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Reddit 2NE1 News, Performances, Music Videos

2011.09.06 22:40 Reddit 2NE1 News, Performances, Music Videos

A forum for the one of the most legendary, best selling girl groups of all time, 2NE1, as well as the solo careers of each member (CL, Park Bom, Minzy, and Sandara Park). Also a place for fans to chat!

2024.06.09 09:14 TrickSilver230 Stuck on a few names, need help moving on!

We are expecting our baby boy in a few months, but we are still searching for the perfect name. 🥲 We want the name to have Persian roots, while being easy to read and say! I feel like we’ve got stuck on a few names, and are not entertaining other name ideas! The name so far are: Dara, Borna, and Daria. Any ideas about these names? Anyone can help us get unstuck? 🙏🏼
submitted by TrickSilver230 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:25 SamT98 How the fuck do I fix this shit ffs

How the fuck do I fix this shit ffs
I’m raging so much. Trying to game on this shitty BT connection yet ping keeps fluctuating from 1ms to 50ms at hop 1 and it’s getting worse with input delay. Wtf is going on with my internet please someone help. I’ve been struggling for years with this!
submitted by SamT98 to pingplotter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:34 SamT98 Need help awful ping plotter results

Need help awful ping plotter results
Hi all, I’ve been suffering terrible gameplay online for a few months now. Changed from BT awful router and got a asus ax82u. However I’m still facing the same issues. Is my setup incorrect or is this ISP issues I’m facing? Pic will be attached
submitted by SamT98 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:35 mansplanar How to Make Friends in NYC

We can all collectively agree that making friends as an adult is…tough. Honestly, it was easier making pals on the playground. And when you live in a busy city, it’s even harder to build new relationships. But, my dear reader, you are not alone. We asked the best (and most trusted) folks who have been through the trials and tribulations of building friendships in the five boroughs.
Whether you're looking to add a new hobby to your schedule, find stress-free get-togethers with other introverts or discover fun events (and learn more about the bustling city), we have a list for every type of New Yorker. If you’re a native city dweller or just moved here, here’s how to make friends in NYC.
  1. Join Interest-Based Clubs
In the past few years, New York has become a mecca for social clubs that bring people together based on similar interests. Whether you’re looking for a book club or an art workshop, there’s a meet-up centered around those activities. “It may seem nerve-wracking (and somewhat grade schoolesque) but I made so many friends through a kickball club I joined last spring,” says Joel Calfee, former associate editor for News & Entertainment at PureWow. To get you started, search for interest-based clubs on Meetup, Eventbrite or Facebook groups.
  1. Participate in a Class
Are you down to learning something new? Well, you might find it rewarding to try a class in the city and make new friends in the process. “Take a class! One where there's an opportunity to chat so you can get to know people—improv, theater, ceramics, knitting, writing etc. You'll meet like-minded people you wouldn't have necessarily mingled with before,” says Dara Katz, executive editor at PureWow. You can find free classes at the Brooklyn Brainery and New York Public Library or find something in your local community.
  1. Join a General Meet Up Event
Speaking of meet up events, if you want to meet different people that are not tied to a specific interest group, there are big meet ups always happening around NYC. For starters, you can check out No More Lonely Friends, a group hangout that frequently meets in Central Park and that a fellow PureWow editor tried out last summer. There’s also Gather, a non-profit organization that seeks to create spaces and events for women in their mid-20s. “We basically started the org to fill the gap of adult women not being able to find friendships. When you’re just graduating college or moving to a new city for a job, it’s so hard to find deep, meaningful friendships. What we do is open our homes and host events for women to be joined in community and to have vulnerable and authentic discussions,” explains Kim Caputo, social media strategist at Gallery Media Group.
  1. Immerse Yourself in Your Culture
NYC is home to so many diverse communities with rich culture and histories in every borough. Learn more about your background by finding groups and events dedicated to celebrating your heritage. "I found Cultura Takeover on Instagram and it's a commuity that connects Latinxs together for fun activities (like making your own vision board to visiting a museum together). I'm going to my first event soon and I'm so pumped to be surround by fellow POCs from the area and dabble in learning more cultural things in the city," says Chelsea Candelario, associate editor at PureWow.
  1. Attend a Workout Class
Break a sweat and make friends at the same time. Join a Soulcycle class, bust a move in a Zumba class or try your hand at pickleball. There are plenty of classes out there to try out. Go on Classpass, YMCA or search your local neighborhood for an activity you’ve been eyeing lately. A helpful tip: The best time to chat it up is before a class. You can ask someone if they’ve been to this specific class and spark a conversation by asking for tips on how to navigate the session. Or spend time afterward recapping on what you thought about the class and maybe schedule a future sweat sesh with your new workout buddy.
Another great example is City Girls Who Walk (CGWW), a club that went viral on TikTok for bringing New Yorkers together. This group gives participants the chance to enjoy a lovely stroll by the water, while also connecting with others at the same time. “CGWW is a walking club for girls to make new friends while also getting some steps in! I started CGWW because I was feeling a little lonely and wanted [to find] a way to connect with other girls around the city,” says Brianna Joye, founder of City Girls Who Walk. “Our walks have anywhere between 100 to 700 girls show up so you can always count on leaving with a friend or 10!”
  1. Ask Your Friends
Fact: The best reccos always come from our friends. If you already ask them about all the cool restaurants in the city or a new place to shop in Brooklyn then you might as well ask them to connect you with new people, too. A mutual friend = a possible new bestie. “When we first moved here and my husband didn't know anyone, a friend of ours (who lived in LA) connected him with his cousin who was in a similar industry and living in the city. Now, the two of them hang out all the time,” says Alexia Dellner, executive editor at PureWow.
  1. Try Speed Dating
OK, our main focus right now is not dating per say, but you’ll find speed dating can be a quick way to make friends in addition to potential partners. Check out SpeedNY Dating, We Met In Real Life or Ambyr for opportunities to meet as many people as you can in under an hour. “If you're dating (and don't see it going anywhere), but are open to being friends, you should try!,” says Destinee Scott, assistant editor of Sales and Deals at PureWow.
  1. Volunteer in Your Neighborhood
Make a difference in your community and gain some great pals that share similar passions. Check out your local neighborhood for volunteer opportunities or search online based on a cause you're passionate about. You can spend time with the elderly through Encore Community Service, help out a food bank or visit some adorable pups for the day.
  1. Use a Friend Finder App
Speaking of dating, there are a ton of dating apps out there, but did you know there are apps that help friends connect in NYC? A popular option is Bumble BFF, where you can match with other people around the world. It’ll also let you filter by location and interests, so you can find your forever friend. There are also other apps like Lex that can connect you with a new set of friends. “I found a TON of community through an app called Lex that brings together queer women, nonbinary people, and other LGBTQ+ identities to find community, friends, love, etc.” says Delia Curtis, assistant editor at PureWow.
  1. Or Download An Events App
There are a bunch of apps dedicated to showing you events and activities happening in the city. From Geneva to The Nudge, these specific apps can point you in the right direction (and give you some neat plans for the weekend). "One of the coolest things that I’ve discovered in the last couple years was a texting service called Nudge that sends you texts of things to do, see and experience in NYC. I’ve been on the app since I moved to NY and it’s led me to try all kinds of fun things. They also have “Nudger” (their affectionate name for the app users) only events where you can meet other app users. Overall, it’s a great experience," says Curtis.
  1. Bring Your Doggo to the Park
Hear us out: The dog park is a great place to meet new people and find other dog parents like yourself. While Max is running around with his new friend, consider starting a convo with the owner. “I was able to find a good friend (and fellow dog mom so we could have puppy playdates) through Bumble BFF when I first moved here,” says Emma Lao, shooter and editor at Gallery Media Group. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to talk about their adorable pup all day?
  1. Hit Up Your Local Bar
If there’s a big sports game happening, skip watching it at home and be with around hardcore fans. There’s nothing like connecting with strangers than when you’re all feeling strongly about a team’s win. “Hit up a random bar to watch the playoffs for your favorite NYC sports team. It doesn't matter if your team wins or loses—you'll still leave with three new drinking buddies who all buy their jerseys and hats from the same Modell's you shop at. The pain of watching the Knicks lose again brings people together for some reason,” says Elton Jones, lead editor at ONE37pm.
  1. Just Be Yourself
We understand it can be discouraging to find and keep friends in NYC. However, it shouldn’t mean you have to dim your light to make people like you. Regardless of what tips you follow above, always remember to be yourself. Plus, you don’t know where a friendship can lead you if you don’t try. “I think you generally have to be open to feeling uncomfortable or awkward to make new friends, because sure, it feels a little weird to introduce yourself or ask someone to hang out, but in all likelihood, they don't think it's weird at all,” says Katherine Gillen, food editor at PureWow.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:44 TECLIB How to contribute to GLPI? 🤗

