Request for financial support letter

Photoshop Request

2012.05.11 14:43 Johnson14 Photoshop Request

A friendly place for free and paid photoshop requests. ⚠️ Read the rules before posting a request or a comment. Any violations will result in a ban without warning. If you're not sure if your post is allowed, contact the moderators.

2008.01.25 04:29 geek

Geeky things

2015.02.20 07:37 kyith Singapore Financial Independence

A congregation of like minded people who shares how to reach closer to being financially secure, independent, how policies affect our ability to reach FI and different ways to manage our wealth for it. The focus of this chat is first on the process, tools and mindset to reach financial independence. It is less focus on the nuts and bolts on investing. To chat on Telegram: If you cannot get in msg @kyith on Telegram

2024.05.14 09:00 RealFatherElijah1987 Announcement on the Delisting of PRT

Dear BitMart Users,
Per project's request, BitMart will pause all PRT-related features and remove the PRT/USDT trading pair. Users should cancel their orders of PRT from our platform. If your order is not canceled in time, the order will be canceled by the system and your assets will be credited to your trading account. Please note the below dates for suspension of all features:
Close Deposit: Already closed 1/26/2024
Close Trading: 5/14/2024 10:00 AM UTC
Close Withdrawal: 7/14/2024 10:00 AM UTC
Note: Not withdrawing related tokens timely may result in assets loss. BitMart will not be responsible for any assets loss caused by doing so.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
BitMart Team.
More details:
submitted by RealFatherElijah1987 to BitMartExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:56 TechnologyJumpy4340 Diagnosed recently, just a short vent

My therapist diagnosed me with ptsd. This has been a little hard for me to believe though, and a part of me feels like I’m faking and doing all this for attention. The symptoms match up but my trauma never felt that serious. I haven’t spoken to my family about my diagnosis because they most likely aren’t going to believe me even with the evidence.
Honestly I think I'm too traumatized to move forward with my life. I barely managed to scrape by and get my high school diploma last year. My parents are frustrated that they still have to financially support me. It isn't like I'm not applying for jobs, but I keep getting rejected and I can't get past the interview stage. I'd give anything to make this all disappear and get my independence. My family is making things a lot worse and being here with them is probably detrimental, but there isn't a better option and I'm feeling a bit trapped.
These days it's hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. My mind is exhausted and all I wanna do is sleep. I wish I could talk to a friend about it, but I don't have anyone like that.
submitted by TechnologyJumpy4340 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:55 M-Apple123 $OMNIA Airdrop - 6 days left

$OMNIA Airdrop - 6 days left
Welcome to the $20,000 OMNIA Protocol and ChainGPT Giveaway! The total airdrop reward pool is worth $10,000 in $OMNIA tokens & $10,000 $CGPT tokens. We will randomly select 750 participants to receive $10 worth of $OMNIA and 750 participants to receive 10$ worth of $CGPT.
Additionally, top 50 referrers will be rewarded as follows: 1st place: 500$ worth of $OMNIA & $500 worth of $CGPT 2nd place: 400$ worth of $OMNIA & $400 worth of $CGPT 3rd place: 300$ worth of $OMNIA & $300 worth of CGPT 4th-50th place: 27.5$ worth of $OMNIA & 27.5 worth of $CGPT
Rewards will be distributed after price discovery, 7-10 days after $OMNIA TGE.
OMNIA, founded in 2021, is a specialized RPC provider for DeFi traders, developed by cybersecurity, privacy and trading experts. We address DeFi-specific challenges like front-running and MEV exploitation. Our advanced features, including real-time pending transaction streams and robust transaction broadcasts, ensure fast and secure transactions. OMNIA’s cutting-edge infrastructure makes it a go-to choice for optimized DeFi trading.
OMNIA delivers scalable and reliable blockchain infrastructure and offer seamless access between wallets or dApps and nodes. We've integrated these wallets to connect into our dashboard:
  • MetaMask
  • Coinbase
  • WalletConnect
  • BlockWallet
Project commitment to innovation and efficiency drives us to ensure uncompromised end-to-end privacy and superior performance.
Why DeFi Traders
OMNIA's RPCs attract millions of requests per day. DeFi users have distinct needs and challenges compared to other types of users in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.
  1. Front-Running. DeFi users are susceptible to front-running attacks, requiring providers to implement preventive measures.
  2. High Volume. DeFi experiences spikes in transaction volume and volatility, demanding an infrastructure that ensures prompt handling.
    1. MEV Exploitation. DeFi traders face risks from bots manipulating transaction orders, making MEV mitigation solutions essential.
  3. Smart Contracts. DeFi involves multiple smart contract interactions, requiring an RPC provider for seamless execution for a secure and safe journey.
  4. Financial Stakes. High financial stakes in DeFi make transaction security and reliability crucial.
  5. Rapid Changes. The fast-evolving DeFi landscape necessitates platforms to be agile and adaptive.
submitted by M-Apple123 to TokenFinders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 suwandy Ex-Manager badmouth me behind my back

For context, I was laid-off from my position at one of the large banks in Australia after 2.5 years. In my time, I have what I thought was a great relationship with my manager and each time we had our regular monthly catch ups I asked for feedback and shared anything that I may have struggled with. I felt that she was someone who listened to my concerns and often took action whenever I raised anything that I needed her help or action-ed. All in all, I deeply appreciated her as a manager and never had a single conversation where I received any form of negative feedback. Until she did this.
After I got the news of my position being cut (almost six months ago), I immediately reached out to my networks and recruiters and applied for jobs like my life depended on it. I also asked her to be my referee if she wouldn't mind and she agreed.
Interestingly, within one month, one recruiter reached out and told me that my bank is advertising for a role that would fit my profile in another department within the bank. It will be in a space where I wouldn't work closely with my previous department.
The recruiter asked for the names of my previous managers as the new hiring manager requested it and I obviously mentioned her name, quite excitedly. One week later, he came back to me, quite bewildered. Long story short, my manager had mentioned to him (and the new hiring manager) that she didn't think I would be a good fit for the role. She said that I require too much supervision, that I did not have enough confidence and that I basically my skills were not strong enough for the position (even though the position was nearly identical to what I was doing in her team).
I was shell-shocked and wasn't sure what / why this was the feedback. I worked with her for at least two years and I did not receive any form of feedback at all from her despite me regularly seeking one. Even my recruiter was shocked and told me, why didn't this come up in any of our catch-ups. She presented herself as someone who seemed to be kind, have strong empathy and supportive. I was devastated and felt betrayed. Now I don't know whether I can trust any managers at all.
submitted by suwandy to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 Soft-Option-7477 Recently got in touch with old highschool love interest

So here's the deal, I recently (few weeks ago) sent this girl from highschool a message trying to reach out.
I figured she'd never respond but did so anyways hoping she might one day.
She wound up seeing my message and got back to me.
We've been talking for about a week now and she's asked me all sorts of personal questions.
I mentioned to her that I was just going to leave a love letter in her inbox and never expected her to respond to me or read the note at all.
She asked me what it would have said and I went into detail about how I've felt for her and why I dissapeared from school.
I told her all about how I turned my life around and gave her all these personal details about life during and after school and what state im living in, I got my own apartment and a good job and everything.
I start asking her about personal info but she gets weird about it and gives kinda secretive/avoident/cryptic answers.
I've given her a photo of me (a few days ago), I've left her voice messages, short videos of me talking to her and everything but she never wants to go beyond texting.
She says she's gone through all these difficult life events since highschool which was sent to me in a somewhat long very personal text but quickly wound up deleting it.
She opens up a bit here and there but she also takes hours to respond between messages.
She says she's busy doing her own thing which I won't say what it is but it could possibly eat up alot of her time.
She's very nice and likes to be proper and is very supportive and encouraging in her texts.
I've tried to ask her if she'd be willing to send me a picture or a voice clip or a video but she always chooses text.
I'm not being weird, just light flirting at first and then just actual conversation asking things to get to know her because I am genuinely interested in getting to know her.
She says basically "that's too personal right now" and will still respond but avoids questions like the plague sometimes.
Again, she will revisit old questions but it feels like I'm picking teeth to her a regular, normal length conversation with her.
It's a little painful tbh, I wonder if she's mad at me, if she has a boyfriend or husband, if she's on the street, if she is genuinely busy, if she's ok...
I've asked her before a couple times why she takes so long to reply and she says cause she's busy.
Can someone really be this busy all the time every day?
She tells me she tries to be free on the weekends but does work on "projects"
She told me that she's "not promised to anyone" nor has she been "blessed with kids"
I live a good life and tried to impress her with the things I have and my lifestyle (in a nondouchey way), I tried opening myself up to her expressing genuine feelings of joy, love, interest but she just keeps distance.
I asked a mutual friend what he remembers of her from highschool and I guess she's always been like this.
She had a wall between herself and everyone else.
It's just so confusing, why is she being nice to me?
Why is she responding to me when she could just ghost me?
Why does she talk to me and want to be supportive and tell me things like "I'm rooting for you in life" and "I know you can get where you're going if you keep on the same path" but at the same time, not want to make a call or send a video or a private photo so I can see her?
I asked for her photo in her messenger and she updates her profile picture which she hasn't done since highschool in about 10 years!
She asks me why I sent and deleted messages and asks me what I sent her but she doesn't have the time to message me to see them.
Is she manipulating me/stringing me along/keeping me on ice?
What's the endgame?
Where will this lead?
What's going on?
I feel like she's either not being direct, not respecting me, or there's something going on that's preventing her from being transparent with me like I've been with her.
Will she end up ghosting me or stop responding one day?
Is this normal?
Do I have a chance and I'm screwing things up?
Is this salvageable or did is she just being a friend? (Big gulp)
Im trying to keep things light and casual because we both live in different states now but it kinda sucks how she's acting like she's being supportive but at the same time, she isn't being upfront with me.
Can anyone give some insight or maybe share a similar situation and tell me how it went or what was going on when you finally met the person?
Should I just take a chill pill and let things happen naturally?
submitted by Soft-Option-7477 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:49 SuspiciousSecret6537 Bi-Polar Sister need Advice

