Describing words that start with v

Words that start with t

2016.12.16 02:25 Lil_Bits Words that start with t

Words that begin with the letter t.

2012.01.22 14:11 stesch memesAndJokesAboutEverythingProgrammingAndCS

For anything funny related to programming and software development.

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2024.05.14 22:40 adamr_z How We Acquired Our First 50 Users for the consumer app

Hey fellow entrepreneurs!
My co-founder and I were recently successful in acquiring 50 people to the private beta of our new consumer fitness/gaming app so I figured I'd share what worked for us in case it helps others.
First, a little background...
The idea for was born out of a desire to apply gamified techniques to the health and fitness journey.
Fitness can often feel like a grind, with progress taking time to become visible. We wanted to create an app that helps users see and feel improvements, even when they’re not immediately noticeable in real life.
Additionally, we wanted to leverage AI to provide a unique, interactive experience that benefits users’ fitness journeys.
I remember one day at the gym, feeling frustrated with my progress, and thinking, "There has to be a way to make this more fun and engaging."
That's when the idea of battling AI-driven villains as part of a fitness routine really clicked for me.
Actionable Step: Define Your Inspiration and Goal
Defining Our Target Audience
As someone deeply involved in health and fitness, with notable achievements in CrossFit and a lifelong passion for gaming, I built for people like me.
This approach ensured that the app met the needs of our initial user base effectively. I figured if it was something I would use and enjoy, there would be others out there just like me.
For consumer-focused startups, especially those being bootstrapped, I believe it’s essential for the founders to be the target audience. It allows you to move MUCH quicker and not be overly concerned with market research.
I tested this assumption by talking to friends at the gym and fellow gamers, asking if they would find an app like this useful and fun.
Actionable Step: Know Your Target Audience
Early Marketing and User Acquisition
Initially, we needed to validate that the primary engagement loop was, well engaging 🙂.
We started by reaching out to friends in various fitness communities who also had an interest in gaming - literally DMing them and asking them to give our alpha a shot. Here was one of the initial messages:
Yo D! Would love your help in Alpha testing Here's the link to download the app:
The invite code is "alpha" (all lower case)
The alpha will last 2 weeks and have two surveys to fill out. If you can hang with the app and fill out both surveys will hook you up with a free shirt
The alpha is SUPER limited in features. Basically we're testing:
  • Do people "get it" (kind like D&D it's a little complicated)
  • What bugs exist?
  • Is the primary game-play loop enjoyable? (battling villains, influenced by your exercise)
This approach helped us secure the first 15 to 20 users.
To hit our goal of 50 for our beta, we capitalized on the timing by releasing it at the beginning of the year (new years resolutions and whatnot), leveraging my social media presence to invite more people to try the app.
The timing, coupled with the growing interest in AI, helped us reach our goal of 50 users.
I vividly remember posting about our private beta on Facebook, hoping for a few responses, and waking up to dozens of messages from people eager to try it out. It was a thrilling moment that showed me there was real interest in what we were building.
Actionable Step: Validate with Friends and Community
Effective Strategies and Platforms
One effective strategy was limiting the number of users who could join the private beta, creating a sense of urgency.
Facebook was the primary platform for user acquisition, given its algorithm and the personal connection it offers.
We also created a Facebook group for, which allowed us to collect feedback, share updates, and engage with users in a private community. This approach fostered a sense of exclusivity and community among early adopters.
People love to feel like they're part of something exclusive, and this really drove engagement.
Actionable Step: Leverage Timing and Social Media
Engaging with Early Users
Engaging with early users primarily through the Facebook group was highly effective for us.
In particular, polls were excellent ways of gathering valuable feedback. Most posts to the group didn't get a ton of engagement, but when I posted a poll, it was easy for people to give feedback.
Actionable Step: Utilize Social Media Groups
Acquiring your first 50 users can definitely be challenging, but through a combination of timing, value-proposition and putting ourselves out there, we were able to do it and gather great feedback along the way.
Hopefully this helps some of you get your initial users!
submitted by adamr_z to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 straightkissingenbys How should i go about telling my friend their actions/description of events are upsetting to me?

Hello, recently, my friend had a handful of self described "silly episodes" (bursts of high energy). However, the way they talk about it is upsetting to me.
I (18 male) am suffering from bipolar type 2. I have a friend (18 non-binary) who's been going through a long depressive episode. But recently, they had a handful of huge energy bursts where they acted super hyper and a bit out of character. These bursts mostly lasted around 60 minutes, with one of the longer ones being about 2 hours. However, after the first time this happened, they talked to a friend about the situation whilst I was present (and a part of the conversation). They mentioned what they experienced and that they were "very silly" (their words, not mine).
However, this rubbed me the wrong way a bit because they almost seemed proud, or rather show-offy about it. They continued to mention this event multiple times to multiple different people in different conversations, mostly out of the blue, where they made some random joke and would go over to talking about them "being silly" by saying something along the lines of "maybe I should get very silly again." A couple of friends have jokingly said that those events sound like manic depression (those friends don't know I have bipolar.).
I should mention that, judging from my own experiences, I wouldn't have said/guessed that these bursts were a manifestation of bipolar, as, as far as I know, from personal experience, online research, experiences made by friends with bipolar, for some reasons, one being that they were aware they were being "silly" while that was going on, and they always felt it about 10-30 minutes before that they were going to "get silly" (as you might have noticed, I'm really not a fan of that expression). Also, the general circumstances/particular happenings of these "silly episodes" (as they have sometimes called them) didn't give off the same vibe/energy as manic episodes from people I know.
However, the problem I have is not that I wouldn't believe them that they have bipolar, or that these episodes were mania (obv. I'm not a licensed therapist and everyone's experience is never the same etc...). My problem is that it feels like they treat it as a joke, or as something that's just funny to them (I'm not trying to say they are faking this, even if they were, I'd rather believe it not to be true. Also, they don't really have a reason to fake something like this). Whenever they talk about it, it triggers me to a certain extent, I get a bad feeling in my stomach, my mood is instantly ruined and i generally feel upset, you get what I'm saying. I also really really dislike them almost acting/talking like a child when they say "I think I'm going silly again." However, since they ARE going through a hard time, I don't know whether to wait to tell them, which could be a long time at which point there's no point at bringing this stuff up, or I could tell them now... however, I don't even know what to exactly say, as I, besides a couple of things listed here, don't even really know why it triggers me so much/why I dislike it so much when they talk about this the way they do.
Do y'all have any advice and tips I could use? What do you guys think should I do? And how should I talk about this to them?
TL;DR: I have bipolar type 2 and my friend, who's been depressed, had sudden hyper episodes. They joke about it, calling it "being silly," which triggers me. Unsure whether to talk to them now or later, as it's upsetting. Any advice?
submitted by straightkissingenbys to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:39 Agreeable_Orchid5337 My time with a covert narcissist