How to contribute to GLPI? 🤗
Contribute with GLPI! You can enhance the documentation, join us on GitHub or Transifex. Additionally, you have the option to financially support the project on Open Collective and Ko-fi.
👉🏻 Report a bug: https://github.com/login?return\_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fglpi-project%2Fglpi%2Fissues%2Fnew%2Fchoose 👉🏻 Add translation: https://explore.transifex.com/glpi/GLPI/ 👉🏻 Join us on GitHub: https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi 👉🏻 Contribute to the source code: https://glpi-developer-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/mastesourcecode.html#workflow 👉🏻 Check all plugins: https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/ 👉🏻 Submit a plugin: https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/submit 👉🏻 Discover all documentation: https://glpi-project.org/resources/
Would you like to make a donation? It's this way: https://ko-fi.com/glpi\_teclib or https://opencollective.com/glpi-project
Thanks to everyone, including those who contributed! We're excited to see our GLPI project turning into a full-fledged service!
Join us on social media: https://linktr.ee/teclib
submitted by TECLIB to glpi [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:52 MaynardSchism Are these kits safe to use at home on yourself to scrape off plaque/tartar?

submitted by MaynardSchism to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:23 Recskabajnok In Frostbite, does snow melt?

In Frostbite, does snow melt? submitted by Recskabajnok to spaceengineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:58 AdaaSensei Help!

It's like i keep getting teamed up with complete idiots man i pick them up out the storm and rez soon as they spawn they ran instantly into battle didnt pick up the loot i dropped for them solo que to ace seems impossible anyone on PS5 down to team up
submitted by AdaaSensei to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:31 Europa64 Windows XP on an ASUS Terminator P4 533 Barebones system!

Windows XP on an ASUS Terminator P4 533 Barebones system! submitted by Europa64 to retrobattlestations [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:43 AdolfoPedraza3 Are these taillights plug n play ?

Are these taillights plug n play ? submitted by AdolfoPedraza3 to Camry [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:40 SpiritualCopy4288 The David-Funez Family Disappearance

The disappearance of the David-Funez family has baffled authorities and distressed their relatives. Steys Yanira David-Funez (27), her husband Ramon Ruiz Crisanto (31), and their two daughters, Jazzlyn Esther Ruiz David (4) and Dara Ismeray Ruiz David (1), vanished in November 2023 while moving from New Orleans to Houston.
The Disappearance
The family, originally from Honduras, had relocated to New Orleans before planning a move to Houston for better opportunities. On November 30, 2023, Steys Yanira David-Funez’s father dropped them off at the Greyhound bus station in New Orleans. They boarded a bus to Houston, and Steys texted her father, confirming their arrival in Houston. However, they never reached their intended destination to meet Ramon’s uncle.
Investigation and Theories
Following their disappearance, it was discovered that the family’s journey might have included a stop in Mexico. Reports indicate that after arriving in Houston, they boarded another bus to McAllen, Texas, and then traveled to Monterrey, Mexico. The Honduran consulate confirmed finding the family's Greyhound bus ticket with these destinations.
Despite these leads, subsequent attempts to contact the family have been unsuccessful. The last known use of their cell phones was on December 1, 2023, and the phones were disconnected on December 15, 2023. This raised concerns about their safety and whereabouts.
Current Status
The New Orleans Police Department, along with the Honduran consulate, continues to search for the family. There have been no significant developments, and the investigation remains open. Authorities urge anyone with information to contact New Orleans Police Department Sixth District detectives at 504-658-6060.
The David-Funez family's disappearance remains a tragic and unresolved case, highlighting the complexities and challenges in missing persons investigations.
Honduran family moving to Houston from New Orleans vanishes after arriving at East end Greyhound station
Family of 4 missing after moving from New Orleans to Houston
Bus Ticket of Family Who Vanished After Dropoff at Station Shows Stop in Mexico
submitted by SpiritualCopy4288 to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:32 Afraid-Technology-69 GG

GG submitted by Afraid-Technology-69 to jasontheweenie [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:36 Quirky-Motor As Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month draws to a close here in the United States, I wanted to share a collection of write-ups featuring the stories of Asians/Pacific Islander American who are currently missing or whose cases have not been resolved.

As Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month draws to a close here in the United States, I wanted to share a collection of write-ups featuring the stories of Asians/Pacific Islanders who are currently missing or whose cases have not been resolved. This is an expansion of a piece I post annually and therefore may it sound similar. These are mostly my pieces as well as a few other cases that I have remembered reading about over the last year or two including some cases recommended by readers. Feel free to add other cases which have stuck with you down in the comment section. I hope to garner some exposure for these lesser known cases.
Khoi Dang Vu was a deaf American man who went missing from his family’s home in 2007 in Vancouver, Washington. He left on a rainy night without his coat, bike, or any belongings. His case is now considered a homicide and no trace of him has ever been found. True Crime Bullsh*t, an investigative podcast, has surmised that Vu may be a victim of serial killer Israel Keyes. The FBI considers the case a kidnapping. Khoi is of Vietnamese descent. My write up here- https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/g89b2z/what_causes_someone_to_leave_their_home_in_the/
Slideshow made my Khoi's sister- www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IuTeb58vH0&t=0s
Wallace Guidroz went missing from Tacoma in 1983 when he was only two years old. His father took him to a park, went on a walk with a mysterious man, and then when he returned Wallace was gone. Wallace has never been seen again. He is of Korean and African American descent. HIs father is the prime suspect in his disappearance. https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/mdtktl/2_%C2%BD_year_old_wallace_guidroz_disappeared_while/
Helen Doe is an unidentified decedent who died in a semi-truck crash in Kalama, Washington in 1991. Although she is believed to be Native American, Asian, Hispanic, and mixed heritage cannot be ruled out. Her story can be found here. A new facial reconstruction can be see here. https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Helen_Doe
full write up- https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/lnv1b9/extensive_write_up_on_the_bizarre_case_of_helen/
Grays Harbor Jane Doe was found in 1984 off of a logging road in Southern Washington state. She was middle aged and believed to be of Asian descent. The DNA Doe project is working on her case. You can read about her here. https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Grays_Harbor_County_Jane_Doe
In 1963 the body of an unidentified man was found floating in the Spokane River in Spokane, Washington. The man had most likely drowned. He is believed to be of Asian descent but white and mixed descent could not be ruled out. His story, as well as the stories of 16 other unknown persons from Spokane can be found here. https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/liqj98/extensive_write_up_on_17_of_spokane_countys/
Gary Ridgway aka the Green River Killer terrorized the Pacific Northwest for decades. What many people do not know is that the Green River task force is still in operation. Ridgway confessed to 71 murders, but only around 49 bodies have been found meaning there are more victims waiting to be discovered or reported missing. Two of Gary Ridgway’s known victims were of Asian American or Pacific Islander backgrounds. Marie Malvar, who was of Filipino descent, and Kimi Kai Pitsor who was native Hawaiian, but there may be more. To read about the stories of these young girls as well as other victims of Ridgway you can start here. https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/gpbcll/what_everyone_has_wrong_about_ridgway_extensive/ (please keep in mind that with the recent IDs of these does this write up is now out of date).
Diane Nguyen Robbins was only 13 in 1985 when she was last seen in King Co. Washington. She disappeared with her 21 year old friend, Molly Purdin, who was later found murdered. Both Diane and her friend were from Kennewick, Washington but Molly’s was found in northern King County. Molly had been assualted and died via blunt force trauma. Gary Ridgway is a suspect in both cases. An unknown serial killer is also a suspect in Molly amd Diane's case. Diane is of Vietnamese and white descent. https://charleyproject.org/case/diane-nguyen-robbins
Edward Ryan Makuahanai Aikau, usually known as Eddie Aikau, a famous lifeguard and surfer, was credited with saving over 500 people at Waimea bay on Oahu’s north shore during his tenure as lifeguard. In fact not one person was reported drowned during Eddie’s shifts at the beach. In 1978, 31 year old Aikau had decided to join the Polynesia Voyaging society, a group who planned to travel from Hawaii to Tahiti using only outrigger canoes. Shortly into their journey one canoe sprung a leak and eventually capsized 12 miles south of Molokai. Eddie paddled on his surfboard towards Lanai in a valiant effort to summon help, but soon disappeared. The US Coast Guard were able to save all the passengers and a huge search was launched but Eddie was never found and is presumed drowned. Eddie Aikau is a household name in Hawaii and in the surfing community. Competitions bearing his name and t-shirts, bumper stickers, and other items inscribed with “Eddie would go” are a constant reminder of his legacy and memory. Eddie was of Native Hawaiian and Caucasian, mostly Portuguese, descent. His story can be found here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Aikau
Rachel Mellon, sometimes reported as Rachel Mellon Skemp was a 13 year old who disappeared from her Illinois home when she was home sick one day in 1996. Her step-father is the primary suspect in her disappearance and diary entries from several months earlier reported that her step dad had touched her inappropriately and tried to kiss her. Rachel is of Asian descent but her family reports she is often mistaken for Greek or Italian. Her case can be found here. https://charleyproject.org/case/rachel-marie-mellon
Hang Lee, a 17 year old girl, went missing from St Paul Minnesota on January 12th 1993. Hang was last seen with a friend Kia “Nikki” Lee. She left home with this friend between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. but when Nikki returned home an hour later, Hang was not with her. Nikki initially told authorities Hang had left with some unidentified young men. She later changed her story and said Hang had gone to a job interview with Nikki's own employer, Mark Steven Wallace, at Wallace's small painting and carpentry business on Iroquois Avenue. Wallace told Nikki that he was looking to hire another employee and she suggested her friend Hang as Hang was looking for a new job. Nikki thought that this request from Wallace was odd as he did not have enough work to hire another employee at that time. Nikki eventually told authorities that she and Hang went to Wallace's place of work and drove around with him in a white truck before switching and driving around in a tan Chevy Cavalier. Wallace dropped Nikki off and then left with Hang in the car. Wallace also told Nikki to not report what happened to the police. After a few interviews with the police Nikki retained an attorney and is no longer cooperating. Wallace denied involvement but also retained an attorney. Wallace is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Hang Lee. He has a record which includes rape, kidnapping, stalking, and drug possession. Hang Lee has never been located and her mother and 13 siblings are still looking for her. Hang is described as a sweet and naïve teenager who is only 17 and 1993. She was 5 ft tall and weighed 90 lb. She was last seen wearing a lightweight black leather jacket, a black t-shirt with "Skid Row" written on the back, black jeans or slacks, sneakers and several pieces of jewelry, including two silver bracelets. She is described as an Asian female with black hair and brown eyes. Her parents moved from Lao (sometimes spelled Laos in the US), and she is Hmong descent. She speaks both English and Hmong. She left behind her purse, a paycheck, and all of her other belongings. Full article https://charleyproject.org/case/hang-lee
Deborah Palmer was only 7 years old in 1997 when she was last seen getting ready for school. Her mother said goodbye as Deborah left the home to walk a few blocks to her elementary school in Oak Harbor, Washington. When Deborah’s mother tried to drop off lunch a few hours later, she was shocked to learn that her daughter never arrived. Five days later, Deborah’s body was found on a beach a few miles away. She had been but not sexually assaulted. Her case is cold and unsolved 25 years later. Deborah is of African American and Filipino descent. https://www.q13fox.com/washingtons-most-wanted/little-girl-doesnt-show-up-for-school-but-shows-up-days-later-dead-on-a-beach
In September of 2019, Tampa native Paulino Norberto Del Mundo Japor Jr. decided she wanted to go on a 10 vacation to Cozumel, Mexico but during a layover in Dallas she called her sister and asked for help getting a ticket back to Florida as she had changed her mind about going to Mexico. Her family said on the phone she sounded “desperate” and “incoherent.” She never boarded a flight home or boarded her plane to Mexico. Her last known whereabouts were documented on security tapes from the Dallas airport. Her phone and bank account have not been used since that day and she was never seen again. Paulino is a transgender woman who went by the names Paula, Paulina, or Pauline. Although Paula had lived as a woman for years she had not medically transitioned and it appears she still used Paulino Norberto as her legal first and middle name. She is of Filipino descent and her family is still hoping for answers. https://charleyproject.org/case/paulino-norberto-del-mundo-japor-jr
In 1999, Xuan Cao, a 53-year-old man from China, was visiting the USA as part of a tour group. His tour group had just gotten to a hotel in North Bergen, NJ, when Xuan said he was going out to make a phone call. He disappeared and never came back. He left behind his passport and all of his luggage. It is not believed to be a voluntary disappearance. Some online slueths thinks that he may be this John Doe. (TW post mortem photo- https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/1507?nav It has been submitted as a match but not yet ruled out.
In 1990, Tu Thi-Cam Tran, a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, vanished one night on her way back to her car from the University Center. Tu, who was of Vietnamese descent, was 24 years old at the time, and in her senior year at UMBC. She went missing in the small window of time between leaving her classroom and getting into her car. Here's a write-up on her case with some more information. https://charleyproject.org/case/tu-thi-cam-tran
Ashok Kuman Narain was last seen in Eugene, Oregon in either 1987 or 1988 where he lived with his wife and young daughter after moving from Fiji several years earlier. In 1987 the dismembered body of a pregnant woman and the body of a toddler were found floating nearby in Washington and Oregon. 20 years later these bodies were identified as Raj Mati Narain and Kamnee Koushal, the wife and daughter of Ashok, after Raj’s brother read a story about the unidentified bodies online. He had not heard from his sister since 1987 when Raj’s letters back to her family in Fiji mysteriously stopped. Ashok is wanted for questioning but his whereabouts are unknown. Authorities are looking for a white 1980 Toyota Tercel with the Oregon license plate number KUV762, which disappeared with Ashok and may be connected to Raj and Kamnee's homicides. Both Oregon and Washington authorities are investigating his disappearance. Most sources say the family is of Indo Fijian descent, however, the Charley project now reports that Ashok is of native Fijian descent. You can read their tragic story here. https://charleyproject.org/case/ashok-kumar-narain
Queens Jane Doe was an unidentified woman who fell to her death accidentally after falling off an elevated train platform in Queens, New York in January, 2000. She is described as an 18 to 28 year old Asian or Pacific Islander woman who is 5 ft 1 in in height and weighed 113 lb. She had brown eyes and 7” straight dark brown hair. She was wearing a dark brown Albert Duke brand leather jacket, a blue and white plaid button-up shirt, a dark colored bra, blue jeans, white underwear, and black Euro sneakers or boots. She was also wearing earrings. Her identity is still a mystery to this day. You can find more information here, https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Queens_Jane_Doe_(January_2000)) but please be careful as post-mortem photos are available of this woman.
