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Clean and SFW

2012.11.16 18:06 ChinDeLonge Clean and SFW

Providing a clean, fast, and friendly experience to all redditors, CarWashPorn is the premiere spot for all car wash and car wash related enthusiasts!

2012.07.01 13:55 For cars that need cleaning

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2013.11.22 17:35 Take My Survey

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2024.05.14 23:02 ConsciousLoss4847 Feel like kicking up a fuss about state of house we are buying when I went for a third viewing

Sorry this is a bit long. My partner and I are ftb and moving along nicely with our house purchase. Searches back later this month, hope to complete in June/July.
We only viewed the house briefly twice and all seemed great, so I called the estate agent a week ago to ask if I could view again, mainly to check certain things are working, to go up in the loft which is converted and to take measurements in rooms for new furniture, they said yes and agreed for today.
I was there on time and they were late. Tried calling their office, no one answered, and when someone turned up it was a surveyor who was doing a survey down the street for the same EA and they gave the keys to him and asked him to let me in 🙄
Anyway the house was a tip when I entered. I understand it's the sellers house until they leave but it was beyond a joke. Most of the floor space was covered in trash, pieces of furniture were moved around so I couldn't get where I wanted.
So I went up to the bedroom to measure for our new bed and this was the real kicker. The bedroom floor was covered in clothes, including a dozen or so pieces of dirty underwear and damp towels, and strewn around the room on the floor and tables were numerous sex toys and other "bits" of that type. I tried not to touch anything but there was a rucksack at one side of the bed and no room to measure without moving it and when I dragged it along the floor even more came spilling out.
I'm not a prude at all but either the EA didn't inform the seller I was coming and now they've let me in and his personal stuff has been exposed or they did let him know and he's just a tramp, which I'm pissed off about only because it seems really rude to not at least throw dirty underwear in the wash and about the 50 sex toys into a box out of sight.
I feel like calling them tomorrow and complaining and asking to visit again because I just left after that and didn't do everything I wanted. Surely the seller would have tidied as both times we visited before it was spotless and I feel like the EA probably didn't let him know I was even coming. Am I just overreacting?
submitted by ConsciousLoss4847 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:56 No_Concept_9032 A man almost raped me, his brother is doing the same to his kid(s?) and I'm scared their sister will do the same to her kids (my niblings), what to do?

