Sample thank you letter for job placement

Students of Mind and Behaviour

2012.11.11 03:49 Students of Mind and Behaviour

We are a place for students of psychology to discuss study methods, receive assistance with homework, enquire for job-searching advice, and all else that comes to mind. This community is aimed at those at the beginner to intermediate level, generally in or around undergraduate studies. Graduate students and professionals are recommended to our sister subreddit, AcademicPsychology.

2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2012.07.22 13:32 omasque A subreddit for commissions!

Artists/writers/musicians/animators/etc. can advertise their services/commissions here. Buyers can request specific things they'd like to buy. A few reminders: ❥ All [For Hire] posts must state a price. ❥ All [Hiring] posts must state a budget. ❥ Do not post more than one [For Hire] post per 24 hours. See the side bar for clarification and details!

2024.05.21 19:42 Ramp-Dude05 Hi and I'm new here - how do I work on bravo typed craft (A380s, B747, B787)

I am an experienced ramp agent at a semi-major airport in the United States and I am very much interested in operating at an international level or just within major aircraft settings. I can perform the following checks; baggage handling and load, comat load and checks, aircraft gate guide and gate preset, diamond safety and pre sight check, ron and tow operations, pushback guide and wing set, tower preset and designations, and basic cabin services like cleaning.
I have been working at a more local level with a regional airline performing basic tasks like bagged handling, aircraft guides and pushout, and passenger assistance. However- I have touched intl comat and hazmat, assistant with transportation of intl pax, and pax bagged healing with ULDs. I have my current job since I was willing to work as an unofficial over the road packer and I always approach a challenge head on. I want to work on type bravo aircraft (B777, B787, A380, B747) and treat this like a career.
I have spoken with several ramp agents who come from other stations at my airport and they tell me the vast majority of people working on larger aircrafts either work their way up though the airport’s union for years (I mean decades) or they are from a foreign country like the UAE. I actually had a long conversation with a ramp agent from KLAX and he told me the people mostly working on their A380s are form the UAE and that is the case with most ramp agents all over the world. Its seems the UAE and Germany have a grip on the larger aircraft below wing work.
Does anyone on this board work on larger aircraft mentioned above and if so; how in the heck did you get your check? Did you go to a certain school, work you’re up the union, or did you travel for your job? What experience did you obtain on the ramp? Better yet- is there anyone here who works for Lufthansa, Atlas Air, Qatar, Qantas, or even Emirates on the tarmac? What did you do to get your job and what do I have to do to operate at your gate?
Thank you!
submitted by Ramp-Dude05 to rampagent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:41 FullFragment Recruiter ghosted me after 3 interviews, Senior Vice President of HR called me to apologize, and left voicemail. I am beyond shocked!

Recruiter ghosted me after 3 interviews, Senior Vice President of HR called me to apologize, and left voicemail. I am beyond shocked! submitted by FullFragment to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 nbfdftr Looking for a legit remote job.

Hi guys, I'm 25 unemployed and I need a job. I would be glad to know where and how to find some legit opportunities. My curriculum isn't a good weapon sadly... At the moment I'm studying cybersecurity but I'm not looking for a job in this field yet because I know I'm not able to handle it, I just want a regular job because I can't find any opportunities where I'm living.
Recently I too a look at Telus and RWS, but I couldn't make Telus exam because it requires that you uses Google Chrome on your laptop, my "computer" is a Single Board Computer (arm64) and we don't have Google chrome for Linus + arm64 yet.
I will be trying RWS even though I heard people telling that they do not have a lot of jobs after you make the exams and everything.
So ye, I want some recommendations and I will be thankful if you give me some 👍
submitted by nbfdftr to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 LilPnas “Mommy instincts”

“Mommy instincts”
Her followers are so dumb 🙄 SHE ISN’T A MOM! hopefully she will never be one to an actual human.. couldn’t even take the poor pup to the vet the first day or sooner! I can only imagine her doing the same thing to a baby. Irresponsible & lazy.
submitted by LilPnas to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:38 ArtPippo Might help

Might help
Hi hi! This might or might not help you, who knows.
As it turns out when I originally asked for a paper prescription from GenderGP and they sent out a letter that was signed by a doctor from Spain (slay ig), IF you are struggling to get sent an electronic prescription via GenderGP, send in your prescription letter to Smartway themselves and they will send you the payment link!
Just got sent an email saying I have to post my letter and they will sort it out for me, so if you have held onto your letter and are struggling to get an electronic prescription (like me, thanks GenderShiteGP) then send in the letter, I’m going to do it today. Finally getting somewhere!
☺️ Hope this helps someone!
I imagine the Smartway Pharmacy was meant to be underlined along with the rest of the address.
Will send mine and if it works I will update!
submitted by ArtPippo to GenderGP [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:38 WeekendEpic Pilot Episode For A Superhero Show

