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Beans In Things That Beans Shouldn't Be In

2017.03.02 06:20 SpareLiver Beans In Things That Beans Shouldn't Be In

Post pictures of beans in things that beans shouldn't be in. Inspired by, but no direct connection to the [Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/BeansInThingsThatBeansShouldntBeIn/)

2012.01.17 21:19 Gaybros

Gaybros is a network built for gay men who aren't confined to a media stereotype. We come together around shared interests like sports, technology, and media. Our subscribers have hosted social meet-ups all around the world.

2010.07.28 20:04 ChocolateGiddyUp Art By Cut-Out


2024.05.14 16:04 Socialbutterfinger Boomer habits??

So I don’t know if it’s just me, or if it’s not a thing at all, but does anyone else notice a habit of boomers asking a question by just saying/typing one word? Let’s say I send my FIL a pic of my new vacuum. He might respond “Brand?” Or even “Brand??” Just today I was looking at some targeted Facebook ad for t-shirts and one comment from a younger person said, “if you’d make these with a scoop neck, I’d buy one in every color!” And then there was a boomer who simply wrote, “Petites?”
From folks who want to hear “you’re welcome” because they think “no problem” is rude, why these brusque questions?
Or am I just imagining this is a trend?
submitted by Socialbutterfinger to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:59 Longjumping-Night707 AI Utilization in PD Work?

I was curious if any public defenders are incorporating AI into their practice. The reason I ask is because I am an attorney (transactional background -- it sucks, but pays the bills) and I recently had to deal with a somewhat complex New York Family Court motion involving issues that didn't have a vast number of appellate cases, but enough to establish clear legal precedents and demonstrate that I was being railroaded by this fucking Family Court system. Unfortunately, I was unable to afford the retainer fees that other attorneys demanded and was struggling to find representation. I had reached out to numerous law firms and nonprofits, but they were either not accepting new cases, denied my case, or the attorneys were retired or in the process of retiring. This specific area of Family Court law leaves out a large portion of people who can't pay a $20k retainer or make too much to get representation through the nonprofits.
Given the circumstances, I decided to prepare the best possible motion on my own. I had a template for the filing format, but needed additional case law support to strengthen my arguments/facts. That's where Claude came in. I provided Claude with hundreds of cases and instructed it to extract any arguments that were relevant to my case and had similar fact patterns. Since I didn't have access to Family Law on Westlaw or guidance in NYC, I used Judy Records, Google, and Casetext for most of my research. I repeated the feeding of relevant cases for all the other issues I wanted to address in the motion.
Using the summary generated by Claude, I then guided the AI in drafting the motion, directing it to incorporate case law and citations that supported my arguments from point X to point Y in the argument section. The first draft was somewhat shit and veered all over the place, but it had great arguments and support. I went through and rewrote things paragraph by paragraph to get things more concise. Overall, the process took me a few weekends to figure out the law behind the Family Court Act that my case was under since there were a lot of nuances, but most of those nuances were explained in guidance online or appellate cases.
I am well aware of the previous instances where attorneys relied on GPT for court filings, despite the well-known fact that GPT had a propensity to make shit up (hallucinate, as they call it). If you asked GPT for a case about a race car driver who murdered 10 poodles, it would miraculously provide a case with those exact details. The bigger problem, in my opinion, is that we should have been shown the OJ video about Shepardizing or given similar warnings during our FIRST year of law school, which makes me question the overall competence of those attorneys.
However, with the advancements in AI, citation issues are no longer a major concern. Out of the approximately 15 cases cited in my motion, there were only two that I couldn't initially locate. I later discovered one of the citations in a practice guide I had uploaded, even though the case was not easily accessible online. The other citation was inaccurate because I felt it didn't fully support my argument, and the case, in general, was very unfavorable to me as the Respondent.
After years of battling with Family Court, I finally prevailed in my motion -- and AI wrote 80% of my motion, helped with other filings, and scrubbed all the cases for information that was relevant. Also, I was able to take a crash course in this specific area of family law, which is just a weird but not too robust area of law.
I believe AI holds a lot of potential for handling the backend work in public defender offices, freeing up PDs to focus on other critical aspects of their cases and have an assistant that helps them with all aspects of a case, including reminders and updates. (The Microsoft AI sucks, btw. Do not let your offices get it or I think you will be very disappointed in the abilities of AI.) The potential for efficiency for PDs to handle their cases a little more easily seems great, but I wanted to get input on what others think.
Going through this whole process has been a real eye-opener for me, making me realize just how fucking ridiculous the NY state family courts are, just like all those articles have been saying. On the bright side, it felt pretty damn good to legally slap the shit out of the Petitioner after all the crap they've put me through. When the Petitioner responded to my motion, they didn't even bother using a single legal case or precedent to back up their argument. Instead, they resorted to attacking my misuse of a word a couple of times. AI and I whipped up a response in just a couple of hours, calling out how desperate it is to nitpick word usage in a pro se filing when they clearly don't have any legal support for their position. Man, I wish I could dish out these kinds of smackdowns in my day-to-day work.
It's about time I change jobs and do something that lets me legally fight against these bullshit systems instead of helping douchebag companies buy and sell each other. I enjoyed the writing battle and how I knew my shit by the time I appeared for that motion. It feels great to finally have won this bullshit battle, and I wouldn't have been able to write and research so quickly without AI (Claude, specifically, as GPT didn't work well for legal writing or case citations, with a little bit of help from the Gemini AIStudio version).
Ok... that's my long, throwaway account post. I hope others begin taking advantage of AI. Thank you for all the work you do! Hopefully I can transition to something more aligned with PD work or reforming this fucked up NY family court.
submitted by Longjumping-Night707 to publicdefenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:27 HesWrongShesRight Family A-Fare, Rooftop Ninja, Breastfeeding Husbands, and Neuralinked Mind - HWSR Ep 30

Family A-Fare, Rooftop Ninja, Breastfeeding Husbands, and Neuralinked Mind - HWSR Ep 30
Family A-Fare, Rooftop Ninja, Breastfeeding Husbands, and Neuralinked Mind - HWSR Ep 30
Streaming on YouTube & Everywhere you get your podcasts
In an engaging episode 30 "Family A-Fare, Rooftop Ninja, Breastfeeding Husbands, and Neuralinked Mind" of the He's Wrong, She Right podcast, hosts Andrew & Nona engage in a playful banter about their favorite words and an unusual story of a woman breastfeeding her husband for health benefits. The conversation diverges into a discussion about various internet phenomena like 'Rooftop Koreans,' 'Florida Man' anecdotes, and a unique story about a woman living in a Family Fare grocery store sign in Michigan. The episode also discusses the potential of Neuralink, the role of technology in modern life, and humorous personal stories, including an unexpected encounter with a cockroach. Sponsored content and their personal experiences with various online trends and businesses are sprinkled throughout this eclectic and humorous conversation.
🌐 Visit our website: He's Wrong, She's Right 🔗 All HWSR Links: Explore Here 📧 For sponsor inquiries: Contact Us 📢 Get a Shoutout in a future episode: Get Featured
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FamilyFare #RooftopNinja #RooftopKorean #Neuralink #Breastfeeding #Wordle #RickRoll

submitted by HesWrongShesRight to HesWrongShesRight [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:22 Jinx_01 Dark Wave Dance Cave is coming up this Saturday night!

Dark Wave Dance Cave is coming up this Saturday night!
Hope it's still okay to share events here 🙂 Dark Wave Dance Cave is a big but friendly and diverse event and everyone is welcome - don't let the word "goth" scare you away and dress how you feel comfortable. More details below!
Dark Wave Dance Cave returns to The Winchester Music Tavern on Saturday, May 18th to celebrate World Goth Day 2024!
DJs Mimi Dromette and Matther Darkstar will be spinning a mix of darkwave, goth, synthpop, and post-punk with an emphasis on goth club classics. There will be a spooky photo backdrop, a raffle for a gothy gift package, a photographer, a cake, and more! So dress your gothy best (or come as you are!) and come celebrate the diversity and longevity of the goth subculture with us!
9pm 18+ $7 cover, $10 18-21 The Winchester Music Tavern 12112 Madison Ave Lakewood, OH 44107
submitted by Jinx_01 to Cleveland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 ButterscotchKey9269 AITA for telling my parent not to use asd as an excuse all the time?

I (27f) was brought up in a house with my brother (24m), my mum (47f) and dad (45m). When I was younger my parents decided to have 2 more children, 2 girls - now 12 and 10. I now also have my own children, 7f, 4m, and 2f, and am in a beautiful happy marriage.
A little back story, I was pretty much a scapegoat my whole life, my brother the golden child, let's just say none of us are on speaking terms with him anymore due to him always getting what he wanted when he was younger. As he grew and after the 2 younger of us were born, he started hearing more "no's", he didnt like that and after a lot of threats, holes in walls, drugs etc, I decided to cut all contact with him. He then decided to cut contact with our parents 🤷🏽‍♀️
Anyway, we recently found out that our 7yo has adhd, and our 4yo has adhd and asd. I also found symptoms in myself that made me question my brain, and got diagnosed with asd, adhd and cptsd (i dont remember my childhood from 5yo-13yo). Whilst we were getting our array of diagnoses my parents decided to go through their own processes with my sisters, still in the process, no diagnoses have been made. This is where it starts, the 12yo, I'll call her Stacy, she is me, I was her, she is the scapegoat, she gets the blame for everything, nothing she does is right, she doesn't get help, doesn't get hugs and kisses or love. I see the ptsd symptoms coming out in her and it hurts my heart, I want to take her, adopt her and run away with her. I give her the love she needs because i can see she doesnt get it from our parents, not gonna lie, she has her faults, we all do, we're only human, but compared to our sister and brother, she's amazing.
The 10yo, I'll call her Anna, she is horrible, she makes mean comments, she manipulates to get her own way, she falsely accuses people - and not of small things, she craves attention and loves to be in the centre, she hates when my 7yo has any sort of attention and will try her best to steal it, especially from our mum, it's like she knows how to hurt your feelings and will do it if you don't do what she wants, she's showed my 7yo inappropriate videos, one day I was looking after her because she was "sick" I was in the bathroom, heard my 4yo crying begging her to stop she didn't realise I had opened the door and caught her hitting him on the head with a pillow, I told her to stop and she did. Anyway she is always looking for approval especially from female adults, she is just mean, she doesnt do anything wrong, she gets coddled while Stacy gets the blame for everything, and gets punished for everything even if she didnt do anything. My parents do nothing, they don't explain to her what she's done is wrong or why it's wrong, they sit on their phones all day, everyday and just say "oh she just has autism", but it's not an excuse... we're really not dumb, you can teach us that it's not okay to do things. I know this is how they handle it because we live on the same property, in separate dwellings, and it's the same everyday pretty much, I try my best to keep separated from them, especially Anna because she is having a negative mental effect on our 7yo, but they come over uninvited and say "mum and dad are being boring, they're just on their phones like always". Everytime I go over they've either locked themselves in the room or are sitting on the couch looking at Facebook, and expect the kids to just watch TV all day, not doing anything. I just see the same cycle happening again, Anna turning out like our druggo brother, and Stacy ending up with CPTSD and wanting to run away.
Anna falsely accused myself of scratching her with a stick today, when I was nowhere near her, she put on a whole act, crying and everything. This isn't the first time this has happened, the first time was falsely accusing my husband of something similar, when I was with him and told the truth whilst my mum was on her side and was never there. Tonight, I got deathstared by my mum, usually its the silent treatment, but also got told "Anna feels like you treat Your son like he has autism but you don't treat her like she has autism", she hasn't been diagnosed either so we don't know if it really is autism, and I treat my son with respect because he treats me with respect, I treat him the way he treats me, with love and kindness (i told mum this in different words). There is no love, kindness or respect in Anna, and if there is you can't see it, it's like she demands respect but won't give it, to anyone at all. If she doesnt get her way, then all hell breaks loose.
So anyway I told my mum "i have autism too mum. you can't use autism as an excuse for the rest of her life. Females, especially where we live, will not tolerate these accusations and comments and she will get knocked out, instead of saying 'she has autistim' teach her what shes doing is wrong" all she said to that was "well, that's a life lesson" but I don't think it should get to that point? Just teach her while you can before you regret it?
Now i know no one is the same, i know no autistic brain is the same, i know we say inapproriate things and we dont know the meanings sometimes etc. But i dont think using it as an excuse is okay? Its as if they've got the idea of autism in their head and now they dont have to discipline or teach her whats right from wrong? Anyway, I'm always the bad guy according to my parents, or am I? You tell me, I dunno. I'm used to always getting the blame so I sometimes I wonder if I actually am the AH? 🤔
Edit; I love my siblings, all 3 of them. Regardless of what has happened between my brother and I, or my sisters and I, I will always love them. I miss my brother, when we wasn't intoxicated he was the best person ever, intoxication is his life now and he's not the person I used to know. But just showing you how much love I actually have for my siblings, I would do anything to save both my sisters from this cycle.
submitted by ButterscotchKey9269 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 Mrnobodynose A wild story to say the least

When I was 23, I was at my cousins wedding and my aunt got pretty drunk and mentioned how it was so nice that I was able to procreate or something weird like that. FYI I just became a father at the time. Anyways I questioned what she meant and she said “oh well atleast you didn’t have to adopt. I know it was hard on your parents” and I’m like “what do you mean” and she’s like “wait you know you’re adopted right?” And at that moment I was pretty shocked but also had to hold it together because I didn’t want her to feel terrible for being the one that spillled the beans to me, so I responded “oh yeah of course I knew that” and then I walked away to the bathroom and had a weird moment. Anyways I called my parents out into the lobby of the banquet and confronted them about it. My mom was hysterical and denying it at the same time (which I clearly knew she was lying) and my dad was kinda being a dick. Eventually I got annoyed and left the wedding.
A week later I went to my parents house and confronted them about it again and they had this whole story that it was a surrogate mother and she means nothing and don’t go trying to find her and blah blah blah. I kinda believed it and let it go for a few years, plus honestly I didn’t have time to really even care considering I was going through a separation with my sons mother and I had to focus on my son and not my own bullshit.
A few years later when I was 26, I talked to someone about surrogacy and they said that really wasn’t a big thing in the mid 80s because it was experimental and you had to have a lot of money to get that done. So the next time I saw my parents, I stayed overnight and after my mom went to bed, I confronted my dad about it. He still confirmed I came from a surrogate and they used my parents dna. So I let it go again.
Many years passed after this until the topic came up again. I was now 35 and the pandemic hit and I started thinking about all the weird shit involving this topic. Like why would my aunt use the word adopted, and my parents never had a lot of money to do surrogacy in the 80s. So I decided to do some research on how I can find original documents of my birth. I called a bunch of adoption agencies but they couldn’t give that info, but one lady told me I can file for a petition to receive my original birth certificate, and I did that. It took a few weeks but it finally came and it showed the biological mother’s name and no dad and my name was just a last name so I started to think maybe it was a surrogate.
I decided to dig deeper and look on white pages and then Facebook to find this person. I did find her and found out she was still local and I reached out to her. We eventually met up and she was there with her husband and another woman. The husband was not my father but a man from a later marriage and the other woman was my sister that’s a year older than me.
She told me that after she had my sister, her parents told her to stay away from boys but she obviously didn’t and got pregnant by her friend. At the time her friend was about to leave for college and she didn’t want to ruin his life with a baby so she told him to not worry about it and she was going to give it up anyways. Eventually her parents found out she was pregnant and kicked her out of the house. She was homeless living under a bridge with her 1 year old daughter and me inside the womb. She worked at Arby’s and had a friend watch the 1 year old the entire time. One day she got hit by a car while riding her bike to Arby’s and the driver took off but the next car pulled over and it was her brothers friend and he helped her. Once he found out she was homeless he offered to let her live with him. That man eventually became her husband.
During the next few months she was trying to figure out adoption for me and her friend worked at a diner with a woman who knew a woman that was looking to adopt (my mom). Eventually they set up a private adoption. Shortly after I was born and due to the c section my biological mother had to stay in the hospital so she got to spend 10 days with me. After that was done, I went home to my parents who adopted me.
Upon learning of all of this I was pretty shocked but also found it kinda funny cause crazy things are always happening in my life. Never a dull moment! I also discovered that my biological mother has stage 4 lung cancer so I thought I might as well try to get to know her while she’s around. From there i built a strong relationship with my sister and we are very tight. I tried getting to know my biological mother more but she eventually got weirded out and cut me off. She was kind of a bitch about it and my sister told me she can’t stand her mother and she’s been a bitch her whole life, so that kinda made me feel better and feel grateful for my upbringing.
I also did research on the person who is my father and I found out college didn’t do him well and he eventually became a big con man that fucked over his family and wife and then later on became a heroin addict that developed a lot of mental health issues and he is currently homeless in Seattle.
So here I am today at 38. I still have not told my parents that I know because I don’t want them to get hurt. My mom had a big fear of me leaving. She always gets so weird anytime I have a good time with my friends parents or my girlfriends parents. It’s a strange jealously.
So now I’m at this point where I need to tell them because I am getting married in a few months and my sister is coming to the wedding.
Part of me wants to leave out that I met my biological mother because she isn’t in my life and doesn’t want to be so what’s the point? I just want to skip that part and mention only that I met my sister and have no intention of knowing the mother and the sister doesn’t really have a relationship with her either (which is partially true). Regardless I know my adoptee mom is going to get upset. My dad might be an asshole but that’s usual behavior of him. I just know mentioning that I know the biological mother would hurt my mom even more. I’m not even mad at my parents to lying to me honestly. I understand they were trying to be protective, but I seeked this info because of wanting to know medical history and what not. Plus it’s just interesting.
Anyways I’m planning to talk to my parents tonight.. Let me know your thoughts.
submitted by Mrnobodynose to Adopted [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:38 FaithGitonga [For Hire] Virtual Assistant at 5USD/Hour If you're feeling overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks of running your business, it's time to consider hiring a virtual assistant.

*Web design (with templates)
My goal is to provide exceptional support to business owners like you, helping you achieve your goals and grow your business. Let me take care of the day-to-day tasks so that you can focus on what really matters.
submitted by FaithGitonga to VirtualAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:24 finxexz Trying to transition to modern selling

Hey everyone,
I'm Harry, a 55-year-old real estate agent, and I'm here to share my journey with you all. Some might think it's time for me to retire, but I love what I do. I've been in the real estate game since my 20s, back when things were a lot different.
I remember the old days of "traditional" selling. I would spend hours in parking lots handing out flyers and scouring call books for phone numbers to call one by one. It was tough back then, let me tell you.
But as the times changed, so did the way we do business. I had a bit of a breakdown during all the transitions. It was hard for me because I thought I knew how to sell, but suddenly I felt lost. However, my family was my motivation—I had to provide for them.
So, I ventured into digital marketing, posting on Facebook, doing boosts, and reaching out to potential clients on LinkedIn. But after a while, my sales hit a plateau. I didn't know how to grow my client list anymore.
That's when my son introduced me to email marketing. He gave me a free trial with the current tools he's using just to test it out. I was hesitant at first, but I knew I had to keep up with the times. And you know what? It worked! The only problem is I can't afford the ones he's using on a monthly basis.
And so now, with a tight budget, I am looking for the best affordable emailing tools. My son recommended: WarpLeads for leads (since they offer unlimited leads at a fixed price), Millionverifier for verification, MailDoso for email infrastructure, and Instantly for templates and sending emails. Do you have any other suggestions or recommendations for other low-cost tools that might be useful to me?
If you might also have tips for a boomer like me who tries his way through technology, I'm all ears! Let's inspire each other to keep pushing forward, no matter our age. Thank you in advance!
submitted by finxexz to techsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:14 Mobile_Permit Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen (Download)

Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen (Download)
Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen

Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen Reviews: Is it worth it?

If you're diving into the solar industry and need a boost in lead generation, look no further than "Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen." This course is your all-in-one guide to mastering the art of solar leads with practical strategies and hands-on resources. Let's break down what makes this course a must-have for anyone serious about solar lead gen.

Solar Lead Generation Overview

To kick things off, the first module of Ivan Pashov's course provides a solid foundation in solar lead generation. It’s like a crash course that sets you up for the rest of your journey. You'll get a comprehensive overview that will help you understand the landscape of solar lead generation, giving you a clear picture of what to expect.

Mastering Solar Ads Research

Next up, Module 2 dives into the nitty-gritty of solar ads research. This section is all about finding the best strategies and techniques for your campaigns. Whether you’re new to this or looking to sharpen your skills, this module will teach you how to identify the most effective ad strategies that can drive real results.

Building a Funnel – The Easy Way

Ever thought building a funnel was complicated? Think again! In Module 3, Ivan Pashov shows you how to create a successful funnel in a simple and straightforward manner. You’ll learn how to guide your potential leads smoothly from start to finish, ensuring they stay engaged and ready to convert.

Creating Advertising Designs That Convert

Visuals are everything in advertising, right? Module 4 focuses on creating advertising designs that not only look good but also convert. You'll get the inside scoop on crafting visuals that grab attention and encourage action. After this module, your ads will not just stand out but also perform better.

Facebook Lead Generation Ads – Step-by-Step

Facebook remains a powerhouse for online advertising, and Module 5 takes you through a step-by-step process of creating and managing lead generation ads on this platform. With Ivan Pashov's guidance, you’ll learn to leverage Facebook’s vast reach and powerful targeting options to generate quality leads.

YouTube Lead Generation – Step-by-Step

Don’t overlook YouTube! Module 6 is all about harnessing the power of YouTube for lead generation. This step-by-step guide helps you tap into the video platform’s potential, showing you how to create engaging content that converts viewers into leads.

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Why Choose Ivan Pashov’s The Solar Boss Lead Gen?

In a nutshell, "Ivan Pashov - The Solar Boss Lead Gen" offers a detailed, practical approach to solar lead generation. It's perfect for both beginners and those looking to refine their skills. With clear guidance, proven strategies, and a wealth of resources, this course sets you up for success in the solar industry. So why wait? Enroll today and start your journey towards mastering solar lead generation!
submitted by Mobile_Permit to GroupPurchase [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 AlishaWhittam ME PJ Party

ME PJ Party
🫶 Join us this Friday and let’s raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis! 🫶
Every voice counts, every action matters. Together, we can shed light on the challenges faced by those living with ME/CFS and advocate for greater understanding and support.
🌐 Join our event page : https://facebook.com/events/s/me-pyjama-party-to-raise-aware/1114556153128159/
Let's unite under the hashtags: #MEPJParty #MECFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS and make a difference.
Spread the word, share your PJ Pics and let's create a ripple of awareness that can lead to real change.
Thank you for your support! 💙
submitted by AlishaWhittam to u/AlishaWhittam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:58 Viewfrommybed ME PJ Party

ME PJ Party
🫶 Join us this Friday and let’s raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis! 🫶
Every voice counts, every action matters. Together, we can shed light on the challenges faced by those living with ME/CFS and advocate for greater understanding and support.
🌐 Join our event page : https://facebook.com/events/s/me-pyjama-party-to-raise-aware/1114556153128159/
Let's unite under the hashtags: #MEPJParty #MECFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS and make a difference.
Spread the word, share your PJ Pics and let's create a ripple of awareness that can lead to real change.
Thank you for your support! 💙
submitted by Viewfrommybed to u/Viewfrommybed [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:57 Viewfrommybed ME PJ Party

ME PJ Party
🫶 Join us this Friday and let’s raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis! 🫶
Every voice counts, every action matters. Together, we can shed light on the challenges faced by those living with ME/CFS and advocate for greater understanding and support.
🌐 Join our event page : https://facebook.com/events/s/me-pyjama-party-to-raise-aware/1114556153128159/
Let's unite under the hashtags: #MEPJParty #MECFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS and make a difference.
Spread the word, share your PJ Pics and let's create a ripple of awareness that can lead to real change.
Thank you for your support! 💙
submitted by Viewfrommybed to MyalgicEncephalomyeli [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:42 Soninetz Surveysparrow Login: Seamless Experience

Surveysparrow Login: Seamless Experience
Unleash the power of effective feedback collection with Surveysparrow Login. Elevate your survey experience, engage participants effortlessly, and unlock actionable data for informed decision-making. Seamlessly navigate the login process to access a user-friendly interface designed for optimal survey creation and analysis. Enhance respondent interaction, streamline feedback management, and boost overall survey performance with Surveysparrow Login today.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
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The instant feedback provided by real-time analytics empowers users to analyze responses quickly and take necessary actions in a timely manner. Users value this feature for its efficiency.

Seamless Login Experience

User-Friendly Interface

Surveysparrow login offers a user-friendly interface, making the login process smooth and hassle-free. Users can easily navigate through the login page, providing a seamless experience.
The login page is designed intuitively, with clear instructions for users to enter their credentials. This simplicity reduces the chances of errors during the login process, enhancing user satisfaction.

Quick Access

Users can access their accounts swiftly with Surveysparrow login. The platform ensures quick loading times for the login page, enabling users to log in promptly without any delays.
With just a few clicks, users can enter their username and password, gaining instant access to their accounts. This efficiency is crucial for users who require immediate access to create or analyze surveys.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Multi-channel Login Options

Social Media Integration

SurveySparrow offers multi-channel login options, including social media integration. Users can easily access their accounts by linking their social media profiles, streamlining the login process. This feature enhances convenience and saves time for users.

Email and Password Login

Another login option provided by SurveySparrow is the traditional email and password login method. Users can choose to log in using their email address and a secure password, ensuring data privacy and security.

Two-Factor Authentication

For enhanced security measures, SurveySparrow also offers two-factor authentication as a login option. This additional layer of security requires users to verify their identity through a second method, such as a code sent to their mobile devices. This feature adds an extra level of protection to user accounts.

Ensuring Security and Efficiency

Two-Factor Authentication

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to the Surveysparrow login process. This feature requires users to verify their identity through a second method, such as a text message code or authentication app.
By enabling Two-Factor Authentication, users can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to their accounts. This security measure enhances data protection and safeguards sensitive information from potential breaches.

Regular Security Updates

Regular security updates are crucial in maintaining the integrity of the Surveysparrow platform. These updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities, ensuring that the system is fortified against emerging cyber threats.

Enhancing User Experience

Streamlined Navigation

Streamlined navigation plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience on Surveysparrow login. By simplifying the menu options and ensuring intuitive pathways, users can navigate effortlessly through the platform. This results in quicker access to desired features and reduces user frustration.

Personalized Dashboard

A personalized dashboard feature allows users to customize their interface based on preferences and frequently accessed tools. This level of personalization enhances user engagement and efficiency by providing quick access to relevant information without unnecessary clicks.

Instant Notifications

Instant notifications are key to keeping users informed about important updates, responses, or activities related to their account. By promptly notifying users of any new developments, Surveysparrow ensures that users stay engaged and up-to-date with their surveys and data collection processes.

Closing Thoughts

Now that you grasp the ins and outs of Surveysparrow login, you're equipped to streamline your user experience. With seamless access across multiple channels, security measures in place, and a focus on enhancing usability, your survey-taking process is bound to become more efficient and enjoyable. By leveraging these features, you can ensure a hassle-free login experience while maintaining the highest standards of security.
Take charge of your survey interactions by implementing the tips discussed above. Enhance your login process with Surveysparrow's versatile options and prioritize efficiency without compromising on security. Your improved user experience awaits!
Turn your customers into loyal fans! Try SurveySparrow for free and see the magic happen! 🎩✨

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I understand Surveysparrow better?

To understand Surveysparrow, explore our blog post headings covering various aspects like login experience, security measures, and user experience. Each section delves into key features and benefits of using Surveysparrow for your survey needs.

What makes the login experience on Surveysparrow seamless?

Surveysparrow offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive design elements that simplify the login process. By providing clear instructions and easy navigation, users can quickly access their accounts without any hassle.

What are the multi-channel login options available on Surveysparrow?

Surveysparrow provides multiple login options such as email, Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn to cater to diverse user preferences. This flexibility ensures that users can choose the most convenient method to access their accounts securely.

How does Surveysparrow ensure security and efficiency for its users?

Surveysparrow prioritizes data security by implementing robust encryption protocols and regular security updates. Our platform is designed for optimal performance to ensure seamless survey creation and response collection processes.

In what ways does Surveysparrow enhance user experience?

Surveysparrow enhances user experience through features like customizable survey templates, real-time analytics, and personalized feedback options. By focusing on user-centric design and functionality, we aim to provide a seamless and engaging surveying experience for our users.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:39 austinhippie Am I the only one that lost all photos of themselves from the bulk of their 20s?

Like most (if not all) of us my life was on MySpace and later Facebook. I never really thought about it then, but I was creating the photo albums my parents kept stored away in their closets.
Eventually I needed a more professional email than the one I created Hotmail and had mostly moved on from MySpace at that point. Years later I would realize Facebook was an awful place and delete my account.
I've completely lost access to my MySpace account/profile (yes they're still out there if you haven't looked). And more frustratingly over the years of hard drive swaps, and thumb drives, and iPhoto, and Google Drive, I've lost my Facebook data dump.
When people share photos of the good old days I have hard stop that isn't older than about 10 years.
I'll never be able to show my kids my Mohawk and lip ring, they'll just have to take my word for it.
submitted by austinhippie to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:02 tempmailgenerator Implementing Email Functionality in Firebase with Nodemailer

Exploring Firebase's Email Integration Capabilities

Integrating email functionalities into applications has become a staple for enhancing user engagement and facilitating vital communications. The fusion of Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer presents a robust solution for developers aiming to send emails programmatically. This combination leverages Firebase's scalable backend services with Nodemailer's email sending capabilities, offering a seamless way to implement notification systems, user verification emails, or custom messaging solutions. The flexibility and efficiency provided by Firebase Cloud Functions allow developers to execute backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests, without the need for managing a server.
Utilizing Nodemailer within Firebase Cloud Functions involves setting up a Node.js environment where you can deploy functions that send emails using SMTP or other transport methods supported by Nodemailer. This setup not only simplifies the process of sending emails but also introduces a level of customization and control over email content, recipients, and timing that is invaluable for creating personalized user experiences. As we delve deeper into the specifics of implementing this solution, it's essential to understand the prerequisites, such as having a Firebase project and configuring the necessary authentication for email services, ensuring a smooth and secure email communication channel within your application.

Exploring Cloud-Based Email Solutions

With the advent of cloud computing, developers have been able to leverage powerful backend services without the need for extensive infrastructure management. Firebase Cloud Functions represent a cornerstone of this evolution, offering a scalable and serverless environment where functions can be executed in response to various events within Firebase's ecosystem. This capability has profoundly impacted how applications are developed, particularly in the realm of automated email communications. By integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer, a popular Node.js module for email sending, developers can automate email workflows efficiently, enhancing user engagement and application reliability.
The combination of Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer opens up a plethora of possibilities for application developers. From sending personalized user engagement emails to automating transactional email notifications, the integration caters to a wide array of email-related needs. This approach not only simplifies the development process but also ensures that applications can scale seamlessly with demand. Moreover, it underscores the importance of utilizing cloud functions for backend tasks, allowing developers to focus more on the user experience and less on the complexities of server management and email server configuration.
Command Description
firebase init functions Initializes Firebase Cloud Functions in your project.
npm install nodemailer Installs Nodemailer, a module to send emails with Node.js.
require('nodemailer') Includes Nodemailer in your Cloud Function to send emails.
functions.https.onRequest() Defines a Cloud Function triggered by HTTP requests to send emails.
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions) Sends an email using Nodemailer with specified mail options.

Advancing Email Automation with Firebase and Nodemailer

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer for email automation presents a paradigm shift in how developers approach communication strategies within their applications. This integration facilitates a seamless, serverless architecture that allows for the dynamic sending of emails based on specific triggers or events within the application. For example, developers can set up functions to automatically send welcome emails to new users upon registration, send password reset emails, or even dispatch customized marketing messages. This level of automation is crucial for maintaining an ongoing engagement with users, ensuring that the application remains a constant presence in their digital life.
The technical synergy between Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer leverages the robustness of Firebase's backend services with the simplicity and flexibility of sending emails through Node.js. This combination not only streamlines the development process but also opens up new avenues for creating more interactive and responsive applications. By handling email operations in the cloud, developers can significantly reduce the complexity associated with managing email servers and scalability issues. Furthermore, this approach provides developers with more time to focus on the frontend and user experience aspects of their applications, knowing that the backend processes are efficiently managed by Firebase's scalable infrastructure.

Setting Up Firebase and Nodemailer

Node.js Environment
const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: 'your@gmail.com', pass: 'yourpassword' } }); exports.sendEmail = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => { const mailOptions = { from: 'you@gmail.com', to: 'recipient@example.com', subject: 'Email from Firebase', text: 'This is a test email sent from Firebase Cloud Functions using Nodemailer.' }; transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { console.log(error); res.send('Error sending email'); } else { console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response); res.send('Email sent successfully'); } }); }); 

Enhancing Communication through Firebase and Nodemailer

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer for email functionality is not just about automation; it's a strategic move to enhance application communication channels. This integration facilitates real-time interaction with users, allowing for instantaneous feedback and notifications. Whether it's a welcome email upon user registration, password resets, or custom transactional emails, the combination ensures that messages are timely and relevant. This immediacy boosts user engagement and trust in the application, as users appreciate quick and relevant communication. Moreover, leveraging Firebase's scalable infrastructure means that as your user base grows, your application's emailing capability can scale accordingly without additional overhead or complexity.
Beyond user engagement, this setup also opens avenues for analytics and personalized marketing strategies. By analyzing user interactions and behaviors, developers can send targeted emails that resonate with the user's preferences and actions within the app. This level of personalization is crucial in today's competitive digital landscape, where users expect not just functionality but also a tailored experience. Furthermore, since Firebase Cloud Functions are inherently serverless, developers can focus on crafting these personalized experiences without worrying about server maintenance, uptime, or scalability issues, thereby dedicating more resources to feature development and user experience enhancements.

Frequently Asked Questions on Firebase and Nodemailer Integration

  1. Question: Can Firebase Cloud Functions send emails directly?
  2. Answer: Firebase Cloud Functions themselves cannot send emails directly. They need to integrate with an email service like Nodemailer to send emails.
  3. Question: Is it secure to use Nodemailer with Firebase Cloud Functions?
  4. Answer: Yes, it is secure as long as you properly manage and secure your authentication credentials and use secure connections to send emails.
  5. Question: Can I use Nodemailer to send emails to multiple recipients?
  6. Answer: Yes, Nodemailer supports sending emails to multiple recipients. You need to specify the recipient addresses in the 'to', 'cc', or 'bcc' fields.
  7. Question: Do I need a dedicated email server to use Nodemailer with Firebase Cloud Functions?
  8. Answer: No, you don't need a dedicated email server. Nodemailer can use SMTP servers of popular email services like Gmail, Outlook, etc.
  9. Question: How can I handle attachments in emails sent through Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  10. Answer: Nodemailer allows you to attach files to your emails by specifying the path or URL of the file in the attachments array in your mail options.
  11. Question: Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send using Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  12. Answer: The limit depends on the SMTP server you are using. For example, Gmail has a limit on the number of emails you can send per day.
  13. Question: How do I monitor the success rate of emails sent through my application?
  14. Answer: You can use Nodemailer's callback functions to track the success or failure of each email sent and log this information for monitoring purposes.
  15. Question: Can I customize email templates using Firebase Cloud Functions and Nodemailer?
  16. Answer: Yes, you can create custom HTML templates and use them in your Nodemailer email options to send styled and personalized emails.
  17. Question: How do I ensure that emails sent through Nodemailer don't end up in the spam folder?
  18. Answer: Ensure that you're using a reputable email service, set up SPF and DKIM records correctly, and avoid using spam trigger words in your email content.

Wrapping Up Firebase and Nodemailer Integration

The integration of Firebase Cloud Functions with Nodemailer stands as a testament to the power of serverless architecture and its impact on modern application development. This combination not only streamlines the process of sending automated emails but also opens up a myriad of possibilities for engaging with users in a personalized and efficient manner. The scalability of Firebase ensures that as your application grows, your ability to communicate with your users does not become a bottleneck. Furthermore, the use of Nodemailer for email functionalities introduces flexibility in terms of email customization, delivery, and analytics. As developers continue to embrace these technologies, the potential for creating more intuitive and responsive applications becomes increasingly apparent. Ultimately, this integration exemplifies how leveraging cloud functions and email services can significantly enhance the user experience, providing a reliable and scalable solution for application communication needs.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:18 rob_smi PNG export from an SVG string via painting on the canvas only works after several attempts.

I have a mind mapping app that has been running well on Android for a few years now. I have been trying to publish it for iOS and MacOS for some time now. On iOS (as an app) and MacOS (in the browser for testing) I have a problem with the export. The app is a project in Angular, Cordova, Typescript. The problem only occurs in the Safari browser, which is also used in the Cordova version for iOS. I was able to test it on my Mac and an iPhone. The error does not occur on the Mac in Chrome.
The error
If I export a mind map that contains images as an image (.png), the images of the nodes are not displayed in the exports. Everything else in the map is exported correctly, only the images are missing. Only when I export the map three times are the images present in the export. If I add a new image and export it again, the image is only visible in the exported image after 3 exports. It is interesting that the export as SVG, which I also offer, contains the images of the nodes. So the SVG string that I create has all the necessary information.
The base
The mind map consists of various things. HTML and CSS for the frames, lines etc... The images of the nodes are saved as Base64 and each node is in a Foreign Object.
Example of the SVG export
Mindmap with 2 nodes and the Base64 characters of the node images have been replaced with XXX.
Test Map 1
This is how I create the .png file to be exported.
I can view all this content in the map view of the app. When exporting to an image, I take this information, turn it into an SVG, have the browser draw it on the canvas and then output it as a graphic. Something must be going wrong at this point.
private exportAsImage( mindMap: MindMap, scale?: number, type: string = "png" ): Observable { return new Observable(o => { this.progress.start(this.progress.PROGRESS_MAJOR); this.mmpMap.export(this.mapVizService.getExportClassList(mindMap), (svgStr: string) => { this.exportService.imageFromSVGString(svgStr, type, scale).pipe( switchMap(img => of( Utils.dataURItoFileObject( img.dataUri, `${Utils.sanitizeFilename(mindMap.title)}.${type}` ) ) ), switchMap((fileObject: FileObject) => this.mapsService.saveAsTemp(fileObject, true, { message: this.translate.instant("mdz.mindmap.saveas.message"), // subject: this.translate.instant("mdz.mindmap.saveas.subject"), subject: fileObject.name, url: `www.myURL.com` }, true) ) ).subscribe(() => { this.progress.stop(this.progress.PROGRESS_MAJOR); o.next(); o.complete(); }, err => { this.progress.stop(this.progress.PROGRESS_MAJOR); o.error(err); o.complete(); }); }) }); } 
What I have already tried.
I have already tested various things such as time delays etc..., none of which change anything. It seems to me that it's a combination of the caching and the order or speed at which the images are loaded. Only the speed can't be, because built-in delays don't change anything.
My guess
But it must have something to do with Safari because on the Mac in Chrome it runs without problems... Maybe it can't handle so many base64 images or it exports faster than it renders? Whereby the SVG export contains all the information and when I open the SVG, all the content is also displayed in the browser in seconds. So something must happen when painting on the canvas and outputting as an image.
It doesn't really make sense, I'm really at the end of my ideas. What can you do?
I really hope you can help me. A mind mapping app without image export makes little sense. And since the app otherwise works great, I'm really getting desperate. :(
Thanks a lot!
submitted by rob_smi to iosdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:05 Bonegirl06 The Sad Fate of the Sports Parent

A true sports parent dies twice. There’s the death that awaits us all at the end of a long or short life, the result of illness, misadventure, fire, falling object, hydroplaning car, or derailing train. But there is also the death that comes in the midst of life, the purgatorial purposelessness that follows the final season on the sidelines or in the bleachers, when your sports kid hangs up their skates, cleats, or spikes after that last game.
The passage of time is woeful, and, for a parent, living your dreams through the progress of your progeny is as inevitable as the turning of the Earth. But the sports parent lives the experience in concentrate—a more intense version of the common predicament. You must give up your vicarious hope of big-league glory and let it die. You must part from what, if your kid pursued his passion seriously, had become a routine of away games and early-morning practices, hours in the car, a hot cup of coffee in your cold hand as the sun rose above the Wonderland of Ice, in Bridgeport, Connecticut; the Ice Arena in Brewster, New York; the Ice Vault, in Wayne, New Jersey—home of the Hitmen, whose logo is a pin-striped gangster with a hockey stick. And you’ll suddenly find yourself watching the Stanley Cup playoffs not in the way of a civilian but with the chagrin of knowing that the game’s upper ranks will never include your kid.
One recent morning, courtesy of Facebook Memories, I came across an old picture of my son, a high-school junior who recently announced his decision to quit hockey—to retire! The photo was taken by teammates after a victory at Lake Placid, New York. Sweat-soaked, draped in the arms of friends, grinning like a thief, he looked no less ecstatic than Mike Eruzione after he and his team won Olympic gold in the same arena in 1980.
And me? I was this Eruzione’s old man, waiting with the other parents outside the locker room, experiencing a moment of satisfaction greater than any other I’d known, either as a player or as a fan. I was a car in park with the accelerator pressed to the floor. I was a wall bathed in sunlight. This win was better than the Illinois State Championship I won with the Deerfield Falcons, in 1977. It was better than the Bears’ 1986 Super Bowl victory.
Bears’ 1986 Super Bowl victory.
Read: I thought I’d found a cheat code for parenting
The end began like this: One evening, after the last game of the high-school season, I asked my son if he’d be trying out for spring league. For a youth-hockey kid, playing spring league is the equivalent of a minor-league pitcher playing winter ball in Mexico—so necessary as a statement of intent and means of improvement that forgoing it is like giving up “the path.” Rather than a simple affirmative nod, as I’d expected, I got these words: “I’m going to think about it.” Think about it? For me, this was the same as a girlfriend saying, “We need to talk.”
Only later did I realize that those words were the first move in a careful choreography. My son wanted to quit, but in a way that would not break my heart. He also didn’t want me to rant and rave and try to talk him out of it.
We had reversed roles. He was the adult. I was the child.
He knew he would not be playing college hockey even if he could. With this in mind, he had decided to use his final year of high school to get to know people other than hockey players and spend time in places other than hockey rinks. In the way of a pro with iffy knees nearing the age of 35, he had decided to exit on his own terms. He was not worrying about losing his identity as a player or about missing the camaraderie of the locker room; he was worrying about me. Hockey had been an entire epoch of our father-son life. It had ushered me, the sports parent, out of my 30s, through my 40s, and into my 50s.
.... Because I am human, I tend to blame entities or systems or other people for things that strike me as unfair. As my son progressed, I caught a glimpse, for one fabulous, deluded moment, of the life that he (we, I) would never live: high-school athletic stardom followed by college triumph and possibly even a professional-hockey career. That I knew this was a fantasy—he was never that good—did not make it less powerful. Lost in it, I experienced my life as an NHL fan with new intensity. I was not just watching the Blackhawks; I was scouting, picking up tricks that I could pass to my glory-bound boy. This was a dream that I was too embarrassed to share with anyone, even my wife. I regarded it the way members of the Free French regarded the liberation of Paris: Think of it always; speak of it never. In short, I lost my way. Rather than letting him enjoy the moment and the fact that these seasons were his career, not a preparation or a path toward one, I was constantly scheming about his next move, his next opportunity, his next shot at the big time.
Here’s the worst part: I knew exactly what I was doing. I was attempting to replace my kid’s will with my own. I knew that it was wrong and, worse, counterproductive. The more I pressed, the less he enjoyed the game. The less he enjoyed the game, the worse he played. The worse he played, the more I pressed. Economists call this a negative feedback loop. I knew it but could not stop. It was psychosis.
Maybe the most notorious sports parents suffer from a shared psychological condition. LaVar Ball, Emmanuel Agassi, Earl Woods—those sports dads were all obsessed to the point of being abusive. I prefer to think that I am not; yet, for all the varying degrees of our kid’s success, our predicament is the same. At some point, even if it comes after 20 years in the pros, the set will be rolled away, revealing our true location. Rink parking lot. Beat-up vehicle. Alone. Even the child prodigies will retire.
submitted by Bonegirl06 to atlanticdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:31 C9Daddy Change Font of our Environment

Can I change the font of our environment to a custom office font we had designed for us?
We paid a marketing company to design us a custom font to use in all external document. Let’s call it “Stardust”.
We use the word templates function in dynamics for Opportunity summary documents and Quote templates.
How can I get those documents to be always using our custom font??
Also our external developers do the leg work of the dynamics changes. Do I need to send the devs the custom font or is it okay for me to just have it?
submitted by C9Daddy to Dynamics365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:28 Kieranjb10 Apple Pencil Bug

I use obsidian on my iPad for journaling, predominantly with the stylus. I’ve got a set template for daily notes, with a few headings which act as prompts.
For all but the last heading, when I write the text underneath with the stylus, it very often misses the space between words and capitalises the second word. “likeThis”.
Originally I had bullets under these headings, I got rid of those. I’ve tried changing the heading tiers so they descend. No luck fixing this.
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks
submitted by Kieranjb10 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:51 mtufekyapan Marketing Guide For Shopify

Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
AIDA Sales Funnel Framework
Now we can continue with our hypothetical store example. We’re selling high-end, organic baby clothes on our store. We crafted our ICP, empathy map, work on branding and created our story.

Example Marketing Strategy

First step we’ll work on attention step. Our focus is getting attention of our target market attention.
We can create a educative e-book like “7 Harmful Chemicals Commonly Used in Baby Clothes and How to Avoid Them” and run some campaigns targeted new parents on social network (Facebook, Instagram or YouTube)
This ads will land on a landing page that gives brief information about why we should pay attention to chemicals in baby clothes for our little ones and make a promise like “I spend my last 5 years about researching chemicals on baby clothes and prepare this book for you and your little one”. Also there can be a quick video about our story explaining our expertise in this field and why we’re building this brand.
We can ask for their email address to share the book with them. When they enter their email address, we’ll send them this ebook.
After first email with the ebook, we can send a few more emails with easy to digest information about chemicals.
This will create an expertise image on our target customers and start to create a bond with them. Not a bad start, right?
At the same time we can use this content on our social media, right? Quick videos, infographics and posts about the chemicals in the baby clothes.
After getting a few thousands subscribers we can organize a webinar to answer questions. This will also a great content for re-used social media content and creating trust and expert image.
Then we can share a time-limited promotion with this people for a bundle. Like we’re running a campaign and these 5 chemical free baby clothes bundles 10% discounted until next week!
We can send emails about it and use this campaign for remarketing for only people who show interest in our e-book and webinar.
This is a very brief template of marketing plan.
Now let’s take a look at more common one.
It’s time for you. Which one do you want to choose? All of the experts recommending this without even asking who are your customers. Can you believe it?
Don’t forget that marketing strategy is not a hope. It’s a well documented plan of actions designed for turning strangers into customers.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing Channels

Inside the marketing strategy, channels plays a vital role. There are lot’s of ways to group channels. I’ll use most basic one.
Inbound Marketing Channels: With the inbound marketing your customers will find you and start the interaction. Most common channel for inbound marketing is organic search engine optimization.
After creating high quality content, when customers search something online, they can see your articles and first interaction happens.
Outbound Marketing Channels: With the outbound marketing you reach out to customers. Facebook/Instagram/YouTube ads, influencer marketing, display ads, podcast ads can be count in this category.
As you can imagine inbound marketing channels takes lot’s of efforts and time however over the time you’ll have organic marketing channel and it brings you customer without needing any budget.
Outbound marketing channels generally works with advertisement models and you need budgets to run these channels.
Most of time I recommend to start with outbound marketing channels and then invest inbound marketing channels overtime. Don’t forget to check Mastering Paid Ads For Shopify post.
Succesful marketing plans should be supported by high converting growth and conversion plans. Don’t forget to check Growth Guide For Shopify and Conversion Optimization Guide For Shopify too.
to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
This article first published at MarketingLib.
Don't forget to check Growth Suite on Shopify App Store.
submitted by mtufekyapan to GrowthSuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:49 Wild-Conclusion8892 How to stop being on my phone constantly?

I legally can't go into it but the last 16 months have been the worst time of my life. Everything precious to me was taken, and all along I have been fighting to get it back.
Looking back, it's caused me alot of anxiety and depression. Besides everything to do with the legal battle (all the e-mails, phone calls, Teams meetings – I don't come from a background of doing all that for work etc, so it's very exhausting + the stress of what each call / e-mail entails) I don't have motivation to do anything else. And that's all very time-consuming, it's like a job in and of itself.
I've become addicted to my phone, to doom scrolling mindrot like TikTok and even Facebook. 🤢 Yesterday for example I had 11 hours of use on my phone.
I enjoy painting and baking and crafting, but struggling with the motivation for that.
Setting timers on my phone don't help cos I just by-pass them, deleting apps doesn't help because I just re-download them. I know that sounds pathetic because it's a lack of impulse control, but that's why I want to rewire my brain with this.
What helped you?
edit cos I messed up wording.
submitted by Wild-Conclusion8892 to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:48 bigarmar The Best Opera Ever, In a Small Room Filled With an Audience of 20 (GDL, Mexico)

I stayed close to Teatro Degollado in Guadalajara for 3 months.
You can see the tour of my Airbnb by clicking here (its in Spanish)...along with a short clip of Teatro Degollado as I saw their showing of Cinderella.
I went from October to December. of 2023. I had the best time of my life. There are so many things to do.
I even had a local mariachi band perform my favorite song in front of me while I was eating a Torta Ahogada in the city center.
You can catch a small clip of their performance by clicking here
I am a huge Opera buff but I did not expect Guadalajara to have much of it.
Fortunately, a new Opera company has emerged out of Guadalajara.
They are still very new...and they only play at the end of the year.
It was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. They even played my favorite opera song, Brindisi, but that for another time. They were so new, that they could only reserve a small room in the house of a friend. I went in a heartbeat to see what the fuss was about. A ticket to watch them cost 15 USD.
You can see a short clip of their performance of "Lejos de Ti" by clicking here
They are back this year...but they are now performing a Teatro Degollado as it appears that the word has gotten out of their immense talent.
You can follow their facebook group here. https://www.facebook.com/primedonneopera
submitted by bigarmar to digitalnomad [link] [comments]
