Cerita adk ipar main burit

Coworker and I were having fun making sentences with taco sauce

2024.05.28 01:30 magicunicornhandler Coworker and I were having fun making sentences with taco sauce

Coworker and I were having fun making sentences with taco sauce
The initial thought was “i feel like im flirting with customers when I put sauce in bags.” Then we came up with this.
submitted by magicunicornhandler to tacobell [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:38 siderealscorpio_02 Going NC with family? Is this petty?

Hi everyone. I'm 24F. Currently living out of pulau Jawa. Anak pertama, dan punya adik 14M.
Backstory: Right after high school, i took a gap year mainly because my family's finance was not good at all. Mom had numerous debt after my step dad passing in 2015. So i worked ever since i was 18, dari serabutan sampe akhirnya gue bisa dpt corporate job thn 2019. Kuliah sambil kerja (awal masih dibantu nyokap untuk bayar UKT, tapi semester 3 sampai gue lulus it was all me). Dan dari kerjaan serabutan gue pertama, sampai sekarang, I have always tried to give something to my mom. Dari nominal kecil sampe lumayan gede gue selalu share as my thank you.
Singkat cerita, setelah sekian lama enduring all the passive agressive from my family (mom and brother), gue dpt offer di luar pulau untuk kerja dan gue ambil tanpa mikir panjang karena gue udah segatahan itu dirumah. Giving money is one thing, being eldest daughter is another thing. Nyokap gue dititik kalo ngobrol sama gue gajauh-jauh dari duit. I could talk about the anything with her it will end up to her lacking of money. Even gue udh jauh dari rumah, isi chat kita garing, gada tuh nanya kabar gue gmn/kerjaan gue dan ujung2nya bakal ngomongin duit. And because I know her, that's her way of asking money. She never explicitly 'asking' for money from me, rather she will be passive agressive, atau kode2 gitu loh. Gue pernah blg sm dia, kalo memang butuh, ngomong, gausah gaenakan, dan sebisa mungkin jika gue mampu gue akan bantu.
Tapi tetep aja, masih dengan kode2 itu, ditambah omongan dia yang selalu terngiang "Mama gabutuh uang dari kamu, ka. Mama cuma butuh kamu berbakti aja sama mama, cukup kok. Mama masih bisa sendiri kalo uang." Tapi gue gapernah dengerin dan gue ngerasa selama gue masih tinggal dirumah dia, gue harus bantu. Sampai akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk move out. I thought, this way it would be easier to say no, incase i do not want to give her any money (sorry gada uang/uang lg mepet abis). Ternyata engga cuy lol
Saat gue pindah, gaji gue memang naik, tapi gue jg merasa gue harus bayar rent + cost of living dll yang dimana walau bukan pulau jawa, gue juga harus nabung untuk masa depan gue. Gue tetep ngasih setiap bulannya, tapi nominal gue turunin sedikti demi sedikit. Tapi ternyata diluar allowance bulanan yang gue kasih ke dia, gue juga tetep ngasih ke adek gue. Lama-lama banyak yang dia minta, entah dari isi topup e-wallet. Belum lg adek gue minta.Januari kemarin, adek gue dengan bodohnya nabrak orang. Iya umur 14 tahun dikasih motor dan diberi izin, nabrak anak kecil. Untung korbannya cm luka ga sampe meninggal. Nyokap gue nelfon gue, laporan. Salahnya gue disini trauma takut dimintain uang, gue ada omongan bahwa maaf, gue gabisa bantu karena pengeluaran lg memang banyak dan gue baru aja kasih duit bulanan dia juga. Gue saat itu worry tp juga bener2 gabisa bantu + gue ngerasa ini jg kelalaian dia sbg ortu ngasih izin adek bawa motor. Dia sakit hati merasa dia cm pgn lapor tp gue malah bales gitu. Had a whole fight, sampai dimana dia ada omongan yang super nyakitin, kemungkinan gue tidak akan bisa memaafkan dia sampai gue mati nanti.
> She said and I quote "Kamu tidak malu sudah mengambil jatah kasih sayang papa adek kamu? Dia anak yatim kasian gada yang sayang. Kamu dulu saat kecil dapat kasih sayang dari papa dia harusnya kamu malu. Kamu baru bisa ngasih yang tidak seberapa itu jangan harap bisa membayar pengorbanan yang sudah diberikan oleh ibu kamu ini."
(Context: never met my bio father, grew up with my step dad, im grateful he was a decent kind man. Step dad died when I was 15 and my brother was 5. Knp gue harus kesannya ambil jatah? Dan gue tau, gue blm bisa kasih a whole house, tp pengorbanan dan pemberian gue 0 aja gitu dimata dia selama ini? Whew.)
Bulan ini, gue ga ngasih bulanan ke nyokap, karena sejujurnya gue sempet travel tanpa bilang ke mereka. Karena gamau dianggap gue ada uang banyak dan mereka minta lebih. Karena dimata mereka kalo gue bisa jalan2, ada uang lebih untuk mereka dong. Gue gamau ngasih kalo ga ikhlas. Tapi gue dikejar-kejar seakan gue ada hutang sm mereka. Sampe dikirim video tentang anak durhaka halus karena mereka anggep gue ada uang tapi gamau ngasih. Padahal uang gue beneran abis dan gue udh blg ke mereka tanpa konteks gue abis jalan2. But they still kode2 pasif agresif.
I've had enough, gue tau mungkin yang gue tulis disini ga cover beberapa tahun gue menjadi sandwich generation di keluarga gue. All the mental I've had to go through. And I know I sound so selfish to have a desire to cut them off completely over this matter. But truth is, ini resentment built up dari dulu yang memang baru meledak sekarang. P.S Nyokap gue gamau remarry lg krn dia males, gue udh kasih restu kalau memang dia mau nikah biar ada yang provide untuk dia selain gue. Karena gue juga cm anak, bukan the man of the family.
  1. Apakah wise kalau memang gue truly go NC?
  2. Karena posisi gue ga dirumah, gue cm ada foto KK dan copy KK. Is this possible untuk pecah KK
  3. Are there other necessary steps if I'm going to NC with them?
All the help and comment will be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by siderealscorpio_02 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:32 akangmacho SADIS, SISWI SD TEWAS DAN DIBAKAR


