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Projet de vie

2024.05.09 18:49 SufficientDamage9483 Projet de vie

Je viens ici pour vous parler de choses un peu étranges...
Dans ce sens où par exemple j'ai commencé il y a deux ans des études d'informatique et jai réussis à aller jusqu'en deuxième année. mais sauf que j'étais dans un état qui s'appelle la déréalisation. Je suis resté dans cet état pendant deux ans suite à des consommations répétées de stupéfiants, d'alcool, de cigarettes et d'autres facteurs ...
résultat j'ai arrêté ces études... là je suis au milieu de la deuxième année mais ça fait depuis décembre que je n'y vais plus.
De toutes façons je n'avais pas forcément les capacités dans mon état normal ni dans cet état là pour continuer donc ça passe... mais ça laisse quand même un peu déstabilisé pour le moins que l'on puisse dire... genre comment est ce que jai pu faire ça pendant deux ans sans que personne ne se rende compte de mon état ? Est ce que d'autres gens étaient dans cet état aussi ??? cest quand meme un peu abusé là....
Et puis ça veut dire genre dans mon état normal je suis incapable de faire quoi que ce soit ???
'Fin je suis un peu traumatisé on va dire...
Regardez la derealisation cest un état hallucinatoire vraiment surpuissant cest pas le petit rhum des foins de Tata georgette...
Là j'ai obtenu un petit temps partiel histoire de survivoter en attendant de retrouver mes esprits et mon état normal et de guérir un peu pendant que jai arrete l'année en attendant de réasserter la situation... et j'ai tellement bien fais d'efforts dessus que jai réussis a le garder même en étant pas défoncé et que ça m'a même permis de guérir et de sortir de cet état mais la 'fin c'est abusé je suis paumé je suis traumatisé...
Est ce que je retente l'année prochaine ???
Sachant que je sais que de base je suis pas forcément capable de faire ce genre detudes et je ne l'ai jamais vraiment été... j'ai toujours été une merde absolue en cours et surtout en info/maths etc m'enfin surtout défectueux, bordélique et marginale (pas forcément de mon fait d'ailleurs) de manière générale en réalité...
mais là la combinaison du fait que j'étais à moitié défoncé et genre boosté "sous crack" et tout et que je voulais toast à tout prix au moins pour voir au moins une fois dans ma vie genre a fait que je l'ai fais...
Mais déjà je l'ai fais en étant complètement défoncé pendant tout ce temps donc au niveau de la prise d'info c'est pas ouf... tout ce que je peux me demander maintenant c'est est ce que si je l'avais fais en étant pas défoncé ça aurait été différent ??? Mais la réponse a ça est impossible à avoir. Pendant tout ce temps je me suis dis ben tant pis vu que j'arrive visiblement a ce point pas a sortir de cet état c'est que je suis comme ça de manière définitive maintenant mais en fait ce n'était pas le cas et jaurai peut-être pu en sortir plus tôt...
Bref je suis un peu perdu...
Comment est ce que tout ça a pu être possible ?
Là le résultat d'avoir essayé de voir comme j'ai dis c'est grosso modo que bon j'ai pas trop les capacités pour vraiment réussir et je suis pas trop une personne de ce type là de base et à vrai dire je sais pas si c'est vraiment mon ascendance véritable de vie ...
Après en faisant des énormes efforts et en ayant l'esprit plus clair ca peut peut-être passé limite mais pas sûr en plus la majorité des gens là bas si je veux continuer ont genre 10 ans de moins que moi... donc maintenant la question est en suspens qu'est-ce que je fais ???
Car là l'équipe administrative là bas a encore un peu mon dossier en suspens en mode je leur ai dis oui ben la je me sens pas ouf donc j'arrête mais peut-être je reviens cet été vous voir si ça évolue pour retaper l'année et voir ce que je fais...
Mais du coup mon sentiment c'est peut être plutôt que je vais pas le faire...
Après ça vaut peut-être le coup de réessayer en étant pas défoncé...
(je précise que j'ai 27 ans)
submitted by SufficientDamage9483 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 09:23 avgweedfan Ethical Adaptation: A Study of the Miracle in the Andes

