Reading selections for 6th grade

legends are the best

2018.10.03 15:06 StraightAvacado legends are the best

for the legends team in 6th grade a hangout center of sorts

2013.05.27 07:14 SUMMON OPPAI!!!

This is for the DxD Light Novel series not High School or your High School experience.

2011.01.21 03:16 d0ncab San José State University

A community of prospective and current students, alumni, faculty and staff, and locals of Silicon Valley. Share and discuss anything related to San José State University. Spartan Up!

2024.05.16 01:18 MonkeyTraumaCenter "Common" this, "common" that. Does this work? Or even matter?

Another month, another department and faculty meeting where we're being told about the need for common pacing guides and common assessments. And now, a push towards having all of us in the English department teach the same works at the same time in our respective grade levels. We're hearing rumblings that the ideal would be that every high school in the district would be doing common things across the board.
I understand that this is useful for admin and superintendents who freaked out over what happened after we got back from the lockdown (read: everything we told them but they ignored) and feel the need to micromanage the hell out of us, but what is the pedagogical reason for this? Is there anything to suggest that having common everything for a grade level or across schools in a district is effective?
And where's the evidence for it because whenever I ask, I just get evasion and sometimes surprise that I or my colleagues might not have bought into it.
submitted by MonkeyTraumaCenter to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:16 Pizzatorpedo Thought about the speed of ships

I've been thinking about the way we use our ships in the verse, and with the recent update bringing Master Modes (MM), I'd like to better understand why things are the way they are today. I apologize in advance about the length of this message ("I could have made it shorter, but I didn't have the time"), and just to be clear: this is not a rant about MM, this is only my ideas for the future of SC. This really is an invitation to discuss, please put your guns down ;)
The way things are today, there's really 3 methods to move our ships around. There's the (1) standard way, which is called SCM (Space Combat Maneuvering) that is limited to 200 or 300 m/s depending on your ship or environment. There's also (2) Navigation mode (NAV), which goes up to over 1000 m/s, again depending on your ship and environment. Finally there's Quantum mode (QT) which allows you to travel extremely fast to a quantum marker.
Each mode comes with its own caveat, which end up being extremely important while playing:
  1. SCM: you have shields and weapons enabled, but you cannot outrun anyone.
  2. NAV: you're fast enough to escape, but you won't have shields or weapons available, so you're very vulnerable.
  3. QT: After a first phase of spooling (charging) and calibrating to the marker, while your speed is up and your shiels and weapons are down, you can enable quantum speed, which is so high that you are instantly gone. While at quantum speed, you cannot control your ship.
Before 3.23, SCM and NAV were the same mode, and you could decide to be fast at anytime while keeping access to your shields and weapons. This caused a lot of problems like jousting (back and forth combat at high speed), or being able to bail out of a fight at anytime by just bolting away. MM is trying to fix this issue with the new NAV mode which disables your shields, and limiting SCM speeds.
An interesting point to note is that switching to NAV from SCM is not possible, as you switch to QT first. NAV is only the second option, so if you're looking to escape, QT mode is really what you're going to use, since it first allows you to speed up while spooling your quantum drive, then once spooled, you're free to run to another quantum marker. Going to NAV would only make sense if you're looking for some time to recharge your shields away from your attacker, but it doesn't feel as possible as it use to be since NAV disables your shields.
Sorry for this long preamble, but I think it's necessary to understand what I'm thinking about. As it is today, I think that NAV mode only exists because we do not have custom quantum markers, and that quantum markers should always bring you under 20k of your destination. Let me explain in more details:
Most often, I use NAV when coming out of QT, if I know where I'm going and I just want to get there faster. For example, I'm trying to go to a bunker and I'm coming out of QT 25k away from it. I would switch to NAV in order to hide the QT marker obstructing the center of my screen, and aim for the bunker until I'm about 5k away, at which time I would switch to SCM to get my shields back in case there's a turret or an enemy. I would also use NAV if I need a quick boost to reach a space station after QT to it.
While exploring, I would also use NAV if I want to quickly explore another area close by (a mountain or lake I see on the horizon), but again, the only reason I would switch to NAV would be to hide all the QT markers. If it wasn't for QT markers, I would never really use NAV.
Now you might think that I'm trying to suggest that we should get rid of NAV, but that's not what I have in mind. I think we should just not allow high speeds at all. But that's only possible if we can make our own QT markers, and if QT markers brought you close enough (10k I'm thinking) that you don't ever feel the need to go faster. Here is the list of what I think would make more sense:
Why do I think it would be better:
What am I missing? Is there a use case where not having high speeds available would break the experience? I'm very conscious that none of this is possible right now as we just don't have all the features needed, but I wonder if this would work in the future. Thanks for reading all the way!
submitted by Pizzatorpedo to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:16 lezzieborden2 Pre-op diet question

I started the two-week pre-op diet today. I’m heading to OCC in Tijuana the end of the month for gastric sleeve surgery. The pre-op diet I received from them is basically 3-4 80-calorie protein shakes a day and a selection of vegetables. I have a fairly active job and am having a hard time believing 240-320 calories a day plus vegetables is possible. Am I reading it wrong? Thank you.
submitted by lezzieborden2 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:15 FigCapable5007 Struggling with my sin

My biggest issue right now is I am struggling so bad with my sinful nature right now. I am in college and it’s been so hard for me to do my homework and everything, I’ve been being lazy and putting it off and I’ve not been getting good grades because of it. The only thing I can put my mind to is reading Gods word, praying, and online fellowship. I don’t want anything in this world I don’t want what this world has to offer, I just want Gods love. I want to be free from my sinful nature and this sinful earth and I want to do only what God says is good. But I realize God is keeping me here for a reason, and so I must find a way to honor God through that. I don’t want fame or success or money or approval, I just want his pure love. My parents want me to go to college, and I feel like it’s my sinful nature that wants to disobey them and do my own thing. But I also don’t reeeally know. Because I know they’re imperfect and I know they don’t know all things like God does, but what I do know is God wants us to honor our parents. But it’s so hard, I don’t want to do anything that I can’t tell is helping with my relationship with God directly. Like it’s hard for me to put in hard work if I can’t directly see if what I’m doing is building my relationship with him. It’s hard for me to obey my parents when I know they don’t know all things like God does. And I know and I’m sure it’s just my sinful nature fighting against my spirit, but it’s really hard. It’s so hard for me to fight against my flesh, especially when I know how flawed the world is. It’s so hard for me to put effort into obeying others when I know they can’t be compared to God. At least with praying, reading the Bible, and fellowship like I know I’m getting closer to him and that’s all I have to think about. When I do that all I have to think about is getting closer to him, but if I have to think of doing anything else or anything remotely related to anything else it is so hard. I want to have faith in God in all things, so when he tells me to honor my parents I want to do it, but it’s so hard actually doing it. It’s just so hard to actually do and completely trust that I need to do other things than learn about him. Cause I just want him. I don’t want anything else, I don’t get why he wants me to do anything else but focus on him like I am right now. I don’t get why I’m still on this earth I don’t want to be here I want to be with him. But I have to trust that I’m here for a reason and that he loves me. It’s just really hard to relate that I’m not here for myself but for God to other parts of my life. Idk if this makes any sense but I hope you guys get where I’m coming from and can understand what I’m saying. I fail so much I fail so so so much when I have trouble focusing on things that I can’t see are actually helping my relationship with him. I used to live for myself and now I do for him so sometimes it’s hard to see what’s for him and what’s for me. I don’t want to succeed, I want to be sinless and I don’t know how to do that without him. If I’m not focusing on him or if I get distracted by something else, I don’t know what to do. And so often with my parents I get distracted and I can’t focus on God completely cause my sin distracts me and I can’t tell what from them is good or bad. I can’t tell. But I know they have been wrong before, I know I’ve been wrong before, so I don’t want to focus or be distracted by either of us I just want to focus on God. BUT THEN AGAIN I KNOW GOD SAYS TO HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER SO I DONT KNOWEW 😭 how can I honor someone and obey and listen to someone who doesn’t know what’s truly best for me like God does. How can I trust them? It’s just really hard. Hard to focus on God in every aspect that he wants me to.
submitted by FigCapable5007 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:15 lost_library_book (New update) I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl [The Ballad of Bret Hart]

