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2012.08.10 13:02 caremore Seattle Food

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2012.02.02 20:08 guacamole23 Gift or receive bicycles! Supported by nice folks like you.


2012.06.08 21:28 DiscursiveMind Documenting the travels of OceanSkys

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2024.05.15 07:00 BevoBot [5/15/2024] Wednesday's Free Talk Thread

/LonghornNation Daily Off Topic Free Talk Thread

Today: 5/15/2024
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Your go-to place to talk about whatever you want. From the dumb shit aggies do on a near daily basis, to the latest whatever happening wherever. What ya got?

Here's a look at upcoming Longhorn Sporting Event(s):

  1. 5/15 7:30 AM University of Texas Men's Golf vs NCAA Regional Championship
  2. 5/16 4:00 PM University of Texas Men's Tennis vs Tennessee
  3. 5/16 6:30 PM University of Texas Baseball vs Kansas
  4. 5/17 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championships
  5. 5/17 3:00 PM University of Texas Softball vs Siena
  6. 5/17 6:30 PM University of Texas Baseball vs Kansas
  7. 5/18 University of Texas Women's Golf vs NCAA Championships

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  1. Red Robin
  2. My pizza stone is almost 20 years old. Each line is a pizza I enjoyed.
  3. TIL that in 2013, a man tried to dribble a football from Seattle to Brazil to promote a charity. He was run over and killed by a truck just 250 miles into his 10,000-mile trip
  4. That's a crime that has been committed
  5. Who took the L ? You decide
  1. /CFB Donates $18,000.00 to Toys For Tots & Children's Hospitals, thanks to the 8th annual Holiday Drive!
  2. [Mandel] News: UC Board of Regents has voted that UCLA shall pay Cal $10M in revenue for the next three years (through 2026-27), with another check-in at that point. Original recommendation was for six years.
  3. [Dellenger] Documents sent to presidents detail House settlement terms, including damages of $2.776B; $21M athlete rev-share projections. If they lose in court, NCAA & conferences estimate that they'd pay as much as $20 billion in damages - a figure that'd necessitate them filing for bankruptcy.
  4. College Gameday heading to College Station for Notre Dame @ Texas A&M Week 1
  5. (Yoder) NEWS: Denard Robinson has been dismissed from his employment with the Michigan football program
  6. SMU announces 2025-2026 home-and-home series with Baylor
  1. [5/14/2024] Tuesday's Sports Talk Thread
  2. [5/14/2024] Tuesday's Free Talk Thread
  3. Texas vs. Colorado State kicks off at 2:30 PM CT on ESPN on August 31
  4. Men’s Basketball to compete in 2025 Maui Invitational
  5. 2024-25 Women's Basketball SEC Matchups
  6. 2025 3* OL Jackson Christian commits to Texas
  7. SEC announces opponents and locations for 2024-25 Men’s Basketball schedule
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2024.05.11 23:40 reginaldomicropenis Qual é o pior estado do Brasil em questão culinária e porquê é o Rio de Janeiro?

  1. Diversidade e criatividade em São Paulo: São Paulo, o coração pulsante do Brasil, não só abraça, mas celebra a miscigenação. Com uma população tão diversa, a cidade se tornou o epicentro de uma fusão de sabores, trazendo influências de todo o mundo para seus pratos. Da tradicional feijoada brasileira aos sushis sofisticados da Liberdade, São Paulo é o berço da miscigenação gastronômica mundial. Culinária do Oriente Médio, Europeia, da America do sul, Oceânica, Africana, Asiática, Literalmente de todos os cantos do mundo.
  2. A autenticidade do churrasco gaúcho: No sul do Brasil, o Rio Grande do Sul se destaca com seu churrasco suculento e autêntico. Com uma tradição que remonta aos tempos dos gaúchos, o churrasco gaúcho é uma celebração da carne de qualidade e da habilidade artesanal. Cada corte é cuidadosamente preparado e grelhado para alcançar a perfeição, proporcionando uma experiência gastronômica incomparável.
  3. O sabor autêntico da comida baiana: A Bahia, rica em cultura e tradição, oferece uma culinária que é uma verdadeira explosão de sabores. Do acarajé à moqueca, a comida baiana é uma celebração da diversidade de ingredientes e técnicas culinárias. Cada prato conta uma história, transportando o comensal para as ruas movimentadas de Salvador ou para as praias paradisíacas da Costa do Dendê.
  4. A exuberância dos sabores amazônicos no Pará: O estado do Pará é um tesouro gastronômico, onde os sabores da Floresta Amazônica se misturam com influências indígenas e africanas. Pratos como o tacacá e o pato no tucupi são exemplos da riqueza culinária dessa região, que desperta os sentidos e convida os comensais a explorar novos sabores e texturas.
  5. A delicadeza da comida mineira em Minas Gerais: Minas Gerais conquista os corações dos amantes da comida com sua comida caseira e reconfortante. De pão de queijo a tutu de feijão, a comida mineira é simples, mas repleta de sabor e tradição. Cada prato é preparado com cuidado e amor, refletindo a hospitalidade calorosa do povo mineiro.
  6. O sabor autêntico de Goiás: Devido à abundância de rios e lagos em Goiás, os peixes de água doce desempenham um papel importante na culinária local. Tambaqui, pintado e pacu são apenas algumas das espécies de peixes comumente encontradas nos pratos goianos, preparados de diversas maneiras, como grelhados, fritos ou ensopados.
  7. A tradição do vatapá no Pará: O vatapá é um prato tradicional da culinária paraense, feito com pão, leite de coco, camarão seco, castanha-de-caju, amendoim, azeite de dendê e outros temperos. Com uma mistura única de sabores e texturas, o vatapá é uma verdadeira iguaria amazônica que cativa os paladares mais exigentes.
  8. O sabor do cuscuz nordestino em Alagoas: No nordeste do Brasil, Alagoas se destaca com seu delicioso cuscuz, uma iguaria feita de farinha de milho cozida e moldada em formato de bolo. Servido com manteiga, leite ou carne de sol, o cuscuz alagoano é uma verdadeira festa para o paladar.
  9. A autenticidade da carne de sol no Ceará: No Ceará, a carne de sol é uma tradição que atravessa gerações. Feita com pedaços de carne bovina salgada e deixada ao sol para secar, a carne de sol cearense é macia, suculenta e cheia de sabor. É geralmente servida com mandioca cozida, feijão verde e manteiga de garrafa, criando uma combinação irresistível de sabores.
  10. O encanto da tapioca em Tocantins: Em Tocantins, a tapioca é mais do que apenas um lanche - é uma arte. Feita a partir da fécula extraída da mandioca, a tapioca é uma massa leve e versátil que pode ser recheada com uma variedade infinita de ingredientes, desde queijo coalho até coco ralado. Com sua textura única e sabor neutro, a tapioca é uma verdadeira estrela da culinária tocantinense.
Por que, então, o Rio de Janeiro fica para trás? Cachorro quente ruim e Pizza com Ketchup, são o maior símbolo do Rio atrás da bala perdida.
submitted by reginaldomicropenis to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:09 DropGearToDissapear Can we just take a moment to appreciate what ESPN/TNT has done for this sport in the last 3 years in the US?

