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2013.05.12 14:27 Skafos_ Home of VU Radio

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2024.06.07 22:12 Rinaldi363 Toro Super Recycler False Advertising? Advice?

Hey guys, I’m just a Joe shmo with a small yard but really love my grass. I went overkill at the dealer here and bought the 21563 model to treat myself. Beautiful mower. The guy at the dealership was pointing out all of the features that were pointed out in the Toro brochure, included SmartStow.
Made the purchase, they PDI the unit, he’s going over everything with me after the set up, and there is no smartstow.
Dealer is scratching their head because it’s there in plain text on the brochure and online brochure that smartstow is included. I felt bad for the guy so I said it’s fine and loaded it up and called Toro.
Toro agent was very nice to talk to, also agreed that it’s false advertising and there must be some mistake, and to be honest I am disappointed because that feature was great for my tiny shed, and I can’t use it now.
She said likely nothing will be done but she will touch base with me Monday to figure out why they are advertising it like that.
Is there anything I can do about this or do I just need to suck it up? I know it’s such a small thing but it cost me over $1,000 and to be missing a feature that was important to me is a bit of a bummer.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Rinaldi363 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:10 avra_global I watched the livestream and been holding since 2020. Here's my story so far...

I watched the livestream and been holding since 2020. Here's my story so far...
Hello apes,
I am a long time lurker on Reddit and have been following GME since the initial run up in 2020.
I am a Canadian ape that rode the wave to $350+ . I also saw the stock drop to 40, amassing in a portfolio drop of over 70%. At this point my life savings were essentially gone and I had to continue to support myself and my family. So with a zen mindset I went back to the 9-5 lifestyle where I was able to earn a livable wage, but in 2022 my job in the company was erased due to a company-wide restructuring.
When I went back to work, I was in the mindset that the money would be gone until MOASS and let it go. After all it is a movement by the people and for the people, and if it busts, at least I did my part for the greater good.
We’ve all faced times of uncertainty, doubt, and fear but despite all of that I teamed up with my business partner with 15k in savings to take the risk and create a company of our own, it’s called Avra and it’s based on positive affirmations and basically what you think, feel and believe shape the world around you.
The greatest thing about the GME movement is the power it gives to the people. Retail investors are uniting, not for greed, profit, or to manipulate a fraudulent and rigged system, but to stand together in solidarity. This movement symbolizes a collective pushback against financial injustice. It's a demonstration of the strength and impact that everyday individuals can have when they come together for a common cause.
Many of us (maybe most of us) have no generational wealth, investment properties, rich friends, or millions of dollars in our portfolios. We have families, rent, jobs to be fired from, debt to repay, justice that may never be served, and people to support. Yet, we choose to hold and continue to prove that our collective strength can drive meaningful change.
After learning about GameStop and the movement behind it, I incorporated its ideology into my daily life and it influenced the foundation of our company and the values we uphold.
Yesterday, June 6, 2024 when the stock hit almost $70 in AH I considered selling a portion of my shares.
After spending a few hours on Reddit, reading various subs like and my 3 year hiatus from GME, I decided to watch the movie Dumb Money, and tune into the DFV stream today.
This reinvigorated my fire and passion for this movement and I wanted to make this post as a statement and testament to my own resolve. I am not leaving. If I have learned anything during my time with creating a positive growth mindset and my journey so far, It’s that YOU have the ability to make the CHANGE you want to see. YOU are the MASTER of your REALITY.
I will continue to hold the line and continue living the life I want to live. I believe in the future of Gamestop, The CEO Ryan Cohen, his team, Roaring Kitty, and also all of you. However long this next hiatus will be makes no difference. I am zen, and I LIKE THE STOCK.
submitted by avra_global to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:08 01watts Reasons to start a second launch site?

I’m fairly early in career, and based at CC. Will a polar launch site be necessary at some point?
What other reasons are there to choose an extra launch site?
Will it be possible to move engineers between sites?
submitted by 01watts to RealSolarSystem [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:07 NobodyNorth197 Why am I so conflicted about my parent's expectations? Why it is important to have their validation? It makes my life more complex than it is.

Tl Dr: I think my desire to have a kid is somewhat artificial, and I'll be ok without them but feel like it is something that will make me happy someday.
So, my father pressured me into having a kid since I can remember getting my current partner of 13 years. My father was recently gone and my desire to have a family became enormous. I have no financial, emotional, or environmental ability to do that. More than that my partner neither, he also never imagined himself as a father and doesn't think he will ever want kids. My mother is a toxic person and inflicted me with so much trauma during my teenage years that made me adamant about having kids myself for a long time. She is now miserable and alone after her divorce from my dad and the death of her fiance, making me feel like I will repeat her destiny if I do not have a kid I could end up alone like her, or if I leave my partner for any reason. Yeah, that's irrational, but it is what it is.
I felt the urge that I needed to have a kid because if something happened to my fiance, I'd at least have a part of him. So we talked, and he said that he doesn't know if he ever will be at that place in life. But his answer usually had an open end for such possibility. We both have a lot of work to do to even put ourselves on our feet. No one helps us. I live in the country where war is running, so it is even more complex.
We are 32(me) and 35(him) so not much time for wiggle as well. I came to the thought that I wanted this relationship with him more than having a kid. But I still have so many doubts. I have hopes, that maybe we will both be at some point in life, where we both be happy, maybe with a kid.
But I feel it isn't right, that my main reason is based solely on fears and pressure of the unknown. I know I may be a good mom, and my partner could be a good dad (he told himself), but there is just no possibility for that for us.
Will I regret my decision to choose my partner over a potential kid? Because it is what I've been always told, kids are the happiness we should experience. And without it, women may remain alone and miserable.
submitted by NobodyNorth197 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:06 zorin234 Friday community Stream Reddit Recap: June 7th