edit: i dont know if anyone will ever look at this again but I got my grade back and got a 150/150 😌 thank you all for your kind words and feedback i haven’t been this proud of something i’ve written in a long time!!!
Hi SocietyOfTheSnow , I hope you're all having a great night. I've been lurking on this subreddit for a few months while I was working on this, so I figured it was only fair for me to share it here now that it's done (I think?). I am an undergraduate student at an university in the U.S., and I wrote this for my media ethics class. If you don't wanna read it, that's cool! If you do read it, thank you, and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know (but be nice about it pls! I worked hard and am sensitive!)!! <3 also formatting is weird sorry I don't feel like fixing it lmfao, films are in italics, books are in bold
On October 12, 1972, a chartered Fairchild FH-227D departed from Montevideo, Uruguay en route to Santiago, Chile. The plane carried forty passengers and five crew members, including the nineteen members of the “Old Christians” rugby team, the team physician and his wife, as well as some supporters, family members, and friends of the team. Although scheduled to land the same day, the pilot decided to make a one-night stopover in Mendoza, Argentina due to bad weather. The plane departed again on October 13, 1972, at 2:18 pm. Because they couldn't go directly over the towering peaks of the Andes Mountains, the plane was supposed to take a 370-mile route south to Malargüe, west through the Planchon Pass to Curico, and north to Santiago. This should’ve taken an hour and a half. Clouds were obscuring the mountains, so the pilots were likely using radio navigation to get through the pass. Here, one of the pilots made a deadly error, incorrectly piloting the plane north and beginning the descent. Due to the heavy cloud cover, they didn’t realize their mistake until it was too late. The plane slammed into a mountain, losing both of the wings and the tail, causing seven passengers to fall from the open fuselage, all of whom were later found deceased. The crash is briefly described in an excerpt from a 2016 National Geographic interview with survivor Dr. Roberto Canessa. It reads:
“It was a very abrupt moment. We had rented an air force plane to go from Uruguay to Chile. We were trying to cross the Andes when the pilot said, “Fasten your seatbelts, we are going to enter some turbulence.” Rugby players like to fool around and play macho. So we were throwing around rugby balls and singing a song, “Conga, conga, conga: the plane is dancing conga.” The next thing, someone looked out the window and said, “Aren’t we flying too close to the mountains?!” The pilot had made a huge mistake: He’d turned north and begun the descent to Santiago while the aircraft was still in the high Andes. He began to climb until the plane was nearly vertical and it began to stall and shake. Then we smashed into the side of the mountain. I was thrown forward with tremendous force and received a powerful blow to my head. I thought, “You’re dead.” I grabbed my seat and recited a Hail Mary. Someone cried out, “Please God, help me, help me!” It was the worst nightmare you can imagine. Another boy was screaming, “I’m blind!” When he moved his head I could see his brain—and a piece of metal sticking out of his stomach.”
The plane's fuselage came to rest in the cirque of the Glacier of Tears, at an elevation of 11,710 ft. Including the aforementioned seven that fell out of the plane during the initial impact, twelve passengers died in the crash and five more died from various injuries and ailments over the next few days.
Inside the fuselage, the survivors had found a meager amount of chocolate bars, jam, almonds, and dried fruits, as well as several bottles of wine. They rationed what they had, but it lasted only a week, and so, left with no alternative, the survivors resorted to anthropophagy. Survivor Dr. Roberto Canessa writes of the situation in his book I Had To Survive: How A Plane Crash In The Andes Inspired My Calling To Save Lives, excerpt adapted for The Daily Mail:
“Our common goal was to survive — but what we lacked was food. We had long since run out of the meager pickings we’d found on the plane, and there was no vegetation or animal life to be found. After just a few days we were feeling the sensation of our own bodies consuming themselves just to remain alive. Before long we would become too weak to recover from starvation. We knew the answer, but it was too terrible to contemplate. The bodies of our friends and teammates, preserved outside in the snow and ice, contained vital, life-giving protein that could help us survive. But could we do it? For a long time we agonized…Maybe a miracle might occur just in time to avoid what seemed to us a hideous transgression. Never had the consequences of time seemed so gruesome. But true hunger is atrocious, instinctive, primordial, and God witnessed the groaning of my insides. In time, a rational and loving answer emerged to calm my fears and give me inner peace…Gradually, each of us came to our own decision in our own time. And once we had done so, it was irreversible. It was our final goodbye to innocence. We were never the same again.”
Aircrafts from Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay searched for the missing flight for 8 days, after which they decided to call off the search under the assumption that there were no survivors and resume looking when the snow starts to melt to recover the bodies. The survivors saw aircraft fly over the crash site on three separate occasions, but the rescuers were unable to spot the white fuselage against the snow. Intense snowstorms often kept them trapped inside the wreckage of the plane for twenty-four hours at a time. During these first few weeks, the survivors began making small excursions to explore the general vicinity of the airplane. However, they didn't have any clothing made for the cold weather, causing hypothermia, and also struggled against snow blindness, dehydration, malnourishment, altitude sickness, and the extreme nighttime cold, which made it impossible for them to travel a meaningful distance away from the fuselage. Despite this, by the last week in October, a group had been chosen to leave the crash site and try to reach help - Nando Parrado, Roberto Canessa, Adolfo “Fito” Strauch, and Numa Turcatti - and the survivors had begun to make preparations for the impending trek.
On October 29, a bit more than two weeks after the crash, tragedy once again befell the group when an avalanche struck the fuselage, burying it in snow and ice, and filling the cabin within just a few feet of the ceiling. This disaster killed eight and trapped the remaining survivors inside. Survivor Nando Parrado describes the aftermath in his book Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home:
“The snow that invaded the fuselage was so deep that we couldn’t stand; we had barely enough headroom now to crawl about the plane on hands and knees. As soon as we had the stomach for it, we stacked the dead at the rear of the plane where the snow was deepest, which left only a small clearing near the cockpit for the living to sleep. We packed into that space - nineteen of us now, jammed into an area that might have comfortably accommodated four - with no choice but to squeeze together, our knees, feet, and elbows tangled together in a nightmare version of a scrum.”
After three days, six survivors worked together and managed to dig their way through the cockpit, squeeze past the dead pilots’ bodies, push through the window and the snow, and reach the surface, only to be met with a blizzard that kept them in the fuselage under the snow for another three days. Upon emerging from what could’ve easily become their tomb, the nineteen remaining survivors were filled with determination to survive this ordeal and once again began preparing to search for help.
The plan was to allow the expedition group that was selected before the avalanche to get more rations, the best sleeping spots, and excusal from chores to build up their strength. The survivors agreed that the expeditionaries would travel east. Since the mountain peaks were slightly less daunting in this direction, the group hoped that once they got over the mountains they could find a valley that would turn around and bring them into Chile. Antonio “Tintin” Vizintin also joined the expedition, however, Adolfo “Fito” Strauch became afflicted with a severe case of hemorrhoids and needed to stay behind. It was also decided by the expeditionaries that Numa Turcatti would stay behind as well due to an infection in his leg, which, due to his aversion to eating the human flesh that was necessary for their survival, his body was unable to fight off. On the morning of November 17th, the remaining group of three expeditionaries set off away from the crash site. After about an hour and a half of hiking, Roberto Canessa, who was in the front of the group, spotted the tail. In the tail, they found luggage with more clothes, some rum, a box of chocolates, three small meat patties, a moldy sandwich, some cigarettes, a small camera loaded with film, and the batteries needed to power the radio in the fuselage. With no turning point towards the west in sight, the expeditionaries decided it would be best to turn back towards the crash site with the stuff they had found. However, the batteries were too heavy to carry all the way back in the snow, so they left them and decided instead to grab the radio from the Fairchild and bring it to the tail. The group made it back to the crash site on November 21st, and a few days later, they went back to the tail with the radio to try and get it to work. Unfortunately, these efforts were in vain, as the electronic components were too damaged to repair.
The expeditionaries returned to the fuselage, and at this point, the survivors realized their only chance at survival was to head directly west and find help in Chile. During the first week of December, they began to prepare, cutting extra meat and storing it in the snow, as well as sewing a sleeping bag using quilted batts of insulation and a sewing kit taken from the tail. On December 12, Nando Parrado, Roberto Canessa, and Antonio “Tintin” Vizintin left the wreckage of the Fairchild behind and began their trek up the mountain to the west. On the third morning, the expeditionaries reached the peak. Expecting to find the green valleys of Chile just beyond the mountain, they were shocked as they were faced with a seemingly never-ending view of the snowy cordillera. Despite the seemingly impossible circumstances, Canessa and Parrado still believed they could make it to the Chilean countryside, but didn’t have enough food to sustain all three of the expeditionaries for a trek of that caliber. So, it was at this point that the group decided to send Vizintin back to the crash site, while Canessa and Parrado would continue to the west. Three days after Vizintin had turned back and six days after they began the hike, the pair found a river with running water, which they began to follow down the mountain, and the day after they found an empty soup can, a horseshoe, a pile of feces, trees, and they even saw some cows from a distance. On December 20, after setting up camp for the night, Canessa spotted a man on a horse on the opposite side of the river. The man yelled to them but was drowned out by the river, however, they made out one word: “tomorrow”. The next day, the expeditionaries awoke at dawn to find three men around a fire on the other side of the river. Since the roar of the river was so loud, one of the men threw a pencil and paper tied to stones across the river, and Parrado wrote a message. That message read:
“I come from an airplane that crashed in the mountains. I am Uruguayan. We have been walking for 10 days. I have a wounded friend up there. In the plane, there are still 14 injured people. We need to get out of here quickly and we don't know how to. We don't have any food. We are very weak. When are you going to come to get us? Please, we can't even walk. Where are we?”
The men across the river threw the expeditionaries some bread and made motions indicating they understood, and that the duo was to wait. Less than 12 hours later, the men had helped Canessa and Parrado to the huts they used when tending to the flocks in the high pastures, and the pair got to eat real food and sleep in beds. The police showed up the day after that, along with Sergio Catalan, the man they had originally spotted on horseback, who had ridden 10 hours each way to the nearest police outpost to get help. A heavy fog descended on Los Maitenes, the mountainous region of the Chilean province of Colchagua, and so Canessa and Parrado went on horseback down to Puente Negro, they hoped the helicopters would be able to take off for the rescue operation. After the fog had cleared a bit, the helicopter crews, along with Parrado, took off for the crash site. The two helicopters reached the crash site on the afternoon of December 22nd. Because of the steep terrain, the pilots were only permitted to touch down with a single skid, and due to the altitude and weight limits, this first rescue mission was only able to take half of the survivors. Four of the rescuers volunteered to stay behind with the remaining eight survivors for their last night on the mountain, and the second flight of helicopters arrived the following morning at daybreak. The last of the survivors were rescued on December 23, 1972, more than two and a half months after the crash.
Ethically adapting true events for cinematic or literary purposes, especially in cases where lives were lost, raises complex questions about representation, storytelling, and the responsibilities of creators to both the subjects of the events (alive and deceased) and their audience. The TARES test is a framework that media professionals use to help assess ethical communication and influence. TARES is an acronym that stands for Truthful, Authentic, Respectful, Equitable, and Socially Responsible. These five elements represent the ethical communication criteria that are used to evaluate the ethical impact of a message. I will be using the TARES test to analyze the films Alive (1993) and Society of the Snow (2023), both based on the Miracle of the Andes, intending to empirically determine which adaptation is more ethical.
Alive, directed by Frank Marshall (Arachnaphobia) and written by John Patrick Shanley (Moonstruck, Doubt), was released in 1993 by Paramount Pictures. The film features an all-white cast, including stars Ethan Hawke and Josh Hamilton and narrator John Malkovitch. The film is named after and based on the book of the same name by Piers Paul Read, a British novelist, historian, and biographer, which was published in 1974. In the dedication, the survivors write that they “decided this book should be written and the truth known because of the many rumors about what happened in the cordillera”. Grossing slightly less than $37 million domestically, the experience of watching the Hollywood-ified adaptation of Read’s award-winning book is most aptly described by Robert Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times film critic, in 1993. He writes:
“The problem is, no movie can really encompass the sheer enormity of the experience. As subtitles tick off ‘Day 50’ and ‘Day 70,’ the actors in the movie continue to look amazingly healthy (and well-fed). Although some despair, most remain hopeful. But what would it really be like to huddle in a wrecked aircraft for 10 weeks in freezing weather, eating human flesh? I cannot imagine, and frankly, this film doesn't much help me.”
Alive had a budget of $25 million and was shot on a glacier in British Columbia, and the cinematography by Peter James (27 Dresses, Meet the Parents) featuring this landscape is arguably the best part of the entire movie. With its poorly written dialogue and questionable acting choices, this film not only struggles to keep the viewer’s attention, but additionally doesn’t do much in the sense of helping the viewer understand what the passengers of Flight 571 went through.
Society of the Snow was directed by J. A. Bayona (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, The Impossible) and released in 2023 by Netflix. It features 40 actors of Argentine and Uruguayan nationality, many of whom made their debut in this movie, and had an estimated budget of $65 million. The film is named after and based on the book of the same name by Pablo Vierci, a Uruguayan journalist who grew up with many of the people who were on Flight 571 and is credited as one of the associate producers of the film. The book also includes reflections written by some of the survivors. In a 2023 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Director J. A. Bayona said that “at the heart of the book, there is this message that says that when everything has been taken from someone, you still have a chance of deciding what to do — why do you want to live? For whom do you want to die for?”. Bayonoa described the shoot as an exploration looking to answer these big questions, and it was with these questions in mind that they began doing interviews with all sixteen of the survivors, collecting over one hundred hours of recordings. Throughout the process of making the film, all the actors were in contact with not only the survivors, but also the families of the deceased, and the development and release of this film marks the first time all the survivors and families of the deceased have allowed their real names to be used. In an IndieWire exclusive, survivors Roberto Canessa and Gustavo Zerbino write of the film:
“We and others have been telling our story for half a century, but the filmmaker J.A. Bayona has captured it in ways that we find inspiring and fresh all over again…But more importantly, he has captured the spirit of what got us off of that mountain. Society of the Snow reflects our experience in how we refused to give in to the bleak nature of our plight.”
Society was shot mostly in Sierra Nevada, Spain, but additional scenes were filmed in Montevideo, Uruguay, and in different locations in the Andes, both in Chile and Argentina, including The Glacier of Tears. With breathtaking cinematography by Pedro Luque (Don’t Breathe, Antebellum), and a chilling score by Michael Giacchino (The Batman, Star Wars: Rogue One), J. A. Bayona’s Spanish-language disaster film should be known going forward as the principal film about the Miracle of the Andes.
The first element of the TARES test that will be assessed is Truthful. This element questions whether the claims, both verbal and visual, are truthful, and, if the film communicates only part of the truth, if any omissions are deceptive. However, even if some facts are omitted, a film would pass the test if it meets a genuine human need to provide truthful information. Additionally, filmmakers should be able to verify with viewers the truthfulness of claims, and they should provide information to their audiences that will allow them to verify the truthfulness of claims in messages aimed at the public. "Unlike Alive, which is based solely on the facts of the story, Society of the Snow offers a much more philosophical take on what happened…It's not just about reiterating the facts. It's about engaging philosophically and spiritually on a deeper level with the story and exploring the true meaning of what happened in those mountains", Society of the Snow director J. A. Bayona says of the books that inspired the films. Despite this, after reading not only the books each movie is based on but additionally books written by survivors, Society is overall a more accurate depiction of the ordeal that the survivors went through in the Andes. There are always going to be differences when a book gets adapted for film, however, the differences between Paul Piers Read’s “classic” work of survival literature and the lukewarmly received 1993 adaptation are astounding. David Ansen summarizes it perfectly in an article for Newsweek, where he writes:
“Piers Paul Read's acclaimed 1974 book… paid special attention to the social structure that evolved among the group: the emergence of a warrior class and the counterbalance of a civilian government that looked out for the welfare of the weak and wounded. Marshall downplays the fascinating sociological details-and the ambiguities of character-in favor of action, heroism and a vague religiosity that's sprinkled over the story like powdered sugar.”
Meanwhile, Society is remarkably reflective of the experiences Pablo Vierci captured in the pages of his 2009 book. Whereas its predecessor Alive is known for being commercialized, religious, and at times shockingly lighthearted, Society of the Snow is a brutal, dark, horrifying, and immersive viewing experience, which more accurately reflects the nightmare that the passengers of Flight 571 went through.
The second component of the TARES test, Authentic, suggests it's important not only to do the right thing, but also “to do it with the right attitude”, and is closely linked to the concepts of sincerity and disclosure. In a 2023 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, when asked about how he convinced the survivors and their families that he was going to handle everything sensitively and not in an exploitative way, Society of the Snow director J. A. Bayona responded that “[he] was worried…but the fact that [he] was putting the point of view from the other side made them very interested…somehow it’s the first time [they’re] telling the story of the whole society and that was very important, not only for the survivors but their families.” In the same interview, it gets brought up that the story of this disaster had been told before, so was it that he felt it needed to be told from a different perspective? He responds:
“I had the impression when I finished Pablo’s book that what was in that novel was something I hadn’t seen in a film. [Pablo] was great at getting into the minds of the characters and explaining not only the facts but what happened to them on the inside. And then we found a perspective that gave me the key to tell the story in a way that I hadn’t seen before.”
On the other hand, according to an article from The Baltimore Sun, Frank Marshall chose to direct Alive for different reasons. In 1991, Disney offered Marshall, longtime producer for Stephen Speilberg, several projects, including Alive. The passage describing Marshall’s rationale reads:
“Mr. Marshall chose Alive for a number of reasons: the challenge of shooting 10,000 feet up in the Canadian Rockies; the opportunity to film one of the most dramatic — and prolonged — plane-crash sequences in movie history; the story of “ordinary people in extraordinary, impossible situations”; and the fact that just as Mr. Marshall was on the car phone with Disney’s Jeffrey Katzenberg, a pickup cut in front of him with a bumper sticker that read: ‘Rugby Players Eat Their Dead.’”
Moreover, in the acknowledgments for Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors, Piers Paul Read reveals that when he showed the manuscript of the book to the survivors, “some of them were disappointed by [his] presentation of their story”. Alive is a film made by a director who seemingly chose the project on a whim, based on a book that, according to the survivors, doesn’t convey “the faith and friendship which inspired them in the cordillera”. It is evident, not just through interviews, but through the film itself, that J. A. Bayona not only made Society of the Snow with “the right attitude”, but is able to justify making yet another feature film about the passengers of Flight 571.
The next component of the TARES test deals with respect. When adapting true events, especially tragedies such as this, it's important to show respect to the people involved, both living and dead. This aspect has the creator consider if they are willing to take full, open, and personal responsibility for the content of the film. Frank Marshall’s Alive was aptly described in a review by Janet Maslin of the New York Times upon its release in 1993, which reads: “Alive, an account of plane-crash survivors who had to resort to cannibalism to last out their ordeal in the Andes, is a study in madness, not on the parts of the Uruguayan rugby players who are the film's principals but on those of the Hollywood filmmakers who felt this story had the makings of upbeat, big-budget entertainment”. Indeed, even Marshall himself insists “it’s one of those great Hollywood stories”. In his book, survivor Carlitos Páez writes that in Alive, “the magnitude of the avalanche was not portrayed in full force[, and] when he mentioned this to director Frank Marshall…he answered [that] he needed light to shoot and besides, it wasn’t his fault what [they] went through”. Society of the Snow seems to laugh in the face of this, depicting the avalanche in a horrifying and believable fashion. Additionally, as previously stated, director J. A. Bayona based much of his film on testimony from survivors, both from Society of the Snow and footage that they compiled during pre-production, as well as maintaining lines of contact between the actors portraying the people and either the people themselves or their families, if deceased. Through J. A. Bayona’s meticulous attention to detail, a general sense of empathy toward the passengers of Flight 571 from the entire cast and crew, and a thorough commitment to honoring the experiences of the victims and survivors, Society stands as a poignant example of how to show respect to the people involved in the real-life tragedies that are being adapted for the silver screen.
Equitable generally means dealing fairly and equally with all concerned, but in relation to the TARES test, it refers to whether the viewer is on the same level playing field as the film’s creator, or, in order to correctly interpret the film, must the viewer be abnormally well informed, unusually bright or quick-witted, and completely without prejudice. When comparing two films based on equitability in the context of ethical adaptation, the film that allows a wider range of viewers to engage with its themes and moral complexities without requiring exceptional cognitive abilities or specialized knowledge would be deemed more ethical. In this case, the films are evaluated based on how well they convey the survivors' experiences, challenges, and moral dilemmas without requiring viewers to have extensive knowledge of survival techniques or deep insights into the human psyche. One of the main differences between the two films is that Frank Marshall’s Alive has two distinct main characters - Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa, the two survivors who would eventually trek 38 miles to find help, portrayed by Ethan Hawke and Josh Hamilton, respectively, whereas J. A. Bayona’s Society of the Snow focuses instead on the group as a whole, with the only possible main character being the film’s narrator, Enzo Vogrincic Roldán’s Numa Turcatti, the last passenger to die on the mountain. Although some criticize Society for this decision, citing that it is harder to connect with each of the individual characters, this is the story about the survival of a group of people, not just two. Although Canessa and Parrado’s efforts to get the survivors off the mountain were invaluable, it cannot be understated the importance that each person in the society had, a sentiment the viewer comes to understand by the end of Society. Viewers may not emerge from Society knowing everyone's names, but they will have a significantly better understanding of what the passengers endured and what it took, mentally and physically, to get off the mountain than if they watched Alive.
The final component of the TARES test is Socially Responsible. This element questions whether if everyone who was able to view this film did, if society as a whole would be improved, keeping in mind that recreation and self-improvement are worthy social goals. Additionally, it asks if the film increases or decreases the trust the average person has for persuasive messages, and if this film takes the notion of corporate responsibility, both to make money and to improve human life and welfare, seriously and truthfully. It emphasizes the significance of considering not just the content of persuasive messages, but additionally their broader impact on societal values, trust, and ethical considerations, highlighting the importance of responsible storytelling in the media landscape. A major distinction between the two films is the way in which they each handle religion. As Richard Lawson says in his review of Society of the Snow for Vanity Fair, “maybe the 50-year span has given [Pablo] Vierci’s recounting a crucial perspective that Alive often lacks. [John Patrick] Shanley’s adaptation swaps in grand platitudes about God where specific human dimensions are better suited.” It is true that a majority of the passengers on the Fairchild were religious and relied heavily on prayer, and it is an important part of both films, however the degree to which religion is emphasized in Alive is laughable. It would be easy to convince a first-time viewer with zero knowledge of the production of the film that it was created by some sort of church organization. In the same article, Lawson also states that “Marshall’s film is demure, casual in comparison [to Society]. Alive is more concerned with human spirit than human suffering; it’s lit and warmed by Tinseltown glow.” It is clear that Frank Marshall’s 1993 adaptation lacks the essence of what draws people to this story in the first place, instead creating a white-washed religion commercial that reeks of early 90s Hollywood and big corporations. Society, on the other hand, handles religion delicately and efficiently, not spending a second longer on it than necessary while still emphasizing the passengers’ faith. As survivors Roberto Canessa and Gustavo Zerbino write, “[i]t is not a film that aims to make the audience suffer. It is a film that aims to rouse the viewer’s faith in the person sitting next to them.” If everyone with access to Netflix watched Society of the Snow, society as a whole would be improved, not only for recreational reasons, but additionally because Society is a film that promotes empathy, resilience, and the strength of human spirit in the face of adversity.
The story of the ethical dilemmas, survival, and resilience of the passengers of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 has been the subject of many media adaptations, such as the films Alive (1993) and Society of the Snow (2023).Through the lens of the TARES test, which evaluates the truthfulness, authenticity, respect, equitability, and social responsibility of communication, it becomes clear that Society of the Snow emerges as a more ethical and responsible adaptation. The truthfulness of Society of the Snow lies in its deep exploration of the survivors' experiences, not just in terms of facts but also in understanding the emotional and psychological impact of the ordeal. Society director J. A. Bayona's approach in creating his Spanish-language disaster film, which was based on extensive research, interviews with survivors, and sensitivity to their perspectives, creates a more accurate and meaningful portrayal of the events than in Frank Marshall’s award-losing survival drama. In terms of authenticity, Society stands out for its genuine commitment to representing the survivors' story with respect and empathy. The filmmakers' engagement with survivors and their families, as well as their dedication to portraying the internal struggles and moral complexities faced by the passengers, reflects a sincere effort to do justice to the real-life experiences. Respect is a key aspect of ethical adaptation, and here again, Society excels. The film treats the subject matter with dignity, avoiding sensationalism or exploitation. By focusing on the collective experience of the survivors and honoring their journey, the film earns the respect of both the audience and the survivors themselves. Equitability in storytelling refers to the accessibility and relatability of the narrative to a wide audience. While Alive may have focused more narrowly on specific characters, allowing the audience to have individual characters to connect with, Society takes a broader approach that allows viewers to connect with the overall themes of survival, camaraderie, and resilience without requiring specialized knowledge or biases. By emphasizing themes such as empathy and the strength of the human spirit and promoting a deeper understanding of the survivors' experiences, Society of the Snow contributes positively to societal values and encourages empathy and compassion. Society is not only well-written, well-acted, and well-shot, but also sets a high standard for ethical adaptation through its thoughtful and sensitive portrayal of a harrowing ordeal and how it fictionalized the survivors' very real experiences respectfully and accurately. The film leaves a lasting impact on its audience, fostering empathy, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the human capacity to overcome adversity.
submitted by avgweedfan to SocietyOfTheSnow [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:22 CardBoardBox_Man What do your OCs think of my OC Melanie?

