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Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism

2024.05.16 09:10 rafaelholmberg Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism

Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism
Some of you might find this of interest - I’ve included the full text below and the original link too if anyone wants to read more related writings. (N.B. This is not an attack on existentialism)
Salamano distraught by the loss of the dog that he himself spent a lifetime abusing; Ivan Karamazov ardent enough in his atheism to suffers a satanically-coloured psychic breakdown at the death his father; Joseph Garcin obsessed by a telephone that inevitably connects him only back to the hell of other people that he is already in; Abraham witnessing his devotion to God singularised in his love for a sacrificed son; Clamence’s critical juggling between a virtuous debauchery and a debaucherous virtue; Joseph Grand’s literary impotence and self-doubt at the production of a single line in the height of the plague of Oran - these ‘narrative object-relations’ represent a logic that lies at the heart of the existentialist tradition. Fundamentally, the avatars of the existentialist ‘method’, from the literary characters of Dostoyevsky via Kierkegaard to Camus and Sartre, define themselves broadly by their obscure attempts to treat things (whether their object, their comrade, or their duty) directly, yet by a directness adopted from a distance, in a mediated, self-reflective view - they define themselves by treating singular instances as if they were isolated from the situation of which these instances are the inevitable reproduction. In Sartre’s Huis Clos [‘No Exit’], the telephone in the hotel room which Joseph Garcin finds himself in alongside two female strangers - this room being Hell, as it is later revealed - functions only insofar as it veils its own function. The uncertainty of its connection with an outside world acts as an internally necessary distortion of the fact that its connection is a ‘closed-circuit’ connection to the crushing immanence of the inescapable room in which it is positioned, a room for which the ‘outside’ acts as an unsettling memory or an idealised, ethereal vision. In Camus’ La Peste [‘The Plague’], whilst the central characters of the plot set to work managing and planning for the containment of the plague that has struck Oran, Joseph Grand is occupied with a parallel object - his book - which veils the impasse that the general population of Oran finds itself in. Yet this impasse is veiled precisely by reformulating the impasse as internal to its own distraction (the book becomes an impasse for itself). The book, of which Grand is unable to conclude even the first line, is an object that indirectly returns him to his situation (the plague) only by removing him from this very situation, reformulating a generalised impasse into a personal, subjectivized impasse. Sartre and Camus’ dramas rely on an object, a singular point of subjective engagement, to distort or cover a situation which the object itself is a direct reproduction of. The object is treated as nothing other than itself - as being a self-explanatory x which rejects integration into its background scene, and yet it is precisely this rejection, this negative relation of the object to the situation of the drama itself, which acts as its most faithful reproduction of the drama’s central antagonism. The object veils the situation insofar as it paradoxically acts as its structural support. This object, this distortion-in-itself which acts as the support of a structure which it disguises in the very act of supporting it - this is nothing other than the quality which Marx attributed to the commodity, under the category of ‘commodity fetishism’. One of the breakthroughs of Marx’s materialism was the reformulation of the commodity as the product of a mode of reproduction that it materialises in order to reproduce this same political economy by which it is conditioned. This can be understood by firstly looking at Marx’s inversion of the category of a commodity’s ‘use value’. One of Marx’s criticisms of the classical English economists was their understanding of the form of ‘value’ which a commodity possesses: the standard understanding was that the commodity was infused with value by its usefulness being superior to that of its raw materials. Any value, in other words, was thought to be inherent to the commodity, a representation of value concentrated in its use. Hence Foucault’s description of pre-Marxist political economy as characterised by an ‘episteme [mode of discursive knowledge] of representation’. Commodities do not, for Marx, hold their value ‘in themselves’, as a constitutive quality inscribed in the essence of the object itself. Instead, the object is something ‘other than it appears’ - the commodity re-articulates the mode of economic reproduction of which it is the product. The process of commodity production and commodity circulation which Marx presents in Capital begins with an analysis of the radical re-invention of the factory, or more generally of the social mode of serialised production, which capitalism introduced. (It is worth noting that Marx is not inherently critical of capitalism in this work, but slowly begins to enumerate the social and economic conditions which allow for a capitalist mode of production, eventually extracting the inevitable forms of exploitation constitutive of this revolutionary system.) Fundamentally, the essence of the commodity is the it has no immanent essence, but that it is a product of labour-force: certain time in which a wage-labourer dedicates his energy towards production. Capitalism, Marx argues, begins where a working day’s labour time/value exceeds the ‘necessary labour time’ required for a worker to return the next day in his capacity as a worker (i.e. the necessary labour providing for rent, food, clothes etc.). The day’s labour which exceeds this necessary labour time is called ‘surplus labour’. If the division of social and factory labour is advanced enough, surplus value can reduce the amount of time needed for necessary labour times to be achieved. This is ‘relative surplus value’ (as opposed to absolute surplus value), with which, Marx notes, capitalism proper emerges. A series of investments into fixed and variable capital, calculations of turnaround times, necessary maintenance etc. are components of the mode of circulation of commodities which directly contribute to their continued production. Production, reproduction, and circulation are reciprocally supporting, requiring capital investments, planned labour divisions, and a reproduction of the social conditions in which capitalised reproduction itself can operate. The capitalist mode of production is therefore, as Marx insists, revolutionary insofar as it is a socially revolutionary political economy. It colours a domain which was previously excluded from economic consideration - the 21st century only more directly displays the non-boundary of the economic and the social, where the intimacy of everyday life lends itself to the most aggressive forms of economic appropriation. The value of the commodity lies in its support of this economic process - the commodity is the input of productive, capitalised, labour force exchanged and circulated through its social forms of reproduction. Commodity fetishism is therefore the contradictory treatment of the commodity as nothing other than a commodity - treating it as having its value inscribed within itself, detached from the situation of which it is the simultaneous product and support. The act of fetishism tells itself that an object is nothing but an object, that its value is internal. It therefore distorts the general antagonistic scene in which it is framed, by reducing its ‘difference’ to itself. Fetishism reproduces a situation in the very act of veiling it. A distortion clouding a distortion by locating the justification of its own existence within itself, a veil which clouds a situation by the very act of making it possible - this is the fetishism of the object which Marx located in the classical conception of our engagement with commodities, and as we might see, it appears to be a strange communal feature of the existentialist relation to its subjective ‘object’. Consider the miserable figure of Salamano in Camus’ L’Étranger [‘The Outsider’]: a lonesome wretch devoting his energy towards hatred for his submissive dog by abusing it - kicking and shouting at it, blaming his troubles on his unwilling four-legged companion. By an ironic inversion, Salamano’s misery is nevertheless fully actualised only once this dog escapes. The misery that he has attributed to his dog is a ‘negative support’ (what Freud would call a compromise solution), a paradoxical bulwark, against a more direct state of nothingness and desperation which emerges if this ‘compromise’ is removed (for Freud, the removal of an unpleasant symptom only leads to a more absolute state of irreparable despair). What Salamano loses with his dog’s disappearance is his functional fetishisation of this dog: this object was treated as an isolated instance of misery, yet it is precisely this focus which veils the dog’s distortion (and support) of a more absolute and universal state of misery. This is the ‘broad stroke’ of the obscure existentialist tradition - noticeable even where we turn to its earliest manifestations, the most direct example being the ‘knight of faith’, represented by Abraham of the Book of Genesis, in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling. The paradox which, according to Kierkegaard, Abraham is forced to embody, is that whilst willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, at the command of God, he must in the very moment of intervention (being told that he no longer needs to carry out the sacrifice), return to the position of an unquestionable devotion to his son, as itself representing his love for God. The moment of binding, Abraham’s dedication to the sacrifice of Isaac, is a horror which in the instance of its positing covers up the greater paradox of what happens without this binding. Without the binding of Isaac, the paradoxical formula which makes possible the unquestioning devotion of the knight of faith is itself removed. For Kierkegaard, faith is based on paradox: remove the paradoxical instance and you remove faith itself. This fetishism of the ‘leap of faith’ is that the contradictory instance supports, by veiling, the inconsistency structuring the religious scene as a whole. Dostoyevsky is equally a prototype of this existentialist fetishism. The atheist figure of Ivan Karamazov maintains a fidelity to his atheism despite his suggestion that without God, ethical codes would break down (here we see his nuance, irreducible to the ‘new atheism’ of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris etc.). Yet this very fidelity to a form of pseudo-anarchic atheism leads him towards a severe psychotic break, of seeing a demon in his room, after his father’s death. The object of an amoral atheism here acts as a bulwark to a greater disharmony which nevertheless explains, by isolating, Ivan’s intellectual, anti-religious position. Precisely the same type of moral inversions would return in Camus’ La Chute: Clamance’s fixation upon virtue as an end in itself reveals itself to be a latent justification for an excess debauchery made possible by, and engaging in a dialogue with, the very category of ‘virtue’. The formula of commodity fetishism is evidently close to the existentialist mode of relating to its object. Across a series of dramas in this literary tradition, it is often a question of framing a singular subjective instance as an impasse or contradiction which veils, and in so doing supports (by reproducing), the central disharmony or paradox of a situation as a whole.
submitted by rafaelholmberg to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:58 dimitriospsaroudakis The Intersection of Mathematics and Real-World Applications: Perspectives from Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC

Mathematics has often been perceived as an abstract and theoretical discipline, one that deals with numbers, equations, and theorems far removed from the practical concerns of everyday life. However, this perception overlooks the profound impact that mathematics has on various real-world applications. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis, an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, provides a unique perspective on how mathematics intersects with and enhances real-world applications. With his extensive research and academic contributions, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC illustrates how mathematical concepts are integral to solving complex problems in diverse fields.

The Role of Mathematics in Understanding the Natural World

Mathematics is often described as the language of the universe. It provides a framework through which we can describe, analyze, and predict natural phenomena. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC work at Aristotle University emphasizes the importance of mathematical models in understanding the natural world.

Mathematical Models in Physics and Engineering

In physics, mathematical models are crucial for describing the behavior of physical systems. For example, Newton's laws of motion, expressed through differential equations, allow us to predict the movement of objects under various forces. Similarly, Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. These equations are not just abstract constructs; they have practical applications in engineering, such as in the design of electrical circuits and communication systems.
Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC highlights how advanced mathematical techniques, such as partial differential equations and numerical methods, are used to solve complex problems in engineering. These techniques enable engineers to design more efficient structures, optimize manufacturing processes, and develop new materials with specific properties. By providing a rigorous framework for analyzing physical systems, mathematics becomes an indispensable tool in engineering innovation.

Mathematical Biology and Medicine

Mathematics also plays a critical role in the life sciences. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC points out that mathematical biology uses models to understand biological processes and systems. For instance, differential equations are used to model the spread of infectious diseases, allowing public health officials to predict and control outbreaks. These models can incorporate various factors, such as transmission rates and recovery rates, to simulate different scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
In medicine, mathematical models are used to analyze the dynamics of biological systems at various scales, from cellular processes to the functioning of entire organs. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis research may include the development of models to understand the progression of diseases, optimize treatment protocols, and improve medical imaging techniques. These applications demonstrate how mathematics can lead to better healthcare outcomes by providing insights that are not easily obtainable through experimental methods alone.

Mathematics in Technology and Innovation

The rapid advancement of technology in recent decades has been driven by mathematical discoveries and innovations. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of mathematics in the development of new technologies, from computer algorithms to artificial intelligence.

Algorithms and Computational Mathematics

At the heart of modern technology lies the algorithm – a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task. Algorithms are the backbone of computer science, enabling everything from basic computations to complex data analysis. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis highlights how mathematical concepts, such as graph theory and combinatorics, are essential for designing efficient algorithms.
For instance, search engines like Google use sophisticated algorithms to index and retrieve information from the vast expanse of the internet. These algorithms rely on mathematical techniques such as linear algebra and probability theory to rank web pages based on their relevance to search queries. Similarly, cryptographic algorithms, which ensure the security of online communications and transactions, are based on number theory and abstract algebra.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming various industries, from healthcare to finance. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC insights into the mathematical foundations of AI highlight the role of statistics, optimization, and linear algebra in developing intelligent systems. Machine learning algorithms, for example, use statistical methods to identify patterns in data and make predictions based on those patterns.
In the realm of AI, deep learning – a subset of machine learning – involves the use of neural networks to model complex relationships in data. These neural networks are trained using optimization techniques that minimize the error between the predicted and actual outputs. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC may explore how these mathematical principles are applied to develop AI systems capable of recognizing speech, translating languages, and even driving autonomous vehicles.

