Luann de lesseps divorce settlement


2023.07.12 22:18 Undercover_Penguins WelcometoCrappieLake

The ultimate destination to dive deep into the hilarious and heartwarming adventures of Luann de Lesseps & Sonja Morgan as they bring their unique charm and charisma to Benton, IL.

2024.05.29 04:33 Multivists China said the current priority is to stop the conflict in Gaza as soon as possible to avoid a greater humanitarian disaster.

China said the current priority is to stop the conflict in Gaza as soon as possible to avoid a greater humanitarian disaster.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed Red Sea tensions with Yemeni Foreign Minister Shayea Mohsen Al-Zindani in Beijing on Tuesday, saying they're a spillover effect of the ongoing Gaza conflict and China is willing to play a constructive role in solving the crisis.
Al-Zindani is in Beijing to attend the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum which will be held on Thursday.
Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said the current priority is to stop the conflict in Gaza as soon as possible to avoid a greater humanitarian disaster.
He urged the international community to make greater efforts to implement the "two-state solution," and called on the relevant parties to stop harassing civilian ships and maintain the safety of waterways in the Red Sea. Wang added that China is willing to continue playing a constructive role in this regard.
He also stated China hopes that all parties concerned can stick to the political settlement and actively respond to the mediation efforts of the United Nations and regional countries.
Al-Zindani expressed appreciation for China's support for Yemen's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and China's long-term assistance to Yemen's economic and social development without attaching any political conditions.
He added that Yemen looks forward to China playing a greater role in promoting the de-escalation of the situation in the Red Sea as well as the reconciliation and reconstruction of Yemen. Yemen believes that the 10th meeting will push China-Arab cooperation to a new level, said Al-Zindani.
submitted by Multivists to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:26 d6897cunni Divorce & transfer of car title. Can I avoid sales tax?

In the final stages of divorce, and my stbx husband and I own 2 PA registered vehicles. We agreed that we‘ll both keep our respective cars that we considered ours during the marriage, our settlement just states that we must initiate a title transfer once the divorce is final - which makes sense.
What I cannot get a clear answer on is whether we‘ll have to pay sales tax when we go to AAA to request the transfers. I was initially advised that as long as we request the transfer while we‘re still married, that there was no tax due. However, when I called in to AAA to ask general questions (along with this one about the tax), the lady very rudely told me off along the lines that no one is exempt from sales tax in PA, even if I position the transfer as a gift. Anyone know a loophole around this? I just think it‘s absurd that I have to pay taxes on something I already own (and paid taxes on before!)…
submitted by d6897cunni to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:21 Sir_thinkalot89 Bigeneration - sans convention

J'ai lu un post ici concernant une histoire d'héritage où une des réponses ("nul n'est tenu à l'indivision") m'a fait réfléchir...
Dans l'histoire (noms remplacés), je suis Raoul, marié à Hurtubise. Avons une bigeneration avec les parents d'un de nous, appelons les Rupert et Berthe Flavienne.
Rupert et BertheFlavienne detiennent chacuns 13% de la maison. Raoul et Hurtubise possèdent chacuns 37%.
Je voulais faire une convention pour protéger mes droits en cas de décès des parents ou encore si Hurtubise et moi voulons vendre. La convention prévoirait que si un des propriétaires veut vendre on doit tous vendre et si on ne s'entend pas sur le prix alors prix d'un évaluateur indépendant. Finalement dans le peu probable cas de divorce entre moi et Hurtubise, avoir la chance de vendre serait of course essentiel
La notaire nous a rencontré nous a fait réfléchir à plusieurs questions sur qui prend les décisions, menant à des échanges parfois difficile (un peu akward) et finalement évidemment le couple ayant 74% des parts prend les décisions (of course) sur les éléments communs et depenses communes. Par contre la notaire nous a jamais recontacter après, elle devait écrire une ébauche de convention. Ca fait plus d'un an.
Jusqu'à maintenant sans convention ecrite, les dépenses et l'entente se fait bien. On vit des problèmes liés au hoarding de Rupert, mais quand on décide que c'en est assez il obtempère, quoi que de reculons
Ma question : Est-ce que la clause automatique " nul n'est tenu à l'indivision" nous permettraiy simplement de vendre quand on voudrait et ils devraient aussi vendre? Eux aussi pourraient faire de même? S'ils décèdent et lèguent 1/2 de leur part, donc 13% de la propriété à leur autre fils, et que lui veut vendre, est-ce qu'il peut nous déloger automatiquement si on ne rachète pas sa part?
Je ne veux pas mettre des bidous et repasser les conversations de marde pour une convention qui au final reprendrait ce que la loi dit déjà...
Et quelqu'un a une idée du prix que cette convention pourrait coûter chez un notaire?
submitted by Sir_thinkalot89 to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:11 No-Profit-1027 Discovery vs trial vs settlement conference. Question?

