Jelqing video tutorial

Wasted gifs

2014.01.08 04:51 tara1 Wasted gifs

2015.05.05 23:55 moby3 Computer Simulated Animations

A subreddit for all things computer generated simulations!

2012.04.23 05:58 ripples2288 CrossView: stereoscopic 3D using cross-eyed freeviewing of side-by-side stereograms

Cross viewing is seeing 3D with nothing but your regular screen! The pictures here show two perspectives, just cross your eyes and make the two sides overlap to see the image in 3D. Tutorials and helpful apps on the sidebawiki/menu/about. Accepting submissions of all forms (pictures, gif/gfys, videos). If things look 'reverse depth' then /ParallelView might be the place for you!

2024.05.15 00:34 Maleficent-Time-8836 los Mejores Servicios de IPTV en 2024

los Mejores Servicios de IPTV en 2024
Aquí está la lista de los mejores servicios de IPTV disponibles en todo el mundo. Compara las características y precios de los proveedores de IPTV más destacados mencionados en este tutorial y selecciona la mejor suscripción de IPTV para tu FireStick, Android TV, PC u otro dispositivo:
Qué es IPTV?
La Televisión por Protocolo de Internet (IPTV) se refiere a la transmisión de programas de televisión a través de Internet de banda ancha en lugar del cable o satélite tradicional. Este contenido de TV se transmite a un decodificador.
Seleccionar los mejores servicios de IPTV puede ser desafiante debido a la información limitada sobre la calidad del servicio. Nos hemos encargado de encontrar los proveedores de IPTV mejor valorados que cumplen con sus promesas.
Mejor para ver TV en vivo, películas y programas en múltiples pantallas en dispositivos Android e IPTV.
CHEETAH 4K IPTV proporciona un canal de pago seguro y con esto, puedes hacer pagos fácilmente. Puedes hacerlo sin preocuparte, ya que la seguridad es muy alta y avanzada. No hay riesgo de ser estafado. Esto se debe a que tu pago se procesa a través de tu tarjeta bancaria o PayPal, por lo que no hay riesgo o estafa involucrada. Después de hacer un pago, solo tienes que esperar unos minutos y luego recibirás tus suscripciones por correo electrónico. Además, Smart IPTV tiene una política de reembolso amigable con el comprador que permite a todos comprar sus servicios sin preocuparse por su reembolso. Sus precios también son muy asequibles, por lo que todos pueden comprarlo fácilmente.
Su panel ofrece más de 25,000+ canales de TV en vivo con múltiples funciones como catch-up y EPG.
Los canales y servicios de IPTV, así como su panel, se actualizan automáticamente una vez por semana.
Desde el pago hasta la entrega del servicio, todos los pasos de venta se realizan automáticamente; no hay factor humano en esta página.
Toda la infraestructura del sistema IPTV proporcionada a los clientes se respalda automáticamente cada 5 minutos.
Obtendrás soporte las 24 horas del día, todos los días sin interrupción a través de chat en línea y creación de tickets.
25,000+ canales.
70,000 VOD
Canales internacionales.
Compatible con todos los dispositivos.
Compatible con reproductores de IPTV.
Tiene una política de reembolso amigable con el comprador.
Veredicto: CHEETAH 4K IPTV i es el mejor proveedor de servicios que contiene programas de televisión y películas populares. Tiene una interfaz fácil de usar que facilita encontrar el contenido deseado.
=> Visita el sitio web de CHEETAH 4K IPTV
#2) DigitaLizard US
DigitaLizard US - Excelente para ver canales de televisión en vivo locales e internacionales, eventos deportivos de pago por visión (PPV) y VOD en múltiples pantallas.
Uno de los proveedores de IPTV más recomendados y mejores es IPTV SMART. Esto se debe a que ofrece más de 20,000 canales de TV en vivo y más de 60,000 contenidos VOD. Proporcionan contenido de resolución 4K para canales HD, HQ y VOD. Compatible con dispositivos que funcionan con Firesticks, computadoras/portátiles, dispositivos móviles, cajas Mag / Enigma, Smart TVs, y más. Este servicio funciona con varias aplicaciones como IPTV Smarter Pro, TiviMate, GSE IPTV, Lazy IPTV y Kodi.