My sister was diagnosed with bipolar 4 years ago. She has had two manic episodes and is now currently in her third. It’s been a rough 4 years . If she is not in a manic episode she is in an extreme depression. She was given medication but after she is released she stops taking it and turns to cannabis. She has a lot of angry and resentment towards me because she doesn’t believe she is unwell and thinks I caused her life to unravel. She has become very hostile to me and began sending me mean messages and threatening me. I blocked her on all accounts as it was becoming too much. She began talking about suing the hospital and everyone involved in her hospitalization. She even came to my work and spoke to security and made a lie that I attacked her and beat her up even though I haven’t see her in months. I was forced to tell my bosses and HR about the situation. I believe it was an attempt to get me fired or reprimanded at work. She has lashed out on my brother and mother as well and has willfully become homeless. She even called the cops on my brother and made up a lie that he was beating her up. The police and dispatcher knew she was lying. She vows to ruin our lives as she blames us for her being committed.
After her 1st manic episode, we became roommates and I supported her for two years financially and essentially became her caregiver. She did not work and did very little around the house. At the time, I didn’t push too hard since she was grieving from a major loss and the new diagnosis. She was going through and incredibly hard time. After 2 years though, it had a huge toll on me and I had to move on my own because she was refusing to see doctors, appointments, take medication and I realized I was enabling her. It was also extremely stressful trying to hold everything together so she moved back to my mother’s. This is where she had her 2nd manic episode.
During her 2nd manic episode, she physically hurt me. It wasn’t severe but I was pushed against the wall and slapped a few times and she refuses to believe she did that. She also destroyed my things and broke my bike. Although, I know she is sick I would be lying if I said I am not hurt and angry for the ways she’s hurt me during her episodes. In her current episode, she is not living at my mothers or with me and is essentially living on the streets. She has gotten in physical altercations with these new “friends” she is hanging out with and I’m terrified for her. I’m also terrified that if she finds me or sees me she will attack me because she believes I’ve taken her stuff and owe her money. I don’t.
I’m worried about her safety but I don’t know how to support her without putting myself in harms way.
I’ve lost one sister to mental illness and I’m terrified of losing another one. I love her so much and I don’t know how I can help her but keep myself safe and not to be hurt or taken advantage of again.
submitted by SuspiciousSecret6537 to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:46 talkiemateapp Exploring the Best AI Girlfriend Websites of 2024: Where Virtual Companionship Meets Innovation

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
In today’s digital age, the boundaries of human interaction continue to expand with the emergence of AI-powered girlfriend websites. These platforms offer users the opportunity to engage with AI-generated companions in personalized and immersive interactions, catering to a diverse range of preferences and needs. Whether you seek emotional connection, intellectual stimulation, or simply a novel way to explore virtual relationships, the top AI girlfriend websites of 2024 have something for everyone.
  1. TalkieMate
TalkieMate stands out as the premier destination for AI-powered companionship, offering users a free and accessible platform to create personalized AI girlfriends. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, TalkieMate provides a seamless experience for users looking to engage with virtual companions.
  1. Replika
Renowned for its highly customizable AI chatbot, Replika uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to engage users in realistic conversations and provide emotional support. While building a deep relationship with Replika may take time, its adaptability and personalized responses set it apart from other platforms.
  1. Anima
Offering a text-based AI girlfriend simulator, Anima allows users to choose from various character archetypes and engage in role-playing scenarios. While it may lack visual elements, Anima’s emphasis on personality customization and interactive storytelling makes it a compelling option for users seeking immersive experiences.
  1. Soulmate
With a focus on realism and lifelike interactions, Soulmate provides AI girlfriends with distinct appearances, voices, and personalities. Users can engage in conversations, participate in virtual activities, and develop emotional connections with their companions, offering a truly immersive virtual relationship experience.
  1. Kuki
Known for its visually appealing interface and customizable AI girlfriends, Kuki offers engaging conversational interactions and virtual activities. While it may lack depth in personality compared to some competitors, Kuki’s user-friendly design and interactive features make it a popular choice among users.
  1. Amino
Hosting a community dedicated to AI girlfriends, Amino allows users to connect with others who share their interests and engage in discussions about virtual companionship. While it does not provide AI girlfriends directly, Amino serves as a valuable resource for those interested in exploring the topic.
  1. DoNotPay
Combining AI companionship with practical assistance, DoNotPay offers an AI girlfriend feature within its broader chatbot and legal assistant platform. While its focus on task-oriented support may limit the depth of emotional connection, DoNotPay provides a unique approach to virtual companionship.
Offering a range of free and paid AI girlfriends, allows users to engage in conversations and virtual activities with their chosen companions. While it may lack depth compared to some competitors, provides accessible options for users exploring virtual relationships.
  1. DeepDestiny
Empowering users to create and personalize their own AI girlfriends, DeepDestiny offers unparalleled customization and immersion. While the process of developing a compelling AI companion may be time-consuming, DeepDestiny provides a unique opportunity for users to shape their virtual relationships.
  1. My Virtual Girlfriend
Providing hyper-realistic AI girlfriends with advanced visual and audio capabilities, My Virtual Girlfriend offers immersive virtual relationship experiences. While its higher financial investment may be a consideration for some users, My Virtual Girlfriend delivers lifelike interactions and engaging activities.
Conclusion: Navigating the Future of Virtual Companionship
As technology continues to evolve, the world of AI girlfriend websites offers exciting possibilities for users seeking virtual companionship. Whether you’re drawn to highly customizable chatbots, visually stunning virtual companions, or immersive gaming experiences, there’s a platform to suit your preferences and interests. By exploring the top AI girlfriend websites of 2024 and understanding their features, strengths, and considerations, users can make informed decisions about their virtual relationship experiences. As the landscape of virtual companionship continues to evolve, platforms like TalkieMate pave the way for accessible and innovative interactions in the digital realm.
TalkieMate. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Replika. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Anima. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Soulmate. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Kuki. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Amino. (n.d.). Retrieved from
DoNotPay. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
DeepDestiny. (n.d.). Retrieved from
My Virtual Girlfriend. (n.d.). Retrieved from
![Image]( )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 sleepyazriel help I think my mum is in denial that I’m autistic