In my area, the sport has grown a ton in the last 3 years. I’ve noticed it from seeing people wearing more NHL gear compared to local gear. Helps that Seattle just got a team which is less than 6 hours away but even still, I’m seeing gear from all over the league.
Yesterday I was talking to a local pizza shop owner and we began talking about hockey after I noticed a Golden Knights wall decor logo. He mentioned how he’s quickly becoming a die hard hockey fan. Threw it on ESPN one day last year and it was the best sporting event he’d ever seen. Made me remember how we never got NBC except in playoffs or an occasional Sunday, always NBCSN or that other one I forget the name. Versus? Trying to get a bar in my area to throw on a hockey game even 5 years ago was a struggle.
I know that common opinion is that ESPN broadcast sucks with Sean McDonagh, in which I don’t disagree, but it could be far worse. I think the main reason we don’t like their broadcast is because we see how good it can be with TNT. I love Bissonette even though he hates my Rangers. He’s incredible for the sport of hockey on tv. Same with that entire panel.
submitted by DropGearToDissapear to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:07 WooPigSooie9297 Common ground

Common ground submitted by WooPigSooie9297 to u/WooPigSooie9297 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:52 UTSALemur AITAH? Someone offered me a place to live if I'd have sex with them (qid pro quo, sex for shelter)

A few years ago I was approached by a transgender man "transitioning" who offered me free pizza and brought me to their "home" in Seattle to eat the pizza. They had a yellow lab dog whom I played with and took on a few walks (I used to work with animals and could tell this poor doggo constantly got screamed at and slapped by the person living there). The vibe changed and felt awkward after a few days of being allowed to sleep on the couch and use the shower after I had already done everything imaginable to make it obvious I wasn't interested in anything beyond friendship. He/She finally launched into I'm guessing a hormonal rage and outright asked if "I was ever going to fuck hehim!". I said "absolutely not. I'm not interested in you." This response further infuriated the person who said she would call someone and have me removed from the house. I assumed that meant the police, so I replied "go ahead, do that". She/he did not call the police, but instead a black dude with a gun. When he walked in he saw me sitting there on the couch with the dog. He told me to get into the Jeep she/he had been driving without valid tags or a license. The man was holding a gun so I did get in the car. I was driven to the smouldering remains of the very much over with CHOP protest (Cal Anderson Park by Nagle Pl). And was left there. It's my understanding that it's illegal to force the homeless into sex for a place to stay. But I was disappeared from Seattle within a few hours of this occurrence. And have been unable to report it. AITAH?
submitted by UTSALemur to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:52 InterestingContest27 Common ground

Common ground submitted by InterestingContest27 to AmericaIsBurning [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:01 EdStArFiSh69 Common ground

Common ground submitted by EdStArFiSh69 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:00 EdStArFiSh69 Common ground

Common ground submitted by EdStArFiSh69 to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:46 ItzMarko Pizza Hawaiana

Necesito la opinión de los centro americanos / amantes de la pizza con Ananá/Piña. Que lugar en Baires hacen la mejor Hawaiana?
submitted by ItzMarko to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:12 sadclownwp Update: D&D Group of 12 Years Breaking Up Because Of Kids

