Jamie durie nude

I think I may have found The Nudes...

2024.05.09 21:04 381672943 I think I may have found The Nudes...

I think I may have found The Nudes...
I was researching another skating lostwave band based in San Diego called 'Slingshot Wild' (found the drummer and reached out, it's regarding this song from H-Street's Shackle me Not which may/may not be their's: https://youtu.be/mSNdtJFJjCY?si=O5oZ7iDTrza72ZBd) and found something very cool on a fluke!
Anyways, I started looking for "The Nudes" and "San Diego" as search terms on a whim (it's one of those bands I search for every so often in hopes I find something) and found the San Diego State University Daily Aztec dated May 1983 that interviews a band called 'The Trowsers'. And in this interview is a reference to a band called The Nudes by their drummer and founder! This is the first place I've seen a band by that name mentioned outside of Bones Brigade Video (in this timeframe).
What is also interesting is it means they maybe weren't a Santa Barbara band after all?
This could be big if true! Definitely my favorite lostwave :)
Note: I've reached out to 'Gerry' and will update everyone if he replies. Please don't bug him, it could be just a coincidence
submitted by 381672943 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:19 OkSeaworthiness3134 Masuka's daughter explained

Being a captain obvious here, but here goes:

1) small reason - Masuka's daughter was brought in s8 to give a beloved comic relief character some development, since he hardly ever got any, most memorably in s3, and some nice serious moments with Deb in s1 or s4.
2) Huuuuge reason - eye candy. Every season has to have "new" eyecandy lady, that's the rule of this series: season 1 brings us Debra: it shows the very first character besides Dexter and his victim, the deuteragonist Debra - at first only her photo over her voice message and then, when we meet her, for the very first time, while we're also meeting the very first character besides Dexter, the camera goes slowly up from her feet, up her bare legs, to her extremely short shorts, and then to her sexy tank top and earrings and face.
season 2 brings in Lila
season 3, weirdly enough, has Rita. in s1 and s2 her hair was thin, shoulder-length and straight, while her clothes were very housewife-like, and not just the aprons. Her dresses and blouses sometimes were almost ridiculously sprinkled with a floral pattern.
however, in season 3 she has deep cut sexy dresses, longer hair with more volume, curls and waves, and episode 1 opens showing us a few pretty graphic scenes of her fully nude with Dex in bed.

season 4 brings in Christine with some graphic scenes with Quinn (Rita stays hot)
season 5 brings in Lumen
season 6 brings in Jamie Batista, and the very first shot of her is, of course, her wearing a swimsuit bra
season 7 brings in Nadia the stripper and Hannah
season 8 brings back Hannah,

but also Masuka's daughter who happens to work in a topless bar.
submitted by OkSeaworthiness3134 to Dexter [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - April 11th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 05:35 One_Frosty_Mushroom A year later this is what I learned (maybe learn from my mistakes)

