How long does it take to bbq a 3 lb tri tip

Pet Peeve about form UX --Endless scrolls

2024.05.24 00:37 jcc5018 Pet Peeve about form UX --Endless scrolls

Not sure if this discussion will be accepted here, but lets see.
So I am not a UX designer per se, but I am more of a developer so I have some experience in this area.
But my pet peeve that I strongly request that you designers get away from in dealing with forms has to do with long scroll boxes for things that could simply be an input field.
For example birth years, or Weight in health apps.
It takes just a few seconds to type in a 2-4 digit number, but some of the apps i have seen, particularly in gym apps, make you scroll through hundred of records---just to select a starting weight. The worst one I saw, made it even worse by including .1 lb increments. (who measures themselves by the decimal?) --Or they have a birth year that doesnt start at a good midway point such as now()- 30 yrs. I've uninstalled many apps because of poor inputs like this.
If I have to scroll something more than a 2-3 flicks of my finger to get the desired input, that is a poor user experience. So please designers, I beg you, stop trying to make things look pretty, and just give a basic input field. Or if you really really want a scroll... provide a secondary input for a user to also type in the desired value
What pet peeves do you have?
submitted by jcc5018 to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:35 nemesina77 Thinking of enrolling - HR Master's, advice?

I have a Bachelor's in History that I've done nothing with as I've been a stay at home mom for 10 years.
My husband has reached the top of his field and I honestly feel like he deserves a break from having to be the breadwinner so I'm leaning towards applying for my HR Master's.
I've seen people say they finished in two months, how long did it take you all? I realistically would like to finish in one six month term, due to the cost. Any tips to proceed quickly? I would be able to devote A LOT of time to the program, like easily 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week (probably more on the weekends and holidays).
Are the tests hard? Is there a lot of common sense knowledge or much more specialized information I might not be familiar with?
Mainly wondering how feasible this would be but also what the capstone project involves and for SHRM certification is the test cost included and did you manage to pass on your first try?
submitted by nemesina77 to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:34 overachieve5 Recently fired and looking for life and career advice. - Is there a low stress accounting job I can look for? 28M

I was recently terminated from my public accounting forensic litigation job. I think they were a bit insane how they went about it considering I always did what I was asked to do and never really had issues with anyone, but honestly I probably was one of the lower performers at my level in the office and I didn't really play the politics game like I should have to have anyone in my corner backing me up. I'm a CPA. I was at the forensic/litigation job for 2 years and did audit at B4 for 2.5 years. I got promoted to senior in audit (though I felt like i was bad at that job too and not sure how i got promoted lol, just because I'm a nice person and got lucky probably). I was making 100k in a big city. So that's my resume since getting out of college essentially.
I'm just not in a great place right now. I've been struggling with chronic pain for 2-5 years from functional dyspepsia (a gastrointestinal disease, it sucks). I get pain and discomfort practically any time I eat food, and I've seen countless doctors the past 5 years and they have had no solutions for me yet. I can only eat in very small portions to minimize pain, and I'm now a bit underweight because of this. Not saying this as some sort of sob story for sympathy I just want to tell you guys where I'm at right now. I definitely do think the daily pain has affected my work and my ability to stay motivated, especially in a job I'm just not that interested in. I know i have to just suck it up and deal with my circumstances but it's been difficult with my condition when there isn't clear answer showing light at the end of the tunnel.
Honestly I've felt like I'm just not that good at accounting since I started working. I was always above average to great student growing up but I feel like I'm at the point where I'm realizing I might just not be good or interested enough at accounting jobs, and should try to pursue something else. I feel like I really struggle staying focused, especially with difficult tasks. Although I do want to be fair to myself because I've gotten this far, and I've only done two separate types of accounting jobs and it's possible that I would excel at a different type of accounting job that isn't audit or forensic/litigation. I've been unemployed for 3 weeks.
But my reason for posting is more to ask if anyone has insight on what to do or what path to take. To be completely honest, where I'm at right now I just want a job that pays me at least decently (80k+?), but one where I can feel confident that I'm competent at the job and not in over my head. A position that wont overwhelm me or give me too long hours, I just don't think I can handle the extra stress with my condition and I want to be able to coast and be able to not feel overwhelmed so I can make money to stay afloat and figure my life out. I now people will say "you need to be more ambitious!!" but honestly I'm just trying to survive my life with pain and make a living in a job that doesn't mentally destroy me or have me on edge all the time. I don't mind plugging away at data entry or mundane type stuff.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to pursue the job search, or what path to take? I've heard indeed sucks, and the recruiters I've talked to so far haven't been that good or helpful. Is senior accountant somewhere in indursty my best bet at a lower stress job? Or Internal audit etc, or any type of public accounting? Open to any and all suggestions. I just want income so I have more time to decide how to live the rest of my life and if i want to keep pursuing accouting.
Thanks :)
submitted by overachieve5 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:33 look_who_it_isnt Motivation and Mood (1 month post stroke)

My Mom had an Ischemic stroke on the left side of her brain a little over a month ago. She spent a week in the hospital, then three weeks in acute rehab, and now she's home with us.
Before the stroke, she was physically weak and partially disabled (used a cane to walk short distances, needed a wheelchair for long ones), mostly because she had a few bouts with illnesses that had her bedbound at times and she never fully recovered from. Still, she was always as independent as possible and fully capable of taking care of herself. She's also a very smart lady who's always been very chatty and loved playing games, doing puzzles, solving mysteries, reading, studying history... all kinds of intellectual hobbies and pursuits.
The stroke left her with right-sided neglect and weakness - and exacerbated the weakness and disability she already had. She now uses a wheelchair everywhere and needs help with even the most basic tasks. She also has Expressive Aphasia and has a hard time saying much more than "yes/no/maybe" and simple greetings/sentiments (I love you, Goodnight, etc). The speech therapists who worked with her assured us that her understanding is good and her intelligence hasn't been affected by the stroke, but since the stroke, she seems only able to handle short, simple conversations (almost entirely one-sided) and doesn't show any interest in any kind of activities. She mostly just watches what's going on around her, watches TV, or stares at nothing. In spite of all this, her mood is... really, really good. Honestly, she seems more content/peaceful than she seemed in her daily life before the stroke - most likely because stress was a major factor in her having the stroke in the first place, and we're making sure all of the sources of stress are not present now. She's also suffered from OCD her whole life and that seems to be... absent? I'm not sure how that works, but am planning on asking her neurologist at our next visit with him.
The main problem we have with my mom right now is with her motivation to keep working with at home exercises. She works well with therapists; she's a gold star student, so to speak - she clearly gets into a "I have to do it, so I'll do it" mind-set and usually completes whatever tasks she's given to do. Still, she makes it clear to the therapists (and to us) that she does not like the sessions and would rather not do them. At home... She expects us to let her get away with just not doing anything. She doesn't like being told what to do by us (she's always "worn the pants" in the family in every way) and she doesn't see our directions as anything she "has" to do. If we push her, she gets angry. We've tried making things "fun" - but she shows little to no interest and as soon as anything gets difficult for her, she just stops doing it and gets upset if it's pushed.
Ultimately, my mom just seems kind of... blissfully content to continue on as she is, despite the fact that being so is contrary to everything we've ever known about her and the fact that caring for her in such a state is not sustainable for us long term (it's just me (45f, autistic) and my dad (67m, getting older every day and still working to support us all).
Is there anything we can do to help motivate my mom and get her to want to work on getting better? Or do we have to "force" it on her? Is that even morally right to do?
submitted by look_who_it_isnt to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:33 shin-chan3 Do you agree with anything Kanye says nowadays?