I need some insight and I thank everyone in advance for your helpful feedback.
In the middle of a divorce and my wife’s attorney is asking for a boatload of documents. I will provide as much as I possibly can and also will fill out the questionnaires to the best of my ability. Gathering the documents will take most of the summer and the kids are home and we all still live together. I will love to conclude this process as soon as reasonably practicable. There are three kids involved and I want the least acrimonious process.
Is it a good idea to preemptively ask for a settlement conference rather than dragging it out? We are in a community property state.
submitted by No-Profit-1027 to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:43 chefboyar_JD Soberlink

Has anyone been through a divorce with someone with alcohol abuse issues? I filed for divorce last week. My husband is an alcoholic, but of the binging variety. He doesn’t drink every day, but a few times a month he blacks out to the point of throwing up, drives drunk, verbally abuses me, and throws things, etc. This has gone on for years and ultimately led to our divorce. He admits that this is what ended our marriage and takes responsibility for that. He never drunk drove with our child in the car or did anything to harm our child while drinking, however, I was usually there for most of the episodes. I told him I do not want him to have our son overnight unless he does soberlink (breathalyzer), and I was planning to ask for it for a year in our proposed settlement agreement. We talked today, however, and he said he’s not going to do it. He says he never has hurt our son with his drinking and won’t be drinking when he is solely responsible for him and I won’t be there. I really want my 14 month old to see him this weekend, but I know if I don’t require it now, it will be hard to argue for it in the future. I’m bad at sticking to my guns with him, and I just can’t decide what to do
submitted by chefboyar_JD to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:02 PeanutTop9032 Ex Wife walked away with 40 million in debt

Ex Wife walked away with 40 million in debt submitted by PeanutTop9032 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:51 Djn0724 🖤🤍🖤🤍VILLIANS SEASON 3🖤🤍🖤🤍 EPISODE 4: Snatch Game

🖤🤍🖤🤍VILLIANS SEASON 3🖤🤍🖤🤍 EPISODE 4: Snatch Game

Episode 3




Eureka!... Shantay you Stay!




Tina Burner... Shashay Awa







This week we are playing the snatch game!
And on the runway, the category is: Pop Diva's
The bottom 2 queens will Lip-sync for Their Lives to: "It's Not Right But It's Okay" By Whitney Houston

Ladies, Gentlemen... Start your Engines, and may the best Villain...Win!



submitted by Djn0724 to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:14 ExpressLaw7608 Guilt Stemming From Middle School Experience

