Can you lose weight on pseudafed

Beginner Fitness

2013.05.10 01:38 DarkSareon Beginner Fitness

A safe and open space for Redditors to post their questions and thoughts about fitness training.

2010.07.29 14:53 mindspread loseit - Lose the Fat

A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here!

2013.06.14 13:02 faith_plus_one Food for small bodies

A sub for recipes, memes, and support related to low-calorie diets, targeted at people who have low TDEEs.

2024.05.14 08:02 pifeknrty I think I might be trans

Just warning y'all, this is gonna be really long... I'm trying to give as much context as I can for better understanding. And another warning, I mention some things about weight and feeling insecure about it. Not anything too bad, but just so you know. Anyways. I'm AFAB, and I've used the label genderfluid since 2019, but now as I'm getting older and allowing myself to explore my gender identity without feeling ashamed, I don't know if I'm really genderfluid, or transgender, or what. I just would like to know what label this sounds like to y'all? And I KNOW I don't Have to use a label, I just want to know or get some other peoples thoughts on it, because I'm really confused and don't know what is really going on with me. So basically, I've been identifying as a woman for a long time, since it's my assigned gender at birth. But in 2019, I really just learned about LGBTQ and all of the labels and meanings, and I found that Genderfluid fit me best. That some days I felt like a boy, some days I felt like a girl, some days I felt like neither, or both, whatever. But I think I kinda forgot about it, and I just identified as a woman again. And then in 2020, I thought I might be trans, as I wanted to be everything male. I wanted to dress that way, look that way, have a different name and haircut and pronouns and all of that. And I was ALOT happier that way, and I felt more comfortable, but also not at the same time because of my chest. I've wanted a binder for a VERY long time, and I didn't have one till just THIS year, and so whenever I dressed how I wanted to in 2020, I just looked like a guy with a big bust and it repulsed me, so I really just tried to be male online with my friends mostly? Since I didn't look like one in real life, I felt like I was embarrassing myself, y'know? :( And in 2021, I just went by agender, because I didn't feel like being anything. But also that year, I was really depressed, so I think maybe I just didn't wanna have to stress about my gender too. Anyways, in 2023 I went into a relationship with somebody, and I was identifying as a woman at that point, so I kinda subconsciously hyperfeminized myself so I could be their "perfect" girlfriend, even though they didn't want me to do that. I kinda tried way too hard that year šŸ’€ We broke up in November that year, and after that, I've been exploring my gender again. I realized there wasn't really a need to be so feminine, and I started to like Harry Potter for the first time! My favorite character was Ron Weasley, and I started to really like his character, and the actor himself. I really admired the way he dressed when he was younger, and at that point, I decided that I should start dressing the way I REALLY want to. So I got the money for new clothes, AND A BINDER! And I finally got to dress the way I've wanted for so long, and I was so happy. It was the happiest and best I've ever felt and looked in so long. I felt just like a boy. But, I also felt dysphoric for the first time in a while, because I had my long dark brown hair still. I didn't feel like I really looked like a boy enough because of it. And I debated cutting my hair, but I thought I was just really liking that Rupert Grint guy too much, and I only was acting that way because of him. Sometimes I really like a character or celebrity and I kind of accidentally subconsciously take on some things that they do, and the way they dress. But I eventually completely stopped liking Harry Potter, and I still wanted that haircut, so I did it. And I really tried to give myself a gender neutral/androgynous haircut, so if I felt like a girl again, I wouldn't regret the haircut. I had that haircut, and I dressed the way I wanted to, and I felt incredible. It's the most confident I've ever felt in my life, but then my hair started to grow out, and I looked more girly again, and I couldn't take it. So I had another haircut, this time inspired by Chino Moreno, the lead singer of my favorite band ever, Deftones. I got hairgel, and now I go out with my spiked hair, baggy jeans with boxers showing, baggy band shirt, my sneakers, and a ton of bracelets and cuffs. This is JUST how I have ALWAYS wanted to dress. I feel like a boy, and I'm so happy. But now I'm really getting to the point now, that's all of the context I had to say first. I've recently caught myself thinking "I can't wait to get top surgery one day." Which, I am DEFINITELY doing. But then I started thinking... what's next after that? Am I just gonna be me with a flat male looking chest, or am I gonna want to go more into it? (As in taking testosterone.) because I also catch myself dreaming about the day I'm old enough to take it. But does that mean I'm trans then? Because, I do like the idea of looking like a woman... But I also don't at all at the same time. I only like the idea od looking like a girl, I guess. Like a young girl. (Because I grew up as a little young girl who wore dresses and bows and did sweet things, I just feel most comfortable being a girl that way, related to my childhood. I don't like the idea of being a girl grown up getting a job, a relationship, a LIFE, ETC.) It's really confusing. And, my mom got nervous when I brought up top surgery though (and she 100% supports me though) because she was worried I would regret it when I do feel like a woman again. And I think that even if I do feel like a woman again one day, I can just be a woman with a flat chest ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ. But also, for the first time maybe ever in my life, I've started to get insecure over my weight. I think that when I was identifying/presenting myself as a woman, I just accepted that I was a bit big, because I was curvy and women are curvy sometimes and that was it. I've always been a little insecure over it, but I've also always been very scared to lose weight, because I'm scared that it'll go out of control and I'd get an eating disorder or something. Which is probably just a really weird thought, but I worry about alot of weird things. Anyways, I think the reason it's really bothering me now is because I want to look like a man. Not a big curvy woman with boobs and hips and love handles and a butt, I want to be a fully flat man. I'm flat in the chest at least with my binder, but I feel disgusted whenever I have to see my hips or behind though. Not necessarily because they're big, but because I'm supposed to be a man. It makes me feel so dysphoric. I just don't understand what is going on with me. Am I just a heavily confused genderfluid person? Am I really just a girl?? Am I transgender, and I only liked being a girl when I was younger, but not as an adult??? Is that even a thing????? I just need advice, or opinions, or somebody to help out and tell me what labels this could be, or what is wrong with me, or something. Please. Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry for the very very long post.
TL;DR. I don't know if I am a transgender male, or just a really confused genderfluid person.
submitted by pifeknrty to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 Sometimeswild38 Anxiety help - awaiting results

Just found out my results are another 2-3 weeks away. I canā€™t live like this anymore. Iā€™ve already lost weight from stress and I have no motivation to do anything.
Iā€™ve put all my vacation plans on hold and canā€™t bring myself to book anything in the future in case I canā€™t go.
I donā€™t know what to do, or how to manage. Iā€™ve googled to try and find support techniques but nothing really helps.
Iā€™m HPV66 + and awaiting Pap smear results. I didnā€™t have a pap for 20 years. Hence the hysteria. Which is my own fault.
How do you cope when youā€™re waiting for results that you are assuming will be bad?
submitted by Sometimeswild38 to HPV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:59 Sekkusa Help starting workout routine

Hi I'm 20M, don't have a scale to check my weight, but back in 2019 I was pretty slim and even ran track, but covid screwed me over as I got lazier and stayed home way more often.
Fast forward to today, I usually don't check myself in the mirror aside from my face and I generally wear baggy hoodies, but just realized I've got a bigger gut than I realized, I'd call myself fat or just starting to get fat. I eat like garbage and don't do too much so I'm not surprised, though I'm 100% determined to put a stop to this now b4 it gets too bad, I'm gonna get help with my diet but-
I know nothing about working out, nor can I really leave my house/have access to workout equipment. What can I do from home daily? I'm fine with general tips or whatever but if possible I'd like to focus on belly fat and neck fat, not too worried about bulking/gaining muscle, just losing weight. Will appreciate any and all tips/advice/routines, I know NOTHING about this stuff, but I am very determined to push myself as hard as neccesary.
submitted by Sekkusa to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 Kindly-Artichoke-637 Surviving Rockville!