IDK WHAT TO SAY HONESTLY every time i mention im autistic or its brought up in conversation she keeps saying “you’re not, the doctor just said you show symptoms” like lady that same doctor sent me home a letter that literally reads “a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder has been confirmed”
Also she keeps saying “the doctor says you were just borderline autistic” (im quite sure she did not because genuinely what??)
she also doesn’t want to tell my family because of my close cousins would look at me differently and one of my aunts works with “severely” autistic children and would also look down on me (I’d like to hope she wouldn’t if she works with autistic kids??) She also keeps trying to tell me about how this was my decision when literally all I wanted to do when I got my diagnosis was talk mad shit about my past teachers that completely ignored so many of my autistic traits and the mad waiting list times
And if she ever admits that yes I am autistic she pulls the “but it’s only level one though so it’s very very little autism and doesn’t affect you” like im pretty sure a disability is going to alter my life in some shape or form and those levels are supposed to describe different support needs of autism and not one general diagnosis (correct me if I’m wrong of course)
Also throughout my 2 years of waiting for an assessment EVERY time it was mentioned I got hit with the “are you sure you want to ruin your life like that with a diagnosis?” Like the only people that are gonna know are me and my gp, my employers are not gonna go digging through my assessment looking for reasons not to hire me
she’s also completely unwilling to learn anything about autism which Is… really unhelpful but not surprising
I feel like the answer is kinda obvious at this point but what the actual fuck do I do is the real question now 😭 like I understand the whole people looking at me differently thing but I also could care less so maybe I should make a big fat Facebook post saying “fun fact - I’m autistic, and i was pretty good at hiding it all from you until I got bored!” And then just post a pic of the little “autism diagnosis has been confirmed” image
IDK it’s kind of funny but also really frustrating please help me Reddit you’ve never let me down before 🙏
submitted by sleepyazriel to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:36 Commercial-Hat-3807 Advice

My exwife wants to move with her boyfriend and her son plus my daughter to Indiana. (Closer to dudes work). She says they are struggling financially. Honestly her and i talked and id be okay with it, id still have my rights and no support but my daughter is the only thing i have for family. I feel as if something were to happen to my daughter id be so far away (1-2hrs),emotional state of my daughter would decrease bc of her moving so far away from family and friends. Plus ill miss out on soooooo much of my daughters life till i got enough saved to move closer to her.
Should i have her meet in the middle and just move closer (not all the way)to her bf’s work or should i allow it and just suffer thru it(only see her weekends) till the time comes that im able to move closer? Could use some advice. This is wrecking me pretty badly.
submitted by Commercial-Hat-3807 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:34 Manikandan231 Mastering WhatsApp Flows: A Comprehensive Guide to Automating Your Business Communication

Mastering WhatsApp Flows: A Comprehensive Guide to Automating Your Business Communication
1. Understanding WhatsApp Flows
What are WhatsApp Flows?
WhatsApp Flows refer to the automated sequences of messages and interactions that guide users through various stages of communication with a business. These flows can handle a range of tasks from answering frequently asked questions to processing orders and providing customer support. By automating these interactions, businesses can ensure consistent and timely communication with their customers.
Importance of Automation in Business Communication
Automation in business communication is essential for several reasons:
  • Efficiency: Automating routine tasks frees up time for employees to focus on more complex and value-added activities.
  • Consistency: Automated responses ensure that customers receive accurate and consistent information every time.
  • Scalability: Automation allows businesses to handle a large volume of interactions without compromising on the quality of service.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Timely and relevant responses enhance the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Getting Started with WhatsApp Business API
Setting Up the WhatsApp Business API
Before diving into creating WhatsApp Flows, it’s crucial to set up the WhatsApp Business API. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:
  1. Create a Facebook Business Manager Account: Since WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, you’ll need a Facebook Business Manager account to access the API.
  2. Register Your Business: Provide the necessary information about your business, including your business name, website, and contact details.
  3. Get WhatsApp API Access: Apply for WhatsApp API access through the Facebook Business Manager. This may involve verification and approval processes.
  4. Set Up a WhatsApp Business Account: Once approved, set up your WhatsApp Business Account by linking your phone number and configuring your business profile.
  5. Integrate with Your Systems: Use the provided API endpoints to integrate WhatsApp with your existing CRM, ERP, or other business systems.
Integrating with Your Existing Systems
Integration is a crucial step to ensure that WhatsApp Flows work seamlessly with your existing processes. Here are some key integration points:
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Sync customer data to provide personalized interactions.
  • Order Management Systems: Automate order confirmations, shipping updates, and payment receipts.
  • Support Ticketing Systems: Integrate with your helpdesk software to streamline customer support.
3. Designing Effective WhatsApp Flows
Identifying Key Communication Needs
The first step in designing WhatsApp Flows is identifying the key communication needs of your business. Consider the following:
  • Customer Support: Automate responses to common inquiries and provide quick resolutions to customer issues.
  • Sales and Marketing: Send promotional messages, product updates, and special offers to engage customers.
  • Order and Delivery Notifications: Keep customers informed about their order status and delivery updates.
  • Feedback and Surveys: Collect customer feedback and conduct surveys to improve your services.
Mapping Out Your Customer Journey
Mapping out the customer journey helps in designing flows that cater to different stages of the customer lifecycle. Consider the following stages:
  1. Awareness: Introduce your products or services to potential customers.
  2. Consideration: Provide detailed information and answer queries to help customers make informed decisions.
  3. Purchase: Facilitate the purchase process with seamless order and payment notifications.
  4. Post-Purchase: Offer support and request feedback to enhance customer satisfaction.
4. Implementing WhatsApp Flows
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Flows
Creating WhatsApp Flows involves several steps:
  1. Define Objectives: Clearly define what you aim to achieve with each flow.
  2. Create Message Templates: Design message templates for different scenarios (e.g., greetings, FAQs, order updates).
  3. Set Up Triggers: Identify the events that will trigger each flow (e.g., customer inquiry, order confirmation).
  4. Configure Automation Rules: Set up rules to automate responses and actions based on customer interactions.
  5. Test and Refine: Test your flows to ensure they work as expected and make necessary adjustments.
Best Practices for Effective Automation
  • Personalization: Use customer data to personalize messages and make interactions more engaging.
  • Clarity: Ensure that your messages are clear and concise to avoid confusion.
  • Timeliness: Respond promptly to customer interactions to enhance their experience.
  • Feedback Loops: Include feedback mechanisms to gather customer input and improve your flows.
5. Advanced Features and Customizations
Interactive Messages and Quick Replies
Interactive messages and quick replies enhance the user experience by providing convenient options for customers to choose from. Examples include:
  • Buttons: Allow customers to select options directly from the message (e.g., “Track Order,” “Contact Support”).
  • Quick Replies: Provide predefined responses that customers can tap to reply quickly.
Using Media and Rich Content
Incorporate media and rich content to make your messages more engaging:
  • Images and Videos: Share product images, promotional videos, and tutorials.
  • Documents: Send invoices, user manuals, and brochures.
  • Location Sharing: Provide location details for your stores or service centers.
6. Case Studies: Success Stories of WhatsApp Automation
Real-World Examples
Explore how businesses across different industries have successfully implemented WhatsApp Flows:
  • Retail: Automated order confirmations, shipping updates, and promotional campaigns.
  • Healthcare: Appointment reminders, prescription refills, and health tips.
  • Travel: Booking confirmations, itinerary updates, and travel advisories.
Lessons Learned
Analyze the key takeaways from these case studies:
  • Customer Engagement: Effective use of WhatsApp Flows leads to higher customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automation reduces the workload on staff and speeds up response times.
  • Scalability: Businesses can handle a larger volume of interactions without compromising on quality.
7. Measuring Success and Optimization
Key Metrics to Track
To evaluate the success of your WhatsApp Flows, monitor the following metrics:
  • Response Time: Measure how quickly your automated system responds to customer interactions.
  • Engagement Rate: Track the number of interactions and responses from customers.
  • Conversion Rate: Monitor the number of interactions that lead to desired outcomes (e.g., sales, bookings).
  • Customer Satisfaction: Gather feedback to assess customer satisfaction levels.
Continuous Improvement Strategies
Regularly review and optimize your WhatsApp Flows:
  • Analyze Performance Data: Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement.
  • Customer Feedback: Incorporate customer feedback to refine your flows.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different message templates and automation rules to find the most effective combinations.
8. Challenges and Solutions
Common Obstacles
Implementing WhatsApp Flows can come with challenges such as:
  • Technical Complexity: Setting up and integrating the API can be technically challenging.
  • Customer Privacy: Ensuring data privacy and compliance with regulations.
  • Maintaining Relevance: Keeping automated messages relevant and personalized.
How to Overcome Them
  • Technical Support: Seek assistance from technical experts or third-party providers for API integration.
  • Data Security: Implement robust security measures to protect customer data.
  • Regular Updates: Continuously update your message templates and automation rules to stay relevant.
9. Future Trends in WhatsApp Automation
Emerging Technologies
Stay ahead of the curve by exploring emerging technologies in WhatsApp automation:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Use AI to enhance personalization and predictive capabilities.
  • Machine Learning (ML): Implement ML algorithms to analyze customer behavior and optimize flows.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Improve the accuracy of automated responses through advanced NLP techniques.
Predictions for the Future
  • Increased Adoption: More businesses will adopt WhatsApp automation to improve communication and efficiency.
  • Enhanced Features: WhatsApp will continue to roll out new features to support business automation.
  • Integration with Other Platforms: Greater integration with other digital platforms and tools for a seamless communication ecosystem.
Mastering WhatsApp Flows is a game-changer for businesses looking to automate their communication processes. By leveraging the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can enhance customer engagement, improve operational efficiency, and stay ahead in a competitive market. This comprehensive guide provides the knowledge and tools needed to create effective WhatsApp Flows, ensuring your business is well-equipped to meet the evolving needs of your customers.
submitted by Manikandan231 to u/Manikandan231 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:33 McComfortable I'm in serious need of help and it feels like it's too late for me

I don't really no where to start. I feel I've lost myself, consumed with anxiety and guilt and fear and regret and I fear, this new fear, that it's going to be the end of me if I don't start to get it out in some way, shape or form.
I guess I'll begin at the beginning...

