Microsoft publisher 2010 product key

Microsoft Dynamics GP

2016.05.11 21:14 SirGlass Microsoft Dynamics GP

A place to talk about the Microsoft Dynamics GP product and related technologies and addons (Key2Act, Greenshades, Management Reporter)

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2024.05.13 23:19 Lyricalhairinc Men's Wigs: A Comprehensive Guide from Selection to Styling?

Wearing a mens hair system can be a personal choice or a necessity due to hair loss. For men, selecting and wearing a mens toupee can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a seamless process. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the world of men's hairpieces.
  1. Determine Your Needs The first step is to understand why you need a hair replacement. Whether it's for medical reasons, a fashion statement, or simply to change your look, knowing your purpose will guide your selection process.
  2. Choose the Right Material Men hairpieces can be made from synthetic fibers or human hair. Human hair wigs offer more natural movement and styling options but are more expensive. Synthetic wigs are more affordable and require less maintenance but can feel less natural to touch.
  3. Consider the Cap Construction The cap construction refers to how the wig is made. There are full caps, which cover the entire head, and partial caps, which only cover certain areas. Full caps provide more coverage but can be heavier. Partial caps are lighter and can give a more natural look.
  4. Match Your Skin Tone The color of the wig should match your natural skin tone. Most hair pieces for men come in a variety of colors, but if you're going for a natural look, choose a color that closely resembles your skin tone at the hairline.
  5. Try Before You Buy If possible, try on the wig before purchasing. This will allow you to see how it looks and feels on your head. Make sure it fits comfortably and that the style suits your face shape. 6. Learn Proper Care Wigs require care to maintain their appearance. This includes regular washing, conditioning, and brushing. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.
  6. Styling the Wig Once you have your wig, you can style it to suit your preferences. Use heat-styled products with caution on synthetic wigs and opt for gentle styling tools to avoid damage.
  7. Confidence is Key The most important aspect of wearing a wig is confidence. A well-fitted and styled wig can greatly enhance your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Embrace the change and wear it with pride. In conclusion, selecting and wearing a men's wig is about understanding your needs, choosing the right material and style, and taking proper care. With the right wig and a confident attitude, you can achieve a look that makes you feel great about yourself.
submitted by Lyricalhairinc to LyricalHair_Toupee [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:19 Hungry_Claim_4150 Have I been manipulated?

To start off with I live in a house share of 3 individuals and a dog. One flatmate is extremely antisocial and I am trying to figure out if I have been gaslit.
To give some context I’ve been living with my flatmates partner against my will since September 2023. Both me and my other flatmate tried to make clear we were uncomfortable about this months ago. He is extremely messy and had previously punched other men whilst drunk on more than one occasion. We gave these as reasons for us not wanting to be left alone with him in the house. Instead he was given a house key and it took months for this to be readdressed, any discussions we had were forgotten and messages we would send were ignored. In April 2024 we have been told his housing situation was “tricky” and that the flatmate in question needed him here as he was her only support system. She did not give the option of him moving out but instead told us he might be moving out in May 2024. In those 6 months we have been forced to pay his food bill for weeks (we previously had a communal food supply and had to separate and label our food because she kept feeding him without any contribution ) We have had to clean up continually for them both (both of them are very messy and often left spaces needing to be cleaned before being used.) We are told that because food is now separate bringing this up as an example of her disrespect is unacceptable. I have brought up that it is still extra labor in having to clean more often, and spend more money for cleaning products and was told that isn’t true and that they contribute fairly ( Since discussions of us feeling extremely used he has occasionally replaced coffee and toilet paper, paid bills once as of April 2024, does the dishes and occasionally does the bins) we are the ones doing most of the cleaning and always have done so this is an unfair split of labour in my opinion (the dog is also hers so we are cleaning up after 2 adults and a dog)
Neither of them have attempted to communicate over anything, my flatmates partner turned up one day with his dad and moved his things, when I told my flatmate this was not cool they laughed in my face and made a dismissive joke. Neither of them communicated to us that he had been thrown out of his previous house and would be living here. We would just find him in the house when we were under the impression we were home alone.
I realise I could have spoken to him directly, but for some reason was convinced that it would be snakey towards my flatmate to confront him and ask him why he felt so comfortable to dump his labour onto myself and my other flatmate as a 28yr old grown man, so instead everybody in the house just avoided each other with a very passive aggressive environment, in which we all participated in silent treatment. At its peak myself and the flatmate in question would be shoulder barging each other, which is very toxic and sad.
So far the reason given for him not ever cleaning up after himself was that he did not think it would be appropriate and we created a passive aggressive environment. ( We were very angry in this period, I myself even snapped on occasions where I raised my voice at my flatmate saying cruel things which I am ashamed of. This was in response to me feeling as though I was being used as a personal maid)
To give some more context to my own shitty behaviour spaces in the house were regularly left to a point of being unusable, unless we did it ourselves. This involved a months long flea infestation that was so severe you could not be in the house without being jumped on, we repeatedly tried to address this until the point we just dealt with it ourselves. I have had my TV broken when my flatmate was partying with friends which took months to even be acknowledged and not be told that it was not the right time to ask about it. Myself and my other flatmate have had to buy a separate fridge as we literally could not get our food into the houses shared fridge because we were left little space and were still having to regularly clean out others mouldy food. The dog is extremely reactive, he has anxiety and is often only given 2 or 3 short walks a week and spends the majority of his time in one bedroom, so being in the house with him means constant barking and he has been quite destructive. For months she would leave her dog whilst out partying and ignored all messages trying to bring up this forced labour.
Around this time something in me just broke, I actively tried to be petty and use a tit for tat mentality in how I treated her. This involved a lack of care for her items, refusing to do any labour for her, separating every single little thing, giving each other silent treatment. My OCD had been badly triggered after living in a flea infested house, this caused me to go into overdrive with cleaning where I would snap at any little mess. This was too much from me and it was a little controlling, but the situation was then reframed as me being “controlling” and not allowing my flatmate to ever relax in their house, rather than ever returning to the original upset of forced labour.
(I am going to give an example of a game she enjoyed playing with me here to try and explain what I feel has been done to me. She used to come over and start playfully hitting me, she would then ignore me saying no or stop, then when I blew up she would say don’t talk to me like that and frame it as me being angry and shouting at her inappropriately. I have had to address this with her and she has not played this game with me again, but I’ve seen her do it to someone else since and laugh in their face whilst visibly upsetting them, so I know they still enjoy doing it to others. Though just a silly game, this comfortability with ignoring a no and their ability to genuinely convince herself she hasn’t been given a boundary is one that bleeds into real life. )
On one occasion during an argument regarding labour I shouted at her to ‘fuck off back to neglecting your dog’ and I’m sure there were other things I probably said in an attempt to hurt her as much as I was hurting. I take zero pride in this and am deeply ashamed that I lowered myself to that behaviour. She herself belittled me in front of shared friends telling me “you never do anything for me you only do things for others you do nothing for me” over and over until I left the room. We had a huge row where she came down mid shower (as the hot water goes if multiple taps are on) whilst I was doing her dishes as the kitchen was a complete shit hole. I then told her no I’m not going to stop because i need to use my kitchen, and she told me i was disgusting for banning her from showering I told her she was disgusting for leaving the house as she did (I’m not exactly sure my exact words) she then told me “‘theres no room talking to you when ur like this”. Neither of us were right in this but I am giving it as an example of how toxic it is in the house.
A few days following this I said that if she refuses to discuss anything when she is leaving the house unusable for others and her partner is freeloading that I would report her to the landlord (I am not working on logic at this time but because I have been in fight or flight for months) she then told me it was disgusting to threaten her with homelessness and that she would never do something like that to me. I did not mean it as an intimidation tactic or maybe I did I’m not sure, it’s hard to think logically after being ignored over months.
After the threat I made to contact the landlord we discussed all of this, some of which she acknowledged, we both made an effort to apologise. However she tried to diminish the labour her and her partner purposefully used us for, would not give specifics about him moving out, and refused to apologise for belittling telling me she did not remember and it is not something she would ever say so she doesn’t know what I expect her to do. They told me I was not paying extra or doing more labour with an additional person living here. They have since cleaned the garden of bags of shit and dirty underwear that were left out for months, and made small efforts to be cleaner. However most of the house labour still falls onto us. (Some more context they very recently were injured and no longer can clean right now. This I understand completely however I would be lying if I didn’t feel burdened and obligated to now have to do that labour, or to help them with basic tasks when I can barely look at them without feeling sick, also I am still doing labour for her partner).
We have tried to meet her on every level for a very long time, previously we have had discussions about asking her when she is free rather than just dropping things on her, using a house chat, using a cleaning chart. We have tried to compromise and she has ignored all of these after agreeing to them. When I have gone to ask if she is free I have had her snap ‘what now’ I have seen her roll her eyes to others regarding a cleaning chart she agreed to because others were tired of cleaning for her, ignore all messages in the house chat.
My property has been repeatedly damaged or not taken care of as has others. I’ve had to spend over £100 easily. I am so tired of being ignored, laughed at or given no response at all to continual lack of consideration for others and their boundaries. My reactivity does need to be worked on, yes. However theres only so far people can be pushed before they snap, and I’m terrified that I’m going to break again.
When I’ve discussed this with others who have lived with her to see if they noticed this pattern of behaviour they knew exactly what I was talking about, which worries me.
To sum up I do not feel safe in this house, my back is permanently against the wall as I am just waiting for the next boundary violation at this point. This has already happened in truth as we recently received a letter saying we were overdue for council tax which threatened court if not paid off, I paid off mine and I didn’t bother to ask my flatmate to send over the remaining owed money as I am fed up of having all communication ignored and did not want to wait for her to be bothered to send me the money. If there is something that needs her attention you often need to ask for it to be done over and over which again is labour in the first place. As far as I’m aware this bill is still overdue as I have been completely ignored regarding it.
I do not think she truly realises that she has deeply traumatised myself and my flatmate through giving us no autonomy over who lives in this house or leaving us to care for her dog. My OCD is still pretty bad and being in this house or around her makes my skin crawl. So I guess I am wondering if I have been gaslit? Taking my own toxic behaviour into account I do not know whether I can criticise her or if I am being hypocritical in labelling her as toxic. My memory is too foggy to remember a lot of what has actually happened, but I have this of strong feeling of disillusionment that will not leave. I am stuck in this house until October 2024, and I am trying to just get on with it, but I can’t stop obsessing over what has happened, sometimes it’s all I can think about. I feel too guilty or snakey to contact the landlord as she is a longtime friend and I am afraid she will badmouth me to others if I do so. Is she right that it would be controlling to contact the landlord? I guess I just need to know from someone unaffiliated if reporting her (whilst she is injured and also experiencing a bereavement) after we’ve tried to make amends makes me a cunt? Or if it means I’m just trying to survive?
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read ( I know its a long one 🙄)
submitted by Hungry_Claim_4150 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 therock-20 Augmentative & Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults 5th

By David R. Beukelma
The authoritative text on augmentative and alternative communication, this classic bestseller is now in its fifth edition―revised and updated for a new generation of SLPs, teachers, occupational therapists, and other professionals in clinical and educational settings. Partnering with a team of distinguished contributors, renowned experts David Beukelman and Janice Light deliver today's most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to AAC interventions and technologies for children and adults with complex communication needs. Future service providers will get in-depth coverage of essential AAC topics, enhanced by helpful study questions, valuable perspectives from people who use AAC, and case examples that illustrate key principles.
submitted by therock-20 to Digitclass [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:10 VikName699 Universal license system

