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Heck: Slightly Better Than Hell (TM)

2014.12.10 18:52 participating Heck: Slightly Better Than Hell (TM)

What if there was a milder version of Hell, called Heck? Full of eternal torments that aren't really terrible, just mild inconveniences. What would that be like?

2008.01.25 18:38 Art

This is a subreddit about art, where we are serious about art and artists, and discussing art in a mature, substantive way. *Read the rules* and observe other submissions before posting. Be on your best behavior and do not comment unless you have something meaningful and mature to say. We are strictly moderated and do not give out warnings.

2013.10.06 07:22 mbm AndroidTV

Discussion of the Android TV Operating System and devices that run it. For a list of official Android TV and Google TV devices please visit the Android TV Guide - www.androidtv-guide.com. This community is unofficial and is not affiliated with Google in any way.

2024.05.14 21:33 the_world_lover Defender CPU usage despite lower CPU usage setting

Hi All,
Probably has been asked a million times but I don't see a solution so far. We have set the AVG CPU usage setting for defender but when running a full scan it still uses 100% CPU.
Apologies in advance if I am asking question again.
submitted by the_world_lover to DefenderATP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 aJV990 XPS 15 (9530) 2023 shuts down while gaming (pls help)

Hi. I'll try keep this short. I bought a Dell XPS 15 (9530) [i9-13900H, 64GB RAM with the 4070 8GB GPU] last year around August and for the most part, its been working really well. I mostly use it for programming, game development, and video editing. I've had a few times where the GPU bugs out, but usually was cause of something very minor.
Anyway the problem arose when I began playing Hogwarts Legacy (don't judge me) and it should technically be light work for this laptop. The fans go full throttle, which from what I had heard, was expected from the XPS. However, not 5 minutes into the game, the laptop abruptly shuts down. This happens every single time I ran the game. I even changed the specs from Ultra to Low AND THE ISSUE STILL HAPPENED. I'm quite annoyed and frankly disappointed after dropping a large wad of cash on this laptop. Any suggestions?
I've done very basic stuff like ensure NVIDIA graphics card is on the latest version, checked for viruses, updated my PC overall, restarted the laptop, but nothing's worked. The next step would ideally be reaching out to Dell and maybe getting it repaired but I thought I'd ask here first to see if I'm the only one and if there's any fixes for it. Any help would be much appreciated
EDIT: I don't think its the game, although some other games while not as demanding, don't have this issue. The game doesn't stop a particular point either. I could boot it up after shut down and continue playing for about 5 minutes, before it shuts down again
submitted by aJV990 to DellXPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 aerovistae Switched from League to Dota after 3 years, felt like writing up a comparison between the two

After playing League for ~3 years I decided to stop and learn a new game and now have been playing Dota for about 8 months. As I've been learning I've been comparing and contrasting them, and I felt like writing up my thoughts.
I'm not a high ranked player; I was emerald in League and I don't really played ranked in dota. It doesn't matter, since this post isn't about tactics/strategy or how to win-- I'm just talking about the differences between the mechanics of the two games and their clients.
Disclaimer, this is all about Soloqueue. Pro play is a different environment and many things are different. I'm just talking about the average player's experience.
In League's favor:
  • Better lore. It's not a contest really. League's champions all have names and stories that are placed front and center, whereas Dota heroes are more like archetypes than individuals with distinct identities. Instead they're known by a description of what they are, while their "real names" are kind of buried in half-assed bio summaries and infrequently referenced. There's a dude called "Anti-Mage." There's a dude on a bat and his name is Batrider. There's nothing in Dota to compare with the hype lore media Riot produces, like the fiddlesticks rework video or the 10 min yone/yasuo video. Champion lore just gets way more money put into it in League.
  • League has WAYYYYY better champion animations and ability visual designs. This is for me where League blows Dota out of the water. There's really just nothing in Dota that feels like Jhin, or Ekko, or Aphelios, or Senna, or so many others. With rare exception, almost all the champions in league have aspects that FEEL amazing - great sound design / animations / feedback delays that are incredibly rewarding. Dota's heros are really fun to play and I'm having a great time, but if you put them side by side with like 90% of League's cast, the animations of their abilities and movements just feel kinda flat by comparison. One of the easiest side-by-sides is Darius vs Dota's hero "Axe" -- he has the same ult as darius, completely identical except for darius ult's interaction with passive. But all Axe does for his ult visually is a little hop and swing of the axe. It's really lame. Compare that to the awesome sound of a Darius ult kill, with the fear, especially on the God-King skin, and it makes Dota look 20 years old.
  • Skillshots! In Dota most abilities are just unit targeted, so they can't miss. There are skillshots too, but they're far fewer. In league skillshots are kind of the norm, and aiming them and dodging them is a big part of the game and it's fun to do so and makes you feel cool when you land them or dodge them. Having nearly everything be unit targeted isn't bad, it's just different, but it is something I enjoy a lot in League.
  • Cooler duels in league, and more of them. Dueling is a big part of league and it doesn't seem to be such a big part of Dota except maybe a bit in mid. Everyone in Dota has teleport (instead of recall), and it only has like a 1 minute cooldown. So whenever a fight starts, people teleport in and it becomes a teamfight. There's only one 1v1 lane (mid), the other two are 2v2 lanes. So there's much less of the 1v1 culture of League where people get to solo each other and take pride in the results. The lack of skillshots in dota plays into this too, since landing or dodging skillshots can definitively contribute to the outcome of a duel. With that mechanic less prominent, statchecking is a bit more common.
  • Very little 1v9 potential in Dota by comparison. Dota has FARRRRRR more CC than league, it's not even close. League feels like it has no CC compared to dota. In dota there is an item anyone can buy that silences a point-and-click target for 5 seconds, and another that polymorphs for 3 seconds, and so on. Many such items. There's a support who can root you for 4 seconds AND polymorph you for 3, and a carry who can silence you for FIFTEEN SECONDS with his ult. In such an environment, no one person can solo carry a game most of the time. You HAVE to work with your team. So if you love 1v9ing, League wins hard on that. But at the same time this can be a negative for league - it means there's more ego and less teamwork. People in dota are by default much more inclined to work together, because in the face of such powerful tools they HAVE to.
  • Recalling isn't a thing in Dota, which means the game is kind of constantly pedal-to-the-metal. It can be kind of nice to take a breather in League for a few seconds and stretch your arms while walking back to lane, given how intense the game can be.
  • In dota, holding tab doesn't show you what items people have built, nor their CS, and it's super frustrating. You have to click champion portraits individually to see their items, and you can't see their CS at all aside from your own. Probably hard-core dota loyalists will say this is part of the skill of the game, but honestly it's just annoying/bad UI design that they sort of got used to and became convinced was "part of the game" imo. It's really stupid and annoying.
  • In League you can buy as many wards as you want, whereas in Dota there's only ever a finite number available in the store which is SHARED among your team and then goes out of stock until it replenishes on a timer. I hate having to share wards with the team in dota, and the store being out of them. I understand it's part of the game and managing that is part of the skill of dota, but I find it tedious and don't really enjoy it as a mechanic. Additionally, wards take up an inventory slot in dota the same way control wards do in league, and it's just annoying.
  • Better champion skins, frankly. Some of League's skins are just amazing, as we all know. I would say there is very little cosmetic content in Dota that can compare to High Noon Senna or God-King Darius or [insert your favorite skin here.] There are cool skins, but it's just not the same. In Dota you can buy individual things, like updating a sword or a hat or a belt or a single ability's effect, all purchaseable separately. They have some full-kit skins, but that's not emphasized as much as in League where it's the standard and the only option, and they're just not as visually impressive.
In Dota's Favor:
  • All heroes are free from the start. It's great for trying them out and learning the game.
  • The game is less punishing to learn than league, for a multitude of reasons. Don't get me wrong, it still has an enormous barrier to entry and a steep learning curve, but it's just less painful. Everyone who ever learned League remembers what it was like in those first couple months being alone in lane against people who have been playing for years - especially in top lane or mid lane - and just getting fucking demolished 1v1 and not even being able to play. That doesn't happen as much in dota. First of all two lanes are ostensibly 2v2 and only one is 1v1, although there's a lot more roaming by the supports. There's also no jungler role, a role in league which often leads to that player being blamed for everything that goes wrong in a game. And then there's WAY more sustain - in Dota you don't recall to buy items, you have couriers ferry them out to you. So you can just kinda constantly have Dota's equivalent of health pots brought out to you, and only TP to fountain rarely when you're super low. This means there's a lot less crying under turret while zoned off CS unable to play.
  • Much better tools for learning. The tutorial is better. You're able to click other heroes to see their abilities in-game. There's a guide system full of user-contributed content where you can pick one in-game and it tells you what to buy and how to use that item on this hero, as well as how to use your abilities by just adding little user-written snippets to the tooltips when you hover them. League does have recommended items and recommended order for ability-levelling, but the fact that you can choose between different guides for different roles in dota is huge, and the text telling you when/why to use specific items for a hero is also majorly helpful. Imagine if you could pick a different guide in game for Senna support vs Senna adc, etc, that recommended specific choices based on the role and neatly fitted those recommendations into the UI.
  • Dota has way, way, way more interesting items. There are so many active items in Dota, and they feel much more impactful. By comparison nearly every item in league is just a statstick that gives one form or another of more damage or more tank. In Dota there are items that silence for 5s, that disarm (teemo blind) for 3s, that root an aoe for 2s, that polymorph for 3s, that reset ALL your cooldowns including ult (this one has a 5 min cooldown, the rest are <20sec.) Dota's version of Thornmail has an active that hugely amplifies the reflected damage for 5second, so the item feels great to use and has more skill expression - you time the active correctly when someone is focusing you and it makes a big difference. Given that most effects last 3-5 seconds, it's not about super-precise timing like in League so much as it is about broader strategic choices of using it early or late in a fight, etc. The only items in league that feel as strong as Dota items are Zhonyas, GA, and Locket, with honorary mention for the perennially overpowered botrk.
  • Dota has a way more beautiful map. It's not even close. Dota's map has so much going on. There are far more jungle camps, there's trees everywhere (which many hero abilities interact with in different ways!), there's high ground and low ground. There's so many different places and different entities and landforms, and it's just beautiful. League's map feels empty and stale by comparison. It's much smaller than dota's map, the jungle camps have fixed contents that never change (dota's camps rotate and change during the game). Not even to mention that Dota's map is divided in half and each team's side looks completely different from the other half. As opposed to league where they're identical but just rotated.
  • Aghanim's shard and scepter. These are the my favorite things in Dota that league doesn't have. What are they? They're two items you can buy that each have a different effect on every single individual hero in the game. On a case by case basis, they either UNLOCK ENTIRE NEW ABILTIES (literally the UI expands to add a new slot when you buy them) or they upgrade one or more of your existing abilities to have entirely new effects. This is just so cool and I was shocked when I learned about them. It's just so fun being able to gain new abilities even late in the game.
  • The talent tree, which is like an ability customization tree you progress through over the game and which is specific to the hero you're playing. In Dota the max level is 30, and every 5 levels in the game from level 10 onwards, you can unlock a "talent", at which point you pick one of two options to upgrade your hero. It might add 1s to your Q's stun. It might decrease the mana cost of your W. It might give you +250 base health, or +50 AD. It might add entirely new effects to your abilities, like making what was previously just a rooting projectile also start silencing. By level 30 you will have gotten to unlock everything in the tree (you don't typically reach level 30 very often in ranked games). Imagine if like at level 25 you could add "Mundo Q grounds for 0.5s" or "Irelia E +200 range". It's stuff like that and it's so fun.
  • Dota is more team-oriented. Due to the prevalence of long-lasting debuffs/cc from both items and hero abilities, no one person can really just solo carry to the same extent as in League. In my experience you only very rarely see someone 1v9 in Dota, and usually it's because the enemy team is just making stupid choices. This makes the game a bit more tolerable on average, although you encounter the same toxicity as in league just the same.
  • Dota has built-in voice chat. This actually does come in handy a lot. Hate not having it in league. It's typically effective and you can mute people in voice just the same as in chat so it's rarely been problematic in my personal experience so far.
  • Dota has "turbo mode." This mode is just great. Wish league had it. It's basically norms, but with aram-level gold income so all players get to full build in like 20-30 min without even powerfarming. It's really fun and great for learning, experimenting, and playing casually with less commitment.
  • In dota you don't recall. This means more time spent out on the map playing. Instead all players have the equivalent of the teleport summoner spell constantly available, which lets you take part in more plays. You also don't back to buy items, instead they get ferried out to you by little minions, which is great. Having items shipped out to you constantly instead of having to spend time retrieving them is awesome.
  • Better demo tool by far. League's practice tool is notoriously shitty. Being able to open the demo tool while you're waiting in queue in Dota is amazing. Can't do that in league.
  • Dota has 3 additional inactive item slots called the backpack. Love being able to hold 3 additional items that you can swap in or out (they're not usable from the backpack and you don't gain their effects, but you have them on your person to swap into from main inventory if you want). Just gives you nice flexibility when holding consumables and building stuff.
  • Neutral items. This just doesn't exist in league and I wish it did because these are really fun and cool. When you kill neutral jungle camps in dota they drop items, and the power level of the items scales over the course of the game, from weak ruby crystal type stuff to things that are as strong as rabadons. And they don't take up a normal inventory slot, so you effectively get an actual 7th item in dota.
  • The system for checking out customization and skins. Dota's system is pretty different, where instead of buying holistic skins that change everything, you can customize individual parts of a heroe's appearance, like their hat or their sword or their belt or gloves. There's WAYYYYY more options than in League, and you can try them all out in the client to see how they look.
  • Cosmetics for things other than the heroes/champions themselves. In League you can only buy champion skins. In Dota you can buy cosmetics for the ancient (nexus), the towers, the creeps, the map, etc. None of that exists in League. We fucking WISH we could buy that kind of stuff. Riot are you listening?
On the whole I'd say there's more things to like about Dota than about League just in sheer quantity of bullet points, but regardless I love both games and think they're both really fun. If Dota improved their lore, their animations, and their tab screen and League improved their cosmetics store and had a more interesting and dynamic map, plus neutral items and agh's shard & scepter, I wouldn't really have any major complaints about either of them.
I think anyone who loves one game could potentially love the other one too and it's totally worth learning whichever one you don't already know, if you have the time. Obviously these games take a ton of time and most people barely have time for one let alone two. But if you're young especially, they're both really fun.
It's pretty hard for me to see eye-to-eye with the people who love one game and ferociously hate on the other - it seems childish and kind of empty. To not find one as fun as the other, sure, that's one thing, but to expend energy hating it and constantly shitting on it, that just confuses me. You can have a favorite while still acknowledging the other as a comparably enjoyable game.
One final note - one of the things I found most interesting about comparing them is seeing which mechanics are normal in one game that would be overpowered in the other game.
In Dota there is a hero named Nature's Prophet whose W is TF ult minus the vision. It has a one minute cooldown, going down to eventually 0 cooldown late game, and he can access it from level one if he chooses to. Nature's prophet would likely have a >90% wr in League.
But then in League we have Zilean and his stupid ult on a one minute cooldown, while in Dota that only exists as a one-time use item (like GA) that you are rewarded with when you defeat their version of Baron, and it is basically the strongest item in the game. Zilean would likely have a >90% wr in dota.
submitted by aerovistae to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:22 ameisterf I need help finishing a build for gaming in 2k - some parts included