Hey yā€™all! Just got home from Welcome to Rockville 2024ā€¦ what a crazy, wild, fun, and HOT weekend! Iā€™m gonna just list out some tips for the festival for anyone that plans on going in the future and some tips for concerts/festivals in general!
everyone is different and this is based on my personal experiences at concerts and festivals. Some tips may be super obvious, but if youā€™re a first timer, itā€™s good to have a reminder! There is no guarantee all these tips will apply to you/be allowed at every/future festivals. Make sure to check festival/concert venue rules and regulations before you go
  1. Keep an eye on the weather! The weather was hotter than I expected a couple days, and cooler other days. Make sure to pack some back up outfits and FL in Mayā€¦ expect anywhere from 70Ā°-95Ā°ā€¦ with humidity the first day, it felt like over 100Ā°. They also delayed doors one of the days because of possible thunderstorms. Download the WTR app to get alerts right away!
  2. Lockers are lifesavers! Who wants to carry extra weight all day?! I splurged on a 4 day locker and am so happy I did. Great meet up spot when youā€™re with friends and get separated, can throw a towel and extra clothes and sunscreen in it and grab what you need when you need it. Wanna go in a pit or crowd surf? Toss everything in your locker. Donā€™t want to be bringing things in and out of the festival? Leave it in the locker overnight!
  3. To avoid heat exhaustion and passing out, stay hydrated!! I did not drink any alcohol until sunset each day and drank lots of water during peak heat of the day. They ended up allowing hydro packs because it was so hot. I would bring one along just in case they say you can bring them in. I do not condone drugs but if you insist on taking them, be aware that Rockville had a police dog at gates and please be safe and donā€™t test your limits at a festival
  4. More on bags and hydro packsā€¦ has clear bags with hydro packs. If they donā€™t allow the hydro pack, you can remove it. These bags have anti-theft zippers and pockets, and with all the reports of lost phones and other items being literally stolen out of pockets and bags, this bag really helped keep everything secure. For me, this bag passed through security with no issue. Side note, DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK if they havenā€™t announced letting hydro packs in, you can hid the bag and tube in your clothes, itā€™s all plastic and wonā€™t set off an alarm.
  5. List of helpful items to bring:
ā€¢ Sunscreen (for my makeup lovers, I used a 50 SPF CC cream on my face so I could have some coverage and not get burnt or have a greasy face)
ā€¢ Sanitizer
ā€¢ Lip balm with SPF
ā€¢ Wet wipes
ā€¢ Tissues (literally will be breathing in dirt/sand and will get congestedā€¦ blow occasionally)
ā€¢ Sunglasses
ā€¢ Bandaids (I had so many blisters from wearing Docs lol)
ā€¢ Ear plugs
ā€¢ Power bank/charging cables (lunchbox packs has a great power bank)
ā€¢ Towel/light blanket (use to sit on the ground if you donā€™t wanna stand in the crowd or seating in tents is full)
ā€¢ Extra shirt/bottoms (best to keep in locker. Some stages had a dude with a firehose spraying the crowd and I got drenched. Also one night it got cold and I was able to put a tee on over my bikini and I almost had a bodysuit malfunction another day so having shorts to put on helped)
  1. Dress ā€œcodeā€: wear whatever you want (ladies, nips have to be covered!). I saw people covered head to toe, in comfy clothes, costumes, and people wearing pasties and thongs. Anything goes! They are strict on spikesā€¦ do NOT wear anything with spikes. They allowed small chain necklaces, but no thick chainsā€¦ however, day 1, walking to the entrance of the security line I had thick chain necklaces on and the security guard at the entrance told me to hide them in my bagā€¦ I got them through that way and then put them on. It seems like once you get through security, they donā€™t care unless some issue arises from something youā€™re wearing/brought in.
  2. Crowd safety! Careful in the pits! Remember the number one ruleā€¦ if someone fallsā€¦ PICK THEM UP. We are a family so letā€™s help each other stay safe. If you see someone acting up, tell security. If someone is stealing, tell security. If someone is about to/is passing out, get a medic. If you are near a pit and not in it, keep an eye on it so you donā€™t get knocked over. If someone comes at you, donā€™t freak out and shy away, just push them back in. If the pit is behind you, my best defense (I am a pretty small female so be careful with this one if youā€™re bigger) has been shoving my elbows back behind me to keep people from knocking me forward. Make sure you look back occasionally/pay attention to people around you because there will be an insane amount of crowd surfingā€¦ someone even went up in a wheelchair during Slipknot and ADTR told people to crowd surf on top of a crowd surferā€¦ it got crazy and dangerous so STAY ALERT
  3. Finding your way aroundā€¦ you will have slim to no reception. Keep an eye on landmarksā€¦ stages, sound booths, entrances, rides, lights, tents, food trucks, etc. this will help you navigate and set up meeting spots for when youā€™re with friends. Keep screenshots of the set times and circle what bands you are going to. Set your lock screen to a screenshot of a note with info if your phone is lost or stolen (number of friend/family to call if someone picks up your phone or police catch a thief, your name, etc.) and change home screen to a map of festival.
  4. Food and drinks: look at all the food options before you payā€¦ some booths give you a kiddie portion for $20+ and some give you more than a full size meal for $15. Try to eat proteins AND carbs since you will be walking a LOT. Protein is going to help with your muscles, while something with carbs will fill you up more so you donā€™t have to eat as much/often! The drinks are also pricey. The Heavy Tiki booth was definitely the best deal, frozen cocktails in a huge cup with a shot of dark rum on topā€¦ $22! Small mixed drinks were about $18.
Well if I think of anything else, Iā€™ll add it to the comments or edit post! Rock on yā€™all!
submitted by Kindly-Artichoke-637 to welcometorockville [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 Prestigious-A-154 28F Problems w/ Sitting, Standing, Walking

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me out with advice. I've been having this issue with my legs (and my left side at times) since last year in July. I haven't figured out what is causing it and how to treat it. I feel like this all started through weight lifting. I stopped weight lifting because I started having left hip pain after a leg day one day. After that, things slowly got worse, and I haven't returned back to the gym since. Other than my PCP, I have seen an orthopedic (hip), spinal specialist, and neurologist about the issue.
Symptoms- chronic, but worsens after sitting, standing, or walking for a prolonged period or doing so regularly
Imaging Done - MRIs w/ Contrast, Brain; Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine - X-Rays- Pelvis/Hips - Ultrasound- Pelvic; Legs/Feet (Bilateral Lower Extremity Arterial Doppler)
Blood Tests Done - ANA- Negative for autoimmune disease - Rheumatoid Factor- Negative
Diagnosis/ Findings - Hip bursitis (temporary, has passed) - Degenerative Disk Disease (mild to moderate) - A few minor bulging and herniated disks (not reaching main nerve in spine) - Mild scoliosis in the cervical/thoracic regions of the spine - Possible OA of SI Joints (not official) - Past Disgnosis- Mild OA of right knee
The hip orthopedic gave me exercises for hip bursitis. Stretches helped, but strengthening exercises worsened neurological-like symptoms. Hip bursitis is gone now though. The neurologist I saw discussed my brain and cervical MRI results over the phone but hung up quickly after. I was left wondering what to do. I went to a spinal specialist after. They looked at the rest of my spine and said all they can do is send me to a pain specialist. My issue is more about functionality than it is about pain, so I respectfully declined. I will be seeing a new neurologist, but I'm afraid they will tell me that there is nothing they can do.
Am I wasting my time seeing another neurologist? I don't know what to do or who to turn to anymore. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Prestigious-A-154 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:53 AfroAssassin666 What questions to ask my Dr

I have an appointment next month to talk to my Dr about getting my uterus removed. I thought maybe an ablation but I really want the hysterectomy cause you can still get cramps with the ablation. And mine can be crippling.
I'm 29 and my tubes are already removed, this happens when I was 26/27 (yes I forgot what age I was, I know it was before a bday so I think I was still 26). I know I need to or should ask her questions but I'm not sure why. I want it removed as the birth control is doing nothing at this point, I've been on it since I was 18. It cause so much weight gain and it doesn't fully help with my PCOS anymore.
I know I want to keep my ovaries but I'm unsure on the cervix. I think it's a good idea to remove it as it has been...injured in the past due to well....I wish the guy was in prison. Anyways, I think my cervix sits low as my fiance isn't to long but I know he hits it when we have our fun time and it hurts each time, even when he is being slow and gental. I just want to know if there's any really out there question I should ask her.
Thank you :3
submitted by AfroAssassin666 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:52 R_we_done_yet If I were a book

