Cool profile names

Cool User Names

2010.08.23 16:02 LRonPaulGraham Cool User Names


2014.05.25 20:28 aloofloofah Cool Names

How vain, without the merit, is the name.

2018.03.25 01:32 Adorable Old People

Screenshots and pictures of old people being unknowingly adorable.

2024.05.21 22:21 One-Cook2536 Confused About Being Blocked

Alright everyone, I know this might be a common question, but I'm a little lost. someone on PSN might have blocked me, but the signs are confusing.
I've seen posts saying a blocked profile shows as "Not Public," with no banner or ability to follow/see friends/following. That makes sense. But here's the weird part:
So, what's the verdict? Am I blocked, or is there some strange glitch happening? Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by One-Cook2536 to PlayStation_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:21 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those of us in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to u/CuriousOutLoud [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:19 luxactoR [STORE] $60,000 Inventory (7 Knives - 12 Gloves - 28 Rifles & more)

Trade URL - Steam Profile
🔥Feel free to join my steam trading group InventoryHub - excluding spammers and alt accounts.
Type Name FV Info Tradable SS B/O ($)
💔Knife ★ Karambit Case Hardened (BS) 0.83 #463 - red eye pattern Yes 📷 12345
💔Knife ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Case Hardened (FT) 0.16 #503 - tier 1 pattern with scar Yes 📷 5555
💔Knife ★ Karambit Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #670 - blue ring & blue playside Yes 📷 4444
💔Knife ★ Bayonet Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #321 - p4 Yes 📷 2499
💔Knife ★ Talon Knife Crimson Web (FT) 0.29 5/22/2024 📷 450
💔Knife ★ Nomad Knife Case Hardened (BS) 0.98 decent amount of mixed blue 5/22/2024 📷 303
💔Knife ★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic (FT) 0.35 5/26/2024 📷 212
💙Gloves ★ Sport Gloves Slingshot (FT) 0.26 5/23/2024 📷 962
💙Gloves ★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (BS) 0.77 #829 - p1 Yes 📷 938
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Snow Leopard (FT) 0.20 5/23/2024 📷 521
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Snow Leopard (FT) 0.20 5/22/2024 📷 536
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves King Snake (FT) 0.19 Yes 📷 531
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (FT) 0.22 #89 - tier1 pattern with clean E Yes 📷 499
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent (FT) 0.16 Yes 📷 425
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid (FT) 0.21 5/27/2024 📷 379
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Mogul (FT) 0.16 5/26/2024 📷 212
💙Gloves ★ Moto Gloves Smoke Out (FT) 0.19 Yes 📷 198
💙Gloves ★ Moto Gloves Turtle (FT) 0.15 5/27/2024 📷 175
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Diamondback (FT) 0.31 Yes 📷 127
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.00004 x4 vox holo kato15 on super low float ak (1/2) Yes 📷 3999
💚Rifle M4A1-S Cyrex (FN) 0.04 ibuypower holo kato14 above mag + x2 crown foil Yes 📷 3333
💚Rifle AK-47 Fire Serpent (FT) 0.18 vox holo kato14 on wood + crown foil next position Yes 📷 3333
💚Rifle AWP Asiimov (FT) 0.29 titan holo kato14 on the scope Yes 📷 3125
💚Rifle AK-47 Black Laminate (FT) 0.35 x4 kato14 (ibuypower holo on wood, titan, lgb holo, reason) Yes 📷 2599
💚Rifle StatTrak™ M4A4 In Living Color (FN) 0.042000 x4 dignitas holo col14 (1/1) Yes 📷 2499
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AWP Electric Hive (FN) 0.03 dignitas holo col14 on the scope + x3 holo kato14 (vp, dignitas, mystik) Yes 📷 1666
💚Rifle AK-47 Case Hardened (FT) 0.37 ibuypower holo kato14 above trigger Yes 📷 1449
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.01 x4 fnatic holo dh14 Yes 📷 749
💚Rifle M4A4 Eye of Horus (FN) 0.06 Yes 📷 646
💚Rifle AK-47 The Empress (WW) 0.39 x4 gold krakow17 (dosia, pashabiceps, x2 nbk) Yes 📷 669
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Phantom Disruptor (FN) 0.05 x4 navi holo dh14 (1/1) Yes 📷 549
💚Rifle AK-47 Fuel Injector (FN) 0.06 x2 flammable Foil (wood and back) Yes 📷 549
💚Rifle AWP Redline (MW) 0.11 titan kato14 on the scope Yes 📷 369
💚Rifle AK-47 Asiimov (FN) 0.06 5/26/2024 📷 202
💚Rifle StatTrak™ M4A4 Faded Zebra (BS) 0.78 high float - x4 kato14 (3dmax, vox, ldlc, complexity) Yes 📷 199
💚Rifle M4A4 Temukau (FN) 0.06 x4 c9 kato15 (1/1) Yes 📷 179
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan (BS) 0.46 Yes 📷 164
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Red Laminate (WW) 0.38 harp of war holo next to wood Yes 📷 149
💚Rifle AK-47 Bloodsport (FN) 0.04 x4 qhf holo boston18 5/28/2024 📷 130
💚Rifle M4A1-S Hyper Beast (FN) 0.03 5/26/2024 📷 120
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AWP Asiimov (BS) 0.81 Yes 📷 120
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 The Empress (MW) 0.13 5/26/2024 📷 119
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Legion of Anubis (FN) 0.06 Yes 📷 50,73
💚Rifle AWP Chrome Cannon (BS) 0.69 5/26/2024 📷 37,94
💚Rifle M4A1-S Chantico's Fire (FT) 0.26 5/26/2024 📷 27,05
💚Rifle AWP Worm God (MW) 0.11 x3 kato15 (envyus holo on scope * x2 clg) Yes 📷 22
💚Rifle AK-47 Head Shot (FT) 0.32 5/26/2024 📷 10,88
💛Pistol USP-S Stainless (WW) 0.43 titan holo kato14 above handle & x2 titan holo kato15 Yes 📷 2499
💛Pistol USP-S Overgrowth (FN) 0.06 crown foil above handle (rare combo) Yes 📷 279
💛Pistol P250 Mehndi (FN) 0.04 x4 kato14 (vp, mousesports, fnatic mystik) Yes 📷 222
💛Pistol Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (FT) Emerald 0.25 5/27/2024 📷 174
💛Pistol P2000 Ocean Foam (FN) 0.05 5/27/2024 📷 137
💛Pistol StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Conspiracy (FN) 0.03 x4 liquid mlg16 Yes 📷 36
💛Pistol Desert Eagle Code Red (FT) 0.31 5/26/2024 📷 19,11
💜SMG Souvenir UMP-45 Urban DDPAT (FT) 0.35 titan foil kato14 Yes 📷 169
💜SMG StatTrak™ MP9 Airlock (FN) 0.06 5/26/2024 📷 28,97
submitted by luxactoR to Csgotrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:18 luxactoR [STORE] $60,000 Inventory (7 Knives - 12 Gloves - 28 Rifles & more)