This is Melanie Riga.
She has a lot of problems. Personal problems, criminal problems, professional problems, odor problems, political problems, everything.
The (jist of the) story
In late 2027, Melanie just got off 10 months in jail for getting caught with bills from a bank robbery (that she took part in but they couldn't prove). After bouncing around her sister's house and getting shot in a terrorist attack, she becomes a bounty hunter (after recuperating). A set of new federal laws in 2026 essentially deputize bounty hunters to serve certain warrants instead of just catching bail skips. All the while, she needs to find a way to effectively launder the ~$1M of stolen money that she's still sitting on.
The character
I call her an idiot, but she actually has a master's in atomic & particle physics, which does jack-shit for her because she has absolutely no idea how to capture people. She can find them easily, but when bullets start flying, she effectively relies on her ex-cellmate and partner-in-shady-activity, Elizabeth, who's an ax-crazy veteran of a dissolved highly classified unit under CIA that committed many, many "unacknowledged actions" worldwide.
But back to Melanie. She's very close to her family, except her twin sister, who she's been feuding with since birth. For about three months after release, she even lived with her older sister (and older sister's family). Outside of her family and Elizabeth, she doesn't actually have too many friends... or any at all. Without said familial closeness, she's Travis Bickle with a hell of a lot more money. Her personality goes a long way towards explaining why. She's oddly witty in interactions, which comes off as seemingly intentional, excessive, and needless snark that drives away those around her. She has a profound disinterest in the lives of others, and almost exclusively enjoys solitary activities and conversation topics that bore other people. She also constantly stinks of the cigarettes she loves oh-so-much, has a constant unreadable neutral expression, and an imposing 5'10" build that doesn't do her many favors in the approachability department.
Melanie's dad is Italian (and his dad was a mobster), but more importantly, her mother is Argentine (immigrated in 1984 and currently a detective in DC) and despite acting like they don't get each other, the resemblance is uncanny at times.
The setting
In 2027, American politics has changed. In 2025, both major parties in America completely balkanized and shattered (Republicans entirely, Democrats still exist in a rump state) into a bunch of smaller, far, far more extreme parties, most of which have ended up falling along racial & ethnic lines. Melanie politically stands in the same area as a new cohort of Argentine immigrants that arrived in America after unrest back in Argentina. These new Argentines form one of the farthest-right blocs in American politics (being composed of conservatives who thought the leftists would seize power down there), and in tune with this new political window, Melanie is... not work-safe, to say the least. To start, she reeks of being a Cold War-style anticommunist - "I say kill 'em all!" is not an inaccurate representation of her view of her political enemies. On the domestic front, she's very racist against the groups that support the leftist parties, and bigoted as a whole towards a lot of different groups (which is quickly becoming the new societal standard) - she throws around slurs like she's in a Tarantino movie. After release, Melanie joins the APO, an upstart rightist party with a base in the DMV that allows it a sort of local dominance as well as major efforts in forming its own affiliated paramilitary wing.
The job:
Her political extremism makes her fall in well with the new cohort of bounty hunters. The new system has devolved into selective enforcement, allowing a silent kind of party-on-party (which, remember, fall very much on ethnic lines) proxy war. Melanie ends up being pretty vital in the fight against the left-wing PAP & EF parties, which have allied with local gangs to scare away any electoral competition - to fight them. Melanie decides to instead fight their gunrunning network, leading to the collapse of the PAP in January 2028 and unwittingly starting the most violent, nationwide gang war that the US has ever seen.
And now, 2028 will be the first presidential election in this brave new world.
The violence is about to escalate, and Melanie is at the forefront of it all.
What's on her driver's license
Name: Sharon Melanie Riga
DoB: December 14, 2003
Age: 24
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 157 lbs
Birthplace: Washington, DC
Currently has a green 2021 Subaru BRZ registered in her name

