Which pharmacies carry sandoz aderall

I feel like my body is breaking down - lower back pain, muscle cramps, on brink of collapse

2024.06.09 08:48 Ok_Holiday3814 I feel like my body is breaking down - lower back pain, muscle cramps, on brink of collapse

Background: 46F Diagnosed with POI at age 36 Medications: taking these regularly: Estradot 50, Prometrium 200, Vyvanse 30mg; and taking these maybe 2-3x a week: escitalopram 10mg, bupropion 300mg
Took blood pressure at Safeway pharmacy yesterday evening and it was 118/79.
This may be an odd one, but I genuinely don’t know the right direction to get some support and motivation.
For the last three months I’ve had lower back pain. Never had that before. It’s dead center, not favoring one side, so right above my spine. It’s not shooting pain, but rather that pain where being seated or laying down is painful. Today to get into my car I had to support my weight by putting my hands on the seat to then slowly get in.
I’ve also had quite a lot of eye strain/pressure in my left eye. I’d say also for over 2 months, probably close to 3 months as well. By evenings my eyes water to the point that I wouldn’t be able to drive. If I close them and dab things with Kleenex, after a few minutes the watering will have stopped. The strain/pressure in my left eye comes and goes a bit. Often it’ll go away for a few hours, if I’m lucky even up to a couple of days, but usually it’s there. I had my eyes checked 3 months ago and things overall were fine, other than the optometrist mentioning that the slight adjustment in prescription needed is because I’m at the age where apparently one loses a bit more of that near-sighted vision (for last 3 decade glasses have always been for distance correction only). And I’m still wearing the same glasses now.. I got a pair of progressives a couple of weeks ago, but only occasionally wear them for reading extra small print.
I have also for the last past few months been getting leg cramps. Mostly at night so I wake up from them, and I would say 95% of the time in my left leg. While previously on rare occasions when I’d get these they’d go away in a minute or two, these are longer lasting, like 5-10 minutes. I can only get them under control by getting up and trying to walk. I’ve been ensuring that I take in electrolytes and I always drink at minimum 2L of water a day, and easily more.
To give you some additional background, I took on a higher professional/leadership role last year. Good company, interesting projects, and great people. However, it has me working 60-70 hour weeks, which has been the case for six months now. This past week I was averaging 16-17 hours every day. All fast-paced: messages non-stop, lots of meetings, pressing deadlines, never take lunches, never have breakfast or dinner really, just whatever I can grab along the way and eat quickly while doing other things.
I used to be active and every weekend would hike/XC ski/etc for long days. Think 25km hikes with 1,000m elevation gains and the like. Now, I haven’t done that once in the last six months and can feel my body braking down. My joints hurt. I’ll almost walk into walls at home because I’m so exhausted. Without exaggeration, I don’t even know if I could walk 2km now. On Friday my work laptop cap was even a struggle to carry to the office. I have a hard time finding the strength to open glass jars. And my eating habits have been horrible. Think cookies and such for most meals; things that are quick to grab. I don’t enjoy cooking, and when I come home mate at night that’s the last thing I want to do.
Oh, I had blood work (CBB, urinalysis, liver panel, thyroid, etc) checked at my annual exam end of last year and that was all good.
I know I need to start moving, eating better, and getting more than 4 hours of sleep. I’m afraid of what this is doing to my heart health and everything else. I’ve also gained 20 pounds so now have a BMI of 28.
How can I figure out a simple plan to get me going, start small, but make steady progress?
(Just changing jobs again isn’t an option for a multitude of reasons. And I’m trying to hustle as I want to get out of the city so bad. I feel with all the noise and such of living downtown, there is too much stimulation for me here. And I just feel miserable because living in a small condo isn’t working for me anymore, but whereas four years ago I was super close to getting a home, real estate having gone up 40-50% here in that time makes it feel like such a battle. I’m normally a homebody, so a calm, soothing home, with a tiny bit of outdoor space is really important to me).
Is this just stress, or would the back pain, muscle cramps, and watering eyes require further evaluation.?
submitted by Ok_Holiday3814 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:44 Emotional-Research24 My experience of PMDD - i think I’m going to get through luteal unscathed 😬

I’m 39 and I’ve been suffering from PMDD for over 25 years.
Like many, I was diagnosed with depression at a young age, and subsequently bipolar and BPD. These diagnoses never sat right with me, as I am fairly high functioning when not in luteal phase. I’ve been prescribed every SSRI you can think of, SNRIs, trycyclics, lithium (!) but nothing ever seemed to help. I’ve also done DBT, MBT, CBT and I see a therapist most weeks.
A few years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD, and subsequently made the connection between my cycle and my symptoms. All my ADHD shit is heightened during luteal to the point that life becomes unmanageable. I am prescribed 300mg bupropion, which helps somewhat, but not enough for me to be a functioning human being during danger week. I regularly throw grenades into my life: messing up at work, ruining relationships etc.
On a good month I am irritable, tearful, fatigued, depressed and I retreat to my bed for 2-3 days; on bad months I have lots of SI and make plans or attempt to unalive myself.
I live a healthy life, meditate every morning, exercise most days, eat well etc, and have been taking the following supplements/medication for a couple of years:
In spite of this, I still tend to have a fairly rough ride.
But this month feels different.
I’m on day 23 of my cycle, the beginning of my danger week… and I seem to be ok. I’m conscious of speaking too soon, however at the moment I feel like I’ve got this.
After doing a lot of research, I decided to add famotidine (20mg generic) and fexofenadine (120mg Allevia) to my morning meds cocktail during luteal (started 5 days ago), and asides from feeling a bit tired, a little weepy and a tad irritable, I’m doing well.
[I bought the Allevia from Boots and was prescribed the famotidine from an online pharmacy for acid reflux - it’s available OTC in the states, but not in the UK.]
This is a staggering improvement from last month. I’ve even had some challenging life events to deal with, and I am actually dealing rather than falling apart and taking to my bed. I don’t feel unloveable and like everyone hates me, I’m able to focus at work, and I’m not spiralling into unhealthy thought patterns and self-medicating with diazepam.
If you’ve not looked into either of these drugs, I would advise you do some research. If things carry on as they have been for me, this is going to significantly improve my life. I’d go as far as to say that this could save my life.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for allowing me to join your community.
submitted by Emotional-Research24 to PMDDSharing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:07 Dr_____strange Poor are sometimes richest.

TLDR :- A poor coconut seller refused to take money for 10 slices from the doctor becuase he got his treatment for free at a government hospital, where the treatment is supposed to be free.
I was working in an outpatient department of a government hospital in a rural part of India. There used be around 150 patients per day in the outpatient department in the department i was working in. I was the on who used to arrive at 9 am and my senior resident would arrive by 10 or 10.30.
We also had a pharmacy in the hospital which has around 60-70 medicines available and these medicines are free. Like you pay 6 cents for registration in the hospital when you areive and after that consultation and the medicine which are available inside are free and the medicines which are not available inside can be bought at various pharmacies just outside the hospital.
Now for the story. A person came to the opd. This guy sells coconut flesh by cutting it into slices which are enough for 2 or 3 bites.How do i know it ? He came with the plate he carries the coconut in. He had fallen from his bicycle and got a few scratches and a minor wound. I saw him told him that he just needs wound cleaning and dressing and no stiches were needed. I gave him the tetanus shot, wrote him the medicines {painkillers, antibiotic, iodine based ointment} and told him that he would not need to buy anything from outside and everything should be available inside and he should come day after tomorrow for a follow up and get the dressing changed. I also told him that he shouldn't but the medicines from outside as these would cost him about 500-600 Indian rupees {6-7 US $} from outside. I added this line because sometimes people can be doubtful of medicines they get for free and decide to buy from outside. And this would have been the amount he would earn in an entire day or 2.
Now after all that he asked him if i wanted a coconut. Remember he had his plates of coconut still in his hand. I told him yes sure, washed my hand and got one and then told him to give one to each of staff in the department, about 10 people. He came back after giving them and i asked him how much, he said no, no there is no need for money. We had a little back and forth with this me asking how much and he refusing. Finally he surrendered and told me the amount {150 Rupees/ 2$} and i paid him and he went away never to be seen again.
This made me think this poor man was one of the richest person at heart i have ever seen.
submitted by Dr_____strange to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:46 Stage-Piercing727 Best Evergreen Herbal Supplements

Best Evergreen Herbal Supplements

Looking for nature's best to enhance your health and well-being? Let us take you on a journey through the world of Evergreen Herbal Supplements. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the top products that harness the power of nature's most potent herbs, to help you lead a healthier, more vibrant life. So, whether you're a health enthusiast or just someone seeking a natural boost, get ready to explore a world of green healing with us.
From potent turmeric capsules to rejuvenating ashwagandha extracts, our roundup covers the best of Evergreen's herbal supplements. Join us as we delve into the benefits of each product, uncover their ancient origins, and arm you with the knowledge you need to make informed choices about your health and well-being.

The Top 5 Best Evergreen Herbal Supplements

  1. Slimming Tea Evergreen Leaves - Evergreen Leaves Brand Extra Strength California Dieters' Drink: The ancient China royalty formula, a caffeine-free dietary supplement made from natural oriental herbs for detox and weight loss support.
  2. Adrenal & Focus Nootropic Supplement - USDA Organic - Experience enhanced focus and overall health with Evergreen Herbal Supplements' potent Adrenal & Focus Herbal Blend, formulated to support your adrenals and maintain a calm, focused state.
  3. Extra Strength California Dieter's Herbal Tea for Weight Management - Evergreen Leaves Extra Strength California Dieters Herbal Tea helps maintain your weight and fights abdominal distention, with 120 tea bags included in the set.
  4. Cascara Sagrada Supplement by Oregon's Wild Harvest - Oregon's Wild Harvest Cascara Sagrada Supplement promotes natural bowel function, free from artificial additives and allergens, verified as non-GMO by SGS.
  5. Palo Guaco Capsules for Snake Bite Relief - Evergreen Herbs Palo Guaco Capsules offer a tamper-proof seal for freshness, promoting traditional Native American remedies like treating snake bites and preventing them by warding off snakes with the plant's strong aroma.
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🔗Slimming Tea Evergreen Leaves

I recently had the pleasure of trying Evergreen Leaves' Extra Strength California Dieters' Drink. As someone who loves herbal tea, I was excited to give this one a go. The ancient Chinese royalty formula that it's based on caught my eye immediately, and the fact that it's made from all-natural oriental herbs with no added caffeine was a big bonus.
However, I must say that my experience was a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, the 20 herbal tea bags ensure you'll have plenty of tea to last you quite some time, and the lack of preservatives or chemical additives is definitely a plus. However, I did find that the taste was quite strong, and it took some getting used to. Additionally, the net weight of 1.76 oz wasn't as substantial as I'd hoped.
Overall, while Evergreen Leaves' Extra Strength California Dieters' Drink was an interesting experience, it might not be for everyone. If you're a fan of strong herbal tea and prefer natural products, it's definitely worth giving a try. But if you're new to the world of herbal tea or prefer a milder taste, you might want to look for something a little different.

