Mobile symbols


2023.12.22 06:40 TheRealDogNeverDies Divineko_game

Dinineko is a mobile game where you are a magic cat and draw symbols to protect yourself from monsters! it is much like the Google Doodle but has 500 levels and an infinite mode.

2013.09.26 20:33 DreamsCloud Dream Meanings, Dream Discussion & Dream Journal

The DreamsCloud subreddit is a place to discuss your dreams and to learn more about dream symbols, dream meanings and dream interpretation. Please feel free to share your dream related comments, questions, quotes, links or photos with the community!

2012.06.17 21:34 arup02 jukmifgguggh


2024.05.15 17:01 AutoModerator ⚠️ Weekly Reminder about Spoilers ⚠️ — May 15, 2024

As we have new members joining all the time, and as we still get reports about spoilery posts, I think a weekly reminder about the importance of marking your posts with spoilers tags is in order.
If your post or comments contains discussions of major plot points (especially about deaths and endings), mark your post with spoiler tags or it will be removed. Here's how you do it.

On the Desktop

This will work in Fancy Pants Editor mode, so switch to the mode by clicking on the “Switch to Fancy Pants Editor” button located at the top right corner of the text box.
To mark your entire post as spoiler-y:
  1. At the bottom of the Fancy pants editor, click +Spoiler
Note: Your post will now have the symbol Spoiler next to the title.
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  1. Open the Reddit post you want to edit.
  2. Highlight the text you want to mark as a spoiler.
  3. Click on the exclamation mark in a diamond located in the top menu of the fancy pants editor.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.


To mark your post as a spoiler:
  1. Tap on Add tags & flair (optional).
  2. Scroll down to Universal tags and toggle on the slider for Spoiler.
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To mark a comment with spoiler tags:
Use this syntax to mark spoilers on mobile: >!spoiler text!<
This will hide the text between the exclamation marks and display the spoiler text when clicked.

Some guidelines about spoilers:

DO NOT include spoilers in the post titles
Make sure that your post title does not have spoilery plot points. For example, posts with titles such as "Love Show - everyone died!" or "Love Show - our main couple finally kissed in episode 20!" will be instantly removed, regardless of how many comments are under it.

DO include the name of the show in the title of the post
That said, please don't post overly vague titles. Please ensure that your post title contains the show's name at least. Imagine someone taking a chance to read the post only to be spoiled for a show they didn't want to be spoiled for.
Titles such as "A review" or "The ending of the show" does not tell you what show is being talked about. Even if they are marked spoilers, they will be removed.

Add spoiler tags to spoilery comments
If you're discussing a Show's plot point in a post unrelated to the Show, please tag your spoilers with spoiler tags, especially if you're dropping the comment on a post that has nothing to do with the Show.
Although I'm generally more lenient with comments with non-spoiler-tagged comments in posts marked as "spoilers", comments without spoiler tags under a post that has nothing to do with the show will be removed.
Posts such as Episode Discussions, discussions about a show's ending must be marked as spoiler or it will be removed.
What it said.

That's it!
Happy discussing!
submitted by AutoModerator to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 ExclaimerHelp How to add and change a signature in Gmail

How to add a basic signature in Gmail

Follow our guide below to learn how to automatically add a simple Gmail email signature to your messages.
  1. Log in to Gmail.
  2. In the top right of the screen, click Settings (gear symbol) > See all settings.
Scroll to the Signature section. Go to Create new to start building your signature in Gmail.
  1. Give your new Gmail signature a name.
  2. Open the signature editor. Type out your email signature in the text box.
  3. Once complete, click Save Changes.

How to add a signature in Gmail’s mobile app

  1. Open the Gmail app and click Settings in the main menu.
  2. Choose the email address you wish to send from.
  3. Select Mobile Signature on Android devices and Signature settings on iOS ones.
  4. Enter your signature text.
  5. Click OK when done.
submitted by ExclaimerHelp to emailtipsandtricks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:14 Thaddaus26 Some Holy Priest Rework Ideas

Holy priests are arguably one of the more boring healers in Warcraft to the point that people often refer to them as the ‘default’ healer. I’m sure there are more deep, underlying issues that Holy has but I wanted to try tackling them on a purely thematic level with some minor thoughts on a more gameplay-oriented level.
I aim to make more interesting spells that interact in a fun way that gives the holy spec a little more flavor than, “The default RPG healer”.
Quick preemptive self-defense though. This is all in good fun and purely theoretical. It’s always been interesting for me to speculate what a class or spec could be and rather than hoarding it all to myself, I thought it would be more interesting to see some other people's opinions and possibly inspire others to do the same. With that said...
Some of Holy’s biggest cooldowns are Divine Hymn and Hymn of Hope (Renamed to Symbol of Hope now). Singing to help your allies. You’ll notice other spells in the toolkit like shadow WORD pain and power WORD shield. Shadow has a spell called SILENCE for god’s sake. Basically, the implication is that priests are using their voices to channel their spells somehow. Why more of that? Because I can’t lie, having several spells named “Heal” with different variations is killing me inside.
Plus, a bunch of the talent node names already lean into this! A few notable examples are:
Voice of Harmony
Healing Chorus
Gales of Song
Divine Word
Resonant Words
All the Holy Word Spells
Let’s make it so Holy is all about literally singing the Light’s praises. After all, if Shadow and Holy are canonically on two ends of the spectrum with Discipline being the proverbial middle ground, let’s really have Holy Priest’s be truly ‘Devout Feeling’ with their spell names. Double points if the spells end with a sung note or maybe a little arpeggio of a harp or something.
Let’s go through a few examples I’ve thought of and any non-obvious reasons behind each decision.
“Heal” -> “Holy Solo”
“Flash Heal” -> “Divine Etude” (An Etude is a short music piece)
“Prayer of Healing” -> “Holy Motet” (A motet is mainly a vocal musical composition, the name describes the movement of the different voices against one another)
“Circle of Healing” -> “Sacred Cantata” (A Cantata, (from Italian cantare, “to sing”), originally, a musical composition intended to be sung, as opposed to a sonata, a composition played instrumentally)
“Renew” -> “Grace Note” (An extra note added as an embellishment and not essential to the harmony or melody)
And now, I’ve saved my favorite for last. Its effect is decent but the name is so uninspired…
“Trail of Light”? More like... “Light Motif”!
A light Motif is a dominant recurring theme and what’s more dominant and recurring than spam healing?
The point is that there are so many possibilities with having the Holy priest being the spec that heals with singing, and unlike trying to shoehorn bards in as a new class, it makes some sense here.
Ok, so all this stuff so far is just replacing words for other words and I know what you’re thinking…
“This doesn’t do anything to fix the fact that Holy is still quite dull compared to other healers!”
You’re dead right. The Priest’s Discipline spec currently rewards thinking ahead of what the encounter you’re facing will bring while Holy just sits back and collects red solo cups after the party is over. Let’s change that.
My main problem is with its mastery. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very “Good” when you’re thinking about the throughput and the pure numbers but it’s also a very “set it and forget it” style of gameplay and reminds me of the Shaman’s sometimes similarly maligned mastery that dishes out healing depending on how much health is missing. There’s no thinking required and frankly, Shaman have a much more interesting toolkit to justify it.
I think we would all prefer it to be more interesting like how Paladins generate more healing based on how close they are to the action which allows them to get in close with their other melee abilities anyway and encourages them to help out with the DPS. Excellent design decision. Win win win.
So the first thing is to fix the mastery and the new system I am proposing is…
“Mastery: Chord Progression”
To start, your basic heal will apply an effect to a targeted party member. This effect will have a very long uptime which can stack called Holy Note. (I’m personally imagining a buff that has a golden crotchet note with a little wing instead of the tail). Now your first Holy Note merely exists on top of the target and does a small heal over time in a similar being to how the mastery currently works, increasing with how much mastery you have.
A second heal to the target will apply a second stack and increase the stacked effect. This will change the buff icon to be two crotchets, stacked on top of one another. This will, again, increase the heal over time effect.
A 3rd heal to the target will complete the stack and heal the target with an effect called “Holy Chord” that heals more depending upon your mastery stat. Instead of just spamming heals over and over again mindlessly to get that powerful Holy Word spell you want back in case you need it, you instead work up chords on friendly targets. Targets that don’t require constant spamming will have heal over time effects up near constantly whereas targets that are dying and in need of healing will receive direct heals instead!
The effect is largely the same but with a little more thought and interactivity involved. If a target has two Holy Notes ready but is only at, say, 70% health, you can wait and focus on other party members until they drop a little more, and then you complete the chord.
So that’s the base outline of the spec. The long uptime of the buff rewards not finishing off the chord until you actually need it and still makes it usable in PvP.
The best part about it is that if we don’t want to be rid of the cooldown reduction mechanic that Holy is currently working with, it can fit very neatly over the top without changing anything too fundamental. The Holy Words might need some very slight tweaking to work but I don’t see any immediate problems with this system.
Now, Holy needs some new cooldowns. Over the years, Holy has gone from having one of the most well-rounded toolkits to one that looks very limited in comparison. Shaman's can heal by sharing health percentages. Paladin’s have all their auras, Glimmers, and immunities. Evokers can fly and bombard people with healing, heal through stuns and other CC, and reverse recent damage taken. Monks are dashing around like no one's business and healing by punching them in the face. Let’s find some good stuff to give the Holy Priest.
Guardian Spirit stays right where it is. It’s extremely thematic to the spec identity by this point and I think it works well with the Holy Note system since you can leave a target with Guardian Spirit to die while you work on other targets with Holy Notes in the meantime.
Hymn of Hope (Not Symbol, change it back) can also stay because its raid and PvP utility is interesting and works collaboratively with other healers and DPS. A good singer should strengthen and work off those around them, right? It works thematically with this Bard theming we’ve got going on. Plus, having to drop it isn’t nearly as painful as having to quit Divine Hymn early. Speaking of which.
The first thing to change is Divine Hymn itself! Sure, on paper it feels very Holyish and it’s certainly quite powerful but ask any Holy Priest what its main flaw is and they won’t hesitate to tell you. You can’t move and nothing is stopping it from being interrupted from an interrupt, a knockback, a stun, or a pull, etc. There are so many instances I can think of where I wanted to press it so badly but I knew it would do more harm than good. Added that it’s often a dead button for me if I ever decide to try using Holy for PvP since in the rare event that I’m not being trained or chain CC’d, it’s so AOE-focused that it often isn’t strong enough to help anyone outside of a Battleground from behind a rock. It requires a PvP talent to make it more worthwhile which is very seldomly picked anyway.
I had a thought after playing Discipline for a while and having Ultimate Penitence available to me. It’s an incredibly fun spell that does a boatload of healing and/or damage while making you immune to CC effects and giving you a huge absorb shield to delay damage to yourself. It’s balanced by having a long cooldown that you can reduce but only by talenting into the following nodes in the tree.
I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that Divine Hymn is basically Ultimate Penitence but drastically weakened and less cool looking to boot.
My idea was to give it the same ‘un-crowd-controllable’ effect as Ultimate Penitence and make it do generally increased healing instead of a stacking effect to increase further healing afterward. The new ‘gimmick’ of it would either be that it would either expel enemies from within a certain radius once, like Anduin’s big bubble of light from the cinematic, or gently push enemies back from the priest as the center point. This would not completely negate adds or an enemy player’s walking speed having any forward momentum, but it would definitely aid in players trying to kite adds when they’re dying or from enemy players in PvP where that little extra distance would make the difference, and would also reward the priests choice in a central location. You could inadvertently push enemies INTO players, after all.
To top all of this off, I would prefer to have this ability further down in the tree to make it feel a bit more impactful of a choice rather than ‘almost’ mandatory’ where it is smack bang in the middle. A lot of spells in talent trees that are sat dead center in the tree feel like they're meant to be picked and I feel like Guardian Spirit should be where Divine Hymn is at the moment, not as close to the level 10 talents as it is currently. For example, Soul Swap for Affliction Warlocks, Invoke Yu’lon/Chi’ji for Mistweaver, Dancing Rune Weapon for Blood Death Knights, and Pillar of Frost for Frost Death Knights. I could go on but the list is pretty exhaustive.
Another thing I would like to change is very synonymous with Holy Priests but something that I think, overall, doesn’t see as much use as we’d like. Primarily because it relies on the priest dying.
Spirit of Redemption is a cool spell, the problem is that unless you take the capstone talent to make you revive afterward or you take the PVP talent to make it into a cooldown in PvP, you don’t really ‘want’ to trigger its activation requirements or have a reliable way of doing so in PvE when you want its effects. I do enjoy that now it allows you to resurrect an ally if you die so someone else can continue the fight but it’s more of a consolation prize or at worst, a reward for bad skill expression. It is also basically a required talent in Solo Shuffle as, if the priest dies, your teammates have 15 seconds to get a kill of their own to win the match or you take the PvP talent as a way more powerful cooldown.
What I would like to do is make the Spirit of Redemption a bigger cooldown spell but give it an obscenely long cooldown so you cannot feasibly use it more than once per fight. Like the Holy Word: Salvation spell without the possibility of cooldown reduction. Because you are losing it upon death, the gimmick here would be that it would last the full 15 seconds, you don’t use mana while casting and you can resurrect a party member instantly in that form(Outside of PvP). This would make the spell more central to the spec rather than as an add-on, free up a PvP talent choice node, and make the battle resurrection more readily available rather than having to wait for your death to use it.
Another such spell we could make SO much more interesting is Divine Star. The one people don’t like taking because who the hell doesn’t WANT to take Halo, right? Whether it’s effective in whatever format you’re playing in, it’s much more visually interesting and it just FEELS powerful, y’know?
Now to fix this, I’m going to do none of the work and instead do what Blizzard should have done by taking an idea from their own IP…Anduin’s Divine Star in Heroes of the Storm!
Yeah, I know they’ve stopped doing anything with HoTS but still…
In HoTS, it has had a bunch of effects over its tenure depending on the talents you take and most of them would make the spell more interesting in WoW. Maybe when it comes back to the priest, it could explode and heal party members or deal damage as Shadow near the priest since you’re already in close range due to the nature of the spell. Maybe it doesn’t even buff up the healing of the actual spell itself and instead interacts with your other heals by producing a stacking buff per enemy/ally you hit that increases the power of your next Flash Heal or Mind Blast?
We can also improve the lackluster mobility of the Holy Priest outside of always picking Angelic Feather by giving them the reverse Leap of Faith Glyph back as a choice node between the normal Leap of Faith.
The ability to jump to your allies was a worthwhile drawback to not being able to troll people as hard with the Leap of Faith ability when Glyphs were a thing and frankly, I miss it. I find that sometimes I’d rather be able to jump into the fray, especially as a class with an AoE fear effect, and the regular leap of faith doesn’t reward that playstyle as much. I remember back in Shadowlands that having Door of Shadows to jump in, disorient them with the covenant effect, and then Psychic Scream before running back out was actually really interesting and it’s one of the only things I miss from that expansion.
In terms of a new name instead of being a glyph, our new ability “Light Transposition“ will cause you to fly to your friend’s location just like old times. Stick it on a choice node with Leap of Faith and you have two differing playstyles almost immediately.
Now a major problem all healers have to contend with, especially to compete with the Meta of Discipline Priests and Holy Paladins, is providing some level of damage.
Not gonna lie, this is where I’m not sure about this idea since I already don’t ‘love’ the idea of healer’s DPSing and having to work around the base spells of the class now that they’ve been reintroduced has made this a little clunky so I’d love some other suggestions for this part. I’d prefer that healers offered utility that DPS do not have access to rather than extra damage but that seems to be the direction Blizzard is rolling in. Frankly, at the moment, Smite and Holy Fire interact with very little of the Holy toolkit outside of Chastise and Empyreal Blaze and we also have Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Blast. I fear that they will all just be tacked on to the toolbar with no thought and we’ll just have this myriad of spells to randomly fire off when we’re bored.
Personally, as a basic idea, I would consider removing Holy Fire as a button as, in the theme of removing bloat that War Within seems to be addressing, I think having Holy Fire as an add-on effect in the same way as the Monk’s Chi Wave is being remade would be ideal. It could function in the same way as Holy Note in that every three casts of smite would bring down a blast of Holy Fire which would give way to being justified in making Holy Fire feel a bit more impactful. Mind Blast could be used within this to ‘erupt’ the Holy Fire DoT, causing an effect I think I’d like to call “Discordant Notes” on account of mixing the void with the light which would either do additional damage or perhaps cause an extra effect like a slow or AoE damage around the target.
With this in mind, Empyreal Blaze could remain as a talent and cause Smite to proc Holy Fire two additional times when it next triggers its chord effect. Shadow Word: Pain would likely exist as just an extra DoT you can throw on as it is now or it could be applied through Mind Blast to clear up more bar space.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts I’ve had. I’m sure there are flaws in them and I’m looking forward to hearing them but I hope you found them fun to theorise around!
submitted by Thaddaus26 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:16 RoughImaginary5941 casino casino
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submitted by RoughImaginary5941 to u/RoughImaginary5941 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:52 VivienneSection Indoor camera won’t livestream to phone on 4G, only Wi-Fi.