Hey fam, thanks so much for whoever chimes in. I'm not new to putting together pc's however, i'm new to ryzen CPU's and creating what build around that. I've seen more and more users swapping to ryzen for streaming/gaming and it's said to be a better option for multitasking. I want my build to have a 4070 TI because I've seen it in my friends custom build and I love the graphics i see when watching him play.
I've heard the Ryzen 7 7800x3d will work wit the 4070 TI. I know everything bottlenecks, but when i put both of them together at 2k it says that the cpu is not strong enough for the full effects of the 4070 ti... Any suggestions and swaps under budget would be incredible.
I would prefer a website where i can bundle things or get a credit card/payment plan for the parts, if that's not doable, it's not the biggest deal.
Thanks for all your help.
What to base build around:
GPU: Nvidia 4070 TI
What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
Max settings Apex, BG3, Overwatch, Valheim, Fornite.. High settings for Rust & Cod (unless build can also run max for them)
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Tower (white preferably) , windows OS, monitor (would prefer a 32inch 2k with 244 hz or better)
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
US, Yes i have access to a microcenter location.
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Razer Basalisk v3 wired mouse, razer wired keyboard.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
No I will not be overclocking as i'm unfamiliar with it. (if it's recommended please include a video and description on how this effects my pc/graphics card)
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
2T storage SSD Samsung preferred. I would like lights (i can always buy LED strips off of amazon but if there is a specific brand that could work better please lmk!)
What type of network connectivity do you need? (Wired and/or WiFi) If WiFi is needed and you would like to find the fastest match for your wireless router, please list any specifics.
I would like to have the option to swap to WIFI
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Mid to full tower. White, Windowed, LED lighting. It's very hard for me to find a WHITE 2k monitor thats around 32 inch and runs at 244 hz or better as well, if this is possible to find I would love and appreciate that.
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
Latest version, as much as I would prefer windows 10, not many things are able to download with it..
submitted by ameisterf to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 LoudTranslator Quizlet question

Do you pay for the full version of Quizlet or how do you all study it? With the free version I am using the flash cards and the memory matching. Do you find the full version worth it? I do like the little testing feature on them when you get the few for free on the study sets but I am not sure that is worth it.
submitted by LoudTranslator to clep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 Select_Green_1106 The 7 Best Bitcoin & Crypto Casinos Reviewed in 2024

The online casino industry has experienced an explosion in popularity in recent years and, in part, that's down to the legalisation of iGaming in a selection of US states that has allowed the industry to spread around the world. Of course, online casinos have come a long way since the early days. Now, there are more casino games than ever and, along with the increase in these, there are more and more payment methods. This means that crypto gambling is now with us, and this has brought a whole new audience to iGaming. With so many sites to choose from, how do you find the best bitcoin casino? How do you know what goes into making the best crypto casino? Should you be paying attention to new bitcoin casino sites? As you read on, that's what we're going to be exploring.
An Overview Of The Best Bitcoin and Crypto Casinos
If you're someone who likes to jump right in, and take a snapshot, to follow you'll find our summary of the crypto casino market and discover the ones that we think are the best. If you're someone who seeks more detail, we have you covered too, but you'll need to read on. So, here's a look at the best bitcoin casinos, as well as those accepting other top cryptocurrencies:
As you read on, we'll be exploring the best bitcoin casinos in more detail. We'll be delving into the range of bitcoin casino games, and how these compare to traditional online casinos. We'll also be looking at the cryptocurrencies that are accepted, as well as everything else you need to know about banking methods. If that's not enough, we'll be going into detail about the bitcoin casino sites and the bonuses on offer ( we know you'll be looking for free spins, an attractive match bonus, as well as VIP programs), as well as exploring the customer service on offer.

