Suffix lessons


2017.03.04 11:54 Autumnland Vallenan

Vallenan is an artistic language whose goal is to be a highly fusional language while being easy to learn. The key feature of this language is its independence of all grammatical information. A single root has essentially no meaning or order in its placement. It is only with affixes, prepositions and connection words that words obtain meaning.

2024.05.08 18:07 JohannGoethe On the carto-phonoetic 𓄟𓋮𓁒 = MS?

On the carto-phonoetic 𓄟𓋮𓁒 = MS? submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:32 JohannGoethe Coptic theory that 𓄟𓋮𓁒 = MS or phono “msj”, meaning birth

Coptic theory that 𓄟𓋮𓁒 = MS or phono “msj”, meaning birth submitted by JohannGoethe to CartoPhonetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:49 RoryTate My first successful graveyard craft: fractured 3-mod chaos res/%ms/life boots. A guide to how I made approximately 200 div in just one weekend.

TLDR - They say an image is worth a thousand words.
Wealthy Exile Graph
I went from a respectable stash value estimated at 365 divines (that's raw currency, not including character investment), and nearly doubled that to around 615 divines in about three days, all thanks to a very simple crafting strategy: creating 3-mod fractured boots with a focus on getting chaos resistance, movement speed, and life (in that order).
Now I have to admit, my early league experiences with graveyard crafting were absolutely terrible. Sitting idle in my hideout would have been a better use of the time I wasted in the Necropolis. However, I knew that the potential was there for making great items, if I could only gain some experience in its proper use. So I resolved to learn about the mechanic once I had some spare time, and had farmed up enough initial materials to try and build a full graveyard on my own. Opportunity came knocking when I needed some upgraded boots to start switching to an omni build (and unfortunately – or fortunately I guess in the end – no boots existed for sale in SC trade with the mods I wanted). So I went on craftofexile and slapped together a quick and horribly unoptimized necropolis recipe (the web interface on that site for crafting with coffins is not very intuitive I must say, but in giving us a functional tool for a temporary league mechanic I won't complain), and despite my amateurish fumbling in theorycrafting my first graveyard, I got lucky on my very first try!
Necropolis Boot Craft Result 01 2024-05-04
I finished off this craft by using a Deafening Essence of Loathing and bench crafting a blocking prefix then exalt slamming a suffix, which landed me something valuable on the first/second attempt I think. However, it wasn't what I needed for my build, so I replaced the blocking prefix with a better bench craft and decided to just sell those first boots and try to craft another. I mean, it it seemed so easy, right? Yeah...not so much. It turns out that getting those three fractured mods is not a guarantee by any means. At best the craft seems to land at around a 26-27% success ratio, which was worse than I had first hoped. So I unfortunately whiffed on my next 5 attempts, which was frustrating. Though that turned out to not be so bad in the end either...but more on that later.
Here's a screenshot of the first sale I made, to show the kind of final crafted boots I'm talking about.
30 Div sale
These boots sold almost instantly for a hefty 30 divines, so obviously I was encouraged to do more. Before I get to the results of all the crafts I did, here is the crafting process I used. First the graveyard craft itself:
Graveyard craft
Note: this is probably version 7 or so of many different iterations I tried with different mod weightings, after learning about what worked and what didn't within Necropolis, and once I got better at target buying the final materials I needed.
This graveyard isn't optimized to min/max coffin placement with row/column boosting or anything like that. I just wanted a simple, relatively cheap method that didn't take a lot of planning (the common components in this configuration don't really warrant the extra expense anyway). My goal was to be able to slap down coffins as I acquired them, placing them wherever an open grave existed until I could pop out a new set of boots every few hours or so. Craftofexile gives this configuration a bit better than a 1 in 4 success rate (which is around what my small sample size worked out to, though my initial "slapped together" badly done recipes were probably closer to 1 in 5 odds or thereabouts). The great thing about this craft though was that even the whiffs turned out to sell for a nice profit (see the full album of sales below).
First, here is a (hopefully) detailed crafting guide:
  1. Craft the boots in the graveyard using something near the recipe I've shared (a different non-Evasion base can of course be selected and still make a profit, but if you don't choose a dex/evasion base, the boots cannot roll the valuable Spell Suppression mod later in this process...just FYI).
  2. Use a Deafening Essence of Loathing (3c each...very cheap this league) on the boots (or a different essence if you want some other mod besides elemental avoidance). The three fractures work great with the essence, since they mean you most often end up with just the 1 added essence suffix, which makes the next steps super easy. If you happen to get extra prefixes and suffixes after the essence is applied, you can try annulling them off (I had way more annuls than essences sitting around, so using an annul made economic sense for me, but if your essence is less than 5c in value, you're likely better off just applying the essence again). Whatever you do, you are looking to have just the essence mod before continuing to the next step (unless of course applying the essence gives you a valuable fifth or sixth mod already, but that is very unlikely, so I'll assume an exalt slam is needed moving forward in this guide).
  3. How you continue now depends on whether the fracture began as a 1 Suffix 2 Prefix item (the best config), or if it's 2 Suffix 1 Prefix. Let's start with the more valuable 1S2P case. You want to bench craft a cheap blocking prefix mod (like 25-34 mana, which costs 3 augments) and then exalt slam a suffix. You're looking to get T1 light/cold/fire res, or T1 dex (T1 stint mod(s) on a different base) from the exalt. The holy grail is of course exalt slamming T1 spell suppression on dex boots. Tier 2 of any of these mods is still quite valuable, so the great thing about this craft is that there's a wide range of decent suffix results that you can get. For the 1P2S case, the goal is a bit simpler. Depending on whether movement speed or life is missing as a prefix, the goal is just to exalt slam some prefix that isn't a low roll of those, and that isn't terrible. So I would again block Mana with a cheap bench craft, and then exalt slam and accept anything that wasn't the lowest tier possible, and then replace the temporary bench mana craft with whatever was missing between movement speed or life. There's nothing much to be gained from multiple essence and exalt slams in the 1P2S case, so I'd keep the costs low and not bother with more than a few attempts in this case. Considering the wide range of good results in both cases for this step, I ended up spending around 100 essences and 70 exalts in total over the 13 boots I crafted to produce something that could sell for multiple divines. The handful of annuls I used on occasion aren't worth factoring in to the costs. YMMV, and there can easily be a bad run of wasting 10+ essences at this step, but in practice I often hit something good in the first two or three tries. That's around 50-60c average cost to get an acceptable second prefix or suffix mod on the boots.
  4. After repeating step 2 and 3 until you've hit something good, you then bench craft on a good final prefix to replace the blocking mana mod (I chose evasion/life for this). In order for the item to sell, I recommend you finish the craft with some eldritch currency. Trying to sell the fractured base raw without essence or eldritch mods is probably going to be very hit and miss (mostly miss), since buyers prefer a finished item. Luckily I had a bunch of eldritch orbs on hand to spare, so I crafted lesser prefix mods on every pair of boots I made (except one where I accidentally selected greater eldritch big deal, it only took a few tries to hit something good, at which point I realized my misclick). The list of acceptable exarch mods was as follows: action speed, movement speed, chaos res, onslaught effect. Acceptable eater mods were: cooldown recovery (travel or global), avoid ele ailments.
Using the above process, here's a gallery of all the subsequent sales I made after the initial 30div sale:
29 Div sale
22 Div sale
20 Div sale
13 Div sale
9 Div sale
7 Div sale
7 Div sale (different item)
6.5 Div sale
4 Div sale
And finally, the boots I wanted for myself finally popped out on attempt #12!
Agony Stride
I could probably sell these for 50 div (or maybe more) if I wanted, even though they don't have perfect T1 spell suppression. I'm happy enough wearing them right now though, so they're not for sale at the moment. Two other boot crafts that were very bad whiffs haven't sold yet, but I think they should make a couple div each when/if they do sell, which should at least cover my costs for those two graveyards. Overall, this craft seems reasonably close to being guaranteed profit, at least based on my limited results (of course market conditions may change if crafts like this start flooding the SC trade site).
If anyone wants to try this for themselves, here's a screenshot of the coffin shopping list from the sudos graveyard that I built:
Coffin Shopping List
Again, the nice thing about this craft is that you can just throw the corpses in any available grave, without too much that can go wrong.
And now a long and verbose list of all my lessons learned while exploring this mechanic. Graveyard experts and anyone who isn't interested in reading my tales of sorrow and woe can probably ignore the rest of this post. :-) Those who are interested in trying this out and are unfamiliar with how the graveyard mechanic works should take note of the many mistakes that I made though.
An important note about the shopping list items: only two +Item Level coffins should be needed, as long as one of the coffins buried is ilvl 84 and none of the other coffins go below ilvl80 (this is based on my general understanding of how crafted ilvl seems to work, and what showed for me in the item properties as I buried different ilvl coffins in the graveyard...unfortunately, there's no real clear FAQ around this that I could find despite much searching, and I don't claim to be an expert on the mechanics, as I'm sure this craft is not 100% min-max'd...but the great thing – once again – is that this configuration doesn't need to be perfect to produce sellable results, as shown by the variety of sales I was able to make even with only 2 of the desired mods). If you only use ilvl 80-83 coffins, you'll have to replace one of the non-mandatory corpses with a third +Item Level to get the boots to ilvl 86, or else they can't hit the "35% movement speed" that this craft guarantees.
Another note: the shopping list from sudos is a bit misleading in spots. For some reason it says 87 trades are needed, but if you add up the actual numbers the graveyard I built is full at 88 coffins. Not sure why the summary section thinks one coffin is missing. Also, the estimated prices for coffins are much higher than I ever paid for materials in my experience. I guess if you bought everything in bulk for an instant graveyard the total cost could end up in the 7-10 div range, so that may be why it shows that high estimate. However, I was able to buy things much cheaper in a reasonably short period of time by grabbing singletons and small bulk sales (interestingly, large bulk sellers never seemed to respond to my whispers for coffins compared to normal trade site whispers...that lack of a response was consistent even when trying to buy bulk at over double the price that I was usually willing to pay, so overall I found way more success using methods like live search to pick up individual corpses than any other manner of acquiring the coffins I needed). The chaos and fracture coffins make up the majority of the cost of this graveyard, so they are the priority when buying materials. I could usually pick up the 32 chaos coffins for around 3-5c each, even in bulk. The 12 fracture coffins ranged from 10-15c each (those prices were a bit more volatile and sometimes jumped up to 20c). The speed coffins cost about 4-5c each. So again, the sudos pricing is very misleading and far too expensive IMO. I estimate that I averaged around 3 div in final costs for each graveyard, once I had a handle on the best configuration for the craft.
Basing my total costs on that 3 divine average would put my expenses at 39 divines for thirteen graveyards over the course of several days. My total revenue was approximately 200 divines from the resulting items (150 divines earned in sales plus an estimated 50 divine item that is being used on my build). That means I turned a profit of around 160 divines using this strategy! Those are pretty good numbers I'd say. The wealthy exile graph does show a much larger jump in wealth than that, to be fair, but to be completely transparent that jump in wealth also includes my normal mapping profits over that period. And that's the kicker in all of this: I was actually focused for the majority of the three days – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – on just running maps, during which I farmed up 4 veiled orbs and a valuable assortment of div cards, scarabs, and the like. I only built graveyards as a break between chaining maps and while cooking meals/eating, and late in the day when I didn't have the energy anymore to rush maps, etc. Considering how those 4 veiled orbs were selling at 13 div on the weekend when I took the wealthy exile screenshot, and they are now estimated at 16 div apiece, though actual selling price is probably a few div higher atm, that's a lot of primary profit while getting graveyard revenue "on the side". Also, I modified my atlas to run a sbox/betrayal/necropolis strategy once I understood the true value of the graveyard mechanic, and I ended up selling a bunch of meatsack allflames (5 for 8 div) as well during this switchover in strategies. Plus there were a lot of other profits from other sales. Anyway, all that I'm trying to say here is that the wealthy exile numbers from the graph aren't very exact in terms of estimating the graveyard profits alone over these three days, given my actual playstyle was not focused on building graveyards.
One bad mistake I made at the outset of this, that I do want to share with anyone trying this kind of crafting, was to try using the "Increased chance for prefix modifier" corpses. I was disappointed when they didn't seem to help much in giving me the two prefixes and one suffix crafts like I was hoping they would (again, the most common way this craft "whiffs" is by producing two suffixes and one prefix). So I posited that weighting for more prefixes would give better odds to the craft. However, I have learned since that the "prefix" corpses don't really function as I had hoped they would, and they ended up working against the "rarer defense" corpses I was burying by increasing the defense mod weighting, and adding weight to all the possible prefix mods, which just muddied the overall pool in unwanted ways. It didn't seem to hurt things too bad in practice, and I had reasonable successes while using a few of the prefix corpses, but as I upped the number of them in my early graveyard testing and got a couple of unexpectedly poor outcomes, I chose to remove them in my later iterations after researching the actual function, and – most importantly – after understanding from the sales what was vital in achieving value.
Because the mod priority in this craft is clear and unequivocal: chaos res >> movement speed >> life. It's easy to bench craft high +life on boots if that mod is missed. The lack of landing 35% movement speed is a bit of a downer, and it's not ideal of course, but it can be reasonably fixed by bench crafting a movement speed/onslaught mod, and the boots will still sell for a tidy profit (as shown by one of my sale screenshots above). So the prefix mods are actually the lower priority in a sense, even though you want to get two of them in the best possible case. In the end, it's the lack of chaos res that can't be replaced with a bench craft. So that's why I settled on using a whopping 32 corpses of "inc% chance of chaos res", and accepted whatever RNG decided between getting 1P2S or 2P1S splits. That many chaos coffins is admittedly a large amount to have to gather, but it should give slightly more than 9 in 10 boots that land the much sought-after chaos resistance (I ran a few simulations in craftofexile around this), which from my experience is crucial in getting the expected profit out of this craft.
When pricing items to sell, I chose to be very aggressive to try for quick sales. I started out at exactly what I thought the boots might be worth, and kept lowering the price every half hour or so while going back and forth from mapping. If someone whispered a reasonable offer to me that was below my set price, I just accepted it and didn't even bother haggling. So don't take the screenshots I shared as the absolute value for each item; I suspect a few of them could probably sell for a bit more if I had tried to wait or barter a bit.
Finally, an important lesson I learned in my crafting attempts is that the "Reroll explicit modifiers 6 times" corpse does not affect fractured modifiers. Unfortunately I wasted a few of those coffins – and the opportunity cost of using that grave slot for adding more chaos res weighting – on my first couple of attempts, until I realized they were doing nothing based on the low fractured mod rolls I would sometimes get. I later confirmed that fracturing happens before rerolling, from reading a few forum posts that explained the functioning of the mechanic. At least I know I won't make that mistake ever again.
That's everything I can think of to mention. Thanks for reading all the way to the end!
submitted by RoryTate to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 12:37 masa8910 Masonese 101: Verbs. What are you doing?!

