Ed ing worksheet

Salty satire and morons unite.

2016.11.01 10:33 tilnewstuff Salty satire and morons unite.

A subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire.

2013.11.28 00:38 HChimpdenEarwicker Literature Memes

Putting the šŸ”„ in literature!!

2018.11.15 00:28 Eating Disorders Anonymous

A public subreddit for discussing the struggles of having an eating disorder. Much like an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group, we offer emotional support and harm reduction but no encouragement of furthering ED behaviors. This subreddit is not officially associated with the support group Eating Disorders Anonymous. We are not exclusive to or trying to ā€œforceā€ recovery on anyone.

2024.05.14 02:23 GamerEdie Whammy should I say (or not) or do (or not) to help partner overcome anxiety-induced ED?

I heave recently embarked on a new relationship with a fantastic man. Itā€™s not without complications and some psychological challenges (both widowed; me 3 1/2 years, him 11 months).
Iā€™ve been very careful to let him take the lead since heā€™s much closer to his loss than I am, and I have watched very carefully to make sure heā€™s genuinely through his grieving enough to consider dating. Every indication is he is.
So we have really, really fallen for each other. And now that we are both in a space to get intimate, we are encountering issues. He is experiencing ED. He has no issues when we are not together getting an erection and completing the job, but when with me he fades at the first rumblings.
I have made an effort to talk to him about it, asking what he thinks is causing him to be anxious and Iā€™ve given him lots of space to get comfortable talking about it. He says itā€™s amazing he can because heā€™s never had someone who was willing to be open about their needs and fears sexually (we are both nearing 60, so it kinda behooves us to admit our parts donā€™t work quite like they did when they were factory-fresh).
He has said that our relationship has become quite significant and he wants the first time to be incredible. I have assured him 1) the first time is going to probably be awkward and hilariously fun because itā€™s the first time for us AND the first time either of us has had sex in years and 2) it WILL be incredible because it is with him and we really care about each other (and itā€™s not just about f*%ing).
Now, hereā€™s my questions: What techniques can I use to keep him in the moment and out of his head when we are initiating intimacy?
He has decided to secure some medicinal assistance to get ā€œover the humpā€ of our first time. How do Cialis and Viagra work when it comes to anxiety-induced ED. I would hate to have him take it only to fail. Iā€™m afraid it would cause real psychological damage.
submitted by GamerEdie to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 BakeScary Gen ed question

Hey so Iā€™m an incoming freshmen so if my question is dumb let me know. Iā€™m looking at the gen ed requirements while filling out my pre advisory worksheet. For a lot of the categories they are broken up into sub categories. For like the cultural studies it specifically says you must do one of each sub category. However for Natural science and tech, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Humanities and Arts if doesnā€™t specifically say the sub categories are required. So could I get away with say two natural science classes in the same category? I ask cuz I have a bunch of AP credits Iā€™d like to use if possible
submitted by BakeScary to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:14 rambu_tann [trigger warning] How do you deal with your fantasies of outing the abuser? And family members who know what happened, but pretend they donā€™t in front of the abuser?

Still treating them like family? And lets them near little girls when that person had drugged and SAā€™ed me as a teen for 7 years?
Right when I was about to file a civil lawsuit against my stepfather, my mother suddenly turned cold and called me evil. Then abruptly cut off all contact with me. And I fell apart. It took so much therapy and lost jobs to finally feel ok. 3 years later, I had to reach out to my mother to settle student loans details. To my surprise, she all of a sudden is acting kind, sad that she has been lonely, and I am here now suddenly comforting her.
Then yesterday I found out that turd stain was hanging around my little sister (who wants to be with her father), that he has a gf who is a lawyer with a son (luckily not a daughter), and I have this rage bubbling inside me to out him to everyone. Bc he deserves to be on neighborhood watch listed as a child sexual predator. But he is not and he is free to live his life and has a job at local very popular amusement park (think animation) as a security guard. Where he is around little girls and young teens. Itā€™s infuriating and I canā€™t stop fantasizing about outing him!
How do you deal with this? I am going to file a lawsuit against him in the next 5 yrs as I have about a decade to get lawful justice (researched statute of limitations). However, only when I have enough resources to do so.
A (very long) backstory, mother abandoned me at 5 yrs old, I had a father who was a drug addict and wildly physically abusive. She shifted the blame of abandonment due to my father using me as a bargaining chip ā€œyou leave me and you leave her, or you stay with me, keep getting DVā€™ed and you can stay with your daughterā€. She chose to leave.
Then years later we reconnected, she took me into her home where my little sis was just born and her bf of 5 yrs lived, and he immediately became a creep. I was 13 yo then. Slowly, he groomed me into believing he was looking out for me, turning me against my mother, told me all the bad things she said behind my back (which was honestly true, my mother was donwright neglectful and hated my face bc she said it looked like my dad.)
Thenā€¦ after a year of pretending to be a friend to a 13 yo, he crossed physical boundaries and I tried to run for help.
Sadly, my mother didnā€™t care to listen even when I was sobbing for her to listen. And he rushed up, took me by the arm and told me to come with him in the car. And begun driving me to school. There, he cried, emotionally manipulated me, and said if I told anyone, my little sister would be without a father like me, my mother would be homeless bc of me. And that it would be all my fault.
And a few days later, heā€™d cross the line again. But this time, I cried in the bathroom scrubbing myself over and over again bc I felt so dirty, disgusted for what he had done to me. He had me drink shots of liquor, gave me illicit drugs, and would go to town when Iā€™d black out. Other times, I would be asleep and heā€™d come in pants down, and just made me do it.
7 years of this and I am still getting flashbacks of times I had blacked out. Now hearing he is living free, unseen by the law as a criminal and pedo, with access to young girls, I am furious.
How would do you handle your own fantasies of outing the abuser? How do you handle connecting with family members who pretend nothing happened?
His mother (the pedoā€™s) literally told me I was TEMPTATION at 13 yo and thatā€™s why he couldnā€™t resist SAā€™ing me. I was so shocked to hear that. Even looking at my lil sis who is now 17yo, she looks so young. How could a mid-30 yo man find a 13yo as temptation? How could his mother say that? Ugh!!
submitted by rambu_tann to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:00 Winter-Scheme2807 Ingegneria Anabolica - Noha Rabasco