I (21F) am part of a very religious and traditionally strict family. When my sister (40, Alice) got married her husband (40, Stephen) and his brother (mid 40s, Joseph) moved into the house next door (my dad helped them get it and their jobs since they emigrated from a different country). Stephen and Joseph came to our house at mealtimes to eat (since they're men and obvs can't cook /s).
One day Joseph came to eat and he had a helium balloon to give me (i was 5 at the time), I was in the bathroom and instead of leaving it there or giving it to one of my many family members, he decided to take it back with him. After he'd left, someone told me about the balloon so I went to get it with my brother (34 now, 18 then, Simon), my brother went to park his car from the driveway into the garage and told me to quickly go and get it. I went in and I couldn't reach it since it was stuck to the ceiling so asked Joseph to get it down for me to, which he said "take your pants off first".
Even at that age I knew I shouldn't do this because not only did it feel wrong but my mom had also repeatedly told me to be careful, modest and stay away from boys (religious and all, she instilled these beliefs in me from back then and I have older sisters who were thought they same things but more strictly so I was the same). So I didn't do anything and was like "no, give it to me". He kept insisting but by that point my brother had also come in and he got it down for me and we went home. Idk if my brother heard but he never mentioned it.
Stephen on the other hand seemed like a nice guy, was good to my sister and all of us siblings and treated us nicely. Throughout the years he somehow flipped, around the time that their sister (Tammy) married my brother. Now, my sister and Stephen can't stand each other but stay together for the sake of their kids and because they know that if they divorce the same will happen to their respective siblings.
A similar thing has already happened in their family, basically their other brother (Cameron) and sister (Sammy) are also married to a pair of siblings. Cameron was caught fucking a random other girl in a field so his wife's brother who is married to Sammy openly dated and had a mistress while still being married. They basically want to avoid another situation like this, our culture is very family oriented and one couple cannot break up and the other stay together.
So basically my sister Alice is scared of her husband and his brothers doing stuff to her children because she lived with them for a decade and they were physically abusive to the kids and also weird in a pedo way. Although they didn't do anything sexual during this time (that I know of; me being so much younger means they don't tell me some stuff) I don't have any doubts about why she thinks that because I know they have these kind of tendencies and wouldn't put it past them to try on their little children.
I believe this because Stephen recently told his 9 year old son about how to "feel good" and get a "warm reaction" when rubbing his private parts. Now his son is 10, and Stephen took him to his bedroom and "laid on top of [my nephew] and jumped and pressed into" in my nephews words. I have nothing against secual education, or masturbation, but 9 years old is too young and humping your son is also a unacceptable.
On the other hand, my sister in law Tammy has a habit of watching porn on our TV, which is in the living room and used by everyone (mostly for the children to watch cartoons on or for family movie nights, ironically). Additionally, she was caught by my brother chatting up my other brother in law (35, Elias). Elias was my brother Simon's best friend since they were toddlers and he strongly denied anything happening between him and Tammy, but his wife (my sister Felice, 32) has previously caught Tammy doing this thing and told my brother Simon. He didn't believe her until we were all vacationing together 2 years ago and he saw it happen first hand. Since then Simon and Elias haven't talked to each other and their wives are basically no contact with each other (Simon and Felice still talk tho, although its more of a small talk kinda relationship so not very close).
Another thing I hate is that Tammy is hateful towards me and my all my sisters, but I will focus on Alice. Alice lives in a one bedroom with her 6 kids, she relies on her husband Stephen for money and everything else, he has control of all the banks and all the government benefits they receive for the kids. He recently sent 20000 back to his family in a different country and sends an additional 1000 every month. His family bought 4 houses in the past 2/3 years, while Alice's kids literally get bullied because they dont have the right equipment for school, their lunches, their clothes and other such reasons.
One of these was when their washing machine broke when Alice was 7 months pregnant and she had to wash the clothes by hand. She tried to talk to my parents and brother Simon and his wife Tammy to persuade Stephen to buy a new one cuz she physically couldn't anymore, to which Tammy responded with "whatever happens, whether something breaks or not, he's not gonna fix it and we're not gonna get you a new one. If you wanna stay here stay otherwise fuck off". My brother shouted at her and then her crocodile tears came out, but in the end my brother had to buy a washing machine for my sister Alice. Stephen also has a habit of leaving his wife with their 6 kids for months on end when he goes to his home country, this happened when she was pregnant twice.
When I was 14, they also tried to arrange a meeting for me to get married to their younger brother who is 7-8 years older than me. My parents and I both rejected this thought without hesitation.
I feel like their whole family is sexually fucked up and I hate them so much, I'm scared for all their kids and feel like either they will rape them or teach them that these things are normal, so they will grow up to be like them. Naturally I want neither of these things, I love my siblings and wish we could just get rid of Tammy and Stephen, but in our culture divorce is frowned upon and people make a really big deal out of it. Idk if I should report Stephen or how to help Alice, pls lmk if there's something I could do, if not pls help me sort out my thoughts and thank you for listening to my rant.
submitted by No_Concept_9032 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:53 Phoenix-Office-Paw Mostly Sports should change their time slot to attract some better guests

Because they start their show so early, they are missing out on the celebs, sports athletes that occasionally show up to record on PMT. If they were to time their show to end just before YAK, they could have a system like they used to have in NYC where celebs would do a "car wash" and do multiple shows to squeeze as much content out of them as possible. Celebs could do the Chicago car wash by doing Mostly Sports, YAK then end with PMT. As for Picks Central, let them find a new time slot because the numbers clearly show they suck compared to Mostly Sports.
It's also kind of ironic that before the Chicago-NYC split, people used to think that NYC would have the advantage of attracting better celebs & guest due to their location. In reality, NYC has had almost zero decent celebs\athletes show up since the big split which makes sense since celebs only want to show up on shows\podcast that have large numbers and NYC has zero shows that bring in big numbers. What's really funny is that when the D-List Montana Boys showed up to NYC HQ, they didn't even go on KFC pod and only did BFF's with Chickenfry & Dave.
submitted by Phoenix-Office-Paw to barstoolsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:53 PooPlumber DFV tweet Collection and notes (Part 1)