Originally chronicled here.
I am not the OOP. OOP is u/Lost_Beginning_2824
This was originally posted in TrueOffMyChest
2 updates
(recovered via pushpull)
Original post - February 6th, 2024
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
2nd Update - March 8th, 2024
Trigger warning: mention of domestic violence situation
I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl – February 6th, 2024
My wife behaves like a teenage girl and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is just a rant. Curious to know how many full grown adults behave the way my wife does. I’d say out of all of the adult women I know, like friends, relatives, wives of my friends, none of them behave this way unless they keep it a closely guarded secret.
Editing right here to add that my wife is in her 30s, for context.
My wife is always obsessed with somebody, a man or sometimes multiple men at one time. Usually there is one or two main focuses at a time. When I talk obsessed I mean obsessed like a teenage girl or maybe even preteen girl would be. I’ve seen pictures of her bedroom when she was that age and they were literally wallpapers in posters of her favorite guys. That’s totally normal for a 13 year old girl. She still behaves that way as a woman in her 30s. Granted, our bedroom walls aren’t wallpapered in posters but they probably would be if I allowed it.
Her obsessions have ranged from rock stars, actors, non-entertainment industry public figures. It’s like one day she hasn’t even heard of the guy in question and the next day she’s super fan #1 and knows just about everything there is to know about him. She will read and watch everything there is to watch about the man. She will bring him up in every conversation. She will adopt parts of him into her own personality. She will suggest things that make it clear to me that she wants me to adopt characteristics of these men as part of my appearance or personality. She will openly admit to me that she’s masturbated over the guy multiple times in one day.
When she finds a new man to obsess over, she puts the others in her little stable of men who she always has a place for in her heart and in her fantasies, so they never really go away. The new man just takes center stage and becomes the main focus of almost her entire life.
So the current obsession is so strange to me. Never saw this one coming, but leave it to her to always find somebody new to fall in love with. The intensity that she has during these periods - it’s honestly like she falls in love with these men.
I’m laughing so hard just typing this all. Her current obsession is Bret Hart, former pro wrestler. This woman had never watched wrestling before in her life. Always thought that stuff was below her. And now she’s obsessed with this former pro-wrestler. She watched one show about him, for reasons I’m not aware of, and I could tell almost instantly where it was headed. I thought “here we go…” So now the Bret Hart obsession is in full swing. Has she already dropped close to $1000 in vintage Bret Hart shirts on eBay? Of course. Bought all the stickers and magnets and all sorts of other stupid crap she can find? Yep. Does she send me Bret Hart YouTube clips when she’s supposed to be working? Yes she does.
So, I better get to work brushing up on my Bret Hart knowledge and tag lines. This is the key to getting laid when it comes to her. I’m used to this by now. It’s just not something that I can easily explain to anyone I know.
I mean, there’s are things I’m a fan of, but she is next level. I can’t think of anyone I know who is her age and acts like this. She was voted most likely to grow up and become a groupie when she was in high school, so this is absolutely nothing new for her. Sigh.
Many are lighthearted in the comments
I mean he's the best there is, was and ever will be so that one makes sense at least .
You don’t think I’m hearing that 10 times a day now?
I better start planning that trip to Calgary.
Limerence is mentioned
Yeah my bouts of limerence have been with people I’ve dated but reading that made me realize that I was very much being obsessive and it was totally all consuming. Glad it’s over honestly. Those feelings are exhausting.
Very interesting to hear you say the feelings are exhausting. It’s like a full time job for my wife, so I could see that. She told me she’s at work with her door closed pretending to be working, but she’s really watching Bret Hart videos on YouTube. She can’t even focus on her job.
OOP reveals more of the life he’s signed up for in the comments
You've pretended to act like other men for 20 years?!
Damn dude, I hope you're finding ways to accept it and cope. That sounds rough, having to be someone else to have sex... stay strong king
Nah, I just learn their catchphrases or gain some deep fan knowledge that’ll impress her or maybe perfect a vocal impersonation of them that I can drop at the opportune time. The vocal impersonations work the best as far as making her like me and being like “ok, wanna have sex now?”
But what do you guys actually share *together*? That's not related to the obsession of the season? (I'm not going to even bother asking if she's tried to learn about any of your hobbies/interests).
NGL, this is all pretty grim to me, my man....and I'm someone who loves having a partner who is passionate about things and nerds out.
I fear that you've spent so long with her infatuations steamrolling over your own interests and preferences that you have convinced yourself that getting attention-by-proxy as your main source of validation from your SPOUSE is a healthy way to live.
If I told you that I was big into anime and Japanese RPGs and the only way I get interested in doing it with my actual wife is if she adopts the catch phrases /personality characteristics of my latest "waifu", would you feel some concern for my wife's mental health?
I'm also wondering about this spending....
She’s pretty dismissive of my interests and hobbies. I’ve told her I’d like her to try to pretend to show a little more interest sometimes. I make an effort to show real interest in her stuff and she does not do the same. I’m very into music and I do geek out over guitars and gear and things like that and she couldn’t tell you anything about any of the guitars I own other than “he has a blue one, he has a red one. “ We do love some of the same bands. Of course she wants to fuck the band members and I just want to talk about the chord progression on my favorite guitar tracks, but it’s close enough. We like a lot of the same movies and that sort of thing. We have the same sense of humor and can keep each other laughing for ages. We have a lot of the same views on life and on the world in general.
I don’t know, we just get each other I guess.
I would be concerned about the waifu thing, but I guess in my case she always likes guys who I think are pretty cool anyway. She has good taste, at least. If she has to be obsessing over some other guy constantly at least she does it over guys I can respect on some level.
Regarding the spending, I spend way more than she does. Only difference is it’s not usually fan merch I’m buying. But she tolerate my spending when it comes to stuff like guitar gear. She rolls her eyes and reprimands me but she tolerates it and just knows I won’t stop. I’m the same when it comes to her fan stuff. I get it, she wants the vintage 1993 Bret Hart shirt that costs hundreds…not a modern shirt that just anyone could go online and buy for $25 right now. She wants the cool, rare stuff. I’m the same with my guitars so I guess it’s like we understand each other in some way. I think it’s weird to become a fan of somebody and 2 days later drop thousands on them though. At least my money pit is consistent.
