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Misverstanden rond HLA-B27 en radiografie

2024.05.15 00:59 BenceJones404 Misverstanden rond HLA-B27 en radiografie

Dag iedereen,
Ik wil graag als medicus heel wat misverstanden omtrent het HLA-B27-eiwit en medische beeldvorming uit deze groep verhelpen. Lees daarom aandachtig onderstaande tekst. Deel het gerust met andere mensen die vragen hebben. Laat gerust hieronder een reactie of vraag na, ik beantwoord graag jullie vragen.
Hier gaan we:
Ziekte van Bechterew = oude naam voor wat men nu noemt 'axiale spondyloartritis'. Dit is een auto-immune stoornis gepaard met ontstekingen van de gewrichten die axiaal (= op de middellijn) gelegen zijn (borstbeen, rug en bekken). Bijkomend kunnen ook andere gewrichten die niet axiaal gelegen zijn, aangetast raken (bv. een knie- of duimgewricht). Daarnaast kunnen zich ook ontstekingen voordoen die niet gewrichtsgebonden zijn (bv. oogontsteking, darmklachten, achillespeesontsteking). Men noemt dit extra-articulaire manifestaties; afgekort tot EAM. Klassiek wordt Bechterew opgedeeld in radiografische axiale spondyloartritis (= ax. Spa) en niet-radiografische Spa (nr-ax.Spa). De aandoening is potentieel erfelijk. Indien je HLA-B27 positief test, is er 50% kans om dit door te geven aan een nakomeling.
Radiografisch betekent: aanwezigheid van ontsteking in de sacro-iliacale gewrichten (gewricht in het bekken tussen het heilig been - dit is het 'os sacrum' - en heupbeen - dit is het 'os ilium'). Deze afwijkingen kan men zien op een RX.
Niet-radiografisch betekent dat je het bovenstaande (nog) niet kan zien op een klassieke RX. Deze vorm van ax. Spa is de laatste jaren meer erkend binnen de reumatologie.
Een meer gevoelige methode om vroegtijdig afwijkingen zoals erosies en botoedeem in het bekken op te sporen bij zowel ax.Spa als nr-ax.Spa kan aan de hand van een MRI van het bekken (een onderzoek dat ongeveer 20 minuten duurt). Dit is een gevoeligere test dan een CT of RX: wat wil zeggen dat er minder vals negatieve resultaten zijn (minder mensen keren onterecht huiswaarts zonder diagnose van ax. Spa, terwijl ze het wel zouden hebben). Daarom verdient een MRI-onderzoek van het bekken de voorkeur bij sterke verdenking van ax. Spa. Dit wil daarom niet zeggen dat er geen vals negatieve resultaten mogelijk zijn.
Het klassieke beeld van een patiënt met ax. Spa wordt gevormd door jonge mannen (20-45j) met aanhoudende rugklachten, nachtelijke pijn, vermoeidheid, gevoel van stijfheid en minder makkelijk buigen van de wervelkolom. Vermoedelijk zouden mannen een meer uitgesproken ziekte-activiteit vertonen dan vrouwen.
Vrouwen worden enerzijds vaker ondergediagnosticeerd (omwille van het klassieke beeld van de jonge man dat voorgehouden wordt) en ze worden ook vaker gediagnosticeerd met de niet-radiografische vorm van ax. Spa. Deze vorm van ax. Spa wordt gemiddeld 3 jaar later vastgesteld dan de klassieke radiografische vorm van ax. Spa (waar de diagnose vaak pas na 7 jaar wordt gesteld).
Enkele cijfers:
90% van de patiënten met ax. Spa is HLA-B27 positief.
25% van de patiënten met radiografische axiale Spa is HLA-B27 negatief.
10% van patiënten met Noord-Europese origine is HLA-B27 positief zonder Ax. Spa te hebben.
5% van de personen met positieve HLA-B27 zal uiteindelijk ax. Spa ontwikkelen.
40% van de patiënten met niet-radiografische axiale Spa is HLA-B27-negatief. De kans is dus groter om bij een vrouwelijke patiënt een negatieve HLA-B27 aan te treffen.
Het HLA-B27-gen zou slechts voor 20% een verklarende factor zijn in de overerfbaarheid van Bechterew. Dit kan verklaren waarom sommige personen met Bechterew HLA-B27 negatief zijn, omdat er nog andere factoren een invloed hebben op de overerfbaarheid.
Er bestaan 170 verschillende subtypes van HLA-B27, waarvan het ene type al meer geassocieerd is met Bechterew dan de andere. Niet elk type is even goed onderzocht.
Hopelijk werkt dit voor velen van jullie verduidelijkend. Het is enorm belangrijk dat niet alleen personen met vastgestelde Bechterew, maar ook personen met gelijkaardige klachten zonder diagnose, de juiste info krijgen.
Vragen of bezorgdheden, zet het gerust in een opmerking hier beneden. Ik luister graag naar jullie. Voor de volledigheid: ikzelf heb ook axiale spondyloartritis.
submitted by BenceJones404 to Bechterew_BE_NL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 SPstandsFor [WTS] Tegris EDC/Inner Belt V2. Coyote/Black. Various Sizes. $40

Back again with the remainder of my belts. I only have 6 stainless buckles left so these are the last for sale until more come in. The black still uses tan webbing, but only a tiny part of that is showing. There's an example of what it would look like in the pics.
V2 has Velcro going almost end to end and a tapered tail, while V1 has 1 inch of bare webbing near the loop and a squares off tail. Comparisons can be seen in pics. Black belts still uses the tan webbing, but now the Velcro loop goes almost end to end so only small parts show up.
Up for grabs is 6x 1.5" Coyote/Black Tegris EDC/inner belts. $40 each shipped to your door. Buying multiple will knock $4 off since shipping is included. PayPal F&F or Venmo only. I am now nearly out of materials, so if you fuck up your sizing, I might not be able to make a replacement for a long time. SO DONT MESS UP YOUR SIZING!
Do you hate how flimsy EDC belts are? Have you ever bought a belt marketed as "super rigid!" only to find it super floppy? Do you hate the $3 inner belt that shipped with your $200 battle belt? Are those cheap plastic loop buckles a pain while in the restroom? Well, boy do I have the thing for you!
This belt is made with a 6 layer Tegris reinforcement that goes the entire width of the belt, and anchored to heavy duty belt webbing. This means that your guns don't sag when carrying or during draws. An outside layer of loop Velcro means that you can throw your battle belt on in no time at all. The stonewashed G-Hook is made from 304 stainless and makes taking a whizz and adjustment super easy.
These are sewn by me in Texas with materials that are all sourced from US manufacturers AND Berry compliant. Everything from the buckle down to the thread is American made. And all just for $40 a pop!
I honestly believe this is the most rigid EDC belt out there. Like, no joke guys, this belt is stupid stiff. Like Mexican blue pill stiff.
DO NOT USE YOUR PANTS SIZE! Pants sizes have too many variables, so use the actual measurement of your waist in inches. When measuring, include your holsters for your pistol and mags. If you're in between sizes but on the higher end, move up a size. For example, someone who is a 35" or 36" would get the 34"-38" belt.
If you don't have a measuring tape, wear your normal belt outside the loops and make a note of where the belt meets. Then measure it with your ruler to know your approximate size.
I am now nearly out of materials, so if you fuck up your sizing, I might not be able to make a replacement for a long time. SO DONT MESS UP YOUR SIZING!
Sizes (in inches) are:
The buckle and loop might be a bit stiff so here's a handy guide on the best way to put them on. It'll break in after getting the buckle on a few times.
If you want a custom size or any other special request, feel free to PM me.
submitted by SPstandsFor to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:42 New_to_Warwick 645 happy survivors, lots of sniper. Very Hard difficulty. Tips and how-to!

