp warrior, he comes to the sobering realization that he has more trimp graves in his growing trimp colony than he does live trimps. And yet they seem more hopeful now than before I got to know any of them. They seem to think I'm the solution to all their problems or- Those two look east somberly, then notice that he's watching them and smile back and wave at him. problem that is specific, but very, very huge for them. [The only reason I say 'east' is because that's right on a map, and the game advances right across a row, then up. I might say 'northeast' on occasion for that reason.]
20m47s: Z1c73, Miners taken.
Are you my new mining foreman? The trimp who took to the mining training has dark brown fur that lays flat on its head. It's unusual in not having any bits that stick out from its head, ahoge or whatever. This one is relatively quiet, and while it has assimilated the mining and smelting knowledge, it needs to bulk up to do any mining. Smelting is relatively easy, and getting a strong natural draft going in a furnace is almost trivial with the increased gravity. This trimp builds furnaces like nothing. And likes to nap in holes it digs right on the spot; it's weird that way. [Puchim@s Yukipo, and furnaces are not explicit in Trimps.]
21m58s: Farming in Z1c80.
The resourcing "books" are not data cards but paper scrolls, apparently lost to the trimps. It seems that they were civilized in the recent past and some calamity swept over the planet to reduce them to this. Did I have something to do with it? Amnesia sucks harder than a Dyson- ...what's a Dyson? Whatever, it sucks. This disaster happening just before I crash in the only spot with trimps still alive would be a seriously crazy coincidence! Something is really, really wrong about all this. [The author has not sought or received product placement permission or fee from Dyson Technology Ltd. or any resellers of their stuff, just they literally suck balls and made my favorite vacuum cleaner.]
23m50s: Builder in Z1c90.
They've rescued an, I dunno, gelding trimp? It just started to build a shed around the piled lumber I left to build one. It's really slow compared to me, and just banged its thumb, but it is super cute with that long reddish head fur. That particular trimp is also fascinated with pink ribbons and likes to decorate its head fur with them. Because of its inherent inability to participate in rearing children, it isn't counted in the population. [Puchim@s Io, builder on the basis of Iori seen building in 1x10.]
26m02s: Zone 2, 44 pop, 5.5s RC with Z0/1.
It's some sort of tactical manual - tactical coordination. Coordination! He's starting to sort out some trimpese on the research he has done so far. It needs a lot of metal, so they won't be able to implement it for some time. Hopefully, they're still good one at a time, but these enemies seem to be getting bigger as we go along. Uh oh!
27m33s: Gym in Z2c5.
It's some sort of training dojo or sporting arena. The human examines the ruins, I think I can back-engineer drawings for this, get one built, and see what happens.
29m02s: 1g, 47 pop, 10.8s RC with Z1/2.
The two fighting trimps now with their gym and coordination are dodging and blocking enthusiastically, and making much faster ground against the bad guys then a little while ago when it was just one trimp fighting at a time and unable to avoid the enemy hitting back.
40m46s: Fresh turkimp in Z2c74, 63 pop, 7.9s RC, Sh1-10, Da1-5, Bo1-3, Ma1-3, Hm1-3, 6g.
Oh, wow, the laborers seem really hot after this turkimp. He cooks it up and tries a slice. It's really awesome! I have to work alongside his laboring trimps to share it, but I'm getting used to the gravity now. That scroll we found back in Z2c10 really helped. Trimps' techniques and appliances for handicapped individuals, and I'm really handicapped in this higher gravity. He joins the woodcutters with the turkimp; they're the most numerous resource laborer right now, building more gyms, enough that the block/dodge ability of the fighting trimps is almost caught up to the enemy's ability to cause damage.
43m15s: Zone 3, 63 pop, 7.9s RC with Z1/2.
I'm neglecting my science and trimp scientists are really expensive. Curiously, that grey-haired one can't speak all that well, only says "Tai" and "Shijou", but it can write and draw like nobody's business. It's the only scientist so far. [Puchim@s Takanya: Online references probably still claim that she can utter the first two syllables of any word, but she can actually utter only the first two kana syllables of someone's name, most often the given name of basis human Takane Shijou, who also has that habit. (All the utterances of the puchidoru are based on the speech foibles of their basis humans except maybe Piyopiyo, where I haven't seen anything match up so far.)]
47m32s: Finally, we can make drywall and houses. 59m30s: Z3c77, 94 pop, 7.8s RC.
Oh, those poor things are really struggling up at the front. These trimps are enthusiastic and know no fear, but I still feel like telling them to stop for a while. I don't have the heart to keep them from trying while they're still doing some damage.
1h05m24s: Zone 4, 107 pop, 9.3s RC with Z3/4. 1h15m26s: Zone 5, 120 pop, 8.2s RC with Z3/4.
"What is that?" the human asks. He has three scientists. His first does all the writing, but the other two can actually speak. One of them hops up on a rock spire beside the human to reach his eye level.
At the next ridge line, over the lowest and most passable gap in the terrain, this really mean looking hovering sausage monster.
"I dunno," the scientist trimp shrugs, "But it's making me hungry. Looks like a perfectly cooked frankfurter from here." [John Morell's dubious dirigibles.]
"Oh, yeah," the human nods, "that's a blimp."
"A blimp?" the trimp tilts its head quizzically at the human, "How could you know?"
"I wish I could tell you, little buddy," the human extends his arm braces to descend the pass on the side of the zone boundary in the boss enemy's direction, then grunts, "Let's go kill it."
1h16m11s: Z1c9, 120 pop, 10.3s RC with Z4/5. 1h33m34s: Zone 6, 151 pop, 7.4s RC with Z4/5.
1h33m54s: TP in Z1c3.
"What's this?" the human asks, having picked up the little square document with the curling corners.
"Oh," the hungry scientist looks at it, "It's a garden path, follow me."
"You want to lead me down the garden path?" the human says.
"Yeah," the scientist says.
"Are you kidding?" the human asks.
"No," says the other scientist, "We don't get human humor. Listen, these fighters can't go, let them wear themselves out here, then we'll take the next group through this garden."
"Okay," the human nods, watching two more trimps join the fray as he issues the Z5 coordination orders, "they're doing pretty well after all that block training research we just wrapped up." [That's a common artifact, even in normal games, Z5 Traintacular combines with many gyms, enough population to add several trainers, affording Blockmaster, which is expensive on a run zero, plus a break on Tion Z5, a 40% all-stat increase. I don't think Zach designed it into the game on purpose, it just worked out this way.]
1h34m07s: 151 pop, 10.5s RC with Z5/7. 1h37m44s: Drop from Z6c39, TP for 3.
"Now we have these access map frags we can use to route through the old trimpopoli," the scientist explains, "Atlimpis for food, Morimpa for gems, Everimp for metal, and Impazon for wood."
"What about the garden?" the human asks.
"Well, we got lucky with Tricky Paradise," the scientist says, "but you can randomize the route and maybe get lucky. What's with that look?"
"Somehow, I'm remembering 'frag' as something that blew up with deadly pieces," the human says. [Different video games - ones with better graphics and worse gameplay O(>▽<)O]
1h39m59s: Blues back up to the top on series I...
"Tai, Tai!" the first ever trimp scientist stops the human just before he upgrades the mace and dagger to Mk.6 and Mk. 8 respectively. It has a note for him.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" the human asks, "Do you think that's my name?"
"Shijou, Shijou," it nods as though to indicate, I KNOW it is. Then it proffers its note again. The human takes it and reads, "Don't upgrade the first row equipment right now."
"Why not?" the human asks.
"Shijou," it points at the end of the mapped route, where there's a scroll sticking out of the thistles.
2h24m07s: Zone 8, 224 pop, 12.2s RC with Z7/12.
"Your settlement is getting crowded, there's Trimps in the streets, and you're taking heat. You feel a sudden strong desire to create a map, though you're not quite sure how that would help."
2h49m10s: Zone 9, 357 pop, 9.5s RC with Z8/15.
"You can't shake the feeling that you've been here before. Déjà-vu?"
The trimps really seem to like the new high capacity mansions, and the village has rapidly expanded since they started building them.
"There's something familiar about this," the human says.
"Tai," the grey one that writes clings to his arm and shows him a note that says, "Don't give up now."
"We must persist," says the yellow one has found a foothold it can grab onto and grabs the human's shoulder gently, "If you give up to early, we'll never solve this. You'll be stuck here forever."
The human puts his hand over the trimp's paw on his shoulders, then looks at him, "I can die, too."
"No, you can't," the trimp says quietly, "Please don't test that, tall one."
"Death is just another path..." he remembers.
"Gan," the grey one squeaks. [That's the first two kana syllables of "Gandalf"]
" that we all must take," the human continues, "The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it-"
"A green mist," the yellow trimp interrupts, "flash of fire, we're all gone and our progress forgotten. The wandering stars return to that day, and you again crash that ship- ...a little better every time."
"Wait," the human looks around, "have I been here before?"
"I-" the yellow trimp tries in futility to share what little it knows, "...or... somebody got just a little coolant into the-"
"Into the what?"
"This side up," the grey one's note says.
"Into the that," the yellow one points at the note, "It really helped. You- ...I don't think we've ever had mansions before."
Well, of course they didn't have mansions before. That was one of my ship's data cards. How did it get way out here? Will anything start to make sense?
3h02m13s: Zone 10, 387 pop, 8.7s RC with Z8/15; '28s: 11.1s RC with Z9/19. 3h16m41s: Tough snimp after food book, L10 rand dept from lo-hi-med 118/25/96, 4 Items.
"That's twice our frags led us to gem-rich Moria," the human says.
"Morimpa," the new red trimp scientist corrects, there now being 5 scientists. [There'd be more if there were more turkimp.]
"The question is how do we use all these gems?" the human looks at the village zoning plans again, "I like those mansions and all, but they use hardly any gems compared to, well-" he gestures at the pile of over two dozen thousand gems they've gathered, "-that! And still a lot of wood and lumber."
"I think there's something," the yellow one sighs, "I wish I knew more."
Quite some time later, after they're done looting that route for equipment plans, the trimps are again advancing through Zone 10, and he hears it.
"Tai?" the grey one wonders.
"Where are you going?" the yellow one asks.
"To the farm," the human answers.
"Whatever for?" the red one seems exasperated.
"Shijou?" the grey one sighs, then looks at the fighting front. It's been around long enough to remember, "Shijou!"
"You guys already get so much to eat this doesn't do you much good," the human explains.
3h32m33s: L11 112/35/78 rand sea, dropped from Z11c6 with disband, 4.
"What's wrong?" the red one asks.
The human comforts one of the wounded. Once trimps start into a zone fight, they have to finish before they bleed out. He's really bothered making them desert in front of that second turkimp. "They had a lot left in them," he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "but we can't keep that much dead turkimp at once, we have to leave it alive to use up all of this one."
"Shijou," the grey one presents a note, "We need this map right away, anyway. Don't worry about it, Tightniks."
"Tightniks?" he looks at the grey one, "Is that me? How do you know?"
"Tai," the grey one points at the top of the human's left breast pocket.
"Ah, crud," the yellow one curls its tail around in front of itself as trimps do when they're embarrassed, "Is that really a name tag?"
The human hadn't even noticed it since the green flash blew up his memory as he was stepping out of the ship.
4h04m22s: Block (sub-8h AP is only 0.3%), taking it, 504 pop, 9.8s RC with Z10/24.
It's a pretty thick book about using shields for block instead of hit points. The pad has the stats analysis. Sh3-1 is only giving us 9% of our hit points. Turning to his trimp scientists, he says, "It seems to me to be worth it."
"Let's," the yellow one nods.
"Shijou," it hands him a note, "It scales badly, but that won't matter for a long time. I think there's a way to undo it before it matters."
"Doing it." The human takes out his pad and starts scanning.
4h29m05s: L14 rand moun 137/26/80 is really good for a lo-hi-med. 4h30m52s: Hotels.
"Ah," the yellow one says, "I knew there was something. That must be it."
5h08m09s: L15 lo-hi-hi rand gard 129/28/82 (just got explorers). 5h09m32s: Picked up Wall.
"Dam," the human says.
"Damn?" the red one chuckles.
"No," the human says, "Earthen wall dam; it's a thing that makes artificial lakes by holding rivers back."
"Lakes?" the yellow one asks, "Rivers?"
"Oh yeah," the human says, "This planet doesn't have enough rain for those..."
