Cerita hot sma

I'm a full time trader and this is everything I'm watching and analysing in premarket 26/04. including detailed breakdown of MSFT, GOOGL, INTC earnings

2024.04.26 14:07 TearRepresentative56 I'm a full time trader and this is everything I'm watching and analysing in premarket 26/04. including detailed breakdown of MSFT, GOOGL, INTC earnings

For more of my daily analysis and reports, please join Tradingedge
SNAP pumps 24% on earnings
XOM earnings:
SKX rallying in premarket
submitted by TearRepresentative56 to swingtrading [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:06 TearRepresentative56 I'm a full time day trader and this is everything I'm watching and analysing in premarket 26/04 includes detailed breakdown on all earnings reports including Google, MSFt, INTC and more.

SNAP pumps 24% on earnings
XOM earnings:
SKX rallying in premarket
submitted by TearRepresentative56 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:04 TearRepresentative56 I'm a full time trader and this is everything I'm watching and analysing in premarket 26/04 ahead of PCE. Includes detailed summary of MSFT, GOOGL, INTC and more earnings reports.

For more of my analysis and daily posts, please join Tradingedge and share with friends.
SNAP pumps 24% on earnings
XOM earnings:
SKX rallying in premarket
submitted by TearRepresentative56 to u/TearRepresentative56 [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:04 TearRepresentative56 Everything I'm watching and analysing in premarket 26/04 including detailed breakdown of earnings including INTC, GOOGL, MSFT, SKX and more.

For more of my analysis and daily posts, please join Tradingedge and share with friends.
SNAP pumps 24% on earnings
XOM earnings:
SKX rallying in premarket
submitted by TearRepresentative56 to TradingEdge [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:39 evilninjarobot Cone is currently the #1 trending coin on Dextools!

Cone is currently the #1 trending coin on Dextools! submitted by evilninjarobot to ConeHeads [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 09:36 Anxious_Scratch_913 novel perahu kertas

Novel Perahu Kertas bertemakan persahabatan, percintaan, dan idealisme seseorang. Kisah ini berawal dengan seorang remaja laki-laki yang baru saja lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Akhir (SMA) bernama Keenan. Ia adalah laki-laki yang cerdas, mempunyai minat dan bakat dalam bidang seni melukis sangat kuat.
Keenan hanya bercita-cita menjadi seorang penulis, tidak ada cita-cita lain baginya. Akan tetapi, kesepakatan antara Keenan dengan sang ayah yang mengharuskan dirinya pergi meninggal Amsterdam untuk kuliah di Indonesia, tepatnya di Fakultas Ekonomi, Bandung.
Tokoh utama lain dalam novel ini ialah Kugy. Kugy merupakan perempuan unik, mempunyai daya imaji yang sangat tinggi, kemudian bisa dibilang ia berpenampilan eksentrik cenderung berantakan. Kugy hendak berkuliah di kampus yang sama dengan Keenan, di Bandung.
Sedari kecil, Kugy memang sudah mencintai dunia perdongengan. Maka dari itu, jangan heran bila dirinya mempunyai imajinasi tinggi. Ia memiliki koleksi dan taman bacaan, serta hobi menulis cerita dongeng. Tidak lain, ia hanya bercita-cita untuk menjadi juru dongeng.
Akan tetapi, dirinya menyadari bahwa penulis atau juru dongeng bukanlah suatu profesi atau pekerjaan yang ‘menghasilkan’ dan diterima oleh lingkungan kehidupannya. Kugy memiliki cara agar dirinya tidak jauh-jauh dari dunia kepenulisan, yakni dengan melanjutkan studinya di Fakultas Sastra.
submitted by Anxious_Scratch_913 to u/Anxious_Scratch_913 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:33 murderhornetsauce Wisconsin Cheese Porn v2

Wisconsin Cheese Porn v2
I was inspired by a fellow poster to share my Wisconsin Cheese adventures! This stuff is amazing so I made horsderves for Xmas. It was a a hoot!!
submitted by murderhornetsauce to grilledcheese [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:11 BobaMilkTeaFett I couldn’t believe my eyes!