Sorry for the long post, but maybe this can help someone else in their path to detachment and healing.
This is a new account as it was necessary for me to delete my previous one account in order to keep her from finding it again. I've been part of this community for over a year now and it's been invaluable to validate my experiences.
A year ago today, my ex falsely accused me of domestic violence and had me arrested, then walked away from me without a (rational) word. A year ago, I was terrified, confined and shoeless in a locked room at the police station. The room had a chair bolted to the floor, no windows and a phone that only allowed incoming calls. I was not told how long I'd be in there. I was told that since I complied with the police, they placed me in a better cell (because why wouldn't I cooperate?! And also, does that mean there are worse cells than this??).
Today, a year later, as a small step towards enjoying my own company, I treated myself to a sushi dinner at a nice restaurant. I made a promise to myself a year ago to remain single for at least a year, and I am proud to have kept it.
It has been an incredibly challenging year. I had to let go of my stepchildren, whom I cherished dearly. I worked very hard to form those relationships and 2.5 years in I felt like I was finally starting to get the hang of it, as difficult as it was. I still think about them every day. Growing up with a mom who suffers from BPD, I know their struggles all too well. Right now, I wish I could reassure them that they are wanted, cherished and deserving of unconditional love. Maybe someday, when they are adults, we can reconnect. I want them to know that my sudden departure from their lives was not their fault or because I didn't love them. I also want them to know I would never hurt their mother or anyone for that matter.
If you find yourself where I was, please know that it does get better. I wish me a year ago could read this. Even though I still have tough days, their intensity has diminished over time.
Let me just clarify, if you are a year out and still ruminating, that's ok. There is nothing wrong with you. Like my ex, yours may accuse you of being obcessed with them if you're still sad about it months later. Please know that these people don't form normal attachments. Some are able to even discard their kids. They don't understand why we get so attached while they are able to move on the same day. This is not normal. I like to say to people, I'm not obcessed with her, I'm obcessed with what she did to me. At this point, as much as I understand this illness is rooted in trauma, I have no time or space to feel compassion for her any longer.
I have found the following things to be helpful in my healing process:
  1. For managing moment-to-moment distress and grief, learning Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills has been invaluable. It has helped me to control impulses to reach out and to practice radical acceptance. There are books available on Amazon about it and numerous videos on YouTube.
  2. Reading. I found the ones below particularly helpful:
a. "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie b. "It's Not You" by Ramani Durvasula c. "Psychopath Free" by Jackson MacKenzie d. "Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist" by Margalis Fjelstad e. "Stop Walking on Eggshells" by Paul T. Mason and Randi Kreger f. "Splitting" by Randi Kreger and Bill Eddy g. "Toxic Relationship Recovery" by Jamie Mahler h. "Whole Again" by Jackson MacKenzie
Listening to audiobooks occupied my mind and kept me from ruminating.
  1. Journaling, something I dismissed at first as stupid. Writing unsent letters to my ex helped prevent me from reaching out and allowed me to process my emotions. Posting here has acted as a journal. It was a great way to express myself and move forward, especially since my ex left me confused and devastated with no answers.
  2. Pursuing a new hobby that I have been interested in for years. In addition to occupying my mind, learning a new skill reduced rumination.
  3. When I missed her, I kept a list of all the awful, cruel things she said and did to me. There is a real sense of cognitive dissonance. It's so easy to get pulled back in and forget reality. The list really helps with this.
  4. Making sure I take my prescribed medication consistently and evaluating its effectiveness.
  5. I reconnected with friends I had isolated myself from during the relationship. She didn't explicitly tell me not to hang out with them, but she had problems with all of them. So I stopped hanging out with them. You will need their support and validation now more than ever.
  6. Asking for support and discussing my experiences as much as I needed. Unlike typical breakups, these situations can cause significant psychological distress. Turning to forums or support groups for loved ones of people with BPS can be beneficial if your friends are tired of listening. If you're still thinking about something, you're still processing it. There is nothing wrong with you if you need more time.
  7. A friend suggested I try virtual Al-Anon meetings (the ones for friends and family) and I found them surprisingly helpful. While my ex did not have a substance abuse problem, I find that individuals with severe untreated BPD behave in a similar manner to addicts. There is a similar pattern to these relationships with codependents and their person with endless drama and problems. AA taught me how to detach with love and to focus on myself, more so than Codependents Anonymous. The AA program has been around for so long, and their format is easy to understand. There is a lot of structure in the meetings, but I found the routine soothing.
  8. Keep no contact as much as possible, but do not punish yourself if you cave in. Take a deep breath and try again tomorrow. Block them on all platforms. All of them. Remove them from all your apps' contacts, even the ones you rarely use and kick them off any shared streaming services. They will try any avenue they have to reach you. Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, Discord, even Pinterest! No matter how sweet they sound up front, I promise you will feel like shit after speaking with them. I usually don't like thinking in absolutes but I have yet to find a story where a hoover led to something nice or healthy.
  9. Resist the hoover and/or baiting. I wish I had known about baiting a year ago. The abuse escalated to a level I never imagined after the discard. At first, she would tell me she missed me and wanted to talk. Since she broke up with me so suddenly, she knew I wanted to talk to her. Knowing I would respond emotionally, she knew I wanted clarity and answers. Once I was engaged, she would switch and confront me with the strangest accusations. Later, I learned this was part of her strategy. It was my mistake to defend myself, to ask for clarification, and to tell her how badly I was hurt, thinking she would have empathy for someone she supposedly used to love. Months later, mutual friends told me she used those "unhinged" long texts of mine as "proof" of my obsession with her. She'd read them out loud to people, claiming I wouldn't leave her alone. No contact is so strongly recommended here for a reason. Unfortunately, I didn't listen and had to learn the hard way.
  10. Do not defend yourself if they smear you to others. I'm glad I finally put it together and stopped responding. It won't take long for people to see how quiet you are while they continue to talk about you, long after the breakup. The people who can't see through it and continue to believe the wild stories are not your friends. I have call logs that show her calling me numerous times. Their inconsistencies will become apparent. It's tempting to think they still love you if they talk and think about you, but this isn't true. They hate you because of what they believe you did to them. In their mind, it's very real and their treatment of you is justified. Others' sympathy and support also meet their need for validation. The crazier their stories get, the more people gather around them and comment on how strong they are for making it out of such a toxic situation with you and coming out on top. She told people I stole her sex toys while also saying I returned sex toys mixed with broken glass 🙄 so which is it? Did I return the toys or steal them? I guess in her world it's both...
  11. During your healing process, stay single as long as possible. Take this time to think about your wounds and pitfalls, and you'll know when you're ready again. Learn what the red flags are and how to spot them. Learn how to be a good supporter for a future partner without giving all of yourself in the process. Learn to set boundaries in a loving way. Learn the definition of a boundary. Healthy people will see your boundaries as a sign that you want them in your life.
  12. Make a point of fueling your body even if your stomach is in knots right after you go no contact or leave. The first few months, I had trouble keeping food down, so I relied on protein shakes so I could function. Stay hydrated... with water not alcohol...
  13. I personally found that focusing more on my appearance helped. I took extra time in the bath to do a hair mask and moisturized. Taking care of myself in this way helped me deal with some of the toxic things she said about me.
  14. I took walks around my neighborhood. Physical activity and sunlight helped me feel better.
  15. Document any abuse that occurs. Get your phone out and record them if they show up unannounced. Keep your door locked and don't let them in, even if they seem calm and say they are fine. Start recording before things escalate. If they injure you or break any property, take pictures immediately. When we broke up, she bruised my arms by trying to shove me out (my own) door. In response to my attempts to hold her accountable for putting her hands on me, she denied it and called me retarded and clumsy. Without pictures, I wouldn't have any proof.
During her weekly visits to torment me she pounded on my door, verbally abused me, and stole items off my porch. All while telling friends I was the one stalking her. In the absence of the videos, pictures and screenshots I have, no one would believe me because she is so convincing and well-put together.
  1. If you can, change the locks or the door code if they have a key to your house. I was sitting in my living room one morning when my ex let herself in and threatened to kill me before taking some of my stuff and leaving. I was too stunned to react. You should never assume they will not harm you. This is a severe mental illness and there are no limits to what they can do in this state.
  2. Log out of everything and do a security checkup if there is any chance they know your passwords or if you are still signed in to their devices. I discovered my ex had access to my email account while logged into her tablet. In addition to accessing my Reddit account and email, she shared some of my private information with her friends.
  3. If they have any disparaging pictures of you (like nudes or anything embarrassing), they may share them. I found out intimate pictures of me were shown to my ex's friends and people I don't know. Additionally, she shared intimate pictures of her current partner, proving that no one is sacred or special to them.
  4. If possible, move away and make sure none of your friends tell your ex where you are.
  5. Keep your distance from their new partner. In a perfect world we would have Yelp for people, but until that's a thing just stay away. Eventually, they'll receive the same treatment as you. It's part of the smear campaign to portray you as insane, abusive, and obsessed so that you can't share information and scare away new prospects. New partners think they will never be discarded as long as they are different from the ex-partners they complain about. Unfortunately, we learn all too soon that while no one is perfect, the real problem doesn't lie with the ex.
  6. I discovered that it is pretty common for them to threaten your job and career as a manipulation tactic to get what they want. I have voice recordings of my ex threatening to make false reports to get my professional license revoked. She also threatened to call my boss. I noticed she did this with her ex husband too, so naturally she did it to me too. Where I live there is a labour law that states that employees have a right to disclose domestic abuse to employers and receive protection. With all the threats and stress I almost lost my job. Of all places, I learned about this law at my court-mandated domestic abuse group therapy. My employer has been very supportive.
  7. Never hesitate to call police if they escalate and you feel you are in danger. Even if there is no physical violence. My ex tried to kick me out of my own apartment, refusing to go home claiming it was hers... She became agitated several times. She threw my belongings outside in the rain, broke picture frames, tried to wrestle me out the door and threatened to let my pets loose outside. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to out of fear she'd hurt my animals. I was so hesitant to call police because I didn't want her to get in trouble! I thought she was having a mental breakdown and needed to go to a hospital. Regardless, if you feel your safety is at risk, lock yourself and your pets/children in another room and call emergency services. They will accuse you of being a narc (my ex's words) and ruining their life. Know that they ruined their own lives by refusing treatment and subjecting everyone to their unmanaged symptoms. That's not your problem anymore. In my case, in my hesitation to call police, she called them first to tell them I assaulted her and there was nothing I could say or do. Don't be like me and try to protect them. Let them live with the consequences of their actions. They will be more motivated to seek treatment if people start setting limits and stop tiptoeing around them.
  8. If you feel comfortable, tell your neighbors what is going on, especially if your ex is making threats or stalking you. They can call police for you in the event you are incapacitated. They can also serve as witnesses. In my case my neighbors would let me know if she came by when I wasn't home and would check on me after she had a meltdown.
  9. If you do get the law involved, make sure you follow any court ordered mandates. In my case we were both automatically given no-contact orders following the arrest. I was stupid and answered her text messages when she reached out saying she was in distress and needed support. This allowed her to torment me all summer because if I called police on her she could throw me under the bus for breaking no-contact, resulting in fines or jail time. Don't be like me.
  10. Immediately unlink and factory reset any Tiles or similar trackers you may have on your keys, etc. My ex sent me text messages telling me she knew my location and what I was doing there. My only conclusion was that she had access to my tile at the time and could see where I was. She found out I went strawberry picking one time (something I used to do with the kids) and told her daughter I went without her because I didn't care about her anymore.
  11. Stop trying to make sense of it. As humans we are wired to want to understand and make sense of things, but this is a mental illness. Accept that you will never understand what you did to deserve such treatment. Even if they tell you, it won't make sense and will likely change every time you speak. My ex was too ashamed to tell me she wanted to leave me for someone that made more money and would take her on vacation. I actually would have preferred she just be straight up with me rather than the million nonsensical reasons she gave me ranging from child abuse to rape and forced hospitalization. For months I racked my brain trying to understand. Accept that you can't because it isn't rational.
Remember, healing is a process, and it's okay to seek help and try various methods until you find what works for you. Sometimes you will try and fail and that's ok. Unlike your ex who likely had zero compassion for you, you can give yourself compassion. Stay strong, and know that you are not alone in this journey ❤️
submitted by One_Frosty_Mushroom to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 21:50 Traditional_Sail6298 Problematic VA's/Celebrities Part 2

