Being a single man quotes


2010.07.02 05:48 geoviedo Spider-Man

The subreddit for the Marvel character, Spider-Man

2008.03.21 05:47 A place for the singles among us- meet, mingle, and make merry!

singles, dating, dates, friends, advice, companionship, etc.

2012.06.04 10:43 jayrady Every Man Should Know

You know that thing your dad was suppose to teach you but never did? Get yer dadvice right here!

2024.05.16 11:24 Writteninsanity Splitting Seconds: Chapter 1 - Blind Dates (The Superpower Soulmates Story)

It candidly sucked being surrounded by constant reminders that you’d lost the genetic lottery. Sure, it was easier than some people thought to get around the world without powers; it wasn’t like the government expected everyone to be a speedster or to be able to fly. Hell, a hundred years ago, nobody even had powers. The infrastructure was there. Life went on.
That said, staying cheery about the hand I’d been dealt was difficult. Enhanced perception was useful for a lot of things, from party tricks to always reading the fine print, but next to flight? Next to teleportation?
I’d gotten hung up on movement powers because I’d taken the bus to the bar, and the only superpower buses had was being late.
I was specifically at the bar for the sake of a blind date set up by my best friend; Todd was about two times my size and could throw a car across the street. His powers did nothing to help me with his current obsession with my dating life, but here we were. I supposed it was a fair obsession. I hadn’t been trying.
It honestly made sense that Todd had been keenly aware of romance since he’d met his soul mate. See, a strange thing with powers was that when you were around your soulmate, they were inexplicably stronger. Todd had met Soo-jung when she’d been on vacation in Crescent three years ago. They’d been inseparable since, and he’d been able to throw a car down three blocks instead of across the street.
Or so he claimed. Nobody was eager to volunteer their car for a demonstration, or anything else heavy and expensive, for that matter.
For my part, I hadn’t spent a lot of time guessing what would happen if I met my soulmate. It was a common train of thought for some, but I never found that it stopped at any fun stations. Instead, I indulged Todd’s meddling because he was my friend and bad dates at least made good stories.
“Gimme a sec, I’ll grab us another round,” Todd announced as he pushed out from our table. “Emma said she’s going to be here soon.”
“You bought the last one.”
“Yeah, now you can buy two in a row once Emma gets here and look generous. Think about it, man.”
“Sure,” I answered, but Todd was already walking away from the table and toward the bar.
Soo-jung leaned in. “You know he’s trying, right?”
“I know, maybe a little too much.”
“You don’t hear the half of it.”
“Oh, good.”
“I had to tell him to calm down when it came to buttering you up to Emma,” Soo-jung explained as she took a sip from her drink. “Sometimes I wonder about him.”
“I’m surprised he says anything nice about me.”
“He’d never say it to your face.” She watched Todd at the bar instead of looking at me during our conversation.
“Does that mean you’ll do it for him?”
“He trusts me to keep his secrets.”
“How about I suggest things and read your reaction?” I asked.
Soo-jung frowned in response before she pointedly rolled her eyes. She knew that reading reactions was one of my party tricks. If you couldn’t be powerful, you could at least read a room.
“Okay, fine. What do you know about Emma?”
“Her last name’s Tavish.”
“That’s it?”
“She works with Todd.”
“I knew that. He kept telling me she was a co-worker.”
“Todd thinks she’s cute.”
“He told you that?”
“No, but he has high standards for you.”
“That’s all the detail you have?”
“Todd’s not allowed to talk about work at hom- Hey, honey.”
Todd was back at the table holding all three pints in one arm; he passed one to each of us despite Soo being less than halfway finished with her current drink. Once he’d finished distributing, he turned to Soo-jung and asked her a question in broken Korean.
He’d been trying to learn, and he was still struggling. Not that I knew the language.
“Yes,” Soo-jung responded in English, “we were talking about Emma; no Korean around Toby. It’s rude.”
“I thought you wanted me to practice?”
“You can practice at home.”
“So we were talking about Emma,” Todd jumped back to the previous topic instead of discussing his inconsistent study of Korean. “Awesome woman, perfect for you, man.”
“What makes you say that?” I asked.
“Oh, she sucks too.”
“Ah, thanks.”
“He means powers-wise,” Soo-jung stepped in.
“So you do know something about her,” I pointed out.
“Something? I’ve been telling Soo everything since we got in the car to come here.” Just as Todd finished, he flinched. Soo had kicked him under the table. “But it wasn’t much, really.”
“What do I get to know?”
“I don’t want to taint your expectations.” He pushed his empty glass away, swapping it with the new one. “But can I be serious for a second?”
I considered it. “Sure.”
“She’s like my boss’, boss’ boss. So best behavior.”
“Wait. Seriously?” I leaned in. Todd worked for the CPRU, which meant that she had to be a heavy hitter if she was high ranked in the city’s power regulation department. “She’s—”
“Not quite.” He backpedaled. “We share a building. She’s straight DPR.”
I blinked twice at that. “Way to set me up to fail.”
“You should believe in yourself,” Soo cut in.
“Todd I w—”
“And she’s here.” Todd had turned his attention away from me and toward his phone. “Hope you’re ready to meet your soulmate.”
“Honey, don’t set that expectation.”
The bar’s front door opened, and I was the only one who could hear it over the atmosphere. I glanced over, and there she was.
She was stunning by any definition, but especially mine. Maybe it was a strange way to describe someone, but she looked beautifully meticulous, from brunette hair to olive skin, to her light blue jacket; everything was in place, and everything about her was gorgeous. Assuming that was Emma, I owed Todd big time.
“Okay, that can’t be her, right?” I asked Todd. After a second, without a response, I checked to see if he was waving at her, but he was stock still, a stupid grin plastered over his face. “Todd?”
Holy shit. The DPR had some crazy people on their roster, but this- I waved a hand in front of Todd’s face and snapped my fingers, then caught the sound of a single cautious heel clicking against the floor.
I stood up from the table and looked back at the door. She’d taken one step into the bar but had gotten caught in the same shock I had. “Emma?” I asked.
She snapped her attention to me -god, her eyes were- but she just looked confused.
“Toby,” I explained, “I’m Todd’s friend.” I motioned over to Todd’s still body and took the first steps to say hello. “This is really impressive. I didn’t think this was possible. It’s cool to meet someone wh—”
“I’m not doing this,” she said. “This is impossible. How are yo—”
“Trust me, this isn’t in my…” We stared at each other for a moment. Somehow, time stopped more than it already was.
“Holy shit.” We both said it at once.
“So this isn’t you?” she asked. Her eyes were still meandering around the frozen bar instead of staying in the conversation with me.
“No, it’s not,” I walked along her gaze and ended up against the bar counter, “did Todd tell you what my power was?”
“He just told me you wouldn’t mind having me around,” Emma answered, which somehow just brought up more questions.
“Enhanced perception,” I grabbed a drink off of the bar to see if I could; As soon as I touched it, it seemed to animate back to life. “What do you mean, ‘mind having you around’?”
“I dampen powers,” she explained, a little quieter than anything else she’d said, “make them weaker, hard to use. The technical definition is long and wordy so…” She sighed as she watched me slosh the beer around. “It’s a lot of trouble, really.”
“Probably good for work,” I offered.
“Pretty much the whole reason I have my job, but Callum wouldn’t admit that.” She approached, but there wasn’t an open seat near where I was standing, nor could we ask for someone to move. “Callum is—”
“Callum Rehsman, head of the D.P.R for the past six years,” I stepped in, “sorry, comes with the perception thing.”
“Honestly, I’m just glad I don’t have to explain it,” Emma took to leaning against the bar instead of walking over to a seat. She undid the top button of her shirt, which was probably too high for a date, anyway. “Emma Terish. Ring any bells up there?”
“And you’re?”
“Toby Vander,” I put down the beer to offer my hand, and it froze as soon as I let go. We both paid attention to that instead of the potential formal hello.
“So this isn’t you.” Emma reached for the glass and picked it up; once she did, it animated just like it had with me. “And it isn’t me…”
I swallowed nothing. We’d both said holy shit for a reason, but it felt impossible to admit it. Wasn’t there supposed to be a — Well, something? Anything?
Then again, we were stopping time, and what else could you ask for?
“Do you want a drink, Toby?” Emma asked. She vaulted herself over the bar with a frankly shocking amount of grace for someone in a pantsuit.
“Uh, sure.”
“I’d ask what you were drinking, but we might have limited options,” she was considering her new vantage point from behind the counter.
I took the opportunity to grab the drink I’d left behind on the table. “I’ll use the one I had.” I tapped Todd’s hand for posterity, and nothing happened to him. “Any idea what this might—”
“No idea,” she answered without letting me finish, “but my job involves dealing with unknown powers, so…” She tried to use the soda-gun and swore when it didn’t work. “You learn to roll with it until people cooperate.”
“You still think I’m doing this?”
“I know it’s not me, and there aren’t many options here with us,” she said as she ducked behind the bar and came back up with a lemonade cooler, “but I came here for a date, and I plan to have one. Been a long week.”
I returned to the bar, finding a seat now that she was on the other side. “I just need to establish that this isn’t me. I’m not trying to—”
“If it isn’t you and it’s not me stopping time around us, then someone is giving us a very private venue for our first date.”
“Isn’t that nice?”
“It really is.” She took a sip of her drink, then pulled it away before she had time to swallow. “Shit. Do you have cash?”
“I’ll cover you.” She frowned at that; clearly she wasn’t satisfied with someone else paying for everything. “Plus, you’re serving me tonight. So…” That seemed to be enough plausible deniability to satisfy her. “Cheers?”
Throughout drink one, we were casting nervous glances around the paused bar; by drink five, we were laughing, just the two of us. Hours dripped by with the free beer… or they didn’t… It was hard to tell.
Emma added her sixth can to her pyramid and composed herself. “Okay, okay, okay. One second.” She took a deep breath. “This has been so much fun, but I told Todd I’d tell him when I got here so” — she needed another second to find her verbal footing — “can you stop this now?”
“Stop what?” I was halfway through a sip.
“This is the coolest power I’ve seen but—”
“It’s not me, I promise,” my insistence ended up sounding more like a drunk debate. The drunk part was accurate.
“So your power really is enhanced perception.”
“Okay. Okay. You’re not lying.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because that’s lame and—” She stopped herself. “Shit, sorry.”
“I am so used to it.”
“You wouldn’t say that drunk if you could stop time is my point,” she almost ducked down to grab another drink but thought better of it. “So, that makes us…”
We’d reached this impasse several times in the last hours. I scanned her. The lines on her face. The size of her irises. She was worried. Apprehensive.
So I said it first.
“We’re soul mates.”
She looked down and to the left, considering instead of answering.
“Why else would one of us display a power we’d never seen before? Unless you’re right and someone was stopping time for everyone but me and—”
“And the woman who’s immune to powers,” she cut in. “Maybe we are soul mates, but turn it off.”
“It’s not—”
“Toby, please.”
“I don’t—” I stopped short and instead tried even though I didn’t know how. My perception was passive. I didn’t get to choose whether I used it. Was there supposed to be a switch somewhere inside my head? Was I—
How long had it been at this point? Six, seven hours? We’d planned to meet pretty late and it would almost be light out by now. She was right. We had to get—
“I don’t know how,” I admitted, “if it’s me.”
Emma opened her mouth to say something, then reconsidered. Her perfectly manicured nails were digging into the vinyl of the bar top.
“Okay. It’s been lovely, but if you getting here started this then,” I said as I stood up, “maybe I just need to leave, and that will turn it off so we can figure out what’s going on.” I took the first steps toward the door.
“That’s a good plan,” she nodded along with what she was saying, like she was convincing herself, “I’ll reach out to you. It was an excellent date.”
“Let Todd know for me,” I added as I reached the door; a second later, I stepped into the chilled early-fall air. The door didn’t shut behind me, so I kept walking until I would have been out of eyesight.
Then I stopped.
Should I have turned around? What were the chances that she was my soul mate? What was I leaving behind if I didn’t see her again? It was a dumb thought, but the idea of walking away started gnawing at me.
But what choice did I have? In front of me, a couple was frozen in the middle of a quiet conversation on the way to the bar. Soul mates only affected one another when they were close by. I took a few more steps and started to sprint.
I was three blocks away when the world stuttered around me. My vision blurred, and the moonlight was shattered by the sun. I stumbled, almost crashing into a woman dressed like she was on her way to brunch.
Shit. I’d left my jacket at the bar, but—
I checked my watch; 8:06 AM.

