Vocabulary workshop answers level e unit 8

When you just can't seem to find the right answer

2009.09.06 22:48 When you just can't seem to find the right answer

Need help with homework? We're here for you! The purpose of this subreddit is to help you learn (not complete your last-minute homework), and our rules are designed to reinforce this.

2011.11.28 08:37 jonnybegood Consistent Quality[citation needed]!

~~If you are anything BUT 5 years old, and you're confused by something, this is the place for you.~~ Now that /eli5 clarified that they want simple explanations, (fake) 5-YEAR-OLDS ARE NOW WELCOME TO THE SUBREDDIT. But not in a creepy way.

2012.10.23 01:58 Hotline Miami: Gratuitous Violence

Welcome to Miami, where you answer weird phone calls, put a mask on and go kill people. This subreddit is related to game series Hotline Miami by Dennaton games and published by Devolver Digital. Certified by the Russian International Censorship Committee

2024.05.14 23:38 betsharks0 Halts Of Today , and keep Rising ! Go understanding !

Market-Wide Circuit Breakers

Market-wide circuit breakers are important, automatic mechanisms invoked if markets experience extreme broad-based declines. They are designed to slow the effects of extreme price movement through coordinated trading halts across securities markets when severe price declines reach levels that may exhaust market liquidity.
Market-wide circuit breakers may result in a temporary trading halt, or under extreme circumstances, close the markets before the normal close of the trading session.

Limit Up-Limit Down

Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) is a mechanism designed to mitigate extraordinary market volatility and extreme price movements in individual securities. LULD prevents trades in individual securities from occurring outside specific price bands that update continuously throughout the trading day.
The price bands for each security are set at a percentage level above and below a reference price (generally the average trade price over the immediately preceding five-minute period).

How LULD works

Primary Listing Exchanges that run electronic re-opening auctions have amended their automated auction trading rules to provide for harmonized procedures for extending the Trading Pause and a concurrent widening of their auction price collars every five minutes.Market-Wide Circuit Breakers
Market-wide circuit breakers are important, automatic mechanisms invoked if markets experience extreme broad-based declines. They are designed to slow the effects of extreme price movement through coordinated trading halts across securities markets when severe price declines reach levels that may exhaust market liquidity.
Market-wide circuit breakers may result in a temporary trading halt, or under extreme circumstances, close the markets before the normal close of the trading session.

Halts Of Today , and keep Rising ! Go !

No. Halt Date Halt Time Symbol Exchange Reason NYSE Resume Time
1 2024-05-14 15:31:12 AMC NYSE LULD pause 15:36:12
2 2024-05-14 15:06:53 AMC NYSE LULD pause 15:16:53
3 2024-05-14 13:36:50 AMC NYSE LULD pause 13:41:50
4 2024-05-14 13:25:40 AMC NYSE LULD pause 13:30:40
5 2024-05-14 13:16:17 AMC NYSE LULD pause 13:21:21
6 2024-05-14 13:04:03 AMC NYSE LULD pause 13:09:03
7 2024-05-14 12:58:27 AMC NYSE LULD pause 13:03:27
8 2024-05-14 12:45:38 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:50:44
9 2024-05-14 12:39:17 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:44:26
10 2024-05-14 12:30:17 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:35:21
11 2024-05-14 12:24:49 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:29:49
12 2024-05-14 12:13:30 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:18:37
13 2024-05-14 12:02:45 AMC NYSE LULD pause 12:07:45
14 2024-05-14 11:01:24 AMC NYSE LULD pause 11:06:38
15 2024-05-14 10:43:29 AMC NYSE LULD pause 10:48:29
16 2024-05-14 10:21:33 AMC NYSE LULD pause 10:26:42
17 2024-05-14 09:59:21 AMC NYSE LULD pause 10:04:28
18 2024-05-14 09:52:05 AMC NYSE LULD pause 09:57:21
19 2024-05-14 09:40:08 AMC NYSE LULD pause 09:45:12
20 2024-05-14 09:32:44 AMC NYSE LULD pause 09:47:45
21 2024-05-14 09:31:49 AMC NYSE LULD pause 09:36:54
22 2024-05-14 09:21:41 AMC NYSE LULD pause 09:26:41
GME (GameStop Corp. Class A)
No. Halt Date Halt Time Symbol Exchange Reason NYSE Resume Time
1 2024-05-14 14:24:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 14:29:06
2 2024-05-14 14:13:33 GME NYSE LULD pause 14:18:33
3 2024-05-14 13:31:48 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:36:48
4 2024-05-14 13:22:04 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:27:07
5 2024-05-14 13:11:42 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:16:53
6 2024-05-14 13:03:56 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:10:02
7 2024-05-14 12:53:46 GME NYSE LULD pause 12:58:46
8 2024-05-14 12:46:04 GME NYSE LULD pause 12:51:04
9 2024-05-14 11:01:16 GME NYSE LULD pause 11:06:16
10 2024-05-14 10:21:24 GME NYSE LULD pause 10:26:24
11 2024-05-14 09:58:25 GME NYSE LULD pause 10:03:25
12 2024-05-14 09:52:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:57:21
13 2024-05-14 09:50:47 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:55:47
14 2024-05-14 09:36:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:41:16
15 2024-05-14 09:42:12 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:47:12
16 2024-05-14 09:31:49 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:36:54
17 2024-05-14 09:30:28 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:35:34
submitted by betsharks0 to u/betsharks0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:37 tempmailgenerator Implementing Backend-Only Access Token Generation in ASP.NET Core

Exploring Backend Authentication Strategies

In the realm of web development, particularly within the ASP.NET Core framework, the need for secure and efficient user authentication mechanisms cannot be overstated. One of the more advanced techniques involves generating access tokens on the backend, solely based on a user's email address. This method offers a streamlined approach to authentication, reducing the need for traditional login forms and enhancing the overall user experience. By focusing on backend processes, developers can ensure a higher level of security, as sensitive user information, such as passwords, are not required to be transmitted or stored in the frontend, thus minimizing potential vulnerabilities.
The process of generating access tokens in the backend leverages the power of ASP.NET Core's robust security features and its flexible architecture. This approach not only simplifies the authentication flow but also provides a foundation for implementing more complex security models, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA). Understanding how to effectively generate and manage these tokens is crucial for developers looking to build secure and scalable web applications that prioritize user privacy and data protection.
Command / Function Description
UserManager.FindByEmailAsync Finds a user object based on the provided email.
SignInManager.CheckPasswordSignInAsync Verifies a user's password and returns a SignInResult.
TokenHandler.CreateToken Creates a new token based on the provided security token descriptor.

Understanding Backend Token Generation

In the landscape of modern web applications, security is paramount, and the method of generating access tokens in the backend is a testament to this focus. This approach, especially when implemented in ASP.NET Core, provides a seamless and secure way of authenticating users without the need to interact directly with their credentials on the client side. By relying on a user's email address to initiate the token generation process, the system minimizes exposure to phishing attacks and reduces the surface area for potential security breaches. This process involves validating the email against the database, and upon successful verification, issuing a token that grants the user access to the application. The token, typically a JWT (JSON Web Token), contains claims about the user and is signed by the server to prevent tampering.
The elegance of this method lies not only in its security but also in its adaptability and ease of integration with other services. For instance, the generated tokens can be used to interact with APIs, enabling a microservices architecture where services require authentication but do not need to manage or store user credentials. Furthermore, this token-based system facilitates the implementation of Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions, improving the user experience by allowing one set of credentials to access multiple applications. However, it's crucial for developers to ensure that the tokens are securely stored and transmitted over encrypted channels to maintain the integrity of the authentication process. Implementing token expiration and refresh mechanisms also helps in mitigating the risk of token theft and unauthorized access.

Generating Access Token for User Authentication

Using ASP.NET Core Identity and JWT
var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email); if (user != null) { var result = await _signInManager.CheckPasswordSignInAsync(user, password, false); if (result.Succeeded) { var key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_config["Jwt:Key"])); var creds = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256); var expiry = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); var claims = new[] { new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, user.Email), new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id) }; var token = new JwtSecurityToken(_config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"], claims, expires: expiry, signingCredentials: creds); return new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token); } } 

Advanced Authentication Techniques in ASP.NET Core

The backend-only access token generation strategy, particularly within ASP.NET Core applications, marks a significant shift towards more secure and efficient user authentication mechanisms. This method, which leverages the user's email to generate access tokens without direct interaction with passwords or other sensitive credentials, offers an enhanced layer of security. By abstracting the authentication process to the server side, developers can mitigate common vulnerabilities associated with client-side authentication, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. The adoption of this strategy is indicative of the evolving landscape of web security, where minimizing the attack surface is paramount.
Moreover, the utilization of JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) in this context underscores the versatility of this authentication approach. JWTs facilitate not only the secure transmission of user information but also the seamless integration with Single Page Applications (SPAs) and microservices. This compatibility with modern web architectures makes backend-only token generation particularly appealing. However, it necessitates a thorough understanding of token management practices, such as secure storage, token expiration, and the handling of refresh tokens, to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the continued security of the application and its users.