How can I align my thoughts at once? Or weave them into a single thread? Things donā€™t move that way in my head, really, and it can be hard, then, to truly capture them. What would I look like if I were a book, I wonder? Pages ripped, and torn, and taped back in. Some pages black and smudged and burned to soot. Some crinkled and crunchy, stuck in an awkward permanence to their neighbor, having had tea or coffee spilled on them - once soggy moments, now rigid in time. Some pages would overflow with words like a waterfall, cascading down into rivers and streams of thought, eternally winding back to the vast open sea of paper before them. Some would be marred by the oily fingerprints of a late-night bad decision - a snack I didnā€™t need, or a love I didnā€™t crave. Some would be beautiful and intimate. Some so subtle that a reader might unknowingly skip past them when rifling through; soft, tender, and pure. Some pages would find you with faded Polaroids of a kind strangerā€™s smile wedged into the binding. Snips of hair, cut and glued in the shape of a promise to a long-forgotten friend. The sweat-soaked setlist to every face-melting, heart-wrenching, and whispered empty bedroom concert Iā€™ve ever held, complete with scribbled titles scratched through in harsh black ink, and a few more added hastily to the end of the already cramped page. Speeches Iā€™ve given to the gods, tacked down with old chewing gum and dried saline. My book would creak and crunch beneath its own weight. Inside, youā€™d find slots for age-old mixtapes, once used to barter and commiserate with similarly hollowed childhood friends. Each to be removed and played in their own time, a patch-work soundtrack to my life. Youā€™d find dust and dirt and a spider or two, with flecks and specks of god knows what. And some pages would make you fear me. Some would bring you joy. Some would make you ache, or yearn, or gasp, or cry. And many would leave you with more questions, and fewer answers.
Some pages would be dark even for me to read.
Pages that suck and pull at your core. Pages that eat your soul. Pages that arenā€™t pages at all, always changing in location, always hoping to blend and sneak past the conscious readerā€™s gaze. And on the very next page, as if nothing had changed, youā€™d find snippets of life Iā€™ve kept precious. A stack of ā€œget well soonā€ cards from my first-grade class, carefully threaded into the binding. Art drawn and painted and weaved into the fabric of the pages themselves, labors of love. Secrets and prayers alike, whispered and kissed and sent and tucked with care - all etched like scars into the pale canvas beneath them, invaluable and unquantifiable.
And when youā€™d finish the book, dear reader, what would you feel, then, seeing me displayed like that? Would you love or hate me more? Would the sum total of my existence be greater or lesser in your eyes? If you weighed and judged me in the balance, what would you discover? Would my life hold any value? Which fragments of this collection would hold any worth at all? If one were to be subtracted or added, would your perception shift? If I strung together the perfect sentence, would you love me then? Is that where my worth would lie?
And what of my own perspective? To see myself laid out in full, aching, and oozing, and radiant all at onceā€”could it be enough? Would it offer anything new? Could I see it - really see it - and call it complete? Would my book, in the end, have meant anything at all?
submitted by R_we_done_yet to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 BigsweetL how do you motivate yourself to go through the everyday, when you feel like idly dying

i can do passive things with effort, i go to work and go through the motions but i am awful at what i do and itā€™s clear the effort isnā€™t there, so everyone rightfully feels resentful of me.
i have a few creative outlets and i enjoy them i guess but they just pile up in my room with no one to share them with.
i try to go to the gym, but it absolutely exhausts me. Unlike a lot of the other things I passively exist through in life this one is the most difficult because going to the gym takes actual effort. i donā€™t drink or do drugs im of a normal weight. i know physical exercise is supposed to make you better, but it absolutely fries me mentally and physically in not a good way.
the romantic aspect is weighs me down a lot. i can only last a month on the apps before the toll becomes too heavy. i go out and talk to people and i feel like that never works out with me. feels like at this point the standards are so difficult to meet for me that iā€™ll never be good enough. ive been single for the last few years and life is so lonely and affection starved that it feels physically painful at times. i want to feel loved, I want a hug, want to feel understood emotionally and connected. even dogs have more love than me.
it could always be way way worse, i try to tell myself that, i could be homeless, but damn i am absolutely spent. im just tired of it all.
submitted by BigsweetL to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 BigHero4 The base building update we need ... part 2

I think this is a topic we should continuously bring up and discuss because I believe creating a base or home is such an important part of Fallout. After a long day of fighting off the monsters and horrors of Appalachia, we sometimes just want to come home to our homey base and admire our creation and hard work. The more I build, the more I feel restricted on what I can do and have to really plan and sacrifice some creative designs to meet with the building limitations. With the evermore additions to things we can add to our base, base building really needs to be refined. I'll add what we had last post and what suggestions were made as well. I'll also add more of what I've noticed from my return to the game. Previous post for reference.

Disclaimer of Understanding

Listen, I understand there could be hardware limitations in regarding to number of items or models that can be loading and unloaded at any time for the servers though we need to find some middle ground. A way to optimize the base limits to allow for more creativity. I also understand there could be programming limitations though refactoring some the base building limits is a positive change and worth while, especially to continue improving on this game long term (if that's what is planned to be).

Quick bullet points of Ideas from previous post

Base Building Limits Extended

Lets talk about some Quality of Life updates that would help our base building experience. I'll dive deeper into some of the points that need some extra points to it.
For the love of god, increase base building limits, since we cant have two camps at the same time..
A further increase to maximum storage is not what we're talking about ( while this is something that can be improved upon), we want to be able to build more around our base, the total base building limit is what needs to be increased. Wires should not be apart of the base building costs in my opinion, this would help alleviate some room in the limit. I'm also hoping that wallpaper and things inside the displays don't count towards it but I have not personally checked.
To add more to the strain of base limits, is it possible to put things on shelves? I feel like they're so bare, id like to have them display items like display cases do.. that would be an amazing change!
Speaking of display cases..
why hard limit displays? I'm a collector, let me show off my collectables :( .. increase or remove display limits.
Lets increase these AND do not have the items count towards base storage. It sucks so much to see my STASH storage so high and be like "oh, its all the stuff on display" .. AND in the vendor. Putting items in your vendor or on display should remove them from your STASH. This would help the currently implemented STASH limit and it would also be such an improvement to the build system.
I also believe the limits on display shouldn't be towards the category but towards the item. Wall Displays should be separate than the floor glass display or any floor display to be honest. Even if you didn't increase the total limit for building displays and just separated how many you can make of each (mind you don't decrease the amount to 5 each..), this would improve our base building quality of life.
To further talk about displays, sometimes I can't place wall mounted displays because that wall doesn't have support below, though I was still able to build the wall. If the wall exists, the wall mounted display should be able to go on it.
And how about an undo feature for the times you accidentally scrap a camp object.
This is self explanatory though this is me emphasizing that this is huge. Big feature needed. Just a general undo last change is such a big help.

STASH Quality of Life Updates

These points were mentioned before but I'm going to mention them again. I understand that Fallout 1st is a good way for you to make some money on the stash limits, so upgrading the already set 1200 storage limit is unlikely BUT there are things that count towards stash that should not be. Such as:
That's pretty much it on that front.

New Ideas

Scrapping my building item (generator, wall, lights) and losing most of its materials is a little frustrating. If I built it, I should get my materials back though I understand that is what storing items is and that you want to continue to have a game loop for gathering materials. So, its not a huge thing if this isn't changed in some way. Maybe I'm upset because I scrapped a generator to build it after I change the floor and didn't have enough materials anymore to re-build the generator. lol.
Fast Travel Spawn Point
This is a really cool request. Give us the ability to choose where players spawn when they fast travel to my base? Have one custom spawn point that must be put on a foundation or floor. Reason I say this is because my base is on a cliff and sometimes people or even myself don't spawn in my base but on the side of the cliff and then I have to fast travel again. It'd be nice to just have them spawn in a location that is preset so that no one falls or gets stuck.
I can see players setting up traps and what not with this, though I think the benefit outweighs the negative. There are many free fast travel locations if you get stuck and you only drop junk on death so? Maybe I don't know of other negatives from dying but I feel like most people want to show off their homes and not setup prisons lmao.
Shelves as displays
I talked about this earlier though shelves feel empty and I feel like my kitchen shelving would look nice if I can store some ingredients on them. Make it look more full and lively. Otherwise idk what to do with them lmao. Doesn't need to be crazy, just like fill the front side of the shelving unit and have 3 or 4 items to be displayed on the shelf. Also if this is implemented, items on shelves should not go towards STASH limits.
Renaming Power Chassis
I get confused on which power chassis hold what or displays what. Its like 7 power chassis in my stash. It'd be nice to name them lol.
Mark as To Be Scrapped
It'd be nice to mark items as "To Be Scrapped" so you know what you want to scrap, or even sell. That way you don't scrap something by mistake.
Guest Book
I remember reading somewhere an idea of having a guest sign book so that people that visit could sign saying like "I was here' or maybe "yolo 420" lol but it could also be emotes, stickers, pre-generated phrasing that people could sign with like a date saying when they signed it. Would be cool. Even something that could be done on the personal terminal?.


Look, I get it, some of these features are big asks but overall the quality of life improvements to STASH limits by removing the items displayed and in the vendor would be such a good change and one that wouldn't require too much refactoring of the CAMP code base (I hope). A lot of what was mentioned is nice to have but some are like really important to the ecosystem of building your base. Display limit segregation, removing wires as counting towards base limit, fast travel spawn point, undo button are just some to name that would bring big changes to the base building feature in this game.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Until next time!
submitted by BigHero4 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:45 dr_snootleboop Please help me choose a microscope based on my location (Hungary)

Dear Microscopists!

I have always been fascinated by the microscopic world, but somehow I always thought that the equipment is out of my price range. Just recently I discovered that this is certanly not true, as I saw many posts here, and many videos on youtube featuring hardware for 200-300 USD, doing exactly what I would like to do, watching and documenting microscopic creatures, algae, diatoms, tardigrades etc.