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submitted by Writteninsanity to JacksonWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:22 porphyrousarrrrr 26 [F4M] Jakarta / Anywhere - lover girl looking for my lover boy!!

Hey there! My name is Sarah, age 26, 5'2, 119 lbs, from Jakarta Indonesia. I've been single for over 2 years and have yet to find a decent man. I don't do fwbs or anything casual... what can I say? I'm a lover girl. I'm seeking for a companion who is honest, kind, has good intentions, wants to grow with me, is there for me during times of grief or difficulty and is responsible. Being funny or handsome is a plus.
My good traits: - honest and empathetic - sometimes funny - great self awareness - lover girl fr - love animals and YOU obv - like working out - dependable - fun to be around - a great supporter
My bad traits: - crybaby (I'm a highly sensitive person) - super shy (takes time to be comfortable around u) - cringy :p - scaredy cat - I have mood swings lol - people pleaser - insecure - bad at socializing irl
TMI but to be honest, I'm tired of constantly meeting jerks. It's time for me to find my true love! I am also new to Reddit; who knows... I might meet my love here?
submitted by porphyrousarrrrr to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:18 taylorroseap28 Broke up with me.. yesterday

First time coming across this subreddit and thankful I have somewhere to read and vent. I have had breakups before. But I stayed single (dated men in between but never ‘official’ as I was working on myself due to childhood trauma) for 4 years and then began a relationship with the man (lol.. boy with the way he has acted) who ended it yesterday. I’m older than my last breakup, wiser and healthier.
But he ended up. Gave him everything and treated him amazingly, if I do say so myself. Because I knew where I had faltered in my previous relationships.
He was very defensive and crap at conflict resolution. I said this for a while and he acknowledged it and said he would work on acknowledging my feelings before making jabs. You know, standard petty stuff.
But. After all the work I have done on myself. I give myself to this human and try give him everything he could ask for (I am F). And he ends it with me when I call him out on yet again being defensive and point scoring?
He is going to fall into a toxic relationship where there’s no healthy disagreements and resentment just builds up. I said that to him.
Anyway sorry. I just needed to vent because deep down I know what I have to give to someone emotionally etc after working on myself for so long. And I just feel like he took it and ran with it.
Pls comment some motivational stuff. Thanks 🥲
submitted by taylorroseap28 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:07 anonymous_computer85 What should I do

I am a year 7 student. There is this kid who we will call Kin who is also year 7 and everyone hates him but he somehow made this gay friend group with some girls and 2 more Boys like him. Anyways we had PE at the end of the day and I and others were leaning on a metal fence with lots of jackets on them. Then Kin says to me " your on my jacket" I tell him oh my bad then he says wow it stinks now. I retaliate and say Shut up you stink. Then we get in an argument over this thing. His gay friends group back him up and that. My friends come and they still want to argue. he make fun of me being fat even through he is a moritbly obese and I am in good shape since I do martial arts. Then I was going to just leave but he keeps rambling on and on trying to body shame me on things io don't even have. Then he says are you a lady and a man me confused tell him are you. He keeps talking and yapping but then we have to get back in the match. The coach then makes us do this game where there are 4 teams named 1 2 3 and 4. I get pissed at him and so do my friends. They tell me are you really gonna take that from him. So I wait till they call both our groups out but here's the thing. The coach says 1 person or 2 people or the whole teams goes on to do a one goal winner game. Every single time his and my groups gets called he doesn't bother to get on. but ones the Coach said both our teams had to get on with all the players he had to get on. I scout the pics looking for him to slide tackle and injure him. But he doesn't try to get the ball. After a few more round of other teams and me and my friends playing. The coach calls out 2 people from my team and 2 people from kins team. Kin gets on the pitch with one of his friends and then I hear for kin"break his shins girl" He said to his friend. Me furious I get the ball and dribble past him multiple time to annoy him then I kick the ball to him waiting for the perfect opputinity to Brexit him. But the whistle is blown for the game taking too long. On the bus back from the soccer pitch for PE he talks to his gay group about me. When the class has to get of the bus I wait in my seat that is a few rows ahead of him (no boys were allowed to sit at the back of the bus). I waited till he was going to walk ahead and just as I was about to shoulder bash him he lets someone infront of him. So I don't do anything. But then pushes that person to get infant and blows a raspberry at me I tell him to shut up, he's only confident since teachers are watching. Ones we get off the bus we get dismissed to go home. I sitting on a bench with my 4 other friends polkaing what we should do now after school to go park or something like that. Then I see him and his group I approach him and start talking telling him r u still gonna talk smack and that. he pushes me and I get pissed he runs his gay ass around the groups saying oh r u burning some cals there HAHA. I get even more angry but leave it. after a few minutes I come back again asking him to apologise. He just ignore me and when I push him with barely any force he ignores me. So I leave at that but I want to get him bak somehow. Something that will ruin him and get him out of these smart classes and everything.
So any suggestion on what should I do to get the most devious resend on him?
submitted by anonymous_computer85 to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:05 R0ckyM0untainMan Hear me out…

I had a bit of an interesting thought today. Lately it’s become more and more clear to me that (and I think the church has implied this) the priesthood ban wasn’t based in revelation and was essentially a result of the inherent racism of 1800s U.S. society permeating into the church. I’ll provide some quotes from Brigham Young for reference and the church’s response at the bottom. Anyways, if this is the case, is it really that much of a stretch to suggest that the reason why women don’t hold the priesthood, or why gay marriages aren’t performed in the temple might (not is, but might) also be a result of society’s biases that existed toward women/gays when the church (whether ancient or modern) was founded? I mean in the early 1800s women couldn’t vote or own property and same sex relations were criminal so clearly there were societal biases in play on these issues too. If God allowed the church to withhold the priesthood from people of colour, might he also have allowed the church to withhold it from women?/allow the church to withhold temple blessings from gays?
quotes by Brigham Young: “this people that [are] commonly called Negros are [the] children of Cain, I know they are; I know they cannot bear rule in [the] priesthood, [in the] first sense of [the] word.” Another quote from Brigham Young - "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so". Verses the church’s essay on race and the priesthood: “The Church was established in 1830, during an era of great racial division in the United States. At the time, many people of African descent lived in slavery, and racial distinctions and prejudice were not just common but customary among white Americans. Those realities, though unfamiliar and disturbing today, influenced all aspects of people’s lives, including their religion … Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects unrighteous actions in a premortal life; that mixed-race marriages are a sin; or that blacks or people of any other race or ethnicity are inferior in any way to anyone else. Church leaders today unequivocally condemn all racism, past and present, in any form".
submitted by R0ckyM0untainMan to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 11:00 Astor_Yuri The Power Moves (long review)