Características: Más de 20,000 canales y más de 60,000 VODP proporcionan múltiples conexiones. El bloqueo de IP no funciona con VPNs. Proporciona un panel de revendedor.
=> Visita el sitio web de DIGITALIZARD: DigitaLizard US
Mejor para - Proveedor de servicio de suscripción IPTV que compara precio, calidad de servicio y soporte al cliente.
IPTV TRENDS Uno de los mayores beneficios es la capacidad para el espectador de ver los programas que ama desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento, generalmente a un precio más bajo en comparación con los paquetes de cable que puedas conocer.
En primer lugar, el precio suele ser mejor y hay tantos títulos entre los que un suscriptor puede elegir. En el pasado, los consumidores tenían que comprar paquetes de cable que podían tener algunos programas en los que no estaban interesados. En segundo lugar, el otro beneficio es que puedes acceder a muchos canales sin ningún problema. En tercer lugar, puedes crear una lista personalizada de canales y pagar solo el precio de esos canales.
También puedes disfrutar de servicios de video de calidad 4K, FHD, HD y SD, incluidos más de 16,000 canales IPTV. Esta colección incluye las redes de televisión más conocidas y populares de todo el mundo que cubren todos los gustos.
  • 17,000 Canales
Canales 4K, FHD y SD
Compatible con Todos los Dispositivos
Disponible en Todo el Mundo
Servidores con 99.99% de Tiempo de Actividad
VPN Permitido
Soporte Premium 24/7
Veredicto: IPTV TRENDS, más de 17,000 canales en vivo por $14.99 al mes es el mejor servicio de suscripción IPTV que compara precio, calidad de servicio y soporte al cliente. Tenemos más de 16K canales de TV, incluyendo deportes y películas premium, series y canales de documentales. Nada supera la calidad de transmisión de nuestros canales de TV.
#4) FortuneIPTV
Un proveedor de IPTV de buena reputación con un servicio de suscripción. Comprueba primero antes de decidir comprar.
Puedes ver y disfrutar de una variedad de películas HD a pedido, eventos deportivos de pago por visión, programas de televisión, canales de TV en vivo y otro contenido similar en Fortune IPTV, una plataforma de transmisión de video de entretenimiento de alta calidad.
Muchos clientes aprecian este servicio porque cada vez se vuelve más rico en funciones que los paquetes de IPTV convencionales. Sin duda, Fortune IPTV te mantendrá entretenido durante mucho tiempo.
12,000 (aproximadamente) TV en vivo en HD y FHD
35,000 (aproximadamente) Series de TV y VOD (video a pedido)
Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, y más
Compatible con cualquier dispositivo
No hay bloqueo de IP, funciona con VPN
Formas de Pago: Tarjeta de Crédito/Débito, Criptomonedas
Veredicto: FortuneIPTV es el mejor proveedor de servicios de IPTV con transmisiones IPTV premium. No importa en qué país te encuentres, su servicio está disponible en todo el mundo.
Este proveedor de IPTV tiene servidores muy buenos y ofrece una experiencia sin cortes. Puedes comprar una prueba de ellos si quieres aprender más sobre esto.
#5) IPTVtune
Mejor para ver contenido de calidad HD y SD en diferentes dispositivos.
IPTVtune es uno de los principales proveedores en cuanto a precio y calidad. Ofrecen un rendimiento estable con un mínimo de buffering y congelación con una conexión estable.
20,000+ películas y 10,000+ canales.
Contenido HD y SD.
99.99 por ciento de tiempo de actividad.
Opción de revendedor disponible.
Veredicto: IPTVtune ofrece un paquete general bueno para los clientes. Obtienes canales premium a un costo asequible.
submitted by Maleficent-Time-8836 to BestIPTVReviews24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:34 New_Improvement7102 How would I craft an item like this?

How would I craft an item like this?
Does anyone know any way to craft this item? Any links to videos, tutorials, or even just explaining in the comment section would be super helpful. Could be either bench crafting for necropolis.
submitted by New_Improvement7102 to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 New_Improvement7102 How would I craft an item like this?