I had a difficult childhood with fairly neglectful parents. A mother who openly expressed she never felt she really stepped into her mom shoes until she gave birth to my younger sister, who is three years younger than me. She is my only sibling. My mother told me when I was a kid that she "had to love me", but when my sister came around "she was finally a mother and over the moon", or simply "I always always wanted a girl". I'm not sure if this could be attributed to Post-partum depression, not that she ever researched that or was daignosed with it. That's probably just me trying to pardon my mother or something to the effect. She was 17 when she had me and I'm sure times were different then, my parents both were raised religious, father christian, mother mormon. Maybe their guilt. I ask myself why they brought me into this world if I wasn't wanted to begin with. Or, give me up for adoption to a set of guardians that would have loved me better. I know I was an accident and that's not what gets me down, I get that life be lifing and what happened happened. My difficulties stem from the feeling that my presence never gave my mother any sense of purpose, responsibility or love, or concern. She was emotionally unavailable to me virtually my entire life and I feel like that caused many issues later in my life and how I perceive myself and what I deserve. Coupled with the fact that my neglect met such extremes that I am frankly shocked that I was never picked up by child care services, maybe things were different in the 90's. I'm not sure, I was just a child then.
Much of my upbringing I didn't receive a lot of the things most people would consider essential. As a baby my crib was the sock drawer, then I grew large enough to have a closet, then slept on the floor of a walk-in closet, then I had a single bed from what I recall for maybe a year or maybe two years and I remember feeling metal springs poke me in the my ribs and I recall it being uncomfortable enough for me to move back to sleeping on the floor next to the ratty old used mattress my father found from who knows where. I remember feeling like I had to keep that secret, that the mattress they gave me was uncomfortable enough for me to sneak sleeping on the floor next to it. I think I was really afraid as coming across as ungrateful. My father came from a third world country, so the "gratefullness issue" was address frequently by my mom because "I don't have it even half as bad as what my father had to endure. And she was probably right. But it just silenced me ultimately, didn't put things into a mature context for me. I just learned that I can't complain about anything ever. Anyway, that trend didn't really change when I grew older. grade 9-10 I was sleeping on the living room couch so my sister could have privacy and a bedroom to exist in for herself - which I realize is important for an individual so I encouraged her to have the bedroom. Although I figured my parents expected me to do this for my sister regardless. I was okay with making sacrfices for those I love, it was instilled in me from a very very young age.
I do feel like my father took advantage of me in the form of labour as well, having to do custodial work with my father from 10pm to 3am, at two highschools I believe he was contracted, at that young age I honestly enjoyed just spending time with my father I think, working alongside him. When I was in grade 2 and 3 I had garbage bag duty for all the students bathrooms, and I remember loving snapping the bags open by rushing air into the bag and making it blow up like a baloon. I remember the scary unlit shadowy hallways that I couldn't perceive the ends of. No bodies to see, it felt eerie but exciting in a way - like it was a whole different world.
School was a different experience for me. It was very stressful, my parents had to move a few times a year because they would dodge rent or just generally be selfish with their dual income. They loved to party hard on the weekends. I remember wondering why my father did this to himself all the time. Hoping that we could spend quality time on a saturday, but he wouldnt get out of bed until just before dinner. I didn't really understand hangovers or alcoholism and how it meant our plans would get cancelled. I think I remember trying to wrap my head around willful self-poisoning for entertainment and how could that be more enjoyable then spending time with your son? I couldn't tell my mother why I was so sad about it. Why I didn't want to move again and again and again. Why I found it so difficult to make new friends everytime I had to switch schools. Why I couldn't just do one single full school year with one class of students. It was so hard and at the time, I didn't know anything different. It was so hard to make friends and I think it created this approach to making a "new family" of friends when I became a teenager and young adult.