Hi sorry if this isn’t the right place but I am really stumped.
I’m having trouble with a blurams indoor camera. For some reason it will not let me access the live feed on 4G mobile data, but works fine on Wi-Fi. I’ve tried contacting support but have only offered vague suggestions which so far have no worked. I’m using an iPhone SE 2020 and in the UK for reference.
More details: - I’ve already allowed all the permissions necessary in my phone settings unless I’m missing something very obscure.
Blurams support and 3 tech support are clueless as to what the issue is. Does anyone know what’s going on? Thanks!
submitted by VivienneSection to videosurveillance [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:56 PlayerREDvPlayerBLUE The New Eden Conflict

Chapter Two - Part One
Second Half
Beginning of Entry…
StarDate: Redacted
Perspective: Major Commander Michael Irons
Species: Human, Humanoid Mammalian Species, no tail.
Description: 5 feet 2 inches [1.6 meters] to 6 feet 9 inches [2.1 meters] average height. 185 lbs [84 kilograms] average weight.
Longevity: 70 to 500-year life expectancy with life extension medical tech.
Unique Trait: Resilience and Indomitable Will.
Place: New Paris (Capital City)
Location: New Eden Prime
In the early hours, as the dawn cast a pallid light over New Eden Prime, the situation unfolded with urgent clarity. Major Commander Michael Irons, alongside Captain Adam Richter, adjusted his Raider armor, his eyes scanning the horizon where the silhouettes of enemy ships began to materialize. Both men were seasoned veterans, their faces etched with the lines of many battles, their demeanor calm yet alert. They awaited instructions as they stood amid the bustling rally point filled with soldiers and militia.
Their focus shifted as Colonel Nick Estrada approached, his imposing figure cutting through the morning mist, the tension palpable in the air. The urgency of the situation had drawn commanders and soldiers alike, all responding to the blare of alarms that had roused the colony from sleep and into action. Colonel Nick Estrada approached, his presence commanding immediate attention. His frame was not just physically imposing but carried the authority of a man who had seen countless skirmishes and emerged victorious. The commanders snapped to attention, though the informality of the crisis allowed for a quicker exchange.
Colonel Estrada, known for his strategic acumen, surveyed the gathered officers before speaking. "Gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying over the crowd. "Major Commander Irons, Captain Richter, the enemy fleet is now visible. We're seeing a full spectrum—we're up against a formidable enemy. Reconnaissance has identified a significant fleet composition—strike craft, corvettes, frigates, and troop transports. They're not just probing our defenses; they're here for a full-scale invasion."
Major Commander Irons nodded solemnly, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The enemy's intentions were clear: to overwhelm and conquer. "Do we have any intel on their motivations, sir?" he asked, his mind racing through potential strategies.
Estrada's eyes narrowed as he reviewed the latest data on his tactical pad. "Current assessments suggest their primary objective could be resource acquisition or territory expansion. Given the organized nature of their fleet, we can't rule out the possibility of them establishing a forward operating base," he explained, his finger tracing possible invasion routes on the holographic display before them.
Irons' jaw tightened at the assessment. "Have we identified their point of origin or any specific markings that could tell us who we're dealing with?" he asked, his mind racing through the catalog of known hostile factions and their usual tactics.
Captain Richter, ever the tactician, chimed in, "If we can disrupt their landing operations and take out their troop transports, we might slow their advance and buy us some time to fortify positions."
"Not yet," Estrada replied, turning to gaze at the display screen that showed the advancing ships. "Their configurations are unfamiliar, which suggests they're not from any known hostile group within our usual conflict zones. This could be a new player or a proxy force from a rival colony. But it's clear they want New Eden, as the orbital forces were obliterated in minutes."
Estrada, after careful consideration, turned to face the digital map highlighting strategic points around the colony. 'That's a start, but we need a comprehensive plan,' he declared. 'Irons, your units will be crucial in the eastern sector, where their fleet appears most concentrated. Richter, your teams will be our shield in the orbital defenses; we cannot allow them to establish a foothold there."
Richter chimed in, his voice steady despite the escalating tension. "We need to assess their capabilities and intentions quickly. Are they aiming for strategic locations, or is this an outright attempt to overwhelm and occupy?"
Estrada nodded, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Our immediate objective is to hold them at bay and protect civilian areas. I've already ordered evacuations where necessary. Irons, I need your units to fortify the eastern sector. It's closest to their projected landing sites."
"And I'll take the western approach," Richter added quickly. "It has fewer natural barriers, so I'll set up mobile defenses there."
Estrada approved with a brisk nod. "Good. I'll coordinate the orbital defenses to cover your flanks. We can't let them gain a foothold. Whatever their motive, it ends here."
The officers acknowledged their orders, understanding the critical nature of their tasks. Estrada continued. "We'll use the tram system for rapid redeployment. Keep your communications lines open, and expect dynamic orders. We need to be as adaptable as they are aggressive."
As the meeting drew to a close, Major Commander Irons felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. The survival of New Eden Prime hinged not only on their military prowess but also on their ability to outmaneuver an enemy whose capabilities remained largely shrouded in mystery.
With a final nod from Estrada, Irons and Richter dispersed to relay orders to execute their assignments; Irons felt the weight of the imminent conflict pressing down. Each step they took was heavy with the resolve to protect their home, knowing the enemy loomed just beyond the horizon, ready to test the mettle of New Eden's defenders. This wasn't just another border skirmish or a pirate raid. The scale of the invasion suggested a well-planned offensive by a formidable enemy.
Returning to his command post, Irons pulled up the tactical displays, which showed live feeds from drones and satellites tracking the enemy's advance. Each ship was marked in red and moved steadily towards New Eden's defensive perimeter.
"Let's show them what New Eden is made of," he muttered to himself, a mix of resolve and anticipation coursing through his veins.
This was his colony, his home, where his family and millions of others lived and dreamed of a peaceful future among the stars. Today, the peace and survival of the colony depended on his actions and those of his comrades.
As the first enemy ships entered range, Irons gave the order. "All units, engage at will. Prioritize frigates and anything making landfall. We hold the line, no matter what."
Back at the rally point, as shells began to crisscross the morning sky and the first explosions blossomed in the distance, Estrada and Richter coordinated their sectors' defenses, adjusting to the flow of battle. Each report, each burst of static on the comms, added to the day's growing chorus—a chorus filled with the sounds of a colony defending its very existence.
Above them, the sky turned from morning gray to the dark of smoke and fire, the battle for New Eden truly underway. As the alien forces made their ground assault on New Paris, Major Commander Michael Irons quickly marshaled his defensive strategies. The invaders had exploited a slight weakness at the equator of the planet's shield, where the northern and southern fields met, allowing a fraction of their invasion force to penetrate. This strategic breach had permitted several enemy corvettes and frigates to support the ground troops as they marched toward the city.
The morning sky, once clear and promising, was now darkened by the presence of enemy ships. Their shadows cast an ominous pall over the city as their engines roared menacingly overhead. Irons, stationed at the command post just on the outskirts of New Paris, observed the advancing enemy through his binoculars, his heart racing with adrenaline and cold determination.
Despite the thinning of their numbers due to the shield's resistance, the invaders pushed forward with relentless determination. Their landing crafts, equipped to penetrate the weakened shield points by slowing their descent, deployed troops directly into the fray. This strategic insertion allowed them to bypass the stronger defenses and land a significant force just outside the protective barrier of New Paris.
Irons, stationed at the command post, monitored the unfolding chaos through live drone feeds. The images displayed a grim tableau: columns of alien soldiers advancing toward the city, their movements methodical and unhurried, supported by the ominous silhouettes of their air support. The enemy's tactical acumen was evident in every maneuver, challenging the defenders of New Eden to adapt swiftly.
"Prepare all air defense units and activate the aerial defense batteries," Irons commanded into the comm, his voice steady despite the escalating threat. The air around him buzzed with the hurried movements of soldiers and the crackling of radio communications. The colony's air defense force, though robust, was significantly outnumbered without the support of their orbital fleet, which had been decimated in earlier skirmishes. "Target their air support first. We cut off the head, and the body will falter."
Acknowledgments crackled through his earpiece as his orders were relayed down the chain of command. New Eden's air defense force, though robust, was not designed for such a multifaceted assault. The absence of fleet support from orbit, a disadvantage painfully felt by every soldier on the ground, meant that each shot from the aerial defense batteries had to count.
On the battlefield, the sounds of warfare escalated. Explosions rippled across the early morning sky, painting it with streaks of fire as the colony's defenses engaged the invading air units. Irons watched as each successful strike brought down an enemy craft, each plummeting vessel a small victory in the shadow of an overwhelming threat.
Yet, even as they held the line against the aerial assault, the ground forces braced for the inevitable confrontation. The alien troops, undeterred by the resistance from above, continued their steady march towards New Paris. Their ranks, though reduced, remained formidable—a sea of figures clad in armor that glinted under the rising sun, their weapons poised for battle.
"The shields are holding, but we can't let them gain any more ground," Irons muttered, analyzing the tactical map that glowed with indicators of enemy movement. The slight gap in the shield at the equator was a glaring risk, one that could not be ignored. "Reroute additional units to the southern sector," he instructed, pointing to the area where the shield's weakness was most pronounced. "Fortify our positions there. I don't want a single invader breaking through."
His focus then shifted to the city's defenses. New Paris, a symbol of human resilience and ingenuity on the frontier, was fortified with multiple layers of defenses designed to repel invaders and protect its citizens. But today, those defenses would face their greatest test.
"We're on our own," Irons acknowledged, his gaze sweeping across the room filled with operators and strategists. "Every soldier, every pilot—we're what stands between them and the city. We hold them here, at the edge, before they can reach the heart of our home."
As the enemy's ground forces drew closer, the clash became imminent. Irons could see the front lines through the drones—human soldiers taking positions, their bodies tense with anticipation, their weapons trained on the approaching threat. The air crackled with the energy of impending combat, a mixture of fear, determination, and the indomitable will to protect their planet.
"Engage at maximum range," Irons commanded. "Use the terrain to our advantage. Make them come to us through the kill zones."
The enemy's corvettes and frigates hovered menacingly, coordinating the ground troops as they continued their relentless march toward the city's defenses. Irons could see the troops adjusting their formations and a tactical maneuver meant to optimize their approach under cover of their aerial support.
"Focus fire on those corvettes flanking to the east," Irons directed, pointing to the screens displaying satellite imagery. The operators quickly relayed his commands, adjusting the colony's firepower towards the threatening vessels.
Despite the heavy onslaught, the morale among Irons' men was resolute. They were well-trained and prepared to defend their home against all odds. The sound of anti-aircraft fire filled the air, a relentless symphony of defiance against the invading forces. Explosions lit up the morning sky as some of the enemy crafts took hits, their debris raining down and igniting small fires upon the rugged terrain of New Eden Prime.
Irons turned his attention back to the ground troops, noting the enemy's attempt to regroup after each barrage. "They're testing our defenses, looking for weak points. Make sure all sectors are covered and reinforce any undermanned positions," he instructed his lieutenants.
The battle was fierce, with every moment critical. The enemy's numerical advantage was evident, but the defenders of New Paris were determined to make every shot count. The city's aerial defense batteries worked in overdrive, targeting the enemy's air support in an attempt to level the playing field. The city's shield generators protected the city from any aerial bombardment from the frigates. Only the ground forces were a threat as long as the city's shield generators held, but with every strike from those frigates, the shield became weaker.
As the enemy advanced, a sudden and intense firefight erupted at the southern barricade. Irons watched through surveillance feeds as his troops engaged the enemy, their laser rifles cutting through the morning mist. The ground shook with the impact of heavy artillery, a relentless exchange that tested the resolve of every soldier under his command.
"Keep the pressure on! Push them back!" Irons shouted over the radio, his voice a beacon of command amidst the chaos. The troops responded with renewed vigor, their shouts and gunfire merging into the cacophony of battle.
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submitted by PlayerREDvPlayerBLUE to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:48 _CyberRoses The Decline of Football Gaming: From PES to eFootball - A Rant on Lost Merit and Competition