I mostly listen to him for the comedic value of it. My gf got me into it because apparently he makes her laugh her ass off with his rants. And i know most people, particularly within the "culture" see him as kind of demented, but even though i agree he does say a lot of stupid shit, there's value in some of the things he says.
Just now i was listening to him in a podcast where he says he turned his back on the "culture". The culture of victimization. Which i absolutely agree exists, and it's very profitable for some people. Not for the supposed "victims", but for those who convince you that you're a victim.
Then he started talking about how the "culture" victimizes you, but then it's all about spending money on stupid shit instead of making good investments, rapping about glorifying degeneracy, etc. You talk about prison reforms, but then rap about shit that will get you locked up. You complain about the police and discrimination, but then can't shut up about drugs and pimpin' hoes. You show nothing to the kids that will give them good goals in life. Look what you're rapping about. Look what you're showing in music videos. Look what gets applauded and glorified.
To me this reminds me of other problems we have in my country with certain minorities, where they claim to be victims, but they can't bring themselves to lift their own people. All they can do is bitch about being victims. Complain, complain, complain. But then happily glorify ways of life that are absolutely destructive. You don't see them pointing their fingers at their own for the dumb choices they make. You don't see them trying to educate themselves. It's all about pointing the fingers at the white man and ripping the benefits off it.
Also, historically, slavery and oppression is way more widespread than people are lead to believe. And i have a lot of experience with people that aren't black and were enslaved and oppressed for a long, long time. Some are still dealing with the consequences of it. But what i noticed is that the "victim mentality" among these people is mostly nonexistent. So, there's definitely a big cultural component to how much of a victim you feel, and how dependent you are from other's pity.
He isn't as crazy as he may seem. However, there's a big resistance to his way of approaching victimhood. And i believe he's going against a lot of people's livelihood, which is dependent exactly on victim mentality. In my country there are people who eat because they call everything racism. That's literally their job. They're part of governmental "anti racism" orgs, and what they will do is stir the pot at every opportunity.
Example: Not too long ago a group of african migrants terrorized a certain part of a city every single day. Robberies in bright daylight, aggressions, sexual assault, etc. Every day, and everyone knew who they were. Nothing was done about it. One day a group of natives decided to play vigilante and beat the living fuck out of all these migrants, after one of them attacked a preganant women. Essentially, the good old fuck around and find out. Now it's a big story about racism. That's these people's job: Turn this into a race problem. It's how they feed their family: They wait for a black guy to be beaten or insulted and claim it's racism. It's also the reason certain parties exist. Take away racism and they disappear. So you can't take away racism.
And even some artists that i do like strongly perpetuate this mentality. Kendrick is a very good example of it. Unfortunately he is one of the faces of that exact mentality. The dude even grilled a fan for saying the "n" word on stage after asking her to sing a song with him that contained that word. He's perpetuating this mentality, and you go over the Kendrick subreddit and they're all about that shit. The woker the better. Does he think he is helping his own people by humiliating a white girl on stage for doing something absolutely harmless? He isn't. He's creating division.
Bipolar Ye is Wise Ye. You can't tell him nothing.
submitted by shin-chan3 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:32 HybridAthleteGuy How I Improved My Zone 2 Running Pace By 1:30/mi in 6 Months

How I Improved My Zone 2 Running Pace By 1:30/mi in 6 Months
I see a lot of posts on this sub of people asking about Zone 2 training.
How to do it and how to improve it.
Here’s my recent experience:
I improved my Zone 2 running pace by ~1:30/mile over the past 6 months.
The craziest part?
I did it only running 1-2 days (5-15 miles) per week!
Over that same time period, my resting heart rate also dropped from 58 to 48.
And by 5k time improved from mid 21:00s to low 18:00s!
Here’s how I did it:
First off, let’s talk about how I’m defining Zone 2 for me.
My Max HR is 188 and my RHR is ~45-50.
The very upper end of Z2 for me is ~145 bpm, so my high-end target is 140-145 bpm.
Generally, I target 140 for my Z2 runs.
For Zone 1, I keep it under 130.
Here is my weekly running frequency over the past 6 months:
November: 1-2 days (Z2 runs) December: 2 days (Z2 runs) January: 0-1 days (Z2 run) February: 1 day (intervals) March: 1 day (intervals) April: 0-1 day (Z2 run) May: 2 days (1 Z2 + 1 interval) Weekly mileage: 5-15.
I didn’t run more than 10 miles in a week until 3 weeks ago.
So how have I improved my aerobic endurance so much with such little running?
Zone 1 stationary biking.
If you think Zone 2 feels too slow and easy, wait until you try Zone 1.
It feels like an absolute waste of time that can’t possibly improve your fitness in the slightest.
The magic of it is that it has virtually all of the same benefits as Zone 2 training, but the intensity is much lower, and therefore, it is far easier to recover from.
Most importantly, it’s much easier to do a high volume of it.
Especially if you're trying to maintain/gain strength, Z1 training is a true cheat code/miracle/lifesaver.
I can do 1-2 hours of Zone 1 biking and I feel no negative effects from it when lifting.
It’s crazy.
I still can’t believe it took me 15+ years to figure this out.
Alan Couzens was my inspiration for trying this training method.
What could have been if I had accepted this in my early 20s…
Anyway, what does Z1 biking look like for me?
For the most part, 115-120bpm.
Again, this is absurdly easy.
I do the majority of my training on a Concept 2 bike at home or an Echo Bike when I'm at work.
And I spend that time reading books on my phone.
It’s pretty awesome.
And now that it’s sunnier outside, I’m really loving spending an hour or two outside reading books while also improving my fitness.
It’s a win-win-win.
The only downside to this type of training is that it's time-consuming.
Very time-consuming.
That said, if you have the time and truly want to improve your endurance over the next several years, you must start spending as much time as possible doing Z1 (and Z2) training.
Here is what my Z1 bike training has looked like over the past 6 months:
November-January: None February: 3-4x 30-60 mins March: 2-3x 45-60 mins + 1x 90 mins April: 2-3x 45-60 mins + 1x90 mins May: 2-3x 45-75 mins + 1x90-120mins Again, all rides done at 115-120bpm.
And don’t fully neglect higher-intensity stuff.
For me, 1 day per week has been plenty.
The key is to keep the low intensity low and the high intensity high.
Again, if you’re someone who is looking to improve your aerobic endurance while simultaneously lifting weights, training jiu jitsu, or doing whatever, Z1 is the way to go.
To start, I’d shoot for 3-4 hrs/wk.
Min of 30 mins/session, and try to get at least 1 session of 60+ mins.
After a few weeks, try to increase the minimum session to 45 mins and the long session to 90 mins+.
Currently, I shoot for ~5 hours of Z1/Z2 per week: -2-3 sessions of 45-60 min -1 session of 90+ mins on the bike -1 run of 70-90 mins
This style of training is also great for those who: -want to get into hybrid style training -love running -want to improve their running -have historically had issues with getting injured when increasing their running volume -weigh more than the average runner -are new to running
Spending more time biking (or whatever low-impact modality you choose) is a great way to build endurance while slowly, oh so slowly, increasing your weekly running mileage.
My plan is to use this style of training to run a marathon later this year (or early next year) and then transition to triathlons in 2-3 years.
I’m taking the long approach and slowly building up my weekly Z1/Z2 time.
Lastly, let's compare some things from my November and May long runs:
First, they are on the same exact out-and-back route (obviously, I ran a bit farther before turning around on the most recent run).
My goal with both was to keep my HR around 140 the whole time.
Overall: November: Pace: 10:22/mi Avg HR 141 May: Pace: 9:02/mi Avg HR 143
Mile 1: November: Mile 1: 9:37, Avg HR 149 May: Mile 1: 9:52, Avg HR 132
Mile 5: November: Mile 5: 10:28, Avg HR 144 May: Mile 5: 8:27, Avg HR 146
Nearly 2 minutes faster for mile 5 yet only 2 bpm higher HR!
In the pictures below, you can see just how much faster I ran each mile a few days ago, yet at a lower or similar heart rate than in November.
Well, if you're still reading, I hope I have convinced you to give Z1 training a try.
Please drop any comments or questions below!
submitted by HybridAthleteGuy to crossfit [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:32 lemonlowell Success story from manifesting SP

