049 boat plans

Community for building boats

2012.12.12 21:08 Community for building boats

Boat Building general. Any posts related to repair and maintenance, new builds, tools, sail making, boat upholstery, motors, electrical, hydraulics, plans, etc. are welcome.

2013.02.13 00:34 amreame Boat Building and Restoration

This is for everything involved in boat building and restorations. This includes outboard restorations, and the typical aluminum, wood, and fiberglass restoration projects.

2019.02.14 01:11 fruitsnacks4614 10YearWait

This community is for aspiring parents to be with long waits to share their distractions, struggles, plans and to have a community of people in the same boat.

2024.05.16 03:18 Odd_Contribution3175 Camping & Fly-Fishing recommendations for this weekend?

Hi all, was planning on going to Skagit River for this weekend to do some camping and flyfishing but just checked the regs and it is not open to fishing until June 30th.
So anyone has any other recommendations? Anywhere from Kelowna towards Chilliwack will do (preferably closer to Kelowna tho) also would prefer rivers as I don't have a boat. Thanks
submitted by Odd_Contribution3175 to kelowna [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:08 Agitated_Pool4375 Traveling internationally with a toddler

I need help finding a carrier for my toddler. I don’t trust the ads and reviews online because I feel like they’re always sponsored and I have a very specific need. My daughter is almost 15 months, she runs everywhere and is very independent BUT at the same time, wants to be held by me whenever I’m in sight. We’re about to travel through Europe for 2 months (we’re from the US). I need to be able to carry her but still carry my bookbag and possibly roll a suitcase. Plus, for the times of just day travel, she handles being held way better than the stroller. But she prefers me and it wears me out and is destroying my posture. I need a wearing option that she will tolerate. She will not want something where she doesn’t have the option to see around herself or be able to reach things easily. 😰prefer something as lightweight and compact as possible. I don’t mind spending more for the perfect solution. I am also open to ANY AND ALL tips you might have for traveling on plans, trains, Ubers, boats, etc with a VERY spicy toddle r who is fiercely independent and, honestly, kind of a handful. Thanks in advance! Help 😅
submitted by Agitated_Pool4375 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 o0TG0o Checking Some Localization - Cold Steel III: Chapter 3 (1/2)

Once again, my next post concerning the localized script of Cold Steel III. With this, I'll tackle the first part of Chapter 3. The points shown here are based on my sensibilities as to what lines cause issues for the dialogue, from being outright wrong to being awkward. My previous posts are listed below:

Chapter 3

The localization has Jusis word this an absolute. "当主" should refer to the actual head of the house. Jusis could've said: [I take it this means House Hyarms will be the only one of the Four Great Houses in with it's head attendance?]
The phrasing choice of "earlier" in the localization makes this reference to a moment in Chapter 1, pretty much two months ago, strange. It feels like way too much like a direct translation of "この前," without the context. Millium could've said: [Every bit as tasty as the pancakes Tilly and I had (anything that'd make more sense) before/in Leeves/a couple months ago.]
Random moment in the localization where refering to the jaeger corp in question as just "the dragons"/"竜" is omitted. There were no issues in any other instance. Shirley could've said: [I figured the dragons would be good, but the other guys are no slouches themselves.]
The original has it as "changed"/"変わり," not outright lost. Gareth could've said: [The dragon changed its head, and as for the other group, well...]
The localization phrases this in a different way than it should. It's denoted that "the dragons and these jaegers in purple" are emphasized as the "two strongest jager corps"; however, the original is listing the four in the scene. Sara could've said: [We've got two of the strongest jaeger corps--Zephyr and the Red Constelation--the dragons and these jaegers in purple, battling it out.]
The localization changes the clear question about the actual term she read about, just to make it sillier. Besides the fact that it even chooses to swap "council" for "conference." Juna could've said: [What's this Provincial Council thing about?]
The localization omits the time held captive, "one week"/"一週間." Old Man Rod could've said: [One time, some bandits captured me and held me in a stone prison for a whole week...]
「I heard that they sealed it up so that the Noble Alliance wouldn't get their hands on it.」 / 「貴族勢力に使われないよう厳重に封印したって聞いたけど……」
Very weird way to phrase this line by the localization. Especially considering that it is also said "they sealed it" in the next line. The original already mentions the "military"/"軍." Celine could've said: [Speaking of which, was/wasn't the Azure Knight ever retrieved by the military?]
The localization lumps the meaning of reaching the "pinnacle" or "heights"/"極み" and "enlightenment"/"理" to be the same thing as "mastering"/"奥伝" the 7th form. That's simply wrong. Yun Ka-Fai's letter could've said: [Reaching the pinnacle of this form is more difficult than any other. I do not know if you are even capable of attaining "enlightenment", yet...]
The localization adds what I assume is meant to be a "threesome" joke. Sharon could've said: [Not to mention, I can't imagine you'd like me to intrude on your private time♡]
The localization saw fit to omit the specifications of the district. Elise could've said: [My school/St. Astraia/the Girl's School and the cathedral are both in the Sankt District, in case you were wondering.]
Actually, it's completely wrong. When questioned, by Rean, that she's never been to Armorica Village before, she's not supposed to have "studied in the village." Elise should've said: [Yes, I haven't. However, when I was accompanying the inspection team in Crossbell, I did some studying/read all *about it.]
「What is it that the Nord people worship?」 / 「ノルドの民が、空の女神と同じくらい大切にしているものは?」
There isn't supposed to be a comparison that reads as if the Nord people worship "something else" instead of Aidios. Rean could've said: [They also have the Goddess of the Sky, but they worship something else equally.]
「With such an amazing faculty member, Thors must really be an excellent school.」 / 「あんなに優秀な職員さんが いるなんて、トールズってやっぱり名門校なのねぇ。」
「Hahaha...(That doesn't quite seem like Celestin, but...)」 / 「ははは……(セレスタンさんはちょっと特別な気もするが……)」
The localization got this one completely wrong. How is describing Celestin as "knowledgeable about cooking" and "helpful" not like him? That response makes no sense. First, the second line should read more generalizing the compliments to the whole staff; Cattleya could've said: [With such an amazing faculty member/members Thors must really be an excellent school.] Second, the meaning is that "Celestin is a unique case among the faculty" (in regards to being so amazing.) Rean could've said: [Hahaha... (That doesn't quite seem like anyone but Celestin...)]
The localization also got this one wrong. The Japanese don't come across as completely unaware. The assumption of this scene is that to Wayne is standing outside the training hall. Rean could've said: [Huh...? (Wait, the one outside would be...)]
The localization omits the time spent traveling, "半年." Rean could've said: [She also said she apprenticed under a female martial artist and traveled around Erebonia for six months...]
The localization simplifies the explanation. Rean could've said: [Yeah, thanks to this pendant Emma imbued with her magic.)
「What a nightmarish beast that cryptid was...」 / 「はぁ、まさかあんな恐ろしい魔物がいるなんて……」
The localization mistranslated "fiend"/"魔物" for "cryptid"/"幻獣." Kurt could've said: [A monster? Wait that's some kind of fiend!] Musse could've said: [What a nightmarish beast that fiend was...]
The localization removes the direction of the city. The narration could've said: [After paying a visit to Professor Schmidt, Rean walked George to the station, where his train back to Roer, in the northeast, was waiting.]
The localization removes the remark about the duration of the last stand. Aurelia could've said: [I considered making a last stand there for a year, but news of the Northern War reached me.]
The localization changes, addressing Towa by her surname. Munk could've said: [You'll be just fine, Herschel. Now let's get this show on the road!]
The localization omits taking social classes into account. Munk could've said: [Not to mention, as the student council president, you were highly regarded by many of your fellow students--nobles and commoners alike.]
The localization omits the mention of the brand. Musse could've said: [Heehee. No elegant young maiden can resist the call of Mariage Cross beautiful lace/Mariage Cross' beautiful lace.]
The localization completely changes, from specifically teasing Elise to just be more of a general tease. Musse could've said: [I've heard that the princess has gifted you many such lace.]
The localization chooses to translate the general term for "ammunition"/"弾薬" to be specifically gunpowder. Marcus could've said: [Although, I was shocked when she tried to pay for it with ammunition/ammo/(maybe) *bullets".]
The localization randomly chooses to translate "yokan"/"羊羹" as just generic "eastern sweets", after having no problem doing it correctly in all other instances. Rean could've said: [How about some assorted yokan?]
The localization phrases the arrangement weirdly. Juna could've said: [Well, we've (Elise, Musse and Juna) basically just decided on the menu together with the Cooking Club.]
「I'm also worried about the 'true story' that Vita mentioned.」 / 「クロチルダさんが言っていた“真なる物語”というのもあったな。」
Again, it's made to use "Vita" instead of "Clotilde." I've already explained in previous posts how these changes can affect the dynamics of characters negatively. Rean could've said: [I'm also worried about the 'true story' that Clotilde mentioned.]
The localization removes what Roselia told Emma. Celine could've said: [From the day the Elder said 'forget all about heVita', Emma began training and studying as hard as she could with one goal...)
The localization swaps "used" or "piloted"/"使っていた" for "mentioned." Rean could've said: [That's the golden Spiegel the principal used!]
The localization omits the joke. The narration could've said: [And so, Aurelia finished (gently) training the members of Class VIII...]
The localization chose to phrase this as there's supposed to be reservation against these events being held at the same time. That wasn't particularly present originally. Tatiana could've said: [The Summer Festival is going to be held at the same time as Pronvicial Council...]; or: [I hear that the Provincial Council will be held together with the Summer Festival...]
The localization puts this as if it's a 'known regular hobby'. Tita could've said: [From what I heard, Olivier played his lute under it *once.]
「I hope our boss is doing well.」 / 「それにしても──女将さん、元気だといいんだが。」
The localization creates an awkward confusion for these lines. What would be expected is that "boss" would be the fleet's boss, but it's actually talking about the owner of the sailor bar, Miranda, by using "owner" or "landlady"/"女将さん." Leonora could've said: [I hope Miranda/the owner is doing well.]
「I think it'll be an eye-opening experience for everyone, yeah?」 / 「坊ちゃんやらジャジャ馬にだっていい社会勉強になるんじゃねえか?」
「Though I might consider doing something after we're done with the field exercises.」 / 「せめて演習が終わった最終日なら引率込みで考えなくもないが。」
「Huh...? Well, aren't you a stingy one?」 / 「ハァ……?チッ、ケチくせえ野郎だな。」
The point of the line doesn't really come across that well in the localization. It sounds like the punchline to responding to Ash's proposal to allow Class VII to go out in the nightlife of Raquel is that "I'll consider doing that by myself." That couldn't be more wrong. Rena could've said: [Though I might consider chaperoning you guys after we're done with the field exercises.]
Literally mistranslates "current"/"現." Altina could've said: [The current Duke Cayenne is still under arrest and no replacement has been named.]
Ash's line originally ends at the first clause.
The localization omits tthe fact that the snipers are from the army. Maya could've said: [I hear there are some snipers in the Imperial Army who chose the Hector... but I suppose it all comes down to feeling.]
The localization removes the previous remark. Rean could've said: [This way leads to Raquel--We need to focus on getting to Ordis.]
The choice of "used" makes the sentence read as a characteristic beyond the single event the Japanese refers to. Ash could've said: [Damn. So that monster locked herself/cozied up in there with fifty-thousand soldiers.]
「It's fully equipped with multiple Panzer Soldats, large-class airships, and enough supplies and anti-aircraft cannons to last three years.」/ 「多数の機甲兵に大型飛行艇、3年は継戦できるだけの物資、対空砲も完備していましたから。」
In the context of "the Noble Alliance forces, after the civil war ended, barricaded themselves in Juno Naval Fortress," the localization wrongly chooses to put it as "during the war." Much the same, the second line is supposed to be talking about that single past event. Altina could've said: [It was equiped with multiple Panzer Soldats, large-class airships, and enough supplies amd anti-aircraft cannons to last three years.]
The localization translated this line very wrongly. The situation being "shifted" isn't the Northern War. Rean could've said: [To resolve that situation (Aurelia's barricade in Juno), the deal to set out for the Northern War was struck.]
The localization omits the mention of the Main Battle Tanks. Ash could've said: [I don't see any Main Battle Tanks/MBTs/Achtzenhs or Goliath Soldats. Do you?]
「Activity that's led us to believe they're planning something for the Imperial Provincial Council in Lamare.」 / 「ール州で開かれる領邦会議に合わ・せるように。」
「Over the past six months, there haven't been any confirmed reports of jaeger corps activity within the Empire.」 / 「──ここ半月、帝国各地で 活動していた複数の猟兵団の動きが確認できなくなっている模様。」
By virtue of omitting information, the localization causes this line to have the wrong information. In the first line. Wallace could've said: [But over the past half a month/two weeks, we've not seen activity from the multiple jaeger corps which, until then, had been moving suspiciously in the Empire starting six months ago.] Consequentially, it's the lack of movement so close to the Provincial Council that makes them wary. The third line straight up mistranslated "half a month"/"半月." Wallace could've said: [Over the past half a month/two weeks, there haven't been any confirmed reports of jaeger corps activity within the Empire.]
The localization outright mistranslates "tomorrow"/"明日." The Provincial Army Soldier could've said: [Ordis will hold the Imperial Provincial Council starting tomorrow. Immediately after that's done is the Summer Festival.]
「The Port City, Ordis.」 / 「《紺碧の海都》オルディスへ。」
The localization refuses to establish a term for this other name that Rean and Musse call Ordis. Given some uses of the Japanese term, it could be "Saphirl Port City"; given the name of a food item in the city, perhaps "Aquamarine Port City"; even if not the same kanji, maybe "Azure Port City." As long as it's not entirely omitted from the game.
The localization omits mentioning the location of the monster. Ash could've said: [Yeah, but once we're done sightseein', we've got a monster to kill on the beach to the south/southern beach/beach south of the city.]
The localization singles out Luna. Lord Quinn could've said: [I hope Luna and Eclair aren't too bored.]
The localization messes up the timeframe a little. The Provincial Army Soldier could've said: [You're in luck. With the Summer Festival happening soon, the town is really buzzing with activity.]
Just like in Chapter 2, a maid is made to call her "master"/"lord" her husband by virtue of the fact that the Japanese term can be used for both. Pamela could've said: [My Master/Lord doesn't like things that come from the capital.]
It's not meant to be "households "in plural; the context here is that the glass workshop is used by the Cayenne estate. Musse could've said: [In addition to the taverns, there's an orbment store, and a glass workshop that is popular with the duke household/Cayenne/duke's estate*.]
「My big brother is coming back tomorrow!」 / 「今日は兄ちゃんが帰ってくるんだよ!」
Straight up mistranslating "today"/"今日" in the localization. Luka could've said: [Guess what! My big brother is coming back today!]; And: [My big brother is coming back today!]
The localization omits the line also havimg mention of the fact that the emperor is the award giver. Luther could've said: [Gramps is the ultimate craftsman. He even received the Golden Emblem from His Majesty himself.]
「We get all our seafood from Rossel.」 / 「ちなみに魚介はそこのロッセルさんが卸してくれるんだ。」
The localization got this line wrong. It's not about drinking a lot, even the owner of the inn says the same, "卸して." Just as mentioned in the second line, by the tavern owner, Edmond. Old Man Rossel should've said: [Though, all I do nowadays is sell my catches here!]
The localization chose to have the guy who's emamored with his new boat, and gave it it's own name, ultimately call it a "this." The Cheerful Man could've said: [I need to make sure it doesn't compromise Radiance's beauty.]
The original isn't really about being or not being "self-made." Lord Beckford could've said: [I had to rid myself of some of the merchant ships my grandfather passed down to me as if they were worthless!]
The localization makes up the logic that the count would somehow still be in doubt of the participation of Great Houses with one day to go. Count Florald should've said: [I mean, will all four of the Great Houses' thoughts even be in alignment? This truly is mindboggling.]
The whole point of the quest is to make "decorations"/"飾り" for the Summer Festival, and the localization decides it should be "accessory." Kurt should've said: [So this is a jade shell...It'd make for quite the decorarion.]
The original doesn't make it sound like the Purple Jaegers already lost men against Rean and Class VII. The Purple Jaeger should've said: [There's no point in us losing our forces here today.]
The localization mistranslated this line and also makes it sound silly. None of the characters put any doubt that there are jaegers around or that the Purple Jaegers are jaegers; needing to confirm that just comes across as awkward. Patrick should've said: [It would have been great if we had actually captured those jaegers roaming the area.]
The original is about "accepting the government's reform plan"/"政府の改革案を受け入れる. Lord Beckford should've said: [This is a travesty! Does Marquis Ballad truly intend to accept the reforms of the government like this?!]
The original is about the lovers being in Ordis "every year"/"毎年" during the Provincial Council. Hearhcliff could've said: [We both come to town every year while the council is underway.]
The localizations not only mistranslate "current"/"現" but also "sentenced"/"判決が出される." Reins should've said: [The current Duke Cayenne is about to be sentenced.]
「You can enjoy the night life without worrying about the time.」 / 「鉄道のお時間を気にせず歓楽街を楽しむ事ができますよ。」
The first localized line gives the wrong idea. That would cause the second line to likely be interpreted as "Ordis' night life" when it's actually about in "Raquel"/"ラクウェル". Receptionis Harold should've said: [Our hotel offers a taxi service jto and from Raquel*.]
The localization singles out Juna, when it's her and Class VII. Louise could've said: [Juna and everyone/Everyone/Class VII, see you later.]
The localization leaves to the imagination, for better or for worse to some, that she got a "nosebleed"/"鼻血." Angelica could've said: [Haha. Well, the three girls were so cute that I got a nosebleed--ahem, excuse me.]
The localization mistranslated "町" as "school," which doesn't have anything to do with it. Sister Olfa should've said: [There was a shooting near the city the other day...]
submitted by o0TG0o to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:46 White_Mantra The next character revealed will be Beetlejuice.

