Can you get influenza during the summer

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2011.01.19 09:02 airmandan First World Problems: Lost the remote, now begins the arduous trek to the TV to switch it manually.

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2024.06.09 05:52 joni_cloud When can you leave a new puppy alone

We are getting a new puppy on Tuesday. I can’t wait. I will be home all summer and so will my 2 teens so she won’t be alone for long periods of time for the first few months. But what about errands, food shopping etc? Do you wait until they are okay in the crate? Then leave them in there when you are gone an hour or 2?
submitted by joni_cloud to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:51 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:50 sacred-heart-marmar I 26f caught Boyfriend 30M lying about talking to ex, should I forgive him or move on?

I really need advice. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years but did take a 3 month break in the fall of 2023. since getting back together things have been pretty wonderful, only struggling with some of the same hiccups, but working through them better than we did previously. I just took a 2week trip with him to the east coast. And on the last day I found out he’s been lying to me about being in contact with his ex. I don’t know if I can forgive him or not. I feel blindsided, devastated, deceived, and manipulated. I love him and truly thought we’d share a future together. Now I want to preface the texting situation by saying that he wasn’t texting her anything inappropriate necessarily but was talking with her too closely for my liking, I’d say emotion support and maybe very minor flirting / overly friendliness. Im more devastated about the lying part and the fact that it didn’t seem like a minor lie- but a very strategic one. He’s told me multiple times he hasn’t spoken to her except when we first broke up he did contact her to see how she was doing. (Which doesn’t bother me I guess because we weren’t together anyway and I was surprised he even told me I guess. ) He really values her as a friend and said he doesn’t want to be with her but for some reason it seems like he can’t just let her go. I do understand some of us are friends with our exes over time but when we very first started dating she called him drunk and still wanted to be together, so I’ve clearly expressed I’m not comfortable with their friendship at the moment bc feelings are obviously still there. I pulled him aside one day on our trip and was very vulnerable with him, asked calmly if they still talk because I get this feeling in my gut at times and it makes me uneasy, I just want resssured. He held me closely and said along the lines of “I’m not that kind of man. I truly value and respect you. I would not contact her unless I talked to you about it first and if you were comfortable. Maybe one day I’ll want to be friends with her again but I know right now isn’t the time. I love you so much and I know it’s a boundary.” He seemed so sincere. He’s always this sincere. I just kept getting this nagging feeling like he was hiding or lying to me. I can’t explain it other than something didn’t feel right. I politely asked to go through his phone a few days later (Which I’ve never done btw because I think that personal privacy is so important and I’ve never really had a problem with trusting him so I’ve never felt the need) He freaked out bad. Like bad bad. Told me no. Said I was unhealthy. Started shouting “I’m not talking to ex” but the funny thing is… I never mentioned said ex. He also said he didn’t want me to “misconstrue messages with his friends who are girls” which was another red flag for me because if he’s being respectful, why would there be anything to be misconstrued? I would happily give him my phone and he could look through any messages with any of my male friends and I firmly believe nothing would be misconstrued. And I know that he has friends who are girls and that genuinely doesn’t bother me, in fact I love a few of them such as one from work and his neighbor! I told him I was leaving him. He finally said he would allow me to see his phone. He gave it to me and then started freaking out again. Acting like someone who is guilty I suppose. Pacing back and forth. Yelling at me. Telling me I was unhealthy, that this is toxic, etc. I only had it for 5 mins before he snatched it from me. I didn’t get to look at his insta in which he said was a place he didn’t want messages misconstrued. I Didn’t get to look at messages from his other friends who were girls, nothing. I did however find messages between him and his ex. They joked about plans for his 40th birthday. Which I was planning with him recently and wanted to take him to Thailand bc it’s his dream. They had emotional convos, he was sending her pictures of things he was up to like sitting at the beach, he gave her his address, they also joked about whether or not she should send a bday gift (bc he was dating me) she has a nickname in his phone and a cute little emoji and my name literally is just normal with no picture or anything. anyways. I was shaking. Livid. Crying. I screamed at him. I feel so deceived. He won’t even admit fully that he lied. He justifies it every time and blames me. Says that he was afraid of my reaction. Said “I didn’t tell you bc I knew you’d react like this you see?” But the things is… I reacted so poorly because he’s been lying to my face for months. They had been talking during the course of our first relationship too. I can’t be around him, talk to him, look at him. I can’t help but feel in my heart and soul that he’s hiding so so so much more. The fact that he snatched his phone from me so quickly without me being able to see anything just made me so uncomfortable. He’s also in the past went behind my back when I was sleeping and went through my phone and gaslit me when I found out. Saying that he didn’t. And then eventually admitting it when I asked again a week later. He keeps calling me unhealthy and says that normal couples don’t ask to go through phones. I thought I was genuinely being respectful by asking him and not going behind his back to look at anything. When I brought up the fact that he breeched my trust in the past by going through my phone behind my back he said “why did you stay with me then? You had a choice to leave if you think I was gaslighting you” His behavior is just really making me feel like he’s this awful person. I do realize that asking to go through someone’s phone may cause discomfort, but I just knew it my gut I guess. I know there is so much good to him. He’s really been through a lot in life, and I try to consider that because of his trauma he’s incredibly defensive and emotionally reactive at times.… I don’t believe him to be a monster but idk why he can’t be honest with me. I’ve caught him in a few other small lies and forgave him for those but every time he’s caught he’s always justifying himself. I even asked him how he doesn’t feel bad and he replied “feel bad for what?” Then eventually said “I feel bad that you’re hurt” but not for talking to his ex? We got in a huge blow out argument the day after we flew home. I feel like he had no apathy or remorse, it was honestly incredibly disturbing. I will say though that I was very angry and I called him a narcissist and a manipulator, which deeply angered him and probably really hurt too. I feel unheard and I couldn’t stand to repeatedly hear him justify why he lied instead of genuinely showing remorse and apologizing. I feel really stupid. I just don’t know what to do. I told him I needed space to process all of this but im struggling so bad with how to process. I don’t know what to think. I feel confused about who he is and my emotions are all over the place. I don’t even know how I’d reach back out. He sent me a long message saying he doesn’t want anyone but me, but that he needs time to process too. He says that I overreacted- I had also bought a plane ticket to just leave on my own without him after I caught him lying and get my own Uber but traffic was so bad that I missed the flight so had to take my Original back with him. I know that may have been an overreaction I just can’t express how awful it felt. I don’t feel like he genuinely feels any remorse and I feel he constantly makes loop holes so that it justifies his lying and makes me look like a crazy insecure girlfriend. I’m sorry this is so long. I also wanted to briefly mention that I’m also having trouble deciding what to do because we haven’t had sex in 6 months or any intimate touching. I’m always very patient and try to be understanding, but pretty much uncovered a porn addiction in which I don’t believe he’s getting help for and I don’t think he will give up. I feel so broken at the moment. He’s wonderful around my kids, knows all of my friends, I love all of his friends, on our vacation we felt so close and in love and I was so excited to feel like our relationship was becoming more permanent and family oriented. He’s my very best friend and someone who I feel understands me better than anyone else. My heart is in so much pain and I am lost. I would really love some sound advice. Thanks so much
submitted by sacred-heart-marmar to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:50 throwRA574999 How do I (F24) tell my friends (F26, F29) I can’t be around for their bad decisions anymore?

I’ve been friends with these girls for awhile now. We originally connected via Instagram for our love of photography and music, one day met at a show at red rocks and all became a solid group of friends. We would go out dancing together, more shows, this past weekend I did a yoga class with one (let’s call this one Brenda).
Brenda is not in a good financial situation but insisted that myself and “Tiffany” go with her to Odeszas show in Boulder. Before I could say yes or no, she had purchased all of our tickets during the presale and let us know after the fact, which made me feel obligated to go since I now felt like I owed this poor girl money.
From the time that we first met until now, my lifestyle has completely changed. I’ve cut out partying, drinking, and they know this. Nothing in particular caused this, I really just feel like I’ve been there done that and outgrown it. I have self control and can say no to drinking and drugs easily, so it didn’t take much convincing me to go and that I’d still have a good time, which I do enjoy their music so I think this is true.
When I had breakfast this morning with Brenda, I told her I was really hoping Tiffany would drive us. I was asking this because I live 2-3 hours away from Boulder and would be driving up to Denver to meet them that day. She said this would be fine, Tiffany already said she’d drive us. Brenda does not have a drivers license as she is from another country so this wouldn’t be an option either.
Then, Brenda said “The last show we went to together, Tiffany did ketamine and still drove me home.” Which is when I did a full pause and proceeded to lecture her about how awful a decision both of them made by doing that. I said “you know what, I’ll just drive us”. She then proceeds to tell me that we’re meeting another group of people on the way to Boulder (surprise) and they all want to pregame there. I don’t know any of these people but from what I heard didn’t sound like my idea of a good time either.
At this point, I dont want to go at all. Thinking about it, I’m only excited at the thought of it all being over with. On top of that, I don’t want to continue being around people who make these kinds of choices, put myself in a risky situation, or be responsible for grown adults. It would take away the fun in any night out.
Most of the invites I get from both of them involve some sort of partying so I feel like now is a good time to tell them that I don’t want to be around this kind of stuff anymore. I still love both of them and want them in my life for our yoga classes, brunches, and regular activities.
I don’t want to come across as judgmental because at the end of the day I don’t care what they do, as grown adults, it falls back on them to be responsible and I can’t mother them anymore. I just don’t want to be involved in some of it or put myself at risk. I also don’t want to be stuck with a long drive, gas, and a night of babysitting.
How would you word this kind of conversation or go about opening it up? Tiffany won’t be in town until the show so it would need to be over the phone.
TLDR; friends have recently made poor choices, causing me to not want to commute 3 hours for a concert with them. I still enjoy the other activities we do but want to distance myself from the partying lifestyle. How do I address this?
submitted by throwRA574999 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:49 Pepewower Brushed NMC, fluffy one, feels great!!