645 happy survivors, lots of sniper. Very Hard difficulty. Tips and how-to!
This is my base :)
I wanted to share my base with the community
It was quite easy to actually reach this, here's my advice;
Build warehouse every, your workers need to go at a warehouse between every craft or to drop scavenging/grab construction supply
Have a lot of Squad, with your best gun. Leave bow/pistol for tower and doors
I defended until day 36 with no wall, tower or door, from 36-40 I built my first advanced doors, and then a brick wall.
Brick wall are OP; Bricks is so redundant I had to build a series of useless brick wall because i had 3k bricks sleeping, they have 1k2 HP and are quick to build/repair, the advanced walls only have 2k HP but takes WAY longer to build or repair, they are not worth wasting woods or steel on them. Advanced doors and towers are OPTIMAL, they have more gunners.
Lots of field; When you have too much grain, just remove your farmers. During winter; remove your farmers
Lots of cookhouse-cannery; Survivors are as happy eating cans than real food, and real food seems to go to waste so turn it into cans instantly, i managed to reach 10 days cans supply and that allowed me to use all my farmers/cooks on scavenging or building
Guards; Have your guard work 24h/7, its really not worth it to have they work something else during the day now that raiders actively annoys you, if you did like me, you won't have any guards before day 30-40 anyway
Antenna; Spam invite morning and nights, you'll never have enough people
Scavenge; I grab all my squad and scavenge a lot of house with Shift+right click, when 16h arrives, I bring them back home before nightfall.
Small warehouse everywhere; I build a smallest possible warehouse where i plan to scavenge and then destroy buildings. Survivor walk from house/HQ to work area, it takes like 2-5h, then work a bit, walk back to warehouse to drop his gathering, then walk back to work area. If your nearest warehouse is back in town, they'll only have time for 1 trip every day. With a small warehouse nearby, they'll do multiple trip daily. Warehouse share the loot like magic anyway.
Weapons; Sniper are just stupidly godlike, they fire as fast as the AK and do twice the damage, twice the range. I keep my sniper for my squad, and use pistol/AK on guards, but as soon as i can, i use sniper on guards too.
Technology; Antenna first, then all of Food, then all of Construction, then Pistol/AK/Sniper, then you finish with all of Chemistry. You don't need Med or Weatherstation, they are waste of workers and building so don't even unlock them. I adapt a big building for 5-10 researcher and when im done with research, i readapt it for something productive.
I hope this helps!
You can ask questions in the comments or leave some tips of yours for others to enjoy!
Thanks for reading
submitted by New_to_Warwick to InfectionFreeZoneOG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:21 Bad_Jimbob Wedding Photo of only Bride and Groom

Wedding Photo of only Bride and Groom
Hello everybody, first time poster. There's a lot to this one so I will try to make it clear what I'm asking. I am offering $40 for the best submission.
I need the first picture to include only the bride and groom, centered with the wedding arch. This will require:
  1. Removal of the woman in the green dress.
  2. The groom is leaning in the main picture, so he will need to be straightened up.
  3. Centering the bride and groom on the arch.
I have included several pictures of the arch, as well as the groom to pull parts from to accomplish this.
Also, specifically the grooms hand, should be straight and not a fist. One of the photos shows the groom standing straight, but with a fist. I would like the finished photo to have the groom standing straight like in the fist photo, but with a straight hand instead. You'll find a photo featuring the straight hand. I will be on the lookout for any questions I can clarify on. Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing the results!
Edit: Not sure why the photos didn't attach to the original post. Also included an imgur link but didn't see that get added either so here is the link:
submitted by Bad_Jimbob to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:20 Miner1470_YT Team Predictions For MCC Twitch Rivals 2 (Balanced...Kinda?)

Team Predictions For MCC Twitch Rivals 2 (Balanced...Kinda?)
Red Rabbits- Shadoune, Serpias, AnsiChan, Coldified
This team seems EXTREMELY good in pvp and it may be a bit op compared to some other teams but I think some other teams have some huge pop-off potential
Orange Ocelots-SandwichLord, Jack Manifold, Bekyamon, Eloise
The long awaited arrival of SANDWHICHLORD!! I feel like he will get a full British team so i try to put him with people that necessarily too op while at the same time trying to go for a fun team
Yellow Yaks-Fabo, LetsHugoTV, Wichtiger, Nooreax
I know basically nothing about this team except that they are all German but I feel this team is more here for fun but i still cant wait to see what the have in store
Lime Llamas-Pete, Tubbo, Aimsey, FitMC
LETS GO THE RETURN OF AIMSEY AND THE RISE OF FITMC!! I think this team will to amazing in team games and especially with Pete as their residential S-Tier I think this team is for sure top 4
Green Geckos-Aypierre, Skyyart, MathoX, TheGuill84
Once again I don't know a ton about this tea, I know they are all French and I have a feeling this team will pop off like CRAZY
Cyan Coyotes-Couriway, Fulham, False, Ollie
COURIWAY AND FULHAM IN MCC...AND ON THE SAME TEAM! It could never happen right...? Now ill be honest i debated swapping Couri and Pete but I knew that the reddit would be after me lol and plus i think with false and Ollie this is one of the more stacked teams
Aqua Axolotls-Shane, CPK, Shubble, LexieMariex
I think this team is just an all around vibe team and at the same time I could see these guys getting top 4 easy. It was really hard to put Lexie on a team but I just felt like she would really just like get a long and vibe more here
Blue Bats-Fruitberries, Owen, Scott, Guqqie
I know, I know "OWENS NOT ON ORANGE AAAAAAAAAAAA" but I'm pretty sure these guys will get a jersey again like the did for rivals 1 and i would really feel bad if he got the same jersey for such a big event and i just think this team is just a really good "team game" team if that makes sense
Purple Pandas-Jojo, Jvckk, Michaela, Snifferish
I know that Jojo REALLY pushed for Jack to get in so its kinda a given that they will be on the same team and I feel like Michaela and Sniff just really round out this team
Pink Parrot-Alex, 5up, JeremyFraiser, Kaelen
Now I'm gonna be honest we know that only 39/40 players got announced and I have a feeling it will be someone like Kaelen and i feel like he fits perfect here but.. If this team were to ever happen they would DECIMATE the event and getting EASY first but if this is true I'm so down to see it
submitted by Miner1470_YT to MinecraftChampionship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 FappidyDat [H] TF2 Keys & PayPal [W] Humble Bundle Games (Also Games From Past Bundles), Bad Rats

