Actual size mm steel ruler


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2014.04.06 22:38 CastawayFarAway What 3 items would you bring to a deserted tropical island if you were a castaway?

What 3 items would you bring to a deserted tropical island if you were a castaway? Please read the rules in the sidebar.

2015.09.01 07:11 Toothless_Night_Fury Top-Quality 5E Homebrew

BoH5e is dead, the UnearthedArcana Curated List is its effective, and vastly more up-to-date, replacement:

2024.05.14 06:46 AsleepChemist1199 My MA experience from start to finish

Hey! I have been spending a lot of time in this subreddit reading other people’s experiences to comfort myself through my own abortion process, and I wanted to share my story for any other uterus-havers out there that were in the same boat as me and need a little reassurance and honesty about the process. For reference, I’m 19F and 5’4/115lbs, and I’ve been with my partner (20M) for almost three years.
I took a pregnancy test on the 40th day of my cycle (so I was five weeks four days along, my period was a week and a half late) and got a very quick positive result. I had a suspicion that I was pregnant because I had some weird spotting in the middle of my cycle and the week my period was supposed to start (no clotting), odd cramps, random nausea from strong smells, needing to pee way more than usual, random sadness and aggression from ovulation onward, extreme breast swelling and sensitivity (they were agonizing to even touch) and an ever so slight bloat that appeared right around ovulation and never really went down. I live in a southern state and knew that going in for procedure was going to be a goat rope despite the fact that I live in a decently sized city- I knew that if I was pregnant I wanted to have the medical abortion at home with my partner.
I ordered pills from AidAccess and it couldn’t have been any simpler, all I had to do was fill out a short survey and they guided me through email on how to pay for the pills. They were delivered about three days after I ordered them in an unmarked mail envelope with directions on how to use them inside. I ordered them a few days before I took the test because I was pretty confident it was going to be positive. They sent me 1 Mifepristone and 12 Misoprostol.
I took the test on a Friday night and told my partner I was pregnant, and he insisted I take another test just to be sure before I took the medication. Once again, another strong positive. At 9pm that night I took 800mg of Motrin (4 pills) and ate a bag of microwave popcorn and drank some water so I’d have something on my stomach. At 9:30 I took the Mifepristone orally and immediately inserted 4 Misoprostol vaginally- I’m terrified of throwing up and told my partner that if we had to get medical help to make sure there weren’t any remnants of the pills left inside. I know it’s NOT OPTIMAL to take the Miso at the same time as the Mife, but it was Easter weekend and I couldn’t be prolonging this process to when I would be going back to my extremely Christian and conservatives parents’ house for the holiday.
I was extremely terrified and shaking when I got back into bed with my partner, and he rubbed my stomach to calm me down and put on a movie as a distraction. After about an hour I felt some light cramping and discomfort but nothing serious. At 12:30am, I inserted the next 4 pills vaginally- there was no bleeding at this point and I was worried, but I decided to give it time. My partner and I fell asleep around 1am and I woke up at about 3:15am to some discomfort but no real pain, and at 3:30am I inserted the last 4 pills and had bloody fingers after. I slept until about 10am the next morning and woke up feeling normal and not in any pain. I went to the bathroom to pee, and as soon as I sat down I had about a solid thirty seconds of chunks, clotting, and blood pouring out. I called my partner in and we ultimately determined that I had probably passed the pregnancy with the size of the chunks in the toilet.
Saturday and Easter Sunday were fairly normal, I stayed taking Motrin and bleeding ever so slightly throughout the weekend. The worst part was the hormonal comedown, I felt like I had been hit by a bus emotionally and didn’t really compute actual feelings. Monday morning I got up and went into work feeling pretty normal, and at about 9:30am I got hit with the worst abdominal pain I have ever felt in my life (I’m prescribed opioids for my cramps as a result of how many times I’ve been hospitalized from sheer pain, so this was a big deal) and clung to the toilet bowl for about 45 minutes at my research firm before just calling it a day and going home. I took 800mg of Motrin and it took about two hours to kick- those were probably the worst two hours of my life up to that point. Nothing would shake the pain, I was taking hot baths and putting microwaved bags of rice on my stomach and nothing was alleviating it. I also started bleeding heavily and clotting severely again. By about 2:30pm that afternoon I was feeling okay enough to get myself some food and felt like I would be able to go into work the next day.
I was so wrong. I was so entirely wrong. I woke up at about 8:00am the next morning and immediately vomited from the antagonizing pain I was in. This was the first time I actually threw up during the whole experience- thankfully my partner was there to hold my hair back and try to make me eat toaster waffles so I could take some more Motrin before he went to work. I was somehow able to choke it down and fell asleep shortly after as I did NOT want to be awake. Wednesday was a little crampy and bloody but I went to work and took breaks sitting on the cold bathroom floor for about 15-20 minutes at a time through the day- but by Thursday we were smooth sailing.
The uterine swelling, needing to pee, and breast tenderness went away after about a week and a half, and the bleeding stopped after about two weeks. I took two more pregnancy tests exactly four weeks from that Friday and they were both negative, and my first period was exactly six weeks after the abortion- it started this Friday. Emotionally, I’m still recovering- Mother’s Day kinda sucked for me I won’t lie, haha. I definitely couldn’t handle a baby right now as I’m a research scientist and my career is on the incline, but it’s fun to dream.
I’ll put any resources I used in the comments as this post is getting very long, and I’ll try to answer whatever questions anyone has to the best of my ability. The buildup was definitely scarier than the actual thing, as it was just like having a heavy period drawn out- and if you’re pregnant, you’ve probably had a period before, so just look at it as something you already experience once every 4 weeks, just ever so slightly amped up. Nothing new. You got this!
submitted by AsleepChemist1199 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 HungryBar3834 Hey guys if im taking large amount data from a server and it makes the app so slow so what is the best way to take that data

import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:fluttematerial.dart'; import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart'; import 'package:flutter_map_marker_clusteflutter_map_marker_cluster.dart'; import 'package:latlong2/latlong.dart'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const MaterialApp( home: MapScreen(), ); } } class MapScreen extends StatefulWidget { const MapScreen({super.key}); @override _MapScreenState createState() => _MapScreenState(); } class _MapScreenState extends State { List shops = []; late Map markerIcons; bool isLoading = false; String error = ''; @override void initState() { super.initState(); markerIcons = {}; fetchShops(); } Future fetchShops() async { setState(() { isLoading = true; error = ''; }); const token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6NTQsImlhdCI6MTcxMzIzMjQwOCwiZXhwIjoxNzI2MTkyNDA4fQ.hdJsGEMYRAAEs5y6RERuT2TNJTBUITkWy-7FarMc_C4"; // Replace with your actual token try { final response = await http.get( Uri.parse(''), headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}, ); if (response.statusCode == 200) { final jsonData = json.decode(response.body)['data']; if (jsonData != null) { setState(() { shops = => Shop.fromJson(data)).toList(); }); await loadMarkerIcons(); } else { setState(() { shops = []; }); } } else { setState(() { error = 'Failed to load shops (${response.statusCode})'; }); } } catch (e) { setState(() { error = 'Error fetching data: $e'; }); } finally { setState(() { isLoading = false; }); } } Future getMarkerIcon(String imageUrl) async { try { final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(imageUrl)); if (response.statusCode == 200) { return response.bodyBytes; } else { print('Failed to load image: ${response.statusCode}'); return null; } } catch (e) { print('Error loading image: $e'); return null; } } Future loadMarkerIcons() async { for (var shop in shops) { Uint8List? markerIcon = await getMarkerIcon(shop.thumbnail); if (markerIcon != null) { markerIcons[] = markerIcon; } else { markerIcons[] = await MarkerGenerator.defaultMarkerBytes(); } } setState(() {}); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List markers = { return Marker( width: 80, height: 80, point: LatLng(shop.location.latitude, shop.location.longitude), child: Container( child: markerIcons[] != null && markerIcons[]!.isNotEmpty ? Image.memory(markerIcons[]!) : Icon(Icons.location_on, color:, ), ); }).toList(); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Map with Markers'), ), body: isLoading ? Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()) : FlutterMap( options: MapOptions( initialCenter: LatLng(47.9187, 106.917), initialZoom: 10, ), children: [ TileLayer( urlTemplate: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', userAgentPackageName: '', ), MarkerClusterLayerWidget(options: MarkerClusterLayerOptions( markers: markers, builder: (context, markers) { return Container( width: 80, height: 80, decoration: BoxDecoration( shape:, color:, ), child: Center( child: Text( markers.length.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), ), ); }, ), ) ], ), ); } } class Shop { final int id; final String name; final String description; final String phone; final String type; final List additional; final String thumbnail; final List bannerImages; final List branches; final List schedules; final Location location; final List services; Shop({ required, required, required this.description, required, required this.type, required this.additional, required this.thumbnail, required this.bannerImages, required this.branches, required this.schedules, required this.location, required, }); factory Shop.fromJson(Map? json) { return Shop( id: json?['id'] ?? 0, name: json?['name'] ?? '', description: json?['description'] ?? '', phone: json?['phone'] ?? '', type: json?['type'] ?? '', additional: List.from(json?['additional'] ?? []), thumbnail: json?['thumbnail'] ?? '', bannerImages: (json?['bannerImages'] as List?) ?.map((bannerImage) => BannerImage.fromJson(bannerImage)) .toList() ?? [], branches: List.from(json?['branches'] ?? []), schedules: List.from(json?['schedules'] ?? []), location: Location.fromJson(json?['location'] ?? {}), services: List.from(json?['services'] ?? []), ); } } class BannerImage { final int id; final String name; final String path; final String fileMimeType; final int fileSize; final int fileWidth; final int fileHeight; BannerImage({ required, required, required this.path, required this.fileMimeType, required this.fileSize, required this.fileWidth, required this.fileHeight, }); factory BannerImage.fromJson(Map json) { return BannerImage( id: json['id'] ?? 0, name: json['name'] ?? '', path: json['path'] ?? '', fileMimeType: json['fileMimeType'] ?? '', fileSize: json['fileSize'] ?? 0, fileWidth: json['fileWidth'] ?? 0, fileHeight: json['fileHeight'] ?? 0, ); } } class Location { final int id; final double longitude; final double latitude; final String address; final dynamic city; final dynamic country; final dynamic province; final dynamic subProvince; final dynamic street; Location({ required, required this.longitude, required this.latitude, required this.address,,, this.province, this.subProvince, this.street, }); factory Location.fromJson(Map json) { return Location( id: json['id'] ?? 0, longitude: json['longitude'] ?? 0.0, latitude: json['latitude'] ?? 0.0, address: json['address'] ?? '', city: json['city'], country: json['country'], province: json['province'], subProvince: json['subProvince'], street: json['street'], ); } } class MarkerGenerator { static Future defaultMarkerBytes() async { final recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final canvas = Canvas(recorder, Rect.fromPoints(Offset(0, 0), Offset(100, 100))); final paint = Paint()..color =; canvas.drawCircle(Offset(50, 50), 50, paint); final picture = recorder.endRecording(); final img = await picture.toImage(100, 100); final byteData = await img.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); return byteData!.buffer.asUint8List(); } } 
submitted by HungryBar3834 to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:38 Available-Title2097 aztec journal assignment help!