Friday community Stream Reddit Recap: June 7th
Hey, here's the Reddit recap for the June 7th community stream.
  • This is a summary of the stream, and any points of interest that was said on stream should be watched if they wish to get the full context.
Host this week:
  • Bam1500 (Lead Game Designer)
  • TankZorz (Creative Producer)
This week:
  • Weekly News Article: Link
  • New CW Premium: Strf 9040/56 BILL Link
  • D-Day Event mode Link
Next week’s news:
  • Father's Day!
    • Wojtek is on sale!
    • June 14-17: x3 Daily XP Bonus + earn xx by getting xx xp
  • Tank Mastery OP: Link
  • Lots of different sales:
    • A few commanders
    • Skins
    • Flag tanks
    • Garage gear
  • War chest + Summer War chest
  • Wallet Saver:
    • Rheinmetall Skorpion
    • T95E2
    • T-62M-1
    • Teledyne Continental Motors AGS
  • Super savers this week are seeing a bit of a change. More play = Bigger discount: This weeks are based around the Assault on Cherbourg:
    • The Assault Begins: Captured King Tiger, Unlock at 10k XP, 72 hour offer duration, 15% discount
    • The City is Ours!: Captured King Tiger, Unlock at 25k XP, 72 hour offer duration, 30% discount
    • The Breakout Begins: Captured King Tiger, Unlock at 50k XP, 72 hour offer duration, 60% discount
Upcoming events / News:
  • June:
    • Tankfest offerings: WW2: Nemesis MBT June 18 -
    • July 15 CW: Desert Warrior June 25 - July 22
  • July
    • 4th of July - Patriot earn op (July 2 - 16)
    • Bastille Day: Egalite Earn op: (July 9 - 23)
D day event info:
  • Global Info:
    • Total overall battles. 42k battles so far at time of stream.
    • Win rate: 84.5%
    • Average enemy tanks destroyed: 77
    • Average dmg dealt: 44k
    • Duration: 12 mins
  • Current Records:
    • Time: 3:51
    • Kills 42
  • Graphs:
Total Battles
Average silver earn during battle. Note the T-14-PS has only like 5 games total.
Damage Givers
Tanks taking the most Damage
Average Kills
  • Event battle mode is well received.
QNA summary
  • When will the Skoda / TR line be finished in CW? - More news later this year.
  • Will military commander war chest return later this year? - The commander war chest will frequently feature military commanders.
  • When do you plan to port more PC maps? - This process has already begun.
  • Why does the WW2 version of the NM-116 have french camo? - Most likely a bug.
  • Skin for the M103A1? - Thank you for the suggestions. Well add it to the list.
  • Will the M1A2 receive a lower plate nerf after the change? - No plans, as now the upper plate is working as intended.
    • (Zorin - I could see some stat changes as it does have amazing gun handling)
  • How many Gore medals have been earned after Arty 2.0? -
    • 2022: 197 thousand total
    • 2023: 184
    • 2024: 88
  • Why hasn't the medal requirement been adjusted? - We did get a ticket for this. Maybe next season.
  • Any clan events / mechanic planned? - Yes we have plans, no dates to give at this point.
QNA Submission:
  • 7 Days of prem time
  • Giveaway based on #D-Day
  • No new reddit accounts.
  • Will need you to message me your GT and console if I contact you primarily via Reddit DM’s.
  • If you have not responded by the time the next stream recap i will redraw the winner.
  • Will be picking the winners late Monday
  • Note: I do not know when giveaways will be credited.
submitted by zorin234 to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:05 Sm3xy_Cake Uber Fraudulent Accounts NYC

Little context why I am writing this. I work 30 hours at a takeout only restaurant and rest of the time I do doordash after college. I am located in NYC.
I have been working at this restaurant since 2023 June. At that time there was no delivery drivers wage mandate in NYC. Our sales are mostly ubereats. If we get 50 orders in uber we get 10 and 10 at dd and gh. GH is good as always. Doordash doesnt provide enough info but on the ubereats restaurant app u can see what car, name and location of the delivery rider. At that time, earlier December 2023. Delivery drivers were mostly Hispanic people. And everything was logical. Delivery drivers names were also hispanic.
However, lets come to the point. Last 3 months me and my manager figured out something is wrong with the delivery drivers account that show up in the app. Please dont judge me or I am not judging anybody.
As I said it was mostly hispanic riders and everything was logical. Now 80% of the riders are French speaking. Mostly from Afrian regions. How do I know? Well most of them enter the store and looks at me and instantly recognize I am muslim. So they start to say greetings any arabic. They speak 0 English and speak french and arabic. Um not tryna complain about language.
Here is the twist. I ask them brother whats your name. Most of them says my name is Abdul, Mohammed, Mohamadu, Abdullah. But when I look at our restaurants app I see its actually him but the names are like JASON, ANTHONY, ANDREW. It doesnt make sense. I told my manager look whats happening. Oneday me and my manager engaged in a conversation with a guy. He speaks English. I asked him his name he says brother I am Mohammed. Then I told him but it says jason. He says yes I am Mohammed Jason. If you know you know it just simply doesnt make sense.
Yesterday night my manager engaged in a conversation with another guy. He said he pays $200 a month for the ubereats driver id. I couldnt find anyone how they doing this. I need to make a friend with one of them to figure out whats going on.
I am not judging anyone based on their language, country, colour or their immigration status.
submitted by Sm3xy_Cake to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:05 Embarrassed-Rich2216 Help me find manga/anime

Hi, all I remember was that there is a hero party (probably 7) that went to attack a base, they are victorious, the main protagonist died whilst the other hero’s survive. 10 years later(might be more or less), it shows that the hero is back(reincarnated with the same name)and enters a city that has a statue of him. He also saw his previous hero party member being harassed. Then he found out that there is 7 new heroes which are a lot stronger then them, most of which has like 2 gems? The strongest one having 3. And also 7/8th mage or something like that. After awhile he had to enter a big arena for an event with forest and monsters, with one of the new heroes watching over. At one point the new hero wanted to “educate” the main protagonist as he hated his name. Then the old hero party member appeared to help him.
That’s all I can remember. Thanks for reading
submitted by Embarrassed-Rich2216 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 Georgijevic The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Virtual Reality Game Systems for Mind-Blowing Gaming Experiences - NeuroSync VR

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Virtual Reality Game Systems for Mind-Blowing Gaming Experiences - NeuroSync VR
Are you ready to immerse yourself in mind-blowing gaming experiences? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will take you on a journey to choosing the best virtual reality game systems that will transport you to another world. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the virtual reality scene, this guide has got you covered.
With the rapid advancements in technology, virtual reality gaming has become more accessible and realistic than ever before. But with so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your gaming needs. That’s where we step in.
From the top VR headset brands to the essential features you should consider, we will break down everything you need to know. Get ready to explore the various platforms, controllers, resolution, and content options that will ensure an unforgettable gaming experience.
So, if you’re ready to level up your gaming and step into another dimension, join us as we dive into the ultimate guide to choosing the best virtual reality game system. Get ready to elevate your gaming experience to new heights!

What is virtual reality gaming?
Virtual reality gaming is a cutting-edge technology that allows players to immerse themselves in a virtual world using a headset and other peripherals. It provides a unique and immersive experience where players can interact with virtual environments and objects as if they were real. By wearing a VR headset, users are transported to a digital realm where they can explore, fight, solve puzzles, and engage in various activities.
The concept of virtual reality gaming has been around for decades, but recent advancements in hardware and software have made it more accessible to the masses. Instead of playing games on a traditional screen, virtual reality gaming puts you directly into the game, allowing for a more immersive and realistic experience.
With virtual reality gaming, you can physically move around in the game space, look in any direction, and interact with objects using specialized controllers. This level of immersion creates a sense of presence and makes the gaming experience feel more real and engaging. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, battling space aliens, or racing against the clock, virtual reality gaming takes your gaming adventures to a whole new level.