When I met her, she and I became friends immediately, she was sweet and nice and she was understanding cause I tend to over share and she actually was there for me, this was 4 years ago. I was in 12th and now we are graduating from the same university.
We were never in the same classes even though we had the same courses, she used to call me to hangout with her in semester 1 and 2, I used to refuse every time and that died down, I met a bunch of good people along the way until semester 4. She and her guy were fighting and she “needed” me as a support, I left everything for her, I spent every day and night talking to her since. She used whine when I made plans with my other friends and unnecessarily bitch about them and when I got uncomfortable, she told me that I was “no fun” anymore, so I dropped them.
She ranted every single day. It was always about her fighting w her ex or her not liking someone, unnecessarily commenting about someone’s body, the way they dressed, everything. I used to feel uncomfortable but didn’t say anything cause she’d somehow make me feel guilty? Made me date her ex’s friend even though I wasn’t into him? And she blamed me for that not working out?
I knew her whole life story? And she’s claiming that I hide things from her but whenever I talk she ends up talking about herself? Up until 1 semester, I was very very insecure about my body and decided to change that, I lost weight and she used to make these very subtle passive aggressive comments sometimes and never once asked about my progress. She was very good at this tho, make me feel special but then asserting unnecessary dominance and trying to compete? The day I cut her off, she used her trick of guilt tripping me and then called right back and started crying and apologising.
But I made a list of (few out of all) things that struck out for me as soon as I cut her off:
  1. Bitched about my friends and guilt tripped me into isolating myself from them by telling me that I chose them over her even tho I spent most of my time w her
    1. Then tries to “push me towards them(my friends)” after a they tried talking to me and I stopped responding to them because she used to convince me not to? And now she wants me to reconcile with them even tho I told her they were done w me lol
    2. Bitches about every person and acts all sweet and nice to them.
    3. Expects me to be loyal and hate the people she hates (she’s very problematic, in the sense she had problems with everyone who were close to her and made it seem like they were the problem and everyone believed it??) but when I dislike someone to a point it irks me, she tells me that that person helped her a lot. Double standards.
    4. Never accepts faults.
    5. Everything is an act.
    6. The most insecure person I’ve ever met and never told me about their true feelings? (I thought I was insecure until her)
    7. Wants me to just validate her feelings and god forbid I ever give her an advice.
    8. Claims to having done everything for me during our friendship. Being there for me exactly 2 times when I have been with her and for her numerous times over the span of 4 years.
    9. Got into a relationship because she wanted to go on double dates with her former bf and his bf w me, was in a week long relationship and he lost interest and told it to her and she chose to humiliate me when I got drunk and chose to tell me on the day of my first ever concert.
    10. Conveniently chooses what is right or wrong.
    11. Talks about herself 23/7. The one hour in a week is what I talk in total, I am her emotional support dog.
    12. When I confronted her about her not knowing me, she used sarcasm to deflect the situation on to me, making me feel like the crazy one. Never tried to know who I was.
    13. My surname is known to have money, so if a person who is popular and has my surname or doesn’t have it, according to her, they are talking to me only because I have that surname.
    14. Says that she’s happy that I’m not like other girls she mentioned by saying that I’m happy for her for all the things she’s bought or done and the fact that I pay for my share every single time cause I don’t like owing someone money and relates that to herself but in reality, she’s just like the “other girls” she’s mentioned.
    15. I’m not allowed to go out every Saturday like she does but I am allowed to go sometimes, that’s on a very rare occasion and most of the time it’s with cousins and my elder sister.
    16. Went on an international trip w cousins and she constantly told me that she wants to go to the exact same place w her friends, never once asked me for the pictures of my trip just kept whining about how she hasn’t been there?
    17. When she got caught cheating on an exam, her own (former) boyfriend did not go with her to solve it or be there for her, instead I went so that she doesn’t feel bad, didn’t eat my lunch didn’t study for the exam we had in an hour, and she thanked me. When I got caught for the first time recently, she left knowing that our mutual told her that I got caught and when I told her that it was sad that she didn’t even wait for me she gave me reasons and excuses as to why she couldn’t. If I were in her place, she would be fuming rn and would use that against me in a fight. This was the one that pushed me off the cliff to be very honest.
    18. She knows all my weak and trigger points. She loves to use the word “disappointment” whenever I missed one of her rants/fights
It’s been a month (officially) that I stopped talking to her, cut her off completely? And I’ve never felt better? I felt like I used to be in an abusive relationship? But what actually inspired me to write this post and make it public is because she told people things that I confided with her and it triggered me. And thank you to that one Redditor whose stories have resonated with me and helped me get through this.
Thank you for hearing me out and please do give advices on how to effectively not give a shit about her. If any of you want to share your experiences, you’re always welcome.
submitted by Agreeable_Orchid5337 to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:37 CommercialTop5924 Approaching a Gym Girl

I(23M) have been going to a gym since 2-3 months and I noticed a girl who is quite attractive and I felt if something can work out between us. I am that typical introvert shy guy who may not cross their comfort zone to take the step. For like a month, it was just that looking at her for maybe 1-2 second ensuring that its not staring and she doesn't realise if I'm looking at her. I even tried to approach by going towards her, but all of a sudden I take a step back, and game over! After a couple of days, I realised that the guy coming along with her in the gym might be her boyfriend, so I stopped even that 1-2 second gaze and started focusing more on the workout and that indeed started showing results in the physique.
And of course, I am actually working out seriously in the gym and not just into those things. So, recently I saw noticing some new type of things since couple of weeks. As I started noticing improvement in my physique, she started looking at me when I do some workout especially something where heavy weights are used. And not just she, but some other girls as well! And day by day, I noticed her looking at me more frequently. At first, I was curious to think that despite having a boyfriend(My Assumption) coming along, she is looking at me. I guess, she realized that I came to know that she was looking at me. so for couple of days she stopped looking for a while which started again after some days. For couple of days, when her guy was not coming, the frequency of her looking at me was even more. And after couple of days, we had an unintended interaction on the music played on the speaker. Then, I realized, now I should approach her and not to worry about the comfort zone. From like asking about equipment things, I should make a way ahead. Couple of days back, I finally made the move by like introducing myself and surprisingly she was telling more about herself than what I was telling about me and was asking more about me. And after listening to her words it sounded like she might be interested, but expects me to take the step.
Now, what I think is that I may be getting misleading into this and catching wrong signals. Yes, I do have a thing for her, but not in a serious way. Its just that at least having an interaction with a hot chick. What I'm confused with is, if I am going right into this and continue more and more interaction or what I'm thinking might be true? And if, she is interested, how should I continue interactions, how to approach without looking creepy considering where I come from - introvert personality?
I am still focusing in my workout and its being improved day by day. So, I do have a faith that these events aren't affecting my workouts in any manner.
submitted by CommercialTop5924 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:37 Adventurous-Fly-1877 Huge Argument with Possible Nmom

I'm not really sure how appropriate my post is because I'm genuinely not sure if my mom is a true narcissist, but I needed a place to vent and this is the only thread that made sense. I know I'm not wrong, but I'm just feeling broken.
So I got out of an abusive relationship about a year and a half ago. It was the frog in boiling pot kind where there was a lot of emotional/psychological damage being done to me over a long period of time. As a result, I only realized how much danger I was in after a traumatic event and left ASAP. My ex still lurks around btw.
After watching a toxic relationship on TV, I ended up getting into a heated discussion with my mother about how difficult realizing you're being abused is and I opened up a small amount. Instead of anything meaningful coming out of it my mother accused me of not telling her everything about my abuse, and I tried to explain that she was always not in the mood to listen. Well she chose to be petty and walk away and slam her door so I went to my own room.
Less than a minute later she's following me to try to continue the conversation. I'm very angry at this point and I told her it wasn't a good time to talk and that she literally got so angry that she slammed a door. Well that went even worse because she starts saying all sorts a vile things the worst being, "Why didn't you tell your ex no as loud as you're telling me."
I lost it after that and tried to explain that what she said was extremely wrong and even explained that those words invalidate people that have been SA'd. For whatever reason she thinks the solution to this was to try to hug me. I frantically tried to get away, but she still grabbed(hugged me) despite me begging not to be touched. She tried to reason that it was ok because it was her and her intentions were good.
I fought and crawled into my room and she proceeded to ask me if I wanted her to call 911 my sister(her favorite BTW. When she wasn't in the mood to listen to me, she'd often be fine talking to my sister for hours.)
I just begged her to leave me alone and as soon as she did I called my sister first so I could explain before she outright denied anything. After a long talk my sister gave me a lot of validation. Hence why I know I'm not wrong for feeling hurt and betrayed, but I just wanted to write this down in a public space so I never forget that this happened. It's probably the first time I've ever successfully defended myself.
submitted by Adventurous-Fly-1877 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:35 Affectionate_Exit369 A friendly advice

