Awesome statuses

Drunk Times

2012.07.15 18:43 jizzabeth Drunk Times

Everyone has that stupid drunk story, drunk confession, etc. All drunk things go here whether you must get it off your chest or you just feel like sharing your great night with Reddit. Drunk pictures, videos, texts statuses, and stories are all welcomed here

2024.06.09 19:38 skoov15 Delayed production and support

I put in an order on the 27th of May, expecting shipping soon after. I received a mail soon after that there are some production delays, but that my order would be shipped soon enough.
I sent support a follow up mail last week to confirm status of my order but have yet to receive any feedback. It’s been two weeks since I placed my order, but I’m going to be traveling in about a month - So I’m just concerned whether my order will be shipped in time 😭
I thought dbrand support was supposed to be awesome based on things I’ve read/heard in the past, so a bit disappointed with this.
submitted by skoov15 to dbrand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 darkarts__ Node.js Core Concept without any Frameworks

NOTE = "Skip to 9th Paragraph for the meat";
I've been doing Cododev's Node.js core concept course after hearing very great things about it in this sub. I'm a big fan of - - low level programming - rebuilding framework from scratch - diving deeper into source code
I've worked as a Data Scientist and an Application Developer (Flutter). Dart has a strong backend support but since I was a complete beginner in Backend, it was hard for me to straight away start with Adapters, Middlewares and Routing.
I tried express but it felt like cheating.When I say app = Express() I get a server. What the fuck is a server??? With Firebase and Cloud, I was getting even more confused.
I wanted to learn Go, Axum, Spring, Node and I was evaluating - actually wasting time without learning anything because everywhere they were using some framework which felt like a black box and I needed a low level guide that ensures i become a backend master by the end of it.
Characteristic of a good course is it just doesn't teach you the code, it teaches you the algorithm and constructs which you could use in any language or tool you wish and that's when I found out about Cododev.
Why I decided to go with his Node. js course - 1. It was talking about basics before even touching HTTP for 30 hours. 2. He talked about TCP for 9 hours, HTTP for 9 hours, Taught UNix and C for 8 hours and a lot more... it's 50+ hour course. 3. You shouldn't measure a course by its length, so here's the projects which that course has -
Course isn't complete yet, moduls that are left are - 1. Encryption and Cryptography 2. Worker Threads (and multi threading? I don't know if Node is multi threaded, but whatever sort of Parallelism you could achieve with Isolates) 3. Security 4. Taking a huge open source project and Reimplementing the backend in the framework we started building from HTTP section.
What have I learned -
I now understand Binary, Hex, encoding ,ASCII, unicode(utf-8,16,32,..n), bytes, bits, how they relate to each other.
I understand the event emitters.. Events, .on(), .emit(), and could easily read docs for any such structure like Servers( they're EEs)
I understand Streams, How data is moved across places through memory, storage and network. I understand processing(CPU%), disk usage, and memory usage (of node's + high watermark value).
I understand Readable, Writable, Duplex and Transform Streams, and could implement them without the functions provided on file handle and I could manage and tweak how much memory or processing any Stream would use.
I understand about internal writable/readable buffers, buffer overflow, sync and async passage, safe/ unsafe streams, data event, end event, error event, drain event. Pausing, Resuming and Destroying a stream.
And at the end, piping and pipelines because that's the battle tested way but now I know both of those works and could even tweak source code at will.
Requests, Response, TCP Connection, Socket - they are all Streams.
Literally the bit level control over data, processing and memory - he taught me that.
I understand File Systems very well. On a server and on a client device. With streams, you could create a fully functional File system which can copy, move, delete, rename, create, etc. We did that.
Then he started with Networking. That was a journey. For hours he talked about followup things - 1. Internet 2. How it works 3. Communication 4. Wired Communication through Cables(he already taught us streams which is how communication or movement of data happen in memory and internal storage) 5. Switch, Cables, IP Addresses, Mac Addresses, Routers 6. Networking Layers and IANA. 7. Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, IP/Network Layer, TCP/ Transport Layer, and Application Layer. 8. DNS, IP Addresses - IPv4 and IPv6. Ports.
I'm sure I have missed something but you get the gist.. Now the course started properly. We started talking about TCP.
He literally went into Specifications, Headers, and on the wireshark captured the segments and made me understand how data flows throughout the entire world. I learnt about TCP Server in net module. It's events and methods. Clients(Socket Connection).
We then very casually hosted this Server on AWS. Made multiple clients and created a group chat with just readable and writable streams pausing, draining and resuming with a freaking Terminal UI. I was never as thrilled and understood chat application soo well.
We made a TCP and UDP uploader using which you could send your local files to any server through network using Streams with just TUI. We built an FTP protocol of our own.
At this time, without even knowing what HTTP and Web Server, I was able to Reimplement parts of Dart Shelf - A library in that allows you to create Middlewares and all.. Like implementing Requests, Response, headers and Servers from scratch, because it's the same thing with different syntax.
I then started with HTTP module. First of all I understood that I have already implemented HTTP while trying to make different custom protocols on top of TCP. That confidence boost was enough to go further -
I understood - all the headers - content type - mimes, content length, transfer encoding chunked, three way handshake, ack, syn was already done in TCP. - http versions, http headers, and body, HTTP methods ( for requests) - create, put, post, update, delete, head, get, option, etc and Idempotency and why adhering to it is important. - HTtP Responses ( For Responses) - Informational Range(1), Success Range(2), Redirect Range(3), Client Error(4), Server Error(5**). - We read IANA and MDN docs
He then started creating an express like framework. We started listening from a Server and used on() methods and functions to manage routes and sending different requests with different status codes.
I saw how if I returned HTML by writing it on a Response stream, it renders the freaking website. Fuck! I can also send audio, image, or any file type in the body through writing on the Response Stream at any required processing or Memory usage.
We implemented a routing functionality, a request handler and easy file transfer protocols and json protocols. I learned parsing and Stringifying and how even that is a cost.
Overall this framework can create a server like app = express(); about which I had no fucking clue about a month ago. Does JSON Parsing, Has an FTP, Handles routing for any kind of backend api structuring and send status codes. All in a chained method format..
Right now, I have just started building this Social Media application in the course using which we will develop our framework more.. I'm just starting this part of the course...
Over all I've never felt so confident in my backend skills and I have noticed that no matter in what language I see the backend code in - go, php, rust, Dart, python, Java, bun, deno, c, cpp - I understand it all. Everything makes perfect sense.
And I have only completed 60% of existing course. Course itself is 60% completed. I plan to use Dart anyways in my Flutter Apps but the crazy amount of knowledge this guy "Joseph" has poured into a course is unsurmountable.
For someone really experienced or a low level programmer, this might not be a big deal for a person completely new to backend and with very little knowledge of system programming and Linux - this course has been a freaking godsend.
That was my experience, Node is awesome! Thanks for reading.
submitted by darkarts__ to node [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 TooTallMcCall Suspected blastomycosis

Mixed breed (mostly husky/Canadian Eskimo dog with some lab) male neutered dog (70lb) with previous Lyme. We are 5 days into a suspected diagnosis of blastomycosis. We have started itraconazole and it’s been a rough ride. Very little sleep and a lot of worry.
What brought us to our vet was what we thought to be kennel cough which didn’t jive because he doesn’t go to dog parks or daycare. He is a home dog in the country (in Ontario). X-ray showed his lungs were affected and either to be cancer or blastomycosis. The X-ray looked more like blasto but confirming would be difficult without a sample and he was quite ill (laboured breathing, fever coughing up bloody sputum etc) and his age would make sedation risky.
So we started the meds Tuesday and we have barely slept since. We’ve seen some signs of improvement to his breathing which was encouraging but today we’ve slid back down. He has barely eaten all week but is drinking. I’m also wondering if his mental status is affected? He will not settle, especially at night. He paces the house, turns in circles and tries to lay down but makes it halfway down and then gets back up. He has arthritis from the Lyme and is on librela so this isn’t new - which just hadn’t seen it since the librela kicked in.
We are exhausted, worried, and so confused. Our vet is awesome and we do see him again Tuesday but even he acknowledges his experience with blastomycosis is limited as it is quite rare.
Looking for thoughts? Ideas on calming him? Ideas to get him to eat? Blastomycosis experience?
(Edited to add a detail I had missed)
submitted by TooTallMcCall to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:15 GhostHippieJack Pokémon: Create & Rate

