Elementary yearbook dedications from parents

Early Childhood Education: Teacher & Professional Forum

2011.10.20 05:03 Early Childhood Education: Teacher & Professional Forum

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2024.05.15 16:52 LaReinaDeLaImprenta How can I (30F) get my husband (30M) to self reflect and to be dedicated to me instead of his parents?

Hello friends of reddit. My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been married for 6 months and it is not going as expected. In the beginning, he made it clear that due to his religious beliefs that he did not to have sex before marriage. I agreed as I had horrible judgement in men and was not looking to get taken for another ride again.
Background on him: He comes from an extremely religious family (Baptist). Worked his own business with the family since he graduated high school. He has also lived with his parents and has never lived on his own other than a year in his parents other home before his accident (he fell 27ft and had to relearn to walk). No drinking no smoking, only spend time with family and outdoor activities. Background on me: While I come from an abusive traumatic family I am currently 5 years therapy strong working on myself as it is my responsibility not my partners. I went to college and lived on my own until covid lay offs and I had to move back home with my father, which wasnt ideal. I work full time and have my own business; I am very motivated.
As time progressed he changed his mind and we ended up sleeping together. I asked for us to move in together for a lil while before we got married. My parents (divorced) were not okay with that but I did not care. He told me that we would need to sit down and discuss the idea of moving in together with his parents. I said; "Why would we need to ask permission we are 30?" and he said that we would have to in order to save face. I said "I am not comfortable with discussing this with your family as it is not their business." He said we were not to move in together until we do. I told him if he forced me to meet with his parents then I was going to tell his mother that we have already had sex so there was no reason not to move in together. He never set up the meeting. We never moved in together. He is very close to his parents in my opinion to the point it is unhealthy. I watch as his dad undermines, belittles, and ignores his mother with a smile and charming laugh on his face until she is in complete submission. She admitted to me that while she was clipping coupons for the family, he was out spending all the money on machines / equipment that they did not need. She has cried to me in front of my husband about how she still needs to voice her opinion even though it is never listen to or goes the way she suggests. That was a red flag to me.
My now husband of mine and I started to plan out life together. He told me that he owns his own business and has 60 acres of property and wanted to build a life there. He promised me that we were going to work together and build a home that we can make a guest house and eventually build a bigger home. He wants it to be similar to a Lowcountry plantation. I was all for it, finally excited that I had someone I could create a life with that we both wanted and deserved.
That is when things turned. He started to move forward on building a home for us without a permit nor engineer drawings. Before he started, I told him that made me very uncomfortable and I need security to know this home is done correctly since he will be out of town a lot and I will be left alone in a town I know no one. That made him insulted and said this is how his father and family did their home and he just moved forward on building it himself. I begged, cried, and pleaded with him to please let's get the water and septic out there first and work on a budget of plans / permits to break ground. That I was not comfortable living that way, my father was a GC and taught me a lot of what needs to be done for a home to be an asset. He waved me off, told me that my father was just a carpenter. I cried for months over it and almost moved the wedding back a year. His father was behind the scenes telling him and motivating him to continue to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of how I felt. He finally heard me after I threaten to postpone the wedding and stopped construction and told me he would get a permit on the home and drawings before he did anything else.
The closer the wedding got, the difficult it became. I gave him my pay stubs, W2, and showed my assets to him up front. I showed all of my cards and asked to see his in return. He said he would and he never did. When I asked him more than once he would get annoyed with me. I started to get suspicious. I felt as if he was hiding something. So I did my own investigation. It turns out that his father and him own the property together in a way that if one passes the other gets it and he only owns 20% of the business he claimed was his. I was stunned. Everything he told me was half truths. I brought it to his attention many times and he acted like he told me already. I told him I knew the truth and he said it wasn't a big deal and I am making something out of it that it isnt. If his father had more respect for his wife and for women, I would not be this concerned. His father throws trash on the ground and ignores rules and regulations while having a problem with authority at his own home. Now everything he doesnt want at his house is being thrown over to my husband's property (which is his too and he has a right to do what he wants). Being in that type of chaotic environment along with the sense of having someone stomp on my boundaries for me would be extremely triggering and something that I will not be able to do. He is already throwing trash and leaving debris and junk all over the property. I communicated my feelings and got met with resentment, anger, and denial from my husband. He told me that it was not going to be that way. He also called me controlling bc instead of spending 25,000 on permits / our home, he spend it on a brand new truck (he has two other trucks). I was so upset and said how could he spend that much money on a toy when he hasn't even provided a home for our family. He was texting his dad about the truck behind my back and he was motivated to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of what I thought bc I am "controlling".
I told him from day one that I am a career woman, that I am not going to be solely responsible for the household and I am not his mother and I will not pick up after him. I expect things to be 50/50 in finances and in house work until we figure out what works best for us. He said he agreed and was very happy with that. I then told him in order for me to feel comfortable moving out to his 60 acres of land, that it would need to be solely in his name and he would need to get a permit and engineer drawings. He told me as soon as we were married that he would move forward with that.
With all these red flags, I continued to move forward with the wedding as he promised me the world. He kept dragging his feet on the home construction and it was failing to be completed before our wedding. His dad was telling him to take his time it is not that big of a deal. 4 months before our wedding, his family and him expected me to live in an unpermited non CO having shed like house, with no power, water, septic, nor appliances, an empty shell, no sheetrock (his father made his mother live like that). In complete distress I begged my father to do a lease to own with one of his rental properties for me so that my husband and I would have a place to live after we got married since the home was in no condition to live in. My father begrudgingly agreed and then told me to not Marry him. I did always. My family ended up ruining the wedding for me and causing our special day to not be as special.
Fast forward a few months when it was time for us to pay our lease to own payment. He was late every month, got angry at me for asking for his part of the money, I asked him to help with the chores and he would get annoyed with me, he has not mowed the grass once (my father and I have). I can count on my hand the times hes raked the yard and done dishes. He makes double the amount of money I made but I am writing the checks for the bills. I am just asking for his portion and he told me that I am treating him like a roommate not like a husband / wife. I asked him to explain and he couldn't. I finally got fed up and told me to give me 4 checks signed so when he is out of town for work and I need to pay the bills I can. He handed me the checks and they had him and HIS MOTHER on the account. Admitted, I lost my cool. I was overwhelmed with the amount of involvement his parents had in his assets and life. He has made me feel like he has lied to me. I told him as long as my boundaries are disrespected and I have no say in our home and our life that I do not want anything to do with their property. He would get mad and say it was his and id remind him, no it is not. It belongs to him and his father. He said it is his home and he is going to build it the way he wanted.
A few weeks after that argument he completely distant himself from me. He was out till 8pm every night for weeks and I kept asking him where he was. All he said was "working". A few weeks later, I finally go out to the property to see a full blown house. Behind my back he was working on that home putting roofing, plumbing, tile, siding, everything! He told me we were going to work on this together. I was so upset, everything is half ass done. He let me pick out nothing. I called him on it and he denied it. Come to find out him and his father had been working on it behind my back. While I was struggling to pay our bills he was using his money to continue on building on the home without drawings, permits, engineering, nothing. He couldn't give me money for our house hold bills, but he could spend thousands and thousands on something he promised me he was not going to do. Then he proceeded to tell me what "we" were going to give his father a $2,000.00 fish finder for a present. I told him is he out of his mind we can not afford that (mind you he gave me nothing for my birthday though he did bake me a cake and it was sweet). I said you are going to spend that much money on a gift and you didnt even get your wife anything for her birthday? he said "you got an engagement ring, that was expensive enough" I said "so bc you gave me an engagement ring, that means you do not have to purchase anything else for me as a gift?" he just waved me away. I said you never discussed this transaction with me and you are saying "we" are getting it. He said "well when I said 'we' I meant me and my mother."
I just stared at him. He considers WE as him and his parents. Finally got him into marriage counseling and it does not seem to be helping. He has missed 4 sessions already bc he chose work over me. He is pulling away from me completely, no affection, no sex (I did not know he had an issue brushing his teeth so now I cringe in fear of getting dumpster breath anytime we are intimate). This was NOT like this during our dating time.
I feel like I am drowning and I have made a HUGE mistake. Typing this out makes me feel guilty for telling the truth and maybe I am being controlling and overbearing like his parents are saying? This is why I am coming to you people of reddit.
I feel like I am in a polyamorous relationship. I feel like I have escaped the control of my family only to end up in a place where I am controlled by another man that I am not even MARRIED TO. I feel like I am a ship with two anchors that are my parents, when I got married I thought he was going to help captain my ship, not be another anchor on my vessel to weigh me down. All my friends have noticed that I have changed and I am not my normal self.
How can I get my husband self reflect on how he is treating me and be dedicated to me and not his parents?
Am I out of line? is this weird? Am I expecting too much?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I love my husband very much but I am stuck.
submitted by LaReinaDeLaImprenta to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 ComplexImpressive i feel broken

im 16f and i hate school i have always hated school but after COVID (which was the same time my dad cheated on my mom and they seperated) i just hate going i have anxiety and adhd and i'm a little depressed i have two brothers and our relationship is weird ( wqeve all changed alot after everything happened my little brother who was so happy is now really frumpy and stoic liek hes 13 an d My older brother is so smart but struggles so much, and Inda bottles up all his feelings. I've always been known as the emotional talkative sister, and I cry a lot. I also got bullied a lot in middle school (same time as the divorce and COVID) by the same people who were my best friends and bullies in elementary school, and all my friends turned on me, so I can't help but think all my friends hate me. I tried to kill myself in the 7th grade, and I just feel like I'm broken and I'm not normal. I'm a junior, so I'm worried about college and my dad getting married soon to the woman he cheated on my mom with, and I don't know. I just feel like everything is wrong and weird. I feel like I don't have a passion for something, like a lot of my friends do. They have an idea of what they want to do, and I feel like I have zero idea of what I want. My parents are artists, so I grew up with fun-loving parents, and I thought they were a fairy tale couple, and they were, and then he cheated. I also love my mom, and I kind of like my stepmom, but she grew up with boomer strict parents, and they were great, but she's very strict, and my parents were never strict, but me and my brothers were never wild kids. My parents never stopped us from being as creative or curious as we wanted. If we had a question, she would answer, and we are really close, and I know a lot about her and my dad (they are both stoners, so that is also a way to know what kind of parents they are). Ive never been one to hide things from my parents. I tell them about my crushes, and we make jokes about sex and death, and drugs were very unserious. I joke with my dad about what age he is going to die and how much weed he smokes, and I joke with my mom about everything. My parents sometimes tell me that I tell them too much. I just don't get the point. I trust them, but I feel weird loving my dad and my stepfamily. I've always been really close with my dad, and I'm pretty close with my step family, but my stepmom and my dad did something really bad that kind of wrecked me, my brothers, and my mom. My mom went to three mental health hospitals during her divorce, once right before the separation and once after, and my dad has worked crazy hours since forever (he works in film, coming home at like 12 and leaving at like 5 sorta), and when we were younger, the first time my mom left, he would order us food and we wouldn't see him, and then I found out he went on a trip with my stepmom (who we didn't even know about). At the time I was 12, my older brother was 15, and my little brother was 8. Now I am getting married, and I have not celebrated a birthday with both my parents since I was in 5th grade. I am graduating soon, and I dont want to hurt my mom's feelings. But I want my step grandmother, aunts, uncles, and stepmother to be there, but I feel like having a panic attack when I think about them being close together. I feel like I can't even have a picture of me in my cap and gown with my parents and brothers, and that's all I want, just a picture of me, my mom, and my father. I apologize for writing so much, and I know this is all over the place, but I really needed to vent and just let it all out.