DFV tweet Collection and notes (Part 1)
Most decent thoughts come to you when you are in the shower.. so I took a long bath.
Stay with me on this... there are some cross overs between the tweets. My Autism levels made me want to dig into some of these tweets... Maybe some of you higher up on the spectrum can decipher this better with some of the pieces I'm dropping here.
He wont be making these on the fly. He's likely been making these while on his hiatus. There will be hidden meaning to some of these if you are to dig.
You can reply with your thoughts if you want to add your 2 cents. I'll add it if it sounds plausible. I'll work on the part 2 tomorrow. Add your recommendations and try post a master brief when he eventually is content with price action and we all go sailing off into the distance on our newly purchased MOASS Yachts.
Video Tweets in order with Key take aways:
  • Chopping board cutting in beginning in the dark with background music from Inglorious bastards (Song called "The Surrender (La Resa)"
  • Thanos I'll do it myself (DFV announcing his return)
  • Wolverine (Runtime of the Wolverine movie is 1h47) Quite interesting with a welcome back with a 741 thrown in there.
Brief: Announcing his return
  • "Your still here?... Its over"
  • Walter White "We're done when I we're done"
  • Cat wakes up possibly linked to his tweet with the cats asleep from before he went silent. Background music "We escape" sounds true while the cat looks out the window. Possibly for more freedom.
  • Piano Playing Light of the Seven from Game of thrones when Cersei blows up the Sept with Wildfire that gives off a green explosion.
  • V for vendetta "first the overture"... just before this he says "Remember remember the 5th of November" not in DFV edit. Just after DFV cuts they blow up a false statue not meant to be there. Similar to the blowing up of the Sept from Game of thrones music in previous tweet not shown.
  • I have no clue where the second clip comes from Reversing in a back to the future styled car towards a wall to drop into an unground garage emitting green light.
-- Game of thrones Khaleesi holding hands and pivot to Drogon with an edited red eye. *"unlike the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which is described as “virtually invincible” on its card text, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon represents the underdog, and constantly faces defeat."*
  • "The blood stays on the blade, one day you'll understand" meaning one of the following.

"You cannot wash away your sins.";

The blood is worn as a badge of merit on the blade;

'The blood remains on the blade and not on your hands (meaning you are relatively guilt-free).

(I think its the 3rd one)
  • "When I move you move" Ludacris lyrics released in 2003 song titled STAND UP (Asking us to stand up, when he moves we move? Unless he is buying more?)
  • Fast and Furious "The last ride"2015 going off into the sunset. Just before this scene Vin says "The most important thing in life would always be the people in this room, right here right now."
  • Switch to a car meme handbrake turn
  • Switch to Ryan Gosling driving into a dodgy neighborhood with Tick of the clock by the Chromatics in the background. From the movie Drive. From before he drives the getaway vehicle from a robbery. Could symbolize his role here with the us folk.
  • No clue of the origin of this clip "When I say run, Run". Either to say he will give us a heads up on when to exit? or he is giving a heads up on the last stock run we saw to $80.
  • "Listen baby" from Marvin Gaye "Ain't no mountain high enough"
"The dog days are over" Florence and the machine
The catchy tune is a song about finding happiness and realizing that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what hardships we are facing we will reach a point when the “dog days are over,” and the struggles will all be in the past.
  • "You think you are the only superhero in the world? I'm here to talk to you about the avenger initiative"
  • Cut to "Farewell Ride" by Beck and the Avengers and some extras going to war.
The Avengers Initiative was designed to defend Earth from imminent global threats beyond the warfighting capability of conventional military forces.
  • The ecstasy of gold - Metallica & a scene from the good, the bad and the ugly
  • Cut to the Avengers battle scene from??? Think the audio is also from the same concert. Song is enter sandman - Metallica.
  • Interesting take: In the Big short (2015), there's a scene where Michael Burry is listening to heavy metal in his office. The Metallica song, Master of Puppets, is a song about how people are controlled by the rich and powerful, much like the theme of the movie.
  • "no make no mistake... It's not revenge he's after... it's a reckoning"
  • "You tell him I'm coming... and Hells coming with me"...
  • Who is he threatening? Shorts, haters, naysayers or all of the before mentioned? I think this is a statement post that he's here for business and he's not leaving till he see's his price targets.. which are? JUST UP!!!
Red is symbolized a few times across these tweets, either in text or edits. Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage.
submitted by PooPlumber to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 BBCSportSocial Windscreen wipers scraping windshield despite multiple attempts to fix?