Thought it might be fun.
Create an evolution or two of an existing Pokémon: - Max Base Stat Total not to exceed 580.
Create a starter line: -Water, Fire, or Grass. -Max Base Stat Total not to exceed 535. ~ Must complete Trio. (First person does fire, next water, then grass. Trio restarts.) -Don’t add TM moves just moves learned by leveling. -Give starter an alternate or split evolution.
Use whatever criteria you want to rate creations: concept, idea, names, stats, usefulness, signature attacks, Pokédex entries, etc.
Also, if there are artists that would be inspired to draw, bring these mons to life, that would be awesome.
Name: Komala Type: Normal Drowsing Pokémon Ability: Comatose - The Pokémon is always asleep but can still attack. HP: 65 Attack: 115 Defense: 65 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 95 Speed: 65 Total: 480
Kokombat Normal/Fighting Competing Pokémon Ability: Determination - Sharply raises Attack, Defense, and Speed when HP drops below half. HP: 100 Attack: 120 Defense: 80 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 95 Speed: 80 Total: 550
Signature Attack: Log Knuckles Type: Fighting Category: Physical Power: 100 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Makes Contact: Yes Effect: 15% chance of causing opponent to flinch or 15% chance of paralyzing opponent. Description: Powerful punch accentuated by wooden knuckles fashioned from its old log. May incapacitate target.
Pokédex Entry: Kokombat got enough rest. He fights for fun now: never injuring opponents. However, will fight to the death to protect a beloved trainer.
Evolutionary Method: Komala picnics with Hawlucha that knows the move: Close Combat.
Kokoma Normal/Psychic Mostly Dead Pokémon Ability: REM Sleep - Randomly falls asleep. If hit by attack, no damage is taken, wakes up: opponent falls asleep. HP: 75 Attack: 115 Defense: 70 Special Attack: 120 Special Defense: 100 Speed: 70 Total: 550
Signature Attack: Log Paintbrush Type: Psychic Category: Special Power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Makes Contact: Yes Effect: 100% chance to cause Burn, Freeze, Poison, Curse, or Nightmare target - i.e. a 25% chance of one of each status condition if target asleep, 20% if target awake, not counting Nightmare. Description: Its dreams are painted into reality by the wooden paintbrush fashioned from its old log. They may affect the target any number of ways.
Pokédex Entry: Kokoma drifts in and out of sleep: constantly experiencing vivid dreams or vivid hallucinations. Despite this, always maintains a gentle calm.
Evolutionary Method: Komala picnics with Reuniclus that has the move: Trick Room.
Komusica Normal/Fairy Performing Pokémon Ability: Music Within - Sharply raises Evasiveness after every turn. HP: 85 Attack: 115 Defense: 95 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 115 Speed: 65 Total: 550
Signature Attack: Log Ukulele Type: Fairy Category: Physical Power: 65 Accuracy: Never misses PP: 5 Makes Contact: No Effect: 10% chance of confusing the target. If the target becomes confused, hurts itself out of confusion, the damage received also heals Komusica the same amount. Description: After playing a beautiful melody from the wooden ukulele fashioned from its old log, the impact of the melody on the target can rejuvenate the user.
Pokédex Entry: Komusica is spectacularly active, yet completely asleep. Usually found trying to cheer up sick or sad kids with its ukulele. Wants everyone to enjoy music.
Evolutionary Method: Komala picnics with Alcremie that knows the move: Disarming Voice.
Starter: Calflame Fire/Ice Fire Calf Pokémon Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. HP: 59 Attack: 28 Defense: 50 Special Attack: 60 Special Defense: 60 Speed: 50 Total: 307 1 Ember 1 Tail Whip 1 Tackle 5 Double Team 7 Horn Attack 15 Powder Snow
Pokédex Entry: Lives in cold places. If you come across a hot springs in a freezing location, chances are it made it and might be living there waiting for guests.
Evolves at 16: Blizox Fire/Ice Fire Ox Pokémon Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. HP: 90 Attack: 35 Defense: 75 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 75 Speed: 75 Total: 425
17 Will-O-Wisp 22 Magical Leaf 29 Mystical Fire 32 Freeze Dry
Pokédex Entry: Able to regulate their body temperatures to freeze and melt the water in their bodies and keep themselves and others warm. Because of this, trainers usually don’t travel icy distances without them.
Evolves at 36: Minotorch Fire/Ice Cold Flame Pokémon Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. Hidden Ability: Ice Lens - Raises all moves accuracy to 100. HP: 115 Attack: 50 Defense: 100 Special Attack: 90 Special Defense: 100 Speed: 75 Total: 530
36 Freeze Point Signature Attack: Freeze Point Type: Ice Category: Status Power: - Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Makes Contact: Yes Effect: Induces Freeze. Causes the target to become frozen. Description: The user attacks by driving its ice crafted horns into the target. This instantly freezes the target on contact.
39 Air Slash 43 Giga Drain 45 Snowscape 47 Trick Room 50 Hurricane 53 Sheer Cold 60 Inferno
Pokédex Entry: Creates a shield and lance out of Ice to protect or rescue trainers from dangerous Pokémon on mountain tops. It spars with Baxcalibur to keep its skills sharp.
Alternate Form: Krampux Evolutionary Method: Blizox picnics with Baxcalibur that knows the ability : Ice Body. Fire/Ice Punisher Pokémon Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. Hidden Ability: Water Absorb - Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move. HP: 115 Attack: 100 Defense: 100 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 50 Speed: 90 Total: 530
36 Signature Attack: Thermodynamite Type: Fire Category: Physical Power: 85 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Makes Contact: Yes Effect: 15% chance to induce Burn, Freeze, or Frostbite. Summons snowstorm. Description: The user attacks by blasting a Fire and Ice sphere that explodes on contact with the target. This may leave target burned, frozen, or frostbitten. Summons snowstorm.
39 Beat Up 43 Moonlight 45 Aurora Veil 47 Final Gambit 50 Darkest Lariat 53 Avalanche 60 Flare Blitz
Pokédex Entry: Rescues Pokémon from abusive trainers. Unfortunately, those trainers are never heard from again.
submitted by GhostHippieJack to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 fornwall Information about the Termux build on Google Play

Information about the build of Termux on Google Play is now available at:
It contains some background and current status - I'll also hang around here to answer questions below!
Some quick points:
submitted by fornwall to termux [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:22 Charbax Needed: Livestreaming bonded dual-5G Modem Handle

Just as I just posted my request for a Backup MicroSD/SSD+Headphone jack handle, I am also thinking it could be awesome to get a new Livestreaming dual modem bonded 4G/5G handle. Maybe call it the "Live Creator Handle". The handle would hopefully not be much larger than the current battery handle, and what it would bring:
  1. Dual SIM Card slots, it would integrate 2x 5G/4G data modems
  2. It would be able to real-time encode adaptive bitrate video to live-stream to any platform, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble, Tiktok, Instagram and etc
  3. Maybe you record 4K60 on the main MicroSD card, at the same time you might live stream in just 1080p30 through the Livestreaming handle.
  4. Or if you don't want to live stream, but you just want to publish your videos quickly, maybe you just auto upload your 4K60 footage to your YouTube using that handle, it would instantly upload using that 1 or 2 SIM cards, using 1 or 2 5G modems, and publish automatically on Your YouTube account, perhaps you can quickly adjust video Title/Description using your smartphone app (I like to use Chatgpt or other such AI to auto generate a good description/title and if possible also to edit/pick good thumbnail using AI or to easily pick snapshot for thumbnail and evt to edit thumbnail in the app too), while it's uploading from that handle. The handle would be able to continue uploading to publish while main DJI Pocket 3 is powered off.
  5. Maybe it's possible to both live stream in 1080p30/1080p60/4K30/4K60 as well as to upload and to auto publish 4K60 after each clip (for example interview is start/stopped) is completed while the live stream continues during the whole day uninterrupted.. perhaps it's possible to live stream and publish to multiple platforms, perhaps live stream to YouTube + X + Facebook simultaneously, and to publish to each of them too simultaneously..
  6. Maybe it includes those things I previously requested for Backup and audio jack.
  7. Maybe it brings in at least same battery capacity as current battery handle. It would accomodate to still also connect the regular battery handle below it too.
  8. Maybe this Live Creator Handle can also manage to support multiple cameras (inputs via multiple Type-C video inputs? or wirelessly too?) and to switch between the different camera angles, perhaps it includes a snap on grip to place ones smartphone onto that handle, to open up all more functionalities and a larger viewfinder display while recording, also to manage multi-camera angles, to view the live chat when live streaming, and to manage the title/description and publishing status after each clip is recorded..
submitted by Charbax to osmopocket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:11 mossyboy4 Solidarity post -- Sunday Check in, it's raining here ☔🌧️

Yep, still carrying the cross. Had a few rough days. Wheels falling off, sometimes the weight of cross just hits you, full force. Makes your knees buckle, makes you falter a bit. Slide around in the mud. Grace slips, and you think, I'm not to keen on this cross, not too keen at all!! But, man it's a blessing to get out of that headspace, and get back to the workmen like status quo of things. Turn up, carry the cross, be good to my loved ones, eat, sleep, shit, rinse, repeat. We all get wobbly. But we can correct and rebalance.
Meditation is a lifesaver. We need stillness in the mind, the less thoughts the better. Calmness helps. We need some distance from the body. I'm not just the body, I'm bigger than that. I'm life itself looking through my body, that's a big difference.
When we meditate our awareness increases, our sense of space changes, our body gets encompassed in a greater awareness, that's bigger than our conventionally daily perception of the body. Our sense of subjectivity encompasses the body, it doesn't precede from it, and this subtle or pronounced shift, is really helpful, it lightens the load. Lightens the cross.
We're not our small frail self, well, we are, laughs, but we get a taste of the big self, and that offers hope. If this body falls, I live on, what defines me, this powerful life force of awareness, well, it ain't going down with the body. I don't know the limits of that thing, life, but it's more powerful than death, I think it's the logos, God, he's up to something, he's making things awesome, for when you and I are released from our burden.
I trust in the life force of life, it's not a hateful thing, it wants good for me. The Father loved Christ, and he gave him the cross to bring his spirit to salvation. And Christ is archetypal! Men spat and murdered Christ, but God turned it all to good. Awesome! And Christ said, God loves all of us equally, so he's going to do the same for us, turn evil to good. This great evil of the cross, God puts it to good use. I love God for that. I've had great suffering and joy in this life, but despite this speed bump thinks are on a trajectory upwards. The cross is a test of faith. I want my faith and love to have integrity. To withstand evil and hatred. Despite this cross I helped my very ill father with his cross, and that's worth something to me. Love to you. Keep carrying your cross.
My own arm achieved salvation for me. (Isaiah 63:5)
submitted by mossyboy4 to myocarditis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 AutoModerator Community recommendations mega-thread!