submitted by ComplexImpressive to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 ComplexImpressive i feel weird

im 16f and i hate school i have always hated school but after COVID (which was the same time my dad cheated on my mom and they seperated) i just hate going i have anxiety and adhd and i'm a little depressed i have two brothers and our relationship is weird ( wqeve all changed alot after everything happened my little brother who was so happy is now really frumpy and stoic liek hes 13 an d My older brother is so smart but struggles so much, and Inda bottles up all his feelings. I've always been known as the emotional talkative sister, and I cry a lot. I also got bullied a lot in middle school (same time as the divorce and COVID) by the same people who were my best friends and bullies in elementary school, and all my friends turned on me, so I can't help but think all my friends hate me. I tried to kill myself in the 7th grade, and I just feel like I'm broken and I'm not normal. I'm a junior, so I'm worried about college and my dad getting married soon to the woman he cheated on my mom with, and I don't know. I just feel like everything is wrong and weird. I feel like I don't have a passion for something, like a lot of my friends do. They have an idea of what they want to do, and I feel like I have zero idea of what I want. My parents are artists, so I grew up with fun-loving parents, and I thought they were a fairy tale couple, and they were, and then he cheated. I also love my mom, and I kind of like my stepmom, but she grew up with boomer strict parents, and they were great, but she's very strict, and my parents were never strict, but me and my brothers were never wild kids. My parents never stopped us from being as creative or curious as we wanted. If we had a question, she would answer, and we are really close, and I know a lot about her and my dad (they are both stoners, so that is also a way to know what kind of parents they are). Ive never been one to hide things from my parents. I tell them about my crushes, and we make jokes about sex and death, and drugs were very unserious. I joke with my dad about what age he is going to die and how much weed he smokes, and I joke with my mom about everything. My parents sometimes tell me that I tell them too much. I just don't get the point. I trust them, but I feel weird loving my dad and my stepfamily. I've always been really close with my dad, and I'm pretty close with my step family, but my stepmom and my dad did something really bad that kind of wrecked me, my brothers, and my mom. My mom went to three mental health hospitals during her divorce, once right before the separation and once after, and my dad has worked crazy hours since forever (he works in film, coming home at like 12 and leaving at like 5 sorta), and when we were younger, the first time my mom left, he would order us food and we wouldn't see him, and then I found out he went on a trip with my stepmom (who we didn't even know about). At the time I was 12, my older brother was 15, and my little brother was 8. Now I am getting married, and I have not celebrated a birthday with both my parents since I was in 5th grade. I am graduating soon, and I dont want to hurt my mom's feelings. But I want my step grandmother, aunts, uncles, and stepmother to be there, but I feel like having a panic attack when I think about them being close together. I feel like I can't even have a picture of me in my cap and gown with my parents and brothers, and that's all I want, just a picture of me, my mom, and my father. I apologize for writing so much, and I know this is all over the place, but I really needed to vent and just let it all out.

submitted by ComplexImpressive to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:06 kuchkuchtohumai Do I really have no other option?

I am 17M currently in class 12(2024-2025 batch) Stream - pcmb. I want to enter into a tier 1 college and the only options I see is entrance exams like JEE, IAT, COMEDK etc. I have to give up everything for this entrance exams. I am really into extracurriculars. I love doing these things, it becomes challenging sometimes, but it makes me feel alive. Internships somewhere, MUNs at random university helps me explore the world.
Preparation for entrance exams is making me away from all this extracurricular stuff in these months. I was confused when 11th started my father wanted me to take science because he could set me up if I managed to end up nowhere and made me chose pcb and later I later i changed to pcmb because I started liking physics and maths and decided to dedicate my 11th and 12th to IAT(IISER APTITUDE TEST) and later started questioning myself about what i was even doing. Being in room for 24 hours. Studying for 12 hours etc made me feel dead from inside. I got off the track later
A few days before my 12th started i asked myself a few questions, searched on internet and realized in India i have no other options than these entrance exams where cut throat competition exists. I don't want my parents to take loan for studying outside India + recession.
I don't care about my interests and stuff, good college with good branch is all i care about at this point.
Do i really have no other option than these entrance exams to get into a tier 1 college?
submitted by kuchkuchtohumai to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 kuchkuchtohumai Do I really have no other option?

I am 17M currently in class 12(2024-2025 batch) Stream - pcmb. I want to enter into a tier 1 college and the only options I see is entrance exams like JEE, IAT, COMEDK etc. I have to give up everything for this entrance exams. I am really into extracurriculars. I love doing these things, it becomes challenging sometimes, but it makes me feel alive. Internships somewhere, MUNs at random university helps me explore the world.
Preparation for entrance exams is making me away from all this extracurricular stuff in these months. I was confused when 11th started my father wanted me to take science because he could set me up if I managed to end up nowhere and made me chose pcb and later I later i changed to pcmb because I started liking physics and maths and decided to dedicate my 11th and 12th to IAT(IISER APTITUDE TEST) and later started questioning myself about what i was even doing. Being in room for 24 hours. Studying for 12 hours etc made me feel dead from inside. I got off the track later
A few days before my 12th started i asked myself a few questions, searched on internet and realized in India i have no other options than these entrance exams where cut throat competition exists. I don't want my parents to take loan for studying outside India + recession.
I don't care about my interests and stuff, good college with good branch is all i care about at this point.
Do i really have no other option than these entrance exams to get into a tier 1 college?
submitted by kuchkuchtohumai to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:43 Josuke_Higashikata_1 how do i cover up my preferred name in my yearbookšŸ˜¦

basically, my yearbook has lots of sections with me in it, and all of them list my preferred name... obviously my parents are going to look through it, but how do i avoid that from happening? i was thinking whiteout or printing it on, but i don't think that would work. pls help!!
submitted by Josuke_Higashikata_1 to Nonbinaryteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:07 xX_s0up_Xx Mother's Day Shenanigans

TLDR: Boomer grandma cancels existing plans on a whim and manipulates her way into a family day, making it about her behavior, instead of recognizing my wife on Mother's Day.
I (M47) live about an hour from my parents. With Mother's Day in the US last weekend, I try to plan things out so that we get to see my parents and also recognize my wife for being a wonderful mom. So the plan for weeks was that we would visit my mom on Saturday so she could see the grandkids at a local festival with rides games and music. Sunday was going to be family stuff here in town for my wife.
A little background: My parents don't care much for my wife. My dad has called her a gold-digger and lazy, asked why she does not have dinner ready for me when I get off work, etc. We've already discussed that, "If I'm happy, and I'm telling you I'm happy, then you have no business poking into how we run our home." My wife is not lazy or a gold digger, but she is neuro-spicy in several ways, and some days the ADHD does not let her get much done despite her wanting to. My sister had kids much earlier than I did with her kids being in their 30's, and mine are in elementary schhool. My parents don't understand why we won't leave the kids with them for a week during the summer, but my parents are elderly and unable to do basic things like pick the kids up if there was an accident or emergency. Mom had a stroke and has difficulty speaking clearly, and dad is a heart transplant pattient. They also don't parent the same we we do. My dad wants things done the way he wants and when he wants, or he yells, and we are trying to break generational traumas, lol. Not to mention that riding in a car with my dad driving is taking a gamble with your life.
On Friday night I call to finalize plans because we need to drive an hour there and an hour back. I tell Mom that my wife has a job in the afternoon so we will be there from about 8 AM to noon. Everyone agrees to the final plan. Then I get a text an hour later. "We have decided we are not going tomorrow". I ask if everything is okay, and I'm told everything is fine.
The next morning, my nephew texts that he is in town and wants to know if we are free. I'm nervous because he is staying with my parents, but he's a cool kid. so I tell him our plans to have a family day for Mother's Day but he's welcome to join us for lunch. He replies, "Great! Grandma and I will be there." Shit.
So, my mom canceled the plans we had because she wanted more time with the grandkids (which makes no sense). Then she used my nephew as her flying monkey to find out when and where we were doing our family things so she could stomp in and make it about her. I called and explained that there were some hurt feelings from Saturday but that I expected good behavior and Mother's Day lunch was not the time to bring it up and discuss it.
This was a local place that makes like 20 different types of amazing tacos. Mom hated it. We were polite and put on a happy face, talked, and left. The grandkids were not in a mood for hugs and we have never been the type of parents who force kids to give hugs. We don't like taking their autonomy away like that. I hugged Mom because she's my mom. Then she went to hug my wife, who accepted, but stood stiff and did not reciprocate, and turned around to load the kids in the car.
I simply don't understand the manipulative behavior, and the need to make it all about them. I know I should have Stood my ground and told her she was not welcome to come, but it's difficult when your mom is crying on the phone. She is a more manipulative person than I gave her credit for.
submitted by xX_s0up_Xx to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:59 Ecstatic-Hippo5895 I want to get divorced but I am scared of being shamed