I have spent a decent amount of time on various dating apps and have been on many dates over the years. I don’t use them anymore for various reasons but couple of advices here in case someone finds them useful.
A dating app not being able to offer you a date doesn’t say much about you, you viscerally need to start believing that. These platforms are theoretically designed to maximise the number of matches which can keep the platform’s business model up and running.
If you are someone who doesn’t get a lot of matches, trust me, the day you get 50 matches, you won’t know what to do with them. You won’t be able to have one real conversation with an individual and just fidget over all that information overload. Women go through this all the time! She doesn’t know what great things you have going on in your life or how funny you are by looking at your pictures, however great they are, since the 10 guys on your left and on your right will also have some nice pictures.
To get laid or to get a date you need to focus on Activation and Conversion. By activation I mean, maximise the number of matches and by conversion I mean, converting those matches into dates. Conversion is easy: reply fast, be interested, swear not to flirt or talk about sex until you guys meet in person and you know she is very much into you, be or pretend to be confident, and have fun on your first date like you would with your college friend. Never ask her for anything! Not her name, age, how was her day or if she is interested in going out. Just swear to not ask for anything. Just be super interested in them and talk about any random shit you care about. If you guys hit it off, she will tell you her name, address, insta handle, and her bra size. Activation is slightly difficult but try to be very sincere in your bio, experiment with puns, poems, show your artsy side, your dancing skills, avoid group photos and use videos if you can. Here you have to make sure you give out a confident vibe with subtle hints of you having a life. Your photos, your choice of words, your music choices, your dressing sense will all optimize this.
Finally, be more empathetic towards women, try to see them for what they are, standard human beings. Its not a fucking movie and no woman is looking for a kabir singh, they want a normal guy because/if they are normal.
Regardless, dating platforms are taking away the self-respect from men by making them beg, and the personality from women by ensuring they don’t need it.
Bonus tip: Delete your accounts, wait for the next time you are super happy, feeling funny/confident naturally and setup an account then. A likeable you in real life will reflect somehow on your profile too!
Stay proud, happy dating! :)
submitted by Affectionate_Exit369 to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:35 straightkissingenbys How should i go about telling my friend their actions/description of events are upsetting to me?

Hello, recently, my friend had a handful of self described "silly episodes" (bursts of high energy). However, the way they talk about it is upsetting to me.
I (18 male) am suffering from bipolar type 2. I have a friend (18 non-binary) who's been going through a long depressive episode. But recently, they had a handful of huge energy bursts where they acted super hyper and a bit out of character. These bursts mostly lasted around 60 minutes, with one of the longer ones being about 2 hours. However, after the first time this happened, they talked to a friend about the situation whilst I was present (and a part of the conversation). They mentioned what they experienced and that they were "very silly" (their words, not mine).
However, this rubbed me the wrong way a bit because they almost seemed proud, or rather show-offy about it. They continued to mention this event multiple times to multiple different people in different conversations, mostly out of the blue, where they made some random joke and would go over to talking about them "being silly" by saying something along the lines of "maybe I should get very silly again." A couple of friends have jokingly said that those events sound like manic depression (those friends don't know I have bipolar.).
I should mention that, judging from my own experiences, I wouldn't have said/guessed that these bursts were a manifestation of bipolar, as, as far as I know, from personal experience, online research, experiences made by friends with bipolar, for some reasons, one being that they were aware they were being "silly" while that was going on, and they always felt it about 10-30 minutes before that they were going to "get silly" (as you might have noticed, I'm really not a fan of that expression). Also, the general circumstances/particular happenings of these "silly episodes" (as they have sometimes called them) didn't give off the same vibe/energy as manic episodes from people I know.
However, the problem I have is not that I wouldn't believe them that they have bipolar, or that these episodes were mania (obv. I'm not a licensed therapist and everyone's experience is never the same etc...). My problem is that it feels like they treat it as a joke, or as something that's just funny to them (I'm not trying to say they are faking this, even if they were, I'd rather believe it not to be true. Also, they don't really have a reason to fake something like this). Whenever they talk about it, it triggers me to a certain extent, I get a bad feeling in my stomach, my mood is instantly ruined and i generally feel upset, you get what I'm saying. I also really really dislike them almost acting/talking like a child when they say "I think I'm going silly again." However, since they ARE going through a hard time, I don't know whether to wait to tell them, which could be a long time at which point there's no point at bringing this stuff up, or I could tell them now... however, I don't even know what to exactly say, as I, besides a couple of things listed here, don't even really know why it triggers me so much/why I dislike it so much when they talk about this the way they do.
Do y'all have any advice and tips I could use? What do you guys think should I do? And how should I talk about this to them?
TL;DR: I have bipolar type 2 and my friend, who's been depressed, had sudden hyper episodes. They joke about it, calling it "being silly," which triggers me. Unsure whether to talk to them now or later, as it's upsetting. Any advice?
(Also this is my first post here and maybe in general on reddit, hope i didnt
submitted by straightkissingenbys to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:34 FiendishCurry Cursed Art

For Mother's Day, I gave my mom a handmade paper art project. It literally took me years to do, but I knew she would love it. When I gave it to her, she cried.
And then I made the mistake of telling her that there were a lot of curse words said over that project. This project was truly one of the hardest art things I've ever done. She immediately stops praising it and crying and starts praying over it. "Father god, I pray that you remove the curses that were placed on this art. I pray that any foothold the enemy may have found through this thing, be removed. Place your divine protection around this art and keep it in good standing with you. Amen"
I didn't comment. Everything returned to normal afterward. I know my dad saw my look of disgust.
But it felt so utterly stupid and pointless. I said curse words, I didn't put a curse on the damn thing. This grown adult believes that her magic prayer will remove a magic curse from a magic art project....because some curse words were said in frustration over it. It actually makes me sad that she believe in this kind of crap.
submitted by FiendishCurry to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:33 exquisite_barbell my name is veronica- no one remembers so they call me victoria

don’t know why this happens so much but my name is veronica but for as long as i can remember, everyone seems to forget my first name and calls me victoria. it drives me insane. i understand that veronica is not a very common name but its been annoying me a lot more lately. normally id just brush it off and correct whoever on it, but lately some of my teachers have frequently called me victoria when ive had them all year and corrected them often. i’ll be honest i dont see the correlation between the two names apart from the fact that they both start with V. i dont know- im just annoyed
submitted by exquisite_barbell to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:33 Nervous_Citrus Manager constantly points out my mistakes in front of my team