🔗Adrenal & Focus Nootropic Supplement - USDA Organic

I recently discovered this amazing Adrenal & Focus Herbal Blend and it has truly been a game changer in my daily life. As someone who juggles a demanding job, caring for my family, and trying to manage stress, I was excited to try this blend of adaptogenic and Nervine herbs that claim to help calm and relax while improving focus.
From the moment I started using it, I noticed an improvement in my ability to handle stress. It's as if my body is better equipped to manage stressors, allowing me to stay calm and focused throughout the day. I particularly love taking a dropperful in the morning to kickstart my day and keep me focused at work.
One of the things that really stood out to me about this product is its potent formula. Unlike other supplements I've tried in the past, this one packs a real punch and I can feel its effects almost immediately. The other major highlight for me is the taste - it's slightly minty and herbal, but not overpowering. I even enjoy taking it on its own without adding it to a drink.
As with any supplement, it's important to speak with your doctor before using it, especially if you're taking any medications. However, overall, I've been extremely happy with my experience using this Adrenal & Focus Herbal Blend. It's definitely worth trying out if you're looking for a natural way to improve your ability to focus and manage stress.

🔗Extra Strength California Dieter's Herbal Tea for Weight Management

I hope you're ready for a story, because let me tell you about my experience with Evergreen Leaves Extra Strength California Dieters Herbal Tea. I had just come back from a particularly indulgent vacation filled with fried chicken, ice cream, and more steak than I could count. Needless to say, I was feeling weighed down and sluggish. After hearing about the miraculous cleansing properties of this tea, I decided to give it a try.
First things first, I appreciated the fact that this tea was completely natural and free from any harmful additives or caffeine. It's always a relief knowing exactly what you're putting into your body! When I started brewing my first cup, I could already smell the herbal aroma that filled my kitchen - a promising sign.
Once I took my first sip of the warm, slightly bitter liquid, I braced myself for the detoxifying effects that so many users raved about. And boy, did they deliver! Within just a few hours, I could feel my body cleansing itself from the inside out. While the sensation was certainly intense at times, I knew it was all part of the process.
In terms of pros, I have to emphasize the effectiveness of this tea in helping maintain a healthy weight and keeping your potty chores regular (if you know what I mean). I also love the fact that it's 100% natural, making it a safe and reliable choice for anyone looking to cleanse their system.
However, on the cons side, some users might find the strong herbal taste a bit overpowering. Additionally, due to its potent nature, it's important to make sure you're near a bathroom when you first start using it.
But overall, Evergreen Leaves Extra Strength California Dieters Herbal Tea has definitely become a staple in my daily routine. So go ahead and give it a try - your body will thank you!

🔗Cascara Sagrada Supplement by Oregon's Wild Harvest

As a fan of herbal supplements, I've been using Oregon's Wild Harvest Cascara Sagrada Supplement for quite some time now. This potent little capsule has consistently helped me maintain regularity without the harsh synthetic chemicals found in many over-the-counter laxatives. What I truly appreciate about this supplement is how it's made with pure, high-quality ingredients and free of artificial flavors, colors, excipients, or stearates. It even comes with the added security of being verified as non-GMO by a third-party independent lab.
One of the key features that stood out to me is how incredibly gentle yet effective it is in promoting bowel function. As someone with a sensitive digestive system, I can attest to the fact that this supplement does its job without causing any discomfort or cramping. Plus, I love that it's free from allergens like dairy, wheat, gluten, peanuts, soy, and corn, making it perfect for people with specific dietary restrictions.
The only minor drawback I've experienced is the occasional adjustment period it takes for my body to get used to the supplement. However, this is a common issue with any dietary change, and it tends to pass within a few days.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with Oregon's Wild Harvest Cascara Sagrada Supplement and would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a natural solution for digestive irregularity.

🔗Palo Guaco Capsules for Snake Bite Relief

I've been using the Evergreen Herbs Palo Guaco capsules for around a year now, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer! As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, I'm always on the lookout for natural remedies to keep with me for those unexpected situations.
One of the standout features of this product is its versatility. Palo Guaco can be prepared in various forms, including beverages, capsules, and teas. Its traditional use by Native Americans, particularly as a remedy for snake bites, speaks volumes about its potency.
The tamper-proof seal on the capsules is another highlight. I appreciate how it ensures freshness and potency of the herb. I found the capsules easy to take and convenient to carry on hikes or camping trips.
On the downside, it's not widely known or readily available. It took me a while to discover this gem. But once I did, I was hooked! I love how it can be used both to treat and prevent bites from venomous snakes, making it perfect for those adventurous trips.
In conclusion, the Evergreen Herbs Palo Guaco capsules have made a significant difference in my outdoor endeavors. Its versatility, potency, and the convenience of the capsules make it a must-have for anyone who loves spending time in nature.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features of Evergreen Herbal Supplements

Incorporating evergreen herbal supplements into your daily routine can offer a variety of health benefits, including improved mood, increased energy levels, better digestive health, and even enhancement of immune function. However, when purchasing these products, it is crucial to consider a few key features:
  1. Quality: Ensure that the supplement is sourced from high-quality, organically grown plants, to guarantee maximum potency and purity.
  2. Standardization: Check whether the herbal supplement's active compounds are standardized to ensure consistent potency, as required by federal standards.
  3. Reputable Brand: Choose a reputable brand that follows good manufacturing practices (GMP). This guarantees the product's safety, efficacy, and overall quality.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Evergreen Herbal Supplements

Before making a purchase, consider the following:
  • Your personal health needs: Consult a healthcare professional or herbalist to determine which herbs may be most beneficial for you, and always follow dosing recommendations carefully.
  • Allergies or sensitivities: Some individuals may experience adverse reactions to certain herbs, so be sure to check the ingredient list for any allergens or sensitivities.
  • Interactions with medications: Some herbs may interact with prescription medications, so it's essential to discuss any potential interactions with your healthcare provider before adding supplements to your routine.

General Advice on Using Evergreen Herbal Supplements

When incorporating evergreen herbal supplements into your daily routine, keep the following advice in mind:
  • Start with a low dose: Begin with a smaller dosage to assess how your body reacts to the herbs and gradually increase as needed.
  • Take supplements consistently: For optimal benefits, take supplements daily at consistent times and adhere to the recommended dosage.
  • Choose the right form: Evergreen herbs are available in various forms such as capsules, tinctures, teas, and powders. Choose the form that best suits your needs and preferences.



What are herbal supplements?

Herbal supplements are products derived from plants, algae, fungi, or bacteria that are used to enhance or maintain overall health and well-being. They're often used as a complementary or alternative medicine to traditional medicines and may come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, tea, or liquid extracts.

How do herbal supplements work?

Herbal supplements work through various mechanisms including stimulating or inhibiting certain enzymes, modulating immune system activity, or altering the production of hormones. Their effectiveness can vary depending on factors like dosage, quality, and individual response.

What are some common herbal supplements?

Some common herbal supplements include Echinacea, Ginseng, Garlic, Ginkgo biloba, St. John's Wort, Saw Palmetto, Black Cohosh, Valerian, Ginger, and Milk Thistle.

How should I take herbal supplements?

Always follow the product label's instructions for dosage and use. Speak to your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you're pregnant, nursing, or have any chronic health conditions.


Are herbal supplements safe?

While many herbal supplements are safe when used according to the guidelines, some can interact with medications or have side effects. The FDA only regulates the production and labeling of herbal supplements, not their safety or efficacy. Hence, it's crucial to research and consult a healthcare professional before taking them.

How can I choose a high-quality herbal supplement?

Look for brands with high production standards, third-party testing, and clear ingredient lists. Also, consider certifications like USDA Organic and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Lastly, remember that the 'best' supplements quality largely depends on your individual needs and health status.

Can herbal supplements treat diseases?

No, herbal supplements aren't meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Instead, they're meant to maintain or enhance overall health and well-being.

How long does it take for herbal supplements to work?

This depends on the specific product and individual response. Some herbs may provide immediate effects, while others may take weeks to show improvements. Always allow sufficient time to see results, but also be cautious of any signs or symptoms that may indicate a problem.

Why are some herbal supplements more expensive than others?

Expensive herbal supplements often use rare ingredients, have undergone extensive research or come from reputable brands with high production standards. However, price doesn't always guarantee quality, so it's important to do your research.

Where can I buy reliable herbal supplements?

You can purchase herbal supplements from health food stores, pharmacies, online retailers, and direct from the manufacturer's website. It's important to buy from trusted sources that adhere to safety and quality standards.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:54 DruidWonder Keep watching or not?