How would I craft an item like this?
Does anyone know any way to craft this item? Any links to videos, tutorials, or even just explaining in the comment section would be super helpful. Could be either bench crafting for necropolis.
submitted by New_Improvement7102 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 guslcf Online Co-op not available

Online Co-op not available
My brother and I have been playing outward DE for some time now, and the story we're playing is on my brother's save on his computer.
This week his video card broke and we pulled his save to another pc, but when I go in to try to open the game to play online (in COOP Online), the option is not available to click. I don't know if it's related to taking the backup of the save or if it's some other configuration of the game.
PS: to get the save, I saw here on reddit that I needed to do the tutorial on a new account and then move the save folder to the folder that was created.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem or know how to solve it?
Well, we succeeded after a few attempts and here's the solution. I'll leave the post open in case anyone else has the same problem.
He opened the game in the standard version and then opened the Definitive Edition again and it worked. The logic behind this? I don't know xD
submitted by guslcf to outwardgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:22 BeefnCheethe Thinking about starting a coding YouTube channel

Hello! I’m new to this subreddit but thought this may be a good place to ask. I (25m) have been coding for 7 years, professionally for 4 and in the past few months have been thinking more seriously about starting a channel. I’ve never made YouTube videos before so I’m trying to keep my expectations low, but I think it would be fun to try it and see what comes out of it. I do not want to make tutorials, there’s already plenty of people who do that better than I could but rather, I want to make short funny videos of me working on random projects that I’m interested in - kinda like a dad who does DIY projects around the house but for coding. My vision is that people like me who have been coding for a while but aren’t experts, watch my videos and can relate to the struggles of coding while being exposed to different areas of software engineering and maybe learn a thing or two in the process. I already have an idea for my first video (series) and have been working on it the past couple weeks but before I get too far, I wanted to ask the community what you think? I want my videos to target coders specifically but if you’re new to coding or don’t code at all, my hope is that the videos are entertaining enough to keep you interested. Do you think this is a good idea or a waste of time? How long do you think the videos should be? I’m thinking 10-15 min. I’d like to keep them short enough to keep people engaged. Do you think video series are a good idea or should I try to do them all at once?
Also as I am a newbie I will take any YouTube advice you have to offer (video editing, camera equipment, mics, etc.)
Thanks for reading!
submitted by BeefnCheethe to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 wd-2 new player, please help!

i’ve always wanted to play hi3 from way before, so a while back idk a year? give or take, i started hi3 but i had to stop and said i’ll comeback later, a few days ago i came back to continue where i left off, i had to watch a beginner guide video, and they said the beginners bonuses you get it on the first 30 day of playing, and it’s really good for your account and you should take advantage of it, ofc i didn't even know anything when i started before and i only did the tutorial gameplay not all of it i think, like i fought a couple of enemies and nothing else, now i’m lvl 24, and idk is my account fvcked because i didn’t get to do these bonuses 😭?? i don’t want to make another account, this is my main account for all hoyo games :( hope someone can help me with this, is it fine to continue no need to worry or? i don’t want to lag behind later because i didn’t take advantage of these bonuses
submitted by wd-2 to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 Lost-Mastodon-5813 Trawler ships

I just bought a trawler boat and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good tutorial videos I can watch I'm so confused about how to use it. Any help is greatly appreciated
submitted by Lost-Mastodon-5813 to FishingNorthAtlantic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:01 Unique-Chicken-5763 🪓Understanding the Potential Side Effects of Penis Enlargement Devices

Penis enlargement devices promise size enhancement and better sexual performance, but they pose risks. This content alerts users to potential side effects, enabling informed decisions about sexual health.
🥒Tissue Damage:🥒
Penis enlargement devices can cause tissue damage like bruising, swelling, and tearing with excessive or improper use. Long-term usage may lead to scarring and deformities, impacting appearance and function.
Erectile Dysfunction:
Prolonged use of penis enlargement devices may raise the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by disrupting blood flow and nerve function, making erections difficult to achieve or maintain.
🍌Pain and Discomfort:🍌
Many users report pain and discomfort with penis enlargement devices due to pressure and tension, causing sensations of soreness, numbness, or burning, making device use unpleasant or intolerable
Risk of infection:
Inadequate cleaning of penis enlargement devices can lead to infections as bacteria or fungi thrive in the warm, moist environment, causing urinary tract or genital skin infections.
🌽Natural and Unique Exercise:🌽
Our male enhancement program guarantees a growth of up to 4 inches within a 4-week period, achieved solely through natural exercises. There are no pills or devices involved, ensuring safety and avoiding any risk of injury. Your well-being is our top priority. Watch our video tutorial and learn more.
submitted by Unique-Chicken-5763 to growthmatrixUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:57 hamdi-ramzi The Best IPTV Service of 2024: Top 5 Trusted Providers

