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2011.08.08 03:10 YourMommasBFF Power to the ̶P̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶s̶ P̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ S̶h̶a̶r̶e̶h̶o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶s̶ Expense Reports

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2024.05.14 10:50 Nalle-_- Small Metallic Part from Canon A-1

Small Metallic Part from Canon A-1
I found a decently priced Canon A-1 off a yard sale a few weeks back. It seemed to be in pretty much perfect condition (I was with a friend who happened to own the same camera and she inspected it and recommended that I’d buy it). I used the camera for a few days and shot one roll of film which I haven’t gotten to develop yet.
After a while I noticed that the lens mount was a bit loose as the lens would wiggle a tiny bit. I managed to fix that issue with the instructions in this post. Just tightened some screws.
I continued to use the camera but pretty soon I noticed something rambling inside it when moved around. I realized that some part must be loose inside the camera so I went ahead and unscrewed the metallic bottom plate (which I had not touched before while tightening the lens mount previously).
As I took the bottom plate off a metallic shaft just a couple millimeters in size fell out. After putting the plate back up the rambling was gone so it must have been this tiny piece that had come loose. Does anyone here have an idea how crucial that part is for the camera to function and could I perhaps put it back by myself?
I haven’t taken any pictures after discovering that loose part. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Nalle-_- to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:32 Aware-Impression8527 Is Daylesford Organic the blueprint for American Rivera Orchard?

Daylesford Organic is a lifestyle brand in England. It started as a farm shop -- more of a vegetable boutique really -- but diversified into homeware, recipe books, garden tools, pet products, skincare, and wellness accessories. In short, all the things we know are covered under the ARO trademarks.
The brand grew slowly and (forgive the pun) organically. It's the passion project of Lady Carole Bamford. The company is solvent now but it was running at a loss for YEARS. They could absorb the losses because the Bamfords have pots and pots of money.
I say all this because Daylesford is a real place in Oxfordshire. And it happens to be five miles from the farmhouse in which Meghan and Harry lived before they moved to Canada. It is where the influencers lunch on their way home from the Soho Farmhouse. Meghan almost certainly frequented it.
Daylesford's brand is and always had been cohesive and meaningful and even though some things are eye-wateringly expensive, there are enough reasonable priced things for aspirational middle-class people to buy into the lifestyle.
Lady Carole is new money but it's lonnnnng money. She epitomises quiet luxury and would not be seen dead traipsing through her kitchen in a ball gown. She is discerning but not pretentious and, above all, kind. Even if Daylesford is the inspiration, Meghan is going to need a lot of capital to get it ARO and an impeccable team to get it off the ground. I very much doubt that the mind behind Haribo will be up to the job...
submitted by Aware-Impression8527 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:24 castaway16258 Should I be suspicious?

Hey everyone
I'm a first time buyer and while I'm not in a rush to buy or desperately searching for a peorpety, I happened to see something really good recently which was affordable, in an ideal location, and had the potential to be a family house long-term.
So I told the estate agents on Sunday that I am interested din putting and offer in and they said they would contact me with questions (such as the price I was willing to pay) etc the next day.
So my question much do they rush the process? Because before they were even able to ring me and ask what it is that I am able to offer or even if my offer would be competitive enough to be in the running, they'd told conveyancers to ring me and discuss legal fees and solicitors. The lady rang me yesterday briefly explaining why its good to have a solicitor at hand and asked for a £25 deposit to secure a solicitor and make sure fees are fixed in the period that I potentially go through for buying the property. I told her that I'd like to speak to he estate agents first and if she could ring me back today- she rang me at 9am on the dot, took my deposit, and said she'll send over documents I need to sign and return.
And I don't know, I just feel suspicious and like I'm being pushed into paying and signing for all these things with very little explanation and time to process what it happening and what I'm getting out of it. I haven't even decided if I did compete with the offers and what to buy for sure hut feel like they're taking advantage of me because I'm a first time buyer.
In the past, an estate agent kept pushing me to speak to their mortgage advisor and I'm not even kidding, I had to shake her off like 6 time in one call and I had to be borderline rude to get her to understand that I know what I'm doing, have spoken to other advisors, and don't need to speak to anyone from their team. So I just feel like they're so pushy that I'm not sure if I can trust them and should just go along with everything, or if I should bide my time and let myself think? I feel like they sue scare tactics like you not being prepared in terms of paperwork as the reason you're going to miss out so they can get you to pay them and agree to work with them.
submitted by castaway16258 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:15 Exciting-Classic-782 Me 29/F is currently “separated” with 29/M I have a 6 year old daughter which whom he raised for 5 years (not biological) I’m confused how to go about this, we are toxic and I think he might be a narcissist, or am I ?

Backstory on our relationship. we have been together for five years, we started dating pretty fast within three months I had moved in due to the pandemic. I was already staying at his house and the same time we went on lockdown we had to stay together in the same house. Our relationship started off really good. We were so in love, the spark was there, the sex was great, it was everything I could ever ask for. in my past, I have had some rough relationships where I was always the provider, the one with a car, job, money. My last relationship before this one I had a daughter and we separated because her biological dad was not ready to grow up.
In the beginning of our relationship, like I said, it started off good . I would say, I was immature, and just learning to discover myself as a mom, partner, and having a real relationship living with someone. I did some immature things, sneaky things, as far as get attention on social media, I feel like a lot of the times. Also since this guy had a job, money, a car, a house I took advantage of it. He spoiled me like crazy, I got to stay home for a year without working, while he paid all of my bills and pretty much took care of me for the most part. I did slack off in the beginning I wouldn’t clean, cook, take care of my responsibilities so he had to get on my ass. I end up realizing that I need to grow up and become a woman. I changed completely and became a “wife”.
About two years in is when I really started to see “the real” him. It started off with him, calling me little names here, and there and him criticizing little things that I did. we would get into little fights and I didn’t want my daughter to be around that so I would leave, it started off as once every couple months I would go stay at my parents house for the weekend, to get away from the fighting. That turned into once a month, then that turned into a couple times a month. It became such a normal thing, the cussing and fighting became worse. he can be really hurtful with words and he would always be me, put me down. Examples: ( Fat bitch, I could find another bitch tomorrow, you’re a fucking whore, slut, fuck you, I can’t stand you, dumb bitch) He started criticizing every single thing that I did, I started to believe that I could never do anything right, and I wasn’t enough. Don’t give me wrong I was not perfect. I would also call him too only because he would call me names. I have a bad attitude with him, and sometimes I do come off, really blunt, and aggressive. Anytime I did come off this way he would blow up and turn it into this huge fight.
Around year 3, we both rededicated our lives to God. Our relationship started to come around again, we were so full of love, we were communicating better and starting to get along more, we would have arguments, but it seemed like we were able to solve them without kicking each other out of the house, or cussing and screaming at each other. We would both hear each other out and it was going good for the most part. , It started all over again. I don’t understand one day I could be the greatest thing that has ever happened to him and in a matter of an hour, if I gave him the wrong answer, an attitude, or if he thought, I said something disrespectful all hell would break loose. They got to the point where he would literally kick me out at two or three in the morning, obviously I would take a little bit of dignity that I had and I would wake my daughter up, carry her into the car and I would go to a hotel because at this point I was just too embarrassed to go to my family’s house.
Fast forward until now , we have been separated for about six months. I’m living back with my parents and he stayed at the house that we built together. In my daughter’s life, to her that is her dad, she does not know her biological dad or anything about him. He calls it “co-parenting” but in reality, he only comes to her softball games once a week shows up late, for 30 minutes, pick her up on Sundays Spends a few hours with her and drops her off. I really am doing everything by myself, I work full-time, and I show up to every single one of her events, I buy her everything, I am with her 24/7. I feel bad because my daughter really loves him, she cares for him, my daughter is very smart. She wants us to be a family again, but I feel bad distancing them from each other. I know he’s not her biological dad, but he pretty much raised her when we were together. I know he loves her, and she really loves him. I just don’t know what to do in the situation, I blame myself for a lot because I feel like if I never acted the way that I did in the beginning of the relationship maybe he wouldn’t have been as toxic or the way that he was throughout the rest of our relationship. Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have any advice for me? I don’t go to therapy, I don’t have friends, and my family are just over it. They don’t want to talk about it. So I’m really just using this as a venting session, whether anyone replies, comments, or anything at least I was able to get this off my chest
submitted by Exciting-Classic-782 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:13 nirvanasdashit [ISO] [US] Moonwalk & Firefly Forest by Mooncat

