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The Mass Effect Subreddit

2009.11.09 00:38 The Mass Effect Subreddit

This subreddit is the unofficial forum for those who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, comics, and books!

2012.07.22 01:49 JustCause

The number one place for everything Just Cause on Reddit!

2013.12.12 20:40 The Mandela Effect

“The Mandela Effect is when a large group of people remember something contrary to the known publicly accepted fact” Do you remember certain personal or world events happening differently than they apparently did? Some people remember the death of Mandela as far back as the 1970's in prison. This is where the effect gets its name. Share your experiences here!

2024.05.15 03:25 Enali (Spoilers Extended) The Rogue Houses of Dorne

Seven ravens go with Arianne Martell to be Doran's eyes and ears to Aegon and the Golden Company in the Stormlands. And while Arianne's journey progresses she will likely need to make a choice... will she send the word 'dragon' home in a letter, the coded word asking for Dorne to call their spears and join Aegon's cause? Or will the word be 'war'? ( this case 'war' means 'wait')... I'll let you decide - I assume most people's minds are pretty set on this point, and mine own is not really standard canon, so I will only say the last raven seems an ill omened thing as the seventh of a set is often linked to The Stranger, Westeros' god of death.
The topic I hoped to brainstorm today is not actually about what Arianne decides... but rather what happens next. Because I notice with a lot of theories the assumption is that the Dornish houses waiting on Arianne's response will march in lockstep with whatever her and Doran's order is... but... will they? Some of the Dornish houses seem pretty independent-minded and I feel there's been some fairly significant foreshadowing emerging that Doran's hold over the the kingdom is only tentative at best. That's worth discussing... In particular three houses seem to repeatedly stand out as possibilities to challenge the peace regardless of the Martells' wishes: Houses Yronwood, Fowler, and Uller....

House Fowler 🪶

The Fowlers make their home at Skyreach, a castle with a lofty perch and soaring stone towers carved into the stone slopes of the Red Mountains overlooking the Prince's Pass, one of two major overland routes into Dorne, and the easier to traverse of the two (the other being the steep and treacherous Boneway). The House is led by Lord Franklyn Fowler 'the Old Hawk', who has two twin daughters - Jeyne and Jennelyn. What could cause House Fowler to rebel against the Martells?
Sign #1 - The Fowlers closeness with Lady Nym
Oberyn's death was a rallying cry for a lot of Dorne desiring vengeance against the Lannisters, and in particular the news greatly effected the Sand Snakes - Nymeria Sand is said to be 'famously' close with the Fowler twins, she was actually with them the moment she learned of Oberyn's death, and it follows they likely sympathize with her position. In fact when Lady Nym first pitches Doran her plan to assassinate key Lannisters in King's Landing she does so by pleading the Fowler house words to him: "You know the Fowler words? Let Me Soar! That is all I ask of you. Let me soar, Uncle. I need no mighty host, only one sweet sister." And Doran would later tell Arianne that Nym is 'too close to the Fowler twins' (and thus unable to keep secrets from them). I imagine the Fowlers did not take the news well when they learned of Nymeria's imprisonment afterwards...
Sign #2 - Arianne's plea to Lord Fowler
Then when Arianne Martell is imprisoned herself after her Queenmaker plot she attempts to send out a secret message with one of her attendants to plead for help to free her from her father's grasp. She considers different options to address this letter to, someone ideally receptive to the idea of rebelling against Doran (which is no small thing to ask!) but also powerful enough to do so. Her first thoughts drift to Yronwood, but decides against them only because they fostered Quentyn and she believes he and Anders are conspiring against her, then goes through a few of the houses of her friends before finally deciding "that she had but two real hopes: Harmen Uller, Lord of Hellholt, and Franklyn Fowler, Lord of Skyreach and Warden of the Prince's Pass."
She ultimately decides to pen the letter to Lord Fowler because she thinks the Ullers as half-mad to the point of having a dangerous response. After that the attendant Cedra is presumably caught by Doran's men as she never reappears and Areo tells us that she was sent to the Water Gardens. But even without the letter actually going out the fact that she chose Lord Fowler to send this plea to probably says a lot about their overall relationship with Doran.
Sign #3 - A Toast to Tommen
In the Watcher chapter during the presentation of The Mountain's skull a toast to Tommen is made, and those who choose to drink or to refuse it give us another indication of the sentiments around Dorne... this is not subtly implied as much as it is directly pointed out by Areo:
The white knight did drink, as was only courteous. His companions likewise. So did the Princess Arianne, Lady Jordayne, the Lord of Godsgrace, the Knight of Lemonwood, the Lady of Ghost Hill … even Ellaria Sand, Prince Oberyn's beloved paramour, who had been with him in King's Landing when he died. Hotah paid more note to those who did not drink: Ser Daemon Sand, Lord Tremond Gargalen, the Fowler twins, Dagos Manwoody, the Ullers of the Hellholt, the Wyls of the Boneway. If there is trouble, it could start with one of them. Dorne was an angry and divided land, and Prince Doran's hold on it was not as firm as it might be. Many of his own lords thought him weak and would have welcomed open war with the Lannisters and the boy king on the Iron Throne.
Again the Fowler twins and Ullers show us that they still hold a lot of resentment. Daemon Sand makes sense too - he was part of Oberyn's retinue in King's Landing (sometimes rumored to have had a relationship with him) and watched him die, and after the Sand Snakes were imprisoned he went to Sunspear to demand their release and was imprisoned himself for the trouble. I'd keep an eye on him in Arianne's plot.
The Yronwoods weren't in attendance for the toast, however the Wyls were and refused it - I get the sense they are pretty close with the Yronwoods, both of which have their houses on the Boneway where they've joined forces. Another party that refused the toast, the Manwoodys, are stationed in the Prince's Pass and likely close allies with the Fowlers - lending more weight to the idea that this area is rebellious. House Gargelene is the one that's most difficult to place, being located in a fairly isolated spot in the south of Dorne at Salt Shore.
Sign #4 - The Troops in the Passes
By Arianne's TWOW excerpts we also hear that the troops in the Prince's Pass and the Boneway are becoming restless:
In the Boneway and the Prince’s Pass, two Dornish hosts had massed, and there they sat, sharpening their spears, polishing their armor, dicing, drinking, quarreling, their numbers dwindling by the day, waiting, waiting, waiting for the Prince of Dorne to loose them on the enemies of House Martell.
Darkstar's Plot
So how might the Fowlers act out? Outside of Arianne's raven being sent (and depending on the result), I think we should be keeping an eye on the Darkstar plot. Darkstar, per his own words and actions, seems to want to start a war against the crown and has presumably fled back to his home of High Hermitage in the Red Mountains where its implied he has support. He will probably pass by Starfall on the way up the Torrentine's rushing waters, but the Prince's Pass and Skyreach are both not that far from his location and in fitting with the prior indications of the Fowlers' intentions and Darkstar's overall goals he may try to incite the already anxious troops there to raid the Dornish Marches. These houses have a long history of animosity towards the Reach and Marcher Lords whose defenses will be exposed with Euron's attacks. Such an assault could parallel prior rogue leaders the Vulture Kings.