My only problem is the availability. Most of the microscopes I see advised here are Amscope or Swift, which brands are not really available in my country, Hungary.
As I see Amscope has a europe site, they seem to ship to Hungary, but I am afraid of ordering such equipment online. Also Amazon is not really available here, ebay is available, but I am not sure if I would like to order something like this from them, and ebay postage and VAT almost doubles the price.
This is what I am looking at from them:

However I found a shop here in Budapest, where I can walk in and buy a microscope, exactly this one:
The price is cheaper than the Amscope one, 30 EUR cheaper.
The description is as follows:
Technical data: objective lens characteristics and working distance: DIN achromatic 4x (37.5 mm), 10x (7.35 mm), 40x (S, 0.29 mm), 100x (O,S, 0.18 mm) Wide-angle eyepiece: WF10X (interchangeable eyepiece) Full magnification: 40X-1000X (max. 1600x with the optional 16x eyepiece) Binocular headļ¼Œeye distanceļ¼š55-75mmļ¼› Tilted 30Āŗ, can be rotated 360Āŗ Mechanical stage: 140X155mm, movement X-Y: 70X50mm condenser: Abbe type (N.A.1,25) iris diaphragm, height adjustable Coaxial coarse and fine focusing (two-speed): 30mm precision: 0.002mm Built-in light source: LED lamp Net weightļ¼š6.8kgļ¼› Packaging: 1pc/box 42X31X52cmļ¼› Gross weight/carton: 9.3kg
Based on this, for my untrained eye they seem almost identical in specs, but I can not find any useful info on this exact model, like reviews or videos.

Would you advise ordering an Amscope, or go to this local shop and purchase the above microscope in person? If I purchase it in person, what should I be checking?

Thank you for reading my post, and thank you all for your help in advance!
submitted by dr_snootleboop to microscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:45 MannerNo7000 My neighbour took his life rather than face homelessness. Will Sydney bother to notice?

My neighbour took his life rather than face homelessness. Will Sydney bother to notice?
My neighbour took his life rather than face homelessness. Will Sydney bother to notice?
We lost one of our neighbours the other day. He climbed over the balcony railing and threw himself from the top floor of his apartment building onto the ground below.
Heā€™d been in that unit for 23 years and was a regular sight to all of us living in the little cluster of towers in Sydneyā€™s Kings Cross, as he sat on a chair on his open balcony, watching the world go by.
If allowed to slowly become an area to which only the wealthy can aspire, Kings Cross will lose its allure. If allowed to slowly become an area to which only the wealthy can aspire, Kings Cross will lose its allure. But last week, the world no longer passed by; it stopped right at his door. His nine-level building of 35 cheap rented studios, he learnt, is about to be torn down and redeveloped into a flashy new one of just 12 luxury three-bedroom apartments. He was set to be evicted, and homeless.
The last time anyone saw him, he was tearing the development notice off a wall by the lobby entrance, and ripping it up in anger, frustration and despair.
Loading This is the real face of the housing crisis: a middle-aged, lonely man, battling to survive on a low income, who felt heā€™d run out of options. This neighbourhood was his home, everyone he knew and everything he did was here.
But, increasingly, these old affordable blocks inhabited by lots of predominantly single people and young couples are being replaced by upmarket new ones that offer far fewer homes, designed predominantly for wealthy downsizers.
In our area of the eastern suburbs alone, as well as the building just by mine, another developer plans to knock down a block of seven apartments to create a single house, while a third proposes to replace a building containing 20 homes with one offering just five ā€“ much more highly priced ā€“ apartments. And there are rumours of many more ā€œnet housing lossā€ projects on the drawing board in the ā€™hood. At a time when so many people are searching for places to live, and for modest homes that are affordable, how can this be allowed to happen?
Loading A number of local councils are now trying to implement new planning rules where development applications have to either increase density, or at least preserve the current number of homes. The City of Sydney is one which has received approval from the NSW government to put its ā€œDwelling Retentionā€ planning proposal on public exhibition, which would prevent development from reducing the existing number of apartments by more than one dwelling or 15 per cent of dwellings, whichever is the greater.
We can assume, then, that the current stampede of DAs to knock down old blocks with lots of small units and replace them with far fewer new and much more profitable apartments is a brazen bid to beat the deadline on coming changes.
This is an appalling trend. Weā€™re currently critically short on homes, with a Grattan report finding that we have only around 400 homes for every 1000 people, and the federal governmentā€™s pledge to build 1.2 million in the next five years already looking astonishingly unachievable.
Moreover, a new Anglicare study has just revealed low-income Australians are facing the worst crisis in history, with one in five renters in rental stress deemed ineligible for assistance. Meanwhile, Australians are facing all-time high rents, according to the latest Domain Rental Report, and record low vacancy rates in Sydney and Melbourne.
Loading So, knowing we urgently need more homes, and especially affordable ones and more social housing, how could we possibly agree to allow towers of cheap units to be smashed down and glossy ones of just a few sleek apartments being put up in their place?
Kings Cross in particular has always been a refuge for single people of all ages, with a real community feel, and cheaper housing existing cheek-by-jowl with fabulous multimillion-dollar penthouses. That absolute mix of demographics and incomes has always contributed to making the Cross such a dynamic, interesting and eclectic place to live.
But if itā€™s allowed to slowly become an area to which only the wealthy can aspire, then all that will be lost ā€“ especially as downsizers frequently leave their places empty to spend time in their other homes in the country or coast, or to travel overseas.
Sydney, and especially its inner suburbs, has to remain a city that welcomes singles and strugglers ā€“ who might not survive elsewhere ā€“ just as much as they welcome couples, families, and people on all income levels. Otherwise, weā€™re all going to be much the poorer, and more people like our mate over the road are going to run out of options, and of hope.
If you or anyone you know needs support, call Lifeline on 131 114 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.
submitted by MannerNo7000 to friendlyjordies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:45 yhgvhjfhghvjhgg Where Can I watch Fury vs Usyk live streams on Reddit?

Where Can I watch Fury vs Usyk live streams on Reddit? The Fury is getting on a bit. He's not going to be as mobile as he used to be. Coming in heavy only compounds that. Even a slimmed down Fury is bigger and stronger than Usyk, so why risk gassing out or being unable to catch the smaller man?
šŸ”“VisitšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Streams
šŸ”“WatchšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Live
Does anybody else think that Tyson fury is looking a bit too thin to fight usyk? If you get me. It looks like he's lost ALOT of weight. His weight is his biggest advantage. If he looses more than he usually does, I think he'll struggle against usyk there's no way he'll outbox him. as he won't have much weight for him to lean on usyk and also unpopular opinion, I do think it's fishy. He wasn't in good shape for the feb 17th usyk fight and now he got "cut" it's given him lots more time to train doesn't it seem strange?
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Usyk & Fury Boxing and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing for free live.
The Fury v Usyk live stream sees the undisputed heavyweight championship defend his strap against the popular Californian pugilist. Here's everything you need to know to watch online with and without a PPV. Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take the ring on Saturday May 18) at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are all the ways to stream live free online.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
How to watch Fury vs Usyk live streams in Canada
It's a similar picture for our friends in the great white north, where DAZN is showing the Fury vs Usyk fight in Canada for a PPV fee of $69.99. Again, for that price, you get a month's subscription to the streaming service included.
How to watch Fury vs Usyk live streams in Australia
Let's not forget about boxing fans Down Under, too. The Fury vs Usyk live stream follows the lead of other countries around the world in that it is also via DAZN. In Australia the PPV fee comes in at AU$34.95, again with a full month's access included for non-subscribers to catch all the action.
How to watch the Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk live stream in the U.S.
Americans can watch the Fury vs Usyk live streams with a DAZN PPV. That'll set you back a hefty $69.99 but the good news is you'll get a full month's subscription to the U.S. streaming service after you watch all the action live and uninterrupted.
After that first month, a subscription to the U.S. streaming service will set you back $19.99 on a 12-month contract, $24.99 if you pay month-by-month or $224.99 if you pay up front for a year's access.
How to watch Fury vs Usyk live streams in the U.K.
It's better news for fight fans in the U.K. where there is no extra PPV cost to watch Fury vs Usyk live on DAZN. That means the bout is included as part of a regular DAZN subscription.
Subscriptions to the streaming service cost as low as Ā£9.99 per month if you got the annual commitment package, and Ā£19.99 on the Flexible monthly pass.
How to watch Fury vs Usyk live streams in the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
It's better news for fight fans in the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. where there is no extra PPV cost to watch Fury vs Usyk live on DAZN. That means the bout is included as part of a regular DAZN subscription.
submitted by yhgvhjfhghvjhgg to ufcstorys365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:41 yellowblob64 12 Year old Steam Account Hacked - Steam Support REFUSES to help