I think we both feel like we’re the only person who will semi understand and tolerate all of this stuff from each other
Not included here, but in several comments, OOP definitely brings up his wife’s looks as a positive in the relationship and he finds her antics at times amusing or even attractive.
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
I recently wrote about my wife suddenly discovering former pro-wrestler Bret “The Hitman” Hart one day after never even knowing of his existence, experienced love at first site, and is now even deeper than love with him then she was a month ago.
Tonight, I experienced a good hour of her sobbing, literal sobs, after watching the Bret Hart A&E biography. “I just love him so much. I love him with all my heart. I don’t want any more bad things to happen to him. Also, I’m very jealous he’s not my husband.”
She also went from not wanting any kids to suddenly wanting a baby so she can name it Bret (a girl or a boy, doesn’t matter…they will be named Bret). And she almost had me convinced, but I blame that on the heat of the moment.
She’s bought all sorts of clothes just like his. My wife now dresses like Bret Hart in and outside of the ring.
The past few days she’s been acting really annoyed with me. Finally I’m like “Wtf am I doing wrong?” I bought you Bret Hart stuff for your birthday! I call you Mrs. Bret Hart now, even though you’re my wife. I even sent you flowers at work from Bret. I mean that was supposed to get me points because she knew they were from me and I was playing into her obsession which she’s now apparently shared with everyone she works with. They’ve bought her a giant Bret Hart wall decal for her office.
Ok, so I did forget our anniversary which was very recently. Totally forgot it. Then again, so did she. She was too busy masturbating over Bret Hart to remember our wedding anniversary. I mean bad husband points for me obviously but all the birthday gifts had to have made up for it. I mean, I even ordered a Bret Hart birthday banner and got her a Bret Hart themed birthday cake as if she were a 7 year old boy in the year 1994.
So why is she acting so annoyed lately? Why does she act like she hates me and can’t stand to even be in the same room as me? She finally admits…I’m not Bret Hart. None of her obsession have ever been this bad. She’s seriously threatening me with divorce now because I’m not Bret Hart! She “just wants a guy like that.” She had to go walk the dog today and cry over it, how much she hates me and wishes she was married to Bret Hart. Oh fuck me you want a guy like your dad because that’s what Bret Hart is like…exactly like her dad, the same look, the same hair, the same damn age.
I told her I think she should get checked out for autism or some other sort of disorder. Her obsessions have never been this bad. She should make an appointment now because the waitlist is long. She just laughed. There’s nothing wrong with her. She just has different taste in men now, according to her.
Some comments
Therapist here - she needs to see a psychiatrist. This is mental illness to the extreme. Either she goes, or you leave. This is ultimatum territory. And, stop giving into her obsession. It makes it worse.
Man, when she threatens divorce, take it. Jump at the chance.
Hell, sit, be a good boy and offer your fucking paw if that’s what it takes to get treated to an exit strategy. Don’t worry about dignity, sounds like you gave that up a long time ago.
She’s even looked up the divorce process for where we live and says we can be amicable about everything. She assures me she’s not looking to take any thing that is rightfully mine. She just wants a clean break.
I’m surprised he even lasted this long. Calling her “Ms. Bret Hart” …..I can’t even fathom.
Excuse me, it’s MRS Bret Hart, not Ms.
NEW UPDATE - March 8th, 2024
Hi, you might remember me as the guy whose wife was obsessed with JFK (35th President of the United States), then experienced a world wind romance with former WWF pro-wrestler Bret Hart (the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be), but now she’s met a new man. I thought the Bret Hart obsession was the worst one yet. Never has she threatened divorce or told me she hated me because I wasn’t the object of her desire. Luckily, that was a relatively quick love affair for her. 3-4 months is a short run for her and one of her men. But I should be careful what I wish for.
This new one is the first time I’ve felt that I should maybe, just possibly, feel legitimately scared. Her newly developing obsession is Patrick Bateman. Yep, the character from American Psycho. Specifically, the movie version played by Christian Bale.
It’s not like she’s just met the guy. She’s seen the movie before but it doesn’t appear that they hit it off initially. Now, she’s suddenly started making constant reference to him. Bret is gone and now it’s just Patrick Bateman and maniacal laughter and purchasing all of the items in his skin care routine. I’d like to see her do 1000 crunches though. That’ll be the day.
She has always admitted to living the 80s preppy/yuppie look. She loves assholes. Assholes are a weakness for her. Psychopaths? Hmm…that’s a new one, unless you count the time she was in love with the Menendez Brothers years ago. God, the pastel Ralph Lauren sweaters she used to try to make me wear. Pastels are just not my shades.
Now, there was a time many years ago where I did have to hide all the knives in our home. I was legitimately scared that she was going to murder me. I forget what she was upset about now. I am, after all, her type - an asshole. I did something that bothered her and she ran for the knives. I had to hide them and then lock myself in a bedroom because she was literally chasing me. That was before she decided that she’d be the female Patrick Bateman. Granted, she says “only mean in the looks and snob department-nothing else.”
She’s trying to determine what the female equivalent to a Patrick Bateman hairstyle would be right now. I’m just worried about the bank account with this obsession. The amount she’ll spend on business cards alone.
Your wife is severely mentally ill, and needs help quickly.
Is there no chance of persuading her to get help?
If not, what preparations have you made to leave her?
I’m a strange way, I think these obsessions are what keep her sane.
Her getting help is funny though. It’s not going to happen. Sure I’ve tried to persuade her to see a therapist but she just won’t.
I probably shouldn’t be laughing as hard as I am right now. This is truly bizarre. Does she narrate her morning routine in the mirror each day now?
But in all seriousness, she’s chased you with a knife? Thats far more concerning than any of the obsessions with these men, and yes I did read the post about the wrestler. I thought it was just very quirky behavior before, but she seems truly unhinged now.
It was years ago. Like 10+ years ago. I’m much stronger than her so it’s not hard to hold her down if need be.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:13 Agreeable_Income3763 Hurtigruten Cruise Line – Special Offers (Northern Lights Promise, No Single Supplement)

