Action verb work sheet

FLÄSHYN! Nuclear Throne

2013.10.11 16:08 Bens_Dream FLÄSHYN! Nuclear Throne

The biggest subreddit for Vlambeer's action video game "Nuclear Throne". FLÄSHYN!

2014.01.02 14:45 Congzilla Mechwarrior Online News and Discussion


2024.06.07 18:53 Treymore I co-signed for a $7000 piece of equipment for my sister and she lost her business

Basically the title, the balance on the equipment is around $4500-5000 now. The lending company is asking for monthly payments of around $500, which I can’t afford because I recently lost my job as well due to layoffs because it’s the slow season.
I found a new job but I’m not making as much as I was so I’m unable to make the payments. I also just found out I’m going to be having my first kid soon. I’m about $9000 in personal debt as well, $3000 of that is a car loan and $6000 in CC.
I’m 25M, and currently make around $2000 per month. I’ve been trying to DoorDash to supplement income but my area is so slow that hasn’t been helping. I’m currently looking for extra work or a second/better job, but I’m wondering what I should do. I’m planning to move back with my dad temporarily to save money on rent, but I just wonder what my best course of action is with the equipment payments. My sister says she’s going to start paying soon but I just can’t count on that.
submitted by Treymore to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:53 ryyeon Updated G3 dolls checklist 🫶🏻

Updated G3 dolls checklist 🫶🏻
Hii guys it’s been a while since i posted the last version but i wanted to wait for more stock photos to show up! you can see i uploaded it last month lol and changed the fonts to the official G3 one, i hope you’ll like this new version 🥲🫶🏻 (lmk if there’s any mistakes and im working on the individual checklists for the main ghouls 🙃)
link for full quality :
ps: also i made a google sheet with all informations about each G3 doll with name, hair quality, number, barcode, release date and amazon link (for france but can do US if needed) i did it for my own but can definitely share it if anyone is interested 🫶🏻
submitted by ryyeon to MonsterHigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:52 Entermon I will put a paintball in a gumball machine 😈

"I am going to do a devilish deed, an action so foul that satan will not even accept me into his realm. I am going to sneak into a restaurant (or some other fine establishment), and I’m going to unscrew the top of the closest gumball machine. I would have already bought a single paintball from a nearby paintball shop, and do you know what I’m going to do with it? I am going to drop that single paintball in with the other gumballs. That way, someday, someone is going to try and get a tasty gumball, and get a mouthful of painted unsavory goodness. And from afar, I will fucking laugh as I see this poor bastard cry and complain to the owner or some poor, student waitress about the terror he just unleashed within his mouth just from ordering a single gumball. Then, an employee or even the fucking owner himself will get a perfectly good gumball from the machine and say, “yep its working all fine.” I will then watch in delight as the poor bastard swears by the unfortunate event that just took place in his mouth, in contrast to the sweet, succulent success that went in the mouth of the person who seemingly proved them wrong. I urge you all to check up on your local gumball machines, I could have already targeted them today, yesterday, or years ago."
submitted by Entermon to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:50 Efficient_Young_9032 Can I Choose Jail Instead of Paying Child Support?

Can I choose jail instead of paying child support?
Tim Cella
used to work at several law firms
That’s an interesting question. I’ve never seen anyone be able to “choose” jail over working to pay child support. In Utah, as in most jurisdictions, child support is a legal obligation intended to provide for the care and well-being of the child. Choosing jail over paying child support is typically not a viable option. The judge typically wants the parent to work to pay for the child support.
If you fail to pay court-ordered child support, you could face enforcement actions such as wage garnishment, seizure of assets, suspension of driver's licenses or professional licenses, and even imprisonment for contempt of court. The court takes child support obligations very seriously and will usually enforce them rigorously to ensure the needs of the child are met; however, the goal is to get money into the system to pay for your child or children — not to put you in jail.
I hope you found this helpful. If you need legal help in Utah, call this lawyer:
Jeremy Eveland, 17 North State Street, Lindon Utah 84042 (801) 613–1472
submitted by Efficient_Young_9032 to freelegalconsultation [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:50 n4rcisso autistic new engineer cannot stop comming up with new ideas and i'm scaring boss and coworkers

just like the title says. I've been one year in current cybersecurity company. it's my third software dev job. bosses did not have high expectations of me at first and mostly handed low grade job. i was about to be let down but luckily they encountered issues with their software and payment stuff which I could easily fix. they started treating me way better afterwards.

boss tasked me to implement a SOAR and monitor stuff and start whatsapp messages and calls. i was overwhelmed at first but then my autistic instincts kicked in and I had some big realizations about software and ended up making something I call a "data flow framework" which allows me to receive data from multiple sources, compare against a list of tasks and trigger any events that I add into this software. i also made a software that allows me to control machines with GUI like a puppet to manually check software and get data or trigger events when an API isn't available. I use this puppet software as a complement in my data flow framework software and everything works great.
as of now I can monitor any event that I want within minutes with this software and perform any actions that I want. i can use social media from whatsapp alone if I please or send any alerts to any platform.
but my coworkers and bosses do not get any of this. these ideas I'm writing here are a mere glance of everything I'm currently building. and it depresses me that they really do not even understand the potential of what we can do with this or how much money we can make. every time I talk it's like i'm talking to a literal rock. the more projects I propose the less they get me. like they think i'm pretending and when a situation comes when they can use this project they do not even consider it. i do not understand why. like it doesn't exist.
how could this ever happen. it does not make sense. software is powerful. i could propose this to more companies. how do they not realize this? am I really going to have to search for another job?
submitted by n4rcisso to software [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:50 Edgehead4Life WrestleMania 26

WrestleMania 26 submitted by Edgehead4Life to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:50 fishdyke I (28F) don't feel like my boyfriend (27M) understands my mental health struggles. Is this a dealbreaker?