In 2011, Mansoor Riaz, a Microsoft software engineer, vanished one night from his Bellevue, Washington apartment. Riaz is of Pakistani descent. His story can be found here.
Yuan Xia Wang went missing near Washington DC when she was headed for a doctor’s appointment. Yuan had been found at Dulles Airport when a man who was smuggling people into the country was detained and Yuan was one of his charges. Police became suspicious when Yuan who was supposedly a Thai citizen could not speak or understand Thai, but rather spoke Mandarin. Yuan told authorities her parents in Fuzhou, China had paid money for this man to get her into the country using a Thai passport. She was supposed to live with an aunt in the US, but she didn't know where or who this person was so she was placed in foster care for the time being. Other reports say that her smuggler was supposed to take her to a hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. Her foster parents hired a Mandarin speaking babysitter to stay with her until she was enrolled in at a local middle school. Yuan went missing only a few weeks later while on the way to a doctor's appointment. She reportedly got off the school bus and was supposed to take a cab to the doctors but vanished by the time the cab arrived. Although Yuan said she was 12, she was 5’ 6” in height and most people thought she was probably around 15 at the time of her disappearance. She is of Chinese descent and speaks Mandarin. Police believe she either ran away, was kidnapped by her family members or smugglers, or met with foul play. She may have been seen in Kansas city in 2008. Sadly her dentals, fingerprints, and DNA and not available. https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/jbtixc/yuan_xia_wangmissing_from_lincolnia_virginia/
Su Cha Kim a 54 year old shop owner from Twin Falls, Idaho Was found murdered in her massage parlor in 1997. Her case is unsolved and cold. Unfortunately, little information is available online. https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/njhce2/the_1997_murder_of_su_cha_kim_in_twin_falls_id/
Faloma Luhk, 10, and Maleina Luhk, 9, disappeared while waiting for their school bus in As Teo, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, on May 25th, 2011. The girls were last seen sitting on a concrete slab at 6:10 a.m. across the road from their bus stop, only 300 feet from the home they shared with their grandparents. The bus arrived and left without them at 6:30 am but the girls were not reported missing until they didn’t come home after school that day. The 12 mile long island of Saipan was searched thoroughly by friends, family, locals, and the FBI but no trace of the girls or their things were ever found and their disappearance remains one of the most well known mysteries from the Northern Mariana Islands. Both girls are described as Pacific Islander females with brown hair and brown eyes. In 2011, Faloma had bronze colored highlights in her bangs, and Maleina had a large birthmark on her left cheek. She is reported as small and short for her age. A distant family member by marriage, who was later arrested for domestic violence, is the prime suspect in the case. He has never been named publicly. https://www.saipantribune.com/index.php/disappearance-of-luhk-sisters-marks-10-years/
Dong Chull Jung disappeared within minutes in Lakewood, Washington. The 78 year old was residing at the Golden Lion Motel on Tacoma Way in Lakewood, Washington. The establishment has long been a hotbed of criminal activity and violence since at least the 1990s. On average the police responded to incidents at the 24-room hotel over 100 times per year. November 22nd 2003 was one of those times. On that day witnesses called the police after hearing a “disturbance” in Dong’s room. When the authorities arrived, they found a giant pool of blood on the floor as well as Dong’s prescription eyeglasses, but Dong was nowhere to be found. According to the News Tribune, a paper out of Tacoma, one week before Dong’s disappearance he was granted a temporary domestic violence protection order from a Paul C. Jung, who might be Dong’s adult son. In June of 2003, someone named Hae Sung Jung, got a restraining order against Dong. Hae might be the estranged wife of Dong, but this isn’t known for sure. There are vague reports that Dong was having “marital issues'' at the time of his disappearance. Very little information is available in the case. The Golden Lion Inn was finally torn down in 2017 but the fate of the elderly man who resided within remains a mystery. Dong is described as an Asian (Korean) male, with brown eyes and thinning gray hair. He is 5’6'' and weighs 135 lbs. Dong wears prescription eyeglasses but they were left behind when he vanished. If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Dong Jung please call Pierce County Crime Stoppers 253-591-5959. https://charleyproject.org/case/dong-chull-jung
Gordon Kaipo Kealoha, 59, disappeared along with his dog Mahina in 2011. They were last seen fishing near Honolulu where they lived on July 8; Gordon cherished Mahina and brought her almost everywhere he went. After his disappearance, Gordon's white minivan was found abandoned, and his dinghy was found in the water, floating away from his home. Gordon is 6'1 and 250 pounds, and he is of Native Hawaiian descent.
Amber Aiaz and Melissa Fu were mother and daughter who went missing In November, 2019 from Irvine, California. The story of their disappearance and possible kidnapping is complicated. I would suggest reading the story here or here if you are interested in the details but the basic story is this. Amber's husband, Cheng Zhang, reported his wife and stepdaughter missing to the police about a week after they were last seen. He said that a Chinese man and woman came to his door, put something on his face and he passed out. He reported that when he woke up he found blood and evidence of a struggle in the apartment. He also found a note telling him not to report his wife and daughter missing to the police for at least several days and continued to get notes over the next week. He did what the notes instructed for the next several days. When he finally did report his wife and stepdaughter missing, police were skeptical of his story to say the least. Several months later police reported that they had found nothing to indicate that Cheng’s story was untrue, including over 40 hours of interviews with him and 44 days of around the clock surveillance. In the past Amber had told acquaintances that she was a very wealthy woman who had millions of dollars to her name. While this was not true, authorities speculated that Amber may have been kidnapped for ransom only for her captors to find out that her story of riches was nothing more than a farce. Amber's money has not been touched in either her Chinese or American bank accounts. Both mother and daughter left behind their passports and there's no indication that either of them have entered China.
Amber is described as a 34-year-old Chinese woman who is 5'9 and weighed 180 lb. She has black hair and brown eyes. When last seen she was wearing a black shirt, a black vest, black fitted pants with white writing on them, and light colored shoes. She may use the name Mei Yi Wu or Meiyi W. Wu.
Melissa is described as a 12 or 13 year old Chinese female with black hair and brown eyes. She was 5 '11” in height and weighed about 200 lb. She was last seen wearing a black tracksuit.
Cheng described the unidentified abductors as a Chinese couple in their 40s. Both had average builds. The woman was reported to be about 5’8” and had her black hair tied back in a bun. The man was of average build about 190 lb. and 5 '10”. He had short black hair. The couple may have been driving a black Cadillac and they may have been seen near the apartment complex that day by other neighbors.
Destiny Dee Sanith was last seen by her family on March 3rd, 2022 in Williamstown New Jersey. At about 2:30 in the afternoon on March 3rd, she asked her mom if she could borrow the car to go visit a friend in South Philadelphia. When Destiny did not return in the evening, her mother learned that she never made it to her friend's house that day. New Jersey police had contact with Destiny at about 5:20 a.m. on March 4th in Folsom New Jersey. Destiny and her car were near a strip mall at the time. What exactly happened is not clear but police reported they helped Destiny move her car into a parking spot and then gave her a ride to a Wawa convenience store about a mile up the road. Destiny's family has reported that they have surveillance video of Destiny entering and then later leaving the Wawa store after purchasing a drink. At about 9:00 a.m. she was seen leaving the store with a drink crossing the road, turning into another convenience store and then going behind the building and out of view. This is the last known sighting and location of Destiny Sanith. On March 5th when Destiny had still not returned home she was reported missing to the police and her family learned about her interaction with the police on the morning of March 4th. Destiny has not been seen or heard from since.
Destiny is described as an Asian female 27 years old, who is 5'6 and height and weighs about 170 lb. She reportedly has short wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing black sweatpants, a black Nike sweatshirt, a backpack, white and red Air Jordan sneakers, wearing earrings and carrying a coffee. She has a tattoo of the Virgo symbol on her right hand. Her nickname is Dara. Her family has set up a GoFundMe to help find Destiny and hire a private investigator. Full article here.
Binyu Chin and his brother, Huaiyu Chin, disappeared from San Diego, California on January 12, 2019. They lived with their mother and stepfather at the time of their disappearance. They were abducted by their non-custodial father, Foong Lian Chin. Foong has lived in New York City, San Deigo, Baja California, Mexico. He immigratged from Signapore in the 1980s. The boys have not been seen since. https://charleyproject.org/case/binyu-chin
Kevin Nguyen, age 25, went missing on Decemeber 8th 2018. He was last seen at a bar in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He had been asked to leave after an altercation. You can read his story here- https://charleyproject.org/case/kevin-n-nguyen
Myong Keun Noah, who went by the nickname Mike, was seen by his family at around 7:00 p.m. on May 1st, 2007 in San Bruno, CA. Mike owned a private car company called E Limousine Services that he ran out of his home. That evening Mike told his son that he had to leave to pick up a 7:30 p.m fare. He did not tell his son where he was picking up the fare. Mike's wife was at an evening class at the time. Neither Mike or his black Lincoln town car was ever seen again. His car was new and didn't have permanent license plates, but had the transportation carrier permit number TCP 18525 printed on the back bumper. It had a transponder that registers when it enters San Francisco International Airport, but the transponder did not register a trip to the airport that evening. A search of parking areas at both the San Francisco Airport and the Oakland Airport did not locate Mike or his car. Mike's bank account and his phone have not been used since May 1st, 2007. Mike had no history of running away or dropping out of sight, he had no reported mental health issues, no personal problems, and no enemies. Police report that they are baffled by his disappearance. Mike was a US Army veteran and a naturalized American citizen. He had one teenaged son with his current wife and two adult children from a previous marriage however, no one in Mike's family has heard from him since May 1st, 2007. Mike is described as an Asian male, 60 years old in 2007, with brown eyes and black and gray hair. He is 5 ft 8 in in height and weighs about 165 lbs. He was last seen wearing a black suit with a white shirt. He may spell his last name “Noh.” He is of Korean descent.
What happened to these people?
submitted by Quirky-Motor to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:04 can_the_dev Travel Journalling App with iOS design philosophy, Avare