Now that we can talk about ourselves, including telling the time and the date, let's explain verbs so that we can say what we do. In the lessons we have already been introduced to some verbs in our Nyo and Valya conversations, but let's see how to make them ourselves! This lesson will also include pronouns.
Thua ath o per nion palus o, ktheragrys nemi emsao og ekalishet, alo sa andre navi tsoy ath o per min dƫa o sa. Da ekān ova skeptas syrina or esos navi da ov niovi sul Nyo og Valya, me alo meth hƫa nemag e utos!
Verbs are simple to form once you learn the rules. I will try and lay out a chart of the different conjugations, after explaining the formation of Masonese verbs.
Navi ag psilim nemag mon u pthin iure. A ates negualaish stƍsa sul e-uamage depsama, labru nesa andre iejierses sul navi demasiebaski.
So let me explain:
Every verbs if formed from a stem and a tense suffix. The stems virtually always include just three morphemes, or three sounds. There are three tense suffixes, though the present tense suffix is often dropped.
The suffixes are:
These words are short for navi, pavi, savi and navin which simply means verb. Note: the e in these particles are always pronounced as a schwa, or like ē and not as a full open /eh/ sound.
If the stem ends with a consonant, and the verb has an object pronoun, it is not the stem that will be inflected for tense, but the object pronoun. Here are some examples:
As you can see, the stems tro and shpai end in vowels, and thus it is the stem that is inflected for tense (notice that the e has been dropped, this is common for the present tense). The stems val and meth end in consonants, and thus it is the personal pronoun that has been inflected for tense.
And just for your information, if the verb was used in its full form without any dropping, then you would not have to inflect the object pronoun. Here:
As is clear from the examples, object pronoun inflexion is for ease of speech. With gerunds you never inflect the object pronoun.
Three sound stem + Tense suffix (Object pronoun)
VERBS Find Give Put Dance
Present Tron Val(ne) Nush(ne) Taj(ne)
Past Trop Valpe Nushpe Tajpe
Future Tros Valse Nuj Tajes
Present cont. Netro Neval Nenush Netaj
1st a o
2nd u u
3rd (animate) je (e) e
3rd (inanimate) i e
And... irregulars:
IRREGULAR Be Do Go Have Become
Present ag sa jo tsur buae
Past va ser jer tser buaem
Future jagse sas jos tsus buaes
Present cont. nejag nesa nejo netsur nebuae
IRREGULAR Think Know Say Move Forget
Present sua dhos min muove nua
Past ua dhƍm mim mer nua
Future suas dhƍj mis muos nuas
Present cont nesua nedhos nemi nemuo nenua
Keep this as your guide as you progress through your Masonese journey!
Vetım Vö Adonavë Valah Mbaq
submitted by masa8910 to u/masa8910 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:21 masa8910 Masonese 101: Time and Date. What is the time right now?

It is important that we are able to express time in Masonese, including dates and years. Lesson Four gave us an introduction to numbers. If you do not feel familiar with the numbers, use that lesson as a reference for telling the time and the dates.
Iga porta ath oa euro nesa havosi msao da masiebaski, kthernagrys kalishet og ians. Bat kān val po syrin or tond. Le u ni vig valothi veg etond, gal ath kān nas tsomine lo nemi emsao og ekalishet.
Lessons from now on will try to incorporate a Masonese translation of certain instructions, in order for you to get used to the look and feel of Masonese, as well as to recognise and consolidate any words you have learnt. This lesson will take us through some vocab surrounding dates and times, including the days of the week and the months of the year. It will explain some grammar, and then demonstrate the vocab with another Nyo and Valya conversation.
Kān po thua ates nesa galera dobaksos demasiebaksi sul esos bagalyn, konta ro u nebuae aitsa or elƫe og vige sul masiebaski, ru nesa thelhi og nesa khylos desi vaiva u pthip. Is kān tag so rua esos vaiva eksinagra kalishet og msao, kthernagrys evestri da esem og ekalish sul eians. I sas andre esos legina, og en shpain evaiva veg niovi depse jerda Nyo og Valya.
Okay, big list! No need to rush to try and remember it all, it will be revised and consolidated over time. So how do we tell the time, best to use examples:
Like normal numbers, times are expressed literally. The hour is told in 12 hours, so A.m. is indicated with the -dha suffix, and p.m. with the -des suffix added to the hour. The minutes then simply follow in the logical order.
Dates are expressed with a normal number followed by the month. Dates are not expressed through adjectival or otherwise ordinal numbers:
If you want to express the year, you must say 'of the year' sul eians followed by the usual number sequence.
Let's see what Nyo and Valya have to say about dates:
Nyo Valya
Katam Valya, ts'ƫa hƫa?
Katam, aeu bon aidē. Ts'u?
Pa, aeu bon. Ts'u dhos kthƫa vestri iga ia?
Pa, vestrisa ag mbya
Dithi, a adon esenda. Ts'u adon esenda?
Bovo, a adon esenda. Ts'u per non a ekalishet?
Moy, le iga mbya, en iga mbya bat maeneria sul eians bai-nul-bai-bat
Atha mnem shenia! Aidē
Ts'u sas tsitra skara bantisa?
Pa, a jos or festi, u se sa abro a
Aidē, a sia
Nyo Valya
Hello Valya, how are you?
Hello, I am good thank you. You?
Yes I am good. Do you which day it is?
Yes, today is Saturday
Excellent, I love the weekend. Do you love the weekend?
Of course, I love the weekend. Can you tell me the date?
Well, if it is Saturday, then it is Saturday 4th of May 2024
That is exactly right! Thank you
Are you doing anything fun tonight?
Yes, I will go to a party, you should join me
Thank you, I will
Vetım Vö Adonavë Valah Mbaq
submitted by masa8910 to u/masa8910 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:27 masa8910 Masonese 101: Family. Can you tell me about your family?

Let's learn how to talk about the people we love, or sometimes hate, the most! Our families. This lesson will also introduce the concepts of pluralisation, numbers and gender in Masonese. We will explore those grammatical topics, introduce family vocabulary, and end the lesson with another conversation between Nyo and Valya.
Masonese does not have any plurals. At all. There is no way to inflect any noun to show that it is plural. In English, we do this for words like sheep, deer, fish, in which it is obvious from context whether it is singular or plural. Masonese does include quantifying terms that indicate pluralisation, preceeding the noun, but no change would be made to the noun:
One way that pluralisation can be shown is through number. Numbers in Masonese go after the noun in which they qualify. If the number is used, but not to quantify the noun, then it will precede the noun itself. Here are the Masonese numbers:
  1. Mon
  2. Bai (-eb)
  3. Trai (-et)
  4. Bat (-ev)
  5. Pien (-ep)
  6. Mal (-em)
  7. Dos (-ed)
  8. Oth (-eth)
  9. Non (-en)
  10. Mnul (nul = 0)
Masonese numbers do not operate collectively. To express larger numbers, you simply say each number individually from one another.
Masonese does not like duplication or repetition. If the last numbers are all the same, you use the suffixes referrenced above in order to inflect that you mean two, three, four etc..
Dates and times will be covered in a separate lesson.
There is no gender in Masonese. Only words about people can potentially have gender, but generally you refer to people regardless of their gender by the same word. Gender has no true binary distinction in Masonese, but family is the one subject where such a distinction could be indicated.
Now we have those grammar points out of the way, let's learn some family vocab!
Let's see what Nyo and Valya have to say about their families!
Nyo Valya
Katam thapa Valya
Katam Nyo
Valya, a sun nepaish palus uv drisht
Thalasagra, ts'u sun nedhos dƫa
Ts'u tsur vaisi mesk?
A tsur vaisi trai. E naiam Marya, Aelya, og Pasham
Og ts'uv driv?
Vin driv tsur ians pien-nul, og ians pien-bai
Ts'Ć«a pros veg uv vlepu?
Pa, veg vin psaima. Vin ptera mag shāl
Aeu kalasi, eshāl ag dite
Eshāl ag dite
Nyo Valya
Hello again Valya
Hello Nyo
Valya, I want to ask about your family
Interesting, what do you want to know?
How many siblings do you have?
I have three siblings. They are called Marya, Aelya and Pasham
And your parents?
My parents are 50, and 52 years old
Are you close with your grandparents?
Yes, with my grandma. My grandad passed away
~I am sorry for your loss~ (literally; the gap is large)
~The gap is large~
Vetım Vö Adonavë Valah Mbaq
submitted by masa8910 to u/masa8910 [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 06:58 GrbgSoupForBrains An article citing important S3 bucket pricing "vulnerability": How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode

Thought it was important to disseminate the lessons in this blog post:
Read more here:
submitted by GrbgSoupForBrains to devops [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:32 Emma_Champ My worst crafting experience ever

My worst crafting experience ever
Sorry for pic, i clearly got no clue how to use reddit :sadge:
EDIT: Due to popular request, i've recrafted it from Attackspeed to strength/int to solve attribute issues for flickerstrike characters. OLD RING
I'm someone who enjoys crafting and have some moderate mirror crafting experience, this league i learnt alot of lessons. I've accidently scoured prefixes for 5 mirrors before but this feeling was just far worse... The triple synth implicit changes are gruesome 😭Be me, spend 1 mirror on vivid vultures just to have some fun and gamble.
  1. Be me, stupid lucky and get T1 multi in 300 vivids.
  2. List the ring for 6 mirror, assuming i cant finish it myself.
  3. No takers after 2 days, as far as i knew there was only 2 pc rings with t1 mult and kuolain had the frenzy t3 ring which is the exact ring i had in ancestor but he beat, i decided i wanted revenge.
  4. Take a week of work
  5. Proceed to sell of my gear and liquidate everything i have.
  6. Spend 4.5 mirror on beasts, get nothing.
  7. Spend another 4.5 mirror on beasts get nothing. Be exhausted take a nap.
  8. Wake up Belton had finished the ring i wanted in a few hours from scratch 😭
  9. Never give up, spend 5 more mirrors and hit (link to video) (mind u, prior to this im 15m deep with nothing to show for it, UTTER DESPAIR)!! POG
  10. Spend 1 more mirror, finnish explicits.
Lesson learnt, never start with t1 mult again, its divine suicide. Always start with charge and be lucky to ladder up ur crit mult and settle for lower tier if it doesnt happen.
  1. Roughly 14 mirrors on Vivid vultures and craicics for implicit Estimated 2k-2.4k vultures
  2. Essence of horror for T1 WED open prefix (1/164)
  3. Prefix lock & Add/remove Life till t1 life (1/9)
  4. Prefix lock & Add/remove chaos till t1 chaos res (1/6) (dnt wanna use locks, giga expensive)
  5. Prefix lock & Add/remove speed 1/2 to not remove chaos res into (1/5,8) for attackspeed.
  6. Divine prefixes
  7. Prefix lock > Divine suffixes
  8. Bench crit and crit mult if shattered recently.
EDIT: recrafting steps included:
  1. Prefixes cannot be changed annull attackspeed, missed > scour suffixes
  2. Prefixes cannot be changed > Add/remove chaos till t1 1/6
  3. Prefixes cannot be changed > Veiled orb 1/2
  4. Bench dex to block all attributes but str int hybrid
  5. Unveil for roughly 33% chance at str & int suffix.
  6. Prefix lock, divine suffixes,
  7. Benchcraft crit & crit multi if shattered recently
Ring is avalible for mirror service on tft if anyone is interested.
submitted by Emma_Champ to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 15:04 ombresaco Esperanto lesson 10: basic conversation, suffix -ej

Esperanto lesson 10: basic conversation, suffix -ej submitted by ombresaco to TubaroEsperantoFilmoj [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 15:04 ombresaco Esperanto suffix -in (mini lesson)

Esperanto suffix -in (mini lesson) submitted by ombresaco to TubaroEsperantoFilmoj [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:04 ombresaco Esperanto suffix -ej (mini lesson)

Esperanto suffix -ej (mini lesson) submitted by ombresaco to TubaroEsperantoFilmoj [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:04 ombresaco Esperanto lesson 8: Pronoun si, suffix -in, and prefix ge-

Esperanto lesson 8: Pronoun si, suffix -in, and prefix ge- submitted by ombresaco to TubaroEsperantoFilmoj [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 02:07 bluecriket Things to watch out for with starter Heiro Archmage POBs

With archmage being (imo) heavily buffed, there are a lot of PoB's and guides floating around for league starter mana builds now. There is a bunch of stuff you should be cautious about with these builds - talking about mostly heiro league starter archmage builds here
things to look out for:

POB padding

Pretty general stuff here, check for stuff ticked that shouldn't be: max inspiration charges, fake amounts of shock, flasks that wont always be up, onslaught that you wont have on bosses, frenzies you wont have on bosses, sigil of power and arcane cloak ticked and so on. I'd also recommend taking a look at the gear and seeing if it is reasonable or not. If you play SSF, do you know how to craft or acquire the items you need?

No armor or evasion

Mana builds make you want to be able to roll mana on your gear which forces you into ES bases unless you craft on other bases with mana essences. Mana builds also make you want to not run any auras on mana to increase your ehp pool and damage. This leads to a lot of people just ignoring armor and evasion entirely - this is a huge mistake if you don't want to die all the time mapping.
With no armor or evasion you are going to be taking every single hit at full damage from a pack of white monsters in maps and get destroyed. You can somewhat get around this with a crazy ehp pool and insane recovery and items like defiance of destiny but starter builds are not going to have that. You should really consider running either grace or determination on your eternal blessing instead of a damage aura, it will reduce your damage intake whilst mapping by quite a considerable amount especially if you have some other armor or evasion scaling.

Not dealing with stuns

On mana stacking builds (or any builds with a low health pool) stuns can become a large issue. Having energy shield protecting your life gives you a separate 50% chance to ignore being stunned which is nice but I would recommend also getting something else to help you out. I think the two best choices for this are either the newly changed ES mastery which adds 50% of your ES to your stun threshold or using an avoid stun suffix on a utility flask - this wont make you immune to stuns but will reduce the amount you get stunned by a lot. You can also get stun avoidance on abyss jewels or path to unwavering stance. You almost certainly want to be using brine king pantheon if you are not immune to stuns.

Poor recovery

Mana builds are big EHP sponges, you have a lot of EHP but you will take a lot of damage because auras provide insane amounts of defense in current PoE and you only have access to one of them. You want to be able to recover as much health/mana/es as possible before you get hit again to feel tanky. Life and mana leech are great, especially with instant leech if you are playing a skill that hits an extreme amount of times (same applies for life or energy shield gained on hit). Recoup works on hits and you have easy access to 20% mana recoup between the mana wheel below scion life and the mana mastery.
The mana masteries are very potent, you more than likely want to click all of them apart from reservation efficiency and the 5 flat mana regen. The 10% chance to recover 10% mana when you cast a skill is insanely slept on in my opinon, if you have 5 casts per second which isn't unreasonable on some skills its worth 5% mana regen per second which is insane, if you have 6-7k mana that works out at 300-350 mana per second for a single passive point. Most methods of mana recovery also scale with mana recovery rate. You probably want all the stuff I listed here, and more.

Taking illumnated devotion instead of sanctuary of thought

You should really be clicking sanctuary of though, and its not even close. This node went from being balanced by the 50% less mana cost of skills with old archmage to being absolutely cracked now you actually want to reduce your skill costs to a certain amount. The node easily gives you over 2k ES with a decent mana pool for almost no ES investment increasing your EHP pool by a substantial amount as well as 100% increased AoE which is absolutely bonkers for some skills like ball lightning and ice nova of frostbolts. All that on top of being a 50% less mana cost multiplier.
In contrast illuminated devotion gives life leech which you can easily get on glove implicit or a large cluster, 30% AoE compared to 100% AoE, and some reduced ailment effect on you which, while nice, can easily be handled with dream fragments or brine king and 50%+ avoid shock implicits on boots and a single abyss jewel or flask suffixes early on.

Not taking conviction of power?

I have also seen some POBs forgoing conviction of power. 4 endurance and power charges is extremely strong, even with being able to have some endurance charge uptime with call to arms + enduring cry. Call to arms enduring cry is not going to permanent sustain endurance charges unless you have the minimum power warcry mastery.
Having 4 endurance charges permanently is just a straight up 16% physical damage reduction which is the hardest type of damage to deal with as well as 16% elemental resistance easing suffixes a little. Non-conditional - you just always have that. Having 4 endurance charges also makes you call to arms enduring cry provide an additional 8% physical damage reduction during its buff effect. The power charges also just either solve crit for EO uptime or enable playing crit.

Reducing mana costs to 0

I've seen a bunch of stuff about getting your skill cost to 0 - in general, you don't want to do that - spending mana is important for: sigil of power, generating inspiration charges and increased arcane surge effect from arcane capacitor. I would say the ideal mana spend is going to be around 200-250 per second, which will give you an average of around 4 inspiration charges for damage and maintain max arcane surge effect and give you a stage of sigil of power every 2 seconds. You will still the arcane surge effect from pressing arcane cloak but you you wont be able to maintain it permanently from just that alone.

Some other stuff

Don't ignore spell suppression. It's an annoying stat but its OP and the game is balanced around you having it later on. Recovering on suppress from elevore and instinct is also great, especially early on.
Chaos res is more important than ever. You should try and cap it.
The elemental mastery for 25% invert is quite potent if you play with one curse such as sniper's mark or punishment and will make your time against tanky rares/essences much easier and also means you don't need to debuff everything to do good damage.
You really shouldn't automate arcane cloak - in addition to losing a socket, its both your defensive button and a big damage buff, you want to be able to press it when you actually need it.
Call to arms enduring cry will give 8% pdr whilst active as well as giving you a good chunk of hp back - its not something that you can rely on but for 2 sockets its got great passive value.
Lots of great stuff on cluster jewels as well, Stubborn Student on small armomana clusters. Doryiani's lesson, Scintillating Idea, Overshock, Storm Drinker on large lightning.
With all that being said, here are my PoBs:
Day 1:
Farming t16s:
These are not guides. Use them for some ideas or inspiration.
submitted by bluecriket to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 16:00 rfessenden Forkner Shorthand Evolution 1955 to 1958

I see that whoever wrote the original Forkner Shorthand's Evolution post at stormed off in a huff and deleted it. I possess a few Forkner books and I feel compelled to list a few of the changes that are visible between the 2nd edition published in 1955 (online at Hathi Trust) and the 3rd edition published in 1958.
anti- The use of a large disjoined round cursive a was replaced by small round cursive a followed by Forkner t. In other words it's just like writing an-t- but the ‘long i’ sound is not written.
circum- The disjoined Cm as a special way of writing circum- is replaced by regular Forkner srcm (with the usual long horizontal line for m) 
 a similiar change is made to the writing of circu
gram and graph as in telegram or photograph 
 the disjoined g abbreviation is eliminated and these components are written as joined grm or grf
ify This suffix is no longer represented by a disjoined f 
 Instead it is written as a joined fi
sub The printed S for the prefix sub is eliminated and we just write sb in normal Forkner letters.
super and supr- The disjoined printed (non-cursive) s of the second edition is replaced by just writing supr in regular Forkner letters (the consonants s-p-r plus the tiny diagonal mark for u
 I believe the vowel mark is eliminated in 4th edition Forkner)
In summary, it looks like an effort was made to reduce the number of abbreviating rules a student would have to learn, and disjoined symbols were especially targeted for disposal. Come to think of it there might be some differences in the specially abbreviated words but I will leave that subtopic for some other stenoarchaeologist to explore.
There are very few differences in the lessons and practice material between the 2nd and 3rd editions of the textbooks. It looks like the same printing plates were used for most of the pages. Toward the end of the 3rd edition, a nearly identical vocabulary list is printed with less vertical space between entries so that fewer pages are used. The separate list of abbreviated words is dropped but a list of common phrases is added.
submitted by rfessenden to shorthand [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 13:29 montybyrne Jugendliche vs. Jugendlichen