Get your fresh subreddit recommendations here! :D

We are using these weekly threads for recommendations and will direct those that post requests for recommendations to these threads.
Please share your community recommendations in comments:
You may also ask for recommendations!
Let us know what you're into, and we'll see what we can do :)
Make sure to try findareddit too though, they're great at this!

The rules:

If you'd like your Reddit experience to be as wholesome as possible, CasualConversation has a directory with a section on wholesome communities. Though, we don't know their status regarding karma and account age restrictions.

Please note that this is not our recommended subreddit list for new users.

Many of the subreddits listed in this thread will not be open to new or low-karma users for posts, and comments made therein might even be filtered for approval or auto-collapsed.
While many of these subreddits will be fun to browse and vote on, your participation might be limited right now. Commenting is usually less restricted than posting.
The link to our new-user friendly subs list is below.
A note from our esteemed llama on the Reddit experience:
Reddit is huge and fascinating and diverse, wholesome and toxic, all in one massive bundle of anonymous users with no filters except their own internal constraints. The problem with that is even in the loveliest of subreddits, all manner of behaviour happens, because Reddit is a microcosm of internet life, not an internet utopia no matter how much we might want it to be.
There are areas of Reddit I don’t frequent; there are areas of Reddit I won’t frequent; there are areas of Reddit that no doubt I am blissfully unaware of and am happy to remain that way. But I am still subscribed to well over a thousand subs on all kinds of topics and still find new ones daily.
The true beauty of Reddit is that your Reddit experience can be completely and absolutely dictated by you. The pure amount of information available on Reddit is staggering, and it’s just a matter - like in all of life - of being able to sort through that information to see what’s useful and what isn’t.

Useful links:

A few suggested subs for new Redditors to be aware of:
submitted by AutoModerator to NewToReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 The_Poodle_On_PalmSt Let's Come up with a Better Name for "Executive" Courses as a Community.

There are 4 different types of Classifications for Golf Course Layouts. 2 are perfectly named, 1 has a decent name, and 1 is named horribly.
1) "Championship" courses are a layout of around par 70 to 72 for 18 (35-36 For 9). If someone says "Golf Course", this is pretty much what we should all default to. It is the standard. I have a small quibble with the name, as some courses that are technically "Championship" have no business ever hosting any type of serious championship, but the name is fine enough for now. Every course the pros play is a Championship Course.
2) "Par 3" Courses are perfectly named because they are exactly what they sound like. Exclusively Par 3's. You probably wont need woods, but you will have to hit full shots on these. The most famous versions of this is probably the Augusta National Par 3 played on Wednesday before the Masters. Bandon Preserve also qualifies.
3) "Pitch n' putt" or "2 Club" Courses are also perfectly named. Both names work. Grab a Wedge and putter and you are good to go. You won't really be hitting full shots. These are so small that there aren't really any famous examples. The Cradle doesn't really qualify as it has a few hole over 100 yards but it's probably the closest thing. Maybe
4) "Executive" courses. These are somewhere between Par 3's and Championship Courses. Typically, you will have more Par 3's mixed in and few, if any Par 5's. Par will be somewhere between 62 and 68. 30 - 34 for 9. These are actually popping up
For clarification: The name originated from the following: "Due to the shorter quicker layout, A company Executive could play 9 on their lunch break." (How long of a lunch break were they taking? Drive to the course. Stretch. Play 9. Shower? Drive back to the office...).
Continuing to use The label "Executive" to describe these layouts is absolutely stupid. It is a horrible name for two reasons. 1) The word executive has nothing to do with golf. It fails entirely as a descriptor. The word executive pertains to making decisions. 2) It is 100% misleading. A new golfer who isn't familiar with the term could easily here "It's an 'Executive' Course" and translate that to mean, "Executives have a lot of money, so they must be talking about a country club". In reality, most Executives wouldn't be caught dead at an executive courses, they're typically members at nice CC's for networking and status purposes. In actuality most 'executive' courses are extremely accessible to the public because their shorter layout allows them to charge less.
I have heard some people use the term "Short Course" which I think is as bad or worse. I have heard "Short Course" used to describe anything shorter than a Championship layout. If somebody told me, "Bushwood is a short course" I would have to wonder, do they mean it's a Par 3, a Pitch N Putt, an executive course, or maybe just a championship course that tends to have lots of shorter holes compared to other championship courses. The term is so vague it basically means nothing.
The idea behind an "Executive" layout is awesome. Play quicker, but still get to be pretty serious and hit drives and approaches. We definitely need more of them in my area. It just needs a better name. I suggest "Condensed Course" to be the new terminology, but I think that one kinda sucks too. Let's crowd source a better name! I'm hoping there are some regional names that people have that are already out there that are better.
submitted by The_Poodle_On_PalmSt to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:32 ChapEmHigh45 The Gang gets back into trucking??

The Gang gets back into trucking??
About a week and a half ago I was way behind on the podcast and have since caught up thanks to my new job as a Truck driver. (Lots of miles = lots of binge listening) I also have unintentionally wasted my second chance at staying a regulation listener and have since upgraded to comment leaver status lol (didn't know we were all getting a clean slate, thanks Gav.) So for my second comment left, I figured why not combine two of the guy's favorite things. Perhaps they take this as a sign to get back into trucking heavily again, or perhaps not but I'm just gonna leave this here. Geoff, next time you're trucking just imagine you're hauling a big load of these bad boys. And remember no scrumping (I wish I could, they look awesome)
submitted by ChapEmHigh45 to theregulationpod [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:50 sboger How to easily add the Homepage dashboard to your existing gluetun docker-compose.yml setup.

How to easily add the Homepage dashboard to your existing gluetun docker-compose.yml setup.
If you saw my two previous posts, you know I started incorporating the “Homepage” container into my mediacenter builds to give me an easy dashboard for my media center containers.
Since this is the gluetun sub, I’ll show you how to setup a basic Homepage container and add gluetun monitoring to your existing docker-compose.yml gluetun setup.
First, open your docker-compose.yml file and add:
 homepage: image: container_name: homepage depends_on: - gluetun volumes: - [the local path where you store your other container configs]:/app/config - /varun/docker.sock:/varun/docker.sock network_mode: "service:gluetun" 
Change the [the local path where you store your other container configs] to your path. I use “/Containemedia/homepage_config” as I have my NAS mounted to /Container
In the ports section of your gluetun definition in the same docker-compose.yml file, add your preferred port to run homepage on. Here, I have it running on port 3000.
 gluetun: image: qmcgaw/gluetun:latest #v3 container_name: media-gluetun cap_add: - NET_ADMIN network_mode: bridge ports: - 3000:3000/tcp # homepage 
Use ‘docker up’ or whatever method you use to start your containers. Now go to http://[server ip or hostname]:3000/
Default Homepage dashboard
You’ll see the default dashboard. Homepage doesn’t have a configuration gui. All changes must be made to the config files in the ‘app config’ directory you defined above. For me, that’s “/Containemedia/homepage_config”
cd /Containemedia/homepage_config vi services.xml 
Add the gluetun service under “My First Service”:
- My First Group: - My First Service: href: http://localhost/ description: Homepage is awesome - Gluetun: icon: gluetun.png server: my-docker description: VPN bridge container: media-gluetun widget: type: gluetun url: 
Next, open docker.yaml in the same directory, ‘vi docker.yaml’ and add this line so we can get the status of the container from docker too:
my-docker: socket: /varun/docker.sock 
Homepage auto-reloads config changes. Head back to your browser and Homepage will automatically reload the changes.
Home with the gluetun service added
You can also click the docker status indicator in the upper right to get gluetun’s container details from docker:
After clicking on the \"HEALTHY\" docker status badge, we see details from docker for the gluetun container
This will start you out with a dashboard monitoring gluetun. The Homepage app has tons of built-in plugins that will monitor nearly all the media software out there. See the Homepage website at: Pay special attention to the Configuration and Widgets tab for setting up other services.
submitted by sboger to gluetun [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:20 thedailychurn Ep 64 - May Recap: $668 + 530K Points

Moviepass hacks, Resy Plat 15x offers, Kudos & Pepper coins, Robinhood $2K free margin, increased Upgrade and BofA bonuses, US Bank app-o-ramas, Paxlovid bots, free burgers & Starbucks, chicken pot pies and much more!