Hurtigruten Cruise Line – Special Offers (Northern Lights Promise, No Single Supplement)

Posted on May 15, 2024 by Andrew Larder

Hurtigruten Cruise Line

Two Evergreen Offers:
Northern Lights Promise For those who have their heart set on witnessing the swirling glow of the aurora borealis, we make a promise no one can match:
Sail the Norwegian coast with us during the auroral season between September 20 and March 31 on a voyage of 11 days or more. If the Northern Lights do not occur within sight of your ship during your voyage, we will give your clients a 6 or 7-day Original Coastal Express Classic Voyage FREE OF CHARGE*.
Find your voyage NO SINGLE SUPPLEMENT SELECT DEPARTURES UP TO 30% OFF The Coastal Express 12 DAYS • 34 PLACES The Coastal Express Route
Bergen – Kirkenes – Bergen (Roundtrip)
Departure Dates
Regular departures
Price from $1,853
NO SINGLE SUPPLEMENT SELECT DEPARTURES UP TO 10% OFF The Coastal Express – To the Viking Capital 11 DAYS • 27 PLACES The Coastal Express – To the Viking Capital Route
Bergen – Kirkenes – Trondheim (Roundtrip)
Departure Dates
Regular departures
Price from
UP TO 25% OFF The North Cape Line 14 DAYS • 14 PLACES The North Cape Line Full voyage from Bergen to Oslo
Bergen – Honningsvåg – Oslo (Roundtrip)
Departure Dates
December 2024 – April 2025
Price from $3,283
MS Trollfjord
UP TO 25% OFF The North Cape Line 14 DAYS • 14 PLACES The North Cape Line Full voyage from Oslo to Bergen
Oslo – Honningsvåg – Bergen (Roundtrip)
Departure Dates
December 2024 – May 2025
Price from $3,389
MS Trollfjord
UP TO 10% OFF The North Cape Line 15 DAYS • 13 PLACES The North Cape Line Full voyage from Oslo
Oslo – Honningsvåg – Oslo (Roundtrip)
Departure Dates
September 2025 – April 2026
Price from $3,707
MS Trollfjord
Why we can make this promise Where we sail on the Norwegian coast is directly beneath the Auroral Zone, an area of consistent and heightened Northern Lights activity.
Our ships act as floating, mobile observatories that move between areas where there is a lot of cloud cover to places where it’s clear skies and perfect conditions to see the aurora when it appears.
How we help you to see the aurora All the cabins and suites on our ships have an ‘Northern Lights alert’ which will tell you whenever we spot sightings of the aurora, so you can rush to your window or outside to catch them.
Our crew will announce occurrences of the aurora to your cabin or suite at any time of the day or night. You can switch these announcements on and off as you prefer.
Northern Lights Promise Terms & Conditions Subject to the following ‘Terms and Conditions’ in 2023/24 This offer applies to all new bookings of voyages of 11 days or more along the Norwegian coast aboard The Coastal Express and The North Cape Line (previously known as The North Cape Express) voyages. It applies to North Cape Line voyages departing between September 26, 2023 and March 31, 2024 and The Coastal Express voyages departing between October 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024.
A Northern Lights occurrence is defined as a sighting from the ship that is recorded by the ship’s deck officers and that is announced to passengers on board. Announcements are made to your cabin or via another channel decided by the deck officers. An occurrence can last anything from a few minutes to a matter of hours, and the ships decision as to whether the Northern Lights occurred is final.
We announce occurrences of the Northern Lights on board the ship and you have the option of announcements direct to your cabin or suite. We hope that you will experience seeing the Northern Lights whilst on your voyage with us of 11 days or more, but we cannot be held responsible if you don’t.
We promise that in the event of there being no Northern Lights occurrence as defined above, you will receive a 6-day or 7-day Coastal Express – South or Coastal Express – North voyage, departing between October 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025 in an unspecified inside twin cabin on a full-board basis free of charge. You may upgrade to another grade of cabin subject to additional costs and availability.
We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the offer at any time. Please check at the time of booking as to the current status of the offer. The offer must be claimed and booked within 28 days from your return date. A choice of departure dates will be given.
The offer excludes flights, transfers, all onboard expenses, excursions, and luggage handling. The offer does not apply to re-scheduled or cancelled cruises. Bookings are non-transferable, non-changeable, and have no cash value.
Subject to the following ‘Terms and Conditions’ in 2024/25 This offer applies to all new bookings of voyages of 11 days or more along the Norwegian coast aboard The Coastal Express and The North Cape Line (previously The North Cape Express). It applies to voyages departing between September 20, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
A Northern Lights occurrence is defined as a sighting from the ship that is recorded by the ship’s deck officers and that is announced to passengers on board. Announcements are made to your cabin or via another channel decided by the deck officers. An occurrence can last anything from a few minutes to a matter of hours, and the ships decision as to whether the Northern Lights occurred is final.
We announce occurrences of the Northern Lights on board the ship and you have the option of announcements direct to your cabin or suite. We hope that you will experience seeing the Northern Lights whilst on your voyage with us of 11 days or more, but we cannot be held responsible if you don’t.
We promise that in the event of there being no Northern Lights occurrence as defined above, you will receive a 6-day southbound or 7-day northbound Coastal Express voyage, departing between September 20, 2025 and March 31, 2026 in an unspecified inside twin cabin on a full-board basis free of charge. You may upgrade to another grade of cabin subject to additional costs and availability. Please note that upgrading to suites with this offer may not be available.
We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the offer at any time. Please check at the time of booking as to the current status of the offer. The offer must be claimed and booked within 28 days from your return date. A choice of departure dates will be given.
The offer excludes flights, transfers, all onboard expenses, excursions, and luggage handling. The offer does not apply to re-scheduled or cancelled cruises. Bookings are non-transferable, non-changeable, and have no cash value. This offer is not combinable with claims for compensation, refunds or price reductions. __________________

Solo Traveler Offer

Hurtigruten makes Norway more affordable for solo travelers by reducing the single supplement to zero* on select Norway voyages. Offers available on select departures only.
Check prices and availability to see applicable departures.
Enjoy Unique Experiences & Connections when Traveling Solo
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2024.05.16 01:11 momo871 Wit and wisdom writing question

My district just adopted wit and wisdom. I teach 4th grade. Some of my kids are pulled out for reading for honors. It the honors teacher doesn’t do wit and wisdom, are those kids going to be able to do writing with me? Is the writing based on the reading?
submitted by momo871 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:08 DentistJust55 Please i need help with this ssd

My system is reading the ssd (samsung evo 860) but when i go to bios and select the drive this message that says “reboot and select proper drive” appears. I’ve been trying to fix it for a while but i can’t figure it out. Please help.
submitted by DentistJust55 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:06 adotkilla3000 I need help asap please brothers and sisters

Assalamualaikum dear respected brothers and sisters.
I have been feeling very very very down lately and I need help. I pray 5 times a day and read Quran pretty often much more than a year ago. Im 15 years old and my dad care very much about my grades, thats all he talks about and basically revolves my life around as he regrets not being successful. He is very harsh on me and expects 95+ on every test and I did do good in tests but for the last 4 I'd not met up to that expectation and my dad is very dissappointed and so is my mum which is very rare. I have been studying as hard as I can but all my parents say is that I don't practice enough or whatever. I had a test yesterday and I think I did poorly which I am only going to scrape 85 % which is very poor in my parents eyes and I told my parents I was stressed in the test and told my dad its cause he yells at me and he twisted his words and just tried to make me the bad person as he does all the time. I raised the concern with my mum who is much more understanding and nicer and she said read duas during the test but during the whole test I was reciting Surahs but why was I so stressed then? Why did I do poorly if I remembered of Allah through the whole test? I still 100% believe in Allah but why is this happening? I would really appreciate any help, thank you.
submitted by adotkilla3000 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 MishkaPikachu 18 [M4A] #Europe #Online Come hang out with me for the night!

Hello there! I hope you all had an amazing day today.
I'm here looking for some long term friends, so here's a bit about me:
I'm 18 years old and i'm based in Europe, I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and English. In my free time I love to play American Football and I play for the local team. I also like reading, I have a wide selection of books that I could show you if you're also into reading. I also write, but my writings aren't very good in my opinion, I play video games, i'm a big Geography and History nerd. I'll chat to anyone, just please be over 18. I hope to hear back from you! Have a great evening :)
submitted by MishkaPikachu to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 MishkaPikachu M18 Come hang out with me for the night!

Hello there! I hope you all had an amazing day today.
I'm here looking for some long term friends, so here's a bit about me:
I'm 18 years old and i'm based in Europe, I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and English. In my free time I love to play American Football and I play for the local team. I also like reading, I have a wide selection of books that I could show you if you're also into reading. I also write, but my writings aren't very good in my opinion, I play video games, i'm a big Geography and History nerd. I'll chat to anyone, just please be over 18. I hope to hear back from you! Have a great evening :)
submitted by MishkaPikachu to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:02 Competitive_Zone7802 Tarot Rdg: 1Free Yes/No question. UNTIL 3pm only

Just comment your questions that is answerable by Yes/No/Maybe for free. Sa mga nagaask po regarding sa grades nila sa school at kung makakapasa ba sa boards at kung san san pa, di ko po sinasagot kasi isa lang ang solusyon jan, mag aral kayong mabuti. Sa mga nanttrip lang, same lang din po. Di ko po sasagutin yan. Sa mga health issues, magpa check up po kayo, di po ako doctor. Pati na rin sa mga nagtatanong kung maaapprove ba ang visa.
For Private Reading, These are my rates:
FOR LIVE READING VIA TG 1hr including shuffling: 2K indepth reading Love and/or R18 (3questions): 500 indepth reading Career and/or Finances (3questions): 500 In-depth reading(love, career or finances or anything) 5questions: 1k For monthly subscription, message me. :)
Nakakadrain po ang reading, pero sure naman akong sulit ang bayad nyo sakin kaya di na ako nagooffer ng mga 1card 2cards pull out lang. Kung gusto nyo talaga ng detailed at maguide, ayan po ang rates ko. lahat po yan indepth. 4yrs ko na po itong ginagawa at marami po akong deck na ginagamit. Di po kayo matitipid sa reading. Salamat po :)
submitted by Competitive_Zone7802 to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:01 MerkadoBarkada SPNEC crushed on MSCI deletion; CREC changed IPO date for better "feng shui"; AREIT declares largest div in company's history; APL Q1 net loss: P7.9-M (up 32%)(Thursday, May 16)