tldr; my coworker became my manager and won't stop pointing out my mistakes in front of my colleagues every single day, can't quit my job
I started a job two years ago and at the time my supervisor was just my coworker. Right after training me she went on maternity leave and I was left in charge of several projects. Everything went well, I made a few mistakes but nothing major, products were delivered and we were just smooth sailing. Then after a year, she got back from maternity leave and got promoted to team manager.
She's been back for two months now and she's basically only managing me since the other people in our team are working on a separate project while she manages mine.
  1. She changed all of our processes for handling tasks, the same processes that worked just fine while she was gone.
  2. She assigns tasks only to me since she's not familiar with my coworkers' projects.
  3. Every single day (no exaggeration), she'll find something wrong in the work I did and she will point it out in our team group chat while tagging me, basically humiliating me in front of everyone.
  4. We have a shared email address for our team and she will go and read the emails I sent and then also berate me about how I worded things or whatever minor technical mistake I made.
  5. When she points out mistakes, she won't let me fix them and insists on doing it herself.
  6. She cancelled our morning team meetings where I usually ask questions to my coworkers who have more experience, leading me to make more mistakes. I asked her to bring the meetings back after she would not stop nitpicking at everything I do.
  7. She has never said thank you or given constructive criticism for any of the work I do. She reacts with a thumbs up if I do something right, and a long paragraph in front of everyone when I do something wrong.
  8. Some of the mistakes she points out aren't even mistakes but merely different interpretations where she deems her opinion is the right one, even if it's not theoretically correct.
I thought about leaving but my current situation doesn't allow me to do that right now, I have a great boss (above my manager) who I have a good relationship with and who lets me study and work at the same time, which would be hard to find in the current climate.
I'm at my wits end right now. I feel like everything I do is a mistake, every single day I get publicly scolded in front of my peers, to the point where I don't want to do any work anymore. Everything I do is apparently wrong anyway. I get nervous now doing tasks that I handled just fine before because I know there's someone scrutinizing every email I send and every minor task I do. While she was gone I had all the autonomy and everything was working fine, now I have absolutely zero autonomy and nothing I do seems to be good enough. I'm this freaking close to telling her to just do the work herself since she's never satisfied.
The only one in our team who seems to have my back is our consultant, she called out my manager when she was wrong about something she was scolding me for, and today when my manager gave me crap about an email I sent, my manager replied to her and said “you're being very controlling”, to which my manager replied “yeah it's almost like that's my job”. I need help on how to handle the situation before I completely break down.
submitted by Nervous_Citrus to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:32 matzos What to do when kids don't want to learn second language anymore?

I've been having the issue that my boys (both 5 yo, twins) do not want to learn, or speak, or listen, to English anymore.
We have this bedtime ritual where I'm reading them a story before bed, and every time I was asking if I should tell them a story in English or Polish (mother tongue) they would choose one or the other.. Until some time ago, now they don't want to read, listen, or speak in English anymore.
One is a bit more receptive than the other, but now they also have issues at preschool, because they both stopped paying attention or participating in their English classes - I guess it's because they know already some of the words and phrases, and get bored really quickly.
The only thing which I have going on with them is that they watch their cartoons in English, which is kind of sad imho... But I also don't want to force the language onto them.
I was planning that in 1 or 2 years I will start with a third language (German) but now I'm not sure anymore because I have issues even with the first foreign language.
Seeking for any advise or tips!
submitted by matzos to multilingualparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:32 Famous_Plant_486 No promo, but I'm reeling at the pride of finishing my first book!

Nowhere in here will I provide the title of my novel, but I've just self-published my debut, and I can't get over the sense of pride I have in myself. I keep going back to the Amazon page and staring at the cover, rereading the blurb, opening my ebook file and getting lost in the words. I am thrilled with how it has turned out, and that it turned out at all.
I used to write on Wattpad when I was 11-13, and I wrote 3.5 (one unfinished) full-sized books, the first three all around 70-80K words. But they were as elementary as you could expect, since I had no understanding of the fundamentals of storytelling. They never saw a single revision, never even sentence-reworking edits, and there were plot holes and inconsistencies aplenty. But I still felt like hot shit walking through school, knowing I'd written them.
And now I've just completed my novel that I began almost exactly three years ago. It started as a futuristic Sci-Fi, ended as a historical fantasy, and through the power of ~6 full rewrite revisions, I am ecstatic with its outcome. And to swell my heart even more, it was accepted into the SPFBO on the day Amazon approved its publishing.
I don't even know where to go from here, but I just wanted to share the elation of writing with others who understand. This goes out to everyone else who has finished their own story. May we all forever live in the thrill and pride of being writers :')
submitted by Famous_Plant_486 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:32 MystifiedButSeeking It's rough, sometimes

I wasn't always a believer.
In fact, I spent most of my life as an agnostic, not being overly concerned with matters of the hereafter or the existence of God. Sure, I went to Sunday school as a child and was confirmed as a teenager, but beyond that, the specifics of theology were usually banished to the recesses of my mind or treated with a dispassionate, scholarly distance. If there was a God, I figured, He would be alright with me doing my best to be kind, treat others the way I'd want to be treated and help out where I could.
That all changed when, a few months ago, my OCD that had lain dormant for years, reared its ugly head once more. Although I was at this point quite familiar with the tricks my own mind could play on me, having been to therapy and on medication years before, nothing could have prepared me for my most recent obsession: Christianity, and more specifically, Hell.
It is hard to put into words just how boundlessly, viscerally terrifying it was when the realization dawned on me that my entire life, all I'd ever strive for, all my dreams, hopes, fears and regrets could very well just be the brief prelude to infinite pain for infinite time.
When I first truly grasped the enormity of the situation I suddenly found myself in, I came within inches of shutting down as a person. I spent my days in sheer anguish, the white-hot claws of anxiety constantly deep within my guts, always a panic attack away from vomiting, all while having to keep up the semblance of a regular quotidian life. Waking up at night drenched in sweat and on the verge of a breakdown became an all-too-familiar occurrence. How could the universe, along with its creator, be so cruel, so utterly draconian as to consign anyone to infinite torture, let alone save only a select few and leave the vast majority to burn forever? How could existence itself be this terrible a curse? Why even create anything at all if suffering was to be the final state of things, once all was said and done? What kind of God would do such a thing?
Nonbelief was, of course, out of the question at this point. I was essentially turned into a Christian at gunpoint, as the stakes were just too high. I became increasingly legalistic, always worried about the state of my soul and about committing the unpardonable sin. At my worst, I considered breaking up with my non-Christian girlfriend in order to not be unequally yoked, or rebuking my gay friend for her sexuality, which until that point I'd always supported without question - both actions that would have left people I love dearly devastated, but who was I to disagree with an almighty God?
I did no such thing, however, although things only really started to improve once I got back on antidepressants, which are prescribed against OCD as well. With my constant, obsessive worrying toned down to a more manageable degree, my daily life began to be somewhat livable again. I found this subreddit and realized others had faced the same tribulations as I had. I got acquainted with the works of D. B. Hart, Julian of Norwich and other Universalists, which brought me a little spark of hope, at least.
Yet, even months later, there is a perpetual, gnawing dread in the back of my mind. What if we're wrong? What if God truly does glorify Himself through the ceaseless suffering of those in Hell? I firmly believe that no human being deserves to be tortured forever, but what if God doesn't share this sentiment? I can read the arguments of D. B. Hart in "That All Shall Be Saved" and agree with them on a rational level, but as soon as I happen across a Catholic treatise on the fewness of the saved and the massa damnata or a text like 2 Esdras 7-9, I'm right back to feeling Hellfire licking at my heels. It's hard for me to justify spending any money on hobbies or leisure activities, as that might constitute being worldly. I've even mostly stopped listening to music or engaging with fiction I used to like, and when I do anyway, I feel guilty afterwards. It pains me greatly to walk through a crowd, look at all the faces of the people and imagine them burning forever in agony along with my loved ones, myself, and untold billions more.
The bitter irony is that I like the believer version of myself more than the heathen version. I swear less, I'm generally kinder, more generous and more thoughtful - but I'm compelled to be so under pain of eternal fire. I'm very well aware that this is a struggle against mental illness just as much as against reality itself, but that knowledge doesn't - can't! - make the terror go away. I'm a hypocrite as well, because although the people close to me know of my struggle with mental illness, I haven't revealed the specifics to them or tried to convert them to at least try to spare them this terrible fate. And so I remain an anxious believer, hoping for a miracle, for anything that will help show me that this kinder, more patient God who, in the end, redeems all is indeed the one true God.
submitted by MystifiedButSeeking to ChristianUniversalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:32 eembach Help choosing parts for upgrade. $600 budget and I'm looking to upgrade CPU, 1000W power supply, build help, and maybe upgrade GPU for $500 or so if worth it.

