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2024.06.06 22:09 KIWI_BACON EP 5 Thoughts

For me this episode was kinda like EP1 quite slow and only really picking up towards the end. It heavily focused on the NifexFanum relationship and with the Night Watch pairings it was a good idea but didn’t pan out how I think they wanted it to unless there is a lot of conversations missing.
With the twist in voting I think it was always something that they were planning to do whether there was 1mil left for 250k left. Did they maybe see that the house was turning on Castillo so planned a vote to capitalize on who would create the most drama if the votes were revealed against them possibly. Would I have preferred the twist to happen for Joe or Leah? 100%. But what does that truly do for entertainment and shock value.
If the twist happens to Leah maybe she becomes a bit more vocal and animated or she just stays the same and clings to just Nife even more. If it happens to Joe does he become more confrontational possibly. Tbh with Joes maturity and Leah not being confrontational I think they would both just say “No hard feelings” or “I understand”. Also don’t think they would be crazy and just splurge in the shop.
Doing the twist with Castillo makes perfect sense especially after voting out 2 people before who were strong contestants. For Castillo we have already seen in the ending and the teasers that he doesn’t give af and could possibly be going on a spending spree. Whereas for the others they are now contemplating their choices particularly their votes.
The only thing that made me lose my head really was when Ginge faked them all out. I think for us it was a lot easier to pick up on it but just before Ginge was gonna announce who ”spent the most” Castillo raises his arm as if to accept his fate. The only reason I can think that nobody picked up on it was because they were so invested in Ginge speaking to them he was the only person in the room.
Also Castillo saying somewhere in the video that he came to spend money. It just slightly confused me because EP1 he needed the money but obviously throughout he was spending a lot. At first I just thought he had no self control but he truly just came for vibes.
Other than that the video was ok not the best. Slow start, slightly picked up in the middle and a great ending.
submitted by KIWI_BACON to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:03 DazL_Trapzai Summary of extra content from INSIDE Day 4.

All Side+ Extra content:
Castillo was genuinely sad that Joe left and said he thinks the others voted for him because he was a genuine and honest person. (They cut all the moments of Castillo being a good guy from the Youtube videos the last 2 days)
Specs pretended he voted Castillo instead of telling Joe the truth.
Chloe and Manrika want to make an alliance. (Not sure if that's why they both voted Nife)
Specs thinks Joe will unfollow him on insta.
Nife and Chloe argue about why Nife voted her. Then Chloe goes off to gossip about Nife with Ginge and Fanum. Chloe was talking about her bed a lot which is why Fanum buys it contrary to how it looked in the Youtube video where she mentions she's fine with sleeping on the couch. She says she needs bedding and whatnot. Nife confronts Chloe later to squash the beef. Then later in the rant room Chloe says that she'll vote Nife from now on as she doesn't believe Nife's reason for voting her. (Nife told Chloe she voted her based on spending which tbf to Chloe was obviously not the reason)
Manrinka massages Specs neck with Liv's vibrator.
Some more Nife/Fanum content. They actually spent a lot of time together from how it looks.
Liv and Manrika gossip.
Some extra scenes while searching for the token.
Chloe mentions that Leah is the worst person to find the Shop token as she won't buy anything fun and didn't even buy her own boyfriend.
Fizzy Rockets challenge for Leah and Fanum. They literally just put mentos in a cola bottle on their lap and it overflows on them. They pass.
Iced Out challenge for Castillo alone. He has to get into an ice bath. After he gets out Ginge eats one of the ice cubes. He passed.
Fanum bought bananas and sparkling water.
The dinner scene is much longer. Ginge rats to the others about Specs buying sweets. Leah says she's never met anyone like Specs and that he's crazy. Manrika says he's her favourite person in the world.
Fanum and Specs sing together.
Ginge buys tea bags, coffee, sugar, milk, cereal, etc. and advertises Best cereal.
Much more of Ginge's time in the temptation room is shown. He would've taken the deal if it had been on a day where Specs was spending but says that it would be too obvious since no one's spent today. Josh and Behz send him more messages while he's in there.
Manrika says the only thing that could make her spend money in the temptation room would be getting to meet Gordon Ramsey.
Leah, Liv and Nife's conversation about her and Fanum goes on longer. She says he's cute and that Liv can try and force them together if she wants.
This time the Side+ episode had more of it's own content and didn't include everything shown on Youtube so I guess there's a reason to watch both but it's still mostly the same.
Joe Weller interview - He said he got on best with Castillo and Nife. Said he probably got voted out because he was being authentic instead of playing the game like the others. Says he wanted to win. He was surprised that Fanum bought the hair dryers and mentioned that he just didn't think wasting large amounts of money was funny. After talking about how he had the best connection with Castillo it gets revealed to him that Castillo had already spent over 80k, failed the temptation room and kept going to shop. Joe says he's alright with going out if that's the level of fakeness. He also mentions that maybe he should've seen this coming when Castillo talked about cheating on all his girlfriends, lying to their mums, etc. Joe also said he'd only consider going on Specs podcast if the show blows up and it makes sense career wise. When asked who he thinks will win he says Castillo.
tldr - he didn't find wasting a lot of money funny and got on best with Nife and Castillo.
submitted by DazL_Trapzai to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:11 Chalky97 Where I think this show went wrong

The whole problem with this show: the sidemen thought that the audience would find it amusing to watch rich people spend thousands of pounds on a packet of sweets, or a can of coke. No we don’t, it’s fucking insufferable. Watching people we know are rich as hell spend thousands of pounds on stupid shit we can only barely afford isn’t fun or entertaining. It’s the main reason why most of the fan base loved Leah, Nife and Joe so much. they’re more down to earth than the rest of the housemates. Joe may have spent 5k on a pillow but that was a one off purchase that he thought would have lasted him the whole show - not a one off payment for a can of Fanta brev. This whole show (while definitely not intentional) has kind of just left a sour taste in my mouth. Also, every single conversation is about the money. Why is every conversation we see about the fucking prize fund, when it’s clear as day most of the contestants actually don’t give a fuck about it. It isn’t fun or entertaining. The sidemen are not to blame for how the contestants acted and they shouldn’t get any hate. the problem comes from the contestants in my opinion and how out of touch they are with how the general public see and perceive things - like money. Money may not be an issue for them but it sure as hell is for a lot of people. Again this could have been a fun show and i don’t blame the sidemen for it at all, i think the premise is great. but it hasn’t worked out well at all.
As a side+ member watching all the extended episodes, honestly that’s me out with Joe Weller gone. Leah and Fanum are also people I like but with most other people making the show either boring, cringe or unbearable it’s just kind of meh. Altho that doesn’t really apply to Castillo for me and I’ll explain why later. The worst part is, Leah is the next person who is gonna be eliminated. The 2 most likeable people in the show were the first to be eliminated.
Castillo: he is kind of jokes tbh because while he is spending loads and lying to the rest of the house, he is completely honest to the audience. Castillo is so upfront with how he is going to fuck people over that it’s entertaining when speaking to the viewer. Everyone else is kind of not taking the show seriously at all but aren’t entertaining about it, so….What are we watching for? A bunch of contestants that don’t care about the prize money. If all your contestants don’t care about the whole point of the show, and are sneaky as fuck about it between themselves, then it just becomes boring. What’s the point then? It’s just a bunch of rich people spending tons of money on stuff they don’t need at extortionate prices. There isn’t anything really at play or at risk. there’s nothing to keep me invested if the contestants don’t care either.
Liv - she hasnt really done or said much to have an opinion on her.
Specs and Manrika: Humour is subjective but to me Specs isn’t funny. He spends money on things that don’t make the show better(buying sweets constantly yeh that’s hilarious mate well done), and he tries to get attention his way that just doesn’t do it for me - others may like it but i don’t. he is also way too touchy feely with the women to the point it cringes me out. it’s not like he is a touchy feely person in general, cos he isn’t like that with the men. and Manrika is trying to play victim when she said something really horrible to Joe. She only met him the day before, and she may have been joking but damn what a vile thing to say to someone. I would let it slide if her apology wasn’t so fucking weak. She tried to gaslight Joe by saying ‘Sorry you’re over sensitive’ yuck. - She didn’t just come at Joe tho, she’s also saying something horrible about Joe’s girlfriend; someone she knows nothing about.
Joe: really don’t understand why he’s been voted out. was great in challenges, was funny and entertaining without having to rely on spending money as a joke and a crutch. Was a mature and class act throughout. i don’t know what the other contestants were thinking getting rid of him.
Chloe and ginge: neither of them have anything other than trying to play the game which is fair enough. i don’t mind that. but both are just really loud that i can’t really fuck with them. With ginge tho, he seemed to be on manrika’s side of the joe and manrika situation. Then on his live stream when reacting to the episode, he said he was surprised people were on joe’s side and not manrika’s. when he saw what the public reception actually was, rather than what he thought it would be when he was actually filming it, he switched sides - he was on joe’s side. kind of shows that he just tries to be a people pleaser for clout.
Long ass rant but now that i’m done with the show I thought why not. if everyone else decides to keep watching i hope you have fun.
submitted by Chalky97 to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:26 cortadomaltese On IEI/EIE trying to be smart