Benefits of virtual reality gaming

Virtual reality gaming offers a wide range of benefits that enhance the overall gaming experience. Here are some of the key advantages of diving into the world of virtual reality gaming:
  1. Immersive Gameplay: Virtual reality gaming transports you to a whole new world, immersing you in the game like never before. With a VR headset, you can look around, move freely, and interact with objects, making the gameplay feel incredibly realistic.
  2. Physical Engagement: Unlike traditional gaming, virtual reality gaming requires physical movement, adding a whole new level of engagement and exercise to your gaming sessions. Whether it’s swinging a sword, dodging bullets, or crawling through tight spaces, virtual reality gaming gets you up and moving.
  3. Social Interaction: Virtual reality gaming isn’t just a solitary experience. Many VR games allow you to play and interact with friends and other players from around the world. Whether it’s teaming up to defeat enemies or competing against each other in multiplayer battles, virtual reality gaming offers a social experience like no other.
  4. Health and Well-being: Virtual reality gaming can have positive effects on your health and well-being. It can help reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and even provide therapeutic benefits for certain conditions. Some VR games are specifically designed for exercise and fitness, allowing you to get a workout while having fun.
  5. Limitless Possibilities: Virtual reality gaming opens up a world of possibilities. From exploring fantastical realms to experiencing historical events, virtual reality games can transport you to places and situations that would be impossible in the real world. The only limit is the imagination of game developers.

Virtual reality gaming market trends

The virtual reality gaming market has seen significant growth in recent years, with more and more players embracing this immersive technology. The market is driven by advancements in hardware and software, as well as the increasing demand for realistic and interactive gaming experiences.
One of the key trends in the virtual reality gaming market is the development of more affordable and accessible VR headsets. Early VR headsets were expensive and required powerful gaming PCs to run smoothly. However, newer models are more affordable and can be used with gaming consoles or even standalone, eliminating the need for a high-end PC.
Another trend in the market is the introduction of wireless VR headsets. These headsets offer a greater degree of freedom, allowing players to move around without being tethered to a PC or console. Wireless VR headsets use technologies like inside-out tracking to detect the player’s movements, providing a more immersive and seamless experience.
Content is also a significant driver of the virtual reality gaming market. As more developers create VR games and experiences, the library of available content continues to grow. From action-packed adventures to puzzle-solving mysteries, there’s a virtual reality game for every genre and taste.
Additionally, virtual reality is not limited to gaming alone. The technology is being adopted in other industries such as education, healthcare, and training. Virtual reality can be used for immersive learning experiences, virtual therapy sessions, and realistic simulations for training purposes. This diversification of virtual reality applications is expected to further boost the market in the coming years.

Factors to consider when choosing a virtual reality game system

When choosing a virtual reality game system, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you get the best gaming experience possible. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
  1. Platform Compatibility: Before investing in a virtual reality game system, make sure that it is compatible with your gaming platform of choice. Some VR headsets are designed specifically for PC gaming, while others are compatible with gaming consoles or standalone devices. Check the system requirements and compatibility before making a purchase.
  2. Resolution and Display Quality: The resolution and display quality of a virtual reality headset greatly impact the visual experience. Higher resolution headsets offer sharper and more detailed visuals, enhancing the immersion. Look for headsets with at least 1080p resolution or higher for optimal visual quality.
  3. Field of View: The field of view (FOV) refers to the extent of the virtual world that is visible to the player. A wider FOV provides a more immersive experience, as it allows for better peripheral vision. Look for headsets with a FOV of at least 90 degrees or higher.
  4. Comfort and Fit: Since virtual reality gaming involves wearing a headset for extended periods, comfort and fit are crucial. Look for headsets that are adjustable, lightweight, and have cushioning for added comfort. Consider the weight distribution and ergonomic design to ensure a comfortable gaming experience.
  5. Tracking and Controllers: Tracking technology is essential for accurately capturing your movements in virtual reality. Look for systems that offer precise tracking, whether through external sensors or inside-out tracking. Additionally, consider the type of controllers included with the system. Controllers with motion tracking capabilities provide a more immersive and intuitive gaming experience.
  6. Content Availability: The availability of quality content is a vital factor in choosing a virtual reality game system. Look for systems that have a diverse library of games and experiences that align with your gaming preferences. Consider the genres, gameplay styles, and developers behind the available content to ensure a satisfying gaming experience.
By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose a virtual reality game system that suits your gaming needs and preferences.

Popular virtual reality game systems in the market

The virtual reality gaming market is flooded with a wide range of game systems from various brands. Here are some of the most popular virtual reality game systems currently available:
  1. Oculus Rift: The Oculus Rift is one of the most well-known virtual reality headsets on the market. Developed by Oculus VR, a subsidiary of Facebook, the Rift offers a high-quality VR experience with excellent resolution, comfort, and tracking capabilities. It requires a compatible gaming PC to run and has a vast library of games and experiences.
  2. PlayStation VR: Developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, the PlayStation VR is designed specifically for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles. It offers an affordable entry point into virtual reality gaming, with a wide range of games and experiences available. The PlayStation VR headset provides a comfortable fit and has a solid tracking system.
  3. HTC Vive: The HTC Vive is a premium virtual reality system that offers a high level of immersion and realism. Developed by HTC and Valve Corporation, the Vive features room-scale tracking, allowing players to move around in a designated play area. It requires a gaming PC to run and has a growing library of games and experiences.
  4. Valve Index: The Valve Index is a high-end virtual reality system developed by Valve Corporation. It offers one of the best visual experiences with high-resolution displays and a wide field of view. The Index features precise tracking and comes with advanced controllers that offer finger-tracking capabilities. It requires a powerful gaming PC to run and has a selection of high-quality games.
  5. Oculus Quest 2: The Oculus Quest 2 is a standalone virtual reality headset that does not require a PC or console. It offers an all-in-one solution for virtual reality gaming, with built-in tracking and controllers. The Quest 2 is more affordable than its predecessor and has a growing library of games and experiences.
These are just a few examples of the virtual reality game systems available on the market. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to consider your gaming preferences and budget when making a decision.