Hi all, I’m having some relationship troubles I’m hoping to get some advice on. For a little context – I had undiagnosed bipolar II until I was 25, at which point I was placed on medication. Realizing I have bipolar was huge for me and allowed me to put a lot of things I've experienced in my life into a larger context. I’d always been a bit of a black sheep and a lot of my relationships, especially my romantic ones, were pretty codependent and explosive. After the diagnosis, I was able to do a lot of reflection and committed pretty hard to a lifestyle turnaround – I cleaned up my diet, started walking 30-40 miles a week, mostly gave up alcohol, became more picky about who I spend my time with, and continued on my 10 year relationship with therapy with new eyes. Wellness, healthy intimacy, and a solid reflection practice are more important to me than ever.
I (28F) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (27M) for nearly 2 years and our relationship has been a real breath of fresh air compared to my past. My partner is kind, funny, motivated, and patient. He came off as very stable when we first started dating which was really attractive to me. We are have very different interests – he never went to college and works in the trades and I’m an environmental scientist with an advanced degree – but I kind of love the fact that we have so much to learn from each other. We go on a lot of adventures. He’s very supportive, generous, creative and curious. He’s really just a genuinely good person. The issue I’m having is that I think the gap between our fundamental selves is becoming glaringly obvious.
My health and my wellbeing have always been very important to me, especially after my diagnosis, but that’s not something he really prioritizes for himself. He hasn’t gone to a doctor since he had a pediatrician and despite my urging, has been dragging his feet on setting up a physical even though I’ve been prodding him for over a year now. Additionally, what I originally read as “emotionally stable” has been revealing itself to be “emotionally repressed.” When I try to talk about feelings or deeper emotional things, he doesn’t really have anything to say. He’s never been to therapy, so in some ways I can understand that he lacks the ability to articulate his emotions in the same way that I do; however, I’m someone that craves depth, and not being able to dig deep with my partner is difficult for me.
The final issue is the bipolar. Though I’m good at managing my symptoms, I have a tendency to be high strung and an overthinker. It’s something I try to be really aware of and is partly why I exercise so much. Lately, my anxiety has been really bad and I’ve been teetering on the edge of hypomania. I’ve had a lot of big bills come up, I’m trying to navigate some other health issues, and I was placed on a new hormonal birth control that has me all out of whack. My boyfriend, while he tries to be loving and supportive, has no idea how to talk to me about any of this. He doesn’t struggle with mental health issues and is of the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality with a lot of these things. As a result I'm very careful about how often I bring up these topics. Last week I decided to take some space while I was out of town at a conference because he had nothing to say when I was sharing some of my struggles with him and it was making me feel overwhelmed and sad. I told him I’d talk to him another time and stopped responding. When we talked about it a day or so later, he told me I use my anxiety and bipolar as an excuse and that he thinks I’m actually just trying to be hurtful.
This isn’t the first time he’s said something like this and I’m starting to get a niggling suspicion that this is just a downright compatibility issue. I'd never intentionally use my bipolar as an excuse to not take accountability for my actions. At the same time, it’s a chronic disorder that is sometimes out of my hands. After a lifetime of this, I’m really sensitive about people not taking me seriously and especially them saying I’m using my mental health issues against them. Now my partner is starting to really lean into that, and it’s incredibly upsetting.
I love my boyfriend very very much, but I’m starting to build a wall between us. I know I have a lot of places where I can improve, but my boyfriend’s lack of ability (or refusal) to delve deep and relate to me leaves me feeling deeply misunderstood. I can’t force him to be someone he’s not, nor would I want to. At the same time, this relationship is starting to not meet my emotional needs. I’m so used to being the black sheep, I just want to feel seen.
Is this fixable? Should I just get used to the emotional stoicism of this otherwise good guy? Or should I try to find someone that has a deeper desire to understand me? I feel a bit lost.
submitted by fishdyke to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:49 Perialiswastaken idea for 1858 New Army (and the lever-action battle rifle i forgot the name sorry)

i just finished playing rdr2, and wanted this game to have deadeye, where all players slow down when i press z and i can target anybody in the map and they will die in one shot
im kidding of course LOL but i was thinking, instead of having to "change scopes" to fan the revolver is slow, and hoped hip-firing it could automatically make it do it. why? lately ive been using hipfire more and i see that this game's hipfire is pretty dynamic but it is definetly usable, ive been even getting atleast 2 headshots with hipfire each game. (of course close range)
and i was hoping if it could be changed and how it would work is if you hold lmb down longer than around 0.5s it would start fanning without having to press rmb.
and a new mod for single action revolvers "cowboy" is that fanning RPM is significantly faster, using the 5 fingers technique where after each shot, each finger cocks the revolver and shoots it again. but your movement is slowed during this. same for the lever action rifle, rpm is increased on hipfire.
edit: i was hoping to add the idea of a quickdraw but that'd be not very phantom forces
submitted by Perialiswastaken to PhantomForces [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:48 Vegetable_Bug7817 trades ?

trades ? submitted by Vegetable_Bug7817 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:47 Ishoottimmys Seeking Career pivot from MSP after 2 years

I just hit my 2 year’s anniversary working for a pretty big and established MSP. I’ve gotten to learn and practice a ton of different technologies over the 2 years and got to experience the corporate environment. I’ve had a good time and meant a lot of cool people but I’m a T1 and getting bored. I graduated 2023 with a B.A in cybersec. I don’t currently have any Certs but 1/4 into a CCNA course. Looking to move on within the year but I need an action plan. A job or 2 to set a goal for and work on Certs/ other methods of learning to better equip myself for the positions. Looking for some good paths and overall tips/ experiences. Thanks!
submitted by Ishoottimmys to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:46 Candid_Currency2690 My (33 f) mom (54 f) and I have an increasingly strained relationship ever since I moved away from my tiny hometown. I don't want to die mad about the way she treats me—how can I get over it while accepting she likely won't change? Or is there a chance for a conversation here?

My mom and I have had an increasingly strained relationship over the last five years or so. There's a lot wrapped up in this, of course, but I'll try to keep it short (ish). The TLDR version is that I moved away and I love the life I've created away from my hometown, and she had an expectation that I would just be someone who got married and had babies with my high school boyfriend and never left my rural hometown and partied with her at the three bars in town. As she (finally) accepts that I will likely not move back home, our relationship has only grown more tenuous.
For years when I first moved away, every problem I told her about was met with "well you should just move home then." Got broken up with, lost a job, having a hard day? Well just move home, that will solve your problems!
I think I got parentified a bit, as the oldest of two girls. I was her muse for a long time, including for her relationship with my stepdad. She also used to tell me she was so excited for me to turn 21 so we could party together. I never really enjoyed partying with my mom so I just choose not to as an adult, which upsets her, and which I think also contributed to the steady decline of our relationship. She is an alcoholic, no doubt about it. There have been MULTIPLE instances of trying to have a few fun drinks with her and her getting so black out that, in one case, my boyfriend had to carry her to the car. Over Christmas last year she got drunk and started yelling at me and my sister for being ungrateful brats. Mind you, we were both home visiting, taking time off from work to be there, and were then berated at our first family dinner together when she was 6 cosmos deep.
I'm constantly made to feel guilty for not being at home taking care of her and partying with her in our small hometown of less than 1000 people. Her friends have kids who stayed home and party with their moms every weekend, and I believe she perceives this as the pinnacle of human connection. She has told me, point blank, that she wonders what she did wrong to have kids that don't want to spend time with her like her friends' kids do.
There are other layers here, of course. She has been diagnosed with depression, and her family life growing up was deeply unstable. I truly empathize and understand why she is the way she is. I just want more for her, but I can't get over how belittling it is that she doesn't seem to want much for my sister and I. Beyond this, I don't want to die mad about the way she's living her life and the way she treats me. I want to reach a stage of acceptance. My therapist has not been especially helpful in getting me to this stage, but has told me that I need to let go of the idea that I can change her. My question is: how can I reach acceptance about this? I'm someone who likes to take action on things that bother me, but my therapist has not recommended any action beyond accepting that I can't change this relationship. That's far too passive for me—is it worth it to have a conversation with her, even though I just know it would break her heart? And how can I approach that conversation if I were to try it?
submitted by Candid_Currency2690 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:46 Anonymous26297 Pride Month - Am I a jerk?