Show Notes

🤧 May Churning Recap

💳 Credit Cards

💵 Banks

📈 Brokerages

🥧 Meal Kits

🆓 Discounts & Freebies

submitted by thedailychurn to thedailychurn [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:16 Jomosensual G1 Climax Bracketology 2024

Hello everyone. About a year ago I made this post after the G1 ended projecting the field for 2024. A lot has changed since then. Let's take a look at the projected field now that we're only a little bit away from it again. I'm operating under the assumption the format remains unchanged from last year until I hear otherwise. My apologies if I miss an injury or something like that. I will note that I usually lose touch with NJPW a bit in the late winteearly spring due to school and college basketball taking up a ton of time so if there's anything that I just missed let me know and I'll correct it.
Locks from last year:
  2. Yota Tsuji
  3. Ren Narita
  4. Shota Umino
  5. ELP - Making a note that his contract stuff could throw a wrench into this, but I don't think AEW or WWE are coming calling for him either. Feel good about his spot in the field this year.
  6. Great O'Khan
  7. KENTA
  8. Taichi
  9. David Finlay
  10. EVIL
  11. Shingo Takagi
  12. Jeff Cobb
  13. Tetsuya Naito
  14. Zack Sabre Jr
  15. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Was at probably back last year for me, would be shocked if he wasn't in it this year after losing as many people as they did.
  16. Toru Yano - Was on the bubble due to age, will likely be in the field again after the roster lost some depth
  17. Tomohiro Ishii - Same as Yano
  18. Hirooki Goto - Same as Yano and Ishii
  19. Gabe Kidd - Had him on the bubble since he was a sub for a departing Aussie Open member, since then has solidified his spot on the roster and in the field.
  20. Henare - Had him on the bubble on the chance NJPW loaded up with new talent or overhauled their field. Neither seems likely to happen after last years departures.
  21. Yoshi Hashi - Same as Henare, plus being cut from the 20 person field is telling of your standing.
  22. Shane Haste - The better worker of the TMDK main tag team, felt like his spot last year came about from needing to fill up the field, which is why I placed him on the bubble. They will need to fill up the field again this year so no real shot he's cut.
  23. Mikey Nichols - See above, minus the better worker part.
Potential Guest Spots
  1. AEW - Seems like this will be something that 100% happens again. It won't be Eddie Kingston again, as his knee injury will keep him out for a long while. Lance Archer could easily return as well. No clue who else could be on the radar. Konosuke Takashita perhaps? That would be awesome.
  2. Japanese Guest - Filling the Kaito Kiyomiya role from last year. Seems pretty likely this will happen too, especially since the last few round robins NJPW has run all featured guests from outside promotions. Could be Kaito again here, could be someone else as well. I'm not super familiar as to who would be likely or able to be in it otherwise, but it feels like a good bet that someone from outside the NJPW ranks will participate. Decent shot this is Jake Lee, so for now I'll say this is him/Kaito
Ok so that's 25 spots filled for sure. Let's look at some likely debuts to the field(Side note, I do not know why the hell I cannot locate the roster page on NJPW's site. Whole thing looks different and not easy to track anything down on. I'm using Smackdown Hotel's roster list instead)
  1. Yuya Uemura - Easily the biggest lock to debut. Feels like guy number 4 of the R3M. Already a singles champion. He will be in this tournament.
  2. Boltin Oleg - A part of the 6 man tag champions and declared a month or so ago he's no longer a YL. I think he's likely in the field. Less solid on that than Yuya but it's very likely he's there.
Dropped off since last year:
  1. Kazuchika Okada - Signed with AEW
  2. Will Ospreay - Signed with AEW
  3. Tama Tonga - Had him as a probably in due to his contract, now is signed to WWE
  4. Tanga Loa - Was on the bubble due to being awful, is now signed with WWE
  5. Alex Coughlin - Retired due to a neck injury
Likely Not Competing:
  1. Bad Luck Fale - Please do not do this NJPW. Never thought I'd see someone less mobile than late stage Big Show but well...
  2. All of the dads - Honma, Kojima, Tenzan, Makabe, Ngata, and anyone else I may have missed. They've all been out for a bit and are older
  3. Minoru Suzuki - 55 years old, hasn't been in the field in a while and doesn't appear to be working New Japan anymore.
  4. Jack Perry - Just went back to AEW and is a part of a major story there
  5. Jon Moxley - While he is the champ right now I can't imagine AEW is giving him up for that long, and he likely wont even have it by the time the tournament starts.
  6. El Desperado - Mentioned him last time as an outside shot to add, but given he's likely winning BOSJ this year feels like that's for another year if it were to happen
  7. Taiji Ishimori - Mentioned him last time too, his size makes it a bit tough to move him up, even with kayfabing, and he's also in the BOSJ finals.
  8. KUSHIDA - Another Jr I tossed around last year due to wanting to be in it for a bit. Him being cut originally from BOSJ could either be taken as a very good or very bad sign for his chances. I'm leaning towards the bad unfortunately. KUSHIDA would be awesome in the G1.
Now that we have all that settled, there's still 4 spots to go. Here's who's left on the bubble for me:
  1. Chase Owens - Yeah..... I know guys. Seemed like a lock to get cut and then a ton of people left. Probably was man number 32 in last years field. This year he's been a champion and still is. It seems probable he will be in the field.
  2. Yujiro Takahashi - Was the only HW left out last year who can still in the literal sense of the word go. He cannot actually go. I would like to think they will be looking elsewhere for the tournament
  3. Hiromu Takahashi - Been some speculation for a while that he may move up or go openweight, as he beats HWs from time to time, has not a lot left to do as a Jr, and even competes for the HW title sometimes. The Dominion main event not including him might be a sign he's going to move on or get the nod? We'll see.
  4. TJP - Feels likely. Just beat Taichi on a Japanese show, which is massive. The current leader of the United Empire and there's been mentions about him being openweight now. Since he also competes with the Jrs we'll see, just like with Hiromu doing the double shot is pretty rare.
  5. Fred Rosser - With all the spots open there will probably be a STRONG rep who makes the field. Not a guarantee given last year(unless you count Eddie) but he's one of the top guys there. Only thing holding me back is competition from the next name and that I've heard buzz he might be transitioning out of the ring soon. No clue the validity of that
  6. Tom Lawler - I have no idea why he wasn't in the field last year if we're being honest. Maybe the top name in STRONG and can still go, plus has competed in the G1 before. I think he's in but it's tough to bet on it for sure when he was cut once and we don't really know why
  7. Callum Newman - Feels positive on his front. I personally thought he was a Jr and then he's feuding with Naito and not in the BOSJ field. Doesn't feel like a stone cold lock but does feel pretty right to join the field.
  8. A Tamashii Rep - I do not know this promotion or much about the guys listed in there so I cannot project who could be in or how likley they are. It doesn't feel like a big enough deal to warrant a rep but who knows.
  9. Hikuleo - If he resigns he's in it. The contract situation makes me wonder a lot and I considered just leaving him out entirely since I think he's WWE bound when his contract ends this month. He and ELP(who I don't think is leaving) will have their statuses more clear after tomorrow/tonight.
  10. Ryohei Oiwa - IIRC he started his transition around the same time as Kosei Fujita did, which puts him on track to be back I think. He has announced himself for NOAH shows already so that could be a sign his excursion continues but that also isn't a guarantee he won't be here either. It would feel like a very short excursion though.
  11. An extra guest/surprise wrestler - Nic Nemeth feels like a possibility, as did Matt Riddle until he did Matt Riddle things. My overall thoughts are a solid maybe? We'll see. Not impossible they grab an extra AEW guy or a 2nd rep from another promotion in Japan
Alright, at long last, here's my projected field for this year's G1 climax. Ordered roughly by how likely they will be in(please don't kill me for putting locks 4 and 5 in the wrong order, for example):
  1. Tetsuya Naito
  2. Sanada
  3. EVIL
  4. Zack Sabre Jr
  5. David Finlay
  6. Yota Tsuji
  7. Shota Umino
  8. Ren Narita
  9. Yuya Uemura
  10. Shingo Takagi
  11. Gabe Kidd
  12. Taichi
  13. Jeff Cobb
  14. Great O'Khan
  15. El Phantasmo
  16. Hiroshi Tanahashi
  17. Henare
  18. Tomohiro Ishii
  19. Hirooki Goto
  20. KENTA
  21. Toru Yano
  22. Lance ArcheKonosuke Takashita
  23. Jake Lee/Kaito Kiyomiya
  24. Shane Haste
  25. Mikey Nichols
  26. Yoshi Hashi
  27. Boltin Oleg
  28. Chase Owens
  29. TJP
  30. Callum Newman
  31. Nic Nemeth Tom Lawler
  32. Hiromu Takahashi
What do you guys think? Any glaring omissions? If Hikuleo does resign I think he'll take one of Hiromu, Callum, or Boltins spots.
submitted by Jomosensual to njpw [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:12 ecloudz RK stream he mentioned GameStop transformation. (thesis) BullishAF

RK stream he mentioned GameStop transformation. (thesis) BullishAF
See post:
RK maybe have known this transformation is close to being done or soon for an announcement of some kind. He said he feels it a few times in the stream, (indirectly telling us). GameStop transformation into something greater is awesome to see and destroy any bear crappy thesis and hedgies are fukt. 🔥🚀🕺🦍 Lets dance!
submitted by ecloudz to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:21 jinobix AF A350 Bulkhead - One of the Best (w/pics)

Reading omdongi's post prompted me to join in the bandwagon on proclaiming how awesome the AF A350-900 bulkhead seats are! Also uploaded pics here to illustrate:
Observations (see AeroLOPA, it'll make more sense)
submitted by jinobix to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:02 alleybetwixt This Week In KPOP - June 8, 2024

Welcome to This Week In KPOP, a collection of everything you may have missed during the past week on kpop.