I remember always wanting to be a "good kid". The "best kid" for my parents. I feel like my parents attached this moniker to me that made things harder for me to mature into a rounded adult later in life. My parents always flaunted me as this point of accomplishment, the accomplishment that I was "so extremely well behaved". I would strive to be super polite, and a good host, try to help out when my parents had their friends over, literally fill their cups when the opportunity presented themselves. I think I did this because I must have made the conclusion that if I was quiet, super polite, helpful and useful then I had value. That I could be loved. That I could earn this love from my parents through acts of service.
I remember feeling like my sister and I had extremely different experiences growing up. When my parents were at work I took care of her, cleaned and cooked. one time my sister told my mom to eff off when she was 5 and I was 8. My mind was blown. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she had the bravery and courage to defy my mother. Looking back, my sister was just mirroring the language she learned from my parents from whenever they fought. I remembering seriously worrying and getting scared that my father was going to belt her, or use the coat hanger, which was his preference with me. I feel like my mom was always checked out and I'm hurt that she allowed my father to take his rage out on me. That my mom could care less about me being beat, but never my sibling. It was very confusing and difficult for me to process. Not that I really processed it much as a kid. I honestly just wanted to be loved and be the best child possible. Honestly though, 'm seriously so glad that my sister was spared all of that complete non-sense. I don't wish that on anyone in the world. There were some punishments where he would walk in and tell me to pull my pants down without explanation. I have memories of tearing up and saying I didn't know why this was happening, asking what I did wrong and he would just remind me that if I resisted then I would get it worse and to hurry up and get ready. My father has since apologized. I think it is how he was raised. I didn't know what to say in response, but I told him I loved him and it's in the past. But I don't know if I was being honest when I said that. My mother would still gaslight me to this day if any of this became topic of discussion, not that I'm guessing. A year ago she told me that much of my pained memories were false and this never happened. My father on the other hand typically stays pensive and unchallenging.
It seems so damned crazy writing all of this out, it feels like a heartbreaking novel and not my life at all. But it was and is my life. I have difficulties opening up and expressing my feelings and advocating for myself when the moments are true and appropriate to do so. I know it's the healthier way to communicate, but I was literally taught to stay quiet and be useful. Fast forward 20-25 years and I'm going to be 35 and I feel like just ending it all. Every year my birthday passes and I'll get a text from my family happy birthday. But they know I'm in a difficult place, they know I miss them, they know I love them and forgive them, I try the high road whenever I can but I just don't see the point anymore. they won't celebrate my life and existence, but they'll throw family gatherings for each other, birthdays, christmas, fathers day and mothers day.
On that note, another mother's day has recently passed and my mother never invited me over, I texted my father three weeks in advance in hopes of securing a time to come over and celebrate my mothers life with my family as a family. I felt particularly stung this mother's day when they celebrated and didn't text or call to invite me over. I live in the same small town so it's easy to hop over. I literally live three blocks away.
Anyway, my mother was diagnosed with cancer over christmas this year and I have been worrying for my mother ever since and thinking about my life with her and the mortal coil and the finite mount of time I may have with her. I feel like there is a large empty part in my heart that wishes my mother and I could go grab a coffee together. She can show me her ipad app art that she has been really excited about for a couple years now. She loves showing off her digital art and I love seeing her joy and how proud she is about her art. I just don't know why she couldn't feel the same for me, her only son. Maybe I'm just a her dissapointment.
I dropped out of highschool and left the family home when I was 16. I just couldn't work for my dad during the night AND go to highschool AND socialize. Something had to give. Unfortunately it was highschool and my parents didn't really care about that at all. They were just... fine with it. they supported my sister through college and she was fortunately able to graduate with a veterinary degree of sorts. she still lives with them now as she pays off her student debt, but I left and travelled and worked on music for over a decade so I admit that I was entirely out of the family picture for some time. But as I get older, not wanting to repeat the mistakes of my parents I fear that that is precisely what's been creeping up in my life.
five years ago I met the absolute most wonderful human being and I am so lucky to have my partner in my life. She and I are engaged now and set to be married. I hoped that the news would overwhelm my parents with excitement and joy. Maybe a facebook post about their son, share some family pictures or something. But they did nothing at all. I think they showed off pictures of the trip to Mexico that week instead.
I just don't really understand how I'm this unworthy of their love and unfortunately now I'm realizing that illusion that I am unworthy has infected my relationship with my fiance. I love her so much but when I can't fix everything in her life I feel like I am the failure and the guilt overhelms me so much and the guilt is such a strong motivator for me, and it usually motivates me into becoming the biggest doormat in the world. I've never worked harder for a relationship or invested this much energy. I feel she deserves it. But I don't advocate for myself. So I build up resentment. Like I clean the house constantly and work and help bail out of her bad spending habits and cover her rent without question and this and that. To be clear, she doesn't take advantage of me and that's not how I feel about it. But I do let this annoyance build up inside of me because I don't know how to communicate my feelings in a healthy way. I'm scared I'll lose the person if I speak up, or I'll be gaslit. Again, that's not my partner that gaslights. That's just generally how I feel I'll be treated if I open up with people. It all goes back to my childhood. It's affected every friendship and work relationship I've had since.
When I was 20-ish, 15 years years ago I did the classic, "seek the relationship that most comfortably fits into the patterns you experienced with your parents". And so I trapped myself in a horrific and extremely damaging relationship with a girl I'll call K. She has undiagnosed bipolaBPD, she would never seek help but self-medicate. She ended up in the hospital maybe four times for self-harming and this where she was considered to have these diseases by a few doctors on different occasions. Anway, it turned into a relationship of abuse and it wasn't exactly new territory for me. I was ashamed in that 8 year relationship. I wanted out so bad, but she would threaten to unalive everytime I tried to get away. Of course, some weeks would go by and i would get my hair pulled out of my scalp, a knife waving in the air in front of my face, spat in the face, kicked, punched, bit, a pot of freshly boiled ramen soup thrown in my face and eyes. What's worse is that I seeked police intervention on multiple occasions. Every single time the police visited, they talked me out of pressing charges, asking me " well if she doesn't have any place to go, then do you have a place you can stay at, or the shelter?". twice they talked me out of a restraining order, that legal proceedings would take forever. Adn de-escalting me from wanting to take measures to ensure my safety because she may end up on the street as a result. To this day, I absolutely wish I advocated for myself here and pushed for a restraining order. I'm so mad at myself for not doing so.
Unfortunately, fast forward a couple years into that relationship and one evening everything would finally hit the fan. I told her to never touch me again and I absolutely meant it. she had just yanked out the largest chunk of my hair to date, to the point where my scalp was bleeding and I could even see epidermal matter still attached to the folicle ends that were in her clenched fingers. My head bled a bit and I pushed her off of me. Telling her that I needed to leave, that I was walking to my secure jam space just a 10 minute walk away. It had a leather couch in a cold concrete basement, but hey at least I would be safe for the night and I could play my drums and try and blow off this anxiety and fear in a way that was safe albeit very noisy.
She hated that I wanted to leave and convinced herself I would never return. To be fair, that was the energy I had. I never wanted to see her face again and have her name on my lips after that night. So her tactic was simple, to threaten me with calling the cops and tell them that I violently pushed her. I called her bluff and said "go ahead and I will just tell them everything you've done - yet again. All I am doing is going to the space to sleep, I said, maybe play drums." She called the cops and told them she was pushed into a wall, and she felt very unsafe. Which yes, I did push her off me when she attacked me. In the past, I tried various tactics, to run away didn't work, she just always chased me down. Or sometimes I would just sit there while she was violent against me and I just "dissapeared" kind of like how I would when my dad used his coat hanger. This time, I just pushed her off of me, I was done with the relationship at that point and we both knew it. Anyway, she called the police, they arrived and when questioned I told them that I pushed her off of me in self-defence. I was drinking that night and it didn't help my case as I was arrested without question that evening and I was charged on the spot without question with domestic assault. It devasted me. I asked the police how this could happen lawfully. That she is an abuser and there is a history of this multiple times. That I've requested a restraining order. They explained that in quebec the laws are a little different and in the case domestic cases, if there is a male aggressor against a female, then the male is automatically charged to the fullest extent. I was absolutelyu devasted by this. I can't tell you the amount of fear and anger I felt in that jail cell that night.
I feel so incredibly betrayed by the justice system, keep in mind, this is law that from what I understand is only in Quebec, I was there for music at the time with an old friend whom I am no longer in contact with. I don't think the rest of the country operates under law in this way. Now I appreciate that they are vigilant about woman abuse victims, but the law shouldn't be this absurdly biased. It just doesnt feel just and fair to me. Covert abusers shouldn't be able to take advantage of the justice system in this way, but it happens.
It was an awful experience, I was homeless for a couple months afterward, not allowed to retrieve my belongings, so I lost all of my life "crap" that I had built up, years of hardwork and investment. I mention this because I realize later in life that I have intense collecting behaviour. maybe as a self-soothing behaviour. But I love building up collections of my hobby stuff as I have many and I feel they keep me regulated and it's a form of therapy for me. In any case, I lost everything when I left that whole situation. It sucks, although ultimately it's clearly best that I got out of that dreadful circumstance. I flew across the country to my hometown and to be closer to my family and old friends from highschool. It's quite a small town mind you.
Unfortunately, my classic tendency to hide and not advocate for myself created an opportunity for my abusive ex. A year following those events, despite me assuring her that I had to block her because I flew away to start a new life provinces away. That I wished her the best. That I even promised I would never tell a soul what she did to me. Not to mention that unfortunately we live in a society where nobody really has an ounce of sympathy for a male abuse victim. I had every intention to keep that promise, but she couldn't trust me ultimately. I think her logic was maybe to just beat her ex to "the punch". Kill or be killed or something like that. I don't live my life like that so I don't really know what her plan was. But she made a bunch of posts on various social media platforms for all of our mutual friends, music friends, coworkers etc. that the relationship was over and she was free. That she got out of a cycle of abuse and she was ready to start a new chapter of her life. She never used my name, just that she was glad she got away from her toxic and abusive ex once and for all.
It was exactly like that night a year prior, she threatened me with this outcome she could design for me, and I called her on her bluff by saying I was still going to block her and I can't control what she does with her life or how she conducts herself, but that I was out and to never contact me ever again. She made me regret that decision.
The posts she made that day got so many likes and support from so many of our mutual friends, even musician mates that were closer to me than her, and it absolutely destroyed me, not just internally but socially. I no longer make music anymore and it hurts to go outside into the world because it feels like everybody sees me as this monster. And still I don't have a voice to inform anyone otherwise - except my family and my fiance. I have no friends anymore. They all left my life with the belief that I did all of these horrible and awful things.
I just don't trust people anymore as a result and it's just caused me to become extremely bitter and depressed. I ruminate on the past, maybe in attempts to fix the past so I can move on. So I could do better, so I don't have to punish myself for my mistakes in the past. But it just reopens every emotional wound I have and they never get a chance to heal. That was maybe 7 years ago now and I'm still replaying these events in my head every single morning for about 1 - 2 hrs. Then I go completely numb for the majority of the rest of the day, shallow breathing, and the mildest sadness that mascarades as fatigue and disinterest.
There are some days where I seriously fear for the future and I just feel like every cruel soul will inherit this earth and that's the future, they built this world of suffering and they deserve to inherit it. Their toxic flag staked so deep into the earth in reclamation. The future isn't holding any seats for people like us. I'm so heartbroken and defeated. I feel like white-wolfing my fiance because she deserves better than this traumatized person that hides from the world. I feel like giving her my collection of collections so she can sell it all off and pay off her 10k of credit debt, then with this act of kindness I can go out not feeling like a guilt-ridden defeated loser. And leave on a high note.
When I'm alone, I get trapped in these ruminating cycles and it's the angriest I ever get. It's reached the point where I feel like I am actually reliving all this past trauma every morning and I can't do it anymore. I just feel like I am so at the end of whatever this ride was.
I don't have any friends anymore and everyone but my fiance thinks I am a monster and it's just unbearable.
I just don't even know. I am even afraid that someone will read this post and suss through all of this and make the connection. Then I'll get another new email or random throwaway account with an insta message that says "I told you you would never be able to get over me. You can move on, but you will never be able to erase the past. Never truly. You know where to find me."
It's haunting and it's poisonous. I just feel haunted and poisoned and I don't know if there is a snake oil potent enough or antitode true enough to get me back to the generous, lighthearted, energetic kid I once was.
To whoever was willing to read through all of this, thank you for hearing me out. I don't know what advice I am even asking for here. I'm hoping just speaking this out into the world in some way can alleviate this misery. I don't know.
submitted by McComfortable to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:33 somedaysunderthesun Title