For the past year or so my wiper blades have been scratching my windscreen. It wasn’t dramatic at first but has started to build up and is doing my head in.
From what I can remember, this problem started after I put the hood down whilst the wipers were up, causing the driver side wiper to buckle ever so slightly After taking it to a mechanic they said they’d managed to bend it back into place.
Since this, I have replaced the wiper blades, the wiper blade arms, and washed the window. All of which seem to fix the problem for about 5 minutes before it starts scraping again.
It looks as though the part of the drive shaft poking out to connect to the wiper arm has been pushed and distorted the rubber circle it’s supposed to be seated in onto a sort of oval (if that makes any sense). Is it possible this could be causing the problem? From what I can see the wiper is still flush with the window and looks totally normal
The car is a 2010 Renault Megane
Appreciate any help, I’m at a bit of a loss..
submitted by BBCSportSocial to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:44 Far-City7144 Need help coping up with buyers remorse

First time posting here and hope to get some advice on how to cope up with buyers remorse.
We currently own a condo and wanted to purchase a SFH since past few months. We were passively looking and found a home that fits "most of our" criteria. We went ahead and made the purchase. We understood that no home is perfect and our's also had some down sides, like being close to a an industrial area (like dmv, car wash). However the home itself met a lot of our needs.
The next step for us was to sell our current home as we don't intend to become landlords and maintain another property. However we are currently having challenges in selling the condo at our expected price. I do understand that I can always cut losses and sell at whatever price I get it or just be forced into being a landlord for a couple of years and then sell.
Given our bad experience in selling our current home it is making me regret whether I made the right decision purchasing a new home. I am also feeling scared thinking that the new home will also have hard time selling and I am not able to enjoy the whole experience.
Hoping for getting some advice on how to deal with this situation.
submitted by Far-City7144 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:37 HRJafael Bike Month event in Greenfield looks at favorite cycling spots, room for improvement
In celebration of Bay State Bike Month and in anticipation of a new Franklin County Regional Bike Plan, the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) welcomed cyclists to the John W. Olver Transit Center on Tuesday.
With refreshments, giveaways and informational displays, cyclists were able to share their thoughts on biking throughout Franklin County, which will be taken into consideration when the agency releases its Franklin County Regional Bike Plan in October. The previous iteration of the plan was released in 2009.
“We’re looking comprehensively at the region on how we can make it better for cycling and we’re looking for public input on things that would be helpful,” said FRCOG Transportation Program Manager Beth Giannini, noting the plan looks at everything from infrastructure to cycling initiatives.
Transportation Planner Jack Carolan added that FRCOG is “exploring the barriers to cycling.”
The agency also shared a look into some of the data it received in its cycling survey, which recently closed after receiving hundreds of responses. In the survey excerpts, 48.8% of respondents said the biggest issue preventing them from biking more often is they are “uncomfortable biking in the streets with cars.” Other barriers noted by respondents included inclement weather, lack of time to bike and other, general safety concerns.
The Canalside Rail Trail in Turners Falls was by far the most popular bikeway in the county, with more than 60% of respondents indicating they use it. The River Road loop from Deerfield to Sunderland and the Deerfield Upper-Lower roads loop served as the second and third most popular routes. Nearly all survey respondents said they bike for health or recreational purposes.
“People are looking for ways to be healthier and not drive their cars so much,” Giannini added.
While the survey is closed, the public is invited to provide more cycling feedback to FRCOG ahead of the anticipated October release of the Franklin County Regional Bike Plan.
Using the interactive map, folks can highlight specific areas where they have experienced issues or where they would like to see improvements. Areas with a high number of comments include Turners Falls Road in Greenfield, where people are asking for FRCOG to look at how to make the connector between Greenfield and Turners Falls safer, and downtown Greenfield, where people are requesting bike lanes to make the city more bicycle-friendly. Other areas with notes include South Deerfield and near the Sunderland Bridge.
Tuesday’s breakfast served as one of many events celebrating Bay State Bike Month, which is designated by MassBike, a Boston-based nonprofit advocating “statewide for policies that encourage and support community wellness, equity and inclusion, enable sustainable growth, drive economic vitality and tackle climate change.”
Other Bike Month events in the Pioneer Valley include a community bike breakfast at Pulaski Park in Northampton on Wednesday morning, followed by a community ride at Pulaski Park on Thursday, May 16, at 6 p.m. and then a Bike Commuter Happy Hour at The Barb & Olive in Northampton on Friday, May 17, at 6 p.m. Friday also serves as Bike to Work Day.
For more information about FRCOG’s Regional Bike Plan, visit:
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:36 KiaNiroEV2020 Found my '20 Niro EV lease return for sale in Springfield, MO