Ingegneria Anabolica - Noha Rabasco submitted by Winter-Scheme2807 to FitnesProgramsSharing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:41 TypewriterTypeWrote [SF] 'Diamonds' Part 3 (Part of the 'Human Nature' series)


Max woke in the night to a plinking sound. He had fallen asleep crying over Scat, treat bag and collar on the table in full view. His eyes were blurry and sore, his nose was runny and sore and the nature channel was his distraction. Ruth was letting off a lovely glow and it warmed him to think of Scat so lovingly curled around her, day in and day out. He let out an almost-sob. He didnā€™t want to give her back. Didnā€™t want to wake up.
Eventually Max pried one eye open and surveyed the room. TV still on, duvet still over him, the floor wasnā€™t wet and the ceiling wasnā€™t leaking, so where was theā€¦
Max sighed and rolled over, the duvet making a break for the floor before being dejectedly scooped up again and deposited back across his lap. The small cloud of Scatā€™s fur wafted off the floorboards and turned Maxā€™s heart. He contemplated going back to the escape of sleep, but finally sat and rubbed his eyes, held his aching head in his hands for a moment and, dropping his hands and lolling his head back, Ruth came into focus. The central glass disc that she had made like a rosette for herself had grown, bloated out. It looked a bit like a tortoise shell, glittery and iridescent and very Ruth, except now, it hadā€¦
ā€œDiamonds!ā€ Max yelped, miraculously fully awake.
There, underneath the bulbous disc was a tiny pile of painfully perfect diamonds, so exuberant in colour they seemed almost alive. He could see clean through the pile itself each one was so clear, with a miniature rainbow refracted inside. They were scattered across the table and he realised they were dropping from all over the glass tubes, the largest ones plinking from the central disc.
ā€œHoly cow! What the hell, Ruth! This is amazing! I mean, how did you do that?ā€
Ruth plinked another diamond from the disc, meanwhile the bobbing gyroscopic mass that had accumulated in the disc decided to bob itself towards Max and answer him with a spiral of flashes and disco lights.
ā€œYou really are a crazy, crazy little thing, you know that?ā€ he asked, picking up a diamond and examining it against Ruthā€™s emitted light show. He threw his t-shirt across the table top and spread the diamonds out on it. There must have been fifteen of them, simply perfect and all different shapes to each other, irregular and yet symmetrical.
Max collapsed into the dining chair next to the table.
Why did they happen today? Why now of all days? It had been nearly a week since he was entrusted with Ruth and she seemed pretty stable up till yesterday. She had grown that diamond factory bulge that reminded him of a tortoise, yes, but now it almost looked like an expensive, old-fashioned sweet dispenser that you get in the bowling alley or in the shopping centres in posh areas. The kind they stuck between the raised beds of fake forest-looking plants in the food court, the kind that were there to tempt the kids after their unfulfilling and unappreciated fast-food dine-outs but used all your pocket money for one jaw-breaker.
Max tried to backtrack. What had he done differently? If he could figure it out, maybe he could persuade Ruth to make more diamondsā€¦ his friend would never have to know, he could get Scat a little headstone, and if he could figure out how it worked he could reverse it so there wouldnā€™t even be any evidence. No, his friend would surely know. Max could save a few diamonds and give them to him and say she just startedā€¦ have to work out the details later. First things first.
ā€œSo, Ruth. Why are you giving me these little nuggets of joy, huh? What did I do to warrant this spectacle?ā€ He talked to Ruth, but she didnā€™t respond. No movement, just the usual swirling around. Max watched the glass disc closely through his puffy eyes but couldnā€™t see where the diamonds fell from, nor anything that would suggest a factory line of compressed carbon was in progress. She seemed to be slowing down.
Max pressed his brows together, then slowly lifted the fern up onto the table again. This was the only thing different. The bamboo was outside and Scat wasā€¦
A wave of horror flooded over Max. He launched himself out of his chair and sprinted to the window and, ripping back the voile, he saw the bamboo had grown six feet over night. He knew it grew fast from watching that documentary about tropical rainforests but this was a stretch too far. Much too far. That damned thing hadnā€™t grown in yearsā€¦
ā€œRuth,ā€ he said turning to her, ā€œwhat did you do?ā€