Trade URL - Steam Profile
🔥Feel free to join my steam trading group InventoryHub - excluding spammers and alt accounts.
Type Name FV Info Tradable SS B/O ($)
💔Knife ★ Karambit Case Hardened (BS) 0.83 #463 - red eye pattern Yes 📷 12345
💔Knife ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Case Hardened (FT) 0.16 #503 - tier 1 pattern with scar Yes 📷 5555
💔Knife ★ Karambit Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #670 - blue ring & blue playside Yes 📷 4444
💔Knife ★ Bayonet Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #321 - p4 Yes 📷 2499
💔Knife ★ Talon Knife Crimson Web (FT) 0.29 5/22/2024 📷 450
💔Knife ★ Nomad Knife Case Hardened (BS) 0.98 decent amount of mixed blue 5/22/2024 📷 303
💔Knife ★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic (FT) 0.35 5/26/2024 📷 212
💙Gloves ★ Sport Gloves Slingshot (FT) 0.26 5/23/2024 📷 962
💙Gloves ★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (BS) 0.77 #829 - p1 Yes 📷 938
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Snow Leopard (FT) 0.20 5/23/2024 📷 521
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Snow Leopard (FT) 0.20 5/22/2024 📷 536
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves King Snake (FT) 0.19 Yes 📷 531
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (FT) 0.22 #89 - tier1 pattern with clean E Yes 📷 499
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent (FT) 0.16 Yes 📷 425
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid (FT) 0.21 5/27/2024 📷 379
💙Gloves ★ Specialist Gloves Mogul (FT) 0.16 5/26/2024 📷 212
💙Gloves ★ Moto Gloves Smoke Out (FT) 0.19 Yes 📷 198
💙Gloves ★ Moto Gloves Turtle (FT) 0.15 5/27/2024 📷 175
💙Gloves ★ Driver Gloves Diamondback (FT) 0.31 Yes 📷 127
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.00004 x4 vox holo kato15 on super low float ak (1/2) Yes 📷 3999
💚Rifle M4A1-S Cyrex (FN) 0.04 ibuypower holo kato14 above mag + x2 crown foil Yes 📷 3333
💚Rifle AK-47 Fire Serpent (FT) 0.18 vox holo kato14 on wood + crown foil next position Yes 📷 3333
💚Rifle AWP Asiimov (FT) 0.29 titan holo kato14 on the scope Yes 📷 3125
💚Rifle AK-47 Black Laminate (FT) 0.35 x4 kato14 (ibuypower holo on wood, titan, lgb holo, reason) Yes 📷 2599
💚Rifle StatTrak™ M4A4 In Living Color (FN) 0.042000 x4 dignitas holo col14 (1/1) Yes 📷 2499
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AWP Electric Hive (FN) 0.03 dignitas holo col14 on the scope + x3 holo kato14 (vp, dignitas, mystik) Yes 📷 1666
💚Rifle AK-47 Case Hardened (FT) 0.37 ibuypower holo kato14 above trigger Yes 📷 1449
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.01 x4 fnatic holo dh14 Yes 📷 749
💚Rifle M4A4 Eye of Horus (FN) 0.06 Yes 📷 646
💚Rifle AK-47 The Empress (WW) 0.39 x4 gold krakow17 (dosia, pashabiceps, x2 nbk) Yes 📷 669
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Phantom Disruptor (FN) 0.05 x4 navi holo dh14 (1/1) Yes 📷 549
💚Rifle AK-47 Fuel Injector (FN) 0.06 x2 flammable Foil (wood and back) Yes 📷 549
💚Rifle AWP Redline (MW) 0.11 titan kato14 on the scope Yes 📷 369
💚Rifle AK-47 Asiimov (FN) 0.06 5/26/2024 📷 202
💚Rifle StatTrak™ M4A4 Faded Zebra (BS) 0.78 high float - x4 kato14 (3dmax, vox, ldlc, complexity) Yes 📷 199
💚Rifle M4A4 Temukau (FN) 0.06 x4 c9 kato15 (1/1) Yes 📷 179
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan (BS) 0.46 Yes 📷 164
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Red Laminate (WW) 0.38 harp of war holo next to wood Yes 📷 149
💚Rifle AK-47 Bloodsport (FN) 0.04 x4 qhf holo boston18 5/28/2024 📷 130
💚Rifle M4A1-S Hyper Beast (FN) 0.03 5/26/2024 📷 120
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AWP Asiimov (BS) 0.81 Yes 📷 120
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 The Empress (MW) 0.13 5/26/2024 📷 119
💚Rifle StatTrak™ AK-47 Legion of Anubis (FN) 0.06 Yes 📷 50,73
💚Rifle AWP Chrome Cannon (BS) 0.69 5/26/2024 📷 37,94
💚Rifle M4A1-S Chantico's Fire (FT) 0.26 5/26/2024 📷 27,05
💚Rifle AWP Worm God (MW) 0.11 x3 kato15 (envyus holo on scope * x2 clg) Yes 📷 22
💚Rifle AK-47 Head Shot (FT) 0.32 5/26/2024 📷 10,88
💛Pistol USP-S Stainless (WW) 0.43 titan holo kato14 above handle & x2 titan holo kato15 Yes 📷 2499
💛Pistol USP-S Overgrowth (FN) 0.06 crown foil above handle (rare combo) Yes 📷 279
💛Pistol P250 Mehndi (FN) 0.04 x4 kato14 (vp, mousesports, fnatic mystik) Yes 📷 222
💛Pistol Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (FT) Emerald 0.25 5/27/2024 📷 174
💛Pistol P2000 Ocean Foam (FN) 0.05 5/27/2024 📷 137
💛Pistol StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Conspiracy (FN) 0.03 x4 liquid mlg16 Yes 📷 36
💛Pistol Desert Eagle Code Red (FT) 0.31 5/26/2024 📷 19,11
💜SMG Souvenir UMP-45 Urban DDPAT (FT) 0.35 titan foil kato14 Yes 📷 169
💜SMG StatTrak™ MP9 Airlock (FN) 0.06 5/26/2024 📷 28,97
submitted by luxactoR to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:12 althosia Valorant Third party software ban for copying files