I have a question that might seem trivial, but it's been on my mind. Like many of you, I use multiple audio software programs—Cubase, Pro Tools, FabFilter, iZotope, Waves, Native Instruments, Soundtoys, UAD, Plugin Alliance, Altiverb, MeldaProduction, Sonarworks, and countless others. Each of these comes with its own licensing system, whether it's through an iLok USB key or cloud-based activation. For instance, I have an iLok usb key (or cloud) for some of them, but Izotope has its own license activation system, same for Cubase, Waves, NI, Meldaproduction, Sonarworks and so on.
Working across different studios, I find it frustrating to manage these licenses. Each software has its own activation process, which means I have to transfer licenses every time I switch locations. Given that we're dealing with a multitude of audio plugins, I've often wondered: Has there ever been consideration for a universal licensing system to streamline this process?
submitted by VikName699 to AudioPost [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:00 EJC28 Jaguars 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 23 - Brian Thomas Jr., WR, LSU:
NFL: After the departure of Calvin Ridley in free agency, the Jaguars were determined to find a physical, fast receiver who could give them a vertical element in the pass game. They found it in Thomas, a stud who found the end zone 17 times last season for LSU. This is a big addition for Trevor Lawrence and Co.
CBS Sports: B+. This is a heck of a move for a team that needs another young weapon. He can fly and his best football is in front of him. Watch out for their offense in 2024.
ESPN: Thomas is one of the biggest (6-foot-3, 209 pounds) and fastest receivers in the draft (4.33 40-yard dash at the combine). His production in the SEC was elite in 2023: 17.3 yards per catch, 17 TD catches. He gives the Jaguars something they haven't had since Allen Robinson II (2014-17): Someone who can go up and get 50-50 balls and provide a big red-zone target. The Jaguars threw few end-zone fade routes the past several seasons, but that should change with Thomas, who had 10 TD catches on go or fade routes last season, the second-most in FBS to Rome Odunze.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Enjoys the Browns, Texans, and Vikings and this pick had it all.
Round 2, Pick 48 - Maason Smith, DT, LSU:
NFL: When I spoke to Smith last week, he made sure to highlight his workout with the Jaguars -- his final team visit -- as clearly his best. The Jags agreed. Smith has first-round tools but has been beset by injuries and a rotating cast of defensive coaches at LSU. His production is lacking, but his potential is downright exciting. If they're patient, the Jaguars might have something here.
CBS Sports: B-. Highly touted recruit who dealt with injuries and never quite met hype in college. Tall, sleek interior player who flashes that big-recruit talent at times just not ultra consistent. Won’t be limited athletically in the NFL. Rushes get far too high, which saps his power. Nice arm over but really his only move. Fills a need.
ESPN: The Jaguars needed to bolster their run defense, which faded down the stretch in 2023, and get younger on the defensive line. The 6-foot-5, 306-pounder can play inside as well as at defensive end, which gives the Jaguars some versatility along the front with Roy Robertson-Harris and DaVon Hamilton. Hamilton had a disappointing season in 2023 because of a back infection and he never reached the level he did in 2022, which earned him a contract extension. The Jaguars also released NT Folorunso Fatukasi this spring after two disappointing seasons, so adding depth along the defensive front was a priority.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: His record in the fuzzy bunny challenge is 19.
Round 3, Pick 96 - Jarrian Jones, CB, Florida State:
NFL: Measuring nearly 6-feet and running a 4.38-second 40-yard dash helped Jones' cause quite a bit. He has inside and outside experience but likely will be a nickel corner in the NFL. I thought he was a Day 3 prospect because of his short arms and long injury history, but Jones has gone up against talented receivers and won some battles.
CBS Sports: B. Taller than most nickel CBs but has requisite twitch and possesses the vertical juice to carry deep routes. Change of direction is very good but just not consistent. Tends to get his pads high when trying to ID the play, which saps his quickness. Unreliable tackler. Good ball skills and destroys screens on regular basis.
ESPN: The 6-foot, 190-pound Jones lined up primarily in the slot in 2023, so that's where he'll start with the Jaguars. The Jaguars signed CB Ronald Darby in free agency to play on the outside opposite Tyson Campbell. Head coach Doug Pederson said at the owners meetings that Darnell Savage Jr., whom they also signed in March, would be playing nickel, so Jones joins the rotation there along with Antonio Johnson. Jones has good speed (he ran 4.38 in the 40 at the combine) and has played outside at FSU at times as well, but the team has confidence that Darby can be the starter.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Rolex? Bulova? Omega? Patek Philippe? This man is CASIO all the way.
Round 4, Pick 114 - Javon Foster, OT, Missouri:
NFL: Foster has excellent experience at left tackle, and he looked facile at right tackle at the Senior Bowl. He's not an exceptional athlete but has good length, is patient in pass protection and can quietly get the job done. He's likely a swing tackle to start out.
CBS Sports: B+. College OT who has the frame to stay there but maybe not the overall athletic profile. Power and quick-setting skills shine. Can win ugly and importantly shows recovery skill. This is a smart investment. Just gets the job done on a routine basis.
ESPN: The Jaguars have only one offensive tackle under contract beyond this season (right Anton Harrison) so this was a position the Jaguars needed to address. Foster started 39 games at left tackle and two at right tackle at Missouri but he won't be asked to play in 2024 unless there are injuries to left tackle Cam Robinson and swing tackle Walker Little -- or the Jaguars decide to trade Robinson, in which case the 24-year-old Foster could become the swing tackle as a rookie.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Spends all day writing letters to bring back Club Penguin.
Round 4, Pick 116 - Jordan Jefferson, DT, LSU:
NFL: That's the third LSU player the Jags have selected, and the fourth SEC player. Jefferson is one of three Tigers DTs in this draft class, and he is a bull-strong battler inside. However, he might have to make it as an early-down run-stopper because of his lack of pass-rush juice.
CBS Sports: D+. Classic wide-bodied DT who thrives against the run. Thick frame. Block-shedding skills are well-developed but has no pass-rush plans. Active on passing downs just rarely gets home. Length is a plus and he’s an above-average athlete for a future NT. Not a bad player just limited and this feels early.
ESPN: Jefferson is the third LSU player -- and second on defense -- the Jaguars have drafted so far. It's clear the Jaguars are mining inside linebackers coach Matt House, who spent the past two seasons as LSU's defensive coordinator. The 6-foot-4, 317-pound Jefferson -- who played three seasons at West Virginia before transferring to LSU -- showed off his upper body strength at the combine by benching 225 pounds 34 times. The Jaguars' run defense faded in the second half of the season and played a major role in a season-ending loss to Tennessee -- Derrick Henry ran for a season-high 153 yards -- and the team cut nose tackle Folorunso Fatukasi in March so an upgrade along the interior of the defensive line was a priority in the draft.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He has suffered from Ailurophobia for as long as he can remember.
Round 5, Pick 153 - Deantre Prince, CB, Mississippi:
NFL: Prince's speed gives him a chance, either as a corner or on special teams, but his lean, shorter frame could be problematic. He was a reliable contributor for the Rebels over the past several seasons.
CBS Sports: B. Outside CB with rockets attached his cleats. Can really run. Route-recognition skills must improve. High-effort type vs. the run but blockers devour him too often. Instinctive in coverage when everything is in front of him. Plays more athletically than his workout. With coaching can be solid pro.
ESPN: The Jaguars continue to add to the secondary with Prince, who lined up almost exclusively outside in college. He had six interceptions and 21 pass breakups in four seasons for the Rebels and one interception in one season at Northeast Mississippi Community College. He worked as a gunner on punt coverage as well, and his best chance to make an impact as a rookie will likely be on special teams.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Won’t eat bugles until after he’s had them on his fingers like claws.
Round 5, Pick 167 - Keilan Robinson, RB, Texas:
NFL: Three straight backs off the board. The Jaguars probably needed more RB depth, and Robinson brings top-shelf speed to Jacksonville. In a crowded Texas backfield, Robinson had to scrap for every offensive touch (156 total in 45 career games) he received. His meal ticket likely will be as a gadget-play specialist or gunner or jammer on special teams.
CBS Sports: C-. Played behind two studs at Texas but made the most of his minimal attempts. Has breakaway speed in a smaller frame. Not a very decisive runner who can win with his vision alone. Not ultra twitchy and elusive. Has some return ability. But this is too early for a developmental type.
ESPN: Robinson started his college career at Alabama and finished at Texans. He ran for 796 yards and eight touchdowns, but he has more value as a kick returner. He averaged 23.6 yards per kickoff return on 39 returns in his career. The Jaguars signed receivereturner Devin Duvernay to replace Jamal Agnew, but the new kickoff rule makes returners more valuable and teams may opt to put two returners on the field at the same time. He also covered kicks at Texas so this is a special teams pick for the Jaguars.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: The only thing worse than being drafted here is having to know TheFencingCoach.
Round 6, Pick 212 - Cam Little, K, Arkansas:
NFL: Our third kicker in a short span here. Little arguably has the best leg talent of the three and can hit all the way out to the 60-plus-yard range. But his inconsistencies (including at the combine) could make him a bit untrustworthy if he struggles in late-game situations.
CBS Sports: B-. Three years of 80-plus percent make rate on field goals in the SEC.
ESPN: Little is the most accurate kicker in Arkansas history, making 82.8% of his attempts (53 of 64) in his three-year career. He also never missed a PAT (129 for 129). He'll be the third kicker on the roster, joining Joey Slye and Riley Patterson, who kicked the game-winning field goal in the Jaguars' 31-30 victory over the Los Angeles Chargers in a wild card playoff game following the 2022 regular season. The Jaguars had agreed to terms with Denver kicker Wil Lutz in free agency but Lutz decided to return to the Broncos, so Little would likely be the favorite to win the competition with Slye and Patterson.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He is excited to find out where the 36th NFL team is located.
Round 7, Pick 236 - Myles Cole, DE, Texas Tech:
NFL: Finding the right technique for Cole will be key, as he lacks the bulk to handle full-time interior duty, but his unusual traits (especially his length) make him a fun Round 7 dice roll.
CBS Sports: B. Absolutely enormous, freaky long EDGE. Moves well for his size but wasn’t overly productive in college. Has hand work but too often blocks stick to him. Does not deploy his length as an advantage. Has to add that to his arsenal.
ESPN: Cole's measurables at the combine were impressive: 36 7/8-inch arms (longest of any player) and a 7-foot-3 wingspan. He also ran a 4.67-second 40-yard dash, which is impressive for a 6-foot-6, 278-pounder. But his college production wasn't as impressive, with five sacks in six seasons (four years at Louisiana-Monroe and two at Texas Tech). He's a developmental project.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Thinks Sisko was, no IS, the best Trek captain.
submitted by EJC28 to Jaguars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:58 bigchives Comparing GrapheneOS with Stock Android: What's Different?

GrapheneOS and stock Android are both OS options for phones. GrapheneOS focuses on keeping your info safe. Stock Android, on the other hand, offers many handy features. Let's dive into how these two differ in privacy, security, and what you can do. This way, you can pick the one that suits your needs best.

Key Takeaways:

GrapheneOS Features

GrapheneOS is known for its strong focus on privacy and security. This makes it perfect for those who want to keep their data safe. Now, let's look at what makes GrapheneOS stand out from the rest.

Sandboxed Google Play Services

One of GrapheneOS's key features is sandboxed Google Play services. This means apps can't freely access your private data. They're limited to a safe area. This helps prevent data leaks and stops apps from seeing more than they should.

Regular Updates for Security Maintenance

GrapheneOS keeps devices safe by offering frequent security updates. These updates fix any new vulnerabilities that might arise. This way, the system is always up-to-date, keeping your device secure.

Attack Surface Reduction Measures

GrapheneOS uses techniques to reduce the chances of different types of attacks. It limits how much apps can interact with the system, blocking some attacks right at the start. It also includes special features that make it harder for attackers to exploit the system.

Enhanced Heap Memory Corruption Defense

Heaps are a common target for hackers, but GrapheneOS strengthens against this. It uses its own memory management system to protect against heap corruption. This includes special memory handling to make attacks harder.

Robust Memory Exploit Detection and Prevention

GrapheneOS is ahead of the game in detecting and stopping memory exploits. It has tools that spot and fix important memory bugs. This helps keep your device safe from complex attacks that target memory use.

Official Production Support for Pixel Devices

GrapheneOS supports many Pixel devices officially. This includes the Pixel 8 Pro and other new Pixel devices. Users of Pixel devices can get the added security and privacy GrapheneOS offers.
After learning about GrapheneOS, it's time to look at Stock Android's setup and features in the next section.

Stock Android Setup and Features

Setting up Stock Android on your device is simple. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy. When you turn on your device, you'll follow some steps to make it yours. This includes picking a language, connecting to Wi-Fi, and signing in to Google.
Stock Android works perfectly with Google's many services. Thanks to Google Play services, you get millions of apps and games from the Play Store. Just sign in with your Google account to start downloading your favorite apps, from work tools to social apps.
Stock Android also brings you Google Maps. It gives you precise directions and updates on traffic in real time. It's great for finding your way in a car or on foot, showing you the best routes and interesting places nearby.
With Google Keyboard, typing is easier and better. It guesses your next words, lets you swipe to type, and supports different languages. This means typing on your phone is faster and more accurate.

Key Features of Stock Android:

Features Stock Android
User-friendly setup
Google Play Store access
Google Maps integration
Enhanced typing experience with Google Keyboard

Functionality Comparison

GrapheneOS and stock Android are much alike in basic phone tasks. Yet, they have key differences.