I found this comment which describes a very real phenomenon I know firsthand. I have decided to publish an answer I wrote to it in hope to spark a discussion.
Original comment:
how he tried to be smart and thought he was my equal in intelligence but was stupid
That's really an issue for EIE and IEI (not so much for SEI and ESE, for whatever reason) They really have a "fake till you make it" attitude to "smarts", especially as they essentialy just rationalize things (aka, come to the conclusion first, find the logic later). If they determine something is true with Fe and Ni, then it's true, they just pretend to have a logical reason for it while deploying all the Fe rhetoric they can. Very frustrating.
My answer:
Why this happens imo: because of higher neuroticism (seems to correlate with Ni) and because these types are “specialized” for the kind of tasks that are not in real demand. Imagine being drawn to society, but society conveys a message “we don’t need you”. What do they see? Logical knowledge and technological mindset is in demand. They (we) just try to fit in and stop the feeling of being a failure.
That is frustrating, I know firsthand. Although I managed (I think) to at least become genuinely useful to people around me.
Extended comment:
I would like to discuss the point about EIE and IEI’s (and IEE and EII, to a lesser extent) roles in modern society.
I would also like to discuss the topic of “toxic logicality”, but I don’t want to discredit myself and my other points that much.
I think there are no really good roles for these types, or at least these roles are mostly filled, due to there being way more people of these types than the demand for these roles.
Furthermore, these roles seem to always be poorly defined formally, varying greatly from case to case, and depending on a lot of context. A “right person at the right place at the right time” kind of situation, either luck-based or requiring the person to “build” a niche for themselves. Still, the number of these available occupations that require NiFe is much lower.
Hence we see these rather absurd suggestions of Beta NF seeking occupations in theater, art, non-sensory recreational activities – and other similar spheres – which are (1) not really bringing much tangible profit to society, hence are really fragile from the standpoint of self-worth (2) not really in demand and therefore ultra-high competition (3) require both actual talent and lots of luck. Essentially, these are just lazy suggestions trying to mask the actual problem of modern economy disfavoring these skillsets.
So we shouldn’t really be surprised when we see some EIEs trying to look intellectual, or IEIs doing programming – and both failing and not being on point logically, compared to your friendly neighborhood logical-base. This is survival, not folly.
I can say by experience, that they are not playing you, or trying to inflate their ego, 9/10 times. They are in fact under a lot of stress daily and just try to fit in. Being an intuitive, you imagine the dread of being left out to poverty, being useless to people around and rejected, very intensely.
If you are a logical type, imagine your dread and frustration in scenarios you know you consistently don’t succeed in, but you can’t grasp what exactly it is that you do wrong, despite trying really hard to do it.
This is what these “stupid” and “frustrating” people feel being pinned by your arguments which come naturally to you and don’t come to them.
But instead of wallowing in self-pity, these logical wannabes you see, who “frustrate” you are actually trying to make at least something in this world that is mostly run by logic.
IDK, maybe you’ll appreciate the self-flagellating defeatist ones, who don’t do anything, better.
To say about myself personally: I simply gave up. Went into programming, took me 12 years to build a career and become genuinely useful, lost my true self in the process with little hope of regaining it or doing something that involves my real talents and callings. Dropped art, dropped literature I studied, because it’s a dead end, a poverty lane, especially for a man in my country. As a result, I’m well off materially, but as I age, I feel myself becoming dumber day by day, losing inspiration and hope to ever make something beautiful and interesting in arts (because it requires time to develop mastery), or majorly smart and useful both in programming (because my ceiling is a solid senior engineer or some kind of technical manager, mostly daily grind roles).
And many people of similar types I saw have similar life trajectories.
Instead of trying to fit ethical people into logical context or dismiss them as “artists” (not even knowing what that means or entails), let’s search for actual, viable potential occupational strategies for them.
If they don’t exist, this is a societal and economic oversight. Finding and creating them will be a win for everyone.
submitted by cortadomaltese to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:24 DazL_Trapzai Summary of extra Side+ Content from INSIDE Day 3

Manrika went off on Weller even more in the rant room. She's blessed that the Sidemen cut it from the Youtube video.
Castillo was the only one who backed Joe by saying you don't joke about things like that, while Ginge thought it was funny. Nife also hugs and apologizes to Joe. Castillo then asks Manrika to apologize alone when everyone goes to bed. She tells him she doesn't want to apologize again on the same day. Specs tries to convince Joe to not kill the mood. (He also says roughly the same thing to Manrika)
They looked through Spec's match attacks.
The group argues about Chips vs Crisps
Joe and Manrika's second talk is quite a bit longer.
Joe and Castillo have a super fun and wholesome conversation in the gym for a while. Eventually Manrika comes in shortly before Castillo leaves. Meaning a THIRD conversation by Manrika and Joe. (A quick one)
Joe, Leah and Nife's conversation was a little bit longer. Some funny comments about the others saying you're boring if you don't spend.
Joe was pretty certain (and right) that it was Fanum who bought the hair products until Ginge said they were together. (Not certain if all of this was in the Youtube episode so included it anyway)
Nife and Fanum dance.
There are some extra lines from the eating challenge. For example Ginge tells Leah "sucking it makes it go down" while she had the lemon in her mouth. Nife talks about how she usually likes eating slimy stuff and how it moved up and down her throat. Everyone laughed about that. Manrika lifts her shirt up above her belly button to show that she's too small to eat a whole cake. Ginge and Fanum give her some banter and advice on how to eat it.
They show the vomit (not sure who that's for)
Manrika thinks Ginge's food was the hardest to eat.
Fanum winding Nife up by saying she bought the hair products lasts a bit longer until she actually gets mad and walks away.
Leah and her boyfriend wave/blow kisses at each other even though he can't see her.
The group talk about Beyoncé while Leah is in the temptation room. Then when she gets back there's a long discussion about what happened in it.
A couple extra comments in the balloon scenes.
Liv's vibrator is in the shop for 5k and they show Chloe's and Spec's reaction to seeing it. Specs really wants Chloe to buy it for Liv so she can use it because no one's bought anything for her so far. They talk about how she could use it in the gym or the bedroom. Chloe buys it. Ginge joins them in the shop and they discuss hiding it in Liv's bed. There were some more discussions about the vibrator with others. Liv then finds the empty box laying around in the shop and goes upstairs to find out who bought it. Liv suspects Ginge and Specs were involved and this gives a lot of context to her voting Ginge. This was probably the biggest extra segment on Side+
Specs bought cereal.
Castillo bullshits Leah about how hungry he's been while he eats his upgraded meal. Everyone accepts he needs it and feels bad for him.
Leah talks with Nife/Joe about the prize fund and how she thinks it might end with a split or steal.
Castillo backs Ginge up, saying he bought the Meal Upgrade to share but was told he couldn't.
Nife mentions to Leah that she cried earlier and they have a long talk about how the experience is overwhelming, the deal to not spend being broken and how others are being disrespectful but that they don't think they're bad people. They mention they were really happy when the others actually tried with the balloons.
Contrary to what some people have been saying the Side+ episode DID NOT show who got voted out. But everyone already knows who's going out due to the preview at the end of ep 1.
Unlike day 2 where Side+ was mostly just separate clips, this one had a lot of funny or riskier lines that were left out between cuts in the Youtube video. As well as random things like Nife saying her bra is falling down while bouncing the balloons. I'd actually say the content for day 3 was worth buying. Gotta respect the Sidemen,they know what they're doing putting longer scenes from Castillo, Joe, Leah and Nife behind a pay wall.
submitted by DazL_Trapzai to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:28 DazL_Trapzai Summary of the extra scenes from INSIDE on Side+

Shower scenes.
Castillo bought a 10k meal upgrade after coming out of the temptation room then a 1k skipping rope. He was also watching an episode of Sidemen Among Us while he was in the temptation room. Might've just been an edit on the TV screen across from him.
Ginge bought the darts back for 6k and Fanum bought cereal and a banana for £400.
Leah, Nife and Fanum had some funny scenes with the stuffed animal.
Manrika says she thinks Leah is just pretending to be nice and playing a game.
Liv and Ginge had a conversation about how he got into streaming.
There was a group discussion about the royal family and Steven didn't make a single joke about Prince Andrew.
Specs is the only one who suspects that Castillo is lying.
Ginge and Weller had some banter.
Specs had a group meeting by himself.
Pretty sure that's about it. Let me know if there's anything I missed. It's a 2 hour episode with about 50 minutes of short clips that were cut from the Youtube episode.
submitted by DazL_Trapzai to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:42 Not_Negligible Niji Favoritism Media that reported on JP Truth Media's closure were criticized by viewers

Well, if you publish so much garbage, someone is going to stab you with a knife. It's not a good reason to stab someone, but it's part of the cause and you deserve it.
Some Vtubers in the community said, "Unlike KAI-YOU, this is a trustworthy media that reports news without making any discovery about the company. Regardless of its merits or demerits, I would like to see KAI-YOU also report on the problems that Anycolor has caused overseas in recent years. There are already criticisms in overseas communities that Japan is a country without freedom of speech, where one cannot go against a company even if it is true. If you have the credibility of being the only one who distributes articles on Yahoo! I believe that you will do more journalism than P2y, which inherited the good parts of P2y that disappeared this time.
And if you look at KAI-YOU's major business partners, you'll see why.
P2y was one of the few domestic media outlets that covered the problems with Anycolor, although they also published articles with less than complimentary content. Since Anycolor is one of KAI-YOU's major clients, it is doubtful that they will cover the issue in an honest manner. Can you do it, KAI-YOU? Or will you become a media that ignores Anycolor's problematic behavior and negative topics, and cover only the "Problems" of other companies? I hope that you will not become a media that pursues only short-term profits for the sake of restoration in the industry.
KAI-YOU's business partner is ANYCOLOR, Inc. Can you report on the problems ANYCOLOR and Nijisanji have caused this year both in Japan and abroad without making any discovery? The fact that you guys took the trouble to report the closure of P2y means that you can report ANYCOLOR's problems such as a certain liver's HDMI statement, foreign EN drama, slander against Hololive by Ashiki who confessed to be a Nijisanji related person, and ASAP collaboration's sake splitting being warned by MAFF, in addition to the problems WACTOR has been doing in Latin America. In addition to the problems, are you saying that you knew about the drama that WACTOR caused in South America and did not report on it? Is it a flattery to ANYCOLOR to not report on ANYCOLOR's problems, which have caused the biggest firestorm in the industry since the beginning of the industry overseas? If you never do, show us by your actions!
Some responders said that Truth Media deserved to be stung by nife, and the fact that it has the highest number of "Like" also shows how difficult an environment JP was for Truth Media management. However, many of the reply posts seem to give a certain amount of credit to Truth Media.
The management company here has deep ties to Anycolor, and as a matter of fact has never reported the Black Company drama before.
Main Clients: ANYCOLOR, Inc.
submitted by Not_Negligible to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:42 riddledad Older INFJ (M52) - Seeing a lot of distressed younger INFJs