Comparison of virtual reality game system specifications and features

To make an informed decision when choosing a virtual reality game system, it’s essential to compare the specifications and features of different systems. Here is a comparison of some key specifications and features to consider:
  1. Resolution: Higher resolution headsets offer sharper and more detailed visuals. Oculus Quest 2 and Valve Index both offer a resolution of 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye, while PlayStation VR has a resolution of 960 x 1080 pixels per eye.
  2. Field of View: A wider field of view enhances the immersion. Valve Index offers a field of view of 130 degrees, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR have a field of view of around 100 degrees.
  3. Refresh Rate: The refresh rate determines how many frames per second the headset can display, affecting the smoothness of the visuals. Valve Index has a refresh rate of up to 144Hz, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR have a refresh rate of 72Hz and 120Hz, respectively.
  4. Tracking: Tracking technology is crucial for accurately capturing your movements in virtual reality. Valve Index and HTC Vive utilize external base stations for precise tracking, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR use inside-out tracking.
  5. Controllers: The type of controllers included with the system greatly impacts the gaming experience. Valve Index controllers offer advanced finger-tracking capabilities, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR come with standard motion-tracked controllers.
  6. Content Library: The availability of quality content is vital. Oculus Quest 2 has a growing library of games and experiences, while PlayStation VR offers a wide range of games specifically designed for the PlayStation platform.
By comparing these specifications and features, you can determine which virtual reality game system aligns best with your gaming preferences and requirements.

Virtual reality game system accessories and add-ons

In addition to the virtual reality game system itself, there are several accessories and add-ons that can enhance your gaming experience. Here are some popular accessories to consider:
  1. VR-Compatible Gaming PCs: If you’re considering a virtual reality game system that requires a gaming PC, ensure that your PC meets the system requirements. Upgrading your PC’s graphics card or adding more RAM may be necessary for optimal performance.
  2. Additional Controllers: Some virtual reality games and experiences may benefit from having additional controllers. Consider purchasing extra controllers for multiplayer games or games that require specialized input devices.
  3. VR-Compatible Headphones: While most virtual reality headsets have built-in audio, using external headphones can provide a more immersive and high-quality audio experience. Look for headphones that are comfortable to wear with the headset and provide excellent sound quality.
  4. VR Covers: Extended gaming sessions can be uncomfortable, especially if you’re wearing a headset for an extended period. Consider purchasing VR covers or comfort enhancements like foam replacements or head strap padding to improve comfort during gaming.
  5. Comfort Enhancements: VR Chairs or VR Platforms. Comfort during gameplay is paramount for players health. Platforms like C-Infinity enable the players to emerse them self in a long and comfortable gameplay.
  6. Wireless Adapters: If your virtual reality game system supports it, a wireless adapter can provide greater freedom of movement by eliminating the need for a tethered connection to a PC or console. This can greatly enhance the immersion and overall gaming experience.
  7. VR Stand or Mount: A VR stand or mount can help keep your virtual reality headset and controllers organized and protected when not in use. Look for stands or mounts that are specifically designed for your headset model to ensure a secure and stable display.
These accessories and add-ons can enhance your virtual reality gaming experience and provide added comfort, convenience, and immersion.

Virtual reality game system compatibility and requirements

Before purchasing a virtual reality game system, it’s important to consider the compatibility and system requirements to ensure that it will work seamlessly with your existing setup. Here are some compatibility factors and requirements to keep in mind:
  1. Gaming Platform: Determine whether the virtual reality game system is compatible with your gaming platform of choice. Some systems are designed specifically for PC gaming, while others are compatible with gaming consoles or standalone devices.
  2. System Specifications: Check the system requirements of the virtual reality game system. Ensure that your PC or console meets the minimum specifications for optimal performance. Pay attention to the required graphics card, processor, RAM, and storage space.
  3. Space Requirements: Some virtual reality game systems, especially those that offer room-scale tracking, require a designated play area. Ensure that you have enough space in your gaming area to move around comfortably without any obstructions.
  4. Internet Connection: An internet connection may be required for initial setup, firmware updates, and downloading games and experiences. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to enjoy the full capabilities of the virtual reality game system.
  5. Power Requirements: Virtual reality game systems may require additional power outlets or USB ports for charging controllers or connecting peripherals. Ensure that you have enough power sources available to accommodate the system’s requirements.
By considering these compatibility factors and requirements, you can ensure a smooth setup and optimal performance of your virtual reality game system.
submitted by Georgijevic to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 Professional_War_450 Any idea what this could be?

Age: 30
Sex: F
Height: 160cm
Weight: 53kg
Race: Irish
Duration of complaint: 3 years
Location: Head/base of skull
Any existing relevant medical issues: Chiari type 1, very symptomatic PVCs with inappropriate sinus tachycardia (possible POTS, post COVID)
Current medications: None
Include a photo if relevant: N/A
For a few years now I have been getting this small clicking sensation/noise in the back of my head at the base of my skull. It’s as if a tiny bubble bursts with each beat of my pulse.
It only happens me once or twice a year but can last for weeks. It’s not consistent, it happens when I move my head/neck in certain directions.
I’ve had an MRI, nothing to note other than a 10mm herniation due to chiari malformation type 1 (asymptomatic, mostly).
I do definitely feel pressure in my head when it’s happening. Currently I’m sick so there’s likely inflammation in my throat/sinuses etc causing more pressure. But what is this mysterious ticking noise?! (Extra points if you get the reference)
submitted by Professional_War_450 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 WizardMan9994 Theory about twokinds

As I am writing this I am on 3 hours of sleep and a bunch of caffeine and sugar to keep me functionig as a sentient human being, anyways expect Alot of errors, gramatical mistakes and other mistakes, because as I mentioned I am not in greatest state right now, also my information may or may not be incorrect, anyways onto the theory. This post will mainly focus on proof, and wont have the main theory yet, as I am still working out on it, trying to make sense of the monstrosity I am trying to think out.
TwoKinds takes place in the future. Yes I know sounds stupid, since there is alot of counter proof against this theory and much more However there is just too much refrences in the comic.
Now time for proof.
1.templar towers
Yes the giant towers that serve as mana conduits, as the blueprints show the templar towers collect mana out of the ground, and also work as conductors for mana, it's a multi purpose structure, but dosent it seem awfully similar to something? Powergrids in our own world, they collect and transfer energy, in this case, mana, it takes it from the ground, (very similar to fossil fuels or even geo thermal energy). But hey everyone could figure that out, right? Since humans needed to recharge or some support for their mana, right?
  1. A dish that shouldnt exist in the comic.
Which dish am I talking about? Pizza ofcourse in comic from 2004 may 7 (yes I really know I shouldnt base my proof on very old pages since it was like 2 decades ago but, on the other hand it's on the cannon timeline) anyways, the chapter has a pizza delivery guy, Tom's delivery pizza. But that's the problem, pizza was documented the earliedt 997 A.D, in Italy which dosent exist in twokinds, and mekkan takes place in the year 482, something does not check out, how would they have a dish from the future? Unless... It's just a artistic and plot choice, or the dish existed in the past. As we probably know it's year 482 however what was before that year, another era?
  1. Fireworks
As seen in comic of may 5 2006 fireworks were present, furthermore, the characters said out the name outloud, they were aware of the concept of fireworks, and as we know fireworks are essentially gunpowder, however there are multiple points.
• How did they "discover" gunpowder in the first place, even though they have magic, they should still be researching gunpowder, as they have crossbows and other medival equipment, that means if they observed the effect, why wouldnt they try experimenting with it • alright if fireworks arent really gunpowder based, does that mean they are mana based? If yes, where does the "fireworks" come from why isnt it classified in another way? I mean can be artistic choice tho (from my research, the fireworks might have gotten their nickname in 1500s however I may be very wrong and I need input on that one and all of the post)
Last one, which I havent been able to get is more concepts from our world in the comic, that's the part where I need help, I need you to tell me all the moments you know where there are mentions of concepts from our world in the comic, or any similar situation, anyways.
Thank you for reading that, sort of stupid post, but once again I am barley a functioning being at this point, I continue to slam my keyboard hoping something decent comes out of this. Anyways I need your input on this before I attempt making full fledged theory.
submitted by WizardMan9994 to Twokinds [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:58 2fucked2know Advice for the signs who unintentionally hurt people through their bluntness and/or jokes, coming from an AuDHD Sagittarius with a Virgo Mars and Cap stellium