For the next few hours, Max observed Ruth from across the room. The discovery channel was on in the background, as always. Ruth didnā€™t seem to do much without it these days but for a hunk of glittery glass and brass Max supposed not much was interesting unless it moved or had nothing whatsoever to do with man-made things. Suited him just fine. Who needs politics anyway?
Apparently, Ruth had taken it upon herself to make the fern shrivel up and increase her diamond production, much to Maxā€™s exuberant happiness and overwhelming horror. He shoved the sofa to the far end of the room and started putting all his household plants in the spaces between the table and himself. The kitchen herbs went first.
He had taken one of the diamonds down to the swanky precious stone and metal specialist at the posh end of town (his name was Horace, apparently,) and had it valued. He took extreme pleasure in watching the manā€™s face freeze in wonder at the rock placed before him. Iā€™ve never seen such a stone, Horace said. Never seen such a clear, colourful, perfect stone in my life, Horace said. Itā€™s phenomenal, Horace said. Where did you get it, Horace asked. I inherited it, Max lied. Itā€™s worth a fortune, Horace said. Thank you, Iā€™ll have it back now, Max said. He made sure to stop by the garden centre on his way home.

The front room was a sea of plants. Max waded through them, deciding that a walkway to the door would be a vital escape route that shouldnā€™t be compromised, in case Ruth decided she had been on her vegetarian stint for long enough. Max had toyed with the idea of getting a fish tank or some other living creature to put next to her as a safeguard but he promptly remembered Scat and nearly broke down on the shop floor in front of the display tanks. Besides, the plants were working! There was already a multitude of stacks of plastic pots and trays next to the front door ready for recycling, and all the withered remains of whatever the pots had housed was scattered along the borders amongst the dog daisies and tulips. Ruth was putting out a considerable amount of stonage these days. Max bought an old bank safe online. It was currently sat in the hallway because thatā€™s as far in as the two couriers could lift the thing, and there was no way on godā€™s green earth that Max was going to let them into the front room and risk them getting curious. The safe was only waist-high and wasnā€™t too ugly, so the hallway it was.
Max carefully spun the dial clockwise, anti-clockwise, clockwise again, on and on, muttering under his breath as he read from the bit of paper he guiltily kept in his pocket alongside his friendā€™s contact details. He used his whole bodyweight to wrench open the door and deposit the load of diamonds in a mason jar, nestled it in next to its siblings that were already full and stacked up there. He had set up a system of small tubs under the hotspots for diamonds drops and his favourite whiskey glass under the place where the large diamonds fell. He emptied them regularly, always aware that someone might knock on the door, he might need to pee or Scat might need to go outside (no, poor thing, he was there already). His kitchen was full of boxes of new mason jars and his lounge was full of plants, like some weird meth lab. A thrill of fear swept down Maxā€™s back and up through his throat looking at all those jars, heavy with precious stones. He knew the smallest one alone would make him a disgustingly wealthy man. Horace had confirmed it.
Two days later, and there was no more space in the safe. Nowhere else to put those little rocks. Max decided to give Ruth a break, let her rest while he decided what to do next. He couldnā€™t have a house full of safes, his friend would already think it was weird that the one in the hallway appeared out of nowhere. Max put a coffee table over it, covered it with a tablecloth and some old bank statements, throwing on a phone charger for authenticity.
He had taken to talking to Ruth while the documentaries were on, she seemed to like that. He had been taking daily trips to the garden centre and leaving with a fully loaded car, right up until they looked at him suspiciously (he was a renowned leave-it-to-the-bugs kind of gardener; after years of failed attempts at keeping his plants alive and fruitless efforts of the garden centre employees to dispense advice he could keep to), so he started frequenting other nurseries as well.
Today, he was going to figure out how Ruth did it. He had to know. In his mind it was the equivalent of finding out how the Egyptians built the pyramids (because it obviously wasnā€™t aliens,) and the fact that even his friend didnā€™t know what this thing could do was something altogether more impressive! He may well have created it, but it was Max who had realised Ruthā€™s full potential, it was Max who had figured out the process, it was Max who had discovered the balance of life and death. Nobody could take that from him. But to really put the boot in, he wanted to know how.
ā€œCome on, Ruthy, tell me how you do it. Let me see you do it, just once.ā€ Max waited for a response. There was none. Thenā€¦
He had seen! He knew now! Ha!
ā€œYes! Thatā€™s it! Thatā€™s the ticket! I knew it, old gal, this is going to be such an epic day! I canā€™t wait to see their faces, suck on THAT!ā€
Max jumped, air-punched and whirled around the front room, ecstatic in his discovery. Never again would they look down on him! Never again would they look at him like he was an idiot because he couldnā€™t get the printer to print on both sides of the paper, they wouldnā€™t reject him, the girls would think he was funny, he was going to be filthy rich, he could save the world! He, Max, was all powerful.
Oh yes. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about.
submitted by TypewriterTypeWrote to u/TypewriterTypeWrote [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:43 No_Onion1341 What the...