Long story short:
* Like everyone else, I had doubts before purchasing any of his courses, so I’ll mention the main points that were important to me before buying it (more on this when I talk about the four main problems I faced in my journey of self-development and attraction):
* Is the course worth it? Considering the impact it has had on my life, my answer is a resounding YES.
* Is there a cost-benefit balance? Absolutely yes.
* Will it help me in all areas of my life? Yes, especially with power dynamics. This course will offer you valuable insights that you can apply in any area of your life.
* Do the techniques and strategies really work? Yes, they do. However, like any course, the key is to you apply what you've learned and it also depends on the time and effort you're willing to invest to achieve lasting changes
Important note: I don't have any kind of relationship with Lucio or anyone on his team, and no one paid me to do this review, much less to share such intimate details. I am doing this of my own free will because I want to thank him for all the knowledge he has provided me, and I believe this could be useful for him and for anyone looking to determine whether what he teaches is useful or not. This review is not going to be directly about his courses; it is going to be about all the resources on TPM (The Power Moves), and specifically about the impact they have had on my life. Consider it more of a testimonial and also a personal opinion.
The following review is quite detailed, and really long. I really believe that writing less would strip away a lot of depth and context. I don’t expect everyone to read it entirely, but maybe it can offer some perspective to someone interested in buying the course. I’m not a special person (I mean like someone famous, or with a lot of academic titles, or any of that); I’m just a regular guy looking to improve the quality of my life and achieve enough economic prosperity to help the people I love most live the life they want, help those in need, people, animals…and if possible, gain valuable knowledge that helps me in my work as a psychologist. Nothing satisfies me more than seeing the faces of people when, with some time and effort, they realize they can do things they never thought possible and feel proud of themselves for achieving it. I also haven’t had it easy in my romantic life, and I’d like to find a healthy person who is also motivated to be a better human being and have a peaceful love. Learning about power will just be a means to contribute my little bit to this world. I’m not a writer, but I’ll try to outline what I consider to be the most important points to give you another perspective to consider, if you want to buy this course. My native language is Spanish, so due to the length of the text and my lack of skill in “speaking” another language, I decided to use ChatGPT as a translator (since I feel it does a better job than Google Translator), and I’ll make the necessary adjustments to make myself better understood.
For most of my life, I lived in deep loneliness and experienced a lot of abuse from people. I never understood why, no matter how many good things I did for others, I received mistreatment in return. My social programming whispered to me, “Do good things for others, and they will be good to you”, “Give to others what you would like to receive,” among many other things. But as time went by, I slowly fell into despair. Since I was 8 years old, I’ve had suicidal thoughts, strongly influenced by my social/romantic life. Eventually, I began to harbor unhealthy beliefs that took root in my way of thinking. For example, I thought I had to make enormous efforts to maintain the “affection” and “acceptance” people “had” for me. I also believed that if no one, not a single person, treated me with respect, it was because that was what I deserved. If no one was interested in who I was, it was because I was worth so little that I couldn’t ask for more from life and should be grateful for the crumbs of “love” I received. Regarding my love life, during my first 19 years, not a single person showed interest in me. I’m not extremely attractive, but based on social feedback, I’d say I’m slightly above average. Perhaps my short height would be the one physical trait that works against me, as I’m 1.63 meters or, as you might better understand, I’m 5’4”. As for internal traits related to girls, I treated them well, was respectful, showed interest in them, helped them, dedicated a lot of my time, and was unconditionally there for them through good and bad times. I was many things that, according to movies and the opinions of many girls (based solely on what they said they wanted), I thought would bring me plenty of women, and yet, not a single soul wanted to be with me. What I did achieve with the girls I liked was becoming their best friend. And so, I spent my days and nights listening to the girls I liked cry over aggressive men who mistreated them physically and emotionally and/or cheated on them with other girls. I didn’t understand it; I had a good set of values and not just with them but with everyone. I considered myself a good guy, competent in some areas, and was unconditionally there for them, and yet they preferred to be with clearly violent men. In one of the moments when I felt most miserable, the following happened: I liked a girl and expressed it to her, and although she initially reciprocated, a month later, she left me for someone else and started dating that person. In something very similar to therapy, I ended up helping her for almost three years to improve her relationship with her aggressive partner.
Here, I’d like to say something (nothing to do with the situation, but anyway, I wanted to share those thoughts with you): two of the worst things I was made to believe were: “You don’t have to change; someone will come and love you just as you are,” and “Romantic love is something that just happens naturally, stop looking for it. It will come to you.” Neither of these things ever happened, and both are awful, unempathetic and limiting mindsets.
Eight years ago, after spending some time in a psychiatric hospital due to suicidal ideation, I decided to completely change my life and committed to my personal growth. Every day without exception, I studied and applied the concepts I was learning in my spare time, while studying to one day become a psychologist. I bought books, courses (even from very prominent figures in the world of seduction and self-development that you would easily recognize). When I didn’t even have money to eat, I downloaded them from pirate sources, but I always found a way to keep progressing. I had many virtual teachers who helped me grow in different aspects, and I’m very grateful for the knowledge they provided me that helped me climb out of that black hole. Like many who embark on this journey, I reached a point where, no matter how much I read and took courses, there was nothing new to pull me out of my stagnation. Everything was the same. I had to constantly review new resources and listen to endless hours of videos to find a needle in a haystack. For me, it was no longer worth paying for a full course if what I was going to found was something I had likely already learned (a lot of times for free). Although I sought to develop on all levels, here I will emphasize the romantic part more. Generally, these learning resources had a couple of problems: the first is that I’ve never been the kind of person who wants to date multiple girls; I’m more the type of guy who seeks a stable partner. The second problem was that many people who teach dating skills ask you to have a very high energy level and I’m a very calm and rather introverted person (not shy, introverted). I don’t want to pretend to be excited or become friends with everyone around me to increase my social value (it’s very exhausting and not worth it as a long-term strategy). The third problem is that the advice of many people who want to promote healthy relationships (some of them psychologists), although well-intentioned, makes any spark that generated attraction nonexistent, generating very predictable behavior (in the bad way) among other things. – certainly, those tools are important for a healthy relationship, but they won’t necessarily make someone feel attracted to you (I find it unlikely). They are more of a positive complement that can help increase value when there is already attraction. After a while and thanks to Lucio’s reflections, I realized the problems and limitations that these gurus or psychologists, basically they are very “politically correct”. Finally, the last problem I found is that none of them addressed the true root of my problem. No matter how much I improved in all aspects, I still didn’t see results with girls. Yes, the number of girls approaching me increased slightly, but none wanted to be with me for a long-term relationship. That missing ingredient is called “power,” and although briefly mentioned in those courses, videos, books, etc., it was never sufficiently well explained to understand why I wasn’t achieving results. My problem was that my balance between warmth and power was enormously unbalanced. I was completely warm with people, but I didn’t have a clue about power dynamics (what Lucio would call “The King’s Servant). I ended up in the “good guy” category, a good guy who wanted to be bad and wanted to treat women poorly to see if he got results, but whose moral values never allowed him to do anything that would hurt or could hurt another person, even if it meant remaining alone (which, far from making me feel good or proud at the moment, it only increased my self-hate). I wanted to remain good, but being good got me nowhere. Adding to that, due to my upbringing, I developed an anxious attachment style (something I also hated for a long time because, objectively speaking, it’s certainly easier for an avoidant man to have more power in a relationship thanks to his natural tendency to fear emotional closeness and natural behavior to protect his independence; quick note: I think that behavior is far from perfect but from what I’ve seen at least they get more results with girls). I have been always considered too clingy and dependent.
Many girls who felt initial attraction to me after a while wanted me to stay in their lives, but never as their partner, only as a good friend. When I turned 20, I found my first partner. This girl was incredibly attracted to me at first, but as soon as I started prioritizing her and seeking closeness, when I set aside my power to be “truly myself,” she began to lose attraction and started to disrespect me. At some point along that path, I came across TPM, and I must say it was a pleasant surprise after years of stagnation.
Human beings are very complex, and because of this, it’s unlikely that a single teacher will “save” you from your social and/or romantic situation. But for me, the person who has influenced my life for the better the most is Lucio. Since I started this journey, I’ve been gathering bits of knowledge from each person that has contributed to who I am, but there have been two things that have totally changed my social life, and for me, both are equally important. The first would take a long time to explain and is more about inner work and pure reflection, but in terms of knowledge, if I had to erase those eight years and start over, I’d like it to be with the knowledge Lucio provides. Seduction University was the last course I bought a long time ago, and Power University will probably be the last course I’ll buy (for several years). I bought Seduction University quite some time ago (about two or three years) and am still learning; I’m just over 73% through the course. This amount of time might surprise many, but those who seek lasting changes in themselves and who are truly committed to deeply learning and integrating everything there until it becomes second nature, know it will likely take several months and probably years.
Having knowledge is not a magic cure; knowing something doesn't make you good at it. Changing deep aspects of one's identity is not as easy as many people seem to forget; it's slow, very slow, and also requires conscious and constant effort. The path of personal growth is not easy, but personally I don't expect it to be. It may take me several years of practice to consolidate all that knowledge, but I know with absolute certainty that it will be a great investment for my future. Going back to the main point, in my opinion, Seduction University and very likely Power University will give you much more value than what you'd get from a more well-known person's course, and at an incredibly affordable price. I know this, because I've been consuming content from many authors for 8 years (every day, each day of the past 8 years without fail). Honestly, I'm fortunate that it is priced so affordably. To be completely honest with you I don't earn much money, and, in my country, there is not much economic prosperity, there is significant inequality, and for me, paying for a course in dollars is comparatively much more expensive than for people who earn in dollars or other stronger currencies. And still, I believe it's totally worth investing in these courses.
One important thing I've learned over the years is that there are things your mind will not be ready to understand, and the good thing about that is as long as you commit to your learning, you will keep growing and progressing, and at some point when you revisit the material, you might understand those things you didn't “grasp” initially, or you might achieve more advanced things that your novice self couldn't properly do the first time you went through the material. You'll pay a price for one of these courses the day you decide to buy it (if you decide to do so), but the truth is that by the time you truly learn everything, so much time will have passed that, if you look at it from a very distant perspective (all the required time for you to really learn), you'll find that the benefits you will get will be arguably greater than those that Lucio and his team will have gotten. Another thing to keep in mind is that either Seduction University or Power University, if used well, will likely help you achieve more economic prosperity; on the other hand, Lucio makes sure to improve the course content, which guarantees even more growth over time. For me this justifies the annual payment to access the material again, which brings me to the next point: Lucio gives you a full year to access the learning material, and if you want to keep having access, he significantly reduces the price (probably in gratitude to those who trusted him and decided to buy the course). Also, keep in mind what I said about how it's very likely that the second or third time you take the course, you'll probably learn new things you were not prepared for before. Finally, it's a price that, in my opinion, supports all his work. He has spent a lot of time and effort reading books, articles, reviewing courses, making videos, writing in his blog, and much more, all for free. Even if you decided not to buy any of his courses, believe me, just by reading his articles, watching his videos, and reading the book reviews he recommends for specific issues, you'd already be avoiding wasting time on reading useless or unnecessarily complex things. For my part, I'm glad he was able to provide me with a way out of the stagnation I had; I really like that he also considers people who are looking for a stable relationship and not just those seeking to have more sexual partners (which is also very valid and respectable); I like that he teaches the "general rules and mindsets," allowing for personality flexibility since that way I don't feel compelled to be (or rather pretend to be) a very energetic and super sociable person to achieve good results with girls; I like that he is a person who does not seek or promote the use of the knowledge he has to harm people but focuses on teaching how to generate relationships that promote a win-win dynamic. Since I started to consume his content, my life has changed quite a bit. I definitely feel more respected, and all my relationships have improved on all levels, romantically, although I have not yet found a person with whom there has been enough compatibility to want to have that person as a stable partner, and I still have much to improve, I definitely feel that I have become more attractive to people. In my last job, considering there weren't many staff members (about 30-35 workers including supervisors and the manager), I ended up being (romantically/sexually) liked by 14 people (8 women, 6 men), and in that job, I dated my second partner. I still make many mistakes, and there are deeper issues that require professional help, but the truth is that my life has undoubtedly improved a lot. I am a person who really takes the time to learn and truly integrate into myself what I have learned, and it has taken me years to consolidate the knowledge in Seduction University. As I said before, I haven't finished it, and it will probably take me many more months (maybe years) to consolidate the information there and what I still have not read yet in the course (not to mention the hyperlinks he provides to dig really deep in some topics). I want to improve even more in my life, and that’s why I decided to buy Power University. From lesson one, I already started finding very valuable knowledge; I haven't gone far into the course, and it would be dishonest to give my opinion, but I feel that, like Seduction University, Power University will also be very worthwhile. The book "Ultimate Power" also has hidden gems (at the moment, I am reflecting a lot on what it explains about cultivating an antifragile ego). I decided not to buy more courses or books because it will probably take me more than a year to consume all the content and much longer to make it my second nature. Although I like to diversify my knowledge and will continue learning about synergistic topics about personal growth, I would like to prioritize finishing both courses (at least "the reading part" the "superficial effort part"), besides dedicating the rest of my efforts to deep-reflective inner work, developing a physique that I feel happy with, and creating my own business that will allow me to help more people and animals in the future.
I hope the knowledge you find in any of TPM’s resources changes your life as much as it changed mine. Of course, it’s important to learn from different people and not become obsessed with a single philosophy. There are things you won’t find in Lucio’s material that could be very useful in your life and your specific problems/challenges, and you shouldn’t overlook them. Additionally, learning from different people with different perspectives will help you be more flexible and have a better chance of achieving the things you want in life. Find someone who shares their knowledge with you and who makes you reflect, and when you notice that that person starts repeating ideas, it's time to move on and look for new people who can help you out of your stagnation. Remember, every piece is important along the way, and it's important to be grateful to every person you meet because everyone has a valuable lesson to teach you (especially when that person has a different perspective than yours).
I'll probably spend many more years learning from Lucio until I finish integrating the knowledge he offers (although as he will most likely keep adding more content and learning things on his own, I will surely visit his blog or YouTube channel from time to time like visiting an old and dear friend and teacher whom I admire and respect).
I would like to make a final mention to John from customer service. He is a charming person and attended to me very well every time I contacted customer service. It feels like talking to a good friend; the service is fast, he is respectful, he has manners, and from start to finish he was very attentive in keeping his word every time he told me he would respond within a certain time frame. You can't really get to know a person in customer service, but from all the times I talked to him, he seemed competent, warm, and generous. John deserves a raise; he’s a really great guy :)

submitted by Astor_Yuri to CoursesReviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:56 Longjumping-Pick-706 If Only I had Known