So I'm sitting in a Skyline Chili coming back home from our live game in Gatlinburg TN. I'm not gonna lie, it was weird for a bit without our Paladin (Steve) and our Sorcerer(Lindsey). Some will be happy to know that we did not refund them their money. The group simply told them they were not uninvited, and they were welcome to come down without their kids. They chose not to. Steve did text us on Saturday and apologized for making such a big deal out of the kids coming. Lindsey has not answered any texted or calls for anyone in the group. The three of us are still pretty bummed. It hurts big time. Jessica is especially hurting right now, and it took her a bit of time to open up and get in her groove.
It is not all bad news though. With the death of characters also comes new life. Jessica convinced two of her girlfriends to try D&D for the first time. She said her friends have been D&D curious for awhile now, ever since Vox Machina hit Prime. We will refer to them by their D&D character names, Belle and Nix. They were super nice ladies and got along well with everyone in the group. Their characters however... Complete psychopaths, which I kinda expected out of Belle who played a barbarian, but not out of Nix who played a druid. The war crimes these ladies committed... It was all a great amount of fun. I also learned from these ladies. Belle is a photographer and showed me how to do better mood lighting. She brought in some kind of round reflective fabric discs and it really brightened up the candlelight at the table without having to turn on the LED lights. And Nix used to be a bartender, she showed me how to make many drinks, and no ones goblet ever went empty. I had never had a New York Sour before but she whipped some up with port wine floating on top that looked and tasted amazing. She definitely took it a step up from the usual craft beers, bourbons, and margarita's that we usually have. 10/10 would recommend befriending both photographers and bartenders for D&D play.
Before anyone asks, yes we definitely tried playing D&D from the hot tub. While a good idea in theory, it does not work in practice. The little floating poker table was not nearly large enough, but we had to at least try it.
My buddy and I got to the cabin Friday afternoon and started to set things up before the girls got there. We decided on pizza's so I got started making the dough and tossing the other ingredients in the fridge. Holy crap the kitchen in this cabin was amazing. I am not a chef, but the pizza's everyone made on the first night were all great. After dinner we went out back and buried the character sheets of our fallen breeder characters. It was a small ceremony, but the good times were remembered. Afterwards, we costumed up and had the start of our session. Just a little romp around Waterdeep ending in Undermountain. Play ended around midnight, but we went to bed way later.
Saturday was epic. We went to this little cafe for a late breakfast at this place Jessica said was amazing. Definitely little, only had 5 or 6 tables. Had strawberry jalapeno waffles and was it ever worth the drive. Got to know the Nix and Belle a little more, they had some great stories to tell. We all enjoyed the hot tub more and the view. Dinner was lots of buffalo chicken wings on the grill, cornbread in cast iron, a small salad, and fruit cups with lots of sweet cream. The deserts the ladies baked for snacks for the game were amazing, and the mint chocolate chip brownies were my favorite.
We all did dishes, got cleaned up, and then back into costume for a 12 hour adventure that went way to late. It was not my best writing, but on short notice I think I did well. The plot was the characters met at the estate of our friends who didn't come because of kids. They had to meet there because of the reading of the last will and testament of their characters who were murdered. I heavily took inspiration from an early Acquisitions Incorporated live game. The party basically killed, maimed, or buried alive all the family members our fallen comrades. It was quite the "Who done it" style mystery.
Sunday there was no play, as we went till the sun came up and finished. We all slept past noon. The rest of the day was full of drinking everything we had left, going out for dinner, and coming back to watch a few movies, drinking more, take tons of pictures, and just enjoying life. I highly recommend smoking hookah in a hot tub 10/10 would do again. We smoked Trifecta Peppermint Shake, and it was delicious. We stayed up having good time and one by one we went to bed.
Checkout this morning was rough. There was not enough coffee in the world. I've stopped at 4 coffee places since we left. The scenic route home has been pretty awesome. Stopped a few places to take pics. This was definitely a live play weekend to remember. Still kinda bummed that Steve and Lindsey decided not to come. None of us are casting them aside, but it is unlikely they will be joining again anytime soon. Nix and Belle are awesome though and new friends are good. Soon I'll be dropping my buddy from Seattle off at the airport and then it is back home for some much needed rest. Ahhh the silence of a home with no children in it. I'm looking forward to it.
submitted by sadclownwp to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:33 Repulsive_Coat_3130 Help Us Launch with Your Support!

Hey, Reddit!
I'm a passionate foodie with a dream to share my love for egg rolls with the world. I'm excited to announce the launch of Eggs on a Roll, a food truck that will specialize in mouthwatering, homemade egg rolls right here in Seattle!
I've spent years perfecting my recipes, and I can't wait to bring them to life in a food truck that will roam the streets, bringing deliciousness to every corner. From classic pork and vegetable egg rolls to unique flavors like cheeseburger and pizza or sweet dessert egg rolls, our menu will have something for everyone.
But I need your help to make this dream a reality! Starting a food truck business requires funding for a truck, kitchen equipment, licenses, and more. That's why I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds, and I would be incredibly grateful for any support you can provide.
Your contribution will not only help launch Eggs on a Roll but also support a small, local business and bring a unique culinary experience to our community. Every dollar counts, and every share helps spread the word. Top 5 donors will have the option to suggest a better name that we will put to an online poll
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you're able to support us, please visit our GoFundMe page. And even if you can't contribute financially, a share or an upvote would mean the world to me!
Let's make egg roll dreams come true together!
submitted by Repulsive_Coat_3130 to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 19:21 FalconHopeful197 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3. STORY PREDICTION

It has been one year since the event of DR Ivo Robotnik, the master emerald, and knuckles the echidna, and sonic the hedgehog officially had a different life since sonic 2. Sonic the hedgehog is now a delivery person and delivers different objects for the citizens of the United States of America, he delivers technology from, iPhones, headphones, Nintendo switches, objects from, bowling balls, soccer balls, rugby balls, and tennis balls, he also delivers takeaway foods, like McDonald’s, KFC. Chinese, and Pizza Hut, sonic the hedgehog roughly makes one million and five hundred thousand dollars per day. Miles tails prower has created a workshop where he creates new inventions and fixes equipment for the citizens of the united states of America. And knuckles the echidna, travels around planet earth looking the chaos emeralds, as he runs through a snowy Mountain, we see a village with wooded houses, and a bunch of G.U.N soldiers tossed a blue chaos emerald like a snowball, sonic loves his life, he loves petting the dog, he loves hugging tails, he loves doing karate with knuckles, he loves splashing in the sea with Thomas, he loves baking cakes with Madeline, sonic tails and knuckles plays mario kart on the Nintendo switch, create fortresses, eat chilli dogs grapes and mint candy, comfort each other in thunder storms, go to parades, run around castles, eats food at the olive garden and more, and then a massive change happens in Sonics life, DR Ivo Robotnik and agent stone invaded the G.U.N headquarters witch causes an entire corridor to blow up, DR ivo Robotnik then unleashes the military’s top secret weapon and the worlds ultimante life form titled, shadow the hedgehog, once shadow awakens, he grants Robotniks wish and causes massacres, first at the g.u.n headquarters, and then the Louvre art museum where he steals a chaos emerald, shadow then destroys the Wachowskis household with bombs,sonic runs around the streets of San Francisco, billings, and Seattle, with a giant truck with buzz saws chasing after him, now sonic the hedgehog, miles tails prower and knuckles the echidna, must go on a world tour, travel to different countries and collect the 14 chaos emeralds, they run through the jungles of Brazil, the beaches and a roller coaster in Los Angeles, run around bridges and white tents of Sydney, run around the streets of Italy and France, go to a castle in Russia, run around the streets and parks of New York, do some sword fighting, create fireballs, eat Chinese food and sit onto people in china, dance play drums and hang with elephants in India, go to Japan for a big musical number about the future and go to a buffet restaurant witch is a western and circus themed, run away from the police in the United Kingdom, defeat a 20 FT female golden statue, suck up ghost, defeat Badniks, dash through lasers, fight Shadow the hedgehog, and run through a secret temple in a pyramid in Egypt, and rocket out into space and travel to a secret space station titled, the central space station, (no it is not called the space colony arc. This movie is not sonic adventure 2 what so ever, only a few bits are SA2), along the way, sonic meets a new female hedgehog titled Amy rose, who can run super fast, smash things with her hammer, read tarot cards, and can also tell the future with a green Crystal, Thomas and Madeline must travel to landmarks to discover shadow the hedgehog, will Sonic tails knuckles and Amy must defeat DR ivo Robotnik, teach shadow the power of friendship, and save the world, before half of the moon blows up, and a massive asteroid destroys planet earth, and if that happens, dr Ivo Robotnik will officially create the Robotnik empire, first people will be put to sleep with white sleeping gas, the sky will be in flames and fireballs will fall down on the ground, people will be forced to eat grass, fall into a pool filled with orange slime, create and build badniks, being tied up on radios, Robotnik living in a golden castle, people rubbing robotniks feet, cleaning him and gives him what he wants,
submitted by FalconHopeful197 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:33 deservetobleed I have BPD and that makes me unlovable.