What the...
That didn't go as planned
submitted by No_Onion1341 to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:21 Top_Report_4895 Who would you cast as Captain Marvel/Shazam in Reeves's Batverse? Just hypothetically

Who would you cast as Captain Marvel/Shazam in Reeves's Batverse? Just hypothetically submitted by Top_Report_4895 to Fancast [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:50 TELMxWILSON FRESH TUNES of the week! Teddy Killerz, Enei & DRS, Tim Reaper, Zero T, Repill, Danny Byrd & S.P.Y, Culrure Shock and more.. Reviews for two new shooting stars in neuro & tech [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 20)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/ 1clj4km
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Skrimor - Boogie Woogie / Club Girl [Evolution Chamber]

Recommended if you like: Gydra, Punchman, Absu_NTQL
You know what we should talk more about on here? Neurofunk. Not even joking, the last proper Neuro spotlight here has been months ago, and frankly I cannot stand for this injustice anymore. So let's talk about Neuro's biggest shooting star of recent times: Skrimor!
Dzmitry Vilchytski, the Warsaw-based man behind the incredible project, is one of those people whose music isn't just well-produced and hard-hitting, he is also able to effortlessly tap into that fun, cheeky Eastern European energy that makes you want to get up from your deep slav squat and get movin'. This combo of technical prowess and musical diversity with a healthy chunk of Neuropunk attitude immediately convinced a ton of established artists across the subgenre, leading to one release after the other on Neuropunk (of course), Eatbrain and Korsakov, shortly after Garud from Teddy Killerz started working as their label A&R, plus remixes for Jade, Gydra and, well, Teddy Killerz.
That kinda omnipresence, plus all the support across the scene, almost makes you forget that his journey as Skrimor only started a little bit more than a year ago somehow?! Sure, his artist bio expands on his background a bit more and talks about how he's been involved with music since 2005, when he played in a Nu-Metal band, saw the dubstep/dnb/bass music light in 2007 while in Vilnius, graduated in 2012 and explored electronic music some more in Poland. But then, 11 years of nothing later and bam, a sick debut release on NickBee's Axon Records kicking off an avalanche that the Neuro scene hasn't seen in a while, and apparently isn't gonna stop anytime soon. Case in point: Now, after debuting on the label's wonderful Transmissions compilation series just a couple weeks back, Dzmitry is once again returning to Magnetude's, Task Horizon's and Receptor's one and only Evolution Chamber to deliver two slices of his infamously, undeniably, certifiedly raw material to the masses: Boogie Woogie / Club Girl.
We kick this one-two-punch off with a mantra to conquer any of your everyday problems: Boogie Woogie. Train delayed? Boogie woogie. Waiter brought you the wrong food? Boogie woogie. Wife divorcing you? Boogie that damn woogie already! To help us all achieve this serene state of boogie-woogie-ing, Skrimor brings us only the crunchiest of chugger basslines, propelled forward by some heavy drums, with an incredibly funky combination of cheekily distorted neuro stabs and the titular vocal mantra adding that extra bit of spice on top. Not yet enough for you to get your butt movin'? Alright, then let's go straight to the Club, Girl! To get even the laziest mofo up from their seats, Skrimor brings out the big guns: only the dirtiest of 8th note chuggy basses that even briefly turns into 4x4 later on, only the largest of neuro whomp melodies and, most importantly, only the catchiest, earwormiest vocal of the year, if not the decade! Might sound simple, but trust me, this one is a bop. Sometimes less is (Skri)more, after all.
I'm genuinely obsessed with the raw energy Skrimor is bringing to the scene lately. Even after a ton of sick output in the past year, I'm still skriming for more.
Other neuro from this week: - Redpill - The Chase EP - PAIN - Push The Pusher (Zardonic Remix) - Teddy Killerz - Do U L Me - Mean Teeth - Bring Back The Funk Remixed Part 1 - Perplex - The Basilisk - JIROBASS - Izolite / Carbon šŸ’Ž