After some hesitation, I decided to give season 6 a chance and I just finished it. I love zombie shit, I've seen it all. I'm honestly finding the show formulaic, predictable, and not really that scary anymore. The zombies are not really that big of a threat, besides their sheer numbers. The show is just a human drama about evil humans and the zombies are just... there. I think season 1-2 captured the ambience I was looking for in a zombie show, but it started to lose its effect after that.
Examples of repetitiveness:
I bring all this up because there are many more seasons to go and I want to know if these patterns change at all. Don't get me wrong, I know how to suspend my disbelief to enjoy something, but this show is making it harder to do. I don't need spoilers, I just need to know if they make any attempts at nuance or upping the stakes in a real way, or if it's just going to be same shit different pile. After season 6 I pretty much want to give up but I'm not 100% sold on doing so. The show is not scary at all anymore. The villains are annoyingly one-sided AF and the zombies are just non-threatening... you can stop them by putting up a clothes line. If this show had zombies like 28 Days Later or even World War Z, I would be hooked. So far, I'm really enjoying The Last of Us for this reason. The zombies are strong, fast, everywhere in high numbers, and you can barely let them touch you without getting infected. The only thing I'm not liking about that show is that there's not enough zombies after a certain episode. In WD there are always zombies but they are mostly not scary.
EDIT: They just killed Glen for no real reason other then dramatic effect. And the new warlord sounds like an adolescent man. Every villain in this show talks exactly the same. The same smile, same cadence, same dumb jokes, same grandiosity. It's like this is what the writers think an evil person should sound like, so they copied + pasted it for every villain. I'm pretty much done watching. (I watched the next episode after I made my post, hence this edit.)
Omg, and the "king" with the really bad dreadlock wig lmao... I just can't.
Thanks for reading my long ass rant, lol. And sorry if you're a fan of the show, I'm not trying to take pot shots.
submitted by DruidWonder to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:34 Fmlx5000 Which Pharmacy Altreno?

What pharmacy so ya’ll get Altreno from? Im getting a prescription today and wondering where to have my doc send it. I usually get my scripts filled at costco but i dont think they carry it. Amazon Pharmacy has it priced at $156 which seems high. On this subreddit people have said they get it once from walgreens and then cant ever get a refill. Pharmacys around me are CVS, Target CVS, Walgreens, Costco, Fred Meyer, Amazon Pharmacy and Rite Aid. Any suggeations?
submitted by Fmlx5000 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:13 noturprettylilthing Recent diagnosis after years of pain, new to this and struggling

I (39f) started having intestinal pain about 9 years ago. Saw several doctors, saw gastroenterologist and had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and they didn't see much. So I was sent on my way with a " hey, you might have Celiac but we can't be sure because all your biopsies are borderline" I tried a gluten-free diet for a while and didn't feel much difference. Eventually the stomach pain went away and I was free and clear for a couple years. More recently, couple years ago, I started having some real issues. I was going through some mental health problems and it greatly exacerbated whatever was going on with my intestines. So again I went to a gastroenterologist and this time when they did the colonoscopy, my new doctor saw some markers that could possibly indicate Crohn's. He prescribed me some medications to treat the inflammation and I took them and felt a lot better after several months. Little did I know that My response to the treatment was further indication of possible Crohn's. Fast forward a year or two later, I had another new doctor, this one who actually did away more testing than just a scope and those tests plus the tracking of all my tests and symptoms over the years confirmed the Crohn's disease as of September of last year.
And it figures that right after my diagnosis is when I started putting some pieces together after having some weird episodes. Fatigue so intense that I could barely walk without feeling like I was going to fall over. Joint pain and inflammation. Back pain that Tylenol and muscle relaxers could not relieve. Migraines. I've gotten migraines off and on throughout the years but they had started coming more regularly to the point where I got a piercing to help alleviate them (I was desperate but it actually worked!)
I'm sure some of this stuff can be attributed to Crohn's but I was wondering if all of it might? What do I do on the days where I'm just so tired and physically exhausted? How can I help with the joint pain? I can't take NSAIDS, I know, and I don't like opiates. I also have ADHD, severe anxiety and depression. All of which I am treating with other meds. It just sometimes feels like a lot, I carry around a little pharmacy with me and it's just so exhausting and I've only been at it a few months/years. When they actually called me with the diagnosis (on my birthday, no less) I was rather upbeat about it. I said "I know there's going to come a day when it really really sucks so I'm saving my tears for then". Right now, when it all feels like it's piling on me, it's one of those days. I haven't been started on immunosuppressants yet. My doctor didn't feel like I was that far along yet. Although, in our last visit, I think she's considering it given all the issues I've been having. Anyway, I just wanted someone to talk to.
submitted by noturprettylilthing to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:50 amazonchic2 struggling with tasks

Now that Vyvanse has generics available, the name brand is crazy expensive on our insurance. (My friend only pays $25/month for her son's Vyvanse. I'm jealous.) None of the pharmacies in our area even carry the generics for various reasons, and that's ok because I know Vyvanse works for me. However, I have only filled it twice this year due to the finances of affording the $350/month it costs on our insurance.
I am working so hard to try to clean out our home and declutter. My kids are done with school tomorrow and can then help me more with these tasks. My husband keeps moving things around on me, which really sets me off when I am trying to complete a task. I set the goal of completing one task each day when it comes to decluttering.
I am trying to manage my somewhat irrational anger at him not asking me before moving things around. For example, I was cleaning out my vehicle and parked it in the driveway instead of the garage. I had to use the bathroom, and he came home while I was indisposed and started to pull the car into the garage. I pounded on the bathroom window to alert him that I didn't want him to do this. Ugh!
I just asked him later to please communicate with me before moving things.
This past week I was cleaning off our back deck. It started raining, and the wood was slippery. My husband had moved our patio furniture around so I had to move it back to get to the pieces I was putting to the curb. I almost slipped and fell on the slippery wood. (My husband is home on partial disability from slipping on the ice at work this winter. He broke his ankle, resulting in multiple surgeries and a 6 month stay home from work.) I didn't want to break my body, so I just came in and waited until the rain ended and things dried out to finish cleaning off the deck.
I did explain to him what it is like being only partially medicated for ADD (since I space out my medication because it's so expensive). It is so hard to get tasks done between my own work, managing kids, making meals, etc. Having someone come and mess up my progress on these decluttering projects really ruffles my feathers. We agreed that I will tell him when I'm mid-project, and he will hopefully ask before moving things. He just comes home from work and assumes any messes need to be cleaned up by him, so he goes to town "putting stuff away" even if I am working on sorting through a pile of our belongings.
submitted by amazonchic2 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:02 usernamechecksout67 Anti-helpful DBPD officer with superiority complex

On the way back from the pharmacy and one intersection from my neighborhood on ISB, I encountered a roadblock created by a DBPD cruiser. I got out of the car and cordially explained to the officer (Harrell) that I carry temperature-sensitive medication that needs refrigeration, as well as some perishables. The accident blocking the road is two intersections away, and I promised to exit at the next intersection. She refused my request and belligerently threatened arrest if I did not leave. She said, "You laugh, but people have died" (I suppose she perceived my squinting to sunlight as snickering).
Following this response, I went back to the car, pulled over, and contacted the non-emergency line three times. Each time, I was promised that an officer on the scene would call me within 10 minutes to resolve the issue. This continued for 30 minutes until a resident of our neighborhood, whom I suspect was an off-duty officer returning home in his personal car, spoke with her and obtained permission to pass the roadblock and go home. Then she began allowing other neighbors to pass until she reached me and asked to see my license. I explained that my license is addressed elsewhere, showing her my car registration instead. She refused to let me pass and proceeded to check cars behind me.
Upon her return, I requested her business card (to which she showed me her name tag and responded that she had none). I called 911 in front of her and, this time, less politely complained about her on the phone to her face. Two minutes into the phone call, she took my license and registration, went to the car, and returned to let me pass.
submitted by usernamechecksout67 to DaytonaBeach [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 01:48 Piggietoenails What is happening with Orally Disintegrating Clonazepam?

Hello. I’m so exhausted, I’m pain, infuriated, and anxiety through the roof,
Each mo I have go call CVS 3 days in advance of my refill on Orally Disintegrating Clonazepam for then to order it. They do sometimes others times they say it has to be refill day but they know they don’t have it. Other times they fill with what they have but not as partial, they run it on insurance I pay $15, take as many days as it covers, round robin on getting the rest in stock, have rest filled run again pay again, then I have full 22 days. Yes I don’t do 30 because they would never have in stock, it is a large order, I was able to get 3 boxes for awhile no issues. Never 4 that’s why I did math asked for 22.5 days which is 3 boxes. Goes in as 22 days
Now CVS ALL OF THEM made it where you can’t call. You have leave your number and like a 10 second message maybe 30. They never call back. I have another script they filled for 30 days of a different med, they put they filled for 90 in system but bottle clearly says 30 that is way past due. I should have called sooner as of last week they send all calls to VM.
They are always rude. I’m always having to figure it out each month it is so stressful. It fill falls on weekend….well they don’t get controlled substances delivered on weekends, why I don’t know. My primary was out of country on vacation, she is private,so I pay a fee each year for her time. She is easy to fill things is one reason, she’s also a great doctor that spends hours with you. But she never says when she is going on vacation so I can plan, like I needed hand X-rays and yes my refills.
I texted her and she said she would do it. But husband called office to tell her manager to let us know when she sends. Instead she had covereage doc fill two controlled scrips. He won’t do full orders. He did 7 days of one, incorrectly, and 5 days of Clonazepam. She said she would fix his mistake on 7 day med but not 5 days not hearing me that it was only 5 days and they were holding 2 boxes for me and planned to order the there’d at pick up next da y. Instead I received 5 days and they placed no order as she didn’t send new script at all until Tues back in office, I needed it today. I take less than prescribed I store away for things like this, but it has been so bad I am running out.
I asked HER to call to see if they had any in stock to do the above split or when it would be there, she said ok, but never heard back 24 hours ago.
Husband went to drive through and they said by 6pm tomorrow but who really knows. I don’t go inside CVS I am immune compromised and even in my N95 I am not comfortable standing in line with sick people. I need the call. How can they all BLOCK us? What if an emergency occurs with meds and need pharmacist advice???
I called every independent pharmacy. I went to two different ones over last 4 years. They would keep in stock. I have refills so isn’t s waste to have them! CVS doesn’t have normal meds on stock.
No independent pharmacy has, they all say their supplier is having issues with Par and don’t carry Teva. I hate Par but at least I had it every month on time. Now? Not a single pharmacy can get it.
What is going on? I can get pills but. I need the dissolvable. Has anyone else ran into CVS now not letting people call? Never keeping refills of anything in stock?
Why is this so hard? It is obvious I need them, why are they ok if days or a week late? Me not taking as prescribed so I can save extras. I’m exhausted. I want my small pharmacy back.
Why are they all not carrying? What is the Par issue? CVS goes back and forth Par or Teva never know. It is all mg period they cannot order they did try.
Anyone? Advice? Help. Thank you all. I appreciate all of you.
submitted by Piggietoenails to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 jjjacs I'm pregnant and I don't want to be. I'm so stressed out with life that I'm at the end of my rope.