Frequently Asked Questions on Token-Based Authentication

  1. Question: What is a JWT and why is it used in authentication?
  2. Answer: JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. It is used in authentication to securely transmit user information and verify the user's identity without needing to repeatedly access the database.
  3. Question: How does ASP.NET Core manage token security?
  4. Answer: ASP.NET Core uses token-based authentication, typically with JWTs, ensuring security by signing tokens with a secret key and optionally encrypting them. It also supports HTTPS to protect the transmission of tokens over the network.
  5. Question: Can tokens be refreshed in ASP.NET Core?
  6. Answer: Yes, ASP.NET Core supports token refresh mechanisms, allowing expired tokens to be replaced with new ones without requiring the user to re-authenticate, thus maintaining the security and user experience.
  7. Question: What are the main advantages of using token-based authentication?
  8. Answer: Token-based authentication offers several advantages, including scalability by being stateless, flexibility in accessing protected resources from multiple domains, and enhanced security through limited lifetime of tokens and HTTPS.
  9. Question: How do you prevent token theft in ASP.NET Core?
  10. Answer: To prevent token theft, it's crucial to use HTTPS for secure communication, store tokens securely in the client side, implement token expiration, and consider using refresh tokens to limit the lifespan of access tokens.

Securing Web Applications with Token-Based Authentication

In conclusion, the strategy of generating access tokens in the backend using a user's email in ASP.NET Core represents a significant advancement in web application security and efficiency. This approach not only simplifies the authentication process but also significantly enhances security by reducing the exposure of sensitive user information. The use of JWTs further adds to this method's appeal by offering a flexible, secure way to manage user sessions and access controls. For developers, understanding and implementing this strategy means building web applications that are not only secure against various threats but also provide a seamless user experience. As web technologies continue to evolve, adopting such advanced authentication methods will be crucial in maintaining the trust and safety of users online.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 wellnesshap123 1st Annual Acousmatic Sound Therapy for Neurodivergent Minds

1st Annual Acousmatic Sound Therapy for Neurodivergent Minds
This event aims to showcase the power of sound as a therapeutic tool for promoting relaxation, sensory integration, and emotional well-being in neurodivergent children and individuals.
Instrumental Demonstrations: Experience the profound effects of acoustic sound therapy through live demonstrations featuring a variety of instrumental tools such as gongs, singing bowls, chimes, bells, and more Educational Sessions: Gain valuable insights into the science behind sound therapy and its applications for individuals on the autism spectrum. Interactive Workshops: Engage in hands-on workshops designed to explore the therapeutic potential of sound. Holistic Vendors: Explore a variety of holistic vendors offering products and services aimed at promoting well-being and supporting individuals on their healing journey. Have your questions answered by renowned Master Neuro-Acoustic Teacher, Ed Cleveland, as he shares his expertise and insights into the transformative power of sound therapy. Learn about his experiences working with neurodivergent individuals and discover the principles and practices that have proven effective in enhancing their well-being and quality of life.
2 Farm Glen Boulevard Farmington, CT 06032
Saturday, June 1 · 11am - 4pm EDT
Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of a pioneering event that seeks to revolutionize the way we understand and support neurodivergent individuals through the healing art of sound therapy.
submitted by wellnesshap123 to Hartford [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 23:15 AvidSpongebobEnjoyer How The Pizzaplex Network Solves The Prototype

One of the top lingering mysteries of the RUIN DLC of Security Breach is the identity of The Prototype Glamrock Freddy. Immediately, an argument could be made that it is the original Freddy animatronic. Of course, this is a fair argument to be made, but rather than just simply saying it's this or that, let's go over what we know and what the game tells us.

Prototype Freddy in RUIN

In Chapter 8 of RUIN, in Fazer Blast, Cassie encounters Prototype Freddy. After disabling the mask inhibitor, she discovers Prototype Freddy lying atop a heap of junk and staff bots, partially buried under collapsed catwalk. As Prototype Freddy rises and gives chase, Cassie has to flee.
Cassie is eventually cornered by the Prototype, to which she deactivates the inhibitor and he disappears when the mask is put on.
Theories regarding Prototype Freddy generally fall into one of two categories.
  1. Prototype Freddy is the same Freddy as the Freddy in Security Breach
  2. Prototype Freddy is a different Freddy
But ultimately, what I want to talk about isn't the theories in detail, but I'll go over them briefly and what are the main points of each argument.

Prototype Is The Same Freddy

When RUIN initially released, the theory about Prototype Freddy being the same Freddy in Security Breach wasn't as common as saying he was a different Freddy. Though this perspective seems to have become the community consensus or at least the one I see the most.
The Princess Quest ending is strongly hinted to be the canonical ending in some capacity, which correlates with Prototype Freddy's absence of a head and his presence within Fazer Blast.
In the PQ ending, Freddy's body is extensively damaged and torn apart, mirroring the condition of Prototype Freddy.
This theory also works with Freddy being in safe mode; if he's disconnected from the network, it's makes sense that he wouldn't appear in the network.

Prototype Is Not The Same Freddy

Prototype Freddy is argued to be a different Freddy due to the prototype writing on his foot, not seen with Freddy in Security Breach. Why would they add this if not to differentiate him from the actual Freddy?
Prototype Freddy is also ontop of a trash pile while he would just be on the floor, as seen in the Superstar ending where Freddy game ends.
Prototype Freddy also doesn't resemble the Freddy we know in Security Breach at all. Where Freddy is nice and friendly, the Prototype is mindless and a monster.
The gift inside Prototype Freddy is also a different color, being green and blue, compared to orange blue we see in the actual Freddy.

How Safe Mode is Assumed To Factor In

A major argument for why Prototype Freddy disappears is safe mode. The argument follows the idea that because Freddy is in safe mode, he is disconnected from the network. The same thing happened to Freddy in safe mode back in Security Breach; he couldn't see Vanny until he got eyes that were connected to the network.
So it's a pretty safe bet to say that Freddy couldn't see Vanny and disappears because he is not connected to the network, right?

Roxy in RUIN

Roxy in RUIN is involved in a cutscene where she grabs onto Cassie's wrist, before Cassie yells at her to let go. Roxy lets go and pauses, even saying error out loud. This later results in the shift we see when Cassie has to deactivate Roxy before she goes into the sinkhole.
The obvious question being, why does this shift occur? And since we're talking about it, the generally accepted answer is that she enters safe mode after the encounter with Cassie.
But the thing is, if she's in safe mode, why can she see Cassie when she puts on the mask? Why can Cassie see her with the mask on?
If Roxy is in safe mode, using the logic of Prototype Freddy being the same Freddy, we should not be seeing her. So what's going on exactly?

How Safe Mode Actually Works

To explain why safe mode doesn't affect Prototype Freddy at all, we first have to look at real-life examples of how safe modes work, and what we see in-game from Freddy.
Safe mode on something like an operating system is a startup mode that provides access to the operating system when the system won't start normally. Depending on the operating system, there might be different safe modes to choose from, and it may be called something different like safe boot, but ultimately, that's not important to the discussion.
When in safe mode, an operating system will often download the necessary files and drivers needed to properly function. Safe mode often doesn't have net access as it's more geared toward turning on the operating system and troubleshooting from there.

How Safe Mode Plays Into SB

We don't get much info or elaboration on Safe mode and how it works with the animatronics. But with what we know, we can gather a few pointers.
  1. Safe Mode boots the animatronic with out the Mimic1 program
  2. Safe mode either activates or is used with reduced power (from what Vanessa says)
  3. The aniamtronics are disconnected from the network
Freddy, obviously loads without the Mimic1 program, as we don't see any of the unusual behavior displayed by the animatronics when afflicted by Mimic1.
Vanessa says,
Now parts and services have you on reduced power. They said it was a safety precaution.
Suggesting a connection between reduced power and safe mode.
Gregory tells Freddy and somehow knows he is disconnected from the network, but says that Vanessa cut him off? It's weird.