Economics and Finance: Quantitative Approaches

The fields of economics and finance have long relied on mathematical models to understand market behavior and inform decision-making. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC work illustrates how quantitative approaches can provide valuable insights into economic phenomena and financial systems.

Economic Modeling and Forecasting

Economic models use mathematical equations to represent the relationships between different economic variables, such as supply and demand, inflation, and unemployment. These models help economists understand how changes in one part of the economy can affect the whole system. For example, the Keynesian model, which uses differential equations to describe the dynamics of aggregate demand and supply, is used to analyze the effects of fiscal and monetary policy.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of statistical methods in economic forecasting. Time series analysis, for instance, is used to analyze historical economic data and make predictions about future trends. These forecasts are crucial for policymakers and businesses as they make decisions about investments, production, and consumption.

Financial Mathematics and Risk Management

In finance, mathematical models are used to value financial derivatives, manage risk, and optimize investment portfolios. The Black-Scholes model, a partial differential equation used to price options, is one of the most famous examples of financial mathematics. This model allows traders to determine the fair price of an option based on factors such as the underlying asset's price, volatility, and time to expiration.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC expertise in mathematics can shed light on the development of more sophisticated models for managing financial risk. For example, stochastic calculus and Monte Carlo simulations are used to model the random behavior of asset prices and evaluate the risk of complex financial instruments. These mathematical techniques enable financial institutions to assess and mitigate risks, ensuring stability in the financial system.

Mathematics in Environmental Science and Sustainability

The pressing global challenges of environmental degradation and climate change require innovative solutions, many of which are rooted in mathematics. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis explores how mathematical models can be used to understand environmental systems and develop strategies for sustainability.

Climate Modeling and Predictive Analysis

Climate models are essential tools for understanding the Earth's climate system and predicting future climate changes. These models use differential equations to represent the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC highlights how mathematics is used to simulate the complex processes that drive climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions and ocean circulation.
Predictive analysis, which involves the use of statistical and computational methods to forecast future events, is also critical in climate science. For instance, statistical downscaling techniques are used to refine the predictions of global climate models to regional scales, providing more accurate information for local decision-making. These mathematical tools enable scientists to assess the potential impacts of climate change and inform policies for mitigation and adaptation.

Environmental Monitoring and Resource Management

Mathematics is also used in environmental monitoring and resource management. For example, mathematical models are used to analyze data from satellite observations, providing insights into deforestation, land use changes, and water quality. These models help scientists track environmental changes and assess the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC may also explore how optimization techniques are used in resource management. For instance, linear programming is used to allocate limited resources, such as water and energy, in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes environmental impact. By applying mathematical principles to resource management, we can develop sustainable practices that balance economic development with environmental preservation.

Education and the Future of Mathematics

The intersection of mathematics and real-world applications underscores the importance of mathematics education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis work at Aristotle University reflects a commitment to preparing the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to tackle the complex challenges of the future.

Innovative Teaching Methods

Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC employs innovative teaching methods to engage students and enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts. These methods may include interactive lectures, collaborative projects, and the use of technology in the classroom. By creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis helps students develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to apply mathematics in various fields.

Research and Collaboration

Research is a fundamental aspect of mathematics education. Dr. Psaroudakis encourages students to engage in research projects that explore the applications of mathematics in real-world problems. These projects provide hands-on experience and foster a deeper understanding of mathematical theories and their practical implications.
Collaboration is also essential in mathematics education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis collaborates with colleagues from different disciplines to explore interdisciplinary applications of mathematics. These collaborations can lead to new insights and innovations, enriching the academic experience for both faculty and students.

Preparing for Future Challenges

The future of mathematics is closely tied to the evolving needs of society. As new challenges arise, from technological advancements to environmental crises, the demand for mathematical expertise will continue to grow. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of staying abreast of current developments and continuously updating the curriculum to reflect the latest advancements in mathematics and its applications.
By preparing students to address future challenges, Dr. Psaroudakis contributes to the development of a mathematically literate society capable of leveraging mathematical tools to solve complex problems.
The intersection of mathematics and real-world applications is vast and multifaceted, encompassing diverse fields such as physics, biology, technology, economics, environmental science, and education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki exemplifies how mathematical principles can be applied to address real-world challenges and drive innovation.
Through his research, teaching, and collaboration, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC demonstrates the integral role of mathematics in understanding and improving
submitted by dimitriospsaroudakis to u/dimitriospsaroudakis [link] [comments]

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submitted by originmedicalau to u/originmedicalau [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 16, 2024

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2024.05.16 06:58 Aryavarta38 Cruise API Provider

Cruise API Provider
Cruise API – The Ultimate Solution for Effortless Cruise Bookings
In today’s fast-paced technological world, APIs play an essential role in enabling organizations to exchange information and provide value-added services. Cruise is one of the fastest-growing segments in the travel industry, with nearly 25 million passengers expected to cruise each year.
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A cruise API integration service is a service that helps cruise lines and travel agencies integrate their systems with cruise industry APIs. This may include the integration of APIs from leading cruise lines, such as Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise Line, as well as smaller, specialized cruise lines.
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For superior API integration, users can opt for the software solution from Travelopro. Travelopro is one of the reputed cruise API providers that delivers the best cruise API integration to the travel industry and enhances travel business.
As the leading travel tech service provider, Travelopro offers outstanding luxury travel solutions. Travel agents can use these API integrations to develop good relationships with multiple suppliers and online travellers. In turn, the agents can make easy and quick bookings for their customers.
We provide cruise API integration, which allows travellers to real-time search for and book cruises. Our software offers greater flexibility by allowing your programmers to integrate shipping functionality instantly into your business systems or e-commerce websites.
The cruise API offers several benefits for travel agents. It enables them to expand their offerings by integrating live pricing and booking capabilities into their websites. It also provides access to real-time availability, content, and descriptions, empowering agents to serve their customers more effectively.
Some possible services that could be preferred as part of cruise API integration include:
· Consulting and planning services to help businesses understand how to best use the cruise API to meet their requirements and goals.
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· Maintenance and support services to ensure that the integration remains modern and continues to function effortlessly over time.
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The Most Complete and Customizable Leading Technology Reservation System
The cruise module of our booking engine offers you the latest tools to offer your customers the possibility of buying cruises online. With the cruise module, you will be able to:
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· Distribute your cruises online, using a secure payment gateway.
· Provide extra supplementary services and products to add value to the package and increase profits on each sale.
· Create itineraries, offers, cabins, etc.
· Present a detailed package price to your customer.
· Handle rates for cabins, adults, and children.
· Manage all bookings made from a single access point.
Benefits Of Travelopro Cruise API Integration:
Trouble-free Online Cruise Reservations: Streamline your cruise booking process and eliminate manual efforts.
Data Security and Compliance: Rest assured that your data is precisely safeguarded and complies with legal regulations.
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Versatile Filtering Options: Tailor search options for a tailored experience.
Excellent Booking Process: Ensure a sophisticated and satisfying booking experience.
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For more details, Pls visit our website:
submitted by Aryavarta38 to u/Aryavarta38 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:23 Usual-Bat7857 T10+ / Goodman Comfortbridge / Oil Backup

I seem to have hit a road block in the solution that I thought would work for what I need.
I have a new Goodman GSZC7 Heat Pump and it communicates with the air handler via 2 wire. I don’t have heat strips in the air handler.
I also have boiler (oil) for hot water radiant heat (baseboard) that I want to use as a backup/emergency heat source.
Goodman states that the heat pump must be set up in the thermostat as a standard 1H/1C. That is a single stage heat source, and single stage air conditioner. Comfortbridge does all the logic. Great, easy peezy.
The issue comes up that in the configuration of the T-Stat and the wiring. T10 manual repeats over and over again not to use W terminal with heat pump but Goodman is expecting the call for heat on the W terminal. I think Honeywell is referencing that note for standard heat pump applications and not Comfortbridge. No matter what system is configured, you don’t get the option to set up an emergency heat source where it doesn’t run with the primary heat source unless you use the Heat Pump system option. The issue with using the Heat Pump option is that the following screen asks you about O/B to control the reversing valve which isn’t possible to set up. If you select any other heat system you eventually get to backup heat type and no matter what you select there, it always wants to run together with the primary heat.
So the question is, can I achieve what I need with the T10 Plus, primary heat (heat pump) down to 40 degrees ambient via wired sensor and compressor lockout with transition to backup/emergency heat automatically. This combination doesn’t seem possible.
submitted by Usual-Bat7857 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:01 AnonymousArizonan Strange Issue With Network (Cont.)

Strange Issue With Network (Cont.)
So I made a post about a week and a half ago which is this one, describing a very strange phenomenon my windows machine is having that I cannot for the life of me solve. I'd like to see if some new eyes could look at it, in addition to the new things I've uncovered/done.
I've done what the comments suggested. I flushed my DNS, did ipconfig /release and /renew neither of which did anything. A network reset under "Advanced network settings" may have helped, as sometimes when I do it and run off of the restart, I don't seem to have the issue. But then when I shut off my PC and turn it back on, it happens again. Sometimes not at all though.
In control panel, network and internet, network and sharing center, I can select my connection and look at the IPv4 and v6 connectivity. Most of the time, not always, both have "Internet" when the machine is working fine, while most of the time when my issue occurs, IPv6 hits me with a "No network access".
I've disabled IPv6 item in the properties button on this same panel. I've manually preferred 8888 as my DNS server and 8844 as my alternative DNS server.
I've done pretty much every single clean, health check and repair command I could find. And I've also tried turning off my firewall completely. Nothing has helped.
I do not have any VPNs installed (that I know of), and only the network device that I'm wanting to use is enabled anyways.
After further observing the issue, I've also noticed a few things. The first, and perhaps this is really telling or it is really pointless, is that I cannot connect to localhost. As in, I have a program running that should run on local host, and it does normally, but when the issue arises, I get "This site can't be reached". Furthermore, I've discovered that the issue almost seems deteriorative. I'm not sure if this is just stuff getting pushed out of ram or something, but I feel as though I can access less websites, or do fewer things the longer the issue persists. Like I might be able to browse forums while the issue is happening initially, but after a few hours I can no longer connect.
Finally, I ran a network report using netsh wlan show wlanreport to see if I could get anything. Not too sure how to read this, or what the important bits are, but I've got failures, 7 warnings, and 0 successes, as per the image attached. Then I get a bunch of descriptions of my sessions. I only see time stamps of activity at the very start of my PC booting up, and then a couple of messages around the time I shutdown, but nothing inbetween or around when the issue strikes for most of them. I don't have an accurate time of boot up and issue arising, but there are a few that have a random "WLAN Extensibility module has stopped." like 3 hours into use, but it seems to also have one at the start and end too and most others do not. Disconnect reasons are varied. My most recent one is "Unknown" and there are a few others which have that.
Any and all possible suggestions, troubleshooting steps, or solutions would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Edit: Exact error code on chrome is:
"This site can't be reached
[websiteurl] is currently unreachable.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. (Does nothing)
submitted by AnonymousArizonan to Network [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:55 TheGoldenLeaper Enravel Overview