House Uller 🏜️

We've already seen that the Ullers play out somewhat similarly to the Fowlers - they were one of the major considerations for Arianne to send her plea for help to, and they were one of the parties notably refuising Tommen's toast. Lord Harmen Uller is the current Lord of the Hellholt, "a grim, stinking seat beside the sulfurous yellow waters of the Brimstone" located near the deep sands in the centesouth of Dorne.
There is a saying in Dorne we are told: 'half the Ullers are 'half-mad and the other half are worse.' And as Ellaria Sand is Lord Harmen's natural daughter when she and her little ones (Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Loreza) were locked away with the rest of the Sand Snakes Arianne thinks this would 'have made Lord Harmen wroth, and the Ullers were dangerous when wroth.' Its worth noting that in Arianne's Queenmaker plot her end goal was to get to Hellholt to officially crown Myrcella and raise her banners there...
What's interesting about Uller is that while they have a lot of reason to rebel there is at least one pacifying force headed their way - Ellaria Sand (who is also bringing Loreza with her). Ellaria sand accepted the toast to Tommen and despite having been Oberyn's paramour and closer to him than anyone as well as being there for his death, she is actually one of the strongest voices arguing for peace.
"A start?" said Ellaria Sand, incredulous. "Gods forbid. I would it were a finish. Tywin Lannister is dead. So are Robert Baratheon, Amory Lorch, and now Gregor Clegane, all those who had a hand in murdering Elia and her children. Even Joffrey, who was not yet born when Elia died. I saw the boy perish with mine own eyes, clawing at his throat as he tried to draw a breath. Who else is there to kill? Do Myrcella and Tommen need to die so the shades of Rhaenys and Aegon can be at rest? Where does it end?"
A Hidden Hellholt Chapter?
Given the Hellholts relative isolation you might be thinking how this could factor further into the plot.... maybe some news of Ellaria's daughters? Or later on if there is an invading force (as Ellaria and Doran fear is coming)?But I've actually been thinking that before Areo Hotah shows up in the Red Mountains we may get to see a chapter with him and Obara and Balon Swann at the Hellholt with Ellaria and Lord Harmen Uller, it would be rewarding to catch up with these characters and see their clashing perspectives on vengeance and Areo on the trail of Darkstar. Per some recent analysis of GRRM's chapter hints we can also kind of conclude there may be a few Areo chapters in varying locations. Another interesting thing pointing me in that direction is the soon to be released 2025 calendar which will be featuring artwork of the Hellholt... that's a strange inclusion for a castle with few mentions (the most relevant of which being Rhaenys' mysterious death long ago), and a lot of the other locations on the calendar do suspiciously have relevant plots nearing them in Winds (so if we haven't seen them already we may do so soon).
The logistics work out pretty well as Hellholt is practically a necessary stop on the way westward to the Red Mountains by land. Even though Arianne herself knows the desert well....
Beyond Vaith the deep sands waited. They would need help from Sandstone and the Hellholt to make that crossing, but she did not doubt that it would be forthcoming.
...Even she fears to tread the deep sands alone... and for Obara it may be the same despite her experience. You really should have a desert guide to locate water sources and navigate the terrain ("In the deep sands a man must hoard his water."). And one of the last safe stops for water and guides is the Hellholt making it invaluable for travelers crossing the sands. The sandstorms seem especially dangerous:
[...]beyond Vaith, western Dorne is naught but a vast sea of restless dunes where the sun beats down relentlessly, giving rise from time to time to savage sandstorms that can strip the flesh from a man's bones within minutes.

House Yronwood ⛓️

The Yronwoods are Dorne's second strongest house and their seat is located up in the high meadows of the Red Mountains near the Boneway where the air is always crisp and cool after dark, no matter how hot the day had been. Anders Yronwood, the Bloodroyal, is the leader here.
Even though previously we've seen a few signs that the Yronwoods may rebel given their brief consideration for Arianne's letter for help, and the Wyls' refusal of Tommen's toast, the biggest reason for them to strike out on their own might be their uniquely fractious relationship with the Martells. In fact, we were told Yronwood was only just recently on the verge of rebellion after Oberyn allegedly poisoned Lord Edgar Yronwood in a duel after he was found abed with Edgar's paramour, and it was only Doran's quick thinking that avoided it.
Blood feud and rebellion would surely have followed Lord Edgar's death, had not her father acted at once. The Red Viper went to Oldtown, thence across to the narrow sea to Lys, though none dared call it exile. And in due time, Quentyn was given to Lord Anders to foster as a sign of trust. That helped to heal the breach between Sunspear and the Yronwoods, but it had opened new ones between Quentyn and the Sand Snakes...
Quentyn Aftermath & The Blackfyres
And the biggest thing that may reopen that wound is, not surprisingly, news of Quentyn's voyage. Anders Yronwood has lost two sons on what could be seen as a pretty foolish attempt to court Daenerys including his son and heir Cletus Yronwood, who was sent along on the voyage and died from a corsair attack off the coast of the Disputed Lands. The other son? Quentyn Martell himself.... despite him being a Martell, he is really more Yronwood at heart. He grew up in Yronwood with Anders, his best friend was Cletus, he became smitten with his eldest daughter Ynys (who is now heir to Yronwood), and then later fell in love with Gwyneth, the youngest daughter of Anders.... All of Quentyn's memories are with the Yronwood really and Arianne even notes he is somewhat a stranger to her and Sunspear. Doran himself is forced to admit that "Anders Yronwood has been more a father to him than I have".
Anders hasn't heard anything yet from Meereen, information moves slowly in Essos (which has no messenger ravens so it needs to be carried by hand) and most of the people who can pass on that message, like Arch and Drink, are still caught up in the Battle of Fire (and hoping that the Tattered Prince will be merciful to them for their previous desertion). Any news that might get back could end up with a distorted and unflattering picture of Daenerys too (and some of that fallout may carryover to Aegon who seeks to ally with her).
But even before it does the troops commanded by the Yronwoods in the Boneway are conveniently close to the events happening in the Stormlands with the Golden Company. And the Yronwoods have been suspiciously consistent partners of the Golden Company and Blackfyres in the past (which often drew in second houses with a lot to gain), which is all the more interesting given the rumors around Aegon ("Lords of Yronwood rode for the black dragon in no less than three of the five Blackfyre Rebellions.") So if Arianne seeks to side with Aegon and JonCon the Yronwoods might be the first to throw in with that cause... especially if its also a way to oppose Mace Tyrell given his hatred of all things Dorne. However, it might also be interesting if she takes after her father's advice to be cautious and tries to hold back her forces, leading to the Yronwoods ignorning her and Doran's commands and striking out on their own anyways. And it will be interesting how these events may combine with the x-factor of news of Quentyn and Cletus arriving at some point (whatever the timing of that might be in relation to the Battle of Steel).

