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Tips and Tricks on how to stay motivated and be successful on your Keto journey:

2024.05.14 21:28 Ultravis66 Tips and Tricks on how to stay motivated and be successful on your Keto journey:

Recently I have been seeing a lot of posts about getting stuck at X weight, or “I cheated and now I am out of Ketosis.” So I wanted to share my journey with you and what has helped me go from where I was, 343 lbs at my heaviest, down to 280lbs as of this week the last time I weighed myself. Today I am lighter than I have been in over 15 years! I still have a long way to go, and my end goal is 200 lbs, because I want to be thin and attractive and I want people to respect me and not judge me because I am fat, just like you probably reading this right now. Well, I am here to try and help!
My journey started with an initial health scare from when I visited the doctor back in 2019, as you are all probably aware of, pre-diabetic, stage 3 fatty liver, ect… I had known about Keto diets in the past, when I was younger, the low carb diet at the time was Atkins, and I had used this diet before to keep my weight in check as I have always struggled with my weight, but that was back in my early 20s. My solution to fixing my health problems (and weight problem) was to go back on a ketogenic diet.
In 2019, I went through the struggle of getting my body in ketosis, dealt with keto flu, low energy, and was able to overcome those challenges and get on a good track of staying low carb. I managed to do this for about a year before I started to slip. It started with small slip ups here and there “a few Doritos wont hurt, its just a hand full.” “A small piece of cookie wont hurt.” Before I knew it (mid 2022), I was kicked out of Ketosis and craving high carb foods again and back into old eating habits. I went from 343 down to 283 then back up to 312 lbs, Darn! I was losing the battle...
Then in 2023, I started having health issues again, which I won’t go into details, and I wanted to get my health in check for good. What was needed, in my opinion, was a fundamental shift in the way I (we) view food. We need to look at food as an essential building block and an energy source for our body and get out of the mindset of looking at food for comfort and enjoyment. This is not an easy thing to do and is probably the hardest thing I have ever done next to getting an Engineering Degree, but if you can master this one thing, you will be hugely successful in your journey to losing the weight and being healthy.
Step 1: Small steps and Logging
My first piece of advice is start small. Yes, you are impatient and yes you want to be thin RIGHT NOW! I get it, but this won’t happen overnight. This is a long process that takes a long time. You are fighting an uphill battle. You are probably surrounded by people eating all kinds of high carb foods, you probably got that skinny friend/relative that can eat anything and stay thin (NOT FAIR! I totally get it..). The first thing I recommend is track absolutely everything you eat. Lose it is only $3 bucks/month (best money I ever spent). Do not try and diet yet, just track what you are eating. Eat a cookie? Log it! Eat an entire party bag potato chips? Hey don’t sweat it! But LOG IT! Get into the habit of logging absolutely everything you put into your body no matter what it is, and don’t judge yourself for your bad eating habits, don’t worry you and me, we are going to fix this together!
After about a week (maybe 2 weeks), make a small change… I was eating about 250 net grams of carbs per day, so I set a reasonable goal for the next week… Lets see if I can get that down to 150 net/day for a week. One week goes by, easily beat it! All it took was cutting some bread out of my diet as well as rice and potatoes. Next step, 100 net/day. Weeks goes by I was at 120 net/day. Darn! I tried my best, but next week, I’m going to do it! Next week goes by I was at 99 net/day. Yes! I did it I hit my goal. Let’s see if I can do it again and again. 2 more weeks go by, and I was down to 80 net/day without hardly trying. Then I lowered my goal to 50/day and that is when it started to get hard. Now I had to cut that slice of toast out of my diet with my morning eggs. I had to cut that bowl of rice out with my meat. I had to really start making some hard changes, and I wasn’t always successful during the first month. I went over and hit 60/day, but I kept at it, kept logging. Today I average 21 Net/day carbs (not too bad right). The best part about the second time I got myself into Ketosis, there was ZERO side effects. No keto flu. I did have electrolyte imbalances for a while but was easily fixed with upping potassium and adding more salt to my food.
The key here is set reasonable goals for yourself that you know you can beat, you wont always be successful, but keep at it. Breaking bad habits is hard, but if you keep logging, and you keep at your goals, eventually you will break it!
Step 2: Eat only nutrient dense foods
This goes back to looking at food as building blocks and energy for your body, make sure every food you eat is to fulfil a specific nutrient requirement. You need more potassium, eat more kale/spinach, need to get your vitamin D up, eat some smoked salmon. Over time, your taste buds will change, and you will start really enjoying the foods you are eating. I absolutely LOVE kale now!
Also, this includes keto-friendly foods like bacon. I do not eat bacon. There is almost no nutritional value in eating it, so why eat it? Eat some steak instead.
If I eat a food with Carbs, it will be a very nutrient dense food and because my body needs those nutrients. What kind of foods am I talking about? Here are some examples:
73% + or more cocoa chocolate
Berries (strawberries for example)