Young Luke Is Sitting In The Car With His Mom They're Singing A Song Together
L: So Mom When Exactly Are We Going To Paris
M: In About 2 Weeks
L: Man I'm Sooo Excited I Always Wanted To Go There
M: Yeah I Am Too It's Said To Be The Romanti....
The Car Crashes And Luke Hits His Head And Is Knocked Out
He Wakes Up His Vision Is Really Blurry But He Sees A Truck Pulling Off
L: Wha... What The....Mom Mom Where Are You Mom!!!!
Luke Is Sitting At Home While The Police Is Talking To His Dad
A Day Later He Comes Down Stairs And Sees His Dad Crying
He Walks To His Room With His Friends
O: Hey You Ok
L: No I...I Wanna Find Out Who Did That To My Mom I Saw A Truck Leaving When That Happened
O: So What Do Think It Was
L: I Don't Know Might Have Been A Hit And Run Or Maybe It Was Planned I Don't Know But I'm Gonna Catch Whoever That Was
3 Years Later
L: Ok Bye Dad Love Ya
D: Bye Luk...
Luke Slames The Door
Luke Runs Too School
Jack Gets Up And Walks Down Stairs And Sees His Mom Cooking And His Dad With A Beer In His Hand Sleep He Walks Outside And Walks To School
Owen Jumps Up And Runs Outside
M: Owe....
Owen Slams The Door And Runs To School
They All Meet Up
L: Yooo Owen What's Up Man
O: Hey Luke What's Up
J: Hey Guys
L: Hey Jack How You Been
J: I've Been Good
L: Hey You Haven't Been In School For 3 Days What Happened
J: Ooo Nothing Just Some Family Stuff
L: Oh Ok.....So My Uncle Said That The Base Is Gonna Be Finished Today So We Can Become Heroes Man
J: Seriously Ok I'm Ready
O: Yeah I'm Gonna Beat Up So Many Villains
They All Walk Into The School
Intro Start's
M: Ok I Know You Guys Must Be Confused Basically Nine Months Ago I Found A Metal Bat In My School And Thought WOW I Could Use This To Fight Crime Like I Always Wanted Too So I Asked My Uncle To Put Some Tech Into This Bat But Then He Offered To Builf Me A Base To Be In He's Rich And So I Asked My Best Friends If They Want In And They Jumped At The Opportunity And Well That's About It
Schools Done
Owen Is In His Boxing Club
Luke Is In The Tech Club
And Jack Goes Home
Later That Day
Luke Comes Home
L: Hey Dad Sorry For Earlier I Was In A Rush
D: That Ok So How Was School
L: Nice I Guess I Was Waiting On Something So I Didn't Really Do Anything In School
D: What Are You Excited For
L: Nothing Really Just Something Small
D: Oh Ok Then
Luke Runs Upstairs
Owen Runs In The Basement
And Jack Goes In His Room
Luke Goes In His Closet And Goes To The Base
They All Come Down At The Same Time
L: Wowww!!!!!
Luke Runs Over To The Suit
L: Woah All This Tech And Is This A Nano Tech Sword
Luke Hugs His Uncle
L: Thanks So Much
U: Your Welcome
U: Hey Owen You Still Practicing That Move I Told You About
O: Of Course
U: Jack You Still Using The Computer I Got You
J: Yep And Thanks For That It's Really Helped Me With My Detective Research
U: And Jack You've Mastered The Art Of.....The Bat
L: Ha Yeah As Much As I Can
U: Alright Then This Is The Official Base For QuantumStrike
They All Smile
U: And I've Got One More Surprise For You Guy's
L: What
U: Look
They Look And See A Truck
They All Go To The Truck
L: Wow This Is Awesome
U: Go Inside
L: Um Ok
The Truck Door Opens
They All Look Shocked
They Walk Inside The At See A Base
L: What The How Is Thi Possible
U: It's A Mix Of Nano Tech Shape Morphing Technology Holographic Projection And Adaptive Exterior Panels
L: I Can't Believe This Is Real!
U: Alright Now Come Out
They All Come Out
U: Ok So It Can Also Be A House Inside For Just Chilling Or Anything Like That
L: What Man Your The Best Uncle Ever Thanks
U: No Problem Now I Gotta Go But Enjoy Guys
He Leaves
They Look At The The Armor's
L: So I Already Mine Is Gonna Be The One With The Bat So What Are You Guys Picking
O: Well I Like Hand To Hand Fighting More So I'ma Go With The That One
J: Already Well That Leaves Me The One With The Sword Which I Like Anyway
L: Ok Then Well We Picked I Wonder If We Will Meet Any Superheroes Out There
J: Hopefully
L: Ok Soo We're Gonna Go And Rest And After School We're Gonna Come Back
J: Alright Then See You Guys Tomorrow
L: Alright Then Bye Guys
O: See You Later
They All Leave
Owen Lays Down
Luke Goes Down Stairs
And Jack Goes To Bed
His Mom Comes In The Room
M: Hey Jack
J: Hey Mom
M: Dinners Ready
J: Ok I'ma Be Done In One Second
M: Ok
The Door Is About To Close
M: And Hey
J: Yeah
M: I Love You
J: I Love You Too
Owen Goes Down Stairs
D: Hey Owen
O: Hey
D: So What Do You Want For Dinner
O: Anything I Guess Doesn't Matter
D: Well..Ok Then Burgers It Is
O: K
His Dad Pauses And Turn's Around
D: Look Owen I Know This Divorce Has Been Hard On You But Please Work With Me A Little
O: Mabye YOU Should Have Worked On Your Relationship
Owen Get's Up And Storms Out
Jack Goes To The Kitchen And Sees His Dad
J: Hey Dad How Was Work
D: What Do You Think Terrible As Hell
M: Jake He Was Just Trying To Talk To.....
D: Did I Ask You What He Wanted
J: Sorry For Asking Dad
They Sit Down
She Gives Them Their Food
D: What The Hell Is This
M: A Burger Jake
D: I Wanted Steak
M: Well You Never Told Me That Jake
D: I've Been Telling You That For A Week I Work Everyday And I Can't Get Some Damn Steak
M: Jack Go Up Stairs
J: O..Ok
They Start Arguing
He Covers His Ears
J: Damnit!!!
He Goes In His Closet And Goes To The Base
J: Well Guess I'm Here Alone
He Looks At The Car
And Remembers The Inside Could Be A House
He Presses The Button The Inside Starts Transforming
He's About To Go In
U: Hey Jake Is That You
J: Y.. Yeah Sir Sorry I Just Needed Somewhere To Go
U: Oh You Ok
J: Yeah I'm Fine I'm Just Bored
U: You Wanna Train A Bit
J: Um Ok
They Start Training With His Sword
U: Ok Now Do This
He Swings The Sword
U: Now When You Swing A Sword Mostly Use Your Lower Back Torso And Shoulders
J: Ok Then
He Swings The Sword Better This Time
U: Ok Ok Good
J: Ok Thanks Sir
U: Wait One More Thing
J: What
U: Wanna See The Powers It Has
J: Yes!!
Luke Sits Down At The Dinner Table
L: Hey Dad
D: Hey Luke Soo I Made Burgers
L: Oh Thanks Dad
His Dad Sits Down And Gives Luke The Food
They Eat The Food
L: Ok Thanks Dad I'ma Go To Sleep
D: Luke Wait
He Turn's Around
L: Yeah Dad
D: Im Gonna Go See Your Mother Tomorrow And I Would Like It If You Would Finally Come With Me
L: No I'm Ok Dad
HE Stands There
D: You Have To Go See Her Eventually
L: No I Don't
D: But Why
He Stands There
L: Bye
He Walks Away
His Dad Looks Down
He Goes Up Stairs
And Cry's
The Next Day
They All Come To School
L: Hey Guys
O: Hey
J: Yeah Hey
They Go Into School
L: Hey Guys What's Up
E: Hey Luke
S: Hey Luke Can You Help
L: Yeah Oh Our Robot What's Wrong
S: He's Glitching When We Try To Make Him Walk
L: Oh That's A Easy Fix
He Fix's The Robot
S: Thanks Luke
L: No Problem
Owen Enters The Ring
O: Alright Who Am Training With
M: Me
O: Oh Mark Hey
T: Ok So Owen What's Your Strategy
O: Swing Fast
T: Ok Owen Swinging Fast Can't Be Your Only Sta..
Owen Swings And Misses
He Gets Punched And Falls
O: Damn
He Punches The Guy Twice And Knocks Him Down
The Guy Gets Up And He Tries To Hit Him Again But Gets Knocked Out The Ring
T: Oh
M: Oh Man I'm Sorry You Ok
O: Yeah Yeah I'm Fine Good Job Man
Jack Is Walking Through The School With His Earphones In And A Guy Pushes Him
He Looks Back
B: Oh Sorry
He Laughs And Walks Away
He Looks Down And Walks Into Class
They Leave School
L: Alright Team Let's Go
J: Hey Luke Can I Go To Your House Instead
L: Um....Ok
J: Thanks
They Go To Luke's House And Goes Upstairs
J: Where's Your Dad
L: Um He Went To See...My Mom
J: Why Didn't You Go
L: No Reason Jack Um You Ready
J: Um.. Yeah
L: Ok
Luke Goes Into The Closet Then Jack Goes
They Enter The Base
L: Hey Owen Where My Uncle
O: I Don't Know
L: Hmm Ok Well Let's Train A Bit
O: Alright
They Get There Weapons
U: Hey Everyone
L: Hey Unk
U: So You Guys Training
L: Yeah
U: Yeah You Guys Seen The News
L: Um No
Owen Turns On The TV
NR: Amazing Lightning Strike Has Defeated Another Dangerous Criminal
They Show Footage Of Him Defeating The Criminal
L: Wow Amazing
J: I Hope I Can Meet Them
O: Me Too
U: Speaking Of Lightning Luke
L: Yeah
U: You Wanna See What That Bat Can Do
L: Yeah Definitely
The Alarm Goes Off
They All Look
L: Well Guy's Looks Like Our First Mission Is Here Let's Go
They Suit Up And Walk To The Truck
L: Alright Let's G....
Luke Falls In The Car
L: Owww What The Who Turned The Inside Into House
J: Who Huh That's My Bad Sorry
L: Oh Why Were...Let's Go
The Truck Drives Into The City
They Get Out The Car And There's People Running
L: I Wonder Who We're Fighting
O: Luke Watch
Luke Get's Punched Into A Wall
L: Owww
Owen Tries To Punch The Villain But He Grabs Owen And Throws Him Into A Wall G my Jack Is The Only Person There
J: Gravity Grip
It Doesn't Work And He Gets Punched Into A Car
Him And Luke Tries To Hit Him Again But They Get Grabbed
They Try To Get Away But He's Not Letting Go
Owen Punches Him In The Stomach With A Giant Hand And He Hits Into The Bank
L: Nice Job
O: Thanks
J: So He Definitely Has Super Strength
L: Yeah.... Alright I'ma Take The Lead
He Walks Up To Him
The Villain Get's Up And They Both Stand There hu
submitted by WeekendEpic to ReadMyScript [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:37 Alert_Day4982 Nexa Tourism - Sam

It's another beautiful experience with Nexa Tourism Almaty Trip 2023 My heart felt thank you note to the below ambassador's who is working for Nexa Tourism to ensure best customer service is rendered too. 1) It's Aisha who has done my last four trips very well, has directed me to Harleen and she promptly mailed trip destination quote. It's was quick and professional. Thank you so much to both. 2) Stella who kept a check on me on my arrival at Almaty and provided all travel details promptly. I being as solo traveller she was in touch with me till I landed back to Dubai. She is very professional and caring towards her customers. 3) The Tour guide Andre from Almaty, he has done exceptionally well in his assignment. On an humanitarian ground, he has exceeded beyond his job description, be it taking good care of elderly person or kids comfort. I must say Andre is very grounded, polite man and his humanitarian approach with tender smile has won my hearts. He is very focused, disciplined, loving and caring through out the trip to ensure all people are in same sync. I wish Andre a good luck and he is surely a real asset to the company. Even the bus driver and hotel reception lady hold good and cordial approach. Few points to add for better experience 1) Special facilities for elderly people care and kids can be good option to consider. 2) Lunch at decent hotels if booked or selected in advance can save guest time provided food, staff availability to serve exist before tourist arrive. 3) Strict time line to be shared with tourist in advance prior site scene can save others waiting time. Beyond certain time, bus must leave. Tour guide don't have to run behind tourist to board the bus. A certain spot to be fixed and it's solely tourist responsibility to assemble on time for pick and drop out. 4) Exclude Green bazar, Al Marsan Gorge, Girls tear water valley, it's waste of time climbing rock to see just a small water valley. Thermal bath at Almarasan Gorge is not so great feel. Thermal bath in a small tub with luke warm water, I don't see any hygiene guidelines or water getting drained out after a person has used it.
Best view was Shymbulak Ski Resort, Panfilov guardsman, Ko Kobe Hill Top, Show of hunting birds, Lesnaya Skazka Resort zipline, cable care.
Hotel stay and food was good.
I enjoyed the trip. It's nice beautiful place to visit. Traveling with Nexa tourism is hassle free, value for money and satisfaction. Its my Third trip with Nexa in last four years. Looking forward for the next trip. Thank you Nexa Tourism.
submitted by Alert_Day4982 to ScamDubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:37 Worldly_Weekend3164 Borderline disgusting