Do I deserve this?
There is no way to explain how complicated this is. I didn’t even want to write this all down, nor do I expect anyone to read this at how convoluted this all is. I’m really sorry.
I was abused as a child and bullied my entire life for having a movement disorder that could have been prevented if my mother didn’t neglect me. I didn’t have a dad growing up and eventually, my mom remarried an arrogant man who sexually harassed me. I became friends with this boy in high school, I can’t remember the details but we wrote each other letters, poems? It all feels like a dream, now. I knew he had a crush on me, I just liked that someone liked me. I figured he just liked me because I was a girl, and when I graduate from high school, it will all be over.
I don’t know what happened but it continued until after high school. My life at home was brutal, I had to move to my grandmother’s house to escape it. Life was good for a moment. I was able to make friends, now. No one was bullying me because this isn’t high school, anymore. He still liked me. Now, I was bisexual. I was also non-committal and I expected nobody to love me seriously ever because of the abuse I went through with my narcissistic mother, my stepdad and the bullies. I’ve had girlfriends, mostly, and these were all online. I had boyfriends, too. They were all online and felt unreal. With Luis, it felt real. It felt serious. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. I treated him like shit without meaning to. When he would tell me he loves me, I’d ghost him. For months. I only texted him when a girlfriend would dump me, or when the boy I like was giving me a hard time. I always went after men who are unavailable. Unattainable.
My pattern in dating was: i would date them for six months to a year, and then take two years to heal from it before entering a new relationship. But here’s the problem: I would always attempt suicide. I think deep down, I knew I was unlovable and people will grow tired of me and I needed a reason to die. I’ve been suicidal for as young as I can remember, since my mother remarried. Then, I would self harm, I didn’t notice the pattern until last year when my best friend who had bipolar disorder passed away from suicide. She entered the same fate as me, had multiple attempts except this time, she succeeded. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and this only made sense when i really looked into my past relationships and how i treated them, how i reacted to triggers. All that.
I would not regret dropping my friends for the entire six months when I’m dating someone, I don’t even ask to hang out. I’m a shitty friend. I end up making my entire life revolve around my partner. If they didn’t reply for more than six hours, i’d be cutting. If they fall asleep on me, I’d be angry. I thought I was just anxious losing them and this would be gone if I met the right person. That the right person won’t make me anxious, won’t make me second-guess if they love me or not. The truth? I needed them to be just as intensely attentive and clingy as I am or else I’d feel like they’ve forgotten all about me.
My last girlfriend, kris - and this will be my last girlfriend ever, i will find out later on, because i can’t talk to women anymore without feeling intimidated, dumped me in 2018. i remember this. i was 22, she was 29, it crushed me. she lived in fucking seattle and i live in southeast asia, i should have not been fucking crushed. but i was. i had a benzo problem, along with drinking a bit too much when i’m depressed. so i mixed the two, attempted. i remember always sending luis video of me when i’m high. i don’t know. we were friends. that’s it.
so i attempted, and guess who comes over? my friends + him. they kept me occupied. i remember one of them brought pizza, and coke. i miss having friends. i used to be so loved like that. luis kinda stayed later and my friends had to go home because their houses were far, i appreciate them coming over because i was suicidal and heartbroken. none of my friends drink alcohol except for me and luis, needless to say, we were drunk and i had my first kiss at 22.
kris, my last girlfriend, made me realize how much of a bad partner i was, how much she would cry because of me, how much of a shit person i was. i vowed to never date another woman ever, because honestly, she was the first girl to ever point out to me that i treat my girlfriends like shit. i stayed single for two years. i had so many trials and tribulations. i lost my job around the time kris dumped me, i did sex work as my main source of income online. about two years later, i meet this guy. his name is kei. and he just. swept me off my feet.
before kei, and right after my breakup with kris, luis would take me to the movies as friends. we’d hang in cafes, go to concerts, he was my buddy because in my home, i wasnt allowed to go out at all, because of my condition, because my grandma and mother saw me as this disgusting, incapable disabled child. i was only allowed to go out when i’m with luis. even now, at the age of 27, i am not allowed outside. at this point, i gave up and became a NEET.
so, i had luis in the time of my breakup. right? then i meet kei around the time the pandemic happened? we only dated for six months and my god, were me and him so toxic for each other, all the things i did to kris, i might have done to kei and i might have been just as bad to him because he’d say things like you never listen to me. or i dont think youll ever be sober. he got tired of taking care of me. i had an eating disorder. i was drinking almost every day, i would also take my pills before hanging out with him.
thats the thing i noticed: i have sever social anxiety, so i can only enter vcs when im drunk. the pandemic happened and i moved cities, as well, so luis couldnt hang out with me anymore. when i was suicidal, and i attempted, my mom got so annoyed at me and didnt even want to drive me to the hospital, it was my grandmother that made her.
nobody fucking cares about me like luis, he’d introduce me to all his friends, so i can have someone to talk to. a community. i felt involved. i didnt feel alone.
here’s the thing, back in 2018 to 2019, when i was freshly broken up with, luis was still in love with me but never made a move. eventually, he asked me out and i couldnt say yes. my grandma wouldnt allow it, i was a coward for saying that. then one day, he wasnt replying so i asked one of his friends, and he said idk maybe sleeping at his gfs place and i was like what gf ok and then i realized he was already dating someone and i cant remember how i reacted. i thought he wanted to date me. i guess not. i was unsure, if i wanted this serious commitment so i let it go. little did i know, his girlfriend, who he had been dating for four years, would constantly use my friendship with him as leverage in their arguments??? i find this out when we started dating earlier this year. i told him if your girlfriend wants to drop your ex, you should, it was a whole argument, he was like well why should i if were good friends? im not responsible for her insecurities. then i remember hes still friends with someone i introduced him to that traumatized me so hes not really the best contender for that.
i just realized this is so much backstory, anyways the girl he was dating and him were long term but he dumped her essentially because she was too clingy and needy and entitled to his time, and then my best friend died, because she had a npd partner who treated her like shit and he dumped her, essentially and the pain was unbearable she committed suicide. this all happened late last year, 2023. i was in a manic episode,.that i DID NOT KNOW. and slept with luis’ best friend, then slept with luis, because he didnt care i slept with his best friend, i dont understand this part either. and i told their exes i slept with their exes so they stopped blaming the men (there was rumors about them being pieces of shit so the hatred can all be pinned to me). IT WAS ALL JUST ESEX (I KNOW ITS LAME. im 27 having esex, i should kill myself. i will, dont worry. i will) and luis got pissed.
luis got so pissed, he told me to fuck off. he said some hurtful things. my best friend is dead, the man who i thought would stay on my side gave up on me, what did i expect? weeks later, i enter a psychward. i get out around january of 2024.
i message luis again. at this point, im starting fresh. he saw me in a new light, we start dating, we break up only after a few days because he saw just how attached and anxious i am, i wanted to enter the psych ward so i can get over him and forget him, clearly that didnt work.
i wanna fucking die i dont wanna keep writing this. we remained friends with benefits, but guess what? i kept my feelings for him. i still dont have any friends outside of him, my online friends hate my guts because im letting my life be ruined by a man who doesnt even care about me.
he dropped me a few days ago because i got angry at him for falling asleep on call and it was his last straw. now, i’m looking up where to buy SN so i can commit suicide.
i always felt deeply for him, but he was taken, and i know i couldnt handle a real long-term serious relationship when i was this fucked up. i have no self-control. look at where that got me. even days before, i was begging him to be on call with me because i don’t know when the last time ill be able to hear his voice or interact with him. and luis is also suicidal, now i cant look after him because he wont share anything to me and hes angry.
i understand he has to be away from me. ive hurt him. but i am anxious 24/7, i cant talk about this to anyone else because i have ZERO friends and this feels like a six month long therapy session with someone. oh im also jobless and broke and refuse to do sex work anymore. im exhausted. i understand why he wouldnt want to date me but at least we were friends. and he did ask to be exclusive weeks ago only to ask for a breakup three ways later when we had a conversation about our trauma and how he doesnt really wanna face it but when he does, he dumps me. i’m so fucking exhausted.
i find out he stayed friends with me because hes afraid i was gonna kill myself and he fought so hard to keep me in his life despite his long term girlfriend asking to stop talking to me because hes afraid i was gonna kill myself. and oh, also that he cares.
made me feel like fucking shit.
now, im doing nothing but sleeping and looking at my phone, doomscrolling and checking if he fucking replies to me, he has no online presence. i dont know what to do anymore. he told me to leave him alone. 13 years of that, gone? do you think he really doesnt love me anymore, what is happening.
i want to throw up i feel like shit i feel like everything is my fault it is my fault i cant just be normal for once i dont even know what help i need anymore i just want to give up and die
submitted by deservetobleed to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:26 Tdanasaur Local Things to Do