Success Story from Manifesting (Posted this in other subreddits to help motivate others!)
Hi everyone! I want to share with you my success story so perhaps it motivates you all that LOA works amazing.
So a few months ago I was in a period of my life where I was not ready to be in a relationship. I felt like I was not worthy of one and that it would never work out. This is because of family dynamics and other circumstances. Then my friends started getting into relationships and I realized that I wanted to be in one too. I struggled a lot with my feminine energy and so I targeted that first. I learned to accept that I am allowed to and deserve to receive. I’m also allowed to be happy and not in fight mode. After working on this mentally I started to work on this on my physical appearance as well. Started wearing pink more and bows and even started shaving more often than before. Once I was able to feel more feminine I told my mind that I am ready for a relationship with my soulmate. I don’t want a relationship with just anyone.
The first day I said it was more of a beginning mindset but I wasn’t fully convinced yet. After about a week I was convinced that I was ready and deserved to be in a relationship with my soulmate. That very day I met a coworker outside of work. I didn’t think too much of it because I usually never see him or think about him but I know of his existence. Soon I receive a message from him that it was nice to see me and that he was glad we ran into each other. Of course I replied back and we began texting each other ever since.
Suddenly I started to see him all the time and in random occurrences. I didn’t find him attractive before but for some reason I was beginning to think that he was cute. And quickly I started to look forward to his replies. We connected with one another on every single subject and we agree on every single take. It was very light, respectful, and friendly. It was then I realized that I started to like him romantically. The problem was is that he had a girlfriend of five years at the time. So I felt like I couldn’t overstep my boundaries.
I tried to let him go once I realized my feelings since I wanted to be respectful but he kept popping up more in my life. This frustrated me But every inch of my body began to love him. So I started to manifest him and I did this through religious prayers, LOA, Neville Goddard, subliminals, etc. While I was doing this it seemed like everything was impossible. New problems arises in my head like what if he’s just a nice person and thinks of us as just friends? What if he was seriously committed? What if our age gap of five years would make him not want me? And these worries manifested because I found out he used to be good friends with another female coworker too who he would talk to all the time even late at night. She told me that their conversations were always surface level and they stopped talking because she didn’t care for the friendship that much. Another problem arose like with his messaging time. He started to take days instead of hours. I started worry that I was losing him and that he’s just not a good person.
This is when I worked on my self concept. I realized that I was bringing these insecurities and worries to life. I was bringing these problems. I worked on realizing that these are just tests to see if I actually truly wanted him in my life. And I did and I do he is the love of my life. When you know you know, and I definitely knew. So I quickly turned into his friendships with females are purely platonic and nothing more . He respects women and sees them as equal. Regardless if they’re attractive, we both know that we are the one for each other so to have trust and faith that it doesn’t hinder our relationship with each other at all. With the issue of replying late I turned it into he is just battling his feelings for me with his commitment, because he is respectful it’s a struggle for him to own up that he’s fallen for someone else whilst in a relationship. He was fighting his feelings and that is why he tried to pull away but it doesn’t work because I’m what he needs and thinks about. After working on reframing my idea on the 3D world I began to let go of all real world boundaries and obstacles when manifesting.
Anytime I had a worry I reflected on my reprogrammed mind but also I let go of all that and focused on my relationship with him. That no matter what we are happy and happy together. That everything works out for us all the time. That our love for each other is indestructible and infinitely growing. No one and nothing can ever come between us. The universe brought us together for a reason and that reason is so that we could be together forever happily. I started to be grateful with our in person interactions too. Whenever I saw him I praised the universe for letting me see him. That I was grateful to hear his voice and make him smile.
Out of nowhere when we were both leaving from work he asked if he could talk. I said yes and we went out for coffee. At first it was nice and we were just joking around about the bitterness of the coffee. Then he became serious. He told me that he began to have feelings for me two months ago and fell in love with me a month ago. His girlfriend and him broke up two months ago for reasons that has nothing to do with me and more so their relationship being strained. He wanted to be with me because his whole world has been pointing towards me and that everything reminded him of me. He never felt so connected to someone before like he does with me. I almost wanted to cry because I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes. It worked everything I tried worked!
Long story short we are now together for two years. We’re engaged and he even converted to my religion after falling in love with it himself. We are in such a healthy and happy relationship that’s built off of so much trust and love. All those worries I had about coworkers went away after giving him my boundaries and my reprogramming worked because really there was nothing to worry about. I know he’s in love with me and loves me and that nobody makes him feel the way that I do. He’s loyal to me like a dog and we trust each other because our mutual understanding of how much we love each other. We really were made for one another and everyday I’m grateful to have met him. So the lesson here is to continue having faith, trust, patience, and gratitude. There are no limits and nothings impossible because your reality is what you make it. Work on yourself and confidence because in the end you are the prize. And visualize visualize visualize. Happy manifesting!
submitted by lemonlowell to manifestingSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:31 achen97 Is this normal?

Is this normal?
A family member shipped 3 boxes from China all on 4/16. They all arrived at LA customs pretty much the same time and 2 were released the next day and I’ve received them. One is still stuck in customs. Is this normal? I’ve never had something shipped from overseas before, how long does it usually take to clear customs in this situation?
submitted by achen97 to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:30 lemonlowell Success story from manifesting SP

Success Story from Manifesting (Posted this in other subreddits to help motivate others!)
Hi everyone! I want to share with you my success story so perhaps it motivates you all that LOA works amazing.
So a few months ago I was in a period of my life where I was not ready to be in a relationship. I felt like I was not worthy of one and that it would never work out. This is because of family dynamics and other circumstances. Then my friends started getting into relationships and I realized that I wanted to be in one too. I struggled a lot with my feminine energy and so I targeted that first. I learned to accept that I am allowed to and deserve to receive. I’m also allowed to be happy and not in fight mode. After working on this mentally I started to work on this on my physical appearance as well. Started wearing pink more and bows and even started shaving more often than before. Once I was able to feel more feminine I told my mind that I am ready for a relationship with my soulmate. I don’t want a relationship with just anyone.
The first day I said it was more of a beginning mindset but I wasn’t fully convinced yet. After about a week I was convinced that I was ready and deserved to be in a relationship with my soulmate. That very day I met a coworker outside of work. I didn’t think too much of it because I usually never see him or think about him but I know of his existence. Soon I receive a message from him that it was nice to see me and that he was glad we ran into each other. Of course I replied back and we began texting each other ever since.
Suddenly I started to see him all the time and in random occurrences. I didn’t find him attractive before but for some reason I was beginning to think that he was cute. And quickly I started to look forward to his replies. We connected with one another on every single subject and we agree on every single take. It was very light, respectful, and friendly. It was then I realized that I started to like him romantically. The problem was is that he had a girlfriend of five years at the time. So I felt like I couldn’t overstep my boundaries.
I tried to let him go once I realized my feelings since I wanted to be respectful but he kept popping up more in my life. This frustrated me But every inch of my body began to love him. So I started to manifest him and I did this through religious prayers, LOA, Neville Goddard, subliminals, etc. While I was doing this it seemed like everything was impossible. New problems arises in my head like what if he’s just a nice person and thinks of us as just friends? What if he was seriously committed? What if our age gap of five years would make him not want me? And these worries manifested because I found out he used to be good friends with another female coworker too who he would talk to all the time even late at night. She told me that their conversations were always surface level and they stopped talking because she didn’t care for the friendship that much. Another problem arose like with his messaging time. He started to take days instead of hours. I started worry that I was losing him and that he’s just not a good person.
This is when I worked on my self concept. I realized that I was bringing these insecurities and worries to life. I was bringing these problems. I worked on realizing that these are just tests to see if I actually truly wanted him in my life. And I did and I do he is the love of my life. When you know you know, and I definitely knew. So I quickly turned into his friendships with females are purely platonic and nothing more . He respects women and sees them as equal. Regardless if they’re attractive, we both know that we are the one for each other so to have trust and faith that it doesn’t hinder our relationship with each other at all. With the issue of replying late I turned it into he is just battling his feelings for me with his commitment, because he is respectful it’s a struggle for him to own up that he’s fallen for someone else whilst in a relationship. He was fighting his feelings and that is why he tried to pull away but it doesn’t work because I’m what he needs and thinks about. After working on reframing my idea on the 3D world I began to let go of all real world boundaries and obstacles when manifesting.
Anytime I had a worry I reflected on my reprogrammed mind but also I let go of all that and focused on my relationship with him. That no matter what we are happy and happy together. That everything works out for us all the time. That our love for each other is indestructible and infinitely growing. No one and nothing can ever come between us. The universe brought us together for a reason and that reason is so that we could be together forever happily. I started to be grateful with our in person interactions too. Whenever I saw him I praised the universe for letting me see him. That I was grateful to hear his voice and make him smile.
Out of nowhere when we were both leaving from work he asked if he could talk. I said yes and we went out for coffee. At first it was nice and we were just joking around about the bitterness of the coffee. Then he became serious. He told me that he began to have feelings for me two months ago and fell in love with me a month ago. His girlfriend and him broke up two months ago for reasons that has nothing to do with me and more so their relationship being strained. He wanted to be with me because his whole world has been pointing towards me and that everything reminded him of me. He never felt so connected to someone before like he does with me. I almost wanted to cry because I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes. It worked everything I tried worked!
Long story short we are now together for two years. We’re engaged and he even converted to my religion after falling in love with it himself. We are in such a healthy and happy relationship that’s built off of so much trust and love. All those worries I had about coworkers went away after giving him my boundaries and my reprogramming worked because really there was nothing to worry about. I know he’s in love with me and loves me and that nobody makes him feel the way that I do. He’s loyal to me like a dog and we trust each other because our mutual understanding of how much we love each other. We really were made for one another and everyday I’m grateful to have met him. So the lesson here is to continue having faith, trust, patience, and gratitude. There are no limits and nothings impossible because your reality is what you make it. Work on yourself and confidence because in the end you are the prize. And visualize visualize visualize. Happy manifesting!
submitted by lemonlowell to ManifestationSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:29 VEEW0N My father is in a debt trap, and I don't know how to prioritise things. Please help.