Borderline disgusting submitted by Worldly_Weekend3164 to AntiFursInAction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:36 SadMathematician3092 New Salon Software: Aspire

Hi everyone! I'm Bryant, and I'm excited to be part of this fantastic community of hair salons and stylists. A team of us from UVU are working on developing a new software called Aspire, designed specifically to help automate the tedious tasks many salons face, such as bookings, marketing, and tracking product purchases. To ensure Aspire truly meets the needs of salons and stylists, I would love to hear from you! We need your valuable insights and experiences, and we have a few ways you can help:
  1. Interviews: I’m looking to conduct brief interviews with salon owners and stylists to understand your daily challenges and what features you’d love to see in salon management software.
  2. Surveys: We’ve created a quick survey to gather your thoughts and experiences. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and your feedback will be immensely helpful.
  3. Job Shadowing: If you’re open to it, I’d love to visit your salon and observe how you currently use software in your daily operations. This will help us understand the real-world application and identify areas for improvement.
Interested in participating? Here’s how you can get involved:
Your input will be invaluable in helping us create a tool that truly makes your work easier and more efficient. As a thank you, participants will get early access to Aspire and exclusive discounts on our services.Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by SadMathematician3092 to hairstylist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:35 Criticalglobal AITAH for not wanting to be around my estranged mother with my newborn?

I, (25f), had a baby 9 weeks ago. It was an incredibly traumatic birth and I almost died. When she was seven weeks old I asked my sister if I could come to her house so she could meet my baby. It’s a 3 1/2 hour drive and I said I would make that drive so I could see her and my grandparents as well if she felt okay with that and she said of course. She invited my brother as well. I texted my grandfather and asked him/my grandma to come down as well. Now this is where it gets a little crazy. My mother and father were horribly abusive to all of us. My father and mother divorced the summer before I went to college after he tried to kill her by hunting her through the woods. My mother decided that after that she would go back to doing tons of drugs and fucking my 17 year old friends. She partied and fucked around and lost every job for doing drugs. She dropped my 12 year old sister off and claimed she had Covid in March of 2020 right when it became a thing and didn’t pick her back up. She only decided she cared when I filed to get custody of her. She signed away her rights and as a thank you for not making it difficult I didn’t file for child support from her. I continue to not request child support because she is getting her life together and I didn’t want to add extra weight to that in this shit economy. I was 21 at the time and still in college and living with my fiance. We took custody of my sister and have been raising her ever since. Literally through inpatient hospitalizations, tons of bad situations, and trying to get my life together in my 20’s I had a teenager to take care of. It hasn’t been easy at all but at 23 I managed to, by some miracle, buy a house and put her into one of the best schools in the state. I am broke af every month, half my check goes to my mortgages, and I’m a teacher so like…… it’s actually hard to pay these bills but I work my ass off so it gets done. In my childhood my mother wasn’t a mother to me. I was the oldest 🫣 so I raised my siblings and protected them from getting hit. I took a lot of blows for them. My mother also threw a party at her house when I was underage, got me trashed, and called my boyfriend to come down so he could rape me. Gave him the condom and helped him CARRY ME to bed. suffice to say, I was in weekly therapy for like 3 1/2 years.
So naturally, when I planned this meeting I didn’t invite either of my parents as I don’t speak to them. My grandparents think I’m an asshole for not letting my mother back into my life because she got clean via court order. They went behind my back and invited her. My sister didn’t tell me. I walked into her house and walked right back out. They cornered me in the driveway while I was trying to put my baby in the car to yell at me. They said I’m tearing their family apart, trying to leave my mother out to hurt her, and that I need to forgive and forget the “silly little things that happened in my childhood”. That I am evil for brainwashing my sister into disliking my mother as well. I left and sobbed for probably a third of that drive. I already feel like an outcast in my own family and this made me feel like I can never see them again.
No one has messaged me about this since or apologized in any way and I haven’t contacted them. Am I the asshole? Should I try to tolerate her for the rest of my family? Or do I stand my ground and cut ties? I know my mother has gotten clean and I’ve worked through a lot of what happened to me but I feel like all that aside I still just don’t like her. She’s always stuck in this high schooler mentality of “guess who fought who” and “omg so and so is sleeping with so and so’s ex”. And I’m out here talking about insurance and mortgages. Idk I just feel like I’m talking to one of the kids I teach when I talk to her. I have to stop her from oversharing ya know? Idk I’m lost. I just feel like my mother did what she always does and made my newborns moment all about herself. And I did not care for it one bit. Am I the asshole?
submitted by Criticalglobal to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:35 askkristin 😱Client Raised his Credit Scores 200 Points in 90 Days

😱Client raised their scores 200 points on all 3 bureaus in 60 days (plus 30-day prep for a total of 90 days)! Get part 2 of this video on telegram at If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel
Access the Cheat Sheet showin this video on my telegram channel in the pinned messages at
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submitted by askkristin to u/askkristin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 way-with-words [PubQ] deliberate omissions in query letter

So, I’ve got this little women’s fiction novel I’ve been working on for a few years. I think it’s ready to query, I’ve got a draft query letter, but now I’m stuck. I’ve got references to bdsm in both the novel and the letter. In the novel, these references are used to frame relationships and they are pretty significant to my protagonist’s story, but any specific acts are always handled with a very gentle touch. I've purposefully steered clear of anything that touches on erotica and no one is going to find any of my bdsm references anything other than (hopefully) intriguing. Can I, in good conscience, omit references to bdsm in my query letter? I’m concerned agents will see the reference in my letter and decline because, well, bdsm can take some interesting turns in a manuscript. On the other hand, it’s kinda significant throughout the novel because it frames one of the major relationships, so blindsiding an agent in my sample seems a bit unfair as well.
submitted by way-with-words to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 GetlowandGlo New SF86

Alright, so I have been out of the military for exactly 2 years now. I haven't had a reason to use my clearance because I have been attending school full-time. I called my Security Officer from the my last duty station and he said that I am enrolled in CE and have secret access but I just need a new SF-86. So if I were to apply to a job that requires a Secret Clearance, what does this mean? Thank you all for the help.
submitted by GetlowandGlo to SecurityClearance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 Swaggy-G Switch the order and importance of two cases while keeping a similar premise