Nuts and seeds of all kinds.
All kinds of vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, Peppers, Onions
The Key to staying in ketosis when you are consuming foods with carbs is moderation. Yes that 70% chocolate has sugar in it, but I eat one square MAX per day. That one piece of chocolate has 4.7 grams of net carbs and 2 grams of fiber. There is plenty of room in my daily carb limit to allow for it. As long as my weekly average total carb intake stays under 25 grams/day, I am good (my personal set goal).
Step 3: NO CHEAT DAYS!!!
Once you are in the groove, and you got your carb intake to your set goals, be EXTREMELY strict with food intake. Allow for ZERO cheat days and have a ZERO tolerance policy on any "empty carb" food. What do I mean by empty carb? any food that is high in carbs and has no nutritional value, like cookies, chips, ice-cream ect... Cheating will get you kicked out of ketosis and is the path back to bad eating habits and putting the weight back on and that is exactly what happened to me! Just don’t do it. We are not eating for comfort anymore; we are eating because our bodies need this specific nutrient. This is the goal.
Step 4: Fasting
You don’t need to do this right away, make sure you get yourself into the habit of logging, and eating foods that are nutrient dense and make sure your body is in ketosis first. Like with before, don’t try and jump headfirst into fasting, take small steps and build on it every week. Start with a shorter duration fast once per week, for 12 hours, then increase slowly until you hit 18 hours. The end goal here is twice per week for a minimum of 18 hours. If you get hungry and you cant do it, don’t beat yourself up over it, its hard! Your body will fight you and want you to eat. Try again the next week with your set goals. Just make sure you are eating those nutrient dense foods we talked about above. As your body becomes more and more fat adapted, this will get easier and easier.
I am currently fasting for 24 hours on Mondays and Tuesdays. Monday morning I eat 2 fried eggs and drink my coffee with half and half then fast until Tuesday morning. Then on Tuesday morning, I will eat 2 fried eggs and that same coffee without eating until Wednesday morning. It is currently Tuesday and I have not eaten since this morning. I won’t eat until tomorrow morning.
To prep your body for long fasts that will allow your body to eat itself with ease is making sure you are LOADED with TONS of nutrients, (remember step 2?). Saturday and Sunday are prep days for that fast. I eat dark leafy greens, like Kale, and Spinach, cheesy broccoli I make myself, peppers, ect... I eat lots of nuts and seeds, Walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts, peanut butter, steak, Smoked raw salmon. I will eat a little bit more than my metabolic rate, about 200 calories more (2500 cal). I also generously salt everything so that I am around 4000 MG for the day. This will load your body with potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Then I go into my fast on Monday. Perfect for me since I need to be at work on Monday and Tuesday.
If you do this, when you go into your fast, you will have plenty of nutrients/electrolytes for your body to just eat your own fat off your body. You probably wont even feel hungry for many hours on end, but if you do get hungry, drink lemon in water, or apple cider vinegar to suppress your hunger.
Now, the key to coming out of your fast is to NOT over-eat. Eat VERY SLOWLY (I cannot emphasize this enough). Take bites, chew, put your fork down, wait 10-30 seconds after you swallow, then take another bite. Eat high fat foods like cheese, eggs, peanut butter. This will help you feel satiated. Try and keep your first meal out of a fast at around 1000 calories.
Step 5: Exercise
Try and add exercise into your weekly routine and this will help you lose the weight even faster, but is not necessary to lose the weight. Exercise is really good for you anyway. For me personally, I picked up swimming (I swim 2 miles 3x per week now), and I feel great afterwards, all those endorphins! So why not?
Step 6: For life!
What do I mean for life? What I mean is that you need to view keto as a for life plan. The key to staying healthy is eating healthy. So why ever go back to your old way of eating? On this diet, I feel great, my libido is way up and I have tons of energy to do things! I want to go outside and work on my car! I want to go to the gym. When you are eating healthy, you will feel amazing, you will have moments of euphoria, you will be happy, you will have an amazing sex life! That guy/girl you like at the gym will notice you. You will no longer be ignored! You will also be smarter, your mental clarity will be better than ever, you will be able to focus on your goals!
Final piece of advice: You will fail… yes you will fail at your goals over and over again, I still fail my goals once in a while. Last week I had a day where I went up to 30 net/day carbs and ate 2600 calories (DARN!), but I didn’t give up! I wont give up! Sometimes you will slip, but as long as you set reasonable goals for yourself and tighten those goals solely over time, and you keep at it, you will be successful in the long run, and you will get the weight off! Don’t focus on the scale, but focus on getting into healthy eating habits, focus on exercising and I promise you, the weight will come off!
submitted by Ultravis66 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:00 ArticleAvailable8759 Elizabeth Lavender sextapes Elizabeth Lestina sextapeing Elizabeth López sextapeny Elizabeth Loredo sextapebin Elizabeth Low sextapejis Elizabeth Mannino sextapesh Elizabeth Marie Chestang sextapelik Elizabeth Masucci sextapelion Elizabeth Mcdonald sextapeho Elizabeth McGovern sextapedin