Keluarga Aldelia rahma (11), siswi SDN 10 Durian Jantung, Kabupaten padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat (sumbar), menuntut pihak sekolah yang dianggap lali. Menurut pihak keluarga, Aldelia terbakar karena ulah temannya saat ia dimintai wali kelas membakar sampah.
Saat itu, kakak sepupu Aldelia, Media Madona, menyebut Aldelia disiram dengan pertalite oleh temannya yang jahil. Api pun langsung berkobar membakar tubuhnya.
Akibat kejadian ini, Aldelia mengalami luka bakar 80%. Setelah sempat di rawat sejak 23 Februari 2024, Aldelia yang juga mengalami gizi buruk setelah kejadian itu meninggal dunia pada Selasa (21/5) di RSUP M Djamil Padang.
"Kami dari awal sudah tidak senang. Kejadian di jam sekolah dan di lingkungan sekolah. Awalnya kejadian ini berbeda versi guru dengan cerita Aldelia." tutur madona saat dihubungi kumparan, Kamis (23/5).
Wali kelas Aldelia yang dinilai keluarga terlalu abai.
Aldelia selama ini sering di bully oleh anak ini. Ketahuan setelah Adelia cerita ke kakaknya. Sering ditendang, ditempeleng dan bahkan di dorong," ungkapnya.
Setiap Aldelia mengadu ke guru, menurut Madona, Wali Kelas malah memarahi Aldelia karena berteman dengan laki-laki. Padahal, Madona menilai, selama di sekolah tak ada bedanya berteman dengan lak-laki atau perempuan.
"Sama semua. tergantung anak ini. Memang anak ini jahil. Sebenarnya anak ini kalau ditegur sama guru, pasti berhenti jahil,"
Madona mengungkapkan, awalnya pihak keluarga mendapat cerita bahwa kejadian ini terjadi tanpa disengaja. Menurut penuturan guru kepada keluarga, api menyambar Aldelia karena botol berisi minyak tanah yang ada di dekat bakaran tumpukan sampai meledak.
"Gurunya menuduh kenapa main api di belakang sekolah," kata Madona.
"Sudah itu datang temannya ini, disiram, lalu terbakar. "Ada guru di sana?" tanya saya.
"Tidak", katanya. Saya tanya. "Warna hijau minyaknya?"
"Iya," kata Adelia.
Berarti kalau hijau pertalite. Namun versi guru disebutkan minyak tanah," ungkap Madona.
Dalam versi guru, lanjut Madona, seluruh siswi hanya diminta bersih-bersih di kelas saja. Padahal berdasarkan cerita Aldelia, semua teman sekelasnya diminta bersih bersih di belakang sekolah karena akan ada kegiatan.
"karena akan ada kegiatan di sekolah, anak olahraga kelas 4 ini diintrusikkan bakar sampah. Ini tidak ada pengawasan juga dan guru," sesalnya.
submitted by akangmacho to u/akangmacho [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 13:44 WhyHowForWhat Apakah kalian pernah dianggap tidak dewasa oleh orang lain?

Bokap sama istrinya cerita kalo adek gua sempet konsul sama psikolog. Terus istri bokap gua cerita alesan adek gua stress banyak dan salah satu nya karena mikirin keluarga nya termasuk gua. Dia bilang gua tuh ga dewasa karena gua tuh kebanyakan main game (uuuh Im cutting my gaming hours nowadays, I mostly read stuff now). Setelah gua denger itu, gua ngerasa gagal jadi kakak.
And you know what? I think she is 100% correct. Its not like Im not trying at all to better myself tapi gua ngerasa setelah lulus kuliah gua ga pernah all out lg. Apakah dia dalam hati gemes liat gua msh blm dapet kerja beneran? Ato dia sbnrnya malu punya kakak cuekan sama omongan orang lain dengan bentukan mcm wibu NEET kayak gua? Apakah gua yang dari jaman SMA jadi "penengah" antara nyokap dan bokap gua (terutama soal bulanan) sampe skrg itu ga cukup? Gua jadi cuekan gini sbnrnya jg karena gua udh males mengindahkan perkataan orang banget, gua lebih prefer nyaman dengan diri sendiri daripada berusaha nyenangin banyak orang tau2nya gua malah justru buang2 waktu dan tenaga.
Gua tuh depan dia emang santai banget, dia aja sampe berani manggil gua nama (the name one is on me tbh). Apa karena gua kurang tegas sama dia? All in all Im not saying that she is wrong to think of me as not mature, I am just confused right now. Maybe because she mostly sees me playing games that she manage to arrive to that conclusion but Idk, maybe there are other factors that makes her think like that. I am too afraid to call myself a mature women because I really dont know what is the standard for someone to be called mature.
Sekian TedTalk existential crisis gua, ada yang sepengalaman?
submitted by WhyHowForWhat to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 SixStarz6 Birthday Yesterday and super sad

No family , no friends and now I know why I have given up more than once before. My wife tells me there were all kinds of birthday wishes on facebook. When it was actually 2 of her friends that I don’t know and one friend that I have known for as long as I have known my wife. I am not out to her.
I am out to nobody but my wife. It’s been a rough few years. Last time(done it a few times) I quit hormones we moved and when I finally realized it’s not going away and HRT had to be permanent, I lost contact with all my close trans friends and now I hate myself.
The guilt my wife makes me feel when I do something towards my transition just brings me so far down I don’t want to wake up in the morning.
My main dysphoria is hair. Any hair drives me nuts. Body hair is manageable with an epilator now that I have been doing it so long. But the face is truly driving me nuts. I am about to do a 3 hour Electrolosis appointment. And adk for forgiveness after. And what do I do instead of focusing on myself. I start a charity. I take money I don’t have so I can get my charity a legally a 501c3 tax exempt status. I don’t know how to run a charity. All I want to do is help others. But I am so sad for myself I can barely keep things afloat.
My wife does not know how to talk to someone. Without seeing all the negatives and none if the good things.
She knows nothing about my charity. And really nothing about my transition. What I do instead of discussing things with her is I just go do it and ask forgiveness later. Told her when I started HRT just enough to get my mind right. Knowing full well I would need enough to make my breasts grow. I knew I wanted full dose including progesterone. If she found out I was taking progesterone. She would want to know why. Not sure she would like it if she knew I wanted big breasts in the first place and that’s what I actually planned. She did not like it when the nipples got Huge but she got used to them.
She keeps saying she is still attracted to me. But she never makes the first move. And when I try she doesn’t want it. Damn I am horny and my libido has not changed. I can still perform well. It sucks so bad.
Got my nails don’t light pink. She made me feel like crap and then the next day got over it. Got my toes white. Gave me crap about them then 30 mins later said she really likes them. She always asks why I want something. I tell her because it makes me happy. She just does not get it at all.
She really does not get why a man like me wants to get my nails done. Yes I said man. If I even tried my female name and pronouns with/around her it would be a big fight.
When all this came to light she told me she likes men. And she is not attracted to women. And not sure she would stay with me if I transitioned fully. So fast forward and no body hair. Painted toes and hands. 38D and still growing. I have way more women’s clothes than male clothes. I wear capris and flip flops almost everyday. I am pretty feminine except for my face. She said she would not stop me but probably won’t stay if I go all the way.
She also said the I can experiment with makeup and get a wig and leave the house en fem if I was going out with other girls. But I know the first time she saw me fully made up it would not be a good experience for me. Already told me I would be an ugly woman. So that’s why I am scared to death to go out fully dressed. Besides I know nobody in Southern California any more to go out with.
You know I would just leave but I do love her very much and I am financially secure with her. I know I would survive without her. But no more vacations and etc. I thought a slow approach would work. It seems it is but the time it is taking is getting to me.
Sorry I am just rambling about things that make no sense. Probably better if I quit existing. No body fucking cares!!
submitted by SixStarz6 to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:31 xoxefo3952 PASIEN NOMOR SEMBILAN dari Ris Manice untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Ini adalah cerita tentang pasien nomor sembilan yang datang padaku murni sebagai pesakitan. Allsya, remaja yang terlahir dari keluarga berada tapi tak bisa menikmati bahagia. Ditempa oleh keadaan yang memaksanya untuk dewasa sebelum waktunya. Diusianya yang masih belia ia mencari tentang keadilan, perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan, dan pembedaan perlakuan. Ketika di penghujung SMP--masa sibuknya ujian, berhasil menemukan jawaban. Patriarki. Selain dari buku yang dibacanya, ia juga mendapatkan pemahaman dari Ersya--mahasiswa yang sedang KKN di desanya. Menjalin kedekatan. Mengajari banyak hal setiap malam, berbagi perhatian, dan juga memberi perlindungan layaknya sepasang kakak-beradik. Tiga bulan sudah, tiba masanya Ersya harus pulang. Tugasnya telah usai dan harus kembali menyelesaikan studynya di kota asal. Tentu saja Allsya tak baik-baik saja setelah perpisahan. Terciptanya kebersamaan membuatnya merasa kehilangan. Terlebih ketika mimpinya dipaksa mati oleh sang ayah dengan jeratan sebuah perjodohan. Ketika ia datang padaku memberanikan diri bercerita tentang sekelumit hidupnya sebagai upaya penyembuhan diri, maka mata hatiku merubah cara pandang tentangnya. Menebas segala prasangka yang sempat tercipta karena kesaksianku yang tidak utuh. Keputusannya datang padaku adalah momentum terbaik untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang yang sering mengundang pikiran yang bukan-bukan serta kesimpulan tanpa rujukan. Namun secara tidak langsung ia mengajakku bermain-main dalam labirinnya. Bahkan bukan lagi bersifat ajakan melainkan paksaan karena ini menyangkut tanggung jawab profesi. Baiklah, dengan bantuan diary sebagai saksi bisu sang pemiliknya yang dibiarkan aku baca, kesaksian seorang lelaki yang sangat kupuja, serta mataku sendiri yang menyaksikan beberapa bagian hidupnya, aku susun benang merah dari hidup seorang pasien nomor sembilan. Silahkan, saksikan saja kinerjaku ini! Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:24 hitman_7000 Errors installing Meta XR Core SDK v65 in Unity