2. Aegis - Pressure & Existential šŸ’Ž [DIVIDID]

Recommended if you like: Buunshin, Maysev, Emperor
Now for a debut release that's putting all sorts of established artists to shame: Aegis, with his double single Pressure & Existential.
While this actually is the first officially released Aegis production that I am aware of, which automatically makes this our Hidden Gem Of The Weekā„¢ļø, the rabbit hole does of course go way deeper than that. Residing in the North Brabantian metropolis Tilburg, Nederlander Joppe Damstra has been involved in music-related endeavours since he was in the Dutch equivalent of high school. Whether it was playing in bands like Young Spirit, Locked Out or Rabble, organising events of his own, most notably the band battle tournament Fame Game in 2018 and the Save The Night events, or interning at Korsakov from 2019 to 2020, Joppe undeniably has always had an unstoppable drive to become an integral part of the music scene at large, in every possible corner. As you can maybe already tell, over time, the love for all things electronic outgrew everything else. Not only was he laying down some crazy DnBeats at some of those events, either under his real name or as BMBRMN (bomberman?), he also kept himself busy working all sorts of label operations jobs at Dimensional Music.
For our purposes though, the really interesting part begins just slightly after all that, in 2022. On the one hand, because he became part of the team at ABIS' incredible DIVIDID label as both their Event Manager and resident DJ, on the other, because that's when Aegis was finally born! Across a proper onslaught of insanely sick DIVIDID label nights, Joppe jumped on the decks in places like Vienna, Bristol, Lyon, Maribor and all over Germany and the Netherlands, converting one city after another to Aegisism, with a slew of DIVIDID dubs and, eventually, even his own creations. I remember one day last year I was supposed to go to their takeover in Berlin's VOID club, something I had been hyped about for ages (or should I say aeges), but because my body simply said no, my friend ended up going alone. When they came back the next morning, there was one thing they couldn't stop raving about: that Aegis dude. After finally experiencing his selections myself a couple months later, I can now see what they were on about - dude is a wizard. Now, with his debut release finally released, we can see if his wizardry also extends to production!
I'm happy to report that it absolutely does! Pressure opens up pandoraegis' box of destruction rather beautifully, with ominous synths constantly ringing in your ears, a delightfully eery vocal haunting you in your dreams, explosive basses going off in your face and incredibly intricate, fierce drumwork working up an actual wildfire of a storm - what a crazy introduction into the scene! As if that wasn't already huge enough, we've also got Existential on the flipside doing serious damage. Whereas the opener was still strangely lovely, this one is just downright evil. Especially that otherworldly lead synth is filled to the brim with menacing energy, but the back and forth we're getting on the drop, where the unrelenting ratatatat is interrupted by a somehow even more sinister, proper all-encompassing bassline - that shit is just ridiculous man.
I'm having problems finding puns stupid enough to fully articulate my love for this insane debut release. I'm having Aegissues, one might even say. Genuinely though: This is a crazy-good first release and I cannot wait to see what else Aegis will accomplish in the future!
Other techy things from this week: - Various Artists - Antimatter:2 EP šŸ’Ž - Misanthrop - Open World EP - Onetral - Flow šŸ’Ž - VENAL - Metamorphosis šŸ’Ž (only found these two recently)

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:29 snylmz Differences -ed,-ing in adjectives

It might be confusing sometimes. When must I use -ed or -ing? Whats the differences boring and bored?
someone says on instagram, -ing focuses to reason of emotion but other one focuses to feel of person. is that right? Could u help me?
submitted by snylmz to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:22 TinyBuffalo8323 verb (used with object) , conĀ·seĀ·cratĀ·ed, conĀ·seĀ·cratĀ·ing. to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building. Antonyms: desecrate to make (something) an object of honor or veneration; hallow: a custom consecrated by time.

submitted by TinyBuffalo8323 to u/TinyBuffalo8323 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:40 One_Opinion_1277 Happy Birthday Harumin!

Happy Birthday Harumin! submitted by One_Opinion_1277 to CitrusManga [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:38 Aldimanium Impossible(?) True Jedi in a LEGO Star Wars III Level

So I've 100%'ed a bunch of LEGO games in my life (8, to be exact) and in every single one of them, True Jedi / the game's equivalent of True Jedi was possible to obtain while casually playing through the level in Story Mode. The same thing seemed to be the case when I started 100%ing LEGO Star Wars III. That was until I got to "Destroy Malevolence".
I played through the level the way I always do - getting as many studs as I possibly can, and yet, I only got around halfway to True Jedi. I decided to put a pin in the level and attempt it again after I completed the Story Mode, but even in that attempt, I couldn't even get to 80%.
I looked through many different playthroughs of the level, but no one actually got True Jedi in any of them. Does anyone know if getting it in this level is even possible? (if you don't use Free Play / Red Bricks)
submitted by Aldimanium to LegoStarWarsVideoGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:57 Clerkdidnothingwrong Pro Set from the 90s

Pro Set from the 90s
Just curious as to any opinions on the old Pro Set series from around 1991 or so. I had posted a card on another forum and some guy gave me an earful about how awful they were. (His opinion, no harm done). Granted, I know they were all mostly base sets, thereā€™s the odd encased or signed one out there, but anyways. I bought a few sleeves of these when I was a kid from a ā€œSanta shopā€ at school one year, still have them and theyā€™ve all stood the test of time rather well. I also come across a few when I find some assorted packs at Value Village or the Dollar store. Pretty sure I have the whole set now. But was Pro Set garbage cards or did I encounter an a hole on a bad day? I loved these as a kid.
submitted by Clerkdidnothingwrong to hockeycards [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:00 MassiveMorph Price Check for a Two-Shot Handmade? I know these use to be worth a fair bob.