I couldn’t believe my eyes!
At the checkout lane pegs at Target, what are the odds? 🤯
submitted by BobaMilkTeaFett to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 02:56 Arthurlurk1 My office collection box set

My office collection box set
I’ve always liked the clear cases better, I decided to swap them all out. The case dimensions were slightly smaller than the original blue ones and with this Christmas collection they now fit perfectly. Not to mention they are more practical since the episode info is printed on the inside.
I basically got the Christmas on so when the holiday comes around I don’t have to go through each season looking for the episodes.
submitted by Arthurlurk1 to Bluray [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 00:58 twoplustwoisyellow Bosch Vision Series 300 beeping when done with cycle

Bosch Vision Series 300 beeping when done with cycle
I can’t for the life of me find an option to turn off the beeping when cycles are done. If there even is an option. I’ve included a photo of the machine but the title says it all. TIA!!!
submitted by twoplustwoisyellow to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:48 admkukuh A little rant for weak ass like me

Halo komodos, gw dari dulu pernah kepikiran kek buat cerita dikit gt disini, gw 20 (M), tapi takut kalo cerita gada hasil apa apa. Gw sangat memandang diri gw rendah dibanding semua org bahkan adek sendiri. Gw ada masalah personal dengan diri gw dan gw ngerasa gw hipokrit karena gw bisa treat others fine or even better but not myself. I see myself as a tool, just give me a bit of maintenance (a bit of attention or being included), and i'll do everything to you.
A little background, gw dibesarin dengan didik kasar sama bokap and it works, tapi entah kenapa belakangan ini gw merasa kalau yg diucapkan oleh ortu gw itu kadang ada yg personal ada yg emotional dump, dan kadang gw merasa sakit hati kalo di ucapin yang memang tidak seharusnya diucapin gt. Bokap gw sih yang biasanya gitu, cuma gw gapapa lah ga mempermasalahkannya, mungkin beliau lagi capek or somewhat lagi ada masalah. Gw ama bokap ga terlalu deket as a result (gw takut sampe skrg ama beliau, tapi masih bisa kalo sekedar komunikasi but not heart to heart, just man to man). Gw dipaksa terus buat ngomong ama bokap kek ngomong apa aja, yang dimana gw gabisa karena gw emg ada luka batin dari kecil buat selalu nerima rant nya dia unconditionally or even get a bit of physical abuse, which im fine cause what could i do. Selalu aja bokap itu ngomongin tentang hubungan emosional but at the same time beliau ngomong kalo anak itu yang ngerti orang tua, bukan sebaliknya. Bokap gw emang egonya besar kalo udah ranah personal, jadi anggep aja ngerawat gw itu out of responsibility, but there is almost no love carried, which is different compared to my sister. Gw gapernah dengki sama siapa siapa di rumah walau udah di perlakukan se kocak itu, soalnya gw emang dikasi tau sama nyokap kandung gw sebelum meninggal buat tetep jadi orang baik, jangan besar egonya, sama tetep inget sama semua kebaikan orang. Gw sendiri emg tipikalnya yang pasrah dan ngalah terus karena yaaa dari kecil emg disuruh ngalah terus mau aku bener ato salah wkwkw. Itulah kenapa gw merasa kalo gw ini gada valuenya samsek, dipandang rendah, dan gapernah dianggap "ingin jadi dewasa", karena bokap gw selalu ngomongin itu ke gw apalagi kalo beliau ada rasa jengkel gatau kenapa tb tb gw targetnya, ya intinya gw jadi target kalo mau di kasarin apa aja bentuknya, dan ntar abis biasa lagi gada maafan gt kek yodah langsung aja ngomong ke gw kek gada perasaan bersalah wkwkw.
Jadi, ceritanya adalah dari akhir januari (2 hari terakhir januari) rumah tangga bokap gw mulai kacau, bener bener yg pertama kali bikin gw ketakutan buat kerumah, singkat cerita nyokap tiri mulai kek orang kesetanan, dan gw yang jadi target marahannya selain ke bokap gw, entah deh gw ada salah apa sama beliau tapi gw gapernah yang namanya ngerugiin orang dari segi apapun, yah mungkin nyokap tiri lagi cape ato gimana tapi ini berlangsuung sampe skrg boi wkwkw, gw disini juga posisi sahabat gw keknya nge cut off gw gatau kenapa (dari 20 jan), dan gw bener bener merasa messed up yang baru yang sama sekali belom pernah gw rasain, kek beneran jatuh yang sukar banget bangkitnya, dan gw sempet ngerasa kalo ini bom waktu sampe gw kelar kuliah terus dpet kerjaan baru di kick gw dari rumah wkwk. Inti dari permasalahan di keluarga gw itu sebenernya gw gatau karena nyokap tiri gw emang gajelas marah" nya, tapi dari apa yg gw dapat karena itu semua rant isinya repetitif semua, itu karena adanya ketidakadilan dalam keluarga gw.... which is actually nonexistent because my father did alot for our family??? Nah terus ini ada yg lucu lagi, kan nyokap tiri gw marah marah lagi gatau lah kenapa, tiba tiba nyuruh bokap gw (bokap gw 20 taun lebih tua btw, so age gap nya gede wkwk) buat kumpulin sekeluarga di meja makan, gw lgsg telp adek kandung gw yg lagi nugas di luar kali ini darurat besar, nah akhirnya sampe rumah, taunya pas sampe rumah dikasi tau kalo gw ama adek gw tuh anak adopsi, tapi pas ngucapinnya ke gw, gw itu anak pungut diambil dari jembatan, terus ngaata ngatain lah nyokap asli gw mandul ato gmn, dan gw kaget lah