TL;DR - My father has a loan of over 1cr (again). We (me, my wife) earn about 1 lakh a month. Don't know if I (late 30s) should prioritise myself, my kid or my father.
Sorry this is going to be a very long post, as I feel like giving you a 40 year background and TBH, I don't even have right questiona to ask.
Part 1 - Background
My father started his first business (1980s) before even I was born. As he didn't have any capital, he took heavy loans to begin. Although he was running a successful wholesale agency (among top 10 in my state as per the company accounts), our expenses+interest was huge. By 1995 his interest was about 10 lakhs per month vs ~8L he made. By 1998, we got bankrupt and he had to sell everything, even his shop, my mother's ornaments and the house where we lived. As per the agreements court ordered us to pay 50% or principal to each lender (all of them had already got 10x via interests earlier). We did that, but not all money was owned by noble men, some of it was from loan sharks and they wanted last penny so they threatened and kept on taking money till today.
In 2000, after the shame of bankruptcy went little bit down, my father restarted the business as a retailer, with just 8000 that he earned doing petty things. With his contacts and dedication he grew enough to support our family, but 2005-2010 hit him hard. I went to college, my sibling wanted badly to go to Kota, all savings went down coz of 2008 crash and he took loans again.
Since then his expenses vs earning is constantly negative and loans have soared to 1 CR again. With zero assets this bubble will burst in maximum 1-2 years.
He has ZERO assets, just a 2007 Activa that he bought for me.
Part 2 - My story.
I (late 30s) along with my wife earn ~1.5 LPM. We spend about 80k in Rent, grocery, shopping, insurance etc. give 30k to my father for their expenses, rest saving in FDs/RDs for down payment to buy us a home.
My father loved us like anything and despite of him not having anything fulfilled all our naive wishes. Now all I wish is same like Babu Bhai from Hera pheri. I want to see my father sit in his own home debt free and take a sip of tea.
But this would be at stake of me not building anything for my future and can seriously jeopardize my kid's future too.
Part 3 - Questions
  1. Should we consider him closing his business and shifting with us? His account says business earns about 1Lpm with average expenses of 80k. But his interests some of it from suppliers cause it go negative.
  2. Should I send more money home to help him repay his loans?
  3. How do I plan for my kid (~3 yo).
  4. For my case does saving even matter?
P.S. Serious answer only Don't need upvotes, just need genuine advice, so rather share with someone who you think can really help.
submitted by VEEW0N to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:28 fergi20020 How long should it take for my super/handyman to fix these maintenance issues?

I need my supehandyman to:
  1. Replace the J-bend pipes under my kitchen and bathroom sinks. The kitchen sink J-bend pipe has a small hole. The bathroom sink pipe is starting to leak when in use, but there’s no hole. These are very old pipes and they’re rusty.
  2. Fix or replace a kitchen faucet handle that’s broken.
  3. Replace my bathroom sink faucet aerator that became rusty and partially broke off.
  4. Fix the leak in my toilet flush valve/pipe that’s dripping a little water for a few seconds whenever I flush
  5. Replace the light switch in my bathroom that can’t be clicked all the way down, although it click far enough does turn off
I’ve been a tenant for almost 20 years and never asked for any of these things to be replaced/serviced before. The pipes are old. Everything is old. My fridge is 20+ years old and on its last legs too, so I’ll need a new fridge soon.
Are these simple maintenance requests or will it overwhelm him? How long might it take for him to complete it?
Which of the above tasks is most important for him to complete first?
submitted by fergi20020 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:28 Moldygorilla Just Did My Interview - Fingers crossed

Just finished my interview today.
I feel good about it but I was a bit nervous when I was speaking. I only lost my train of thought once during one of the answers but other than that, I think I did alright.
Any feedback on my answers below is appreciated.
  1. Why did you decide to apply for this apprenticeship?
At the beginning of this year I was unfortunately let go due to economic layoffs. I took this as an opportunity to think about what direction I wanted to take my life and to think about the things that I enjoy and am good at. I've always been one to do various work around the house and enjoyed fixing or building things. I ran into a member of the IBEW who let me know that applications were being accepted and after researching the day to day duties of an Inside Wiremen, I got excited because I felt like a couple of my hobbies shared similar principles. For example I recently got an Arduino board that I've been playing around with and learning about circuits and how various components impact the flow of current. Also, I have always enjoyed installing aftermarket car audio and figuring out the best way to route power through a cars firewall. Ultimately, I felt that this apprenticeship and the trade are a great fit for what I enjoy doing most so I decided to put in my application and have been excited going through the process so far.
  1. Give us an example of a time you got into a confrontation with a coworker (question was something like this)
In my previous job a coworker was underperforming causing our team to miss quota. I tried to start a conversation with her to see what was going on at which point she became defensive, (I made a joke at this moment that nobody likes to be called out by their peers) I decided that I needed to change my approach to the conversation and instead I decided to try to start the conversation again but this time I started with areas of my own performance I felt that I could improve on. (This is where I lost my train of thought) Because of this she was not defensive and began to open up about things she's been unsure on and struggling with. We were then able to help each other improve and as a result our performance lead to our team hitting quota.
  1. Give us an example of a time you had to do something but had very little instruction.
I recently started a position with a contracting house as a Cable Technician for (our local ISP). I arrived to trouble call where the customer stated they were having intermittent connectivity. I determined after using my meter that their aerial drop feeding their house was damaged as there was a lot of interference on the line. I had only ever seen an aerial done once and that was during ladder safety training a few weeks ago. I first attempted to contact my supervisor to get a few quick tips and brief refresher but he was unable to take my call. I remembered that Arris made a field guide so I pulled that up on my phone and found the clearance my line needs to have. 40 inches below energized cable at the pole 11 inches at the house. I felt confident enough to perform the task so I cut the cable at the house to release tension on the midspan and pole and then I cut at midspan, then removed at tap. In the opposite order I ran my drop from tap to midspan and then to the house where I was able to reconnect the customer's service and bring their modem back online.
  1. Is there anything you would like to tell us that we may not have gathered from these questions?
My professional experience shows that I have a strong ability to learn quickly, adapt to changing situations and exceed the expectations of my superiors. I approach everything I do with a can do attitude and give everything I have each day. After a recent conversation with a friend who is going through the apprenticeship currently, I am beyond excited to get started and I am grateful for the opportunity and the time you've given me today.
submitted by Moldygorilla to ibew_apprentices [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:25 TreatDifferent7514 Need help

I don't know if anyone is able or willing to help me. Last Friday I went to my local DG I gave the cashier 450.00 to deposit on a prepaid visa (spendwell) Long story short spendwell never got a deposit. The receipt says "green dot" I have never owned a green dot in my life, this is only the second time I have made a deposit to spendwell. I have been around and around and around trying to get this sorted out. The manager was very helpful last week. Monday she was supposed to talk to a dedicated "Dollar General" person that takes care of prepaid. Ladies, I was KIND...... so kind, understanding but it has been 6 days no resolution, the store manager left on Monday after I called her at noon and again was VERY understanding, she "forgot" to get in touch with whom ever. I am sure you see where this is going... Not call back and when I called after 3 hours of waiting. She had left for the day and guess what. She doesn't return till TODAY..... did I mention it was 450$? Did I mention I was KIND and UNDERSTANDING? I lost my mind in there today. I called the non emergent dispatch and filed a formal police report. Everyone and their brother has seen the video and that I gave her 450. Can someone PLEASE explain to me why my money was put on a green dot card (according to receipt) I scanned my spendwell card, I have never owned a green dot card. There HAS to be a way to track my money. I know that y'all scan a bar code when loading a card. This is NOT a new card it already has my name on it etc. Where do I go next? There has to be someone somewhere that knows or can find out where my 450.00 went. FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS. Please someone tell me how you scan to reload. I got this card to use for 1 particular bill. Who is the bean counter for prepaid? There has to be a checks and balance SOMEWHERE. Y'all it was 450.00 If I had a green dot card, I can promise I would be using it. I wouldn't be trying to find my money. Please? Anyone? Help me.
submitted by TreatDifferent7514 to DollarGeneralWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:23 Wonderful_Strain773 AITA for wanting to move to Australia, leaving my boyfriend behind?

For a little context. I (22f) and my (21m) boyfriend dated for just over a year before braking up because long distance was getting a bit much for him. We studied on opposite sides of the country (about 2 hour flight) and could only see each other every 3-4 months (he did know this before entering the relationship). We spent the following majority of the year with no contact until he got in touch again and we conversed as friends. It was discussed that if and when I return to his side of the country (where I'm originally from) We could reignite the relationship if we felt like it. However, things started getting hazy before that in the sense of him going back and forth between saying I am is gf and then I'm not. After confusion and discussion we decided to just make it official to avoid any more confusion.
I just got back from a trip to Australia to see family. It was a month long and entirety of that month our communication consisted of how shitty life is without me and how I must come back. I battled with the sim cards and signal as well as the drastic difference in time zones for when we could talk, so it was disheartening to hear constant negativity. It was to the point where I didn't get to tell him about all the amazing things there or even how my day went which swung back at me as he accused me of not talking to him and not telling him anything. In this time he also stated that he thinks I'm going to brake up with him when I come back from my trip, along with the fact that he will brake up with me if I decide I want to move to Australia because he doesn't want to do long distance.
Problem is that I do want to go there. There are job opportunities in my field along with the support system of my family encouraging me to come over, my best friend wanting to do this journey with me as well. He is unable to come with me till he's done studying. We have talked about moving to another country but he wanted to amount funds to support himself when he gets there (fair). However, to do that from our currency to dollor is going to take at least 6-10 years of work and saving. So having the opportunity for family to support me, I suggested that I go now and save up so he can move over when he's done studying with my support. It'll only be about 1-2 years at most of long distance where we'd make the effort of traveling during the holidays to see each other.
He wants nothing to do with any idea of long distance. His only options are to stay till he's ready or we brake up. He will only agree to anything else if there is a signed agreement in place. His insistence on staying or braking up, along with me trying my very best to pull at every string of idea to make it work otherwise without a signing or waiting my life away, has absolutely exhausted me.
We both want to make it work, we both want to be together. Using this opportunity now while I have nothing holding me back (except him) to create a stepping stone for us to grow our lives would do great for our future. He believes I will leave and he will simply be left behind. We've talked and argued about it at length since I've retured. We've gotten nowhere in terms of what to do.
We have gotten to the point where we acknowledge we have a communication and security issue. We're working on just talking to each other again. I make sure I understand what he's saying and feeling by reiterating but when I ask to be reiterated, he doesn't know, he retells his own emotions or he just says sorry, gets grumpy and ends the conversation. I've resorted to just saying "ok" and leaving it since I'm exhausted at this point.
AITA to effectively ruining my relationship because I want to go to Australia?
submitted by Wonderful_Strain773 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:21 Lost_Razzmatazz_1346 Seeking advice for a friend