5h48m21: Leaving Wall from about c70 to fetch Tion Z15.
"You can't resume the map from the same point if you start another," the human reads the grey one's note.
"We can go back to the same point on that route if we hold there and finish Zone 15, right?" Tightniks asks.
"Shijou!" it seems to be saying yes.
"Yes," the yellow one adds, "but we're out of Series III upgrades, and you need a fresh map route to start up Series IV."
"We should be okay," Tightniks says, "but if we have to start it over, I don't see that being a big deal." As they advance through the rest of Zone 15, Tightniks resumes his usual duties at the research desk instead building and running traps like he was before.
The trimps seem hopeful at this decision.
5h49m10s: Fresh turkimp. 5h50m16s: Zone 16, 1071 pop, 13.4s RC with Z15/75, 13m43s turkimp (skel in c1.)
"Z:16 Seriously? Another Blimp so soon?"
"So," Tightniks lowers his bee nickels and looks at the red one, "is it going to be boss fights at the end of every zone from now on?"
"Hmm," the red trimp looks up past the human at some random rock spire or cloud.
"Well?" the human persists.
"Yup," he says.
"Hmph," Tightniks grabs a Sw3-1 of the rack and advances towards the front, "Before then, we have another Mister Titanium."
"What does he like about skeletimps?" the red one asks the grey one as the human marches off.
"Shijou?" the grey one seems just as confused by that.
"He's not going back to the ship, and he's not getting himself killed," the yellow one smiles, "so I'll take it."
"Hey guys, go for the mortar!" the human suggests to his 75 fighting trimps in the Wall's boss fight.
"I can tell from your bedtime stories that you're used to the artillery in that other place," the yellow one gripes, "but fighting works differently here, there's no artillery."
And the human instantly collapses laughing, the scientists a little worried he might have injured himself in the planet's severe gravity. But he's okay, at least physically, "Mortar is the stuff between the bricks, fellas. That's is a brickimp, right?"
5h59m18s: Wall, 1076 pop, 13.3s RC, 1% AP for sub-8h finish, first L16 roll good 156/35/84 moun, 10 for the metal.
Beyond the Wall was a more edenic section of the trimpolis ruins, doubling the production of the lumberjacks. The trimps are actually really happy with the mode of all of the laborers moving between the three big jobs, along with the turkimp, except for the foremen specialized at leading the job. It isn't enough to boost their productivity, but the human goes to them with trays of sandwiches.
6h06m52s: 50 map run 0.3% AP...
6h19m13s: Zone 17, 1141 pop, 16.0s RC with Z16/94, no turkimp.
"Z:17 You climb a large cliff and look out over the new Zone. Red dirt, scorched ground, and devastation. Is that a Dragimp flying around out there?!"
"Hmm," the human surveys the new zone with his bee nickels, "Looks like crap. Any ideas?"
"You're the idea man," the yellow one groans.
"Set the map flag," he puts his bee nickels away, "We'll run a depth for practice and to load up on gems for more hotels."
"Righto," the red one gets to work.
6h44m34s: First DCP. (Draglimp Care Package; I refuse to call it a tribute.)
"Oh," the human says, "It's tame now, so it brings back gems in exchange for food?" He looks at his gaping scientists, "That's what it looks like, huh? Guys? Yo!"
"Tai..." the grey one sighs.
Draglimp, the dragimp imprinted on Tightniks, lands beside the human, drops some gems at his feet, and accepts some scratching behind its horns before diving into the food bowl.
"You tamed a dragimp???" Grey's note says.
"Well," the yellow one huffs, "I guess that happened."
8h18m53s: L20 depth of 154/27/79.
"Mapping up here?" the red one half closes one eye and tilts his head.
"Yeah," the human says while fitting together the depth map fragments, "With the coordination book not right at the end, we have an extra mark of coordination to take advantage of. Let's take our housing up to 2000 or so, shall we?"
"Okay," the yellow one says from a pile of logs, "What's all the wood for?" They had been collecting it for days now.
"The series upgrades follow a rather specific pattern," Tightniks explains, "Just on the other side of this blimp is Zone 21, where we should be able to find the Shield series V, right?"
"Shijou!" the grey one nods.
8h56m17s: 1% AP for 100 map runs, leaving it, 1751 pop, 24.8s RC with Z20/232. 8h56m54s: Zone 21...
"Ooooookay," Tightniks growls, "There is something off about this thing."
"Shijou?" the grey one looks at the yellow one with concern about their human starship pilot friend.
The human stoops, picks up the little green gem on the ridge between Zone 20 and 21, looks at it, huffs, and asks, "Any idea where this comes from?"
"Err..." the red one seems hesitant to say, "I think you made it."
"Really?" the human huffs, "How could that be?" Then he tosses it at Red, "See if anything reacts to it. It might be radioactive, so we should take turns to minimize exposure."
"Really?" Red's holding it now, "What makes you say that?"
"Because I'm pissed off for no reason I can figure out," the human says, "I think it's coming from that."
"Frags," the red one says quickly, "I think it's arranging a route. You're good with maps," it tosses the gem to the grey scientist.
"Shijou," the grey one says hopefully, and has a map drawn within a few minutes. [Whether it looks like the one in Puchim@s 1x61 is anyone's guess. That one annoyed me as well as Chihya.]
9h02m37s: L21 moun first roll was a decent 160/26/84. 9h21m00s: Starting run 5 of that map...
Tightniks had taken his anger out on some food and wood to build about 8000 traps. Now he's leaning against a rock spire in his increasingly tattered uniform. A nap begins, perhaps unintentionally.
Wild trimps are examining the pile, finding it unwelcoming, and also finding no place in the town, just mill about. It looks like they want to help.
"Ku?" it's a blue trimp, probably a farmer waiting for stuff to grow, climbs up on the rock spire the human is leaning against, starts patting him on the head, "Ku. Ku ku." [Puchim@s Chihya.]
9h23m09s: Still working that lap...
Tightniks wakes up from that nap, and the grey one is standing there. "Shijou," it says with a note of concern, although not much of one. The note it holds says, "It wasn't me."
"Oh, what wasn't you, buddy?" He stretches out a bit, feeling somewhat refreshed. It feels like somebody washed his face and hair while he was sleeping.
The grey one is also holding a small mirror, apparently broken off from a larger mirror and with the sharp edges filed down to make the edges safe.
The human takes it from the grey trimp and holds it in front of his face to discover that somebody has bound up all his hair into about twenty little pigtails. He touches them with his other hand to confirm. "Eh, whatever." He hands the mirror back and goes back to sleep. [Puchim@s Koamimami.]
9h30m08s: The following run...
"He's not throwing stuff every which way yet," the yellow one whispers to the red one, watching the human snoozing with his pad on his knee.
"You remember that, too?" the red one asks.
"'Remember'?" the yellow one turns to face the red one, "I s'pose that's better than imagining it."
"I remember it, too," the grey one says via a playing card sized note.
"If we're stuck in a time loop," the yellow one sighs, "maybe this cycle will be different."
"Tai..." the grey one admires him for a moment. Then thumbs in the direction of the mountain, "Heh, Shijou!" it laughs.
9h35m58s: Run 8, c9 of that map.
The scientists nap and take notes, and meditate and take notes, and draw stuff. The grey one often storyboards for the other nine because it's the best at drawing stuff. They have come up with a list, and most probably "order" (they're debating whether their ranking means "order" (sequence of things happening over the various loops) or "frequency" (what proportion of previous loops they have happened in). But they've come up with this, from first (or perhaps most often) to most recent (or perhaps least often):
- The ship crashes (they're pretty sure that happens every loop) - The human builds huts - The human teaches some of his trimps to speak and do science - The human builds houses - The human makes maps - The human builds mansions - The human blows up and gets himself killed somewhere around Z17 to Z21, often on a dragimp - The human only recently/occasionally builds hotels - The human only recently/rarely tamed a dragimp - The human only recently/rarely maps the Dimension of Anger
They're all agreed that that they have never finished the Dimension of Anger. What they are not all agreed on is that they've never done this conference to figure out whether they're in a time loop or what that might mean. [See also Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect" ...which was sort of a time loop but they weren't going back in time. It's very interesting, but its meta makes no sense - no one ever went looking for the Bozeman in 80 years? No one who went looking for the Bozeman also got stuck? No one noticed the passage of time outside the little area of space where the not-quite-a-time-loop was happening? Errr... sci-fi writers, don't be half-assed about your time loops, lmao! Be like Harold Ramis- ...what am I saying?? (That would be Groundhog Day, which grafted a time loop into a romcom; there are no other sci-fi elements. But it was a full-blown time loop and not half-assed like "Cause and Effect".)]
9h54m06s: Dropped from Z21c95...
I think it would be a bad idea to bypass that green area, as much as I'd rather not face it. Both his domesticated trimps, which are breeding up a new group of fighters, and the wild trimps he has decided just now not to open the traps for, stare at him and point in that direction. He shoulders a huge Shield V-3 and grabs an Mace IV-2 as well and announces, "We're doing it." Thus equipped, he marches off into the Dimension of Anger.
10h27m53s: Taking Pi4-2; recently had taken Pa4-2...
The group at the front had expired, and the snimp in DoAc95 glares at the advancing colony of trimps, which had halted only because of it. It refuses to counterattack the vulnerable colony and its human, instead snorting and huffing, waiting for the next bunch of 232 fighting trimps to come in range.
Tightniks runs along the line of traps, releasing the recently tamed trimps, singing a song that he doesn't remember the meaning of, that he doesn't remember was crafted by an ethnically Chinese guy out of an African language, and later mastered by two caucasians over the internet before they ever met in person. "Baba yetu yetu uliye, mbinguni yetu yetu amina..." because it just happened to be stuck in his head. [Because the Doylian author decided on a whim to. Christopher Tin got it into Civilization IV and at the time (2010 July), I made the best video for it on YouTube, which got subsequently blown to shreds when Peter Hollens and Malukah re-recorded the song from scratch in their own voices and instruments in 2014, pity with no English translation, the purpose of my video.]
Noticing the last batch of metal he needs coming out of the furnace, he waves the waiting grey scientist to fire up the forge [to use the term properly and not as the game does], for it was time to wrap up the forging dies for the Spetum IV, Mark 2 pike heads.
"Shijou!" the grey one cheers, setting aside a snack that looks like maybe ramen, and starts jumping up and down on the bellows handle.
It takes a while for the human to chip out the tip in the two halves of the forging die, and then polish it, and then heat it up in the forge, and then quench it, inspect it, and put it into service crafting thousands of new pike heads for the fighting trimps.
But only one second passed on the map frame clock (10h27m54s) four cells behind that snimp, in the case being brooded over by this huge, and if it's honest, rather concerned megablimp.
10h35m45: Portal PB, 45 He, 4.247 He/hr, 1891 pop, 22.7s RC with Z20/232, no turkimp.
The last head of the map's boss monster goes limp as one of the fighting trimps' mace heads bounces of it, and the huge thing settles on its tail, resting on the package that seems to be the prize of this map. And there's a popping sound, and then something mechanical.
Is that a scroll compressor? Tightniks looks at the package. The deflating monster's lifting envelope material drapes over everything underneath it. "Red, Shijou!" he snaps and points, "roll up that side of it. Keep this part from sucking down on the extractor nozzle!"
All ten of the scientists jump in, literally, pushing the gas in the bag towards the compressor. Tightniks as well, rolling up the front.
Until he kicks, and nearly trips over, a smaller package that might be the explanation for the reason why the center of the monster's defense seemed to be a little away from the big package he could see. It's in the right place, he realizes. He gets it uncovered and reads stenciled-and-sprayed block letters on it:
Perhaps the Dimension of Anger is so named because of the rage suddenly rising up in Tightniks' throat. It isn't so much as the free-floating aggression suddenly has an answer, there is definitely a fresh batch of rage and anger as he grips the nearest Mace IV, Mark 3 with both hands and gets it over his shoulder, its target obviously this object, anger at the realization he screams at the top of his lungs, "We are stuck in a mutha FAH-king time loop!!" His swing begins. [Tightniks almost never cusses, unlike Snugniks.]
submitted by featherwinglove to Trimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:16 texwarhawk Pick 'Em: Dynamo @ Austin FC - 05/15/2024