Anyways, his theme for mvs was posted by Eric a couple months ago.
All the stupid ass banana posting is a reference to a scene in the movie where the parents all sing Day-O banana boat song.
He was planned to be coming after joker anyways in the files 2 years ago and he was fully voiced as well. I’m pretty confident that’s who they are referring to.
submitted by White_Mantra to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 Schonfille Anyone TTC?

I am 41, I have a 4 year old, and I just had a miscarriage. I’m ready to throw the kitchen sink at conceiving again since it took 6 months last time.
Soooo, my Oura ring is arriving tomorrow, and I’m planning to sign up for Natural Cycles as well. I feel like the hardest part of conceiving this last pregnancy was pinpointing my ovulation, even with OPKs, because there’s a wide range of when ovulation can occur, and at my age, sex has to be well timed for pregnancy to occur.
Anyone else in a similar boat?
submitted by Schonfille to ouraring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 Aetherflaer I have an interesting theory about the earthquakes and water levels in one piece.

WARNING:(Possible spoilers up through almost current manga?) Read at your own risk.
I'm currently rereading One Piece and I have noticed some things I just thought may tie together but I am also an idiot so it may just be the ramblings of a mad man.
So first things first. This is a theory based on theories so obviously if the first theory is wrong everything else doesn't work.
Here we go...
Law's fruit can remove the heart of someone and grant someone immortality.
Ever since luffy has been using his powers he has has drawbacks like turning tiny after gear 3rd or getting old and tired as Nika after fighting.
That is because I think Nika is missing his heart. I think the Mother Flame is Nika's Heart that was removed by the same person who granted Imu immortality. Cripple the enemy by removing his heart then turn it into a weapon to nuke islands. Sounds like a supervillain thing to do.
Now onto my main idea. I was very confused as to why deleting an islands causes earthquakes and the sea level to raise. It makes no sense.
In rereading it is obvious that Enies Lobby is built over a site previously struck by the Mother Flame.
The Mother Flame used at Lulusia.
The Mother Flame used at Enies Lobby.
Looking at those images. Ask yourself, why would deleting a hole in the ocean cause earthquakes and sea level rise?
I don't think it is.
If my theory is correct that the Mother Flame is the heart of Nika. Then what if instead of the islands getting obliterated, they are using Nika's power, turning the islands and ocean into rubber and smashing it down into the bottom of the oceans?
This image of Lulusia getting hit always bothered me how it looked like it came from above. What if inside that light is just a big Nika fist smashing the rubber islands down into the bottom of the ocean?
They always say that after the Mother Flame was used, the oceans rose following earthquakes. What would cause earthquakes and sea level rise more than an entire islands getting smashed into the ocean floor?
This would also explains Enies Lobby being built where it is and being so heavily defended. Whatever island was in Enies Lobby location previous is still there, on the ocean floor. They built Enies lobby on top of it to protect it from every being discovered.
I know about the Knock up Stream, and how they think it was what originally launched Jaya into the air, but hear me out. Remember how Jaya got launched into the air? Remember what Jaya looked like? Doesn't that big circular bit in Skypeia look like a target of the Mother Flame? If the Mother Flame smashed part of the island down into the ocean what would have to the rest of the island. The pressure builds up and poof part of the islands get launched high into the sky.
We know that Enel had plans for a boat to literally fly to the moon. Someone knew about the ocean levels rising and left plans for a boat to escape the planet. The world government/Imu found out and decided to Mother Flame the city on Skypeia that knew about it. When they smashed the city into the ground, it launched the rest of the islands skywards.
My prediction: I am expecting at some point in the future for Nika to get his heart back from the Mother Flame, then he will no longer tire from G5 or we will see G6 or some other power up. At some point Nika will be able to reverse the Mother Flames effects and bring the rubbered islands that we thought we gone back to the surface thus lowering the water levels all over the planet.
Thank you for coming to my rant.
tl;dr: previous Law fruit owner cut out Nikas heart and granted Imu immortality. Imu used Nika's heart to make the Mother Flame. Islands aren't getting nuked, they are getting rubbered and smashed to the bottom of the ocean explaining earthquakes and sea level rises.
submitted by Aetherflaer to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:12 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Sherman Tx

