Combining elavil prozac

New Prozac user after being on Effexor for 3 years, and having a rough time.

2024.05.14 06:07 CTXCI New Prozac user after being on Effexor for 3 years, and having a rough time.

Hey everyone!
I recently started taking Prozac (Started May 10th; 20mg). I was on Effexor (Venlafaxine 225mg) for about 3 years until I got sick and tired of the side effects.\ \ I rapid-tapered off of Effexor, starting March 1st and fully quit Effexor on April 26th. Withdrawals were insane, but I got through it. Part of me didn’t ever want to be on an antidepressant ever again, but certain signs have encouraged me that perhaps I just need to be on one.\ \ My psychiatrist has since put me on Prozac. Which, I’m okay with, because getting on Prozac has always been in the back of my mind and wanted to bridge over to it. However, I’m experiencing a rough entry period.\ Granted, I’ve only been on it for 4 days, but I feel like my anxiety and panic is extremely high. Maybe it’s just the adjustment phase, maybe it’s the ”it’ll get worse before it gets better”, maybe it’s combined with the jolt of quitting Effexor and my receptors being in a dislodged state of mind, or maybe it’s something else.\ \ I had a very severe panic attack when picking up my grocery pickup order today. So bad that I felt like I needed to put it in reverse and get the heck out of there. Then, when the employee brought the groceries out, I was in full fledged panic attack.\ I haven’t had a panic attack that severe since I was in my early 20’s when I first started developing social anxiety and panic.\ \ Has anyone else quit Effexor and jumped to Prozac and experienced the very-heightened panic and anxiety so soon into taking Prozac? I’m trying to retain optimism and not let the bad day today cloud my perspective on Prozac being able to help me better than Effexor did, but it’s hard not to.
Any advice is greatly appreciated 🧡
submitted by CTXCI to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:15 sadthrowaway0711 Spent 3/4 of my life fighting it, but I'm losing hope

I have struggled with major depressive disorder and anxiety for my whole life. I remember being as young as 6 or 7 and thinking that everyone I knew would be so much happier without me, especially my parents... like they'd be happier with my younger siblings being their only children, because they always favored my younger siblings.
When I was a teen, my desire to end my life became more and more prominent. I was raped by someone I trusted. It happened the day of or the day after I was released from a 3 day inpatient hold for attempting suicide. I didn't tell anyone for over a year. I regretted throwing up all of the pills I took to attempt suicide (changed my mind last minute), and wished I had succeeded ever since.
I had further traumatic events and abuse leading into college and my early adulthood. I've been in therapy for more than half of my life now (on and off because doctors have left their practices, I've moved states multiple times, etc). I've been on so many different drugs and combinations of drugs, I can't even keep track of them all. I've tried everything that is available to me to feel better.
I've turned to religion and realized that was bullshit. I have tried medications and eventually end up in the same place mentally. I've done group and solo therapy. I haven't done longterm inpatient or some kind of rehab facility, because I'm in the stupid US (and a red state, to boot!) and I've never been able to afford it - even with insurance, it is unrealistic and unattainable. I can't drink alcohol because I have 0 tolerance; I even tried becoming an alcoholic for about a year, and it just never worked (I know, I know, that sounds stupid... who wants to be an alcoholic? Someone who wants the pain to stop). I don't do drugs (aside from what's prescribed, and only within the last 3-4 years have I started smoking weed. Weed, surprisingly, helps with the majority of my symptoms. My CPTSD, anxiety, OCD, etc all chill the fuck out - but my depression is always a constant) because I've always been a goodie-two-shoes and I've never known anyone to get drugs from. It was easier to find a weed connection because it's so available now. I've tried being an absolute health nut, but it just triggers my eating disorders and I fail. I've tried meditation, yoga, finding new hobbies, being outdoors, being indoors, occupying my mind with learning or creativity. Nothing makes it stop.
And all that to sum up my history, just to bring us to now:
I've spent my whole life wanting to die. I'm actually very well educated (I had that privilege, though it didn't help with obtaining any decent jobs), but as soon as I say I want to die, any chance that people see me as intelligent and of sound mind flies out the window. The idea that a suicidal individual must be ~out of their right mind is so baffling to me. I've... always been completely sober and capable of making sound decisions when I've been at my darkest points. I kind of which I hadn't been, because then it would at least give me hope that it might "get better." I've stayed out of guilt, not wanting someone to find my body, not knowing who would take care of things I leave behind.
Recently, however, things have become unbearable. The person I thought I'd spend my life with ended things abruptly (and for no reason - they actually just spooked themselves, and because of how they handled it and how they've handled it since, it's something we can't come back from). I don't have friends; the people that say they are my friends are nowhere to be found. I've been open and honest with my "friends," said I'm in a really dark place and NEED them to check in on me. Hasn't happened. I truly believe it's just too difficult being friends with me because of my depression - which sucks, because I'm generally an overall happy person. My job is hell; I've had a slew of really bad job experiences (I've had some great ones, too! But the bad ones were... very bad), and I've lost hope in trying to find a job that actually treats me well, appreciates that I work my ass off, and pays me a livable wage. Up until the pandemic, I had 3-4 jobs simultaneously. For YEARS.
So... here I am. Heartbroken, alone, barely able to afford to live (ha, I only still have a roof over my head because the ex still lives with me, I don't make enough to afford my own place anymore because of inflation the past few years), and I'm pretty sure I have enough prescription medication to end things. Because I went through 6-7 different medications over the past year - and tried different doses of some of them - I have a bunch of unused pills. Prozac, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, 5 different ADHD drugs, some tramadol from a car accident.
I'm just... scared it won't work.
submitted by sadthrowaway0711 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:36 No_Assignment_7611 Abilify for depression

