Diamond foxx on interracial

Kanye West singles that sound more McBling, Electropop, Core 10s, CovidTok, or even Y2K/Core 20s

2024.06.03 15:31 CP4-Throwaway Kanye West singles that sound more McBling, Electropop, Core 10s, CovidTok, or even Y2K/Core 20s

To continue this compilation list, I will do Kanye West. Now, this one is highly recommended by some people on this sub so I might as well do it. So for you Kanye fans, it's finally here.
I will start with Kanye's first album College Dropout, which released in 2004 and then continue until his recent Vulture 1 album this year with Ty Dolla Sign. Despite his controversial history, Kanye seems like a musician that will never truly fall off because he keeps reinventing himself, but that's just my guess.
I'm not gonna do all of his songs (obviously, because that'd take forever, and all those other songs that charted probably came a track on his album that was never released as a single), but pretty much all of his main singles and features.
From that period, I'll see which songs of his lean more McBling, Electropop, Core 10s, CovidTok, or even Y2K or Core 20s.
I feel like some of these guesses are off but they're just best guesses. I'll probably end up revising it anyway.
Let's begin.
Y2K Era
Not distinctly Y2K or McBling (a.k.a. "2K1")
McBling Era
Not distinctly McBling or Electropop (a.k.a. "2K7")
Electropop Era
Not distinctly Electropop or Core 10s (a.k.a. "2K12")
Core 10s
Not distinctly Core 10s or CovidTok (a.k.a. "2K18")
CovidTok Era
Not distinctly CovidTok or Core 20s (a.k.a. "2K22")
Core 20s

Well, that does it. This list is finally done. Kanye West was a very un-90s artist and totally a product of the new millennium, being one of the most prominent musicians, let alone hip-hop artists, of the 21st Century.
For those who comment on this post, when do you think that Kanye's career peaked? I would guess sometime during the Electropop era or maybe Late McBling. Around 2007-2011, I think.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:55 TypeAtryingtoB Season 1 Vent

Alright. So, I just watched the two year reunion and these are my thoughts.
DAMIAN IS A FUCKNG INSECURE WEAK SELFISH GASLIGHTING WANNABE ASSHOLE. GG obviously exposed his selfishness and insecurities during the experiment and yes, she was not in a great place herself, but she was ALWAYS strong and confident, maybe a bit too much, but she was WAY TOO GOOD for him then and then he wasted two years of her life. He obviously is trying to be something he is not and be expensive. It's not natural for him. He is an empty fake. He has no substance to him or true character, except for being a monotone jerk. He brought Francesca there "for me" he said, "I did it for me."
He is a weak man and tries to bolster himself up by manipulating and gaslighting females because he is such a submissive pansy that he only knows how to feel in control by making them feel bad about themselves. Even Francesca didn't understand the fulk exten of the party. She clearly throught him and GG wern't exactly together, or that she would be there. I LOVE how respectful she is to GG, sort of...eventhough she is dumb and says she would date Damian if he were single, but in the end she said the she deserves better and that she was disrespected by being invited there. I love that she leaves and he doesn't even apologize!
He gaslights GG and says "I did nothing wrong." And she is acting crazy. Good for her for calling him out on his shit.
I'm so glad it seems like GG is happy now wit a good guy, she just had a baby. Yay!
I genuinely feel bad for her. I love that she admitted she was in a bad place and she was wrong for what happened and she genuinely feels sorry
I think it was dumb AF for her to give Barnett the gift. That was awkward and in itself made it seem like she is trying to sneak her way to talk with him without Amber present, which GIRL! That's the whole freaking reason she hates you. She should have approached Amber first and apologized and cleared the air, not that Amber would have allowed that, but maybe a phone call or something before the party. Sigh. She honestly should have just stayed away from them completely, but I understand wanting to make amends, but she never has to interact with them again! So, who cares about forgiveness and amends.
I would have taken that damn gift home and not given it to them.
I'm so happy for her too. She seems to have cleaned duo, stopped tanning and taking better care of her skin and she is in a stable relationship with a baby. In a MUCH better place.
LC: She annoys me. She keeps going after fuckbois and is a bit vapid to me. She is STILL single. She is young and has time, but she is immature and just a bit lost. I think she really needs to do some soul searching and focus more in who she really is, deserves, and wants. She definitely should not date anyone in DMs. She isn't experienced enough to weed out the bad.
Why can't Kelly find a boyfriend!!! Stills ingle to date, unless she is dating someone and not solid enough in the relationship to post on social media or just not about sharing her love life there. But ironically, she is all about women Empowerment, but is so empowered that she can't find the right guy? I don't know what she is looking for, but she seems nice! I don't know what the cache is with her.
AMBER! UGH! I love to hate her. I think she is weirdly misogynistic. Like, she expects to just be a house wife and let the husbands call the shots. That conversation with her MIL was cringe when the MIL brought Jesus and the husband getting their way first. Like what!? It made me sad that she said she thinks Barnett is putting his needs above hers, but I don't truly think that's the case. She is impulsive and I don't exactly think the most reasonable and practical. She is lucky to have Barnett that is level headed.
She is was wrong and rude to LC about mark. She is so high and mighty about being married and has no straws to grasp to defend half of what she says. She is a bit arrogant and entitled and it's annoying AF.
AND wtf is up with her face tuning herself in IG. She is a pretty girl and it must mean she is insecure to be doing that. Like wtf. For such an apparently strong confident woman that says "I know I ain't ugly" she is clearly insecure, which makes me sad. We all have our insecurities, but damn, it sucks to see beautiful girls being fake. But I love that she learned how to do her eyebrows, changes her whole face for the better.
Barnett: I honestly respect him for respecting his wife. Those two are ride or dies. I know Amber is annoying and a bit controlling about the Jessica situation, but that's how his wife feels and he doesn't want to disrespect her.
The fact that he let her go to bed after having a seizure freaks me out. Like what the FUCK. That was odd to me. Maybe he freaked out and didn't know what to do, but if that happens to your child...you better bring them to the ER. That was concerning.
GOOD FOR KENNY! So happy he found someone. It broke my heart in the pods when he said he was lonely and got emotional. Heart wrenching.
Kelly: Damn she looked fine AF!
Barnett: I think it's so sweet how he is with Amber. He is too good for her, but she supports and defends the shit out of him, she isn't bad looking, and is exactly what he needed to feel safe, secure, and loved. I don't think he minds being the "breadwinner" and I do think she must have some small job to help out financially.
Lauren and Cameron are so sweet. I just cannot. I love that they are interracial, I love their sweet and spicy dynamic. Just love them so much.
Diamond is cool AF. It makes me sad that she is still single 4 years later.
submitted by TypeAtryingtoB to LoveIsBlindOnNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:33 Lili-thia Relatable Regency

As a POC Asian (half Malaysian-Chinese and half Filipino) plus size woman, I must admit I never cared for regency stories before Bridgerton. I felt they were all white, skinny, pretty and unrelatable stories.
So I really appreciate how colourful both costume and representation wise Netflix and Shondaland's Bridgerton has been.
The costumes are gorgeous, I love the colour pallet and the shine/sparkles. I'm aware it's more historical fantasy but I think that's why I love it so much.
I actually adore the Featherington outfits, I think they're stunning. Especially Lady Featherington's outfits.
I love how Penelope is a curvy woman taking on a lead romantic role in a series. I feel it's not something I see enough. Not everyone can be a slim and stunning Diamond, so I'm really excited for this season because of this.
I also appreciate how both Season 1 and Season 2 had interracial relationships with its leads. Felt more so with Season 2 with the Sharmas and their culture. I too am in an interracial relationship.
However, I would like to see a main character on the show that looked like me and isn't a background characters. I was hoping Sophie for Benedict would be Filipino, Chinese of Thai etc. However, I'm beginning to lose hope.
This is a whole other issue though. I can only count Asian Hollywood movies on one hand including Crazy Rich Asians and Everything Everywhere All At Once. And this is before I give up and go back to watching KDramas. So in a way, I can't blame myself for hoping that someone like me shows up on Bridgerton in a lead role, especially with what they've showcased thus far. I just feel I'll probably be disappointed yet again.
But yes, big tick for the colourful and shiny costuming and the diverse representation that wouldn't really exist in any other regency content or world. I finally feel like I'm invited to the party, although there is still plenty of room for improvement.
submitted by Lili-thia to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 03:06 aaaaa143222 The American media's degenerate reasoning in its coverage of a spiritual group

When the American media talks about the Chinese spiritual group Falun Gong, instead of having an in-depth understanding of it, the American media often makes false or misleading statements that reveal their journalistic incompetence. For example,
Each description of the group listed above has one or more problems. For example, calling Falun Gong an ancient qigong practice is misleading. Whether it is ancient, and whether it is qigong, depends on your spiritual beliefs. To non-believers, there is no evidence that Falun Gong existed before Li Hongzhi created it, and it is arguably not qigong because it deviates from the norms of qigong. Sometimes, Falun Gong is called "Buddhist", although it does not fit the ordinary definition of "Buddhist". As objective news organizations, the media should not accept everything they hear. These mistakes demonstrate that many American journalists did not do enough research when reporting on this group.
Around 2018, the American media's interest in Falun Gong grew, bringing more misconceptions to their audience. Quoting Li Hongzhi's interview with the TIME magazine (1999) without the relevant context that his believers have, they have given false impressions to an audience that does not know much about Falun Gong. What Li Hongzhi said is that aliens want to take control of humans. However, he did not say that they would succeed. The theme of alien invasion is insignificant when compared to the core of Li Hongzhi's teachings. The Fa-rectification, which is the destruction of the old universe and the construction of new universe, is the most important thing in Falun Dafa. According to Li Hongzhi, when the Fa-rectification succeeds, the evil beings would be eliminated, leaving only the good beings for the new universe. The American media's excessive quoting of Li Hongzhi's statements about aliens gave the false impression that aliens are a major part of Falun Dafa beliefs.
Around the time when Falun Gong media came into the radar of the mainstream American media, some journalists claimed that it was racist against multiracial people.
In the 2000s, the Chinese government showed several problems of Falun Gong, including rejection of medicine and mental manipulation. However, the majority Americans did not take these problems seriously. Because the some Chinese people mentioned that Li Hongzhi regarded interracial couples as a problem, the American media misinterpreted his statement and considered it as one of the most important dangers of Falun Gong, ignoring the real problems (e.g. many Falun Gong practitioners ruin their lives by refusing medical treatment and abandoning human behavior). Two misinterpretations related to miscegenation have come into existence. The first one is the prohibition of interracial marriages. Li Hongzhi said, "I’ve never said no to your wish to marry someone of a different race. That’s because this is a problem left to us by history, and it has nothing to do with you." (Lecture in Frankfurt, 1998) The second one is hatred against multiracial people. Li Hongzhi has never said anything hateful about multiracial people. At most, he said that mixing races "can lead to serious consequences." (Lecture in Sydney, 1996) Falun Dafa's general view on morality is that although humans become increasingly deviating from the correct way of life, Falun Gong practitioners should not try to reverse this trend, since it is irreversible and will naturally be dealt by the Fa-rectification.
Building on incorrect interpretations of outsiders, some people carelessly claim that Falun Gong is fascist and think of it as a political enemy in the U.S. election. In the American political conflict, Donald Trump has been called a fascist, Biden has been called a communist, Bill Gates has been called the creator of COVID-19, and anyone can be labelled with a negative term for irrelevant reasons.
These people accept whatever they hear and repeat baseless information about verifying it. The media has distorted a Chinese humanitarian conflict into an American political conflict. An important question that these people should reflect on is the following one: Why did the Chinese government ban this practice? Certainly not because it offended American liberals. When the American media distorts the nature of this spiritual group, it frequently misleads its audience to believe that Falun Gong is only considered a "cult" because it contradicts American progressive values. If the American media stays in a polarized and belligerent mode, it will be doomed to failure, because the true situation will shatter their irresponsible reasoning. Although the audience is excited by the current news reports, their lack of quality is annoying serious people and the journalists will regret not understanding the topic they're covering.
Appendix: Some false claims caused by misleading media reports
Claim: "Li Hongzhi himself believes mixed-race people should be outcasts of every human society."
Fact check: False, he never said that.
Claim: "The teachings of Falun Gong forbid democracy."
Fact check: False. Li Hongzhi told Falun Gong practitioners, "Never get involved in politics, nor interfere with state affairs." ("Dafa Will Forever be Pure Like Diamond," Essentials for Further Advancement)
Claim: "Falun Gong supports segregation."
Fact check: False. Li Hongzhi told Falun Gong practitioners, "Never get involved in politics, nor interfere with state affairs." ("Dafa Will Forever be Pure Like Diamond," Essentials for Further Advancement)
Claim: "Falun Gong worships Donald Trump."
Fact check: They are not allowed to worship anyone.
submitted by aaaaa143222 to u/aaaaa143222 [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 20:00 EnderForHegemon Which track number in his albums is Kanye most consistently great?