Price Check for a Two-Shot Handmade? I know these use to be worth a fair bob. submitted by MassiveMorph to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:38 CertifiedMalewife NOOO THEY BANNED CHILLING

NOOO THEY BANNED CHILLING submitted by CertifiedMalewife to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:21 pol_m Cercasi consiglio carriera

Buonasera, m29 38k di RAL project manager IT per azienda di prodotto (circa 400 milioni fatturato), 5 anni di esperienza dopo aver fatto la magistrale di ing informatica (2 anni consulente ERP e i restanti 3 nellā€™attuale lavoro). Il mio lavoro consiste nellā€™essere una specie di raccordo tra i diversi dipartimenti, principalmente supply chain, marketing e retail, per lā€™inserimento di nuovi tool in azienda o per lā€™aggiornamento di tool giĆ  presenti (wms, crm, sap erp) collaborando con i diversi fornitori. Non sviluppo software, cerco solo di tirare le fila del progetto per cercare di rispettare budget e tempi. ƈ un periodo piuttosto buio per lā€™azienda (numeri negativi e cambio radicale nella parte manageriale) che ha portato a grossi tagli di budget tagliando alcuni progetti e rendendo i miei ultimi mesi molto statici.
Ho ricevuto unā€™offerta da una grande societĆ  (piĆ¹ di 5 miliardi di fatturato global) per una posizione di consulente per uno specifico settore aziendale, non indico quale perchĆ© poche in Italia fanno questo. Lā€™offerta ĆØ di 43k piĆ¹ auto aziendale ad uso promiscuo e dovrei seguire diversi clienti in Veneto ed Emilia Romagna, io abito a Bergamo. Questa societĆ  sviluppa propri sistemi che andrebbero ad integrarsi con i classici software aziendali dei clienti (erp, wms, procurement). Revisione salario annuale e bonus di permanenza dopo 2 e dopo 3 anni. Il mio grosso timore ĆØ di incastrarmi in una posizione un poā€™ troppo specifica (essendo legata ad un solo settore aziendale) e di concentrarmi sulla conoscenza di tool proprietari dellā€™azienda, conoscenza non troppo rivendibile in caso di cambio futuro di mansione.
Ne ho parlato con il mio responsabile che mi ha proposto di affiancarmi allā€™attuale project manager di SAP interno per poi sostituirlo da settembre di questā€™anno perchĆ© gli scade il contratto (chiaramente se tutto dovesse andare bene e se riuscissi a dimostrare la mia capacitĆ  nel farlo). Considerate che la mia attuale azienda deve ancora fare il rollout di SAP in 3 grosse sedi (usa, Spagna e Giappone) e sono previsti tra il 2025 e 2026.
La mia preoccupazione, specialmente in questa fase della mia vita, non ĆØ il solo stipendio, ma cercare di intraprendere una strada che possa aprirmi a diverse opzioni in futuro arrivando a ricoprire posizione di responsabilitĆ , rimanendo nella sfera della gestione di progetti.
Avete dei consigli? Specialmente per chi ĆØ molto piĆ¹ esperto di me che puĆ² dare anche consigli di ā€œvita lavorativaā€ Grazie
submitted by pol_m to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:31 pbd1996 AITAH for RSVPing ā€œnot attendingā€ to every wedding event?

My husband (29M) and I (27F) have been invited to his cousinā€™s (29M) wedding in the summer in Newport, RI. Although my husband and his cousin were close when they were little kids, they arenā€™t close now, and havenā€™t been close for many years. Additionally, my husband and I have only met his fiancĆ© one time.
Coincidentally, the wedding is on the exact same day as my husbandā€™s 30th birthday. Because of this, my husband and I have decided to stay in Newport for two nights instead of one. That way, him and I can celebrate his birthday in Newport (the night before the wedding) at a nice restaurant.
Well, hereā€™s the problem. On the night we are celebrating his birthday (the night before the wedding), thereā€™s a ā€œwelcome party.ā€ We respectfully RSVPā€™ed ā€œnot attending.ā€ At first, I didnā€™t feel bad about RSVPā€™ing ā€œnot attending,ā€ but since then I have been invited to the bridal shower AND my husband has been invited to the bachelor party, both of which we RSVPā€™ed ā€œnot attendingā€ to. Now, we have RSVPā€™ed ā€œnot attendingā€ to three events (aka everything except the wedding).
I feel bad, but at the same time, the wedding is already expensive enough to attend (hotel, gift, black tie, etc.) and weā€™re not even close with the bride or the groom. Are we assholes in this situation?
submitted by pbd1996 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:37 TinyRaptorMom #cpsupport Help disappearing text