The Best IPTV Service of 2024: Top 5 Trusted Providers
Here is the list of the best IPTV services available worldwide. Compare the features and pricing of the top-rated IPTV providers listed in this tutorial and select the top IPTV subscription for your FireStick, Android TV, PC or any other device:
What is IPTV?
Internet-based Protocol Television (IPTV) refers to the streaming of TV programs through broadband Internet rather than the traditional cable or satellite. This TV content is streamed to a set-top box.
Selecting the best IPTV streams can be challenging because of limited information about the quality of the service. Wea have taken the task of finding the top-rated IPTV service providers that live up to their claims.
#1) Best Top Winner YugaTV
Great for watching local and international live TV channels, PPV, pay-per-view sporting events, and VOD.
YugaTV provides a secure payment channel, and with this, you can make payments easily. You can do it without worrying as the security is very high and advanced. There is no risk of getting cheated. It is because your payment is processed through your bank card or PayPal, so there is no risk or scam involved. After making a payment, you just have to wait a few minutes and then you will receive your subscriptions via email. Not only this, Smart IPTV has a buyer-friendly refund policy that allows everyone to buy their services without worrying about their refund. Its prices are also very affordable so everyone can buy it easily.
  • Its panel offers more than 20,000+ live TV channels with multiple features like catch-up and EPG.
  • IPTV channels and services, as well as their panel, are automatically updated once a week.
  • From payment to service delivery, all sales steps are performed automatically; there is no human factor on this page.
  • All IPTV system infrastructure provided to customers is automatically backed up every 5 minutes.
  • You will get 24 hours of support a day without any interruption through online chat and ticket creation.
  • 20,000+ channels.
  • 70,000 VOD
  • International channels.
  • Compatible with all devices.
  • Supports IPTV players.
  • It has a buyer-friendly refund policy.
Verdict: YugaTV is the best service provider that contains popular TV shows and movies. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find the desired content.
=> Visit YugaTV Website
AIMAX EDAWAG – Best for watching Live TV, movies, and shows in multiscreen on Android and IPTV devices.
One of the most recommended and best IPTV providers is IPTV SMART. This is because it offers over 20,000 live TV channels and over 60,000 VOD content. They provide 4K resolution content for HD, HQ, channels, and VOD. Widely compatible with devices that work with Firesticks, computers/laptops, mobile devices, Mag / Enigma boxes, smart TVs, and more. This service works with various apps such as IPTV Smarter Pro, TiviMate, GSE IPTV, Lazy IPTV, and Kodi.
Features: Over 20,000 channels and over 60,000 VODP provide multiple connections. IP blocking does not work with VPNs.Provides a reseller panel.
Best for – IPTV subscription service provider comparing price, service quality, and customer support.
IPTV TRENDS One of the greatest benefits is the ability for the viewer to watch the programs that they love from anywhere and at any one given time, this is usually at a cheaper price as compared to the cable packages that you may know of.
Firstly, the pricing is usually better and there are so many titles that a subscriber can select from. In the past, consumers had to buy cable packages that may have had some programs they were not interested in. Secondly, the other benefit is that you can access a lot of channels without any problem. Thirdly, you can make a custom list of channels and only pay the price for those channels.
You can also enjoy quality 4K, FHD, HD, and SD video services including more than 16,000 IPTV channels List. This collection includes the best-known and most popular TV networks from around the world covering all tastes.
  • + 17,000 Channels
  • 4K, FHD & SD Channels
  • Compatible with All Devices
  • Available Worldwide
  • 99.99% Up-time Servers
  • VPN Allowed
  • 24/7 Premium Support
Verdict: IPTV TRENDS , Over 17,000 Live Channels for $14.99/Month BEST IPTV is the best IPTV subscription service provider comparing price, service quality, and customer support. We have over 16K TV channels, including premium sports & Movies, Series, & Documentary channels. Nothing can beat our TV channels streaming quality.
#4) FortuneIPTV
A Reputable IPTV Provider With a Subscription Service. Check first before you decide to buy.
You may watch and enjoy a variety of HD on-demand movies, pay-per-view sporting events, TV shows, live TV channels, and other comparable content on Fortune IPTV, a high-end entertainmentvideo streaming platform.
Because it has increasingly become more feature-rich than conventional IPTV packages, many customers appreciate this service. Without a sure, Fortune IPTV will keep you occupied for a longtime.
  • 12K (approximate) live HD and FHD TV
  • 35K (approximate) TV Series & VOD (video on demand)
  • Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, and more
  • Compatible with any devices
  • No IP lock works with VPN
  • Payment: Credit/Debit Card, Crypto Currency
Verdict: FortuneIPTV is the best IPTV service provider around with premium IPTV streams. No matter what country you are in, their service is available worldwide.
This IPTV provider has very good servers and offers a buffer-free experience. You can purchase a trial from them if you want to learn more about it.
#5) IPTVtune
Best for watching HD and SD quality content on different devices.
IPTVtune is one of the top providers when it comes to price and quality. They offer stable performance with minimum buffering and freezing with a stable connection.
20,000+ movies and 10,000+ channels.
HD and SD content.
99.99 percent uptime.
Reseller option available.
Verdict: IPTVtune offers an overall good package for customers. You get premium channels at an affordable cost
submitted by hamdi-ramzi to bestprovider100 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:44 Mauricio_Here Stuck on Level 8 "Cool Fusion" Octagonal Elevator