Can anybody explain the rules around "die Jugendliche" getting an -n suffix? I can't figure out any obvious case-based rule from the Duolingo lessons I've seen; the word seems to be spelt interchangeably either way in nominative case, and I can't tell whether it's some actual specific grammar rule or just down to Duolingo inconsistency.
submitted by montybyrne to DuolingoGerman [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 01:03 Asoberu Learning Middle Egyptian (my thoughts so far)

First off, DwA Djehuty & Seshat for such a beautiful language and system of writing. Right next to Akkadian, Egyptian is one of the most badass languages out there. The level of depth per era of Egyptian is wild to me. Seriously, our akhu were insanely gifted with writing skills, like to remember all the hieroglyphs and nouns and the syntax and
 it's hard, though I guess if we were ancient Egyptians trying to learn English it'd seem daunting too.
Anyways, I'm currently learning Middle Egyptian, seeing how knowing it now will shave off some difficulty in college. Also, I like updating Heru on my Egyptian (and modern Greek) learning process by showing him my notes :). But damn, Egyptian is no joke. I guess I'm still new, and I'm just now learning about nouns, and the amount of hieroglyphs is intimidating. I know how to determine the direction to read hieroglyphs, which the site I used said the trick was to find a face the work towards it. I also learned about the pronunciation of Middle Egyptian with help from Allen's Ancient Egyptian Phonology. I also now know that hieroglyphs take on three forms: Uniliteral, Biliteral, and Triliteral, and every hieroglyph is either a phonogram, ideogram, or a determinative.
That was all lesson 1, lesson 2 (which I just started) is all on nouns. Currently, I know nouns are either tangible or intangible, and are made up of two terms: Gender and number. I know it'll either be masculine or feminine, and that nouns are broken up into singular, plural, or dual nouns. Also, with the noun suffix -t, I know that it'll usually indicate a feminine noun, though there are exceptions.
Overall learning this so far has been fun and minorly challenging. Remember the glyphs and their transliterations is the hardest part I think. I'm enjoying it nonetheless; it can't be a product of Djehuty if it doesn't challenge you.
submitted by Asoberu to Kemetic [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 21:21 PrideReading What is Structured Literacy?

Structured literacy is an approach that is often recommended for students with dyslexia and specific learning disabilities because it is well supported by research and is an evidence-based method. Structured literacy integrates phonological awareness, reading (decoding), spelling (encoding), sight words, fluency, and comprehension using explicit and systematic instruction. Here is a step-by-step explanation of what structured literacy is, videos and additional resources, and a simple guide on how to teach structured literacy to your students.

How do you Teach Structured Literacy?

In Structured Literacy instruction, teachers guide students through systematic and sequential mastery of each phoneme in the English language using explicit and direct instruction.

Explicit and Direct Instruction

In structured literacy, students are taught with explicit and direct instruction. This means that skills and concepts are taught clearly and directly by a teacher. Explicit instruction includes modeling, guided practice, and independent practice of the skill being taught.
Example: The teacher will first present a lesson demonstrating vowel consonant e syllable and model the lesson for the student. The teacher will then do the lesson together with the student, then finally ask the student to do it without guidance. The teacher provides immediate feedback and corrections when needed.
I do, we do, you do.

Systematic, Sequential, and Cumulative Instruction

The explicit instruction in structured literacy is carefully built around a scope and sequence. This scope and sequence dictates the order in which each concept or skill is taught. Each lesson builds upon itself and the student never has to read or spell anything they haven’t been introduced to yet, which is why the stories and text in structured literacy are always decodable. The students only read and spell what they have been explicitly taught.
Each individual skill is taught in isolation beginning with the most basic levels of phonics and developing into the most advanced spelling rules and morphological concepts. The student does not move on to a new concept until the student is ready. Once that student moves forward with a new concept, he or she keeps reviewing already learned skills.
Example: Here is the scope and sequence of a structured literacy curriculum. Although the scope and sequence will vary from program to program, this will give you an example.

What is Taught in Structured Literacy?

Structured Literacy focuses on the teaching of phonology, orthography, systematic phonics, and comprehension. What does this mean? Here is a breakdown of each component taught in structured literacy:


Phonology is the study of the sound structure of spoken language. Students are taught blending skills, segmenting skills, and manipulation of speech sounds within words that lead to phonics skills.
“Say rib. Say rib again but this time, instead of /, say /b/.” (bib)


Orthography is the conventional spelling system of a language. Students are taught to use orthographic knowledge (letters-symbols) to read and spell words. Students learn to associate the sounds (phonemes) with the letters (graphemes) that represent them, and then form the letters that spell the sound.
“Say wax. Spell the word wax by writing the letters on your palm. Now, pick up your pen and write the word wax on your paper.”

Systematic Phonics

Systematic phonics is the method of teaching students how to connect the graphemes (letters) with phonemes (sounds) using a clear and well-thought-out scope and sequence. This includes:


In structured literacy, students are taught the relationship between word meanings and the meaning of groups of words. Relationships between words, phrases, clauses, and sentences are explicitly taught and lead to reading and comprehending paragraphs, text, and stories. Structured Literacy addresses all of the foundational elements needed for reading comprehension as outlined in the Simple View of Reading and the Scarborough “Rope” model.
submitted by PrideReading to Dyslexia [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 22:20 arthorse Latvian Learning Resource Mega List

Some workbook-esque websites
Grammar things:
Alphabet guide
Telling time in Latvian
Declensions and Congugations chart
Grammar rules
Placement Test
Another list of resources
Latvian clothes and some related verbs
More Clothes words and verbs
Even more clothes, clearly I was obsessed with this topic
Latvian Clothes
Latvian Bingo
Books in Latvian:
Books in Latvian
Harry Potter, but in Latvian
Cute book about a cat (Practice Material)
You can also go to the websites of Latvian stores and practice.

I recommend Memrise. Latvian is not an official course there, but there are many community added courses with plenty of vocabulary, including words like “above, between, from, for, soon” etc. I started there and then moved to Mondly. Recently I’ve moved back to Memrise and my Latvian is improving a lot.
But Mondly is great because they have pronunciations. After finishing the main lessons, though, there’s not much new vocab. There’s the daily lesson and the long backlog of daily lessons, and there are extra lessons that haven’t been added to the main page. The words from the extra lessons don’t tend to have great variety or novelty. It’s also quite expensive. So I recommend getting it for a few months, just until you finish the main page and do some of the extra lessons.
Note: Neither of these resources offer any insight or teaching of grammar. I don’t believe Ling offers this either, and from what I can remember, the lessons are fairly few in number. Probably the same as Mondly. It does have pronunciations though. It’s a little glitchy and it really struggles to maintain your progress when you are using both the app and the website. (The lessons you did on app will not show as completed on the website and vice versa).
Once you’ve gotten a lot of vocab, you can start watching “Paliga” on YouTube. Its focus is teaching Latvian and it has Latvian subtitles (which I find extremely helpful, if not vital). Watch with google translate open in another tab and translate words you don’t know. There are skits between the main story called “Paliga” again and these include simpler, short, vocab focused lessons. I like to close my eyes during these skits to practice my speaking comprehension (no visual hints). If you type latviesu valoda into YouTube, you can find more videos and movies in Latvian. There are not many English videos on Latvian language learning, unfortunately, but there are a few.
If you’re in Latvia, you can find cheap books and workbooks (in English) in bookstores which will include grammar rules. I’ll be honest though, I haven’t given much time to my book and found it pretty confusing. So try to pick a new book carefully.
There are lots of little websites that offer Latvian learning. I’ve found Latvian bingo (great for vocab), and some sources for grammar rules. I’ll link those later.
Firstly, go over the alphabet sounds. The great thing about Latvian is that it’s very consistent. Therefore, learning the alphabet sounds will enable you to pronounce every word mostly correctly (accents are still a thing). It’s better to learn pronunciation early so you don’t have to correct what you thought you had learned.
Alphabet guide
There is an ai Latvian character on It’s good practice but be careful especially when asking if you got something right. I think it’s programmed to be supportive so it just says you’re right if you ask. Double check grammar from him with your partner if they speak Latvian (I assume they do since you want to learn). Still, chatting with an ai bot is nice because it goes at your own pace and it’s written rather than spoken. I’m awful at listening but I’m pretty good at reading and speaking. I’m very visual, so despite living in Latvia, it hasn’t helped me learn very much. I’m sure it will help once I have a better grasp of the language, but for early levels, it does not help me. Also, for me, having someone spell a new word to me is far better than just saying it. If I can’t visualize the word in my head, I cannot remember nor pronounce it.
Things I’ve learned: be careful when trying to pronounce a -c as an -s. Example: Pieci (five) is not piesi. It’s more like pie zi. Same with pēc (after). Not pēs. It’s like of like “pets” (assuming you have an American English accent and don’t pronounce the -t). -O is pronounced as if it is two syllables. Ola (egg) is not “oh la” it’s more like “oo-ah-la.”
-ā at the end of a word typically means “in” or “at.” “Es esmu majā” would mean “I am at home.” “Es esmu manā istabā” would be “I am in my room.”
In English, we say “it is not.” In Latvian, you can drop the “is” because, well, it’s not. Think of it this way, in English we can say “it yes no.” But Latvians drop the yes, since it’s no, leaving them with “tas nav” instead of “tas ir nav.”
-ĆĄana suffix typically means our -ing suffix.
-aiz prefix typically implies things like “behind” or “to go away.”
Watch our for -e at the end of words. We're used to having a silent -e, but Latvian doesn't have silent letters. So if there's an -e at the end, you must pronounce it.
They don’t always say es (I) or man (my) at the beginning of sentences because they’re the one speaking. It’s assumed that they mean themselves.
Don’t push yourself too hard. I learned for a year and then got burnt out. I went easy on myself and took a break from the apps for a couple months but now I’m back and improving a ton.
I also recommend getting a browser extension that translates webpages if you don't already have one. It will help you to navigate websites that are entirely in Latvian. Just remember to turn it off again or disable it for learning resources once you find your way.
Resources are there but they’re hard to find. Focus on vocab and practice basic verbs like bĆ«t (to be) and ir (to have). Word endings are difficult but focus on your sentences achieving successful communication.
submitted by arthorse to learnlatvian [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 22:05 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For March 2024, 17 books for $0.99 each