#cpsupport Help disappearing text
I got my cyberpower pc back in March and it's been nothing but a headache since. Best Buy couldn't help me so I sent my entire rig back to the company and they replaced pretty much everything but the motherboard and it came back working perfectly. For 2 weeks. Last night I moved my PC to a different room in the house and ALL of the problems returned. I don't even know how that is possible.
Im going to call the company again when they open but I doubt they'll be of any help since I'm over the return deadline. Anyway here's my problem:
Certain games just will not run. I turn them on and they freeze and minimize constantly until eventually the crash.
Text gets distorted and disappears. Attached are pics i took just now to show what I mean by that.
Any help is appreciated. I've never encountered this before.
submitted by TinyRaptorMom to CYBERPOWERPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:21 TestingAccountByUser Ive got an announcement to make. (Sad)

Shadow the Hedgehog's a b****-a** motherf***er, he pissed on my f***ing wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog-f***in' quilly d*** out and he pissed on my f***ing wife, and he said his d*** was "This biiiig!!!" and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Reddit DOT com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small d***, It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: that's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows-- look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He f***ed my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna f*** the EARTH. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'm pissing ON THE MOON! How do you like that, Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrrroplllllllets hit the f***ing Earth, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!
submitted by TestingAccountByUser to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:25 Kukikokikokuko Finally found what I was looking for after a few months ā€” Mega5Est

Finally found what I was looking for after a few months ā€” Mega5Est
Iā€™ve been a fan of HiFi for a few years. Started out with headphones, and last year switched over to IEMs for practical reasons. I bought a few pairs, and demoed a good many pairs while I was on a trip in China (even demoed pairs up to 3k). But I was left a bit frustrated as I found nothing that really suited me. I am apparently extremely picky when it comes to audio, maybe due to the way in which I listen to music (in bed in the dark, fully concentrated on the music). Anyway, hereā€™s the main IEMs that I owned and tested extensively, and why I didnā€™t like them:
  • MP145 : these are quite amazing for the money, but definitely not for me. The detail and energy is impressive, but theyā€™re way too V shaped, metallic, and tiring. Also, the fit is the worst by far I have ever tried on an IEM.
  • Aful Performer 5 : while all the other IEMs I tried had some positive aspects, I just donā€™t understand what the hype with these are. If I had to say something good about these, Iā€™d say that theyā€™re relaxing and inoffensive, but thatā€™s it. Muddy, without detail, boring, are some words that come to mind. Great fit though.
  • Ziigaat Cincotres : decent fit (theyā€™re a bit tall), great sound, except for one aspect: the note weight. The bass and mids are quite enjoyable, and the highs are fine, but the notes are delivered without much liveliness. Itā€™s still a good deal for the price though.
  • Dunu SA6 MKII : despite what the reviews I read said, these are definitely unvented, which makes them kind of unbearable for me. Unfortunate. The bass on these is amazingly fast, and quite a decent punch despite being BA. Mids are rather natural and great. The highs are a a bit unnatural for me, I hear some timbre and other harshness that isnā€™t supposed to be there.
  • Hisenior Mega5Est : ah, these are great. The mids are better than SA6 MKII, the EST highs are quite simply amazing, the bass has a serious punch to it. They are very well vented, and very comfortable with candy tips. In a word, these just sound natural to my ears. Iā€™ve read much good praise from many reviewers as well. Iā€™ll stop my IEM journey here for the moment before I spend too much, Iā€™ll be using these until they break, which I hope is at least ten years (maybe Iā€™m delusional, itā€™s chifi after allā€¦) Theyā€™re not perfect however. First, the bass is good but definitely not as fast as on SA6 MKII. I also use a slight EQ on these to make them a bit more clarity focussed. Out of the box they are slightly on the warm side, so I run a -0.5db on the bass and +1.5db on the treble. But I also listen often without EQ, which is more relaxing and less tiring. Some reviewers mentioned this thing is tuned near perfectly and doesnā€™t need EQ, and Iā€™d rather agree. Itā€™s only for analytical and immersive listening that I use EQ.
  • as mentioned earlier, I also tried many other IEMs, and Iā€™d like to mention two more that I liked but didnā€™t buy, the IE200 and IE600. Both V shaped and energetic, and the IE600 especially is just so exhilarating and powerful sounding, but considering the absolute mountain of QC issues posts online I donā€™t want to risk it. Iā€™ve yet to see someone with a pair that lasted longer than two years.
Anyway, thatā€™s about it for this post. For confused beginners, my main advice is to buy one pair of IEMs that speak to you, and to auto EQ those to other pairs to try and find a sound that you like. With auto EQ you can have a decent idea of what an IEM sound like (up to a point, Iā€™d like to say 70%). I auto EQā€™ed my IEMs to literally hundreds of others before I got the Mega5Est. It can be little misleading sometimes (I did not hear any lack in note weight for the Cincotres when auto EQā€™ing to them, for example), but itā€™s still a great way to get to know what you like without buying tens of IEMs. It takes 10 minutes to learn.
submitted by Kukikokikokuko to iems [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:21 Kukikokikokuko Finally found what I was looking for after many months ā€” Mega5Est