Maybe it's a matter of playful roasts as a way of showing affection. Maybe it's about very straight forward communication. Regardless, if we end up hurting the people around us or making them feel small, we need to become self aware and change. Here are the things that have worked for me:
  1. Be attentive. This is easier for the more outgoing and intuitive signs; Sagittarians are usually very capable of this, our issue being that we have our heads in the clouds, are aloof/detached and/or are focused on other things. I struggle with reading body language and tone of voice (autistic lol), but have found that I'm even signigicantly better at reading people's eyes than neurotypicals. If I make an effort to stay aware of how the look in their eyes change based on my words and actions, I usually know where they're at. If you struggle with this, a good thumb rule is to avoid roasting people who don't roast you back, and testing the water by making veeery light roasts at first to see how they react to that. When it comes to bluntness, and you struggle with intuition, you can go straight to point two.
  2. Communicate. Make sure people around you know that you truly want them to let you know if you ever make them feel hurt, invalidated, bossed around or uncomfortable. Like, really emphasize it. Tell them that you know you come off that way sometimes, that you respect them, want them to feel seen and comfortable around you and care about their feelings and opinions. If it's about having a tendency of coming off as arrogant and bossy, start making a habit out of asking questions about their ideas, wants and opinions, and actually listen. Try to compromise if they disagree even after having had an mutually open discussion; even when it doesn't feel like the most logical way of doing something, meeting them halfway is usually worth it. Also, if you're wanna critisize or give people advice simply cause you care, ASK if they want help or advice. And if they reject it, don't assume you know what's best for them, let them figure it out on their own.
  3. Think before you speak. This can be hard for more unfiltered people (like my ADHD Sag ass), but it's not undoable. If you're gonna point something out, ask yourself if it might hurt that person. If so, figure out how to say it in a way that doesn't make them feel attacked. If there is a risk of hurting them, you should also ask yourself if it's necessary to say anything at all. Is it gonna do more harm than good? Then stay quiet about it, unless they ask for your opinion. Not stating your opinion when it's unasked for and uneccessary isn't the same as being dishonest.
  4. Take accountability if you hurt them/made them feel disrespected. Explaining your intentions is good and all, but you need to recognize that their feelings are valid and let them know you feel that way. Apologize and assure them that you will do your very best to do better in the future, and then actually put in that effort (don't promise something you're not sure you can live up to though - chances are you'll mess up at some point; we're only human, and things like this can take time). I also make sure to thank people for telling me, and express appreciation for their honesty. Bringing up that shit is hard for a lot of people, so make sure to give them cred for it.
  5. Balance it up with compliments, appreciation, validation and reassurance, even if someone thinks your roasts are fun or ask for constructive criticism. Seriously. Giving people positive affirmations is important even with people you don't playfully make fun of or critisize, but it's VITAL when you do.
Do as you wish with this advice - but it works for me. If anyone has anything to add, please do. ❤️
submitted by 2fucked2know to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:57 Rando-Cal-Rissian Meets / test

Thanks for this great post. There is a lot to unpack here.
I do tend to play devil's advocate a lot - not for the sake of "argument", but just to practice (and encourage the practice of) adopting different points of view. Additionally, I would say my experience has led me to a differing point of view with you, and that's okay. Ultimately, in this regards, I completely agree with WillingnessGeneral69 when they said...
However, here's my take. Not official AA or CoDA, but I like to think it's an experienced opinion.
OP said...
That is a natural and understandable interpretation of what is happening, to be sure. But I would respectfully disagree. It only reduces the person down to the disease or condition IF they let it. I could run down a list of dozens of adjectives, conditions or statuses that apply to me, but I am not just those things. I am not my name either, that name is a label or symbol that stands for me. All those things may be a part of my identity, or they may be passing coincidences. But none of them are me; I am a combination of those things, along with my past, my will, my mind, my body and my soul.
One of the purposes of the repetition is to try to fully integrate (or display that the integration has succeeded) a concept that is a very bitter pill for most people to swallow. It is natural for people to resist deep acknowledgment and acceptance of any condition that requires a twelve step program. And especially with the substance abuse 12-steps, if there is no deep acceptance (step 1), there can be no meaningful or lasting sobriety. It's acknowledgement that one's point of progress is greater than their disdain for the stigma of whatever the shared negative condition is. It's also a sign that one is more likely to be more accepting of those in the meeting, not putting up the barrier of "well, I'm not as far gone as you, so I don't know if I can get anything out of this meeting, or program".
Because plenty of people go to these meetings because they "might" be need help with... whatever the meeting is for. And alot of fencestraddlers are deep down, looking to find something that tells them... "see, I'm not like them, I don't fit in here, I can go back to doing things my way, and find a different solution to my problem". Looking for a justification, not a solution. Not everyone, but it's very common in my experience.
Or to put it another way, Step 1 can be thought of as "I can't", step 2: "He can", step 3: "I'll let Him". And when an alcoholic identifies him or herself at a meeting this way, he or she is telling the meeting "I'm not fighting it in that way we all do to an extent when we first come into the rooms". I do agree, it is a little less appropriate in CoDA than it is in substance based meetings - that is my opinion, as the codependent condition is notoriously nebulous. Let us not forget, this program was adapted from AA. I believe the founders endeavor only to modify as little as possible, only where needed. Just to be sure they don't change too much and lose effectiveness.
It's not meant to be identity defining, but it is an avenue of identifying with one another, and that's very important.
When one feels it is accurate and acceptable, it is good to put modifiers around it. I'm Rando, and I'm a grateful and happy Codependent. Or if we wanted to dabble in political advocacy... I'm Rando, and I'm a person in long term recovery from substance abuse and codependency. It shows a degree of triumph. A humble brag. It says "If I can do it, you can too."
By the way, I got that second one from the documentary "The Anonymous People", which focuses on addiction as much as it focuses on stigma, and stigma is sort of related to this convo, I believe. Free on, if your library district participates.
For many, pride (or hatred of the stigma, and it's low status and perceived weakness) can be a barrier to acceptance. I've seen it happen to people.... and those people aren't with us anymore. Humility, much like gratitude, is developed with practice, and repetition.
That is interesting. Just to rule out typos... are you saying you removed the contraction (I'm/I am) and it helped your perspective in this matter? Not being sarcastic or judgmental, I'm just making sure I understand. If so, very cool.
submitted by Rando-Cal-Rissian to Test_Posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:56 No_Radio_5751 Is my therapist doing her job?