June 1, 2024 - June 7, 2024


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+1884) GFRIEND reunite at 2024 VIVIZ World Tour 'V.hind: Love and Tears' in Seoul 49 comments
2 (+1858) Fantagio's Girl Group Weki Meki Will Reportedly Disband Following June Comeback 206 comments
3 (+1802) Red Velvet to make their comeback with a mini album at the end of June 103 comments
4 (+1335) SOURCE MUSIC updates on their proceedings against violation of LE SSERAFIM’s rights and interests 151 comments
5 (+1312) EXID’s Hani Announces Marriage With Heartfelt Letter 32 comments
6 (+1311) (G)I-DLE SOYEON to go on a temporary hiatus from current promotions schedule to focus on her health 88 comments
7 (+1250) Weki Meki included on 1theK official June comeback line-up 125 comments
8 (+977) SM Firmly Denies Rumors About NCT's Haechan And Johnny + Announces Legal Action 177 comments
9 (+946) Dispatch Reveals Former T-ARA's Areum Has Been Forwarded To Prosecutors In Disturbing Child Abuse Case 118 comments
10 (+900) ARTMS' 1st Full Album "DALL" becomes their first album to surpass 100,000 sales on Hanteo 52 comments


Votes Thread Comments
(+296) Megathread 9: HYBE vs. ADOR - Shareholders' Meeting recap, Min Hee Jin Press Conference pt.2, and More 6561 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+851) Happy 14th Anniversary to SISTAR! 17 comments
2 (+491) Happy 7th Anniversary to Chungha! 7 comments
3 (+120) Happy 3rd anniversary to MINIMANI! 3 comments
4 (+114) Happy 4th solo anniversary to BTOB Seo Eunkwang! 1 comments
5 (+107) Happy 14th Anniversary to HYOLYN! 2 comments
6 (+101) Happy 17th anniversary to FTISLAND! 7 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+441) [Song Cover] NMIXX Lily - Complicated (orig. Avril Lavigne) @ Re-MIXX (240605) 14 comments
2 (+384) [Live] LE SSERAFIM - Easy + Smart + Interview @ MTV Push (240603) [ENG SUB] 25 comments
3 (+245) [Performance] ATEEZ – WAVE, BOUNCY, UTOPIA, Crazy Form, The Real, WORK, Answer, Fireworks @ Dingo’s Killing Voice (240604) 28 comments
4 (+206) [Performance] XG - WOKE UP (M2 Relay Dance) 10 comments
5 (+150) [Live] Comeback Stage: KEP1ER - SHOOTING STAR @ Mnet M Countdown (240606) 5 comments
6 (+130) [Performance] ARTMS - Virtual Angel (Curator Masterpiece Performance Video) 0 comments
7 (+120) [Performance] Kep1er - Shooting Star (M2 Performance37) 1 comments
8 (+114) [Live] MAMAMOO Solar (Host: Lee Mujin) - But I, Decalcomanie, Flowers (Miley Cyrus), Some (Soyou & Junggigo) @ Leemujin Service Episode 117 (240604) [ENG SUB] 3 comments
9 (+110) [Live] Comeback Stage: ARTMS - Sparkle @ SBS M The Show (240604) 0 comments
10 (+102) [Performance] MAMAMOO Moonbyul - DARK ROMANCE (Performance Video) 2 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+175) aespa Karina (with ITZY Yeji) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240606) 4 comments
2 (+162) aespa KARINA & GISELLE (with NewJeans MINJI & HAERIN) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240608) 22 comments
3 (+117) NewJeans Danielle & Hanni (with aespa Ningning & Winter) - How Sweet (Dance Challenge) (240608) 20 comments
4 (+72) aespa Winter (with NMIXX Sullyoon) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240605) 0 comments
5 (+69) XG Juria (with WayV Xiaojun & Yangyang) - Woke Up (Dance Challenge) (240607) 2 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+447) Where Are They Now (8 years later) - Produce 101 (Season 1): A Status Update on I.O.I members in 2024 72 comments
2 (+351) Throwback: TAEYANG released "EYES, NOSE, LIPS" this week in 2014 34 comments
3 (+36) JTBC Girls On Fire - Episode 8 (Post-Episode Discussion + Preliminary Ranking + Playoffs Round 1 Performances + 4th Elimination) (240604) 66 comments
4 (+32) /kpop Top Ten Tuesdays Results: VIVIZ (2024) 16 comments
5 (+21) What Are You Listening To? - June 05, 2024 6 comments
6 (+20) JTBC Girls On Fire - Episode 1 2 comments
7 (+16) Weekly Discussion (Jun 3, 2024 – Jun 9, 2024) 1 comments


Date Performances Discussion Thread Winner
20240601 Music Core Thread aespa
20240602 Inkigayo No Broadcast. No Winner.
20240604 The Show Thread ATEEZ
20240605 Show Champion Thread aespa
20240606 M!Countdown Thread aespa
20240607 Music Bank Thread ATEEZ


Day Artist Album Title Type Music Video Streaming
1st Big Ocean BLOW digital single BLOW Spotify / Apple Music
2nd Bat Apt. Bat Apt. debut compilation full-length album BAT APT. / Life of… / La-ga-da-di-do Spotify / Apple Music
Nahee Ending full-length album Honesty (prod. LAZY) / Ending (prod. LAZY) Spotify / Apple Music
3rd W24 Memory Making Moment mini album Celestial Night Spotify / Apple Music
AKMU LOVE EPISODE mini album Hero Spotify / Apple Music
BADVILLAIN OVERSTEP debut single album BADVILLAIN Spotify / Apple Music
Kep1er Kep1going On full-length album Shooting Star Spotify / Apple Music
WayV (NCT) Give Me That mini album Give Me That (Korean Ver.) / Give Me That Spotify / Apple Music
Xdinary Heroes Open ♭eta v6.1 2024 Xperiment Project single Boy Comics Spotify / Apple Music
4th I:MOND WE ARE GRAVITY debut digital single Slippery Spotify / Apple Music
Yein (Lovelyz) I will be your spring digital single I will be your spring Spotify / Apple Music
5th CRAVITY SHOW OFF Japanese single album SHOW OFF Spotify / Apple Music
NCT DREAM Moonlight Japanese single album Moonlight Spotify / Apple Music
SPIA Deeeep digital single Deeeep Spotify / Apple Music
ATEEZ, Don Diablo WORK Pt.2 remix single WORK Pt.2 Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music
ANODE iMaGiNe #1 English digital single Trouble (Eng Ver.) Spotify / Apple Music
Han Seungwoo (VICTON) SCENE single album Blooming Spotify / Apple Music
TWS hey! hey! pre-release single hey! hey! Spotify / Apple Music
High Tension Gonna Be Alright digital single Gonna Be Alright
6th Won (I1IT) HAPPY WON DAY digital single HAPPY WON DAY Spotify / Apple Music
Woosoo (ex-SEVENUS) It′s all about me mini album Flower / In the mirror (ITM) Spotify / Apple Music
GHOST9 Awesome day digital single Awesome day Spotify / Apple Music
Nicole (KARA) 5!6!7!8! digital single 5!6!7!8! Spotify / Apple Music
7th DPR IAN SAINT mini album SAINT Spotify / Apple Music
Jungkook (BTS) Never Let Go digital single Never Let Go Spotify / Apple Music
ONE PACT PARADOXX single album FXX OFF Spotify / Apple Music

"This Week in KPOP" Archive

submitted by alleybetwixt to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:28 MrsDuckyJonez Where are we in the Greatest story every being told

Where are we in the Greatest story every being told
What an incredible week, and what an amazing Friday!
It's the end of the week, hope y'all have some awesome weekend plans to help pass the time.
A LOT has been going on these last few weeks, and how 'bout that live stream?!
I want to bring us back to the story line being told in reverse [and in my opinion, so fuckin easy to scroll down on X/Twitter to play the story in reverse.]
If I had to speculate, I would say that currently, we are finding ourselves between these two tweets
I find the second tweet in the above image goes along this post discussing DFV's 4D chess move during the live stream to point out that the halts were being triggered.
In the Radiohead - Karma Police music video, the car is pursing the individual until they run out of energy and fall to the ground. When they get up, they see the car has a trail of liquid leading to it. The person then lights a match behind their back to light the gas and the fire follows the car as it tries to reverse away eventually being engulfed by the flames. Maybe a euphemism for the market manipulation that was captured during his live stream?
Anyways, cheers everyone, have an incredible weekend! I'm not going anywhere, will still be here, but still have a great weekend!
Edit: typo in the title, fuck me. It's late and been a long week
submitted by MrsDuckyJonez to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:04 orroromonroe67 The cheating Fiancee and the woman who fell for the manipulations and lies..