The Pizzaplex Network (And Actual Networks)

The network of the Pizzaplex is also something I want to explain. A network in simple terms is a system that connects two computing devices that exchange data and resources. The one most people know is a wifi network.
The Pizzaplex network is a little different, as it connects every electronic part of the Pizzaplex, from technology, devices, animatronics and servers.
The V.A.N.N.I. mask, is simply an extension of the network, allowing the technicians to interact with the network from outside of it.
When a computer shuts off, it disconnects from the network it is connected. Though, some computers through something known as LAN (Local Area Network) can still be turned on by other devices given specific circumstances. Other network managing tools may be able to detect devices, depending on the network.
Networks can also be divided into subnets, smaller controlled parts of a larger network. A company may have a specific subnet designed for the IT department. Often times, subnets are used to make things more efficient and control who has access to what.
If I run a business, where my staff use the network and I want my customers to be able to use the network, I would divide that into subnets so the traffic doesn't interfere with my staff.

What Am I getting at?

The point I'm making is how networks and safe mode function, which helps us understand Prototype Freddy. If Roxanne Wolf is in safe mode when we encounter her before the sinkhole, and then disconnects from the network, logically she should disappear, similar to Prototype Freddy disappearing due to safe mode. In fact, we shouldn't see most staff bots because they wouldn't be connected to the network while powered off.
Roxy is likely in safe mode as we see her talk in the same robotic way Freddy starts to in Security Breach, she doesn't use contractions (You're, Aren't). This is different from Freddy, who we're told doesn't use contractions normally in Tiger Rock.
"You're the best. You will find him first." - Roxanne in Security Breach
For comparison.
"I remember because you are number one - twice." - Roxanne talking to Cassie in RUIN
All this is to say, that The Prototype is not in safe mode, and therefore, not the Freddy we know from the base game.

So Why Does He Disappear?

Earlier, I discussed networks and subnets. This is where that becomes important.
A question I didn't see anyone asking when RUIN came out, was about M.X.E.S. Aside from what it is, where it came from and a whole host of other ones. I never saw a specific question. Where does the M.X.E.S. entity go when it disappears?
M.X.E.S. is obviously part of the network, being a digital manifestation of the M.X.E.S. security program, but it doesn't immediately appear in the network despite the fact it should be there, and it's likely tracking Cassie.
M.X.E.S. is in fact in a subnet of the Pizzaplex when we don't see it. Subnets are designed to be secure and provide security for specific parts of the network. So when the entity gets an alert of the security of the network, it exits the subnet and goes into the main Pizzaplex network.
This would also make sense for Prototype Freddy. In order to be more secure and not affected by the corruption of the Pizzaplex network, Prototype Freddy would be moved to a part of the subnet to protect it. The M.X.E.S. program can then use it to stop Cassie like it does with the other animatronics.
That's also how he manages to track you without having a head. Compared to Roxy, Prototype Freddy can't hear anything, since most of its processors relating to hearing and seeing would likely be with its head. It needs a way to track Cassie, and it has no other way besides using the network. And when Cassie puts on the mask, it separates the two.
Prototype Freddy can't swap between the two networks; it remains in the subnet.
We know that the Pizzaplex was undergoing a reconstruction project before it was abandoned by the time of RUIN. We're also told from Tales that not only are there multiple Pizzaplexes, but we see first-hand in The Bobbiedots that animatronics get thrown out if they're damaged or whatever else.
There are tons of ways this could be a different Freddy and still suffer the damages we see. Maybe they were using this Freddy during excavation and abandoned him when the project fell apart.


Prototype Freddy can't be in safe mode to disappear in RUIN. He has to be connected to a different part of the network. It can't be safe mode because then that breaks the rules established by being disconnected from the network.
This was something I had been brewing for a while; it actually had me stumped because I couldn't come to a proper conclusion unless I had some evidence that Roxy was actually in safe mode. It wasn't until I remembered what the story Tiger Rock said that I could actually form a conclusion.
Let me know what you think.
submitted by AvidSpongebobEnjoyer to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:08 MADDL007 [XB1] H: Q50vhc25 AD, Weapons, Off-Meta AP/WWR Armor, UNY Armor W: B/50c/15c Handmade, Enclave Aligned Flamer Mods, Apparel, Masks

Not sure what the abbreviations mean? No problem, let me know! I’m willing to bundle for the items I want.
——Weapons for trade——
AA/E/90 The Fixer
ARIS/50crit/25 Ultracite Laser Rifle
ARIS/FFFR Light Machine Gun
B/50crit/15crit Crossbow
B/FF90 The Fixer {mule}
B/50vhc/15crit Handmade {mule}
B/50crit/15crit Tesla Rifle
B/50crit/15crit Ultracite Laser Rifle
EXE/FF25 Handmade
MUT/50crit/25 Laser Rifle
MUT/FF25 Gatling Plasma
Q/50vhc/25 Alien Disintegrator
Q/50vhc/90 Alien Disintegrator
Q/E The Fixer (2 Star)
Q/E Handmade (2 star) {mule}
Q/50crit Railway Rifle (2 Star) {mule}
Q/50crit/1A Railway Rifle {mule}
Q/E/FMSWA Railway Rifle {mule}
Q/FFR Railway Rifle (2 Star) {mule}
Q/FFFMSWA Railway Rifle
Q/AP/25 Tesla Rifle
Q/AP/25 Tesla Rifle {mule}
Q/50LD/Stealth Tesla Rifle
Q/50crit/25 Pump Action Shotgun
Q/DWA/FR 50 Cal Machine Gun
Q/DWA/FR Pepper Shaker
SUP/DWA/DRWA Resolute Veteran (Survivor Mode Legacy)
TS/50vhc/15crit Alien Blaster
TS/E/90 10mm Submachine Gun
TS/FMSWA Laser Rifle (2 Star - Legacy)
V/50crit/25 The Fixer {mule}
V/FFFR The Fixer {mule}
V/E/25 Railway Rifle
V/40PA/1S Power Fist
Enclave Plasma Rifle #1 w/ Severe Beta Wave Tuner, Aligned Automatic Barrel, Stabilized Stock, Reflex Sight {mule}
Enclave Plasma Rifle #2 w/ Standard Capacitor, Aligned Flamer Barrel, Stabilized Stock, Reflex Sight
Dross Grenade, Pearly Peepers
——Plans & Recipes for trade——
All Scout Backpack Mod Plans including High Capacity
Plan: Alien Blaster
Plan: Alien Disintegrator {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Poison Receiver
Plan: Blue Ridge Scout Outfit {mule}
Plan: Camo Backpack {mule}
Plan: Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp {mule}
Plan: Pepper Shaker {mule}
Plan: T-60 BOS Knight Paint {mule}
Plan: Ultracite Emergency Protocols
——Armor & Other items for trade——
AutoStim/AP/WWR Robot Right Arm (Sturdy) {mule}
BOL/AP/WWR Wood Chest Piece {mule}
GS/1INT/WWR Raider Left Arm {mule}
HunteAP/WWR Metal Chest Piece
MUT/1INT/WWR Trapper Right Leg {mule}
NOC/AP/WWR Combat Armor Right Arm (Light) {mule}
OE/1INT/SENT Leather Left Arm (Sturdy) {mule}
UNY/1E/WWR Robot Left Leg
UNY/1INT/WWR Robot Left Leg (Light) {mule}
UNY/1L/WWR Metal Chest Piece (Light - Level 10)
UNY/1P/WWR Combat Armor Right Leg (Heavy)
UNY/1P/WWR Robot Left Leg (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/FDC Metal Chest Piece (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/WWR Leather Chest Piece (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/WWR Leather Right Arm (Light)
UNY/FIRE/AWR Combat Armor Chest Piece (Light)
UNY/RAD/WWR Combat Armor Right Leg (Light) {mule}
VAN/1INT/WWR Trapper Right Arm
W/INT/WWR Combat Armor Right Arm (Sturdy)
Z/AP/WWR Robot Right Arm (Sturdy)
All 8 Holotape Mini Games
All Non-Rare apparel available - just ask
Misc Items: ask me for my list
——Items I want——
B/50crit/15crit Fixer or Handmade
B/50crit/25 Fixer or Handmade
B/50crit/25 Laser Pistol / Rifle
B/50crit/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle (reflex sights, aligned auto)
B/50crit/25 Plasma Rifle
Q/E/25 Handmade
Q/E/FR Handmade
Q/50crit/15crit Railway
Q/50crit/25 Railway
Q/50crit/FR Railway
Q/AP/FR Tesla Rifle
Q/50crit/90 Tesla Rifle {mule}
Q/50vhc/25 Tesla Rifle
Q/50vhc/FR Tesla Rifle
Enclave Plasma Gun Aligned Flamer Barrel Mod (one or multiple)
Baseball bats level 45 - indigo, pink, yellow
Plan: Dr. Bones
Plan: Golf Cart
Plan: Princess Backpack
Plan: Ultracite Calibrated Shocks
Asylum Worker Uniform Forest
Asylum Worker Uniform Pink
Asylum Worker Uniform Red
Asylum Worker Uniform Yellow
BOS Jumpsuit
Fasnacht Brahmin Mask
Fasnacht Buffoon Mask
Fasnacht Crazy Guy Mask
Fasnacht Deathclaw Mask
Fasnacht Demon Mask
Fasnacht Fiend Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Blue Devil Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Honey Bee Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask
Fasnacht Hag Mask
Fasnacht Loon Mask
Fasnacht Raven Mask
Fasnacht Winter Man Mask
Forest Camo Jumpsuit
Forest Scout Armor Mask
Hunter’s Long Coat (will pay caps)
Leather Coat
Radicals Face Mask (will pay caps)
Responder Fireman Helmet
Responder Fireman Uniform
Tattered Field Jacket
Traveling Leather Coat
Urban Scout Armor Mask
White Powder Jumpsuit
I’m really only after the items listed above, make me an offer. No caps, flux, or junk offers please.
submitted by MADDL007 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:04 rebatwa2 Looking for a guest for upcoming Hearthstone podcast