With the sub opening back up and with the knowledge that the Port Orchard population is going to explode in the next few years I thought it would be a good time to post an informal list of stuff and things that I enjoy doing in the local area! Note that this is my personal list, it is by no means exhaustive, and it is in no particular order. I’m hoping to hear some other things that people enjoy so I can add them to my list too!
Yoked Farmhouse and Brewery: Dog-friendly, chill brewery with a fun atmosphere and good food
Taqueria El Rey: Best Mexican food in PO imho
Damn Fine Pizza: Has lived up to its name both times I went
Puerto Vallarta: Food isn’t as good as Taqueria El Rey, but they do have margaritas
Khao Soi: New Thai place just opened up downtown (same business as the one in Bremerton). Great food
Activities/ Shops
Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway: 1-mile-long paved trail along the inlet. Perfect for walking or biking
South Kitsap Regional Park: Huge park to wander around in. Also has a skatepark, a small BMX track, and TINY TRAINS that run FOR FREE every other Saturday from April to October
Manchester State Park: Decent sized park with campsites, an old sea-mine storage house that you can rent out for parties, and the foundations of some could-have-been gun batteries if they hadn’t chosen Bainbridge Island during WWII
VanZee Park: Has a disk golf course, a good amount of space for picnicking, and what I can only assume to be a water reservoir that you can rollerblade or play basketball on top of
Howe Farm Park: Large park with an off-leash dog area. If you wanna socialize your dog this was the best place I found
Downtown wandering: Downtown has had a glow up in the past few years! Places I personally recommend are C-Side Records, Farmer Rosie’s Café, and aimless wandering through the various vintage stores
Find the Path Books: a bookstore downtown that has a nice loft where a few people can enjoy a coffee while reading
St. Vincent de Paul: A thrift store that I strongly prefer over Goodwill. Historically had significantly better prices, but unfortunately has been getting closer to Goodwill pricing in recent years
PenAxe: Axe throwing in a mall that’s also in the midst of a significant glow up
Hi Joy Bowling: Bowling alley that’s open late on Friday and Saturday
Port Orchard foot ferry: Significantly superior way to take a trip to Bremerton compared to driving. Kitsap Transit also periodically uses the ferry “Carlisle II” for this route, which is from 1917 and is the oldest still operational Mosquito Fleet vessel!
Port Orchard Farmer’s Market: Saturdays from April to October. No offense to the Bremerton Farmer’s Market but this one is superior
Port Orchard Night Market: Kind of like the farmer’s market, but at night! Dates for 2024 are 6/15, 7/13, 8/17, and 9/14 per their website
Fun Local Things Slightly Outside of PO
Brother’s Greenhouse: Greenhouse with a Hobbit Hole and a decent houseplant selection
Rodeo Drive-In Theatre: They do double features that start around dusk. I recommend bringing a small FM radio (or renting one from the theatre) to not drain your car battery
Dickerson Creek: Easy, beautiful hike with a waterfall
Green Mountain (Gold Creek Trail): A fun training hike with views of the Olympics on the west side and Seattle/ the Cascades on the east side
Bremerton: 15 minute ferry ride away (and then you don’t have to worry about parking). Downtown Btown has three theaters, Ashley’s Pub (a board game bar), a couple museums, and a bunch of restaurants that have been popping up recently
Port Gamble: Fun little town on the north side of the peninsula. Decent drive relative to most things on this list, but Butcher and Baker is highly recommended for food
submitted by Tdanasaur to PortOrchard [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 03:21 Moses_Horwitz Frustrations mount from Seattle business owners after slew of break-ins on 1-block stretch

