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2024.05.29 06:16 Double_Reception7485 40k Chaos, as it Stands, is Boring Compared to 30k or AOS. I'm not sure its Staying That Way For Long

To preface: I love Chaos in 40k/30k. Its my favorite faction in the setting, and that will not change
Think, for a second if you will, about Chaos in 40k. It is, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite overarching force and conglomerate of factions within the entire setting. Why? Well, as others have gone to great lengths to point out – both in and outside of the lore perspective and POV – Chaos is us; our thoughts, emotions, hopes, dreams and sins, dialed up to 11. You may start down the road to hell with noble intent, and you may even die on that same road nobly. Live long enough, however, and accrue too much infamy and corruption, you will court the favor of the Dark Gods, their neverborn, and a myriad of other warp entities, and it will damn you eternally.
With that being said, I think 40K Chaos, as it currently stands, gets absolutely shafted in one realm that AoS and, hell, even The Horus Heresy does better: the mysticism and esoterism surrounding corruption and ritual, as well as the variety in which the various “faces” of Chaos are presented.
Lets examine our “modern” 40k for a moment, shall we? It is often said that unsanctioned knowledge of the Chaos Gods most popular names - Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle – is grounds for immediate execution and the purging of all known (and suspected) family and associates. Fair enough, you are invoking the names and the attention of four deities who’s desire is to add this universe to the infinite number of realms they’ve already subsumed with the warp in their Great Game. Even if that attention comes in the form of some undivided lesser daemon, maybe appearing as a shadowy figure in the rough shape of a human, that one daemon could spell utter doom for a Hive World of trillions.
Ok, yet, the “true” names of the Gods are subjective, aren’t they? Khar’neth, Nurgleth, Slaaneth, Tzaarneth. The more archaic, brutal sounding titles? She Who Thirsts, The Bloody Hunter, Lord of Ravens, and Grandfather Crow? Oftentimes, when Ecclesiarchal missions descend upon a world, especially feral planets, they encounter preexisting religions among the human populace. More often than not, via religious syncretism, the co-opt the tribal deities and spirits of these planets, supplanting them with Imperial Saints and directing total and unwavering devotion to a singular deity, the one true God Emperor of Mankind, in any face that may take. Yet, these planets are not populated by overt Chaos worshippers more often than not, are they? Some tribes, of course, may be deemed too barbaric and flirting with the Pantheon, and thus put to the sword. Yet, more often than not, they merely become new branches of the Imperial Creed.
Now, we all understand worship goes somewhere in the warp. More and more within the lore, the human emanations of faith is psychically reflected, applying the calculus of “structure” in the random, roiling seas of the empyrean. The Emperor of Mankind has, it would seem, indeed become The God Emperor of Mankind. Trillions-Quadrillions of humans, across millions of worlds, over ten thousand+ years, had supplemented The Emperor’s own singular psychic might into something that, if not truly divine under known definitions, warrants their re-examination.
So, where am I going with this? Well, the Chaos Gods operate under as many names and guises as there are planets and cultures within the galaxy. In the Screaming Vortex, whole tribes of warriors drench their blades in the vitae of their enemies in order to earn the favor of Baphtar (Khorne). Thagus Daravek, Abaddon’s main rival for the title of Warmaster during the formative years of the Black Legion, refers to Tzeentch as The Shifting Many. So on, and so on. In The Solar War, reference is made to the billions of mortal auxiliary soldiers on the side of The Warmaster’s Horde, cultists and Imperial Army alike, who “worship the same old gods, with different names” (paraphrasing off memory there, forgive me any inaccuracy).
Those forgotten and repressed faiths, surviving in the dark temples and cult lodges on the fringes of Imperial society, in ramshackle underhive temples or feral world sepulchers of painted rocks and skulls, formed much of the basis for esoterism and occult ritual much of 30k’s more nuanced and detailed approach to Chaos comes from. Maloghurst, burning incense and using Cthonian death coins as the catalyst for sorcerous ritual. The importance of ingredients like horsehair, or more mundane offerings like the tears of a virgin or the blood of a king, or how swords and other melee weaponry, through their symbolism, are far more effective at combatting daemons than conventional weaponry such as autoguns, lasrifles and bolters.
30k just did it better. The cosmology of Chaos – especially with the recent references of Aetheric Dominions – is so much more fleshed out, or to put it more aptly, diverse than in current 40k. Undivided Daemons running amok, ritual that isn’t just virgin’s blood being dumped on the bodies of psychic children daubed in the tears of those lashed 8-by-8 times to summon Borgathula, Eater of a Thousand Stars. The True Names of the Dark Gods are considered a privilege to know, and even then, what are they? Is it Khorne, or Khar’neth? Tzeentch or Tzen’eth? Etc etc..
If I were to take it a step further, I’d even argue Age of Sigmar, for its flaws, does so as well, with its Warcry Warbands (boo GW for discontinuing the bulk of those models, shame on you) and their lore providing some of the most interesting lore on just how certain groups can come to worship of their own aspects of Chaos. The Everflame? Coiled Ones? Great Gatherer? Supreme Predator? Tarantulos? Those are F****** awesome. Even in the Lord of the Endtimes novel, we get a superbly interesting depiction of a monk-like daemon prince, who’s followers offer their worship in caste-like tithes. The lowest of the mortal dregs in this prince’s fortress tithe their worship to more powerful warriors, who in turn pass their worship to mortal lieutenants and bound and subjugated daemons, who then offer their worship to the daemon prince, who is the only one allowed to offer the sum of their worship to the Dark Gods. Any others who do so are punished with death.
We get so much of that in 30k/Fantasy/AOS that just translates to so little in 40k, and I think that it’s a damn shame that more writers aren’t going that route
Or, are they?
Now, I understand that after 10,000 years and trillions/quadrillions of loyal Imperial souls imparting the significance of their own symbology into the warp, things may change. A bolter blessed by the local Ecclesiarch in incense and sprinkled with bone dust of holy men may be just as effective in combatting daemons as a sword these days, though I’d find that to be -slightly - lazy writing in context of time. Yet, I’d argue right now, certain writers are looking to The Horus Heresy for inspiration
We’ve had sprinklings of it throughout the decades. Balphomael, greater daemon of Chaos Undivided and a spirit of Faustian bargains, was the first reference we received in a while via FFG Dark Heresy supplements that Undivided Daemons were not simply retconned out of the setting. Then came Samus, first described as an undivided daemon, then assigned a “KHORNE” keyword, then a proto-daemon of The Dark King, and now once again undivided. Madail, Great Daemon and Herald of Undivided. Hell, from what I’ve recently read, even Malice was recently referenced as an entity of Chaos, still worshipped by the titularly named Sons of Malice as recently as BFGA 2. With that seems to be coming a re-examination from a small bit of writers, especially those who write Chaos well. I’ll cite examples such as the Fabius Bile trilogy, where it is acknowledged that the worship from the innumerable lines of mutants and new men spawned by Bile’s gene-tampering clings to him like a cloak, and “Pater Mutatis” is coalescing, or perhaps even already exists, as a chaotic entity within the warp. Vashtorr, Greater Daemon Undivided and Lord of the Soul Forge, has at least one warband who view him as a patron and focal point of worship, and he, as other daemon’s of sufficient power, offers them blessings and mutations in line with his sphere of influence. Yesugei, sealed away in the Blood Gorgon’s Cauldron of Blood, is their patron daemon, while the warband itself still venerates the Pantheon yet declare themselves free of the slavery to them other warbands and legions are bound to. Hell, somewhere in the warp, Madail still exists, Greater Daemon and Herald of Chaos Undivided
I think, as time goes on, many more writers are going to begin taking the nuanced, diverse approach to Chaos. I’d challenge the idea that Aetheric Dominions are a means of introducing future Chaos Gods to the setting, but rather that the five “open seats” or points on the octed star operate as contested spheres, planes of Chaos in which the big 4 all have stakes in, and thus those under which more powerful and, distinctly undivided entities can spawn and operate. With any luck, I believe even more diverse and interesting Chaos Cults may be featured, one’s whose beliefs don’t just boil down to “HARHARHAR I sip the blood of virgins from the skulls of my enemies in the name of my Dark Masters! Now bring me more heads to bash with my axe!” No, instead we’ll start seeing things like “The burning man comes, the head of a black wolf atop his ash-flecked molten form, and he commands me to spill the blood of the dishonorable… and there is none among this whole planet with honor aside from myself and my kin.”
submitted by Double_Reception7485 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 viasweet16 [MA] Coworker Ostracizing Me and Gossiping

I have worked at my company for 3 years and I enjoy the work and most of my coworkers. It's a smaller company and on our team, there is only one other girl somewhat close to my age (about 6 years older and at the company for 5+ years). She was an admin and I was hired as an associate. We were "work friends" - we'd go out for drinks, eat lunch together, I've been to her house, we went on a weekend trip once.
She has been ostracizing and gossiping with me since about January. At first, I thought she was struggling with a new role (she moved positions to replace someone who left) and was frustrated with her job but then she started excluding me from things (such as planning things for our department) and acting like I don't exist. I didn't really notice until March as I don't like to think I'm a main character in people's lives and I was out of office a bunch due to a personal situation. Recently several people have come up to me telling me that she has been spreading (false) gossip about me and trying to "cancel me." I also walked in on her gossiping about me with a managing director by my desk.
The last time this happened was a year ago when I was promoted and she wasn't - but it wasn't this bad and she got over it. Our company has had a lot of drama surrounding the Israel/Palestine conflict (related to our line of work) but we have been able to avoid political arguments in the office. I know we're on different sides so I've danced around the issue/changed the subject and not talked to her about it. I also don't post anything on social media nor do we follow each other except for LinkedIn.
I've never been someone who needed to be best friends with my coworkers - I honestly prefer to keep my work and personal lives separate. But it's really hard to go into the office everyday and sit next to someone who is acting like you don't exist, rolling her eyes every time you join a conversation (we're in cubicles), and trying to "cancel me" or whatever. It's actually made me really depressed and anxious - I even had a panic attack in the office after I heard her gossiping (I thought it was about me but it was about someone else).
We're required to be in office Tues-Thurs and I want to do my job (I really like everything else about my role and the company) but I don't know what to do. Our HR has a policy that they prefer interpersonal conflicts to be resolved without them. I don't really want to talk to her directly because she'll just get defensive and tell me she's free to do as she pleases. I don't feel that close to anyone at work to talk to them about it. I also feel like I have nothing to complain about (just a girl gossiping about me) and that I'm just being overly sensitive.
But this has made me dread coming into the office - to the point where I wake up and lie in bed depressed and show up an hour late (which no one minds, we're flexible about start/end times). I am toying with the idea of requesting an ADA accommodation to work remotely (I do have a documented disability and it would help me) but I don't want to do anything that drastic (nor have that awkward conversation with my supervisor).
I don't know what to do. Am I just being overly sensitive? What's the best way to move forward with minimal drama? Like I said, I don't want to be friends, I just want to feel welcome in my workplace.
submitted by viasweet16 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:08 FloppyBisque Update: I was able to find how Pleasr and Gamestop seem to be ensuring a smooth NFT drop for GME Class A Shares

Update: I was able to find how Pleasr and Gamestop seem to be ensuring a smooth NFT drop for GME Class A Shares
A lot of apes liked the Wu Tang find earlier today. I wish I could shout out the OG Korean ape who posted and who's shoulders I stood on when I made my last post.
Another software engineer wrote up a good post about how this is either a nothing burger (I don't think it is), a grift (Pleasr strongly disagrees with this), or the biggest piece of hype in the whole saga. I showed him something new and this other ape, without being led there, came to the same conclusion I did, so I feel comfortable sharing this now.
I am back to argue that I think it is the third option. This is the biggest piece of hype in the whole saga.
Many people were asking "what if I don't have a wallet" or "what about people who have no idea how to use web3". I think I have the answer.
A few apes have been URL hunting trying to see if we can hit any other endpoints on
One of them succeeded and found this.
Obligatory, ignore Robinhood. It was always going to be necessary as long as people hold shares there. And whether we like it or not, RH is involved and I would imagine that many people that hold in RH are OG apes. They probably have never sold and just checked out after the fuckery that went down.
Now, back to the good stuff.
If you click on Connect Robinhood, it brings open a popup that looks like it wants to use Plaid to integrate. I decided to bust out our trusty browser developer tools and see what I could find.
What I found and what I concluded is exactly what the other software engineer ape mentioned to me when I showed them this URL.
They are using a company called Privy. Why is this a big deal? Well, look for yourself.
Onboard all of your users to web3. How do they do this? Airdrop. Does that sound familiar? It might. And that's probably because we've talked about this in this sub before, back when GameStop was clearly in their testing phase of their NFT marketplace. Cyber Crew actually posted about it and used it.
What are crypto airdrops? Essentially, to this point, they have been a marketing strategy used by blockchain projects to distribute crypto coins or NFTs to large number of wallet addresses. Airdrops are typically used to promote awareness of the project, or perhaps reward loyal community members. Here’s how they generally work:
  1. Eligibility Criteria: Usually, you would set a specific criteria for receiving an airdrop (perhaps having Class A GME shares).
  2. Snapshot: This would be like the ex-dividend date for a normal stock. We need to capture who is eligible at a certain time.
  3. Distribution: After the snapshot, the airdropped tokens are distributed to the eligible wallet addresses. This can be done automatically via smart contracts or manually by the team performing the drop.
  4. Announcement and Promotion: From my understanding, people often announce airdrops in advance to generate buzz and attract new users. I could definitely see this happening to hype up GME, Wu Tang, Pleasr, everyone.
  5. Claim Process: Finally, in some cases, recipients need to claim their airdropped tokens by performing certain actions, such as signing a transaction or visiting a specific website ( perhaps?). This helps ensure that only active community members receive the airdrop.
Now take a look at this screenshot from the article that Cyber Crew posted to explain two years ago.
This feels like the perfect time to use Privy if RC and Pleasr are trying to give out Once Upon A Time In Shaolin out to GME holders.
Oh look, here's what Privy says on their site.
A web2-caliber UX? What does that mean?
Well, Web2 is the version of the internet where people can create and share content on social media and websites. It’s all about interacting with others online. If you are old enough to remember Web1, that was when websites were just static places you can visit.
So Web1 is this: Static HTML and CSS:
Web 2 is like Reddit. It's interactive. I can post, edit, delete, etc.
Web3 is the next version of the internet where people use blockchain to own and control their data. It makes online activities more secure and decentralized. To this point, it has been very hard to use and that's why we haven't seen mass adoption.
Privy makes it feel like Web2 with Web3 underlying tech.
They are going to make it so we basically just login to our brokerages or wallets depending on what you have, and you will be able to listen to your (theoretically of course) brand new, exclusive, NFT Wu Tang album.
Oh, and shorties, each album is going to be specific to each one of our shares. You know, the 351,000,000 shares that are the only ones that exist.
And if it just so happens that 300,000,000,000 shares exist, you'll have to close those shorts because you won't be able to deliver our NFT dividends because you can't counterfeit that, and I don't know about the rest of you apes, but I am DEFINITELY going to want to listen to my album and I will not accept a cash replacement like they did with Overstock.
Also, fuck you, I'm not selling.
This is how you protect yo neck. Check mate bitches. I'll see y'all on Uranus.
submitted by FloppyBisque to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:04 Accomplished_Hat7171 IoA is honestly an underrated FPS

TL;DR: IoA is a pretty great story-based game with interesting and fun abilities. It’s got some quirks about it that could be overlooked depending on person. Recommended to give it a try for story lovers and ppl that enjoy just casual gameplay. Have fun!
Compared to other mainstream FPS games available, Immortals of Aveum is definitely in its own category. Although it’s HEAVILY linear story-based and limited in terms of open-world exploration, the story is new and intriguing with a potential “cliff-hanger” as the final cutscene in the game. You may feel different about various characters throughout the game, but it’s intended. Through all its quirks, I’m so glad to have played this game and definitely recommend to all that enjoy a good story and semi-easy trophies/achievements.
Be prepared to go through some tedious moments such as no cutscene skipping, a massive amount of main story chests, landlocked traveling with limited portal access, excruciatingly slow leveling (to promote NG+ play throughs), and other things. However, none of those quirks take away from the fun that is being an Immortal of Aveum!
If trophy hunting, I recommend checking out YouTuber “Cruella70” to have general knowledge of golden chest locations throughout the game. Most “guides” are walkthroughs or written guides which are annoying to skip through and figure out where you need to be. This YouTuber just does their best to show you as close to a picture of a completed map as they can. I’ve linked one of their videos for reference.
Oh and there’s an “online multiplayer” feature I’ve yet to try out. Will come back and give my thoughts on that at some point too.
submitted by Accomplished_Hat7171 to ImmortalsOfAveum [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:02 Few-Spot-6475 [Spoilers Main] The great philosopher Socrates, Maegor Targaryen and Rhaenyra.