I pay with the following:
TF2 & PayPal
I BUY HB Games with TF2 with PayPal Currently Active Humble Bundle?
7 Days to Die 0.8 TF2 $1.56 PP -
A Little To The Left 2.1 TF2 $3.98 PP -
Alien: Isolation 1.5 TF2 $2.93 PP -
Aliens: Fireteam Elite 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Arma 3 4.2 TF2 $7.95 PP -
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
Automobilista 2 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
BIOMUTANT 1.4 TF2 $2.75 PP -
BROFORCE 0.8 TF2 $1.46 PP -
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.43 PP -
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
Barony 2.6 TF2 $4.9 PP -
Barotrauma 3.8 TF2 $7.26 PP -
Batman - The Telltale Series 1.3 TF2 $2.43 PP -
Batman Arkham Collection 1.1 TF2 $2.08 PP -
Batman: Arkham Origins 0.6 TF2 $1.21 PP -
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Bayonetta 0.7 TF2 $1.34 PP -
Beyond Two Souls 1.7 TF2 $3.31 PP -
Blasphemous 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.36 PP -
Borderlands 3 3.1 TF2 $5.88 PP -
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 3.0 TF2 $5.73 PP -
Builder Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Celeste 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Chernobylite Enhanced Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
Cities: Skylines 2.2 TF2 $4.18 PP -
Code Vein 1.2 TF2 $2.26 PP -
Conan Exiles 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Contractors 2.9 TF2 $5.56 PP -
Control Ultimate Edition 2.6 TF2 $4.85 PP -
Crusader Kings III 4.4 TF2 $8.38 PP -
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin 4.8 TF2 $9.15 PP -
Dark Souls III 7.2 TF2 $13.74 PP -
Dark Souls III: Deluxe Edition 9.9 TF2 $18.86 PP -
DayZ 10.6 TF2 $20.07 PP -
Dead Island - Definitive Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
Dead Island Definitive Collection 0.9 TF2 $1.72 PP -
Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition 0.7 TF2 $1.24 PP -
Dead by Daylight 3.1 TF2 $5.97 PP -
Deep Rock Galactic 3.0 TF2 $5.62 PP -
Destiny 2: Beyond Light 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Destiny 2: Forsaken Pack 1.0 TF2 $1.9 PP -
Destiny 2: Lightfall 4.0 TF2 $7.55 PP -
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep 1.0 TF2 $1.93 PP -
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen 2.0 TF2 $3.85 PP -
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed 0.7 TF2 $1.4 PP -
Devil May Cry HD Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.45 PP -
Devil May Cry® 4 Special Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
DiRT Rally 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut 1.6 TF2 $2.95 PP -
Doom Eternal 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Dragon Ball FighterZ 2.0 TF2 $3.79 PP -
Dragons Dogma - Dark Arisen 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
Dungeon Defenders 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
ELEX II 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Europa Universalis IV 3.2 TF2 $6.16 PP -
Expeditions: Rome 0.5 TF2 $0.89 PP -
FTL: Faster Than Light 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game 0.4 TF2 $0.81 PP -
Farming Simulator 19 2.2 TF2 $4.23 PP -
For The King 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Forager 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
Frostpunk 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
GRID 2 1.9 TF2 $3.66 PP -
Gang Beasts 2.6 TF2 $4.97 PP -
Gas Station Simulator 3.1 TF2 $5.8 PP -
Generation Zero® 0.7 TF2 $1.36 PP -
Ghostwire Tokyo 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Goat Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.8 PP -
Golf It! 1.8 TF2 $3.42 PP -
Gotham Knights 1.5 TF2 $2.83 PP -
Graveyard Keeper 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Grim Dawn 2.5 TF2 $4.66 PP -
Hell Let Loose 7.1 TF2 $13.47 PP -
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Hitman Absolution 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
Hollow Knight 3.4 TF2 $6.43 PP -
Homeworld Remastered Collection 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Hotline Miami 0.5 TF2 $0.87 PP -
House Flipper 2.0 TF2 $3.89 PP -
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition 0.6 TF2 $1.2 PP -
Into the Radius VR 2.9 TF2 $5.5 PP -
Jurassic World Evolution 2 2.7 TF2 $5.19 PP -
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.63 PP -
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 1.7 TF2 $3.16 PP -
Kerbal Space Program 1.1 TF2 $2.07 PP -
Killing Floor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
Kingdom: Two Crowns 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Deluxe Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
LEGO Star Wars : The Complete Saga 0.6 TF2 $1.17 PP -
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 0.6 TF2 $1.22 PP -
LEGO® City Undercover 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
LEGO® Jurassic World™ 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Lethal League Blaze 1.8 TF2 $3.44 PP -
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Life is Strange: True Colors 1.5 TF2 $2.82 PP -
Little Nightmares 1.1 TF2 $2.06 PP -
Loop Hero 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience 3.5 TF2 $6.61 PP -
Mad Max 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
Mafia: Definitive Edition 2.4 TF2 $4.56 PP -
Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition 4.7 TF2 $8.87 PP -
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries 2.6 TF2 $4.89 PP -
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Deluxe Edition 1.3 TF2 $2.4 PP -
Metro 2033 Redux 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Metro Exodus 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Metro Redux Bundle 0.7 TF2 $1.25 PP -
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Definitive Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.65 PP -
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Mortal Kombat XL 0.6 TF2 $1.13 PP -
Mortal Shell 0.5 TF2 $0.97 PP -
NASCAR Heat 5 - Ultimate Edition 0.4 TF2 $0.75 PP -
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Nobody Saves the World 0.5 TF2 $0.95 PP -
Northgard 2.4 TF2 $4.5 PP -
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Outlast 2 0.9 TF2 $1.68 PP -
Overcooked! 2 1.2 TF2 $2.3 PP -
PC Building Simulator 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
PGA TOUR 2K21 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Plague Inc: Evolved 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
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PlateUp! 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Prison Architect 2.7 TF2 $5.14 PP -
Project Wingman 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
RESIDENT EVIL 3 2.0 TF2 $3.76 PP -
Rain World 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
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Resident Evil 6 1.3 TF2 $2.46 PP -
Resident Evil® 5 1.7 TF2 $3.18 PP -
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Road 96 0.5 TF2 $1.02 PP -
SCUM 4.7 TF2 $8.86 PP -
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Satisfactory 5.0 TF2 $9.55 PP -
Scorn 0.8 TF2 $1.49 PP -
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 1.2 TF2 $2.33 PP -
Slay the Spire 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Sleeping Dogs™ Definitive Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.95 PP -
Slime Rancher 1.1 TF2 $2.11 PP -
Sniper Elite 4 1.0 TF2 $1.96 PP -
Space Engineers 2.6 TF2 $4.91 PP -
Spec Ops: The Line 4.3 TF2 $8.21 PP -
SpeedRunners 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Spintires: MudRunner 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Squad 6.7 TF2 $12.77 PP -
Star Wars Republic Commando™ 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 0.4 TF2 $0.71 PP -
Star Wars® Empire at War™: Gold Pack 0.6 TF2 $1.09 PP -
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.37 PP -
Stellaris 3.3 TF2 $6.25 PP -
Stellaris: Federations 2.7 TF2 $5.11 PP -
Streets of Rogue 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Subnautica 5.3 TF2 $10.08 PP -
Sunset Overdrive 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
TEKKEN 7 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
The Ascent 0.6 TF2 $1.18 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes 1.3 TF2 $2.42 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan 2.2 TF2 $4.21 PP -
The Escapists 2 1.0 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $1.89 PP Refer To My Other Thread Team17: From Gold Greens to Battle Scenes Bundle
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 2.3 TF2 $4.45 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 2.3 TF2 $4.33 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 7 3.6 TF2 $6.81 PP -
The LEGO® Movie Videogame 0.4 TF2 $0.73 PP -
The Mortuary Assistant 3.9 TF2 $7.41 PP -
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.1 PP -
The Quarry Deluxe Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.21 PP -
The Universim 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier 0.7 TF2 $1.42 PP -
The Walking Dead: Season Two 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Final Season 1.2 TF2 $2.25 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series 3.4 TF2 $6.41 PP -
The Witness 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
The Wolf Among Us 1.3 TF2 $2.53 PP -
Total War SHOGUN 2 Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.48 PP -
Total War: Attila 1.6 TF2 $3.12 PP -
Total War: Napoleon - Definitive Edition 1.6 TF2 $3.05 PP -
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 2.5 TF2 $4.68 PP -
Total War™: WARHAMMER® 3.1 TF2 $5.96 PP -
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator 1.7 TF2 $3.23 PP -
Trailmakers 0.7 TF2 $1.37 PP -
Tropico 6 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
Two Point Campus 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Ultimate Chicken Horse 1.6 TF2 $2.96 PP -
Unpacking 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Unrailed! 0.9 TF2 $1.74 PP -
VTOL VR 4.6 TF2 $8.76 PP -
Victoria 3 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Viscera Cleanup Detail 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin 0.7 TF2 $1.33 PP -
WWE 2K23 6.7 TF2 $12.75 PP -
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War III 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters 1.9 TF2 $3.6 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection 1.7 TF2 $3.28 PP -
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Wasteland 3 1.8 TF2 $3.46 PP -
Witch It 1.4 TF2 $2.65 PP -
Worms Armageddon 0.4 TF2 $0.84 PP -
Yakuza 0 3.1 TF2 $5.82 PP -
Yakuza 4 Remastered 0.5 TF2 $0.86 PP -
Zombie Army 4: Dead War 1.1 TF2 $2.02 PP -
rFactor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.11 PP -
IGS Rep Page:
SteamTrades Rep Page (1000+):
GameTrade Rep Page:
SGSFlair Rep Page:
submitted by FappidyDat to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page:
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:42 TomSheman 25 Statistically Good Teams