Hi when i am importing the meta xr core sdk v65 these errors pops in the console saying something "does not exist in the current context": pls help (i am using unity 2022.1.24f1)
QuickActions\Scripts\QuickActionsWizard.cs(935,21): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
QuickActionsWizard.cs(953,25): error CS0103: The name 'FindFirstObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
QuickActionsWizard.cs(969,21): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRSceneManager.cs(413,13): error CS0103: The name 'FindObjectsByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRSceneManager.cs(413,48): error CS0103: The name 'FindObjectsSortMode' does not exist in the current context
OVRSceneRoom.cs(66,25): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRTrackedKeyboard.cs(365,22): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRTrackedKeyboardHands.cs(209,22): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRRaycaster.cs(88,32): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRVirtualKeyboard.cs(256,20): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
OVRSceneManager.cs(1147,26): error CS0103: The name 'FindAnyObjectByType' does not exist in the current context
submitted by hitman_7000 to oculusdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:49 _MountainFit Why you shouldn't hike during mud season or if you don't like muddy boots or wet rock

Why you shouldn't hike during mud season or if you don't like muddy boots or wet rock
(green is the real trail, through the much and up the wet slab, red is the illegal widening through the forest around the mud and on the soil)
So this trail is a great example of why they need to relocate, rehab, and rebuild nearly every trail in the ADK. Sadly people don't like walking in mud (totally understandable) or on rock (less understandable, especially since trails are typically routed on rock since it's durable). I hate that nearly all our trails will eventually be wooden staircase, boardwalk, switchbacks in the future. And while that might be necessary due to increasing use, a good majority of it is being necessitated by people creating illegal footpaths or illegally widening existing footpaths for no good reason. This creates more erosion and a viscous cycle of footpath widening since the rock and mud they were trying to avoid is now the same rock and mud they were trying to avoid only it's wider.
You can see this in parts of the high peaks that are not main access points to high peaks. As soon as you cross the threshold to the main access the trail goes from a footpath to a 2 lane bedrock highway.
Was this always such a problem and is it just more use magnifying it?
submitted by _MountainFit to Adirondacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:22 UltimateTraders 5/8/2024 Daily Plays $YOU and ACMR score a 99 please check their earnings to see why! Need to check 10Qs I have only checked brief headlines, MTCH guide down but ill buy that dip! I may speculate on COIN and DKNG keep trading CAR CVS I did trade OSCR that had a 99 score Tried CVNA puts again!