Posted this a while back, but I'd thought I would give it another shot.
Tag: R32 GTR #EUW
In short: Was banned 1 year back mid game (I was the one playing) but the thing is was not "cheating" (in my head).
What I did "use" at the was a "script" that copied files when Valorant was launched. The script made it possible to play with english text & japanese voice (add this riot).
The script waits for the Valorant process to be active, then overwrites the Japanese text files with English ones. Here's the bat script/file:
@echo off start "" "C:\Users\name\Documents\VALORANT" :check tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq VALORANT.exe" findstr /i "VALORANT.exe" >nul && (goto copyfile) (echo Waiting For Valorant && goto check) :copyfile xcopy "C:\Users\name\Documents\Valorant-Homescreen-Language-Changer-main\Paks" "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Content\Paks" /K /H /Y 
(Got it from )
Any vanguard devs that knows if this is a type of "cheating" that is bannable? (I did get banned so I guess, however no comments on the video I got it from seemed to have the same problem)
submitted by althosia to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:11 letrashpotato My crazy cheating ex story that sounds like the plot of a trashy tv show

Hey y' this has to be one of the craziest things that's ever happened to me and I really wanted to share it. Buckle up cause it's a long one...sorry in advance lol.
It started in 2019 I (26f but back then 21) met this dude (23m at the time) on kik from the Netherlands, let's call him...butthole. So, me and butthole hit it off, we're vibing, we're flirting, all that shebang.
We decide to date online long distance (cause I still lived in America at the time) so we text every day and we call a lot and it's just sooo nice. He was really sweet and nice to me. Well, August of that year I went on a trip to Ireland and got SA'd while there we'd been dating for 3 months at this point.
Once I got back home I finally worked up the nerve to tell him cause I legit had PTSD from that shit and when I did, he got mad at me. He accused me of cheating...I was like wtf?? So we broke up and went no contact and that was that.
2020 it's diddly dumbass was lonely and bored and decided to text him! Like girl wtf was I thinkin? So I text him and he ends up apologizing for accusing me of cheating. He realized he was wrong and just like that, we went back to vibing and flirting. We're also making low key plans for me to visit him once lockdown is lifted too. After a few days of this I'm thinkin we're gonna get back together. But he says to me "I have something to tell you and you're gonna get mad at me".
And I'm like....ok? I didn't even know what to think like no clue what it could be (cause I'm dumb lol) And he goes "so I'm actually living with a girl who is (and I quote) officially my girlfriend". Oh man I was pissed and really that fucking hypocrite!! So he goes on to explain they'd been dating for 2 Y E A R S!!
Anyway, so I'm dumb and was so in love and had no self esteem and thought he was the best I could get so I ask if he wants to leave her. He was like yea but we have a house together and I recently lost my job because of the pandemic so it'd screw us both over if I left now. I should've run right then and there but nooooo.
So I was like "you want to leave her and be with me right? Like, you will right?" And he said yes, I want to be with you, I'll leave if I can, blah blah blah." After a couple weeks of us acting coupley, sexting, sending pics, flirting and shit I woke up one day and realized, he's never gonna leave her for me. Ever. So....I decided I have to find this girl and tell her cause this is bullshit.
Problem is...I know nothing about her and apparently barely anything about him. He wouldn't tell me her name or anything. And he told me back in 2019 that he doesn't have social media (I should've known that was a lie cause who doesn't at least have facebook?) So I have nothing except his first and last name (later I find out he lied about how his last name is spelled and he gave me his nickname instead of his actual first name!...bro is a pathological liar I s2g!)
I tried looking for him on social media (obviously I didn't find him) I would try to ask about her name, but like in a really chill way, obviously he wouldn't tell me. I got desperate and googled Netherlands chat sites, and got on one and legit asked each person if they knew butthole mcbuttface from Rotterdam...I knew it was a long shot but I had to try.
That ended in a flop (well not entirely but I'll get back to that later) So then I get real crafty. I decide that I'm gonna play an adult fun game with him. I ask a question, he answers it truthfully and he gets a "reward". So I made sure to write out all the questions, starting with super innocent ones and I put the really revealing ones later cause I figured he'd be thinking with his other head at that point so he'd answer anything I asked.
We didn't do this over video call, we texted and I sent videos doing the thing (that way I could write down his answers) I did a lot of shit I'm not proud of. But I got the answers I needed. So I went all FBI and I got the specific area he lived from him and I ended up finding roughly where his house is, I was hoping I could find her name somewhere with that but it was a bust.
I tried to use the other answers to find stuff but I got nothing. I then decide to confront him over one of the answers (his brother's name) cause I legit thought he lied, it didn't sound like a name a Dutch person would have. He told me it was the truth. It's a really weird name for someone in the Netherlands so I looked him up on Facebook and I FOUND THAT BITCH!
That's how I realized he gave me the wrong spelling of his last name. So through his brother I found butthole's page and through butthole's page I found her!!! It took me weeks to find her! I was so shooketh! I couldn't believe I actually did it! So I go and look through her profile for a bit and I see that a few days before we played that game he FUCKIN PROPOSED TO HER!!!