Moonwalk & Firefly Forest
Hi! I know this might be a stretch, but if anyone is willing to depart with or has a spare of either of these shades, I would be forever grateful to buy it off you.
I was looking at Mercari and Poshmark and both these shades are being sold at a pretty high price. So if anyone can and it’s reasonable in price let me know!
I’m in the US.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by nirvanasdashit to RedditLaqueristaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:52 Firmwaregeek Please help.

I have appalling neigbours. They are 2 polish people. They came to Australia posing as a couple. Hes 59 shes 50. She also had a daughter from another man, and they had 1 son together. He is never happy, always miserable. Shes the same. So, when tbey first moved in. They were okay.. Well, they were nice to us. So, When he first moved in. She asked if I wanted to go over to gt to know them. I was like okay, sure. I took around a bottle of wine as a gift. And everything was fine. After the guy had a couple drinks. He started acting passive agressive. And soon I found out, that he was in fact a full blown alcoholic. Now, i didnt find that out right away. But,, only, days later. She approached me and said, thanks for the wine. But can you please not buy him any alcohol,? I said oh.. sorry, my bad. Why is he bad on it? She looked at me and said yeah, he hits me. And I cant handle him when hes drunk, he gets all agressive. And acts silly. I apolagised and, with that. I decided to just keep my distance from them. Some tine passed, I was very generous toward them. Even at christmas, they had told me they love football, and tokd ne their favirite football team, so at christmas I bought them a scarf each. She was so thankful she returned the favor with chocolates. Things were fine. Buy, It was clear from the more occuring arguments they were having more issues at home than they made out. As mentioned above, They also had a daughter. She wouod scream all the tine every day at around dinner tine "DONT TOUCH ME" STOP!! She woukd yell. Everyday, it was awful eventually 1 day I heard her crying, "stop touching me" she said sobbingly. I knocked on the door. No answer. I knew they had a problem, but, I didnt kmow it was this bad. He was the 1 with the main issue. Always abusing them. I knew he was probably molesting the daughter. And hitting his partner. Fast forward to about 1 year ago. At thos point. I know for a fact he is an alcoholic. He quit/lost his job. Stopped going to work. She started going and staying out all day. The daughter moved out, And, slowly, he has gotten worse. So, About 6 months ago. He got really angry, mainly because we stopped talking to them. He expressed his anger, but he was hitting her again now . We just ignored it. So, he started yelling anytime we were, My elderly mother, an amazon delivery, its gotten really bad now. just last week, traffic on our street was banked up, a car tooted thier horn. "SHUT THE F UP!!" He yelled. He must have thought it was us. Again, I even have him screaming on camera, and you can clearly see there was a car eho cut off another out in the street. We would have visitors pull up for holidays etc. Oh f this f that he would shout in polish. Keep in mind, hes screaming around my 80 year old mother ll, our other neigbour whos elderly, the kids behind them. Its like really bad. Now, she has begun wearing sunglasses all the time. The other day while checking the mail, i saw her he really must have hit her hard cos she had a black eye. So, after I left to go out. He walked over to my mother while she was in her garden. And he started dribbling nonsense. And said something to the effect of you stay there, never come to my siide. My mother said I never in my life have come there. Can you just leave me alone? And the whole thing was caught on my survielance camera. Which by the way, I had to get because of him. He was quite aggressive, and my mother being elderly and a survivor of Domestic Violence herself, she git scared and had to go inside. She said, I cant go out there.. keep in mind my mothers garden is her peaceful, safe place.. She doesnt need that. I was LIVID watching this playback too. Cos he waited for me to leave. Soon as I left, he siezed the opportunity like a true coward. But recently things got worse.. his 'partner' who was being abused, has trued to divert his behaviour toward us. She has told him to make noise while we sleep. I know this as I captured her saying it after getting in the car, in english. She said slam the door harder wake them up. Then when they reversed. He yelled like a high schooler some jobberish in our direction. We werent even outside. But NOW, He has now started banging on our fence really loud at 530am every single day. He also dumps the alcohol containers in the recycle bin at the same time. For a while. I could ignore it. I am the son if a veteren. However, My nerves are pretty bad, and i suffer anxiety as my dad was exposed to a nerve agent called agent orange or something. But really, Im really suffering here now. And, I did have cancer. I had to endure all this during my treatment. severe health issues like this need rest and less stress. I have other issues that prevent me from stopping him if things got physical, not to mention hes bigger than me. And I am not the violent type.. and, He is far too unpredictable. So. Can someone please help me? I am worried he will upset my mother to the ppint of a heart attack. Or me. Im a peaceful guy. I never retaliate, i am also a believer in karma. My mother has a bad heart. And heart problems runs in our family. My anxiety was so bad once, i couldnt sleep for 17 days. I swear it was hell on earth. It nearly drove me crazy, literally. But I really need someones advice. I cannot afford to move. If i had $ id move 100%. But I cant even afford to rent somewhere else. And get away from here. I also am a cancer survivor. Id really like to take my drs orders and remIn stress free. But its extrenely hard. If anyone out there has a sollution. I would be indebted to you forever. I just want him to stop.
submitted by Firmwaregeek to BadNeighbors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:47 Gamenavoid steelseries actis pro wireless Gaming Headset