I am F 26 married to M 35.
I have been married for ~1.5 years and it is not going well. We were dating for a while before getting married but that was also rocky. Primarily because from the first day of dating he wanted me to commit that I want to marry and I wanted to see how things went (Because I had gone through a bad break up). I was however committed to him but he started seeing other women and even spent a night with one (Found all this because I went to his house and found furniture moved around, it became obvious he had someone over as he lived alone).
In 2022, husbandā€™s mother got diagnosed with cancer and seemed like she did not have much time. Upon diagnosis, he got really serious about his future and I let go of things he had done previously. We were in long distance and he would keep breaking up with me over every fight. He would not speak to me for weeks and then suddenly reach out and start acting normal again. During our break ups in long distance my mind would wander and I would go mad thinking that he is out with other women again. So even I started talking to guys (I donā€™t know if it makes sense but I didnā€™t want to be the one who was left again. I wanted to feel that I had some power) Itā€™s okay if it does not make sense, I am flawed and I accept it. However whenever he came back to me, I slipped and started dating him again. I do admit it is my fault that I didnā€™t tell him about talking to other guys but honestly I thought he was doing the same as before. Also want to admit that pity played a big role in my decisions as he was going through a tough time with his motherā€™s health. Also want to add that till August 2022 his family did not know he wanted to be with me but my family knew since February. When his motherā€™s health really started deteriorating, he told her about me.
We had an engagement and he promised to never repeat past mistakes again. We got married the following February (So much drama during the wedding but donā€™t want to get into it). Don't know about him but I never engaged in any wrong conversations or cheating after our engagement was fixed. I was dedicated to him.
Married life was tough and I had to move in with his family who are very traditional and honestly after marriage I got to know even he is super traditional. Something he essentially hid in his personality when he was with me.
We started having some fights (He threw my stuff out of the wardrobe, snatching my laptop and phone). His mother passed away in April. He was so unstable after it. One day he decided he wanted to go through my phone. He found out that I was talking to other guys before the wedding. He slapped me, he kicked me. And this became a recurring issue. He would lose his mind due to some reason or the other, and take it out on me physically and sometimes even sexually. I endured this for a few months but he didnā€™t change.
So in September I left his house with just some clothes and went to a relativeā€™s. No one from his family or him reached out to me. My parents wanted me to move back home atleast for a few months. So we went to his house again to pick up the remaining of my stuff and left. His family was not happy about it but I did tell him that if he controlled his anger we could make it work.
But 10 minutes into leaving his house he called me asking where my jewellery. I said I took it and he followed me with his family to my relativeā€™s house to take back the jewellery. It had everything that he and I had received from both sides of the family. They created ruckus and said they want to take back all the jewellery that had come from their family to me. We knew what Sridhan and the laws were, but for my sake, my family gave them the jewellery. They took everything given by his family. They returned whatever was given by my family.
Fast forward we are now trying to work things out 8 months later but it is not.
So now I want to file for divorce. What are my best options moving forward? Can my past be used against me?
submitted by Ecstatic-Hippo5895 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:47 Ok-DivaBitch03 Fatherā€™s Day present ?

Hi everyone! Iā€™ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now and he has elementary aged daughter from his previous marriage. While Iā€™m not quite a step-parent yet I figured you all might have good advice or might have been in a similar situation. Heā€™s a great dad and such a great boyfriend but Iā€™ve been torn about getting him a Fatherā€™s Day present. I donā€™t know if that would be weird or inappropriate since Iā€™m not the mom and usually presents are sweet things from their own kids. I sorta wanna acknowledge him doing a great job as a dad but Iā€™m also still relatively new to him and his daughter so I donā€™t know what I would get him or if itā€™s even my place to do so. TIA!
submitted by Ok-DivaBitch03 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:47 O-_-D Donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with me

I am a 20 year old male. Growing up I remember my parents facing financial hardship. I often felt left alone, and I occupied my time trying to do something else, like playing video games.
From kindergarten to elementary school Iā€™ve mostly been educated by my grandparents. The same, kinda dissociative, day dreaming sensation Iā€™ve felt since childhood was present throughout my school years. Almost like I was trying to constantly escape reality, because itā€™d be too painful to actually live it. Now I have still been able to make a few friends along the way of course. But for some reason I was always Ā« in the shadows Ā» you could say. I was scared of others and so others either left me alone completely (80% of the time) or theyā€™d just mock me for any reason possible.
So I had tremendous social anxiety and would hardly trust others.
I also was extremely prude from a very young age. Iā€™d panic to the idea of being naked. From ages around 4-5 I remember being scared shitless of removing my clothes.
Iā€™ve also repeatedly been told by adults that Ā« I was very mature for my age Ā». Which now, thinking back on it wasnā€™t normal for a kid, to act so suppressed and careful.
I would never cry to not bother my mother or anyone for that matter. I didnā€™t want to be a problem. The biggest issue I guess is when my mother tried to have sex with me when I was around 11. I remember trying so hard to forget about it. And I think I managed to forget some parts. Since then I do not trust women and I canā€™t bear physical touch.
It has seriously impaired my relationship with others. I do have a few friends, a job, and an ok life despite living with my parents still. No one knows about this event and I never talked to my mother about what happened. I just pretended it never happened. Other than that itā€™s a pretty normal family. And I love my father and my mother. I just donā€™t understand.
How do I recover? Is it my fault?
submitted by O-_-D to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:32 Weddingcomingup12 Wedding coming up in a week - can you please let me know what you think of the speech?

I know a good speech is a short speech - however, i'm doing this on behalf of myself and my partner. Appreciate any feedback you might have.
When Mary (and I) were planning our wedding, we sat down and decided we wanted a small overseas wedding because it would be easy to plan and execute. In doing this we would only need to invite our closest friends and family members, totaling to around 30. As was sat down and planned out our list over various nights, this list very quickly grew into the high 90ā€™s and we realized, this was no small wedding. The reason we landed in the 90's is that every single person in this room has had a monumental impact on our life for better, so from the bottom of our hearts thank you for joining in this very special moment with us. There are those who we would have loved to have been here, who have recently passed like XXX and XXX, they are forever in our hearts and here in spirit.
Now for the few minutes, there will be a series of thanks to very important people to both myself and Mary ā€“ can you please ensure your glasses are full and ready to go!
Please be assured that if you arenā€™t mentioned by name, we have not forgotten you, youā€™re still very important to us; however, I canā€™t imagine anything worse for you all and myself than me being up here for 30 minutes, so without further ado.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the support staff, especially the XXX, for your efforts in bringing this to life.
I donā€™t want to imagine the stress Mary and I would have gone through trying to organize this without your help.
Bridal Party:
Thank you all for being apart of our wedding celebration. Mary and I are so thankful to have you part in our lives. None of this could have happened without you.

PARENTS XX/YY, special thanks to ZZ:
To XX and YY, thank you for entrusting me with your beautiful daughter. I know that you both care and love for her immensely and I will do my best to take care of her. Thank you both for welcoming me into your house, family and treating me as if I was your own. To add to this, thank you for welcoming Doug, our labrador into the house, despite him slowly tearing it apart - I promise you we will fix the floorboards someday soon.
Despite the challenges youā€™ve both faced over the last couple of years, youā€™ve been nothing short of amazing and supportive to both Mary and myself.

To XX:
Thank you for every day without fail, knocking on my door at 11am, asking me ā€œlunch?ā€ and then coming up 20 minutes later with a big breakfast plate. This gesture, done every day without fail, shows how much you truly care for me.
To YY:
Thank you for having my back each and every day. Youā€™re one of the kindest and most caring men Iā€™ve ever known, and Iā€™m so grateful to be your son in law. Even when I burn food and serve it up to the family, we all put ours in the bin, you put a big smile, finish the plate, and tell me it's good.
Special thank you to ZZ, thank you for the monumental effort of organizing and reverse refugeeing the entire Vietnamese clan over here. This is no small feat and Mary and I both appreciate it.
To my mother, thank you for always taking the time to be present and celebrating every moment, big or small. Your ability to create meaningful memories moves me deeply. I recall my 30th birthday, when I expressed a desire not to celebrate. Despite this, you organized a fantastic home dinner and surprised me by inviting some of my close friends. Your thoughtfulness and attention to detail have been evident since my early years, shaping my appreciation for life's simple joys.
I also want to thank you for being so welcoming to my partner, Mary. From the onset, you have been so caring and appreciative, sharing in the joys of celebrating her achievements. Your love and acceptance mean the world to us both.
Dad, your speech tonight on behalf of the family was moving and a reflection of the love and care you've always shown us. CC, your warmth, and kindness have made Mary feel truly at home.
CC, your thoughtfulness in always ensuring Mary receives a special christmas gift does not go unnoticed. More than that, thank you for your unwavering support and willingness to lend an ear, whether we need advice on work or any of the other responsibilities of being an adult, your guidance and love mean the world to us.Thank you both for being so welcoming and accepting of Mary into the family.