Hello Everyone,
My name is Rebatwa2 for and I used to be a frequent streamer to twitch as well as with youtube doing a ton of Yugioh Duel Links content. Albeit my numbers were quite small, I still enjoyed streaming and the positives it can bring. I kind of got burnt out around covid, but I had another project in my back pocket that I wanted to bring to light. That project was called "Competitive Cards United".
CCU is meant to be a unifying grounds for all card games that have the ability to have a competitive background. From physical cards games like Yugioh, Vanguard, Pokemon to CCG's like Hearthstone, Shadowverse, and Artifact (ha) and even potentially spanning to those board game-esque card games like 7 wonders or the Villainous series. This has been a project I put on the backburner for a couple years as it was always something I wanted to create, but never really had the motivation to move forward.
The first step I put into motion is creating a podcast / talk show that I named "The Card Table". I have so far streamed and recorded 2 episodes for this podcast that dove deep into the competitive Yugioh Scene and the competitive Lorcana scene. Currently I am narrowing down the podcast card game topics to those games I am most familiar with which would be Yugioh, Hearthstone, and Lorcana. I am looking for a guest for my next episode the (or lack of) Hearthstone competitive scene where we could do a deep dive into a bunch of various topics. Since this is based off of the competitive scene, I would be looking for someone who has any top achievements (multiple legend ranking) or won some 3rd party tournaments.
I will say, I am not the most knowledgeable Hearthstone player. I hit legend for the first time last set playing Drilly Rogue after not playing since knights of the frozen throne. I played a lot of hearthstone during Standard up until The Grand Tournament. I then came back to compete in some smaller tournaments during mean streets. I will do the research I need to be able to talk the talk for the episode, so don't worry on that front. There may also be some talks regarding Battlegrounds as I do play a lot of that game mode.
The Topics that would be discussed on this episode would be the following:
If anyone would be interested in being my guest for this episode, swing me a DM. The only requirements other than having the top achievements would be using discord with a workable webcam and microphone. I can be pretty flexible for Mondays - Wednesday around 8-9pm EST.
submitted by rebatwa2 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:02 Serg_Busel BNCW episode, 05/14/2024

BNCW episode, 05/14/2024
👨‍🚀 Our mechacat, TACO, has completed his test flight on the classified Cruiser, which will soon appear at the Arena. However, can we call it a test flight when the desire was to take synth sausages from cosmic pirates? We have our doubts. In any case, TACO was pleased with this strange test drive of the ship.
▪ Blackhole continues to be on the top of the leaderboard. Their opponents were the veterans from Dominus. Both clans found it relatively easy to score 24 stars each. However, Blackhole did exceptionally well with this task. Not only did they attack almost in full force, but they also destroyed the enemy fleet literally in the first few minutes of the war. Over nine consecutive attacks, Blackhole took down WingMk2, Revenant, SparrowMk2, Krigerskold, EidolonMk2, Achilles, ElkMk2, and MiranMk2. The first among BH to attack was Commander RomeSor22. Moreover, the attacks were carried out in a relatively short time - 4 minutes and 52 seconds. All of this secured the victory for Blackhole. Moving on.
▪ Many Arena spectators awaited this showdown. And here it happened. TheFinalFrontier faced off against the main Xaoc roster. Literally an hour after the war began, TFF launched their first five attacks and destroyed Kabuto, Achilles, Revenant, and Krigerskold. Shortly thereafter, Xaoc also attacked and destroyed ElkMk2, Krigerskold, EidolonMk2, and WingMk2. Commander Laurelinˣᵃᵒᶜ almost managed to take down Achilles, but it survived and was only destroyed with two stars left. On the other hand, TFF didn't immediately figure out the weaknesses in the build of Commander [Xaoc]ЧумовойDi on SparrowMk2. Both of these moments could have greatly influenced the outcome of the war. The final score was 24:24, and the Arena Manager began to count the attack times of both clans. After the count, the victory was awarded to TheFinalFrontier - they conducted their attacks 46 seconds faster. It seems that next time Xaoc will reduce this time to a couple of seconds or even win...
▪ Representatives of Unity won their last war against the Hades clan with a score of 24:6. However, that's not the main point. Right after the end of the last war, a Commander with level 60 joined them. This led to Unity registering for the next war and facing a clan with Commanders unlocked with the Galactic Carrier class. And that clan turned out to be... TheFinalFrontier. That's the Arena way and how the karma works here.
▪ We wonder how the representatives of BurnToDeft assessed the strength of the ЗЕМЛЯНЕ clan before their battle? The latter definitely have room to grow, and they are on the right path. This time the clans conducted 54 attacks each. BTD quickly dealt with the defensive builds of MiranMk2, Krigerskold, and SparrowMk2 right from the start. Commander TASYA2024 also did quite well, taking down the enemy Kabuto. But the ЗЕМЛЯНЕ representatives still lack experience in quickly conducting attacks. This is evident from the final results - BurnToDeft dealt with all enemy ships in 7 minutes and 8 seconds, while ЗЕМЛЯНЕ took 23 minutes and 20 seconds. And there were difficulties with the enemy Achilles of Commander [Deft]Captain - after 7 attacks, it wasn't even scratched. However, [Deft]Kaa managed to shoot down the well-upgraded Revenant of Commander [Deft]Kaa for one star. The final score was 24:19 in favor of BTD.
▪ It's quite possible that representatives of КосмоФлот will join the "AntiSparrow" coalition in the future. We analyzed the results of their war against YourFace. Both clans performed confidently this time. The turnout for the war was also high. However, closer to the middle, КосмоФлот encountered difficulties in bypassing the defense of SparrowMk2 of Commander 天切再不斬. On the 11th attack, КосмоФлот found a loophole in the build, but it only resulted in the ship being destroyed by 1/3 star. In the end, this ship stood in defense and prevented КосмоФлот from winning. The score was 24:22 in favor of YourFace. And here is the list of Commanders who conducted their attacks for 3 stars and ensured victory. HQ counted three Commanders: AnOgreFace, alternatiwe, and Klippe.
▪ The main Xaoc roster this season has undoubtedly attracted the attention of many opponents and Arena experts. But what about the second roster? They faced off against the AofA clan. Credit to Xaoc - they performed excellently against a top10 clan consisting of veterans and top players. However, they still lack experience and firepower. This is evidenced by the final score - 24:18. In favor of the Angels of Apocalypse this time. An interesting fact: [AofA]Shadow conducted his first attack already 7 minutes after the war began.
▪ The Єдність clan continues to attack clans, freezing their own upgrade progress. Their latest opponent was TheRejected clan, which lost to them with a score of 24:3. Is there a chance that a high-level Commander will also join the Єдність clan and thwart their plans to conquer the top 10 leaderboard? Anything is possible!
▪ And here, Domination was unlucky towards the end of the season. They faced the cunning engineers from Koreans. In a short time, representatives of this clan adapted their builds to destroy the enemy fleet. Unfortunately, Domination couldn't do the same. The final score was 24:10. Let's commend the efforts of Commanders eDs, [DOM]kozdo, and toasty001 - they were the first to completely destroy the Koreans' ships, namely WingMk2, MiranMk2, and ElkMk2.
As usual, here are the winners among the top 20 clans that were not mentioned by the HQ.
💡 The "Just to Be Sure!" Achievement goes to Escape-Velocity - they conducted 38 successful attacks against WARP. They also receive the "Not very quick, but consistent" Achievement - they conducted their attacks in 18 minutes and 17 seconds.
💡 The "Speedy Fleet" achievement goes to the HYDE clan. They won in 7 minutes and 59 seconds against NeVeR.
Other winners among the top 20 clans:
  • GermanNight'Club
  • RussianGalaxy
  • Руссич
  • CzechSpaceArmy
  • Catz_n_Lionz
submitted by Serg_Busel to SpaceArenaOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:01 MortgageRich3613 [For Hire] WGU Help for Stat Math Course Online Reddit U.S History Algebra English Composition Biology Chemistry Accounting Psychology Sociology Statistics Precalculus PACA Politics Online Helper Reddit WGU Quiz Test Class Full Course Assignment Exam Homework taker reddit do my WGU Exam Reddit