I have had this product since 2021 no problems but just recently had distortion sounds and the sound turns off and on for like milliseconds but it's consistent on the TV with using Bluetooth connection.
But with tv using the amplifier it turns of then lasts it for a while like it varies between 2-5 mins but only on like youtube and watching stuff on my sdd like anime and stuff but not on youtube for some reason anyone know a fix to this or should just buy another one ?
Sorry for grama English is not my main language
submitted by Gamenavoid to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 Ruca426 Buyers remorse/fear of the future

I’ve lived in my house now for 3 weeks as a single first time home buyer and sometimes I feel happy about my decision and others times like now, I have buyers remorse. I just lost/quit my job a few days ago that I had only worked at for a month. I was working nights before getting the job and desperately needed a different job because I was only sleeping around 2-3 hours a day. It was like something just flipped in me and I could no longer keep any kind of schedule or routine.
The new job ended up being terrible for me. I had really high hopes for it and planned on working there for a long time. But I couldn’t predict the effect the disorganization would have on me. My coworkers would ignore me all day instead of showing me things. I just felt like I was dropped off on an island and expected to survive. Management was always hiding and unreachable. I felt so unsupported. I started having dizziness spells and calling in because I was just in straight up fight or flight thinking about going back into work.
Now I have a new job lined up that I start in 3 weeks and I just feel like I’ve undergone so many major life changes recently that I honestly don’t know where to go from here. The new job pays 54 an hour where my old one paid 23….it seems like an amazing opportunity for me but I’m scared. I had taken a big pay cut from 43 an hour working nights to 23 because that job seemed to offer “stability” and better hours. My mental health already wasn’t the greatest when I started this home buying process and I thought things would settle down once I’ve moved in but this anxiety comes and goes in waves and I just feel so alone.
I had this image in my head about how things would be and now I’m just scared and feel like I can’t trust myself to make any decisions. I just wanted to know if anyone else has felt like this.
I’ve been seeing a therapist for 3 months now and she really helps me to stay grounded but our next session isn’t until tomorrow. I was SO happy to get my offer approved for this house and that began 3 weeks of pure anxiety until closing. I’m already in this so it’s not like I can just jump ship. I’m really just letting all my doubts and anxieties take over right now.
submitted by Ruca426 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:29 wutianzhu need some opinions between K2 instrument and Capita Aeronaut

I hope some one has them both, or at least you have both K2 and Capita boards.
My first powder board is Jones Hovercraft, I have to say it's a great board, floats really well, but it's way to hard, I can not twist it for turn and it's very hard to ollie. And official site says the flex of this board is 7 ...
My second powder board is Korua Dart, great board too, flex is pretty soft and I like it, I can twist my board for small turns, and it can hold me when I was carving. But the down side is, I still can't ollie on it because it basically has no tail. And because of the tail, it's little hard to ride straight on groomer, when I was trying to hit a jump.
I think I started with Hovercraft was a right choice, because I was new to powder, and I don't wanna get stucked in the deep powder. But after few years I think I can ride pretty fast and jump off some small cliffs, so I wanna buy a new board that can ride deep powder and also can do some ollies and jumps in the park.
Had a good time last season in Furano Japan with Dart, the only thing I feel bad is, I can not feel the pop of the tail when I was dropping off some small cliff or jumping from pillow to pillow. So I browse a lot, and I narrow it down to K2-Instrument and Capita-Aeronaut.
The only thing Im afraid of is, Instrument's flex is 7, I know flex scale is different between brands, but I don't wanna get another Hovercraft. So if anyone can tell me, what is K2's 7 equals to Capita's scale, will be great. because I have a capita Scott Stevens Pro, which is flex 5, so I'll have some idea about the flex.
And the only thing Im afraid of Aeronaut is, maybe it's not float enough for deep powder, I know pros ride park board in powder, but I'm not that good. good thing is, this board's flex is 6, compare to my Scott Stevens Pro, I Think I can handle it.
Any advice will be appreciated!
submitted by wutianzhu to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:25 Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii First PC help

Hey everyone,
I've recently decided to buy a nice PC instead of a cheap car, and so my budget is right around $3500-$4000 CAD. I've spent a considerable amount of time picking these parts (I'm new to PCs), and I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be making any catastrophically dumb mistakes considering how much money I'm spending; for example, any potential bottlenecking issues or straight-up bad parts. It would also be useful to know for sure that all of this stuff will actually physically fit together and that airflow/cooling won't be a disaster. Ik it's maybe a bit overkill for now, but I just want to not have to worry about upgrading it for the foreseeable future.
Thanks to anyone who sees this and would like to help or give their general opinion!
Here's the PCPartPicker list (little things like the keyboard or case may have changed by the time you see this):
[PCPartPicker Part List](
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7 GHz 12-Core Processor]( $508.98 @ Amazon Canada
**CPU Cooler** [Noctua NH-D15 82.5 CFM CPU Cooler]( $109.95 @ Amazon Canada
**Motherboard** [Asus TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard]( $259.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Memory** [Corsair Vengeance 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory]( $219.99 @ Amazon Canada
**Storage** [Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive]( $289.05 @ Vuugo
**Video Card** [Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card]( $1369.99 @ Memory Express
**Case** [Lian Li LANCOOL 216 ATX Mid Tower Case]( $138.50 @ Vuugo
**Power Supply** [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( $169.50 @ Vuugo
**Monitor** [MSI G272QPF E2 27.0" 2560 x 1440 180 Hz Monitor]( $300.99 @ PC-Canada
**Keyboard** [HP HyperX Alloy Origins Core RGB Wired Gaming Keyboard]( $109.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Mouse** [Logitech G502 Hero Wired Optical Mouse]( $69.98 @ Amazon Canada
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **$3546.89**
submitted by Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii First PC help