Enravel (Seattle)
Date of Incorporation: 9/14/2009
Governing Persons: Rony Abovitz (Governor); Scott Henry (Governor); Anastasia Lang; Richard Taylor; Jennifer Fitzpatrick; Joseph Tsai
Enravel, which presented at the April Innovation Showcase, followed up the presentations with an update and product demo. The company, led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt [former UW & Microvision employee], has developed a laser-based “pico projector” that could be built into mobile electronics like cell phones, digital cameras, and even eye glasses. The 1 mm x 9 mm projector —about the size of a grain of rice—uses “scanning fiber” technology to then scan an image from the device, and project an enlarged image back onto a larger surface, like a wall. The company, which has put most of its resources into developing the projection technology so far, plans to now turn its focus to streamlining the light source modulator to improve image quality.
Linden Rhoads [at the time Vice Provost-IP, Commercialization, Innovation at the University of Washington] introduced this startup by pulling out her iPhone and iPad (yes, one of those) and talking about the devices’ display capabilities. “These are great, these are fun, but they’re going to be so much more fun when there are projectors available for them,” she said. “That day is very, very close at hand.”
Enravel is led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt, an expert in alternative displays, user interfaces, and human visual perception. He co-founded the company in 2009 to commercialize a laser-based “pico projector.” The idea, he says, is to “take a display of iPad size and compress it into the size of an iPhone.” More specifically, to shrink a projector to “the size of a grain of rice” and use it to project on-screen images, video, games, websites, e-mail—you name it—onto any larger surface.
The core technology is a “scanning fiber” projector that uses fiber optics and a vibrating element to scan an image and blow it up, for example, to a size of 17 inches across from just five inches away. A matchbook-size assembly of laser diodes (off the shelf) provides the light source to project the image. You could imagine such a projector might be crammed into a smartphone and used anytime you want a bigger display to interact with, for reading text or watching a video, say.
Enravel has five employees, and its technology was built over the past few years using $8 million in funding for a related endoscopic imaging project (led by Eric Seibel) and $100,000 in grants. The company expects to finish its portable prototype by next month, and to have a standalone product by the end of next year.
Thanks to for mentioning Enravel
Jump to Q3 2019
UW Researcher Spotlight: Eric Seibel, Mechanical Engineering Written by CoMotion Staff / September 27, 2019
Eric Seibel: "Scanning Fiber Endoscope: This is an ultrathin and flexible scanning fiber endoscope (SFE) for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The goal is to advance minimally invasive medical imaging by using ultrathin flexible endoscopes that allow access to regions of the body that were previously inaccessible to permit less invasive treatment of cancers before they have spread from their place of origin. It was licensed to startup VerAvanti for medical endoscopes and Magic Leap for AR displays as well as a few other related licenses."
August 26, 2019 - Veravanti announces a new subsidiary and the opening of a nanofabrication facility
"The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks."
Some information on Veravanti in relation to Enravel:
Research: Large field-of-view short-wave infrared metalens for scanning fiber endoscopy Mirror 1 Mirror 2
Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope
Other Scanning Fiber Endoscope Projects
Endoscope Surveilence
SFE For Dental Care
SFE For Bladder Surveillance
The scanning fiber endoscope is an ultrathin and flexible endoscope for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The SFE can be used as a surveillance device with the goal of improving our chances of survival from cancer.
A scanning fiber endoscope is a technology that uses a flexible, small (< 6Fr) peripheral or coronary catheter to provide wide-field, high-quality, full-color, laser-based video imaging. These differences distinguish SFE applications from current imaging approaches such as IVUS and Intracoronary OCT. Applications for the device (which was pending FDA review and approval as of 2017[needs update]), are expected to include medical diagnosis and support in determining interventional treatments such as surgery or biopsy. Providing both full-color images and a wide-field, real-time surgical view into the inner depths of arteries, enables physicians to circumnavigate hard to reach internal tissues to assess for potential disease.
REDMOND, WA (August 26, 2019) – VerAvanti, a developer of a new class of scientifically-advanced solutions to help physicians find answers to treat strokes and heart attacks that often strike without warning, today announced that its new subsidiary, Avanti, has opened a Nanofabrication facility in Bothell, Washington. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State.
The first-of-its-kind facility on the Eastside will support high-volume component production of wafers and chips with nanoscale features. Because of the inconceivably tiny parts made from unconventional materials, these components aren’t practical, economical or even possible to fabricate at commercial foundries. The lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication. The Avanti Nanofabrication will provide services to VerAvanti and the other businesses seeking these specialized services.
VerAvanti Founder and CEO, Gerald McMorrow explained why VerAvanti launched its new nanofabrication subsidiary. McMorrow stated, “The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks.” With the price point advantages this subsidiary enables, VerAvanti is positioning for a highly competitive market launch of its innovative SFE device.
About VerAvanti
Founded in 2013, privately-held VerAvanti is using advanced science and automation to commercialize the world’s first Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE)), to help physicians close treatment gaps and proactively identify interventions for the 200,000 individuals (U.S.) who suffer ischemic strokes due to an unknown cause1. Protected by more than 30 patents licensed by VerAvanti, the SFE is a micro-imaging catheter equipped with an extreme depth of focus camera that provides physicians a previously unseen surgical view into hidden intravascular anatomy, enabling more proactive diagnosis and treatment of individuals at-risk for stroke and cardiovascular events. Visit VerAvanti to learn more and review scientific papers and SFE images.
About Avanti Nanofabrication
Avanti Nanofabrication, a subsidiary of VerAvanti, is a nanofabrication facility located in Bothell, WA. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State. Lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication.
submitted by TheGoldenLeaper to enravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:57 mmaynee General Debugging Tips/Best Practices? (specific cpp code)

I have a code example further below, but the main question I wanted to present: What are some best practices while debugging? how do you utialize the step-through tools? (i spent like an hour trying to step my program, but it just kept jumping over my problem function and printing the same error). Do you use print messages? What happens when a function doesnt run, but the program reports no errors? (Googling something silly like, 'my function doesnt execute' will give you a million results.) I am trying very hard to retain the specific programming vocabulary to better my searches, but you dont know what you dont know.
I do fine when I get error codes, but lately ive been hitting some snags when the program doesnt return any errors, but it doesnt work the way I believe it should. I am currently learning out of a book, and it seems like when I get some inspiration and try drawing outside of the lines I quickly get a slap on the wrist.
My biggest fear being self taught is that I will miss some key skills in producing my own programs later; debugging seems like a major skill I would like to be efficent at.
My specific code (c++):
There is probably a lot wrong with the code below, it was mostly an experiment after learning arrays and getting curious I tried building a multidemensional array, putting an array into an array. But thats not where the problem is (theres probably a problem there, but its not my current problem). I have a specific function within the program that is behaving oddly, I try and add print messages to single out the error, but the messages dont print yet the function does print a value. I've kinda narrowed it down and I am guessing maybe a weird initialization thing somewhere, but that just points back to my original quesiton, how would I really know the issue?
I did my best to comment my thought process throughout the code, and the key pieces of the functions. Basically function INT fortuneTold(); is printing a value, but not the right value, and when I put a print into the function it appears the program is completely skipping the function call, and just returning a true value maybe?
#include  #include  #include  #define houseSize 6 using namespace std; int house[houseSize] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //prototypes int rng(int n); void buildHouse(int n); int hexIndex(int n, int k); int fortuneTold(); //this function has problems //main int main(){ srand(time(NULL)); buildHouse(houseSize); cout << fortuneTold << endl; //this call is returning 1 and thats wrong } //functions int rng(int n){ return (rand() % n) + 1; } void buildHouse(int n){ //builds a global array, i plan to referrence throughout the program int loopCount = 0; while(loopCount < 3){ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ house[i] += rng(2) + 1; } loopCount++; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cout << house[i] << " ";} cout << endl; //just a print to show this function works } int fortuneTold(){ cout << "im in here\n"; //not printing, cant explain!!! int tempHouse [houseSize]; for(int i = 0; i < houseSize; i++){ //tempArray changes the house[] variables to values 1 or 0 if(house[i] == 6 house[i] == 8){ tempHouse[i] = false; } else { tempHouse[i] = true; } cout << tempHouse[i] << " ";//cout trying to troubleshoot } int tempHex = 0, k = 0; while(k < houseSize){ cout << tempHex << " " << k;//another cout if(tempHouse[k] != hexIndex(tempHex, k)){ //compare[i] then reset loop with next array tempHex++; k = 0;} else {k++;} } if(tempHex > 2){//edge case because I removed part of index below return 42; } return tempHex;//printing as 1, but initialized as 0 } int hexIndex(int n, int k){ int hex [64][houseSize]; int ch_ien [houseSize] = {true, true, true, true, true, true}; for(int i = 0; i < houseSize; i++){ hex[0][i] = ch_ien[i]; } int kou [houseSize] = {true, true, true, true, true, false}; for(int i = 0; i < houseSize; i++){ hex[1][i] = kou[i]; } int t_ungJen [houseSize] = {true, true, true, true, false, true}; for(int i = 0; i < houseSize; i++){ hex[2][i] = t_ungJen[i];} //manually change hexagram[1,2,3..] and merging array name //idk how to automate =( //I cut out the other index items to shorten code for reddit return hex[n][k]; } 8 8 8 9 6 7 1 dub@penguin:~/cppwofear$ ./reddit 8 7 6 7 8 7 1 
Expected: n n n n n n
submitted by mmaynee to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 Ace-Per-Head PPH Call Centers: Necessity or Luxury?