Because football and the video games that aim to virtualize it have always been about competition, merit, tactics, outsmarting your opponent, accomplishment, and ultimately, the reward. The thrill of crafting the perfect strategy, the satisfaction of honing your skills, and the excitement of seeing your hard work pay off on the virtual pitch were what made the old PES series, especially PES 2013, so captivating. But today, with games like eFootball and FC24, it feels like these core principles have been pushed aside in favor of monetization schemes that allow players to bypass the essence of the game entirely.
In eFootball and FC24, you can receive rewards without even needing to play the game, simply by spending money. This undermines the entire concept of competition and merit. Legendary players, who should be rare and symbolize a player's dedication and skill, are now accessible to anyone willing to open their wallet. In the old PES days, having a legendary player in your squad was a badge of honor, a sign that you had achieved something remarkable through skill and perseverance.
Maybe it's because I'm an older player and my values are different, with higher standards (no offense meant) than what I see in this generation of video game players. I remember playing PES 2013 Master League for countless hours. Back in the golden age of PES, to keep and maintain a squad of the best players in the game, you needed to reach at least the quarterfinals of a competition regularly. Each match was a test of your abilities, and each victory felt earned. The grind was real, but it was also rewarding.
Today in eFootball, the experience is starkly different. Instead of fostering a community of players who respect each other and enjoy the competition, the game seems to breed toxicity. All too often, the messages I receive are offensive, sent by spoiled kids who can't handle a loss. They lack the sportsmanship to acknowledge a good game and often resort to insults whether they win or lose. In the past, most of the messages we PES players exchanged were to congratulate each other with a simple "GG" for the good match we played. There was a mutual respect that made the online community a much more pleasant place to be.
This decline in community spirit and the shift away from rewarding genuine skill is disheartening. The joy of outsmarting an opponent with a well-timed strategy or the thrill of scoring a goal after a meticulously built-up play has been overshadowed by the ease with which success can be bought. The games today feel more like a business transaction than a test of football acumen.
Furthermore, the move to mobile gaming and the focus on microtransactions have diluted the experience even more. I doubt this makes any sense to someone who plays on a mobile phone. The depth, the tactics, the thrill of a full 90-minute match – these are elements that are hard to replicate on a mobile device. The PC and console versions offered an immersive experience that mobile games just can't match.
Back in the days of PES 2013, the gameplay was rich and nuanced. Every decision on the field mattered, and every match felt like a new challenge. There was a sense of accomplishment when you finally managed to sign that elusive star player or led your team to victory in a hard-fought league. Today, it feels like the heart and soul of football gaming have been stripped away in favor of quick, easy, and purchasable gratification.
I could keep going, but I think I've made my point. The golden age of PES was about skill, strategy, and respect. Today's games, unfortunately, seem to have lost sight of these values. PC Master Race (I'm kidding, but also kind of not).
submitted by _CyberRoses to eFootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:02 businessnewstv How to Leverage SEMrush's SEO Research for a Better Content Strategy

What is SEMrush's SEO Research?

SEMrush's SEO Research is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your content strategy. By utilizing SEMrush's vast database and comprehensive analysis, you can uncover valuable insights and data that will help you optimize your website for search engines. With SEMrush's SEO Research, you can identify the most effective keywords, analyze your competitors' strategies, and gain a deeper understanding of your target audience. This invaluable information allows you to create high-quality, targeted content that will drive organic traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings.

Why is SEO Research important for content strategy?

SEO research is crucial for developing an effective content strategy. By conducting thorough research, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience, identify relevant keywords, and understand the competitive landscape. This information allows them to create content that is not only optimized for search engines but also resonates with their target market. Additionally, SEO research helps businesses stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes in search engine algorithms, ensuring that their content remains relevant and visible to their target audience. Overall, incorporating SEO research into content strategy is essential for driving organic traffic, increasing visibility, and ultimately achieving business goals.

How can SEMrush's SEO Research help improve content strategy?

SEMrush's SEO Research can greatly contribute to improving content strategy. By utilizing SEMrush's extensive database and powerful tools, content creators can gain valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in the field of SEO. One area where SEMrush's SEO Research can be particularly helpful is in identifying the newest WordPress themes. With the ability to analyze search volume, competition, and other relevant metrics, content strategists can make informed decisions on which themes to focus on. Additionally, SEMrush's SEO Research provides short highlights that can be turned into hyperlink text, allowing for seamless integration of relevant resources and further enhancing the overall content strategy.

Understanding SEMrush's SEO Research Tools

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential step in developing a successful content strategy. By identifying relevant keywords such as 'start bar supply business', content creators can optimize their website for search engines and improve organic traffic. SEMrush's SEO research tools provide valuable insights into keyword popularity, competition, and search volume, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about their content. With SEMrush, content creators can uncover new keyword opportunities, analyze competitor strategies, and track keyword rankings. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research, businesses can gain a competitive edge and achieve better visibility in search engine results.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the strategies and tactics employed by your competitors, you can gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This information can then be used to identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement in your own content. SEMrush's SEO research tools provide a comprehensive platform for conducting competitor analysis, allowing you to analyze their organic and paid search strategies, keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and more. Armed with this knowledge, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your content and outperform your competitors in the search engine rankings.

Backlink Analysis

Backlink analysis is an essential part of any comprehensive SEO strategy. It involves examining the links that point to a particular website and assessing their quality and relevance. By analyzing backlinks, you can gain valuable insights into the online presence and authority of a website. For screen printing business tips, conducting a thorough backlink analysis can provide valuable information on how other websites in the industry perceive and interact with similar content. This analysis can help you identify potential opportunities for collaboration, guest posting, or building relationships with influential websites in the screen printing niche. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can uncover valuable backlink data and use it to refine your content strategy and improve your website's visibility in search engine results.

Using SEMrush's SEO Research for Content Ideation

Identifying high-performing keywords

When it comes to developing a successful content strategy, one of the key elements is identifying high-performing keywords. These are the keywords that have a high search volume and low competition, making them ideal for driving organic traffic to your website. SEMrush's SEO research tool is a valuable resource for finding these keywords, as it provides data on search volume, competition level, and keyword difficulty. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research, you can gain insights into which keywords are most likely to generate the best results for your content strategy. This knowledge allows you to optimize your content and target the right audience, ultimately improving your website's visibility and driving more traffic.

Analyzing competitor content

Analyzing competitor content is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the content produced by competitors in your industry, you can gain valuable insights into their tactics and identify opportunities for improvement. This analysis allows you to understand what types of content are resonating with your target audience and how you can differentiate yourself to drive business growth. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can uncover valuable data on your competitors' content performance, keyword rankings, and backlink profiles. Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about your own content strategy and optimize your efforts for maximum impact.

Discovering content gaps

Discovering content gaps is an essential step in developing a comprehensive content strategy. By identifying areas where your competitors are excelling and where you can fill in the gaps, you can ensure that your content is unique, valuable, and relevant to your target audience. One important content gap to explore is the demand for mobile barbershop services. With the increasing popularity of on-demand services and the convenience they offer, it is crucial for businesses in the grooming industry to tap into this market. By offering mobile barbershop services, you can cater to busy individuals who prefer the convenience of getting a haircut at their desired location. This opens up opportunities for partnerships with hotels, corporate offices, and events, allowing you to reach a wider audience and provide a unique and personalized grooming experience. To stand out in this competitive landscape, it is essential to highlight the key benefits of mobile barbershop services, such as time-saving, flexibility, and personalized attention. By addressing the content gap for mobile barbershop services, you can position your brand as a leader in the industry and attract a loyal customer base.

Optimizing Content with SEMrush's SEO Research

On-page SEO optimization

On-page SEO optimization plays a crucial role in improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine result pages. It involves optimizing various elements on a web page to make it more search engine-friendly. One important aspect of on-page SEO optimization is keyword optimization. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords into the content, meta tags, headings, and URLs, website owners can increase their chances of ranking higher for those keywords. When it comes to Canva pricing, on-page SEO optimization can help businesses attract potential customers who are searching for information about Canva's pricing plans. By creating informative and keyword-rich content, businesses can enhance their online visibility and drive more organic traffic to their website. Additionally, including hyperlinks with short highlights that lead to relevant pages about Canva's pricing can further improve the user experience and provide valuable information to the readers.