Saving the most important person for last. Mary. You look absolutely breathtaking tonight. Words cannot even begin to describe just how much I love you, but Iā€™ll try my best.
Events like these donā€™t just happen, they take months of planning. Weā€™ve been planning this wedding for the better part of a year and when I say we, I mean Mary. Thank you for the monumental effort in for all your research, planning, and hard work to make this day magnificent for us all.
Throughout our seven year journey together, youā€™ve been a consistent source for inspiration, pushing me to become the best version of myself, always encouraging me to not take the easy way out and challenging me in the best way possible. Youā€™ve stood with me during my darkest of times, and made each achievement into a massive celebration. Your kindness and love are such a huge motivator for me to continue to grow with you. I cannot imagine the person I would be without you by my side.
But itā€™s not always about the big moments. Itā€™s about the everyday, the little things that make you who you are. Youā€™re not just my partner, youā€™re also my closest friend (and now my wife). We can spend all night gaming, we can talk for hours, or simply enjoy each other's presence, every moment with you is treasured. Thank you for always going out of your way to make me feel special, whether itā€™s planning surprise dates to restaurant bookings, or even picking up some food, you never fail to make me feel loved.
This love that you show to me also extends to our beloved labrador Doug. The way you adore Doug with kindness, care and love fills me with joy. Itā€™s truly no wonder why youā€™re his favorite. I know weā€™re only married today, but I canā€™t help but imagine the day when you bring the same warmth and devotion to motherhood.
One of your most admirable characteristics is your selflessness. You always go above and beyond for your family and friends, happy to drop everything and put the needs of others before yourself. You consistently go out of your way to ensure the happiness and well-being of those closest to you. This dedication is a testament to the incredible person you are and I admire and love you all the more for it.
Your infectious personality brings laughter and joy to everyone you meet, you light up a room when you enter. Your presence transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, and your positive energy leaves an unforgettable impression on everyone around you. Something as simple as seeing your beautiful smile, brightens even the most cloudiest of my days.
It is the greatest honor of my life to be your husband. I love you more than words could ever say, and I look forward to spending forever by your side.
submitted by Weddingcomingup12 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 No-Recipe-8294 Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 80s, 90s and 2000s? Pt 2

Chapter 2
Before doing a deep dive into my memory flashes to discover and how and why my life unfolded the way it did I think Iā€™ll do a timeline. This will help me and the reader (if anyone follows along at all) put the pieces in chronological order.
I was born to a teenage mom, a month after she turned 16 and a barely drinking age dad. No memory, so these early years (before the court) will be what Iā€™ve been told.
ā€œHad the perfect family and the mom who adored meā€
At two they decided to break up and it was very ugly. My paternal grandparents paid for the best lawyer in all of the state to get my dad custody. He was accused of molesting me (my momā€™s argument in court) I donā€™t know why it was so ugly but during the trial I was placed in a facility and only allowed short visits. Here is an excerpt from their website.
ā€œWe are a behavioral health agency specializing in the treatment of families, children and their caregivers who are struggling due to issues of divorce, homelessness, child abuse/neglect, family violence or other crises. Our highly trained staff specializes in trauma-informed treatment methods that create a safe and comfortable environment in which our clients can heal. We serve children, youth and their families struggling with mental and behavioral health issues that impact their success at home, school and in their community.ā€
I was then allowed to be with my maternal grandparents while the case continued. She had an in home daycare. My grandpa was not by blood. She had divorced my momā€™s dad when my mom was just a baby. He was dark and satanic, into satanic rituals and things like that. A biker. And a pedophile. I never knew him.
My dad won the case and my mom lost all custody and was not granted any visitation at all. (And I didnā€™t see her or speak with her again until I was around 5. Then again at 14. Then again at 16.)I lived with my dad and his parents and siblings and saw maternal grandparents every other weekend.
At three, I went to a private preschool.
At four I attended a public school where my paternal grandma was a principal and my maternal grandma was a teachers aid as well. Here I stayed for preschool through half of second grade.
My grandparents decided they were no longer happy where we were. My grandpa moved to the mountains and my grandma moved to Georgetown in DC to attend the Jesuit college.
My dad met Jennifer (name changed) at this time and we moved into her downtown apartment. I changed schools. Finished my 2nd grade year and half of third grade.
We moved from the apartment back into my childhood home and I changed schools again. Finished my 3rd grade and half of fourth grade at a new school.
Half way through my fourth grade year I was sent to Georgetown with paternal grandma and aunt. My dad and Jennifer stayed at home. We lived in the basement of a multimillion dollar home in the heart of where the wealthy live. Cobblestone streets. Beautiful houses and lots of money. Like from a movie. I went to a very elite small elementary school with only one class per grade. I finished fourth grade and fifth grade here.
The summer of sixth grade my dad had broken up with Jennifer and moved to the mountains with my grandpa. I moved back with them. I went from super ritzy upscale city life with two women, to a small house in the mountains with barely even indoor plumbing with 2 men. The town was small and secluded. Everyone knew everyone type of place. only one elementary school and the middle school was on the same premises of the high school. I was here 6th grade through half of 9th grade. My dad then met Candace (name changed) and moved thirty minutes away to slightly bigger town with her. These years I went every summer to stay with my grandma who had moved from DC to Arlington, VA and lived in crystal city.
Over the summer I was sent to live in New York City with my aunt. When summer was over, we got an apartment in staten island so I could attend school and she commuted to the city everyday by ferry. This school had thousands of kids and seemed like hundreds of classes. This was when 9/11 happened. I was in my language class (Italian) when the news came over the intercom. My auntie worked near the world trade center by only blocks. She made the last ferry out and came to the school, which was on lockdown, for me. I didnā€™t go back to the city for the remainder of 2001.
In March of 02 my dad came to NY packed us both up and we drove across the country to cali to drop her off then back to southwest. I moved back to the small town with my dad and Candace. And finished the last months of my sophomore year commuting the thirty minutes to my old school. They were a violent and toxic couple so I begged to move back to grandpas in the mountain town.
I changed schools again for my junior year. I went to one of two high schools in the slightly bigger town where my dad and Candace lived. Close to my senior year my dad came to my work one night and said he and Candace had broken up. He had a small apartment. A one bedroom. I was welcome to stay and he would take the couch. He knew 18 was close and he wanted me to live with him before I was out on my own. I did. I met my husband this year as well. He lived close to where I was born. We stayed long distance until I turned 18. When I turned 18, I found a charter school in my original hometown and we got an apartment.
The rest is history. My adult life is another novel of its own and Iā€™m exhausted.
I fear posting this. If anyone were to come across it by chance they would know immediately it was me. And the memories I hope to uncover are to humiliating and intense and known by no one. I have never spoke about them to anyone. The other obvious issue is if in fact I was a victim in mkultra/child trafficking, it automatically implies my family must have had some kind of knowledge. Which would imply they did this to me. And if itā€™s not true everything I write and all the memory flashes are just me being a slut and having zero self worth. It would be that Iā€™m was the problem the entire time.
And why did I never finish a school year any where? Lol
No, maybe this is a mistake. Maybe everything is better left unsaid and uncovered. Iā€™m exhausted now.
submitted by No-Recipe-8294 to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 No-Recipe-8294 Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 80s, 90s and 2000s?

Chapter 2
Before doing a deep dive into my memory flashes to discover and how and why my life unfolded the way it did I think Iā€™ll do a timeline. This will help me and the reader (if anyone follows along at all) put the pieces in chronological order.
I was born to a teenage mom, a month after she turned 16 and a barely drinking age dad. No memory, so these early years (before the court) will be what Iā€™ve been told.
ā€œHad the perfect family and the mom who adored meā€
At two they decided to break up and it was very ugly. My paternal grandparents paid for the best lawyer in all of the state to get my dad custody. He was accused of molesting me (my momā€™s argument in court) I donā€™t know why it was so ugly but during the trial I was placed in a facility and only allowed short visits. Here is an excerpt from their website.
ā€œWe are a behavioral health agency specializing in the treatment of families, children and their caregivers who are struggling due to issues of divorce, homelessness, child abuse/neglect, family violence or other crises. Our highly trained staff specializes in trauma-informed treatment methods that create a safe and comfortable environment in which our clients can heal. We serve children, youth and their families struggling with mental and behavioral health issues that impact their success at home, school and in their community.ā€
I was then allowed to be with my maternal grandparents while the case continued. She had an in home daycare. My grandpa was not by blood. She had divorced my momā€™s dad when my mom was just a baby. He was dark and satanic, into satanic rituals and things like that. A biker. And a pedophile. I never knew him.
My dad won the case and my mom lost all custody and was not granted any visitation at all. (And I didnā€™t see her or speak with her again until I was around 5. Then again at 14. Then again at 16.)I lived with my dad and his parents and siblings and saw maternal grandparents every other weekend.
At three, I went to a private preschool.
At four I attended a public school where my paternal grandma was a principal and my maternal grandma was a teachers aid as well. Here I stayed for preschool through half of second grade.
My grandparents decided they were no longer happy where we were. My grandpa moved to the mountains and my grandma moved to Georgetown in DC to attend the Jesuit college.
My dad met Jennifer (name changed) at this time and we moved into her downtown apartment. I changed schools. Finished my 2nd grade year and half of third grade.
We moved from the apartment back into my childhood home and I changed schools again. Finished my 3rd grade and half of fourth grade at a new school.
Half way through my fourth grade year I was sent to Georgetown with paternal grandma and aunt. My dad and Jennifer stayed at home. We lived in the basement of a multimillion dollar home in the heart of where the wealthy live. Cobblestone streets. Beautiful houses and lots of money. Like from a movie. I went to a very elite small elementary school with only one class per grade. I finished fourth grade and fifth grade here.
The summer of sixth grade my dad had broken up with Jennifer and moved to the mountains with my grandpa. I moved back with them. I went from super ritzy upscale city life with two women, to a small house in the mountains with barely even indoor plumbing with 2 men. The town was small and secluded. Everyone knew everyone type of place. only one elementary school and the middle school was on the same premises of the high school. I was here 6th grade through half of 9th grade. My dad then met Candace (name changed) and moved thirty minutes away to slightly bigger town with her. These years I went every summer to stay with my grandma who had moved from DC to Arlington, VA and lived in crystal city.
Over the summer I was sent to live in New York City with my aunt. When summer was over, we got an apartment in staten island so I could attend school and she commuted to the city everyday by ferry. This school had thousands of kids and seemed like hundreds of classes. This was when 9/11 happened. I was in my language class (Italian) when the news came over the intercom. My auntie worked near the world trade center by only blocks. She made the last ferry out and came to the school, which was on lockdown, for me. I didnā€™t go back to the city for the remainder of 2001.
In March of 02 my dad came to NY packed us both up and we drove across the country to cali to drop her off then back to southwest. I moved back to the small town with my dad and Candace. And finished the last months of my sophomore year commuting the thirty minutes to my old school. They were a violent and toxic couple so I begged to move back to grandpas in the mountain town.
I changed schools again for my junior year. I went to one of two high schools in the slightly bigger town where my dad and Candace lived. Close to my senior year my dad came to my work one night and said he and Candace had broken up. He had a small apartment. A one bedroom. I was welcome to stay and he would take the couch. He knew 18 was close and he wanted me to live with him before I was out on my own. I did. I met my husband this year as well. He lived close to where I was born. We stayed long distance until I turned 18. When I turned 18, I found a charter school in my original hometown and we got an apartment.
The rest is history. My adult life is another novel of its own and Iā€™m exhausted.
I fear posting this. If anyone were to come across it by chance they would know immediately it was me. And the memories I hope to uncover are to humiliating and intense and known by no one. I have never spoke about them to anyone. The other obvious issue is if in fact I was a victim in mkultra/child trafficking, it automatically implies my family must have had some kind of knowledge. Which would imply they did this to me. And if itā€™s not true everything I write and all the memory flashes are just me being a slut and having zero self worth. It would be that Iā€™m was the problem the entire time.
And why did I never finish a school year any where? Lol
No, maybe this is a mistake. Maybe everything is better left unsaid and uncovered. Iā€™m exhausted now.
submitted by No-Recipe-8294 to u/No-Recipe-8294 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Professional_Ice4465 How do I become passionate through life again?