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2024.05.14 20:21 jlopez1017 Graduate student needs advice

I’m starting my ABA program this fall and am looking for agencies to join to collect supervision hours, I have 5 years experience of clinical ABA and I’m getting very low pay rate offers from agencies I’m applying to. 22 an hour in SoCal does not cut it for me. I’m currently with an agency that pays me closer to 30 an hour but the amount of supervision hours I’ll be receiving is minimal. Is there any way around the low pay rate for agencies that provide good supervision and support? I need to be able to pay my bills while attending school
submitted by jlopez1017 to bcba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:11 Lambchopt Low GPA

Howdy, I made a post on here a couple of days ago on Apprenticeship vs Academy. Y’all gave me some great info and advice! With all that info I decided I wanted to pursue the Academy route and get my 3rd mate and a degree!
However, I have been calling around these schools Cal, Maine and SUNY and they will not accept my GPA.
For reference I graduated High School 8 years ago with a GPA of 2.3. I am aware of how bad that number looks but I have worked extremely hard these last years to prove that number does not represent me or my work ethic.
I never attended college but I do have a solid resume of my time as a contractor with the Navy.
Point being, am I shit outta luck because my gpa was low?
Will I probably just have go the SIU route?
submitted by Lambchopt to maritime [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:40 Holiday_Preference47 Finally losing weight

Hi! I’m making this for some advice and just to share my experiences. I (F21) have been overweight my whole life. I’m 164cm which is around 5’4, and last year April I was 158 LB, but 2 months ago I weighed in at 186 LB. This was after working out continuously for months and eating healthy (mindful, no junk, stopped eating when I felt full)
So, I tried a calorie deficit. It didn’t work at first but then I used the body scan things at my gym to find out my BMR is quite low, at 1400 cal. So my deficit of 1400… was well, useless.
I’m now eating 1000-1100 cal a day, and I get in 6k-10k steps at work depending on the day, and it’s been 4 weeks since I started this routine. I went from 186 to 177. (Yay, progress)
But I do need advice. This is not at all sustainable and I’m certain as soon as I eat normally (1800-2000 a day) I will start gaining weight again. How do I go about this?
I also have PCOS.
Edit: I eat protein reach and try to eat my protein goals everyday. Same with fiber. my carbs sugar and fats are at all time low. I sometimes don’t eat because I’m too exhausted to cook and calculate the calories of every little thing. I sleep 8 hours every night. I go to the gym twice a week to do some strength training. And this is NOT my first diet/restriction. I did keto for a year, and I did 1600 calories for a year, along with exercise. Neither helped. This is the first time I’m losing weight.
submitted by Holiday_Preference47 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:34 creamycunslater Lowest cal take out

Every Wednesday I go out and get sushi with my family and apparently it's kinda high cal (200+ a roll) I usually get 2 rolls does anyone know any low cal Japanese foods that taste pretty good? Don't wanna waste my money on sum that taste bad lol
submitted by creamycunslater to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:50 upbstock Morning Prepper 🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕

State of the consumer Are U.S. consumers finally tightening the purse strings? That's the main question on the minds of investors as major retailers kick off their quarterly earnings reports this week, starting with Home Depot (HD). The home improvement chain's Q1 results came in below Street expectations, hurt by a delayed start to spring, continued softness in certain larger discretionary projects, and higher mortgage rates.
Dig deeper: Retailer earnings come at a time when consumer sentiment is weakening, amid expectations of stickier inflation for some time to come and a tempered outlook for income growth. Investing Group Leader Bret Jensen believes stagflation is an increasingly likely economic scenario. "Right now, I believe the average American consumer has a better handle on the U.S. economy than the average investor and a better take on the true level of inflation than governmental statistics."
Scott Feiler, consumer sector specialist at Goldman Sachs, said the consumer spending concerns have been driven by updates by bellwethers in the sector, and the notable slowdown seen in April - one of the worst months of the retail quarter. Companies like Wayfair (W) and Whirlpool (WHR) have already warned that consumers are cutting back spending on big-ticket items, while fast-food chains such as McDonald's (MCD) and Starbucks (SBUX) have observed pickier and more value-minded customers. "Consumer cracks are emerging," especially among lower incomes, warned Bank of America analyst Savita Subramanian.
Earnings watch: Walmart (WMT), which will report Q1 results on Thursday, is expected to report modest upside to the consensus U.S. comparable sales estimates, driven by bargain-hunting shoppers. Also keep an eye on other retailers scheduled to report results next week: Lowe's (LOW), Target (TGT), TJX (TJX), and Ross Stores (ROST).
Sustained weight loss Patients who are taking Novo Nordisk's (NVO) blockbuster obesity drug Wegovy have reportedly maintained an average of 10% weight loss four years after starting the treatment. "We see that once the majority of the weight loss is accrued, you don't go back and start to increase weight if you stay on the drug," said Martin Holst Lange, Novo's head of development. The data could help Novo in its efforts to convince insurers and governments to provide coverage for the treatment. The U.K.'s National Health Service provides only two years of Wegovy coverage, while Medicare does not cover the drug. A recent poll showed that many people believe Medicare should cover weight loss drugs. (2 comments)
Resisting takeover Anglo American (OTCQX:AAUKF) has unveiled a major shakeup of the company - which includes divesting its steelmaking coal and nickel businesses - as the British miner aims to stave off BHP's (BHP) takeover bid. Anglo American will demerge Anglo American Platinum (OTCPK:ANGPY), while its diamond business De Beers will either be divested or demerged "to improve strategic flexibility." The overhaul is aimed at sharpening Anglo American's focus on its mainstay assets - copper and premium iron ore. "These actions represent the most radical changes to Anglo American in decades," its CEO Duncan Wanblad said. The plan was announced just a day after the firm rejected BHP's (BHP) new £34B proposal.
Power grid boost The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved two new rules Monday that are expected to make it easier to expand the construction of big power lines and bring more renewable energy to U.S. homes and businesses. One rule will require companies that produce and transmit electricity to weigh factors such as supply and demand over at least 20 years; the other addresses the permitting of critical projects in areas that lack adequate transmission capacity. The rule requiring long-term planning is "the biggest single action by the federal government to advance transmission," according to Rob Gramlich, president of power consulting firm Grid Strategies. (46 comments)
Today's Markets
In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong -0.2%. China -0.1%. India +0.5%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.1%. Paris -0.1%. Frankfurt -0.2%. Futures at 7:00, Dow flat. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude flat at $79.10. Gold +0.3% to $2,349.10. Bitcoin -1.5% to $61,690. Ten-year Treasury Yield unchanged at 4.48%.
Today's Economic Calendar
6:00 NFIB Small Business Optimism Index 8:30 Producer Price Index 9:10 Fed’s Cook Speech 10:00 Jerome Powell Speech 8:15 PM Fed's Schmid Speech
Companies reporting earnings today »
What else is happening...
WSB survey results: Derisking and diversifying is still the way to go.
Biden administration raises tariffs steeply on Chinese EVs, chips.
Uber (UBER), Lyft (LYFT) face landmark trial on rideshare drivers.
BYD (OTCPK:BYDDF) sends shockwaves across auto with Seagull.
Biden faces mounting calls to take on grocery price-fixing issue.
HubSpot (HUBS) rises on report of 'compelling' offer from Alphabet.
Wedbush: Apple (AAPL)-OpenAI pact appears to be done deal.
OpenAI unveils new flagship model GPT-4o, available for free to all.
OPEC risks losing market share if it does not start raising output.
ZIM (ZIM) surges as container shipping stocks' momentum continues.
submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:26 aaliyanamirrajput Somehow found a way to learn more while studying... less

Recently came across this formula from Cal Newport, and it's genuinely helped me supercharge my focus and productivity. It goes like this:
⭐ Work accomplished = ⏱️ Time x 😤 Intensity of Focus
In other words, if your focus is low, it'll take you more time to do the same work than if your focus was high. (Alright, I know, "duh", but bear with me 🐻).
It's an obvious fact, but not something we're taking advantage of, and here's how you can:
The next time you need to study, don't just head straight into it. Instead, decide exactly what needs to be done, prepare your materials, choose an isolated study-space, chuck away your phone, and plan a short (>1 hr) but high-intensity study session.
Just try it once, and it will leave you invigorated (energised).
And, if you do find it as incredible as I did, you're welcome to join along our study group where we share study tips exactly like these - the ones that genuinely bring a change. It's a community of students from around the world trying to study better, and I hope to see you guys there too :)
submitted by aaliyanamirrajput to studytips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:41 RareRing4182 Low cal meals that don’t require much cooking/effort?

I’m in high school and I can’t really cook at home. Does anyone have healthy meal ideas that are around 100-400cals? I want to make sure I get enough protein and vegetables. I don’t like milk or eggs but I like tuna fish
submitted by RareRing4182 to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:10 ilusomina Berkeley or Stanford?