12 Year old Steam Account Hacked - Steam Support REFUSES to help
Having used this account ever since I was a child at 7 years old in 2012/13, I canā€™t believe Iā€™m going to lose my steam accountā€¦
I had thousands of hours on steam in TF2, GMOD, Kerbal Space Program, and countless other games.
I had expensive items, games, and memories that will be lost forever because of thisā€¦
I had my discord and YouTube channel linked to the account and yet STILL having literal hours of video proof of me playing on my own steam account is not sufficientā€¦
Iā€™ve listed COUNTLESS CD keys and yet they ā€œarenā€™t foundā€ on my account, how is that possible?
What a complete and utter joke that steam has failed to support a long term loyal customer of steam for over 12 years!
Some how the hacker managed to: - hack my email - hack my 2fa steam account - change my phone number - change the email of the steam account - create a new random steam account under my original email
I have lost THOUSANDS of achievements, games, dollars because of this. Yet Steam support uses no effort to even inquire slightly as to what is going on.
Why would I login from random countries all over the world??? Singapore?
Iā€™ve never even left Australia!
Attempts to call a manger or seek higher level management have all failed so Iā€™m moving to contact the Australian Ombudsman to seek support.
Let me know your thoughtsā€¦
submitted by yellowblob64 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:37 LucyAriaRose AITA for telling my sister that idc about the baby she lost

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/Remarkable_Treat_636. He posted in AmItheAsshole
Trigger Warnings: miscarriage; depression; addiction
Mood Spoiler: tentatively hopeful ending?
Original Post: May 6, 2024
I (20m) and my sister (23) have been very close since she lost her baby. She lost the baby at the end of 2022, when she was about 5 months pregnant. Obviously our whole family was shocked and very supportive initially. However I really tried to help her through this and get her back on her feet. Coming to her apartment to clean, and cook her food. It also doesnā€™t help that her baby daddy left shortly after. My sister was unable to work because of her depression, so my family would help chip in and pay her bills. She remained like this for about 7 months when my parents told her that they couldnā€™t no longer support her, when all she does is lay in bed (and smoke a lot, like 24/7, but they donā€™t know that), and that she at least needs to look for a job. She lashed out and said she needs their support now more than ever. Regardless of them, I began to solely supporting her. Mind you I still live with my parents and attending school.
That brings us to last Friday, I have about 3 semesters left of school and money has been getting tight. I told my sister that I really need to start saving, and that she needs to get a job, or just move back in. She lashed out on me, saying that I could never understand (100% true) and that I was a terrible brother for even mentioning it. I said excuse me? Iā€™ve paying for your bills for over a year, and have been the only one trying to help her get over this. She began yelling at me and calling me terrible names. I just snapped and said idgaf about her dead baby. I did none of this for that baby. I helped her because I love my sister, I want whatā€™s best for my sister, I want her to recover. I told her this and just she started attacking me. I just left.
The next morning my parents sat me down, and told me what I said was very wrong and rude. I explained what happened and how I still continued paying her bills after they stopped. They just were quiet, and then just left. My mother grabbed my shoulder and told me that my sister started apply for jobs.
I really feel bad, but also to a certain degree it worked and she is at least looking to work. I know my sister will forgive me eventually but I still feel bad. AITA?
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: You shouldn't have said you don't care about the baby... but. But she was clearly in a hole she had no intention of climbing out of, and sometimes the only way to help people like that is to toss in a stick of dynamite and blast them out, which is precisely what you did. The question is how much did it help, and I have a feeling the answer is "not a whole lot".
ESH, especially your parents for essentially letting your sister vegetate in a pot of grief rather than get her into some kind of counseling or therapy.
OOP: Yk you bring up an off topic point. She has been in therapy since shortly after losing her baby. So Iā€™m wondering why the therapy has had no progress and how is her therapist just fine with her like this, without offering additional help. Idk sorry
OOP clarifies in a different comment: Btw I have paid for my sister therapy (off and on) since she lost the baby. And solely after my parents cut her finically
Commenter (downvoted): Are you a child? You have to be if you think therapy is a cure all. Many folks spend the rest of their lives dealing with problems in therapy.
OOP: No, personally I donā€™t think therapy is for everyone. But itā€™s annoying thinking how I paid for her appointments to see no progress.
Commenter: Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
OOP: Yeah but when you pay for it for a little less than a year, youā€™d want to see some progress. Idk Iā€™m not mad at her, rather the waste of money I used on therapy. Regardless Iā€™ll see her tonight and Iā€™ll ask if she feels any improvement from the therapy
Deleted Commenter: Even if there is 1% improvement, it should be worth it. Something like this can take months or years of forever. YTA for expecting grief to be 'fixed' with your set time limit and talking about 'wasting money' when you claim you spend money out of love. You also probably ruined her progress of getting better by what you said to her.While I get that it's frustrating on your end financially, there are better ways to express that. Perhaps you might need therapy as well.
OOP: I think my tone was off. Honestly idc about the therapy or even paying for it. In my mind I rationalized the price of the therapy for the improvement of my sister. But when you see that price it just looks terrible when you donā€™t see improvement in over a year. Iā€™m not mad at her or the therapist, just aggravated yk?
Commenter: Iā€™m going to be the odd ball and say yes AH, with that being said I totally get why you snapped but as someone that has miscarried before it was the most painful thing I had ever gone through.
OOP: Hey donā€™t feel odd or outcast of your opinion. All the comments benefit me and help reflect.
OOP ends with:
My sister going to come for dinner, where we will fs talk about what happened. If you guys are interested in an update lmk.
OOP is voted ESH- everyone sucks here
Update Comment: May 7, 2024 (Next Day)
I am very thankful for all the women who shared their experiences and gave me an insight on how my sister is feeling that I wouldā€™ve never been able to have. For that I am extremely grateful.
My sister came over for dinner, we didnā€™t make much contact in the beginning. Our parents didnā€™t try to make us talk nor bring up our last argument. Dinner was very awkward with very little conversation. We finished eating and my parents left to clean the mess. Which left me and my sister, we made some small talk when I just offered to go outside to talk.
Once we were outside I immediately apologized for what I said, but she cut me off before I could finish. She said she was thankful for me and everything I have done for her. We continued to talk till it was late. She brought up how she applied for 3 jobs in our area. We ended our conversation talking about how stuff happens and sometimes you can only do anything besides pick yourself and move forward , and try not to look back. She hugged me, (no tears) said thanks and left.
I will still continue to pay her bills till she gets back on her feet. The bad blood seems to be gone. At this point Iā€™m not sure if regret what I said, but the damage doesnā€™t seem impactful. I appreciate all the people who commented.
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:37 SaiyaTV When you're stucked in MMR 5-6 lobbies - A question to the community

When you are naturally stucked in MMR 5-6 lobbies because you're good enough to be there and it's almost impossible to go below without doing it on purpose is a bit weird.
For context, I don't lock my prestige and I'm not level 100 prestige 100 yet. I prestige so I can't really bank on money with Soul survivor, because prestige goes so fast.
People in High 5* and 6* lobbies are either super good at the game and the fights are complicated, or they are exploiters and have advantage over you so some fights feel unfair.
I'm in a state where I win some but I lose most games. That doesn't stop me from fragging, but I'm losing a lot. I had a 8 kill game just earlier but since kills don't matter, I made nothing ouŧ of it.
In these lobbies it feels almost mandatory to copy everyone's loadout to win. Playing winfield or marathon against Mosin-Dolche feels like trying to stab someone with a tooth pick. It doesn't feel fair. Ofc you can win with this, if you get lucky. But if Mosin-Dolche is played properly, they are outside of your effective range and they should win (Equal skills or a bit below level than me)
Knowing this, I feel the urge and need to buy a Mosin myself, but it's not always substainable, because even if having a meta loadout nets me more wins, it's still not enough to make it substainable.
So what do people usually do when they are stucked in this situation?
Play suboptimal loadouts, accepting your fate that you're most likely going to have a terrible time against these players? Go out of your way to get income from Soul Survivor every time? Purposely lose MMR by playing your game in Solo v Trio and necroing just for the lulz?
It sometimes feels like I have to go out of my way to get money to play in these lobbies. If I were to fall down naturally in MMR because I'm losing, I would be okay with it, but that's not the case. If you get kills, you increase MMR that you win or not. I always found it odd that you can secure a spot by getting kills while getting poor. Ever since the latest prestige nerf and bloodline nerf, the game has been a little less enjoyable at that level. Like I said, I wouldn't mind if being poor if I could sometimes get back to less sweaty lobbies without going out of my way to be there. I'm not doing it currently, but I'm tempted of doing it just because the economy is a bit weird.
Before the prestige buffs I didn't care so much because I was still a "baby", but with playing good loadouts consistently, I raised my skill ceiling and now I'm stucked playing against people that I can somewhat win against, but mostly if I have equally good loadouts.
What's your take on this, what's your experience?
submitted by SaiyaTV to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:36 yhgvhjfhghvjhgg What's the way to watch Fury vs. Usyk live?

