Demi lovato neopet user lookups

Demi Lovato

2011.08.01 20:50 musicman19 Demi Lovato

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of Reddit's API pricing changes and policy decisions. /Save3rdPartyApps/. Under duress and for the benefit of our users, we are reopening the Subreddit despite this issue not being resolved.

2011.10.09 01:21 sickboy_94 Debby Ryan

Subreddit dedicated to Debby Ryan

2009.01.28 13:43 JoJo

Joanna "JoJo" Levesque (born December 20, 1990) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress.

2024.05.14 16:15 port25 Graph API - how to do not/ne lookups in user assignedplans?

Sorry if this is a stupid question. Been working on converting some dynamic security membership rules to odata queries that work direct in graph.
This postive filter works:$select=displayname,assignedplans&$count=true&$top=1&$filter=(assignedPlans/any(x:x/servicePlanId eq 4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7)) 
But the negative version fails:$select=displayname,assignedplans&$count=true&$top=1&$filter=(assignedPlans/any(x:x/servicePlanId not 4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7)) 
I've tried with ne and not, using NE gets a 400 saying to use NOT. NOT gives me a 400 saying
"message": "Invalid filter clause: ')' or ',' expected at position 37 in '(assignedPlans/any(x:x/servicePlanId not 4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7))' 
Am I doing something wrong? Is it impossible to do a not in the assignedplans collection, or within an any lookup? Thanks for any assistance!
** We have three main license types. Negative lookups work in the dynamic license group rules, using the nots to exclude people with higher level licenses from getting lower tier licenses.
submitted by port25 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 allalongthe Getting data from List Collector

I am very new to Service Now development, so I appreciate the patience.
I have a list collector that I am using to have the user select multiple items. It is part of a variable set that gets passed on to a receiving application.
If I use a lookup multiple choice, I get the name of the selected item in the variable, which is what I need. However, if I use a list collector, I end up getting the sys ids of the items that were selected. Like the display shows the names (which is what I want), but the variable in the back end gives me a list of sys_ids which I don't want.
How do I get the names?
submitted by allalongthe to servicenow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:22 Mr-brightside92 MongoDB charts

Hello, i am having a hard time trying to make this column bar chart. i trying to compare the number of customers who registered ( from Users collection) against the number of those customers who actually made an order ( from Order collection) by date (month or year)
now in mongodb charts i cannot use a query or aggregation that contain lookup. i tried to use the lookup field thing but it is not showing the correct results.
can someone please help me with this. DM me if you want
Thank you in advance
submitted by Mr-brightside92 to mongodb [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:21 Jaceholt How to use dynamic value inside Patch()?

TLDR: Middle code block is what is giving me problems.
I have a SharePoint list with 35 fields named "1.1, 1.2, 1.3" etc. The fields are all Checkbox fields. I've created a Patch command that sets the value of these fields to true/false, based on an IF() condition. This code works as intended.
Here is the Patch command for 2 out of 35 fields.
Patch( '5S Rapport', LookUp('5S Rapport', Title = varAuditItem.Title), { '1.1': If( !IsBlank( LookUp( '5S Kommentarslogg', Completed = false && Subcategori = 1.1 && MBU.Value = varAuditItem.MBU.Value ) ), false, true ), '1.2': If( !IsBlank( LookUp( '5S Kommentarslogg', Completed = false && Subcategori = 1.2 && MBU.Value = varAuditItem.MBU.Value ) ), false, true ) } ) 
I would prefer to not repeat this code 35 times, so I tried to create a loop with a dynamic value in it. I have a collection "CategoryInfo" that is used elsewhere in the app. It has a field called "Subcategory" that has 35 values corresponding to the 35 fields in the SharePoint List. My thought was that I could use the "value" of this field for both matching where the Patch Command is targeting, and also used as a criteria in the Lookup() function. I can't get this to work. ChatGPT told me that dynamic values are not allowed in Patch commands.
Is there a workaround for this?
ForAll( CategoryInfo, Patch( '5S Rapport', LookUp('5S Rapport', Title = varAuditItem.Title), { (Subcategory): If( !IsBlank( LookUp( '5S Kommentarslogg', Completed = false && Subcategori = Subcategory && MBU.Value = varAuditItem.MBU.Value ) ), false, true ) } ) ) 
In the Concat() below I basically accomplished a similar thing, but here I write out a list of the each subcategory and gives the user a pass/fail using emojis. In this function the "Subcategory" works well as a dynamic value.
Concat( Filter(CategoryInfo, Category = 1), Subcategory & ": - " & If( !IsBlank( LookUp( '5S Kommentarslogg', Completed = false && Subcategory = Subcategory && MBU.Value = varAuditItem.MBU.Value ) ), "⛔", "✅" ) & Char(10) ) 
Any solution to how I can create my loop with a dynamic value?
submitted by Jaceholt to PowerApps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:20 lkthomas Bug on community.zabbix.zabbix_host collections?