My apologies in advance if this is long. I was in an abusive relationship/marriage for 23 years. This incident happened when we were still friends. If I had I only known the truth when this had originally happened, I would have been saved from decades of emotional, psychological, verbal, physical, sexual, and physical abuse. (And currently post-separation abuse).
The cast: me, my ex Bub (Beelzebub), my ex-crush B, Bub's gf M, Bub's bf V (It will make sense when you read it.)
TW: Suicide, self-harm, abuse
We met through a mutual friend. We became really close really quickly. He was 17 and I was 19. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. I was raised around domestic abuse, and my family was highly dysfunctional. I suffered severe trauma as a child being raised in this environment with an abusive father and brother. (His namesake). By the time I met Bub, I had been having mental health struggles for many years. To deal with the trauma I still suffered from I would self-harm by cutting frequently. I also had been in a psychiatric hospital twice for suicide attempts. I told Bub about all of this, and he knew that I still did it. He was very supportive and would get really sad when I harmed myself.
Since we were just friends we would talk about our crushes. He had a crush on a girl from high school and I had a crush on one of my ex's B, who was also my high school crush. We only dated for 3 weeks, and we decided we were better as friends then lovers. Though we did have a FWB thing going on when we were both single. He really talked up his crush and I really talked up mine.
Two months into our friendship he got a gf. He told me she was a girl he knew from his home city named M. He claimed her mother would babysit him and his brother. He really talked this girl up. She was into all the same things as him. He said she had beautiful red hair, D breasts, liked the same books, movies and music as him. (Yes, he bragged about these things, as disgusting and corny as it sounds now). I was starting to believe he talked her up to make me jealous, which it honestly did. However, I knew it was petty jealousy and I was very happy for him and expressed that to him.
I don't know whose idea it was for her to start communicating with me, but she started emailing me to get to know his best friend (me). I was totally cool with this and was excited to get to know her. Before I know it, she starts getting really nasty with me for no apparent reason. It really upset me. My natural impulse at the time when I was upset was to cut. It was a maladaptive coping mechanism I had for years, and I did it when I was really upset. I explained this to him, and he said he would talk to her. He showed real concern I was harming myself and he also wanted her to stop.
So, he told me he had talked to her, and she had told him she would stop harassing me for no good reason. I really assumed she was jealous and let her know there was nothing to worry about. We were friends and he had a much longer history with her. She didn't stop. She continued to say the vilest and f'd up things to me, including making crass and insensitive comments about my suicidal ideation and self-harm. Naturally I was really upset and cut myself pretty badly. I still have the scar.
This basically went on until they broke up a month later. He said she was doing heroin, and he was vehemently against drugs. He said that they had a good friend that died of an OD, and he couldn't be with her if she was going to do that. It was over. She never contacted me again.
Not long after that B (my ex-bf) had come back from bootcamp. I spent a good deal of time with him while he was on home for leave for two weeks before he shipped out overseas. We decided in that time that we would no longer be FWB because I was starting to have feelings for Bub. Me and Bub started dating right after that. He ended up telling me that him and M didn't really date, and he had only told me that to make me jealous. AHA! I was correct!
So, I asked to meet her. He was a bit hesitant at first, but he finally agreed. At this point his bf V from his home city was dating her. It was the perfect opportunity to meet her as like a double date. I will say, at that time in my life I could be possessive and jealous. Not proud of it, but I was young and immature. I ended up treating her pretty snidely because of this.
One night we were out with them, and Bub got into a car accident. We ended up having to call his dad for a ride home. When we got to his home, his dad was contemplating letting them sleep there. I whispered in Bub's ear that I was not okay with his ex-gf sleeping at his house. She overheard me tell him this. She pulled me aside and told me they never dated. WHAT? I was furious. Bub made eye contact with me, and by the look on his face, I could tell he knew what she told me. The ride back, to drop them at home in his dad's car, was uncomfortable to say the least.
After he dropped them off, I confronted him. His explanation was I was so pushy to meet her, but he knew how jealous I could be, so he didn't want to actually introduce me to the real M. Ends up V was dating a girl with the same name. I felt so stupid and betrayed. I wanted to end it, but he seemed so remorseful I ended up giving him another chance.
Well, the years go rolling by, and I hear no more about this girl who he was so close with, in the past. Bub was a very charismatic person with a lot of friends. He never stopped speaking to friends permanently and they would come in and out of his life. I found it a little odd that there was no mention of her but didn't think much else of it. I also never really formally met her.
Then Facebook became a thing. He ended up being friends with every person he had ever known. Except her. I would bring it up and he would always have some excuse. We ended up moving in with his brother in 2015. I wasn't really around his brother a lot, so I never got a chance to talk to him at length. I remember at one point I brought her up. I was just so curious at the mystery girl and wanted to see if he was still in touch with her. He told me he didn't know what I was talking about. He said his mother never left them with babysitters and only worked when they were in school.
"What does that mean," I'm thinking. WTF does that mean? I brought it up to Bub and he told me she only babysat a few times so his brother probably forgot. But this didn't sit right with me. He had told me that she would babysit them frequently. He denied ever saying the frequency. What could I do but believe him? It had been almost 15 years by that point. That's a long time to keep a secret like that. Surely, he was telling me the truth. I dropped it for good.
We get married that year. We had a child the next year. We had a stillborn a year after that. All this time until 2022, I started feeling really uneasy about our relationship. I started suspecting that his behavior towards me was abusive.
Sidenote: I didn't include all the abusive behaviors in this post, as it would be a novel if I did. I'm simply recalling the events around the catalyst to my descent into hell.
By the end of 2022 I was broken. I had gotten my first of what would end up being 3 TROs against him. I dismissed the first two. (The second was a dual, as he set up a situation that created the need for me to defend myself. He claimed I wasn't defending myself. That's a story for another day). After the first two, I was still so desperate to salvage my marriage with my eternal hope that he could change. I was just so broken by then I didn't think I deserved any better, and no one else could possibly want a worthless, pitiful broken mess like me.
The summer of 2023, while laying sleepless in bed, the memory of M flashed through my mind. I started remembering details I had long forgotten. Why did I never meet her? Why was she never his friend on Facebook? Why had neither of them reached out to each other? I had met every person he talked about, or he was at least friends with them on Facebook. Why not her? Why did his brother not remember? Why did he say M's mother babysat them all the time? I KNOW he originally said that damn it! Why was her email address, at only 17-years-old, her first and last name? 17-year-olds don't use their names like professionals. They call themselves sparklybutterflies86 for christ's sakes! This was all going through my head.
The next day I confronted Bub. I will paraphrase to the best of my memory:
Me: Was M real?
Bub: I thought this had been settled already.
Me: No. No, it hasn't. You told me your brother just did not remember her and that was the last I spoke of it.
Bub: Deadpanned looking me right in the eye "No. She wasn't real. I thought you knew this by now."
I can't really remember what I said at that point, but it was a lot of "how the fuck could you do that? and other expletives. His excuse was he was an insecure teenager, and he was jealous of B and how much I talked about him. A fucking insecure teenager. Talking up his high school crush didn't make me jealous, so he made up a gf.
He pretended to be a gf, who went on to harass the shit out me. Which caused me to be so distraught that I cut myself. He knew I was harming myself and he kept on doing it. I still bare the fucking scar from that time. He involved a poor innocent girl that I was fucking terrible to. Not to mention the fake story of a friend that Od'd. And his excuse for this deranged, diabolical, INSANE fucking shit was, "I was an insecure teenager." No fucking big deal, right?
23 years. Two kids. One alive and one deceased. 23 years of complete and utter psychological annihilation with this man.
If only I had known.
If you have come this far, thank you so much for reading. I left him for good October of last year, and I have never felt more free.
submitted by Longjumping-Pick-706 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:55 Successful-Wheel4768 "Get some women friends"

Another post about my former friend. You know, the fact she treated me like shit is one thing. But another thing is that i got to see how she lives. You know what they say, right? Get some women friends. Yeah, this was a massive eye opener
submitted by Successful-Wheel4768 to TrueVirgin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:51 Flat_Gene_8955 What are your favorite Kuroko no basket quotes/lines?

Here are some of mine! Obviously, I can’t put every single word down else I would, but these are just some that really stuck to my memory, but there are so many more that are still in my top tier!
“Don’t give up! There’s no shame in falling! The only thing to be ashamed of is not getting back up!" Midorima
“No matter how many more points you have at the end of the game, if you’re not happy, that’s not a victory." Kuroko
“We don't just support each other because we're a team, we're a team because we support each other." Kiyoshi
“Now let's have some fun." Kiyoshiiii
“The only one who can beat me is me." Aomine
“I'll jam it in so hard your heads will spin!" Murasakibara
“Have fun slapping around those leathery balls, losers!” Hyūga 💀
“It’s really strange. I don’t recall meeting an idiot who can’t sort out his thoughts during a basketball game!” Kise This made me cry 😂
“Now witness my sublime form and realize, your defeat is absolute." Akashi
“This is our story! We decide how it goes!” Kagami
“A camel told me... compared to Akashi, you're just a hump in the road." Izuki ( I love his puns)
“You better add the word "revenge" to that empty dictionary of yours." Kasamatsu
“Don’t expect life to be fair” himuro (might not be a quote)
I want to add so many more! So badly but I love these a lot (og got deleted)
submitted by Flat_Gene_8955 to kurokos_basketball [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:47 mylostlights Ice Cream Piano Analysis

I get frustrated with genius annotations, especially re: Vampire Weekend's discography. While I was reading through some of the lyrics last night, it struck me how surface level many of the associations are on the lyric page for "Ice Cream Piano," which is a shame for such a thematically rich song.
That said, I decided to take a stab at dissecting the song as a whole, while tying some of the more obscure references with themes in the larger project.