I literally screamed when I saw that...I was so pissed and upset that he did that to her..... So I take a shit ton of screenshots and send her a message basically telling her everything. And she responded like "omg thank you for telling me". Like she wasn't upset at me or anything and that made me so sad. We chit chatted a bit and she was telling me all this shit about how she heard he was only with her for her money and blah blah blah...and she asked me for a few more specific screenshots which I gladly sent.
Then she said that she was at work and would confront him when she was home. I was in full support mode and was like I'm here for you and I'm so sorry this happened. And she was in support mode and she said she was sorry it happened to me too. So we exchange numbers and start texting. Later she texted me saying that she was off work and she was almost home and I wished her luck. At that point I texted him saying something like bye bitch good luck and blocked him lol.
So then I waited to hear from her...I check an hour later and saw that she blocked my number....I was so confused. I genuinely wish I could know what he said to her cause y'all...she ended up staying with him and getting married.I saw the pics on Facebook lol but yea....she could do so much better like...idk how this gremlin lookin ass bitch pulled 2 girls cause he's ugly inside and out. Idk if they're still together. I haven't looked in on them since I saw the wedding pics.
So yea, that's my story...but I said I would come back to the chat site not being a complete flop. I met a dude on there and we became friends and he introduced me to a guy who is now my boyfriend of almost 4 years and I ended up moving to the Netherlands to be with him lolol....I'm nowhere near where butthole lives so I'll never run into him but yea thanks for reading!
submitted by letrashpotato to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:02 FutureDeletedProfile An example of a cool use of Chat GPT . Creating 'Unique Super-Hero type names' that I can use when creating characters on a game im botting on. Exercising GPT's ability to bend language creatively . I would code it to add a random letter after the name i.e. MystixG to bypass availability limits.

An example of a cool use of Chat GPT . Creating 'Unique Super-Hero type names' that I can use when creating characters on a game im botting on. Exercising GPT's ability to bend language creatively . I would code it to add a random letter after the name i.e. MystixG to bypass availability limits. submitted by FutureDeletedProfile to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:02 RandomAmbles (Cosmopolis) After The Northern Court {Year 0004, January}

Random had stood and made his case Before The Northern Court of the Arch Fae and it had gone... well?
He had dealed and bargained, tricked and charmed, willed and won a place for human nature among the spirits of the frozen top of the world. At one point, he'd used a small trick he'd learned from a game to create tiny auroras and used his knowledge of the cosmos to convince the arch fey of the north that he was the regent of Polaris, come to bridge the elemental metals of the deep Earth with the stars. It had technically been a lie, but they'd bought it.
Still, there was a feeling deep in the pit of his stomach that told him that this was not over yet, and almost as soon as he had the thought, he woke in the mountain cave he'd wandered to in order to seek out the Fay, with a splitting headache, short of breath. By the faint embers left in the dark cave, he could see the snow had pilled up in front of the cave entrance and the room had filled with smoke from the fire while he meditated.
He tried standing up to get over to the entrance as fast as possible. Immediately, his vision blossomed into blooms of pain and he had to still himself.
Ok. Bad idea. That was absolutely horrible.
Slowly then.
On hands and knees he struggled forward, low to the ground, trying to control his increasingly urge-driven gasping breathing, as if through a house on fire. Reaching the snow-covered entrance, he tried to melt it with a simple thermal spell from his fingers... to find that nothing at all had happened. His magic was simply gone. Without breath, he could neither maintain concentration nor incant words of power upon the world.
But he could dig.
And crawl.
And try to tunnel with his arms outstretched.
Utill a numb purple hand, and then an arm, and a shoulder and a head and a body emerged into the freezing dark night air, which cut into his lungs like shards of ice. But he was alive.
And as breath slowly returned to him, after an hour or so of lying exhausted, completely spent in his vaguely warm cloak on the terribly cold, empty snowy plain, he realized something strange...
But he wasn't really sure what it was at first.
And then he noticed:
He was looking up at the sky.
And the strange thing was that the sky seemed to be looking down at him, Polaris ever so slightly above the center of his vision.
And just as he noticed this, as if in answer, it burst into aurora brighter than any he had ever seen.
And then he noticed something else, perhaps the oddest thing of all:
His own arm, outstretched, the five points of his fingers reaching out on their own and casting the colors into the sky.
"huh... that's... really cool."
And then he fell unconscious.
A day later, a search party that had set out to find him and followed the aurora to the mountains north of cosmopolis found his body, cold and frostbitten, but alive. They brought him back and placed him in a hot spring to recover.
submitted by RandomAmbles to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:01 daisy-moons Are departments permanent or do they change regularly?