While doing my case rankings the other day I noted that 2-2 could probably work as a final case if it was rewritten and expanded a bit. So I thought it would be a fun exercise to take cases and keep their premise while reducing/expending their scope so they could work at different point in the game. Since I already mentioned it, I'll switch 2-2 and 2-4.
2-2: Turnabout Ceremony
Pretty much the same basic premise, except that Adrian is caught red-handed by Lotta while she's framing Matt, and she gets arrested instead, with no kidnapping plot as a result. De Killer is also replaced by another hitman who's more grounded and less of a Batman super villain. The hitman, actually a hotel bellboy for several years with some ties to the mafia, had his own grudge against Juan Corrida, and was paid by Matt to do the deed.
Adrian as a defendant is very uncooperative, and the first day of trial goes pretty badly. While there's no evidence directly tying her to Juan's murder, the mountain of evidence she tampered with the crime scene makes her very suspicious, and she almost gets given a guilty verdict before Phoenix manages to convince her to tell the truth. Adrian explains that she knew Matt must have done the murder and framed him. However, she refuses to explain why she was so sure it was Matt or why he would kill Juan. Franziska laughs at the notion, as Matt has a rock solid alibi, but nonetheless the trial is extended one more day.
Day two of investigations goes similarly to the game, with of course less stress due to no kidnapped Maya. Phoenix uncovers evidence of a hired hitman, as well as the cameras placed by Matt. Confronting Adrian with the new evidence, she reveals everything. At the trial, the hitman is called to testify (in person this time), and Phoenix proves that he was the one who killed Juan. He confesses, but like in the game, claims Adrian was his client, not Matt. Phoenix disproves that as well, and shows him the cameras placed by Matt, revealing he was intending to blackmail him. Outraged, the hitman turns on Matt and ominously claims that his mafia friends will pay him a visit soon. Scared for his life, Matt confesses and turns himself in to the police.
Oh and maybe there could be some contrivance so that Pearl is the assistant instead of Maya, both so my version of 2-4 makes sense timeline-wise and so Phoenix can use the magatama.
2-4: The Turnabout from Beyond
Same basic premise of Dr. Grey bringing Phoenix to Kurain village so Maya will do a seance. However, instead of saying he wants to make Mimi write a confession, he claims he only wants to talk to her. Additionally, Maya seems noticeably reluctant when interacting with Grey, and it's clear she's only doing this as an excuse to see Phoenix again. He gets murdered, and Morgan chases them out, but when Phoenix and Lotta come back, they find Morgan unconscious and severely wounded, with Maya unconscious next to her. After that there are several notable differences. First, Mimi was the one that brought the gun, not Grey, and she deliberately used it, going against the plan she and Morgan devised. While the two were alone after chasing Phoenix and Lotta out, Morgan begins berating Mimi for not going with the plan. Mimi, not saying a word, hits Morgan hard on the side of the head, giving her brain damage and fleeing the scene. She sticks around the rest of the case like usual, but actually disguises herself as a random tourist college student instead of Ini, and is generally better at concealing her true persona. There's also one or two original residents of Kurain village, including Ruby, a disabled woman and distant cousin of Maya that used to babysit her, and who she has a close relationship with.
The first day of trial goes similarly to the game, however without the evidence of Dr. Grey firing the shot from the ground, Phoenix has a lot harder time casting doubt on Maya being the person in the photo. Towards the end of the trial, the prosecution (could be Miles or Franziska) drops a bombshell: Dr. Grey actually had ties to Kurain, being raised in the village and being the doctor of choice when Kurain natives needed surgery. After an accident, he is the one that operated on Ruby, however a botched operation led to long term complications. Grey, being a huge asshole, never apologized for this or appear remorseful in the slightest. The prosecution argues that Maya developed a grudge against Grey after this incident, and that while she was possessed by Mimi when the shooting happened, Maya was the one that brought the gun, knowing the possibility of such a shooting happening, and giving her a convenient opportunity to take revenge on Grey without technically dirtying her own hands. Phoenix is able to prove by the skin of his teeth that Maya could not have brought the gun with her, buying another day of trial. On the second day of investigations, Phoenix starts suspecting that the college student is Ini in disguise. When confronting her, her true colors briefly slip, insulting Phoenix and smugly stating he doesn't understand anything. Talking with Ruby, Maya, and the Miney parents, we get a big plot twist ; Ini and Mimi are also Kurain natives, and were childhood friends with Maya. Ini was a channelling prodigy from a very young age. One day, while the three were playing in the cemetery, Maya dared Ini to channel a spirit from one of the graves at random. Against Mimi's protests, Ini complied, but the channelled spirit was from a violent and delusional man. He was thankfully exorcised before any of the girls could be hurt, but it left Maya and Mimi traumatized, with Ini swearing off channelling forever. Shortly after, DL-6 happened, and Misty Fey got exiled. The Miney parents, who were in Misty's camp and feared Morgan's newfound influence, left the village as well. Phoenix suspects that this incident is related to "Ini's" motive, but isn't sure how, as both Maya, Ruby, and the parents claim that Ini held no hard feelings towards Maya before and after she left.
In day 2 of the trial, Morgan is unable to testify, still being in the hospital and barely coherent from the blow Mimi gave her. The first half of the trial is spent "proving" the mystery college student is Ini, with testimony from Ruby providing evidence. Mimi "admits" it, but scoffs, saying that she has no grudge against either Maya or Grey, and thus no possible motive. The second half happens much the same, with Phoenix proving that she is actually Mimi. Still denying it, Mimi claims that while this would give her a motive for killing Grey, it still doesn't explain her wanting to frame Maya. Recalling the conversation with her parents, Phoenix presents a theory. Initially, the Miney mom, despite having no spiritual talent, was still second in line for title of Master of Kurain due to her close friendship with Misty and Ini's channelling talents. However, when Ini swore of channelling, that title went to Morgan. Thus Mimi blames Maya for her family's exile from Kurain. Their exile only became more cemented when Morgan gave birth to Pearl, who was also a prodigy from a young age. While Ini took the move well, Mimi hated living in the big city, and had trouble making friends and focusing on her studies. Depressed and unable to find a job after finishing her studies, her parents begged Dr. Grey to hire her, which he did reluctantly. Mimi hated her job, but still put effort into it to not disappoint her parents... and then the malpractice happened, and then the car accident. Mimi, whose resentment of Maya had been simmerring for years, now hated her. Seeing her appear in the news several times as the assistant of a high profile lawyer didn't help matters. When Dr. Grey approached "Ini" with the intent to channel Mimi, she saw the perfect opportunity to get revenge on him, Maya, and Morgan in one fell swoop.
Maya, horrified, calls out Mimi on her toxic attitude, saying that she never stopped missing her and Ini, and that they could have simply talked out their differences, with Mimi having had plenty of opportunities to visit her at the Wright and Co. law offices. At this, Mimi begins breaking down and tearfully confessing everything, both cursing Maya and apologizing to her in equal measure, before turning herself in. Morgan is also arrested. After the trial, Phoenix, Maya, and Mia muse about how none of this would have happened were it not for Kurain's traditions. Mia also drops a cryptic comment that this wasn't the first time something like that happened in Kurain, setting up Trials and Tribulations.
Wew, well that was longer than expected, while writing 2-4 I got really into it and ended up adding a lot of extra details. What do you think? I would love to see you own take on case swaps.
submitted by Swaggy-G to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 Past_Watch_3273 I think I hit FIRE…

FIRE was a goal for a while and during the pandemic I had lost sight of the goal and went into autopilot for a few years to be with family.
Now that I’ve tried to restore some normalcy to my life, I sat down to look at my finances again (after 3 years) and I think I’ve hit FIRE while I wasn’t paying attention. I’m still in shocked disbelief.
Someone sanity check me. I must be missing something. (Or where can I find a financial advisor or someone to vet this) I apologize if the formatting is terrible. I’m on my phone. I just needed to get this off my chest.
Average Monthly expenditures: $6500
Property Val: ~$1.6M Debt: ~500k Retirement accts: ~$710k Stock/Trading/cash: ~820k
I don’t know how I feel about quitting though. I kinda like my job, and it pays well without asking too much from me (since I’m browsing Reddit while at work)
Thank you in advance for your advice!
submitted by Past_Watch_3273 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 Popular-Push-2954 Pick this apart please

Long time listener, first time caller. Hoping y’all can take a look at this and give me an idea of where I’m drastically going wrong or if I’m in good shape
47 m working to fire by age 50.
Current assets:
280k in equities (taxable account) approx 11k in dividends annually 250k in hysa with 4.5% interest 35k in bond fund with 5.1% return Rental property (fully paid off 350k value) grossing 1950/month, approx 1300/month after prop taxes and prop manager Primary home (fully paid off 350k value) 100k in 401k (never worked with an org with 401k match so this has been a bit neglected) 45k emergency fund with 2% interest Tech company pre-ipo options (current fmv approx 150k). Should vest another 300k fmv by age 50.
Annual spend approx 100k (my wife and I splurge from time to time and also help family). No kids.
Current income approx 300k - 450k between the two of us depending on how my year shakes out. The lion’s share of that is from me.
It took me until my 40s to start making “real money” regularly (above 100k/yr). I came from dirt poor trailer trash (not an insult - I still consider myself trailer trash today).
Plan is for wife to continue working after I retire (approx 50k/year) to have health insurance and continue to max her employee stock purchase program. She likes her job and it’s no stress.
At that point, we’ll cut spending back to 75k/year. 25k bring home from her after taxes, insurance, and espp. Approx 25k net from passive income (looking at today’s investments and not counting for growth, additional investments, or pre-ipo equity).
Please poke holes in this. Tell me where I’m doing it wrong and what I should do differently.
Thank you so much for your help.
submitted by Popular-Push-2954 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:31 googlesoar Arduino not connecting to Host Shield