kek kok bisa ngomong kek gt wkwk, ya gw sih emang dari 6 taun pernah mikir gw ini anak pungut ato bukan ya soalnya gw kek di treat beda sama adek gw cuma yodahlah bomat (iya gw belajar buat bomat dari kecil krn gapernah dibanggakan samsek wkwkw). Nah disitu gw kabur dari rumah sehari aja ketemuan ama temen gw yg kebetulan emang lucu keluarganya, ya saran yg gw dapet abis 4 jam curhat nonstop cuma suruh bodoamat, itu dosa mereka bukan dosa gw, gw gatau ya ges soalnya gw emang baru baru ini kembali beribadah, ya alasan awalnya karena permasalahan di keluarga + di cut off ama sahabat gw. Intinya atmosfir di rumah suram, gw di kos temen gw yg ala kadarnya bisa tidur pulas dibanding di rumah bokap yang beda jauh kondisinya sama kos kos an, yaa di rumah gw bisa tidur tp ga istirahat gt deh wkwkw.
Kalau tentang sahabat gw (21 F), gw udah sahabatan ama dia selama 5 tahun lamanya dari sma, yah baru tahun kemarin si kami jadi deket lagi karena gw curhat tentang kuliah gw yg kacau balau nilainya krn keberatan kuliah waktu itu, dan sempet suicidal, tapi abis semua percakapan panjang itu dia setuju untuk bantu gw dan yap nilai gw selama kuliah bener bener melejit, gw bener bener bisa ber ekspresi se bebas itu, bener bener ga takut sama yang namanya orang asing, dan yaaaa bisa jadi makhluk sosial yg fungsional wkwk. Kita deket, gw confess ke dia, tapi gw ga nembak dia, karena gw dari awal gada intensi buat dapetin dia, ya confess kan ga selalu tentang suka ato cinta gt kan ya wkwk, gw confess aja ke dia sebetapa nyaman dan bahagianya gw berada disampingnya etc., yang dimana awalnya dia yg confess kalo dia menggantungkan kebahagian dia di gw, and the story goes on untill december last year dimana dia mulai capek ama kerjaan dia di organisasi and yeah she decided to be bitter towards everyone, dan dia ilfeel sama gw as a result, tapi gw ga masalahin sih, pas ketemu dia abis event apa gt, gw tanyain kenapa, ada apa, dll in simple terms, dia takut ama gw, tapi gtw kenapa, tepat di ujuung desember dia cerita kalo dia bersalah banyak ama gw karena ya katanya gw menganggap ini kek hal yang wajar, memberi dia waktu dan ruang yang cukup besar menurut dia, dan rela jadi punching bag dia dengan cara di diemin selama hampir 2 bulan wkwkw. Gw ga ngerasa kek itu beban sih awalnya, soalnya ya bro kita udah besar santai aja kali. Memasuki januari kita nongki kan, disitu gw nangis di dia karena gw capek ama kondisi rumah gw waktu itu. Yah diperjalanan pulang dia ngomong kalo gw orangnya tulus, gw yang gapernah nganggep gw sendiri orang baik, tulus, ato apalah itu, kaget lah, intinya ya gw makasih banyak sama sahabat gw satu ini karena bener bener bisa bantu gw nge revive diri gw yang sengaja gw tinggal. Namun semenjak dirinya magang, di minggu terakhir dia magang gw curhat lah ke doi soal masalah dirumah, ga semuanya sih tapi intinya gt, dan dia minta maaf karena gada buat gw kan, gw gapapa karena emang fokusin magang aja biar hasilnya bagus, dan beberapa hari setelahnya gw curhat lagi, but idk i think this time she's mad or something like that to me, she never replied to my text ever from last month. And no, i dont bother her like in the way i need her to help me, i just told her that my day went this and that and yeah, something you could either reply or not and no effect would grow on it. Gw merasa kek gw salah apa yak yang bikin dia pengen cut off gw, soalnya terkahir kali dia silent treatment ke gw, gw merasa salah, taunya dia yg maaf karena bukan gw yg salah gt, yah you guys got the glimpse lah. Gw merasa kek ini downfall of our friendship, and i feel like i ruined everything again for the idk howmany times. To be honest gw ngerasa kalo gw tersakiti sama ekspektasi gw, bukan karena dianya. Yaaa sejak kemaren februari pertengahan dia gapernah ngabarin, sok cerita, ato apalah, well idk if it's because of me or something, but i do hope that she would return one day, with a whole new story.
Nah, gw sekarang itu merasa capek ama semua, pengen curhat dan didengerin, yang dimana biasanya sahabat gw ada buat gw curhat dan sebaliknya. Gw bener bener ngerasa sendiri, walau gw udah doa tiap abis sholat, well intinya gw kesepian dan gw rasanya itu pengeeen banget cerita dan disambung dengan ceritanya lawan bicara, yaa saling cerewet dengan interest masing masing gt lah like how i used to do with my buddy, but now am all alone like idk man, it just feels alone.
Gw gapernah punya kesempatan untuk ngeluh sebesarnya dan diterima, marah sebesarnya dan diterima, serta berbeda pendapat dan diterima. Gw selama idup selalu dibebani sama perasaan bersalah, kurang dan tidak pede, cuma pas gw bersama sahabat gw dimanapun, gw ngerasa gw bisa jadi diri gw sepenuh potensial gw (contoh kecil nilai 2 semester kemarin meningkat pesat sampe gw heran). Gapernah gw mandang gw itu apalah walau beberapa temen gw muji gw karena hard skill ama soft skill gw, yang dimana gw gapernah mandang itu kek sesuatu yang pantas untuk di puji wkwk.
Gitu doang sih ges a little rant of me and my life, if you guys have any suggestion for me or any advice, im all ears. Maaf ya kalo cerita gw ga jelas ato gimana, you could ask for details :D
submitted by admkukuh to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 03:55 Positive-Train-420 😅