Got a question, that maybe you can help me with...
So your single and meet someone who comes at you heavy one night,,to make something happen. Gets you to his room under false pretenses within 10 minutes of meeting you. You decline, but the attraction is fire. Later, after his second attempt,, to Tempt, You only agree to number exchange & meet the next night, outside of walls and a ceiling to talk. Because that's the boundary you had to put in place to protect yourself, from fboys and men like him,, to see if this had any seriousness to it.
First conversation you have, you ask him straight up about his relationship status. He say he's not married. He's divorced, but admits only to having some one when he goes back, that he is "talking too".. .
3 months in find out they actually living together. .
6 months in, you figure out he's engaged, or at least that's what he finally acknowledges..
For all you know at this point and after 6 months of lies, and manipulations, he could be married.
You are devastated. The Trust that you thought was there is now shattered.. Because , here you are, all along thinking you been talking to someone who, really loved and cared.. love bombed the hell out of you for months, claimed you after the second time,, and made you feel love and hope. Daily affirmations of love and desire.. Till the extent of his deceipt was revealed when you figured out he was engaged and approached him with you suspicion. Now that youve seen behind the mask. You get resentment, anger, less communication, devaluing, That monthly meetings are supposed to cure.
Fast forward, 2+years later, and after you not leaving behind the fiance realization, 6 months in. Your asked to not leave. . Apologies , and future faking,, broken promise's ,breadcrumbing ,, till now.
*The,, Till now,,, is the culmination of numerous occasions of his disrespect, disregard,, manic episodes to evade the most strained bit of regard, apology, or accountability. Deflection, projection, Bread crumbing the whole time, till what he really has his eyes and desires out for,, comes along..
Stepping out on not 1, but 2 people each time. Stepped out on me a month after we met. Gave lame excuses for it happening. Has said since then it's never happened again... Yeah, Right,,.. Even when we were estranged from August 2023, till November 2023. I had a feeling he was stepping out on me around that time because of his dismissive and unappreciative behavior. And by extension, you as well. Can't prove it, but it's more of a probability than a possibility. Straight out of Narcissism and sociopathy,, 101..
Like he told me, minutes after meeting me,, "I got to have you",, "when I see something i want, I go for it""...
What would you do?? What would anyone do??? I know now what I should have done.
If outside of anything , else . If i have made it harder for him to deceive, and cheat . Then maybe that's some recompense.
Bottom line,, an informed decision, will always be the best decision. But, was not afforded to me. Clarity, information, that I was denied from the jump.
And Clarity that is denied due to deceptions, and manipulations???, Well that's not going to result most times in the best decision for ones growth , peace, security.
Only Discernment can help with that unless it's revealed or until it is..
I wish I knew then, what I know now. If I had ,, I never would have talked to him. Trusted him. Believed him to be more good than he was, and is not. Loved him. Was loved by him,, but Allowed him to use up 2 + . Years of my life..for his own selfish desires. And unfortunately,, my own as well. Not even just a piece on the side. But a full-blown love, relationship.
I Allowed his selfishness, controlling abusiveness..sprinkled in with awesomeness at times, to keep me on his line of accessibility and convenience.. A place holder till the next one. There's always a next one, or another with him. Always has been. Always will be. He's to stuck on himself to be any other way. Don't get me wrong. There were alot of amazing times. Emotionally and physically. Enough to keep me holding on and keep me thinking I was important,, just to feed his needs. He can be, an amazing man. But denies himself authenticity, due to his issues, and behavior. Reprisal and punishment if you step out of his perceived roll you play in HIS movie..
But the mental abuse, selfishness, stepping out whether planned or impulsive?,, And feeling justified with the notion , that, " what the other person don't know won't hurt them"",, seems to be his MO. His Anger and conflict resolution issues, Lack of accountability or sincere apology for even the most minor actions or words..? It's just to much.
And now I'm dealing his fetishes and his fantasies , porn and sex additictions , his selfish intentions and motivations, down a dark path he seems intent on making happen .. Not sticking around for it. To scary. Too, unpredictable, Impulsive, reckless with others he claims to care for and love..
Since I think you deserve clarity, the best I can do in the way of apologizing, is to give you the clarity you've also been denied..
Here's some ,, to help you be more discerning and protective. Hotels were the spots. At least with me. He's got options in other areas he travels too. Yes. Outside of you and me . There are others.. Sundays, or any day up to Thursdays.. mostly due to my work schedule.. Mostly mornings. Some times an afternoon or evening after work. If he had called off work on a day , or for a time before work, to spend more time together.
I'm sure he has many excuses for times away. But,, "going to work out at "the gym".. apparently ,, for hours ,, most of the day,,is the go too excuse. Apparently you never passed by there just to confirm, that's where he is really at. Or at least if his jeep is there. But considering him.. That doesn't rule out a pick up and drop off, either .. You Never video called to confirm he is where he claims to be.. or if he does reply or allow a video call, or regular call,, notice It's after he's left the scene of his indiscretions..after not answering .. ?
I have a feeling, he's got you so controlled and scared you would never do that, for fear of getting caught, and then having it projected back onto you. Dealing with his wrath. I've been on the receiving end of that one sidedness for to long. I have to let go. For me, for you , for him .
And since everyone else is always in the wrong, but him, I can imagine what you've been on the receiving end of ,, off and on . Because , I have too. I wish you peace, clarity, and the blessings you don't know you deserve. My sincerest apologies for my contribution to his deceptions, infidelity, manipulations.
I don't give this information lightly ,, without fear of reprisal or consequence ,, as he has threatened to kill me , if I do ever force him to be authentic and honest, with himself and anyone else concerned ,,,
He thinks that's the threat it isn't. But a threat none the less.
I hope he gets the help he needs one day. But I'm not going to be trampled and used any longer in the process of him finding himself or the person he has been seeking, and manifesting into his reality before, during and after me.
submitted by orroromonroe67 to TheCheatingFiancee [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:55 orroromonroe67 The Cheating Fiancee