Good morning everyone. An absolute flood of earnings since yesterday’s closing bell:
KLXE 40 IGIC 75 NVEI 60 DEI 60 IPAR 60 CERT 65 INTA 80 ERO 65
KE 55 ODD 80 [Slight revise up too] AGO 75 PRPL 60 LDI 55 MEC 70
RRR 60 SD 60 GIFI 60 KGC 75 DH 60 VTOL 70 ARIS 80 DO 85 CRCT 60
USPH 60 LEU 50 HCKT 65 GO 55 [Revised down] FLYW 60 TPFM 40
CRC 30 [Sales down 55%] BIO 60 ICHR 55 SCOR 50 LAND 60 UIS 65
ARKO 65 PRO 65 ALAB 85 [Speculative growth stock?] PSTL 70 ENV 70
STKS 55 KIND 65 OLO 70 CMP 60 MEG 55 MRCY 50 DV 65 [Lowered Guidance]
RPD 65 NATR 60 POWI 65 SWIM 55 SNCR 65 AMRK 50 AWR 65 FTK 60
TMCI 60 MTW 60 CHRD 60 EGY 75 RMR 60 SHLS 55 [Lowered Guidance]
SVC 60 BL 75 ANGI 65 HY 80 RDDT 60 AMRC 60 AZPN 75 CDRE 55
AIZ 80 BRP 75 JKHY 60 KD 65 HEAR 70 GMED 90 GXO 60 MTCH 65 [Revise down, I will buy on weakness I see the value in a 10-11x PE] MYGN 65 PWSC 60
SMWB 70 REAL 65 RYAM 60 MGY 65 IAC 60 BROS 85 ANDE 55
ATER 45 [Sales down 42%, sandbag] BKD 65 CLOV 70 [Revise up] MASI 75
PEN 75 PUBM 80 [Revise up] CFLT 75 ICUI 75 MCK 60 NVRO 65 LAZR 65
HASI 90 OPK 55 OXY 55 PR 55 VECO 70 SONO 55 GNL 60 RIVN 60 [Good growth though] QYLS 75 ZI 65 [Lowered Guidance] RNG 70 GPRO 60 [Sandbag] LOPE 75
TOST 60 [Raised guidance though] LYFT 75 [Getting Better] PRTS 65 EA 60
TWLO 75 [Slow Guidance looking at 5-10% growth] ANET 80 RVLV 60 UPST 65 [Sandbag, lowered guidance] SPCE 50 [Revenue under 2 million, REALL!?] KTOS 85
CRSR 60 CRUS 75 WYNN 80 HALO 75 IRBT 65 RDFN 90 [Raised guidance, big bottom line beat] AOSL 70 CPNG 60 IEP 55 FOX 65 IMXI 60 SMRT 55 TGNA 60
GLP 55 ASC 65 ALIT 60 VCEL 65 AY 65 HLLY 60 SATS 55 MMI 65 GNE 65
GFF 80 BAM 55 MCFT 55 [YOY declines in sales and earnings, don’t care to Sandbag]
PAYO 80 KLTR 75 VSH 60 BCO 80 MIDD 55 BKSY 60 TRIP 75 HAIN 60
VERX 70 VVV 60 LCII 80 DIN 55 PFGC 60 NYT 75 BBGI 65 NFE 70 RMBL 60
GENI 60 BR 60 QRTEA 60 SHOP 75 [Lowered Guidance] AFRM 75 [Good growth 51% but still lost 43 cents per share] REYN 65 SUN 65
PERI 80 [This is because valuation was on the floor, they did sandbag, but a 6-7x PE for a software company!? Revise up] TEVA 60 RCM 60 STWD 60 EMR 75 UBER 60 [Great company, growth is slowing, maturing] ODP 55 INSW 70 TH 65 DCO 65 PRKS 65 LEV 60
DINO 60 [1 Billion Buyback] WWW 65 ELAN 65 TBLA 70
ACMR 99 [105% growth and making money!] EPC 70 INGR 60 LL 50 [Sad years ago this was a monster!] LPX 95 YOU 99 [35% growth, double EPS] OPFI 75
I actually spent about an hour last night looking at earnings as well. It is important to always check earnings. A company can make 1 bad decision 1 day and can change the whole path of a company. Each quarter you can see if the company is on the same path.
For instance, SHOP and TWLO earnings were good… but the growth has slowed, they are both maturing at the moment. Can you give these companies the same 50x PE ratio you once did, when they grew 20%+ [Remember, for me, growth has to be at least 20% year over year (This is because on a good year you can see 10-20% for SP500) For me hyper growth has to be at least 30%] UBER earnings weren’t good, I scored it a 60, much of this has to do with the growth and high teens and now the valuation… I was big on UBER a couple of years ago as growth was near 40% and they were just on the brink of making money, at that time, if you recall, the stock was in the 20s! I traded it a lot. You can do a search:
Here at Ultimate traders
Type in UBER
The point is, when you buy a stock, unless you have confidence they will always adapt, you must check every quarter. Earnings season is the best time to make or lose money, to add or subtract stocks to your watch list..
The honest truth…
If you are trading companies coming off an 85+ score, unless it has a PE above 40-50 chances are you will not lose….
I generally like, if possible to be trading companies with at least a 75, this means that the company beat top and bottom line estimates [Both! By at least 5%, that they also had a 5% earnings growth and 10% sales growth year over year! THIS IS FOR MY PROTECTION!] Yes, I am a hard grader, I care about my money!
If you are trading companies with a 65 score, that means they just met analysts estimates, and barely grew sales and earnings… That is like a toss up in the direction of the company… a toss up with what will happen with the stock…. If you are stuck, you are stuck! You can decide to take a loss… because waiting for a company to turn it around generally takes 4-6 quarters, [12 to 18 months and that’s if they do! 90% do not]
PERI sand bagged. I figured… But it was bad news, I saw the financials and saw the insane 155 million cash flow for 2023… and the market cap was near 500 million at the lows… And I wrote a briefing here, a few weeks ago about why I was buying more.. That was stupid! PERI announced a 75 million buyback. [ I need to check report to see if they bought shares]
The MTCH revise down was not good, but a PE under 10 is stupid for the company… PYPL went past 70 and has dipped under 65, that is stupid to me… No, PYPL and MTCH arent growers anymore… PERI is growing near 8-10% this past quarter… and they are all in the dog house.. generally I don’t like dog house companies… CAR was a dog house… I better see value where a PE is like 10 or less… Where sales and earnings arent on the super declines.. that is me…
I traded OSCR which came off of awesome earnings… I do not know if it is the norm, so I wont go in big, but I will trade it again… I did want BILL at 55 [I am in 60.50] I feel a 26-27x PE for a company still growing at 20% is cheap… I can see why it should be near 70…. I will keep trading CAR. I will buy the dips in MTCH and PYPL … I may take a small risk and buy calls in COIN and DKNG if they get crushed more…
5 Trade Ideas:
MTCH – guide down, can this stock hit 28-29, I will be willing to buy 2 blocks and wait
YOU ACMR OSCR – Awesome 99 scores on earnings, let me see how the market trades them
CVS CAR – I have been abusing these tickers, no position in CAR, only CVS at 84 from 2/2023
COIN DKNG – May take small risk in calls, earnings were very good on them both
RDFN – This is purely speculative, I just added it to “Plays” numbers did get better, they did a revise up, this is still speculative, an idea, watching now
The contents of this post are for information and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. ... By choosing to make a trade you are responsible for your own actions. Please do some due diligence. These are trades I am making and you can follow along. If you make a winning trade, I do not even expect a bravo or thanks but that’s fine, if you lose on a trade the same difference.. I do not even expect an upvote or reward… The Elite team is aware of the risks and volatility in the market.
Good luck everyone let’s make money. Share trades, ideas here during trading hours. Our main goal here is to make money so I hope we can help eachother. I will be in and out of here as well.
submitted by UltimateTraders to UltimateTraders [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 10:11 its_paradoX123 Not emotionally intelligent

Just wanna share my frustration about sa partner ko. May mga taong hindi na need ng long explanation maiintindihan pa din ung sinasabi mo, may mga tao din naman na need ng long explanation pra maintindihan, but not my partner. Ginawa ko na lahat ng makitang kong ways on explaining things pra maintindihan nya. Long explanation, short explanation, may main point na kasama, naka bulleted form na yet hinding hindi nya magets ung gusto kong iparating. Gaya na lng ngayon, ang laking big deal nanaman sakanya neto, gusto nyang pumunta dto (ldr kami) pero i suggest na okay lng if hindi nya kaya ksi hindi pa sya sumasahod, provider pa sya ng mga kapatid nya. Student pa lng ako and sya nmn nag drop and piniling mag work. Ayun nga hindi pa sya nasahod and may mga bills pa syang need bayaran like upa, wifi and pang kain nila. Sinabi ko na okay lng if hindi muna kami magkita ksi kahit ako walang budget sa pag stayhan namin. Nag bbike lng ksi sya papunta dto (100km layo namin) and gusto ko na comfortable sya pagdating nya dto. Wala kaming budget as for now knowing na madami din syang need bayaran. Inexplain ko sakanya na maiintindihan ko nmn and everything but guess what, ayaw ko daw syang papuntahin. Medyo naiinis ako and na h-hurt ksi kahit anong paliwanag ko hindi nya maintindihan, kailangan nyang iprioritize ung mga bayarin nya bago ako pero ito inaasal sakin ngayon. Ako nagiging masama, naiinis na ako ksi palagi na lng ako nammisunderstood kahit na napaka dali na lng intindihin ng sinasabi ko. Mas pinili nya ung nasa isip nya na mali kesa na pakinggan/ basahin mga sinasabi ko. Ang kitid ng pag iisip nya to the point na gusto nya sya ung nasusunod, gusto nya aminin ko ung nasa isip nya ket di nya nmn aminin alam ko un. Gusto nya nasa tama sya ksi pag hindi nya narinig sakin un pag aawayan namin ng sobrang haba yan and ang ending ako nanaman ang may mali. I dont know how to deal with this person ksi pinipili nyang wag intindihin, pinipili nyang wag makinig. My friends warned me about this and ito nanaman ako.
submitted by its_paradoX123 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:49 _beato working new letters and name OAT

working new letters and name OAT
crits pls yall on everything thx
submitted by _beato to GraffitiTagging [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:21 _beato working different letters and name OAT

working different letters and name OAT
looking for crits on the letters but everything. give me what you got thx
submitted by _beato to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 09:16 DiggyStyon Found my old ticket stubs

Found my old ticket stubs
Back when tickets were tickets
submitted by DiggyStyon to hairmetal [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:38 caule07 Reddit itu seperti apa?