Trigger Warning: Mentions bullying
When I was around the age of 13, my parents got divorced, and I ended up moving townships. I started to attend a new middle school, where I did not know anyone. My goal was to get in and get out, I didn't want to interact with anyone. For a little while that worked out, as I was able to mostly sit by myself, but there were times where I had to sit with people, and they'd try to talk to me, which I often felt slightly annoyed by after a little while, but I'd often engage in conversation with monosyllabic responses. One day, when sitting by myself at lunch, some of the more popular people started talking to me, and invited me to sit with them. A little while after that, there would be a handful of people who would come up to me and insult me. I often replied to people with insults back, because I guess de-escelation was not a strength of mine. I feel like partially due to this, I started to feel more annoyed with people talking to me. During this time I started to be more irritable, edgy, and sarcastic. If I felt irritated by something someone said, I would make some sort of rude comment, telling them to, "shut up", or that, "no one cares." When people would respond to me, I feel like this would create a cylce where I would respond with these rude or insulting comments, and so would they, and then I felt justified to respond. I would say some of these problems arose because someone would make a sarcastic comment, and I would go on the defensive, and then the cycle continued.
During 8th grade, I stopped hanging out with that freind group because I felt awkward approaching them when I had barely interacted with them all summer. Even though I left them, I still continued my behavior, partially because people still had the same view of me, and because I felt like this was the role I was in now, as if I couldn't change it because that's what people expected of me, although it's probably true that I maintained this due to defensiveness. Due to the fact that I ran my mouth a lot, my actions caught up to me. This was among the first time I experienced violence and what may be considered bullying. There were people who would punch me, it didn't matter where, in class, gym, the locker room, wherever. Some of these people would also make sexual comments towards me, and one of them would often touch me inappropriately in the bathroom. Some of them would follow me around during gym class, and threaten to punch me, while also making sexual comments about me, in an attempt to scare me. There were times where I had considered telling a teacher, but nothing much would have been done. At one point, the old friend group had tried to talk to me at lunch, I asked them to leave, I tried to respond laconically so that they would leave, when they didn't I called their family member the f-slur. I remember this moment had been on my mind a lot, because this person didn't treat me badly, and even when I left school, they were still cordial with me.
Now that I'm a bit older, I think about my experiences in middle school a lot, particularly my behavior, because I think about morality a lot. I'm not sure about how to classify my behavior, if it was bullying, or if it was something in some grey area. After reading stories, and talking to some people who have gone through some traumatic experiences, this time leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't help but wonder if there's a person who can't move forward, or is traumatised, because of me. When I talked about this one, I often hear that I was, "just a kid," but that doesn't mean anything to me. After all, that's an explanation, not a justification. I don't know if there's some sort of benefit to thinking about this, as all I can really do is wish that I could have done differently, and hope that they all turned out alright. I don't know how to deal with this, every time I think about this, I feel like a guilty. I used to think I shouldn't be happy because of this, but I guess I don't much anymore. I feel as though it's hard to justify it all. I'm not sure what to do, or what to make of my actions. How do I move on when I can't help but come back to it?
submitted by ExpressLaw7608 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:32 A201513 Que peuvent réclamer des enfants illégitimes (non reconnus, n'ont jamais connu leur père biologique) ?

Bonjour à vous.
Je vais rester plutôt vague sur les détails qui ne sont pas nécessaires parce que je ne sais pas l'évolution que cette histoire va avoir, et qui pourrait me lire. :)
Pour donner un peu de contexte, ma mère sait depuis longtemps que son père a eu d'autres enfants après elle, après sa séparation avec ma grand mère (au moins deux, mais il n'est pas impossible qu'il y en ait plus). Je précise qu'il ne s'est jamais remarié après son divorce avec ma grand mère, ces autres enfants ont tous été faits hors mariage.
C'est par des lettres des deux autres mères qui ont été trouvées par une de ses ex compagnes qu'on est au courant mais il semble qu'il n'a jamais eu de contact avec eux et n'a jamais souhaité en avoir (donc il n'a vraisemblablement pas reconnu ces enfants). Un de ces enfants avait essayé de contacter ma mère il y a quelques temps mais mon grand père lui avait dit de l'ignorer (ce qu'elle avait fait, ne souhaitant pas risquer de conflit avec son père).
Mon grand père est récemment décédé et l'idée de prendre contact avec cette "demi-fratrie" revient un peu sur la table. Mon père pousse ma mère à les contacter. Je pense aussi que ça peut être positif pour elle bien sûr mais aussi pour eux, parce que j'ai vu beaucoup de reportages sur ces sujets donc je sais comme les personnes qui recherchent leur famille biologique peuvent être en souffrance (et au moins l'un d'eux semble avoir recherché son père).
Ma mère n'est pas insensible à cette idée mais quelques éléments la font hésiter. Ce qu'elle se demande principalement, c'est si ces enfants peuvent réclamer "leur" part de l'héritage.
Pour être clair ça n'a rien de mesquin/égoïste puisqu'il n'y a rien à hériter. Mon grand père n'était pas propriétaire, avait une petite retraite. Au moment où il est décédé il n'y avait même pas de quoi payer ses obsèques sur son compte en banque. Mais la simple idée de se retrouver à gérer des procédures judiciaires, etc, n'est évidemment pas plaisante pour ma mère. De plus la dernière compagne de mon grand père n'était probablement pas au courant de l'existence de ces enfants et il n'est pas nécessaire qu'elle l'apprenne.
Corrigez-moi si j'ai mal compris quelque chose mais de ce que j'ai lu sur internet, s'il n'a jamais reconnu ces enfants et n'a jamais vécu ni même interagi avec eux ("possession d'état" ?), ils ne sont pas ses enfants aux yeux de la loi ? Mais peuvent-ils quand même engager des procédures, même si ça n'a a priori aucune chance d'aboutir ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.
submitted by A201513 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:31 boldfrontiers Vintage Map - Japhet Europe

