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Review cuốn truyện Hắc Ám Tây Du của tác giả Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng

2024.05.21 13:53 toiyeutruyenfull Review cuốn truyện Hắc Ám Tây Du của tác giả Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng

Review cuốn truyện Hắc Ám Tây Du của tác giả Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng
Bạn đang đọc truyện Hắc Ám Tây Du của tác giả Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng trên trang web TruyenFull. Tác phẩm này mang đến một cái nhìn mới mẻ và đầy kịch tính về hành trình Tây Du Ký, nơi mà câu chuyện không chỉ đơn giản là cuộc hành trình về Tây Thiên thỉnh kinh. Đây chỉ là khởi đầu của một cuộc phiêu lưu dài hơi, đầy bất ngờ và những bí mật chưa từng được kể.
Hắc Ám Tây Du tiếp tục theo chân năm nhân vật chính quen thuộc: Đường Tam Tạng, Tôn Ngộ Không, Trư Ngộ Năng, Sa Ngộ Tịnh và Tiểu Bạch Long. Tuy nhiên, lần này, họ không chỉ đối mặt với những yêu ma và thử thách như trong nguyên tác mà còn phải đương đầu với những âm mưu đen tối và những bí ẩn sâu xa hơn.
Câu chuyện bắt đầu với một sự chuyển biến đáng ngạc nhiên khi Tôn Ngộ Không, từ một Đại Thánh đầy kiêu ngạo và bất khả chiến bại, bị đẩy vào một hoàn cảnh mới, nơi hắn phải đối diện với những thách thức về bản ngã và quyền lực. Ngộ Không không còn là Tề Thiên Đại Thánh quen thuộc, mà là một Yêu tộc đại yêu, một chiến thần bất khả chiến bại. Sự trở lại của ký ức và sức mạnh đã đánh thức trong hắn một con người hoàn toàn mới, đầy u tối và quyền năng.
Sự thay đổi này đã tạo nên một cốt truyện đầy hấp dẫn và kịch tính, nơi độc giả được chứng kiến một Tôn Ngộ Không không chỉ chiến đấu vì chính nghĩa mà còn vì những lý do cá nhân sâu xa hơn. Hắn phải đấu tranh với chính bản thân mình, với những ký ức đau thương và những thách thức đến từ cả trong và ngoài.
Đường Tam Tạng, vốn được biết đến như một nhà sư hiền lành và nhân từ, trong Hắc Ám Tây Du cũng được tái hiện với nhiều lớp cảm xúc phức tạp hơn. Ông không chỉ là người thầy dẫn dắt các đồ đệ trên con đường thỉnh kinh, mà còn là người mang trong mình những bí mật và sức mạnh tiềm ẩn. Tương tự, các nhân vật khác như Trư Ngộ Năng, Sa Ngộ Tịnh và Tiểu Bạch Long cũng được khai thác sâu hơn về tính cách và câu chuyện riêng của họ, mang đến cho độc giả một cái nhìn mới mẻ và thú vị.
Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng đã khéo léo kết hợp các yếu tố tiên hiệp, huyền huyễn và lịch sử để tạo nên một thế giới Tây Du mới mẻ và đầy sức sống. Những chi tiết lịch sử và huyền thoại được tác giả sử dụng một cách tài tình, không chỉ làm phong phú thêm bối cảnh truyện mà còn giúp xây dựng nên những tình tiết logic và hấp dẫn. Những trận chiến hoành tráng, những mưu đồ âm hiểm và những bí mật được hé lộ dần dần tạo nên một cốt truyện lôi cuốn, khiến người đọc không thể rời mắt.
Phong cách viết của tác giả Bi Ca Đường Tam Tạng cũng là một điểm sáng của tác phẩm. Lối viết sắc sảo, chân thực và đầy cảm xúc giúp khắc họa rõ nét tính cách và cảm xúc của từng nhân vật. Những đoạn miêu tả trận chiến hay những pha hành động được viết rất sống động và chi tiết, mang lại cho độc giả những trải nghiệm đầy kịch tính và hồi hộp.
Hắc Ám Tây Du không chỉ là một câu chuyện tiên hiệp, huyền huyễn mà còn là một hành trình khám phá bản ngã và đối mặt với những bóng tối bên trong mỗi con người. Tác phẩm này không chỉ thu hút độc giả bởi cốt truyện hấp dẫn và các nhân vật quen thuộc mà còn bởi những thông điệp sâu sắc về cuộc sống, sự đấu tranh và sức mạnh của tinh thần.
Nếu bạn yêu thích thể loại tiên hiệp, huyền huyễn và lịch sử, Hắc Ám Tây Du chắc chắn là một tác phẩm không thể bỏ qua. Hãy cùng bước vào thế giới đầy màu sắc và kịch tính của Tôn Ngộ Không và những người bạn, để khám phá những bí ẩn và thử thách mới trên con đường Tây Du đầy gian nan và kỳ diệu.
submitted by toiyeutruyenfull to u/toiyeutruyenfull [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:38 Coffee_on_the_double Class notes circa 2016!

Class notes circa 2016!
This was 7 years ago, but my writing has stayed pretty much the same till now.
submitted by Coffee_on_the_double to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:21 bani_slo Razmislek o Slovenski Obrambni Straži - SOS (esejčič)