Stuck on Level 8
As the title says, I've completed the level, and the last thing to do is time the jump from the elevator to the platform. The problem? I've been at this for almost two hours - And still can't make the jump. I've tried bumping against the ceiling, strafing, rocket boosting, strafing + rocket boosting, doing it normally, etc. I've seen people do it so easily in walkthroughs by simply walking forward. None of it is working for me. It's simply impossible with the speed I am going at in the level. I've watched video tutorials to see if I have pressed every button or gone through every corner of the level - And I have done everything that the tutorials do. What do I do?
submitted by Mauricio_Here to Marathon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:37 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to Web_Development [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:34 JustForFun8799 CRAFT YOUR OWN LUDO BOARD GAME AT HOME

Click on the following video link to see the full tutorial Grab your pencil color, follow my tutorial and craft your own Ludo Board Game to play with your friends. SUBSCRIBE to my yt channel & pls visit my Art & Craft Playlist for more tutorials
submitted by JustForFun8799 to crafts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:32 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to WebdevTutorials [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:32 Strong_Telephone4034 Tomorrow is TikTok pay day !!!

I’m looking forward to the Walmart tutorial haul video tomorrow or the junk food gourmet come cook with me tutorial. 😂
submitted by Strong_Telephone4034 to autism_mom_lifeSNARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:31 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:30 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:30 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to JavaScriptTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:27 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to Frontend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:24 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to javascript_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 JustForFun8799 CRAFT YOUR OWN LUDO BOARD GAME AT HOME

Click on thw following video link to see the full tutorial on HOW TO CRAFT YOUR OWN LUDO BOARD GAME AT HOME Grab your pencil colors, follow my tutorial, craft a beautiful Ludo board game to play with your friends
submitted by JustForFun8799 to u/JustForFun8799 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:22 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to reactjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 frivolta Free Resource for Learning JavaScript with Real Interview Questions

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been working on a project to help people dive deeper into JavaScript and prepare for web dev interviews. It’s called CodeClimbJS, and it offers coding exercises based on actual javascript interview exercises. It’s completely free, and I’m passionate about supporting the developer community. Link:
As the project is still in its early stages, I would love to hear your feedback to improve the platform. Your insights will help me refine the test cases and enhance the overall user experience.
Thank you for checking out CodeClimbJS. I hope you find it a valuable tool for your learning journey!
PS: I know how much a lot of devs hate this kind of challenges but they helped me a lot learning sometimes overlooked topics.
Best, F.
submitted by frivolta to Frontend [link] [comments]