Needed a summer job while at uni and somehow managed to get the job. Had my induction and I start sometime next week, pretty sure they said my schedule with my hours is going to be updated this week.
At the induction I was told I was on home and health, and when I checked on the ESS app, on my profile it say that is my department. Also my name is down for home and health on the full staff rota. However, i'm only on home and health for this week, next 2 weeks i'm on fresh food. Is this common to not have a set department? I don't really mind I just want to know so i can expect these things.
Thank you!!
submitted by daisy-moons to Morrisons [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 MadMedic21 Another Comprehensive Guide From a Caregiver and ACLr Recipient

Hi all! First off, so glad this sub reddit exists because it was a life saver when I was making decisions on my own ACLr and knowing what to expect from surgery. I'm a 2x cancer surviver, Paramedic, Rugby player, and now have been a caregiver to my partner who just celebrated 3 months from her own ACLr. I collected a bunch of advice and tips and tricks that I have used both during cancer treatment, my own experience with ACLr, and now through care taking my partner through hers. I know there have been guides before, but mine is a bit different and aimed at caregivers so I thought I'd post it here since ya'll helped me so much instead of it just circulating the rugby community every time a teammate or friend has to have ACLr or some other reconstruction. Hope it's allowed and helps!
A Cancer Patients Guide To Knee Reconstruction Recovery
A Comprehensive Guide To Surviving and Thriving In the Pre and Post-op Period Built From The Perspective of Caretaker and Patient.
Before The Date


It is important to adequately prepare for surgery in the weeks and days leading up to the procedure. A significant period of immobility and reliance on support can be expected immediately post-op and will vary by procedure and personal experience. Physical modification of living space and thorough preparation allows for the immediate post-op period to be free of emergency store runs and the small inconveniences that can add up to big frustration. Not having food and drink nearby as well as other essentials may be a small deal now, but can turn into a big deal when you can no longer get those things for yourself. While physical preparation (home modifications, adaptive tools, meal prepping, etc.) are important, mental preparation is crucial to the long term success of the repair. Making small, achievable goals in the immediate post-op period and maintaining a long sighted view of recovery will make the pain and immobility that is initially experienced more bearable. Additionally, social support through a partner, family members, or friends is an essential part of recovery, as is maintaining contact with sports teams or other social groups during rehabilitation.

General PEARLs

Days Leading Up To Surgery

Day Of And Immediate Post-Surgery Phase

submitted by MadMedic21 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:59 FakeMessiah_BD Blue tick without full name?

Hello! I want to get a blue tick. But i dont want to display my full name on my profile. I just want to use my last name and another stage name with it. What can i do?
submitted by FakeMessiah_BD to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:58 Accomplished_Low148 Why targeting Askarov makes more sense than Saros (assuming Marner gets traded for one of them)

1) The contract situation: If we get Saros we're most likely signing him to an extension. I can't see the Leafs trading him at the deadline nor can I see them just letting him walk at the end of the year for nothing. This likely means we're looking at a contract between 6-8 years north of 8 million. This is problematic for a number of reasons:
a) Goalies tend not to age very well. Even generational/hall of fame goalies such as Brodeur, Price and Lundqvist to name a few have trouble playing past 35 whilst being elite and living up to their contract. Signing Saros to a long term contract would mean we're primarily paying him when he's past his prime. This is a big concern.
b) We've been developing Woll for 8 years, and signing Saros to a fat extension pretty much means we've relegated Woll as a secondary option or a trade piece. For someone whose shown so much potential and come up big in key moments, this just doesn't make a lot of sense. Granted, Wolls injury concerns are totally valid but it still doesn't mean we have to give up on him as a Starter entirely.
2) Saros' track record: There's no denying that Saros is a high end goalie, but I think he's being slightly overrated. He's started more than 40 games 3 times in his career, 2 of which were very respectable (but not other worldly) and this past season which was below average. This is in conjunction with a playoff record where he's been below average: -1.2 GSAA and of his 16 playoff starts only half of them have been qualified as a quality start. Playing Goalie in Toronto is extremely challenging and so far in his career Saros just hasn't shown he can carry a team in the playoffs.
3) The benefits of getting Askarov: I've seen people say Nashville would never trade Askarov but they were shopping him last year, and they're looking for a high end forward, so I think it's very realistic they trade him. There would be a lot of benefits if we traded for him instead of Saros:
a) He's on an entry level contract for the next few years which means we'll have 30M this offseason to reshape the team. That would allow us to sign 2 top 4 RD and a 2C like Lindholm and still have 10M to play with to fill out the rest of the team.
b) You can let him and Woll share the net and see who emerges as the true starter. Woll has shown he can make huge saves and play in big moments so having him go 50/50 with Askarov in the regular season and then take the net in the playoffs would be a great short term plan while Askarov gets more experience.
c) If Askarov flourishes and wants a bigger role we own his RFA rights so there's a lot more flexibility in terms of what we can do with him. With Saros, we'd be signing him long term, relegating Woll to a backup and hoping Saros works out. With Askarov, if he outgrows his role we have a good problem with two capable goalies and can flip one for other assets. The flexibility here can't be understated.
4) You dont need a bonafide top 5 goalie to win the cup: This isn't to say having one is bad, just that it's not necessary. With Goaltending, its about getting hot at the right time. Vegas won the cup recently with what was originally a 3rd stringer. Binnington came out of nowhere and carried the Blues in '19, likewise with Matt Murray in 16/17 for the Pens. In his short time here Woll has shown a tendency to just come up huge and make big saves. I remember there was a point this year where he'd stopped like 18-20 shots in a row in 3v3 over multiple games which is impressive when you consider those are all essentially high danger chances. Take that in conjunction with how he played in the playoffs and you can see my point about how you just need someone to make big saves and get hot at the right time, Woll can do that.
Having Askarov and Woll as a tandem would allow for a cheap, flexible option in goal that allows us to spend on other parts of our roster. We don't need either of them to be Vezina winners to have success, just to make key saves and not let a shitty soft goal in. The amount of cap room we would have by taking on Askarov and dumping Marner would allow us to fill every hole we've been talking about for years. We would also likely get other pieces back with Askarov which would help us out even more. If you get a player like Luke Evangelista you've suddenly replaced 45 of Marner's 95 points for 800k.
From Nashville's perspective, they're trying to win a cup and given they can add one of the best RW in the league without moving any contracts out, or removing a player from their roster that finished with nearly 100 points is exactly the kind of trade they'd make. They've wanted a high end forward for years and now they can finally get one, and they'd be trading from a position of strength to make it happen.
For Marner, he can go to one of the most beloved markets for players, get paid as much as he wants, have a low profile and still be on a competitive team.
submitted by Accomplished_Low148 to leafs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:57 Massive_Virgin420 VR Treadmill but doesn't need to "work"