Sorry. Been busy with work and newborn. Hope to have scores updated by kick off.
This match at Kansas City is the 16th match of 2024 for the Dynamo with at least 41 matches expected this year in all competitions.
Good Luck & Go Dynamo!
Place Player Points w/ 2 Lowest Dropped Overall Points Points From Last Match
1st texwarhawk 187 205 10
2nd 36ers 185 203 9
3rd nowaygreg 184 199 15
4th Poptwo1234 183 183 0
5th Orange_crocs_army 181 191 0
6th Christopherdr97 152 152 0
7th ZacAce316 142 142 0
8th LeenserThomas 140 140 9
9th gunnerSmate45 74 74 0
10th Few-Seaweed-8569 60 60 0
11th Zekozeke06 43 43 0
12th Trent_Tiger 31 31 0
13th hicklander 14 14 0
14th Houstopia 11 11 0
15th (tied) thebroishere1217 10 10 0
15th (tied) skyninja96 10 10 0
15th (tied) ssj_acct 10 10 0
18th WeedMan420000000 6 6 0
19th Iwritetohearmyself 0 0 0
Continuing last year's rule - edits will result in comment invalidation. So if you want to make any edits to your picks, they must be done in a new reply to your comment!
Everyone can view the scoring document and are free to DM me with any issues/questions! If you'd like to help out with threads or scoring, send me a DM.
Good luck, and LET'S GO DYNAMO!!!
Categories and Scoring
10 points - Predicting the correct scoreline (i.e. Dynamo 3:1 FC Dallas, Dynamo 1:0 FC Dallas, etc.)
5 points - Predicting the correct outcome (i.e. Dynamo win, draw, etc.)
5 points - Correctly predicting the Dynamo MOTM (according to
3 points - Correctly predicting the attendance +/- 500 people, 1 point for +/- 1000
3 points - Correctly guessing any of the goalscorer(s), regardless of team
2 points for guessing a correct yellow, 5 points if they get 2 yellows, 10 if they get a straight red. (List three players total from either team)
1 point - For correctly guessing each player in the Dynamo starting XI (1 pt/player); if you get all 11 players correct, then you get 5 bonus points
*Lowest 2 scores are dropped. Scores will be dropped following the 3rd match.*
Sample Prediction:
Score: Dynamo 2 - 1 Inter Miami Outcome: Win Dynamo MOTM: Bassi Attendance: 20,250 Goal scorers: Dorsey, Bassi/Martinez Cards: EscobaAllen, Yedlin Dynamo XI: ------- Quinones ------- Baird -------- Bassi --------- --------- Artur -------- Herrera ---- Carrasquilla ----- --- Escobar ---- Micael ---- Sviatchenko - Dorsey --- ------------------------- Tarbell ------------------------
submitted by texwarhawk to dynamo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 squidlizzy Break up or find a way? Do I need to “fix myself” first?