I got into Berkeley for EECS and I got into Stanford too (I think transfers students go in undeclared? I haven't done much research bc I didn't think I'd get in)
The thing is, Berkeley was always my dream school since I started my CC years, not trying to be an a**hole but I applied to Stanford because I heard they're generous with the aid if you're low income (everyone knows Stanford is good, but like, all ivies are good but they're expensive -- that's why Cal was my dream school since it's a good school and affordable for a broke CA residents like me, when I found out Stanford might be affordable, I started liking them too).
However, now that I got into Stanford (still waiting for finaid letter), I don't know which to choose. Cal is affordable for me based on the finaid letter, idk about Stanford but hopefully they are too. My question is:
  1. If I want to pursue a career in CS, if you guys were me, would you guys choose Cal or Stanford?
  2. If I really love sports and want to work abroad in a sport-related tech jobs like F1, european basketball or soccer, MotoGP, etc. which one will help me reach that goal? Cal or Stanford?
  3. I know posting this here is a bit bias, but so do I, Cal has always been my dream for the past three years, I even have a worn-out Berkeley hat I really love. And now, suddenly, I got Stanford, so I don't know what to do; I have been crazy-scared thinking if I could survive at Cal and now I got another pressure on me, please help guys, I'm just someone who wants a tech job abroad in the sport industries, don't even have to pay crazy amount -- I just love sports. Any advice on this too?
Thank you! It's sad I've been here as a CC students for the past three years and now I might not experience being an actual student in the Sub, Go Bears still sounds cooler though regardless of my decision!
submitted by ilusomina to berkeley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 notoriousbck Anyone diagnosed with Gastroduodenal or Jejunal Crohn's that did not show up on MRI ?

I posted about this awhile back and did not get much response but I am gaslighting myself and need people who have gone through this or similar to help me be objective.
I will Try to keep this brief but it's a lot.
-long history of stricturing Crohn's of terminal ileum diagnosed in 2006. First resection Sept 2018, Last resection in April 2022. Surgeon told me he found Crohn's high up in small bowel, could not remove safely, hoped new biologic (Stelara) would take care of it.
-6 month delay in starting Stelara due to GI F up (forgot to send preauthorization)
-July 2022 began having severe upper gastric pain (under ribs and belly button) after even the smallest amount of food, followed by severe nausea and often vomiting. Within half hour multiple liquid BM's undigested food and insane amount of fluid. Began to eat less and less, moved to soft diet, and finally to complete liquids in August 2023
-July 2023-Oct 2023- Weight loss of 20 lbs over 3 month period. Many ER visits needed for rehydration and IV anti emetics and pain meds as could not keep down any oral meds. GI did colonoscopy but only found microscopic Crohn's in anastomosis site (he only took 2 biopsies from that area and nowhere else). CT's done in hospital showed thickening of wall of ascending colon, and collapsed bowel, free fluid in peritoneum. GI dismissed as "not reliable". Fecal Cal slightly elevated. Constant low grade anemia. After 4th ER visit in Oct 2023 they did a high res Ultrasound and I was admitted by surgery department. However, as I was urgent but not emergent, there were no beds available. Was given choice of staying in ER and receiving IV steroids, or going home and following up with GI. Chose home and was given Entocort. Entocort slowed down bowel from 30-50 bm's a day to ten. Did not help pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of ability to eat. After several desperate emails where I begged for help, said I wanted to die-GI ordered urgent MRI, would not change meds or give prednisone without "proof".
-November 2023-Began to experience fatigue like never before. Could hardly keep eyes open. This would be followed by severe upper gastric pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that went on for days, followed by constipation for 1-2 days and severe bloating, only on the left side of belly which would be rock hard and hot to the touch. Then the diarrhea cycle woud begin again. Always pure liquid, sometimes black, always tons of mucous.
-Went to Mexico to visit my parents for the holidays where I usually feel better but still could not eat. Injecting myself with IM Gravol (anti emetic) just to keep fluids down. I lived off of chicken broth with rice. Saw GI in private hospital. Ordered full workup. Blood found in stool. 3 D CT ordered (could not find a vein for IV after 5 nurses, two doctors, and a radiologist with a vein finder so only had oral contrast) showed inflammation in small bowel, thickening of the ascending colon wall 11 mm, and inflammation of ileum. He wanted to send me to special IBD hospital in Mexico City for MRI but it would have cost 2500$ so I decided to wait till I got home to Canada where it would be free. Treated me with antibiotics for IBS (only available in Mexico and Germany) Zero improvement. I lived off of electrolyte drinks.
-Jan 29th 2024 returned to hospital because I could not keep any oral meds in (pills would be in toilet) also pain was 9/10, high fever, vomiting. Admitted again, but no beds. Left AMA with another prescription for Entocort.
-Feb 12 2024- High fever followed by two days of 40 plus liquid BM's, some of them bloody, all of them black. Husband insisted back to ER where I was admitted immediately. Cortisol levels 11 (close to adrenal failure) very low potassium. Doc said if we'd waited I likely would have died from heart event. Spent 8 + weeks in hospital having every kind of test imaginable. NOTHING showed on MRI, inflammation on CT, lower scope clear, upper endoscopy showed inflammation in esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Negative for H Pylori, negative for celiac. Started on 150 mg of hydrocortisone for low cortisol to rescue my organs. MRI of brain showed small tumour on pituitary. Endocrinologist did ACTH test and was unhappy, kept me on 40 mg of hydrocortisone IV. PICC line insertion went awry when they Discovered I had complete stenosis of veins and needed port catheter surgically implanted. Was on TPN for 5 weeks. Needed pain meds and anti emetics every 4 hours or severe vomiting and diarrhea would ensue. 30-50 liquid bm's continued (they made me write down everything I ingested and every time I had a BM. They tested me for everything. No blood, NO CDiff, no parasites, no infection. High fever 104.5 plus delirium and CRP shot up to 50. Continued Anemia, blood work all over the place, even with TPN I needed potassium and sodium boluses 3 times a day.
-Requested pill endoscopy, GI said no Crohn's, no need for test. Suggested psych evaluation for a fucking eating disorder. Endocrinologist disagreed, said starvation and whatever disease process was causing symptoms was causing my cortisol issue. Psych diagnosed medical PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder (no shit) but NO eating disorder. Fired GI and hired IBD specialist from another city. Re ran all tests, CT showed huge diverticulum on duodenum otherwise clear. Was going to be moved to a ward from a private room. Had a panic attack because I could not share a bathroom and was not about to use a commode. Asked to be discharged after nearly 9 weeks. They were so overcrowded and basically did not know what else to do to help me, so they let me go even though I was still on TPN and NPO. Got a 5 minute instruction on how to insert a butterfly catheter for pain meds, and let go.
-Present-3 weeks later, still on liquid diet, (Boost drinks, blended oatmeal, yoghurt and soup) still on sub q and IM meds. Finally got new IBD doc to order capsule endoscopy and is treating me for SIBO (never been tested) plus set me up with nutritionist and psychologist for support. MRI repeated- totally clear.
I FEEL CRAZY. This is the sickest I have ever felt. It's been almost a year since I chewed food. The pain under my ribs just to the left of my belly button is now constant, whether I eat or not, pain meds barely take the edge off. Sometimes it's so intense I can hardly breathe. I keep passing out on the toilet. I projectile vomit daily, even using Gravol and Pantoprozole, the bile acid is awful. I've been doing tons of research and have learned that GDC and Jejunal Crohn's are extremely hard to diagnose. I have every single symptom and fit the criteria. Does this sound familiar to anyone????
submitted by notoriousbck to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:44 LazLongRAH Every company is horrible.

