5 short answer questions from brian s winter

Explain Like I'm Calvin

2011.08.03 18:24 Raelshark Explain Like I'm Calvin

In the spirit of /explainlikeimfive, here's a place to come up with the best explanation you can on topics you know nothing about. Inspired by Calvin's brilliant dad, who knew everything.

2016.04.24 22:40 albatrawesome WOMEN'S STREETWEAR

Reddit's official streetwear subreddit for women, non-binary, and trans people.

2013.06.10 21:14 What's everyone on about?

A subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff.

2024.05.14 17:12 Collinw97 My fiancée’s family despises me

I (26m) have been engaged to my fiancée (26f) for almost 5 years. I told my family about the engagement at the time and they were ecstatic and very supportive, genuinely happy for the both of us. But recently my fiancée told me that when she told her family of the engagement back then, they were much less enthusiastic about it in comparison to my family.
A little bit of context I feel is necessary: I come from a line of work horses, all of my family members value hard work and earning your keep, since we don’t have much wealth in the family to go around. My parents both died before I turned 15, and my grandmother took care of me and my siblings until we turned 18. Despite the lack of familial support, I’ve secured my own home and a solid $60k salary job over these last 8 years. My bills are paid, food in the cabinets, never behind on any payments, living within my means if not below.
Now according to my fiancée, her side of the family is the complete opposite side of the coin: they’re rather successful and have a good amount of money they’re sitting on. Her mother is disabled and is unable to work or do much of anything on her own, so my fiancée’s aunt (the breadwinner of the family, de facto leader at this point) helps financially while my fiancée cleans up after her mother. This has been the case ever since my fiancée and I started dating, but it’s starting to weigh on her and it’s becoming a detriment to both her physical and mental health. Her mother is manipulative and condescending, always believing herself to be correct and never could she be wrong. Her aunt is no better, constantly putting down my fiancée over the smallest of things. But that’s a story for another time, it was necessary for context though, but back to the actual matter at hand.
When my fiancée announced our engagement to her family, she was met with mixed responses. One response has been rubbing me the wrong way; her aunt asked her, “how can he take care of my niece when he has no money?” I may not be the wealthiest man but like I said before, I have my own place with water and power, food in the cabinets, internet, making a $400 a month car payment: I think its safe to say I have my ducks in a row so to speak. But I feel like her family didn’t even give me a chance to prove myself, so I feel that I come up short consistently in their eyes. As a result, I get the feeling they don’t respect me or value me. To solidify this assumption even further, recently my fiancée admitted that during the last 5 years, her family has flat out refused to refer to me as their niece’s fiancé, just as the “boyfriend.” Their defense was “Well what’s really the difference? I don’t see one.” Now i feel blatantly disrespected, I knew that I was walking on egg shells this whole time but turns out they never respected me from the beginning. My fiancée is in tears because she’s at her breaking point with her family, they don’t respect either one of us: my fiancée even asked her therapist if them not referring to me as the fiancé is disrespectful, and the therapist agreed it was! She tells her mother, and her mother claims “the therapist is wrong because everyone that knows me knows I’m NEVER disrespectful, your therapist is wrong.” Is this not manipulation? It’s making us both sick to our stomachs, she wants to move out of her moms but shes worried her mom won’t be able to take care of herself, so she feels stuck. Should we cut them out of our lives entirely? This can’t be healthy or normal.
submitted by Collinw97 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:11 Fraise_08 Passed PMP Exam on 1st Try (while pregnant) T/AT/T

I’m so relieved to say that I passed the PMP exam on my first try. Just wanted to share my long-ish journey in case it helps anyone else 😊 Feel free to ask any questions!
Background: My current role is a Project Manager (official title I’ve only held since January this year), however I work in architecture and have managed my own projects for a few years now.
Prep: I first started studying in December 2023 with AR’s Udemy course to get my 35 hours so I could apply to take the exam. I completed Andrew’s course by February 2024, which is maybe longer than most people take. However I work full time and have a toddler so I didn’t have much spare time to devote to studying.
I then applied to PMI to take the exam. I didn’t end up get audited, so that was a relief. Then from there I moved on to getting PMI’s Study Hall Essentials and took all of the mini exams, some practice questions, and 1 full mock exam. My mock exam score was 73% (including expert), and average score for all practice exams was 77%. I actually tried to work my way through most of the learning materials just in case I could gain any benefit from it, but honestly didn’t find it very valuable so I can see why a lot of people skip this.
I also watched some of David McLachlan’s YouTube videos with practice questions and would pause the questions to answer myself first, then proceed and listen to his breakdown of the correct answer.
Finally I also purchased Third3Rock’s exam notes a couple weeks before my exam date, however I really only had time to skim the cheat sheet (there’s a lot of detail in these documents though, so it’s definitely a great resource too)!
Exam: I slept pretty horribly the night before (probably because I was so nervous). My exam was scheduled for 8am and was just over an hour drive away, so I had to wake up pretty early to make sure I got to the test centre in time and felt prepared/not rushed. I ended up writing the exam when I was 14 weeks pregnant (which was a bit risky since you never know how you may feel around this time in pregnancy). Because of this, I ended up asking PMI for Accommodations which they granted - being extended time to take the exam, writing it in a private room, an extra 10 min break was allowed, and watesnack allowed in the private exam room. *However, they actually ended up forgetting to give me the extra time allowance (my clock had 230 mins like a regular PMP exam), but this wasn’t an issue for me since I had a good flow going and was sure I could complete it in time. I also did not end up using the extra 10 min break, but it was nice to know it was an option in case I suddenly felt sick.
I did take advantage of the watesnack allowance in the private room, and this probably helped keep my nausea at bay while I wrote the exam.
The exam itself was hard for me to judge how well I was doing while I took it. I had mostly scenario-based questions, some were quite tricky (1 or 2 where I wasn’t sure what exactly the question was even asking, and some had a couple answers that seemed equally correct) and others were pretty straightforward. I had 1 calculation type question that required a calculator, and maybe 5 or so drag-and-drop questions. I’ve read here on this subreddit that the questions aren’t as “wordy” as Study Hall, but I didn’t find that to be true on my particular exam. Some questions were still quite long. I ended the exam with about 30 mins remaining (and I used 5-10 mins after each section to review before I took my break), so I used an extra 10 mins to do a final review of the last section as well. I had only flagged a couple questions in the last section, but figured I should glance through a lot of the other questions too just in case since I had the time.
Aftermath: The walk from the exam room to the checkout desk was never-wracking as I had no idea how I did. I was so relieved once they handed me the paper and I could read that I preliminarily passed the exam! Phew!
It took about 27 hours to get my exam result breakdown (I took the exam on Monday at 8am, and got results Tuesday at 11am).
Overall it was a long process but I think it was worth it to finally have this certification. I’m looking forward to not having to study anymore and celebrating a bit. 🎉 Good luck to everyone out there who is taking the exam! 🤞🏼
submitted by Fraise_08 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:10 elizabethrl13 frustrated

Went to the ER on Thursday because I was having symptoms that I could’ve sworn were more than just POTS. Chest pain, terrible shortness of breath, insane palpitations, dizziness not just with motion but constant, nausea and vomiting (4x). I never take my health very seriously but I texted my mom and she told me I should go, and when she says that I know it’s probably serious because she’s a nurse so she will usually just have me come over and monitor me if she thinks it’s a flare up or something minor. Well, they do an EKG and there’s obviously tachycardia (plus a t-wave abnormality that they said is common/asymptomatic), but nothing else out of the ordinary, so my chest pain is probably actually stomach (esophageal) pain from my potential GERD and the other symptoms are just a bad POTS flare up. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just felt so stupid like now I have to pay a bunch of money for something that wasn’t even serious. I’m also just disheartened because my doctor said until I can get in at the mayo clinic I probably won’t know the answer to a lot of my questions. I live nowhere near a mayo clinic. I’m just so tired of this. I was diagnosed at 14 and i’m 21. It wasn’t ever this bad until about 4 years ago when I got covid. It’s been a nightmare since and i’m beyond over it.
submitted by elizabethrl13 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:09 Ntinos009 My laptop perfomance is horrendous. Everything is bad, malfunctioning, not working properly and everyother thing you dont want a laptop to do.