community.zabbix version: v2.3.1
Both "host creation" code A & B failed, but works on "Create COMPANY base template", what have I done wrong?
Error message:
The full traceback is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 107, in  File "", line 99, in _ansiballz_main File "", line 47, in invoke_module File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 207, in run_module return _run_module_code(code, init_globals, run_name, mod_spec) File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 97, in _run_module_code _run_code(code, mod_globals, init_globals, File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 87, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 1250, in  File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 1052, in main File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 19, in __init__ File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 25, in __init__ File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 124, in __init__ AssertionError: socket_path must be a value fatal: [server02]: FAILED! => changed=false module_stderr: - Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 107, in  File "", line 99, in _ansiballz_main File "", line 47, in invoke_module File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 207, in run_module return _run_module_code(code, init_globals, run_name, mod_spec) File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 97, in _run_module_code _run_code(code, mod_globals, init_globals, File "/uslib/python3.8/", line 87, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 1250, in  File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 1052, in main File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 19, in __init__ File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 25, in __init__ File "/tmp/ansible_community.zabbix.zabbix_host_payload_vaa4v6lf/", line 124, in __init__ AssertionError: socket_path must be a value module_stdout: '' msg: - MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error rc: 1 
Code A:
- name: Set access Zabbix Server API info ansible.builtin.set_fact: ansible_host: "{{ zabbix_api_server_url }}" ansible_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}" ansible_httpapi_pass: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}" ansible_httpapi_port: 80 ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: false ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false ansible_zabbix_url_path: "zabbix" ansible_network_os: community.zabbix.zabbix ansible_connection: httpapi - name: host creation community.zabbix.zabbix_host: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.template', '../templates/zabbix-host.j2') from_yaml }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Create COMPANY base template tags: - company-base-template community.zabbix.zabbix_template: template_groups: - Templates/Applications template_json: "{{ lookup('file', 'company-base-template.json') }}" state: present 
Code B:
- name: Set access Zabbix Server API info ansible.builtin.set_fact: ansible_host: "{{ zabbix_api_server_url }}" ansible_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}" ansible_httpapi_pass: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}" ansible_httpapi_port: 80 ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: false ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false ansible_zabbix_url_path: "zabbix" ansible_network_os: community.zabbix.zabbix ansible_connection: httpapi - name: host creation vars: ansible_host: "{{ zabbix_api_server_url }}" ansible_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}" ansible_httpapi_pass: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}" ansible_httpapi_port: 80 ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: false ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false ansible_zabbix_url_path: "zabbix" ansible_network_os: community.zabbix.zabbix ansible_connection: httpapi community.zabbix.zabbix_host: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.template', '../templates/zabbix-host.j2') from_yaml }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Create COMPANY base template tags: - company-base-template community.zabbix.zabbix_template: template_groups: - Templates/Applications template_json: "{{ lookup('file', 'company-base-template.json') }}" state: present 
submitted by lkthomas to ansible [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:05 AutoModerator /r/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread (05/14/2024)

/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread

The purpose of this thread is to more accurately connect users seeking help with users who want to provide that help. Our regular "Helpful Users" certainly have earned their flairs!

Before asking your question...

Helpful Links

Wiki Resources

Wiki Accessory Information

  • Accessories - Starter information about controllers, chargers, cables, screen protectors, cases, headsets, LAN adapters, and more.
  • MicroSD cards - Some more in-depth information about MicroSD cards including what size you should get and which brands are recommended.
  • Carrying Cases - An expanded list of common carrying cases available for the Switch.