Context: I had a PC building guru friend in the Marines who used his powers of spicy brain chemistry to know everything about both aircraft and computers.
At the end of deployment he sold me his gaming PC before starting his next build. Since then I've gotten out and he's flown off into the Hell that is senior leadership. I'd consult him but he's literally deployed right now. This almost 7 year old build needs some new parts and I turn to y'all for advice.
Important aspects:
CPU: Intel, potentially dead, it started getting OverVolt warnings and while I can probably troubleshoot down to specific issue and re-thermal paste it I'm just going to upgrade and not worry.
Power Supply: same thing, could be a potential issue, random crashes and the overvolt on CPU makes me think the girl has powered her last supply reliably.
GPU: NVIDia 1080ti, water cooled, home build pipe system
From what I understand I'll need to make sure if I buy another GPU it can fit in the same watercooling case? This is the more complicated aspect and 1080TI has aged well, so GPU upgrade is optional to me.
RAM: 64gb DD4...I'm pretty sure. Correct on the 64, I think it's 4th gen.
Motherboard: please tell me I don't need to update this. I'll have to learn so much and I have 2 kids and little time for learning, which is why I'm outsourcing for help.
Use case: purely for gaming, and not competitive gaming, COD, Valorant, DOTA, anything like that. Im gunna use this shit to chill in my freetime with Helldivers 2, Bannerlord, and Rimworld. I've got 2 kids I want to be happy when I'm done gaming for a half hour here and there.
While I enjoy nice things and feeling the purr of an engine at my fingertips, this isn't built for making money, crypto mining, data processing, or anything else. Gaming and word processors only.
Thank you guys for your time. I've spent over 10 hours trying to do pro cons of all the myriad of options and interdependencies of different aspects of builds and I'm straight lost in the sauce. I'm feeling like I'm scratching the surface and don't know how to actually CHOOSE anything.
submitted by eembach to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:31 Rude-Insurance1483 I [31M] caught my girlfriend [30F] texting some other guy on instagram, non-flirt. What should I do next?

Some general context: We've been together for 7 months, however we've been really good friends for over 8 years, we've always kind of loved each other - and we recently reconnected (last year) and hit it off, and instantly fell in love and everything felt like it was meant to be. We love each other a lot and there have been no major issues so far in our relationship.
However I knew she cheated and met with other guys during her past relationships so I had some trust issues with her.
TLDR: GF randomly mentioned a guy kept sending her DMs - turns out they were talking for months, albeit non-flirtatious. She apologized and begged me to forgive her but I feel my trust has been broken.
The story: This happened three days ago while we were getting ready to play a co-op game. That's when she randomly tells me "This guy keeps sending me DMs on instagram". I was a bit taken aback, but not really concerned and asked if she replied in any sort of way - and if not, to just reply and tell him to hit the bricks. For a bit of context, she's a musician and very good looking so she gets a lot of attention and sometimes guys send her DMs - this happened before once or twice with her just not replying, so this wasn't a major concern for me initially.
However, after my question she then fell silent and didn't verbally reply, so I persited and asked again if she replied to him or not so far. She mentioned she did and then fell silent. So I continued and asked "Then why does he still message you?". I noticed she behaved strangely and was at a loss for words and I started asking her more questions. She flusterred again and again and then I asked her if I could take a look at what the guy was saying.
She immediately panicked, trying to evade the topic, saying things like "Why should I show you my DMs, I never asked for yours", "I'm not showing you" and was visibly frustrated and trying to pushback. After a short heated conversation I asked one last time to see their conversation.
She then opened the DMs, and reluctantly handed over the phone. I then noticed a very long thread of conversation between them, dating back to last year, where the guy is asking her how are the holidays, what's she doing, and ...her replying back. The last question he asked was "So when are you coming to [CITY]? :)" which was the city she lived before, years back, and her reply "Not too soon [laugh emoji]".
Now this was not what I expected when she said "This person keeps texting me" - which was far from the truth, this in fact being an entire mutual conversation.
She then told me this person is a mutual aquaintance from her old city's group of friends, and that she's never phyisically met the guy, but knew who his name and who he was - and that's why she accepted his follow, replied and continued the conversation. She mentioned he first wrote to her before we were together and she continued the conversation out of wanting to be polite.
The texts didn't seem to include anything flirtatious from her side, apart from a hug emoji during one of her messages thanking him for the holiday greetings. However, she was replying and engaging with a person that was clearly interested in her, who she's never met and was clearly interested to know how her days went and what she's up to.
Regardless of the non-flirtatious convo, I felt betrayed and furious. She always had an issue with us keeping secrets and being loyal to each other, including being jealous of random aquantinces in my life... so this felt like a huge slap in the face and her being a major hypocrite.
We had a major fight afterwards with me telling her to go home, and that we should separate for the time being while I think things through.
Since then she apologized profusely and begged me to reconsider, including saying that she'll be 100% open to me from now on, she'll block the guy and even said she'll give me her phone pass and show me anything at any point I wish. She keeps mentioning how I'm the love of her life and the most important person she ever met, and that she cannot live without me, that she's envisioned marriage and kids with me, etc. She's called me crying a number of times and said she can't live without me and she knows that it was wrong to reply to him and talk to him but that she meant no harm and had no interest in him.
Unfortunately she also said: A) That she didn't know that the guy was interested in her (Which I think is a huge lie) B) That she hid the conversation from me because I would be mad people are sending her DMs (Which again is a dumb reason, since this happened before, she didn't reply and I was okay with it).
I asked her to be honest with me, and tell me the reasons why she did this. She said it wasn't out of a desire for attention, or an unmentioned frustration with our relationship. She just did it out of being polite.
However, IMO you don't just ask someone about their day and reply with questions when you're just "being polite".
Anyway. I'm really torn apart on what to do moving forward.
ATM I've told her I don't think things will work, and she is devastated.
I feel that she broke my trust and moving forward I'll be walking on eggshells, in a constant high-alert state. She gaslighted me and told me lies to cover up her tracks. She hid the fact that she was talking to this guy, she partially hid the fact that she was responding, and then she lied about not knowing what this guy wanted.
I also know that she loves me a ton and is really sorry for what she did.
Help me make sense of this and know what I should be doing. Thanks!
submitted by Rude-Insurance1483 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:30 OhWowMuchFunYouGuys This safest win under $5 with full breakdown why. $NOK