Zdravo, zabušavam na šihti in sm reku, da na svetlo dam tole besedilce.
Na sloredditu se je v zadnjih dveh dnev pojavilo več objav o SOS, ki so izhajale iz članka, objavljenega na spletni strani 24ur. [1] O tem so poročali tudi drugi mediji,* med njimi N1 [2], Svet24 [3], Delo [4]... TLDR članka 24ur, za tiste, ki ga niste še prebrali je: Skupina znana pod imenom SOS, je na svojem instagram profilu objavila svoje poglede na remigracijo in domnveno na drevo privezala nekega migranta ter ga povila v plastično folijo. SOS si je za svoj cilj postavila "očiščenje Slovenije vseh tujcev." Objava SOS in njihova dejanja naj bi bila odgovor na posilstvo 27-letnice, katerega so domnevno zakrivili trije migranti. Sodeč po zapisu Tomica Šuljića za Delo, naj se to posilstvo ne bi zgodilo. Sodeč po besedah TŠ naj policija ne bi imela o tem nikakršnih informacij. A to drži? Težko reči. Od kod torej ta zgodba? Portal mojadolenjska [5] in PlanetTV [6] sta ugotovila, da je bila SP o tem zagotovo obveščena. Razlika med obema poročanjema leži v tem, da je PlanetTV zapisal pod objavljenim videom, da policija tega ne obravnava kot posilstva. Oba vira se strinjata v tem, da naj bi to posilstvo, o katerem je zelo malo informacij, dejansko zakrivili "trije temnopolti moški," ki so 27-letnico, pretepli do nezavesti in jo nato trikrat posilili. SP je v poročilu za PlanetTV zanikala možnost o vpletenosti tujcev, ker o tem domnevno ni bilo podatkov.
Glede na zgoraj zapisano, bi se lahko reklo, da imamo sedaj zmešnjavo informacij. Veliko virov o SOS in posilstvu 27-letnice poroča povsem drugače. Na prvi strani Googla o posilstvu ni skorajda ničesar. Sam mislim, da je bilo dejanje SOS uperjeno predvsem proti občutkom nemoči kot migrantom. Ta nemoč, ki se je razvila v čustveno travmo, na podlagi tega, da SP tega primera ni obravnavala kot posilstvo. Ta nemoč je najverjetneje poglavitno vplivala na dejanja, ki so jih izvedli v videu na njihovi instagram strani. O tem občutku nemoči je poročal tudi zurnal24, in v članku so na portalu poudarili, da je nezaupanje v institucije tisto, kar SOS najbolj skrbi. [7] To je trend, ki se ga Zahod že dolgo zaveda. Prav o tem je European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions leta 2022 izdal poročilo. [8] Če to hočemo, ali nočemo priznati, je Slovenska policija zagotovo eden izmed institucionalnih stebrov državnega aparata, ki javnosti daje občutek varnosti. V kolikor se zaupanje poruši, lahko seveda začenmo pričakovati, da bo varnost ljudstvo/narod vzel(o) v svoje roke. SOS so posledica prav tega. Manj je razlog sovraštvo, kot pa strah pred izgubo varnosti. "Vojna blaznost" se ustvari ob določenih pogojih. Tudi SOS je primer te blaznosti, ker racionalni in pravni posegi izgubljajo moč, oziroma veljavo. Policija, ki nas ščiti v javnosti in na domu, svojega dela ne opravlja več, sepravi kdo ga bo?
Odziv slovenia je bil kot pričakovan. Opazili smo lahko predvsem mešanico sovraštva in humorja, pa vendar je bilo med komentarji pod objavami nekaj docela razumevajočih glasov, ki so pred postanjem premislili o dejanski situaciji. Slovenci in Slovenke sedaj potrebujemo treznost in mirno roko. V kolikor se sovraštvo stopnjuje, iz kateregakoli razloga in proti komur koli, bomo pred koncem desetletja vsi trpeli; prav nič ne bo pomembno ali smo Slovenci ali tujci, ali vladniki, ali reveži, ali levi ali desni. Zagotovo se bo našel politični sistem, ki bo katerokoli od naštetih skupin znal označiti za "sovražnika ljudstva" in nanj poskušal pripeti krivdo za zadnjo muho v popoldanskem pivu. Od tu pa do gulagov je pot odvisna zgolj od birokratskega in pravnega manipuliranja (bodočih) despotov, za ketere vemo, da so v tem brez vsake primere.
Zagotovo bi se našel tudi kakšen redditor, ki je študiral bodisi sociologijo, bodisi filozofijo in bi znal pravilneje opredeliti razliko med domnvevnim sovraštvom in anskioznostjo - strahom. Sam mislim, da bi bilo na tem mestu ta dejanja pravilneje obravnavati kot posledica jeze, na mestu sovraštva. Slednje je vsekakor preveč širok pojem. Vsakdo v življenju sovraži nekoga. Za Slovence je tipično, da se s sosedom ne maramo, ker je njegov avto za 3cm večji od našega. Mar ti občutki vodijo v ustanovitev protisosedske varde? Ne. Jeza pa je povsem drugačno čustvo, ki je globlje in bolj prodorno. Jeza se sama po sebi ne pojavi in ima tako kot druga čustvena stanja svoj izvor. Tega pa bi sam iskal v "nemoči", negotovosti in strahu, ki zagotovo prevevajo ume teh mladih moških. Mar jih to opravičuje? Ne. Ali analiza opravičuje naša dejanja, ki so zgolj pogovorna? Tudi ne. Trezni ljudje bi se morali postaviti po robu takšnim ekstremizmom, vendar ne s sulico, temveč z razumevanjem. Težko je, vsi vemo, da je težko, vendar ti fantje potrebujejo razumevanje bolj kot policijo. Preprost pogovor bi verjetno rešil več; pregon in zapiranje pa jih bo za vedno utrdil v svojih prepričanjih. Pametnejši med njimi se bo v zaporu, prosim Bog ne daj, zagotovo lotil pisanja kakšne propagandne knjige.
Pred koncem bi ponovil tisto, kar sem napisal že zgoraj. Pri obravnavi takšnih (ekstremističnih) skupin ni problem v tem, da se občasno pretepajo z drugimi gostilniškimi [pikado] ekipami, temveč v temu, da se njihovo obnašanje in vedenje lahko zlahka imitira. Tu odstopi pomen diferenciacije politične ideologije, kar naredi stvar še toliko bolj nevarno. Poleg tega pa je samo vprašanje časa, v kolikor se zadeve s prekomerno migracijo ne reši, da se pojavi še 4, 5, 6 itd. takšnih "SOS" skupin. Te so zaenkrat slabo organizirane, nimajo centrale, nimajo "velikega vodje", so brez sredstev, brez oglaševanja (izjema je njihov instagram profil [9], ki ima sicer znatno število sledilcev, v tem trenutku ob 12:19, na dan 21. maja 2024, 4225. Profil ima samo eno objavo, tako da je dokaj neaktiven.). Problem, ki ga jaz vidim je, da v kolikor demokratične stranke, katerekoli, progresivne ali konzervativne, ne rešijo problema migracije in drugih težav, ki so povezane z vzponom ekstremističnih skupin, bo prej ali slej njihov vzpon opazil nekdo, ki je politično sposoben in inteligenten ter se lotil organizacijskega dela. Takrat se prestopi prag, ki nosi strahotne posledice. Zgodovina 20. stoletja naj nam bo učiteljica. Obup, nemoč, ponižanje in strah so pripeljali tako do taborišč kot gulagov. Posledice takšnih razmišljanj, naj si bodo še tako "smešne" so resnične in povzročajo trpljenje med ljudmi, ki se že tako ali tako danes težko prebijajo iz dneva v dan. Ali res potrebujemo razmišljati še o rdeče-belih, ki po ulicah strašijo v vojaških oblačilih in vsakega, ki ni znjimi označijo za sovražnika?
Odgovor na esktremizem je v večini primerov ekstremizem druge barve.
lp, Stojan
Citati: [1] * Zanimivo je dejstvo, da Nova24 ni objavila niti enega članka. Vsaj sam ga nisem uspel najti. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
EDIT 1: Slovnica. Katastrofa.
submitted by bani_slo to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:49 madvey90 No, the Government is not banning your kei cars (ADR 85/00)

TL:DR Unless there is some change to ADR 85 that is not publicly available, most* imported cars will be compliant with ADR 85. (I'm not an engineer, nor am I in the know in relation to imported cars unlike the guys at Iron Chef or GoGarage)
There were a couple of comments on some threads recently which claimed that the Australian Government was proposing 'new laws' or already starting to stop the import of Kei Cars, because they would not comply with ADR 85.
What is ADR 85?
ADR 85 tests the Pole Side Impact performance (PSI) of a car - essentially a test car is flung into a pole at speed and its safety is measured.
ADR 85 has prevented cars such as the Lexus IS and RC from being sold (presumably because it cannot meet the new standards.\
What cars need to comply with ADR 85?
For imported cars, an ADR will apply if:
Source: (section 10)
The date of original manufacture date is the date on which the vehicle was first made available to a consumer in any market in the world.
The ADR85 applicability date is 1 November 2021 .
The ADR85 new model applicability date is 1 November 2017.
How to comply with ADR 85?
ADR 85 is essentially a regulation standardised by the United Nations' World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations. Section 7 of ADR 85 states that UN Regulation 135, is equivalent to the technical requirements of this standard.
Surely, those tiny Kei cars can't meet these ADRs that a big Lexus can't?
Japan has adopted UN Regulation 135 for all new cars since 15 June 2018. (Australian Source -, Japanese Source - )
Japan proposed a cheeky amendment just so that Kei Cars could pass UN Regulation 135 - it lobbied for the vehicle speed for the test to be lowered from 32 km/h to 26 km/h for vehicles which were less than 1.5m wide (Annexure 3, paragraph 8.7 here )
Here's the Japanese trying to justify it to the UN here:
So why the rumours?
Right now, neither the model report nor the SEVS approvals for the Suzuki Spacia have been suspended or revoked.
The Spacia's date of original manufacture and build date range both start in December 2017 - so ADR 85 applies but it was prior to Japan adopting the equivalent UN Regulation 135. Hmmm....
Will Kei cars come to Australia?
It's clear that Mitsubishi is clearly considering launching their newest EV kei car in Australia - see the most recent Chasing Cars review of it here -
submitted by madvey90 to CarsAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:05 shreejisteelcor Common Grades of TMT Bars