My Dr. presented me with three options to help treat my depression after a failed go with prozac; Abilify was one of them. Has anyone else taken it for MDD? What was your experience like? Did you possibly find it helpful in combination with another medication? (From what I've read, it's more effective when taken with a traditional antidepressant)
*I am currently taking an anxiolytic and will begin a prescribed vitamin D supplement*
submitted by No_Assignment_7611 to Abilify_Aripiprazole [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:34 No_Assignment_7611 Lamictal for depression

My Dr. presented me with three options to help treat my depression after a failed go with prozac; Lamictal was one of them. Has anyone else taken it for MDD? What was your experience like? Did you possibly find it helpful in combination with another medication?
*I am currently taking an anxiolytic and will begin a prescribed vitamin D supplement*
submitted by No_Assignment_7611 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:05 Astrxphilee Abilify and Prozac combo

Has anyone taken Abilify and Prozac before, and began to feel more antsy? I have been on this combination for autism and anxiety for almost 2 weeks now. I struggle to sleep some nights or to feel comfortable, due to feeling like I need to be moving/super antsy. I did not feel this way to this extent before the medication. I have an appointment for my medication follow-up this upcoming Thursday. I’m just stressed. Is this normal?☹️
submitted by Astrxphilee to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:22 Tatertot4you2 Strattera and SSRI

Im on 20mg of Prozac and 40mg of Strattera. Prozac works great for me minus the fact that I’ve always experienced really bad constipation on it. I would like to switch to a different SSRI but I’m nervous. Has anyone switched from this combo, and used a different ssri in combination with strattera?
submitted by Tatertot4you2 to StratteraRx [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:42 Flashy_Menu_5917 What, combined with prozac, helped you the most? Besides therapy

I want to make lifestyle changes but not sure where to start. Therapy is already a thing for me and I’ve started to put a greater emphasis on fitness/health but I’ve lived in a constant state of anxiety and racing thoughts and I’m wondering what more I could be doing. Been on 20mg for 2 months now.
submitted by Flashy_Menu_5917 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:45 feliz-jueves Plan for Wellbutrin + Prozac

I (21F) am moving to Tokyo from California this September to study abroad for one year. I am on several different psychiatric medications; Concerta, Wellbutrin, and Prozac.
I feel that I should preface a few things; 1. I have been treated for ADHD for many years and it becomes deabilitating when I am not medicated. 2. I do not know if I will be visiting back home at any point before the end of my studies. 3. I will be covered under JNHI during my time in Japan.
The maximum amount of medication my home insurance will cover for me to take to Japan is a 6 month supply of each. I will apply to get approval to bring this medication into Japan. Obviously, before I run out of my medication, I would like to have a solid plan for how I will be able to access them for the remaining 6 months of my study abroad.
For Concerta, I plan to work with Mejiro-Sola clinic and take the necessary steps to get the perscription. However, I am struggling to figure out how I'll have access to Wellbutrin and Prozac. These medications are unavailable in Japan.
The only possibility I can imagine is getting my parents to ship me another 6 month supply of these medications from California and some government approval for shipment. Does anyone have experience with this? Is this even possible? I am having a hard time finding a clear answer with preexisting information online.
Or, the more expensive option, come back home for a bit and stock up and essentially repeat the process I plan to do in September... I would rather not if I can avoid it.
Or maybe I should take the L and figure out a combination of medications that are all availiable in Japan. This would be my very last resort because this really is the combination that works for me.
Any insight for my situation would be much appreciated. I've read many threads and information online so far but I'm getting a little stuck here.
submitted by feliz-jueves to movingtojapan [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:48 riceAr0ni Seeking Advice on Discussing Medication Changes with My Doctor