so we have this project where we need to write three journal entries in the pov of an aztec or spanish conquistador, i chose aztec. please give me criticism, and tell me if there are any historical inaccuracies!
im 13 btw
initial contact:
november 8, 1519
I was outside, grinding corn, grinding it with the mano, over and over. I couldn't hear the screams of Chimalli, my older brother. He was sprinting, so fast, he tripped over the metate and spilled the corn. “Watch it, you fool!” I shouted, worried that I may get beaten. Nantli didn’t like food waste, and she wouldn’t care that it was foolish Chimalli’s fault. He was gasped for air, his hands on his knees. “Acalan… and I…were hunting…” He stopped and took a deep breath. “We were by the water when we saw this fish, a fish of great size. It wasn’t in the water, it was on top of it! It was brown, and atop it was 10 feet monsters with light skin!” I barked a laugh. “You’d better stop lying, Chimalli.” I decided to put the already ground corn back on the metate and take off the grass left in it. “I swear on the gods I'm not lying! I swear on Huitzilopochtli! Quetzalcoatl! All of them, I swear!”
I rolled my eyes, put the mano on the matate, and got up. “Show me what you’re talking about, fool.” Chimalli grabbed my hand tight and started running as fast as he could. I was whispering prayers to Patecatl, scared that what Chimalli was saying was true. We met up with Acalan and hid behind a bush near the lake. We could see the white-skinned people, and they were covered with weird clothing. They spoke loudly, in a peculiar way. They waved their hands around like birds and marched fiercely like jaguars. My heart was beating so loud, I was scared that Acalan and Chimalli would hear it. “They look so weird,” I whispered. The marched along, with their weird looking animals, amd were headed towards our causeway! Chimalli, Acalan and I exchanged a worried glance. Slowly and carefully, we all left our bush and headed back to the calpolli.
I went inside and saw Nantli sitting down, weaving. When she saw me, her face twisted in rage. “You dare spill the corn, leave the metate and mano unattended, and leave with the boys!? What were you even doing?” I shifted on my feet. Nantli was scary, but hse was understanding. Sometimes. “There are monsters on our land! They have big animals, a big brown fish that can swim ontop of water, and pale skin! The don’t speak Nahuatl, too!” i blurted out everything i saw, even if it didnt make sense. Chimalli was beside me, nodding his head so vigorously that it looked like it was about to fall off. Nantli got even more angry and said, “If you don’t stop lying this instant, i will call your Tahtli!” Chimalli and i both said in unison: NO!
“I swear on Huitzilopochtli! Tepeyollotl too! I even swear on Xolotl!” Chimalli cried as we were bothe getting pulled by the ear by Nantli. We were pulled outside, when we saw Tahtli. His face looked like he’d seen death. “Your foolish, lying children came to me talking nonsense about monsters with pale skin!” Nantli said, but Tahtli wasn’t fased. Tahtli was calmer then Nantli, and he was more wise. That was probably because he was a priest. However he was severe in punsiments. Nantli was all bark and no bite. Tahtli was bite, no bark, and when he did bite, it would last forever. He shook his head. “They're telling the truth. They are like us, but they have come from another land. Spain, they call it.” Nantli’s mouth was open so wide, I was trying my hardest not to laugh. She finally let go of me and Chimalli’s ear, her brows furrowing. “Did Moctezuma talk to them? Did you talk to them? How did they come here?” I side-stepped away from her, rubbing my ear. I exchanged a mischievous glance with Chimalli, and like a tiger, we left as fast and quietly as possible. In front of the door, Acalan was waiting for us impatiently and said, “Let’s go see them again. Maybe we’ll try to talk to them.” Chimalli raised his eyebrows. “Are you nuts!?” He exclaimed. I didn’t think it was a bad idea. Maybe we could understand their intentions. We never got to do that though. We never got to do anything.
Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs
They kidnapped our ruler. The scary, stupid, dumb-looking monsters took our ruler. Foolish Chimalli brought it upon himself to save him. Nothing reasonable ever comes out of that stupid brain of his. He got killed doing it. Atleats he was brave. Braver than me, thats for sure. They have loud, long black tubes that shoot out fire. That killed him. Nantli hasn’t been the same, she doesn’t let me go to school anymore. Tahtli has fallen sick. Why is this happening? Is this a sign? Oh why, oh why? Oh gods, why?
I woke up, the rays of sunlight shining directly into my eyes. I got up, and to my right, was Acalan. He had decided to stay with us since all members of his calpolli had died unfateful deaths. His Nantli got sick, and his Tahtli and all of his other relatives died in the battle with the monsters. Whenever I start to pity myself, I remember Acalan. He’s got it worse. “Good morning,” I said. Acalan nodded, not uttering a word. He was looking outside, and his eyes had this aloof look to them. “Where’s Nantli?” I said, looking around the room. He mumbled something, but I couldn’t hear it. I sensed that he obviously wasn’t okay, so i scooched beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “It's okay, just try not to think too much about it. I know how you feel, the gods will help us out.” I said softly. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder, and moved away from me. He was looking hard at the ground and whispered, “How can you be so sure?”
“I said,” He looked at me square in the eye. “How can you be so sure? That’s what everybody’s been saying, but I'm getting tired of it. Face it, Amoxtli. The gods have done nothing for us. They’re just a bunch of stupid stories to scare us. My calpolli would still be here, alive and well. Those monsters wouldn’t have come here. The gods aren’t real.”
I sat there, stunned. What was he saying? He must be mad, because this isn’t the Acalan I know. The Acalan I know was so devout, more than I was. Maybe the grief got him bad. “And no, you don't know how I feel. You will never know how I feel. You ever think about jabbing a spear into your chest? You ever thought about jumping off the mountains, and drowning yourself underwater? You ever think of that? Huh?” Acalan continued. And before I knew it, he was sobbing. Acalan, the soon-to-be soldier who had never shed a tear, the boy whose heart was made out of stone, was crying. He was saying something in between sobs, but I couldn’t understand it. His face was buried in his hands. The truth is, no, I have never thought about any of those things. I didn’t know that Acalan was this affected by it. Maybe I’m the foolish one.
A few hours later, I told Nantli about what Acalan had been saying, except the blasphemous things. That brought out a side of her that i never knew she had. Her face softened, and she nodded with understanding. She comforted Acalan, giving him words of reassurance. Nantli sent me out to get water, since Chimalli wasn’t here to do it anymore. Every passing day I miss him more and more. As i walked through the village, I heard loud, bone-rattling screams. The monsters were pushing and shoving their way into the houses, and coming out with valuables. I stood there, frozen in place watching it all happen. A tall monster stood in front of me, and all I could do was stand there, looking stupid as we both stared at each other. He scowled and grabbed my bucket, throwing it on the floor. “Hey…!” I said quietly. He kicked my bucket and continued walking.
submitted by Available-Title2097 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:37 Impulsive94 Upgrade path from GW1 46mm

Recently decided to upgrade from my ageing original Galaxy Watch 46mm for a few reasons. For one it's quite bulky and I often don't wear it as a result. I'm trying to cut down screen time and find myself stuck to my phone even when outside - texts, WhatsApps, notifications etc. so I'm looking to start leaving my phone at home more often - definitely looking to buy an LTE model for this reason and I have a pair of Galaxy Buds I can use with it for Spotify too.
I've read the threads on here comparing the GW6, GW6 classic and GW5 Pro but am still undecided. The GW5 Pro seems like the best choice all round, but also the heaviest due to the materials and battery size. Hopefully someone that's had the GW1 46mm and also the GW5 Pro can chime in and advise.
Does the GW6 actually have anything new & compelling over the GW5 Pro to make it worthwhile as a trade off or am I going mad?
submitted by Impulsive94 to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:37 ElephantPopular7108 lump in neck

i'm 19f, got diagnosed with mono on april 2nd and noticed a pea-sized, hard, moveable (only from side to side, can't move it up and down), painless lump in the bottom part of my neck on the right side a few days BEFORE i got symptoms. i thought lymph nodes weren't supposed to be hard, at most just rubbery?? anyways naturally i was really sick and my other lymph nodes swelled up but they went away along with my other symptoms. the lump in my neck is still there though and has actually grown a little bit. at the beginning it wasn't visible at all all but now the area looks a little bit more raised, even my mom noticed. it was also very hard to find and i had to really dig in there but now i can feel it immediately just by lightly putting my finger on it. it was probably there for longer than i'm aware of because the only reason i noticed it was because the exact spot where the lump is was a bit itchy.
sure it's easy to say that it's a lymph node from mono but as i said it was there before AND after the actual symptoms - i have no other symptoms anymore. docs have told me it's nothing just by touching it (however that was before it grew/became more obvious). one of them did a quick ultrasound in the area next to the lump but not on the actual lump because we both couldn't find it (i was just panicked, i found it after the ultrasound... she touched it but still said it was nothing) and found nothing in the surrounding area. i'll keep going to docs until i get proper tests. until then i really need more opinions because i can't stop thinking about it.
how concerning is this? all opinions and advice are appreciated. my health anxiety is killing me
submitted by ElephantPopular7108 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:36 EWNaidoo Is it Possible to Force a SQL Pulled String Displayed in FPDF to have Different Sizing to Another String in the Same Double Quotes/Cell?


This project is for an invoice application that generates a pdf from a button click. Its plain and simple, approched with the MVP concept. Over time, I did add a few details but they do not interfere with the PDF generation.

My Tool Belt

The tools I've used for R&D are:


In the latest FPDF version, I want to change the words thats coming from a MySQL database to be bigger in size AND displayed in the same CELL. This means displaying the following:
Cell(190, 5, "NAME: " . $data['name'], "B", 0, "L"); } } ?> 
where the name column (from MySQL), should be bigger in font size than "NAME: " in the output.

What I Tried

I've used the following methods (from FPDF), with no success:
  1. MultiCell
  2. SetFont
  3. GetY
  4. GetX
  5. Ln
  6. SetFontSize
  7. SetX
  8. SetY
  9. SetXY
  10. Write
Yes, I did look on StackOverFlow and Googled it, and as similar as the titles are to solving my problem, they do not provide the actual solution. I also verfied just now if there are any answers out there to answer my question as my last chance. There are none :( . I need to make the data from MySQL bigger like in the PDF from Acrobat where you're filling out a form. Imagine filling out a PDF form for the goverment or scholarships, they make the user inputs bigger that the hard-coded string.
The mentioned methods used were also the ones I've implemented to solve this problem. I've used many more methods that aren't mentioned, and they obviously lead to nowhere.

What I Got

I am currently stuck on the Cell method and from researching article, youtube videos and blog posts, have gotten no where near to my goal.

Quick Review

Heres the documentation:
submitted by EWNaidoo to PHP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:35 EWNaidoo Is it Possible to Force a SQL Pulled String Displayed in FPDF to have Different Sizing to Another String in the Same Double Quotes/Cell?


This project is for an invoice application that generates a pdf from a button click. Its plain and simple, approched with the MVP concept. Over time, I did add a few details but they do not interfere with the PDF generation.

My Tool Belt

The tools I've used for R&D are:


In the latest FPDF version, I want to change the words thats coming from a MySQL database to be bigger in size AND displayed in the same CELL. This means displaying the following:
Cell(190, 5, "NAME: " . $data['name'], "B", 0, "L"); } } ?> 
where the name column (from MySQL), should be bigger in font size than "NAME: " in the output.