Problematic VA's/Celebrities Part 2
With problematic VAs and Celebrities being a trending topic currently, here's a list of VAs still working in the industry who really shouldn't be. (This is Part 2 of this thread, will make a Part 3)🧵
  1. Amanda C Miller - Appeared on right wing podcast Geeks & Gamers. Endorsed known extremist Nick Rekieta
  2. Anthony Ingruber - allegations of grooming and sexual assualt
  3. Todd Haberkorn - allegations of drugging and Rape.
  4. Illich Guardiola- Sexual assualt of a minor BLACKLISTED
  5. Ryan Haywood - Grooming fans and sexual misconduct BLACKLISTED
  6. Justin Roiland - Allegations of domestic violence and sexual assualt
  7. Mike Haimoto - Allegations of domestic violence and sexual assualt.
  8. Anthony Dimascio - Allegations of domestic abuse to his fans BLACKLISTED
  9. Rebecca Forstadt - Defended Wendee Lee's comments. Said "Get a "real job" if you can't take it"
  10. Reuben Langdon- COVID 19 Conspiracy theorist, supporter of January 6th
  11. Christy Carlson Romano - Platformed Alleged Predator Corey Feldman, Removed Alexa Nikolas’s Vunerable Episode and blocked her.
  12. Jamie Lynn Spears - Bullied Alexa Nikolas, Benefited off of Britney Spears’ abusive conservatorship, Physically abused Casey Aldridge Havard, lied on Alexa Nikolas in her book, Things I should’ve said.
  13. Dan Schneider - Has a foot fetish, verbally abused Alexa Nikolas, Jennette McCurdy and more.
  14. Matthew Underwood - Groomed a minor, defended Dan Schneider and called Alexa Nikolas a liar.
  15. Christopher Massey - Defended Jamie Lynn Spears, tried to gaslight Alexa Nikolas into thinking that she wasn’t bullied.
  16. Kyle Massey - Immoral communication with a minor, where he allegedly sent nude photos to a 13-year-old girl
  17. Lou M Taylor - Put Britney Spears in a conservatorship and human trafficked her, tried to put Lindsey Lohan and other celebrities into a conservatorship to build an empire.
  18. Robin Greenhill - Put Britney Spears in a conservatorship and human trafficked her, paid sex workers on behalf of Diddy, would control every aspect of Britney’s life to an abusive degree, told prospective dates Britneys entire sexual and medical history, came up with the idea to bug Britney Spears phone, and record her texts and calls, declared ‘she WILL work on her birthday’ in a meeting about Britneys schedule in which she is excluded from.
  19. Larry Rudolph - Human Trafficked Britney Spears, drugged her against her will and teamed up with her dad to put her in a conservatorship.
  20. Jamie Parnell Spears - Locked Britney Spears in a conservatorship, stole her money and human trafficked her for 13 years, put her on lithium against her will.
submitted by Traditional_Sail6298 to eatpredatorsdaily [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 21:15 newmusicrls Best New Tech House Releases 22-Mar-2024 (333 Tracks)