Best Things to Do in Sherman Tx
Best Things to Do in Sherman Tx Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in Sherman, TX? Well, buckle up because we've got the ultimate guide to the best things to do in this vibrant city!From exploring wildlife and immersing ourselves in cultural heritage to indulging in craft beers and outdoor recreation, there's something for everyone.Get ready to be captivated by captivating animal displays at the Harber Wildlife Museum or groove to the unique beats at the Sherman Jazz Museum.So, let's dive into the freedom of endless possibilities in Sherman, TX!Key TakeawaysSherman, TX offers a variety of outdoor activities and parks, such as the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Herman Baker Park, and Lake Texoma, perfect for nature enthusiasts and outdoor lovers.The city is home to several museums and cultural attractions, including the Harber Wildlife Museum, Sherman Jazz Museum, and Outlaw Trails Museum, providing educational and entertaining experiences for visitors of all ages.Beer enthusiasts can enjoy a visit to breweries and pubs like 903 Brewers and Cellarmans Pub and Brewery, where they can relax, enjoy live music, and taste a variety of flavorful drinks and food.Sherman also offers shopping and dining options, such as Kelly Square, Sherman Town Center, and Sherman Farmers Market, where visitors can explore boutiques, antique stores, eateries, and enjoy delicious meals from local restaurants.Wildlife and NatureWe love exploring the diverse wildlife and natural beauty of Sherman, Texas. When it comes to things to do in Sherman, TX, immersing ourselves in nature is always at the top of our list.One of our favorite spots is the refuge park, where we can encounter a variety of wildlife and plants. Whether we choose to take a hike or go on a photowalk, we're always in awe of the stunning scenery that surrounds us.For a more relaxing experience, we like to spend time by the lake or enjoy a scenic drive to spot birds. The tranquil atmosphere allows us to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.If we want to learn more about the wildlife in the area, we make sure to stop by the visitors center. The knowledgeable staff is always eager to share information and provide us with a deeper understanding of the local ecosystem.Another must-visit attraction for nature enthusiasts is the Harber Wildlife Museum. With its interesting displays and educational exhibits, it offers a captivating experience for all ages. From learning about different animal species to understanding the importance of conservation, this museum is a treasure trove of knowledge.In Sherman, TX, there's no shortage of opportunities to explore the wonders of wildlife and nature. Whether it's a hike through the refuge park, a visit to the Harber Wildlife Museum, or simply enjoying the peacefulness of the lake, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Museums and Cultural AttractionsWhen it comes to museums and cultural attractions in Sherman, there are plenty of options that offer interactive exhibits for all and captivating displays for everyone.From the Harber Wildlife Museum with its interesting animal displays to the Sherman Jazz Museum that delights jazz enthusiasts and art lovers, there's something for everyone to enjoy.These attractions provide an educational and engaging experience for visitors of all ages, making them a must-visit when exploring Sherman's cultural scene.Interactive Exhibits for AllExplore the Harber Wildlife Museum in Sherman, TX, for an educational and interactive experience with captivating animal displays. This museum offers around 11,000 square feet of interesting exhibits that are perfect for all ages.As you walk through the museum, you'll be greeted by lifelike animal displays that showcase the beauty and diversity of wildlife. Get up close to a towering giraffe, marvel at the intricate details of a roaring lion, and learn about the habitats and behaviors of various species.The museum also provides interactive elements, allowing visitors to engage with the displays and gain a deeper understanding of the animal kingdom. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and educational activity, the Harber Wildlife Museum is sure to captivate your attention.From here, let's move on to explore other captivating displays for everyone.Captivating Displays for EveryoneThere are several captivating museums and cultural attractions in Sherman, TX that offer fascinating displays for everyone to enjoy. One such museum is the Harber Wildlife Museum, located at 4703 Texoma Pkwy. This museum boasts around 11,000 square feet of interesting displays, making it a perfect indoor activity for rainy or cold days. Inside, you'll find captivating animal displays that provide an educational experience for all ages. Another must-visit attraction is the Sherman Jazz Museum, founded in 2010 by Bill Collins. Situated at 201 E Lamar St, this museum is a perfect destination for jazz enthusiasts and art lovers. It features vintage items and unique art, including exhibits showcasing vinyl albums and trumpets. Lastly, the Outlaw Trails Museum, located at 118 W Lamar St, offers a unique experience with exhibits from different eras in history, such as 'Toys through The Years' and Titanic artifacts. See the table below for a summary of these captivating displays:Museum NameLocationDescriptionHarber Wildlife Museum4703 Texoma Pkwy11,000 sq ft of interesting displays. Perfect for rainy or cold days.Sherman Jazz Museum201 E Lamar StVintage items and unique art. Ideal for jazz enthusiasts and art lovers.Outlaw Trails Museum118 W Lamar StExhibits from different eras in history. Unique displays, including Titanic artifacts.Breweries and PubsLet's check out two breweries and pubs in Sherman, TX.903 Brewers: This brewery has been crafting award-winning beers since 2013. Located at 1718 S Elm St, Sherman, TX 75090, it offers a great spot to relax and enjoy live music at night. The atmosphere is laid-back and inviting, making it the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a cold brew. And if you're feeling hungry, they also offer an array of delectable American food to complement your drink. Plus, being situated near outstanding restaurants and downtown spots, you can easily make it a part of your night out in Sherman.Cellarmans Pub and Brewery: Established in 1998, this lively pub is located at 2130 Texoma Pkwy, Sherman, TX 75090. Known for its flavorful sodas and beers, it's a favorite spot for locals and visitors alike. The pub has a romantic vibe, making it a perfect spot for couples to enjoy a night out. Delightful pizzas and a laid-back atmosphere add to the charm. And if beer isn't your drink of choice, they also offer mixed drinks, wines, and fresh options to suit every palate.Water Parks and Outdoor RecreationWater parks and outdoor recreation are a popular choice for visitors in Sherman, Texas. With attractions like the Splash Family Aquatic Center, families can enjoy a refreshing day of fun with spray features, slides, and a lazy river.For those looking for a unique experience, Cypress Lake Ranch offers amazing animal adventures, where visitors can feed and pet farm animals, ride ponies, and even take horseback riding lessons.Water Park Attractions NearbyOne of the water park attractions nearby is the Splash Family Aquatic Center, which offers outdoor fun for visitors of all ages.Dive into the excitement of the water slides, twisting and turning as you race your friends to the bottom.Cool off in the spray features, where water shoots up from the ground and creates a refreshing mist in the air.Take a leisurely float down the lazy river, feeling the gentle current carry you along as you soak up the sun.For the little ones, there's a dedicated play area with shallow pools and interactive water features, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for the whole family.With so much to do and explore at the Splash Family Aquatic Center, you're guaranteed a day filled with laughter, relaxation, and endless water-filled adventures.But what're the best water park activities?Best Water Park Activities?We can't wait to try out the thrilling water slides at the Splash Family Aquatic Center! Located at 1121 W Taylor St, Sherman, TX 75092, this outdoor waterpark is designed for visitors of all ages.As we make our way down the slides, we'll feel the rush of excitement and the refreshing splash of water.But the fun doesn't stop there. We can also relax on the lazy river, enjoying a leisurely float while soaking up the sun.And for those looking for a little more adventure, there are spray features and interactive play structures that are sure to keep us entertained.Whether we're seeking a thrilling experience or a relaxing day in the water, the Splash Family Aquatic Center has it all.Shopping and DiningWhile exploring Sherman, a great way to experience the local culture and indulge in delicious cuisine is by visiting the various shopping and dining options available. Here are four must-visit places for shopping and dining in Sherman:Kelly Square: Located at 115 S Travis St, Sherman, TX 75090, this trendy shopping center in Downtown Sherman offers a delightful mix of boutiques, an antique store, and eateries. Hunt for bargains at the antique store and treat yourself to tasty goodies at Fulbellis Restaurant and Bar.Sherman Town Center: Explore this shopping mecca for a wide range of shopping options. Located at a convenient location, it offers a variety of stores to suit every taste and budget. Afterward, satisfy your hunger by enjoying a meal at the Old Iron Post, known for its delicious food.Sherman Farmers Market: For fresh local produce, visit the Sherman Farmers Market. Located in a vibrant atmosphere, this market is a haven for food lovers. Discover a wide array of fruits, vegetables, and other local products to savor the flavors of Sherman.Sherman Antique Mall: If you're looking for unique finds, head to the Sherman Antique Mall. With its extensive collection of antiques and vintage items, this mall is a treasure trove for antique enthusiasts. Browse through the various booths and discover hidden gems from the past.Whether you're in the mood for shopping or dining, Sherman has something for everyone. From trendy shopping centers and vibrant farmers markets to antique malls and delicious eateries, you'll find plenty of options to satisfy your cravings and indulge in a memorable experience.Day Trips and Nearby AttractionsVisiting the charming town of Denison, just a short drive away, is a great way to explore nearby attractions while in Sherman. Denison offers a variety of attractions that cater to different interests and preferences. Whether you're a nature lover, history buff, or adventure seeker, Denison has something for everyone.Day Trips and Nearby AttractionsFrank Buck Zoo GainesvilleEisenhower Birthplace State Historic SiteChickasaw National Recreation AreaHistoric Downtown GainesvilleLake Murray State ParkOne of the top attractions in Denison is the Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville. This 30-acre zoological park is home to over 130 animals and offers comfortable enclosures that mimic natural habitats. It's a great place to spend a day with family, as there are fun activities and animal encounters, including the chance to feed zebras.For history enthusiasts, the Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site is a must-visit. This site preserves the birthplace and childhood home of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Explore the exhibits and learn about his early life and rise to power.If you're up for a short drive across the border, the Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Oklahoma is worth a visit. This beautiful park features stunning landscapes, natural springs, and opportunities for hiking, camping, and swimming.In downtown Gainesville, you can immerse yourself in history as you stroll through the charming streets. Admire the historic architecture and visit local shops and restaurants.Lastly, nature lovers can explore the beautiful Lake Murray State Park in Oklahoma. This park offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including fishing, boating, hiking, and picnicking. Enjoy the scenic views and relax in nature's embrace.With its diverse range of attractions, Denison provides a perfect day trip from Sherman. Whether you're interested in wildlife, history, or outdoor adventures, Denison has something to offer.Outdoor Activities and ParksOne of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors in Sherman is by exploring the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. Here are four outdoor activities and parks in Sherman that offer a sense of freedom and adventure:Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature as you visit this refuge park. Take a leisurely hike or go on a photowalk to capture the stunning landscapes and wildlife. Relax by the lake, where you can enjoy the peaceful ambiance and maybe even spot some birds. Don't forget to stop by the visitors center to learn more about the diverse wildlife that calls this refuge home.Herman Baker Park: If you're looking for a place to indulge in outdoor activities, this park is perfect for you. Go hiking or biking along the scenic trails, surrounded by lush greenery. Take a break and have a picnic with your loved ones, enjoying the fresh air and tranquil atmosphere.Lake Texoma: For water enthusiasts, Lake Texoma is a paradise. Spend a day fishing for bass, catfish, or crappie, or take your boat out for a relaxing cruise on the lake. With its clear blue waters and sandy beaches, it's also a great spot for swimming and sunbathing.Eisenhower State Park: Located just a short drive away from Sherman, this park offers camping and picnicking facilities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in nature. Explore the hiking trails, go birdwatching, or simply relax by the lake and enjoy the picturesque views.With these outdoor activities and parks, Sherman offers a wide range of opportunities to enjoy the freedom of the outdoors. Whether you prefer hiking through nature reserves, fishing in serene lakes, or simply relaxing in a peaceful park, there's something for everyone to enjoy in Sherman's outdoor spaces.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Pets Allowed at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge?Pets aren't allowed at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is dedicated to preserving the natural habitat and wildlife in the area, so pets could potentially disturb or harm the wildlife. It's important to respect these guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals.However, there are many other outdoor parks and attractions in Sherman where you can bring your furry friends for some fun and exercise.What Are the Opening Hours of the Harber Wildlife Museum?The opening hours of the Harber Wildlife Museum are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. However, please note that these hours may be subject to change, so it's always a good idea to check their website or call ahead before planning your visit.The museum offers a fascinating collection of animal displays and is a great educational experience for all ages. Don't miss out on this captivating attraction in Sherman, Texas!Does Cellarmans Pub and Brewery Have a Patio or Outdoor Seating Area?Yes, Cellarmans Pub and Brewery does have a patio or outdoor seating area.It's a lively pub located at 2130 Texoma Pkwy in Sherman, TX.With flavorful sodas and beers, it's a romantic spot for couples with delightful pizzas and a laid-back vibe.You can also enjoy mixed drinks, wines, and fresh beers.Can You Rent Tubes or Floats at the Splash Family Aquatic Center?Yes, you can rent tubes or floats at the Splash Family Aquatic Center.It's a fantastic way to enjoy a refreshing and exciting day in Sherman.The center offers outdoor waterpark fun for visitors of all ages, with spray features, slides, and a lazy river to relax on.Is There a Fee for Parking at Lake Texoma for Fishing and Boating?Yes, there is a fee for parking at Lake Texoma for fishing and boating.The fee helps to maintain the parking areas and facilities at the lake.The amount of the fee can vary depending on the size of the vehicle and the length of time you plan to park.There are different options available, such as daily passes or annual passes, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs.It's important to note that the fee for parking is separate from any other fees or permits that may be required for fishing or boating activities at Lake Texoma.Be sure to check the current fee schedule and any restrictions or regulations before visiting the lake.ConclusionIn conclusion, Sherman, TX offers a diverse range of activities and attractions that cater to everyone's interests. Whether you're a nature lover, history enthusiast, music fan, or simply looking for a fun day out, this vibrant city has something for you.From exploring the beautiful wildlife and nature areas to immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage, enjoying craft beers at breweries and pubs, or indulging in shopping and dining, Sherman, TX promises an unforgettable experience.So, come and discover all that this amazing city has to offer!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:11 Mammoth_Position9422 AI borrower defense AND Golden Email

I was a part of the AI borrower defense relief that came out at the beginning of the month. I have already gotten the email to confirm my address and information so I can get a refund.
However today I got the quote on quote golden email from the Department of education. Saying that I was part of the IDR relief plan as well. I have a Nelnet account currently, and when I called them and spoke to the woman on the phone she said it wouldn't matter that I got both reliefs. But the Department of Education email said that I could opt out of the IDR relief.
Do you think that it matters? The woman I talked to on the phone didn't really listen to what I said when I tried to explain it to her. Basically she talked over top of me and said yes I'm getting a refund but that's not what I wanted to know.
Anybody else in the same boat? Should I opt out of the IDR relief or will it really not matter?
submitted by Mammoth_Position9422 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:01 MerkadoBarkada SPNEC crushed on MSCI deletion; CREC changed IPO date for better "feng shui"; AREIT declares largest div in company's history; APL Q1 net loss: P7.9-M (up 32%)(Thursday, May 16)

Happy Thursday, Barkada --

The PSE lost 50 points to 6559 ▼0.8%

Shout-out to Albert R. for riffing on the "guy sinking in pond" theme of yesterday's meme, to Sadok Bey for cheering on OGP and gold stocks in general, to Jing for being old fashioned about AI, to Xavier for asking interesting questions about the REIT sector ("who's following [AREIT]?"), to @Banapin_phl_stk for asking if the OGP IPO was appropriate (yes, because it was a legal compliance IPO), to Cheerful2_Dogman210x for noting that REITs should diversify away from offices (agree, but MREIT?), to Adept-Ad-8635 for asking about GMA7 dividends (sorry I don't know anything), and to arkitrader for posting a classic GIF.
We will have to wait until May 21 to get our daily dose of REIT commentary from Ely (Your REIT Buddy), because he and his wife Gladys are away on vacation celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary! Please join me in congratulating Ely and Gladys Paclibar on this significant life milestone and wishing them many more happy milestones to come!
Congratulations are also in order Dax Lucas and Miguel Camus for launching their PH business news startup, InsiderPH. Both are veteran business reporters (previously from the Philippine Daily Inquirer) I trust and frequently link to while drafting Merkado Barkada. It's great to see more journalists break out on their own!