I don’t know how many follow or have read the books in this sub, but this is one of the most interesting things I’ve found after reading Rhaenyra being called “Maegor with tits” by the Green opposition.
This is all from the Internet. A click away from any phone.
Socrates was a Greek philosopher from Athens who is credited as the founder of Western philosophy and among the first moral philosophers of the ethical tradition of thought.
An enigmatic figure, Socrates authored no texts and is known mainly through the posthumous accounts of classical writers, particularly his students Plato and Xenophon. These accounts are written as dialogues, in which Socrates and his interlocutors examine a subject in the style of question and answer; they gave rise to the Socratic dialogue literary genre.
Contradictory accounts of Socrates make a reconstruction of his philosophy nearly impossible, a situation known as the Socratic problem. Socrates was a polarizing figure in Athenian society. In 399 BC, he was accused of impiety and corrupting the youth. After a trial that lasted a day, he was sentenced to death. He spent his last day in prison, refusing offers to help him escape.
There were four charges that were brought against Socrates. They were that he argued the weaker claim over the stronger claim, that he argue the physical over the metaphysical, that he was against the gods and that he was corrupting the youth.
Socrates was found guilty by a jury of 501 Athenians and was sentenced to drink a deadly poison, named hemlock. Many scholars have argued that the charges against Socrates were politically motivated and have understood his trial and conviction as an attack upon freedom of speech and an indictment of democracy.
The Last Moments of Maegor’s Reign, losing against a misogynistic society led by petty and ambitious nobles and against the Faith of the Seven, a religion that enforces gender roles and inequality between men and women.
By 48 AC Maegor's tyranny could no longer be borne by the realm. At Storm's End Aenys I's last surviving son, Prince Jaehaerys, put forth his claim to the throne, supported by Lord Rogar Baratheon, who was named Protector of the Realm and Hand of the King by the prince. Jaehaerys had two dragons on his side, his own mount Vermithor and his sister's mount Silverwing, against Maegor's Balerion. Grand Maester Benifer secretly escaped on a ship to Pentos. Ser Olyver Bracken and Ser Raymund Mallery, two of Maegor's Kingsguard, also deserted him. Lord Daemon Velaryon, the admiral of the royal fleet, and brother of Alyssa Velaryon was the first of the great lords to forsake Maegor, taking the royal fleet with him, and many other lords followed his example. The great houses of Lannister, Tyrell, and Arryn came out against Maegor and in the riverlands House Tully gave support to Septon Moon and Ser Joffrey Doggett, the leaders of the Poor Fellows.
Maegor called his banners in response, but few answered, giving Maegor an army of barely four thousand soldiers. Despite this, Maegor refused to surrender. At the end of the war council, Maegor remained behind alone in the throne room to brood. He was found dead the next morning by Queen Elinor, seated on the Iron Throne with his robes covered in blood and his wrists slashed. A spike from one of the swords on the throne behind him was impaled through the back of his neck. How Maegor died was never discovered. Some say he had been killed by Queen Elinor, others that he had been killed by a knight of his own Kingsguard. Yet others say he had been killed by a builder who escaped the slaughter three years earlier and desired revenge, and many believe that Maegor had been killed by the throne itself. Others believe that Maegor killed himself by opening his wrists on the blades of the Iron Throne.
The fate of Maegor’s loyal supporters.
Owen Bush was a knight of the Kingsguard during the reign of King Maegor I Targaryen. When Maegor suspected Queen Tyanna of the Tower of betrayal, he had Owen and his sworn brother, Ser Maladon Moore, bring her to the dungeons, where she confessed.
Maegor the Cruel gradually lost political support, resulting in a rival threat in his nephew, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen. Two of his Kingsguard defected to Jaehaerys, and Maegor lost a third guard when Owen was found dead outside a brothel in 48 AC, his member cut off and stuffed in his mouth.
Maladon Moore was a knight from House Moore and a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of King Maegor I Targaryen. When the king suspected Queen Tyanna of the Tower of treason, Maladon and Owen were dispatched to seize the queen and deliver her to the dungeons, where Maegor was said to have slain her while Maladon was present.
After Maegor died in 48 AC and his nephew King Jaehaerys I Targaryen took the Iron Throne, Maladon was accused of being involved in the death of Queen Ceryse, allegedly restraining her when Ser Owen accidentally killed her. Maladon denied these charges, insisting she died of "shrewishness". While the charges were never proven, Maladon lost his head for his involvement in Queen Tyanna's death, of which he was guilty.
When Queen Tyanna of the Tower admitted to poisoning Queen Alys Harroway during her pregnancy, Tyanna promised the same would happen to Elinor. Tyanna was proven correct when Elinor gave birth to a stillborn abomination said to have been born eyeless and with small wings. Elinor was one of the two wives who survived the king, the other being Queen Rhaena Targaryen.
After King Maegor's death, Lord Daemon Velaryon proposed that King Jaehaerys I Targaryen marry Queen Elinor to reconcile with Maegor's supporters when a bride was being considered for the king, but nothing came of the proposal. After Jaehaerys's ascent, Elinor departed King's Landing dressed in the robes of a penitent. She visited her two elder sons at the Eyrie and Highgarden before retiring to her father's seat at the Three Towers with her youngest son.
Later, King Jaehaerys commanded Elinor to go forth and spread his Doctrine of Exceptionalism to the peoples of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as the goodness of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, becoming one of the Seven Speakers. Her queenly raiment became shabbier and more threadbare each day, and she eventually gave up all claims to nobility, becoming Mother Elinor at the great motherhouse in Lannisport.
House Rosby was one of the first houses to yield peacefully to House Targaryen during Aegon's Conquest, surrendering to Rhaenys Targaryen and Meraxes. The Rosby lands became part of the crownlands surrounding King's Landing. Lord Jon Rosby was named Warden of the Sands by King Aegon I Targaryen during the First Dornish War, but Jon was killed in the Defenestration of Sunspear.
Ser Rayford Rosby defended King Maegor I Targaryen during his trial of seven, but Rayford was slain during the fighting. Lord Rosby remained loyal to the king even as his downfall became certain, and was one of the last to see the king alive. In the chaos that followed the discovery of Maegor's body, Lord Rosby drank a cup of hemlock to join his king in death. His young son received forgiveness from King Jaehaerys I Targaryen at Dragonstone.
In 47 AC, King Maegor was dealing with the issue of his lack of heirs, despite having already married three women. Lord Daemon Velaryon, Rhaena's uncle and a member of Maegor's small council, advised Maegor to wed Rhaena, to unite their claims and prevent new rebellions, and to gain her as a hostage against any potential schemes of Dowager Queen Alyssa. Later that year, Maegor summoned Rhaena to King's Landing, and she did not defy him. At the Red Keep, Maegor married Rhaena in a triple ceremony, together with Elinor Costayne and Jeyne Westerling. As the three women were all widows of men Maegor had killed, they became known as the "Black Brides". Immediately following the wedding, Maegor declared Rhaena's elder daughter Aerea as his heir until he had sons of his own, while disinheriting Rhaena's youngest brother Jaehaerys in the same decree.
After Maegor’s death, discussion arose as to who had the better claim to the Iron Throne. There were some who suggested that Rhaena's claim, as the firstborn child of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon, was the strongest. Her gender argued against her, however, and Rhaena herself had come to loathe King's Landing and its court. The claims of her daughters were argued for as well. If Maegor was to be considered a usurper, the true king would have been Rhaena's first husband, Aegon, who had claimed the throne before Jaehaerys had. As such, some suggested the throne should pass to one of his daughters by Rhaena, Aerea or Rhaella.
As time passed, Rhaena began to resent the fact that her claim to the throne, and that of her daughters, had been dismissed in favor of Jaehaerys, to whom she began to refer as "my baby brother". In addition, Rhaena begrudged her mother for promoting Jaehaerys's claim over her own.
Ser Walton Towers was granted Harrenhal by King Maegor I Targaryen in 44 AC after winning a melee in Lord Harroway's Town, but Walton died soon after from his wounds. Harrenhal thus passed to his eldest son. Lord Jordan remained loyal to Maegor during the king's wars, and Lord Rosby were the last to see the king alive before Maegor's death on the Iron Throne. Along with Lords Darklyn and Staunton, Jordan yielded the Red Keep to Prince Jaehaerys, Princess Rhaena, and Princess Alysanne Targaryen. The three lords were sent to the black cells, but were eventually pardoned by King Jaehaerys I after surrendering some of their land.
Jordan eventually died of a chest congestion. Harrenhal passed to Jordan's last surviving son, Maegor Towers, as Jordan's older sons had all died fighting for King Maegor.
Maegor's father, Lord Jordan Towers, was one of the last lords of the Seven Kingdoms who remained loyal to King Maegor I Targaryen. All of Jordan's sons died fighting in the king's wars, with the exception of young Maegor.
Maegor became Lord Towers after the death of his father due to a chest congestion. When King Jaehaerys I Targaryen began a royal progress in 53 AC to celebrate the new year, his first stop was to see the new Lord of Harrenhal, then only nine years of age.
Maegor was an impoverished lord who resided in the Tower of Dread with only a cook and three men-at-arms. Since the rest of Harrenhal was empty, King Jaehaerys settled his widowed sister, Rhaena Targaryen, in the Widow's Tower in 56 AC. Maegor and Rhaena eventually became friends, and she cared for his servants after Maegor passed away in 61 AC. Harrenhal was granted to House Strong after Rhaena passed away in 73 AC.
Maegor was sickly and poor.
Socrates speaks his last words to Crito: "Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Please, don't forget to pay the debt". Asclepius was the Greek god for curing illness, and it is likely that Socrates' last words were implied to mean that death is the cure, and freedom of the soul from the body.
Asclepius, Greco-Roman god of medicine, son of Apollo (god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and the mortal princess Coronis. The Centaur Chiron taught him the art of healing. At length Zeus (the king of the gods), afraid that Asclepius might render all men immortal, slew him with a thunderbolt.
Zeus saw Asclepius & his medical skills as a threat to the eternal division between humanity & the gods. Asclepius met a tragic end when he was killed by a thunderbolt thrown by Zeus.
Socrates ultimately does not fear death because of his innocence, he believes that death is not to be feared because it may be one of the greatest blessings of the soul.
The reasons for Socrates not escaping when he had the chance the night prior; are made explicit before the Laws make their speech. Because escape defies the will of the Athenians, it requires stealth and bribery, shameful practices that are unjustified in the current situation.
Socrates Feared Democracies Would Elect Demagogues. The term arose in Greece in the fifth century BCE, right around Socrates's time, and is often used negatively. Socrates himself was extremely worried that the democratic format would give rise to a demagoguery.
Demagogues are political leaders who seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Modern demagogues include Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Joseph McCarthy, all of whom built mass followings the same way that Cleon did: by exciting the passions of the masses against customs and norms of the aristocratic elites of their times.
This is why Maegor and Socrates died. They challenged authority and lost. They were silenced by the powerful lords and by the elected council of Athens whom were given power by the common people.
They were “heroes”.
“My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and women who tried to make the world a better place than when they found it, whether in small ways or great ones. Some succeeded, some failed, most had mixed results... but it is the effort that's heroic, as I see it. Win or lose, I admire those who fight the good fight.
George R.R. Martin.
King Maegor had married all his brides and gave them Queenly status.
Jeyne was married to Lord Alyn Tarbeck. She was widowed when Alyn died during the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye in 43 AC. Jeyne was pregnant when her husband died, and gave him a posthumous son a few months later.
In 47 AC, Jeyne was being courted by a younger son of Lyman Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock, when King Maegor I Targaryen sent for her to be wed to him. She married Maegor in a ceremony at King's Landing, along with Lady Elinor Costayne and Princess Rhaena Targaryen. As all three women had been widowed due to Maegor, they became known as the "Black Brides". The stories told of the wedding night claim that Jeyne was given a fertility potion by Queen Tyanna of the Tower, and either drank it, or threw it in Tyanna's face. After the wedding, Queen Jeyne's son was confirmed as Lord of Tarbeck Hall, and sent to Casterly Rock to be raised as a ward of Lyman Lannister.
Lord Edwell Celtigar, the Hand of the King, announced half a year after the wedding that Queen Jeyne was pregnant, and Queen Elinor's pregnancy was announced shortly afterwards. Maegor, joyful, showered both his wives with gifts and honors, and granted new lands and offices to their fathers, brothers, and uncles. Unfortunately, Jeyne's labor began three months early, and she gave birth to a stillborn child, monstrous, lacking arms and legs but possessing both male and female genitalia. Jeyne herself died soon after.
In 48 AC, Tyanna of the Tower confessed to having poisoned Jeyne's child in the womb.
This is all on the awoiaf wiki.
George is a better writer than we’ve given him credit for.
Please feel free to discuss and ask questions.
submitted by Few-Spot-6475 to HOTDBlacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:57 tempmailgenerator Understanding Java's Argument Passing Mechanism

Exploring Java's Core Concepts

Java's handling of data and method arguments is a fundamental aspect that affects how programmers write and understand code. At the heart of this discussion lies the question: Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"? This question is not just academic; it influences the design and efficiency of Java applications. Understanding the distinction and its implications is crucial for developers aiming to manipulate objects and primitives effectively in Java. The way Java treats variable passing under the hood can lead to different outcomes in code execution, affecting everything from variable manipulation to object-oriented programming practices.
The confusion often arises from Java's ability to manipulate objects, leading some to believe it operates on a pass-by-reference model. However, the reality is more nuanced, affecting how functions and methods interact with data. Clarifying this concept is essential for debugging, optimizing, and writing efficient Java code. By dissecting Java's argument passing mechanism, developers can gain insights into the language's behavior, allowing for more precise control over program flow and state management, ultimately leading to more robust and maintainable applications.
Command Description
int, Object Primitive data type and object declaration in Java.
System.out.println() Method to print messages to the console.
new Keyword to create new objects.

Delving Deeper into Java's Argument Passing

In Java, understanding the distinction between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference is crucial for developers, as it fundamentally influences how methods interact with arguments, be they primitives or objects. Java strictly follows the pass-by-value paradigm. This means when a variable is passed to a method, a new copy of that variable is created and used inside the method. For primitive types, such as int or double, this concept is straightforward. A copy of the value is made, and any modifications to this value within the method do not affect the original value outside the method. This behavior ensures the integrity of the original data, allowing developers to operate with the assurance that their variables outside the method scope remain unchanged.
However, confusion often arises when dealing with objects. While Java still uses pass-by-value for objects, what gets passed by value is the reference to the object, not the object itself. This subtle but crucial distinction means that when an object is passed to a method, the method receives a copy of the reference pointing to the same object in memory. Therefore, while the reference itself is a copy, any modifications made to the object's attributes via this reference will affect the original object. This behavior often leads to the misconception that Java uses pass-by-reference for objects. Understanding this mechanism is vital for developers to effectively manage memory and manipulate object data within their Java applications.

Understanding Pass-by-Value with Primitives

Java programming language
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 10; incrementValue(a); System.out.println(a); } public static void incrementValue(int number) { number = number + 1; } } 

Demonstrating Pass-by-Value with Objects

Java code snippet
public class Car { int speed; } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Car myCar = new Car(); myCar.speed = 10; increaseSpeed(myCar); System.out.println(myCar.speed); } public static void increaseSpeed(Car car) { car.speed = car.speed + 10; } } 

Clarifying Java's Pass-by-Value and Pass-by-Reference Mechanisms

The concept of pass-by-value versus pass-by-reference in Java is pivotal for understanding how information is transferred between methods and variables within a program. Java's strict adherence to pass-by-value means that when a variable is passed to a method, a copy of the variable is created for use within that method's scope. This principle applies universally across Java, regardless of whether the data type is primitive or an object. For primitives, this mechanism is straightforward: the method operates on a copy, leaving the original value untouched. This ensures that changes made within the method do not inadvertently alter the program's state outside the method's scope.
When dealing with objects, the nuance of Java's pass-by-value becomes more apparent. Although it might seem like objects are passed by reference, Java actually passes a copy of the object's reference. This distinction is crucial. It means any modifications to the object's attributes through this copied reference will reflect on the original object, as both references point to the same memory location. However, if the reference itself is changed within the method, this does not affect the original reference. This understanding is essential for managing memory effectively and manipulating object-oriented data structures in Java applications, ensuring developers can predict and control how data moves through their applications.