So I've been seeing my counselor for 4 sessions now, mostly to deal with past trauma but also to evaluate my relationships, and because she's specialized in autism (I haven't been diagnosed but at thus point even she suspects I have it and referred me).
Anyways, I've found her feedback to be helpful generally but this is my first time in therapy (mid 20s here) so I just want extra opinions on whether my concerns mean she isn't doing her job properly?
Some of those concerns include: 1)not writing down notes during sessions. Idk if she's recording or anything, I know I should just ask. But while she does remember the main issues/people in my stories, I do find myself reminding her unconsciously of some details just in case. part of me thinks she should have active note-taking going on.
2) When I ask for therapy homework up to this point she's just told me to keep reading the book she recommended. I even told her I intellectualize a lot but don't necessarily know how to process and apply that information, yet at the end of the day she just said that. Like, when I'm done reading the book, then what?
3) She can be prone to interrupting. I know I should make therapy sessions a conversation of sorts and take her feedback, which I try to, but if I'm getting interrupted in the meatiest part of my trauma story, I feel you might miss important details or brush it aside for the sake of the "conversation".
These are just a few of my qualms with my current therapist, and I just want to know if I'm bring crazy or if there's validity to my concerns and that maybe I should look for another therapist? I only have 9 sessions left with my employer and don't want to waste them. That said, overall, she's decent based on what I can infer.
submitted by No_Radio_5751 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:56 No_Radio_5751 Is my therapist doing her job well enough?

So I've been seeing my counselor for 4 sessions now, mostly to deal with past trauma but also to evaluate my relationships, and because she's specialized in autism (I haven't been diagnosed but at thus point even she suspects I have it and referred me).
Anyways, I've found her feedback to be helpful generally but this is my first time in therapy (mid 20s here) so I just want extra opinions on whether my concerns mean she isn't doing her job properly?
Some of those concerns include: 1)not writing down notes during sessions. Idk if she's recording or anything, I know I should just ask. But while she does remember the main issues/people in my stories, I do find myself reminding her unconsciously of some details just in case. part of me thinks she should have active note-taking going on.
2) When I ask for therapy homework up to this point she's just told me to keep reading the book she recommended. I even told her I intellectualize a lot but don't necessarily know how to process and apply that information, yet at the end of the day she just said that. Like, when I'm done reading the book, then what?
3) She can be prone to interrupting. I know I should make therapy sessions a conversation of sorts and take her feedback, which I try to, but if I'm getting interrupted in the meatiest part of my trauma story, I feel you might miss important details or brush it aside for the sake of the "conversation".
These are just a few of my qualms with my current therapist, and I just want to know if I'm bring crazy or if there's validity to my concerns and that maybe I should look for another therapist? I only have 9 sessions left with my employer and don't want to waste them. That said, overall, she's decent based on what I can infer.
submitted by No_Radio_5751 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:55 Realistic_Complex539 Where am I from?

Where am I from?
This one is easy, guess where I'm from based on where I've been. Bonus points if you can guess my job, if you do I'll say where else I've been.
submitted by Realistic_Complex539 to TravelMaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:54 No_Radio_5751 Is my therapist doing her job well enough?

So I've been seeing my counselor for 4 sessions now, mostly to deal with past trauma but also to evaluate my relationships, and because she's specialized in autism (I haven't been diagnosed but at thus point even she suspects I have it and referred me).
Anyways, I've found her feedback to be helpful generally but this is my first time in therapy (mid 20s here) so I just want extra opinions on whether my concerns mean she isn't doing her job properly?
Some of those concerns include: 1)not writing down notes during sessions. Idk if she's recording or anything, I know I should just ask. But while she does remember the main issues/people in my stories, I do find myself reminding her unconsciously of some details just in case. part of me thinks she should have active note-taking going on.
2) When I ask for therapy homework up to this point she's just told me to keep reading the book she recommended. I even told her I intellectualize a lot but don't necessarily know how to process and apply that information, yet at the end of the day she just said that. Like, when I'm done reading the book, then what?
3) She can be prone to interrupting. I know I should make therapy sessions a conversation of sorts and take her feedback, which I try to, but if I'm getting interrupted in the meatiest part of my trauma story, I feel you might miss important details or brush it aside for the sake of the "conversation".
These are just a few of my qualms with my current therapist, and I just want to know if I'm bring crazy or if there's validity to my concerns and that maybe I should look for another therapist? I only have 9 sessions left with my employer and don't want to waste them. That said, overall, she's decent based on what I can judge.
submitted by No_Radio_5751 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:51 Plastic-Major162 Persistent tachypnea: 5 weeks and counting