Hey everyone,
I've recently decided to buy a nice PC instead of a cheap car, and so my budget is right around $3500-$4000 CAD. I've spent a considerable amount of time picking these parts (I'm new to PCs), and I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be making any catastrophically dumb mistakes considering how much money I'm spending; for example, any potential bottlenecking issues or straight-up bad parts. It would also be useful to know for sure that all of this stuff will actually physically fit together and that airflow/cooling won't be a disaster. Ik it's maybe a bit overkill for now, but I just want to not have to worry about upgrading it for the foreseeable future.
Thanks to anyone who sees this and would like to help or give their general opinion!
Here's the PCPartPicker list (little things like the keyboard or case may have changed by the time you see this):
[PCPartPicker Part List](
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7 GHz 12-Core Processor]( $508.98 @ Amazon Canada
**CPU Cooler** [Noctua NH-D15 82.5 CFM CPU Cooler]( $109.95 @ Amazon Canada
**Motherboard** [Asus TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard]( $259.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Memory** [Corsair Vengeance 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory]( $219.99 @ Amazon Canada
**Storage** [Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive]( $289.05 @ Vuugo
**Video Card** [Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card]( $1369.99 @ Memory Express
**Case** [Lian Li LANCOOL 216 ATX Mid Tower Case]( $138.50 @ Vuugo
**Power Supply** [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( $169.50 @ Vuugo
**Monitor** [MSI G272QPF E2 27.0" 2560 x 1440 180 Hz Monitor]( $300.99 @ PC-Canada
**Keyboard** [HP HyperX Alloy Origins Core RGB Wired Gaming Keyboard]( $109.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Mouse** [Logitech G502 Hero Wired Optical Mouse]( $69.98 @ Amazon Canada
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **$3546.89**
submitted by Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii First PC help

Hey everyone,
I've recently decided to buy a nice PC instead of a cheap car, and so my budget is right around $3500-$4000 CAD. I've spent a considerable amount of time picking these parts (I'm new to PCs), and I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be making any catastrophically dumb mistakes considering how much money I'm spending; for example, any potential bottlenecking issues or straight-up bad parts. It would also be useful to know for sure that all of this stuff will actually physically fit together and that airflow/cooling won't be a disaster. Ik it's maybe a bit overkill for now, but I just want to not have to worry about upgrading it for the foreseeable future.
Thanks to anyone who sees this and would like to help or give their general opinion!
Here's the PCPartPicker list (little things like the keyboard or case may have changed by the time you see this):
[PCPartPicker Part List](
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7 GHz 12-Core Processor]( $508.98 @ Amazon Canada
**CPU Cooler** [Noctua NH-D15 82.5 CFM CPU Cooler]( $109.95 @ Amazon Canada
**Motherboard** [Asus TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard]( $259.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Memory** [Corsair Vengeance 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory]( $219.99 @ Amazon Canada
**Storage** [Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive]( $289.05 @ Vuugo
**Video Card** [Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card]( $1369.99 @ Memory Express
**Case** [Lian Li LANCOOL 216 ATX Mid Tower Case]( $138.50 @ Vuugo
**Power Supply** [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( $169.50 @ Vuugo
**Monitor** [MSI G272QPF E2 27.0" 2560 x 1440 180 Hz Monitor]( $300.99 @ PC-Canada
**Keyboard** [HP HyperX Alloy Origins Core RGB Wired Gaming Keyboard]( $109.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Mouse** [Logitech G502 Hero Wired Optical Mouse]( $69.98 @ Amazon Canada
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **$3546.89**
submitted by Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:22 Electrical-Ad1820 Skin stereotypes Andro(1)-Betty(5)

A conversation with a few friends of mine some skins have certain audiences to them and certain people will pick them more than others that's just the nature of people, and sometimes these people can be fit into certain groups, and certain stereotypes which is also nature of people. So I will be talking about these stereotypes, with 4-8 champs at a time depending on how many skins they have, starting with- Not androxus- but some general skin types etc.
Let me start off by saying that stereotypes are broad, and over generalized by nature, and not everyone is the same we're not Buzz Lightyear here, at the very least these are meant for fun.

Basic Recolours

The recolours you can buy for gold often attract semi-new players those that got the champions they like and often will spend "extra" gold on recolours.
They're most likely new at the game, or at the very least their champion.
Certain recolours will be brought up again per champion if they add anything different or have a different stereotype.

System Recolours/Promotional Recolours

So these guys probably are more likely to be even newer than the basic recolours since they got them from linking accounts or following/subscribing to different social media and all that.

Mastery/Gold Skins

Assuming it's gold they're probably confident in their skill with a champion and want to display that, but with the obsidian and cosmic ones they tend to be the same as basic and promotional recolours.

Invitational/Event Recolours

Okay so we're done with recolours after this I promise but often these are old school players, often ignoring the actual quality of skins to more say that's when they were around.


Hats are kinda the same as the event/invitation recolours but they can also be found on new players who got the hat from a chest, in general if they have a proper skin they'll dump these for the skin so at the very least that leaves semi experienced players who finds the frog hat more funny than they do the cowboy cool.


It's fair to say that Android is the poster boy of paladins and since he's relatively old he's got a lot of skins over the years and he's got quite the audience, I mean really he's the guy they show on the splash art of the game like imagine little Timmy seeing his older brother playing Androgenous "Who's the cool guy with the revolver and horns?" And his brother is like "That's my main Abolitionist" and then next game Timmy is playing Angrosist.
And they're very against nerfs every time pretending it'll kill Ambrosia and every time he's just fine maybe the fact he's got a solid baseline kit means he's not struggling when nerfs come knocking. Either way it doesn't stop the complaints.
Often Anglo (Okay the bits running thin) players take themselves seriously, whether you should depends, and depends alot. But he does inevitably attract edgelords, assholes, and blowhards.


Exalted Andros tend to hold themselves in high regard but at the same time tend to suck, they bought this skin since it was cheap and with it are often not that great.


So imperator is basically the same as exalted in looks but it does have the caveat that it's actually not as readily available which means someone has to make a active choice to run this, these guys are pretty much more for simplicity and class over complexity and fancy stuff, this means you'll see them play pretty good Andro where they'll stick to the stuff that works rather than flashy montage worthy stuff, they can do these but they more prefer understated competency over flashy nonsense.


This is a hat that actually has a stereotype since it's not apart of a chest it's from the deal of the day that makes a difference to who is using it. These guys are mostly raging blowhards, they think they're gods at the game but they're not as good as they believe, like antlers they say crap but not enough to get banned. This changes to just normal tryhards when they get their hands on shattermaw, almost every Andro with this skin and shattermaw are more interested in shitting on you and moving on to the next, they really only do really good in casuals without comms, but they can get work done in ranked.


Okay so this guy either uses the Shatter Maw and same deal as Screech Andro's or they run they Huntsman's gun and if you get to talk to them in a party or something they'll cry about how the pirate skins in Paladins Strike aren't ported over to paladins. It's weird and it's specific. They do tend to be nicer and less serious than Screech Andros.


These are the most average Andro's in existence, they certainly exist but they're not too interesting all considering. They're not bad or good, or particularly toxic or nice or anything like that, they just exist.

Steam Demon

I mean there's a Young Frankenstein joke to be made here. But Andro's running the steam demon skin tend to be uptight and expect people to carry their own weight... Of course the chance they tend to mess up they go silent, they're not rude perse but they sure do expect a lot.


These are the guys who listened to Nightcore- Angel with a shotgun too much and will be very melodramatic, and tend to be almost always a downer for the team, they do clutch up though so something to be said.