What's the way to watch Fury vs Usyk live? The Fury is getting on a bit. He's not going to be as mobile as he used to be. Coming in heavy only compounds that. Even a slimmed down Fury is bigger and stronger than Usyk, so why risk gassing out or being unable to catch the smaller man?
šŸ”“VisitšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Streams
šŸ”“WatchšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Live
Does anybody else think that Tyson fury is looking a bit too thin to fight usyk? If you get me. It looks like he's lost ALOT of weight. His weight is his biggest advantage. If he looses more than he usually does, I think he'll struggle against usyk there's no way he'll outbox him. as he won't have much weight for him to lean on usyk and also unpopular opinion, I do think it's fishy. He wasn't in good shape for the feb 17th usyk fight and now he got "cut" it's given him lots more time to train doesn't it seem strange?
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Usyk & Fury Boxing and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing for free live.
The Fury v Usyk live stream sees the undisputed heavyweight championship defend his strap against the popular Californian pugilist. Here's everything you need to know to watch online with and without a PPV. Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take the ring on Saturday May 18) at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are all the ways to stream live free online.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by yhgvhjfhghvjhgg to ufcstorys365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:35 Admirable-Marzipan48 Should I text her asking if I can call her to check in? How long to wait?

Greetings. Fellow introvert here and Iā€™m a bit at a loss as to what to do in this situation. I have this bond/connection with a girl (whoā€™s thousands of miles away but Iā€™ll be seeing her in person soon, and weā€™re due to work together on a project shortly after) whoā€™s another introvert but as I have little experience in the romance area, and weā€™ve both suffered heartbreak, I sometimes donā€™t know how to handle things. I wanted to hear more specifically from girls who are introverts as well.
Sheā€™s currently going through a very, very hard time, existential threat level (visa status in addition to a new job), and I know how stressed and overwhelmed she feels by all of it. I last talked to her for 3h30 (otherwise itā€™s very long emails and recently introduced texting) nine days ago, were meant to see each other last week but didnā€™t hear back (when she always shows up) and Iā€™ve texted her three times over a few days so as to not be a total pain in the ass lol. Merely checking in on her, seeing if there were news, not pushing (and trying to avoid any trace of neediness).
Iā€™m a naturally anxious person and Iā€™ve always bottled up all my feelings inside and dealt with it all on my own, but I havenā€™t felt feelings like this for a girl in a decade plus and even then, it wasnā€™t as strong. Sheā€™d laid it on the table early on that sometimes she gets so overwhelmed and stressed from dealing with people, friends, etc, that her mood can go really low and she has to retreat and deal with it on her own for a while. But obviously, my mind canā€™t help but worry that something happened to her, that Iā€™m going to lose her (more like Iā€™m terrified of losing her) and I know deep down that itā€™s irrational, that sheā€™ll pop up again, hopefully this week, and reply when sheā€™s ready to reengage but I was wondering if it might not be a good idea to text her tomorrow something along the lines of ā€œcan I call you to check in on you?ā€ if I havenā€™t heard back by then or should I just stop there, not insist, and wait for her to reply? I know she needs her space at times so Iā€™m trying hard to respect that.
Iā€™m trying really hard as well to reign in my pathetic neediness but my brain is really at peak anxiety and catastrophizing.
PS: please, no really negative takes that arenā€™t helpful. :D
submitted by Admirable-Marzipan48 to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:35 duckowucko [Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

[Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

President Henry Martin ā€œScoopā€ Jackson

41st President of the United States
Vice President
Nellie Stone Johnson
Secretary of State: Claude Pepper
Secretary of the Treasury: Maurine Neuberger
Secretary of Defense: William Winter
Attorney General: John Tower
Secretary of the Navy: Arleigh Burke
Secretary of the Interior: Edmund Muskie
Secretary of Agriculture: Hubert Humphrey
Secretary of Commerce: Asa Randolph
Secretary of Labor: Leonard Woodcock
Secretary of Education: Jane Jacobs
Secretary of Health & Welfare: John Gardner (Since March 1965)
Speaker of the House: Charles Halleck (Republican, 1965-1967)/Adam Powell Jr (Labor, 1967-)
Pro Tempore: Lyndon Johnson (Labor)

1964 Election Results

Liberal candidate John Kennedy receives 115 electoral votes
Margaret Smith received 38.57% of the vote
John Kennedy received 20% of the vote
Henry Jackson received 41.43% of the vote
Jackson defied poll numbers
While polling has consistently showed the election as a close race, almost all polls had the incumbent President, Margaret Smith, winning by 1 or 2 points up until the election. The last poll conducted on October 28th had Smith leading by 1 point, and Kennedy far behind both major candidates. Some have already begun to blame the Liberal Party and Kennedy for stealing moderate voters from another Republican victory. Regardless, The ever-ambitious Senator Scoop Jackson will enter the White House come January 20th.
House Results
House Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Speedy O. Long of Louisiana
Senate Results
Senate Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Russell B. Long of Louisiana

First 100 Days

Revenue Act of 1965
The Revenue Act of 1965 would take a more progressive approach to taxation, increasing income taxes up to 7% in the highest tax bracket; all while lowering income taxes down by 4% for lower income households. The Act would also increase the Social Security Tax to 8%.
House voted 228-207
Senate voted 52-48
Mass Transit Tax Act of 1965
The second Mass Transit Tax Act would lower short range rail and air transport by an average of 5%, while increasing long range rail and air transport by an average of 2%. International flight tickets would be increased as well, by an average of 6%.
House voted 236-199
Senate voted 62-38
Minimum Wage Act of 1965
The long-standing federal Minimum Wage of $0.80/hour has been around since 1949, with no increase on the federal side of things. President Jackson and other Laborites were able to pull their weight and increase the federally-mandated minimum wage to $1.30/hour. Although the Labor Party advocated for a higher hourly wage, others in Congress feared a wage any higher would result in another economic panic following the near-collapse of the National Debt Ceiling a few years prior.
House voted 227-208
Senate voted 52-48
Department of Health Foundation Act of 1965
Founded the Department of Health and Welfare to help administer and regulate various healthcare practices and the distribution of Social Security, medical tax breaks, and more. Though indirectly, Congress soon changes the Executive budget to cut the Department of the Interior's funding by 40%; most of that money going into the new Department of Health and Welfare.
House voted 249-186
Senate voted 64-36
National Environmental and Water Policy Act of 1965 (NEWPA)
Championed heavily by the President and young members of the Labor Party in Congress like Edmund Muskie, NEWPA places greater regulations and laws into place regarding water safety and treatment, water pollution, trash allocation, dump sites, and recycling; unseen since the progressive era of the early 1900s. These regulations are expected to greatly improve the environmental state of decay for decades to come.
House voted 221-214
Senate voted 54-46

Death of former President, Theodore F. Green: May 19, 1966

This morning, former President Theodore Francis Green passed away in his Rhode Island home at the age of 98, marking the oldest President at the time of his death. Green was a member of the Democratic Party and briefly the Anti-Fascist Alliance, taking charge from his previous position as Secretary of State after the sudden assassinations of sitting President Earl Browder and Vice President Upton Sinclair. President Green helped uncover the ā€œBusiness Plotā€ orchestrated in part by J.P. Morgan Jr. and Prescott Sheldon Bush Sr, the latter being the father of sitting Texas Congressman George Bush.
President Theodore F. Green led us through the horrors of the second world war after the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor, resigning his post and organizing a special election the year following the conclusion of the war itself. He was instrumental in the foundation of the United Nations and eventual foundation of both NATO and EATO two Presidents later. He was, and still remains a national hero in our hearts. President Henry Jackson, among former Presidents and dignitaries are expected to show up for his public funeral in Providence, Rhode Island. The public has been allowed to pay their respects at his grave site before his proper burial et to take place from May 19 at 9:00 AM to May 20 at 9:00 AM.

Foreign Policy Ventures prior to the 1966 Midterms

Embargo Act of 1965
Supported already by the majority of the country, Scoop Jackson directed Congress to pass a full embargo of all raw and manufactured Cuban goods on entering the United States through any port or checkpoint.
House voted 313-122
Senate voted 76-24
With the law being signed by the President in August that year, he would make a speech in Miami celebrating the passage of the act, glorifying its protections of American, anti-communist goods. Scoop would face some backlash over his anti-communist posturing, as the Labor Party has a small (but noticeable) sect of Communists in their ranks.
The Saigon Summit
In July of 1965, after riots against the French government in Saigon, and the breakout of a guerrilla war in French Cambodia, a summit was called in Saigon to determine the future of the city. President Jackson, President Ho Chi Minh, and President Charles de Gaulle met within the French administrative building to discuss the recent riots in the city and future between Saigon and Vietnam. Although much of Vietnam was granted total independence from French rule in 1950, French Saigon remained a thorn in Vietnam's side. France wished to keep as much of its dying empire as possible, and no one would fight harder at that than Charles de Gaulle himself. President Jackson wished to keep the peace and eventually coerce Vietnam into rejoining EATO.
Talks were messy at times, as yelling could be heard from the chambers the talks were being held in, but the three would come to an agreement. Saigon would be administered by a joint Vietnamese-French government, and policing and law would gradually transition to local and Vietnamese systems. In return, Vietnam would promise to not get itself involved in the Cambodian guerilla war.