Helpful Reddit Posts

Third Party Links


  • We have a volunteer run #switch-help channel in our Discord server.
  • Instructions and links to information about homebrew and hacking are against our rules and should take place in their relevant subreddits.
  • Please be patient. Not all questions get immediate answers. If you have an urgent question about something that's gone wrong, consider other resources like Nintendo's error code lookup or help documents on the Switch.
  • Make sure to follow Rule #1 of this subreddit: Remember the human, and be polite when you ask or answer questions.
submitted by AutoModerator to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 Particular-Guard774 Help with speculative: llama-cpp-python

Hey there,
Kind of new to llama.cpp and wasn't sure why my code to run speculative with code llama 7B and 34B ran into errors. I was looking over the documentation but couldn't get a clear idea of how to set something as a draft model correctly. Any help would be great, thanks!
from llama_cpp import Llama from llama_cpp.llama_speculative import LlamaPromptLookupDecoding draft = Llama(model_path="./llama.cpp/codellama-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf") llm = Llama(model_path="./llama.cpp/codellama-34b.Q4_K_M.gguf", draft_model=draft ) output = llm( "Question: Who is Sam Bankman Fried? Answer:", max_tokens = 100, stop=["\n", "Question:", "Q:"], echo = True, ) 
Error Messaging:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nvelnambi/Desktop/ML/", line 8, in
output = llm(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 1634, in __call__
return self.create_completion(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 1567, in create_completion
completion: Completion = next(completion_or_chunks) # type: ignore
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 1092, in _create_completion
for token in self.generate(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 759, in generate
draft_tokens = self.draft_model(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 1634, in __call__
return self.create_completion(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 1567, in create_completion
completion: Completion = next(completion_or_chunks) # type: ignore
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_cpp/", line 972, in _create_completion
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,) (13,)
submitted by Particular-Guard774 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 Connect-Maize2601 Question about Polo G lyric and Demi lovato

On Fame and Riches the line “Posted on the strip selling Demi Lovato” is said. Ik what the line means. I was just wondering why he used it as it seems weird to talk about her in a song. Was there ever any response from her or statement from Demi? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
submitted by Connect-Maize2601 to PoloG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:38 ailm32442 Integrate GPT-4o into comfyui to achieve LLM visual functions!

Integrate GPT-4o into comfyui to achieve LLM visual functions!
GPT-4o has been released, and I’m joining the excitement by enabling my comfyui agent open-source project to support GPT-4o integration into comfyui, achieving visual functions.
The project address is:heshengtao/comfyui_LLM_party: A set of block-based LLM agent node libraries designed for ComfyUI development.(一组面向comfyui开发的积木化LLM智能体节点库)
In my open-source project, you can use these features:
  1. You can right-click in the comfyui interface, select `llm` from the context menu, and you will find the nodes for this project. [how to use nodes](
  2. Supports API integration or local large model integration. Modular implementation for tool invocation.When entering the base_url, please use a URL that ends with `/v1/`.You can use [ollama]( to manage your model. Then, enter `http://localhost:11434/v1/` for the base_url, ollama for the api_key, and your model name for the model_name, such as: llama3. If the call fails with a 503 error, you can try turning off the proxy server.
  3. Local knowledge base integration with RAG support.
  4. Ability to invoke code interpreters.
  5. Enables online queries, including Google search support.
  6. Implement conditional statements within ComfyUI to categorize user queries and provide targeted responses.
  7. Supports looping links for large models, allowing two large models to engage in debates.
  8. Attach any persona mask, customize prompt templates.
  9. Supports various tool invocations, including weather lookup, time lookup, knowledge base, code execution, web search, and single-page search.
  10. Use LLM as a tool node.
  11. Rapidly develop your own web applications using API + Streamlit.The picture below is an example of a drawing application.
  12. Added a dangerous omnipotent interpreter node that allows the large model to perform any task.
  13. It is recommended to use the `show_text` node under the `function` submenu of the right-click menu as the display output for the LLM node.
submitted by ailm32442 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:56 Lanky-Lie-696 Can you suggest some “You’re gonna want me back” music