Hello everyone,
I'm considering discussing a potential change in my medication with my doctor and would appreciate some guidance on how to approach this. I’ve been on Prozac for about four years (and was recently put on Buspar last year), and while it has been somewhat effective, I’ve been experiencing side effects that I really dislike, such as emotional numbness /lethargy/apathy (while I don't feel depressed, I genuinely feel nothing, I'm just at a baseline of bleh, a significantly reduced libido that has made me consider other options.
After extensive research, I believe Wellbutrin might be a promising alternative for me. It’s not an SSRI, which is appealing as it could potentially alleviate some of the side effects I’m currently experiencing with Prozac. Importantly, it has also been shown to help with nicotine withdrawal, and I'm planning to quit smoking this summer. Additionally, Wellbutrin is noted to have benefits for ADHD symptoms, which I suspect I might have. I have been sober from alcohol for over a year now, and my doctor is well-aware of my history and recovery (nothing serious happened, I never went to rehab, she never saw me in the trenches - I simply just told her that I was going to AA and then have kept her updated on my progress). We have a good relationship, which I believe will help in having an open discussion about this (I've been seeing her since I was 14, I am now 22). However, I'm concerned about how to frame this conversation to avoid the impression that I'm merely seeking medication. My goal is to find a treatment that addresses my mental health comprehensively, without the setbacks of my current regimen. If I were seeking medication for non-legitimate reasons, I would be expected to ask for something like Adderall/Trazodone/Xanax, but Wellbutrin’s profile as a non-addictive atypical antidepressant seems like a practical choice given its uses in addiction recovery and its potential benefits for my specific needs.
Here are the main points I plan to discuss with my doctor: • My ongoing side effects from Prozac including numbness and reduced libido. • My plan to quit smoking and how Wellbutrin can assist with nicotine withdrawal. • The potential for Wellbutrin to help with ADHD symptoms (I am not diagnosed with ADHD but do have a lot of symptoms) • The possibility of combining Wellbutrin with Buspar (which I'm already on) to manage anxiety without the apathy and lethargy induced by Prozac. Wellbutrin is cited to increase anxiety in some but I wonder if the Buspar would mitigate that (A lot of what i thought was anxiety was just caused by drinking so I have less of a need to address the anxiety now if wellbutrin causing anxiety is a concern) • The timing of this change is crucial, as I am transitioning from college to grad school, and it's a period where I will be nearby for in-person check-ups. We’ve previously discussed making a medication change around this time. * I also have regular med-checks every three months, usually via telehealth due to my college schedule, but with graduation and my proximity to home this summer, it seems like the perfect opportunity to monitor this transition closely.
Could anyone share their experiences or suggestions on how to effectively communicate this with my doctor? I want to make sure my concerns are understood and taken seriously because this is really important to me. I've done a lot of research about how its an arduous process finding the right medication for you, and I want to find the medication thats best for me. I know myself best and want to advocate for myself but am nervous of like hidden connotations or idk I just dont know how to do this Thank you for your help!
submitted by riceAr0ni to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:26 Economy-Ad920 Will I lose my downstairs area numbness adding Wellbutrin to my Prozac

On Prozac 20mg for 4 weeks, total of 7 weeks on it.
Been having issues maintaining a full erection, it’s like it’s 80-90% there. I like the fact it helps me last a long time, and don’t want the lowered sensitivity to go away by adding in Wellbutrin.
I’m on 20mg of Prozac and my psych mentioned maybe adding 75mg of WB. She sent it to the pharma - but wanted to ask.
Has anyone had the numbness go away combining the two? I just want to get harder and stay hard, without losing this lol
submitted by Economy-Ad920 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:24 Economy-Ad920 Prozac + Wellbutrin

Been having issues maintaining a full erection, it’s like it’s 80-90% there. I like the fact it helps me last a long time, and don’t want the lowered sensitivity to go away by adding in Wellbutrin.
I’m on 20mg of Prozac and my psych mentioned maybe adding 75mg of WB. She sent it to the pharma - but wanted to ask.
Has anyone had the numbness go away combining the two? I just want to get harder and stay hard, without losing this lol
submitted by Economy-Ad920 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:58 belikejaylondon Complicated Medical History including Paradoxical Reactions