Hi Everyone, I know this might seem a tad strange but a while ago I wanted to get a VR Treadmill because I thought it would be cool but people were saying that the technology isn't quite there yet, but then I got thinking, I actually want one that will allow me to run (slide) in place, run backwards, strafe, jump, crouch, and one that will hold me up in the air for swimming/flying. The one I was originally looking at the KAT Nexus Treadmill, would that still be the way to go for this or is there a cheaper solution? Again, it doesn't need to "work" I will use the analog stick anyway, even if the treadmill did actually work. I was looking at one that could fold up and be stored easily but I can't remember the name or if that was even a sliding one, any help would be much appreciated!
submitted by Massive_Virgin420 to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:56 iReeed [STORE] Crownfall 2024, Collector's Cache 2022 I/II [W] Unusual FrostBloom,Smoke

Dear friends, I offer all the sets from Collector Cache I/II 2022
I want to remind you that all sets from the Collector Cache can be transferred only as a gift if you are friends for more than 30 days according to the rules of Steam.
Therefore, for the purchase, you add my profile to friends, write to me, pay for the goods and wait 30 days. IT IS IMPORTANT that to buy a product YOU MUST PAY HALF AT THE TIME OF ORDER AND AT THE END.
I accept Dota2 item,Arcana,Csgo item and case for payment
There are Discounts - everything is negotiable.
My steam friend code - 147808829 or click on my name above!
*Crownfall 2024
(Wraith King)---Crown of the Condor 4x (RARE) 10€
(Silencer)---Whispering Wings 5x (RARE) 10€
(Meepo)---Mocking Bird 1x (VERY RARE) 30€
*Collector's Cache 2022 I
(Riki)---Scarlet Subversion 1x 7€
(Snapfire)---Whippersnapper 1x 7€
(Chen)---Hounds of Obsession 2x 7€
(Clock)---Seadog's Stash 1x 7€
(Spectre)---Spoils of the Shadowveil 2x 7€
(Phoenix)---Crimson Dawn 1x 7€
(Terrorblade)---Forgotten Station 1x 7€
(Undying)---Dirge Amplifier 2x 7€
(Monkey King)---Champion of the Fire Lotus 1x 7€
(Witch Doctor)---Deathstitch Shaman 1x 7€
(Marci)---Blue Horizons 1x (RARE) 20€
(Primal Beast)---Dark Behemoth 1x (VERY RARE) 37€
*Collector's Cache 2022 II
(Legion Commander)---Bird of Prey 1x 7€
(Silencer)---Grand Suppressor 1x 7€
(Alchemist)---Darkbrew's Transgression 1x 7€
(Oracle)---Transcendent Path 1x 7€
(Doom)---Dawn of a Darkness Foretold 1x 7€
(Pudge)---Cursed Cryptbreaker 1x 7€
(Night Stalker)---Feasts of Forever 2x 7€
(Phantom Assassin)---Darkfeather Factioneer 1x 7€
(Clinkz)---Withering Pain 1x 7€
(Ogre Magi)---Freeboot Fortunes 1x 7€
(Vengeful Spirit)---Acrimonies of Obsession 1x 7€
(Techies)---War Rig Eradicators 1x 7€
(Treant Protector)---Grudges of the Gallows Tree 2x (RARE) 8€
(Anti-Mage)---Brands of the Reaper 1x (RARE) 20€
(Void Spirit)---Sublime Equilibrium 1x (VERY RARE) 37€
submitted by iReeed to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:55 NorthStarBoy Mohammed & Ashley

One thing I've noticed they (Kammy and Nev) do too often, particularly in this episode, is cut slack for objectively "beautiful" people.
In some episodes, they will see that the catfish is a nice looking person and immediately be like "Well you can still date them then!" Even if they lied just as much as any other catfish. Whereas if the catfish was a normal, or even overweight person, they are immediately on their ass about the lies and basically telling the victim to get out of it.
In this episode, I noticed that they kept repeating, "She's beautiful." so many times when they were searching the profiles and found the image of the actual girl. But during the same Google search, they came across a girl's Facebook profile that shared the same name and since she wasn't as "beautiful" to them, they only said "Oh, suspect number one here." Why didn't they say, "Oh she's pretty too. I guess if it's her she doesn't need to hide."-type stuff.
Now, I understand why to an extent, but in this particular episode I really noticed how many times he repeated how beautiful she was and it was just so "Throw it all out the window then, no problems here." Overboard.
submitted by NorthStarBoy to CatfishTheTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:54 New_to_Warwick Infection Free Zone Quick Information