GrapheneOS Functionality

GrapheneOS values substance over flashy marketing. It cares deeply about privacy and security. By not including Google services, it focuses more on protecting users.
Its main goal is making your device safe from attack. It does this by limiting what attackers can do and safeguarding the core part of the operation system.
It also stops attackers from taking full control even if they somehow get in. This is done through a feature called verified boot.
By removing unneeded code, GrapheneOS makes attacks from far away, close by, or online less likely. It adds layers of protection to apps and the system, making them much harder to exploit.
GrapheneOS Functionality Features Description
Sandboxed Play Services A sandboxed Play Services feature that provides better app compatibility, functionality, and security compared to MicroG.
Push Notifications without Play Services GrapheneOS allows push notifications to work fine without Play Services for many apps.
Privacy-Focused Network Toggle GrapheneOS offers a network toggle without leaks and prefers fine-grained VPNs for enhanced security.
GrapheneOS finds a sweet spot between being private, easy to use, and secure. It designs features to challenge any threats.

Stock Android Functionality

Stock Android, made by Google, aims for everyone. It has many features that cater to diverse needs.
One highlight is Android Auto, making your phone and car work together. This way, you keep your hands off the phone while driving yet enjoy many useful features.
Another cool feature is Now Playing. It shows what song is playing without you needing to open your phone. This is handy for finding new music.
Stock Android Functionality Features Description
Android Auto Android Auto provides seamless integration between Android devices and compatible vehicles for hands-free access to navigation, communication, and entertainment features.
Now Playing Now Playing feature The identifies and displays the currently playing song on the lock screen.
Such features make stock Android attractive for those who want a versatile system. It's packed with tools and tricks to make your life easier.
Remember, GrapheneOS and stock Android are both good for getting things done. Yet, GrapheneOS shines in protecting your privacy. This might mean fewer but more secure features.

Privacy and Security

When you pick a system for your phone, think about privacy and safety. GrapheneOS and stock Android protect your data in unique ways.

GrapheneOS Privacy and Security Features

GrapheneOS focuses heavily on keeping your data safe. It offers many tools to boost your privacy and security. These include limiting data collection and secure updates.

Stock Android Privacy and Security Considerations

Stock Android, made by Google, has its security perks. But it's heavily tied to Google's services. This can lead to less privacy.
Both GrapheneOS and stock Android care about security. However, GrapheneOS's special focus on privacy sets it apart. It's great for anyone who really values their data privacy.

Comparison Table: GrapheneOS vs. Stock Android Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security Features GrapheneOS Stock Android
Data Collection Minimizes data collection May collect user data through Google services
Updates Regular secure updates Regular updates to address security vulnerabilities
Google Services Access Restricted access to Google services System-level integration with Google services
Permission Controls Strict permission controls Permission customization options
Table: A comparison of privacy and security features offered by GrapheneOS and stock Android
In summary, if you're big on privacy, you'll like what GrapheneOS offers. It's a top choice. But if Google's services matter a lot to you, stock Android might be the way to go. It's not as privacy-focused, but it's great for those that love Google's features.

App Compatibility

GrapheneOS and stock Android both excel in app compatibility, but GrapheneOS faces challenges with some banking apps. These apps need special access. Yet, GrapheneOS aims for the highest privacy and security, sometimes making these needs clash.
Many apps are compatible with GrapheneOS, and the project actively works with developers. It encourages them to make their apps work with GrapheneOS. This allows users to enjoy the operating system's enhanced privacy and security safely.
Stock Android, on the other hand, has superior compatibility with all apps, including those from banks. It works across many devices and is chosen by developers. Its wide use makes it easier for developers to ensure app compatibility.
To make the app experience smoother on GrapheneOS, users can choose alternative apps that work well with the system. Also, the project is always updating to boost app compatibility through community efforts.

Recommended Banking Apps for GrapheneOS

Many banking apps face issues on GrapheneOS. Still, several banking apps perform well on this system:
Remember, although these apps are compatible with GrapheneOS, it's wise to confirm with your bank or financial institute for the latest compatibility updates.
As GrapheneOS grows, its app compatibility, including banking apps, is expected to get better. The project is dedicated to offering an experience that values security and privacy while ensuring apps work well.

User Feedback and Experience

GrapheneOS is great for privacy and security, which users love. They feel their data is safer and that Google tracks them less. Plus, it works well with most Android apps. This means users can still do what they want while keeping their privacy a top priority.
Some say that stock Android is smoother and has more useful features than GrapheneOS. They think that GrapheneOS focuses too much on privacy and misses out on some key features. For example, it doesn't work as closely with Google services and apps.
GrapheneOS users share their thoughts in forums, social media, and by talking to the team. They give detailed advice, like how to make permission prompts even safer. They also want the Auditor feature to be better explained, especially to journalists.
Users often request a better way to know when there are system updates. They want to be able to choose when to update, so it doesn't disrupt their day. They also ask about how to use the app pinning and auto-reboot timer, looking for more info.
Users also need more info about the Android Recovery system in GrapheneOS. They want to know more about its role in updating the system. And they worry about any issues the updates might bring.
Some users find features in GrapheneOS that remind them of Google. They want clearer information about these features. This way, they can understand them better.
App compatibility is an issue for some. A few apps won’t work on GrapheneOS because they fear security risks. Some just crash. This is why some users carry a second phone for specific apps, like banking or gaming.

User Profile Usage on GrapheneOS

GrapheneOS encourages the use of separate profiles for different apps. This keeps your privacy and security levels high. Users should have profiles for general use, social media, work, and private matters.

GrapheneOS Installation Ease

Installing GrapheneOS is known for being easy among custom OSes. The web interface makes the process straightforward. However, installing it on various computers might need extra steps sometimes.

GrapheneOS Benefits and Drawbacks

Why do people like GrapheneOS? It's great with most apps, makes you more secure, and doesn't let Google track you much. Plus, it backs up your apps very safely.
But it's not perfect. Some apps, like Facebook Messenger, have issues. The fingerprint sensor on the Google Pixel 6 isn’t the best. And sometimes you might face problems with internet when using a VPN.

Google Pixel 6 User Experience

The Google Pixel 6 is seen as a good buy by users. It offers good features and performance for its cost. However, the fingerprint sensor and the size of the phone get mixed reviews. The camera's quality also varies among users.

Overall Recommendation

Despite some issues, GrapheneOS is recommended by many for its strong privacy and security. It's a good choice for those who worry about Google spying on them.

User Feedback Overview

Feedback Request/Suggestion
Implementation of safeguards in on-demand permission prompts Enhancing permission controls for improved security
Better explanation and marketing of the Auditor feature Targeting investigative journalists as potential users
Proposal for a notification system for system updates Allowing manual installation of updates
Inquiry about the functionality of app pinning with auto-reboot timer Clarification on how the feature works
Request for clarification on Android Recovery system Understanding its role and potential issues with OTA updates
Identification of features resembling "Googlisms" Clear explanations and disclosures for informed usage
Challenges with app compatibility on de-googled version Issues with banking apps, food delivery apps, Uber, and mobile gaming

Future Development and Updates

GrapheneOS gets better thanks to the hard work of gifted developers. They're always updating it to make it safer and easier to use.
Updates bring new security patches, app changes, and more. For instance, new kernel updates might change to versions like 5.15.151 or 6.1.80. Apps like Vanadium might jump to new versions like 124.0.6367.159.0.
They use tags to give updates for certain devices. For example, a tag like 2024040100 might mean a special update for certain phones. These updates are meant to make your experience even better.
Recently, they made sure that VPN apps can't accidentally leak your web requests. They also update apps like PDF Viewer to make sure they run smoother. These updates are all about making your phone more enjoyable to use.
GrapheneOS also pays special attention to certain phones. For example, the Pixel Fold might receive updates specific to its design. This keeps your device running well and safe.
They change settings to make your phone safer and easier to use. For security, a new memory tag setting is available. You might see different settings based on what phone you have, making everything more user-friendly.
Improving apps is just as important to GrapheneOS. Apps like TalkBack, which helps by reading the screen, might get better with version 14.1. These changes aim to make using your favorite apps a smoother experience.
They also make technical updates to stay cutting-edge. A recent kernel update, like 5.15.149, makes your device more secure and faster.
Even the Camera app and GmsCompatConfig (used for Google services) get updated. This ensures your phone is more dependable and full of new features.

Official Device Support

GrapheneOS officially supports many Pixel models including the Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 5a. These devices let you make the most of GrapheneOS's features.
Some Pixel phones, like the Pixel 5, won't get any more updates. Yet, the Pixel 4a and 4 XL keep getting support, like better security. This means you can still use these devices safely.
The 8th generation Pixel devices offer top security levels. They're supported for 7 years from their launch with features custom-tailored to protect your device.
Pixel devices get different levels of support based on their generation. The 8th generation has a longer 7-year support compared to 6th and 7th generation models, which gets 5 years. This shows GrapheneOS's focus on lasting security and usability.

Future Focus and Community Support

The team behind GrapheneOS aims to make major improvements in device, system, and software security. Their focus isn't on supporting every device but on ensuring profound security.
GrapheneOS has a strong community that loves its security. This community's dedication to privacy drives the project's advancement and success.

Related Alternatives

CalyxOS, RattlesnakeOS, DivestOS, and Ubuntu Touch offer different privacy and security features. Exploring these options can help you find the right system for your needs.

Benefits and Drawbacks of GrapheneOS

GrapheneOS offers big benefits for privacy and security. It keeps your data safe and lets you control your online world better. But, there are drawback to consider too.

Benefits of GrapheneOS

Drawbacks of GrapheneOS

Deciding on GrapheneOS means balancing privacy with how easy your phone is to use. It's great for keeping your data safe. But, you might not find all the apps and features you're used to.


After using GrapheneOS for a year on a Google Pixel 6A, its focus on privacy and security shines. It updates quickly, in about 5 minutes, keeping your phone safe. Occasionally, small graphical glitches happen but are easy to fix.
Most day-to-day apps work well from the Google Play Store and Neo Store. The battery life is outstanding, lasting days even with lots of use.
It integrates well with Google's main products like the Play Store and Calendar. Yet, using these services means thinking about your privacy trade-offs.
When making privacy choices, think about how you use technology and what you're comfortable with. The author has used Apple phones for privacy extensively, which informs this perspective.
GrapheneOS makes Android more secure by adding extra permission controls, reminiscent of iOS. It lets users manage apps' accesses like location and storage.
A Google Pixel phone is a good choice for GrapheneOS because it supports other operating systems. Though some users find the user interface a bit challenging, they like its simple design.
To get push notifications working, the author installed Sandboxed Play Services. Going without Google Play Services can be hard due to its deep ties to Google.
With Android 12, apps start to adapt to your phone’s colors, which looks great, especially on the Pixel 7 Pro. This new look makes the home screen feel personalized and clean.
GrapheneOS takes security and privacy seriously, stepping beyond regular Android. Its multiple profiles help keep your data isolated, enhancing privacy.
Setting up GrapheneOS is easy, thanks to a user-friendly web interface. Most apps work well, giving users a satisfying experience, even with compatibility.
Battery life and performance are as good as regular Android systems, showing it can be just as efficient, with better privacy controls.
With GrapheneOS, users have less tracking and more privacy, surpassing typical Android’s privacy. Yet, there are issues with some specific apps and services.
GrapheneOS with a VPN sometimes has connectivity problems, possibly due to app compatibility. Generally, using it on a Google Pixel 6 is a good experience, despite minor issues.
GrapheneOS Stock Android
+ Strong focus on privacy and security + Wide range of features and convenience
+ Streamlined updates with quick completion time + Regular updates and feature additions
+ Smooth app compatibility for day-to-day apps + Better compatibility with all apps
+ Impressive battery life + Similar battery life and performance
+ Seamless integration with Google products - System-level integration with Google services
+ Additional privacy controls and permissions toggles - Limited privacy control over Google services
+ Multiple user profiles for enhanced privacy + Standard user profile and features

Considerations for Choosing an Operating System

When you compare GrapheneOS and stock Android, think about what matters most. If you are very concerned about privacy and security, GrapheneOS is great. It keeps your data safe and your device secure. However, if you like having many features, stock Android might suit you better.
GrapheneOS is especially good for Pixel devices. It promises many years of support. For example, 8th generation Pixels get 7 years, while older models get 5 years. GrapheneOS might not work with Android Auto or some banking apps. But it's very secure and focuses on keeping your privacy safe.
Stock Android works well with Google apps and has lots of features. You can use Google Maps and Google Keyboard easily. But, if you switch to GrapheneOS, you lose things like Google Pay and some unique Google features.
Choosing between GrapheneOS and stock Android is all about what you need and like. Think about your privacy wishes and how much you value convenience. Then, you can make a smart choice that meets your needs.