So what do you think of Houses Fowler, Uller, and Yronwood... will we see them act out in Winds or play loyal bannermen to Doran?
~Thank you for Reading!~
TLDR This post explores the ample foreshadowing that Houses Fowler, Uller, and Yronwood may be unreliable allies of Doran when pressed, and their reaction may not follow what we'd expect when Arianne sends out her last raven either calling Dorne's spears to side with the Golden Company or holding off and keeping to the passes (taking after her father's more prudent advice). Could the Fowlers join with Darkstar and raid the Dornish Marches? Will we have a chapter at the Hellholt before Areo's party travels the deep sands where we see Lord Harmen Uller's rebellious nature collide with Ellaria Sand's attempts at peace? And will the Yronwood troops in the Boneway join their historic allies in the Golden Company, or have a divisive reaction to news of Quentyn and Cletus' deaths?
submitted by Enali to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:23 DexDud Overworked & Abused

I would like to start this off by saying I'm sorry; this is a long one, and I appreciate any advice or help I can get. Also, to anyone willing to read this, thank you so much! I'm currently looking for a new job but having no luck, so I'm trying to also improve my current situation as much as I can.
I’m 28 and work in California for a school district in IT, and I love IT. The only problem is my boss. I've worked this job for almost 5 years now, and he has been the boss at this school district for almost 10 years. He's really good at the IT side of his job, but as a manager, not so much. He likes to call his employees morons, yell at and reprimand employees in front of coworkers. He's now caused several employees to quit or seek therapy (including myself). One time, I was sitting in my office working on a project, and he yelled across the office, "Gojo, get your ass in here," for the whole office to hear, and then proceeded to chew me out with the office door open and the entire office listening. He believes fear is a good management tool, which isn't really my style. His current thing to do is trying to pit us against each other and talk trash about other employees when they aren’t around. He micro manages everything you do and calls you stupid if you aren’t doing something exactly the way he wants you to. If there is a way you can save literally TWO seconds on a task and you aren’t doing it that way, he gets upset. After he does all of that, then he tries to be nice and talk about video games with you or buy the office food or let people go home 20 minutes early, but then it’s right back to the usual harassment.
Almost a year ago, I interviewed for and got the open Tech II position, promoted from Tech I. At the time, I was interested because I would learn a lot of things that would help me get different jobs, and it was a little more money. I regretted this promotion really early on. I dread coming to work and several times almost quit on the spot with no job lined up. Therapy has helped a lot with these emotions.
Outside of my boss being terrible, he also piles on work and gives the line, "You’re a Tech II now; you should be able to do all of this," or "You’re a Tech II; you have to figure out how to balance all the work." Currently, I’m balancing 12 projects, providing tech support for our district office, working as an escalation point for our Tech I’s(we have 4 soon to be 6 and they support 15 schools), and assisting our network admin with his projects. While I’m trying to do all that, my boss is also yelling from across the hall, adding more tasks that he needs me to work on and needs to be done that day. As a Tech I, your main task was working on help tickets for about 3 schools, and then during the summer, you helped with some projects. This promotion got me a whole $2 an hour increase in pay.
I am currently working on getting a new job. I’m applying for city, county, and state IT positions, but they take months before they even start interviewing for those positions, and the entire process is taking a long time. In the meantime, I’m reaching out to my union to see if I’m able to demote back down to Tech I. That doesn’t help with the boss situation, but it does help with the lack of compensation for all the extra work.
As far as my boss goes, I want to report him to HR, but I have no physical evidence, and most of my coworkers are afraid. I’m starting to document in my notes every time he is inappropriate, the date and time of that incident, and who was a witness. He’s pretty smart about how he does everything, nothing in writing, no emails, or texts. If I do report him, it has to be enough to actually get him fired. I’ve been told teachers have reported him to HR in the past, then HR has told his boss, and then his boss tells him about who reported him, and nothing has ever come out of it. He likes to hire people new to the industry or really young people so they are less likely to push back at him or are too intimidated to report him. He has bragged to us several times about how if he ever did get fired he’s taking people down with him because he knows all the districts dirty secrets.
How can I legally obtain evidence of his abuse? What should I know about reporting bosses to HR? I don’t know what to do anymore. I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read through this. I have plenty more examples of his abuse if anyone needs more, this was already a really long post so I didn't want to add more.
TL:DR My boss is abusive and has made several people quiet. I’m being overworked and not being equally compensated. How do I Get him fired?
submitted by DexDud to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:20 Amnial556 Why would Geforce optimize my game to have a higher resolution than my screen can handle?