Vintage Map - Japhet Europe submitted by boldfrontiers to tergoventus [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:53 mostsensational Understanding the Importance of Hiring a Real Estate Appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas

Understanding the Importance of Hiring a Real Estate Appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas
When navigating the complex world of real estate, having an accurate understanding of property values is essential. Whether you are buying, selling, refinancing, or dealing with tax or legal matters, a professional real estate appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas, can provide invaluable insights. In this blog, we will explore the role of a real estate appraiser, the benefits of hiring one, and why Metroplex Appraisal is your best choice for reliable and accurate property appraisals.
What Does a Real Estate Appraiser Do?
A real estate appraiser is a certified professional who assesses the value of properties. They provide objective, unbiased opinions on the market value of real estate, which is crucial for various transactions and legal requirements. Appraisers evaluate multiple factors, including the property's location, condition, size, and comparable sales in the area, to determine its fair market value.
The Importance of Real Estate Appraisals
1) Accurate Valuation:
An accurate appraisal ensures that buyers and sellers agree on a fair price. For buyers, it helps avoid overpaying for a property, while sellers can ensure they are getting a reasonable return on their investment.
2) Mortgage Approval:
Lenders require an appraisal to determine the loan amount they are willing to offer. A reliable appraisal ensures that the lender's investment is secure and that the property value supports the loan amount.
3) Tax Assessments:
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your property. An accurate appraisal can help ensure you are not overpaying on property taxes and can be used to contest an assessment if necessary.
4) Estate Planning and Settlement:
Appraisals are essential for estate planning and settlement. They provide a clear understanding of property values for the equitable distribution of assets among heirs.
5) Divorce Settlements:
In divorce cases, an appraisal ensures that property assets are divided fairly, reflecting their true market value.
Why Hire a Professional Real Estate Appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas?
1) Local Market Knowledge:
A local appraiser has an in-depth understanding of the Fort Worth real estate market. They are familiar with neighborhood trends, market conditions, and other factors that influence property values in the area.
2) Accurate and Unbiased Reports:
Professional appraisers provide accurate and unbiased reports based on comprehensive data and analysis. This objectivity is crucial for making informed decisions in real estate transactions.
3) Compliance with Standards:
Certified appraisers adhere to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), ensuring that all appraisals are conducted ethically and professionally.
4) Expertise in Various Property Types:
Whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial properties, a professional appraiser has the expertise to evaluate different types of real estate accurately.
5) Peace of Mind:
Knowing that you have a reliable appraisal provides peace of mind. It ensures that your real estate transactions are based on accurate information, reducing the risk of financial losses.
Why Choose Metroplex Appraisal?
Metroplex Appraisal stands out as the premier choice for real estate appraisal services in Fort Worth, Texas. Here are some reasons why:
1) Experienced and Certified Appraisers:
Metroplex Appraisal has a team of experienced and certified appraisers who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every assignment. Their experience spans various property types and market conditions, ensuring precise and reliable appraisals.
2) Comprehensive Services:
Metroplex Appraisal offers a full range of services, including residential, commercial, and industrial property appraisals. Whether you need an appraisal for a single-family home, an office building, or a manufacturing facility, they have the expertise to handle it.
3) Local Market Expertise:
Their deep understanding of the Fort Worth real estate market allows Metroplex Appraisal to provide accurate valuations that reflect current market trends and conditions. This local expertise is crucial for ensuring that appraisals are relevant and precise.
4) Advanced Technology:
Utilizing the latest technology and industry best practices, Metroplex Appraisal ensures that their appraisal process is efficient and accurate. Their use of advanced tools and methodologies sets them apart from the competition.
5) Customer-Centric Approach:
Metroplex Appraisal is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and deliver personalized solutions. Their responsive and professional team is always available to address any questions or concerns.
6) Timely Delivery:
Understanding the time-sensitive nature of real estate transactions, Metroplex Appraisal is committed to delivering appraisal reports promptly. Their efficient processes ensure that clients receive their appraisals within the agreed timeframe.
Hiring a professional real estate appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas, is a critical step in any real estate transaction. The expertise, accuracy, and unbiased opinions provided by appraisers like those at Metroplex Appraisal can make all the difference in your buying, selling, or refinancing experience. With their comprehensive services, local market knowledge, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Metroplex Appraisal is the ideal choice for all your appraisal needs. Visit to learn more about their services and schedule your property appraisal today. Ensure that your real estate decisions are informed and accurate with the help of trusted professionals.
submitted by mostsensational to u/mostsensational [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:46 ContinuousT Requesting LO help! Xbox One S