Finally found what I was looking for after many months ā€” Mega5Est
Iā€™ve been a fan of HiFi for a few years. Started out with headphones, and last year switched over to IEMs for practical reasons. I bought a few pairs, and demoed a good many pairs while I was on a trip in China (even demoed pairs up to 3k). But I was left a bit frustrated as I found nothing that really suited me. I am apparently extremely picky when it comes to audio, maybe due to the way in which I listen to music (in bed in the dark, fully concentrated on the music). Anyway, hereā€™s the main IEMs that I owned and tested extensively, and why I didnā€™t like them:
  • MP145 : these are quite amazing for the money, but definitely not for me. The detail and energy is impressive, but theyā€™re way too V shaped, metallic, and tiring. Also, the fit is the worst by far I have ever tried on an IEM.
  • Aful Performer 5 : while all the other IEMs I tried had some positive aspects, I just donā€™t understand what the hype with these are. If I had to say something good about these, Iā€™d say that theyā€™re relaxing and inoffensive, but thatā€™s it. Muddy, without detail, boring, are some words that come to mind. Great fit though.
  • Ziigaat Cincotres : decent fit (theyā€™re a bit tall), great sound, except for one aspect: the note weight. The bass and mids are quite enjoyable, and the highs are fine, but the notes are delivered without much liveliness. Itā€™s still a good deal for the price though.
  • Dunu SA6 MKII : despite what the reviews I read said, these are definitely unvented, which makes them kind of unbearable for me. Unfortunate. The bass on these is amazingly fast, and quite a decent punch despite being BA. Mids are rather natural and great. The highs are a a bit unnatural for me, I hear some timbre and other harshness that isnā€™t supposed to be there.
  • Hisenior Mega5Est : ah, these are great. The mids are better than SA6 MKII, the EST highs are quite simply amazing, the bass has a serious punch to it. They are very well vented, and very comfortable with candy tips. In a word, these just sound natural to my ears. Iā€™ve read much good praise from many reviewers as well. Iā€™ll stop my IEM journey here for the moment before I spend too much, Iā€™ll be using these until they break, which I hope is at least ten years (maybe Iā€™m delusional, itā€™s chifi after allā€¦) Theyā€™re not perfect however. First, the bass is good but definitely not as fast as on SA6 MKII. I also use a slight EQ on these to make them a bit more clarity focussed. Out of the box they are slightly on the warm side, so I run a -0.5db on the bass and +1.5db on the treble. But I also listen often without EQ, which is more relaxing and less tiring. Some reviewers mentioned this thing is tuned near perfectly and doesnā€™t need EQ, and Iā€™d rather agree. Itā€™s only for analytical and immersive listening that I use EQ.
  • as mentioned earlier, I also tried many other IEMs, and Iā€™d like to mention two more that I liked but didnā€™t buy, the IE200 and IE600. Both V shaped and energetic, and the IE600 especially is just so exhilarating and powerful sounding, but considering the absolute mountain of QC issues posts online I donā€™t want to risk it. Iā€™ve yet to see someone with a pair that lasted longer than two years.
Anyway, thatā€™s about it for this post. For confused beginners, my main advice is to buy one pair of IEMs that speak to you, and to auto EQ those to other pairs to try and find a sound that you like. With auto EQ you can have a decent idea of what an IEM sound like (up to a point, Iā€™d like to say 70%). I auto EQā€™ed my IEMs to literally hundreds of others before I got the Mega5Est. It can be little misleading sometimes (I did not hear any lack in note weight for the Cincotres when auto EQā€™ing to them, for example), but itā€™s still a great way to get to know what you like without buying tens of IEMs. It takes 10 minutes to learn.
submitted by Kukikokikokuko to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 00:42 Alternative-Act4893 Roseanne bar said an interview once I sue ABC and own it, then every show I put on will be about a fat bitch from the Midwest,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™m writing a book about the show and Iā€™m going to tell all of their secrets,ā€

she said of her former coworkers. ā€œIā€™m telling every dirty, fā€”ing thing I know about every one of them. Itā€™s going to be great, because I kept those secrets all those years in the interest of the show.ā€ She said that the only reason she hasnā€™t spilled the alleged secrets already is because sheā€™s too nice. ā€œI was an idiot who cared about people and I went out of the way to help them,ā€ she said, adding that she bowed out of Roseanne to make it possible for ABC to create The Conners, and she allowed that to preserve the jobs of those who depended on the show. Thatā€™s what people donā€™t know about me, and the thing I regret most about myself. If I can fā€” those people over the way they fā€”ed me over. Gā€”ā€”it, it will be great,ā€ she said. So is she going to expose John Goodman, Sarah Gilbert, Lauren metcalfe?? Itā€™s been 6 years and this women is still bitter.
submitted by Alternative-Act4893 to TheConners [link] [comments]