1966 Midterms

House Results
7 Third Party/Independents
  • Speedy Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward "Ted" Kennedy (Massachusetts Independent)
  • deLeppes "Chep" Morrison (Louisiana Independent)
  • Spiro Agnew (Maryland Independent)
  • Gus Hall (Minnesota Communist League)
  • Jarvis Tyner (New York Communist League)
  • Charlene Mitchell (California Communist League)
Senate Results
2 Independents
  • Russell Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward Brooke (Massachusetts Independent)

Invasion of Saigon

In December 1966, a clash between Vietnamese and French police during a riot led the Vietnamese side of the Saigon Transitional Government to call on Vietnamese military aid. Within hours, the Republic of Vietnam marched into the jointly occupied city. Rumors immediately began amassing that the Saigon police force worked with the Vietnamese government in order to cease Saigon before the transitional period was up. Although these rumors were just that, President Jackson was surely worried when the news hit him the next morning; alongside the French Ambassador asking for an audience with the President.
French Ambassador HervƩ Alphand would share with Scoop three things:
  1. France intends to treat the invasion of Saigon as an act of war.
  2. France is already mobilizing troops to southern Cambodia for a naval invasion of Vietnam.
  3. France intends to call on the force of NATO and EATO to defend ā€œFrance in her hour of need.ā€
No matter how Jackson tried to argue, Alphand was keen on these points. Jackson would argue that the incident be investigated by the United Nations to determine whether it was an act of war; while Alphand threatened that American delay on the issue could lead to French withdrawal from both NATO and EATO. Jackson, reportedly furious, refused to be threatened by a ā€œdying empireā€. He denied meeting with any French foreign dignitary for the time being until they promised to allow the UN for an investigation.
The French response was quick, with France officially leaving both NATO and EATO on December 18, 1966. The French declaration of war and further campaign into Vietnam began on the 20th. With naval and air landings concentrated around Rach Gia, Can Tho, My Tho, Saigon, and Vung Tau, the Second Indochina War began. Although Australia would provide weapon assistance, the other nations within both NATO and EATO held their breath on what to do. France had left the two most powerful military and economic alliances in the world, and President Jackson could not be more angry.

Glasgow Conference of 1967

With the war having gone on for nearly three months, and French military forces having begun to get bogged down by the Vietnamese harsh tactics; Can Tho remained the only major French-held territory in the young Republic. And although Vietnamese war tactics were questionable at best; much of the world was united in believing the French declaration of war was not entirely justifiable; with President Scoop Jackson and General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev at the forefront of organizing peace efforts within and without the UN. Although the United Nations have begun investigations into both the Vietnamese invasion of Saigon and the French declaration of war, they both had gotten bogged down by the surrounding war effort.
It was agreed upon by several major powers to meet in Glasgow with French and Vietnamese delegates to discuss an armistice. The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and the Peopleā€™s Republic of China agreed to enforce the following terms:
  1. Saigon and surrounding territories that formerly made up the French Vietnam Territory following the 1950 Treaty of Manila shall be ceded to the Republic of Vietnam. Saigon and the surrounding territories shall become a United Nations sponsored demilitarized zone until an official peace treaty between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  2. French military and bureaucratic personnel shall be allowed free and safe passage out of the cities of Can Tho and Saigon; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. The French and Vietnamese governments must release all prisoners of war; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force.
  3. Saigon officials implicated in the initial invasion of the city on December 16, 1966 must release all official, personal, and private documents to the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs for investigation.
  4. Vietnam must retain its promise from the 1964 Saigon Summit to not aid or abet Cambodian guerilla forces or rebels.
  5. All combat between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall cease and abide by the above rules, the United Nations, and Geneva Conventions.
Although both nations had much to say and change in their favor, the above is the final version of the armistice agreed upon by all parties. The armistice paper was signed by:
  • President Henry Martin Jackson of the United States
  • General Secretary Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev of the Soviet Union
  • Prime Minister James Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx of the United Kingdom
  • Chairman Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China
  • Foreign Minister Ernest Charles Lucet of the 5th French Republic
  • Foreign Minister NguyĆŖn Duy Trinh of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Military Aftermath of the Second Indochina War:
  • 57,000 KIA (66% Vietnamese)
  • 12,000 MIA (81% French)
  • 72,000 WIA (52% French)
  • 134,000 Civilians KIA/MIA (89% Vietnamese)
Although the Glasgow Conference was seen as a great triumph of diplomacy between the major powers, Taiwan (the Republic of China) was greatly hindered in its geopolitical influence for the time being. President Jackson had recognized the Peopleā€™s Republic of China the week prior to the Conference; Communist China would replace Taiwan's spot as a permanent member of the UN Security Council within the month.

The Better Society Plan

Plans drawn up between Pro Tempore Lyndon Johnson, Representative Claude Pepper, and Speaker Adam Powell Jr. would be taken to the President's desk following the first relatively calm year in the administration's history. Although much of the work on marketing the plan would be placed on Scoop himself; Johnson, Pepper, and Powell would act as the main sponsors of each piece in Congress. What would become the beginnings of the ā€œBetter Society Planā€ would officially pass both houses of Congress throughout mid 1968.
Cheap Food and Housing Act of 1968
A large bill authored primarily by Speaker Adam Powell Jr. and Secretary Hubert Humphrey; the Cheap Food and Housing Act would cover extensive social programs. Although, with weak support in Congress, many Republicans were able to push to soften these programs and add their own agendas on top of them. The final contents of this massive bill were as follows:
  1. A federal Food Stamps program would begin and be administered and funded by the Department of Health and Welfare. Certain imported foodstuffs would receive a 15% higher tariff. All American citizens that either fall below or are less than 6% above the poverty line would be eligible for the Food Stamps program.
  2. Store-bought meat products will receive price controls to fit the monthly income of the average family. The Federal Government will cut 60% funds toward GMO Agriculture, Meat, Fish, and Poultry research.
  3. Houses that take up less than a certain area size will be price capped based county-by-county income. This job is in the hands of State Governments. (Apartments are not covered in this)
  4. Housing discrimination shall be made illegal based on identity.
House voted 241-194
Senate voted 53-47
Medical Bill Reduction Act of 1968
This bill was authored by Representative Claude Pepper and Secretary John Gardner in order to fundamentally reduce medical expenses for the youth, elderly, and medically unable. The bill however was weakened significantly by the Republicans in Congress, only allowing for those receiving Social Security benefits to have reduced medical expenses paid for partially by the Department of Health and Welfare; no matter if the recipient is signed on with private insurance or the Public Option.
House voted 220-215
Senate voted 53-47

Apollo 8: Americans on the Moon in November 1968!

Thanks to streamlined efforts by Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Margaret Smith the past 11 years, NASA and furthermore America were able to place the first men on the moon on November 12, 1967. In a speech made on national television that night in the hour following the conclusion of the live coverage of the moon landing, Scoop Jackson would put much of his thanks on the ā€œGreatest mind our nation has ever had,ā€ referring to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer, since 1961, has been placed in a secondary charge of the Apollo missions and a potential moon landing until his resignation in January 1967 and death the following month. Dr. Oppenheimer's expertise in theory and former President Smith's dedication for space exploration are likely candidates as to the victory America achieved that night.
State of Asia in 1968
The United Nations has concluded their investigation into the potential legality and coercion in the events leading up to the invasion of Saigon.
ā€œWhile France has made compelling arguments for the contrary, regarding available documents and other pieces of evidence, the Vietnamese military occupation of Saigon was not a result of coercion, manipulation, embezzlement, bribery, or corruption within the Republic of Vietnam. The invitation of Vietnamese armed forces into the territory limits was done by the legal Vietnamese co-government of said territory, and therefore, is deemed a semi-legal occupation of the city. The United Nations upholds the results of the Glasgow Conference.ā€