So I was listening to some Ye yesterday, and got to thinking "What track number is he most consistently putting out good songs?". So I put together a spreadsheet and divided his albums up based on which track number they were on his released albums, and made twenty hypothetical albums.
A few notes on my methodology here, because obviously an album like Donda has way more tracks than an album like KSG. So first off, I am using 13 albums for this, his 10 solo albums, WTT, Cruel Summer and KSG. I wanted to keep a minimum of 7 tracks per hypothetical album (his shortest album length) and a maximum of 13 (the number of albums I am using for this hypothetical). So after a while, you may notice a bunch of songs off of one album. This was to avoid having the last 12 hypothetical albums be 1 - 3 tracks each. Also, I considered stripping out Skits from the lists as well, but decided that A) I was too lazy to do that and B) I truly love some of the skits and think they deserve a spot on these hypothetical albums.
So without further ado, here are the twenty hypothetical albums:
Album 1 - 1) Intro; 2) Wake Up Mr. West; 3) Good Morning; 4) Say You Will; 5) Dark Fantasy ft Teyana Taylor, Bon Iver, Nicki Minaj; 6) No Church In The Wild ft Frank Ocean, The-Dream; 7) To The World ft R. Kelly; 8) On Sight; 9) Ultralight Beam ft Chance The Rapper, The-Dream...; 10) I Thought About Killing You ft Francis And The Lights; 11) Feel The Love ft Pusha T; 12) Every Hour ft Sunday Service; 13) Donda Chant w Syleena Johnson
Album 2 - 1) We Don't Care; 2) Heard 'Em Say ft Adam Levine; 3) Champion; 4) Welcome To Heartbreak ft Kid Cudi; 5) Gorgeous ft Kid Cudi, Raekwon; 6) Lift Off ft Beyoncé; 7) Clique ft Jay-Z; 8) Black Skinhead; 9) Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1 ft Kid Cudi; 10) Yikes; 11) Fire; 12) Selah; 13) Jail ft Dem Jointz, Jay-Z
Album 3 - 1) Graduation Day ft John Legend; 2) Touch The Sky ft Lupe Fiasco; 3) Stronger; 4) Heartless; 5) POWER; 6) Ni**as In Paris; 7) Mercy.1 ft 2 Chainz; 8) I Am A God ft Bon Iver; 9) Pt. 2 ft Caroline Shaw; 10) All Mine ft Ant Clemons, Ty Dolla $ign; 11) 4th Dimension; 12) Follow God; 13) God Breathed ft Vory
Album 4 - 1) All Falls Down ft Syleena Johnson; 2) Gold Digger ft Jamie Foxx; 3) I Wonder; 4) Amazing ft Jeezy; 5) All Of The Lights (Interlude); 6) Otis; 7) New God Flow.1 ft Ghostface Killah; 8) New Slaves ft Frank Ocean; 9) Famous ft Rihanna, Swizz Beatz; 10) Wouldn't Leave ft PartyNextDoor, Jeremih, Ty$; 11) Freeee (Ghost Town Pt. 2) ft Ty Dolla $ign; 12) Closed On Sunday; 13) Off The Grid ft Playboi Carti, Fivio Foreign
Album 5 - 1) I'll Fly Away; 2) Skit #1; 3) Good Life ft T-Pain; 4) Love Lockdown; 5) All Of The Lights ft Rihanna, Kid Cudi, Elton John; 6) Gotta Have It; 7) The Morning ft Raekwon, 2 Chainz, Common; 8) Hold My Liquor ft Chief Keef, Bon Iver; 9) Feedback; 10) No Mistakes ft Charlie Wilson; 11) Reborn; 12) On God; 13) Hurricane ft The Weeknd, Lil Baby
Album 6 - 1) Spaceship ft GLC, Consequence, Tony Williams; 2) Drive Slow ft GLC, Paul Wall; 3) Can't Tell Me Nothing; 4) Paranoid ft Mr Hudson; 5) Monster ft Rick Ross, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, Bon Iver; 6) New Day; 7) Cold.1; 8) I'm In It ft Bon Iver, Assassin; 9) Low Lights; 10) Ghost Town ft PartyNextDoor, Kid Cudi, 070 Shake; 11) Kids See Ghosts ft Mos Def; 12) Everything We Need ft Ty Dolla $ign, Ant Clemons; 13) Praise God ft Travis Scott, Baby Keem
Album 7 - 1) Jesus Walks; 2) My Way Home ft. Common; 3) Barry Bonds ft Lil Wayne; 4) RoboCop; 5) So Appalled ft Swizz Beatz, Pusha T, Jay-Z...; 6) That's My Bitch ft Elly Jackson, Charlie Wilson; 7) Higher ft The-Dream, Ma$e, Cocaine 80s; 8) Blood On The Leaves; 9) Highlights ft Young Thug, The- ream, El Debarge; 10) Violent Crimes ft 070 Shake, Nicki Minaj; 11) Cudi Montage; 12) Water ft Ant Clemons, Sunday Service; 13) Jonah ft Vory, Lil Durk
Album 8 - 1) Never Let Me Down ft Jay-Z, J. Ivy; 2) Crack Music ft The Game; 3) Drunk And Hot Girls ft Mos Def; 4) Street Lights; 5) Devil In A New Dress ft Rick Ross; 6) Welcome To The Jungle ft Swizz Beatz; 7) Sin City; 8) Guilt Trip ft Kid Cudi; 9) Freestyle 4 ft Desiigner; 10) God Is; 11) Ok Ok ft Lil Yachty, Rooga
Album 9 - 1) Get Em High ft Talib Kweli, Common; 2) Roses; 3) Flashing Lights ft Dwele; 4) Bad News; 5) Runaway ft Pusha T; 6) Who Gon Stop Me; 7) The One ft 2 Chainz, Marsha Ambrosius; 8) Send It Up ft King Louie; 9) I Love Kanye; 10) Hands On ft Fred Hammond; 11) Junya ft Playboi Carti
Album 10 - 1) Workout Plan; 2) Bring Me Down ft Brandy; 3) Everything I Am ft DJ Premier; 4) See You In My Nightmares ft Lil Wayne; 5) Hell Of A Life; 6) Murder To Excellence; 7) Creepers; 8) Bound 2 ft Charlie Wilson; 9) Waves ft Chris Brown; 10) Use This Gospel ft Clipse, Kenny G; 11) Believe What I Say ft Buju Banton
Album 11 - 1) The New Workout Plan; 2) Addiction ft Strings; 3) The Glory; 4) Coldest Winter; 5) Blame Game ft John Legend, Chris Brown; 6) Made In America ft Frank Ocean; 7) Bliss; 8) FML ft The Weeknd; 9) Jesus Is Lord; 10) 24 ft Sunday Service
Album 12 - 1) Slow Jamz w Twista, ft Jamie Foxx; 2) Skit #2; 3) Homecoming ft Chris Martin; 4) Pinocchio Story; 5) Lost In The World ft Bon Iver, Elly Jackson; 6) Why I Love You ft Mr Hudson; 7) Don't Like.1 w Chief Keef, ft Jadakiss; 8) Real Friends ft Ty Dolla $ign; 9) Remote Control ft Young Thug
Album 13 - 1) Breathe In Breathe Out ft Ludacris; 2) Diamonds (Remix) ft Jay-Z; 3) Big Brother; 4) Who Will Survive In America; 5) Illest Motherf**ker Alive; 6) Wolves ft Vic Mensa, Sia; 7) Moon ft Don Toliver, Kid Cudi
Album 14 - 1) School Spirit Skit 1; 2) We Major ft Really Doe, Nas; 3) Good Night ft Mos Def, Al Be Back; 4) See Me Now ft Charlie Wilson, Beyoncé; 5) HAM; 6) Frank's Track ft Frank Ocean; 7) Heaven And Hell
Album 15 - 1) School Spirit; 2) Skit #3; 3) Bittersweet Poetry ft John Mayer; 4) Primetime; 5) Siiiiiiiiilver Surfer Intermission ft Max B, French Montana; 6) Donda ft Tony Williams; 7) School Spirit Skit 2; 8) Hey Mama; 9) The Joy ft Kid Cudi, Pete Rock; 10) 30 Hours ft André 3000; 11) Keep My Spirit Alive ft Griselda, Royce da 5'9"
Album 16 - 1) Lil Jimmy Skit; 2) Celebration; 3) No More Parties In LA ft Kendrick Lamar; 4) Jesus Lord ft Jay Electronica, Larry Hoover Jr.; 5) Two Words ft Mos Def, Freeway; 6) Facts (Charlie Heat Version); 7) New Again ft Chris Brown, Sunday Service
Album 17 - 1) Two Words ft Mos Def, Freeway; 2) Skit #4; 3) Facts (Charlie Heat Version); 4) New Again ft Chris Brown, Sunday Service; 5) Through The Wire; 6) Gone ft Cam'ron, Consequence; 7) Fade ft Ty Dolla $ign, Post Malone; 8) Tell The Vision w Pop Smoke
Album 18 - 1) Family Business; 2) Diamonds From Sierra Leone; 3) Saint Pablo ft Sampha; 4) Lord I Need You ft Sunday Service; 5) Last Call; 6) Back To Basics ft Mos Def; 7) Pure Souls ft Roddy Ricch, Shenseea
Album 19 - 1) Heavy Hitters ft GLC; 2) We Can Make It Better ft Talib Kweli, Q-Tip, Common, Rhymefest; 3) Come To Life; 4) Late; 5) No Child Left Behind ft Vory; 6) Jail Pt. 2 ft Marilyn Manson, DaBaby...; 7) Ok Ok Pt. 2 ft Shenseea, Rooga
Album 20 - 1) Junya Pt. 2 ft Playboi Carti, Ty Dolla $ign; 2) Jesus Lord Pt. 2 ft Jay Electronica, The LOX...; 3) Life Of The Party ft André 3000; 4) Remote Control Pt. 2 ft Young Thug, Kid Cudi; 5) Up From The Ashes ft Sunday Service; 6) Never Abandon Your Family; 7) Keep My Spirit Alive Pt. 2 ft KayCyy, Griselda, Royce da 5'9"
Honestly, hypothetical album 1 was surprisingly high on my list, the run of Good Morning / Say You Will / Dark Fantasy / NCiTW is incredible, not to mention On Sight, Ultralight Beam, and Feel The Love. Just outside of my Top 3.
I don't think I could choose one from the above, but if I had to pick 3, it would probably be (in no particular order) Hypothetical albums 3 (absolutely insane album minus Pt 2, and even that I don't think is as bad as other may think), 8 (if only there was literally anything other than Drunk and Hot Girls, Freestyle 4 and Ok Ok this would be my clear #1) and 12 (plenty of good songs, but Lost In the World is my favorite song of all time, so this was guaranteed a spot no matter what the other songs were).
submitted by EnderForHegemon to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 15:01 MaiiKyYT Far Cry 8 Concept Ideas For Developers(Official FC Subreddit Silenced Me)

Far Cry 8:
-Africa Setting
-Based On Far Cry 2 ( Like it was a Remake but isn't )
-Early 2000(probably impossible but it helps with my history)
-Abilities system like Far Cry 3/4 but it get reflected on a survival Book, that have different ways to get the ability's to make your build with things that you want, in the endgame when you reach the max level you can get every abilities of the game and you can activate or deactivate each one you prefer
-The Hunt has utility
-There will be 3 different groups that controls the country one of them its from the minery of diamonds, the other group have the control of the people of the streets, they steal and kill the person that they say, and if you don't do it, they will send to your family one of your hands, and the last is dedicated to the cocaine and weed(Far Cry isn't Far Cry without Drugs) and the last elite group is where our main villain control everyone, playing by Jamie Foxx, this guy is a Guy that has seen the war destroying his family members, his city, and he make a deal with .... - Confidential-.... To get an army and start to organize the groups and have all the control of the country and Maybe more than that.
-The main character is a Young Spanish Christian called Oliver that come to Africa to help the people of this country, he will get kidnapped and forced to make some bad things to poor people and kids,he saw and participated in things that make the player feel so hard to see, and he escape thanks to a traitor of the group, he will find out that the violence is the only thing that can make him alive, but he has a huge faith in God and that make him feel like he was going on the wrong way(no more to avoid spoilers XD)
-CoOp For 3 Players
-Huge Outpost to make the game more difficult for 3 players
-Fortress Based on Real Location of Africa
-more than 100 weapons
-The food system similar to avatar (everyone need to know that avatar game is probably the closest system that we gonna have in Far Cry 7 and Multiplayer mode)
-Avatar Parkour system but without double jump or higher jump xD(dying light parkour is so much to add it)
-Huge Full access Capital of the country with mines tunnels system
-the diamonds are the Cash like fc2
-map similar to the 70% of Fc6 map,different regions and 1 huge capital
-You can Craft your own weapon, giving to your Ak47 the stock of your m4, the grip of a sigsauer556 and a suppressor of an AsVal
-Fucking Manual Lanterns
-No Level system,The XP you will gain is only dedicated to reach more abilities, and some abilities are designed to get it with challenges and not with XP
-the enemies will act different depending on the group they are, "The Miners" are more aggressive with melee attacks, "The Visitors" have silenced weapons, they don't appear on the minimap if they aren't in your vision, they can hide and attack you from the shadows, "The Dealers" use grenades with Weed Gas, that make you start to get high ass fck and saw things that sure make you laugh in front of the TV xD And the last group of elite, "The Saviors" they have the best gear, the best weapon, they act like the Wolves on Ghost Recon Breakpoint, they are mercenaries prepared for everything that can make them get rich, so they will appear when you take the 50% of the outpost on the region, they will act like the Road outpost of Fc6, but they can also appear on the further outpost of the region, making them more difficult
-there's a lot of IA Companions to choose but You can have 1 human friend 4 hire, and 1 Animal with you at the same time, if they get Kia, they will be trapped on a random location nearly their zone of death after 5 minutes, and if you want you can go to there to save them, but if you don't want to do it, they will get free in 20min but you will lost extraXP and Loot
-The enemies will have random weapons that you can trade with smugglers, take it for you, or giving to the people to join you on your Movement
-The weapon will have different states like Day Z, They will get worse the more you use them, but the weapon won't be broken, it will affect his stats, and of course, they will jam, the way to repair a weapon will be with metal parts and some loot depending of the weapon, But there will be certain exceptions with unique or special weapons and once you advance in the game there will be an ability for the weapon to be automatically repaired by looting these pieces of metal, but as I said before, all the abilities you can decide whether to equip or go completely naked with no one.
"You will Choose Your Own Path"
in this moment I don't have more ideas, I think I can make a great Far Cry with this but, it's hard to take and probably more of this ideas are complicated to implemented on the game, but Ubisoft if you can read this, I'm Open To Talk 😎🤣
(and sorry for my English, it isn't my language so I tried to make it understandable)
submitted by MaiiKyYT to farcry6 [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 13:00 TELMxWILSON Fresh music! New tunes from Delta Heavy, Sigma, gyrofield, Basstripper, DRS, Trex, YAANO and more.. Some sweet liquid and deep hidden gems reviewed! [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 03)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
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Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/191jwax
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Anvo - The Beginning EP 💎 [IN:DEEP Music]