This is me trying to figure out how to advise my friend who apparently is intimidating because he's racially mixed, and 6 ft tall and quite muscular, he's also a former professional fighter and he has Asperger's he also was in foster care when he was younger.
Transferred here a year ago.
Please take all of this in mind prior to the commenting.
I have a guy friend that recently dealt with some issues where there was a professor on campus that he had been asking professional advice from, she gave him the definite impression that he it was okay to ask her for professional advice, several times as he walked by her classroom while coming from the gym she would wave him down to talk to him at the and of her classes.
She would ask to take selfies with him and stuff like that, he thought it was a little strange so he decided to leave her alone.
The last time they spoke after their conversation he was confronted by a police officer in the parking lot that said that he had been accused of harassing her. He was asked to talk to a staff member of the school, he stated his case very clearly to the staff member and asked to see the footage because there's a camera in front of the classroom and there was a camera near the office where the teacher had asked him to walk her to after her class.
He said that he had known of nothing he had done that was wrong and he thought the footage would exonerate him.
The staff member told him that he could not see the footage, by the way this was the dean of that department.
My friend said if his lawyer emailed the dean could he see the footage and the dean said are you trying to sue the school? And my friend said well I want to clear my reputation, this officer has embarrassed me in front of my peers and I feel I've been falsely accused of something and I'm not even being told what I was accused of.
By the way I know these details because my friend recorded the whole conversation with the officer and the dean.
When my friend demanded to see the footage the dean told him to take off and just leave the teacher alone.
Well within a couple hours my friend received an email from student affairs. They claim that my friend had somehow disturbed this teacher's class.
My friend had a lawyer reach out to student affairs asking to see the footage, affairs said that they would talk to the title nine department and promptly get back to the lawyer. It's been 3 months and the school has still not gotten back to my friend's lawyer, apparently the whole investigation was dropped. My friend was not given access to footage which he knows exist because the dean said it existed but refuse to let my friend see it.
My friends wondering whether he should see the school but his lawyer had told him it would cost at least $3,000 on top of the $1,000 he's already paid to his law firm and that it would likely go nowhere for a very long time.
My friend's lawyer told my friend that schools essentially have no oversight, behave according to their own rules and unfortunately that often screws over students.
My friend also cannot show the footage of the encounter because the school prohibits recording of staff members on campus and so if he shows the footage he can be suspended for that.
He's very angry, he's now in that to a lawyer and he's also traumatized by this encounter he doesn't know what to do he's angry and upset and he also feels like this is just completely disturbing and wrong.
He's also upset that the school refuses to release their camera footage, the school's choosing to protect their bottom line instead of the student...
What does my friend do? What does my friend do to protect himself. This feels so incredibly wrong, my friend is now scared that this could affect his chances to go to grad school, he's scared that this will hurt his reputation and he won't be able to defend himself, he's now in debt to a lawyer that he doesn't have the money to pay this seems wrong on so many levels and my friend just says not know what to do.
I didn't know it was this hard for dudes I didn't know that things could be like this, I definitely believe we as women need protection but I also was unaware how easy it was to ruin a guy's day without having to provide evidence.
It didn't hurt that while my friend was in the car with the police officer being escorted to talk to the dean, the officer told my friend that because he was a dude and he was 6 ft tall that he should have known that was going to be intimidating to a woman and that the teacher simply pretended that he was my friend's mentor because she apparently was too scared to tell my friend she didn't want to have any professional friendship with him.
Apparently my friend's supposed to just be able to read the teacher's mind despite the fact that the teacher had made it very clear that she was interested in mentoring my friend.
My friend has Asperger's and finds social navigating confusing, he often ask very direct questions such as are you okay with this, can I proceed with this conversation, stuff like that he waits for consent and then when consent is given he continues, his teacher did not just give her consent but also initiated conversation with my friend several times. Even asked my friend to walk him to the office after her class
submitted by Lost_Razzmatazz_1346 to CalPoly [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:21 Chai_Tea_In_My_Veins Can I at least be ill in peace...

So I went to school today on half an hour of sleep bc I had taekwondo practice last night and I had homework to do and tests to study for. Usually I'd be fine for the most part but I even had coffee and I felt like a walking corpse. I'm not joking when I say I felt like I was hallucinating on the bus ride to school. First period starts and both my friends and teacher comment that I look ill. They are kinda right and I get to lie down for a little bit before going about the rest of the school day. My friends suggested I get my mom to pick me up if I'm feeling ill but if that were so easy I wouldn't be on this subreddit. I initially sent her a text that I need a favor but I cancelled it last minute because I'm not eager to get an earful about my attendance or sleeping habits this late into the school year.
School day is over and I'm finally back home, feeling like complete dogshit, but at least I drank some more coffee and had a sandwich. Now the issue is that I can't go take a nap yet because I need to be awake to get the door for my 11 year old brother. I've mentioned this to some people and a few always reply that he is old enough to have a spare key and get himself into the house but I know my brother and not only would he lose the key in no time, he genuinely is daft when face-to-face with basic tasks (nevermind how awfully rude he gets when I try to help him but I've given up). I think it's around 3:30pm-ish when I feel like I've mentally checked out, and I dunno what happens. Time passes and my brother should have been back by now. The doorbell is ringing like mad and sure enough it's him, but the time is 4:30pm-ish. I'm confused bc I know I wasn't asleep but I was so exhausted that I just did not pay attention to anything, let alone the door ringing. He comes in yelling at the top of his lungs that I'm deaf and can't listen to things the first time, and that he's been waiting for so long. Turns out he forgot his smart-watch at taekwondo, the one he was supposed to wear to be able to call my parents, so he went to his friend's house to call my parents. My phone was on ringer this entire time but again, I'm mentally out of it. I pick up the phone call and my mother is calling from work. She's going on a whole rant, cursing and everything, that my one job is to stay awake and get the door from him and how useless and stupid I am to not even be able to do that. Meanwhile this brother of mine is yelling about how dumb I am. The same arrogant shit that comes to my room every night to pester me to tuck him in, the same kid who still gets his mommy to pick up his dirty laundry off the floor. He talks back to everybody and my parents encourage it until he does it to them, in which case they turn to me to tell me that I don't teach him anything good.
Anyways, my mom's going to be back home now any minute and she wouldn't miss this opportunity to call me every name under the sun. I've already barely ate anything else today and the thought of having to deal with her makes me nauseous. To further rub salt on the wound, one of my friends who said I looked ill already checked up on me to make sure that I was okay. How the fuck is a teenage girl doing the bare minimum of your job mom?
This rant isn't really about me feeling bad that my parents aren't giving a flying fuck whether I could keel over right now, I don't feel an emotional attachment to them like that and I think if my mom came barging into my room to ask me how I'm feeling with some stupid look on her face I would puke instead. That might help though since I'm really nauseous right now and I can't seem to get myself to vomit. All I'm saying is that if I chose to rot in bed for a bit to make up for shit health then can they fuck off for a sec and keep their thoughts to themselves?
And my lovely little brother, he's acting more and more like them day by day. I had sympathy for him since it felt like we were on the same boat but if he wants to act up then he better learn how to fend for himself. I swear putting up with his ass is like having to deal with a child that I did not ask for. I've seen the "magic" of children, and now I'm for sure getting my tubes tied when I'm older, I'm not dealing with this now or ever again. If he wants to disrespect me then he can do so after he learns to at least plate his own meals, put himself to bed, and not waste a fourth of his day watching TV. I still love him, and I want what's best for him, but my patience is on thin ice, and I'm not going to take the blame for his behavior.
And to anybody with younger siblings or little siblings on the way reading this, don't ever take it upon yourself to take up any typical parenting duties, because you can use all your patience and effort to be a better role model, but it's ultimately wasted on a brat who won't even treat you like an elder sibling cause they know crying to mommy and daddy is how they can get what they want. Seriously, it's a thankless job, go let that kid learn the hard way and focus on yourself, you're not the parent so you're not responsible.
submitted by Chai_Tea_In_My_Veins to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:20 yeoldgroudon Post uni my life has been pretty bad but I’m not depressed like I use to be but stuck in a loop I need help