No official announcement from S&S about this month's book sale yet, but I was getting antsy about the situation and found these books for $0.99 each on several of the normal book stores I link to every month. No idea how long they're going to stay at this price, so if you want to get one, better do it sooner than later! This is the first time I've seen the two "Strange New Worlds" collections go on sale and I've been told they're great collections of short stories by authors that would later become pretty prolific in our fandom.
Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Star Trek: 21 Uhura’s Song by Janet Hagan on 1985-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Years ago, Lt. Uhura befriended a diplomat from Eeiauo, the land of graceful, cat-like beings. The two women exchanged songs and promised never to reveal their secret. Now the U.S.S. Enterprise is orbiting Eeiauo in a desperate race to save the inhabitants before a deadly plague destroys them. Uhura's secret songs may hold the key to a cure -- but the clues are veiled in layers of mystery. The plague is killing humans, threatening other planets -- and Kirk must crack the code before the Starship Enterprise succumbs! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods on 2008-06-24
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In our universe, a Cardassian sleeper agent--Iliana Ghemor--was once surgically altered to resemble and replace resistance fighter Kira Nerys, future Starfleet captain and hero of the planet Bajor's liberation. That plan never reached fruition, and the fate of the agent remained unknown...until now. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Legends Of The Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr Quark Robert Hewitt Wolfe on 1997-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
"Once you have their money, never give it back." -- #1 "Anything worth doing is worth doing for money." -- #13 For centuries these and the other famous Ferengi "Rules of Acquisition" have been the guiding principles of the galaxy's most successful entrepreneurs. But the wisdom behind them was not won without a high cost in lives and latnium. Now at last these inspiring tales of avaricious Ferengi wresting monetary gain from the jaws of poverty are available to the profit-hungry across the galaxy! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage by David R. George III on 2017-02-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
More than two years have passed since the destruction of the original Deep Space 9. In that time, a brand new, state-of-the-art starbase has replaced it, commanded by Captain Ro Laren, still the crew and residents of the former station continue to experience the repercussions of its loss. For instance: Quark continues his search for Morn, as the Lurian—his best customer and friend—left Bajor without a word and never returned. Quark enlists a private detective to track Morn down, and she claims to be hot on his trail. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Unity by S.D. Perry on 2003-11-18
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The assassination of First Minister Shakaar on the eve of Bajor's entry into the Federation has plunged both the planet and space station Deep Space Nine into chaos. Investigations revealed a conspiracy threatening not only Bajor but also the Federation. At the same time the very foundation of the deep spiritual faith for which Bajor is famous has been challenged by the contents of an ancient heretical text discovered by Colonel Kira Nerys. Now, after a harrowing and historic voyage of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, the Starship Defiant is coming home with its weary, wounded crew. But their joy is short-lived as they find themselves caught up into the midst of the crisis, and some are forced to make choices which alter their lives. Captain Elias Vaughan learns the true purpose for which he was Touched by the Prophets -- and discovers in the process the ultimate fate of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Meanwhile, somewhere on Bajor, a long-awaited child is about to be born... Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Ex Machina by Christopher L. Bennett on 2005-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the aftermath of the astonishing events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the captain and officers of the U.S.S. Enterprise remain haunted by their encounter with the vast artificial intelligence of V'Ger...and by the sacrifice and ascension of their friend and shipmate, Willard Decker. As James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy attempt to cope with the personal fallout of that ordeal, a chapter from their mutual past is reopened, raising troubling new questions about the relationship among God, Man, and AI. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Inception by Britta Burdett Dennison S.D. Perry on 2010-01-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As man expands beyond explored space, the need to find a way to make inhospitable planets habitable grows greater. One young biologist, Carol Marcus, has a project that she believes can reshape planets. A young committed scientist, she dares to dream of a Federation where there is never any hunger and every world is a paradise. Her dream is shared by James Kirk, a young Starfleet officer and her lover. One of Carol’s more enthusiastic team members is botanist Leila Kalomi. Leila finds Carol’s passion contagious, and sparks the interest of the Enterprise’s science officer, Spock, who convinces her to join Project: Inception. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Legacies: Book 2: Best Defense by David Mack on 2016-07-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Just in time for the milestone 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, an epic new trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk’s historic five-year-mission—and from one universe to another! A DEBT OF HONOR One brave woman ventures alone into a parallel universe to save her old shipmates, exiled there decades earlier by a mysterious device called the Transfer Key. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 1999-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Back by popular demand! Our second anthology featuring original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! Our first Strange New Worlds competition drew thousands of submissions and Strange New Worlds II drew even more. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 4 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 2001-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
This anthology of original fan fiction is good news for anyone who's memorized videos of the original Star Trek and its increasingly attenuated descendants; it gives more chances to watch favorite characters cope with time travel, tribbles and all the other usual gimmicks. For everyone else, the book is less cause for celebration, since understanding, let alone enjoying, the stories depends on not just knowing the characters in general but also remembering specific episodes or scenes. The writers' ingenuity is challenged as they speculate on the consequences of some detail while staying within the established history of the several series and movies. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Badlands Book 1 by Susan Wright on 1991-12-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Located dangerously near the Cardassian border, the unstable region of space known as the Badlands has long been a hazard to interstellar navigation, characterized by violent plasma storms and other even stranger phenomena. Many starships have faced destruction there, including at least two incarnations of the Starship Enterprise.... James T. Kirk braves the perils of the Badlands to confront a Romulan Bird of Prey that has entered Federation space in pursuit of a fleeing smuggler. But trespassing Romulans may be the least of Kirk's problems when the mysterious forces at work in the Badlands threaten both his ship and his crew! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4 Survivors by Jean Lorrah on 1989-01-02
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Treva is an isolated human colony on the fringes of known space on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community, a full fledged menber of the Federation. But now the U.S.S. Enterprise has received a distress signal for Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom. Data and Lt. Tasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. Once they reach Treva, they discover the truth, and any possible solution may be far more complex than a simple rebellion. Treva's president wants more then Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels, she wants their weapons technology. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hearts and Minds by Dayton Ward on 2017-05-30
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
2031: United States Air Force fighter jets shoot down an unidentified spacecraft and take its crew into custody. Soon, it’s learned that the ship is one of several dispatched across space by an alien species, the Eizand, to search for a new home before their own world becomes uninhabitable. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Make It So by Bill Ross Wess Roberts on 1996-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In Make It So: Leadership Lessons from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wess Roberts and coauthor Bill Ross take their inspiration from today's most striking and most popular vision of the future -- Star Trek -- an unprecedented television, feature film and publishing phenomenon. From the top-rated television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Roberts and Ross find a new symbol for successful leadership: Captain Jean-Luc Picard. As entertaining as it is useful, Make It So captures the mythos of Star Trek: The Next Generation as it delivers dramatically rich lessons on leadership, including the importance of the ability to focus on a single "mission," effective communication, teamwork, honor . . . and other important concepts. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Takedown by John Jackson Miller on 2014-01-27
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When renegade Federation starships begin wreaking destruction across the Alpha Quadrant, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise are shocked to discover that the mastermind behind this sudden threat is none other than Picard’s protĂ©gĂ© and friend: Admiral William T. Riker. The newly minted admiral is on board the U.S.S. Aventine as part of a special assignment, even as the mystery deepens behind his involvement in the growing crisis. But the Aventine is helmed by Captain Ezri Dax—someone who is no stranger to breaking Starfleet regulations—and her starship is by far the faster vessel
and Riker cannot yield even to his former mentor. It’s a battle of tactical geniuses and a race against time as Picard struggles to find answers before the quadrant’s great powers violently retaliate against the Federation
 Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Original Series: Seasons of Light and Darkness by Michael A. Martin on 2014-04-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
An original Star Trek e-novella set in the Original Series universe, taking place prior to the events of the feature film The Wrath of Khan. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Titan: The Red King by Andy Mangels Michael A. Martin on 2005-10-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Investigating the disappearance of a secret Romulan fleet, the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William Riker, is unexpectedly propelled more than 200,000 light-years into the Small Magellanic Cloud. One of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Cloud is also home to the Neyel, the long-sundered offshoots of Terran humanity, with whom the Federation has had no contact in over eighty years.Nearby, Riker's uncertain ally, Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, rescues a young Neyel, the survivor of a mysterious cosmic upheaval that seems at times to be both unraveling and reweaving the very fabric of space...the fulfillment of an apocalyptic vision that has already claimed millions of lives. Titan's science team soon finds evidence that the ravaging of Neyel space is the work of a vast and powerful intelligence: the stirrings of a dormant consciousness that is maintaining the existence of the Small Magellanic Cloud -- and all life within it -- from one moment to the next. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable.As Riker considers his options, his new crew struggles with the scientific and philosophical implications of what they've discovered...while the young Neyel in their midst forges a bond with the captain, conjuring old ghosts Riker has yet to lay to rest. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter on 2009-05-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
First contact becomes an interstellar incident when the Starship Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship and saves the life of a man left to die by his own people. Berlis, a member of a telepathic species calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld would want him dead. Captain James T. Kirk wants to believe him, but the damage is done: the Enterprise can neither leave the stranger to die nor turn him over to those who would kill him. Berlis seems harmless, but his people say he cannot live among them: his telepathy is so strong that their wills are subsumed to his. The same fear that compels the Isitri to seek the death of one of their own drives the neighbouring Odib people towards genocide. For every time an 'alpha mind' dominates the Isitri, the Odib pay the price in their own blood. With Spock becoming erratic under Berlis's influence, and the Isitri begging Kirk to allow them to destroy the man who threatens their existence, matters take a disastrous turn when Berlis makes his way back to Isitra -- and an entire world falls to his whims. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 2 Seize the Fire by Michael A. Martin on 2010-11-30
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Shortly after revealing its union with the Federation’s newest adversary—a coalition of galactic powers known as the Typhon Pact—the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological disaster that destroys the hatchery world of their critically important warrior caste. Fortunately, the Gorn had already been investigating traces of an ancient but powerful “quick terraforming” technology left behind by a long-vanished civilization. This technology, should it prove controllable, promises to restore their delicate biological and social status quo. But when a Gorn soldier prepares to use the technology to reshape the planet Hranrar into a new warrior-caste spawning ground, threatening to extinguish the native Hranrarii, he draws the unwanted attention of a mad Gorn trooper determined to bring the military caste into dominance. Meanwhile, as the U.S.S. Titan embarks upon a search for this potent technology in the hope of using it to heal the wounds the Federation sustained during the recent Borg crisis, Captain Riker must balance his responsibility for his crew’s safety against the welfare of the Hranrarii and his duty to the Prime Directive. With a menacing Typhon Pact fleet nipping at his heels, Riker must not only stop the Gorn warriors but also plumb the secrets of an ancient terraforming artifact. But of everyone serving aboard Titan, Commander Tuvok may be the only one who understands how dangerous such planet-altering technology can be, even when used with the best of intentions. . . . Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified by David Mack Dayton Ward Kevin Dilmore Marco Palmieri on 2011-06-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Taurus Reach: the source of a secret that has driven the great powers of the 23rd century to risk everything in the race to control it. Now four new adventures—previously untold tales of the past and present, with hints of what is yet to come—begin the next great phase in the Vanguard saga. Witness the dawn of Starbase 47, as Ambassador Jetanien faces choices that will shape the future of Operation Vanguard . . . follow journalist Tim Pennington as he reaches a crossroads in his search for the truth
see how the crises on two colonies transform the lives of Diego Reyes and Rana Desai
and travel with Cervantes Quinn to a deadly confrontation that will change everything—all in one unforgettable Star Trek collection. Novella Collection: Almost Tomorrow by Dayton Ward Hard News by Kevin Dilmore The Ruins of Noble Men by Marco Palmieri The Stars Look Down by David Mack Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Harbinger by David Mack on 2005-07-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Returning from its historic first voyage to the edge of the galaxy, the damaged U.S.S. Enterprise journeys through the Taurus Reach, a vast and little-known region of space in which a new starbase has been unexpectedly established. Puzzled by the Federation's interest in an area so far from its borders and so near the xenophobic Tholian Assembly, Captain James T. Kirk orders the Enterprise to put in for repairs at the new space station: Starbase 47, also known as Vanguard. As Kirk ponders the mystery of the enormous base, he begins to suspect that there is much more to Vanguard than meets the eye. It's a suspicion shared by the Tholians, the Orions, and the Klingon Empire, each of whom believes that there are less than benign motives behind the Federation's sudden and unexplained desire to explore and colonize the Taurus Reach. But when a calamity deep within the Reach threatens to compromise Starfleet's continued presence in the region, Kirk, Spock, and several key specialists from the Enterprise must assist Vanguard's crew in investigating the cause of the disaster and containing the damage. In the process, they learn the true purpose behind the creation of Vanguard, and what the outcome of its mission may mean for life throughout that part of the galaxy. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice by David Mack on 2009-11-24
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Diego Reyes, court martialled Starfleet commodore and disgraced former commander of space station Vanguard, discovers that his role in deciphering the truth about the Taurus Reach is not yet over. As friend and foe join forces in a separate peace against the threat of the Shedai -- the godlike aliens who, eons ago, reigned over that part of the galaxy -- a long-missing wild card in the complex events which are playing out in the Taurus Reach returns to change the nature of the game. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: 6 The Murdered Sun by Christie Golden on 1996-02-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate, hoping to find a shortcut back to Federation space. Instead, she discovers a star system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. Janeway has no desire to get caught up in someone else's war, but in order to the check on the possibilities offered by the wormhole -- and to save the innocent people of Veruna Four -- Voyager has no choice but to challenge the Akerians. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming Book 1 by Christie Golden on 2003-06-03
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the Starship Voyager now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Kathryn Janeway and her stalwart officers, Voyager's miraculous return brings new honors and responsibilities, reunions with long-lost loved ones, and for some, such as the Doctor and Seven of Nine, the challenge of forging new lives in a Federation that seems to hold little place for them. But even as Janeway and the others go their separate ways, pursuing new adventures and opportunities, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent men, women, and children into an entirely new generation of Borg. Now the entire planet faces assimilation, and Voyager may be to blame! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: The Nanotech War by Steven Piziks on 2002-10-29
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
On a largely mechanical world, Voyager discovers the strangest alien civilization of all...and the meeting of worlds awakens the galaxy's deadliest enemies. In the furthest reaches of the Delta Quadrant the USS Voyager has encountered many strange and wondrous worlds -- but none so curious as that of the Chiar. An advanced race whose scientists have become galactic experts in nanotechnology, the Chiar have expanded inwards rather than out. Every inch of their planet is crawling with the tiniest bits and pieces of artificial intelligence imaginable, all of them working in concert to form the lifeblood of this mechanical world. The Chiar themselves are inseparable from their nanobots, which layer their skin and provide additional limbs or senses as required. Caught up in internal political conflict, some of the Chiar will take advantage of their meeting with the Starship Voyager to embark on an experiment which goes quietly but devastatingly out of control. Never thinking that there could exist a technology they can't tame, they believe that they can harness the awesome power of the Borg -- a conceit which soons turns out to be their most terrible mistake. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: To Lose The Earth by Kirsten Beyer on 2020-10-13
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As the crew of the Full Circle fleet works to determine the fate of their lost ship, the Galen, a struggle for survival begins at the far edge of the galaxy. New revelations about Species 001, the race that built the biodomes that first drew the fleet to investigate planet DK-1116, force Admiral Kathryn Janeway to risk everything to learn the truth. Read reviews and buying options here
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2024.03.05 22:05 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For March 2024, 17 books for $0.99 each