Please don't judge me (29F) or my husband (29M) too harshly.
I'm in Australia.
There is a tl;dr at the end. I'm sorry this is so long.
I found out that I was pregnant on 23 April, after I saw my doctor, who I was actually seeing to get a referral to have my tubes removed. I found out after this appointment coincidently, as she mentioned that I should double-check I'm not pregnant before getting my tubes removed.
I took a test straight after leaving her office, and the lines showed up... I drank more water and took two more, and it was the same. I told my husband that evening that I needed an abortion. I was on the pill and took this religiously... I've been on the pill for almost 10 years.
I booked in with an abortion clinic and got an appointment with a doctor the next day. I received an ultrasound referral.
On 26 April, I had the scan. Confirmed that I was just under 4 weeks. Doctor told me I couldn't get abortion pills until 6 weeks (as the doctor needed to be certain the pregnancy wasn't eptopic).
I went and saw family for two weeks during weeks 4 & 5 (4-13 May), as my brother was close to passing away.
At around 6 weeks (14 May), I had a bad case of COVID. I had booked in for an ultrasound for the 16th of May.
I called the ultrasound clinic on 16 May to ask if they were comfortable with me coming in with COVID. The ultrasound clinic immediately cancelled my appointment. They said they wouldn't have me in until 21 May, and I couldn't book any earlier.
On 17 May in the early morning, my older brother who had been pallative for two months with cancer passed away.
On 17 May in the afternoon, I tested negative for COVID. I called the ultrasound clinic, they still wouldn't book me in for an earlier date. My husband came home that evening. He knew my brother passed that morning. He came home frustrated and etc from work. I forgot to wash some of his clothes, and he was frustrated with me on top of this.
He came home, explained his frustration with me until I was tearing up (which honestly only took five or so minutes... I'm usually okay and can take this kind of thing on the chin, but that day I couldn't). Since I was teary and apologising for not doing the laundry, he noted that he couldn't deal with me right then and told me he was "going for a drive, be back whenever" and then he went to the garage.
I'm not proud to say that I had a little cry and then got immediately frustrated and matched his attitude. I followed him out to the garage... then firmly asked him if he'd like me to leave the house because I'm just too hard to deal with.
He changed his tone and said that he doesn't want me to leave and that he loves me being home... he just doesn't know why I'm "so upset lately", which frustrates him. I broke down while saying that my brother just died, I'm recovering from COVID, I'm pregnant, and now I messed up with the clothes washing and so I feel terrible... so of course I'm upset.
He gave me a hug and calmed me down.
On 21 May, I had a scan late in the afternoon. It was confirmed I was 7w + 2d.
I still wanted the pills. I needed the ultrasound clinic to send the report to my doctor so I could get a prescription for the pills. This ultrasound clinic confirmed they sent the report on 22 May to my doctor, and to wait for my doctor to call. I was grieving my brother and honestly trusted the ultrasound place plus my doctor to connect and to do the right thing. So I allowed a day to hear back from my doctor.
On 24 May, I called around the abortion clinic via their general line, as I hadn't heard anything. I kept calling the general line and trying all the different extensions. I spent ages on hold, wasn't getting called back when I left a message or an email between attempts, and it was just an overall pain in the ass trying to juggle this plus work.
I ended up getting through to their emergency line (which is meant to be for people who have had an abortion) and talking to a nurse who could see my file and confirm if the ultrasound report was there. It wasn't. The nurse said she'd organise the report to be sent through by the ultrasound clinic and get onto my doctor for me.
On 27 May, I was finally able to get an appointment with my doctor. She said that they don't prescribe the abortion pill for after 9 weeks, and didn't feel comfortable prescribing me as I was so close to the threshold, as I was just over 8 weeks.
I also needed to fly out for my brother's funeral at the end of the 8th week / start of the 9th week... and needed a few days on either side with family. The doctor basically told me to choose a medical abortion or my brother's funeral.
She told me that I could maybe book in to their abortion clinic for a surgical in 2-3 weeks time. Spots were very limited and she said she also wouldn't book me in until I spoke with my husband.
I could feel time ticking away. If I followed her advice, I'd be booking in with her abortion clinic near 11 weeks, assuming all went well. Just under the next threshold... and I didn't feel comfortable with this given the delay I already faced. If I faced another delay, this would severely impact my access to abortion, more than the current delays already have.
Even though it was only a 5 day delay between the ultrasound clinic and my doctor, it was a seriously critical time for me. In hindsight, I only had these 5 days available to get a prescription, order the pills with a pharmacy and then take the pills... And this window was missed. I wouldn't of been able to have an appointment with my doctor or be contacted by the ultrasound clinic over the weekend... so there was only 3 days all this could've been actioned. If I hadn't have contracted COVID, I might have been okay... but it's yet another thing outside my control and I wanted to do the right thing and notify the ultrasound clinic.
The joys of healthcare for people with a uterus... even though I'm in Australia. It really should not be this hard.
I called a different clinic after I hung up with my doctor. They said they don't do pills considering how far along I was. They graciously listened to my stressed out rambling and booked me in for a surgical for 6th of June. I was so overjoyed that I cried and thanked them. They had no fuss or issues. To say that I was over the moon and relieved would be an understatement. It felt like I was walking on air - they took the weight of the world off my shoulders.
I called my husband on my way home from work and told him that I was finally getting this sorted out, and I explained how relieved I was.
He has always told me that it's my decision and he'll be supportive as this is what he wants too... But his response was not one that matched mine when I let him know that we don't have to worry anymore. He sounded off and angry.
Let me preface by saying that he had been wonderful and supportive before I told him about the surgical appointment. He always checked in on how I was and was highly accommodating. Even if I was upset and he wasn't sure what to say, he'd just be a shoulder to cry on.
I came home and he was withdrawn and snappy. He then explicitly told me that he does not want to discuss it any more... even though I've discussed it very minimally because I haven't liked admitting that I'm pregnant or facing symptoms... or talking about it in general.
I spoke with him, and he explained that he felt angry and frustrated that I hadn't gotten an abortion yet.
He said he felt like I delayed the process on purpose, that I didn't try hard enough to get an abortion, and if it were him, he would have had this sorted out by now. He noted he feels I don't want to get an abortion because of me not doing a good enough job of keeping on top of doctors (referring to 22-26 May, which included a weekend where my doctor's office and ultrasound clinic wasn't open).
Due to this comment, I feel like I've had to justify the timeline and what has happened.
He also claimed he is sterile, so he "doesn't know" how I got pregnant.
I thanked him for his views and for telling me how he felt, then re-explained everything I've been through, with rough dates. I approached this calmly as I wasn't sure where this other comment was coming from.
It broke my heart because this indirectly tells me that he doesn't trust me as his wife, and it made me feel angry that he'd think so lowly of me. It made me feel furious that he'd note that he'd do better than me in trying to access an abortion... being a person without a uterus and as person who would never be accessing an abortion for themselves. But I chose to be calm.
I did admit my head wasn't fully firing all pistons during the window, I put in effort but I guess it wasn't enough. I spent a lot of time wishing for the world to stop spinning due to recovering from COVID, my brother passing, and the stress of trying to get an abortion. My morning sickness has been next level also.
My husband told me that the flights were another "excuse" to not have a medical abortion, and flying was irrelevant to whether or not I could take the pills... I disagreed because I'd be putting my health at serious risk by not being close to a hospital.
I was also also not going to miss out on my brother's funeral. Plus, who wants to be going through a medical abortion in addition to taking four flights (so 16 hours worth of flying... plus four hours of driving) and handling their brother's funeral. It'd be too much stress on my body in such a short amount of time.
It will be much less stress on my body getting a surgical done.
I told him that his sterile comment wasn't accurate because there is solid proof that he isn't sterile with me being pregnant currently. That he needs to see someone who actually specialises in fertility and for himself to get checked out if he had concerns, because the accusation he could allude to isn't okay or fair.
He calmed down after a day or so. He asked if I'd like him to come to my brother's funeral. I told him that I'd love to have the support. I booked and paid for his flights, and reorganised mine.
We were okay from the 28th-31st of May.
Fast forward to the worst flights and travel on the 31st... I felt like everything went wrong and it was somehow my fault.
We got to our destination and we discussed him not going to the funeral as he was tired and miserable, plus we agreed it'd be best if he spent more time with his side of the family. He didn't know my brother well, either. My husband said he had a wonderful time with his family.
So I went to my brother's funeral with my family, without my husband. I cried the whole way through the church service. I gathered myself and carried my brother's casket to the hearse with my sisters and mum, but then all I could do was sob. I felt like a mess. I then felt a hand on my back and a head on my shoulder - it was my best friend.
A few of my friends had came along (they said they were going to come, but I didn't see them before the funeral), and I honestly don't think I could have made it through the day as well as I did without them. It was wonderful to know that I was still worth caring about.
My brother's funeral was on 3rd of June. We're back home now.
My husband was himself when we were around others during our trip, which felt like a relief and I thought things were okay between us... but as soon as we were alone, he wasn't himself. He didn't ask me about the funeral, provide any support or ask how I was. Didn't touch me or look at me, or offer a hug. He just snapped and growled at me or ignored me when I tried to talk with him. Or just gave me a frustrated stare or sigh.
I know he's feeling a lot of emotions right now. It's a really tough and sensitive time for both of us, and I really don't know how to address or help my husband with how he's feeling.
I don't think I have the emotional capacity or energy to manage both him and myself. I've just been focussing on myself, and while this does feel selfish, I feel that I can't help him if I don't help myself. I still feel bad about it.
My workplace is more than accommodating and supportive with my brother passing. I'll be getting into counselling for myself for everything as soon as I can... and I'll reach out to my friends and family once the abortion is done, because I know I'll need other supports too for this. I'm also considering a tattoo to commemorate my brother. I'll book into somewhere I can get pampered after I've recovered, because I feel I just need to get away and relax.
My husband has always said that it's my things that I'm going through, and he'll support me through... but over the past week or so, my stress level has escalated as I don't feel supported. I feel unwanted and rejected for being a human going through a rough time. Him being upset with me is something I never prepared for... nor do I feel I deserve it... but here we are, and I have to be able to navigate it.
I would understand the treatment if I did something seriously wrong... the only thing I did wrong was not trying harder with my doctor and ultrasound clinic. My head just wasn't in the right space. I forgive myself because I found an alternate solution with the same outcome that ultimately works better for me, but it still doesn't feel "good enough".
I'm getting the abortion on 6 June.
My husband previously said weeks ago that he'd be there at the abortion appointment for whatever I need... but I'm honestly considering just doing the appointment by myself and seeking support from the people at the clinic... as I feel that supporting myself and then seeking additional support afterward might be more realistic than expecting support from him on the day.
But... I also feel that he'd see change of plans as weird and my rejection of his "support" suggests that I'm hiding something. There is no "win" here for me.
I don't know anymore. I'm exhausted. I don't have the physical or mental energy. All my cards are on the table here, I can't hide any of this stress anymore.
I've been coping fine (keeping up with housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, walk dogs, working, paying bills...), all I need is a husband who tells me he loves me, gives me a hug every few days and is okay with me talking about what I'm feeling every other day... I feel like this isn't a huge or unreasonable request.
I've tried to be chipper on the weekends because there is nothing I can do to progress anything on those days. I've shared plenty of jokes and laughs and I haven't been notably miserable or "difficult" the entire time... just worried that time is getting away with a general annoyance of mornig sickness.
I keep telling myself that I've done all I can regarding the circumstances. Much of this was out of my control, and I did what I could. That all this will be over soon, and everything will be okay.
My current focus is to get to and from my appointment tomorrow as safely and as painlessly as possible.
Tl;dr: I'm getting an abortion tomorrow and my brother's funeral was two days ago. My previously supportive husband isn't being supportive anymore and this is causing me serious stress. I'm at the end of my rope and I'm just looking for any relevant support at this stage.
EDIT: I can't seem to reply to comments, but I wanted to thank each kind person who commented.
Before I do, I wanted to note that I had the abortion today at a clinic. My husband dropped me off. I honestly didn't really want him to come in, because this day was going to be hard enough.
I felt really emotional seeing the chairs in the waiting room in pairs, and every other woman came in with their partners... their partners spoke softly, made the ladies in their life laugh a little, and had a kind look in their eyes towards their lady companion.
Meanwhile, I sat by myself, trying not to think about it too hard... otherwise I would have just sat there crying. I didn't want to make anyone else feel what I was feeling. I felt so uncomfortable and disappointed that my reality was different, but I knew that doing this appointment on my own was the best option for me.
I was in and out of the clinic within 1.5 hours, and the staff were so wonderfully supportive. There was gentle music playing throughout the clinic, one of the nurses cuddled me as I fell asleep under anaesthetic, I had a private recovery room, they gave me as many snacks as I wanted after, and they were so beautifully patient.
My husband picked me up afterwards and both he and a nurse helped me into the car. He was himself again, and I hope he decides to be kind and patient with me moving forward, as this is all I need for now while I'm in such a vulnerable state.
Basic_Care: Thank you! It was a conversation we had and he checked with me multiple times to make sure it was okay he didn't attend. It was certainly rough without him, but I don't hold it against him. It really means a lot to me that someone sees that I tried my best, and I feel proud of myself too.
CaligrapherAway1101: Thank you for the advice. We do have something equivalent in Aus, but, I have to get a scan to double confirm the gestation. So the doctors would have found out how far along I was anyway, I think the scan is to just prevent fudging the dates. I felt a little nervous about getting this wrong, so I'm glad I was able to get a few scans done.
Shermea: Thank you for the support. It is certainly a fucked situation. It's frustrating when this stuff happens all at once, but it's the cards I've been dealt and I just have to weather the storm. I'll make sure to take extra care of myself.
No-Ninja1971: Thank you. Your comment made me tear up, it just feels nice to have kind words and to feel supported. Once I'm fully back on my feet, I'll be seeking help for myself, as I feel like I'll be susceptible to depression once all this calms down. It certainly did feel like he abandoned me, and I don't know how I feel about this yet, I'll explore this with a professional counsellor before I approach this with my husband.
Zora74: Thank you. I can understand how you'd feel this way about my husband. I'm feeling more along the lines of disappointment in him. Thank you for your kind words, it's certainly been a very difficult time for me. I'm going to reach out to one of my friends and a family member once I get my head together a bit more and can approach them without being a complete mess.
I'm now kind-of fearing my chosen friend and family will abandon me, that I'm not worth supporting, or that I'm too hard to support... which isn't a fear I had before. It certainly hasn't felt fair to come out the other side being worse off mentally, but unfortunately life comes with experiences that make us grow in some way, even if we don't like it. Both my friend and my family is across the country, so they won't be able to visit... but I'll still reach out and have some nice chats where we can.
Thank you all again ❤️❤️❤️
submitted by jjjacs to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:50 East_Ad_2992 Advice on getting Jatenzo