Creating SEO-friendly meta tags

Creating SEO-friendly meta tags is an essential aspect of optimizing your website for search engines. These meta tags provide search engines with important information about your web pages, helping them understand the content and relevance of your site. One key element of SEO-friendly meta tags is the inclusion of custom website design keywords. By incorporating these keywords into your meta tags, you can improve the visibility of your website in search engine results pages. When users search for custom website design, search engines will recognize the relevance of your site and display it prominently. This can drive more targeted traffic to your website and increase the chances of converting visitors into customers. To maximize the impact of your meta tags, it's important to choose short highlights that can be turned into hyperlink text. By linking these keywords to relevant pages on your site, you can provide users with additional information and encourage them to explore further.

Improving content readability and structure

Improving content readability and structure is crucial for a successful content strategy. One important aspect to consider is optimizing the readability of your content to ensure that it is easily understandable and engaging for your audience. Additionally, structuring your content in a logical and organized manner helps readers navigate through the information effectively. When it comes to gift shop promotions, it is essential to create content that is not only informative but also visually appealing. By incorporating relevant keywords and highlighting them as hyperlinks, you can direct readers to specific sections or pages that provide more information about the promotions you offer. This not only improves the user experience but also increases the chances of conversions and engagement with your content.

Measuring Content Performance with SEMrush's SEO Research

Tracking keyword rankings

Tracking keyword rankings is an essential part of any SEO strategy. It allows you to monitor the performance of your website in search engine results for specific keywords. One important keyword to track is 'home security business'. By tracking the rankings of this keyword, you can gain insights into how well your website is performing in the competitive landscape of the home security industry. Monitoring the keyword rankings also enables you to identify opportunities for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance your content strategy. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can gather valuable data and analyze trends to optimize your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic. With a comprehensive understanding of your keyword rankings, you can refine your content strategy and stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Monitoring backlink growth

Monitoring backlink growth is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO strategy. By keeping a close eye on the number and quality of backlinks your website receives, you can gain valuable insights into its overall performance and visibility in search engine results. When it comes to nonprofit filing, monitoring backlink growth becomes even more important. Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on online visibility and credibility to attract donors and supporters. By monitoring the growth of backlinks related to nonprofit filing, organizations can ensure that their website is being recognized as a trustworthy source of information in the nonprofit sector. This not only helps improve search engine rankings but also enhances the organization's reputation and credibility in the eyes of potential donors and supporters. To effectively monitor backlink growth for nonprofit filing, it is essential to use tools like SEMrush's SEO Research. With its comprehensive backlink analysis features, SEMrush provides invaluable insights into the quantity and quality of backlinks, helping organizations make data-driven decisions to optimize their content strategy and improve their online visibility.

Analyzing organic traffic

Analyzing organic traffic is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the sources and patterns of organic traffic, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience and identify opportunities for growth. One effective way to leverage SEMrush's SEO research is by using it to analyze the keywords that drive organic traffic. In particular, the keywords 'turn side hustle into business' are worth paying attention to. By understanding the search volume and competition level of these keywords, businesses can optimize their content and attract more organic traffic. Moreover, SEMrush's SEO research can provide short highlights for these keywords that can be turned into hyperlinks, enhancing the user experience and improving the website's SEO performance.


Benefits of leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research for content strategy

Leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research for content strategy offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides valuable insights into keyword rankings and search volume, allowing content creators to optimize their website's visibility and attract more organic traffic. Secondly, SEMrush's comprehensive competitor analysis enables businesses to identify their top competitors and understand their strategies, helping them stay ahead in the competitive landscape. Additionally, SEMrush's SEO Research provides data-driven recommendations for improving website performance, such as optimizing meta tags, improving site speed, and enhancing user experience. By implementing these recommendations, businesses can enhance their online presence and drive better results. Overall, leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research is crucial for developing a solid content strategy and achieving success in the digital landscape.

Key takeaways

Staffing solutions are an essential aspect of any successful business. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, having the right staff in place is crucial for growth and productivity. With the help of SEMrush's SEO research, you can leverage valuable insights to develop a better content strategy for your staffing solutions. By analyzing keyword data and identifying trends, you can optimize your website and create compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, SEMrush's tools allow you to track your competitors' strategies and stay ahead of the curve. With the power of SEMrush, you can enhance your staffing solutions and drive success in today's competitive market.

Next steps

After completing the SEMrush SEO research, the next steps involve focusing on step by step gym logo design. Creating a visually appealing logo is crucial for any fitness-related business, as it helps to establish a strong brand identity. By following a systematic approach, you can design a logo that reflects the essence of your gym and resonates with your target audience. Incorporating elements such as fitness equipment, vibrant colors, and motivational symbols can further enhance the logo's impact. To ensure a successful logo design process, consider seeking professional assistance or utilizing online logo design tools that provide customizable templates and easy-to-use features. By investing time and effort into crafting a captivating gym logo, you can attract potential customers and differentiate your fitness business from competitors.
In conclusion, online marketing can be easy and effective with the right tools and strategies. With Semrush, you can turn the algorithm into your friend and make your business visible online. With over 55+ tools for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research, Semrush provides everything you need to achieve measurable results from your online marketing efforts. Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. Visit Semrush today and start optimizing your online marketing campaigns!
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2024.05.14 23:55 businessnewstv How to Discover Untapped SEO Opportunities with Research from SEMrush

What is SEMrush and why is it important for SEO research?

SEMrush is a powerful tool that plays a crucial role in SEO research. It provides valuable insights and data that help website owners and SEO professionals uncover untapped opportunities to improve their search engine rankings. With SEMrush, users can analyze their competitors' strategies, identify the best-selling WordPress themes, and discover the keywords that are driving organic traffic. This information allows them to optimize their website content, improve their visibility in search results, and attract more targeted visitors. By leveraging the features and capabilities of SEMrush, website owners can gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Understanding the concept of untapped SEO opportunities

Understanding the concept of untapped SEO opportunities is crucial for any website owner or digital marketer. It involves identifying keywords or topics that have high search volume but low competition, providing a chance to rank higher in search engine results. By focusing on these untapped opportunities, businesses can attract more organic traffic and increase their online visibility. One such untapped opportunity is DIY gym logo design. With the growing popularity of fitness and wellness, many individuals are looking to create their own gym logos. By offering tips, tutorials, or design templates, businesses can tap into this niche market and provide valuable resources for aspiring gym owners. By optimizing their website content and incorporating relevant keywords, businesses can position themselves as experts in DIY gym logo design and attract a targeted audience interested in this specific topic.

Benefits of discovering untapped SEO opportunities

Discovering untapped SEO opportunities can provide numerous benefits for businesses. One of the key benefits is the ability to gain a competitive edge in the online landscape. By identifying keywords and topics that are not yet saturated with competition, businesses can position themselves as leaders in their industry. This can lead to increased visibility, higher rankings on search engine results pages, and ultimately, more organic traffic. Additionally, uncovering untapped SEO opportunities allows businesses to target specific niches and audiences, resulting in more relevant and qualified leads. By leveraging these opportunities, businesses can improve their online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately drive growth. Overall, the benefits of discovering untapped SEO opportunities are invaluable for businesses looking to enhance their online visibility and achieve long-term success.

Identifying High-Potential Keywords

Using SEMrush's keyword research tools

SEMrush's keyword research tools are a powerful resource to discover untapped SEO opportunities. By leveraging these tools, you can gain valuable insights into the keywords that can power your business. With SEMrush, you can analyze keyword search volume, competition, and trends to identify high-potential keywords that can drive organic traffic to your website. Additionally, SEMrush provides comprehensive data on keyword difficulty and related keywords, allowing you to optimize your content strategy and target the right audience. By utilizing SEMrush's keyword research tools, you can stay ahead of the competition and unlock new opportunities for your business.

Analyzing search volume and competition

Analyzing search volume and competition is a crucial step in uncovering untapped SEO opportunities. By understanding the search volume for specific keywords and evaluating the level of competition, marketers can identify areas where they can gain a competitive edge. One such area to explore is the creation of awesome marketing materials. By focusing on this keyword, marketers can develop compelling content and design materials that capture the attention of their target audience. With the right strategy and execution, these marketing materials can drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and ultimately lead to higher conversions.

Identifying long-tail keywords for niche targeting

Identifying long-tail keywords for niche targeting is a crucial step in optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO). These keywords are often more specific and less competitive than broader keywords, making them ideal for targeting a specific audience. To identify long-tail keywords, you can use tools like SEMrush to analyze search volume, competition, and relevance. By focusing on these niche keywords, you can improve your website's visibility and attract highly targeted traffic, increasing your chances of conversion and success in the online marketplace.

Analyzing Competitor Strategies

Identifying top competitors in your industry

Identifying top competitors in your industry is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive world of SEO. By analyzing the strategies and tactics of your competitors, you can gain valuable insights and discover untapped opportunities. One effective way to identify your top competitors is by conducting thorough research using tools like SEMrush. With SEMrush, you can analyze their organic and paid search strategies, their backlink profiles, and even their content marketing efforts. By understanding what your competitors are doing well, you can improve your own SEO strategy and uncover new opportunities for growth. So, if you're looking to dominate the search engine rankings and increase your online visibility, make sure to invest time in identifying and studying your top competitors.

Analyzing their organic and paid search strategies

Analyzing their organic and paid search strategies is crucial for uncovering untapped SEO opportunities. By examining how competitors are ranking for keywords related to candidate recruitment, businesses can gain valuable insights into effective strategies and identify areas for improvement. Understanding the organic search tactics employed by competitors can help businesses optimize their own website content and meta tags to improve visibility in search engine results. Similarly, analyzing competitors' paid search strategies can provide insights into the keywords they are targeting and the ad copy they are using, allowing businesses to refine their own paid search campaigns for maximum impact. By leveraging the research from SEMrush, businesses can discover untapped SEO opportunities and stay ahead of the competition in candidate recruitment.

Identifying gaps and opportunities in competitor keywords

Identifying gaps and opportunities in competitor keywords is a crucial step in optimizing your SEO strategy. By analyzing the keywords used by your competitors, you can uncover untapped opportunities and discover new ways to improve your search engine rankings. One such keyword that holds potential is 'healthcare logo'. By focusing on this keyword, you can explore the various aspects of healthcare logo design, including color psychology, typography, and symbolism. This can help you create a strong and visually appealing logo that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, by leveraging the highlights of healthcare logo design, such as the importance of simplicity and versatility, you can enhance your brand identity and establish a memorable presence in the healthcare industry.

Leveraging Content Gaps

Identifying gaps in existing content

Identifying gaps in existing content is a crucial step in optimizing your website's SEO performance. By conducting thorough research using tools like SEMrush, you can uncover untapped opportunities to enhance your online presence. One such opportunity is starting a barbershop on wheels. This innovative concept allows barbers to bring their services directly to customers, providing convenience and flexibility. With the growing demand for mobile services, starting a barbershop on wheels can be a lucrative venture. By targeting relevant keywords and creating high-quality content, you can attract a wide audience and establish your brand as a leader in the industry. Explore the potential of this untapped SEO opportunity and leverage the power of research to drive success.

Creating targeted content to fill those gaps

Creating targeted content to fill those gaps is crucial for boosting your website's visibility and driving organic traffic. One area where you can find untapped SEO opportunities is email marketing tactics. By exploring different email marketing strategies and analyzing the performance of your competitors, you can uncover valuable insights and identify areas where you can outperform them. Implementing effective email marketing tactics such as personalized content, segmentation, and automation can help you engage with your audience and drive conversions. Additionally, optimizing your email campaigns for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords and creating compelling subject lines can improve your email deliverability and increase open rates. With the right email marketing tactics, you can leverage the power of email to attract more visitors to your website and enhance your overall SEO strategy.

Optimizing existing content to target untapped keywords

When it comes to optimizing existing content to target untapped keywords, there are a few key strategies to consider. First, conducting thorough keyword research is essential to identify relevant and high-potential keywords that are currently not being targeted. This can be done using tools like SEMrush, which provides valuable insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords. Once the untapped keywords have been identified, it is important to strategically incorporate them into the existing content. This can be done by updating the title, headings, meta tags, and body text to include the targeted keywords. Additionally, optimizing the content for user intent and providing valuable information can help improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Regularly monitoring and analyzing the performance of the optimized content is also crucial to make necessary adjustments and further enhance its effectiveness in targeting untapped keywords.

Exploring Backlink Opportunities

Identifying authoritative websites in your industry

Identifying authoritative websites in your industry is crucial for establishing credibility and gaining valuable backlinks. These websites serve as trusted sources of information and can greatly impact your SEO efforts. When it comes to finding authoritative websites in your industry, one effective strategy is to focus on Texas side hustle. By targeting this specific keyword, you can uncover untapped SEO opportunities and connect with relevant websites that can help boost your online presence. Whether it's a blog, forum, or online community, identifying authoritative websites in the Texas side hustle niche can provide you with valuable insights and networking opportunities. By leveraging these platforms, you can establish yourself as an industry expert and build strong relationships with other professionals in your field. So, don't underestimate the power of identifying authoritative websites in your industry, especially when it comes to Texas side hustle.