The Heybets Crypto Casino Site

There's no denying that Heybets is one of the top bitcoin casinos around. As well as offering a great online casino experience, there is also an attractive sportsbook where you can enjoy sports betting on the top action. This means that you can play games, and win in the best sporting events, all in the same place.
Let's have a closer look at what makes this one of the best bitcoin gambling sites:
Heybets and Crypto Casino Games
While there's plenty to consider when looking for the best bitcoin casino, there's no escaping the fact that the range of casino games matters. There needs to be plenty to keep players entertained, there need to be provably fair games, and sports betting is an added bonus. Here's what Heybets has to offer:
Slot Games
With traditional online casinos, slot games are the staple of what's on offer. These are the most popular casino games out there, and so you'd expect the best bitcoin casino sites to perform well here. The good news is that Heybets certainly delivers here. There are classic slots, jackpot slots, and those with stunning bonus rounds. Just a few of the titles include:
While the number of slots matters, for a site to be the best bitcoin casino, the quality matters too. Fortunately, the games here only come from the best providers, such as:
This just goes to show that you can rely on online crypto casinos if you're one of the many slot fans out there.
Table and Card Games
Something else that makes Heybets one of the best cryptocurrency casinos is the fact that it also caters well for fans of other games. Here, you'll find a selection of classics, such as:
Live Casino Games
Heybets also has a great range of live dealer games. You can enjoy live versions of blackjack, roulette, and baccarat. Thanks to the fact that the live casino is powered by Evolution Gaming, you can also make the most of live game shows, such as Dream Catcher and Monopoly Big Baller.
Banking and Crypto Transactions
As with all gambling websites, the payment methods on offer are important when it comes to choosing an online casino to play at. The top bitcoin casino sites allow players to use a range of cryptocurrencies, as well as supporting other methods that you'd find at fiat casinos. Ay Heybets, you can use the following to fund your account and play casino games:
While there's plenty of choice here, what would make this stronger would be the inclusion of the likes of Dogecoin and Tether.
When considering more traditional methods of depositing and withdrawing, Heybets also allows you to use bank wire. There are no fees when using this option for fiat currencies, but users of crypto will need to be aware of the relevant GAS fees.
Heybets and Bonuses and promotions
As you'd expect from a site that could well be considered the best bitcoin casino, there are a host of bonuses and promotions here. Let's get the bad news out of the way with first: this crypto casino does not offer a welcome bonus. With that out of the way, let's take a look at the bonuses and promotions on offer for existing players. While these change on a regular basis, these are the ones that are a constant:
Raise Your Arm Zeus
This bonus comes into play when you're playing the online slot, Gates of Olympus. You'll activate the bonus at this bitcoin casino if you manage to win 20x - 100x from the free spins feature. If you're in luck, this leads to this crypto casino boosting your winnings by 100%.
Extra Juice
The lack of a welcome bonus doesn't seem to sting quite so much when you look at the likes of Extra Juice. This bonus kicks in on a selection of new casino games. It can lead to winnings being boosted by 7%.
Sports Betting
While our focus is on online casinos, it's worth noting that Heybets also offers a range of ongoing bonuses and promotions for customers of its sportsbook.
Loyalty Program
If you're looking for the bitcoin casino with the best loyalty rewards then Heybets is it. The VIP program here has 5 tiers, and each comes with its own rewards. To enter at the bronze level, you need to have wagered at least $2,500. With this, you can enjoy 5% cashback on all bets. Reach diamond and you'll benefit from 10% cashback as well as exclusive bonuses and rewards. This certainly makes this site stand out from other bitcoin casinos.
Heybets Customer Service
With online gambling, it's a must that a site offers great customer support. At Heybets, you can be sure that you're covered here. Just like all relatively new bitcoin casino sites, there's a need for Heybets to go above and beyond to inspire confidence. It certainly does that with almost instant responses on its live chat which is staffed by knowledgable and polite agents. The only downside is that this isn't available 24/7.
Mobile Experience
While this bitcoin online casino doesn't have a dedicated app, players can still play games via their mobile browsers. The casino games here are compatible with mobile devices thanks to HTML5 technology and the work of the developers behind them.
Summing up the Heybets Online Crypto Casino
Let's sum up the pros and cons, and see what makes this online casino one that's worthy of your attention:

The Metaspins Bitcoin Casino

When looking at the best bitcoin casinos, Metaspins is another online gambling site that can't be ignored. If you're the kind of player seeking an attractive deposit bonus, then you'll be more than happy with what's on offer here. As we get into the detail, you'll soon see why Metaspins deserves a place on our list of the best bitcoin casinos.
Metaspins and Bitcoin Games
Something that is clear when looking at the best BTC casinos is that there is no shortage when it comes to the range of games that there are to choose from. What puts Metaspins in the running for the best bitcoin casino site is the fact that there are more than 2,500 games to explore. Given that this site was only launched in 2022, it can still be considered to be one of the new bitcoin casino sites, so there's a good chance that the range of games will only grow. Let's take a closer look at what's on offer now:
Slot Games
What makes Metaspins one of the best crypto casinos is the range of slots that can be played. These are provably fair games, and they come from some of the best providers in the business. In fact, what makes the range of slots so exciting here is the sheer number of providers that Metaspins works with. There are more than 30 of these, including the likes of:
You can expect to come across some of the most popular slot titles, such as Gonzo'a Quest, Starburst, and Dark King: Forbidden Riches. For fans of jackpot slots, there's a great range of these too, including Jackpot Quest and Rainbow Jackpots Power Lines.
Table and Card Games
As you'd expect from a site in the ranks of the best bitcoin casino, there's more to this BTC casino than slots. There's also a great range of table and card games, meaning that Metaspins is an attractive destination for fans of all casino games. The games that you'll find cover all the classics such as:
Live Casino Games
Like many of the best crypto casinos, Metaspins also has an impressive range of live games. These come from top developers such as Swintt and Evolution Gaming. When gambling online here, there are traditional titles to choose from, including live poker games, as well as game show experiences. such as Crazy Time and Boom City.
Banking and Crypto Transactions
This crypto casino accepts a range of cryptocurrencies. This is good news for players as it means that can find the crypto that suits them. The other great thing at this crypto casino is that, if you don't happen to have any crypto of your own, you can use VISA or MasterCard to purchase some. The cryptos available include:
As bitcoin online casinos go, this is an impressive showing and will be a major draw for new players.
Metaspins Bonuses and Promotions
A major part of online casinos is the welcome bonus money that's up for grabs. Alongside this, players also like to see reload bonuses, cashback, free spins and even no deposit bonuses (although these are a little on the rare side). With that in mind, let's take a look at what this bitcoin casino has to offer:
Metaspins Welcome Bonus
The welcome bonus offered here is certainly attractive, and is bound to catch the eye of many players. As one of the best bitcoin casino sites, Metaspins offers a 100% match bonus up to a maximum of 1 btc. That means that if you were to deposit 0.5 btc, you'd then be rewarded with another 0.5, meaning that you had 1 btc to play with. The only watch out here is the wagering requirements. They come in at 40x, and they need to be met within 7 days. This could prove a little tricky if you were to take advantage of the maximum bonus money offered.
Deposit and Get
As deposit bonuses go, this one we think is extremely impressive. It really is as simple as it sounds: you continue to make deposits, and you can be certain that you'll get rewards. You just need to keep an eye on your rewards panel. When you see a notification, give it a click and see what you've been given. Some of the rewards on offer are:
These ongoing rewards mean that there are plenty of reasons for players to stay loyal to, what we believe, is one of the best bitcoin casinos.
Sports Betting
Just like many of the other best bitcoin casinos, Metaspins also has an impressive sports betting section. There are separate bonuses to be enjoyed here.
Metaspins Customer Service
To be seen as one of the best crypto casino sites, there's a need for online gambling platforms to offer outstanding customer service. Bitcoin casinos are still relatively new, and knowing that the company is there when you need it matters even more than it does at traditional sites. Metaspins delivers here, with 24/7 live chat, as well as a detailed FAQ section. The fact that customer support is always there means that this truly is one of the top bitcoin casinos.
Mobile Experience
This btc casino doesn't have a dedicated app as yet, but that doesn't mean the games can't be enjoyed on the go. Simply by using your mobile browser, you can access Metaspins from any mobile device and enjoy the full crypto casino experience, no matter where you are.
Summing Up the Metaspins Crypto Casino
As before, now's the time to round up the pros and cons of this crypto casino site, so that you can decide if this is one that you want to play at:

The Immerion Bitcoin Casino Site

If you're looking for crypto casino sites that feature all of the classics that you're already a fan of, then Immerion could well be the crypto casino for you. As you read on, we'll be looking at just what's on offer here. As well as considering the crypto casino games, we'll also be looking at everything else that you need to know Let's get started.
Inmerion Crypto Casino Games
With online gambling, players like to see a wide range of games. It's fair to say that when compared to other bitcoin casinos and fiat casinos, Inmerion has an impressive showing. There are more than 5,000 bitcoin casino games to be played, and we're going to explore these in more detail now:
You may think that Inmerion is the best crypto casino based on the number of slots alone. There are more than 3,000 of these to choose from, meaning that even the most ardent slot fans have plenty to keep them entertained. What we like here is that the number of slots isn't overwhelming thanks to the filters that can be used. You can set filters to search by provider, RTP, max win, and volatility.
Among this vast number of slots, you're going to come across new titles, as well as many classics, such as:
Table and Card Games
For gambling sites to be among the best, there needs to be more on offer than slots. Inmerion does well here with a range of other games:
Live Dealer Games
Many crypto casinos give some attention to live dealer games, but here you'll find that there are more than 300 to choose from. There are all of the classic games, as well as the game show titles that Evolution Gaming excels at.
Banking Options
As you'd expect from one of the top bitcoin casinos, Inmerion has a range of cryptos that you can play with. You can make deposits and withdrawals using:
Something else that we like here is that there's no minimum deposit so this is an online gambling site for players of all budgets.
Inmerion's Bitcoin Casino Bonus
Whether it's a healthy welcome bonus, a loyalty program, or reloads that appeal, btc casinos need to have something special on offer to be classed as the best. Let's take a look at what Inmerion has to offer:
Welcome Bonus
As it stands, there is no Immerion welcome bonus on offer. This may be a letdown for some players who can't benefit from their first deposit. However, there are other casino bonuses to enjoy.
Engine of Fortune
This is a daily bonus that allows you to spin the wheel of fortune. You need to have deposited at least $50 in the last 24 hours and then you can spin. The prizes on offer include free spins, cash, and a more than impressive top prize of 5 btc.
Daily Cashback
No matter who plays at this online crypto casino, they can all benefit from the ongoing cashback offer. Each and every day you benefit from receiving 20% of your losses from the previous day. This is something that really appeals and certainly puts Inmerion in the running for the best bitcoin casino.
Sports Betting
This is another of the best crypto casinos that has an attractive sports book, along with some great bonuses.
Inmerion Customer Service
Reputable casinos need to be there for their customers. There need to be ways that customers can reach out and have their queries resolved in a timely manner. Here, you'll find that live chat is on hand 24/7 to deal with any issues. What we also liked was the fact that there is separate support for those wanting assistance with deposits and withdrawals.
Mobile Experience
Just like the other other crypto casinos that we've looked at so far, there is no mobile app here. However, you can still enjoy Inmerion online gambling via your smartphones and tablets via your mobile browser. Nothing is lost when compared to the desktop experience, and it allows you to enjoy all that Inmerion has to offer with added convenience.
Summing up the Inmerion Crypto Casino
That brings us towards the end of our look at this bitcoin gambling site. Before we move on to the next, let's sum up the pros and cons:

The BC Game Online Casino

As we continue to explore the best bitcoin gambling sites, next up is BC Game. This is a site that was established back in 2017, and there is no doubt that this is one of the most reputable btc casinos that there is. Let's take a look at what's on offer, and what makes this one of the best crypto casinos that there is.
BC Game Library
This crypto gambling platform is nothing short of mind-blowing when it comes to the number of games to choose from. At BC Game, you'll find that there are more than 9,000 to explore and that makes this crypto gambling site really stand out. What else is impressive here is that the games cater for high rollers as well as those with a more conservative budget. Let's take a look at just what there is here:
Slot Games
Like other bitcoin casinos that we've looked at so far, there are plenty of slots to enjoy here. Alongside titles that you'll find at other crypto casinos, BC Game also has a host of exclusive games that you won't find anywhere else. The remainder of the library is made up of titles from providers such as Play 'n Go, Microgaming, NetEnt, and Quickspin. Just some of the slots you'll find here include:
What we like here is that you can spin with bets as low as $0.01 so these games are accessible to all.
If you're a fan of jackpot slots, you'll find that there are more than 150 progressives here, with the chance to win life-changing amounts.
Table and Card Games
With so many games overall, it's probably unsurprising that there's also a great selection of table and card games too. Here, you can play classics such as:
Live Dealer Games
BC Game also has live dealer games like the other btc casinos that we've looked at so far. These come from the best in the business, namely Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play. In truth, the selection here isn't as wide as it is at other crypto casinos, but there is still plenty to keep you entertained.
Banking Options at BC Game
Just like other crypto casinos that make our list of the best, BC Game has plenty of options to choose from. While there are no alternatives away from crypto, the number of these that you can play and withdraw your winnings with is impressive. Some of those that you can use include:
BC Game Bonuses
This bitcoin casino also comes with some attractive bonuses and promotions that are sure to appeal to players everywhere. Here's a look at what's up for grabs
Welcome Bonus
The welcome bonus here is a little different compared to that at other crypto casinos. That's because it's spread over your first 4 deposits. Here's how it's broken down:
The wagering requirements are 40x. While this may be common it does make it a little difficult to take full advantage of what's offered.
No Deposit Bonuses
Right now, BC Game is also offering a no deposit bonus for new players who sign up. Simply by joining, you can claim $5 worth of free spins that can be used on the Lucky Wheel. Prizes can be up to $500 or come in a variety of cryptocurrencies.
Loyalty Rewards
Players in the VIP program can enjoy higher payouts, free spins, and a host of other rewards. Once a player reaches level 22, you're also given the chance to play with the Super Spin. This is a version of the Lucky Wheel that comes with even more rewards, with the chance to pocket 3 btc.
Sports Betting
Like the other bitcoin casinos that we've looked at so far, BC Game also has a sportsbook that comes with its own bonuses and rewards.
BC Game Customer Service
We're impressed with this crypto casino and the levels of support that are on offer. Firstly, there's the 24/7 live chat function. This is staffed by knowledgeable agents who provide speedy responses. As well as this, there is also the option to reach out via email. This takes longer to receive a reply, but when it does come it is detailed and resolves most issues.
Mobile Experience
If you're wanting to play on the go, BC Game has an impressive mobile app. This can be downloaded on both iOS and Android devices and provides a truly outstanding experience. If you'd rather not download, you can also play via your mobile browser.
Summing up the BC Game Crypto Casino
If you're still trying to decide if this casino is for you, here's an overview of the pros and cons:

Stake Online Casino Site

If you have ever explored crypto casinos, there's a very good chance that you have come across the name, Stake. Why? Well, it's widely regarded as one of the best out there. As you keep reading, we're going to delve into the details and show you why.
Stake Game Selection
While Stake may not have as many games as we've seen at BC Game, there are still more than 2,000 to choose from. In truth, this is plenty to keep players entertained, and the good news is that each and every title is truly exceptional. Let's take a look:
Online Slots
Slots are a major draw for players, and Stake certainly delivers in this area. You'll find a wide range of titles, with those that are instantly recognisable such as:
Alongside top providers, such as NetEnt, Push Gaming, and Wazdan, there are also Stake original slots. If you give these a try, we're sure that you'll be impressed.
Table and Card Games
Just like the other best bitcoin casino sites, at Stake, you'll discover a great selection of classic casino games. Whether you're a fan of blackjack, excited by the spin of the wheel, or looking to take a chance with baccarat, Stake has you covered. The only game lacking here is poker. If your casino experience is based on video poker, you may need to play elsewhere.
Live Casino Games
You're sure to be impressed with what's on offer in terms of live dealer games. The lobby is bursting with titles coming from Evolution and Pragmatic Play. There are also titles from Bombay Live Games. This means that Stake has everything covered, and offers a live experience that's second to none.
Banking Options
As you'd expect from an operator that makes our list of the best bitcoin casinos, there are plenty of payment options to choose from. While this is a 100% crypto site, the good news is that you're not just limited to one or two of these. Just some of the ones you can use include:
In total, Stake accepts 20 cryptocurrencies, so there's sure to be one that you're comfortable using.
Bonuses at Stake Casino
Before we explore the bonuses and promotions that Stake has to offer, let's first look at what's not up for grabs. At Stake, there is no welcome bonus on offer right now. There's no first deposit bonus or free spins. Why? Well, Stake is confident that it has enough to offer, and can attract new players with ease. With that out of the way, let's take a look at what you can take advantage of:
Daily Race
There is a prize pool worth $100,000 every day. When you play casino games, or wager at the sports book, you have the chance to win from this.
Weekly Giveaway
Each week there's the chance to share in a prize fund worth $75,000. To take part, you need to wager $1,000 for a ticket.
Multiplier Race
If you reach the highest multiplier on specified games, you may walk away with the top prize of $10,000.
Loyalty Program
Stake has an attractive loyalty program. However, before you enter the first level, you need to wager at least $10,000. This makes this a program for true high rollers. The rewards on offer include rakeback and daily bonuses.
Stake Customer Service
Just like other operators that we class as being among the best crypto casinos, at Stake there is a live chat option. This is available 24/7 and offers a great way to resolve any queries. You can expect a speedy response from agents who are polite and courteous.
Mobile Experience
Stake doesn't have a dedicated mobile app right now. However, you can still play on the go by going directly through your mobile browser. This means that you can play on any tablet or smartphone, without the need to download.
Summing up the Stake Casino Site
Before we move on to the next of the best crypto casinos, here's a look at the pros and cons of Stake:

Wild.io Bitcoin Casino

As we continue our reviews of the best crypto casinos, next up it's Wild.io. As you'll see as you read on, this is a site that comes with an attractive welcome bonus as well as an impressive lobby. Let's take a look in more detail and see what else Wild.io has to offer:
Wild.io Games Selection
A common theme among the best crypto casinos is the wide range of games that can be played. Over at Wild.io, there are around 2,500 of these to explore. This means that there's never any danger of losing interest, no matter what type of games you're a fan of. Let's take a closer look:
Wild.io Slots
As bitcoin casinos, as well as traditional ones, go the range of slots here is certainly impressive. There are more than 2,000 of these to choose from, and you can expect to see these coming from the likes of Pragmatic Play, NetEnt, Gamzix, and others. Some of the top titles that you'll be able to play include:
Table and Card Games
While Wild.io is one of the more impressive bitcoin casinos, we can't help feeling that there could be a little more on offer in this section. As it stands there are just 26 games to choose from. To be fair, all of the basics are covered, but we'd love to see this range expanded.
Live Dealer Games
This section seems to be a work in progress. As you click to enter the live area, it says that there are currently no games to play. However, there is a detailed explanation of how live bitcoin games work. This is something to be monitored as it surely means live games are on their way.
Banking Options at Wild.io
When comparing Wild.io to other bitcoin casinos, it's fair to say that there's a wide range of currencies that can be used. Here, you can choose between using:
Wild.io Bonuses
Wild.io is one of the very best bitcoin casinos when it comes to the offers that it has. Let's take a look at these now:
Welcome Bonus
As bitcoin casino bonuses go, the welcome bonus here is very attractive. Rather than just being based on your first deposit, it's a package spread across your first three:
The wagering requirements for all three bonuses are 40x.
Wheel of Fortune
If you deposit at least $20 you can spin the Wheel of Fortune every day. Prizes can be as much as $1,000, and there are plenty of free spins up for grabs too. There is also the Jungle Wheel for VIPs. This wheel brings bigger rewards but requires a minimum deposit of $100.
Weekly Spotlight
Each week, Wild.io nominates a game that is in the spotlight. When you wager on the specified game, you're rewarded with more loyalty points.
Wild Weekends
Each Friday, Wild.io launches a promotion for the weekend. This could be a reload matched deposit bonus, free spins, or anything else that the operator decides to offer.
Rakeback and Cashback
The higher up you are in the VIP program you are, the more you can claim back. You can recover anywhere between 1% and 20% of your weekly losses.
Loyalty Program
Every player is automatically enrolled. The more you wager, the more points you have and the higher you claim. Each level has exclusive offers such as free spins and matched deposits. There are also other perks such as higher maximum withdrawals.
Wild.io Customer Service
Like the other bitcoin casinos that we've looked at, the customer service on offer at Wild.io is impressive. With a live chat function that is available 24/7, you can reach out whenever you need any assistance. When we gave this a try, we had an almost instant response meaning that our query was resolved quickly. There is also a chatbot to help with queries.
Mobile Experience
As it stands, there is no Wild.io mobile app. To enjoy this casino on the go, you can play via your mobile browser.
Summing up the Wild.io Casino
Before we move onto the final of our bitcoin casinos, here's a rundown of the pros and cons of Wild.io:

Jackbit Crypto Casino

Jackbit is the final operator to make our list that looks at the best bitcoin casino. With a great game selection and free spins up for grabs, you'll soon see why we rate this crypto casino so highly. Let's get into the detail now:
Jackbit Games Library
Established in 2022, Jackbit has quickly expanded its library so that it now exceeds 6,000 titles. There are plenty of slots to choose from, as well as an impressive range of table games. The live casino is also of note. Let's take a closer look:
There is certainly no shortage of slots at Jackbit. There are thousands of games to choose from, and these come from some of the best providers around. The likes of Yggdrasil, Red Tiger, and Microgaming mean that the quality is exceptional. Just some of the titles you will find include:
Table and Card Games
While some casinos only pay lip service to games other than slots, Jackbit is a little different. There is a vast range of choices here that covers all of the games that you could ever want to play. When you look at roulette alone, there are some 56 variations just of this game so you can imagine how vast the whole offerings are.
Live Casino
If live games are your thing, you'll find over 200 of these at Jackbit. As you'd expect, the classics are all covered, but there's also the inclusion of game show titles courtesy of Evolution. Just some of these include:
Banking Options at Wild.io
You can use a range of cryptocurrencies to play at Jackbit. If you don't happen to own any crypto, you can use your debit or credit card to purchase through the site. Some of the currencies that can used include:
Jackbit Casino Bonuses
If you're a fan of free spins, the Jackbit crypto casino may well be of interest to you. Let's take a look at why.
Jackbit First Deposit Bonus
When you make your first deposit at Jackbit, you're rewarded with 50 free spins that can be used on the Lazy Sheriff slot. What makes this bonus really attractive is the wagering requirements: wager once and any winnings are then yours.
Jackbit Loyalty Program
The loyalty program here has its focus on rakeback. As you wager more and move up the levels (Rookie to Legend), the greater the percentage of rakeback you're entitled to.
Customer Service
The Jackbit casino allows players to get in touch via live chat or email. The live chat option is there 24/7 and this is a big plus. There was a slight delay in being connected when we gave it a try, but after that the responses were all pretty much instant and we found our query being resolved very quickly.
Mobile Experience
There is currently no Jackbit mobile app. If you want to play via your smartphone or tablet, you can do this via your mobile browser. You'll find that the games translate well to the smaller screen and nothing is lost in terms of the experience.
Summing up the Jackbit Casino
Let's finish by taking a look at the pros and cons of this bitcoin casino:
Bitcoin Casinos FAQ
Are Bitcoin casinos safe?
Like any online casino, safety depends on the platform's reputation. Look for casinos with positive user reviews, provably fair games, and proper licensing.
What are provably fair games?
Provably fair games use cryptography to allow players to verify the randomness and fairness of each game round themselves, giving more transparency than traditional online casinos.
What types of games can I play at Bitcoin casinos?
Many Bitcoin casinos offer a wide variety of games, including slots, and table games (like blackjack and roulette.he online casino industry has experienced an explosion in popularity in recent years and, in part, that's down to the legalisation of iGaming in a selection of US states that has allowed the industry to spread around the world. Of course, online casinos have come a long way since the early days. Now, there are more casino games than ever and, along with the increase in these, there are more and more payment methods. This means that crypto gambling is now with us, and this has brought a whole new audience to iGaming. With so many sites to choose from, how do you find the best bitcoin casino? How do you know what goes into making the best crypto casino? Should you be paying attention to new bitcoin casino sites? As you read on, that's what we're going to be exploring.
An Overview Of The Best Bitcoin and Crypto Casinos
If you're someone who likes to jump right in, and take a snapshot, to follow you'll find our summary of the crypto casino market and discover the ones that we think are the best. If you're someone who seeks more detail, we have you covered too, but you'll need to read on. So, here's a look at the best bitcoin casinos, as well as those accepting other top cryptocurrencies:
As you read on, we'll be exploring the best bitcoin casinos in more detail. We'll be delving into the range of bitcoin casino games, and how these compare to traditional online casinos. We'll also be looking at the cryptocurrencies that are accepted, as well as everything else you need to know about banking methods. If that's not enough, we'll be going into detail about the bitcoin casino sites and the bonuses on offer ( we know you'll be looking for free spins, an attractive match bonus, as well as VIP programs), as well as exploring the customer service on offer.

The Heybets Crypto Casino Site

submitted by Select_Green_1106 to CryptoChatz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:13 Daoge Do you expect to get announced a Digimon X Color?

I'm a fan of Digimon since i was a child, but only the last year i got my first device: the Vital Bracelet BE, and lots of BEMs. I like to raise them and also those beautiful sprites (even if i hate the app). Also, i got SO excited for the notice of Digivice 25th Color, I preordered it and then i decided to have my first Pendulum Color (Virus Busters).
I have to confess that i'm not a fan of the minimalistic colorless sprites of the classic v-pets, but since i found a 20th anniversary V-Pet really cheap, i got one, i'll receive it in a couple of days. So i started reading about different models and i LOVED the concept of the Digimon X V-Pet, and all those RPG features. But i prefer to no collect nor get full of devices, so i'd prefer to wait for a color version of the Digimon X VPet, do you think that we'll get it soon?
submitted by Daoge to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 Signal-Length-1607 Unexplainable error: attribute 'attrTag' missing in kanshi.nix

Hi everyone, fairly new to Nix. I've installed Nix about two months ago and everything worked fine. At least until 8th of May, that's from when my latest system build is. Recently I've wanted to install some package, added it to my configuration.nix and run sudo nixos-rebuild switch (aliased to update) and got this error
error: … while calling the 'head' builtin at /nix/store/1xclxik35hm5agkgp9a0wh6465an2j98-nixos-23.11/nixos/lib/attrsets.nix:922:11: 921 pred here (elemAt values 1) (head values) then 922 head values ^ 923 else … while evaluating the attribute 'value' at /nix/store/1xclxik35hm5agkgp9a0wh6465an2j98-nixos-23.11/nixos/lib/modules.nix:807:9: 806 in warnDeprecation opt // 807 { value = builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value; ^ 808 inherit (res.defsFinal') highestPrio; (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full trace) error: attribute 'attrTag' missing at /nix/store/0b11p5g24mgl5qfg34khvjs3fh91vdx4-source/modules/services/kanshi.nix:9:19: 8 9 directivesTag = types.attrTag { ^ 10 profile = mkOption { 
So firstly, of course, I tried reverting back to old configuration, which I new was built about a week ago and run update and... it failed with the same error. I've even tried switching to older builds, like month old and running build but it still fails with this error.
I've done some troubleshooting steps:
  1. I've tried removing imports from my configuration.nix, the problem stopped after removing home-manager.nix
  2. I've tried removing imports in home-manager.nix, but that didn't change anything, since my home-manager.nix itself is very simple this helped me narrow it down just to the home-manager.nix itself, it's not any of it's imports.