😅 submitted by Positive-Train-420 to unket [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 00:28 aerosmith_steve1985 Wednesday Sleeper Watchlist: $CISS knocking $KULR off of the watchlist

Wednesday Sleeper Watchlist: $CISS knocking $KULR off of the watchlist
I know that $KULR has been HOT recently, but the risk-to-reward ratio has knocked it off my watchlist. I am replacing it with $CISS. I know many people on this sub will not approve of this, but you gotta hear me out. Later in this post, I will explain why I like $CISS more!
First up is $SPQS. Despite its low price, this stock is currently undergoing a merger, which could boost its value. This stock is particularly appealing as long as it remains above the 200 SMA. It's worth noting that the price has been steadily climbing since February, crossing above the 200 mark. However, due to its volatility, it's crucial to have your stop loss and take profits strategies in place.
Next up is $CISS. This stock has been in a downtrend for quite some time, but the risk-to-reward ratio is 10x better than $KULR. With a stop loss at all-time lows, this stock might be a good trade. The recent spike in volume over the last few weeks mainly made me add this stock to my watchlist. The KULR mania is too risky for me.
Last but not least, we have $HIRU. There was a huge spike in volume last week due to recent news, which is definitely worth checking out. This stock is below the 200 SMA, so be careful, but it has been getting more attention recently. Things are about to get exciting!
Communicated Disclaimer: None of this is financial advice. Please do your own DD before investing. Sources -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
submitted by aerosmith_steve1985 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 15:38 uncommonephemera LIVE TONIGHT 7PM EDT: I have about 200 VHS tapes from donors and estate sales. Help me search them for obscure and lost media needing preservation at the Internet Archive. https://twitch.tv/uncommonephemera

LIVE TONIGHT 7PM EDT: I have about 200 VHS tapes from donors and estate sales. Help me search them for obscure and lost media needing preservation at the Internet Archive. https://twitch.tv/uncommonephemera submitted by uncommonephemera to uncommonephemera [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 23:06 Greengreengraas Hot honey is back!