So, after all of that, what do your OCs think of her?
submitted by CardBoardBox_Man to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 23:59 cultrevolutioner images of the 1978 Argentine Grand Prix where for the first and only time a team debuted and won its first race, Jody Scheckter aboard the Wolf WR1 finished first after starting tenth

images of the 1978 Argentine Grand Prix where for the first and only time a team debuted and won its first race, Jody Scheckter aboard the Wolf WR1 finished first after starting tenth submitted by cultrevolutioner to motorsports [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 23:59 cultrevolutioner images of the 1978 Argentine Grand Prix where for the first and only time a team debuted and won its first race, Jody Scheckter aboard the Wolf WR1 finished first after starting tenth

images of the 1978 Argentine Grand Prix where for the first and only time a team debuted and won its first race, Jody Scheckter aboard the Wolf WR1 finished first after starting tenth submitted by cultrevolutioner to vintagef1 [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 16:01 StathisKant Pourquoi lutter contre les mauvaises habitudes?

Pourquoi lutter contre les mauvaises habitudes?

Les mauvaises habitudes peuvent sembler être de simples moments de plaisir éphémère, mais en réalité, ce sont des pièges sournois qui compromettent notre bien-être et nos objectifs à long terme.

Chaque cigarette fumée, chaque heure passée devant la télévision plutôt que de travailler sur nos projets, chaque procrastination délibérée nous éloigne un peu plus de nos aspirations les plus profondes.
Le prix à payer pour ces plaisirs instantanés est bien plus élevé que ce que nous imaginons.
Ils peuvent entraîner des conséquences néfastes pour notre santé, nos relations et notre carrière.
Lorsque nous nous laissons emporter par ces mauvaises habitudes, nous compromettons notre potentiel et nous nous condamnons à une vie médiocre.
Cependant, en prenant conscience de ces pièges et en cultivant des habitudes positives, nous pouvons transformer notre vie de manière significative.
Chaque petit changement positif que nous apportons contribue à renforcer notre discipline, notre motivation et notre estime de soi.
Chaque jour où nous choisissons la productivité sur la procrastination, la santé sur l'indulgence, la croissance sur la stagnation, nous nous rapprochons un peu plus de la réalisation de nos rêves.
Alors, plutôt que de succomber aux sirènes des mauvaises habitudes, engageons-nous à prendre des décisions conscientes qui nous rapprochent de nos objectifs.
Parce que le vrai bonheur et le véritable succès résident dans la maîtrise de soi et la persévérance, même lorsque le chemin est semé d'embûches.
#HabitudesSaines #DéveloppementPersonnel #SuccèsÀLongTerme
submitted by StathisKant to u/StathisKant [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 22:56 ar_david_hh Armenia-West; Edmon's "conspiracy" \\ Gaddafi threat \\ Product Complexity Index \\ Higher standards & lab exams \\ AM-GE cooperation \\ Terror \\ Economic stats & trade \\ Sanctions; Putin in Yerevan \\ Tourism strategy \\ Voter bribery \\ Highway speed camera \\ EAEU customs pot \\ Wine ban

2-minute read.

in case you missed the Sunday news report

Sunday news

Russia-based Armenian general, a former defense minister, promises Pashinyan the fate of Gaddafi

Arshak Karapetyan is an Armenian general allied with the Kremlin. He was fired by PM Pashinyan from MOD's position after "poor performance" and Russia's refusal to support Armenia in late 2021. Karapetyan later moved to Russia and announced plans to launch a political party to oust Pashinyan.
ARSHAK KARAPETYAN: Certain Armenian leaders will WISH to have Gaddafi's fate. The end of this regime is near. We will free the country from these cowards. //
He urged the army and Tavush residents to defy Pashinyan's actions.

analyst Arthur Sakunts about Armenia-West-Russia relations

REPORTER: Pashinyan is set to meet EU's von der Leyen and US's Blinken in April in what appears to be the launch of a new era in Armenia-Euroatlantic relations. Russia could try to prevent this meeting at any cost. What should we expect from Moscow, and from the April 5 meeting?
SAKUNTS: There are still people who believe that Armenia must do more to convince Russia that the strengthening of relations with the West isn't being done against Russia. In reality, it's futile because Russia is going to perceive any Armenia-West strategic cooperation as a step against Russia. The April 5 meeting is unique in the sense that this time it will be the "collective West". They will discuss the development of Armenia's resilience, economy, and democracy.
Russia will attempt to instill fear and blackmail with "consequences"; there is ongoing information warfare. Will the population and the government cave to the blackmail? I don't know, but Armenians must do the calculation and be determined.
Russia will attempt to create internal instability in Armenia. They will directly or indirectly incite actions to reduce the population's and the government's trust in the West. //

former ambassador-at-large Edmon Marukyan suggests the EU and US conspired with Russia to "authorize" Azerbaijan to commit ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

Context: Before the September 19 ethnic cleansing, the US was heavily involved in the efforts to lift the Lachin blockade to prevent mass starvation and deaths. The US, EU, and Armenia wanted humanitarian aid to pass through Lachin. Russia was also trying to open a humanitarian route, but only through Agdam. The West, the UN World Court, and the Republic of Armenia did not oppose to aid passing through Agdam, but demanded Lachin to also be opened for two-way traffic. In a rare move, the US, EU, and Russia met in Turkey on September 17, two days before Azerbaijan's military aggression, to work together around a solution to open a humanitarian corridor.
According to the envoy, the meeting focused on “how to get the bloody trucks moving”
During a podcast centered around his grievances towards the West's handling of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Edmon Marukyan suggested that the September 17 meeting between the West and Russia was not about opening a humanitarian corridor, but rather...
MARUKYAN: A meeting took place in Turkey between the EU, US, and Russia days before Azerbaijan's attack. Politico uncovered the meeting. What was discussed during this meeting? In essence, there are media reports about a total consensus between the EU, US, and Russia to allow the removal of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh. In other words, they agreed for Russia to do nothing and for West to only cry and express sorrow. //
Marukyan and the podcast host will discuss Armenia's foreign vector in the next episode.
REPORTER: Armenia must restore the balance in foreign vector [strengthen relation with Russia]. The current imbalance [pro-West pivot] is an existential threat for Armenia. //
full, source,

Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze visited Armenia

PASHINYAN: We recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Georgia. An important part of the agreement is the mutual recognition of territorial integrity. One of today's topics we discussed was the possibility of activating the AM-GE border delimitation process. Armenia cheered the news of Georgia receiving the EU candidacy status. This will have an immediate impact on the entire region and the AM-GE relations. Armenia supports Georgia's aspirations to join the EU. [March 5: The head of Informed Citizens NGO said the Armenian government "lobbied" for Georgia to receive EU candidacy. In return, Georgia agreed to authorize the transfer of French weapons to Armenia.] Armenia is doing its part to establish peace and stability in the region. We expect a similar stance from other parties. The Crossroads of Peace project must become a tool for strategic cooperation between the states in the region. I'd like to thank Georgia for promoting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
KOBAKHIDZE: Recently we decided to strengthen relations with Armenia, and this is based on the common values and principles that we share. I'd like to thank PM Pashinyan for supporting Georgia's territorial integrity. We support Armenia's territorial integrity without reservations. The AM-GE relations are developing dynamically in multiple areas.
source, source,

BREAKING: Pashinyan's English is now better than Russian


Georgia's ruling party introduces new anti-LGBT laws "to boost its popularity ahead of elections"

The draft law would ban sex changes and adoption by same-sex couples, as well as prohibiting "gatherings aimed at popularising same-sex family or intimate relationships"
The official reason is to "protect family values". There are reports that the government could amend the Constitution to solidify the anti-LGBT laws.
OPPOSITION: They just want to get the conservative votes and distract the public from economic problems. //

defense ministry spent ֏525B ($1.3 billion) in 2023

The budget performance was 99.8%, said MOD Papikyan during a Monday report.

how many Nagorno-Karabakh refugees have applied for Armenian citizenship?