Common Grades of TMT Bars submitted by shreejisteelcor to u/shreejisteelcor [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:00 AutoModerator SeattleChat Daily Thread - Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
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Seattle Weather Forecast
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2024.05.21 08:26 katesteel_1210 Experience the Warmth of Kerala at These Handpicked Homestays in Palakkad

Experience the Warmth of Kerala at These Handpicked Homestays in Palakkad
Kerala, often referred to as "God's Own Country," is renowned for its lush landscapes, serene backwaters, and rich cultural heritage. Nestled in the heart of this picturesque state is Palakkad, a district that epitomizes the tranquil beauty and traditional charm of Kerala. For those seeking an authentic and immersive experience, staying at a homestay in Palakkad offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with local culture, cuisine, and hospitality. Here, we spotlight some of the best homestays in Palakkad, including the renowned Kerala House Homestay, where you can truly experience the warmth of Kerala.
Kerala House Homestay
One of the standout options in Palakkad is Kerala House Homestay. This homestay perfectly encapsulates the essence of Kerala's hospitality. Located amidst verdant greenery, Kerala House Homestay offers guests a comfortable and serene retreat. The traditional architecture, coupled with modern amenities, ensures that guests enjoy the best of both worlds.
At Kerala House Homestay, the hosts take immense pride in providing a personalized experience. From home-cooked meals that highlight local flavors to guided tours of the surrounding area, every aspect of your stay is tailored to make you feel at home. The homestay’s proximity to key attractions such as the Palakkad Fort and the Malampuzha Dam adds to its appeal, making it a convenient base for exploring the region.
Tharavad Heritage Homestay
For a deep dive into Kerala's history and heritage, Tharavad Heritage Homestay is an excellent choice. This homestay is housed in a traditional Kerala manor that dates back several centuries. The architecture, featuring intricate wooden carvings and spacious courtyards, transports guests to a bygone era.
Staying at Tharavad Heritage Homestay is like stepping into a living museum. The hosts are knowledgeable about the local history and are eager to share stories about the region's past. Guests can participate in activities such as traditional cooking classes, Kathakali performances, and visits to local temples, providing a holistic cultural experience.
Vythiri Homestay
Set against the backdrop of the Western Ghats, Vythiri Homestay offers a unique blend of natural beauty and rustic charm. This homestay is ideal for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The property is surrounded by lush plantations, and guests can explore the nearby forests and hills.
Vythiri Homestay provides comfortable accommodation with all the necessary amenities. The hosts are warm and welcoming, often arranging trekking expeditions and bird-watching tours. The homestay’s emphasis on eco-friendly practices ensures that your stay is not only enjoyable but also sustainable.
Olappamanna Mana Homestay
Another gem in Palakkad is the Olappamanna Mana Homestay. This heritage property is known for its serene environment and traditional Kerala hospitality. The homestay is set in a sprawling estate, offering guests a tranquil retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
At Olappamanna Mana Homestay, guests can experience the rhythms of rural Kerala. The hosts organize various cultural activities, including classical music and dance performances, traditional rituals, and Ayurvedic treatments. The homestay’s commitment to preserving Kerala’s cultural heritage makes it a perfect choice for those looking to immerse themselves in the local way of life.
Raksapettai Homestay
Raksapettai Homestay is another popular option in Palakkad, known for its cozy ambiance and personalized service. The homestay is located in a quaint village, offering guests a glimpse of rural Kerala. The rooms are well-furnished, and the hosts go out of their way to ensure that guests have a comfortable stay.
One of the highlights of Raksapettai Homestay is the delicious home-cooked food. The hosts prepare traditional Kerala dishes using locally sourced ingredients, providing a culinary experience that is both authentic and memorable. Guests can also participate in various activities such as cycling tours, pottery workshops, and village walks.
Kairali Homestay
Kairali Homestay stands out for its focus on wellness and relaxation. The homestay offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments and yoga sessions, making it an ideal choice for those looking to rejuvenate both mind and body. The serene surroundings and well-maintained gardens add to the overall sense of tranquility.
The hosts at Kairali Homestay are dedicated to ensuring that guests have a relaxing and enriching stay. The homestay also organizes cultural programs and sightseeing tours, allowing guests to explore the beauty and culture of Palakkad.
Palakkad's homestays offer a unique opportunity to experience the genuine warmth and hospitality of Kerala. Whether you are looking to immerse yourself in local culture, explore the natural beauty of the Western Ghats, or simply relax and rejuvenate, there is a homestay in Palakkad that caters to your needs. Among the best homestays in Palakkad, Kerala House Homestay stands out for its perfect blend of traditional charm and modern comfort. So, pack your bags and get ready to experience the magic of Kerala at these handpicked homestays in Palakkad.
submitted by katesteel_1210 to u/katesteel_1210 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:39 Jenson-ecigs Why Do Vape Batteries Explode?

A major issue with vape batteries is their potential to explode in specific situations. This piece delves into the causes of these incidents, which are vital for regulatory entities overseeing vaping product safety. Understanding battery tech basics and related hazards empowers regulators to create protective measures for consumers, considering various vaping styles.
Why do vape batteries explode? This question not only sparks curiosity but is critically important for those tasked with regulating vaping products. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of vape batteries—their composition, joint issues, and preventative measures—to help create a safer vaping environment.

What Are Vape Batteries?

Vape batteries are the power source for electronic cigarettes, providing the necessary energy to heat the e-liquid into vapor. The most common type used in vaping devices is the lithium-ion battery, known for its efficiency and capacity to hold a considerable charge.

Understanding Battery Composition

While effective, lithium-ion batteries come with risks. They consist of a cathode and an anode separated by a liquid electrolyte solution. If this internal structure is compromised, there's a risk of a thermal runaway—a condition in which increasing temperature can lead to a violent reaction.

Common Causes of Battery Failures

What leads a seemingly stable vape battery to erupt so violently? Manufacturing defects, wear and tear, and improper usage can all contribute to battery failures. Each factor alone might not cause an issue, but they can create a perfect storm, leading to an explosion in combination.

External Factors Influencing Safety

External influences such as extreme temperatures, using incompatible chargers, or physical damage to the battery can all compromise its integrity. Just as we wouldn't expose a smartphone to harsh conditions, the same care should apply to vape batteries.

Internal Factors and Malfunctions

Internally, if a battery's protective circuitry fails or if the separator between the anode and cathode is breached, the result can be catastrophic. It’s akin to knocking down the walls of a dam; without anything to hold back the water (energy), disaster ensues.

Case Studies of Battery Explosions

Analyzing past incidents where vape batteries exploded provides valuable lessons on the importance of quality control and user education. These real-life examples underline the potential consequences of negligence.

Preventative Measures for Safety

Ensuring the safety of vape devices starts with rigorous testing and adherence to quality standards. Users must be educated on proper battery handling and storage to reduce risk.

Role of Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory agencies play a pivotal role in ensuring that safe practices are followed in the manufacture and use of vape products. They set standards that manufacturers must adhere to and help inform the public about safe vaping practices.

Creating Effective Regulations

Developing regulations isn't just about laying down rules; it's about understanding the technology behind the devices. Regions can create more targeted and effective policies by fully understanding how batteries function and fail.