Happy Thursday, Barkada --

The PSE lost 50 points to 6559 ▼0.8%

Shout-out to Albert R. for riffing on the "guy sinking in pond" theme of yesterday's meme, to Sadok Bey for cheering on OGP and gold stocks in general, to Jing for being old fashioned about AI, to Xavier for asking interesting questions about the REIT sector ("who's following [AREIT]?"), to @Banapin_phl_stk for asking if the OGP IPO was appropriate (yes, because it was a legal compliance IPO), to Cheerful2_Dogman210x for noting that REITs should diversify away from offices (agree, but MREIT?), to Adept-Ad-8635 for asking about GMA7 dividends (sorry I don't know anything), and to arkitrader for posting a classic GIF.
We will have to wait until May 21 to get our daily dose of REIT commentary from Ely (Your REIT Buddy), because he and his wife Gladys are away on vacation celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary! Please join me in congratulating Ely and Gladys Paclibar on this significant life milestone and wishing them many more happy milestones to come!
Congratulations are also in order Dax Lucas and Miguel Camus for launching their PH business news startup, InsiderPH. Both are veteran business reporters (previously from the Philippine Daily Inquirer) I trust and frequently link to while drafting Merkado Barkada. It's great to see more journalists break out on their own!

In today's MB:

Daily meme Subscribe (it's free) Today's email

▌Main stories covered:

  • [NEWS] SP New Energy crushed on MSCI deletion... SP New Energy [SPNEC 1.06 ▼6.2%; 150% avgVol] [pdf link] fell more than 6% yesterday as traders digested the MSCI Global Small Cap review results that indicated SPNEC would be deleted from the index, effective June 3. Cebu Pacific [CEB 29.50 ▼1.8%; 113% avgVol] is also scheduled for deletion from the index, while ACEN [ACEN 5.00 ▲9.4%; 478% avgVol] was selected for inclusion. Aboitiz Equity Ventures [AEV 37.00 ▼3.5%; 458% avgVol] was deleted from the MSCI Global Standard index.
    • MB: While the majority of people that I know don’t specifically trade index rebalancings, we are all impacted by these additions and deletions to some degree or another, so I think it’s important to flag when these rebalancings happen to make the markets seem just a little less random. For those who are unfamiliar, if you consider all the potential buyers of PSE stocks as just one room of buyers in the global “building” of potential buyers, getting added to an index is almost like getting credentials to access an entirely new room of potential buyers. Adding new buyers to the mix will drive up the price of the stock since the number of outstanding shares has not changed, only the number of interested buyers. That’s what is often referred to as “inflow”. Conversely, losing those new buyers will cause a drop in the price as due to the selling pressure from their need to exit their positions in anticipation of the stock losing its “credential” to access the room. That’s “outflow”. I know it’s a goofy analogy, but it can help new traders gain familiarity with all this talk of “inflows” and “outflows” around rebalancing moves.
  • [UPDATE] CREC changed its IPO date for better feng shui... According to a report by Miguel R. Camus of InsiderPH [link], Citicore Renewable Energy Corp [CREC 3.88 pre-IPO] CEO Oliver Tan said that CREC moved its IPO back by a week to June 7 after consulting with a feng shui expert. Mr. Tan said that June 7 is a more “auspicious” date.
    • MB: While I’m not a very superstitious person, I understand why these considerations can creep in where the difference between success and failure can so often be attributed to random chance. We’ve seen companies in the past set their maximum IPO price at a number that is thought to carry better “luck”, but it’s hard to look at the history of IPO results and see much good luck in all that red. Good reason? Bad reason? It doesn’t make that much difference to me as an investor, and it likely won’t make any difference to anyone a year or two from now when CREC is listed and the IPO is just a distant memory. Still, thought it was interesting to pass this along since I was lightly speculating on the reason for the date change yesterday.
  • [DIVS] AREIT declares largest dividend in company’s history... AREIT [AREIT 33.95 ▲0.1%; 116% avgVol] [link] declared a Q1/24 dividend of ₱0.56/share, payable on June 13 to shareholders of record as of May 28. The dividend has an annualized yield of 6.6%, which is a little higher than AREIT’s pre-dividend annualized yield of 6.48%. The total amount of the dividend is approximately 90.3% of the ₱1.47 billion in distributable income that AREIT reported for the period. AREIT’s year-to-date stock and dividend return is now up to 3.32%, and its total return since its IPO is now 54.56%.
    • MB: That’s 16 straight quarters of stable or growing dividends from AREIT. Their management team has weathered all of the issues and problems that have plagued the commercial REIT sector since the pandemic in 2020 (COVID, inflation, POGOs, etc), and they’ve managed to actually grow the dividend 10 times while doing it. Sure, their yield is the lowest of the REITs on the PSE, but it’s low for a reason: risk (or the relative lack thereof).
  • [EARNINGS] Apollo Global Q1 net loss: ₱7.9-M (up 32%)... Apollo Global Capital [APL 0.01 ▲10.0%; 6% avgVol] [link] posted a Q1 net loss of ₱7.9 million, which was actually 32% better than its Q1/23 net loss of ₱11.5 million. The company’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis section is still just a “Plan of Operations” because the company still has yet to earn a single peso of revenue from the offshore mining operation that it was supposed to have started in early 2021. APL’s current President, Bonner Dytoc, was appointed back in late 2022 after the company’s previous President resigned.
    • MB: Longtime readers will know how closely I’ve been following the trials and tribulations of the MB Siphon 1, the vessel that APL allegedly plans to use to eventually conduct its offshore mining. It’s now been 1199 days since APL reported that the MB Siphon 1 was “in position” and “ready to commence operations” before a series of storms, mechanical mishaps, financial transactions, big waves, and training outages conspired to keep the boat from its one and only purpose. I get the sense that even the PSE is getting fed up with the situation, which says a lot considering what they’ve been willing to tolerate from other companies; the PSE officially required APL to disclose the status of the MB Siphon 1 last month, and in response, APL said that the MB Siphon 1 is “currently undergoing its equipment maintenance and continuous enhancements to ensure safety, durability, and operational efficiency.” APL went on to say that it will commission another vessel to “supplement our operations for the year”. And the kicker: APL said that it is “on track to anticipate initial shipments within the second quarter of this year.” On track to anticipate? 60% of the time, that wordplay works every time.
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on in the Stock Commentary section.