Didn't want to call this a ranking but this is a list of the 25 teams that have performed the best statistically in both hitting (OPS) and pitching (blend of ERA and FIP) while also taking into account their Strength of Schedule. Was pretty interesting to make for me so wanted to share it with y'all as well.
Disclaimer: This rating does not directly take into account W/L, RPI, fielding, or baserunning stats.
Rank Team Conference Rating
1 Tennessee SEC 62.5
2 Texas A&M SEC 57.5
3 North Carolina ACC 49.7
4 Oregon State Pac-12 47.9
5 Arkansas SEC 46
6 Georgia SEC 44.1
7 Duke ACC 43.9
8 Florida State ACC 43.7
9 Oklahoma State Big 12 41.5
10 LSU SEC 40.5
11 East Carolina AAC 39.3
12 Dallas Baptist CUSA 38.9
13 Virginia Tech ACC 36.9
14 Arizona Pac-12 36.4
15 Charleston CAA 34
16 Mississippi State SEC 33.9
17 Virginia ACC 33
18 Louisiana Sun Belt 32.8
19 Wake Forest ACC 32.7
20 Kansas Big 12 32.2
21 UC Irvine Big West 31.4
22 Indiana State MVC 31.3
23 Kentucky SEC 30.7
24 Clemson ACC 30.5
25 San Diego WCC 29.9
submitted by TomSheman to collegebaseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:40 Yankeebot Game Thread: Yankees @ Twins - May 14, 2024 @ 07:40 PM EDT

Yankees @ Twins - Tue, May 14

Game Status: Warmup - First Pitch is scheduled for 07:40 PM EDT

Links & Info

ALE Rank Team W L GB (E#) WC Rank WC GB (E#)
1 Baltimore Orioles 26 14 - (-) - - (-)
2 New York Yankees 27 15 - (121) 1 +2.5 (-)
3 Boston Red Sox 21 20 5.5 (116) 4 3.0 (118)
4 Tampa Bay Rays 21 21 6.0 (115) 7 3.5 (117)
5 Toronto Blue Jays 19 22 7.5 (114) 8 5.0 (116)
Probable Pitcher (Season Stats) Report
Yankees Carlos Rodón (3-2, 3.56 ERA, 43.0 IP) No report posted.
Twins Chris Paddack (4-1, 4.34 ERA, 37.1 IP) No report posted.
Yankees Lineup vs. Paddack AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Volpe - SS - - - - - -
2 Soto, J - RF .667 3.417 3 2 6 0
3 Judge - CF - - - - - -
4 Verdugo - LF .125 .250 8 0 0 2
5 Stanton - DH - - - - - -
6 Rizzo - 1B .333 1.333 3 0 0 0
7 Torres - 2B .333 .666 3 0 0 1
8 Wells, A - C - - - - - -
9 Cabrera, O - 3B - - - - - -
10 Rodón - P - - - - - -
Twins Lineup vs. Rodón AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Jeffers - DH .200 .533 5 0 0 3
2 Correa - SS .200 .473 10 0 0 5
3 Castro, W - CF .143 .286 7 0 0 2
4 Miranda - 3B - - - - - -
5 Margot - RF .500 1.500 2 0 1 0
6 Santana - 1B .382 1.004 34 1 3 5
7 Farmer, K - 2B .250 .650 4 0 0 0
8 Vázquez - C .308 .665 13 0 0 2
9 Martin - LF - - - - - -
10 Paddack - P - - - - - -

Division Scoreboard

TB 1 @ BOS 0 - Top 2, 0 Outs
TOR 0 @ BAL 0 - Postponed
Last Updated: 05/14/2024 07:24:38 PM EDT
submitted by Yankeebot to NYYankees [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:40 BuccosBot Game Thread: Pirates @ Brewers - Tue, May 14 @ 07:40 PM EDT

Pirates @ Brewers - Tue, May 14

Game Status: Warmup - First Pitch is scheduled for 07:40 PM EDT

Links & Info

NLC Rank Team W L GB (E#) WC Rank WC GB (E#)
1 Milwaukee Brewers 24 17 - (-) - - (-)
2 Chicago Cubs 24 18 0.5 (121) 2 +3.0 (-)
3 Pittsburgh Pirates 19 23 5.5 (116) 7 2.0 (118)
4 Cincinnati Reds 17 24 7.0 (115) 9 3.5 (117)
5 St. Louis Cardinals 17 24 7.0 (115) 10 3.5 (117)
Probable Pitcher (Season Stats) Report
Pirates Quinn Priester (0-3, 3.86 ERA, 21.0 IP) No report posted.
Brewers Joe Ross (1-4, 4.75 ERA, 36.0 IP) No report posted.
Pirates Lineup vs. Ross AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 McCutchen - DH .333 1.145 15 2 5 4
2 Reynolds, B - RF .250 .900 4 0 0 0
3 Cruz, O - SS 1.000 2.500 2 0 0 0
4 Joe - 1B - - - - - -
5 Suwinski - LF .000 .000 2 0 0 0
6 Gonzales, N - 2B - - - - - -
7 Grandal - C .500 1.167 4 0 0 0
8 Triolo - 3B - - - - - -
9 Taylor, M - CF .000 .000 2 0 0 1
10 Priester - P - - - - - -
Brewers Lineup vs. Priester AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Turang - 2B .000 .500 1 0 0 0
2 Contreras, Wm - C .333 .666 3 0 0 0
3 Yelich - LF .500 1.667 2 0 0 1
4 Adames - SS .000 .000 2 0 0 1
5 Bauers - 1B - - - - - -
6 Ortiz - 3B - - - - - -
7 Frelick - CF .000 .000 1 0 1 1
8 Dunn - DH - - - - - -
9 Chourio - RF - - - - - -
10 Ross - P - - - - - -

Division Scoreboard

CHC 0 @ ATL 0 - Top 1, 1 Out
STL @ LAA 09:38 PM EDT
CIN @ AZ 09:40 PM EDT
Last Updated: 05/14/2024 07:23:52 PM EDT
submitted by BuccosBot to buccos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:39 MJMiner Weapon overhaul