I recently tried to play a game and for some reason Geforce "optimized" it to have a 3840x2160 when my actual screen resolution is 2560x1440. After digging through its app i found it set all of my games that support it to this resolution. Is the App just that dumb or could something cause that on my end?
submitted by Amnial556 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:19 ProbablyNotTheCocoa Threat calculation from subjects subject

Is there a bug that causes countries to disregard the power of an overlords overlord when considering their war declarations? As in my game Sweden kept declaring war on Newfoundland who was a colony of England and whilst they could probably beat England, they seem to have forgotten about the Dutch superpower who owns half the new world, supercharged lowlands, France and South East Asia who also happened to be in charge of England, and this happened multiple times over the span of 100 years
submitted by ProbablyNotTheCocoa to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 Hamstver First thoughts on midseason

I feel like winston is kind of unchecked now that all his counters are so much worse against armor now, same thing with rein but rein needs a lucio on the team to truly be unchecked
Doom is definitely going to be a little better against comps that aim to cc him due to less headshot damage
I feel like ball will be like B tier now but cannot be higher than that until he gets some form of cc counterplay
Sigma might just be the new orisa as he has so much mitigation (but in a way that's healthier for the game than orisa)
Mauga and roadhog are now more incentivised to go after squishies, tho I think one of mauga's toughest matchups (echo) is a little better against armor now so both are probably near unplayable now, mauga needs a little less damage and more ways to interact with squishy characters and hog is... hog
Orisa doesn't care much about any of these changes and I think this would be a good time to reward good javelin throws from her since she's going to be so bad
Ramattra is interesting I think he'll do pretty good kinda like rein with these new armor changes and punching tanks will be more threatening
I don't think these changes effect dva that much but she will no longer be a hard counter to winston
Zarya is probably still not very good especially since some of her best bubble targets (reaper, bastion, other characters good at inting) are going to be worse against armor
Definitely need more playtime to have concrete opinions but what does everyone else think
submitted by Hamstver to tankmainsoverwatch2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 twisted_platypus I feel like a spinning top starting to wobble over.

My wife and I have been married for almost ten years and we have three kids together (8m, 6f and 5f). Since April last year my wife has experienced severe pain, nausea and cramps that has gotten steadily worse as time passed. At the moment she’s effectively bedridden for more than 12 hours a day and when she’s able to be up she can’t do much more than sit. She can’t walk more than halfway around the block before she’s in agony and can’t go further. She was recently diagnosed with PCOS, adenomyosis and endometriosis and will get a hysterectomy around the end of June, along with a colonoscopy and endoscopy in a couple of weeks.
I do all the meal prep, pet care, cooking, washing and cleaning for the five of us. I manage our kids full time on the weekends. On weekdays I start at 630 when the kids wake up and I get them dressed, eating, make school lunches with them, check their bags to make sure they have everything. I wake my wife up at 730 just before I leave for work and I’m there from 830-430. The moment I get home my wife goes to our room to rest while I make sure the kids’ bags and lunchboxes are packed up, make the house tidy, do the rest of their homework with them and cook dinner for them. After that I handle their bathroom routine, get them dressed and if there’s time read a bedtime story. Once they’re in bed I prep dinner for my wife and I and once it’s ready wake her up so we can eat together. After dinner I tidy things away and we talk or watch TV and try to relax. If chores and other jobs need to be done (bins, recycling, dishes, folding etc) I do those while she rests. After that we wash up and are usually in bed by 11 or so.
I chose to take this routine on, because I love my family and right now my wife physically can’t no matter how much she wants to help. I know things will be different after she recovers from surgery, but that won’t be until at least August and if surgery doesn’t get all the endometriosis there’ll be followup surgeries after that. The last week we haven’t been able to touch her without her twitching in pain and every night I’ve stared at the ceiling unable to sleep while she whimpers, knowing I can’t comfort her at all without making her suffering worse. I know it’s only an emotional reaction, but I feel rejected when I try and hold her while I’m asleep and wake up to her nearly screaming and pushing me away. Our intimate life is incredibly spotty and on the rare days where she’s not too bad we try and be together but even then I feel like I need to reassure her that she’s still loved and desired, it’s primarily to emotionally support her.
I don’t rest, or have time to socialise or exercise. The brief moments I have to play games are quickly losing all enjoyment for me. I’ve struggled with depression in the past and I worry that I’m going to end up back in that hole. I don’t know what to do.
submitted by twisted_platypus to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 MasterpieceThink Rating every Jenos skin from 1-10

I will not be including his two default recolors, the eclipse skin, and hat change skins. Everything else is fair game. I’ll probably do this for every champion in the future
Remix - 8/10
Solid skin. Gun is pretty cool. Music is abit too much for me tho. Can be distracting at times
Dark FervoEternal Fervor - 7.5/10
Really thought I was gonna dislike this skin but the effects actually surprised me. Not as cool as some of his other skins but they’re still good. I do like Dark Fervor slightly more
Exarch - 10/10
There isn’t a single thing I don’t like about this skin. Gun is amazing, voice is fantastic, effects with his abilities are great. They did an absolute great job with this one
Gentleman - 9/10
Another surprisingly good skin. Don’t know what else to say. This skin might have the best sound effect when applying astral marks. Idk why but I love it
Mernos - 9/10
I was expecting to not like this skin cause mermaid skins aren’t my thing but the gun is very good and the voice acting for this skin is top notch. Also his ult voiceline being “step into the tides and drown” is extremely creative
Soul EateSoul Devourer - 100/10
I don’t think there is a single Jenos skin that Hi-Rez can make that will better than these two skins. Gun is amazing, effects are incredible, and again voice acting is through the roof. I like Soul Devourer slightly more cause the black and teal works so well together
Aspirant - 1/10
No thank you. I would much rather use his default skin. Ugly color scheme and I don’t like what he’s wearing
submitted by MasterpieceThink to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 Erculosan What are some uncommon things not everyone might know from Skyrim for new playthroughs? I'll start....

I've been playing this game since it came out and recently I've been wondering what are some things I've missed out on that I can use in my new playthroughts to speed the process. Here are some I know which others might not:
submitted by Erculosan to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:16 Kil0-SiX Infinite loading and CIG's gatekeeping mechanic to bar players from flooding their servers

I was in game when 3.23 went live and consequently got booted out of my desperate attempt to earn the last few aUECs to get myself a MOLE miner. So after calming down and accepting the fate of what was inevitable, I started downloading the patch and suddenly, I was left countin minutes and after two hours of loading... I got irritated and started looking for what went wrong. Fired up the console and saw a bunch of lines with "busy" responses from the server... and consequently quitted.
Downloaded the game again (in full) and met the same fate after four hours.
Started looking for forum posts regarding the issue and found EPTU symptoms, but this can't be the case cause this is live. Later found out that the symptom was persistent in the live server and I'm not the only one having this problem. Even new players whose first time in the SC verse got met with this kind of rejection.
Started to think that my US$297 investment just got flushed down with no official communication from CIG. Not even action being done.
I got desperate and had to invoke the dreaded "Character reset" with another full download and install of the game to no avail.
WTF is going on?
submitted by Kil0-SiX to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:16 Odd-Conclusion5968 Paroxetine less likely to induce anxiety and panic attacks?