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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 Informal_Patience821 "Quranist" Responds To Sunni Sectarians At IslamQa.Org On Allowing Child Marriages

This Fatwa is from a mainstream Sunni Madhabiyun website:
The second approach is to present the factual situation of the matter. The feelings and sentiments of people are not considered. It is done with the firm belief that Allāh will defend and preserve His Dīn. While the intention in the first approach is noble, it is dangerous. The consequences of twisting information to please people are too ghastly to consider. When research uncovers the truth, Islām will be blemished contrary to ones hope of presenting a noble picture of Islām. It is also academic dishonesty and against the spirit of honesty and truthfulness which are the hall marks of Islām.
The age of Hadhrat Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā during her marriage with Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam is often highlighted and negatively presented in the context of child marriage. In an attempt to avoid the accusation of child marriage in Islām, some people have adopted an apologetic approach and began distorting the factual situation of Hadhrat Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā’s age during marriage. This approach is dangerous and is based on a wrong premise. We have to be bold to claim that child marriage is not prohibited in Islām. However, there are rules that govern the issue to safeguard the interest of the child.
This article is a rebuttal of an essay written by Nilofar Ahmed that was produced in the Dawn newspaper on 17/02/2012. The essay is based on the following incorrect premises:
Prohibition of child marriage
Historical facts must be correlated with authentic narrations
The writer claims that the misinformation of Aisha Radhiyallāhu Anhā’s age at the time of her marriage being six led to the wrong view that child marriage has sanction of Islām. The second premise is that authentic narrations must correlate with historical facts. Both premises are incorrect. Child marriage is permissible. There is no difference of opinion on this from at least the four main schools of thought, Hanafī, Shafi’ī, Mālikī, and Hambalī. Yes, there are rules that govern child marriage to preserve and protect the interest of the child.
Notice: "Allāh will defend and preserve His Dīn."
And especially notice: "Child marriage is permissible."
For anyone wondering if child marriages are allowed or not, then please refer to this post: The Quran prohibits p*edophilia, here's where! - The Only 'Only-Quran' Response You'll Ever Need
Just so we're totally clear on that, before we speak about this horrible and despicable Fatwa by these Sunni "scholars."

What a betrayal! Woe to these so called scholars!

I can't believe I have to make posts about this crap (I'm sorry for the French). However, I find myself both incensed and incredulous at the manner in which these individuals write about this topic. The assertion that "Allah will defend His Dîn" leaves me astounded. Is it truly your belief, as a supposedly educated individual, a scholar no less, that this dire situation should be left for God to rectify alone? Such a stance reeks of betrayal and hypocrisy, and I must express my profound disgust at the words I am reading. The crux of the issue lies not with God or His religion, but with you, my friend. It is imperative that you repent and publicly acknowledge the absurdity that has infiltrated the pure and perfect religion of God.
It appears that these individuals do not comprehend the pervasiveness of the topic at hand. There is not a single forum post, Instagram reel, or any other form of social media content where Islam is discussed or critiqued, without a comment regarding Aishah's young age during her marriage or the alleged consummation of the marriage when she was nine years old. This is a matter of global concern, with widespread consensus deeming it an abhorrent and reprehensible situation for a child of such tender age to endure. It is highly unlikely that the very Sunni scholars who promote such views would ever entertain the notion of bestowing their own precious nine-year-old child in marriage to a man of fifty years, let alone condone the physical act that could result in severe and lasting mental health repercussions for the child involved.
Islamqa.Org we beseech you and adjure you to immediately take a different stance on this matter and repent to God Almighty for your deviant Fatwas you have issued on this topic! Here below I will prove to you that your own Sunni Hadiths are both contradictory and refute your filthy and disgusting opinion.

Child marriages are completely against Islam:

Nasa'i, Hakim, Hanbal, and others state:
"Abu Bakr and Umar asked the Prophet ﷺ for Fatimah's hand in marriage. He said, "She is too young." Ali then asked for her hand in marriage and he married her to him."
Sources: See sources below!
Hakim says,
"This tradition is authentic by the criteria of both Shaykhs (Bukhari and Muslim) but neither of them included it."
Source: Mustadrik Hakim #2705.

This Hadith is "Mutawatir" according to Sunni standards of what "Mutawatir" is:

For those unfamiliar with the term "Mutawatir," it is defined as "successive" in the context of Sunnism. A "successive" narration is one that has been conveyed by an overwhelming number of narrators, making it implausible that they could have colluded to propagate a falsehood (according to them). As such, these narrations are accepted by them as indisputably true. To put it simply, a Mutawatir narration is considered to be 100% true in their view, with some even going so far as to deem its denial as grounds for expulsion from the fold of Islam.
This particular Hadith is classified as "Mutawatir" according to Sunni standards and can be found in the following sources:
  1. Sunan Nasa'i #3221
  2. Mustadrak Hakim #2705 (certifies the tradition as authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim)
  3. Fada-il-Hanbal #1051
  4. Khasa'is Nasa'i 114
  5. Sunan al-Kubra Nasa'i #5329, #8508
  6. Mu'jam al-Kabir Tabarani 4:34
  7. Kanz al-Ummal #36370, #37746
  8. Majma al-Zawa'id #15207 (certifies those in the chain of transmission as trustworthy)
  9. Riyad an-Nadirah 3:142
  10. Dhakha'ir al-Uqba 29-30
  11. Yanabi al-Mawaddah 2:126-7
  12. Tabaqat al-Kubra 8:19-20
  13. Usd al-Ghabah 1:438 #1094 (Hujr ibn Abbas), 5:364 #7184 (Fatimah bint Rasul-Allah)
  14. Ibn Abi al-Hadid 13:228
A whooping number of 14 sources!
This presents a significant challenge for Sunnis. How can they reconcile this with the following allegedly "Sahih" Hadith:
It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
"The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls."
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam) Reference: Sunan an-Nasa'i 3378

You have a problem now, and need to give the world an explanation:

Here, we have a "Mutawatir" Hadith in which the prophet allegedly states that Fatimah is too young for Abu Bakr and 'Umar, who were middle-aged men at the time. Simultaneously, we have this other supposedly authentic Hadith where Aishah is said to have been only nine years old when the prophet consummated the marriage with her. I feel immense disgust at even having to write such a sentence and must ask for God's forgiveness.
These self-proclaimed scholars were likely unaware of this Mutawatir narration, and thus, they did not bother to mention it. To do so would have cast a negative light on the prophet and made him appear hypocritical in his views on child marriage. The absurdity of the situation is evident, dear Sunni brothers. Can you not see the circus your Hadiths have created?
In this modern age, where information is readily available, and all of your Hadiths have been brought to light, it is clear that they are being exposed for what they are: fabrications that likely originated from ancient Arab rabbis with the intent to undermine Islam from within.
It is highly improbable that one of the prophet's wives would have made such a ridiculous statement, even if we were to entertain the notion that the consummation of the marriage did occur at such a young age. She would never have said,
"...when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls."
This statement could only have been made by an enemy of God, an enemy of the Noble Quran. The purpose of those words was to prevent gullible Hadith followers from denying that she was a child at the time of consummation. A woman does not play with dolls; therefore, she was a young child. If that detail had been omitted, Sunnis could have at least argued that she matured at a very young age, although that would also have been highly unlikely and untrue.


You need to explain this mess to everyone and I advise you to REALLY think 10 times before doing so because you will be held accountable for what you say! You are the reason why millions if not billions of people have rejected Islam. You will stand before God and answer to all of this.
Fear God! Repent for what your forefathers have brought upon this religion and clean up this garbage because we have had enough of your ridiculous and absurd Hadiths that ruin the image of our prophet, peace be upon him. It is time to come out with the full truth!
/By your brother, Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:55 Theowiththewind 25M - Florida/USA -- Looking for A Godly Woman

Hey there! Been some time since I posted before, and now that I recently moved to Florida,I thought I'd try reaching out once again.
About me: 5'11, 200 lbs and lowering, broad shoulders, see picture for more. I'm open to giving more if you want!
I'm open to someone anywhere in the country, though someone in Florida or the south. But if God calls me to someone across the country, then that's who I am meant for. So feel free to reach out.
About my faith: I grew up in the church, and really got "serious" around 7th grade. My view is closest to Baptist, but my beliefs on the faith comr from studying His word and learning from others over sticking to what's popular with any denomination. I really like the phrase from Rupertus Meldenius: "In essentials Unity, In non-essentials Liberty, In all things Charity."
Some things I like: -History -Reading -Building and Painting plastic models -Learning to Bake -Games (Video and board, tell me your favorite board game!) -Music -Working out (new to doing it regularly) -Swimming -Laughter
I don't drink (though I believe alcohol in moderation is fine. I just hate the taste and smell personally haha) or smoke.
What I'm looking for: A woman between 22-26. Someone nice who seeks to grow every day. Someone who values kindness and promoting peace, and wants to create a family in the somewhat near future. Someone who looks for the good in life. And someone willing to meet in person within a month or so, if LDR.
If I sound interesting at all and you'd like to chat, feel free to chat/message me. Have a Blessed Day!
submitted by Theowiththewind to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:54 Theowiththewind 25M - Florida/USA -- Looking for A Godly Woman