Common Questions on Java's Pass-by-Value System

  1. Question: Is Java pass-by-value or pass-by-reference?
  2. Answer: Java is strictly pass-by-value, copying the variable's value for primitives or the reference value for objects when passed to methods.
  3. Question: How does pass-by-value affect primitive types in Java?
  4. Answer: For primitive types, pass-by-value means any changes to the variable within a method do not affect the original variable outside the method.
  5. Question: Does Java pass objects by reference?
  6. Answer: No, Java passes a copy of the reference to the object, not the object itself, maintaining the pass-by-value paradigm.
  7. Question: What is the implication of pass-by-value for object modifications?
  8. Answer: Modifications to an object's attributes via its reference affect the original object, since the copied reference points to the same object in memory.
  9. Question: Can changing the reference within a method affect the original reference?
  10. Answer: No, changing the reference to point to a new object within the method does not affect the original reference outside the method.
  11. Question: How can one ensure data integrity when passing objects to methods in Java?
  12. Answer: Understanding that objects are passed by copying the reference can help manage how and when data is modified, ensuring integrity.
  13. Question: Does pass-by-value affect performance in Java?
  14. Answer: Pass-by-value can affect performance, especially when large objects are involved, due to the need to copy object references.
  15. Question: How does Java handle method overloading with pass-by-value?
  16. Answer: Method overloading is unaffected by pass-by-value, as it depends on the method's signature rather than how values are passed.
  17. Question: Can pass-by-value lead to unexpected behavior in Java?
  18. Answer: Without proper understanding, it might lead to unexpected behavior, especially when modifying object attributes thinking it's pass-by-reference.
  19. Question: How can developers work effectively with Java's pass-by-value system?
  20. Answer: Developers should be mindful of the pass-by-value nature, especially when dealing with objects, to manage memory and data flow effectively.

Wrapping Up Java's Pass-by-Value Discussion

Java's approach to handling data through pass-by-value is a cornerstone concept that influences the behavior of both primitives and objects within the language. This article has dissected the nuances of how Java processes variables and references passed to methods, highlighting the importance of understanding this mechanism for effective programming. Despite common misconceptions, Java's consistent use of pass-by-value for both primitives and objects—via copying the reference, not the object itself—ensures that developers must be meticulous in how they manage memory and manipulate data. Grasping this concept is not just about adhering to Java's syntax but about embracing a methodology that enhances code maintainability, efficiency, and predictability. The clarity provided on this topic aims to empower developers with the knowledge to navigate Java's intricacies confidently, fostering a deeper comprehension of how Java's design principles affect day-to-day coding and overall application architecture.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 lilkorea_189 Packed up my life for a man only for our relationship to sour almost immediately

I, 35 female, had been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend, 45 male, for the last 3 years. I won't bore you with the details of how we met and what went on for the last 3 years of our relationship, I'm just going to get to the point.
Back in late September 2023, my boyfriend moved to Iowa. We had just gotten back together when he sprung that on me and I was rather upset at first but knew that he was only moving because it was for his mental health. Living in the big city can be very costly and stressful, so I understood his reasoning. I did not go with him and figured we would go our separate ways. Fast forward four months later and I get a message from him through Facebook messenger asking me to call him. I call him and learned rather quickly that he had been drinking but he was asking why I suddenly ghosted him by not replying back to his texts or calls. For context, I never blocked his number.
I told him that I did not get any of his texts or calls. He asked me why I never tried reaching out to him and I explained that I thought him moving away and not staying in contact meant the end of our relationship. We had a lengthy conversation that night and he asked me to come visit him. I told him that I will consider it but would need to build up some PTO as I had just started a new job and didn't want to risk anything during my first 90 days. We stayed in touch after that, calling each other daily and talking on the phone for hours just catching up and going over mutual interests and so on until I've built up enough PTO to go visit him.
You may wonder why I was the one to go visit him in Iowa. Firstly, he wanted me to see the town he had decided to settle in. Secondly, we had discussed resuming our relationship and possibly having me move out there as it was out of the question for him to move back to the city where I live. I understood his reasoning for moving but felt that leaving the life I have behind for him felt a bit extreme. But I kept an open mind about Iowa and went to visit (side note, there are no direct flights to where he moved to. I had to fly to Chicago, which is a 2.5 hour drive away and he had to rent a car to pick me up). I spent a four day weekend with him, and I'm not going to lie and say that it was magical and romantic because it's Iowa. Seeing him again, however, brought back all the feelings I had for him and I realized just how much I had missed him.
I honestly didn't see much during my visit as it wasn't a dense town like I would see back home, as everything was very spread out. That should have been my very first clue to the kind of life it was like. It was very quiet and peaceful, which was a change. Unlike the city where it was always busy and sirens going off in the distance was a constant, at night it's dead silent. It was definitely a change in pace and I was more or less charmed, but not impressed. My weekend visit was over before we knew it and I returned home back to the life I was most comfortable with.
My boyfriend and I resumed our daily phone calls, but I noticed our conversations began to shift towards me moving out to Iowa. And in truth I was swayed by the idea of leaving the big city for small town life, however, my biggest hesitation was job security. I work in the medical field and finding a job with my skill-sets wasn't a huge challenge aside from the lack of urgency of callbacks from the jobs I had applied to. My boyfriend reassured me that it was just how things were in Iowa, that unlike the city, the businesses moved through a system that was much slower than what I was used to. I had my doubts but then again I didn't know much about the hiring process in the mid-west. My boyfriend then said it would probably go a lot faster if I was actually in the area (which I was skeptical about but didn't comment). I knew he just wanted me there with him and, at that time, I wanted to be with him because I had truly believed that we had talked through our past issues and were now on the same wavelength of what we wanted as a couple moving forward.
Boy was I in for a rude awakening.
I literally packed up my life into my SUV. I didn't take any furniture with me knowing that what my boyfriend lacked we could always buy. It took me 3 days of driving to reach Iowa and I had never thought I'd be so happy to be in Iowa or all places, but I was. I was blinded by hopes and dreams of a happy life with the man I thought I was in love with. I should mention that I have been saving money for a down payment on a house for the last 5 years and have managed to save $20k. It has been a personal goal, not dream, for myself to be a homeowner, not because I want that white picket fence dream, but because I simply want a home that is truly MY home. I want a safe space that truly feels mine and have it reflect the type of person that I am, instead of apartments where I would have to return the space to the manufactured setting once I leave.
Now, the housing market in Iowa is relatively cheap compared to Washington. And when I saw the cheap listings, cheap as in less than $200k for a 3 bedroom 2 bath, move-in ready house I was ready to commit my new life in Iowa with my boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend was very supportive of my house hunting, he knew that it was personal goal of mine and had always said how he admired my ambition to become a home owner. I got in touch with a realtor agent who collaborated with me on what my boyfriend and I were looking for in a home. I probably saw about a dozen houses within my first 2 weeks since arriving to Iowa and I actually found a house that we both really liked. I was ready to put in an offer when my boyfriend suddenly told me that he didn't want to become a home owner, saying that it was too much of a commitment that he never wants to make.
It gave me pause, and though I was very disappointed in having to put aside a goal I made for myself, I half-heartedly agreed. It was then things started to unravel between us and his mood just quickly declined. I should note that my boyfriend has diagnosed PTSD from childhood trauma and he has a tendency to become anxious and agitated when stressed out. The days that followed I had noticed a shift in him and because he works from home, I just assumed it was because his work was stressing him out.
I tried to be a good girlfriend by staying out of his way while he was working and try to be as quiet as possible while at home. I would try to help out with small things like letting the dogs out to relieve themselves and take them on short walks. I tried to be mindful to not make a mess. Along with my boyfriend's anxiety and mental health struggles he also has OCD, and while back in Seattle I had noticed he liked to keep a clean home, out in Iowa it had become abundantly clear that the smallest mess would upset him.
His bad mood only worsened. One day, while he was folding laundry, I asked him if there was anything he'd like me to do around the house because I wanted to be helpful. He said "If you see a mess, clean it." That came off as truly strange to me.
"Do you want me to vacuum or clean the bathrooms?" I asked.
He looked at me like what I had asked was the dumbest question he had ever heard and snapped at me with: "If you see a mess, clean it. You're not 12 years old, you're not being paid an allowance to do simple chores. You're an adult, you should already know what to do."
What he said embarrassed me and made me feel so small and inferior, but it also truly angered me. Where was all this hostility suddenly coming from? I didn't want to start a fight over chores and simply helped him fold the laundry. We eventually had a talk, which turned into him going on a tangent about how he requires to keep a clean and sterile house, that "everything has its place" in the house. He then went on about not wanting the commitment of home ownership and that he has no intentions of ever returning to Seattle. He told me how all my stuff cluttering the bedroom and office is taking a toll on his mental health and that it's my job to make sure that they're all put away so he doesn't have to see them (mind you, I was still unpacking and with limited storage space the rest of my belongings are still packed away).
Then he suggested something that blindsided me. He suggested that I possibly look for my own place so that we live separately and slowly integrate into each other's lives again. It was then that I took account of all the red flags that had sprung up from before I foolishly packed up my life to be with this man that I suddenly no longer loved. It was as if a switch in me had been flipped and all those feelings of affection just left my system. I told him that what he was proposing wasn't possible because I was struggling to find employment and didn't want to waste my savings on a brand new lease, especially since I was just added onto his lease.
I tried to find a middle ground with him, especially when it came to my personal belongings. I knew that he was talking about my makeup being out on the counter. Mind you, my second day in Iowa, we had gone to Costco where I found a makeup organizer and purchased it. All my makeup fits neatly in it and isn't scattered all over the place, he just doesn't like seeing them. That still wasn't good enough for him but I had to point it out to him by saying "I live here, too. It's only fair that I should feel like this is my home."
After that, the tension between us only got worse. He would have angry outbursts over the smallest inconveniences and prioritize more on his "mental and physical health" than work on our rapidly deteriorating relationship. I'm also at fault for not trying harder to talk things out but after he suggested I find my own place I subconsciously knew our relationship was over, on top of that, I was also emotionally drained and feeling depressed.
Now moving to the present, I had finally secured a job that would be opening a clinic nearby, meaning I wouldn't have to waste gas as much and would finally be able to contribute financially to the household. When I told my boyfriend the news it was received with a rather lackluster response but I still held out hope that once I start working and be out of the house more things might mellow out. Then, over the weekend, everything fell apart.
I had woken up early because the dogs needed to go outside. I knew my boyfriend wasn't getting much sleep lately so I let him sleep in as much as possible. Once the dogs had finished relieving themselves I had the intention of going back to bed to get another hour or so of sleep but the dogs came in to disrupt that plan. My boyfriend didn't like that and got up explosively, cursing and yelling as he stomped downstairs about how he couldn't get any sleep. I go downstairs to tell him that he can go back to bed, that I forgot to feed the dogs after letting them outside and that I would take care of it. He yells at me that he would do it since he's up and then goes on a rant about how his life was disrupted ever since I arrived. Let me remind you that he wanted me there in the first place.
He blamed me for the poor sleep he's been having ever since I arrived (there is also 3 dogs sleeping in the bed with us). He blamed me for his financial woes (he took care of the bills until I found a job). He blamed me for the hit to his credit score (I took a hit as well because we were getting pre-approval for a home loan before he said he didn't want to move forward with it). Blamed me for the decline in his mental and physical health (he vapes throughout the day and his vices are scotch and ice cream). And he blamed me for his inability to focus on drawing his comic series because of his mental health decline (he's a decent artist but I can't take credit for his creative block).
While he listed off all the things I am to be blamed for and how he had made so many compromises for me I reflected back on my surprisingly short time here (3 weeks, nearing 4), I was the one who made all the compromises. I was the one who made the bigger sacrifice. I traveled half-way across the country for a man who will never make my happiness a priority. From the start of our relationship 3 years ago to now, I was the only one who had to make sacrifices just to pacify this giant man-child.
He brought up me finding my own place again and I told him that if I have to move out then I'm returning to Seattle. He didn't fight me on that but the downside is that I have to wait for my parents, who had planned to drive out this way in June from Seattle, to visit friends in Chicago. They've been made aware of the situation and will be driving out in my step-dad's pickup truck to haul back all of my belongings and we would leave together in both my step-dad;s truck and my SUV. I had emailed the hiring manager I had gone through my interview process with, letting her know that I unfortunately will be returning to Seattle due to personal circumstances.
In the meantime I have begun submitting my resume to clinics and hospitals back in Seattle and already have several interviews set up (much faster turn-around than Iowa) and hopefully soon I will have secured a job before my return home.
submitted by lilkorea_189 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 Gortski123 My dad told me to keep his planned divorce a secret. AITA?

Hello, bere with me this will be long...
Backstory with my family; I (25y M) , grew up as a military brat with one brother and mom and dad. My dad was always gone during the first 10 years of my life in Iraq and Afganistan. Year long deployments usually , and when he returned home it felt really awkward and we didn't talk... just kind of avoided each other. I never felt like he really liked me or my brother all that much. I made me unsure of how to act around older men for a long time... But from the perspective of a kid I thought him and my mom were like any other parents.
I didn't realize how him being in and out of my life effected me and my brother until we were older and out of the house. Constant moving to duty stations, starting over every 3 years, and an emotionally absent father can take a toll on a young boy. As a result I became very socially awkward and with guys and especially girls. To the point were I physically COULD NOT look people in the eye. Perhaps because whem my father would get mad he would stare at me in silence with a look that pierced my soul. It took years to hold eye contact with anyone (any body else have that problem?). My family is very awkward as well , my mom usually spoke for most of us in social settings , I guess my brother and I took after my dad's quiet demenour.
For me my childhood was best spent AWAY from home , usually crashing and my friends houses for days on end. If I was home , we all just kind of did our own thing in separate room... never ate together, at most watched TV sometimes. I spend most of my time locked away in my room once school got out or until I saw my friends again, same with my brother
Fast forward to turning 18, I enlisted in the army and got out of the house. Strangley enough my dad cried he day I left for basic , I guess I wasn't expecting much more than a goodbye hug. But that lead us to start talking more often than I ever had as a kid , which was kind of cool and also a little strange to get used to. After about 2-3 years of developing the relationship we never had , one day I get a phone call...
I thought it would be like our normal "how's life"? Or monthly chit chat we started doing. But OH NO... this wasn't that. He calls me and were talking like normal and he says "I'm glad we could bond over the past few years, I'm sorry I wasn't always there for you". I said "me too. And don't worry I've delta with it already". And he said "glad to hear , now can I trust you with a secret?". Didn't know what to expect... I said sure you can. "I'm going to divorce your mom in a few months , once you and your brother moved out it wasn't the same and I'm not happy".
Just silence... , what the he'll can a 20 year old guy who just recently formed a bond with his dad supposed to say??
To wrap the story up , no.. I didn't tell my mom. I was frozen with keeping his trust and our bond , but also not wanting to be the one to tell her. In the end , she found out I knew the two months before it happened and hasn't been the same since. She used to the mom who was the life of the party , but now she cries almost evryday since it happend (4 years now). She said she hated me for the first year . So that severed me and hers relationship and were just now starting to recover from it. I barely speak to my dad now , maybe 1 or twice every 3-5 months... that bond when down the funding gutter in the end lol..
On top of that , my dad moves back to his hometown where all his family lives. He told my brother he slept with like 12 women from dating apps (cool flex I guess) and is now engaged to a single mom with 2 teenagers. Apparently they go on vacations and hangout more than we ever did as a kid. Most days I really don't give a shit about any of it , but there's days (especially bad ones) were I consumes my thoughts and I feel like a piece of shit for never telling my mom and how his new family gets the dad I always wanted him to be. On top of if i had told her how things might have ended better. My dad also wants me to come visit and meet his new family eventually... fuck that... I'd be happy to never see them ever. So if you made it though all of that , AITA for telling my mom his plan?
submitted by Gortski123 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches
Are you in search of a reliable and efficient way to carry your 22LR magazines while on the field or range? Look no further as we've gathered the best options available for you. Our roundup of 22Lr Magazine Pouches offers a variety of designs and features tailored to suit your individual needs. Explore the latest offerings and discover the perfect solution to keep your magazines secure and accessible during your next shooting excursion.