In today's MB:

Daily meme Subscribe (it's free) Today's email

▌Main stories covered:

  • [NEWS] SP New Energy crushed on MSCI deletion... SP New Energy [SPNEC 1.06 ▼6.2%; 150% avgVol] [pdf link] fell more than 6% yesterday as traders digested the MSCI Global Small Cap review results that indicated SPNEC would be deleted from the index, effective June 3. Cebu Pacific [CEB 29.50 ▼1.8%; 113% avgVol] is also scheduled for deletion from the index, while ACEN [ACEN 5.00 ▲9.4%; 478% avgVol] was selected for inclusion. Aboitiz Equity Ventures [AEV 37.00 ▼3.5%; 458% avgVol] was deleted from the MSCI Global Standard index.
    • MB: While the majority of people that I know don’t specifically trade index rebalancings, we are all impacted by these additions and deletions to some degree or another, so I think it’s important to flag when these rebalancings happen to make the markets seem just a little less random. For those who are unfamiliar, if you consider all the potential buyers of PSE stocks as just one room of buyers in the global “building” of potential buyers, getting added to an index is almost like getting credentials to access an entirely new room of potential buyers. Adding new buyers to the mix will drive up the price of the stock since the number of outstanding shares has not changed, only the number of interested buyers. That’s what is often referred to as “inflow”. Conversely, losing those new buyers will cause a drop in the price as due to the selling pressure from their need to exit their positions in anticipation of the stock losing its “credential” to access the room. That’s “outflow”. I know it’s a goofy analogy, but it can help new traders gain familiarity with all this talk of “inflows” and “outflows” around rebalancing moves.
  • [UPDATE] CREC changed its IPO date for better feng shui... According to a report by Miguel R. Camus of InsiderPH [link], Citicore Renewable Energy Corp [CREC 3.88 pre-IPO] CEO Oliver Tan said that CREC moved its IPO back by a week to June 7 after consulting with a feng shui expert. Mr. Tan said that June 7 is a more “auspicious” date.
    • MB: While I’m not a very superstitious person, I understand why these considerations can creep in where the difference between success and failure can so often be attributed to random chance. We’ve seen companies in the past set their maximum IPO price at a number that is thought to carry better “luck”, but it’s hard to look at the history of IPO results and see much good luck in all that red. Good reason? Bad reason? It doesn’t make that much difference to me as an investor, and it likely won’t make any difference to anyone a year or two from now when CREC is listed and the IPO is just a distant memory. Still, thought it was interesting to pass this along since I was lightly speculating on the reason for the date change yesterday.
  • [DIVS] AREIT declares largest dividend in company’s history... AREIT [AREIT 33.95 ▲0.1%; 116% avgVol] [link] declared a Q1/24 dividend of ₱0.56/share, payable on June 13 to shareholders of record as of May 28. The dividend has an annualized yield of 6.6%, which is a little higher than AREIT’s pre-dividend annualized yield of 6.48%. The total amount of the dividend is approximately 90.3% of the ₱1.47 billion in distributable income that AREIT reported for the period. AREIT’s year-to-date stock and dividend return is now up to 3.32%, and its total return since its IPO is now 54.56%.
    • MB: That’s 16 straight quarters of stable or growing dividends from AREIT. Their management team has weathered all of the issues and problems that have plagued the commercial REIT sector since the pandemic in 2020 (COVID, inflation, POGOs, etc), and they’ve managed to actually grow the dividend 10 times while doing it. Sure, their yield is the lowest of the REITs on the PSE, but it’s low for a reason: risk (or the relative lack thereof).
  • [EARNINGS] Apollo Global Q1 net loss: ₱7.9-M (up 32%)... Apollo Global Capital [APL 0.01 ▲10.0%; 6% avgVol] [link] posted a Q1 net loss of ₱7.9 million, which was actually 32% better than its Q1/23 net loss of ₱11.5 million. The company’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis section is still just a “Plan of Operations” because the company still has yet to earn a single peso of revenue from the offshore mining operation that it was supposed to have started in early 2021. APL’s current President, Bonner Dytoc, was appointed back in late 2022 after the company’s previous President resigned.
    • MB: Longtime readers will know how closely I’ve been following the trials and tribulations of the MB Siphon 1, the vessel that APL allegedly plans to use to eventually conduct its offshore mining. It’s now been 1199 days since APL reported that the MB Siphon 1 was “in position” and “ready to commence operations” before a series of storms, mechanical mishaps, financial transactions, big waves, and training outages conspired to keep the boat from its one and only purpose. I get the sense that even the PSE is getting fed up with the situation, which says a lot considering what they’ve been willing to tolerate from other companies; the PSE officially required APL to disclose the status of the MB Siphon 1 last month, and in response, APL said that the MB Siphon 1 is “currently undergoing its equipment maintenance and continuous enhancements to ensure safety, durability, and operational efficiency.” APL went on to say that it will commission another vessel to “supplement our operations for the year”. And the kicker: APL said that it is “on track to anticipate initial shipments within the second quarter of this year.” On track to anticipate? 60% of the time, that wordplay works every time.
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on Philstar.com in the Stock Commentary section.

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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:39 TOliver871 First cycle cancelled- poor responder

Looking for encouragement and stories from other poor responders.
I (37F) and my wife (43F) recently moved to IVF after 5 failed IUI attempts (had previous success after 2 IUIs). Due to an ovarian tumor a few years ago, I only have one ovary. Was prescribed BCP/menopur (150)/gonal-F (300 increased to 450). I started stims last Thursday, and today I had no new follicle growth and barely a rise in my estrogen level (level still in the 200s). My RE called me this afternoon and recommended halting this cycle. The plan right now is to review with his team and try again with a different medication regime. He mentioned skipping the BCP and potentially adding testosterone. Honestly, I was in such a state when talking to him that I don't really feel like I truly processed everything he was saying.
Wondering if anyone else has been in a similar boat and how things went? I am absolutely devastated. I knew going into this to expect less eggs retrieved (due to only having 1 ovary), but I didn't really consider the fact that I just might not respond to the medications. I have spent the afternoon wondering what I could have done differently to have a better outcome. Logically, I know that I can't blame myself, but I just keep thinking, "oh, what if I skipped the glass of wine last weekend?" or "what if I had lost ten pounds before trying?" (BMI 30).
Would love to hear from other "poor responders" (or just from others in general).
submitted by TOliver871 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:30 Snooky231 Planning a Bachelorette in Miami

Hi! Planning a bachelorette in Miami in July for three nights, four days. Any airbnb recommendations? Boat contacts? Restaurant suggestions... bride really wants to stay on south beach or any beach... also considering Brickell? 8 girls in total! Bride is a physician in her 30s
submitted by Snooky231 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:21 Redditnewbieme First time girls trip

Hi, My friend and I age 33 and 49 are planning to do a girls trip in May of 2025. Neither of us have been to Europe before. We enjoy good food, good wine, beach time, good views. We want to feel safe on our trip. We are thinking about a cruise, or are open to the possibility of a group tour type of trip. We are not interested in spending hours of time in museums, history doesn’t really interest us. We are looking for great food, good views, beach time, wineries- as listed above. We don’t even know where to begin. We were leaning towards cruise so we could go back to the same bed each night and feel safe with the nightlife on the boat. Do any of you have any other input or suggestions?
submitted by Redditnewbieme to Europetravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:09 jofo1993 Lake Oconee murders; further questions and profiling

The murders of Russell and Shirley Dermond in Lake Oconee GA in 2014 is one of the most well known cases in the true crime online community. I wont go into detail right now but here are 2 links for those who want to know more about the case
I consider myself fairly well read about this case and I feel the entirety of the crime raises alot of interesting questions. id love to hear peoples thoughts on these questions/motives and the type of people and their motive who would do this. County Sheriff Howard Sills has been very media friendly about this case and has shared a decent amount of details/insight. Below are a few questions i have about the case, feel free to comment your thoughts, etc.
-the crime scene was extremely clean, russell was decapitated in the garage but otherwise the house was immaculate. why decapitate russell? if it was to hide the ballisitcs evidence would it not have been easier to use a different weapon?
-I feel they likely came to the house with the plan to decapitate them as they had to have a very sharp knife(sheriff said a super clean cut) and a container to take the head away in. what would be the motive for this?
-sheriff has stated he thinks there was at least 2 people, possibly more involved
-Russell was not killed in the garage where he was found. he was likely shot due to gun shot residue being found on his shirt. there's no blood spatter in garage, why kill him elsewhere and then bring him to the garage? where was he killed?
-Shirley was killed in a different manner and much more brutally, why use 2 different methods for killing them? why bother removing her body and his head and hiding them, meanwhile RD body was just left on the floor of the house?
-Shirley was not killed at the house and her body was dumped via boat
-this is a significant part of the crime imo, because removing Shirley from the property(in a boat especially) increases the risk of being caught 50x. i feel like there had to be a noteworthy reason to do this but cannot think of one
i think these killers are local, they had to have a boat and a truck/trailer to transport that boat. imo these guys had to be VERY comfortable on that lake, in order to kidnap an old lady, bring her onboard the boat, likely kill her onboard, and then tie cinderblocks to her and dump her body overboard. this is ALOT of work/effort and is very risky to do, which doesn't gel with leaving his body at the house
i think most likely it had to be some form of extortion, where they arrived by boat(even though sherriff says he doesn't think they arrived by boat) and then kidnapped SD in order to get $ out of Russell. Russell then either refused and/or fought back and was killed or things went wrong and the killers plan was ruined. so they just had to kill the dermond's and leave
ill probably make some edits after i proof read a bit. let me know if 'im missing anything and id love to hear your guys thoughts!!
submitted by jofo1993 to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:03 polloponzi An Exclusive Prison Chat With Sam Bankman-Fried

For the first time since his incarceration, Bankman-Fried described his daily life in a detailed interview with journalist William D. Cohan of Puck:

On a recent Tuesday, I went to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn for an intimate chat with America’s most famous prisoner, Sam Bankman-Fried. During our 75-minute conversation, we discussed everything from Caroline Ellison and the travails of his new life, to his regrets about the demise of FTX and his forthcoming appeal.
I got the distinct impression that Sam still doesn’t believe he committed any crimes, only that he was the one responsible for putting FTX in a position where it was vulnerable to a bank run and the devious actions of its competitors
WILLIAM D. COHAN -- May 9, 2024
On Tuesday afternoon, I found myself in the most unusual circumstances—sitting on a small plastic chair at a cramped table in the Metropolitan Detention Center, the federal prison on 29th Street in Sunset Park, in Deep Brooklyn. Outside, it was a gorgeous day, the sort of picturesque and slightly humid one that inevitably reminds longtime New Yorkers of the weather on the morning of September 11th. Inside the prison’s visiting room, however, there was no natural light, no sunshine, only the Hitchcockian buzz of fluorescent bulbs and three vending machines standing in a corner. Posters on the wall attempted to compensate for the bleak atmosphere by buoyantly welcoming visiting families.
I first met Sam Bankman-Fried in December 2021, during the height of his power and influence, when he was the richest person in the world under 30. My friend Anthony Scaramucci, a.k.a. The Mooch, had connected us. On a cold winter night at the One Hotel, on Sixth Avenue, I interviewed him for a documentary I am part of making about Bitcoin and its developer, Satoshi Nakamato. Sam showed up an hour late, in a black t-shirt and cargo shorts, apparently having just flown in via private jet from the Bahamas. A month later, Sam’s cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, would raise its final $400 million round of financing from a group of highfalutin investors—led by Softbank, Temasek, and Paradigm—at a valuation of $32 billion, making the company one of the most valuable in the sector. At that moment, Sam was said to be worth $26 billion.
This week, we reconnected amid very different circumstances. Sam and I arranged for this visit through his Corrlinks email account, at the suggestion of his mother, Barbara Fried, and the family’s prison advisor. We met on Tuesday around 1 p.m. because that was the only day that visiting hours are permitted at MDC, a hangover from the Covid era. Prisoners can have visitors for one of two sessions, either starting at noon or at five in the afternoon.
We were meeting later than noon because of the staffing shortage at the facility. I was allowed to bring in $1 or $5 bills, up to a total of $30, in case I wanted to buy Sam some water, soda, or snacks from the humming vending machines. I was told to put my $20 bill as well as my wallet and iPhone into a locker. Sam was not permitted to buy anything himself.
Following about an hour of bureaucratic snafus (I went to the wrong building at first, and I wasn’t wearing dark pants—although an exception was made for me) and other forms of prison processing (shoes and belt off, metal detection, sticking my hand in a scanner) I was finally allowed inside the prison, without a phone, a watch, a recording device, or even a pad of paper and a pencil. (I knew this in advance, of course, and set about preserving my recollections of our conversation immediately after leaving the facility.)
After a few minutes of waiting, I looked up to see Sam Bankman-Fried, over in the corner, dressed head to toe in a chocolate-brown prison jumpsuit, along with the still-wild frizzy hair that has been his trademark. These days, Sam looks considerably thinner than the last time we met—it appeared he’d lost 25 pounds, at least. But he looked better and fitter than I thought he would, to be honest—less pudgy, less manic, less fidgety, no bags under his eyes.
He was sustaining himself on rice and beans, he said, because the prison food was unsurprisingly inedible, especially the vegan entrées he was served, which his fellow inmates thought literally smelled like shit. He wasn’t complaining, mind you; he noted that he was just trying to make the best of a bad situation. The rice he buys at the prison commissary has become one of the currencies of the realm inside MDC. We joked briefly about how the arbitrage opportunities in jail were better than anything he experienced trading crypto at Jane Street Capital or buying and selling assets at Alameda. He looked me in the eye pretty much the whole time, something he rarely did with people in the old days.
After we shook hands, he sat down in his own plastic chair as a camera watched us from the ceiling. We were surrounded by a couple of other inmates, dressed similarly, facing their visitors. Sam declined my initial offer to buy him some snacks but ultimately agreed to a $4 bottle of water and a small $2 package of Wheat Thins, which he eagerly consumed.
We talked for the next 75 minutes or so, the first in-person interview he has given to a journalist since he was locked up in the MDC last August and then subsequently convicted of two counts of wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, securities fraud, commodities fraud, and money-laundering at his federal trial in November. In March, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Our chat, under these rather drastic circumstances, was a profoundly jarring and fascinating experience.