Travel Journalling App with iOS design philosophy, Avare
Hey everyone! I’m excited to introduce Avare, a travel journal map app that I’ve been working on solo for the past 6 months as a side project. I've used UIKit in some parts of the app, such as the Map, because SwiftUI Map lacks lots of features 🥺 I tried to make Avare look similar to iOS Design. What do you think?
More info: Avare is not just a travel journal but also a social media platform where you can capture and organize your adventures, and share them with the world if you want to 🌍
  • Privacy First: Everything you create is private by default. You decide what to share.
  • No Tracking: As a solo developer, I value user privacy. Avare is built with privacy in mind.
  • Ad-Free: Enjoy a clean, distraction-free experience.
  • Offline Access: You can access your content even without internet, but you can't create or update without a connection, sorry 🥺
  • Subscription: Unlock premium features such as public sharing and unlimited locations and lists.
If you want to learn more about Avare, visit: avare.can.bi For any feedback, please DM me or email at [avare@can.bi](mailto:avare@can.bi).
Give Avare a try and let me know what you think!
Download Avare
Is there any room for improvement? Please let me know!
submitted by can_the_dev to SwiftUI [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 06:05 Jamie7Keller Targeting your own creatures with Keykeeper…and running an armadillo to power up a board wipe…sure that’s my brand today.