The Top 5 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

  1. Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made - High-speed, adjustable-retention Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch with black finish, ideal for carrying various equipment and accessories.
  2. Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines - The RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch provides secure and rapid access to 5.56 or 7.62 AR rifle magazines, perfect for any shooting enthusiast.
  3. Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam - The Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch offers ultimate versatility, holding six M4 magazines and featuring adjustable bungee retention cords, fully Molle compatible design, and six button snap webbing straps for seamless attachment.
  4. Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch - The PHLSTER Ascent rifle pouch offers a sleek, slim, and versatile solution for IWB concealment, with an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile for structure and compatibility, making it a top pick for 22Lr magazine pouches.
  5. Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable - Secure and sturdy, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch provides a snug fit and easy access to your magazines, while offering the versatility of MOLLE attachment and adjustable shock cord options.
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🔗Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made
As an avid shooter, I've tried numerous magazine pouches over the years. However, the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch has quickly become my go-to choice. This sleek, compact pouch not only securely holds most rifle and pistol caliber magazines but also offers the flexibility to fit a variety of other items such as radios, shotgun shell trays, and multitools. Its unique design, featuring an open top and tapered, protruding brackets, ensures quick and easy access to your equipment, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities.
One standout feature of this pouch is its compatibility with both MOLLE and belts up to 2 inches wide, thanks to the new HSGI Universal Clips. Not only does it provide versatility in its attachment options, but it's also built with heavy-duty nylon laminate, shock cord, and polymer brackets to provide adjustable retention and durability. This pouch has endured rigorous use and continues to perform flawlessly.
The only downside I've noticed is that the pouch is quite narrow, which can make it difficult to fit larger items like some shotgun shell trays. However, this minor issue has not detracted from my overall satisfaction with the product. If you're in the market for a high-quality, American-made magazine pouch that offers both functionality and versatility, I wholeheartedly recommend the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch.

🔗Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines
When it comes to finding the perfect magazine pouch for your AR-type rifle, the RangeMaxx Open Top has proven to be a great option for many. This pouch is perfect for those on a budget or for those just starting out in the shooting world. Constructed with rugged 1,000D polyester, the pouch is built to last. The metal grommet drain hole on the bottom allows water to escape, keeping your magazine intact even in wet conditions.
My experience with this pouch has been fairly positive. It effectively holds AR-type rifle magazines securely and provides rapid access when needed. The elastic band and bungee cord with lock keep the magazine in place, preventing it from falling out unexpectedly. Its ability to fit belts up to 1-3/4" adds versatility to its design.
However, I did find a few drawbacks. The pouch seems to struggle with fitting slightly larger magazines, such as those for 308 rifles. I also encountered some resistance when trying to insert larger, AICS magazines. It's important to note that the packaging might be somewhat misleading in regards to the range of magazines this pouch can accommodate.
Overall, the RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch is a reliable and budget-friendly option for carrying AR-type rifle magazines in the field or at the range. While it may not be the best choice for those seeking a more robust or versatile pouch, it does an adequate job for most shooting enthusiasts.

🔗Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam
I recently had the chance to try out the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch in Multicam, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any combat enthusiast. This pouch is built to last, with a rugged and durable construction that can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One of the most impressive features of this pouch is its capacity to hold six 30-round M4 magazines in a triple row, double-stacked pattern. This means you can easily store a complete combat load of ammo, giving you the extra firepower you need when you need it most.
The open top design of the pouch is also a major plus. In a high-stress firefight situation, the last thing you want is to struggle to get to your ammo. With the Shellback Tactical pouch, you can quickly and easily access your mags, thanks to the six open top slots.
Each slot also features adjustable bungee retention cords with pull tabs, ensuring your magazines stay securely in place. This attention to detail is what sets this pouch apart from similar products on the market.
Fully Molle compatible, this pouch also comes with six button snap webbing straps, making it easy to attach to any gear with PALS webbing. Whether you're heading into the field for a training exercise or prepping for a real-life combat situation, this pouch has you covered.
While there are no major drawbacks to this pouch, one thing to note is its weight. At 0.6 lb, it might be a bit hefty for some users. However, given its durability and capacity, I believe it's a small price to pay for the added security and convenience it provides.
Overall, I highly recommend the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch for anyone looking to upgrade their ammo storage. It's a solid investment that will last you through thick and thin.

🔗Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch
The Phlster Ascent rifle pouch is a game-changer in the world of concealed carry. It combines the best features of both elastic and rigid pouches while addressing their limitations. Made from an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile, the pouch maintains its slim profile without sacrificing its structure. The threaded shock cord allows for customization, providing a perfect fit for a wide range of magazine widths and lengths.
I've personally used the Ascent pouch with my trusty AR-10, and it has made carrying my magazines with ease. The low-profile attachment also ensures a comfortable, snag-free experience when wearing the pouch on my belt. The versatility of the shock cord allows it to be used with other essential gear like flashlights or multitools, making it a must-have for any serious gun enthusiast.
However, it's not without its drawbacks. The price point is a bit higher than some of its competitors. Additionally, some users might find the learning curve to properly adjust the shock cord to be a bit of a hassle. Despite these minor grievances, the Phlster Ascent rifle pouch has become an indispensable part of my daily carry routine, offering unmatched performance and versatility in one convenient package.

🔗Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable
In my line of work, being well-equipped can mean the difference between success and failure. That's why I've come to rely on the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch. This durable little gem holds two SR25/AR10-sized magazines securely in place, thanks to the adjustable shock cord. The elastic body molds to the shape of your magazines for a snug fit, and the draw is as smooth as a perfectly executed routine.
For added versatility, you can even attach smaller pouches to the outside using the included MOLLE strip. It's a feature I didn't think I'd use, but when I needed a quick holster for my sidearm, it saved the day.
But, as with everything in life, there are a couple of downsides. First, it's designed for SR25/AR10 magazines, so it might not be the best fit for all your needs. And secondly, while the shock cord can be removed for faster access, it's not as quick as a simple flap toggle.
Overall, though, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch is a handy tool to have in your arsenal. It's built to last and offers a level of organizational help that's been greatly appreciated in my line of work. It's definitely worth considering, especially if you're in a role that benefits from the careful arrangement and easy access of your gear.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to outdoor activities and shooting sports, having the right equipment and accessories can make a significant difference in your overall experience and performance. One such essential accessory for shooters is a 22Lr magazine pouch, which is designed to securely hold and carry extra magazines for your 22LR firearm. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your needs.

Materials and Construction

When selecting a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider the materials and construction. High-quality pouches are typically made from durable and weather-resistant materials such as nylon or ballistic nylon, which can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-lasting durability. Look for pouches with strong stitching and reinforcement at stress points to ensure they maintain their shape and functionality over time.

Size and Compatibility

It's crucial to select a 22Lr magazine pouch that is the right size and compatible with your specific firearm magazines. Check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the pouch will properly hold your chosen magazines, and consider features such as adjustable straps or clips that allow for a custom fit on your belt or gear.

Carry Options

There are various ways to carry a 22Lr magazine pouch, including belt loops, clips, velcro straps, or attach-to-pack options. Consider your personal preferences and desired carry method when selecting a pouch. Also, be sure to check if the pouch can be worn on either the right or left side, depending on your dominant hand.

Retention and Security

A reliable 22Lr magazine pouch should securely hold your magazines while also allowing for quick and easy access when needed. Look for pouches with retention features such as adjustable tension straps, buckles, or locking mechanisms to prevent accidental magazine drops or spills. It's also essential to choose a pouch with a secure closure system, such as zippers or snaps, that keeps your extra magazines protected and stored properly.

Additional Features to Consider

When shopping for a 22Lr magazine pouch, consider whether you need additional features such as a built-in magazine loader, compatibility with other ammunition types, or camouflage patterns. These features may not be essential for everyone but can enhance your overall experience and convenience.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Choosing a high-quality 22Lr magazine pouch is crucial for the longevity and performance of your accessory. Research the brand and read customer reviews to ensure you're investing in a reliable and trusted product. A good brand should offer a warranty or guarantee on their products, indicating confidence in their manufacturing and design.

Price and Value

While price should not be the only factor when choosing a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider your budget and find a pouch that offers good value for its price point. Be cautious of extremely low-priced pouches, as they may be of lower quality or may not offer the features and durability you need.
By considering these factors, you will be well-equipped to select the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your shooting sports or outdoor activities. Remember to always prioritize safety and comfort when using any gear or equipment.


What is a 22Lr Magazine Pouch?

A 22Lr Magazine Pouch is a carrying case designed to hold multiple 22 Long Rifle (22LR) ammunition magazines securely and conveniently. They are commonly used by hunters, shooters, and firearm enthusiasts to keep their ammunition organized and within easy reach.

What is the difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch?

The main difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch is the size and shape of the magazine pockets. A 22LR Magazine Pouch is specifically designed to accommodate 22LR magazines, while a regular ammo pouch is typically more versatile.

How many 22LR magazines can a pouch hold?

The capacity of a 22Lr Magazine Pouch varies depending on the model and size. Some pouches can hold as few as three or four magazines, while others can accommodate six, eight, or even ten. It is essential to check the specific pouch's dimensions and capacity before purchasing to determine if it meets your needs.

What materials are 22Lr Magazine Pouches made of?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches are made of durable synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. Some higher-end pouches may be constructed from more premium materials like ballistic nylon or Cordura.

Do 22Lr Magazine Pouches have a retention system to secure the magazines?

Yes, many high-quality 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with some form of retention system, such as elastic bands, Velcro, or buckles, to help hold the magazines in place. This is particularly important when engaging in vigorous activities or when wearing the pouch in an inverted position.

Can 22Lr Magazine Pouches be worn on the belt or worn as a chest rig?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with a variety of mounting options, including belt loops, MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) hook-and-loop panels, or straps that can be worn as a chest rig. It is essential to choose a pouch that is compatible with your intended mounting method.

How do I ensure my 22Lr Magazine Pouch is durable and long-lasting?

  • Inspect the pouch for any signs of wear and tear during the initial inspection.
  • Opt for pouches made from durable materials, such as ballistic nylon or Cordura.
  • Check the stitching and material for any fraying or weak spots.
  • Ensure the retention system is secure and properly functional.

Are 22Lr Magazine Pouches waterproof?

Not all 22Lr Magazine Pouches are waterproof, but some high-end pouches may have water-resistant or waterproof coatings to protect the contents from moisture. It is essential to check the specifications of the pouch you are interested in to determine if it has these features.
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2024.05.29 05:48 exasperatedbean Genital HSV-1 First Outbreak and Disclosing Experience

Hey y’all, 25F here. I’m new to the club as I just received my test results a few hours ago, positive for genital HSV-1, and I just want to share my experience so far as I’m on around day (10?) of my first outbreak.
First of all, I’ve definitely cried a few times this last week along with frantically googling, dealing with these awful symptoms, pretending everything is okay at my day job followed by coming home and experiencing intense anxiety (which can be triggered by medical issues).
I suspected it was HSV, but just didn’t want to believe it especially because I’ve come out of a 5 year with an abusive alcoholic ex who cheated on me so I’m new to the dating world and dating is hard enough without having to disclose good ole genital herpes. Haven’t I been through enough? I’m not sure if I got it from my ex, new guy I’m seeing (said he’s clean that he’s aware of and I never saw a physical outbreak on him), or if it’s something I got from a previous partner and it laid dormant for so long. Who knows, who cares at this point I guess.
I started by feeling a small bump on my inner butt crack which I chalked up to a razor bump. Within a few days, 3-4 more sores popped up and these were all of my symptoms over the course of about a week after noticing the sores: swollen lymph node and slightly sore throat for first couple of days, chills, sweats, burning pee like razor blades, nerve pain throughout lower half of my body (especially my feet), a dull ache in my genitals/surrounding area, burning/itching sores, random tingling, and the worst constipation I’ve ever experienced which is now the main symptom I’m dealing with as I think I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for this first outbreak. My doctor prescribed Valtrex as a precaution while I waited for test results and my sores are almost healed up.
Anyway, I’ve been seeing this man for close to two months now, officially dating and exclusive the last couple of weeks so this is VERY fresh. Everything is going damn near perfect with us and I know we both have very strong feelings for each other and are interested in a future together, but with all good has to come bad (aka disclosing my HSV-1 status). I absolutely dreaded this conversation but knew it had to be had since I was symptomatic, we recently had sex right before my outbreak, and I was awaiting test results.
Luckily, he was so incredibly understanding. Of course he said it was a lot to take in at first which I understood. I am so grateful that he responded by basically saying it’s a bump in the road that we’ll get through together, we’ll monitor my symptoms, and it would be silly to jeopardize what we have that’s so special over something like this that I couldn’t control. So sharing my experience to show that not all disclosing experiences are horrifying, and I hope you all find the person that chooses to love you through this. And if not, then fucking love yourself.
With that, I still am an anxious mess about how to move forward and about the effects long-term so if anyone has any good research on that I’d be more than interested since I know it affects the nervous system. Obviously having a script of anti-virals on hand if I start to suspect an outbreak is a good idea but any and all advice, tips for dealing with the above symptoms, etc. would be appreciated. Peace and love to everyone reading.
TLDR; Genital HSV-1 Positive, having a lot of random and shitty symptoms, disclosed to my partner with a good response, and asking for advice/tips/tricks to manage symptoms.
submitted by exasperatedbean to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 GuiltlessMaple Best 22 Scope

Best 22 Scope
Are you on the lookout for the perfect scope to elevate your outdoor adventures? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 22 scopes on the market, designed to provide you with breathtaking clarity and accuracy. From hunting to target shooting, these scopes have got you covered.

The Top 15 Best 22 Scope

  1. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  3. High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter - Enhance your outdoor experiences with the SVBONY 3X Spotting Scope, featuring a 25-75x70 magnification and waterproof design, perfect for hunting, target shooting, and stargazing.
  4. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  5. Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope - The Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope brings professional-level spotting vision with its superior quality optics and protective features, making it an ideal choice for any outdoor enthusiast.
  6. Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features - Experience top-notch hunting adventures with the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope 20-60x80 Green - featuring K9 glass prisms, fully multi-coated lenses, and advanced waterproofing for optimal clarity and durability.
  7. Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics - Experience crystal-clear views with the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 angled spotting scope, featuring advanced features, durability, and affordability for a superior optical experience.
  8. Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces - Dive into the wonders of the cosmos with the Dartwood Astronomical Telescope, featuring 360-degree rotation, multiple eyepieces, and a durable tripod for an unparalleled stargazing experience.
  9. Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design - Experience unmatched clarity and sharpness with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65wa Straight Spotting Scope, perfect for hunting in low lighting conditions.
  10. Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design - Boost your outdoor viewing experience with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope, offering unmatched optical excellence, premium high-density lenses, and advanced features for a comfortable, immersive experience.
  11. Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case - The Sky-Watcher Evostar 72mm APO Refractor offers exceptional portability, precision, and flexibility for wide-field astrophotography and fast observation sessions, making it a top choice for LPVO enthusiasts.
  12. Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder - Experience clear visibility on the golf course with the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, featuring a 50-200 yard range and durable, waterproof design for a lasting golfing companion.
  13. Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case - Experience unmatched optical performance with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, designed for ultimate durability and comfort on your outdoor adventures.
  14. TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic - Capture the perfect moment with the Celestron TrailSeeker 100, featuring a 22-67x zoom eyepiece and optimized optical capabilities, for unparalleled performance in any weather condition.
  15. Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation - Experience superior planetary observation with the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, featuring an advanced optical path for high-contrast views of stars, clusters, and lunar surfaces.
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🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter
In my pursuit of a new spotting scope that could enhance my wildlife viewing and target shooting experiences, I stumbled upon the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes. From the moment I opened the package, I was impressed by its sleek exterior and sturdy construction.
One feature that stood out to me was its range of magnification capabilities - the SV28 allowed me to adjust the magnification according to my target distance, providing crystal clear image quality. The lens was exceptionally sharp, making it perfect for both target shooting and observing nature. Another aspect I appreciated was the ease of focus adjustment, ensuring that every detail was visible no matter the distance.
However, I have to say that the tripod that came with the unit seemed a bit lackluster compared to my usual tripod. I ended up using my own sturdier tripod, but it was still nice to have the option included in the package. Additionally, while the phone adapter was a nice addition, I felt it could have been more user-friendly.
Overall, the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes exceeded my expectations, offering outstanding clarity and exceptional value for its price. Though there were a few minor quibbles, I would definitely recommend it to others in search of a reliable, affordable spotting scope for their outdoor adventures.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope
I recently got a chance to use the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope, and I must say I was quite impressed with its performance. To begin with, the scope is surprisingly lightweight, which makes it perfect for outdoor use. Its waterproof feature is an added bonus, allowing me to use it in harsh weather conditions without any worries.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is its fully multi-coated lenses, which provide incredible light transmission, resulting in bright and clear images. This feature is particularly useful for birdwatching or spotting objects in the distance.
The K9 glass prisms with the silver coating help reflect a lot of light to your eyes, creating a bright image. Combined with the multi-coated layering, you get optimal brightness, making it easier to spot your target.
The Talos scope is perfect for my needs, whether I'm shooting at the range or observing nature. Its fog-proof construction ensures that my images will always be crisp and clear, no matter the conditions. The included tripod is a great addition, providing a stable platform for comfortable and easy viewing.
However, the rotating ring could have been more comfortable and easier to adjust. But overall, the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality spotting scope at an affordable price.