Recommended if you like: Askel & Elere, GLXY, SiLi
The longer I do this, the more I come to realise Austria isn't just a great place for the regular type of mountains, it also has huge mountain ranges of talented artists to offer! The latest name to throw on this ever-growing pile? 18-year-old Andrej Vogel, maybe better known as Anvo, this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™️!
That's... basically all the research about the Vienna-based newcomer I've managed to gather. Well, he's been DJing at a couple partys and had a guest mix on a BassDrive radio show, but that's it. This is his first release, aptly (or should I say alp-ly? probably not) called The Beginning, after all!
So who is responsible for unearthing this gem then? Georg "Phlage" Temml and his label IN:DEEP Music! Over his now 20 years in the game, Georg has amassed a ton of experience in the industry and, as shown in the almost 10 years of running IN:DEEP, scouting talent. Across 45 releases, they not only managed to sign early tunes from now well-known artists like Wingz and Phentix, they also built up an impressive discography of more underground names, including the likes of Black Opps, AnnGree, OaT and a whole bunch of new-to-me names. I mean, their first release was the Hidden Gem (no ™️ though) compilation, putting a spotlight on underrated talents is basically their whole thing. For their five year anniversary they announced their catalogue includes 60 artists from across 30 countries, most of which were early in their respective careers or simply underrated, and those figures have only gotten bigger and bigger. With the amount of underground work they have been doing, they might as well be called diggin:deep!
Alright, so what does Anvo's Beginning sound like then? Well, right away, EP opener Nightwalker already sets the tone for the three-tracker, contrasting classic, heavily reverberated piano chords and a gentle, constantly buzzing melody with more futuristic elements like all the different glitch-glittery atmospheric glitz floating around the auditory plane. After such a lovely entrace, our second stop Entrance takes us even further down this unique lane. Subtle chords, rolling drums - sure, but also some really sick out-of-control-wobbling synths! While this formula alone would've probably already made for a cool track, Anvo went above and beyond by injection a real healthy dose of interesting progression into it all. More and more atmospheric, almost whale song like, elements start to appear, the synths escape from their confines and do all sorts of crazy stuff, and in the second half we're even being treated to some earthshattering basses! One might call it a voyage, but I'd say it's more of An-voyage.
Lastly, we end our little journey by relaxing on the beach, listening to the Dream Waves gently crashing on the shore. While it's still vibey as hell and full of lush synths and warm basses, as the climax of this whole experience, it of course also is the most fast-paced and mechanical. Over the course of the tune, a massive, diverse assortment of glitched-out mechanical sounds join in on the fun, eventually resulting in a whole zoo of digital wildlife creating a concert unlike anything you've ever heard. It's honestly so good!
Super unique spins on classic liquid formulas - I'm so here for it! With a debut this excellent, I'm extremely excited to hear what else Anvo will come up with in the future.
Other liquid things from this week: - Low:r - Bubbles - DRS - Everything Must Go! - Artsea - Don't Know, Don't Care - Waypoint, Mila Falls - Done With You

2. Oryx - Nightfall 💎 [Selfreleased]

Recommended if you like: Healian, Sign, Jon Tho
Hold up, that's another diamond in the title? That's right, I've got two Hidden Gem Of The Week™'s for you this week!
This one is London-based multi-genre artist Sam McCabe's current outlet Oryx. As you can tell from my wording, this isn't his first rodeo! It's not even just his second rodeo, in fact there were a couple of redo-rodeos happening in his journey so far. There was Exopunk, there was Hardbite, and, I assume, even more that I am simply unable to find with mere googling - point is, Sam has been around the blocks a couple times. House and Techno were his main thing for most of this, but as soon as the aforementioned Oryx alias rolled around in 2019, DnB also became part of his repertoire. While most of his music is self-released, his multi-genre drifting approach to production has also lead to releases on the late and great ProtoCode, and regular appearances at legendary clubs like Fabric, Ministry Of Sound and O2 Brixton Academy. These past few months, or the whole of 2023 really, has seen Sam building up quite the outstanding DnB discography, while still continuing on with his other sounds on his amazing multi-genre long player SPIRITS. He has already announced he's planning to focus more on the House/Techno side of his for a while, but luckily, we've still got a few more DnB releases before that happens.
One of which being his newest single, Nightfall! As the latest in a long line of skillfully produced, deeply techy compositions (go check them out please!), it doesn't come as too much of a surprise that this one is as emotionally resonant, excellently arranged and all-around sick as it is. Larger-than-life, effectively used synths, a simple, perfectly fitting vocal, chopped up as needed, almost creepy bass that developes into an outright menacing force of nature in the second half - it's honestly crazy how underrated he is, with tunes like this.
Much like the antelope genus his name is based on, Oryx is a member of a rare breed: Artists, who are not only genuinely talented, consistently amazing and multi-faceted, but also criminally underrated. Check him and this newest tune of his out, you won't regret it!
Other deep/techy things from this week: - Various Artists - Perspective II [Phase Records] 💎 - DANEY - Fractured / S.O.P 💎 - Rohaan - Lost Kingdom - YAANO, william light - Claim Our Back

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 23:51 CP4-Throwaway Billboard Hot 100 2009 year end chart review (if the songs sound more mid 2000s, late 2000s, or early 2010s)

Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of how each song sounded like, so obviously, this is not objective.

I think it's safe to say that 2009 is the quintessential late 2000s year for music.
  1. "Boom Boom Pow" - The Black Eyed Peas (late 2000s)
  2. "Poker Face" - Lady Gaga (late 2000s)
  3. "Just Dance" - Lady Gaga featuring Colby O'Donis (late 2000s)
  4. "I Gotta Feeling" - The Black Eyed Peas (late 2000s/early 10s)
  5. "Love Story" - Taylor Swift (late 2000s)
  6. "Right Round" - Flo Rida ft. Kesha (late 2000s)
  7. "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz (late 2000s)
  8. "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" - Beyoncé (late 2000s)
  9. "Heartless" - Kanye West (late 2000s)
  10. "Gives You Hell" - The All-American Rejects (mid/late 2000s)
  11. "You Belong with Me" - Taylor Swift (late 2000s)
  12. "Dead and Gone" - T.I. featuring Justin Timberlake (late 2000s)
  13. "You Found Me" - The Fray (late 2000s)
  14. "Use Somebody" - Kings of Leon (late 2000s)
  15. "Knock You Down" - Keri Hilson featuring Kanye West and Ne-Yo (late 2000s)
  16. "Blame It" - Jamie Foxx featuring T-Pain (late 2000s)
  17. "I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)" - Pitbull (late 2000s/early 10s)
  18. "Live Your Life" - T.I. featuring Rihanna (late 2000s)
  19. "Kiss Me thru the Phone" - Soulja Boy Tell 'Em featuring Sammie (late 2000s)
  20. "Down" - Jay Sean featuring Lil Wayne (late 2000s)
  21. "The Climb" - Miley Cyrus (late 2000s)
  22. "Best I Ever Had" - Drake (late 2000s)
  23. "My Life Would Suck Without You" - Kelly Clarkson (late 2000s)
  24. "Halo" - Beyoncé (late 2000s)
  25. "Hot n Cold" - Katy Perry (late 2000s)
  26. "Second Chance" - Shinedown (late 2000s)
  27. "Circus" - Britney Spears (late 2000s)
  28. "Day 'n' Nite" - Kid Cudi (late 2000s/early 10s)
  29. "Party in the U.S.A." - Miley Cyrus (late 2000s/early 10s)
  30. "Don't Trust Me" - 3OH!3 (late 2000s)
  31. "Run This Town" - Jay-Z featuring Rihanna and Kanye West (late 2000s)
  32. "Let It Rock" - Kevin Rudolf featuring Lil Wayne (late 2000s)
  33. "Fire Burning" - Sean Kingston (late 2000s)
  34. "Whatcha Say" - Jason Derulo (late 2000s)
  35. "LoveGame" - Lady Gaga (late 2000s)
  36. "Waking Up in Vegas" - Katy Perry (late 2000s)
  37. "Birthday Sex" - Jeremih (late 2000s)
  38. "Sober" - Pink (late 2000s)
  39. "Womanizer" - Britney Spears (late 2000s)
  40. "Whatever You Like" - T.I. (late 2000s)
  41. "Obsessed" - Mariah Carey (mid/late 2000s)
  42. "Mad" - Ne-Yo (late 2000s)
  43. "Good Girls Go Bad" - Cobra Starship featuring Leighton Meester (late 2000s)
  44. "Love Lockdown" - Kanye West (late 2000s)
  45. "So What" - Pink (late 2000s)
  46. "Hotel Room Service" - Pitbull (late 2000s)
  47. "Crack a Bottle" - Eminem, Dr. Dre and 50 Cent (late 2000s)
  48. "If I Were a Boy" - Beyoncé (late 2000s)
  49. "Turnin Me On" - Keri Hilson featuring Lil Wayne (late 2000s)
  50. "I Hate This Part" - Pussycat Dolls (late 2000s)
  51. "Gotta Be Somebody" - Nickelback (late 2000s)
  52. "Please Don't Leave Me" - Pink (late 2000s)
  53. "Paparazzi" - Lady Gaga (late 2000s)
  54. "Beautiful" - Akon featuring Colby O'Donis and Kardinal Offishall (late 2000s)
  55. "Viva la Vida" - Coldplay (late 2000s)
  56. "Right Now (Na Na Na)" - Akon (late 2000s)
  57. "Battlefield" - Jordin Sparks (late 2000s/early 10s)
  58. "Sugar" - Flo Rida featuring Wynter (late 2000s)
  59. "Miss Independent" - Ne-Yo (late 2000s)
  60. "Fireflies" - Owl City (late 2000s/early 10s)
  61. "New Divide" - Linkin Park (late 2000s)
  62. "Empire State of Mind" - Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys (late 2000s)
  63. "No Surprise" - Daughtry (late 2000s)
  64. "She Wolf" - Shakira (late 2000s)
  65. "Break Up" - Mario featuring Gucci Mane and Sean Garrett (late 2000s)
  66. "Sweet Dreams" - Beyoncé (late 2000s)
  67. "Every Girl" - Young Money (late 2000s)
  68. "Fallin' for You" - Colbie Caillat (late 2000s)
  69. "Untouched" - The Veronicas (late 2000s)
  70. "If Today Was Your Last Day" - Nickelback (mid/late 2000s)
  71. "Throw It in the Bag" - Fabolous featuring The-Dream (late 2000s)
  72. "Love Drunk" - Boys Like Girls (late 2000s)
  73. "I Love College" - Asher Roth (late 2000s/early 10s)
  74. "If U Seek Amy" - Britney Spears (late 2000s)
  75. "Big Green Tractor" - Jason Aldean (late 2000s)
  76. "White Horse" - Taylor Swift (late 2000s)
  77. "Disturbia" - Rihanna (late 2000s)
  78. "21 Guns" - Green Day (mid/late 2000s)
  79. "Turn My Swag On" - Soulja Boy Tell 'Em (late 2000s)
  80. "Rockin' That Thang" - The-Dream (late 2000s)
  81. "Chicken Fried" - Zac Brown Band (late 2000s)
  82. "Diva" - Beyoncé (late 2000s)
  83. "Replay" - Iyaz (late 2000s)
  84. "Then" - Brad Paisley (late 2000s)
  85. "Her Diamonds" - Rob Thomas (late 2000s)
  86. "How Do You Sleep?" - Jesse McCartney featuring Ludacris (late 2000s)
  87. "3" - Britney Spears (late 2000s)
  88. "Forever" - Drake featuring Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Eminem (late 2000s)
  89. "One Time" - Justin Bieber (late 2000s)
  90. "I Run to You" - Lady Antebellum (late 2000s)
  91. "I Do Not Hook Up" - Kelly Clarkson (late 2000s)
  92. "Green Light" - John Legend featuring André 3000 (late 2000s)
  93. "People Are Crazy" - Billy Currington (late 2000s)
  94. "Whatever It Is" - Zac Brown Band (late 2000s)
  95. "Already Gone" - Kelly Clarkson (late 2000s)
  96. "Goodbye" - Kristinia DeBarge (late 2000s)
  97. "Say Hey (I Love You)" Michael Franti & Spearhead featuring Cherine Anderson (2000s in general; it's one of those songs that could fit in any period of the 2000s)
  98. "Pop Champagne" - Jim Jones featuring Ron Browz and Juelz Santana (late 2000s)
  99. "Pretty Wings" - Maxwell (late 2000s)
  100. "Never Say Never" - The Fray (late 2000s)
Agree or disagree with this?
The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GlKpxxdQaA
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2023.12.26 05:27 Ncs2000 Virgin Voyage- then what?!

Disclaimer- we are a mid 40s, tattooed, interracial, educated, open-minded, cynical, married couple. Why disclaimer?- because my cynical self believes this stuff matters! So yeah- VV was our first cruise last month. We chose VV for the overall vibe. Needless to say we hit the lottery! We never had so much fun and so much relaxation on a vacation! We are pretty much “empty nesters” with decent income but young and soulful! We are progressive and chill. We like to: have big breakfast at 7am, putz around/explore/play board games/chill at the beach/have a drink or two/have lunch. If not on an excursion etc,. By 2-3pm we take a little siesta in the cabin (nap-adult time-hammock-shower) until dinner. Then live music/ and or a show (a drink or two) before ending at the club dancing until 1-2am- another drink or two(probably pizza before bed and waking at 6am ready for the day)! This agenda was perfect. We aren’t formal- At all! We are tattooed. We are progressive. One of the things we appreciate about VV is the diversity. Having genuine conversations with young 20s and young 70s were invaluable to us. So… what cruise line do we try next? Oh- for exploring ports, we like stuff like exploring local food/culture and beautiful beaches/landmarks on our own. I will spend the money on local artisans that someone else would spend on diamonds if that makes sense. We are not into things/experiences like- long tours, adventures, zip lines, long talks, ATVs, touching stingrays or monkeys. You get it… if cost wasn’t a factor, is there a cruise line that would check all the boxes that matter to me? Be honest please! I am willing to spend but it has to be right for us! I don’t want to waste my time and money if the cruise lines aren’t up to the VV bar I created.
submitted by Ncs2000 to Cruise [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 13:07 bones_humming New Releases December 15th

MM Romance
Kindle Unlimited
Kobo Plus

Other Queer Romance

Kindle Unlimited
Kobo Plus
No new releases.