Official Website;
Steam Store Page;
Official Discord;
Official Youtube Channel;
Official X Profile;
Official Twitch Channel;
“The Mad Virus” has spread throughout the world with the speed of jet planes. The infected are highly aggressive, fast and strong. In a couple of weeks, society collapsed. Cities are empty. There is no electricity, no water, and no food. Yet, there are a few survivors...
Type in the name of the city or town, download the map and start playing! Thanks to OpenStreetMap’s real-world data you can choose any place in the world for your survivors.
Establish a new “Infection Free Zone” wherever you choose. Set up shelters and production facilities. Adapt existing buildings to new needs. Build new farms and power houses. Establish defenses with walls, gates and towers.
Utilize your knowledge of the city. What is the best place to defend? Where were the grocery stores, where were the pharmacies? Where would you look for weapons?
Remember that it’s dangerous to search the old buildings, there might be some infected lurking in the dark!
Each night your settlement might be attacked by large hordes of the infected. Fight them off with every tool available - melee and ranged weapons, vehicles, walls and light. Research a vaccine or a cure for ultimate victory, or just enjoy rebuilding entire cities!
Your Zone is not the only one that exists. Your survivors will surely find other surviving groups. Some will be friendly and willing to trade, but others will be extremely hostile. There might be some fighting involved!
submitted by New_to_Warwick to InfectionFreeZone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:52 Any_Shelter2244 Partner blaming me for trauma response

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
That will be a long and chaotic post, I'll try to organise it somehow but it's all complex.
My partner (39M) and I (female, turning 30 this Friday) have been together for 2.5 year and always been good communicators, but in the last few months things have been getting haywire and completely out of control, and I just don't know what to do anymore.
We both come from a cPTSD background (sexual and physical abuse, being raised by narcissistic mothers, homelessness), mine is sadly worse due to extra abuse suffered from partners and some workplaces, also doing some occasional sex work for food when homeless. Basically, thanks to capitalism (yay), I have never felt safe in my life, even after moving 3000km away from my abusive family - basically every morning I wake up wondering if I still have a job and whether I won't get evicted.
I went through some cPTSD therapy (EMDR as well) before meeting him and I thought I fixed myself, but the relationship unleashed new hell on me. I fully acknowledge I started the problems, as I've severely violated his boundaries several times and didn't see the pattern until we've had several horrendous arguments. Part of this was because my partner has been raised to always bottle things up and people please, so I never really know if he means something is not a problem or he just doesn't want to say it and it will blow out weeks or months later.
Anyway, we worked through the worst problems, when he got more knowledge about the extent of my trauma and some very toxic things I was made to believe where normal, he acknowledges that I don't perpetuate some patterns consciously. I signed up to therapy (despite it being a huge financial burden), I do all I can to control myself, be very nice to him, spend quality time together etc.
HOWEVER. I work in an extremely toxic environment where the goalposts are moving every single day, there's a fuckton of manipulation, what boss says is not what he means, workers are pitted against each other etc. The workplace is actively re-traumatising me daily, but I need to keep this job for several reasons. My partner knows it. And yet, he blames me for having meltdowns, and it always follows the same pattern. Just to give you an example, from today:
I don't know how to get to him. I try my very best to address 30 years of severe abuse, but right now the dynamic is shifting towards "Every single thing in our relationship is your fault, I don't have any trauma responses" and I really don't like that dynamic. But when I try to bring that up, he gets even madder. He also doesn't cool down when left alone, just spirals out more and more.
He's ADHD (diagnosed), I'm autistic + cPTSD + chronic pain (also diagnosed).
Again, apologies for this massive rant, I just feel so confused and alone. It's like he's becoming a completely different person than the one I've loved, and I feel like I'm no longer allowed to have any negative emotions / reactions because suddenly it's all "abuse".
submitted by Any_Shelter2244 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:51 MissKiwi_owo Newbie

Hi community of loving creatures. Sooo a bit of context, I was a Debian user until I got an itch to try Arch, the thing is, every time I try I fail miserably. Would you help me please?
This is what I did in my last attempt. Thanks n.n
Boot to arch linux -> config.WiFi -> then typed: archinstall Archinstall menu -Language -English -mirrors -worldwide
-disk configuration -manual partitioning -> /dev/mmcblk2: MAC: 128G32

Status. Device. Type. Start.

Existing: /dev/mmcblk2p1. Primary 2048 Existing: /dev/mmcblk2p2. Primary 2099200 Modify: /dev/mmcblk2p3. Primary 44042240

End. Size. Fs Type. Mountp. mount

  1. 1GB. Unknown
  2. 21GB. Unknown
  3. 102GB. Unknown. /boot

Mount option. Flags

 . Boot, ESP. 
. . Boot, ESP
-Disk encryption -None -bootloader -system-boot -unified kernel image -false -swap -true -hostname -archlinux -root password -none -user created -profile -desktop+hyper land+Polk it -audio -no audio -kernels Linux -Additional packages -none - network config -copy ISO network config to installation -Automatic time sync -true -optional repo -multilib
Then when I save it and install I get: All white until... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/" , line 332, in runas_a_module main() File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/" , line 337, in main importlib.importmodule(mod_name) File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/" , line 90, in import_module
Return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:1], package, level)
File "", line 1378, in _gcd_import File "", line 1360, in _find_and_load File "", line 1331, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 935, in _load_unlocked File "", line 995, in exec_module File "", line 488, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/scripts/" , line 245, in fs_handler.perform_filesystem_operations() File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/lib/disk/" , line 54, in perform_filesystem_operations device_handler.partition(mod, partition_table=partition_table) File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/lib/disk/" , line 521, in partition self._setup_partition(part_mod, modification.device, disk, requires_delete=requires_delete) File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/lib/disk/" , line 364, in _setup_partition filesystem = FileSystem(type=part_mod.safe_fs_type.value, geometry=geometry)
File "/uslib/python3.12/site-packages/archinstall/lib/disk/" , line 699, in safe_fs_type raise ValueError('File System is not set') ValueError: File system is not set
submitted by MissKiwi_owo to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 theodoreposervelt Why can I not view someone’s profile who sends me a chat request? (On mobile)