Analyzing their backlink profiles

Analyzing their backlink profiles is a crucial step in understanding the SEO landscape of a website. By examining the websites that link to a particular site, we can gain insights into the quality and relevance of those backlinks. In the case of start a bar supply business online, analyzing the backlink profiles can help identify potential opportunities for building high-quality backlinks and improving search engine rankings. By finding websites that already link to similar businesses or relevant industry resources, we can reach out to them and establish mutually beneficial partnerships. This strategic approach can lead to increased online visibility, organic traffic, and ultimately, business growth.

Reaching out for guest posting and collaboration opportunities

When it comes to reaching out for guest posting and collaboration opportunities, content marketing plays a crucial role. Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. By leveraging content marketing, businesses can establish themselves as industry leaders, build brand awareness, and drive organic traffic to their websites. To tap into untapped SEO opportunities, it is essential to explore guest posting and collaboration opportunities that align with your content marketing strategy. By collaborating with other industry experts and thought leaders, you can not only expand your reach but also gain valuable insights and enhance your credibility in the market.


The importance of continuous SEO research

Continuous SEO research is crucial for staying ahead in the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization. By regularly conducting research using tools like SEMrush, businesses can uncover untapped opportunities to improve their website's visibility and rankings. This ongoing research allows businesses to identify new keywords, analyze competitor strategies, and adapt their SEO efforts accordingly. Without continuous research, businesses risk falling behind their competitors and missing out on valuable organic traffic. Therefore, investing time and resources into continuous SEO research is essential for maintaining a strong online presence and maximizing the potential of search engine optimization.

Maximizing the potential of untapped SEO opportunities

Maximizing the potential of untapped SEO opportunities is crucial for any website looking to improve its search engine rankings and increase organic traffic. One such untapped opportunity lies in the home security company industry. By conducting in-depth research using tools like SEMrush, website owners can uncover valuable insights and identify areas where they can gain a competitive advantage. For instance, by analyzing keyword data related to home security companies, website owners can discover high-demand keywords that are currently being underutilized. These keywords can then be incorporated into their content strategy, allowing them to attract more targeted traffic and potentially increase their conversion rates. By capitalizing on untapped SEO opportunities in the home security company industry, website owners can position themselves as leaders in the market and drive significant growth for their business.

SEMrush as a valuable tool for SEO professionals

SEMrush is a valuable tool for SEO professionals. It provides comprehensive insights and data that can help optimize website performance and uncover untapped SEO opportunities. With SEMrush, professionals can analyze keywords, track rankings, and conduct competitor research to gain a competitive edge in the online landscape. Additionally, SEMrush offers a wide range of features, including backlink analysis, site audits, and social media monitoring, making it a versatile tool for all aspects of SEO. Whether you're looking to improve your website's visibility, uncover new keyword opportunities, or stay ahead of the competition, SEMrush is an indispensable resource for SEO professionals.
In conclusion, online marketing can be easy with the right tools and strategies. With Semrush, you can turn the algorithm into your friend and make your business visible online. Our 55+ tools for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research can help you achieve measurable results. Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. Visit Semrush today and start optimizing your online marketing efforts!
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2024.05.14 23:50 businessnewstv How to Leverage SEMrush's SEO Research for a Better Content Strategy

What is SEMrush's SEO Research?

SEMrush's SEO Research is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your content strategy. By utilizing SEMrush's vast database and comprehensive analysis, you can uncover valuable insights and data that will help you optimize your website for search engines. With SEMrush's SEO Research, you can identify the most effective keywords, analyze your competitors' strategies, and gain a deeper understanding of your target audience. This invaluable information allows you to create high-quality, targeted content that will drive organic traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings.

Why is SEO Research important for content strategy?

SEO research is crucial for developing an effective content strategy. By conducting thorough research, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience, identify relevant keywords, and understand the competitive landscape. This information allows them to create content that is not only optimized for search engines but also resonates with their target market. Additionally, SEO research helps businesses stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes in search engine algorithms, ensuring that their content remains relevant and visible to their target audience. Overall, incorporating SEO research into content strategy is essential for driving organic traffic, increasing visibility, and ultimately achieving business goals.

How can SEMrush's SEO Research help improve content strategy?

SEMrush's SEO Research can greatly contribute to improving content strategy. By utilizing SEMrush's extensive database and powerful tools, content creators can gain valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in the field of SEO. One area where SEMrush's SEO Research can be particularly helpful is in identifying the newest WordPress themes. With the ability to analyze search volume, competition, and other relevant metrics, content strategists can make informed decisions on which themes to focus on. Additionally, SEMrush's SEO Research provides short highlights that can be turned into hyperlink text, allowing for seamless integration of relevant resources and further enhancing the overall content strategy.

Understanding SEMrush's SEO Research Tools

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential step in developing a successful content strategy. By identifying relevant keywords such as 'start bar supply business', content creators can optimize their website for search engines and improve organic traffic. SEMrush's SEO research tools provide valuable insights into keyword popularity, competition, and search volume, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about their content. With SEMrush, content creators can uncover new keyword opportunities, analyze competitor strategies, and track keyword rankings. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research, businesses can gain a competitive edge and achieve better visibility in search engine results.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the strategies and tactics employed by your competitors, you can gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This information can then be used to identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement in your own content. SEMrush's SEO research tools provide a comprehensive platform for conducting competitor analysis, allowing you to analyze their organic and paid search strategies, keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and more. Armed with this knowledge, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your content and outperform your competitors in the search engine rankings.

Backlink Analysis

Backlink analysis is an essential part of any comprehensive SEO strategy. It involves examining the links that point to a particular website and assessing their quality and relevance. By analyzing backlinks, you can gain valuable insights into the online presence and authority of a website. For screen printing business tips, conducting a thorough backlink analysis can provide valuable information on how other websites in the industry perceive and interact with similar content. This analysis can help you identify potential opportunities for collaboration, guest posting, or building relationships with influential websites in the screen printing niche. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can uncover valuable backlink data and use it to refine your content strategy and improve your website's visibility in search engine results.

Using SEMrush's SEO Research for Content Ideation

Identifying high-performing keywords

When it comes to developing a successful content strategy, one of the key elements is identifying high-performing keywords. These are the keywords that have a high search volume and low competition, making them ideal for driving organic traffic to your website. SEMrush's SEO research tool is a valuable resource for finding these keywords, as it provides data on search volume, competition level, and keyword difficulty. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research, you can gain insights into which keywords are most likely to generate the best results for your content strategy. This knowledge allows you to optimize your content and target the right audience, ultimately improving your website's visibility and driving more traffic.

Analyzing competitor content

Analyzing competitor content is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the content produced by competitors in your industry, you can gain valuable insights into their tactics and identify opportunities for improvement. This analysis allows you to understand what types of content are resonating with your target audience and how you can differentiate yourself to drive business growth. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can uncover valuable data on your competitors' content performance, keyword rankings, and backlink profiles. Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about your own content strategy and optimize your efforts for maximum impact.

Discovering content gaps

Discovering content gaps is an essential step in developing a comprehensive content strategy. By identifying areas where your competitors are excelling and where you can fill in the gaps, you can ensure that your content is unique, valuable, and relevant to your target audience. One important content gap to explore is the demand for mobile barbershop services. With the increasing popularity of on-demand services and the convenience they offer, it is crucial for businesses in the grooming industry to tap into this market. By offering mobile barbershop services, you can cater to busy individuals who prefer the convenience of getting a haircut at their desired location. This opens up opportunities for partnerships with hotels, corporate offices, and events, allowing you to reach a wider audience and provide a unique and personalized grooming experience. To stand out in this competitive landscape, it is essential to highlight the key benefits of mobile barbershop services, such as time-saving, flexibility, and personalized attention. By addressing the content gap for mobile barbershop services, you can position your brand as a leader in the industry and attract a loyal customer base.

Optimizing Content with SEMrush's SEO Research

On-page SEO optimization

On-page SEO optimization plays a crucial role in improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine result pages. It involves optimizing various elements on a web page to make it more search engine-friendly. One important aspect of on-page SEO optimization is keyword optimization. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords into the content, meta tags, headings, and URLs, website owners can increase their chances of ranking higher for those keywords. When it comes to Canva pricing, on-page SEO optimization can help businesses attract potential customers who are searching for information about Canva's pricing plans. By creating informative and keyword-rich content, businesses can enhance their online visibility and drive more organic traffic to their website. Additionally, including hyperlinks with short highlights that lead to relevant pages about Canva's pricing can further improve the user experience and provide valuable information to the readers.

Creating SEO-friendly meta tags

Creating SEO-friendly meta tags is an essential aspect of optimizing your website for search engines. These meta tags provide search engines with important information about your web pages, helping them understand the content and relevance of your site. One key element of SEO-friendly meta tags is the inclusion of custom website design keywords. By incorporating these keywords into your meta tags, you can improve the visibility of your website in search engine results pages. When users search for custom website design, search engines will recognize the relevance of your site and display it prominently. This can drive more targeted traffic to your website and increase the chances of converting visitors into customers. To maximize the impact of your meta tags, it's important to choose short highlights that can be turned into hyperlink text. By linking these keywords to relevant pages on your site, you can provide users with additional information and encourage them to explore further.

Improving content readability and structure

Improving content readability and structure is crucial for a successful content strategy. One important aspect to consider is optimizing the readability of your content to ensure that it is easily understandable and engaging for your audience. Additionally, structuring your content in a logical and organized manner helps readers navigate through the information effectively. When it comes to gift shop promotions, it is essential to create content that is not only informative but also visually appealing. By incorporating relevant keywords and highlighting them as hyperlinks, you can direct readers to specific sections or pages that provide more information about the promotions you offer. This not only improves the user experience but also increases the chances of conversions and engagement with your content.

Measuring Content Performance with SEMrush's SEO Research

Tracking keyword rankings

Tracking keyword rankings is an essential part of any SEO strategy. It allows you to monitor the performance of your website in search engine results for specific keywords. One important keyword to track is 'home security business'. By tracking the rankings of this keyword, you can gain insights into how well your website is performing in the competitive landscape of the home security industry. Monitoring the keyword rankings also enables you to identify opportunities for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance your content strategy. By leveraging SEMrush's SEO research tools, you can gather valuable data and analyze trends to optimize your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic. With a comprehensive understanding of your keyword rankings, you can refine your content strategy and stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Monitoring backlink growth

Monitoring backlink growth is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO strategy. By keeping a close eye on the number and quality of backlinks your website receives, you can gain valuable insights into its overall performance and visibility in search engine results. When it comes to nonprofit filing, monitoring backlink growth becomes even more important. Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on online visibility and credibility to attract donors and supporters. By monitoring the growth of backlinks related to nonprofit filing, organizations can ensure that their website is being recognized as a trustworthy source of information in the nonprofit sector. This not only helps improve search engine rankings but also enhances the organization's reputation and credibility in the eyes of potential donors and supporters. To effectively monitor backlink growth for nonprofit filing, it is essential to use tools like SEMrush's SEO Research. With its comprehensive backlink analysis features, SEMrush provides invaluable insights into the quantity and quality of backlinks, helping organizations make data-driven decisions to optimize their content strategy and improve their online visibility.

Analyzing organic traffic

Analyzing organic traffic is a crucial step in developing a successful content strategy. By examining the sources and patterns of organic traffic, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience and identify opportunities for growth. One effective way to leverage SEMrush's SEO research is by using it to analyze the keywords that drive organic traffic. In particular, the keywords 'turn side hustle into business' are worth paying attention to. By understanding the search volume and competition level of these keywords, businesses can optimize their content and attract more organic traffic. Moreover, SEMrush's SEO research can provide short highlights for these keywords that can be turned into hyperlinks, enhancing the user experience and improving the website's SEO performance.


Benefits of leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research for content strategy

Leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research for content strategy offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides valuable insights into keyword rankings and search volume, allowing content creators to optimize their website's visibility and attract more organic traffic. Secondly, SEMrush's comprehensive competitor analysis enables businesses to identify their top competitors and understand their strategies, helping them stay ahead in the competitive landscape. Additionally, SEMrush's SEO Research provides data-driven recommendations for improving website performance, such as optimizing meta tags, improving site speed, and enhancing user experience. By implementing these recommendations, businesses can enhance their online presence and drive better results. Overall, leveraging SEMrush's SEO Research is crucial for developing a solid content strategy and achieving success in the digital landscape.