45KE - Drugs & Dungens (Original Mix) 05:47 127bpm 11A Abraham (ES) - Fuk U (Original Mix) 05:49 127bpm 1A Abraham (ES) - Salsa Picante (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 8A AESTASIADO - Mis chicas (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 8A AESTASIADO - No party no dance (Original Mix) 06:38 127bpm 8B AESTASIADO - Yeah vida loca (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 8A Alex O'Clock - Check (Extended Mix) 04:45 128bpm 10A Almo, Mason Young, CiDE, Michael Kurt - Feel It Coming feat. Almo (Extended Mix) 03:28 127bpm 12B AMPRS&ND - Feel (Original Mix) 05:43 126bpm 12B Andre Salmon, DJ Bookum - Lil' Brighter (Jordano Roosevelt's Dub Mix) 05:13 131bpm 8B Andre Salmon, DJ Bookum - Lil' Brighter (Original Mix) 05:49 128bpm 4B Andres Marquez - Rolling (Original Mix) 05:36 126bpm 5A Andres Marquez - Subsonico (Original Mix) 05:32 128bpm 12A Andruss - Vai Caralho (Do togo) (Extended Mix) 05:18 130bpm 7A Andruss, Maesic - Frikitona (Maesic Extended Remix) 04:32 125bpm 10B Angel Heredia - Jatar (Original Mix) 05:46 128bpm 11A Angel Heredia - Serenade (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 10A Angelo Raguso, FAW9 - Oblivion (Original Mix) 05:42 129bpm 5B Angelo Raguso, FAW9 - Sectumsempra (Original Mix) 05:54 130bpm 8A Antho Decks, KEFFI - Que Mire (Extended Mix) 06:14 126bpm 11B Banito - Bokowo (Original Mix) 04:31 123bpm 1A BARUX - Bi (Extended Mix) 04:13 130bpm 10A BARUX - Body (Extended Mix) 04:43 132bpm 9A BARUX - Equador (Extended Mix) 04:00 130bpm 1B Baum - Sinnerman (Bastian Bux Remix) 06:20 130bpm 10A Baum - Sinnerman (Original Mix) 06:31 130bpm 10A Ben Kim - Raw Frequency (Original Mix) 06:04 127bpm 8B Bessey - Boombox (Extended Mix) 06:01 128bpm 1A Biscits, TOBEHONEST - I Am The One (Original Mix) 05:55 127bpm 9A Bkay - 20 Girls (Original Mix) 03:22 126bpm 1A Bkay - Afters In Beirut (Original Mix) 03:05 126bpm 8A Bkay - Big Bad Bass (Bonus Track) (Original Mix) 01:33 87bpm 7A Bkay - Club Diary (Original Mix) 03:05 126bpm 8B Bkay - Mr.Freak (Original Mix) 02:24 125bpm 4B BLK&WHT - Soul Spirit (Extended Mix) 04:51 126bpm 4B Bloody Good - Brining It Back (Original Mix) 06:04 128bpm 8B Bloody Good - Toxic (Original Mix) 05:10 124bpm 12B Br!tch - Breathe (Original Mix) 06:40 125bpm 6A Bruno Furlan - Sugar Daddy (Original Mix) 06:07 128bpm 8A Caique Carvalho - Like It Bass (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 6A Carlos Agraz - Body Shaker (Extended Mix) 05:37 126bpm 2A Castle J, Arkins, Fatboi - Mamate (Extended Mix) 05:00 128bpm 10A Cave Studio - Feel The Tempo (Extended Mix) 03:52 128bpm 7B cesco. - No Me Avises (Original Mix) 05:16 128bpm 2A cesco. - V Town (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 3B Ciszak - Sentinel (Original Mix) 05:11 127bpm 2B Ciszak - Space & Time (Original Mix) 05:43 130bpm 1B Cloonee - Sippin' Yak (Original Mix) 06:35 127bpm 1A Close To Us - Wiiru (Original Mix) 05:13 128bpm 4A CLUBRIDER - No Love Lost (Original Mix) 03:29 130bpm 6A Clyde P - El Barrio (Original Mix) 05:08 131bpm 9A Connor Hunter - My Boogie (Original Mix) 04:28 130bpm 9A Cordoba (ARG), Ruso Eyh - Wuh (Original Mix) 06:12 130bpm 1A Cordoba (ARG), Ruso Eyh - Wuh (Spega Remix) 05:13 130bpm 12A Costa UK - Funky Town (Extended Mix) 05:03 128bpm 6A D'Amico & Valax, Ashton Adams - A Little Less Conversation (Extended Mix) 03:13 125bpm 8A Dani Masi, Santos Garcia, Mc Th, Mc Menor Thalis, DJ Zigão - Faz o Sinalzinho RMX (Extended Mix) 05:48 128bpm 4A Daniel Kazuo - Iron Groove (Extended Mix) 05:27 129bpm 4A Daniel Kazuo - Time Is Money (Extended Mix) 05:45 128bpm 7B Dapadi - Kaye (Original Mix) 06:07 127bpm 1A David Aguilera - Poky (Original Mix) 06:01 128bpm 8A David Cueto (ES), Maty Badini, LeoK - Millonaria (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 4A David Jager - Circus Trumpet (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 12A David Jager - Me Gustas (Extended Mix) 05:20 128bpm 8A David Jager - O My God (Original Mix) 05:42 127bpm 6A Davide Mazzilli, Krispino Krs - NOBODY (Extended Mix) 05:17 127bpm 4A Declan Knapp - Go (Original Mix) 04:31 131bpm 2B Deeve - Cherry (Original Mix) 02:48 123bpm 5A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Instrumental Club Mix) 06:25 125bpm 6A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Radio Mix) 03:10 125bpm 6A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Vocal Club Mix) 06:25 125bpm 6A Dero, Funk D - Do It One More Time (Extended Mix) 04:03 126bpm 1A Dickie Clare - Bandicoot (Original Mix) 06:24 125bpm 7A Dickie Clare - Jungle Lagoon (Original Mix) 06:40 125bpm 9A Dickie Clare - Landscape (Original Mix) 06:19 128bpm 10B Diego Palacio, Juan Valencia - O Bandido (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 12B Diego Sosa - Make You Dance (GreenThump Remix) 06:33 128bpm 5A Diego Sosa - Make You Dance (Original Mix) 06:31 128bpm 9A Dillon Marinez - Ecstatic (Original Mix) 05:00 128bpm 12B DIRZU - Ha (Extended Mix) 05:01 128bpm 9A Diskreet - Bad (Original Mix) 04:42 129bpm 11A Diskreet - Tambourine (Original Mix) 04:39 128bpm 4A Divine, Fleur Shore - In Your Soul feat. DiVine (Extended Mix) 04:58 129bpm 8B DJ Hern - Wishing on a star (Chamacos Remix) 05:11 128bpm 11A DJ Hern - Wishing on a star (Original Mix) 