Gearing up for Reelection: A look at Potential Challengers

Notable Republicans that have declared candidacy
Former Vice President, Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon is back at it with his 4th attempt at a Presidential run, and if he wins the nomination or is selected as a running mate, 3rd attempt on a Presidential ticket. He is generally a moderate, but is definitely the wildcard. Despite his past of losing elections, he is somehow the safest, and perhaps most dangerous, to the Jackson administration.
Governor Ronald Reagan
The Governor of California has perhaps one of the most charismatic voices in the nation, and is definitely a threat should he receive the Republican nomination. While he is charismatic, he is also the most Conservative of the major players for the Republican nomination. Reagan has instituted a mix of conservative and liberal policy as Governor of California, but has spouted rhetoric like all the former dixiecrats; just without blatant racism. Scoop believes Reagan is not only a credible threat to his Presidency, but also a threat to minority groups nationwide.
ā€œDraft Jack Kennedyā€ and ā€œDraft Bobby Kennedyā€
Despite neither Kennedy having decided to throw their hat in the ring this year, 1960 and 1964 Presidential candidate John Kennedy has received some support among anti-nixon moderates for the head of the ticket later this year. He has an air of charisma around him, much like his fellow Republican Ronald Reagan, but Kennedy has only commented on the matter stating he is ā€œfar too tiredā€ for 3 Presidential runs in a row. The Senator's health is seemingly beginning to fail, as well. Despite the unlikeliness of the matter, Jackson is prepared to deal with Jack Kennedy again if he wins a draft.
Opposed to his older brother, Governor Robert Kennedy has remained Non-Partisan since the fall of the Liberal Party 3 years prior. Bobby has had moderate support from both parties since the beginning of his governorship in 1963. Despite this, and probably with wishes to go against one of his brothers, Bobby Kennedy has denied to run or entertain a draft movement in his name. Scoop has declared Bobby to be of little threat.
Other potential challengers
Senator Russel Long
The long-serving Senator and son of former President Huey Long has walked the line of conservative, liberal, and progressive support throughout his career. In recent years, he has become more supportive of progressive social policies, and definitely leans economically toward Labor; but his reach across rural southerners matches a more populist approach. Long has already declared his independent candidacy for President. If Nixon isn't one, Long is certainly the most dangerous wildcard if he plays his hand right. Scoop will closely watch him.
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2024.05.14 07:35 cant-go-on-ill-go-on Why am I not worthy of *any* diagnosis

For context: I was born into a failing family. My dad is a rageful alcoholic with food addiction and hoarding issues. He could be cold and cruel. My mom fluctuated and is inconsistently reliable. At her best, she is warm, nurturing and funny. But she can be vulnerable, manipulative and controlling or distant and in-her-own-little-world at times as well. My elder sibling was resentful of any attention I received and bullied me regularly. When we were very young, my elder sibling violated my physical boundaries intimately in a way I believe left me with long-term fallout that my parents failed to notice due to their self-absorption.
In early childhood I was "painfully shy," even going so far as to hide under furniture when family or friends would visit. I failed my preschool screening not because I could not answer the questions correctly, but because I refused to speak to the person administering it.
We had a turbulent childhood--a messy divorce between our parents, during which we were more pawns than kids, and so much moving around I lose track of how many times I was "new kid." When I started getting bullied for seeming gay (I wasn't out yet, even to myself) in high school my parents didn't notice, even though I went from A student to failing list one semester.
In those preteen years, I started seeing a ton of doctors for what my mom believed was physical distress but what I clearly felt was mental. I went on and off of tons of anxiety meds and antidepressants, but eventually tapered off when I went to college.
Though I flourished as much as was possible for me in college, I was still basically living a half-life. An obsessive amount of worrying went into all the possible ways of humiliating myself. I had very pathological plans to make it to "safe" bathrooms. I went through a huge amount of panic when the university suggested that they might require me to live on campus and share a room (I got out of it). I could not take the kinds of jobs my friends were working in retail and restaurants, only a campus job with very few hours and very little pay because it allowed me to dip out before the panic set in and reasonable access to a bathroom.
When I went to grad school, things got even worse. Insomnia set in. The only night I was guaranteed a full sleep was Friday because I had no obligations on Saturday. I wandered through life as a zombie, clumsy, foggy and with extremely heightened fight-or-flight due to the sleep deprivation. Sometimes I would call in sick because I could not operate my vehicle. In classes where all graded assignments were written, I got straight As. My only Bs came from classes with midterm and endterm final exams, because I was in such a panic being wedged in between two people in silence for three hours that I would not be able to devote my full attention to the exam.
I collapsed and had to return home, where I languished for a year or so. I returned to academia, where I clung on by the skin of my teeth for several years but it was the same exact story: caught between a deep loneliness and desire for belonging and a deeper fear of rejection and utter discomfort in social settings. The insomnia returned and I burned out.
I have been in therapy three times. Once for several months between stints in academia. Once during a grad program to help cope. And most recently for two years during my second languishing period.
I am horrified by how long I've struggled with "launching." I've been seeking help for this life-ruining social anxiety problem since I was a preteen. People have known I have had a deep fear of others since I was a child. It has been so terribly lonely and there have been low moments I've felt so hopeless about ever being to sustain a life in the ways that matter that I have called hotlines. This has probably been fewer than five, but it's been happening since I was eighteen or nineteen.
I feel like every resource I visit underestimates how pervasive this is in my life. If I am correct, the pervasiveness and enduring nature of something like this is precisely what makes it a personality disorder. This has been permanent for me, and even the most recent two years of therapy have not budged me much. Yet no authority has ever made an official diagnosis, not even for anxiety and depression.
It stresses me out, because I can see the severe consequences of this and I worry at times they're endangeirng my very life, but all authorities seem to be somewhat dismissive or act like what I'm going through is typical and something everyone deals with. I'm not insured, so if an emergency happens I'm probably broke for life. I was considering my situation today. I'm wearing glasses with one leg broken off because I can't afford to replace them. I haven't had my hair cut since Christmas because I live in a small town and don't want to answer personal questions from the barber. I have about one pair of jeans and a hoodie that fit. The last time I went to the dentist they said I had bone loss because I wasn't visiting enough. When I get sick I try to wait things out because I'm both terrified of being in public, answering employment questions to the receptionists and also because I can't afford it.
At what point does it stop being "shyness" or even social anxiety? When can we admit that this is something worth naming?
I came across this subreddit via the comments section of a post linking to an article about AvPD. The article discussed the disorder and how it was understudied. It profiled some people who'd been diagnosed with it, and I have never related to anything so much in my life, especially the paradox of wanting to belong but sabotaging all attempts to try. I cried when I read it and came here immediately.
Anyway, I'm sorry for the novel. If you've made it this far, thank you so much for letting me vent. I suspect many people on this sub might be people like myself who simply haven't had doctors, therapists or psychiatrists who recognize how extensive this pattern goes. I hope you all are able to find full care that treats all the many manifestations of this terrible thing we're struggling with.
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2024.05.14 07:34 stellagraceless [WWTBC] rich mmc with ex fiancƩe that cheated with his dad

book i canā€™t remember
ok so i read this book and i donā€™t remember much of it but hereā€™s what i do: rich mmc who has trouble trusting fmc bc his ex fiancee (i think named morgan) cheated on mmc with his dad. mmc is in military weapon making and there is a scene where the fmc shows up in a red dress and mmc loses his shit and i think calls her a slut iā€™m pretty sure it was a forced relationship book and i think itā€™s on kindle unlimited but thatā€™s all i remember. if you know the book please help bc itā€™s driving me crazy!!! thank you!!!
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2024.05.14 07:34 yhgvhjfhghvjhgg Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk fight immortalised in Million Dollar Jacob watch

Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk fight immortalised in Million Dollar Jacob watch.The Fury is getting on a bit. He's not going to be as mobile as he used to be. Coming in heavy only compounds that. Even a slimmed down Fury is bigger and stronger than Usyk, so why risk gassing out or being unable to catch the smaller man?
šŸ”“VisitšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Streams
šŸ”“WatchšŸ„Šā–ŗ Boxing Live
Does anybody else think that Tyson fury is looking a bit too thin to fight usyk? If you get me. It looks like he's lost ALOT of weight. His weight is his biggest advantage. If he looses more than he usually does, I think he'll struggle against usyk there's no way he'll outbox him. as he won't have much weight for him to lean on usyk and also unpopular opinion, I do think it's fishy. He wasn't in good shape for the feb 17th usyk fight and now he got "cut" it's given him lots more time to train doesn't it seem strange?
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Usyk & Fury Boxing and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing for free live.
The Fury v Usyk live stream sees the undisputed heavyweight championship defend his strap against the popular Californian pugilist. Here's everything you need to know to watch online with and without a PPV. Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take the ring on Saturday May 18) at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are all the ways to stream live free online.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
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2024.05.14 07:34 Pookie-Parks Can I play my main Metagross without feeling guilty?

Just found out about the buffs and just want to make sure people arenā€™t losing their minds about the buffs before I pop into a ranked match. I have played Metagross on release, first buff, and post nerf. The unite move and Zen Headbutt NEEDED a buff and I can say confidently with a few quick play games that you can really feel the changeā€¦..I can definitely see people going crazy over the gyro ball buff though. Feels really really strong but the only patch complaints I can see so far involve T Tar. Evidently the community is less concerned with level 4 eveelutions than they are about 3 stage Pseudo evolutions being strong. That being saidā€¦.verdict on Metagross?
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