For context, Ive always had strict parents who had set high expectations for me ever since the beginning of my school years. Up until high school, I became the top of my class. It was unexpected and truly was a big shock for my parents since i was always under at the 10th spot of achievers since elementary.
Now this caused me to crave their validation even more, going for leadership roles, getting into many clubs, participating in competitions and even came to the point that my superiority complex developed. I disliked/feared failure so much, and back then, I couldnā€™t even imagine I could fail, or be sidelined as other than a leader by other people in class.
But my 9th year humbled me truly. It hit me that despite me having a brain, apparently people saw me as someone without a heart. Careless, selfish, prideful (or so in my perspective). So then the duality of inferiority and superiority suffered heavily inside me from those everyday classes.
All my thoughts came crashing down on me all at once. I have never actually done anything that I wanted to do. And so Iā€™ve never really put any genuine effort nor empathy into understanding people and projects itself. I got so obsessed with being seen as someone good (because of my parents) that it became the only thing I was ever known for.
submitted by Professional_Ice4465 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 gentlewindsolsol I ran a crokinole booth at a Korean children's event.

This is what I posted on the board game community in Korea, and I'm also translating and posting it on Reddit!
The translation and text inspection took a long time, but I'm posting it because I think croquinol gamers from other countries will enjoy reading it.
(I don't know how to put pictures in between when writing on Reddit. If you're curious about pictures while reading, please visit the link below. You may not understand Korean, but pictures are visual information so they can be understood universally)
Not long ago in early May, I ran a croquinol booth for students and parents at a Children's Day event (it was held on the grounds of the University of Education)
The head of the school affairs department suggested, "I heard you like board games, do you want to run a booth?" so I thought very hard. Actually, it was bothersome.
In the end, I accepted because I wanted to make good memories with children as well as selling croquinol. At first, I thought it was easy to take a few croquinols and play a few rounds.
It wasn't long before I realized that the idea was very wrong. This is because there were so many things to consider operating the booth. The program should be organized in consideration of the number of users and the number of people visiting.
The arrangement of objects and the movement of people should also be considered. I shouldn't think, 'I'm done explaining the game to the students in moderation and watching them play.'
I have to think about the details. I thought about it until the day of operation and right before it started. Now that it's been decided so far, I'll have to recruit staff to run it together (this was the most difficult problem)
Finally, find out the products to give to the visiting children and purchase them, purchase notices to be installed in the booth, and other things necessary to proceed or make them
For two weeks, I spent a lot of time and energy thinking about and preparing for how to operate the booth. I thought a lot about what to give as the prize, but it was finally decided to go down
(1) PokƩmon Key Chain PokƩmon is definitely a successful IP!!
I decided it right away because it looked so pretty and the quality looked good. There were some that were really cheap, but the quality was really... It was a pity, so I put in more budget
(2) ritter sport chocolate It's economical because there are 200 in a pack I tried one to see if it's poisonous What????? This chocolate tastes pretty good...
(3) Crockinol Pencil (Steadler + Engrave) Originally, I didn't want to give pencils, but if I imprint them and give them to students, I thought they could remember croquinol for quite some time, so I made it meaningful.
If you look closely at the pencil, you can see the image of a disc bouncing with a finger. (ā—‹ ā— ā˜œ) I made it using the basic characters on the keyboard. Haha.)
It took a long time to think of the word 'dream tree' in the engraved phrase. (Offered words: rookie, genius, child, master, king, god, etc.) Since there are no other people to help me, I planned and produced a lot of things by myself.... lol
I recruited the operating personnel as follows
Head of the school affairs department -> Recruit me (one-person planner and business manager): Let's compare and analyze croquinol sales and rest at home and then experience it. Decided
Me-> First cast (S teacher): A versatile teacher who has been in the next class since we met in the 6th grade this year He became interested after being introduced to Crockinol by me. Enjoying Crockinol at home with his wife. Canadian style. (He said he was doing it without giving it away.) After receiving a proposal from me, "I'll do all the preparations, so please come and let the children know the games without any burden," he decided to participate after much consideration. I'm playing with my kids in the classroom, and my croquinol skills are increasing rapidly. I'm planning to promote the entire 6th grade croquinol competition later.
Second cast (Teacher C): My younger brother who met as a manager and a staff member at my last school and became very close. The same person who said in an old article that he helped move the classroom!
Together, we played about 400 rounds of croquinol 1:1 match. He made a lot of mistakes in his early days, but after hundreds of editions, he became enlightened at some point. He has become quite a master.
His powerful shots made a lot of crazy scenes. Among them, he sent five discs of his opponent to a ditch at the same time. When he was asked by me to help him, he accepted without hesitation. (He is expected to participate in the next event.)
Third cast (Teacher K): I am a teacher from another region, and I am close to him because I got to know him in a club. She was the last to be recruited, and she suggested liter port chocolate and keychain among the product ideas. Pencils were also highly recommended when I was thinking about it.
Lastly, he volunteered after seeing me thinking about recruiting one more person.
She's the only teacher who doesn't have a croquinol, and she doesn't usually have a chance to train, so she's still a beginner's skill.
Rather, a person who is expected to revitalize the booth operation because of that. (If teachers do too well, all students lose.) For the record, she has a board gamer gene that can also play Arcnova board games.
ā€» In addition, there is a sad history of rejection and subtly falling over during the recruitment process.
And I started setting it up on the day!! Visit early with teacher C and install one croquinol on three tables in the tent
At first, I was worried because the table was in the shape of a rectangle, but I could put things here and there. If you put the croquinol at an angle on the table, it was possible to conduct a 2:2 team, so there was no problem.
After I finished setting up, I sat down for a bit and tried a croquinol test. Played without any problems. The shot was even better because I told them to cut their nails, including myself.
However, there was a lot of dust on the tables and chairs provided by the company, so I hurriedly cleaned them. The remaining two operators also narrowly joined, and a total of four people were matched.
After that, I had time to start operating the booth as a whole They're here...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of the booth was 'Gather up here if you're confident in flicking', but I think I drew some aggro. Other places looked healthy like making animal bracelets, but our booth was like, "You! Come if you're confident!"
The booth was originally planned like this Planning the rules of the game: - If you feel uncomfortable, you can stand and shoot freely - In the case of 1:1, the original use of the 1/4 shooting line based on North America and Canada, rather than the use of the 1/2 shooting line that changed the rules in Korean company Korea Board Games. - A student who is too young is forced to shoot with a line forward. Two places are experience seats and listen to and experience the rules 1:1 or 2:2 (Parents and friends can participate together) - The experience gift is one litre pot chocolate - Rule Description -> Shot Practice -> consists of a two-game friendly
If you have learned the rules through the experience, go to the challenge seat of one place and challenge 1:1 or 2:2 (you can also participate together) - If you win, you'll get a PokƩmon keychain, even if you lose, you'll get a 1/3 chance of a keychain and a 2/3 chance of a pencil through a lottery - Using one chance card, we will proceed with two sets, and if the student draws or wins even one set, it will be considered a victory. - Re-challenge possible when you line up again The booth gradually gathered and filled the corner, and the line got longer
I repeated the explanation and game so wildly!
The first episode : Even though it was in the shade of the tent, the temperature was high, so the chocolate melted. The student said it melted, so I touched it and it was liquid! Unfortunately, we can't give these defective products to students, so we decided to go to the challenge seat without giving them away in the experience seat.
The second episode : Our classmates are here! I heard a voice saying, "Teacher!" and I can see the 6th grade girls in my class
Of course, we played the game. I tried to lose, but I thought that if I lost too much, the student would notice, so I made mistakes from time to time, but these guys made more mistakes!
It ended with me winning or drawing (I should have made it more clear and lost... lol) I said, "This is just an experience seat, so it doesn't matter, show your real skills in the challenge seat," and sent the girl to another corner
The third episode : People were buzzing that a very famous politician visited the booth next door. (He was Korea's presidential candidate.) I looked up and saw the face that I saw on screen Although I was curious, I had my day job as a board gamer, so I welcomed students and focused on explaining the rules. Later, I found out that he talked to a student who experienced our booth and passed by
The 4th episode : The booth operators were not given a separate lunch break! It was announced that they would take turns eating lunch boxes. There were quite a few people... and I barely had time to eat. One person will be in charge of one booth, and one person will take turns eating I'm the type to eat slowly while tasting the taste, but I didn't have much time to relax on this day, so I sat on the stand and came back in a hurry that I couldn't even feel the taste
The fifth episode : There are so many people, and especially in the case of the challenge seat, the waiting line is longer, so to solve the bottleneck, we decided to take both the place and challenge as an experience seat It was the same with the booth I was in. I don't know what this day is... I made more mistakes than usual and often missed shots because I was nervous dealing with children. Hahaha
The 6th episode : The operations staff at the next table said, "A kid came up with a challenge and beat me." He got the prize, of course But after that, the student was still in the viewing room and gave advice to other participating children, saying, "I win all of them," showing a lot of confidence Then the child triumphantly challenged the management staff again! He must have wanted to win again. What was the result? According to him, he showed the dignity of an adult with his skills to children Of course, he gave away a croquinol pencil this time!!
The 7th episode : I explained the rules so much that the script was automatically made "This game is a 150-year-old game of Canada known to have started in 1876.... "In Canada, it's a daily sport that many families have and play throughout their lives, from childhood to grandmothers and grandparents. The rules are simple: if you put it in here, it's 20 points, this is 15 points....." I can't remember how many times I repeated the script above! The eighth episode : There are people who waited for an hour to listen to it while organizing it I've already experienced it and moved to the challenge seat, but the challenge seat lines are too long... Did they feel like they were waiting for a long line in the amusement park... 慠慠 Parents were tired of waiting, so they asked to go to another booth, but the child said, "Since I've experienced it, I really want to try it. I want to take a PokĆ©mon keychain!" and waited a lot. It must have been very boring for parents, but there was no other way. I thought the quality of the operation would be very low to just experience/challenge one game at a time 2 play experience + 2 play challenge was the minimum number of plays to feel a little croquinol
The ninth episode : After eating, I heard parents and children talking "This is where we play Alkagi(flicking). Shall we play Alkagi?" "Let's do it!"
If you had written the booth title, "Who wants to play croquinol?" no one would know croquinol, so accessibility would have been low But when the title said "Alkkagi", I was proud of him coming in without any pressure
The 10th episode : The official closing time of the booth was 4 p.m At around 3:50 p.m., I took a breath and looked at other places, and some places had already withdrawn, and I was usually cleaning up, so the atmosphere was clear But our booth is still full It lasted beyond hours Is this the power of crocinol?
The 11th episode : Time has been deleted I was worried about what if time went by during that long time of operating the booth, but it was a mistake. We were so busy explaining and playing that we didn't have time to look at the clock, and when we came to our senses, it was a time when the end was imminent. I couldn't even go to the bathroom for five hours. Because it was hectic, the operation ended without a comparative analysis of 'Are many people visiting other booths? How popular is our booth?' (When I saw the photos and videos later, I could see that our booth was more crowded than other booths.)
The 12th episode : I tried a lot to react to it in my own way. I really complimented the kid every time he hit the disc. I exaggerated a little bit like I became a YouTuber and shouted a compliment chant out loud A young girl who looked like elementary 1 or 2 sat down (around 7-8 years old) I finished explaining the rules, and asked her to practice shooting a few times. After that, we started playing the game. The girl said she would do it first, and she took the first shot of her life's first game. It went straight into the center hole. There was applause from all around. I said, "Even I couldn't put it in at first. It's amazing." Congratulations on your best experience." She's made a lot of mistakes in play since then, but it doesn't matter at all! There's nothing more touching than the first shot of 20 The parents who were nearby filmed this scene and will cherish this meaningful moment for a long time
The 13th episode : There seemed to be something interesting to see other crocinol tables also clapping, wow, oh, oh From the perspective of planning, all these reactions are a gift
The 14th episode : There were a lot of spectators while explaining/playing There were a lot of comments about the rules of the game "You have to hit the disc when it's on the surface" "Oh!" A male parent was glad to hear that he knew croquinol "I knew this game since it came out last year. It was about 110 dollars, but I didn't buy it because it was expensive." (It's more expensive now. It's about $140)
The 15th episode : We allowed a re-challenge in the 'Beat the Teacher' section, caressing the hearts of children thirsty for crocinol Some students tried again 3 times (The challenge itself takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds for the first round, 3 minutes in total, so it doesn't take much.)
The 16th episode : After 4 p.m., I looked at the other booth thinking about when to organize it, and a boy who looked like a fourth grade in the challenge seat was doing very well Her parents were also amazed by it The accuracy of each step wasn't unusual He said he came back to try it out and do it again Looking at the game, he unfortunately lost to Teacher S by 5 points when he made a mistake of 2 turns in the second half Teacher S told the student. " Try it with that teacher. He's the best While sitting down, I asked, "Do you want me to do it with all my strength or not?" I laughed and asked At first, the student said, "Please be generous!" but later changed his words to "With full strength." "Haha, okay. I'll go with all my strength!" The student said he would attack first and tried an open shot and went straight into the center hole "Wow... does this make sense?" I also chased along the disc in the center hole. That's how I tried to hit my opponent's disc in Hogan's alley and accidentally wasted three turns. The result is that the student who leads by 15 points wins... The child liked it very much and came home with a light step with his parents "Thank you for your hard work. Bye!" When I looked at the playground with the back of my family leaving after saying hello, the sun was slowly heading down, scattering light everywhere and giving the lawn a cozy view What could be a more peaceful landscape. He must have felt really good on his way home. I thought he lost well
Finish writing : When I was in college, I ran a different kind of booth when I was the president of a club, but it was the first time I ran it this way in relation to board games.
At that time, there were a lot of club members and the space was very spacious, so the event was held comfortably, but the croquinol booth was operated in a very minimal condition: 1 tent, 3 tables, 3 croquinols, and 4 people in operation
Still, it ended successfully as it exceeded the time without an accident, so considering that it is the first operation under this condition, it should be considered a great success.
The operation of this croquinol booth was planned by myself and prepared for the program, so I have a lot of attachment.
I'm grateful to the three people who ran it together (they were dispatched from each elementary school publicly and privately). As expected, people are the most important.
I'm willing to do it again if I have to participate in the booth event another month this year or if I have to run it again next year. I think we can do it in a better way than now
For example, I dream of running a mini-contest by installing more tables. There's a mini trophy, and I think the kid who got it will really like it. (Of course we need a lot more people than we do now...!)
submitted by gentlewindsolsol to Crokinole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 Responsible-Map-5465 Best love marriage specialist Astrologer