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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 mcfcbot [Post Match Thread] Tottenham 0 - 2 Manchester City (Premier League)

Match Finished

Premier League

Tottenham 0 - 2 Manchester City

Manchester City has won

Kicked Off: 20:00
Tottenham Time Manchester City
YELLOW CARD (R. Bentancur) 36
51 GOAL (E. Haaland, K. De Bruyne assist)
SUB (R. Bentancur OFF, D. Kulusevski ON) 55
YELLOW CARD (P. M. Sarr) 57
YELLOW CARD (C. Romero) 63
69 SUB (Ederson OFF, S. Ortega ON)
69 SUB (K. De Bruyne OFF, J. Doku ON)
71 YELLOW CARD (M. Kovacic)
SUB (P. M. Sarr OFF, G. Lo Celso ON) 85
SUB (P. Hojbjerg OFF, O. Skipp ON) 85
88 YELLOW CARD (P. Foden)
90+1 GOAL (E. Haaland PEN)
SUB (J. Maddison OFF, M. Moore ON) 90+3
90+5 SUB (E. Haaland OFF, J. Alvarez ON)
Match Stats:
Tottenham Manchester City
5 Shots on Goal 5
3 Shots off Goal 2
10 Total Shots 8
2 Blocked Shots 1
8 Shots insidebox 6
2 Shots outsidebox 2
14 Fouls 11
7 Corner Kicks 4
1 Offsides 2
53% Ball Possession 47%
3 Yellow Cards 2
None Red Cards None
3 Goalkeeper Saves 6
591 Total passes 532
525 Passes accurate 475
89% Passes % 89%
1.33 expected_goals 2.40
Player Stats:
player mins rating goals assists shots (on) passes key passes tackles blocks & interceptions duels (won) dribbles (success) fouled fouls offsides saves
Guglielmo Vicario 98 7.3 - - - (-) 36 - - -/- - (-) - (-) - - - 3
Pedro Porro 98 5.9 - - - (-) 59 - 2 -/1 10 (2) 3 (-) - 3 - -
Cristian Romero 98 6.9 - - 1 (-) 52 - 4 1/3 10 (6) - (-) 1 3 - -
Radu Drăguşin 98 6.7 - - - (-) 76 - 4 -/1 9 (7) 1 (-) 2 1 - -
Micky van de Ven 98 6.5 - - - (-) 52 - 1 -/- 9 (5) 2 (1) - - - -
Rodrigo Bentancur 55 6.7 - - 1 (1) 39 - - -/1 10 (2) 2 (2) - 4 - -
Pierre-Emile Højbjerg 85 6.3 - - - (-) 89 - 4 -/- 9 (4) 1 (-) - - - -
James Maddison 92 7.3 - - - (-) 57 4 2 -/2 8 (7) 1 (1) 4 - - -
Pape Matar Sarr 85 6.9 - - - (-) 54 - 1 -/1 8 (4) 1 (1) 2 2 - -
Brennan Johnson 98 7.7 - - - (-) 28 3 2 -/- 4 (4) 1 (1) 1 - - -
Heung-min Son (C) 98 5.9 - - 3 (2) 25 - 2 -/- 9 (3) 5 (1) - - 1 -
Dejan Kulusevski (SUB) 43 6.2 - - 3 (2) 10 - - -/- 3 (-) - (-) - 1 - -
Oliver Skipp (SUB) 13 6.5 - - - (-) 4 - - -/- - (-) - (-) - - - -
Giovani Lo Celso (SUB) 13 6.3 - - - (-) 7 - - -/- - (-) - (-) - - - -
Mikey Moore (SUB) 6 - - - - (-) - - - -/- - (-) - (-) - - - -
Manchester City
player mins rating goals assists shots (on) passes key passes tackles blocks & interceptions duels (won) dribbles (success) fouled fouls offsides saves
Ederson 69 7.2 - - - (-) 18 - - -/- 1 (1) - (-) 1 - - 3
Kyle Walker (C) 98 7.3 - - - (-) 46 1 3 -/- 7 (4) 2 (1) - - 1 -
Rúben Dias 98 7.2 - - - (-) 58 1 1 1/2 5 (3) - (-) 2 - - -
Manuel Akanji 98 6.6 - - - (-) 54 - 1 -/- 3 (1) - (-) - 1 - -
Joško Gvardiol 98 7.7 - - 1 (-) 45 - 3 -/3 6 (6) 2 (2) 1 - - -
Rodri 98 7.2 - - - (-) 74 - 4 -/1 13 (7) - (-) 1 2 - -
Mateo Kovačić 98 7.3 - - 1 (-) 71 - 3 -/3 7 (3) - (-) - 2 - -
Bernardo Silva 98 7 - - - (-) 64 1 2 1/1 10 (4) 2 (1) 1 1 - -
Kevin De Bruyne 69 7.3 - 1 1 (1) 18 1 2 -/1 9 (4) 3 (-) 2 - - -
Phil Foden 98 6.7 - - 1 (1) 45 - - -/- 14 (6) 5 (2) 4 2 1 -
Erling Haaland 95 8.3 2 - 2 (2) 15 - - -/- 6 (2) - (-) - 1 - -
Stefan Ortega (SUB) 29 7.3 - - - (-) 6 - - -/- - (-) - (-) - - - 3
Jérémy Doku (SUB) 29 7.3 - - 1 (1) 9 - 1 -/- 7 (4) 3 (1) 2 - - -
Julián Álvarez (SUB) 3 - - - - (-) 1 - - -/- 1 (-) - (-) - 1 - -
Next Fixtures:
Opposition League Round Date (UK Time)
H West Ham Premier League Regular Season - 38 16:00 19 May 24
N Manchester United FA Cup Final 15:00 25 May 24
MCFCBot v1.36. This bot is built by aguer0. Please get in touch with any feedback
submitted by mcfcbot to MCFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:56 LowerTowel1022 Day cares that don’t have a “crack” vibe?

Hi everyone. I don’t mean to seem aloof or classist, but I’m really struggling to find childcare for my 2 year old in the Bronx.
My mother in law passed away last year and my husband inherited about $200k. He used it to put a down payment on a warehouse so that he could take his glass blowing business to the next level. He also has a vision of making it to a coffee shop and community space.
We’ve been living in the back unit that is mostly concrete, but we do have a small (8’x6’) back yard than I’m learning to love. I put a basil plant out last week and think it could support a tomato plant.
Lots of the local day cares have very faded advertisements and marquees and I could have sworn that the director, a skinny 6’ tallish man named Dominic with braids like the rap artist “Pop Smoke” smelled a little bit like marijuana. He kept calling me “ma” and I just didn’t think it would be a good fit.
Another place we went to just looked like a modified pig factory. There were about 28 toddlers in a small pen with a Dominican version of Cocomelpn droning on. The secretary cursed out one of the parents who was mad that someone made a copy of her debit card and bought Michael Jordan sneakers without her consent.
The only decent one we went to cost $269 a week and is 50 blocks south in Manhattan’s UES.
We are open to anything at this point. Thank you!
submitted by LowerTowel1022 to classical_circlejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:54 Free-Selection-3454 Observations after changing schools. Is it just me?