Reddit itu cara mainnya seperti apa ya? Bercerita atau bagaimana menurut kalian pengguna app yang sudah lama?
Karena saya masih baru disini dan melihat cerita orang seru-seru dan ya saya suka membacanya.
Tikok untuk melihat video lucu but the comment bisa dibilang sudah bisa tercemar gitu, F untuk mencari informasi tapi kebanyakan bapak-bapak main burung, then g sekarang yang paling better, twiter sangat frontal tapi bisa juga menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah untuk diri sendiri. setelah ketemu reddit seperti balik ke dimana sosial media masih natural dan no gimmick tempat berkeluh kesah dan bertanya paket kumplit.
Terimakasih untuk pengalaman baru dan saya merasa bernostalgia.
submitted by caule07 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 19:42 Delmer9713 [Megathread] Great Plains Severe Weather Outbreak - April 27th, 2024

1:13am CDT - Last Update on this thread for tonight. Storms will continue to evolve into a squall line overnight as they head eastwards. Expect damaging winds and brief spin-up tornadoes as the main threats. Refer to your local news and NWS offices.

The Storm Prediction Center has issued a Moderate Risk for severe weather for much of the Great Plains, highlighting the possibility of a regional outbreak with strong tornadoes and very large hail.

SUMMARY: Severe thunderstorms are likely today and tonight across the southern and central Plains into the lower to mid Missouri Valley. The most numerous/intense storms are expected from north Texas into Oklahoma and southeast Kansas, where strong tornadoes, very large hail of 2-3 inches in diameter and damaging winds of 60-80 mph are all possible.
...A regional outbreak of severe thunderstorms is forecast for this afternoon and evening across parts of KS/OK. Very large hail and strong tornadoes are possible..

Storm Prediction Center forecasts and information:

Full list of active severe weather watches

Current SPC Day 1 Outlook
For previously issued outlooks and Day 2-8 Outlooks, click here
Today's storm reports
Full list of active severe weather watches
Current and previous mesoscale discussions for the day

Local News Livestreams

KFOR Oklahoma City KOCO Oklahoma City News 9 OKC
ABC 8 Tulsa FOX 23 Tulsa
KSN Wichita KWCH Wichita
KCTV Kansas City FOX 4 Kansas City
KWQC Quad Cities/Davenport Iowa
WMTV Madison WI WKOW Madison
FOX 4 Dallas-Ft. Worth NBC 5 Dallas-Ft. Worth

Storm Chaser Livestreams (some may not be live)

Ryan Hall (storm chasers on screen & additional coverage)
Reed Timmer Brad Arnold Brandon Copic
Connor Croff Zachary Hall Nathan Moore (StormChaserIRL)
Freddy McKinney Nick Gorman Daniel Shaw Ryan Scholl
Vince Waelti Chris Hall Adam Lucio
Jeff Piotrowski

Alternative links for further information

Storm Prediction Center Twitter
NWS Tornado Twitter - Posts live alerts of newly issued tornado warnings and watches
NWS Severe T'Storm Twitter - Posts live alerts of newly issued severe thunderstorm warnings and watches
submitted by Delmer9713 to weather [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:44 Admirable-Special774 Non-reactor at max Dose 15mg, trying to identify Why, Hypothyroidism