Best love marriage specialist Astrologer Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji indeed stands out as one of the best love marriage specialists in the field of astrology. With his profound knowledge of Vedic astrology and years of experience, he has helped countless individuals navigate the complexities of love and marriage. Hereā€™s why Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is considered the best love marriage specialist:
Expertise in Vedic Astrology: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji has a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, an ancient Indian science that offers profound insights into human life and relationships. He utilizes this knowledge to analyze birth charts, planetary positions, and astrological influences to provide accurate predictions and effective remedies. Specialization in Love Marriages: Unlike many general astrologers, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji specializes specifically in love marriages. He understands the unique challenges faced by couples in love unions, such as parental opposition, cultural differences, and compatibility issues, and offers tailored solutions to address them. Compassionate Guidance: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji approaches his clients with empathy and compassion. He listens attentively to their concerns, respects their individual circumstances, and provides guidance with the utmost care and understanding. Effective Remedies: One of the hallmarks of Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s practice is the effectiveness of his remedies. Whether itā€™s recommending specific gemstones, performing puja rituals, or prescribing mantra chanting, his remedies have helped countless couples overcome obstacles and strengthen their bond. Proven Track Record: Over the years, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji has built a solid reputation for his accurate predictions and successful outcomes. Many satisfied clients have attested to the positive changes theyā€™ve experienced in their love marriages after seeking guidance from him. Accessibility: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji ensures that his services are accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Whether youā€™re located in India or abroad, he offers consultations through various channels, including phone calls, video calls, and email, making it convenient for clients to seek his guidance. Ethical Practices: Integrity and ethics are paramount in Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s practice. He maintains the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality, ensuring that clients feel comfortable sharing their concerns and trust his guidance wholeheartedly. For these reasons and more, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is widely regarded as one of the best love marriage specialists in the field of astrology. His dedication to helping couples find happiness and harmony in their relationships has earned him the respect and admiration of clients worldwide.
Certainly! Hereā€™s some additional information about Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji and his expertise as a love marriage specialist:
Personalized Approach: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji believes in providing personalized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. He takes the time to understand the unique dynamics of every relationship and offers guidance accordingly, ensuring that his recommendations resonate with the individual circumstances of the couple. Holistic Perspective: In addition to his astrological expertise, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji adopts a holistic approach to love marriages. He considers various factors, including psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects, to provide comprehensive guidance that addresses the root causes of any issues in the relationship. Continued Support: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji doesnā€™t just offer temporary solutions; he provides continued support to his clients throughout their journey. Whether itā€™s through follow-up consultations, regular check-ins, or ongoing guidance, he remains dedicated to helping couples overcome challenges and nurture their love for the long term. Educational Initiatives: Beyond his consultations, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is committed to empowering individuals with knowledge about love and relationships. He conducts workshops, seminars, and educational sessions to raise awareness about the dynamics of love marriages and equip people with tools to navigate them successfully. Respected Authority: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is not only trusted by his clients but also respected within the astrological community. His insights and contributions to the field have earned him recognition as a leading authority on love marriages, and he is often sought after for his expertise by fellow astrologers and practitioners. Cultural Sensitivity: Given the diverse cultural landscape of India, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji approaches his practice with cultural sensitivity and respect for traditional values. Whether clients come from different backgrounds or follow different customs, he ensures that his guidance is inclusive and respectful of their cultural beliefs and practices. Positive Impact: The impact of Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s work extends beyond individual clients; it ripples through families and communities, fostering greater understanding, harmony, and love. His dedication to promoting healthy and fulfilling relationships has touched the lives of many, leaving a lasting legacy of positivity and transformation. Recognition and Awards: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s contributions to the field of astrology have been recognized through various awards and accolades. His commitment to excellence and service has earned him the admiration of peers and clients alike, further solidifying his reputation as a preeminent love marriage specialist. Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s holistic approach, personalized guidance, and unwavering commitment to his clients make him a trusted ally for anyone seeking assistance with their love marriage. His profound insights, compassionate demeanor, and dedication to positive change have made a significant impact on countless lives, earning him the title of one of the foremost love marriage specialists in India.


Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s services as a Love Marriage Specialist:
Q: What is a Love Marriage Specialist, and what services do they provide? A Love Marriage Specialist is an astrologer who specializes in addressing issues related to love relationships and marriages. They provide a range of services including compatibility analysis, resolving conflicts, overcoming parental opposition, and offering astrological remedies to strengthen the bond between couples. Q: How can Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji help me with my love marriage issues? Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji offers personalized guidance and remedies to address various challenges faced by couples in love marriages. Whether itā€™s resolving conflicts, gaining parental approval, or enhancing compatibility, he provides effective solutions based on astrological insights. Q: Is it necessary to believe in astrology for Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s services to work? While belief in astrology is not a prerequisite, having an open mind and willingness to explore astrological insights can enhance the effectiveness of the remedies suggested by Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji. Q: How accurate are the predictions and remedies provided by Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Jiā€™s predictions and remedies are based on extensive knowledge of Vedic astrology and years of experience. While outcomes may vary depending on individual circumstances, many clients have reported positive results and improvements in their love marriages after following his guidance. Q: Can I consult with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji if Iā€™m located outside of India? Yes, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji offers consultations to clients worldwide through various channels such as phone calls, video calls, and email. Regardless of your location, you can seek his guidance and assistance for your love marriage issues. Q: Are consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji confidential? Yes, consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji are strictly confidential. He respects the privacy of his clients and ensures that all personal information and discussions remain confidential. Q: How can I schedule a consultation with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? To schedule a consultation with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, you can contact his office via phone, email, or visit his official website. His team will assist you in booking an appointment at a convenient time. Q: What are the fees for consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? The fees for consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji may vary depending on the nature and duration of the session. However, his services are reasonably priced, ensuring accessibility to individuals from all walks of life. These FAQs provide valuable information for individuals considering seeking assistance from Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, the Love Marriage Specialist. They address common queries about his services, consultation process, confidentiality, effectiveness of remedies, and accessibility.
submitted by Responsible-Map-5465 to u/Responsible-Map-5465 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:34 AndSoItGoes__andGoes School district sued - and all of us in the classroom know pretty much what probably happened here...