I finished uni a year ago studying a bachelors degree that was design and programming as well. So I did studio subjects like UX, UI, product design, data visualisation, web design, JavaScript coding, animation stuff like that pretty in demand stuff when I was studying it and there was heaps of jobs and a big demand for UX. I also did designathons assisted with PhD research in VR and more research. I worked hard and got high grades and ended up getting a strong portfolio together which my mentor currently said is better than some designers he knows. The only problem now is that the job market is terrible due to tech layoffs and no one is hiring due to a bad economy and over saturation of UX designers from boot camps.
I did have a final interview the other day for a large company that had over 1000 applicants for the role and I was one on the six to make it to the final round but sadly they hired other people because I lacked experience even though it was entry level and I was told to do an internship instead because they said it’s fast paced and think I’d struggle but they never seen me work and I don’t want an internship I want a job I’m nearly 25. Why does entry level need experience they said in the email they’ll teach you on the job. But I guess I’m alright to make it to the final six out of 1000 while only two were hired.
But there are no other jobs idk what to do, all the jobs are mid to senior level. It’s been a year and it looks like I’ll never get a job. I’ve applied for smaller jobs but didn’t even hear back.
So my life’s been a loop for the past year I get up walk my puppy then scroll on my phone all day. I have a mentor who’s given me a list to do to help but I haven’t even done that I feel like it’s pointless. I haven’t exercised in months or done any of my hobbies I just scroll on my phone in my room all day. I don’t even have the energy to place video games or eat normally my diet has gone to crap I barely even brush my teeth anymore.
I’m also feeling like a complete failure I’ve never been in a relationship at 24 and don’t have a career started yet. I’m so ugly I made a post on Reddit for plastic surgery but people said I don’t need it but I can’t believe them I feel like they’re lying trying to be nice and say my face isn’t asymmetrical when I was told I’m a 3/10 and need facial reconstruction surgery. I don’t want to go outside because I’m so ugly and deformed unlike everyone else. Someone called me an incel because I hate my face so much I wanted to die and self harm. What does that have to do with women that’s mean and hurts my feelings I’d never hate women. I don’t even want to do anything at all when I know I’m hideous
My parents are mad at me and say all I do is scroll on my phone and I should go back to uni and study something else or work in data entry or retail stocking shelves. People on Reddit said I should give up and I did a bullshit degree but they’re pretty in demand skills just the market sucks. I know a girl who’s been struggling for nearly 2 years. I’ve been to psychologists but none have been good one nearly fell asleep, one made weird assumptions and one dismissed my problems and said I have different problems. Only my psychiatrist helps
But I don’t feel depressed like I use to. Maybe burnt out and a bit disheartened that I worked so hard for nothing and been told to give up.
I currently have a part time job but that’s about it
Sorry for the long post but I’ve wasted a year pretty much in my bed on my phone. What can I do to fix it my family is mad at me for doing nothing and it’s not like I don’t want to do this. I’m 24 and so far behind in life my younger brothers friends have careers and travel. Am I lazy like they say or is there something wrong with me how to I find motivation to live again. My brothers are doing better than me with gfs and careers while I’m living at home with no future because of the job market
My laptop broke so I bought a MacBook Air but not getting it until next week so hopefully that helps
Sorry for the long post and if I sound whiny I’m just tired and struggling to improve no one’s helped only bend angry at me and making threats like threatening to financially drain me or kick me out because I’ve been struggling. I’m on medication been on it for years but now I’m in a slump i struggle to get out of. I can’t even surf anymore and I live near the beach. And I quit the gym I got a eating disorder from it so I don’t wanna go back
My puppy is all I have right now that’s keeping me active. I literally do nothing it’s almost midnight my sleep schedule is screwed and I haven’t even read a book in like a year I’m just so unmotivated by anything I don’t exercise, don’t eat well, don’t do hobbies, barley have energy to apply for jobs now I can’t do anything but my parents say I’m lazy which I probably am I guess but I never was lazy . I’m ugly and don’t have a career yet which I want, I want to start my life already
I have a lot of free time I should be enjoying it but I want a job
I’ve wasted my 20s
submitted by yeoldgroudon to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:17 Worried-Equipment219 I'm (40M) thinking of leaving my wife (38F) - UK. What should I do, what would you do?

TLDR - I'm unhappy and feel numb, what are my options. What would you do?
I've been with my wife for nearly 10 years to the day. We've been married for nearly 5 years.
When we met, I thought I'd met my soul mate. She was what I needed ioin my life, an extrovert to my introvert. Very sexual and satisfied me. A loving caring mother (she has two daughters).
I'm an aspie/ mildly autistic male with communication issues but try my best. Although this to be fair often involves just not talking when things get too difficult and bottling up my emotions.
I'm the breadwinner (is that even a term anymore?) but she earns a significant salary. However, my wife's money management frustrates me. We don't pool our finances, instead opting to contribute equally to utility bills, mortgage, food and household maintenance etc. She rarely has much money left at the end of the month, no savings, is in debt and she wastes her money on her fingernails, hair, botox treatment and ridiculous amounts of clothes and shoes. I'm no angel, I spend on my own interests but I'm never on a position where I can't afford to pay bills etc.
She has a company car (Tesla) which I pay half the payments for and I get to use it when she's not using it. I have my own transport too (a campervan which we all get to use and go away in) but she doesn't contribute to it.
She is a messy person. The tesla is a shit tip. She leaves half eaten food, wrappers, bottles and God knows what else in it. It irks the fuck out of me. I'm a fairly tidy person and one thing I can't stand is a messy dirty car. Even worse when it's a messy dirty 65k car that we don't even own and belongs to a lease company.
I mentioned she has two daughters. They're both teenagers now and completely disrespect and disregard my boundaries and rules (that's to be expected from teenagers, we've all been there). However, when I try and put my foot down, my wife rarely has my back and instead makes me out to be the bad guy. If I say no, she'll say yes.
The house is often a mess and I feel like I'm the secret tidier who goes around cleaning after everybody. However, she makes a big issue whenever she decides to grab the mop and start cleaning - making out like it's only her who ever cleans the house. I'll also add that I'm the person who cooks, does all the laundry and pretty much keeps the house as I clean as can without losing my sanity.
Over the years, her libido has totally disappeared. She's satisfied with sex once per month. Anything more is very unusual. I've got to the point where I can no longer tolerate the rejection so I just don't bother even trying to initiate it any more. Sex is the glue that holds a relationship together. Without it, you're just friends (or housemates) who share a bed.
We'd been together about a year when I bought my first apartment on my own. When we met I explained I needed my own space and time to recharge so we agreed to see each 3 or 4 times per week. She lived in a rented apartment at the time after divorcing her ex husband but couldn't afford the rent so she moved in with her mother. About 2 years after moving into the flat, and with her and her kids spending more and more time at my place (and the fact she hated living with her mother) I decided to ask her if she and the kids would like to move in with me. I basically felt sorry for her.
Fast forward a few years and she says that I asked her to move in because I needed her financial contribution to cover the bills (I was debt free at the time, really didn't need her money and had a large disposable income).
A few years later, after realising the apartment was just too small, we started looking for a house. We found one and my grandmother offered to gift a significant amount of money to me to help us purchase the house. This, along with the sale of my apartment enabled me to buy the house. At no point in any of this did she contribute anything. She had no money to offer. She does pay half the mortgage and half the bills etc.
Basically, I've fallen out of love with her. I love her as person but that's about it. I'm numb to her. If I found out she was having an affair, I really wouldn't give a shit and it'd be a great reason to break up and move.
She controls me, she's always overly interested in my phone, if I'm typing she wants to know 'who I'm texting' (this is a woman who basically can't put her phone down, glued to her hands).
I recently had my 40th birthday. I asked her not to arrange any surprise gatherings because I'm really not a social person and get really overwhelmed, even when it's family. Anyway, she arranged a surprise party. I hated it. I loved seeing my family but I just neglected them all as I couldn't talk to them all and the whole thing just felt really awkward. I was expecting a night out with a few friends, where I could relax and have a few drinks. Instead I turn up to a surprise party completely sober and socially awkward. I feel ungrateful but she's known me 10 years and knows how much social situations stress me out, especially without alcohol to 'grease' the gears.
Given the house was bought prior to marriage and the mortgage is in my name, can I buy her out based on the total mortgage payemnts etc she's made or is it a case of splitting everything down the middle? Neither of us will be broke of we split. The kids aren't mine. I'm rambling now because I've had a few drinks, I'm upset and it's late. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be stuck in this sexless boring mundane marriage any more but don't want to lose the house that she's barely contributed to. In terms of mortgage payemnts, it's 12.5k in the last 5 years or so that she's contributed, vs 60k of my own contributions and 45k of the money gifted by my grandmother.
Do I lose it all? What do I do? What would you do?
submitted by Worried-Equipment219 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:17 SarcasticPsychoGamer Could my trauma have caused me brain damage?