Hi all, I thought I would perhaps ask for some outside perspective around some ongoing issues with my mental health.
24 / M / 173cm / 80kg / Ongoing
I see a consultant psychiatrist who specialises in addiction, childhood trauma and ADHD, all of which are included in my diagnoses. The list includes Poly-Substance Misuse Disorder, C-PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety and Depression.
He has changed my medication according to my experience with it, including removing benzodiazepines from the prescription, lowering the dose of antipsychotic treatment and adding Modafinil as ADHD treatment in line with my history of stimulant abuse (the first line treatment in the UK includes Methylphenidate and Lisdexamfetamine). As follows:
Modafinil 200mg AM 100mg at noon
Chlorpromazine 25mg at night
Gabapentin 300mg three times a day
Pregabalin 300mg twice a day
I would note that there have been mentioned concerns over two different Gabapentinoids, but this is a result of careful consideration of my history with chemotherapy causing residual neuropathy as well as his experience of synergistic effects when combined. I personally do not experience any adverse reactions from this combination.
I am confident in his abilities and wisdom, and I have an appointment with him this weekend to discuss some concerns over depressive symptoms which have presented very suddenly over the past couple of weeks. I have experienced a sudden change at home which has resulted in some passive suicidal ideation, which I do not wish to go further if anything at all.
The depression has been pervasive over the course of my whole life, but I have not experienced much of it for 2-3 months previous to this episode, and it concerns me as I know a passive thought for me can quickly turn into an active plan as my experience shows, and I wish to be prepared so I have made an appointment. My concerns stem from my history of paradoxical reactions to a lot of medications initiated in my treatment, including:
Intense paranoia from Fluoxetine / Prozac 20mg
Mania and aggression from Mirtazapine 15mg
Suicidal ideation from Amitriptyline 25mg
Depression from Clonazepam 2mg / Diazepam 5-10mg
Hallucinations from Chlorpromazine 600mg
Anxiety and paranoia from Prochlorperazine 10mg
Suicidal ideation and crying from Olanzapine 7.5mg
Suicidal ideation from Quetiapine XR 150mg
Parkinsonism and impulsivity from Aripiprazole 10mg
I have had conducted careful research into any solution to the problem of the acute crisis that I have experienced in the past, which usually involves intense aggression, impulsivity, self harm (including and not including drug abuse, although as someone in recovery I doubt this would be a problem), agitation, isolation, and occasionally it has involved suicide attempts.
The medication that draws my attention is Levomepromazine. I have had much experience with this, first given for antiemesis as an infusion where I felt extreme relief from stress and a sudden change in thinking. I no longer experienced the rage that plagued me as a child and I stopped wanting to hurt people and myself. Since then, I have been on and off it either as a 25mg PRN, taken daily as an adjunct to my other therapy in doses ranging from 25mg once daily to 250mg daily in two divided doses with different effects based on the other medications I was taking.
In a state where I feel like the options available are death or violence, I personally think this would get me out of it, but I am aware that I may not be seeing the whole picture.
I understand nothing will replace the decision made by my psychiatrist, although I was wondering if anyone has anything they believe I should present to him as well as this information when I see him?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated, and I wish you all well.
submitted by belikejaylondon to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 09:15 InevitableGarage8164 Is it PMDD, weed withdrawal, ADHD, burnout, or depression/anxiety? I feel broken.

I can’t sleep and feeling very unsettled so I guess might as well share my truth with the internet. It’s so difficult right now to even type out coherent sentences and I’m always scared I’m blowing things out of proportion or that people won’t take me seriously because it is a lot but I’m so desperate. I must help myself.
At this point, I have so many things that can contribute to how I’m feeling, I’m left so confused and overwhelmed. I’m not sure what to believe. I have a history of domestic and religious trauma so I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression but have typically been very high functioning and resilient. I left my narcissistic parents after high school, went no contact, put myself through engineering school taking every online and night class never taking a summer off while working to support myself, and graduated Summa Cum Laude with no debt and a good paying job despite the world going through COVID and me being in the most toxic relationship with my ex. I still marvel at how I did all that mostly sober lol. I just refused to be the failure my parents made me believe I was. But by my senior year, I was crawling to the finish line. I was taking Adderall unprescribed on and off and eventually got on antidepressants during my last semester of college because the stress of the relationship and school left me so debilitated. Senior year was also when I started BC pills. After the messy breakup, I self-medicated with weed, my first exposure to it. I hated the way my antidepressants made me feel (so zombie, so apathetic) and after trying a few others, I was formally diagnosed with ADHD right after college. And that’s how I’ve been the past few years, Vyvanse and weed carrying me through. Now, they’re not helping anymore. I really do hate my corporate job. The projects are all consuming and very demanding, and fighting the patriarchy and their egos on the daily and constantly proving myself leaves me exhausted. Smoking has become an emotional crutch, letting me feel okay with doing nothing and ignoring my problems. Vyvanse leaves me feeling wired and numb and yet still unproductive.
This past summer, I decided to come off the pill since I wasn’t being sexually active and the thought of blocking my body from functioning naturally made me wonder if it affected my mood. Pretty regularly since then during my luteal phase, I’ve been falling into the deepest depression I’ve felt in a while. I just thought it was my body adjusting but it’s like clockwork. I’ve called out of work almost every month now during the week before my period and I’ve been tracking my symptoms. I’ve talked with my psychiatrist and she prescribed me with Prozac and suggested it was PMDD. I haven’t tried it yet but I’m nervous especially with my past history with antidepressants. I’m also a week into my t-break right now.
So what I’m struggling with is that I have so many factors that can be contributing to my depression. I just don’t wanna try too many treatments at once and want to pinpoint what the issue is. But the brain is not that black and white. Maybe it is a combination of ADHD, weed withdrawal, PMDD, burnout, etc. but with each new “diagnosis,” the more crazy and hopeless I feel. I know no one is helpless but I can’t help but feel like I’m a dumpster fire heading that way. I’ve lost all motivation to even take care of my basic needs. I give no fucks about work. This is a whole new level of depression I’m unfamiliar with and it’s scary. I don’t know what I’m expecting writing all this but I want to help myself. And maybe in doing so, someone else struggling will be helped.
submitted by InevitableGarage8164 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 08:02 GeminisGarden Bad with ssri's - what has worked for you?