Hello. I have had this laptop for what is 4 years now. I bough it for 600 euros and was branded as a failry good laptop. It definelly wasnt good but it was able to play most games at 60 fps medium graphics no problem. I runned a test on userbenchmarks and got 40% gaming a 99% desktop and a 68% workstation. But this isnt what i am talking about. 1 year ago things got bad. My laptops cpu and gpu started overheating massively reaching 110 degrees Celcious from the normal 70 degrees. My laptops fan also started to turn off and on all slow down massivelly. My Cpu, a AMD Ryzen 7 3700u, clock speed started crashing every 5 seconds from a 2.8GHZ to a 0.4 GHz. My Gpu, an AMD Radeon Vega 10, is an integrated graphics card and its clock speed fell to 200 MHz from my normal 700 MHz. My Ram, 8gb 2400 MHz DDR4 only has 6gb available and 3 of them are used in i dont know where, so only 3 gb. My Gpu Memory clock speed is going crazy some times and some times not. In general my fps went from 60, medium graphics, in World of Warships to 30 in lowest graphics. My fps went from 60 maximum graphics in Roblox, to 20 in lowest. My fps went from 60 medium in trackmania to 30 in low. From 260 in TMNF to 70. My fps went from 60 in hearts of iron to 15 while the game speed slowed by 3 times at its minimum. After that happened i started to search for any solution, trying to figure out whats wrong but even 2 months of searching every single word related to laptops and issues i found nothing anywhere near represending my case. It was about 1 month after that that my laptop fan started making weird cranky noises from time to time and generally every time i opened my laptop. after that my laptop started to shut off many times because of my cpu getting way to overheated. One day my cpu reached 115 degree mark where it normally shut off but it was going 0.1 GHz that the emergency turn off didnt even work until it reached 148 degrees. I was using AMD Radeon Software by the way. I spend another hundet of hours searching for anything that could help me but there was nothing. I did everything suggested to me by alot of people. 5 months ago is the time now and my laptop has gotten even worse. Every time i press restart my laptop simply closes and doesnt open. The turn off button doesnt work most times because my laptop crashed on the turn off screen. I get the blue screen and i cant get out. I am forced to do repairs which dont work. In the words of the repair screen "Repair has failed, try again" (It didnt say that but thats the short version). So i had to do a factory reset again. Thankfully the restart and turn off button work fine. 4 months go by with my laptop overheating problem having cooled down. Some games dont load, Power point crashes every time which is very importand for my homework. Word doesnt work either so i cant do my homework. At that point i got frustrated beyond believe because now it isnt only my gaming life getting effected but my school grades. I scout for any answers.. Nothing again. 2 weeks ago i did a Userbenchmark and my scores were: 4% Gaming, 43% desktop, 27% workspace. 1 week ago my laptop started getting very big and sometimes long stutters when my laptop completly froze. I have QuickCpu for monetaring my cpu and the result of that stutter was a straight line with the same stats and time not moving. My laptop has crashed many times, ALT f4 hasnt worken many times because of how slow my laptop is moving but despite it QuickCpu has always kept working. For it to display a straight line were time apparently doesnt move.. something aint right. And now we reach today. Most games load now. Powerpoint, word and the rest dont work still. I did the Userbenchmark again and got the same results. Stutters are getting longer every time i get one. I got another blue screen. Everything is starting to lag and i am noticing a time delay between me pressing buttons in the keyboard and actually typing it. The same with my mouse. The weird cranky noise from my fan still goes on till this day. Fps has gotten worse. From my 60 fps in medium in War thunder i now get 20 in the old videocard setting with lowest. every other game has lost fps too but on this scale. I was getting 60 fps in medium settings when i had the issue not before. And before anyone points out drivers, all of them are the latest. And no getting a new laptop isnt an option, Neither is getting a pc. The only thing working fine at this moment of time is windows updates.
Hope anyones has any information, any tips, anything that can help me i am glad to hear it. Like just throw out random ideas for me to try.
submitted by Ntinos009 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 user193759336 Taking Ortho-K out and it feels like there is something in my eye

I have been wearing ortho-K for 12 years and I’ve never had a problem with my contacts until this past April and it is continuing into May. In April, I had an eye infection in my right eye and my eye doctor gave me Bausch+Lomb Neomycin and Polymycin B Sulfates and Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Ointment. I placed a peppercorn sized amount of ointment in the bottom of my right eye where the eye is attached to the eyelid every night before I went to sleep for 5 days as instructed by my optometrist.
After 5 days I tried to wear my ortho-K contacts again but I kept waking up very early in the morning due to irritation and I had to take the ortho-K lens out. I called my optometrist to see what the problem was and she said to use the ointment for a few more days so I stopped the ortho-K and used the ointment again.
I went to see another optometrist who checked my eyes and she said there was nothing wrong with my eye (I assume the infection was gone at that point) and there was nothing wrong with my contact. So I started to wear my contacts again. I make sure to use eye drops in my eyes prior to putting the contact on and I drop some in the lens before I put it in my eye. Before I remove it, I drop an eye drop in my eye too and move it around to loosen it up. The same problem occurred, I had to get up very early to take my contacts off due to irritation.
I made another appointment to see a third optometrist and he did many tests and looked at my eyes and contacts and he was not able to find anything wrong either. He said that there was no eye infection and that the contact was not cracked. This was the appointment summary “Patient is having discomfort with OOK lens OD- inspected new and old lenses and no chips or cracks in the lenses. Reviewed lens care and hygiene. May have some protein in reverse curve. Will run through Progent and also gave new ClearCare case/solution. Educated that lids are tighter and may be getting a GPC reaction. Will try to resume lenses and RTC if returns.”
I went to this appointment yesterday on 5/13. I wore my contacts the same night after using Progent for 30 minutes and I left the contacts in the ClearCare solution for 12 hours prior to wear. This morning on 5/14 I did not wake up due to irritation of the contact but when I took my contact out it feels like there is something stuck in my eye (the same feeling I had when there was an infection in my eye but the optometrist said that there was nothing in my eye.
I don’t know what to do now. I have seen multiple optometrists and they were not able to find anything wrong with my eye. The optometrist I saw yesterday also said that there was nothing wrong with the fit of the ortho-K contact lens too. Is it just because my eyes are dry or is there another underlying issue. Thank you to whoever reads this and might have a solution. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding my problem so you can help me assess what’s wrong.
TLDR: I have been wearing ortho k for 12 years. This past month I have had irritation in my right eye where I am woken up from my sleep to take it out and when I take it out it feels like there is something in my eye.
submitted by user193759336 to Orthokeratology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 bremcwm 1031: Same Tax Payer Question

Client is involved in a real estate business through an entity we'll call "LLC A." Most of their properties are acquired through this entity. But the same client is also a 25% oner in a one-off LLC, let's call it "LLC B.”
LLC B owns a property that they plan to sell soon, which they have only owned for 6 months but a deal came to flip it. There is expected to be significant profit from the property LLC B is selling. The client is considering purchasing a property in another state through LLC A shortly after selling the LLC B property.
  1. Can they purchase the new property under their personal names or through LLC A, or must they maintain the same ownership structure (LLC B) to utilize a 1031 exchange from one property to the next?
  1. For future reference – can you use the 1031 exchange in a situation where you own less than 100% of the sold parcel, but will own 100% of the purchased parcel?
cross posted in Same Tax Payer Rules : 1031exchange (reddit.com)
submitted by bremcwm to advancedplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 bremcwm Same Tax Payer Rules

Client is involved in a real estate business through an entity we'll call "LLC A." Most of their properties are acquired through this entity. But the same client is also a 25% oner in a one-off LLC, let's call it "LLC B.”
LLC B owns a property that they plan to sell soon, which they have only owned for 6 months but a deal came to flip it. There is expected to be significant profit from the property LLC B is selling. The client is considering purchasing a property in another state through LLC A shortly after selling the LLC B property.
  1. Can they purchase the new property under their personal names or through LLC A, or must they maintain the same ownership structure (LLC B) to utilize a 1031 exchange from one property to the next?
    • I believe there is a same taxpayer rule within a 1031, but I’m wondering if they could take their proportion of proceeds (from LLC B’s sale) and use it for the real estate LLC A is buying?
  2. For future reference – can you use the 1031 exchange in a situation where you own less than 100% of the sold parcel, but will own 100% of the purchased parcel?
submitted by bremcwm to 1031exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 usctrojan18 3 hour connection on JetBlue at JFK, I have pre-check, think I could visit the Chase Lounge?

Hello everyone, I just booked a flight from SAN-BOS via JFK. I’ll be landing at JFK T5 at 5am, and my flight to BOS isn’t until 8am. I really want to check out the Chase Lounge in T4. I have TSA Pre, so I should be able to get thru security pretty easily in both T4 and T5, question is, do you guys think I could pull it off. From what I’ve seen walking between the terminals isn’t recommended but it’s still possible, especially since they are right next to eachother. The AirTrain is an option but I’m not sure how fast it runs between the terminals.
Do you guys think it’s possible, and if so what would be the best method to get to the lounge, maybe spend an hour and get back to T5 an hour before the flight?
EDIT: Also I have the Priority Pass thru my CSR card, And my flight arrives at JFK on Friday 6/28, do you think the lounge will be at capacity by 5:30/6am
submitted by usctrojan18 to ChaseSapphire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 ElleVB1990 AITA for cutting ties with my Aunt (more like a mother to me) due to religious differences?