1,437 have applied for citizenship.
76,339 have received certificates of temporary protection.

EU Special Representative criticizes Azerbaijani media for broadcasting threats against Armenia

TOIVO KLAAR: Threats against Armenia in Azerbaijani media channels are unacceptable. Genuine negotiations on border delimitation are needed and all territorial disputes must be settled peacefully and as part of an agreed process.

Azerbaijan has not shipped ammunition to Ukraine: Baku

The Aliyev regime denied a media report claiming Azerbaijan shipped thousands of mortar shells to Ukraine since the start of the war.

Azerbaijani authorities say they thwarted an assassination attempt against the mayor of Talysh capital Lenkoran

The alleged suspect is an Azerbaijani man from Russia. He was also preparing to provide combat training to several other individuals, says the report.

France raises terror alert warning to the highest level

... following the shootings in Moscow and ahead of the Olympic Games in France. Marcon said the group that attacked Moscow was also planning terror in France.
source, source, source,

Armenian authorities conduct searches in the houses belonging to members of the nationalist BEVER faction after the Sunday grenade attack at a police station

Context in Sunday news..

more women joined the NSS's border forces last year: NSS chief Abazyan

The Vazgen Sargsyan Military Academy has launched a Border Forces Management course to train border forces. The number of female Border Forces agents grew in 2023:
+9% vs 2022
+20% vs 2021

January-February economic stats

Economic activity +13.6%
Inflation -1.3% (big drop/correction in food prices)
Domestic trade +24.1%
Services +5.2%
Industrial output +28.9% (imported raw gold and exported it after processing it)
Construction +10.8%
source, source, source, source, source,

the export of products manufactured or processed in Armenia grew by 7.5% in 2023

Total exports (includes items imported for re-export): +58%
Export of Armenian products: +7.5%

what did Armenia trade with Russia in 2023?

Total trade with Russia: $7.3B (+43% YoY)
Export: $3.4B (+39%)
Import: $3.9B (+47%)
Top exports: Cellphones, alcohol, diamond, computer displays, metals.
Top imports: Gold, gold dust, gas, oil products, diamond, platinum.
OPPO MP: Could Armenia fall under sanctions for exporting cell phones to Russia?
ECONOMY MINISTER: The government is prohibiting the export of sanctioned goods. In the event there are uncertainties and questions around other products, we discuss them with our Western partners and Russia to bring clarity. There are no sanctions-related issues with the export of cell phones. Any item not on a sanctions list must have an unobstructed path for trade.
source, source,

Armenian government will not clarify whether they will organize a meeting of EAEU country leaders and invite Vladimir Putin to Yerevan

Armenia assumed the presidency of the EAEU trade bloc in 2024. That means, traditionally, Armenia has to organize a meeting of country leaders. However, Armenia recently ratified the Rome Statute which means it might have to arrest and hand over Putin to the International Criminal Court if he enters Armenia unless they use a "loophole in ICC" to avoid a diplomatic scandal.
During a Monday meeting, the government members did not clarify whether there will be an EAEU leadership meeting in Armenia at all. There will be one in Russia, but it will be dedicated to the 10th anniversary of EAEU.
The opposition MP asked the same question to another member of the foreign ministry. The ruling MPs began to feel agitated by the persistence of the opposition MP.
GRZO (ruling MP): Of course we should not damage relations with Russia, but lately I've seen attempts by our opposition colleagues on a daily basis to intentionally add fuel to the fire. Do not invite an external force to "punish" your opponent within Armenia; have respect for your country. Don't politicize everything. I'd join you in punishing the government if there was a valid reason. But it's politics and there are periods of ups and downs in foreign relations. Don't turn it into an internal conflict.
OPPO MP: Tell that to Pashinyan and the ruling party. They brought the NATO chief who stood next to them and publicly declared that Armenia is supporting Ukraine against Russia, and that it's necessary to punish Putin.
source, source,

Armenia continues to be a "donor" state to EAEU's customs pot for the second year in a row

EAEU bloc members contribute to a common pot with the amounts depending on the customs activity levels. At the end of the year, each state receives a certain % of the total. Armenia gave more than it took in 2023 as well:
Gave: ֏185B ($470M) (+47% YoY)
Took: ֏71B ($180M) (+32% YoY)

Belarus suspends the import and sale of products from an Armenian winemaker after discovering excessive levels of food color in the Ayrum pomegranate wine

The 8.3 mg/kg levels of food dye Azorubine indicates that the product is not authentic and wasn't properly labeled to match the content, says the inspection agency.
The manufacturer is Ararat Cognac Factory LLC based in the village of Ararat with postal code 0607. The village is located 40 km from Yerevan. Their website is:
Not to be confused with the famous Yerevan Brandy Company (ArArAt) or Gagik Tsarukyan's Yerevan Ararat Brandy Factory (Across the street).
source, source, source, source, [source,]([REDACTED]postanovlenie-glavnogo-gosudarstvennogo-sanitarnogo-vracha-respubliki-belarus-ot-19-03-2024-№17/)

Q: What are you doing to reduce economic overreliance on Russia?

ECONOMY MINISTER PAPOYAN: We have participated in numerous international product expos but none of them make any difference as long as our standards do not match the requirements of other countries. If the highest standard for a particular product category is in the EU, we must set the EU standards as our goal. If for another product the highest standard is mandated in the EAEU, then we must adopt that standard.
In recent years we have invested large resources in the certification laboratories. There is significant progress here. In certain product categories, only Armenian labs have certain types of equipment. For example, there is lab equipment that checks the compliance of e-cigarettes. Russia has 1-2 high-quality lab equipment, with Armenia being the only other EAEU member with similar equipment. This forces the other EAEU states to send their products to Armenia or Russia for examination. This, in turn, attracts investments to Armenia.
We are currently developing a new strategy for standards. Whichever country/bloc has the highest standard for a specific product, we will set that standard as our goal. //

the government is paying companies to increase the Product Complexity Index

FINANCE MINISTER: There is a program to promote the manufacturing of more "complex" goods. The state repays 35% of the expenditures if the complexity index is above 0.2. This program was adopted late last year and we hope it will help the investors in the coming years.

Grzo: If the Crossroads of Peace unblocks regional communications, how will that impact the price of goods in Armenia and the competitiveness of Armenian goods in "more reachable" markets?

FINANCE MINISTER: A study was conducted in 2021 by the Asian Development Bank. I don't recall the exact numbers but the report indicates a very large flow of goods. The profits from this flow would surpass the $500 million that Armenia needs to invest to build the communication routes. There is a new study underway. Either way, the preliminary study shows that the investments are justified.
GRZO: During the USSR we had a bentonite factory near Ijevan. It hasn't functioned for 30 years. If it resumes operations, you have no idea the level of revenue it would bring. Its transportation is financially feasible only with the use of a railway. We could export this material south [to Iran via Nakhijevan] because Iraq and other states need it for the oil industry. The Crossroads of Peace is much more than our immediate neighbors. More types of Armenian goods would become competitive abroad.
FINANCE MINISTER: Correct. The 2021 study examined the products manufactured in regional states, the products that exist in one state that are needed in another state, etc. And we aren't even discussing the transit-only opportunities.
GRZO: Food processing in Armenia boomed in the early 1990s because there was demand for food. These food companies initially needed incentives and loan assistance from the state to kickstart. The same kind of assistance programs should be introduced today for other categories of producers.

Q: If we open the border with Turkey, is it going to make our tomato producers uncompetitive?

FINANCE MINISTER: The Turkish tomato is already being imported to Armenia, albeit through a slightly longer route. The state can support domestic producers if necessary when the border opens. But the advantages surpass the risks. Today we have other types of Armenian products that are uncompetitive in 3rd countries because of the blockade. Today it takes a long time/route for Armenian goods to reach other states.

Armenia wants to reduce reliance on Russian tourists by increasing the number from other countries

ECONOMY MINISTER: The goal is not to reduce tourism from Russia, but to increase the numbers from other states. The UAE is one of the fastest-growing tourism hubs, so we are working with them to "redirect" tourists from the Philippines, India, and Southeast Asia to Armenia. Another target is Europe and the US. We will soon have trade representatives in Germany and the US tasked with not only trade but also tourism.

anti-corruption: authorities arrested a resident of Ararat suspected of offering bribes to vote for ex-president Serj Sargsyan's "Pativ Unem" faction during the 2021 general elections

AUTHORITIES: The suspect visited the house of a resident on the eve of the elections and offered ֏30K to vote for Pativ Unem. The resident rejected the bribe. The suspect proceeded to offer the bribe to the resident's two daughters. One of them took it.
The suspect was on the run but was found and arrested earlier this month.
The resident who took the bribe was also charged with a felony crime but the case was dropped for genuine remorse and cooperation. //

speed cameras will be upgraded to monitor average speed on the highway

INTERIOR MINISTER: Our motorists are lacking driving discipline. We will replace the speed cameras with modern ones. The new ones will be installed this year on all highways and a new system for registering violations will be introduced. The cameras will monitor the drivers' speed along a section of the highway [calculate your average speed by measuring how fast you reach from point A to point B], and not your speed in one particular spot. You won't get away by reducing your speed just in front of the camera. This is how it's done in Europe. //
source, source,

new requirements for dog adopters

Dog adopters will be required to keep the pets within the premises of their property and not allow them to freely roam on the streets. Medical services and vaccination will be required.