Monitoring and Compliance

Continuous monitoring and enforcing compliance are crucial. Regulatory bodies must monitor manufacturers closely and swiftly act on deviations from safety norms.

Future of Vape Battery Technology

Innovation in battery technology continues to advance. Staying updated with these advancements is crucial for regulatory agencies to anticipate and mitigate future risks.

To Wrap It Up

It's crucial to grasp the vape batteries' dynamics and failure factors to craft robust safety regulations. Embracing a proactive stance enables regulatory bodies to safeguard consumer health and enhance the vaping experience by promoting the safe usage of vaping products.
submitted by Jenson-ecigs to u/Jenson-ecigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:18 Idontrustyou93 Upcoming FBG Merch

Upcoming FBG Merch
What yall think the sizes are like for the hoodies & sweatpants? There’s no size guide & I really need my shit to fit correct
submitted by Idontrustyou93 to future [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:18 1SWM1 Travelling to Tulum next week. Is this safe to wear? Or will I get robbed?

Travelling to Tulum next week. Is this safe to wear? Or will I get robbed? submitted by 1SWM1 to WristShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:07 kolektoworks Kape at Balita (Summary - May 21)

What Happened?



Note: Links were removed for this post as reddit seems to disable the post with lots of links. For news with link sources, you may read today's newsletter here

Thanks for reading Kape at Balita! Subscribe on my email newsletter for free for daily relevant news

submitted by kolektoworks to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:52 tamtaiduc ✨ ĐỪNG SỢ BẮT ĐẦU LẠI! ✨

  1. Đời người chỉ có một, sống sao cho đáng. 💪 Đừng sợ phải bắt đầu lại, hãy ngồi xuống hít thở thật sâu, nạp đầy năng lượng, lấy đủ can đảm rồi tiếp tục bước đi. 🧘‍♀️
  2. Đừng sợ hãi phải bắt đầu lại từ đầu bởi đó là cơ hội để bạn có thể xây dựng một thứ còn tuyệt vời hơn. 🚀
  3. Sâu bướm chỉ có thể hóa thân thành con bướm tuyệt đẹp khi nó tưởng chừng như mọi thứ đã kết thúc. 🦋
  4. Sức mạnh không chỉ nằm ở khả năng chống chịu, mà còn là năng lực để bắt đầu lại. 💪
  5. Những gì đang đến luôn tốt hơn những gì đã mất. 🎁
  6. Người chiến thắng là kẻ thua cuộc dám bắt đầu lại. 🏆
submitted by tamtaiduc to u/tamtaiduc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:54 therealgariac N466TM civilian owned C-130 5/16/2024 to 5/20/2024

This is the C-130 that would occasionally be a static display at airshows.
submitted by therealgariac to area51 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:27 Salty_Sir_1512 My Translation of the Dao De Jing Chapter 1
ijo sewi Ta pi tenpo ale li ala e ni: ilo sewi Ta la jan mute li toki e nimi ona.
nimi pi tenpo ale li ala e ni: oni li ken ala jo e nimi.
nimi ala ona li open e kon sewi en ma.
nimi ona li mama meli e ijo mute mute mute.
lon wile ala, jan wan ken lukin lon lukin kiwen.
lon wile, jan wan ken lukin lon sitelen sijelo e ijo sewi Ta.
ni tu li kama lon e sama ma, taso nimi ona li ante la ona li sama lukin e lukin pimeja.
pimeja insa pimeja.
lupa tawa e lukin kiwen ale.
submitted by Salty_Sir_1512 to tokipona [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:01 Rad-Chipmunk2454 Alcohol kills HSV-1&2

Hey everyone! I’ve been doing my research, trying to educate myself on this virus since learning that someone I’ve been talking to has it. I did something similar during COVID-19, and so it inspired me to make the same google search: “Can hsv be killed by alcohol?” And I found out the answer was yes!
I found two separate sources for this and two anecdotal experiences, one already on Reddit that did t get much attention when it was posted.
See below: (and screenshots)
“HSV virus is easily inactivated by lipid solvents.
It can be inactivated by 0.5% Lysol in 5 min; by Listerine (1:1 mixtures) in 5 min; by 2,000 ppm (2,000 ul/liter) of bleach in 10 min; by rubbing alcohol (1:1 mixtures)”
“Isopropyl alcohol works against enveloped viruses but not against nonenveloped viruses. Ethyl alcohol works against enveloped viruses and a few nonenveloped viruses. Both ethyl and isopropyl alcohol have potent antiviral action against:
This information did not come up readily in my quest to learn about the virus, I had to go looking for it. So I was wondering if anyone else knew this, and if it can be so easily killed by alcohol, why isn’t this more widely known?
This could save thousands of people from unknowingly transmitting it to their partner, to their kids, to their friends, etc. It could be studied as well, following couples to see how effective it really is at preventing transmission.
It must be because of the stigma. 😖
Apparently both rubbing alcohol and drinking alcohol have this lipid layer disabling property.
So imagine just swishing your mouth with alcohol based mouthwash for a few minutes before engaging in intimacy with your partner. Or if you’ve been drinking alcohol, you are good 😌 (It has to be a high enough percentage though)
If you are engaging in intimacy with a partner you have not gone to the clinic with to get tested, you both can do this before intimacy as a precaution.
If it’s oral to genital, this can help reduce the rates of GHSV1. The person with oral herpes just needs to swish before intimacy. If the infected person has genital herpes, applying rubbing alcohol to the area could possibly help. There needs to be studies on this to make sure! (Like how long does this last before you have to disinfect the area again?)
Also, if the person carrying HSV is a man and has it on their genetalia, I think rubbing alcohol could also work, or even this kind of post wax razor bump product (link 5) As for the ladies, sadly I don’t think anything would be possible beside the good ol dental dam.
I wanted to share with the community here so that you can learn about it yourself and see if it helps improve your confidence and comfort pursuing new relationships, keeping existing ones, and even stop the spread.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
*I just saw I can’t post pictures so please view the links if you are interested*
submitted by Rad-Chipmunk2454 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:53 ar_david_hh Armenia on 2024-05-20

11-minute read.

Armenia's military industry is developing

HOST: The share of the domestic arms industry in the armed forces has been rising in recent years. The state has decided to create easier conditions for the development of the industry.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER (Mkhitar Hayrapetyan): Whatever is possible to produce in Armenia with the use of Armenian scientific potential and manufacturing capacities should be done domestically to minimize reliance on imports. The myth that Armenian producers are incapable of creating high-quality products has been shattered.
At the moment, there are ֏170 billion ($438 million) in contracts signed between the defense ministry and 27 representatives of domestic industry. We expect to bring it to ֏190 billion ($490 million) by the end of this year by involving two more companies.
Most contracts are about communication tools, control systems, radio-electronic warfare tools, drones, modernization activities, etc.
LEONID NERSISYAN (expert): It's not a secret that hefty investments were made in the manufacturing of drones. We've also seen a production of 122 mm and 82 mm shells; it's necessary to expand to 155 mm because we are purchasing new [Indian] artillery that uses those.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER: (1) The state is enacting legislative reforms to make the industry attractive for investments. (2) We are promoting R&D for new technologies and the generation of new ideas. We are financing research activities, the creation of prototypes, and their experimentation. The chain ends when a company's product passes the state experimentation process and enters serial production.
HOST: In 2018 the scientific-research budget was ֏2.4B. Today it's ֏4.1B ($10.6M), with an additional ֏1.5B dedicated for prototypes.
MHER MARKOSYAN (expert): We need more laser tech experts. The state must cherish mil. industry employees and encourage young scientists to gain experience.
HIGH-TECH MINISTER: As part of the 2024 budget, we do have a component to train and retrain industry experts. New specialists must enter this industry.
MHER MARKOSYAN: The war in Ukraine has made it more difficult to import components. Something that would normally take 1 week now requires 5 months. There are also horrible logistics problems. We do find solutions to import products but these solutions are expensive.
LEONID NERSISYAN: Even countries under the UN's embargo are able to import weapons so it's a matter of price. For example, it turns out that 70% of the electronics inside North Korean missiles are American.
HOST: Some Armenian manufacturers have reached international levels and could soon begin to export their products. However, there are logistic complications here as well. For example, in 2021 Armenia faced difficulty transporting the mockups of larger weapons to the Abu Dhabi expo [Moscow forced the jet carrying Armenian products to be unloaded and kept delaying the cargo's transfer to Abu Dhabi].