Hey there! Been some time since I posted before, and now that I recently moved to Florida,I thought I'd try reaching out once again.
About me: 5'11, 200 lbs and falling, broad shoulders, see picture for more. I'm open to giving more if you want!
I'm open to someone anywhere in the country, though someone in Florida or the south. But if God calls me to someone across the country, then that's who I am meant for. So feel free to reach out.
About my faith: I grew up in the church, and really got "serious" around 7th grade. My view is closest to Baptist, but my beliefs on the faith comr from studying His word and learning from others over sticking to what's popular with any denomination. I really like the phrase from Rupertus Meldenius: "In essentials Unity, In non-essentials Liberty, In all things Charity."
Some things I like: -History -Reading -Building and Painting plastic models -Learning to Bake -Games (Video and board, tell me your favorite board game!) -Music -Working out (new to doing it regularly) -Swimming -Laughter
I don't drink (though I believe alcohol in moderation is fine. I just hate the taste and smell personally haha) or smoke.
What I'm looking for: A woman between 22-26. Someone nice who seeks to grow every day. Someone who values kindness and promoting peace, and wants to create a family in the somewhat near future. Someone who looks for the good in life. And someone willing to meet in person within a month or so, if LDR.
If I sound interesting at all and you'd like to chat, feel free to chat/message me. Have a Blessed Day!
submitted by Theowiththewind to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:49 SupportIndividual840 Not Doggleton, Carleton!!!

Hey guys... Recently, I have noticed a splurge of Carleton slander posts, with more and more people calling it names like "Doggleton" and even bringing up my name in some instances. I wanted to get on here and clear up any miscommunication.
First off, I do NOT condone this behavior, especially because Carleton is a renowned and esteemed institution. The CS program, as well as the Dev Degree program, are top-class. In a sense, it can even rival that of UofT CS.
Additionally, I want to take the time to mention that I have never, and will never, slander another institutions name, especially Carleton. I believe that all universities, and even colleges, are good in their own right. It's disrespectful to call a program "Dog," the people that go there "Mutts," and the environment a "Dog Pound." Please stop this childish behavior! This isn't like Grade 12 students!!!
Lastly, and this is for a message to the person/people who started the "Doggleton" trend, please DM me so we can sort things out. I want to get to know you, understand why you think Carleton is bad, and possibly change your perspective on things. I know this isn't like you... Please hit my line...
Anyways, thanks for reading all of this. Hopefully I have changed your mind on things. If you are still considering Carleton CS, please DM me or check my previous posts...
TLDR: Carleton CS is an amazing program, so don't let others get in your way from having the best next 4 years of your life, here at Carleton! ¯_(ツ)_/¯
submitted by SupportIndividual840 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:47 lazylittlelady Poetry Corner: May 15 "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley

Dear Poetry Fanciers,
Welcome back for a special Victorian edition of Poetry Corner, brought to you by u/NightAngelRogue and a splendid accompaniment for our upcoming read of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage. Just a reminder, if there is a special poem you would like to feature in Poetry Corner, just send me a message and we'll get it the schedule!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Joke:
Q: Nelson Mandela, Tuberculosis and Long John Silver walk in a bar. Who are they talking about as they go in?
A: Probably William Ernest Henley (1849-1903).
Poet, journalist, literary critic, editor, publisher, translator and Victorian-extraordinaire, Henley, was a good friend to Robert Louis Stevenson, who he inspired to write the character "Long John Silver" in Treasure Island. Stevenson, writing to Henley-" I will now make a confession: It was the sight of your maimed strength and masterfulness that begot Long John Silver ... the idea of the maimed man, ruling and dreaded by the sound, was entirely taken from you". The friendship was a tumultuous and long one.
Henley's sickly daughter, Margaret, was the inspiration of "Wendy" in J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan. She would not live long past her 5th birthday, the only child Henley had with his wife, Hannah "Anna" Johnston Boyle. Tragedy had long painted his life even before this sad event. He was diagnosed with a rare form of tuberculosis at age 12, that affected his bones. His left leg had to be amputated below the knee when Henley was a young man, and he was often in the hospital with various abscesses that need to be drained. Frequent illness kept him out of school and interrupted his professional work. Henley eventually sought out the advice of Joseph Lister, who was pioneering new techniques, including antiseptic operating conditions and doing groundbreaking research on wounds, when his right foot become affected by the tuberculosis. Still, his ill-health did not keep him from practicing his art. While Lister kept him under observation at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, from 1873-75, Henly wrote and published a collection of poems, which include today's selection, In Hospital (1903). This collection of poems is notable also because it was one of the earliest examples of free verse in English poetry. Henley and others in his group became known as the "Henley Regatta" for their championing of realism, such as the poor working conditions in the Victorian underbelly, in opposition to the Decadent movement in France and the Aesthetic movement closer to home. This would be the last collection of poetry and the most impactful of his work; his death would follow later that year. Unfortunately, a fall from a carriage reawakened the latent tuberculosis hiding inside him, which carried him off age 53. He was buried next to his daughter, in Cockaney Hatley, Bedfordshire. His wife would later also be buried alongside her family.
His legacy is one that is both inspiring and rather dispiriting. His poetry was used for jingoistic and imperialist causes, and to champion war, though much of it was about personal striving and inner resolve-the mythical "Stiff Upper Lip" of the Victorian era. This led to push back in the literary world, as D.H. Lawrence's short story, "England, My England and Other Stories" took flight from one of the lines from "Pro Rege Nostro", which is more patriotic than his usual work. Admittedly, he counted himself as a conservative and supported the imperial effort, as much of Victorian society did at this time. Still, his work fell into obscurity, with the main exception of "Invictus"-Latin for "unconquered". It is well known that Nelson Mandela recited this poem to his fellow inmates in Robben Island as a reminder to stay strong and keep one's dignity. There are also, of course, the Invictus Games, which are held for injured and sick service men and women and veterans in the UK.
Winston Churchill to the House of Commons, September 9, 1941:
"“The mood of Britain is wisely and rightly averse from every form of shallow or premature exultation. This is no time for boasts or glowing prophecies, but there is this—a year ago our position looked forlorn, and well nigh desperate, to all eyes but our own. Today we may say aloud before an awe-struck world, ‘We are still masters of our fate. We still are captain of our souls.'” (link)
Sidney Low, in "Some Memories and Impressions – William Ernest Henley". The Living Age (1897–1941) describing his friend:
"... to me he was the startling image of Pan come to Earth and clothed—the great god Pan...with halting foot and flaming shaggy hair, and arms and shoulders huge and threatening, like those of some Faun or Satyr of the ancient woods, and the brow and eyes of the Olympians." (link)
Andrzej Diniejko on Henley as "poet as a patient" and his work predating modern forms of poetry "not only in form, as experiments in free verse containing abrasive narrative shifts and internal monologue, but also in subject matter". (link)
by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
This poem is in the public domain.
Some things to discuss might be the title. How does the defiant spirit of this "Unconquered" opening play throughout the lines of the poem? There is also a reference to the Bible Verse Matthew 7:14 in the poem, "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it". Why do you think this included? What lines stand out to you? How do you see him fit into the Victorian literary furniture, if you will? Have you heard this poem before? How does this fit in with the melancholy feel of the Bonus Poem, if you read it? What other poets do you enjoy from this era of literature?
Bonus Poem: We'll Go No More a-Roving
Bonus Link #1: "Love Blows As the Wind Blows" (1911) song-cycle by George Butterworth, with Henley's poetry put to music and song.
Bonus Link #2: A literary review of the Victorian Era.
Bonus Link #3: Read the other poems included in the collection, In Hospital.
If you missed last's month poem, you can find it here.
submitted by lazylittlelady to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:46 No-View-5255 WAMC + School List