Got a question, that maybe you can help me with...
So your single and meet someone who comes at you heavy one night,,to make something happen. Gets you to his room under false pretenses within 10 minutes of meeting you. You decline, but the attraction is fire. Later, after his second attempt,, to Tempt, You only agree to number exchange & meet the next night, outside of walls and a ceiling to talk. Because that's the boundary you had to put in place to protect yourself, from fboys and men like him,, to see if this had any seriousness to it.
First conversation you have, you ask him straight up about his relationship status. He say he's not married. He's divorced, but admits only to having some one when he goes back, that he is "talking too".. .
3 months in find out they actually living together. .
6 months in, you figure out he's engaged, or at least that's what he finally acknowledges..
For all you know at this point and after 6 months of lies, and manipulations, he could be married.
You are devastated. The Trust that you thought was there is now shattered.. Because , here you are, all along thinking you been talking to someone who, really loved and cared.. love bombed the hell out of you for months, claimed you after the second time,, and made you feel love and hope. Daily affirmations of love and desire.. Till the extent of his deceipt was revealed when you figured out he was engaged and approached him with you suspicion. Now that youve seen behind the mask. You get resentment, anger, less communication, devaluing, That monthly meetings are supposed to cure.
Fast forward, 2+years later, and after you not leaving behind the fiance realization, 6 months in. Your asked to not leave. . Apologies , and future faking,, broken promise's ,breadcrumbing ,, till now.
*The,, Till now,,, is the culmination of numerous occasions of his disrespect, disregard,, manic episodes to evade the most strained bit of regard, apology, or accountability. Deflection, projection, Bread crumbing the whole time, till what he really has his eyes and desires out for,, comes along..
Stepping out on not 1, but 2 people each time. Stepped out on me a month after we met. Gave lame excuses for it happening. Has said since then it's never happened again... Yeah, Right,,.. Even when we were estranged from August 2023, till November 2023. I had a feeling he was stepping out on me around that time because of his dismissive and unappreciative behavior. And by extension, you as well. Can't prove it, but it's more of a probability than a possibility. Straight out of Narcissism and sociopathy,, 101..
Like he told me, minutes after meeting me,, "I got to have you",, "when I see something i want, I go for it""...
What would you do?? What would anyone do??? I know now what I should have done.
If outside of anything , else . If i have made it harder for him to deceive, and cheat . Then maybe that's some recompense.
Bottom line,, an informed decision, will always be the best decision. But, was not afforded to me. Clarity, information, that I was denied from the jump.
And Clarity that is denied due to deceptions, and manipulations???, Well that's not going to result most times in the best decision for ones growth , peace, security.
Only Discernment can help with that unless it's revealed or until it is..
I wish I knew then, what I know now. If I had ,, I never would have talked to him. Trusted him. Believed him to be more good than he was, and is not. Loved him. Was loved by him,, but Allowed him to use up 2 + . Years of my life..for his own selfish desires. And unfortunately,, my own as well. Not even just a piece on the side. But a full-blown love, relationship.
I Allowed his selfishness, controlling abusiveness..sprinkled in with awesomeness at times, to keep me on his line of accessibility and convenience.. A place holder till the next one. There's always a next one, or another with him. Always has been. Always will be. He's to stuck on himself to be any other way. Don't get me wrong. There were alot of amazing times. Emotionally and physically. Enough to keep me holding on and keep me thinking I was important,, just to feed his needs. He can be, an amazing man. But denies himself authenticity, due to his issues, and behavior. Reprisal and punishment if you step out of his perceived roll you play in HIS movie..
But the mental abuse, selfishness, stepping out whether planned or impulsive?,, And feeling justified with the notion , that, " what the other person don't know won't hurt them"",, seems to be his MO. His Anger and conflict resolution issues, Lack of accountability or sincere apology for even the most minor actions or words..? It's just to much.
And now I'm dealing his fetishes and his fantasies , porn and sex additictions , his selfish intentions and motivations, down a dark path he seems intent on making happen .. Not sticking around for it. To scary. Too, unpredictable, Impulsive, reckless with others he claims to care for and love..
Since I think you deserve clarity, the best I can do in the way of apologizing, is to give you the clarity you've also been denied..
Here's some ,, to help you be more discerning and protective. Hotels were the spots. At least with me. He's got options in other areas he travels too. Yes. Outside of you and me . There are others.. Sundays, or any day up to Thursdays.. mostly due to my work schedule.. Mostly mornings. Some times an afternoon or evening after work. If he had called off work on a day , or for a time before work, to spend more time together.
I'm sure he has many excuses for times away. But,, "going to work out at "the gym".. apparently ,, for hours ,, most of the day,,is the go too excuse. Apparently you never passed by there just to confirm, that's where he is really at. Or at least if his jeep is there. But considering him.. That doesn't rule out a pick up and drop off, either .. You Never video called to confirm he is where he claims to be.. or if he does reply or allow a video call, or regular call,, notice It's after he's left the scene of his indiscretions..after not answering .. ?
I have a feeling, he's got you so controlled and scared you would never do that, for fear of getting caught, and then having it projected back onto you. Dealing with his wrath. I've been on the receiving end of that one sidedness for to long. I have to let go. For me, for you , for him .
And since everyone else is always in the wrong, but him, I can imagine what you've been on the receiving end of ,, off and on . Because , I have too. I wish you peace, clarity, and the blessings you don't know you deserve. My sincerest apologies for my contribution to his deceptions, infidelity, manipulations.
I don't give this information lightly ,, without fear of reprisal or consequence ,, as he has threatened to kill me , if I do ever force him to be authentic and honest, with himself and anyone else concerned ,,,
He thinks that's the threat it isn't. But a threat none the less.
I hope he gets the help he needs one day. But I'm not going to be trampled and used any longer in the process of him finding himself or the person he has been seeking, and manifesting into his reality before, during and after me.
submitted by orroromonroe67 to u/orroromonroe67 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:32 orroromonroe67 Letter to the fiance

Got a question, that maybe you can help me with...
So your single and meet someone who comes at you heavy one night,,to make something happen. Gets you to his room under false pretenses within 10 minutes of meeting you. You decline, but the attraction is fire. Later, after his second attempt,, to Tempt, You only agree to number exchange & meet the next night, outside of walls and a ceiling to talk. Because that's the boundary you had to put in place to protect yourself, from fboys and men like him,, to see if this had any seriousness to it.
First conversation you have, you ask him straight up about his relationship status. He say he's not married. He's divorced, but admits only to having some one when he goes back, that he is "talking too".. .
3 months in find out they actually living together. .
6 months in, you figure out he's engaged, or at least that's what he finally acknowledges..
For all you know at this point and after 6 months of lies, and manipulations, he could be married.
You are devastated. The Trust that you thought was there is now shattered.. Because , here you are, all along thinking you been talking to someone who, really loved and cared.. love bombed the hell out of you for months, claimed you after the second time,, and made you feel love and hope. Daily affirmations of love and desire.. Till the extent of his deceipt was revealed when you figured out he was engaged and approached him with you suspicion. Now that youve seen behind the mask. You get resentment, anger, less communication, devaluing, That monthly meetings are supposed to cure.
Fast forward, 2+years later, and after you not leaving behind the fiance realization, 6 months in. Your asked to not leave. . Apologies , and future faking,, broken promise's ,breadcrumbing ,, till now.
*The,, Till now,,, is the culmination of numerous occasions of his disrespect, disregard,, manic episodes to evade the most strained bit of regard, apology, or accountability. Deflection, projection, Bread crumbing the whole time, till what he really has his eyes and desires out for,, comes along..
Stepping out on not 1, but 2 people each time. Stepped out on me a month after we met. Gave lame excuses for it happening. Has said since then it's never happened again... Yeah, Right,,.. Even when we were estranged from August 2023, till November 2023. I had a feeling he was stepping out on me around that time because of his dismissive and unappreciative behavior. And by extension, you as well. Can't prove it, but it's more of a probability than a possibility. Straight out of Narcissism and sociopathy,, 101..
Like he told me, minutes after meeting me,, "I got to have you",, "when I see something i want, I go for it""...
What would you do?? What would anyone do??? I know now what I should have done.
If outside of anything , else . If i have made it harder for him to deceive, and cheat . Then maybe that's some recompense.
Bottom line,, an informed decision, will always be the best decision. But, was not afforded to me. Clarity, information, that I was denied from the jump.
And Clarity that is denied due to deceptions, and manipulations???, Well that's not going to result most times in the best decision for ones growth , peace, security.
Only Discernment can help with that unless it's revealed or until it is..
I wish I knew then, what I know now. If I had ,, I never would have talked to him. Trusted him. Believed him to be more good than he was, and is not. Loved him. Was loved by him,, but Allowed him to use up 2 + . Years of my life..for his own selfish desires. And unfortunately,, my own as well. Not even just a piece on the side. But a full-blown love, relationship.
I Allowed his selfishness, controlling abusiveness..sprinkled in with awesomeness at times, to keep me on his line of accessibility and convenience.. A place holder till the next one. There's always a next one, or another with him. Always has been. Always will be. He's to stuck on himself to be any other way. Don't get me wrong. There were alot of amazing times. Emotionally and physically. Enough to keep me holding on and keep me thinking I was important,, just to feed his needs. He can be, an amazing man. But denies himself authenticity, due to his issues, and behavior. Reprisal and punishment if you step out of his perceived roll you play in HIS movie..
But the mental abuse, selfishness, stepping out whether planned or impulsive?,, And feeling justified with the notion , that, " what the other person don't know won't hurt them"",, seems to be his MO. His Anger and conflict resolution issues, Lack of accountability or sincere apology for even the most minor actions or words..? It's just to much.
And now I'm dealing his fetishes and his fantasies , porn and sex additictions , his selfish intentions and motivations, down a dark path he seems intent on making happen .. Not sticking around for it. To scary. Too, unpredictable, Impulsive, reckless with others he claims to care for and love..
Since I think you deserve clarity, the best I can do in the way of apologizing, is to give you the clarity you've also been denied..
Here's some ,, to help you be more discerning and protective. Hotels were the spots. At least with me. He's got options in other areas he travels too. Yes. Outside of you and me . There are others.. Sundays, or any day up to Thursdays.. mostly due to my work schedule.. Mostly mornings. Some times an afternoon or evening after work. If he had called off work on a day , or for a time before work, to spend more time together.
I'm sure he has many excuses for times away. But,, "going to work out at "the gym".. apparently ,, for hours ,, most of the day,,is the go too excuse. Apparently you never passed by there just to confirm, that's where he is really at. Or at least if his jeep is there. But considering him.. That doesn't rule out a pick up and drop off, either .. You Never video called to confirm he is where he claims to be.. or if he does reply or allow a video call, or regular call,, notice It's after he's left the scene of his indiscretions..after not answering .. ?
I have a feeling, he's got you so controlled and scared you would never do that, for fear of getting caught, and then having it projected back onto you. Dealing with his wrath. I've been on the receiving end of that one sidedness for to long. I have to let go. For me, for you , for him .
And since everyone else is always in the wrong, but him, I can imagine what you've been on the receiving end of ,, off and on . Because , I have too. I wish you peace, clarity, and the blessings you don't know you deserve. My sincerest apologies for my contribution to his deceptions, infidelity, manipulations.
I don't give this information lightly ,, without fear of reprisal or consequence ,, as he has threatened to kill me , if I do ever force him to be authentic and honest, with himself and anyone else concerned ,,,
He thinks that's the threat it isn't. But a threat none the less.
I hope he gets the help he needs one day. But I'm not going to be trampled and used any longer in the process of him finding himself or the person he has been seeking, and manifesting into his reality before, during and after me.
submitted by orroromonroe67 to EffectsofNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:31 orroromonroe67 Letter to the fiance..