... The shops along a one-block stretch of NE 55th Street are seeing repeated break-ins and some worry there’s no end in sight. The thefts are done with crow bars, by breaking windows or even ramming storefronts with cars.
Michael W Farrell Jeweler, Spinnaker Chocolate, Mioposto Pizzeria and La Villa Mexican restaurant have all been burglarized numerous times, and other shops along the commercial row are seeing their own problems with crime.
“It happens on a pretty regular cadence. I know we've been broken into four or five times,” said Kelly Van Arsdale of Spinnaker Chocolate.

submitted by Moses_Horwitz to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:28 AmigoDelDiabla Why hasn't Chicago pizza been exported to other states?

Reading another post (food rec's in Seattle), and a common thread is that good pizza is non-existent. Spent a week at a sibling's place in Denver and she said the same thing. Lived in SoCal for a few years and also noticed pizza sucked. I've heard this about a few other cities too (mainly west of the Mississippi).
So why haven't budding entrepreneurs opened pizza shops in cities devoid of quality pizza? It wouldn't have to be deep dish; could be tavern style as well?
Just seems like there's such an unmet demand and it's not like opening a pizza place has some high barrier to entry.
Curious what people who've lived outside of Chicago have to say about this.
submitted by AmigoDelDiabla to chicago [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 22:11 Lenarios88 Most Expensive Slice of Pizza

As the title says whats the most expensive single slice of pizza youv either had or encountered then passed on recently and context like what city, country, etc. Not complaining since I either look it up prior or dont buy it myself if Im not up for it. Just curious as far as others experiances with this traditionally affordable tasty food.
For me bar none would be Toni Gemignani's slice house spots at SF sports games at $15 a slice and if stadium markup is cheating Roccos here in Seattle is $8 per for plain cheese and after paying surcharges for things like not paying cash/using a card in 2024, etc closer to 12. In both cases quality pizza to be fair I just remember living in NYC not all that many years ago and as overpriced as everything there is 24hr dollar slice spots existing.
Also inb4 the usual poors should all just eat frozen totinos and costco pizza and avoid actual pizzerias and damn you Joe Biden why did you did this to me?
submitted by Lenarios88 to inflation [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:56 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2024-04-22

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 00:45 Friendly-Monitor6903 Brewers Association Announces Top 50 Largest Craft Brewing Companies For 2023 (Forbes - Apr 16, 24)

The Brewers Association, the trade association representing America’s small and independent breweries, released its annual review of production figures for the U.S. craft brewing industry. As part of that annual release, the Association also ranks America’s largest craft brewers by production, a list that is watched by the industry to identify beer trends.
In 2023, the number of breweries grew to an all-time high of 9,683, directly employing 191,421 people. Despite the year being challenging for the craft beer industry—overall production declined by 1.0% from 2022—brewery openings outpaced closures, though the rate of openings has slowed dramatically in recent years. Because craft beer is priced at a premium, sales dollars grew in 2023, despite the small decline in volume.
I think these numbers show that while craft beer is no longer seeing the incredible growth of five or six years ago, the industry is doing fine,” said Bart Watson, chief economist with the Brewers Association in a telephone interview. In looking at changes to the list of the largest craft breweries, Watson notes, “A number of breweries are achieving growth by combining forces. Also, there are some breweries doing something new and different that seems to be an effective strategy to achieve growth.”
The 50 largest craft breweries in America are:
D. G. Yuengling and Son Inc (Pottsville,PA) Boston Beer Co (Boston, MA and Milton, DE) Sierra Nevada Brewing Co (Chico, CA) Duvel Moortgat USA (Paso Robles, CA; Kansas City, MO; and Cooperstown, NY) Gambrinus (Shiner, TX and Berkeley, CA) Tilray Beer Brands (Atlanta, GA; Montauk, NY; San Diego, CA; Bend, OR; Seattle, WA; Portland, OR;Breckenridge, CO; and Patchogue, NY) Artisanal Brewing Ventures (Downingtown, PA; Lakewood, NY; and Brooklyn, NY) Brooklyn Brewery (Brooklyn, NY) Monster Brewing (Longmont, CO; Tampa, FL; Salt Lake City, UT; Comstock, MI; and Dallas, TX) Athletic Brewing Company (Milford, CT) New Glarus Brewing Co (New Glarus, WI) Deschutes Brewery (Bend, OR) Matt Brewing Co (Utica, NY) Gordon Biersch Brewing Co (San Jose, CA) Allagash Brewing Company (Portland, ME) Georgetown Brewing Co (Seattle, WA) Great Lakes Brewing Company (Cleveland, OH) Harpoon Brewery (Boston, MA) Stevens Point Brewery (Stevens Point, WI) Three Floyds Brewing (Munster, IN) Pittsburgh Brewing Co (Pittsburgh, PA) Rhinegeist Brewery (Cincinnati, OH) Narragansett Brewing Co (Pawtucket, RI) August Schell Brewing Company (New Ulm, MN) Odell Brewing Co (Fort Collins, CO) Craft ‘Ohana (Maui/Modern Times) (Kihei, HI and San Diego, CA) Troegs Brewing Co (Hershey, PA) Fiddlehead Brewing (Shelburne, VT) Minhas Craft Brewery (Monroe, WI) Kings & Convicts Brewing (San Diego, CA) Alaskan Brewing Co. (Juneau, AK) Kona Brewing Hawaii (Kailua-Kona, HI) Abita Brewing Co (Covington, LA) Creature Comforts Brewing Co. (Athens, GA) Great Frontier Holdings (Eugene, OR and Portland, OR) BrewDog Brewing Co (Canal Winchester, OH) Summit Brewing Co (St. Paul, MN) Jack's Abby Brewing, LLC (Framingham, MA) Revolution Brewing (Chicago, IL) Montucky Cold Snacks (Bozeman, MT) Saint Arnold Brewing Co (Houston, TX) Lost Coast Brewery (Eureka, CA) Surly Brewing Company (Minneapolis, MN) Rogue Ales Brewery (Newport, OR) United States Beverage LLC (Salt Lake City, UT and Elmsford, NY) Shipyard Brewing Co (Portland, ME) Pizza Port (Carlsbad, CA) Coronado Brewing Co (Coronado, CA) Drake's Brewing Co (San Leandro, CA) IndieBrew (Atlanta, GA and Nashville, TN)
Note: For 2023, means Tilray adding 8 brews in the fall of 2023 and major expansion to SweetWater Brewery in Atlanta Oct/Nov 23, Tilray has gone up this list even only a quarter into 2024. 👍
submitted by Friendly-Monitor6903 to TLRY [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 14:35 StraightMemory2648 37.M ¿Soy la mala por decir que no todo se trata de tu hijo?