Verse 1

"Fuck the world," /you/ said it quiet No one could hear you, no one but /me/ "Cynical, you can't deny it" 
Ezra seems to be describing a conversation between "himself" and "his partner" reacting to an unspecified issue. "She" reacted to something, and "he" criticizes that reaction. However, there is some ambiguity regarding who exactly is saying the last line; is it the singer himself, or is he quoting her as he did the opening line?
This ambiguity is a carried theme throughout the rest of the song, and as the lyrics continue, which side is throwing out accusations becomes less relevant. The implied goal of these first lines is to frame the rest of the song as an argument between two individuals, and to show the sneaky ways in which their conflicting viewpoints mirror each other.
I think it's important to mention here that, ahead of "Father of the Bride," Ezra spoke about wanting to move away from the more impressionistic style present in earlier Vampire Weekend records and experiment in writing lyrics where the general theme of the song can be understood in the first few lines. Furthermore, during the Zane Low release interview for "Only God Was Above Us," Ezra dove deep into the track listing process, stating he knew early on that "Ice Cream Piano" needed to be the opening track.
Knowing these two facts, these deceptively unassuming lines in fact carry a significant weight. Where the high-level reading describes a conflict between two individuals, the deeper understanding is that they each represent a conflicting philosophy or idea -- a conflict that will serve as the central thematic core for the album as a whole.
"You don't want to win this war 'cause you don't want the peace Armistice, /we/ never tried it *You're* the soldier, *I'm* police Listen, baby, we can't deny it You don't want to win this war 'cause you don't want the peace" 
As this section of the song is accompanied by a second vocal track, we can assume these lines as sung to each other, implying that their only point of agreement is the recognition of the other's uncompromising nature.
Armistice, simply stopping conflict, is so beyond an option because they're hypocrites -- criticizing the other based on one's subjective position. In her eyes, he's the soldier; in his, police. In this metaphor, one serves as the agitator and the other as defender.

Verse 2

The word was weaponized as soon as it had passed your lips 
The "word" here seems to be either war or peace. But with either it's a loaded offer because, as implied earlier, they're not engaging with the other's viewpoint in good faith and, as such, their criticisms are unfounded. His distaste towards cynicism and her more myopically aligned viewpoint sit diametrically opposed. Their definition of peace is incompatible. As the music builds, it seems to come in conflict with Ezra's vocals; he's nearly shouting as they climb and create a barrage of competing sounds.
I am a gentleman, I refuse to show my gentleness Fuck around and find out, the angry child recites this every day The universe will pry out, the truth which is you've got nothin' to say 
What's interesting about this verse is that, on first reading, the beginning of each statement seems to support the last -- as if said by the same person. However, on closer inspection it seems as though the following mocks the prior; "I am a gentleman, I refuse to show my gentleness" is clearly self contradictory -- as are the other two when read as single statements.
When split at their conflicting point as "I am a gentleman," and separately, "I refuse to show my gentleness," it continues to follow the theme set in Verse 1 of a conversation between two individuals. So, the verse can be read as:
I am a gentleman, I refuse to show my gentleness Fuck around and find out, the angry child recites this every day The universe will pry out, the truth which is you've got nothin' to say 
When one side says something, the other interrupts and mocks that statement. This pattern can be observed in the following two lines. However, by choosing to frame both the initial statement and its contradiction in the first person, Ezra is able to explore the narcissism present in the respective ideologies of the two individuals. They cannot see past their own egos to agree with the other, because the criticisms levied by one are exactly those which the other is accusing them of. As the verse continues, this rising tension and anger becomes more pointed and prevents either side from finishing a complete statement, the screams of one silence the other; and as they are both screaming, neither is able to say anything of import.
Fuck around and find out, the angry child recites this every day 
Following this, the second line is a slightly more direct accusation, presumably in the third person.
The universe will pry out, the truth which is you've got nothin' to say 
The final line is a direct accusation, and the only of the three in second person.
It becomes clear here that Ezra seems to be less interested in the specific opposing ideas and more in the conflict between the two, and the dissonance between that conflict and each of the participant's apparent similarities. The words each one says are weaponized before they are even uttered, demolishing any chance for good faith discussion.


In dreams, I scream piano, I softly reach the high note The world don't recognize a singer who won't sing 
There are a couple bits of wordplay happening here, outside of the dream imagery.
The first, and most obvious, is the phrasing of "Ice Cream Piano" in the title and "I Scream Piano" in the verse; pointing back to the song's overarching metaphor, "Ice Cream Piano" and "I Scream Piano" are simple homophones, which is to say they are two different phrases spoken the same way -- here, two ideas saying the same thing.
The second bit of wordplay is the actual usage of "I scream piano." Ezra is purposefully employing the Italian-rooted musical usage of "piano" which, when present in a composition, means to play that section quietly. The second half of the line turns yet another self-contradictory observation into a double-entendre; the "screaming" piano is softened by the instruction of "piano."
The first line of the chorus, when coupled with the second, paints a picture of someone who desperately wants to express their beliefs but, whether it be because the screams are quiet or because screams themselves are not songs, the "singer" and their "song" are rejected by the world at large.
Framing this whole verse as a dream connects these ideas to the larger themes of the song, as being unable to run or scream in a dream is a fairly common experience for people, it seems as though Ezra is using the chorus here to highlight the end of the second verse, "the truth which is you've got nothing to say."
Another equally valid analysis is to literalize the quiet screaming; the anger and animosity between the couple motivates them only to scream, and never to sing. Their unending fighting reduces any opportunity for growth through debate to rubble; at this point, they just don't fucking like each other.

Verse 3

You talk of Serbians, whisper Kosovar Albanians The boy's Romanian, third generation Transylvanian I see the vampires walkin', don't be gripped by fear, you aren't next We're all the sons and daughters of vampires who drained the old world's necks 
Russian iconography is further mentioned throughout "Only God Was Above Us," and serves as one of the more important throughlines of the album -- connecting Ezra's familial history in Eastern Europe, their ties with Russia, and its relationship to modern issues. This, as the first reference in the album to Russia at large, works as a bit of place setting.
Here, the specific namedrops highlight the same conflict described earlier in the song; the Serbians and Kosovo were once a united country as Yugoslavia, but were split by civil war as a result of fundamental ideological differences at the end of the last millennium. Moreover, the usage of "talk" versus "whisper" implies open discussion about the first (Serbia) and the need to sweep the more complicated history of the second (The Kosovar Albanians, the Kosovo War) under the rug.
The conflict between Romania, Kosovo, and Serbia is a deeply complicated and delicate situation that spans generations of ideological and political conflict. The mention of the Romanian's history surrounded by the context of Serbia and Kosovo, and the subsequent criticism of that observation, again highlights the nature of the conflict between the two individuals in the song: where one recognizes the material legacy of these terrible "vampires," the other points out that the new generation is not the old, and are not necessarily beholden to their crimes or traditions.

Chorus 2

In dreams, I scream piano, I softly reach the high note The world don't recognize a singer who won't sing 

Outro / Chorus 3

In dreams, I scream piano, I softly reach the high note The world don't recognize a singer who won't sing 
The repetition of the choruses at the end of the song, combined with the strong call-and-response of the instrumentation between and after the chorus and outro sections, points towards an unending conflict. By the end of the song's narrative, neither side has arrived at a compromise. In reference to the album, "Ice Cream Piano" serves as a massive "YOU ARE HERE" marker on a larger map of western and American political culture. There's a pretty clear line to draw from the struggle between the two characters described in this song and the ouroboric nature of modern-day political discourse, as we witness two parties cannibalize each other in an attempt to garner support from a majority of peoples. But to say that's the entire message of the song feels reductive to the incredible songwriting here. Even that conclusion lends to the broader observation of two ideas that exist only to oppose the other.
Fuckin Ezra, man
submitted by mylostlights to Vampireweekend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:29 Vast-Disk-7972 Am I wrong for wanting a baby when I am single?

(33yo F) I have wanted to be a mum for basically my whole life and these past few years I have been getting extra clucky. I have had my fair share of partners but I seem to only attract men that are... not great. I have had the thought of getting a sperm donor before but just recently I decided that I'm just going to go for it.
My older sister has mentioned in the past when I brought up sperm donors that I shouldn't give up on men and that it will be hard to find a partner when I'm a single mum. (I am not giving up on men, I'm just not putting my dreams of motherhood on hold while I wait for mr right) The real trouble started when I mentioned the idea at a family dinner (I was already hesitant to bring it up because I kind of knew what the response would be). My step mum brought it up by mentioning that a lot of women she knows have been having babies on their own through IVF. I decided after this comment to say that I was considering doing the same. My dad (63) starting saying that it was hard for him being a single parent (mind you he raised 4 kids and split with my mum when I was about 12), I won't get a break at all, a child needs to know who their dad is, I need a partner to bring in a second style of parenting because I won't know everything. I get single parenting will be hard and I know that I will be on the job 24/7. I can see where he is coming from, but I just think he's experience will be vastly different from my own.
My SIL (27 maybe) then chimed in saying that I need to prioritise what I want. I'm renovating my house and she said that I either need to do one or the other. She then brought up finances and said that I couldn't keep up with what I have now. This is not true. Sure, I don't earn as much as her and my brother but my lifestyle accommodates for that and is quite comfortable financially. She then asked me if I knew what having a baby would do to my body. I don't really care about stretch marks and a mum bod. I can't help thinking that she is projecting her fears into me.
I'm sorry this post is long. I really want to be a mum and I'm worried that if I keep waiting for a man then I'll run out of time. I am scared of being a single mum but I also feel like I'll do a good job of it. I work in child care and I love the bonds that I build with the children I work with.
Am I wrong for wanting to have a baby on my own?
submitted by Vast-Disk-7972 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:14 tinybeetch Weirdos in Myrtle Beach