No official announcement from S&S about this month's book sale yet, but I was getting antsy about the situation and found these books for $0.99 each on several of the normal book stores I link to every month. No idea how long they're going to stay at this price, so if you want to get one, better do it sooner than later! This is the first time I've seen the two "Strange New Worlds" collections go on sale and I've been told they're great collections of short stories by authors that would later become pretty prolific in our fandom.
Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Star Trek: 21 Uhura’s Song by Janet Hagan on 1985-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Years ago, Lt. Uhura befriended a diplomat from Eeiauo, the land of graceful, cat-like beings. The two women exchanged songs and promised never to reveal their secret. Now the U.S.S. Enterprise is orbiting Eeiauo in a desperate race to save the inhabitants before a deadly plague destroys them. Uhura's secret songs may hold the key to a cure -- but the clues are veiled in layers of mystery. The plague is killing humans, threatening other planets -- and Kirk must crack the code before the Starship Enterprise succumbs! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods on 2008-06-24
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In our universe, a Cardassian sleeper agent--Iliana Ghemor--was once surgically altered to resemble and replace resistance fighter Kira Nerys, future Starfleet captain and hero of the planet Bajor's liberation. That plan never reached fruition, and the fate of the agent remained unknown...until now. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Legends Of The Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr Quark Robert Hewitt Wolfe on 1997-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
"Once you have their money, never give it back." -- #1 "Anything worth doing is worth doing for money." -- #13 For centuries these and the other famous Ferengi "Rules of Acquisition" have been the guiding principles of the galaxy's most successful entrepreneurs. But the wisdom behind them was not won without a high cost in lives and latnium. Now at last these inspiring tales of avaricious Ferengi wresting monetary gain from the jaws of poverty are available to the profit-hungry across the galaxy! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage by David R. George III on 2017-02-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
More than two years have passed since the destruction of the original Deep Space 9. In that time, a brand new, state-of-the-art starbase has replaced it, commanded by Captain Ro Laren, still the crew and residents of the former station continue to experience the repercussions of its loss. For instance: Quark continues his search for Morn, as the Lurian—his best customer and friend—left Bajor without a word and never returned. Quark enlists a private detective to track Morn down, and she claims to be hot on his trail. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Unity by S.D. Perry on 2003-11-18
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The assassination of First Minister Shakaar on the eve of Bajor's entry into the Federation has plunged both the planet and space station Deep Space Nine into chaos. Investigations revealed a conspiracy threatening not only Bajor but also the Federation. At the same time the very foundation of the deep spiritual faith for which Bajor is famous has been challenged by the contents of an ancient heretical text discovered by Colonel Kira Nerys. Now, after a harrowing and historic voyage of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, the Starship Defiant is coming home with its weary, wounded crew. But their joy is short-lived as they find themselves caught up into the midst of the crisis, and some are forced to make choices which alter their lives. Captain Elias Vaughan learns the true purpose for which he was Touched by the Prophets -- and discovers in the process the ultimate fate of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Meanwhile, somewhere on Bajor, a long-awaited child is about to be born... Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Ex Machina by Christopher L. Bennett on 2005-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the aftermath of the astonishing events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the captain and officers of the U.S.S. Enterprise remain haunted by their encounter with the vast artificial intelligence of V'Ger...and by the sacrifice and ascension of their friend and shipmate, Willard Decker. As James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy attempt to cope with the personal fallout of that ordeal, a chapter from their mutual past is reopened, raising troubling new questions about the relationship among God, Man, and AI. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Inception by Britta Burdett Dennison S.D. Perry on 2010-01-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As man expands beyond explored space, the need to find a way to make inhospitable planets habitable grows greater. One young biologist, Carol Marcus, has a project that she believes can reshape planets. A young committed scientist, she dares to dream of a Federation where there is never any hunger and every world is a paradise. Her dream is shared by James Kirk, a young Starfleet officer and her lover. One of Carol’s more enthusiastic team members is botanist Leila Kalomi. Leila finds Carol’s passion contagious, and sparks the interest of the Enterprise’s science officer, Spock, who convinces her to join Project: Inception. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Legacies: Book 2: Best Defense by David Mack on 2016-07-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Just in time for the milestone 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, an epic new trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk’s historic five-year-mission—and from one universe to another! A DEBT OF HONOR One brave woman ventures alone into a parallel universe to save her old shipmates, exiled there decades earlier by a mysterious device called the Transfer Key. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 1999-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Back by popular demand! Our second anthology featuring original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! Our first Strange New Worlds competition drew thousands of submissions and Strange New Worlds II drew even more. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 4 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 2001-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
This anthology of original fan fiction is good news for anyone who's memorized videos of the original Star Trek and its increasingly attenuated descendants; it gives more chances to watch favorite characters cope with time travel, tribbles and all the other usual gimmicks. For everyone else, the book is less cause for celebration, since understanding, let alone enjoying, the stories depends on not just knowing the characters in general but also remembering specific episodes or scenes. The writers' ingenuity is challenged as they speculate on the consequences of some detail while staying within the established history of the several series and movies. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Badlands Book 1 by Susan Wright on 1991-12-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Located dangerously near the Cardassian border, the unstable region of space known as the Badlands has long been a hazard to interstellar navigation, characterized by violent plasma storms and other even stranger phenomena. Many starships have faced destruction there, including at least two incarnations of the Starship Enterprise.... James T. Kirk braves the perils of the Badlands to confront a Romulan Bird of Prey that has entered Federation space in pursuit of a fleeing smuggler. But trespassing Romulans may be the least of Kirk's problems when the mysterious forces at work in the Badlands threaten both his ship and his crew! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4 Survivors by Jean Lorrah on 1989-01-02
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Treva is an isolated human colony on the fringes of known space on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community, a full fledged menber of the Federation. But now the U.S.S. Enterprise has received a distress signal for Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom. Data and Lt. Tasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. Once they reach Treva, they discover the truth, and any possible solution may be far more complex than a simple rebellion. Treva's president wants more then Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels, she wants their weapons technology. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hearts and Minds by Dayton Ward on 2017-05-30
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
2031: United States Air Force fighter jets shoot down an unidentified spacecraft and take its crew into custody. Soon, it’s learned that the ship is one of several dispatched across space by an alien species, the Eizand, to search for a new home before their own world becomes uninhabitable. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Make It So by Bill Ross Wess Roberts on 1996-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In Make It So: Leadership Lessons from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wess Roberts and coauthor Bill Ross take their inspiration from today's most striking and most popular vision of the future -- Star Trek -- an unprecedented television, feature film and publishing phenomenon. From the top-rated television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Roberts and Ross find a new symbol for successful leadership: Captain Jean-Luc Picard. As entertaining as it is useful, Make It So captures the mythos of Star Trek: The Next Generation as it delivers dramatically rich lessons on leadership, including the importance of the ability to focus on a single "mission," effective communication, teamwork, honor . . . and other important concepts. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Takedown by John Jackson Miller on 2014-01-27
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When renegade Federation starships begin wreaking destruction across the Alpha Quadrant, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise are shocked to discover that the mastermind behind this sudden threat is none other than Picard’s protĂ©gĂ© and friend: Admiral William T. Riker. The newly minted admiral is on board the U.S.S. Aventine as part of a special assignment, even as the mystery deepens behind his involvement in the growing crisis. But the Aventine is helmed by Captain Ezri Dax—someone who is no stranger to breaking Starfleet regulations—and her starship is by far the faster vessel
and Riker cannot yield even to his former mentor. It’s a battle of tactical geniuses and a race against time as Picard struggles to find answers before the quadrant’s great powers violently retaliate against the Federation
 Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Original Series: Seasons of Light and Darkness by Michael A. Martin on 2014-04-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
An original Star Trek e-novella set in the Original Series universe, taking place prior to the events of the feature film The Wrath of Khan. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Titan: The Red King by Andy Mangels Michael A. Martin on 2005-10-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Investigating the disappearance of a secret Romulan fleet, the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William Riker, is unexpectedly propelled more than 200,000 light-years into the Small Magellanic Cloud. One of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Cloud is also home to the Neyel, the long-sundered offshoots of Terran humanity, with whom the Federation has had no contact in over eighty years.Nearby, Riker's uncertain ally, Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, rescues a young Neyel, the survivor of a mysterious cosmic upheaval that seems at times to be both unraveling and reweaving the very fabric of space...the fulfillment of an apocalyptic vision that has already claimed millions of lives. Titan's science team soon finds evidence that the ravaging of Neyel space is the work of a vast and powerful intelligence: the stirrings of a dormant consciousness that is maintaining the existence of the Small Magellanic Cloud -- and all life within it -- from one moment to the next. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable.As Riker considers his options, his new crew struggles with the scientific and philosophical implications of what they've discovered...while the young Neyel in their midst forges a bond with the captain, conjuring old ghosts Riker has yet to lay to rest. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter on 2009-05-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
First contact becomes an interstellar incident when the Starship Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship and saves the life of a man left to die by his own people. Berlis, a member of a telepathic species calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld would want him dead. Captain James T. Kirk wants to believe him, but the damage is done: the Enterprise can neither leave the stranger to die nor turn him over to those who would kill him. Berlis seems harmless, but his people say he cannot live among them: his telepathy is so strong that their wills are subsumed to his. The same fear that compels the Isitri to seek the death of one of their own drives the neighbouring Odib people towards genocide. For every time an 'alpha mind' dominates the Isitri, the Odib pay the price in their own blood. With Spock becoming erratic under Berlis's influence, and the Isitri begging Kirk to allow them to destroy the man who threatens their existence, matters take a disastrous turn when Berlis makes his way back to Isitra -- and an entire world falls to his whims. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 2 Seize the Fire by Michael A. Martin on 2010-11-30
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Shortly after revealing its union with the Federation’s newest adversary—a coalition of galactic powers known as the Typhon Pact—the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological disaster that destroys the hatchery world of their critically important warrior caste. Fortunately, the Gorn had already been investigating traces of an ancient but powerful “quick terraforming” technology left behind by a long-vanished civilization. This technology, should it prove controllable, promises to restore their delicate biological and social status quo. But when a Gorn soldier prepares to use the technology to reshape the planet Hranrar into a new warrior-caste spawning ground, threatening to extinguish the native Hranrarii, he draws the unwanted attention of a mad Gorn trooper determined to bring the military caste into dominance. Meanwhile, as the U.S.S. Titan embarks upon a search for this potent technology in the hope of using it to heal the wounds the Federation sustained during the recent Borg crisis, Captain Riker must balance his responsibility for his crew’s safety against the welfare of the Hranrarii and his duty to the Prime Directive. With a menacing Typhon Pact fleet nipping at his heels, Riker must not only stop the Gorn warriors but also plumb the secrets of an ancient terraforming artifact. But of everyone serving aboard Titan, Commander Tuvok may be the only one who understands how dangerous such planet-altering technology can be, even when used with the best of intentions. . . . Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified by David Mack Dayton Ward Kevin Dilmore Marco Palmieri on 2011-06-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Taurus Reach: the source of a secret that has driven the great powers of the 23rd century to risk everything in the race to control it. Now four new adventures—previously untold tales of the past and present, with hints of what is yet to come—begin the next great phase in the Vanguard saga. Witness the dawn of Starbase 47, as Ambassador Jetanien faces choices that will shape the future of Operation Vanguard . . . follow journalist Tim Pennington as he reaches a crossroads in his search for the truth
see how the crises on two colonies transform the lives of Diego Reyes and Rana Desai
and travel with Cervantes Quinn to a deadly confrontation that will change everything—all in one unforgettable Star Trek collection. Novella Collection: Almost Tomorrow by Dayton Ward Hard News by Kevin Dilmore The Ruins of Noble Men by Marco Palmieri The Stars Look Down by David Mack Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Harbinger by David Mack on 2005-07-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Returning from its historic first voyage to the edge of the galaxy, the damaged U.S.S. Enterprise journeys through the Taurus Reach, a vast and little-known region of space in which a new starbase has been unexpectedly established. Puzzled by the Federation's interest in an area so far from its borders and so near the xenophobic Tholian Assembly, Captain James T. Kirk orders the Enterprise to put in for repairs at the new space station: Starbase 47, also known as Vanguard. As Kirk ponders the mystery of the enormous base, he begins to suspect that there is much more to Vanguard than meets the eye. It's a suspicion shared by the Tholians, the Orions, and the Klingon Empire, each of whom believes that there are less than benign motives behind the Federation's sudden and unexplained desire to explore and colonize the Taurus Reach. But when a calamity deep within the Reach threatens to compromise Starfleet's continued presence in the region, Kirk, Spock, and several key specialists from the Enterprise must assist Vanguard's crew in investigating the cause of the disaster and containing the damage. In the process, they learn the true purpose behind the creation of Vanguard, and what the outcome of its mission may mean for life throughout that part of the galaxy. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice by David Mack on 2009-11-24
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Diego Reyes, court martialled Starfleet commodore and disgraced former commander of space station Vanguard, discovers that his role in deciphering the truth about the Taurus Reach is not yet over. As friend and foe join forces in a separate peace against the threat of the Shedai -- the godlike aliens who, eons ago, reigned over that part of the galaxy -- a long-missing wild card in the complex events which are playing out in the Taurus Reach returns to change the nature of the game. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: 6 The Murdered Sun by Christie Golden on 1996-02-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate, hoping to find a shortcut back to Federation space. Instead, she discovers a star system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. Janeway has no desire to get caught up in someone else's war, but in order to the check on the possibilities offered by the wormhole -- and to save the innocent people of Veruna Four -- Voyager has no choice but to challenge the Akerians. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming Book 1 by Christie Golden on 2003-06-03
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the Starship Voyager now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Kathryn Janeway and her stalwart officers, Voyager's miraculous return brings new honors and responsibilities, reunions with long-lost loved ones, and for some, such as the Doctor and Seven of Nine, the challenge of forging new lives in a Federation that seems to hold little place for them. But even as Janeway and the others go their separate ways, pursuing new adventures and opportunities, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent men, women, and children into an entirely new generation of Borg. Now the entire planet faces assimilation, and Voyager may be to blame! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: The Nanotech War by Steven Piziks on 2002-10-29
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
On a largely mechanical world, Voyager discovers the strangest alien civilization of all...and the meeting of worlds awakens the galaxy's deadliest enemies. In the furthest reaches of the Delta Quadrant the USS Voyager has encountered many strange and wondrous worlds -- but none so curious as that of the Chiar. An advanced race whose scientists have become galactic experts in nanotechnology, the Chiar have expanded inwards rather than out. Every inch of their planet is crawling with the tiniest bits and pieces of artificial intelligence imaginable, all of them working in concert to form the lifeblood of this mechanical world. The Chiar themselves are inseparable from their nanobots, which layer their skin and provide additional limbs or senses as required. Caught up in internal political conflict, some of the Chiar will take advantage of their meeting with the Starship Voyager to embark on an experiment which goes quietly but devastatingly out of control. Never thinking that there could exist a technology they can't tame, they believe that they can harness the awesome power of the Borg -- a conceit which soons turns out to be their most terrible mistake. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: To Lose The Earth by Kirsten Beyer on 2020-10-13
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As the crew of the Full Circle fleet works to determine the fate of their lost ship, the Galen, a struggle for survival begins at the far edge of the galaxy. New revelations about Species 001, the race that built the biodomes that first drew the fleet to investigate planet DK-1116, force Admiral Kathryn Janeway to risk everything to learn the truth. Read reviews and buying options here
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2024.03.05 22:04 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For March 2024, 17 books for $0.99 each