As a veteran of HD1 and the first galactic war I am absolutely appalled at the state of the game’s current arsenal. There are some fun and unique weapons here and there but most of them just feel redundant or terrible. Nowhere is this more visible that the AR, SMG, and DMR lineup. Here is a rework I’m proposing to high command ti ensure we are given proper tools to ensure the safety and spread of managed democracy.
Gun Rebalance and additions ARs Class Role: Rifles are designed to put holes through targets, and they need to reflect this role better. All rifles with Light penetration have been upgraded to be Light armor defeating. This means that while weapons with Light AP will damage light armor, they won’t always fully damage it. While rifles with light armor defeating fully negate light armor and deal full damage to it.
Liberator, 65DMG, Excellent ergonomics, the best weapon for firing on the move, +1 mag Role: Extremely easy to control and ideal for new players or veterans looking for something reliable. Capable of 45/45/4.5/ delivering 45 rounds at 45 meters in 4.5 seconds on target with no effort. Lore: High command has started production on upgrade kits for our standard rifles to improve it’s handling. Liberators now come with a vertical foregrip and a new muzzle brake to better control the weapon.
AP Liberator, 70 DMG, +5 rounds, Slower reload, 23 recoil, bad ergonomics, Uses AR scope Role: This Frankenstein of a gun is not for new players, uncomfortable recoil, and unfriendly handling in exchange for uncompromising stopping power. Terrible when firing on the move, with significant muzzle climb. But it provides rapid armor-piercing fire to those who can control it. Lore: The Penetrator started its life as a converted liberator modified to better penetrate armor. However there was no standard for how this would be achieved, so the conversion differs from regiment to regiment. Typically it involved sawing off a diligence barrel and converting it into a squeeze bore to increase velocity at the cost of terminal ballistics without using new ammunition. High Command has now realized the potential usefulness of a standardized conversion for its service rifle. Fabricator schematics have been published for new components and manuals for a consistent conversion. As part of project Ironbreaker, an initiative to outfit soldiers with better AP weapons, Production has begun on a variety of new ammo for the weapon which is much more powerful. The new 5.77mm Talon round generates 3x more chamber pressure than the liberator. The weapon itself has a new chamber and a properly machined barrel, made from surplus diligence rifles. The new AP liberator is also outfitted with a standard rifle optic, Punisher pump grip for a vertical grip, 35 round magazine, and a grey and red color scheme to denote its new changes.
Adjudicator, 90-100 DMG, 720 RPM, 30 recoil, Burst fire, uses the DMR scope Role: Battle rifle, Ideal for long-range combat, Semi-auto for small targets or precise shooting, Burst fire for large targets or close combat. Sluggish ergonomics but surprisingly controllable. Lore: Designed to replace liberator rifles on specific fronts where armored enemies are more common, the adjudicator was met with mixed success. The weapon proved to be reliable, powerful, and accurate but failed to fully replace the liberator in an assault rifle capacity. However, the 17th Helldivers regiment came up with a brilliantly effective modification. The outfitted the weapon with a reciprocating barrel shroud and a burst fire mode to turn the rifle into a long-range killing machine. With a surplus of Adjucator parts piling up from the weapon’s failure, High command has made this modification the new factory standard for all Adjucator rifles. The added weight and complexity in exchange for what has been reported as a 50% increase in accuracy seemed to be a fair trade.
Tenderizer, 840RPM, 75-round drum, 12 recoil, 4 mags, Terrible reload, Okay moving accuracy Role: IAR, ideal for laying down sustained fire on targets, can mow down multiple targets quickly. Low magazine count and high RoF make this weapon prone to running out of ammo. Lore: A new development to supplant the more expensive and time-consuming liberator rifles for SEAF army troopers, the Tenderizer was an unwelcome addition. It was heavier, bulkier, and awkward to handle. However, the increased bulk made it easy to control during sustained fire and it was very reliable under this strain. Troops began jury rigging drum magazines to use it as light machine guns. With a sizeable surplus of the liberator’s 5.77mm ammo, High Command began testing a designated IAR (Infantry Automatic Rifle) variant for helldivers use. This variant was an instant success providing individual hell divers with team-level firepower in a rifle-sized package.
Blackout(New), 85DMG, 420RPM, 24 round mag, 8 mags, superb moving accuracy, Silenced Role: Ideal for stealthy missions, the blackout deals very high damage at close range, while enabling the user to remain undetected from nearby patrols. Not effective vs armor Lore: Developed for Blackguard operatives, the Blackout is an integrally suppressed rifle created in response to the rising automaton threat. Veterans of Maevelon Creek petitioned High command to develop a new rifle, able to quietly eliminate bots while still being effective against devestators.
Yari(New), 45DMG, 1400RPM burst, 900RPM salvo, 36 Round magazine, 10 mags, AP Role: Prototype rifle with lightweight Sabot ammunition, fires a 3-round hyperburst and a 6-round salvo. Exceptional ammo efficiency and power at range lacks close combat ability.
DMRs(Classwide rework) Role: DMRs are designed to put rounds where rounds need to go while also being able to be used alongside assault rifles in a firefight. In Helldivers DMRs take an unconventional role of being viable against light target while alos enabling the user to defeat larger enemies like devestators and bile spewers at long range. To start, DMRs have a new bonus, DMRs deal +75% extra weak point damage (Headshots) and deal 10% more damage per point of AP they have over the target region. So they do extra damage if they hit the soft unarmored bits as well as on headshots. They also receive 50% less recoil while prone to better provide accuracy at range. DMRs are for the methodical sharpshooter who prefers to pick off targets at a distance instead of charging in, rewarding careful positioning and shot placement with heaps of dead foes.
Diligence, 120-140 DMG, 22 Round mag, 30 recoil, 8 mags, Full auto mode, Silenced Role: Starter DMR that delivers high damage at long range while keeping the user concealed. Silencer isn’t as effective at close range, but great for staying hidden during firefights. Lore: High command has witnessed the substantial failures of their DMRs and has issued a complete recall of the weapon. A brand new receiver and chamber system has increased its muzzle velocity by 500 feet per second, greatly increasing lethality.
Diligence CS, 175-200DMG, 18-round mag, 6 mags, Staggers on full damage hit, Thermal optic Role: This more demanding variant of Diligence rewards more precise shooting with higher damage. It is better at stopping large targets but is less effective at picking off enemies. Lore: as part of the Ironbreaker initiative, many weapons are being issued new nitro ammunition. The diligence CS has undergone a more extensive upgrade. A new barrel and chamber designed to maximize lethality with the new ammo has greatly increased stopping power. The CS can stop devastators, bile spewers, berserkers, and similar targets with just a few hits. It has also been outfitted with a thermal sight to see through fog, sand, gas, and smoke.
Retribution(New), 275 DMG, 8 Round mag, Bolt action, Rounds reload, Silenced, AP Role: Longest range DMR, remarkably quiet and powerful, ideal for dropping large targets and protecting teammates from range.
Wyvern(New), 110DMG, 360 RPM, 26 Round magazine, 8 Mags, AP, Full Auto capable Role: Assault DMR, designed to be used aggressively at close range while permitting the user to provide long-range support.
SMGs (Classwide rework) Role: SMGs put holes in targets, not through them. SMGs have been largely replaced by Rifles in modern warfare, the same should apply to Helldivers. This shouldn’t make the useless, but instead good at different things. SMGs should be suited to personal defense and reliability under a wider variety of circumstances than rifles. SMGs have classwide damage nerf to reflect their lower caliber and have very noticeable damage falloff. However, they get a buff in every other area, with the most notable being that each SMG carries 12 mags instead of 8. SMGs are still capable of dropping larger targets with one mag, and with their lower recoil, they can reliably do so. But are now better suited to protecting the user from groups of weaker enemies.
Defender, 40 DMG, 720 RPM, 5 recoil, 12 Mags, Lightning fast reload Role: User-friendly and economical weapon, very easy to use. Less power than assault rifles but puts rounds where they need to be. Lore: The original Defender SMG was actually a failure, being prohibitively expensive to produce both the weapon and its ammo. Although it was a very popular weapon during peacetime, the demands of the war have made the defender a rare sight. To ensure that SEAF forces had a reliable weapon for CQC, the Defender A2 has been put into production. High command has changed its standard handgun cartridge from the .43 Hawk Tungsten core AP round to the cheaper 8mm FMJ round. The new defenders have an increased rate of fire and are more controllable but lacks the stopping power of the original.
Knight, 35 Damage, 900RPM Full auto, 1300rpm burst, 8 Recoil, 12 mags Role: PDW, Delivers a torrent of rounds quickly and accurately. Burst fire is ideal for mid-range enemies, full auto puts down groups of lightly armored enemies. Lore: The A4 knight variant features an electrically operated feed instead of a gas-operated one. This has enabled the weapon to fire at a more controllable rate in full auto while preserving medium-range accuracy with a 1300rpm hyperburst. It has also been outfitted with a less powerful round that is lighter and more economical, improving total ammo carried and recoil control at the cost of stopping power.
Shinobi(New) 50 DMG, 540RPM, 25 Round mag, Silenced Role: Spec-ops SMG for quietly dispatching groups of unarmored enemies. Less effective than other options in a firefight but perfect for sneaking around
Sweeper(New) 40 DMG, 800RPM, 80 Round drum, 8 mags, terrible ergonomics Role: Space Tommy gun, this weapon is designed to put as many rounds as possible down range as fast as possible, where said rounds land is irrelevant. Ammo hungry but very mobile.
I am aware these changes are extensive and won’t likely be implemented. I don’t believe that every weapon should be OP or god tier, but they should all have some niche where they really excel. Have a nice day and good luck Helldivers.
submitted by MJMiner to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:11 chocoskid What content is there to play in TD2 ?