What I Tried

I've used the following methods (from FPDF), with no success:
  1. MultiCell
  2. SetFont
  3. GetY
  4. GetX
  5. Ln
  6. SetFontSize
  7. SetX
  8. SetY
  9. SetXY
  10. Write
Yes, I did look on StackOverFlow and Googled it, and as similar as the titles are to solving my problem, they do not provide the actual solution. I also verfied just now if there are any answers out there to answer my question as my last chance. There are none :( . I need to make the data from MySQL bigger like in the PDF from Acrobat where you're filling out a form. Imagine filling out a PDF form for the goverment or scholarships, they make the user inputs bigger that the hard-coded string.
The mentioned methods used were also the ones I've implemented to solve this problem. I've used many more methods that aren't mentioned, and they obviously lead to nowhere.

What I Got

I am currently stuck on the Cell method and from researching article, youtube videos and blog posts, have gotten no where near to my goal.

Quick Review

Heres the documentation:
submitted by EWNaidoo to PHPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:33 TowUp FNV - Help with crash log/load order

Randomly getting crashes today about 10 seconds after loading into my game. Game was working fine a few days ago. Here's my crash log:
Yvileapsis' Brad Boimler (God, I f*cking hate that show) version 4.5 beta 4 at 2024-05-14 04:07:04.8623265
If this file is empty, then your game didn't crash or something went so wrong even crash logger was useless! :snig:
Topmost stack module is NOT ALWAYS the crash reason! Exercise caution when speculating!
Exception C0000005 caught!
Thread: [FNV] AI Linear Task Thread 2
0xAE28FE44 ==> FalloutNV (0x00D0D7D8) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FE74 ==> FalloutNV (0x00D0F06E) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FEB4 ==> FalloutNV (0x00CF8C96) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FEEC ==> FalloutNV (0x00CF8763) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF14 ==> FalloutNV (0x004BA9B5) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF48 ==> FalloutNV (0x00453624) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF54 ==> FalloutNV (0x008C8042) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF60 ==> FalloutNV (0x008C71A8) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF6C ==> FalloutNV (0x008C7764) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF74 ==> FalloutNV (0x00AA64E0) : EntryPoint+0xFFFFFFFF
0xAE28FF84 ==> KERNEL32 (0x10017BA9) : BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
0xAE28FFDC ==> ntdll (0x1006BE3B) : RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x6B
0xAE28FFEC ==> ntdll (0x1006BDBF) : RtlClearBits+0xBF
eax 0x00000001
ebp 0x707914C0 0x010C3BC4 ==> Class: ahkpWorld
ebx 0x768F5FC0
ecx 0xD4069A40
edi 0x95ADBED4
edx 0x00000000
eip 0x00D0D7D8
esi 0x312ECCB0
esp 0xAE28FE00
0 0x0000001B
1 0x7070C8E0 0x010CD45C ==> Class: hkpContinuousSimulation
2 0xAE28FEA0
3 0x707914E8
4 0x95ADBED8
6 0x6FE42840
7 0x6FE428C0
8 0xDA3669EC
9 0xB9E1A200 0x010C7888 ==> Class: hkpRigidBody
15 0x707914C0 0x010C3BC4 ==> Class: ahkpWorld
18 0x7070C8E0 0x010CD45C ==> Class: hkpContinuousSimulation
1C 0x70777140 0x010CD34C ==> Class: hkpDefaultWorldMaintenanceMgr
20 0x707914C0 0x010C3BC4 ==> Class: ahkpWorld
21 0x7070C8E0 0x010CD45C ==> Class: hkpContinuousSimulation
22 0x38289700 0x010AE670 ==> Class: , failed to get string for label
2F 0x707914C0 0x010C3BC4 ==> Class: ahkpWorld
32 0x707914C0 0x010C3BC4 ==> Class: ahkpWorld
33 0x510E8510 0x010C69F4 ==> Class: bhkWorldM: Name: ";`"
38 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
3A 0x510E8510 0x010C69F4 ==> Class: bhkWorldM: Name: ";`"
3E 0x310E7E00 0x01020698 ==> Class: GridCellArray
57 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
5A 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
5F 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
63 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
67 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
7E 0x38289780 0x01085688 ==> Class: AILinearTaskThread
MinimumWorkingSetSize: 200.00 KB
MaximumWorkingSetSize: 1.35 MB
PeakWorkingSetSize: 1.54 GB
WorkingSetSize: 1.46 GB
QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 1.60 MB
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 1.25 MB
QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 934.60 KB
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 152.24 KB
PageFaultCount: 1.62 MB
PagefileUsage: 1.89 GB
PeakPagefileUsage: 1.97 GB
Module bases:
0x6FA00000 - 0x6FA88000 ==> symamsi, C:/Program Files/Norton Security/Engine32/
0x03D40000 - 0x03D77000 ==> BtMmHook, C:/Program Files/WIDCOMM/Bluetooth Software/SysWOW64/BtMmHook.dll
0x3BF60000 - 0x3BF81000 ==> CSERHelper, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/CSERHelper.dll
0x40890000 - 0x409E3000 ==> GameOverlayRenderer, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/GameOverlayRenderer.dll
0x5FC80000 - 0x5FCAD000 ==> SteamOverlayVulkanLayer, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.dll
0x40100000 - 0x401F8000 ==> steam, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam.dll
0x72620000 - 0x73931000 ==> steamclient, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamclient.dll
0x06780000 - 0x06818000 ==> tier0_s, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/tier0_s.dll
0x69580000 - 0x69606000 ==> vstdlib_s, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/vstdlib_s.dll
0x70D80000 - 0x710DD000 ==> DiscordHook, C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local/Discord/app-1.0.9146/modules/discord_hook-1/discord_hook/0fde0d30e5843d/DiscordHook.dll
0xB1290000 - 0xB1466000 ==> nvse_dbghelp, C:/Users/*****/AppData/Local/Temp/nvse_dbghelp.dll
0x5EA50000 - 0x5EC26000 ==> dbghelp_sk32, C:/Users/*****/Documents/My Mods/SpecialK/Drivers/Dbghelp/dbghelp_sk32.dll
0x77FD0000 - 0x77FD9000 ==> AVRT, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/AVRT.dll
0x61130000 - 0x6116E000 ==> CONCRT140, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CONCRT140.dll
0x069D0000 - 0x069E5000 ==> CRYPTSP, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CRYPTSP.dll
0x696F0000 - 0x697BE000 ==> CoreMessaging, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CoreMessaging.dll
0x5F4E0000 - 0x5F771000 ==> CoreUIComponents, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CoreUIComponents.dll
0x71800000 - 0x71BB3000 ==> D3DCompiler_47, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/D3DCompiler_47.dll
0x6FB00000 - 0x6FBBD000 ==> DNSAPI, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DNSAPI.dll
0x74930000 - 0x74938000 ==> DPAPI, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DPAPI.DLL
0x61E60000 - 0x61ED2000 ==> DSOUND, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DSOUND.dll
0x69060000 - 0x690A2000 ==> GLU32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/GLU32.dll
0x69E40000 - 0x69E4B000 ==> HID, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/HID.DLL
0x721D0000 - 0x721F4000 ==> IPHLPAPI, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x9E5D0000 - 0x9E605000 ==> MLANG, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MLANG.dll
0xB5DA0000 - 0xB5DB9000 ==> MSACM32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MSACM32.dll
0x71C80000 - 0x71C8E000 ==> MSASN1, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MSASN1.dll
0x74C40000 - 0x74CAD000 ==> MSVCP140, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MSVCP140.dll
0x61110000 - 0x61122000 ==> MSVCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MSVCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT.dll
0x71220000 - 0x71271000 ==> MSWSOCK, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/MSWSOCK.dll
0x71C50000 - 0x71C78000 ==> NTASN1, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/NTASN1.dll
0xA8C80000 - 0xA8D47000 ==> PROPSYS, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/PROPSYS.dll
0xB5D00000 - 0xB5D2D000 ==> RTWorkQ, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/RTWorkQ.DLL
0x61DA0000 - 0x61E39000 ==> ResampleDmo, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ResampleDmo.DLL
0x725F0000 - 0x725FA000 ==> Secur32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/Secur32.dll
0x6E810000 - 0x6E8A5000 ==> TextShaping, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/TextShaping.dll
0x74AF0000 - 0x74AFE000 ==> UMPDC, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/UMPDC.dll
0x725D0000 - 0x725EF000 ==> USERENV, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/USERENV.dll
0x74C20000 - 0x74C35000 ==> VCRUNTIME140, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/VCRUNTIME140.dll
0x74AB0000 - 0x74AB8000 ==> VERSION, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/VERSION.dll
0x724F0000 - 0x725CC000 ==> WINHTTP, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINHTTP.dll
0x690F0000 - 0x69578000 ==> WININET, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WININET.dll
0x72200000 - 0x72231000 ==> WINMM, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINMM.dll
0x69F50000 - 0x69F9F000 ==> WINSTA, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINSTA.dll
0x71C40000 - 0x71C48000 ==> WSOCK32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WSOCK32.dll
0x74AA0000 - 0x74AAF000 ==> WTSAPI32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WTSAPI32.dll
0x01690000 - 0x016A6000 ==> XINPUT1_3, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/XINPUT1_3.dll
0x77170000 - 0x7717D000 ==> XInput1_4, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/XInput1_4.dll
0x6FA90000 - 0x6FAA5000 ==> amsi, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/amsi.dll
0x74940000 - 0x749E6000 ==> apphelp, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/apphelp.dll
0x6F9C0000 - 0x6F9FD000 ==> cfgmgr32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/cfgmgr32.DLL
0x74AC0000 - 0x74AE7000 ==> cryptnet, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/cryptnet.dll
0x6BA60000 - 0x6BC67000 ==> d3dcompiler_43, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/d3dcompiler_43.dll
0x5E020000 - 0x5E21F000 ==> d3dx9_43, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/d3dx9_43.dll
0x06830000 - 0x06859000 ==> dbgcore, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dbgcore.DLL
0x74630000 - 0x74806000 ==> dbghelp, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dbghelp.dll
0x8EB10000 - 0x8ECAC000 ==> dcomp, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dcomp.dll
0x74CD0000 - 0x74CF4000 ==> devobj, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/devobj.dll
0x62120000 - 0x6215C000 ==> directxdatabasehelper, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/directxdatabasehelper.dll
0x6B4C0000 - 0x6B5C9000 ==> drvstore, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/drvstore.dll
0x6ED00000 - 0x6ED24000 ==> dwmapi, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dwmapi.dll
0x74810000 - 0x7483E000 ==> dxcore, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dxcore.dll
0x72100000 - 0x721CA000 ==> dxgi, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dxgi.dll
0x9DD90000 - 0x9DDAF000 ==> edputil, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/edputil.dll
0x9DDC0000 - 0x9E420000 ==> ieframe, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ieframe.dll
0x71CE0000 - 0x71F18000 ==> iertutil, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/iertutil.dll
0x697C0000 - 0x6990B000 ==> inputhost, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/inputhost.dll
0x72600000 - 0x72613000 ==> kernel.appcore, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/kernel.appcore.dll
0xB5D70000 - 0xB5D77000 ==> ksuser, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ksuser.dll
0xB5B60000 - 0xB5CF6000 ==> mfplat, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/mfplat.DLL
0xB5DC0000 - 0xB5DC8000 ==> midimap, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/midimap.dll
0xB5D90000 - 0xB5D9B000 ==> msacm32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/msacm32.drv
0x61D90000 - 0x61D99000 ==> msdmo, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/msdmo.dll
0x720D0000 - 0x720F5000 ==> ncrypt, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ncrypt.dll
0x74A90000 - 0x74A9B000 ==> netutils, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/netutils.dll
0x77860000 - 0x77A11000 ==> ntdll, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
0x71C10000 - 0x71C39000 ==> ntmarta, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntmarta.dll
0x5E460000 - 0x5EA45000 ==> nvapi, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/nvapi.dll
0x6EEF0000 - 0x6EF04000 ==> ondemandconnroutehelper, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ondemandconnroutehelper.dll
0x69610000 - 0x696F0000 ==> opengl32, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/opengl32.dll
0x610C0000 - 0x61101000 ==> pdh, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/pdh.dll
0x74A20000 - 0x74A65000 ==> powrprof, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/powrprof.dll
0x749F0000 - 0x74A09000 ==> profapi, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/profapi.dll
0x066F0000 - 0x06700000 ==> resourcepolicyclient, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/resourcepolicyclient.dll
0x69930000 - 0x6995D000 ==> rometadata, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/rometadata.dll
0x71CC0000 - 0x71CDD000 ==> srvcli, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/srvcli.dll
0x61170000 - 0x611E5000 ==> tdh, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/tdh.dll
0x5F3E0000 - 0x5F4D9000 ==> textinputframework, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/textinputframework.dll