It took about one month for Kia to auction and sell our '20 Niro EV lease turn in. It's now for sale ($20,900) at an Acura dealer in Springfield, MO. If the dealer paid $18,900, then Kia sold it for app. $1k less than the turn in residual. The car may have been driven from Cincy to Springfield, based on the odometer.
Interestingly, cars dot com is using the GOM as an indicator of battery health. The person who recently drove it likely went the speed limit, as GOM is 239 miles at 99% SOC. Weirdly, I got a phone notification that my Kia was fully charged about a week ago, and I knew this was from the old car. Cincy dealer sales person said they would reset the Kia Connect, but obviously they didn't and I can't delete the old car from the app! I guess I'll call Kia?
Good car if anyone is interested. I washed and waxed it regularly and always charged to 80%, except for long trips.
submitted by KiaNiroEV2020 to KiaNiroEV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:30 Appleofmyeye444 [TOMT] An episode of Fringe or X-Files that scared me as a kid in the 2000s

When I was 5-10 (2006-2011) I was spying on the show that my parents were watching and I caught what I'm pretty sure was the beginning of an episode of Fringe, but could've also been X-Files. I just remembered it was an episode of a crime show that had to do with supernatural stuff. The scene showed a mother and a small child (I think a boy) going through a car wash. It was kind of dark and super claustrophobic. Then something came out of the back of the car (it was sort of shadowy with no defining features that I remember) and killed the mom and possibly the kid. It panned away before you saw both of them die. It could've been a person but I'm pretty sure it was a supernatural thing. I'm also pretty sure it was the opening scene of the episode.
What episode was this? It scared me really bad as a kid and I'm having a hard time finding it. I wanna re watch it to see if it's actually as scary as I remember. Bonus points if you can find a YouTube video of the scene in question.
submitted by Appleofmyeye444 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 r3crac ALIEXPRESS Deals (14.5.2024)!

ALIEXPRESS Deals Compilation (14.5.2024)!
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-3- 50pcs Cable Ties Reusable
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-4- Two-in-one Stainless Steel Coffee Spoon Sealing Clip
⭕️ Price: 2.32 USD / Lowest before: 2.39 USD
-5- Car Back Rear Mesh Trunk Elastic String Net 40x25cm
🔹 Price: 2.35 USD / Lowest before: 2.95 USD
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-7- Pokemon Anime Kids Figures Toys
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-8- Youpin Jordan Judy Eye Mask
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-9- Baby Girl Shoes 0-18 Months
📉 Price: 3.63 USD / Lowest before: 4.13 USD
-10- Rechargeable Bluetooth Wireless Mouse
〽️ Price: 3.83 USD / Lowest before: 4.18 USD
-11- ANENG Network Cable Tester M469D
💰 Price: 4.22 USD / Lowest before: 4.72 USD
-12- Tuya Smart Plug Zigbee EU 16A/20A Smart Socket
✌️ Price: 4.99 USD / Lowest before: 5.45 USD
-13- Retro Portable Mini Handheld Video Game Console
🔹 Price: 8.82 USD / Lowest before: 9.72 USD
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📉 Price: 9.02 USD / Lowest before: 9.28 USD
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〽️ Price: 9.91 USD / Lowest before: 12.29 USD
-16- Soft Plush Pet Bed with Cover Round Cat Bed
📉 Price: 10.63 USD / Lowest before: -1 USD
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📉 Price: 13.85 USD / Lowest before: 14.53 USD
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-23- Baofeng BF-UV5RH 10W Walkie Talkie
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-30- Naturehike 2 People Ultralight 20D Camping Tent
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-31- ILIFE W90 Wireless Wet Dry Washing Mop [EU]
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-32- Creality 3D Ender-3 S1 3D Printer [EU]
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-33- Samsung Galaxy S24 8/256GB Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 120Hz [EU]
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submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:18 No_Concept_9032 A man almost raped me, his brother is doing the same to his kid(s?) and I'm scared their sister will do the same to her kids (my niblings), what to do?