the National Academy of Sciences has received a device that uses powerful lasers to melt metal and ceramic dust to create 3D objects for space and other industries: VIDEO


India's Ambassador about defense cooperation between India and Armenia

AMBASSADOR: Our defense cooperation is proceeding very well. Defense cooperation is not only defense technical cooperation, but also we are looking at capacity building. On both fronts, we are proceeding very well.
REPORTER: During a joint press conference with MOD Papikyan, the Greek Minister spoke about the possibility of Armenia-Greece-France-India quadrilateral cooperation in the defense area.
AMBASSADOR: All 4 states have very good relations but at the moment it is still premature to talk about a quadrilateral format. But yes, there are convergences.
REPORTER: The Indian government said it's going to appoint Defense Attachés to Armenia and several other countries to strengthen the military links. What can you tell us about this?
AMBASSADOR: PM Modi has a very clear-cut policy and initiative of “Make in India”, including in the defense sector. We are now seeing that many countries in the world are buying Indian defense equipment. Defense Attachés are being posted to coordinate the process.

... India's Ambassador about AM-IN economic ties and trade

REPORTER: What was the volume of trade last year, and what trends are seen in the bilateral export and import markets?
AMBASSADOR: The $200 million trade we made was far below the potential. India is the Pharmacy of the World with more than 60% of the vaccines worldwide coming from India, including those supplied through the WHO and other mechanisms like GAVI. So we see more potential here. Both sides are working towards increasing the import of Indian medicines and vaccines into Armenia. We are also looking at the high-tech sector.

... India's Ambassador about Pashinyan's "Crossroads of Peace" trade unblocking project

REPORTER: The Government of Armenia proposed the “Crossroads of Peace” logistics project. There were opinions that it matches with India’s vision in the South Caucasus. What is India’s opinion on this initiative?
AMBASSADOR: When countries need to prosper, connectivity is the key. And connectivity is something that we, in our own region, have been working very closely with our neighboring countries. So similarly, we find that for any region, if you want to move to the next level of prosperity, you need to have connectivity projects. Naturally, we see this “Crossroads of Peace” project of the Armenian government in that light, that it would be a win-win situation for all the regional partners. So indeed for us there is no other way than to have more connections between countries, whether it is in terms of roads, railways, etc. We look at it positively and enthusiastically.

... India's Ambassador about international trade through Iran's Chabahar port

REPORTER: India plays an important role in the development of Chabahar port. You mentioned that the prospects of facilitating the use of Chabahar port for Armenia are being considered as well. What are those possibilities?
AMBASSADOR: The Chabahar port is jointly developed by India and Iran. In our discussions with the Armenian side, they have manifested an interest in using the Chabahar port. Armenia's Minister of Territorial Administration visited the Chabahar port in December. We are waiting for the details from the Armenian side and we will consider it once we receive concrete proposals.
REPORTER: What role can Armenia play in the development of a communication route from India to Chabahar to the Black Sea?
AMBASSADOR: This goes back to my comment about connectivity. Armenia being a landlocked country definitely needs more connectivity projects. If it materializes, I think it would help Armenia to overcome the fact that it is a landlocked country.

experts at the European Training Foundation will assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system

The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy.
A group of experts have arrived for the May 21-23 assessment. They will hold consultations with state agencies, students, employee unions, and others.
by 2030, 90 percent of school and college graduates should be able to find jobs and work according to employers' requirements.
source, source, video,

Yerevan and Paris reached an agreement to cooperate in urbanization, transport, and waste management over the next 3 years during a visit by Yerevan Mayor Avinyan to Paris


Yerevan subway is diching Soviet-era physical zhetons (tokens) as part of transport reforms and switch to a universal payment system

OFFICIAL: We are updating a total of 49 entrance gates; it will be completed next month. You'll be able to use the old gates with tokens for now. Soon you will pay with a QR code, Telcell mobile wallet, bank cards, etc. ... last week over 15,000 passengers used the electronic payment methods.

Yerevan municipality launches a process to move garbage containers underground

A public tender is launched to design a pilot program. In October the city said they studied the international practice for collecting the trash from underground bins and found two methods: lifting the bins to allow Yerevan's existing tech to collect the trash, or remove the bins. The latter would be more expensive.
video, video,

government launches the construction of two roads for Tavush border village Kirants: VIDEO

PASHINYAN OFFICE: The 3 remaining coordinates of Kirants were pinpointed with the use of a computer and the border posts will be installed later. The rest [another 8 posts in Kirants] are already there. The good news for Kirants is that around 25 hectares of land that have been unreachable for 33 years will be returned to the village. The border resembles the 1976 line.
As we said earlier, yes, there is a need to build a bypass road, which can be accomplished in 2-3 months. We will also rebuild the road between H-26 and Acharkut and Kirants, which is an alternative road for Kirants. As for property issues, the volumes are small and the government will compensate in such situations. //
The 3 remaining border posts were reportedly installed in Kirants on Monday. Here is how the road issue will be addressed:
Azerbaijan is located between Kirants and Sarigyugh villages. Kirants is currently connected to Sarigyugh with two roads: a direct connection through the interstate road, and a secondary road that connects Kirants to nearby Acharkut before reaching Sarigyugh.
Approximately 300 meters of the direct road falls under the Azerbaijani side, so the government will build a 750-meter bypass road parallel to it. Preliminary construction activities have begun; they are working on the details.
As for the secondary road passing through Acharkut, the government has begun rebuilding and widening it to allow cargo trucks to use it.
So there are currently two construction projects, with one connecting Kirants to Sarigyugh directly, and the second connecting Kirants to Sarigyugh through Acharkut. Both roads are expected to be ready in 3 months.
video, source, video, source, source, video,

Final battle? The opposition co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan will hold a "decisive" massive rally on May 26 to oust PM Pashinyan

GALSTANYAN: Պատմե’ք մարդկանց մայիսի 26-ի մեր հանրահավաքի մասին, այն վճռական է լինելու: //
Former mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marukyan called for Pashinyan and the ruling party to resign. "այլևս անելիք չունեն, նրանք պետք է հեռանան"
source, source,

Serj Sargsyan's HHK party co-leader is against forming an anti-Pashinyan alliance with Edmon Marukyan and Sasna Tsrer

Edmon Marutyan's LHK, Ruben Vardanyan's Aprelu Yerkir, and the Sasna Tsrer (BEVER) whose followers committed terrorists attacks on police stations in 2016 and 2024 have decided to join the ongoing anti-Pashinyan protests led by Kremlin's favorite Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan.
HHK's Edward Sharmazanov is against forming an alliance with Edmon Marukyan's LHK because they did not actively campaign against Pashinyan's reelection in 2021.
As for Sasna Tsrer, they committed attacks on police stations and called HHK "evil", so Sharmazanov is against working with them.

update: threats after bribes

One of the several low-income residents of Vanadzor who last week reported receiving bribes to join the former regime's ongoing anti-Pashinyan protests says someone called and threatened their family for reporting the bribe to the police. Authorities are investigating the call.

a fight broke out between protesters and students who refused to join the "Holy Struggle" led by Archbishop Galstanyan

AUTHORITIES: On Wednesday we received reports about a fight between the students of Yerevan's Manuk Abeghyan School and protesters. The participants engaged in a fight, disturbed peace, and used slurs. Eight students (all under 18 except for one) were detained.
SCHOOL DIRECTOR: It started after a group of protesters used loudspeakers to encourage our students to join them. After realizing that students didn't want to join, they began to hurl insults at the students. Several students left the building and a fight broke out in the backyard.