Note: I'll likely cross-post this in a few different subs bc of a few different main topics involved; Semaglutide/Tirzepatide non-reactor, inability to lose weight, Hypothyroidism/Hashimotos, chronic fatigue, decline in cognitive function, etc.
I tried Semaglutide first, and after 6 months with no results, switched to Tirzepatide. Only side effect I've experienced is injection site reaction welts that began at Week 7, my 3rd dose of 5.0mg.
I'm on my 2nd week of 15mg Tirzepatide now, have increased every 4 weeks since starting it. My weight will yo-yo up & down a few lbs per week at times which gives me hope then like NOPE, NVM! So I've reverted to just weighing myself monthly instead of weekly. I did some additional research recently, bc I hate to just give up on the Tirz after all of the money spent on it. I'm like there has to be a reason that my body isn't responding to it. NOTE: Prior to 2021, I never had a problem with my weight, it was never something I watched. I would commonly fluctuate between 125 & 135lbs, without concern or tracking.
I have hypothyroidism/Hashimotos and take Levothyroxine (which is the inactive T4 hormone produced by your thyroid that your body is supposed to convert to active T3, and T2, etc. that it actually uses.) Both of my parents have Hypo, so my PCP had always included the TSH test (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone created by the pituitary gland when low levels of Thyroid Hormone are detected to trigger the Thyroid to produce more), and only once a blood test came back with TSH level of 15 (normal range is between like 0.3-5), is when they ran the additional tests for T4 levels (which were low), and the TPO Antibody which was like 400 (with the normal range being 0-34), indicating the cause was autoimmune/Hasimotos. (Note: I was never specifically briefed on the abnormal thyroid results, so I was a bit ticked that I wasn't informed that it was the autoimmune type, bc I would've asked way more questions... I'm a 'what abt the root cause..?' kind of person. But, I digress.) Diagnosed & started Levo in April 2022. So, I was started on synthetic thyroid hormone/Levo (T4), and only my TSH has been checked since. So, without continuing to check my TPO Antibodies, and actual T3/2 levels, how do they know that synthetic T4 supplementation is even solving anything, or how much continued damage is occurring to my thyroid?
Here's the catch & why I'm now starting to focus on it: while my TSH has stayed in a normal range, I do Not feel ANY better. No change to symptoms, the worst being the chronic fatigue & decreased cognitive function. I literally have No energy, ever anymore. I'm talking hard-core chronic fatigue where I literally cannot sit up or stay awake at times, require 12-18 hours of sleep for now sometimes multiple days in a row, etc. So I loop back to 'there has to be a scientific reason that these GLP-1 & whatnot meds are not doing what they do for most others'. I start thinking well what if my body isn't converting the T4 (inactive) hormone into the T3 & T2 that my body can actually use, etc....
I WILL be requesting the additional thyroid specific tests again when I go in to my Dr next, but in the meantime I'm gonna experiment bc I cannot be dysfunctional 50%+ of the time, without any warning of when, how long & to what extent. Like, I have a life that is just a constant struggle that I can't help, and it shouldn't be. It's a horrible feeling & impossible to explain to others who haven't experienced it.
I've seen so many different specialists, rheumatologists, neurologists, sleep neuros, etc. that all agree something is not right, but dunno what it is. Pretty much came down to narcolepsy/hypersomnia, but I already take stimulants for ADD, and mind you I can sleep through those too, so that was kind of another brick wall.
Also, in line with the autoimmune tendencies, at like week 7 I started getting big, raised red welts at injection sites that have continued since (I'm at Week 22), but at least they've seemed to calm in severity (the itching drove me insane for few months) & they tend to 'break up' quicker, like 2 days instead of 4. Though I've seen this is actually a pretty common occurrence with these injectable meds, I read that this particular injection site reaction is caused by your body randomly deciding to create antibodies to the medication, even after you've been taking it for a while already.
Sorry, wow, this was a bit of a vent... Really trying to stay on track here. Been struggling with stuff for so long, it's just so frustrating. I know I'm not the only one, so maybe this will help someone else know they aren't alone, or something will click with someone who may have similar experiences or suggestions.
Anyway, in my instance, after doing more research on my scenario, the supplements I just bought that I'll be starting are:
  1. Raw Desiccated Thyroid/Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)/Desiccated Thyroid Extract
    • Contains natural T3 hormone in addition to T4. Has been prescribed for HypoT patients who symptomatically do not respond to synthetic T4 hormone medication (Levothyroxine/Synthroid) alone.
  2. Thyro ADK
    • Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 2,500 IU
    • Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 2,000 mcg RAE
    • Vitamin K2 (as MK-4 [3,000 mcg] and MK-7 [100 mcg])
  3. Hashimoto’s Thyroid Antibody Support with 3% Thymoquinone
  4. Supplement made from black seed oil, which comes from the nigella sativa plant that may help put the attackers (autoimmune response/antibodies) in check or reduce to improve thyroid health & allow it to function better.
  5. Thyroid Adrenal Reset Complex
    • a bunch of stuff that support healthy function & levels of cortisol, inflammation, metabolism & detoxification. States it's been 'battle tested', which sold me. (Total J/K, but it did make me giggle. There's a lot of stuff to read with this one - I didnt post links in case it could be seen as promoting which I'm def not doing but who wants to catch a stray rule break)
  6. Leptin Resistance Rx Leptin Sensitizer with for Metabolic Support
  7. Fight Leptin resistance, duh 💁‍♀️
I'm literally at my wits end with all of it. I know that whatever is going on has some kind of catch22 loop, or likely multiple going on, I'm just so over not being able to find solutions to any individual issue. Like, can I catch a break even on one or the other??? Chronic fatigue, reduced cognitive function, lack of energy & metabolism, spending tons of money without results...
I'm also considering Reta but don't want to start all over with something new again & have the same fail due to some underlying root cause that still hasn't been addressed.
Thanks for listening. I'm extremely intrigued to hear other's thoughts, experiences, suggestions, vents, lol whatever.
I'll wrap this up with a little summary of the main period of decline & weight timeline, which will conclude with one additional question at the end: • 4/28/2017: 124lbs <- cervical spinal surgery, disc herniation • 11/1/2018: 126lbs • 1/18/2019: 128lbs • 3/18/2019: 130lbs • 9/3/2019: 135lbs, 5'4", BMI: 24, Age 33 • 9/3/2021: 144lbs <- Dr stopped stimulants that I'd been on for ADD for 15 yrs due to HBP 150/90 at this visit, lot of stress, had to make the decision to put down an elderly pet suddenly like a week or 2 before, etc. Started BP meds (Metoprolol). • 4/11/2022: 177lbs <- labs at this time were Abnormal for TSH Reflex (high) test & T4 (low) & Anti-TPO Antibody (High) tests. Restarted Adderall at this time since BP was in check. • 5/10/2022: 175lbs • 7/26/2022: 175lbs (broke leg, had surgery, was on crutches for like 6 months & still was limited activity thru at least Summer 2023) • 2/6/2023: 177lbs (even with broken leg, held weight steady) • 6/2/2023: 195lbs <- 4 months later +20lbs WTAF??? I was in shock for like 2 days then called my Dr & was like WTF, this is not normal?!?!? & she was like oh, yeah, that's not, normal... and I was written a script for Wegovy, at my suggestion. Which my insurance wouldn't cover a cent. Dr wouldn't prescribe me any Rx weight loss drugs that insurance WOULD cover due to 'too many interactions with current medications'. So HERE was my beginning with compounded semaglutude (always from Hallandale), then tirzepatide (always Hallandale, then Red Rock).
So my last question, taking into account the above, that my mother had been Hypo since she was 20yrs old & I was started on stimulants when I was age 21 - Could being on stimulants somehow have masked or slowed/delayed the onset of hypothyroidism?
Again, HUGE thank you in advance to anyone who took the time to read, has any input, suggestions, experience, advice to share, whatever.
I wish you all nothing but the best luck & health! Cheers 🥂
ETA: a wonderful being pointed out that in all of this chaos, I failed to mention a few key things: My diet has never been bad or something I really scrutinized over, so I really haven't had to make many changes. - I am Not a breakfast person - I am Not a sweets person. I don't eat them bc I do not enjoy them. I will have a coke sporadically, but def not a daily thing. Most of the time if it's an option, I go for unsweetened tea with lemon. - Afternoons I will do like nuts or seeds; for example I keep a tub of planters mixed nuts & flavored sunflower seeds or something similar on my desk to snack on here & there. - Dinner I'll normally do a protein like chicken, steak, fish with vegetables. Sometimes I'll do one of those quick frozen microwave steamer bowls which are smaller portions & healthy. - we keep low fat yogurt & granola around.... I'm really not a snacky person with like chips & stuff like that.
Activity: I do WFH & would like to get 20lbs off before increasing certain types of activity due to my leg injury (there's a bunch of metal in there & it still aches with too much at times), but for now I stick with mild stuff that keeps me busy with my kid & dogs, and stuff around the house.
submitted by Admirable-Special774 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:41 Admirable-Special774 Non-reactor at Tirz max dose 15mg, trying to identify Why, Hypothyroidism