I have LGBTQ people whom I adore. I love them as people. But I do believe that acting on those urges is wrong. Love the people, don’t condone the actions. So here’s where I struggle. I work in a large office (100+ people), and they’ve collectively taken pride on as a cause. They’re participating in a pride parade with shirts representing our office. There are posters and flags everywhere. I’ve been spammed with various Pride emails. I’ve been asked more than once if I’m going to the parade, and been approached with a flag to hang outside my door and approached with a pin to wear. I’ve politely declined everything with a simple no thank you. But people clearly walk away with a poor view of me. Am I wrong here? Is homosexual behavior now accepted? Am I the horrible person people seem to think I am for not being okay with it? It hurts my feelings because if I were to promote pro-life beliefs and ask someone if they want to wear a pin, I would be crucified. I could never even breathe the words here without being seen as a monster. Why are these things treated different? They’re allowed to express their beliefs publicly and promote it. But I’m not allowed to do the same. Is there a difference I’m not seeing? If I’m looking at this all wrong, please feel free to (gently) correct me.
submitted by Anonymous26297 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:44 shaikhme Optimg out of purchase for better savings

I’ve wanted to own a motorbike ever since I was a kid.
I’m 24 now and did the research on affordability, benefits, the cons, the bad, good, scenarios, financial circumstances, a lot.
I made an excel sheet comparing and calculating costs for fuel, insurance, the next year, and found it would do a lot of potential good.
Better mental health, better freedom to move around - lane splitting in bumper traffic, not paying parking fees for work and etc.
All in all, it seems to bounce back to where my net worth is, it would take approximately 12-14 months.
I didn’t go with the sale - currently my cash on hand is $24 with $14 in trades and $10 available. Max of $6 would go towards all related purchases and the savings would be immediate with insuramce and gas. I felt happier and have no costs like rent. Though I live in a pretty abusive environment.
I instead thought I’ll save up instead, earn more work hard & I’ve done this before and I said ‘never again.’ I made a commitment that I would enjoy and live in the moment which is why I really feel bad about this. Money isnt everything but it peovides options and safety. I dont exactly have that yet but I feel very sad having found a suitable bike ad feeling like I’m accomplishing something I’ve always wanted.
Me not going through with it, does it seem okay, Of course not everyone has a whole picture of my life, but I want to vent.
Maybe with enough savings I can make the capital gains work for me to support buying a bike in the future.
submitted by shaikhme to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:43 IamHydrogenMike NEWBIE: Building a report, need to place duplicate items on the same line in Excel

I am working on a report that is built in Excel with VBA, I receive a CSV file that has the data I need in it, but some of the results have duplicate entries because they are QA test duplicates and I need those duplicates to be on the same line as the original in the excel sheet.
My CSV is kind of like this
A12345,TNN,Some Description
A12345,VNN,Some Description (this is the duplicate test for QA)
A12346,TNN,Some Description
A12347,TNN,Some Description
A12348,TNN,Some Description
A12348,VNN,Some Description
A12348,DUP_TNN,Some Description
A12348,DUP_VNN,Some Description
A12349,TNN,Some Description
A12350,TNN,Some Description
As you can see, there is not always the duplicate VNN code that comes in all the time, but I will never have a VNN without a TNN test code; I will sometimes have TNN without a VNN test code. I will also have a DUP_TNN with the same id, along with a DUP_VNN when this gets ran as it is for a QA test to verify it is correct. What I need to do is have the VNN results on the same line in excel as the TNN line, but there are several columns that have manually entered data in them in between two codes. It would look like this:
A12345 TNN Some description DATA_ENTRY DATA_ENTRY DATA_ENTRY empty column A12345 VNN Some description DATA_ENTRY DATA_ENTRY DATA_ENTRY
Any ideas on how to do this in Excel? The raw data is on the first tab named, "RAW", and then the next tab is a results tab where the report is actually displayed. This is built around someone being out in the field, they would fill out the report and then it gets loaded into a different system. The excel sheet is mainly to show how the field person derived their results for auditing purposes.
I am pretty new to VBA, I did a decade or so ago; but having to do this for work and struggling with lining them up. I can get them to fill in columns that I need to if I filter them and then copy them over; but they don't appear on the same line.
submitted by IamHydrogenMike to vba [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 Maalenheim [A3][EU][Recruiting][188+][New player friendly] 7th Ranger Group

About the 7th Ranger Group [7R]

We are an international Arma 3 Milsim community officially founded in 2016, with roots dating back to 2013. We are based in Europe, with members from all over the world. As a community we strive to overcome challenges together by coordinated team play. To achieve this we rely on planning, communication and deployment of adapted military tactics and procedures. While we aim to provide an immersive, realistic experience, fun gameplay is not forgotten.

Our take on Milsim

We apply military procedures to establish a coordinated and team play focused environment. This does not mean realism at all costs. While we do not utilize an extensive rank structure, respecting the ingame chain of command is required, as well as following standard operating procedures and having adequate discipline. Communication and capacity for teamwork are crucial.
To ensure an immersive experience we regulate equipment and use first person view only. We use a modified ACE advanced medical system. Furthermore, we do not have an extensive ORBAT or dedicated roles. In general all specialized roles are entrusted to members who are capable of fulfilling them, supported by our diverse qualification system. While we are mainly a light infantry unit, we dynamically integrate a wide range of other assets into our composition based on mission requirements.