My endo wants to try putting me on Jatenzo which is great! I really want to try it, but I'm having trouble figuring out where to get it. Endo told me to go through Sterling Specialty Pharmacy, but they're out of network. When I told them that the nurse asked me where to send it. I asked if Walgreens was an option but also said I could try and find other options if needed. She replied back that I should figure out which pharmacies are in network. Which ?????, lots of pharmacies are in network, do only some pharmacies carry Jatenzo? Do you have to get it through mail order? I'm just so confused and no one has done a good job at explaining anything.
Guess I'm just wondering if anyone knows why my doc is being so weird about only getting it at certain pharmacies or have any advice on how the hell I figure out which pharmacies to try and research
submitted by East_Ad_2992 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:37 Dark_Moonstruck Places to find supplies most people won't think of.

When it comes to supplies, most people tend to have the same ideas of where to look - stores like costco or walmart for food and general supplies, hardware stores like home depot for building and fortification supplies (as well as weapons), pharmacies and hospitals for medicine - but chances are those places would already have been swarmed, picked clean, and/or stuffed with people who are terrified and just as dangerous as the infected hordes and highly likely to become an infected horde. By the time it was actually safe to visit those places, everything would probably be gone. So...what else can you do?
Well, you have a few options depending on what you're looking for. Two options for food, medical supplies and things like bedding and cleaning/disinfecting supplies that many people might not initially think of? Schools and hotels.
Most hotels have their own kitchens, which includes stocked freezers and pantries. Many have multiple first-aid stations as well that will hold basic supplies, and of course cleaning supplies in abundance. They'll also have a lot of cloth and other materials in the form of bedding, towels, and other basic comfort supplies that can be repurposed pretty easily, a standard size bedsheet is more than large enough to get cloth for a shirt out of, for example. Schools also have cafeterias with their own food stores, at least one nurse station depending on the size of the school that will have basic medical supplies, and if the school has a home ec or shop class it may very well have supplies that can be used for building, along with having their own janitorial stations for cleaning supplies. Schools and hotels can also be repurposed pretty easily into a place for survivors to bunker down, especially multi-floor hotels with the elevator disabled and the bottom set of stairs knocked out or blockaded so undead can't scale to the upper floors, and a lot of schools basically resemble prison yards at this point. Some in higher-income or rural areas may even feature agricultural centers with greenhouses and gardening supplies.
For long-term survival you'd definitely need agricultural supplies, so plant nurseries, especially small local ones, may have a lot of the tools and supplies you'd need. Feed stores supplying people who keep cattle, goats and horses often also have a lot of these tools, along with medical supplies (meant for animals, but many similar to those used for humans and can be repurposed with adjusted dosages), sturdy clothes meant for riding and working in, and long-lasting feed that can be used for cattle and other meat livestock. Many also carry seeds, along with all kinds of tools, ropes, and things that can be used to build barricades or used as weapons.
Stables, auction barns, anywhere that horses or livestock are kept often have first aid supplies in multiple locations - have you ever been bitten in the face by a horse? I have! Horses and cattle can be dangerous, people who work with them tend to have basic first aid knowledge and always keep the supplies on hand - as long as keeping materials like large boards and 'shields' - used to direct livestock into the correct pens during auctions - that can be used for building or for defense, along with a lot of other tools and supplies. Better yet if your auction barn is set up somewhere that tends to host rodeos and other events, then you're likely to have food supplies, market stalls and other materials on hand as well, abandoned by people who either ran away or were killed. In plenty of areas, you may even find firearms in the main offices of places like this - Where I grew up in Texas, I knew the owner of the local livestock auction and in his office above where the auctions took place where he'd oversee things and do the auctions (never knew a man who could talk that fast before) he kept multiple rifles in a glass-door case and had a revolver in a belt hanging beside his desk.
What are some potential gold mines you can think of?
submitted by Dark_Moonstruck to ZombieSurvivalTactics [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:18 knawshaw Letter from 1860: Life in Pittsburgh on Carson Street