04:45 128bpm 11A DJ Ody Roc - Corpora (Original Mix) 06:21 128bpm 6A DJ Ody Roc - Do U Like It (Original Mix) 05:44 123bpm 9B DONT BLINK - RUDEBOX (Original Mix) 05:22 126bpm 7B DONT BLINK - TAKE YOU HOME (Original Mix) 06:08 125bpm 5A Dot N Life - Fiko Loco (Extended Mix) 04:22 128bpm 12A Dove & Serpent, Justin Brautigam, Bendr, Leo Zan - Lean Back (feat. Dove & Serpent, Leo Zan & Justin Brautigam) (Original Mix) 04:47 127bpm 12A Dropbusterz, Edson Faiolli - Bandolera (Extended Mix) 04:08 128bpm 5A E. Vega - Lick it (Extended Mix) 05:35 126bpm 3A Ede - Your Love (Seth Troxler Remix) 06:33 124bpm 4A Edgvr Romero - Break It (Original Mix) 06:14 123bpm 9A Edgvr Romero - WYW (Original Mix) 06:11 124bpm 12A Fab Massimo - Red Pepper (Original Mix) 06:16 128bpm 12B Fab Massimo - Repeat After Me (Original Mix) 05:37 126bpm 2B Faccu Correa - It's Over (Original Mix) 06:15 128bpm 9B Federico Guttadauro - Wakanda (Federico Grazzini Remix) 05:52 126bpm 3A Federico Guttadauro - Wakanda (Original Mix) 05:27 126bpm 7A Filex - Phat Beat (Extended Mix) 03:50 125bpm 8A Fleur Shore - I Take No (Extended Mix) 05:31 129bpm 10B Floor Vision - The Funk (Extended Mix) 05:31 128bpm 9A Franz Colmer - Feel your need (Original Mix) 04:11 126bpm 4A Franz Colmer - Nasty (Original Mix) 04:05 127bpm 1B Franz Costa - Out Of My Head (Original Mix) 06:25 128bpm 6B Franz Costa - Yes I Do (Original Mix) 07:35 128bpm 10B Freenzy Music - Gimme That Beat (Original Mix) 05:39 130bpm 3A Freenzy Music - My Drip (Original Mix) 05:39 130bpm 7A FREMONT (US) - Tell Me (Extended Mix) 03:40 125bpm 7B Fresko (US) - Sexy Jazz (Extended Mix) 06:38 130bpm 3A Froex - Heeey (Extended Mix) 05:31 128bpm 2A Gabry Sangineto, Jame Starck - Deep Fever (Extended Mix) 05:33 125bpm 1A GAWP - Resonance (Original mix) 05:42 130bpm 7B GAWP - Resonance (Tyler Hill 772 Re-work) 06:01 130bpm 7B George Privatti, Kiubbah Malon - Tamo Chucky feat. Kiubbah Malon (Original Mix) 06:02 128bpm 8A George Privatti, Mosby - Chapotea (Original Mix) 05:44 129bpm 10A Gio Lucca, Casey Zanni - New Luv (Original Mix) 06:02 128bpm 8A Giometrik, Refilled - Tugu (Original Mix) 03:35 127bpm 6A Giovanni Foggetta - Gigi (Original Mix) 06:52 128bpm 9A Giovanni Foggetta - With Money (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 1B Glowerz - Feel Alive (Extended Mix) 04:07 126bpm 5B Greedo - Some More (Original Mix) 05:56 130bpm 2B Grenno - Closer (Original Mix) 05:42 126bpm 9B GROSSOMODDO - Mirage (Extended Mix) 06:30 120bpm 4A Guezmark - Mandla (Original Mix) 05:30 125bpm 12B Gustaff, Hector Diez - Crash Baby (Original Mix) 05:54 130bpm 4A Gustavo Koch - Mi Passion (Original Mix) 04:38 130bpm 9A Hassio (COL), Corrales - The Pearl (Delanene Remix) 06:19 130bpm 10A Hassio (COL), Corrales - The Pearl (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10A Hudson Biondo, Mc Th - Vidro Fume (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 10B Igor Zanga - Get Weird (Original Mix) 06:05 128bpm 1A Ivan Lopez - Hasta La Mañana (Original Mix) 07:19 131bpm 1B Jack Tonelli - Myrtle Av (Original Mix) 05:08 124bpm 5A Jackie Hollander - The Afterparty (Loco & Jam Remix) 05:17 128bpm 4B Jaecjoss - Without You (Original Mix) 06:10 127bpm 3A James Hype - Wild (Extended Mix) 05:40 130bpm 1B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Crewcutz Remix) 05:42 129bpm 3B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Original Mix) 05:15 128bpm 10B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Reelow East London Remix) 06:20 131bpm 1B Jamie Coins - Representz (Original Mix) 05:48 128bpm 1A Javi Colina - Bien Buena (Julian Collazos Remix) 05:00 128bpm 3A Javi Colina - Bien Buena (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 11A Javi Colina - Rebelion (Original Mix) 05:34 127bpm 2B Javi Torres, POMATA - Ritmo (Original Mix) 04:21 127bpm 9A Jay de Lys - Babylon (CAAL Remix) 05:34 128bpm 11A Jay de Lys - Babylon (Original Mix) 06:35 128bpm 7A Jay de Lys - Freaky Things (De La Swing Remix) 06:26 130bpm 5A Jay de Lys - Freaky Things (Original Mix) 05:59 130bpm 2A JB Martinz - Con Voucher (Original Mix) 05:46 128bpm 9A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (Copasetic Remix) 06:02 128bpm 7A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (igor zanga Remix) 06:23 127bpm 8A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (MartinoResi Remix) 07:00 126bpm 3B JB Martinz - Hot Baby (Original Mix) 06:48 128bpm 6A JB Martinz - Like the Old Days (Original Mix) 06:47 129bpm 5B Jewel Kid - Lizard King (Extended Mix) 05:42 130bpm 3A Jhojho - BUSTED (Original Mix) 05:44 130bpm 9B Jhojho - Killerman (Original Mix) 05:33 127bpm 2A Joeski - Now Hear Dis (Original Mix) 06:39 125bpm 7B Johan S - Lucky (Extended Mix) 04:35 128bpm 1B Jolyon Petch - Insomnia (Extended Mix) 05:14 125bpm 10A Jonathan Jaramillo, Giovanni Cather - Tuki Bahh (Original Mix) 06:19 129bpm 2A Jordan Peak - Exclusive (Original Mix) 06:06 126bpm 10A Jordan Peak - Feeling Good (Original Mix) 05:17 131bpm 6A Jordan Peak - Oh Baby (Original Mix) 06:09 130bpm 5A Joshua James - Body (Original Mix) 05:53 132bpm 8A Joy Marquez, DiMO (BG) - American People (Extended Mix) 06:07 124bpm 7B Jungle Jack - Jungle Rythm (Original Mix) 06:06 129bpm 4A Jungle Jack - My Jam (Original Mix) 06:39 