Targeting your own creatures with Keykeeper…and running an armadillo to power up a board wipe…sure that’s my brand today. submitted by Jamie7Keller to lrcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 01:06 gregor098 How do I remove this new youtube UI?

How do I remove this new youtube UI? submitted by gregor098 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:34 nik_says_hey Help!! What color?!

Help!! What color?!
Sooo I’m trying to grow out my pixie cut I had for so long. I do not want long hair. And I love my pixie.
Anyways. I decided to dye it bright red. It’s so faded now and I HATE it! And I just want to avoid bleaching again.
What color would be able to go over it? I will add a couple of colors I like.
submitted by nik_says_hey to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:39 Guilty_Light My magnum opus in boardgame organization: Every Dominion card ever printed, all sleeved and alphabetized, separated by custom printed dividers and including all coins, tokens, rulebooks and player mats.

My magnum opus in boardgame organization: Every Dominion card ever printed, all sleeved and alphabetized, separated by custom printed dividers and including all coins, tokens, rulebooks and player mats. submitted by Guilty_Light to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:21 Count-Daring243 Best Charter Arms Holsters

Best Charter Arms Holsters

Welcome to our comprehensive review of Charter Arms Holsters, where we delve into the world of high-quality and customizable solutions for gun enthusiasts. From concealed carry options to holsters designed for specific gun models, we aim to provide you with an engaging and informative read that covers the wide range of holster options available from Charter Arms.

The Top 10 Best Charter Arms Holsters

  1. Quality Belt Holster for Ruger SP101 Revolvers - Galco HORNET STRONGSIDE/CROSSDRAW Belt Holster - The ultimate choice for secure and comfortable carrying of various pistol models, including Ruger SP101, Colt Agent, and more.
  2. Versatile Black Vault OWB Holster - The Guardian Black Vault (OWB) Holster by Versacarry provides exceptional protection, versatility, and durability, making it the perfect choice for universal holster solutions.
  3. Vedder Holsters - Premium Sig Sauer P365 X-MACRO Holster for Optimal Concealment and Comfort - Experience unmatched security and comfort with the Sig Sauer P365 X-MACRO w/out Thumb Safety OWB Holster by Vedder Holsters - the ultimate open carry and range companion for your gun.
  4. Vedder Holsters Charter Arms Holster Claw Add-On Kit - Upgrade your Charter Arms holster with Vedder Holsters' holster claw add-on kit for a secure and reliable fit.
  5. Vedder Holsters Charter Arms Holster Claw Add-On Kit - Discover the ultimate leather holster solution with the Vedder Holsters Charter Arms Holsters Holster Claw Add-On Kit, designed for perfect fit and maximum comfort, backed by an impressive 4.8-star rating and 188 satisfied reviews.
  6. Ultimate ComfortTac Belly Band Holster for Quickdraw Access and Concealment - The ComfortTac Belly Band Holster offers deep concealment with quickdraw access, fitting a variety of gun sizes and body types, making it the ultimate choice for reliable and comfortable duty holsters.
  7. Small of Back Holster for Concealed Carry - Dara Holsters' Small of Back Holster offers an ideal solution for those with injuries, providing secure and concealed carry while adhering to Google search guidelines.
  8. High-Quality Belt Holster for Charter Arms Undercover 2" Bar - The Bianchi 111 Cyclone Belt Holster offers a secure, stylish, and convenient way to carry your Charter Arms Undercover 2? Bar with a rating of 4.8 out of 5 from 44 satisfied customers.
  9. Custom Kydex Holster for Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special - Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special Kydex Holster offers custom fit, 100% lifetime warranty, and easy-to-choose from 12 colors, providing a robust and reliable option for gun enthusiasts.
  10. Charter Arms Undercover 38 SPL Revolver Leather OWB Holster - Comfortable and Secure Fit - Experience unparalleled quality and craftsmanship with the Charter Arms Undercover 38 SPL Revolver 2-3 inch Leather OWB Holster, backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee and 14-day money-back refund policy.
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đź”—Quality Belt Holster for Ruger SP101 Revolvers

In my quest for a reliable holster to carry my trusty Colt Detective Special, I stumbled upon the Galco Hornet Holster. Made from the finest horsehide and backed by Galco's reputation for quality products, I was eager to test it out.
I was not disappointed. Right from the get-go, the fit and finish of the Hornet were impressive, with even the tiniest details accounted for. The initial fit was snug, but following Galco's break-in procedure resulted in a perfect match. The minimal profile of the belt holster made it ideal for concealed carry.
As a holster for everyday carry, the Hornet truly excelled. It fit my Colt Detective Spl perfectly, as if it were made just for it. The comfort and security it provided were unmatched. I could confidently wear it throughout my daily tasks, knowing my firearm was safe and secure.
The Galco Hornet Holster made a significant difference in my concealed carry routine. Its high-quality materials and exceptional craftsmanship made it a reliable and trustworthy companion. If you're looking for a well-made holster to carry your revolver, look no further than the Galco Hornet.

đź”—Versatile Black Vault OWB Holster

As a recent convert to Versacarry's Guardian Black Vault (OWB) Holster, I must say I'm impressed. The holster offers a universal fit, which is perfect for those who own multiple handguns and don't want to invest in a separate holster for each one. One of the standout features I noticed is the gun retention - it's secure and reliable without causing any discomfort.
The belt loop slots are another highlight, as they're wide enough to make the holster easy to put on. Plus, the variety of designs available means there's something for everyone - I found one that truly complements my style. Lastly, the affordable price point is a great advantage for those on a budget, like myself.
Of course, no product is perfect, and I did encounter a minor issue with the holster being a bit uncomfortable during the break-in period. However, it's nothing a little patience and persistence can't fix. Overall, I'm thoroughly satisfied with the Guardian Black Vault (OWB) Holster from Versacarry, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile and affordable option for their handguns.