Prison Diaries

Sam began by answering my question about his life in prison. According to him, he lives in an area of the jail that was dedicated mostly to incarcerated women, save for the 35 men with whom he shares a dormitory-style existence in a big open room—bunk beds, no privacy, extreme boredom, and four television sets tuned to ESPN, Telemundo, BET, and a news channel. Sam said he could try to persuade his fellow inmates to change up the channel selection, but television bores him, so he has no interest in that challenge. He prefers watching a small selection of movies or playing some inferior video games on a tablet, without an internet connection, that the prison provides him and other inmates.
When I told him he seemed better than I had anticipated, he replied that he’d become good at faking it. So, yes, life inside the MDC is not the Bahamas. But, truly, I had expected to see him coping less well. At the MDC, Sam has mostly been permitted his prescription medications, and the cocktail he’s been allowed has him thinking clearly, he said, and energized for the legal battle he plans to wage soon against the verdict.
In the meantime, he told me, he doesn’t fear for his safety. He can use the bathroom and shower a couple of times a week in peace. He’s always been a light sleeper, and he’s still not sleeping soundly at the MDC, but mostly because people sometimes bug him during the night about those bags of rice, which they intend to use to barter. He has not been touched or abused, and he seemed notably thankful for that.
He acknowledged that he has a unique rap sheet at MDC, and his fellow prisoners indeed recognize him. He estimated that about half of the other 35 men in his unit were murderers who had been turned into cooperating witnesses for the prosecution in exchange for not serving a life sentence. In prison, many inmates consider cooperating witnesses the lowest form of vermin, lower even than child molesters. Sam also told me that some of the other prisoners tried to get close to him, thinking they would benefit financially from the proximity to a former billionaire. He doesn’t play along, he said.
We didn’t talk about his trial strategy or whether he intentionally siphoned off the $8 billion of FTX customer funds into Alameda. Both topics seemed moot at this point. We did discuss his onetime girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, whom he selected to run Alameda after lawyers kept hounding him about the inherent conflicts in him running both FTX and the hedge fund. (He chose to run FTX.) He acknowledged that he had asked a few other people if they would be interested in the role, but they turned him down. Ellison, he said, was a good manager of people and a good administrator but didn’t like making big investments and didn’t like taking risks. (Obviously, this seems like a bizarre aversion for a hedge fund manager, but I didn’t belabor the point.) In any event, Alameda ended up doing both.
He regretted that he had not tried harder to find another executive. He also said he should have ignored the lawyers and just kept running both FTX and Alameda, conflicts be damned, sort of like how Elon Musk oversees his various companies. Wishing he had ignored his lawyers’ advice emerged as a theme of Sam’s during our visit.

Legal Therapy

We did talk a fair amount about his appeal and about how he believed he was set up to be the fall guy—the victim of the old build-’em-up-only-to-tear-’em-down narrative arc. His theory of the case was that by the fall of 2022, it was every man for himself on a boat that looked to be sinking. By early November 2022, FTX was facing a liquidity crunch. Sam first sought a deal with Binance, which quickly fell apart or was never truly real, and was in the process of trying to raise billions in capital when his lawyers advised him to turn the keys of FTX over to John J. Ray III, which he did. Ray quickly filed FTX for bankruptcy and installed Sullivan & Cromwell, the company’s outside counsel, as counsel to the debtor.
Sam became the target of federal prosecutors, he told me, soon after FTX’s outside counsel at Sullivan & Cromwell made a presentation to them, on November 9, 2022, a day or so before the bankruptcy filing, about what they believed Sam may have engineered between FTX and Alameda, which has been described as the theft of $8 billion of customer money. In a sworn declaration about that meeting, S&C attorney Andrew Dietderich said he reported to the D.O.J. only what Ryne Miller, FTX’s U.S. general counsel, told him about a problem of “reconciling digital assets with entitlements” on FTX’s U.S. exchange, and nothing about Sam and his alleged transgressions.
Sam told me that had he not been persuaded by Sullivan & Cromwell and then by his personal attorneys to relinquish his job as C.E.O. to Ray, the company would not have filed for bankruptcy, and it would still be a thriving enterprise, worth $80 billion now. In this alternate reality, he would be worth $40 billion and he certainly wouldn’t be at the MDC. (S&C declined to comment on Sam’s theory of the case. It’s also fair to reiterate here that Sam was sentenced to 25 years in prison after a jury convicted him of the crimes described above.)
I got the distinct impression that Sam still doesn’t believe he committed any crimes, only that he was the one responsible for putting FTX in a position where it was vulnerable to a bank run and the devious actions of its competitors, not unlike how both Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers failed in 2008. Why, Sam wondered, was he prosecuted when no one at either Bear or Lehman faced criminal prosecution? During our chat, Sam was contrite and certainly chastened, but not exactly apologetic: He was adamant about his innocence, aside from a few degrees of negligence—punishable, in his view, perhaps by civil consequences, not criminal penalties and a quarter-century sentence.
According to Sam’s theory, he isn’t in prison for commingling assets of FTX and Alameda. Instead, he’s an innocent guy who didn’t get a chance to negotiate a deal with the federal prosecutors, and wonders why he was even prosecuted at all for what he believes was a form of a bank run. Instead, they just presented him with his indictment and told him he could eat it— accept it and plead guilty and then get sentenced, or go to trial and try to fight it. Since there was no plea bargain on the table, he said, he fought the charges at trial, and lost. Unlike his fellow inmates, he told me, Sam speaks to his new attorney nearly every weekday for an hour or so, as the focus of his appeal comes into view. He expects to file it this fall. Yes, he will appeal, but most people think he faces long odds of success.
On the day of my visit, Sullivan & Cromwell, still counsel to the debtor-in-possession in FTX’s bankruptcy case, filed a first draft of a plan of reorganization that appears to give its customers and creditors all of their money back, plus a little more—a return of $15 billion on $12 billion of claims—in large part because of the investments Sam made through Alameda. The plan, which still has a long way to go before being confirmed, also gives Sullivan & Cromwell, along with other FTX advisors, “exculpation” from future lawsuits related to its conduct in the matter. This is not unusual in a plan of reorganization. But Sam has exhaustive thoughts on this subject, which I may explore with him in a follow-up conversation.

Go West, Young Man

I’m not sure how much longer Sam will be at the MDC, and neither is he. He has asked to remain in Brooklyn at least until the fall, when his appellate brief will be filed. But that’s not up to him, of course. If he gets moved, which could come at any moment without warning or explanation, I’m told, it would probably be to California, closer to Palo Alto, where he grew up, the son of two Stanford Law professors. At that point, the question will be whether he gets to spend his incarcerated years in a federal penitentiary, which are mostly nasty places filled with hardened criminals, or in more of a minimum security prison, as Mike Milken once did.
If he does get moved out of Brooklyn, his family and legal team worry, he could spend as long as four months on a bus, handcuffed to the seat, making his way, slowly, across the country. Such prison buses make frequent stops—picking up new prisoners, dropping off others—which explains why they take so long to reach their final destinations. There’s also a remote possibility that he could be placed on one of the many planes operated by the U.S. Marshals Service, a.k.a. “Con Air.” But he’s more likely to get the infamous “diesel therapy,” they fear. Either way, during this hypothetical cross-country journey, Sam would be completely incommunicado with both his family and his lawyers until he reaches his new home in California, deprived of the minimal access to the internet and email he now enjoys in Brooklyn.
Just as we were getting ready to discuss some knotty issues, such as his choices during his trial or the fact that many of the people who once worked for him had turned against him to save themselves, our visiting time was up. It was non-negotiable. We quickly shook hands again. Then Sam went back to his dormitory and I went back outside into a glorious spring afternoon.
Credits/Via: https://puck.news/exclusive-prison-chat-with-sam-bankman-fried/
submitted by polloponzi to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:57 Ordinary-Explorer-71 Picking up merit-based scholarships

Hi, I'm a senior in high school and was accepted on early decision to BU, and got nothing in terms of need-based aid. My family is at an income level where we certainly don't need financial aid, I could pay the full price for BU and not be in total financial ruin, but we aren't really rich enough for that to be a good idea. I'm not really upset about that at all, I understand BU is very generous with it's need-based aid to those who actually need it. I just need to figure out a plan to pay for my own expenses, which will probably rely a lot on merit-based aid.
Anyone else in the same boat, or went through the same experience? How did you pick up merit-based scholarships? Thanks :)
submitted by Ordinary-Explorer-71 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:53 DoGsPaWsLoVe Tuesday 05/14/24: 14 Posts