126bpm 8B Kamino, Ky William - Gravity (Original Mix) 06:11 130bpm 11A Kapuzen - Bling Bling (Original Mix) 02:04 125bpm 5B Karl Lingard - Let It Roll (Extended Mix) 06:24 94bpm 9B Karl Lingard - Step On (Extended Mix) 06:06 127bpm 9A KPD - OQP (Original Mix) 05:37 125bpm 7B Labeeb - Let You Go (Original Mix) 03:12 125bpm 4A Lady Bee, Gian Varela, Vikina - Corazon (Extended Mix) 03:49 127bpm 2B Léo Franco - Lúcia (Original Mix) 03:50 127bpm 5A LeoK - A Girl Like You (Extended Mix) 06:22 126bpm 11B Lexlay - Clandestino (Original Mix) 06:19 131bpm 1A Liam Tav - Bonito Suena (Original Mix) 05:04 126bpm 2A Liam Tav - Egypt Fest (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10B Liam Tav - Little Closer (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 11A Liam Tav - Rave After Rave (Original Mix) 06:36 126bpm 2B Litmus - Profiterole (Original Mix) 06:53 130bpm 8B Litmus - Round And Round (Original Mix) 07:08 130bpm 7A Litmus - Talkie Walkie (Original Mix) 06:53 130bpm 7A Litmus - The Rippers (Original Mix) 06:50 132bpm 5B Little Fritter - Ready To Ride Baby (Original Mix) 05:00 132bpm 11A Little Fritter - Watch Dat Mun (Original Mix) 04:10 133bpm 12A Little Fritter - Yes Yes Y'all (Original Mix) 05:07 133bpm 11A Local Singles - Come Rewind (Extended Mix) 05:12 130bpm 5B LouLou Players - I Like To Make You Dance (Original Mix) 05:13 125bpm 8B Lowderz - Sarra (Extended Mix) 05:28 130bpm 7B Lowjess - Bounce (Original Mix) 05:36 126bpm 3A Lowjess - Bring My Back (Original Mix) 05:02 128bpm 12A Lowjess - Closed (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 12A Loz Seka - Run It Up (Wait For Me Remix) 06:00 128bpm 7B Lucas Orosei - Unwanted (Original Mix) 05:39 128bpm 12A Maese - Maetrip (LeoK Remix) 05:31 128bpm 2A Maese - Maetrip (Martin Minnucci, Beta (ARG) Remix) 05:35 128bpm 9A Maese - Maetrip (Original Mix) 05:10 128bpm 12B Maliki - Bomb Digss (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 8A Maliki - Burnout (Original Mix) 05:35 126bpm 11B Maliki - Cosmos (Original Mix) 05:23 126bpm 6A Maliki - Discography (Original Mix) 05:36 127bpm 7A Maliki - Fuzion (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 9B Manuel De La Mare, Luigi Rocca - Cuba Libre (Extended Mix) 05:07 128bpm 1A Manuel De La Mare, Luigi Rocca - Drop (Original Mix) 05:21 127bpm 9A Marco Tropeano - Chipster (Original Mix) 07:37 128bpm 2B Mare, Groove Aspect - Right Away (Extended Mix) 03:03 128bpm 12A Mario Del Regno - We Back (Original Mix) 06:00 130bpm 4A Mario Del Regno - We Back (Tony Metric Remix) 05:34 129bpm 5A Marlon Sadler - Have Some Fun (Original Mix) 06:21 128bpm 10B Martin Mendoza - Groove Town (Original Mix) 06:18 128bpm 7A Matias Ricardes - Lover Boy (Original Mix) 05:03 128bpm 8A Matias Ricardes - Pushing On (Original Mix) 05:01 128bpm 12B Matroda, Madam Parker - Boombox (feat. Madam Parker) (Extended Mix) 04:01 128bpm 11A Matteo Vitale - Renegade Master!!! (Original Mix) 03:13 124bpm 9B Matthew Dear, Matt Sassari - Our Lovely City (Hands Up For Detroit) (Extended Mix) 05:25 128bpm 5B Mattia Antonazzo - Energy (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 6A Maur, Rose Moncado - Say It Right (Extended Mix) 06:04 129bpm 4A Max Mash, Keeld - Brasero (Original Mix) 04:07 128bpm 8B MF Productions, Garas - Estaba Bailando (Original Mix) 05:30 125bpm 7A MichaelBM, Glassick - Vem Que Vem (feat. MC K9) (Extended Mix) 05:15 128bpm 5B Mitchell Frederick - Latino (Original Mix) 03:32 129bpm 4B Moyan - Contento (Extended Mix) 04:49 124bpm 9B MRJ, VELESS, The Blu Mantic - Leave It On The Flo (Lambert & Handle Extended Remix) 06:36 127bpm 8A Murphy's Law (UK), Guy Mac - PASSION (Extended Mix) 05:40 130bpm 11A Nando X - Métele Sazón (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 5A Narkalix - MOËT (Extended Mix) 04:30 128bpm 9A Nausica - Groove Express (Extended Mix) 05:48 127bpm 10B Nene, Norberto Loco - Tech Bitch (Extended Mix) 03:54 125bpm 9A Nico Falla - Eres Para Mí (Extended Mix) 04:43 126bpm 10A Nicolas Guerreno - Revolution (Original Mix) 06:01 128bpm 12A Nicole Fiallo, Jungle Punk, skillaton - Baile Go (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 6A NoiseHead - Not The Same (Extended Mix) 04:09 126bpm 11B Oli Hodges, Zander Club - Jokers (Extended Mix) 05:05 130bpm 9B Ollinobrothers - Riverside (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 8B OLLVR - 150W (Original Mix) 05:52 132bpm 4B Oravla Ziur - OnlyFans (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 8B Oskyal - Glitched Mind (Original Mix) 06:03 127bpm 9A Paul C - Body Strong (Extended Mix) 05:35 128bpm 10A Perso - Funky Sound (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 7A Pigmeo, Lollow - TRA K TRA (Original Mix) 05:22 126bpm 12A PINK FX - What Was Dat (Extended Mix) 06:06 123bpm 9A Pleasurekraft - Tarantula (Max Styler Remix) 05:02 127bpm 10B Princess Julia, Joshua James - Vada (Original Mix) 05:29 132bpm 9B Proppa - Clock Out, Black Out (Extended Mix) 05:50 126bpm 5B Q.S.C - I Dont Know That (Original Mix) 05:21 130bpm 4A Q.S.C - Show (Original Mix) 05:34 129bpm 4A raF. - Bip On (Original Mix) 06:02 130bpm 9A Rafa Barrios - Dásela (Original Mix) 05:58 130bpm 9B Rafa Barrios - Feelove (Original Mix) 06:44 126bpm 6A Ragash - Can You Feel It (Extended Mix) 03:02 