SSRIs tend to be more stimulating, it seems like TCAs are less likely to cause heightened anxiety and panic attacks during the first few weeks of the treatment.
However, TCAs aren't very commonly prescribed due to their high amount of side effects. Since paroxetine is similar to TCAs, yet much milder in its anticholinergic properties, it is also known to be more sedative than other SSRIs such as prozac, would it be a better option for patients who experienced anxiety/agitation on multiple SSRIs before?
submitted by Odd-Conclusion5968 to Psychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:15 After-Ad7562 How does this paladin subclass look?

Credit for original idea goes to VoodooOprah, I just tweaked it
The Oath of Ambition calls to those paladins who strive for power above all other things and who let nothing stand in their way. Each paladin's motivation will be different. Some wish to use the power they aspire to to better their homeland, write fair laws, and ensure equality, while others simply want power for its own sake, so that their will might be brought upon the world. Often called gilded knights or turncloak knights, you may find these warriors in the halls of nobility, petitioning the court and maneuvering around their political rivals, or in the battlefield, leading bands of warriors in an effort to overthrow a ruling class.
Above all, these paladins are pragmatists, using whatever method they deem necessary to achieve their goals. They will lie, cheat, scheme, and betray if it serves them at that moment. Though those who have taken this oath may espouse the virtues of liberty or justice, and sincerely believe in them, they will just as quickly poison an innocent man, or ruin one's life with a well placed word. For these knights, all means are justified by the ends.
Tenets of Ambition
The tenets of the Oath of Ambition hold the paladin's own goals above all else. They care not for morality or ethics, which only serve to hamper their plans.
Strive for Greatness. I shall always search for opportunities to better my station. Through power I can achieve my goals.
Seize the Opportunity. When a crisis presents itself, I shall use it. When a foe shows weakness, I shall exploit it.
Suffer no Rivals. I know the value of an ally, but I shall not hesitate to destroy them should they seek to subvert me.
Stymie the Opposition. I shall strike down any who threaten my dream without mercy or hesitation. Remorse and regret are for the weak of mind.
Oath of Ambition Spells per Paladin Level
3rd disguise self, hex 5th invisibility, suggestion 9th enemies abound, slow 13th confusion, freedom of movement 17th skill empowerment, steel wind strike
Ambition's Celerity: You can use your Channel Divinity to move quickly. As a bonus action, you can enhance your speed. When you use this feature, and then as a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns, you can take the Dash action. This effect lasts for one minute.
Turn Traitor: You can use your Channel Divinity to draw someone to your cause. As an action, you can whisper a magical phrase to a creature within 10 feet of you that shares a language with you and can hear you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you are fighting it. If it fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you or your allies attack it, damage it, or force it to make a saving throw. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. While charmed, the creature must speak truthfully. When the effect ends, the creature doesn't know why it held you in such regard or made such a slip of the tongue. If it succeeds on its saving throw, the creature knows you tried to enchant it.
Aura of Haste: At 7th level, your presence invokes a desire to act. You gain a +10ft bonus to your base movement speed, and you and friendly creatures within 10 feet are immune to difficult terrain while you are conscious.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Divesting Strikes: Starting at 15th level, your holy attacks strip an enemy of their vigor and bestows it to you. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a divine smite, (including spells such as wrathful smite, banishing smite, etc.) you regain hit points equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier, unless your modifier is negative.
King of Longing: At 20th level, you gain the ability to physically manifest your ambition. For 1 minute, a shadowy aura follows you in a 30 foot radius while illusory black wings sprout from your back. You gain a flying speed equal to twice your current movement speed, and the area is lightly obscured for all but you and your allies. (This obscurity cannot be dispelled by magical or nonmagical means). Any attacks against you or your allies have disadvantage while within the aura. Additionally, attacks of opportunity cannot be taken against you.
Using an action, a creature within the aura can make a Wisdom (Perception) check against the Paladin's Spell Save DC in order to see through the veil. If a creature succeeds this check, it is immune to the obscuring and disadvantage effects of this feature for its remaining duration.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish 1d4 long rests.
submitted by After-Ad7562 to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 wensen Nintendo 64 Cartridge Slot Loose Troubleshooting / Games freezing

Basically, the games fail to boot and when they do if the cartridge moves at all, (or the console) the game freezes, if you tap the cartridge slightly it will freeze making me believe it's a cartridge slot/pin problem on the console as I've tried it with multiple games.
I've given the console (and cartridges) a deep clean with 99% ipa by stripping down the console and cleaning the cartridge pin slot (pulled it up and everything) and any contacts. I've done every trick I could find online. There doesn't appear to be any corrosion or anything like that, at least not anything severe. I believe the sheathing/metal cover on the cartridge slot is loose causing the pins to have poor contact but can't find any video/tutorial on how to remove this sheathing/cover to get at the pins better or how to tighten the pins.
How do I re-tighten the pins in the cartridge slot to make better contact or find a new 48 pin connector to replace it? What are some other troubleshooting I can do to better diagnose the problem? If it changes anything the console is the blue Pikachu version.
submitted by wensen to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Tree_Of_Palm A (admittedly flawed) theory about the identity of Madame X, as well as an additional crack theory that I made while sleep deprived. (Spoilers for the entire game)