For example, I hire a guy to mow my lawn and he is 2 weeks over due for the second mow and my grass is over a goot tall. His automated system sent me 4 bills in 8 emails in one day for the first mow.
My son buys a very low milage car and the whole electrical system freaks out after 2 months. First shop has it 2 weeks and can't figure it out. Have it towed to the dealership 60 miles away and they say it will be fixed in a week for $300. Then it will be done in 3 weeks. Finally done after 4 weeks and it was over 2,000 for a headlight and chip it burned out. And when we pick it up it is so filthy it could almost be considered damaged and they forgot to change the oil so we had to sit there all morning.
I go to pay the quarterly trash bill, website down and bill never comes in the mail. They won't answer the phone and won't call back after multiple messages left with them. A few weeks later, website up and billing system is down. I finally find their office and physically go out and pay it. They act like I am crazy for expecting the website to work or expecting the bill in the mail at the appropriate time. Meanwhile I am just thanking my lucky stars they were in the office and let me pay it.
I got 100 more, from McDonald's messing up food to hospitals sent records to the wrong country! It seems to me, total incompetence in now the norm. Am I just the most unlucky person on earth or WTF is going on?
I sometimes wonder if every company got sold the same stupid ideas as my last job. The CEO got on this kick a couple years ago which goes about like this. If you spend 8 seconds per day doing this task and we can automate it then we save 8 seconds times five days times 52 weeks times your hourly pay etc. etc. etc. I try to explain to the dude, some stuff just has to be done and takes human decision making skills. He totally ignores me. A few years of that bs and the company sales drop dramatically, every day is a new catastrophe that I have to deal with and I finally quit. They still call and beg me to come back and fix everything 2 years later. Did every company get sold on this idiotic idea that you can charge customers and not provide any value at all?! I feel like I must be crazy or the whole damn world went and lost it's mind and I just have to go with the flow of stupid.
submitted by LazLongRAH to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:10 Internal_Link_7841 It finally Happened 😢

It finally Happened 😢
1994 mercury sable with the reliable 3.0 Vulcan. This beauty was neglected by its past owners (poor baby :(. ) but, never posed a big problem, I did notice it had exhaust leaking into the coolent, which has been like this since last summer I bought it. But about a year now, and it finally blew the headgasket completely, milky oil (yummy) so, any advice on what to do on headgaskets? Like what tools I will need, what I should do (I have no money, I work at McDonalds part time as well as high school, I have automotive experience, I work on my own car but havnt ever got to this part because I was scared, but now I have too, I can not have a shop do it, since I'm low on funds)
submitted by Internal_Link_7841 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:09 phanesatlas chronic salmonella? secondary illness caused by salmonella?