Reading the article it does seem like the school dropped the ball, BUT It reads like a stuff that happens daily in our classrooms with a student who "can't keep their hands to themselves" and nothing happens to them to stop it. This is not unfamiliar to any of us in the classroom- the real question is what's going to happen now? Whether this happened because of weak discipline policies at the school or because of a student having legal protections against removing them from the gen ed classroom, I can't help but wonder how many times school districts can get sued for something like this before something changes.
"BOILING SPRINGS, S.C. (WSPA) ā€“ Two mothers have filed lawsuits against an Upstate school district alleging their children were sexually assaulted in the classroom.
The lawsuits were filed on June 6, 2022, against Spartanburg County School District Two.
The lawsuit alleged that two students were sexually assaulted by another classmate while in the computer lab at Shoally Creek Elementary School on November 5, 2021.
One of the parents emailed the then-principal, guidance counselor, and teacher stating that the two students were sexually assaulted.
The teacher replied that the children did inform her that a student could not keep his hands to himself, but that she had no idea he had touched them in private parts.
The lawsuits state that the principal and the guidance counselor did not respond.
It also stated that the teacher went out on maternity leave on February 2, 2022.
A substitute teacher took over the classroom on February 3, 2022.
On February 8, 2022, the same student and another student held a pencil near their crotches and stroked the pencil in a sexually suggestive manner while looking at the children.
The next day the parents had a phone conference meeting with the principal. She informed the parents that ā€œshe would take appropriate action to end the sexual assaults and disruptive behavior occurring in the classroom.ā€
On March 1, 2022, the lawsuit alleged that another student sexually assaulted one of the plaintiffā€™s children by grabbing his private parts on the playground.
The mother reported the incident to the substitute teacher.
After that incident, the child was assigned a seat next to or near three of the students who were accused of sexual assault.
Following the newly assigned seats, one of the students ā€œconsistently sexually assaultedā€ the child by grabbing his private parts.
Upon that information, the substitute teacher resigned on March 11, 2022.
The lawsuit stated that another substitute teacher took over the classroom on March 14, 2022.
On March 22, 2022, the mother found out that her child was seated at a table with those three students and emailed the principal asking that her child be seated away from them.
The principal responded with ā€œYes, done.ā€
On March 23, 2023, the child was taken to the doctor who recommended he stop attending Shoally Creek Elementary School.
After that information was released, the second substitute teacher resigned.
The Director of Education for Spartanburg County School District Two confirmed that some assaults were documented in the schoolā€™s system.
The mother asked that her son be moved to another school within the district.
The lawsuit said that the request was never accepted.
According to records, the principal resigned from her position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The following statement is from the childrenā€™s attorneys: "I am proud to represent these boys and their mothers. District 2 and Shoally Creek administration knew that certain students were acting inappropriately and were a danger to other students, but they chose not to do anything about it. Kids should be safe when they are at school, and my clients were not." - Law Office of Tyler Rody
7NEWS reached out to Spartanburg County School District Two for a statement but has not received one.
The Law Office of Tyler Rody said they will be going to court in September.
What do you think is going to happen? District loses or settles the lawsuit and pays a lot of money and then...
submitted by AndSoItGoes__andGoes to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:06 Content_Call5083 NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 72: Love and Jealousy

NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 72: Love and Jealousy
The Story of a Family
After his thought provoking visitation, Luigi wound up without a date for Hunter and Tessā€™s wedding.
Heā€™d asked Amaya, but she bowed out with: ā€œNo can do hot stuff, Iā€™ve got the nastiest Itchy Plumbob rash you could imagine. I really donā€™t feel up to going anywhere I canā€™t spend most of my time re-applying lotion and using this lovely little roller thing to soothe the itch.ā€
He tried Noemi too, but since she still wasnā€™t willing to accompany him to any sort of family event, he had to show up at The Collective solo.
The intimate ceremony was placed between a raging bonfire and a rustic wedding arch crafted by Hunter himself near the front of the property.
The couple had kept the guest list quite small. Besides members of the commune itself, only the cousins (minus Denton, who Hunter was still on the outs with), the couples' parents, and Peppino had been invited.
The immortal scientist mage was a last-minute addition to the party. These days he had a dedicated staff to assist him at the impregnation clinic, but when heā€™d found out Hunter had booked an appointment, heā€™d reached out saying he wanted to oversee Stevenā€™s great-nephewā€™s case personally. The couple had invited him to the ceremony as a thank you and planned to get a jumpstart on their conversation during the reception.
While they waited for the lovebirds Luigi caught up with Cullen and Angeles. Co-habiting was going well for them, and their tales of late-night TV marathons and Cullenā€™s happy laugh when Angeles teased him about his snoring were adorable. When she followed it up with a kiss and the promise that waking up in his noisy arms each morning was exactly what she wanted, Luigi was unhappily reminded of his lonely room at the boarding house.
Luigi hadnā€™t thought he was anywhere near ready to get married, but as he watched the happy couple saying their vows, he couldnā€™t help but consider that Hunter was the exact same age as him and not only tying the knot but planning to start a family!
He tried to imagine himself in his cousins' place but came up short when it was time to decide which girl should be standing across from him.
Once the sim and servo were pronounced man and wife everyone headed out back to enjoy a delicious farm fresh feast courtesy of The Collective.
His fatherā€™s old teacher was also minus a plus one and the bride and groom had seated themselves directly across from the pair of singletons. When talk, naturally, turned to pregnancy and childbirth Peppinoā€™s tale of the little alien surprise that had started him down his current path was like something out of a sci-fi novel and had Luigiā€™s full attention.
Noticing his interest Peppino inquired if Luigi, like Hunter, had any plans to follow in his fatherā€™s and grandfatherā€™s footsteps and give birth himself someday. Luigi quickly shook his head: ā€œItā€™s wonderful that the option exists for sims like my parents, Hunter, and my teammate Beau, but itā€™s not for me.ā€
During their conversation Luigi couldnā€™t help but notice Hunterā€™s eyes darting back and forth, clearly looking for someone.
Toni and her new boyfriend were seated with Chance and Bianca a couple tables over, but Manny was noticeably absent. Luigi knew heā€™d been invited and could hardly believe that heā€™d actually boycotted his son's wedding. He wished he could talk some sense into his uncle, but doubted heā€™d be able to make a difference. Instead, he gave his cousinā€™s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze as they all headed off towards The Collectiveā€™s nearby hangout.
Luigi was once again surprised to be stopped by Peppino on their way to the dance floor and presented with a box full of simoleons.
The mad scientist explained: ā€œThis is for that teammate of yours I helped recently. When I originally billed him, I didnā€™t know he had a connection to your clan. I love getting to assist sims with making their dreams of parenthood a reality and without your grandfathers book I donā€™t know if it would have been possible. I have no intention of taking payment from his family or their friendsā€.
Luigi thanked Peppino warmly on his ex-rivalā€™s behalf. He was sure the money would go a long way towards helping the young family get a good start.
As much as Luigi usually loved to dance, all the happy couples twirling around the floor together made him miss having a partner of his own.
Pulling out his bar to serve drinks would only leave him watching everyone elseā€™s fun from a different angle, so he called it quits. He congratulated the newlyweds one final time before heading back to Britechester and booting up his favorite comfort game. Sadly, the landing page of Sims Forever displayed the smiling faces of his heir and their new bride, which did nothing to calm his nerves about his current romantic situation.
Sighing, he shut the game down and stared off into the middle distance, thinking about the day and his recent conversation with Papa Jack.
As usual papa was right. He didnā€™t have to jump into marriage or children, but it was time to secure a partner willing to be his own ā€œSim Foreverā€.
View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
submitted by Content_Call5083 to LetsPlayStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:05 anonymous21_20 I messed up the best relationship Iā€™ve had.