No official announcement from S&S about this month's book sale yet, but I was getting antsy about the situation and found these books for $0.99 each on several of the normal book stores I link to every month. No idea how long they're going to stay at this price, so if you want to get one, better do it sooner than later! This is the first time I've seen the two "Strange New Worlds" collections go on sale and I've been told they're great collections of short stories by authors that would later become pretty prolific in our fandom.
Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Star Trek: 21 Uhura’s Song by Janet Hagan on 1985-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Years ago, Lt. Uhura befriended a diplomat from Eeiauo, the land of graceful, cat-like beings. The two women exchanged songs and promised never to reveal their secret. Now the U.S.S. Enterprise is orbiting Eeiauo in a desperate race to save the inhabitants before a deadly plague destroys them. Uhura's secret songs may hold the key to a cure -- but the clues are veiled in layers of mystery. The plague is killing humans, threatening other planets -- and Kirk must crack the code before the Starship Enterprise succumbs! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods on 2008-06-24
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In our universe, a Cardassian sleeper agent--Iliana Ghemor--was once surgically altered to resemble and replace resistance fighter Kira Nerys, future Starfleet captain and hero of the planet Bajor's liberation. That plan never reached fruition, and the fate of the agent remained unknown...until now. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Legends Of The Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr Quark Robert Hewitt Wolfe on 1997-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
"Once you have their money, never give it back." -- #1 "Anything worth doing is worth doing for money." -- #13 For centuries these and the other famous Ferengi "Rules of Acquisition" have been the guiding principles of the galaxy's most successful entrepreneurs. But the wisdom behind them was not won without a high cost in lives and latnium. Now at last these inspiring tales of avaricious Ferengi wresting monetary gain from the jaws of poverty are available to the profit-hungry across the galaxy! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage by David R. George III on 2017-02-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
More than two years have passed since the destruction of the original Deep Space 9. In that time, a brand new, state-of-the-art starbase has replaced it, commanded by Captain Ro Laren, still the crew and residents of the former station continue to experience the repercussions of its loss. For instance: Quark continues his search for Morn, as the Lurian—his best customer and friend—left Bajor without a word and never returned. Quark enlists a private detective to track Morn down, and she claims to be hot on his trail. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Unity by S.D. Perry on 2003-11-18
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The assassination of First Minister Shakaar on the eve of Bajor's entry into the Federation has plunged both the planet and space station Deep Space Nine into chaos. Investigations revealed a conspiracy threatening not only Bajor but also the Federation. At the same time the very foundation of the deep spiritual faith for which Bajor is famous has been challenged by the contents of an ancient heretical text discovered by Colonel Kira Nerys. Now, after a harrowing and historic voyage of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, the Starship Defiant is coming home with its weary, wounded crew. But their joy is short-lived as they find themselves caught up into the midst of the crisis, and some are forced to make choices which alter their lives. Captain Elias Vaughan learns the true purpose for which he was Touched by the Prophets -- and discovers in the process the ultimate fate of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Meanwhile, somewhere on Bajor, a long-awaited child is about to be born... Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Ex Machina by Christopher L. Bennett on 2005-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the aftermath of the astonishing events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the captain and officers of the U.S.S. Enterprise remain haunted by their encounter with the vast artificial intelligence of V'Ger...and by the sacrifice and ascension of their friend and shipmate, Willard Decker. As James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy attempt to cope with the personal fallout of that ordeal, a chapter from their mutual past is reopened, raising troubling new questions about the relationship among God, Man, and AI. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Inception by Britta Burdett Dennison S.D. Perry on 2010-01-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As man expands beyond explored space, the need to find a way to make inhospitable planets habitable grows greater. One young biologist, Carol Marcus, has a project that she believes can reshape planets. A young committed scientist, she dares to dream of a Federation where there is never any hunger and every world is a paradise. Her dream is shared by James Kirk, a young Starfleet officer and her lover. One of Carol’s more enthusiastic team members is botanist Leila Kalomi. Leila finds Carol’s passion contagious, and sparks the interest of the Enterprise’s science officer, Spock, who convinces her to join Project: Inception. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Legacies: Book 2: Best Defense by David Mack on 2016-07-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Just in time for the milestone 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, an epic new trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk’s historic five-year-mission—and from one universe to another! A DEBT OF HONOR One brave woman ventures alone into a parallel universe to save her old shipmates, exiled there decades earlier by a mysterious device called the Transfer Key. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 1999-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Back by popular demand! Our second anthology featuring original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager stories written by Star Trek fans, for Star Trek fans! Our first Strange New Worlds competition drew thousands of submissions and Strange New Worlds II drew even more. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 4 by Dean Wesley Smith John J. Ordover Paula M. Block on 2001-05-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
This anthology of original fan fiction is good news for anyone who's memorized videos of the original Star Trek and its increasingly attenuated descendants; it gives more chances to watch favorite characters cope with time travel, tribbles and all the other usual gimmicks. For everyone else, the book is less cause for celebration, since understanding, let alone enjoying, the stories depends on not just knowing the characters in general but also remembering specific episodes or scenes. The writers' ingenuity is challenged as they speculate on the consequences of some detail while staying within the established history of the several series and movies. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Badlands Book 1 by Susan Wright on 1991-12-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Located dangerously near the Cardassian border, the unstable region of space known as the Badlands has long been a hazard to interstellar navigation, characterized by violent plasma storms and other even stranger phenomena. Many starships have faced destruction there, including at least two incarnations of the Starship Enterprise.... James T. Kirk braves the perils of the Badlands to confront a Romulan Bird of Prey that has entered Federation space in pursuit of a fleeing smuggler. But trespassing Romulans may be the least of Kirk's problems when the mysterious forces at work in the Badlands threaten both his ship and his crew! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4 Survivors by Jean Lorrah on 1989-01-02
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Treva is an isolated human colony on the fringes of known space on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community, a full fledged menber of the Federation. But now the U.S.S. Enterprise has received a distress signal for Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom. Data and Lt. Tasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. Once they reach Treva, they discover the truth, and any possible solution may be far more complex than a simple rebellion. Treva's president wants more then Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels, she wants their weapons technology. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hearts and Minds by Dayton Ward on 2017-05-30
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
2031: United States Air Force fighter jets shoot down an unidentified spacecraft and take its crew into custody. Soon, it’s learned that the ship is one of several dispatched across space by an alien species, the Eizand, to search for a new home before their own world becomes uninhabitable. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Make It So by Bill Ross Wess Roberts on 1996-08-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In Make It So: Leadership Lessons from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wess Roberts and coauthor Bill Ross take their inspiration from today's most striking and most popular vision of the future -- Star Trek -- an unprecedented television, feature film and publishing phenomenon. From the top-rated television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Roberts and Ross find a new symbol for successful leadership: Captain Jean-Luc Picard. As entertaining as it is useful, Make It So captures the mythos of Star Trek: The Next Generation as it delivers dramatically rich lessons on leadership, including the importance of the ability to focus on a single "mission," effective communication, teamwork, honor . . . and other important concepts. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Takedown by John Jackson Miller on 2014-01-27
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When renegade Federation starships begin wreaking destruction across the Alpha Quadrant, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise are shocked to discover that the mastermind behind this sudden threat is none other than Picard’s protĂ©gĂ© and friend: Admiral William T. Riker. The newly minted admiral is on board the U.S.S. Aventine as part of a special assignment, even as the mystery deepens behind his involvement in the growing crisis. But the Aventine is helmed by Captain Ezri Dax—someone who is no stranger to breaking Starfleet regulations—and her starship is by far the faster vessel