Hey folks! So I have recently reinstalled FO4 and have been trying to set up a stable load order. Unfortunately I've been getting noticeable moments of lag from early on, and fairly regular CTD.
Most recently, I have tried installing FAR, the PRPs and other mods aimed at stability, but I don't think they've helped. If anyone could take a look at the load order I'd really appreciate it!

Endless Warfare
Workshop Framework
You and What Army (Updated Version)
[XB1] Integrated Commonwealth
[XB1] USO Base Game (core component of Unlocked Settlement Objects)
FAR - Faraway Area Reform (note - previously tried at top of load, and here, as far down as it will go)
[XB1] USO Season Pass (Add-on for Unlocked Settlement Objects)
You and What Army: Minutemen Overhaul
Endless Warfare DLC Conflict Patch
G2M - Workshop (Xbox)
Better Stores - Xbox One
[XB1] Building Budget Extender
Clean Water of the Commonwealth
Nytra's Performance Tweaks - Complete Pack
GFXWL w/o Color Saturation
Subversion: The Institute-Railroad Alliance Alternate Ending
Cheat Terminal [Xbox One]
Tina de Luca Voiced as a Settler with AI
Amazing Follower Tweaks FO4
Mojave Radio Freedom
WRVR - New Companion and Radio Station
Atomic Radio XB1
Allow Companions into Institute
Better Settlers XBOX
Better Settlers XBX MORTAL Pack
Moddable Robot Settlers
Who's the General - Minutemen Quest Cleanup
Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul
Companion and NPC's Face replacer
What's Your Name? by Pra (note - hasn't worked with settlers created by Cheat Terminal holotape, can't think of anything that adds an option to settlers that would create a conflict)
Crafting Framework - Ammo/Armor
Solar Street Lamps
Do It Yourshelf
Minutemen Morale Pack
Liberty Reborn: Ultimate Edition
Boston - Less Enemies
Dead financial district
[XB1] STC - Base Game
[XB1] STC - Automatron
[XB1] STC - Far Harbor
[XB1] STC - Vault-Tec Workshop
[XB1] STC - Nuka World
[XB1] STS - Scrap that Settlement
[XB1] STS - Automatron
[XB1] STS - Far Harbor
[XB1] STS - Vault-Tec Workshop
[XB1] STS - Nuka World
[XB1] STS - Extras - Living & Dead
[XB1] Build Anywhere
Place Anywhere
Quincy Rebuild
Reclaim the Airport - Boston Airport Settlement - XB1
(XB1) Wicked Workshop
Restoring The Castle
Taffington Boathouse Redone
Fallout 4 FPS Overdrive Alternative Xbox One
[XB1] Clean Faces Of Settlers
Start Me Up - Normal Dialogue Prompts
Start Me Up Patch For Far Harbor
Start Me Up Patch For Nuka World
PRP Lite - Financial District Type 1
PRP Lite - Corvega Type 1
PRP Lite - Boston Airport Type 1
PRP Lite - Boston Common Type 1
Workshop Framework - Script Override

So this is heavily-based on the As Gud As It Gets build from the premade section, along with a lot of my own choices, obviously, which I've tried to place appropriately, referring to the As Gud As It Gets guide and the template in A Vault Dweller's Load Order Survival Guide.
There is stuttering that often leads to crashes, practically from leaving Sanctuary, that I can't think of a cause for. More recently, there has been glitching in the vault - portions of the elevator turning invisible, though this seems secondary to the lagging in the wider world.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!

submitted by ContinuousT to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:38 Pre_Numpty Partner who may be unable to work in future has requested pre-nup to protect large lump sum - is this the right thing to do, am I emotional or naive? Are there resources that cover our more unique scenario?