Brushed NMC, fluffy one, feels great!!
So, my catnip plants get a couple of visitors every day during the summer and fall. I have two indoor short-haired cats. There's this fluffy tabby girl who is my favorite. She loves to munch on the catnip and then comes to the back door to say hi. Over time, as she got to know me and my spouse, she started letting us pet her.
I recently brushed her because her fur was a bit messy. And you know what? Brushing her long, thick fur felt so good, and I got a ton of loose hair off! I had no idea how much fun it could be to brush a long-haired cat, especially since my cats have short hair. I’m so jealous of her human parents and those who have long hair cats!
submitted by Pepewower to notmycat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:48 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:48 doggo_to_the_moono Herpes Cure Regimen: Updated

What's up guys, its Big_Orchid here on my other reddit account. Here's my whole regimen and some notes to help you all out!
Organic Herbs (Everything taken in the morning and at night)
Organic Raw Fruits
IGG Bloodwork

Daily Health Routines
submitted by doggo_to_the_moono to Holistichealing4HSV [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:47 Radiant_Housing_3104 Expectations & milestones for 6th graders

I have been helping my friend care for her children while she stays with us during her divorce separation. She works in the evening and her 11½yo daughter will usually stay home with me. The daughter will be starting 6th grade in our district this fall and I could really use some help with brainstorming ways to keep her from falling behind and forgetting all her 5th grade things this summer.
What are some core expectations, both academically and physically/emotionally I can help her work on to catch up to the rest of her future classmates? We're working through hurdles with her first experience of doing chores. She's quite sensitive and gets frustrated easily, so we're working on communication. I don't feel as if she's been held to the same standards as most other kids her age that I've seen. While it isn't an excuse, I understand these routines and skills can be hard to reach and maintain growing up in an unstable environment. It's going om about 6 months of more stability on my home and I'd like to slowly begin working on those milestones.
submitted by Radiant_Housing_3104 to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:47 someglory Great experience at Nassau stadium

I was at the SA-NL game in New York today and had such an absolutely wonderful time I can’t even describe it properly. The joy in that stadium was so real. I am American, husband is South African and he got me into cricket during the last T20 WC. I have never seen a live game before and the whole experience exceeded my wildest dreams. Even my kids, who normally get bored with cricket two minutes into a highlights package, were riveted the entire match.
The Nassau County stadium was, in my opinion, a great fan experience and for the most part did not even feel like it was a temporary structure. Seats were a bit small so the stranger to my left was up in my business a lot, but not a huge deal. There are no cup holders which was the only real downside.
The food choices were great and while pricey, it was on par with other big arenas, you got a lot for what you paid for, and everything we had was tasty. There are big signs outside saying bags were not allowed, but we brought two clear stadium bags and had no problem getting in with them (they were just inspected before we entered). We did have to throw away our aerosol sunscreens as they were not allowed. BRING SUNSCREEN though as there is no shade. You could bring in empty water bottles and there were plenty of refill stations. I saw a comment about there being no soap at the bathrooms, but there was a big soap jug at the handwashing station in the women’s area, not sure about men’s.
Everyone was so kind, friendly and respectful, from staff/volunteers to fans. I want so badly for cricket to gain popularity here, and hoping that this helps.
submitted by someglory to cricketworldcup [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:46 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:46 Potatoes_Eater Help me understand my last dream

I was having a dream were I had to go to my local library. It was night and a lot of people were on the streets, so I was probably worried that I couldn’t get where I had to go in time and jumped forward so high that I was above the buildings of my town. I jumped a few more times over costruction sites, houses etc. but I stopped when I noticed that on one of the buildings there was a female friend of mine, laying flat on the floor. I got closer to see her clearly and this is was I remember: she had her mouth slightly open, her eyes open as well; she wasn’t blinking and from the cheeks tears were going back to the eyes and up in the sky (i’m not sure if they were actual tears or just waterain going back to the clouds); next to her I remember I saw a broken egg with white and red all over her hair. Nonetheless, she didn’t seem the be aware of that, as if she was watching something up above. I tried to kiss her on the forehead ,(I don’t have romantic feelings for her, and I’m sure she feels the same way) and that kinda woke her up, because she immediately sat up, as if she was in dream as well and had just woken up. We looked each other in the eyes for a split second, and then it gets a little blurry: I remember some talking but it’s distant and suffocated, like when you cover your ears. I don’t remember anything after this last mysterious conversation, but I probably never got to the library. One thing, though, that I remember clearly is that during the whole dream I heard this italian song called “bambole” from a band named Negrita, but my headphones were not even close to me, I just had the song as a soundtrack, like it was pre-recorded.
I’ve dreamt this encounter already, but it’s the first time I also live the “before and after” of it. I tend to have a lot of lucid dreams because I can always think or calculate stuff if I have too and also because i’m always aware that i’m in a dream in some way. This felt a little more “scripted”, if it makes sense. The tears/rain remind me of the intro of the song, were a guy is laying on a cot and rain is getting back up in reverse. The song is about the end of illusions of childhood and the new full awareness of the lack of a sense of purpose in life. I’m almost eighteen, so it may be connected(?). I’m not sure abouth that, so I’ll leave it you guys. I deeply thank everybody in advance and I excuse myself if the english may be a little off, it’s not my first language. _:)
submitted by Potatoes_Eater to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:46 Significant-Tower146 Best Fireproof Document Bags

Best Fireproof Document Bags

The Top 7 Best Fireproof Document Bags

  1. Fireproof Document Bag with Extra Large Capacity - Our versatile, fireproof document bag offers impeccable protection and optimal organization for all your valuable documents, ensuring security and ease in every scenario.
  2. Fireproof Document Storage Pouch with Combination Lock - Durable Fireproof Document Bag with Lock, Adjustable Shoulder Strap, and Luggage Fixing Strap for Safe Organization of Valuables.
  3. Fireproof Document Bag for Cash and Valuables with Reflective Strip - Experience unmatched fire protection with our 5200°F Fireproof Document Bag, featuring an 8-layer structure and superior heat insulation for safeguarding your valuable documents amidst emergencies.
  4. Fireproof Document and Money Bag, 15" x 11 - Discover the ultimate high-protection Fireproof Document Bags for your valuable documents and keepsakes. Secure your essential items with a 2192°F fireproof rating and zippered, double closure system, water-resistant and made to last for peace of mind.
  5. Fire Resistant Money Bag Document Storage - Fireproof Money Safe Document Bag 15" x 11" Non-Itchy Silicone Coated Fire Resistant Waterproof Money Bag Safe Storage for Money Documents Jewelry
  6. Extra Large Black Fire & Water Resistant Bag - The Tracker Safe FB1612 Extra Large Black Fire & Water Resistant Bag offers exceptional fire and water protection for larger items and is an affordable, practical alternative to expensive gun or fire safes.
  7. Durable Fire Resistant Document Bag - The UNION SAFE COMPANY Fire Resistant Bag is a durable, silicon-coated fiberglass bag, offering heat resistance up to 1112° F and protection for essential documents and valuables in secure, water-resistant, and compact design.
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🔗Fireproof Document Bag with Extra Large Capacity
I recently purchased a Roloway Large Fireproof Bag and, let me tell you, I couldn't be happier with my choice. The first thing that struck me was its capacity. With measurements of 15 x 12 x 5 inches and weighing just 1.28 pounds, this bag can store a lot of stuff – from important documents, photos, and cards to a passport or even some cash. The size is just perfect - not too big or too small.
The material used in making this bag is truly top-notch. It's two layers of fireproof fiberglass that gives it an incredible level of fire resistance, perfect for storing valuable items. The silicone-coated layer also provides excellent water resistance, giving me peace of mind knowing my stuff is safe from moisture.
One feature that I particularly love about this bag is its craftsmanship. The metal zipper and durable closure provide an added layer of protection, while the non-itchy silicone coating on the fiberglass cloth ensures comfort when carrying it around. The soft handle and adjustable shoulder strap make it incredibly easy to carry, whether you're using it at home or on-the-go.
However, if there's one downside to this bag, it would be its size. Some reviewers found it too large for their needs. But for me, its size is spot-on and allows me to store plenty of items securely.
All in all, the Roloway Large Fireproof Bag has made quite a positive impact on my daily life. Its high-quality construction, fantastic fire resistance, and comfortable design make it worth every penny. Whether you're looking to safeguard your documents or other valuables from potential disasters, this bag certainly delivers.