In this era where people prefer to text and do everything online themselves do you need a price per head call center? The short answer is: yes.
As a bookie, one of the reasons you are probably looking to go for a pay-per-head service is because your business has grown and you want to give your clients more options, have a professional image, and simplify your operation.
Serious pay per head companies provide you with a turnkey solution that satisfies your business needs, among these options is the use of call center services.
Advantages of Having Pay Per Head Call Centers:
Pay per head call centers continue to be a necessity for every bookie, and you probably already know this if you are currently running your operation manually.
There are many reasons to consider offering this service to your clients:
It is important that if you are looking for a pay per head service that offers call center support for your business you make sure to test the service yourself, make sure the staff is knowledgeable, that their English is clear and they are properly trained to handle angry customers and difficult calls.
AcePerHead, for example, is known for the excellent teams they have, are well trained, and offer excellent customer support.
Dealing with a professional pay per head call center will certainly help you focus on growing your business without having to worry about taking calls from your clients with questions or simply because they can’t get online.
When you work with a company like AcePerHead you have the opportunity to choose whether you want to use the call center service or not. It’s up to you.
You know your clients better than anyone, so having the call center option available for them is always a plus.
Call we all agree that technology is slowly dehumanizing us; we are losing the art of conversation and not just that, businesses, are becoming disconnected from their clients which decreases customer loyalty and profitability.
Why Having a Call Center is Still Relevant?
PPH Call Center
Call we all agree that technology is slowly dehumanizing us; we are losing the art of conversation and not just that, businesses, are becoming disconnected from their clients which decreases customer loyalty and profitability.
I agree that big data has somewhat mitigated this, being able to extract valuable behavioral information on client preferences facilitates decision-making and points the way to the direction where the business should move, however, automation has cost companies billions of dollars over the years.
At AcePerHead, customer satisfaction is paramount which is why they kept their pay per head call center alive and continue to improve it. As a customer, when you have a problem or an inquiry, the best way to deal with it is to talk to an expert who can help resolve your issue.
A growing trend among the pay per head community is to automate and digitalize everything, while I agree this helps improve efficiency and lowers cost, it creates a gaping hole in customer support, and happy customers is ultimately the goal of every company.
Some would argue that live chats, emails, and FAQs are sufficient to provide good customer service. I’ve been on both sides of the aisle, as a business owner I agree that live chat and emails improve efficiency while lowering overhead costs. This is the reason why, a single customer support agent can handle up to 3 chats at one time and still meet the established service metrics, you cannot have 3 different phone conversations at once.
However, to consistently meet service metrics, customer service reps must rely on canned responses, yes, it is true people are predictable and tend to ask the same questions over and over, but, when you are the customer and you receive a canned response to your question you cannot help but feel disappointed regardless of whether the answer is helpful or not.
American-English Speaking Staff
The pay per head call center at Ace Per Head is staffed with American-speaking clerks who are dedicated to providing the best customer care there is, so whether they are helping you the agent to set up a package, edit limits, confirm your payment, etc., or they are assisting one of your players the service level is simply unrivaled.
We all need to feel special and to create a bond with the people we interact with, chatting or emailing is not the best way to do either. When you have a conversation with a real human you can establish trust a lot faster. When it comes to doing business offshore, there is always that hesitation of will turn out to be a scam or a total service fiasco that will cost my business dearly.
Human interaction is still relevant in today’s business scene, direct conversation has proven to increase problem resolution and thus increase client satisfaction, the management of Ace Per Head understands and values this because they are not only great bookies they are outstanding business owners, the kind of outfit you want to be associated with.
Contact Ace Per Head and take advantage of the six-week free that will give you the perfect chance to test their services.
submitted by Ace-Per-Head to PricePerHead [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 15, 2024 / Alta Copper Corp. (TSX:ATCU)(OTCQX:ATCUF)(BVL:ATCU) ("Alta Copper" or "the Company") is pleased to announce attractive economics results from the 2024 Optimized Preliminary Economic Assessment ("2024 PEA") at its 100% owned Cañariaco Project ("Cañariaco" or the "Project"), a world class porphyry copper project, located 700 km northwest of Lima. The 2024 PEA has been prepared by Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC ("Ausenco"), AGP Mining Consultants Inc. ("AGP") and Whittle Consulting Pty. Ltd., ("Whittle"), respectively leading international engineering and mining consultancy firms.
All values contained in this press release are reported in US dollars.
Cañariaco 2024 PEA Highlights
  • Robust Economics: Cañariaco 2024 PEA using 8% discount factor and three year trailing average metal prices of US$4.00/pound (lb) copper (Cu), US$1,850/ounce (oz) gold (Au) and US$23.00/ounce (oz) silver (Ag):
    • Base-case Pre-tax Net Present Value ("NPV8%") of US$4.1 billion and IRR of 32.4%
    • Base-case After-tax NPV8% of US$2.3 billion and Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") of 24.1%
    • Significant Upside to Higher Metal Prices - At US$4.50/lb Cu After-tax NPV8% of US$3.2 billion and IRR of 28.9% (See Table 1)
    • Highly Leveraged to Copper Price: For every US$0.25/lb Cu increase above US$$4.00 Cu approximately US$425 Million is added to the After-Tax NPV8%
  • Life-of mine ("LOM") metal production of 8,026M lb (3,642M tonnes) Cu, 1.67 million oz Au, and 33.2 million oz Ag
  • Average annual metal production (Year 1 to 10) of 347M lb (158k tonnes) Cu; 70K oz Au; 1.5 million oz Ag
  • Average annual metal production LOM of 294M lb (134K tonnes) Cu; 61K oz Au; 1.2 million oz Ag
  • After-tax Average Annual Free Cash Flow (Year 1-10) from Start of Operation: US$538 million
  • After-tax Average Annual Free Cash Flow LOM from Start of Operation: US$383 million
  • C-1 cost of $1.86/lb copper (net of by-products)
  • Total average operating cost of $11.21 per tonne processed
  • All In Costs ("AISC") of $1.96/lb copper
  • Pre-production capital cost of $2.2 billion based on leased mining equipment and including a contingency allocation of 21% on initial project capital
  • Rapid After-tax payback period of 3.1 years from initial production with a 27 year mine life
  • One of the lowest capital intensities when compared to other current global copper development projects
The 2024 PEA is preliminary in nature. Current published resources for both of the Cañariaco Norte and Cañariaco Sur deposits (previously reported in News Release dated January 28, 2022) includes Inferred Mineral Resources along with a significant percentage of Measured and Indicated Resources. Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the 2024 PEA will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability.
An independent technical report for the 2024 PEA,prepared in accordance with NI 43-101,will be available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile and website on or before June 7, 2024.
For readers to fully understand the information in this news release, they should read the technical report in its entirety when it is available, including all qualifications, assumptions, exclusions and risks. The technical report is intended to be read in its entirety and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context.
An updated Corporate Presentation will be available on the Company's website at
Giulio T. Bonifacio, Executive Chair, commented "We are extremely pleased with our 2024 PEA which is well advanced as we have clearly benefited from several previous engineering studies and a wealth of experience from our external international engineering firms. This PEA will prove of great value as we advance Alta Copper to the next stage. The PEA shows that Cañariaco is clearly a Tier 1 asset that provides a long-life, large-scale copper project producing annual average copper of 158,000 tonnes per year in the first 10 years. The Cañariaco project is economically robust with considerable leverage to increasing copper prices while also possessing considerable upside through resource expansion drilling with numerous high priority drill targets identified to date at Norte, Sur and the undrilled Quebrada Verde porphyry target".
Table 1 - Summary of Economic Results
Notes (1) Copper contributes 88% of the net revenue with the balance of 12% from gold silver credits in copper concentrate. (2) For this analysis Gold is US$1,850/oz and Sliver is US$23/oz and remain constant with only the Copper price changing. (3) From Commencement of Operations. (4) Cash Costs consist of mining, processing, site G&A, off-site treatment and refining, transport, and royalties net of by-product credits (Au & Ag). (5) AISC consists of Cash Costs plus sustaining capital and closure costs.
NPV Sensitivities
The sensitivity analysis provides a range of outcomes for the Project when the key parameters vary from their base-case values. The NPV estimate is most sensitive to changes of metal prices, resource grade, overall operating costs and capital costs as illustrated in Figure 1 and 2.
The After-tax NPV ranges from US$2,054 billion to US$4,011 billion as the applied Copper price varies from US$3.85/lb Cu to $5.00/lb Cu.
Figure 1 - Sensitivity Summary Post - Tax NPV 8% ($M)
(After-Tax NPV 8% / Total Capex (US$M) Bubble size based on annual production)
(1) Copper equivalent production calculated using stated metal prices from each project's latest technical report
Table 2 - Detailed Results
Project Description
The Cañariaco Project is situated within the Province of Ferreñafe, in the Department of Lambayeque, in northwestern Peru, approximately 700 km northwest of Lima, the capital of Peru, and approximately 102 km northeast of the city of Chiclayo. Current access from Chiclayo to the Cañariaco Project is 150 km along a paved road followed by secondary gravel roads.
The project area covers moderate elevations ranging from 2,200 to 3,600 metres ("m") above sea level. The copper deposits are situated on the eastern side of the continental divide and infrastructure will be on the top as well as both western and eastern sides of the divide. The topography varies from steep incised valleys at lower elevations to open grassy highlands at upper elevations. There is sufficient suitable land available within the concessions and close to the mining areas for the process plant, ancillary infrastructure and comingled waste rock and dry stack tailings facility.
The 2024 PEA contemplates that Cañariaco would be mined using conventional open pit mining equipment followed by crushing, SAG/ball mill grinding and flotation recovery of copper, gold and silver to a copper concentrate.
Cañariaco is estimated to have relatively low project capital and operating costs due to proximity to infrastructure and favourable natural setting with key features as follows:
  • Large scale mining and processing operation to process 120,000 tpd/43.8 million tpa with a currently planned 27 year mine life;
  • Conventional drill and blast mining, large scale electric shovels and haul trucks;
  • Conventional crushing, SAG and ball mill grinding followed by flotation recovery of copper, gold and silver to a copper concentrate;
  • Application of best practice process tailings management through comingled waste rock and filtered dry stack tailings storage;
  • Water resources available in project area exceed project requirements;
  • Low Strip Ratio life of mine of 1.33:1;
  • Power supply from existing Northern Peru power grid with connection point only 57 kms from the project; and
  • Project site located only 24 kms from existing paved highway connecting to the Pan American Highway on the west coast.
Low Capital Cost Intensity
Importantly, the Cañariaco project has low capital intensity when compared to several other global copper projects currently in the development stage. Key project attributes that reduce the capital cost include the following:
  • The mineralized material from Cañariaco Norte and Sur deposits are moderately competent with Axb of 53, and moderately soft rock with an average BWI 12.2 kWh/tonne, which enables high throughput utilizing a single comminution line consisting of one primary crusher, one large SAG mill and two ball mills whereas many projects with comparable throughput require two SAG mills and four ball mills;
  • The region receives significant annual rainfall and adequate fresh water is available at site eliminating the need for a desalination plant and pipeline from the coast;
  • Relatively close proximity to the national power grid reduces the capital intensity of power supply infrastructure;
  • Close proximity to an existing major transportation highway reduces access road construction cost and time;
  • Utilization of trucks to transport concentrate along existing highways to the loadout port eliminates the requirement for a concentrate pipeline;
  • The project site is in a sparsely populated area and there is no requirement for community relocation; and
  • Concentrate loadout through an existing port on the west coast of Peru eliminates need to construct a new loadout facility.
Figure 4 - Cañariaco possesses a strong production profile with low capital intensity (based on average annual copper equivalent production (1) (Capital Intensity (US$/t) Bubble size based on annual production)
Sustainable and Responsible Mining
The project development concept has utilized best practice technologies and will benefit from several existing external factors which will assist in making Cañariaco a very responsible, desirable and sustainable project.
The application of filtered dry stack tailings combined with comingled waste rock storage maximizes the recycling of process water and significantly reduces freshwater requirements. In addition, this technology eliminates the need for wet tailings storage and a major tailing retainment structure and reduces associated seismic risk.
Electrical power in Northern Peru is generated predominantly by hydro which is the preferred power source from ecological and carbon emissions perspectives.
Electric powered overland belt conveyors, rather than haul trucks, will transport most of the mill feed and waste rock from the mining areas to the plant as well as the comingled waste and dry stack tailings facility thereby reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
The project is located in a sparsely populated region and at elevations above major agricultural zones.
Capital, Sustaining and Operating Costs
The initial capital, expensed over the first four years of the Project, amounts to $2.2 billion. The sustaining capital over the remainder of LOM amounts to $526 million. Closure costs are estimated at $216 million. The project financial model incorporates a lease strategy for the purchase of the initial mining equipment whereby 20% of the mining fleet cost is capitalized and the remainder is carried as operating cost. Sustaining costs include construction of a crusher at the Sur deposit and related conveyor system to connect with the primary overland conveyor in year 16 prior to the start of mining operations at Sur.
A breakdown of capital cost is presented in the table 3 below:
Table 3 - Capital Cost Summary
Table 4 - Life of Mine Operating Costs Summary
Cost Area Life-of-Mine Cost (US$M) Unit Cost (US$/t milled)
Mining 6,685 5.68
Process 5,847 4.97
Co-Mingle Facility 116 0.11
G&A 532 0.45
Total 13,180 11.21
Social &Environmental
Alta Copper has been active in the Cañariaco area since 2004 and since that time has developed and established a wide range of relationships with a corporate policy of respect, shared involvement and value, mutual benefit and transparency. Communications with the local communities and public authorities at all levels continues to ensure that key stakeholders are aware of the Cañariaco project status and plans, and that the Company responds to community concerns and requests.
The 2024 PEAis based on open pit mining methods with conventional drilling,blasting and material loading with large electric shovels for excavation and haulage to the primary crusher using large capacity haul trucks. Independent and dedicated high-capacity electric conveyor systems will transport plant feed from the primary crusher to the process plant and waste to the comingled waste and dry stack tailings facility.
Over the life of the Cañariaco mine, two separate deposits: Cañariaco Norte ("Norte") and Cañariaco Sur ("Sur") will be mined in separate pits, with the bulk of the plant feed coming from Norte. Mining will commence in the Norte pit which will provide 100% of the process plant feed until year 16 at which point mining operations will commence at Sur. Years 17 through 25 will see mining taking place in both Norte and Sur with variable mining rates while maintaining total annual production of 43.8 million tonnes. From year 26 through end of mine life all mining will take place in Sur.
The Cañariaco open pit mining operations will have a mine life of 27 years, operating 365 days a year with a life of mine strip ratio of 1.33:1 (including pre-stripping). The mine production plan is based on mining a total of 2.72 billion tonnes of material, comprised of 1.176 billion tonnes of plant feed and 1.548 billion tonnes of waste rock over the life of the mine. Mining operations will supply the process plant at 120,000 tonnes per day or 43.8 million tonnes per annum. During the life of mine operation, annual cash-flow will vary due to annual and forecast variations in head grade, strip ratio and metal recoveries.
The major mining equipment fleet will include nine (9) blast hole drills, five (5) 38 m3 electric shovels, two (2) 33 m3 front end loaders and thirty-eight (38) 290 tonne capacity haul trucks. A fleet of smaller loaders and trucks will be utilized for early mine access development and initial pre-stripping. Electric shovel major maintenance and mobile equipment replacement are carried in the mining costs. The moderate altitude of the Project avoids the need for de-rating of mine haul truck drive systems.
Whittle Consulting's Mine Plan Optimization
A key part of the mining plan development for this 2024 PEA included comprehensive mine plan optimization analysis by Whittle. This analysis includes a very detailed assessment of metal grades, metal prices, metal recoveries, mining and processing costs throughout the deposit, and by applying advanced computational analysis, including by the use of Whittle's proprietary Prober-E software, develops an optimized mining plan to maximize the net economic value of the mining operation. A key aspect of this mine planning strategy is that it brings forward cash flow and optimizes the net present value of the deposit. This approach involves advanced pit phasing techniques and takes advantage of variable mining cutoff grades, plant feed stockpiling and blending strategies during the life of the mine plan.
Metallurgy and Processing
The Cañariaco project comprises two copper-gold-silver porphyry deposits where the main copper species are primarily sulphides, predominantly chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of bornite and chalcocite. The Sur deposit also contains molybdenum however the levels did not warrant recovery for this 2024 PEA. Extensive metallurgical testwork programs on samples from Norte have been completed over previous years, providing an extensive metallurgical database for Norte. Resource development at Sur is at a much earlier stage than Norte and accordingly the metallurgical testwork completed for Sur is preliminary. However, the testwork results received to date from Sur are very good and comparable to the results for Norte confirming the amenability of conventional flotation recovery for both Norte and Sur.
The key metallurgical design parameters applied for process design in the 2024 PEA are as follows:
  • Mineralized material competency/hardness: Drop Weight Test Parameter Axb 53 (75th percentile), Bond Ball Mill Work Index 12.2 kWh/tonne (75th percentile), moderately competent and moderately soft
  • Grind size P80 for flotation feed: 200 microns
  • Metallurgical recoveries (life of mine): Copper 88.2 %, Gold 63%, Silver 53%
  • Copper concentrate: 26% Copper, 3.7 g/t Gold, 74 g/t Silver.
Mine haul trucks will transport plant feed material to the crushing station where they will dump the material directly into a large gyratory crusher. From the crusher, plant feed material will be conveyed to a live stockpile ahead of the grinding circuit. Plant feed will be drawn from the stockpile and fed to a single 12.8 m diameter by 8.2 m EGL (Effective Grinding Length) SAG mill. SAG mill discharge will be screened to remove oversize pebbles which will be crushed in pebble crushers and returned to the SAG mill feed. SAG mill screen undersize product will be fed to two parallel 8.5 m diameter by 11.4 m EGL ball mills operating in closed circuit with cyclones to produce floatation feed at 80% minus 200 microns. The floatation circuit will comprise of rougher and cleaner flotation stages, with rougher concentrate regrinding prior to cleaner flotation. Cleaner concentrate will be dewatered using a thickener and pressure filters, then conveyed to the concentrate storage building to await transportation to the port for loadout and shipping to offshore smelters.
Waste and Tailings Handling
The Cañariaco process flowsheet has included Comingled Dry Stack tailing technology for waste rock and tailings placement. This technology is considered as "Best Practice" and is seeing more application within the global mining industry. The technology offers three key benefits:
  • increases process water reclaim and recycling;
  • eliminates the requirement for wet tailings containment dams and eliminates related seismic risk,
  • reduces the size of tailing containment system footprint. Dry stack tailings treatment utilizes pressure filters to dewater process tailings to low moisture content with recovered water recycled to the process. The dry tailings filter cake produced are transported by belt conveyor to the tailings management facility where they can be placed or "stacked" with waste rock as a stable pile within the tailings facility. Combining the dry tailings sands with waste rock within the same pile enhances the overall stability of the pile and eliminates the need for two separate facilities.
Qualified Persons and NI 43-101 Technical Report
The 2024 PEA summarized here for the Cañariaco project was completed by Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC, of Vancouver British Columbia, with mining aspects completed by AGP Mining Consultants Inc.
The findings of the 2024 PEA will be disclosed in a NI 43-101 Technical Report which will be completed and available on SEDAR+ and Alta Copper's website on or before June 7, 2024.
The qualified persons for the 2024 PEA and this News Release are identified below:
Mr. Gordon Zurowski, P.Eng. Principal Mining Engineer at AGP Mining Consultants Inc.and an independent Qualified Person as set forth by NI 43-101, is responsible for mine design and mine capital and operating costs. Mr. Zurowski has reviewed the news release against the technical report.
Mr. Kevin Murray, P.Eng. Principal Process Engineer at Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC and an independent Qualified Person as set forth by NI 43-101, is responsible for the financial model as well as mineral processing and metallurgical resting, recovery methods, and process and infrastructure capital and operating costs. Mr. Murray has reviewed the news release against the technical report.
Mr. Scott Elfen, P.E., Global Lead Geotechnical and Civil Services at Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC and an independent Qualified Person as set forth by NI 43-101, is responsible for the waste management facility and associated capital and operating costs, and the site-wide water management design. Mr. Elfen has reviewed the news release against the technical report.
Mr. James Millard, P.Geo., Director, Strategic Projects at Ausenco Sustainability ULC and an independent Qualified Person as set forth by NI 43-101, is responsible for environmental studies, permitting, and social and community impacts. Mr. Millard has reviewed the news release against the technical report.
Joanne Freeze, P.Geo., President, CEO and Director has reviewed and approved the contents of this release for Alta Copper Corp.
About Ausenco
Ausenco is a global company redefining what's possible. The team is based across 26 offices in 15 countries delivering services worldwide. Combining deep technical expertise with a 30-year track record, Ausenco delivers innovative, value-add consulting studies, project delivery, asset operations and maintenance solutions to the minerals and metals and industrial sectors (
About Whittle
Australia-headquartered Whittle Consulting has a 25-year proven track record helping mining companies worldwide improve NPVs and sustainability for their operations and projects. It is comprised of a group of highly experienced industry experts, who have strong technical backgrounds in a range of disciplines including geology, mining engineering, metallurgy, research, mathematics and computing, finance, operational, financial modeling and analysis, sustainability, and a thorough appreciation of practical, organizational, and contextual reality. Whittle Consulting are comfortable with complexity, not being bound by conventional thinking, and by being willing to challenge existing paradigms and conventional wisdom which can conceal the real potential of mining businesses.
About Alta Copper
Alta Copper is focused on the development of its 100% owned Cañariaco advanced staged copper project. Cañariaco comprises 97 square km of highly prospective land located 102 km northeast of the City of Chiclayo, Peru, which includes the advanced stage Cañariaco Norte deposit, Cañariaco Sur deposit and Quebrada Verde prospect, all within a 4 km NE-SW trend in northern Peru's prolific mining district. Cañariaco is one of the largest copper deposits in the Americas not held by a major.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation: the results of the 2024 PEA, including the projected CapEx, the estimated pre-tax and after-tax NPV and IRR, the estimated mine life and estimated concentrate grades; the potential production from and viability of the Cañariaco Project; the risks and opportunities outlined in the 2024 PEA; the potential tonnage, grades and content of deposits; the extent of mineral resource estimates; and estimated production and operating costs. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release. Although the Company believes the forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which could cause events or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors and assumptions include, among others, variations in market conditions; the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located; metal prices; other prices and costs; currency exchange rates; the Company's ability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities; the Company's ability to access further funding and produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, or to be fully able to implement its business strategies. In addition, there are known and unknown risk factors which could cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
Known risk factors include risks associated with exploration and project development; the need for additional financing; the calculation of mineral resources; operational risks associated with mining and mineral processing; fluctuations in metal prices; title matters; government regulation; obtaining and renewing necessary licenses and permits; environmental liability and insurance; reliance on key personnel; local community opposition; currency fluctuations; labour disputes; competition; dilution; the volatility of our common share price and volume; future sales of shares by existing shareholders; and other risk factors described in the Company's annual information form and other filings with Canadian securities regulators, which may be viewed at Although we have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable securities laws.
Cautionary Note to US Investors
We advise U.S. investors that this news release uses terms defined in the 2014 edition of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) "CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves", as incorporated by reference in Canadian National Instrument 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects", for reporting of mineral resource estimates. These Canadian standards, including NI 43-101, differ from the requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as set forth in the mining disclosure rules under Regulation S-K 1300. Regulation S-K 1300 uses the same terminology for mineral resources, but the definitions are not identical to NI 43-101 and CIM Definition Standards. Regulation S-K 1300 uses the term "initial assessment" for an evaluation of potential project economics based on mineral resources. This study type has some similarities to a Preliminary Economic Assessment, but the definition and content requirements of an initial assessment are not identical to the definition and content requirements for a PEA under NI 43-101.
On behalf of the Board of Alta Copper Corp.
"Giulio T. Bonifacio", Executive Chair and Director
For further information please contact: Giulio T. Bonifacio, Executive Chair and Director []( +1 604 318 6760
Joanne C. Freeze, President, CEO and Director []( +1 604 512 3359
Email: []( Website: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:
SOURCE: Alta Copper Corp.
View the original press release on
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:45 TheMoatInvestor Go Digit IPO Analysis