About our operations

Our Expectations

We are looking for mature people who share our enthusiasm for overcoming challenges using tactical team play. We do not expect any previous experience and will gladly support each new member with a will to improve on their journey forward.
With our training pipelines, we provide an accessible environment for both experienced and inexperienced players. Every new member will undergo a training program which teaches the required individual skills as well as our standard operating procedures, ensuring a smooth transition into our unit. At the end of a trial period, each Recruit has to complete our Infantry Qualification Course to become a full member.


About mods

We, like many other units out there, use a collection of mods to improve and expand the base game. Some of these mods have been further customized to better suit our needs. Size of the modset is currently around 70 GB, and we use Steam Workshop to distribute and keep it synced.

How to join

Please read the general information and then fill an application on our Discord. Once a Recruiter has reviewed it, he will contact you through Discord and invite you to our Teamspeak to have a chat. If we are what you are looking for and vice versa, you will get further access to all the needed resources to be able to join our operations.

For more information

submitted by Maalenheim to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 ItsAstronomics MOD (Update) RELEASE: The End of History: 1996 (Director's Cut)

MOD (Update) RELEASE: The End of History: 1996 (Director's Cut)
Good afternoon,
I'll keep this one brief - The End of History: 1996's Director's Cut is now available on New Campaign Trail and Campaign Trail Showcase! (It may need a few minutes to load). I want to thank everyone for their support for this mod, and I hope you will enjoy 2000 when I release that.
Let's go over the full changelog.
Harris Wofford (Democratic Senator from Pennsylvania)
  • Two new running mates added! (Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, Senate Foreign Relations chair, and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, Senator from Wisconsin)
  • A completely revamped VP system! Rather than a scoring range where you're forced into one running mate, certain answers will add to one or more candidate's individual scoring (So for example, answer X adds +1 to Richards and Heflin), meaning different paths can unlock different groups of options of running mates for the player.
  • Primary result system - You can win the primaries easily, do alright, or force a contested convention. Getting Conrads' endorsement and beating Richards in the debate, for example, will help you avoid the latter. Contested convention means a few extra questions involving unifying the party, and the convention could be a dud for you.
  • Wofford's side in general should be a tad harder. It is the 1990s, and he is a liberal, after all..
Pete Wilson (Governor of California, Republican)
  • Winning both the nomination and general election should be easier now. I also added an option to make the route for losing the nomination a bit easier, too.
  • Two new running mates, with unique paths - Jesse Helms of South Carolina, former Senate Foreign Relations chair, and William Cohen, maverick Senator from Maine.
Both Sides
  • 13 new achievements
  • Updated some candidate portraits
  • Fleshed out some writing in places where it was rather vague (may go back and do this further)
  • 15 New Endings
By the way, read below if you wanna know some hints to finding the new endings
  • Try playing with the new running mates. As Wofford, try parting with their foreign policy views too.
  • Some new endings are tied to achievements - both old and new.
  • There is one ending that can be viewed on both sides (Ending 45). It's also based on an achievement.
And that's all! I wanna release a new mod sometime this month, but no promises. One side is basically coded though (and it's not 1924, 1912, or 2024).
Let me know how the mod runs or if you encounter any bugs.
- Astronomical
submitted by ItsAstronomics to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 No-Implement5026 Project Reboot- Clone Subjects


Name: Kor-El
Powers: - Super Strength: Capable of lifting incredibly heavy objects, overpowering most opponents. - Flight: Ability to fly at high speeds and maneuver with precision. - Heat Vision: Emits intense beams of heat from his eyes, which can melt or cut through almost any material. - X-Ray Vision: Can see through solid objects, except lead. - Invulnerability: Highly resistant to physical damage, extreme temperatures, and most forms of radiation. - Super Speed: Able to move, react, and think at incredible speeds. - Super Hearing: Can hear sounds from vast distances and across various frequencies. - Freeze Breath: Exhales extremely cold air that can freeze objects or extinguish fires.
Skills: - Hand-to-Hand Combat: Trained in various forms of combat to complement his powers. - Intellect: Possesses a keen intellect, especially in areas related to Kryptonian technology and science. - Leadership: Natural leader, though often reluctant due to his struggles with identity.
Backstory: Kor-El was created in a high-security lab through the combination of Superman’s DNA and that of an unknown female donor, whose identity remains classified. His upbringing was controlled and monitored, aimed at developing him into a perfect successor to Superman. However, Kor-El’s path has been anything but straightforward. He grapples with the knowledge that he is a clone, often feeling overshadowed by the legacy of the original Superman.
Raised with the values of justice and compassion, Kor-El's life has been a quest for self-definition. Unlike Superman, who embraced his destiny with a clear sense of purpose, Kor-El frequently questions his role in the world. This inner conflict drives him to seek out situations where he can prove his worth beyond his genetic heritage. While he respects and admires Superman, Kor-El is determined to be seen as his own person, not just a copy of his progenitor.
Character Traits: - Determined: Despite his internal struggles, Kor-El is unwavering in his commitment to doing good. - Conflicted: Frequently battles with feelings of inadequacy and the pressure to live up to Superman’s legacy. - Compassionate: Deeply cares about people and is driven by a desire to protect the innocent. - Strong-Willed: Shows immense resolve in the face of adversity, both physical and emotional. - Curious: Always eager to learn more about his abilities and the world around him, especially his unique attributes stemming from his mixed lineage.
Relationships: - Superman: Views Superman as both an inspiration and a benchmark, creating a complex mix of admiration and pressure. - Allies: Forms strong bonds with those who understand his unique situation, including other heroes and individuals aware of his true nature. - Adversaries: Faces enemies who see him as a mere clone and underestimate his capabilities, which often leads to him proving them wrong.
Goals: - To establish himself as a hero in his own right. - To uncover more about his mysterious female DNA donor and how it influences his abilities. - To find a balance between the expectations placed upon him and his personal aspirations.