Key takeaways

Staffing solutions are an essential aspect of any successful business. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, having the right staff in place is crucial for growth and productivity. With the help of SEMrush's SEO research, you can leverage valuable insights to develop a better content strategy for your staffing solutions. By analyzing keyword data and identifying trends, you can optimize your website and create compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, SEMrush's tools allow you to track your competitors' strategies and stay ahead of the curve. With the power of SEMrush, you can enhance your staffing solutions and drive success in today's competitive market.

Next steps

After completing the SEMrush SEO research, the next steps involve focusing on step by step gym logo design. Creating a visually appealing logo is crucial for any fitness-related business, as it helps to establish a strong brand identity. By following a systematic approach, you can design a logo that reflects the essence of your gym and resonates with your target audience. Incorporating elements such as fitness equipment, vibrant colors, and motivational symbols can further enhance the logo's impact. To ensure a successful logo design process, consider seeking professional assistance or utilizing online logo design tools that provide customizable templates and easy-to-use features. By investing time and effort into crafting a captivating gym logo, you can attract potential customers and differentiate your fitness business from competitors.
In conclusion, online marketing can be easy and effective with the right tools and strategies. With Semrush, you can turn the algorithm into your friend and make your business visible online. With over 55+ tools for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research, Semrush provides everything you need to achieve measurable results from your online marketing efforts. Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. Visit Semrush today and start optimizing your online marketing campaigns!
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:21 VivienneSection Indoor camera won’t livestream to phone on 4G, only Wi-Fi.

Hi sorry if this isn’t the right place but I am really stumped.
I’m having trouble with a blurams indoor camera. For some reason it will not let me access the live feed on 4G mobile data, but works fine on Wi-Fi. I’ve tried contacting support but have only offered vague suggestions which so far have no worked. I’m using an iPhone SE 2020 and in the UK for reference.
More details: - I’ve already allowed all the permissions necessary in my phone settings unless I’m missing something very obscure.
Blurams support and 3 tech support are clueless as to what the issue is. Does anyone know what’s going on? Thanks!
submitted by VivienneSection to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:43 Socialode Digital Activism Takes Center Stage: The Met Gala Fallout and the Rise of #Blockout2024

Each year, the Met Gala dazzles the world with its extravagant display of fashion and celebrity culture, but this year's event stirred up more than just admiration. As Hollywood's elite graced the red carpet, dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside, urging attendees to acknowledge the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Now, the fallout from the event has spilled over onto social media, with users leveraging digital campaigns to hold celebrities accountable for their silence on pressing issues.
Why the Outrage?
While the Met Gala is typically celebrated for its stunning fashion statements, this year's event drew criticism for its ostentatious display of wealth amidst the backdrop of the Israeli war in Gaza. Social media platforms buzzed with commentary, with many users expressing their discontent over the disconnect between the glamorous affair and the grim realities of the world.
In the aftermath of the Met Gala, digital campaigns gained traction, urging users to boycott celebrities on social media platforms. Marcus Collins, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Michigan, noted the significance of the event in sparking these campaigns, citing the juxtaposition between the gala and the conflict in Gaza as a catalyst for social mobilization.

Blockout2024 Movement

One prominent campaign to emerge from the backlash is #Blockout2024, spearheaded by TikToker @BlockOut2024. In a viral video, he called on users to block celebrities on social media, effectively cutting off their revenue streams from ad engagement. The movement gained momentum as users shared their own lists of blocked celebrities using hashtags such as #blockout, #digitine, and #celebrityblock.
Marie Antoinette and the Digital Guillotine Another viral moment that fueled the backlash occurred when TikToker Haley Kalil posted a video using the infamous phrase "Let them eat cake," attributed to Marie Antoinette. Dubbed the "digitize" by TikToker @LadyFromTheOutside, this digital guillotine symbolizes a call to action to block celebrities and influencers who fail to leverage their platforms for social good.
Who's on the Chopping Block?
Social media users have targeted a wide range of celebrities, including household names like Harry Styles, Jojo Siwa, Ellen DeGeneres, and Kylie Jenner. The campaign continues to evolve as users share their decisions to block specific stars daily.
Impact on Celebrities While the full extent of the backlash remains to be seen, celebrities have reportedly experienced a significant loss in followers as a result of the #Blockout2024 movement. Although the immediate impact on their online presence is unclear, the campaign has raised awareness about the power of social media users to hold influencers and celebrities accountable for their actions—or lack thereof.
As social media continues to shape public discourse and influence cultural narratives, the Met Gala controversy serves as a reminder of the platform's potential to amplify voices and catalyze meaningful change. Whether this digital activism translates into tangible consequences for celebrities remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the era of passive consumption is giving way to a new age of social accountability.
For Socialode, our goal is not for users to listen to celebrities, but to find friends. Users shouldn't idolize a person based on their wealth or fame. Everyone should find people who like them for them and not what the world sees them as.
Every person is unique. Every person is different.
Socialode's job is to find "Real" friends for you, so you can just be you.
submitted by Socialode to u/Socialode [link] [comments]


Report bugs here and earn rewards:
PUBG MOBILE will begin pushing out the update on 5/13 at 2:00 (UTC+0). Service will not be interrupted. To ensure a quick and smooth update, please be in a good network environment and make sure you have enough available storage on your device.
Update Reward: Update the game between 5/13–5/27 (UTC+0) to get 3,000 BP, 100 AG, and a Mecha Warship Theme (3d).

Key Updates

  1. New Themed Mode "Mecha Fusion": Engage in thrilling battles in a brand new battleship themed area with new mecha vehicles!
  2. World of Wonder Updates: Bring your competitive experience to the next level with new mecha gameplay!
  3. Firearm and Vehicle Updates: P90 and Skorpion have been rebalanced. QBZ added to Erangel and Miramar. Select vehicles now have a delayed explosion mechanic. Experience a different kind of battle!
  4. Collection System: The Collection System is here! Start growing your collection today!
  5. Home: The mysterious Elegant Ancient Capital resource pack is coming soon! Build your dream Home and show off your creativity in the Home Competition!

New Themed Mode: Mecha Fusion

Available: 2024/5/13 at 2:00 (UTC+0)–2024/7/9 at 20:59 (UTC+0)
Supported Maps: Erangel, Livik, and Miramar (Ranked and Unranked)

New Mecha Vehicles

  • Strider: A two-seater vehicle with the ability to jump. It's armed with missiles that can be used to bombard designated areas. Missiles can be replenished at the Repair Station in the Assembly Base.
  • Levitron: A special vechile that can switch between a speed form and a magnetic form. Serves as the upper-body component that combines with a Strider to form the Armamech.
    • In speed form, the maximum speed and hover height will be increased, and the vehicle gains a "collision acceleration" ability: it will not slow down when it hits an obstacle. Instead, it will accelerate using the stored magnetic energy.
    • In magnetic form, the maximum speed and hover height will be reduced, but it can activate a "Magnetize" ability to grab and toss characters, vehicles, and specific objects.
  • Armamech: A four-seater vehicle combined from a Levitron and a Strider. It can also be directly summoned from the Steel Ark.
    • It possesses 2 weapons that it can freely switch between: the Strider's missiles, and the Levitron's "Magnetize" ability.
    • It has a boosted jump that enables it to leap high and far with the assistance of jets.
    • Bring a Levitron and a Strider close together to combine them. After combining, the pilot of the Levitron becomes the pilot of the Armamech. It can also be separated at any time.

Brand New Environments

  • Steel Ark:
    • A giant space battleship that will land on the map at the start of a match. You can enter it and explore inside. The core of the Steel Ark is a platform where you can summon the Armamech from the skies! You can launch yourself into the air in this mecha for everyone to see.
    • The ark consists of many areas. You can find all kinds of supplies and Supply Crates at the Command Post, Dormitory, Warehouse, and more.
    • From the landing pad, you can board an evacuation Wingman, which will take you straight to the Playzone!
    • You can use elevators and ziplines in the ark to get around.
    • Steel Ark Air Drop: A Steel Ark loaded with supplies will fly around during the match and drop supplies consisting of an Air Drop Crate and several Supply Crates at specific drop points.
  • Assembly Base:
    • The Assembly Base contains a Mecha Repair Station. Approach it in a mecha to replenish the mecha's health, fuel, and missiles.
    • On the top floor of the Assembly Base, there is a detector that can determine the location of crates within the Assembly Base. An Access Card can be found in one of the crates, which can be used to open the door to the Secret Room and get loads of supplies.

New Items

  • Jetpack: Pick it up and equip it to increase movement speed. It possesses the ability to hover in the air for a short duration. It consumes Energy rapidly when lifting off. Energy will only be replenished when you reach the ground. The Jetpack has a Health bar that protects you from damage to your back and arms. It will be destroyed after taking a certain amount of damage. When reaching a certain speed while moving forward, it can switch to a speed form. You will perform a special action when you tap "Lift Off" as it switches to the speed form. The Jetpack comes with the "Magnetize" ability, but you will not be able to fly fast when using it.
  • Personal AED: If you have this item, you can tap self-rescue after being knocked down. Once successful, you will recover from the knocked down state. Each player can only carry one of these items. Self-rescuing will be interrupted if you move while using this item.
  • Magnet Gun: This is a downgraded version of the Levitron's "Magnetize" ability in gun form. Switch to it by tapping on the firearm bar. It works the same as the Levitron's "Magnetize", but with reduced values.
  • Respawn Beacon: Throw the beacon on the ground to mark a location that the plane will pass over. Recalled teammates can parachute into the match again at the cost of a respawn chance. Teammates who have used up all their respawn chances cannot respawn.
  • Quick Parachute: When parachuting, a quick parachute button will appear at a certain height in the air. Tap it to immediately deploy the parachute which can also be freely put away.
  • Repair Station: Approach the Repair Station in a mecha to replenish its health, fuel, and missiles.

New Legendary Pilot Challenge

Get themed items, special vehicle cosmetics, Armamech dance emotes, special Elimination Broadcasts, and more by completing this difficult themed mode challenge.

World of Wonder

Available: Releases with the version

World of Wonder Updates

  • Fuzzy search is now supported. You can search for maps by creation ID, creator UID, creation name, and description.
  • Added the friends tab to check what creations your friends have made at a glance.
  • Gift Access Point: You can now send Space Gifts from the creation details page and the creator's profile page.
  • You can view your play data and creation data in WOW on your player information page.
  • Ranking Improvements: Added support for more variables. Matches will now announce when a ranking player is in the match.
  • Copied Creations Limit: The number of copied creations you can have (including creations that are already published or those under review) is limited based on your Creator Level. When the limit is reached, you can only publish original creations unless you take down an existing copied creation.
  • Improved map recommendations and showcasing. Updated the WOW Creator page.

New Gameplay Devices

  • Contested Object Device: Use this device to spawn a contested object, which players can hold in their hands similar to "capture the flag".
  • Contested Object Handover Device: Contested objects can be handed over to this device for rewards.
  • Defensive Tower Device: Use this device to generate a fixed defense tower and configure its weapon type.

Gameplay Device Improvements

  • PvE Enemy Spawn Device: Supports spawning PvE enemies at random, configuring the PvE enemy's type, and randomizing their weight. You can also configure the PvE enemy's team.
  • Random Action Device: Supports storing the result of a random integer in a custom variable.
  • Special Vehicle Device: Added mechas.
  • Map Indicator Device: Supports real-time display of icons and text in the game.
  • Area Trigger Device: The action of the specific object entering the zone can be detected by the Area Trigger Device.
  • Overall Action Device: The action of players leaving the match can be detected.
  • Humanoid Enemy Spawn Device: Can now add buffs to spawned humanoid enemies.
  • Grouped Object Action Device: Supports configuring grouped objects. Loading any one of them automatically removes the others.
  • Item Issuance Device, Item Spawn Device, Custom Shop Device: Added 5.7mm ammo and the MG3.

New Interactive Objects

  • Target Dummy: A target dummy from the single-player training stage that shows damage numbers when hit and has several poses.
  • Soccer Ball: A soccer ball that moves upon contact.

Interactive Object Improvements

  • New Dynamic Moving Object Actions: Every new movement method for moving objects has a corresponding action. They can be activated by the detectable actions of other devices.
  • Guiding Lines: Launch pads and trampolines have guiding lines that show the trajectory of the player being launched into the air.