Trigger warning - religious differences
I always bragged about how awesome my extended family was. NO family is perfect, but I heard horror stories and always counted my blessings that I had strong ties with my Aunt and uncles since I was raised an only child. That was until a few months ago when my last living Aunt, whom I considered a second mom, shattered me.
Ok, some backstory here. My aunt is a Jehovah’s Witness. Now before you get all judgy, I have always loved her, my uncle and her son with all of my heart. I still do. I respect that they have found faith and live by this code on the daily. I have met many people from their congregation and loved them all (ok, a couple of exceptions). I also appreciate the community they have and love they all show each other. If it weren’t for the religion itself, I would have converted.
I, however, am pagan and have always been since I was about 5 (even the first book I signed out from the school’s library was about witchcraft). Not raised that way, but always found spiritual comfort in nature and the natural world. I have a very strong connection and dedication to my Powers That Be and work every day to help the world be a better place. My Aunt did not know my religion until about 7 years ago. That being said, she and I would have very philosophical conversations when we hung out together. Even at the age of 8, I would listen to her preach to me and ask questions to which she never had answers. I remember her telling me how only 144,000 people would be allowed in heaven and didn’t I think that would be wonderful knowing that our whole family could be together again after we died. We’d all be in heaven if we were all Jehova;s witnesses. I had gone with her many times to do field service (door to door) and asked her why they do that if there’s only a certain number of people allowed. Didn’t that lessen her chances of getting in because I’m sure there were many people more deserving than myself. How did she know for sure she’d be one of the ones to get in and was that fair to keep bringing people into the religion when all the spaces were probably already filled up?
At 8 years old, I had many questions and was just trying to figure these things out. Since she was an adult, I figured she had the answers. My questions were not with malice, just for a want of better understanding. When she didn’t have the answers, I'd ask my mother and grandmother. While they were extremely amused, they said they never understood either. They never said anything bad about her or her attempts to get them to convert, just allowed me to explore religion and spirituality as I wished so I could make my own decision of what was right for me.
Once I was an adult, I avoided talking to her about religion, but found that if I didn’t ask questions and just let her talk, it made her happy. I know she’s a good person at heart and that’s all that matters. After my Mom passed, my aunt and I talked almost every week. I loved talking to her and she became even more like a mom to me. She gave me encouragement and we supported each other through health and emotional crises. I’d make it a point to try and visit at least once a year for a few days so she could visit with my daughter and I. We’d always do lunch with her friends and I loved it. I fell in love with some of the people in her congregation and wished we could live closer to hang out more. I, however, never wavered on my spiritual beliefs, but I have never cared about the religion, race, or sexuality of anyone. If we got along, we were friends and that was that.
My aunt and I had come to an understanding that I would not convert and that we would love and respect each other regardless. Religious talk was off the table for the most part until both of my uncles (my aunt’s two brothers) passed and she had a very hard time dealing with it. She was the last surviving sibling and she was sinking into a depression. I’d talk to her at length and listen to her as she mourned the fact that she would never have contact with them (and my mom) in heaven because they never converted. When she asked me what I believed, I told her that I believed that the soul lived on after the body died and that I believed in reincarnation. I explained my beliefs were closer to hindu and buddhism than christianity (so she had context). We had very long talks and she expressed that she respected my views and actually found comfort in talking with me.
That was until my daughter and I opened our store about 3 years ago. It’s a metaphysical shop and we have crystals, teas, gifts, jewelry, candles and more (about 10% strict;y pagan). My aunt was happy for us until it dawned on her that we might sell pagan stuff. I told her what we sold and she asked me if I was a witch. I replied that I suppose that was one way to describe me, but, again, I considered myself spiritual and that I followed a path closer to buddhism, hinduism, native american. I sent a couple of pictures of the jewelry that we made and she said when we came down, we should bring the jewelry making.
We did, I brought down our best crystals to wrap and bracelet materials and my daughter and I made her a necklace with a very expensive stone (A $200 piece). She brought her friends over and they picked out crystals that they wanted, made bracelets and such. We had fun and I was happy to do it, though I wasn’t expecting people that I had never met before. Still, we had fun. My daughter and I also brought her a basket with local items from our hometown, (Raw honey, handmade stoneware mugs, cutting board, herbal tea and some other items made by us as well) She was thrilled. My aunt and uncle had taken a couple of bad falls a few months before and so my daughter and I made them hand carved cedar walking sticks as well because we knew they went for regular walks and thought it would help their balance. It felt amazing to lavish expensive and heartfelt gifts on them as I has struggled so long with money. I was finally in a place that I could do it. To say the gifts probably totalled in excess of 1K is on the low side, but I was still happy to do it.
Besides the fact that they tried converting my daughter when I wasn’t around, it was a lovely visit. The only problem I had was with a new person my aunt introduced us to. This woman, we’ll call her Dee, ignored me and only talked to my daughter. She was my age if not older, but conversed with my daughter, 17, like I wasn’t there. They traded contact info and Dee insisted that they keep in touch while my daughter was in college. Dee said she was going to keep an eye on her. I thought that was odd, but I did enjoy the feeling of having an extended family sort of since I actually had no family besides my Aunt.
Let’s jump forward to the following year and we were struggling financially. Not horrible, but unable to lavish the gifts that we did the year before. Instead, I created a beautiful aromatherapy candle, some delicious herbal teas and we found a couple of very rare antique tea cups that had amazing value to them (about $100 a piece). We made a basket for her and I decided we would cook for them. (gluten free, soy free, dairy free etc). Our visit went so well, it was great to see them. We just enjoyed hanging out with them and talking. They loved the meal we made for them and the dairy free organic chocolate I made. Everything was great until the day we were leaving. Dee showed up and again ignored me, talked to my daughter and chastised her for getting a pet snake as that was an animal associated with the devil. My daughter is one to push the envelope a bit and said how she wanted to get a tattoo as well, one of a snake. Both my aunt and Dee were shocked and said she should never get a tattoo.. Again related to the devil, I went to the bathroom as I was not involved in the conversation and knew my daughter could hold her own. Little do they know that my daughter is also trans. I told her not to say anything to them just yet. I came back to them talking about how college was going and I thought my aunt and Dee would faint when she said her college roommate was male. She quickly explained that it was fine because he was gay and how awesome he was (he is btw). She quickly realized what I meant when she saw their reaction to him being gay. It wasn’t that she was living with a boy, it was that he was gay and “why did he choose to be gay.” I tried redirecting the conversation a couple of times, but they ignored me.
They finally let it go, but just after Dee left, we were getting ready to depart as well. My aunt returned the basket I made for her (minus the expensive tea cups). She said she could not accept them as they were touched by the devil. Shocked, I asked what she meant. She said that because they came from my store, they carried Satan's influence and she could not have them in our home. Truthfully, I explained that I made those items for her and that the only things that came from the store were the teacups. She was confused why I had gotten upset. When I explained that I gave her a gift and if she didn’t want it, she could regift it or throw it away. That gift came from my heart with all the love I have for her and that I didn't need to know her opinions about the gifts because It insinuated I, myself, was evil and it was extremely hurtful. She basically continued on insisting that I was just not aware of how much Satan had a hold of me. All I could do was tell her how much I loved her and leave.
I didn’t take her calls and cried about this for over a month. I finally felt strong enough to talk to her and again she insisted that because those items touched my hands, they were influenced by satan and she wished I could understand how they just can’t have that influence in their home. Frustrated, I asked how she could shop at grocery stores or buy anything from department stores because she can’t guarantee that those items didn’t touch hands that were influenced by satan. Also , I asked her how they could have eaten the food I prepared for them and why did they even invite me into their home to begin with if that’s the way she felt about me. She suddenly needed to go.
We talked a few times since then but it always came back to religion. At one point I asked her again why she would even invite us to her home if she felt that way. Her response was to save my daughter. The pain and heartache she has inflicted is immense, but I cannot bring myself to argue the point because I’m afraid if I make my point to her, it will break her. She’s in her 80’s and I believe has the beginnings of dementia. Her religion brings her comfort and I don’t want to say anything that might make her doubt her religion at her advanced age.
I’ve decided it is probably best for both of our mental health to stop all contact with her( with the exception of sending cards telling them how much I love them) even though I’ve always seen her as a second mom. AITA for making this decision and not trying to work things out with her or allow her to believe that I still might convert?
*** Please understand this is not a bash on any religion. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever religion they wish. That includes me, so if you feel the need to bash them or me for our spiritual choices, you can move along ***
I have never felt like I needed to hide any part of me from my friends, family, and the public in general. Not until now. Buckle up, this is a bumpy ride.
I've always been kind hearted, almost to a flaw. I took care of my grandmother, my step-dad, my mom and helped with a family friend during long term and terminal illnesses. I had my daughter and, without her father's help, raised her on my own with very little to no support. I helped friends with their farm who left me homeless in the end because I want interested in an extramarital affair. I lost my home and all that I loved including my husband because he lied to me and never paid it mortgage while I was recovering from an illness. In short, I have had a tough life, but it has never made me turn my back on anyone who needed help or in difficult family when they were ignored by the others. That's just some background before I tell you this situation.
Three years ago, after a bout of covid, my daughter was suicidal. She had been in the top three of her HS class and yet at that point almost failed her junior year. Not knowing if she would have the emotional strength to face college and adulting in general, I set up a plan B for her. I started a store in her name and that way she'd have something at least to fall back on if she was unable to function in the m-f 9 to 5 world. We started slow by doing craft fairs, seeking crystals, candles, jewelry, and gifts. We were kicked out of one because the person running it assumed we were witches. She was not wrong exactly as we identified as pagan, but we lived our life closest to the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, not traditional wicca. These were people who knew us for years and were considered acquaintances if not friends.
Our business flourished and we ended up opening our brick and mortar that fall after remodeling our garage/ barn and turning it into a store front. Even though I run it for my daughter, it is hers and we work together to keep it going.
In the past few years I've lost my mom, and two uncles. I have no family besides my mother's sister and her husband which we were pretty close. My aunt knew that I was pagan and had tried recruiting me into her religion since I was 5. Even at that tender age her religion never made sense and I would ask her questions to which she never had answers. I accepted her and respected her and her religion even though I didn't agree. I loved the people she introduced me to that were in her church and I always got along with them. That is until we visited the year after we started our store. My aunt was thrilled about us bringing crystals down and making jewelry with her. We met a new friend of hers (middle aged woman) who ignored me completely and oozed affection on my daughter. She got my daughter's contact info and contacted her frequently. Trying to convert and ”save” her. My daughter wasn't having it as even though she was in a delicate state, she is very level headed and strong willed.
This year we visited and we brought herbal tea, candies, and rare vintage tea cups for my aunt. The day we were leaving, she handed back everything but the vintage tea cups and told me she couldn't accept them because they were touched by Satan (aka made by my hands). To say I was devastated is an understatement. This woman was always like a second mom to me and we had grown closer after my mom passed away. It was a 20 hour drive home and I cried most of the way. I cried for weeks after a well. Thinking of it now still brings me tears. As she was telling me that Satan had a hold on me and that she was trying to save me, all I did was remind her how much I loved her and my uncle. Every time since then that we have talked, she says the same thing, but now she told me I was a lost cause. I feel like trying to stay in touch is detrimental to her mental health ( and my own). I don't want to give up or abandon the last of my family, but I can't talk to her and endure the endless insinuations that I'm evil because I don't believe in her religion. She took a bad fall and broke her arm. The last time we spoke, she talked as if it was my fault for bringing the devil into her home.
While I could usually brush this off as delusional ranting, it hits hard because the same day she fell, my dad died. I know the Powers That Be only give as much as we can handle, I just wish they didn't have so much faith in me.
They are in their 80s. I know in all the pieces of my broken heart that they'll never be able to accept my daughter and I unless we change religions and it has crossed my mind just to say we have to put her at ease, but I can't lie like that to them and we cannot betray ourselves like that either. By
submitted by ElleVB1990 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 F-U-N-E-X_S-V-F-X [REHOME US Only] Hermes Constance Epsom Anenome GHW

[REHOME US Only] Hermes Constance Epsom Anenome GHW
Making room for new purchases and although I love this one, I haven’t picked her up! Bought as a REHOME from another replady. Unsure of factory origin. Lovely leather and quality, no fufu smell. Comes with box and bag. Please do your own QC but happy to answer any questions!
  • $200 + discounted USPS / UPS shipping cost calculated based on buyer location
  • PPFF or Venmo
  • Condition - Brand new, no tags, never used.
  • US to US only
  • Pics https://imgur.com/a/a1OWM0M
Feedback https://imgur.com/a/2EQlUaL
Seller feedback from previous post repladiesdesigner https://www.reddit.com/RepladiesDesignes/6Amiok0KKb
submitted by F-U-N-E-X_S-V-F-X to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 kayakero Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

What is the stochastic oscillator?

A stochastic oscillator chart allows you to identify momentum in the price of a financial asset. At the core of this indicator is the stochastic oscillator formula. What it does is compare the closing price of a security with the recent high and low prices. It then converts it to a figure between 0 and 100, which is the actual value of the stochastic oscillator.
Let's say you talk to two traders independently and ask them what the stochastic oscillator shows. You will most likely get two very different answers. On the one hand, the stochastic oscillator is an indicator of both up and down momentum. On the other hand, some traders may see it as an indicator of overbought and oversold prices. Both explanations are correct in theory. The fundamental difference lies in how you use the indicator within your investment strategy.
There are other factors to take into account. One of them is the period during which the low price and the high price are taken. You will need to research the ideal indicator settings for your particular trading method. Are you happy to opt for a flatter long-term trend? Alternatively, would you prefer a more sensitive short-term indicator that could alert you to short-term trading opportunities?
A brief history
There is some debate about the origins of the stochastic oscillator. Especially the %D indicators which we will cover later in this article. Many believe that C. Ralph Dystant was the original creator of the indicator. However, George C. Lane is perhaps more commonly credited with playing his role in popularizing it. The latter also introduced several tweaks and adjustments.
We can trace the stochastic oscillator itself back to the 1950s, when C. Ralph Dystant taught courses on the stock market. In these courses, his original focus was on commodities. The classes were one of the first to focus on charts, moving averages, and other indicators as a means of attempting to predict future price movements. By the way, George C. Lane supposedly started working for C Ralph Dystant in 1954. That was the same year that technical “guru” Roy Larson retired. It was a coincidence?
It would be fair to say that both C. Ralph Dystant, and George C. Lane, were integral to the creation of the stochastic oscillator indicator and the influence it still has on investors today. In many ways, the key to its success is its relative simplicity. The masterstroke introduced an easy-to-understand range between zero and 100. In the words of Kelly Johnson, former principal engineer at Lockheed Skunk Works, “keep it simple, stupid.” Many traders today refer to this quote as the KISS principle, because in English it would be “keep it simple, stupid.”
How does the stochastic oscillator work?
Now let's examine how the stochastic oscillator works. We'll also see how quickly you can adjust the sensitivity of the indicator. The basic concept behind the stochastic oscillator is momentum. It gives you the ability to monitor the price momentum of an asset. Doing so allows you to see if, compared to recent highs and lows, you are potentially oversold or overbought. However, therein lies a potential conundrum.

A simple example

What if we look at the S&P 500? The E-Mini S&P 500 futures contract is among the highest volume assets in the futures market. What will its momentum show us if we look at it? Imagine the example of shooting a rocket into the sky. It will not stop suddenly and return to earth immediately after running out of fuel. The fading momentum will continue to push you higher at a drastically decreasing speed. However, when the positive momentum finally ends, the rocket will spin and head toward the earth. As a result, you gain new momentum along the way. This is the idea behind the stochastic oscillator. Using the recent highs and lows, for comparison, you should be able to identify a change in momentum. That result should also be reflected in the graphs.
There is a general consensus that when stochastic oscillator levels fall below 20, it indicates that the asset is oversold. Meanwhile, if it moves above 80, that indicates that the asset is overbought. Let's take 50 as our average value. In theory, positive momentum is above the line, while negative momentum is below it. Although this is often the case, you should be on the lookout for potential false signals. Now let's go ahead and take a look at the ways to read and understand the Stochastic Oscillator indicator.

Stochastic Oscillator Formula and Calculation

In this section, we will look at the stochastic oscillator formula. We'll also point out which elements of the formula you can adjust to change the sensitivity. The formula is the following:
C = the most recent closing price
L14 = the lowest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
H14 = the highest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
%K = the current value of the stochastic indicator as a percentage
To give a practical example of how the indicator works, we will look at the S&P 500 index. This is the figure on which the E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts are based.
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3300
High point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3500
The calculation is as follows:
3490-3300/3500-3300 = 190/200
(190/200) x 100 = 95%


So, according to the Stochastic Oscillator indicator, the S&P 500 Index has strong momentum and is in possible “overbought” territory. Many people would classify this as the standard stochastic oscillator indicator calculation based on 14 trading sessions. However, what does the situation look like based on eight trading sessions?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3400
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3400/3500-3400 = 90/100
(90/100) x 100 = 90%
Finally, what indication does the calculation with a 30-period moving average give us?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 30 trading sessions = 3200
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3200/3500-3200 = 290/300
(290/300) x 100 = 97%
The shorter the period in question, the more sensitive the formula will be to daily movements. The reason is that the difference between the maximum and minimum point should be relatively small, in theory.
In the three examples above, the S&P 500 index has strong momentum for 14 and 30 days. However, it is noticeably lower if you only look at it over 8 days. And, on the other hand, they all indicate a potentially overbought scenario.

How to read stochastic oscillator charts?

Next, let's take a look at two stochastic oscillator indicator charts. We will highlight some of the turning points that could have been beneficial for traders. The first chart is the traditional (fast) stochastic oscillator indicator with a smoother %D trend line based on the %K factor.
The second chart is what we call a “slow stochastic oscillator indicator”. It averages the index level over a longer period. Then we have the %D factor, which is based on the %K and gives an even smoother line.
The longer the period over which prices are examined, including high, low and current prices, the smoother the chart will be. However, there will be a significant delay. On the plus side, in many ways, this can help offset the short-term peaks and troughs that can sometimes tempt people to buy and sell when they shouldn't.

How to use the stochastic oscillator?

The key to using the stochastic oscillator is finding the time frame that best suits your investment strategy. Those looking for short-term trading will focus on relatively short periods, which can lead to somewhat volatile changes in the indicator. Those looking for confirmation of longer-term trends will extend the period in question. These graphs will be smoother and, due to the long delay, are not as susceptible to short-term changes.

What are the best and most accurate settings?

There are three variables to consider when looking at the stochastic oscillator setup, which are:
%K = based on the number of time periods used in the calculation
Slowdown = simple moving average (SMA) factor applied to %K
%D = %K moving average factor
As we mentioned earlier, the stochastic oscillator has three different types. Among them are:

The Fast Stochastic Oscillator (Traditional Indicator)

Fast %K = basic %K calculation for 14 periods
Fast %D = Fast Stochastic Oscillator Three-Period SMA %K

The slow stochastic oscillator

Slow %K = Fast %K expressed as three-period SMA
Slow %D = Slow %K three-period SMA

The Complete Stochastic Oscillator

%K full = %K fast smoothed over a period X SMA
Full %D = Full %K Period X SMA
The beauty of this system is the fact that all previous variations of the original indicator produce figures from 0 to 100. As a result, it is easy to compare and contrast the variation in the trend lines. The longer the periods in which you calculate the simple moving average, the smoother the line will be.
As we mentioned above, the simple fast stochastic oscillator will throw up many possible overbought and oversold positions. Some of them will inevitably be false signals. As you can see from the charts above, the Fast Stochastic Oscillator can be quite volatile, frequently trading above or below the 80 and 20 levels for a short period of time. On the same chart, you can see areas where the %D (SMA figure) is not as volatile and does not always fall below or move above the 80 or 20 levels like the Fast Stochastic Oscillator does.

Trading strategies with the stochastic oscillator

There are many ways you can use the stochastic oscillator indicator to open positions, close positions or even reduce your position if the chart is at a critical point.

Identifying overbought/oversold levels

As you will see in the chart below, there are a variety of very useful indicators that could have generated some significant gains. The first overbought indicator shows the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure reaching the 80% level and then turning sharply downwards through the three-period SMA. These crossover points are considered by many to be strong indicators that momentum is shifting and the short-term trend may be about to reverse.
The second overbought position begins to emerge when the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA move above 80%. A move above 80% or below 20% should not necessarily be seen as a signal to sell or buy, but rather as an early warning that momentum may be about to change.
Many people prefer to wait for a sustained drop below 80% or move above 20% before reacting, thus eliminating a degree of volatility that can sometimes create false signals. This is where SMA lines can be very useful, smoother and less volatile, although you won't necessarily sell at the top due to the lag.
You can also see the two false overbought signals where the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure and the SMA fell below 80. However, they reversed quite quickly when the momentum picked up again and the chart moved back into higher territory.
You will find that where there is a strong uptrend, which has not been broken, at some point there will be a pullback which can be an opportunity to buy into the weakness. This is the reason why the fast stochastic oscillator is more appropriate for day traders, or also for short-term traders.
Bullish/bearish divergence
There will be times when there is a bullish/bearish divergence between the actual chart and the stochastic oscillator indicator. As you can see with the chart below, the lowest point on the chart would indicate the possibility of a further decline. However, when you look at the stochastic oscillator indicator, the trend is moving in a different direction and is slightly bullish.
This may be an indication that the stock has bottomed and momentum may be about to change. One of the main signals to watch out for with this particular chart is the fast stochastic oscillator moving through the SMA line.
You are equally likely to see a reversal where the main chart indicates an intact uptrend, while the stochastic oscillator shows a slowdown in momentum and a turn towards a downtrend. These are some of the rarest trading signals, but they are very interesting, especially when you incorporate simple trend lines into price charts.

Price trend

The relationship between the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA is very important. As you can see in the chart below, the first section is dominated by the strong downtrend with the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA descending in parallel.
Then there is a bounce on the chart followed by a move into choppy waters with an obvious downtrend. As you will see, both indicators remain below the 20% level, indicating that the momentum is relatively weak. That is until the Fast Stochastic Oscillator breaks the SMA line towards the end of the choppy price action area.
This change in momentum is demonstrated by the uptrend, although it is not difficult to see where the momentum begins to fade above 80%. When the short-term trend line breaks through the SMA and falls below the 80% level, this indicates another change in the trend – a possible sell signal.

Advantages of using the stochastic oscillator

Momentum is very important when it comes to trading and there is no doubt that the stochastic oscillator indicator is a very useful tool. There are a number of advantages to consider which include: –

Sensitive to impulse change

The shorter the period during which the high, low and current price are compared, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. Using SMA trend lines can also create very strong buy/sell signals when the lines cross, especially above 80% and below 20%. This event would indicate that the short-term trend is changing and assuming it continues, a new trend will follow.

Opportunity to identify bullish/bearish divergence

Due to the way the Stochastic Oscillator indicator is calculated, you will sometimes see a divergence between the price chart and the indicator. While the price chart may indicate that a downtrend is still intact, the stochastic oscillator chart may already be identifying a change in momentum before the price changes. As you will see in the chart above, these can be powerful trading signals. How long you can wait to see if a new trend emerges will vary between traders. How brave are you?

The formula is flexible

The shorter the period in question, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. However, there is the possibility of identifying short-term trading opportunities. However, for those who have a longer-term investment strategy, they can extend the number of periods in question. This will flatten the line of the Fast and Volatile Stochastic Oscillator and give a smoother line, which can make it easier to identify any changes in long-term trends.

Risks and limitations of the indicator

As with any technical indicator, the stochastic oscillator is not immune to false signals and is probably best used in conjunction with other trading indicators. Risks and limitations include:

False signals

The shorter the period over which the fast stochastic oscillator is calculated, the more susceptible it is to extreme volatility. This can create numerous false signals, although the impact can be reduced by adding a simple moving average line.

Sideways Trading

The indicator works best when there is a new uptrend, a downtrend or perhaps a short, sharp period of consolidation before the trend re-emerges. During periods of sideways trading, this can create a relatively small gap between the high and low points, therefore creating sharp movements in the indicator on relatively small price movements.

SMA lines delay trend changes

Using longer periods to calculate %K and SMA trend lines can make it easier to identify changes in the trend. However, due to the delay, you may miss a significant element of a changing trend before you decide to buy or sell. You can adjust the variables of the full stochastic oscillator indicator to help you with your specific investment strategy, lengthening or shortening the periods and adjusting the SMA.

Stochastic Oscillator vs Other Indicators

The Stochastic Oscillator indicator is extremely flexible and you can adjust the periods and SMA variables to suit your trading plan. However, especially when looking at limited periods, there will be times when the indicator will create a false signal. Therefore, it is wise to consider other means of technical analysis to clarify whether a potential change in momentum indicated by the stochastic oscillator is also reflected elsewhere.

Stochastic Oscillator vs RSI

While it is true that you can use both the stochastic oscillator and the RSI (Relative Strength Index) to measure price momentum, they work on very different principles. The RSI measures potential overbought/oversold positions by comparing recent gains to recent losses. The idea behind the stochastic oscillator is based on the assumption that the current price should follow the current trend. When the current price moves against the trend, it can indicate a change in momentum and a possible buy/sell signal. So who wins the fight, the Stochastic Oscillator or the RSI?
If the two oscillators indicated the same trend, this would be a powerful signal for investors. For example, if the price of an asset moved towards the upper end of its recent high/low range, it would indicate positive momentum. Assuming that the RSI oscillator is also showing a relatively strong trend, this would reduce the chances of a false signal.

Stochastic Oscillator vs MACD

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a prominent momentum indicator, although it is very different from the stochastic oscillator indicator. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average from the 12-period exponential moving average. Many traders use the MACD technical indicator in conjunction with the stochastic oscillator, often looking for crossover points between the two.
Those who consider technical indicators from a distance might wonder why traders don't simply use three, four, five or more technical indicators together. The answer is simple: the time lag between different technical indicators can confuse the situation.
By the time several different indicators have “aligned”, you may end up missing the vast majority of the trend. There is nothing wrong with using a single technical indicator, but there are risks and false signals can and do occur.
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2024.05.14 17:03 Miss_Pipip Balance Dark Powers

I am a first-time DM and I'm running CoS with the MandyMod extensions. I wanted to customize Dark Powers for my players. For now, I have thought of two taking lots of inspiration from the resources in the server, but I'm not sure if they are balanced to each other. You may think the boons are too powerful or the banes are too much, but I like them that way. I know my party and, if I don't offer super cool things, they won't entertain the Dark Powers and I want them to! I am only interested in your opinion on whether these two Dark Powers offer similar boons and banes.

- Phase 1:
o Gain the ability to use Warding Flare. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all uses spent when you end a long rest.
o When you roll radiant damage, you can inflict maximum damage instead of rolling. You can use this ability twice per long rest.
- Phase 2:
o You can cast Lightning Bolt (radiant damage) 3 times per long rest.
o If the creature dies from Lightning Bolt or the turn immediately after you use Warding Flare, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Paladin level + your Charisma modifier.
o Your eyes begin to give off a glow that causes them to give off light for 5 feet.
o Bane: Anxiety to protect others (Flaw).
- Phase 3:
o Because of the divine glow you give off, a +1 is added to your Charisma score.
o Guided by your god, you can make a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
o You gain advantage on Intimidation rolls.
o Your body begins to glow with light of its own and you give off bright light 10 feet away and dim light another 10 feet away.
o Bane: 1 point of short-term insanity if power is not used (does not heal with long rest). 1 point of exhaustion if used. Due to the light you give off, you have disadvantage on Stealth rolls.
- Phase 4:
o You gain the ability to cast Flame Strike three times per short rest.
o If you kill a creature using Flame Strike or Lightning Bolt, you regain one use of the spell.
o Your attacks always do an extra 2d8 radiant damage.
o Your luminous aura increases and you give off bright light 15 feet and dim light another 15 feet.
o Bane: 1 point of long-term insanity if the power is not used. 1 point of short term insanity if used (does not heal with long rest). If Ura uses Warding Flare, she makes a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If she fails it, all creatures within 30 feet of her take 2d6 psychic damage and hear Ezelyn's voice in her head saying, "All must be purified". A creature within 15 feet of Ura must make a Dexterity saving throw when coming within that distance of her. If it fails, it is considered blinded.

- Phase 1:
o When you roll fire damage, you can inflict maximum damage, instead of rolling. You can use this ability twice per long rest.
o You learn Burning Hands and Hellish Rebuke. You can cast them using your spell slots. These spells are always ready for you and do not count against your limit.
- Phase 2:
o You can cast Fireball 3 times per long rest.
o You learn to anticipate your opponent's attacks and turn an enemy's missed hit into good luck for you. When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. If the attack misses, your next attack roll against the creature has advantage if you make it before the end of your next turn. You may use this trait once per short rest.
o You gain a +3 to your initiative.
o Aesthetic: You begin to warm the air around you, you don't feel the cold.
o Bane: Your eyes and mind go too fast to process information and you develop dyslexia. Any time Jasper attempts to read or write, he must pass a DC 12 Intelligence test.
- Phase 3:
o The speed with which you handle situations gives you advantage on attack rolls against any creature that has not yet taken a turn in combat.
o If the creature dies using Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke or Fireball, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Rogue level + your Dexterity modifier.
o You gain an extra 10 feet of speed.
o Aesthetic: Your fingertips begin to turn black, as if burned.
o Bane: You can't sit still for more than a minute, your impulsiveness increases. 1 point of short-term insanity if the power is not used (does not heal with long rest). 1 point of exhaustion if used.
- Phase 4:
o You gain the Stalkers Flurry trait. You can use this trait twice per short rest.
o You gain the ability to use Immolation twice per short rest.
o If you kill a creature using Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke, Fireball or Immolation you regain one use of the spell.
o Aesthetic: Burns cover your entire arms and a red flame begins to glow in the centre of your pupils.
o Bane: 1 point of long-term insanity if power is not used. 1 point of short term insanity if used (does not heal with long rest). When you inflict fire damage on a target, roll a d8 and take that amount of necrotic damage as the fire rages and sears your flesh, destroying it from within.

So my question is, are they balanced to each other? What would you change? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Miss_Pipip to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 s-atch An Analysis on the Dunmer Experience in Windhelm

The Dunmer population of Windhelm is composed primarily of refugees (or born of refugees) who escaped Vvardenfel’s disastrous living conditions after the eruption of the Red Mountain in 4E 5, known as the Red Year. The migration of most of these refugees likely took place in the years following the disaster. In the roughly 200 years since, they’ve built a sizable community within Windhelm’s ghetto, formerly known as the Snow Quarter. The squalor they live in during the present time (4E 201) is indicative of their long struggle to integrate with the Nord majority. Now, why has there been such a struggle?
According to a variety of non-Dunmer NPC dialogue, the common sentiment is that the Dunmer keep to themselves, they do not try to integrate, they do not work hard, and they do not get involved with the war effort. The in-game book Scourge of the Gray Quarter by Frilgeth Horse-Breaker makes many complaints on the Dunmer’s existence in Windhelm, reiterating such sentiments and claiming they do not contribute to the city. That the book makes reference to Ulfric as jarl, it can be assumed that these are at the very least the sentiments of the present time.
The Struggle
The book notably compares the Dunmer of Windhelm to the Dunmer of Riften, claiming the Dunmer of Riften are able to integrate because they are more hard working and engage in honest labor. In this explanation the writer (quite obviously) shows their bias in they neglect the crucial detail of describing the cities themselves. The people of Riften do not have the same level of xenophobia that those in Windhelm do. They do not have a jarl whose actions encourage the separation of multiple “outsider” groups and Nords. The people of Riften engage with the Dunmer like they would anyone else, contrasted with Windhelm where a Dunmer is more often than not labeled as an “outsider”.
The treatment of Dunmer refugees in Riften also differ in that they were not relegated to a ghetto. This is not to say that Windhelm explicitly forbids Dunmer from buying homes outside of the Gray Quarter (although dialogue of Aval Atheron might suggest so), but rather they are not afforded social mobility as a whole. According to Malthyr Elenil ‘s dialogue, the Quarter “wasn't always so bad”. Judging by the architecture relative to the rest of the city, I’d argue that this Quarter was a slum prior to the Dunmer arrival. In essence, it was a slum before they got there and it remains a slum today (if not worse), but is it the fault of the Dunmer? According to the dialogue of Scouts-Many-Marshes, an Argonian living on the Windhelm docks, it is implied that an Argonian working in Windhelm makes 8 septims per day plus lodging, presumably a tenth the wage of a “proper Nord worker”. Whether or not this “tenth” is an exaggeration or not, Scouts refers to this level of pay as akin to slave labor. Comparing the squalor of the Argonians and the Dunmer, and taking into account the kind of jobs available to them in this city, it can be fairly assumed that the Dunmer do not make much more money than the Argonians when working for the Windhelm Nords. Contrasted again with Riften, where no such race based pay gap seems to exist. How can the Dunmer be expected then, to adequately maintain their neighborhoods on a pay that is a mere fraction of a Nords?
Trying to make a comparison of “work ethic” between the Dunmer of Riften and Windhelm is inherently unfair when you ignore the near diametric social conditions of the two cities. This is also indicative of the Windhelm Nord’s refusal to acknowledge the roots of Dunmer issues. The old jarls of Windhelm may have accepted the refugees, but the Nord citizens have clearly endeavored to keep them at an arm’s length, leading to the segregation of the Windhelm Dunmer we see today.
The “Good Ones” and the Model Minority
Many might look upon Beylyn Hlaalu as proof that any Dunmer can work their way out of poverty. He is the only Dunmer land owner in Windhelm, a proud man who credits his success to his hard work and resents the poorer Dunmer for complaining. But what many fail to consider is that he is a descendent of House Hlaalu, a former Great House of Morrowind. Although House Hlaalu at this point has lost all major political power, they’re still a family of considerable wealth and influence in Raven Rock, albeit under a fake name. I find it rather likely then, in a culture who so values clanship, that Beylyn Hlaalu has had monetary support from his wealthy relatives in order to at the very least kickstart his farm. And although there are no explicit pieces of lore that support this, one must wonder if it is truly coincidence that the shining example of Dunmer success is one born from a not too distantly historically powerful family.
The successes of the Altmer residents in Windhelm are also cited as proof of Dunmer failings. They are Nurelion, Niranye, Ulundil, and his wife Arivanya. Niranye is presumably the newest Altmer migrant to the city, saying she's only just arrived from the Summerset Isles. She is the only one of the Altmer to make references to mistreatment by Nords, claiming that it was difficult at first but she'd eventually proved her usefulness. Clearly she has been able to integrate with Nord society, and once again it is credited as her own hard work. But is that completely true? There are three factors for her ease of integration that are being ignored here: Unlike the Dunmer, the Altmer arrived as business minded merchants and not as refugees, There were already well established and respected Altmer living in the city prior to her arrival, and her business is unfairly propped up by her dealings with crime guilds. Her business directly competes with that of Ravyn Sadri, a Dunmer general goods merchant. By acquiring her goods through her criminal connections and selling at absurdly low prices, she is able to quite easily undercut Ravyn’s business, who operates honestly.
Referencing Scourge of the Gray Quarter again, the writing finishes by claiming that Windhelm Argonians should be the model for Dunmer behavior and acceptance. They write that the Argonian “has learned how to best contribute to their new home…toiling with utmost efficiency and bright smiles”. Once again this text omits crucial details. The Argonians are forbidden, by decree of Ulfric Stormcloak, from entering the city. And make no mistake, this segregation is not because of the racial tensions between Dunmer and Argonian. According to dialogue from Brunwulf Free-Winter it was primarily due to Ulfric’s distrust of foreigners and Nord stubbornness. They are only permitted to reside on the docks and, as stated before, make a mere fraction of the pay of a Nord worker because of the explicit reason of not being a Nord. This is the proposed model for acceptance? Exploitation, racial hierarchy, and wage slavery? Who reads Scourge of the Gray Quarter, looks at the Argonians, and genuinely thinks they’ve successfully integrated?
When holding these so-called examples of Dunmer failures to light, it’s clear to see that they hold little water. The successes of the “good ones” are not wholly the result of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but likely by benefitting from pre existing privileges that gave them an advantage over the Dunmer as a whole. And the proposed solution for those without such privileges? Becoming servile and catering to the Nords at the Dunmer’s own expense. In the face of mistreatment and mistrust by the majority group, an administration that refuses to listen to them, racially biased pay gaps, a competition that cheats them, and wage slavery: how rational is it to say all they need to do is “work harder”?
Another Man’s War
A common criticism of the Windhelm Dunmer is that they refuse to join Ulfric Stormcloak’s war effort. Many claim that it is their duty as residents of Windhelm, that they owe a debt to the city for taking them in as refugees 200 years ago. But I ask you this, why should they fight on behalf of a system that harms them? It should first be said that the Stormcloak Rebellion’s primary function is to release Skyrim from the rule of the Empire, so that Skyrim’s people may solely be governed by those who live in Skyrim (Ignoring for a moment that Ulfric’s rebellion was set in motion by the Thalmor to weaken the Empire, according to the Thalmor Dossier). An admirable sentiment, but it has manifested itself as highly xenophobic and oftentimes hostile (most commonly verbally) to those who are not Nords. In the case of the Windhelm Dunmer, it has led to the local Nords being more distrustful than ever before. More dialogue from Brunwulf indicates the escalation of racial tension in the city is primarily the result of Ulfric’s “Skyrim for the Nords” rhetoric. This paired with Ulfric’s complete apathy towards the issues faced by non-Nords in his hold communicates a hatred towards them and systematically harms them.
Many players are under the impression that the Dunmer received free housing and live tax free due to what is written in the Decree of Monument."untithed to any thane or hold, and self-governed, with free worship, with no compensation to Skyrim or the Empire”. I’d argue the text is referring to taxes rather than housing, and no other in-game source makes reference to the housing situation either. But does that mean it is true that the Dunmer don’t pay taxes? One of the outcomes of Revyn Sadri’s quest results in him having to pay “increased taxes” to the city of Windhelm, implying that yes, the Dunmer are currently paying taxes. I do not think it is likely that only Revyn or only some Dunmer are paying taxes. It can be fairly assumed then that at some point between 4E 20 (when the monument was placed) and the present time of 4E 201, the Dunmer were made to pay taxes like any other citizen. As for housing, I find it unlikely the Dunmer received the Gray Quarter for free. As stated earlier, it was likely a slum to begin with, meaning it would’ve been considerably cheap to move in. Perhaps offered to them at a reduced price. It is important to note that the Dunmer being refugees at the beginning does not automatically mean they were penniless upon arrival, likely poor, but it would be unrealistic to assume all of them had nothing at all. Realizing now that the Dunmer of Windhelm are tax paying citizens who are continually ignored and othered by their ruler, it surely must be understandable then why they would refuse to fight on behalf of a system that at this point only takes from them. They owe the Nordic administration no loyalty
With a ruling majority that will more often than not shun, insult, or exploit them, It is no wonder then how the Dunmer of Windhelm as a whole have not been able to integrate, that they “keep to themselves”, that they “don’t contribute to the city”. For how can one integrate with those who refuse to ever fully accept them? If you wonder why they do not leave, with what funds could they start anew? If you wonder why they dont help the Nords in their war, why would they fight for a cause that harms them? The system is as the system does, and that system is racism.
Author’s Note
Idk what I wrote all this for lmao. Ive been playing skyrim for over a decade so I guess I thought it would be interesting to engage with the game in another way that's new to me. It was only recently that I got more interested in actually talking to NPCs, learning more about the game world, not just in it for the cool fights and jiggle physics mods (tho i do love em). There's a good degree of guess work here, which I suppose is to be expected with what few pieces that are available we can put together. But I tried to cite as much from official lore as I can. Was def fun trying to take a more nuanced lens to this fantastical game world.
But what do you think? Do you think my analysis is accurate? I'd love to see your opinions on the topic!
submitted by s-atch to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 katpatt13 Tips for Moving on to FET (especially if you have done multiple ERs)

TLDR: Skip to my questions about preparing for a transfer after having back to back ERs.
Hi, everyone! My husband and I have unexplained infertility. I’m 29F who had to do 3 Egg Retrievals back to back. The reason being I produce a large % of immature eggs. I’ll post the results below. If you just want to skip to my questions I get it, but wanted to give some context!
BACKGROUND INFO: First ER: 11 eggs retrieved, 3 mature. Froze the 3 mature eggs. (The first protocol was estrogen based and normal dosages of menopur and fonal-F that just kept increasing during my STIMS.)
Second ER: 11 eggs retrieved, 6 mature. We then combined the 3 eggs from my first ER. 9 mature total, 6 fertilized, 3 day 5 embryos, 2 euploids. (We changed the protocol and did long and slow. Started with BC this time and lupron. Very large dosages of moper and follitism for the whole process.)
Third ER: 16 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 embryos. Waiting on PGT. (Same protocol)
We are moving on for two reasons: 1. My husband is concerned about us continuing to do this back to back. One for health reasons for my body. The second of my mindset that I may never be satisfied or feel comfortable/safe moving on until I collect “x numbers of embryos” 2. We should see what happens during transfer and hopefully get our baby.
I’m so used to doing egg retrievals now that I almost find comfort in the process. I’m terrified and anxiety ridden to move on to transfer now. I hate change/the unknown and being stuck in this process was frustrating at first, but then weirdly comforting? I also don’t love the number of embryos we have. Maybe it’s just because I already have been disappointed before in this process and I’m scared to be disappointed in the next part. I’ve been in therapy trying to work through it as well.
Anyways I have three questions: 1. Has anyone felt this way? How do you push through?
  1. What are some tips/tricks to prepare for a successful transfer? I know it’s not a guarantee, but anything helpful.
  2. Is there any test or process I should advocate for to help rule out anything that may be overlooked I also don’t want this FET to be seen as diagnostic if that makes sense? Which I understand to an extend it may be. However, my first ER was not successful and they kept saying how diagnostic that was, but I personally felt if I was listened to a bit more and if it was tailored more to what we already knew about my body we could have made a difference. (I don’t have PCOS. They have said anything about endometriosis for me, I did an HSG last June that came back fine.) I know we are doing an SIS, but that’s about it.
submitted by katpatt13 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 DampFrijoles Trivia Tuesday

/CFB Trivia Tuesday!

This Week's Contest: http://trivia.redditcfb.com

Spring Standings/Questions

Your Trivia Settings


Trivia Tuesday is a weekly feature run by bakonydraco, DampFrijoles, Davidellias, and iamnotacola. There will be TEN QUESTIONS this week ranging from questions most everyone can get to questions that might stump just about everyone. Your goal is to quickly answer them to the best of your ability. You get a one point speed bonus for finishing in under 5:00.
There are definitely still ways you could cheat the system, but please do not. This is meant to be a fun weekly feature, and we encourage you to take it at face value and answer the questions without assistance.
NOTE: because this is the final, there are ten questions this week. Additionally, a speed bonus is earned by finishing in under five minutes instead of the standard 2:30.

Last Week


Last Week

Nine perfectos headed into the final:
whitedawg pixarfan9510 GrapeSodaFiend
wjsofficial ApexReloaded20 tytyute
sch00lbus longsnapper77 cajunaggie08
An additional sixteen users got every question correct, but not fast enough for the time bonus.


Now for the final 16 in the Individual playoff:
cajunaggie08 GrapeSodaFiend GoCardinal07 6ftSchnitzel
CptCheese eatapenny MarchCrazy44 nephewjack
Dusty_Buckeye bcaston77 whitedawg uimocc
chets_meow thisizyimhot eagledog RG23216
As usual, the finalists gathered yesterday and took this week’s trivia in advance. This was done mainly as a check to ensure that the finalists were above board and not cheating.
However, the finalists have been sworn to secrecy and will not discuss the questions until the Trivia window closes Wednesday morning.

Premier Tier

Here are the final four for this season’s Premier Tier championship:
Ohio State Michigan State Michigan Auburn
The defending champion Wolverines look to claim Title 14. Their arch rival Buckeyes seek their fourth title, which would tie them with Nebraska for second-most Premier Tier titles. Meanwhile, the Spartans and Tigers look to get on the board with their first-ever title. This is Auburn's first ever trip to the Premier Final!

This Ain't the Same Ol' South Florida Championship Tier

Here are the final four for the TATSOSFCT championship:
USC Fresno State Miami (OH) Cincinnati
The Bulldogs are going for their fifth title, which would extend their lead as the winningest team in the Championship Tier. The Redhawks and Bearcats are in line for their second title, and the Trojans want to Fight On to their first win.
Tier namesake [USF](#f/usf] was eliminated in the semifinal, so there will be a new Championship Tier victor.
Best of luck to all, and be safe!
submitted by DampFrijoles to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 cbbtriviabot It's Trivia Tuesday!

Trivia Link

Complete standings

Register for weekly reminders

Or remove from registry list at the same link

Team Registration

Welcome to Trivia Tuesday! Trivia Tuesday is a weekly competition run by cinciforthewin and jloose128. If this is your first week and you want more information regarding the rules, prizes, and more, click here for a complete overview.
If you have a question regarding a grading error or general questions about the competition, ask jloose128 either in the comments or through private message. Questions about team registration and the bot can be directed towards cinciforthewin.
For the answers to last week’s questions, click here! Be sure to check these answers with your scores to make sure your quiz was graded correctly.
submitted by cbbtriviabot to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:59 ChannelNegative_xx Sensitive Skin Pitty

Sensitive Skin Pitty
Dahlia here is my first dog I’ve ever had, I’m looking for guidance on her sensitive skin.. she just turned 1 and since spring has sprung here I just want to make sure I’m helping here where I can. From the beginning of bringing her home I started using probiotic puppy wash and then starting to add oconut oil as she started losing those puppy oils. The girl gets her teeth brushed, ears and toes cleaned almost daily, more of every other day. We’ve made sure we’re using metal dishes, clean food products for her and supplements (fish oil, skin and coat) since everything I’ve read says her breed seems to have allergies and sometimes digestive issues.
What I’m looking for is what folks are using as far as supplements (allergy and digestive)? Food allergies experienced?…Google has not been my friends.. telling me she’s allergic to everything.. Dog acne? I think she has it on her chin.. I’ve stopped putting coconut oil on her chin since I assume perhaps it may just be a clogged pore in one of those pics.. And also bathing products and balms and creams people are using? Do dogs need sunscreen? I added a pic of her pink tummy, it’s not sunburnt or irritated.. it’s just always been very pink like that. But still curious if that will help her or if dog sunscreen is even a thing for short haired sensitive skin pups.
Thank you in advance!! I know this is a lot of questions but since she’s my first dog ever I do get a lot of anxiety hoping she’s happy and being cared for properly. She’s seriously such a sweet and sassy girl, I want to make sure she has the best care. She does also LOVE to be pampered so I want to make sure she has the best products when she does get her favorite treatment :)
submitted by ChannelNegative_xx to AmericanBully [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:59 zyper-51 Big career decision incoming want feedback

I have to make a big decision whether I should stay in Peru for about a year in order to get certified/licensed or move on with my life plans and move to the US and start working for an incomparably higher salary, and start working on getting my license in the US. (I’m a citizen, my university is NAAB certified and I have some personal/professional contacts there)
The way it works here, I get 1 year to prepare my thesis in order to get certified I also have to pay for revisions during this period.
Pay for an architect with my level of experience in Peru pays between $450-$550 a month or about $5850-$7150 a year. (Yes, yikes indeed even for Peru)
With my experience in the US, it typically starts at around $4200 a month or about $50000 a year.
Now, I’m moving to the US, that’s out of the question. Rn it’s a matter of timing. Is it worth it to stay and get my license in Peru (which would take about a year if all goes well). This is something I need to answer relatively quickly because if I decide not to pursue my license here, I’m kinda screwed later as I would have to go back to college, do “this semester” again and then do the 1 year thing in other words it would cost me a lot more money and time to pick up my license in Peru later than now.
I don’t really have plans to come back to Peru for a very long time, but I guess it’s a backup plan. (Also I’m ngl, I REALLY don’t want to work on my thesis a day longer than I absolutely have to)
Do you see an advantage in staying and getting licensed in Peru in my case? Do you think it’s a no brainer? Will being licensed in Peru makes a difference when looking for work in the US? How much of a difference? What would you do? Anyone with a similar experience?
I’m personally more inclined to just move and forget about getting licensed here. I feel like being down $40k after 1 year by itself outweighs whatever benefit I could get from being licensed in Peru but idk.
submitted by zyper-51 to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:58 Sad-Somewhere-6603 Transitioning off of formula help!

I’m a first time mom, and I’m really struggling right now with this transition. I need help/advice from other seasoned parents.
My 11.5 month old started naturally weaning from her bottles a little over a week ago. She’s only eating 2oz of milk when she wakes up in the morning after a 12 hour stretch of sleep.. and total for the day maybe 11-12 oz? Should I just go straight into breakfast when she wakes up now? I feel like the bottle affects to amount of food she’s actually consuming and she’s not even eating much of the bottle anyways.
We do 3 meals a day and recently just incorporated 2 snacks. At this point she wants nothing to do with bottles of milk or formula. I think my biggest concern right now is that she’s not getting enough calories. Since I’ve never had a baby or been around them before, I don’t know how much solids she needs to consume to make her full? Half of it ends up in her bib and on the floor so I never know how much she’s actually consuming, and the videos of BLW babies online show them absolutely demolishing their plates.
Is this normal? To not want milk or formula? She drinks 6-7oz of water a day from her straw cup. If she’s refusing bottles then chances are she’s not starving, right? Ugh 🥲
She turns 1 on the 29th and her well check isn’t until the 8th of June so I can’t really ask her ped these questions for a few more weeks.
submitted by Sad-Somewhere-6603 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 lemon032724 Successful MA (w/ D&C)

Hi all,
Thank you for this community. I was able to relive a new life.
To summarize:
1) Found out I was pregnant. I got a TVS ultrasound asap. 2) Once I have confirmed that it is an intrauterine pregnancy, I immediately ordered pills from WoW. 3) got the pills from WoW 12 days after submitting my donation 4) I have done the 1 mife & 12 miso procedure sublingually. 5) I am passing huge clots and experience heavy bleeding every hour. I decided to go to an OB few days after. Confirmed through ultrasound that there’s no baby anymore. 6) I was diagnosed with RPOC. I have underwent D&C procedure. It was a success.
I know D&C and ultrasound are not required to confirm the success of MA but as a person with anxiety, I have to ensure this asap.
I am not sure how I will continue life after this. I felt like a different person. But I will do my best to learn from this phase of my life.
To everyone experiencing the same phase as every one else in this sub, please know you are not alone. 🤍
I am thinking on deleting this account after few days or months. But if you have questions related to this, let me know please. Shoot me a message! I am more than happy to help. 🤍
submitted by lemon032724 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 Proud-Strawberry-508 Preloaded Draft Prospect Variance

I'm still learning the game (played back in the day and have done a few short runs in 25 to get the hang of it again). This playthrough I'm focusing on the ins and outs of drafting/developing
This is a bit in the weeds, but my question is this: How much variance occurs with the prospects at the top of the first few years of preloaded drafts?
The reason I ask is because I noticed something odd in my current 2025 draft. In my last two playthroughs (using the same outstanding/favor ability scout) Ethan Jackson was highly rated (4+ stars) and went #1 overall. Ethan Petry also went top 3 each time (I just happened to notice all the Ethans). They both developed into their potential.
This playthrough, Jackson and Petry are both rated a paltry 2.5 stars (by my scout and OSA which forecast Jackson to go #15) and yet, teams passed on numerous more highly rated prospects to still draft Jackson #1 overall and Petry at 3.
Are the Ethans actually still highly rated and for whatever reason my scout + OSA are way off this year? Or are the ai managed teams just heavily biased to a preloaded draft order regardless of whatever variance occurs with prospects themselves?
-p.s. scouting budget and other setting remained consistent for each playthrough
submitted by Proud-Strawberry-508 to OOTP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 Alarming_Mode_167 I 28 f am regretting breakup with 30 m. Should I reach out?

This winter I started dating 30m who I met from Hinge. I have been single for many years and have gone on too many dates and usually do not click with people. I was so excited to hit it off with Jim. He was caring, fun, thoughtful and we had very similar interests. Overall I could really see myself with him long term.
Problems arose when I started to learn more about his family. I learned that his sibling was going through a very bad divorce and was living at home with his parents with her daughter (4). During our time dating he had to go home to help his parents watch his sister and she was going through a very tough mental situation and was unable to care for herself or her daughter. There are more issues with his family such as him bringing up helping his sister buy a house since she is dependent on his parents, him paying for Babysiting and some of his moms therapy. While I find this all very admirable it brought up concerns that his sister would be dependent on him for living expenses for awhile and concerns over what his sister will do long term. Other relevant information is his sisters husband (starting divorce) treated her very bad and also has not started paying any child support.
I have always been somewhat who runs anxious especially around money. I grew up middle class but heard my parents fight/ discuss money in a way that has made me anxious to discuss it and sometimes more frugal than I need to be.
Because of everything going on with his family I decided to end things with 30m after 3 Months of dating. I was having very bad anxiety and didn’t want to add stress to the situation by making him discuss his plans for finances with his family. Looking back I should have discussed it while we were still dating. At first when I ended it I felt relief but as time has passed I have questioned my decision. I don’t know it if would be a bad idea to reach out and share more about what my concerns were or if I should just leave it be and force myself to move on. It has been about 2.5 months.
submitted by Alarming_Mode_167 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