82,000 Armenian drivers take advantage of a new law that absolves them of old citation debt if they pay 50%: VIDEO

It was part of a package law that slashes the size of future traffic citations by almost half if the driver pays electronically within the first two weeks of the violation. Some 21,000 drivers have already signed up at to get a discount on their future citations.
It's meant to reduce the financial burden on drivers, the paperwork burden on police, and improve the payment discipline.

Armenian poet and 18th century TikToker Sayat-Nova's statue is unveiled in Turkmenistan during an international forum of Culture Ministers: PHOTO


Armenia circulates gold collector coin dedicated to Charles Aznavour’s 100th anniversary: IMAGE

Obverse: monument to Charles Aznavour in Gyumri
Reverse: portrait of Charles Aznavour, the number 100 in the form of stylized musical notes, piano keys and microphone.
Minted in Poland. The coin is worth ֏10,000 ($25).

International Criminal Court wants to arrest Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, and the Hamas leadership

PROSECUTOR: On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:
(1) Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime
(2) Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health
(3) Willful killing, or Murder as a war crime
(4) Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime
(5) Extermination and/or murder, including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
(6) Persecution as a crime against humanity
(7) Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity
full statement, official video 4:57, source,

Iran's President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian die in a helicopter crash while returning from a meeting with Ilham Aliyev to inaugurate the opening of a new dam on the Iran-Azerbaijan border

Shortly before the crash:
RAISI: Maybe someone doesn't like our meeting and joint successes with Azerbaijan. It doesn't matter to us. The important thing is that we implement together whatever is in the best interest of our people. The enemies do not want progress in Azerbaijan and Iran, but we believe that any progress in Azerbaijan is our progress, any threat to the borders of both countries will be a loss for both countries.
ALIYEV: Today the world is witnessing how great the friendship is between Azerbaijan and Iran. We support each other in all international structures and will continue to in the future. No one can divide us. //
Memorial services will be held in Yerevan's Blue Mosque on Thursday.
source, source, source, source, source, Kremlin's conspiracists, source, source,

Azerbaijani dissident activist Arif Yunusov about Iran helicopter crash

REPORTER: Will there be radical changes in Iran after the death of Raisi?
YUNUSOV: I doubt it. The real power is in the hands of Khamenei. Now there are reports about his son [replacing him in the future]. As for the internal disturbances caused by opponents, as you know, there are periodic waves in Iran. These protests are sometimes ethnicity-based. If in the past it was Azerbaijanis, today the protests are by Kurds. There is also the youth that's tired of being ruled by religious mullahs. The death of Raisi doesn't change anything in internal or foreign policies. They will just change the President's last name.
REPORTER: I have a feeling Iran will soon blame Israel for the helicopter crash.
YUNUSOV: I have already seen that on Iranian Telegram channels but official Tehran won't rush with that. They will conduct an investigation and conclusions will be made. If Tehran blames Israel, then there must be good evidence for it because credit where credit is due - Iran usually conducts such investigations quite well. If you remember the liquidation of the father of Iran's nuclear weapons, Israel still denies participation but Iran found enough evidence that Israeli agents used the territory of Azerbaijan to infiltrate, carry out the project, and return through Azerbaijan. Let's wait and see the conclusion of the crash investigation. The accusations by Telegram channels and analysts "don't count".

... Arif Yunusov about AM-AZ border delimitation

REPORTER: Is the ongoing Tavush-Gazakh delimitation really a bilateral process, as Baku claims?
YUNUSOV: No. The U.S. is still interested in the delimitation process and influences both parties behind the curtains. There was a high-profile Azerbaijani visit to Washington. Although the official press release didn't share details, we can safely assume they discussed the AM-AZ relations. If this delimitation continues in spite of Russia that means the U.S. is currently a moderator in this process. This is not purely a bilateral process despite Aliyev's efforts to present it that way.
REPORTER: Is the U.S. a guarantor that the delimitation won't end in Tavush?
YUNUSOV: Not a "guarantor" but the U.S. is the force that is really trying to accomplish something and is actually doing something. The full demarcation will last a long time. The main objective of the U.S. at the moment is the signing of an AM-AZ peace agreement. I don't think they'll be able to sign it before November, however.
REPORTER: How is the Azerbaijani public reacting to the border delimitation?
YUNUSOV: Positively. People truly want to have a demarcated border. The Azerbaijani regime often mentioned "Western Azerbaijan" and the return of Azeris there, but in reality, nobody in Azerbaijan took that seriously because they all understood it was an attempt to pressure Armenia. As soon as information came that the border was partially delimited, it was met with a positive response by the public. The Azerbaijani public understands that it's normal for Azerbaijan to gain and lose control of territories during this process, just as we did during the delimitation with other neighbors.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:41 Captain_Chipz Homebrew North Texas Setting for the Modiphius Fallout TTRPG

Google Doc (33 pages of lore as of posting): Texoma Valley 2284
There is little to no information on Texas in Fallout lore. I have been working for the past couple weeks to flesh a region of Texas and Oklahoma that is geographically interesting, as well as historically rich, albeit minor. I am taking inspiration from old western films as well as 1950s tunes to help set the tone for the setting.
The Lone Star Wasteland was mostly untouched when the bombs fell initially. There were two bombs dropped in Texas, one in Dallas and one in Austin. A series of power plant failures on the border of Texas and Oklahoma led to meltdowns that created what is now known as the Dead Zones. These border towns were so badly irradiated that traversing these wastes was certain death for all but Ghouls and Super Mutants. Regular radiation storms (Nuclear Tornadoes) plague Texas, especially when the winds blow across Austin or Dallas. Death is carried by the wind.
Texoma Valley was mostly untouched by the failures of the power grid, and much of the region survived, a sliver of livable wasteland running north of Dallas and connecting with Oklahoma. Here settlers and survivors rebuilt their images of society from the waste of the old. The area’s power was not supplied via a nuclear reactor, but by the Hydroelectric Denison Dam, because of this, the Valley, as it is called, became a crucial point for the Texas Rangers to take control and establish law. To establish control in the region meant to take power away from the petty warlords who tore apart the region before their arrival, to establish control meant war, and war never changes.
submitted by Captain_Chipz to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:25 Lookout_81 Where is John’s parents’ grave?

Where is John’s parents’ grave?
I know (assume) his parents are buried in the Oakridge Glen Oak Cemetery in the suburb of Hillside, but does anyone know the location of their grave?
I went last year and searched for it, but the cemetery is huge and no identifying landmarks are shown in this one photo from I’m going back this year and would love to find it.
Also, both listings for his father, William Mason Prine, are labeled as cenotaphs, but he has to buried somewhere. My guess is Chicago because that seems like the definite location of his mother’s grave. Everything I’ve read about John says that half of his ashes were buried with his parents in Chicago, and the other half were spread in the Green River so his soul could roll on up to the Rochester Dam. 🪽
submitted by Lookout_81 to johnprine [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:21 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/18/2024 - 05/20/2024

Date: 05/20/2024

Reading time: 11 minutes, 2335 words

🪖 Military

Details of Armenia’s housing subsidies project revealed

Armenia will provide housing subsidies to forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh at no charge. 25,000 families will receive housing certificates and will be able to either buy real estate or build their own house. Azerbaijan launched a full-scale invasion of Nagornan in September 2023 using artillery, UAVs, and aircraft.