This safest win under $5 with full breakdown why. $NOK
I’m gonna use a word that is rare around these parts so please brace yourselves. Long term, penny stock with dividend. Today was a crazy day with FFIE, GME, AMC and KULR has ER tomorrow. So many stocks up 25%+ the memes and rides were real like it was 2020 for a minute. I congratulate all who won and had fun doing so. I mourn for those who lost lol. I have a proposition for the winners and an opportunity for the losers.
I have tried to find the perfect combination of attributes in a pennystock and it’s nearly impossible. You can get runners and pumps but nothing usually flashing green lights at all stops. I think I may have found something though. It’s not as pushed and nearly ever mentioned but it’s real and it’s all good. I believe it to be the safest investment under $5. It may not be the biggest runner or crazy yolo, but it’s the safest to make money imho.
So let’s start here ….
Nokia is a major player in the telecommunications industry, specializing in 5G networks, IoT solutions, and cloud services. The company continues to innovate, contributing significantly to global communications technology advancements.
Well that’s nice but who cares?? I agree let’s continue.
Nokia Corporation has announced the purchase of 376,363 of its own shares at an average price of €3.49 on May 13, 2024, as part of its €600 million multi-tranche share buyback program. The program, which began on March 20, 2024, aims to return value to shareholders
Okay that’s cool but what’s else?
O2 Telefonica in Germany and Nokia announced the deployment of 5G standalone core software on Amazon Web Services (). The rollout provides O2 Telefonica with ultra-low latency to deliver advanced 5G services, like extended reality and network slicing, which require instant availability and greater bandwidth capacity.
Seems fair but what about the numbers? Well those are even better.
Fair value $6
Dividend 2.61%
P/E ratio 23.5
Smashed through 200 day MA and reset the support.
Beat last earnings and will absolutely do so again in August.
If that isn’t enough to make you believe in a pennystock idk what you buy honestly. I think this is what a true value investment looks like. The P/E ratio is fair, the chart is ripping, the company just did a share buyback, brand new rollout plans with Amazon, was over $4 today with zero push and yet….the volume was double. This goes straight to $5+ with any love and stays there.
I don’t think you should yolo or anything. I believe if everyone put 15% of your portfolio here it would be the safest thing you own and pay long term on value and dividends. I know that’s not sexy but that’s security and I rather be safe than fucked.
I hope you win on whatever else you play and I hope you join me with a safety net in $NOK. It’s going to $5+, bank that shit.
submitted by OhWowMuchFunYouGuys to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:29 Majestic_Incident_27 Nancy: Femme Fatale (part 3)
Chapter 3: Breaking and Training
Nancy's eyes fluttered open to harsh fluorescent lights. She was in a new room, one starkly different from the sterile lab where she had awakened. This room was lined with mirrors and filled with an assortment of equipment—poles, ropes, and mats. The air was cold, and the scent of disinfectant was overpowering.
The door swung open, and in walked a man dressed in black. His face was stern, eyes cold. Behind him, two guards followed, their expressions blank and intimidating.
"Welcome to your new reality, Nancy," the man said, his voice devoid of warmth. "It's time to train you to become the idol you were designed to be."
Nancy felt a surge of anger and fear. She tried to stand, but her legs were shaky, her body still adjusting to its new form. The man in black approached, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her to her feet.
"Let go of me!" she shouted, trying to pull away.
Her resistance was met with a swift punch to the belly. The pain was sharp and immediate, doubling her over. She gasped for air, the wind knocked out of her, but the man was relentless. He pulled her up again, this time more forcefully, and pushed her towards the center of the room.
"You're going to learn, whether you like it or not," he growled.
The training was brutal. Nancy was forced to dance seductively, her new body put on display in front of the mirrors. Every misstep was met with punishment. When she faltered, the man would yank her back into position, his grip bruising her skin.
She was made to sing until her voice was hoarse, the lyrics foreign and humiliating. Her hands were tied above her head, her body exposed and vulnerable. They poured ice water over her, the cold seeping into her bones, making her shiver uncontrollably.
"Keep singing," the man ordered, but her teeth chattered too much to form coherent words. A sharp slap to her face made her eyes water, but she forced herself to continue, the taste of blood from her bitten tongue mixing with the cold water running down her body.
The ropes cut into her wrists, the bondage restricting her movements. Nancy's muscles ached from the strain, but there was no respite. The man took pleasure in her suffering, pushing her to her limits and beyond.
At one point, she tried to fight back, her instincts urging her to resist. But her efforts were futile. The guards were too strong, and the man too cruel. Another punch to the belly made her double over, the pain radiating through her entire body.
"Submit," he hissed in her ear, pulling her back up by her hair. "You have no choice."
The physical pain was matched by psychological torment. She was made to pose provocatively, her body manipulated like a puppet. They mocked her, taunting her with crude comments about her appearance and her new identity.
"Look at you," the man sneered, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. "So beautiful, so perfect. And yet, so weak."
Nancy's eyes filled with tears, the humiliation burning deep inside her. She hated what she had become, hated the body that betrayed her with its beauty and allure. But there was no escape from the relentless training, no way to avoid the pain.
The most twisted aspect of her training was the forced arousal. They used devices to stimulate her, driving her body to the brink of pleasure, then stopping abruptly. It was a cruel game, designed to break her will and make her associate pleasure with submission.
Her breasts were a constant target. The man used cold metal clamps to tease her nipples, sending sharp shocks of pain and pleasure through her. He watched with satisfaction as her body responded against her will, her nipples hardening, her breath quickening.
"Enjoying this, Nancy?" he taunted, twisting the clamps cruelly. "Your body certainly is."
Her face burned with humiliation, but her body betrayed her. The forced arousal was maddening, her new form hypersensitive and eager. She hated herself for the way she responded, the way her body craved the stimulation despite the pain they continued to torment her, using vibrators and other devices to drive her to the edge, then stopping just before she could find release. It was an endless cycle of frustration and humiliation, designed to break her spirit and make her submit.
In addition to the physical and psychological torture, Nancy was subjected to a strict diet plan designed to enhance her new form. She was given female hormones to shape her body further, making her curves more pronounced and her features softer.
They monitored her food intake obsessively, forcing her to eat less to maintain a slim figure. When they wanted her to gain weight in specific areas, they would force-feed her high-calorie foods until she was nauseous. If she resisted or failed to eat enough, they would force her to vomit, the guards holding her head over a basin as they shoved fingers down her throat.
Nancy's stomach churned constantly from the forced feedings and vomitings. The cycles of extreme hunger and forced gluttony left her weak and disoriented. The man would stand by, watching her suffer with a twisted smile.
"You're going to be perfect," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Every inch of you."
The hormone injections were a daily ritual. They injected her with estrogen and other hormones to accelerate the development of her feminine features. The injections were painful, leaving her muscles sore and her mood unstable. Her breasts swelled further, the skin stretched tight over the growing mammary glands. The pain was constant, a reminder of her body's betrayal.
Her hips widened, her thighs grew thicker, and her buttocks became rounder and firmer. Each change was accompanied by discomfort and humiliation, the man and his guards constantly commenting on her developing form.
"Look at those curves," one guard would say, his voice lecherous. "You're going to drive them wild."
The breaking point came when they combined physical pain with forced arousal. She was tied to a chair, her body soaked in freezing water, her skin numb and blue. The man walked around her, his presence a constant reminder of her helplessness.
"You're going to learn to dance, to sing, to seduce," he said, his voice cold and calculating. "You're going to make us a lot of money, Nancy."
She tried to shake her head, tried to refuse, but her body was too weak, her spirit nearly broken. The final blow came in the form of a harsh punch to her belly, making her scream in agony.
"Do you understand?" he demanded, leaning close to her face. "You belong to us now."
Nancy's spirit finally broke. The resistance drained out of her, replaced by a numb acceptance. She nodded weakly, tears streaming down her face. The man smiled, satisfied with her submission.
"Good girl," he said, patting her cheek condescendingly. "Now, let's start again."
The training resumed, but this time Nancy didn't fight back. She danced, sang, and posed as instructed, her mind retreating into a place of numb compliance. The pain became a constant companion, but she learned to endure it, to accept it as part of her new reality.
submitted by Majestic_Incident_27 to Nancy_Momoland_fap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:28 Initial-Cake-5359 POA/Court Question