Here is the recap of the 14 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G Weight loss Journey on 05/14/24.
"There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance... It's called humility. Confidence smiles. Arrogance smirks." Unknown
⚠️ Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD), aka shopping addiction, Death, Disordered Eating, Domestic Violence, Gaslighting, Grief, Illness, and Religion will be discussed
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from healthcare with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joe Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
☎️ National Domestic Violence Helpline: Confidential Help is available 24/7 at 800-799-7233. Or text BEGIN to 88788.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 05/14/24:
0/14 posts discussed prayer
0/14 discussed music
1/14 discussed extra walking from sightseeing
0/14 shared a recipe
6/14 were about something Kylea ate or drank
1/14 was about her sister's sushi
1/14 "Joe" posted about "habachi" Kylea had delivered to the apartment
5/14 were about sightseeing or what Kylea felt were motivational sayings.
📢 For our friends at Meta, although Kylea put forth more effort than usual, >21% of her content had nothing to do with weight loss.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily WW Points Used (Data compiled from monetized content):
2 WW Points?: Mexican coffee + almond milk + sugar-free vanilla + almond milk + 1/4 of Premier Protein shake (No WW points listed. The extra almond milk may have been an error.)
0 WW Points: Scrambled Eggs + Fruit
5 WW Points?: Unknown protein bar + fresh fruit
2 WW Points: Cold Brew + almond milk + sugar-free strawberry + sugar-free caramel + 1/4 of Premier Protein shake with a bowl of fresh fruit
0 WW Points: Large Fanta Dragon Fruit Slurpee
2 WW Points: Dark chocolate PB Cup
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed approx. 11 out of (up to) 30 daily WW points= Disordered Eating. This is dangerous messaging for her 138k+ followers. San Diego is full of diverse culinary options, and she is restricting herself from eating. Follow your policies on eating disorders and take action.
Recipes Shared: ZERO
🚨 Please speak with a medical professional about any questions or concerns you have about your health.
Comments: Kylea arrived in San Diego (with her sister, aka trip photographer) and was feeling emotional and inspired by her progress almost 3 years into her journey. There is always hidden meaning in her content. Here we go...
  1. They landed in San Diego: Kylea boasts about $45 round trip flights. 🚨 Lie detector
  2. Iced Coffee in Old Town: Followers were curious how she got her Premier Protein through TSA. 🤔
  3. Breakfast with a View: Kylea is more restrictive with food when traveling. A follower suggested a California Burrito. Kylea replied, "I don't want a burrito, but thank you!! 💖 💖 My trips are about adventure and I stay on my plan when traveling." Newsflash: burritos are part of the WW plan. Kylea undereats daily and does not always use her weeklies.
  4. Deleted Beach Video: This 3 min 19 sec clip contained many of her famous catchphrases. (She removed the video in less than 10 min.) Kylea was unable to walk and talk without becoming and staying short of breath. That is abnormal for someone who claims to have walked daily for almost 3 years. 🤔
She is proud of herself for the "courage" it took to book a cheap flight because life is short. I think the Missouri Courts and hospital system would be proud of her if she paid her medical judgments instead.
  1. They watched the waves for hours
  2. Attitude of Gratitude: Kylea has been "focusing on the positive lately and it has been good for me. 💖" Please ignore all photos with smirks and dead "yellow" eyes, clap back speeches, references to death and loss, her list of complaints about acute and chronic illnesses, and need for an emotional support animal to function.
  3. Sister had Sushi- Kylea is allergic and stated she didn't know the name of the restaurant. "I can't even smell fish at all without 🤮 🤮" (How did she survive the main dining room on the cruise in the presence of fish?) Followers were led to believe her sister ate alone after Kylea commented she ate beforehand.
  4. "Joe" posted about Kylea having "habachi" delivered: Please see the link above on Domestic Violence. "Domestic Violence is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship... This can happen through physical violence, threats, emotional abuse, or financial control."
False allegations are dangerous, and I walk a fine line in these recaps. We are to the point, I felt the need to provide a domestic violence resource and say this: I feel it is inappropriate for Kylea to repeatedly produce monetized content where "Joe" appears to make posts under her account and name. Furthermore, it is not okay to influence 138k+ followers to emasculate their partner, treat them like a servant, imply you control access to preferred foods, and shared finances in your absence. Concern is growing. This type of monetized content is triggering for victims of intimate partner violence and needs to end. ☮️
  1. Slurpees at 7-Eleven: Kylea claims she remembers her 1st Slurpee from when she was 3-4 years of age. Debate erupts when Kylea claims her 32oz Fanta Dragon Fruit Slurpee is zero sugar, and a wise follower informs her it has "about 36 grams of carbs and almost 800mg of sodium." Kylea argues with this woman and eventually deletes the post instead of issuing a statement with the proper nutrition information. I feel that Kylea does not understand the basics of carbs vs. sugar. Influencing followers with complex medical conditions to drink a 32-oz Slurpee is inappropriate without a disclaimer.
  2. "Seeing the world is one of my top priorities in life." Kylea is holding her slurpee in front of a mural with her left leg in a donkey kick pose. Why pose like that? 👀
  3. Strawberry/Caramel Cold Brew with a bowl of fresh berries
  4. Dark Chocolate PB Snack
  5. "Sail Boat" Sighting aka Navy Frigate Replica H.M.S. Surprise located at the Maritime Museum. (Yes, I looked it up out of curiosity. 🧐)
  6. "You are enough exactly as you are and never let anyone tell you any differently."
🤔 Kylea spent the day collecting photos of herself, presumably for future before/after comparison posts. She wasted many opportunities to showcase the flexibility of using WW when traveling and exploring new cuisines.
Takeout: Flor & Seed Iced Coffee= $6 est + tip; Flor & Seed Unknown beverage= $6 est + tip; Kono's Surf Club Breakfast for 2 (online prices used)= $23 est + tip; Unknown Sushi Restaurant- sister= $12 est + tip; Unknown Coffee Shop for KG= $15 est + tip; Unknown Hibachi delivery-Joe= $25 est + tip & delivery fees; 7-Eleven Small & Large Slurpees= $5 est;
Shopping & Travel Expenses: Two One-Way Airline Tickets (Unknown carrier)= $98 + fees; Airport Parking (up to 50% off with prebook)= $16 est; San Diego Flyer transport to Old Town= $0; (It is unknown if Kylea used this free service or a ride share); Premier Shake, Protein Bar & Fruit= $10 est; Unknown San Diego Accommodations= $120 est + fees;
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:41 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Honeymoon Package