Controls & Interaction

  • Guiding Lines When Placing Objects In Midair: When placing objects in the air, guiding lines that project the current object's position on the ground can be shown.
  • Backpack Objects Can Be Interactized: You can take out interactized attachments such as a spinning ferris wheel from your backpack.
  • Object Interactization—Collidable Interactization: Set whether interactized objects move when hit by characters, vehicles, bullets, or throwables.
  • Object Interactization—Holding Interactization: Interactized objects can be held and tossed by characters.
  • Coordinate Editing in Free Editing Mode: In Free Editing Mode, you can select an object directly and move, rotate, or resize it by modifying its coordinates.
  • Object Editing Interface: Each object has an editing interface where you can directly edit the object's orientation, scaling, interactization type, or gameplay device parameters.
  • Object Placement and Alignment Improvements: Improved the usability of object snap and area grid, as well as added more object alignment parameters.
  • Auto Snap Option When Re-Editing: In the previous version, objects automatically snapped to their initial position when brought close to it during re-editing. This setting can now be toggled on and off in the editor's parameter settings interface, and is off by default.
  • Object Movement and Rotation Increment: Added movement and rotation increment settings to the editor's parameter settings interface.
  • Free Editing Top View Now Perfectly Flat: In Free Editing Mode, the previous top view editing was not perfectly flat, resulting in inaccurate positioning when placing objects from midair. Now, the editing view has been changed to be perfectly flat.
  • Added temporary resources. They will be replaced with default resources when they expire.

Game Parameters

  • Retaining Shop Tokens: Shop Tokens can now be kept during a match or across matches.
  • Overall Action Management: Added tag customization and filter features. You can create tags for gameplay devices to classify and filter them based on the tags.
  • Armed AI Customization Interface: Attributes for armed AI and defense towers can be customized, including health, attack, and more.
  • Match Log Interface: In-game logs now include the save feature. You can save and view all logs generated during play tests.

Other Updates

  • Group Editing: The team leader can edit the permissions of team members for better team management.
  • Enchantopia Updates: You can invite friends to Enchantopia and edit your team there. Added more interesting gameplay to the stages.
  • Cost Calculation Improvements: Fine-tuned how the system determines the cost of an object.
  • New map templates.

Classic Updates

Livik Map Updates

  • Added 4 new XT Upgrade Crates on top of the existing ones. New firearm upgrades are for the UMP45, SKS, DP-28, and M762. Upgrade Crates for these 4 firearms can be found in Livik or purchased from the Shop for 10 tokens.
    • UMP45 Upgrade: Reduced hip fire bullet spread by 20%.
    • SKS Upgrade: Faster recoil recovery after firing.
    • DP-28 Upgrade: Faster reload speed.
    • M762 Upgrade: Reduced muzzle shake.

Erangel Map Updates

  • Improved the quality of models seen by players at high altitudes, and resolved the issue of buildings disappearing.

Home Updates

The Home System is permanently available, and will be updated each version with interesting gameplay and building cosmetics.

Home Competition

Submission Period: 2024/5/13 at 00:00–2024/6/1 at 8:59 (UTC+0)
Selection Period: 2024/6/1 at 9:00–2024/7/1 at 9:00 (UTC+0)
  • You must reach at least 200 Home Prosperity before you can register for the Home Competition.
  • If players miss the submission period, they can still register during the selection period. After registering, they will be placed in the next round's matchmaking pool.
  • After registering, the selection criteria will be based on the current look of the player's Home.
  • During the selection period, you'll be matched with players of similar Home Prosperity at random every 3 days, for 10 rounds in total.
  • During the face-off, the player that obtains more votes wins. The winner gets to loot points from the loser.
  • Participate in Home Face-Offs to win Home Points and increase your Home Face-Off Level. The higher the Home Face-Off Level, the better the rewards.
  • Home Votes can be obtained by completing missions and by sending Home gifts. Note: Regular Popularity gifts do not grant Home Votes.
  • Home gifts given during each face-off round of the selection period will count towards Home Votes. Home gifts given outside a face-off round will not count towards the number of votes.

Home Events

  • Elegant Ancient Capital Style Event:
    • Available: 2024/5/18 at 2:00 (UTC+0)
    • Purchase Elegant Ancient Capital Home items during the event to get Style Points that can be redeemed for amazing rewards.
  • Ancient Capital Theme Debut Celebration:
    • Available: 2024/5/18 at 00:00 (UTC+0)–2024/5/31 at 23:59 (UTC+0)
    • The Event Center is launching an event to celebrate Elegant Ancient Capital's arrival. Get a Congratulatory Ancient Capital Object Pack when you reach Home Lv. 3, and use it to build an Ancient Capital Style Home in an instant!
    • Visit your Home and upgrade your Home Level to get additional rewards, including Home Coins, Classic Crate Coupons, AG, Ancient Capital themed items, and more.

Home Building Updates

  • Build With Blueprint & Group Editing:
    • Improved the process of building with blueprints. You can now go to More - Save Blueprint to copy and save the draft.
    • The Home Level required to build with blueprints and publish blueprints has been reduced to Lv. 3.
    • You can set the level of the blueprint you want to edit with a tap.
    • The Home Level required to access group editing has been reduced to Lv. 5. You can go to Blueprint Editing - More - Group Editing to invite your friends to build your Home together.
  • Home Resource Updates:
    • The mysterious Elegant Ancient Capital resource pack will be coming soon, along with a surprise event that will reward the Elegant Ancient Capital doorplate and exclusive background music for a limited time.
    • Reach Home Lv. 3 to get a basic Elegant Ancient Capital object pack.

Home Resource & Content Updates

  • Added an access point to the Home Shop in Home. Not only can you browse and edit freely in your Home, you can also enjoy the fun of shopping at any time.
  • Added an access point to the Home Lucky Spin in the Home Shop, so you can more conveniently acquire your favorite items:
    • Upgraded the Lucky Spin event. There are now multiple Lucky Spins available at once, providing you with more diverse shopping options.
    • Elegant Ancient Capital themed items will be available in the Home Lucky Spin.
  • The Elegant Ancient Capital themed items are now available in the Home Shop. Give your Home style a unique twist.
  • Upgraded the Home's lighting effects so players can take more quality photos.
  • Added customizable atmosphere modules that can be adjusted in visit mode.
  • Added privacy settings so you can now control who has access to your Home. Additionally, after reaching Home Lv. 15, you can enable the private channel feature to enjoy private time with your friends.
  • Improved object interactions. Added new facial expression changes after sitting down. Added new interactive objects: Smith Machine, Treadmill, Bathtub.
  • Improved butler actions. Butlers can now turn around and look at the player when they are within a specific range.
  • Home Tree Status Notification: When coins can be collected from the current Home Tree, you will see a notification icon on the Friends tab, the Enter My Home button, and the Home details page.

Metro Royale Updates

Available: 2024/5/15 at 1:00 (UTC+0)
Matchmaking: 2024/5/15 at 2:00 (UTC+0)
  • Collectibles Cabinet Updates: New Chapter 20 Collectibles
  • After obtaining specific Fabled collectibles, they can be displayed in the player's Personal Space.
  • After obtaining specific Fabled collectibles, turn in collectibles to get certain Fabled collectible decorations for the Home.
  • New Honor Rewards: Chapter 20 Elite Avatar, Chapter 20 Hero Avatar Frame, and Chapter 20 Legendary Name Tag. These rewards can be claimed after reaching the corresponding Honor level.
  • New elite PvE enemy in Misty Port and Arctic Base: Strider.
  • New firearms: P90 (Cobra), P90 (Steel Front).
  • Player EXP can now be earned via Metro Royale matches.
  • Companion EXP can be earned by bringing companions to Metro Royale matches.
  • You can now tap to repair all items at once on the loadout page.
  • You can now tap to open multiple inventory gift packs at once.
  • Improved the firearm status at the preparation stage at the start of the match. Firearms will be reloaded by default and set to full auto firing mode.
  • Fixed the issue of incorrect models for some drop items.

Firearm & Vehicle Improvements

  • Firearm Adjustments:
    • P90 damage adjustment.
    • QBZ added to Erangel and Miramar.
    • Skorpion Improvements: Base damage increased from 22 to 24, 15% faster reload time, 20% faster aim down sights time, 30% reduced bullet spread when moving, 10% less sway when shooting.
  • Delayed Explosion Mechanic for Select Vehicles: When a vehicle's health reaches 0, it won't explode right away. Instead, its engine will stop working and it will catch on fire before exploding after 5 seconds. If the vehicle is damaged by an explosion during this period, it will explode immediately. (Some special vehicles aren't affected by this change.)
  • Mobile Shop Vehicle Modification: Added a new item to the Mobile Shop in Erangel, Livik, Miramar, and Sanhok. Use Shop Tokens to purchase its key and turn the Mobile Shop into a drivable vehicle. Items can only be purchased from the Mobile Shop when it's parked. If the vehicle is destroyed, it can no longer be used as a shop.

General Improvements

  • Victory Dance: The A7 Victory Dance comes with an exclusive camera view. Select it from Creation Mode's Victory Dance tab.
  • In-game Mark: When marking supplies with universal mark/quick chat, the quantity of the marked supply will also be shown.
  • Customize Buttons: When customizing controls, you can now quickly copy your Arena Mode layout to use in Classic Mode.
  • Improved Highlights:
    • Companions that you bring into matches will now show in highlights.
    • When recording highlights, all emotes that meet the requirements will be recorded and displayed during playback.
    • Adjusted the retention priority of highlights and the recording conditions of some clips to make it easier to retain them.
    • Teammate numbers now show in highlights.
    • Smoke from exploding grenades now shows in highlights.
  • Auto Pick Up: You can now choose whether to discard or put your previous melee weapon into your backpack after picking up a new one.
  • Sprinting Interrupts Peek Mode: This new setting is enabled by default. When disabled, if you perform a sprint while peeking, it won't interrupt peek mode and you won't start sprinting.
  • New Individual Companion Display: Players can now choose to display their companions, and companions added to the companion system will take turns showing off. This can be done in the Lobby or in a match.
  • Device Update: 120 fps and 90 fps are now available for select devices for you to enjoy a smoother gaming experience.

System Improvements

  • New Collection System: Collect firearms, finishes, and more to get awesome rewards.
  • Themed Event Shop additions: Mecha themed gameplay cosmetics, social items, fun items, and more.
  • Chat Room Feature Updates:
    • Improved the list of featured chat rooms and added filters for chat room type, language, and more.
    • Added Speaking Mode: In regular mode, the host's permission is required to speak. In free mode, any player can freely speak.
    • Added new discussion topics to the chat room. Share your thoughts to increase the interactive atmosphere.
    • Added new ways to send Space Gifts.
    • Added chat room status updates in the Friends List.
  • Birthday Care System: You can now add your birthday to your Social Player Card as part of the new birthday care system. You'll receive surprise care rewards when you log in on your birthday.
  • Synergy: Complete missions such as adding friends and teaming up during the event to get Synergy items and the Underworld Outlaw Set (time-limited).

New Season: Cycle 6 Season 18

Available: 2024/5/18 at 2:00 (UTC+0)–2024/7/15 at 23:59 (UTC+0)
  • Reward updates: New legendary items: C6S18 Glasses, C6S18 Set, C6S18 Mask, C6S18 Cover, C6S18 - DBS
  • Season Token Event Shop Update: C6S18 - Parachute

All-Talent Championship S19

Available: 2024/5/20–2024/7/4 (UTC+0)
  • New Event Shop Rewards: Pop Sensation Set (Epic), Elven Tracker Cover (Legendary), Elven Tracker Set (Legendary), Finest Flavors - QBZ (Epic)
  • New All-Talent Championship S19 Crate Rewards: Pop Sensation Set (Epic), Elven Tracker Cover (Legendary), Elven Tracker Set (Legendary), Finest Flavors - QBZ (Epic), Labyrinth Scale - M24 (Epic), Inked Battleground Parachute (Epic)
  • New First and Second Runner-Up Rewards: Ducky Fighter Set (Legendary), Ducky Fighter Cover (Legendary), Time Traveler - Kar98K (Legendary), Round Parachute (Camo) (Epic), Mr. Bronze Set (Epic)

Popularity Gift Events

New Redemption Shop

  • Popularity Gift Redemption Shop: The Redemption Shop is permanently available and its rewards will be continuously updated. Use tokens earned from Popularity Battles and Team Popularity Battles to redeem rewards.

Popularity Battle Event

Registration Period: 2024/5/14 at 00:00–2024/5/19 at 8:59 (UTC+0)
Battle Period: 2024/5/19 at 9:00–2024/6/18 at 9:00 (UTC+0)
  • Main Updates:
    • New widget tool: Popularity Battle progress can now be synced to your device.
    • New rewards: Popularity Coin, Stickers
    • Lowered the points required to reach each level so obtaining rewards is easier.
  • Rules:
    • Register to participate in the Popularity Battle event. During the battle period, get randomly matched with a powerful opponent every 3 days for a popularity contest. Lasts 10 rounds in total.
    • During the battle period, the Popularity of both competitors will be compared. The one with the highest Popularity wins.
    • The winner can claim some of their opponent's points.
    • Participate in Popularity Battles to win Battle Points and increase Battle Level. The higher the Battle Level, the better the rewards.