Jesse Allen

Name: Jesse Allen
Powers: - Super Speed: Can run at incredible velocities, far surpassing the speed of sound. - Time Manipulation: Has the ability to travel through time and manipulate temporal events to a limited extent. - Accelerated Healing: Heals from injuries much faster than a normal human. - Speed Force Constructs: Can create solid constructs out of Speed Force energy, such as barriers or weapons. - Phasing: Can vibrate his molecules to pass through solid objects. - Enhanced Reflexes and Perception: Moves and reacts faster than the human eye can follow.
Skills: - Forensic Science: Knowledgeable in forensic techniques, often helping in solving crimes. - Quick Thinking: Highly adept at making split-second decisions, a necessity given his speed. - Speed Force Dynamics: Extensive understanding of the Speed Force and how to harness its full potential.
Backstory: Jesse Allen was created from the DNA of Barry Allen (The Flash) and an undisclosed female donor. Raised in a specialized facility, he was trained to harness the Speed Force from an early age. His upbringing was a mix of rigorous scientific study and practical training, making him both a speedster and a skilled investigator. Jesse's existence is a blend of admiration for Barry Allen's legacy and a drive to forge his own path.
While he respects The Flash and his contributions to the world, Jesse is determined to prove that he is not just a clone living in Barry's shadow. He embraces his speedster abilities but also seeks to understand the full extent of his powers and their implications. His journey involves balancing the responsibility of his powers with his personal desires and the pursuit of justice.
Character Traits: - Energetic: Possesses a boundless energy that drives him to constantly stay active and engaged. - Optimistic: Maintains a positive outlook even in the face of challenges, believing in the potential for good in every situation. - Curious: Has a natural curiosity about the world and the mysteries of the Speed Force. - Investigative: Inherits a strong sense of curiosity and determination to uncover the truth, often involving himself in solving crimes. - Loyal: Deeply loyal to his friends and allies, willing to risk his own safety to protect them.
Relationships: - The Flash (Barry Allen): Sees Barry as a mentor and role model, striving to live up to his example while also wanting to be seen as his own hero. - Allies: Forms close bonds with other speedsters and heroes who understand the unique challenges of his powers. - Adversaries: Faces villains who exploit the Speed Force and challenge his control over his abilities, often pushing him to new limits.
Goals: - To master his speed and fully understand the capabilities of the Speed Force. - To honor Barry Allen’s legacy while creating his own identity as a hero. - To protect Central City and ensure justice is served, both in and out of his speedster persona.


Name: Zinn-Zones
Powers: - Shapeshifting: Can alter his appearance to mimic any person, object, or creature. - Telepathy: Able to read minds, communicate telepathically, and influence thoughts. - Flight: Can fly at high speeds and maneuver through the air with ease. - Super Strength: Possesses strength far beyond that of a human, comparable to Superman. - Intangibility: Can phase through solid objects at will. - Invisibility: Can become invisible to the naked eye. - Martian Vision: Includes x-ray vision, heat vision, and telescopic vision.
Skills: - Master of Disguise: Expert at using his shapeshifting abilities to blend in or deceive others. - Telepathic Communication: Skilled at using telepathy for communication, interrogation, and coordination with allies. - Combat Proficiency: Trained in various forms of combat, both Martian and human. - Alien Technology: Proficient in the use and understanding of advanced Martian and other alien technologies.
Backstory: Zinn-Zones was cloned from the DNA of John Jones (Martian Manhunter) and an undisclosed DNA donor, resulting in a new race of Martian with distinct red skin. Raised in isolation to understand and control his unique abilities, Zinn-Zones faced significant challenges due to his distinct appearance and the combination of his mixed genetic heritage.
Unlike the traditional green or white Martians, Zinn's red skin signifies his unique status and the potential for new abilities and traits not yet fully understood. He was educated extensively in Martian culture and history, but his upbringing was often lonely, with his caregivers and trainers focusing more on his abilities than his emotional well-being.
Zinn-Zones struggles with feelings of alienation, not only from humans but also from Martians. His red skin makes him stand out, leading to questions about his place in both societies. His journey is one of self-discovery, grappling with his unique identity, and striving to use his powers for the greater good.
Character Traits: - Thoughtful: Often introspective, pondering his purpose and place in the world. - Isolated: Frequently feels disconnected from others due to his unique abilities and heritage. - Empathetic: Deeply empathetic, often understanding and feeling the emotions of those around him. - Determined: Driven to protect others and use his powers for good, despite his personal struggles. - Courageous: Faces danger head-on, often using his abilities in creative ways to overcome challenges.
Relationships: - Martian Manhunter (John Jones): Views John as a mentor and guide, striving to understand his Martian heritage through him. - Allies: Forms bonds with other heroes who can empathize with his feelings of being different and isolated. - Adversaries: Confronts enemies who exploit his sense of isolation or misunderstand his abilities, often leading to personal growth and self-acceptance.
Goals: - To gain full control and understanding of his unique Martian abilities. - To find a sense of belonging and acceptance both within himself and among others. - To protect Earth and its inhabitants, honoring the legacy of Martian Manhunter while creating his own path as a hero.
Unique Traits: - Red Skin: As a new race of Martian, Zinn-Zones’ red skin signifies his unique genetic heritage and sets him apart from traditional green and white Martians. - New Abilities: Potential for new and unique abilities not yet fully explored or understood, stemming from his distinct genetic makeup.

Dean Wayne

Name: Dean Wayne
Powers: None (Human)
Skills: - Master Detective: Highly skilled in deductive reasoning, forensic science, and investigative techniques. - Martial Arts Expert: Proficient in multiple forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. - Strategic Thinker: Exceptional at planning, strategy, and anticipating opponents' moves. - Stealth: Expert in stealth tactics, able to move undetected and strike from the shadows. - Advanced Technology: Proficient in the use of cutting-edge technology and gadgets, often of his own design. - Peak Human Condition: Maintains peak physical and mental conditioning through rigorous training and discipline.
Backstory: Dean Wayne was created from the DNA of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and an undisclosed female donor. Raised with the same rigorous training and education that Bruce received, Dean was groomed to inherit the mantle of Batman. However, Dean's journey is marked by his desire to step out from Batman's shadow and define his own path as a protector of Gotham.
From an early age, Dean was taught the values of justice, discipline, and resilience. He was trained in various forms of combat, detective work, and the use of advanced technology. Despite his impressive skills and abilities, Dean often grapples with the immense legacy of Batman and the expectations placed upon him as a clone. He strives to balance honoring Bruce Wayne's legacy with his desire to innovate and bring his own approach to crime-fighting.
Character Traits: - Highly Disciplined: Maintains strict discipline in his training and crime-fighting activities. - Intensely Driven: Motivated by a strong sense of justice and the desire to protect Gotham. - Occasionally Brooding: Reflective and sometimes burdened by the weight of his responsibilities. - Compassionate: Deeply cares about the well-being of others, often going to great lengths to protect the innocent. - Strategic and Analytical: Always thinking several steps ahead, planning for various contingencies.
Relationships: - Batman (Bruce Wayne): Sees Bruce as both a mentor and a benchmark, creating a complex mix of admiration and pressure to live up to his legacy. - Alfred Pennyworth: Views Alfred as a father figure and advisor, often seeking his guidance and support. - Allies: Forms strong bonds with members of the Bat-Family and other heroes who understand the unique challenges of his role. - Adversaries: Faces a rogues' gallery of villains who test his abilities and often see him as a target due to his connection to Batman.
Goals: - To prove himself as a worthy successor to Batman while establishing his own identity as a hero. - To protect Gotham from the criminal elements that threaten its safety. - To innovate and adapt new technologies and strategies in his crime-fighting efforts. - To balance his desire for justice with the personal challenges of being a clone of Bruce Wayne.
Unique Traits: - Innovative: While respecting Batman's legacy, Dean often seeks to innovate, introducing new technologies and tactics to his crime-fighting arsenal. - Independent: Strives to be seen as his own person, not just a clone, and often makes decisions that reflect his unique perspective and approach.