What are the key distinctions between GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS focuses on keeping your data safe and private. Stock Android, on the other hand, comes with many useful features.

What are some of the features provided by GrapheneOS?

GrapheneOS gives you a more private and secure playground. It does this by keeping Google Play services separate. It also keeps your phone updated regularly.

How is the setup process and what features does Stock Android provide?

Stock Android is easy to get started with. It includes popular Google services like the Play Store, Maps, and Keyboard.

What are some of the functionalities offered by GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Both operating systems let you do the basic stuff. But GrapheneOS skips Android Auto and Stock Android has a cool Now Playing feature.

What distinguishes GrapheneOS and Stock Android in terms of privacy and security?

GrapheneOS works hard to make sure your information stays private. It does this by not sharing much with Google. Stock Android, however, is closely tied with Google services, which might affect your privacy.

How is the app compatibility for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS might not work with every app. Some banking apps might not fully function on it. Stock Android usually works well with all apps.

What is the user feedback and experience for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Users really like GrapheneOS for its commitment to privacy and security. Stock Android is preferred by those who want a smooth experience with lots of features.

How are the future development and updates for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS depends on donations to improve with new features. Both systems get updated regularly. Stock Android gets these updates from a bigger team.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of using GrapheneOS?

Using GrapheneOS means your data is more protected. But you might miss out on using some popular apps and features.

What should I consider when choosing between GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Think about what matters most to you. If privacy and security are top concerns, GrapheneOS is a great choice. Stock Android is better if you want a smoother experience with many features.
submitted by bigchives to AndroidRootPokemonGo [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:55 Brief_Mycologist1225 Building Your Online Presence: The Importance of Buying a Domain Name with IM Solutions

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, regardless of size or industry. Your website acts as your digital storefront, a platform to connect with customers, showcase your products and services, and establish your brand identity. But before you can build a website, you need a foundation – a domain name.

What is a Domain Name?

Think of a domain name as your unique address on the internet. It's the name people type into their web browser to access your website. Just like a physical address helps customers find your brick-and-mortar store, a domain name helps potential customers find your online presence.

Why Buy a Domain Name with IM Solutions?

At IM Solutions, we understand the importance of a strong online foundation. That's why we offer a comprehensive domain registration service, making it easy for you to secure the perfect domain name for your business. Here's why you should consider buying your domain name with IM Solutions:

Expertise and Guidance: Choosing the right domain name is a crucial step. Our team of experts can guide you through the process, helping you select a name that is relevant, memorable, and easy to type.
Variety of Options: We offer a wide range of top-level domains (TLDs) to choose from, including the popular .com, .org, and .net. Additionally, we can help you explore country-specific TLDs like .eg for Egypt, allowing you to target a specific audience.
Affordability: We offer competitive pricing on domain registration, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Seamless Integration: We can seamlessly integrate your domain name registration with our web hosting services, providing a one-stop shop for all your website needs.
Ongoing Support: Our team is available to answer any questions you may have throughout the process and beyond.
What to Consider When Buying a Domain Name

Here are some key factors to keep in mind when selecting a domain name:

Relevance: Choose a name that is relevant to your business and reflects your brand.
Memorable: Make it easy for people to remember your domain name.
Keywords: Consider incorporating relevant keywords into your domain name to improve search engine optimization (SEO).
Length: Keep your domain name concise and easy to type.
Availability: Use a domain name availability checker to ensure the name you want is not already registered.
Benefits of Owning Your Domain Name

There are several advantages to owning your domain name, as opposed to using a free subdomain from a web hosting provider. Here are some key benefits:

Professionalism: A custom domain name projects a more professional image for your business.
Brand Control: You have complete control over your domain name and can manage it according to your needs.
Flexibility: You can easily switch web hosting providers without affecting your domain name.
SEO Benefits: Owning your domain name can give you a slight SEO advantage, especially if you incorporate relevant keywords.
Email Addresses: You can create professional email addresses that use your custom domain name (e.g., [email address removed]).
IM Solutions: Your Partner in Building Your Online Presence

At IM Solutions, we are committed to helping businesses succeed online. By providing a comprehensive domain registration service, coupled with our expert advice and support, we aim to be your one-stop shop for building a strong online presence.

Let's work together to find the perfect domain name for your business. Contact IM Solutions today and take the first step towards establishing your brand online!
submitted by Brief_Mycologist1225 to u/Brief_Mycologist1225 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:53 StetsonMcConnell Oculus Quest 3 PCVR struggles

I have consistently had issues getting PCVR to run decently. I've tried air link with dynamic and fixed bitrates and cable getting 2.7 Gbps throughput. I've downloaded OpenXR toolkit and messed around, I've changed graphics settings, I've changed render resolutions, I've confirmed the key registry pointed to the correct run times, ive confirmed oculus debug tool was set to default values and 0's where applicable, I've tried restarting and resetting, . . . The list stretches.
I have an: - AMD Ryzen 7 3800X - RTX 2070 Super - 16 GB Trident 3600MHz DDR4 - 2 TB SSD
Runs what I play and more @1440p high and/or ultra all day. Medium on some reeeeally intense games. Can't for the life of me get it to stop lagging after playing for a few minutes. I used to run a Valve Index no problem so I can only assume it's a Quest 3 issue.
If i try to run Half Life Alyx, it runs flawlessly for a few minutes until i either hit a loading screen from dying or moving to a new area, open up the meta menu, or steam overlay menu, and then it stutters like crazy, stops head and controller tracking (at least visually), jittery flashing screens, runs at 1 frame a millenium, and then when i can finally get back into the normal gameplay, it will now have microstutters until i restart.
Microsoft Flight Simulator was even worse. runs beautifully on my PC, straight down to 13 fps as soon as VR is activated and tracking starts lagging behind and feels like its actually running at a frame an eon.
I can't figure out the problem and all the googling I've done is people having only some of my symptoms, never all of them.
submitted by StetsonMcConnell to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 adventurepaul E-commerce Industry News Recap 🔥 Week of May 13th, 2024

Hi - I'm Paul and I follow the e-commerce industry closely for my Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter. Each week I post a summary recap of the week's top stories, which I cover in depth with sources in the full edition. Let's dive in...
STAT OF THE WEEK: Kohl's sales have shrunk by $2.3B since 2019. During that same period of time, the company lost 1.3M customers who no longer shop with the retailer.
BigCommerce is exploring a sale after attracting takeover interest, according to sources who chose to remain anonymous due to the confidentiality of the information. The sources said that BigCommerce asked investment bank Qatalyst Partners to solicit interest from potential buyers that include private equity firms, but that the discussions are at an early stage and no deal is certain.
Squarespace announced that it will be going private in a $6.9B all-cash deal with private-equity firm Permira, who agreed to pay $44 per share (a roughly 30% premium). Although Squarespace never lost 90% of its share price like BigCommerce, it has experienced a tumultuous time on the market since its IPO in May 2021 — opening around $49.50 and at times trading in the low $20s. Shares rose nearly 13% to $43 in pre-market trading upon release of the news.
ByteDance filed a lawsuit in US federal court seeking to block the new law that would force the sale or ban of the app within the country. The lawsuit challenges the law on constitutional grounds, also citing commercial, technical, and legal hurdles, as well as opposition from Beijing. Legal experts say the legal battle will play out in the courts in coming months and likely will reach the Supreme Court.
OpenAI unveiled its newest model, GPT-4o, designed to turn ChatGPT into a digital personal assistant that can engage in real-time, spoken conversations and interact with users using text, screenshots, photos, documents, and charts. The new version of ChatGPT also has memory capabilities, which means it can learn from previous conversations. It will be available to both unpaid and premium customers alike. OpenAI also announced that it would be launching a desktop app with the GPT-4o capabilities, giving users another platform to interact with the technology outside of a web browser.
Amazon launched in South Africa last week, marking its first marketplace in sub-Saharan Africa, and bringing its total number of marketplaces worldwide to 22. To launch the new marketplace, Amazon is offering free delivery on first orders and on subsequent orders above R500 (about $27), access to 3,000 pick-up points, status updates via WhatsApp to track orders, 30 day refunds, and 24/7 customer support. The marketplace was supposed to launch in the country in 2023, but got delayed due to changes in priorities within Amazon.
In an unlikely partnership, Instacart is partnering with Uber Eats to expand into the restaurant delivery business. Instacart will add a new tab for restaurant delivery to its app in the coming weeks, the listings will be provided by Uber, and the food will be picked up and delivered by Uber Eats drivers. Customers will receive the same prices on both apps and Instacart will receive an affiliate commission on orders. It's a strange partnership though given that Instacart and Uber Eats actively compete on grocery delivery. Are they planning to merge? Uber says no.
Apple's advertisement for its latest iPad Pro sparked criticism for showing an animation of musical instruments, paint cans, cameras, record players, and other symbols of creativity being crushed by a giant machine, with the output being the new iPad Pro, which the company says is the thinnest Apple product ever. In this context, “crushing” was supposed to symbolize “consolidating” and “compacting” — with the visuals meant to showcase how the new iPad Pro puts the power of all these tools into the hands of creators in one thin device. However online commenters criticized the ad as insensitive and as symbolizing a “destruction of the human experience.” The ad hit the web on Tuesday, and by Thursday, Apple issued a mea culpa and apologized for the campaign.
Google is encouraging merchants to enable conversion annotations on their Google Shopping ads, which offer social proof that highlight a product's popularity. Conversion annotations like “best selling” or “3K shopped here recently” would provide visual cues about a product’s popularity or sales performance directly in the ad unit. Annotations like these are par for the course with e-commerce retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Temu, which all employ similar tactics. They can provide valuable info for shoppers and also help with conversions. However they also open data privacy concerns, given that Google is not the actual retailer or marketplace selling the items, so a merchant would have to share this purchase history data from their e-commerce platform with Google — which technically most already do by giving access to GA4.
Shein is attempting to join the National Retail Federation as it pursues regulatory approval to go public in the US. The company believes that NRF membership would boost its chances of receiving SEC approval. However so far, Shein has been rejected numerous times. An anonymous source familiar with the matter said someone with heavy influence at the NRF is strongly against the Shein's admittance. However board members who spoke to CNBC said that Shein's membership application hadn't come up in meetings, and that they aren't involved in deciding which companies are granted access.
Amazon is leading the way with selling home goods, capturing 18.8% of consumer home furnishings spending, compared to Walmart's 7.3% market share. Notably, Amazon’s gains in the furniture category come in spite of the company’s decision to phase out two of its three furniture brands last year.
Stanley, which is projected to do $750M in sales this year, up from $73M in 2019, after seeing its water bottles become a status symbol thanks to TikTok, is now expanding into trendier accessories. The company is launching a line of bags called the All-Day Collection which include a mini cooler, backpack cooler, and Quencher Carry-All, designed for someone to sling their Stanley over their hip.
Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board and deleted his account on the service he helped kickstart, claiming that Bluesky was “literally repeating all the mistakes” he made while running Twitter. Dorsey says he never intended Bluesky to be an independent company, but rather, an open source protocol that Twitter was supposed to be the first client of. He also confirmed that he is financially backing Nostr, another decentralized Twitter-like service popular among crypto enthusiasts and run by an anonymous founder.
Amazon is deploying 50 electric trucks in California, which it claims is the largest EV fleet in the country, as part of its mission to eliminate pollution from its global operations. The trucks will be integrated into first-mile operations, moving goods from container ships at the ports to fulfillment centers, as well as middle-mile operations, transporting packages from fulfillment centers to delivery centers.
Wix launched a new tool called AI Portfolio Creator, which allows a user to upload and organize large-scale image collections, select the type of portfolio they want, and then have the AI tool sort and generate a portfolio with clustered images, recommended titles and descriptions, and personalized layout options.
Amazon is now requiring all dietary supplements to be verified by a third-party testing, inspection, and certification organization — which is something that not even the FDA requires. Amazon is the largest supplement retailer in the US ahead of Walmart and Target, and its new requirements are expected to put more pressure on the industry, which is being scrutinized more than ever.
Alibaba is revamping its flagship retail website Taobao for the first time in seven years with a focus on providing a smoother search and buying process. The website overhaul comes ahead of the 618 sales event, China's second-largest annual shopping event. A few weeks ago I reported that Eddie Wu, the CEO of Alibaba Group, would now be directly overseeing its domestic e-commerce arm which includes Taobao and Tmall Group, and it sounds like he's hitting the ground running with his new responsibilities.
Amazon is hosting its first-ever Amazon Book Sale, a new shopping event starting on May 15th that offers up to 50% off print best sellers and up to 80% off Kindle Books. The six day shopping event will exclusively run in the US, and Prime-membership is not required to take advantage of the deals.
FTX reported that nearly all of its customers will receive the money back that they are owed, two years after the cryptocurrency exchange imploded. The company owes about $11.2B to its customers and estimates that it has between $14.5B and $16.3B to distribute to them. The caveat is that customers will receive the USD value of their holdings at the time of the exchange collapse, and not the actual crypto holdings themselves, which means that they'll miss out on all gains during the past two years during which BTC went from around $16k to now over $60k. Better than nothing though, that's for sure.
800,000 consumers in Europe and the US were duped into sharing card details and other sensitive personal data with a network of fake online designer shops operated from China, which comprised one of the largest scams of its kind with 76,000 fake websites created. The scammers used expired domains to host its fake shops in order to help avoid detection by websites or brand owners, and more than 1M orders were processed in the past three years alone.
Beyond Inc, which owns Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock, and Zulily, reported that its Q1 net loss swelled to $72M from $10M a year ago, while its operating loss widened to $58M from $8M. The company's active customers grew to 6M, up 26% from nearly 5M a year ago, however, its average order value dropped to $173 from $220 a year earlier.
TikTok will begin automatically labeling AI generated content when it is uploaded from certain platforms like DALL.E 3, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop, and Microsoft Copilot. TikTok will also start attaching Content Credentials to content, which will remain on the media when downloaded, allowing other platforms to read the metadata.
eBay is testing an Add To Cart button in search results that opens a Quick View window, allowing buyers to skip the listing page. Technically the button should probably not be labeled “Add To Cart” since it doesn't perform that action, but rather, displays a quick view window with three buttons: Buy It Now, Add To Cart, View All Details. Sellers are worried that buyers will miss crucial details in the product description that may lead to increased returns and negative feedback.
Amazon is planning to launch its fleet of drones in Tolleson, Arizona, but the city's extreme temperature is hampering its efforts. Drones can't operate in temperatures exceeding 104 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature that Tolleson crosses for a full three months of the year.
A US district judge dismissed X's lawsuit against Bright Data, a data-scraping company accused of improperly accessing X system and violating X terms and state laws when scraping and selling data. The judge basically said that if X owned the data, it could perhaps argue that it has exclusive rights to control it, but then X wouldn't be able to enjoy the safe harbor of Section 230, which allows the platform to avoid liability for third-party content. Can't have it both ways!
Nintendo is discontinuing its X integration for the switch on June 10th, which means users will no longer be able to post screenshots or videos to the platform from their device. The drop in support also affects games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which had game-specific options to send out tweets. Microsoft Xbox dropped support for X in April 2023 and Sony Playstation dropped the service in October 2023 due to the increase in X's API access fees.
Amazon claimed that its recordable incident rate — a metric that comprises all injuries requiring “more than basic first-aid treatment” — at its US warehouses has improved by 24% since 2019. However the National Employment Law Project challenged Amazon's injury data in a report last week, claiming that Amazon's overall injury rate in 2023 was 71% higher than that of other employers in the sector at 6.5 cases per 100 workers.
Amazon Ads announced three new advertising formats for streaming TV including shoppable carousel ads, interactive pause ads, and interactive trivia ads. Amazon did not say when the new ad types would officially launch, but noted that it will formally present them at a presentation on May 14th.
Meta is rolling out an expanded set of generative AI ad tools that can create full image variations with text overlays, expand images to fit across different aspect ratios, and generate alternate versions of headlines and other ad text. The features will become available globally to advertisers by the end of the year.
Square introduced a tool called Square Kiosk to allow self-service ordering at fast food restaurants. The device is a combined software, hardware, and payment solution that allows customers to select exactly what they want with customization options, upgrades, and add-ons.
The European Parliament announced new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU, including reduction targets of 15% by 2040 — which sounds far away but is only 16 years away?! As part of the new rules, the EU will set maximum empty space ratios for e-commerce transportation, ban certain single-use plastic packaging types, and beverage distributors and take-away food will have to offer consumers the option of bringing their own container.
Indians who pre-ordered Teslas in 2016 are giving up and seeking refunds of their deposits after Elon Musk canceled another visit to the country last month. Disillusioned Tesla enthusiasts in India say they will now buy a car from the company only if they see it in a showroom, or they'll buy a different electrical vehicle from a company that actually exists in the country.
Target is limiting its Pride Month collection to select stores this year instead of rolling out the merchandise nationwide like it typically has for the past decade, due to backlash the retailer experienced last year. Last May customers in certain stores knocked down LGBTQ+ merchandise displays, angrily approached store employees, and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores.
E-commerce spending from Jan 1 to April 30, 2024 rose 7% YoY to $331.6B, according to Adobe Analytics. One trend Adobe identified during the period is a shift of online spending to purchasing the cheapest goods across personal care, electronics, apparel, home & garden, furniture, and grocery.
Plus 7 seed rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions of interest, including Shopify's acquisition of Peel, a tool that integrates with a merchant's tech stack including Klaviyo and Recharge and helps them analyze their sales data to improve customer retention.
I hope you found this recap helpful. See you next week!
PAUL Editor of Shopifreaks E-Commerce Newsletter
PS: If I missed any big news this week, please share in the comments.
submitted by adventurepaul to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 Symbolite Did some updates on my laptop and it disabled my Windows 10 login PIN and I now cannot reset my PIN!