GO Digit Insurance started in 2017 as a full stack digital insurance company with GWP ( Gross Written premium) of Rs 7240cr in FY23 ( GWP growth of 49% CAGR between FY21 to FY23). Go Digit offers motor insurance, health insurance, travel insurance, property insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance.
As of Dec '23, there were 4.33 crore customers who availed insurance at Go Digit since the inception in 2017. Go Digit is focused on simplifying insurance documentation with aim to ensure that the language of the insurance contract is understandable to all, including a 15 year old.
According to RedSeer report, Go Digit constitute 82.1%of the GWP written by digital full stack insurance players ( others Acko , Navi) making them the largest digital full stack insurance player in India. Go digit has 3.3% market share in FY23 in non- life GWP across all non- life insurers, and 6% market share among the motor insurers. Go Digit grew 37.5% in FY23 while the private non-life insurers (excluding standalone health insurers) overall grew by approximately 20.1% during the same period.
Product mix (in terms of GWP- FY23)
Motor 62.5% Health 10.5% Property & engineering 10.4% Liability 9.2% Personal accident 2.4% Others 5%
Go Digit has 6% market share in motor insurance, which is 6th largest motor insurer. Competitors New India has 12.2%, ICICI Lombard has 10.1%, Tata AIG 8.1%, United 7.3%, Bajaj Allianz 6.4%
Go Digit is present in 24 states , has relationships with 61,972 Key Distribution Partners, including approximately 58,532 POSPs ( point of sale persons- selling insurance of multiple insurance cos. ), as well as individual agents( tied to single insurance co.), corporate agents, brokers and others. Go Digit has 74 products in total.
The traditional manual underwriting processes are being disrupted by AI/ML-based risk modelling and predictive underwriting. The use of IoT and telematics is making risk analysis more efficient with the use of large data packets that can tailor personalized insurance products at flexible pricing to customers. Using AI systems that assess an application profile against large number of data points accrued from multiple sources, underwriters can gain visibility into the most relevant risk factors. Using predictive ML solutions, Go Digit is able to roll out fairly-priced quotes quickly and achieve higher profitability through their pricing strategy. Thus, AI/ ML based underwriting helps improve underwriting efficiency compared to manual traditional underwriting
Digital full stack insurance companies have been progressively gaining market share from incumbents. Go Digit GWP grew by approximately 37.5% while the private non-life insurers (excluding standalone health insurers) overall grew by 20.1% in FY23. Go Digit caters for approximately 82.1% of the GWP of the digital full stack insurance players in FY23. ( Go Digit, Acko, Navi)
Industry overview
Insurance industry
80cr Indians have access to internet, 65cr are smartphone users, 45 cr are online transactors. According to IBEF, Life insurance industry is 7,32,000 cr ( F22) in terms of GWP ( Gross Written Premium) and non-life insurance industry ( health, motor, fire, marine, others) is 2,73,060 cr (FY23), out of which health GWP is Rs 92840cr , Motor GWP is Rs 84650cr. Non- life insurance is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 15-16% till 2028. Life insurance penetration in India is 3.2% ( Japan 5.8%) and non-life penetration is 1% ( China 1.9%). Non- life insurance density (total GDPI on a per capita basis) in India is 23, for China it is 234.
Distribution mix looks like this
Motor insurance
The 4 Public sector insurers account for 30.2% of the Motor insurance market in Financial Year 2023 with the rest fragmented among the Private players. Among Private players, Go Digit accounted for a GWP market share of 6% FY23. In motor, competitors New India has 12.2%, ICICI Lombard has 10.1%, Tata AIG 8.1%, United 7.3%, Bajaj Allianz 6.4%
In FY23, as per Government sources, 54% of total vehicles plying on the Indian roads were estimated to be uninsured, indicating that the motor insurance market is still highly under-penetrated in India, figure for US is 14%
Health Insurance
In health, govt. players (New india, Oriental, United, National) control 48% of market, then Star health 14%. Private non-life insurers control 63.4% of the overall market share, rest 36.6% by public health insurers.
Operating Metrics
Distribution mix (count of each channel in graphic below)
Brokers & Web Aggregators 66% This channel includes retail brokers, corporate brokers and web aggregators.
Individual Agents and POSPs 13% This includes business written through insurance agency partners and POSP.
Corporate Agents 1% We also have partnerships with corporations, such as financial institutions and NBFCs
Motor Insurance Service Providers 1.1% partnerships with auto dealers that establish a point of sale presence for personal and commercial vehicle
Direct to Consumer 18.9% Customers looking to purchase insurance can do so directly from Go Digit website or through web aggregators.
Investment portfolio
Total AUM stands at Rs12670cr as on FY23 with an yield of 6.3% ( vs 7.1% of ICICI Lombard). AUM increased by 2.67 times from FY21 to FY23. As of FY23, Go Digit had invested in securities issued by the Indian government (which constituted 68.5% total investments), corporate bonds issued by corporates (which constituted 24.7% ), Additional Tier 1 bonds (which constituted 3.3% ), money market, AIF and mutual funds (which constituted 2.3%) and equity issued by corporates (which constituted 1.2%). 97% of assets in govt bonds or corporate bonds,with 72% of corporate bonds AAA rated.
Combined ratio of GoDigit stands at 107.4% ( ICICI Lombard 103.2%, HDFC Ergo 121.2%) Combined ratio of public cos stands at 129.1%, private insurers at 105.9% Expense ratio of Go Digit stands at 40.2% ( that of ICICI Lombard at 32.1%, HDFC Ergo at 23.7%.). Loss ratio of FY23 is 67.2% vs 74% in FY21. Solvency ratio stands at 1.78 (ICICI 2.51, HDFC Ergo 1.81)
ROA stands at 1.5% ( ICICI Lombard at 17%, HDFC Ergo 18.1%) Operating profit ratio stands at -1.3% ( vs 16% of ICICI Lombard, 8.4% of HDFC Ergo).
Total investment AUM growth of 50.5% from FY21 to FY23 to 12670cr. Gross Written Premium of Rs 7240cr, with 49.4% CAGR from FY21 to FY23.
Underwriting loss of 66cr in FY23, reduced to 10cr as on 9M FY24. Investment income of 105cr in FY23. Profit after tax of 39cr in FY23, that of 130cr in 9M FY24. Branding/ ad expenses for FY23 account for Rs 11480cr ( 15% of GWP)
Points to consider
As per 9M FY24 PAT, P/E ratio comes at 145 as per price of Rs 272 per share, whereas P/E ratio for ICICI Lombard is at 41, Star health insurance at 37.
Dependence on motor insurance is 62.5% of GWP, which is little skewed towards one segment.
Operating losses / underwriting losses amount to Rs 66 cr for FY23, making Go Digit dependent on solely investment profits, which is the case for some players in the industry.
Combined ratio stands at 107.4%, tad higher than average of private insurers figures of 105%
AUM CAGR of 50.5% from FY21 to FY23 , which is commendable. GWP CAGR of 49.4% between FY21 and FY23. Co is growing real fast.
ROA stands at 1.5% as still in nascent stage vs ICICI Lombard of 17%
Despite being a newer player, Go Digit has garnered 6% market share in motor insurance, which makes them 6th largest motor insurer. ( ICICI Lombard at 10% ms stands 2nd)
Go Digit is a full stack digital insurance player, using AI/ ML to automate most of the insurance customers onboarded and claims underwritten, giving them cost advantage once they achieve considerable scale.
submitted by TheMoatInvestor to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:44 TheMoatInvestor Go Digit Insurance IPO Analysis