hi. to hopefully get answers i’ll try to keep this brief. 31f, 140lbs, no chronic issues except migraines and anxiety.
timeline- 3/18: felt normal when i woke up. by 6 pm i was in the ER with sepsis. stomach cramps level 10 pain, diarrhea, fever, low bp, HR was over 150!! diagnosed with salmonella after 2 days. after several severe antibiotic reactions, ended up on cipro which seemed to work. i remember my doctor saying he tested for which antibiotic would work.
3/22: discharged with 5 more days of cipro
4/18: back in the ER with the same symptoms but worse. except vitals were ok. ct scan showed same amount of colitis and conclusion was the first round of cipro didn’t kill the salmonella so i was given another 10 day supply.
now it’s 5/13 and the symptoms are back. is it possible i still have salmonella after 20 total days of cipro? could it have given me IBD or IBS? can it cause secondary illnesses or issues? or is this typical for a gut microbiome that’s decimated?
i don’t know what to do. it’s going on 2 months of debilitating illness that just will not subside. please help. should i see an infectious disease dr? or gi dr? or back to the ER?
i have terrible health insurance (medi-cal, if anyones familiar), so getting quality care is hard and i have to know what to advocate for.
please help!
thanks everyone.
submitted by phanesatlas to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:39 Wolfie359 Should I get a second opinion about bloodwork? My doctor said there is nothing overly concerning I am 38 Male.

How do I put an image in here?
Test Name Current Result and Flag Reference Interval and Units
Cholesterol, Total 286 High
Triglycerides 442 High
HDL Cholesterol 34 Low
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 86 High
LDL Chol Calc (NIH) 166 High
Test Name Current Result and Flag Reference Interval and Units
Cholesterol, Total 286 High
Triglycerides 442 High
HDL Cholesterol 34 Low
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 86 High
LDL Chol Calc (NIH) 166 High
submitted by Wolfie359 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:26 AlexSciChannel Watching Season 2 for the first time. Loving it so far. But I have a hard time believing Gungi won't die from the Inquisitors.

Just came out of watching episode 6 of season 2. Great episode.
Though it seems though the Empire knows where Gungi is now since there were clone troopers on Kaashyk with the Trandoshans. The entire plot of the episode takes place before the Empire could report it in but with how thorough the inquisitorius has been and how averse to laying low Gungi is. I have little to no doubt the Inquisitors will obliterate the entire village the next day later. And with Gungi being a Padawan and no mention of him to Cal during his Kaashyyk mission, I don't think he's alive. It would increase the tension greatly instead of having Dave Filoni's favorite Jedi always survive to post RotJ.
That being said. Which inquisitor do you think was assigned on wookie pelt detail.
submitted by AlexSciChannel to thebadbatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 HybridAthleteGuy 1200# Total and Sub 1:30 Half Marathon: Week 3 Training Summary

1200# Total (Bench + Squat + Deadlift) + sub 1:30 half marathon in the same week (June 22).
Endurance Training
-4.5 hours total (-1.5 hours from last week)
-5 sessions: 2 runs and 3 stationary bikes
Low-Intensity Runs
-1 run: 75 mins, avg HR: 143
High-intensity runs
-1 run: 4 x 2k @ 8k pace (~6:10-6:15) with 4:00 rest
-6:03, 6:11, 6:15, 6:12

Low-intensity (Zone 1) Biking
-2.5 hours total
-3 sessions: 45 mins, 60 mins, 45 mins
-Avg HR 115-125

Strength Training
-4 days, each session took 60-75 mins
-All accessories were 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
-Day 1: Heavy Back Squat 3x3 + 2 upper and 3 lower accessories
-Day 2: Heavy Bench 4x3 + 4 upper accessories
-Day 3: Heavy DL 2RM + 2 upper and 2 lower accessories
-Day 4: Heavy Bench 5x3 + 4 upper accessories

Additional Mobility/Stability Training
-3 days of 10-15 mins direct core work
-3 days of 10-20 mins of direct shoulder stability work
-3 days of 10-15 mins of direct ankle/calf mobility/stability work

-Avg cals per day: 3,643 (-101/day)
-Avg weight: 191.7#
-Weight change: +0.7#
-Macros ranged from 1210-258P, 113-145F, 376-436C
My totals ranged from 3400-3,800 this week, and I gained 0.7 pounds.
I’ll keep intake in this range again this week. If I gain more than half a pound again, I might drop it a bit.