Hey y’all I’m strugglin. Buckle up if you’re here for it.
Just had a long conversation with my boyfriend of 7 months and logically we both agreed we probably can’t continue to be together at this time until I essentially “get my shit together” - my words, not his. I’ve been pretty much rapid cycling the entire time we’ve been together. It’s been a really hard year for me (since I broke my leg last Feb, adderall fucking my mind and body up for 9 months, quitting job, struggling to find a new one, adopted dog, dog attacked me, had to bring dog back, etc) but he has brought so much light to my life and is grounding when I’m around him. But also the stress of trying to be a good partner and there for him and to accept love has added to my instability. This aversion to love, plus the rapid cycling, has led me to push him away more and more. And when I’m hypo I just can’t bear the thought of being around him as “not myself” and dragging him in to my chaos - and that’s if I’m aware of being hypo. Other times I’m so wrapped up in my hypo bullshit that I just bail on everything and do whatever the fuck I want. Other times I just genuinely want to be alone. I’m very independent and need a lot of alone time. Some of that is definitely depression also. He is more codependent, very sensitive, loving, kind, patient, and a pretty stable and structured individual. He has helped me to see so much about myself and relationships and how it could be. But I keep getting in my own way - and then the rapid cycling!! I feel stuck in this hamster wheel and it is taxing on the both of us. I cancel plans constantly or am not present sometimes when we are together. We haven’t said I love you. I think he has been waiting for me because he knows I have issues around love and relationships and that it would take time. But now that I’m back home and crying into my NA beer and a rare cigarette (lol) - I think I am finally accepting the fact that I love him. I don’t want to lose him, but the pressure of being in a relationship is overwhelming. I know I’m being hard on myself, but I feel like a terrible gf. Is there a solution? Maybe just having one specific day a week that we get together for now? No matter how I’m feeling? I also have adhd and the structure would help hold me accountable. I’ve been trying to find a therapist since striking out with a few over the past couple years. And I need to get my med cocktail straightened out (I do have a psych but she doesn’t therapize me). We both agree that that is absolutely necessary - therapy + my med shit. Not only for myself but also if our relationship is to stand a chance.
I am 31f, he is 29m - it is both of ours first real relationship. I’ve had some others but not with someone who really loved me - they were mostly toxic and the longest was about 7 months. He is quite inexperienced in the romance and dating department.
We decided to sit on things and talk again after processing a bit.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you 🙏 ❤️
submitted by squidlizzy to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 Micateam [Neural Cloud] 5/14 Server Maintenance Announcement