Hello - looking for advice if anyone has been in a similar situation. Our offer was accepted on 3/28, with a close date of 4/29. We were informed that the sellers daughter's have power of attorney but the court needs to approve of the sale. Everyone assured us (lender, realtor, attorneys) that this would not drag on forever at the start of the process. Well they missed the 4/29 close date as the case had not even been submitted to the court. We did everything to expedite on our end and they just were slow to gather documents and submit everything.
Our attorney informed us that he was confident we would have court approval by the end of May so we went ahead and did a 45 day lock on our mortgage rates. Our lease expires at the end of June and we have a baby on the way due in early July so it was really important to us to have a concrete plan by the end of May.
Fast forward to today, we just got word that the court date is set for June 15th. Our attorney is trying to expedite the process but i'm not sure if we should walk away from the deal if they can't get it expedited.
The house isn't our dream house and is a fixer upper (aka stuff needs to be addressed before we move in). It's in our preferred neighborhood. We are in a competitive market (beat 15 other offers for this particular home) and have struggled to win the bid until now. However it makes me nervous to terminate our lease without court approval of the sale, we don't want to be homeless with a baby. We're tempted to walk away and just rent for another year but we don't want to make a rash decision based on emotions.
submitted by Initial-Cake-5359 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:27 Rallih_ Ultrarunners with vEDS?

I started running a few years ago and went almost straight into ultra running. But I always ended up with issues, with hips, back feet's etc. I did some good runs still. 100k under 12 hours a few times and 13 laps backyard etc. Decent for a newbie. I most probably have to stop doing longer ultra runs now due to a medical condition. I'm not sure doh. I have my first consultation in two weeks with my doctors after the diagnosis. I wanted to ask if there is others with vEDS that continued or still doing ultra running?
submitted by Rallih_ to ultrarunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 iarofey North Nortugal's song for Eurovision: Lyrics translation and explanation

The catchy North Nortughese song for this year's Eurovision quickly and unexpectedly became one of the favourites at the contest, not without much polemics. Together with South Nortugal's song, each of them receiving half points, "Nortugal" scored the 10º position with 152 joint points. But what does that song really say in Nortughese? Is it actually subliminal propaganda? Come along to discover it!

Lyrics and gloss

They are in this document: Sorry if the gloss isn't great.
Note that the blue part is in Spanish, not Nortughese. The first column has the lyrics in the Norsiac Aybuben alphabet. The second shows the romanization, which is more used by the Norsic diaspora in the West; a few orthographical rules are different between both. There are 2 official scripts in both North and South Nortugal, the other being the more phonetic Norsiac Ghestranghylo, more popular in North Nortugal, which is a modification of the Manichæan script. It would've been more proper to show the lyrics in ghestranghylo, but I went the easy way.


Since Nortughese is spoken by several communities far away arround the world and its vocabulary comes from very diverse sources, it's somehow strange for its speakers to pronounce all the official phonemes standardly. However, since the performers at Eurovision are proffesional singers, they indeed do pronounce the song prescriptively (except for /ˀ/: only Norsic Arabs can unmute it as [ʔ]), as follows:

θeɾdˈleɾ kɾeˈðjen.t̪θi

il tʰejˁmuˈɾað kʰan ˀa.ᵻːndempˈtaʦ
boˈloɾθᵻː ˈdeːmo θaɫʋˈmak
il ħaˈɾem oˈriwatʰ lə tʰejˁmuˈɾað maɾdɯ̽ˈkan
eð lə ɟent̪θ oˈriwatʰ le tʰøːjeˈlecto kʰan
poˈʋeð pʰantɑʊzˈmil estˈmak bəˈɾiːx eð dᵻːmaˈqaɾi θᵻːˈmyl
hæjmɑːnuːˈθɑː.u fɤst pɾoˈʋaθa iˈɾoːcʰ
kʰanˈzi sapst lʊøm lə hammeːˈnɑːnɑː seːˈɾømθ lɤ meˈʎoɾ (ˈθeː)
isk lə ɟɑːˈwuːɾ lɤ pejˁˈjoɾ (ˈʧeː)

i meɾˈʒjenʦ d‿alˈlɑːhɑː ˈeθin ɫ‿amenaɢoɾxunˈʤisɯ̽m
amaɾ.ʦjɵˈθisɯ̽m eð qatˁaɾameˈnisɯ̽m
ʎoˈɾaŋkʰ ˈeθin ˈxuɾʣǝ‿d ˈpʰɾiq.tˁa ˈfɾiːkᵻʰ,
¡ noicʰ ɫ‿amenamaladeˈʦisɯ̽m
do amenamaladeˈʦisɯ̽miʦ !
¡ ˈtuːða kʰe lə məzːadˈqɑːnɑː dᵻːˈɕːiɾɑʊnθ ɢiːˈtemç‿ʧi !
¡ ˀæːn koŋ.koɾˈdæːŋkʰ konˈnosq ˀe.t̪θapplɑʊˈdeː.t̪θitʰ !

ˈni teˈmetʰ ɟøθˈteɾmək ˈʋeɾo kʰjɵɾdɯ̽ˈŋːið kɾeˈðjen.t̪θe
ˈni teˈmetʰ ɟøθˈteɾmək ˈʋeɾo ˈkʰjɵɾdətan kɾeˈðjen.t̪θe
ˈtak.siː, ˈtak.siː, ˈtak.siː
daˈʋaj ˈden ˈdˁæːɕːallo ˀe.t̪θɯ̽ˈɕːil
saˈʋeð, ʒam steð di ɢɾidˈdiːl
ħaˈʦetʰ lo kʰal hammeːˈnɑːnɑː ħæːʤˈmønθ ;
konˈdusq kombaɾtiˈɾemç
aleːtʰiˈnoθ (mɔ͠ɐsˈtɾatʰ ʣeɾ)
ɑʊtʰeːndiˈkan kɾeˈðjen.t̪θe ˈθeɾd

¡¡¡ haʧ ajb men men eːta nyː ˈɑːləpʰ nyː ˈɑːləpʰ ˈħ !!!
¡¡¡ ɟøθteˈɾitʰ ˈkʰi aleːtʰɑːˈˀiːtˁ θoið !!!
¡¡¡ ˈħæː ˈi.oːta ɾøːʃ ˈæː tˁawtʰ ˈ qoːpʰ ˈɑːləpʰ ˈħ !!!
ˀəˈpiquːɾlaɾ eˈθin do pejˁjoˈɾiʦ,
¡¡¡ lɤ meˈʎoɾ ˈden noicʰ !!!