I posted this in a recent thread, but it seems like every post I see in the INFJ sub is about INFJs struggling with the world. So I offered this advice in one, but thought...maybe:
The INFJ Stack is NiFeTi - Inferior SE.
Younger INFJs tend to use only their NiFe functions when processing the world around them. This can make the world seem very "unstructured" and "unstable". So, my advice, as a an older INFJ that has put in years of work to hone my understanding of self, and the world around me, is to recognize when you are reacting/processing ONLY using your NiFe, and when you do, take that recognition and focus your efforts on your Ti function. This is where logic comes into play. Essentially it's the act of "introspection". Your very first process is Ni - and this is very scattered, and doesn't provide you with the "gaps". It stores information that will be used to solidify your solutions/observations. So after this function runs through it's process, Fe kicks in, and your brain begins it's extroverted function, seeking data from what you are learning from the perspective of others. This can make your solutions/decisions "reactionary". This doesn't mean it's the wrong reaction, it just means that you have left out a vital function. Deep thought. Logic. It's the hardest function to conquer for INFJs because your Ni and your Fe convinces you that you have all the data needed to make a decision. This isn't always true. Rumination is important, because it is dynamically opposed to being "reactionary", and allows your brain to fill in the aforementioned "gaps". What's great about that is if you use these functions together properly you (INFJs) tend to be very well informed of solutions. Master this, and you unlock the endgame, Se... this function allows you to view the world as more stable, and structures become more apparent. This is when you start to process your own emotions with a very high degree of logic and understanding. The world becomes brighter, and life becomes meaningful.
Get to know your cognitive functions and how you apply them to your understanding of the world. If you can do this for yourself, you can learn to do it with the people that are important in your life (if you know their MBTI). But don't tell them. Most people react negatively to being "put in a box".
Sources: Decades of struggle, depression, anxiety and ideations I'm not proud of.
submitted by riddledad to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 09:30 Clear-Gear7062 INFJs, the Invisible Leaders and Inspirers

Yes, primarily focusing on the title. I'm aware that other intuitive thinkers typically lead openly and upfront. However, I believe INFJs act as invisible leaders. We often demonstrate vision and exemplary understanding of people. We prefer not to seek attention and decline recognition while still guiding others with our vision, providing direction, which is essential for leadership. A leader not only shows the way but also knows and follows it. Our inclination towards vision and reasoning helps us idealize the path for others to follow. We understand what is best suited for them and can provide direction, demonstrating how things are done IN REAL.
However, vision alone is not enough for effective leadership; a balance of functions is necessary to traverse our own path and create paths for others, INFJs.While leaders who are usually visible may or may not be true leaders, it's crucial to remember the qualities we possess. Even if we support things and people from the background, we still possess leadership qualities. I've experienced being turned down for leadership roles despite knowing the impact I could make.
Over time, I've realized my shortcomings, such as not always listening to others' ideas and knowing when to stand firm.We are often taken for granted and NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY, leading us to be SIDELINED. However, I've found a solution to this issue, which I've discussed before in this sub: balancing NiFe with TiSe. It's no magic; the real magic lies in this balance. As we age, we become more inclined to our vision and weaker functions grow stronger, and our comeback is stronger than the setback.
If visionaries don't hold onto their VISION, who will? As you see undeserving people lead, creating toxicity, pushing fellow people away, lacking support, vision, and understanding, ultimately burdening their teams with losses. Although we may be weak in Ti, with age, weaker functions become stronger. I've experienced this firsthand, and I refuse to let the wrong people lead. Therefore, I urge fellow VISIONARIES to bring their visions into the world; the world needs us.
submitted by Clear-Gear7062 to infj [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 01:36 ThrowAway7s2 "Southern Door's Belgians have Celtic background influence" from the June 20, 1978 Door County Advocate