0x71F20000 - 0x720C2000 ==> urlmon, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/urlmon.dll
0x6E7F0000 - 0x6E807000 ==> usp10, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/usp10.dll
0x5FDA0000 - 0x5FEDE000 ==> vulkan-1, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/vulkan-1.dll
0x6EB60000 - 0x6EBC7000 ==> wbemcomn, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/wbemcomn.dll
0xB5D30000 - 0xB5D6B000 ==> wdmaud, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/wdmaud.drv
0x6ECB0000 - 0x6ECC3000 ==> windows.staterepositorycore, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/windows.staterepositorycore.dll
0x74DD0000 - 0x754BF000 ==>, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/
0x61E40000 - 0x61E5F000 ==> winmmbase, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/winmmbase.dll
0x74D00000 - 0x74DC7000 ==> wintypes, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/wintypes.dll
0x6FAB0000 - 0x6FAF3000 ==> wldp, C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/wldp.dll
0x77290000 - 0x7730F000 ==> ADVAPI32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/ADVAPI32.dll
0x77000000 - 0x77103000 ==> CRYPT32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/CRYPT32.dll
0x88000000 - 0x89B78000 ==> nvgpucomp32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7/nvgpucomp32.dll
0x74540000 - 0x745D5000 ==> nvldumd, C:/WINDOWS/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7/nvldumd.dll
0x8BB80000 - 0x8DB34000 ==> nvoglv32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7/nvoglv32.dll
0x6B9A0000 - 0x6BA5B000 ==> nvppe, C:/WINDOWS/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7/nvppe.dll
0x9F910000 - 0xA2A79000 ==> nvwgf2um, C:/WINDOWS/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/nv_dispi.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7/nvwgf2um.dll
0x77310000 - 0x77333000 ==> GDI32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/GDI32.dll
0x75550000 - 0x75575000 ==> IMM32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/IMM32.dll
0x768E0000 - 0x769D0000 ==> KERNEL32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL
0x77340000 - 0x775B5000 ==> KERNELBASE, C:/WINDOWS/System32/KERNELBASE.dll
0x61D10000 - 0x61D8C000 ==> MMDevApi, C:/WINDOWS/System32/MMDevApi.dll
0x406D0000 - 0x407CF000 ==> MSCTF, C:/WINDOWS/System32/MSCTF.dll
0x75770000 - 0x75777000 ==> NSI, C:/WINDOWS/System32/NSI.dll
0x769D0000 - 0x76A6C000 ==> OLEAUT32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/OLEAUT32.dll
0x75760000 - 0x75766000 ==> PSAPI, C:/WINDOWS/System32/PSAPI.DLL
0x76B00000 - 0x76BBA000 ==> RPCRT4, C:/WINDOWS/System32/RPCRT4.dll
0x76BC0000 - 0x76FFD000 ==> SETUPAPI, C:/WINDOWS/System32/SETUPAPI.dll
0x771C0000 - 0x77281000 ==> SHCORE, C:/WINDOWS/System32/SHCORE.dll
0x75E10000 - 0x764A9000 ==> SHELL32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/SHELL32.dll
0x77800000 - 0x7784B000 ==> SHLWAPI, C:/WINDOWS/System32/SHLWAPI.dll
0x76730000 - 0x768D9000 ==> USER32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/USER32.dll
0x75B90000 - 0x75BE7000 ==> WINTRUST, C:/WINDOWS/System32/WINTRUST.dll
0x775C0000 - 0x7761F000 ==> WS2_32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/WS2_32.dll
0x771A0000 - 0x771BA000 ==> bcrypt, C:/WINDOWS/System32/bcrypt.dll
0x75DA0000 - 0x75E02000 ==> bcryptPrimitives, C:/WINDOWS/System32/bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x754C0000 - 0x75542000 ==> clbcatq, C:/WINDOWS/System32/clbcatq.dll
0x75780000 - 0x759FC000 ==> combase, C:/WINDOWS/System32/combase.dll
0x6E900000 - 0x6E938000 ==> dinput8, C:/WINDOWS/System32/dinput8.dll
0x74B00000 - 0x74B5D000 ==> fwpuclnt, C:/WINDOWS/System32/fwpuclnt.dll
0x75A00000 - 0x75AE2000 ==> gdi32full, C:/WINDOWS/System32/gdi32full.dll
0x77180000 - 0x7719B000 ==> imagehlp, C:/WINDOWS/System32/imagehlp.dll
0x756E0000 - 0x75759000 ==> msvcp_win, C:/WINDOWS/System32/msvcp_win.dll
0x75C10000 - 0x75CD4000 ==> msvcrt, C:/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll
0x75580000 - 0x756D5000 ==> ole32, C:/WINDOWS/System32/ole32.dll
0x6E540000 - 0x6E5C5000 ==> schannel, C:/WINDOWS/System32/schannel.dll
0x76A70000 - 0x76AF5000 ==> sechost, C:/WINDOWS/System32/sechost.dll
0x764B0000 - 0x765C2000 ==> ucrtbase, C:/WINDOWS/System32/ucrtbase.dll
0x75BF0000 - 0x75C0A000 ==> win32u, C:/WINDOWS/System32/win32u.dll
0x61200000 - 0x61291000 ==> COMCTL32, C:/WINDOWS/WinSxS/
0x722C0000 - 0x724E8000 ==> COMCTL32, C:/WINDOWS/WinSxS/
0x3BA70000 - 0x3BBDE000 ==> gdiplus, C:/WINDOWS/WinSxS/
0x6ECD0000 - 0x6ECF0000 ==> ncryptsslp, C:/WINDOWS/system32/ncryptsslp.dll
0x069F0000 - 0x06A20000 ==> rsaenh, C:/WINDOWS/system32/rsaenh.dll
0x72240000 - 0x722BF000 ==> uxtheme, C:/WINDOWS/system32/uxtheme.dll
0x6E940000 - 0x6EA0C000 ==> fastprox, C:/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/fastprox.dll
0x6EB50000 - 0x6EB5E000 ==> wbemprox, C:/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/wbemprox.dll
0x6EA10000 - 0x6EA21000 ==> wbemsvc, C:/WINDOWS/system32/wbem/wbemsvc.dll
0x6B5D0000 - 0x6B6AF000 ==> AppXDeploymentClient, C:/Windows/System32/AppXDeploymentClient.dll
0xA9F70000 - 0xA9FB9000 ==> Bcp47Langs, C:/Windows/System32/Bcp47Langs.dll
0x69000000 - 0x69053000 ==> DispBroker, C:/Windows/System32/DispBroker.dll
0xAA3C0000 - 0xAA63D000 ==> OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub, C:/Windows/System32/OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll
0xB5AE0000 - 0xB5B21000 ==> WMASF, C:/Windows/System32/WMASF.DLL
0xB5910000 - 0xB5AE0000 ==> WMVCore, C:/Windows/System32/WMVCore.DLL
0xA8D50000 - 0xA8E33000 ==> Windows.System.Launcher, C:/Windows/System32/Windows.System.Launcher.dll
0x74310000 - 0x7441A000 ==> Windows.UI, C:/Windows/System32/Windows.UI.dll
0x9E870000 - 0x9E8EF000 ==> appresolver, C:/Windows/System32/appresolver.dll
0x5EC30000 - 0x5EFF8000 ==> d3dx9_38, C:/Windows/System32/d3dx9_38.DLL
0xAE3E0000 - 0xAE3FC000 ==> devenum, C:/Windows/System32/devenum.dll
0xB5B40000 - 0xB5B58000 ==> mp3dmod, C:/Windows/System32/mp3dmod.dll
0x9E560000 - 0x9E5C7000 ==> msvcp110_win, C:/Windows/System32/msvcp110_win.dll
0xB58E0000 - 0xB5904000 ==> qasf, C:/Windows/System32/qasf.dll
0xB1C70000 - 0xB1E12000 ==> quartz, C:/Windows/System32/quartz.dll
0x74CC0000 - 0x74CC8000 ==> rasadhlp, C:/Windows/System32/rasadhlp.dll
0x5E300000 - 0x5E460000 ==> usvfs_x86, D:/Modding/MO2/usvfs_x86.dll
0xB5890000 - 0xB58D5000 ==> LAVAudio, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/
0xB2F20000 - 0xB2FA9000 ==> LAVSplitter, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/
0xB4610000 - 0xB5851000 ==> avcodec-lav-61, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/avcodec-lav-61.dll
0xB2FB0000 - 0xB3508000 ==> avformat-lav-61, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/avformat-lav-61.dll
0xB3510000 - 0xB4607000 ==> avutil-lav-59, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/avutil-lav-59.dll
0xB1A00000 - 0xB1A58000 ==> libbluray, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/libbluray.dll
0xB5860000 - 0xB5886000 ==> swresample-lav-5, D:/Program Files (x86)/LAV Filters/x86/swresample-lav-5.dll
0x10000000 - 0x11132000 ==> DINPUT8, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/DINPUT8.dll
0x610A0000 - 0x610B4000 ==> nvhr_avx2, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVHnvhr_avx2.dll
0x37EB0000 - 0x37EC7000 ==> ActorCauseSaveBloatFix, NVSE plugin version: 1, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ActorCauseSaveBloatFix.dll
0x3B270000 - 0x3B279000 ==> Alpha Fixes, NVSE plugin version: 252, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/Alpha Fixes.dll
0x3B290000 - 0x3B2C1000 ==> BetterCaravan, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/BetterCaravan.dll
0x61050000 - 0x6106A000 ==> ClimateControl, NVSE plugin version: 0, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ClimateControl.dll
0x61030000 - 0x61050000 ==> CloudUpgrade, NVSE plugin version: 0, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/CloudUpgrade.dll
0x3B300000 - 0x3B378000 ==> CrashLogger, NVSE plugin version: 454, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/CrashLogger.dll
0x3B390000 - 0x3B396000 ==> DoF-Fix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/DoF-Fix.dll
0x3B3B0000 - 0x3B3C9000 ==> EngineOptimizations, NVSE plugin version: 100, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/EngineOptimizations.dll
0x3B420000 - 0x3B444000 ==> ExternalEmittanceFix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ExternalEmittanceFix.dll
0x3B450000 - 0x3B46B000 ==> FogCulling, NVSE plugin version: 2, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/FogCulling.dll
0x3B470000 - 0x3B486000 ==> HDPipboy, NVSE plugin version: 1, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HDPipboy.dll
0x3B4A0000 - 0x3B4A7000 ==> HighResBloom, NVSE plugin version: 510, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResBloom.dll
0x3B4C0000 - 0x3B4D6000 ==> HighResLocalMaps, NVSE plugin version: 12, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResLocalMaps.dll
0x3B4F0000 - 0x3B4F6000 ==> HighResWaterDepth, NVSE plugin version: 11, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/HighResWaterDepth.dll
0x3B590000 - 0x3B5B6000 ==> ImprovedLightingShaders, NVSE plugin version: 8, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ImprovedLightingShaders.dll
0x3B770000 - 0x3B77B000 ==> LOD Fixes, NVSE plugin version: 128, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/LOD Fixes.dll
0x3B790000 - 0x3B7C2000 ==> MCM, NVSE plugin version: 1, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MCM.dll
0x3B820000 - 0x3B831000 ==> MoonlightNVSE, NVSE plugin version: 200, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MoonlightNVSE.dll
0x3B850000 - 0x3B856000 ==> MuzzleFlashFix, NVSE plugin version: 1, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/MuzzleFlashFix.dll
0x3B8B0000 - 0x3B8BC000 ==> NVTF, NVSE plugin version: 10, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/NVTF.dll
0x5E220000 - 0x5E2FE000 ==> NewVegasReloaded, NVSE plugin version: 4, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/NewVegasReloaded.dll
0x3B8D0000 - 0x3B8D6000 ==> PipBoyShadingFix, NVSE plugin version: 2, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/PipBoyShadingFix.dll
0x3BBE0000 - 0x3BD26000 ==> ShowOffNVSE, NVSE plugin version: 180, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ShowOffNVSE.dll
0x3BD40000 - 0x3BD46000 ==> SimpleFogRemover, NVSE plugin version: 110, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/SimpleFogRemover.dll
0x3BE10000 - 0x3BE29000 ==> VATSLagFix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/VATSLagFix.dll
0x3BE40000 - 0x3BE47000 ==> Viewmodel Shading Fix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/Viewmodel Shading Fix.dll
0x3BE60000 - 0x3BE69000 ==> ViewmodelShakeFix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ViewmodelShakeFix.dll
0x3B510000 - 0x3B579000 ==> improved_console, NVSE plugin version: 3, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/improved_console.dll
0x3B5D0000 - 0x3B653000 ==> jip_nvse, NVSE plugin version: 5721, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/jip_nvse.dll
0x3B670000 - 0x3B6C4000 ==> johnnyguitar, NVSE plugin version: 506, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/johnnyguitar.dll
0x3B6E0000 - 0x3B759000 ==> kNVSE, NVSE plugin version: 20, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/kNVSE.dll
0x3B800000 - 0x3B807000 ==> mlf, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/mlf.dll
0x61020000 - 0x61026000 ==> nvse_console_autocomplete, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_console_autocomplete.dll
0x3B900000 - 0x3B968000 ==> nvse_console_clipboard, NVSE plugin version: 2, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_console_clipboard.dll
0x3B970000 - 0x3BA66000 ==> nvse_stewie_tweaks, NVSE plugin version: 915, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/nvse_stewie_tweaks.dll
0x3BD60000 - 0x3BD6B000 ==> ui_organizer, NVSE plugin version: 230, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/ui_organizer.dll
0x3BE80000 - 0x3BE86000 ==> weapon_lag_fix, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/NVSE/Plugins/weapon_lag_fix.dll
0x00400000 - 0x0147B000 ==> FalloutNV, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/FalloutNV.exe
0x18000000 - 0x18068000 ==> binkw32, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/binkw32.dll
0x5F000000 - 0x5F3DE000 ==> d3d9, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/d3d9.dll
0x611F0000 - 0x611FE000 ==> d3dx9_38, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/d3dx9_38.dll
0x01BB0000 - 0x01CE3000 ==> libvorbis, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/libvorbis.dll
0x01B80000 - 0x01B9E000 ==> libvorbisfile, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/libvorbisfile.dll
0x37D50000 - 0x37EA0000 ==> nvse_1_4, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/nvse_1_4.dll
0x61070000 - 0x6109D000 ==> nvse_steam_loader, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/nvse_steam_loader.dll
0x3B400000 - 0x3B41D000 ==> steam_api, D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/steam_api.dll
0x61EE0000 - 0x62118000 ==> d3d11, c:/windows/system32/d3d11.dll
GAME CRASHED AT INSTRUCTION Base+0x0090D7D8 IN MODULE: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe
Please note that this does not automatically mean that that module is responsible. It may have been supplied bad data or
program state as the result of an issue in the base game or a different DLL.
submitted by TowUp to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:13 ElephantPopular7108 lump in neck