🔗Fireproof Document Storage Pouch with Combination Lock
I recently came across this amazing fireproof document bag with a lock that has truly revolutionized my approach to securing important documents. From the moment I received it, I was blown away by its thoughtfully designed features. The dual-layer fireproof fiberglass has saved my documents from potential damage, and its silicone coating ensures that it's water-resistant as well.
One of my favorite aspects is the adjustable shoulder strap which makes it incredibly easy to carry around. The non-itchy silicone coating is an added bonus, making it comfortable to hold in my hand or attach to my luggage when traveling. Plus, the spacious design allows me to store various important documents like albums, files, and more.
The combination lock feature provides me with extra peace of mind, knowing that my valuables are secure. Overall, this fireproof document bag has become an essential part of my daily life, ensuring that my documents are protected no matter where I go.

🔗Fireproof Document Bag for Cash and Valuables with Reflective Strip
I've been using this 5200°F Fireproof Document Bag for a few months now, and I'm incredibly impressed with its performance. From the moment it arrived, it felt like it was built to withstand any disaster. The 8-layer structure is no joke - I've tested its heat insulation capabilities and it truly does live up to its promise of withstanding temperatures up to 5200°F for a certain period.
What surprised me the most was how water-resistant this bag is. The 3-layer water-resistant material effectively keeps my documents safe and dry, even when exposed to high-speed jets of fire hose and flooding. And let's not forget about the unique night reflective strip design that makes it incredibly easy to locate in case of an emergency.
One thing I didn't particularly like was that the velcro flap could be a little louder when closing. However, this is really a minor issue compared to the overall quality and effectiveness of the bag.
In terms of applications, I've used it at home, in the office, and even when camping or traveling. It's versatile and reliable, providing peace of mind knowing that my documents and valuables are well-protected. Plus, it makes a great gift for friends and family during special occasions.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with my purchase and would highly recommend this Fireproof Document Bag to anyone in need of a reliable way to protect their important possessions.

🔗Fireproof Document and Money Bag, 15" x 11
I recently tested out a fireproof document bag, and I must say it's been a game-changer for securing my precious documents. The bag is a 3-layer, non-combustible marvel designed to endure up to 2192°F, making it capable of withstanding the average house fire temperature. Plus, it's silicone-coated for added safety.
One aspect that stood out was the spacious size of this bag, allowing me to secure not only my documents but also valuable items like jewelry, passports, and certificates, even my trusty tablet. No need to worry about dampening these belongings as it's also waterproof.
What surprised me was how sturdy and convenient this fire-safe bag is. Its seamless construction, courtesy of fire-retardant thread, means no color fade even after prolonged use. Not to forget its ultra-wide opening that folds when not in use for portability and added convenience. It's become a must-have for my home, office, and even while I'm traveling.
While it stands firm against fire and water, there's a small inconvenience: the zipper can be a bit stiff at times. However, overall, this fireproof bag provides peace of mind where I know my valuables are safe and secure no matter the circumstances.

🔗Fire Resistant Money Bag Document Storage
I never imagined a fire would break out in my home, but when it did, I was grateful to have the Fireproof Document Bag by my side. This bag not only protected my important documents from the heat, but also kept them dry and safe from water damage. Its 15" x 11" size was perfect for all my essentials, and I appreciated the silicone coating that made it comfortable to handle.
Although it's more expensive than a regular bag, the peace of mind I get from knowing my valuables are well-protected makes it worth the investment.

🔗Extra Large Black Fire & Water Resistant Bag
I never thought I'd need a fire-resistant bag, but after using the Tracker Safe FB1612, I'm convinced otherwise. As a home office enthusiast, I've accumulated quite a collection of important documents and pictures, all of which I desperately wanted to protect from potential hazards. This extra-large bag came as a lifesaver, easily accommodating my stacks of binders, legal documents, and precious photographs.
Designed with durability and resilience in mind, the FB1612 boasts a unique tri-layer construction that provides not only fire resistance up to 1022°F but also water resistance. Its black exterior is sleek and unassuming, and the zipper opening, secured with a Velcro flap, adds an extra layer of security for your valuable belongings.
A carry strap makes transporting the bag hassle-free, and the capacity is generous enough for fitting various items. While it's not a full fire safe, the Tracker Safe FB1612 does provide substantial protection without breaking the bank.
However, one minor drawback I noticed is a lack of instructions regarding lock compatibility, which could have been helpful when securing the two zippers. Overall, this bag has proven to be a reliable and affordable companion for safeguarding my most cherished possessions from the unpredictable elements.

🔗Durable Fire Resistant Document Bag
I recently purchased the UNION SAFE COMPANY Fire Resistant Bag to keep my vital documents safe and secure, and I've been nothing but impressed with its performance. This bag is constructed from a durable silicon-coated fiberglass material that offers both heat and water resistance, providing peace of mind when it comes to safeguarding important paperwork and valuables. The 15 in. x 11 in. size fits perfectly into my fireproof safe, offering an added layer of protection for my passports, legal documents, credit cards, and even laptops.
One standout feature of the Fire Resistant Bag is its strong hook-and-loop closure, which ensures that your belongings remain securely stored inside. Additionally, the bag is heat resistant up to 1112° F, which is an impressive capability that I've come to appreciate.
However, there are a couple of cons that I've experienced using this product. Firstly, the 90-day warranty offered by the manufacturer is quite limited, as it mostly covers obvious defects that can be noticed right away. Secondly, the packaging can be slightly misleading, as it does not explicitly state that this bag should be used in conjunction with a non-fire rated safe.
Overall, I've been extremely satisfied with the UNION SAFE COMPANY Fire Resistant Bag's performance and its ability to protect my important documents from heat and water damage. Its sturdy design, coupled with its added layer of protection within a safe, makes it a valuable addition to any household or office.

Buyer's Guide

Fireproof document bags, also known as fire-resistant or flame-retardant bags, are essential tools for protecting your important documents and valuables in the event of a fire. Fireproof materials resist intense heat and prevent flames from reaching the contents that you want to preserve. As you evaluate which fireproof document bag is right for you, consider the following important features, considerations, and advice.

Fire Resistance Rating

One of the most crucial factors to consider when selecting a fireproof document bag is its fire resistance rating. This rating is based on independent tests and provides a measure of how long the bag can protect its contents from fire damage. The most common ratings are 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours.

Materials and Construction

Fireproof document bags are typically made from materials designed to withstand high temperatures, such as silica or fiberglass. Pay attention to the quality of the materials and construction, as these factors will determine how well the bag protects your documents during a fire.

Size and Capacity

Consider the size and capacity of the fireproof document bag that you need. Bags come in various sizes, so it is essential to choose one that can accommodate all your important documents, such as contracts, wills, certificates, and other valuable paperwork.

Water Resistance

Additionally, some fireproof document bags offer water resistance, which can help protect your documents from floods, spills, or accidental submersion. While not essential, this added feature can provide extra peace of mind for your important papers.

Convenient Features

  • Some fireproof document bags include additional pockets and compartments for organizing your documents, making it easy to locate specific items when needed.
  • Handles or shoulder straps can make the bag easier to carry, especially when it is filled with several documents and files.
  • Reflective strips may also be available for increased visibility during emergencies or when it is dark outside.

Brand Reputation and Warranty

Finally, consider the reputation of the brand and the warranty offered for the fireproof document bag. Research customer reviews and choose a bag from a reputable company with a strong history of quality products and customer satisfaction. A warranty can provide extra protection in case of manufacturing defects or damage.
Fireproof document bags are essential tools for safeguarding your valuable documents and providing peace of mind during emergencies. By evaluating the features and considerations mentioned in this guide, you can make an informed decision and select the best fireproof document bag for your needs.


What is a fireproof document bag?

A fireproof document bag is a bag specifically designed to protect important documents and valuables from fire damage. These bags are usually made of fire-resistant materials, such as aluminium foil, glass fibre, and silica threads, which can withstand extreme temperatures and keep the contents inside safe.

How do fireproof document bags work?

Fireproof document bags work by using fire-resistant fabrics that can endure high temperatures. When exposed to fire, these materials form a protective layer that helps to prevent the spread of fire to the contents inside. This characteristic allows the bag to protect the documents and other items placed inside it from fire damage.

What materials are used in making fireproof document bags?

Fireproof document bags are made using various fire-resistant materials, such as aluminium foil, glass fibre, and silica threads. These materials can withstand high temperatures and ensure adequate protection for the contents inside the bag.

What items can be stored in a fireproof document bag?

Fireproof document bags can be used to store a variety of important documents and valuables, such as passports, legal documents, receipts, certificates, CDs, DVDs, flash drives, and other essential items. The size and capacity of the bag will determine the number of items that can be stored inside.

How do I use a fireproof document bag?

To use a fireproof document bag, simply place your important documents and valuables inside it. Ensure that the items are properly secured and closed before storing the bag in a safe and easily accessible location. In case of emergency, you can quickly grab the bag and take it with you, knowing that your documents and valuables are protected from fire damage.

How effective are fireproof document bags in protecting documents from fire?

Fireproof document bags are highly effective in protecting documents from fire and other heat-related hazards. These bags are made of fire-resistant materials that can endure high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire to the contents inside. The level of protection will depend on the quality of the bag and its materials, so it is essential to choose a high-quality product for optimal protection.

How long can a fireproof document bag protect its contents?

The effective protection time of a fireproof document bag is contingent upon several factors, such as the intensity and duration of the fire, the quality of the bag, and the materials it is made of. Some high-quality fireproof document bags can protect their contents for up to 30 minutes or more when exposed to extreme temperatures. However, it is essential to refer to the specific product specifications for accurate information on each individual bag's capabilities.