I basically know what content there is to play but I dont know which activities are worth doing and playing. I was playing TD2 when it was new, basically 4-5 years ago and I returned this year. I know there is Warlords DLC, I completed all story missions (also the main campaign was completed years ago too) and I am level 40, currently hunting some gear to make some builds and try them out. One thing that dissappointed me a little is the fact that Countdown is so OP and rewarding that any other activity is kinda useless or not worth it. Anything else doesnt give you nowhere near as much rewards.. What do you currently play in endgame and what is there to do for returning player like me ? Cuz all I can imagine is that I finish few builds with the help of countdown and then there is nothing to do... PVP is not for me, I preffer PVE much more so please explain, why should I play anything other than Countdown which seems little "too" rewarding.
submitted by chocoskid to thedivision [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:52 cyrofrost1 [US, TX] [H][NES,SNES,gameboy,DS,3DS,xbox,genesis][W][special edition consoles, Venmo/Paypal]

N64 Games
  1. Majora’s Mask - $65
  2. Ocarina of Time - $35
  3. Turok 2 - $12 x2
  4. Donkey Kong 64 - $30
  5. Win Back Covert Ops - $20
  6. Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire- $15
  7. NFL Quarterback Club 98 - $3
  8. Super Mario 64 - $35 x2
  9. Killer Instinct Gold - $30
  10. Perfect Dark - $20
  11. CastleVania - $25
  12. Conker’s Bad Fur Day - $130
  13. NFL Blitz - $20
  14. Banjo Kazooie - $25
  15. Duke Nukem 64 - $25
  16. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - $15
  17. Wheel of Fortune - $12
  18. Goldeneye 007 - $25
  19. Nascar 99 - $5
  20. Doom 64 - $35
  21. Gex 64 - $16
  22. Pilotwings - $15
  23. 1080 Snowboarding - $15
  24. NBA Hangtime - $16
  1. Nintendo 64 with all cords, 1 controller -$100
  2. Gameboy - $80
  3. NES no cords, 1 controller - $60
  4. Red ds - 50$
  5. Black ds(missing back piece) - 40$
  6. blue ds (over saturated screen) - 30$
  7. Nintendo 64 case by itself - $80
  1. Kung fu - $8
  2. World champ - $25
  3. Bases loaded - $3
  4. Super Mario bros -$10
  5. Top gun - $6
  6. Super Mario 3 -$15
  7. Pro wrestling -$7
  8. Tetris - $10
Sonic 2 - $15 Madden 96 - $5
Aladdin - $12 Mystic quest - $15 Desert strike - $10 Madden 94 - $5
White 2 - 130 Black - 60 Diamond - 40 X - 25
xbox 1 - 120
submitted by cyrofrost1 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:24 ThinkOfTheYouths I had never even heard of SUDEP, and now my brother is gone.

Seventeen days ago, my mom came home to find my baby brother dead on the floor of his bedroom. He was 22.
Epilepsy had been progressively ruining his life since he was a young teenager. When he first started experiencing seizures, they only happened when he was asleep, and only when he was very sleep deprived. But over the years they had become worse both in frequency and severity. By the final months of his life, they were happening all the time -- awake, asleep, singing onstage at church, talking on FaceTime. Sometimes he would just pause in the middle of a sentence and start staring into space, and my heart would be in my throat until he started talking again. He had trouble holding down a job because no employer wanted to deal with an employee who needed to take constant time off for medical care. My mom was doing her best to provide him the 24/7 care he needed while also working a full time job. He was on three different medications, for a total of ten pills every day. (The day he died, he was two hours late taking one of his doses. Two hours, that's all it took.)
And even so, I had no idea how much danger he was in. In the abstract, I knew that if a seizure lasted long enough, it could become a medical emergency. But that term "medical emergency," was still divorced from the idea of death. Medical emergency meant ICU. It meant, at worst, permanent disability. It didn't mean dead at 22.
My brother had tried everything. Keto made his seizures worse. The seizure detector he wore on his wrist was failing to detect massive seizures, so he stopped wearing it. He had an inpatient brain study done back in December, where he spent three days in the hospital while a team of neurologists purposefully triggered seizures to try to determine where in the brain they were coming from. They said he broke the record for the number of seizures during a single study: I think it was something like 40. The study didn't yield anything conclusive. I remember him saying that one of the doctors told him his seizures only had a 3% chance of being controlled with meds.
And you know what? I never once heard him complain. He found humor in everything. He called his seizures "doing the forbidden disco." When he went in for the study, he said, "I'm going to go in, shake a little, and then come out."
Even I heard the dire 3% predication, all that meant to me was that we'd have to try another intervention. He was already on the road to neurosurgery. Death never once crossed my mind.
And now his ashes are sitting in my living room, and I know the word SUDEP, and I can't help but feeling like he never had a chance. His body just decided it didn't want to exist anymore. I recently read about some of the risk factors for SUDEP, and he checked every box, and it's so unfuckingfair. He was the best person I know...the funniest, the kindest, the most genuine. He was a musical prodigy. He was studying to become a cybersecurity specialist and had recently finished building his first PC. I loved him with my whole heart. I just wish I would have educated myself earlier. If I had had any idea that death was on the table, I would have moved back home to help care for him, I would have made sure he was never alone.
And I know this is probably not at all helpful for the community of people here who are trying to eke out an existence with epilepsy and who live in constant fear of SUDEP. But whatever I can do to help ensure that those with epilepsy can live the life my brother deserved, I want to do. This should never happen to anyone, and to the extent that this story can help anyone else, I hope it does.
submitted by ThinkOfTheYouths to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:37 IEatLamas Most op build for ng+?