Ok this is gonna be a very long, rambling, and probably somewhat disorganized post, so please bear with me.
I'm sure other people have had this same idea as well, but I'm not subscribed to the rebornevo forums and I'm not very active on this subreddit either, so I don't know how frequently it's been discussed outside of the small number of times I've seen it on Twitter, which still was after I had the thought when I first played V12 years ago. Even if it is I still wanted to try and organize my thoughts about it and present all of the evidence that brought me to think this even without engaging much with the larger community.
To jump right into it, the theory that I've been subscribing to for a pretty long time and was very confident in (until realizing some flaws with it) is that Madame X is the incarnation of Nymiera from Maria(nette)'s now dead universe, which is likely the same universe that Clear, Kieran, and potentially the Thunder Warrior Tapu Koko are from. She was defeated by her universe's Indriad but somehow managed to escape with her life, albeit badly injured, and was effectively out of commission, which led to Indriad eventually being able to bring about Storm 9 which would eventually lead to the end the world. Nymiera then likely got help from either her world's Xara and Jean, or Clear and Kieran themselves to construct her suit and escape to the next universe.
There's quite a few reasons I have to think this. I feel like a ton of evidence from throughout the game supports the idea, and I've been making note of them for years at this point. This is gonna be a bit meandering, but it's really difficult to organize thoughts about a plot as complicated as Rejuv's even if you're focusing on only one character, so again please bear with me:
Essentially, the image I see with this is a Nymiera who became so disgusted at her own failures that she threw everything away, including her old identity, and and decided the best way to create a good world was to tear everything down and rebuild it herself, taking her belief in "The good of the many" to its furthest extreme and becoming a vengeful and bitter person in the process. She keeps "protecting" the Interceptor in hopes that their own quest will eventually guide them to resetting everything and destroying Karma for good.
However... in the process of thinking through this all over the last couple days, I realized several holes in this theory that I have to acknowledge, and keep it from really being an effective one.
First, if Nymiera is the avatar of Xerneas, then why is Madame X only ever seen using a Yveltal?
Second, the one aspect of Madame X's backstory story that she elected to reveal to us is about her mother. In her own words, "My "mother" was a weak individual who gave her life to protect me". Not only does Nymiera never hint at anything remotely similar this, but none of Adrest, Variya, or any of the files Adrest sends to Erin hint at anything even remotely close to this for Nymiera.
Third, which I think is the biggest issue: when we see Madame X's mask get broken by Sakitron at the pyramid, what little we see of her appearance doesn't exactly match up with Nymiera. What appears to be black hair could also just be a broken piece of her mask, her eyes are a bright red, and even though we barely see any skin, it visibly is not as dark as Nymiera's.
The first point is actually pretty easy to explain: the Yveltal is Indriad. Obviously we don't know how Indriad became a Yveltal, but there is precedent for shit like this happening and there's multiple hints towards it:
The other two though... I think more or less disprove the theory. Family-related trauma is already one of the game's biggest theme; if Nymiera had something related to her mother, it would have been made clear by this point. And there's just no way that I can think of to really justify the drastic difference in appearance between the two. I could simply handwave it and say "The differences in appearance are either a spriting error or a lighting thing with her helmet" and "We just haven't learned about Nymiera's mother yet", but both of those would just be copout answers to ignore.
I'm still confident that I'm onto something here and there is a connection between these two characters, instead I came up with a crackpot theory that nonetheless I think has a nonzero chance of being true, although its much less liekly .
Madame X isn't an alternate universe Nymiera. She's an alternate universe Nim.
Is it a stupid assertion? Yes. But hear me out, starting with some of the more minor points:
There's three main reasons I think there actually is something here though: Nim's physical appearance, Madame X's "mother", and the reason Madame X needs her suit despite it making her weaker.
First: Nim's physical appearance is extremely similar to Madame X's under her mask. As Lorna, we can see that her pupils have a red hue very similar to Madame X's. Looking at both Nim's sprites and her official art, her skin tone is lighter than Nymiera's but still darker then most of the rest of the cast, which also lines up with the broken mask. Finally, assuming Madame X actually has black hair and that's not just a broken part of her mask in the sprite, Nim's hair is the same color.
Second: When Madame X mentions her "Mother", its quoted, presumably for air quotes. While it could just be her disrespecting her "Mother", it feels far more significant than that, like its moreso implying that whoever she's talking about wasn't her mother in the traditional sense. Madame X also states that the difference between her "Mother"'s sacrifice and the player's mom's sacrifice is that the player's mom's didn't matter; thus indirectly implying that Madame X's mom's sacrifice was important even if she looks down upon her mom for it. Assuming that Nymiera shares some connection to Nim- be it that Nymiera created her, Nim is her reincarnation, or something else- it's not unreasonable to think that Nim, after overcoming her memory issues, could view Nymiera as something of a mother figure, especially considering that Nim took her name Nymiera's because she felt a connection.
Third: The suit. There's a very obvious reason that Nim would need a suit to suppress her own power: to keep herself from draining the life force of her subordinates and stop her own Storm from getting out of control. It's a leap, sure, but it would explain why she needs a suit that actively inhibits her.
Why would Nim be doing all of this, and how would she become such a cruel and vengeful person? We see something similar happen to our own Nim through Clear's manipulation through preying on her fears and insecurities. Assuming bad enough shit happened to her, I could absolutely see an alternate universe Nim who lacked the support of characters like Aelita, Melia, and the Player going down this path.
Is this theory accurate? Probably not, but it was really fun to think about. I never fucking know what's gonna happen with this game which is why it's so fun to speculate about the absolute mess of lore that it has.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this massive ramble, it was fun to write and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
submitted by Tree_Of_Palm to PokemonRejuvenation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Jenson-ecigs Why Do Vapes Have Operational Problems?

Why Do Vapes Have Operational Problems?
Vaping has emerged as a trendy alternative to traditional smoking, appealing to enthusiasts who appreciate the vaping style and the technical intricacies of their devices. Similar to any gadget, vapes may encounter operational issues, often linked to the device's core: the battery. This piece explores the reasons behind vape battery failures and offers solutions to enhance your vaping experience.

Introduction to Vape Battery Issues

Have you ever wondered why your vape suddenly stops working or why the battery life seems shorter than expected? Vape batteries, like all batteries, have a finite life and are susceptible to various types of failures. By understanding these challenges, you can proactively mitigate them, enhancing your overall vaping experience.

Understanding Your Vape Battery

Your vape's battery is akin to the heart of your device. Like a heart needs good care to function correctly, so does your vape battery. Knowing the type of battery (usually lithium-ion), its capacity, output limitations, and how it integrates with your device's design will help you better understand and maintain its performance.

Common Battery Problems

Why do vape batteries fail? There are several common reasons:
  1. Manufacturing Defects: Sometimes, the issue is as simple as a factory defect.
  2. Wear and Tear: Repeated use reduces battery life over time.
  3. Improper Use: Using the battery in ways not recommended by the manufacturer can lead to problems.