🔗Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features
The Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my hunting trips. With its fully multi-coated lenses, the scope has breathed life into the game, allowing me to see the smallest details on my targets. It has a solid build with a waterproof and fog-proof body, perfect for the unpredictable weather conditions of nature.
One of the first things that caught my attention was its adjustable rotating ring, which allowed me to position the scope in the most comfortable angle for observation. This gave me a sense of control and comfort while I was out in the wild.
However, one aspect that could have been improved was the tripod, which felt a bit flimsy. But thankfully, I was able to replace it with a more robust one as per my preference.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a reliable companion on my hunting expeditions. It has provided me with clear, bright images, allowing me to make accurate shots and successfully bag my targets. It's the perfect tool for the avid hunter who's looking for a good-quality scope without breaking the bank.

🔗Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics
I recently got my hands on the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my outdoor hobbies. The 20-60x zoom eyepiece is a fantastic feature that provides incredible clarity and detail, especially in low light conditions. One of the things that stood out to me was the single wide focus knob, which is incredibly smooth and easy to adjust. It truly feels like a premium scope, yet it doesn't break the bank.
The Diamondback 20-60x80's exterior lenses are protected by the scratch-resistant ArmorTek coating. This has been invaluable when I've taken the scope on various outings where it might be exposed to dirt or other elements. The fact that the scopes are waterproof and nitrogen-purged is a great bonus as well.
One of the best features of this spotting scope is the fully rotatable mounting bracket. It's incredibly convenient, allowing me to get the perfect position regardless of where I'm set up. The spotting scope is more versatile than I had imagined, and it has proven to be quite a valuable addition to my outdoor gear.
While the product does have a few drawbacks, such as slightly coarser focus control at higher magnifications, overall I am beyond thrilled with my purchase. The Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope has provided me with an exceptional experience, and I couldn't recommend it enough for anyone looking for a great spotting scope at a budget-friendly price.

🔗Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces
The DARTWOOD Astronomical Telescope is a dream come true for stargazers of all levels. Its impressive range of magnification allows for breathtaking views of celestial bodies, while the interchangeable eyepieces ensure a precise adjustment for optimal viewing. I particularly love the 360-degree rotational mount, which makes finding the perfect angle a breeze.
Additionally, the strong tripod with locking leg braces provides excellent stability - perfect for outdoor use. Setting up is a cinch, too. All you have to do is open the tripod, attach the telescope, and select your chosen eyepiece.
The DARTWOOD Telescope is an incredible tool for exploring the night sky, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design
Imagine a crisp, clear morning at your favorite shooting range. You unbox your brand new Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope. It feels sleek and sturdy, ready for action. You hold it up to the sky, and your eyes quickly adjust to the viewfinder. The HD lens elements showcase a remarkable, edge-to-edge image with remarkable clarity and color accuracy. The angled body design is comfortable and intuitive, even for those who are new to spotting scopes.
As you focus on your target at various distances, the fully multi-coated XR lenses provide maximum light transmission, making it effortless to spot and evaluate your game, even in low light conditions. The spotting scope's lightweight design, coupled with its waterproof and fog-resistant features, adds convenience and durability to your experience.
Using this Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my shooting range sessions. It's been an excellent partner on my hunting trips, allowing me to spot game from a distance, making my outdoor experiences even more enjoyable and successful. With this spotting scope, you can truly observe the world in high definition, and it's all thanks to Vortex's commitment to quality and innovation.

🔗Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design
The Vortex Razor HD spotting scope has become a faithful companion on my outdoor adventures. With its angled body design, it offers a comfortable viewing experience, even on extended use. The 65mm objective lens is a game-changer when it comes to providing a clear picture, making it perfect for early morning or late afternoon sightings.
The powerful 22-48x magnification has been a real highlight during my time spent outdoors. It has enabled me to spot even the smallest details at a distance, leaving nothing out of sight. The spotting scope's ability to capture bright, clear, true-color images is truly impressive. The premium high-density glass delivers unparalleled edge-to-edge sharpness, making it an exceptional choice for bird watching or wildlife observation.
One of my favorite features is the fully multi-coated lenses, which increase light transmission and reduce glare. The dielectric prism coatings provide true-to-life color fidelity, making it easier for me to identify and appreciate the intricate details of my surroundings.
The sleek, rugged design of the scope, with its die-cast aluminum alloy construction and rubber armor, has proven to be durable and weather-resistant. It is waterproof and fog resistant, ensuring that it continues to deliver great results in any condition.
In summary, the Vortex Razor HD spotting scope is a high-quality, versatile, and user-friendly tool for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Its exceptional features make it an invaluable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case
Imagine the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor as your trusty companion for stargazing adventures. It's not just a telescope; it's a portable travel size designed to make your celestial journeys seamless and hassle-free.
One of the standout features of this refractor is its 10:1 dual-speed Crayford-style focuser. It makes finding focus a breeze, whether you're using an eyepiece or a camera. No more frustrating adjustments; just smooth, accurate focus every time.
But what about the accessories? The Evostar 72 comes complete with an aluminum case, tube rings, and a Vixen-style dovetail. Everything you need to start exploring the cosmos is right there in the box.
However, there's always room for improvement. The scope is a bit heavy at 11.25 lb, which might be a drawback for some users. Also, the Vixen-style dovetail plate could be longer for better compatibility with various mount heads.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor offers tremendous value for its price. Its portability, ease of use, and excellent optics make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced astronomers alike. So, next time you're planning a stargazing trip, consider bringing this reliable companion along.

🔗Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder
As someone who's enjoyed using the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, I can say it has been a handy tool on the golf course. With its crystal clear perspective, I've appreciated the ease of gauging distance between the ball and the pin. However, I must note that accuracy can be a bit challenging if the flagstaff is partially obstructed, often requiring some strategic alignment and calculation.
The rubberised coating and waterproof design have proven to be reliable even in unfavorable weather conditions. I've received compliments from fellow golf enthusiasts for the neat leatherette pouch that accompanies it. It's been a compact yet practical companion on the course, slipping easily into my golf bag.
One downside I encountered was the absence of an electronic range finder, which required me to rely on calculations from the distance scale. This did call for a bit of math, but once you get the hang of it, it's not a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Barska Blueline 8x22 Golf Scope has served me well, offering a cost-effective and portable alternative to digital range finders. Its crystal clear vision and waterproof construction have been highlights of my golfing experience. While it requires a bit more calculation than a high-tech range finder, it's been a reliable companion that's added convenience and precision to my golf game.

🔗Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case
I recently had the opportunity to use the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope for an outdoor adventure, and let me tell you, it has truly exceeded my expectations. The spotting scope's magnification range of 25-75x allows for some incredible depth perception and detail while observing nature from afar. The 25x setting is perfect for bird-watching, while the 75x setting is ideal for spotting your favorite animals at a greater distance.
One of the features that stood out to me is the shock-absorbing armor on the scope, ensuring that it remains durable and resistant to damage during transport. The scope also comes with glare-reducing sunshades, making it perfect for outdoor use in various lighting conditions. Additionally, the included tripod with micrO-adjustable altitude is a fantastic touch, providing a stable and easily adjustable platform for your spotting scope.
Overall, I am extremely pleased with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality, versatile optic solution for their next outdoor adventure.

🔗TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic
I recently had the chance to use the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As a birdwatcher, I was looking for a reliable and affordable option to enhance my viewing experience, and the TrailSeeker provided just that.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is the versatile 22-67x zoom eyepiece. It allowed me to explore everything from wide landscapes to the tiniest details, giving me a full range of possibilities. The image quality was exceptional, with the Celestron's proprietary XLT fully multi-coated optics delivering crisp, high-contrast images.
The rotating tripod mount was another highlight, as it enabled me to adjust the scope's position effortlessly and catch the perfect shot. Its 360-degree rotation provided unparalleled flexibility, allowing me to enjoy the view from any angle.
However, there were a couple of aspects that could have been improved. The focus mechanism, while functional, could have been smoother, and the carrying case could have been more durable.
Overall, the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope was a great addition to my birdwatching kit, offering an impressive range of features without breaking the bank.

🔗Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation
I recently had the chance to use the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, and I must say, it did not disappoint. This telescope was a breeze to set up and use, thanks to its lightweight design and user-friendly features.
One of the standout features of this telescope is its fully multi-coated optics, which made for some truly stunning views of the night sky. The 102mm aperture size allowed me to observe celestial objects like stars, galaxies, and clusters with remarkable clarity and detail.
While setting up the telescope, I found the Vixen-style dovetail plate to be a nice touch, making it easy to attach the scope to a variety of mounts. The included 1.25" visual back also came in handy when swapping out eyepieces for different levels of magnification.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered during my experience with the Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope. Firstly, the narrower field of view when compared to similar Schmidt models took some getting used to. Additionally, the telescope required regular collimation, which could be a minor inconvenience for some users.
In conclusion, the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope is an excellent choice for those looking to explore the night sky in detail. Its portable design and exceptional optical quality make it an ideal grab-and-go option for stargazers of all skill levels. Though the narrower field of view and occasional collimation may be minor drawbacks, the overall experience was undeniably rewarding.

Buyer's Guide

The 22 Scope is a popular choice for shooters, hunters, and target enthusiasts due to its accuracy, reliability, and versatility. Before making a purchase, it's essential to consider various factors, such as caliber, barrel length, and cost. This buyer's guide will help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your 22 Scope.

The most common caliber for 22 Scope is the. 22 Long Rifle (LR). However, there are other options like the. 22 Magnum (Maj) and. 22 WMR (Winchester Rimfire). When choosing a caliber, consider factors such as recoil, velocity, and bullet type. The. 22 LR has the least recoil and is suitable for beginners or those who prefer a more gentle firing experience. The. 22 Magnum offers greater velocity and energy, making it ideal for hunting or long-range shooting.

Barrel Length

The 22 Scope barrel length can range from 16 inches to 26 inches. The shorter barrels offer more maneuverability, especially in tight spaces or for use in a defensive setting. Longer barrels provide increased accuracy and velocity. For hunting or target shooting, a 20-22 inches barrel is generally recommended, providing a good balance between accuracy, velocity, and maneuverability.


The action of a 22 Scope can be bolt-action, semi-automatic, or pump-action. Bolt-action rifles offer a reliable, easy-to-use mechanism and are suitable for hunting or target shooting. Semi-automatic rifles provide faster follow-up shots, making them a popular choice for competitive shooting or hunting where a rapid shot sequence is desired. Pump-action rifles are also known for their reliability and quick follow-up shots, often preferred for self-defense purposes.

Other Features to Consider

  • Stock material and design
  • Sight options (such as iron sights, open sights, or scopes)
  • Trigger pull weight
  • Safety features
  • Finish and overall build quality

Maintenance and Storage

Regularly maintaining and storing your 22 Scope can extend its lifespan and ensure reliable performance. After each shooting session, clean the rifle thoroughly, checking for any damage or wear. Store the rifle in a secure, dry place away from extreme temperature or humidity fluctuations. Regular cleaning and proper storage help maintain accuracy and prevent corrosion.
The 22 Scope is a versatile and reliable choice for various shooting activities. By considering factors such as caliber, barrel length, and action, you can select the best 22 Scope for your specific needs. Always prioritize safety and accuracy, and with proper maintenance, your 22 Scope will provide reliable and enjoyable shooting experiences for years to come.


What is a 22 scope and how does it differ from other scopes?

A 22 scope is a type of rifle scope designed specifically for use with. 22 rimfire rifles. It offers a more compact and lightweight design compared to traditional scopes, making it ideal for hunters and target shooters who prefer a lighter rifle setup. Its smaller size and weight also make it a popular choice for beginners and recreational shooters.

What are the key features of a 22 scope?

  • Adjustable objective lens for focus and clarity
  • Variable or fixed magnification options
  • Rugged construction for durability and weather resistance
  • Parallax correction for accurate long-range shooting
  • Low-power options for close-range shooting and hunting

What is the best 22 scope for hunting?

The best 22 scope for hunting will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include the scope's magnification range, reticle type, and overall durability and weather resistance. In general, a 22 scope with variable magnification and a reliable reticle such as the Mil-Dot or Duplex is a popular choice among hunters.

What is the best 22 scope for target shooting?

When it comes to target shooting, a fixed-power 22 scope with a higher magnification range (such as 4X or 6X) can be a great choice. This allows for increased accuracy and precision at extended distances. Additionally, a scope with a mil-dot or BDC reticle can be helpful for making accurate distance calculations.

How much does a good 22 scope cost?

The cost of a 22 scope can vary depending on the brand, features, and quality of the scope. On average, a good quality 22 scope can range from $200 to $500. However, there are affordable options available for those on a budget, as well as more expensive models for serious hunters and shooters.

Can I use a 22 scope with other types of rifles?

While a 22 scope is designed for use with. 22 rimfire rifles, it can potentially be adapted for use with other rifle types by changing the mounting system or installing an appropriate adapter. However, this may not always provide the best performance or accuracy, so it is generally recommended to use a scope specifically designed for the rifle you are using.

What are the most popular brands of 22 scopes?

  • Leupold
  • Nikon
  • Vortex Optics
  • Bushnell
  • Burris
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 Complete-Shame-7365 How do I set up and scale device management properly?

I'm the new IT admin at a mid-sized company (about 200 people), and I've been tasked with overhauling our entire device management system. My goal is to set up and scale our processes properly without setting ourselves up for future issues.
I’m hoping to learn from your experiences in the following areas: 1. Acquisition & Insurance: What are your biggest issues with device acquisition? 2. Lifecycle Tracking: Any tips for managing this smoothly across all devices? 3. Employee Support: How do you equip your team to deal with device issues? 4. Disposal: What are your strategies for disposal?
Also, are there any pain points that seem unavoidable as you scale up?
I'm pretty new to this area, so any advice or insights you could share would be helpful. Thanks.
submitted by Complete-Shame-7365 to msp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 Stage-Piercing727 Best 22 Riflescope

Best 22 Riflescope
Ready to take your shooting experience to the next level? Look no further than our roundup of the top 22 riflescopes on the market. From long-range precision to fast-paced action, we've got you covered with a diverse range of options, so you can find the perfect scope for your next adventure. Get ready to elevate your game and make every shot count with the ultimate riflescope for your 22 caliber rifle.

The Top 8 Best 22 Riflescope

  1. Clear, Water-Repelling Rifle Scope with AR Coating - Feather Vision's VerdePlus Lens is a top-tier Silver Rifle Scope that offers unparalleled clarity, light transmission, and durability, with its Zeiss glass and AR coating, making it the ultimate choice for any target enthusiast.
  2. Riton 5 Primal 15-45x60 Silver Rifle Scope - Riton's 5 Primal 15-45x60 AGLD SPT Scp, designed with marksmen and hunters in mind, offers an outstanding shooting experience, making it the perfect choice for your next adventure.
  3. Premium Gray Rifle Scopehead Assembly - Experience premium rifle scope performance with the ASY.GRAY Elite Head Assembly, featuring a durable gray finish for precise and accurate shots.
  4. Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design - Experience unmatched clarity and sharpness with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65wa Straight Spotting Scope, perfect for hunting in low lighting conditions.
  5. Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design - Boost your outdoor viewing experience with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope, offering unmatched optical excellence, premium high-density lenses, and advanced features for a comfortable, immersive experience.
  6. Premium Quality 1X6 Scope for Optimal Optical Performance - Experience crystal-clear vision and superior 1X6 scope performance with the Feather Vision Original Claro - Lens 1 3/4 Multi Scope 6X, designed for a seamless fit and exceptional experience.
  7. Ambidextrous Modular Scope for M1A Rifles with #10-32 Stainless Steel Rod and Doc's Choice Lens - Customizable and versatile scope lens combo with Doc's Choice lenses, perfect for M1A archery with adjustable brightness and ambidextrous design.
  8. Precision 22 Rifle Scope for Enhanced Optics - The Feather Vision Verde Vitri Lens 4X Multi-Scope delivers exceptional clarity and enhanced light transmission, making it a top choice for 22 riflescope enthusiasts.
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🔗Clear, Water-Repelling Rifle Scope with AR Coating
I recently got my hands on the VerdePlus Lens 1 3/8 Multi Scope 2x from Feather Vision, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. As a hunter, clarity and durability are key factors in my rifle scope choice, and this one definitely delivers.
The Zeiss glass and AR coating make for a lens that is crystal clear, providing near-perfect light transmission. It even has water repelling qualities, ensuring my scope can handle the harsh outdoors without a hassle. The added bonus of repelling grease, dust, and fingerprints makes cleaning a breeze.
This scope fits perfectly with my Viper target, specialty Pro target, and shrewd Mini mag scopes. I'm seriously impressed with this product's performance and would highly recommend it to any fellow hunter looking for a reliable and versatile rifle scope.