I've been thinking about this for ages and it's been driving me insane. Warning for the post it's gonna be long and will have discussions of violence and anxiety because I think it was the main cause for this.
I was almost murdered via choking once as a child, drowned twice by a bully, same bully would repeatedly slam my head and throw me down staircases. I remember in all these situations I would go blind from pain, during the drowning I remember I was able to physically feel myself losing sensation in my fingers and toes, and then my arms and legs and I wasn't able to move them anymore, I also remember that I went blind and basically fell asleep for a few seconds before I was pulled out of the water. I just barely survived the drowning.
There was also a time when I was 6 years old where I was gradually suffocated with blankets around my head for a somewhat extended time period. Once again I was able to physically feel myself shutting down, losing sensation and I eventually passed out. I do not know how long I was out but I woke up some time later as the blankets had come a bit loose due to the aggression and there was a small hole, I assume that was how air got in and I survived. I also have some blocked out memories with those same bullies in which I was angry that they choked me. I do not remember them choking me, but I do remember being angry about it, and wishing I could choke someone else to know what it felt like and why they enjoyed doing it to me so much. I remember thinking that, but I do not remember being choked by them. I do however have memories in which I am running away from them, but the memory cuts out as soon as they catch me so I have no details as to what they might have done to me.
In school I had a lot of anxiety because I was severely bullied there my whole life, there were three years in particular where the bullying was most severe, and I was also getting sexually harassed and getting rape threats at school, so my anxiety was so high I would randomly go blind, had constant stomach aches, and could get no more than 1-3 hours of sleep a night (usually non consecutive) since I kept waking up from stress. During that time I also started recovering my traumatic childhood memories, but my brain kept repressing them. I'd get my memories back for anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but then my brain would block it all out again, so I would randomly lose several hours or several days worth of memories and have no clue why. I genuinely thought I was developing dementia as a teenager because I had no other explanation for it.
Now I'm an adult in college, and I did a mental abilities and iq test, and the results were way lower than they were when I was a child. I was also told some of my mental abilities are several years delayed, which is the opposite of how it was before, because as a child and younger teen my mental abilities were always many years above my age level. My adhd and autism symptoms worsened, I developed gut/malabsorption and blood pressure problems, my short term memory is insanely worse, so much more than it ever was to the point it's barely manageable. It's gotten to the point that many people point it out, it takes me months to memorize my class schedule or someone's name, everytime I try to do anything Iend up checking or redoing things many times in a row forgetting that I've already done them. I'm a lot slower in processing certain things, and even the most mundane daily task has become nigh impossible for me. It's ridiculous and embarrassing, I can't do any of the things everyone my age does with ease, even though I have so much support in my life everything is so hard.
I mentioned these things to some friends and all of them asked me how the hell I don't have sevre autism, asked me how am I alive and how the hell am I even able to walk and do things normally because they all said that these things would usually cripple someone or severely disable them. I don't want to self diagnose or be dramatic but this has been happening for so long and I've done lots of research and I genuinely can't think of any other answer. Any help or advice would be much appreciated
submitted by SarcasticPsychoGamer to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:16 turtleBear49 Help identifying the redness/wierd hairs on my scalp

Sorry for the massive amount of text, If you don't want to read any background I wrote a TLDR below that just contains my thoughts on what I think I have and some pictures of my scalp.
Hello, I've been balding for about 9 years now, when it first started happening my doctor told me it was probably MPB so I shaved my head down when about my life, I noticed I often had a lot of redness on my scalp but thought it was just my skin (I do have a natural redish tone to my skin). Recently I decided I wanted to see what it would look like if I grew out my hair since my head is shaped like E.T, I started using ketoconazole 2% for a few weeks and noticed my hair got much darker and fuller after a few weeks, I added on 1mg/day (it's been a month now) to see what kind of gains and I have been having some decent regrowth even in places where I was previously completely bald. While I've been regrowing my hair I paid more attention to the redness on my scalp and how it was located near the thicker areas of my scalp, it seemed like the skin on my scalp started 'thinning' if that makes sense, it almost looked like like the redness is almost eating up the areas of my scalp that have hair, and in the areas that no longer have thicker scalp the hair is still there but it doesn't seem to grow at all, it will stay a follical with a little black dot in it or a tiny white hair growing out (recently some of these turned into full terminal hairs).
There's also areas that look like that are "scarred" like this but it seems like the follicals inside the 'scar' are not scarred over or completely dead, the hair just doesn't grow in it. I've been getting some hair regrowth and it seems like it comes back in a 'wave' where the scalp will thicken, and the hair will start to grow, and then the hair beside it will start to grow and so on, but this regrown stops completelly when it gets to an area with redness.
I'm obviously going to see a dermatologist in a week (takes a while to get appointments here) but my dermatologist is very quick and doesn't seem to like actually getting to the bottom of things and will often dismiss things quickly, for example when I first asked him if anything looked off on my scalp he just looked at it quickly (from 2 ft away) and said "seems like male pattern balding, nothing else unusual", but I learned that typically this is something you'd diagnose with tools not from 2 ft away, so I'm hoping I can get some help figuring out what I might have ans what the right questions might be.
I personally am almost completely convinced I have tinea capitis, reason being:
  1. The redness has gone down as I've used ketoconazole 2% in combination with selsun blue, prior to using them my entire crown had a red ring around it (near the areas where the scalp skin stops being thin)
  2. I have odd regrowth that does not seem to be standard MPB regrowth, the hairs seem to come back thick (as opposed to thin regrowth expected with MPB after years of being bald in that spot) but some of the hairs look really weird and will spiral or have a shape like a question mark, or just stay a black dot within the follical and not come out (which seems typical of tinea capitis).
  3. I've had ring worm in the past on other parts of my body but did thing it was related, it's been a while so I forget what I was prescribed but I did have a cream that seemed to help it go away.
  4. Some of the hairs come out looking like they have some whiteish coat (see pictures below) which seems typical of tinea capitis.
I have some pictures below, please let me know if you think I might be way off on it being tinea capitis, and let me know if there are any questions you think I should ask my dermatologist (and what kind of tests I should take) because he is very unwilling to do anything outside the bare minimum unless I push.
Some ideas I have thought of that it could be :
Redness all over scalp from 3 weeks ago prior to starting using ketoconazole 2% regularily (every other day)
Top view:
Front view:
'Scarred' areas where the hair doesn't grow (or the hair there is very faint)
Example 1: pic 1
Example 2: pic 2
Example 3: pic 3
Example 4: pic 4
Scales coating the hairs (yellow arrow) with cigarette ash-shaped hairs
Example I found online**:**
How my hairs look:
How my hairs look 2:
Closeup view:
Comma hairs (purple arrow), corkscrew hairs (blue arrow), black dots (red arrow), zigzag hairs, and bar code or morse code hairs
Example I found online:
Examples of how some of my hairs look like this 1:
Examples of how some of my hairs look like this 2:
Examples of how some of my hairs look like this close up:
Fungal melanonychia: Black dots may be due to dermatophytoma. In example pic (yellow arrow), orange-yellow color due to colonies of fungi (purple arrow)
Example I found online:
How my scalp looks:
I also have some red bumps that I notice that either look like follicilitis or ingrown hairs, as well as a peristant redness on the bottom of where my hairs is on the back of my neck, I have tried antibacterial cream (benzoyl peroxide 5%) for 2 days and it did not seem to have any effect at all (I only used it here, no where else on my scalp, just to test it).
Back of neck redness closeup:
Red bumps near follicals 1:
Red bumps near follicals 2:
Red bumps near follicles 3:
submitted by turtleBear49 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:16 Eaglelefty 2024 ATP Power Rankings #3 (pre-RG)

Ok, this is the wildest clay season in recent years. We've had Ruud beating Djokovic and winning a title above 250, FAA getting 2 retirements and a walkover to reach a Madrid final, the Elder Wand changing hands left and right, Nadal truly looking like a 1st week RG exit, and an injured/broken top 4 (but honestly the entire top 10 has had issues this clay season). This could be a buildup to someone's first slam final, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

1. Jannik Sinner (#2)

There were some positives for Jannik this clay season. SF, QF, A across the masters is still better than the clay results he put up in 2023 (SF, A, 4R). Jannik looked to be coasting to win Monte-Carlo, but Tsitsipas was in great form and a bad line call was made that changed the course of that match. The Madrid retirement was unfortunate (also a winnable tournament with FAA, Lehecka, Rublev being his path to the title), but preserving his health has got to be more important than anything else he does at the moment. As of me editing this post, Jannik is back practicing and looking like he's going to be just fine for RG, so the goal should be to aim for #1 especially now that the GOAT is vulnerable.

2. Carlos Alcaraz (#3)

Carlos has been announced to be looking good after scares with a right forearm injury that took him out of MC and Barca (and likely contributed to the unexpected Madrid exit). A thing that happens with Carlos is that when he's the favorite for something big, he seems to not play at his absolute best. Luckily this doesn't happen all the time, but if RG gets to to point where he's the only one of the top 4 remaining (pretty likely unless Sinner has a miracle or Djokovic pulls a Djokovic), what will happen? Will he have another Zverev incident? Besides that, I believe Carlos should coast through some rounds early and build his form up to 2023 levels, if he doesn't than really anything could happen.