This will probably fall outside of most people’s expertise as my son was born at 41 +4 (uneventful VBAC delivery), but I am at my absolute lowest point in my life and I am desperate for help/guidance/answers.
Since birth (8 lb 5 oz), my son has had tachypnea ranging from 60s-100s. It is pretty much constant. The only instances where his breathing falls within normal range are when he is in deep sleep and upright or on his belly. His SpO2 has remained in the mid to high 90s throughout. He has had 1 desat episode that I am not convinced was accurate. He does not appear to be working hard through these respirations. He has no nasal flaring. Physicians have noted very mild retractions but have never seemed concerned by them. He eats very often and has thus far gained weight very well. He is not great on breast, but drinks breast milk from the bottle very well. He has no trouble taking drinks in between breaths. He is very sleepy very often. At times, I have worried that he sleeps too much. We have been told ad nauseum that he “looks good!”
Here is a rundown of his work up to date:
HOSPITAL STAY #1, 1st week of life
My son was sent to the ER after his SpO2 was noted to be in the mid 80s at his initial pediatrician visit. I did not see a good waveform on this read and he was satting 98-100% on room air when he got to the ER. This is why I am not sure it was accurate.
The ER monitored him for a time and diagnosed him with a BRUE. We were about to leave when my wife noticed that he seemed to be passing out after runs of particularly fast breathing. This earned us a transport to a children’s hospital.
During this inpatient stay, he was cleared by neuro, cardiac, and infectious disease as causes of tachypnea. Our son underwent a 24 hour EEG, head ultrasound, EKG, echocardiogram, chest X-ray, and full sepsis work up. All came back negative. His brief “passing out” episodes resolved after a day. He received 48 hours of antibiotics to cover possible infection.
The only thing that was out of the ordinary during this stay was a mildly elevated lactate of 3.1. This led some physicians to suspect an inborn error of metabolism causing metabolic acidosis. This was horrifying as these diseases are often very severe. Oddly enough, however, they moved on from that theory the next day. We were told that lactate is a very nonspecific finding in infants. Our son’s ammonia level was normal which seemed to be the most reassuring data point to our care team. His venous blood gas was satisfactory. We were discharged and told that he would grow out of it.
Worth noting that he was on oxygen when he went inpatient and it did nothing to his respirations.
HOSPITAL STAY #2, 2nd week of life
I called our pediatrician when I noted a sustained tachypnea at 100 breaths per min. She told us to go back to ER. He was put on the monitor and was satting high 90s again. A lactate was drawn again in the ED which came back at 3.9. Terrifying! Or nothing? Inborn Errors of Metabolism were back on the table. An on call geneticist had the team draw a slew of metabolic labs that would take weeks to come back. We were admitted again, this time to the PICU.
EKG negative again. Lumbar puncture negative for infection along with blood and urine. LP revealed a negative lactate which we are told is a more reliable indicator for metabolic disease than the blood lactate. Brain MRI negative. Many viruses tested for and found negative. Another 48 hours of antibiotics just in case. Repeat CXR negative.
We started to notice some potential GERD, so we started Pepcid in the hopes it was causing the fast breathing. No luck. He did seem to perk up and look around more on his IV fluids which had dextrose in them.
We were discharged on the notion that there was no more testing they would do until the metabolic lab work returned, which would take weeks. Again we were told, he will probably grow out of it.
ER VISIT, 2nd week of life
Not a day after our last discharge, baby’s whole leg turned blue. We rushed back to the ER. His leg returned to normal color within minutes of us noticing. In the ER, his spo2 was high 90s with a normal heart rate (HR has always been normal). A repeat echocardiogram in the ER was negative. Acrocyanosis was diagnosed. This was probably caused by a temperature change. We have not seen it since. We were not admitted that night.
Metabolic lab work showed a slightly low carnitine, normal acylcarnitine, and a weird mixture of amino acids in the urine. The amino acids in the urine scared the hell out of us. I thought it was diagnostic of a metabolic disease. Our geneticist, however, said that she reviewed the findings with her team and it was deemed to represent an immature liver. She was not concerned. She believed that his liver would mature and the levels would normalize. She effectively told us that we could rule out metabolic causes at that point, but she offered genetic sequencing if we wanted to be completely sure. His newborn screening was completely normal.
ENT scope negative.
A chest CT to check for interstitial lung disease revealed these findings:
CHEST: LUNGS/AIRWAYS/PLEURA: The central airways are grossly patent. Mild hazy groundglass opacities could be atelectasis or mild pneumonitis, surfactant deficiency could appear similar. This appearance is generalized, and not specific to the right middle lobe or lingula (as can be seen in NEHI). Small lucency at the posterior medial right lung base could be small amount of air trapping or small cystic lesion measuring on order of 0.7 x 0.2 cm. This is the only well-defined lucent all focus which could reflect air trapping (no overall pattern of mosaic system to suggest air-trapping as can be seen in NEHI). No effusion or pneumothorax. HEART/VESSELS: The heart is normal in size without pericardial effusion. MEDIASTINUM/HILA: Limited evaluation of the hila without IV contrast. No obvious enlarged mediastinal lymphadenopathy. CHEST WALL AND LOWER NECK: The imaged thyroid gland appears intact. No axillary or subpectoral lymphadenopathy is identified.
Our pulmonologist called and said he reviewed the scan himself and that it was essentially negative. He started an empiric course of steroids which have not reduced the breathing rate. The steroids have, however, made our son much more alert and awake and attentive. He has been finding our faces and smiling. They may also been making his colic (yes he is a very colicky baby on top of all of this) a bit worse. We have seen him briefly lift his head off the boppy. We have seen him focusing on high contrast images.
His stools are normal. He makes plenty of wet diapers. He has good muscle tone. His overall condition hasn’t really changed throughout
My current concerns: Are we certain we can rule out metabolic disease? CT scan showed possible surfactant deficiency?? Shouldn’t we follow up on that? What else could this be? Neuromuscular disease? If it were to resolve on its own, when would that happen? My son is back to being very sleepy! Is that a brain process? Did we test too early? Is he going to start showing developmental delay?
I cannot eat or find a moments peace. If anyone has any light to shed, I would appreciate it so very much. Thank you.
submitted by Plastic-Major162 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:51 ksafin Project Idea: Tool for finding points of interest along metro lines

I wanted to work at a cafe away from home today, and I wanted to get there by metro.
I could google around near the lines on google maps to find something, but it's pretty time consuming and imperfect.
It would be a hell of a utility to have an app or website that showed all of the great attractions within a ~10-20 min walk from every metro stop. Could be cafes, points of interests, entertainment, stores - ideally based on how populanoteworthy they are.
Then instead of having to pick What line am I going to go down -> Let me search for cafe's incrementally along this line until I find something you could just look down a list of cafe's, find what you like, and then determine how you'd get there by Metro after finding it.
Anyways, just a thought! Doesn't sound too challenging but I don't have the time/energy myself and wanted to share and see if other people thought this could be useful!
submitted by ksafin to LAMetro [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:48 Traditional_Elk7068 M26 vasculitis affecting tongue/mouth