¿Soy la mala por decir que no todo se trata de tu hijo?

Estaba teniendo una pequeña fiesta de cumpleaños para mi hijo. Decidimos ir a su lugar de pizza favorito. Tanto mi cuñada como mi hija son vegetarianas y les pregunté a ambas qué tipo de pizza querían y ambas eligieron la pizza de jardín con todas las verduras. También teníamos pepperoni y una para los amantes de la carne, pan de ajo con queso, alitas y una ensalada italiana. Mucha comida para la cena además del pastel y el helado más tarde.

Mi hermano llega con su nueva novia y su hijo. Nunca he conocido a este niño. Yo era una mamá extremadamente ocupada con mis 3 hijos y 4 primos más. La novia preguntó dónde estaba la pizza de queso y le dije que no teníamos queso. Ella comenzó a reclamarle a mi hermano sobre cómo podía no decirle a su familia que su hijo solo le gusta la pizza de queso y dijo algo sobre que era por su autismo. Le dije que teníamos pan de ajo con queso, pero al niño tampoco le gustaba eso. Luego sugerí que podía tomar un pedazo extra grande de pastel. Era blanco con chispas. A su hijo solo le gustaba el pastel de chocolate.

Alrededor de este momento, mi hijo y sus otros primos comenzaron a discutir sobre Fortnite y la nueva actualización, y mi hijo decidió que quería el pase de batalla del airbender y me distraje con eso y registrando al primo en el switch de mi hija.

La novia me pidió que ordenara una pizza de queso para su hijo para que pudiera tener algo para comer. Le respondí bruscamente con "no todo se trata de tu hijo".

Luego me distraje con mi hija gritándole a su primo porque no quería que jugara en su switch con las manos grasientas de pollo. Fui a calmar eso.

Después, cuando llegó la hora del pastel y el helado, noté que mi hermano, su novia y su hijo se fueron.

Recibí un largo mensaje de texto de mi hermano sobre cómo podía intimidar a un niño y a su madre y qué ejemplo tan horrible estoy dando para mis hijos. No siento que haya estado fuera de lugar y ella fue una invitada grosera y ahora mi hermano y yo no estamos hablando.
submitted by StraightMemory2648 to formy [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 03:48 Friendly-Monitor6903 San Diego Padres Stadium- Tilray Beer Sales