MM Romance
Other Queer Romance
No new releases.
submitted by bones_humming to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 21:07 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 12/14 – 12/20

Be aware! Be forewarned! Tonight is Elf Night at Dorothy B Oven Park and that whole stretch of Thomasville Road will be a hellish mess for most of the evening and night! Take back roads to get around it! Do not go that way! That way leads to madness!
In terrible news, beloved local trivia host Professor Jim’s wife Rosie passed away last week. Jim will still be doing trivia this month but after that it’s still up in the air. If you are interested, there is a collection happening at Fourth Quarter to help with expenses. Just go in and speak to the bartender. Our hearts are with them.
Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info: https://troubleafoot.blogspot.com/
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area: https://www.facebook.com/hsmithoutdoors
Tallahassee Film Society Showings: https://www.tallahasseefilms.com/tickets/
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Blue Tavern: Mes Amis. 5pm
  • Dorothy B Oven Park: Elf Night. Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and a whole host of elves will make an appearance at Dorothy B. Oven Park’s annual Elf Night on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Over 150,000 lights will twinkle against the night sky, transforming the park into a winter wonderland fit for Santa and all his arctic friends. Visitors are invited to take a stroll around the decorated grounds and let Santa know all the items on their holiday wish list. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE DOWN THIS STRETCH OF THOMASVILLE ROAD TONIGHT! 5:30pm-8pm
  • Common Ground Books: Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch: Instagram Live Book Talk. Join us on Instagram Thursday, December 14th for an Instagram Live Book Talk with author Shaley Howard about her new book, “Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch” 6:30pm
  • Midtown Reader: Finish Your Yarns: An Evening of Story and Fibercrafts. Do you knit, crochet, or sew for fun? Do you like to listen to audiobooks (or would you like to try)? Then this event is for you! Bring your work-in-progress to our craft circle, and we'll enjoy each other's company and get some inches done while we preview a new or upcoming audiobook from our partners at Libro.fm! If you like the book, you can purchase the audiobook or hard copy from Midtown Reader and keep going on your own! Questions about this event can be directed to events@midtownreader.com. This is not a knitting class and craft materials will not be provided at this event. It's really just a chance to chill and vibe out with other knitters (or crocheters, or sewers, or macrame, or heck if you want to make friendship bracelets the whole time that works too!).* 6:30pm
  • The Sound Bar: Humble Road Band. 6:30pm
  • All Saints Art Station: Starving Artists Local Talent Showcase. 7pm
  • House of Music: Handsome Heroes: The Show. Ladies, get ready for a night you won't forget! The hottest men-in-uniform tribute show is coming to town for a night that will leave you breathless. From firefighters to soldiers, these men know how to put on a show that will have you cheering for more. Featuring choreographed dance routines and side-splitting comedy, this show is the perfect combination of eye candy and entertainment. Watch as these muscular men in uniform show off their moves in perfectly synchronized routines, all while keeping you laughing with their witty banter and playful antics. So, grab your girlfriends and get ready for a night out you'll never forget. This show is perfect for bachelorette parties, girls' nights out, or just a fun night of entertainment. And don't forget to bring your dollar bills $$$ for the chance to show these men in uniform just how much you appreciate them! 7pm/21+
FRIDAY, 12/15
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Salty Dawg: Hot Mess. 5:30pm
  • Jack McLean Community Center: Cookies With Santa. Celebrate the holiday season with us at Cookies with Santa! Bring the whole family together for a festive evening at the Jack McLean Community Center, featuring a complimentary holiday-themed movie, the opportunity to capture cherished moments with Santa Claus through photos, and the warm indulgence of hot cocoa and delicious cookies. It's a perfect way to create lasting memories and embrace the holiday spirit! 6pm-8:30pm
  • La Tiendita: Isa y El Combo Machete. 6:30pm
  • Pepper’s: Saylor Dollar Duo. 7pm
  • Vez Productions (1872 Mill St, Suite B1): Realms of Death, Shades of War, WISH, Satin, and Subpotent. 7pm
  • 621 Gallery: Literary Salon Open Mic Night. 7pm
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Night Flight. We invite you to enter the world of our nighttime animals. Choose from our two zipline courses - Soaring Cypress and Canopy Crossing - to enjoy a tour of night life at the Tallahassee Museum from the trees! Check in is at 6:45pm to take flight at 7:00pm. See our FAQ page on our website for some helpful info including proper attire and how to make a reservation for your group of 10 or more. A parent or legal guardian must sign the Tree to Tree Waiver for any participant under 18 years in order to zip. This is an outdoor program. Subject to cancellation. 7pm
  • Common Ground Books: White Elephant Book Swap. What’s better than a blind book challenge? A blind book white elephant challenge. In the immortal words of Clint Eastwood- Are you feeling lucky, punk? This is perfect for an avid reader looking for something new or for the risk taker who likes to try new books. All books will be wrapped in brown paper with just a series of descriptive bullet points on the cover. Standard white elephant exchange rules will apply (steals are encouraged!). Challengers will be able to collectively vote whether they open the books as they choose them or to wait until all the books have been claimed to unwrap the books. Challengers can also swap books with each other after the exchange is over. All books will be fiction, non-fiction, YA, or graphic novels. Middle grade and children's books will not be included. Cost: $20 per person. This covers the average retail cost of the book. 7pm-8pm
  • Square Mug Café: Final Show with Brass Wizard, Spider Bucket, Boo!, and January Again. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Just One Sun. 7:30pm
  • American Legion Hall: The Rhythm Remedy Almost Xmas Rockin’ Soul Dance Revue. 7:30pm/$10
  • Blue Tavern: Reese Cloud Quintet. 8pm
  • House of Music: The Heebie-Jeebies Ugly Sweater Party. 8:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Live Band Karaoke. 9pm/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: Daisy Dukes Competition. 11pm
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Old Time Jam. 4pm
  • The Rose Room: The Rose Revue Drag Show. Performances by your favorite entertainers and special guests! Shows at 8pm, 10pm, & Midnight! A unique cast EACH show! 7pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • Tally Auto Museum: The Elfin’ Craft Show. Mark your Calendars for December 16th, you Do NOT want to miss this event!! Come support all the local vendors & get that last minute holiday shopping done!! Grab a bite to eat from the Food Trucks on site & enjoy music while you shop! 10am-4pm/free entry
  • Walker Ford & Smith-Williams Service Center: Soul Santa. Soul Santa with all his flair will be making spirits bright in the Bond Community this holiday season! Each child up to age 10 will receive a special gift (pre-registration required). Children must be pre-registered to participate and must be present to receive a gift. Register here: https://www.talgov.com/parks/winter_festival for presents. 10am-2pm
  • Ruby Diamond: The Nutcracker Abbreviated Children’s Performance. The Abbreviated Children’s Performance of The Nutcracker is perfect for young audience members and their families. A narrator will help newbies understand the characters as professional dancers execute the timeless story of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince. The production is just over one hour with no intermission. Holiday gifts will be sold at Clara’s Boutique before and after the performance in the lobby. 10:30am
  • Common Ground Books: CGB Drag Story Hour: Pictures with Drag Santa Holiday Event! For the holidays, we will be having a very special drag story hour at Common Ground! Join us with Queer Tallahassee Artist Collective for a drag santa story hour, Christmas crafts, and photos with Drag Santa! Our monthly drag story hour is held the 4th Sunday of every month (moved to 2nd Sunday for December due to holidays) at 2pm and is a free family-friendly event open to all ages. There will also be a free art project available for kiddos (and any grown-ups who are young at heart) and coffee for the grown ups. (Postponed from last week.) 11am
  • Tally Print Studio: Winter Market PCRF Benefit Show featuring a local artist market, live printing, clothing swap, and live music by NPC Luv, Rachel Hillman, and Sleepybug. Noon-5pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: 48 Hour Film Festival Premiere for Tally48. Join us for our third 48 Hour Film Festival premiere and witness local talent and collaborations in our very own local theater! Every month, Cap City Video Lounge hosts a filmmaker meeting and encourages local enthusiasts to produce films together! Seatings from 1pm-10pm
  • Blue Tavern: Traditional Irish Session. 4pm
  • Common Ground Books: Kreature’s Holiday Oddity Market. This market will feature over 20 vendors and is the perfect place to find some last minute holiday gifts! Common Ground’s hours will be extended to 10pm for this event as well. 6pm-10pm
  • Lake Tribe: Chalk Line. 6pm
  • The Moon: Slapstick. 6:30pm
  • The Wine House on Market Street: Rodney Jordan, a Night of Jazz. 7pm/$10
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Dj Rah Shows' Capital City's Top Karaoke Performer 2023 Finale. 7pm
  • The Bark: Psycho Tropical, Saturnalia, and Beaten Telecaster. 8pm
  • House of Music: Revival with Katie Skene. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Pat Puckett. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Pop Punk & Emo Night. 10pm
SUNDAY, 12/17
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Halisi Africa: Soulful Sundays. Join us for Motherland Brunch at Halisi Africa. We'll be serving our brunch special including an appetizer, main course, a sweet, and our signature African mimosas we call ukwaju. The event will also feature an art exhibition by Christopher Barnhart and live entertainment by local artists. 11am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact foodnotbombstally@gmail.com to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit https://www.tallahasseegoclub.com for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Sound Bar: All Ages Karaoke. 4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 5pm-9pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to therealsleepypfloyd@gmail.com 7:30pm
  • Community Thrift Market: Holiday Vintage and Handmade Pop-up Market. On Sunday, December 17th, we will hold a pop up market featuring vintage and handmade vendors! We will also have several local pet rescues at the event. They will have adoptable pets - weather permitting. If you donate a bag of pet food (cat or dog dry or wet) at the event, you will receive a $5 token to spend at any vendor. There will be about 25 vendors - perfect for your holiday shopping. 11am-4pm
  • Ology: Marauder’s Market. Noon-5pm
  • The Sound Bar: Happy Hour with Reed Mahoney. 4pm
MONDAY, 12/19
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • Finnegan’s Wake: Midtown Market Monday. Every Monday from 5pm - 9pm, discover a world of local talent selling art, jewelry, crochet, vintage clothing, and more. This is the beginning of a new weekly tradition, and we're thrilled to have you as part of the journey. Grab a drink, explore our cool vendor tables, enjoy free swag, and savor delicious dinner options while you help us build something amazing. Let's make Mondays memorable together! 5pm-9pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night at The Sound Bar. 7pm
  • The Rose Room: Karaoke Night. 8pm
TUESDAY, 12/19
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Rose Room: Drag Bingo and Open Stage Night ft. Britney T. Foxx! 6pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke with DJ Roldus. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • Tally Cat Café: Gingerbread Houses with Cats! Come decorate gingerbread houses and hang out with cats! Gingerbread houses and materials will be provided. Participants will have an hour and a half to decorate their houses in the Cat Lounge. Free drink included! 6pm-7:30pm
  • Rose Room: Wet Wednesday. Featuring Our Rose Roulettes and drink specials all night long. A night for all of our female-identifying friends to enjoy a safe space and an awesome happy hour! 6pm-2am
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Tara Angel’s Magic: D&D Experience - Adult (18+) Group. Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Candlekeep Mysteries. A one-shot is a D&D event that starts and finishes in the same session, typically lasting 3 - 4 hours. We have pre-generated characters for players to choose from. WHAT TO BRING: Pencils, Dice (can be purchased in store), Mask (encouraged for unvaccinated participants), Enthusiasm! Please sign up in advance to reserve a spot in this campaign. Tickets can be purchased in-store, over the phone, or on the website. For more information, please email sales@taraangelsmagic.com, or call: (850) 878-4555 6pm-9pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Sound Bytes Trivia. 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday with Lil Grizzly Boogie Band. 6pm
  • House of Music: Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow. Get ready to experience the wild, weird, and wonderful world of Hellzapoppin! This outrageous rock-n-roll circus sideshow of wonder has performed well over 3,000 shows throughout 16 countries. They've appeared in famous music videos and toured with some of the biggest rock bands on the planet. Ripley’s Believe It Or Not will feature Hellzapoppin this summer in their brand new book, Level Up! There's something for everyone in this show, with a mix of circus acts, death defying stunts, human curiosities, and oddities, you won't believe your eyes! Experience the excitement and thrills of Hellzapoppin, where the impossible becomes reality. 7pm
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 19:08 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 12/7 – 12/13

Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info: https://troubleafoot.blogspot.com/
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area: https://www.facebook.com/hsmithoutdoors
Tallahassee Film Society Showings: https://www.tallahasseefilms.com/tickets/
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Blue Tavern: Bramble’s Bluegrass Jam. 5pm
  • City Dogs Café (old All Saints): Avèk La’Mou Presents: Liberation featuring music from Avèk La’Mou, Giahni Bosquet, and DJ Den Killen. 7pm
  • 926: Universal Funk Orchestra with Phabrik, Zyx, and Jewel & The Gems. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Music of the Spheres First Thursdays: Turkish Sufi music with Latif Bolat. 8pm
FRIDAY, 12/8
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Blue Tavern: David Pucik. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe: Sinnrs + Saints. 6pm
  • The Wine House on Market Street: Steven Brown. 7pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Saylor Dollar Duo. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Conradi Studio Theater: The Bardlings' Fall 2023 Shakespearean Showcase. *Southern Shakespeare Company’s junior acting troupe, the Bardlings, will present a Shakespearean Showcase December 8-9! This marks the first time the Bardlings have helped select their performance material from scenes, monologues, and songs by or inspired by the Bard AND the first time they have performed on campus at FSU! 7pm
  • Tallahassee Senior Center: Tally Contra Dance with om Greene and Long Forgotten String Band. No dance experience needed and you don’t need to bring a partner. Tom will give an intro lesson at 7:15 for beginners and anyone wanting to refresh their skills. Wear comfortable clothes and flat shoes. Newcomers get in to your 2nd dance free! 7:15pm
  • The Bark: CHEW, Goodwin Rainer, Bandemic, and Copyright Claim. 8pm
  • Square Mug Café: Triangle Fire, Pig Chicken Suicide, The Chodes, Murder Suicide, and Degenerate State. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Lee C. Payton and Hot Tamale – Grateful Dead Night and Toys For Tots toy drive. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Tobacco Road. 8pm
  • House of Music: Queen of Hearts. 8pm
  • Dukes and Dotties: Hot Mess. 9pm/free
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Old Time Jam. 4pm
  • The Rose Room: The Rose Revue Drag Show. Performances by your favorite entertainers and special guests! Shows at 8pm, 10pm, & Midnight! A unique cast EACH show! 7pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • United Church in Tallahassee: Tallahassee Pottery Market. Bringing together 30+ talented local ceramicists. 9am-4pm
  • Tom Brown Park: Santa Paws. Join us at Tom Brown Park for Santa Paws pictures, vendors and pet contests. 10am
  • Havana: Winterfest. We are excited to bring WinterFest back for 2023! Come join the fun - Lawnmower Parade, arts & crafts, 70 vendors & food trucks, real snow, and so much more! 10am-4pm
  • Adams Street: Adams St Flea Holiday Market. Browse our Holiday Market with tents full of locally hand-made items, art, and vintage finds, all set to the vibes of our house DJ from 12-4 PM. The Just One More Holiday Market will also be taking place in Ponce De Leon and Bloxham Park just a block away. Street parking and parking at Kleman Plaza Garage are available. Noon
  • Carrabelle: Carrabelle Holiday on the Harbor Street Festival and Boat Parade of Lights. This FREE, family-friendly festival has become a favorite Christmas tradition for the entire Forgotten Coast community and beyond! The children’s activities will include Holiday on the Harbor traditions like VISITS WITH SANTA and Mrs. Claus, MINI-TRAIN RIDES, a BOUNCY HOUSE, and a BOOK GIVEAWAY by Bring Me a Book Franklin. In keeping with the Carrabelle tradition, Santa will make his grand entrance on the City of Carrabelle Fire Truck. Children and families are welcome to come by Santa’s booth, visit with Santa, and get their photos with Santa for free. This event will also include yummy holiday treats, a variety of delicious food and wonderful art, crafts and goods for holiday gifts. There will be LIVE MUSIC by BILLIE RIGSBY BAND and by the ROCKULLA PERFORMERS as well as festival favorite DJ BEANIE BABY spinning those holiday and festival tunes. The majority of the festivities will take place along the Carrabelle harbor along Marine Street. After enjoying hours of food, festivities, and fun, festival-goers are invited to watch the magical CHRISTMAS PARADE OF BOATS decked out in lights, décor, music and even some holiday outfits! Find a spot along the water and enjoy this parade with double the lights as the Carrabelle harbor beautifully reflects back the glow of the lighted boat decorations. See this special nautical tradition from an unbeatable viewing point by entering your own decorated boat for free! The parade starts at around 6:15 pm and proceeds around the Carrabelle harbor between the Marine Street Fishing Pavilion and the Tillie Miller Bridge on US 98 so it can be enjoyed from many viewing spots along the route. (Please stay on public access areas only. Do not enter private property.) This year’s Holiday on the Harbor & Boat Parade of Lights will conclude with a brand new grand finale! Dynamic FX HOLIDAY LASER LIGHT SHOW will feature holiday music choreographed to a laser light show and will go on for more than half an hour! This is sure to be a fan favorite. The show will be held at the Carrabelle Chamber of Commerce near the corner of Hwy 98 and Marine Street following the Boat Parade. Noon-all day
  • Ruby Diamond: Holiday Magic! Cirque De Noel. The breathtaking circus performers of Cirque De la Symphonie are returning to Tallahassee by popular demand to spread holiday cheer this season. Join the incredible acrobats, contortionists, and jugglers as they team up with the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra for a magical show filled with stunning aerial feats, mind-boggling flexibility, and jaw-dropping juggling all set to beautiful holiday music. Marvel as the graceful artists execute gravity-defying moves alongside the live orchestral performance of your favorite holiday tunes. This family-friendly show blends the wow-factor of a circus with the emotional power of a symphony orchestra for a unique and wonderous event. Let Cirque De la Symphonie fill you with awe and put you in the holiday spirit through their incredible, athletic artistry paired with musical favorites. 3pm
  • Challenger Learning Center: 20th Anniversary Celebration. We are excited to be joined by Astronauts Dr. Norm Thagard and Captain Winston Scott who were instrumental founders of the Challenger Learning Center of Tallahassee. Food and beverages will be provided. Cocktail attire is recommended. This event begins with a cocktail hour followed by a presentation of guest speakers and awards. We’ll finish the event with hands-on activities that showcase the spirit of learning and exploration that defines our organization. Let’s raise a toast to two decades of excellence and look forward to many more! 5pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Jerry Thigpen Trio. 7pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Lunar Urge. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Pineapple Tuesday. 7pm
  • Conradi Studio Theater: The Bardlings' Fall 2023 Shakespearean Showcase. *Southern Shakespeare Company’s junior acting troupe, the Bardlings, will present a Shakespearean Showcase December 8-9! This marks the first time the Bardlings have helped select their performance material from scenes, monologues, and songs by or inspired by the Bard AND the first time they have performed on campus at FSU! 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Jazzmatazz with the new PB&J trio: Bill Peterson, Michael Bakan, and Josh Dennis. 8pm
  • 926: Feel Real with Broken Couch Club, Copyright Claim, and Counterfeit Stereo. 8:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Local Forecast. 9pm/21+
SUNDAY, 12/10
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Halisi Africa: Soulful Sundays. Join us for Motherland Brunch at Halisi Africa. We'll be serving our brunch special including an appetizer, main course, a sweet, and our signature African mimosas we call ukwaju. The event will also feature an art exhibition by Christopher Barnhart and live entertainment by local artists. 11am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact foodnotbombstally@gmail.com to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit https://www.tallahasseegoclub.com for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Sound Bar: All Ages Karaoke. 4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 5pm-9pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to therealsleepypfloyd@gmail.com 7:30pm
  • Common Ground Books: CGB Drag Story Hour: Pictures with Drag Santa Holiday Event! For the holidays, we will be having a very special drag story hour at Common Ground! Join us with Queer Tallahassee Artist Collective for a drag Santa story hour, Christmas crafts, and photos with Drag Santa! Our monthly drag story hour is held the 4th Sunday of every month (moved to 2nd Sunday for December due to holidays) at 2pm and is a free family-friendly event open to all ages. There will also be a free art project available for kiddos (and any grown-ups who are young at heart) and coffee for the grown ups. 11am-2pm
  • Ruby Diamond: TYO Holiday Concert. 3pm
  • Square Mug Café: Benefit for Square Mug Cafe Staff featuring Hot Tamale, Pineapple Tuesday, Bandemic, Petty Problems, Buck Banzai, and Subpotent. 5pm
  • Common Ground Books: Contemporary Queer Poetry Book Club: The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi. 5pm
  • Dukes and Dottie’s: Ben Nichols (of Lucero) solo acoustic set with Lulu and the Black Sheep. 7pm/21+
MONDAY, 12/11
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • Finnegan’s Wake: Midtown Market Monday. Every Monday from 5pm - 9pm, discover a world of local talent selling art, jewelry, crochet, vintage clothing, and more. This is the beginning of a new weekly tradition, and we're thrilled to have you as part of the journey. Grab a drink, explore our cool vendor tables, enjoy free swag, and savor delicious dinner options while you help us build something amazing. Let's make Mondays memorable together! 5pm-9pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night at The Sound Bar. 7pm
  • The Rose Room: Karaoke Night. 8pm
TUESDAY, 12/12
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Rose Room: Drag Bingo and Open Stage Night ft. Britney T. Foxx! 6pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke with DJ Roldus. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • The Bark: We Are The Asteroid, Our Final Feud, and Killer Choice. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Swiftie Sing A Long & Party Outfit Contest. 8pm
  • Square Mug Café: Stress Positions, Coffee Stain, Mephitic, and Benzie & The Quaaludes. 8pm
  • Rose Room: Wet Wednesday. Featuring Our Rose Roulettes and drink specials all night long. A night for all of our female-identifying friends to enjoy a safe space and an awesome happy hour! 6pm-2am
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Tara Angel’s Magic: D&D Experience - Adult (18+) Group. Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Candlekeep Mysteries. A one-shot is a D&D event that starts and finishes in the same session, typically lasting 3 - 4 hours. We have pre-generated characters for players to choose from. WHAT TO BRING: Pencils, Dice (can be purchased in store), Mask (encouraged for unvaccinated participants), Enthusiasm! Please sign up in advance to reserve a spot in this campaign. Tickets can be purchased in-store, over the phone, or on the website. For more information, please email sales@taraangelsmagic.com, or call: (850) 878-4555 6pm-9pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Sound Bytes Trivia. 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
  • The Sound Bar: Humble Road. 6:30pm
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2023.12.07 11:56 Quirtz999 ReUnion [SMP] [Vanilla] {1.20.X}

IP: play.reunionsmp.com Discord: https://discord.gg/DXNQvtpjNe
Current Version: 1.20.x Sequel to Union SMP: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1's video where he tried to ask for op on Minecraft servers. Vanilla: While the server does have claims, homes, graves, mob & player heads and a player economy, I still consider it almost entirely vanilla. Market: The only item that you can sell to the server are diamonds which sell for $100 each. There is a market at spawn where players can create shops and sell items to other players using this money. VIP: There is a single donation rank on the server called VIP with mainly cosmetic changes as we are anti-PTW. This primarily supports paying for the server host costs. Feel free to donate as much as you would like but a minimum of 5 USD will earn you the vip rank.
Rules: Do not make annoying claims. Harrasment and bullying are not tolerated. Griefing is not allowed anywhere. Please use english and be civil in chat. No using cheats, x-ray, or exploits. Minor duping such as sand or carpet duping is allowed.
Server Host Hardware: Ryzen 9 5950X 4Tbps+ DDoS Protection Included 3 Dedicated Logical Cores 10GB DDR4 Memory 220GB NVMe Storage
Mod Team: Owner - Go_ing Admin - Brackern, Foxy75 Moderator - Olive_Oil02, Vibe Foxx, JustinThe1
submitted by Quirtz999 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2023.12.05 14:10 deeptechsharing Beatport Top 100 Techno (Peak Time / Driving) December 2023 320kbps / FLAC

Title: Beatport Top 100 Techno (Peak Time / Driving) December 2023 Genre: Techno (Peak Time / Driving) Release Date: 2023-12-05
DOWNLOAD in 320kbps / FLAC: https://sharing-db.club/djs-chart/461806_beatport-top-100-techno-peak-time-driving-december-2023/
Tracklist: 1. Cherrymoon Trax – The House Of House (1994 Remix By Thomas Schumacher) (6:46) 2. Maddix, Fēlēs – My Gasoline (Extended Mix) (5:46) 3. Space 92 – Apollo (Original Mix) (5:49) 4. Enrico Sangiuliano – Glitch In Time (Original Mix) (8:35) 5. Eli Brown – Diamonds On My Mind (Extended Mix) (5:20) 6. Adam Beyer – Desert Queen (Original Mix) (5:56) 7. Lilly Palmer – My Fantasy (Extended Mix) (4:45) 8. UMEK, Sam WOLFE – Enter the Rave (Original Mix) (5:32) 9. Boris Brejcha – Dimension (Original Mix) (8:01) 10. Heerhorst, Teenage Mutants, PETER PAHN – Dark Clouds (feat. Heerhorst, Peter Pahn) (Original Mix) (5:55) 11. Mha Iri – Bell (Original Mix) (5:57) 12. Oscar L – Driving into Techno (Original Mix) (5:59) 13. Victor Ruiz, Modeā – Bloom (Original Mix) (6:45) 14. Amelie Lens – You and Me (Original Mix) (5:02) 15. Alex Stein – Hydra (Original Mix) (6:46) 16. Eli Brown – Fading to Black (Bart Skils Remix – Extended Mix) (6:23) 17. Thomas Schumacher – When I Rock (A.D.H.S. Remix) (6:05) 18. Flowdan, Danny Avila (ES) – My Crew (Original Mix) (5:02) 19. Jay Lumen – Avalon (Original Mix) (6:54) 20. Marie Vaunt – Dark Room (Original Mix) (6:24) 21. Oscar L – Again (Original Mix) (6:18) 22. HI-LO, Eli Brown – RIDE OR DIE (Extended Mix) (5:01) 23. Eli Brown – Believe (Original Mix) (6:48) 24. Mha Iri – The Unexpected (Original Mix) (6:22) 25. A*S*Y*S, Hof – La Revolution (Original Mix) (6:15) 26. UMEK, Maddix – Hypnotizing (Extended Mix) (6:12) 27. HI-LO – SUBMARINE (Original Mix) (5:17) 28. Maddix – Heute Nacht (Extended Mix) (5:14) 29. Age Of Love – The Age Of Love (Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix) (8:09) 30. A.D.H.S. – 2STEP (Original Mix) (6:19) 31. Mha Iri – Filthy (Original Mix) (5:44) 32. Charles D (USA) – Flames (Extended Mix) (5:56) 33. Cosmic Boys, Matteo Vitanza – Midnight (Original Mix) (5:52) 34. Phoenix Movement – Dark Drive (Original Mix) (7:15) 35. Space 92 – Time (Original Mix) (5:36) 36. Balthazar & JackRock – In the Club (Original Mix) (5:47) 37. Heerhorst, PETER PAHN, SLIN BOURGH – Watch Me (Extended Mix) (5:44) 38. Matt Sassari, Robbie Rise – Pupils Pop (Extended Mix) (5:06) 39. Alex Stein, Victor Ruiz – Human Robot (Original Mix) (6:56) 40. Bart Skils – Roll the Dice (Original Mix) (6:08) 41. Belocca – Metamorphosis (Marie Vaunt Remix) (6:17) 42. Lampe – Figure It Out (Original Mix) (6:00) 43. AIO – Polymerase (Original Mix) (6:57) 44. Kaiserdisco – Get on the Dancefloor (Original Mix) (6:49) 45. HI-LO, Michael Ekow – Waking Life (A New Dawn) [feat. Michael Ekow] (Extended Mix) (5:54) 46. Marco Faraone – Emergency (Original Mix) (6:32) 47. Matt Guy – Give Me What I Want (Original Mix) (6:15) 48. Boris Brejcha – Universe Of Love (Original Mix) (8:28) 49. Hiboo – No Codex (Extended Mix) (6:38) 50. Shay De Castro – Memento (Original Mix) (7:23) 51. Adam Beyer – Heading South (Original Mix) (6:24) 52. Chris Avantgarde – The Last Time (Original Mix) (7:28) 53. Luca Antolini, FOLUAL – Acid Phase (Extended Mix) (6:15) 54. Charlotte De Witte – Pria (Original Mix) (7:00) 55. Space 92 – Gravity (Original Mix) (6:05) 56. Space 92 – Lost (Original Mix) (6:23) 57. Charlotte De Witte – Power Of Thought (Original Mix) (6:10) 58. Ozzy Sahin – Cogito Ergo Sum (Original Mix) (6:15) 59. Victor Ruiz – Touch The Darkness (Original Mix) (7:33) 60. Hardwell, Space 92 – The Abyss (Original Mix) (7:18) 61. Marco Faraone – RENEMIND (Original Mix) (6:48) 62. Floating Points – Birth4000 (Extended) (7:35) 63. Pagano – Scoop (Original Mix) (5:01) 64. AIO, Flanko, Nonameleft – Hades (NoNameLeft Remix) (6:32) 65. Jay Lumen – Ode to Earth (Original Mix) (6:14) 66. GHSTGHSTGHST, SELCO (BE) – Circulate (Extended Mix) (5:58) 67. C Razey – This Is What It Feels Like (Original Mix) (7:54) 68. Marie Vaunt – Techno Acid 303 (Extended Mix) (5:40) 69. T78 – Hell Or Heaven (Original Mix) (6:03) 70. Reinier Zonneveld, Carl Cox, Christopher Coe – Inferno (Space 92 Remix) (5:58) 71. Lautaro Gabioud – Keep Moving (Original Mix) (6:13) 72. Droplex – Lights & Chill (Original Mix) (5:25) 73. Spektre – Too Far Gone (Original Mix) (6:36) 74. Teenage Mutants, MARTIN K4RMA – Take A Look Around (Original Mix) (6:36) 75. Lilly Palmer – The Violator (Original Mix) (5:39) 76. Layton Giordani – Phantom (Original Mix) (6:22) 77. Ray Foxx, LO’99 – Skydance (Original Mix) (5:28) 78. Andrew Meller – Born Slippy (Luca Morris Extended Remix) (6:40) 79. Bry Ortega – Discover 9 (Original Mix) (6:06) 80. Adam Beyer – Soulful (Original Mix) (5:36) 81. HI-LO, Layton Giordani – Rabbit Hole (Original Mix) (6:37) 82. HI-LO, Eli Brown – RIDE OR DIE (Extended Hard Mix) (4:49) 83. DJ Jock – Inseparable (Original Mix) (6:16) 84. Pig&Dan – Future (Extended Mix) (6:04) 85. Maksim Dark – Telepointer (Original Mix) (7:00) 86. LO’99 – Connected (Extended Mix) (6:15) 87. Alex Stein – Tunnel Vision (Original Mix) (5:30) 88. HI-LO, Space 92 – Mercury (Original Mix) (6:05) 89. Kaspar – We Won’t Go Home (Original Mix) (5:56) 90. Torsten Kanzler – Excited (Original Mix) (6:42) 91. Marie Vaunt, Frank Spector – Cosmology (Original Mix) (6:21) 92. Marlon Hoffstadt – Call Me (Original Mix) (5:49) 93. Beico – Gamma (Original Mix) (6:25) 94. Christian Smith – Sleeptalker (Original Mix) (5:52) 95. Belocca, Izreal – Greater Purpose (Original Mix) (6:34) 96. Charlotte De Witte, Enrico Sangiuliano – Reflection (Original Mix) (6:46) 97. Adam Beyer, DJ Rush – Take Me There (feat. DJ Rush) (Carl Cox Remix) (6:32) 98. Charles D (USA) – Let Me Tell You This (Extended Mix) (6:01) 99. Röyksopp, Pixx – Like An Old Dog (Enrico Sangiuliano Remix) (8:03)
submitted by deeptechsharing to u/deeptechsharing [link] [comments]