Tldr: disabled partner has lump sum they may rely on if can no longer work. They asked for a pre-nup, I'm a bit hurt, and baffled whether necessary or who is the one financially at risk from marriage, and struggling to find resources or examples that match our situation.
We are two men in our 30s planning to marry, together for almost 6 years, and discussing marriage from about a year in. No kids and no plans for them. We both came into the relationship owning our own homes and have generally separate finances due to this, though we live in my home and split some expenses like groceries, socialising and pet care, and plan to both sell and move in together.
From the point it became clear my partner now had a disability (about 2 years into our relationship), I accepted I may be the main earner in the relationship at least in the short term, and perhaps forever. They currently are paid through income protection insurance, but we do not know how long this will last. We are both quite frugal people and don't need much to be happy, and they're my best friend and the person I want to get old and grey with, so it didn't really matter to me. I am now also my partner's registered unpaid carer. They don't require any physical care, but I take on perhaps 90% of the household responsibilities and all the cooking and have done the last few years.
Two-ish years ago, they found out they would be getting an unexpected large settlement claim (500k) for an incredibly significant loss they had suffered prior to our relationship. This lifted some of the weight from them in terms of worrying about being unable to work, and meant though at some point I may be the only wage earner, they now had much more financial security and things would certainly be less of a challenge in our future than anticipated.
Recently their solicitor handling the settlement advised they get a pre-nup to protect this sum before marriage. They took note and said they would feel safer that way. I have some feelings on this, probably more suited to relationships, as I wasn't even aware pre-nups were a thing in the UK and have only heard negative things. My partner is under the impression that should we marry, I would immediately be legally entitled to half of their money, and should we soon divorce and disagree on how things should be split, 50/50 would be the default position.
I was under the impression money from prior to marriage was considered separate, and should we divorce, we would have a discussion about separating any finances that were merged. I had always thought should it ever happen, we would be able to come to a fair conclusion, but signing up to something beforehand without any information on our future finances if we split was worrying to me, and I did say that frankly being asked did make me feel not trusted, and very much "what's yours is mine, but what's mine is my own."
I really want my partner to feel safe in what they have, but equally though I never considered their money something I could touch, I thought of marriage as a partnership where we would each want to use what we have to care for one another. Their attitude to protecting their money has made me uncomfortable, and has made me wonder if I'm thinking too emotionally, being unfair to them over something they are being logical about, or whether I'm being naive and putting myself at risk with my in it together attitude.
So, would a pre-nup work fairly for either of us in our more unusual scenario? Are there any legal resources or information that might cover this? Everything I can find is very nuclear family oriented!
submitted by Pre_Numpty to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:36 toenail78 "That One Link" for exclusive 25% off on the latest Meta games including Hunt Together, Gesture VR, GOLF+, Elven Assassin, Ghostbusters, Hello Neighbor Search and Rescue, Humanity, Eye of t Temple, Ghosts of Tabor, Gorn, Five Nights at Freddy's, Gorn plus 90 more to choose from!

If you've just got yourself a Meta 2 or 3 headset use this referral link and ta-da! We're both cashing in on a cool $30 each when it's activated however if you forgot to use a referral and it's been less than 7 days since your Quest activation, you can still grab your referral bonus. Follow the steps below (skip 1+2 if your Quest 2/3 is not yet activated):
  1. Delete your device here (Your purchased content remains on your account and can be redownloaded for free).
  2. Power on your Quest to confirm the reset. Avoid going through the initial setup at this stage.
  3. Activate my referral
  4. Set up your freshly reset Quest and link it to the account used for accepting the referral. Your store credit will be applied instantly. Enjoy your bonus! Don't worry if you forgot – there's still time to claim it. ​
One last thing: If you notice that the 25% off deal is only offering 10% and you have a referral code to offer just let me know and I'll swap it in so nobody else has to deal with those codes that have hit their limits. I'd rather hook you up than let that space go to waste. ​
Pro tip: If you're having trouble with links opening the Meta app but not displaying the discount, simply navigate to the store icon within the app. Then, go back and click on the link again, and the coupon should be applied as expected.
submitted by toenail78 to Meta_Quest3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:21 Barbapapaq Mariage en séparation de biens et (énorme) différence de mise de fonds pour l'achat d'une nouvelle maison.