Toronto Blue Jays playing in San Diego. I checked on line for Tilray recent involvement in Petco Stadium Impressive in just 7 months. 👀👀👀 Alpine Beer sold thru out the Stadium plus Alpine has a sit down Rooftop taproom/ restaurant. Nelson / GreenFlash beers, ShockTop sold thru out the stadium.
Listed in the program 👀👀👀Essential stop outside the stadium 10 Barrel Brewing Brew Pub 👀👀👀10 Barrel a Tilray brewer from Seattle.
Following is online descriptions: “In the time since Petco Park first opened, the San Diego beer scene has exploded. Inside the park is no exception, with high octane hops washing away the leak-inducing legacy of watered-down corporate domestics. With all the craft beer drinking going on around the stadium, San Diego might need to rename their team to something with a little more hops and grain to it. San Diego Porters? The Pint-dres? We’ve got it… the San Diego IPA-dres
Beer List
A beer menu of the most important taps, cans and bottles sighted in the stadium: AleSmith Beach Run, Cloud Stream, Clásico Mexican Lager, Hazy .394 Pale Ale, San Diego Pale Ale .394, Split Aces West Coast, Stereophile Hazy DIPA, San Diego State Ale Blonde and the deliciously hopped-up Party Tricks IPA 👀Alpine Duet IPA, Infinite Haze, Nelson IPA, Windows Up👀👀👀👀 Ballast Point Watermelon Dorado, Catamaran DIPA, Sculpin IPA, Hazy Sculpin, Pineapple Sculpin, Longfin Lager, Swinging Friar Ale (Most Popular), Wee Gus American Light and the sunny Speedboat Salt & Lime Blonde Ale Budweiser Bud, Seltzer & Bud Light, Zero Burgeon Treevana West Coast IPA Coronado Palm Sway, Salty Crew, Weekend Vibes Eppig Natural Bridge: Special Lager Elysian Dank Dust, Space Dust IPA Estrella Jalisco Golden Road Mango Cart, Ride On 10 Hop Hazy IPA 👀Green Flash San Diego Fuego and the popular Electric Cruiser and Harland Hazy IPA👀👀👀👀 Hodad’s Hesher IPA, Surf Punk Lager, Throwback Brown Karl Strauss Follow the Sun Pils, Boat Shoes Hazy IPA, Aurora Hoppyalis IPA, Red Trolley Ale, Tangible Fruited IPA, Tower X, When Worlds Collide IPA, Windansea Wheat, Frank The Dank DIPA, Kings & Convicts Captain Freelove Blonde, Crouchback King Pale Ale, Diashō Lager, Haze in the Park IPA, Sir Romeo IPA Kona Big Wave, Longboard Lager, Kona Light Michelob Ultra Modelo Especial Pacifico Pizza Port Mongo Double IPA, Backyard Explorer, Chronic Amber, Swami’s IPA, Bacon & Eggs, Coastal Access, California Honey Blonde Ale, Everyday Enjoyment, Joys of Summer, Ponto S.I.P.A., Remote Location, Spring Thrills and the wildly popular Designated Hopper Puesto Clara, Puesto Negra Resident No-No Joe’s Double IPA 👀Shocktop👀👀👀 Societe The Pupil SouthNorte AgaveMente, Sea Señor! Mexican Lager, Mango IPA, Sea Reina Dark Lager Stella Artois WestBrew Double Header, Full Count and more…
New in 2023: AleSmith Session .394 in City Connect colors and the 👀👀new Alpine Beer Company Rooftop Taproom. Alpine Beer Company (New): Taproom located at the south end of the ballpark in section 309 with stunning bay views and a broad selection of local craft beer.👀👀👀👀👀
Beer Prices: How much does beer cost at Petco Park?
👀Prices are in the ballpark can surpass the $18 mark after tax. 👀👀 So about $1 a sip. Don’t spill any on that guy in the Clayton Kershaw jersey, it’s not worth it!
Essential stops outside the stadium
If you are visiting Petco Park and love beer, plan on spending some extra time at these places near the ballpark. Bay City Downtown Tasting Room, 627 8th Ave. Indoooutdoor areas with takeout growlers for tailgating Mission Brewery, 131 14th St., with indoooutdoor space and recyclable plastic growlers for tailgating East Village Brewing, 201 Park Blvd Eppig Tasting Room – New – 795 J St. 👀10 Barrel Brewing, 1501 E St.👀👀👀”
Tilray is developing businesses within numerous stadiums around the US. 👍
submitted by Friendly-Monitor6903 to TLRY [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:54 Shepard_Drake We Are Probably the Most Fortunate Franchise of the Last Almost 2 Decades, and I Just Want to Gush Over This Franchise for a Moment

We are probably the luckiest and most fortunate franchise as a whole since our inception.
Think about all of the luxuries we've had:
3 top 30 players all-time on the team at the same time, right after our christening as a new team.
Finals run within 4 years.
7 superstars and future Hall of Famers (Russ, KD, Harden, Paul George, Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, Domantas Sabonis), with the potential for at least 3 more in our current core alone (Shai, Chet, J-Dub)
One of the most winningest franchises over the last 15 years outside of San Antonio
We've been a part of SO much NBA history outside of our own team, including (but not limited to)
Being the team LeBron won his first title against
Knocking a contending Kobe and his Lakers out of the playoffs
Knocking the Big 3 Spurs out of the playoffs multiple times
Taking the greatest regular season team in history to 7 games in the conference finals
Being ground zero and the first NBA game affected by the Covid pandemic
Being the team LeBron was playing when he became the all-time leading scorer
Our players have been parts of so many mainstream memes -- the Russ "WhAt?!" meme, "Mom made pizza rolls", "you the real MVP", the Russ "ahhh" meme, etc. It's hard to think of another team that has players who were a part of as many mainstream memes as ours.
We have the best GM in the league by a mile, one of the best owners who seems to really care about the team and is not afraid to pay the tax when strategically necessary, one of-if not the best coach in the NBA who is also one of the youngest, the best scouting agents in the league, the most draft picks and it's not even close, arguably the best player in the NBA (will likely be within the next 2-3 seasons, or at least neck and neck with Luka and Wemby), we have one of the youngest cores in NBA history who are already one of the best teams in the league. Sam Presti is literally out here handling GM like he's playing NBA2K, it's unreal. Somehow our rebuild lasted 2 YEARS. There are teams out there who have been stuck in purgatory FOR DECADES. There's never been anything like what Sam has done, and who knows if there ever will be again.
There's no drama (aside from the Giddey thing, but that was unfounded and seems to be over), no egos, our team LOVES playing together in a way I've not seen in any other team I think ever, and it feels genuine most importantly. Our players don't flop, they don't whine to the refs, they're so incredibly likeable not only to Thunder fans but also to the entire NBA community. Sam is such a positive, genuinely good hearted person. Remember the last couple of season when he'd sign our two-way players at the end of the season even though the plan was ultimately to cut them, just so they could get some extra money to support themselves? Who else have you EVER heard of doing that? It's such a wholesome and compassionate move, and speaks volumes about how this franchise is built top to bottom.
The sky isn't the limit for our future, it's the galaxy. We are so incredibly set for the next decade that it's unreal. Not to mention the fact we have a new arena that thankfully was voted for, so we avoided the Seattle disaster, and they'll be here until at least 2050.... We are SO amazingly fortunate, and it's almost hard to believe it's real sometimes.
I just can't gush over this entire franchise and how amazing we have it. I have lived in OKC my entire life, I graduated high school the season after the Thunder moved here, and so I remember the dark ages before they came, and how much they changed our city and put us on the map and what they brought to our community.
We are so spoiled and I know my fellow Oklahomans and Thunder fans are passionate and love the team, but maybe some aren't aware of just how lucky we are comparatively to the other franchises out there. Look at Detroit, or Charlotte, or DC; we could very easily be them if Sam wasn't the literal wizard he is and we didn't have the amazing staff and players we do/did. I didn't think it was possible to replicate the high I felt during our first era when we were on top of the world and went to finals, but now I think Sam has pulled of yet another magic trick and has done it again.
Anyway, I just wanted to reflect on the incredible journey it's already been for us, and we're STILL one of the newest teams, so our history is just continuing to be written.
Hopefully this year we get to add a title to that resume?? :)
submitted by Shepard_Drake to Thunder [link] [comments]