Arduino not connecting to Host Shield
Hey guys, new to this field and still figuring stuff out so thank you for any help. Posting this here in case any of you have messed around with the Arduino.
I have an Arduino UNO R3 from Elagoo and a USB Host Shield (in the pictures)
My Problem: When running board_qc(an example sketch from the library of USB Host shield) the Serial Monitor stays on Waiting for Device... forever never recognizing the device
Reference: USB Host Sheild Library:felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0: Revision 2.0 of USB Host Library for Arduino. (
board_qc sketch example:USB_Host_Shield_2.0/examples/board_qc/board_qc.ino at master · felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 (
What I have tried: I have soldered the 3.3V and 5V input and the 5V for the VBUS power this allows the board_qc to show Die revision 03 with my plugged in keybaord
I switched and tried 3V instead for the VBUS and that doesnt run past Die revision 00
I have tried a gaming keyboard, mouse, bluetooth dongle, & usb charger, nothing is recognized.
I used a MultiMeter to check the Voltage of the VBUS and the 3.3V and 5V inputs from the Arduino and everything is receiving correct voltage except oddly the 3.3V pin is receiving 3.9V?
Please help!
This is the current output of the serial monitor:
Circuits At Home 2011 USB Host Shield Quality Control Routine Reading REVISION register... Die revision 03 SPI long test. Transfers 1MB of data. Each dot is 64K................ SPI long test passed GPIO test. Connect GPIN0 to GPOUT7, GPIN1 to GPOUT6, and so on Test failed. Value written: 00 Value read: FF Press any key to continue... GPIO test passed. PLL test. 100 chip resets will be performed Resetting oscillator
100 Resets.
Checking USB device communication.
Waiting for device...
Below is the USB Host Shiled and the correct soldered joints.
Places I used a Multi Meter to check Voltage, and showing the soldered joints.
Better view of my crappy soldering job
submitted by googlesoar to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:31 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
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What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:31 PrudentPsychology774 Am I making the right fence choice? Dog owner dilemma.

Am I making the right fence choice? Dog owner dilemma.
I know nothing about fencing but am in need of a upgrade ASAP. I currently have a chain link fence around my backyard. It is totally intact but really old. Over the years the fence along the alley must have either sunk down or perhaps dirt and wood chips have gathered so much around the bottom, that certain areas of my fence are now only 3 ft tall. The issue is my dog. I have one and several families in my neighborhood seem to be not the biggest fans. I believe it is mostly due to religious and cultural reasons. The dislike ranges from general looks of disgust, nasty comments to running and screaming when they see my dog. My dog is very friendly and mostly well behaved but will occasionally bark at people passing by along the back alley. Usually when they are screaming at her. She will sometimes jump at the fence but never over. Several members of these families will walk up and down the alley many times a day. Their fear and dislike seems to be escalating and I am worried. I realize my fence is inadequate and it is my job to remedy the situation. I believe I need a privacy style fence to keep my dog out of site, and have received several quotes for different sizes and styles. Originally I was going to go with a wood style fence but after a few drives around my neighborhood I realized that 99% of what I saw looked to be a need of repair. I am not a handy person and not really looking for extra maintenance. I have settled on a 6ft vinyl privacy fence, and even though the look isn’t my style, less maintenance is. I am a single women, and like I said not handy. I will most likely need to hire someone to do any repairs in the future. So I guess my questions are 1) Do you think I am making the correct choice with the vinyl. 2) Do you think this kind of fence would hold up to a 60 lb dog occasionally jumping on it. 3) The quote I received is $4,891.61 this will include removal of current fence, materials, installation and tax. Does this seem fair? I am only replacing the fence along the alleyway right now. The fencing company has measured 61 linear ft. I live near Minneapolis, MN if this makes a difference in price. Thanks in advance for any advice. I am getting nervous about the neighborhood situation and would like to get the new fence installed within the next few weeks. I am including picture of my big scary dog just for fun😊
submitted by PrudentPsychology774 to FenceBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:30 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:29 CroweGhost AITA? I pretended to be a girl's friend for an entire year and then wrote a hate letter to her