{ config, pkgs, ... }: let home-manager = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nix-community/home-managearchive/master.tar.gz"; in { imports = [ (import "${home-manager}/nixos") ]; users.users.cyril.isNormalUser = true; home-manager.useUserPackages = true; home-manager.users.cyril = { pkgs, ... }: { # Don't touch this home.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Disable warning about version mismatch between stable nixpkgs and master home-manager home.enableNixpkgsReleaseCheck = false; # Import other configs imports = [ ./home/i3.nix ./home/polybar.nix ./home/fonts.nix ./home/kitty.nix ./home/zsh.nix ./home/git.nix ./home/neovim.nix ./home/rofi.nix ]; }; } 
So now, what's the problem here ? The system could be built but now can't, the problem seems to be in file that is very basic and worked. Also the missing attribute is in kanshi.nix, I don't have slightest clue what even is kanshi. (I am not installing it anywhere, it's not referenced in my entire config folder.)
Could anyone here figure out what happened and what is going on here ? I've been trying to fix it for like 5 days now and can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated
submitted by Signal-Length-1607 to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 Intelligent-Pay6817 Connecting homelab to azure services for studying purposes

Hi all,
I am starting to study to take the AZ-800 Exam.
I'd like to know if anyone on here has connected their on-premise home lab environment to an Azure environment. I did this a bit when I was in school, but my question is mostly about the licensing situation.
I am planning on signing up for the Azure free trial with a Microsoft account. Can you initiate AD Sync between an Azure environment and an environment running the evaluation edition of Windows Server? If not, are you able to download a full version of the Windows server off of Azure once you are a part of the full trial?
submitted by Intelligent-Pay6817 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 Business-Break-8668 Trade

I have
submitted by Business-Break-8668 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 Joshh170 Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8

Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8
Developer Turn 10 Studios has released Forza Motorsport Update 8, bringing substantial additions to the game, including new cars and content. Additionally, this new Forza Motorsport update includes several bug fixes for players on Xbox Series XS, PC via the Microsoft Store, and Steam.
In 2023, Forza Motorsport was released as a reboot of the popular subseries within the Forza sim racing franchise, developed by Turn 10 Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game introduces significant technical advancements like real-time ray tracing, dynamic weather, and damage modeling. Forza Motorsport's initial reception was positive, particularly for its realism and online multiplayer modes.
One of the highlights of Forza Motorsport Update 8 is the introduction of Career Events, promising diverse experiences for players. These events include the Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour, which kicks off on May 15 and runs until June 26, offering enthusiasts the chance to immerse themselves in adrenaline-pumping racing action. Additionally, the update introduces various other events like Ginetta Juniors, Weekend Warriors, Kit Caterhams, and Track Toys, each with its unique challenges and rewards.
Furthermore, the inclusion of new vehicles in the Forza Motorsport car lineup will please car enthusiasts. Among these are the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 from the Track Toys Tour, the 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupe from the Open Class Tour, and spotlight cars such as the 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior, 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, 2013 Caterham Superlight R500, and 2019 Elemental RP1. These cars not only expand the roster but also offer players exciting choices for their racing adventures.
Moreover, as with the previous Forza Motorsport patch, Update 8 brings significant improvements and bug fixes across various aspects of the game. Players can expect enhanced stability, refined gameplay mechanics, and optimizations for PC performance, including improved video memory usage and fixes for issues like screen flashing and controller disconnects.
In the Forza Motorsport multiplayer arena, Spec Series events were introduced, including the Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series and the Mazda Miata Spec Series, providing competitive racing opportunities for players looking to test their skills against others. The update also addresses car balancing, refining the performance of several vehicles in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series. Notable changes include adjustments to the engine torque, car mass, and downforce for cars like the 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. With ongoing updates like this one, Forza Motorsport continues to evolve, ensuring that players have a dynamic racing experience.
Forza Motorsport Update 8 Patch Notes
Version Number:
Xbox Series XS: 1.587.4035.0 PC (Microsoft Store): 1.587.4035.0 Steam: 1.587.4035.0 Game Content, Features and Events [All Platforms]
Career Events
Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Ginetta Juniors (Starts May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC) Weekend Warriors (Starts May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Kit Caterhams (Starts May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Track Toys (Starts June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC) Open Class Tour – 1960s Celebration (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) D Class Series C Class Series B Class Series A Class Series Reward Cars
Track Toys Tour: 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 Open Class Tour: 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupé
Spotlight Cars
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP Discount Cars
2014 BAC Mono (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) 2016 Lotus 3 Eleven (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 1996 Porsche 996 GT1 (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 1994 Mazda Miata (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2016 Brabham BT62 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Multiplayer Events
Spec Series
Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Early Factory Racecar Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Mazda Miata Spec Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Modern Factory Racecar Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Open Series
R Class Series and P Class Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) B Class Series and D Class Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) A Class Series and X Class Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) S Class Series and C Class Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Spotlight Series
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Rivals Events
Spec Division: Forza Touring Cars – Virginia International Raceway Full Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP: Mono a Mono – 2014 BAC Mono – Yas Marina South Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Celebrate Senna’s Legacy with McLaren – 2018 McLaren Senna – Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior – Brands Hatch Indy Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS – Mugello Club Circuit (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 – Grand Oak Club Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Elemental RP1 – Lime Rock Full Circuit (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Stability [All Platforms]
Fixed a game crash caused by quickly and repeatedly changing the number of Drivatar AI opponents in Free Play event setup. [1717959] Fixed an issue that occurred when exiting out of pre-race in Free Play quickly after switching cars or modifying the event setup would cause a soft lock in the loading screen. [1732080] Fixed a stability issue when the player would exit to Event Menu while on track in during a Test Drive. [1751335] Fixed an issue in which disconnecting and reconnecting a controller would prevent the player from progressing to the game menu. [1734977]
Improvements have been made to video memory usage on PC. Addressed an issue where the screen would flash white when players entered the My Cars menu. [1749202] Fixed an issue on Steam where you would repeatedly be shown the Self-Improvement achievement, even when you haven't unlocked it. [1738129] Fixed an issue on Steam where the Safety Star and Safety Superstar achievements would accumulate incorrect progress after a multiplayer race. [1738130] Fixed an issue where the player could not exit out of Career when hovering over event posters and pressing the right mouse button. [1717135] Fixed an issue where Exit Event messages could not be closed out using a Cancel Button (B Button/ESC Key/Right Mouse Click). [1717315] Selecting replays using the mouse no longer requires a double click. [1580893] We’ve made changes to how PC graphics settings are applied to ensure you are only prompted to restart the game when it is necessary. [1568770] Fixed an issue where the player is prompted to restart the game when only the ‘Show Framerate’ toggle has been modified. [1755225] Fixed a PC-specific issue where the game would crash when disconnecting a wheel and reconnecting with a controller in Featured Multiplayer. [1728706]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Increased the track material luminance to be more physically correct, improving the overall contrast and color saturation of the track. This affects newly released tracks as well as future track updates. Maple Valley has been refreshed with “Mobil 1 Presents Maple Valley” race day branding, which includes new track signage featuring Mobil 1. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Maple Valley track. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Mid-Ohio track. Fixed numerous areas across Mid-Ohio where textures were displayed at low resolution or stretched. Placed a barrier along the pit exit at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. To accommodate this change, leaderboards for this track have been reset. Fixed a couple zones at Brands Hatch that were missing or displaying broken skids. We’ve reset leaderboards for Le Mans track layouts following the changes made to this track in Update 7.
Cars [All Platforms]
2016 Ford Shelby GT350R: Fixed an issue where suspension couldn’t be tuned without the Drift Suspension upgrade. [1648500] 2013 McLaren P1: Fixed an issue where the aero wing wasn’t displaying its deployment animation when accelerating after braking for a turn. [1592856] 1992 Volkswagen Golf Gti 16v Mk2: Fixed an issue where the Analog speedometer did not match the telemetry. [1652263] Fixed an issue on select cars where the fog lights or reflectors would instead act as brake lights. This fix applies to the 1998 Toyota Supra RZ, 2003 Ford Focus RS and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. [1730279] [1731165]
Livery Editor[All Platforms]
Introduced a Vinyl Material tool to the Livery Editor which can be used to uniformly adjust all vinyl materials on a car from matte (non-reflective) to glossy (reflective). This includes a reset option to revert all vinyls to match car paint glossiness. Imported designs from Forza Horizon 5 using its similar feature will automatically inherit these values. When removing a livery from a vehicle, the color will now be reset to the default manufacturer color instead of the color when the player purchases it. [1731939] Adjusted the arrangement of hint buttons in Livery Editor at the bottom of the screen. [1741965] Fixed an issue in the Livery Editor where the save popup would not be shown when exiting after flipping a decal or creating a mask from a layer. [1739245] The 'Find Designs' menu is now accessible for rental cars when players try to open it from 'Design & Paint Menu' and 'Livery Mode Select' scenes. [1643182] Fixed an issue where the game was creating empty base model liveries. Forza base liveries will no longer be created and stored unless it's the current livery in use. [1551365] Added iconography to layers in the Livery Editor. The player can now see icons to indicate if it's a mask layer or a locked layer. [1370431] The background values (position, scale, color, etc.) will not change when the player is navigating through the lighting options panel. [1734187] Fixed issues when flipping the rotation of vinyls in the Livery Editor. [1728080] Fixed an issue to prevent zooming of camera if the mouse is over Livery Color Selector in all color modes (Normal, Manufacturer, Special) for consistency. [1721951] Addressed an issue where player brake calipers were displaying the wrong color instead of the expected special colors. [1712512] Fixed an issue in the Design & Paint menu where non-block color vinyl shapes ignored mask effects. [1630741]
Accessibility [All Platforms]
Screen Narrator now properly narrates the “Place in Car Bay” scene. [1738094] Screen Narrator will now read associated credit bonuses as part of the option value names on Free Play Advanced options which affect credits earned during the event. This change also fixes the display of the bonus percentages for all players. [1721875] Fixed intermittent failures of Screen Narrator to read the tab names in the Builders Cup Series Selection scene. [1721928] Screen Narrator now fully supports the “Series Standings” leaderboard scene accessed from the Builders Cup Event Setup scene. [1721944], [1657223] Screen Narrator now correctly reads the Driving Assists modal popup for new players during the initial races of Career mode. [1738064] Screen Narrator will now always correctly read the Data Out IP Address and Port settings in the Gameplay & HUD settings menu. [1667393] Fixed an issue with Screen Narrator reading DLC pack descriptions twice in Purchase Options menu. [1746587] Added descriptive text for the SoundCloud Driver Suit. [1708217] The Tune Setups menu is now fully narrated. [1709554]
Localization[All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where several words were not translated when using [sv-SE] (Swedish-Sweden) language. [1589182] Fixed an issue causing hint button text to exceed the text boundaries in several languages. [1711597] Fixed a typo in Screen Narrator voiceovers in [pt-BR] (Portuguese-Brazil) when viewing car info panels. [1712323] Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Fuel & Tire setup screen when text size is set to largest, and the language is set to [fi-FI] (Finnish-Finland). [1749301] Fixed an issue where the word “Pause” is not translated in [ja-JP] (Japanese-Japan). [1749465] Fixed an issue where the word “Hardcore” is not translated in several languages. [1749471] Fixed an incorrect character in [zh-TW] (Taiwanese Mandarin-Taiwan) that caused Fuel & Tire menu categories to be mistranslated. [1749479]
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:02 BeeAlert5000 K10+ mini struggles with carpets after firmware update