I know this question has been asked before and I've been looking around a bit on the reddit.. it seems like sellsword twinblades are agreed as most op, and the lothric knight greatsword also is up there. Unfortunately it seems I've sold the sellsword twinblades so I can't make that build until later. I'm curious about alternatives as far as agreed upon op builds that utilize weapon/s in both hands, a meele build. Which infusions? Buffs?
I'm also curious about the armor for such a build. Is it better to go lighter armor under 30%? to get more stats into damage stats. Or better to hang around 70% which the best you have? My current character has 40 vitality and I always wonder if it's a waste of recourses.
Greatly appreciate any help on my quest to ng+7 the game!
submitted by IEatLamas to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 icyywotah Is the scholarship worth it given my situation?

So I applied to unis really frantically for Fall'24 and I have two decisons till now, both of them being acceptances, and need advice or pointers which will help me make an informed decision. The admits are:
  1. University of Maryland, College Park - MS in Applied Machine Learning A few pointers: -The tuition fee is $40,000. -The program was recently converted to an MS and was an MPS earlier, and was designed for working professionals. (I am coming straight after my bachelor's with no work-ex). -It is non-thesis, but I aim to actively seek out profesors to work on research papers. -UMCP is ranked among top 10 in US for research output in my area of interest. -It is a public ivy.
  2. Northeastern University, Portland Campus- MS in Artificial Intelligence -Scholarship of $25,000 which will effectively make my tuition $32,000. -It is a thesis-based program. -It has an option for co-op. -It is however a satellite campus. -Classes held at Roux Institute in Portland which is basically just a building.
My inclination is towards UMCP, but I really need a second opinion. Thanks.
submitted by icyywotah to MSCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:02 FewWarning77 2 days post OP, ACL reconstruction

I had my surgery 2 days back, the first day was absolutely BRUTAL. Every part of my leg was hurting, i had nerve block to reduce pain But that also faded away in 6hrs and after that there was a lot of pain as if someone still cutting me with knife. I had to take sleeping pills and constant pain killers.
Day 2 was little better, as if my body is healing , i see hope. But my lower back has started to hurt a little. Also i did some exercises and my physiotherapist made me walk with crutches today. It felt nice to stand up but i am getting tired very soon also the knee starts paining once i stand up and walk.
My physiotherapist told me that they’ll start the rehab once i get discharged from my hospital i.e. tomorrow. Also they are telling me not to bend my knee for atleast 3-4 weeks? Is it normal? Because lot of people here post about bending and flexing the knee in 4-5 days post op? Also how long will PT sessions goes on? Do i need to take advance PT sessions as well if i want to return to sports like football/cricket? Or i can do that on my own once i passed 2 months mark?
submitted by FewWarning77 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:57 Inevitable_Leg6945 Armor negation

Just a question about armor and armor negation. Do many mobs have armor? 🤔 I feel like they do maybe. And the iron greataxe is pretty comparable to the iron greatsword (which everyone fawns over) except it trades 4 damage for 40 armor negation. Is this op or is armor negation not very good?
submitted by Inevitable_Leg6945 to dawncraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:43 sluggang404 need recommendations

heres a list of everything ive watched already
ik its a long list, but please skim through it before reccomending a show :))
cause i always end up getting alot of comments reccomending shows to me that ive already seen
and please keep it to just shows so no movies :)) preferably 24 ep or shorter, but i dont mind longer shows as long as theyre good
also would prefer shows that are dubbed (ik, lame. but my TV is broken n its hard to read subtitles on my phone)
i enjoy both wholesome shows as well as gut wrenchingly depressing shows that will leave me feeling empty afterwards
most the shows on this list are ones i enjoyed watching, but there are sum that i didnt really like. i didnt rate them tho so 🤷‍♂️
n ofc if anyone here is interested in a show on my list that they havent seen before n wants to know my opinion on it n if id reccomend it to you, feel free to ask :))
  1. Attack on Titan
  2. Yugioh
  3. Tokyo Ghoul
  4. Elfen Lied
  5. Eureka 7
  6. Wolfs Rain
  7. Soul Eater
  8. Soul Eater NOT
  9. Gurren Lagann
  10. Mob Psycho 100
  11. Squid Girl
  12. Death Note
  13. Black Butler
  14. One Piece
  15. Naruto
  16. Pokemon
  17. Demon Slayer
  18. Scryed
  19. Blue Exorcist
  20. Parasyte: The Maxim
  21. Hetalia
  22. Junjou Romantica
  23. Maiden Rose
  24. (forbidden anime)
  25. Devilman Crybaby
  26. The Great Pretender
  27. Fooly Cooly
  28. Beastars
  29. Brand New Animal
  30. Toradora
  31. Durarara
  32. Cowboy Bebop
  33. Sword Art Online
  34. Immortal Grand Prix
  35. Ghost Stories
  36. Another
  37. Space Dandy
  38. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
  39. A Lull In The Sea
  40. Food Wars
  41. AJIN: Demi Human
  42. Neon Genesis Evangelion
  43. Anohana
  44. Corpse Party
  45. When They Cry
  46. Violet Evergarden
  47. Your Lie In April
  48. Yuri On Ice
  49. Free!
  50. Megalobox
  51. Pop Team Epic
  52. March Comes In Like A Lion
  53. The Way Of The House-Husband
  54. Japan Sinks: 2020
  55. Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
  56. Terror In Resonance
  57. Scissor Seven
  58. One Punch Man
  59. Persona 5
  60. Wonder Egg Priority
  61. Paranoia Agent
  62. Sailor Moon
  63. Stars Align
  64. Mononoke
  65. Erased
  66. SK8 The Infinity
  67. Mushi Shi
  68. Death Parade
  69. Tokyo Revengers
  70. Given
  71. Angels Of Death
  72. Serial Experiments Lain
  73. Ghost Hunt
  74. Banana Fish
  75. B: The Beginning
  76. 91 Days
  77. Made In Abyss
  78. Orange
  79. Plastic Memories
  80. Psycho Pass
  81. Bungo Stray Dogs
  82. Jujutsu Kaisen
  83. Hikari: Be My Light
  84. To Your Eternity
  85. The Promised Neverland
  86. Sarazanmai
  87. Deadman Wonderland
  88. Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
  89. Arcane
  90. Hyouka
  91. Pillow Boys
  92. Akudama Drive
  93. Gleipnir
  94. Link Click
  95. True Tears
  96. Hamatora
  97. Darling In The Franxx
  98. Boogiepob Phantom
  99. Boogiepop And Friends
  100. Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai
  101. Fruits Basket
  102. No. 6
  103. Shelter
  104. Kids On The Slope
  105. Ranking Of Kings
  106. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
  107. Blood Blockade Battlefront
  108. Sonny Boy
  109. Blue Period
  110. The Orbital Children
  111. Kiznaiver
  112. Noragami
  113. Darwin's Game
  114. Odd Taxi
  115. Steins;gate
  116. Dororo
  117. My Love Story!!
  118. Kotaro Lives Alone
  119. Darker Than Black
  120. re:ZERO
  121. Btooom!
  122. Komi Can't Communicate
  123. Princess Tutu
  124. HoriMiya
  125. NANA
  126. My Hero Academia
  127. A Place Further Than The Universe
  128. Blue Spring Ride
  129. Carole & Tuesday
  130. Dorohedoro
  131. Ikebukuro West Gate Park
  132. Dance Dance Danseur
  133. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
  134. Code Geass
  135. High-Rise Invasion
  136. Kakegurui
  137. Monster
  138. WataMote
  139. Angel Beats
  140. Welcome To The NHK
  141. Kiss Him, Not Me
  142. Bakuman
  143. Inuyashiki
  144. Domestic Girlfriend
  145. Michiko And Hatchin
  146. K-On
  147. Gangsta
  148. Charlotte
  149. Clannad
  150. Clannad After story
  151. Beck
  152. Summer Time Rendering
  153. Assassination Classroom
  154. Tomodachi Game
  155. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  156. Spy × Family
  157. My Dress-Up Darling
  158. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
  159. Chainsaw Man
  160. Baccano
  161. K-Project
  162. Eden Of The East
  163. Samurai Champloo
  164. Akame Ga Kill
  165. His And Her Circumstances
  166. My Little Monster
  167. Dr. Stone
  168. Vinland Saga
  169. 86
  170. Buddy Daddies
  171. Haikyuu!!
  172. Hunter × Hunter
  173. Deca-Dence
  174. Shiki
  175. School-Live
  176. Ghost Hound
  177. Kemono Jihen
  178. Mieruko-chan
  179. Takt Op. Destiny
  180. Haibane Renmei
  181. Rumbling Hearts
  182. Barakamon
  183. Now And Then, Here And There
  184. Shadow's House
  185. Heavenly Delusion
  186. Oshi No Ko
  187. Insomniacs After School
  188. Aggretsuko
  189. Sanrio Boys
  190. Gloomy
  191. Ouran Highschool Host Club
  192. Say "I Love You"
  193. Princess Jellyfish
  194. Hell's Paradise
  195. Migi & Dali
  196. The Dangers In My Heart
  197. Somali And The Forest Spirit
  198. Hybrid Child
  199. Zom 100
  200. Pluto
  201. My Home Hero
  202. Mushoku Tensei
  203. Lycoris Recoil
  204. A Galaxy Next-Door
  205. Solo Leveling
  206. The Apothecary Diaries
submitted by sluggang404 to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:19 LeahGottiFeetLover Wegens gebrek aan ervaring ben ik angstig om te gaan solliciteren. Heeft iemand tips?