Team Popularity Battle Event

Registration Period: 2024/6/17 at 00:00–2024/6/23 at 8:59 (UTC+0)
Battle Period: 2024/6/23 at 9:00–2024/7/9 at 9:30 (UTC+0)
  • Main Content:
    • New widget tool: Popularity Battle progress can now be synced to your device.
    • New reward: Popularity Coin
    • Lowered the points required to reach each level so obtaining rewards is easier.
  • Rules:
    • Matchmaking: There will be a total of 8 rounds. Teams of similar strength will be matched every 2 days. Players within each team will be ranked by Popularity through 1v1 Popularity Battles.
    • Battle: Both sides will compete to see who can gain the most Popularity during this phase.
    • The total score will be determined by the win-loss record of each player on the team. In the event of a tie (2:2), the total Popularity of both teams will be compared.
    • The team with the higher total score will be declared the winner, and can loot Battle Points from the defeated team.
    • If all players within a team have the same score, they can jointly claim the level rewards and ranking rewards.
    • Teams that have registered can have their team leader create an exclusive Nickname Badge for the team, which serves as a symbol of the close bond between team members and gift recipients.
    • Nickname Badges support custom text and are unique.
    • Players can obtain a Nickname Badge by registering a team or by completing gift missions.

Security & Game Environment Improvements

Account Security

  • Players who are conducting video reviews will now show the status, "Reviewing Video", on the Friend List.
  • You can now log in via QR code with accounts linked to certain platforms.
  • Improved account protection system with better account linking and unlinking procedures, and improved security verification and abnormal login reminders. Enhanced in-game notifications for better player awareness on how accounts are stolen to minimize their occurrence.
  • Improved account recovery tool to enhance account retrieval and self-unlinking, to help more account owners in retrieving their accounts.

Security Strategy Improvements

  • Improved cheat detection for X-Ray vision, auto aim, no recoil, speed hacks, modified resource files, and more.
  • Improved violation detection for unfair cooperation and teaming up with cheaters.
  • Improved the in-game detection and countermeasures against account farming, prohibited transactions, escorting, botting and other violations to better regulate in-game behavior and improve players' gaming experience.
  • Improved detection and penalties for inappropriate text, voice messages, avatars, and Home designs to better regulate in-game behavior.
submitted by Errora403 to PUBGMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:03 AqueleCaraAli I need help finding a injury chart

Hello, I'm searching for a a specific chart(or a similar one) that I've seen a few years ago, it was a chart for injuries in certain body parts caused by specific types of damage with its debuffs(I.e bludgeon to head was disorientation, and cutting to head was decapitation) I remember that it was a scan of two book pages and in its center it had the symbol of skull made stone, I've tried searching in the internet for a while now but with no luck. Sorry if bad formatted I'm on mobile and English not my native language
submitted by AqueleCaraAli to TTRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:32 Jayski_Upbeat Alpha Release of Lay Of The Land

I wanted to release an early demo copy of the mod that I'm working on: 𝕷𝖆𝖞 𝕺𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖉
I know everybody on this subreddit is waiting for Mat to drop Hardtime 3d II/Hardtime 3 (whatever yall like to call it)
The progress of the modification
Long story short, what does this modification do. Well it upscales the game and gives a sight modern day touch.
It's still the same old hardtime 3d but the game could run smoothly on Windows 10/11, New textures, ambience noises, and some small addons.
This mod is a complete standalone game, which means you don't have to use the original hardtime game as a directory reference for file editing.
The game is literally in this file. All you need to do is just extract the file and click the exe. Boom you could play.
Also when installing the mod, a pop-up may appear asking you to install DirectPlay. Download it and you'll be able to Play LOTL
I'll like to list 2 things: one, there's a bunch of placeholders in this mod, so everything you see might or might not be there on the next update. Two, this mod contains "suggestive scenes" such as gore, Strong Language, Sexual Images, Racial symbols, textures that use real drug images and such.
This was implemented for realism. im not one of those woke game devs. I had to list this for younger fans and for the Youtubers that don't want their video being hit with an age restriction warning. You've been warned!
Heres the download link:
If you see your mod on here, just DM on reddit if you want me to take it off. This includes your name on the "Credits.txt".
submitted by Jayski_Upbeat to mdickie [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 pieceofcarpet [mobile][early 2010s] cartoonish spotting game

mobile game i played during the early 2010s included a (possibly) grey background. It was a game where you would have to find certain symbols such as daggers, bones and they were all drawn in a cartoonish style.
submitted by pieceofcarpet to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 pieceofcarpet [TOMT] 2010s mobile game

mobile game i played during the early 2010s included a (possibly) grey background. It was a game where you would have to find certain symbols such as daggers, bones and they were all drawn in a cartoonish style.
submitted by pieceofcarpet to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:45 TevisLA Mexico City pedestrianizes its main square

Mexico City pedestrianizes its main square
Mexico City’s Zócalo is one of the biggest public squares in the world and the city just closed it off to cars! 20,000 people came out to celebrate this weekend.
The city’s secretary mobility said this: “Why pedestrianize the Zócalo of Mexico City? And the answer is relatively simple, but we forget: when we are pedestrians, when we are walking, we don't have much more than our bodies. By removing cars from the Zócalo what we are saying is: Let's recover the space, which symbolically is the central space of the city, where we can and should all coexist in treatment as equals.”
submitted by TevisLA to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:14 Tiredsakki What does sign mean?

What does sign mean?
Whenever i connect my ipad with my mobile hotspot it gets this symbol can somebody explain me what does it mean
submitted by Tiredsakki to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:30 CopperSulfateII [AAR] The Eviction of J141425

What follows is the story of a Wormholer Eviction, with all its ups and downs and unexpected twists, as told from my perspective as a Director in Vapor Lock.
What is special about this one is that we evicted a group of Swastika-lovers (I can see your eyes rolling).
Credit: Crovan (Noir.)
The Premise
I want to introduce you to a group living out of J141425 who we’ll just call Normans.
At its core were the corporations Horny Police Department, Haven Enjoyers, Interstellar Realm, a few other corporations, and a fair number of individuals from better-known corporations who spent much time here.
This group is immensely fond of putting Swastikas and references to the 1940s Chancellor of Germany on many of their ships, their POSes, every single POS gun, and on their evictions where they make a huge swastika out of mobile depots.
For some images of this, see: (Remove the # in the URL)
We are not keen on evictions, but after wandering into this system, it is hard to just shrug at this insult to Bob and decency. We soon decided to look into the possibility of removing these people and their assets from J-space, with no option for ransom.
Eavesdropping in their home hole (C4 3/5) for a few days, we got a good feel for their numbers and assets. We called this hole Normandy. We figured we could do this eviction with some planning and solid effort.
The Assault (Day 1)
We infiltrated on Thursday @ 1700 without any resistance and anchored two POSes - one incompetently, and another after a quick refresher on POS mechanics.
Opting for a Nighthawk and Basilisk fleet, we bashed their Astrahus and Athanor together with a flock of Oracles. As smooth as our initial infiltration went, we still managed to be a few minutes late on the bash and created a 3 day timer ending Sunday 1900, instead of a 2 day timer as intended.
As if two days of hole control (HC) isn’t tedious enough, to make matters worse: Sunday was Mother’s Day in most of the West, but not in Russia, where virtually all the residents are from.
Nonetheless, we pressed on, another structure lesson learned.
Starting hole control we immediately roll out one of their main scanners and links pilot. Shockingly, this was achieved by our corp elder who has a track record of rolling out friendlies and consequently receiving internal bounties on being rolled out himself in return. We agreed he would now once again be trusted to roll wormholes at home.
Bashing their POS using the Oracles took from late US TZ to an hour before DT. The pilot of the Oracles having gone to bed many hours before and handed off his oracle flock to a squad leader in a cloaky, ready to warp them off, as a real bashing shepherd does.
AFK Oracles bringing balance to the universe
On Friday we had a quick skirmish with a third party but other than that it remained uneventful.
To keep spirits high we threw a Discord slumber party complete with a screening of a motivational film - an obvious Tarantino classic.
The Counter-Attack (Day 2)
Saturday morning around 0830 the Normans decided to contest our HC - run by a few sleep-deprived door stoppers - and forced us to crash all of the connections.
After ten minutes of the Normans first showing activity, their batphones and the rest of the Normans start infilling with a wide variety of ships via the new C3 static. With frantic pinging we tried to form to reestablish HC. But by the time we landed their batphones’ tackle wing was already streaming in with more following behind. We lost eight ships in the process before we disengaged and delivered the bad news to everyone as they slowly woke up.
Their total numbers climbed rapidly to 70+ from batphones and their group’s stragglers and rollouts, outnumbering us significantly by the time they start to bash our POSes.
We do the only thing we can do at this point and start batphoning some of our friends in the hopes we’ll be able to reclaim HC during USTZ when all the Russian groups are themselves sleepy.
Unsurprisingly, we become demoralized by the rapidly increasing numbers the Normans and their batphones now have on us. Some small relief was found when the ref timer of our main POS exceeded their structure timers, giving us a window to continue our eviction. Our previous miscalculation in creating a 3 day timer became a surprising blessing.
Still, it was not looking good for us and our reduced force, boxed in and outnumbered significantly.
The Batphone Plot Twist
The first wave of their batphones consisted primarily of Hold My Probes/Scan Stakan, Tricky Situation, and a few smaller groups.
Our FC mistakenly accepts a convo by someone who appeared to be a friend, but turned out to be a representative from Hold My Probes/Scan Stakan. They inquired as to why we’re evicting these people.
We showed him all the details and soon afterwards, diplos from the other batphones contacted us as well. We shared the same information we had gathered during our recon and occupation. After some initial shock, all the major batphones leave in disgust and fully disavow the residents of Normandy.
Real credit to Hold my Probes, Tricky Situation, and others for abandoning a group who condones and LARPs Normandism.
They showed sincere conviction and gave up what would be at least a decent fight, entirely for the sake of their principles, and that’s worth emphasizing and congratulating.
Simultaneously, our own batphones eagerly wished to contribute to their eviction. However, all of this still hinges on whether we can reassert Normandy HC in USTZ against the now-full membership of the Normans+ whatever batphones remain. We wait until it is past midnight in Moscow and make our attempt.
With a heavy show of force we manage to reclaim HC without much resistance or rollout games.
In Friendship We Trust (Day 3)
Soon we managed to create secure connections to High-Sec and Low-Sec to bring both our batphoned friends in and more of our corpies.
Small groups of people from a number of different corporations came to help us out to maintain HC and finish up our operation. Without their timely contributions our operation would likely have failed.
Sugar, Noir, Hole Control(alliance), OnlyHoles, 745, and Lupus, each had their representatives at this point, putting in effort to maintain HC.
Inevitably it was contested again around the same time as the day before. Another round of frantic pinging but with better turnout this time and including some of our friends. We manage to significantly reduce the mass on the connection and only let an Eos multiboxer in.
Despite taking some losses in the first round - and swearing off cap-chain logistics in the future - we manage to regroup and go for round two, forcing one marauder to roll himself out, destroying the Eos multiboxer, and scattering the rest.
After this there were only some wormhole scanning games. The normans moved what assets they could into deep safes, self-destructed some ventures, and did not do much else of note.
The End of Normandy
For the final timer Kitchen Sinkhole and Loose Coalition had each promised a fleet, and once they arrived along with yet more infills for the timer from many other groups, our joint fleet had ballooned to an incredible 100+ ships on grid.
There was no contest.
Some fighters were launched and killed.
Silly docking games were played, T1 Yeets died as they inevitably do.
Comms were whimsy and jolly - not least because they were mistakenly kept on voice-activated and we just winged it - but somehow it all was fun and entertaining for everyone in spite of it being a plain structure bash.
Inevitably both the Astrahus and the Athanor go poof to much cheering.
If there is one thing to conclude from this eviction, it is that people will always band together to fight the threat of hatred. The out-of-place instances of symbolism we saw in J-Space throughout this op served to galvanize our forces and opposition alike. Thank you sincerely to our old friends, new friends and fellow capsuleers for heeding the call.
The Final Bash
PS: Vapor Lock. is recruiting :) 40m SP minimum
submitted by CopperSulfateII to Eve [link] [comments]