How do I care for my fireproof document bag?

Caring for your fireproof document bag is relatively simple. To maintain its effectiveness, keep it clean and free from dust and debris. You can wipe the exterior with a damp cloth and mild detergent, but be cautious not to submerge the bag in water. Additionally, ensure that the bag is stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Regularly inspect the bag for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.

What should I consider when purchasing a fireproof document bag?

  • Size and capacity - Choose a bag that can accommodate all your important documents and valuables comfortably.
  • Materials - Opt for a bag made from high-quality, fire-resistant materials, such as aluminium foil, glass fibre, and silica threads.
  • Effective protection time - Consider purchasing a bag that can protect your documents and valuables for a sufficient amount of time, such as 30 minutes or more.

Are there any alternatives to fireproof document bags?

While fireproof document bags are an effective way to protect documents from fire damage, there are other alternatives available, such as fire-resistant boxes and cabinets, and fire-resistant safes. These options may offer additional protection or capacity depending on your specific needs.
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2024.06.09 05:45 GuyIncognito252 My TF Separation

Hi everyone, it’s my first time posting here. I held back from saying anything but for some reason I was pushed to post this today. I am a male DF, and currently in separation from my twin. This might be a longer one, so whomever takes their valuable time to read this; I appreciate you and I hope you get the best in your life (this goes for anyone who might troll too).
So my journey started back in June of 2022. I met my TF at the gym. Same ethnic background, same age, and weirdly enough; when I showed my mom a picture of her, she said that we looked related. My friend literally was in shock when he realized that we have the same eyes. There was one problem though…..she was married. We kept it as friends for a bit but the more we communicated, the more we realized and agreed that this relationship between us wasn’t normal. On my end, I saw repeating numbers, animals following me around (specifically 2 crows), and even one time where she hugged me and I swear to God that I heard her say “I love you too” in my head. A few weeks later, she said the real thing in person. Things evolved quick…like super quick. And I found out the truth about her marriage. She’s from a different country, and the marriage wasn’t founded upon love. It wasn’t arranged, she just made a stupid mistake that she regretted. But, it was the reason she came to America. It was really toxic. Like every sort of abuse you can imagine except for physical. She wanted to leave, but she needed money and was afraid of how her parents would react back home. She needed a job, and she was trying to become to cop (ironically in the same city where my parents own a business and actually know everyone pretty much in the precinct). Our entire time together literally encompassed her initial academy test, all the way until the first week of her actual academy (10 months give or take). When I asked her if there’s a chance of us being together her response was “My biggest fear is that I keep you waiting because I don’t know WHEN I’m going to leave him”. This was very early on before she even had the job. I told her that I’d wait until I was 80 if I had to, and I meant it. A few months later, she told me that she saw a future with me.
We were so happy when we were together. We got closer and closer each week. There were times where I swear to God I would feel depressed out of nowhere and when I talked to her, she was too. We would find every excuse to hold a hand, give a hug, or even a kiss on the palms or forehead. We both got SUPER close to an intimate kiss many times, but we both had strong morals. Ironically enough, the very last I saw her, she finally caved and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was so embarrassed that she cracked, it was so cute lol.
We would communicate mainly through IG. Which is where in April of last year, she told me that her husband saw our messages. And to not text or call her anymore. No I’m sorry, no I love you, no good bye. I knew it wasn’t her who wrote that because she never used the word “husband”. It made her skin crawl when thinking of him like that. I know it was him who told her to write that or even wrote it himself.
Everything went dark. It literally was like that Homelander meme where all he hears is a ringing sound. I wanted to cry, but couldn’t. I called my mom. Oddly and calmly she said “This is the beginning of the end for her marriage. Trust me”. Which was odd because she always told me to move on and don’t talk to a married woman.
This happened 2 weeks before I turned 33. The age where everyone says is the Age of Enlightenment….yeah. Yup. Oh yeah. And here is where the unexplainable stuff started to happen. So she didn’t block me, or unfollow me for weeks. Until my mom called one day and said the police captain told her that she was in the academy and doing a great job so far. This was the first news I got about her since the separation. My mom talked to them about her during the interview process so they remembered. Literally as soon as I got off the phone, I checked IG……and she unfollowed me during that call.
I’ll try to be less granular here; but over the next year, I literally changed on a spiritual level. And others noticed. I became a mode of support for others. My empathy was unlike anything I’ve ever felt. And I started helping others in their spiritual journey. I have a friend who I train at the gym who started going through girl problems and I used my experiences here as a template to guide him. I’m different now….very different. In a great way. But I also feel like I’m legitimately going through a manic episode. Let me explain, here’s some more “weird” stuff that the ego cannot comprehend:
-Since last June, I’ve had vivid dreams about her. I would write down the dates of when they happened….nearly every single one of them took place during the 5 day windows of new/full moons
-Last June I got an INCREDIBLE pull in my heart. I started crying out of nowhere and my gut told me to go to the gym that second. I checked her IG and she had just deleted hundreds of followers (I was in the DNOTS and was checking every hour at that time). I think it was him deleted all her male friends, just a gut feeling.
-I’m seeing repeating numbers every single day. They would cycle as to what was the “hot” number at the time (the one that kept showing up the most). This includes 144 and her birthday especially since the Total eclipse in April (also, we separated the day after the last total eclipse in April 2023)
-I ask the universe/God for a sign to move on or stay, and within hours I get a weird sign that tells me to push forward. This happens like once a month
-Every bit of news I’ve gotten has come from the police officers. Back in April, my mom asked for a sign from God about this whole thingand they came in to tell us the first news in months just a few days after. Now she’s convinced this is all real and she’s coming back
-Speaking of, the news was that she moved to a different department in the force. One that was away from the field duties. Why is that weird? 2 days before we found out, I had an anxiety attack thinking about what if we get together and something bad happens to her. That fear was resolved with the move.
-There was a point where I would see multiple sets of butterflies every single day as I would drive around….in the winter here on the West Coast. I think I’ve seen maybe 2 since then. I guess symbolizing transformation
-Finally, right when I first met her I didn’t even get a feeling that she was my twin; I went to my close friend who reads and he said that I will be with a girl who is literally just like me, we will have a very quick and intense build-up, and I will know within a month that I want to marry her. The very next day I saw her for the first time in a week, and realized she was talking about her life almost exactly like she was telling me about mine. And 2 weeks later, I knew I wanted to marry her (this was before I found out the truth about her marriage, so it was a weird thing for me to think of)
If you’ve made it this far, thank you. Idk what I expect from writing this post. My intuition isn’t letting me give up on this and I’m pretty much in a “well, I’ll make myself better for her and I and help others along the way until she returns” mindset. I don’t care for other girls anymore, and that’s…calming. If you want to give advice, use my post for motivation on your own journey, provide some words of encouragement, or just tell me I’m crazy; I appreciate you, regardless. Shit, maybe one of you are supposed to give me a sign today, who knows.
One last thing; being a TF isn’t easy. It sucks. This is fucking hell. But….nothing worth it ever comes easy. Follow your gut, never give up, and most of all; never lose hope.
Thank you
submitted by GuyIncognito252 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:45 throwaway100803 Relationship advice: to stay in a relationship that's safe but not as fulfilling, vs. pursue another that is more mentally stimulating?