Battlesuit Godslayer

No one really uses this skin if they have others, really this skin doesn't sell the gundam vibes the others do maybe it's because of his waistcost flowing back there but really he just looks like a guy in a robot suit


These Andros are just as dramatic as Fallen Andros but they seem to be in on the joke and often will more be self aware, they will be playing like some viking bagpipe metal music so it's not all good with them.


These guys probably blame their support and will unironically quots the skin, not realizing it's making fun of them. They also probably are tickled by the fact it looks likr a Xbox 360


Now often with battlepass skins their recolours are basically the same stereotype normally but for Modded these guys have basically brain rotten themselves down to the same level with their obsession with RGB lights.


Yeah another skin no one uses really, unless they're really interested in the cat in his backpack otherwise it's just not really a great skin since it's just a guy in a dragon ball z kai uniform without the cool ass powers and literal royalty free music.

Grave Danger

This is Kinda like omen it's not as self aware but it's hard to take this skin more seriously than default and these guys tend to be chill but it's a newer skin so it's not exactly like there's room to have a stereotype yet, which is fair but still other skins still have stereotypes that formed same day as their release.


Now it's rare that a gold skin that doesn't change something about a character shows up but this is widespread since every Andro on earth who runs this will almost always have a bloated ego, whether it's 50 or 550 these guys are super quick to be offended and will tunnel the shit out of you for just about anything.


Ash is weirdly uncommon despite being free, probably because everyone is running at point with her and she basically loses that engagement to every proper point tank, she is a offtank first and foremost after all.
As for stereotypes there is a few thing that I've noticed with Ash's (Ashes? Ashs? Ash players) First is if they're running the default voice pack even with other skins they're definitely offtanking.
And another oddity is the Ash mains that have more than one skin tend to never properly match their weapons and skins up, it's weird but every other Ash main I see runs a different weapon and skin.

Heirloom Crest

So I bring this hat up because unlike anyone else with a hat skin no one wears this, honestly it should just come with a different version of Ronin but really this is the exception to the hatskin rule, these guys are just new players who got it from a chest and felt justified in using it because they spent crystals on a chest.


Ronin Ash players kinda just suck, it can be a matter of many different things as to why these guys struggle, they could suck at shooting people, they could be bad at positioning, trying to point tank, they're using their abilities at shit times, they could be great with all of that and still they'll have a terrible deck and talents.
These guys just suck


Xenobuster Ash players tend to run into fights they shouldn't and lose, this more or less comes from the overuse of shoulder bash, otherwise they're probably running knock back spam, they're most likely to be found on TDM Throne or Abyss trying to wait around corners to throw you off. They will go spastic if you buy sentinel.

Street Style

These guys are meatheats, they're less interested in actually capturing the point and more just want teamfights, the objective and space are biproducts, as such you'll see these guys with really selfish buys, and decks, and they'll steal kills with slugshot, they're not doing it intentionally but they are rude.


Ska'Drin Ash players often properly play Ash as offtank and for the most part are good sports, it's nice enough at least when these guys are working with you, they will probably ask for someone to point tank while they do their thing.


Another recolour with a different stereotype, these guys are also playing Ash as offtanks but their also raging assholes, and will bitch and moan from just about anything, whether it's their fault or not they'll yell at their team, though at the same time they are probably making space, and do their job well enough

Draconian Huntress

As mentioned earlier Ash mains tend to be rather rare, and the amount of people who'd go out of their way for this skin is rarer, these guys pretty much are guaranteed to be Ash mains or at the very least skin collectors. As for gameplay it's hard to say since I've seen like 4 people use this skin


Atlas mains are pretty much obsessed with telling you they're Atlas mains it's like telling people you don't play fortnite or something. Like good on you mate, but I and I'm pretty sure most of the world don't really care. Skill ranges wildly and skins for the most part don't really change that.


So uh this skin no one uses, you'll more likely find a Atlas running default with this Skin's gun, it's weird it's specific and I have no idea why it's like this... Oh yeah because Atlas looks awful without a beard.


So Legionnaire Atlas is kinda a situation like Grave Danger Andro mostly because the skin again looks kind of goofy, though for the effort put into it, it's at least nice. Still these guys take themselves just as seriously as the skin does.


Most of these guys just suck like sure there's bound to be a good Corrupt or Vile Atlas out there but every one I've seen just sucks. It's a bloody shame since they're nice skins.


Azaan doesn't really have too many skins to talk about but at the same time most people aren't exactly Azaan mains he's kind of a back pocket kind of champion.


These guys actually main Azaan, and they're quick to get defensive on why they pick the shirtless Azaan skin

Dark Drake

I don't get how anyone understands this skin, it's so garbled and just nonsense, there's no real stereotype but I did find out that this skin has the same voice actor as Freddy Fazbear...


Again Barik mains are a rarity and, nost of the time I only really see last/bottom picks grabbing Barik and doing really nothing all game but cry about their team not carrying them.


If a champion has access to their pre-reworks skins and in general just older skins they're often on the cheaper side and really are just bought by newbies due to this, that's really it outside of the odd end nastolgia tripper.

Team Fortress 2

So you get this skin in a way that's similar to promotional recolours, and it's more or less exclusive to steam, it's a safe bet that a TF2 Barik is new at the game and on steam, that's it.


Pirate skins often invite people into running teams of pirates skins, outside of that Swashbuckler Bariks tend to more or less the point jockey they live on the point they die on the point.

Steel/Dragon Forged Barik

This guy listens to diggy diggy hole and probably runs some stupid deck that relies on a gimmick these guys are here for fun and will probably do something cool, maybe?


Betty is new-ish and so she only has the one skin, Betty kinda is the easy version of both Willo and Dredge without the impact of either, this means Betty attracts bad players.


Bowsette meme aside this is Betty's only real skin and so it's kinda broad to say anything but I assume once she gets something else it'll attract... A certain audience.
So yeah 5 champs, feel free to suggest anything for future champions I'll probably see or agree with them.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:14 Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii First PC help