Armenia-India defense cooperation is going very well, we are working to expand it further. Indian Ambassador's interview

Nilakshi Saha Sinha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia, spoke to Armenpress. Sinha: The relations between Armenia and India are warm, and there are frequent contacts. The prospects for military cooperation are indeed very good and we are working to further strengthen it, Sinha said.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Land ownership certificates issued to some Tavush residents ‘do not prove’ portions of land handed over to Azerbaijan are de jure Armenia – Ministry of Justice

The Armenian Ministry of Justice responded to a inquiry commenting on an earlier statement by a ‘Constitution expert’ who claimed Armenia handed over its sovereign territory to Azerbaijan. Representatives of Yerevan and Baku signed a border. protocol on 15 May that recreated the old border between Soviet Armenia and Soviet Azerbaijan, based on a 1976 map.

FM Mirzoyan calls for prohibition of threats against nuclear facilities at International Conference on Nuclear Security

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan took part in the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) in Vienna titled “Shaping the Future” Representatives from more than 130 countries were participating in the conference. All participants held a minute of silence in memory of Iran’s high-level officials, including the President and the Foreign Minister, who died the day before due to a helicopter crash.
Armenpress, Ararat Mirzoyan attends international conference on nuclear security in Vienna, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Armenia reaffirms unwavering commitment to the Non-Proliferation Treaty – FM

UN Security Council observes minute of silence for Raisi

Members of the UN Security Council observed a minute of silence in memory of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage who were killed in a helicopter crash. Russia, China and Algeria requested the moment of silence at the request of Russia and China.

There are favorable opportunities to advance the peace agenda - Azerbaijan’s Aliyev

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev says there are favorable opportunities to advance peace agenda. He said positive agreements have been reached regarding border delimitation and demarcation. Azerbaijan and Latvian parliament speaker Daiga Mierina met in Latvia.

Armenia top security official receives the delegation of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag

Secretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan received the delegation of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag headed by Johannes Schraps. The German side reaffirmed its ongoing support for the democratic reforms being implemented in Armenia.
Armenpress, Armenia’s top security official briefs German lawmakers on the process of democratic reforms

Yerevan Municipality's construction and improvement department has a new head

Armen Harutyunyan was appointed temporary head of the Construction and Improvement Department of Yerevan Municipality. Mayor Tigran Avinyan introduced him during a procedural meeting of the Municipality and wished him success.

Security Council Secretary to visit on working visit to Qatar

Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan will go on a working visit to Doha, Qatar, to participate in the World Security Forum. bilateral meetings are also planned within the framework of the working visit.
Armenpress, Secretary of Armenian Security Council to leave on working visit to Qatar, The Secretary of the Security Council will go on a working visit to Qatar, Armenia Security Council chief traveling to Qatar

Armenia to loan $100m from Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development

Armenia’s Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan met with Andrey Shirokov, the Managing Director of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development. The meeting touched upon various projects, including the planned 7 km long tunnel in the projected Sisian-Kajaran highway. The parties emphasised the importance of the EFSD Strategy for 2022–2026, as well as the strategies of member countries.

European Education Foundation experts to assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system

Experts of the European Training Foundation (ETF) will assess Armenia's secondary vocational education system on May 21-23. Director of the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation Ruben Topchyan said experts from 12 EFT member countries arrived in Yerevan at the invitation of the center he heads to study the Armenian education system.

Yerevan and Paris deepen interaction: 3-year cooperation program signed between the two capitals

Yerevan and Paris' Île-de-France region have reached an agreement on the implementation of a three-year cooperation program. The program will cover several spheres, including urbanization, transport, and waste management. The members of the Armenian delegation visited the architectural bureau of Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

US offers condolences over death of Iranian president in helicopter crash

US offers condolences for deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran on Sunday. "We reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms," State Department spokesman says.
Armenpress, UN chief extends condolences to Iran over deaths of president, Minister of Defence Papikyan sent a message of condolence in connection with the death of the President of Iran, Alen Simonyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Ali Bagheri Kani appointed as Iran's Acting Foreign Minister after Amir-Abdollahian's death – IRNA, Iran declares 5 days of mourning after president Raisi killed in helicopter crash, Foreign ministry responds to news of planned visit by Raisi to Armenia on May 19, Armenian President conveys condolences to government and people of Iran, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Pashinyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Iran's president, foreign minister martyred in copter crash – Iranian media, Raisi’s crashed chopper found, “situation not good” – Iran Red Crescent, Papikyan expressed condolences to Iranian Defense Minister on the death of President Raisi and other officials, Armenian Foreign Minister expresses condolences to the people of Iran over helicopter crash, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expresses condolences on the death of Iranian President, US expresses condolences for death of Raisi, EU offers condolences for the death of Iranian President, other officials, Armenian Foreign Minister regrets “tragic loss” of Iranian counterpart, Armenian PM sends condolences to Iran

Iran to hold extraordinary presidential election on June 28

Iranian presidential election intended to identify Ebrahim Raisi's successor will be held on June 28. June 28 is the date for the fourteenth presidential election in Iran’s history.

ICC seeking arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders

Prosecutor Karim Khan KC seeks arrest warrants against Israeli prime minister and defence minister. Charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include ‘starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’ Charges against Hamas leaders include “extermination … murder … taking hostages … rape and other acts of sexual violence”

Iranologist foresees no major changes in Armenian-Iranian relations after tragic death of Iranian President

Iranologist Gohar Iskandaryan discusses Armenian-Iranian relations during the administration of President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. Iran's foreign and domestic policies of Iran were developed with the consent and approval of the spiritual leader of the country. Iranian President Raisi governed during the most difficult period in terms of regional security.
Armenpress, Minister of Defence Papikyan sent a message of condolence in connection with the death of the President of Iran, Alen Simonyan sends condolence message on the occasion of the death of the President of Iran and his accompanying staff, Iran declares 5 days of mourning after president Raisi killed in helicopter crash, Foreign ministry responds to news of planned visit by Raisi to Armenia on May 19, Armenian President conveys condolences to government and people of Iran, Ararat Mirzoyan sends condolences on death of Iranian president and foreign minister, Iran's president, foreign minister martyred in copter crash – Iranian media, Raisi’s crashed chopper found, “situation not good” – Iran Red Crescent, Armenian Foreign Minister expresses condolences to the people of Iran over helicopter crash, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expresses condolences on the death of Iranian President, US expresses condolences for death of Raisi, EU offers condolences for the death of Iranian President, other officials

Iraq declares mourning for death of Iranian President

In Iraq, May 21 has been declared a day of mourning in connection with the death of neighboring Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi in a plane crash. The helicopter carrying Raisi on May 19 crashed during landing in Iran's East Azerbaijan province. Tragically, none of the occupants survived the crash.

Syria declares official mourning for death of Iranian President

Syrian government declares official general mourning for three day-period in connection with death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Flags will be flown at half-mast across the Syrian Arab Republic. Helicopter carrying Raisi crashed during landing in Iran's East Azerbaijan province.

Iran's first vice president Mohammad Mokhber to become interim president before new elections

Iran's first vice president Mohammad Mokhber will become interim president following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to inaugurate a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan, when his helicopter crashed on Sunday.
Armenpress, Mohammad Mokhber named Iran’s interim President

Yerevan Metro to replace plastic tokens with QR code payments

The Yerevan Metro is planning to replace plastic tokens with QR code payments. QR code and credit card payments will be available to the passengers. Vice Mayor Suren Grigiryan said a total of 49 turnstiles are expected to be replaced within a month.
ArkaAm, There will be no more tokens in the Yerevan metro, QR codes will work

Pillars installed in Armenian border village of Kirants

In the Armenian village of Kirants, three border markers have been installed, and border guards stand next to them.

💵 Economy

Armenian Economy Minister to make trip to UAE May 20-22

A delegation led by Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan will travel to the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi on May 20-22

CBA puts into circulation “100th Anniversary of Charles Aznavour’s Birth” gold collector coin

Central Bank of Armenia puts into circulation “100th Anniversary of Charles Aznavour’s Birth’ gold collector coin on May 20, 2024. Aznavours was born in Paris to an Armenian immigrant family that escaped the Armenian Genocide. He gained universal recognition after performing at the Olympia concert hall in Paris.

Organic agriculture development program for 2024-25 starts in Armenia

Acba Bank and the Armenian branch of the German Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) are launching a free Development of Organic Agriculture program for 2024-2025. Entrepreneurs interested in participating in the competition are welcome to file an application until 10 June 2024.

Ameriabank's Trade Finance portfolio enriched with four prestigious awards from EBRD and IFC

Ameriabank has received four prestigious awards from international financial institutions in recognition of its trade finance operations. Ameria was the first Armenian bank to receive confirming bank status under the EBRD Trade Facilitation Program (TFP) Ameria is a leading financial and technology company in Armenia, a major contributor to the Armenian economy with assets exceeding AMD 1 trillion.

🧪 Science & Technology

Armenia as a new technological hub: Yerevan to host WCIT congress again

The World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) is back, to identify Armenia as the region's new technology hub for global players. The 2024/DigiTec conference, under the theme "THE POWER OF MIND, Artificial Intelligence Beyond Borders, Within Ethics", will serve as a global platform to emphasize the significance of enhancing the impact, investment, and solutions of information and communication technology across regions and economies.
Armenpress, World Congress on Innovation and Technology in Yerevan to unveil Armenia as new tech hub of global game-changers

⚽ Sport

Armenian chess players continue competing at Sharjah International Tournament

Shant Sargsyan and Manuel Petrosyan ended their matches in a draw. Hayk Martirosyan lost, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan won the Sharjah Masters tournament in Sharjah, UAE. Among the representatives of Armenia has 3.5 points, while leader is a participant from India.

Date: 05/19/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 168 words

🪖 Military

Armenia is developing new defense capabilities, will it be enough?

CivilNet sat down with Colonel Jean-Luc Theus, France's former defense attaché in the South Caucasus, to better understand Armenia’s defensive framework in the coming years. Following the war, Armenia has sought to rearm with the help of India and France. Armenia allocated $785 million for defense in 2021, this spending amounted to approximately $663 million.

Armenia ready to provide all necessary support to Iran – MFA

Armenia has expressed readiness to provide all necessary support to Iran as search for the helicopter carrying Iranian President is under way. The helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has been involved in an accident.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Raisi attended dam openings on Azerbaijan border before helicopter accident

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi was returning from an Iran-Azerbaijan border area. Helicopter made a hard landing after it got into difficulties in heavy fog. Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi says ‘various rescue teams’ are still searching for helicopter.

Armenian FM to attend International Conference on Nuclear Security in Vienna

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan will pay a working visit to Vienna (Austria) on May 20. He will participate in the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) titled “Shaping the Future”

Date: 05/18/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 420 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

France accuses Azerbaijan of supporting unrest in New Caledonia

France has accused Azerbaijan of supporting riots against French rule in New Caledonia. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanini said it was a reality that some of the supporters of Caledonian independence signed a deal with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani media reported that the initiative group of Baku organized a video conference on Thursday.

Housing security program for Artsakh residents. pros and cons

The RA government approved the state support program for providing housing for families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. Aram Tadevosyan: The government abandoned the idea of a part of the support money being returned to the state by the beneficiaries over time (by members of the beneficiary's family of working age) The minimum amount of assistance is AMD 2 million per person, which is given to families with an active mortgage loan.

EU, CoE welcome progress in Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process

The EU welcomes progress made in the framework of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process. The demarcation process began on April 19 in Armenia's northern Tavush region amid opposition accusations of territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.
ArkaAm, EU welcomes progress made in the framework of Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation process, EU welcomes Armenia-Azerbaijan “progress”

Minister: Armenia seeks to join major transportation projects from China to Europe

Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan: EBRD promise to invest up to 500 million euros in a number of projects in Armenia during 2024. Two of the projects will be implemented in Armenia's southern Syunik province bordering Iran. The remaining funds will be directed to the private sector, namely financing of projects through commercial banks in Armenia.

Armenian FM, OSCE Chair discuss situation in the South Caucasus

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had exchange with OSCE Chair-in-office, FM of Malta Ian Borg. Interlocutors touched upon issues on OSCE agenda and regional topics, South Caucasus in particular.

India wants Armenia’s proposals on use of Chabahar port

India is expecting proposals from Armenia regarding the use of Chabahar port in Iran, Indian ambassador says.

India is considering deepening its strategic partnership with Greece

India-Greece is considering strengthening bilateral ties with the two countries. The India-Middle East Economic Corridor (IMEC) aims to transform trade routes from India to Europe. Greece and India are convinced that the project is still viable and pledge to do what is necessary to ensure its implementation. Greece is the first EU member to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Belarus opposition leader slams Lukashenko for Karabakh trip

Belarusian opposition politician Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya has harshly criticized the visit of Lukashenko to Karabakh.

Mkhitaryan raises arrest of former Karabakh leaders in Azerbaijan

Inter Milan star Henrikh Mkhitaryan has shared a news story about the extension of the arrest of former Karabakh leaders.

🎭 Culture

Armenia, Turkey discuss restoration of historic bridge

The meeting took place on May 17 in Ashgabat on the sidelines of an international conference of ministers of culture.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
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2024.05.20 20:23 Turt1eShark You Are an Adventurer's Living Weapon (Part 3) [A4A] [Living Sword Listener] [Blacksmith Speaker] [Fantasy] [Arrested] [Dungeon] [Crying] [Magic] [Getting Your Memories Back] [Curse] [Revealing a Conspiracy] [Planning a Jailbreak]

Part 1 Part 2 THIS SCRIPT HERE-approximately 1200 words [to be continued]
This part was the most difficult to write by far. Partially because my brain just didn't want to cooperate, but also because this is when the narrative stakes were raised. It's no longer just about Farren and Silver, it's about the whole country. I also had to explain Silver's backstory without it feeling like a big infodump. And we're finally seeing Farren at their most desperate. Before they were either just confused or concerned, but now they're looking for any possible way to save Silver and get home to their family. What happens next? Tune in for part 4 to find out! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
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2024.05.20 19:57 Americanmade92 M18 Brad Nailer

M18 Brad Nailer
Does this thing ever go on sale? I’ve been watching for a while now and haven’t seen anything. Hard to justify almost $300 for a Brad nailer.
submitted by Americanmade92 to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:25 IronReaper7x Keep Getting Shorted by HD

Keep Getting Shorted by HD
Anyone else having problems only getting sent the 5.0 battery but no light? 2nd time this has happened! 1st time i ordered 2, received 2 batteries and 1 light. They refunded me for missing light and reordered, now just a battery showed up! Says order is delivered 🤦🏼‍♂️
submitted by IronReaper7x to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]