So I was doing some updates to my laptop and upon a forced restart I received the message that my PIN would no longer work and that I would need to create a new one. No problem right? Nope! This became a big problem.
Creating a new PIN requires me to login to a Microsoft account I lost access to years ago. I've tried my hardest to recover it over time to no success and I didn't realize that very same email address was the gatekeeper to me being able to login to my Windows laptop. I've done some google searches and came across a few solutions that have me holding my shift key while restarting the laptop and then navigating a menu where I choose to start in safe mode where I then in theory would be able to modify my PIN but this also does not work after multiple attempts, it just sent me the login screen again where i can't login and with the only options being shutdown and restart.
I am at a loss on what to do now as I'm essentially locked out of my laptop unable to access my important files and unable to do anything at all essentially making it a very expensive paperweight.
submitted by Symbolite to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 adventurepaul What's new in e-commerce? 🔥 Week of May 13th, 2024

Hi - I'm Paul and I follow the e-commerce industry closely for my Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter. Each week I post a summary recap of the week's top stories, which I cover in depth in the newsletter. Let's dive in...
STAT OF THE WEEK: Kohl's sales have shrunk by $2.3B since 2019. During that same period of time, the company lost 1.3M customers who no longer shop with the retailer.
BigCommerce is exploring a sale after attracting takeover interest, according to sources who chose to remain anonymous due to the confidentiality of the information. The sources said that BigCommerce asked investment bank Qatalyst Partners to solicit interest from potential buyers that include private equity firms, but that the discussions are at an early stage and no deal is certain.
Squarespace announced that it will be going private in a $6.9B all-cash deal with private-equity firm Permira, who agreed to pay $44 per share (a roughly 30% premium). Although Squarespace never lost 90% of its share price like BigCommerce, it has experienced a tumultuous time on the market since its IPO in May 2021 — opening around $49.50 and at times trading in the low $20s. Shares rose nearly 13% to $43 in pre-market trading upon release of the news.
ByteDance filed a lawsuit in US federal court seeking to block the new law that would force the sale or ban of the app within the country. The lawsuit challenges the law on constitutional grounds, also citing commercial, technical, and legal hurdles, as well as opposition from Beijing. Legal experts say the legal battle will play out in the courts in coming months and likely will reach the Supreme Court.
OpenAI unveiled its newest model, GPT-4o, designed to turn ChatGPT into a digital personal assistant that can engage in real-time, spoken conversations and interact with users using text, screenshots, photos, documents, and charts. The new version of ChatGPT also has memory capabilities, which means it can learn from previous conversations. It will be available to both unpaid and premium customers alike. OpenAI also announced that it would be launching a desktop app with the GPT-4o capabilities, giving users another platform to interact with the technology outside of a web browser.
Amazon launched in South Africa last week, marking its first marketplace in sub-Saharan Africa, and bringing its total number of marketplaces worldwide to 22. To launch the new marketplace, Amazon is offering free delivery on first orders and on subsequent orders above R500 (about $27), access to 3,000 pick-up points, status updates via WhatsApp to track orders, 30 day refunds, and 24/7 customer support. The marketplace was supposed to launch in the country in 2023, but got delayed due to changes in priorities within Amazon.
In an unlikely partnership, Instacart is partnering with Uber Eats to expand into the restaurant delivery business. Instacart will add a new tab for restaurant delivery to its app in the coming weeks, the listings will be provided by Uber, and the food will be picked up and delivered by Uber Eats drivers. Customers will receive the same prices on both apps and Instacart will receive an affiliate commission on orders. It's a strange partnership though given that Instacart and Uber Eats actively compete on grocery delivery. Are they planning to merge? Uber says no.
Apple's advertisement for its latest iPad Pro sparked criticism for showing an animation of musical instruments, paint cans, cameras, record players, and other symbols of creativity being crushed by a giant machine, with the output being the new iPad Pro, which the company says is the thinnest Apple product ever. In this context, “crushing” was supposed to symbolize “consolidating” and “compacting” — with the visuals meant to showcase how the new iPad Pro puts the power of all these tools into the hands of creators in one thin device. However online commenters criticized the ad as insensitive and as symbolizing a “destruction of the human experience.” The ad hit the web on Tuesday, and by Thursday, Apple issued a mea culpa and apologized for the campaign.
Google is encouraging merchants to enable conversion annotations on their Google Shopping ads, which offer social proof that highlight a product's popularity. Conversion annotations like “best selling” or “3K shopped here recently” would provide visual cues about a product’s popularity or sales performance directly in the ad unit. Annotations like these are par for the course with e-commerce retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Temu, which all employ similar tactics. They can provide valuable info for shoppers and also help with conversions. However they also open data privacy concerns, given that Google is not the actual retailer or marketplace selling the items, so a merchant would have to share this purchase history data from their e-commerce platform with Google — which technically most already do by giving access to GA4.
Shein is attempting to join the National Retail Federation as it pursues regulatory approval to go public in the US. The company believes that NRF membership would boost its chances of receiving SEC approval. However so far, Shein has been rejected numerous times. An anonymous source familiar with the matter said someone with heavy influence at the NRF is strongly against the Shein's admittance. However board members who spoke to CNBC said that Shein's membership application hadn't come up in meetings, and that they aren't involved in deciding which companies are granted access.
Amazon is leading the way with selling home goods, capturing 18.8% of consumer home furnishings spending, compared to Walmart's 7.3% market share. Notably, Amazon’s gains in the furniture category come in spite of the company’s decision to phase out two of its three furniture brands last year.
Stanley, which is projected to do $750M in sales this year, up from $73M in 2019, after seeing its water bottles become a status symbol thanks to TikTok, is now expanding into trendier accessories. The company is launching a line of bags called the All-Day Collection which include a mini cooler, backpack cooler, and Quencher Carry-All, designed for someone to sling their Stanley over their hip.
Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board and deleted his account on the service he helped kickstart, claiming that Bluesky was “literally repeating all the mistakes” he made while running Twitter. Dorsey says he never intended Bluesky to be an independent company, but rather, an open source protocol that Twitter was supposed to be the first client of. He also confirmed that he is financially backing Nostr, another decentralized Twitter-like service popular among crypto enthusiasts and run by an anonymous founder.
Amazon is deploying 50 electric trucks in California, which it claims is the largest EV fleet in the country, as part of its mission to eliminate pollution from its global operations. The trucks will be integrated into first-mile operations, moving goods from container ships at the ports to fulfillment centers, as well as middle-mile operations, transporting packages from fulfillment centers to delivery centers.
Wix launched a new tool called AI Portfolio Creator, which allows a user to upload and organize large-scale image collections, select the type of portfolio they want, and then have the AI tool sort and generate a portfolio with clustered images, recommended titles and descriptions, and personalized layout options.
Amazon is now requiring all dietary supplements to be verified by a third-party testing, inspection, and certification organization — which is something that not even the FDA requires. Amazon is the largest supplement retailer in the US ahead of Walmart and Target, and its new requirements are expected to put more pressure on the industry, which is being scrutinized more than ever.
Alibaba is revamping its flagship retail website Taobao for the first time in seven years with a focus on providing a smoother search and buying process. The website overhaul comes ahead of the 618 sales event, China's second-largest annual shopping event. A few weeks ago I reported that Eddie Wu, the CEO of Alibaba Group, would now be directly overseeing its domestic e-commerce arm which includes Taobao and Tmall Group, and it sounds like he's hitting the ground running with his new responsibilities.
Amazon is hosting its first-ever Amazon Book Sale, a new shopping event starting on May 15th that offers up to 50% off print best sellers and up to 80% off Kindle Books. The six day shopping event will exclusively run in the US, and Prime-membership is not required to take advantage of the deals.
FTX reported that nearly all of its customers will receive the money back that they are owed, two years after the cryptocurrency exchange imploded. The company owes about $11.2B to its customers and estimates that it has between $14.5B and $16.3B to distribute to them. The caveat is that customers will receive the USD value of their holdings at the time of the exchange collapse, and not the actual crypto holdings themselves, which means that they'll miss out on all gains during the past two years during which BTC went from around $16k to now over $60k. Better than nothing though, that's for sure.
800,000 consumers in Europe and the US were duped into sharing card details and other sensitive personal data with a network of fake online designer shops operated from China, which comprised one of the largest scams of its kind with 76,000 fake websites created. The scammers used expired domains to host its fake shops in order to help avoid detection by websites or brand owners, and more than 1M orders were processed in the past three years alone.
Beyond Inc, which owns Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock, and Zulily, reported that its Q1 net loss swelled to $72M from $10M a year ago, while its operating loss widened to $58M from $8M. The company's active customers grew to 6M, up 26% from nearly 5M a year ago, however, its average order value dropped to $173 from $220 a year earlier.
TikTok will begin automatically labeling AI generated content when it is uploaded from certain platforms like DALL.E 3, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop, and Microsoft Copilot. TikTok will also start attaching Content Credentials to content, which will remain on the media when downloaded, allowing other platforms to read the metadata.
eBay is testing an Add To Cart button in search results that opens a Quick View window, allowing buyers to skip the listing page. Technically the button should probably not be labeled “Add To Cart” since it doesn't perform that action, but rather, displays a quick view window with three buttons: Buy It Now, Add To Cart, View All Details. Sellers are worried that buyers will miss crucial details in the product description that may lead to increased returns and negative feedback.
Amazon is planning to launch its fleet of drones in Tolleson, Arizona, but the city's extreme temperature is hampering its efforts. Drones can't operate in temperatures exceeding 104 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature that Tolleson crosses for a full three months of the year.
A US district judge dismissed X's lawsuit against Bright Data, a data-scraping company accused of improperly accessing X system and violating X terms and state laws when scraping and selling data. The judge basically said that if X owned the data, it could perhaps argue that it has exclusive rights to control it, but then X wouldn't be able to enjoy the safe harbor of Section 230, which allows the platform to avoid liability for third-party content. Can't have it both ways!
Nintendo is discontinuing its X integration for the switch on June 10th, which means users will no longer be able to post screenshots or videos to the platform from their device. The drop in support also affects games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which had game-specific options to send out tweets. Microsoft Xbox dropped support for X in April 2023 and Sony Playstation dropped the service in October 2023 due to the increase in X's API access fees.
Amazon claimed that its recordable incident rate — a metric that comprises all injuries requiring “more than basic first-aid treatment” — at its US warehouses has improved by 24% since 2019. However the National Employment Law Project challenged Amazon's injury data in a report last week, claiming that Amazon's overall injury rate in 2023 was 71% higher than that of other employers in the sector at 6.5 cases per 100 workers.
Amazon Ads announced three new advertising formats for streaming TV including shoppable carousel ads, interactive pause ads, and interactive trivia ads. Amazon did not say when the new ad types would officially launch, but noted that it will formally present them at a presentation on May 14th.
Meta is rolling out an expanded set of generative AI ad tools that can create full image variations with text overlays, expand images to fit across different aspect ratios, and generate alternate versions of headlines and other ad text. The features will become available globally to advertisers by the end of the year.
Square introduced a tool called Square Kiosk to allow self-service ordering at fast food restaurants. The device is a combined software, hardware, and payment solution that allows customers to select exactly what they want with customization options, upgrades, and add-ons.
The European Parliament announced new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU, including reduction targets of 15% by 2040 — which sounds far away but is only 16 years away?! As part of the new rules, the EU will set maximum empty space ratios for e-commerce transportation, ban certain single-use plastic packaging types, and beverage distributors and take-away food will have to offer consumers the option of bringing their own container.
Indians who pre-ordered Teslas in 2016 are giving up and seeking refunds of their deposits after Elon Musk canceled another visit to the country last month. Disillusioned Tesla enthusiasts in India say they will now buy a car from the company only if they see it in a showroom, or they'll buy a different electrical vehicle from a company that actually exists in the country.
Target is limiting its Pride Month collection to select stores this year instead of rolling out the merchandise nationwide like it typically has for the past decade, due to backlash the retailer experienced last year. Last May customers in certain stores knocked down LGBTQ+ merchandise displays, angrily approached store employees, and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores.
E-commerce spending from Jan 1 to April 30, 2024 rose 7% YoY to $331.6B, according to Adobe Analytics. One trend Adobe identified during the period is a shift of online spending to purchasing the cheapest goods across personal care, electronics, apparel, home & garden, furniture, and grocery.
Plus 7 seed rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions of interest, including Shopify's acquisition of Peel, a tool that integrates with a merchant's tech stack including Klaviyo and Recharge and helps them analyze their sales data to improve customer retention.
I hope you found this recap helpful. See you next week!
For more details on each story and sources, see the full edition:
What else is new in e-commerce? Share stories of interesting in the comments below (including in your own business) or on shopifreaks.
-PAUL Editor of Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter
PS: Want the full editions delivered to your Inbox each week? Join free at
submitted by adventurepaul to ShopifyeCommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 ClericKyan Assistance in reading dmp file for NETIO BSOD event