Poor Battery Maintenance

Poor maintenance is a primary culprit in the early demise of vape batteries. Overcharging, undercharging, and allowing your battery to sit unused for long periods can all degrade its performance and longevity.

The Impact of Sub-Optimal Charging

Not all chargers are created equal. Using a non-compatible charger can harm your battery, potentially leading to overheating and reduced battery life. Always use the charger with your device if the manufacturer approves it.

Temperature Effects on Batteries

Extreme hot and cold temperatures can negatively impact your vape's battery. High temperatures can cause the battery to degrade faster while freezing temperatures can reduce efficiency.

Compatibility and Quality Issues

Using the wrong type of battery or a low-quality battery can lead to poor performance and even safety risks. Choosing batteries recommended by the device manufacturer is essential, and buying from reputable sources is necessary.

Safety Features and Battery Health

Modern vapes have various safety features to protect against overcharging, short circuits, and overheating. Familiarize yourself with these features and how they contribute to battery health and safety.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you're experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips:
  • Check the battery connections for cleanliness and good contact.
  • Reset your device if possible.
  • Replace the battery if it's old or shows signs of damage.

How to Choose the Right Battery

Choosing the correct battery doesn’t have to be complicated. Look for batteries with:
  • Adequate capacity (mAh rating) for your vaping habits.
  • High-quality construction.
  • Compatibility with your device.

Extending Battery Life

To extend the life of your vape battery:
  • Follow the manufacturer's charging instructions.
  • Store your battery at room temperature.
  • Use the device regularly and keep the battery charged.

When to Replace Your Vape Battery

Knowing when to replace your battery can save you a lot of trouble. Signs include:
  • Decreased battery life.
  • The device is not holding a charge.
  • Battery case swelling.

To Wrap It Up

Maintaining and understanding your vape battery is crucial for a reliable vaping experience. Proper care can minimize operational problems and allow you to enjoy your vape fully.
By following these guidelines and paying attention to your device's needs, you can keep your vape running smoothly and efficiently.
submitted by Jenson-ecigs to u/Jenson-ecigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 ComplexGround3601 What the fuck do I do about Alisa

I need a fucking textbook on all of her knowledge checks and then whenever I ask for advice all people talk about are the chainsaws and say she’s bad without them cause she has gimmicks as if she doesn’t have amazing pokes. It doesn’t help that she basically plays the game for you
submitted by ComplexGround3601 to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:11 007krowhop Audio sounds like crap on Android.

I’ve tried n64 games on both a tv box and galaxy tab and both seem like the video would run smooth enough to play but the it’s the audio that causes severe lag making games unbearable. Is this a common issue that I can fix with settings?
submitted by 007krowhop to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 fidelityinvestments PSA: A trading halt by a stock exchange might be the reason some customers were unable to execute a trade recently. Here’s the info you need on halts, what causes them, how they may affect quoting and executing your order.

PSA: A trading halt by a stock exchange might be the reason some customers were unable to execute a trade recently. Here’s the info you need on halts, what causes them, how they may affect quoting and executing your order.
TL;DR Exchanges can halt the trading of a security due to several reasons (including when the stock moves outside certain price limits in a short period of time) and will alert investors if it happens. A halt usually lasts less than an hour, and you’re still able to enter market or limit orders during it.
We’ve seen some discussions on the sub regarding the inability to execute a trade at times. The most common reason for that is it was halted by the exchange. Here’s a quick breakdown of what that is and why it may have happened.
What is a trading halt?
A trading halt is when an exchange suspends trading of a specific security or, in some cases, all the securities listed on that exchange.
How long does a halt last?
It usually lasts less than an hour but can be longer. Both the NASDAQ and NYSE offer the ability to track the status of their halts:
What causes a halt?
There are several reasons a stock could be halted, including:
  • Limit Up-Limit Down, which is when a stock moves outside certain price limits in a 5-minute period (see below for how these price limits are calculated)
  • News pending/released
  • Mergecorporate action
  • An exchange will halt entirely if there is a drop of 7%, 13%, or 20%. The length of time for an exchange halt depends on the % that is dropped and the time of day.
When this happens, all other U.S. markets that list the stock must halt trading. Brokerages like Fidelity cannot publish quotes or indications of interest and execute trades of the stock during a halt.
What are individual stock price bands (Limit Up-Limit Down)?
In order to address extraordinary market volatility in individual securities, the securities markets have implemented a Limit Up-Limit Down mechanism that will prevent trades in certain stocks from occurring outside of specified price bands.
Trades for individual exchange-listed or National Market System (NMS) stocks will be prohibited from occurring at a set percentage higher or lower than the average security price in the preceding five minutes during certain market hours. The following has been effective since December 8, 2013:
\ Price band percentages will generally be doubled at the market open (9:30 a.m. ET – 9:45 a.m. ET) and at the market close (3:35 p.m. ET – 4:00 p.m. ET) to accommodate more typical trading patterns during those time periods.*
\* Tier 1 securities (stocks in the S&P 500 Index, Russell 1000 Index and certain ETPs) priced over $3.00 utilize a 5% price band.*
Fidelity routes your stock orders to various market centers/exchanges, which may differ in the way they will be handling orders during periods of time when a Limit Up-Limit Down halt is in effect. Fidelity will attempt to communicate the status of any open orders via the Orders page of your portfolio. However, due to market/security volatility, the status of your order may be delayed.
Can I enter an order during a halt?
Yes. You can still enter a market or limit order during a halt. Keep in mind that placing a market order during a halt could result in a buy or sell that is above or below the most recent price. Once the stock begins trading again, sell limit orders are allowed to be set up to 500% away from the current market price. Buy limit orders will be allowed to be entered starting at $.01. Here’s an example:
Visit our Trading FAQs page for more on trading halts. We're here to answer any questions you may have—let us know in the comments.
submitted by fidelityinvestments to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 MysticTeeVee Operator missions after seasons

So I be had Cold War ever since day one and I was worn out by it a lot cause I’ve been grinding for dark aether, so I got bored and stopped playing, now that I have it on steam there have been more operators added to the game I looked up on how to get Mason and I needed to do the missions to get Mason but I don’t get any prompt I just get a box saying “included in the season 6 battle pass”, is there an alternative way to unlock Mason and the other operators?
submitted by MysticTeeVee to blackopscoldwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 Appropriate_Log1110 Harsh feedback or trolling/harassment on Steam community hub?