I’m looking for songs like
“Sorry Not Sorry” by Demi Lovato
“You Broke My Heart” by Drake
“Feather” by Sabrina Carpenter
“Hate 2 See It” by Danileigh
“U Don’t Have to Call” by Usher
Clearly these aren’t the same genre but they’re the same vibe: “You might’ve had me down bad but ima have you down worse”
Sometimes music can be so triggering that you need a good move on playlist 🤣
submitted by Lanky-Lie-696 to SongRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:33 PinchesTheCrab Comparing AD group memberships for onboarding

A common task I'm faced with is looking at a team of half a dozen peole who all have seemingly random group memberships and figuring out which groups a new member of the team should be added to. This lets you drill down to shared groups for an array of AD users and identify which peron(s) is missing.
Function Compare-ADMemberof { <# .SYNOPSIS Compare user group memberships, separate users with commas. Requires AD module from ADUC. .DESCRIPTION Compare user group memberships, separate users with commas. Lists groups missing members. Requires AD module from ADUC. .EXAMPLE $manager = Get-ADUser TimApple123 Get-ADUser -filter "manager -eq '$($manager.distinguishedname)'" Compare-ADMemberof Compares memberships of all users managed by 'TimApple123' #> [alias('Compare-ADUserGroups')] [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [string[]]$Identity, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [switch]$IncludeEqual, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string]$DisplayProperty = 'SamAccountName', [Parameter()] [string]$Server, [parameter()] [string]$Delimiter = ',' ) begin { $adParam = @{ Property = 'memberof', $DisplayProperty Sort-Object -Property $DisplayProperty -Unique -Descending } if ($Server) { $adParam['Server'] = $Server } if ($Credential) { $adParam['Credential'] = $Credential } $lookup = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADObject]]::new() } Process { foreach ($a_Identity in $Identity) { $null = $lookup.Add((Get-ADUser -Identity $a_Identity @adParam)) } } end { $results = foreach ($a_lookup in $lookup) { $a_lookup.MemberOf ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ ADObject = $a_lookup $DisplayProperty = $a_lookup.$DisplayProperty Group = $_ -replace '^CN=,OU=.+' DistinguishedName = $a_lookup.DistinguishedName } } } $group = $results Group-Object -Property Group Sort-Object Count -Descending if (-not $IncludeEqual) { $group = $group Where-Object { $_.count -ne $lookup.count } } foreach ($a_group in $group) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Group = $a_group.Name Members = $a_group.Group.$DisplayProperty -join ', ' Missing = $lookup.where({ $_.distinguishedname -notin $a_group.Group.DistinguishedName }).$DisplayProperty -join "$Delimiter " } } } } 
submitted by PinchesTheCrab to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 joni1802 Unable to send or receive mails

Hello everyone,
I am currently using the standard mail stack (postfix, dovecot etc) and wanted to try stalwart as an alternative. I have tried the docker image with the basic configuration like described in the official docs. I added my domain and a user and set the certificate. But I am unable to send message or retrieve messages from my inbox.
When I am trying to send a message using port 587 with STARTTLS I get 501 5.5.2 Syntax error, expected: MAIL FROM: \[parameters\] when trying to set the MAIL FROM. Here is the whole output:
250-XXXXXXXXXXX says hello 250-SMTPUTF8 250-SIZE 104857600 250-REQUIRETLS 250-PIPELINING 250-NO-SOLICITING 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-CHUNKING 250-BINARYMIME 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 8BITMIME auth login 334 VXNlciBOYW1lAA== XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 334 UGFzc3dvcmQA XXXXXXXXXX 235 2.7.0 Authentication succeeded. mail from: test@XXXXXXXXXX 501 5.5.2 Syntax error, expected: MAIL FROM: [parameters] 
In the stalwart logs I can only see a handshake entry.
2024-05-13T21:49:42.504875Z INFO session{instance="submission" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=38854}: common::listener::listen: context="tls" event="handshake" version=TLSv1_3 cipher=TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 
Also fetching messages over IMAP port 993 (SSL) using Roundcube is not working. I can see that a message got receive by stalwart but the inbox is empty.
2024-05-13T21:50:34.660521Z INFO session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: common::listener::listen: context="tls" event="handshake" version=TLSv1_3 cipher=TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 2024-05-13T21:50:35.133467Z WARN session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: common::scripts::plugins::lookup: context="sieve:key_exists_http" event="failed" resource="" status=404 Not Found 2024-05-13T21:50:36.970610Z INFO session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: smtp::queue::spool: Message queued for delivery. context="queue" event="scheduled" id=174812376797577216 from="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpts=1 size=4587 2024-05-13T21:50:36.974055Z INFO delivery{id=174812376797577216 return_path="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpt=1 size=4587}:attempt{domain="XXXXXXXX" attempt_number=0}: smtp::outbound::local: context="deliver_local" event="delivered" rcpt="test@XXXXXXXX" 2024-05-13T21:50:36.974364Z INFO delivery{id=174812376797577216 return_path="XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpt=1 size=4587}: smtp::outbound::delivery: Delivery completed. context="queue" event="completed" 
Am I doing something completely wrong?
submitted by joni1802 to stalwartlabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:08 tomk80 Passing changed context to upstream handler