I (21F) am part of a very religious and traditionally strict family. When my sister (40, Alice) got married her husband (40, Stephen) and his brother (mid 40s, Joseph) moved into the house next door (my dad helped them get it and their jobs since they emigrated from a different country). Stephen and Joseph came to our house at mealtimes to eat (since they're men and obvs can't cook /s).
One day Joseph came to eat and he had a helium balloon to give me (i was 5 at the time), I was in the bathroom and instead of leaving it there or giving it to one of my many family members, he decided to take it back with him. After he'd left, someone told me about the balloon so I went to get it with my brother (34 now, 18 then, Simon), my brother went to park his car from the driveway into the garage and told me to quickly go and get it. I went in and I couldn't reach it since it was stuck to the ceiling so asked Joseph to get it down for me to, which he said "take your pants off first".
Even at that age I knew I shouldn't do this because not only did it feel wrong but my mom had also repeatedly told me to be careful, modest and stay away from boys (religious and all, she instilled these beliefs in me from back then and I have older sisters who were thought they same things but more strictly so I was the same). So I didn't do anything and was like "no, give it to me". He kept insisting but by that point my brother had also come in and he got it down for me and we went home. Idk if my brother heard but he never mentioned it.
Stephen on the other hand seemed like a nice guy, was good to my sister and all of us siblings and treated us nicely. Throughout the years he somehow flipped, around the time that their sister (Tammy) married my brother. Now, my sister and Stephen can't stand each other but stay together for the sake of their kids and because they know that if they divorce the same will happen to their respective siblings.
A similar thing has already happened in their family, basically their other brother (Cameron) and sister (Sammy) are also married to a pair of siblings. Cameron was caught fucking a random other girl in a field so his wife's brother who is married to Sammy openly dated and had a mistress while still being married. They basically want to avoid another situation like this, our culture is very family oriented and one couple cannot break up and the other stay together.
So basically my sister Alice is scared of her husband and his brothers doing stuff to her children because she lived with them for a decade and they were physically abusive to the kids and also weird in a pedo way. Although they didn't do anything sexual during this time (that I know of; me being so much younger means they don't tell me some stuff) I don't have any doubts about why she thinks that because I know they have these kind of tendencies and wouldn't put it past them to try on their little children.
I believe this because Stephen recently told his 9 year old son about how to "feel good" and get a "warm reaction" when rubbing his private parts. Now his son is 10, and Stephen took him to his bedroom and "laid on top of [my nephew] and jumped and pressed into" in my nephews words. I have nothing against secual education, or masturbation, but 9 years old is too young and humping your son is also a unacceptable.
On the other hand, my sister in law Tammy has a habit of watching porn on our TV, which is in the living room and used by everyone (mostly for the children to watch cartoons on or for family movie nights, ironically). Additionally, she was caught by my brother chatting up my other brother in law (35, Elias). Elias was my brother Simon's best friend since they were toddlers and he strongly denied anything happening between him and Tammy, but his wife (my sister Felice, 32) has previously caught Tammy doing this thing and told my brother Simon. He didn't believe her until we were all vacationing together 2 years ago and he saw it happen first hand. Since then Simon and Elias haven't talked to each other and their wives are basically no contact with each other (Simon and Felice still talk tho, although its more of a small talk kinda relationship so not very close).
Another thing I hate is that Tammy is hateful towards me and my all my sisters, but I will focus on Alice. Alice lives in a one bedroom with her 6 kids, she relies on her husband Stephen for money and everything else, he has control of all the banks and all the government benefits they receive for the kids. He recently sent 20000 back to his family in a different country and sends an additional 1000 every month. His family bought 4 houses in the past 2/3 years, while Alice's kids literally get bullied because they dont have the right equipment for school, their lunches, their clothes and other such reasons.
One of these was when their washing machine broke when Alice was 7 months pregnant and she had to wash the clothes by hand. She tried to talk to my parents and brother Simon and his wife Tammy to persuade Stephen to buy a new one cuz she physically couldn't anymore, to which Tammy responded with "whatever happens, whether something breaks or not, he's not gonna fix it and we're not gonna get you a new one. If you wanna stay here stay otherwise fuck off". My brother shouted at her and then her crocodile tears came out, but in the end my brother had to buy a washing machine for my sister Alice. Stephen also has a habit of leaving his wife with their 6 kids for months on end when he goes to his home country, this happened when she was pregnant twice.
When I was 14, they also tried to arrange a meeting for me to get married to their younger brother who is 7-8 years older than me. My parents and I both rejected this thought without hesitation.
I feel like their whole family is sexually fucked up and I hate them so much, I'm scared for all their kids and feel like either they will rape them or teach them that these things are normal, so they will grow up to be like them. Naturally I want neither of these things, I love my niblings and wish we could just get rid of Tammy and Stephen, but in our culture divorce is frowned upon and people make a really big deal out of it. Plus both Alice and Simon love their kids, and one of them would have to probably give up on them if the divorces took place.
Idk if I should report Stephen or how to help Alice, pls lmk if there's something I could do, if not pls help me sort out my thoughts and thank you for listening to my rant.
submitted by No_Concept_9032 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:54 StrollLicksWindows ZL1 - Touchless car wash? (Autowash)