Alright, so… I (18F) kinda made this reddit account just to get some feedback about this situation, since I’m too ashamed to ask my parents. The girl in question is 16, and is probably one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met…
(TLDR: This girl I was pretending to be friends with in High School obsessively fantasized about murdering someone for an entire semester, is overbearing as a person, interrogates people on a daily basis and is nosy, injects herself into drama that isn’t her own, throws temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her way, constantly touches people and makes unwarranted comments about girl’s bodies, asked me to draw CP for her, and MADE FUN OF HER SUICIDAL BROTHER. And I wrote a hate-letter telling her that all of this stuff is a problem, but now I feel bad about it because I think she might actually have mental issues. It’s a really wild ride and a long story, so if you choose to read it, you should expect to be here for a while. And it’s High School drama, so I’ll try to discard the boring details.)
At the beginning of this year, I ended up in a small Sports Medicine class with literally 8 students total in it. That made things quiet, which gave us some room to start talking and getting to know each other after the teacher was done with the lesson and we had our small hands-on tests and assignments out of the way. (The classes took about 20 minutes every day. Really quick and easy. Laid back. It met curriculum requirements actually, because there wasn’t constant bullshit from other students making the lesson longer.). There’s this girl, who… I’ll call her Storm. You’ll find out why. Storm quickly became the most annoying person in the class. Any time she talked, she didn’t have anything interesting to say, but just kept going on and on and on endlessly. It was annoying, but we just kinda played along to be nice. Well… Around a month into school, Storme started opening up and became comfortable talking about personal topics. She told us this story about how one of her other friends (I’ll call her Katie) “betrayed” her the previous year, and then went on to talk about how much she hated Katie and didn’t care if she lived or died. (Honestly, Katie’s offense was miniscule. At most, she replaced Storm with someone else as her best friend. You know… Regular High School drama that wasn’t that deep. I honestly forgot all of what Katie did because it was just so miniscule.) Then Storme started saying ludicrous stuff like “I hope she falls into a volcano”, or “I hope she gets eaten by sharks falling from the sky. Like Sharknado.”. But like… She kept saying it constantly, out loud in class. She ranted about how she wanted Katie to get kidnapped by the Mafia, be flown up to the moon, and be dropped into a black hole to become “Katie-spaghetti”. It was honestly really funny at first, so me and a few other people in the class joined in a little bit and added our own stupid, childlike scenarios. (Katie has a reputation for being… A slut. That’s why it was funny at first.) But then after this schtick got old, Storm just kept going and going and going… She ranted about Katie until it physically hurt to hear her talk anymore. She was back to being annoying and boring again, but it was worse this time because it was obvious that she was trying to re-kindle our intrigue without realizing that she should move on to something else. Instead of assessing herself, she just kept yapping until everyone rolled their eyes every time she opened her mouth, because we knew she would just keep going on and on about all of the stupid ways she wanted Katie to die. Even the damn teacher told her to stop doing that, but she never listened and the teacher eventually just gave up telling her off (And honestly, I think the teacher started zoning her out.). Katie then gradually started to get more morbid with the things she was saying, to the point where I genuinely considered calling the cops and getting this girl some grippy socks. She talked until she became red-faced, started tweaking, and laughed in a neurotic, nervous angry way while she started wringing out her trembling hands. She genuinely looked and sounded unhinged, and what didn’t help was that she started saying stuff like “There aren’t metal detectors in this school, right?”, and “I wish I wasn’t such a good person, because if I wasn’t, I’d be acting on my impulse to cave her skull in the next time I see her. One of these days I’m going to snap and then just do it..” …Yeah, so I was genuinely considering getting the police involved in this because of those two sentences. Thankfully Katie is safe and sound to this day and Storm never acted on these “impulses”. I’m so glad it worked out that I didn’t have to call the cops, but I was seriously worried for a minute… One of my other friends in that class, (I’ll call him Mark), eventually kinda snapped and called her out for being the annoying piece of crap she is. Quickly, Storm and Mark started getting into arguments just about every day and started throwing things like wads of wrapping-tape at each other, and I was becoming worried that they were going to start actually full-on fighting. It doesn’t sound logical in hindsight, but I ended up taking it upon myself to step in and start acting friendly toward her and listening to her (or pretending to listen to her) just to draw her attention away from him. Pretty soon she started talking mostly to me, and this was intentionally done on my part so that the other people in the class could relax a little bit and start doing whatever on their phones and zone her out instead of having to pretend to listen in agony. Ultimately, it was an exchange that benefited everyone, because after Storme got that angry energy out of her, she shut up for the day. She continued to talk about Katie, but mostly to me. She talked about this topic endlessly, her words getting increasingly violent until Christmas break. Yeah… 5 months. She ranted about the ways she wanted Katie to die for 5 whole months. Months. But then when she was done ranting, she finally shut up. …Oh God, the silence sounded like angels singing. I didn’t even really retain any of the information she spewed onto me, but holy crap, when it was over it was like heaven on Earth. So that’s what I did – I acted like the “lightning rod” for this Storm of a person until it passed (kinda). She wrote a note to Katie explaining “You hurt me really badly, but I’m a Christian so I forgive you and I hope you the best”... As if she didn’t rant about her for 5 months straight. Make it make sense. But enough about that. Here’s where my fuck ups began. I gave Storm my number and we quickly started saying that we were friends, though I didn’t actually like her at all and just wanted to keep the peace. We had a few things in common, but I still didn’t like her whatsoever. She continued to rant to me nonstop about Katie, even over text, and I was burnt out listening after a while. So… To dampen the impact of this girl’s obsessive ramblings, I started sending her pictures of my drawings. (I’m an artist). I had characters that I liked to draw that are ocs of an anime fandom (all of which are underage), and she seemed to calm down a bit and hyper-focus on them. She even has a folder in her phone’s gallery completely dedicated to storing my artwork. That’s great and all, but… One day, the topic of Wattpad came up in one of our conversations. I, myself, was one of those cringy Wattpad 12 year olds who made the most illiterate fanfictions ever to be conceived by a human being (They’ve long since been deleted. Thank God, those were awful.) Then… The topic of “Wattpad smut” came up, because I admitted that I used to read those because of the awful grammar and I thought it was funny. I still do sometimes, actually. The way people on Wattpad can’t write to save their lives is just hilarious. Like the stupid “Shrek x Donald Trump” ones are the ones that make me wheeze. I don’t take them seriously, and I love it when the author doesn’t take it seriously either. It’s hilarious. …But then this asshole said: “I don’t like to read bad grammar, it makes me mad. But I do like to read that type of content… For a different reason”. So uhh… That’s… Weird. But then she asked: “Have you found any… Good ones? Do you have any recommendations? Asking for a friend.” …FUCK NO. No thank you. Nope, I’m done. No jerkoff material for you, ma’am. Nope. You’re done. Seriously, I put down my phone for a little bit and went outside to go stare at some birds at the bird feeder until my sickness went away. I fell nauseous because of that (though in hindsight, that seems like an overreaction). When I came back, I didn’t answer that question and kinda skated past it, and that seemed to be the end of it. …But there is NEVER an end with Storm. She DID forget about the resolution to that conversation, but since we talked about smut to begin with, she started asking me some questions about my art. She asked if I had ever drawn p0rn in my life. Of course, I didn’t really admit to anything. I skated past it too, but then she said: “I think (character 1) and (character 2) are really cute together… Like… Really, really cute together.”. That’s great, she likes my characters… Cool, cool. And then my worst nightmare: “Have you ever drawn p0rn of them?” …Of course I didn’t, because that would be CP… Plus I’ve never thought of those characters as being “sexual”... They’re literally 14 and 15 years old. Then basically, she made an indirect “suggestion” for me to draw them together. I said fuck no. Hell fucking no. She tried to convince me to draw them “aged up”, but again I refused. She eventually dropped it, but since then, she passively talked about things of that nature… Like if she saw a guy she thought was cute, she’d tell me she thought he’s cute or hot or gorgeous or whatever and allude to -other- awkward desires that I didn’t want to know about. She put me off from drawing those characters ever again. I haven’t drawn them since and I don’t take my sketchbook to school anymore because I don’t want her to see my drawings and be reminded of that BS.
But enough about that… Storm is a church-going girl, and so she has a few church-going friends. (This also makes everything I’ve said before all the more ironic.). One day when I was transitioning from my 5th to 6th period, I saw her talking angrily to one of her church friends (I’ll call her Isabelle) outside the school building. Storm was accusing Isabelle of lying about smoking weed/vaping and drinking, and she seemed to be so interested in it that you’d think it had an impact on her personally. Isabelle denied doing that, and they eventually parted ways to go to class. I walked with Storm to 6th period (the Sports Medicine period), and I asked her why she was so damn interested in Isabelle’s habits. Know what she said? Storm said “I just don’t like liars.”... So let me get this straight: She thought she had the right to interrogate someone half to death because she just “doesn’t like liars”? Make that make sense. I’ve heard many stories about how Storm interrogates other people, too. If she sees a guy/girl’s name pop up on the screen of someone she knows, she’ll pester them until they give her one of two answers: either “I’ll tell you later”, or the actual answer. She’s done that to me too, in front of everyone in class. The thing that upsets me about this is that she claims to be “nosy”, but thinks it’s a positive attribute rather than an annoying one. She brags about being “nosy” sometimes.