Hot honey is back!
IDK if anyone here is always looking for affordable hot honey like I am but I just saw a stocked up aldi in central PA!
submitted by Greengreengraas to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 12:53 stormbringer34 Raf Fiyatına Satış / Uygun Fiyatlı

Raf Fiyatına Satış / Uygun Fiyatlı
Arkadaşlar selamlar. Herkese hayırlı bayramlar diliyorum. Satılık olan modelleri paylaşıyorum. Fiyatlandırma;
• 1. Fotoğraf adet 80₺ • 2. Fotoğraf adet 100₺ • 3. Fotoğraf adet 100-130₺ arası değişiyor
Bayramda kargo şirketleri kapalı olduğu için rez yapabilirsiniz.
submitted by stormbringer34 to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 20:30 1postDaily Like Magic someone WON the lottery after a Delay... I call BS... LOL

Like Magic someone WON the lottery after a Delay... I call BS... LOL submitted by 1postDaily to u/1postDaily [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 18:15 316Exposure Looking good!

Looking good! submitted by 316Exposure to AerodromeFinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 03:05 rakowych Diy dipole antenna

Diy dipole antenna
Stock lilygo antennas are just spring that has som wild swr(5.5 was the best I had seen) connecting the wire of 1/4 Wave length to the outside of sma (ground or mass (not sure how you call it)) makes swr a little bit better (2.3 or something like that).
Anyway, I had 3 of this antennas and made 2 dipoleantennas out off two of them (1.5-2 mm wire, piece of stick for support, hot glue and heatshrink).
Swr of diy dipoles are 1.3-1.4, so I think it's not that bad (way better than stocks ones). Will do range test tomorrow evening.
Actually I'm in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Is there somebody around(in reach)?
P.s. sorry for shitty vna photo
submitted by rakowych to meshtastic [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:53 Fliprcher2 MOEW basechain backed by Bitget wallet

MOEW basechain backed by Bitget wallet submitted by Fliprcher2 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:36 GuiltlessMaple Best Burners to Keep Food Warm

Best Burners to Keep Food Warm

Welcome to our roundup of the best burners to keep your food warm and delicious! Whether you're hosting a backyard barbecue or just want to enjoy a hot meal on a chilly day, this article has got you covered. We've gathered a selection of top-rated burners that will keep your food at the perfect temperature, ensuring that every bite is as flavorful as the first.

The Top 5 Best Burners to Keep Food Warm

  1. Powerful Cast Iron Hot Plate for Easy Cooking - Indispensable and powerful, the Cusimax Electric Hot Plate provides an easy, sturdy, and visually appealing solution for cooking and keeping food warm on-the-go.
  2. Proctor Silex Buffet Server: 3 Burners for Perfectly Warm Foods - Sleek Proctor Silex Buffet Server & Food Warmer: Ensures perfect temperature for your party spread, while saving energy with its SMaRT Certification.
  3. Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Buffet Warmer for Large Capacity Food Service - The SYBO 3 Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Bain Marie Buffet Food Warmer is a spacious and durable solution for serving food at any gathering, featuring large capacity pans with compartments and a simple water tap outlet for easy cleaning.
  4. Professionally Display and Keep Food Warm with Durable Catering Warmer - The Heatmax 251524 Catering Food Warmer with a water tray offers a durable, lightweight design for easy mobility and temperature control, perfect for caterers using Tin Foil Pan style serving and including 4 shelves.
  5. Portable Electric Heating Tray with Temperature Control - Upgrade your food warming experience with VEVOR's ultra-thin, temperature-controlled electric heating tray, perfectly suited for all tableware types and capable of heating food within just 17 minutes.
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🔗Powerful Cast Iron Hot Plate for Easy Cooking

One of my favorite features of this hot plate is its portability. You can truly take it anywhere, whether that's camping, tailgating, or just cooking up a snack in a friend's kitchen. The sturdy stainless steel housing is a testament to the product's overall craftsmanship, and the heat distribution is consistent, ensuring your food is cooked evenly.
Cleaning the hot plate might be a tad challenging as it boils over, as the reviewer mentioned. The raised ridges on the plate make it tough to thoroughly clean, and the surrounding part seems to stain or wear more easily compared to the surface itself. It would be great if there were detailed instructions on how to properly clean and maintain this product.
In terms of performance, this hot plate packs quite a punch with its 1500-watt power. I love how it quickly heats up to high temperatures, allowing me to cook efficiently. Additionally, it’s a fantastic option in case your regular stove or oven is out of action. The only downside is that the heating light might cycle on and off during operation, but this is completely normal and indicates the correct temperature is being maintained.
Overall, I highly recommend the Cusimax Electric Hot Plate for its convenience, power, and even heat distribution. With that said, I hope the manufacturer addresses the cleaning challenges and other minor concerns to make this product even more appealing.