I contemplated sharing all of these since the first two happened so long ago, but they’re eerie enough that I think that they should be shared. I have two stories from when I was young, when I was around age 5-6. Though they were over 20 years ago, the first one I remember vividly and the other occurred later yet I can’t recall that one much at all. However, my mom tells that story like it was yesterday so I’m pretty sure my brain blocked it out or something.
So for context, my mom had me when she was 20 and was a single parent for a while. My father was completely out of the picture, so we lived with her childhood best friend in different apartments when I was young. So one night, it was dark but not extremely late (like 7-8) and I was coloring in the kitchen while my mom was in another room. I vividly remember a knock coming from the sliding glass door only a few feet away from where I was. I turned to see a middle aged man with a sinister smile, pointing at the handle to let him in. I immediately screamed, which scared this guy off, and my mom ran in and called the cops. My mom later told me he was peeping at my her and her best friend for a while but this was the first time I had seen him and that he attempted to come in. Apparently he had left… evidence that he was there a couple of times but I don’t think the cops ever got him. But the rest of the time we lived there, my mom had security from her job (House of Blues) sleep over a lot for protection.
The next encounter is one I don’t remember happening but the story still terrifies me because of what might be out there and how easily these things can happen. It was a different apartment, like a townhouse, but only a few blocks away from where the other thing happened. There was a couple that lived across the street and my mom always got very strange vibes from them. The man would openly stare at me (around age 6) and my mom’s best friend’s niece (who was 11) when she would stay over, which would prompt my mom to angrily yell at him for being creepy for staring at us the way he was, calling him a perv. My mom’s best friend thought she was being paranoid but then at some point, I was playing outside, and that same man lured me over into his apartment with his dog. It didn’t take long for my mom to notice I was gone… it wasn’t even 10 minutes before she ran over to come get me. The couple acted like nothing was wrong and that I just wanted to see their dog but she freaked out on them. When we were home, I told her that he took pictures of me with their dog and she called the cops. They were kicked out but the pictures were never found… which creeps me the hell out to this very day.
The most recent creepy encounter was also with my mom but it was about 6 months ago. I’m still not sure if this was us being paranoid or if we were being followed but it felt wrong. We went to the mall looking for shoes for my wedding and started at Belk. My mom had to use the restroom so I went off on my own and while I was browsing, I got annoyed with this guy wearing a baseball hat because he seemed to be constantly in my way or hovering. It struck me as odd that he kept ending up around me in the women’s shoes section and I got annoyed with him quickly, shooting him a glare that seemed to back him off a bit. The aisles for shoes are short so I noticed him walking toward another man with a newsboy cap on the other side of the section with his arms crossed. I wouldn’t have thought much of it except the two spoke briefly before baseball cap guy made another round through the section. I’m not sure how to put it but they seemed out of place, like almost dirty or something, and I felt weirded out so I pulled out my phone to text my husband and pretended to look busy until my mom came back. She eyed the baseball cap guy lingering around but I felt much safer when she arrived, and I loudly complained a bit about the selection and “surroundings” so we headed somewhere else. We went into a bunch of different stores and when we were on the other side of the mall at an Earthbound (trendy hippie store if you’re unfamiliar), my mom made a loud comment how she kept seeing a guy in the same stores we were in. In the moment, even though I did have a strange feeling, I waved it off to keep browsing since I don’t go to the mall often and wanted to enjoy the day with my mom. She said she must be going crazy when I blew it off but the next store was when my mom’s suspicions grew into a serious full blown anxiety attack. I honestly was still oblivious to this guy but I saw how she was looking around a lot, had us weaving through people and quickly going down aisles. Like I said, I still wasn’t paying attention to the people around us so I bought a couple of things but as soon as I had my bags, my mom yanked me and rushed us out. While we were walking, she grew serious, kept glancing behind us and told me how she didn’t feel right about this guy with a newsboy cap and thought we were being followed. I took a look back for myself and sure enough, the man she described, and I finally recognized him as the same guy I briefly saw in Belk an hour or so ago, just left the same store we did and was walking toward us. He was by himself, looking down, carrying no shopping bags. We ducked into the first store we came across and the employees picked up on our frantic and nervous energy. When asked if we were okay, we told them what was going on and they stood in front of us, hiding us from view and assured us that we were safe. We didn’t see him (or the other guy with the baseball cap) after that but it spooked us to the point where we couldn’t even enjoy our day out anymore so we went home.
This same mall is known to be unsafe and honestly, this whole city is rampant with human trafficking so even though it could have been just paranoia, we anticipated the worst. Interestingly enough, this same mall recently posted a policy that visitors under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult after 4pm on Friday and Saturdays along with safety guidelines on how to stay safe. So there’s that.
Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Trust your gut. I don’t walk alone without my phone in my hand, and I call someone anytime I’m in a parking lot or gas station. It’s sad but it’s always been hard to ever feel safe when I’m alone.
submitted by tinybeetch to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:07 AdamantAce The New Titans #9 - War Dove

DC Next Proudly Presents:


In Shadow of Kestrel
Issue Nine: War Dove
Written by AdamantAce, GemlinTheGremlin & PatrollinTheMojave
Edited by Deadislandman1 and Voidkiller826
Next Issue > Coming Next Month
Slade’s gruff voice pierced through the deafening, wave-like roars in Raven’s head, but the rage was too much to bear. Her hands sizzled as hellfire danced in her palms, her body readying for another attack. She locked eyes with a reptilian soldier, dismounting his simian steed and charging on foot, but as she lunged forwards to strike him, she watched a man fly into her path. Slade Wilson caught the young Titan’s hand and pushed, throwing Raven backwards.
“Come on, kid, snap out of it!” But as Slade’s words fell on deaf ears, he felt the familiar sting of a fist to his jaw, a crack echoing in his ears. He recoiled from the attack but powered through his injury and stood his ground. Sinking his heels into the ground, he locked eyes with the girl before him. Her face seemed contorted and uncanny, as if all of the rage she was feeling was pouring out of her. She groaned angrily as she thrusted her head downwards, her forehead making contact with Slade’s teeth, before pulling her head back up again in preparation for another attack.
Before she could make one, however, one of the lizardmen had almost reached the warring duo’s sides, and as he lunged forward with his long spear, he made contact with Raven’s side. A small rip formed in the side of Raven’s outfit, which seemed to only anger her further. However, it did seem to distract her enough; Mar’i fired off a single Starbolt which struck only the ground - a warning shot.
“Raven! Please!” the half-Tamaranean cried out. But the Raven she knew was buried under unfathomable amounts of fury; she ignored her teammate’s call and instead flew forwards and swung out at the reptiloid. The strike glowed with red flame, sending the creature skidding across the floor, barely conscious. Slade spotted a flash of something else on her face, as if she was finally able to fight back against the endless rage - pain, perhaps, or anguish. But in an instant, it was gone.
That flicker of something other than white-hot anger was enough for Slade.
He clutched his side as his still open wound began to ache, the bandages feeling wet with fresh blood. His jaw felt crooked, and as he gritted his teeth, it felt as though they sat differently atop each other. And yet, he clutched his staff tightly in one hand, and with the other he beckoned to Raven.
“Kid, you’re fighting it, I know you are!” Slade felt his mouth filling with blood rather than saliva.
Within a moment, Raven’s attention was locked on the white-haired man once again. She fired bolt after bolt of black and red flame, but Slade was still dextrous despite his pain. He dodged and dived, weaving through the fire, until he finally managed to make contact with his opponent. He drove his staff into her chest and pushed his weight against the weapon, forcing her backwards. She rose into the air, a black mist pouring from her arms and over her face, a large ghostly corvid taking her place. He felt the deathly cold shadow of the bird’s wing fall over him, his feet leaving the ground as she scooped him into the air.
He looked down at the ground far beneath him. A fall from this height would kill anyone, he thought, let alone someone beaten half to death.
Then, as a verdant bolt of energy struck it in the side, Raven’s Soul Self shrieked and the shadows retreated inwards. Slade felt himself falling through the air for a second, then two, before he felt his back collide with something soft and cushioned. As he looked up, he met the gaze of Conner, who soared to the ground in an instant, placing the snow-haired man on the ground and giving a swift nod.
Raven let out a pained, frustrated yell as she returned to the ground, aided by a grappling line expertly positioned by Tim, and in response, Conner jetted off towards the sound of her cries. Slade’s feet faltered beneath him, and he stumbled to keep his balance. His breathing was laboured and his vision was becoming fuzzy. It felt as though, he realised, all the blood loss and violence he had suffered over the past few hours were finally catching up to him. Was this what dying felt like?
“Slade!” shouted a voice, followed by the dulled drumming of hurried footsteps. Slade pulled his hand across his face to wipe away the mental haze and drops of blood. It was Don, sprinting towards him. When Slade felt Don clasp him by shoulders, he realized just how slowed he was by his injuries. “Plan?,” Slade coughed out.
“You’ve seen what she can do. I only see one way out of these without one of the kids getting hurt. I’d do it myself, but I’m out of practice and this is too important to leave to chance.” Don looked around anxiously, his face betraying that he had a lot on his mind. “I’m giving you the powers of a god.” Slade opened his mouth to ask a question, a million came to mind. He glanced across the battlefield. Through a blurry film, he saw Raven’s Soul Self bat Conner away with its wing. He careened into the trunk of a thick tree, uprooting it with a deep crunch. “Are you sure?,” Slade asked, breathless.
“I’m not losing another Titan.” Don squeezed his eyes shut. His grip on Slade tightened as pale, almost blinding light enveloped them. It felt warm. No, better than that: it felt peaceful. With his enhanced senses, Slade could hear his erratic heartbeat slow. Fleeting visions bubbled up in his mind, opening up his awareness beyond the wildest dreams of Project Veritas. He felt rivers of magical energy flowing through the air and earth. Each of them spiralled towards a depression. Towards Raven, he knew instinctively. Iridescent blue light spread outward from his shoulders. It washed over his body armor, bleaching the jet black panels until his entire body shone with radiance. The pain from wounds old and new faded, replaced by serenity - and power. Don opened his eyes again and sighed gently; a concoction and joy, relief, and quiet mourning.
“There,” Don remarked. Slade felt lighter, less angry, less burdened. He looked down at the iridescent light enveloping his body. Magical energy buzzed against the surface of his skin. “The powers of the Dove - officially yours.”
Slade sucked in a nervous breath. “Don…” Even rejuvenated, he was still lost for words.
“They’re yours now,” Don smiled weakly. “Now go earn them. There’s a Titan in dire need of our help.”
Conner floated out of the dense jungle, rubbing his forehead. “Is Slade glowing or do I have a concussion?”
Slade looked over at Raven. She seemed less erratic, her movements driven by her brain rather than her gut. Tim’s staff batted fiercely against her, each strike buffeting her back more and more, but it was clear to Slade that Raven was not any weaker physically - her mind, however, was another story.
Slade began marching towards her, the ache in his side dulled. “Raven. You’re strong. Fight this rage inside of you.” Raven glared at him, a spark of something in her eyes, as she swooped in towards him at top speed. As she neared him, however, Slade readied his staff, stretching it out in front of him. As the tip of the weapon struck Raven, a beam of white energy coursed through her, as if she had been struck by lightning, and her body was flung backwards across the dirt.
Slade danced a hand over his rifle, but something felt different. He pulled it into his hands and inspected it swiftly; nothing seemed out of order. Raven rose slowly from her supine position, snarling softly to herself. Her movements had slowed, the expression on her face becoming closer to horror than rage. She was doing it.
“You’re nearly there, kid,” Slade soothed, his words suddenly like butter. He watched Raven’s shoulders start to relax. “That’s it. Just fight this, Raven. You’re almost there.”
Despite her tremendous progress, Raven’s blistering fury won out once more, and she charged a large bolt of hellfire in her hands. Slade fiddled with his rifle and crossed his fingers. There was a standstill between the two. Slade analysed his rifle again; there was something different about the barrel, as if it had been swapped out for another similar model. The stock felt lighter, too, as if the weight had been–
Raven roared at him, swiping wildly with glowing fists, and in an instant Slade instinctively pulled the trigger.
What fired from the gun was not a silvery bullet, but a familiar glowing bolt of white light, cloud-like in appearance. As it struck Raven, she sucked in a deep breath, the energy engulfing her. Her face softened and her posture relaxed. Then she swung out for the man’s weakened side, his bandages poking through the aura of light. And yet, as he stayed steadfast, not even attempting to dodge the attack. Sparks flew from the point of contact. Slade just readied another shot and fired.
Her body swayed with the blow. Slade closed the gap between them and focused on the new warmth he felt, concentrating it into his staff as best he could. Then, as he held it out in front of him at arm’s length, he swiped at Raven and struck her in the side of the shoulder. Each blow seemed to be more effective than the last, but as Raven’s movements continued to slow, Slade held fire.
“You’re doing it, Raven,” Slade encouraged. He watched as the other Titans surrounded Raven, each of them ready for any further attacks. Everyone watched with bated breath as their teammate and friend thrashed and recoiled from the hit. Her breathing was rapid, although it felt closer to panic than unabashed fury. She clasped her hands over her head, groaning. Then, suddenly, she stopped.
Her face had softened completely, her jaw slack, and tears filled her vision. She looked up at Slade with a comfort in her eyes. The aura emanating from him was pervasive and contagious, and although she had felt lost in a sea of impossibly vast emotions, its warmth and comfort cut through. The anger was still there somewhat, the last remaining dregs still working its way out of her system, but the comfort, the peace that Slade was providing was the anchor for her to stabilise herself. She had only ever seen this kind of power when Don…
Raven’s eyes widened as she realised what that meant. She collapsed to her knees, suddenly feeling the bone-deep fatigue her rage had suppressed. Her teammates rushed in around her. Mar’i dropped to a knee by her side and put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s OK. You’re safe. Everyone’s OK.”
“Don I’m—” She wiped away a stream of tears, stumbling her way out of the emotional vortex she’d been sucked into. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I’ve lost control before, but never like this.”
Don looked older. Creases ran across his forehead and around his eyes. His smile hadn’t changed. “Raven, my brother and I got those powers when I was a kid. We didn’t ask for them. We weren’t ready for them. We didn’t know how to use them, let alone control them.” He laughed dryly, recalling Hank. “I don’t regret anything. Giving my powers to Slade is the best thing I’ve done with them in years. I know Hank would feel the same way.”
In the moment of silence that followed, Raven rose to her feet and pulled her cloak tightly around herself. She was still shaking. Tim’s eyes drifted from her to Slade. “Something’s gnawing at me. Kestrel’s powers are weakened in Skartaris. Don’s…” He coughed, “Slade’s powers are amplified. If this place is what affected you—”
Mar’i’s face flashed with recognition, “—your powers must be tied to the Lords of Order and Chaos!”
Tim furrowed his brow. “Maybe.” He hardly had time to consider further when a thundering crack tore open the sky. Two bolts of swirling energy - one red and one blue - met above them, forming a swirling portal at their vertex. The Titans readied their weapons, expecting the worst.
“It’s them.” Slade murmured, still put off by his uncanny awareness. Terataya and T’Charr descended from the sky, one wreathed in mist, the other, magma. The two elementals stopped a few feet above the ground, hovering.
Terataya was the first to speak. Even at a whisper, her voice reverberated through the air. “I don’t usually care for surprises, Don, but this was a pleasant one.” A thin smile appeared on her face.
“Slade Wilson.” Terataya’s neck turned at an unnatural angle to face him. “You wield the powers of Order with great skill. Who understands the dangers of unchecked War better than a soldier. Become my champion. Protect the balance.”
Slade took a step back, then glanced at Don.
“She’s right.” Don said, with only a hint of hesitation. “It took me years to use the powers like you used them today. You’re a natural.”
Slade looked at his hands, still gently pulsing with pale blue light. “Thanks.” He allowed himself a weak smile. “But no thanks.”
“What.” T’Charr’s voice boomed.
“It doesn’t take Zatanna to realize an old soldier like me makes a piss-poor Avatar of Peace. I fight for a living, and I’m not deluded enough to think that makes me good at anything but fighting. If you want someone who understands the need for balance, Don just sacrificed everything special about him for it.”
Don raised an eyebrow. “None taken.”
“His actions today were noble, but they do not make up for years spent squandering the gift.”
“Squandering? The Titans wouldn’t exist today if he hadn’t pulled them together. Everything they’ve done. Everything they’ve achieved for your balance wouldn’t have happened without him, including stopping that monster you made.”
“Watch your tone, mortal.” T’Charr threatened.
“There may be a vein of truth to his words, lover.” Terataya said. “But *if we were to restore Don Hall’s power, we would need assurances. His indecision led down this path.”*
Rocks ground against each other as T’Charr landed beside Don. “You would have weeks, not years, to select a counterpart and return to your duties.”
Don’s response was instantaneous. “I’ve made a decision.”
“You’ve decided if you’ll take up the mantle of Dove again?”
Don nodded. “And who should be the new Hawk.”
Terataya giggled. “Full of surprises today. T’Charr?”
“We should discuss this.” He said. “In private.”
The three of them vanished, leaving the Titans and Slade alone on a battlefield riddled with bits of dino meat and ape fur.
○○ Ⓣ ○○
“You don’t think they’re gonna come back in like, 200 years, right?” Conner asked. He sat beside the depowered Slade Wilson, who was downing aspirin to make up for the sudden deficit in peace energy.
“I don’t know.” Tim said. “But we should give them more than fifteen minutes.”
As if on cue, the skies opened again. Again, the chromatic energy lit the sky and again a portal opened its swirling maw. This time, however, it wasn’t two elemental Lords to descend. Raven squinted to make the figures out.
“Oh my god.” Conner said, having a far easier time with his super-vision.
“What? Who is it?” Tim asked.
“Donna!” Mar’i shouted. She shot off the ground towards her. Her black combat armor was replaced with a crimson and white bodysuit studded with stars that seemed to twinkle as the light shifted around her. The sword at her side was gone too, replaced with a coiled loop of rope suffused with the same brilliant energy. The two collided into an embrace, spinning through the air as they held each other tightly.
Don was the first to land, restored with the powers of Dove. He looked stronger than ever, and maybe more importantly, happier. Even Tim’s typical thoughtful brooding has been pierced by an unimpeachable joy.
“I don’t understand,.” Raven said. “S-She’s alive. How is this possible?”
“I knew there was only one person who could be trusted with the powers of War, with Hank’s abilities.” He scratched the back of his neck, a bit guilty. “And she’d been staring me in the face for years. It took some doing, but eventually T’Charr and Terataya saw that too.”
Donna landed beside him, Mar’i only a step behind. By now Conner had stepped forward. He tried not to choke over his words. “I’m sorry. If I’d—”
Donna didn’t let him get the words out before pulling him into a grapple-turned-hug that quickly grew as the rest of the team piled in. Slade flicked another aspirin into his mouth.
“Danyah!” A voice called out from over the ridge. It was Travis, mounted atop a fanged reptilian creature in the vague shape of a horse and flanked on either side by his gold-armored honor guard. He broke into a gallop, stopping just short of the Titans. “When I saw the skies, I feared the worst. Is it really you? Has sorcery brought you back to us?”
“It’s me, Travis. A Lord of Chaos brought me back.”
“Not to interrupt,.” Slade said, still nursing his wounds. “But did either of you ask them to bring us back to Chicago?”
“I…” Don grimaced. “Donna, how do we get home?”
“How did you get here? Surely you could return the way you came.” Travis said.
“No, we can’t.” Tim said, pressing a few buttons on his wrist’s holographic display. “Whatever magic pervades Skartaris is also causing some extreme time dilation. I can’t guarantee we’d return to the 21st century, or even to Earth.”
“I spent a decade in Skartaris and returned to Earth nearly two centuries later. It’s the influence of Chaos. We’d need a Skartaran mage of overwhelming power to stabilize our return.” She spat the word mage with disgust. Travis’s expression seemed to confirm the reputation of Skartaran spellcasters.
Before their anxiety could spiral, the sky above began to churn. Moments later, the ground shook as a violent bolt of lightning cleaved the air, striking with such ferocity that all but Conner and Donna were flung backward. Mar'i skidded across the damp undergrowth, her senses overwhelmed by the acrid scent of ozone. Her mind was racing; their victory was hard fought, and she doubted they had much left in the tank for another confrontation. She dug her hands into the ground and pushed herself up as she choked from the smell. The Warlord Morgan and his military guards snapped to attention, forming a protective ring around the crater that now marred the earth.
From the smoking pit, a figure rose, unfolding from a crouch like something out of Terminator. Adorned in a red and white jumpsuit that accentuated his lithe build, the young man's appearance was marked by a red cowl and goggles, with sandy brown hair rebelliously spilling out.
Conner squinted through the dissipating smoke, murmuring under his breath, “A speedster?” The Flashes had had a variety of different sidekicks and other allies over the years, but none of them recognised this one
With a nonchalant flair that seemed at odds with the charged atmosphere, the newcomer greeted them. “Hey, everyone chillax. I'm here to get you guys back home.”
Donna, ever the leader, stepped forward and spoke with a commanding curiosity, now emboldened with the war aura of Hawk. “And who are you exactly? Why should we trust you with such a claim?”
Flashing a cheeky grin, he tilted his head and responded, “Well, I’m a speedster for one. Name’s Impulse. If I run fast enough, then I can… well, I guess bend time.”
Behind Donna, the group exchanged sceptical glances. Raven's face remained shadowed by recovery, Mar'i and Conner braced for action, and Tim discretely checked his gadgets, no doubt for something that he could use on a speedster should the need arise.
“Yeah, we figured that much,” Don cut through the tension, his voice calm yet insistent. “Who sent you?”
Impulse chuckled, his demeanour remaining unfazed by their scrutiny. “Look, the details aren't the fun part. Trust me, I can get us back.”
As a silence thick with doubt and scepticism settled over the group, Impulse seemed to realise his casual assurances weren't sufficient. With a theatrical sigh, he reached up and removed his mask, revealing a face familiar to both Mar'i and Raven.
“Brody!?” Mar'i exclaimed, her surprise echoing through the clearing as she stared at the boy who had once hobbled through their college classes with his leg in a cast.
The young man’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief and a hint of pride. “Actually, it’s Bart.”
○○ Ⓣ ○○
When Slade emerged from the shower, his skin was glistening with moisture, the water tracing the contours of his scars. He wrapped a stark white towel around his waist, and crossed the plush carpet to sit on the edge of the hotel room bed. He released a slow, deep breath; it was a good job the speedster kid arrived when he did. The notion of being stranded in an alien land or, worse, a different time had gnawed at him with a ferocity that was hard to admit. Without Bart’s intervention, every one of Slade’s meticulously crafted plans would have been utterly dashed.
Facing him, a wall-mounted mirror caught his rugged reflection. Drawn to his own image, Slade studied the scars that mapped his trials, the slick white hair that crowned his head, and the deep lines etched into his face. A familiar discomfort nagged at him, focusing his attention on his right eye. Unable to alleviate the irritation through the skin, Slade exhaled heavily and carefully removed the eye altogether. The movement, fluid and practised, spoke of years of adaptation.
He placed the prosthetic gently on the bed beside him and as he massaged the socket, a decades-old habit, his mind wandered. He wasn't accustomed to keeping the prosthetic in for extended periods. Showering with it had been an uncomfortable experiment in necessity - he didn't like it, but understood the importance of maintaining the facade. The Slade he would have people believe he was would have never lost an eye, because that Slade had led a life far from by the darker paths Slade had truthfully trodden.
His thoughts wandered to his brief time wielding the potent powers of Dove, and Slade felt a twinge of regret at their loss. The clarity and strength those powers had provided were intoxicating, yet he recognised that he had a more important goal, one he couldn’t compromise. His current role demanded not the accumulation of power but the perfection of his deceit, ensuring that all believed he was not the Slade Wilson they knew, but a Reawakened, more innocent doppelganger.
Now, with the glass eye resting beside him, Slade stared at his unmasked visage. Maintaining the myth of the noble Slade was critical. The ruthless mercenary, the World’s Deadliest Killer - those identities had to remain buried. The Titans had believed him enough to entrust him with divine powers, their faith a testament to his performance, but the game was far from over; in fact, it was entering its most critical phase.
Next: Return to normality in The New Titans #10
submitted by AdamantAce to DCNext [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 09:54 Yurii_S_Kh Is it true that in the Orthodox Church women can only be servants?