And the sexual assault… Since we were in a sports medicine class, our projects involved a lot of hands-on things. That didn’t bother me by itself, but with Storm, it was a nightmare. This girl, in the process of strapping an ice bag to my thigh, called my thighs “small”, and said that I have a “beautiful body”. We also did shoulder stretching stuff the next week, and I happened to fall under her care while she stared into my eyes and made weird faces at me, all the while she made sound effects and made the process much more uncomfortable than it needed to be. One week, we ended up as partners again and she ended up wrapping my shoulder. This shoulder-wrap wasn’t an issue for me, but having her as a partner made it an issue. As expected, she made sound effects, but this time she stated the obvious as if it was new information that nobody would have ever suspected: “Wow, this is squishing your boobies huh?”... Emphasis on the word “boobies”. Jesus Fucking Christ, it was already awkward as hell before she even brought that up, why would she say something like that?? I didn’t even realize that until she brought it up. In fear of being subjected to her uncomfortable BS again and feeling violated, I texted her and told her that she’s been making me feel uncomfortable, and to please stop being so…. Weird. I get it’s an awkward thing to wrap up your classmate’s thigh, but that’s a moment to keep comments to yourself. Her response? “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY-” Just… Stop it. I didn’t introduce the topic as a big deal and told her not to worry about it, but she kept apologizing for it nonstop. Just endlessly, like everything else. Even when I tried to change the subject to something else, she just kept apologizing for it practically until she went to bed. (She has a bedtime at 9:30… At 16 years old.) All of this stuff contributed to my overall hatred toward her. I don’t like her at all, and it’s a wonder I didn’t explode and insult her entire personality and deplorable behavior to her face (Meg Griffin style). Things are just so awkward and awful whenever she opens her mouth, and it just doesn't ever stop. But because of all of this, when it came time for my Senior prom, I decided to secretly invite one of my friends from that class as a plus one, and NOT Storm. I was worried that if I told her that to her face, I would all of a sudden be the new “Katie” in her conversations, because the infraction Katie did was so miniscule that it seemed to be less like a “betrayal” than what I did. (In hindsight, it was probably the other way around.) So… I just kept the whole thing to myself and so did the friend I took to prom (I’ll call her Beyonce. Because… She loves Beyonce.).
If this wasn’t bad enough, strap in because not even three weeks ago, Beyonce was doing her usual schtick of making fun of random things. She once made fun of cool whip and the entire state of Texas at the same time and somehow made it make perfect sense. She should really have a comedy show, I swear. But this time, Beyonce was making fun of the name “Gage”, saying “Why would anyone name their kid after a 12-gage shotgun?” and “People named Gage seem untrustworthy. I wouldn’t want to be near one in a zombie apocalypse, because he’d just feed me to those fuckers.”. Funny stuff. Storm then said “My brother’s name is Gage”, and in order to preserve the flow of the conversation (and also to tick her off a little, I’m ngl), Beyonce asked her: “Is your brother untrustworthy?” And then without a single millisecond wasted, she said, in a Disney Channel comedy fashion: “Welll… We can’t trust him with his own life, sooo…”.. And then she laughed as if it was funny. Like.. Rib-stitches type of laughing. ….So then the others (understandably) went quiet, which left only me and her talking for a moment after her laughter quieted down. She complained about how confused she is that nobody finds her joke funny, and said that her joke had the “perfect timing and everything”... So then my idiot ass decided to say what I was thinking at that moment: “You don’t seem to be taking it seriously. That’s your brother, but you don’t sound sympathetic at all.” She tried to “defend” herself, but Mark interjected into the conversation and changed the course of it entirely, which just left her to sit there in silence, pouting. I felt bad for that statement, so I apologized for it over text when I got home from school. Quickly, we erupted into an argument, (with me holding back), and she ended up saying “What does it matter to you? He’s not your brother. If Beyonce said that about her brother, you’d laugh. But when I do, it’s bad.”. Beyonce’s brother is 8 years old…. So no, that would be even worse. …So then I had to explain to her how human decency works, and how making fun of your s*icidal siblings isn’t funny whatsoever and how that joke could be considered to be in very poor taste, even for people who like dark humor. When me, Beyonce or Mark made “suicide” jokes, it was about OURSELVES and it was usually in a statement like “I don’t want to take a test next period, I’m gonna kms.”... …Storm ended up getting so mad that we weren’t having a conversation anymore; we were just throwing shit around. I told her that if she was being livestreamed at that moment, she’d be bashed on the whole internet for a week or so and be called “evil” for that joke. In hindsight I shouldn’t have said that, but my goal was just to tell her how insensitive others might perceive her comment to be. She said that it wasn’t my business to tell her how to feel about her own brother, but I wasn’t doing that at all, that wasn’t my angle whatsoever – I was just explaining what people find funny. I even said repeatedly that I wasn’t trying to tell her how to feel, and that I know comedy can help lighten situations, but somehow she forgot about that part. And then she went on this whole thing about ending every massive text block with “Not that it’s YOUR business, or anything” to snap at me, despite me being in the room at the time of the joke... So I ended the conversation right then and there because it was pointless to keep going and I really didn’t want to spend any more energy on her. The next day, I apologized to her again. I retracted my statements and told her that I was sorry for talking out of line. She accepted the apology, and things went back to “normal”. She forgot about it, but I didn’t. …So here are the reasons why I feel bad, before I delve into the contents of the “hate letter” I wrote to her. Here’s a list of my crimes: 
I pretended to be her friend for an entire school year. - I hid the fact that I was going to prom with Beyonce from her, and then lied to her face repeatedly whenever she asked if I went to prom or not. - I got into business that wasn’t my own and criticized her. - I wrote a hate-letter to her that I directed her to read at home on the last day of school.
…Here’s why I feel bad: Storm doesn’t seem to be emotionally intelligent and is unable to control her mouth whenever she feels strong emotions. She talks nonstop about her second cousin’s friend’s pet hamster’s wife’s sister’s drama, hoping we’ll find something funny or interesting or impressive, while seeming unable to understand that she needs to change her tune. All she wants is to be listened to and understood, but nobody can and nobody truly wants to. She feigns confidence and goes overboard with compliments in the hopes of catching the attention of people who want to be friends with her. She’s not used to change and is very naive, to the point where (just yesterday) she quit her job at a fast food restaurant after only the first day of working there. For the longest time she didn’t have access to the internet, so she doesn’t really have a means to connect with other people through sharing videos or memes or whatever. …I feel like a bad person because I knowingly, intentionally played into all of this just for the pathetic reason of making her shut up in class. It’s despicable what I did, and I’m beating myself up for it every day. I was just originally going to leave the school, block her and never talk to her ever again in my life, but when she made that joke about her brother, I decided (stupidly) to take it upon myself to be the bearer of bad news. I gave her a letter. Within the “hate letter”, it isn’t actually hate, per se. It’s more like… A report on the behavior she needs to fix, as well as an admission to my lies over the course of this whole year. I told her the awful truth. I told her about everything I mentioned in this post and tried to keep it “professional”, though I did end up going as far as to say “you have all of the attributes of an obnoxious piece of stale bread”........... And what’s worse is… I told her to read it on the last day of school, and my reasoning is pathetic at best. I told her to read it on the last day of school because I didn’t want her to burden the class with her nonstop ranting about me, since she, Mark and Beyonce are sophomores and I’m the only senior in the “friend group”, which means that I left the school an entire week earlier than them. I’ve been intentionally delaying her pain and still talking to her over text acting like things are “normal” so that she doesn’t read it early, knowing damn well that on that last day of school, my words are going to hurt her so badly that she might not be able to recover for a while. In the letter, I told her that by the time she reads it, I would have already blocked her because I don’t want any more conversation with her due to me feeling so bad and having nothing more to say. If the plan goes right, she’ll read it on May 23rd, and on that day I will block her.
I feel awful for all of this. I feel like a monster for this. It’s painful knowing that I’m going to cause her pain and that I planned when it’s going to happen, but at the same time I feel like she deserves it. But at the same time, I know damn well that it wasn’t my place to do that. I should have left everything alone. Nobody I can talk to irl would even hear me out; they’d just stop at the words “hate letter”, which means my only option is to seek advice from people on Reddit. Do my motives for doing things make sense? Am I actually a bad person for this? Am I the asshole? Does she deserve what she’s getting? 
Edit 1: I removed some asterisks (they're annoying).
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2024.05.21 19:29 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 20 2024