3. Alexander Zverev (#4)

Honestly before Rome, Zverev was looking like a contender to turn in one of the worse clay seasons out of the top 5, but this Rome victory propels him up quite a bit in my book (look at the Live ATP Race rankings before you disagree). The most impressive part was what he did in the final; he came out of that final with 95% points won on first serve. Jarry won FIVE return points the entire match. The fact that his serve can do that on the court which probably resembles RG the most out of the clay masters is nothing short of extremely impressive. Winning Rome hasn't translated to a RG win (outside of Nadal) in a long time, but that serve + backhand alone should take him to the 2nd week.

4. Stefanos Tsitsipas (#9)

Post-Badosa Tsitsipas is a thing I guess? It's one hell of a mental turnaround to go from losing to Shapo in 2 lopsided sets to winning Monte-Carlo while beating Zverev, Sinner and Ruud (who just got the confidence boost of a lifetime by beating Djokovic). I'm not gonna look into Madrid too hard (a loss after a Masters title and another final is expected), and Rome was a loss to Jarry who was peaking and played out of his mind to clutch the comeback win. Stef does have a chance to do something crazy if he can get a favorable draw and play to the level he showed in MC, but only time will tell.

5. Casper Ruud (#7)

JAAAAAAAA. No seriously though, Ruud has had the clay season to completely change his mentality. Defeating #1 Djokovic (not a good Nole by his standards, but still Djokovic), and winning a title above 500 is the validation we've been waiting for from Casper. The game was always there but the execution in these make-or-break matches never showed up until this season. I'm willing to ignore Madrid and Rome because "what happended happended", but RG is pretty much peak Casper form outside of 250s, so a deep run looks to be on the way.

6. Andrey Rublev (#6)

Um this was unexpected. This was the same person who got all of one win (against retiring Murray) after his DQ in Dubai incident. The mental turnaround to win a 1000 with a strong performance against Alcaraz on the way is crazy. I don't know exactly what worked or why, but the old Rublev would have choked that final to Felix out of frustration. He hasn't been lashing out as much, he may even be letting go of his mistakes if you can believe it. Again, with the top 4 in question this is as good a time as any for people to make runs and Rublev has his chances to go beyond a QF if the draw allows and his head allows.

7. Novak Djokovic (#1)

Ok guys don't crucify me just yet for putting him down here. Djokovic is not out-performing any of these guys above him, in fact he looks human. Yes, he's got another easy draw at RG to get into the swing of things, but he looked bad against Ruud and even worse against Tabilo so there's no telling what could happen in this draw. He's doing well in Geneva right now, but Griekspoor and Hanfmann are hardly any real challenge. The GOAT needs to get back to GOAT things as soon as he can, or that #1 spot is going to Sinner. I'm sure he will, it's just a matter of when.

8. Danill Medvedev (#5)

Clayvedev didn't work out this year. Yes, the Rome condition were very much a one-time thing that we might not see again, but Med just didn't look like himself much at all this time around (he looked better last year's clay season imo). He's got nothing but points to gain at RG and that should bring some confidence to his game, but if the serve comes back at a high level he should be able to work himself into a respectable form for this one.

9. Hubert Hurkacz (#8)

No expected Hubi to have a great time on clay suddenly. He did win Estoril, which shows that he can play on clay, it's just that there's a hard ceiling on clay for people that heavily rely on serve, and it usually doesn't give them great success in the big tournaments. He put together some good wins and he's probably going to go at least to 3rd-4th round in the French just based on experience and rankings, but he's not anyone's pick to win the thing. Good job by him though for still putting in the hours and work to try and be the 2nd most successful active Polish tennis player on clay.

10. Taylor Fritz (#12)

Fritz has some potential here on this surface. He's not the best by any means, but he's been putting in decent results and beating some good clay players. I don't think that necessarily means a deep RG run, but I'd be very surprised if I see a headline with Fritz out in the 1st round. As long as that 1st serve percentage is high, he's going to be pretty hard to break down.

WILD CARDS: Jarry, Dimitrov, Nadal...???

Not as many wild cards as last time, but a few that I think are worth mentioning. Jarry put together a really nice Rome run after going winless post-Miami; this is sort of like Rublev's run but Jarry is likely going to lose form again randomly, he's never been consistent but when he fires he fires. Dimi was beaten quite a bit this clay season (makes sense, clear worst surface) but he's still probably winning some rounds. For Rafa, I'm not gonna go into too much detail, you can watch and see that he's not gonna be back to where he was ever again. The only two reasons he's on this list is because one, this is a match you should be watching no matter who you support in tennis; and two, if there's any remaining hope that Rafa can get one more win so we can see that fire one last time, it's here. Philippe-Chatrier, odds against him, and the King taking his last dance in the clay palace.
submitted by Eaglelefty to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:16 Millies_Mate_162 Everyone wants my to have a hip replacement.

In 2009 I fell 5.5 vertical metres through a roof, landing in the centre of a run of timber stairs and then rolling down the stairs to the next landing. I spent 4 days in hospital and was then released having done damage to both my hips and crushing my L2, L3, L4 and C3, C4 vertebrae. I had my accident on Monday 22/12 and came out on 24/12, a Christmas miracle, walking as if nothing had happened. Late December, early January (not a good time for me, I fell off the slippery tracks of a digger on the back of a truck, about 1.7 metres flat on my back onto a road. I got back up and carried on working. A week later I started getting an aching in my right leg and foot. I also had a burning sensation in my right calf muscle.A week later and I was getting the same pains in my left leg, same burning sensation in the left leg. I also found it hard doing certain things, like lifting my legs to get into bed. I would have to lift each leg with my arms. Also, getting into a car. I would have to sit down and lift each leg with my hands and bring them into the car. Driving a truck was worse, like climbing the steps to get into my house. I would stand at the bottom of the steps, staring at the stairs/steps, trying to figure out how I was going to get up them. I went to my doctors clinic, seeing Dr #1. He sent me to have X-rays/mri and forwarded my name to a ‘specialist’. Specialist told me he didn’t really need to see me and going off my mri/X-ray I needed both hips replaced, my left one being the worse. He said I had osteo-arthritis. He apparently put me on the waiting list for hip replacement, recommending 1 hip, left hip first, at a time. While waiting, but still working (I have a small business with up to 6 employees scaffolding, supplying swing stages on the outside of hi-rise buildings, supplying access machines and the transport of same items. All symptoms continued but I also started getting a tingling sensation in both hands. Dr#2 asked me which fingers and I said I thought it was the whole hand. Dr#1 said it must be carpel tunnel and I must be getting it in the ring and little fingers only. Meanwhile Dr#2 does an examination and while having me, laying on my back, raising my legs, says that my weakness in ability to raise the legs did not support hip replacement send me off to see another specialist, his cousin. This specialist tells me that by the way I walked into his office he could tell I needed a hip replacement. Still on the waiting list, I carried on working. I notice now, whilst at rest or laying in my bed, I started getting spasms, these were mainly in my legs but could go so far as right up to my neck. Frustrated with this going no where and my loosing my ability to go for long walks with my wife, I book a double appointment, at the end of their day, with Dr#3, the senior doctor of the practise. He examined me and tells me ‘referred pain’ doesn’t normally go below the knee of the opposite leg, ie right leg if left hip is the problem hip. He checks out some books/journals and starts talking about pressure points in my neck and other places but winds up saying ‘if I want him to follow up on that, I’ll have to book another appointment. Mean time I get an appointment to see the anesthesiologist for the hip replacement, she tells me operation won’t proceed till I have my blood pressure down to the 140 range, it was 195. I go back to Dr#1 who puts me on a tablet to reduce my blood pressure. I should mention, I have also been on since pain started Morning - 2 panadol, 2 gabapentine, 1 celecoxib Lunchtime - 2 panadol, 2 gabapentin Night - 2 panadol, 2 gabapentine, 1 celecoxib, 1 magnesium. B/p still fluctuates between 148 and 190 and I seem to be on a treadmill to no-where. I went and visited my elderly mother in hospital yesterday but the walk to her room was extremely hard. I contacted my dr’s clinic and they told me the earliest I could be seen was ‘next Tuesday’. But, since I was at a hospital’ I decided to try for a difference of opinion there. I booked in to the a&e at 11:00am and waited. Blood pressure (195) was taken and blood samples. A doctor saw me at about 6:30pm and I spoke with him about my leg pains. I also mentioned hand and foot spasms and also the fact that I also had dizzy spells. He told me that I had osteo arthritis in my hips. I asked if this could be due to the fall I had in 2009 which he didn’t know about. He scrolled back through my records and instantly told me that my left hip had gotten worse. He said I should have discussions with my osteopath. I asked ‘which one’ and he said the one I have most confidence with. As they’re all trying to send me in for hip replacements, I don’t have confidence in any of them. I feel I have a pinched nerve that is giving me the majority of my complaints. I believe the damage they’re seeing to my hips is what happened in 2009 and they want to deal to that. I do no believe I have osteo arthritis (but I could be wrong). Please, is there anyone out there that can help me????
submitted by Millies_Mate_162 to AskDocs [link] [comments]