🔗Riton 5 Primal 15-45x60 Silver Rifle Scope
The Riton 5 Primal 15-45x60 AGLD SPT Scp is an optics line designed for marksmen and hunters. As someone who's been there, I can attest to its durability and reliability.
The scope's 19.1-inch length fits comfortably in hand and the 60-millimeter objective lens captures a clear and wide image, even in low light conditions. However, this wasn't without its challenges.
I had to learn the intricacies of adjusting the magnification and parallax, which can be a bit tricky for beginners. Despite this, the Riton 5 Primal has become a trusted companion on my adventures, and I'd highly recommend it to fellow marksmen and hunters seeking a reliable and long-lasting scope.

🔗Premium Gray Rifle Scopehead Assembly
As someone who recently had the opportunity to try out the Elite Scope Head in ASY. GRAY, I have to say it was an impressive piece of equipment. The head assembly was a sleek, silver beauty - reminiscent of a classic movie shoot.
One of the most notable features was its sturdy construction, which provided that extra layer of reliability and confidence when taking aim. And let's not forget its stunning gray finish that blended seamlessly with the rugged terrain.
That being said, the Elite Scope Head wasn't without its minor quirks. At times, it felt a tad cumbersome, particularly when making quick adjustments on the fly. But overall, these flaws were minor enough to overlook in favor of the product's strengths. In conclusion, if you're in the market for a high-quality rifle scope and don't mind a little extra weight, the Elite Scope Head in ASY. GRAY should definitely be on your shortlist.

🔗Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design
Imagine a crisp, clear morning at your favorite shooting range. You unbox your brand new Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope. It feels sleek and sturdy, ready for action. You hold it up to the sky, and your eyes quickly adjust to the viewfinder. The HD lens elements showcase a remarkable, edge-to-edge image with remarkable clarity and color accuracy. The angled body design is comfortable and intuitive, even for those who are new to spotting scopes.
As you focus on your target at various distances, the fully multi-coated XR lenses provide maximum light transmission, making it effortless to spot and evaluate your game, even in low light conditions. The spotting scope's lightweight design, coupled with its waterproof and fog-resistant features, adds convenience and durability to your experience.
Using this Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my shooting range sessions. It's been an excellent partner on my hunting trips, allowing me to spot game from a distance, making my outdoor experiences even more enjoyable and successful. With this spotting scope, you can truly observe the world in high definition, and it's all thanks to Vortex's commitment to quality and innovation.

🔗Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design
The Vortex Razor HD spotting scope has become a faithful companion on my outdoor adventures. With its angled body design, it offers a comfortable viewing experience, even on extended use. The 65mm objective lens is a game-changer when it comes to providing a clear picture, making it perfect for early morning or late afternoon sightings.
The powerful 22-48x magnification has been a real highlight during my time spent outdoors. It has enabled me to spot even the smallest details at a distance, leaving nothing out of sight. The spotting scope's ability to capture bright, clear, true-color images is truly impressive. The premium high-density glass delivers unparalleled edge-to-edge sharpness, making it an exceptional choice for bird watching or wildlife observation.
One of my favorite features is the fully multi-coated lenses, which increase light transmission and reduce glare. The dielectric prism coatings provide true-to-life color fidelity, making it easier for me to identify and appreciate the intricate details of my surroundings.
The sleek, rugged design of the scope, with its die-cast aluminum alloy construction and rubber armor, has proven to be durable and weather-resistant. It is waterproof and fog resistant, ensuring that it continues to deliver great results in any condition.
In summary, the Vortex Razor HD spotting scope is a high-quality, versatile, and user-friendly tool for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Its exceptional features make it an invaluable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗Premium Quality 1X6 Scope for Optimal Optical Performance
The Feather Vision Original Claro scope has been a game-changer for me during my outdoor adventures. With so many compatible scopes, it's got a universal fit that's convenient to use. The AR coating really stands out, as it significantly reduces glare, and I appreciate how lightweight this scope is.
It feels so comfortable on my rifle, and the clarity of the image it provides is just exceptional. However, as much as I love the 1X6 scope, the weight reduction might compromise its durability in the long run. Nonetheless, this scope deserves every bit of its top-notch rating.

🔗Ambidextrous Modular Scope for M1A Rifles with #10-32 Stainless Steel Rod and Doc's Choice Lens

The Axcel AVX-31 Scope Lens Combo instantly caught my eye with its sleek black finish and modular design. As an avid archer, I found it incredibly useful to have a scope that could be customized to my needs. The various adjustments it offered, ranging from sun shades to interchangeable ring pins, truly allowed me to build the perfect scope for my M1A.
One component that stood out in my experience was the Doc's Choice lens, which provided me with excellent clarity and brightness control in a variety of lighting settings. The ambidextrous design was a nice touch, ensuring that the scope could be used comfortably by both right and left-handed shooters alike.
However, there was a downside to this product's versatility - the vast array of customizable options could be overwhelming for someone new to the world of archery. Additionally, the stainless steel rod and T Connector, while functional, seemed a bit rough around the edges compared to other high-quality accessories I've used.
Overall, the Axcel AVX-31 Scope Lens Combo is a great option for experienced archers looking for a fully customizable scope system. However, those new to the sport may find it a bit too complex and finicky for their liking. Despite its minor flaws, this scope proved to be a valuable asset in my daily shooting routine.

🔗Precision 22 Rifle Scope for Enhanced Optics
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Feather Vision Verde Vitri Lens 1 3/8 Multi Scope 4X. This lens has become a valuable addition to my equipment, providing a clearer image than flat glass in various conditions. One of the highlights is the AR coating, which improves light transmission and makes it easier on the eyes. The specific curve structure is also a game-changer, making it fit a variety of scopes such as HHA, Viper 3D, and more.
However, there was a slight challenge when it came to adjusting the magnification level from 4x to 6x. I had to learn how to focus on the target first before looking through the peep sight to avoid losing sight. But once I got the hang of it, the lens provided a clear view of the target, even at over 40 yards.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Feather Vision Verde Vitri Lens to anyone looking for a high-quality lens at a reasonable price. It's definitely worth the investment for the clarity it provides.

Buyer's Guide

A 22 riflescope is an essential accessory for any 22 caliber rifle, offering enhanced accuracy and precision. They come in various styles, from fixed power to variable power, designed for different shooting scenarios. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the key features and considerations when choosing a 22 riflescope.

Fixed Power vs. Variable Power
Fixed power riflescopes have a constant magnification, while variable power riflescopes allow you to adjust the magnification. Fixed power scopes are easier to use and more reliable, making them suitable for beginners or for close-range shooting. On the other hand, variable power scopes are more versatile and offer greater adaptability for different shooting situations. They are ideal for long-range shooting or hunting.

Magnification and Optical Quality

The magnification of a 22 riflescope refers to the amount of enlargement you can achieve through the scope. A higher magnification will provide a clearer, more detailed image, but it may also make the scope heavier and more expensive. When choosing a 22 riflescope, consider the magnification range that best suits your shooting needs. Additionally, pay attention to the optical quality, including lens clarity and light transmission. This will ensure a bright, sharp image in various lighting conditions.

Field of View and Eye Relief

Field of view (FOV) refers to the width of the area you can see through the scope at a given magnification. A larger FOV allows for a broader view and quicker target acquisition, which might be preferable in close-range shooting. Eye relief, on the other hand, is the distance between the shooter's eye and the scope. A comfortable eye relief is essential for preventing eye strain and ensuring a clear sight picture.

Reticle and Illumination

The reticle is the pattern of lines or crosshairs within the scope that helps you aim at the target. Different reticles offer various holding points for different shooting scenarios. Illuminated reticles are helpful for low-light shooting, providing a glowing dot or crosshair that can be adjusted for brightness. When choosing a 22 riflescope, consider the reticle's style and illumination options that suit your shooting preferences.

Durability and Weather Resistance

A high-quality 22 riflescope should be durable and resistant to harsh weather conditions. Look for a scope with a strong, waterproof construction and fog-resistant lenses. This ensures that your scope will remain functional in different environments and withstand accidental drops or impacts.

Price and Value
The price of a 22 riflescope can vary significantly depending on its features and performance. When comparing prices, consider the quality, durability, and usefulness of the scope. A more expensive scope may offer advanced features, increased accuracy, and a longer lifespan, but it may not be necessary for a casual shooter or hunter. Choose a scope that provides the best value for your budget and shooting needs.
Choosing the right 22 riflescope involves considering various factors, including fixed power or variable power, magnification, optical quality, field of view, eye relief, reticle and illumination, durability, weather resistance, and price. By focusing on your individual shooting requirements and preferences, you can find a 22 riflescope that enhances your shooting experience and provides the best value for your investment.


What is a 22 Riflescope?

A 22 Riflescope is a type of rifle scope designed specifically for use with. 22 caliber rifles. These scopes are typically smaller and lighter than other rifle scopes, making them ideal for hunters and target shooters who use smaller firearms.

What are some key features to look for in a 22 Riflescope?

  • Magnification: Look for a scope with a magnification range that suits your shooting needs, usually between 2-16x.
  • Reticle: Choose a reticle that provides easy aiming and holds over points for your specific shooting application.
  • Lens Quality: Opt for a scope with high-quality lenses for clear, bright images.
  • Waterproof and Fogproof: A scope with these features will ensure your scope remains functional in various weather conditions.

What is the best 22 Riflescope for hunting?

The best 22 Riflescope for hunting will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include the Vortex Optics Diamondback HP 2-7x32, Leupold VX-2 2-7x33, and Nikon P-Rimfire BDC 2-7x35.

What is the best 22 Riflescope for target shooting?

For target shooting, consider the Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32, Leupold VX-2 2-7x33, or the Nikon P-Rimfire BDC 2-7x35. Each of these scopes offers accurate tracking and holds over points, making them ideal for target shooting.

What is the difference between a 22 Riflescope and a general-purpose rifle scope?

The main differences between a 22 Riflescope and a general-purpose rifle scope lie in their size, weight, and magnification ranges. General-purpose rifle scopes are typically larger and heavier, while 22 Riflescopes are smaller and lighter, making them more suitable for use with smaller firearms.

Can I mount a 22 Riflescope on a larger caliber rifle?

While it is possible to mount a 22 Riflescope on a larger caliber rifle, it may not be the most optimal solution. Larger scopes are generally more stable and provide better image quality, which can improve your shooting accuracy. It is recommended to use a general-purpose rifle scope on larger caliber rifles.

Do I need a different scope for different shooting distances?

Yes, it is recommended to choose a scope with a suitable magnification range for the shooting distances you will be engaging. For example, if you primarily shoot at close ranges, a lower magnification scope might be more practical, while a higher magnification scope would be better suited for longer-range shooting.
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2024.05.29 05:43 Complete-Shame-7365 How do I set up and scale device management properly?

I'm the new IT admin at a mid-sized company (about 200 people), and I've been tasked with overhauling our entire device management system. My goal is to set up and scale our processes properly without setting ourselves up for future issues.
I’m hoping to learn from your experiences in the following areas: 1. Acquisition & Insurance: What are your biggest issues with device acquisition? 2. Lifecycle Tracking: Any tips for managing this smoothly across all devices? 3. Employee Support: How do you equip your team to deal with device issues? 4. Disposal: What are your strategies for disposal?
Also, are there any pain points that seem unavoidable as you scale up?
I'm pretty new to this area, so any advice or insights you could share would be helpful. Thanks.
submitted by Complete-Shame-7365 to InformationTechnology [link] [comments]

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2024.05.29 05:43 HaloCS Want to slowly start transitioning from IT to SWE/SDP, need some advice - Completed Undergrad BS Cybersecurity and now in AI/ML graduate program

I'm currently working in a hospital's IT department under a "System Access" team as an analyst. The job duties are what I consider to be very simple, just requires some knowledge of knowing what certain basic things are and how to use them such as working with Active Directory, leveraging a Identity Governance tool to grant access, and understanding of a little bit of lots of different applications such as Epic. But there is no coding/programming involved. Over some time I've started to realize that the people in my team or in the company have been here for 7+ years and they rarely open positions. I've tried to bring up that I was interested in collaborating with the only app developer on the team or maybe even some form of automation (planning to learn on the fly since they were already looking to use UiPath for some tasks), but it just goes out the window, specially since most managers/directors might be retiring in the next couple of years they don't really care that much or want more work on their shoulders.
I thought it would more than likely be accepted given that I've already been able to do most of the "senior" level employees tasks since they're not interested in working outside of their oldschool techniques, and didn't even ask for a promotion or raise, but I guess not. So after 3 years and still being an "Associate" making 1/3 of what the rest of the team makes so I'm getting somewhat demotivated.
When I received this position I was in the process of completing my B.S. in Cybersecurity. I completed it last year and this year I began my M.S. in CS with a concentration in AI/ML this year. I realized near the end of my B.S. that I enjoyed programming more so I started working on The Odin Project to get more knowledge in J.S./NodeJS/DBs/HTML/CSS and eventually work on some personal projects as a hobby to build my skill, but the Masters program is pretty intensive and during my undergrad I didn't dig too deep into programming, more very basic/entry level coursework in C#/C++/Java/Python.
Reflecting on everything brought me some questions and I thought I'd reach out to see if someone can give some guidance.
  1. Should I still try to pickup The Odin Project "bootcamp" for Fullstack JS/JSNode again? But instead do it very slowly since my Masters program is taking up most of the time? Or just focus solely on the course knowledge?
  2. Seeing other threads, I'm assuming that it might not be the best time to transition to a SWE or SDP job? I see mixed comments but mostly negative about the field at the moment.
  3. If I do plan on slowly transitioning to a different company for a job, are there any known positions/titles, or indicators to look into that might make the job/company seem stable? Not really in a good financial position with my current salary to get laid off after a couple of months. (making around 45k before taxes at the moment, and live in a high cost city, moving soon if a new job permits it because in healthcare remote is a bit difficult)
  4. Should I be dedicating more time into leet code as it'll be for sure required if I were to transition? I roughly looked into it and realized I wasn't even able to answecomplete the easy ones.
  5. Are city/government positions that involve AI/ML or even JS-related descriptions good to move to gain experience and knowledge while studying? If so, what are some recommended departments or agencies?
Overall, I do feel like if someone seems my history/resume it might be a bit all over the place given I'm looking to go from Cybersecurity to some Junior Developer position to then AI/ML? But I'm just thinking of the smoothest way to transition while also being able to have a stable job and be good financially.
submitted by HaloCS to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Count-Daring243 Best 22 Revolver Holster

Best 22 Revolver Holster
Get ready to explore the world of revolver holsters designed for the popular 22 caliber firearm! In this roundup article, we've compiled a list of the top 22 Revolver Holsters available in the market today, catering to various preferences and styles. From functional and practical designs to sleek and stylish options, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect holster to securely hold and protect your 22 caliber revolver.

The Top 8 Best 22 Revolver Holster

  1. Water Buffalo Leather .22 Revolver Holster for Single Action Wheelguns - Versacarry's 4.2" .22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster, featuring premium water buffalo leather and a secure sturdy belt loop, is the perfect accessory for your .22 reproduction Colt Single Action Army revolvers.
  2. Durable 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for Wheelgun Lovers - Secure your classic .22 revolver in style with Versacarry's versatile leather holster perfect for Single Action Army replicas.
  3. Concealed Carry Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster - Conceal your handgun with ease and style using the Cabela's Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster - a fully adjustable, lightweight solution made for concealed-carry applications.
  4. North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG for Enhanced Precision and Comfort - Experience unmatched precision and comfort with North American Arms' Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG HPTD-M, specifically crafted for mini revolvers.
  5. Desantis Wild Hog Ruger GP100 Holster - Ambidextrous Leather Cross Draw Option - Experience unmatched comfort and convenience with the Desantis Wild Hog Holster Lthr for your Ruger Single Six, featuring natural leather, adjustable tension, and versatile carrying options for ultimate flexibility.
  6. Stylish Space Cowboy Holster for H&K 45 Revolver - Arm yourself with the perfect fit, style, and function with Triple K's Space Cowboy Holster for your HK 45 - the top-rated choice for full-grain leather holster enthusiasts.
  7. High-Quality, Durable 22 Revolver Holster for Women - Experience ultimate comfort and durability in the Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster, specifically designed for your 22 caliber revolver.
  8. Quality Western-style leather holster for 703 Revolver - Experience authentic Western-style holsters with the Denix Old West Leather Holster, perfectly fitting your Colt Peacemaker series pistols and accommodating replica shells, available in two-toned brown medium waist size.
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🔗Water Buffalo Leather .22 Revolver Holster for Single Action Wheelguns
I've been using the Versacarry. 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for a while now, and I've got to say it's a pretty cool accessory to have. It's made from premium water buffalo leather, which is quite a step up from the average holster material. The sturdy belt loop ensures that your revolver stays securely in place, even when you're on the move.
One downside I noticed is that it only supports single-action. 22 caliber revolvers, so if you're using a different kind, you'll have to look elsewhere. But overall, I'm really happy with this holster. It's well-made, and the quality is top-notch. I've had no issues with it so far, and I'm confident it'll serve me well in the future.