[Incoming long post, please bear with me because the context is important].
Hey guys, so I'm an INFJ. Came to this sub with the hopes to get advice from similar folks to me.
I've been dating a guy I met on an app 9 months ago. We're still nevermets, and it's an LDR with no specific date of meeting. We don't know when we can meet due to financial obstacles. He also did not have a stable job despite having a bright career ahead (he was being too perfectionistic to send out job applications).
I recently started working as a physician in an unpaid internship. I go to the hospital & have 24 hour shifts, night shifts, you name it. I had graduated from medical school recently but took 8 months off, namely during the time I had met him. I had plans set out which were unfulfilled because we were basically talking 24/7, he also lost opportunities for the same reason. He even got laid off his temporary job as an intern, at a university where he was supposed to get into the PhD program but the professor wasn't able to eventually accept him, because he was also tight on finances.
Anyway...those 8 months sucked for me because I don't feel like I grew at all. I had so many hobbies I wanted to fulfill but during almost the entirety of that time, I was talking to my boyfriend. That's my fault, and I don't blame him for it. I was just sad neither of us had the willpower nor foresight in that moment to take our futures more seriously. Not to mention not even having a deadline to meet.
In addition to this, our futures are uncertain. I'm not sure where I'm going to end up after this internship. I'm aiming to go back to Canada as a Canadian, but he's aiming for the US, we don't even know how much longer we'd have to do long distance for. Everything is a question mark in relation to the future. I tried to simply trust fate (which sounds stupid now that I think of it, my past self used to be much more rigid so I tried to change that).
Anyway, my boyfriend is a lovely person. He's an INTJ, extremely loving towards me, caring, would sacrifice anything and everything for me. But I just can't help but feel anxious about our first meet up. For starters, we didn't have a lot of things we could talk about that were intellectually stimulating, which was fine, although I crave it & I feel like something in me dies when I don't have it, I tried to focus on everything else that's great about him: his thoughtfulness towards me, his stability, had a habit of going to the gym (financial struggles inhibit this as of now, but he'll return back whenever he can).
Let me try to put this into words...I guess what made me feel down a bit was the fact that all the love & affection was directed towards me, but otherwise he was quite disconnected from the world. It made me wonder; how would he treat a waiter? Animals? Children? I couldn't get it out of my head that one time he sent me a photo of a random guy in his meeting who had a green screen, he made fun of him for no reason, I was quite sad and simply asked him to delete it, while he thanked me for making him a better person. That circumstance only made me look deeper into myself & pry on the multiple times he did the same for me.
I guess I just wanted to feel inspired maybe. That wasn't a crucial element to a relationship for me, and I would get inspiration from elsewhere for sure, but it started to wear down on me that I felt like, I'd go out into the world, and come back with new knowledge I could share with him which doesn't yield much discussion btw as he is more of a listener which is another thing that bothered me, I felt like I really needed give & take. So, in some indirect way, I just didn't feel like I could grow 'with' him. I could see myself living to old age with him, but in the here and now, I wasn't satisfied fully, if I had to quantify it maybe I'd give it an 80%. Which, again, I was fine with! But it didn't go beyond fine...which sucked. I had figured that the sparks and chemistry were just meant to be for toxic relationships that wouldn't last. Another minor thing that bugs me is physically, I don't know how I'd feel around him. Do I feel compatible with him? Do I like his scent? He sent me a shirt of his one time, and I could not stand the 'natural' scent of it. It wasn't bad, I just didn't like it. Not going to the gym of course had an effect on his body physically, which I don't blame him for, but he's not a big guy so it just made me feel less attracted to him I guess subconsciously (we don't have a big height difference).
So, fast forward to today, and I meet a guy coincidentally at work. He initiated a conversation with me, and to say the truth, I've never clicked with a guy like that in person that much before, on all fronts. We had unintentional deep conversations. The connection wasn't forced either. He's great with his colleagues, is gentlemanly. He's also an intern like me so he understands my struggles & vice versa (my boyfriend is in a different field altogether, never understand what's going on in it but I just figured I'd learn, but til now, I didn't really find it interesting, which wasn't an issue we're just different & that's okay!). It all came out of the blue. I guess I didn't know what I desperately needed until I saw it in another person. I didn't want to validate myself for 'needing' back & forth deeper discussions. He's also someone who likes balance, so I felt like during the times we're not talking, I'm encouraged to explore myself through my other hobbies (swimming reading, career wise), then bounce back & share it with him. He's also intelligent, scarily so. My boyfriend is smart, but he's more book smart, rather than creative & wise.
The earliest sign should have probably been when my current boyfriend said "you're everything I've ever dreamed of in a partner", but I knew I couldn't say the same. He was great, but I felt like I was putting in a lot of effort to make the relationship engaging, otherwise it just felt bland. I didn't know how much I desperately needed intellectual stimulation. I tried to suppress it because I never thought I'd find it in someone since it felt so rare. My friendships aren't based on that, and we laugh at stupid stuff all the time, which is why I did that in the first place.
I just feel horrible for putting my boyfriend in this situation. Not sure what to do. I guess I'm just scared of taking that leap into a new relationship that actually has more potential working out long term, & I say that purely from an LDR vs. non-LDR POV. The guy at work is also studying for the same exams as me. He's also a libra, which scares me cause I've read a lot about how charming they are but how they lie as well? Or have a high potential to cheat. I wasn't always super jealous as a partner so it felt like we were on the same page whenever we'd also discuss random things like "oh this person looks pretty" & it's a different woman & it doesn't bother me lol. I also felt more restricted in my friendships when I'm with my current boyfriend, all my time was dedicated to him & I pretty much disconnected from my friends for all those months, also because I'm friends with people of the opposite gender & that makes him uncomfortable, so I just minimized those conversations, which depressed me further.
submitted by throwaway100803 to infj [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:44 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

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2024.06.09 05:43 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:42 Perfect-Can-6673 Captain Save a Hoe

Hey, so I didn't how to title this story, so I just used a title a friend of mine gave me for not minding my business, I in no way consider the girl in this story a hoe.
So recently I (23m) started and affair with a co-worker (25f), lets call her, Jen. Jen had been with her boyfriend (25m), lets call him Jake, for 10 years, since high-school. Jen started working with us after a house fire and they were desperate for money. She was very friendly and talkative from the start, she often ask to join me during her lunch break, so we can talk and gossip. I will admit I found her attractive from the start, before I knew about Jake, afterwards I only treated her as a friend. But the more I worked with her I noticed how often she complained about Jake, I always thought it was just little pet peeves one developes from being in a relationship for so long. One day she took her break just as I clocked out, and asked me to join her, of course I obliged because I enjoy her company. Jake came up during our conversation, she was complaining about him as usual, which prompted me to inquire further. I just wanted to know if she was really unhappy being with him. Surprisingly she said yes, she went on about how she was only with him for convenience, that every little thing he does annoys her, and that Jake threatens to take away her cats and or kill himself eveytime she decides to leave him. I didn't know what to say, I tried to tell her to leave him anyways, she deserves to be happy and all that. Then she went on to explain how he's basically isolated her from everyone. She doesn't have her own phone, her own bank account, her own friends, and if it weren't for the fire she wouldn't even have her own job, and if she did leave him she would have no where to go because her family hates her. She is entirely dependent on him. All this information was too much for me to process, and I think telling me about it took toll on her too, because she started crying. She felt trapped and I honestly didn't know how to help her. The best I could think to do was change the subject and tell her funny Christmas story about my dog, which seemed to cheer her up. I then hugged her goodbye and left.
Afterwards, us and two other co-workers made plans to go out clubbing. Me and Jen had grown closer with each other, as friends, and I was really looking forward to spending time with her. From that start she was very flirty particularly with me, and I with her, which I attributed to the alcohol. As the night progressed she started dancing very close to me, so I tapped her on the back so she knew I was behind her, but she kept going, and I didn't stop her. The dancing Afterwards, got really intense and I started touching parts of her, I admit, I should not have been touching. We then shared an Uber home, as we waited for it to arrive we sat on street with my arm around her as she snuggled against me, we sat like that again on the ride home. The dancing earlier was very erotic and sexual, but this felt more innocent, more romantic, which I enjoyed more. Nothing happened that night, she went home alone as did I. Afterwards we of course got closer, she started texting me daily, or whenever she was able to steal the phone away from Jake, and I would give her rides home whenever I had the chance. On one these car rides I worked up the courage to ask for a kiss, which she agreed to. At that point I was addicted. I kisses her whenever we were alone, she would even risk getting caught just so she make out with me in my car on our days off. It was wrong, I admit, but I didn't care, she was enjoying herself and so was I. Unfortunately Jake would eventually catch us, and they would end up fighting about it constantly. Jen would show up to work miserable and exhausted from the fight they had the night before. He would monitor her every move, and I couldn't stand to see her that way. She had been keeping her distance from me recently, which hurt, but I respected.
The same group of friends as before decided to go out again. Given how things were with Jen, I was surprised she agreed to join. Jake dropped her off at our meeting location only to find out, the very last minute, that I was joining. They then got into a fight and went home. She wore a Grey dress with a Grey cardigan I never got to see. After I and a friend of ours couldn't find her, he called the phone they share. He was greeted with and angry response from Jake explaining what had happened. I felt terrible, like had ruined everyone's night, they all tried to reassure me I didn't, but it didn't help.
That was Thursday night, I didn't see her again till today, at work. To my surprise she was just as cheerful as she always was, only to learn she was masking her true feelings, like she always does. I would talk to her to see how she was doing, and she told be about the fight, and how she's tired of fighting with him, she blamed herself for the situation she is in and that she just needs to accept that. She's stuck with him and there's nothing she can do. In private I told her that she deserved to be happy, that he shouldn't be forcing you to stay. I told her that despite how much I enjoy the things that we do, I would gladly end it if she wanted me to, and that if he really cared about her, he would do the same. I know I'm getting too involved in their lives, hence the title, and I know that I don't fully understand the extent of their relationship, but from what I see she isn't happy, and while the stuff we do is fun, it's causing her a lot of grief in the long run. I told her she should do what makes her happy. That's how our conversation ended, no kissing or hugging, we both just walked away, she went back to work I went home to cry a little bit and type this out.
I don't really know what I'm expecting to hear, or what kind of advice I'm looking for. I think I just came here to vent. But any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Perfect-Can-6673 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:41 ashent2 39 year old picking up student loans for the first time

I'm 39 and have been in IT since 2005 or so without a degree. I started putting myself through a school online for a BSc in IT during covid and have started accumulating student loans for the first time. I was not paying anything because I am currently attending and had 0 percent interest on them until I graduated (as far as I was aware) but within the past 2 months or so I got a notice stating that interest had begun to accrue. I contacted financial services for my college asking about the difference between my loans (some subsidized, some unsubsidized) and they confirmed that the pause has ended and the unsubsidized loans have begun to accrue interest while I'm still in school.
I am at 4.99% and 5.5%. And it's a small amount, probably only 16k total (9k in unsubsidized) loans currently, but I am not the type of person to ever have loans active, so the idea of paying interest has begun to drag on me.
I have about 300k in a brokerage account, 60k in my 401k, and 50k~ liquid but no real assets (want to have a downpayment for a house, but currently unwilling to exit my positions in my broker) and want to know if I should just 1) pay off all of my unsubsidized loans in cash before they can accrue interest or 2) deposit more of my liquid cash into the brokerage and attempt to get a better return than 5.5% for the next 1-2 years before I graduate.
I'm defaulting to wanting to delete any unsubsidized loans I have, leave the subsidized ones until I graduate, and delete those immediately when I graduate. What would you do?
submitted by ashent2 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:41 GuiltlessMaple Best Firefield Reflex Sight

Best Firefield Reflex Sight
Welcome to our roundup review of the Firefield Reflex Sight, a hot commodity in the world of shooting accessories. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at this innovative piece of gear, discussing its features, functionality, and performance to help you make an informed decision.
Whether you're a seasoned marksman or just starting out, the Firefield Reflex Sight is designed to enhance your shooting experience. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of reflex sights, and discover why this product is a must-have for anyone seeking to elevate their shooting game.