Hera Prince

Name: Hera Prince
Powers: - Amazonian Strength: Possesses immense strength, comparable to Wonder Woman, enabling her to lift heavy objects and overpower foes. - Superhuman Speed: Can move at extraordinary speeds, both in combat and over distances. - Enhanced Durability: Highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding great impacts and harsh conditions. - Combat Prowess: Master of various forms of hand-to-hand and armed combat. - Flight: Can fly at great speeds and heights, maneuvering effortlessly in the air. - Lasso of Truth: Wields a mystical lasso similar to Wonder Woman’s, compelling truth from those ensnared by it. - Healing Factor: Heals from injuries much faster than a normal human, though not instantly.
Skills: - Warrior Training: Trained in the ways of the Amazon warriors, skilled in various weapons and combat techniques. - Diplomacy: Inherits a natural ability for leadership and negotiation, often acting as a mediator in conflicts. - Tactical Mind: Excellent strategist and tactician, able to assess situations quickly and respond effectively. - Multilingual: Speaks multiple languages, both modern and ancient.
Backstory: Hera Prince was created from the DNA of Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) and an undisclosed male donor. Her creation was part of an effort to harness the incredible powers and virtues of Wonder Woman. Raised among Amazons and trained rigorously in their ways, Hera was groomed to embody the strength, wisdom, and compassion of her predecessor while forging her own path.
Hera’s upbringing was a blend of Amazonian culture and the modern world, instilling in her a strong sense of justice and duty. Despite her lineage, Hera constantly strives to prove herself, not just as a clone of Wonder Woman, but as a hero in her own right. She grapples with the high expectations placed on her and the ideals of truth and justice that Wonder Woman represents.
Character Traits: - Noble: Possesses a strong moral compass, guided by principles of truth and justice. - Determined: Shows great determination and resilience, often pushing herself to exceed expectations. - Compassionate: Deeply empathetic and compassionate, driven by a desire to protect and help others. - Confident: Exudes confidence in her abilities, though occasionally struggles with the pressure of her legacy. - Curious: Eager to learn and grow, both in her abilities and in her understanding of the world.
Relationships: - Wonder Woman (Diana Prince): Views Diana as a mentor and role model, striving to live up to her legacy while creating her own identity. - Amazons: Has strong bonds with her Amazonian sisters, who support and guide her in her journey. - Allies: Forms alliances with other heroes who respect her strength and values. - Adversaries: Faces villains who challenge her ideals and test her abilities, often pushing her to new heights.
Goals: - To honor Wonder Woman’s legacy while establishing her own identity as a hero. - To protect the world from threats and uphold the values of truth, justice, and compassion. - To bridge the gap between the Amazonian culture and the modern world, promoting peace and understanding. - To continuously grow in her abilities and wisdom, becoming a beacon of hope and strength.
Unique Traits: - Amazonian Heritage: Deeply rooted in Amazonian traditions and culture, giving her a unique perspective and strength. - Legacy Bearer: Constantly strives to honor the legacy of Wonder Woman while forging her own path, balancing respect for the past with innovation for the future. - Symbol of Unity: Acts as a bridge between different worlds and cultures, promoting unity and understanding through her actions and values.
submitted by No-Implement5026 to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Intelligent_Arm7224 Resource help?

I work for a company that sells aluminum extrusions for interior and exterior applications. I personally am not well versed in any aspect of the construction industry but from what I’ve been told, aluminum is one of the materials that can be used for exterior stucco/plaster applications. I’ve been tasked with finding some sort of resource or quote that affirms that but I can’t seem to find anything so it can be forwarded to a customer. I’ve been able to find more information regarding sheet metal flashing for a parapet than aluminum.. Please help! Thank you!
submitted by Intelligent_Arm7224 to Stucco [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 m_whitehouse It's been a while since I've posted anything but I've just reached the end of a three month rewrite on a year long project and thought I'd share it.

Title: In Tents
Genre: Horror
Page Count: 85
LOGLINE: When an all-girl rock band find themselves stranded at a UK music festival they must survive the night after a bad batch of amphetamines turn everyone crazy, threatening the tour that will put them on the map.
SUMMARY: In Tents follows Mia (27), struggling to keep her band, The Dead Ends together in the midst of creative differences, hoping to lead the band to success as the first date of their tour looms near.
Kaya (25), the hedonistic guitarist, has musical pursuits of her own and wants to push Mia toward invention and growth, bassist Hailee (24) tries to capture behind the scenes footage on her camera, while being the voice of reason, while Grace (19), Mia's sister and reluctant drummer, is at a crossroads, torn between supporting her sister’s dream and a desire to carve out her own musical path with Kaya.
The backdrop is a UK music festival, circa 2005. Thumping bass from a myriad of stages permeates the air as thousands of teens and adults party through the night, unaware that this haven will soon turn into a living nightmare.
A bad batch of amphetamines has spread around the festival, causing people to turn violent - a crowd of crazed "Trippers," cause mass panic and riots, turning the festival into a labyrinth of horror as gas canisters explode, tents burn and crowds surge. Amidst the chaos, tensions within the band reach fever pitch, as the festival spirals into violent, anarchic chaos.
"In Tents" is a fast-paced horror film that draws elements from "28 Days Later," "Green Room," and "Shaun of the Dead” to create a fresh, chaotic twist on the zombie genre, set in the vibrant, colourful world of a music festival, where tent pegs become weapons and glitter, mud and blood mix together in a way you've never seen before.
If you'd like to read that, I've provided the link. I'm working out some minor kinks and after a very positive feedback session today I'm looking to iron out any little creases that I may have missed before I send it off.
There's some dialogue I'm not totally happy with and a few action sequences maybe need a little finesse, but aside from that I'm happy to hear any thoughts that anyone has, if indeed you can be bothered.
No worries if not!
submitted by m_whitehouse to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:38 MightBeneficial3302 Exploring RenovoRx’s Breakthroughs in Targeted Cancer Treatments (NASDAQ: RNXT)