Hey everyone,
I've recently decided to buy a nice PC instead of a cheap car, and so my budget is right around $3500-$4000 CAD. I've spent a considerable amount of time picking these parts (I'm new to PCs), and I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be making any catastrophically dumb mistakes considering how much money I'm spending; for example, any potential bottlenecking issues or straight-up bad parts. It would also be useful to know for sure that all of this stuff will actually physically fit together and that airflow/cooling won't be a disaster. Ik it's maybe a bit overkill for now, but I just want to not have to worry about upgrading it for the foreseeable future.
Thanks to anyone who sees this and would like to help or give their general opinion!
Here's the PCPartPicker list (little things like the keyboard or case may have changed by the time you see this):
[PCPartPicker Part List](
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 4.7 GHz 12-Core Processor]( $508.98 @ Amazon Canada
**CPU Cooler** [Noctua NH-D15 82.5 CFM CPU Cooler]( $109.95 @ Amazon Canada
**Motherboard** [Asus TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard]( $259.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Memory** [Corsair Vengeance 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory]( $219.99 @ Amazon Canada
**Storage** [Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive]( $289.05 @ Vuugo
**Video Card** [Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card]( $1369.99 @ Memory Express
**Case** [Lian Li LANCOOL 216 ATX Mid Tower Case]( $138.50 @ Vuugo
**Power Supply** [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]( $169.50 @ Vuugo
**Monitor** [MSI G272QPF E2 27.0" 2560 x 1440 180 Hz Monitor]( $300.99 @ PC-Canada
**Keyboard** [HP HyperX Alloy Origins Core RGB Wired Gaming Keyboard]( $109.98 @ Amazon Canada
**Mouse** [Logitech G502 Hero Wired Optical Mouse]( $69.98 @ Amazon Canada
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **$3546.89**
submitted by Yeeeaaaboiiiiiiiiiii to PcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 Multi-ColoredTyger My mother talks to me like I’m her therapist and I’m done with it.

Family background: Me(25)F, little sister Janet(16), dad(49), and mom (48). My whole family lives together and I pay rent and buy groceries for the house every month. Let me start this by saying I love my mom, but honestly that’s what makes everything so difficult. It’d be easier to ignore her if I didn’t. Ever since I was young my mom’s had issues with depression and anxiety. Ever since I was little every time she was going through something she’d just call me in and hug me. She said it felt like her heart was filling up. Which honestly made me feel good that I could help her. It was scary seeing her like that when I was such a little girl. But as time progressed it slowly changed from hugs to her talking to me about her issues or complaints about other people. At some point she began to complain to me about my dad. Being a 12 year old girl who was close to her dad, I didn’t feel comfortable with her telling me this stuff. I tried to defend my dad and she would just complain even more. At one point I told my dad about it and asked if they were OK. My dad just told me that they were fine and I shouldn’t worry about what my mom says he would tell me she was just venting. After that any time my mom tried to complain to me about my dad or the pta or work stuff I just kinda tuned it out, because she’d get upset if I’d talk about it or try and defend anyone she was against. But recently she said something that I was just not ok with. I was driving her up to my sister’s school for an event and while driving up there she just said that both my sister and I are f*cking disappointments. I wanted to stop the car and look at her but we were on the highway. I was about to freak out on her but then she continued talking about how recently she’s become more proud of me because I got an interview at a place that’ll help me advance and get more stability. But apparently my Janet is still a disappointment and a little sh!t. Now I won’t lie my little sister could be a sh!t sometimes but she was a good sh!t. And what bothered me the most about this wasn’t her calling us disappointments, it was the fact that she said it right to my face as if she was talking to someone else. She expected me to sit there and not be upset like I usually do when she talks to me like that. I just couldn’t deal with it so I dropped her off and went to work at the grocery store. While I was at work I kept thinking about whether I should tell my dad or not. But then I thought back to my sister. My sister is a full mommy’s baby while I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I realized that if she found out about this it would really hurt her so unsure of what to do I called my dad and told him what happened. He listened all the way through about how I told him I was done being my mom’s therapist. He told me it was okay and that he would handle it when he got home from work and then he made sure to tell me before he hung up that I’ve never been a disappointment. It felt really good to hear that and I began to cry a bit after that happened but I got back to work and as I began to work I realized I had my interview for my job in a few days and I didn’t need all this chaos right before it. I got home before my dad and when I got home my mom was just sitting down reading her book as if nothing had happened. That’s because to her nothing happened, what happened in the car was just her ‘venting’. A word she’s used in the past when I brought up my discomfort about her let’s just call them sessions at this point. She went to bed before my dad got home and when he did I told him that I wanted to go through with my interview first before I deal with mom. But I’m worried that if I wait it might just be left on the back burner and eventually be swept under the rug. That’s normally how problems get dealt with here. So I’m just not sure what to do. What do y’all think?
submitted by Multi-ColoredTyger to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:33 deepestfear North Face "Base Camp" Duffel vs Patagonia "Black Hole Duffel"? For someone with an illness that could kill me in my 20s, who would like the perfect bag for their next (and maybe final) trip? 👌🏻