When I first unpacked my brand new K10+ it climbed every carpet without a problem for the first 5 cleanings. I then decided to update the firmware version ( The robot now struggles with most of my carpets. It climbs the carpet as before, but it has a harder time rotating around the edges of the carpet. Instead, when it encounters a rough surface it stops, rotates a full 360° circle and tries again, but eventually gives up, claiming via push notification that the main cleaning roller is stuck. The roller is not stuck, nor is the edge brush. It just seems that the 'free yourself' algorithm has been changed with the firmware upgrade and now the robot seems to try less hard to free itself when it thinks it is stuck.
➡️ Has anyone experienced similar behavior? ➡️ Is there a changelog where I can read about the changes made in each firmware version? ➡️ Is there perhaps a way to revert to a previous firmware version? (unfortunately I don't remember which firmware version the robot came with when I unpacked it)
submitted by BeeAlert5000 to TrySwitchBot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 NorthbyFjord 26[M4F] UK/Anywhere – Looking for the one

Hei, hi and hello!
I’m Onsie Onsfjord or Fjord feel free to call me whichever is not mind to me.
I’m a 26-year-old English Norwegian who’s mainly lived his whole life in the United Kingdom and graduated from university with a degree in Computer Networks and is now working as a DIE for the NHS (Digital Infrastructure Engineer).
Caught you off guard with that job title acronym huh? Yeah, trust me when I first started it had me in fits of laughter, but you get used to it after a while.
So a bit about me; - I’m an introvert and tend to avoid public crowds, events and such and just try to vibe with friends on a nice game of anything (which you’ll see below) - I’m an avid IT nerd and will most likely remain this way for my whole career as IT is my education and career at this point - On top of IT you guessed it I’m also a very big avid “gamer” I mainly play PC and PS5 games with my current interests being in Helldivers 2, Star Wars: The Fallen Order, and Jedi: Survivor amongst a few other things like WoW, CoD, SWTOR and so on. - I love learning, whether it be history, game lore, languages, cultures, etc. You name it, and I’ll probably be interested in it (Trust me, you give me a flag of any country, and I’ll be able to tell you the country’s name and political structure. - I’m also an avid book reader and you’ll most likely see my shelf full of different manga from all types of genres, I don’t particularly watch anime, I mainly read instead because I find it more “interesting” for better or not. (Not that I'm opposed to watching it) - I’m trying to learn to cook myself but not very good at it as my most recent attempt I ended up giving myself food poisoning so it’s sufficient to say you will have a big gamble if you’d like me to cook ha-ha. - I do watch football from time to time and do support a few clubs from around the world (mainly northern Europe, the UK, and the US) feel free to guess if you’d like! - I’m currently on a VLCD and have lost about 2 stone within 1 month which I’m super super happy about.
In terms of looks and such I’m what an average 26-year-old would look like who is 6’1/6’2 with a picture on request.
Please don’t judge too much as I’m still working on improving myself.
What am I about? I’ve always made it a goal to help, care for, and support those close to me, whether it be friends, old friends, or the equivalent of my family. They’ve been there for me, and I’ll go hell and back for them as they’ve stood by me through thick and thin, even through the loss of other close friends; they’ve picked me up and brushed me down and set me straight to which I will always forever be in their debt and have helped them being.
Whilst I’ve been shot and backstabbed by many of those who I thought were close to me I just try and see the positive and avoid the unnecessary drama and arguments as life is just way too generally short for that kind of stuff and we should all get along with each other in my mind.
What am I looking for? I apologize if this comes off as really picky - Someone in the realm of the US, Canada or Europe - Someone between the age of 20 to 28 years old - Someone who has an interest in IT, manga, gaming, and such (It’s easier to talk to people with the same interest I’ve found though you don’t need to work in IT at all) - Just be a kind honest individual who I can back and vice versa. Be there for each other.
I am looking for a monogamous and serious relationship and not a friendship, however, I’m fine with starting out as friends whilst getting to know each other etc.
The end? Well, I’d like to say that this was the short and sweet version of myself without giving much more away about me but hey hopefully you’ve stayed this far and if you have, I have a very small simple request for you!
If you do decide I’m someone you’d like to get to know and all of that stuff then when messaging me, please make a somewhat attempt of an introduction (I’m not asking for the mass of paragraphs or anything) just a hi, your name (doesn’t have to be your real name), where you’re from, how old are you, what you do, hobbies, etc and we’ll go from there!
Low-effort chats & messages will be removed also, so I know that you’ve made it this far please put your answers to this question (wrong answers don’t matter, it’s what is attempted counts)
“I was born in the winter on a remembrance day, which day was this?”
Take care and hope to see your message 😊
submitted by NorthbyFjord to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 NorthbyFjord 26[M4F] UK/Anywhere – Looking for the one

Hei, hi and hello!
I’m Onsie Onsfjord or Fjord feel free to call me whichever is not mind to me.
I’m a 26-year-old English Norwegian who’s mainly lived his whole life in the United Kingdom and graduated from university with a degree in Computer Networks and is now working as a DIE for the NHS (Digital Infrastructure Engineer).
Caught you off guard with that job title acronym huh? Yeah, trust me when I first started it had me in fits of laughter, but you get used to it after a while.
So a bit about me;
In terms of looks and such I’m what an average 26-year-old would look like who is 6’1/6’2 with a picture on request.
Please don’t judge too much as I’m still working on improving myself.
What am I about? I’ve always made it a goal to help, care for, and support those close to me, whether it be friends, old friends, or the equivalent of my family. They’ve been there for me, and I’ll go hell and back for them as they’ve stood by me through thick and thin, even through the loss of other close friends; they’ve picked me up and brushed me down and set me straight to which I will always forever be in their debt and have helped them being.
Whilst I’ve been shot and backstabbed by many of those who I thought were close to me I just try and see the positive and avoid the unnecessary drama and arguments as life is just way too generally short for that kind of stuff and we should all get along with each other in my mind.
What am I looking for? I apologize if this comes off as really picky
I am looking for a monogamous and serious relationship and not a friendship, however, I’m fine with starting out as friends whilst getting to know each other etc.
The end? Well, I’d like to say that this was the short and sweet version of myself without giving much more away about me but hey hopefully you’ve stayed this far and if you have, I have a very small simple request for you!
If you do decide I’m someone you’d like to get to know and all of that stuff then when messaging me, please make a somewhat attempt of an introduction (I’m not asking for the mass of paragraphs or anything) just a hi, your name (doesn’t have to be your real name), where you’re from, how old are you, what you do, hobbies, etc and we’ll go from there!
Low-effort chats & messages will be removed also, so I know that you’ve made it this far please put your answers to this question (wrong answers don’t matter, it’s what is attempted counts)
“I was born in the winter on a remembrance day, which day was this?”
Take care and hope to see your message 😊
submitted by NorthbyFjord to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 BagWonderful9973 Should I release a full version?