il tʰejˁmuˈɾað kʰan ˈʋa.t̪θatʰ ħjɯɪðˈɢaɾ ;
¿ sˁuːʧˈleɾɯ̽θᵻː ? ¡ ʣiˈʦelis laʰ‿ʋeɾɯ̽ˈdaʰ ! (ʋeɾɯ̽ˈda)
læjt̪θˈʊømən kɾəðelloˈi.atʰ ,
ʋoɾov.pʰjɵɾˈkʰjɵv ʎøːɾ ˈkʰjɵɾd ˈeːiɾatʰ keːθ dᵻːʃaˈriːɾa ..
i qaˈnoːnin i qaˈnoːnin eˈθin ,
eð ˈqwando‿l ˈmaɡa ˈt̪θiɲajen deˈʦiθ
lə ˈreɰɤɫɫe ˈeiθmək reːttakʰɤmˈblið
ˈstyʋetʰ tɾyɢɯ̽ˈʎendo
læjt̪θˈʊømən ˈheʧ appoʤːaðːoʧeːvˈʝiɾ ;
il ˈkʰan ˈθ‿aʝatʰ tˁaːɾeːˈdað
ˈæːθ ˈpʰast.n‿a
tʰyŋˈʋɾenʦ pəˈʋøːɾ , pʊøjʃ ˀallɑːˈhiʦ
diɾecˈt̪θjɵmb ˈʎɯɪ eːvˈʝiɾ ( ¡ wɑːwħ… ! )

i meɾˈʒjenʦ d‿alˈlɑːhɑː ˈeθin ᵻːntaˈnelica ,
baɾħewʝɑːtaˈneɾ li.oˈʋin teˈribɯ̽la
boloɾˈlaɾi ˈprostə ˈxuɾʣǝ‿d ˈpʰɾiq.tˁa ˈfɾiːkᵻʰ ‖
¡ ɟɑːwuːɾˈlaɾ qoxˈmæːn ˈqwømɤ ʧoːˈɾɑːb ˈθɯɪʁðiʰ !

Translation: The Believing Hearts

[Intro in Spanish]
Have you ever heard the story
Of dear old Khan Theymuraz?
Half human, half prophet;
Whom everyone despised.
It's a message with a moral
That should never be forgotten.
His blessing was his damnation,
But he finally accomplished his destiny…
Follow the rhythm!
[Verse 1]
Khan Theymuraz tried and tried
To save all his people;
Harem abhorred the human Theymuraz…
And people abhorred the God-chosen khan.
Can you imagine being blessed
And cursed at one time?
His faith was truly proven:
Since us believers are known to be
The best (yeah!)
And infidels the worst (nay!)
[Verse 2]
God’s rejectors are the scariest,
Sinfulest and damnedest:
They're a bunch of creepy freaks.
We're the coolest
Among the coolest!
We all know that submissives rock!
If you agree, clap yourselves with us vehemently!
Don't fear showing your true believer heart!
Don't fear showing your true believer heart!
Okay! Okay! Okay! …
Go ahead and let it out:
You know, it's being time to shout!
Do what us believers do:
We'll share with you
True (Show your)
Authentic believer heart
Show who you really are!
Skeptics are the worst,
And we the best!
[Verse 3]
Khan Theymuraz was judged;
His crimes? Showing the truths (truth)
Nobody would believe him,
Because their heart was half untrue.
Laws are laws,
And when the magi had thus decided
To make the rules be strictly enforced,
It was truculent.
Nobody had ever supported him:
The khan had to be exiled
—That's a fact—
They were scared, since he was being
By God’s route (Wouw…!)
[Verse 4]
God’s rejectors are unbearable,
Totally terrible withersakes:
All of them just a bunch of creepy freaks.
Infidels smell like dirty socks!
We all know that submissives rock!
If you agree, clap yourselves with us vehemently!
[Refrain], [Post-Refrain]

Sociolinguistic commentary

Nortughese is a mixed language native to the Norsistan region in the Levant (South and North Nortugal). It's official in 7 States and 3 territories around Eurasia, America and Africa. The basis of the standard language is Indoeuropean, with disputes about it being mostly Romance or from Old Norsic (it's own Indoeuropean branch).
In the song there are 2 words for "heart": "khërd" is the common one, from Latin, while "serd" is the learned borrowing from Old Norsic. "Khërdıñiz" & "khërdətan" also are the same (officially their suffixes aren't supposed to, but nevermind)... For "believeing", both the Romance and Syriac synonyms appear; most religious terms are taken from Syriac, which used to be the language of the Church in Nortugal. Many slang terms are taken from Russian, due to the former Soviet regime over Nortugal; they give the song colloquial and juvenile vibes. Likewise, "rhe’ttakhŏmbliz" is colloquial speech: the standard form is "rheᴥettakhŏmbliz". The song beggins in Spanish since it's a popular and fashionable language, and widely spoken by European, American and Maghrebi Norsitans, to catch the world's attention and give a message of "see? we aren't such isolationists desatached from the outer world". Vandalusia-Algarbia also presented a song in Nortughese and Spanish as well Berber, while South Nortugal used Nortughese and Nortuman Tatar this time.
The partition of Nortugal was done because of the religious division between mostly Christian South (Royal State of Nortingal, Ultramar and the Algarb) and mostly Khayyamist North (Khayyamist Khedivate of Nortingal and the Ultramar's Algarb). Both always presented a single joint song to each Eurovision contest due to the 1 Nortugal policy, but not anymore since South Nortughese singers wanted a secular song, while Khayyamism forbids all non-religious music. The chosen song, said to be composed by the Virgin (through the Crown Prince), tells the history of Theymuraz the Terrible, foreign emperor who started Khayyamism in order to end Zoroastrian-Christian disputes, so Christians and Zoroastrians united to expell him. He sought refuge in Nortugal, where gained enough followers to reconquer again its Empire and stablish a fierce theocratic autocracy based on the divine right of kings.
Feel free to ask any doubt or give some feedback, and let me know if you would like to see more future content about Nortughese!
submitted by iarofey to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 LearnHebrew Give me a call!

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2024.05.14 22:25 Budget-Soup-6887 Music in the car

What’s everyone play for music in the car? The kids are 3, 5.5, 8. The oldest doesn’t want to listen to just Disney music. The middle child could go either way. Youngest is starting to develop an opinion, but still pretty easy to persuade.
For awhile we were listening to a playlist on Apple Music called “cool family” it’s basically just clean versions of todays music. This was fine and dandy, but now the older 2 are really starting to listen to the music and ask what things mean. Even clean music is still so inappropriate half the time! It was fine for background noise, but now that we actively listen I don’t love it.
We’ve been listening to the radio 95% of the time because there’s no service around their school so my phone doesn’t work for music anyways. Which again is fine, majority of the time. Especially since we’re usually in the car during more music less talk show time. But occasionally there’s a song or a commercial that I’m like oof definitely not great.
With my last NF MB didn’t care in the slightest what they listened to. She allowed the kids to swear and she listened to whatever she wanted in front of them. They also rarely actually listened to what was on. While current NF isn’t super strict (the older 2 know all the words to Low by FLO Rida) they do prefer that the music is clean and the adult references subtle.
submitted by Budget-Soup-6887 to Nanny [link] [comments]