Go Digit Insurance IPO Analysis
GO Digit Insurance started in 2017 as a full stack digital insurance company with GWP ( Gross Written premium) of Rs 7240cr in FY23 ( GWP growth of 49% CAGR between FY21 to FY23). Go Digit offers motor insurance, health insurance, travel insurance, property insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance.
As of Dec '23, there were 4.33 crore customers who availed insurance at Go Digit since the inception in 2017. Go Digit is focused on simplifying insurance documentation with aim to ensure that the language of the insurance contract is understandable to all, including a 15 year old.
According to RedSeer report, Go Digit constitute 82.1%of the GWP written by digital full stack insurance players ( others Acko , Navi) making them the largest digital full stack insurance player in India. Go digit has 3.3% market share in FY23 in non- life GWP across all non- life insurers, and 6% market share among the motor insurers. Go Digit grew 37.5% in FY23 while the private non-life insurers (excluding standalone health insurers) overall grew by approximately 20.1% during the same period. Product mix (in terms of GWP- FY23)
Motor 62.5% Health 10.5% Property & engineering 10.4% Liability 9.2% Personal accident 2.4% Others 5%
Go Digit has 6% market share in motor insurance, which is 6th largest motor insurer. Competitors New India has 12.2%, ICICI Lombard has 10.1%, Tata AIG 8.1%, United 7.3%, Bajaj Allianz 6.4%
Go Digit is present in 24 states , has relationships with 61,972 Key Distribution Partners, including approximately 58,532 POSPs ( point of sale persons- selling insurance of multiple insurance cos. ), as well as individual agents( tied to single insurance co.), corporate agents, brokers and others. Go Digit has 74 products in total.
The traditional manual underwriting processes are being disrupted by AI/ML-based risk modelling and predictive underwriting. The use of IoT and telematics is making risk analysis more efficient with the use of large data packets that can tailor personalized insurance products at flexible pricing to customers. Using AI systems that assess an application profile against large number of data points accrued from multiple sources, underwriters can gain visibility into the most relevant risk factors. Using predictive ML solutions, Go Digit is able to roll out fairly-priced quotes quickly and achieve higher profitability through their pricing strategy. Thus, AI/ ML based underwriting helps improve underwriting efficiency compared to manual traditional underwriting Digital full stack insurance companies have been progressively gaining market share from incumbents. Go Digit GWP grew by approximately 37.5% while the private non-life insurers (excluding standalone health insurers) overall grew by 20.1% in FY23. Go Digit caters for approximately 82.1% of the GWP of the digital full stack insurance players in FY23. ( Go Digit, Acko, Navi)
Industry overview
Insurance industry
80cr Indians have access to internet, 65cr are smartphone users, 45 cr are online transactors. According to IBEF, Life insurance industry is 7,32,000 cr ( F22) in terms of GWP ( Gross Written Premium) and non-life insurance industry ( health, motor, fire, marine, others) is 2,73,060 cr (FY23), out of which health GWP is Rs 92840cr , Motor GWP is Rs 84650cr.
Non- life insurance is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 15-16% till 2028. Life insurance penetration in India is 3.2% ( Japan 5.8%) and non-life penetration is 1% ( China 1.9%). Non- life insurance density (total GDPI on a per capita basis) in India is 23, for China it is 234.
Distribution mix looks like this
Motor insurance
The 4 Public sector insurers account for 30.2% of the Motor insurance market in Financial Year 2023 with the rest fragmented among the Private players. Among Private players, Go Digit accounted for a GWP market share of 6% FY23. In motor, competitors New India has 12.2%, ICICI Lombard has 10.1%, Tata AIG 8.1%, United 7.3%, Bajaj Allianz 6.4%
In FY23, as per Government sources, 54% of total vehicles plying on the Indian roads were estimated to be uninsured, indicating that the motor insurance market is still highly under-penetrated in India, figure for US is 14%
Health Insurance
In health, govt. players (New india, Oriental, United, National) control 48% of market, then Star health 14%. Private non-life insurers control 63.4% of the overall market share, rest 36.6% by public health insurers.
Operating Metrics
Distribution mix (count of each channel in graphic below)
Brokers & Web Aggregators 66% This channel includes retail brokers, corporate brokers and web aggregators.
Individual Agents and POSPs 13% This includes business written through insurance agency partners and POSP.
Corporate Agents 1% We also have partnerships with corporations, such as financial institutions and NBFCs
Motor Insurance Service Providers 1.1% partnerships with auto dealers that establish a point of sale presence for personal and commercial vehicle
Direct to Consumer 18.9% Customers looking to purchase insurance can do so directly from Go Digit website or through web aggregators.
Investment portfolio
Total AUM stands at Rs12670cr as on FY23 with an yield of 6.3% ( vs 7.1% of ICICI Lombard). AUM increased by 2.67 times from FY21 to FY23. As of FY23, Go Digit had invested in securities issued by the Indian government (which constituted 68.5% total investments), corporate bonds issued by corporates (which constituted 24.7% ), Additional Tier 1 bonds (which constituted 3.3% ), money market, AIF and mutual funds (which constituted 2.3%) and equity issued by corporates (which constituted 1.2%). 97% of assets in govt bonds or corporate bonds,with 72% of corporate bonds AAA rated.
Combined ratio of GoDigit stands at 107.4% ( ICICI Lombard 103.2%, HDFC Ergo 121.2%) Combined ratio of public cos stands at 129.1%, private insurers at 105.9% Expense ratio of Go Digit stands at 40.2% ( that of ICICI Lombard at 32.1%, HDFC Ergo at 23.7%.). Loss ratio of FY23 is 67.2% vs 74% in FY21. Solvency ratio stands at 1.78 (ICICI 2.51, HDFC Ergo 1.81)
ROA stands at 1.5% ( ICICI Lombard at 17%, HDFC Ergo 18.1%) Operating profit ratio stands at -1.3% ( vs 16% of ICICI Lombard, 8.4% of HDFC Ergo).
Total investment AUM growth of 50.5% from FY21 to FY23 to 12670cr. Gross Written Premium of Rs 7240cr, with 49.4% CAGR from FY21 to FY23.
Underwriting loss of 66cr in FY23, reduced to 10cr as on 9M FY24. Investment income of 105cr in FY23. Profit after tax of 39cr in FY23, that of 130cr in 9M FY24. Branding/ ad expenses for FY23 account for Rs 11480cr ( 15% of GWP)
Points to consider
As per 9M FY24 PAT, P/E ratio comes at 145 as per price of Rs 272 per share, whereas P/E ratio for ICICI Lombard is at 41, Star health insurance at 37.
Dependence on motor insurance is 62.5% of GWP, which is little skewed towards one segment.Operating losses / underwriting losses amount to Rs 66 cr for FY23, making Go Digit dependent on solely investment profits, which is the case for some players in the industry.
Combined ratio stands at 107.4%, tad higher than average of private insurers figures of 105%
AUM CAGR of 50.5% from FY21 to FY23 , which is commendable.
GWP CAGR of 49.4% between FY21 and FY23. Co is growing real fast.
ROA stands at 1.5% as still in nascent stage vs ICICI Lombard of 17%
Despite being a newer player, Go Digit has garnered 6% market share in motor insurance, which makes them 6th largest motor insurer. ( ICICI Lombard at 10% ms stands 2nd)
Go Digit is a full stack digital insurance player, using AI/ ML to automate most of the insurance customers onboarded and claims underwritten, giving them cost advantage once they achieve considerable scale.
submitted by TheMoatInvestor to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:36 hampired Recos anyone? Internal Site - CX + Analytics Solutions

Hi all - I'm looking for some real-world insight + suggestions from people who might be using these products. I'm a PM, so I also posted in the PM channel, but I know a lot of people with the most in-depth experience are here.
The background: I've been investigating some CX+Analytics solutions for a client - it's for an internal corporate site (all logged-in users), with no revenue, no SEO/ad requirements, etc. Built on AEM Sites (Adobe Experience Manager). Consistent usage of this site by employees is important to the company.
Analytics/CX Requirements + Considerations:
Solutions I've considered:
The amount I can learn about a solution from their website or even a live demo session, which I've done with a number of these companies, is surprisingly useless. And I can't do the free trial on each of them or any of them because I would need to even get the company to approve the software which is not a short process.
My ask to you: Does anyone have an opinion or wisdom to share?
submitted by hampired to analytics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:24 hampired Recos anyone? Internal Site - CX + Analytics Solutions

Hi all - I'm looking for some real-world insight + suggestions from people who might be using these products. I may also post in the Analytics channel, but I'm a PM, so I'm guessing a number of you have had to make some of these recos as well or could share some great insights from a PM POV.
The background: I've been investigating some CX+Analytics solutions for a client - it's for an internal corporate site (all logged-in users), with no revenue, no SEO/ad requirements, etc. Built on AEM Sites (Adobe Experience Manager). Consistent usage of this site by employees is important to the company.
Analytics/CX Requirements + Considerations:
Solutions I've considered:
The amount I can learn about a solution from their website or even a live demo session, which I've done with a number of these companies, is surprisingly useless. And I can't do the free trial on each of them or any of them because I would need to even get the company to approve the software which is not a short process.
My ask to you: Does anyone have an opinion or wisdom to share?
submitted by hampired to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:26 CodeAndBeats Is capture-avoiding substitution unnecessary in this scenario?