I've bene trying to troubleshoot BSOD errors for a friend and I've been trying to isolate the issue from the minidump files using WinDbg. The motherboard had already been replaced through warranty due to similar networking issues, however the NETIO BSOD has returned.
Previously to the new motherboard I had done numerous things including a Reset then USB reinstall of Windows.
Troubleshooting thus far post-new motherboard:
SFC /Scannow
System Restore
As indicated by Research- uninstalled AVG VPN, Auto Driver Updater
Programs in use:
AVG, Zone Alarm
As it has returned it would seem to indicate that a security program is at fault or, perhaps, there is some 'toe stepping' on memory access. Most recent research as also indicated a uninstall reinstall of NIC drivers. I don't often go Dmp diving. I hope someone with more experience in this area can assist in locating the culprit for the NETIO. I hope its something glaring that I'm just missing. If possible could the reading for the solution be explained so I have a better idea of how to procced in the future in these instances. Thank you for your time and efforts.
DMP File
************* Preparing the environment for Debugger Extensions Gallery repositories ************** ExtensionRepository : Implicit UseExperimentalFeatureForNugetShare : true AllowNugetExeUpdate : true NonInteractiveNuget : true AllowNugetMSCredentialProviderInstall : true AllowParallelInitializationOfLocalRepositories : true EnableRedirectToV8JsProvider : false -- Configuring repositories -- Repository : LocalInstalled, Enabled: true -- Repository : UserExtensions, Enabled: true >>>>>>>>>>>>> Preparing the environment for Debugger Extensions Gallery repositories completed, duration 0.000 seconds ************* Waiting for Debugger Extensions Gallery to Initialize ************** >>>>>>>>>>>>> Waiting for Debugger Extensions Gallery to Initialize completed, duration 0.063 seconds -- Repository : UserExtensions, Enabled: true, Packages count: 0 -- Repository : LocalInstalled, Enabled: true, Packages count: 41 Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.27553.1004 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Loading Dump File [C:\Users\user\Documents\MiniDump\050624-11437-01.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available Symbol search path is: srv* Executable search path is: Windows 10 Kernel Version 22621 MP (20 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal Kernel base = 0xfffff804`77c00000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff804`78813110 Debug session time: Mon May 6 15:04:25.709 2024 (UTC - 4:00) System Uptime: 0 days 0:08:21.315 Loading Kernel Symbols ............................................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ............... Loading User Symbols Loading unloaded module list ............. For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v nt!KeBugCheckEx: fffff804`780183e0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:ffffed8c`3e102600=000000000000000a 0: kd> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (d1) An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually caused by drivers using improper addresses. If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace. Arguments: Arg1: 0000000000000008, memory referenced Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation Arg4: fffff8047b3dc4e4, address which referenced memory Debugging Details: ------------------ *** WARNING: Check Image - Checksum mismatch - Dump: 0x210d9b, File: 0x210e8b - C:\ProgramData\Dbg\sym\BTHport.sys\FE108757203000\BTHport.sys KEY_VALUES_STRING: 1 Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec Value: 3702 Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec Value: 9123 Key : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb Value: 7 Key : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb Value: 0 Key : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb Value: 46 Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec Value: 1249 Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec Value: 27369 Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb Value: 127 Key : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI Value: 0xd1 Key : Bugcheck.Code.TargetModel Value: 0xd1 Key : Dump.Attributes.AsUlong Value: 1008 Key : Dump.Attributes.DiagDataWrittenToHeader Value: 1 Key : Dump.Attributes.ErrorCode Value: 0 Key : Dump.Attributes.KernelGeneratedTriageDump Value: 1 Key : Dump.Attributes.LastLine Value: Dump completed successfully. Key : Dump.Attributes.ProgressPercentage Value: 0 Key : Failure.Bucket Value: AV_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction Key : Failure.Hash Value: {c2ca2d1f-cfdc-88d5-c7bc-7693b8f0de04} BUGCHECK_CODE: d1 BUGCHECK_P1: 8 BUGCHECK_P2: 2 BUGCHECK_P3: 0 BUGCHECK_P4: fffff8047b3dc4e4 FILE_IN_CAB: 050624-11437-01.dmp DUMP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES: 0x1008 Kernel Generated Triage Dump READ_ADDRESS: fffff8047891c4a8: Unable to get MiVisibleState Unable to get NonPagedPoolStart Unable to get NonPagedPoolEnd Unable to get PagedPoolStart Unable to get PagedPoolEnd unable to get nt!MmSpecialPagesInUse 0000000000000008 BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd) BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs) BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp) BLACKBOXWINLOGON: 1 CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 1 PROCESS_NAME: System TRAP_FRAME: ffffed8c3e102740 -- (.trap 0xffffed8c3e102740) NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers. Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect. rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=ffffed8c3e102a48 rdx=ffffa48d658e3010 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000 rip=fffff8047b3dc4e4 rsp=ffffed8c3e1028d0 rbp=ffffed8c3e102949 r8=ffffa48d658e3010 r9=0000000000001608 r10=ffffa48d61817c70 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000 r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+0x5c: fffff804`7b3dc4e4 488b4808 mov rcx,qword ptr [rax+8] ds:00000000`00000008=???????????????? Resetting default scope STACK_TEXT: ffffed8c`3e1025f8 fffff804`7802e269 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx ffffed8c`3e102600 fffff804`78029705 : 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff804`92fd6f78 fffff804`7b7f4e02 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69 ffffed8c`3e102740 fffff804`7b3dc4e4 : ffffed8c`3e102a10 ffffa48d`658e3010 ffffed8c`3e102a10 ffffa48d`658e3010 : nt!KiPageFault+0x485 ffffed8c`3e1028d0 fffff804`7b3dbd8b : ffffa48d`658e3010 ffffa48d`658e3010 ffffa48d`61817c01 00000000`00000000 : NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+0x5c ffffed8c`3e1029a0 fffff804`7b3d992b : ffffa48d`4ade0014 fffff804`92fc29e0 ffffa48d`00000001 ffffed8c`3e103338 : NETIO!StreamProcessCallout+0x2c7 ffffed8c`3e102ad0 fffff804`7b3d89dd : ffffa48d`5ddd0014 ffffed8c`3e103338 ffffed8c`3e103360 ffffed8c`3e1031e0 : NETIO!ProcessCallout+0xa4b ffffed8c`3e102c50 fffff804`7b3d76ee : 00000000`00000005 ffffed8c`3e103360 ffffa48d`4b3e4aa0 fffff804`77f2f8f4 : NETIO!ArbitrateAndEnforce+0x59d ffffed8c`3e102d80 fffff804`7b3d51d5 : 00000000`00000001 ffffed8c`3e103280 ffffa48d`5f8f9c10 ffffed8c`00000000 : NETIO!KfdClassify+0x33e ffffed8c`3e103130 fffff804`7b3d4dd8 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00003780 ffffa48d`45010000 : NETIO!StreamClassify+0x279 ffffed8c`3e1032d0 fffff804`7b3d4a47 : 00000000`00000000 fffff804`77f2e801 ffffa48d`5ad7c480 00000000`00000000 : NETIO!StreamCommonInspect+0x2ac ffffed8c`3e1036c0 fffff804`7b50bec1 : ffffa48d`60849900 ffffa48d`60849b50 ffffed8c`3e103840 ffffa48d`60849920 : NETIO!WfpStreamInspectReceive+0x157 ffffed8c`3e103740 fffff804`7b50a39e : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : tcpip!TcpTcbFastDatagram+0x1351 ffffed8c`3e103940 fffff804`7b5067c9 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : tcpip!TcpTcbReceive+0x29e ffffed8c`3e103ae0 fffff804`7b5057bf : 00000000`e0c65211 00000000`00000018 00000000`423f8f4a ffffa48d`4ca36520 : 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00000000`00000002 : tcpip!FlReceiveNetBufferListChainCalloutRoutine+0x14b ffffed8c`3e1043e0 fffff804`77e2944d : fffff804`7b4c2240 ffffed8c`3e104528 ffffa48d`489fcd50 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeExpandKernelStackAndCalloutInternal+0x7a ffffed8c`3e104450 fffff804`7b4cac60 : ffffed8c`3e104590 ffffa48d`5effd440 ffffa48d`5beaa010 ffffed8c`3e1045a0 : nt!KeExpandKernelStackAndCalloutEx+0x1d ffffed8c`3e104490 fffff804`7b2426e1 : 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000015 ffffb500`f008c066 : tcpip!FlReceiveNetBufferListChain+0x530 ffffed8c`3e104770 fffff804`7b2420fa : ffffa48d`5a0c78b0 ffffa48d`00000801 ffffa48d`00000000 00000000`00000015 : ndis!ndisMIndicateNetBufferListsToOpen+0x141 ffffed8c`3e104850 fffff804`7b2665b5 : ffffa48d`50e0a1a0 ffffa48d`00000000 ffffa48d`00000000 ffffa48d`50e0a1a0 : ndis!ndisMTopReceiveNetBufferLists+0x24a ffffed8c`3e104930 fffff804`7b266023 : 00000000`00000000 ffffed8c`3e104a20 fffff804`7b241eb0 fffffff6`00000002 : ndis!ndisCallReceiveHandler+0xb9 ffffed8c`3e104980 fffff804`7b2663db : fffff804`e178a4c0 fffff804`7b26f7c2 ffffa48d`60602d00 ffffa48d`5effe0f0 : ndis!ndisCallNextDatapathHandler<2,void * __ptr64 & __ptr64,void (__cdecl*& __ptr64)(void * __ptr64,_NET_BUFFER_LIST * __ptr64,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long),void * __ptr64 & __ptr64,_NET_BUFFER_LIST * __ptr64 & __ptr64,unsigned long & __ptr64,unsigned long & __ptr64,unsigned long & __ptr64>+0x3f ffffed8c`3e1049d0 fffff804`7b266112 : ffffa48d`50e0a1a0 fffff804`7b241eb0 ffffa48d`50e0a1a0 ffffed8c`00000001 : ndis!ndisIterativeDPInvokeHandlerOnTracker<2,void __cdecl(void * __ptr64,_NET_BUFFER_LIST * __ptr64,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)>+0x8b ffffed8c`3e104a40 fffff804`7b26667a : ffffa48d`5bec05a0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffa48d`5eff94d0 : ndis!ndisInvokeIterativeDatapath<2,void __cdecl(void * __ptr64,_NET_BUFFER_LIST * __ptr64,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)>+0xe2 ffffed8c`3e104ab0 fffff804`7b268f7b : 00000000`00000000 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kb BUCKET_ID_FUNC_OFFSET: 5c FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: AV_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction OSPLATFORM_TYPE: x64 OSNAME: Windows 10 FAILURE_ID_HASH: {c2ca2d1f-cfdc-88d5-c7bc-7693b8f0de04} Followup: MachineOwner --------- 
submitted by ClericKyan to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:42 newyork0120 The Met Gaia Is The Latest Casualty As Leftist Protesters Turn On Their Masters