Dear Professor,
In order to provide players with a better game experience, we will be performing server maintenance for Neural Cloud May 14, 2024.
You will not be able to log into the game during the maintenance and the exact end time may be subject to change.
Maintenance Time: 2024/5/14 18:30 - 20:30 (UTC-8)
Maintenance Type: Server Shutdown Maintenance
★3 Doll - Persicaria S.E.
・ Class: Warrior
・ Company: 42LAB
▼ Elite Search
・While Elite Search is open, the ★3 Dolls available are limited to the 4 featured Dolls. For exact details, please check the in-game [Neural Search] probability notice.
[Duration] 5/14 After Maint - 5/28 18:29 (UTC-8)
▼ Targeted Search - Harmonious Melody
・The probability of obtaining the ★3 Undine will be increased.
[Duration] 5/14 After Maint - 5/28 18:29 (UTC-8)
▼ Neural Cloud Projection - [Absolute ★ Netherworld Domain Cafe] Series
[Duration] 5/14 After Maint - 6/29 18:29 (UTC-8)
▼ Furniture Set - [Fairground] Series Limited-Time Rerun
[Duration] 5/14 After Maint - 6/11 18:29 (UTC-8)
▼ Limited-Time Event - [Upa Mashup!]
・There are two game modes in the minigame, Mini Upa Mashup and Mega Upa Mashup. Professors who complete objectives in the minigame will also receive a special reward.
[Duration] 5/14 After Maint - 7/30 18:29 (UTC-8)
▼ Increased X2 Drops in [Resource Collection]
・During the event, the number of X2 Drops per day during [Resource Collection] missions is increased from 2 to 5.
[Duration] 5/16 05:00 - 5/23 04:59 (UTC-8)
▼ X2 Drop in [Vulnerability Check]
・During the event, rewards gained in [Vulnerability Check] will be doubled.
[Duration] 5/24 05:00 - 5/31 04:59 (UTC-8)
▼ Divergent Neural Cloud
・Completing daily missions awards [Divergent Data Samples], and reaching appropriate thresholds will give the ★3 Doll Persicaria S.E. and 240 of her Neural Fragments, which can also be gained via other means in the game.
[Unlocking Conditions] Complete Helios Sector Standard Mode Stage 3-9
[Date] 5/14 After Maint (UTC-8)
▼ Neural Cloud Projection
・[Absolute ★ Netherworld Domain Cafe] Series: Kuro - [DarkNET Limited Edition] (Live2D) and Undine - [Clumsy Band's Maid Service] (Live2D) will go on sale in the Neural Cloud Projection section of the Supplies Shop.
▼ Arma Inscripta
・Persicaria S.E. - Afterglow of the Blazing Heart
▼ Explore
・After maintenance, event stories including [Critical Cascade], [Perilous Advancement] and [Entropic Dichotomy] will be added in the main storyline section. Professors who have already participated in these stages will have their progress saved. Those who have not participated in these stages will need to consume [Recopy Core Chips] to unlock the stages.
▼ Dormitory
Added [Honeycomb] II in Dormitory.
▼5/14 After Maint - 5/22 04:59 (UTC-8)
・[Special Gathering Search Pack]
・[Blooming Melody Search Pack]
・[A-la-carte Fragment Pack]
・[Arma Inscripta Pack]
・[Chirping Cicada Algorithm Pack]
・[Tidal Wave Reconfig Pack]
▼5/22 05:00 ~ 5/29 04:59
・[Glimmering Dusk Pack]
・[Sunrise Breeze Pack]
*The 2 packs are purchasable in a sequential order.
・[Floral Hymn Search Pack]
・[Exuberant Melody Search Pack]
*All packs can be purchased through the Shop, which can be accessed by going from the Main Screen → Supplies → Packs.
  1. Fixed certain issues with the texts and UI.
Once the server maintenance is complete, we will send you a mail with Quartz Sand*150 attached. Please stay tuned to our official social media accounts for any updates, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
[Neural Cloud] Operations Team
submitted by Micateam to GFLNeuralCloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 SuperGoody [14.10] Zoe Reroll Guide - Is she OP or Balanced?