I am looking to implement an access log handler for an http server. The handler essentially wraps the NewServeMux() function of the server. I get basic access logging with this approach. The challenge I encountered is this: I want to log a “remote_user” field. The remote user isn’t just a request header value, but a value determined further down the middleware chain if certain auth details are available. My service supports Basic, JWT, SSO cookie and couple other mechanisms. And authentication does not apply to every endpoint, so the remote user field can only have a value when the call was actually sent with relevant auth credentials. For the access log I care about whether the user passed relevant auth credentials, and if so, what his identity was.
To share the user identity with the handlers that actually implement the requested operations, I implemented a middleware which handles all the different auth mechanisms and finally passes the user identity in the context for downstream handlers. This works fine from a REST service perspective, but the access log handler is upstream from the auth handler, not downstream. Consequently, no updates to the request context can share the user identity with my upstream access log handler.
So, my question is, does anyone have a suggestion how I can make the user identity available to the upstream handler(s)?
Here are 3 strategies I am considering, but I don’t really like either of them as they feel like a hack in place of a more elegant solution.
Option 1: each request gets a unique request ID assigned by the most upstream request handler. The auth middleware can then store the user identity in a global cache with the request ID used as lookup key. The access log middleware can lookup the cached value and remove the key from the cache.
Option 2: The auth middleware sets a response header to the desired value, and the access log middleware then reads the response header from the response writer object. This fundamentally works, but feels like a hack. And in addition, this response header is now sent back to the client.
Option 3: configure the access logger downstream from the auth middleware. The problem with that is that the access logger won’t see invalid requests like non-existing endpoints getting requested (404). The other scenario is rate limiting (also a middleware) that rejects calls meeting certain criteria. Such a setup is easy to break when new endpoints are introduced and the developer forgets to add the access logger to the middleware chain for that endpoint. And sure, one can have utility wrapper functions, but this just doesn’t give me the confidence of a reliable solution.
submitted by tomk80 to golang [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:28 akashthanki710 Stuck here for 2 days - PSET9 finance

Stuck here for 2 days - PSET9 finance
So I'm stuck at this error for 2 days and my brain is rotting now. Please help 🙏🙏🙏
Here's my sell function and my sell.html
@app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def sell(): """Sell shares of stock""" if request.method == "GET": user_id = session["user_id"] symbols_user = db.execute("SELECT symbol FROM transactions WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY symbol HAVING SUM(shares) > 0", user_id) return render_template("sell.html", symbols = [row["symbol"] for row in symbols_user]) else: symbol = request.form.get("symbol") shares = int(request.form.get("shares")) stock = lookup(symbol.upper()) if shares <= 0: return apology("Enter a positive value") price = float(stock["price"]) transaction_value = shares * price user_id = session["user_id"] user_cash_db = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = ?", user_id) user_cash = user_cash_db[0]["cash"] user_shares = db.execute("SELECT shares FROM transactions WHERE user_id = ? AND symbol = ? GROUP BY symbol", user_id, symbol) user_shares_real = user_shares[0]["shares"] if shares > user_shares_real: return apology("Buy More Shares") uptd_cash = float(user_cash + transaction_value) db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash = ? WHERE id = ?", uptd_cash, user_id) date = db.execute("INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, symbol, shares, price, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", user_id, stock["symbol"], (-1)*shares, price, date) flash("Stock Sold!") return redirect("/") {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Sell {% endblock %} {% block main %} 