Every year I’m confronted with the decision of whether to talk about the Met Gala. And it can be a tough decision if I’m being totally honest - on one hand, it’s always easy to point and laugh at rich Leftists wearing weird costumes and making fools out of themselves; on the other hand, it’s gotten way too easy to do that, and as far as celebrity freak shows go, the Met Gala is sort of like the Oscars at this point: its supposed “unpredictability” is now cliche, its zaniness is now boring. Unless mayhem breaks out—say, like an actor slaps the presenter live on-stage or something like that—then the truth is that no one really cares about any of these events anymore - in fact, I’m still not even sure what the Met Gala is. All I know is that the celebrities dress strangely and then go into I guess a big museum. What do they do inside the museum? Is there some kind of award ceremony? Is it a dance? Is it like celebrity prom or something? Do they sacrifice a live goat and drink its blood while chanting satanic curses? Is it some combination of these things? Nobody knows for sure. And most of all, nobody cares.
But fortunately, something interesting did happen at the Met Gala last week, or at least outside of it. Mobs of pro-Palestine demonstrators, apparently bored of their tent cities on college campuses, slowly marched through Manhattan towards the Met, and when they arrived, they tore down the police barricades and flooded the street.
Just for fun, here’s Lizzo dressed like something that you might find inside an unflushed toilet at Panda Express, and that’s what she wore to the Met Gala while riots raged outside in a clash of poor commies versus rich commies, as Peachy Keenan put it. These riots should also bring to mind I think some immediate logistical considerations that the Democratic Party now has to think about - for one thing, it’s safe to say that planning for the Democratic National Convention is going through some last-minute revisions right about now. Just imagine being in charge of security for the DNC; you’re gonna need bigger barricades than they had at the Met, and probably a lot more cops.
But more barricades and cops aren’t gonna fix the underlying problem that the Democratic Party has created here. There’s now a full-on uprising on the Left against the elitism that Democrats have long embraced - and the media is getting involved, too. Yahoo, for example, has already turned on the Met Gala; they just published a piece declaring, “The Met Gala’s Opulence Is Always Gross. This Year, It’s Obscene.”
Now, the whole article is a rant that hits a crescendo with this paragraph, which is probably the single-longest run-on sentence I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Here it is, this whole thing is one sentence, just so you know:
Even in an era filled with the horrors of late-stage capitalism run amok—bipartisan support for genocide; rolling back of reproductive, civil, and voting rights; a threadbare social safety net; decades of wage stagnation; tax cuts for the the rich; the crushing of unions and labor rights; expansion of the militarized police surveillance state; creeping techno-authoritarianism; untested, unregulated, and unchecked A.I.; entrenched racial inequality and injustice; right-wing and white supremacist extremist violence; and Boeing jet parts falling from the sky like so many dead whistleblowers—that kind of frivolous urgency promises that this year’s event nonetheless will stand out as a vainglorious display of self-congratulatory decadence and tone-deaf extravagance.
Now, first of all, just as a stylistic matter, if you’re going to make a sentence that long, it needs to be coherent. And “Boeing jet parts are falling from the sky like so many dead whistleblowers?” That doesn’t even make sense; the dead whistleblowers didn’t fall from the sky. I mean, they’re not being pushed out planes. One of them shot himself allegedly and the other died of an illness. Now, even if you subscribe to the theory that Boeing’s hitmen killed these whistleblowers—which, who knows, maybe they did—the fact remains that they didn’t fall from the sky. They died on the ground, so the metaphor just doesn’t work. And this is the problem you get into with 100-word sentences: eventually, you just lose track of what you’re saying.
In any event, that whole massive paragraph could be summed up as saying, “We’re living through late-stage capitalism right now.” That’s what the Left-wing media is saying. That’s the way that they are framing this, and of course, “late-stage capitalism” is one of their favorite phrases to use these days. And they used to celebrate the Met Gala, but not anymore. Now they’re saying the same thing the demonstrators are, which is that the frivolous elite are partying while Rome burns—which they are, of course—and they’re furious about it, or pretending to be.
Now, what the media and these demonstrators don’t want to admit is that the elitists at this gala—all the celebrities who are dressed like slutty Star Wars villains and so on—are on their team. The celebrities are part of the ruling class, the protesters and media critics are its products and in some cases quite literally its offspring. Now, to be sure, the celebrities and college administrators and the politicians are reluctant to acknowledge that their own Frankenstein monster is turning against them, but that’s exactly what’s happening.
Remember that it was two years ago that AOC showed up to the Met Gala with a “Tax the Rich” gown. There were a bunch of sympathetic news stories highlighting her bravery at the time, and here’s how AOC justified showing up to an event that costs $300,000 per table while equipped with a custom dress, handbag, shoes and jewelry costing more than $2,000.
REPORTER: “You know this dress has a message for this Met Gala, tell me about what that is.”
AOC: “You know, I made a message, it says ’Tax the Rich’ right there, uh, it’s really about having a real conversation about fairness and equity in our system, and I think that this conversation is particularly relevant as we debate over budget and reconciliation down. What we’re talking about, providing working families with child care, healthcare, and meeting the climate crisis [unintelligible]* it deserves. … I think that ultimately, you know, we’re at a very critical point. I think there are some folks who are starting to really understand that this is a very critical conversation for us to be having right now. Other folks have invested interest in not having that conversation, but our point is to keep organizing and keep it going.”*
It’s a really important conversation, AOC says, some people aren’t ready to hear it, but we need to punish rich people, we need to make them as uncomfortable as possible, we need to take their money, and that was the message from AOC, who not incidentally, grew up in a very well-off suburb.
Her whole schtick was always hypocritical and disingenuous, of course, but it turns out that Leftist activists were listening to this rhetoric, I guess, they were taking it seriously, we’ve seen this a lot lately. When Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court justices, Leftists showed up at the justices’ homes; when the White House claimed that “trans kids” were being abused, a Leftist shot and killed Christians; when Democrats accused Israel of “genocide,” college students occupied university buildings; now two years after AOC attacked the Met, leftist gathered outside of the building.
This is the escalation that Democrats have primed this country for; it’s now in progress, whether Democrats intended it to happen to THEM or not—which, of course, they didn’t—but that’s not to say that ruling elites are going to roll over and let this happen. I mean, as you saw in that footage, the cops showed up in force and started making arrests the very second that protestors trespassed through the barricades in front of the Met. They were on the scene immediately.
Now, that’s kind of a noticeable contrast when compare it to other things like when these people set up encampments on college campuses, they were given in most cases a few days, maybe a week, before the cops moved in; when they looted and burned poor neighborhoods, they were given about three months to inflict carnage before anyone did anything about it; but when they showed up at the Met Gala, they were given three SECONDS before the arrests started. So it really shows you kind of how the hierarchy works.
The Democrats can’t protect the rest of the country from these mobs, nor do they intend to. So last night, in addition to creating a scene at the Met Gala, Leftists also vandalized a World War I memorial in New York and torched an American flag in front of it.
So please note, again, the contrast, the hierarchy, and the fact that this was happening at the exact same time as the Met Gala thing - REALLY shows you where the priorities are when you notice what kinds of illegal demonstrations the police will stop and which demonstrations they’ll allow to continue. The mob can deface World War I memorials all they want because in doing so, they’re communicating their hatred for this country and everything it stands for. So the Democrats who run New York aren’t going to stop them. But the mob isn’t allowed to inconvenience celebrities at the Met under any circumstances.
The point is that this is the hierarchy that Democrats clearly want to enforce. The trouble is getting the mob to RESPECT the hierarchy, and the Democrats are having trouble with that at the moment.
Yet they still seem oblivious, the Democrats are—or acting oblivious, at least—to the fact that they created this monster themselves, and that’s why inside the Met, as chaos unfolded outside, the party continued uninterrupted, and so did all of this associated weirdness, which was as off-putting as it’s ever been - take for example this decoy costume worn by someone using the name “Karol G.” Now, apparently she wanted to keep her real costume a secret, so earlier in the evening, she sported this beige umbrella-looking lampshade thing instead.
Now, imagine being a hardcore, AOC-loving Leftist who sees this - Democrats have spent the last several years telling you to despise rich people and commit crimes in the name of political activism, and then down the street from your hippy commune at the local university, some celebrity is walking around in a lampshade costume which probably costs $50,000 or something, and the entire Democratic Party establishment is pretending that it’s all normal. What do you do? How would you view the Democratic Party establishment after seeing this?
Now, as for the costume itself, of course, it’s clearly a bid for attention, and I guess it worked—I’m talking about it—but it’s not even an original idea - as a lot of people have pointed out, the outfit bears a striking resemblance to a certain shower curtain costume from the film “Karate Kid,” only with different colors, so there’s really no redeeming qualities whatsoever here, it’s a total debacle all around.
But to be fair, there was at least some originality on display last night - for example, this celebrity apparently walked through a wind tunnel full of roses somewhere before arriving at the Met, and for her trouble, Vogue named her as one of the best-dressed women of the evening.
We can assume again that this… woman?… paid many thousands of dollars for that outfit, which is just a trench coat with flower peddles and glitter glued onto it. It really looks like something a four-year-old girl might make. As everybody knows, in the mind of a four-year-old girl, anything and everything can be made prettier with copious amounts of glitter and flowers, which is a fine mentality for a small child; doesn’t translate very well in this case. And as self-congratulatory as it is, again, there’s no self-awareness whatsoever - it’s almost as if the entire purpose of the event is to celebrate the elites’ total inability to detect how preposterous, self-absorbed, and laughable they are.
An this is nothing new, it’s been the case since the Met Gala was established, it’s always been a mini-theater of the absurd. What’s changed is that the voting base of the Democratic Party isn’t laughing along with these clowns as much anymore. They turned against the universities; now they’ve turned against Hollywood. What the protesters of course don’t understand is that they have inherited their own worldview and everything they believe from these very institutions and these very people.
Hollywood and Academia don’t realize that they’re being attacked by their own Frankenstein, but the Frankenstein monster also doesn’t realize that it IS the Frankenstein monster. And if Frankenstein ever wakes up to that fact, well then the ruling class will really be in trouble.
submitted by newyork0120 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:38 SolidProceeding25 AI User Assistance SaaS has 20M Users