Hey all, hope you're all well. As the title implies, I am quite unwell and may not have much longer on this earth. Hence asking this question, despite it being asked over and over, because I have quite unique requirements.
TLDR: Which duffel suits me best, for 1-2 week trips, out of the 40L Patagonia, 55L Patagonia, or 71L North Face (or smaller North Face), given that this may be my final trip, and given that money is tight due to medical treatments etc?
At the moment, I own several Evergoods backpacks and slings. I also own (or semi-own, shared with my partner) an old-style, bright red, plasticky-looking Patagonia Black Hole duffel in 55L (I hate the colour and look of it, only got it as it was like $100 USD off). Other than that, I just have a medium-size American Tourister suitcase.
Anyway, long story short, I'd like to get a new duffel. Part of it is that I've always hated the shiny look of the Patagonia duffels - no longer an issue with this 2024 update. But it has annoyed me for years, our bright red Patagonia 😡
It would be used primarily for trips 1-2 weeks long, naturally sometimes just a weekend trip, pretty much always domestically. I'm someone who struggles to pack smartly and minimally - especially in winter. So that's something to consider, but I'm getting back into it, meaning the whole "minimalist" carrying thing.
I would largely have the ability to wash my clothes on the go. It would need to fit: probably enough clothes for five days, including business shoes + a toiletries/dopp kit (using an Evergoods CAP2 for this) + a medicines kit (have a number of health issues, again, using a different CAP2 for this) + ideally my Birkenstocks (I wear Converses on my days off, business shoes for work naturally and nice dinners, and the Birkenstocks for little things like walking down the road to the local supermarket, or taking the laundry out to hang it up etc).
But I can live without the Birkenstocks on trips, so it would be: wearing Converses with business shoes in the duffel. Naturally, laptop + power bank + most medicines (especially important for my Ritalin) + a book + cables + whatever else can go in my Evergoods 24L CPL. And then with my sling to take out each day to explore.
So I am not sure whether to get the Patagonia or the North Face, in the 40 (Patagonia), 55L (Patagonia), or the North Face in S or M. Sadly, where I live, it is more or less impossible to see them in person before buying. I have the 55L Patagonia, as I said, and other than the coloutextile, the main things I don't like are: a) lack of internal organisation (not improved for the 2024 version I believe), and b) when not crammed full, it sags and lacks structure.
I'm hoping this is a bag I can use for many years to come, and I'm just sick of having to use my suitcase all the time (just that it's big, chunky, obnoxious). For other types of travel I've got an Osprey backpack that I pair with my sling for exploring during the day.
So yes, my questions are:
  1. What size would be appropriate, given it will be largely for one to two week trips, with me not being great at packing smartly and minimally, with the options being 40L, 55L or 71L, but with the option of washing say once every 5-7 days?; and
  2. Which brand/product is better - durability, cost, value, look, warranty etc?
I will say - I love the "look" of the Patagonia, especially in the matte blue finish. Other than that, I'm open to jumping ship to the North Face, if needed. Final thing is the price - I can get the 40L Patagonia (new design) for $185 AUD, so ~$120 USD, I can get the 55L Patagonia (new design) for around $200 AUD, so ~$130 USD, and the North Face M for $175 AUD, so ~$115 USD.
The North Face is therefore around $100 AUD cheaper than normal, meaning, $100 AUD cheaper than the standard price for the bag, being $70 USD cheaper, as it is on clearance (making it a great deal, in my opinion, but again, happy to spend more on a Patagonia if it will be a better bag for me). That's specifically for the "Timber Tan" colour, which I quite like. It also boils down to the size - I hate it when a bag is too big for what you need it for.
It's the reason I sold my Evergoods MPL30 and CPL28. I'm 6'2", so it wasn't an issue of them being too big for my frame - just too big for my EDC. And that feeling of not wanting "too much room" transfers across to duffels. But then again, it's shit when you are packing for a trip and can't even fit the essentials - especially my CAP2 medicines kit and CAP2 toiletries bag, they take up a fair bit of space.
In so many ways, the 40L Patagonia would be perfect - lifetime warranty as far as I know, and a company dedicated to saving the environment. Plus it is small enough to take as carry-on when flying, I think, and I much prefer the new Patagonia design over the North Face design. But I don't want to come across as sold on the Patagonia! The North Face, for me, seems to have the advantages of that extra external pocket and compression straps. I don't know that there's too much else for it.
Thanks so much for any help. Going through a tough time in my life, and this is just a little thing to look forward to and it will make imagining my next holiday easier, which would be so nice, if I do get to holiday again 💛👌🏻
PS - can also get the Bellroy "Venture Duffel" 55L for $200 AUD, so ~$130 USD, or the North Face "Base Camp Voyager Duffel" 42L for $245 AUD, so ~$160 USD. I love Bellroy, the bag looks amazing, but I hate that they don't stand by their products and offer a lifetime/much longer warranty. And I don't know what the difference is between the "Base Camp Voyager" and the standard "Base Camp" duffel? If anyone knows, please let me know.
Okay, rant over. Truly, any assistance would mean the world to me - the kindness of strangers is getting me through life right now.
submitted by deepestfear to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:20 kgoble78 New Construction Windows Recs? Also, anyone used Ellison Windows? Experience?

We closed on our construction loan yesterday and I'm trying to stay ahead when it comes to materials selections bc I suck at decisions. Currently, I'm looking into Windows.
Our 2900sf house will be built in North Alabama and the bid was 545k (I expect it to be more.) It will be built in full sun bc my husband loathes trees (our current home has 2 huge oaks that make an entire canopy above it and we're always certain we're going to end up with a tree falling on our house and constantly picking up limbs.)
The plan is to do spray foam for insulation to help offset the heat due to the full sun and dark colored roof (we think dark roof strictly based on appearance; still deciding).
So the quote our builder gave us (fully custom home and not a tract builder) for windows was 9k and that seems insanely cheap to me. It was for Ellison brand, single hung vinyl windows. We don't open our windows often bc it's the South and bc of bugs, so I don't mind doing single vs double in order to save some money.
I haven't asked the builder which line of windows the bid covers, so can't tell you the rating or any of that, I'm just wondering if I'm correct in thinking this is an insanely low number. He basically said it'll be around $300/window and there's 24 of them, 3 of which are picture windows. Not sure if that includes the few transom windows we discussed in our last meeting or not, but highly doubt it.
My husband and I went to visit the company he buys them through and looked at them and asked a few simple questions. I wish I'd asked how black vinyl windows do in the sun since we're in the a South and they'll be in full sun. Anyone have experience with this? They did tell us black windows cost about 30% more, although our builder told us the 9k wouldn't be too far off from covering the black windows. We've been very forward in that we want to try to stay on budget, so maybe he added a little cushion in there to give us worst case scenario???
So when it comes to affordable windows, what do you suggest? Are black vinyl windows a hard no? I'm the type that would rather spend a little more up front and have them last longer but my husband just says" trust the builder.. he uses them all the time so I'm sure they're fine.. let's just get in the house and see how they perform.. yada yada yada. I have a feeling windows will be what we end up strongly disagreeing about. I suppose I'm more cynical.
If you made it this far, thank you! I know it's a lot of rambling.
submitted by kgoble78 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:07 No-Cut4715 Trouble buying gift cards

Trouble buying gift cards
I’ve tried buying gift cards through Vudu several times over the past couple months and they’ve been canceled every time. I’ll receive an email with the receipt, and then a minute later receive a second email stating that they were unable to complete the transaction. I’ve tried talking with support, they transfer me to someone else, who ends up having me send an email, and it goes nowhere. Looking at a forum on Vudu it seems other people have had this problem going back to 2022, and looking on Reddit I’m seeing other people have the same problem (, but it’s only when using a code to get 10-20% off. What’s the point of having a code if it doesn’t work? Is anyone else having this problem?
submitted by No-Cut4715 to vudu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:05 glasgowmega Van cleaning services

Alright me babbers? Does anyone know where does cleaning of vans? Specifically the outside of them? This will be a one-off as I’m planning on selling it so it seems a bit silly to buy all the gubbinz to give it a proper once over.
submitted by glasgowmega to bristol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:02 likemindedstars What happens to parents reported for fraud dole bludging

I am conflicted and need to know what happens to a parent reported to the NDIS and Centrelink for fraud. Do they get looked into? Arrested? Fined? I know using NDIS disability money for my brother on just herself is wrong but without a job she could start starving and neglecting my siblings more.
Anyway since I was around 10 she had stopped working and refused, she neglected us and spent money on lavish food, jewellery, hair salon, nails other expenses with her sisters. This was on Centrelink but I didn't have much proof as a kid. Then around 15 again she didn't work whilst I did and helped my dad with rent. She's put us in debt from school bills since young and to this day with my 10yr old brother, she still isn't paying school fees...her parents did the same.
She doesn't help my dad with mortgage, the worse expense, she does apparently help with electricity and water but it's been turned off many times I remember. The main issue now is with the NDIS money she bought a "service dog" for around $1200, lied to my dad it was free and that dog has torn up 2 doors and the backyard. He's costing more and she's not even fixing anything he broke. Saying he's a toddler and the doors were old anyway. After finding out the price me and my dad said since we can't afford it and repo may get involved, to sell him and honestly my mum hasn't trained him and hardly walks him (once a week) he's a big guard dog and she does show affection but ...I really don't think anything or anyone interests her. I believe she is not capable of loving or being selfless, she hasn't for many years, she's definitely mentally ill but she has been arrested for aggression issues by me and my sister before. She even records us and threatens to arrest us but atp as an adult I can't do much about it since no one really believes or cares, especially in our area.
TLDR: mum hasn't worked in 15 years and uses money from NDIS and Centrelink to buy a $1200 dog and cares for it more than the family and autistic kids treatment, toys etc. The kid's money is used on herself to go eat, out, live lavishly whilst her kids starve and husband pays for everything, as she puts family in debt.
Talking with them about the issue will do nothing but make her aggressive and say the allowance is for her and not the child. Which is definitely wrong as it's the carers job to care for the disabled child.
I just need to know what happens after being reported whether y'all believe it's fraud or not. I just want to know regardless.
submitted by likemindedstars to Centrelink [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:59 Raigon32 Phone Coolder & Condensation