2023.12.05 06:01 StillChillTrill The push for Disclosure is Bipartisan. It is unproductive to focus on attacking Pro-Disclosure Allies. Controlled opposition has been named and deserves our attention.

When there's big news that isn't "positive", the sub becomes flooded with users trying to sow division and take focus off of the Controlled Opposition that has been identified. I think we should be listening to the likes of Garry Nolan and Danny Sheehan before we attack people that are identified as making a positive difference in Pro-Disclosure efforts. This post is meant to remind others of the Bipartisan nature of this movement. Along with naming the controlled opposition and the NDAA conferees.
Excerpt from Garry Nolan's tweet tonight: Shoutout to Representatives Luna, Gaetz, Moskowitz, and Burchett, and others, in the House for their work on this.
Awesome to see Garry Nolan identifying them as allies in this. I hope that clears up a lot of confusion. Here is a comment reply I received earlier regarding Garry Nolan's tweet identifying Gaetz as a Pro-Disclosure ally:
"you expected me to like accused child sex trafficker matt gaetz more because of this great news, instead of liking this random person less?"
It seems these users are very confused, as I believe Garry Nolan is far from a "random person" in Pro-Disclosure efforts. I believe focusing on the topic at hand, undivided, is the best way for us to get what we want here. Transparency.
Both sides of the aisle are focused on getting to the bottom of where the hell is the money going? UAP Caucus has been spearheading pro-Disclosure efforts in the House of Representatives. The Senate UAPDA push was extremely bipartisan as well. The hearings where David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves gave testimony impacted many users as well.
Gaetz, Burchett, and Luna (and others) are referred to as the UAP Caucus. There are Democrats and Republicans working together on this. There are members that said these things are “either angels or manmade” a couple months ago. Now they’re saying there is propulsion that can change all of our lives after a shady meeting with the DoD IGs. They have been fighting for this in many ways.
So why does the sub get flooded with "Gaetz/Burchett is a traitor and I hate him" each time something is happening? I don't know, but we all know it's a common tactic for the opposition to pay disinfo agents to muddy the water and sway discourse. We have admitted examples of bad actors coopting the community to propagate the cover up. I think it's best if we keep eyes on the people that have been identified as blocking this.
- 3 Mikes and a Mitch
- Mike Johnson
- Mike Rogers
- Mike Turner - Even Garry Nolan doesn't like this guy..
- Mitch McConnell
- Roger Wicker
- Radiance Technologies, Travis Taylor, and Jay Stratton
In my opinion
Primary Focus: Thanks to input from another user, I believe it makes sense to focus on the Republicans (Mostly the House of Reps Republicans) that haven't spoken publicly about supporting the UAPDA and Burchett Amendment in totality. We need them to voice public support or else they appear to be in opposition.
I believe that since the Senate UAPDA was voted on 75-25 by Schumer, Rounds, Gillibrand, and Rubio, it's heavily bipartisan. However, with Schumer and the White House aligning on UAPDA, I think the Democrat side of this is probably pretty much locked down. According to Danny Sheehan, the president supports the UAPDA. So, it looks like Republicans that haven't publicly voiced support, should be the primary focus.
Secondary Focus: Focus on the Core Conferees as they have negotiating authority in the final bill
Tertiary Focus: The controlled opposition that has been getting a lot of spotlight from Sheehan and co!
Members of Congress who are officially appointed to the conference committee. Core conferees are typically members of the House Armed Services Committee or the Senate Armed Services Committee, as these committees are directly responsible for drafting the NDAA. They have a direct role in the negotiation and drafting of the final conference report, which is the agreed-upon version of the bill that both the House and Senate vote on.
List of Democratic Core Conferees - 4 Interesting
- Rep. Adam Smith, Ranking Member
- Rep. Joe Courtney) - Interesting
- Rep. John Garamendi
- Rep. Donald Norcross
- Rep. Ruben Gallego - Interesting
- Rep. Seth Moulton
- Rep. Salud Carbajal
- Rep. Ro Khanna
- Rep. William Keating
- Rep. Andy Kim)
- Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
- Rep. Elissa Slotkin - Interesting
- Rep. Mikie Sherrill - Interesting
- Rep. Veronica Escobar
List of Republican Core Conferees - 3 Interesting, 2 Uh ohs, 1 Huh, and 1 Confused
- Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL)) - Uh oh
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC))
- Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
- Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA)
- Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA))
- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) - Huh
- Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
- Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS)
- Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)) - Interesting
- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) - Interesting
- Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) - Uh Oh, this guy wants to shoot them down
- Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)
- Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI)
- Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL)
- Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) - Uh Oh and Interesting? He's confused
- Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)
- Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)
- Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX)
- Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
- Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) - Interesting
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
These are members of Congress who are not officially part of the conference committee but have interest in the legislation. Outside conferees do not have a formal role in the conference committee, they can influence the process through lobbying and discussions. Their input can be important for aspects of the NDAA that intersect with the areas covered by other committees, such as finance, foreign relations, or intelligence.
List of Outside Conferees
- Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Chairman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), House Committee on Financial Services
- Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03), House Committee on Financial Services
- Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Rep. Richard McCormick (GA-06), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Chairman Michael Turner (OH-10), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Laurel Lee (FL-15), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Jerry Carl (AL-01), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19), House Committee on Small Business
- Rep. Mark Alford (MO-04), House Committee on Small Business
- Chairman Sam Graves (MO-06), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Chairman Mike Bost (IL-12), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
- Rep. Morgan Luttrell (TX-08), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
  1. Write your Governors
  2. Write your Reps (Create an effective template, resist.bot)
  3. Declassify UAP
  4. UAP Caucus Speed Dial Feature
  5. Disclosure Diaries
  6. The Disclosure Party
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 15:12 StillChillTrill What can YOU do MONDAY 12/04/2023 (and all this week) to help with Disclosure?

I couldn't cross post it, so I figured I'd post this here too. I hope this info is helpful to anyone doing reach out today! I figured it would be helpful to know some of the people we recently learned about!
I know we all believe we can do this! I think everyone agrees we need to be reaching out to the NDAA Conferees ASAP and letting them know we want the UAPDA and Burchett Amendment in their entirety! According to Danny Sheehan, the deadline is December 21st for the conferees to figure this out. Maybe we can apply more pressure to speed this up. It would be embarrassing if we aren't apart of the global disclosure stance some of the other countries are taking. I think catastrophic disclosure would be bad. Congress needs to get their act together and root out the opposition. This post contains credible people, bipartisan quotes, and Conferee information for the week!
The Bipartisan Press Conference was telling. I believe that there is alot of political capital invested in combining the two amendments to get disclosure moving. Both sides of the aisle are focused on getting to the bottom of where the hell is the money going? UAP Caucus has been spearheading pro-Disclosure efforts in the House of Representatives. The Senate UAPDA push was extremely bipartisan as well. The hearings where David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves gave testimony impacted many users as well.
There has been a TON of credible people talking about this stuff.
- Congressman Jared Moskowitz: "The Pushback We Got Is What Interested Me"
- Congressman Eric Burlison: “It’s time for Tim’s amendment to be passed and as well as the Schumer amendment….It’s my belief that both of them will put us in a better place.”
- Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna: “We need the UAP Disclosure Act….Representative’s Burchett’s language should be added.”
- Congressman Tim Burchett: paraphrasing from Steve Bassett: Cong. Burchett's Amendment was not intended to replace the UAP Disclosure Act. Rather, it was to provide some more direct language to augment extremely complexity Senate bill.
- Congressman Matt Gaetz: "We had an NDAA Conference meeting yesterday, where members of the house and senate both raised this issue in debate. The strongest resistance to transparency and disclosure and the Burchett language, has come from the House Intelligence Committee"
Explicitly saying: no pushback from Schumer or Senate/House Democrat on Burchett Language. I believe we can advocate for both, In their entirety. And we should NOT WAIVER on ANYTHING. Call and email your reps to implement both amendments in the final NDAA and get this show on the road.
I saved my favorite for last, her video that I linked below is incredible.
- Congresswoman Nancy Mace: "What you see on TV is one thing.. What you see behind the scenes is another. After the UAP Hearing ALOT of members were very interested and intrigued, and wanted more information. They want to get in a SCIF, they want to find out, they want to go read classified briefings. But what you get and see publicly, is a mockery, making a mockery of people who have seen UAPs or UFOs or whatever you want to call them. So basically we're going to mock our men and women in uniform? No we're not. We shouldn't do that, we shouldn't be afraid to broach a subject. Whether its real or not real, your money your tax dollars are being spent on it. We ought to know what's going on."
And these are just a few of the most recent examples!
Bonus: jab from Burchett at Kirkpatrick
Bonus: clip of AOC
- 3 Mikes and a Mitch
- Mike Johnson
- Mike Rogers
- Mike Turner - Even Garry Nolan doesn't like this guy..
- Mitch McConnell
- Roger Wicker
- Radiance Technologies, Travis Taylor, and Jay Stratton
The next step is for a Bi-Cameral NDAA Conference Committee to reconcile both the House and Senate version of the bill. The conferees are members from the House Armed Services Committees and some Ranking Members from other committees. The conference Is meant to reconcile both NDAAs into one big document using reps from across both sides of Congress to figure it out.
The Senate passed the UAPDA 75-25 in their NDAA, but the House didn’t have anything to say about it. The Conferees will get together and reconcile the NDAA. This is far from over, in a good way. Continue to advocate for the UAPDA, IAA AARO UAP Provisions, and you guessed it THE BURCHETT AMENDMENT. We should advocate for ALL UAP/NHI RELATED LEGISLATION TO BE PASSED AS IS. There is no reason to give up anything here.
In my opinion
Primary Focus: As u/SharinganGlasses mentioned here, I think it makes sense to focus on the Republicans (Mostly the House of Reps Republicans) that haven't spoken publicly about supporting the UAPDA and Burchett Amendment in totality. We need them to voice public support or else they appear to be in opposition.
I believe that since the Senate UAPDA was voted on 75-25 by Schumer, Rounds, Gillibrand, and Rubio, it's heavily bipartisan. However, with Schumer and the White House aligning on UAPDA, I think the Democrat side of this is probably pretty much locked down. According to Danny Sheehan, the president supports the UAPDA. So, it looks like Republicans that haven't publicly voiced support, should be the primary focus.
Secondary Focus: Focus on the Core Conferees as they have negotiating authority in the final bill
Tertiary Focus: The controlled opposition that has been getting a lot of spotlight from Sheehan!
Members of Congress who are officially appointed to the conference committee. Core conferees are typically members of the House Armed Services Committee or the Senate Armed Services Committee, as these committees are directly responsible for drafting the NDAA. They have a direct role in the negotiation and drafting of the final conference report, which is the agreed-upon version of the bill that both the House and Senate vote on.
List of Democratic Core Conferees - 4 Interesting
- Rep. Adam Smith, Ranking Member
- Rep. Joe Courtney) - Interesting
- Rep. John Garamendi
- Rep. Donald Norcross
- Rep. Ruben Gallego - Interesting
- Rep. Seth Moulton
- Rep. Salud Carbajal
- Rep. Ro Khanna
- Rep. William Keating
- Rep. Andy Kim)
- Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
- Rep. Elissa Slotkin - Interesting
- Rep. Mikie Sherrill - Interesting
- Rep. Veronica Escobar
List of Republican Core Conferees - 3 Interesting, 2 Uh ohs, 1 Huh, and 1 Confused
- Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL)) - Uh oh
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC))
- Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
- Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA)
- Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA))
- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) - Huh
- Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
- Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS)
- Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)) - Interesting
- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) - Interesting
- Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) - Uh Oh, this guy wants to shoot them down
- Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)
- Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI)
- Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL)
- Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) - Uh Oh and Interesting? He's confused
- Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)
- Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)
- Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX)
- Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
- Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) - Interesting
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
These are members of Congress who are not officially part of the conference committee but have interest in the legislation. Outside conferees do not have a formal role in the conference committee, they can influence the process through lobbying and discussions. Their input can be important for aspects of the NDAA that intersect with the areas covered by other committees, such as finance, foreign relations, or intelligence.
List of Outside Conferees
- Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Chairman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), House Committee on Financial Services
- Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03), House Committee on Financial Services
- Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Rep. Richard McCormick (GA-06), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Chairman Michael Turner (OH-10), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Laurel Lee (FL-15), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Jerry Carl (AL-01), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19), House Committee on Small Business
- Rep. Mark Alford (MO-04), House Committee on Small Business
- Chairman Sam Graves (MO-06), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Chairman Mike Bost (IL-12), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
- Rep. Morgan Luttrell (TX-08), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
  1. Write your Governors
  2. Write your Reps (Create an effective template, resist.bot)
  3. Declassify UAP
  4. UAP Caucus Speed Dial Feature
  5. Disclosure Diaries
  6. The Disclosure Party
submitted by StillChillTrill to disclosureparty [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 08:15 StillChillTrill What can YOU do MONDAY 12/04/2023 (and all this week) to help with Disclosure?