🔗Durable 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for Wheelgun Lovers
I recently tried out this Versacarry. 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed by its sturdy construction and comfortable fit.
Made from premium water buffalo leather, this holster is well-suited for all those. 22 reproduction Colt Single Action Army revolvers and similarly sized wheelguns. What stood out to me the most was the secure belt loop and open bottom design, which provided a snug fit without any unnecessary bulk. Overall, this is a great choice for any cowboy looking to protect and carry their. 22 Cal single action revolver in style.

🔗Concealed Carry Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster
As a frequent user of this Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster, I must say it has its pros and cons. Firstly, the lightweight design featuring a sturdy nylon shell and soft brushed tricot interior is a boon for me. It effectively safeguards my 9mm auto handgun without compromising on comfort.
However, the metal spring clip, though handy, sometimes slips over the top of my pants or belt, which can be a bit inconvenient. Also, the 3.5-inch size works great for my Ruger LCP, but it might be a bit too snug for larger models.
Another feature I appreciate is its versatility as it can be used as a hip holster or inside the pants, allowing for an adjustable and comfortable fit. Despite its excellent qualities, the holster lacks a retention strap, which can be a drawback, especially when you're on the move.

🔗North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG for Enhanced Precision and Comfort
As a fellow gun enthusiast, I recently came across the North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG and decided to give it a try. Having used it for a while now, I must say it has made a notable difference in my shooting experience.
The first thing that stood out to me was the secure grip it provides for my mini revolver. It holds the weapon firmly in place, which ultimately enhances my precision and accuracy during target practice. However, I must admit that the holster's size can be a bit of a drawback at times. It may not be the most suitable option for those who prefer a larger holster for their mini revolver.
Despite its minor flaws, the North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG has proven to be a reliable and comfortable accessory for my mini revolver. If you're looking for a secure and compact solution for your mini revolver, this pocket holster might just be the perfect addition to your arsenal.

🔗Desantis Wild Hog Ruger GP100 Holster - Ambidextrous Leather Cross Draw Option
The Desantis Wild Hog Holster is a versatile and comfortable option for carrying your Ruger Single Six 5.5" Revolver. Made from top-quality leather, it fits snugly around your waist and can be worn cross draw or with a forward cant. Its belt accommodating design allows you to adjust the tension for a perfect fit, ensuring your gun stays securely in place throughout the day.
While the Wild Hog may be a bit heavier on your pocket, it's a reliable, durable, and stylish choice for any revolver enthusiast. Overall, if you're looking for a holster that provides both style and functionality, this leather holster is worth considering.

🔗Stylish Space Cowboy Holster for H&K 45 Revolver
As a gun enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for premium quality holsters to keep my scoped revolvers secure. So, when I came across the Triple K Space Cowboy Holster, I knew it was worth a try. The full-grain leather holster is certainly a sight to behold, with its classic design that's both stylish and functional.
What stood out to me was the sturdiness and security the holster offered. It was a perfect fit for my Smith and Wesson 629 Stealth Hunter, with its 7.5" barrel. I appreciated the tie-off leg strap, which added stability and ensured my holster stays in place during all my outdoor adventures.
However, I found the price quite steep for the level of craftsmanship involved. The belt loop's snap mechanism feels a tad flimsy and might not be the best fit for larger and heavier revolvers.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I would still recommend the Triple K Space Cowboy Holster to any gun enthusiast looking for a premium, high-quality holster to keep their prized scoped revolver close at hand.

🔗High-Quality, Durable 22 Revolver Holster for Women
I recently had the chance to try out this Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster Rig, and let me say, it's a pretty impressive piece of equipment. First off, the holster itself is beautifully crafted, with a genuine leather finish that gives it a nice, old-timey cowboy feel. The stitching was tight and precise, and the metal core casing made it unbreakable and non-collapsible.
One thing that stood out to me was the holster's versatility. Not only does it fit most barrel lengths ranging from 4 to 8 inches, but it's also been designed with a leg tie and leg flap behind the holster, enhancing its durability and comfort. This made it perfect for a daily wear gun holster, whether I was walking around town or out on the range.
That being said, there were a couple of things that I wasn't completely thrilled about. For one, the holster does have quite a few holes punched an inch apart, which could make it a bit confusing to figure out the correct size for your specific pants. While the provided measurements worked for me, I can see how this could be an issue for others.
Additionally, while the gun holster fits most barrel lengths, it's made specifically for a right-handed shooter, which could make it a bit limiting for left-handed shooters looking to use this holster.
Overall, though, I've really enjoyed using this Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster Rig. The combination of its high-quality craftsmanship and versatile design make it a top choice for any gun enthusiast looking to up their holster game.

🔗Quality Western-style leather holster for 703 Revolver
The Denix Old West Leather Holster is a must-have accessory for anyone who loves the authentic feel of the Wild West. Not only does it look the part, but it also feels and functions like a genuine holster should. The craftsmanship is evident in the beautifully tooled leather design, which adds a touch of class to your 1873 non-firing replica or Colt Peacemaker pistol.
One of the things I appreciate most about this holster is the ease of use. The right-draw design ensures that your firearm is always easily accessible when you need it, and the adjustable leg-tie makes it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The shell loops on the belt are a nice touch, as they accommodate the replica shells that fit these pistols, adding another level of realism.
As with any product, there are a few minor drawbacks. The holster isn't the most compact option out there, which can make it a bit tricky to carry around if you're planning to go somewhere where you might need to hide your firearm. Additionally, the medium waist size might not be perfect for everyone, so it's something to consider before making a purchase.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Denix Old West Leather Holster. It's a top-quality product that adds a touch of authenticity to any enthusiast's collection. If you're looking for a durable, functional, and stylish holster that captures the spirit of the Old West, this is the one to get.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the perfect 22 revolver holster, there are several factors to consider. These factors will ultimately determine the overall quality and durability of your holster, and more importantly, its ability to safely carry and protect your revolver.

Adjustable Retention
An adjustable retention system allows you to customize the tightness of your holster to suit your needs. This feature is especially important when it comes to concealed carry, as you want to ensure that your holster can securely retain your 22 revolver without being too tight, making it difficult to draw in case of an emergency.

Material and Build Quality

The material and build quality of your 22 revolver holster play a crucial role in its overall durability and functionality. High-quality materials, such as tough nylon or ballistic nylon, combined with sturdy construction, will ensure that your holster can withstand the rigors of regular use without succumbing to wear and tear.

Comfort and Concealment

Comfort is a major consideration when selecting a 22 revolver holster. Look for a holster that is well-designed and offers adequate support, eliminating the need for any pressure points. Additionally, a holster with a slim profile will make it easier to conceal your revolver, whether you're carrying on your person or in a concealed carry situation.

Gun Shape and Fit

It's vital that your 22 revolver holster is designed to accommodate the specific shape and dimensions of your firearm. A well-fitting holster is essential for proper retention and easy access to your weapon when needed most.

Price and Value

When considering a 22 revolver holster, it's essential to find the right balance between price and value. Look for a holster that offers the right combination of quality, features, and affordability, without sacrificing any of these factors.

Review Customer Feedback and Ratings
Before making a final decision on a 22 revolver holster, thoroughly research customer reviews and ratings. This valuable information will provide you with insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a potential holster, helping you make an informed choice.
A high-quality 22 revolver holster is a crucial accessory for anyone who owns a firearm. By keeping the factors outlined in this buyer's guide in mind, you'll be well-equipped to select the perfect holster that offers the right combination of features, comfort, and value for your specific needs.


What are the different types of 22 revolver holsters available in the market?

There are several types of holsters designed for 22 revolvers, including shoulder, cross-draw, pancake, and belt slide holsters. Each type offers different levels of convenience, comfort, and security, so it's essential to choose one that suits your specific needs and preferences.

What materials are commonly used in making 22 revolver holsters?

Holsters for 22 revolvers are typically made from materials such as leather, Kydex, nylon, or a combination of these. Leather holsters offer a classic look and feel, while Kydex holsters provide increased durability and retention. Nylon holsters are lightweight and more affordable but may not provide the same level of protection and security as other materials.

What are the key features to consider when choosing a 22 revolver holster?

  • Concealability: A good holster should help you carry your revolver discreetly.
  • Retention: The holster should securely hold your revolver in place to prevent accidental discharge or theft.
  • Comfort: The holster should be comfortable to wear for extended periods.
  • Adjustability: The holster should allow for custom fit and positioning for different gun models and sizes.
  • Durability: A high-quality holster should last a long time and withstand regular use.

What is the difference between a left-handed and right-handed 22 revolver holster?

A left-handed 22 revolver holster is designed to be worn on the left hip or side, providing easy access for left-handed users. A right-handed holster is designed for right-handed users and worn on the opposite side of the body.

How do I properly clean and maintain my 22 revolver holster?

It's essential to clean and maintain your holster regularly to keep it in good condition. The specific cleaning process depends on the material used to make the holster. For example, leather holsters can be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap, while Kydex holsters can be wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to air dry.

Are there any safety considerations when carrying a 22 revolver in a holster?

Yes, it's crucial to follow proper safety practices when carrying a 22 revolver in a holster. This includes securing the holster and ensuring that the gun is not loaded unless necessary. Always double-check the safety features of your revolver and holster to prevent accidents.

What are some reputable brands of 22 revolver holsters?

  • DeSantis
  • Galco
  • SUAI
  • Crossbreed Holsters

How much do 22 revolver holsters typically cost?

The cost of a 22 revolver holster can vary depending on the brand, material, and features. Prices typically range from $20 to $100, with some higher-end models costing more.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 NeoHyper64 Arcade1Up won't build it, so I did... Soul Calibur XL is here!

Arcade1Up won't build it, so I did... Soul Calibur XL is here!
Some of you may have seen me drop hints here and there (or a full preview on the Super Gameroom Dudes), but 4 months later, I've finally finished my biggest Arcade1Up mod project to-date:
Arcade1Up NBA Jam Shaq XL is now... Soul Calibur XL!
There's a lot that went into this cab, and I basically built the entire thing 2 or 3 times over because of all the trial-and-error as I used new tools, tried new materials, got measurements wrong, etc. It was FAR more complicated than my prior NeoGeo build, but the results are better, too. Here is where I ended up with what went into this beast.
Cabinet ($600):
  • This started life as a standard Arcade1Up NBA Jam Shaq XL cabinet. I didn't want that game, only the shell. So, I only assembled the frame of it.
Control Panel:
  • The 4-player deck was replaced with a fully custom 2-player deck of my own design. I started with a sloped, Midway-style design, but the angle wasn't comfortable for my height (I'm 6'2"), so I settled on a raised, flat design that felt much better. The whole thing is made of melamine-coated half-inch plywood, so it's super strong.
  • The entire deck slides over the factory frame, and re-uses a modified version of the Shaq XL sub-frame to provide full support from below. I also re-used the factory "shelf" with some adjustments (used spacers to make it higher, and moved the mounting poins out to the sides to allow more room for controls and wiring).
  • There's a piano hinge on the back that allows the deck to open so the joystick and button wiring can be accessed. There's also a wireless keyboard in case the PC needs to be controlled.
  • The top features an acrylic panel that was a bugger to measure and cut, but I finally got a version that's about 1/16-1/32" accurate in every dimension. It also attaches to the deck with 4 bolts, just like the Arcade1Up versions (though it's not strictly necessary, because unlike A1U plexi, I put the panel under the button surrounds like real arcades would do).
Art ($300):
  • I contacted several graphics vendors, but some never responded, and others didn't have any Shaq templates and didn't seem to want to get involved. But I'd used Escape Pod in the past with good results, and they had a Shaq template. They also had a Soul Calibur design they had used for a full-size cab. So, we collaborated, and they produced the custom art package that made this happen, including marquee with plexi, side panels, kick panel, and the entire control panel. They're great!
Monitor ($100), Mount + Bezel ($108):
  • Dell 20" 2007fpb 4:3 monitor came from eBay. It only has a DVI input for digital. Everything was de-cased, and the controls were screwed into the back. It's a great looking monitor!
  • Of course, Shaq comes with a crap 19" monitor, so the Dell is a definite upgrade, but not a 1:1 fit. So, I contacted Gus from Karv Design on Etsy, who had done work on my NeoGeo build, and he came through. He had never done a Shaq cab before, but I gave him the exact dimensions and he custom-built a monitor mount, and black acrylic bezel. I messed a few things, but his stuff was spot on! Can't recommend him highly enough!
Audio ($166):
  • Dayton Audio KAB-2150 2x150w Class D Amp ($30) and power supply ($35)
  • Visaton 3.3" speakers ($30) and grills ($11)
  • Powered subwoofer ($90)... this makes such a difference it's not even funny
  • I wanted a "stock" look with the audio and not get into making a custom panel, so I stuck with the same size speakers, but much better quality and power handling. The amplifier is admittedly overpowered for this project, but it had two, important features that were surprsingly hard to find: external controls AND a dedicated subwoofer output. This had both!
Controls ($86):
  • Industrias Lorenzo Eurostick (x2) ($34 total)
  • Happ Competition Pushbuttons (x16) ($34 total)
  • Easyget (Dragonrise) Zero Delay Encoders ($18)
  • I went through probably dozens of combinations of buttons and switches and ended up with something that has a shorter through and minimal click. I wanted a fast response. For the joysticks, I never considered anything other than ILs.
Games ($162):
  • I started with a Raspberry Pi 5, which WAS capable of running Soul Calibur I and II, but it was finnicky. The controllers would randomly disconnect, AND it has a stupid design that lacks an audio out, so I had to pickup an HDMI audio/video splitter that ended up not outputting the video signal accurately and decreased the audio out level significantly. It also added several extra wires. The Pi setup was a total PITA that cost me nearly $200 with everything it needed (board, case, cables, splitter, power supply, etc.).
  • SO... when DIY Retro Arcade started offering the pre-built Core i5 computer with "no junk" Batocera 38 build ($162), I jumped. And boy, was it worth it! The i5 is so much more capable, not to mention STABLE, and getting rid of the HDMI splitter reduced cable clutter AND improved the audio quality significantly! The Batocera build is really good, too! No junk, and lots of good stuff (yes, every Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, KI, NeoGeo, and other fighting game). This really makes the system.
Special ($152):
  • Faux Coin Door from Arcade1Up ($20)
  • Coin Door Lights from RETRO 530 ($21)
  • Isobar Surge Protector w/ Switch ($105)
  • Control Panel Hinge ($22)
  • LED Strip Light ($6)
Other Materials ($418+):
  • PVC Edge Banding ($20)
  • Melamine Edge Banding ($20)
  • Hand Roller ($9)
  • Side Edge Trimmer ($33)
  • Flush Cut Trimmers ($18)
  • Super 77 Adhesive ($12)
  • Planar Knives ($16)
  • Weatherstripping ($7)
  • L-Brackets ($12)
  • DP to DVI Cable ($12)
  • 12v Power Supply ($9)
  • Various bits, blades, screws, and tools (picked up here and there)... oh, and WOOD! Experimented with lots of MDF, melamine, and acryclic ($250+).
  • And many, many things I ended up not using (t-molding, Pi 5, arcade-spec power supply, lots of buttons, etc.)
Tools (N/A):
  • Some of these tools I had on hand, some I inherited, some I bought. But I used a lot of different stuff... table saw, radial-arm saw, jigsaw, circular saw, drill press, heat gun, iron, hand roller, T-squares, speed square, hand drill, power sander, drill driver, various clamps, X-acto knives, squeegee, various screwdrivers, hammer, tape measures, shop-vac, etc.
TOTAL COST: $2,092 (excluding most tools and everything I bought that didn't get used, or that was thrown out, etc.)