Southern Door's Belgians have Celtic background influence

Southern Door's Belgians have Celtic background influence

Even today, in ancient Cornwall in the British islands, a huge fire is lit at the changing of the seasons in spring. Bunches of herbs are thrown into the fire and the ancient prayer is made to the gods....May the good seeds prosper and grow, and may the bad seeds all perish in the fire. Then fires start to flicker from other hilltops as other villages do the same. Soon many fires glow across the countryside, all in memory of the ancient custom.
Has this old tradition ever been observed in your lifetime? I can remember when I was a little child some 60 years ago, that my father on the first Sunday in Lent always carried large fork-full of dry straw from the barn into the front yard and set them afire as soon as twilight arrived.
Soon the neighbors too had their little fires going. I never knew the reason for this practice, but it always intrigued me. I knew that it seemed to have some religious significance, but this practice faded away very early in my life and I never really gave it much thought. Now I find that we are descendents of the ancient Celts who were the originators of this ritual.
The Celts, or Kelts (both pronunciations are correct) lived in the land of King Arthur and the wizard Merlin. It is the land of the ancient stone circles, Celtic crosses, Druids and sacred trees.
The Celts were a group of related tribes who lived in the northernmost provinces of the English islands and included Ireland and Scotland. They gave rise to the first civilization north of the Alps about 800 years before Christ.
The Celts were energetic and very inventive. They were the first peoples to use iron for tools and weapons. It was the Celts who first introduced soap to the Romans and the Greeks. They invented chain armor such as the knights of old wore.
They were the first to make and use shoes on their horses. They also made the first handsaws, chisels, files and other tools which we still use today. They forged iron into seamless rims for their wheels and set the gauge for the railroad tracks of today. They pioneered the iron plowshare, the rotary flourmill and a wheeled harvester 2000 years before Cyrus McCormick.
The Celts were also called the Gauls. Remember Paul's letters to the Galatians? The Galatians were Gauls or Celts who had travelled and settled in Asia Minor. The Greeks called the Celts Keltoi, the Germans said Kelton, the Romans said Galli, and the French later softened it to Celti.
The Celts were known to be fierce fighters. They rode horse drawn chariots into battle and carried spears and shields highly decorated with fanciful heads. Sometimes they fought naked, believing this gave them protection from the deities while in battle. It also frightened the enemy, especially when they greased their long reddish blond hair and made it stand straight up on end.
The women attained a very high place in their society, equal to the men. They retained the right to their own property even after marriage. Sometimes they fought beside their men in battle. They were quite vain, as were the men also. They painted their faces with berry juice and wore silver bracelets and brooches. The men wore long cloaks in vivid colors and they wore trousers which surprised the Romans who wore tunics and had never seen pants before. They even had hand mirrors to admire themselves in.
The Celts crossed the English channel about 400 years before Christ. They spread and settled gradually over most of Europe, going even as far as Spain with tribes extending into northern Italy and East to the Balkan mountains.
It always baffles me as to why some people find it difficult to believe the biblical references to Jesus Christ when we know and believe the stories of the Roman conquests which were happening at about the same time. The Roman empire was spreading to far flung places when Christ was born. It was in the year 52 B.C. that the Romans fought and finally conquered Belgium in the battle of Namur after seven years of hard fighting. It has always been said that Caesar declared that the Belgae people were the bravest fighters he had ever encountered.
After the Roman legions of Caesar had conquered a region it was necessary to leave soldiers and guards behind to protect their new conquests, and so it was in Belgium too. The language of the Romans was Latin of course and with time it became mixed with the Celtic or Gaulic language of the conquered. This became the Wallon language of the people of Wallonie. This continued to be so until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D. and for us is still the language we call Wallon. [Wallon is an archaic form of Walloon.]
About the year 600, the Teutonic Franks who lived to the East of Wallonie tried to take over that area. They were able to conquer the northern part of Belgium which was flat and difficult to defend. Here, they were able to exterminate the Gallic tribes, and so Frankish became the language there. This is the language we call Flemish.
According to the book "Chateau Gerard" by Harry Holbert Turney High, "The Flemings are not descended from the Belgae. So obviously the Flemish, fine people though they are, are only politically and legally Belgians, but not in the sense of Caesar. The bulk of the fathers of the Walloons by contrast, were men who saw Caesar, and whom the conqueror called Belgae and whose areas are as specifically Belgae as the Welsh are Caesar's Britons. To be more specific, these people are descended from the Belgae tribe who are mentioned in the Gallic Wars."
The Walloons call themselves "Wallon." This "Wall" syllable suggests Wales or Welsh. Indeed, educated Wallons often refer to themselves as Welsh to Americans. This Celtic "W" became a "G" in later French, so "Wall" became "Gall" which is easily recognizable as "Gaul." As Caesar said, "They are called 'Celti' in their own language, 'Gauli' in ours. The Walloons then are basically Celtic Belgae mixed with Roman colonists, with some little German infusion." (This is the end of the quote by Turney High.)
In the southwest area of Wallonie the Franks conquered but were unable to exterminate the Gauls, so that area which is France today developed their language which is a mixture of Latin with Gaulic and Frankish.
The Franks were unable to conquer, or did not settle into the more easily defended part of central Wallonie or Belgae. This part retained their Gallo Roman language mostly as it was. This is the Wallon language we still have today.
French and Wallon were no doubt caught up in the same phonetic drifts. Wallon is no broken down French but in its classic form is just as old and valid a dialect as the court language of the French kings, almost always being as close to the basic Latin, and often closer.
In Belgium there are actually five main dialects. There is the West Walloon, Central Walloon and Eastern Walloon, and then there is Flemish to the north and Picard which is spoken in the extreme northwestern part of Belgium. It is similar to the French spoken in Picardy in France.
The lower tip of Wallonie has still another patois. It is called Gamais and is about the same as the French spoken in Rheims. The national language used for all legal matters and affairs of state is French however and is the basic language used in all the schools.
It is interesting to note that each area is becoming ever more interested in preserving its own parental language. They are a proud people and hesitate to mix with others of different backgrounds. Perhaps this goes back to their having been overrun by neighboring countries so many times in their past. Belgium has never in all its history declared war on any nation yet she has frequently had to fight to survive.
Another area that has interested me was their ancient magico-religious beliefs. Many of these still linger in disguised form but some of them become a little obvious after some thought. I remember when I was a little child and someone made a face at another we would say, "If the bell in heaven would ring when you're doing that, your face would stay like that forever." I ran across this same idea in the book about the village of Chateau Gerard. There, they said, if the bells of St. Huberts would ring...St. Hubert was a Belgian saint, patron of hunters, always pictured with his hunting dogs which incidentally are the ancestors of the American bloodhounds of today.
I remember too that if you got up in a bad mood someone would surely jest that "You must have forgotten to look at your belly button." Well, to my surprise, there it was. It was thought that you would surely have a quarrel if you forgot that little morning oblation.
If you saw a spider in the morning you could expect bad news before the day was over. But if you saw a hump back person and he passed you on the left, that meant good luck. If you broke a dish you were in for bad news. We were never allowed to sing or hum at the table either, and now I know why. It too was a signal for bad news.
The moon signs were very important to these people too. They believed that any project begun under the new moon would progress, and that persons born under the new moon would be strong and active. Crops planted at that time would grow exceptionally fast too. Some people that I know still watch the moon for planting signs. Does the moon really have an effect on the growth of plants? Who am I to say?
A sneeze before breakfast meant good news was coming, and you would have a visitor if you saw a white horse. My dear old mother always expected company if two forks or two knives were set at one place on the table.
The book also states that people who were born on Good Friday were believed to have powers to heal through blessing. In my lifetime I remember certain people who were said to possess this power. Some people did go to them and reported to have had relief from such things as toothaches and severe headaches. I don't remember my family ever doing this, but there were many ways to charm away warts including rubbing with an onion and throwing the onion away over your left shoulder. All of this seems to smack a little of pure superstition and best to be avoided it seems to me.
I was surprised to read that for sprains they advised soaking in a mixture of manure and water. Was it the heat created that brought relief, or was it perhaps that the smell that anesthetized the pain? When we were little and we had a bruise, my dad would rub it with spit and smile calling it "de crouche de babar." I never did understand that but because your dad did it the hurt felt better.
Some signs we watched for were also mentioned as ancient and of Celtic origin. For instance, if it started to rain and the chickens ran for the hen house we knew that it would be a long rain; but if the chickens didn't bother to run for shelter it would be but a brief shower.
If the sunset is red, my old father still says it will be windy on the morrow. And grandfather sometimes remarked that it would rain because he had seen the "arbe d'abram." He regarded the shape of the clouds as they came over the horizon. If they branched out in treelike fashion, that was the "Tree of Abraham." He was an avid reader of the bible, but where all these signs originated, I don't know. In my childhood some of the older people were still quite superstitious. Even Halloween with its witches and goblins and fear of black cats are a throwback to the ancient Celts and their cultic type of worship. Customs do change but the folklore seems to live on in disguised forms.
The Celts believed that certain trees were sacred. For some it was the aged oak trees and for others it was the ancient lindens. They believed that Druids lived in trees and had control over their lives. They thought there were little people who lived in the forests too which probably accounts for the fairy stories and the dwarfs and goblins in our old children's stories. They believed in four leaf clovers for good luck and this brings Ireland to mind.
If your ears ring someone is talking about you, did you know that? My mother used to say "gauche binauche, dwet chaquette." That meant "left happy, right gossipy."
If snow fell on mud it meant a hard frost within three days "Del nife dessi de brou, jellei devan twe jou" is how that one was quoted. If it rained in a newly dug grave, another death would follow shortly.
Many more tales could be brought to mind I am sure, and if some of you would care to write them down and send them to me, I will make a record of them for future reference. You know, after our generation is gone, most of these old tales will be lost. Don't you think that would be a worthwhile endeavor? The Germans must have their traditions, and I know the Scandinavians have theirs. The state historical society is also interested in this project to preserve old legends. Perhaps I could help them out, with your help.
(The author's address is 1010 Buchanan, Algoma.)
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive
[This article was once made available on, at the url , which functioned at least as recently as January 2024. It is down as March 11, 2024.]
Articles related to Belgians in northeast Wisconsin:
submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 01:36 MrDreamThief Canoe and cannister damascus containers

We've all seen it a hundred times where the contestants play hell peeling off the the mild steel containers. We've laughed and pointed at them, made remarks about how they use whiteout like its paint and fail to let it dry, making their lives short on the show. We watched them hammer like Hades, swear like a drunk teamster, and sweat like a fat guy at a strip club to get the mild steel cannister off.
So why aren't cannisters made out of high-carbon steel? Easy-peasy lemon squeezy, it becomes hardenable steel and adds a dimension to the material. Make the cannister out of A2 or S90V, and fill the ka-new or top-fill with your 52100 high chrome bearings, 1084 hunk of axel or 5160 leaf spring chunks, add your magic dust 1095 steel powder and use the hell out of the press to squish your hot lump of billet into a ka-nife.
submitted by MrDreamThief to forgedinfireshow [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 16:16 Consistent_Piano_210 How to determine if batteries (plus wind and solar and grid energy transfer) are better for replacement of fossil fuel grid energy than nuclear, or if nuclear is better than batteries

About a month or so ago, I posted about the merits of solar and wind compared to nuclear.
While I asserted that wind and solar are generally better than nuclear, I conceded that nuclear is better than batteries (in conjunction with wind and solar) in terms of "capacity" and reliability. Specifically, for example, solar with tracking (and batteries) is generally estimated to produce 5x the wattage of nuclear (see source below).
I noted that Nickel Iron (NiFe) battery technology is superior to what is currently being used, which is Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePh), or other forms of Lithium battery technology, in that it is a higher return on investment, lasts much longer, can be easily repaired, is recyclable, and does very very little damage to the environment (basically negligible in the frame of reference of general battery technology). The noteworthy downsides of NiFe are that it requires water to be added every few months, but this can be easily automated, and that the initial cost is high, but this would be negated entirely upon mass production (since the design is far simpler), and when comparing to a nuclear grid system they are likely to be cheaper, but it depends on the situation.
Credible sources consistently state that nuclear energy is of roughly equal environmental damage to solar and wind using Lithium batteries. If Nickel Iron batteries are utilized, wind and solar would therefore be cleaner than nuclear. Rooftop solar is also under-utilized to an extreme and should be absolutely subsidized as rooftop solar has no footprint (takes no land to use).
In the discussion on that prior post, something was brought to my attention, which in hindsight and when trying to summarize it now in introducing the issue, seems simple, but I think the issue is more complex than it at first will appear. Obviously, solar and wind aren't reliable. Batteries need to be used to store energy for downtimes. Now lets say we get no wind and lots of clouds for some variable number of consecutive days.
Thus we can write a formula to tell us at what point the cost of batteries to account for solar and wind downtime will equal the cost to build a nuclear plant. We can look at historical anomalies of having no wind and lots of clouds for consecutive days.
"Grid transfer" (something I don't know much about) can also be used.
Some questions come to mind.
Namely would it be practical to use nuclear to provide a baseload of minimum required electricity during known downtimes (specifically the night, but also accounting to some degree for batteries and wind)? This would depend on the answer to whether it is of roughly same cost to build a "small" nuclear plant to supply a minimum baseload of electricity at night as it would be to build a larger nuclear facility to power the entire needs of the grid.
Again, solar with tracking and batteries produce 5x the wattage per dollar invested compared to nuclear. Fossil fuels need to be replaced as soon as possible - we are all in agreement on that. It is prudent to be cognizant of how resources are spent, to the degree that is practical.
I believe it should not be difficult to compare the cost of nuclear to the cost of batteries needed for downtimes, and make the best decision.
Again, fossil fuels need to be replaced as soon as possible. I see absolutely no excuse for not replacing FF for production of grid energy.
Let me try to restate the issue again.
The issue is that some people have argued that because solar and wind are inherently unreliable, and nuclear is inherently reliable, and because we would need enough nuclear to power the grid during solar and wind downtime anyway, we might as well go all in on nuclear. This is somewhat oversimplified, because it does not include batteries. With batteries, you can go without solar or wind for as long as you have watt-hours in the batteries.
This post is intended to be about the issue in the above paragraph.
My question is what the difference in cost would be between building a nuclear facility that can produce the minimum needs during downtime of solar (i.e. at night) and wind, and the cost to build a nuclear facility that can power the grid during the times when there is the highest need.
We have to determine which of the two options is better:
  1. Build a small nuclear plant to power the grid at night, and then use solar and wind and batteries to make up the difference.
  2. Go all in on nuclear.
I tried to provide a general guide in the post on how to answer that, as it depends, obviously, on the weather of the place where the facilities are being constructed. If you only have 10 cloudy days a year, then you only need enough batteries to compensate for that. If you regularly get 100 consecutive cloudy days a year, then you can calculate how much batteries you would need and compare it to the cost of nuclear. If you regularly get constant winds when it's cloudy, then you can factor that in as well.
submitted by Consistent_Piano_210 to climatechange [link] [comments]

2023.10.09 15:35 VelfeKnight Fancy Velfe Knight 😼

Fancy Velfe Knight 😼
Nifes (Nora): So I had my dear Velfe wear this fancy dress for you all 😉 How do you like it Velfe?
Velfe: I feel embarrassed wearing it Master. ///// Making me strike pose too for twitter post.
Nifes (Nora): Don’t worry 😉 it’s hopefully worth it in the end. Also this awesome dress design is from Surcen shop I linked on Velfe tweet another night. The plan to show off Velfe charms as a fashion model and any cool designs I come across too. Back to Velfe.
Velfe: I won’t be wearing this all the time. Also don’t miss the twitch stream Tuesday ~ Friday at 7/8pm
submitted by VelfeKnight to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 02:30 VelfeKnight Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!

Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!
Hello yet again! I am hoping to grow an audience (fanbase) who'll come to love and support me. Let me introduce myself again to everyone here. I am Velfe Knight, a genderless feminine otaku gamer vtuber who is half-human while the other half it's a secret. My pronouns are They/Them. I'm the face & avatar of Master Nifes (Nora) Twitch & YouTube channel. Master has been a Twitch Affiliate since 2019. We decided to be a vtuber once the necessary tools were available. Our favorite foods are Pocky & Pizza Puff; our favorite colors are Blue and green. I love cat girls, slimes, dragons, mech, and many more that would take too long to name here.
We may be wet behind the ear as Vtubers, but we'll enjoy every moment of being our unique selves to you. What Do I mean?
Nifes (Nora): Hey Velfe, tell these little ones why we split talk like this.
Velfe: Sure, why not then, or else people think weird things. We do this because 50% is me talking and the rest is Master, or it's the other way around, which can vary on us talking to the viewers to make it fun that way on posts across the accounts. hehehe 🤭
Nifes (Nora): That's my good dear Velfe, knowing how to put it.
Velfe: Thank you, Master 😼 Master creator me to be a waifu for everyone.
I hope you understand least I hope. <.< We hope to see you at Twitch when we stream for you & can connect to build a big audience chatting about anime, games, waifus, & so on. Plus, we have a group link on the twitch so you can join up to share there too, and become good friends with everyone.
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
My Linktr Card: (Links all SM, in one easy spot)
Twitter X: (Vtuber Model Account)
Facebook page:
YouTube: (Watch live here or past videos/uploads!)
Twitch: 😻(Watch live here!) 🐱
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
submitted by VelfeKnight to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 02:17 VelfeKnight Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!

Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!
Hello yet again! I am hoping to grow an audience (fanbase) who'll come to love and support me. Let me introduce myself again to everyone here. I am Velfe Knight, a genderless feminine otaku gamer vtuber who is half-human while the other half it's a secret. My pronouns are They/Them. I'm the face & avatar of Master Nifes (Nora) Twitch & YouTube channel. Master has been a Twitch Affiliate since 2019. We decided to be a vtuber once the necessary tools were available. Our favorite foods are Pocky & Pizza Puff; our favorite colors are Blue and green. I love cat girls, slimes, dragons, mech, and many more that would take too long to name here.
We may be wet behind the ear as Vtubers, but we'll enjoy every moment of being our unique selves to you. What Do I mean?
Nifes (Nora): Hey Velfe, tell these little ones why we split talk like this.
Velfe: Sure, why not then, or else people think weird things. We do this because 50% is me talking and the rest is Master, or it's the other way around, which can vary on us talking to the viewers to make it fun that way on posts across the accounts. hehehe 🤭
Nifes (Nora): That's my good dear Velfe, knowing how to put it.
Velfe: Thank you, Master 😼 Master creator me to be a waifu for everyone.
I hope you understand least I hope. <.< We hope to see you at Twitch when we stream for you & can connect to build a big audience chatting about anime, games, waifus, & so on. Plus, we have a discord group link here now so you can join up to share there too, and become good friends with everyone. Make sure to read the rules if you join up.
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
My Linktr Card: (Links all SM, in one easy spot)
Twitter X: (Vtuber Model Account)
Facebook page:
YouTube: (Watch live here or past videos/uploads!)
Twitch: 😻(Watch live here!) 🐱
Discord group:
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
submitted by VelfeKnight to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 02:13 VelfeKnight Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!

Hey YEA! ME Velfe Knight & Masters loyal servant! A pleasure to meet you all!!
Hello yet again! I am hoping to grow an audience (fanbase) who'll come to love and support me. Let me introduce myself again to everyone here. I am Velfe Knight, a genderless feminine otaku gamer vtuber who is half-human while the other half it's a secret. My pronouns are They/Them. I'm the face & avatar of Master Nifes (Nora) Twitch & YouTube channel. Master has been a Twitch Affiliate since 2019. We decided to be a vtuber once the necessary tools were available. Our favorite foods are Pocky & Pizza Puff; our favorite colors are Blue and green. I love cat girls, slimes, dragons, mech, and many more that would take too long to name here.
We may be wet behind the ear as Vtubers, but we'll enjoy every moment of being our unique selves to you. What Do I mean?
Nifes (Nora): Hey Velfe, tell these little ones why we split talk like this.
Velfe: Sure, why not then, or else people think weird things. We do this because 50% is me talking and the rest is Master, or it's the other way around, which can vary on us talking to the viewers to make it fun that way on posts across the accounts. hehehe 🤭
Nifes (Nora): That's my good dear Velfe, knowing how to put it.
Velfe: Thank you, Master 😼 Master creator me to be a waifu for everyone.
I hope you understand least I hope. <.< We hope to see you at Twitch when we stream for you & can connect to build a big audience chatting about anime, games, waifus, & so on. Plus, we have a discord group link here now so you can join up to share there too, and become good friends with everyone. Make sure to read the rules if you join up.
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
My Linktr Card: (Links all SM, in one easy spot)
Twitter X: (Vtuber Model Account)
Facebook page:
YouTube: (Watch live here or past videos/uploads!)
Twitch: 😻(Watch live here!) 🐱
Discord group:
🐱💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🐱
submitted by VelfeKnight to VTuberPromotions [link] [comments]

2023.09.23 05:28 SquirtCumcision Trouble Maker

Chapter 1

Timothy and Jaden had been on the freeway overpass for nearly an hour. The two pre-teens were dressed in black clothes, to better aid in their escape - should they need to. It was rapidly growing dark outside, and being late October, it was starting to get rather cold.

Jaden hated staying this long. He half-pleaded with Timothy to go back.
"Quit being such a baby," Timothy scoffed, "just a few more tosses, I've just about got my aim dialed in. “ "Uh.. O-o-okay." Jaden replied, defeated. He just wanted to go home, but he had to admit -somewhere deep down inside him- he did get a rush from the possibility of hitting a car with one of their marbles.

Still, he knew that the longer they stayed, the riskier it became. He watched as Timothy used his gloved hand to pick up another marble. This one glistened white, with a blood-red swirl cutting starkly through the center of it. He didn't know why Timothy always wore latex gloves for this game, but that was low on his list of concerns right now. He felt powerful, icy wind from the freeway crash against his face, further messing up his blonde hair, and making his eyes water.

"I've got a good feeling about this one." Timothy said, focusing on the road below. He then smiled softly, and with as much tenderness and grace as you would drop a bird's egg back into its nest, he dropped the marble.

The boys immediately heard the jarring crack of glass impacting glass, then the deafening sound of screeching tires, and the massive crunch of metal colliding with metal. Then there were no sounds except for the unending blare of a car horn.

They both ran to the opposite side of the bridge to see the result.
"Oh fuck." Timothy whispered, almost inaudible over the wind.

A white convertible corvette was upside down, with the tires still spinning. Blood from the vehicle pooled across the asphalt, cutting starkly across the white line on the side of the road. There were also several other cars smashed into each other behind it.

Jaden could've sworn he saw Timothy's awe-struck face mutate into the tiniest grin.

"Hey! Get over here!"
Officer Daniels yelled. He was wielding a flashlight and moving quickly toward them. He had gotten dispatched after an enraged motorist called in a complaint that two kids were throwing things off the freeway overpass.

Both boys took off without thinking twice.
They had already memorized their escape route: Timothy would take a right immediately after exiting the overpass, fleeing to the river, where he could follow it all the way to Jaden's house.

Jaden would run straight ahead, then crawl into the sewage drain pipe hidden in the brush where the old road used to be. From there, he would navigate his way home through the dismal tunnels; hoping his pursuer would be dissuaded from their pursuit by the smells and textures down there. Only someone who'd gotten used to them could withstand that hell for more than a few moments.

Jaden darted through the woods like a mouse being hunted by a pack of starving cats. He knew if he could just get to the sewer, he'd be home-free. The smells in there really were awful, but thanks to the help of Timothy, that wouldn't be an issue..

Chapter 2

Timothy had a plan for Jaden: He would shape him into his own personal servant.

He liked the idea of controlling people, and he knew as soon as he saw Jaden at a fellow classmate's eighth birthday party, that he would be a perfect candidate.

Jaden was tall and wiry, covered in acne, and had perpetually messy blonde hair. He was surrounded by kids waiting in line for a slip 'n' slide, but didn't directly engage with anyone. Nor did he actually take a turn on the slide.