126bpm 9B Ragash - Chingado (Extended Mix) 04:24 124bpm 6A Randy Biscuit - Bad Dreams (Is This Love) feat. Willoway (Extended Mix) 06:03 126bpm 9B RedVibes - Like That (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 10A ReMan, Just Eddie - Dekhana (Original Mix) 03:09 127bpm 7A Rene Amesz - Mind, Body & Soul (Extended VIP Edit) 05:32 125bpm 9B Repiet, RSCL, Julia Kleijn - Echo (Extended Millean. Remix) 05:22 128bpm 1B Revler - About You (Original Mix) 06:36 127bpm 2A Revler - Aisha (Original Mix) 06:19 127bpm 4A Revler - Consequence (Original Mix) 06:02 127bpm 12A Revler - Fashioned (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 12A Revler - Got That (Original Mix) 06:03 127bpm 2A Riccardo Gravina - Don't Give Me This (Original Mix) 05:03 125bpm 7B Riccardo Olini - Doing Ya Thang (Original Mix) 05:22 125bpm 7A Rich DietZ - Do It Like This (Extended Mix) 04:03 127bpm 7B RITN - Daddy (Original Mix) 03:16 128bpm 11B RJW (US) - Better Then (Original Mix) 04:16 128bpm 7A Ronnie Spiteri - Bahrain (Original Mix) 05:13 130bpm 4A Rowetta, Sweet Mercy, Hot Since 82 - Reach Out (Original Mix) 05:02 126bpm 12A saint shaf - Falling in Space (Original Mix) 03:06 126bpm 4A Sam Green, Raffa FL - Rakata (Extended Mix) 04:49 127bpm 8A San Pacho, SIDEPIECE - Taka (Extended Mix) 03:41 128bpm 9A SCINTILLATE - Paloma (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 9B Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Bararararabom (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 2A Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Just Nudes (Original Mix) 06:09 126bpm 1A Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - La Cumbia (Original Mix) 06:08 125bpm 6B Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Mami Dale para Abajo (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 8A Sergio Bennett - The End (Original Mix) 06:17 126bpm 10B Sergio Blema - Check & Raw (Original Mix) 05:54 131bpm 1A Sergio Blema - No Guest (Original Mix) 05:56 130bpm 2A Sergio Borja, Ralph (VE), Nahum Nieves - Cocoa Tea (Original Mix) 04:07 128bpm 2A Sergio Borja, Ralph (VE), Nahum Nieves - One Man With A Gun (Original Mix) 05:47 130bpm 5A Shift K3Y, DJ Susan - Feel Alive (Extended Mix) 03:58 129bpm 12B Sides of the Sun - Sorry (Extended Mix) 05:15 128bpm 12A SINO - Disco Biscuit (Extended Mix) 04:33 128bpm 4A Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Boothy (Manda Moor Spicy Remix) 05:55 129bpm 3B Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Boothy (Original Mix) 05:41 131bpm 12A Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Ghetto Corazon (Original Mix) 05:33 131bpm 1A Siwell - Just Numbers (Extended Mix) 05:57 129bpm 7A Soul Sour, Renoco - Praah! (Original Mix) 04:16 128bpm 7A Sout Garcia - Sweely (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 6A SQWAD, The Melody Men - You Ate That (Extended Mix) 03:45 128bpm 9B Stateeast - Muevalo (Original Mix) 06:03 124bpm 7A Sterium - Sola (Original Mix) 05:15 128bpm 5A Teba - Disco Lights (Extended Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10A Techin - Analogue (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 5A Techin - La Noche (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 2B Teko, Alex O'Clock - Rápida (Extended Mix) 05:47 128bpm 1A Tektonauts - Repicame Los Tambores (Extended Mix) 05:43 127bpm 4A Tewax - La La (Extended Mix) 04:07 126bpm 12B The Cube Guys, KPD - La Musica (The Best S... Mix In Town) 04:40 125bpm 11A Tokyo T, Fresko (US) - Asesina (Extended Mix) 05:27 129bpm 4A Tolga Sisli - Back Once Again (Extended Mix) 02:53 126bpm 12B Tolga Sisli - C*nsored (Extended Mix) 03:05 124bpm 3B Tolga Sisli - My Neck (Original Mix) 02:09 126bpm 9A Tom Sawyer - Sexy Back (Original Mix) 05:11 124bpm 8A Tony Metric - Rawness (Extended Mix) 05:30 128bpm 11A Trace (UZ) - Fake Friends (Original Mix) 06:03 130bpm 4B Trasko - Hook (Original Mix) 05:29 129bpm 9A Twolate, Elilluminari - Diablo (Que Rico) (Extended Mix) 04:30 128bpm 8B Tyler Coey - Muevelo (Original Mix) 06:43 126bpm 3A VENGA - Go Stupid (Original Mix) 04:09 65bpm 9B Victor Vergara, Seven77, Sandra Silver - So Heavy (Original Mix) 06:20 128bpm 1A Vinny Vincero, Rowan Pierot - Badman Sound (Extended Mix) 06:06 127bpm 7A Vitess - Big Sound (Original Mix) 04:46 132bpm 4B Vitess - Blue Vision (Original Mix) 05:10 131bpm 2A Vitess - Drive Me Crazy (Original Mix) 05:10 132bpm 8A Vitess - First Night (Original Mix) 05:03 131bpm 11B Vitor Minelli, Groove N Hat - Bad Gang (Original Mix) 06:44 129bpm 5A Vitor Minelli, Groove N Hat - Dale Suave (Original Mix) 06:06 129bpm 12A VOKOR - Old School (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 1A Walto - Shake That (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 3A Warehouse Rats - Feel The Vibe (Extended Mix) 05:36 126bpm 3A Will Medina, Justin Fahrmer - Preach (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 9A Will Varley - Oh Yeah! (Extended Mix) 06:15 126bpm 3B XFDS - Circulate (Original Mix) 06:05 127bpm 1A XFDS - Transition (Original Mix) 05:03 127bpm 7A "XY" - Drunk Feelings (Original Mix) 06:01 129bpm 11A Zilka - Baila (Original Mix) 03:39 128bpm 11B 
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 21:23 Anchor_Aways Glastonbury (UK) Festival Lineup