and Riker cannot yield even to his former mentor. It’s a battle of tactical geniuses and a race against time as Picard struggles to find answers before the quadrant’s great powers violently retaliate against the Federation
 Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Original Series: Seasons of Light and Darkness by Michael A. Martin on 2014-04-28
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An original Star Trek e-novella set in the Original Series universe, taking place prior to the events of the feature film The Wrath of Khan. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Titan: The Red King by Andy Mangels Michael A. Martin on 2005-10-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Investigating the disappearance of a secret Romulan fleet, the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William Riker, is unexpectedly propelled more than 200,000 light-years into the Small Magellanic Cloud. One of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Cloud is also home to the Neyel, the long-sundered offshoots of Terran humanity, with whom the Federation has had no contact in over eighty years.Nearby, Riker's uncertain ally, Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, rescues a young Neyel, the survivor of a mysterious cosmic upheaval that seems at times to be both unraveling and reweaving the very fabric of space...the fulfillment of an apocalyptic vision that has already claimed millions of lives. Titan's science team soon finds evidence that the ravaging of Neyel space is the work of a vast and powerful intelligence: the stirrings of a dormant consciousness that is maintaining the existence of the Small Magellanic Cloud -- and all life within it -- from one moment to the next. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable.As Riker considers his options, his new crew struggles with the scientific and philosophical implications of what they've discovered...while the young Neyel in their midst forges a bond with the captain, conjuring old ghosts Riker has yet to lay to rest. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter on 2009-05-26
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First contact becomes an interstellar incident when the Starship Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship and saves the life of a man left to die by his own people. Berlis, a member of a telepathic species calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld would want him dead. Captain James T. Kirk wants to believe him, but the damage is done: the Enterprise can neither leave the stranger to die nor turn him over to those who would kill him. Berlis seems harmless, but his people say he cannot live among them: his telepathy is so strong that their wills are subsumed to his. The same fear that compels the Isitri to seek the death of one of their own drives the neighbouring Odib people towards genocide. For every time an 'alpha mind' dominates the Isitri, the Odib pay the price in their own blood. With Spock becoming erratic under Berlis's influence, and the Isitri begging Kirk to allow them to destroy the man who threatens their existence, matters take a disastrous turn when Berlis makes his way back to Isitra -- and an entire world falls to his whims. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 2 Seize the Fire by Michael A. Martin on 2010-11-30
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Shortly after revealing its union with the Federation’s newest adversary—a coalition of galactic powers known as the Typhon Pact—the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological disaster that destroys the hatchery world of their critically important warrior caste. Fortunately, the Gorn had already been investigating traces of an ancient but powerful “quick terraforming” technology left behind by a long-vanished civilization. This technology, should it prove controllable, promises to restore their delicate biological and social status quo. But when a Gorn soldier prepares to use the technology to reshape the planet Hranrar into a new warrior-caste spawning ground, threatening to extinguish the native Hranrarii, he draws the unwanted attention of a mad Gorn trooper determined to bring the military caste into dominance. Meanwhile, as the U.S.S. Titan embarks upon a search for this potent technology in the hope of using it to heal the wounds the Federation sustained during the recent Borg crisis, Captain Riker must balance his responsibility for his crew’s safety against the welfare of the Hranrarii and his duty to the Prime Directive. With a menacing Typhon Pact fleet nipping at his heels, Riker must not only stop the Gorn warriors but also plumb the secrets of an ancient terraforming artifact. But of everyone serving aboard Titan, Commander Tuvok may be the only one who understands how dangerous such planet-altering technology can be, even when used with the best of intentions. . . . Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified by David Mack Dayton Ward Kevin Dilmore Marco Palmieri on 2011-06-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Taurus Reach: the source of a secret that has driven the great powers of the 23rd century to risk everything in the race to control it. Now four new adventures—previously untold tales of the past and present, with hints of what is yet to come—begin the next great phase in the Vanguard saga. Witness the dawn of Starbase 47, as Ambassador Jetanien faces choices that will shape the future of Operation Vanguard . . . follow journalist Tim Pennington as he reaches a crossroads in his search for the truth
see how the crises on two colonies transform the lives of Diego Reyes and Rana Desai
and travel with Cervantes Quinn to a deadly confrontation that will change everything—all in one unforgettable Star Trek collection. Novella Collection: Almost Tomorrow by Dayton Ward Hard News by Kevin Dilmore The Ruins of Noble Men by Marco Palmieri The Stars Look Down by David Mack Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Harbinger by David Mack on 2005-07-26
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Returning from its historic first voyage to the edge of the galaxy, the damaged U.S.S. Enterprise journeys through the Taurus Reach, a vast and little-known region of space in which a new starbase has been unexpectedly established. Puzzled by the Federation's interest in an area so far from its borders and so near the xenophobic Tholian Assembly, Captain James T. Kirk orders the Enterprise to put in for repairs at the new space station: Starbase 47, also known as Vanguard. As Kirk ponders the mystery of the enormous base, he begins to suspect that there is much more to Vanguard than meets the eye. It's a suspicion shared by the Tholians, the Orions, and the Klingon Empire, each of whom believes that there are less than benign motives behind the Federation's sudden and unexplained desire to explore and colonize the Taurus Reach. But when a calamity deep within the Reach threatens to compromise Starfleet's continued presence in the region, Kirk, Spock, and several key specialists from the Enterprise must assist Vanguard's crew in investigating the cause of the disaster and containing the damage. In the process, they learn the true purpose behind the creation of Vanguard, and what the outcome of its mission may mean for life throughout that part of the galaxy. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice by David Mack on 2009-11-24
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Diego Reyes, court martialled Starfleet commodore and disgraced former commander of space station Vanguard, discovers that his role in deciphering the truth about the Taurus Reach is not yet over. As friend and foe join forces in a separate peace against the threat of the Shedai -- the godlike aliens who, eons ago, reigned over that part of the galaxy -- a long-missing wild card in the complex events which are playing out in the Taurus Reach returns to change the nature of the game. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: 6 The Murdered Sun by Christie Golden on 1996-02-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate, hoping to find a shortcut back to Federation space. Instead, she discovers a star system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. Janeway has no desire to get caught up in someone else's war, but in order to the check on the possibilities offered by the wormhole -- and to save the innocent people of Veruna Four -- Voyager has no choice but to challenge the Akerians. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming Book 1 by Christie Golden on 2003-06-03
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the Starship Voyager now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Kathryn Janeway and her stalwart officers, Voyager's miraculous return brings new honors and responsibilities, reunions with long-lost loved ones, and for some, such as the Doctor and Seven of Nine, the challenge of forging new lives in a Federation that seems to hold little place for them. But even as Janeway and the others go their separate ways, pursuing new adventures and opportunities, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent men, women, and children into an entirely new generation of Borg. Now the entire planet faces assimilation, and Voyager may be to blame! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: The Nanotech War by Steven Piziks on 2002-10-29
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
On a largely mechanical world, Voyager discovers the strangest alien civilization of all...and the meeting of worlds awakens the galaxy's deadliest enemies. In the furthest reaches of the Delta Quadrant the USS Voyager has encountered many strange and wondrous worlds -- but none so curious as that of the Chiar. An advanced race whose scientists have become galactic experts in nanotechnology, the Chiar have expanded inwards rather than out. Every inch of their planet is crawling with the tiniest bits and pieces of artificial intelligence imaginable, all of them working in concert to form the lifeblood of this mechanical world. The Chiar themselves are inseparable from their nanobots, which layer their skin and provide additional limbs or senses as required. Caught up in internal political conflict, some of the Chiar will take advantage of their meeting with the Starship Voyager to embark on an experiment which goes quietly but devastatingly out of control. Never thinking that there could exist a technology they can't tame, they believe that they can harness the awesome power of the Borg -- a conceit which soons turns out to be their most terrible mistake. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Voyager: To Lose The Earth by Kirsten Beyer on 2020-10-13
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
As the crew of the Full Circle fleet works to determine the fate of their lost ship, the Galen, a struggle for survival begins at the far edge of the galaxy. New revelations about Species 001, the race that built the biodomes that first drew the fleet to investigate planet DK-1116, force Admiral Kathryn Janeway to risk everything to learn the truth. Read reviews and buying options here
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