Maldives Island Honeymoon Package
Maldives Island Honeymoon Package Have you ever wondered if the Maldives Island Honeymoon Package truly lives up to its reputation as the ultimate romantic getaway? Well, let me assure you, it does not disappoint.From the moment you step off the plane and are whisked away to your luxurious resort, you'll be captivated by the beauty and tranquility of this paradise destination.But there is so much more to discover and experience beyond the pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters.So, join me as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems and unique experiences that await you in the Maldives.Key TakeawaysThe Maldives offers luxury amenities, romantic experiences, and natural beauty for honeymooners.Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa is one of the resorts that offers a honeymoon package with round-trip airport transfers and a warm welcome with champagne.The best time to visit the Maldives for a honeymoon is during the dry season from December to March, with pleasant weather and minimal rainfall.Must-do activities on a Maldives honeymoon include diving expeditions, luxurious spa treatments, romantic sunset strolls, private candlelight dinners, and relaxing in overwater villas or beachfront villas.Overview of Maldives Island Honeymoon PackageThe Maldives Island Honeymoon Package offers couples a dreamy escape filled with luxury amenities, romantic experiences, and breathtaking natural beauty. This package, available at Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa, is the perfect choice for newlyweds looking to celebrate their love in a paradise setting.The package includes round-trip airport transfers, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey from the moment you arrive. Upon arrival at the resort, you'll be greeted with a warm welcome and a bottle of champagne, setting the tone for a truly memorable honeymoon.Each morning, wake up to a delicious breakfast spread that caters to all tastes and preferences. Indulge in a variety of cuisines, from local Maldivian dishes to international favorites, while enjoying stunning views of the crystal-clear turquoise waters.As part of the package, you and your partner will also be treated to a romantic candlelight dinner for two. Set against the backdrop of the Maldivian sunset, this intimate dining experience is sure to create lasting memories.The Maldives Island Honeymoon Package is based on a four-night stay, but additional nights can be added with breakfast included. This allows you to extend your honeymoon and fully immerse yourselves in the beauty and tranquility of the Maldives.Please note that availability of the package is subject to reservation and may vary depending on your arrival date and length of stay. Additional charges may apply for extra guests and may include mandatory property fees, service charges, or early departure fees.Choose the Maldives Island Honeymoon Package and embark on a romantic journey filled with luxury, love, and breathtaking natural surroundings.Top Honeymoon Resorts in the MaldivesNestled amidst the crystal-clear turquoise waters of the Maldives, you'll find a collection of top honeymoon resorts that offer couples an unforgettable romantic getaway. The Maldives is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, and these resorts are no exception. From the moment you step onto their shores, you'll be transported to a world of luxury and tranquility.One of the top honeymoon resorts in the Maldives is Meeru Maldives Resort Island. This resort offers overwater villas with stunning views of the ocean, ensuring that you and your loved one can immerse yourselves in the beauty of the surroundings. The staff at Meeru Maldives Resort Island are known for their exceptional service, ensuring that every aspect of your stay is taken care of.Another popular choice is Velassaru Maldives, which boasts beautiful and relaxing settings that are perfect for a honeymoon. The resort offers a range of dining options, allowing you to indulge in delicious cuisine while enjoying the stunning views. In addition, Velassaru Maldives offers excellent facilities, including a spa where you can pamper yourselves and a diving center for those seeking adventure.If you're looking for a quiet and intimate atmosphere, Hurawalhi Island Resort is an ideal choice. This resort is known for its peaceful ambiance, making it perfect for couples who want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its exceptional ratings, Hurawalhi Island Resort promises a truly memorable honeymoon experience.Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu and Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon are also highly recommended honeymoon resorts in the Maldives. Both offer stunning natural beauty, excellent staff, and a range of activities to keep you entertained.When it comes to planning your dream honeymoon in the Maldives, these top resorts offer everything you could possibly desire. So, why wait? Start creating memories that will last a lifetime at these incredible Maldives honeymoon resorts.All-Inclusive Honeymoon Package SpecialsImmerse yourselves in the ultimate romantic experience with the all-inclusive honeymoon package specials, offering a perfect blend of luxury, relaxation, and indulgence. When it comes to planning your dream honeymoon in the Maldives, there's no better option than these exclusive packages.Picture this: you and your loved one arriving at the Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa, where you'll be greeted with warm smiles and a refreshing drink. As part of the package, you'll enjoy round-trip airport transfers, ensuring a hassle-free journey from the moment you step foot in the Maldives.Your accommodation will be nothing short of extraordinary. The all-inclusive honeymoon package grants you access to the resort's overwater villas, boasting stunning views of the azure waters and direct access to the ocean. Imagine waking up to the gentle lapping of waves and falling asleep to the soothing sound of the sea.Indulge in daily breakfast as you start your days in paradise. Savor a delectable spread of international and local cuisines, ensuring you have the energy to explore the island or simply relax by the beach. And to make your honeymoon even more memorable, a bottle of champagne will be waiting for you in your villa upon arrival.As the sun sets, embark on a romantic journey with a candlelight dinner for two. Enjoy a sumptuous meal under the starlit sky, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the gentle sea breeze. It's the perfect opportunity to toast to your love and create memories that will last a lifetime.Please note that additional nights beyond the four-night stay are inclusive of breakfast only. Inclusions for additional guests are available for an additional charge. The package is subject to availability at the time of reservation and may or may not include applicable mandatory property fees, gratuities, or taxes. Rates are per room, per night, and early departure fees may apply.Make your honeymoon in the Maldives an unforgettable experience with the all-inclusive honeymoon package specials. It's time to celebrate your love in the most extraordinary way possible.Best Time to Visit the Maldives for HoneymoonTo ensure a truly unforgettable honeymoon in the Maldives, it's important to consider the best time to visit this tropical paradise. The ideal time for a luxury honeymoon in the Maldives is during the dry season, which runs from December to March. During this time, the weather is pleasant with minimal rainfall, making it perfect for outdoor activities and beach relaxation. You can bask in the warm sunshine and enjoy the crystal-clear turquoise waters without worrying about sudden downpours.On the other hand, the wet season, from May to September, isn't recommended for a honeymoon trip. This period experiences more rain, which can dampen your plans and limit your outdoor activities. If you dream of a picture-perfect honeymoon with clear skies and gentle breezes, it's best to avoid the wet season.When planning your honeymoon in the Maldives, consider booking a package that includes transfers to your chosen hotel. The North and South Ari atolls are easily accessible from the capital, Male, and are home to luxurious resorts that cater specifically to honeymooners. These resorts offer a secluded and romantic luxury experience, allowing you to embrace newly wedded bliss and indulge in intimate moments with your loved one.Nature enthusiasts will also find the Maldives to be a paradise for exploration. The Ari Atoll, in particular, is home to 80 islands and offers opportunities to witness magnificent wildlife, such as whale sharks. You can embark on thrilling excursions to observe these gentle giants in their natural habitat or simply immerse yourself in the stunning flora that the Maldives has to offer.Romantic Islands to Explore in the MaldivesAs we continue our journey through the Maldives, let's now set our sights on the romantic islands that await exploration in this tropical paradise. These islands are the perfect destinations for couples looking to spend their honeymoon in a picturesque and romantic setting.Here are some of the most romantic islands in the Maldives that you should explore during your honeymoon package:Meeru Island: This secluded oasis offers a truly romantic experience with its overwater villas and stunning views. Imagine waking up to the sound of waves gently crashing against the shore, while enjoying a breathtaking sunrise from the comfort of your private villa. Meeru Island is also known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, perfect for a romantic stroll or a swim with your loved one.Maafushi Island: This tropical paradise is a haven for snorkeling enthusiasts and nature lovers. With its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, Maafushi Island offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater world hand in hand with your partner. The island is also home to romantic villas, where you can unwind after a day of adventure and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings.Embarking on an island hopping tour is another great way to discover the hidden tropical gems of the Maldives. From serene beaches to luxury accommodations, each island has its own unique charm that will make your honeymoon an unforgettable experience.Must-Do Activities on Your Maldives HoneymoonLet's dive into the unforgettable experiences that await you on your Maldives honeymoon, with a variety of must-do activities that will create cherished memories for you and your partner. From exploring vibrant reefs to indulging in luxurious spa treatments, the Maldives offers a range of experiences that are perfect for a romantic getaway.To start off your honeymoon, why not embark on a diving expedition to explore the ring-shaped reefs? Witness the vibrant marine life and colorful coral formations as you dive into the crystal-clear waters. This is a truly mesmerizing experience that will leave you in awe of the natural beauty of the Maldives.After a day of adventure, it's time to relax and unwind in your overwater villa. Indulge in back-to-back spa treatments, pampering yourselves with massages and other rejuvenating therapies. As you lounge in your villa, you can enjoy the stunning views of the turquoise waters, creating a sense of tranquility and bliss.For a romantic evening, take a stroll along the pristine beaches and watch the sunset hand in hand. To make the moment even more special, treat yourselves to a private candlelight dinner for two. Enjoy a delectable meal under the starry sky, creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.If you prefer a quieter day, you can simply relax in your overwater villa, reading a book and sipping on a glass of champagne. The peaceful atmosphere and breathtaking views will make for a truly serene experience.Lastly, don't forget to explore the local culture by embarking on an island hopping tour. Discover hidden tropical gems, rejuvenate with a couple spa therapy, and explore local markets to get a taste of the Maldivian way of life.Exotic Water and Beach Villa StaysImmerse yourself in the ultimate luxury of an exotic water or beach villa stay in the Maldives, where stunning views, world-class amenities, and unparalleled relaxation await you and your partner.Indulge in the romantic ambiance of overwater villas, perched above crystal-clear turquoise waters, or unwind in the serenity of beachfront villas, just steps away from pristine sandy beaches.Here are some reasons why these villa stays are the perfect choice for your Maldives honeymoon:Breathtaking Overwater Villas:Experience the epitome of luxury as you stay in an overwater villa, with direct access to the ocean. Watch colorful marine life swim beneath your villa's glass floor or take a dip in your private infinity pool overlooking the azure waters.Wake up to panoramic views of the Maldivian sunrise from your spacious outdoor deck, equipped with sun loungers and a daybed. Enjoy the privacy and seclusion offered by these exclusive villas, ensuring a truly intimate experience for you and your loved one.Tranquil Beachfront Villas:Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature as you stay in a beachfront villa, surrounded by lush tropical gardens and the soothing sound of the ocean waves. Take a leisurely stroll along the sandy beaches hand in hand, and feel the soft sand between your toes.Relax in your own private plunge pool, nestled within the confines of your villa. Unwind on the spacious outdoor terrace, where you can soak up the sun or enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner under the starry night sky.Whether you choose an overwater villa or a beachfront villa, your stay in the Maldives promises to be an unforgettable experience. From the luxurious amenities to the breathtaking surroundings, these villas offer the perfect setting for a romantic and rejuvenating honeymoon.How to Reach the Maldives for Your HoneymoonTo start your Maldives honeymoon, you'll need to plan your journey to this breathtaking destination. Luckily, the Maldives is well-connected to several countries, making it easily accessible for travelers. Flights from countries like India, Sri Lanka, China, and Thailand provide regular access to the Maldives, ensuring a smooth and convenient travel experience.Upon arrival in the Maldives, resorts often arrange seaplane or boat transfers to transport guests to their island accommodations. This adds an extra touch of luxury and excitement to your journey as you glide over the crystal-clear waters or sail through the turquoise lagoons, immersing yourself in the beauty of the Maldives.For those traveling to the Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa, the package includes round-trip airport transfers by shared speedboat between Velana International Airport and the resort. This ensures a hassle-free journey, allowing you to sit back, relax, and soak in the stunning views of the Maldivian archipelago.It's essential to consider the location and accessibility of the chosen resort. The North and South Ari atolls, for example, are easily reachable from the capital and house luxurious accommodations. By selecting a resort that's conveniently located, you can minimize travel time and maximize your time in paradise.The Maldives is a perfect honeymoon destination with its tropical climate and secluded luxury. In addition to the beautiful beaches and vibrant marine life, the Maldives offers romantic experiences such as private island dinners and indulgent spa treatments. So, get ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime and create unforgettable memories on your Maldives honeymoon.Planning Tips for a Perfect Maldives HoneymoonWhen it comes to planning a perfect Maldives honeymoon, there are a few key points to consider.First, researching and selecting the best resorts for honeymoon is essential to ensure a luxurious and romantic experience.Additionally, looking into the range of romantic activities and experiences available, such as private island dinners or spa treatments, can add that extra touch of romance to your getaway.Lastly, don't forget to pack the essentials for the Maldives, like sunscreen and swimwear, to fully enjoy the stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters.Best Resorts for HoneymoonFor the perfect Maldives honeymoon, look no further than the top-rated resorts that offer luxury overwater bungalows, stunning views, and unforgettable experiences.Here are two of the best resorts for honeymoon in the Maldives:Four Seasons: This world-renowned resort is known for its unparalleled luxury and impeccable service. With overwater bungalows that feature private pools and direct access to the crystal-clear waters, you and your partner can enjoy ultimate privacy and relaxation. Indulge in a couples' massage at the spa or dine under the stars at one of the resort's exquisite restaurants.Hurawalhi Island: Nestled in the Lhaviyani Atoll, Hurawalhi Island Resort is a haven for honeymooners. With its breathtaking coral reefs and vibrant marine life, this resort is perfect for couples who love diving or snorkeling. Enjoy candlelit dinners on the beach, take a sunset cruise, or simply relax in your luxurious villa with panoramic views of the Indian Ocean.These resorts offer the perfect blend of luxury, romance, and breathtaking natural beauty, making them the ideal choice for a honeymoon in the Maldives.Romantic Activities and ExperiencesAs honeymooners, we are eager to continue our exploration of the Maldives by immersing ourselves in the romantic activities and experiences that will make our perfect honeymoon even more unforgettable. The Maldives offers a plethora of romantic activities that cater to every couple's desires. To make our evenings truly special, we can indulge in a candlelight dinner for two guests, complete with a bottle of champagne upon arrival. The ambience and delicious cuisine will create a truly magical experience. Additionally, we can take advantage of the stunning overwater villas with breathtaking views and serene beaches at top-rated honeymoon resorts like Velassaru Maldives and Hurawalhi Island Resort. These luxurious accommodations provide the perfect backdrop for a romantic getaway. For adventure-seeking couples, we can engage in activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, and whale or dolphin watching, all within the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives. Exploring the diverse wildlife and nature of the Maldives is a thrilling experience that we won't want to miss. To complete our honeymoon experience, we can embark on epic island hopping tours, indulge in luxurious spa treatments, and take romantic walks on the pristine beaches. These activities offer an unforgettable experience for honeymooners, leaving us with cherished memories of our time in the Maldives.Romantic ActivitiesDescriptionCandlelight DinnerEnjoy a romantic dinner for two guests, complete with a bottle of champagne upon arrival.Overwater VillasStay in stunning overwater villas with breathtaking views and serene beaches.Wildlife and Nature ExplorationWitness whale sharks in their natural habitat and explore the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve in Baa Atoll.Adventure ActivitiesEngage in scuba diving, snorkeling, and whale or dolphin watching in the crystal-clear waters.With these romantic activities and experiences, our honeymoon in the Maldives will be nothing short of extraordinary.Packing Essentials for MaldivesTo ensure a perfect Maldives honeymoon, it's crucial to pack the essential items that will keep us comfortable and prepared for the tropical paradise. Here are some packing essentials for our Maldives getaway at the luxurious Maldives Resort:Clothing:Lightweight and breathable clothing suitable for the tropical climate.Swimwear for enjoying the crystal-clear waters and stunning beaches.Sun Protection:Sunscreen to protect our skin from the strong sun rays.Sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to shield our eyes and face.Beach Accessories:A good pair of water shoes for walking on the beach and exploring the shallow waters.Snorkeling gear and an underwater camera to capture the vibrant marine life.Convenience:A compact and portable beach bag to carry our essentials while exploring the beautiful beaches.With these packing essentials, we'll be fully prepared to make the most of our Maldives honeymoon package.Unique Dining Experiences for Couples in the MaldivesGet ready to indulge in unforgettable culinary experiences during your honeymoon in the Maldives.Picture yourselves enjoying a romantic beachfront dinner, with the sand beneath your toes and the sound of the waves in the background.Or, take it to the next level and embark on an underwater dining adventure, surrounded by vibrant marine life.And for a truly unique experience, why not have a private island picnic, where you can savor delicious food while basking in the beauty of your own secluded paradise.These dining experiences will create cherished memories that you and your partner will treasure forever.Romantic Beachfront DinnersIndulge in the ultimate romantic experience with a private candlelight dinner for two on the pristine beaches of the Maldives, where the gentle waves and breathtaking sunset create an enchanting ambiance. As part of the Maldives Island Honeymoon Package, this unique dining experience is designed to provide couples with an unforgettable and intimate evening.Here's what you can expect:Immerse yourselves in the beauty of the island as you dine under the stars, with the sound of the ocean as your background music.Savor a delectable gourmet meal prepared by talented chefs, using the freshest local ingredients to create a feast for the senses.Enjoy a bottle of champagne, thoughtfully provided in your villa upon arrival, to set the tone for a luxurious and romantic experience.With round-trip airport transfers and daily breakfast also included, this package ensures a seamless and stress-free honeymoon. Escape to the Maldives and create memories that will last a lifetime.Underwater Dining ExperiencesImmerse yourselves in the extraordinary and enchanting world beneath the waves with a unique underwater dining experience for couples in the Maldives.Picture this: an overwater dinner for two in the Indian Ocean, surrounded by the mesmerizing beauty of the marine life and the stunning underwater scenery.As you descend into the depths of the ocean, you'll be greeted by a candlelit table, creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere.Savor the delectable cuisine specially prepared for you, while being mesmerized by the vibrant colors and graceful movements of the aquatic creatures.To add a touch of luxury, a bottle of champagne will be waiting for you in your villa upon arrival, making your underwater dining experience even more unforgettable.This one-of-a-kind adventure promises to create lasting memories as you indulge in a truly unique and breathtaking setting.Private Island PicnicsEscape to a secluded paradise in the Maldives and embark on a culinary adventure unlike any other with private island picnics. Offering couples a unique and unforgettable dining experience, private island picnics are a must-try for couples.Exclusivity: Private Island Picnics provide couples with the opportunity to enjoy a custom-prepared picnic on their very own private island, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. It's a truly intimate setting, perfect for creating unforgettable memories.Romantic Setting: Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty and the tranquil ambiance of the Maldives, couples can savor a delectable meal against the stunning backdrop of the Maldivian islands. The serene atmosphere adds an extra touch of romance to the experience.With personalized service and attention to detail, Private Island Picnics are the perfect way for couples to celebrate special occasions or simply enjoy a romantic escape. Enhancing the honeymoon package, this private and luxurious culinary adventure promises to create cherished moments that will last a lifetime.Why the Maldives Is the Ultimate Honeymoon DestinationThe Maldives beckons newlyweds with its secluded luxury, providing the ultimate destination for couples to embrace their post-wedding bliss. As one of the best honeymoon destinations in the world, the Maldives offers an unparalleled experience for couples seeking a romantic getaway. From the moment you arrive, you'll be greeted with a bottle of champagne in your villa, setting the tone for an unforgettable stay.The Maldives is renowned for its overwater villas, which offer breathtaking views of the crystal-clear turquoise waters. Imagine waking up to the sound of gentle waves and stepping out onto your private deck to enjoy a cup of coffee while taking in the panoramic views. In the evening, indulge in a private candlelight dinner for two under the stars, creating memories that will last a lifetime.For adventurous couples, the Maldives has plenty to offer. Dive into an underwater paradise with scuba diving and snorkeling adventures, where you can explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life. If you're lucky, you might even spot majestic whales or playful dolphins during a whale or dolphin watching excursion.If relaxation is what you seek, the Maldives has you covered. Pamper yourselves with luxurious spa treatments that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Take romantic walks on pristine white sandy beaches, hand in hand with your loved one. Explore the exotic islands through island hopping tours, where you can discover hidden gems and immerse yourselves in the local culture.When it comes to the ultimate honeymoon destination, the Maldives truly stands out. With its secluded luxury, adventurous activities, and serene beauty, it offers the perfect setting for couples to celebrate their love and create memories that will last a lifetime.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Much Does a Honeymoon in Maldives Cost?When it comes to planning a honeymoon, the budget is always a factor. Luckily, there are affordable honeymoon destinations out there that offer unforgettable experiences.The cost of a honeymoon in the Maldives can vary depending on factors like the resort, package inclusions, and additional charges. However, there are options available that cater to different budgets.Whether you're looking for luxury or a more budget-friendly option, the Maldives offers a range of resorts to suit your needs.How Much Does a 7 Days Package Cost for a Couple in Maldives?When it comes to the cost of a 7-day package for a couple in Maldives, we've got you covered.Let's dive into the cost comparison and find the best time to visit this breathtaking destination.Whether you're dreaming of pristine beaches or vibrant marine life, the Maldives offers a honeymoon experience like no other.Is Maldives Good for Honeymoon?Yes, Maldives is absolutely perfect for honeymooners! With its secluded luxury and romantic experiences, it offers an ideal setting to embrace newly wedded bliss.The best time to visit Maldives for a honeymoon is from December to April, when the weather is perfect for island hopping and water sports.From romantic candlelit dinners on the beach to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, Maldives offers a range of romantic activities that will make your honeymoon unforgettable.Is 3 Nights in Maldives Enough?Is 3 nights in the Maldives enough for a honeymoon? Well, it depends on what you're looking for. While some may say that a longer stay allows for a more relaxed and indulgent experience, 3 nights can still be a wonderful time to enjoy the beauty of the Maldives.During this short duration, you can make the most of activities like snorkeling, scuba diving, and kayaking. Plus, you can indulge in romantic experiences like a private dinner for two on a secluded island.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Maldives Island Honeymoon Package offers a dreamy escape for couples seeking a romantic getaway. With its luxurious resorts, breathtaking views, and exclusive amenities, it's no wonder that the Maldives is considered the ultimate honeymoon destination.Did you know that the Maldives is home to over 1,000 coral islands? This unique statistic showcases the abundance of natural beauty and opportunities for exploration that await honeymooners in this tropical paradise.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:54 FairCandyBear Camp Setup Question!