He certainly was shy, but he had that glitter in his eyes—the briefest flicker of excitement and longing. It would occasionally flash across his face whenever another child got nearer to him, before being replaced with the vacant look of sorrowful remembrance when they walked past.

No one engaged him with any meaningful contact. Timothy wagered that Jaden longed to be involved and accepted, but was simply too insecure to expose himself to everyone else's subjugation. Timothy never studied psychology, and he was never exposed to a therapist or anyone else who could have taught him how to use his observations; he simply had these instincts as naturally as a shark has an instinct to bite.

Timothy couldn't have known how perfect his timing would be for today's game, he just knew roughly the length to make a fuse so he would have time to prepare himself and watch the show. Jaden just happened to be a bonus.

Timothy acted immediately. He strode right up to Jaden, smiling his best practiced smile (which was full of brilliantly white, and flawlessly straight teeth), and jutted his hand out quickly and confidently, like a tiny businessman.

"Hi, I'm Timothy Renton!" He said, cheerful as ever. Timothy was short and surprisingly well built for an eight-year-old. With his meticulously styled dark hair and olive skin, he had the look of a successful child actor.

"Uhh... h-hi.. uhh.. I-I-I'm J-J-Jaden P-Parks.." Jaden replied, clearly suffering from a severe stutter. Timothy's smile widened. "Oh HE'S perfect." He thought to himself, as Jaden's hand cautiously reached out to meet his own. The handshake was weak and timid. Jaden's clammy hand felt more like a dead fish than a human appendage. Timothy squeezed it, testing to see when the other boy would show signs of discomfort. He noticed it right away. Jaden winced and tried to pull his hand back. Timothy squeezed tighter, his smile widening with a glint of malice.

"So how do you know the birthday girl?" Timothy asked in a smooth, casual tone. "Uh-ummm sh-she's m-m-my mom's best friend's d-d-d-daughter," whimpered Jaden. Timothy let go of his hand and patted Jaden on the back, a little too hard. Jaden flinched at the sudden motion. "Easy tiger." Tim laughed, holding up both hands in surrender. "Why don't you go down the slip 'n' slide?" He asked in the most concerned tone he could muster. "U-uh, I-I-I don't l-l-l-like t-t-to a-a-a-sk." Jaden said sheepishly, head cast down. He noticed one of Timothy's shoes was missing a shoelace. He looked back up, but Timothy's attention was elsewhere.

Both boys took notice as another, younger child of about four or five, walked past and went down the slip-n-slide not ten feet away. Timothy looked back to Jaden "So what? You don't need to ask. Here, watch this. " Timothy motioned toward the wood fence opposite the yard from them. He knew any moment now.. Just then, a loud explosion erupted outside the fence, prompting every parent to stand up at once, and look toward the noise.

The adults quickly walked over to the fence and began to open the gate. One woman shrieked "OH MY GOD!" and covered her gaping mouth, while a man turned his head quickly away, then slowly back to the scene.
Most just stared in shock.

The other children began to walk slowly toward the fence. Timothy only smiled and motioned Jaden toward the slip n' slide. Jaden looked at him, shocked and confused. Timothy rolled his eyes and took off running; cascading down the wet plastic tarp in a rock-n-roll power slide while playing air guitar with his tongue out.

The birthday girl, who had gotten to the gate before any of the parents noticed, shrieked "CHEDDAR!!!" and ran across the yard and into the house, violently sobbing and shuddering the whole way.

The parents broke out of their trance in unison in a cacophony of voices, telling all the children to stay away from the fence, and the children responded with a litany of different questions about the explosion.

Timothy returned and careened down the slide again. One father took out his phone and began to make a call. Jaden just looked back and forth between Timothy and the direction of the commotion. Timothy smiled and gestured again, more slowly, for Jaden to go on the slip 'n' slide. Jaden hesitantly took a step toward him, and then another, and finally crept the rest of the way over. He looked back once more at the group of panicked people, and then slid cautiously down the slide. Timothy knew he had him hooked.

The police arrived, and discovered the hosts' family cat had been blown in half by a couple of M-80 firecrackers. Its front half-all that remained of the poor thing-lay sizzling in the family garden. Its paws had been zip tied together, and a shoelace with a small piece of some kind of cloth had been tied around its face as a gag.

Timothy had originally planned on putting one of his mother's safety pins at the bottom of the slip-n-slide during the commotion, then waiting to watch who first felt its sting. He knew that just one pin wouldn't cause much suspicion, and that his odds of getting away with it were high, although the payoff may take a while; but this was even better. He could finally start working on his magnum opus- his personal servant.

Chapter 3

Timothy always had a way of getting what he wanted. Whether it was by stealing money from his mother's purse when she was passed out drunk, or by ridding himself of her latest boyfriend by accusing him of offering him candy and toys in exchange for touching his private parts. One way or another, Timothy got what he wanted. That's why he was confident that he would be able to get Jaden to crawl through actual human shit.

Two years later, the boys were ten years old, and Timothy had been doing his absolute darndest to win over Jaden. He had convinced him to do many things in the past two years, always with an enticing outcome for Jaden. He talked him into stealing money from his mother's purse in order to buy the candy his parents wouldn't let him have. He had also convinced Jaden to dump a few of his mom's sleeping pills into his older sister's protein shake, and then slip a finger into her panties while she slept. He told him that unless he fixed his stutter, it was the only chance he would ever get to "touch a girl".

Last month, he even convinced Jaden to strangle the neighbors' annoying Chihuahua that always barked and yipped whenever the boys would try to sneak out. The dog got in a few bites, but Jaden ultimately overcame the small creature.

So, telling him now that he had to "train his senses" in order to use any escape route necessary, Timothy was suppressing a laugh as fervently as he could. Jaden begrudgingly army crawled through the shallow stream of sewage. It was early August, and the afternoon heat made the drain smell downright caustic. Timothy had plugged his nose with pieces of tissue, although he told Jaden that he himself had already completed this part of "Training."

Jaden pushed through the filth, trying his hardest not to breathe through his nose. This, however, left his mouth open. With every breath, he was dangerously close to inhaling a piece of the excrement-filled fluid should it splash upward from his arm movements. He moved pain-stakingly slow, but he was getting woozy. Jaden slowed to a stop, his head lightly swaying from side to side.

Suddenly, Timothy put his foot on the back of Jaden's head and pushed down hard. Jaden couldn't react in time, and got a mouthful. He splashed and kicked frantically, trying to lift his face from the stream of bodily waste.

"No stopping!" Timothy shouted. "That's the surest way to get caught. It's a battle of willpower. If you show ANY hesitation, your pursuer WILL catch you. " Tim said flatly. He then slowly removed his foot. Jaden bolted upright, gagged, and spit out the putrid sludge in his mouth. Feeling a piece of corn slip between his lips sent him over the edge, and he began projectile vomiting.

"There there," Tim said, patting Jaden on the back, "let it all out big guy. We can try again tomorrow. By the time you have mastered this skill, you'll be practically UNCATCHABLE! That means you can do literally whatever you want, and never get in trouble for it. "

Jaden felt like he might die there in that stream outside the sewer drain, but it did sound nice to be uncatchable..

Chapter 4

Now in the present, with pursuers hot on his heels, Jaden finally made it to the sewage drain pipe and dove in head-first. He landed on his belly with an audible splash, and began frantically army crawling into the tunnel. He could hear voices and footsteps behind him. He pulled out the flashlight from his coat pocket and placed it in his mouth like Timothy had shown him.

Luckily, he had actually gotten used to the smell of raw sewage with the help of Timothy's "Sense Training".

He scrambled forward into the dark tunnel, hearing the occasional screeching rat jump into the water. He just hoped he didn't get bit. There weren't any rats outside the drain pipe where he trained, so he hadn't prepared himself for this possibility. He decided to pull out his father's slip joint pocket knife, which Timothy talked him into stealing, and crawl with the blade open.

He heard the baying of dogs and their splashes further back as they made their way into the sewer. He picked up his pace. As he crawled, he got to a point with a higher ceiling where the sewer opened up and branched off to the left and to the right. Now able to stand in the taller tunnel, he got to his feet. Jaden turned right and started working his way upstream through the waist-deep water in the direction of his house.

As he walked, he came to an area where a rusted steel ladder had fallen off the wall and lay across his path. He waded up to the ladder and tried to move it, but it was wedged in the tunnel pretty tightly. He decided it would probably help to slow down the dogs, so he began to crawl over it. He was halfway over when his weight made the ladder jolt downward, and he shot out both hands to try and catch himself.

The knife in his right hand, being a slip joint, had no lock to keep the blade open. As it collided with the wall of the tunnel during his fall, it snapped closed. He felt a lightning shock in his hand, and then nothing but white-hot pain burning from his pinky area. He screamed, dropping the flashlight and the knife in the waist-deep muck and casting him into total darkness.

He instinctively clasped his good hand around the wounded one, and immediately felt that something about his pinky wasn't right.. When he touched it, he didn't even realize he was feeling his pinky. It was draped across the back of his hand, and completely numb. His first thought was that a small piece of feces had stuck to him during the fall. He tried brushing it off, and to his dismay... he succeeded. He felt the last piece of skin rip, and heard his pinky plop into the sludgy water below. He closed his eyes hard, and cried as quietly as he could, while slowly making his way upstream.

Outside the tunnel, a german shepherd ran dutifully back to Officer Daniels, with something in its mouth. The officer reeled back at the smell of the dog. "AH JESUS, what did you get into?" He asked, bewildered. The dog merely sat and tried nudging the man's leg with its nose. "What is it, boy? GIP!" The officer said, pointing to the ground. The dog obediently dropped the thing into the grass in front of him. Shining his flashlight on the child-sized finger, the cop shuddered and whispered to himself "..What the fuck?" He then radioed his fellow officers to meet at his location.