Hi all,This year I moved to a new school after 7 years in a previous school (Catholic college - primary and secondary). I left due to 2 colleagues I once admired, respected, enjoyed working with and called friends either bullying, excluding and/or undermining me in front of my students and theirs across the whole school year.Moved to a new school (Catholic and systemtic) and am finding many of their ways of operating very foreign, adding to my work and time and am constantly frustrated by lack of consistency, lack of standards and zero acknowledgement of my noticeable student progression and improvement since my arrival.
A few factors that are frustrating and aggravating:
-Apart from myself and one other staff member, ALL other staff (teachers, Teacher Assistants, the Deputy, office admin, specialists) are ALL part-time in the primary campus. In and of itself this is not a problem, however it leads to a lack of consistency and stability for me as I am constantly playing catch-up due to the rotating nature of the year-level team. It affects student behaviour (not so much mine, but the other classes) due to no consistency with teachers. Seems to be a high level of rotating teahers on LSL (short stints) and staff on and off from parental leave. No staff nmeeting I have been to yet has had all staff there.
-Behaviour of students is atrocious when compared to other schools in the area and previous schools from my decade + experience. Students are verbally rude, cannot settle and focus and there are often physical altercations in the playground. I've spent a term and a half really breaking down behaviour expectations, routines and standards. I am making progress, but there is so much stacked against us.
-Parent copmmunity is INTENSE. Moreso than I have ever experienced. Teachers are consistently told their "tone"when talking to parents is rude/negative/insert critique here, parents are constantly emailing teachers to complain about other children and flat out ignoring any and all comunication about their own child. When I asked leadership about this, the reasoning given is either, "Parents at this school have always been like this" or "It's the culture of the area. We get families from all over"meaning the greater metropolitan area. I persoinally do not think this argument holds up as previous schools I've been at have accepted students from relatively large areas in terms of distance.
-EVERYTHING is done as a team." While this sounds great on the face of it, it adds so much to personal workloads when reporting, individual lesson planning, unit planning, NCCD work, resouirce development and/or sourcing, sending emails to parents, responding to emails from parents and more all has to be done as a committee of 7 people. Nothing gets done efficiently or within a desired timeframe.
-Classes - For each year level (double-stream), we routinely mix and match students. Not just for programs (e.g. Spelling) but for ALL subjects and curriculum areas. This means that in theory, I have a class of 31 (e.g. my roll call list), however in any given lesson I could be receiving students from the next-door class. Sometimes the classes stay the same (students) but we (teachers) swap. This makes assessing and reporting a nightmare, as it is unproductive, inefficient and there is no consistency.The reason for this has nothing to do with student learning, outcomes or development. It occurs "to stop parents complaining about which teacher they do/do not get for their child," "to stop parents emailing and complaining about if child x or y is in their child's class."It also means that due to the way the "team-teaching" works, I will never teach certain subjects (e.g. Science or Geography) this year. I have been given subjects the other teachers on Year 5 do not want: Religion, History for example
-Students miss out on opportunities for growth, e.g. in Science as we need to fill out risk assessments for items like using the school oval outside of lunch times and for simple, basic Science experiments (e.g. mixing two liquids - liquids that are not hot, cold). EVERY science experiment of any category needs a risk assessment.I came in so excited about subjects like Science... no more. Can't take the class outside for a brain break as we'd have to book the oval and fill out a risk assessment.
-Class sizes are 31+ and the school has a high volume of EAL and students with various diagnoses. In a class of 31, 20+ are either EAL and/or have a diagnosis (e.g. autism, ADHD, etc)-Zero autonomy. I have to go through 3 supervisors just to respond to a parent email (even if it is wholly positive), I am told what kind of visual aid posters I can/can't have in my room (e.g. a times table chart or a poster on English contractions).
-Release time a joke. I have to sit in my class cupboard as this is the only place in the school that is:--Free of gossiping staff--Free of staff talking in general--The only place staff and/or students will not interrupt me.-Staff are friendly (cheerfully greeting/seeing how my day is/was, seeming interested in me as a person and educator) but there is so much gossip about each other and parents/families. I could go to a staff member with a purely work-related question (e.g. planning or how a school process works) and the conversation almost always ends up being twisted to a poorly behaved student/complaining/gossiping. Even after I have point blank made it clear I do not engage in gossip and find it fractures teams/colleagues and do not have the time for it.
-Multiple duties each day of the week (as we are únderstaffed'' - same as every other school in Australia)-Duty roster (playground) changes every single week due to the high volume of absent staff, staff with multiple roles, etc So no stability or consistency there either.-Foced to pay money into a school social club each week for amenities (e.g. milk/coffee/biscuits) which I never use in a staffroom I never visit or for gifts of departing/retiring/staff going on parental leave.... Yet every time a staff member fits these categories, we get emails from leaders asking if we would like to choose to put towards a gift.... so unsure why I was told the social club goes to gifts. Tried getting out of it in writing (I pay more being one of the few full-time staff) only to be told, "In your contract, you signed that you will be paying money into the social club." Nothing in my contract at all, and I asked the state union to have a look just in case I am blind and having a man's look. They too clearly stated there is nothing in there.
My question is, after 7 years in a school I enjoyed (apart from the aforementioned 2 colleagues changing how they interact with me) is this the norm in Australian Catholic schools (primary and/or combined primary/secondary colleges). I used to be so effective, productive and built strong and positive student relationships. I am now ineffective, unproductive, my time and experience is wasted and my experience seems to be for naught.
*Is this the new normal?
*Is anyone else so utterly heartbroken, soul-crushed and demoralised (and I guess, angry and frustrated) by red tape/inefficiency/unproductiveness, etc?
Any thoughts? Cheers, legends.
submitted by Free-Selection-3454 to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 CapableType8017 Marine Reserve-->Army IST: TIG/PME/Promotions

Transfering from the Marine Corps Reserve to active Army. 9 years TIS, 5 TIG E-5. Trying to see if anyone that has done the process before can answer some TIG/PME/Promotion questions that the recruiter can't.
  1. Does TIG transfer? If so does it transfer directly or is the reserve time scaled/reduced going to active and is there anything in particular I need to make sure I have/do to make sure that it transfers properly? Does that process happen with the recruiter, MEPS, or in-proccessing unit?
  2. Does PME transfer? If so does USMC E-5 PME (Sergeants School) satisfy the promotion requirements to E-6 (ALC?) for the Army?
Basically trying to find out if as a PME complete E-5 in the USMCR, will I transfer as a PME-complete E-5 to the Army and when/if I can be considered for promotion.
submitted by CapableType8017 to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 amberarteaga78 psychology statistics help Reddit Assignment Exam Homework Quiz Test Class Course Helper for Online Hire Reddit

First of all, these are the contact details to reach us for help any type of academic task of any subject:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
OCT 2021 UPDATE: I am currently offering discount deals for requests for assistance with completing a student's entire course for the Fall 2024 semester (14 - 20 week courses acceptable), as well as discounts for students seeking help with multiple exams and/or multiple classes for Fall 2024. My availability for the Autumn 2024 / Fall 2024 semester will likely become limited very quickly as I receive more and more academic requests. Therefore it would be very advantageous to reach out to me for academic assistance before my schedule becomes too full.
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
submitted by amberarteaga78 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:46 Colieoley 802.3at and LLDP?

Question: Is LLDP support a REQUIREMENT to be considered 802.3at compliant?
I am troubleshooting an issue where multiple units have 30W PoE cards and are advertised as 802.3at compliant. The issue is when these units are plugged into a Cisco 9300 managed switch, they are being assigned as class 8 rather than class 4 and the switch is allocating 90W to the switch port. No other unit connected to the switch behaves this way.
The Cisco switch has been configured to use LLDP. When I observed this issue, I immediately thought the PoE cards must not be negotiating their power requirements to the switch via LLDP. Even trying to manually set the power limit to the switch port does not work and the power limit that is manually set is eventually overwritten and reverted back to 90W. I reviewed debugging logs and confirmed LLDP is not being used by the PoE cards. I contacted the engineering team who manufactures the PoE cards and they confirmed that the cards do not support the hardware for LLDP nor can support be added via software.
As you can see, this is becoming a huge power budget issue. If the units only need 30W max per port, then that is an extra 60W being allocated to each port and is being wasted because it cannot be assigned elsewhere to support other PoE units. Is LLDP or LLDP-MED not a requirement for 802.3at compliant PoE cards/devices?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Colieoley to networking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:44 CapableType8017 Marine Reserve-->Army IST: TIG/PME/Promotions

Transfering from the Marine Corps Reserve to active Army. 9 years TIS, 5 TIG E-5. Trying to see if anyone that has done the process before can answer some TIG/PME/Promotion questions that the recruiter can't.
  1. Does TIG transfer? If so does it transfer directly or is the reserve time scaled/reduced going to active and is there anything in particular I need to make sure I have/do to make sure that it transfers properly? Does that process happen with the recruiter, MEPS, or in-proccessing unit?
  2. Does PME transfer? If so does USMC E-5 PME (Sergeants School) satisfy the promotion requirements to E-6 (ALC?) for the Army?
Basically trying to find out if as a PME complete E-5 in the USMCR, will I transfer as a PME-complete E-5 to the Army and when/if I can be considered for promotion.
submitted by CapableType8017 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:41 Soninetz Softr vs Glide: Uncovering the Advantages & Superiority

Softr vs Glide: Uncovering the Advantages & Superiority
Did you know that over 90% of businesses struggle to choose between Softr and Glide for their web apps development needs? The decision between Softr vs. Glide can be a game-changer, impacting functionality, design, and user experience significantly. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, automation capabilities, responsiveness, and tools is crucial for making an informed choice that aligns with your project goals and requirements. Dive into this comparison to uncover which tool suits your app development endeavors best.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: When choosing between Softr and Glide platforms, assess your specific requirements for a website to select the platform that best aligns with your project goals.
  • Softr's Strengths: Explore the advantages of Softr, such as its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, robust integrations with popular tools, and security.
  • Unique Softr Features: Delve into Softr's unique security offerings like the ability to create membership sites, online courses, and client portals effortlessly for your app users.
  • Utilize Softr's Capabilities: Leverage Softr's capabilities to build dynamic websites, interactive web apps, and effective online stores tailored to your business needs with automation, security, and a glide for users.
  • Personalize Your Experience: Customize your Softr projects with tailored design elements, interactive components, and seamless user experiences to stand out in the digital landscape.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Use the insights gained from exploring Softr's features, cost, security, and automation to make informed decisions that drive the success of your no-code projects.