Armenia's Shant Sargsyan is the winner of the Bucharest Grand Prix Rapid chess tournament

He won 8.5 out of 10 points, and €5,000.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 12:41 Tasun06 Est ce que trop augmenter le prix des cigarettes ne risque pas de diriger les fumeurs vers le marché noir ?

submitted by Tasun06 to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 14:35 bulletproofbra Oasthouse S01E17: Magpie, "Come with me if you want to live. I've always wanted to say that."


Alan's out walking, temporarily inconvenienced by the stench of a dead sheep leading to a region-to-mineral water comparison chart. Leeds, by the way, is the apple-flavoured Eden Falls of of fresh air.
Ah, finally able to gulp down mouthfuls, huge mouth and nose-fuls, of clean air. Norfolk air really is the FIJI Water of fresh air. There are other places that have nice air, the home counties are sort of the Perrier of fresh air. Sussex, I would say, is the Badoit of fresh air, and Buxton is, well, is is is is the Buxton of fresh air! Bristol's fairly clean, sort of the Volvic of fresh air, and Manchester is sort of, it's all right these days, it's tap water!

And then for my money arguably the best part of the whole series, Alan's explanation of why we cough, as if it's a film by Guy Ritchie.
Of course, in a city that system goes to pot. The air- because the air is gulped down, the lungs set to work removing the oxygen but then, "What's this?! Carbon monoxide, bits of dirt, diesel fumes, someone's BO?! The boss said there'd be oxygen, what the fuck is this shit?!" The lungs then descend into rancour, turning on each other, each convinced the others double crossing them. Meanwhile carbon dioxide is being carried into a loading bay, causing a log-jam. "This should have been in and out by now!". One of them hears a noise, "It's the cops!". Someone screams, "GO! GO GO!", and a van bursts through the double doors to freedom, but minus the oxygen they'd come for, and then someone says "What about the oxygen?", "Leave it! Go, ninety seconds!".

Extra precautions are taken with Alan's troll High Noon in mind.
I've even taken to covering my laptop's webcam with gaffer tape, which is a little bit paranoid, but probably unnecessary, but you know when someone's trolling you and they want to bring you down, it's better to be safe than sorry, especially because I like to walk around wearing a cashmere jumper, slippers and nothing else... on occasion. Nothing odd in that.

Though it does require an element of stealth.
I don't see anything particularly weird in the old 'kecks-off' sauntering. It can be an issue when the window cleaner comes, but you know... map out your sight lines. You'll find blind spots in every room. Back of the sofa, up against the wardrobe where he won't see you. Although you do have to relocate whenever he moves windows. It reminds me of 'Confessions of a Window Cleaner', a saucy movie with titillation. It wouldn't get made any more.

Robin Askwith was the guy in the Confessions series wasn't it? Do you remember his sitcom in the eighties called Bottle Boys? It was terrible.
But er... no, tastes have changed. You think back to Benny Hill, of course, now we realise that the closing sequence of that programme was basically a series of sexual assaults against women, speeded up to jaunty music. I mean, slow it down, take the music off, and you'd just think, "Benny, Benny, Benny, Benny, what are you doing? Jesus, Benny, you're going to ruin your career!". Yeah.

Alan leans on a fence, but it's okay. He has clearance. I love this line.
I'm just going to lean on this gate. I know the owner, and I know he'd be more than happy for me to lean on it. I'll text him later. Just saying, "Hi, Chris. Leaned on your gate".

It's quite late in the episode that we get to the reason for the title, Alan chances upon a lame bird.
Where's your mum? Where's your mum, matey? Perhaps she died in a car crash. Who crashed into your mum, hm? He looks so vulnerable. I mean, people say magpies are thieves. They take bits of everything to make their own nests. People say they're thieves, but so was Robin Hood. In fact, I think he was Prince of them.

Morris, for that is now the bird's name, comes home with Alan.
He watches me, does Morris. He has a very assured manner about him, I must say. The way he regards me with his head to one side makes me wonder if within him, and I know it's a long shot, is the spirit of my dead friend John Meeber, the celebrated voiceover artist. Maybe he's come back again to say, "Hello, Alan. Remember when we used to talk about Formula One? Perhaps we can again!. You'll never believe how many British Grands Prix Lewis Hamilton has won now!".

On the slim off-chance that Morris is the reincarnated John Meeber, he finds a previous date's cigarettes and lights one for him. John loved cigarettes. But whenever Alan references WW2, it's always on the German side.
If the bird is some kind of reincarnation of him, I know it's not, but just in case it is, it will fly through the plume like a German bomber emerging from a cloud of smoke above the burning ruins of Coventry, but with a broad smile all over its beak.

After fielding advice on Twitter, the Morris Situation may have sent a warm breeze over Alan's cold war with High Noon.
Tweet here from High Noon, here we go, probably telling me to wring its neck or saying something vulgar about partridges being intimate with magpies. He says, "Magpies can be timid at first, so try not to alarm it with loud noises or sudden movement. They're amongst the most common British birds, but are no less majestic for that. I think the much maligned, misunderstood magpie is magnificent". Hmmm. Then another tweet, "If it's distressed, keep the lights low and the heating on. It may have exhausted itself, in which case place it gently in a large box lined with straw as they find comfort in warm, dark places. Be sure to keep it hydrated". Huh, hydrated. Let's have a look. Hydrated with what? [typing on phone] Hydrated... with... what? Honestly, this guy! This guy just can't help himself! There's no doubt some sort of intricate ruse. Hang on, here we go. He says "Just water". Another says "Good luck with it". All right, all right, two can play that game. [typing] Thank you. What's all that about? No idea what that's all about. Idiot.

Seldom's not on-board but Alan ends on a banger.
Seldom has made his feelings pretty clear. He absolutely despises the birds, so he's not allowed in the front room while Morris is there. I felt a bit sad for Seldom. I mean, he was here first, but he's got to learn that not everything is about him. You know, other people matter as well, even if they're birds. It's not as if he's being cuckolded, he's just being magpied! Ha ha ha! Goodbye.

I try to keep these posts from running too long but there's so much in this episode I had to remove some quotes to allow space for better ones,
I mean it's all good Partridge but the dip in the middle may have been the reasons why later series were just eleven episodes rather than eighteen, but these final three episodes really pop a cherry atop the whole endeavour perhaps even reaching the dizzy heights of Classic Partridge on a brand-new Bang & Olufson hi-fi.
submitted by bulletproofbra to AlanPartridge [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 12:36 Alaster19 Fernet Branca pas cher à Paris (prix/adresses) ?

Bonjour à tous !
Le Fernet n'est pas une boisson très plébiscité en France mais quand on sait l'apprécier et bien l'accompagner on ne peut plus s'en passer, surtout quand on a habité en Argentine... Des amateurs parisiens ici ? Je cherche un endroit pas cher pour s'en procurer car les prix sont exorbitants comparé à l'Argentine (logique) ou encore l'Italie/l'Espagne
D'avance merci pour vos retours !
submitted by Alaster19 to paris [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 21:23 miarrial Journée internationale de la femme 2024 : histoire, marches et célébrations

Journée internationale de la femme 2024 : histoire, marches et célébrations
Vous avez peut-être vu la Journée internationale de la femme mentionnée dans les médias ou entendu des amis en parler.
Mais à quoi sert cette journée ? Quand a-t-elle lieu ? Existe-t-il une Journée internationale de l'homme équivalente ? Et pourquoi cette journée est-elle importante ?
Depuis plus d'un siècle, des personnes du monde entier célèbrent le 8 mars comme une journée spéciale pour les femmes.
Lisez la suite pour savoir pourquoi.
La Journée internationale de la femme est célébrée chaque année le 8 mars dans le monde entier.

Comment cela a-t-il commencé ?

Clara Zetkin a fondé la Journée internationale de la femme en 1910
La Journée internationale de la femme, également connue sous le nom de JIF, est issue du mouvement syndical et est devenue un événement annuel reconnu par les Nations unies (ONU).
Elle a vu le jour en 1908, lorsque 15 000 femmes ont défilé dans la ville de New York pour réclamer une réduction du temps de travail, une meilleure rémunération et le droit de vote. Un an plus tard, le Parti socialiste américain a proclamé la première Journée nationale de la femme.
L'idée de rendre cette journée internationale est venue d'une femme appelée Clara Zetkin, militante communiste et défenseur des droits des femmes. Elle a suggéré cette idée en 1910 lors d'une conférence internationale des femmes travailleuses à Copenhague. Une centaine de femmes venues de 17 pays étaient présentes et ont approuvé sa suggestion à l'unanimité.
La Journée internationale de la femme a été célébrée pour la première fois en 1911, en Autriche, au Danemark, en Allemagne et en Suisse. Le centenaire de la Journée internationale de la femme a été célébré en 2011.
Les choses ont été officialisées en 1975, lorsque les Nations unies ont commencé à célébrer cette journée. Le premier thème a été introduit par l'ONU en 1996 : "Célébrer le passé, planifier l'avenir".
La Journée internationale de la femme est devenue une date pour célébrer le chemin parcouru par les femmes dans la société, la politique et l'économie, tandis que les racines politiques de la journée signifient que des grèves et des manifestations sont organisées pour sensibiliser à la persistance de l'inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes.

Pourquoi le 8 mars ?