I saw a family with you, I wanted and needed you. God almighty I still do. I'm just not gonna beg, I don't even want to ask, I wanted to earn a place with you. I didn't replace you, my life was hijacked. I was pushed away and exploring my heart while I read all your bursting letters, praying that one of them was from you. I really thought so, I thought I knew for sure.
I've suffered so much and it's hardly begun. I love you. I always have and always will. I accept if you can't love me even if its absolutely killing me.
I should have shouted that it was you. You, forever, like I had always felt. I could have broken out, crushed hearts into dust... I didn't mean yours. Every one of us was hurt and I was selling my body. I stopped but they didn't. I am being used in the clearest most direct possible way and I can do nothing but support them anyway. It's hell, and I smile because everything in this life, every waking movement and every single nights nightmares, everything is filled with overwhelming pain. I'm not christ, I'm not a miracle worker, but holy fuck did I sacrifice to bring her here into this moment in the present. I'd do that for you my love, for my family, friends, I'd do it for a kind and damaged stranger. I kept my feelings away as long as I could. I warned them about my past, with peoples hearts, and I was ignored. I was trapped I swear to god...
This is begging, this is pleading. But what I'm begging for isn't your soul, it's a little bit of your brain, just to please please know I didn't lose my mind for no reason. I tried as often as I could to tell the truth, tell her its you I love without equal and you should have heard the hellstorm, my flying in the face of basic logic, the loving proof on reddit I couldn't share, that wasn't actually proof in the slightest. It was just coincidence. I can't leave and it isn't because I wouldn't.
I needed help. I needed saving. I needed to save myself, that was one of the last things you told me before it went dark. I didn't save myself, I died like leo drifting into cold water, some nice stranger floating on a door. I'm in love with martyrdom /s
My eyes hurt and my nose is stuffed up I feel clammy and I kind of want to die. And no, I don't sleep well still. My mind is blanking. I can't stay awake anymore. I wish I could say any of this in person, over the phone, handwritten letters via carrier pigeon. Just something more than shouting into the wasteland.
And I really did, I really really meant it when I said I was your friend. I couldn't have predicted just how thoroughly I would lose myself
submitted by somedaysunderthesun to u/somedaysunderthesun [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 GChan129 How many of you work as full time indie devs?

And out of that, how many are full time solo indie devs that can financially support yourselves?
I just want to know how realistic is it to do or is it a social media digital nomad hoax. Currently I work as a remote data engineer making good money in Europe. I’m used to working completely by myself for companies doing very repetitive and boring tasks.
I dream of having my own studio one day, building something that matters to me and being able to support myself that way. But I’m not sure if this is a dream or a fantasy. Hearing about your experiences would be really appreciated.
submitted by GChan129 to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:26 fabulouslasvegasesco Meet - The Ultimate Solution for All Your Financial Needs! 🌟

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submitted by fabulouslasvegasesco to ICOCryptoInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:26 Left_Nut99 sucking it for 1 million dollars is NOT GAY (proof)

NO it's NOT GAY to do it for such amount of money,YOUR GOAL IS TO GET MONEY NOT MAKE THE GUY EJACULATE Engaging in controversial acts, such as performing sexual activities for financial gain, often prompts discussions about morality, personal autonomy, and societal norms. In the context of performing a sexual act for a significant sum of money, such as one million dollars, several arguments can be made to support the idea that it may not necessarily be considered wrong.
Firstly, the decision to engage in such an act is a matter of personal autonomy and individual choice. Each person has the right to make decisions about their own body and actions, provided they are not causing harm to others. If an individual freely consents to participate in a sexual act in exchange for a large sum of money, they are exercising their autonomy over their own body and decisions.
Secondly, the financial aspect introduces an additional dimension to the decision-making process. For many individuals, one million dollars represents a substantial amount of money that could significantly improve their quality of life, alleviate financial burdens, or provide opportunities for personal and professional development. In this context, the decision to perform a sexual act for financial gain can be seen as a rational choice aimed at securing one's financial future or achieving specific life goals.
Furthermore, it's essential to consider the societal context in which such decisions are made. In many societies, there are systemic inequalities and economic hardships that may push individuals to consider unconventional means of financial security. Engaging in sex work or similar activities may be a pragmatic choice for individuals facing limited economic opportunities or financial hardship.
Additionally, it's crucial to challenge societal norms and stigma surrounding sexuality and sex work. The moral judgments placed on individuals who engage in sex work often stem from deeply ingrained cultural beliefs and biases. By questioning these norms and advocating for the rights and autonomy of individuals involved in sex work, society can move towards a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of human sexuality and agency.
Ultimately, the morality of engaging in a sexual act for financial gain is subjective and may vary depending on individual beliefs, cultural values, and societal norms. However, from a perspective of personal autonomy, economic agency, and challenging societal stigma, it can be argued that there is nothing inherently wrong with making such a decision, provided all parties involved are consenting adults and no one is being coerced or harmed.
TL;DR: You can buy 50 thousand copies of pablo honey album with million dollars
submitted by Left_Nut99 to radioheadcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:23 Fabulous_Wing2750 MY BABYDADDY'S AFFAIR WITH HIS COUSIN PART2

So ayun nga! Bigay pa ako ng ibang details kung bakit at paano ako nagduda sakanila ng pinsan nya. Unang una sa lahat his cousin is 16 or 17 that time, while he's 28 💀 I accidentally read their conversation sa Messenger na nag lalandian at nag iiloveyouhan. Believe me, it's not a typical convo ng opposite sex na magpinsan. Kapag nag aaway kami lagi niyang sinasabi or binabanggit out of nowhere yung pinsan niyang yun for example nalang is nung buntis ako LDR kami dahil kaka confess ko palang that time sa parents ko ng pregnancy ko.
quick backstory pa nyan: nung nalaman ko na buntis ako, magkasama kami at we went on a vacation pa. Nung pauwi na ko samin since Cavite ako at QC siya, di niya man lang ako hinatid nun samin kahit alam na niyang preggy ako.
While nasa bakasyon kami nag camping kami pero ayaw nya ako patulugin dun dahil buntis nga ako. Understandable naman pero hinayaan nya ko matulog sa room then siya sumama sa pinsan nya mag glamping sa tent. I was sick pa that time dahil sa morning sickness etc. Dun palang kaduda-duda na and isa pa dyan oapag nasa kanila kami mas gusto niya matulog dun sa kabilang bahay at iniiwan ako sa kwarto nya. But, sinarili ko lang yun lahat. I just started na magsabi nung time na nakapanganak na ko at sobrang gulo na. Believe me, I endured too much because I want to keep him and I badly wanted to have a complete family kasi yun ang dream ko eh, magkaroon ng buo at masayang pamilya.
If you're going to ask me sino nagsabi sakin ng about sakanila? Pinsan nya din. All along parehas pala kami ng hinala, hindi lang ako. Naconfirm nya din kasi ilang beses nya nahuhuli na naka-lock pinto ng silang dalawa lang dun sa kwarto. Well, i don't have choice na din naman that time. Pinatawad ko siya pero sabi nga nila hindi porket pinatawad mo kailangan mong bumalik sakanya. That time pinili ko nalang sarili ko. Ako naman kumbaga kasi grabe na yung trauma, depression, kalungkutan, disapppointments ang naendure ko just to save that relationship at mahal na mahal ko din kasi. At hindi rin kasi ako makapaniwala na, inabandona nya nalang ako ng ganun lang during my pregnancy. I still remember cravings ko ng madaling araw ako din bumibili kahit 2am or 3am na nun at binenta ko lahat ng gamit ko kasi pinagtatakpan ko sya sa family ko na hindi nya ko binibigyan ng pang check up etc. Binenta ko lahat ng meron ako para makabili din paunti unti ng needs ng baby ko at kahit may kakayahan family ko na manganak ako sa hospital, nag decide ako na manganak sa lying in kahit ilang beses ako dinugo at nagka UTI pa ko that time. I protected him kasi ayoko magalit sakanya family ko pero even though nalaman ng family ko yung kapabayaan nya sakin while I was pregnant, my family still treated him like a family like pinagluluto pa siya ng tatay ko etc.
Anyway ayun nga, pinatawad ko siya pero hindi na kami. Co parenting nalang kumbaga, never ko nilayo sakanya anak ko at most of the time kami pa pumupunta sakanila kapag gusto nila makita yung anak ko, sinabihan ko sya at sinabihan sya ng family ko na dalawin nya nalang yung anak ko dito anytime they want. But guess what? HE NEVER DID. NO EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE 😌 But still naging understanding pa din ako at considerate. Kapag may favor sila, laging go lang ako kahit ang laking inconvenience sa part ko..
5 years have passed. Okay okay na ako ngayon though still struggling financially pero napprovide ko naman kahit papano ang needs ng anak ko in my own way. My daughter is almost 5 y/o. Since 2024 came mejo naging gipit ako, kaya kinausap ko siya na baka kung pwede tulungan nya ko kahit 500 a week. YES, 500 a week 💀 nakakapagbigay sya pero laging may pakdaw tas ang reason niya is 'BAKA DI KO KAYA YAN KASI WALA NAMAN AKONG WORK' sabi ko ay ganun. Mga wala pa sigurong 2 months ang ganung set up pero may weeks na hindi talaga nakakapag bigay at napuno na ko sakanya! When my child needed his support, bihirang bihira sya mag deliver. Puro ang naririnig kong reasoning is "Di kasi ako nakadiskarte" ganto kasi ganyan. Alam nyo ba yun? 5 years na nakalipas but he's still in the same position as he were 5 years ago! Walang pagkukusa ng pagbibigay sa anak niya, hindi binibisita. Dumaan ang birthday, christmas, new year. Walang makita kahit anino nya. GRABE.
KAYA NGAYON, I'M PLANNING NA MAG SAMPA NG CASE SA WOMENS DESK. ECONOMIC ABUSE. Ang gusto ko lang itanong is gano katagal ang process? Paano ang process? Anong requirements na need kong dalhin para masampahan ko siya ng kaso?
NAKAKAPAGOD PALA Bigla akong naawa sa sarili ko na ganto palq ako kq people pleaser na kahit ako na dehado pero ako pa umuunawa at nagpapasensya. Kapagod pala ano? 😅
submitted by Fabulous_Wing2750 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:21 aptechvisa_Immigrat What is the Spouse Visa Australia Processing Time?