Canā€™t see a way out of this.
Hey, first time posting on Reddit, Iā€™m just lost and I really canā€™t see a way out for myself. Iā€™m F24, Iā€™d say Iā€™ve had alot of misfortune in my life but I donā€™t like complaining too much because I know someone else has it worse somewhere.
Grew up in a toxic household, only child, mentally abusive parents. A father who is extremely cold hearted and doesnā€™t believe in mental health, and my mother who is extremely unstable herself, have meltdowns infront of me and would constantly criticise and focus on my looks which in turn made me extremely self conscious my whole life. They would give me physical things but emotionally wise I was alone for most of my life with little to no support system. My aunt was evil to me as a kid and I think I endured abuse because sheā€™d purposefully isolate me from my cousins and make me feel like I wasnā€™t accepted.
The only person I had who gave me love was my grandma. She meant the world to me. She was my angel , but she died from cancer when I was 18 which was extremely traumatic as I saw her deteriorate infront of my eyes and was there when she was dying. It haunts me forever. Iā€™ve never gotten over it and itā€™s left a massive hole in me that Iā€™ve been trying to fill. She was the only person who was really truly in my corner. She was my soul mate.
Growing up I was always bullied, seem to be the black sheep that never fit in anywhere. High school was terrible for me. I was a complete loner and no one wanted to be my friend because I was so shy. Iā€™d sit alone by myself and always wonder whatā€™s wrong with me.
My only comfort at that time was my LDR from 15-21 with someone who lived in another country , we met online through gaming as this was my only way to make friends. I guess it was my escape. That relationship lasted 5 years but because I didnā€™t see him often I felt more and more alone.
After I went through a dark period of looking for validation from men online, as I created social media and started to put myself out there. I think the attention fed my insecurity about myself growing up as I had low self esteem and never saw myself as pretty but this attention ruined me in the end because it was mostly sexual and made me feel used. I gained popularity but it was the wrong kind. I was sending naked pictures to fill a void because these compliments made me feel worthy for once. It was a horrible dark time. I created a bad reputation for myself at one point because of it. Attracted some bad people , had someone planning to gang rape me but fortunately found out before it took place. Thatā€™s caused me to have paranoia.
Since Iā€™ve lost a lot of people. They come and they go. I canā€™t seem to keep relationships. I think I look to dating as an escape or maybe Iā€™ll find someone who will love me and fix me. I have no friends, I had a best friend who treated me like shit for years but Iā€™d accept it so I wouldnā€™t be alone. We had a group of her and 2 other girls and theyā€™d bully me as a joke and tell me ā€˜youā€™re pretty so itā€™s ok if we bully youā€™. Now Iā€™m older Iā€™m more aware so weā€™ve all drifted apart and theyā€™ve slowly pushed me out the group. I have no one now.
I had one good relationship that I recently lost and itā€™s destroyed every part of me. I ruined it. I couldnā€™t seem to give him the same dedication he gave me and felt unsure about him and our future thus pushing him away with my actions. Now Iā€™m thinking I was being avoidant because of all my trauma. I did some pretty shitty things to betray his trust and now he will never speak to me again and has me blocked on everything. He was the only man so far in my life who genuinely loved me for me , no matter how messy I looked or imperfect I am and I destroyed the relationship beyond repair. I self sabotaged and now Iā€™m completely alone again. The guilt is eating me alive everyday and all I want is to talk to him and apologise but he wonā€™t speak to me.
I have terrible social anxiety, ocd , depression and bpd. I find it hard to make friends. I work from home so Iā€™m not in environments where I can meet new people, I have to wfm because I have an auto immune issue where I get tired easily. So Iā€™m just in this constant cycle of being alone.
I only have my dog left which is whatā€™s keeping me alive but Iā€™m extremely suicidal. If anyone can offer any advice or if youā€™ve been in a similar situation please offer me some advice because I genuinely donā€™t know what to do. I think about ending my life often but Iā€™m too scared to do it so Iā€™m living in this hell Thanks for listening
submitted by anonymous21_20 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 anonymous21_20 Canā€™t see a way out of this.

Hey, first time posting on Reddit, Iā€™m just lost and I really canā€™t see a way out for myself. Iā€™m F24, Iā€™d say Iā€™ve had alot of misfortune in my life but I donā€™t like complaining too much because I know someone else has it worse somewhere.
Grew up in a toxic household, only child, mentally abusive parents. A father who is extremely cold hearted and doesnā€™t believe in mental health, and my mother who is extremely unstable herself, have meltdowns infront of me and would constantly criticise and focus on my looks which in turn made me extremely self conscious my whole life. They would give me physical things but emotionally wise I was alone for most of my life with little to no support system. My aunt was evil to me as a kid and I think I endured abuse because sheā€™d purposefully isolate me from my cousins and make me feel like I wasnā€™t accepted.
The only person I had who gave me love was my grandma. She meant the world to me. She was my angel , but she died from cancer when I was 18 which was extremely traumatic as I saw her deteriorate infront of my eyes and was there when she was dying. It haunts me forever. Iā€™ve never gotten over it and itā€™s left a massive hole in me that Iā€™ve been trying to fill. She was the only person who was really truly in my corner. She was my soul mate.
Growing up I was always bullied, seem to be the black sheep that never fit in anywhere. High school was terrible for me. I was a complete loner and no one wanted to be my friend because I was so shy. Iā€™d sit alone by myself and always wonder whatā€™s wrong with me.
My only comfort at that time was my LDR from 15-21 with someone who lived in another country , we met online through gaming as this was my only way to make friends. I guess it was my escape. That relationship lasted 5 years but because I didnā€™t see him often I felt more and more alone.
After I went through a dark period of looking for validation from men online, as I created social media and started to put myself out there. I think the attention fed my insecurity about myself growing up as I had low self esteem and never saw myself as pretty but this attention ruined me in the end because it was mostly sexual and made me feel used. I gained popularity but it was the wrong kind. I was sending naked pictures to fill a void because these compliments made me feel worthy for once. It was a horrible dark time. I created a bad reputation for myself at one point because of it. Attracted some bad people , had someone planning to gang rape me but fortunately found out before it took place. Thatā€™s caused me to have paranoia.
Since Iā€™ve lost a lot of people. They come and they go. I canā€™t seem to keep relationships. I think I look to dating as an escape or maybe Iā€™ll find someone who will love me and fix me. I have no friends, I had a best friend who treated me like shit for years but Iā€™d accept it so I wouldnā€™t be alone. We had a group of her and 2 other girls and theyā€™d bully me as a joke and tell me ā€˜youā€™re pretty so itā€™s ok if we bully youā€™. Now Iā€™m older Iā€™m more aware so weā€™ve all drifted apart and theyā€™ve slowly pushed me out the group. I have no one now.
I had one good relationship that I recently lost and itā€™s destroyed every part of me. I ruined it. I couldnā€™t seem to give him the same dedication he gave me and felt unsure about him and our future thus pushing him away with my actions. Now Iā€™m thinking I was being avoidant because of all my trauma. I did some pretty shitty things to betray his trust and now he will never speak to me again and has me blocked on everything. He was the only man so far in my life who genuinely loved me for me , no matter how messy I looked or imperfect I am and I destroyed the relationship beyond repair. I self sabotaged and now Iā€™m completely alone again. The guilt is eating me alive everyday and all I want is to talk to him and apologise but he wonā€™t speak to me.
I have terrible social anxiety, ocd , depression and bpd. I find it hard to make friends. I work from home so Iā€™m not in environments where I can meet new people, I have to wfm because I have an auto immune issue where I get tired easily. So Iā€™m just in this constant cycle of being alone.
I only have my dog left which is whatā€™s keeping me alive but Iā€™m extremely suicidal. If anyone can offer any advice or if youā€™ve been in a similar situation please offer me some advice because I genuinely donā€™t know what to do. I think about ending my life often but Iā€™m too scared to do it so Iā€™m living in this hell Thanks for listening
submitted by anonymous21_20 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:57 vgjdotgg Niantic Lawsuit: Refunds for children under 18 who made a purchase in Pokemon Go from July 1, 2016 to March 8, 2024

Used ChatGPT to analyse and summarise a lot of the stuff. You can read the entire documents here: https://www.bursor.com/d-d-v-niantic-important-settlement-information/
Background: This case involves Niantic, the developer of PokƩmon Go, and focuses on children under 18 making purchases in the game. The settlement covers all kids in the U.S. who bought something in PokƩmon Go from July 1, 2016, to March 8, 2024.
Who's Affected: If you or your child made a purchase in PokƩmon Go during this period, you might be eligible for some form of relief or compensation.
Notification: Niantic has 75 days to notify all affected users via email. They estimate having email addresses for at least 95% of the affected accounts. Additional information will be posted on the Class Counsel's website.
Settlement Details:
Help Center Updates:
Dedicated Refund Process:
Final Approval Hearing:
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2024.05.15 09:32 adibkhan5499 Where Can You Find the Best School Facilities in Noida?

In a bustling city like Noida, where educational options are abundant, finding a school with exceptional facilities can be a daunting task for parents. With numerous institutions vying for attention, it's crucial to discern which ones offer not only quality education but also excellent amenities that foster holistic development. Among the plethora of schools in Noida, Delhi World Public School stands out as a beacon of academic excellence coupled with state-of-the-art facilities. Let's delve into what makes DWPS an exemplary choice for parents seeking the best for their children.
Modern Infrastructure
At Delhi World Public School, modern infrastructure isn't just a buzzword; it's a tangible reality. The campus boasts well-designed classrooms equipped with smart boards and ergonomic furniture to facilitate interactive learning experiences. From spacious auditoriums for cultural events to fully-equipped science and computer labs, every corner of the school exudes an ambiance conducive to learning and exploration. The emphasis on infrastructure underscores DWPS's commitment to providing students with a conducive environment for holistic development.
Sports Facilities
Physical fitness is as crucial as academic excellence in a child's overall development, and DWPS recognizes this fact wholeheartedly. The school offers a wide array of sports facilities, including basketball courts, football fields, cricket pitches, and indoor sports complexes. With trained coaches and state-of-the-art equipment, students have ample opportunities to hone their athletic skills and cultivate a spirit of sportsmanship. Whether it's on the field, court, or track, DWPS encourages students to strive for excellence and embrace the values of teamwork and discipline.
Libraries and Resource Centers
In the age of digital information, cultivating a love for reading is more important than ever. At DWPS, the libraries are more than just repositories of books; they are vibrant hubs of intellectual exploration and discovery. Stocked with a diverse collection of books, journals, and digital resources, the libraries cater to the varied interests and academic pursuits of students. Moreover, the school's resource centers provide access to cutting-edge technology and research tools, empowering students to delve deeper into their areas of interest and stay abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields.
Arts and Cultural Facilities
Creativity knows no bounds at DWPS, where artistic expression is celebrated and nurtured with fervor. The school's dedicated arts and cultural facilities provide students with a platform to unleash their creative potential and showcase their talents. From well-equipped art studios and music rooms to theaters and exhibition spaces, DWPS offers a plethora of avenues for students to explore and excel in the arts. Whether it's painting, music, dance, or drama, students are encouraged to pursue their passions and express themselves freely, thereby fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.
Safety and Security Measures
In today's world, ensuring the safety and security of students is paramount for any educational institution. At DWPS, safety isn't just a priority; it's ingrained in every aspect of the school's functioning. From stringent entry protocols and CCTV surveillance to well-trained security personnel, the school leaves no stone unturned in creating a secure environment for students to learn and grow. Parents can rest assured knowing that their children are in safe hands at DWPS, where the well-being of students is sacrosanct.
In conclusion, Delhi World Public School emerges as a frontrunner in providing the best school facilities in Noida. With its modern infrastructure, top-notch sports facilities, well-stocked libraries, vibrant arts and cultural spaces, and unwavering commitment to safety, DWPS epitomizes excellence in education. For parents seeking a school that offers nothing but the best for their children, DWPS stands as a beacon of hope and promise, shaping the leaders of tomorrow with care, compassion, and unwavering dedication.
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