Hello I am a 26m who was recently diagnosed with urticarial vasculitis based on a skin biopsy. I’m unsure if that is 100% the diagnosis as I still have to meet with an allergist and rheumatologist. I had my very first manifestation of the condition in late December and I had purpuric lesions on my legs, butt, and lower abdomen as well as petechiae on my arms. I did notice some lesions on my tongue at that time, but it was around the same time I was hospitalized and they cleared up shortly after starting treatment. I also had mild hematuria and proteinuria that resolved as treatment progressed.
I went into remission in early January after 5 days in the hospital and I was asymptomatic until late April when I started noticing purpura on my legs again. This time, the flare up is mild and the lesions are limited to my lower legs and are less in number and smaller in size and clear up in a few days before new ones pop up.
My main concern is that two weeks ago, I started noticing some lesions on my mouth/tongue as well as a bit of a sore throat and some sinus discomfort. I also noticed my temperature would elevate slightly to about 99.3 F and my face would feel flushed, but no fever. I am currently on 20mg prednisone/day which has alleviated symptoms, but I still see the inflammation on my tongue/mouth and my throat is still a little sore and raspy at times. I had bloodwork and urine done two weeks ago to make sure none of my organs were being affected and everything came back good. At what point should I go to urgent care or the ED for this?
Pictures of mouth:
All test results + pictures of skin lesions:
submitted by Traditional_Elk7068 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 d2clon A beautiful challenge

Hello, people. I would like to ask for your suggestions and guidance to help me succeed in my next challenge.
I am joining a new team to help them with their legacy code, which is full of tech debt and untested code. I will lead and inspire a continuous path toward improving the base code in terms of quality, consistency, maintainability, scalability, etc.
I am an experienced Rails developer with over 20 years on the battle field. However, this doesn't mean I am aware of all the best and most current quality standards.
My approach would be:
  1. Go through the code and try to figure out what each piece is doing.
  2. Measure the actual code coverage and elevate it to close to 100%.
  3. Implement a few basic System Tests to cover at least the main happy paths.
  4. Integrate Rubocop (Reek?, Brakeman?, Fasterer?) and other linters and code smell detectors.
    1. This can be a deep rabbit hole. I assume I will only activate for new commits.
  5. Upgrade the gems.
  6. Upgrade toward Rails 7.X
  7. Add monitoring and telemetry: OpenTelemetry for traces. Prometheus for HTTP requests and custom metrics. Promtail and Loki for logs. Grafana as dashboard.
  8. Implement quality processes among the team: PullRequest review, Quality checks, ... (this is very vague) involving the team on this process is crucial.
  9. ...
I am wondering if there is a nice repository of these quality standards, maybe a book about "cleaning up tech debt and updating legacy code". What are your comments about the above points? What are your suggestions? Have you had experience with something similar?
submitted by d2clon to rails [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 Diakritik +70.5 points ES trade; + 50.25 points NQ trade: Add to your Winners.

+70.5 points ES trade; + 50.25 points NQ trade: Add to your Winners.
... seriously, listen to Tom Hougaard.
Hi there,
long time no see bois n girls, I've been inactive in trading as a whole and the chat/channel knows it as well and I'm sorry for that. Past few weeks I was taking some time off in Philippines, resting and celebrating the best trade of my life that I've taken in swing trading cocoa this year - I documented the trade almost day by day in the chat as it happened and the total net gain was in 6 figures so there was a reason to celebrate. Might post about it here some time later as well.
I generally have little time as well as motivation to post but if I have a very good day in terms of very nice trades in teachable way for My System that can showcase it really well, I'll try to take some time and post about it.
ES trade
I'm currently trading on a new platform that I'm definitely not promoting here as it's complete and utter shit and we all know it looks like a special needs kid of tradovate and tradingview and the icing on the cake is that it just doesn't show your bloody trades on the chart... So at least for the visuals, posting like this.
For some time now, trying out the tick strategy that is actually not that much different from time-based principles of My System as I switched my priorities and prefer to take 1-2 high probability trades a day and be done ASAP.
On the 2000t, we are above the 200ema (looking for longs), we bounced off the Teeth of the Gator but failed to finish above the Lips. Bounced again from the area between the Teeth and Jaw/200ema and in this run, we finished above the lips - I entered Buy ES 1 @5356.25.
Adding to a winner
Most important part of this post and the reason I decided to take some time and post. One of the main philosophies of the OG Tom Hougaard is that you should add to your winners. And you should indeed. And this trade is prime example why. I did nothing special but after being a very shortly in negative followed by trade turning again in my favour, confirming my thesis, I added another contract to a position I believed in. The techincals are nothing special and consistent with what I use for years - it tested the Teeth, got rejected, pullbacked and finished above the Lips = I add to the position. On the picture, it's depicted with yellow (orange?) circles - I added to the winning trade 3 times, with overall position of 4 ES contracts.
Exit & The Difference
I exited by predetermined TP of +20 points from the first entry and it was a good decision. And what's the difference of a usual trade of 1 contract and the way of trading with adding to a winner? In the first case, even that trade would be a killer - getting 20 points of ES in a trade is insanely good. What's even more insane? The second case - trade with adding to a winner - as it eventually netted a combined gain of +70.5 points (!). That's 3.5x bigger gain than with just one contract. Hope this makes you starting to see and follow.
NQ trade
Pity I didn't follow Nasdaq and didn't go for that juicy trade earlier with bounce off the Teeth and finish above the Lips but I did go for the depicted one.
We dipped to the area between Teeth and Jaw and in a quite confident candle went back up all the way above the Lips. Good enough for me = entry. We retested Lips and went for the moon. According to the second rule of adding to a position (new high reached), I scaled in with one more contract of NQ. This was a scalp trade that happened rather quickly - as it often does with Nasdaq - and netted +50.25 points gain in under 5 minutes. Seriously not too shabby.
Adding to a winner here meant additional extra +10 points for no work whatsoever. On the contrary, my aim was TP of +$1,000 and adding the second contract helped to reach it sooner. Another powerful aspect of adding to a winner.
Bottom line
Hope these trades, especially the first one, helped you to see how powerful the concept of adding to a winner actually is. It compounds your overall gain and gets you to your desired gain sooner. On the other hand, always keep in mind that with bigger position, the downside also means a bigger risk and you need to count that in with your stop loss. As with everything, it's not just perfect concept with no drawbacks.
Overall, concept of adding to a winner can be a very powerful tool. It's like turning on that gov compound interest calculator and dreaming what your long term investments will look like in 25 years but in the setting of intraday trading, seeing the results within the minutes. Adding to a winner in daytrading world is what compound interest is in long term investments world - not in a technical sense but by its overall significance.
Hope you're having a good time trading, good luck to everyone!
submitted by Diakritik to FuturesTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 GSW90 I got the #1 spot on the Top Dog Challenge, but it won't matter because I'll still lose the event to people who don't have work or obligations.

I got the #1 spot on the Top Dog Challenge, but it won't matter because I'll still lose the event to people who don't have work or obligations.
Am I reading this incorrectly? Do you really only win this event by playing more than everyone else, as opposed to playing better than everyone else? There's no rank-locking for your highest achieved rank during the event or anything? This is like mobile game level of toxic "constant play appeal" if this is actually what PFG is going for. It's becoming extremely difficult to support any decision this game makes.
submitted by GSW90 to MultiVersus [link] [comments]