Hello, thanks for reading.
This is part 20 of 23 in a post series I've continued to add on to and update. These are my own thoughts on things, accompanied with sourced links and other supporting info. Please feel free to offer any thoughts, questions, or challenges on any of the posts.
I know we all believe we can do this! I think everyone agrees we need to be reaching out to the NDAA Conferees ASAP and letting them know we want the UAPDA and Burchett Amendment in their entirety! According to Danny Sheehan, the deadline is December 21st for the conferees to figure this out. Maybe we can apply more pressure to speed this up. It would be embarrassing if we aren't apart of the global disclosure stance some of the other countries are taking. I think catastrophic disclosure would be bad. Congress needs to get their act together and root out the opposition. This post contains credible people, bipartisan quotes, and Conferee information for the week!
Also, an important consideration for international folks that want to get involved in the calling! There is a UK petition floating around as well!
The Bipartisan Press Conference was telling. I believe that there is alot of political capital invested in combining the two amendments to get disclosure moving. Both sides of the aisle are focused on getting to the bottom of where the hell is the money going? UAP Caucus has been spearheading pro-Disclosure efforts in the House of Representatives. The Senate UAPDA push was extremely bipartisan as well. The hearings where David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves gave testimony impacted many users as well.
There has been a TON of credible people talking about this stuff.
- Congressman Jared Moskowitz: "The Pushback We Got Is What Interested Me"
- Congressman Eric Burlison: “It’s time for Tim’s amendment to be passed and as well as the Schumer amendment….It’s my belief that both of them will put us in a better place.”
- Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna: “We need the UAP Disclosure Act….Representative’s Burchett’s language should be added.”
- Congressman Tim Burchett: paraphrasing from Steve Bassett: Cong. Burchett's Amendment was not intended to replace the UAP Disclosure Act. Rather, it was to provide some more direct language to augment extremely complexity Senate bill.
- Congressman Matt Gaetz: "We had an NDAA Conference meeting yesterday, where members of the house and senate both raised this issue in debate. The strongest resistance to transparency and disclosure and the Burchett language, has come from the House Intelligence Committee"
Explicitly saying: no pushback from Schumer or Senate/House Democrat on Burchett Language. I believe we can advocate for both, In their entirety. And we should NOT WAIVER on ANYTHING. Call and email your reps to implement both amendments in the final NDAA and get this show on the road.
I saved my favorite for last, her video that I linked below is incredible.
- Congresswoman Nancy Mace: "What you see on TV is one thing.. What you see behind the scenes is another. After the UAP Hearing ALOT of members were very interested and intrigued, and wanted more information. They want to get in a SCIF, they want to find out, they want to go read classified briefings. But what you get and see publicly, is a mockery, making a mockery of people who have seen UAPs or UFOs or whatever you want to call them. So basically we're going to mock our men and women in uniform? No we're not. We shouldn't do that, we shouldn't be afraid to broach a subject. Whether its real or not real, your money your tax dollars are being spent on it. We ought to know what's going on."
And these are just a few of the most recent examples!
Bonus: jab from Burchett at Kirkpatrick
Bonus: clip of AOC
- 3 Mikes and a Mitch
- Mike Johnson
- Mike Rogers
- Mike Turner - Even Garry Nolan doesn't like this guy..
- Mitch McConnell
- Roger Wicker
- Radiance Technologies, Travis Taylor, and Jay Stratton
The next step is for a Bi-Cameral NDAA Conference Committee to reconcile both the House and Senate version of the bill. The conferees are members from the House Armed Services Committees and some Ranking Members from other committees. The conference Is meant to reconcile both NDAAs into one big document using reps from across both sides of Congress to figure it out.
The Senate passed the UAPDA 75-25 in their NDAA, but the House didn’t have anything to say about it. The Conferees will get together and reconcile the NDAA. This is far from over, in a good way. Continue to advocate for the UAPDA, IAA AARO UAP Provisions, and you guessed it THE BURCHETT AMENDMENT. We should advocate for ALL UAP/NHI RELATED LEGISLATION TO BE PASSED AS IS. There is no reason to give up anything here.
In my opinion
Primary Focus: As u/SharinganGlasses mentioned here, I think it makes sense to focus on the Republicans (Mostly the House of Reps Republicans) that haven't spoken publicly about supporting the UAPDA and Burchett Amendment in totality. We need them to voice public support or else they appear to be in opposition.
I believe that since the Senate UAPDA was voted on 75-25 by Schumer, Rounds, Gillibrand, and Rubio, it's heavily bipartisan. However, with Schumer and the White House aligning on UAPDA, I think the Democrat side of this is probably pretty much locked down. According to Danny Sheehan, the president supports the UAPDA. So, it looks like Republicans that haven't publicly voiced support, should be the primary focus.
Secondary Focus: Focus on the Core Conferees as they have negotiating authority in the final bill
Tertiary Focus: The controlled opposition that has been getting a lot of spotlight from Sheehan!
Members of Congress who are officially appointed to the conference committee. Core conferees are typically members of the House Armed Services Committee or the Senate Armed Services Committee, as these committees are directly responsible for drafting the NDAA. They have a direct role in the negotiation and drafting of the final conference report, which is the agreed-upon version of the bill that both the House and Senate vote on.
List of Democratic Core Conferees - 4 Interesting
- Rep. Adam Smith, Ranking Member
- Rep. Joe Courtney) - Interesting
- Rep. John Garamendi
- Rep. Donald Norcross
- Rep. Ruben Gallego - Interesting
- Rep. Seth Moulton
- Rep. Salud Carbajal
- Rep. Ro Khanna
- Rep. William Keating
- Rep. Andy Kim)
- Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
- Rep. Elissa Slotkin - Interesting
- Rep. Mikie Sherrill - Interesting
- Rep. Veronica Escobar
List of Republican Core Conferees - 3 Interesting, 2 Uh ohs, 1 Huh, and 1 Confused
- Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL)) - Uh oh
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC))
- Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
- Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA)
- Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA))
- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) - Huh
- Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
- Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS)
- Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)) - Interesting
- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) - Interesting
- Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) - Uh Oh, this guy wants to shoot them down
- Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)
- Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI)
- Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL)
- Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) - Uh Oh and Interesting? He's confused
- Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)
- Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)
- Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX)
- Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
- Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) - Interesting
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
These are members of Congress who are not officially part of the conference committee but have interest in the legislation. Outside conferees do not have a formal role in the conference committee, they can influence the process through lobbying and discussions. Their input can be important for aspects of the NDAA that intersect with the areas covered by other committees, such as finance, foreign relations, or intelligence.
List of Outside Conferees
- Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Chairman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), House Committee on Financial Services
- Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03), House Committee on Financial Services
- Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Rep. Richard McCormick (GA-06), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Chairman Michael Turner (OH-10), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Laurel Lee (FL-15), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Jerry Carl (AL-01), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19), House Committee on Small Business
- Rep. Mark Alford (MO-04), House Committee on Small Business
- Chairman Sam Graves (MO-06), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Chairman Mike Bost (IL-12), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
- Rep. Morgan Luttrell (TX-08), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
  1. Write your Governors
  2. Write your Reps (Create an effective template, resist.bot)
  3. Declassify UAP
  4. UAP Caucus Speed Dial Feature
  5. Disclosure Diaries
  6. The Disclosure Party
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2023.11.30 06:45 StillChillTrill Now You can Advocate for BOTH The Burchett Amendment AND the UAPDA!

Hello, thanks for reading.
This is part 17 of 23 in a post series I've continued to add on to and update. These are my own thoughts on things, accompanied with sourced links and other supporting info. Please feel free to offer any thoughts, questions, or challenges on any of the posts.
In my opinion, I think we can advocate for Both the UAPDA and the Burchett Amendment!
Quick Disclaimer: You of course can advocate for whatever you want, but I think we have a shot at advocating for both!! We should be pushing for ALL UAP/NHI related amendments to pass, in their entirety. The NDAA Conference allows the top legislatures across the all sides of congress to come together and determine the final version of the NDAA. We hope that they combine the UAPDA and Burchett's amendment.
Who would have thought we would be here.
The Senate says "We want a long term plan on UAPs"
The House says "We want to speed this up"
Now top legislators in the Bi-Cameral congress are coming together at NDAA Conference to figure this out. Let's make Mike Turner explain to them why he won't let us poke around for aliens.
There's still a lot to do and it's important to stay focused. Don’t get discouraged or scared, you are winning and almost to the finish line of making this happen. Continue to call and fight for the UAPDA. But more importantly, talk to everyone you know about this. Remember who has shown you they are NOT enemies of Disclosure. The UAPDA was proposed by 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
AMENDMENT intended to be proposed by Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. RUBIO, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND)
I can't know 100% for certain. But I'm confident in saying that I believe the politics and legislative battle you are watching right now is mostly for the public's benefit as this stuff gets brought into the spotlight. If you’ve been following this topic for the last few months or longer, I don't think you are the target audience.
I think many have forgotten that American politics looks like two children fighting over the same toy while there’s another toy just like it is sitting next to them. You just need to get loud enough and remind them that they work for you. They will bicker and fight but I think they can figure it out. There appears to be alot happening. We need to keep focus on the conferees.
The Senate passed their version of the NDAA on July 27th 2023 with a vote of 86-11. The UAPDA (Schumer Amendment) was attached to the Senate’s version of the NDAA (75-25).
The approved House version of the NDAA did not include the UAPDA. Burchett230710161047270.pdf?_gl=1u74b8t_gaNzcyNzI1Njc2LjE2OTU0NDE4NDc._ga_N4RTJ5D08B*MTcwMTMxNzkzNi4xLjAuMTcwMTMxNzkzNi4wLjAuMA..) came under a lot of fire for the amendment added to the House’s version of the NDAA. Gaetz said they need to replace the UAPDA with their proposal. But here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter what he says. It matters what they do. They have been trying to make this happen.
It says The Sec of Defense is required to declassify records relating to publicly known UAP cases within 180 days after the enactment of the Act. This declassification is subject to the condition that it does not compromise U.S. national security. This excludes any information that was publicly disclosed without authorization. The Sec of Defense is not required to declassify any information beyond what they are already authorized to declassify under existing executive orders, such as Executive Order 13526 or any successor order.
The amendment is an addition the HR 2670. At the end of Subtitle G of Title X. Making it a completely different Amendment, and not positioned as a “replacement to the UAPDA” legally. So, the UAPDA amendment was untouched and not included on the House NDAA.
A lot more stuff. (65 pages, instead of 1) And it must pass with minimal changes.
It now makes a bit of sense to me if Mike Turner was telling the truth about them not calling him. They didn’t need to. They submitted the NDAA without the UAPDA in its entirety, making no suggested changes to it. The next step is for a Bi-Cameral NDAA Conference Committee to reconcile both the House and Senate version of the bill. The conferees are members from the House Armed Services Committees and some Ranking Members from other committees. The conference Is meant to reconcile both NDAAs into one big document using reps from across both sides of Congress to figure it out.
The Senate passed the UAPDA 75-25 in their NDAA, but the House didn’t have anything to say about it. They didn’t even suggest changes to the legislation itself. Gaetz said he thinks the Burchett amendment is better than the UAPDA. So what. They didn’t position the Burchett Amendment to challenge the UAPDA in ANY WAY legally.
The Conferees will get together and reconcile the NDAA. This is far from over, in a good way. Continue to advocate for the UAPDA, IAA AARO UAP Provisions, and you guessed it THE BURCHETT AMENDMENT. There’s no reason we can’t get the data for the Tic Tac earlier than next Christmas. He did introduce his amendment first, by the way.
I’ll provide a list of the Conferees below and continue to add links of their names highlighting allies of Disclosure. But first my speculative thoughts:
They’re going to strip the Eminent Domain; we know as much. Maybe they restrict the SAP FOIA rights. Burchett and the UAP Caucus gets a win on bringing forth the data on The Tic Tac, The Gimbal, and the other public cases at the start. And the UAPDA Review Board is rolling forward with their Controlled Disclosure Plan. I think something awesome is happening. This is Bipartisan politics figuring it out over a serious topic for the public. Mike Turner is an outside Conferee. But there are quite a few allies on the Conferee list. It appears that they are setting up Mike Rogers to be Republican leadership that helps pull this together.
You thought Republicans would let Democrats solo claim Disclosure? Not a chance.
I think I hit the top few. Please feel free to make points in the comments and let's talk this out! To be clear, I believe we should fight for every single piece, and I think we should keep both amendments exactly as they are. But we need to prepare for the idea that there is legislative compromise, so I think it's important to discuss a few so that no one panics.
  1. Eminent Domain. As I've written about, I don't believe we need it. They are banned from everse engineering UAPs based on the IAA AARO provisions and the info we got earlier from Steve Bassett makes it clear they secured the "IP" concerns behind close doors. AARO Director will be able to stop ALL unauthorized funding toward UAP activities. So as soon as this passes, we are good because Congress and the Exec Branch via AARO Director got control of the purse.
  2. Ability to FOIA certain SAPs. The UAPDA Review Board wont be able to FOIA certain SAPs. This is okay. AARO IAA UAP provisions lock down mandatory centralized reporting. The SAPs removed will be stuff that the civilian board probably shouldn't be able to dig too deeply into anyways for Security Risks. The UAPDA are there as archivists and to disseminate the information in a structured way. The UAPDA can still gather what they need and roll Disclosure out for the historical info and tell the story. We may not know the last 20-25 years, but we will know significantly more about the first 60. As long as congressional oversight and the Whitehouse are both involved in oversight of this, I'm fine with the restricted FOIA access. As we've all seen, FOIAs can sometimes be very fruitless in this topic anyways.
  3. Republicans and Democrats. Both parties have been pushing this. They need to come together in order to show unity and roll this out to the American public. They needed to pull it into the Conference in order to have it be a "round table" of leadership from both chambers and most committees discuss this. It may take some time, but this is where it was going to be decided anyways
Gaetz, Burchett, and Luna (and others) are referred to as the UAP Caucus. There are Democrats and Republicans working together on this. There are members that said these things are “either angels or manmade” a couple months ago. Now they’re saying there is propulsion that can change all of our lives after a shady meeting with the DoD IGs. They have been fighting for this in many ways.
This is politics. Don’t play into the immediate reaction of calling out recent allies and immediately start with political division. Remember these people have to speak to their voters and make this digestible for their constituents. What they say, and what they do, can be different. Keep eyes on the people that have been identified as blocking this. But remember that the other ones have to safe face and find a way to facilitate what’s to come.
The most important thing is to keep focus on letting your Reps know you want Disclosure. If that means you need to call Burchett, all is well but I think we should avoid the immediate mudslinging just because he shares party affiliation with some of the "known opposition". We will never be able to pull this together if we can't all get past some of our differences for a moment. We need to agree on Disclosure. It won't happen if we are immediately yelling at the other side. Talk this one out.
Tell your friends about this, this is going to be on the world stage next year. You’re all here early yo, congratulations.
Members of Congress who are officially appointed to the conference committee. Core conferees are typically members of the House Armed Services Committee or the Senate Armed Services Committee, as these committees are directly responsible for drafting the NDAA. They have a direct role in the negotiation and drafting of the final conference report, which is the agreed-upon version of the bill that both the House and Senate vote on.
List of Democratic Core Conferees - 4 Interesting
- Rep. Adam Smith, Ranking Member
- Rep. Joe Courtney) - Interesting
- Rep. John Garamendi
- Rep. Donald Norcross
- Rep. Ruben Gallego - Interesting
- Rep. Seth Moulton
- Rep. Salud Carbajal
- Rep. Ro Khanna
- Rep. William Keating
- Rep. Andy Kim)
- Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
- Rep. Elissa Slotkin - Interesting
- Rep. Mikie Sherrill - Interesting
- Rep. Veronica Escobar
List of Republican Core Conferees - 3 Interesting, 2 Uh ohs, 1 Huh, and 1 Confused
- Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL)) - Uh oh
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC))
- Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
- Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA)
- Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA))
- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) - Huh
- Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
- Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS)
- Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)) - Interesting
- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) - Interesting
- Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) - Uh Oh, this guy wants to shoot them down
- Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)
- Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI)
- Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL)
- Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) - Uh Oh and Interesting? He's confused
- Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)
- Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)
- Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX)
- Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
- Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) - Interesting
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
These are members of Congress who are not officially part of the conference committee but have interest in the legislation. Outside conferees do not have a formal role in the conference committee, they can influence the process through lobbying and discussions. Their input can be important for aspects of the NDAA that intersect with the areas covered by other committees, such as finance, foreign relations, or intelligence.
List of Outside Conferees
- Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04), House Committee on Education and the Workforce
- Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Chairman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), House Committee on Financial Services
- Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03), House Committee on Financial Services
- Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Rep. Richard McCormick (GA-06), House Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Chairman Michael Turner (OH-10), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Laurel Lee (FL-15), House Committee on the Judiciary
- Rep. Jerry Carl (AL-01), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), House Committee on Natural Resources
- Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
- Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10), House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
- Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19), House Committee on Small Business
- Rep. Mark Alford (MO-04), House Committee on Small Business
- Chairman Sam Graves (MO-06), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
- Chairman Mike Bost (IL-12), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
- Rep. Morgan Luttrell (TX-08), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
  1. Write your Governors
  2. Write your Reps (Create an effective template, resist.bot)
  3. Declassify UAP
  4. UAP Caucus
  5. Disclosure Diaries
  6. The Disclosure Party
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2023.11.30 01:17 GEMINI52398 Favorite Rock albums of the 2020's so far?