The Top 19 Best Firefield Reflex Sight

  1. HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action - The HHA Optimizer Lite X 5519 offers advanced features such as an infinite adjust slotted side bracket, water-resistant tapes, and a leveling bubble, providing 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action for precise aiming in various lighting conditions.
  2. Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle - The Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight ensures fast subject acquisition and tracking, offering a powerful combination of adjustable brightness and position, mounting onto the camera's hot shoe, and built-in ruggedness with its dustproof and splash-proof design.
  3. Redline Dovetail Sleeper Sight with 2 Pin Red Dot Sight for Canik - Experience flawless performance with the Redline Rl-torch Dovetail Sight, an all-rounder for any range, scenario, and hunt.
  4. Explore Scientific ReflexSight: Compact, Versatile Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Stargazing - The Explore Scientific ReflexSight Finder Red Dot ES-REFLECT-00 offers a versatile and high-performance red dot sight, designed for telescope use and featuring a compact size, multi-dot reticle, and compatibility with a variety of base types.
  5. Compact and Versatile Telrad Reflex Sight with Mounting Base - The Telrad Reflex Sight, designed by Stephen Kufeld, offers a unique and user-friendly experience for stargazing, with its legendary design and ease of use on various telescope models.
  6. Pro Series Sight Black 1-Pin .019 Iron Sight Adjustable for Right and Left Hand Use - Discover the precision and convenience of the Apex Aegis Pro Series Sight Black 1-Pin .019, perfect for long shots in open country and with enhanced low-light performance.
  7. Redline RL-2 5 Pin Dovetail Sight for Hunting Enthusiasts - The Redline RL-2 5 Pin Dovetail RMR Sight boasts a sleek CNC'd aluminum design, versatile features for accurate shooting, and a lightweight construction for optimal performance.
  8. X-Vision Optics Flex 2 Thermal Reflex Sight: Advanced Hunting Sight with IP67 Weather Protection - Experience unmatched thermal performance with X-Vision Optics' FLEX 2 Thermal Reflex Sight - the ultimate choice for rifle enthusiasts seeking crystal clear vision, compact design, and reliable durability.
  9. High Magnification Spotting Scope with Rangefinder - The Firefield 12-36x50 Straight Edge Spotting Optics Kit brings your target acquisition to a new level, providing superb image quality and weatherproof performance in a sleek and waterproof design.
  10. Telrad Pulser Unit: Upgrade Your Reflex Sight with Pulsating Reticle Control - Telrad's Pulser Unit for Reflex Sight 2010 offers a unique upgrade to shotgun reflex sights, allowing for illuminated reticle pulsation and customizable rates, perfect for enhanced visibility and target tracking.
  11. Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base 2" for Better Comfort and Separation - The Firefield Reflex Sight Mounting Bracket enhances the user's comfort and stability with a 2-inch height increase, catering to varied preferences with its superb craftsmanship.
  12. Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base for Increased Comfort & Height - Upgrade your telescope experience with the Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base 2104, adding 4" of height for enhanced comfort and ease of use!
  13. Firefield FF11018K Premium 20-60x60SE Spotting Scope Kit for Precise Long-Distance Targeting - Experience unmatched accuracy and versatility with the Firefield FF11018K 20-60x60SE Spotting Scope Kit, featuring fully multi-coated optics and a weatherproof design.
  14. Firefield 10x50 Siege Monocular: Compact and Portable Spotting Scope - Experience stunning, high-contrast visuals with Firefield's 10x50 Siege Monocular, featuring state-of-the-art technology for reliable performance in challenging environments.
  15. Top-of-the-Line Firefield Spotting Scope for Sharp Image and Enhanced Vision - Experience unparalleled precision and versatility with the Firefield 20x50 Spotting Scope, equipped with premium features and a durable, waterproof design that sets the standard for affordable long-range observation.
  16. Sight 3 Pin Dovetail RH for Precise Adjustment and Micro-Adjustment - The Redline RL-3 Sight 3 Pin Dovetail RH offers precision and reliability with its micro-adjustment sights, adjustable 1st & 2nd axis, and 3 mounting points, making it the perfect choice for discerning shooters.
  17. Sight 5500 Reflex Sight with Adjustable Bracket - HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5500 provides effortless 2nd axis and vertical adjustments, ensuring optimal range and accuracy with its innovative infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket.
  18. Affordable and Lightweight Firefield Reflex Sight - The Redline RL-2 Sight Single Pin Gray RH provides a lethal, durable, and affordable single pin bow sight, perfect for hunters seeking accuracy and convenience.
  19. Firefield Reflex Sight with Infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket - Enhance your shooting experience with the Firefield Reflex Sight HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5500, featuring a game-changing infinite adjust slotted slide bracket for seamless sight adjustments.
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🔗HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519 .019 - Infinite Adjust Slotted Side Bracket for 20-80 Yard Accuracy and Smooth Lever Action
HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is designed to provide an accurate, long-range shooting experience for archers. Featuring a new infinite Adjust Slotted Slide Bracket, it allows the shooter to make 2nd axis and vertical adjustments with ease, enhancing accuracy and precision. The 20-80 yard accuracy and smooth lever action of the sight contribute to its popularity among archers. In addition, the water-resistant tapes and leveling bubble help in better alignment and accuracy.
The Optimizer Lite x Sight also features a machined aluminum pin carrier for improved durability and performance. Optional mechanical rheostat to adjust pin brightness and compatibility with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit are added benefits that contribute to the overall versatility of the sight. Archers will appreciate the lightweight construction, making it easy to carry and use during hunting sessions.
A unique feature of this sight is the optional mechanical rheostat that allows the user to adjust the pin brightness, ensuring better visibility in low light conditions. This sight is compatible with Blue Burst light and Lens Kit as well, enhancing its capabilities even further. With all these features, the HHA Optimizer Lite x Sight 5519.019 is a top choice for bow hunters looking for a reliable, versatile sight for both short and long-distance shots.

🔗Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle
I recently got my hands on the Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my photography adventures. The EE-1 has made tracking fast-moving subjects much easier, especially during bird photography.
One of the standout features was the Center Aiming Dot. It was incredibly useful in capturing my subjects at the right angle, without losing sight of them. The ability to adjust the brightness and position of the dot was a bonus, as it allowed me to customize the settings according to my shooting environment.
The EE-1 is designed to mount onto a camera's hot shoe, which ensures a snug and secure fit. Plus, its dustproof and splash-proof design has kept it safe from the elements during my outdoor shoots.
However, there were a few cons that I experienced while using this product. The adjustment wheels for the brightness and position of the dot are slightly vulnerable to movement during shooting, which could lead to maladjustment. Another issue I faced was the difficulty in turning off the LED when the sight is collapsed for storage, as it can consume battery power.
Overall, the Olympus EE-1 Red Dot Sight with Crosshair Reticle has been a valuable addition to my photography kit. Its innovative features have greatly improved my ability to capture moving subjects, despite the few minor flaws.

🔗Redline Dovetail Sleeper Sight with 2 Pin Red Dot Sight for Canik
I've been using the Redline RL-Torch Dovetail Sight for a few weeks now and I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in my hunting expeditions. The two-pin design with all green illumination has significantly improved my accuracy, especially when shooting at different distances.
One feature that really stood out for me is the internal rechargeable light. Not only does it save me from buying and replacing batteries all the time, but it also reduces the weight of the sight, making it much easier to handle on long hunts. I also appreciate how customizable the adjustments are - from the different pin sizes to the micro-adjustable knobs.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks. The dial can be quite stiff and noisy at times, which can be slightly distracting during intensive hunting activities. Additionally, the durability of the sight is a bit questionable compared to other models I've used in the past. Lastly, not having a manual was quite inconvenient, especially when I had to figure out the setup and adjustments by myself.
But overall, I'd give this sight a solid 4.5 stars for its performance and features. If you're looking for an affordable yet reliable sight that delivers excellent accuracy, the Redline RL-Torch Dovetail Sight is worth considering.