Hi everyone! This is my first forest. I'm doing GA camping, I have a vehicle pass and early arrival for Tuesday. I'm a smidge worried about camp set up since I will be alone. I have other friends going but they're not in GA and I don't think they are getting in early.
My question... Should I plan on bringing all gear I can set up by myself or do people tend to help others? Anyone in the same boat maybe want to meet up and drive in together? I'm 31F, super chill but really social! And we don't have to hangout! (Unless you want to haha)
submitted by FairCandyBear to ElectricForest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:33 vakaaaa 8 Day Itinerary Help (Punta Arenas, El Calafate, TdP)

Hey reddit,
I'm planning my first trip two Chile, including 8 days in Patagonia. I've been doing a lot of research but I'm still lost with some things.
Some infos about our group: We're all in our mid 30s, moderately fit, but we've never done a multi day hike and would prefer daytrips only.
First of all, here's the rough plan:
1 Puerto Montt > Punta Arenas Check out Punta Arenas
2 Punta Arenas Isla Magdalena
3 Punta Arenas > El Calafate Check out El Calafate
4 El Calafate Perito Moreno
5 El Calafate > El Chalten Day trip and probably a short hike there
6 El Calafate > Puerto Natales Check out Puerto Natales in the afternoon
7 Puerto Natales / Torres del Pain Guided tour through the park
8 Puerto Natales / Torres del Pain Base of the towers hike
9 Puerto Natales / Torres del Pain Lago Grey
10 Puerto Natales > Punta Arenas > Santiago Flying home the next day
The Punta Arenas part is pretty clear and fixed I guess.
The idea is to first do a guided tour to the penguins and then get a rental car on day 3 to drive to El Calafate in Argentina. I've read there is an additional fee for crossing border, but considering we are 3 people + the flexibility, I'd prefer a rental car over a bus.
Next day would be driving to Perito Moreno glacier:
  1. Can we just go there on our own and get on a boat there or is it necessary to make a reservation? (If so where?) I've only found daytrips from El Calafate.
Now I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do El Chalten just as a daytrip - it seems like a super scenic nice drive and I guess we would have enough time to do a short hike there (Mirador de los condores or Chorillo del salto for example). The Laguna de los tres hike seems cool, but it also seems quite similar to the base of the towers hike in TdP - so I think it would be fine to leave it out?
Starting from day 7 - Torres del pain I'm a bit lost.
  1. Where to stay? Considering the rental car, would it be a better idea to stay in Puerto Natales or near the park? (there are some relatively reasonable priced Airbnb accomodations at the serrano river. However, still way more expensive then everything in PN)
  2. How to get to the trailhead for base of the towers? Can we go there by car? I've read something about a shuttle bus to the trailhead. I guess we would park somewhere at the entrance and then take the shuttle bus?
  3. Are there guided tours through the park starting from the park entrance? I've only found tours starting from Puerto Natales or other cities.
  4. Not sure about going to Lago Grey since we are already going to Perito Morino - any nice alternatives or should we stick to this plan?
  5. Rental car: would a regular car be sufficient or should we get an SUV? (Also considering the other places, not only TdP)
Any general feedback about the whole itinerary would be more than welcome!

submitted by vakaaaa to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:21 Feisty-Bunch4905 Just completed my first 1v1 game against another human being*. How is such a slow game so intense?

Hey there commanders! So technically the title is a lie because I used to play the original Axis & Allies with my brother like 20 years ago, but I’ve just recently been getting into it for real by reading Don’s Essays and other strategy guides and watching games/tip videos from the likes of Corporal Clegg and Board Game Nation.
After warming up against the computer, which is a truly feeble opponent, I finally bit the bullet and joined someone’s custom game. Three weeks and thirty rounds later … somehow I won!
So I just wanted to thank everyone for all the info I’ve gotten here, offer a few observations/lessons learned for other new players, and ask a few questions that arose throughout the game.
A few questions:
  1. Is it worth it to use fighters to go after small armies of cheaper units? I’ve seen people do this a couple times now where they attack, say, 1 tank/1 inf with, say, five fighters. I think I get the logic: The fighters will wipe them both out with very low risk. But is the low risk even worth it? If one of those cheaper units scores a hit, you’re trading one of your best units for one of your enemy’s worst. Doesn’t seem like a worthwhile proposition but I’m wondering if there’s something I’m not taking into account.
  2. Is UK best thought of as a “support” power? I was playing Axis ofc but I’m trying to think of how to make the best use of the UK, and it seems from other games I’ve joined since this one that it’s not really capable of making much progress on its own because its resources are so divided, but it can stall out Germany and Japan’s plans and provide cover for the US’ invasions.
  3. What’s the best way to handle Africa and the Mediterranean as Germany? In other words, how do you balance putting resources South against your need to push toward Moscow?
  4. Did Bokrel die? It’s been a whole week since my game list has been spammed by millions of games with weirdly aggressive names.
Well thanks to anyone who read this long post, looking forward to seeing you all in the comments and on the battlefield!
submitted by Feisty-Bunch4905 to AxisAllies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:01 Agreeable_Income3763 Summer of Adventure Sale – 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips

Summer of Adventure Sale – 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips

Posted on May 15, 2024 by Andrew Larder

Summer of Adventure Sale

Summer brings longer days and endless hours of sunshine, making a European summer trip more tempting than ever. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun in Greece, enjoy local wine tastings in Italy or take rides along countryside lanes in France, we’ve got the perfect hiking and biking adventures for you.
To help you start planning, we’re offering up to 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips, so you can get that Summer of Adventure feeling! Available on selected departures between May 1st and September 30th, 2024. With over 400 trips on sale, talk to our agents today to figure out what summer adventure you want to experience.
In a couple of months’ time, you could be discovering the legendary site of Pompeii and the romantic towns of Positano and Ravello on our Highlights of the Amalfi Coast trip. Or take a journey back in time, on our Highlights of Ancient Greece, to visit the fascinating archaeological ruins of Acropolis, Epidaurus and Mycenae. If you’re interested in biking, consider Cycle Northern France: Brittany to Normandy to take you past stunning medieval villages, the historic Omaha Beach and harbor towns that are known for their oysters and refreshing apple cider.
Make 2024 the Summer of Adventure to remember forever. With tours in over 100 countries on sale, get inspired by checking out a few adventures below or contact us to find your perfect trip.
Our Top Picks for Summer 2024;
With so many trips to choose from, here are just a few to get you started. Culture, Wildlife, Hiking or Cycling; find your adventure this summer!
Highlights of Ancient Greece – Cultural Journey through thousands of years and major UNESCO World Heritage sites
Tour Starting in Athens, this tour covers significant archaeological sites such as the Acropolis, Mycenae, and Epidaurus. It also includes visits to the medieval castle town of Mystras, Olympia—site of the ancient Olympic Games, Delphi, and the stone forest of Meteora, a major Orthodox community. The journey spans the Peloponnese peninsula and central Greece, featuring stunning coastlines, forests, and mountains.
•Explore the ancient sites of Mystras and Delphi •Visit Olympia, the site of the first Olympic Games •Enjoy spectacular Meteora
Highlights of the Amalfi Coast – Cultural Discover one of the most fascinating and romantic destinations in the world
Tour Based in quiet Agerola, amid the green Lattari mountains, this tour explores the Bay of Naples’ famous sites, including the well-preserved ruins of Herculaneum and the legendary Pompeii. The journey extends to the dramatic Amalfi Coast, offering excursions to Capri, scenic views from the Path of the Gods, and the charming town of Ravello. Experience the region’s rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, celebrated by artists and writers throughout history.
•Enjoy boat trips along the Amalfi Coast and to the island of Capri •See the romantic coastal towns of Amalfi, Positano and Ravello •Visit both Herculaneum and Pompeii •Enjoy Italian hospitality at family-run Hotel Due Torri
Cycling Vietnam – Cycling Experience the real Vietnam by bike
Tour This two-week cycling tour from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi covers diverse landscapes, from colorful fishing villages and rice terraces to jungle-clad mountains and white sandy beaches. Highlights include swimming on a tropical island, exploring the ancient port of Hoi An, and ascending the scenic Hai Van Pass for breathtaking coastal views.
•Take a cycling holiday through Vietnam’s most scenic landscapes •Savour mouth-watering cuisine •Crawl through the Cu Chi war tunnels •Relax in charming Hoi An •Cruise among the limestone formations of Ha Long Bay •Overnight on a tropical island
Cycling Puglia & Matera – Cycling Cycle from the UNESCO town of Matera through Italy’s heel to Lecce
Tour Explore the cultural and natural treasures of Italy’s Puglia and Basilicata regions. This itinerary includes Matera’s intriguing Sassi houses and the UNESCO-listed trulli houses of Alberobello. The journey proceeds through idyllic countryside to Ostuni, the White City, and onto Gallipoli along the dramatic Ionian coastline. While cycling across the Salento Peninsula, experience the quintessential Italian lifestyle amidst olive groves, limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and baroque towns.
•Ride from the stunning UNESCO town of Matera •Enjoy gentle cycling through olive groves and past conical trulli houses •Sample fine seafood and wine from the Salento coast •Stay in accommodation bursting with character
Loire Valley: Walks, Wine & Chateaux – Hiking Discover regal estates and fine wines in the glamorous Garden of France
Tour Enjoy a walking tour in the Loire Valley, where stunning royal castles meet premier winemaking. Stay in a chateau near Tours and a country manor in Beaumont-en-Véron, ideal bases for exploring the region. Visit notable castles like Amboise and Chenonceau, and tour picturesque vineyards, sampling exceptional wines along the way.
•Stay in a 15th-century chateau and 17-century country manor house •Tour Chenonceau, a magnificent chateau stretching over the Cher river •Visit wine producers to sample their celebrated drinks at source •Visit the lavish Château Royal d’Amboise, once home to French monarchs •Meet members of the Loire wine brotherhoods, practically unrivalled in their knowledge of the local produce •Enjoy tranquil walks through vineyards and along the Loire River
Iceland’s Laugavegur Trek – Hiking Hike one of the best-loved walking trails in Iceland to discover otherworldly landscapes
Tour Iceland is renowned as a premier trekking destination with its dramatic landscapes shaped by volcanic activity and glaciers. The Laugavegur Trail is a highlight, featuring a week-long trek from the colorful mountains of Landmannalaugar to the dramatic Thorsmork region, exploring craters from the 2010 eruption. All meals are included while camping. Additionally, early summer treks enjoy nearly 24 hours of daylight, while trips in late August and early September offer potential sightings of the Northern Lights.
•Take the best-known trekking route in Iceland •Discover natural hot pools, waterfalls, lava fields, craters and volcanic fissures •Experience 24-hour daylight in July, chance of the Northern Lights in late August and September
Drew Larder FORA Travel Advisor – Amazing DEALS and perks of unforgettable travel. Hotels, cruise lines pay for my travel help, not you!
Andrew Larder, FORA Travel Advisor

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2024.05.15 21:50 CelebrationNo8308 NYC Trip Itinerary

Hey folks,
I will be visiting NYC for 4 days. We are 3 dudes in our mid 20s and will be landing in LGA around 1:30pm on Saturday and will be flying back on Wednesday from EWR around 2:30pm. We sat together and planned the draft itinerary but considering that we have only have few days and my buddies added as much as they can to fit into this itinerary, but I am pretty sure we won't be able to cover everything in this itinerary. So, I am here to ask you guys to help me amend this to make it more practical, and which places are worth visiting and which can be skipped. We are coming from Western Canada. Few things about us:
Here is what we drafted:
submitted by CelebrationNo8308 to AskNYC [link] [comments]