Should I release a full version? submitted by BagWonderful9973 to u/BagWonderful9973 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:53 Cute_Weight4226 GPU preventing POST

Got into my office on day to discover that my computer wouldn’t post. My VGA light is on and I can’t get into my bios to change any settings. I was able to boot into my OS no problem when I removed the graphics card. Leading me to believe it was either an issue with a power cable or maybe a bad driver after an update caused issues (my boot disk was pretty full at the time). After reading online. figured maybe I should update my bios. Tried flashing as I have done before according to manufacturing guidelines, and it corrupted my OS :/. That’s not really the issue though as I am working on reinstalling a new version of windows. If that doesn’t work though… what could be the problem? The gpu fans still spin and the card lights up, the pc just won’t start with it installed.
MB: MSI Z790 Edge WiFi CPU: i5-13600 K (or whatever the integrated graphics chip is) - water cooled 2x120 radiator GPU: MSI RTX 3070 Ti RAM: 32GB DDR5 PSU: Gigabyte P750GM Gold
submitted by Cute_Weight4226 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:52 Irrethegreat Inspired by OMAD, what do you think about this strat? Spoiler: It´s definitely not OMAD

So I really want to avoid counting calories if possible and I find myself having a hard time just trying to use will power and you know, eat little or 'right' all the time. I honestly barely want to since I got a lot of other stuff going on in life (trying to quit nicotine, just about to move etc.) but I have gained something like 11kg since January and went from ok to big gut and slightly overweight. Normally my best method would be to brute force it and start off very hard to make the rest easier, by doing a 3 day fast for instance, but it´s way too stressful to do that right now. This is part of the reason to why it has kept spiraling since I have been sick a lot and also tried to quit nicotine on and off ever since January. I adapted comfort eating and cravings for stuff while not being able to work out.
Stats: F 162 cm, CW: 68kg GW: well I would want to get to 58 or even less but 60 kg seems more realistic.
I can´t rely on working out much but I get a lot of walking done from just normal life. If I could I would run a bunch but can´t rely on that.
So, my idea is to do 3 different things to hopefully limit myself enough so I don´t feel very restricted and don´t have to count calories but can still be relatively sure to drop weight in total per week.
  1. Use a small spoon instead of a big when I am eating with a spoon. Then try to eat mainly things that is possible to eat with a spoon. So it takes a bit longer and I can feel when I am full.
  2. Doing a sort of intermittent fasting but it´s really intended to cut the amount of portions and less snacking. I was thinking OMAD at first but this should be less stressful by having one light portion for lunch and one big portion during the evenings. This way I will have one meal per day when I don´t have to bother to keep the portion size small and the meal content strict. Besides this I will get some extra calories from beverages on a regular basis though. Like milk in the coffee and the occasional juice or drinks. I don´t plan to restrict this besides that one naturally tries not to have crazy amounts of alcohol and I´d pick ligher versions (wine, vodka soda, juices without added sugar, stuff like that).
  3. Going up 45 minutes early on week days before work and go for a short jog (2 km-ish). For some extra energy during the day and getting a bit of pulse raising exercise. The reason it is so short is that it´s realistic even when I am not physically in good shape. I don´t count on burning much calories but it´s a start and it´s healthy. It´s actually mainly so I should be less tempted to drink very often even if it´s just a couple of glasses or to have bad food since I feel I get more cravings for good food and less for bad food when I run.
What do you think? Obviously it can´t be 100% foolproof if I don´t count the calories or simply cut it if I have had too much. Anyone tried anything similar?
submitted by Irrethegreat to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 letsgofrolicking Where are the minimalist fashionistas and how do you stay minimalist?

Just something I was pondering the other day after having a discussion with a co-worker about minimalism. She had no idea that I consider myself a minimalist because I am always the most fashionable person in the office. I broke down my wardrobe to her and she was stunned at how it worked and how she had never noticed the "repetition" before. My co-worker had the stereotype of minimalists in her head: that we all strive to own as little as humanly possible and that we wear super plain things like jeans and black t-shirts as our daily uniform. So, just curious about other minimalists who love fashion of some form and how you do it! I'll outline my system below now for those curious! It's long to type out, but was actually pretty quick conversation over lunch in person!
Basically, besides socks/bras/underwear here is what I own:
  1. Leggings. I have about 12 pairs of leggings that are either capris or full-length and basic neutrals like black, grey, and brown. I have 2 pair of fleece-lined ones for winter and separate workout leggings. I buy these new and from two different brands I really like. Replace as needed.
  2. Dresses. I have about 20-25 dresses at any given moment and they are all simple, classic cuts (t-shirt, a-line, sundress etc.) with a few sweater dresses and maxi dresses. I don't buy "themed" dresses, such as prints that are very obviously Christmas or Halloween. I stick to neutral solid colors and basic patterns like stripes and polka dots, as well as small non-flashy florals. Most of these dresses are thrifted and I enjoy the hunt for something. I do sometimes purchase new dresses but only if they are high quality, extremely versatile, look fantastic on me, and I can get them in several colors/patterns and just buy 4 versions of it in one go.
  3. Cover-ups. This is where the "style" comes in. I have about 15-20 different coverups in different styles that are ALL thrifted. They consist of things like cardigans, blazers, vests, button-down shirts, and light jackets. These are all pretty neutral as well but I love finding pieces with a little flair to them. Like, I have 2 denim vests, one that is just a plain, simple vest and one that has fun embroidered daisy patches on it.
  4. Shoes. I pretty much only ever have 9 pairs of shoes. 2 pair of sneakers, 2 pairs of sandals, 2 fashion boots (ankle/riding), 2 ballet flats, and 1 pair of work boots. These are all new and slightly higher quality and I rarely have to replace one, besides the pair or sneakers and boots that I work out/hike in and thus get worn down more quickly.
  5. Accessories. I have a small collection of scarves, jewelry, purses, belts, and a few odds and ends like that.
The only pants I own are a pair of hiking pants and a pair of work overalls! I do have in one part of my sock drawer two hiking t-shirts, a swimsuit, and sleeping shorts/sweats. That's it.
ALL of this fits in one 4 drawer dresser and 1 standard size hanging clothes rack, taking up maybe one quarter of my walk-in closet. Yes, including the accessories. Most of the closet is just storage for the seasonal things like our small boxes of holiday décor, our snowshoes, and the cushions for our patio furniture. There are two whole shelves just empty in there.
Now, the fashionable part is that because all my clothes are mainly neutrals or very subtle little extras, they all mix and match, and I can throw an accessory on to completely change the feel of the outfit. The day my co-worker and I were talking about fashion and minimalism I was wearing a plain black sundress with a plain denim vest, plain blue sandals, and a summery scarf tied in my hair. I told her this was the same dress I wore to the big fancy fundraising dinner last November, but I paired it with a black blazer, my black riding boots, black leggings, and a simple pearl necklace/earring set. I also worse this dress/boot/legging combo to our Christmas party too, I just switched the blazer for a red cardigan and threw on a white scarf and snowflake earrings. She was flabbergasted and she swore she'd never seen this dress on me before. But I literally wear this dress all the time. I've repaired the straps on it twice and the hem once, it's that old and loved. I love taking the same core pieces and mixing & matching them in creative ways to create whole new looks. I've worn the same dress three times in one week and gotten compliments on my outfit from the same people telling me I always look so put together. People think I must own a whole closet full of clothes and spend tons of money, but I don't. It's just strategy! _________________________________________________________
WOW, that was long! But who else can I talk all this out with, lol! There's gotta be SOMEONE here that loves fashion as a minimalist too, or someone who thinks they have to give it up to be a minimalist. This post is for us!
submitted by letsgofrolicking to minimalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 impendingexplosions Access - Essential Functions with Microsoft 365 by Stella Gardonio?

Been looking for a pdf of this, have only found the 2007 version. If anyone has a link to the 2022 edition I would be very grateful. Full info:
Title: Access - Essential Functions with Microsoft 365
Author: Gardonio, Stella
Publisher: Logitell Publishing Inc., 2022
ISBN: 978-1-77389-082-1
submitted by impendingexplosions to FreeTextBook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:44 OzTheMaster [Server] The Penguins All the Mods 9 [Modded] [Network] {Tight-knit} {ATM9}

A small, but very active & tight knit community full of nice people, amazing builders and blood sacrifices! Join now and we guarantee that you won't be the next sacrifice! There's a lot planned for the future, so if you wanna try a fresh map and see the server develop, the time is now!
We have multiple homeslots, /rtp and every dimension is fully pregenerated! Theres tons of stuff planned (and already being worked on!) like custom quests, time based levelling system and huge builds!
The rules can be checked in our #rules channel on discord, but they boil down to "don't be an asshole to the server and its TPS" be sure to check the rules channel though for finer details
IP: atm9.ihatemy.live
Version: 0.2.58
Hosted: Germany, we have a lot of American players too!
Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH
submitted by OzTheMaster to feedthebeastservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:42 eshlow PSA - All new training questions must follow this format

This has been updated in both the new and old reddit submission texts located at:
The new reddit one unfortunately does not allow formatting, and it's significantly shorter amount of text so it's a compressed version.
Post appropriate questions in the "Simple Questions and Injuries" thread sticked at the top.
Training questions format:
  1. Amount of climbing and training experience?
  2. What does a week of climbing and training look like?
  3. Goals - specify your goals beyond "generally improve"
  4. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. How are you working on them? Examples:
  • Grips: Full crimp, half crimp, open hand, three finger drag, etc.
  • Terrain: Roof, overhang, vert, slab, compression, etc.
  • Technique issues? Are you "good not strong" or "strong not good"?
If you still have questions after your self analysis, post about your training.
Additional resources: sidebar and wiki. Take advantage of these!
This ensures a quality amount of info is available for the members to analyze and make good suggestions. Lazier posts not following this format and of sufficiently low quality may be removed without warning.
submitted by eshlow to climbharder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:42 OzTheMaster [ATM9 Server] The Penguins Network: All the Mods 9!

A small, but very active & tight knit community full of nice people, amazing builders and blood sacrifices! Join now and we guarantee that you won't be the next sacrifice! There's a lot planned for the future, so if you wanna try a fresh map and see the server develop, the time is now!
We have multiple homeslots, /rtp and every dimension is fully pregenerated! Theres tons of stuff planned (and already being worked on!) like custom quests, time based levelling system and huge builds!
The rules can be checked in our #rules channel on discord, but they boil down to "don't be an asshole to the server and its TPS" be sure to check the rules channel though for finer details
IP: atm9.ihatemy.live
Version: 0.2.58
Hosted: Germany, we have a lot of American players too!
Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH
submitted by OzTheMaster to ModdedMC [link] [comments]