Choosing the Right No-Code Platform

Evaluate Project Requirements

Evaluate your project requirements to determine if you need multiple data sources, advanced building blocks, and granular app permissions. Consider factors like the complexity of your app and the level of customization needed.
Ready to level up your data game? Try Softr for free and create amazing portals or tools effortlessly!

Scalability Comparison

Compare the scalability of Softr and Glide by looking at record limits, integrations, and authentication options. Ensure that the platform you choose can support your project's growth in the long run while accommodating users and enabling automation.
When comparing platforms, look at aspects such as design flexibility, available design options, and support for custom code integration. These elements play a crucial role in creating appealing apps with unique features.
  • Pros of Softr:
    • User-friendly interface
    • Extensive design options
  • Cons of Glide:
    • Limited design flexibility
    • Challenges with complex functionalities
Watch the comparison video by Demetri to understand the differences between Softr and Glide thoroughly. This visual guide can help you make an informed decision based on real-life examples and experiences.

Advantages of Softr


Softr, recognized as the best no-code platform by G2, offers unparalleled flexibility. Users can easily customize their websites and applications to suit their specific needs.

Robust Design Experience

With Softr, users benefit from a more robust design experience compared to Glide. The platform provides a wide range of design options and templates for creating visually appealing projects.

Advanced User Access Control

One key advantage of Softr over Glide is its advanced user access control features. Users can easily manage permissions and access levels for different team members or collaborators.

8 Reasons to Switch to Softr

  • Powerful Building Blocks: Softr offers a wide range of powerful building blocks that enable users to create complex functionalities without any coding.
  • Advanced Permission Levels: Users can set granular permission levels for different parts of their projects, ensuring data security and privacy.
  • Custom Domain Support: Softr allows users to connect custom domains to their projects, giving them full control over branding and URLs.
  • Integrated Databases: With Softr, users can easily integrate databases into their projects, enabling dynamic content and seamless data management.

Unique Features of Softr

Design Flexibility

Softr offers unparalleled design flexibility, allowing users to customize their web and mobile apps effortlessly. With Softr, you can create a unique and visually appealing interface tailored to your brand.

Extensive Integrations

  • Access over 30 integrations such as Zapier, Google, Stripe, and analytics tools with Softr.
  • These integrations enhance your app's functionalities, providing seamless connections to popular platforms for a more comprehensive user experience.

Enhanced Permissions Control

  • Enjoy exclusive features like organizational chart blocks and enhanced permission control levels on Softr.
  • These advanced capabilities ensure that you have full control over user access and data management within your app ecosystem.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial
Softr simplifies the app development process by enabling users to create both web and mobile applications simultaneously in just one click. This innovative approach saves time and effort, making it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses looking to establish a strong online presence quickly.
With real-time data retrieval capabilities, Softr empowers users to access up-to-date information seamlessly. By leveraging these advanced features, users can create dynamic apps that cater to the evolving needs of their audience effectively.

Deep Dive into Softr’s Capabilities

Authentication Options

tr offers various authentication options like Sign-in with SSO, SMS, Google, or custom code, ensuring secure access. Users can leverage these options to enhance security and streamline the login process effectively.

Record Limits and Scalability

Unlike Glide, Softr's Business plan boasts no record limits, promoting scalability for growing projects. This feature allows users to expand their databases without constraints, accommodating increasing data needs seamlessly.

Granular App Permissions

tr provides granular control over app permissions and access levels, enhancing security and data management. This functionality ensures that only authorized individuals can view or modify specific information within the application.


In your quest to find the ideal no-code platform, you've delved into the realms of Softr and Glide. As you've discovered the advantages and unique features of Softr, it's evident that this platform offers a robust set of capabilities tailored to your needs. With a deeper understanding of what Softr brings to the table, you are now equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and vision.
When it comes to choosing the right no-code platform for your projects, remember that Softr stands out for its user-friendly interface, customization options, and powerful features. Take your time to explore further and consider how Softr can elevate your projects to new heights. Make the most of this opportunity to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life effortlessly with Softr.
Empower your business with sleek client portals or internal tools using Softr. Get started with our free trial today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when choosing between Softr and Glide?

When deciding between Softr and Glide, consider your project requirements, design preferences, ease of use, integrations needed, and scalability. Softr offers a user-friendly interface with robust features for website building, while Glide specializes in creating mobile apps from Google Sheets.

What are the key advantages of using Softr for no-code development?

tr provides a seamless drag-and-drop interface, pre-built templates for quick setup, database functionality for dynamic content, custom domain support for branding, and responsive design for mobile optimization. These advantages make Softr an ideal choice for rapid no-code application development.

What unique features does Softr offer compared to other no-code platforms?

tr stands out with its ability to create membership sites, client portals, online marketplaces, and directories without coding. It also offers white-labeling options for branding control, advanced data filtering capabilities, integrated payment gateways for e-commerce solutions, and SEO-friendly features for better visibility.

Can you elaborate on the capabilities of Softr that set it apart from traditional web development tools?

tr empowers users to build dynamic web applications with complex functionalities such as user authentication, form submissions, interactive dashboards, and content management systems without writing code. Its intuitive platform allows non-technical users to create sophisticated digital solutions quickly and efficiently.

How does Softr ensure a smooth user experience while developing no-code applications?

tr streamlines the development process by offering extensive documentation, tutorials, and customer support. Its intuitive interface simplifies design tasks like layout customization and content integration. By focusing on user experience optimization, Softr enables creators to bring their ideas to life effectively within its platform.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:41 Competitive-Abies-63 Thoughts on Pupil TA's?

I teach secondary maths and looking for some opinions as my department are split.
I'm about to start a unit on transformations (reflections, rotations, etc). Having taught this unit 3 times before I always hit the same wall - what about those who ZOOM through?
Its a big drawing unit, and every time I find myself flying around the room helping the 8-10 kids who are struggling, while 10-15 pootle along okay, and then get the dreaded 4 or 5 who are finished MILES before anyone else and need something to do. (Im not kidding I had two last time who finished 5 pages in 10 minutes and others who did one question in this time and i was SWEATING)
Unfortunately, extension tasks need printing. And extension tasks in this topic are often "more of the same". They dont get much more tricky, so it can get really dull.
Im about to do it with Year 7 and I just KNOW that theres 3 or 4 of my best performers who will devour it, and more plain practice will get boring really fast. I was thinking of using them as "teachers helpers" or "pupil TA's" i.e. "if you're finished Bob please could you see if you can help kevin while I'm helping Ella, and I'll be over to check in a moment?"
Some of my department are vehemently against it but others think its a great idea as its a different way of engaging/securing their knowledge by explaining it to another human rather than just going through the motions over and over.
submitted by Competitive-Abies-63 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 Wild-Economics-7873 New federal cases, laws of special importance to Iowa mothers and Brenna Bird's surprise trip to NYC - Laura Belin May 14, 2024

submitted by Wild-Economics-7873 to desmoines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:34 GPSTrackerShop1 What Store Sells GPS Trackers?

What Store Sells GPS Trackers?

GPS Tracking Devices For Sale Near Me

Whether you are looking to track the vehicle of a cheating wife or manage employees operating unauthorized use of company vehicles, there is no better product than the GPS tracking system. With the ability to determine every address a vehicle goes to and how long it was parked at each location, it is easy to see the value of GPS tracking technology. But what store sells GPS trackers, and how can people purchase vehicle tracking devices secretly? In this article, we will look at everything you need to know when it comes to purchasing a mini GPS tracker.
Slap & Track Real Time GPS Tracker
Visit Website: https://spacehawkgps.com/
  • GPS locator will tell you if a spouse is cheating
  • Included SIM card offers real-time tracking
  • Magnetic GPS tracker can be hidden under any automobile
  • Locator tracking catches risk-taking teen drivers
  • Extended battery option for business security + tracking equipment
  • Micro GPS tracking device for kids
Live GPS trackers can be used for personal safety, car dealership repo, child safety, fleet management, or busting a cheating partner. The slap and track device with a waterproof magnetic case included mentioned above provides GPS data as fast as every 5 seconds and comes with cloud storage so you can see where a vehicle was in the past!