Hey all,
Wondering if anyone has put their ZL1 through a Touchless car wash? Specifically the autowash ones?
My back has taken a beating in recent years, and manual washes are no longer possible, much as I love to do it.. I use Autowash's platinum touchless wash/dry on my lower end dailies, but I don't have the balls to put the ZL1 through it!
submitted by StrollLicksWindows to camaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 BOIBARBIE Best Hand Car Washes

looking for a detailer for my cars. I feel like I can never find a spot that does a good job.
submitted by BOIBARBIE to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 ApatheticMill Why is YouTube Recommending my Video to the Wrong Target Audience?

I made a vlog style blog about getting laid off and my coworkers throwing me a farewell party. My Video is being pushed to teenagers that watch prank videos. My video is mainly being suggested to people who've never even had a job lol. My video is starting to get downvotes and they're immediately clicking off. How can I get youtube to target the right audience for my video?
These are the video titles that my video is being suggested after:
Wiping Sh*t On People Prank Part 3 : Bathroom Prank Gone Wrong
Fake call Hey Baby .... what she still around Tiktok compilation�
Milk Chug Challenge VOMIT ALERT
My hash tags for this video are #unemployment #laidoff #fired #fairwellparty #unemployed
The category is also people/blogs.
submitted by ApatheticMill to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 yellingbananas My boyfriend is great for some exposure "therapy".

It's testing me and pushing me to the limits but it's also helping me how he cooks me a pizza and it's still frozen in the middle and he parted it with the pizza wheel he used yesterday and did not wash.
Or how he washes his chicken in the sink and leaves it on the counter, how he has a stick of butter for months and just uses it until it's no more. How he leaves his lunch in the car for 6 hours before eating it, how he leaves his groceries out for a few hours before stuffing it in the fridge or how he uses gloves when he is cutting chicken but still uses his hands with gloves to touch his phone.
That's some examples, he is a very clean man in any way but the way he is around food yeah.
I have contamination OCD aswell as emetophobia, I burn my food to a crisp, I over sniff my food and throw butter out when it's "been in the fridge too long" but I decided as a way to expose myself to my own fears by just eating his food and just rolling with it.
Today I ate the still frozen in the middle and slized with the yesterday's used pizza wheel. It causes major anxiety, I do want to cry sometimes but I end up fine. I have realised just how much time I spend overthinking, how much food I throw out and I should live life a little more.
Oh he knows about my emetophobia, my ocd and my atypical eating disorder, he knows about my rituals and habits so I just don't let him know about the things he does so I can use it as exposure. Sure as shit it sounds bad that im using it as exposure but I needed it, I needed to just "live on the edge" and see that I need to relax alot more when it comes to my behaviour.
Great exposure.
submitted by yellingbananas to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:34 Capable-Credit-8800 Name survey for rental car business
submitted by Capable-Credit-8800 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 Nearby_Papaya_1705 Handling grief through that s dream

I’m not a very emotional person, i don’t usually cry so when my cousin passed away about a year ago i couldn’t bring myself to cry because all i could think about was how he was probably happier wherever he is now. I didn’t cry at the funeral and i felt as if something was wrong with me because we were very close. About a month ago i had a dream where it was just him and i in a car together driving up this really long hill with lots of rounded turns and i remember us talking and having a good time and the one thing he said that i could remember was him telling me it was okay to not cry because he was much happier and he was doing great. I woke up after that and cried for hours because i felt like grief had really hit me like a truck, everything finally washed over me and it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. What’s even crazier is that i don’t usually dream, like i go to sleep and wake up so for this to happen it felt like it was a real message from him, of course the skeptic in me is telling myself that it’s just my conscience telling me what i wanted to hear but another part of me wanted to believe that he truly came to me that night. Has anyone else had a dream like this?
submitted by Nearby_Papaya_1705 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 Capable-Credit-8800 Name survey for my small business (Rental car)
submitted by Capable-Credit-8800 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 CoolAsCucumber07 [OC] Do you get your car washed and waxed regularly?