I'm starting to think I can't take ssri's.
I've tried lexapro, prozac, celexa, zoloft, and wellbutrin (I know technically not an ssri).
Each one turns me into a very angry, aggressive person that cannot control her temper. A couple of them gave me some insane death wish thoughts too.
I'm taking concerta and yaz, but I reacted to a couple of these meds prior to this combo, so I don't think it's the combination.
I'm leary of trying any more ssri's, and I'm going to see what my doc says. But since it's the middle of the night and I can't see my doc for a few more weeks, I'm wondering if anyone else does poorly on ssri's?
I feel like I can't be the only one who doesn't respond well to them so I just wanted to ask what worked for you (not supplements)?
submitted by GeminisGarden to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:39 Nice_Essay_6202 Lamictal alternatives?

I’ve been on medication combinations for bipolar 2, mood stabilizers/antipsychotics such as Abilify, seroquel, and lamictal— and antidepressants, such as Wellbutrin (made me manic & more irritable), Zoloft, and prozac.
I took abilify for about a year or two and I had a crazy amount of weight gain (40 lbs in a year & a half) which is very unlike me. My weight has always fluctuated but only by 10 lbs max. Also, i noticed that I felt foggy brained on Abilify and could no longer social as well even with my close friends. I felt like my brain was empty. No thoughts.
I stopped taking seroquel because it would make me fall asleep sooo fast and i think it may have made me feel drowsy in the morning, i can’t fully remember since it was over 2 years ago.
I took Lamictal originally three years ago (in a combination of other meds i can’t remember) and i stopped because i thought i may have had the allergic reaction rash. After I gave up on the abilify due to weight gain I started taking Lamictal again in hopes that it was possibly eczema and my psych put me on 25MG to see if that had any adverse reactions. I’ve been doing that for nearly a year, with a combination of Adderall & gabapentin.
Last week my new provider upped me to 100MG Lamictal and added 10MG lexapro. I’m still on 100mg gabapentin 3x a day for anxiety and 20mg xr adderall for ADHD. I haven’t had any hypomania since being consistent with Lamictal although I’ve had a crazy increase of anxiety with the last two years and chronic depression after drinking alcohol. Anxiety may be related to the fact i was a habitual weed smoker and stopped in those last two years.
Essentially, does anyone have any recommendations of medication(s) that work well in substitute of Lamictal? The weight gain from Abilify really affected my self image and I’ve been able to lose 25 of the 40lbs gain so I’d like to stray away from medication that causes weight gain & brings down my usually lively personality.
submitted by Nice_Essay_6202 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:22 Mama-of-two Suspension

My son has severe Combined Adhd and autism. He is 10 yr old. He is medicated with concerta prozac and clonadine. Last week he has been suspended for the 10th time this yr for behavior issues(aggressive behavior etc) He is in play therapy and OP THERAPY. I need advice on how you as a parent handle your child being suspended. HE just got approved for a IEP. He was on a 504 and it wasn't working. How do you emotionally handle having your child suspended?? Advice welcome but please be kind.
submitted by Mama-of-two to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:31 Tiwo1008 Need some advice on how to proceed...How Can I get her things out of my apt?

Hello Everyone,
I am a 31M living in NY (Queens) and I'm in the process of getting divorced and I wanted some advice on how to proceed / protect myself as I move forward.
To give some background, I got married in May of 2023 to my soon to be ex-wife who is a singer. A month after we got married she went on a gig in OH and had an affair. She returned to NY and the affair continued through October until the affair partner eventually called it off. It was only then she did the whole, I love you, want to try to make it work, maybe separate for a bit, etc. routine. I tried paying for counseling to see if we could maybe make it work, but ultimately after a combination of horrible treatment (from her and her family), finding out how brazen she was about the affair, and how little regard she had for me and our overall relationship, I decided to serve papers. That and there were some mental health issues at play that she refused to get treatment for (I was gaslit for months being told that I was the one who didn't care about her or love her and she frequently threatened suicide). She went to one psychiatrist session and was told that she had severe anxiety, manic depression, and OCD tendencies and they considered prescribing Prozac, but wanted to do bloodwork first. After saying she didn't want to go on pills she never went back.
In mid January she was supposed to go down to Florida for a week or two for a gig and then return before she went on tour for a couple months. I was going to serve papers on her return and I had told her I had something I wanted to talk about in person (because I wasn't going to talk divorce over the phone). She ended up never coming back and extended her stay twice to avoid coming back. Finally she landed herself in the ER because she didn't eat for three days, so I had to serve papers while she was down in Florida right before she left for her tour--not how I wanted it to be, but I wasn't going to go months lying about the situation. She never ended up returning home and changed her mailing address down to her parent's house in Florida. She has not paid any rent since February and is not on the lease as a tenant, but is a registered occupant.
I have retained a family lawyer and I am doing my best to keep it amicable, but she has been horrible throughout the process and is unnecessarily dragging things out (even though she's already seeing / sleeping with another person while on her tour). It took her 3 months to sign the initial summons. Thankfully, we have no kids or joint assets and there's no real spousal maintenance concerns at play since we were only married a few months before I served.
I've neatly packed all of her belongings into boxes and she came for the first time to "look through" things last weekend. She brought a couple friends (who knew about the affair the whole time) as witnesses and I had my mother and father there as witness for my end and moral support. I didn't tell her they were going to be there (mostly because I was afraid she would continue avoiding and prolonging this). But my family just said hello and that was it - no other exchanges were made between them and she looked through all the things she wanted. My family also secretly recorded the exchange in case she were to try something.
And sure enough...She is now accusing me of having verbally and mentally harassed her, saying I'm lucky she isn't suing for domestic abuse (none of this is true - I've barely talked to her and have logs of every text conversation we've had and audio recordings of our limited interactions, and witnesses who will attest that she is lying). She is also saying that she will no longer be telling me when she's coming to get her things and will not be returning the keys to the apartment. I'm not trying to withhold her things (frankly, I want them gone so I can just move on). But I am not comfortable with her just coming in and ransacking / taking things without a witness from my end present. She is also supposed to leave for another multi-month gig in a few weeks and I fear that if this continues to be put off, then I'll be stuck with her crap again for months and I'm tired of being a free storage unit. I've bought an indoor ring camera and informed my building security to notify me if she comes in, but I'm not sure what to do at this point.
All she needs to do is pick a date so that movers can come: we can both have witnesses present, and then we'd both just need to sign the draft of stipulation and the uncontested divorce papers and we'd be done. But there is a vindictive part of her that just wants to draw this out and I do not trust her alone in my home.
Any advice / kind words would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Tiwo1008 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:21 Mama-of-two Suspension