DAY: MAY 20 2024

Why nightmares and ‘daymares’ could be early warning signs of autoimmune disease

An increase in nightmares and hallucinations—or ‘daymares’—could herald the onset of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, say an international team led by researchers at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. The researchers argue that there must be greater recognition that these types of mental health and neurological symptoms can act as an early warning sign that an individual is approaching a “flare,” where their disease worsens for a period.
5-20-2024 Yoga and meditation-induced altered states of consciousness are common in the general population, study says
Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and other practices are gaining in popularity due to their potential to improve health and well-being. The effects of these practices are mostly positive and occasionally transformational, yet they are known to sometimes be associated with challenging altered states of consciousness. New research by a team including investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that altered states of consciousness associated with meditation practice are far more common than expected. Although many people reported positive outcomes, that were sometimes even considered transformational, from these experiences, for a substantial
5-20-2024 Examining the benefits of out-of-network care for pediatric moyamoya
Total in-episode expenses and resource use before the index surgery (preop) and including/after the surgery (postop). The comparisons are separated for analysis into (A) single institution cohorts (1 and 2) and (B) multi?institution cohorts (3 and 4). Moyamoya disease is a rare condition that affects the blood vessels in the brain, especially in children. Narrowing and blockage of vessels significantly increases the risk of stroke and requires surgical revascularization for treatment. Although research shows that outcomes of revascularization are better
5-20-2024 Study explores links between social media use, mental health and sleep quality
The more time you spend on social media, the greater the likelihood of having unpleasant social-media related dreams that cause distress, sleep disruption and impact our peace of mind. Flinders University’s Reza Shabahang says that the vast and rapid adoption of social media has the potential to influence various aspects of life, including the realm of dreaming. “As social media becomes increasingly intertwined with our lives, its impact extends beyond waking hours, and may influence our dreams,”
5-20-2024 How are asthma and heart health linked?
Although the heart and lungs are neighbors in your chest, people may think of them as separate entities with unrelated problems. But a growing body of evidence suggests that asthma—one of the most common lung disorders—is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Asthma is a serious chronic disease in which airways are inflamed, often in response to specific triggers. It affects about 25 million people in the U.S., including nearly 5 million children, causing millions of annual visits to doctors’ offices and emergency rooms. “We call these major changes
Trust in one’s physician drives positive health practices. In a scoping review, SUNY Poly Professor of Sociology Dr. Linda R. Weber discovered new developments in the measurement of trust, identified those measures of trust that have known reliability and validity, and compared those instruments’ conceptualizations, dimensions, and indicators. The paper is published in the journal PLOS ONE. Weber explains that 10 dimensions emerged from the study: fidelity, technical competence, communicative competence, interpersonal competence (i.e., caring), honesty, confidentiality, global, behavioral, fairness, and system trust/accountability. In addition, these findings provide the foundation
Living a busy, fast-paced life can make it hard to find the motivation to cook a healthy meal at home. However, learning some shortcuts in the kitchen can keep your healthy eating goals on track and help you avoid grazing on unhealthy snacks, grabbing the first thing you see in the fridge or going out for fast food. Why cook at home? Research shows that maintaining a healthy weight is challenging when you eat out too frequently. Restaurant portions often are super-sized
Menopause marks a significant transition for women, yet understanding its precursor, perimenopause, and its symptoms can be complex. Dr. Stephanie Faubion, director of Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health and medical director of The Menopause Society, says experiencing perimenopause and menopause can be confusing for some. She says it is not only patients who may find it confusing, but medical providers as well, due to lack of training in menopause management. “Menopause is defined by no menstrual cycle for a year,” says Dr. Faubion.
The American Pediatric Association recommends iron supplements to all healthy infants who breastfeed longer than four months, while its European counterpart, Society of Gastroenterology, Hepataology and Nutrition, does not recommend it. These deviating guidelines stimulated researchers to design a new study. Breastfeeding is strongly recommended, and the proportion of children are breastfed during the first half of life is high. The researchers wanted to determine whether breastfeeding babies could benefit from extra iron.
People with seasonal allergies often turn to over-the-counter and prescription medicines to relieve symptoms like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, congestion and itchy eyes, nose or throat. But they often aren’t aware that these meds—including antihistamines—have as much risk for potential side effects, drug interactions and overdose as other drugs. “All medicines have side effects associated with them even when they are taken appropriately and according to dosing directions on the label,”
If you buy your olive oil in bulk, you’ve likely been in for a shock in recent weeks. Major supermarkets have been selling olive oil for up to A$65 for a four-liter tin, and up to $26 for a 750 milliliter bottle. We’ve been hearing about the health benefits of olive oil for years. And many of us are adding it to salads, or baking and frying with it. But during a cost-of-living crisis, these high prices can put olive oil out of reach. Let’s take a look at why
5-20-2024 Researchers uncover biological trigger of early puberty
Heather Brenhouse, associate professor of psychology, says disrupting the caretaker relationship can really traumatize a child or a developing rodent. Credit: Ruby Wallau/Northeastern University New research conducted by the Brenhouse Lab reveals how early life adversity triggers early puberty and late-life anxiety, paving the way for potential interventions. The onset of puberty has been creeping downward for decades. In the United States, the average age of girls reaching puberty ranges from 8.8 to 10.3 years old. The early start of puberty, which is associated with many health risks, can be
5-20-2024 Bioluminescence and 3D-printed implants shed light on brain–spinal interactions
Brain-spinal cord duet’s neurodynamic symphony is now accessible to scientists via novel multi-organ implants. Credit: Dmitrijs Celinskis A sensory process such as pain is no ordinary phenomenon—it’s a symphony of neural and vascular interactions orchestrated by the brain and spinal cord. Attempting to dissect this symphony by focusing on a single region is like trying to understand a complex melody by listening to just one instrument. It’s incomplete, potentially misleading, and may result in erroneous conclusions. Enter the Carney Institute’s team of visionaries. Their mission? To develop tools that allow
5-20-2024 New thesis explores cancer treatment that can prevent relapse
. What is the main focus of your thesis? Relapse following initial treatment efficacy remains a major clinical challenge for many cancers. The focus of my thesis has been to explore the therapeutic impact of immune cells in patients with blood cancer (leukemia), by first investigating which cells
5-20-2024 New study reveals health and social benefits of car-free living
Participating in a three-week car-free challenge has enhanced the health and well-being of Oxford residents, according to research conducted by The University of Bath’s Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), in partnership with climate charity Possible and Low Carbon Oxford North (LCON), conducted this research project. After ditching their cars for three weeks, 10 out of the 12 drivers across Oxford who participated said they plan to continue with reduced car use beyond the project. The findings of this research project show that: Day-to-day transport emissions were slashed
5-20-2024 Research shows linked biological pathways driving skin inflammation
A certain biological pathway—a set of linked reactions in the body—drives the inflammation seen in the skin disease psoriasis, a new study finds. The work could lead to improved therapies for all inflammatory skin diseases, including atopic and allergic dermatitis and a type of boil called hidradenitis suppurativa, say the study authors. The findings are published in the journal Immunity. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to irritation and infection, but when out of control, it can lead to the reddish, flaky, itchy lesions that
5-20-2024 Prescription co-payments linked to more hospital admissions in New Zealand, study finds
A new study from researchers cautions that bringing back the $5 co-payment for prescription medicines could see a jump in hospital admissions. The study analyzed health data for 71,502 people and found those who didn’t pick up a prescription because they couldn’t afford the $5 fee had a 34% higher rate of being admitted to hospital.
5-20-2024 How a simulation is informing COVID-19 vaccine policy after our ‘return to normal’
As the saying goes “There is no such thing as normal” and this has been especially true after the pandemic. Before the emergence of the omicron COVID-19 variant, countries like the U.K. had high vaccination coverage along with widespread exposure to COVID-19 in the population. This combination of vaccine and infection-derived immunity is termed hybrid immunity and is different to vaccine immunity or infection immunity alone. In contrast, other countries, including Australia, New Zealand and those in the Western Pacific, had a very different pandemic experience.
5-20-2024 Researchers find intriguing connections between Alzheimer’s disease and other common conditions
A study has found that while some medical conditions appear to increase our likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease, others appear to decrease the odds. The study, led by Dr. Yijun (Nicholas) Pan and Dr. Liang Jin, analyzed data from 2,443 older Australians living in Melbourne or Perth who are part of the Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle (AIBL) study, an internationally recognized cohort for dementia research. “We found anxiety and other neurological disorders are associated with increased likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease,” Dr. Pan said.
5-20-2024 Prepping autistic or sound-sensitive kids for cicada noise
As Chicagoans await the emergence of the cicadas, parents of children on the autism spectrum and/or who have sensitivities to sound can take a few steps to prepare for what is expected to be a loud summer. “Some children on the spectrum can struggle with loud or unexpected noises, such as toilets that automatically flush, fireworks around the Fourth of July or the emergence of a large number of cicadas,”
5-20-2024 Study highlights importance of screening for rare inherited iron metabolism defects
Over 40% of cases curated based on stringent clinical and laboratory criteria from the Indian subcontinent have an inherited iron metabolism defect on comprehensive genomic evaluation, report investigators in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. Although iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent form of anemia globally,
5-20-2024 Study finds tyrosine kinase Csk promotes germinal center B cell survival and affinity maturation
The authors found that Csk (a tyrosine kinase that attenuates B cell receptor signaling) is required for germinal center maintenance and efficient antibody maturation. The immune system strikes a fine balance by identifying and neutralizing disease-causing agents while carefully avoiding destruction of healthy tissues and cells. Now, researchers from Japan have shed new light on one of the processes that helps train immune cells to act only against genuine threats.
5-20-2024 Significant gaps between science of obesity and the care patients receive, say experts
As research continues to produce evidence about the underlying causes of obesity and optimal strategies to treat and manage obesity have evolved, there are disparities in application of the latest scientific advances in the clinical care that people with obesity receive. Widespread adoption of current findings, consistency of care and expertise in obesity care varies by health care professional and institution.
5-20-2024 Improving online depression treatment
Symptom course of depression for individuals who dropped out of treatment and those who completed treatment. In the dropout group, there is an initial decrease in symptoms while the patients were still in treatment, which tapers off as they drop out. For completers, there is close to a linear change over time. This suggests there is a relation between the more that an individual continues to participate in ICBT and their depressive symptom improvement.
5-20-2024 Women face worse chronic kidney disease management in primary care
Women receive worse primary care-based chronic kidney disease (CKD) management than men, according to a research letter adult patients with CKD receiving primary care at 15 practices using electronic health record data to examine sex disparities in guideline-based CKD management
5-20-2024 Bisoprolol does not reduce exacerbations in at-risk COPD patients
For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bisoprolol does not reduce the number of self-reported exacerbations treated with oral corticosteroids, antibiotics, or both, according to a study
5-20-2024 Anticancer potential of CLK kinase inhibitors 1C8 and GPS167 via EMT and antiviral immune response
The diheteroarylamide-based compound 1C8 and the aminothiazole carboxamide-related compound GPS167 inhibit the CLK kinases, and affect the proliferation of a broad range of cancer cell lines. A chemogenomic screen previously performed with GPS167 revealed that the depletion of components associated with mitotic spindle assembly altered
5-20-2024 Study sheds light on bacteria associated with pre-term birth
Researchers from North Carolina State University have found that multiple species of Gardnerella, bacteria sometimes associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and pre-term birth, can coexist in the same vaginal microbiome. The findings, published in mSystems, add to the emerging picture of Gardnerella’s effects on human health. Gardnerella is a group of anaerobic bacteria that are commonly found in the vaginal microbiome. Higher levels of the bacteria are a signature of BV and associated with higher risk of pre-term birth, but it is also found in women who have no sign
5-20-2024 New AI model uses federated learning for multi-organ segmentation based on medical image data
Researchers have successfully developed the technology that can accurately segment different body organs by effectively learning medical image data used for different purposes in different hospitals, which is expected to greatly contribute to the development of large-scale medical AI models in the future.
5-20-2024 Second Phase 3 clinical trial again shows dupilumab lessens disease in COPD patients with type 2 inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with type 2 inflammation may soon gain access to a new drug—dupilumab—that showed rapid and sustained improvements in patients in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial, researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. This monoclonal antibody is the first biologic shown to improve clinical outcomes in COPD. The data supporting the use of dupilumab in COPD will be reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration in June. The disease improvements—as measured by a significantly lower annualized rate of acute exacerbations
5-20-2024 New AI model uses federated learning for multi-organ segmentation based on medical image data
Researchers have successfully developed the technology that can accurately segment different body organs by effectively learning medical image data used for different purposes in different hospitals, which is expected to greatly contribute to the development of large-scale medical AI models in the future.
5-20-2024 Second Phase 3 clinical trial again shows dupilumab lessens disease in COPD patients with type 2 inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with type 2 inflammation may soon gain access to a new drug—dupilumab—that showed rapid and sustained improvements in patients in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial, researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. This monoclonal antibody is the first biologic shown to improve clinical outcomes in COPD. The data supporting the use of dupilumab in COPD will be reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration in June. The disease improvements—as measured by a significantly lower annualized rate of acute exacerbations
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