I'm building a little lambda calculus parser and interpreter. I have a higher level language which is the lambda calculus extended with declarations and a core language which is the pure lambda calculus.
higher: t ::= x \x.t t t x = t; t
core: t ::= x \x.t t t
the declarations in the higher language are transformed to the core in the usual way, i.e.
x = t1; t2 is translated into (\x.t2) t1
The parser will only parse programs that consist of a single, closed lambda term, i.e. the outermost term has no free variables. I'm also using Call-By-Value operational semantics. Is capture avoiding substitution unnecessary?
I can come up with terms where, when performing arbitrary beta-reductions, the variables will be captured. E.g. in the term below, reducing the redex in the body captures the x in \a.x a . But under CBV semantics, this redex would never be chosen. At least not until the entire abstraction term was applied to another closed term.
\x.(\y.\x. y x) (\a.x a) -> \x.(\x. (\a.x a) x)
I haven't really seen mention of this anywhere. Am I wrong here or does this not get talked about simply because no one is creating context-sensitive parsers for the pure un-typed lambda calculus with a CBV evaluator?
submitted by CodeAndBeats to ProgrammingLanguages [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:44 Snussyeater Invalid set index 'mesh' (on base: Nil)

Invalid set index 'mesh' (on base: Nil)
I've been following this tutorial and encountered a weird error when changing node arrangement.
My script suddenly stopped setting the mesh for my MeshInstance3D so the weapon is now invisible.
New node order:
Old node order:
The script for changing the mesh looks like this:
class_name weapon_control
extends Node3D
signal weapon_fired
@export var WEAPON_TYPE : Weapons:
`set(value):` `WEAPON_TYPE = value` `if Engine.is_editor_hint():` `load_weapon()` 
@export var sway_noise : NoiseTexture2D
@export var sway_speed : float = 1.2
@onready var weapon_mesh : MeshInstance3D = %weaponmesh
var mouse_movement : Vector2
var random_sway_x
var random_sway_y
var random_sway_amount : float
var time : float = 0.0
var idle_sway_adj
var idle_sway_rot_str
var weapon_bob_amount : Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
var raycast_debug = preload("res://materials/raycast_debug.tscn")
func _ready() -> void:
`await owner.ready` `load_weapon()` 
func _input(event):
`if event is InputEventMouseMotion:` `mouse_movement = event.relative` 
func load_weapon() -> void:
`weapon_mesh.mesh = WEAPON_TYPE.mesh` `position = WEAPON_TYPE.position` `rotation_degrees = WEAPON_TYPE.rotation` `scale = WEAPON_TYPE.scale` `idle_sway_adj = WEAPON_TYPE.idle_sway_adj` `idle_sway_rot_str = WEAPON_TYPE.idle_sway_rot_str` `random_sway_amount = WEAPON_TYPE.random_sway_str` 
I've already tried to use a non-unique name for the MeshInstance and to set it manually in the root node. The first just didn't work and the second doesn't seem to actually add any export variables to the node inspector. I've searched for solutions already and even have checked the documentation to try and find and figure out what i'm doing wrong, but it didn't really give any result.
submitted by Snussyeater to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:11 x5nder Sungrow: Issue with 1-phase inverter and 3-phase meter

Hey all,
I have a Sungrow SH3.0RS (1-phase Hybrid Inverter), 10 solar panels, and a Sungrow SBR096 battery. To use the battery, it's obviously important that I know exactly how much energy is generated, used by the house, and returned to the grid.
My installer has recommended that I buy a Chint DTSU666 3-phase meter. However, we can't get the inverter to communicate with the meter. On the 1-phase meter (that came with the Sungrow inverter or battery), we get a connection, but obviously it only sees the power used on that single phase, which makes it pretty useless in my situation.
As far as I know, connecting a 1-phase inverter to a 3-phase meter should not be a problem at all; the battery should be able to deliver the energy requested over all 3 phases up to 5750W (in fact, the DTSU666 manual even states "DTSU666-CT can be connected to both single-phase and three-phase inverters").
So that leaves three options-- either the Chint DTSU666 is somehow malfunctioning, or the SH3.0RS does not have the correct tables for the DTSU666, or I'm missing something else completely. Sungrow is extremely unresponsive, so I'm hoping that someone here can shed any light on my problem -- and hopefully, a good solution.
Hmm. I think I might have actually found the problem when I stumbled onto this blog post:
So apparently, Sungrow makes their own changes to the Chint DTSU666 by using a specific reserved address. Looks like I'm going to have to find a Sungrow DTSU666 instead :x
submitted by x5nder to solar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:53 aishwarya00 Legionella Testing Market: Industry Insights and Market Forecast

Legionella Testing Market: Industry Insights and Market Forecast
Industry Insights and Market Forecast
Industry insights and market forecasts provide valuable information on market trends, drivers, challenges, and opportunities. Market research reports offer comprehensive analysis of key market players, market size, revenue projections, and growth prospects. Insights from industry experts and stakeholders help stakeholders make informed decisions and formulate effective strategies for market entry and expansion.
The Legionella testing market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing awareness of Legionnaires' disease, stringent regulatory requirements, and the rising incidence of Legionella contamination in water systems worldwide. Legionella bacteria, particularly Legionella pneumophila, pose significant public health risks, leading to severe respiratory infections and potentially fatal pneumonia. As governments, healthcare facilities, hospitality industries, and water management authorities prioritize Legionella prevention and control measures, The global legionella testing market is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 8.5% and thereby increase from a value of US$298.2 Mn in 2024, to US$527.9 Mn by the end of 2031.
Market Drivers:
  • Growing Concerns over Public Health: The growing incidence of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks, coupled with increasing public awareness of waterborne pathogens, underscores the importance of Legionella testing and monitoring in mitigating health risks. Stringent regulations and guidelines mandating Legionella risk assessments, water management plans, and routine testing drive market demand for Legionella testing solutions and services.
  • Rising Adoption of Water Safety Management Programs: Healthcare facilities, hospitality establishments, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities implement comprehensive water safety management programs to prevent Legionella contamination and ensure water quality compliance. Legionella testing forms an integral component of these programs, facilitating early detection, risk assessment, and remediation strategies to safeguard public health and minimize legal liabilities.
  • Advancements in Testing Technologies: Technological advancements in Legionella testing methodologies, including culture-based methods, molecular techniques, and rapid diagnostic assays, enhance detection sensitivity, accuracy, and turnaround times. Automated systems, multiplex PCR assays, and next-generation sequencing platforms enable high-throughput Legionella screening, strain typing, and genomic analysis, driving adoption across diverse end-user sectors.
Market Restraints:
  • Complexity of Sampling and Testing Protocols: Legionella testing entails complex sampling procedures, sample processing techniques, and laboratory analysis methods, posing challenges for end users, particularly those lacking specialized expertise or resources. Variability in sampling techniques, inconsistent test results, and false-negative outcomes may compromise the effectiveness of Legionella testing initiatives and undermine confidence in water safety management practices.
  • Cost Constraints and Budgetary Pressures: Budgetary constraints, cost considerations, and resource limitations influence the adoption of Legionella testing services and technologies, particularly among small-scale facilities, municipalities, and non-profit organizations. The perceived high cost of Legionella testing, coupled with competing priorities for healthcare expenditures and infrastructure investments, may hinder market penetration and limit access to testing services in certain regions or sectors.
  • Regulatory Compliance Challenges: Regulatory compliance requirements for Legionella testing vary across jurisdictions, leading to discrepancies in testing methodologies, reporting standards, and enforcement measures. Interpretation of regulatory guidelines, compliance with evolving standards, and alignment with best practices pose challenges for end users, testing laboratories, and regulatory authorities, potentially impacting market harmonization and global standardization efforts.
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Market Opportunities:
  • Expansion of Legionella Testing Services: The outsourcing of Legionella testing services to accredited laboratories, environmental consulting firms, and water management specialists presents opportunities for market expansion and service diversification. Outsourced testing services offer cost-effective, scalable solutions, alleviate resource constraints, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, particularly for small-scale facilities or organizations lacking in-house testing capabilities.
  • Emergence of Point-of-Use Testing Devices: The development of portable, point-of-use testing devices and rapid diagnostic kits for on-site Legionella detection facilitates real-time monitoring, immediate response, and decentralized testing strategies. Handheld immunoassay kits, lateral flow devices, and digital microbial detection platforms empower end users to conduct rapid Legionella screening, risk assessments, and remediation actions, enhancing water safety management effectiveness and public health protection.
  • Integration of Digital Solutions and IoT Technologies: Integration of digital solutions, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and cloud-based platforms into Legionella testing workflows enables remote monitoring, data analytics, and predictive modeling for proactive risk management and regulatory compliance assurance. Sensor networks, smart water meters, and real-time monitoring systems provide continuous insights into water quality parameters, Legionella levels, and microbial trends, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions and optimize water management strategies.
Market Segmentations:
By Test Type:
  • Culture Media
  • Urine Antigen Testing
  • Direct Fluorescent Antibody
  • PCR
By Application:
  • Water Testing
  • IVD Testing
By End User:
  • Hospitals and Clinics
  • Diagnostic Labs
  • Water Treatment Industries
By Region:
  • North America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia & Oceania
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
Regional Market Dynamics:
  • North America: The North American Legionella testing market is characterized by stringent regulatory frameworks, high awareness of Legionnaires' disease risks, and proactive risk management strategies adopted by healthcare facilities, hospitality sectors, and commercial building owners. Market players focus on providing comprehensive testing services, consulting expertise, and innovative solutions to address evolving regulatory requirements and public health concerns.
  • Europe: Europe showcases a mature Legionella testing market, driven by robust public health infrastructure, harmonized regulatory standards, and collaborative initiatives to combat waterborne diseases. Accredited testing laboratories, environmental consulting firms, and water management companies play a pivotal role in offering Legionella testing services, risk assessments, and water safety management solutions tailored to diverse end-user needs and regulatory contexts across European countries.
  • Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region presents untapped opportunities for Legionella testing market growth, propelled by rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, and increasing emphasis on healthcare quality and safety standards. Rising awareness of Legionella risks, regulatory reforms, and investments in water infrastructure drive demand for Legionella testing services and technologies, particularly in healthcare facilities, hospitality sectors, and industrial settings across Asia-Pacific markets.
Key Players:
The Legionella testing market features a diverse array of key players, including:
  • Abbott
  • Beckman Coulter, Inc.
  • BD
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
  • Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Hologic, Inc.
  • Pro Lab Diagnostics Inc.
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  • Takara Bio Inc.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Market Trends & Latest Developments:
  • Automation and Robotics Integration: Adoption of automated sample processing systems, robotic liquid handlers, and high-throughput screening platforms streamlines Legionella testing workflows, enhances testing throughput, and reduces turnaround times, thereby improving operational efficiency and laboratory productivity.
  • Genomic Surveillance and Epidemiological Studies: Genomic sequencing, phylogenetic analysis, and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) methodologies enable genomic surveillance of Legionella strains, outbreak investigations, and epidemiological studies to track transmission routes, identify genetic markers, and inform public health interventions for Legionnaires' disease control and prevention.
  • Blockchain Technology for Data Integrity: Blockchain-based solutions for data management, cryptographic verification, and secure information exchange enhance data integrity, transparency, and traceability in Legionella testing processes, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, chain of custody protocols, and quality assurance standards.
Future Trends and Outlook:
  • Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: The development of miniaturized, microfluidic lab-on-a-chip devices for rapid Legionella detection, single-cell analysis, and multiplexed testing holds promise for future advancements in point-of-care diagnostics, environmental surveillance, and on-site Legionella monitoring in diverse settings, including healthcare facilities and water distribution systems.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications: Integration of AI algorithms and ML models into Legionella testing platforms enables predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and pattern recognition for early warning systems, predictive risk assessment, and adaptive control strategies. AI-driven insights empower stakeholders to proactively manage Legionella risks, optimize water treatment processes, and minimize human error in decision-making, thereby enhancing overall water safety and public health protection.
  • Collaborative Research and Interdisciplinary Approaches: Collaborative research initiatives, interdisciplinary collaborations, and knowledge-sharing networks foster innovation, standardization, and best practices in Legionella testing methodologies, quality assurance protocols, and data interpretation guidelines. Multidisciplinary partnerships between public health agencies, academic institutions, industry stakeholders, and regulatory bodies drive continuous improvement, capacity building, and global harmonization efforts in Legionella surveillance and control.
In conclusion, the Legionella testing market presents significant opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and market expansion, driven by increasing awareness of Legionnaires' disease risks, regulatory compliance requirements, and technological advancements in testing methodologies. As stakeholders across diverse sectors prioritize water safety, public health protection, and regulatory compliance, strategic investments in Legionella testing solutions, digital technologies, and collaborative partnerships will be essential to address emerging challenges, mitigate health risks, and ensure the sustainability of water systems in the dynamic global landscape.
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submitted by aishwarya00 to u/aishwarya00 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:37 Friendly-Airline2426 Regarding the proposed comment-to-vote reward system - An opposing argument