Hello, I'm Goody. I make TFT content on YouTube, Twitch, and occassionally Reddit.

This time I'm here to discuss Zoe Reroll, a comp that has caused a little bit of a stir on the PBE due to her buffs in 14.10

I honestly think Zoe is insanely OP now (I mean just watch this clip I posted a few days ago).

But there are those that say Zoe is a terrible unit

The most prominent of which is Mortdog who said "Stop playing Zoe. She's not good. Despite the buff even"
(VOD Timestamp of this here)

Challenger Zoe One-Trick: LIGhtYgo

I've been playing a lot of Zoe Reroll on the PBE, but recently in my stream CuLe TV told me about a Challenger on the Japanese server who one-tricks Zoe Reroll called LIGhtYgo. His lolchess page is here if you want to read it
And coincidentally, I've been playing the same comp they play amongst others that I'll share with you today


If you want a TLDR, this timestamped section should cover that


(The video also has Spanish and Vietnamese Subtitles)
Disclaimer: I tested these comps on the PBE and I have not played them in ranked. For transparency, here is my lolchess
And my Exalted only account here
(Highly recommend trying this btw, it's very fun)
But let's get started!

Ghoe Reroll (Ghostly Zoe)

So let's start with what LIGhtYgo plays which is this comp here
(Teambuilder here)
I couldn't find any VODs to link from LIGhtYgo but here's some of my gameplay of this comp on the PBE
From looking at their match history, LIGhtYgo tends to reroll Shen + Zyra or Zoe + Illaoi (1 tank + 1 carry) but sometimes they manage to 3 star everything alongside Aatrox.

Give Zoe Shiv

LIGhtYgo also frequently itemises Zoe with Statikk Shiv, 3 star or otherwise, to stack Zoe's passive as much as possible.
Passive: Kills increase the number of ricochets by 1 for the rest of combat.
Now, I should mention that Zoe's tooltip here is misleading and frankly incorrect. Zoe gains more ricochets if she participates in a kill, also known as takedowns.
And that is why Statikk Shiv is so phenomenal for Zoe. Not only is she reducing the MR of enemy units (helps Ghostly and your Magic Damage Dealers) but the damage from Shiv will give Zoe takedown credit once those enemy units perish.
So, even with just a Shiv and at 2 star, Zoe can be very impactful as her passive continues to easily stack.
Thus Zoe has great synergy with other AP carries like Zyra, Morgana, Teemo, Alune etc as they soften enemy units for each other to clean up.
And so Zoe is an incredible secondary carry as she needs very little to come online
You can infer this from LIGhtYgo's match history as they tend to succeed more when Zoe isn't their primary carry but rather secondary.
Although the buff to Zoe in 14.10 should change that, especially combined with the buffs to Ghostly, Warden, Aatrox, Behemoth and Jax.

Zoe's Weaknesses

From my games, I've felt Zoe has 2 main weaknesses
  • Firstly, she can struggle into tanky frontliners as it'll take her more time to stack her passive.
  • Secondly, Zoe can lose 1v1s as her ult will no longer ricochet (no targets left to bounce to)
These weaknesses can make Zoe feel very binary: - she either gets 3/4 takedowns and nukes - or she gets stuck, gets no passive stacks, and does nothing

Spooky Solution

But that’s why Ghostly can provide so much value to Zoe.
Those Spectres will help Zoe get through tanks and once they're concentrated, Zoe's single target will nuke which even allows her to win those 1v1s

Problems with Ghoe Reroll

From what I tried on the PBE, I did find this comp to be very powerful at level 9. However it could be a struggle getting there as you also need to reroll Zoe who can be contested by Fortune, Arcanist, and Storyweaver players

Is it a Player Diff?

I also find there to be a really odd tempo where I need to find Zoe 3 but also hit level 9 to find Udyr. I did learn later that you don't really need to 3 star Zoe to get to 9, and it's certainly not impossible to hit Zoe 3 at level 9.
Although, it seems that LIGhtYgo resolves this problem by keeping the option of Zyra Reroll open. (They play boards akin to this one occasionally)
Also, sometimes the Inkshadow item doesn't tend to be that useful, especially if it's Tattoo of Bombardment, as you don't have an AD carry.
Lastly, the position of the Ghostly units is really important so the Spectres concentrate onto Zoe's target(s). This can be really awkward if your primary Ghostly tank has a Stoneplate.
I have lost games because I moved Zoe away from my Ghostly units last second :(
But by far the biggest problem I have found is how much better the comp becomes at 9 than level 8. I personally find rerolling at level 8 to be the easiest to find 3 star Illaoi, Zoe, and Galio 2 whilst also being able to field 8 units which enable many important synergies.
Essentially, I don't like rerolling at either 7 or 8 with this comp. So I decided to comp up with a new comp to address this problem which is Altruist Arcanist.

4 Arcanist 3 Altruist Zoe Reroll

So here's a new variant of Zoe Reroll that has an incredibly strong level 8 (you play Rakan at 9) that gives you more time to reroll and find Zoe 3. This makes this comp so much easier to play and in turn, I have had so much more success with this variation particularly.
Teambuilder here
[Here's the full game from that clip with this comp]
This board also has a primary tank option between Amumu or Illaoi so you can play around whichever you manage to 3 star.
Although your secondary carry here is Lux who also holds your utility items like Morello and Shiv.

The Lissandra Nerfs really hurt...

Honestly, this may be extreme bias due to a bad few games, but I find a Lux 2 to be more reliable than post-nerf Lissandra. Lux feels like she needs a lot less to function better as she CC's more units, usually targets and slows down the enemy carry, and softens up enemy units for Zoe.
(VOD of why I don't like Lissandra)
The combination of Lux, Amumu, and Illaoi feels incredibly solid
Now the reason why I don't give Zoe Shiv on this board is due to a few reasons - Altruists prolong combat due to the mana reave, damage reduction, ally healing, and the trait resistances - That allows your frontline to be super beefy especially since the resistances are great for Bruisers/Wardens (loads of EHP) - Lux will have more AS than Zoe (Lux: 0.7x1.5=1.05 vs Zoe: 0.75x1.2=0.9) - And finally, opening up that item slot allows you to give Zoe a third damage item

Why not itemise Soraka?