Got a question, that maybe you can help me with...
So you are single and meet someone who comes at you heavy one night,,to make something happen. He Gets you to his room under false pretenses within 10 minutes of meeting you. You decline, but the attraction is fire. Later, after his second attempt,, to Tempt you,,, You only agree to number exchange to talk and text and meet the next night, outside of walls and a ceiling to talk.
Because that's the boundary you had to put in place to protect yourself, from fboys and men like him,, to see if this had any seriousness to it.
First conversation you have, you ask him straight up about his relationship status. He say he's not married. He's divorced. But admits only to having some one when he goes back, that he is "talking too".. .
3 months in find out they actually living together. .
6 months in, you figure out he's engaged, or at least that's what he finally acknowledges..
For all you know at this point and after 6 months of lies, and manipulations, he could be married.
You are devastated. The Trust that you thought was there is now shattered.. Because , all along you are thinking and feeling that you been talking to someone who, really loved and cared.. He Love bombed the hell out of you for months. Claimed you after the second time you were together, and made you feel love and hope. Gave you Daily affirmations of love and desire.. Till the extent of his deceipt was revealed when you figured out he was engaged and approached him with your suspicion. Now that you've seen behind the mask. You get resentment, indifference, anger, less communication, devaluing.
Fast forward, 2+years later, and after you not leaving, once you figured out the fiance situation, 6 months in. Your asked to not leave. Then Apologies , and future faking,, broken promise's ,breadcrumbing ,, till now.
*The,, Till now,,, is the culmination of numerous occasions of his disrespect, disregard,, manic episodes of yelling to evade even the slightest bit of regard, apology, or accountability. Deflection, projection, Bread crumbing the whole time. Till what he really has his eyes and desires searching for,, finally comes along..
Stepping out on not 1, but 2 people each time. Stepped out on me a month after we met. Gave lame excuses for it happening. Has said since then it's never happened again... Yeah, Right,,.. Even when we were estranged from August 2023, till November 2023. I had a feeling he was stepping out on me around that time because of his dismissive and unappreciative behavior. And by extension, you as well. Can't prove it, but it's more of a probability than a possibility. Straight out of Narcissism and sociopathy,, 101..
Like he told me, minutes after meeting me,, "I got to have you",, "when I see something i want, I go for it""...
What would you do?? What would anyone do??? I know now what I should have done.
If outside of anything , else . If i have made it harder for him to deceive, and cheat . Then maybe that's some recompense.
Bottom line,, an informed decision, will always be the best decision. But, was not afforded to me. Clarity, information, that I was denied from the jump.
And Clarity that is denied due to deceptions, and manipulations???, Well that's not going to result most times in the best decision for ones growth , peace, security.
Only Discernment can help with that unless it's revealed or until it is..
I wish I knew then, what I know now. If I had ,, I never would have talked to him. Trusted him. Believed him to be more good than he was, and is not. Loved him. Was loved by him,, but Allowed him to use up 2 + . Years of my life..for his own selfish desires. And unfortunately,, my own as well. Not even just a piece on the side. But a full-blown love, relationship.
I Allowed his selfishness, controlling abusiveness..sprinkled in with awesomeness at times, to keep me on his line of accessibility and convenience.. A place holder till the next one. There's always a next one, or another with him. Always has been. Always will be. He's to stuck on himself to be any other way. Don't get me wrong. There were alot of amazing times. Emotionally and physically. Enough to keep me holding on and keep me thinking I was important,, just to feed his needs. He can be, an amazing man. But denies himself authenticity, due to his issues, and behavior. Reprisal and punishment if you step out of his perceived roll you play in HIS movie..
But the mental abuse, selfishness, stepping out whether planned or impulsive?,, And feeling justified with the notion , that, " what the other person don't know won't hurt them"",, seems to be his MO. His Anger and conflict resolution issues, Lack of accountability or sincere apology for even the most minor actions or words..? It's just to much.
And now I'm dealing his fetishes and his fantasies , porn and sex additictions , his selfish intentions and motivations, down a dark path he seems intent on making happen .. Not sticking around for it. To scary. Too, unpredictable, Impulsive, reckless with others he claims to care for and love..
Since I think you deserve clarity, the best I can do in the way of apologizing, is to give you the clarity you've also been denied..
Here's some ,, to help you be more discerning and protective. Hotels were the spots. At least with me. He's got options in other areas he travels too. Yes. Outside of you and me . There are others.. Sundays, or any day up to Thursdays.. mostly due to my work schedule.. Mostly mornings. Some times an afternoon or evening after work. If he had called off work on a day , or for a time before work, to spend more time together.
I'm sure he has many excuses for times away. But,, "going to work out at "the gym".. apparently ,, for hours ,, most of the day,,is the go too excuse. Apparently you never passed by there just to confirm, that's where he is really at. Or at least if his jeep is there. But considering him.. That doesn't rule out a pick up and drop off, either .. You Never video called to confirm he is where he claims to be.. or if he does reply or allow a video call, or regular call,, notice It's after he's left the scene of his indiscretions..after not answering .. ?
I have a feeling, he's got you so controlled and scared you would never do that, for fear of getting caught, and then having it projected back onto you. Dealing with his wrath. I've been on the receiving end of that one sidedness for to long. I have to let go. For me, for you , for him .
And since everyone else is always in the wrong, but him, I can imagine what you've been on the receiving end of ,, off and on . Because , I have too. I wish you peace, clarity, and the blessings you don't know you deserve. My sincerest apologies for my contribution to his deceptions, infidelity, manipulations.
I don't give this information lightly ,, without fear of reprisal or consequence ,, as he has threatened to kill me , if I do ever force him to be authentic and honest, with himself and anyone else concerned ,,,
He thinks that's the threat it isn't. But a threat none the less.
I hope he gets the help he needs one day. But I'm not going to be trampled and used any longer in the process of him finding himself or the person he has been seeking, and manifesting into his reality before, during and after me.
submitted by orroromonroe67 to EffectsofNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:37 Outside-Smile-4854 Just passed today...reflections

I took my boot camp way back in Nov 2023 and took 7 months to 'casually' study. I still put in a few hundred hours overall, just hate cramming. I basically reviewed the notes from my bootcamp for a month until I knew all of the details, then watched youtube a ton; the Vargas process video 5 times, engineer4free videos on critical path and float were awesome, and did about 1,500 study hall questions. That was it, but I studied until I knew all of it. Was getting 70-75% on SH full practice exams, and was 60th percentile in SH questions overall. I spent 6 months just studying like 1 hour weekdays and 3 hours every weekend day, by the end it was easy stuff.
Then yesterday, day prior, watched the McLaughlin 200/150 videos to get my head in the right place. So today I started exam at a test center. I decided to just try for an even 75 minutes per 60 questions section. Guys...take your breaks, it'll help you strategize your progress on the test. The first 60 questions went so, so easy. Like straight up I thought "this is it??" Took my break. Second 60 questions also easy...except I spent like 4 minutes on a few that were really tricky. These were expert level questions on stakeholdecommunication stuff and all the answer options looked really good. Even mix of agile, hybrid/predictive. So that set me back 20ish minutes. Took my 2nd break with 56 minutes left to finish 60 questions when I returned. Honestly...I ended up running out of time. Rather than answer my best with the time I had for what I could and "just check one" for what was left before time ran out in the last minute, I took a huge risk and decided to skim the last like 35 questions and look for keywords and 'guess' by seeing which answers had corresponding keywords. I did like 35 of the last questions in 25 minutes. So if I saw "scrum" and "behind schedule" in the question, I honestly just skimmed the answers and if I saw "empower the team..." as part of an answer I just selected it. I do not recommend...I made this method up and do not have feedback on how well it worked but I was determined to answer all the questions. I got my printout from the center within 10 minutes with provisional results passing. Lucky duck.
I did not write in my dry erase booklet once, and did no math on my own. Still had to know what all of the values meant for each and every possible calculation to know what the status of the project was or what action to take. Lots of really tough stakeholder and communication scenarios with great answers that I had to know what to do next. Half a dozen or so drag and drops. Guys GET STUDY HALL...the question makeup, structure, and varying levels of difficulty were identical.
If I was to give anyone advice--I'd say if you spend extra time on the hard questions early on, DO NOT assume you'll just make up the extra time later in the exam. that's not a thing. I did...and spent 35 minutes having a panic attack at the end. Clicked submit on the last question 1 second prior to my time running out. Nearly all of this exam is easy if you have all of the mindset(s) and honestly I wouldn't spend more than a minute and a half on anything...just pick one guys. And yeah...just schedule it, like everyone says. I kinda wish I'd have done this 4 months ago. Add value! Communicate!
submitted by Outside-Smile-4854 to pmp [link] [comments]