What To Know Before Going Into A Store And Buying A GPS Device

When buying a real time GPS tracker, there are several things you should look for to ensure you get the right product for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:
  • Real-time tracking: The GPS tracker should provide real-time location information so you can monitor the vehicle, loved ones, or pets in real-time.
  • Mobile applications: Look for a real time tracking device that comes with a mobile application, so you can easily track the location from your smartphone or tablet.
  • Web portal: A web portal will allow you to track the location from any computer with internet access.
  • Battery life: Look for a GPS tracker with long battery life, ideally around a month so that you don't have to keep recharging it.
  • Panic button: A panic button can be helpful in an emergency situation, such as a carjacking or medical emergency, so that you can alert authorities to your location.
  • Speed alerts: Speed alerts can help you monitor driving habits and receive notifications if the vehicle exceeds a certain speed limit.
  • Fleet management: If you need to track multiple vehicles, fleet management capabilities can be very useful.
  • Mini portable: If you need to track something small, like a pet or personal item, a mini portable GPS tracker would be a good option.
  • Teen drivers: If you're purchasing a real time GPS tracking device for a teenage driver, consider a system with speed alerts to help monitor their driving habits.
  • Mini GPS: If you need a small GPS tracker, consider a mini GPS device that can be easily attached to a pet collar, personal item, or vehicle.

What Store Sells GPS Trackers For Cars - Where You Should Buy

For those interested in buying A GPS car tracker, and who are wondering what store sells GPS trackers the answer is Tracking System Direct. Tracking System Direct has spent years offering small businesses, private investigators, police agencies, and everyday online shoppers the most advanced hidden GPS tracker solutions the industry has had to offer. With tens of thousands of GPS trackers for cars sold to date, Tracking System Direct has established itself as a leader in the GPS industry.
One of the most popular security products on the market right now is GPS trackers. The reason for this is because of several factors including:
  1. The Economy: businesses can no longer afford to lose profit through internal wasteful habits such as poor route management, or employee misuse of company automobiles.
  2. Safety Awareness: more families are informed and now understand how GPS vehicle tracking systems can help improve the driving conduct of teenagers and seniors.
  3. Cheating Spouse: people who suspect a spouse might be unfaithful and want to utilize GPS technology to uncover the truth.
Although there are a vast amount of reasons why the public purchases GPS vehicle management technology, one thing people interested in investing in GPS systems discover is that GPS products are not as easy to find as one would think. This is because most retail outlets choose not to hold stock and offer surveillance devices, forcing consumers to seek out spy shops that specialize in sleuth gear. The only problem is that spy shops are simply not commonly found in most small and mid-sized cities and can sometimes not exist in larger metropolitan regions. Although finding a reputable GPS dealer can be challenging, the World Wide Web makes the process much easier.
For more information on the best car GPS trackers please click here.

Online GPS Tracker Purchase - Why eBay & Amazon Aren't Your Best Places To Buy

When it comes to purchasing a GPS tracker, eBay or Amazon may not be the best place to start. While they might offer good pricing and many choices when it comes to GPS tracking devices, post-sales support matters. Many real time GPS trackers sold on eBay or Amazon are poorly manufactured, refurbished, and often come from untrustworthy resellers. That means the real time GPS tracking device you buy there might not work. Not to mention, the GPS device could have hidden costs like monthly subscription fees. To avoid getting ripped off, it's best to conduct an online search for reputable suppliers.
Here are some tips on how to find a reputable supplier:
  • Conduct an online search on YouTube for "magnetic GPS trackers" or "GPS trackers for cheating spouses".
  • Choose a top organic link and check the company's corporate or e-commerce website to ensure they are a reputable business.
  • Look for a valid company email address, working phone number, and professional website to ensure good customer support and quality products.
  • Spend some time researching before investing in a GPS tracker, especially if the product is more than $100.
  • Look at review sites such as GPSTrackerReviews.net
  • Go for a reputable and established company that can provide technical support, sales assistance, and a substantial warranty of the product (one year).
  • Avoid websites with too many advertisements, poor structure, and an overall unprofessional-looking website.
  • Reputable companies such as Tracking System Direct offer free shipping on all GPS hardware

GPS Tracker For Car Walmart In Store

Can I go into Walmart and buy a GPS tracker for car? The answer is maybe, but many retail stores do not offer the best price when it comes to hidden GPS trackers for cars. Why take the risk of going in-store to Walmart with no guarantee a vehicle tracking device will be available, let alone a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to GPS trackers? Then don't forget if you need technical support a Walmart employee won't be able to provide the same level of quality customer care as a specialty spy store such as Tracking System Direct could. This is the reason consumers or businesses should avoid purchasing GPS trackers for cars in Walmart in-store, and instead choose a store that specializes in GPS tracking technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Best Buy Sell GPS Trackers?

Yes! Best Buy has a great reputation and does offer a small selection of GPS tracking devices for purchase. However, Best Buy does not provide technical support for any real time GPS tracker they carry, which means the consumer will need to contact the manufacturer. Not to mention, it is usually more affordable to purchase any real time GPS locator directly from the manufacturer, reseller, or distributor, as the margins are lower by cutting out Best Buy.

Where Can I Buy A GPS Tracker For My Car?

You can buy GPS trackers for your car from various stores, including Best Buy, Amazon, and Walmart. You can also find them at specialty stores that sell car accessories.

What Should I Look For When Buying Magnetic GPS Trackers For For My Car?

When buying a GPS tracker for your car, you should look for features like real-time tracking, speed alerts, panic buttons, and long battery life. You should also consider the size and design of the tracker to ensure it fits well in your car.
About Tracking System Direct
Headquartered in sunny Southern California, Tracking System Direct has worked with businesses and consumers all across the globe to offer the most advanced GPS and personal tracking hardware. With an exclusive line of tracker devices, hidden camera systems, and other security products, Tracking System Direct is the one-stop online shop to enhance auto-theft security, boost family safety, increase workplace efficiency and so much more.
submitted by GPSTrackerShop1 to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:34 Abbyprada Im Spanish and doing my lc in Ireland next year, please I need a lot of help 🫶🏻

Hi! I’m doing 5th year in Spain and I’ll be going to Ireland to do 6th year. The school system is completely different, so I am so lost. If anyone could help me out with any of this questions I would appreciate it so much!
  1. I know how the point system works, but why do they give you your marks back so late? How do you know if you got into the university you applied to if they give you your marks back in August?
  2. Related to the 1st question, I am planning on applying to university through EUNICAS, anyone has any experience with it? How does it work?
  3. Is geography a hard subject? How can I get good grades?
  4. How hard is business? Is it worth it to do it in higher level?
  5. I’m really bad at maths, I wouldn’t like to take it in ordinary level but I don’t think I would pass higher level. Although those extra 25 points look good to me. What should I do?
  6. Anyone has any tips for engineering?
  7. Is LCPE a good choice even though I have to do the projects?
  8. How hard is it to get good marks in English? Any tips knowing that English is not my first language?
Thank you anyone that even took the time to read! Please if you know the answer to any of this questions let me know, I need so much help. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
submitted by Abbyprada to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:32 Abbyprada Im not an Irish person and im doing my lc next year, please help me 🫶🏻

Hi! I’m doing 5th year in Spain and I’ll be going to Ireland to do 6th year. The school system is completely different, so I am so lost. If anyone could help me out with any of this questions I would appreciate it so much!
  1. I know how the point system works, but why do they give you your marks back so late? How do you know if you got into the university you applied to if they give you your marks back in August?
  2. Related to the 1st question, I am planning on applying to university through EUNICAS, anyone has any experience with it? How does it work?
  3. Is geography a hard subject? How can I get good grades?
  4. How hard is business? Is it worth it to do it in higher level?
  5. I’m really bad at maths, I wouldn’t like to take it in ordinary level but I don’t think I would pass higher level. Although those extra 25 points look good to me. What should I do?
  6. Anyone has any tips for engineering?
  7. Is LCPE a good choice even though I have to do the projects?
  8. How hard is it to get good marks in English? Any tips knowing that English is not my first language?
Thank you anyone that even took the time to read! Please if you know the answer to any of this questions let me know, I need so much help. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
submitted by Abbyprada to leavingcerts [link] [comments]