Mine are in no particular order besides the first one :
Nothing More - Spirits
The Pineapple Thief - Versions of the Truth
The Pretty Reckless - Death by Rock and Roll
Royal Blood - Typhoons & Back to the Water Below
Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman...
Dorothy - Gifts from the Holy Ghost
Badflower - This is how the world ends
The Glorious Sons - Glory
Porcupine Tree - Closure/Continuation
Deftones - Ohms
Death from Above - Is 4 Lovers
M.A.G.S. - Say things that matter & Destroyer
Foo Fighters - Medicine at Midnight & But Here We Are
The Rolling Stones - Hackney Diamonds
Godsmack - Lighting Up the Sky
Sleep Token - Take Me Back to Eden
Wet Leg - Wet Leg
The Black Keys - Delta Kream & Dropout Boogie
Hollywood Undead - Hotel Kalifornia
Black Country, New Road - For the first time
Chevelle - NIRATIAS
Three Days Grace - Explosions
Highly Suspect - The Midnight Demon Club
Bruce Springsteen - Letter to You
The Killers - Imploding the Mirage & Pressure Machine
Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary Man & Patient Number 9
Avenged Sevenfold - Life Is But a Dream…
Manchester Orchestra - The Million Masks of God
Teenage Wrist - Earth is a Black Hole
Alter Bridge - Pawns & Kings
Fontaines D.C - A Hero's Death & Skinty Fia
The Black Angels - Wilderness of Mirrors
Ghost - Impera
Interpol - The Other Side of Make-Believe
Therapy? - Hard Cold Fire
Crosses†††- Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete.
IDLES - Ultra Mono, Crawler & Tangk
Depeche Mode - Memento Mori
Rival Sons - Darkfighter
Spoon - Lucifer on the sofa
RHCP - Unlimited love & Return of the Dream Canteen
Lenny Kravitz - Raise Vibration
Black Foxxes - Black Foxxes
The Gaslight Anthem - History Books
White Reaper - Asking for a Ride
Tigercub- The Perfume Of Decay
The Strokes - The New Abnormal
Blue October - This Is What I Live For & Spinning the Truth Around 1&2
Daughtry - Dearly Beloved
Papa Roach - Ego Trip
Seether - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down
Goodbye June - See Where The Night Goes
Whiskey Myers - Tornillo
Starset - Horizons
Bruce Soord - Luminescence
The National - First Two Pages of Frankenstein
The Flaming Lips - American Head
Fall Out Boy - So Much (for) Stardust
Stereophonics - Oochya!
Måneskin - Teatro d'ira: Vol. I & Rush!
Kaleo - Surface Sounds
Volbeat - Servant of the Mind
submitted by GEMINI52398 to Music [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 17:47 sonofabutch November 27, 1947: Joe DiMaggio edges out Triple Crown-winner Ted Williams for the A.L. MVP by a single point. One mysterious voter left Ted Williams entirely off the ballot. Years later, Williams named the writer in his autobiography. But he named the wrong guy!

In 1947, Ted Williams led the major leagues in bWAR (9.5), walks (162), on-base percentage (.499!), OPS (1.133), and OPS+ (205), and the American League in runs (125), home runs (32), RBIs (114), batting average (.343), and slugging percentage (.634). It was the second Triple Crown of his illustrious career.
Joe DiMaggio had, by his standards, not great year in 1947: .315/.391/.522 (.913 OPS), 20 HR, 97 RBI, 154 OPS+. His 4.7 bWAR was 10th in the American League that year, and 6th among batters. (Not that it mattered as much -- the Cy Young Award wasn't introduced until 1956, so pitchers didn't have a separate award.) In terms of BWAR, it was the third-worst season of DiMaggio's career, the worst being 1951 (2.9) and then 1949 (4.3). His best season was 9.3 bWAR in 1941, the year he won his second of three MVP awards. The first came in 1939, when he led the majors with 8.3 bWAR. In terms of OPS+, it was his 7th best season out of 13.
In fact, DiMaggio wasn't even the bWAR leader on his own team -- Tommy Henrich had 5.1 bWAR, hitting .287/.372/.485 (.857 OPS) with 16 home runs and 98 RBIs.
Yet DiMaggio won the MVP!
So why did DiMaggio win in 1947 instead of Williams?
A few theories:
In his 1969 autobiography, My Turn At Bat, Williams identified the writer who did not vote for him was Melville Webb of the Red Sox hometown paper, the Boston Globe. (Webb had died in 1961.) Since then many publications routinely cite Webb as the offending writer. It's such a great story... left off the ballot, not by a conniving New Yorker, but by his own newspaper!
Webb, a 71-year-old curmudgeon, was definitely a likely candidate. He had reportedly had argued with Williams that season and it was easy to believe he had his revenge by leaving the Splendid Splinter off his ballot. But, according to an article in The Sporting News in 1993, it turned out it wasn't Webb who didn't vote for Williams, because Webb didn't vote that year!
It was another writer who left off Williams. In 1948, a Boston Globe writer named Harold Kaese made a deep dive into the voting with an article called "Baseball's Biggest Joke."
According to Kaese, three Boston writers voted in 1947: Joe Cashman of the Boston Daily Record, Burt Whitman of the Boston Herald, and Jack Malaney of the Boston Post. All three complained bitterly about Williams being left off the ballot.
Kaese said the mysterious voter who left Williams off the ballot was "a Mid-Western writer" but wouldn't identify him.
Whoever it was, when the votes were tallied, Williams received 201 votes, and DiMaggio 202... a difference of just one point. (DiMaggio did receive more first place votes, 8 to 3... in fact, Yankee closer Joe Page received more first place votes than Williams, with 7. Williams's three first-place ballots tied for third with yet another Yankee, first baseman George McQuinn.) Third place overall that year went to Lou Boudreau of the Cleveland Indians with 168 points, followed closely by Page at 167.
There were 24 eligible voters, and each voter could put 10 players on the ballot. A first place vote counted for 14 points, second was 9, third was 8, fourth was 7, and so on, all the way down to 10th place being worth a single point. So if the writer had given Williams a 10th place vote, he would have been tied with DiMaggio, 202-202, and presumably been named co-MVP, as happened in 1979 when Willie Stargell of the Pirates and Keith Hernandez of the Cardinals tied with 216 points each.
If the voter put Williams on his ballot at 9th place or higher, he wins outright.
However... DiMaggio also was left off the ballot not just by one, but by three writers. But given he finished 10th in bWAR that year -- not that anyone knew about bWAR at the time -- that's more justified than leaving off Williams. But still, 10th place in bWAR is a pretty good season, especially considering he missed all of April. Was it right to leave him off entirely as well?
So who were the players who got the votes that Williams, and maybe DiMaggio, should have received?
Washington's Mark Christman got, inexplicably, 4 points. The 33-year-old shortstop for the second-to-last place Washington Senators played in just 110 games and hit .222/.287/.281 (60 OPS+). Another was shortstop Eddie Joost of the fifth place Philadelphia Athletics, who hit .206/.348/.330 (88 OPS+) while leading the league in strikeouts.
And then there's Yogi Berra, who received 18 points. Looking back, we can say... hey, that's Yogi Berra, of course he deserved some votes. But he wasn't Yogi Berra yet... literally. (The following year, his 1948 Bowman card identifies him as "Larry (Yogi) Berra".) In 1947, Berra was a 22-year-old rookie who played in just 83 games, hitting .280/310/.464 in 293 at-bats as a catcheoutfielder.
Williams got a little revenge in 1949 when he won the MVP, his second, after hitting .343/.490/.650 (1.141 OPS) with 43 home runs and 159 RBIs. Once again he led the league in bWAR (9.0) as well as OPS+ (191). DiMaggio actually beat him in batting average that year, hitting .346... but in only 329 plate appearances as he missed the first 65 games of the season with a bone spur in his right heel, then another two weeks in September with pneumonia. DiMaggio didn't have enough at-bats to qualify for the batting title; it went to George Kell of the Detroit Tigers, who hit .3429 to Williams' .3428, denying Williams of an unprecedented third Triple Crown by a single hit!
submitted by sonofabutch to dirtysportshistory [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 04:21 Quirtz999 ReUnion [SMP] [Vanilla] {1.20.X}

IP: play.reunionsmp.com Discord: https://discord.gg/DXNQvtpjNe
Current Version: 1.20.x Sequel to Union SMP: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1's video where he tried to ask for op on Minecraft servers. Vanilla: While the server does have claims, homes, graves, mob & player heads and a player economy, I still consider it almost entirely vanilla. Market: The only item that you can sell to the server are diamonds which sell for $100 each. There is a market at spawn where players can create shops and sell items to other players using this money. VIP: There is a single donation rank on the server called VIP with mainly cosmetic changes as we are anti-PTW. This primarily supports paying for the server host costs. Feel free to donate as much as you would like but a minimum of 5 USD will earn you the vip rank. Rules: Do not make annoying claims. Harrasment and bullying are not tolerated. Griefing is not allowed anywhere. Please use english and be civil in chat. No using cheats, x-ray, or exploits. Minor duping such as sand or carpet duping is allowed. Server Host Hardware: Ryzen 9 5950X 4Tbps+ DDoS Protection Included 3 Dedicated Logical Cores 10GB DDR4 Memory 220GB NVMe Storage Mod Team: Owner - Go_ing Admin - Brackern, Foxy75 Moderator - Olive_Oil02, Vibe Foxx, JustinThe1
submitted by Quirtz999 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 04:18 Quirtz999 ReUnion [SMP] {Vanilla} {Java}

At Server Spawn

Current Version: 1.20.x
Sequel to Union SMP: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1's video where he tried to ask for op on Minecraft servers.
Vanilla: While the server does have claims, homes, graves and a player economy, I still consider it almost entirely vanilla.
Market: The only item that you can sell to the server are diamonds which sell for $100 each. There is a market at spawn where players can create shops and sell items to other players using this money.
VIP: There is a single donation rank on the server called VIP with mainly cosmetic changes as we are anti-PTW. This primarily supports paying for the server host costs. Feel free to donate as much as you would like but a minimum of 5 USD will earn you the vip rank.
  1. Do not make annoying claims.
  2. Harrasment and bullying are not tolerated.
  3. Griefing is not allowed anywhere.
  4. Please use english and be civil in chat.
  5. No using cheats, x-ray, or exploits.
  6. Minor duping such as sand or carpet duping is allowed.
Server Host Hardware:
Ryzen 9 5950X
4Tbps+ DDoS Protection Included
3 Dedicated Logical Cores
10GB DDR4 Memory
220GB NVMe Storage
Mod Team:
Owner - Go_ing
Admin - Brackern, Foxy75
Moderator - Olive_Oil02, Vibe Foxx, JustinThe1
submitted by Quirtz999 to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]