🔗Proctor Silex Buffet Server: 3 Burners for Perfectly Warm Foods

Imagine hosting a holiday gathering with delicious food and warm smiles, and knowing that your guests are enjoying their meals. That's the experience I had when I used the Proctor Silex Buffet Server & Food Warmer. With its sleek design and versatile functionality, this product deserves a spot in your kitchen.
One of the features that stood out to me was the adjustable heat settings. After setting the temperature, I didn't have to worry about constantly monitoring the food, as the warmer would cycle on and off to maintain the desired temperature. This allowed me to spend more time mingling with my guests, making the party even more enjoyable.
The stainless steel chafing dishes are a great addition to the warmer's arsenal. I found that they were perfect for holding cooked foods and keeping them warm without burning. The included lids with slots for serving utensils were also convenient, as they made it easy to serve the food without spilling or making a mess.
However, one downside I encountered was the size of the product. While it was perfect for a medium-sized gathering, I realized that it might not be the best choice for larger events, as it would require more space for storage.
In conclusion, the Proctor Silex Buffet Server & Food Warmer is a great addition to anyone's kitchen. Its adjustable heat settings, stainless steel chafing dishes, and sleek design make it perfect for holiday gatherings and other special occasions. Just remember to consider the size when planning for larger events.

🔗Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Buffet Warmer for Large Capacity Food Service

The SYBO 3 Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Bain Marie Buffet Food Warmer was a game-changer in my daily life. It had a massive capacity that could easily cater to my large family gatherings, featuring ample compartments and a convenient lid. The build quality of this product was exceptional, crafted from heavy-duty 304 food-grade stainless steel that stood up to the test of time.
Cleaning the SYBO 3 was a breeze, thanks to the thoughtfully designed water tap outlet that made removal and draining of warm liquids effortless. The added bonus of being ETL, CE, and ROHS certified made it a safe and reliable choice for all commercial and household use, be it grand banquets or casual barbecues.
However, one downside was the lack of customization options, with the product only available in a single design. But overall, I would highly recommend the SYBO 3 for anyone seeking a large-capacity, durable, and easy-to-clean food warmer for their various occasions.

🔗Professionally Display and Keep Food Warm with Durable Catering Warmer

The Heatmax 251524 Catering Food Warmer is an essential tool for serving delicious food at events, parties, or gatherings. Its sturdy, lightweight aluminum frame makes it easy to transport, while its insulated doors and secure latch ensure food stays at the perfect temperature for your guests. As a caterer, this warmer is perfect for my busy lifestyle, and its customizable design suits any serving style.
With its NSF/UL certification, hassle-free inspections are a breeze. Overall, this food warmer has become a go-to for me and I highly recommend it to other caterers.

🔗Portable Electric Heating Tray with Temperature Control

I recently tried out the VEVOR Electric Warming Tray and it has been a game changer for keeping my food warm at parties. The temperature control feature is a lifesaver, allowing me to easily warm up appetizers and maintain that perfect serving temperature. The microcrystalline glass material is not only durable but also a great balance between style and functionality.
One of the things I love most about this product is its versatility - it's not limited to just heating food. I've used it to warm milk, wine, and even tea, making it a go-to accessory for casual gatherings. The fact that it can be used with a variety of tableware materials is a major bonus for me.
However, one minor drawback is the fixed power cord. While it's not a deal-breaker, it would be even more convenient with a detachable cord for easier storage and portability. Overall, the VEVOR Electric Warming Tray has proven to be a reliable addition to any party setup, and I highly recommend it for those looking to keep their food warm and delicious.

Buyer's Guide

Serving hot food is essential, especially in restaurants or catering businesses. Burners to keep food warm help maintain the desired temperature for a longer time. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the important factors to consider when choosing a warmer for your food, as well as general advice for keeping your dishes at their best.