{% endblock %}
submitted by akashthanki710 to cs50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:21 Extreme_Persimmon_38 Twisted Draconic Form

Quirk Type: Transformation/Emitter
Quirk Description: The user can tap into their demi-dragon heritage to undergo a unique transformation known as the Twisted Draconic Form. In this state, the user's physical appearance becomes a blend of human and dragon traits, with a twisted asymmetry that grants them a striking and formidable presence. The user gains enhanced strength, speed, durability, and elemental breath attacks, showcasing the power of their dual lineage in a visually distinct manner.
  1. Unpredictable Asymmetry: The asymmetrical nature of the Twisted Draconic Form can lead to unpredictable shifts in the distribution of dragon traits, causing variations in combat effectiveness. Adapting to sudden changes in the asymmetry requires quick thinking and flexibility.
  2. Instability in Transformation: Maintaining the Twisted Draconic Form demands concentration and control to prevent the manifestation of conflicting traits or imbalances. Loss of focus can result in partial transformations or unintended side effects, compromising combat efficiency.
  3. Strain on Body Alignment: The twisted configuration of the user's form may put strain on their body alignment and posture, leading to potential discomfort or physical limitations during extended use. Managing the structural integrity of the transformation is crucial to prevent injuries or performance hindrances.
  4. Elemental Surge: The elemental breath attacks in the Twisted Draconic Form exhibit an unpredictable surge in power, fluctuating in intensity and range based on the current asymmetrical state. Harnessing and directing these elemental energies effectively requires adaptability and quick decision-making.
  5. Visual Disturbance: The conspicuous appearance of the Twisted Draconic Form may draw attention or cause disturbance in social settings, potentially leading to misunderstandings or conflict. Navigating the reactions of others while in this transformed state requires finesse and strategic awareness.
The Twisted Draconic Form offers the user a dynamic and visually striking transformation that challenges them to embrace the unpredictable nature of their dual heritage in combat situations.
submitted by Extreme_Persimmon_38 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:59 Hour-Carry-2649 Survey point - N/S - failed model health check

Survey point - N/S - failed model health check
Hi i have model. i used acquire coordinates and we are using the shared coordinate.
i did model health check and I got these results. can you some advice what this means and where is the issue exactly
submitted by Hour-Carry-2649 to bim [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:08 Mmpnmwlb I don’t know if the level increase is worth it.. :(

I don’t know if the level increase is worth it.. :(
Too funny if you consider my last post lol!
submitted by Mmpnmwlb to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:23 quickpenguin123 Unable to webscrape yahoo finance

Here is my code, I am trying to webscrape the url{Stock} but it keeps redirecting me to{stock} even when the stock exists on yahoo finance. Not only that but it did that on my computer as well when i tried going to the website. Here is that part of the code,
By the way my header for it is {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0"} I am just wondering like is there a different way how I can webscrape it or something
submitted by quickpenguin123 to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:05 AutoModerator /r/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread (05/13/2024)

/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread

The purpose of this thread is to more accurately connect users seeking help with users who want to provide that help. Our regular "Helpful Users" certainly have earned their flairs!

Before asking your question...

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  • Accessories - Starter information about controllers, chargers, cables, screen protectors, cases, headsets, LAN adapters, and more.
  • MicroSD cards - Some more in-depth information about MicroSD cards including what size you should get and which brands are recommended.
  • Carrying Cases - An expanded list of common carrying cases available for the Switch.

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  • We have a volunteer run #switch-help channel in our Discord server.
  • Instructions and links to information about homebrew and hacking are against our rules and should take place in their relevant subreddits.
  • Please be patient. Not all questions get immediate answers. If you have an urgent question about something that's gone wrong, consider other resources like Nintendo's error code lookup or help documents on the Switch.
  • Make sure to follow Rule #1 of this subreddit: Remember the human, and be polite when you ask or answer questions.
submitted by AutoModerator to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:45 MagnificentRussian Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato submitted by MagnificentRussian to GleePorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:30 UstroyDestroy AI Developments and Insights: From Anthropics Participation in Hay Festival to Yann LeCuns Perspectives on AI

startups #event #hardware #feature #update #leaders #opensource #science #scheduled