Your secondary carry items should be going to Lux as she has more AP from Arcanist.
While Soraka can do a lot of damage, you only really care about her mana reave because it's such a powerful utility ability.
Regardless, Soraka will gain AP naturally from her passive as your frontline will continue to heal during combat. As she gains more AP, she heals your frontline more, who then stall for longer.
Lastly, the following 2 combinations are literally perfect for Altruist Arcanist.
Lux, Teemo, Thresh, Volibear, Galio, Morgana Darius, Bard, Soraka, Galio, Lissandra

4 Warden 6 Arcanist

Here's the board for this one
(Here's some Footage of this Comp in Action)

Meta Report from Khym and YBY1

In the 14.10 Meta Report by Khym and YBY1, Arcanist Zoe is described as an Easy Top 4 Comp (if I'm reading that correctly)
Khym also has a guide on how to play Zoe/Illaoi RR here
And what's great here is that, again, as you reroll you have option between Amumu or Illaoi 3 as your tank (however Illaoi is better due to the Arcanist AP)
Also, with the 4 Warden buff, this frontline feels great and buys plenty of time for Zoe to scale.
And this variation certainly has the highest ceiling out of all the comps if you get a Porcelain Spatula

6 Arcanist, 4 Warden, 4 Porcelain is extremely powerful.

Luckily, you can easily pivot into this board from Altruist Arcanist but pivoting is a tad more difficult to do if you're playing Ghoe.
Similarly, both the Warden and Altruist boards can tech in Hwei at 8 to make hitting the 3 stars easier.
4 Warden Hwei 4 Arcanist 2 Altruist Hweimothy
So if you're low rolling Zoe, Hwei can easily save the day.
Regardless, all 3 comps make up for at least one of Zoe's weaknesses. They either buy her plenty of time to scale or they tremendously enable her damage and, in turn, her passive.
And, at the very least, Zoe is great item holder due to her buffed passive
Speaking of which, let's talk about Zoe's items now.

Zoe's Items

Of course, as I've mentioned, you can give Zoe Shiv so she can get takedown credit and stack her passive quickly
But generally, MR reduction is necessary (even if it's not on her) so Zoe can kill units and stack her passive. Shiv is far more preferable to build but Ionic still does the job.
But I'm a simple guy, I want to see BIG damage numbers and huge ricochets, thus I forgo Shiv on Zoe for pure damage items.
But before we get into those items, let's talk about which casting item Zoe will want

Casting item: Shojin vs Adaptive Math

First cast:

Zoe is 0/60 and Shojin/Adaptive give 15 mana


0.75-1x3 = 4 seconds


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds

Second Cast onwards


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds


10 mana after 0.7 seconds 40 mana every 3 autos every 4 seconds Then 1 more auto for 10 more mana
Thus Adaptive: 0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds
So Shojin will get Zoe's first cast off sooner however after that Zoe's cast frequency between Adaptive and Shojin is the same.
Considering Adaptive gives more AP, is not dependant on auto attacking, will continue to generate mana even if Zoe gets stunned (or has to walk up) and it grants MR (useful against magic damage), I believe Adaptive is the superior mana generating item on Zoe if she has no bonus attack speed
If Zoe has just a Shiv, then her cast frequency is much faster [(0.75x1.2)-1x4 = 4.4 seconds] with Shojin.


  • Give Zoe Adaptive if you're going solely damage items on her (Rabadon/Archangel's + Jewelled Gauntlet)
  • Give Zoe Shojin if she has any bonus attack speed (Nashor's/Shiv/Pumping Up)

AP item: Rabadon or Archangel's

Of course, Zoe is a Mage and so she wants as much AP as possible which is either Rabadon or Archangel’s
I prefer Rabadon because it's more upfront AP alongside a great damage amplifier. However Archangel's can be more realistic to build and eventually it will outscale Rabadon's AP.

Increase Casting/Damage Multiplier

Lastly, you can give Zoe an item to increase her casting frequency like Shiv or Nashor's Tooth. Both of these items maximise Zoe's Kill Participation.
Or you can give her more damage amp for more, well, damage. Those are items like Jewelled Gauntlet or even items like Guardbreaker or Giant Slayer.
Although if you go the pure damage route, you need Zoe 3 and a ton of AP, so Zoe can stack her passive by one shotting whatever she touches.


Generally great build : Shiv/Nashor's + Shojin + Rabadon/Jewelled
My favourite: Adaptive + Rabadon + Jewelled

Bonus: Luden's Tempest

Luden's Tempest feels amazing on Zoe. With her ricochets, she gets so much takedown credit so quickly with it and it's so much damage.
[Here's my gameplay of Luden's Zoe in action]
And what's nice is that Zoe formerly built Luden's in TFT's spinoff game League of Legends. So it's a great callback
Although I've never played Zoe before...can I pretend to have a sense of nostalgia?

Kayle Upgrade

It's Blue.
20 AP is 20 AP. You're already building Shred so Green is Redundant, and the Attack Speed from Red is only 12%.

Pivot Potential

Zoe's items are very flexible so if you don't hit Zoe 3, you can pivot them to other AP carries like Syndra, Azir, Lissandra and Lillia.
So you don't absolutely need to reroll Zoe, you can just as easily use Zoe to Fast 9 instead, especially around Storyweaver, and pivot into a Legendary board.


That is all the information I currently have on Zoe Reroll
Hopefully this was helpful but I'd like to ask for your thoughts
What do you guys think about Zoe?

Do you think it's as OP as I believe or is Mortdog right?

Also, I usually do Patch Previews for each patch (for example here's my 14.10 patch preview), but I'm curious whether you guys would be interested if i made that into a Reddit post as well.
I imagine it'd be similar to how they do it on the LoL subreddit but I'd include my thoughts as well.
For example, I think Low Interest Rates is turbo giga insane in 14.10 because you can hit max interest rate at 2-6 (by the latest) at which point you're earning 6 gold a turn.
Lastly, I'm currently working on a Rek'sai reroll comp that is incredibly funny so look forward to that!
But yeah, I'll leave it on that note I think

Let me know if you have any questions!

I shall answer them as soon as i wake up lol

Thank you for reading <3

submitted by SuperGoody to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 Wulfies If you need to have 200 hrs to play ranked in Smite 2, Thats going to lose you players.