Hi guys! I currently have 29 schools on my list, and I would like to shrink this to 20 if possible. Also, are there any schools that I should maybe add to this list? Also, should I apply DO, I just want to maximize my chances of getting into a medical school this cycle! Should I be concerned that I have 13 activities instead of 15? Should I add my publication (I'm like 6th or 7th author) and my presentations as separate entries? I also have about 50 hours for Social Justice/Advocacy for Vot-ER but it was for 6ish months, I'm not sure if I should add it? Thanks guys!
MCAT above 75th
FIU, FSU, Wake Forest, Drexel, Marshall University, Geisinger Commonwealth, Penn State, U Illinois
MCAT in 25th-75th
FAU, Nova, UCF, UF, UMiami, USF, UCLA, U Pittsburgh, Thomas Jefferson University, Tufts, Temple, Virginia Commonwealth, U Vermont, Saint Louis University, Virginia Tech, Eastern Virginia, Quinnipiac University, Dartmouth, George Washington University, U Washington, Wayne State
Stats: 21F, URM (Black and Hispanic), T10 Undergrad, Florida Resident, 3.93 cGPA, 3.90 sGPA, 515 MCAT (130/126/130/129), 1 Gap Year
Most Meaningful 1. Clinical Job as CNA, 600 Hours, Will Continue This During my Gap Year,
Most Meaningful 2. Clinical Volunteering at Free Clinic, Care Coordinator for Patients and serving as Spanish Medical Interpreter, 250 Hours
  1. Clinical Volunteering at Al'z Place, Eldercare for Alzheimer Patients, 150 Hours
Most Meaningful 4. Research in Microbiology, 700 Hours, Will Continue This During my Gap Year, 1 Publication, 3 or 4 Presentations
  1. Non- Clinical Volunteering as Exec Member of Club Focusing on Educational Outreach in Local Community, Included volunteering at food banks, volunteering at local schools, etc; 50 Hours
  2. Non- Clinical Volunteering as a Weekly Volunteer at a local Elementary/Middle School and also as Exec Member of Club, 100 Hours
  3. Non- Clinical Volunteering as a Daily Reading Tutor (15 Minute Zoom Call), 25 Hours, Will Continue This During my Gap Year
  4. Leadership as College Ambassador, Included Volunteering at Various School Events, Advocating for Students, and talking at various events, 25 Hours
  5. Non- Clinical Volunteering as Pre-Health Service Group Leader, Monthly Service Event, 50 Hours
  6. Biochemistry TA for 3 Semesters, 200 Hours
11. Shadowing in Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, 100 Hours, Will Continue This Throughout my Gap Year
  1. Pre-Health Scholar Award includes research, experiences, coursework, etc.
  2. Jogging Everyday throughout Undergrad as a hobby
submitted by No-View-5255 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:40 VaapadVII Who wants to design me a mattress? :)

All right - I’ve been wallowing in DIY hell for a while, trying to figure out from asking questions here and there, and researching old threads, how to design my optimal bed. I read this very helpful thread and much of the linked content, but I', still struggling. Maybe I’m going about this all wrong: how about if I tell all you vets what I’ve got going on, and ask all of YOU to help me out with design ideas?! Aaaaannnd GO!
I’m 6’0, 160lbs in my 40’s. I am a 75/25 back/side sleeper; I fall asleep on my back, but some time around morning I roll onto my side for a bit.
I have chronic/recurring lower back pain, which is aggravated by … you guessed it … sleeping on a bad / worn out mattress. For the past 6 years I had a spring + foam pillow top Beautyrest and it was fine, but I started having daily back pain every morning. When I noticed the pain went away whenever I slept anywhere other than my house … right.
This is the biggest thing for me: I need a mattress that will be kind to my lower back.
I’m currently using my guest mattress, which is a Novilla Bliss cheapy all-foam deal, but honestly my back is fine on it (at least for the past few weeks). But who knows what junky materials are in that, and I’m sure after a little time the cheap materials will sag / wear out. I want to DIY something that will last forever (or at least a good long time).
Last point - I have some acid reflux issues and often have to use a high density foam wedge under my mattress so the head-end is elevated 4-5 inches — idk if that informs material selection (particularly as to coils vs foam support layer).
Given those criteria: build me a mattress! I'd love suggestions for what kind of base and/or comfort layers will work best for me, and why. Coils vs all foam, Talalay vs Dunlop, latex vs memory — have it out! I'll take individual suggestions or complete suggested builds. I appreciate all comments and your time.
submitted by VaapadVII to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:37 cedarvan Academic misconduct yields high rewards for relatively little risk

I used to read Retraction Watch to feel a bit of satisfaction in the system. I play by the rules, meticulously verify my results, and carefully qualify my results in my publications. When I get a paper out, I'm proud of it. It's the truth, or at least as close as I can get to it. And I know I'll never have to worry about getting caught in some kind of academic fraud scheme. I may have one of the lowest paid jobs in academia, but at least I have my integrity. Not like those researchers I see featured on Retraction Watch week after week, called out for misconduct and falsification.
But then I started paying attention to titles and accolades of those caught falsifying data and other shenanigans. "Senior researcher." "Hailed as the world expert on X." "Former Dean and current full professor." "Director of Y Institute." "Tenured." "Department chair." "One of the most productive researchers in the field of Z."
It seems like there isn't much of a cost to gaming the system. Sure, several of these people had papers retracted, and a few even lost positions. Many, however, seem to simply glide past the controversy with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Closer to home, my institution recently had a case where a prominent professor had very credible allegations of fabricating data, abusing graduate students, and sexually assaulting at least two postdocs... he was placed on paid leave for a year until his accusers went to different labs, then was reinstated without penalty and given a distinguished service award.
I'm sure a lot of this is selection bias: we hear more about super-successful people getting caught doing shady things. And part of it is my own experiential bias: I know plenty of super honest academics who are low-ranking and unknown, while every high-profile academic I've worked with has done some (at the very least) questionable things.
But it sure seems that, from a game theory perspective, being a terrible person is the optimum strategy.
submitted by cedarvan to academia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:37 alis_adventureland When to start preschool?

I was identified as profoundly gifted as a toddler, and was enrolled in preschool at 2. Reading chapter books by 4. I loved school and it was a great decision for me overall. But it made a lot of things harder socially, later in life. No 13 year olds wanna hang out with their 11yo classmate. When everyone turned 16, I turned 14. When everyone could drink at 21, I had just turned 19. So major milestones were out of sync. Didn't help that I'm also autistic.
Now I'm a mom, and trying to make that choice for my daughter. We recently had her 2nd birthday checkup and her pediatrician said that she is at least 2, if not 3, years ahead developmentally. Both in cognitive development & motor skills. We knew she was ahead, but didn't realize by how much. The doc recommended that we enroll her in preschool or some sort of academic program as she would be on par with most 5 year olds.
So from the group here, how many of you started early? Did you like it?
Do you think its better to start early and move through all the grades in order (like I did) or to start "on time" and then skip ahead later?
Starting her now would also mean she would be in the same year as her older brother. For anyone who experienced that, how did it affect your relationship?
submitted by alis_adventureland to Gifted [link] [comments]