Anytime someone sends me a chat request I try to view their profile really quick to make sure they aren’t a bot. However, on the mobile app I can’t seem to find a way to do that? When I tap the person’s user name in the chat request nothing happens, when I try to tap the … at the top right of the screen nothing happens. Also, for some weird reason it’s impossible to get these user names to show in search. I had to go out to google and type “bobevans21 username Reddit” to get to the person’s profile.
Am I missing something here or is the mobile app set up purposefully to make it impossible to screen chat requests from the app? If I tap someone’s user name in the comments of a post it takes me to their profile no problem, it’s just the direct chat function that seems to not have any option for that.
submitted by theodoreposervelt to help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 Faithhal Are SARMS Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have garnered attention in the fitness world for their potential to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids. However, amidst the buzz surrounding SARMS, questions inevitably arise about their safety profile. Are SARMS truly as safe as they're claimed to be, or do they pose significant risks to users? In this article, we'll explore the safety considerations surrounding SARMS to provide a balanced perspective on their potential dangers.
Understanding SARMS:
SARMS, as the name suggests, selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to anabolic effects similar to those of traditional steroids but with purportedly fewer androgenic side effects. This selectivity is what sets SARMS apart and contributes to their appeal among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.
The Safety Debate:
While SARMS offer promising benefits, concerns about their safety persist, primarily due to their potential to suppress natural testosterone production, alter lipid profiles, and affect liver health. Additionally, the long-term effects of SARMS usage remain largely unknown, raising questions about their potential for causing harm over extended periods.
For more>> Are sarms dangerous?
Suppression of Testosterone:
One of the primary concerns with SARMS is their potential to suppress endogenous testosterone production. SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can interfere with the body's natural hormone balance, leading to decreased testosterone levels. This suppression can result in a range of symptoms, including decreased libido, mood changes, and fatigue.
Impact on Lipid Profiles:
Another area of concern is the impact of SARMS on lipid metabolism. Some studies suggest that SARMS can alter lipid profiles, potentially leading to unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
Liver Toxicity:
While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to traditional oral steroids, some evidence suggests that certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, particularly at higher doses or with prolonged use. Liver enzyme abnormalities and liver damage have been reported in some users, highlighting the importance of monitoring liver health when using SARMS.
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and athletic performance, they are not without risks. Concerns about testosterone suppression, lipid alterations, and liver toxicity underscore the importance of approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on a SARMS regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.
Ultimately, the decision to use SARMS should be informed by a thorough understanding of their potential risks and benefits, as well as careful consideration of individual circumstances and goals. By prioritizing safety and responsible use, individuals can minimize the potential dangers associated with SARMS and maximize their potential benefits in pursuit of their fitness objectives.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 HeartOfAmethyst- Color pallet ideas

Color pallet ideas
I did this for fun & because I think these colors would go nice in the game. I play for honor mostly for the fashion, and I noticed a handful of the colors pallets are super dark, grays, browns, blacks, reds, blues, and yellows, which is cool & all but I personally like more bright colors, and there’s not alot of options for them. Anyway, I made up some color pallets that I’d wear in game and who knows maybe one day they’ll get in game. I tried to keep the pallet names within medieval themed. What do you think? 😄
submitted by HeartOfAmethyst- to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 MRHipshot Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters a waifu JRPG about video game consoles is out today!

A little counter-programming for anyone who isn’t checking out Hellblade 2.
So the Neptunia series might be the most Japanese, uwu, waifu and weeb-styled game I’ve ever seen. Just check out a trailer. So I was very surprised when I learned it was coming to Xbox.
I’ve never played any of these games but the premise is hilarious and honestly pretty interesting. There are waifu’s who represent different video game consoles. And yes there is an Xbox waifu. Her name is Vert.
This particular game looks like it’s handling the rise of mobile gaming and dealing with that. They need to get help from the “PC continent” whatever that means lol.
The Xbox store tagline is “Gamindustri is on the brink of destruction” or something like that. So I expect a lot of meta humor.
I hope some day they make Xbox versions of the other games in the series because they regularly talk about “The Console Wars” as an in-world event/war. There is currently 1 other Neptunia game planned for Xbox. I hope they both do well enough for them to consider bringing more.
The Xbox version gets all DLC that was locked to previous deluxe editions so that’s cool. It’s Play Anywhere for anyone who has a PC or a ROG Ally or other PC handheld. It’s $40 US.
That’s about all I know. I’ll be checking it out a when it releases and it’s one of the most Japanese games that I would have never thought would make its way over to Xbox. Really shows how much Xbox is improving in that area.
Again, please check out a trailer so you know what you’re getting into before you buy lol. But anyone here gonna check this out? I play a ton of JRPGs on Xbox but never anything like this. A humorous meta JRPG sounds really fun. And yeah Vert is the Xbox waifu so I’ll be putting her in my party whenever I get a chance.
Ok I played like 30 min and this is a shock to my system lol. Please watch some gameplay or a trailer so you know what you’re getting into. I’ve never played a game trying to be “cute” before.
submitted by MRHipshot to xbox [link] [comments]