L'idée de Clara de créer une Journée internationale de la femme n'avait pas de date fixe.
Elle n'a été officialisée qu'à l'occasion d'une grève en temps de guerre, en 1917, au cours de laquelle les femmes russes ont réclamé "du pain et la paix". Quatre jours après le début de la grève, le tsar a été contraint d'abdiquer et le gouvernement provisoire a accordé le droit de vote aux femmes.
La date du début de la grève des femmes dans le calendrier julien, alors en vigueur en Russie, était le dimanche 23 février. Dans le calendrier grégorien, ce jour était le 8 mars - et c'est à cette date qu'elle est célébrée aujourd'hui.

Pourquoi les gens portent-ils la couleur violette ?

La couleur violette est souvent associée à la JIF car elle signifie \"justice et dignité
Le violet, le vert et le blanc sont les couleurs de la JIF, selon le site web de la Journée internationale de la femme.
"Le violet signifie la justice et la dignité. Le vert symbolise l'espoir. Le blanc représente la pureté, bien qu'il s'agisse d'un concept controversé. Ces couleurs ont été créées par l'Union sociale et politique des femmes (WSPU) au Royaume-Uni en 1908".

Existe-t-il une journée internationale de l'homme ?

Il y en a bien une, le 19 novembre.
Mais elle n'est célébrée que depuis les années 1990 et n'est pas reconnue par les Nations unies. Elle est célébrée dans plus de 80 pays, dont le Royaume-Uni.
Selon les organisateurs, cette journée met l'accent sur "la valeur positive que les hommes apportent au monde, à leurs familles et à leurs communautés" et vise à mettre en avant des modèles positifs, à sensibiliser au bien-être des hommes et à améliorer les relations entre les hommes et les femmes.

Comment la Journée de la femme est-elle célébrée ?

Les gens achètent des fleurs au marché aux fleurs de Dounan [Chine] lors de la Journée internationale de la femme 2023
La Journée internationale de la femme est un jour férié dans de nombreux pays, notamment en Russie où les ventes de fleurs doublent pendant les trois ou quatre jours entourant le 8 mars.
En Chine, de nombreuses femmes bénéficient d'une demi-journée de congé le 8 mars, comme le conseille le Conseil d'État.
En Italie, la Journée internationale de la femme, ou la Festa della Donna, est célébrée par l'offrande de fleurs de mimosa. L'origine de cette tradition n'est pas claire, mais on pense qu'elle a commencé à Rome après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Aux États-Unis, le mois de mars est le Mois de l'histoire des femmes. Une proclamation présidentielle publiée chaque année rend hommage aux réalisations des femmes américaines.

Quel est le thème de la JIF 2024 ?

Les femmes se battent pour le droit à l'éducation [entre autres] en Afghanistan
Le thème des Nations unies pour 2024 est "Investir dans les femmes : Accélérer le progrès". Ce thème vise à mettre en évidence un manque d'argent investi dans les mesures en faveur de l'égalité des sexes.
"Les conflits et la hausse des prix pourraient conduire 75 % des pays à réduire leurs dépenses publiques d'ici 2025, ce qui aurait un impact négatif sur les femmes et leurs services essentiels", indiquent-elles.
Les Nations unies estiment qu'un montant supplémentaire stupéfiant de 360 milliards de dollars (284 milliards de livres sterling) par an est nécessaire pour que le monde parvienne à l'égalité des sexes d'ici à 2030. Selon l'ONU, à peine 5 % de l'aide gouvernementale est consacrée à la lutte contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et des filles dans le monde, et moins de 0,2 % à la prévention de cette violence.
Mais d'autres thèmes sont également abordés. Le site web de la Journée internationale de la femme a choisi le thème "Inspirer l'inclusion", les organisateurs et les événements cherchant à "faire tomber les barrières, remettre en question les stéréotypes et créer des environnements où toutes les femmes sont valorisées et respectées".

Pourquoi en avons-nous besoin ?

Des centaines de femmes du monde entier descendent dans la rue pour défendre leurs droits - ici à Lima, au Pérou
Au cours de l'année écoulée, les femmes de nombreux pays tels que l'Afghanistan, l'Iran, l'Ukraine et les États-Unis ont lutté pour leurs droits dans un contexte de guerre, de violence et de changements politiques dans leurs pays respectifs.
Au Moyen-Orient, les femmes ont été confrontées à des niveaux extrêmes de violence lors du dernier conflit en Israël et dans les territoires palestiniens. Les experts de l'ONU affirment avoir reçu des allégations crédibles de violations des droits de l'homme à l'encontre de femmes et de jeunes filles à Gaza, y compris des cas de viols par les forces israéliennes. La BBC a également vu des preuves de viols, de violences sexuelles et de mutilations de femmes lors des attaques du Hamas du 7 octobre.
Dans le cadre du conflit, les femmes subissent également les conséquences d'une crise humanitaire. Selon le Fonds des Nations unies pour la population, quelque 5 500 femmes de Gaza devraient accoucher au cours du mois prochain, avec un accès limité à l'assistance médicale.
En Afghanistan, les talibans continuent d'interdire l'accès aux salles de classe aux filles ayant dépassé l'âge de l'école primaire, ce qui entrave le droit des femmes à une éducation équitable.
Près de neuf personnes sur dix cherchant à fuir le conflit soudanais sont des femmes et des enfants
Le conflit en cours au Soudan entre les forces armées soudanaises et les forces de soutien rapide (RSF) a également eu un impact dévastateur. Selon les Nations unies, des femmes et des jeunes filles sont enlevées et violées dans les zones contrôlées par les Forces de soutien rapide, où elles sont mariées de force et rançonnées. Plus de 1,2 million de personnes ont fui vers les pays voisins et près de neuf personnes sur dix cherchant refuge sont des femmes et des enfants.
Le mois de septembre a marqué le premier anniversaire de la mort de Mahsa Amini, 22 ans, qui avait été placée sous la garde de la police pour des raisons de moralité après avoir été arrêtée pour avoir prétendument enfreint les règles strictes de l'Iran exigeant que les femmes se couvrent les cheveux. De nombreuses femmes continuent de défier cette règle, tandis que des militantes comme Narges Mohammadi, lauréate du prix Nobel de la paix, risquent de longues peines d'emprisonnement.
En 2023, le Mexique a rejoint la liste des pays d'Amérique latine qui assouplissent les restrictions à l'avortement
Des progrès ont toutefois été accomplis l'année dernière.
En octobre 2023, le Congrès argentin a approuvé la loi Olimpia, qui vise à prévenir la violence sexiste en ligne et à obliger les auteurs à rendre des comptes. Selon la branche locale d'Amnesty International, une femme sur trois en Argentine a subi des violences en ligne.
Une émission de Netflix a contribué à déclencher le mouvement MeToo à Taïwan
Taïwan a connu une vague d'allégations d'agressions sexuelles, provoquée par une série Netflix, qui a déclenché un mouvement MeToo local. Ce mouvement a incité le Parti démocrate progressiste à durcir les lois contre le harcèlement sexuel, avec de nouvelles mesures qui exigent que tous les lieux de travail - y compris les petites entreprises auparavant exemptées - mettent en place des canaux de signalement des incidents. Les employeurs doivent également enquêter sur toutes les plaintes de harcèlement sexuel et communiquer leurs conclusions aux autorités locales.
Les groupes de défense des droits des femmes ont salué la dépénalisation de l'avortement au Mexique en septembre dernier. Cette mesure s'inscrit dans une tendance à l'assouplissement des restrictions en matière d'avortement en Amérique latine, qualifiée de "vague verte".
Plus récemment, la chambre haute du parlement français, le Sénat, a voté à une écrasante majorité l'inscription du droit des femmes à l'avortement dans la constitution.
Près de deux millions de supporters ont assisté à la Coupe du monde de football féminin en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande en juillet et en août, soit plus de 600 000 personnes de plus que le record précédent. Cela reflète l'intérêt croissant pour le sport féminin, avec un record de 46,7 millions de personnes ayant regardé des compétitions sportives féminines à la télévision au Royaume-Uni en 2023, selon une nouvelle étude du Women's Sports Trust.
\"Il est clair que je me suis sentie irrespectée en tant que joueuse et en tant que personne\", a déclaré Jenni Hermoso dans un communiqué
Pourtant, ce qui aurait dû être un jour de célébrations pour l'Espagne, vainqueur de la Coupe du monde, a été assombri lorsque Luis Rubiales, le désormais ex-chef du football espagnol, a embrassé la joueuse Jenni Hermoso sur la bouche. Hermoso affirme qu'elle n'a pas consenti à ce baiser et a déposé une plainte contre Rubiales, qui a démissionné de son poste et nie tout acte répréhensible.
L'incident a toutefois suscité un vaste débat sur la culture du sexisme à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du football féminin.
BBC 100 Women nomme chaque année 100 femmes inspirantes et influentes dans le monde entier. Suivez BBC 100 Women sur Instagram et Facebook. Participez à la conversation en utilisant #BBC100Women.
submitted by miarrial to Histoire [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 22:56 brrmont85 Looking for information on an 1800’s era football club

Hi all! Hoping there might be some local sports history buffs on here that could lend a hand in helping me solve a bit of mystery.
I’ve been doing some family history research and recently came across a mention in an old newspaper that one of my relatives had played for the “Celtics of Ireland” in the late 1800’s.
My searches to find any additional information on the team have come up empty and keep getting buried by results about the Celtic FC of Scotland, which I know isn’t the correct club.
My relative lived in the Ballinasloe area of Galway County before he moved to the states, so I have to imagine it was likely a local football club somewhere in that area.
If anyone has any insight into what team the article might have been referencing, it would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by brrmont85 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 14:01 poutine-eh How’s your French?

How’s your French? submitted by poutine-eh to classiccars [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 19:13 Laugon2000 Fan Made 2007 F1 Racing Magazine front page (By me)

Fan Made 2007 F1 Racing Magazine front page (By me) submitted by Laugon2000 to Formula1posters [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 16:59 QuantityWarm8845 Je voudrais s'avoir si il est possible de récuperer un ou des composants pour monter un nouveau pc (pc 6-7ans) ??