I game alot with my Pixel 6 and I'm aware I shouldn't game long term on my Pixel but it is what it is. The issue I am facing is overheating the metal frame gets unbearably high temperature which leds to me not being able to hold the device in a tight situation in-game to frame drops. I don't game in an AC room. So, I was considering to buy those RAZER Mobile coolder Knock-offs namely, the "Plextone EX2". This cooler advertises to go really low temps and I was really concerned about condensation forming to the internal components of my phone. I did a little bit of research and found mixed opinions about these coolers and condensation issue.
The main point of this post is If anyone could assure me that I can safely use the aforementioned Mobile Cooler with my Pixel 6 or how to safely use them. It will be greatly appreciated.
NB: I already ordered the cooler if most people say I shouldn't use it I can return the product.
submitted by Raigon32 to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:55 LulzSwag_Technician For Beginners

I slapped together a copypasta of all the comments from this Thread trying to help people.
I've left parts in that are irrelevant to you but I need to include. I'll post again later if anyone cares.
Someone asked Who are the best Heroes? I went off explaining the game as I had played to that point so I figured I would put it all together in one place.

What are the best Heros?

That's a really open-ended question. You've got to ask a few other questions before you come to the answer.
Did you just start? What heroes do you currently have? Are you willing to pay money?
Per rule of thumb, every time a new generation of heroes comes out they will be more powerful than the last so keep that in consideration.
With that being said, in the beginning Sergy is your best infantry option unless you're willing to pay for Jeronimo. In that case Jeronimo is your best best but he's pricey.
I forgot to mention Natalia. Her and Jeronimo are the best infantry if you are willing to pay but they both cost so damn much money. If you can afford it though Jeronimo, Natalia, and Molly are 3 solid heroes to start with and improve if you're paying. If not, go with Sergy.
Also remember that some heroes are good for exploration while others are better for expedition. Exploration is the Arena and the Exploration place where you fight. Expedition is battlefield or PvP.
Molly is hands down the best Lancer you'll get in the beginning of the game for both expedition and exploration. Jesse is good for expedition as well with her damage skill and Patrick is good for both exploration and expedition as a healer. Don't underestimate having a healer.
The best Marksman are going to be Gina for Exploration and Bahiti for exploration and expedition at least until you can get Alonso.
Once the new heroes come out select them as you can upgrade them. Certain new heroes like Flint and Alonso will replace your other heroes.
Molly is the only hero that you will have a while so for sure level her up before anyone. As soon as you can get Flint and Alonso do it and then once the new heroes come out get Logan and Greg (great for expedition) and so on.
I've got charts and graphs and could probably play this game professionally as could my wife. lol This game is SO IN DEPTH it's amazing.
*** Links to charts and graphs: ***
I just hate the whole "pay 2 play" system. I think you should be able to pay for the game once and then enjoy the fruits but whatever...
Exploration- Molly, Natalia, Bahiti, Serg (for now) Expedition- Molly, Natalia, Bahiti and/or Serg as well. I wouldn't even put skill books into any blue characters exploration skills. Their expedition skills for gathering resources are what they're good for.
I'd highly suggest Patrick before the others.
I chose to go with a healer and Patrick was my only option. It really turns the tide in battle if you can get the rest of your heroes powered enough in arena and on tiles. I'd also suggest raising hero skills sparingly so you can decide who will lead the party and effect skills used.
*** Here, read this. It's complicated but it's very relevant.
I started a new farm account and ONLY put skill books into Molly, Patrick, and Flint and I've to like 250 stage of exploration. I've saved all my other skill books until I really actually need them.
Don't use gems for VIP level up. That's a huge waste. Only use gems for the Wheel (to get new heroes and hero shards) or in the Hall of Heroes or whichever one it is that allows you to obtain new heroes.
Also use gems in the VIP shop to get skill books or other things you need. The only time you want to purchase VIP points is from the alliance shop that refreshes daily. Always buy any VIP points you see as you pay with them using alliance coins obtained by donating to the alliance skill tree.
You should be able to get to VIP 4-5 doing this. The rest you'll have to spend money to get to quicker since most packages give you VIP points.
As for spending money, the construction and march queue are excellent. You can get extra march queues through the research center later on also. I bought both queues in the beginning and I know have 6 march queues which allows me to gather all 4 of the resource types AND have 2 extra marches to auto rally with daily.
Chief Gear materials will be really needed.
Once you get that high you'll need to buy nothing but design plans from the Foundry shop (you won't be able to use them yet but buy them anyway cuz you'll need them. And also polishing solution from the Alliance Championship. You can buy alloy there too but you can also get alloy from polar terrors it just takes a LOT longer.
For mythic hero armor you need to buy it through the Arena Shop. MAKE SURE to do your daily mission thing EVERY DAY as you'll get a lot of perks and points to use in shops. Make sure to mine rss every day. Fight in the arena 5 times every day and complete your lighthouse missions as well as contribute rss to your alliance tech tree.
Oh , also, do NOT spend stuff like hero shards, speedups, chief gear stuff, unless it's for an event. SAVE THEM. You'll get points and rewards for using them during events so save even though it's hard. You won't regret doing so.
Keep your army camps training and your research center researching 24/7. Both of those things make a huge difference as you progress.
I would be more than happy to help you out but I doubt you'd want to come to my state. I'm here if you ever need help though.
I've got a wealth of images and graphs for this game.
My woman has been playing since it started and I started a few months after her. She has spent a shit ton of money on this game but I've only spent a small amount as that's all I feel it's worth. I love and HATE this game so much because of what they've done with the pay 2 play BS. They took the skill out of it and just made it where whatever little rich phuk can come along and rock your world with daddy's money.
If you haven't encountered whales yet, you will. It really sucks and can be depressing at times but don't let them get you down.
Let me know if you need any more help or need advice. You can DM if needed
submitted by LulzSwag_Technician to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments]