Aqworlds seceret codes

Github actions ENV variables

2023.12.22 12:02 Fridmann Github actions ENV variables

I new to Github action, and im trying to scan my code with Docker scout (which require login to dockerhub) and I stored my creds in aws seceret manager, so this is my code:
 - name: Read secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into environment variables uses: aws-actions/aws-secretsmanager-get-secrets@v1 with: secret-ids: dockerhub parse-json-secrets: true - name: Scan Docker Image uses: dockescout-action@v1.2.2 with: dockerhub-user: $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME dockerhub-password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD command: quickview 
the secret 'dockerhub' is key/value pair (username:xxx , passsword: yyy) , and as I understand after github action take the secret from AWS it is create env variable which is the secret id in upper case.
my problem is that I'm trying now to take this value and login to docker hub and it is not working.
what I missing ?
submitted by Fridmann to devops [link] [comments]

2023.11.23 22:09 Visible_Many_2439 remember me? well im back! and ive got EVEN MORE LORE! ive also included all the things from my old post so that you dont have to find it all over again.

Before we begin, i would like to say something:
I am so sorry marvin.

the gods of the scp universe are:
Scp-040-jp, Scp-3812, Scp-343, Sigguros/239,, Anafabula/2747, Lily Velvelska/3002, Anantashesha/3000, The Serpent, Scp-3999, Scarlet King/001, Swann's proposal/001, Mekhane, Yaldabaoth, WAN, The Hanged King/701, Kedesh Nanaya/4960, THE DEE2845, Dr. Wondertainment/001 The Factory/001, Bes/208, Cosmic Starfish/Scp-3125, Pangloss/1936, Green Queen, The Sealed King/2440, Scp-4971, Scp-6666, Scp-1548, Sanna, Jeser, Lord Goran, Grand Karcist Ion, The Ambassador, The Administrator, The Brothers Of Death, The Black Moon/001, Medila/4397, Orok/2408, Scp-4971, Moloch/089, the hateful sta1548, sol, 2343
pangloss is the brother of scp-2845
pangloss left notes saying "Don't let the fire die" at scp-1612
pangloss gave wondertainment his powers
wondertainment trained the woman who would become mekhane
100 years before it was discovered by the foundation, pangloss put a note on aboulder referring to the tombstone of the god liao, which takes the form of scp-3310
pangloss left a note on the decks of scp-1522-1 and -2
pangloss fought in scp-1936
scp-3002 and scp-1465 are alternate universe versions of scp-105, 3002s name is lily veselka
scp-701 is the ruler of scp-2264, and 035 was the (former) white lord of it scp-5075 was granted its powers by 701 and class of '76/syncope/4833
scp-2317 is an incarnation of the scarlet king, and the 7th chain will break when scp-231 gives birth scp-2747 trapped the scarlet king in scp-5317
scp-2747 hunted down and killed 3125, and 3125 fell to the bottom of 2316, awakening the class of '76 and gave it its cognitohazardous properties
scp-3000 is the brother of The Serpent (from the wanderers library)one of The Serpents incarnations is scp-722
The Man In The White Suit is an enemy of Nobody Queen MAB is an enemy of nobody
Queen MAB is the the reason the fae lost their names and were exiled to scp-4000scp-860 is a key to a section of scp-4000scp-5925 was a fae, but due to how many names he had he had some exemption from the rules of the forest the known names of scp-5925 are scp-4666, scp-7924, and 6596
055 is pandora's box
579 is pandora
004 is the key to the box
Scp-953 was an ancient kumiho living in korea, by year 1515 seemingly 800 years old, in 1515 met with taoist sorcerer elder woo-chi “featherman” jon and two at first appear to have fallen in love, but he stole her orb that gave her her abilities, weakening her significantly, he then trapped her in scp-159-ko, she gave birth to hoya, who leads the dinodons hand
Scp-682 is the constant of termination
Scp-053 is connected to Scp-682
173 was created by the 3 Brothers of Death to kill the scarlet king
173 killed 2/3 of the Leviathans (682’s species)
scp-6488 is the constant of deviance
scp-2747 is the constant of anafabula
scp-682 is the constant of termination
scp-3125 is the constant of chaos
the entity from scp-5000 is the constant of pain
MEKHANE is the constant of order
Scp-035 was the white lord of Alagadda, before getting kicked out of Alagadda
035 is connected to 049
049 is connected to Alagadda
Scp-701 is the king of Allagadda
Perrcival Dark is the Deathless Merchant of Alagadda
Scp-1233 and Scp-4233 are brothers
Scp-1233 and Scp-179 are dating
Scp-1233 and Scp-2686 are allies scp-1233 and scp-1959 are friends
Dr. PlaceHolder McDocterate lost his real name because of SCP-INTEGER, which resides at the very edges of scp-4000
Scp-3990 attracts Scp-6448 and scp-5250
Scp-682, 4885 and Scp-999 are the sons of the Scarlet King
scp-3002 is an alternate universe version of Iris Thompson, named Lily Velvelska
Scp-1465 is an alternate universe version of Iris Thompson
Scp-321, Scp-590, O5-6, O5-12, and Nobody are related to Jack Bright (Scp-963)
Scp-3000, Scp-169, and Scp-1128 are most likely all aware of each other and actively avoid each other
Scp-023 and Scp-1111 are connected
Scp-201 displaces you to scp-2935
Scp-032 was created by the Brothers Of Death to hurt Scp-1440
The middle brother caused scp-2935
The brothers are enemies of the scarlet king
The brothers created scp-173 to kill the scarlet king
Scp-173 killed ⅔ of scp-682s species
Scp-096 was created by Scp-1529
Scp-140 is about the Daeva empire
scp-3140 was stolen from scp-1000 and used by the daeva
The daeva empire worshiped the Scarlet King
Scp-076 is somehow connected to the Daeva empire
Scp-073 is Ables Brother
Able and Cain are connected to 343
343 is connected to The Gate Guardian
098 is connected to The Gate Guardian/343
some time in the far past, The Gate Guardian battled the Scarlet King
Scp-2747 is enemies with Scp-3143
Tau-5 was created from the flesh of The Lord Of Endowments, the same person that blessed scp-2970
The kingdom of Alagadda saw 3812 as a threat and tried to attack him, and 3812 turned it into the multiversal nexus that it is
Eastern Samothrace also tried to attack 3812, and was erased from existance, scp-1173 is just people remembering it.
Scp-195 created Scp-184
Scp-336 somehow knows about Scp-073, Scp-076, Scp-071, and Scp-166.Most likely knows about Scp-166 due to relation to Clef
Scp-4166 and scp-166-arc, and scp-7652 are all alternate versions of scp-166
Scp-182 somehow knows about Scp-173 and Scp-076
Scp-182 can understand Scp-058
Scp-781 knows about Scp-182 somehow.
scp-184 is seceretly 001 "the truth"
2273 comes from a reality where scp-1000 supplied weapons
scp-1000 created scp-2932 to imprison beings like adam el asam
scp-4840, scp-6666, scp-2254, and scp-6765 are all connected
scp-332, scp-1833, scp-1423, scp-1976, scp-6976, scp-6317, scp-4975, scp-4833, scp-4316, scp-4211, scp-3935, scp-3776, scp-3775, scp-7676, scp-7076, scp-7126, scp-7415, scp-7423, scp-7576, scp-7674, scp-7695, scp-7873, scp-814, scp-es-296, and scp-pl-150 are all related to the class of '76
scp-7376 is a reimagining of scp-076 and scp-073
scp-2343 is a part of scp-343
scp-3000 and the process that creates scp-2719 both make the same chemical, suggesting that 3000 may be feeding on the happy memories of the people it eats
scp-2747 caused 6747 scp-2747 caused scp-3475
scp-3812 created scp-239 and scp-2719
the current 001 proposals are
submitted by Visible_Many_2439 to SCP [link] [comments]

2023.11.12 17:41 ProfessorBizarre Seceret code on north 1

submitted by ProfessorBizarre to TheTalosPrinciple [link] [comments]

2023.11.09 04:52 Visible_Many_2439 scp lore/infodump, this took me over 5 weeks to compile together, researched a ton of the wiki. not all info is in-universe.

the gods of the scp universe are:
Scp-040-jp, Scp-3812, Scp-343, Sigguros/239,, Anafabula/2747, Lily Velvelska/3002, Anantashesha/3000, The Serpent, Scp-3999, Scarlet King/001, Swann's proposal/001, Mekhane, Yaldabaoth, WAN, The Hanged King/701, Kedesh Nanaya/4960, THE DEE2845, Dr. Wondertainment/001 The Factory/001, Bes/208, Cosmic Starfish/Scp-3125, Pangloss/1936, Green Queen, The Sealed King/2440, Scp-4971, Scp-6666, Scp-1548, Sanna, Jeser, Lord Goran, Grand Karcist Ion, The Ambassador, The Administrator, The Brothers Of Death, The Black Moon/001, Medila/4397, Orok/2408, Scp-4971, Moloch/089, the hateful sta1548, sol, 2343
pangloss is the brother of scp-2845
pangloss left notes saying "Don't let the fire die" at scp-1612
pangloss gave wondertainment his powers
wondertainment trained the woman who would become mekhane
100 years before it was discovered by the foundation, pangloss put a note on aboulder referring to the tombstone of the god liao, which takes the form of scp-3310
pangloss left a note on the decks of scp-1522-1 and -2
pangloss fought in scp-1936
scp-3002 and scp-1465 are alternate universe versions of scp-105, 3002s name is lily veselka
scp-701 is the ruler of scp-2264, and 035 was the (former) white lord of it scp-5075 was granted its powers by 701 and class of '76/syncope/4833
scp-2317 is an incarnation of the scarlet king, and the 7th chain will break when scp-231 gives birth scp-2747 trapped the scarlet king in scp-5317
scp-2747 hunted down and killed 3125, and 3125 fell to the bottom of 2316, awakening the class of '76 and gave it its cognitohazardous properties
scp-3000 is the brother of The Serpent (from the wanderers library)one of The Serpents incarnations is scp-722
The Man In The White Suit is an enemy of Nobody Queen MAB is an enemy of nobody
Queen MAB is the the reason the fae lost their names and were exiled to scp-4000scp-860 is a key to a section of scp-4000scp-5925 was a fae, but due to how many names he had he had some exemption from the rules of the forest the known names of scp-5925 are scp-4666, scp-7924, and 6596
055 is pandora's box
579 is pandora
004 is the key to the box
Scp-953 was an ancient kumiho living in korea, by year 1515 seemingly 800 years old, in 1515 met with taoist sorcerer elder woo-chi “featherman” jon and two at first appear to have fallen in love, but he stole her orb that gave her her abilities, weakening her significantly, he then trapped her in scp-159-ko, she gave birth to hoya, who leads the dinodons hand
Scp-682 is the constant of termination
Scp-053 is connected to Scp-682
173 was created by the 3 Brothers of Death to kill the scarlet king
173 killed 2/3 of the Leviathans (682’s species)
scp-6488 is the constant of deviance
scp-2747 is the constant of anafabula
scp-682 is the constant of termination
scp-3125 is the constant of chaos
the entity from scp-5000 is the constant of pain
MEKHANE is the constant of order
Scp-035 was the white lord of Alagadda, before getting kicked out of Alagadda
035 is connected to 049
049 is connected to Alagadda
Scp-701 is the king of Allagadda
Perrcival Dark is the Deathless Merchant of Alagadda
Scp-1233 and Scp-4233 are brothers
Scp-1233 and Scp-179 are dating
Scp-1233 and Scp-2686 are allies scp-1233 and scp-1959 are friends
Dr. PlaceHolder McDocterate lost his real name because of SCP-INTEGER, which resides at the very edges of scp-4000
Scp-3990 attracts Scp-6448 and scp-5250
Scp-682, 4885 and Scp-999 are the sons of the Scarlet King
scp-3002 is an alternate universe version of Iris Thompson, named Lily Velvelska
Scp-1465 is an alternate universe version of Iris Thompson
Scp-321, Scp-590, O5-6, O5-12, and Nobody are related to Jack Bright (Scp-963)
Scp-3000, Scp-169, and Scp-1128 are most likely all aware of each other and actively avoid each other
Scp-023 and Scp-1111 are connected
Scp-201 displaces you to scp-2935
Scp-032 was created by the Brothers Of Death to hurt Scp-1440
The middle brother caused scp-2935
The brothers are enemies of the scarlet king
The brothers created scp-173 to kill the scarlet king
Scp-173 killed ⅔ of scp-682s species
Scp-096 was created by Scp-1529
Scp-140 is about the Daeva empire
scp-3140 was stolen from scp-1000 and used by the daeva
The daeva empire worshiped the Scarlet King
Scp-076 is somehow connected to the Daeva empire
Scp-073 is Ables Brother
Able and Cain are connected to 343
343 is connected to The Gate Guardian
098 is connected to The Gate Guardian/343
some time in the far past, The Gate Guardian battled the Scarlet King
Scp-2747 is enemies with Scp-3143
Tau-5 was created from the flesh of The Lord Of Endowments, the same person that blessed scp-2970
The kingdom of Alagadda saw 3812 as a threat and tried to attack him, and 3812 turned it into the multiversal nexus that it is
Eastern Samothrace also tried to attack 3812, and was erased from existance, scp-1173 is just people remembering it.
Scp-195 created Scp-184
Scp-336 somehow knows about Scp-073, Scp-076, Scp-071, and Scp-166.Most likely knows about Scp-166 due to relation to Clef
Scp-4166 and scp-166-arc, and scp-7652 are all alternate versions of scp-166
Scp-182 somehow knows about Scp-173 and Scp-076
Scp-182 can understand Scp-058
Scp-781 knows about Scp-182 somehow.
scp-184 is seceretly 001 "the truth"
2273 comes from a reality where scp-1000 supplied weapons
scp-1000 created scp-2932 to imprison beings like adam el asam
scp-4840, scp-6666, scp-2254, and scp-6765 are all connected
scp-332, scp-1833, scp-1423, scp-1976, scp-6976, scp-6317, scp-4975, scp-4833, scp-4316, scp-4211, scp-3935, scp-3776, scp-3775, scp-7676, scp-7076, scp-7126, scp-7415, scp-7423, scp-7576, scp-7674, scp-7695, scp-7873, scp-814, scp-es-296, and scp-pl-150 are all related to the class of '76
scp-7376 is a reimagining of scp-076 and scp-073
scp-2343 is a part of scp-343
scp-3000 and the process that creates scp-2719 both make the same chemical, suggesting that 3000 may be feeding on the happy memories of the people it eats
scp-2747 caused 6747 scp-2747 caused scp-3475
scp-3812 created scp-239 and scp-2719
the current 001 proposals are
submitted by Visible_Many_2439 to SCP [link] [comments]

2023.07.31 22:17 ahmedaltaai [NOT WORKING] Automatically create stripe customer

Although the `stripe_customer_id` gets created it doesn't get inserted into the designated table. I'm following this supabase tutorial from egghead.

If I manually call the endpoint everything works without a hasel but when I want to do it automagically while the profile gets created this error gets thrown out.

supabase error { code: '22P02', details: null, hint: null, message: 'invalid input syntax for type uuid: "undefined"' } 

// this is my endpoint import { SECRET_API_ROUTE, SECRET_STRIPE_SECERET_KEY } from '$env/static/private'; import Stripe from 'stripe'; const stripe = new Stripe(SECRET_STRIPE_SECERET_KEY, { apiVersion: '2022-11-15' }); export const POST = async ({ url, locals: { supabase, getSession } }) => { if (url.searchParams.get('SECRET_API_ROUTE') !== SECRET_API_ROUTE) { return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: 'You are not allowed to call this API' }), { status: 401 }); } const session = await getSession(); let customer = await stripe.customers.create({ email: }); console.log(customer); const { data, error } = await supabase .from('company_profile') .update({ stripe_customer_id: }) .eq('user_account_id',; console.log('after supabase'); console.log('supabase data', data); console.log('supabase error', error); return new Response(JSON.stringify({ customer: }), { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); }; 
  1. only user_account_id is UUID.
  2. session does exist, it gets logged in the endpoint when I do console.log(session);
  3. console.log('supabase data', data); returns null
submitted by ahmedaltaai to Supabase [link] [comments]

2023.04.04 08:15 rphu02 Example of Variable

I will store my seceret code in a variable, my secret code is Flying Pandas!!
submitted by rphu02 to info_103_sp23_rphu [link] [comments]

2022.12.10 11:12 Darches Akumi Wars Kickstarter

Milton Pool was the original art director for AQW. Most of you probably already recognize his work. He left quite an impact on AQW and basically invented the grind.
He's making a game called Akumi Wars (rated T). There are some stretch goals that impact AQW:
The Kickstarter has ended! 588 backers pledged $44,781. Milton Pool moved the stretch goals. 🤢

Personally, I wouldn't drop $100 for an AQW house.
submitted by Darches to AQW [link] [comments]

2022.10.19 16:08 catcher210 the Maya/Erobb theory and the future of our simulation

the Maya/Erobb theory and the future of our simulation submitted by catcher210 to Emoney [link] [comments]

2022.09.23 13:19 gakagaTTV giveaway seceret code?

im entering the rr pc giveaway, anyone know the seceret code?
submitted by gakagaTTV to RecRoom [link] [comments]

2022.03.31 14:52 binhan123ad Have though about this animation script for weeks now eversince Imagine Dragon make the song calls Bones and here is the script I came up with.

Disclaimer: I never write a animation script before and still figuring out how to animate things and writing script. This just done for fun. If you are a animator who still finding idea, if you like this, feel free use it, no credit needed. Oh by the way, ignor my English skill, I tried my best.
(*Building up*)
Forcus on the top seceret file on the wooden table with the Stylis Corp. logo on it.
(Gimme, gimme, gimme some time to think, I'm in the bathroom, looking at me.)
Switch POV to Broker look at himselve in the mirror while the sink is overflow with water.
(Face in the mirror is all I need (ooh))
change the view to his back while the camera zooming out, showing outside of the bathroom he in.
(Wait until the reaper takes my life.)
Show photo of a 8 mans group, armed with military gears,
(Never gonna get me out alive)
three of them got crossed on the face
(I will live a thousand million lives (ooh))
while one of them have a black line covered their eyes which the camera is zoom into.
(My patience is waning, Is this entertaining?)
Camera set in a bedroom, in the middle of the room is a dying patient covering in bandage, conect her body with a life support. around their bed is transparent cover had a radiation warning sign on it
(Our patience is waning,…)
while the camera zooming out, showing the refelection of Broker on the glass.
(…Is this entertaining?!)
A door open behind Broker, alarm Broker, switching his view to a misterious figur, armed with body armor under a hoodie and equip with an HK417 while his face is blured by the mirror reflection for brief second until switching to the wall in the next scene.
(I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know…)
The wall exploded, alarming a whole facility, in the smoke, steping out 3 unknown figurs as they secure the area surround them indicate by the laser sight (each one turning on with the beat) equip on their rifles.
(, where I'm losing all control cause there are magic in my bone.)
The camera forcus on one of the raider, showing on their neck is an unknow collar before an hand cover it by placing on their shoulder.
(I-I-I got this feeling in my soul, go ahead and throw your stones, 'Cause there's magic in my bones)
The raider turn back as they more of them go to formation, forming an 6 mans squad. As the last one came in, one of them signal other to move on.
(Playing with a stick of dynamite)
Switch scene to a hand on a place, under it is a detonator.
(There was never gray in black and white, there was never wrong 'til there was right (ooh, oh))
Zoom out, showing a armored man look at the big scene, hand placed on the table, on their hand is the detonator seen earlier. Camera switch view on the big scene, on the right is a top-down blueprint of a facility covering 75% of the scene, the 25% rest on the scene is multiple footage of hallways as one of it showing an raider in it before it got disconect.
(Feeling like a boulder hurtling)
Switch view back to the raider group, keep moving deeper into the facility while they guning down all the sented guard.
(Seeing all the vultures circling)
As the guard falling down one by one onto the floor, the raider manage to reach the a labotary,
(Burning in the flames I'm working in, turning in a bed that's darkening)
in it is multiple resreacher, panicking. The camera which to the front of the raider’s gun barrel before the scene goes dark, along with a eary sound cause by the shot.
(My patience is waning, Is this entertaining?)
Switch scene to a computer scene on it is a file containing an image of a liquid tube, next to the image is a DNA code with the title: “SUBTAIN 76-8C. A better version of 2 previous sample, which causing rapid cells grown by trying to replicating the way that cancer cells grown until the body is completely heal. On first subject, the test subject had been mutated into a hairy beast, unstable. For over 74 hours, after they breach containment, the guard have try gun them down with standard firearms and try burn their body with flamethrower, oddly, they fail to hold the test subject back due the cells of the test subject kept regenerate in a matter of second, even with third degree burn, the body heal back to normal within 3 minute, however after all efford, the subject is taken down due to a accurate shot in the head, which one of the body part that incapable to regenerate by one of our guard, using a .50 BMG rifles as the last attemp. After that, we decide to collect their blood, skin, nerve tissue and spinal cord to continute developing the 76-8B. The result on this one is…” before the scene turn black as the soldier put the hard drive into the metal suitcase
(Our patience is waning, Is this entertaining?)
and the raider slowly escape from the facility, two of them is carrying a human size container.
(I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know. Where I'm losing all control, ‘cause there's magic in my bones (my bones))
Showing the raider passing through mountain of bodies as they reach the breached hole on the wall before, the camera switch to the view on the box glass, showing an unknown hairy creature through the black glass, bellow the glass is titled as “SUBJECT 76-8B.”.
(I-I-I got this feeling in my soul. Go ahead and throw your stones,’cause there's magic in my bones.)
Camera switch view to Broker, holding the detonator, stood on a Black Hawk helicopter, slowly landing down, at far is the raider group moving closer behind them is a burning down Facility before the scene flashed to multiple flashback of the group in the photo with Broker is the one with the line crossed on his eyes while they on the mision. Before the next line, showing Broker talking with a mysterious girl outside, between them is a metal thick door…
('Cause there's magic in my bones.)
While they talking, on the right shoulder of the girl, there is Geiger counter reaching from 0 to 16 GY rapidly as the girl slowly falling down to the ground as the Broker slam the door’s glass. On the girl side, there are 4 more lifeless bodies, one of them had the PMCs logo on their shoulder.
(Look in the mirror of my mind, turning the pages of my life. Walking the path so many paced a million times)
After the flashback, the scene goes back to present, at the bedroom, the patient slowly breathing as the heat beat sensor going slower and shown as flatline.
(Drown out the voices in the air. Leaving the ones that never cared, picking the pieces up and building to the sky)
The helicopter landed, Broker steping down, face to face with the leader of the squad as the leader took of the gas mask, show their face as a man with a scar crossing from his right eyes to the down left of his face.
(My patience is waning,…)
The camera forcus on the leader face, slowly shaking their head.
(is this entertaining?)
Switch view to the detonator on Broker hand, the hand hold it harder as the thumbs goes up to the button.
(My patience is waning,…)
Once again, switch view to Broker’s raging eyes, in the reflection in his eyes, the raider squad pointed their gun at him, ready to fired.
(Is this entertaining?) The button is pressed.
(I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know. Where I'm losing all control,… )
All the rifle and pistol the raider equip got blown up on their hand, as they falling down to the ground in agornizing pain.
('cause there's magic in my bones (magic in my bones))
switch view to the leader of the squad crumpeling down, hand reach to Broker.
(I-I-I got this feeling in my soul (soul). Go ahead and throw your stones, ‘cause there's magic in)
Forcus camera on to the leader eyes, reflecting Broker in it as the eyes goes white before the leader fall down to the ground lifelessly.
(There goes my mind (I-I-I), don't mind)
The camera slowly zooming out, the center of the image is Broker, surround by bodies of the raider member.
(There goes my mind (there it goes, there it goes) There goes my mind (I-I-I))
Up close camera shot on Broker emotionless face, as the background slowly changing into the bathroom in the beginning of the video.
(Don't mind (there it goes), there goes my mind)
The view switch to outside of the bathroom, as a female figur with long, grey hair walking in lay their shoulder at the door frame
(*The song pause*)
asking: “What have you done this time, Broker ?”
  1. Broker slowly turn around, turn off the sink, look at the figur waiting at the door frame, smiling, answer: “Miracle.”
(‘Cause there's magic in my bones).
submitted by binhan123ad to PhantomForces [link] [comments]

2022.02.27 22:33 gorilliatagperson watch out

Hey people who like gorillia tag today I was playing and join a private lobby to practice my moves you know like everyone wants to show off but im losing track back to what i was saying was I saw this monkie so i went up to it and I was like "hey how did you know my seceret code''Because everyone has seceret codes and then i read his name it was...Before i got to read his name his skin was changing colors then was flying i got scared so then i ran to leave it said''error could not leave in red on the computer then i look behind me then saw him colors switching like flash i read its name i took my head set off as fast as i could the name was...F P B dont get scared but watch out.oh yeah one more thing the user was black
submitted by gorilliatagperson to u/gorilliatagperson [link] [comments]

2022.02.23 02:59 npc_character variable not updating

I am trying to make a boss that spawns enemies and the group that spawns is dependent on a variable called Global.Phase which comes from a preloaded script called global. I am trying to make the Global.Phase variable increase when the boss reaches a specific health limit. The issue is that it only updates once, and it disregards the 3rd and 4th phase. I originally had it in _physics_process(delta) thinking it was a issue with a frame by frame change, but putting it in a area_entered function does the same thing, where it currently resides
Here's my code:
 export(int) var health_var = 40 if health_var < 3: Global.Phase = 2 elif health_var < 2: Global.Phase = 3 elif health_var < 1: Global.Phase = 4 
Here is the autoloaded global variable
extends Node var game = null var Player = null var Sound_Controller = null var score = 0 var Health = 3 var Progress = 0 var difficulty = 3 var Stage = 1 var canShow = 2 var Phase = 0 <------------------- what needs to update var remaning = 0 var capacity = 0 var Legendary = 0 var cinimatic = 0 var counter = 0 var seceret = false var disable = true var BossFight = false var popup = false var nuke = false var finale = false var trueend = false var Alpha = 0 var Bravo = 0 var Charlie = 0 func play_sound(sound): if Sound_Controller != null: if Sound_Controller.has_node(sound): Sound_Controller.get_node(sound).play() 
submitted by npc_character to godot [link] [comments]

2022.01.23 00:56 whyvanellinae (Opinion) The state of decay that the game is through is due to Artix Entertainment investing more on cosmetics over actual gameplay content.

(Stating again that this is my personal opinion, also sorry if this text is a mess or too long) As an AQW player for over than 8 years I would say that through the years AE "hired" more artists while they should have hired more programmers and game devs. AE is a game company that has made successful game such as Adventure Quest, Dragon Fable, and our beloved (or hated) AQWorlds on the 2000's, but some features barely changed since the game release on 2008 (PVP modes and arena, monsters having mana for absolutely no reason, equipments barely making any difference for combat except for some dmg bonus for very limited items, constantly recycled models), while every week we get a time limited shop for cosmetics and a questline which some times will just be removed from the game after some time and will never be mentioned again or affect the storyline. AE makes a lot of money with AQW (we all saw the huge numbers on christmas ac donation event), and I would guess they have the assets to hire at least a small team to help them coding/porting the game, but it seems that adding new game mechanics and developing the main story isn't appealing as releasing 10k ACs collection chest, or designing the next year HeroMart class. I want to point that I'm not saying that AE is a trash and greedy company and Artix is a incompetent douchebag who cares only about money because that wouldn't be fair to say about a company who has been developing FREE to play RPGs games for almost two decades, but i'm saying that AE didn't invest enough to develop more the RPG aspect of AQW and favored more the aspects which would make them sell more, although everyone has to make their living somehow, I think there is no balance between these aspects on AQW, and that made the game look like a boring dress-up-for-battle game.
submitted by whyvanellinae to AQW [link] [comments]

2022.01.10 00:52 Knaitta Giving out codes!!

-GAME IS OVER- ANSWERS- my favorite generation is gen 3, and my favorite legendary is Giratina! I only had 1 person guess my favorite trainer so I will keep that answer a seceret and use it for the next giveaway, with that said I still have many codes left and will do another giveaway very soon could be anytime this week or weekend, thank you all who participated!
Rules of the game -
(do not comment guesses!! PM guess)
  1. Guess my favorite legendary Pokémon- get a tin/box code card!
  2. Guess my favorite generation of Pokémon 1-6 get 3 booster codes!
  3. Just participating gets you 1 booster code!
  4. BONUS GUESS! - if you can guess my favorite Pokémon Trainer you get the option of a new eevee collection box codes, have 1 of each
Good luck, I have plenty of codes and will update this post when I’m out
submitted by Knaitta to PokemonTcgCodes [link] [comments]

2021.10.28 02:49 KingZask Windows 32 bit Launcher/Portable Launcher not opening AQW

My friend (Lenovo Ideapad Windows 32bit Laptop) is unable to open AQW through the Artix Launcher, consistently being met with the error code "Couldn't Load Plugin". We both switched to the AQLite launcher when Flash went offline, but earlier this month when 133Spider joined the AE team and began working on a new launcher we started experiencing problems with AQlite unrelated to the cache. I moved over to the launcher without any problems, but my friend is still having the same issue.
We've tried installing different types of 32bit launchers, between up to date and portable beta launchers, to no avail. AQLite no longer works for her, she gets stuck at 0% despite deleting the cache data. Any suggestions for how she might still be able to access the game? We tried to use the 32bit Flash Debug to run AQLite but that also didn't work. Please help, she won't stop crying on discord.
Edit: It's noteworthy that the AQW technical help pages don't address this error code anywhere? It's ironic that this support page handwaves most problems under the guise of their new launcher: "If you are stuck at the Login screen and are unable to progress to play the game, or you can't login due to a technical problem, we understand your frustration! You can now download the Artix Games Launcher and can play AQWorlds without a browser!" -
submitted by KingZask to AQW [link] [comments]

2021.05.25 19:53 itzBacho 3 types of code problems you encounter making video games... 1. Why does this not work? 2. Why did this working thing stop working? 3. Why is this suddenly working!?!?!? Still working with Warlic on color customization issues for AQWorlds:Mobile

3 types of code problems you encounter making video games... 1. Why does this not work? 2. Why did this working thing stop working? 3. Why is this suddenly working!?!?!? Still working with Warlic on color customization issues for AQWorlds:Mobile submitted by itzBacho to AQWMobile [link] [comments]

2021.04.19 17:21 Osirisoid This Week in MMOs - Week 15, 2021

This week in MMOS

Adventure Quest Worlds Aion Albion ArcheAge Ashes of Creation Black Desert Online Blade and Soul Bless Camelot Unchained CorePunk Crowfall Destiny 2 Dofus Dungeon Fighter Online Dungeon and Dragons Online Elder Scrolls Online EVE Online Everquest Everquest 2 Final Fantasy XI Final Fantasy XIV Gloria Victis Guild Wars 2 Legends of Aria Maplestory Mabinogi New World Neverwinter Path of Exile Pantheon Rise of the Fallen Phantasy Star Online 2 Project Gorgon Realm of the Mad God Rift Old School RuneScape Runescape Skyforge Star Trek Online Star Wars The Old Republic Star Citizen Tera Lord of the Rings Online Tibia TitanReach Tree of Savior Trove Vindictus Wakfu Warframe World of Warcraft

AdventureQuest World (Click for more details)

April 16th - This Weekend: HeroSmash X AQWorlds
April 16th - New Featured Gear: Good, Evil, & Neutral Sets

Aion (Click for more details)

Aion North America
No new updates from April 11th to 17th
Aion Europe
April 14th - NOW LIVE: UPDATE 7.9
April 14th - THE JOKER CARD

Albion Online (Click for more details)

April 14th - Guild Spotlight: Shock Tactics

Archeage (Click for more details)

April 15th - Hereafter Festival
April 16th - Marketplace Update: Mushroom Decor & Friends

Ashes of Creation (Click for more details)

April 14th - Creative Director's Letter

Black Desert Online (Click for more details)

April 12th - [Events] Vell, Hello There!
April 13th - [Winner Announcements] Cherry Blossoms in the Black Desert World! Event Winners Announcement
April 13th - [Notices] Arena of Arsha Best-In-Class Championship: Preliminaries
April 14th - [Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
April 14th - [Events] Martina Finto's Grand Cooking Festival!
April 14th - [Events] Saving Snapshots of the Cooking Festival!
April 14th - [Updates] Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
April 16th - [GM Notes] The One Who Returned, Sage Awakening

Blade & Soul (Click for more details)

April 13th - Mischief Makers is Now Live!
April 14th - The Fortune Finder Cache is now available!

Bless Unleashed (Click for more details)


Camelot Unchained (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Corepunk (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Crowfall (Click for more details)

April 12th - ArtCraft Entertainment and Razer Announce Strategic Sponsorship for Crowfall Game Brand
April 13th - Archetype Human Arbiter
April 13th - Archetype Fae Blackguard
April 13th - Archetype High Elf Archmage
April 13th - Archetype Minotaur Titan
April 13th - Archetype Guinecean Slayer
April 13th - Archetype Nethari Fanatic
April 13th - Archetype Half Elf Stormcaller
April 13th - Archetype Stoneborn Secutor
April 13th - Archetype Elken Fury
April 13th - Archetype Wood Elf Frostguard
April 13th - Archetype Half Giant Alpha Warrior April 13th - Archetype Human Warden
April 13th - Archetype High Elf Inquisitor
April 13th - Archetype Centaur Crusader
April 13th - Archetype WoodElf Earthkeeper
April 13th - Archetype Minotaur Pit Fighter
April 13th - Archetype Elken Paladin
April 13th - Archetype Nethari Sanctifier
April 13th - Eternal Champion Series Archetypes

Destiny 2 (Click for more details)

April 15th - THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE – 4/15/2021

Dofus (Click for more details)


Dungeon Fighter Online (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Dungeon and Dragons Online (Click for more details)

April 16th - The DDO Chronicle: Issue 421

Elder Scrolls Online (Click for more details)


EVE Online (Click for more details)

April 13th - New and Updated Landmarks Live Now
April 13th - Native Mac Client Playtest
April 14th - CSM 16 Elections are approaching!
April 15th - Patch Notes - Version 19.03
April 15th - Capsuleer Survey
April 17th - New Horizons in New Eden

EverQuest (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

EverQuest 2 (Click for more details)

April 13th - EverQuest II Patch Notes [04/13/21]

Final Fantasy XI (Click for more details)

April 12th - Announcing the Early Spring Nomad Mog Bonanza 2021 Winning Number

Final Fantasy XIV (Click for more details)

April 12th - Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXIV at the Digital Fan Festival April 13th - Patch 5.5 Notes
April 13th - Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXIII Digest Released
April 13th - The Feast Season Eighteen Results Revealed as Season Nineteen Commences!
April 14th - Glamoured to Life Submission Deadline Extended
April 14th - Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the PS5™ Open Beta Test

Gloria Victis (Click for more details)

April 15th - Weekly Update 267 – Welcome to the new Glory Season!

Guild Wars 2 (Click for more details)

April 13th - Deadly Delight with the Bone Dragon Staff Skin
April 16th - Big Savings on Guild Wars 2 Gem Cards in Latin America

Legends of Aria (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

MapleStory (Click for more details)

April 14th - Cash Shop Update for April 14
April 14th - v.222 - 16th Anniversary: Hotel Maple Event Preview
April 16th - Check Out the April 16th Art Corner

Mabinogi (Click for more details)

April 13th - The Quality Time with Pets
April 14th - Patch Notes - April 15th, 2021 April 16th - Memory Book Renewal Announcement

New World (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Neverwinter (Click for more details)

April 12th - Patch Notes: Version: NW.125.20210330b.4
April 13th - Sharandar: The Soul Keeper - Now Live!
April 15th - Patch Notes: Version: NW.125.20210330b.5
April 15th - Expedition Pack Essentials!

Path of Exile (Click for more details)

April 12th - Ultimatum Challenge Rewards
April 13th - Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Ultimatum are now available!
April 14th - Ultimatum Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information
April 14th - New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Ultimatum
April 15th - All Rebalanced Essences
April 16th - Path of Exile: Ultimatum Launches Soon
April 16th - Extremely Slow Queue Processing
April 17th - Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Phantasy Star Online 2 (Click for more details)


Project Gorgon (Click for more details)


Realm of the Mad God (Click for more details)

April 14th - Events & Summoner ST Set
April 16th - Producer’s Letter: Anniversary Edition

Rift (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Old School RuneScape (Click for more details)

April 14th - Below Ice Mountain
April 16th - Clans: Pre-Registration

RuneScape (Click for more details)


Skyforge (Click for more details)

April 12th - Mechanoid Challenge Contest
April 12th - [SWITCH] Skyforge Switch Stream: Shadow of Aelion
April 13th - [SWITCH] Phytonide Invasion Begins April 13th - [SWITCH] Pathfinder Packs
April 13th - [SWITCH] Aelion Day 2021
April 13th - Shadow of Aelion Update Now Live on Nintendo Switch
April 14th - [PC] Promotion: Celebration of Life
April 15th - [XBOX] Discounted Packs on the Microsoft Store
April 16th - [XBOX] Promotion: Order of Dawn
April 16th - [PS] Promotion: Dance of Masks
April 16th - [SWITCH] Spoils of War Packs on Sale
April 16th - [SWITCH] Learn the Basics: Hyperion Modules

Star Trek Online (Click for more details)

April 14th - PC Patch Notes for 4/15/21

Star Wars: The Old Republic (Click for more details)

April 13th - “Quite A Story To Tell” Short Story

Star Citizen (Click for more details)

April 12th - This Week in Star Citizen
April 13th - A Gift for Baba
April 14th - Squadron 42 Monthly Report: March 2021
April 16th - Star Citizen Live: Audio Team Roundtable

Tera: The Exiled Realm of Arborea (Click for more details)

April 13th - Shop Update: IM39 Sets for Free Flight
April 15th - Shop Update: Mysterious Treasures on Offer
April 16th - Preview: The DPS Meter

The Lord of the Rings Online (Click for more details)

April 16th - The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 200

Tibia (Click for more details)

April 15th - Balancing Changes
April 16th - Spring into Life

Titan Reach (Click for more details)

April 12th - PATCH NOTES 0.4
April 17th - DEVELOPMENT BLOG #20

Tree of Savior (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Trove (Click for more details)

April 12th - The magician’s lost code!
April 14th - Be gorgeous and Revel in Rouge! – Until May 4, 2021!
April 16th - Make your gems shine brightly – until April 20, 2021!

Vindictus (Click for more details)

No new updates from April 11th to 17th

Wakfu (Click for more details)


Warframe (Click for more details)


World of Warcraft (Click for more details)

April 13th - Hotfixes: April 12, 2021
April 13th - Weekly Bonus Event: Arena Skirmishes
submitted by Osirisoid to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2020.09.30 12:28 AwekwardBadass It might be just me but does the DM "letting you live" feel really demeaning to anyone else?

Question: Does it irk anyone else when the DM can totally kill you and has no reason not to but just doesn't because he knows the situation he put you in is unfair?
Warning: this is 1 part question 9 parts rant, I just need to blow off some steam about something that happened today.
This isn't spesifically a 5e question but it happens in a 5e game and I needed a tag.
For context: Recently my character went on an off time solo heist. For context the party was in a podunk fishing down in the middle of nowhere. We were sent here by our guild to deal with a kobold problem. While here the party discovered that the local courthouse was in possession of some paperwork that would keep our warlock/fighters patron from killing her in two days. Naturally when my character heard about her adventure into trying to persuade the elf clerk there to give it up. After a few bad charisma checks she was promptly denied access to "sensitive records".
So that's where our story starts. My character is a monk that I spec'd with thieves tools and stealth expertise spesifically for things like prison breaks and infiltration. Now I hadn't gotten to use my skills other than punching things this whole time. We were level 5 at this point and I was feeling really confident in my abilities to steal from a safe on a town that has been described to us as "only having about a dozen buildings or so".
I PM'd my DM to ask if it was alright and he have me the okay. So the heist was on! After staking out the joint, a few good skill checks and clever infiltration tactics I managed to make my way through the building in the dead of night and onto the roof. Making sure to be as careful as possible I lowered myself down via a rope to the office that had the safe and the documents we needed in it. Seeing only the elf clerk from before the office. The DM called for a stealth check and I rolled a 19! Which for me translates to 30 because of my expertise (19 on the d20 + 11).
I was feeling very happy that I finally managed to put my skills to good use untill..... she turned around... poured two drinks.... opend up the window.... and said "hello there".... Aparently she had 30 feet of blindsight that I had no way if knowing about. I came in as per her invite confused as to how the 2nd best stealth check I could possibly make, was thrown into the garbage.
After talking for a bit she pretended to act scared of my character and gave me part of the code to get into the safe, but when I actually attempted to go for the safe, she attacked me. I had already warned her that if she tried anything I'd be forced to subdue her, so naturally I tried knocking her out.
I hit her with a lucky stunning strike, then a few crits, took two turns in a row and delt 87 damage total (almost double the damage of my max hp)! And she responded by jumping up and releasing a breath weapon on me that dropped me from max health to 0 instantly..... Aparently this lady was some sort of shapeshifter dragon, and I had no way of knowing that.
But what happened next, was the most insulting, and demeaning thing of all. You can all call me crazy for saying this and it's understandable, and trust me when I say I put a lot of time into my characters and I love them dearly. But the bad guy.... DIDN'T FINISH ME OFF!
The DM just said "oh yeah you got her bloody, and that scared her of so she decided to book it." I was at her mercy! She knew I was a threat and now had to know her seceret! However, instead of taking me prisoner or taking my head off she just left me there... in the room with the safe she was so adamant about protecting... knowing I could wake up...
Next the DMs all like "Oh yeah you don't need to roll death saves for this." Of course, so now I don't die and make you feel bad for putting me in an unwinnable situation. Seriously, I got luckier in that fight than I have in my entire life. I was playing a way of mercy monk, stunned a DRAGON on the first turn after rolling 1 higher than her on initiative then hit her with a crit and a furry of blows using my "hands of harm" ability to deal a total of 10d6+15 damage on the first turn, then hit her twice more on the second turn with my spear for 2d8+10 damage total. Then... she insta dropped me with a breath weapon...
I don't actively want any of my characters to die, I love them. But I have never felt so cheated and insulted in any other past dnd experience ever.
I even rolled three death saves after just to see what would've happend, and the were a "5, 3, and 1!" I should be dead! None of the party knew I was here, there was no-one else in the building and no one wouldve been able to physically get me in 18 seconds before I bleed out.
I just can't explain this unbelieveable amount of rage I have about this. Can someone please help?
Edit: spelling
submitted by AwekwardBadass to DnD [link] [comments]

2020.05.13 17:32 fluffers_the_unicorn Trying to build a guessing game. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Over the quarantine I've gotten bored and I'm using a tutorial to learn python. I want to learn to write simple programs that can run independently on my friends computer however I have absolutely no idea where to even begin. I have 0 experience with anything even remotely technical.
Find a sample of the code below:
seceret_word="ball" guess="" guess_count=0 guess_limit=3 out_guesses= False while guess != seceret_word and not(out_guesses): if guess_count < guess_limit and guess != seceret_word: guess= str.capitalize (input("enter your secret word:")) print ("Nope. Try again") guess_count += 1 else: out_guesses= True if out_guesses: print("Better luck next time") else: print("GG. You have won. Contact the admin for your prize") 
I want to code this to add a list of users, and program separate paths on the basis of what the user inputs.
I basically want to learn how to think like a programmer and need an adequate resource to teach me the critical thinking abilities that I can use because the syntax is the least of my worries.
submitted by fluffers_the_unicorn to learnpython [link] [comments]

2020.01.21 20:20 Hotpeon BesSeceret Codes

Got 2 codes left. PM
submitted by Hotpeon to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2019.05.09 12:32 SoloPl4yer Tercessuinotlim Map

Tercessuinotlim Map
New and improved look on the tool
Hello Peoples! Some time ago I made a post here about a map tool I had made to navigate Tercessuinotlim. The original plan was to update that with new functions. However, after looking through the code I decided I wanted to optimize and improve on it, as well as adding new functions. What was originally planned to be a small rework turned out to be an entirely re-done map. This new version improves on the old things and adds new functions. The new and improved map can be found here:
When clicking on the play button you will now enter this screen:
The new UI should make it easier to find your target. You can also use it to view quest requirements/rewards and shop items
Here you can find all the quests, NPCs, Enemies and Shops in Tercessuinotlim (Only quests started in Tercessuinotlim can be found). Clicking on the "Enter Map" button will open up the actual map. In the middle you can see "Currently Targeting NPC: None". This is the NPC or Enemy that you will be guided too when clicking on the Enter Map button. If you have no target, it will not guide you anywhere, but you can still use the map. Clicking on a quest will target the NPC that has the quest, same with the shop.
Right now Oblivion is targeted. Clicking on the Enter Map will show me the way to Oblivion. Clicking on a NPC/Enemy will target them. Clicking on a quest or shop will target the NPC that has the quest/shop and show me the way to them when i click on Enter Map.

Clicking on a shop will display the contents of the shop. Clicking on one of the items in the shop will show the item as well as the price.

New Functions
  • Added all the Quests, NPCs, Mobs and Shops in the Area. Selecting one of them and entering the map will show you the way to the NPC/Mob.
  • Clicking on a quest will show all the requirements needed to complete that quest, as well as the rewards from completing the quest.
  • Clicking on a shop will reveal all the item in the shop. Clicking on an item in the shop will bring up a picture of the item with cost, requirements to get and extra information about the item.
  • Clicking on a NPC will reveal all their quests and shops
  • Added a search bar to the map so mobs/quests/shops/NPCs can be searched
  • Added a back-button to the map so you can now go back to the previous room. (You can go back multiple rooms if necessary)
  • Added a menu button on the map so you can return to the menu and choose a new target
  • Added a reset button that will send you to room 1 in the map (This will not remove the outlining on the doors)

  • Updated the Help Page to reflect the new changes
  • Changed picture format to JPG to decrease load times (Loading pictures might take a while first time, but once the files get cached it will go a lot faster.)

Now that I am finally done with this project, I am looking for something new to do. I have a few ideas but nothing is certain at this time. If you have any suggestions or want me to do one of the projects listed below, comment on the post and let me know. Your support and appreciation of the things I make is the reason I continue doing it. I think people seriously underestimate the motivation a single like or positive comment gives to the creator (especially small ones like me.) Here's a list of the projects I am considering right now:
  1. Create a similar type map for AQ3D but instead of pictures it will be videos. The tool will show you the location of all the hidden secrets in the game (exploration scrolls, keys, etc.)
  2. Quiz game for AQWorlds. The game revolves around items/classes/mobs/npcs appearing on the screen, and you need to click on the correct name (like a standard quiz game). The questions would depend on an area of your choosing (I.E choosing GreenGuard West will only shop items/mobs/npcs in that area.) There would be a progression system and bosses with special mechanics as well as some other stuff. (I had actually started work on this a long time ago, but due to technical problems, I chose to discontinue the project. If you want to see some very early pictures I can post them in the comments below.) This Quiz game could either be for mobile or PC.
  3. Create a list for all the classes (that I own), ranking them based on different criteria like damage, surviveability, utility and difficulty, and showing the optimal way of playing them. (I do not own all the classes, so some classes would have to be left out. This will also take some time, due to the extensive testing I would need to do of all my 90+ classes. The list would also be only for PvE not PvP)

Thank you all for reading this post, only taking the time to click on it makes it all worth it for me. Seeing the community use something that I have made brings me joy like nothing else.
-Knuseren8 / SoloPlayer
submitted by SoloPl4yer to AQW [link] [comments]

2019.02.02 22:30 Mc_Squeebs Where is he hidden option to fast drop within multiplayer?

I have messed with 10 settings in seemingly every which way that I could. And only in single player do I notice it do anything. Now when I get into multiplayer, everyone can instant drop, and immediately go to a new peice. Where as for me, I can count at least a second before getting to the bottom while holding down, and then it sits there for an additional second while I stare angrily. So what's the seceret code, of where do I download the mod, because this shit is rediculous. And even more so when it lags.
submitted by Mc_Squeebs to Tetris [link] [comments]