What is the Spouse Visa Australia Processing Time?
Are you planning to sponsor your spouse to Australia on a Spouse Visa for Australia, the visa application process can be complex so we aim to provide clarity and insights into the expected timelines for processing Spouse Visas in Australia. Whether you’re eagerly awaiting approval or planning your future with your spouse, understanding the processing times can alleviate uncertainties and help you better prepare for the Australia Spouse Visa application process.
Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309)
The current spouse visa Australia processing time for Subclass 309 (Partner Provisional Visa is 16 months for 50 % of the applications while it is 32 months for 90% of the Australia Spouse Visa application.
Partner visa (subclass 100)
The current spouse visa Australia processing time for Subclass 100 (Partner Visa is 11 months for 50 % of the applications while it is 57 months for 90% of the Australia Spouse Visa application.
• Once your visa application is complete, you may track its progress through ImmiAccount.
• If you have submitted the required supporting documentation, Australian immigration officials will get in touch with you.
• If any information needed for your visa is missing or incomplete, the processing of your visa may take longer.
What are the factors affecting the Australian spouse Visa Processing Time?
The Australian Immigration authorities evaluate each application individually. Several factors can affect processing delays, such as:
• Whether your application was filed with all required supporting documentation. Utilize the checklists found on ImmiAccount to ensure that you have attached the necessary paperwork.
•If you submitted your application on paper or online. Online applications facilitate quicker processing.
• How soon do you reply when the authorities ask for more details;
• How long it takes the authorities to complete the necessary verifications
• The length of time it takes to get information from outside sources, especially when it comes to national security, character, and health criteria
• The number of spots available for applicants for permanent visas under the migration program.
Complex cases, variations in the number of applications, and modifications to Ministerial Directions all affect processing timelines.
How will Aptech Visa help you with your Visa and Immigration Services?
The process of applying for a visa can be difficult and time-consuming. Getting the right visa can make or break your trip, whether you are going for business, education, or pleasure. To ensure that you meet all standards and have the best chance of acquiring the visa you need, a visa consultant can offer invaluable support with the application process.
• Lower Chance of Errors: Small errors in your application or documents can cause a delay or even get your visa rejected an immigration consultant carefully examines your application, finds any flaws, and offers advice on how to fix them, and immigration experts can reduce the likelihood of errors.
• Faster Processing Times: The length of time it takes to process a visa might vary based on the country you are applying from and the kind of visa you are requesting. An applicant can consult an immigration counsellor to ensure that your application is accurate, timely, and complete to help speed up the process. To shorten the processing period, we can additionally monitor your application and follow up with the appropriate authorities.
• Customized Advice and Assistance: Immigration specialists at Aptech Visa can offer advice and assistance that is specifically suited to your requirements and situation. Based on your intended purpose of travel, they may assist you in determining which visa choices are suitable for you, advise you on eligibility requirements, and offer information on the documentation and supporting materials you need to submit with your application.
• Higher possibilities of acceptance – The higher possibilities of acceptance are possibly the biggest advantage of working with us on your visa application. Immigration consultants at Aptech Visa can spot possible problems with your application before you submit it because they have a deep understanding of the visa application procedure. This can improve your application’s chances of approval by reducing delays and rejections.
In case you are looking for Additional information regarding the Australia Spouse Visa you can refer to you can also contact our immigration consultant at 9131059075, 9289289006.
submitted by aptechvisa_Immigrat to u/aptechvisa_Immigrat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:21 Glittering-Entry-945 Should I be refunded for being bumped to a middle seat?

Curious what others’ experience has been.
Booked an economy plus window seat. Day before check-in I get a notification from United that I’ve been moved to an economy plus middle seat (change of aircraft). After I check-in online, I’m able to change my seat to an economy plus aisle seat via the app. Then a few hours later, I get another notification that I’ve been moved back to the economy plus middle seat. I call United to reclaim my aisle (or original window) seat. They say there’s nothing they can do and to ask at the airport. Airport of course can’t do anything, so I fly back 4 hours in the middle seat.
I called United to request a refund of the extra I paid for the economy plus seat (~$150) as I would not have paid extra to book a middle seat if that had been the only option available in economy plus. United phone rep said I should be refunded and had me fill out the online form to request the refund complete with supporting screenshots of the seat changes. A different agent who responded to my submission said I was not entitled to a refund as I booked an economy plus seat and was kept in economy plus.
submitted by Glittering-Entry-945 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:21 aiasity Am I eligible for free tuition sa UP?

Hello! I am a Grade 11 student applying for UPCAT 2025. Gusto ko lang tanungin kung anong gagawin nila sa info na galing sa socio-economics. Will they use it as their basis to determine if I will be eligible for free tuition? My friend, who was accepted, declined because they were charging her ₱40K per semester. My family makes about ₱230K per month (my father is a police officer with a salary of ₱90K, and the rest comes from our family business; we lease apartments). However, most of the money is paid directly to the banks because of the loans they took to buy the land and build the house. I won’t go into much detail, but they have other debts to pay as well. With all of the debts subtracted from their monthly income, less than ₱50K is left. My parents still support my brother, pay for my tuition fee, and cover other expenses such as utility bills, food, and gas. Given all that, I can’t detail my family’s financial situation in my application, nor can I lie about it. Should I report ₱230K or ₱50K as our income? If I report ₱230K, will I still be eligible for free tuition?
submitted by aiasity to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:19 SolarSolutionCompany Tips For Getting The Best Solar Quotes

Embarking on your solar journey is an exciting step towards energy independence and environmental responsibility. But the process can be daunting, especially when it comes to getting quotes and choosing the right solar installer.
To help you navigate this crucial phase, we've compiled essential tips, drawing insights from competitor analysis and the experiences of countless homeowners.

1. Do Your Research Before Requesting Quotes

Before diving into the quoting process, invest time in researching the solar landscape.

2. Gather Multiple Quotes

Don't settle for the first quote you receive. Instead, aim for at least three to five quotes from different solar installers. This will give you a broader perspective on pricing, system options, and company approaches.