i'm 19f, got diagnosed with mono on april 2nd and noticed a pea-sized, hard, moveable (only from side to side, can't move it up and down), painless lump in the bottom part of my neck on the right side a few days BEFORE i got symptoms. i thought lymph nodes weren't supposed to be hard, at most just rubbery?? anyways naturally i was really sick and my other lymph nodes swelled up but they went away along with my other symptoms. the lump in my neck is still there though and has actually grown a little bit. at the beginning it wasn't visible at all all but now the area looks a little bit more raised, even my mom noticed. it was also very hard to find and i had to really dig in there but now i can feel it immediately just by lightly putting my finger on it. it was probably there for longer than i'm aware of because the only reason i noticed it was because the exact spot where the lump is was a bit itchy.
sure it's easy to say that it's a lymph node from mono but as i said it was there before AND after the actual symptoms - i have no other symptoms anymore. docs have told me it's nothing just by touching it (however that was before it grew/became more obvious). one of them did a quick ultrasound in the area next to the lump but not on the actual lump because we both couldn't find it (i was just panicked, i found it after the ultrasound... she touched it but still said it was nothing) and found nothing in the surrounding area. i'll keep going to docs until i get proper tests. until then i really need more opinions because i can't stop thinking about it.
how concerning is this? all opinions and advice are appreciated. my health anxiety is killing me
submitted by ElephantPopular7108 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:08 ExplosiveBEAR Arjac Rockfist. (Did not know he was fine cast...)

Arjac Rockfist. (Did not know he was fine cast...)
First picture is a size comparison vs primaris termies. The rest are close-ups to show detail. This was my first fine-cast model. I actually didn't know Arjac was fine cast until he came in the mail. FUCK finecast! I learn why it's infamous now. I chipped the shield trying to get it off the sprue, hopefully it's not noticeable.
submitted by ExplosiveBEAR to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:58 Truly-Spooky going to print this really cool. But it has a 120mm base. What could I run it as?

So im coming from admech, im not as familiar with marine platforms. I know k sons don't have an actual dreadnought but i think i can proxy is as a hell brute. But those I found out are 60 mm base.
I could scale it but that's gonna mess up a lot of the aesthetic. From google it seems the biggest dreadnought is 90mm? Better but not perfect.
should I just call it a kson knight?
submitted by Truly-Spooky to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:57 tab_rick Top 10 Bathtub Manufacturers Worldwide in 2023

Top 10 Bathtub Manufacturers Worldwide in 2023
The bathtub sector is a dynamic industry dedicated to meeting the advanced needs of clientele who prioritize luxury and tranquility in their bath experiences. Renowned bathtub producers, including bathtub companies, curate bespoke designs to cater to diverse preferences and necessities. Driven by the growing appetite for upscale bathtubs and comprehensive bathroom amenities, a multitude of manufacturers and enterprises have surfaced. These firms specialize in crafting bathtubs from an array of materials, ranging from solid surfaces and cast iron to innovative composites and natural stone. Together, global bathtub entities, such as bathtub companies, represent a continuously advancing industry, consistently innovating and showcasing a vast assortment of elite bathroom solutions. This post lists 10 top bathtub manufacturers in the world.

Company Location: Shenzhen, China
Year of Establishment: 2000
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
  • Freestanding solid surface bathtub
  • Solid surface soaking bathtubs
  • Square bathtubs
  • Round bathtubs
  • Mini bathtubs
  • Oval Bathtubs
  • Bathroom accessories
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 2000, KKR initially specialized in the production of material panels. With time, we evolved and strategically positioned ourselves as industry leaders in the solid surface sector. Our products rigorously comply with ISO9001:2015, CE, CUPC, and SGS standards, underscoring our unwavering commitment to international quality benchmarks.
Our expansive 15,000 m² manufacturing facility boasts the capacity to produce over 15,000 items per month. Globally, our presence extends across 100 countries, having successfully executed over 1,000 projects. Due to our stringent quality and hygiene standards, premier entities in the hotel industry regard us as their reliable partner.
Kingkonree stands as a paramount figure in the industry, acclaimed for its unparalleled excellence in crafting solid surface bathtubs. Each bathtub is meticulously fashioned from elite acrylic solid surface materials, which guarantees remarkable longevity, coupled with impressive resistance to staining, abrasion, and discoloration.
A distinctive hallmark of Kingkonree’s solid surface bathtubs is their versatile nature and the breadth of personalization they offer. Patrons are presented with a comprehensive spectrum of colors, patterns, and finishes, empowering them to curate a tailored bathroom environment. In addition, Kingkonree demonstrates proficiency in catering to specific size requisites, guaranteeing impeccable alignment with assorted bathroom layouts.
Beyond its commitment to quality, Kingkonree signifies a beacon of environmental stewardship. The inherent non-toxic, non-porous, and sustainable attributes of their bathtubs establish them as a green alternative in the market. In tandem with this ethos, Kingkonree maintains stringent quality assurance protocols, ensuring that every bathtub seamlessly converges with the pinnacle of industry benchmarks.


Company Location: Wisconsin, USA
Year of Establishment: 1873
Types of Business: Design and manufacturing
Product Offered:
Kohler offers a diverse selection of bath products designed to cater to various preferences and style. Their product line includes alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, freestanding bathtubs, corner bathtubs, jetted/whirlpool bathtubs, and showebathtub combinations. Kohler’s bathtubs are known for their exceptional craftsmanship, durability, and elegant design.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1873 as the Sheboygan Union Iron and Steel Foundry, Kohler has evolved to become a paramount entity in the home appliance sector. Marking its significant milestones, such as the ingenious transformation of a cast-iron horse trough into a high-end enameled bathtub, Kohler proudly showcases its rich 150-year lineage. Today, the company is renowned for its pioneering designs and superior product offerings.
Central to Kohler’s acclaim is its bathtub series, emblematic of the company’s unwavering commitment to excellence and resilience. Each bathtub is meticulously crafted from premier materials, undergoing rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure sustained performance. Particularly, Kohler’s acrylic bathtubs are engineered to ward off scratches, discoloration, and stains, maintaining their immaculate appearance and ease of maintenance. This relentless pursuit of quality positions Kohler bathtubs as a prime choice for both residential and commercial settings.
In a bid to redefine bathing experiences, Kohler seamlessly integrates cutting-edge amenities into its products. Their jetted bathtubs epitomize relaxation, with strategically aligned jets offering a therapeutic sensation, making every soak a serene escapade. Complemented with innovative water treatment solutions, Kohler promises an invigorating bath experience.
From an aesthetic standpoint, Kohler presents an expansive spectrum, encompassing sleek freestanding models to timeless inset varieties. Their design acumen guarantees that each bathtub, inclusive of the freestanding variants, merges optimal functionality with aesthetic finesse, bestowing an air of sophistication upon any bathroom setting. Choosing Kohler transcends a mere transaction; it signifies an allegiance to a refined bathing haven.