Bonjour à tous !
Mon cœur romantique souhaite proposer en mariage ma douce, mais ma tête cartésienne peine à trouver une solution au dilemme suivant :
Ma douce, à l'exception de sa possibilité de RAPer et de CELIapp, ne dispose pas vraiment de mise de fonds. Bien qu'elle ait de bons revenus et que notre différence de revenus ne soit pas majeur (+- 30%), ceux-ci sont absorbés par le loyer de son logement actuel.
De mon côté, je possède une maison avec une hypothèque minime. En cas de vente, je disposerais de plus de 500 000 $ de capital. C'est un choix d'investissement que j'ai fait et qui constitue honnêtement une grande partie de mon plan de retraite (j'ai également des REER et un fonds de pension de mon employeur).
En résumé, je n'aurais aucun problème à céder 50 % de la plus-value de la maison, des REER et du fonds de pension en cas de divorce. Cependant, je m'inquiète de la perte de ma mise de fonds.
Malgré de multiples recherches, je n'arrive pas à trouver de solution, à part celle d'opter pour un mariage symbolique avec une entente de vie commune. La solution la plus proche sinon semble être la convention d'indivision, mais elle semble réservée aux conjoints de fait.
Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait des idées avec une valeur légale pour lesquelles je pourrais consulter un notaire ?
Note : Nous n'avons aucun enfant ni projet d'en avoir ensemble. Cependant, nous avons des enfants issus d'autres relations en garde partagée.
submitted by Barbapapaq to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:09 flatpiano [WTS] - Asian Slabs - ALL NEW INVENTORY

Hi all,
I have recently added about 115 new slabbed coins from my personal collection for sale (that down payment ain't gonna pay itself!). I will be posting them over the next couple of weeks, alongside my current inventory (~130 slabs). Today's post is all Asian slabs, featuring coins from Bhutan, Ceylon, China, French Indochina, India (British and princely states), Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Sarawak, Spanish Philippines, and the Straits Settlements.
Terms: All orders are +$5 for shipping. I accept Venmo, PPFF and Zelle. Chat and PM are both fine. Reasonable offers are welcome, particularly if interested in multiple items.
And a couple ancients technically from West Asia:
Check out my other posts here:
Spanish medieval, copper "pirate" cobs, and kingdom silver:
Belgium, British Isles, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, and more:
Asia, Latin America, Africa and Oceania:
Feel free to send me a message if there's anything specific you're looking for. These posts are only a fraction of what I have available.
submitted by flatpiano to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:25 shawster23 Terrence Howard Invokes Spirit, the Lead of Millenialism

Terrence Howard Invokes Spirit, the Lead of Millenialism
Terrence Howard is leverage for a greater plan.
David Nino Rodriguez covers the recent JRE interview with Archaix.
In Terrence Howard's own words in another recent interview... "As an actor you're more like a medium... You really divorce yourself of who you are, and you just become a garment that something else puts on..." Terrence Howard on Daphne Wynn
Millenialism is the false coming of a societies messiah known as the coming of the antichrist and is marked by a distinct rebellion of the "status quo" demanding a revolution hits before the salvation/utopia by God occurs. Seemingly, a political arm devised by the government to leverage society to bring about reformation in a directed manner. This tactic seems often leveraged throughout the annals of time and may have been prolifically sought after by leading empires of their times.
It's hard to say to what degree this is being performed deliberately because of the massive implications. Imo it is a sort of orchestrated cycle on a grand scale that is potentially unavoidable and so it is a sort of "gateway" for powerful groups to exercise their machines.
Millenialism has tried to marry itself with these terms and certain phrases in order to garner a certain trust from specific public and private sectors; Metempsychosis, Palingenesis, Reincarnation, Recapitulation, Rebirth, Recreation, Transmigration, "Burning of a World-Phoenix", "Fin de siecle", "Newbirth of Society"
Bilan fin-de-siècle ! Promettre et tenir sont deux », caricature anti-républicaine par Achille Lemot, journal Le Pèlerin.
Movement hallmarks include- Ennui/Boredom, Pessimism and Decadence in society.
This movement is Pro- Emotionalism, Irrationalism, Subjectivism, and Vitalism.
It is Anti- Materialism, Positivism, Rationalism, Bourgeois Society and Liberal Democracy.
The Scream (1893), an expressionist painting by Edvard Munch, is a prominent cultural symbol of the fin de siècle era.
In short, the theory is that society is being engineered by powerful groups of people with a common goal to dictate the thoughts and behaviors of society while utilizing a special cycle that occurs within humanity periodically giving a large advantage to the success of the agenda. Deeper within this theory is the respondence of natural events being of a higher intelligence that has been interacting with humanity on a large scale and the groups who practice social engineering actively seeking guidance on how to better achieve success through the correspondence of the natural phenomena.
submitted by shawster23 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:16 aek427 Re-post DRS to remove barcode