🔗Explore Scientific ReflexSight: Compact, Versatile Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Stargazing
Ever since I started using the Explore Scientific ReflexSight, I've been eagerly waiting for my moments of stargazing. The multi-dot reticle design in standard circular patterns has made it easier for me to gaze at the star-filled sky without any blockage. I've also noticed its compatibility with a wide range of devices, all thanks to its 1/4 x 20 threaded adapter.
Despite some minor difficulties like the snug fit in the mount and the slightly challenging parallax adjustment, the smooth body style and accessible battery compartment have made up for it. The adjustable brightness control knob is a favorite of mine, allowing me to adjust visibility even when wearing gloves.
However, one feature that bugged me was the bulky light shield/cover. It sometimes slides over the lens when the telescope is pointed upwards. I hope the designers take this into account for future models.
Nevertheless, the Explore Scientific ReflexSight has enhanced my experience while star-hopping, and its versatility in fitting onto almost any telescope without modification has made it an essential addition to my stargazing journey.

🔗Compact and Versatile Telrad Reflex Sight with Mounting Base
The Telrad Reflex Sight is a must-have accessory for stargazers and telescope enthusiasts. As someone who has been using it for a while, I can confidently say that it's a game-changer when it comes to finding celestial objects in the sky. One of the standout features for me is its deep red concentric circles, which make it easy to locate targets even in the darkest of nights.
Another aspect I truly appreciated is the mounting base, which securely attaches the sight to telescopes of all sizes. The on/off switch and the continuously adjustable brightness control are also incredibly convenient, ensuring that the sight is always set to the perfect brightness for observation.
However, one drawback I encountered is that the Telrad Reflex Sight can be quite heavy, making it challenging to carry around on outdoor adventures. Also, the mounting base could be more versatile, as it only works with a specific type of telescope.
Despite these minor issues, the Telrad Reflex Sight is a powerful tool for anyone looking to enhance their telescope experience. Its compact design, user-friendly features, and reliability make it worth considering for any stargazing enthusiast.

🔗Pro Series Sight Black 1-Pin .019 Iron Sight Adjustable for Right and Left Hand Use
I recently had the opportunity to use the Pro Single-Pin Slider Direct-Mount Sight Black 1-Pin 0.19, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The sight's single 0.19 inch vertical pin and 1.8 inch aperture provide a clear and clean sight picture, which became particularly valuable when taking longer shots in open country.
One of the most impressive features was the integrated glow ring and the REVOLVE rotary sight light, ensuring low-light conditions never posed an issue. Additionally, the sight's dual yardage pointers, end-of-travel elevation stops, and fixed bracket with 3 potential mounting positions allowed for seamless adjustments even while moving.
I also appreciated the sight's ease of use and convenience, such as the second- and third-axis aperture adjustments and the left- and right-handed configuration options. Moreover, with 120 pre-marked sight tapes included, I felt that I had a solid setup for lethal, accurate shots throughout the season.
While I enjoyed the sight's features, there was one downside: the direct-drive elevation wheel's one-handed operation wasn't entirely smooth and silent as advertised, making it slightly challenging to use on the move. Nevertheless, the Pro Single-Pin Slider Direct-Mount Sight Black 1-Pin 0.19 has undeniably made a difference in my archery experience.

🔗Redline RL-2 5 Pin Dovetail Sight for Hunting Enthusiasts
As someone who's used the Redline RL-2 5 Pin Dovetail Sight, I can say it sure does pack a punch for its price. The sight is sturdy as all get-out, and it's got some great features that make it easy to adjust even in the depths of night.
One thing that stood out to me, though, was the fiber optic pins. They're bright, which is fantastic for target practice. However, I noticed a slight hiccup - the wheel adjustment dial came loose one weekend during practice. It was an easy fix, but it left me wondering if I'd run into the same issue again.
The overall construction of the sight is lovely - the CNC'd aluminum dovetail and housing feel solid in my hands. The sight tapes provided are a great touch, giving me fine-grained control over the sight. I've heard some complaints about missing parts, but my sight arrived complete and in perfect condition.
Despite the minor issues, I'd highly recommend the RL-2 Dovetail Sight to anyone looking for a reliable sight that won't break the bank. It's been a great addition to my hunting gear, and I can't wait to test it out on my next hunt.

🔗X-Vision Optics Flex 2 Thermal Reflex Sight: Advanced Hunting Sight with IP67 Weather Protection
I recently got my hands on the X-Vision Optics Flex 2 Thermal Reflex Sight, and let me tell you, I was incredibly impressed by its performance. This sleek and compact sight packs a punch, with its detection range of up to 1700 yards and crystal clear images on its 2.56" AMOLED display. I was particularly impressed with the 1x-4x magnification, which makes it a versatile option for different shooting scenarios.
However, I must admit, I had a bit of trouble with the quick-release Picatinny mount at first, but after getting the hang of it, it became a breeze. The sight also features an impressive 55-foot field of view at 100 yards and a detection range of 750 yards.
The Flex 2 is also weatherproof, with an IP67 rating, so it can handle any terrain or weather conditions you throw at it. Plus, with a battery life of 5 hours, you won't have to worry about it dying in the middle of your hunt. Overall, the X-Vision Optics Flex 2 Thermal Reflex Sight is a top-notch choice for anyone in the market for a reliable thermal sight.

🔗High Magnification Spotting Scope with Rangefinder
I couldn't wait to test out the Firefield 12-36x50 Straight Edge Spotting Optics Kit. With its sleek design and impressive specifications, I was eager to see if it could live up to the hype. Upon opening the package, I was immediately drawn to the scope's rubber-armored body, fully multi-coated lenses, and waterproof features.
Once I had everything set up and ready to go, I aimed for a distant tree, and boy, was I impressed by the crystal-clear view. The zoom feature was a game-changer, allowing me to hone in on any target with ease. I loved that I could quickly switch back and forth between magnifications for a more comprehensive view.
However, the tripod that came with the kit left a bit to be desired. It felt somewhat flimsy and wouldn't be my first choice for an important shooting task. I can't really blame the scope itself for this, but it's worth mentioning.
On the whole, the Firefield 12-36x50 Straight Edge Spotting Optics Kit was a solid performer. While it may not have been the most advanced scope I've ever used, it certainly did the job for a reasonable price. Plus, the included carrying case made transporting it easy and hassle-free.

🔗Telrad Pulser Unit: Upgrade Your Reflex Sight with Pulsating Reticle Control
The Telrad Pulser Unit really livened up my reflex sight, with its pulsating illuminated reticle standing out during nighttime stargazing. The straightforward installation, despite a fiddly fit, was a breeze thanks to the clear instructions. Pairing this with the Telrad's existing brightness control, I could make faint stars more visible.
However, I did encounter some minor fitting issues, but the final outcome was worth it.

🔗Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base 2" for Better Comfort and Separation
I recently gave the Reflex Sight Riser Base a try, and I must say it was a game-changer. With its 2-inch height addition, it made the Telrad sight much more comfortable to use and even improved my overall experience. The craftsmanship of this mounting bracket was impeccable, and I couldn't be happier with the level of quality.
However, there was one small issue I faced. The base caused some difficulty when securing it to the optical tube assembly. It required a bit of fiddling to get it in place, but once it was set, it held strong. So, while it was slightly inconvenient to install, I still found it to be a worthwhile investment for the benefits it brought to the table.

🔗Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base for Increased Comfort & Height
Imagine you've been using this Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base for a while now, and it's time to pen down your experience. Firstly, it's worth mentioning that this riser base has been a lifesaver when it comes to aligning my telescope. Before using it, I had to crouch low and sight along the tube, which was quite uncomfortable and strained my neck.
One of the things I appreciated most about this product is the additional height it provides. By lifting the Telrad off the main telescope tube by several inches, I found it much easier to use, and my back and neck weren't taking the brunt of it. While there's still some crouching involved, it's definitely more comfortable and ergonomic.
However, I do have a minor critique - the screws can come all the way out. When I'm operating in the dark, fiddling with the attachment or removal of the Telrad and the riser base, I could easily lose a screw. I hope that future versions of this product will come with captive screws that can't be removed completely.
Despite this minor setback, overall, the Telrad Reflex Sight Riser Base has been a game-changer for my stargazing adventures. It's made my observations more comfortable and efficient, all while saving me a bit of soreness in my neck and back.

🔗Firefield FF11018K Premium 20-60x60SE Spotting Scope Kit for Precise Long-Distance Targeting
I recently had the chance to give the Firefield spotting scope kit a try, and I must say, it lived up to my expectations. As a sports enthusiast, I appreciate versatility and reliability, especially when it comes down to long-distance targets, which is why I chose this particular product.
What stood out for me in my experience was the wide magnification range provided by the system, ranging from 20-60x magnification. This allowed me to take a closer look at my target without sacrificing clarity, even at longer distances. It was perfect for my tactical target shooting and long-distance game tracking.
The nitrogen-purged and rubber-armored design was also a fantastic aspect of this kit. It not only provided weather protection but also added durability to the product. The scope was perfectly at ease in rainy conditions and was equally at home during sunny days.
While the product itself worked great, there were a couple of issues I faced that slowed me down a bit. The rubber eyepiece, while comfortable, took some time to get accustomed to, especially at the higher end of the magnification range. Additionally, I had trouble focusing at higher zoom levels, but once I figured out the technique, everything was clear.
Overall, my experience with the Firefield spotting scope kit has been positive. It helped me hone in on targets with accuracy and precision. While there may be room for improvement, this kit has proven to be a reliable and versatile choice for those seeking to enhance their long-distance capabilities.