Bonjour la commu reddit, alors voila je voudrais s'avoir s'il etait possible de recuperer n'importe quel composant pour que je puisse me refaire un nouveau pc (gaming).
alors voici les composants :
Type : Intel Core i5-6400Fréquence : 2.7 GHz (Turbo à 3.3 GHz)Coeurs : 4 Coeurs / 4 ThreadsCache : 8 MoChipsetType : Intel B150Carte graphiqueType : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960VRAM : 4 Go GDDR5MémoireType : 8 Go DDR4Configuration : DDR4 Long-DIMM x2 slotsExtensible : Maximum 16 GoStockageDisque dur : 1 TO SATA III 7200 tpmDisque SSD : 128 Go M.2 PCI-ELecteur optique : Graveur DVDSystème d'exploitationOS : Windows 10 Home
Chipset audioType : Realtek ALC1150
ConnectivitéWifi : Oui (3165 802.11 ac / Killer Wireless-AC 1535)LAN (RJ45) : Oui (Killer E2400 with Killer Shield)Bluetooth : Oui (Bluetooth 4.0)AlimentationType : 350W 80PLUS Bronze certified
Voila les composants, je sais que je ne pourrai pas recuperer qrand chose de ce pc mais s'il peut me faire economiser quelques euros pour un nouveau pc je prend !! En sachant que je ne l'ai pas du tout entretenu( 1 nettoyage si on peut appeler ca du nettoyage ,fumee de cigarette + j'installais tout et n'importe quoi dessus ) quand il etait encore neuf il faisait tourner cs:go medium 120fps et mtn impossible d' ouvrir le jeu (15min pour le lancer et j'ai pris 15min juste pour aller dans l'inventaire et souvent ca me dit que le jeu ne repond pas, meme sur google ca me le fait ) pour vous dire l'etat mais bon si vous me dites que je peut recuperer juste le ssd c'est deja ca de gagner .
Et du coup je regarde pour m'acheter un nouveau pc pour de gaming budget (800-900€)
pour vous donnez un ordre d'idee j'aimerai bien que ca fasse tourner : Project Zomboid modder ,csgo 2,valorant ou meme des gros AAA mais ca sera pas en ultra 4k j'en suis conscient et j'ai deja une ps5 pour faire tourner des jeux de ce genre call of-r6-gta
et je voudrai savoir si c'est possible d'avoir un pc upgradable a ce prix ?? car part la suite j'aimerai l'améliorer au fur et a mesure, au bout d'1an , commencer a changer quelques pieces pour avoir un vrai pc qui pourra faire tourner n'importe quels jeux
Si vous avez la moindre question hésitez pas et je vous remercie d'avance.
submitted by QuantityWarm8845 to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 22:04 Laugon2000 Fan art cover of Kimi Raikkonen from F1 Racing magazine (by me)

Fan art cover of Kimi Raikkonen from F1 Racing magazine (by me) submitted by Laugon2000 to KimiRaikkonen [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 14:21 GeEDirt3 Pourquoi y-a-t-il un minimum par CB chez les buralistes ?

Je cherche à comprendre pourquoi les buralistes prennent des minimum de CB, souvent 15 ou 20 euros ?
Je comprends que les transactions par CB engendrent des frais. Les frais sont ils un pourcentage du paiement ou des frais fixes ?
Je comprends l'incitation à consommer plus.
Je comprends que les cigarettes, pour le prix du paquet à 12€, ne représente qu'une très faible marge pour les buralistes.
Mais pourquoi, est ce que je vois des minimums par CB dans tous les tabacs de Paris mais pas dans les régions plus rurales ?
Et donc techniquement, est ce que quelqu'un saurait évaluer à combien s'élève la différence de bénéfice si un client achète son paquet 12€50 par CB, ou s'il achète un paquet à 12€50 + un briquet à 2€50 ?
submitted by GeEDirt3 to PasDeQuestionIdiote [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 22:46 quite_largeboi On this day in 1958 Cuban guerrillas led by Fidel Castro kidnapped formula 1 world champion Juan Manuel Fangio to make their international news debut & embarrass dictator Batista 😂

On this day in 1958 Cuban guerrillas led by Fidel Castro kidnapped formula 1 world champion Juan Manuel Fangio to make their international news debut & embarrass dictator Batista 😂
In the summer of 1958, US-backed-Cuban dictator Batista was hosting the Grand Prix in Cuba. Many famous drivers took part as Batista dug deep into the funds he had plundered from the Cuban masses to put on a spectacle for the bourgeoisie and tourists.
The 46-year-old Argentine champion, Juan Manuel Fangio, intended to defend his title at the Cuban Grand Prix. Meanwhile, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and their comrades in the M-26-7 had been organizing in the Sierra Maestra mountains to overthrow Batista's dictatorship.
With Batista publicly denying the rapid progress of the guerrillas that were threatening his grip on power, Castro saw in the Grand Prix an opportunity to ratchet up the pressure on the dictator and make headlines worldwide: the kidnapping of the superstar Fangio.
The plan was put into action on February 23. Fangio was enjoying himself in Havana's Lincoln Hotel lobby when two armed men surrounded Fangio and demanded he come with them. Fangio put up no resistance and disappeared with Castro's comrades under the cover of night.
Fangio was nowhere to be found until the international press got a call: "This is M-26-7. We kidnapped Juan Manuel Fangio at 8:55 p.m." Batista decided to let the Grand Prix continue but sent police and soldiers to hunt down the kidnappers.
Fangio was released on February 24, 1958, after 29 hours in captivity. "I was treated very well," After he was handed over to the Argentine embassy he stated "this was another adventure. What the revolutionaries did was for a good cause and as an Argentine, I accept it." The racing champion reported intense conversations with his captors, who enlightened him about the goals of the Cuban revolution.
The successful kidnapping and worldwide headlines made it impossible for Batista to deny the existence of the guerrillas or how far his repressive capitalist regime had fallen.
The rest is history.
submitted by quite_largeboi to ModernSocialist [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 17:53 abaveleond Duty-free Ivato aéroport

Savez-vous si le duty free de la salle d’attente des vols internationaux de l’aéroport Ivato Antananarivo est ouvert pour chaque vol, même à 22h-00h? Et si c’est le cas, connaissez-vous le prix de la cartouche de cigarettes de type Camel ou Malboro? Merci!
Do you know if the duty free shop in the international flight lounge at Ivato Antananarivo airport is open for every flight, even at 10pm to midnight? And if so, do you know the price of a carton of Camel or Malboro cigarettes? Thank you very much!
submitted by abaveleond to Madagascar [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 19:53 lhmquan Races de chevaux d’Amérique du Sud – Magazine Pet Yolo

Résumé de l'article "Races de chevaux d'Amérique du Sud - Magazine Pet Yolo"
Races de chevaux les plus populaires : - Le Pur-sang : race de chevaux de course originaire d'Angleterre, connue pour sa vitesse et son endurance. - Le Quarter Horse : race de chevaux originaire des États-Unis, appréciée pour sa vitesse sur de courtes distances et son utilisation dans les compétitions de rodéo. - Le Criollo : race de chevaux originaire d'Amérique du Sud, connue pour sa rusticité et sa capacité à s'adapter à des conditions difficiles. - Le Paso Fino : race de chevaux originaire de Colombie, connue pour son allure particulière, le "paso fino", caractérisée par un mouvement doux et régulier.
Courses de chevaux célèbres : - Le Grand Prix Latinoamericano : course de chevaux annuelle organisée dans différents pays d'Amérique du Sud, réunissant les meilleurs chevaux de la région. - Le Prix Carlos Pellegrini : course de chevaux annuelle organisée à Buenos Aires, en Argentine, considérée comme l'une des plus importantes d'Amérique du Sud. - Le Derby Brésilien : course de chevaux annuelle organisée à Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil, réservée aux chevaux de 3 ans.
Histoire des courses de chevaux en Amérique du Sud : - Les courses de chevaux ont été introduites en Amérique du Sud par les colons espagnols au XVIe siècle. - Les premières courses de chevaux officielles ont été organisées dans les villes coloniales au cours du XVIIe siècle. - Les courses de chevaux sont devenues populaires dans toute l'Amérique du Sud au XIXe siècle et ont contribué à la diffusion de différentes races de chevaux dans la région.
Conclusion : L'Amérique du Sud possède une longue tradition de courses de chevaux et abrite certaines des races de chevaux les plus populaires au monde. Les courses de chevaux sont un sport apprécié dans de nombreux pays de la région et attirent chaque année des milliers de spectateurs et de parieurs. Read Full At:
submitted by lhmquan to petyoloblog [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 11:43 jwinterm 2024 Bitcoin Price Prediction Game - Guess what the price of BTC will be on Dec 31 2024 and you could win a loaded 0.0025 BTC collectible (or 0.0025 BTC) and 1000 MOON

2024 Bitcoin Price Prediction Game - Guess what the price of BTC will be on Dec 31 2024 and you could win a loaded 0.0025 BTC collectible (or 0.0025 BTC) and 1000 MOON

Happy new year CryptoCurrency 🎉

This is the 2024 Bitcoin Price Prediction Game, where you have to guess what the price of Bitcoin will be at 11:59pm UTC Dec 31st 2024 on Kraken's BTC/USD spot market. In last year's game the average guess by hundreds of redditors was $44,234, and the winning guess by u/homofuckbro was $42,345, so maybe there is some wisdom in the crowd:

The Rules

In order to play all you have to do is leave a top level comment with your guess in USD up front using decimal point format (no decimal comma format Euro folks) similar to one of the following examples:
$1,234,567.890000 guaranteed 🚀
112843 USD blablabla
Again, please:
  • Put your guess up front
  • Use USD
  • Use decimal point system
Leave your comment before Tue Feb 20 at 11:59pm UTC and do not edit it. Other than that you can leave whatever comment afterwards.

The prizes

The winner will receive 1,000 MOON from u/themoondistributor in addition to their choice of either 0.0025 BTC or this loaded 0.0025 BTC 1HoDLCLUB collectible on 1 oz of silver (#135 - there is another one in the photo to show the front side):
You can see the balance for the collectible here:
And original sale thread here:
submitted by jwinterm to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 15:47 LaPatateBleue589 Why market access low?

Why market access low? submitted by LaPatateBleue589 to victoria3 [link] [comments]