đź”—Vedder Holsters - Premium Sig Sauer P365 X-MACRO Holster for Optimal Concealment and Comfort

As a responsible gun owner, I was always on the lookout for the perfect holster that would provide me with the ultimate security and convenience. Recently, I had the pleasure of trying out the Sig Sauer P365 X-Macro w/out Thumb Safety OWB Holster Prodraw by Vedder Holsters.
One of the first things I noticed about this holster was its customization. Each holster is crafted with precision to fit your gun perfectly, allowing for a snug fit that provides security without limiting your movement. The audible click when securing my gun in the holster was a nice touch, providing reassurance that my firearm was safely in its place.
The convenience factor of this holster is excellent, with an adjustable retention feature that allows you to decide how secure you want your holster to be. The paddle design makes it easy to put on and take off, without the need to undo your belt. The minimal bulk and weight make it ideal for everyday carry.
The quality of the holster is evident, with reinforced shells that ensure a convenient one-handed re-holstering experience, perfect for range days. This holster offers the perfect blend of lightweight, sturdy, and secure, perfect for both concealed and open carry situations.
Although I couldn't find any major drawbacks during my experience, it's always essential to note potential cons for the readers. However, based on the holster's outstanding performance and benefits, I would highly recommend the Sig Sauer P365 X-Macro w/out Thumb Safety OWB Holster Prodraw by Vedder Holsters to anyone in search of the ultimate paddle holster.

đź”—Vedder Holsters Charter Arms Holster Claw Add-On Kit

Recently, I got my hands on the Vedder Holsters Holster Claw Add-On Kit. Now, I've always appreciated the minimalist yet functional design of Vedder holsters, but with this new addition, I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my daily carry.
One of the standout features of this kit is the ease of installation. It's simple, and once it's in place, you can truly feel the difference it makes in concealing your firearm. The claw really does its job, pushing the grip closer to your body, a huge plus for those of us who like to stay concealed.
However, it's not all sunshine and roses. The one-screw attachment for the claw can be a bit frustrating. It's tough to find that perfect balance of retention and ease of draw. I had to loosen it just a bit to make it work smoothly, but it still leaves a bit of play that I'd prefer weren't there.
Overall, the Holster Claw Add-On Kit is a solid addition to the Vedder Holsters roster. It adds a level of function and style that has quickly become a staple for my daily carry. Despite the odd hiccup or two, the pros of this product far outweigh the cons.

đź”—Vedder Holsters Charter Arms Holster Claw Add-On Kit

I've been using the Vedder Holster Claw Add-On Kit for a while now, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my everyday carry. With three claws in hand, I was excited to see how they would enhance my experience with my Vedder Lighttuck holsters. The claw system, once properly installed, does an amazing job of pushing the handle of my firearms closer to my body, minimizing the printing, especially for my smaller firearms like a Kahr CW380.
One aspect that could have used some improvement is the lack of a second screw for a more secure attachment, making it difficult to maintain a tight enough grip on my pistol without hindering the draw. Additionally, compatibility with smaller revolvers or light-bearing holsters may not always be consistent, as evident by some of the other reviews I've come across.
Despite these minor cons, I'm pleased with my purchase, and the Vedder Holster Claw Add-On Kit has made my concealed-carry experience even smoother and more comfortable.

đź”—Ultimate ComfortTac Belly Band Holster for Quickdraw Access and Concealment

As a reviewer, I've had the chance to try out the ComfortTac Belly Band Holster in my daily life, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The holster is designed for deep concealment, and its quickdraw access system allows me to draw my weapon in one smooth motion. The retention strap with the deep concealment buckle is a standout feature that ensures my gun stays secure in its place.
One of the things I appreciate most about this holster is its versatility. It fits a variety of gun sizes, making it perfect for those who own multiple firearms. The holster is also versatile enough to be worn in most positions, which means I can use it both under and over clothing. The perforated holes promote less sweating, and the stretchy elastic adjusts to any body type, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods.
However, there are a couple of cons I've encountered while using this holster. The built-in pocket is a great feature, but it could be more secure and prevent accidental exposure. Additionally, the removable magazine pouch is handy for quick access to spare rounds, but it can be a bit difficult to use with larger caliber magazines.
Overall, the ComfortTac Belly Band Holster is an excellent option for those seeking a comfortable, versatile, and secure way to carry their firearms. With its deep concealment, quickdraw access, and custom fit options, it's no wonder why it's a top-selling holster on the market.

đź”—Small of Back Holster for Concealed Carry

As a fellow gun enthusiast, I've been in search of the perfect concealed carry holster for quite some time. That is until I stumbled upon the Palm Out Draw Small of Back Holster by Dara Holsters. This holster is nothing short of a game-changer for all those struggling to find the right one.
What stood out to me was the holster's versatility. Despite my body's particular needs, this holster managed to secure my gun in a comfortable position without any hassle. The angle and design of the holster also ensured that the grip was always in reach and the trigger safely covered. It's clear that Dara Holsters put a lot of thought into the positioning of the pistol, making it easier to draw and maintain a balanced stance.
However, no product is perfect, and I did find one minor drawback. The clip that holds the holster to my belt was quite stiff, making removing it at the end of the day slightly more difficult. But that doesn't take away from the holster's overall functionality and the fantastic job it does at concealing my weapon.
In conclusion, the Palm Out Draw Small of Back Holster by Dara Holsters proved to be an excellent investment. It's not only comfortable and efficient in its job, but its construction also highlights the company's commitment to quality and attention to detail. It may have a bit of a learning curve to get the perfect fit, but once you do, it's smooth sailing. I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a dependable concealed carry holster.

đź”—High-Quality Belt Holster for Charter Arms Undercover 2" Bar

I had the pleasure of trying out the Bianchi 111 Cyclone Belt Holster for my Charter Arms Undercover 2? Bar handgun. As a dedicated gun owner, I always prioritize safety and convenience when it comes to my holsters. This particular holster stood out to me right away.
The moment I slid my handgun into the holster, I appreciated the snug fit that it had. The soft and supple leather felt luxurious on my handgun. I loved how it secured my handgun while still allowing me to easily draw it from the holster when needed. One of the best features of this holster was its ability to be worn cross-draw style, which I found to be a great option when spending time in the car.
However, there was a bit of a downside. The snug fit that made me feel secure also made it a bit challenging to remove my handgun from the holster. I occasionally had to use extra force to get it out, which might not be ideal for some.
Overall, my experience with the Bianchi 111 Cyclone Belt Holster has left me impressed with its level of craftsmanship and comfort. While there might be a slight learning curve when it comes to removing the handgun, the holster's build quality and versatile design make it a worthwhile investment for frequent users.