Company Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year of Establishment: 1917
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
TOTO, a leading manufacturer of bathroom fixtures, offers a diverse range of bathtubs designed to enhance bathing experiences. Their product line includes:
  • Freestanding Bathtubs
  • Built-in Bathtubs
  • Jetted/Whirlpool Bathtubs
  • ShoweBathtub Combinations
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1917, TOTO has consistently set the gold standard in the bathroom fixtures domain. Recognized on a global scale, TOTO delivers premier products that define industry standards. Their overarching mission is to transform daily routines with cutting-edge bathroom solutions, encompassing features such as heating to enhance comfort during chilly spells.
TOTO is unwavering in its dedication to technological advancement. The firm has introduced pioneering innovations including the Tornado Flush for unparalleled waste management, the CEFIONTECT coating for sustaining hygienic surfaces, and the sophisticated Washlet bidet system, emphasizing both hygiene and user-friendliness.
Central to TOTO’s ethos is environmental stewardship. Their product developments emphasize water conservation without compromising on performance. This commitment to sustainable practices has earned them a plethora of certifications and recognitions.
The myriad of accolades and distinctions bestowed upon TOTO affirm their eminent position in the industry. As market trailblazers, they consistently adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs of their clientele.

American Standard

Company Location: Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Year of Establishment: 1872
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
American Standard specializes in a diverse range of bathtubs, catering to various design preferences and requirements. Their product line includes alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, freestanding bathtubs, and walk-in bathtubs. With a commitment to innovation, American Standard offers advanced features such as whirlpool systems, hydrotherapy options, and ergonomic designs.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1872, American Standard stands distinguished in its provision of exceptional quality bathroom fixtures, with a marked speciality in bathtubs. The organization harbors a steadfast dedication to the fusion of innovation and practicality in its designs, aiming to profoundly elevate the user’s bathing experience.
A pivotal attribute of American Standard’s bathtubs is the meticulous integration of water-conservation technologies. Through the incorporation of cutting-edge systems, such as EcoSilent, the company ardently pursues the optimization of water utilization, aligning environmental sustainability with substantive economic advantages.
In terms of durability, American Standard meticulously crafts bathtubs employing premium materials, encompassing acrylic and cast iron, thereby ensuring an enduring robustness and formidable resilience to the rigors of daily use. The exemplary artifacts they produce seamlessly align with elevated industry benchmarks, manifesting the company’s unwavering commitment to exhaustive testing processes and an unparalleled quality assurance ethos.
The consumer-centric approach of American Standard shines prominently, as evidenced by their offering of a versatile array of models imbued with ergonomic considerations and integrated armrests. Their sophisticated portfolio encompasses a breathtaking diversity, featuring luxurious deep-soak bathtubs that invoke a sublime, spa-like ambiance, as well as thoughtfully designed walk-in variants, thus catering proficiently to a comprehensive array of preferences and functional necessities.


Company Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year of Establishment: 1917
Types of Business: Design and production
Product Offered:
Roca offers a wide range of bathtubs designed to cater to diverse preferences and needs. Their product line includes freestanding bathtubs, corner bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, and whirlpool bathtubs. With a focus on innovation, quality, and style, Roca’s bathtubs are crafted to provide a luxurious and rejuvenating bathing experience.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1917 in Barcelona, Roca has evolved into a globally acclaimed leader in superior bathroom solutions. Dedicated to innovation, the company adeptly balances aesthetic allure with functional design and enduring resilience. At its core, Roca’s mission is to elevate the bathroom experience, ensuring unparalleled comfort for its clientele.
Roca’s bathtubs stand out for their avant-garde features. Particularly, their whirlpool tubs are equipped with advanced hydrotherapy functionalities, providing therapeutic massages and facilitating a luxurious spa ambiance within the seclusion of one’s residence.
Employing only the finest materials and harnessing cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, Roca guarantees precision in every bathtub’s production, ensuring its longevity. This unwavering commitment to quality has solidified Roca’s reputation as a trusted global provider of bathroom solutions.
Furthermore, Roca’s bathtubs are epitomes of elegance. Their range encompasses both contemporary and classic designs, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences. Beyond mere functionality, Roca bathtubs serve as sophisticated focal points, imbuing bathrooms with an essence of refinement.


Company Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA
Year of Establishment: 2005
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
Woodbridge specializes in a wide range of luxurious and innovative bathtubs. Their product line includes freestanding bathtubs, alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, and whirlpool bathtubs. Each bathtub is designed with premium materials and advanced technologies to provide a sophisticated and indulgent bathing experience.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 2005, Woodbridge has swiftly cemented its reputation as a premier bathtub manufacturer, renowned for its unparalleled quality, sophisticated aesthetics, and cutting-edge designs. The brand’s unwavering commitment to excellence is underscored by the consistently favorable reviews from its clientele and its extensive product range.
Constructed using premium materials such as acrylic and fiberglass, Woodbridge bathtubs promise enduring resilience. Leveraging state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, the bathtubs are furnished with a robust finish that is adept at warding off stains, scratches, and fading, ensuring the product’s immaculate appearance is sustained over the years.
A hallmark of Woodbridge’s offerings is the harmonious blend of avant-garde design with user-centric comfort. Numerous models are equipped with hydrotherapy features, including whirlpool jets and air massage systems, providing an oasis of therapeutic relaxation. Furthermore, their bathtubs are meticulously crafted, boasting capacious interiors that amplify the bathing experience.
Attuned to the evolving needs of their clientele, Woodbridge designs bathtubs that seamlessly complement a myriad of bathroom decors. Their steadfast dedication to premium customer service ensures reliable product support and post-purchase assistance.


Company Location: Ahlen, Germany
Year of Establishment: 1918
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Products Offered:
Kaldewei specializes in the production of high-quality bathroom solutions, with a focus on luxury steel enamel bathtubs and shower surfaces. They offer a wide range of product options including freestanding bathtubs, built-in bathtubs, shower trays, and whirlpool systems.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1918 and headquartered in Ahlen, Germany, Kaldewei stands as a distinguished pioneer in the luxury bathroom industry. Over the years, the company has ascended to the zenith of the international market, distinguishing itself as a purveyor of premium bathroom essentials and state-of-the-art water systems. At the heart of Kaldewei’s ethos is the fusion of aesthetic excellence, pioneering technology, and sustainable practices, culminating in products that set industry benchmarks.
A salient attribute of Kaldewei’s offerings is their incorporation of steel enamel. This superior material guarantees not only the longevity and resilience of their bathtubs and showers but also ensures effortless maintenance, encapsulating the essence of a lavish yet lasting bath experience. Their manufacturing paradigm marries avant-garde methodologies with meticulous craftsmanship, all underpinned by rigorous quality oversight.
Beyond their product excellence, Kaldewei’s commitment to the environment is unwavering. They champion eco-conscious manufacturing paradigms, judicious utilization of natural resources, enhanced energy efficiency, and the production of recyclable goods. This unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship has garnered them commendations and certifications in recognition of their sustainable initiatives.
With an expansive portfolio that caters to diverse aesthetic preferences, Kaldewei meticulously curates bathroom solutions that resonate with individual tastes and design inclinations. They are unrivaled in delivering opulent bathing experiences that seamlessly blend sophistication, comfort, and functionality.


Company Location: Hornberg, Germany
Year of Establishment: 1817
Types of Business: Manufacturing and design
Products Offered:
Duravit specializes in a wide range of bathroom fixtures and solutions, offering innovative designs, exceptional quality, and functionality. Their product portfolio includes toilets, basins, bathtubs, showers, furniture, accessories, and wellness systems.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1817 in Hornberg, Germany, Duravit stands at the forefront of contemporary bathroom solutions. As a globally acclaimed entity, their unwavering commitment to superior quality and pioneering designs sets them apart in the industry.
Each bathtub from Duravit exemplifies unparalleled craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, manifesting their ethos of excellence. Constructed using premium materials, these bathtubs guarantee robustness and longevity. Duravit is celebrated for its sophisticated designs which seamlessly blend aesthetics with practicality, transforming bathroom ambiances and providing unparalleled comfort.
In its operations, Duravit ardently champions sustainability, placing emphasis on resource conservation, ethical production processes, and the creation of enduring products. Their dedication to environmental stewardship has garnered them numerous recognitions.
With an expansive portfolio of bathroom products, Duravit caters to a wide spectrum of preferences and requirements. Whether one desires understated elegance or opulent grandeur, Duravit persistently ensures impeccable quality and utmost customer satisfaction.


Company Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Year of Establishment: 1954
Types of Business: Design and manufacturing
Products Offered:
Delta, along with its major flagship brands Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, offers a wide range of bathtubs to meet both kitchen and bathroom needs. Their product line includes freestanding and drop-in bathtubs, all available in acrylic. These bathtubs come in multiple finishes such as nickel, brass, chrome, and matte, allowing customers to customize their bathing spaces.
Product Offered:
Delta, along with its flagship brands Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, specializes in manufacturing a wide range of faucets and fixtures for both kitchens and bathrooms. They offer different styles to suit various design preferences and requirements. Additionally, Delta provides freestanding and drop-in bathtubs in acrylic with multiple finish options such as nickel, brass, chrome, and matte.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1958, Delta is renowned for its unparalleled quality in faucets, fixtures, and bathing solutions. The design versatility and enduring resilience of their bathtubs are particularly commendable.
As of 2023, Delta’s bathtubs are the preferred choice for discerning clientele. Engineered with meticulous precision, these bathtubs epitomize structural integrity and superior user satisfaction. The utilization of high-grade acrylic not only imparts a sophisticated appearance but also efficiently retains heat and necessitates minimal upkeep. This robust material is exceptionally resistant to discoloration, fading, and cracking, ensuring a product that retains its elegance over time.
Collaborating with esteemed brands such as Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, Delta presents an expansive array of designs. Whether the preference is for a freestanding bathtub or one that harmonizes with its surroundings, Delta caters to a spectrum of design inclinations. An extensive range of finishes, spanning from nickel to matte, empowers consumers to customize their bathroom ambiance.
Delta’s distinguishing trait is its unwavering commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. Their bathtubs are designed with a keen emphasis on comfort, showcasing ergonomic contours and consistent water flow, facilitating a tranquil bathing experience. Bolstered by an extensive retail framework and a seamless online interface, the process of selecting and acquiring a Delta bathtub is both convenient and efficient.