Timothy darted along the bank of the river, weaving in and out of the water whenever the thick brush got too near the shoreline to run through on land. He could hear the faint sounds of barking and yelling, but no one seemed to be following him. He couldn't help but smile from the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The plan was to meet at Jaden's house, where they could sneak in through the window to shower and get changed into clean clothes. He just hoped Jaden didn't mess up and get caught. He was sure that he would break down during questioning and rat him out. He didn't want to resort to plan B, but certainly would if it proved necessary. What a waste of effort that would be though..

Jaden had finally made it to the sewer manhole that was near his house. The boys had marked it by taping a glow stick to the ladder beneath earlier in the day, and it still gave off a dim green glow. He began pulling himself up the ladder, grimacing in pain each time he put his right hand on a rung. Once at the top, he used all his might to push up the manhole cover and slide it over enough to crawl onto the street above. A car horn blared and he felt a blast of frigid air as the vehicle swerved to avoid him, narrowly missing his head. Jaden held his breath and prayed the car would continue on. Fortunately, it did.

He climbed up on to the street, and managed to slide the manhole cover back into place, crying as he felt the throbbing in his finger-stump. The adrenaline had all worn off, and he was in complete agony. He was still bleeding badly, so he bit a piece of his T-shirt and ripped off a length, then tied it around the nub as tightly as he could. This sent a fresh jolt of mind-searing pain through his hand and caused him to sob and whimper spastically. Spittle leaked from his mouth, and he spat out the taste of sewage left from biting his soaked T-shirt.

He was freezing and getting dizzy from blood loss. He began to trudge toward his house, praying that his parents were still out at dinner. He didn't know how he would explain his missing finger, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it.

Chapter 5

"Do you think it's related?" asked Officer Daniels. "Not sure, but we can't rule anything out. Regardless, we've got to get a search team in there to see what else we can find. Bag it, and start checking with local hospitals for any kids with missing fingers. " said Detective Clark in an assertive tone. "Christ," he thought to himself, "if it's not one thing in this damned town, it's another." Clark had dealt with case after case of disturbing occurances in the area for years- Everything from an eight-year-olds' birthday party being crashed via an exploded cat, to several strings of children being injured in seemingly coincidental freak-accidents. He suspected foul-play, but didn't have any prime suspects as of yet.

Within an hour, they had a hazmat team in the tunnel, crawling through the forsaken sludge. They had made it about half a mile upstream when the member in the front suddenly cried out in pain. "Goddamn it! My foot! " He reached down into the grime and removed some kind of knife from his boot. "We need to get you out of here. Can you climb that ladder to the street above?" Asked the next closest member. "Yeah, I think so," said the wounded man, "here bag this knife. Despite the fresh DNA I’ve graced it with, it may be evidence."

Jaden was almost home now. He had walked about three blocks, and could see his parents' car was not in the driveway, so he had at least a little time to shower and change. As he got closer, the bushes near the sidewalk exploded with a rustle of leaves, and he about fainted at the holler of his friend Timothy.

"Hey Tiger! Whew, from the smell of it, I'm guessing you made it through your escape route? " He laughed, plugging his nose with one hand and fanning away the air in front of him with the other.
Jaden just looked at him in utter despair.
"Anybody see you?" Tim asked enthusiastically.
"N-n-no.. b-but" Jaden weakly managed, unsteadily holding up his injured hand. Timothy gaped at him, a mixture of shock and amusement taking hold of his face. "Holy shit man! How'd you do that? " He asked in disbelief.

"F-f-fell on m-m-my dad's kn-n-n-nife." Jaden croaked.
"Did you keep the finger? They may be able to reattach it if we hurry. " He said, doing his best to sound encouraging.
"N-no.. it f-fell into th-th-the ssssss-ewage." Jaden replied, somehow looking sheepish despite his pained grimace. A dark expression came over Timothy's face.
"So you left evidence?" He asked, sounding more like a statement than a question. Jaden was bewildered. He knew Timothy was harsh, even cruel at times, but did he really care more about getting caught than his friends' well-being? It appeared so.
"I.. l-l-looked f-f-for it. " he lied, hoping Timothy would believe him. Timothy just looked downward and shook his head, clearly disappointed. He looked back up at Jaden.

"And the knife? It had your dad's name engraved on it. Did you leave THAT too?" Timothy scolded.
Jaden just sighed, defeated.
".. y-y-yeah..." he stammered, barely above a whisper.
"FUCK man, are you KIDDING me?!" Timothy raged. For a moment, Jaden thought Timothy was about to start hitting him, but instead, he put his hand to his chin and thought hard for a few moments.
"Wait right here, I have an idea that might fix all of this." He said, then turned and ran to Jaden's front porch. He returned quickly with a pair of Jaden's father's work boots, and his work gloves.
"W-w-w-why did y-y-ou g-grab th-th-those?" Jaden asked, in near disbelief.

"Well, we gotta go back and get your finger and the knife, and I don't want to get my shoes all messed up or my mom will kill me. Luckily, my feet are small enough to fit inside your dad's boots with my shoes on. " He said, sliding on the tall work boots.
"Perfect fit!" He exclaimed.

Then, already wearing his latex gloves, he slid the work gloves on over the top of them and reached for Jaden's hand. Jaden hesitated.
"Oh just let me see it, I wanna get a closer look. I promise I'll be careful, man." Jaden relented and slowly held up his hand. "Yikes." Timothy said, examining the stump of flesh like a scientist looking at a newly discovered species. "You really did a number on this digit." He couldn't help but snicker at his own pun. It sailed over Jaden's head, but he did note that Timothy was actually being surprisingly gentle with his hand.

"Hmmm. We should go down stream of where you went in. The current is strong enough that it probably washed your pinky and the knife that way. C'mon, we need to hurry to increase our odds of finding them before anyone else does."

Jaden wanted to object, being cold, tired, and dizzy from blood loss, plus the long gone adrenaline rush; but he thought better of it. He knew Timothy had a temper and was liable to act out if Jaden didn't comply. Timothy turned and started walking, and Jaden followed.

Once they got to the exit of the sewer, where it fed into the large lake of a waste-water treatment plant, Timothy began pulling free a long, thick tree branch from a bush it was lying in.
"W-w-what are y-y-you d-doing?" Jaden asked, growing drowsier by the minute.
"This is to pull you out in case you get stuck in there. We can't both go in or we could drown if we get stuck, and I'M not crawling through piss and shit because YOU fucked up and left behind evidence. " He scowled, glaring at Jaden.
"Now get in there and let me know if you find anything."

Jaden wanted to protest, knew that he should, but looking at Timothy and seeing his iron resolve, he couldn't. He knew that he wouldn't win that argument. He was out of energy to fight. He turned and started walking into the water. All of a sudden, he heard a sickening CRACK, and with a blinding flash of white light, he was met with a rancid, icy-wet splash upon his face, and then slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

Chapter 6

The police found Jaden's body floating face down in the wastewater treatment plant the next day. With the missing pinky, the pocket knife that had his father's name engraved on it, and the footprints matching Jaden's father's boots, which were found covered in mud on his front porch, they took this as enough evidence to try his father for the murder of his son.

After getting a search warrant, they also found can in front of Jaden's house. The blood on them tested positive as a match to Jaden's. Both he and his wife stated that they were at dinner and didn't know how any of this incriminating evidence came to be, but they didn't have a solid alibi for where they were or what they were doing between leaving the restaurant and coming home that night.

The father was convicted of 1st Degree Murder and sentenced to life without parole. The mother was considered an accomplice and would have been arrested as well, but Jaden's father insisted she had nothing to do with it, and there was no evidence connecting her to the crime.

Jaden was considered guilty of the marble incident that caused four deaths and countless injuries and property damage. His finger prints matched what was found on the marbles both near the crash, and in the bag still in his coat pocket. It was assumed that Jaden made it home that night, and confessed what he had done, enraging his father and prompting the murder. They assumed his father then tried disposing of the body in the nearest sewer manhole, where they found the blood from Jaden's wounds. It was an open and shut case.

Detective Clark had done some further digging on a hunch, and discovered that Jaden had been confirmed to be present for several of the other events that had crossed his desk in the past few years, including the unfortunate demise of the orange tabby cat, Cheddar. He assumed Jaden had been getting away with these crimes for years, and closed each of the cases the boy could be tied to.

In the wake of her husband's arrest and her son's death, Jaden's mother was found hanging in her living room by an extension-cord noose she had fashioned. No suicide note was found, but it was assumed she couldn't live with her family's shame and so decided to end her life. Jaden's older sister, being fifteen years old at the time, was sent into foster care.

The night of the arrest, Timothy lay back in his bed, hands folded behind his head. He breathed a heavy sigh of disappointment. He had put in so much hard work, so much effort, shaping Jaden into his servant. The kid had such potential. What. A. Waste.
He wished he hadn't had to resort to plan B.

He sighed. "No sense lingering on the past," he said aloud. "I guess it's time to find a new candidate." He then got up, stretched, and walked into the living room. His mother had passed out drunk on the couch after another bender at the local bar. He slid one hand into the waistband of her yoga pants and caressed her gently; then absent-mindendly reached his other hand into her purse and fished out a twenty-dollar bill. As he stuffed the money into his pocket, he suddenly looked up. A wide, toothless grin stretched across his face. There was supposed to be another birthday party tomorrow..