Note: I'll likely cross-post this in a few different subs bc of a few different main topics involved; Semaglutide/Tirzepatide non-reactor, inability to lose weight, Hypothyroidism/Hashimotos, chronic fatigue, decline in cognitive function, etc.
I tried Semaglutide first, and after 6 months with no results, switched to Tirzepatide. Only side effect I've experienced is injection site reaction welts that began at Week 7, my 3rd dose of 5.0mg.
I'm on my 2nd week of 15mg Tirzepatide now, have increased every 4 weeks since starting it. My weight will yo-yo up & down a few lbs per week at times which gives me hope then like NOPE, NVM! So I've reverted to just weighing myself monthly instead of weekly. I did some additional research recently, bc I hate to just give up on the Tirz after all of the money spent on it. I'm like there has to be a reason that my body isn't responding to it. NOTE: Prior to 2021, I never had a problem with my weight, it was never something I watched. I would commonly fluctuate between 125 & 135lbs, without concern or tracking.
I have hypothyroidism/Hashimotos and take Levothyroxine (which is the inactive T4 hormone produced by your thyroid that your body is supposed to convert to active T3, and T2, etc. that it actually uses.) Both of my parents have Hypo, so my PCP had always included the TSH test (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone created by the pituitary gland when low levels of Thyroid Hormone are detected to trigger the Thyroid to produce more), and only once a blood test came back with TSH level of 15 (normal range is between like 0.3-5), is when they ran the additional tests for T4 levels (which were low), and the TPO Antibody which was like 400 (with the normal range being 0-34), indicating the cause was autoimmune/Hasimotos. (Note: I was never specifically briefed on the abnormal thyroid results, so I was a bit ticked that I wasn't informed that it was the autoimmune type, bc I would've asked way more questions... I'm a 'what abt the root cause..?' kind of person. But, I digress.) Diagnosed & started Levo in April 2022. So, I was started on synthetic thyroid hormone/Levo (T4), and only my TSH has been checked since. So, without continuing to check my TPO Antibodies, and actual T3/2 levels, how do they know that synthetic T4 supplementation is even solving anything, or how much continued damage is occurring to my thyroid?
Here's the catch & why I'm now starting to focus on it: while my TSH has stayed in a normal range, I do Not feel ANY better. No change to symptoms, the worst being the chronic fatigue & decreased cognitive function. I literally have No energy, ever anymore. I'm talking hard-core chronic fatigue where I literally cannot sit up or stay awake at times, require 12-18 hours of sleep for now sometimes multiple days in a row, etc. So I loop back to 'there has to be a scientific reason that these GLP-1 & whatnot meds are not doing what they do for most others'. I start thinking well what if my body isn't converting the T4 (inactive) hormone into the T3 & T2 that my body can actually use, etc....
I WILL be requesting the additional thyroid specific tests again when I go in to my Dr next, but in the meantime I'm gonna experiment bc I cannot be dysfunctional 50%+ of the time, without any warning of when, how long & to what extent. Like, I have a life that is just a constant struggle that I can't help, and it shouldn't be. It's a horrible feeling & impossible to explain to others who haven't experienced it.
I've seen so many different specialists, rheumatologists, neurologists, sleep neuros, etc. that all agree something is not right, but dunno what it is. Pretty much came down to narcolepsy/hypersomnia, but I already take stimulants for ADD, and mind you I can sleep through those too, so that was kind of another brick wall.
Also, in line with the autoimmune tendencies, at like week 7 I started getting big, raised red welts at injection sites that have continued since (I'm at Week 22), but at least they've seemed to calm in severity (the itching drove me insane for few months) & they tend to 'break up' quicker, like 2 days instead of 4. Though I've seen this is actually a pretty common occurrence with these injectable meds, I read that this particular injection site reaction is caused by your body randomly deciding to create antibodies to the medication, even after you've been taking it for a while already.
Sorry, wow, this was a bit of a vent... Really trying to stay on track here. Been struggling with stuff for so long, it's just so frustrating. I know I'm not the only one, so maybe this will help someone else know they aren't alone, or something will click with someone who may have similar experiences or suggestions.
Anyway, in my instance, after doing more research on my scenario, the supplements I just bought that I'll be starting are:
  1. Raw Desiccated Thyroid/Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)/Desiccated Thyroid Extract
    • Contains natural T3 hormone in addition to T4. Has been prescribed for HypoT patients who symptomatically do not respond to synthetic T4 hormone medication (Levothyroxine/Synthroid) alone.
  2. Thyro ADK
    • Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 2,500 IU
    • Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 2,000 mcg RAE
    • Vitamin K2 (as MK-4 [3,000 mcg] and MK-7 [100 mcg])
  3. Hashimoto’s Thyroid Antibody Support with 3% Thymoquinone
  4. Supplement made from black seed oil, which comes from the nigella sativa plant that may help put the attackers (autoimmune response/antibodies) in check or reduce to improve thyroid health & allow it to function better.
  5. Thyroid Adrenal Reset Complex
    • a bunch of stuff that support healthy function & levels of cortisol, inflammation, metabolism & detoxification. States it's been 'battle tested', which sold me. (Total J/K, but it did make me giggle. There's a lot of stuff to read with this one - I didnt post links in case it could be seen as promoting which I'm def not doing but who wants to catch a stray rule break)
  6. Leptin Resistance Rx Leptin Sensitizer with for Metabolic Support
    • Fight Leptin resistance, duh 💁‍♀️
I'm literally at my wits end with all of it. I know that whatever is going on has some kind of catch22 loop, or likely multiple going on, I'm just so over not being able to find solutions to any individual issue. Like, can I catch a break even on one or the other??? Chronic fatigue, reduced cognitive function, lack of energy & metabolism, spending tons of money without results...
I'm also considering Reta but don't want to start all over with something new again & have the same fail due to some underlying root cause that still hasn't been addressed.
Thanks for listening. I'm extremely intrigued to hear other's thoughts, experiences, suggestions, vents, lol whatever.
I'll wrap this up with a little summary of the main period of decline & weight timeline, which will conclude with one additional question at the end: • 4/28/2017: 124lbs <- cervical spinal surgery, disc herniation • 11/1/2018: 126lbs • 1/18/2019: 128lbs • 3/18/2019: 130lbs • 9/3/2019: 135lbs, 5'4", BMI: 24, Age 33 • 9/3/2021: 144lbs <- Dr stopped stimulants that I'd been on for ADD for 15 yrs due to HBP 150/90 at this visit, lot of stress, had to make the decision to put down an elderly pet suddenly like a week or 2 before, etc. Started BP meds (Metoprolol). • 4/11/2022: 177lbs <- labs at this time were Abnormal for TSH Reflex (high) test & T4 (low) & Anti-TPO Antibody (High) tests. Restarted Adderall at this time since BP was in check. • 5/10/2022: 175lbs • 7/26/2022: 175lbs (broke leg, had surgery, was on crutches for like 6 months & still was limited activity thru at least Summer 2023) • 2/6/2023: 177lbs (even with broken leg, held weight steady) • 6/2/2023: 195lbs <- 4 months later +20lbs WTAF??? I was in shock for like 2 days then called my Dr & was like WTF, this is not normal?!?!? & she was like oh, yeah, that's not, normal... and I was written a script for Wegovy, at my suggestion. Which my insurance wouldn't cover a cent. Dr wouldn't prescribe me any Rx weight loss drugs that insurance WOULD cover due to 'too many interactions with current medications'. So HERE was my beginning with compounded semaglutude (always from Hallandale), then tirzepatide (always Hallandale, then Red Rock).
So my last question, taking into account the above, that my mother had been Hypo since she was 20yrs old & I was started on stimulants when I was age 21 - Could being on stimulants somehow have masked or slowed/delayed the onset of hypothyroidism?
Again, HUGE thank you in advance to anyone who took the time to read, has any input, suggestions, experience, advice to share, whatever.
I wish you all nothing but the best luck & health! Cheers 🥂
ETA: a wonderful being pointed out that in all of this chaos, I failed to mention a few key things: My diet has never been bad or something I really scrutinized over, so I really haven't had to make many changes. - I am Not a breakfast person - I am Not a sweets person. I don't eat them bc I do not enjoy them. I will have a coke sporadically, but def not a daily thing. Most of the time if it's an option, I go for unsweetened tea with lemon. - Afternoons I will do like nuts or seeds; for example I keep a tub of planters mixed nuts & flavored sunflower seeds or something similar on my desk to snack on here & there. - Dinner I'll normally do a protein like chicken, steak, fish with vegetables. Sometimes I'll do one of those quick frozen microwave steamer bowls which are smaller portions & healthy. - we keep low fat yogurt & granola around.... I'm really not a snacky person with like chips & stuff like that.
Activity: I do WFH & would like to get 20lbs off before increasing certain types of activity due to my leg injury (there's a bunch of metal in there & it still aches with too much at times), but for now I stick with mild stuff that keeps me busy with my kid & dogs, and stuff around the house.
submitted by Admirable-Special774 to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:40 novkriz puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh

puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh
Pada zaman dahulu, tersebutlah kisah seorang puteri raja di Jawa Barat bernama Dayang Sumbi. Dia mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Sangkuriang. Anak tersebut sangat gemar berburu dia berburu dengan ditemani oleh Tumang, anjing kesayangan istana. Sangkuriang tidak tahu, bahwa anjing itu adalah titisan dewa dan juga bapaknya. Ketika kembali ke istana, Sangkuriang menceritakan kejadian itu pada Ibunya. Bukan main marahnya Dayang Sumbi begitu mendengar cerita itu. Tanpa sengaja dia memukul kepala Sangkuriang dengan sendok nasi yang dipegangnya. Sangkuriang terluka. Dia sangat kecewa dan pergi mengembara. Setelah kejadian itu, Dayang Sumbi sangat menyesali dirinya. Dia selalu berdoa dan sangat tekun bertapa. Pada suatu ketika, para dewa memberinya sebuah hadiah. Dia akan selamanya muda dan memiliki kecantikan abadi. Setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara, Sangkuriang akhirnya berniat untuk kembali ke tanah airnya. Sesampainya disana, kerajaan itu sudah berubah total.
Di sana dijumpainya seorang gadis jelita, yang tak lain adalah Dayang Sumbi. Terpesona oleh kecantikan wanita tersebut maka, Sangkuriang melamarnya. Oleh karena pemuda itu sangat tampan, Dayang Sumbi pun sangat terpesona padanya. Pada suatu hari Sangkuriang minta pamit untuk berburu. Dia minta tolong Dayang Sumbi untuk merapikan ikat kepalanya. Alangkah terkejutnya Dayang Sumbi ketika melihat bekas luka di kepala calon suaminya. Luka itu persis seperti luka anaknya yang telah pergi merantau. Setelah lama diperhatikannya, ternyata wajah pemuda itu sangat mirip dengan wajah anaknya. Dia menjadi sangat ketakutan. Maka kemudian dia mencari upaya untuk menggagalkan lamaran Sangkurian.

submitted by novkriz to rdatadao [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:20 PhilipTheGreat What's happening in Montreal this weekend [April 18 - 21] - The Main Bulletin #73

Of Montreal's Springtime Is the Season ends with this little ditty that goes something like:
"The springtime is the season where everyone's a friend / Loneliness and desperation both come to an end / No matter how you died through winter, in spring you're born again / Your life might not be going good but spring helps you to pretend / It helps you pretend."
That's capturing the current vibes nicely, where everything seems to be slowly coming back to life around town. You know, flowers blooming and stuff. Lots (and we mean LOTS) of events and openings, and we haven't even begun to think about summer.
Legault may still not know the price of a 4 1/2 in Montreal and turkeys may be breaking into senior's residences, but here in Montreal, things are just a little less exhausting and a bit more encouraging.





What is The Main? Inspired to tell the unique, artful, authentic, and profound stories behind creators and businesses, curators and tastemakers, histories and guides, we are a community of like-minded locals who want to get the most out of their city and their lives by exploring it through one central cultural hub. Sign up to get this right in your inbox.
submitted by PhilipTheGreat to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 00:22 Character-Bread-8547 [A3] 104th Solarian Rifles Regiment [NA/EU] [Warhammer 40k]

  1. Main Operations - Sunday 7:30 PM EST
  2. We allow Unit Friends to join Main operations and Unit Guests when Approved by Command.
  3. What is the 104th Solarian Rifles?
  4. The 104th Solarian Rifles is a newly made Warhammer 40k unit created by a group of friends who want to have fun and create a stress free environment! We have a bright future ahead of us and are in search of fresh bright people to help create a dream community with plenty of Leadership opportunities. Currently we only have Standard guardsmen, but we plan on adding Kasrkin squads and Adeptus Mechanicus.
  5. The 104th Solarian Rifles is a semi-serious Warhammer 40k with a laid back and casual gameplay experience.
  6. What do we offer? What makes us Different?
  7. We offer squad based, tactics focused operations that don’t just rely on mindless running and gunning. We also offer uniform’s personalized to the role a player is filling such as, medicae with shoulder armour denoting rank and squad position.
  8. We use a weapon certification system which requires training to use heavy weapons such as plasma weaponry, flamers and meltaguns. There is also optional AT training, but it is not required to use rocket weaponry.
  9. MOS's – Vox operator, Medicae, EOD
  10. We are on the lookout for NCO's, Medicae’s, Vox operator’s, Mission Builders, Story Writers, and developers.
  11. If you are interested in joining up or have any questions, please join the Discord Link!
submitted by Character-Bread-8547 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 21:54 airwolves Passover Seder Options (Jewfro + 2 Reform options)

Passover starts Monday, April 22nd. Here's a roundup of events for those interested.
Only one seder open to the community on First Night. Not surprising since most people do first night with family, but hey, if you need a place, it's an option.
JewFro + Kehillah Passover Seder Chef's dinner inspired by the components of a seder plate. Seder lead by Kehillah (independent-progressive synagogue). $85 per person for 4 courses and 4 glasses of wine/grape juice and a portion of the proceeds goes to support Kehillah. Address: 1721 East Franklin Street Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Note that they just got broken into, so supporting them with this event might be nice.
Beth Ahabah (Reform) You can register through the Congregational Second Night Seder Sign-up link in the weekly e-news (could not find that link, but here's the website) https://www.bethahabah.org/passover-resources 6PM
Congregation Or Ami (Reform) Or Ami to provides a main dish of brisket, chicken or salmon, as well as a vegetarian option in addition to the matzah ball soup, wine, grape juice, seder plate items, paper goods, handouts, and other supplies needed for the seder. Attendees bring K4P side dishes. Congregation Or Ami $20 tickets. 5:30 pm. fill out the registration form found in the weekly email.
Temple Beth El (Conservative) EDIT: Temple Beth El is doing a second night seder. It looks like you have to be logged in to see the calendar, so might be members only (or maybe not) https://www.bethelrichmond.org/passover24
Kehillah's Virtual "Seder-Ish" (Independent-Progressive) Virtual second night seder led by the rabbi. 6PM-7PM. Free. Link to RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/877953591827?aff=oddtdtcreator
Chabad (Orthodox) They're having website issues, but presumably their info will be found here: https://chabadofva.org/programs/passove
Or Atid (Conservative) They're doing "seder matching" so there's a chance you could try them: https://www.oratid.org/event/first-seder-after-sundown.html
KBI (Orthodox) Nothing on the site, but here's the events link: https://www.kbirva.com/events.html
Passover Brunch and Learn by Kehillah (Independent-Progressive) Saturday April 27 at 10AM Midlothian Gather An alternative to a Passover seder, catered kosher for Passover brunch and learning about the holiday. No membership required. RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/877957543647?aff=oddtdtcreator
submitted by airwolves to rva_events [link] [comments]