Just got through a transcription of the Sütterlin text and am working on a readable translation of a letter I found in Germany. The author wrote a letter home in German describing his life in Pittsburgh in 1860. The letterhead had a cool set images from Pittsburgh. Yes, the author did use many run on sentences, and the wording was not always ideal, but I think the intent and content comes through. Edit note: He lived at what is now 1019 Carson St.
Birmingham June 11, 1860
Dear parents and brothers and sisters,
I hope that my letter finds you all still in good health and well. I have wanted to write to you for a long time, but we wanted to buy a property here first and that did not happen until last winter. On January 23, 1860, we bought a nice house here in Birmingham, where we have lived the entire time; we have sometimes thought of trying another place, but we are now quite glad that we have remained here. We have a very nice place here, if we only stay healthy. It cost just a thousand dollars, but it's very cheap, because we've had people here who couldn't believe it when they heard that this house had been sold so cheaply; we've already been offered 12 hundred, but we don't want to sell it, and we could get a hundred and twenty dollars a year if we wanted to rent it out, but we like living in it ourselves, I'll also write to you about how it's built, it is built of brick, and under the house is a large cellar, which is built of quarry stone. The house has four rooms and an attic room, the four rooms are wallpapered, and one of the front rooms has gas lighting. Before us, a tailor lived in the house, he had a clothing store. In the front room there is a store, there is also a small house behind the big one, where I now work. I've now started another business, not just now, but three years ago, because I didn't really like making cigars anymore. The tobacco suddenly became so expensive and the cigars didn't sell so well. There are so many German cigars coming in now too, so I gave it up and started weaving carpets, I like that quite a lot now, I can sell everything in turn, I make different kinds, I sell the best ones for 54 cents a piece, a hundred cents is a dollar, these carpets are made from willow slats, the slats are cut into narrow strips, The rugs are cut into narrow strips of fabric, they are made of cotton yarn, they are twisted like knitting yarn. Rugs are an article that is used a lot here, they are used to cover the parlor floors; it is a good thing for the women, because they save on washing the parlor. The rugs are also on the stairs, everything is nicely arranged here, just to spare the women, they are not allowed to do anything; When you come into a house here, they sit in the rocking chair, have the newspaper in their hands and rock back and forth, that's most of the work or fun for the natives.
Business has been pretty good this spring, a lot of houses are being built here in Birmingham and Pittsburg, and a lot of factories too. Two years ago a new bridge was built across the river from here, now there are two bridges, a railroad has also been laid from Pittsburg through Birmingham, it has been in operation since the New Year and passes by our house. The railroad only goes from Pittsburg over the bridge and through Birmingham and no further, it does not carry any freight, but rather it is only for the people to work ... if you have something to do in Pittsburg, or Pittsburg people in Birmingham. So you can ride like walking back and forth, it only costs 5 cents a person, i.e. back and forth, the cars are pulled by two horses, there are 7 cars on the railroad, the cars are long and have low wheels and are beautifully painted on the outside and the seats inside are upholstered with red brown velvet, it is very nice to ride in them. On Sundays or when there is a festival somewhere here, they are always so full that you can't get in, they go every day from 6 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock in the evening. Each wagon is special and each one has two horses in front.
We hope for a good harvest, the outlook is excellent, the newspapers write from all areas that the harvest is good everywhere. Last year was not the best, because in June last year everything was almost frozen again, in one night. Well, as far as our family is concerned, thank God we are all quite healthy and well, our family has not yet multiplied again, three years ago we had two twins, they were both sons, but they both died. One lived for three days and the other for seven days, they were both weak from birth- my wife had always been ill for a long time before, and with the children she got typhoid.
I was not in a good place, the first four days I hadn't had a minute's sleep, on the fifth day the doctor asked me if I had slept. This time, I had to answer no, then he told me: "Tonight you can also lie down for a few hours when your wife has fallen asleep.”
But he ordered me not to keep the children in the bedroom if they were restless, so that my wife would not be disturbed, otherwise it would be dangerous with the powder she was to be given, and he also ordered me that when I had given her the powder, I should always put her hands under the comforter if she did not do it herself.
Well, even if I put them under her, she put them out again, and then I was to wash her hands with camphor brandy to warm them, for she was already quite cold all over. Well, I did everything as the doctor had told me to do, as I had washed one of her arms properly and ... rubbed it, and I reached for the other, and she began to speak again, and said I should not rub her arm so much, she had a funny thing on her elbow, it hurt her so much, but then I was so glad that she was still alive, for I did not know if she was already dead or whether she was dying, for she was cold.
On the eighth day the doctor told me again that tonight would probably be the last night, so I asked him if he had any hope at all, and he replied that it was approaching the ninth day and she was too emaciated. I was downcast too, because I always thought I would get her well again, so she asked me, "Did the doctor tell you anything about me?” Then I told her what he had said, for it didn’t matter now, and she began and said in a slightly stronger voice that she felt a little better, perhaps she could get well again after all! When the doctor came the next morning, he immediately asked how she was doing and felt her pulse. His answer was that the fever had subsided, he offered us some reassurance again and she gradually got better. She still had many relapses and she continued to have them for almost a whole year until she became quite strong again. The doctor, pharmacy and funeral had cost us a lot of money, but now we have recovered.
Our two girls go to school every day, the schoolhouse is near where we live now, you can see it on the picture of Birmingham on the right corner near the new bridge, which is also depicted on the schoolhouse.... white dome without a spire and there is a clock on it. I want to make a point where our house is roughly located, the street where the railroad cars go is not visible on the picture, otherwise I could show you our house more precisely. The street is called Main Street, it goes through Birmingham like the river next to Birmingham. Well, I must close, because it's getting to be evening, and I'd like to say hello from my son and daughter-in-law and our two children Anna and Emilie, who often argue with each other. Emilie thinks she has already seen you, and Anna disagrees, you haven't seen grandfather and grandmother yet, but I have. Has Wilhelm gotten married yet? Let us know when you write to us. Also, say hello to Sehnes, Millers from Roßwein, Spindlers and Polster in Böhrigen and all our acquaintances.
My address is still the same as before,
Julius Bretschneider
Birmingham near Pittsburg. Allegheny County.
North America
submitted by knawshaw to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:06 anons123123 Cheapest online pharmacy?

I can no longer have my Wegovy prescription filled by CVS Caremark mail order since they stopped carrying it. The retail cost (if I could even find it) would be around $365 a month. I’m not going to put myself through a wild goose chase trying to find it for that.
Which brings me to my next question…. What is the cheapest/easiest option for online pharmacies? There are SO many out there that I am truly overwhelmed trying to look.
submitted by anons123123 to SemaglutideFreeSpeech [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:09 AutomaticAnimator770 Should I (20M) take Montelukast/Singulair if I haven't needed it my whole life?

I've had asthma since birth, and it was pretty bad for the first few years of my life. I had to use an albuterol nebulizer daily and carry around an albuterol inhaler everywhere I went. After around the age of 10 it stopped being as bad, but I do still get asthma when I exercise and it's pretty bad when I get sick or sometimes it acts up after I smoke.
I currently have a cold and can barely breathe so I've been on the nebulizer again, but I was also prescribed Montelukast. I told my father this and he said "Oh yeah, they prescribed that every time you got sick since you were born. We tried giving it to you a couple times, but it didn't seem like it was doing anything, so we stopped giving it to you." My family has always been the type to not take medication unless it was a life or death situation and they also used to stop my antibiotics when the symptoms went away instead of when the bottle ran out (which as a pharmacy tech I know that's not what you're "supposed" to do). So, I'm not sure if the reason it didn't work for me is because they stopped giving me it too soon or if it genuinely just didn't work for me.
I am considering taking it, now that I'm old enough to make my own medical decisions, but I was talking with my boss/pharmacist about it and she was saying there can be some nasty side effects in the long term. So what should I do, take it until I'm not sick then stop, take i po qd until I finish the bottle, or just not take it all since I haven't "needed it" yet?
Thank you in advance
submitted by AutomaticAnimator770 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:18 kksingh11 Comrade Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov

Comrade Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov
139 years ago, on June 3, 1885, Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was born - an outstanding figure of the Communist Party and the Soviet state, revolutionary, Bolshevik. Member of the Communist Party since 1901. Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in November 1917 - March 1919. Born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of an artisan engraver. In 1900, without finishing the 5th grade of the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, he entered the pharmacy as a student. Since 1901, he began to conduct illegal revolutionary work as an active participant in the Nizhny Novgorod Committee of the RSDLP; in 1902, he was arrested for the first time for participating in a demonstration. From that time on he became a professional revolutionary. After the Second Congress of the RSDLP (1903), Sverdlov without hesitation took the position of V.I. Lenin and was one of the founders of the Bolshevik organization in Nizhny Novgorod. From February 1905, he led the struggle of the workers of Kazan, and from September 1905, as an authorized representative of the Central Committee of the Party, he carried out great work to unite the party organizations of the Urals. Sverdlov's selfless revolutionary work was repeatedly interrupted by arrests and exiles. In total, he spent about 10 years in prison and exile, making daring escapes more than once. At the Prague Conference in 1912, he was elected in absentia to the Central Committee of the party, and was also included in the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee, which directly supervised revolutionary work in Russia. During the break between arrests (late 1912 - early 1913), he worked at Pravda and took part in leading the activities of the Social Democratic faction of the IV State Duma. After the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd from the Turukhansk region, where he was in exile. At the VII (April) All-Russian Party Conference he was elected a member of the Party Central Committee. As a member of the Party Center for the leadership of the uprising, he actively participated in the preparation and conduct of the October Revolution. On November 8 (21), 1917, at Lenin’s proposal, Sverdlov was elected chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, continuing to remain secretary of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b). He remained as Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee until the end of his life. Sverdlov is the chairman of the commission for the development of the first Constitution of the RSFSR. Participated in the preparation of the 1st Congress of the Comintern; in January - February 1919 - in the work of the first congresses of the Soviets of Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus; in March 1919 - in the work of the 3rd Congress of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine and the 3rd All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets. Died on March 16, 1919. On March 18, 1919 he was buried near the Kremlin wall. In memory of Ya.M. Sverdlov On November 14, 1924, the Ural regional center, the city of Yekaterinburg was renamed Sverdlovsk.
This is a translation of a post that originally appeared on the Kommunisti Mir channel.
submitted by kksingh11 to SocialisGlobe [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:35 GF_Eden The new method to farming Junk explained - Guide