Would it have to cost this much? No. I'm not a woodworker or craftsperson, but I am a perfectionist. So, the two things combined meant everything took longer and cost more than it probably should. But I also don't think you could legitimately do this build for anything less than a grand, unless you happen to have everything you need sitting around (including a PC and monitor) and can get cheap art, etc. All told, it probably cost me at least $2,500 if I include things that didn't make it into the final product.
So, wouldn't it be better to just buy the real thing? That isn't the point. This is "built not bought" kind of thing. I wanted to see what I could do. And I wanted to prove what an XL could be... I think this did both. And I've owned a real arcade machine... tt was heavy, huge, and finnicky. Not again. And either way, good luck finding an original Soul Calibur machine. They weren't made in large numbers.
Why not just build your own? I could, but that also wasn't the point. Building from scratch is a whole other endeavor, whereas using an Arcade1Up means it "inherently" has Arcade1Up-style dimensions and will fit in with my other cabinets. I also just wanted to do something in the XL size.
Why Soul Calibur? It's a legit awesome game. It has a Metacritic score of 98, making it one of the highest scoring games of all time across all platforms and consoles. And it's easy for anyone to start playing. I have lots of fond memories playing on the Dreamcast, but with its very limited arcade exposure, there's less-than-zero chance Arcade1Up will ever make the game.
Why use the Dreamcast version instead of the arcade game? Surprisingly, Soul Calibur originally ran on Namco System 12 hardware, which was an upgrade of the Namco System 11 hardware that itself was based loosely on the original Playstation 1 hardware design. That meant the arcade version of Soul Calibur was actually worse than the Dreamcast version of the game that followed a year later. The Dreamcast version added better visuals and 3D backgrounds, along with a whole bunch of extra features. This was reported to be the first time a console game performed better than the arcade version upon which it was based.
Would you do it again? No, and also no. I proved it was possible and built the game I wanted in the way I wanted. And it plays great and looks cool. But it cost too much time and money. I learned a lot, and that was invaluable, so I recommend it on that level. Practically speaking, however, there's really no justification to do something like this again unless the market just completely fails to produce the products we want.
Anyway, thanks to anyone who made it this far. I have a lot more pics and some video, and am happy to answer any questions. I also want to thank all of the vendors who helped make this happen, as well as the kind words from PDubs and other supporters along the way.
So, now it's your turn, Arcade1Up... bring us the XLs!

From Shaq to the Legend That Will Never Die!

Yes, that's actually a light under the control deck illumuninating downward.

The edge banding on the control panel mirrors the factory A1U edge banding.

Yes, the entire control panel lifts up to access the controls!

The top panel has audio controls, lighting control, and a master power switch.

Behind the marquee is a powerful amp, upgraded speakers, and full tone controls.

Yep, those are Happ ILs (and that's a piano hinge across the back).

The full back section, complete with acoustic stuffing up top and a subwoofer down below. That's a custom shelf for the PC, too.

A look inside showing inside the control panel from the back.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
submitted by NeoHyper64 to Arcade1Up [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:32 New-Commission-1496 Recently moved into a new house share and...

The one that granted me the room is quickly moving out due to his finances not being together,
Furthermore, landlord is putting up the rent by 3.5% when legally they can only do it by 2%, (this'll be raised later )
There's 3 rooms,
The other room is a double room and an ensuite,
The room I'm moving into is a double bed (which I'll be moving into)
And the final room is a box room, that's stupidly small for a room which I'm currently in,
The rent currently is 1360, Breakdown:
Dbwb (double bed with bathroom) : 580
Double bed : 480
Box : 300,
LL doesn't care how we split it, but discuss it with ourselves when rent raises next month,
After 12 hr shift, I get reminded to discuss it,
I feel I got hoodwinked by this housemate,
He says he'll pay 550, and I should pay 490, and box room to pay 420,
Im only just waking up to realise that he's given himself a 30 euro discount each month, and have the brunt of the raise and cost on the new tenant,
What truly takes the piss, He moves his GF in sometime in September, never mentioned it to LL and declares price of the room shouldn't change at all,
And now they just got a puppy disobeying the LLs rules, and I've to sign a lease with people,
I've asked ai how to distribute this :
To split the rent of €1,460 fairly among the different rooms and considering the number of individuals, as well as the amenities such as an ensuite, we can use a point system. Each room feature (size, ensuite) is assigned points, and the total rent is divided according to the points each person's room has. Here's a logical way to approach it:
  1. Assign Points:
    • Box Room: 1 point (smaller size)
    • Double Room: 2 points (larger size)
    • Double Room with Ensuite: 3 points (larger size + private bathroom)
  2. Calculate Total Points:
    • Box Room: 1 point
    • Double Room: 2 points
    • Double Room with Ensuite: 3 points (since it's shared by two people, each person gets 1.5 points)
    Total points = 1 (Box) + 2 (Double) + 1.5 (Ensuite, per person) + 1.5 (Ensuite, per person) = 6 points
  3. Determine Cost Per Point:
    • Total Rent: €1,460
    • Cost per point = €1,460 / 6 points = €243.33 per point
  4. Calculate Individual Shares:
    • Box Room (1 person): 1 point x €243.33 = €243.33
    • Double Room (1 person): 2 points x €243.33 = €486.66
    • Double Room with Ensuite (per person): 1.5 points x €243.33 = €364.995
Breakdown of Rent: - Person in the Box Room: €243.33 - Person in the Double Room: €486.66 - Each person in the Double Room with Ensuite: €365 (rounded from €364.995)
This method takes into account the size of the room and the added value of an ensuite. It also considers the fact that the couple shares their space, so each person in the couple pays less than the individual in the double room without an ensuite. This is a fair and logical way to split the rent based on the amenities and space each person enjoys. The slight rounding for the ensuite room is to ensure the total adds up to the exact rent amount.
I don't think this couple will agree with what would be considered fair,
Where I am, there's a housing crises, and it's not easy to just say move out, I'm not a rat either
submitted by New-Commission-1496 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:29 Similar-Welder6516 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 3.0 Duramax 113 miles until derate

I have owned this truck for the past 2.5 years, minor issues, nothing mechanical. She has 67,276 right now.
Just this past week, for the first time towing in this truck, my family and I hauled a 6k lbs camper from Virginia to Yellowstone. It made it all the way to Yellowstone with no issues.
The day we arrived at Yellowstone, I received my first warning, "service emission system: 175 miles until 65 mph max speed". It would fluctuate off and on, and the check engine would be on, but no warning. Then the warning would populate once more, starting over at the 175 miles. In the past four days, it lowered to 171 miles, but I couldn't tell you how many times it had tripped in those days. I was also clearing the code daily. Once or twice, it cleared itself, no check engine light. I chocked this all up to elevation. I also received my first notification that my truck was doing a regen, it stated "keep driving, cleaning exhaust" or something of the sort. I feel like she's been trying to regen, and it hasn't been successful.
This is where the problem begins. We were towing back home, across Wyoming, and things were going as normal, as far as the past four days were concerned. Yet, finally, the derate countdown didn't reset. I'm currently sitting at 113 miles until 65 mph limit, with days left to travel. I'm at the point where I can no longer clear the code, and the derate warning takes up my dash.
The codes are-
P2382: Exhasut Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (this was first, and only code until today)
And the second code, which appeared for the first time today is-
P22A1: NOx Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2.
Has anybody experienced anything similar? Any fix to get me home? I also ran bio diesel in Chicago, for the first time, for one tank, but have had about ten tanks since. Just trying to list all the new variables this truck has experienced.
My fan is also kicked into overdrive during the duration of the warning being present, which is constant right now.
Edit: also unhooked battery for a while.
submitted by Similar-Welder6516 to Duramax [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:29 michellellamas Should I help my fiance financially even though my finances have been affected because of him

I (31 F) and my fiance (30 M) have been together for 11 years out of which we been living together for 9.5 years. For most of our relationship he has been the one making the most money and there were long periods of times where I was without a job and he supported us. I always showed my love and support by doing most of the house chores and attending to his needs to the point of even getting up at 5 am to make him breakfast and iron his shirts. And whenever I had any money I always gave it to him for bills. When I finally got a stable minimum wage job we started dividing the house bills but I kept doing most of the house chores. I would always save up as much as I could and he would always ask me to borrow the money for some stock or crypto coin he wanted to invest in. Most of the time all of that money was gone by the end of the month and he always got into debt trying to flip some money around dreaming of becoming rich with a click. For some reason he was always able to make money for his friends (one of his friends was able to buy a house thanks to him) but he just seemed to fail at making us money. That was until 2019, apparently in 2019 he was able to flip some crypto and had over 300,000 usd worth on crypto coins. He only had access to this coins on the only computer we owned. In 2020 I was talking some coding courses because I am sick and tired of working minimum wage jobs, but unfortunately I needed a computer as clases were all virtual so I had to use the only computer we owned. One of the courses required me to use a system that was not compatible with the computer system we had so I tried to update it and the computer crashed. We lost everything we had in the computer including the 300k.
After this incident I felt so guilty and I wanted to pay it back although I know on my minimum wage job I’ll never be able to. So my fiance had the great idea to create his own crypto project. To be honest I never believed in it but he was so pushy and guilt trip me into it so I ended up taking a 25k loan believing he would be able to repay it back as he swore and promised he knew what he was doing and he was gonna make us back that money and then some. I agreed and had no idea that he himself had also gotten himself on a 30k+ debt for this project.
So the project never worked out, some people invested but it was not even enough to pay promoters. For the past 3 years all of our money is been going to debts and we barely made an indent in it as the majority of the money goes to interest. I worked 2 jobs for 6 months and was only able to pay 1k of my debt. Had to quit one job because I was starting to get sick.
This year I had enough and I filed for consumer proposal. It’s only been a month and I already have 700 saved up. I feel such relief and I’m planning on getting a security license as the IT sector is overtaken by Indians and is a job in demand. My fiance also wants to do it but he wants me to pay for his as hi still has all the debt he got himself into and barely has any money for bills. Every time we have money disagreements he blames them on me as I was the one who broke the computer and he claims if he would of still had that money he would never had started the project (the project was his new idea of becoming rich ).
So now I just feel like I have gone through enough hardship for the 300k I “lost” him and I should only be responsible for paying half of the house bills. But at the same time I do love my fiance and feel the obligation to help him financially.
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2024.05.29 05:27 thinkingstranger May 24, 2024

The defense and the prosecution today made their closing statements in the New York criminal case against Trump for falsifying business records to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels. The payment was intended to stop her account of her sexual encounter with Trump from becoming public in the days before the 2016 election, when the Trump campaign was already reeling from the Access Hollywood tape showing Trump boasting of sexual assault.
The Biden-Harris campaign showed up at the trial today with veteran actor Robert DeNiro and former police officers Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn, who protected the U.S. Capitol and members of Congress from rioters on January 6, 2021. In words seemingly calculated to get under Trump’s skin, DeNiro said, “We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot,” and called him a coward.
When Robert Costa of CBS News asked campaign spokesperson Michael Tyler why they had shown up at the trial, Tyler answered: “Because you all are here. You’ve been incessantly covering this day in and day out, and we want to remind the American people ahead of the…first debate on June 27 of the unique, persistent, and growing threat that Donald Trump poses to the American people and to our democracy. So since you all are here, we’re here communicating that message.”
Yesterday, in remarks at Arlington National Cemetery in observance of Memorial Day, President Joe Biden honored “the sacrifice of the hundreds of thousands of women and men who’ve given their lives for this nation. Each one…a link in the chain of honor stretching back to our founding days. Each one bound by common commitment—not to a place, not to a person, not to a President, but to an idea unlike any idea in human history: the idea of the United States of America.”
“[F]reedom has never been guaranteed,” Biden said. “Every generation has to earn it; fight for it; defend it in battle between autocracy and democracy, between the greed of a few and the rights of many…. And just as our fallen heroes have kept the ultimate faith with our country and our democracy, we must keep faith with them,” he said.
His speech at Arlington echoed the message he delivered to this year’s graduating class at the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he urged the graduates to hold fast to their oaths. “On your very first day at West Point, you raised your right hands and took an oath—not to a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America—against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” he said to applause. Soldiers “have given their lives for that Constitution. They have fought to defend the freedoms that it protects: the right to vote, the right to worship, the right to raise your voice in protest. They have saved and sacrificed to ensure, as President Lincoln said, a ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.’”
“[N]othing is guaranteed about our democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, to protect it, to preserve it, to choose it,” he said. “Now, it’s your turn.” Biden spent more than an hour saluting and shaking the hand of each graduate.
In contrast, Trump ushered in Memorial Day with a post on his social media company, saying: “Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.” He then continued to attack E. Jean Carroll, the writer who successfully sued him for defamation, before turning to attack Judge Arthur Engoron, who presided over the civil case of Trump and the Trump Organization falsifying documents, and Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the current criminal case in New York.
The message behind this extraordinary post was twofold: Trump can think of nothing but himself…and he appears to be terrified.
On Saturday, May 25, Trump had an experience quite different from his usual reception at rallies of hand-picked supporters. He was resoundingly booed at the national convention of the Libertarian Party in Washington, D.C., where Secret Service agents confiscated squeaky rubber chickens before his speech. Attendees jeered Trump’s order, “You have to combine with us,” even when he reminded them of his libertarian credentials—tax cuts and defunding of federal equality programs—and promised to pardon the January 6 rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol.
Trump also promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, who founded and from January 2011 to October 2013 ran an online criminal marketplace called Silk Road, where more than $200 million in illegal drugs and other illicit goods and services, such as computer hacking, were bought and sold. Most of the sales were of drugs, with the Silk Road home page listing nearly 13,000 options, including heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and LSD. The wares were linked to at least six deaths from overdose around the world. In May 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison and was ordered to forfeit more than $180 million.
Libertarians want Ulbricht released because they support drug legalization on the grounds that people should be able to make their own choices and they see Ulbricht’s sentence as government overreach. Trump has repeatedly called for the death penalty for drug dealers, making his promise to pardon Ulbricht an illustration of just how badly he thinks he needs the support of Libertarian voters. But they refused to endorse him.
Trump appeared angry, and on Sunday, as Greg Sargent reported in The New Republic, he reposted a video of a man raging at MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. In it, the man says that when Trump is reelected: “He’ll get rid of all you f*cking liberals. You liberals are gone when he f*cking wins. You f*cking blowjob liberals are done. Uncle Donnie’s gonna take this election—landslide. Landslide, you f*cking half a blowjob. Landslide. Get the f*ck out of here, you scumbag.”
Trump’s elevation of this video, Sargent notes, is a dangerous escalation of his already violent rhetoric, and yet it has gotten very little media attention.
Last November, Matt Gertz of Media Matters reported that ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News provided 18 times more coverage of 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s comment at a fundraising event that “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables” who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic,” than they provided of Trump’s November 2023 promise to “root out the communist, Marxist, fascist and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”
CNN, the Fox News Channel, and MSNBC mentioned the “deplorables” comment nearly 9 times more than Trump’s “vermin” language. The ratio for the five highest-circulating U.S. newspapers was 29:1.
Clinton’s statement was consistent with polling, and she added that the rest of Trump’s supporters were “people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change.” She said: “Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.”
Sargent noted that news stories require context and that Trump’s elevation of the violent video should be placed alongside his many threats to prosecute his enemies. While there is often concern over disrespect toward right-wing voters, Sargent writes, there has been very little attention to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s posting of “a video that declares a large ideological subgroup of Americans ‘done’ and ‘gone’ if he is elected.”
Scott MacFarlane of CBS News reported yesterday that Republicans have ignored a law passed in March 2022 requiring the placement of a small plaque honoring police officers who protected the U.S. Capitol and the lawmakers and staffers there on January 6, 2021. It was supposed to be in place by March 2023 but has not gone up. A spokesperson for House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) says his office is working on it. Kayla Tausche of CNN reported today that three of the police officers at the Capitol that day—Sergeant Aquilino Gonell and Officer Harry Dunn, both retired, and Officer Daniel Hodges, who is still with the Washington, D.C., metropolitan police—will be traveling to swing states for the Biden campaign to tell voters that Trump threatens Americans’ fundamental rights.
Finally, today, Melinda French Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced $1 billion in new spending over the next two years “for people and organizations working on behalf of women and families around the world, including on reproductive rights in the United States.” Only 2% of charitable giving in the U.S. goes to these organizations, she wrote the New York Times, and “[f]or too long, a lack of money has forced organizations fighting for women's rights into a defensive posture while the enemies of progress play offense. I want to help even the match.”

The Dworkin ReportDe Niro and Jan 6 Heroes Unload on Trump Outside NY TrialRobert De Niro just showed up outside the New York City courthouse, where Trump is facing 34 felony counts. Rightwing lunatics are already trying to start conspiracy theories lying and saying that thi…Read more8 hours ago · 765 likes · 132 comments · Scott Dworkin
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