My son has severe Combined Adhd and autism. He is 10 yr old. He is medicated with concerta prozac and clonadine. Last week he has been suspended for the 10th time this yr for behavior issues(aggressive behavior etc) He is in play therapy and OP THERAPY. I need advice on how you as a parent handle your child being suspended. HE just got approved for a IEP. He was on a 504 and it wasn't working. How do you emotionally handle having your child suspended?? Advice welcome but please be kind.
submitted by Mama-of-two to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 15:21 That_Visual8862 Night 6 of loading phase - 10mg

I was prescribed Prozac for frequent panic attacks at work and feeling on edge all the time. I also believe I have some ocd or intrusive thoughts as well that have been affecting me and overall I don’t feel like the person I know I am when I don’t struggle with these issues.
Since about day 3 my anxiety and panic attacks have gotten worse. Days feel like a rollercoaster morning is usually terrible and then it gets better toward the end of the work day and the cycle seemed to be the same for 3 days.
Yesterday was day 6 morning was the worst morning I’ve had with horrible anxiety. I didn’t take my pill until noon which I normally have been taking it at 7am.
After I took the pill I felt better but last night I went to bed at 12am and woke up at 3am w wicked anxiety, body Shakes, light headed,. feel warm and tingly, had some really bad intrusive thoughts, Super Nauseous like I’m about to puke and dizzy, Head felt really heavy, Felt unstable, Looked really pale, pupils dilated. Ate before bed and had really bad heart burn which I take 40mg of omeprezole so I haven’t had heartburn in a very long time.
Worst symptoms lasted about 5-10 minutes and then it got better.
Im sharing my experience because I’d like to know if there are other people who have had similar experiences and would like to know when it gets better.
I think the reason my experience hasn’t been great so far is because of the omeprezole/prozac combination but I’m not a doctor so I have no idea
Any insight or comments appreciated
submitted by That_Visual8862 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 02:40 throwaway288815 20mg and I’m emotional

I’m 4 days into my prescription, taking it in combination with Adderall XR 20mg. First 3 days seemed fine, I fucked up a spreadsheet and my boss unloaded and I’m on the verge of tears. I’m never like this, is this what I should expect ?
Edit: 5/6 (3 days later)
7 Days in I said fuck it. Idk if I should tell my doctor, I felt like I was losing myself. I had no energy, would yawn and try sleeping but couldn’t sleep or did for like 20 mins. Yesterday was the worst - I was so dead and paranoid, legit paranoid of work. All I could think of was getting fired on Monday (today). I stayed up till 2a working and I 100% know it was from feaparanoia of being fired. Like I’ve never experienced that level of anxiety in my life. My chest felt heavy and I had to make myself take deeper breathes. I experienced dissociation for the first time I legit felt like I was just watching myself work at my desk. When I went to bed and woke up at around 7a I felt foggy. Then for the first time I was having “dark” thoughts, thankfully I was aware of what was going on in my head and started my day the best I could like normal. But I skipped the Prozac and just took my Adderall XR, within a hour I was normalish with no anxiety going on. My workday is almost over and I’m feeling relatively fine, but no where near what I experienced the past couple days.
submitted by throwaway288815 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:50 firehydrantlmao Am I becoming a sociopath?