Other Notes
Overall, it was a good week.
The highlight was deadlifting 500# for 2 reps on Thursday!
Based on how it felt, I think I had 515-525 in me today. Really looking forward to maxing out in a month!
I was really surprised at how good this felt, especially the day after running some hard intervals in my new super shoes (which were awesome).
I was definitely sore in some new places after running in those shoes!
It was the third week in a row running twice a week, and it went really well.
Long run was on some new trails with some VERY hilly spots where my HR got much higher, even walking at times, than I wanted it to. Great run though.
The shins are still holding up well, which is awesome.
They’ve always been my biggest issue with running.

As I noted last week, towards the end of the week I was feeling really beat down again.
Today (Monday), I feel wrecked and very low energy.
When I was reviewing my training, I realized that I hadn’t taken a full rest day in 22 days.
I have one more week of high-intensity lifting, and then I have a de-load week.
I’m still not sure if I’ll be able to hit a 1200# total by race time.
Last week, I was thinking no because my squat and bench just haven't been feeling great lately, but after the deadlift this week, there might be a chance.
I’ll have a much better idea if I think it’s possible after I do a 3RM Squat and Bench this week.
submitted by HybridAthleteGuy to HybridAthlete [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:43 itsok2bdecent First attempt volume eating: 345cal snack/breakfast… any tips?

First attempt volume eating: 345cal snack/breakfast… any tips?
I like to have every flavour profile represented. I am noticing that after having finished it, I still am thinking about food and was wondering if anyone had any good low-cal tips to bulk up the volume
Baby Brie cheese: 70cal 14g pita chips: 70cal 30g Hummus: 70cal Small banana: 90cal Sugar snap peas: 35cal Kimchi: 10cal
submitted by itsok2bdecent to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:31 bonniebeez First consultation rant

Long time lurker! Like many of you, I’ve been dreaming of a breast reduction since they first came in! My chest has always been a source of insecurity and unwanted attention since I was in middle school. I’m now 31 and sick of having the extra weight on my chest. I’m tired of the neck pain, spending $$$ on bras and swimwear, searching high and low for dresses/clothing to fit my bust…I think im measuring at a 36I but I truly don’t know, I probably haven’t worn a real bra in two years.
I’m at a good place in life where opting for a reduction is tangible. I don’t want kids. I have a decent job with health insurance —Kaiser SoCal . I finally decided to discuss surgery with my PCP and she referred me to plastic surgery. I attended the seminar, and a week later the scheduling office called to schedule a phone consultation. Had the consult today and the surgeon is pushing for weight loss first. I’m 5’4 and weigh 193lbs. I’m technically just under the 34 bmi requirement. But dr said it would be ideal to lose 20lbs.
My weight has gone up in the last 5 years due to a thyroid issue that is now under control. But damn!! I feel like I got my hopes up and now a reduction could be a while away. I still requested to have an in person consultation with the surgeon and will attempt to state my case. Even when I did weigh 170lbs I was still a 34j. I feel so desperate to have these things sized down and it’s a bummer to hear I might have to wait even longer.
Also thinking I will schedule another consultation with a different surgeon for a second opinion.
If anyone has any advice or is feeling just as disillusioned as myself and wants to commiserate 😭
submitted by bonniebeez to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:08 Silver_Raven_08 American Snacks Reccomendations??

I currently live in Europe, where, as my fellow Eurohabitants know, pickings tend to be slim as far as low calorie/ high protein foods, especially where I live. I've got a family member travelling to the US who can bring me something back. They will most likely be going to Costco for their shopping. Does anyone have any good reccomendations of low-cal, high protein, or just generally yummy snacks? I'm thinking more on the sweet side but savoury is always good too!
Examples of 'snack-foods' I like are protein bars, chocolate rice crackers, bagels, soft cookies and sliced deli meats.
Thanks so much for the help!!
submitted by Silver_Raven_08 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:34 Accomplished-Bet-635 im not losing weight.

hi im 18F, 5’2 and weigh 59.2 kg (130lb)
ive been eating on a calorie deficit for around a month now and also have been getting 10k steps a day for month too. this resulted in losing 800g in one month. (i was 60kg when i started)
i started off with cutting to 1475cals a day and didn’t notice any progress after 2 weeks, so now im eating 1330cals. i get around 70-100g of protein a day. my maintainance is 1800 cals. low activity during the week except weekends when im working 16 hours in the kitchen.
the main issue is on weekends when i go out, i tend to eat a lot and it’s hard to calculate the calories when im at restaurants. i feel like those days im eating around my maintenance calories or sometimes a bit more. another issue is my cravings at night, i try my best not to eat more but i can’t help it even when im really full, i feel like eating still.
my current weight goal is 50kg (110lb). i constantly get shamed by my weight and im going to see my vietnam family at the end of the year and i don’t want them fat shaming me like last time 😭
submitted by Accomplished-Bet-635 to loseit [link] [comments]