🔗Firefield 10x50 Siege Monocular: Compact and Portable Spotting Scope
Using the Firefield 10x50 Siege Monocular has been a game-changer for my outdoor adventures. The magnification and objective lens diameter combination allow for an ultra-wide 70° apparent angle of view, making it perfect for spotting birds high up in the sky or wildlife in the distance. The fully multi-coated optics and BAK4 roof prisms deliver bright and clear images, even in challenging light conditions.
The lightweight and durable plastic housing is wrapped in a protective black rubber armor, making it easy to grip and handle in any weather. The monocular is also waterproof up to an IP67 rating and nitrogen-filled, ensuring it won't fog up even when it's freezing cold or extremely hot outside.
One of the best parts about this monocular is its 1/4"-20 tripod mount, making it incredibly easy to use as a spotting scope in the field, at the range, or in a blind. It's also perfect for taking pictures of birds and wildlife, thanks to its compact size and lightweight design.
Overall, I highly recommend the Firefield 10x50 Siege Monocular for anyone looking for a versatile and reliable optic device for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right reflex sight can be a daunting task, especially with the abundance of options available in the market. This buyer's guide will provide an overview of the important features, considerations, and general advice for selecting a high-quality Firefield reflex sight.

Features to Consider

  1. Type of Reflex Sight: Firefield offers both red dot and holographic reflex sights. Red dot sights are ideal for close to medium-range shooting, while holographic sights provide a more extensive field of view, making them suitable for longer ranges and fast target acquisition.
  2. Brightness Settings: Look for reflex sights with adjustable brightness levels to suit various lighting conditions. Some models may include a dedicated button for quickly switching between day and night modes.
  3. Reticle Patterns: Firefield offers multiple reticle patterns, such as dot, dot and cross, and crosshair, amongst others. Choose a reticle that suits your shooting style and preferences.
  4. Mounting Options: Consider the available mounting options, such as picatinny or weaver rails, to ensure compatibility with your firearm.
  5. Battery Life: A longer battery life ensures that your reflex sight will not run out of power during critical shooting situations.

Additional Considerations

  1. Durability: Reflex sights are subjected to harsh environments and impacts. Opt for models with robust construction and durable materials to withstand these conditions.
  2. Weight: A lightweight reflex sight is beneficial for maintaining balance and reducing fatigue during extended shooting sessions.
  3. Customer Reviews: Research user experiences and feedback on various models to gauge their reliability and performance in real-world situations.
  4. Price: Set a budget to ensure that you are considering reflex sights that fall within your desired price range.

General Advice

  1. Try Before You Buy: If possible, visit a local gun range or shooting facility to test different Firefield reflex sights prior to making a purchase.
  2. Consider Shooting Accessories: A reflex sight may complement other shooting accessories, such as magnifiers or vertical foregrips, depending on your specific shooting requirements.
  3. Service and Support: Investigate the manufacturer's after-sales service and support to ensure that you are in good hands in case of any issues or concerns with your reflex sight.
With a comprehensive understanding of the features, considerations, and general advice for purchasing a Firefield reflex sight, you can make an informed decision to find the perfect match for your shooting needs.


What is the Firefield Reflex Sight?

The Firefield Reflex Sight is a premium optic sight designed for modern firearms. It features a dot reticle that provides users with a clear and precise aiming point, perfect for quick and accurate shots.

What are the key features of the Firefield Reflex Sight?

  • Dual illumination System with both red and green dot options
  • 11 adjustable brightness settings for optimal visibility in various lighting conditions
  • Shockproof construction guarantees durability during rough handling or recoil
  • Waterproof and submersible up to 1 meter for use in all weather conditions
  • Unibody design for ease of mounting and zeroing
  • Unlimited eye relief for comfortable use

What is the dual illumination system in the Firefield Reflex Sight?

The dual illumination system in the Firefield Reflex Sight allows users to switch between a red and green dot reticle, providing more flexibility in various shooting scenarios, and ensuring the best possible aim.

How many brightness settings does the Firefield Reflex Sight have?

The Firefield Reflex Sight has 11 adjustable brightness settings to help users find the perfect setting for their specific environment and lighting conditions.

Is the Firefield Reflex Sight shockproof?

Yes, the Firefield Reflex Sight is shockproof, meaning it can withstand rough handling or recoil from most firearms, ensuring longevity and reliability during use.

Is the Firefield Reflex Sight waterproof?

Yes, the Firefield Reflex Sight is waterproof and submersible up to 1 meter. This feature allows users to use the sight in all weather conditions without worrying about water damage.

How does the unibody design of the Firefield Reflex Sight work?

The unibody design of the Firefield Reflex Sight simplifies the process of mounting and zeroing the sight. The sight can be mounted directly onto the firearm without the need for additional components.

What is the unlimited eye relief feature in the Firefield Reflex Sight?

The unlimited eye relief feature in the Firefield Reflex Sight allows users to position their eye at any distance from the sight, providing a comfortable and relaxed shooting experience, even during prolonged sessions.
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2024.06.09 05:41 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Hi, it's been quite a while since I have visited these daily threads. I enjoy players get to specialize their strategy somehow in games and not just based on luck / taking the best you can get in the moment. Asymmetry either by setup or during gameplay. Some examples I have enjoy

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:40 Moo_The_Wisdom_Cow Am I The Jerk For Bringing Up My Classmate's Criminal Record After She Made A Joke About My Past?

Last week, I was sitting in history class, just minding my own business, when I heard one of the girls, who we'll call Aria (Aria is not her real name) talking to one of her friends, who we'll call Friend 1. I ingored them, then continued doing my assessment. 30 minutes later, 5 minutes before our lunch bell rang, I heard Aria say "I hope I'll never be like OP.", I was confused then asked "I'm not saying you do have to be like me, but can I ask why you'd never want to be like me?", Aria giggled before saying "B#tch, I never want a Mom like yours. She sounds stupid. I'm glad you got beat up every night for 10 years.", the room fell silent for about 20 seconds before I said "Damn, b#tch. At least I never got arrested last summer, unlike you.", Aria was shocked before saying "How DARE you!", no one in the class besides Aria and I had spoken by then. I responded to Aria saying "If you think you can make a domestic violence joke, I'll make a joke about your criminal record.", the teacher had 0 idea what to say. Friend 1 then said "OP, Aria's quite sensitive about her criminal history", I then said "And I'm very much sensitive about what I went through for 10 f#cking years. I don't care what you or Aria's been through in your past, I don't give a sh#t about none of that. But making a joke about me getting beaten horrendously for 10 entire years in beyond words.", our teacher finally spoke up and said "OP, please stop berating Aria and Friend 1", I then stopped. Our teacher turned to Aria and said "Aria, I know OP shouldn't have made a joke about you past, but your 'joke' was even worse. The fact that you thought it would be funny to make a domestic violence joke is absolutely disgusting. I'll be arranging a meeting with your parents about this. For now, go to detention". Nothing else really happened after that. So Reddit, tell me, AITJ for bringing up Aria's criminal record after she made a domestic violence joke?
submitted by Moo_The_Wisdom_Cow to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:39 notherthrowaway223 Why can’t I just enjoy my vacation?!

My friends and I rented out a cottage on the beach for a few days. We were planning on having fires and spending all day on the beach, but it’s cold and has rained 2 out of the 4 days so far, with no sunshine coming up. All plans completely soiled. It put a damper on the weekend. My friends are annoyed by the rain, but otherwise seemingly having a good time. But I just can’t see the point if it’s not nice out. I just want to go home. Im trying really really hard to “make the best of it”.. but I literally can’t!
Im also struggling being in a new place I don’t know. Dishes are in the “wrong” spots, utensils in a drawer I don’t like, pots and pans are disorganized and hard to take out. Everything in my apartment is organized with easy access. My whole routine is thrown off and I didn’t realize how difficult it would be for me to deal with. I’m also running out of socks.
My body hurts so bad. I have hypermobility and tendinitis in my feet. My tendinitis has been bad lately and affecting my mobility. The amount of stuff we’re doing during the day is exhausting me. I need more breaks but Im not being given them, so I have to tap out really early into the night because Im so overstimulated I feel sick, then I end up missing out.
I feel like a mother. I’m the one planning and organizing everything. I don’t get to turn my brain off and relax. The most relaxing I got on this trip has been the hour I got to watch Hell’s Kitchen. I’m cooking, cleaning, gathering things we need, packing lunches, getting us out the door on time because nice weather before it rains is little.. and if I didn’t do this stuff it wouldn’t get done. Then we would be going to the beach without towels, sandwiches/snacks, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen.. etc. I’m so tired. This is no different than my routine at home. The mental load on top of the physical is draining me.
I just want to relax and have fun! Why is this so easy for NT people to not care and “make the best of a bad situation”? I’m doing the same thing I do when I’m at work to make the time pass faster, i dissociate, but I’m not going to make memories that way. I want to be present but it’s painful to be. But I think the worst part is the lack of understanding from everyone. Maybe a movie night might not be fun for you, but it would be fun for me. Considering that I’m pushing myself through the pain to just walk and shop with you guys. Sand is an actual nightmare but I’m still out there with you guys. I like to see my friends enjoy themselves. So instead of music and drinking with games tonight.. how about a movie? We brought popcorn, it would be fun! Even if it’s just fun for me, it’s one movie. Its not overstimulating, it’s not painful, it’s not tiring. I could turn my brain off and sit with my friends and watch a movie. I could relax on my vacation.
How do I just chill out?
submitted by notherthrowaway223 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]