TW for self harm, eating disorders, thoughts of animal abuse and violence
TLDR: I've had violent thoughts I've never had before and a lack of feeling for pretty much everything as of recent. It may be my medication, depression, dissasociation, affinity for the darker things in life or a fun quirky cocktail of it all.
(for anybody wondering I'm 20, F, INFP) Ok so, I've always considered myself to be a deeply feeling person. I have a very strong sense of morality and that has dictated the majority of my choices throughout my life. I'm diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, and I feel naturally that there's been a sort of disconnect between myself and others which is a normal feeling for somebody on the spectrum. I also feel that me being on the autism spectrum has contributed to my thinking that I usually feel MORE than the average person about things.
I have struggled with depression and disassociation throughout my whole life, but as of recently I've felt that what I'm experiencing is different.
So recently I've been having some disordered behaviour when it comes to food, I've been overweight my whole life and I've had thoughts of restricting heavily before but I never acted on it because I cared about my health too much. I also have started to self harm again. In the past I had self harmed but it was mostly for attention, I know it sounds bad but I felt that when I was much younger that nobody would take my mental problems seriously unless I gave them a reason to. Now I find hurting myself to be a sort of urge in me that needs to be fulfilled, kind of like smoking.
Now I'm going to be brutally honest here about my thoughts I've been having. I don't plan on hurting anything or anyone. I know what I'm about to admit to may sound dark, a bit scary and cringey like I'm some sort of angsty anime protagonist. I just genuinely want advice because I've never had thoughts like this before.
The sudden need to hurt myself actually mostly stems from a sort of aesthetic want of having blood on my hands. I find it to be quite pretty and it gives me a thrill that most things don't these days. The pain doesn't bother me much, I've always had a high pain tolerance and if anything it adds to the thrill.
Most worryingly I've had these thoughts before bed about killing an animal. Theres no chase, it's just simply a sort of fantasy of holding (usually a bird of some kind) and cutting it open and watching it die. I also have a want to disect it and again, have the sensation of blood on my hands. I also want to smell blood, (I know that's weird) but I sort of want to make myself feel sick with it, with how strong and overpowering the scent is.
I've had these thoughts every night now for the past week almost, always at night when I'm trying to sleep. I know all of this is bad and pretty concerning but weirdly I have this sense within me that it's nothing to worry about. Aside from this I have been generally feeling a lot less recently, for context, I am somebody that would genuinely cry REAL TEARS hearing that somebody has died on the news. (genuinely, when I say I am a deeply feeling person I mean it) I have a lot of empathy, I just feel very out of touch with it recently.
I'm pretty aware that having a lack of feeling and getting no sense of joy from anything is a symptom of depression. Which I have been diagnosed with and I'm currently on medication for. However I've never in my life experienced such a carnal need to feel something to the point where I would fantasize about hurting myself or an animal.
There's a chance that it might be my new medication? I'm on Setraline (Zoloft) and I've had some side effects that I didnt have on Fluoxetine (Prozac).
I have a slight affinity with the dark and macabre. I'm interested in topics like cannibalism, murder and the morality of them. I have only ever taken interest in the topics because its just that, I find them interesting to ponder. I have also had a lot of unwanted gore showing up on my twitter feed (has anybody else had this?) I don't interact with it besides occasionally watching it. I know gore is pretty horrible and I've never liked it, but everybody has a morbid curiosity that they can't dismiss sometimes.
I don't know if maybe the combination of my recent sense of feeling being dampened and this influx of violent content has seeded in my brain into a problem for me. However rest assured that I wouldn't hurt an animal or anything else even with these thoughts.
So, am I cooked?
submitted by firehydrantlmao to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:33 lenses_a1ien Defeated with re-instatement of antidepressants - looking for encouragement