Re-post DRS to remove barcode submitted by aek427 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:35 bologna-gravy What to do with $35k savings? Pay off Auto Loan?

As the title states, I have saved over $35,000 that is sitting in a savings account with 1.8% interest (I believe - based on my monthly interest of just over $50 last month). Trying to decide how to best utilize it.
Background to answer any potential questions: I had been saving for a down payment for a house, however I have been battling with my ex husband for years to sign the divorce papers before I purchase. I’ve finally got him to come to an agreement (children involved so parenting order and child support order has to be finalized before divorce is granted). It will still take a few months to finalize so I’ve decided to wait at least another year before I reapply for a mortgage (was previously preapproved last year but the offer expired waiting for him).
The money I have saved has all been in the last 3-4 years. We have been legally separated for over 5 years, so he should not have any claim to it. We had no division of matrimonial property or debts to deal with. He doesn’t know I have it and I made sure to write in the divorce settlement all assets, property, debts etc incurred since the date of separation is the sole responsibility of the party that acquired it.
I had been considering investing it, possibly into a GIC while I wait to buy a house. However after reading a substantial amount of helpful information in this subreddit, I now realize the best strategy is if if the interest received from savings is greater than interest paid on a debt, keeping the investment is the smarter option. If interest owed is more than interest earned, paying off the debt is more beneficial. This makes sense to me.
So, now comes my auto loan. In November 2022, I purchased a new (to me) SUV as I had finished paying off the one I had that I hated. The total purchase price including fees (no taxes as I am a status Indian and the dealership was on a tax exempt land for status natives, lucked out!) was around $39,000 and my trade in was $8000. My total loan amount was just over $31,000. 72 month term, 8.49% interest, $254.55 biweekly payments, which I have comfortably afforded. My sale contract says my total interest is $8641 and further down says total cost of borrowing $8706. No penalty for paying the loan off early.
As of today, my online loan account says: Balance amount: $24,339.51 Annual interest rate: 8.490% Total payout amount today: $24,353.39
Am I correct in thinking paying my loan off completely, and putting that $254.55 biweekly back into my savings account is the most financially beneficial decision?
I am not a gambler, so investments with risks scare me, as I cannot afford to suffer a potential loss, as it took a lot of time and hard work to save what I have.
If I pay off my auto loan, I will still have a $10,000 safety net, and would be adding $800 a month back into my savings account as opposed to the current minimum $200 a month I add.
I think I know the answer, but growing up poor and never seeing this amount of money before, has me nervous to hand over such a large sum in one shot.
Am I making the right decision here?
Any advice appreciated!
submitted by bologna-gravy to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:27 Big_Boi_VII Legal Advice Regarding Parent's Divorce

The long story short is my friend's parents have gone through a messy divorce over the last few years. Leading up to the settlement date her father gave her and her sister £10,000 each which, afaik, was recorded for the court so her mother and the court knew this was given. Her dad told her that this was a gift intended for big lifetime investments, i.e. house deposit or studying a Masters. Now a couple weeks after the settlement, he has asked both her and her sister to give the money back as the divorce obviously financially hurt him more than he had anticipated. Her main concern is the legality of this and would it count hiding money or fraud. Thank you!
submitted by Big_Boi_VII to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:53 Old-String-3345 good luck paying that :3

good luck paying that :3 submitted by Old-String-3345 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:47 Poutcheki (Vidéo) – Supposé divorce de Momo Dieng et sa femme : Cheikh Ahmed Cissé et Adamo s’en mêlent et prennent position

(Vidéo) – Supposé divorce de Momo Dieng et sa femme : Cheikh Ahmed Cissé et Adamo s’en mêlent et prennent position submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]