Exploring RenovoRx’s Breakthroughs in Targeted Cancer Treatments (NASDAQ: RNXT)
  • RenovoRx’s TAMP™ platform significantly increases local tissue concentration of chemotherapy, potentially reducing systemic side effects and enhancing treatment efficacy.
  • The Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial aims to demonstrate the benefits of RenovoGem™, a novel oncology drug-device combination, in treating locally advanced pancreatic cancer.
  • With $17.2 million raised in 2024, RenovoRx is well-funded to continue its pivotal clinical trials and expand its pipeline into additional cancer indications.
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT), a pioneering clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, is poised to transform the landscape of cancer treatment. Driven by a vision to revolutionize oncology therapy, RenovoRx is committed to advancing the frontiers of medicine through its innovative intra-arterial (IA) delivery of chemotherapy, precisely targeting solid tumors. Recently, the company has made significant strides, unveiling a series of impactful updates, including substantial financial milestones and encouraging clinical outcomes.
Introducing RenovoRx: Advancing Precision Oncology
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing novel precision oncology therapies. Leveraging a proprietary local drug-delivery platform, RenovoRx addresses high unmet medical needs with the goal of improving therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients. The company’s patented Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy platform is engineered to deliver precise therapeutic doses directly to tumors, potentially reducing the toxicities associated with systemic intravenous therapy.
RenovoRx’s innovative and patented approach promises enhanced safety, better tolerance, and improved efficacy in cancer treatment. The company’s leading Phase III product candidate, RenovoGem™, is a novel oncology drug-device combination currently under investigation through a U.S. investigational new drug application, regulated by the FDA’s 21 CFR 312 pathway.
Phase III TIGeR-PaC Clinical Trial: Evaluating TAMP™ for Pancreatic Cancer
The Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial uses RenovoRx’s innovative TAMP™ (Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion) platform to evaluate RenovoGem™ for treating locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC). This trial compares trans-arterial delivery of gemcitabine (using TAMP™) with systemic IV administration of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel following stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT).
Designed to include 114 patients (57 per arm), all participants receive induction chemotherapy and SBRT. The primary endpoint is a 6-month overall survival (OS) benefit, with secondary endpoints focusing on reduced side effects.
The first interim analysis, completed in March 2023, led to a recommendation to continue the study. The final analysis will follow 86 events, with the second interim analysis expected in late 2024 at 60% (52 events).
TAMP™ aims to improve localized chemotherapy delivery, potentially reducing systemic toxicity and enhancing patient outcomes.
RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform: A Breakthrough in
Recently, the company published pre-clinical studies in the Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology (JVIR) that demonstrate the efficacy and mechanism of its Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy.
Authored by Dr. Khashayar Farsad from Oregon Health and Science University, Dr. Paula M. Novelli from the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center, and RenovoRx’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ramtin Agah, the study is accessible here.
Traditionally, chemotherapy for solid tumors is administered intravenously, affecting the entire body and causing adverse side effects. RenovoRx’s TAMP platform aims to change this by delivering chemotherapy directly to the tumor, potentially reducing systemic toxicities. Pre-clinical data showed that TAMP achieved a 100-fold increase in local tissue concentration compared to conventional intravenous (IV) delivery and outperformed other intra-arterial (IA) methods.
“TAMP could provide a valuable treatment option for difficult-to-treat solid tumors. We look forward to the final outcomes of the ongoing Phase III clinical trial to confirm these benefits.” Dr. Farsad
RenovoRx Secures $17.2 Million to Advance Cancer Therapy Development
With $17.2 million in gross proceeds raised since early 2024, RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) is well-funded to advance its pivotal Phase III clinical trial and expand its development pipeline into additional cancer indications.
RenovoRx announced early afternoon the closing of a private placement that raised approximately $11.1 million. This follows an earlier fundraising round in January 2024.
Shaun Bagai, CEO of RenovoRx, remarked, “Our recent financing achievements are a critical milestone for RenovoRx. These funds bolster our balance sheet and fuel our progress towards key objectives over the next two years. These include continuing our pivotal Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial for locally advanced pancreatic cancer, expanding our TAMP clinical development pipeline into additional cancer indications, and exploring new commercial business opportunities.”
Bagai added, “We are proud of our achievements and grateful for the support of our investors. With their backing, our team is committed to improving patient outcomes by delivering therapies that could revolutionize cancer care.”
The Critical Landscape of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is a formidable health challenge worldwide, with an annual incidence of approximately 495,000 new cases. Notably, about 30% of these cases present as locally advanced, complicating treatment efforts and outcomes. This significant percentage underscores the urgent need for effective treatment strategies tailored to advanced stages of the disease.
In the United States alone, pancreatic cancer is on track to become the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, accounting for an estimated 48,000 deaths each year. This stark statistic highlights the aggressive nature of pancreatic cancer and the critical importance of advancements in medical treatments and early detection methods.
Current Standard of Care and Survival Rates
The current standard of care for pancreatic cancer typically involves chemo-radiation regimens. Treatments commonly include combinations such as gemcitabine with nab-paclitaxel or mFOLFIRINOX. Despite these efforts, the median overall survival from the time of diagnosis ranges from 12 to 18.8 months. These survival rates reflect the aggressive progression of the disease and the limited efficacy of existing treatment protocols in extending patient life significantly.
Geographic Incidence
Pancreatic cancer incidence varies by region, with the United States and Europe reporting substantial numbers of new cases annually. In the U.S., around 62,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, while Europe reports approximately 58,007 diagnoses annually.
Conclusion: The Financially Backed Promise of RenovoRx in Oncology
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) stands at the forefront of cancer treatment innovation with its precision oncology therapies. Leveraging its proprietary Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) platform, the company is dedicated to improving therapeutic outcomes by delivering targeted chemotherapy directly to tumors, thereby minimizing systemic toxicities.
The ongoing Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial is crucial in validating the benefits of RenovoGem™, RenovoRx’s novel oncology drug-device combination. This trial aims to improve overall survival rates for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer compared to the current standard of systemic chemotherapy. Financially, RenovoRx is well-positioned to continue its innovative work in oncology. The company has raised $17.2 million in early 2024, including $11.1 million from a recent private placement and an earlier round in January. This robust financial backing supports the pivotal Phase III clinical trial and allows for the expansion of RenovoRx’s development pipeline into additional cancer indications.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to CanadianStockExchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:38 TruthSeeker_AD This 2 star, does anyone have a spare of it?