Stukje over mij: 27, naast stages vanuit school nooit betaald werk gehad. Toen ik een tiener was had ik geen werk nodig want mijn geweldige moeder betaalde alles, zij heeft mij ook nooit gepusht om werk te zoeken dus toen ook nooit gedaan. Ook enorm veel gepest geweest waardoor ik in een donker gat viel en helemaal niets meer wou. Gelukkig uit weten te komen. Daarnaast heb ik mbo4 onderwijsassistent gedaan, niet afgemaakt, mbo2 verkoper en daarna mbo4 theateropleiding gevolgd. 3 jaar geleden afgestudeerd.
Sindsdien bezig geweest met audities wat helaas nergens heen is gegaan, bijna 40 kilo afgevallen wat na een ziekenhuis bezoek echt wel nodig was. Tijdens mijn vmbo jaren in supermarkten en een kledingzaak stage gelopen, tijdens mbo verkoper ook bij supermarkten en bij de hema, en tijdens theater meerdere theatrale stages gelopen.
Mijn leven gaat op deze manier richting afgrond, en ik moet en wil dat gaan veranderen. Ik ben alleen angstig om te gaan solliciteren omdat ze waarschijnlijk gaan vinden dat ik, helemaal voor mijn leeftijd, te weinig ervaring heb.
Ik heb wel al een C.V. gemaakt met alle ervaring die ik wel heb, waar ik netjes (stage) achter heb gezet. Wat ik mij nu afvraag is of ik mij op die manier niet in de vingers snijdt? Kan ik dat misschien beter weghalen zodat het lijkt of mijn stages “echt” werk was? Of is dat niet slim? Ik wil hier eerlijk over zijn, maar misschien is het beter om slapende honden juist niet wakker te maken?
Verder zat ik wel te denken om wel verder te gaan met theater, en naar de opleiding tot cliniclown te gaan. Dat heeft iemand mij aangeraden en dat lijkt mij oprecht een heel mooi beroep. Is het in die zin handig om mijn theater stages ook op mijn C.V. te zetten? Aan de ene kant lijkt mijn C.V. dan wel iets voller, aan de andere kant gaat een winkel, waar ik nu graag wil gaan werken, daar niet veel baat bij heeft.
Ik maak het in mijn hoofd nu allemaal veel groter en erger dan het waarschijnlijk is, ik hoop gewoon dat ik mezelf nog van de afgrond kan redden, want met mijn gebrek aan ervaring ben ik soms bang dat het al te laat is.
Ook naar vrijwilligerswerk gekeken om extra ervaring op te doen, maar ik hoop dat ik betaald werk kan vinden.
Groetjes en alvast bedankt lieve mensen! :)
submitted by LeahGottiFeetLover to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:12 Strange-Socke idv should just stop favouring americans.

imagine this. you are from the eu. crazy right?
so you go hunter rank during the eu times. which is 4 am.
but look at this. your ping is yellow. why? because theres a single fucking american in a lobby with you and 3 russians, that decided to rank at 4 am, and now your ping is so ass, that you cannot kill this fucker cus he walks faster than you.
literally how is it fair, that i play robbie, am in flame AND on the path, and am still slower than this base speed fucker, just cus he is american and i am not.
whoever decided that na/eu should favour the american instead of the hunter should be fired.
there is literally not a single reason why idv shouldnt favour the person playing hunter.
meaning if you are an european hunter, then you will play on the eu server.
if you are an american hunter, then you play on the american server.
there is about 7 surv, that are way too op and annoying to keep in the game, and about 90% of people can ban only 2 of them.
meanwhile there is about 4 hunters that are viable to use.
i dont own nw or opera or gk. and i dont want to play them.
i want to play robbie. and wu. and nightmare. and i can only play orphy, because wu and robbie are too miserable to play on yellow ping.
the server is already so dogshit that half of the characters break the game by causing too much lag. forcing even more lag onto you by favouring this single american literally makes me wanna stop ranking.
and since netass clearly doesnt give a fuck about optimizing hunter gameplay, since it doesnt affect chinese mobile players, nor do they give a fuck about buffing old hunters or increasing rank bans with new character releases, the least they could do is add a little "favour hunter" line in their dogshit code.
because i cannot think about a single person that wont benefit from that.
it literally wont even change a thing, except make hunter a bit less miserable to play.
most people from eu are used to playing on yellow ping. many americans play on yellow ping too.
there is like 2 survivors in the game that would need good ping, and both work just as good on yellow ping.
theres like 80% of hunters that benefit greatly from good ping. and about 40% that desperately need good ping to do their basic functions as they were intended to.
just imagine being an elk surv and actually getting a match within a reasonable timeframe, due to there being enough low tier hunters
imagine being a croc hunter and not getting legendary rank 5 times in a row, because all the croc hunters get sucked into higher tier matches due to there not being enough hunters due to hunter being too miserable to play.
i bet 90% of players would rather lag a bit, than get 2 matches per rank session, but only if they are lucky and play solo and are on phone.
submitted by Strange-Socke to IdentityV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:10 AggressiveLet2540 Pill cervical ripener and induction

Ftm 40+4 , 0 dilated
On Friday at 9 am I will be going to the hosptial to recieve my first dose of the oral pill cervix ripener. The plan is to take the pill every 4 hours [ depends if im not contracting too much ] and then get induced on Saturday at 8 pm.
Does anyone have any experiences they'd like to share with the ripening pill? Did it end up kickstarting labor for you? Or did a single dose do it for you? Please let me know :)
submitted by AggressiveLet2540 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]