Company Location: Perrysville, Ohio, USA
Year of Establishment: 1929
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
Mansfield Plumbing Products (MPP) offers a comprehensive range of plumbing fixtures and fittings, including an extensive lineup of bathtubs. Their current line of bathtubs includes various types and styles, catering to the diverse preferences of their customers.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1929, Mansfield Plumbing Products stands as a distinguished purveyor of premier plumbing fixtures, including shower bases. With a strategic presence across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada, and fortified by an expansive network of over 4,000 distributors, Mansfield ensures the consistent availability of its superior products to a broad clientele.
Mansfield’s bathtub collection exemplifies a sophisticated convergence of functionality and visual elegance. Each bathtub is a manifestation of impeccable craftsmanship, constructed with resilient materials guaranteeing enduring efficacy. The assortment offers an abundant spectrum of designs, accommodating a wide range of aesthetic preferences and interior bathroom styles.
Continually dedicated to innovation and superior quality, Mansfield diligently refines its product range, presenting an all-encompassing array of bathtubs fashioned to address the varied demands and inclinations of its clientele. Every product is meticulously designed, seamlessly integrating quality, style, and practicality.
Central to Mansfield’s ethos is an unrelenting commitment to client satisfaction. Beyond delivering exceptional products, the company emphasizes exemplary customer support and post-purchase services. This steadfast dedication to service excellence, product quality, and innovative design solidifies Mansfield’s esteemed standing in the plumbing industry.

How to Choose Bathtub Manufacturers?

When selecting bathtub manufacturers, it’s essential to approach the decision-making process with a comprehensive perspective. Here are some refined considerations to guide your selection:
  1. Quality and Brand Integrity: Opt for manufacturers renowned for their superior bathtub quality. Delve into their historical performance, peruse customer testimonials, and ascertain any recognitions, certifications, or accolades underscoring their quality adherence.
  2. Material Diversity and Design Variety: Seek manufacturers who present a broad spectrum of material choices and design variations to align with your aesthetic desires and functional prerequisites. Examine offerings ranging from acrylic to cast iron, composite, and steel enamel, ensuring they can cater to your specific design preferences.
  3. Customization Capabilities: Should your project necessitate bespoke dimensions, contours, or finishes, confirm the manufacturer’s adaptability to customization. It’s imperative to collaborate with a manufacturer receptive to your distinct design specifications.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Scrutinize the manufacturer’s production prowess and delivery schedules. Ascertain their capacity to manage your order magnitude and their commitment to punctual deliveries, pivotal to maintaining project timelines.
  5. Product Warranty and Post-Sale Assistance: Investigate whether the manufacturer extends product guarantees and the nature of their post-sale services. A commendable manufacturer remains unwavering in their product support, ensuring client satisfaction post-purchase.
  6. Pricing and Value Proposition: While juxtaposing prices across manufacturers, gauge the intrinsic value extended for the expenditure. It’s salient to remember that the most economical choice might not equate to the most durable or qualitative. Strive for an equilibrium between expense and inherent worth.
  7. Eco-Conscious Initiatives: For those prioritizing sustainability, align with manufacturers championing green initiatives and sustainable material usage. Look for accreditations such as ISO or LEED as indicators of their environmental stewardship.

Why KKR?

Factors Description
Quality and Craftsmanship KKR is known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship. They prioritize high-quality materials and follow rigorous quality control.
Customization Options KKR offers a wide range of size and shape options for their solid surface products, allowing tailored solutions for specific design needs.
Innovation and Design KKR excels in innovation and design, constantly developing new solid surface products and finishes to meet evolving customer demands.
Certifications and Standards KKR holds certifications such as ISO9001:2015, CE, CUPC, GMC, and SGS, ensuring their products meet international quality and safety standards.
Established Reputation With over 23 years of experience, KKR has built a trusted reputation in the industry, serving customers globally in more than 100 countries.
Environmentally Conscious KKR is committed to sustainability and eco-friendly practices, working to minimize the environmental impact of their manufacturing processes.


In conclusion, the industry dedicated to the production of bathtubs is undergoing significant growth, primarily catering to enterprises within the furniture manufacturing sphere as well as various other commercial entities. Our portfolio encompasses an extensive variety of bathtubs, each distinguished by its unique design, composition of materials, and functional attributes. Esteemed manufacturers, including Kingkonree, contribute to our collection through offerings of bespoke customization options. For more comprehensive information, we invite you to reach out to us via email or engage in a direct consultation with our expert team.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:56 CuratingC3465 Laser spot size on LaserMATIC Mk2 vs xtool s1 and wecreat vision

The Lasermatic is a highly recommended and talked about laser online. However The lasermatic spot size for the 20w laser is 0.24 x 0.12 ,But wecreat 20w is 0.08*0.10 mm ,and x tool is even smaller at 0.08*0.06 mm. Does this larger spot size on the lasermatic affect engraving quality ?
submitted by CuratingC3465 to lasercutting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 RabbitF00d Secondhand squish hunting online

Don't you love when you have possibly found the plush you've been searching for, only to click on pictures of the plush being measured using the middle of the measuring tape? What are you doing and why are you doing it? Lol! The tape begins at '0'. Why do sellers want to try to make us guess? Sometimes I find the seller is being misleading about the size; a good 25% of the time, this is the case. So if you're an honest seller, simply photograph measurements using the actual beginning of the tape so I don't have to send you a confused message and we can get the sale rolling. Lol
submitted by RabbitF00d to squishmallow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:47 erazerr7 [WTS][ON][GTA] Various guns and gear

For sale - guns
Scorpion EVO3 SMG AEG with a Leviathan MOSFET installed. Comes with 4 mid-cap mags, a 11.1v LIPO battery, an EVO3 18mm to 14 mm thread adapter, a repro Surefire XH35 with strobe function and pressure switch (new!), two fore-grips and a repro holographic sight. - 450$ OBO
Comes with no box, so would strongly prefer local pickup in the GTA.
ASG AUG A2 Carbine. Heavily modified - Gearbox fully redone with SHS internals including 13:1 gears. Perun AUG mosfet (goodbye squishy trigger!), 3D-printed safe/semi/auto selector plate, reinforced aluminum feed nipple and ZCI inner barrel installed. Comes with a metal hop-up housing, not yet installed. 2 midcaps, 1 highcap. ACOG repro optic can be included. A supreme AUG - 350$ OBO
Same deal, no box. Local pickup strongly preferred.
For sale - gear
(new) FMA Caiman helmet, FG size M/L - 65$
(new) Agilite K13 replica build, RG. Pieces from IDOGEAR, DMGEAR and TactiLeopard. Neck piece can be removed. Amazing quality for a replica. Cost nearly 300$ to build + shipping, letting it go for less - 130$
(used) Matrix SDEU vest, OD. Fielded a dozen times, slightly worn as a consequence - 50$
Random pieces of equipment, can be bundled with the guns or equipment above
(used, pictured on AUG above) AceTech Brighter C tracer unit - 50$
(used) MOLLE belt with internal Velcro for fitment to BDU trousers. Comes with pistol mag pouch and kydex holster for G17 - 50$
(used) Mechanix gloves - 10$
(used) Shemag or Condor multiwrap - 5$
(new) Repro earpro - 10$
(used) ESS Striker XT eyepro, ANSI Z87.1 - 30$
(new) OneTigris balaclava with mask - 10$
(used) Condor elbow pads - 15$
(used) Cold Steel training knife - 10$
All gear pieces can be shipped nationwide. Ship cost on buyer, PayPal goods and services payment only.
submitted by erazerr7 to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:44 courtingdisaster Presenting the evidence: 17 May 2024

Presenting the evidence: 17 May 2024
Come one, come all, we're clooowning again! 🤡
Thanks to u/1DMod for posting the Jimmy Fallon video that led to me to start to connect the dots that other creators have noticed. Long story short, we're clowning for Stockholm N1 (maybe even night ✌️ as well), buckle up clowns!


First things first, May 17 is ✌️ fortnights after the release of TTPD on April 19. We know that Taylor is still throwing up peace signs which seems unnecessary if it only ever meant that there was a second part of TTPD. I think it's an indication that we haven't completely cracked that egg yet.
This photo was necessary for the post, ok

National/International Day Of

While these days aren't necessarily solid proof of anything, Taylor did release TTPD on Poetry & The Creative Mind Day and also released the ME! music video (ME! Out now!) on Lesbian Visibility Day so I think it's definitely worth investigating.
Let's have a look at the holidays for May 17 that could be relevant:
  • Endangered Species Day - anyone remember the ✌️ trips to the zoo while in Sydney...? We also have the big cat imagery on her new 1989 outfit to consider. If you haven't read this incredible post by u/Funny-Barnacle1291, I'd urge you to stop clowning with me (just for a moment) and go and read it. Taylor's TikTok bio still reads, "this is pretty much just a cat account" which could be a surface level meaning of her posting videos of her cats, but we know miss Feline Enthusiast herself loves a layered meaning. She also compared herself to feeling, "a lot like being a tiger in a wildlife enclosure" in the Lover diaries she released (pictured below).
TNT at Sydney Zoo Paris N4 TikTok bio Lover diaries comparing herself to a tiger Sydney Zoo
  • National Pizza Party Day - I know I am personally still haunted by her Stephen Colbert interview on 13 April 2021. The interview starts with Colbert talking about Taylor's Versions and also talking about how he believes the song "Hey Stephen" is about him. What surprise song did we get on guitar Paris N3..? Important to note that this interview also talks about him "waiting tables on the lunch shift at Scoozi, an Italian restaurant in the River North area of Chicago, that, by the way, serves a really incredible slice of pizza." Taylor also goes on to say that the song is actually about Stephen King and Taylor then says "The Dark Tower series changed my life, plus The Shining, The Stand and don't even get me started on his short stories... Absolutely luminescent." This interview is obviously very strange and likely filled with easter eggs. We know that her mention of the River North area of Chicago was also the location of one of the TTPD murals that went up ahead of release.
No... This is pizza
ME! Out soon 😉
  • National Graduation Tassel Day - Taylor was awarded with an honorary doctorate at NYU in 2022. We know that her speech at this event was littered with Midnights easter eggs including lyrics to Labyrinth and You're On Your Own Kid. I wonder what other easter eggs are hidden in this speech...? Here's a link to the video and you can also read the full transcript here. I'm not going to do any further digging into this one right now, just presenting it as evidence but please feel free to note anything of importance in the comments.
Dr Taylor Alison Swift
These chemicals hit me like whiiiiite wiiiiine

Direct 17/5 easter eggs

  • Tokyo N3 - One of the surprise songs during Tokyo N3 was "The Outside". This excellent video by Kristen (underthepink7 - go follow her, she's amazing) goes into some additional easter eggs that I'm not going to go into here but definitely worth a watch (which also connects to "Down Bad"). What I do want to talk about though is what Taylor said when she introduced the song. Here's a video of the performance including her speech beforehand where she says, "this song is 175 years old." At the time most people thought that it was an egg for number of days leading us to 2 August 2024. It could still be referring to this however I'm starting to believe it's related to the date.
  • Date format - Before we go any further, it's important to note that the date format in Europe (where the Eras Tour currently is) goes DD/MM/YY. This is why I think the 175 could be a date as that equates to May 17 in Europe.
  • Tokyo N4 - On 10 February 2024, the surprise songs in Tokyo were "Come In With The Rain" (track 17) and "You're On Your Own, Kid" (track 5), another 175 and in this case it's specifically 17/5.
  • Anti Hero music video - There's been some really interesting analysis that I've seen on Twitter where the timestamps in Taylor's recent music videos appear to be lining up with the date of things happening in real life. Underthepink7 and Kiturakk on Twitter have pointed out some interesting connections to the numbers 175 in the Anti Hero, Bejeweled and Willow music videos. I'll admit this could be considered a bit of a stretch but what if I told you none of it was accidental...
Is Taylor using timestamps in her self-directed music videos to refer to dates in real life?