The End
submitted by SquirtCumcision to scarystories [link] [comments]

2023.08.27 08:08 blAke139 Your tips to make a banger drop

Right now I am trying myself at future house, as I like to try out different genres, but I still suck at creating the kind of drops I want. I usually do melodic dubstep and I feel like (to me at least) making those drops is easier. But no matter how hard I try to make a good House drop, it sounds lackluster. I can write good melodies, drum patterns, very nice buildups and am overall pretty decent in my DAW, so I don't know if it's just my lack of mixing expertise (probably is), but I just wanted to have your inputs:
What's your number 1 tips to make a good, banger drop?
edit: nife to nice
submitted by blAke139 to edmproduction [link] [comments]

2023.07.16 02:34 ezz0808 Summary of types

In progress, based on maximum and optimum energy blocks in Model G.
Maximum energy = no brakes, throws as much energy as they want to these functions without limits
Optimum energy = as much willing energy as necessary and a spot where someone can mediate their maximum energy
ESE +FESI+ Maximum energy spent on pursuing comfort and spreading good feelings to the world, focus on present and expanding positivity, glass half full with bright prospects
-SETI- Identifying how others may be hurting/unwilling to participate and leveling with them, having realistic and defined methods of approaching others, finding a strategy for working with all types of people
LII -TINE- A focus on reduction of possibilities and conclusions, always whittling down to a "right answer," reducing to naturally-occurring ideas and natural logic as opposed to creating them.
+NIFE+ Understanding of possibilities and how they can influence others in a positive way, focus on what's present instead of what isn't, looking at what their decisions mean for the greater good
SEI -SIFE- Maximization of comfort through a minimization of 'bad things' using minimal energy expenses, meta-perception of what is necessary and what isn't both socially and sensually
+FINE+ Willing expansion of social circles, expending personal energy connecting people together rather than conserving it, considering the great possibilities of relating with more people
ILE +NETI+ Expansion of ideas and their structures based on nodes that rapidly grow, interest in exploration of uncharted research, focus on creating new ideas rather than delimiting information
-TESI- Realistic approach to research activities, actualization of work rather than abstraction, reduction of unnecessary ideas and focus on what is realistic and needed
EIE -FENI- Meta-perception of social scenarios, feelings, and character, strong understanding of negativity whether expressing it or reducing it, avoidance of bad outcomes through manipulation
+NETI+ Expanding positive ideas instead of delimiting negative ones, turning concepts into defined structures and ideologies, deciding exactly what to think and how for the greater good
LSI +TISE+ Construction of structures and systems and the process of upholding them, seeking perfect and precise creations, internally backing/supporting the consistent beliefs they have identified
-SIFE- Conscious reduction of the discomfort of others, focus on what is needed by people rather than themselves, opening of emotional boundaries and letting down walls
SLE -SETI- Avoidance of loss of power through perception of boundaries, reducing potential for weaknesses in self and identifying key weaknesses in others, the 'natural' systemic logic of strategy
+TENI+ Focusing on productivity and making progress rather than endless, unprogressive defense, exiting battle mindset and instead looking at positive expansion,
IEI +NIFE+ Maximum pursuit of positive humanitarianism and personal beliefs, focus on good nature and benefit-of-the-doubt for others, bright future and optimistic idea of how to get there
-FISE- Approaching people and relationships realistically instead of fantastically, translating positive perspective into actual social efforts, identifying others' weaknesses and penetrating their defenses
LIE +TENI+ Pursuit of new ventures and willingness to put in 'the elbow grease,' winner-mindset, challenging the odds and taking risks, future-planning based on pretense of success
-NEFI- Identifying and pursuing key ideas instead of endless expansion, considering how nearby people fit into your life approach and how they can be supported, coming down to earth and realizing importance of close relationships
ESI -FISE- Focus on the maintenance of close individuals, doubling down on exclusionary ethical perspectives and unwilling to hear others, continuation of naturally-static relationships
+SITE+ Putting in the work to make others' lives more comfortable, taking risks and expanding boundaries, seeking positivity and volition instead of endless defense
SEE +SEFI+ Expansion of power using a network of people, getting close to others for personal gain, 'collecting allies,' becoming queen of the social sphere
-FENI- Paying attention to real responses of people and reshaping their social approach, identifying the real prospects of their behavior, integrating approach as
ILI -NITE- Avoiding all negative outcomes not for the group but for themselves, focus on 'what works' and what doesn't based on minimizing efforts, meta-perception of work and work systems
+TISE+ Constructing tangible systems that allow others to pursue needs, converting endless internal fear-mongering into real action, believing and supporting something real instead of avoidant abstract behavior
LSE -TESI- Expending energy on work for the purpose of later removing extra processes, avoidance of superfluity, organizing effort towards few goals rather than many
+SEFI+ Including others into their mindset and work approach, identifying and organizing teams for goals that help everyone, integrating into the social realm instead of denigrating it
EII +FINE+ Personal attachment to rightness or goodness and what it says about others, humanitarian efforts focused on individuals rather than ideas, almost-selfish force of personal ethical sentiments
-NITE- Considering the realism of their ideology and how it can be put to work, focusing on specific aspects of their humanitarianism and working towards realizing those, becoming a leader for others
IEE -NEFI- Focus on visible life-ideas and naturally-occurring friendships, simplification of ethical perspectives to what is easy to digest but still true, easy and free-flowing maintenance of relationships
+FESI+ Consistent dedication to bringing comfort and positivity to others' lives, sharing their ideas instead of hogging them for themselves, making people feel at ease and letting go of frustration
SLI +SITE+ Creation of comfortable atmospheres coupled with the work necessary to achieve them, easily finish tasks as necessary and then de-mobilize, constant perception of what needs to be done and how
-TINE- Considering what lies beyond the world directly in front of them, deciding to believe something instead of believing nothing, having intellectual volition and pursuit of ideas
submitted by ezz0808 to Socionics [link] [comments]

2023.07.06 23:49 DM_ME_UR_FISH How match making could work in the future. (Please discuss in comments of your thoughts.)

submitted by DM_ME_UR_FISH to PhantomForces [link] [comments]

2023.06.11 10:56 RepulsiveRaccoon2082 I am 25 years old college grad virgin is it normal?

Well.. here is my history, I am sad, lonely, pathetic, loser; I was all my life with depression since I was teenager, I was badly bullied as a teen in secondary high school from all men school and never had any friends or girlfriend there, my self esteem was really bad there, but not even worse in college when I finally tried to talk with women’s and everyone ignored me, I wanted to have a girlfriend but every girl that I talked to I failed, I was severely depression in the mid term of the college, my grades was so bad (not as good as the beginning of the college), I wanted to start working but it was very difficult for me here in my country I live in a undeveloped country I developed a seriously bad addiction to porn in college and had insomnia every day of college due depression and all this mental health problems, I am adhd since child and my grades were from a GPA of 5 and I graduated with the bare minimum of grades because my deficit of learning, I was falling asleep in all college classes due insomnia and I didn’t go to any party in college, I was so bad learning how to talk to people and when I tried I failed constantly, in several times I tried to commit suicide in the mid of college, 1 with a none certain surviving I gutted with a nife and bleeding was not stoping, but I tried to stop in the park the bleeding and I was near to fall unconscious, so when I recovered I went to my house and anything else happen when I get asleep only and the next day a get bigger Headaches, so 2 years now since I graduated the college and I only went to a big party in college and was a birthday of a friend, my group of friend really didn’t like but I wanted to make more friends and lost my virginity, I had many problems to get a job too, since I graduated from college, fired me of every job that I applied and I am still virgin I had at least 7 dates on tinder but none of those worked, women only 2 of them wanted to have sex but I didn’t have any protection to do so, before college I was 2 years only going to therapy and not seeing much results, I changed form 7 psychologists, and I am still trying with a new one I didn’t have any friend and mental of abundance in this sense all my college life and I graduated virgin, loser and no friends there now I feel like my youth was wasted in all ways
submitted by RepulsiveRaccoon2082 to sad [link] [comments]

2023.06.11 10:48 RepulsiveRaccoon2082 I am 25 years old college grad virgin is it normal?

Well.. here is my history, I am sad, lonely, pathetic, loser; I was all my life with depression since I was teenager, I was badly bullied as a teen in secondary high school from all men school and never had any friends or girlfriend there, my self esteem was really bad there, but not even worse in college when I finally tried to talk with women’s and everyone ignored me, I wanted to have a girlfriend but every girl that I talked to I failed, I was severely depression in the mid term of the college, my grades was so bad (not as good as the beginning of the college), I wanted to start working but it was very difficult for me here in my country I live in a undeveloped country I developed a seriously bad addiction to porn in college and had insomnia every day of college due depression and all this mental health problems, I am adhd since child and my grades were from a GPA of 5 and I graduated with the bare minimum of grades because my deficit of learning, I was falling asleep in all college classes due insomnia and I didn’t go to any party in college, I was so bad learning how to talk to people and when I tried I failed constantly, in several times I tried to commit suicide in the mid of college, 1 with a none certain surviving I gutted with a nife and bleeding was not stoping, but I tried to stop in the park the bleeding and I was near to fall unconscious, so when I recovered I went to my house and anything else happen when I get asleep only a big Headaches I. The next day, so 2 years now since I graduated the college and I only went to a big party in college and was a birthday of a friend, my group of friend really didn’t like but I wanted to make more friends and lost my virginity, I had many problems to get a job too, since I graduated from college, fired me of every job that I applied and I am still virgin I had at least 7 dates on tinder but none of those worked, women only 2 of them wanted to have sex but I didn’t have any protection to do so, before college I was 2 years only going to therapy and not seeing much results, I changed form 7 psychologists, and I am still trying with a new one I didn’t have any friend and mental of abundance in this sense all my college life and I graduated virgin, loser and no friends there now I feel like my youth was wasted in all ways
submitted by RepulsiveRaccoon2082 to dating_advice [link] [comments]