Glastonbury (UK) Festival Lineup submitted by Anchor_Aways to RiotFest [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 13:10 CanaryTravels96 Please Welcome

Please Welcome
Ladiesssss and gentlemen please welcome to the stage, SOCCER MOMMY
submitted by CanaryTravels96 to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 06:13 Ironyfree_annie Simbi will be at Glastonbury!

Simbi will be at Glastonbury! submitted by Ironyfree_annie to LittleSimz [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 21:33 jazzygeofferz Glastonbury 2024

Glastonbury 2024 submitted by jazzygeofferz to JusticeMusic [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 18:52 kelly4dayz who else should I check out?

who else should I check out?
any recs based on what I already know and like (highlighted)? I know this is more than enough artists to fill my festival and I don't think I could see all of them if I wanted to, but I always love finding new music and hearing who other people love and why.
  • green acts: I truly love these or am excited about seeing them for another reason (avril for the nostalgia of being 13 and screaming along to sk8r boi in my room, for example)
  • red acts: I know I enjoy them, and would see them if it works out
I've already seen some of the highlighted acts, so I could see myself prioritizing seeing someone I just got into or heard about over someone I've seen a bunch. extra interested if they're not american/big in the US and/or don't tour the US often -- I'm in New York, so I'd be able to see American artists much more easily than British/Irish artists or those from further afield.
submitted by kelly4dayz to glastonbury_festival [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 09:07 street2party Deano @ Glastonbury 2024

Deano @ Glastonbury 2024 submitted by street2party to OliviaDean [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 01:20 Pleasant_Golf3052 What do we think of the new Glasto lineup?

What do we think of the new Glasto lineup? submitted by Pleasant_Golf3052 to officialTPDTV [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 19:40 w3ndysss 2024 Glastonbury lineup

2024 Glastonbury lineup submitted by w3ndysss to Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 16:09 passingcloud79 Good innit?!

Good innit?!
Looking forward to all of those tickets getting put back in the pot for our friends 😄
submitted by passingcloud79 to glastonbury_festival [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 15:03 Cocofin33 Glasto lineup announced 😬

Glasto lineup announced 😬 submitted by Cocofin33 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 14:43 listeningnlearning Glastonbury Lineup

submitted by listeningnlearning to OutsideLands [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 14:22 ec666 Glastonbury performance

Glastonbury performance submitted by ec666 to Heilung [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 14:11 GroundbreakingPut748 !

! submitted by GroundbreakingPut748 to TameImpala [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 12:43 Margrave75 Lankum, The Mary Wallopers, Kneecap, Newdad, and Fontains D.C. all at Glastonbury '24

Lankum, The Mary Wallopers, Kneecap, Newdad, and Fontains D.C. all at Glastonbury '24
Some pretty far down the bills, but hopefully the bbc cover their sets!
submitted by Margrave75 to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 12:41 ImpressionEcstatic48 TLDP playing the Other Stage at Glastonbury 2024.

TLDP playing the Other Stage at Glastonbury 2024.
What does everyone think of the line up so far?
submitted by ImpressionEcstatic48 to thelastdinnerparty [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 11:47 starlightaqua SVT performing at the same festival as Burna and Ayra tickles my little West African heart

SVT performing at the same festival as Burna and Ayra tickles my little West African heart
Like I know nothing is gonna come of it, but I love seeing my cultures collide. I still think about TXT's Tinnitus daily.
submitted by starlightaqua to kpopnoir [link] [comments]