Hey All,
I really want to talk about the Ranked Requirements from Smite 1 and how they are ridiculous to put a plaster on a problem.
Lets get to the point, either the requirement being so high is to address:
  1. Bad players
  2. Smurfs.
Well, lets address these. I'm really kinda bored of this "Well if you want to play ranked you have to be good or know all the gods" Well these guys should be ranked low, if a system is matching them with half decent players then there is a problem with your ranked system, you need more ranks or a better way of handing MMR. In a competant system, low skilled players should be playing against low skilled players to learn the game and get better. Not making them grind casual as if playing casual is a better experience for new players when they just get smurfed by people on their main accounts who know new players have to queue casual just to be called out for inevitably feeding. Also in a ranked system that actually works, if you are good you should never have to deal with someone who doesn't know the game, If you have a low rank and you are ranked, with someone who doesn't know the game... that is 100% your fault and you should probably also learn the game.
Smurfs are always a problem, making the requirements high is a way to mitigate it, but you are doing so at the cost of new players. Inviting people to play smite is difficult, they want to play with people just as bad as them and getting steamrolled in casual and insulted is just not inviting to new players. You need to address smurfs via a different metric or gate. Other MOBA's don't expect you to go through all these hoops and at the end of the day those who want it will simply look else where and Smite 2 will bleed players.
Lastly: If you say things like "But they instantly end up in gold and ruin the game" then you are addressing an issue with MMR and blaming new players for it. There are a lot of casual players that would main Smite but simply wont because dealing with smurfs... in casual... isn't fun. Period.
I don't know a solution for the smurfs... but I can garentee if you gate keep ranked instead of improving the system... and defending this, people will simply play smite, get a feeling for Moba's and exodus elsewhere... Majority of the people aint going to grind 200 hours of playing rigged games, where high ranked players can play with new players, just to be able to play with people their skill level. It just aint happening to the majority of people that try Smite 2. Learn from other competative games.
Edit: im off to bed, I'll answer peeps tomorrow :). Its okay to downvote me but be nice to people in the comments section :D
submitted by Wulfies to Smite [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 14). Total previews comps: Back to Black ($0.34M), IF ($1.82M), Strangers ($1.12M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($7.22M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 10
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Back to Black EA+Thursday Comp: $0.34M
IF Thursday comp assuming $2M for keysersoze123: $1.82M
The Strangers: Chapter 1 Thursday Comp: $1.12M
Furiosa Thursday Comp assuming $5M For keysersoze123: $4.31M
Hit Man
The Garfield Movie EA+Thursday Comp: $2.24M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $7.22M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 3):
Presale Tracking Posts:
April 23
April 25
April 27
April 30
May 2
May 4
May 7
May 9
May 11
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:52 Thedreadedpixel Space Dogs of Zeta 9 [mini chapter 1 ]

Space Dogs Of Zeta 9 Mini chapter 1
Written by Pixel/Rat
NoP belongs to Space paladin
Fallout belongs to Bethesda
Memory transcript: Ziak, Farsul Technical Archivist
Date: August 12th, 2275 local [human time]
Local ship time: 10:00 [time of early light and work]
Human weapon catalog: “Energy Light Rifle”
Ziak clutched his head as the Predator energy rifle laid on a mounting in front of him, the damned gun didn't just make no sense, the fact it worked was a insult to federation weapons technology itself.
As Ziak let out a defeated whine the sound of the heavy security door opened as Ziaks partner and friend M'aiq entered holding two cups of steaming Gojid Mohi tea and a plate of warmed Venlil Strayu, something the crew had stocked up on in excess due to there extended mission. M'aiq noticed his whining companion and approached him. “Ziak? Is something wrong? You've been working on that new predator weapon we acquired from the last capture, is something wrong?” His companions' sudden speech made the lanky Farsul yap in surprise and let out a low frustrated growl before noticing the morning meal his friend had fetched for the two, eagerly taking the tea and taking a few long sips of the potent stimulant. 
“Oh i can find many things wrong with this damned laser weapon if i can even call it that to begin with” he growled smacking the remarkably durable yet blocky thing with a spiteful paw, it did little but make it wobble a bit on its perch.
“Oh? What have you learned while i grabbed us what was left of morning meal?” his curious companion asked as Ziak growled. “For one, it has no internal moving components, the ONLY moving pieces on this are the trigger, and the battery release, everything else is closer to an archaic laser drive than a weapon!, i mean, its a laser magnetron firing into a compression array, farsul engineering students in primary make these in basic astrometric engineering and somehow not only do predators have the technology, but theyve weaponized it” Ziak spat indignatly as his companion nodded, Ziak taking a sip of his tea and a nibble of Strayu as M’aiq pondered the weapon quizzically, i twas a matte green and gunmetal weapon with its main…body? A simple rectangular cube. “Well…i cant imagine the weapon is all that powerful, it is just a laser after all, we have lasers, mostly used for mining or point defense on space stations or planetary outposts and they cant even effect civilian energy shielding.” Ziak simple stood up, picked up the bulky rifle that took him a short time to adjust to the in-farsul design and pulled its trigger, without warming a sharp CHOOM was heard as a bright red, near white beam of searing light is heard burning the air in the ship as it hit and burned through an aluminum target located in the lab, the laser was not just pinpoint accurate with no recoil but it was STRONG, able to flash cook 8 inches of aluminum and another 4 inches of solid federation steel. M'aiq jaw dropped “HOLY SMEG” M’aiq shouted and ran over to the still glowing target in shock. “How, how could they get THAT much energy into a laser that small?!” Ziak sighed and pressed a lever on the side of the gun and released the bright, nearly fluorescent yellow, fat cylindrical battery from the side of the laser weapons rear. “I had the computer analyze the components of this battery…its a small nuclear fission battery, y’know, like the kinds our warships use as emergency power?” Those words struck M'aiq, although Ziak knew his friend lacked that kind of specific knowledge. “Wait aren't those kinda…..really big?” M’aiq asked quizzically and with a twinge of fear as Zaik let out a sigh of frustration. “There twelve tons on average and are typically housed in a easily ejectable section of a ship, this battery is about….75 percent as potent as that, the other twenty five is compensated by a advanced and complex magnetic confinement system that….that's more advanced than anything i've seen and its just so CONFUSING” 
The Farsul growled in frustration, tossing the weapon back to the mounting where the emergency containment field kicked in, catching the gun in zero gravity and gently placing it back down onto the pedestal.
“Its lens array is just a inferred fused silica compound and babies first laser magnatron, but the high powered electro magnets and battery capacitors are so advanced and powerful that it makes the best federation tech in comparison look like, LIKE” Ziak looked like he was about to explode as M’iaq interjected “Hey hey, maybe this is just….some tribal weapon? Something slap dashed together out of spare parts?” M’iaq questioned as Ziak seemed to try and compose himself and lets out a deep aggravated sigh. “It isnt….when we interrogated the predator about it he said the weapon was of ‘pre-war’ design and had actually been fabricated recently by some weapon smith a part of his war tribe, the “Enclave” or whatever, and its STANDARD ISSUE!” he howled in frustration and contempt “I even did a micron scan of the thing! There are SERIAL NUMBERS, I even cross referenced it with some of the other Laser light guns we captured and they MATCHED which means not only are these things being produced but that predator was telling the truth!” Ziak, now dejected, smacked his muzzle into the table. “So…what does that mean?” M’iaq asked as Ziak looked up frustrated at his friend and colleague “I means M'aiq” he said coldy and with clear frustration “That these humans can produce weapons that can reduce any federation armored vehicle to molten slag with a few volleys….lets be grateful these things aren't automatic, ancestors shield us if these damned predators figure out what a PULSE LASER is….” 

im so happy that im getting ppl interested in my weird crossover fic, and for all the helpfull feedback im getting! dont worry the girls will be breaking out soon
edit, im so sorry i ended up having to repost this due to a error with the title -_-;
submitted by Thedreadedpixel to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]