Types of Burners

There are two main types of burners: hot plates and warming cabinets. Hot plates are ideal for small portions of food and can offer instant temperature adjustment. Warming cabinets are designed for keeping large quantities of food warm and usually have multiple temperature settings.


Consider the amount of food you need to warm and choose a burner accordingly. Hot plates with a smaller capacity are suitable for single dishes, while warming cabinets can accommodate larger quantities, making them a better choice for buffet-style service.

Heating Elements

The heating elements in burners can be made of various materials, such as ceramic or cast iron. Ceramic heating elements are more durable and heat food evenly, while cast iron offers better heat retention. Choose a burner with heating elements that best suit your needs and cooking methods.


Temperature Settings and Controls

A burner with a variety of temperature settings allows you to maintain the perfect temperature for your dishes. Look for burners with precise temperature control, as well as an automatic shut-off feature to prevent overheating.

Ease of Cleaning

A burner should be easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your food remains hygienic. Stainless steel or cast iron surfaces are typically easier to clean than ceramic, but choose a burner with non-stick coatings or removable heating panels for added convenience.

Insulation and Noise Levels

Insulating materials help maintain the temperature of food and reduce noise levels. Consider a burner with good insulation, as it will help minimize noise and heat loss. Additionally, choose a burner with low decibel levels to maintain a quiet environment in your establishment.

Warranty and Customer Support

Always choose a burner from a reputable manufacturer with a strong customer support system. Look for burners with extended warranties, and read customer reviews to ensure that the manufacturer provides reliable assistance in case of issues or concerns.

Maintenance and Safety

Proper maintenance is crucial for the longevity of a burner. Regularly inspect the heating elements and ensure that they are functioning correctly. Always follow safety guidelines when using a burner, such as wearing appropriate attire and keeping a safe distance from the heat.
Choosing the right burner to keep food warm is essential for ensuring the quality and enjoyment of your dishes. Research the various types, features, and considerations to make an informed decision that meets your specific needs. Make sure to choose a reliable manufacturer with excellent customer support for long-lasting performance and peace of mind.



What are the benefits of using a burner to keep food warm?

A burner to keep food warm can be very handy for people who love to entertain guests at home, or for those who have a long commute and often need to bring hot meals with them. It helps to keep food hot and fresh for an extended period, ensuring that you always have a delicious meal ready to eat. It also eliminates the need to constantly reheat food in the microwave, which can be energy-consuming and lead to overcooking or drying out certain dishes.

How many burners do I need to keep food warm?

The number of burners required to keep food warm depends on the type and volume of food being heated. Generally, you will need one or two burners, depending on the size and heat capacity of the burner. It is recommended to choose a burner with a higher power rating if you need to keep larger quantities of food warm or if you want to use it for extended periods of time.

What types of food can be warmed with a burner?

A burner can be used to keep a wide variety of foods warm, including soups, stews, casseroles, sauces, appetizers, and even small dishes like rice or pasta. The key is to make sure that the food is properly covered to prevent it from drying out or becoming too hot. Some burners also include features like temperature settings and timers to help you maintain the perfect temperature for your food.

How long can I keep food warm using a burner?

The length of time you can keep food warm using a burner depends on the type of food, the burner's power rating, and the ambient temperature. Generally, a burner can keep food warm for a few hours, but it's always best to check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific details. If you need to keep food warm for an extended period, it's a good idea to choose a burner with a higher power rating or one that includes temperature settings and timers to help you maintain the perfect temperature for your food.

What safety features should I look for in a burner to keep food warm?

When choosing a burner to keep food warm, you should look for features that will ensure your safety and prevent accidents. Some essential safety features to consider include an automatic shut-off feature, a locked lid to prevent spills, and a cool-touch exterior to protect against burns. It's also a good idea to choose a burner with a stable base and a sturdy construction to prevent it from tipping or falling over.

How do I clean a burner to keep food warm?

Cleaning a burner to keep food warm is relatively simple. First, unplug the burner and let it cool down completely. Then, remove the lid and any removable parts and wash them in warm soapy water. Use a soft sponge or cloth to wipe down the exterior of the burner, taking care to avoid any hot surfaces. Some burners may also be dishwasher-safe, so be sure to check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific details.
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2024.04.06 03:01 gabbzila My Kroger wasn’t messing around. Pushed out a whole pallet!

My Kroger wasn’t messing around. Pushed out a whole pallet! submitted by gabbzila to HotWheels [link] [comments]