Okay, so I'm not quite sure where feedback ends and trolling/harassment begins. And I'm trying to figure out what action I should take, if any.
I have a demo for my game (on which I've been working for years now) and the demo is being finalized. During this process I've been making updates and balancing the game. Somewhere along the line someone must have seen a post about it on twitter, and tried the game. This was shortly after an update that caused enemies to spawn too frequently.
The player then makes a large post on my twitter in broken English about how the game is terrible and enemy spam is never a good idea. I told them the game is under development, and still needs balancing. Later that night, I pushed an update that fixed the problem, and replied to the player on twitter that it had been fixed.
I also noticed that the player had posted the same rambling post on the steam community for the game. Since the issue was resolved, I deleted the post on the Steam community hub.
Today I checked the community board for the game again and I see this: "dit you just remove what i said?and think i would not notice it? now that sure is against voicing out ones oppinion and experince telling"
I replied and said: It was removed because the issue has been resolved.
Am I wrong for removing the post? I'm hesitant to warn/ban the player, but I'm not sure what action (if any) I should take. Thoughts? Advice?
submitted by Appropriate_Log1110 to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 Silent_Airport_6534 Laptop using external monitor with wrong resolution and Windows using the wrong GPU. Although familiar with these issues it turns out it’s harder to fix than expected.

Hello tech supporters,
TLDR : I'm a fairly capable tech guy myself and am currently having some hard time troubleshoting my girlfriend's laptop. Although those seem like small/easy issues, we've spent many hours trying different solutions, but none had any effect, some behaviors seem even contradictory, and I'm now running out of ideas.
Detailed issues : - External monitor is displayed with a 640x480 resolution when plugged in. It started a few days ago, before that my girlfriend was using the monitor daily without any issue. We share the desk and the monitor and often plug and switch our laptops to it if that makes sense. - The classic, Windows using the CPU integrated graphics as the preferred GPU instead of the dedicated RTX 3050. I actually don't know if this was already the case before the monitor issue started, but it's obviously abnormal and very probably related. For information, my girlfriend was playing a mildly graphic demanding game a few months ago with no issues, so it seems a change appeared otherwise I imagine she couldn't have been able to run the game with CPU graphics.
Solutions we've tried to fix those issues, most and least obvious ones (none changed something whatsoever) : - Updating/reinstalling AMD CPU graphics and dedicated Nvidia GPU's drivers - Specifying the use of Nvidia's GPU as the preferred option in the Nvidia Control Panel - Obviously trying different HDMI cables (which is the only port available on the laptop to plug in an external monitor) - Re-installing Windows 11 with a hard reset of files - Updating battery usage settings to best performances and trying different outlets. The computer was always used while charging. - Updating BIOS and checking graphic options in BIOS (currently "Graphics Device : Switchable Graphics"). - Resetting monitor settings and installing its drivers (didn't know drivers for monitors were a thing before). - De-activiting/activating the external monitor and both GPUs in the device manager.
Especially odd observations : - We've plugged the laptop to a TV and the resolution on it is fine. The CPU graphic was still the one used though. - We've tried plugging different laptops to the monitor and the resolution appeared fine which leads me to think it's not related to the monitor itself and more specifically a software issue on my girlfriend's laptop ? - I've even installed an Ubuntu distrib on a bootable USB key. The monitor's resolution was still wrong but it could be due to the lack of drivers for the Nvidia GPU which I couldn't install since the OS was running as "Try Ubuntu" so actions seemed limited, I admit I didn't dig into it a lot though.
Laptop model : Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3-15ACH6 - type 82K2 Monitor model : LG Flatron E2251VR-BN
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the currently situation
Please be sure that we've tried those solutions, sometimes multiple times, in different orders with different expectations. Since nothing seemed to make a difference, we've tried looking for the most insignificant details/settings that could produce a change, sometimes knowing it would probably make no difference. The goal was mostly to try to narrow down the causes by an trial and error approach and emit hypotheses.
As for now I'm considering switching to Windows 10 since I witnessed many people around me having issues with 11 and suspect it to be somehow responsible. But overall I would prefer being wrong and just realize I forgot to validate a checkbox option somewhere, I'm kinda hopeless at the moment...
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated in any case. Thank you for your help.
submitted by Silent_Airport_6534 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:09 corvidcaptcha How to find a bc after unexpected side effects?

Norethindrone was the first contraceptive pill I ever tried, I was on it for a month and I had no side effects. I thought I did, but I later realized it was something totally unrelated. I went on to try depo-provera, and then camrese.
Recently, I decided to try norethindrone again, and within the first week I started to feel nausea after eating. I don't know if it was also causing me to have extra anxiety, or if it was just a brand new development with my anxiety disorder, but it made me panic to the point of nearly vomiting on several occasions. I couldn't even talk about the post-eating nausea without instantly getting the anxiety-nausea all over again.
It got to a point where I couldn't tell the difference between hunger, fullness or digestion. It all felt like nausea. I lost 6 pounds in a week because of it. Two weeks in it was getting worse everyday, and I finally realized the only new variable was the bc, and stopped taking it. It got better, but not much at first. I had a lot of days where I thought I was past it, just to have another really bad day right after. Even the smell of food could make me nauseous and dizzy. It's been over a month now, and I finally feel normal again.
So, what I'm worried about is the fact that I was on norethindrone before and nothing like this happened. I was on it for a whole month, and this time it only took a week to start doing this to me. Can I go back on any other birth control when nausea and vomitting is a possible side effect for all? I'm afraid to even try camrese again when I was just on it 6 months ago. It didn't cause nausea then, but neither did norethindrone when I took it the first time.
submitted by corvidcaptcha to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:08 GanglingGiant So high I’m at the bottom of the map.

I just spent the better part of my day trying to figure out how to get up here and as annoying as it was I finally did it but now there’s a little white bird that won’t let me pass he moves every direction that I do which leads me to believe this is end game territory and I don’t belong here or there’s some way to deal with it I don’t know. I would appreciate some honest help either tell me I was right and to continue playing on or help me figure out how to pass him cause I don’t want to go back down if I can juke this bird. ?????
submitted by GanglingGiant to animalWell [link] [comments]