Anthropic is set to support the 'AI needs you' session at Hay Festival, featuring a conversation between Verity Harding and Jonnie Penn. The discussion will focus on the transformative potential of AI and the importance of shaping its future to reflect our values and serve the public good [1].
Groq Inc is gearing up for several events. They are excited for ISC24, where they will showcase a demo of their LPU Inference Engine at booth M19 [2]. They are also inviting developers to interact with them at SHACK15sf during the AIatMeta hackathon hosted by Cerebral Valley [3]. In addition, Groq Inc has partnered with TierPoint's data center in Washington to support their high-speed LPU Inference Engine for processing large language models securely [4].
A majority of Twitter users favor "open source AGI" winning, although the exact definition of "open source", "AGI", and "win" is unclear. Meta is a significant contributor to Team Open Source [5]. In the AI industry, Apple and Amazon have been secretive about their AI developments, while Google's openness increased after the creation of FAIR but has been more closed off recently. DeepMind's "Foundations" division has published, but the rest of the company has not shared as much. Microsoft Research has a tradition of publications but limited open sourcing and tends to patent most things. Nvidia is mostly closed but has published some notable papers. IBM co-founded the AI Alliance to promote open source platforms and IBM Research has a tradition of publications. OpenAI started open but has become very secretive. Anthropic was never intended to be open due to the perceived dangers of AI [6].
Yann LeCun, a prominent figure in AI, has shared several insights. He mentioned that a significant portion of non-bot individuals interested in AI are on Twitter [7]. He acknowledges the presence of the double descent phenomenon in a graph presented by someone and notes that this phenomenon has been known in regularized linear regression for at least 35 years [8]. LeCun changed his perspective on AI after learning more about it from Demis Hassabis during a symposium on AI at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican in 2016 [9]. He suggests that Geoff Hinton and Yoshua Bengio are considered on the fringe of the academic community regarding AI existential risk [10]. LeCun also explains that implicit regularization occurs in multilayer neural networks due to the dynamics of learning, similar to explicitly-regularized linear regression [11].
1. Anthropic @anthropicai
2. Groq Inc @GroqInc
3. Groq Inc @GroqInc
4. Groq Inc @GroqInc
5. Yann LeCun @ylecun
6. Yann LeCun @ylecun
7. Yann LeCun @ylecun
8. Yann LeCun @ylecun
9. Yann LeCun @ylecun
10. Yann LeCun @ylecun
11. Yann LeCun @ylecun
submitted by UstroyDestroy to ai_news_by_ai [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:25 sidequeststussy [HMRC] HEO Data Analyst Technical Analytical Exercise

Hello! I have recently applied for a data analyst role with HMRC (HEO) and really hoping to get offered an interview (crosses fingers). The job application states: "If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited to an interview... consisting of:
1) Experience and Strength questions
2) A Technical analytical exercise (full details will be provided if you are shortlisted)
I'm probably jumping ahead here a little, but I want to arm myself with as much time and information as possible to prepare. I am feeling quite confident about the experience and strength questions, and have spent time studing the success profiles framework and thinking of examples which I could discuss in relation to these.
I did however want to ask about people's experiences with the technical analytical exercise during the interview. I have seen very little information online about this and unsure what to expect. Will we be given the data in advance? If so, how long prior to the interview? Does anyone have any guidance/experience on the data we'll be asked to analyse and what they are looking for? From advise on here it sounds like we'll need to identify at least 5 key pieces of information from the given data set, and visually present the data in charts justifying why I chose that approach over other approaches.
For context I have four years experience as a workforce analyst and a masters degree in business with financial management. I would describe myself as an advanced excel users who frequently uses pivot tables and formulas such as (SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, V/H/X Lookups, INDEX and MATCH, SUMPRODUCT, CORREL etc) to analyse large workforce data sets. I am also pretty confident with Power BI. I also have (very!) basic knowledge of SQL and Python but I am not confident with these and do not use them in my current job role (the job advert states SQL, R, and Python in the desired criteria, not essential).
Am I in out of my depth here?
Any advice or guidence from previous experience would be appreciated and massively help settle my nerves.
Thank you in advance kind people.
submitted by sidequeststussy to TheCivilService [link] [comments]