Important days in history

These could be nothing, could be something, still worth noting.
Important events in history that may be important to Taylor

Important events in Taylor's history on this day

  • "Bad Blood" music video premiered at the Billboard Awards
  • Entertainment Weekly where Taylor is on the cover with a rainbow pin and gravestone that says "I tried" is published
  • City of Lover concert (i.e. Taylor's Lover concert performed in Paris) airs on ABC for the first time
I think we're about to recreate her sparkling summer


  • 88th show - Taylor made a point to let everyone know that Paris N4 was the 87th show of the tour. Yes 87 is Travis' number but what if it was also to let everyone know that Stockholm will feature both her 88th and 89th shows? Obviously 89 is an important number to her however last year we saw Taylor embracing double dates (5/5 Speak Now TV announcement, 7/7 Speak Now TV release - there's probably others, that's all I remember off the top of my head) so I don't think it's a stretch to say that the 88th show would hold significance to her. I saw this thread on Twitter yesterday regarding "portal dates" and while obviously this is referring to dates, I can see "portal shows" being potentially noteworthy. Following on from this, Kristen has highlighted some Taylor Nation tweets that include the words "17" or "May" with one of those tweets being posted on 8/8 (while quoting "Betty" of all songs...) which Kristen notes is the karmic number representing resurrection and regeneration (tweets pictured below).
Deep portal, time travel
Is Karma boutta pop-up unannounced...?
  • Beyoncé - The Renaissance World Tour kicked off on 10 May 2023 in Stockholm at the very same stadium that Taylor is performing in next weekend. To me it would make sense to start a tour named Renaissance in Italy, where the Renaissance originated not in Sweden... We've seen Taylor and Beyoncé supporting each other a lot in the last year and Beyoncé's producer recently said, "let's just say she's on the approach of shocking the world." We know she's on her own three-act journey at the moment (complete with queer-flagging in her shows and her own Biyoncé rumours) so I don't think this quote is directly related to Cowboy Carter but potentially regarding the culmination of her arc. Is it possible that her arc lines up with Taylor's creating a supernova that will change the industry forever?
Taylor & Bey supporting each other at their respective film premieres, a literal pride flag on the Renaissance Tour (it's actually just Chiefs colours, phew!)
  • Taylor recorded songs in Stockholm - Kristen notes that many of Taylor's important singles were recorded in Stockholm including "I Knew You Were Trouble", "Shake It Off", "Blank Space", "Bad Blood", "Ready For It" and "New Romantics". Perhaps this city holds a special place in her heart?
  • One Direction - paging u/1DMod to go into more detail here however noting that One Direction has a song called "Stockholm Syndrome" and the lyrics are very interesting indeed ("I used the light to guide me home"). Checkout this recent post by u/1DMod regarding the possible Larry connections to TTPD.
  • Friends Arena - The stadium in Stockholm is called the Friends Arena. Taylor had a Friends pin on her jacket on the Entertainment Weekly cover. Was this stadium always supposed to play an important role? Kristen also notes that the opening ceremony took place on 27 October 2012 (obviously 27 October is the day that 1989 was released, both times) and

New Romantics

Kristen, who I have referenced in nearly every part in this post (again, she's amazing, go follow her), has a mass coming-out theory that she has dubbed the New Romantics. I highly recommend checking out her content on Twitter and TikTok and she's also recently launched a podcast that you can read more about here for a lottttttt more information on this theory. Essentially the theory is that a large number of artists in the entertainment industry are queer and are working together as a "safety in numbers" type approach to coming out of the closet and potentially changing the industry in a monumental way.
Let's have a look at some players that are relevant to either 17 May or Stockholm (or both in one person's case!):
  • Zayn - This is the person who is relevant to both 17 May and Stockholm! Obviously he was part of One Direction who I spoke about above as having a song titled "Stockholm Syndrome". Did you know his new album "The Closet" "The Room Under The Stairs" is being released this Friday, May 17? Again, I'll leave this to u/1DMod any additional relevant information as this is not my area of expertise but from what I understand, all members have their own queer rumours.
  • Billie Eilish - Recently out as a girl kisser, Billie Eilish is also releasing an album on this day titled "Hit Me Hard and Soft" featuring a song called "Lunch" that would leave even the most homophobic Swiftie unable to defend her queerness if released by Taylor.
  • Madison Beer - Madison is out as bi. Her tour, The Spinnin Tour, began 24 February 2024 in Stockholm (a different venue though).

Theories as to what exactly is coming

  • TTPD: Part 3 - I recently made a post presenting the evidence on a potential third part to TTPD. In this post the majority of the evidence was just related to the "3s" that have been prevalent lately however there were also some "5s" which led us to believe something was happening 5/3. I've since had a couple of thoughts that maybe the "3/5" is related to her 35th birthday this year. I strongly believe she'll be out by her birthday at the latest if not ON her birthday, but I digress.
  • Karma - After the fiery (Chiefs) colours we saw displayed in Paris, I'm not sure how you could be a Karma-denier at this point to be honest! If you haven't already, check out this amazing post from yesterday by (Dr Bryanlicious2 homewrecker) u/clydelogan. Their post discuses the numerology surrounding the number 8 that I referred to earlier however could this all be pointing us to the 88th show instead of a particular date...? Also if you are somehow still a Karma-denier, I recommend reading this collobarative post that is constantly being added to if you don't know what Karma is.
Karma is REAL
  • Coming Out - I personally don't believe she would come out during a show in Stockholm, however it's worth at least noting as a possibility. It would mean that she was "out" before Pride Month 😉 She did just sing "Begin Again" as a surprise song in Paris N4 - is she beginning again as her authentic self at the very next show?
  • Book - The creator of the video that u/1DMod initially posted believes that Taylor is announcing a book on 17 May 2024 with it to be released on 21 October 2024. I'm not going to go into this theory in detail however if you are interested in finding out more about what they have to say, here are a couple of videos of theirs (video 1, video 2, video 3).
Is this another easter egg that she laid 3 years ago?

In Summation

Something is happening in Stockholm.
I don't know what exactly but it is THE ONE to watch. I'll be there talking smack in the megathread and keeping an eye out for any new Chiefs colours.
See you there, clowns! Who's clowning with me?! 🤡🤡🤡
submitted by courtingdisaster to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:42 milan_THEredditor Why is skinny shaming not as worse as fat shaming?

I can never understand why it’s okay to shame anyone fat or skinny. As a kid my family (aunts cousins etc) would say how I’m showing off how skinny I am. When I’m just a normal kid wearing a bikini having fun. But as a teenager now it’s more straightforward like “hey your a twig”, “eat a burger”, “do you have anorexia?” or “you know your just skin and bones”. Like idk if people actually knows this but it hurts. Nobody knows how hard it actually is to gain weight. Then people also say “well skinny is just more socially acceptable” like clearly it’s not when I can’t find my size at Holister or American eagle.
submitted by milan_THEredditor to shaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:33 DeterminedSparkleCat [FS][USA to USA][RING] 3 Carat Emerald Cut Morganite 10x8 mm with .98 Carat Diamond Halo and Pave Band in 14k White Gold. Size US 6.5 $1500 OBO

[FS][USA to USA][RING] 3 Carat Emerald Cut Morganite 10x8 mm with .98 Carat Diamond Halo and Pave Band in 14k White Gold. Size US 6.5 $1500 OBO submitted by DeterminedSparkleCat to MoissaniteBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:33 BackgroundChampion55 BHO extractor invention.

BHO extractor invention.
So I am getting my parts . It's awesome. I had so many extra parts like these columns. They happen to be the same size. I use for vapor transfer for some distillation apparatus. I work on. They will also fit right on a beer keg. And make a column still. Or a whiskey still whatever you want. You can make Extracts as well. The only thing there is the boiler system for a still usually uses fire Or an electrode. Which is fine 4 water, but not for cannabis, so you would have to make a jacket. Who are they a condenser inside? Which is what I have. All this stuff just screws together. Just a few more including a butane Inlet. I know where to order them, but they are expensive. Other than breaking something open, anyone know a source ? I found mine in train stores as apparently some railroad cars run on butane, so they sell these inlet valves. You can just screw in, but they are 10 or $12. But then twenty dollars shipping. I just want them to drop it in the mail. The stamps but they won't. Those I'm going to be making something that will allow you to contain your butane, without wasting it without a expensive vacuum pump. At the very least, this will cut Down on butane use. As it stands, they make excellent oil extraction columns. I will be running some water Extracted resin/if. That will also cut down on the butane. As it will be purified resin, not leave. But with this, it's like a big lego set for adults. It all screws in together mostly. Eyeweld stainless steel so I can make my own parts, but it is easier just to buy them premade if I can.
submitted by BackgroundChampion55 to GROWERSSCIENCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:29 live4film87 Does the fretboard have to cover the soundhole rosette?

I see most instruments (tenor ukulele in my case) have the fretboard slightly overlapping with the rosette and soundhole. Is this done to cover up the seam of the rosette, or does it actually have an effect on tone? I really like my rosette and want the entire thing to be visible. I don't particularly like the when neck overlaps or tangents. I want all of my frets sine I play most of them because of my venetian cutout. I just want to move my sound hole down so there is maybe a 3-4 mm gap
submitted by live4film87 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:27 AnacondaSin Everything changed

So after the YouTube videos was deleted of the allegations, do you save my family relationships I deleted it, because if I screw him over, I would be screwing over myself, so basically, my sister would never understand the relationship, so of course I can only be around him, and then we get together, second dad no longer sleeps in the same bed with me. If we ever go on vacation, I’m not invited on vacation because in the past, he was OK with sleeping in the queen size bed with me in the camper and even over the years in a hotel room, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed as your father.. there’s no evidence, I could post this, and nothing’s gonna happen because there’s no video evidence, there’s no recording of it actually happening that’s the beauty of it all, just because the YouTube videos were deleted, the relationship could continue, but nobody would believe it because I told everybody was a lie
submitted by AnacondaSin to AnnacondaSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:27 EfficiencyTrue5841 need help w nose piercing symptoms

got this piercing March 16 this year, was a stud (i think called a labret? or something similar) and it was doing GREAT. controversial part: i went with friends to get THEIR nose pierced on April 16 (different place than where i got) and the piercer that did theirs told them we could switch them to a hoop after two weeks (i now know that is wrong from everything i have seen everywhere but it seemed to be a professional and reputable place) - he switched my stud for a hoop (steel) and it was fine for a few weeks and then the piercing bump showed up. has been swelling and peeling and more recently been red/slight pain but not to the touch. pus is recent. Still just cleaning w saline and not touching if i can but wondering if i should stick it out with this routine or get antibiotics or see if anyone has similar experience? only other thing ill use is Briotech which is hypochlorus acid. unsure size diff between the two metals
submitted by EfficiencyTrue5841 to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]