[OC] Do you get your car washed and waxed regularly?
Till how long did you take good care of your car before you gave up the washing to the regular car cleaning guy?
submitted by CoolAsCucumber07 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 Fabulous-Animator537 Anyone else have a very needy Raggy?

Anyone else have a very needy Raggy?
My Lizzie was sick last spring for 4 months. She sat in my dark closet all day and night. She couldn’t jump on my bed, but tried and fell a lot😿. The vet couldn’t find anything wrong. I had to wash her ass every day because she couldn’t lift her hind legs when pooping n her box.
Thank God, she got better. But now she still wants me to groom her daily. She wants me to watch her while she’s eating and constantly looks to see if I’m still watching.
I sometimes clean her butt with Nice & Clean wipes, and she just starts licking herself while I use them. Same with brushing her.
She loves being brushed and doesn’t run away anymore like she used to. She’ll hiss if I pull her fur but won’t leave. The only thing she doesn’t like is me clipping her nails.
Anyone else have a very needy cat who follows them everywhere? I live alone and don’t leave often. I don’t even have a car.
submitted by Fabulous-Animator537 to ragdolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 TheRealSilvShady Tw: Manic episodes

As someone who is diagnosed with Bipolar type 1, I can tell you now all she is suffering with is too much drink and too many drugs.
I'd give anything not to have it, not to have spent months in a psychiatric unit, it's a living hell and the fact she pulls this new "diag-nonsense" out her ass is a fucking joke.
Manic episode? You mean.. Having a little cry and triggering people online with a sharp object? Wasting the time of ambulances and NHS staff you call for yourself?
It's not how she thinks it is and I don't usually post but I genuinely feel so personally hurt by this new claim.
Try being so elevated you feel like you're invincible, but not in a tiktok "I'm invincible and the queen of the app no one can remove me" way
It's like you suddenly have a god complex, absolutely nothing can affect you and that actually the law isn't something you have to abide by because you're pretty damn special.
Money is no object, everything you earn is disposable but also don't forget.. you're going to make it big because you watched a single video on something random like being a fashion designer.
So you quit your job straight after watching the video and order some supplies and spend hours focusing on it, making yourself a business that's never going to take off..
You could lose your job, your house, your family. You start taking mega risks that can ruin your whole life.
You wash your car at 3am because you suddenly remember you need to do it, you mow the lawn at 4am waking up your neighbours causing an ongoing conflict, there is 0 sense of time, sometimes you genuinely think you're completely invincible.. like you could walk in front of traffic and nothing could hurt you or you could take a shortcut to the garden by just jumping from a second story window because rules, consequences and things just don't apply or exist to you.
You sleep with people just for the thrill, the excitement of being so bad, you get married after knowing someone for 3 days, You do reckless things like driving your car down the motorway at 180mph just for the sheer thrill and adrenaline of it, you do things to feel alive.
You are so out of it that you don't even REALISE how far gone you are. You don't REALISE you need to get help. You don't REALISE you need to reach out or get therapy or whatever. You don't REALISE until the damage is done or the comedown from the mania into the depression.
You also do everything you needed to do when you were so depressed you didn't want to exist, you didn't leave your actual bed for 4 weeks, you didn't shower, you didn't brush your hair, you didn't brush your teeth, you didn't go out, you stayed in the same clothes, you don't eat, you don't open your curtains, you couldn't even reply to a text message from friends simply asking if you are ok let alone going live and going out.
Going on a drug/alcohol bender, lying about everything and causing shit online and crying wolf 24/7 isn't bipolar.
submitted by TheRealSilvShady to Elphabadoherty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 I_am_Trundle Is this any good?

We just got forced into this payplan with promises of how amazing it is. Only problem is that the extra 5% front and all of the back end is being taxed out the ass at the bonus tax rate rather than being taxed as commission. We're not a super high volume store at all ~40 cars/month for new and used combined. I never have problems selling over 10/month.
$31,200 base salary
15% front end (extra 5% if you get 2 survey returns per month with good scores)
Percentage of back end equal to the number of units sold, capped at 25 units/25%
At 10 units demo allowance of $400 is paid as bonus
10-14 cars pays bonus of 25 per car 15-19 cars pays bonus of 30 per car retro to first 20+ cars pays bonus of 40 per car retro to first
Yearly bonus of $10 per car from jan-nov paid in december
Mini is $200
submitted by I_am_Trundle to askcarsales [link] [comments]