This 2 star, does anyone have a spare of it? submitted by TruthSeeker_AD to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:38 MightBeneficial3302 Exploring RenovoRx’s Breakthroughs in Targeted Cancer Treatments (NASDAQ: RNXT)

Exploring RenovoRx’s Breakthroughs in Targeted Cancer Treatments (NASDAQ: RNXT)
  • RenovoRx’s TAMP™ platform significantly increases local tissue concentration of chemotherapy, potentially reducing systemic side effects and enhancing treatment efficacy.
  • The Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial aims to demonstrate the benefits of RenovoGem™, a novel oncology drug-device combination, in treating locally advanced pancreatic cancer.
  • With $17.2 million raised in 2024, RenovoRx is well-funded to continue its pivotal clinical trials and expand its pipeline into additional cancer indications.
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT), a pioneering clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, is poised to transform the landscape of cancer treatment. Driven by a vision to revolutionize oncology therapy, RenovoRx is committed to advancing the frontiers of medicine through its innovative intra-arterial (IA) delivery of chemotherapy, precisely targeting solid tumors. Recently, the company has made significant strides, unveiling a series of impactful updates, including substantial financial milestones and encouraging clinical outcomes.
Introducing RenovoRx: Advancing Precision Oncology
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing novel precision oncology therapies. Leveraging a proprietary local drug-delivery platform, RenovoRx addresses high unmet medical needs with the goal of improving therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients. The company’s patented Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy platform is engineered to deliver precise therapeutic doses directly to tumors, potentially reducing the toxicities associated with systemic intravenous therapy.
RenovoRx’s innovative and patented approach promises enhanced safety, better tolerance, and improved efficacy in cancer treatment. The company’s leading Phase III product candidate, RenovoGem™, is a novel oncology drug-device combination currently under investigation through a U.S. investigational new drug application, regulated by the FDA’s 21 CFR 312 pathway.
Phase III TIGeR-PaC Clinical Trial: Evaluating TAMP™ for Pancreatic Cancer
The Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial uses RenovoRx’s innovative TAMP™ (Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion) platform to evaluate RenovoGem™ for treating locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC). This trial compares trans-arterial delivery of gemcitabine (using TAMP™) with systemic IV administration of gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel following stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT).
Designed to include 114 patients (57 per arm), all participants receive induction chemotherapy and SBRT. The primary endpoint is a 6-month overall survival (OS) benefit, with secondary endpoints focusing on reduced side effects.
The first interim analysis, completed in March 2023, led to a recommendation to continue the study. The final analysis will follow 86 events, with the second interim analysis expected in late 2024 at 60% (52 events).
TAMP™ aims to improve localized chemotherapy delivery, potentially reducing systemic toxicity and enhancing patient outcomes.
RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform: A Breakthrough in
Recently, the company published pre-clinical studies in the Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology (JVIR) that demonstrate the efficacy and mechanism of its Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy.
Authored by Dr. Khashayar Farsad from Oregon Health and Science University, Dr. Paula M. Novelli from the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center, and RenovoRx’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ramtin Agah, the study is accessible here.
Traditionally, chemotherapy for solid tumors is administered intravenously, affecting the entire body and causing adverse side effects. RenovoRx’s TAMP platform aims to change this by delivering chemotherapy directly to the tumor, potentially reducing systemic toxicities. Pre-clinical data showed that TAMP achieved a 100-fold increase in local tissue concentration compared to conventional intravenous (IV) delivery and outperformed other intra-arterial (IA) methods.
“TAMP could provide a valuable treatment option for difficult-to-treat solid tumors. We look forward to the final outcomes of the ongoing Phase III clinical trial to confirm these benefits.” Dr. Farsad
RenovoRx Secures $17.2 Million to Advance Cancer Therapy Development
With $17.2 million in gross proceeds raised since early 2024, RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) is well-funded to advance its pivotal Phase III clinical trial and expand its development pipeline into additional cancer indications.
RenovoRx announced early afternoon the closing of a private placement that raised approximately $11.1 million. This follows an earlier fundraising round in January 2024.
Shaun Bagai, CEO of RenovoRx, remarked, “Our recent financing achievements are a critical milestone for RenovoRx. These funds bolster our balance sheet and fuel our progress towards key objectives over the next two years. These include continuing our pivotal Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial for locally advanced pancreatic cancer, expanding our TAMP clinical development pipeline into additional cancer indications, and exploring new commercial business opportunities.”
Bagai added, “We are proud of our achievements and grateful for the support of our investors. With their backing, our team is committed to improving patient outcomes by delivering therapies that could revolutionize cancer care.”
The Critical Landscape of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is a formidable health challenge worldwide, with an annual incidence of approximately 495,000 new cases. Notably, about 30% of these cases present as locally advanced, complicating treatment efforts and outcomes. This significant percentage underscores the urgent need for effective treatment strategies tailored to advanced stages of the disease.
In the United States alone, pancreatic cancer is on track to become the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, accounting for an estimated 48,000 deaths each year. This stark statistic highlights the aggressive nature of pancreatic cancer and the critical importance of advancements in medical treatments and early detection methods.
Current Standard of Care and Survival Rates
The current standard of care for pancreatic cancer typically involves chemo-radiation regimens. Treatments commonly include combinations such as gemcitabine with nab-paclitaxel or mFOLFIRINOX. Despite these efforts, the median overall survival from the time of diagnosis ranges from 12 to 18.8 months. These survival rates reflect the aggressive progression of the disease and the limited efficacy of existing treatment protocols in extending patient life significantly.
Geographic Incidence
Pancreatic cancer incidence varies by region, with the United States and Europe reporting substantial numbers of new cases annually. In the U.S., around 62,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, while Europe reports approximately 58,007 diagnoses annually.
Conclusion: The Financially Backed Promise of RenovoRx in Oncology
RenovoRx (NASDAQ:RNXT) stands at the forefront of cancer treatment innovation with its precision oncology therapies. Leveraging its proprietary Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) platform, the company is dedicated to improving therapeutic outcomes by delivering targeted chemotherapy directly to tumors, thereby minimizing systemic toxicities.
The ongoing Phase III TIGeR-PaC clinical trial is crucial in validating the benefits of RenovoGem™, RenovoRx’s novel oncology drug-device combination. This trial aims to improve overall survival rates for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer compared to the current standard of systemic chemotherapy. Financially, RenovoRx is well-positioned to continue its innovative work in oncology. The company has raised $17.2 million in early 2024, including $11.1 million from a recent private placement and an earlier round in January. This robust financial backing supports the pivotal Phase III clinical trial and allows for the expansion of RenovoRx’s development pipeline into additional cancer indications.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to Canadapennystocks [link] [comments]