Is it true that in the Orthodox Church women can only be servants?
Alexander Bida “A woman washes the feet of Jesus”
Question**:** The inequality between men and women has been overcome in modern society. And Protestants have women priests. But in the Orthodox Church, women have access only to auxiliary work: selling candles, scrubbing floors, washing priests' vestments. They cannot become priests, and they do not participate in church government...
Among the twelve apostles chosen by Christ to serve, there was not a single woman. And this despite the fact that women constantly surrounded the Savior. All the instructions He gave to the apostles were addressed to them as the future successors of His work, and nowhere is it assumed that women would participate in the apostolic ministry.
After Jesus' death and resurrection, there remained a community of approximately one hundred and twenty disciples, including women (Acts 1:14-16). However, none of the women carried on apostolic ministry. To continue the hierarchical ministry in the Church, the apostles began ordaining bishops and presbyters. No later than the second century a three-degree hierarchy was formed in the Church, including bishops, presbyters, and deacons.
The apostolic ministry was transmitted in the Church only through the male line, and only men became priests and deacons. This rule dates back to the very first years of the Church's existence. The Orthodox Church preserves the order of Church life that was established then, and does not consider itself entitled to make radical changes in it.
The question of why a woman cannot be a priest has been repeatedly discussed in Orthodox theological literature. One answer is that the priest in the divine service is an image of Christ, and Christ was a man. However, this argument does not convince those Protestants who have made changes in church polity under the influence of feminism and the prevailing notion in the Western world that women should be equal in all things with men.
The equality of men and women before God is one of the postulates of apostolic preaching. The Apostle Paul wrote that in the Church “there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). However, the same apostle asserted that there are various ministries in the Church, and not every ministry is available to everyone:
“The gifts are various, but the Spirit is one and the same; and the ministries are various, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are various, but God is one and the same, producing all in all. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for his benefit...But the body is not of one member, but of many. If the foot shall say, I do not belong to the body, because I am not a hand, does it therefore not belong to the body? And if the ear says, I do not belong to the body, because I am not the eye, does it not therefore belong to the body?” (1 Cor. 12:4-6, 14-16).
In accordance with this teaching, the Church has distributed the sphere of responsibility among its members, including men and women. Not every man can become a priest, but only those who fulfill the canonical rules, e.g., no second marriages, no disabilities that would prevent him from serving, appropriate education. The presence of male priests and male laymen in the Church does not constitute any discrimination against the latter.
Likewise, the lack of opportunity for women to become priests does not discriminate against women or violate their rights. It is a matter of different distribution of ministries, functions, duties, spheres of responsibility, not of belittling one gender and elevating the other. Just as in the family a woman can be a daughter, sister, mother and grandmother, but cannot be a son, brother, father or grandfather, so too in the Church the ministry of fatherhood is the prerogative of men.
There have been women in history whom the Church has glorified as “equal apostles.” They did not carry out the ministry of the Apostles in its hierarchical aspect, but they did carry out the most important missionary and educational ministry, and their lack of priestly ministry did not prevent them from becoming like the Apostles in preaching Christ. One of the disciples of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, the enlightener of Georgia, Nina, and Princess Olga, the enlightener of Russia, are among the women of the Equal Apostles.
In the modern Orthodox Church, women are given a worthy and honorable place. Women's ministries are diverse and are not reduced solely to auxiliary functions. A woman can be not only a singer, but also a regent of a church choir, and most church regents are women, having women and men in their subordination. Only a woman can be abbess of a convent, and in such a convent all are subordinate to her, including the male priests. A woman can be a professor of theology. Nothing prevents women from holding administrative positions in the Church that do not involve a hierarchical degree, such as directing large Church institutions.
In the ancient Church there was the institution of deaconesses, but their ministry was not identical to that of male deacons. Their functions included assisting the bishop in the baptism of women, as well as charitable work. They never participated in the divine service on an equal footing with the deacons. Nowadays the closest to the ancient service of deaconesses is the service of nuns in women's monasteries, as well as those women in parishes who assist the priest in missionary and educational work.
To summarize: Apostolic ministry was handed down in the Church only through the male line, and the Orthodox Church preserves the structure of Church life that was established then. The Church has distributed the sphere of responsibility among its members: not every man can become a priest, and the lack of opportunity for women to become priests does not discriminate against them or violate their rights. Women's ministries in the Church are diverse and are not limited to auxiliary functions.
Answered: metropolitan Hillarion (Alfeyev) of Budapest and all Hungary
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:47 Follosh16 My father died a year ago, and I never shed a tear. Help.

(Long post)
I created this reddit account to let this off my chest and I want to know if I'm okay.
I was born and raised for the first 6 years of my life with my parents, but me and my brothers moved to another country and my dad said that he will catch up to us and travel soon to live with us "soon"
Soon turned into 19 years... He never came to us, we kept on video-calling him, he kept sending us money (to me and my brothers and mother) my parents aren't separated, still married, but and I quote: "I have a business here, I cannot just leave everything and come to you"
He didn't have a secret life or anything we know him, we are Muslim and so was he, we don't do such stuff, he didn't cheat on my mom and he was working up to his eyeballs.
I loved him and we all loved him, my mother didn't love him as much because he preferred business over his family where he stayed in one country and we stayed in another...
He died due to heart related problems, doctors told him to do something and he did other things so it's like he wanted to die and he did, it was his own choice to ignore what the doctors advised him to do..
After he died I felt sad and heartbroken, but I did not shed a single tear, the only thing I was worried about is: who will send us money? I'm a student and I don't have a job...
A year later my family dog died, he was 15 years old and we grew up together... The messed up part is... I cried for 7 days, I would be in the shower, bed, standing, sitting.. I'd just punch the wall or my bed and just cry in anger because I couldn't do anything and I loved my dog, he was like my little brother...
I tried to show emotions, I tried to mourn him I tried and overthinking made me go nuts I don't know what is wrong with me... Why did the death of my pet best friend made me ooze up tears and the death of my father didn't hit me like it did with my pet? Am I sick? I was sad yes, but didn't I feel as devastated or depressed when I saw my dad's dead body on a video call, and whenever I thought of him..
I just wanted to let this off my chest and I want to talk to someone but I don't have anyone to talk to.. Thanks for reading
submitted by Follosh16 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:35 The_Happy_Chappy Do people really want to live near work?

I see a lot of posts where people ask for recommendations of places to live based on where they work or are planning to work and I honestly do not get it.
I know there are fringe cases like you are new to the city and need a place near to just reduce the complexity while you get acclimated to your new city, etc. Or where you have a ridiculously commute like (Tokai - Stellenbosch). I am not talking about those scenarios.
I have a feeling a lot of people just repeat political rhetoric. For the poor the argument is that people travel hours in search of economic opportunities and that is where all their wages go, it is true and is a valid point. For the more affluent the argument is that the time spent in traffic is a waste, affects mental health and could be with family. I feel like efficient, affordable public transport solves most of these issues.
For those with families, my assumption is that where you choose to live is mostly dependent on affordability, schools, safety and proximity to activities for the family and not where you work unless you own the business.
For single people, my assumption is that where you choose to live is dependent on price and proximity to your favourite activities e.g. If you enjoy food and night life CBD and the immediate surrounds would be a top option.
When I think of work, I imagine factories, warehouses, office complexes and I honestly would not want to live anywhere near that willingly. Noise, traffic, pollution the list goes on and on. I am not talking about doctors, lawyers etc who can run their own practices near home I am talking about main stream work that most of us would be employed in (the man on the street).
Am I missing something?
For the TL;DR thoroughly folks: What factor ranks higher than TIME SPENT IN TRAFFIC when choosing where to live.
submitted by The_Happy_Chappy to capetown [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:21 dzeruel umm... I've never did this before...

I had 230 hours in HD2 on PC. I had to switch platforms and bought HD2 on PS5. I've linked my accounts (I know I'm a traitor) and my progress is back to zero. I was level 82... now I'm lvl 5 on PS (PC level did not change). I knew this would happen but I wanted to share some thoughts:
So that's it I have never bought the same game twice before, I've started my whole progress over I hope progression sync will be thing soon but for now and I'm pretty happy with my choice. Despite all the drama and flaws HD2 is amazing. Cheers
submitted by dzeruel to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:14 safoamz1zz Is she off or am I an asshole?

Girl at work pursued me, begged me to take her out etc. Infatuated with me. Told her im not interested in a serious relationship, just only looking for casual. She said she was down for a casual/hookup. I figured in my head this means she's down to have sex. She admitted later she actually wanted a serious relationship but would be WILLING to try casual since she really liked me.
She asked me how far we would take it, I said no limits..... but she wasnt ok with that. She says you don't need sex to have an intimate physical relationship, we can be intimate in "other ways", basically She wants to do EVERYTHING BUT SEX (she actually listed all the things including handjobs, masturbating each other, kissing, touching, etc. Says she wants to feel desired.
Says intercourse is a privilge that only comes with commitment and serious relationships and shes not willing to "give it to me"
I tell her that it surprises me because most peoples definition for a casual/hookup relationship includes sex, in fact sex is the "main dish" and all the other activities are side dishes sort of like going to a restaurant to mainly eat that juicy steak or burger and the fries/salad are just complimentary.
She said I was comparing women to food etc etc got REALLLY upset and basically felt like I only wanted to have sex with her and nothing else, if thats the case i should just go buy a toy. I'm like i never said i dont want do do all the other stuff, it's just that sex is the 'main course' to me so to speak, everything else is complimentary. Then she spammed my phone telling me she wishes she never asked for my number, regrets everything etc etc. Why the hell did she get so mad? I wanted sex, she didnt want sex, end of story.
Is she kinda off or am i an asshole? She's 30, single, inexperienced with men says she hasnt dated much.
Thinking back were these red flags I missed? She once talked about how all her girlfriends had an urge to get married during their early 20s but she didn't understand that, she sort of talked down on them for doing that (is this some "dont need no man vibes"?). Also talked a lot about 'toxic masculinty' (idk how that shit came up I was just like mannn dont talk to me about that I dont care about any of that stuff).
Slightly offtopic but she only used the word "intercourse" to refer to sex which was just weird to me. Is it weird that I find it weird?
submitted by safoamz1zz to dating [link] [comments]