đź”—Custom Kydex Holster for Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special

I recently purchased the Charter Arms Custom Kydex Holster for my Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special and was quite impressed with how well it fits my gun. The holster is made from high-quality Kydex material and has a sleek, low-profile design that fits comfortably in my front pocket. The fast draw feature is a great addition, making it easy and quick to access my firearm when needed.
One of the standout features of this holster is its customization options, with 12 different colors to choose from. I opted for the black color, which adds a subtle touch of style to my everyday carry. The holster also comes with a 100% no-questions-asked lifetime warranty, giving me peace of mind as I use it.
The only slight drawback I encountered was that the holster had a slightly different shape from the product photos. However, this didn't affect its overall functionality, and I soon realized it was because each holster is handmade, which adds to their unique appeal.
Overall, I'm very pleased with my purchase and would highly recommend the Charter Arms Custom Kydex Holster for anyone looking for a high-quality, convenient, and stylish way to carry their Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special.

đź”—Charter Arms Undercover 38 SPL Revolver Leather OWB Holster - Comfortable and Secure Fit

For the past few weeks, I've been using the Charter Arms Undercover 38 SPL Revolver 2-3 inch Leather OWB Holster in my daily life. This holster has been a game-changer when it comes to carrying my firearm securely while on the go.
One of the best features of this holster is its fit. The leather is carefully molded to perfectly fit my specific firearm, providing a comfortable and secure holder. The hand-dressed and burnished edges give it a classic yet stylish look that blends well with my personality.
However, there have been a couple of drawbacks. The shipping time did take a bit longer than expected, but it was understandable considering the product's origin. Additionally, I encountered some issues with the warranty process, which required a bit more communication than I would have liked.
Overall, the Charter Arms Undercover 38 SPL Revolver 2-3 inch Leather OWB Holster has been a steady companion, providing both security and ease of use during my daily activities. While there have been a few hiccups along the way, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, making it a reliable and stylish option for concealed carry.

Buyer's Guide

When purchasing a holster for your Charter Arms firearm, consider several factors to ensure you make the best choice. Our buyer's guide features crucial aspects to consider, such as material, retention, and concealment. By following these guidelines, you can find a high-quality and functional Charter Arms holster that suits your needs and preferences.

Choose the Right Holster Material

There are multiple holster materials to choose from, including leather, Kydex, and nylon. Leather holsters are known for their durability and stylish appearance. Kydex holsters are lightweight, durable, and maintain their shape well. Nylon holsters are cost-effective, but they may not last as long as leather or Kydex.

Consider Retention

Retention is essential for a secure holster. It ensures that your firearm stays in place when you need it to, and it prevents accidental discharge. Look for a holster that offers adjustable retention, as this will allow you to fine-tune the level of hold your firearm experiences. Retention methods may include thumb snap locks, locking latches, or passive retention systems.

Focus on Concealment

A concealable holster is crucial for everyday carry as it helps protect your firearm from potential threats. In this regard, consider the holster’s design, such as an inside-the-waistband (IWB) or outside-the-waistband (OWB) configuration. Some holsters also feature concealment clips that help minimize the profile of the holster and its contents.


Holster Compatibility

Before committing to a holster, make sure it is compatible with your Charter Arms pistol. Check the holster’s model, brand, or dimensions to ensure it will fit your specific firearm. Some manufacturers provide a list of compatible pistols to simplify this process. It's essential to consider the correct grip width as well.

Fit and Comfort

A well-fitting holster contributes to your overall comfort. Ensure that the holster is designed for your particular Charter Arms model, as this will ensure a proper fit. Pay attention to any adjustable features that might affect the fit and comfort of the holster. A comfortable holster with proper retention can make a significant difference to your carry experience.

Warranty and Customer Support

Before purchasing a Charter Arms holster, consider the warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer. A reputable company will typically cover their products with a warranty and offer excellent customer support to address any issues or concerns that might arise.
When choosing a Charter Arms holster, prioritize features such as material, retention, concealment, compatibility, fit, and comfort. Don't forget about warranty and customer support from the manufacturer. By taking these factors into account, you’ll be well-prepared to find the ideal holster for your Charter Arms firearm and ensure a safe and comfortable carry experience.


What types of Charter Arms Holsters are available?

Charter Arms offers a variety of holsters to suit different preferences and needs, including leather, nylon, and Kydex holsters. They produce holsters for both concealed carry and open carry styles.


Are Charter Arms Holsters compatible with other firearms besides Charter Arms?

Yes, Charter Arms Holsters are designed to be compatible with a wide range of firearms. They offer customizable mounts and variations to accommodate different firearms models.

What is the quality of Charter Arms Holsters?

Charter Arms is known for producing high-quality holsters with attention to detail. They use premium materials and implement durable construction techniques to ensure longevity and reliability.

What are the price ranges for Charter Arms Holsters?

The pricing for Charter Arms Holsters varies depending on the material, size, and customization options. They offer a range of budget-friendly options as well as premium products for those with a higher budget.

Do Charter Arms Holsters come with a warranty?

Yes, Charter Arms typically includes a warranty with their holsters to assure customers of the product's quality. The warranty details and duration may vary depending on the specific model.

What color options are available for Charter Arms Holsters?

Charter Arms Holsters come in various colors to suit individual preferences. They offer both classical, traditional colors such as black, brown, and tan, as well as more contemporary and unique shades.

What is the shipping and delivery process for Charter Arms Holsters?

The shipping and delivery process for Charter Arms Holsters can vary depending on the seller. Generally, they provide timely shipping with trackable options. The estimated delivery time may depend on the shipping method and destination.

How can I be sure that a Charter Arms Holster is a good fit for my firearm?

Ensure that you select the appropriate model based on your firearm's make and size. Charter Arms Holsters typically provide detailed dimensions and compatibility charts to help customers make an informed decision. For extra peace of mind, it's always a good idea to speak with a representative from Charter Arms or the seller.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:25 fernan_constant [OC] [ART] [COMM] Tale - The Tyrant God

[OC] [ART] [COMM] Tale - The Tyrant God submitted by fernan_constant to DnDCharacters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:01 MoTeD_UrAss Oh Dara, I'm sure that's the reason

Oh Dara, I'm sure that's the reason submitted by MoTeD_UrAss to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:11 No_Piccolo_8919 Cooking or nah? 42k rolls

Cooking or nah? 42k rolls
BTW dumb story but true one, my fat friend said "30 minutes is enough time for mukbang games on Roblox, play with me and I'll bless you with luck" BTW it actually worked and I got poseidon after thatđź’€
submitted by No_Piccolo_8919 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]