As a long time contributor, member, and an investor in the Donut ecosystem, I believe I have the right to express my opinion, regarding the proposed comment2vote program. Please note that it is not my intention to manipulate the public opinion, nor to incentive brigading parties against the concept. This is just a (very much necessary) con-argument, as it seems everyone's just jumping on board without considering all the variables.
I believe we are focusing on the wrong thing.
The new program aims to fight manipulation. Let me say that nothing will change in that regard, as there will always be upvote manipulation. This will still happen, could be on a smaller scale, or not.
Commands such as !tip [X] are still being abused, even though it's on a much smaller scale, with alt accounts engaging in tipping manipulation for the receivers' bonus. Sometimes "evidence" is presented to the moderation team, and allegedly nothing happens. What guarantees the governance that it will be any different with comment-to-vote?
Additionally, I firmly believe this will limit the sub to insiders (as in EthTrader active members; also approved users), at least in terms of tokenized rewards. Only insiders will know about this program, thus limiting outsider users who do not know how the system works.
Plus, the fact that only approved users would be able to upvote, kind of puts away new users or not so active users who casually enjoy to participate in EthTrader.
There is another thing the governance needs to keep in mind. The people who actually upvote in this sub are not the participants, it's the outsiders. When certain keywords are used in threads, the algorithm picks the post up and recommends it to external users. These are the ones who often genuinely engage and upvote. And we'd be penalizing OPs, by not including their upvotes in the distribution score.
I believe every project, individual, or company should focus on finding solutions. But such solutions must not be made "in a hurry".
The comment-to-vote is a rushed mechanism. I have a feeling this is something that is now being actively worked on in a rush, even though it has been under discussion for quite some time. Such a big change for the sub, and its way of functioning, should be, must be, carefully worked on, and in due time. It should not be something that must happen right away, because of external attacks.
I believe this new program will clog comment sections... again! We recently managed to tackle down the tip spamming, by removing incentives to send tips.
Lately, as you can see, comment sections are a lot more cleaner and not full of tips with ridiculous amounts, as little as under 1 single Donut. By implementing this, we would get right back to where we started.
On a not so engaging topic, I guarantee we will see comment sections full of: "[Top comment] !upvote / !uv / !up / !tip -> [Reply] Thank you bronut!".
Outside users, and even EthTrader contributors, found the tip spamming frustrating, because it degraded comment sections. Myself included.
This will happen again, if the program goes live.
One of the pro-arguments is that this will increase visibility, by taking away the financial incentive to downvote. Once more, I disagree.
Downvotes will exist any way, they always did, and always will. This is how Reddit operates. We do not know who downvotes. So even though we remove the financial incentive to downvote, people will do it either way.
No matter if it's EthTrader users or outsiders, the visibility would not be increased. I would say that visibility would be higher, if we had more GENUINE users, and actually expand the content and topic of discussion, not restricting it to a single thing, like we just did.
Look at CryptoCurrency's example. They have been dealing with upvote manipulation on a far larger scale than ethtrader, and it was a lot worse in comments. High quality comments would sit at -2 score. This isn't something that happens in ethtrader.
They always had downvotes, and yet the average mid-quality thread used to have hundreds of upvotes. ethtrader's high quality threads can barely get past 10.
The main suspects are the manipulators who have a financial reason to do the downvoting. I would argue that if the moderation team concentrated some of their efforts to tackle down these users, (PERMA) banning them from the subreddit, the mass downvoting would drastically decrease. Some users understand what I'm talking about here. EthTrader does not have more than 100 genuine, active users. You can bet on that.
Then there's the privacy aspect of the subject. Voting SHOULD BE anonymous. That's how Reddit works.
Even though I'm in favor of a transparent voting mechanism, which would allow us to see who is upvoting who, we are removing a small layer of privacy from users.
Whether it's upvoting or downvoting, (non-malicious) users have the right to keep their votes to themselves. I understand this may sound controversial, believe me I do. But in the event of having a public voting system, there are absolutely no guarantees that manipulators would be taken down.
Plus, what evidence would we have that we don't already have? Our regular users can already identify activity patterns and anomalies in the data.
Another question to address is, if two different users constantly upvote each other, assuming they're both known within the DAO and are obviously two different people who sympathize with each other, would this be manipulation? Manipulation, in this case, would be subject to the moderators' / governance's interpretation.
From a contributor's point of view, I will say this is just extra work. What I mean is people are already super stingy with their upvotes, and the (current) process is as simple as tapping a button.
Adding an extra layer of effort, such as having to type a command, will reduce the changes of OPs getting upvotes. And since the average number of upvotes per thread is already low enough, this would decrease drastically, making it not worth it to spend time creating threads (assuming they're not link submissions).
Most people would not be upvoting, which brings me to the next topic.
As a meme artist, memes are my strong point in this subreddit. It is what I post the most, and it is what earned me my fair share of DONUT-CONTRIB throughout the years as a contributor.
Implementing this system would hurt people like me the most. People who spend hours in a day on photoshop creating a meme, only to me subject to a penalized flair.
I can confirm you that my memes already earn me between 10 to 50 Donuts, rarely more than 50. Under the new system, along with the drastic reduction of upvotes due to the command requirement, I / we would earn a lot less.
Remember, Comedy flairs have a 0.10 multiplier, and according to the (new) Pay2Post fee, we need 25 upvotes to break even. I am willing to bet that we would definitely not be getting 25 upvotes under this new program. I would argue that the highest quality "Hot" thread would get probably a max of 10.
So where does that leave us meme creators? We rely on external interactions to succeed. Most of the upvotes on memes are given by outside users, users that would be out of EthTrader's system, under this new program. Not only that, but this would also drastically decrease earnings for all genuine, active contributors, and would probably make them leave.
This is getting perhaps a bit too long, I'm sorry but there's no short way of sharing this.
I believe this is just a detour in our path, or taking the long road as one would say. Cheaters will stop at nothing, some of them have been farming RCPs for YEARS, possibly relying on it in terms of income. Nothing will stop them and they will always find a way to circumvent any new rule or program.
So this would only really add an extra layer of difficulty for outsiders or new users to participate, whilst benefiting those with "groups of friends".
I want to flush out manipulators as much as the next guy, but this is not the way to do it. This would drastically reduce contributors' earnings, the subreddit's accessibility, and wouldn't be user-friendly at all.
This wouldn't be required if moderation took a more proactive approach towards trying to detect, monitor and PERMABAN manipulators, as these are the ones who have more incentive to downvote, more than any other user. By getting straight to the root of the problem, the mass-downvoting would be largely reduced. Not completely stopped, as it is a natural, organic part of Reddit and they will always exist, but reduced nevertheless.
So what am I trying to achieve with this thread? What do I want?
One simple thing: Time.
I would like to ask the governance for time, before rushing into implementing this new mechanism. We recently passed proposals to reduce spam, and have some on the way to reduce the incentive to cheat as well. Proposals such as a cap of 3 threads per day, per user, removing the tipping bonus for senders. On the way we have the reduction for the Daily's comment rewards, and finally a comment cap per day, per user.
I believe THIS is the way to address foul play, proposal by proposal. Not through some major change that alters the entire way of operating.
I would like to ask the governance for 3 to 6 months, to evaluate how the distribution scores perform, how the ratios fluctuate with these new proposals, before doing this. I am confident that with these new proposals, the general status of the sub will improve, and organic, active users will earn more.
submitted by Friendly-Airline2426 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Nice_Jello9667 Moving from Manual CPC > Max Conv

Have a client that is doing well with manual CPC (new campaign we launched 10 days ago). Leads are within target CPA they want, but they're looking to see how much scale we can get (I've explained there's not a ton more... we have 80%+ impression share and 65% abs top of page rate) . My plan is to move them from manual CPC > max conversions with a target CPA and introduce broad match over time.
Has anyone seen a manual CPC campaign outperform max conversions recently? Prior to taking over they were using max clicks, and were getting outrageously expensive clicks from Google (why we started this campaign on manual CPC vs. max clicks). I worry this could happen again.
I've also been toying with max conv. value vs. max conversions and implementing a lead scoring system using monetary values, because the amount they might make is variable every single lead and they don't know the true value for months....
Probably going to wait and test that but want to try max conversions first.
submitted by Nice_Jello9667 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:43 Leenadavis Attendance Software Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

The foundation of efficient workforce management is attendance tracking, which guarantees accurate timekeeping of employee work hours, streamlines payroll processing, and permits adherence to labour laws. While punch cards and paper-based timesheets have long served this purpose, the advent of technology has ushered in a new era of attendance tracking through software programmes. In this blog, we will delve into the complex world of attendance software, covering its features, advantages, and deployment techniques to help businesses achieve effective workforce management.

Important Features and Functionality

To accommodate the various needs of enterprises, contemporary attendance software comes with a plethora of features and functionality. Let's examine some of the salient points in more detail:
Time tracking and monitoring: Employees can clock in and out electronically with attendance software, doing away with the requirement for paper timesheets. It makes it possible to precisely measure working hours, breaks, and overtime, giving managers instant access to data on worker attendance.
Integration with payroll and HR systems: The smooth integration of attendance software with HRMS and payroll software is one of its biggest benefits. Businesses may ensure proper employee remuneration and streamline payroll calculations by automating the syncing of attendance data with payroll processing software.
Analytics and reporting: Attendance software produces thorough reports and analyses on employee attendance for topics such as overtime hours, late arrivals, and absentee rates. These insights enable managers to see trends in attendance, make data-driven choices, and put plans in place to increase worker productivity.
Mobile Accessibility: Employees can remotely clock in and out using their smartphones or tablets thanks to attendance software, which provides mobile accessibility in today's workforce that is becoming more and more mobile.

Benefits for Businesses

Companies in a variety of sectors can gain a great deal by implementing attendance software. The following are some of the main benefits:
Enhanced accuracy and efficiency: Software solutions that automate attendance monitoring processes eliminate mistakes and inaccuracies that come with manual techniques like punch cards or paper timesheets. This lowers the possibility of payroll errors and increases processing efficiency.
Enhanced compliance: One of the most important aspects of personnel management is adherence to labour laws. By accurately documenting employee work hours, breaks, and overtime, attendance software helps organisations maintain compliance and lowers the chance of fines or legal issues.
Savings: Manual attendance tracking techniques need specialised administrative resources and are labour- and time-intensive. Employee attendance software saves organisations a lot of money by automating these procedures, which lowers labour and administrative expenses.
Enhanced productivity: Managers can spot trends of tardiness or absenteeism and take proactive steps to solve them when they have real-time visibility into staff attendance data. Employee accountability increases, and worker productivity increases as a result.

Adoption and Implementation

Careful planning and execution are necessary for the effective implementation of attendance software. Take into consideration these crucial steps:
Evaluate business needs: Organisations should evaluate their unique demands and goals prior to choosing an attendance software solution. This includes assessing variables like the workforce size, the industry in which it operates, and any particular requirements for attendance tracking.
Choose the appropriate software programme: Businesses need to select an attendance software solution that fits their needs and budget among the many options on the market. Considerations include customer support, customisation choices, scalability, and ease of use.
Training and integration: Businesses should make sure that a software solution integrates seamlessly with current systems, such as payroll and HRMS software, after a solution has been chosen. Employees should also receive thorough training to acquaint them with the capabilities and functionalities of the programme.
Monitoring and optimisation: Companies should closely monitor the use and performance of the attendance software after installation. This involves monitoring important data, including customer satisfaction, system uptime, and employee adoption rates. In order to achieve maximum ROI and optimal performance, it is imperative to swiftly resolve any issues or challenges that may develop.


Attendance software is a game-changing tool for companies looking to improve operational effectiveness and optimise their personnel management procedures. Utilising the sophisticated features and functionalities provided by contemporary attendance software systems, companies may increase efficiency, guarantee compliance, and improve accuracy. Businesses may realise the full benefits of effective workforce management and fully utilise the potential of attendance software with proper planning, execution, and optimisation.
If you are looking to implement attendance software in your organisation, you should check out Opportune HR. They are an award-winning organisation renowned for customising their HRMS software according to unique business requirements. Visit their website to learn more about their HR-related services.

submitted by Leenadavis to u/Leenadavis [link] [comments]