The new method to farming Junk explained - Guide
Hi everybody, it's me again the girl that was randomly playing Parasite Eve in 2024.
[I removed the Spoiler tag because this game is 26 years old already, bear with me guys]
[Before all - explaining the old method - background and earlier info on how the basics of the method works and how it was found]
So, first of all, i would like to say that it was only discovered by the contribution of two persons i saw in a board in Gamefaqs, they are:
Moruru, which made a topic 11 years ago;
and Owieri, who replied this topic the same year.
Moruru brough an information that, without it, i would never realized what i'm bringing here today, as i never until i saw that post today. So thank you, Moruru, wherever you are and whoever you are.
Moruru said: "according to the official japanese guide, the rate of encounter goes like this: 1st time - 100%, 2nd time - 45%, 3rd time - 20%, 4th time and after - 10%".
Then Moruru used a method of triggering the fight in Day 2 which happens before the Y section to open the zoo gate. A fight with a monkey and 2 crows. Moruru started the fight for the first time, so it has a 100% chance of trigger the fight. Moruru then stealed a Junk from both crows using the Club 2, and then escaped the battle. By escaping, the battle is not resolved, so it still needs to be won in order to the encounter rate change from 100% to 45%. The floor area that triggers the battle will trigger it again if stepped again, with the same monkey and same crows. So Moruru enters the battle again, and steals 2 Junks again and escapes. Moruru keeps doing it until the inventory is filled.
It works only by finding that battle the first time, and not winning it but escaping. Again, by escaping that fight, the battle is not resolved so it keeps the encounter rate at 100%. It is super important for later.
Owieri helped as well on this, because Owieri posted a link to a video doing the exact same thing. So i understood it better by having the visual information of the method.
But... I, and all of us, hate to do that back and forth, NYPD and Central Park, screens and screens, something around 8 screens and loading to go and other more to get back at central park, and Aya moves super slow, etc etc. And then something clicked in my head.
All guides and forum posts usually say "to farm junk go after the crows, they can be found only in central park, and floors this and that in Chrysler".
But it's not true.
In fact, there's one place, one single place, in one single point, that breaks all this back and forth and minutes and minutes of going there and back again and saving hours of this.
Let's start then:
[same method, but new place - version 2024]
1 - how it works is the same as how Moruru explained and did 11 years ago. But Moruru did it in Day 2, and we will not do it like that.
Go, play and finish day 2, forget the Junks and worry only about finishing that park as soon as possible because we all have already spent too much time there.
2 - Then we will start the day we will use the trick:
3 - get the Club 2 in Soho Gun Shop to be able to steal items from enemies, and play as normal. Go to the pharmacy, go to Klamp's lab, etc etc, all good until you reach the NYPD. Dialogue, Daniel runs, Maeda gives you nothing, and you regain control of Aya. Go to the main corridor.
4 - equip Club 2, as we are going to do the same thing Moruru did back then:
5 - here is the spot. The first time you enter NYPD on day 3 after the precinct is attacked, this area is a trigger point of a fight. And following the info Moruru gave us, being the first time you trigger the fight, it has a 100% chance of happening.
6 - This is a fight against one rat and two crows. So if you read the beginning of the post when i explained the history of the method, you know where this is going. You will steal one junk from each crow, and then will escape the fight.
7 - Again, like i explained in the beginning, if you escape from the fight, the fight is not resolved in the game programming. It didn't finished because you didn't won, so it will not drop the encounter rate %. So if you step again in the floor area that would trigger the fight, it will happen again, because the game still thinks it's the first time you are triggering the fight. So you will fight again against the same rat and two crows, each carrying a junk again as before. And the best part is that you respawn just half a step away from the trigger point. You just need to click down and it triggers the fight again, look:
8 - So, again to make things clear: the first time you enter the NYPD by the time it's been attacked, you can trigger that combat for the first time. IF it's the first time, you can steal 2 junk and ESCAPE. That way you lock the battle at 100% encounter rate. So you can trigger the battle again, steal again, escape again. Trigger the battle again, steal again, escape again. And again and again and again and again (like the Spoon Assassin). After you collected all the junk you can carry, you just need to spend a few seconds going down the stairs to the Wayne's room, look:
1 - i was able to make around 23 junk, deliver and get back from Wayne in around 7 minutes each time. So think about how awesome is that.
2 - you know how it goes, sometimes only one crow gives you junk. Sometimes a crow keeps flying around and don't let you hit it. Sometimes you try at least 3 times to escape and fails. Sometimes you trigger a fight in front of Wayne's room. So sometimes you get a bit of a delay, but it's not compared to go from the middle of the zoo all the way to Wayne.
3 - by the time i was testing, taking screenshots, counting the time, and recording, i was able to gather around 100 junk. It was the fastest way i ever got that.
4 - following a comment, i would like to point out that we do, indeed have a battle trigger even closer to Wayne, which is in front of the stairs in Wayne's corridor. However, some combat triggers doesn't work well for this trick to get junks for Wayne for position reasons. In this case, for example, if you trigger that battle, you fight 2 crows right at Wayne's door. But once you escape, you end up between the stairs and the trigger point. So if you try to go to Wayne, you step into the battle trigger locked in 100%. So in order to advance, you would have to win the fight, dropping the rate of that battle trigger from 100% to 45%. It means not any fight is worth of using it, it's not optimized.
As i recall the second nearest battle is in the dog kennel, but there's no crows in that fight so it's useless. And the other fights happen only in NYPD second floor (and the conference room but it's far away at the end of the first floor). That said, it seems the spot i marked in the guide is the closest trigger to get you tons of Junk in just a few minutes without any worries, making it the fastest way to get the gun i ever saw. If anyone knows an even faster way, please comment.
I made a quick recording (ignore the first combat, it was sad) but it's just a few rounds to show you footage of it working, i got 7 junks just to show how that works and how quick it is from one attempt to the other, and left. I gave up recording because it was making the game freeze too much. Here:
Thanks everyone, and keep the memory of this amazing game alive, as i do.
UPDATE: i added a "4 - " in the [NOTES] section pointing that this specific spot works best than other spots, please read.
submitted by GF_Eden to ParasiteEve [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:31 Far_Economist6888 Hormone replacement therapy

Afternoon all , There seems to be a nationwide shortage of Estradot ( which my wife uses whilst going through Menapause )
Any idea where to source ? Or pharmacies that may still carry ?
Tried the local Tinnie house to no Avail, Tried Snickers , but she really is not herself without it 🙏🙏🙏
Nervous husband
submitted by Far_Economist6888 to auckland [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 ithasthesex Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 Empreinte - A Review

Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 Empreinte - A Review
Hi all, I had fun interacting with everybody after making a collection post a few weeks ago. Then the idea appeared for writing up individual reviews for each bag in chronological order. Let’s start with the piece that kickstarted it all: the Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 in Empreinte leather.
Pros: As a boston-style bag, the Speedy’s shape not only accommodates my daily essentials (iphone, long wallet, large assortment of keys, lip balm, and pen) but also bigger, lumpier-shaped items such as scarf, water bottle, and whatever small purchases I make from the bakery, pharmacy, and so on. The rounded, double handles feel sturdy to carry. The zipper functions without resistance or biting my hand. The Empreinte leather, smooth and pleasant to the touch, has gradually softened over the last 9-10 years to produce the soft slouch that comfortably molds the bag to myself when wearing it crossbody. Construction details that I’ve really come to appreciate are 1) the separate leather piece to which the bag’s four metal feet are attached, thus reinforcing the bottom and 2) the four small hardware discs against which the handles’ base can rest against when folded down.
Cons/Wear & Tear: If a bag’s dimensions allow for it, I load that thing up 😂Combined with the chunky hardware, hauling my Speedy around gets heavy. I also placed “slouches over time” as a pro, but if a highly structured bag is what you’re after, this is not it. The large, chunky hardware is more vulnerable to visible scratches, but that doesn’t particularly bother me either. Over the years, the bottom corners have picked up some wear and light rubbing, but that’s to be expected. All in all, the pros outweigh the cons.
Open to questions and observations that I probably missed!
submitted by ithasthesex to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:45 solomoc Constipated and feeling extremely bloated but still passing stools ?!

Not sure I'm posting at the right place, but I felt like I neeeded to share and maybe get some guidance and perhaps some reassurance.
Two weeks ago I started to experience some explosive diarrhea (not liquid, but more like a ''blob'' texture) The day right after I noticed that I had trouble passing stools.
I have the feeling like I'm not completely ''emptied out'' after going and when I do go (every day 2-3 times) it's either small and soft or long and thin stools. I'm feeling extremely bloated (not painful tho) and litteraly have the sensation that my asshole is full of stool. I feel like my stool volume is lower than usual... but it's hard to judge because of the shape. I don't have any ''rock hard stools''. When I'm going, I feel like I need to strain more than usual (altho I'm not pushing extremely hard to the point of fainting).
I'm usually pretty regular when it comes to BM and I've never had any major issues in that department aside from the occasionnal constipation. I'm otherwise very healthy, non-smoking, non-drinking, and have a very physical job. I drink plenty of water too.
Anyway, in the past week, I've tried some miralax and drinking more water, but beside from producing some mucus from my ass and pooping small soft stools I still have this feeling of not ''being emptied'' out. I then went to my pharmacy and the pharmacist recommended me an enema which I used. Beside from pooping small bits and releasing the water, nothing happened.
I've also somewhat lost my apetite, and feeding makes me bloated.
I've had a meeting with my GP yesterday and he didn't seem too concerned about my situation, since I didn't ''bleed/had a fevefelt pain'' which he qualified as ''redflags'' but nonetheless we still scheduled a CT scan and some bloodwork to rule out any major health issue. He also recommendend me to stop the laxatives and add fibers/probiotics to my diet.
I know I'm quite anxious when it comes to my personal health, and scrolling the internet in the last few days almost convinced me that I had every possible digestive ailments there is.
Anyway If any of you carry some advice or had similar life experience, I would like to hear them.
Thank you.
submitted by solomoc to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:21 fmmtoatesluate GB removal experience journey for an extremely anxious person