This is the journey of CommandBar, a user assistance platform that helps tech products improve user retention. They have used white-labeling to grow to 20M end users. I'll focus mostly primarily on building their product but will speak to their growth near the end.
It all started from a hatred of popups. "We wanted hovercrafts, they gave us popups."
Pop-ups proliferated and users soon despised the intrusive ads. Today, most browsers block pop-up ads. But pop-ups aren’t dead. They litter the products we pay for to “help us”.
Users hate modals (another name for popups) even more than autoplay videos, making them the most hated form of advertising.
Yet, pop-ups somehow remain the go-to of digital adoption software: Software products dedicated to helping software companies make their products easier to use.
It’s time for a, non-annoying approach to helping users use software — an approach that follows the golden rule: “Give our users an experience we’d like to have”.
Hello, user assistance.
The folks at CommandBar believe to actually help users, you need to put their interests first. Hence, user assistance.
To define what that looks like, imagine a human user assistant whose helps users use software — a kind of software butler. The assistant sits behind the user (without breathing down their neck), watching them use the product. Here’s what the user assistant would do:
They built a suite of products that follow this model of user assistance, and they take 3 forms:
The second part of their product is called nudge. Visually, these look like popups (gasp 😱). And some of them are, we admit, popups in geometry. But the key difference between a nudge and a popup is that nudges are personalized and obey by guardrails to ensure they are not annoying.
They perfected their product over the course of several years, and they some of the best reviews I've seen:
But the real secret to growth is their white-labled software. Big companies install it and all their users interact with CommandBar without ever knowing it. Maybe you have too. Have you ever used Gusto? ConvertKit? Angel List? Clearbit? Yotpo? OneSignal? Bet you haven't felt stuck while using any of these ;)
Congrats to 20M users, CommandBar.
To read more of these, keep browsing reddit. I don't have a newsletter.
submitted by SolidProceeding25 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:38 thia40k Any reason why this would be sluggish and slow even on simple apps like settings, just bought it and set it up? 😣

submitted by thia40k to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:37 Busy_Bluebird_948 Resale Scam Resale Scam
Fell victim to this ticket resale scam by
Ticketmaster has the same tickets for $25 and folks on Ticket-Center are reselling them for $69 or more.
Event: Bluey's Big Play at the Wang Theater in Boston.
I purchased ticket on 5-5-2024 from and two days later I received a Ticketmaster transfer email notification (shown below) from an individual named "Roy". I never did business with Roy. I did business with Obvious there is a well orchestrated SCAM taking place here.
I have reported this incident to Paypal, Bank of America and Attorney General's Office of Massachusetts
Also, important to note that:
a) there is a New York AGO has this case against TICKET FULFILLMENT SERVICES, L.P (Payment system used by
b) BBB has published an alert for
c) Google accepts advertisement from which allows it to position itself on top Google results therefore allowing the scheme to continue. Which is how I fell for the scam.
submitted by Busy_Bluebird_948 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:31 Affectionate_Mix5081 How to plan for a code assignment given by employers?

I do not mean assignments like "extract value from an array and sort it after prime numbers." I'm talking about when they give you a whole assignment, like "create a TODO app with a working mock backend, use this api and this key for a db."
I ask because last week I turned mine in, but sadly I didn't get the work, which is fine. But when I look back at how I handled it, I think I could have done better. I spent about 35 hours on it in total and had a 4 day deadline after I recived the email.
I'm not the quikest programmer, and also newly graduated yes, but I also think I did a bit too much on said task, adding stuff not asked, like trying to implement some error handling, created stylesheets and import them, etc.
I think I tried to impress the employee, which, I think, not only made me waste so much of my timw, but also made the whole product look a but shabby.
So my question is, what should I do next time I get one? Also, sorry for the self rant!
submitted by Affectionate_Mix5081 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:30 John_Smith_4724 pay someone to do my online exam reddit Legit online test takers reddit Take my exam for me online Best online exam help reddit Pay someone to take my proctored exam reddit Pay someone to do my online exam reddit Statistics Math Probability Calculus Algebra Exam Helper for Hire Reddit

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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:26 flintlocket314 Writing a poetry book on limerence

Hi guys, I’m a hobby poet and I really enjoy using my creative outlets to give some dignity to my insane Limerent thoughts. Lol. Now I’ve got quite the collection built up and just for fun I thought I’d draw a few illustrations and self publish it on amazon (for free of course). Was wondering, as I cleaned it up a bit, if anyone had any suggestions or prompts to use to write a few more poems or perhaps add some elements to already created ones. Obviously stuff you yourself wouldn’t use. If you are interested in my style here is some of my work (not related to limerence):
“Heavy May:
Leave to others mild browns, let them twist their daisy crowns into emblems of their life; free of blizzards, free of strife Hand me winter's tortured twigs stain my lips with august figs. Suicide's breath is springs's warm air, how I wish I loved the fair! I have switched my white with yellow, only sought the sweet and mellow, Yet I ache for freezing lungs miss the wildfires on my tongue. My hearts needs its howling nights Bethlehem's raging candlelight. Hear, I have observed one thing, who rests in winter, dies in spring.”
“Electric Shocks:
My rainbow boy, disturbed by none is lying on the bed,
his mother is the august sun, the lightness in your head.
His father is the steady rain that lulls you back to sleep, she spread her warmth in every vein he gave him strength to keep.
But I am not admired by crowds, the envy makes me shudder the product of two thunderclouds will always be an other.
They have made something frightening in their violent clash.
My fingers burn with lightning beware my wild flash.”
submitted by flintlocket314 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:25 SpiritMushrooms Issues Deploying Unity AR experience to iPhone - Can't Verify App?

When I try deploy my AR app from a Macbook Air using Sonoma 14.4.1 to an iPhone 14 Pro, it fails at the VPN & Device Management stage. When I click 'Trust' it works but when I click 'Verify App' on my phone it fails. I've tried this while connected to wifi and while on mobile data, both when plugged into my Mac and when not but I get the same result each time.
The project itself is from Unity's AR for Mobile Pathway and is the initial trial project you download with just a spinning cube. I followed the configure instructions exactly.
I've attached the following
The request to open "com.StorySprings.ARProject" failed.
Domain: IDELaunchCoreDevice
Code: 0
Recovery Suggestion: Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.
User Info: {
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-05-13 20:04:50 +0000";
IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchCoreDeviceWorker;

The request to open "com.StorySprings.ARProject" failed.
Domain: IDELaunchCoreDevice
Code: 0
Recovery Suggestion: Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.
User Info: {
IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchCoreDeviceWorker;

The application failed to launch.
Code: 10002
User Info: {
BundleIdentifier = "com.StorySprings.ARProject";

The request to open "com.StorySprings.ARProject" failed.
Domain: FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain
Code: 1
Failure Reason: The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Security ("Unable to launch com.StorySprings.ARProject because it has an invalid code signature, inadequate entitlements or its profile has not been explicitly trusted by the user").
User Info: {
BSErrorCodeDescription = RequestDenied;
FBSOpenApplicationRequestID = 0x9a0a;

The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to launch com.StorySprings.ARProject because it has an invalid code signature, inadequate entitlements or its profile has not been explicitly trusted by the user.
Domain: FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain
Code: 3
Failure Reason: Unable to launch com.StorySprings.ARProject because it has an invalid code signature, inadequate entitlements or its profile has not been explicitly trusted by the user.
User Info: {
BSErrorCodeDescription = Security;

Event Metadata: : {
"device_isCoreDevice" = 1;
"device_model" = "iPhone15,2";
"device_osBuild" = "17.4.1 (21E236)";
"device_platform" = "";
"dvt_coredevice_version" = "355.24";
"dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1643.100.58";
"launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run;
"launchSession_state" = 1;
"launchSession_targetArch" = arm64;
"operation_duration_ms" = 1340;
"operation_errorCode" = 0;
"operation_errorDomain" = IDELaunchCoreDevice;
"operation_errorWorker" = IDELaunchCoreDeviceWorker;
"operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup;
"param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0;
"param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 0;
"param_debugger_type" = 3;
"param_destination_isProxy" = 0;
"param_destination_platform" = "";
"param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0;
"param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1;
"param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1;
"param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1;
"param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 3;
"param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 1;
"param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0;
"param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0;
"param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1;
"param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1;
"param_install_style" = 0;
"param_launcher_UID" = 2;
"param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0;
"param_launcher_kind" = 0;
"param_launcher_style" = 99;
"param_launcher_substyle" = 8192;
"param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0;
"param_runnable_productType" = "";
"param_structuredConsoleMode" = 1;
"param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0;
"param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0;
"param_testing_usingCLI" = 0;
"sdk_canonicalName" = "iphoneos17.4";
"sdk_osVersion" = "17.4";
"sdk_variant" = iphoneos;

System Information
macOS Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224)
Xcode 15.3 (22618) (Build 15E204a)
Timestamp: 2024-05-13T21:04:50+01:00
submitted by SpiritMushrooms to unity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:25 Government-Monkey Maybe my standards are a bit high. But I'm disappointed by the quality of the models in the collectors edition.

Maybe my standards are a bit high. But I'm disappointed by the quality of the models in the collectors edition.
So a little background: I enjoy building a lot of Gunpla and have played Homeworld since I was a kid. Missed out on the collector's edition of the remaster so had to get this one. But I'm disappointed by a few things.
  1. Etched greebles. There is lots of them and the positions look great. Generally I like them so this is a minor issue for me. But some of the etching are too wide and softened. Making the ship seem a bit smaller than it actually is in game and cheapest the look slightly. It also looks a bit different of advertisements.
  2. The stand; why two separate stands... why not an articulated stand. So we could have the ship in interesting positions. I've had heavier models on articulated stands before... To add to stands: I wish the one stand could support all the ships together. The magnets on the mothership hanger plate is brilliant. Why not more magnets to hold the frigate and fighter on securely.
  3. Lighting and sound: I love the lights and the positions look nice too. Wish there was a bit more and different colors. Like the hyperspace core glowing red. The sound, I remember that being on the advertisement... but I wish it wasn't there, the sound quality is bad and the holes in the bottom kinda hurts the look
  4. The other ships; The destroyer looks alright. But the issue with all the ships are that the etched lines are the same size as the homeworld etching. So the smaller the ships are the worse it looks. The fighters size and shape look very very different from advertisements and in game. Torpedo frigate has the same issue but not as severe. The white paint is also kinda smudged on the fighters and destroyer. Although the frigate was quite alright.
Short Verdict/opinion. Kinda wish the models had higher detail (especially the smaller fighters) and the mothership had more light variety. The arm supported articulation and the base supported its small fleet of ships that it came with.
submitted by Government-Monkey to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:24 Sherzen How many of this 100 w growing light do i need for my patio?

How many of this 100 w growing light do i need for my patio?
There is little sun that reaches my grass. I live in Egypt were the grass needs sun. The space is approximately 18.9 m2
submitted by Sherzen to plant [link] [comments]