3. Compare Quotes Carefully

4. Vet the Installers

Beyond the numbers, it's crucial to assess the installers themselves:

5. Ask the Right Questions

Don't hesitate to ask questions during consultations. Here are some key inquiries:

Read More: What Is The Power Output Of A Solar Panel


By following these tips and asking the right questions, you'll be well-equipped to choose the best solar installer for your needs and secure the best possible deal for your solar investment.
submitted by SolarSolutionCompany to u/SolarSolutionCompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:17 Fabulous_Wing2750 MY BABY DADDY'S AFFAIR WITH HIS COUSIN PART 2

So ayun nga! Bigay pa ako ng ibang details kung bakit at paano ako nagduda sakanila ng pinsan nya. Unang una sa lahat his cousin is 16 or 17 that time, while he's 28 💀 I accidentally read their conversation sa Messenger na nag lalandian at nag iiloveyouhan. Believe me, it's not a typical convo ng opposite sex na magpinsan. Kapag nag aaway kami lagi niyang sinasabi or binabanggit out of nowhere yung pinsan niyang yun for example nalang is nung buntis ako LDR kami dahil kaka confess ko palang that time sa parents ko ng pregnancy ko.
quick backstory pa nyan: nung nalaman ko na buntis ako, magkasama kami at we went on a vacation pa. Nung pauwi na ko samin since Cavite ako at QC siya, di niya man lang ako hinatid nun samin kahit alam na niyang preggy ako.
While nasa bakasyon kami nag camping kami pero ayaw nya ako patulugin dun dahil buntis nga ako. Understandable naman pero hinayaan nya ko matulog sa room then siya sumama sa pinsan nya mag glamping sa tent. I was sick pa that time dahil sa morning sickness etc. Dun palang kaduda-duda na and isa pa dyan oapag nasa kanila kami mas gusto niya matulog dun sa kabilang bahay at iniiwan ako sa kwarto nya. But, sinarili ko lang yun lahat. I just started na magsabi nung time na nakapanganak na ko at sobrang gulo na. Believe me, I endured too much because I want to keep him and I badly wanted to have a complete family kasi yun ang dream ko eh, magkaroon ng buo at masayang pamilya.
If you're going to ask me sino nagsabi sakin ng about sakanila? Pinsan nya din. All along parehas pala kami ng hinala, hindi lang ako. Naconfirm nya din kasi ilang beses nya nahuhuli na naka-lock pinto ng silang dalawa lang dun sa kwarto. Well, i don't have choice na din naman that time. Pinatawad ko siya pero sabi nga nila hindi porket pinatawad mo kailangan mong bumalik sakanya. That time pinili ko nalang sarili ko. Ako naman kumbaga kasi grabe na yung trauma, depression, kalungkutan, disapppointments ang naendure ko just to save that relationship at mahal na mahal ko din kasi. At hindi rin kasi ako makapaniwala na, inabandona nya nalang ako ng ganun lang during my pregnancy. I still remember cravings ko ng madaling araw ako din bumibili kahit 2am or 3am na nun at binenta ko lahat ng gamit ko kasi pinagtatakpan ko sya sa family ko na hindi nya ko binibigyan ng pang check up etc. Binenta ko lahat ng meron ako para makabili din paunti unti ng needs ng baby ko at kahit may kakayahan family ko na manganak ako sa hospital, nag decide ako na manganak sa lying in kahit ilang beses ako dinugo at nagka UTI pa ko that time. I protected him kasi ayoko magalit sakanya family ko pero even though nalaman ng family ko yung kapabayaan nya sakin while I was pregnant, my family still treated him like a family like pinagluluto pa siya ng tatay ko etc.
Anyway ayun nga, pinatawad ko siya pero hindi na kami. Co parenting nalang kumbaga, never ko nilayo sakanya anak ko at most of the time kami pa pumupunta sakanila kapag gusto nila makita yung anak ko, sinabihan ko sya at sinabihan sya ng family ko na dalawin nya nalang yung anak ko dito anytime they want. But guess what? HE NEVER DID. NO EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE 😌 But still naging understanding pa din ako at considerate. Kapag may favor sila, laging go lang ako kahit ang laking inconvenience sa part ko..
5 years have passed. Okay okay na ako ngayon though still struggling financially pero napprovide ko naman kahit papano ang needs ng anak ko in my own way. My daughter is almost 5 y/o. Since 2024 came mejo naging gipit ako, kaya kinausap ko siya na baka kung pwede tulungan nya ko kahit 500 a week. YES, 500 a week 💀 nakakapagbigay sya pero laging may pakdaw tas ang reason niya is 'BAKA DI KO KAYA YAN KASI WALA NAMAN AKONG WORK' sabi ko ay ganun. Mga wala pa sigurong 2 months ang ganung set up pero may weeks na hindi talaga nakakapag bigay at napuno na ko sakanya! When my child needed his support, bihirang bihira sya mag deliver. Puro ang naririnig kong reasoning is "Di kasi ako nakadiskarte" ganto kasi ganyan. Alam nyo ba yun? 5 years na nakalipas but he's still in the same position as he were 5 years ago! Walang pagkukusa ng pagbibigay sa anak niya, hindi binibisita. Dumaan ang birthday, christmas, new year. Walang makita kahit anino nya. GRABE.
KAYA NGAYON, I'M PLANNING NA MAG SAMPA NG CASE SA WOMENS DESK. ECONOMIC ABUSE. Ang gusto ko lang itanong is gano katagal ang process? Paano ang process? Anong requirements na need kong dalhin para masampahan ko siya ng kaso?
NAKAKAPAGOD PALA Bigla akong naawa sa sarili ko na ganto palq ako kq people pleaser na kahit ako na dehado pero ako pa umuunawa at nagpapasensya. Kapagod pala ano? 😅
submitted by Fabulous_Wing2750 to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:16 loganowen770 Unlock Success in Network Design Assignments: Get Expert Guidance Now!

In the realm of computer networks, where intricate designs and meticulous planning reign supreme, assignments on network design pose significant challenges to students. Navigating through complex concepts, protocols, and technologies demands not only theoretical understanding but also practical application. If you find yourself grappling with the intricacies of network design assignments, fear not. This guide is your beacon of light, illuminating the path to academic success while ensuring peace of mind throughout the journey with expert network design assignment help.
At, we specialize in providing unparalleled assistance to students seeking mastery in network design. With our dedicated team of experts and a commitment to excellence, we stand as your trusted partner in conquering the complexities of network design assignments.

Unveiling the Essence of Network Design

Before delving into the intricacies of network design assignments, it's imperative to grasp the essence of this discipline. Network design entails the strategic planning, implementation, and optimization of computer networks to facilitate seamless communication and data exchange. From defining network topologies to selecting appropriate hardware and protocols, every aspect requires meticulous attention to detail.

Empowering Your Journey with Expert Assistance

Embarking on the journey of network design assignments can be daunting, especially for those grappling with intricate concepts and practical applications. However, with our comprehensive assistance, you can navigate through the complexities with confidence and precision.

Transparency in Pricing

One of the cornerstones of our service is transparency in pricing. We believe in providing clear and upfront pricing structures, ensuring that you know exactly what to expect without any hidden costs or surprises along the way.

Payment Security

Your peace of mind is our top priority, which is why we prioritize payment security. With robust encryption protocols and secure payment gateways, you can rest assured that your financial transactions are protected against any unauthorized access or fraud.

Track Record

Our track record speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. With a proven history of delivering high-quality assignments that exceed expectations, we have earned the trust and confidence of students worldwide.

Communication with Writers

Effective communication is key to successful collaboration. That's why we facilitate seamless communication channels between you and our expert writers, ensuring that your requirements are understood and met with precision.

Native English Writers

Language proficiency plays a crucial role in delivering flawless assignments. Rest assured, our team comprises native English writers with impeccable language skills, ensuring clarity, coherence, and professionalism in every piece of work.


We understand that every student has unique requirements and preferences. That's why we offer flexibility in our services, allowing you to customize your experience based on your specific needs and academic goals.

Confidential Payment Methods

Privacy and confidentiality are paramount in our service delivery. We employ secure and confidential payment methods to safeguard your personal and financial information, giving you the peace of mind you deserve.

Access to Samples

Curious about the quality of our work? We provide access to samples of previous assignments, allowing you to gauge the caliber of our writing and the depth of our expertise before making any commitments.


We stand behind the quality of our work with ironclad guarantees. From on-time delivery to plagiarism-free content and unlimited revisions, we are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction every step of the way.

Transparent Terms and Conditions

Transparency is the foundation of trust, which is why we maintain clear and transparent terms and conditions governing our services. We believe in fostering open and honest communication to build lasting relationships with our clients.

Conclusion: Your Pathway to Success

In conclusion, mastering network design assignments requires more than just theoretical knowledge—it demands practical expertise, meticulous planning, and expert guidance. With ComputerNetworkAssignmentHelp. com as your trusted ally, you can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that you have the support and expertise you need to excel. So, why wait? Unlock your full potential and conquer network design assignments like a pro!
submitted by loganowen770 to u/loganowen770 [link] [comments]