For context:
I want to share my experience through all this journey in the hopes that it will help other anxious people. I read many posts and comments before my surgery from this community and some helped me a little bit. I will write a longer post detailing all my experience. Please note that I am living in Romania, Europe and some of the things are different compared to USA, also my english is not that great.
In first week of April I did a random ultrasound checkup and the doctor said: “OHhhh what did we find here?”. I felt suddenly like my heart would explode. I asked what ? he turned the screen towards me “See those tiny white dots? Those are stones in the GB.” Ok…and what does that mean? “Gotta take the GB out!”. Out how? “Surgery”. Instant panic attack. Hyperventilating, felt like i was gonna vomit, pass out, shit myself, drop dead all at the same time.
After a few days of researching everything regarding GB i switched to a very strict low-fat diet. Middle of April went to a gastroenterologist for another ultrasound. Doc confirmed tiny stones in GB and said “Many people make stones in the GB during their lifetime, but not all of them turn symptomatic. As long as you don’t have any symptoms we don’t talk about surgery. Carry on with your life, eat healthy, exercise, avoid fats and control your stress levels”.
That calmed me down for a while. Said to myself “If i have to eat low-fat diet forever, so be it. Anything to avoid surgery”. That worked fine until Friday, 10th of May when I ordered some food at home (grilled chicken breast with hummus). The food had a bit too much olive oil. I thought “well it’s not that much, ill just scrape it away on the side of the plate” knowing very well have much fat is in olive oil.
6-7 hours later I started getting stomach pain. Felt like an ache, between xiphoid bone all the way to the belly button. I didn’t have any pain in the right side under rib cage, or shoulder or back. But it got worse and worse. Vomited furiously several times. It lasted from 10PM until 6AM and it was the worst pain of my life. No other pain was even close to this. Absolutely nothing helped, no yoga pose, no ammount of walking, no pain killers nothing. The only thing that calmed me down was that I took a hot bath around 5AM and while in the water the pain started to go away. I kinda new in the back of my mind that it’s probably the GB but I kept hoping that maybe it is just a bad experience with food and stomach is upset.
Next day Saturday 11th of May when I woke up I didn’t have much pain. Being the self-proclaimed google doctor, I layed down, took a deep breath while pushing with 2 fingers underneath the right rib cage. Felt pain when inhaling, meaning Murphy sign positive. Started to freak out. Did more hot baths and during the day i kept a 2L plastic bottle filled with hot water on the GB area. Was feeling ok, pain was 2/10 but only when inhaling. Towards the evening urine started to get really dark and my eyes were getting yellow.
Sunday 12th of May. Woke up, urine still very dark, eyes even more yellow. The fear and anxiety was massive. Called surgeon and he said “Most likely there is a stone blocked somewhere, we gotta take it out with ERCP and only after that we can do surgery. You should go to the ER”. LIterally my worst fears confirmed. I was extremely scared about the ERCP procedure, i just don’t want someone shoving down a tube down my throat all the way to the bile ducts.
Went to ER, massive panic attack. I literally thought i will die. They did a lot of tests, 2 sets of ultrasounds from different doctors to confirm. What they noticed was that the CBD (Common bile duct) was narrow and that means the stone has passed. If there is a stone trapped, the CBD expands in size, the body trying to make room for the stone to pass. That was some sort of relief. After all the tests and bloodwork (bilirubin was high 4.5), i was waiting for surgeons to come and talk to me. That was the highest peak of anxiety. I felt quite ok at that moment, no pain and naively was hoping for some medicine and to be allowed to go home.
2 surgeons came to me: “Mr. X? We would want to admit you to hospital and give you surgery to take the GB out”. There are no words to describe the terror I was feeling in that moment. Completely terrified is an understatement. I said ok knowing that if I go home i’ll probably have to return here anyway.
Main surgeon guy explained to me that I made some complications. During the Friday night attack a stone passed and it got trapped in the CBD. It stayed there for a few hours and eventually I was able to pass it, hence the narrowing of the duct. But the GB became very inflamed and he can’t do Laparoscopic surgery as it is too big to take out, and he prefers not to cut me open. So they gave me very strong IV’s with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics to reduce the size of the GB. He said if all goes well and bilirubin levels drop, tomorrow we can do surgery.
Next day, Monday 13th of may, bilirubin levels dropped to 2.5. I didn’t know what was about to happen but I knew that most likely i’ll get surgery that day. Massive anxiety. Around 1pm anesthesiologist visited me asking me about medications i take, allergies, and so on. I kept repeating that i am extremely anxious, i am very scared, i can’t get through this, i feel like i want to run away and so on.
She gave me Lorazepam pill (some benzodiazepine). That didn’t accomplish anything, as my system was flooded with cortisol and adrenaline from all the fear. At around 3PM a lady doctor came to me with a massive 20ml syringe and said “I heard you are scared and want something magical”. It truly was magical. After 5 seconds I had no more fear, and felt extremely relaxed. It was like I was drunk but without the room spinning around me, hard to explain. She said we go to the operating room (OR), and i could barely walk anymore and was leaning on her. I have no memory how I got to the OR which was 2 floors lower and apparently I walked there. All I remember was that I climbed on the surgery table and asked the doctors “Why is it so cold in here? Is this normal?” and I literally woke up in the room post-op.
For me it felt truly like blinking. It didn’t feel at all like waking up from a dream. It was instant, snap. Blinking is the closest explanation. Fascinating. So I woke up tucked in underneath the sheets and when i take them out I see a drainage tube getting out of me. Started to freak out, but the anesthesia was still strong and I couldn’t possibly get super anxious. They also gave me in a small recipient some stones. Surgeon came to see me. He said that my gallbladder was really big and it wasn’t very easy to take it out without cutting me open but he managed. He said the stones that he gave me were just a small sample, and that my GB had a lot of tiny stones and sludge and pus was starting to form inside from the infection. Good riddance.
After a few hours I started to walk around. I didn’t get much pain from the co2 gas, but my intestines felt bloated. All the tricks that I read around this community were very useful (keep walking as often as you can but dont overextend yourself, try to fart to eliminate the gas, watched video how to get out of bed, having pillow over abdomen and so on). If you want me to post specific tips, let me know in comments.
They kept me 2 nights in hospital because i was very scared and i had pain. For me it wasn’t like a relief “it’s finally over” because of my anxious mind. I kept thinking what if something bad happens? And I kept having pain. All the doctors, nurses and surgeon kept assuring me that it is normal the way i feel and that i am fine, however i couldn’t tell if what i was feeling is normal post-op pain or something bigger, as there is no way to compare. My anxious mind made me argue with the surgeon to keep me another night in the hospital because “What if something bad happens at home? I have no support, no help, here in the hospital at least they can intervene” - he said no, and that i shouldn’t worry and go home and that he never heard someone say he wants to stay more time in the hospital instead of going home. So they let me go Wednesday 15th of May.
First week each day was better than the previous, but still with pain. Sleeping was very difficult as ive been told to sleep on my back inclined a bit with a few pillows. To better describe the pain: it was like a constant 3-4/10. Annoying. Couldn’t walk with my back straight. Was getting tired extremely fast. Had no energy for anything. But the biggest problem was that first week I got constipated when I am the type of guy who goes everyday in the morning like clockwork. I took first poop after 6 days.
After 11 days I had a very bad experience. I was still constipated and i tried going but I felt i had something massive inside. Bare in mind that i was taking everyday a stool softener. I started getting shivers and pain, it literally wouldn’t move. Was in quite some pain. After some redditing, many people suggested to shove a finger inside and try to dislodge it. Absolutely gross. It trully felt like a massive block of stone. Once again, massive anxiety and fear. Barely made it to pharmacy and they gave me glycerine suppositories. Shoved 2 inside over the span of 30 minutes without any effect. Was getting desperate and was barely moving from the pain. Wife went to another pharmacy and bought some micro-enema kits.
Word of advice: as I am in europe we have different things here, but there is basically a saline enema kit. Be careful with this as you can have pain after it quite a lot (after you pass the poop). So i got the saline enema as a backup but also a kit with liquid glycerine with chammomile and some other plant. In 5 mins i lost 1.5kg of weight. Felt like Satan was getting out of my body, the relief is undescribable. For your information: glycerine suppositories are just coating the inner walls for the poop to move more easily, but it doesn’t “dissolve” the poop. This enema thing that i got is basically “grabbing” the water from the inner walls and makes everything more liquid. It worked and I recommend it.
Now I am 2 weeks + 5 days after surgery. I don’t get much pain, but sometimes i get some twinges where the GB used to be, like some sharp pains all of a sudden (anyone else experienced this?). Usually happens when I move suddenly or i twist my body, sometimes randomly. It lasts just a few seconds. I can sleep on the right side, however if i do it all night i wake up with pain, so i still try to do go to sleep on my back. Energy levels are getting back to normal, I don’t get tired so fast anymore. I felt good one day and did a bit of work on my PC desk setup (cable management and all that). I didnt lift anything heavy but all this moving and bending gave me pain after. So I am trying to avoid any exercise, lifting, bending, pushing, etc. Using mostly my back and legs muscles.I see others here eating whatever they want, but my surgeon told me to keep a strict diet for a month after surgery and only after that to reintroduce slowly different fats and keep a food journal to track if something upsets me. I also have fatty liver and they gave me some enzyme pills or something that I have to take for 6 months.
Oh one more thing: here we dont use glue on the incisions, they use sutures and you have to take them out after 1 week. There is no pain only a small discomfort for a few seconds. All procedure takes less than 30 seconds, nothing to worry about (I was very anxious about it previously). Also, if you end up with a drain tube inside of you: when they take it out, pain is around 3/10 but you will have an incredibly weird feeling that is extremely hard to describe as nothing compares to it. It feels like someone is shoving down his hand inside of you and grabs your guts and pulls them out forcefully. I know it sounds scary but once again, it lasts like 3 seconds in total. It’s just extremely weird.
Any other questions, shoot in the comments! I hope this was helpful to anyone, as it was for me to get it “out of the system” as well. If you need any tips or words of advice, don’t hesitate.
submitted by fmmtoatesluate to gallbladders [link] [comments]