Hey everybody. Going through a really difficult season of life currently and looking for some insight, encouragement, or advice even - really any feedback is welcome.
Background: M/37. No discernable problems with physical health/medical - labs always consistently good. HX of substance use disorder in recovery for 10 years. About 2 years into this sobriety journey (7-8 years ago give or take) I was diagnosed with primarily obsessional OCD triggered by the birth of my first child. The symptoms were hellish - intense intrusive thoughts that caused me a tremendous amount of distress. After suffering through this for about a year, at the behest of my friends and family I saw a psychiatrist and and psychologist. Started doing Exposure and Response prevention and was cycled through Prozac, Lexapro, finally landing on 50MG zoloft over about a 3-4 month time span ( they kept moving me due to side effect profile etc.)
The combination of therapy and zoloft brought me tremendous relief. I felt like I could breathe/live again. I was like a poster child for SSRI's as well: I had little to no side effects whatsoever from the low dose zoloft. The only thing I really noticed was some very mild delayed sexual function but it was completely workable and not debilitating.
My OCD symptoms completely resolved. Dissapated entirely. My psychiatrist encouraged me to keep taking the zoloft so I did. This went unchecked for 7-8 years. I took Zoloft diligently with no breaks at all during these years. I eventually discontinued therapy and basically dove in completely to family life and work - really only doing excercise as a form of self care plus some hobbies.
About 6 months ago I woke up wondering why I was still taking the zoloft since things had been so good for so long. I felt like the medication had begun to reduce my range of emotion slightly - like I wasn't full experiencing the breadth of human existence being on them. I don't know if this was a misguided thought or bullshit or what but as a result I consulted my psych NP and they hesitantly began tapering me off the medication. One month at half the dose. Another half month at half a dose and I felt so good that I just ditched the med completely and went med free despite the Psych NP not directing this. I understand now that this was probably not the best idea.
The first month went well. I felt pretty clear - and even like I had a more full range of emotion to access. This could be in my head but I felt like I was more loving and close with my family and friends. Unfortunately this was short lived: onto the bad shit.
After about a month completely med free I began to experience what I can only describe as fairly significant cognitive symptoms: short term memory problems, long term memory problems, forgetfulness, general disorganization of my thought process and reduced capacity to maintain my workload (I'm typically really solid with work) I became avoidant and lazy and just didn't feel like I had the same pep in my step that I'd had previously. Energy levels were lower and I started waking up in the morning with a feeling of existential type dread - concerned with mortalitiy, very negative self talk, speaking to and treating myself poorly. MY appetite decreased dramatically. My desire to excercise and get out and about reduced. My social anxiety went through the roof and I started feeling like I had trouble getting my thoughts out to people and speaking clearly and concisely. My hands would sweat when I had work meetings. I started to just tank basically.The only positives at this point that I can identify are that my sexual function was better than it had ever been in my life and my sleep quality felt like it improved drastically as well.
Anyway - I panicked and reacted. I tried to self re-instate my previous dose of zoloft - 50MG a day thinking that I'd just go right back to where I was before for all those years. I'm not sure if anyones had a similiar experience here but for whatever godforsaken damn reason IT DID NOT GO WELL AT ALL. Within a week I was experiecing every single SSRI side effect you could imagine: insomina, severely reduced sexual function and libido, fatigue, disinterested in life, flatness, emotional blunting, and most troublesome of all a pretty dramatic reduction in my visual acuity: severe dry eyes and blurry vision. Over the course of 9 weeks with a new provider I was placed down to 25 MG with no resolution of symptoms - flew back up to 50 shortly - and then to 75MG. During this time I was also put on Xanax .5MG Q6HR and Lunesta 1-2MG QHS for sleep. All I can say is that the the zoloft possibly mildly helped my anxiety symptoms but none of the above side effects resolved at all or got better.
The psychiatrist dumped the Zoloft and cross tapered me to Prozac. It has been about 9 weeks on prozac 10 to 20 to 30. The psychiatrist wants to keep increasing despite my protestation that the side effects are fucking me up. My vision is still shit - it drives me crazy (sidenote - I had a full medical exam from an opthamologist and other than having some mildy dry eyes he stated there is nothing medically acute happening with my eyes.) My sexual function is still reduced. I feel a bit calmer but still just sort of listless, going through the motions, disinterested, and sad. I have two beautiful young children, an outstanding job that pays well, and a loving wife. My presence has been so shitty through this whole entire thing that I'm just continuously beating myself up for putting my family through such a rough season of life and not having my full attention and love be with them if that makes sense - despite my wife being fairly understanding and patient with me through the entire thing so far.
I saw a new provider last week after my last suggested upping the dose again and adding adderall of all things to the mix. I don't want to go down that road being an addict in recovery and am already dissapointed that I've had to take xanax and lunesta. The new provider I saw was a specialist with over 30 years of exp and did a comprehensive eval with me. I advocated for myself, expressed my interest in being on the least amount of drugs possible and trying to treat this as holistically and naturally as I can. I also tried to ask questions about the symptoms I was having reference my vision and reference what my discontinution looked like initially after the DC of zoloft and she basically......pooh poohed me, said I need to be on medication for life, that I need to max out the doses of the drugs I take and that she had never heard of people having vision issues from SSRI's before. She then wrote me a script for Vilazodone and instructed me to do a rapid cross taper off the prozac onto the Vilazodone.
So here I am fellow redditors. I have the vilazodone but I have not taken it. I reduced the prozac from 30 to 20 about 5 days ago and feel a little foggy but still minimal improvement in side effect profile. I have become so remarkably averse to these drugs and modern psychiatry and am finding the prospect of tapering onto yet another drug terrifying. I am currently in CBT therapy weekly, am doing daily intense breakthwork/meditation, trying my best to journal, and getting some mild excercise.
I don't know what to do. I don't want to sacrifice my love life and vision for mild benefits to my anxiety and cognitive struggles. I don't want to max out doses and have the side effects increase. I desparately want to be free of this bullshit and move forward with my life but I have no idea what that looks like. Basically a dilemma if you will. I'm just looking for encouragement, advice, positive reinforcement, or even success stories of anyone who has been through something similiar and come off these damn drugs. As I mentioned before my faith in psychiatry has effectively been reduced so much through this. I just wanna be free, love my family, excel in my career, and get back to enjoying all the things I used to enjoy. Right now I'm just going through the motions.
My heart is with anyone struggling with mental illness or situations similiar to this. I hope so much today you feel loved, take the time to love yourself, and practice loving kindness in all you do. I fucking get how hard this stuff is and how hard it can be on the people around you: the guilt, the shame, the negative self talk, the feeling of defeat, and everything that comes along with it. I love ya'll have a blessed day today and thank you so much in advance for any feedback/encouragement/advice you may have for me today I really need and appreciate it! Sorry for the epic length of this post.
submitted by lenses_a1ien to Anxiety [link] [comments]